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Name: 20150325_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 25, 2015
2549 lines.

Sheriff Richard Mack discusses the role of local law enforcement in maintaining peace, clarifying that preemptive strikes are not allowed. He addresses drone helicopters used by the militia and emphasizes the importance of moral authority in leadership. The Department of Homeland Security is reportedly preparing for an invasion of Texas and listing conservative areas as enemies. Critics argue that it's because these states represent freedom and independence, leading to calls for secession from the United States. Alex Jones discusses how the current system picks people off instead of having an open fight, the importance of reason and logic in today's world, and takes calls from listeners discussing solutions to save the country. A news anchor also discusses their own health struggles while addressing larger issues of freedom and globalism.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Can you stop the signature strikes that are killing people on the basis of suspicious activities?
We're addressing that, man.
The commercial drone industry is in its infancy.
So much so, that the FAA is having a difficult time separating aerial drone photography from actual commercial use.
One thing the FAA seems to have a clear understanding of is Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' intent to fill our skies 400 feet or below with drones whizzing packages to Amazon's prime members.
Amazon has been awarded the FAA's Experimental Airworthiness Certificate, allowing Bezos to adhere to the FAA's provisions.
What could go wrong?
I have two words for you.
Predator drones.
You will never see it coming.
InfoWars writer Kurt Nimmo reported on February 14, 2013.
Former Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin notes, the introduction of drones, machines used to kill untried supposed terrorists and their families and no small number of innocent bystanders in the United States means the government is ready to use military force against the American people.
Your federal government, along with numerous local and state police agencies,
is preparing to use instruments of war against the citizens of the United States.
Baldwin writes, and numerous local and state police agencies are standing in line to participate.
I ask you, do the U.S.
Congress, the FAA, and our local and state authorities plan to arm these drones with more than surveillance cameras, as if that's not bad enough?
Should we expect that the drones that will be flying over our neighborhoods
We're good.
In addition to Rendition, the NDAA allows for the establishment of six national test sites where drones, including MQ-9 Reaper drones flying out of Hancock Field in New York, will fly through civil airspace.
The government is busily preparing the groundwork to normalize the use of drones in the United States, and the Justice Department has provided the quasi-legal groundwork for their use in assassination, in direct violation of the Constitution.
This is how the government finally unleashes the death blow to the average American's right to privacy.
A smooth transition for a dictator to operate without getting his hands dirty as we approach the singularity.
As Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' deliveries increase in regularity, our rights diminish.
So enjoy those speedy deliveries.
It was Mollier who said, unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.
The drone program that the CIA runs is a huge supportive element of U.S.
national power.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowars.
We're good.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Just recently started using your products.
Everything you said about them is correct.
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They want to stun and dumb down and energy drinks and stuff just cover that up for a while but then burn you out in my experience where stuff that gets your glands naturally going goes right to the source.
So it's pretty exciting and I love it.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, the 25th day of March 2015.
We have an unprecedentedly important transmission going out worldwide.
This broadcast is countering the corporatists that are anti-free market that are establishing the first planetary cashless society world government built around eugenics.
Humanity has faced attempts at domination, has faced corrupt empires, but now for the first time, since the days of Alexander the Great, elites have a real shot at global domination and planetary rule.
And in this new system,
The elite want to dominate the individual's mind and soul itself.
It is full spectrum dominance.
It is global domination.
Is the U.S.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim al-Hajj, and of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
In a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the move.
Only when this transformation is complete, will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Ladies and gentlemen,
The globalists are manipulating world events to bring in planetary crises so that they can sell the idea of open world government.
This is what comes out of Davos, Switzerland, what the Financial Times of London is openly admitting, what CNBC is admitting, what Brzezinski wrote last year in his new best-selling book.
It's what David Rockefeller is talking about.
That's why the elite is funding al-Qaeda and ISIS and others.
At the same time, these elite groups are making hundreds of billions of dollars globally a year out of military contracts and private contracts to counter the very threats that they are initiating.
Problem, reaction, solution.
But if we blame the military, or we blame the government, or we even blame the average IRS agent, we are falling into the New World Order plan.
They plan to bring this country down and every other sovereign nation when they're done.
After they have the nation-states already controlled by the globalists, already under global government via treaty,
Carrying out the planetary takeover, then the individual nations and capitalism gets the blame.
Our military gets the blame when we paid for it and go bankrupt under it, and then won't even give the veterans the health care to take care of them.
The war against sovereign nations is about destroying sovereign nations when they fight each other.
It's about bankrupting us.
It's about degrading us.
It's about breaking down our culture and our society.
And that's exactly what everybody can see has now happened here.
The crises, the intensification of the destabilization is only going to be accelerating from this point out.
But here's the good news.
Historians, social engineers, psych warfare chiefs, they've all written in public books and documents that we've reviewed here on air and made films about.
That there are times of intense change when the global engineers will unfreeze societal systems.
And then during that fluctuating elastic period, that liquid period, that gaseous period, they will attempt to rearrange things.
But during the flux, during this time of change, if we get involved,
We can move things just as easy or easier as they can.
The problem is the individual and the freedom lover never desires to be in control, never desires to be involved because we're loners.
And so the collectivist team up and organize and are beating us on every front because we do not seek power.
Well, if we don't want to be slaves, we're going to have to engage the enemy.
We're going to have to get very aggressive with them.
And I've been doing this 20 plus years.
Let me tell you, they're scared of us.
They shake in fear.
Corrupt congressmen, mayors, Justice Department officials.
I've confronted Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, personally.
Corrupt FBI agents involved in Waco.
They shake.
When they know that you're aware of what's going on and you see through the matrix and you understand the larger plan.
Because most of them are just mercenaries who are scared themselves.
And you'll find out later, don't like what they're involved in and they'll pull you aside and say, listen, I'm scared.
You don't know what they've got on us and what they do.
So it is a house of cards.
It is a giant game of thrones.
Where the elite are manipulating the different capitals of the world and individuals against each other.
And it's so obvious now.
I want to open the phones up today ahead of Sheriff Richard Mack, the guy that shot down the Brady Bill, the guy that founded the Constitutional Sheriff's Association that Sheriff Clark in Wisconsin and many others are part of.
It is a real bulwark against tyranny and he's developed a plan and a program with the late
Jack McClain and others that knew we had to reach out to police that has been very successful in not letting them basically start a civil war in this country and has created a major backstop against the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center seditious foreign funded operations to globalize and federalize the police and basically start a purge against real Americans.
So we're going to be talking to him in the second hour.
We'll have open phones.
This is going to be on the same topic.
We normally open the phones up for military, active duty, or former military veterans on big military issues.
And I haven't done that since Jade Helm broke over the weekend.
And so I want to open the phones up specifically to active duty, but also police.
But also emergency managers, you name it, anybody connected into the homeland security takeover of all the major agencies and the expansion of these military drills.
More states added to Jade Helm military exercise.
Realistic military training exercise expands to as many as 10 states.
It's now expanded.
We'll tell you about that.
That story is linked on DrudgeReport.com.
There's another report, Let's Stop Living in Fairyland.
This is training to condition the public to accept military on the streets.
A Max Slavo article detailing the video that I shot a few days ago, showing the facts.
Now let's be clear about what's happening here.
The Pentagon, Military.com, The Army Times, Stars and Stripes,
Vice, and now hundreds of other publications, it's hundreds, I get the Google alerts when my name or InfoWars is in there, it's in the hundreds, in the last six, seven days, have come out and said, Alex Jones says that the U.S.
Army and South Com with the Marines and Delta Force and the Navy SEALs are going to take over and have a coup d'etat in Texas and Utah.
No one ever said that in any of the press reports we put out, any of the videos.
This is how they change the subject with deception.
And they're unified in it.
And by the way, it's not working.
You go to YouTube videos we've got with, you know, 200, 300,000 views on this subject, and you'll have 97% of the people thumbs-upping it and disagreeing with the PsyOps trolls.
And if you go to Vice, and if you go to Stars and Stripes, and if you go to Army Times in the comments, most people are not buying it.
You got the classic troll comments about wear a tinfoil hat, you know, blah blah blah, Alex Jones is a cook, and people under it go, hey, you got some of the biggest military exercises ever in CONUS, continental US, you've got the military openly training for gun confiscation, you've got all these drills, Brigade Homeland, and this is how they deceive.
They point out in one news article that, oh, Alex says they're taking over this summer, but then as a source he shows a 2010 article
out of the Army Times about Brigade Homeland.
Well, its tour ended a year later.
That tour.
And they basically quadrupled the size after it.
I mean, they try incredible deception, where they go, look, he said this was a takeover and it didn't happen.
And Brigade Homeland's tour ended.
That's like saying we're not in Afghanistan because a tour ended 10 years ago.
Yeah, and there was another tour, a bigger one after that.
So they play these semantical games, and you can really learn a lot watching it, because it's all based on people not paying attention.
It's like in that intro piece that Rob Jacobs put together, Hillary gets asked about Benghazi weapons being shipped to Turkey, which is now known.
And she goes, a Turkey?
Knowing viewers out there, most of them will go, hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo, don't even know there's a country called Turkey, the former seat of the Ottoman Empire.
Heavily involved in World War I, World War II.
Heavily, our main ally in the Middle East when it comes to actual armaments.
Beyond Israel.
And she goes, uh, Turkey?
See, it's all a joke!
Joe Biggs claims he was in the Army!
Army times, just weird little stuff like that.
Some guy claiming to be in the army was on there and he said this and Jones says we're going to have martial law this summer.
No I didn't.
I said it's a conditioning op, a drill for it and everybody knows it.
So keep on lying.
Just keep doing it.
You're digging your grave a lot faster.
We're going to restore the republic.
We're going to return the U.S.
Army under the Constitution founded by George Washington and we're going to keep our guns and our families together.
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Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Just recently started using your products.
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They want to stun and dumb down and energy drinks and stuff just cover that up for a while But then burn you out in my experience where it's stuff that gets your glands naturally going goes right to the source So it's pretty exciting and I love it.
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Make no mistake, my friends.
World history is being decided right now.
We've got more than front row seats to what could potentially be Armageddon.
We're on the field, whether we decide to be participants or not.
And I don't intend to be run over.
I'm taking on the fight!
I said I'll never give it up!
I'm on top as long as the music's loud.
If you think I sit around as the world goes by.
You're thinking like a fool.
All it takes is you and I. Out there is a fortune just waiting to be had.
And what is the fortune that I want?
Liberty, freedom, due process, security, sovereignty, religious freedom.
I mean, look at these headlines on Infowars.com.
And I see these headlines and I go watch the videos and you cannot believe it.
Major feminist leader says ban clapping because it triggers anxiety.
These are the same people that say all sex is rape if it's a man.
I mean, these are totalitarians, folks.
Apple wants you to get accustomed to real-time tracking.
Mocking the obese should be illegal.
That's over in England.
Facebook reveals its master plan, control all news flow.
Notice that ties into the FCC takeover.
That's why Zuckerberg just met with the Chai Com Commissar over the truth squad of shutting down freedom of speech in China.
I mean, that was three months ago and it's here.
I mean, they are dropping the hammer.
It's on like Donkey Kong, baby.
Let's stop living in fairyland.
This is training to condition the public to accept military on the streets.
Very important article.
The only truly compliant submissive citizen in a police state is a dead one.
Monsanto asked World Health Organization to retract cancer link.
New trend.
Radically inclusive churches that embrace all religions and all lifestyles.
That's the UN ecumenical movement.
We'll break that down.
But you talk about the military destabilization that's going on in the world.
Japanese Navy gets biggest flat top since World War II era.
Reuters to counter China.
And believe me, Japan's got nukes.
Let's continue.
House votes 348-48 to arm Ukraine.
Russia warns lethal aid will explode the whole situation and reissues threats of nuclear war.
I mean...
And you got top generals on Fox News going, we should kill more Russians, kill a whole bunch of them, that'll teach them.
That'll get the Russians to put down their vodka bottles, buddy.
I mean, everybody knows Russians aren't wimps.
I don't know, I just... They killed 21 million Germans.
The rest of the Allies killed about a half a million.
With their bare hands.
Fighting military that was probably three times more advanced than theirs.
Fighting jets.
I mean, it's just the most ridiculous, mindless garbage we could ever be involved in, and you got a bunch of crazy bankers like John Corzine who made 40 to 1 bets with other people's money running the show.
These are mentally ill people that make Hitler and Napoleon look smart.
At least Hitler and Napoleon had a chance of beating Russia.
There's no beating Russia now because they got 10,000 nuclear weapons, cruise missiles, and subs off our coast.
