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Name: 20150323_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 23, 2015
2876 lines.

In this episode of "The Alex Jones Show", various topics such as Ted Cruz's presidential run, government propaganda, ammo purchases by the Department of Homeland Security, the two sides of American politics, Mormons infiltrating the Liberty Movement, and the importance of vitamin D3 are discussed. The speaker also promotes Infowarslife.com products and discusses their benefits, while addressing concerns from listeners about politicians not doing enough to address issues discussed on the show. Dr. Edward Group also talks about natural sources of vitamin D3 and how to maintain healthy levels of this vital nutrient.

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ted Cruz has announced he's running for president.
And I gotta tell you, I like what he's running on.
Repealing Obamacare and abolishing the Internal Revenue Service.
Which is in the single digits when it comes to its approval rating here in the United States.
Very, very exciting.
I know that Ted Cruz obviously isn't perfect.
His wife worked at Goldman Sachs, but so did Nomi Prins as a managing director.
And then she's gone public and spoken out against it.
And I know that she was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Well, there are about 10,000 members of that, and that's the globalists trying to organize all the smartest people in the country so they can control them.
So if we ever discount someone because they've been part of the power structure, we have a very low probability of ever changing the culture.
Ted Cruz has a pretty good voting record.
When I say pretty good, he's hawkish on some issues.
But other than that, he is what I'd call a constitutionalist slash libertarian style.
I would like to see he and Rand Paul team up.
That's not happening.
They're already starting to snipe at each other.
Rand Paul is going to announce on April 6th.
And I know Rand Paul a lot better than Ted Cruz.
And I don't put all my eggs in one basket.
I know the presidential election becomes a diversion to a certain extent.
But there are a lot of people in the system who do not want to destroy the country.
And I believe Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are part of that.
So I want to open the phones up early in the hour.
What do you think of Ted Cruz's announcement?
We're going to play it.
We're going to get into it.
He calls for a new generation of conservatives, kicks off campaign at world's largest Christian university, releases his first ad in Spanish, which is an excellent idea.
Because you just have the socialists and the globalists out there, with the giant immigrant population that's mainly Latin American, letting them literally brainwash them.
And so the answer is, convert folks over to libertarian-based ideas.
Plus, much of Latin America is hungry for freedom.
Much of Latin America does not want to live under tyranny.
And of course Ted Cruz's father was a big opponent of Castro and so they have a lot of lessons there of not wanting to be underneath that type of tyranny.
But I don't think Ted Cruz is a man on a white horse that will save us.
I don't think Rand Paul is either.
But I think both men are good people.
I know Rand Paul for 20 years.
I was one of the first people to ever interview Rand Paul.
Back when we'd already got his dad on and they had a big success having him on the show and he was running for Congress in 96.
And they said in the campaign, said, hey, have Rand on.
He's just now starting to do interviews.
And so that said, it's beyond.
It's beyond Republican or Democrat at this point.
If there were Democrats out there that weren't totally anti-gun, totally anti-family, totally anti-sovereignty.
Then I would be for them as well.
Ted Cruz was against arming Al-Qaeda in Syria.
So was Rand Paul.
I mean, when you compare them to a Hillary Clinton or a John Boehner or a Michelle Obama or a Michael Moore, it's night and day.
Tell me if you disagree with that.
Eight hundred, two five nine, ninety two thirty one.
First time callers in the first hour.
Then we'll have open phones for everybody in the second and third hour today.
There is a lot of geopolitical news as well.
You're welcome to continue the discussion from yesterday about the Army training
Documents, Special Operations Command, a joint forces drill in eight states, listing Texas and Utah as hostile.
Some say, oh, Fort Bragg's had drills outside the base for decades.
Yeah, that's not this.
This is practicing working with local police under NORTHCOM.
It's an admitted mission to take over the country.
So your PSYOP to condition us doesn't work, and it's not working on the troops either.
We can talk about that.
The missing nukes, 800-2599-231.
Those three subjects.
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Another major health threat.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
till 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live.
It's Monday the 23rd day of March 2015.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to open the phones up in this first hour on the Ted Cruz announcement running for president in 2016.
I want to be clear.
I don't completely trust Ted Cruz.
I don't completely trust anybody in D.C.
because of the blackmail, the threats, the harassment.
But he has a very good voting record.
He stood up against arming Al Qaeda to attack Syria when no other so-called conservative leaders would do it.
But Rand Paul, he wants to abolish the IRS and has pledged to do so.
And he wants to repeal Obamacare.
We are not getting that out of anybody else but Rand Paul.
Clearly, the true libertarians slash constitutionalist conservatives that uphold basic American values are Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Rand Paul.
That's it in the field.
Not Huckabee, not any of them.
Because some people think, oh well, you know, Huckabee, he's the answer.
Good guys out there like Chuck Norris and others.
Now again, Ted Cruz is slick, Ted Cruz is smart, Ted Cruz is from the establishment, but there's large elements of the establishment that want to be free market, that want to be wealthy, that want to be successful, that want America to not go the cloward and piven bankruptcy route into social engineering and socialism.
So there's the choice.
There is the Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Cloward and Piven, Hillary Clinton, school lunch program gulag on one end, and then there is the Rand Paul, Ted Cruz spectrum on the other.
And I'm going to hate to see these two guys that are so close to each other on policies, and whose bases are basically the same people, destroy each other, and there's already some of that starting.
Do I think Ted Cruz or Rand Paul will save America?
But if we get this bad attitude that we're always going to lose, that we can never reform the country, that we can never have victories, people will not be energized, they will have a fatalist attitude and we'll lose everything.
Even if Ted Cruz runs or Rand Paul runs, which they both are obviously, Ted Cruz is now announced officially, Rand Paul's been already campaigning for years, a good year and a half.
They will energize a liberty movement and ideas at the state, county, and city level like Ron Paul did.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and others now stand on the shoulders of not Ron Paul, who was just a focal point, but of the supporters of Ron Paul and the tens of millions of dollars that were given and the thousands of speeches and the TV ads and all of that created a focal point for opposition to the globalist paradigm to form.
And so many people in the liberty movement are just sitting there getting guns and prepping, getting ready for a collapse and just to take care of themselves.
And you've got to do that, maybe 30% of the time in my view, while at the same time
70% of the time being offensive in the info war to blame the globalists for our problems so that liberty and free market and capitalism doesn't get blamed.
That's their plan.
They exacerbate or create the crisis and then offer their solution more kleptocratic, progressive, social engineering, more wealth redistribution, more collectivism.
So there's a battle intellectually
Over collectivism, totalitarianism, control freakism, and basic Americana renaissance liberty that should unify conservative and liberal alike in the modern spectrum because it's called freedom and it should be restored.
It shouldn't be under attack.
There is a battle and we are inches away from removing Boehner.
We are inches away from having a Tea Party, Libertarian, Constitutionalist takeover of the Republicans.
I've been talking about this for a decade, but if you go back to the last few years, in leaked Democratic Party speeches to billionaire donors, when you start ferreting in, and you start digging in
Deeper to all of this, and you start looking into the Republican leadership as well, they're all combining funds, they're all combining propaganda, they're all combining forces to try to stop a libertarian constitutional style movement taking over Congress and the states.
Why do you think
The Pentagon, seized by the globalists, the New World Order-directed Pentagon, is openly turning into a federal occupation, global occupation force, and training to confiscate guns, and training to take over the infrastructure.
And now admitting it in the Army Times, Stars and Stripes, and everywhere else.
Because they are preparing to go operational if they need to, if the states get together in a coalition, recognize the federal government's been hijacked and is out of control, and try to reconstitute the republic.
They're going to try to move in and block us.
They are trying to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership in secret right now.
It's in CNBC, The Guardian, you name it.
And all 33 sections are secret, except for one leaked by WikiLeaks, and that gives total Chinese-style censorship, communist Chinese-style censorship, to the unelected corporate board.
And guess who's involved?
The communist government of China.
So there is a major global meltdown power grab going on right now.
And America is now reaching the event horizon, the point of no return.
We're either going to slow this down and start turning it around or we're going to go down fast.
You're going to see more globalist power grabbing in the next few years than you've seen your whole life.
You know I've been saying that the last few years and suddenly you're seeing it.
Internet power grabs, energy power grabs, sovereignty being imploded, signing global treaties in secret, orders.
They're now announcing that they won't release any documents from the White House on any subject.
Totally illegal.
They're just going to violate the Open Records Act.
FEMA to deny funds to warming deniers.
Think about what an Orwellian term that is.
States who oppose, whose governors refuse to acknowledge climate change will not get preparedness aid.