All they can do is destroy the planet and then it's game over for all you fancy pants Harvard pieces of trash!
I've had enough.
Excuse me.
The problem is I sit around and look at this news all day and the people in date and the globalists have just an instinct to destroy anything good.
They're attacking our families and putting fluoride in the water.
They've dissolved the borders and don't even want workers.
They want welfare heads from all over the world to come here.
They advertise in CNN how to tell women all over the world, come here, we'll pay for everything.
We'll pay for your babies.
Just vote Democrat and take the guns.
The globalists just have this wild bravado chutzpah will to dominate everything.
And to run everything, and so anything strong, anything good, anything independent is like a nail to a hammer.
They want to drive it into the ground!
They are sick freaks!
Let me just continue with the news here.
The U.S.
to keep 9,000 troops in Afghanistan in 2015 at the President's request.
Look at these headlines.
ISIS takes Tatooine.
I'm not kidding.
This is out of Tunisia.
ISIS takes Tatooine, as terrorists warned, away from Star Wars locations in Tunisia.
That's right.
And the ISIS people may destroy it, saying it's not of God.
I could do everything else.
So they're going to blow up that.
There you go.
That's going on with a shot.
Episode 4.
That's going to be blown up.
Like, that's the headline we should look at, is they blow everything else up, so let's ask, will they blow up the Star Wars set?
People will probably whine about that, they don't care about hundreds of thousands of Christians murdered with our government funding it.
Our government funding it!
That's who runs the show!
People that want to teach five-year-olds how to put a dress on!
People that want to teach five-year-olds how to have anal sex!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
The battle lines are being drawn.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The battle lines are being drawn.
You want answers?
Well, so do we.
From the InfoWars.com studios deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting and transmitting worldwide, I'm your host Alex Jones, and we're living in epic times.
I tell you, I'm not bored.
I'm up about 18 hours a day and I am not bored for one single minute.
Incredible developments in the world, the majesty of God's creation, the wonders of my children and my family and kinship and friendship.
It's just one fantastic blessing after another.
And in the midst of it is the evil of the New World Order, directed by the devil.
That is trying to pull down everything good and anybody can sit back and see that there is an evil spirit running wild on the planet today and it is drunk on the blood of the innocent.
It is behaving drunkenly and arrogantly and that may work with some people.
It doesn't work on us.
I want to talk to current serving military or folks that are on
The guard, or anybody, if you've got a chance to call and you're on leave, or if you're recently out of the military, or if you've been a contractor, or if you are police involved at the state level that have done these military drills, the bottom line is Jade Helm and others are to condition the public to military on the streets.
That's in the RAND Corporation National Stability Force document.
The Council on Foreign Relations, by 1998, adopted that as its policy, and it was adopted by the federal government as the plan.
They proposed the Homeland Security.
They named it.
It was rolled into the Hart and Rudman Commission's recommendations one year before 9-11.
And I've made films on the subject.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, and others.
So we know the entire roadmap.
And to sit there and watch the Pentagon
Go, we're not invading to take over Texas.
There's not going to be martial law this summer.
We didn't say that.
We said they're preparing to invade whenever they may need to do it.
Just like they had declassified plans to invade Canada.
Feds preparing to invade Texas list state as hostile.
But see, they don't have to invade Canada now because they're now part of the North American Union.
And so U.S.
troops patrol in Canada.
Look it up at the Olympics and other events with live ammo.
You're like, well, we can trust our troops.
They're going to use Mexican and Canadian troops to, quote, deal with civil insurrection in the U.S.
That was in the Washington Post in 2002.
It's in my film, The Masters of Terror.
A blow-up of the Washington Post with a top general at the Joint Chiefs saying, we're going to deploy foreign troops in America for civil insurrection.
We're under global government.
And they condition everybody with video games and the culture.
This is going to happen.
In fact, did you guys ever find the Shattered Union trailer?
You do?
Cue that up.
I want to play that for people.
This came out like six years ago.
And there's all these movies and all these TV shows promoting nukes go off and then they bring in foreign UN troops to stabilize America.
Shows like Jericho, you name it, it's all conditioning.
People say, but Jericho was where private contractors did it to bring in martial law.
It exposed that it was bad.
But it still prepares the subconscious for it to unfold.
And as Joel Skousen has said, they have a plan to trick Russia or China into attacking us to try to survive that attack, and then a fascist state will grow out of it.
Well, that is an insane plan.
But it's a recap
And a retread of things that have gone on before that we have seen, where L.L.
Lemnitzer, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his number two guy, General LeMay, Curtis LeMay, wanted to have nuclear war and try to survive it, and then create a global government out of that.
It's insane.
But the types of people that get into power at those levels historically lust after global domination.
And you could argue because the spirit of the devil wants global domination, and through these people, possesses them to risk everything to set up the planetary government, and then throughout that process, the planet could be destroyed.
But whether you believe in the devil or not, this archetypal manifestation, did you guys find it?
We're gonna play it in a moment.
This archetypal manifestation is the devil.
By any other name.
The toll-free number
to get active duty or recently retired or or more military folks if you were a long time retirement involved.
I'd love to hear from military people who are around in
The late 90s, when Clinton actually had the Delta Force and others going into hundreds of departments, hundreds and hundreds.
I mean, it was 50 or 60 in Texas, including Austin and Travis County, and saying, we want to give you money, we want you to be secretly part of the Pentagon.
And it was really to compromise you.
$200,000 per police chief.
And I had Ali Phillippus, chief of police, on.
That video interview is on YouTube.
I made films about it.
It's a long-term plan.
Clinton didn't get what he wanted, but he was thinking about a false flag to bring in total martial law and gun confiscation in a civil war.
And basically, beyond Delta Force, they've got huge brigade after brigade, and we're talking about tens of thousands of soldiers that are mainly
Non-commissioned officers who've been in 10-15 years, who have shown they'll do things that are ruthless, unjustifies the means, they're always given a false end to believe they're doing the right thing, most of them are pretty good people, who will do just horrible stuff, torture, kill, deal drugs, launder money, you name it, they're into it, and they've got a huge group of these people here in the United States
We're good to go.
I told you about the plan for gun confiscation.
I told you about the PDDs.
I told you about all these different plans.
Now we're far down the rat hole and they now want to do 10 state, not 8 state, giant drills.
We're good to go.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Here's just one of the video games out there conditioning the public for the breakup of the United States.
Here it is.
Following a disputed election and a tie vote, the U.S.
Congress installs the most unpopular president in U.S.
history as David Jefferson Adams becomes the 44th President of the United States.
Shortly after the election, increased unrest, rioting, and a growing number of militias have given rise to ever-increasing domestic terrorism.
In response, the President invokes the Homeland Security Act and declares martial law on the West Coast and other areas of the country.
Though highly contested, a Supreme Court ruling sidesteps the electoral process, disqualifying popular presidential candidates from several states.
Public outrage explodes when a sham election leads to incumbent David Adams accepting a second term in office.
During the 57th Inauguration Day Ceremonies, Washington D.C.
is struck by a low-yield nuclear weapon, killing David Adams and most of the U.S.
The destruction of Washington D.C.
effectively breaks the chain of succession, sending the nation into chaos.
In an emergency boat, the European Union deploys peacekeepers in the greater D.C.
area to secure international interest.
With separatist sentiment rising, California's governor declares home rule and secedes from the union.
Texas follows quickly and declares sovereignty, taking neighboring states with them and forming the Republic of Texas.
The once United States of America lie in ruin.
The time for words has passed.
And a second American Civil War now erupts as seven factions wage war across the land.
They battle one another to reclaim a nation.
To restore peace.
To rebuild this shattered union.
And that game actually came out in 2007.
Or 2005.
We started covering in 2007.
There have been countless, countless similar things out there preparing and conditioning the public.
And there are different interests fighting for control of this republic because this republic's wealth and will built the new global government.
But we are to be betrayed in the end.
You can see the nature of the globalist.
So again, I want to hear from veterans, active duty, police, on Jade Helm, now being expanded to other states, 800-259-9231.
But speaking of the escalation with Russia, U.S.
House votes 348-48 to arm Ukraine.
Russia warns lethal aid will explode the whole situation.
Russia, of course, threatening to use nuclear weapons repeatedly in the last two weeks.
While ISIS and Al-Qaeda take over areas of Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, it's just over the top.
So I thought I'd play the end of Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston, where he's riding up, and I'll narrate as we play the clip,
And he sees the Statue of Liberty sunken halfway into the sand with its... Oh my God.
I'm back.
With its spikes melted.
I'm home.
They really did it.
They probably will do it.
He finally really did it.
You maniacs!
You blow it up!
I just love Charlton Huston.
God damn you!
God damn you all to hell!
I don't think that's blasphemy if they nuke the planet.
I think they probably will be doomed and damned.
And don't think they won't do it.
I mean, no one's really worried about a nuclear war now.
Back when we were really worried about one, people wouldn't get up on TV and say, we ought to kill a whole bunch of Russians right on their doorstep.
That'll teach them.
Kill some Russians, we'll just sweep them aside, and they'll just lay down and take it.
I'm General Scales.
And then you've got all these weird feminists running the State Department, and basically the Pentagon now, who've never even been in the military.
I mean, that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
All the military people I know that have actually been in heavy combat are absolutely freaked out and concerned because they understand the real world.
But all these people that have never actually been in combat or actually seen people die in mass just think it's all fun as they just sit back and play God.
I want to go to Michael, active duty in South Dakota, John in Maryland, on the military training and a lot of other folks.
But we're seeing the sad story of domestic PSYOPs, where they attack us in Vice, and they attack us in the Army Times, and they attack us in every other major government publication, you know, Stars and Stripes, Army.mil, just everywhere saying, conspiracy theorists want to get troops killed, and they're claiming that the Army's coming to attack Texas and Utah and take over the government, and we're not going to have martial law this summer, it's just a drill for readiness overseas.
But then NORTHCOM's openly training to take over America and gun confiscate, and you say the number one enemy is veterans and gun owners and conservatives, and the IRS is persecuting people, and they're arresting old ladies that run Mexican food restaurants for 40 years for depositing cash in the bank.
And there's government seizing power everywhere.
I mean, look at the climate.
No, we're not saying there'll be martial law this summer.
We're saying they're doing these multi-state drills, which we've got local newscasts where they had some in four state areas five years ago, where they actually ran checkpoints on the highways pointing guns at people.
I mean, I've got countless videos I shot and others shot in my four police state films of where they'll have Marines in Alabama just suddenly start searching people's vehicles on the highway and confiscating guns.
It's all to condition them.
I mean, folks, the New York Times reports on them training boy scouts to take on disgruntled veterans that won't turn in their guns.
Type in the headlines, scouts trained to fight terrorists and more.
First paragraph, they're training to take on veterans.
And they frame the veterans as attacking school buses and schools, so the army has to go take them out.
Again, think of the narrative.
Yes, this was taught across the country.
They teach Girl Scouts to spy on their parents.
Don't believe me?
USA Today reported on it like it was good.
They had the brownies asking mommy what she thought of the government and if mommy used drugs.
I mean, give me a break.
That is beyond East Germany, people.
The NSA spying illegally, scouts trained to fight terrorists and more.
Ten minutes into the arrest mayhem, or the errant mayhem in the town near the Mexican border, and the government has gruntled Iraq war that has already taken out two people.
One slumped on a desk, the other covered in blood on the floor.
The responding officers, eight teenage boys and girls, the youngest 14, face tripwire, and just goes in.
And then you look at the photos in the photo gallery as they battle the veterans.
And it's always the same, battle the veterans, battle the veterans, battle the veterans.
And then we get up here on air and talk about this, and they're like, oh, none of this is going on, none of this is happening, none of this is... The Delta Force
In fact, guys, we can get Thomas Sanchez, I don't even know if he's still alive, this is like 16 years ago, he was 60-something years old then, Vietnam veteran.
She can get Thomas Sanchez, the former emergency manager at Kingsville, he may still be the emergency manager for all I know.
She can get Ali Phillips, former San Antonio police chief on.
I mean, we can get the former director of the technical division of the NSA on.
Can we get the police chief on?
We ought to bring back those people that had the Delta Force in their offices with $200,000 cash trying to compromise them.
And the rest of their governments took the money.
And as the police chief said last time he heard, that's called bribery.
That's how the Delta Force takes over foreign countries.
They go in for years, infiltrate, and buy off the key people.
They used that operation before 2003 in the invasion of Iraq.
They gave tens of billions of dollars to the entire Iraqi General Staff to stand down.
That's how the Nazis took over France, was a five-year secret payoff program of their entire General Staff.
You understand, they ran a Nazi takeover play, a stand-down play, with cities and counties.
Most major governments have been paid off by the shadow government.
Remember the $80 billion?
First it was $40 billion, then $60 billion, then $80 billion that was flown in on pallets of $100 bills?
That wasn't to buy off the local militias.
Only part of it was in Iraq, the Shiite and Sunnis.
It was to compromise people.
And then later they call in colonels and captains and majors and they say, did you take $400,000, $300,000?
Well, they told me to take it.
Well, you're under investigation.
And then you get called another office and they say, if you don't want to get indicted or get, you know, a serious problem, we're going to skip this network break.
I'm going to go to the calls.
You're going to need to go in to see some secret operations domestically for us.
How's that sound?
You've already shown your proclivity to do whatever you're told.
And then if you try to go warn the public, you commit suicide.
They kill you.
They kill you.
People say, well, why aren't you dead?
There's metaphysical rules.
I've never been in the military.
I've never taken money from them.
I never made a deal with them.
And believe me, they've come around plenty of times.
But I've also never blown sources, and I've never made it personal with the people that are doing this.
They're destroying our country.
They're letting tyranny take over.
I intend, and it's my right in the universe, to speak truth and to stand against what they're doing.
And that's the reason I'm still alive.
It's your prayers.
They know it'll underline everything I've said.
If they kill me, it'll make me a martyr.
So they're trying to assassinate my credibility and my name.
But I've already done the mission.
The story's already out there.
People are already watching, not just me.
So... I could be dead today, which of course, I want to live 100 more years.
But I could die today, and I've already done a good job.
I can already push daisies and be honorable in the pantheon of my family lines.
I can measure up.
But I intend to do a lot more by the grace of God.
But this is real.
This is the big choice.
Okay, Michael in South Dakota, then John, Derek, Bob, and others.
Go ahead, you're active duty, Michael.
Thanks for calling in.
What is your take on all this?
Well, when it broke,
Um, I have a buddy that's in the reserves with me.
Used to be, um, what do we call black, black ops?
Um, he's only been able to tell me a little bit here and there.
I kind of broke this to him and I'm thinking of a little bit different angle.
You get SOCOM and all these other special forces all in one area.
We have missing nukes.
What's one best way to take out all of the United States Special Forces?
Well, that's right.
I mean, they don't, from what I've read, they don't have a lot of missions where you have giant groups of special ops working together.
I mean, who knows?
All I know is they say they want to win hearts and minds with these drills, and they claim they're doing it in Texas because it's military friendly.
Yeah, it's military friendly.
That's why we're trying to keep the military from being in these unconstitutional missions.
We know that they do these homeland security operations to condition the public.
And so that's why we're putting heat on this so that it will be a clean operation.
What else did your friend have to say to you?
He said we both thought it was a pretty scary scenario.
So it is unusual?
I mean, from your perspective, are you saying this is unusual?
Yeah, I think it's a very, very scary situation.
I don't... We both were sitting here kind of freaking out because, yeah, we got National Guard and sometimes Reserve, you know, doing these, like, door-to-door kind of readiness type drills.
We roll through town.
When I say hey to the people, do a little kind of show operations.
Even back in 2012, we did a joint operation in Chicago.
Yeah, let's not forget St.
Louis, where they had tanks rolling around.
I mean, actual tanks, not just armored vehicles.
It's a huge conditioning operation when you look at it all together.
Thank you so much for calling.
We're going to go to John, who just got out of the Army.
We're going to go to Derek, Sergeant First Class Army, just retired last year.
Bob served until last year on training.
We'll get to all of you ahead of our guest, but here's the issue.
You have Obama dissolving the borders.
You have this build-up against Russia.
You have all this power-grabbing.
Everything's moving in high gear.
They could pull off a false flag, announce gun confiscation, and they know the legislature of Texas, and the governor, and they know the legislature of Utah is not going to follow those orders.
And that's why they're listed as hostile, as a psy-op on the military to begin to test the waters and see what we'll do.
This is a bigger psy-op on the military than anybody else.
I predicted they'd sigh up and claim we're attacking the military.
That's not what we're doing.
Every day trying to end the death panels for the military, the do not treat list.
Everybody knows the truth.
This is preparations for martial law.
I don't know when the hammer gets dropped, but it's going on.
Let's talk to Derek in North Carolina, just retired.
What's your view on all this, Derek?
Alex, you are on point, my friend.
You are explosive.
Let me tell you something, my friend.
In North Carolina, at Fort Bragg, prior to Hosni Mubarak being pushed out by Hillary and her sinister pals, the Egyptian military was secretly training
With the integrated community of clandestine services of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Special Operations in JSOC here at Fort Bragg.
And this was right around the time frame that you were predicting this was going to come true.
I've been training on this installation for 24 years.
I recently retired and I've been on many missions.
Or with the different units they were called, other coalition forces in Iraq, because we were classified, we were not allowed to be identified as American soldiers.
And this is in Iraq.
However, now we have Russian soldiers on Fort Bragg.
Russian soldiers.
Again, this is a repeat of what you saw during the Egyptian campaign.
And what's happening is, anytime the United States wants to overthrow a dictator or a puppet, they integrate the clandestine services of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Special Operations Command, and there's a certain narrative that's put to it, and that goes on to your premise that it's a condition that the American people are going to accept it because it's just routine training.
Well, I know that I would hear four or five years ago that they had Russians
Doing anti-terror training in in in Colorado, and I wouldn't believe it then it came out in the news So they're starting a war with Russia, but at the same time they've got Russian troops at the bases.
What do you think's going on?
What's happening is is you saw in the Boston bombing?
It was a dry run you saw the Boston Police Department not even informed as to the
To the genesis of this explosion, which was the Tsarnaev brothers, who not only the New York Police Department, the federal authorities, and also international authorities, i.e.
Interpol, knew of these gentlemen's existence.
And they were just waiting for these guys to go ahead and launch their campaign.
And they were coats.
They are puppets.
And what happened was, they wanted to see the public's reaction.
In Watertown, Massachusetts, where my brother had lived,
1,724 privately owned homes' doors were kicked in.
And in these homes, they were not looking for Mr. Zionia.
They were asking for gun and registration numbers.
And if you go back a few years further on MSNBC... Hold on, this is sensational.
I'm gonna have to hold you over.
Because, I mean, the Pentagon admits these are testing the public and the military, but you're saying specifically being in Fort Bragg, you know that that's what happened?
I mean, I need to confirm that with you.
We're back in 70 seconds.
Then we'll go to John, Tom, Bob.
We're gonna go to everybody.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to move quick.
I could spend an hour with each one of these guys calling in.
It's just such a compendium of documentation that there are forces in the government that want gun confiscation, that want total dictatorial control.
It's now happening.
They're doing some of the biggest exercises ever.
And it lists Texas as hostile in other areas.
They're clearly getting ready for false flags.
I don't know what's going to happen this summer.
All I know is we have to investigate all of this and we have to get a debate going about the fact that we're pretty much a dictatorship now.
Even mainline constitutional scholars on both sides say that.
So anything could happen in this climate of power grabbing.
Derek, a data dump of the info.
Other points that people should know, because you just got out of the military, working there at Fort Bragg.
What's the big picture?
Where do you think all this is going?
One of the big pitches is, Alex, which you've been hitting on for a long time.
The veterans and the care that they're given is going to continue to diminish.
That's the first thing.
The second thing we need to be aware of is that it's a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is being groomed right now by the globalists to be installed.
We already saw a massive attack on Ted Cruz once he just made an announcement.
Announcement only.
We already see what the waters are going on there.
The big thing that we need to emphasize is mission creep.
Everything that you're talking about, if you notice it, if you chronologically categorize it, it's going in small increments.
Sure, they say the Patriot Act is for terrorists, now it's for veterans.
They say that the military is just going to help with some security, next they're knocking on your doors asking about your guns at Katrina and taking them.
It's a power grab.
The last thing I'd like to say, Alex, is the one thing that you have to make the public aware of is it's going to be like the National Defense Authorization Act, how it was signed and slipped under the carpet at midnight on New Year's Eve while everybody was sleeping.
And I can say, all I have to say is God bless you.
God bless Joe Biggs.
You guys have a very, very massive campaign in front of you, because as an airborne information warrior, my job is to test it and see where the atmospherics are on the streets.
I've been to a lot of rallies and a lot of gatherings, and people are just not wanting to wake up.
People are in that decadent trance.
People are in that Stockholm Syndrome.
They're in denial.
We have to get that message out.
It is an information war.
We need more people out there.
God bless you, Derek.
Thank you.
Yeah, we have such prosperity because of freedom that we're just dead in the water.
But it only took 3% to defeat King George.
And that's what the globalists have to understand.
And they do understand.
And this is what I was told by a retired military officer about five years ago.
I never talk about it, even though it answered everything.
I was saying, why are they targeting veterans?
I mean, veterans haven't done any terror attacks.
They're not doing anything wrong.
Why are they teaching police that veterans will attack you, will kill you?
I mean, it's in the mainstream news, you know, that veterans are the number one terror threat, and they believe they're going to IED every department.
And he said to me, because they're going to take all of their benefits, and they've already started to do that, and they're not going to give them health care, and they're a bunch of veterans that are going to feel screwed over, and are going to start taking it out, and if they don't, they'll stage something to make the veterans the enemy.
So it's like when they attacked the bonus marchers from World War I, who just wanted their promised bonuses, and they attacked a bunch of them.
So the only enemy basically the globalists have left, they think, is the veterans.
We're going to go to break.
We got Sheriff Richard Mack coming on, but I'm going to push him back five, six, seven minutes.
I've got to go to John in Maryland, just got out of the Army.
Tom, Vietnam vet on the takeover, target areas.
And Bob, who just got out.
This year, on the training, and we're not screening your calls, we're just making sure that you're former military or current to give us your take, and I, you know, I wish people called in and disagreed with me, but, but I know I'm right.
I mean, it's all over the news that they're training the military to take on the American people.
Why do you think the military is one of the most awake groups?
And then the PSYOP, you know, with the media making fun of us, they go, I thought the military's awake, Alex, why are they coming to get us now?
No one in the public doesn't understand the whole military culture.
They're following orders.
We're trying to stop them getting bad orders.
We're trying to stop our military being taken over.
It's so simple.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
One of the leading lights of actually fighting the globalist takeover plan, Sheriff Richard Mack, who shot down the Brady Bill, in the Supreme Court will be joining us to talk about
The power grabbing we're seeing right now, it's never been more obvious.
You add the unprecedented move towards the executive branch towards a dictatorial office.
That's Jonathan Turley, a big liberal, saying that.
That's conservatives, top lawyers, saying that as well, constitutional lawyers.
You add that to unprecedented TSA on the streets, military drills all over the country with Homeland Security, training to take on veterans and gun owners.
Last hour I showed you the New York Times, AP, and Reuters saying Homeland Security's training to take on disgruntled vets.
I can show you Janet Napolitano two years ago in the Washington Post and pull it up saying she stands by that domestic groups the number one threat and in that group veterans are number one.
And they've got secret death lists.
I mean, Joe Biggs went into the VA here in Austin, no exaggeration, more than 10 times.
Shrapnel, bullet holes, coughing up blood.
And they wouldn't even give him treat.
They just kept sending him back, sending him back.
He's on a no-treat list.
People with terminal stuff that can be corrected.
There it is, Napolitano Defense Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism.
2009, saying veterans are the number one threat.
And that was the document we were leaked by a federal marshal.
Okay, so this is going on.
We're going to be talking to him in about 5-6 minutes.
I want to go to John, Tom, and Bob.
John just got out of the Army.
What's your take on the expansion of Jade Helm to other states now, Mississippi and Florida?
Well, I was in the 82nd Airborne for 5 years and then I got out and I transferred to the Maryland National Guard.
I ended up in the Scouts because they took a look at my record.
And when I ended up in the scouts, they immediately tried to recruit me to the snipers.
Now, they weren't sending me to sniper school, they just wanted to, you know, train me up and get to know me before they spent any money on me, right?
So I asked them what they do, and he said, oh, it's great, man, you know, blah, blah, blah.
We went down to the slums in Washington, D.C.
last weekend, and we were with a bunch of other sniper units from various federal agencies, like the FBI, DEA, ATF.
And we all got dressed up in EPA jumpsuits and broke down their silenced sniper rifles and put them in EPA toolboxes.
And they infiltrate, they practice infiltrating into projects and posting up in buildings.