You either accept global government, global carbon taxes, that's philly.com, or you will not get your state money that was taken sent back to you.
This is just the announcement today.
Two weeks ago Obama came out and he said it again last week.
He's preparing executive action on tax increases.
He pledged not to raise taxes on anybody making less than a quarter million.
He raised it on people that are blue-collar at the poverty line.
And they've raised a bunch of other taxes.
And now he's talking about executive action.
Presidents don't have taxing authority.
That comes out of Congress.
I know you know that, but notice
Executive ammo bans.
They're not backing down on that.
There's an article on Infowars.com on that subject.
So we've now reached the tipping point on every front.
I'm going to ask the callers.
What do we do?
Do we support Ted Cruz?
Rand Paul?
Or are we purist and say, oh, they're obviously not 100% perfect.
They're not Jesus Christ.
We're not going to support them.
And do you agree with me that we're at this key juncture, this crossroads, this event horizon, and what's the next big shoe to drop?
They're power grabbing every day now.
More is happening in a week than used to happen in a year.
I mean, it's hyper drive right now.
I cringe every morning when I get up at 6 a.m.
to see what new nightmare has occurred while I was sleeping.
I've just got stacks of tyranny here in front of me.
Let's take one phone call before we go to break.
John in Idaho, what do you think about Ted Cruz and his announcement running for president, plans to repeal Obamacare, abolish the IRS?
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm alright brother, go ahead.
First let me say, I was 19 when I started listening to you.
I'm 26 now.
And I do feel like we are at the event horizon, like he says.
But that being said, I feel like Ted Cruz, it doesn't really matter.
Congress is a fiat system.
And the answer is a grassroots awakening.
It has to start with the people first, not by someone who is in office.
I agree with you that the power is with the people, but someone like a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz, a Ted Cruz that can give a 27-hour almost record filibuster, and what he stands for, getting rid of the IRS, abolishing the Federal Reserve, repealing Obamacare, I mean, he's being demonized by the power structure because they're scared of him.
Same thing with Rand Paul.
I just think that just because he represents, at least on the surface, our ideas, we need to support him and Rand Paul.
I like Rand Paul better.
I think Ted Cruz is probably slicker, probably a little bit smarter, and Rand Paul is super smart.
And he's got a Spanish surname, which is great.
I mean, I'd love to have Latin America go constitutionalist.
Then there'd be a better country than this.
I could move down there.
I mean, I just want freedom.
But I hear what you're saying.
We all need to stop complying with tyranny and get in the system's face and vote with our dollars of support.
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Watch me!
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I got it!
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Coming up after I take a bunch of your phone calls, starting in about 45 seconds, Obama vows to push progressive plans by hook or by crook.
In an interview, he said, I'll take the crook.
That's what he's doing.
Democrats have not given up on ammo ban.
New York Democrat plans to lean on new ATF boss.
That's infowars.com.
Big Bang Theory could be debunked by Large Hadron Collider.
And some new tests they're doing on rainbow gravity.
And, of course, a lot of these experiments, they admit, could blow the planet up or implode it.
But, eh, whatever.
NATO chief says Russia's still sending arms to Ukraine, UPI, like they caught Russia in something.
NATO's sending in armored brigades.
Putin admits he's got troops in Ukraine now, but they keep acting like Russia's hiding it.
And I'm not defending Russia.
It's just these are tricks they play to manipulate the public.
Like I saw John McCain on CNN Sunday calling, you know, talking about Obama throwing temper tantrums as if he's against Obama and policy.
It's all a ruse.
And saying, Iran and ISIS must be taken down in the region, implying Iran was behind ISIS.
Playing on the idiot viewers of CNN.
Chinese economy dangles on a cliff, key article.
Organic dairy farming struggles to keep up with demand.
Very positive article out of the Star Tribune showing how the organic movement is just taking over and is so lucrative.
And so that means other people will get into it.
It will take over the industry.
This is how easy it is to defeat the globalists, is having a revolution of ideas, folks.
They always brand revolution as violent, so that you'll only think violence is the way to go.
Because again, a peaceful revolution just takes over and you never know what happened.
I got my opinion on Ted and Rand, but first I just want to say
Here in Utah, I think one of the reasons why it's the hot zone is because everybody knows their neighbor.
I know the next 40 people down the street and there are a lot of preppers here.
A lot of Mormon people like to have food storage and weapons.
Yesterday you said that you think the Mormons have infiltrated everything.
I just want to get your opinion on that, but I think Ted Cruz... I mean, we need to back somebody so it's not Bush going up against Hillary.
I think Graham might be a better choice, but it's still going to...
Be the same, you know, business as usual, even if we do get them in.
Well, sure, they're not going to be able to get everything done because they have both said they would act as constitutionalists, as Ron Paul said he would if he got elected, so he can't just dictatorially do whatever they want.
But, with a bully pulpit truly going after Obamacare that's 70-something percent unpopular and unconstitutional, and going after the IRS that's totally unconstitutional and unpopular, we could really reform things and have a boom.
I mean, if any country could reverse the globalists, it's America.
That's why they're focusing their takeover here.
I appreciate your call.
When I said Mormons have infiltrated everything, I said the Liberty Movement's infiltrated everything.
And I'm not weighing in on people that love Mormons or hate Mormons or whatever.
I'll just say I have a lot of Mormons that are listeners.
And the Mormons I know seem to be pretty well informed about the New World Order takeover plan.
And so I was saying the globalists have a big problem that the military is super awake to what's happening.
The Mormons have made a public point of putting their people in the military, the FBI, you name it.
And so
It's a real problem for the power structure.
Now, you can say, well, but look at Harry Reid and look at, you know, these other top Mormons that are so evil.
Well, you could just say those are globalist infiltrators of the Mormons.
Regardless, I've said the Mormons, if they wanted to really, you know, do something, should excommunicate people like Harry Reid.
I mean, an abortion-loving, anti-gun piece of trash.
I mean, Harry Reid is a devil.
And that was the point I was making on that front, but we were getting into Feds preparing to invade Texas.
This state is hostile.
And then the media is like, well, I mean, we always do drills.
Yes, drills to take over the states.
And we were saying, why do they target Texas and Utah in the West?
And then San Diego and Orange County.
It's basically saying anything libertarian or conservative is the enemy.
And so that's where I was going with that, how the U.S.
military would crush a Tea Party rebellion ties into all of this.
So the government, the illegitimate government, is gearing up, but they've got a problem.
People that love liberty, I don't care if they're a Baptist, an atheist, a Mormon, black, white, Hispanic, there's a huge uprising in Brazil that's libertarian.
I mean, people are sick of it.
They know big government serves the special interests.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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At the end of the show today, I'm going to shoot like a five-minute condensed report for InfoWars.net News.
We can then post tonight and send out to CENTCOM, to SOUTHCOM, to NORTHCOM, and just counter the disinformation they're giving the military.
And so I need Rob Due and crew to go ahead and compile, I've got probably 20 or 30 of the articles right here, Army Times, Stars and Stripes,
Rand Corporation, National Stabilization Force document, footage of the military going back decades with different operations.
We've got it all from our Police State Film training to confiscate guns in America, and then the guns being confiscated during Katrina, and then the Army Colonel on the show admitting gun confiscation drills.
This is admitted.
They admit that they're deploying military on the streets.
They admit that helicopters and troops on the streets is to condition the public to end posse comitatus.
And they basically eroded posse comitatus down to nothing.
And we need the footage of them going into over half the houses in Boston looking for one guy dragging women out by the hair pointing guns at them.
It's all a giant militarized power grab to condition the military, the police, the general public to accept our conversion, our transmutation from a free republic to a third world tyranny.
And what am I getting at?
Because I'm not going to get into it today, or if I do, I'll do it in the second hour.
I want to put together a condensed focus report showing all the admissions, all the articles, Forbes, AP, USA Today, Washington Times, with the Army War College and the drills, admitting their training to take on gun owners, veterans, conservatives, pro-lifers, Christians, the Fort Hood documents that we got last year that were on Fox News after we got them.
The Army leaked them to us saying you'll be court-martialed if you're an evangelical Christian or part of the Tea Party.
We've been slated as the enemy because we're real Americans that know what's going on.
And so we put out the report from army.mil and now today they have stars and stripes countering us.
And they say, we can't verify these reports put out on the Internet because a firewall won't let the Army get to the document.
And you know that's what they did.
It was on the Army's website and they basically hid it.
And so now they're saying, we can't verify the Scribd website, the document site.
Oh yeah?
But we are doing this drill, as they say.
No, it's real.
They do this with the MIAC reports and all the rest of them.
At first, they'd say, we can't verify for about a week, so they could say we're making it up.
Then later, oh, OK, yeah, it's real, uh-huh.
Same tactic with the FCC not releasing their regulations for two weeks.
Stars and Stripes, Army Special Operations Command, pushes back against alarmist claims about upcoming exercises.
And they go on and say, we're endangering lives.
But they won't even name us, because they don't want folks going and actually reading what we're saying.
Let me tell Stars and Stripes something.
Your own publication has probably had 20 articles in the last...
10 years admitting that Brigade Homeland and the plan to then over the next decade, that started a decade ago, to transition 400 plus thousand troops from active duty to Brigade Homeland, to have brigades in every sector of the country, and to merge with the threat fusion centers and the police.
Everybody knows the military is training with the police secretly.
Everybody knows who they're training to take on.
They'll do public drills out at Camp Mabry where they'll have a guy in a moolah beard, you know, in a moolah outfit being chased by helicopters for a bunch of tourists to watch.
My cousin was on that duty a few years ago and my dad went out and watched it.
It was just ridiculous.
That's for public consumption.
We all know what really goes on on the bases.
And we know who you're training to go after.
Basically a cross between Grandpa in a John Deere hat and John Wayne.
And we know about it because of the military, and we have literally thousands of documents.
And then we have my film, Police State 2, The Takeover, that has the actual document given to us by an FBI agent in Belton, Texas.
An officer, what's his name, Officer Smart comes over and says, you can't videotape this.
And then the FBI pulls up and gives to my camera guy,
On video says here, you can have this now, I told you get out of here.
And then he got in the car and it said restricted.
And I still don't know the FBI gave us that on purpose or by accident, because the guy got in his car and drove off.
And by the way, it had been previously secret.
It had previously been secret.
I said I'd go to your calls.
It's just so frustrating to sit there and watch Stars and Stripes play stupid and go, we don't know the document's real.
The Army can't get it.
Oh, yeah, we can't.
But the Army does say that they are having this operation.
And then they'll spin it.
We're against the Army.
And of course, it's so predictable.
We want lives to be lost.
The document refers to hostile insurgent pocket.
I'm so sick of all this.
I'm sick of them lying to us, but remember what was in the Washington Post last year, in 2014.
CIA domestic propaganda legalized.
Let's put that on screen for new viewers who are doubting us.
That means lying to you, supposedly legalized.
Propaganda now legal in the U.S.
They've been doing it forever, but now they're doing it on a massive scale.
I'm on a search engine.
Let me go to the old NSA interface.
It was in Foreign Affairs.
It's a publication of the Washington Post.
Propaganda legalized in U.S.
Let's see if that brings it up.
The NDAA legalizes the use of propaganda inside the U.S.
That's Business Insider.
The Defense Authorization Act.
The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public, reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed.
Oh, you know what happened to Michael Hastings?
His car blew up.
He said, Homeland Security's coming to get me.
I'm running for my life.
The amendment proposed by Mac Thornberry, and it goes through it, and by the way, it was adopted.
Here's foreign policy, The Washington Post.
This is the one I wanted, the one I'm pulling up right now.
repeals propaganda ban spreads government-made news to Americans.
You guys do a great job finding stuff, it's just for some reason you have trouble with that one.
So, you might be searching news instead of web, if something's about a year old.
The one you're looking at is foreign policy.
We're looking for Washington Post.
Yeah, no, foreign policy is a division of the Washington Post.
You can also search Washington Post and find it.
But it's fine, you guys are better than I am at searching this stuff.
Anyways, there it is for you.
I guess they'll have Stars and Stripes come out and tell me I'm lying about that too?
Oh, no.
Where is it in here?
We're endangering their lives with our lies.
That's right, we're as bad as Al-Qaeda, folks, as you know, because we don't want to turn our guns in.
Okay, I'm going to shut up and go to your calls.
Chris in South Carolina, go ahead, you're on the air.
I was calling about mixing nukes up.
Yes, sir.
I had an idea of what they possibly could do with these nukes for a while.
In my opinion is they got a lot of PSYOP going on and just like they got the race thing going on.
They got us going and saying that, you know, the Tea Party is going to, you know, go with ISIS and so on and so forth.
Truthfully, in my opinion, I believe they know that America won't believe that.
And so they're using that and then pretext to actually to keep us, you know,
More or less kind of confused?
There was an Army War College training drill about four years ago predicting and in a simulation that the Tea Party on the East Coast, I think in that drill it was Georgia, had linked up with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
That's right.
They didn't say ISIS.
And it's just totally ridiculous to claim that the Tea Party would ever work with a radical Islamist.
I mean, that's just total bull, but they don't care.
They want to sell narratives that are upside down to demonize their enemy.
So, go ahead.
But I really believe what they're doing, because you see how they pull that thing out with Russia, where they were talking about they're going to send Russia's home in body bags.
Now, a few months back, Russia invaded the airspace, if I'm not mistaken.
They brought stuff over in our airspace.
I want to say it was the Gulf of Mexico.
They've been coming into East Coast airspace, Alaskan airspace, and Gulf of Mexico airspace.
I believe what they're going to do is keep Russia, they want to take down Russia, and this is almost like a kill two birds with one stone thing.
Sure, so why do you think the nukes are missing?
I believe the nukes are missing because they're going... Around that same time was the time that all this stuff was going on and they started causing these things in Crimea.
I believe that they're using that and they're going to actually say that the nukes are going to hit us and Russia did it.
But that way it brings everybody in unison, including the Tea Party and everything else, because we need to fight back against Russia.
And they want to disappear the nukes so that they can have plausible liability and maybe refit them with different
I don't want to say hey to you.
She's been begging me.
Would you mind saying hello?
Her name is Alyssa.
Hold on one second.
Right here!
Hold on one second.
Hey Alyssa, how you doing?
Well, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
I hope you guys are doing well there in South Carolina.
We are.
Were you concerned when Lindsey Graham told CBS News that nukes could go off any minute in Charleston?
I think that's his daughter.
Okay, take care.
Good to talk to you, Chris.
If you just tuned in, we're talking about missing nukes.
Over the weekend, Bloomberg, Daily Beast, and a whole bunch of other publications came out because Shantorum was asked about it on the campaign trail at a town hall.
There's actually video of it.
They then spun it, basically, to make a joke out of it.
They'd always had a news blackout on the missing Dyess Air Force Base warheads that we exposed back on September 3rd of last year.
No, of 2013, almost two years ago.
Dylan in Texas, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Yep, sure can.
Okay, appreciate it.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, brother!
Yeah, I think... I don't know if Ted Cruz matters that much.
I mean, from a talking standpoint, he sounds pretty good.
I mean, so does every other president when they're running.
But, I mean, I think, honestly, if this guy was actually ready to do anything, he would be having his all-star team or, you know, a group of like-minded people with him in the quote-unquote war room, essentially, if you will, and be trying to
Take this down or fix it right now, you know, instead of going everywhere and doing speeches.
Well, there is an approach to basically come out and say we're in an emergency.
The borders are being imploded.
We're being put under the Trans-Pacific Partnership without a congressional vote.
We're in a red-level crisis.
We need to do something now.
That's actually a pretty smart tactic.
Oh, absolutely.
Because I mean, what are we going to do about this?
I mean, I've tried to talk to so many people about this, you know, and there's so many people not understanding what's actually happening because they're not, you know, informed of what's actually happening globally and economically.
So everybody's walking around just, you know, basically like zombies.
So what do we do?
What's the next step that we do?
How do we take this even further without
You know, causing any type of animosity between anybody.
Well, here's where it's going.
I appreciate your call, Dylan.
We're going to go to Barry and others here in just a moment.
It comes down to this.
Television is what did this.
Television is what gave the system the venue to brainwash, to unify propaganda, and to turn us into lazy jellyfish, intellectually, who just watch.
We are now a nation, a world, of spectators.
And so the average person may not like what's happening, but they can't imagine themselves in the role of changing it.
That's why voting with your dollars or your euros is so important.
Because soon you won't be able to get unorganic milk.
Soon you won't be able to find GMO at the current growth rate of purchasing of non-GMO.
This is just a microcosm example
When you look at the big scheme of things, of how culturally we can change things.
And we are a nation of consumers now.
But it's the one place we act is when we buy.
We're a nation of jellyfish.
That's why they want Amazon and stuff to know what you're going to order before you order it, and pre-order, and don't shop, don't come in.
Because they just don't want you thinking.
Because if you ever think, it's chain reaction.
It sounds simple, but Monsanto is on its knees.
McDonald's is on its knees.
Coca-Cola is on its knees.
These are not Americana companies.