And I was like, that's illegal.
You're not allowed to do that.
And he just laughs at me and he's like, oh, I don't have to follow the rules.
Like we're the scout snipers.
This is a regular Maryland National Guard unit.
Telling me they don't have to follow the rules.
And I was like, you know, thanks man, I'll just stick with my guys in the scouts.
I'm good.
But, uh, but, you know, immediately I was, like, ostracized.
I was, like, not the guy to turn around.
Well, see, that's the plan.
Let me tell you what would have happened if you went along with that.
Then they'd say, now we're gonna go raid some drug dealers.
And then next it would be gun shops.
And, I mean, I've made films on this, interviewing the Marines, Army officers.
I mean, one of them was, I'm not even allowed to say, the point is,
This has been going on for 20 years, but it's been exponentially going up.
Next, you'll go to your real mission, and that'll be going to churches and listening to people, hearing what's being said, filling out files.
Then it'll be laundering money, then it'll be drug dealing, then it will be killing people.
And the only reason I can tell you this is
I've talked to so many people who are involved in it, and I've had family involved in it.
Okay, I'm just going to leave it at that.
And I don't mean just one person in my family.
This is a huge, submerged iceberg of evil.
That is going on out there, and boy, as soon as you wouldn't be part of that, you got put on a list to be given the deadly vaccines, to be denied care once you need it in the VA, because you're an American patriot, you've now been listed for a purge when they take over.
So that's why they know there's going to be a war with vets, because they're going to come after you, brother.
And this is not alarmist, but I'm just telling you what happened, and I'm so sad this has happened, but now we're all in the info war.
Anything else you can add, sir?
Yes, when I was in the regular army, I had plenty of guys that, I mean, plenty of them, they just used to constantly say all the time, I don't care if we're there to steal the oil, blah blah blah, you know, I just want to kill people.
They're not patriots, they're just brainwashed kids.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
It was really disturbing and it made me sick to my stomach and I used to cry myself to sleep.
I know what it is, you used to torture people.
But I realized everything that all the liberals had been talking about when George Bush was in power was absolutely correct.
But, you know... But they were only exposing it so they could get in power, now it's worse under them.
Absolutely, that's what they do.
Like a couple of middle school girls, they sit around and they make fun of each other even though they're all engaged in the same BS.
Well, here's the deal, brother.
They're coming after everybody now and all these guys that think they're part of secret operations and it's fun to be a spy in America, it's called being a traitor.
And you are going to be hung out to dry like Night of the Long Knives in 1933 once this new world order comes into play.
It's guaranteed and it is so over the top.
John, God bless you.
I really appreciate your call.
We've got Bob in Alabama, Navy, served until 2015, wants to comment.
Tom in Pennsylvania, a vet on the takeover.
Frank, ex-Marine, wants to talk about it.
I've got to go to Jack
I was thinking of Jack McClain because he just died last year and he was involved in Operation Vampire Killer, waking up the police and military.
We've got to go to our guest on this subject and then we'll take your calls coming up in the next segment.
He'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
Sheriff Richard Mack.
I don't
Author, speaker, and former Sheriff Richard Mack served in a wide variety of roles over the course of nearly a 25-year career in law enforcement.
He began in Provo, Utah.
He started as a parking enforcement cadet and was soon promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Detective.
In 1988, Mack returned to Graham County, Arizona.
We're good to go.
He is also the Speaker's Bureau of Law Enforcement Agents Against Prohibition.
He's written several books on state sovereignty and civil rights.
His recent books include The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope, and The Magic of Gun Control.
He is the founder of CSPOA, and we'll tell you all about that coming up at the bottom of the hour, because this is how we're going to try to take the country back.
But he's the type of true lawman
Peace officer that we need.
The real deal.
And he's having great effect out there because of you supporting him and spreading the word.
And Sheriff Mack, you've heard some of these soldiers calling in with these chilling stories of the incremental preparation for military takeover in America.
That's what this giant drill is.
We have it from the inside.
Not just their own documents.
This Jade Helm.
It'll have some other ops that are for overseas that the media will be shown.
You've been speaking out against this forever with the late, great Jack McLam and others.
What overall can we do?
Because we see Obama power-grabbing.
We see more power-grabbing.
We saw the previous 10 years.
What do you think's really going on, Sheriff Richard Mack?
Well, Alex, first, I want to thank you for having me back on, and I want to tell everybody I did have some serious health problems, a major heart attack just ten weeks ago.
I want to thank the good Lord for the second chance, and more than ever, with heartfelt sincerity, I'm really grateful to be here.
I didn't want to get into your private stuff, but since you raised it, thank you for coming on and just thank God that you're alive because we really need you.
But maybe you need to stop working 18 hours a day at this point.
My wife keeps saying the same thing, Alex, so thank you for backing her up on that.
But no, we are in perilous times.
The Constitution is hanging by a thread.
America is being destroyed from within.
We're paying for our own destruction.
The military is being used against us, no question about it.
And the militarization of our law enforcement throughout America is also very concerning.
But there is a solution, and that's what we do at CSPOA.
And I definitely want to let all your listeners know that there is something we can do in a peaceful manner
To restore freedom to America.
We have the evidence, as you alluded to, Alex.
We have hundreds of sheriffs already on board with what we're doing.
Many of them have taken courageous stands, like Sheriff Finch in Florida, and you mentioned probably the consummate sheriff in America right now, David A. Clark Jr.
from Milwaukee.
And he, in 2013,
The head of Interpol said armed citizens worldwide against mass shooters.
What's going on?
That's Interpol!
Yeah, it is.
That's unheard of.
And a lot of this is unprecedented.
No question about it.
And that's because there are good police and sheriffs who want freedom.
And that's why we shouldn't just have a mindless fight with the police.
We, the citizens, have to give them support to be constitutional and fight the globalist takeover.
Right, that's exactly correct.
And it's not going to happen without citizens getting involved.
And so the invitation to everyone listening to your program is get involved.
Go to cspoa.org.
It's on your screen.
And it'll be on InfoWars.
But look, there is something we can do.
There is a solution.
And I hate to say this because it sounds like Obama-ish.
There is hope that we can take America back.
And I can show you evidence after evidence.
I know.
Let's talk about that evidence, but also talk about the power grab.
Give folks the acronym of what CSPOA stands for.
Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
And everybody should be part of that and support it.
We'll be right back.
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We've got the founder and head of CSPOA.com on a very successful initiative he launched, I don't know, four or five years ago, and it's become really a thorn in the side of the establishment, Sheriff Richard Mack.
I want to go to Frank, Bob, and Tom in this short segment.
In the next segment we're going to talk about the tyranny, the real threats and ways to counter it, the IRS,
These announcements that they say, call the police on someone if they withdraw their own money from the bank.
That was mainstream news yesterday.
I mean, the tyranny is accelerating.
We're going to talk about that with Sheriff Richard Mack.
I want to go to Bob here in just a moment, but briefly, why is the tyranny moving so quick in your view?
Is it because the globalists know people are waking up?
Or because there's not enough opposition and they want to go ahead and just cinch things up?
I think it's not enough opposition yet.
I think they have become so complacent in their tyrannical efforts.
They don't care what we know.
They don't care what we do.
They know that they can get away with anything.
Certainly the national media has been allowing them to get away with anything.
And there's no obstructions from Congress.
The Republicans that just got elected and landslides in November have done nothing about it.
They haven't kept their word.
Wouldn't even ban partial birth abortion.
They had all the votes, wouldn't do any of it.
They won't stop anything.
And they voted to fund all of Obama's programs.
And it's just absurd that Washington, D.C., on both sides of the aisle, is so corrupt.
That's it.
We're in deep trouble, folks.
We're not being alarmist here.
Hopefully by ringing the alarm, we can get something going here.
Bob in Alabama, just got out of the military, wants to talk about this Jade Helm, now expanded to two other states.
What's your take on it, sir?
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
Thank you.
Combat veteran from Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, to a lesser extent Libya.
I didn't actually get shot at in Libya, one of the few places, but I did a lot of running around in North Africa, Northeast Asia, and South China Seas.
A couple of things I'd like to talk about.
The Sheriff had mentioned militarization of the police.
You know, I mean, how many police forces need an MRAP?
Doesn't make any sense to me.
But one of the things that you touched on, I think it was a couple of days ago you had talked about it, and I think it bears repeating, it's normalization.
So what is the new normal?
Well, when you have guys that are soldiers that are walking around, and they're in 10 different states, and they're conducting whatever it is they're doing, supposedly they're doing training, what they're doing is they're doing normalization.
So that becomes the new normal.
So when you've got soldiers and Marines and all the rest of these folks walking around day to day in your community, you're like, oh, that's normal.
That's perfectly fine.
And it's slow rolling.
It's a it's a insidious creep of tyranny.
There's no good reason for them to actually be doing what they're doing because.
Well, then you hear the other callers.
I mean, I have news articles over the years showing it, but you hear the callers where they've got military in plain clothes running operations with the police all over the place.
It's totally illegal, and they're just doing it.
Yeah, well, that's because we lost Prosecutor Matadas.
In addition, with the National Defense Authorization Act of 2006, which usurped the ability of the governors to actually use their own National Guard forces as an example.
But Posse Comitatus is a perfect example.
We did not want to conduct militarization with the military on our domestic soil to deal with law enforcement tactics.
I mean, it's just, it's beyond what the founding fathers ever thought could ever go.
I mean, the founding fathers, if they knew what was going on right now, they'd probably be rolling in their graves.
Because this is completely and totally unacceptable.
You know, this is going to become the new normal now, that we're going to go ahead and insert the United States military to go ahead and potentially fight the American people or work in assisting the police.
Well, I mean, back when they were getting rid of plastic commentators 20 years ago, incrementally, they said, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist, it's not happening.
Now they just admit it's happening.
They have wellness checks that are really gun confiscations.
We saw what happened in Katrina.
Thank you, Bob.
We'll go to Tom and Frank at the start of the next segment and then get into all this stuff with our guest.
Who joins us, Sheriff Richard Mack.
But why do you think they're accelerating the conditioning of the military on the streets, Sheriff?
You know, the speculation there makes the mind run wild because nothing can be good about that.
And the last caller was absolutely correct.
I mean, this administration and others, Bush administration also, have completely gutted and destroyed the Posse Comitatus Act.
They violate the law routinely and then try to make us think it's all normal, just like he said.
But why they would be doing this here, I'm sure that they're going to pretend that they need to do this to prevent attacks from international terrorists or domestic terrorists.
But the biggest problem with that is Obama's in secret meetings with Iran to make sure that they get nuclear weaponry.
And then he makes sure that the door is open for them to come into our country through the southern border.
Sure, exactly.
What's constitutional is to have the joint forces on the border.
Not worrying about taking out Sheriff Richard Mack and Alex Jones and Ron Paul.
And we're in their memos.
We're in their manuals.
I mean, we are listed folks.
I mean, they sit there.
We're in the deck of cards.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
The subjects we're discussing, the decline of the American Republican to a degenerate corrupt empire run by offshore interest, is so important I've not even really been plugging any products or sponsors that fund our operation and I've been skipping breaks.
So please just remember that we are financially supported by you.
Also your prayers are even more important.
And telling friends and family and neighbors and others about InfoWars.com, about PrisonPlanet.com is so important.
The censorship of the internet is intensifying.
The calls for the Fairness Doctrine to be returned to talk radio are intensifying.
There's an article on InfoWars.com.
With Facebook saying that they're going to start restricting alternative media news, libertarian news.
The Pentagon's talked about trying to restrict the Drudge Report because the military loves the Drudge Report.
You see how that works?
So there is a real attempt to shut down communication because we're beginning to gain ground.
And folks are listening.
And as angry as I am at the police state, as upset I am at the system recruiting thug cops, the average cop out there is more awake than the public, and we need to reach out to them, not play into Soros' plan to hate the police, and then complete their journey into hating the public as well.
And I've got like five articles of cops being killed yesterday, but nobody wants to talk about that when they were trying to protect people.
California police officer shot dead responding to suicide call.
Wisconsin officer bank robbery suspect killed in shootout.
We need to understand that just because we've let the police be turned into globalist operatives in many cases, that just having a war with them is part of the larger globalist plan.
We need to short-circuit that big time.
We'll get Sheriff Max take on that, finish two callers that are military on this CONUS takeover drill, and then we'll let him have the floor a little bit into the next hour as well.
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It's all about visibility.
We're the good guys.
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We're exposing the criminal takeover.