These are predatory companies.
Coca-Cola's angelic compared to Monsanto or McDonald's.
The point is they fund globalist operations as well.
And so if you can take down the big lead elephants, the others are going to run.
And if people ever catch on to the fact that, hey, you've got more than just your voting power, you're voting with your dollar power, you've got other things you can do culturally, it's over for the globalists.
We're going to go to break and come back and go to Barry and Peter and Sparrow and Joey and many others.
First-time callers, what do you think about Ted Cruz?
What do you think about the military openly trying to take on the American people?
And this weak response from Stars and Stripes implying nothing's happening?
It's all conditioning.
It's all a PSYOP.
They admit that.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
Listen, I can hear the frustration in the caller's voices, not having faith in Ted Cruz, and I get you.
The difference is, politicians used to get a two or three year honeymoon when they got elected.
Now it's about a month.
The establishment Democrats don't even want Hillary Clinton.
The establishment Republicans don't even want Jeb Bush because they know he can't sell lies.
Now the question is, is Ted Cruz a 21st century version of a Jeb Bush?
I don't know.
But regardless, the fact that he puts out rhetoric the opposite of Hillary Clinton is needed.
We're in an intellectual battle.
We need to talk about abolishing the IRS or the Federal Reserve.
We need to push for that.
We need to push to get rid of Obamacare that's wrecking this country.
I want to go to Barry and
Peter and Tom and Sparrow and Joey, we'll get to all of you ahead of Dr. Group joining us on a bunch of health news.
And then we're gonna continue into the third hour with another special guest I'll tell you about later.
It's linked on InfoWars.com.
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Now, before we go any further, let's pop another call in.
Barry, thanks for holding.
What's your take on the presidential race and Ted Cruz officially launching today?
I watched that Ted Cruz deal on television.
I thought he had a lot of good rhetoric.
I would side more with Rand Paul.
I think elections in America are rigged.
I think our government has already been taken over.
Even if Rand Paul was a great guy, was somebody that would come in and bring change, I think that the globalists would take him out sort of the same way they took JFK out.
So, it's kind of a lose-lose in that sort of a situation.
I love you, I've been listening to you for years, and I'm a 27-year-old.
Uh, veteran, I was honorably discharged a year ago in February, and now I'm actually an ordained pastor.
And I use a lot of the stuff I get from your show in, uh, my sermons at church.
So, like, if I talk about the New World Order, things like that, uh, one of your, uh, guides did a great piece on, uh, the Mark of the Beast a few weeks ago.
I used that in a sermon.
Um, so where I get kind of confused is, uh,
I mean, I see prophecy in this.
I don't know about you.
No, I do as well.
Biblical things are definitely happening.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and get your comment on that and finish up.
Stay with us a second hour.
Go back to Barry and Peter.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Twenty years ago, I would read articles out of MIT publications or an occasional BBC article.
About transhumanist UN plans to establish a planetary government and merge us with machines.
Now I see them every day.
The decision has been made.
That's the problem.
We're following a global plan.
We're going under world government now via secret treaties.
That's in CNBC today.
They go on CNBC and say we're under world government run by private banks.
We're all slaves.
They say that all the time.
So in many ways my broadcast has become obsolete.
And I've kind of paused there, not on purpose.
It's just having that realization.
Because we've gone from just trying to warn people it was coming and now it's here.
And then Stars and Stripes puts out an article basically lying, implying we're lying, about the public military drills for gun confiscation and everything else.
And of course they're going to have some drills of saving hostages and some drills of taking over government buildings.
But it's all mixed together, different training.
But in the end of the day, it's all about the takeover.
And so the pastor calls in, who's a veteran, and says, I'm confused.
You know, it's prophecy.
Why are we talking about getting Ted Cruz elected, or Ron Paul, or Rand Paul, when it's all foregone conclusion?
I think it's the way prophecy's been presented by the Schofield Bible and everything the last 200 years or so, that prophecy's coming, there's nothing you can do, then it's the end of the world, and Jesus comes back, and that's just the way it is.
Well, no.
We change the future destiny with what we do.
And I'll use the analogy, well some analogy, the parable, the history of Jonah going to Nineveh and they repented and they got a hundred year reprieve.
It was destroyed a hundred years later.
And so regardless, justice be done by the heavens fall, I'm going to expose this beast system.
Whether we change it or not, it's our job during this great time to warn people.
But we can't even get the big churches now to tell people don't take the microchip, don't take the Google Glasses, don't take the... I mean, big megachurches here in town, the kids go there and play Xbox Kinect, it face scans you, voice prints you, looks through walls, records everything you're saying.
They just don't understand.
And they're accepting.
And so it's a process.
So we are obsolete when it comes to just exposing the world government.
Because before, they would play games and say it wasn't being built.
Now they're rolling it out, so they're going, yeah, we built it, but so what, kook?
Well, so what?
It's unelected.
So what?
It's tyrannical.
So what?
It's anti-human.
So what?
At the end of the day, it's a world without people that's being built.
Yeah, I mean, uh...
I think you see what I'm saying.
I do think it's going to play out as the Bible said.
I don't believe that that gets a person to be sort of apathetic about it, but I think a lot of the points that you bring up are just, you're kind of like John the Baptist, the voice in the wilderness, you know, crying this stuff out.
You're actually exposing it, which as a pastor, I think is a good thing.
When you say that we should vote with our dollar, I agree with that.
But there's actually a 10-year plan to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
And the U.S.
today announced they're going to join with the new Global China Investment Bank.
And so that's the beginning of the global currency right there.
I agree with you, sir.
God bless you.
Look, I'm gonna tell people fluoride's killing them.
I mean, at least we can not brain damage all the kids.
All I can do is fight these people.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Ultimately, the globalist social engineers want to control your mind, your intellect.
And that's why it's important that Ted Cruz is announced he's running for president.
Because on the policies he puts out, I agree with about 95% of it.
Abolish the IRS.
Get rid of the Federal Reserve.
End Obamacare.
We can do that.
These are unconstitutional, illegal, unpopular screw jobs.
Our forebearers have defeated tyranny before.
We have to believe we can do it.
The alternative is greasing the skids for the globalists to run over us.
We have to sabotage the New World Order culturally.
We have to not comply.
We have to say no.
But we have to put out alternative ideas with a different option for our destiny to build a better world.
Dr. Edward Gribbs joining us here in about five minutes.
We'll continue with your phone calls.
and Sparrow and others.
I'm going to go to you before I even go to Dr. Group, who are lining up on Skype right now to get into some major news announcements and things that are developing.
But speaking of the battle for hearts and minds, both these articles are on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And you can fight back by taking action and by spreading these articles.
Hollywood making major gun control movie, drama about anti-gun lobbyist who pushes through federal gun control bill.
Making them heroes.
Here's another one.
Democrats have not given up on ammo ban.
New York Democrat plans to lean on new ATF boss.
Well, the ATF can't pass laws, neither can the FCC, but they are.
They're not laws, they just say so.
The resignation of ATF boss P. Todd Jones does not single and signal the end of the effort by Democrats to outlaw ammunition for one of the most popular rivals in America.
They are 15.
The new director, Thomas Braden, plans to meet with New York State Democrat Steve Israel about renewing the push, and then he goes on with the announcement.
We're going to get to this later.
NATO chief.
Russia's still sending arms to Ukraine.
Chinese economy dangles on a cliff.
Talking about voting with your dollars.
Organic dairy farming struggles to keep up with demand.
And then the article out of Star Tribune breaks down the exponential increase in the desire for non-GMO milk.
Very exciting.
Again, that shows that we can culturally change things.
But this story is huge out of Philly.com.
FEMA to deny funds to warming deniers.
Your state gets taxed.
You get taxed in the state.
The money gets sent to the feds.
They send it back with strings attached.
And now they're saying...
If your state doesn't go along with global warming garbage and global warming support for taxes and shutting off your power plants and brainwashing kids that polar bears can't swim, and all these lies, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency will deny you emergency aid and funds.
That is illegal.
That is criminal.
That is...
Like seeing somebody, it's like cops saying, if you don't give me a raise, I'm not going to pull over when I see a car wreck.
I mean, this is just amazing.
And it sets a precedent for all the rest of the power grabbing.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is making it tougher for governors to deny man-made climate change.
Starting next year, the agency will approve disaster preparedness funds only for states whose governors approve of hazard mitigation plans to address climate change, which means smaller toilets, smaller cars, regulations, taxes, support taxes on carbon dioxide and water vapor.
I mean, this is a huge deal.
So they're going to keep your money.
And by the way, FEMA taxes everybody with the insurance.
So you pay.
Part of your money you end up paying gets siphoned off into FEMA.
Just a criminal organization.
All right, I want to play Ted Cruz's new presidential run ad that just premiered today.
He gave a 30-minute speech that we have linked on InfoWars.com, announcing what he plans to do.
But right now, let's go ahead and play this ad, then we're going to go to a few of your calls, then Dr. Edward Group, who we have via the video connection.
Let's go ahead and go to this ad.
My story is like that of so many other American families.
I'm the son of an immigrant father who fled oppression in Cuba and came to this country with just a hundred dollars to his name.
My mom was a pioneer in computer science, smashing glass ceilings at a time when women were discouraged from following their dreams.
And now, as a husband to Heidi and a father to our two little girls, Caroline and Catherine, I try to share the same messages of hope,
Freedom and faith in God that I was raised with.
That's why I've worked so hard to lead the fights to defend these cherished values.
Like the historic battle to defund Obamacare.
Standing up to the leadership from both parties to fight a debt ceiling increase.
And putting everything on the line to stop President Obama's illegal and unconstitutional amnesty.
We've sent a clear message that America will stand with our allies and against our enemies.
And taken on an IRS that was threatening and intimidating its citizens.
And the divide that exists in our country isn't between political parties.
It's between Washington and the rest of us.
It's a time for truth.
A time to rise to the challenge, just as Americans have always done.
And give bold voice and action to reclaiming the unlimited potential of each and every one of us.
Your fight is my fight.
I believe in America and her people.
I believe in the conservative principles upon which this country was built.
And I believe we can stand up and restore our promise, honor the Constitution, and reestablish our leadership in the world.
It's going to take a new generation of courageous conservatives to help make America great again.
And I'm ready to stand with you to lead the fight.
I'm Ted Cruz.
If you want more of the same, there'll be plenty to choose from.
But if you want real conservative change, and a proven record,
I hope I can earn your support.
Ted Cruz is strong.
Ted Cruz is strong, folks.
And compare that to Obama.
I mean, that's all I can say.
I mean, if he watered that down by half when he got in, it'd be better.
Now one side of me says, good, get a Hillary in there.
We might actually save this country if it just got so much worse.
But look at the power grabbing under Obama.
Ted Cruz has a good voting record in the Senate.
He says he'll try to repeal all this crap.
Again, I'm not gullible getting suckered one more time like the Who song, meet the new boss same as the old boss, won't get fooled again.
But we have fallen so far, it's just refreshing to hear that stuff.
Democrats put out a press release saying it was like nails on a chalkboard, that they were, you know, just absolutely sent a chill up their spine was one headline.
Imagine, images of George Washington, freedom, farms, factories, happy families, diverse groups of people, freedom, not being a bunch of negative, America-hating, free-market-hating garbage.
That's torture to them.
These are sick freaks that want to teach five-year-olds how to masturbate in public schools.
These are sick freaks that want to... I'm just sick of them.
I mean, they are a group of deranged, crazy people with a bunch of globalists hell-bent on this technocratic takeover plan.
And yes, New World Order, you've taken the planet over, but you've really screwed it up in the process.
There are a lot of people in the power structure that now do not want to go with this big globalist hundred-year plan.
We could turn this around with God's help, but the Christians all think it's the end of the world.
Can you hear me?
Well, first of all, I love you, Alex.
You have awakened me.
I found you about a year ago.
I am in West Virginia.
I've recently moved here from D.C.
I actually lived in Southeast D.C.
I could go on my rooftop deck and see the tip of the Washington Monument and the Capitol Dome and started watching your show on my laptop and I thought, oh my God, I'm living in Ground Zero.
I'm in the District of Criminals.
And a couple times a week I used to drive down GWA Parkway and see the sign going to the CIA headquarters at Langley.
What I call criminals in action.
And, you know, it's sad what's going on.
It's really sad what's going on in our country.
And I'm frustrated.
I feel your frustration.
I hear you, brother.
And look, I don't think Ted Cruz or Rand Paul is a panacea, but just saying the things they're saying, and the left is shocked by it, shows you how crazy the establishment left is that they think that Ted Cruz ad is sickening.
I mean, what could you say was wrong with that ad?
Well, first of all, I don't know if I could vote for Ted Cruz because I think he has what I call women's eyes.
He has girly eyes.
There's something wrong with this guy's eyes.
Rand Paul.
Rand Paul.
I like Rand Paul because he's the son of Ron Paul, who I have followed and learned about through you.
And so, you know, I don't know.
It's frustrating.
You know, I disagree with you.
I don't think Ted Cruz has angel eyes.
He just has very confident, relaxed eyes.
No, I didn't say angel eyes.
I said girly eyes.
No, I know.
But I call guys that have girl eyes, angel eyes.
In fact, I got a friend who has girl's eyes.
I call him angel eyes.
He doesn't like it.
My point is that I go into the voting booth I don't know who to vote for.
I don't know.
You know, they say they have faith in God.
Does God have faith in them?
I mean, come on.
I don't know.
I hear you, brother.
I don't think Ted Cruz will save America, but I think that getting behind those ideas needs to be done, and we need to push him everywhere we are.
And I just like what comes out of his mouth.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with more calls.
But first, Dr. Edward Gribbs joining us with some very important intel straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Coming up in the third hour, we'll continue with your phone calls.
Steven Crowder is just joining us for 15 minutes then.
Louder with Crowder.
He's been an actor, talk show host.
He does some really interesting videos.
He's the guy that got thrown on a Planet Fitness, dressed like a woman, pointing out that the so-called Tolerant Planet Fitness is like a mind control facility, just like they're trying to turn Starbucks into.
And Hillary, of course, wants us to be forced into these re-education camps as well.
Fun camps, she calls them.
But we'll just continue with calls and a ton of news after that.
There's also some breaking news right now on InfoWars.com, but I'm not going to go to that right now.
I want to go to Dr. Edward Group, and yes, I do this every few weeks.
I'm going to infomercial now, but it's not really infomercial.
90% of it is information.
Well, it's all information, but some of it is me pitching products.
We self-fund, unlike NPR, unlike MSNBC, they get stimulus money.
I try to come out with the highest quality products available from the most registered, successful, trusted laboratories in the country.
We have three suppliers.
One of them is Group, and his facility, and then two other of the leading names.
But we'll come up with our own formulas as well.
Some of our stuff is just
Relabeled, and then we lower the price from what leading competitors sell from these well-known providers.
But Dr. Group has developed Winter Sun Ultra Vitamin D. But even if you're not going to buy this from us, that isn't even really what matters.
The point is, Cass Sunstein came out six years ago, the White House regulations are, and said, we want laws banning saying that you need sunlight or vitamin D. Just bizarre.
You'll die without vitamin D. And it's one of those super nutrients that so many people out there are deficient in.
And most folks don't even get enough sun during the summer.
So hence, winter sun.
Sun in the winter and before we get into vitamin D and how important it is and some other breaking health news today with Dr. Grew, I just want to get the plugging done up front and I really want to thank all of you for being supporters of Infowarslife.com.
Your purchases of the product fund the operation and our entire media system, so thank you first.
Continuing, this really is revolutionary concentrated organic vitamin D3.
So we're also going to be warning you about vitamin D2.
That is what most people are getting out there.
You have to understand, I could get vitamin D2 for a dollar for the product and maybe 30-40 cents for the bottle.
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It's concentrated, it's organic, it's cold-pressed.
Now, to tell us about, before we get into vitamin D,
D3, why it's so important.
Why is this so special from the organic lichens?
It took you years to finally get an organic source to be able to produce enough of this.
That's why we have a limited run.
That's one problem with the products is to get these materials sometimes is hard, but we're trying.
Winter Sun, Dr. Grip, tell us about it.
Well, that's really the way that I look at things.
I don't want people on tons of different vitamins and my research more or less goes into what is deficient?
What are the things that practically every single person on the planet is deficient in?
And that's what led me to iodine and that's what led me to the secret B.
Because pretty much everybody is deficient in iodine and B. And for the last year, there's been a lot of information coming out on vitamin D. So I wanted to do the research, and this has been going on for about two or three years.
Finally, we were able to find a source, a lichen source of D3, and actually produce it.
And that's the launch today of the Winter Sun, but what I wanted to do was actually go into a little bit of a background and let people know some of this information that I discovered.
Because first you find a deficiency, and then what I do is, why is there a deficiency?
Why are so many people deficient in this vitamin?
And then the third thing is, how can we correct this deficiency?
Now I remember reading, aren't lichens some of the oldest creatures on the planet?
It's like a plant-like creature that grows on rocks?
Well, lichens grow on trees, they grow on rocks.