I want to go to Tom and Frank, but we're going to do that in a few minutes here, but I wanted to talk to Sheriff Richard Mack before he expands on it, some about CSPOA, your Constitutional Sheriff's Police Officer Association, and the hundreds of sheriffs that you've had to your events, and what's happening.
And what the constitutional role of the sheriff is, and why this is such a big part of the solution.
Then we'll get into the opposite of the solution, what you see as the biggest threats and biggest problems.
And again, Sheriff Richard Mack.
Well thanks Alex and I've absolutely got to get that vitamin D stuff from you.
I'm still looking for all sorts of things to restore my heart.
So I've put my heart and soul into this and my heart just isn't hanging in there very well.
Sounds like a great product, and I want also everybody to pray for Joyce Riley and to have a miracle with her health situation.
Very dear friend of both of ours.
Alex, I told you at the very beginning, we have proof that this is already working.
We have proof that we are right, and I also want
To remind everybody this is a peaceful but very effective process and we have people like Sheriff Clark and Sheriff Finch and Sheriff Palmer and Sheriff Rogers and many others across the country.
We've had over 400 attend our conventions where we train them how to do this and how to stand against the federal government.
We're now starting a significant training in standing against the IRS.
And way back in 1994, we had Dick Carver on the front cover of Time Magazine.
That is Dick Carver right there.
He was a county commissioner from Nye County, Nevada.
This is the October 23, 1995 issue of Time Magazine.
He got up on a bulldozer and reopened a road that the Forest Service said he could not touch.
He got on his bulldozer and opened it anyway because the county commissioners voted unanimously to open it against the wishes and orders of the Forest Service.
Then in 2003, in my new book, Are You a David?
And this has got to get to everybody.
Are you a David?
It's available at the website.
There's evidence in here that we talk about how many sheriffs are standing and fighting.
And in 2003, this documents an article in Range Magazine where three sheriffs, Sheriff Penrod from California, from San Bernardino, California, Sheriff Gary Amen from
Well, we
This is exactly what we're doing at CSPOA.
Everyone who joins us is supporting that movement and that educational process with all the sheriffs.
Imagine that we had hundreds of sheriffs just like Sheriff Clark and Sheriff Brad Rogers who kicked the FDA out of his county for harassing an Amish farmer.
These are the sheriffs that are making what we're doing
And also it makes it real.
This is the real deal, as you said, Alex.
We have a real viable solution and we want to get into this further, but I do want to kind of hit this one hard.
Who's going to stop the crimes of the IRS in your county?
The sheriff must know and understand his job in defending you against tyrants and government agents who are nothing but crooks and criminals and have been for years and years and years.
So can you break it down?
Well, this is the thing.
You alluded to this earlier.
They are now confiscating bank accounts at a tremendous rate.
Since we had this farce dog and pony show about the crimes of the IRS against constitutional groups and Tea Party groups, the IRS has
Grabbed and stolen more power.
Not less, more power.
And a friend of mine just called and told me about his situation because he runs a gun show in the Midwest.
And the IRS seized all his bank accounts because, and stole $93,000 from him because he deposits cash in his bank account.
Said he's done for 25 years.
You probably know him, but I'm not going to say his name.
Sure, but where are you supposed to deposit cash?
I know!
And they know that he runs shows where people pay admission at the door and they pay in cash.
They knew he had committed no crime.
They knew he wasn't running prostitution or illegal guns.
They knew he was not.
Well, Obama has said he'll use the bureaucracy to go after the Second Amendment, and they're doing it.
I mean, a lot of big banks won't even let you have a bank account now if you're in the gun business.
And why isn't the local sheriff
Stopping this sort of thing.
Well, we actually have now a sheriff in New Mexico who told the IRS to pound sand.
And now we're going to really focus on this very issue of IRS criminality.
I want to break some of these sheriffs down, if you can stay a little bit with us for the next hour as well, and talk about the role of the sheriff in the Constitution.
And again, you know what you're talking about.
You've won at the Supreme Court.
You're not just blowing smoke here.
And how upside down it is now.
That the feds are telling local police what to do, local sheriffs what to do, and now saying, oh, here, work with the army.
This is the takeover.
I want to go to Tom and Frank.
They've been holding for about an hour.
Tom in Pennsylvania is a veteran, wants to talk about the expansion of Jade Helm and give us his take on it.
So thanks, Tom.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Yeah, first thing I want to say is we got great soldiers, but they got to stay focused.
And when we had areas we couldn't take over, they set up a free fire zone.
So when they go into these states, there'll be areas that'll be safe areas like the Friendly Village and everybody out there that wants to be free, they're going to be targets.
And when I came back from NOM in 1969, I was at Fort Hood, Texas.
And all we did was train for riot control in a deformation with fixed bayonets and live ammo.
And if they gave us an order to shoot, we would have.
So that's kind of the aftermath of what could happen if they do a takeover.
So we all got to stay focused and just be on the defense.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Is there anything else?
Uh, well,
In Killeen, Texas, Jane Fonda was there when we were down there.
And the captain said, if you go to that protest, I don't care if you are a sergeant, you're going to have KT until you're out of the army.
So they were trying to keep you from going and protesting Hanoi, Jane.
Just classic.
What do you make of just these massive drills and the power grabbing that Obama's doing right now?
That's why people are so concerned about this, because we know they're training the military to take on the Tea Party.
Well, I think veterans are a little scared because they know what can happen.
You know, when you start firing your weapon, you know, everything's, you know, the game's over.
So, if you can wake people up, young kids are on the internet, they know what's going on.
A friend of mine stopped by, he's 27, and I just mentioned half of that sentence about what's going on, and he said he knows.
He knows.
So, they're preparing.
So, that's the best we can do.
Well, go ahead.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you for holding to say that.
Let's go to Frank in North Carolina.
And then I want to ask Sheriff Richard Mack, what is his line in the sand?
Because I'm not looking for trouble.
I have fought in the information war for 23 years, 20 years on air.
We've had a big effect.
And I know if other people get involved and promote what the sheriff's doing and others are doing, we can defeat this.
This stuff is moving so fast.
I mean, I'm not going to a FEMA camp.
Nobody's forcibly inoculating me.
And people said, oh, that'll never happen.
Well, now Hillary's talking about fun camps.
They're talking about forced inoculation.
What is your line in the sand?
We're going to talk about that with the sheriff here in a moment.
But final caller for this hour, Frank in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just wanted to make a point.
I don't know, I think it comes across as a little disingenuous when we act surprised that they see veterans, returning veterans, veterans as the number one threat.
I think they're exactly right.
But it doesn't, it doesn't, it says a lot more about them than it does us.
These are not Americans.
These are not loyal Americans.
These people who have usurped, hijacked our government.
They have no loyalty to this country or to the American people.
Good point.
You just said it.
It's hiding in plain view.
Only a foreign enemy would hate our veterans.
Only a foreign enemy would hate the Tea Party, who are the most Americana people out there.
Because this is a takeover.
And we're the only Americans left.
And we're being demonized.
The bottom line is this.
I'm like you, pretty much.
I'm not looking for trouble.
I think in your mind you have to have already made a decision that if the line is crossed, whether it be a forced inoculation or whatever, you have to be ready to fight and die at the drop of a hat, and I'm ready to do that.
I have no problem with dying in the heat of battle for a good cause.
I would rather make my opponent die, and I would rather live, but I have no problem with dying.
Well, I have to say, I don't either.
I have total peace when it comes to it.
I just want to do everything I can before that happens.
And I think there's a blind spot, because we've never had so many chicken hawks in government as we've had now, that they have a blind spot.
There's a reason old-timers that were mainly former generals and who'd been enlisted or, you know, been low-level officers in World War I or World War II or whatever,
Didn't want to have nuclear wars, didn't like big wars because they realized how dangerous it is.
We've got all these weird feminists now running the military and the State Department who want to start wars with Russia and are recorded, you know, just saying, you know, kill more Russians or whatever.
They have a disconnect and I don't think they realize it's not just going to be good men dying fighting the patriots when all this kicks off.
People are going to be coming after them.
And I just hope all these tough bureaucrats understand that when all hell breaks loose, I mean, that fighting men, and I've never been in the military, but I grew up in a lot of rough stuff in Dallas, and I know, once somebody knocks me upside the head, I don't care if they're twice my size, I'm gonna climb them and beat the hell out of them.
I'm not scared once I'm in a fight, quite frankly, I enjoy it.
And so...
People understand that once this whole thing kicks off, it's going to be hellish.
And, you know, the globalists think they're going to attack us and not get struck back at.
It's just going to be absolutely out of control.
And George Soros is trying to kick it off.
We've had internal memos come out where they plan to blame the Patriots for false flags.
This is a great time to ask Sheriff Mack, what is your line in the sand?
I think they can see that politically we're gaining ground and we're going to beat them down the road.
They see our trajectory.
They want to start... I mean, why would Soros give $33 million to riot on the police?
Why are they trying to create racial division?
Why are they demonizing the military?
What do you think's going on?
Well, there's no question that Barack Obama has had it as one of his main goals is to create more black-white division in this country, black-white hate.
He's done nothing to bring this country together.
But this is it.
Imagine now that all of this is happening and sheriffs stand with their citizens in civil disobedience.
That the sheriff is there.
Now, you've been part of civil disobedience before, and it's been some amazing process.
Imagine now, every time you did that, the sheriff is standing next to you.
My personal line in the sand I'm already getting death threats for.
And that is, I will not take Obamacare.
And I had that heart attack and I didn't have insurance and now people are literally donating to the fund to help me with my medical bills and threatening to kill me at the same time.
That's how some of the liberal people work in this country.
I've also had some very touching liberal messages that have been really amazing.
But both my wife and I
Death Penals?
Yeah, exactly.
And I'm not going to have anything to do with it.
I'm not going to take it, even if it were to help me financially, personally.
I'm not going to take it.
I'm not going to pay any fine to the IRS.
I'm not going to jail.
So that's it.
My other line in the sand is no more IRS crimes.
That's it.
And we've got to have that line drawn with all the other sheriffs and peace officers in this country who draw the line with us in saying, you're not taking any more bank accounts, you're not going to conduct any more random audits, and this is what we're going to have.
Because this is a criminal political group that's been caught admittedly targeting patriots to destroy us.
Yeah, they've been caught a lot, and they have a rap sheet a mile long.
It's more like a thousand million light years long.
I mean, it's even the New York Times.
They just target innocent old women that have done nothing, and all their money's been paid and taxed, and they still just take everything they got.
I mean, it's just, it's... They're villains, people!
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Sheriff Richard Maxx, our guest.
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Don't forget, they've got the Border Patrol out calling park rangers on teenagers caught kissing in the back of a car, or college students drinking Kers Light.
That's in the news.
But, shock video, car explodes, the guy was a citizen, after Border Patrol agents taser the driver.
They're in plain clothes, they taser, there's gasoline in the car, it blows up.
They don't try to put it out.
That video's on Infowars.com.
Viewer discretion is advised.
TSA allows convicted bomber through expedited screening.
I mean, how many convicted bombers are there?
Maybe a couple hundred in the whole country?
And you can't keep them from flying, but... Or you can't even search them, you can search me.
It's just ridiculous.
It's all ridiculous.
We've got Sheriff Richard Mack here with us today who just survived a massive heart attack two weeks ago, three weeks ago.
We appreciate him joining us.
If he can stay with us, I don't know, have we asked him if he can stay with us yet?
We have not.
I'll ask him now.
Yeah, well I can just ask him on air.
Let's bring him up.
If you gotta go, I understand.
You want to stay another 20 minutes to the next hour?
Yeah, let's go, yeah.
Alright, fantastic.
And then perhaps towards the end of that interview we can take a few calls.
The phone banks are open now if you have a specific question for Sheriff Richard Mack.
It's 800-259-9231.
Let's get into the IRS and these other tyrannies.
I mean, it's now naked, open tyranny.
It seems like the bottom has fallen out, Sheriff.
Historically, you know criminology better than I. If you let criminal activity run to a certain point, there's no limit.
And it seems like the corruption is going to seed right now.
Yeah, that's exactly what's happening, and there is a culture of criminal behavior within the IRS, and people just accept it.
And even the American people are.
What really is disconcerting is that Congress has.
And the President, it's well documented, the President since FDR has used the IRS as political hitman against their enemies.
And yet, this is also accepted.
And the FBI has been used for that, in some instances.
And the IRS has actually used the FBI as complicit in some of their tyranny.
But this is all well documented, and Republicans shake their fingers at the IRS and say, oh, we're going to defund you or whatever.
They don't do anything about it.
And so it is absolutely the responsibility of the sheriff to do something about this.