I mean, vitamin D actually is the oldest hormone.
It's really not even a vitamin, it's a hormone, and it was originally found to be produced by phytoplankton.
And then, even back in 1849, they were using cod liver oil to treat tuberculosis, and that was really attributed to
Let's talk about this straight ahead.
I want you to give us the whole history, recap it.
Why are people so deficient?
And why does the government, well Obama, not want us to get it?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm about trying to get stuff done.
And the truth is, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were the figureheads of the Second Amendment movement that barely defeated the gun ban of two years ago.
And it's been Ted Cruz and Rand Paul that have been helping shoot down different legislation to try to restrict supplements in this country.
And they've been trying to stop the borders being wide open.
They've been trying to stop the aiding and abetting of Al Qaeda.
So when people, and I've heard the listeners, they don't have a lot of faith in Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, especially Ted Cruz, sit back and don't at least get excited about people talking about freedom,
There's something wrong, and I'm not criticizing anybody.
I get it.
But the longer I do this, the more I realize how much power we've really got when we start taking action.
Take Dr. Groot.
When do I promote something?
When it's a win-win-win.
I won't promote something if I don't truly research it, and then use it, and then believe in it.
High-quality water filters, so you don't drink glyphosates and fluoride and hundreds of other chemicals that are in the water supplies.
Sell it at a low price, high quality?
I sleep good at night.
The government, the UN and others are obsessed with saying don't get sunlight and don't take vitamin D and suppressing studies about it.
Or vitamin D3?
Well, same reason they put fluoride in the water.
Because you'll be more awake, more conscious, more happy if you have vitamin D3.
Am I selling vitamin D3?
Do I take vitamin D3?
See, it's a win, win, win, win, win.
And I'm not going to keep belaboring buying winter sun from Infowarslife.com.
You know, we're getting into the spring in some areas now, but in my experience, most people don't get enough sun in the spring and summer, and then in the fall and winter, it is essential.
So, winter sun?
It's definitely got the best packaging of anything we've put out so far, and it's amazing.
It goes very well with the Vitamin B12, Secret 12, Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
I'm not going to belabor that anymore.
Dr. Group, recap.
Start back over with the history.
Because you got cut off by the break.
Go through what's happening with vitamin D3, the difference between vitamin D2, and why you think they're suppressing this, and why Cass Sunstein is so obsessed with trying to keep it from the public.
There has definitely been a suppression.
There's no doubt about it.
Well, the government really recognized the importance of sunlight, actually, in 1931, and they recommended sunlight for health.
And even in 1934, Schlitz beer actually fortified their beer with vitamin D, and then the FDA banned them from doing that in 1937.
Around 1940 is when there was so much research coming out that vitamin D and sunlight was actually good for you.
And that lasted until 1950, and right around 1950, that's when the dermatologists and the doctors, for that matter, started coming out and saying that they did not recommend sun and that sunlight was actually damaging.
And it's interesting that right around that time was when Coppertone came out with the first synthetic
Sunscreen, which was heavily marketed, and that was in the 1950s.
So there was a big campaign throughout the 1950s against the sun and against you getting the natural D because they realized from the 1930s to the 1950s how important vitamin D production was.
And they also knew that you couldn't really get enough vitamin D through the foods that you were eating and that you really needed to be out in the sun.
Because what happens is when you're out in the sun, the sun hits your skin and you have like a cholesterol type molecule in your skin, and that produces vitamin D, and then that actually has to go and be processed into the liver to create what's called 25-hydroxy, which is D3, and then it goes and gets processed in the kidneys, which is the activated, the kidneys activate the D3, and then it goes back into the intestines, which then it goes back into your bloodstream.
But moving forward, with what's happened in society, when you actually are in the sun, it takes, you actually, your D3 that you produce in the sun lasts 2-3 times longer than if it's consumed in your body.
And as a matter of fact, now they know that 2,000 genes in your system have been identified that are regulated by vitamin D. And again, you know,
I'm not the one to prescribe a lot, and I thought that everybody was iodine deficient, but I know now for a fact that I'm still continuing.
There's 50,000 abstracts on vitamin D, continuing to do research on this subject, and not only are you going to be vitamin D deficient in the summers,
And the winters anymore, but I'm telling you that the whole world is pretty much vitamin D deficient, and this global warming thing, if global warming was really happening, then there would be more sunlight, and then there would be probably less cases of vitamin D deficiency.
But here's what happened...
And the introduction of fossil fuels and chemicals from the 1950s, 1960s.
See, we activate vitamin D with the UVB rays.
And the UVB rays are really only going to be out from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Those are the only times during the day.
Now, I used to say, well, you need to get your sunlight early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
But what I'm finding out is early in the morning and late in the afternoon, and when the sunlight rays are bent at such a strong angle, that's usually the UVA rays and not the UVB rays.
So now we know that the best time to get vitamin D production is going to be between 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m.
But what's happened is, and this is why it's not just in the winter, is the introduction of air pollution
With the fossil fuels, the chemicals, everything that's being released into the air and the smog that it's creating, which are actually blocking or reflecting the UVB rays.
And that also ties into the...
Let me go further.
You can actually search
NASA, Earth is now darker from condensation trails, whether you call them chemtrails or condensation trails.
They admit the Earth was 20-something a decade ago.
Now they say the Earth is 30% darker.
There's the Guardian.
Earth is 20% darker, say experts.
And again, that's a client science, Jim Henson at Goddard Institute at NASA, but that was
Back in 2003, the latest numbers, and the guys can pull those out, I'm going from memory, is 31% darker.
It's accelerating.
So we're talking about tariff farming, bizarre sounding stuff here.
This is really going on.
Why would the White House science czar come out and push for restricting it?
And then why would the White House regulations czar
Come out and say, ban people saying sunlight's good for you.
I mean, is that just setting the bar so high that they're the boss?
And that they can control reality?
Like Karl Rove said?
I mean, why are they so obsessed with blocking sunlight or vitamin D3?
Well, again, it's a hormone.
I'm going to explain a lot of the things that happen in the body here in a second.
First of all, every single tissue and cell in your body has a vitamin D receptor, just like iodine.
And they know now, there was actually a study done in Boston that showed you can make zero vitamin D from November to February.
And now, if you draw a line from Atlanta, Georgia, right across the southern United States,
Anything above that line, you're not going to be able to make any vitamin D. Also, there's increased spraying usually in the southern states and there was even a study done on lifeguards in Florida that were in the sun all day every day and their vitamin D levels were right at about
The normal D levels in your blood, I think, should be around 50 nanograms per milliliter.
The normal medical range is anywhere from 30 to 100 nanograms per milliliter.
So, what you're seeing is, even in, and recently they've tested people that were out in the sun in Nepal and India, that are in the sun all day long, and they're still showing deficient vitamin D levels.
What happened, too, is the push for everybody to wear sunscreen.
Not only are the sunscreens toxic and have cancer-causing compounds in them, but if you apply sunscreen for two or three... I mean, you could apply it one day and it's still going to be on your skin, even if you take a shower, and it reduces your vitamin D production for two to three days by up to 98%.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, this is the vitamin D3 conspiracy.
Then we've got the problem of most vitamin D that's out there, that's supplemented in foods and things, is vitamin D2.
Explain to people the differences.
Well, vitamin D2, most of it is synthetic, actually, and it's ergocalciferol, and that's what you're going to find in the majority of supplements.
D2 is found naturally in mushrooms, and D3, which is the vegan form, you're going to find in lichen, which is what we use to do the extraction so we can create the winter sun, which is
Which is just the best way in the world to get your vitamin D levels because it's in a D3 form, it's easily absorbable, it's easily broken down by the liver and the kidneys.
It's a vegetable glycerin base and it comes from lichens, so it's a vegan source.
So you don't have to worry about cod liver oil, the fish oils which are contaminated with mercury, plus it's a stress on the environment and everything else.
Let's get into, because I have a Mercola article here, vitamin D deficiency linked to depression, pain, inflammatory bowel disease, and breast cancer.
Well, right now, you even have 50 million teens that are deficient in vitamin D. And here's some of the things that vitamin D is linked to.
Increases the risk of chronic disease and cancer.
It weakens the body's immune system.
It's associated with infertility.
You know, we talk a lot about the sterility and infertility things out there, and vitamin D is one of the things that causes poor birth outcomes, low birth weight.
And one of the strange things about that is I actually pulled a study up on C-sections.
And women that were deficient in vitamin D, there was a 400% increase in C-sections instead of natural births.
But it also increases the risk of death from issues like cancer, like you said.
It gives you the feeling of loss of energy.
In the afternoon, really vitamin D affects the muscles, the joints, and the bones.
Osteoarthritis is linked to D deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis.
There was a guy actually that took mega doses of, he had all kinds of injuries, torn ligaments, bone spurs, all over his body.
He was a martial arts and athletic
I don't
And what happened was, his experience is the body actually recognized everywhere that it had been injured.
He had spinal injuries, joint injuries everywhere, and about the third week he was on high levels of vitamin D, the body actually re-injured or breaks down those injuries because the injuries, if they're not, if you don't have enough vitamin D and nutrients and calcium, heal the wrong way.
So he actually experienced the pain all over again for like two or three days of every place he had injured himself.
And then what happened over a period of like three months, all of those injuries completely went away and fixed themselves.
And that was only with vitamin D. Yes, it's Jeff T. Bowles.
Basically you're saying it's the ultimate
Building block in the body.
And that's what medical doctors have told me.
They've told me if you don't have enough vitamin D3, it doesn't matter how much exercise or eating the right stuff because your body can't even absorb it.
Your cells can't get it in.
In a lot of the cases out there with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, it's usually nothing more than a vitamin D deficiency.
I mean, you can link vitamin D to depression, mental illness, diabetes.
There's so many different things.
Let me ask you this.
You're saying all this, and anybody watching us on TV right now can see that we're putting mainstream news articles up constantly.
RadioLosher.com, Infowars.com, Ford's Class Show.
If you want to see the feed, you know, that added level of documentation.
This is well known.
I mean, you mentioned slits.
From the 30s, we pulled it up, found mainstream news about Schlitz with vitamin D and how the FDA made them take it out.
Why would the FDA want beer makers to not add key vitamins?
I just don't get it.
There's only one reason, really.
It's because if you're vitamin D deficient, let's say you have enough vitamin D, then you're talking about a massive blow to the pharmaceutical companies because heart disease, stroke, cancer,
Well, I've got to give it to Schlitz.
I mean, they called it Sunshine Beer.
Vitamin D3.
And that's smart.
That's right.
That's right.
And actually, their advertising campaigns were, get your vitamin D all year round.
You don't just need it in the winter.
That's just one example.
There were multiple examples.
Of course!
with vitamin D just like iodine and they knew that if they created a society that was vitamin D deficient there would be a whole list of diseases because every cell in the body depends on it.
What I'm finding out now is that whatever the receptors for every single cell in the body are that every single cell has like iodine receptors and D receptors those are the things that the globalists are attacking and preventing you from receiving because
If your cells become damaged, your body becomes damaged, and then you become easily controllable.
A hundred percent.
That's why they add the fluoride, all of it.
It's just amazing.
I'll tell you one big huge thing that I found out.
How many people do you know that have skin problems?
A lot.
Well, there was a doctor from Boston University.
He's been one of the biggest doctors that studied vitamin D. He's written a couple books on it.
He's a doctor-holic.
And he was talking to all the dermatologists.
And they were saying, well, they sent him all of their hardest cases where they tried corticosteroids.
They tried all the different topicals.
Nothing worked.
He said, I want to just try to apply topical D3 and see what happens.
The hardest cases that were tried, every single thing was tried for three years.
He did a placebo cream and then he did a D3 cream and 92% of the people with psoriasis or skin conditions cleared up just with the application of D3 on their skin.
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But the infomercial part of this is just, you know, us plugging our product.
Regardless, folks, moderate sunlight,
Vitamin D3, organic source, you need it.
Just like iodine, you'll die without it.
The globalists are scum.
To defeat them, we've got to filter our water and start getting the proper nutrients.
When we come back, I'm going to ask Dr. Grip about why he thinks, overall, they're doing this and what will happen if the public, en masse, begins to take vitamin D3.
All this and more, straight ahead.
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Next hour starting we're going to cover news, get into how they're turning grocery stores, workout places, condos, coffee places into brainwashing facilities.
Turning the entire country into a giant re-education camp.
You notice Hillary came out and called it Fun Camps last week.
This is where they just oppress you with their culture.
Oppress you with stirring everybody up.
There's a great video on Infowars.com, though, of black folks, white folks, all sitting in a restaurant, and the Black Lives Matter people come in, and they all get in their face, and you see the black people just shaking their heads, and the white people, they just start saying, get out of here!
You're just stirring up trouble!
Just randomly going into some restaurant and going, racist, racist, racist!
I mean, it's all George Soros funded!
Black brunch protesters meet resistance from diners.
You're stirring up conflict, go home!
Going back to Dr. Group to finish up.
Dr. Group?
This formulation you made is 2,000 IUs in one dropper full, approximately 30 full servings per container.
How is this, how is Winter Sun, when we say ultra vitamin D3, how did you end up making this so strong?
Well, it wasn't easy.
I mean, I think the minimum that every single person should be taking on a daily basis is 2,000 IUs.
So that was really what we were trying to get at.
Right now, I'm taking 20,000 IUs a day because I have
I'm actually going through and testing it on myself because I have injuries from athletics and everything, so I'm seeing how it works.
Another thing is with children, children really need to be on vitamin D. Their bones are growing, their joints are growing, and I think that the minimum children should be on is about 1,000 IUs a day.
So not only is it necessary for adults, but especially necessary... That's what I do.
I give my children a half a drop or full, not a full one.
Yeah, that's a thousand IUs, and there's a marker on there as well.
Well, really what I did was I just looked at all the different sources out there, and the majority of sources, like you said earlier, are synthetic.
I mean, most of the things that you get in the stores are going to be cod liver oil-based, or they're going to be synthetic forms.
What I wanted to do was go to the plants, look at natural sources and we found a source that was from lichen and was able to, it's another company that actually specializes in 20 years, you know, exposing lichen to UV and gathering them and they concentrate it and they give it to us and then we wanted to make it in a good tasting formula.
That's so cool though, this ancient plant.
Grabs the sun and then translates it into a vitamin.
It's magic.
It is.
I mean, you can see, like, just growing on trees, it almost looks mossy-like, you know, almost like a sea urchin, kind of, that grows on trees and plants and rocks and stuff like that.
And so what we did is, it took us a while to get
To be able to stabilize it and would use our cold processing techniques into a formula that we could test, and it would significantly test out at 2,000 IUs.
And we do it in a vegetable glycerin base, which is easy for people to take.
But being a former special ops guy on those missions where you were trained to live off the land, if you had to, I guess you could get a book on this, you could actually harvest wild lichen and eat it then, I guess.
I, you know, I don't know if you could do that.
There's probably some other poisonous compounds in lichen.
Definitely you can use mushrooms if you don't.
We're back in one minute.
Hold on, hold on.
Tell us about natural sources of it.
Folks, you have to buy it from us.
You need to get it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Syndicated talk show host, successful actor, really funny educational videos exposing the cult's political correctness.
Steven Crowder joins us at about 15 after next hour, but I'm gonna go to break and then come back and go to Joey and Tom and Sparrow and John and Dino.
We're gonna get to all of you before the guest joins us.
But going back to
Dr. Edward Group, the reason I ask you that question is I know, you know, we talked about Special Forces training and the classic stuff where they dump you off in the woods or the desert, different missions you're on in training to live off the land.
And I just see lichens all over the place.
I know growing up, my dad always would say, those have the highest level of vitamin D3 in them.
And he said he had a book when he was younger that told about lichens.
He had another book about mushrooms.
But, you know,
Still, his dad, when him and his brother would bring him back, would say, I don't know, that might be poisonous, but they would have debates about it.
So living off the land is dangerous, but it's something people should learn.
So I kind of segued off into that.
You were getting into natural forms of vitamin D3 that aren't very expensive.
What are some of the best things?
Well, I mean, ultimately, you're really not going to get, no matter what dietary or what food that you can eat, you're not going to get sufficient vitamin D levels.
You find D in foods, cooked egg yolks,
Real fatty fish like salmon, but they actually did studies on farm-raised, since most people eat farm-raised salmon, and they compared it to naturally wild-caught salmon.
The farm-raised salmon had zero vitamin D in it, as opposed to the naturally-caught salmon, which had roughly around 400 IUs of vitamin D per 4 ounces.
So, even if you look at the highest sources, mushrooms contain vitamin D.
Really the fatty fish.
You're not going to find anything really... But I love mushrooms, but I guess I cook them though.
Yeah, you cook them.
In reality, like I said, you need a minimum of 2,000 IUs daily in order to get the vitamin D that your body needs to be healthy.
So you're just not going to do that.
And the best way to get vitamin D is to be in the sunlight.
And that's what I tell everybody to do.
You have so many winter months, even, you know, like most people, like you said, are working inside during the week.