In fact, the book asks the question.
Alex, I need to get these to you.
I can get you four or five cases real easy.
But this is the best book in America.
Are you a David?
And you can see Goliath in the background.
In defining who Goliath is, and that female sheriff on the front is one of our good constitutional sheriffs from Texas, not too far from you, Edwards County.
This is Sheriff Pamela Elliott who is on our board and she's a tough former Marine and she agreed to be on the front cover to represent the true constitutional sheriff in this country who can help us avoid the violence that Washington DC and the Obama administration are trying to perpetrate in America today.
Imagine now that we had literally a thousand sheriffs putting the federal government on notice, especially the IRS, and letting them know, we will not allow any more of your crimes to occur in our counties.
And if you do, we will take action against you.
Somebody's got to put the brakes on someday.
I mean, even the New York Times says something's got to be done, and they love it.
So, people are now going to get front row seats.
All these totalitarians that think big government's their mommy, they're going to find out, no it's not.
It is solid tyranny.
And Alex, again, I want to encourage all your listeners, go to our website and become a member or make a monthly donation so that we have the funding to take this message to every sheriff in the country.
And you're right, when you said I work 18 hours a day, it is, on Sunday I only do about 10.
It's every day, my wife and I have dedicated our lives to this, and we're asking for it.
Well, you're having a big effect, that's why I've been supporting you since... When did you start the organization?
Five years ago?
Six years ago?
You were right, it was five years ago.
And I mean, now it's all over the news, it's being attacked, it's having an effect, I mean, it's just, all that evil needs to triumph is that good men do nothing.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hour number three.
Sheriff Richard Max, our guest, a man of action, got the Brady Bill shot down.
Supreme Court founded the only widespread patriot sheriff and police organization that's actually having a big effect.
He's our guest.
I want to go to your calls.
He wants to talk about the one-year anniversary of the Bundy Ranch historic event.
We'll roll some of that video in the background.
You can see the historic feds surrender video at InfoWars.com.
We're gonna go to Ross, Brandon, Tim, Mike, Mark, and others before we get into that.
And Mark in Texas has a question for the sheriff.
Mark, go ahead.
Yeah, sure.
I'd like to ask, you know, you're a real patriot, and I have so much respect for you and all that, and what you said about your heart attack and all that, and not having health insurance, I'd like to know how, I'd like to make some kind of a contribution.
I don't have a lot of money, but I'd like to make some kind of a contribution.
I try to contribute to
I think we're losing this guy.
We're having some feed issues there with him.
Can you hear me now?
Yes, sir.
Okay, the caller was asking where people can donate.
Okay, if you want to do for the medical, there's a GoFundMe site put up by some friends of mine.
If you want to help us with that, that's been really a miracle for us.
It's GoFundMe.com forward slash helpSheriffMac.
Gofundme.com forward slash help Sheriff Mac.
That's been very interesting.
You ought to look at that.
But if you want to just donate to CSPOA, become a life member or just make a donation, just go to CSPOA.org.
And I know I've been out to your place out in Fredericksburg when you lived in Texas for a while.
You're a very humble guy and you're running a big organization and not even really paying yourself anything.
So God bless you, brother.
We really appreciate that.
Mark, hope that answers your questions.
Anything else you'd like to ask Sheriff Mac?
Yeah, the other thing, Sheriff, is being a former peace officer myself, I'm very disturbed when I see, I'm almost, I've gotten to the point where I tell people I'm ashamed I ever wore a uniform or a badge.
That's how bad it's getting when I see some of the things going around the country.
But you men, you give me new hope.
You give me pride in having worn a badge.
What I wanted to ask is, how can I approach other people?
When I see a police officer, a peace officer of any kind, how can I, is there any way of approaching these people and saying, hey man, you want to be part of the emergency?
That's a great, yeah, I mean if you had 60 seconds to break the ice, hey, there's a lot of patriot police and sheriffs now, are you aware of the struggle for the republic?
I mean, I think that's how I would open it up.
What do you say, Sheriff?
Basically the same thing, and hand them either one of our CSPOA pamphlets, which we're right now redoing, and we can get you a bunch of those, so call me on the line at the CSPOA, email me or whatever, Alex's people have my information too, and hand them the book.
The county sheriff, America's Last Hope.
It's only 50 pages, real easy to get.
Or even better now, the sequel, Are You a David?
Every peace officer in this country needs to answer that question.
Are you a David?
Are you willing to take on Goliath?
Do you have the courage to interpose?
Uh, between the citizens and tyrannical government.
And the reason they're so scared at the ADL and Southern Provincial Law Center of you, I mean, you're like their main enemy now, is because you are credible, you have a great history, you've been successful at the Supreme Court, and all you're doing is putting out the Constitution, and now hundreds of new sheriffs join you every few months, and police and others.
We're talking about actual sheriffs, not just sheriff's deputies.
And when there's so many of you now, they can't just target a few to scare everybody off, plus they can't scare you.
And so they just hope that it'll all go away.
It's not going to.
We're going to talk to Ross, Brandon, Tim, Mike and others straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Tunisian gunmen trained by CIA in Gulf Emirate jihads in Libya
Once again, the CIA and Gulf Emirates are behind headline terror attacks.
Yeah, the people commanding ISIS are publicly trained by
NATO and the CIA, I mean, they just think we're so dumb.
I want to go back to calls, but Sheriff Mack is our guest.
He just joined us.
He's the guy that beat the Brady Belt at the Supreme Court and has written a bunch of just amazing books, leads a movement to get sheriffs and police to commit to the Constitution and organize to defend each other when they're attacked for following their oaths.
He's taken action.
He's our guest.
I want to go back to your phone calls here, Phil and then Ross and Brandon and Tim and Mike and everybody else that's holding with Sheriff Richard Mack.
But what do you make of it?
Because as radical as I used to sound talking about stuff, now it's all come out, so I'm not that radical.
Truth is, I wasn't really radical, I was just covering the truth.
People didn't know about it, so it sounded crazy.
But now, it's known NATO funded Al-Qaeda against Syria?
And then they changed their name to ISIS?
It's known Hillary shipped the missiles up to Turkey to give them to the folks in Syria?
And then she's asked about it in Congress and she makes a joke and goes, a turkey?
What do you mean, a turkey?
A bird?
I played that clip earlier.
Just the craziness of
Of the President opening the borders and ordering the Border Patrol to give them vouchers and ship illegals in, and just all of it is so illegal, I think, what's next?
I mean, more tyranny in a month than we've seen in years.
Uh, what do you expect to see happen next, Sheriff?
Of all the subterfuges that you've pointed out, and that I've pointed out, and that you and I both have been assailed for, uh, we look more prophetic every day, don't we, when we discover these things.
But the Alex, the sad thing of it is,
We have only discovered and exposed about one-tenth of what's really going on.
The dangers and perils at our border and the subterfuge and the corruption behind all of this that's going on internationally and at our own borders is ten times worse than what you have exposed and what I've talked about.
That's what I always say, is people think I exaggerate and then later it comes out it's worse.
Generally, as you know, in criminology, I guess things are usually 5, 10, 15 times worse than what you know.
And exactly, if it's this bad and we know, then how much worse is it really?
It's a lot worse, and I believe that they don't care now what we know.
They think they can get away with anything, and I'm betting that the sheriffs and peace officers of this country will stand and stop this.
And again, in a peaceful, effective way.
Look at the conspiracy.
They militarize federalized police, start doing psychologicals in the last 20 years to hire thugs.
They then protect them, take over departments.
When they get in trouble, they federalize the department, which has followed the globalist programming.
Then the police get hated by the public.
They go into their own gang mentality.
Their journey towards darkness is complete.
You and I and many others are battling for that heart and soul of the peace officer.
As Jack McClain would always say, tyranny will come to your door in a uniform, but liberty can as well.
That fight is happening now.
It is, and we're really needing everybody's help to take that battle to our nation's police and our sheriffs.
And it's amazing that we're having examples every day of sheriffs and chiefs of police stand.
Chief James Craig from Detroit has actually said that gun ownership and gun owners has decreased crime in that once crime-ridden area that never saw a decrease in crime.
Chicago just saw a drop after a few concealed carries got issued, a few hundred.
I mean, it's incredible.
It really is.
What about the fella in New Mexico you were talking about and others?
There's all these sheriffs and police chiefs.
I mean, we actually put up the Albuquerque headline, police chief stands up to IRS or sheriff does.
I mean, this is really happening.
Sheriff London in Eddy County, where Carlsbad Caverns is located, he has taken a strong stand against the IRS.
And he's the one that has somewhat fired the first shot on this issue.
And we've already been talking about this issue with many of our sheriffs and our CSPOA staff.
And we're going to make this our calling card.
We've got to stop this.
Congress won't do it.
The President, of course, is promoting it.
And we're going to do everything we can to protect the people of this country.
And let's be clear, when the Feds show up without warrants, or the IRS shows up without warrants to grab a bank account or somebody's house, it's the sheriff's job.
And by the way, it's been sheriffs in Florida.
And constables, when Bank of America member got caught taking houses they never even had a deed to that were paid off, the sheriffs went and said, no, we're now taking your bank and went in and were taking cash out of the registers when they wouldn't pay the money back court order.
And so the bank finally wrote a check.
But that's an example of the police doing.
They'll be loved if they started doing the right thing.
I don't
Behavioral change from our nation's police and sheriffs, and he is another example.
Exactly, and sheriffs are under tremendous pressure.
He's black, he's a Democrat, but he will give to ICE aggravated felons.
He should be given all the illegals they pick up for even petty crimes.
But he's only deporting 10 or so a week, 15 a week, 5 a week, it varies.
They're trying to unseat him right now with Bloomberg money in Austin because he would just take a rapist
To be deported.
I mean, it's insane.
And that's another issue.
Sheriff Clark from Milwaukee.
I call him my brother and friend, and you have also befriended him.
Yeah, you know what?
He's black, and he's a Democrat, and they called you and me racist.
And yet, Sheriff Clark has even said that.
How do you call these people racist?
I'm black.
Did you know I was the only black sheriff in Wisconsin?
And so these labels that they try to throw out at you and me and others... They just don't like common sense and people coming together.
Common sense is right.
There it gets that.
So, no, this is a movement that's taking hold and we need all of you to get on board.
And get your materials.
We have the books available at Infowarsstore.com as well.
They're on your site.
Take them to your sheriffs.
Send them this video.
We'll post this video about a night or tomorrow.
Wake up your police.
Wake up your sheriffs today.
You know, a plan to save the police, save America.
I mean, this is so serious.
Let's go to Ross in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey there, how you doing today?
Good, brother.
Hey, I was calling in, I was listening to the 82nd Airborne guy say that this is a foreign takeover and it's obvious.
My big concern and question is, I hear all you guys talk about, you know, they're going to, you're ready to die, take my gun from my cold dead hands.
They are going to attack and kill us all.
What the heck are we going to do to stop it?
I mean, if we wait until they start shooting and rounding people up, it's going to be too late.
How are we going to fight against the military?
You know, they drop an Apache in with a couple of off-fires and it's over.
All right, let me stop you, Ross, and I'm going to keep the sheriff with us into the next segment to get to all these calls, and I'm going to come back to you, but let me just explain something.
The county judge in Lubbock, a major city in Texas,
They call him judges.
He's the elected guy over the county.
He's like the mayor of the county.
He said they prepared the police with armored vehicles to fight the UN takeover and the gun confiscation.
Texas judge warns Obama re-election could lead to civil war.
That's because the feds came to him, and we've talked to him off air, and basically told him, I mean, the feds have been to these cities and said, will you go with us in a takeover?
That's why these people are saying this.
The military could not subdue Iraq and Afghanistan.
I will assure you, with 180 million gun owners, if 1% fights back, that's 1.8 million people.
We don't want to have a war with the police and military.
It's why we're targeting them to wake them up.
To the globalist Soros plan.
Do you have any idea, if one million combatants go out one time in a civil war and take out one operative of the system, it will end.
Do you understand that, sir?
I don't want to get into war making and special operations.
I mean, I've read probably, let's not exaggerate, 30, 40 books on it.
Everything from Total Resistance, you know, written in Europe during World War II, to what the Russians did when the Nazis came in, the rest of it.
I mean, do you have any idea that if we actually fight
But that's part of the plan to destroy the military and police during the Civil War to bring in after we're exhausted a year later the globalist forces.
We do not want to do this.
We're going to beat them too if they try this.
But then they're going to be using nerve gas out of helicopters and everything else on us.
So we're talking about Hellfire missiles.
It's going to be nerve gas and bioweapons.
Nerve gas and bioweapons, sir.
And starvation and the power being turned off.
So if you really want to talk about how they're going to hit us, I'll tell you.
Okay, and it's gonna be hell on earth, okay?
And we're trying to stop it.
There'll be a hundred million dead Americans if there's a civil war.
And I'm not joking.
I'm sorry to be- we have the Sunshine Project documents on what the globalists are planning.
Helicopters with nerve gas flying grids, killing everybody.
And they don't need pilots anymore, they got drone helicopters ready.
Sheriff, I'm ranting, give us your take on what I just said.
Well, when the militia is called out, it is for defense.
And we cannot do preemptive strikes.
And I am still going to dedicate my life, my soul, my heart, my wife, my family, to keeping this peaceful.
And the sheriffs can do it.
And the local law enforcement, county commissioners working locally, we can build the barriers, erect the barriers, just as Madison said we should be doing at the local level.
And I think that we're so prepared and ready that there's never... That's right.
And if it all kicks off, then we'll have leadership that has moral authority already in place.
But we don't want to go there.
But I was telling you, we will A. defeat it, but B. when the U.N.
force comes in, all the gloves are off, they're going to be nerve gassing people.
And so I want the police to hear that real good.
So if we fail, and ten years from now, you're hiding out and getting nerve gassed, just remember you got warned.
Because I'm telling you folks, that's the plan, is to have a civil war where we kill the police and military when they attack us, and then they bring in UN forces later.
Sheriff Richard Max, our guest, we're going to come back with him.
Go to Brandon, Evan, Phil, Mike, and others.
Stay with us.
You can go to the website and find out more, and send the website link to every police department, sheriff's department, cspoa.org.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
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This just in, the Washington Post.
It's up on DrugsReport.com.
Bo Bergdahl, once missing, U.S.
soldier charged with desertion.
Sergeant Bo Bergdahl, the U.S.
soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer.
So there you go.
Going back now to Sheriff Richard Mack of CSPOA.org.
Let's talk to Brandon in North Carolina.
Your comment or question.
Go ahead.
Not so much a question, Alex, as it is a comment.
And though I do have an extraordinarily high amount of questions, what I'd like to do is demonstrate that while I'm on the air, I know I don't have the time to go and supply your audience, not that you're doing anything but this, but supplying them with the connections between
Hey, how you doing?
How you doing Sheriff Mack?
Yeah, we have an election coming up pretty soon in this little town of Virginia.
And I've tried going to your site a couple times, it keeps coming up to some lawyer's site.
At any rate... It's cspoa.org.
Let's pull it up right now for TV viewers.
Go ahead.
Is there a packet of some kind, just some kind of a packet I can get and give it to the sheriffs, the ones running the whatnot?
Yeah, I haven't named it a Sheriff's Packet, but yes, it is the book, Are You a David?
The book, The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope, and a copy of my Supreme Court decision.
All three of those are $20.
If you get a lot more, we have, of course, volume discounts.
But yes, that is the Sheriff's Packet.
Okay, well, as far as twenty bucks, I'm so broke I can't pay attention right now.
I understand.
You can find online Operation Vampire Killer 2000 by Jack McLam and print it off.
And if you read it, it's like prophecy.
It all came true.
So you can also just email the Sheriff's Department and tell them go to CSPOA.org.
Yeah, and if you can't afford it, I'll send it to you.
All right, caller.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Phil in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yep, sure can!
Hi Alex, I've been a listener and a supporter of all of your show and the products.
Also wanted to just basically touch on just some of the key things that I've noticed from what you said to come true.
I don't want to take too long here.
It's just as far as people, you know, need to be awake and have themselves, you know, getting their supplies so they're not left out with no food, no water.
If you don't take care of yourself and your family, you can't expect everyone... And sure, nothing may happen this year.
We hope not.
Or nothing in five years.
But the globalists are digging in like it's the end of the world.
They want us to be...
Not self-sufficient, dependent.
We need to be somewhat self-sufficient and dependent.
That's a great point.
Sheriff Mac, comments on what he just said?
Yeah, and I want to make sure that the last two or three callers go to our website so you can hear the speech by Stuart Rhodes, good friend of yours and mine, from Oath Keepers, the director of Oath Keepers.
He spoke at our convention this past September, and he nailed all of this right on the head.
And so get his speech off of our website at cspoa.org.
There's the site you just showed it.
It is working.
It's up.
And so, yeah, you want to hear that speech from Stuart Rhodes regarding the military problems that we're facing and the forcing of
I don't
In Texas, and they say treat this as hostile.
They're trying to poo-poo that now.
Why would they list, and we know in all their manuals they list libertarians, veterans as the enemy.
Why would they list Texas and Utah?
Because they're the two most conservative states.
You know, that's pretty funny that they coincidentally are.
That makes me want to move back to Texas or Utah.
I've lived in both states and you know what?
The spirit of freedom and independence reigns in both states and that's exactly how every state should be.
Well, it shows the disconnect up at Homeland Security with all these, you know, former weathermen and people that admittedly basically run the show.
That they think giving the military maps listing Texas as the enemy, and last year it was even on Fox News, bad-mouthing the Founding Fathers and saying George Washington wouldn't be welcome in today's army, all that does is wake people up.
It shows that disconnect, that arrogance.
Yeah, it really does.
And, you know, remember the Alamo?
That's still the cry in Texas.
And they were already talking about secession.
And boy, that's looking more and more profitable.
Phil, I'm going to come back to you, and I'm going to come back to Brandon and everybody else.
So just stay there.
We'll be able to finish up.
Sheriff, great job.
You're really a thorn in the side.
I want to thank everybody that's supporting you and all those other great sheriffs and police officers that are a member of your organization.
More should join today.
Put their name on the Declaration of Independence.
That's pretty much what you're doing when you join the organization.
It's putting your John Hancock on there for King George.
Alright folks, we'll be back with a bunch of breaking news, your phone calls and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
All right, I want to go to Brandon to finish up, Phil to finish up, Evan, Tom, Mike, and others.
And I want to hit some other news we haven't gotten to yet.
There's a lot of it breaking at Infowars.com right now, but I want to just really calm down for a moment, stop myself, and just assess where we are, where we know we are.
When I would drive down when I was a little kid from Dallas to see my grandparents here in Austin, my mom's folks, I knew I was in Austin when I saw the UT Tower and the sports stadium.
When you're driving into D.C., you know you're there when you cross the Potomac and you see all the monuments.
We know what tyranny looks like.
Warrantless wiretaps, open borders, dictatorial federal government, IRS taking old ladies bank accounts, no warrant, no proof.
The government persecuting people for their political beliefs.
The government funding radical terrorist organizations.
The government power grabbing everything.
The government signing us on to two plus global quadrillions.
That's hundreds of times all the real money in the world.
I mean, it's crazy.
It's absolutely insane.
And because of technology and prosperity, evil is being able to grow in parallel to freedom to the biggest it's ever been.
Because normally, there was such little energy and little food in cultures, and I've studied it from an anthropological view, that if there was a little bit of tyranny, it would hurt prosperity so much, society would just fall apart.
But Karl Marx was right when he said that production would go up so high that the state would wither away because you wouldn't even, you know, need workers anymore.
Except the eugenicists go further, they say, yeah, we're just gonna get rid of people.
So the state's withering away because a new state's rising, the technocrats.
You're like, what do you mean it's withering away?
The state's getting bigger than ever.
Well, the power's being transferred to the SPP, the NAU, the Pacific Partnership.
I mean, that's in the news now, and no one's allowed to read it.
But leaks of it show it's just so draconian, I can't even believe it.
That's why Congress is passing all these unconstitutional laws.
It's why there's all this power grabbing going on by bureaucracies outside of law, because they have to get it lined up with the treaties.
And then our politicians graduate to the global government level.
They're now all over Europe appointing leaders of countries like Italy.
Benito Mussolini was elected.
Adolf Hitler was elected and became dictatorial afterwards.
Well, Mussolini actually marched on Rome and stuff, but then they had a quasi-election.
He was a dictator from the start, but Hitler was elected.
And then they abolished the presidency and the chancellorship and simply had the Fuhrer, which means the leader.
By any historical measurement, we are... Let's say you're not supposed to push a car up past 7,000 RPMs.
They've pushed the RPMs up to 20,000 on the tyranny scale.
There has never been tyranny like this.
But, parallel, there's still a lot of freedom.
And they do that for one reason.
They want to pick people off slow.
They don't want to have an open fight.
They want to do it incrementally.
And they want to keep some of the prosperity there as a opiate.
As a stunning effect.
People look around, they go, hey, I've got a full belly, I can buy all the beer I want.
And, uh, you know, sure, I'm not making as much money as I used to.
Sure, my kids are on drugs.
Sure, the culture's falling apart.
Sure, I'm, you know, half our neighbors have brain tumors and, you know, whatever, but I'm okay.
And people are just kind of comfortable easing into hot water and slitting their wrists, basically.
But it's coming to an end very soon.
That's why you see the system running around like chickens with their heads cut off getting ready and just demonizing anybody that wants to be free.
And all the stupid collectivist whose identity is hating white people or hating black people or being a feminist or just they're just fools living on the end of America.
And when it all goes down, they're going to organize into piranha-like formations.
You can already go to pretty much any Democrat and say, I want to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
They'll say, yeah, I'm sick of them, let's do it.
You've seen it in Austin, you've seen it in California, on video.
We're not editing this.
We're showing you everyone that's interviewed, and half of them will say, put gun owners in slave camps.
The others go, well, yeah, maybe if Obama wants it.
Maybe one person out of ten's against it.
And they'll go, are you nuts?
Are you crazy?
Hey, we want to abort children up to age 5.
Obama says it's good.
Oh yeah, we need to kill children up to age 5.
It's for Obama.
And then one woman goes, oh my God, starts crying.
What are you talking about?
This is crazy.
Kills children.
That's a normal person.
But see, the liberals are all going, look at her.
She didn't want to kill babies.
She's not liberal.
They have no rudder.
They have no compass.
They have nothing.
They are nothing.
They've had their souls taken already.
And when the hammer drops, 90% of this country was self-sufficient or somewhat so in the 1930s, in the Great Depression.
Now, 10% are rural, national studies look them up, half of those are self-sufficient.
5% self-sufficient versus 90%.
7 million people, look up the university studies, type in university studies, 7 million died in the Great Depression from malnutrition, illnesses association with malnutrition.
90 percent, 7 million died.
And the population was only about 180 million then.
Look at the demographics.
We have another depression.
Hell will open!
Why do you think the Marines and the Army trained to mow down zombies in drills for the last six years?
Because they got in trouble mowing down the general public wearing John Deere hats.
That was the uniform, John Deere hat, country outfits, when they were coming to take over farms and the drills.
There it is, researcher.
Famine killed 7 million in the U.S.
during Great Depression.
Oh man, that's bad.
Man, we are sitting on top of a giant TNT case with a bunch of gremlins running around, flamethrowers beneath us.
And I'll just be honest, like Joe Big said, he's staying here till the end.
I've committed to do it.
I'm going to do it.
Man, my flesh just says, get out of here.
Get out of the country now.
My flesh says, man, get down to the middle of nowhere.
Go to New Zealand.
The elite are all living there for a reason.
They're going to leave that as a safe harbor.
But you know what, I believe the blessings of God and my providence will leave me if I cower and leave.
And I want to stay in the fight.
It's what God wants me to do.
And so I just am putting my kids down on the table, myself, my treasure, my name, everything.
And I just put it in God's hands and turn it loose.
But man, folks, for new listeners out there and everybody making jokes over at Vice and
Army Times and everything else.
My God!
You heard all those soldiers call in who were in secret drills to basically sniper American citizens and all the corruption.
I mean, do you have any idea what the real special forces people are up to?
It's horrible.
Do you have any idea how evil this government is?
No, you don't.
And so you just make jokes about it.
This is not a Will Ferrell movie.
Everything's not a joke.
And the reason you're so empty and so unhappy statistically is because you live lies and your subconscious brain doesn't like lies and it doesn't like you.
Your conscious mind, your ego, all the bull, your gut doesn't like you.
And you're going to be a horrible enemy when things collapse by design.
You were going to organize into a giant throng of mindless scum, like locusts, to come eat the flesh off my bones, and any other producer's bones, you miserable, trashy, stupid, foolish people.
But then I have to pity you because you were set in front of the television from birth in your diapers.
Your crap-filled diapers.
You weren't breastfed.
Your brain's a third smaller.
And you're just drooling servile minions, wraiths.
You never had a soul.
It was all sucked out of you from birth.
You're just a wreck.
And I don't say that with pleasure.
I'm telling you, I feel in myself like a pile of dog crap.
I don't think of myself as special, but I look at you and I just see miserable, sad, disgusting people.
Is there any spark of reason left in you?
Is there any honor left in you?
Is there any courage left in you?
My God, for 25 years, they've been growing babies in cows!
For 20 plus years they've had glow-in-the-dark dogs you can buy that are part jellyfish.
For 20 years they've been growing open-air HIV corn in Texas, protogen.
You know about pharmacological corn?
We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Mayberry anymore.
I said I'd go to your phone calls.
It's just so sick.
My God, how did they get the IRS?
In the hearings last month, they admitted 30-plus thousand people who'd done nothing criminal wrong, who simply had small businesses like hot dog stands, would deposit the cash where you're supposed to put it.
It's illegal, they say, if you keep it.
Illegal if you deposit it, even pay taxes on it and then use it.
They're just, they just want to steal everything!
And then they have actual IRS agents that will sit there and take old ladies' retirement.
The woman had $30,000 in the bank, all after tax.
They just took it!
And nobody's gonna help her!
Hell, they'll euthanize her, but as soon as they can, if she gets sick, suck all the money out of her account.
I wanna get that woman on, by the way.
I just think about these people.
I just think about the things they do.
Just, they love it.
They love evil.
They love hurting people.
They love it.
And they hate us.
They hate middle-class houses and swimming pools and our good-looking kids and our good-looking wives and your good-looking husbands.
They hate prosperity.
They hate our strength.
They hate our will.
They hate real men.
They hate veterans.
They hate us.
They are filth.
Feminists say, don't be bossy and don't use the word, say feminist or bossy.
Don't clap.
Boys should be made to sit on the toilet so they're not different from girls.
I mean, what a group of sick freaks!
How their whole world's about how men kept them back.
When men and women are the species, you idiot!
Oh my gosh.
They teach women and men that struggle is about fighting other people because they're different color or because somebody's a man, while the globalists literally poison the water supply and write books how they do it to lower our IQ and reduce fertility.
The White House Science Czar wrote a book.
It's free online.
I got a copy of it in the studio, Ecoscience, where they lay out the whole social engineering plan and adding things in the water, like fluoride.
And then we have hundreds and hundreds, I say hundreds, thousands of studies.
And they love the fact that we're brain damaged.
They love the fact that it fries our body.
They love it, they enjoy it, they sit up there... ...and they think it's funny.
I'm gonna go to your calls.
I'm not gonna belabor this, we need funding.
We have all these other activists on that are under attack.
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It's never the rich men, very rarely.
Which is just foolish.
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Alright, I want to go back to Phil, but I want to go back to Brandon first because he wasn't on topic talking to Sheriff Mack.
Brandon, you wanted to talk about, don't preface it because we're short on time, just tell us, connecting the dots, go ahead.
Well, it is like you said, Alex, where is the modicum of reason in today's audience?
Where is the modicum of reason in the United States today?
Where is reason per se?
Where is reason at all?
You speak to a Christian audience, but I speak to your audience much broader than just those who believe that God is reason, and by God, I mean the Word.
As John 1 says, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
That word, Word, translates Logos.
From Logos, we get logic.
From Logos, we get reason.
And where is reason?
Where is that modicum of truth?
Where is that common sense audience that stands firm and says, where the hell is the reasonable argument?
And whatever they're doing out there, it can't be, it cannot be, to those of us who are listening to what it is that you're saying daily.
We're still alive and so if we're still alive and we're made in the image of God, then God must very well be alive also.
I called because I wanted to touch on education because it ties back into what it was that you were saying earlier.
I don't want to go into it in any specific way, but I wanted to say this.
Last year, I was accepted into the University of North Texas, and I was told that I was nominated for the Robert B. Toulouse Fellowship, and I was given a Teaching Fellows.
I don't say that because it's something that I want to brag about.
I want to say it because I'm a Ph.D., or I'm accepted for a Ph.D.
in art education, but art is media, and media has the power to tell a message or to tell a story.
And if it's going to tell a story, then it needs to be a logical story.
It needs to be a reasonable story.
A reasonable story, and that is logic or logos that is from God, it needs to be reasonable.
If you're going to promote something, ladies and gentlemen, listeners of Alex Jones, listeners of the Word, that is the Spirit of God, then by all means be reasonable.
Don't be, you know, infected by the narrative that is being put out.
Well sure, that's what they do.
That's why they put out diseased art, diseased culture, it's declassified, is to create mental illness.
The system is there to ship drugs in to get you on drugs.
Prescription antilegal.
The system is there to make you mentally ill and confused.
They put chemicals in the water to screw you up, then they build industries around countering the problem, which only get you deeper into it.
It's the Hegelian dialectic of problem-reaction-solution, of making money off all points of the compass.
But making the money is only to control the energy symbol, so that you can dominate the entire culture.
Appreciate your call, good to hear from you.
But you're right, we have lost logos, we have lost logic.
And people now have evil logic, the mental illness with Crimestop is what George Orwell called it, to be able to have two different ideas simultaneously.
That's why people say, oh look at Alex's documentation.
He said Brigade Homeland's taken over.
Their mission ended three years ago or whatever.
And of course it was reauthorized.
But they'll just play some game going, look, this article said it was a one-year tour.
Hoping people don't know how that works and just playing semantical games like Bill Clinton did saying it depends what the word is is.
They want a world of brain damaged zombies.
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Alright, I can't do overdrive because I've got to go to a meeting, so I'm going to try to jam in as many calls as I can right now.
Sorry, I belabored the point earlier just mourning the evil rise that endangers everybody.
I mean, these globalists are a bunch of abortion-loving, eugenics-loving murderers that put the military on do-not-treat list and nobody got in trouble.
It's just that the documents came out, they put them on list to kill them.
And they went, oh, it's just an accident and nothing stops.
I mean, it's sick.
Tom is a retired police officer.
What's your take on solutions to trying to save the country?
Well, I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to thank the sheriff and to wish him and his wife well.
I'm certain, like the other officer that called earlier, who was feeling less than prideful in his former profession, as am I at times.
That the sheriff is inspiring both of us as well as millions of other police who feel the same way.
I hope he's listening so that he can hear that.
I believe that those of us who really want to see the nobility and honor brought back to policing
We'll see that day come, and I think the Sheriff will play a large role in that, as well as other people of his ilk.
What I did want to say, though, for young officers that are out there, and there's still a lot of good ones out there, you know, at first contact on the street, you're always taught in the academy that the uniform rules the day.
And there's no exceptions to that.
As a uniformed officer, when you're beat, you have the right, and in fact, you're duty-bound by your sworn oath, to demand identification from any outside law enforcement individuals, regardless of who they are, FBI, DEA, ATF, whomever they claim to be.
And until you're satisfied and comfortable with who they are,
Your investigation is not over.
And that's up to and including requesting picture ID, demanding proper credentials, names of their supervisors, search and seizure warrants.
I've confronted federal agents who claim to have search and seizure warrants.
They don't.
They don't even have the information.
And if they can't provide the proper information,
So that you're comfortable, that they're credible in your mind, you have every right, and again, you're duty-bound to order them to cease and desist their activity.
That's right, and then things like this giant Jade Helm exercise in ten states, quote, with military in plain clothes doing suspicious things, is about completely destroying that line of jurisdiction.
They admit they've gotten rid of Posse Comitatus, and then now they're just trying to deny this is going on.
What do you think all of this accelerated power grabbing is about?
Well, I think it's just that.
I think it's a power grab, just like Animal Farm.
Power, indeed, it does corrupt.
And the more power that these individual agencies gain,
Uh, the more power they want.
And, you know, there's really nothing new under the sun.
When I talk about federal agencies, I'm not talking about them against local agencies.
You have good and bad.
And in each jurisdiction, you'll find that you'll have fantastic, God-fearing good men and women.
In every federal agency?
And doesn't it seem to be a nest, though?
It's like either a nest of good guys or a nest of bad guys.
It's like it's just a different nest.
Oh, absolutely.
Sure, they'll congregate, but you can't look at any one individual agency and say, that's where they've all congregated.
You've got little enclaves within each and every agency.
And really, you know, I look at the times that we're in now,
This is the animating contest of liberty.
God bless you.
Five minutes overdrive.
I gotta do it to talk to Seth in Michigan.
Bill Ayers was at their campus.
I gotta hear this.
I can't help it.
Gotta do it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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Final segment, I gotta move quick here.
I gotta hear from Seth in Michigan.
Seth, Bill Ayers, who came on here and imitated Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes, you say was at your campus.
Where are you in Michigan, and what do you have to say?
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
I'm actually a student at the University of Michigan.
I'm in the Young Americans for Liberty group, and it came to our attention today that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, the famous activists from the 60s and 70s, or I like to call them the domestic terrorists from the 60s and 70s,
I can be speaking at our school today, actually in about two minutes, on a speech entitled Resistance, Then and Now.
And I think it's a little absurd that the top-rated public university in the world is allowing two renowned terrorists onto their campus to come and sculpt the young minds of our country.
Sure, but if you try to teach people about the Second Amendment, they try to ban you from campus.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Folks should get over there.
Where is he speaking?
He is speaking, one second, at the School of Social Work Commons.
Yeah, well notice it's all about resistance and stuff with you, and then he'll say on other shows, yeah, I support what I did, and here, I don't want to hurt anybody.
I love you.
I'm not a commie.
I see nothing!
I was not here!
I did not even get up this morning!
That's right, thank you, Seth.
Evan, from FEMA Region 5, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Okay, Jade Helm, maybe possible assets moved into place for the plainclothes.
If you go up to Cottonwood Creek out of Irving, Minnesota or Irving, Texas,
Check out that military base.
There's thousands of vehicles on that air... If you follow the airstrip up... Oh, they've got admitted FEMA caches all over around Dallas.
Coming up 35, they've got them.
If you take 35 west out to... What is it?
Gosh, I grew up there.
I came in Fort... Fort Worth!
Fort Worth!
I mean, there's just... There's everything out there.
It's crazy.
It is.
Also, a MERS corporation took over GPS
Um, all ham emergency personnel, uh, radio, all sheriff, local police, and they gave it to a Russian satellite company.
So all your GPS is can be scrambled.
All personnel from EPS to sheriffs and police departments.
That's right, and they gave the Chinese Communist the Panama Canal.
It's all strategic to set us up.
It is totally insane.
God bless you, really good points.
Okay, final caller, sorry the others.
Who was the caller I put on hold because he wanted to talk about something else?
What communities can do?
Was it Phil that was on hold?
Phil, go ahead and finish up, brother.
Sorry to Brian and Mike.
Go ahead.
No, I just want to put out there to let more people know that they need to, you know, stay off, you know, away from the beer, the football, the games, the social media, the things on TV and care about their family, their kids, the poisons that are being put into our water, the things in the atmosphere, the GMO and the food.
I've been directly, you know, damaged by this.
I have Crohn's disease.
I know what it's from.
I know the toxins and Monsanto and all the things they've done.
I've seen kids with the autism here recently, friends of mine.
I know the MMR vaccines and the thimerosal.
All these things are trying to break us down so we're not even
Good enough or feeling well enough to even fight?
That's right.
We're under soft kill.
We're under soft kill.
They give extra vaccines to the veterans that don't want to go along with globalist operations and they just think they're kicked out of these units.
No, they're put on list and then it's all actuaried by computers and the computer they use is called Thomas run by IBM and of course it was IBM ran the Nazi death camps with their computers.
You cannot make it up.
Anything else?
No, just to touch on the vitamin D, the iodine, and B12.
Those three are one of the biggest deficiencies here in our Western world, with our diet especially, the way we eat.
I found it myself that I was deficient in all three of these, and I do, you know, get the supplements.
I do get those from the show, the Supermail Vitality.
Thank you, sir.
Super Nation.
I'm a low, low middle class person myself, but I know that these outweigh, you know, the... Well, your money couldn't be spent better, brother, because, I mean, since I've been on these, it's changed my life.
And I still look like hell, but I look a lot better than I did.
And the bad looks, I was in the ninth circle, I'm in the first circle now.
Almost out of hell here physically.
So our health's our most important asset.
God bless you.
We're out of time.
That's it.
Nightly News Tonight, Lord willing.
It's all up to God.
7 o'clock Central Standard Time.
Please don't take this for granted.
Don't take any freedom for granted.
The globalists are coming after us, so fight for it or lose it.