How much optimally, how much sunlight do you really need?
Because I've seen different studies.
They argue that people that get no sun, I've seen studies get more skin cancer and other cancers than the other people.
But then, obviously, it does age your skin.
But then you always said that if I got the proper nutrients, I would tan better and not burn.
You're absolutely correct now.
People see me and they go,
Are you Hispanic or something during the summer?
I mean, your skin is like dark brown and I love it.
It looks good.
I'm like, no, I get my nutrients before I would just burn.
Now that I'm getting all these nutrients, I'm actually tanning.
Well, I think about 20 minutes.
You definitely don't want to be out to where your skin starts burning, but 20 minutes of sunlight between 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m.
20 minutes of good sunlight can produce 20,000 IUs of vitamin D. So it's not good that I literally get high off the sun and like to lay in the sun for three hours?
Well, I mean, if you're going to be out in the sun for three hours, you probably, you might be in the, especially between 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m.
in Austin where, you know, it's 100 degrees in the summertime, you might be getting a little bit too much.
I love to roast.
Is there something wrong with me like Cass Sunstein says?
Well, I don't know.
I've never done a blood evaluation on you.
Have you had your vitamin D levels checked?
I had a whole physical done about six months ago.
They said it was all good.
My blood pressure was low.
Low for my age.
It wasn't real low.
It was just a little low.
The thing is, you're exactly right.
We've become a sedentary lifestyle.
Everybody's working indoors, under fluorescent lighting, and nobody's going out and getting enough sun.
I mean, everybody works during those hours between 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m.
Who do you know that has time off that can just go sunbathe every day for 20 minutes?
Well, when I wasn't getting enough nutrients, I would get sunspots when I got too much sun.
Now, the sunspots have almost completely gone away.
It's just amazing.
Winter Sun, InfoWarsLife.com.
Great job, Dr. Group.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're awesome.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling and believes all this and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, great American hero.
Joe, Joe.
You don't work for Joe.
Joe got taken over.
The G.I.
Joe command base is run by Cobra.
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You wanna be little boys?
Or do you wanna really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bull****.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming Press Secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos!
It's run by Spectre!
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids.
They run the snuff films.
They run the drugs.
They run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, to every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Chaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f*** yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves down to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra or face my wrath!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
Who is that man in that mask?
MSNBC Starbucks cops.
Should say America founded on white supremacy.
We have that video clip coming up.
Again, Infowars.com, MSNBC, Starbucks, Cups.
Should say America founded on white supremacy.
This from Melissa Harris Perry, the same one, that says your kids don't belong to you, they belong to the state.
Also, US Army refuses to address concerns over Texas being labeled hostile territory in new South Com drills to be held with other joint forces.
Director of Respiratory Protection System Company warns ISIS will launch chemical attacks in London Tube.
That's just some of the latest articles on Infowars.com.
Hollywood making a major gun control movie where the hero's a lobbyist that gets guns banned.
These people are coming for our guns, folks.
And Kurt Nemo breaks down the fact that Democrats have not given up on their ammo ban.
That's just some of the news on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I rarely disagree with Ron Paul, but he says after a 12-year mistake in Iraq, we must just march home.
It's not a mistake!
The globalists want to destabilize the whole region.
It's on purpose!
Leslie Clark's on record.
He was in the Pentagon.
All right, let's go to your calls.
Joey, I apologize you've been holding so long, but you were holding before we had a guest on, so then we're going to go to Sparrow, Dino, John, everybody right now ahead of our guest joining us.
Joey in Canada, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'm up here in Chemtrail, Ridden, Canada.
Thanks for holding.
I just had a point about this Ron Paul and Ted Cruz thing.
I feel like
Both of them are good options, and there's no need for everyone to think that everything's over, even if you are into Christianity.
I feel like even if we don't get a chance to get, or you guys don't get a chance to get to that vote, and if you do, it's a vote for your soul, basically.
You've got to do the right thing, or at least try, and then whatever happens, happens.
Let the chips fall where they may.
But think about it.
All this Mark of the Beast stuff's happening.
The globalists are anti-human.
They believe they're God.
They believe they're going to transcend humanity.
It's everything the Bible warned of happening.
What do the atheists and people say about all this?
I just don't know how they square that.
We still have the choice though.
We still have the choice.
This is why people are being awakened.
This is why all of this is happening.
Everything is, like the blood moons, the fact that Obama just turned on Israel.
In the Bible about how whoever tries to divide Israel will be God's wrath, all of this stuff.
I've got a couple of points about how to reach the floridic mind.
I've been listening to you for about a month now, and basically the first thing you've got to do is you've got to play into people's envy, their greed, their sin.
You've got to let them teach you about something, an angle that you want to, like say for example, I use a real estate.
I asked him about the values of real estate, but how is, uh, how, uh, basically how, how come I can't get it out right now?
Anyway, I'll tell you this one.
This is the best one I got.
I'm sure you're already aware if you type Illuminati.com in the address bar, it brings you to the NSA.gov.
But what people don't know is if you try and put in an instant messenger on Facebook immediately, it says this is a national security, and if you did this by accident, let us know.
Right there, that gets their attention very good.
We'll have to try that.
If that's true, that's going to be pretty wild.
Guys, type it in and see where it goes right now.
Thank you.
Thank you, Joey.
Very interesting.
Sparrow in Washington.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Got a couple points here.
One about the upcoming elections and then some big developments in the Jade Helm 15 drill coming up.
Yeah, we're Texas and Utah are listed as hostile.
Yes, please.
So, first of all, with the presidential candidates, if you want to know who's going to be the president, look at the bloodlines.
Trace the bloodlines back.
They all go back to royalty.
The Bushes, the Clintons, even the Obamas.
They're all related.
That is actually true.
And so who's got the royal bloodline?
I mean, both the Clintons and the Bushes.
So, have you traced Ted Cruz's bloodline?
No, I heard someone recently talking about the possibility of Rand Paul's mother.
There might be something on her side of the family going on there.
We need to look into it.
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul had to go up head to head, face off against each other.
That's just going to split the votes.
We're good to go.
All over Texas, FEMA, they're calling them, people are calling them death domes.
No, we've actually sent reporters out and shown the new emergency domes that they say aren't even for the illegal immigrants.
They're freaking out.
They're saying that it's for during any type of disaster.
That guy searched FEMA domes, Texas, and we can show people some of the video and articles about that.
Go ahead.
That's just some big stuff we need to be looking into.
This Jade Helm 15, big time.
The timing of it, they've been prepping.
And then we need to do some research on these bloodlines to see what's going on behind the scenes with these people.
Well, we know the military is training to take on the American people.
We know because the military has warned us.
They don't like it.
But there's the article, FEMA building pricey domes for your safety, close quote.
Welcome to FEMA dome.
And so absolutely, Don Salazar wrote about that back in August of last year.
And again, the Army's come out in stars and stripes and said, yeah, we call Texas hostile, but
You know, they're being alarmist.
It's no big deal.
The commenters in Paul Watson's article keep saying, yeah, and Paul Revere was an alarmist.
Thank you, Sparrow.
Let's talk to Dino in Michigan.
Dino, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Also about this Jane Helm exercise.
Yes, sir.
I'm reading a report that Florida and Mississippi has just been added on to it, too.
Uh, their states will include surgical strikes and extractions, according to a news conference.
Not sure if you heard that yet or not.
No, but we've got Joe Biggs and others tracking it all and staying on top of it.
It's a big story because, yeah, they do military exercises to condition the public and to condition the military to accept troops on the streets of America.
That's all admitted now.
And I've been talking about this for 20 years, watching it build.
And they always deny, deny, deny.
No, this is going on.
Also with Cruz,
All he's saying is what the people are saying.
They don't want Obamacare.
They don't want any of this crap that the NWO's putting out to us.
And I think that's why people like what he's saying.
I'm not so sure with Rand Paul.
He seems kind of iffy.
You know what I mean?
Like he'll give in a little bit more than what Cruz would.
Well, absolutely, and we should keep Ted Cruz on a very short leash, and any of these politicians, but he's saying what needs to be said, so we've got to back that.
And then, if he ever got in, back actually trying to implement that, and if he doesn't, start impeachment hearings.
I mean, I think these people should all pledge to resign if they don't carry out an attempt to pass everything they said they would.
I mean, Obama, though, did a 180 from his claims.
But we haven't seen that from Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
We've got a special guest joining us in more calls.
Stay with us.
Steven Crowder coming up.
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Joining us for the Balance of the Hour, comedian, radio host, conservative, author, louderwithcrowder.com joins us and over the years I've seen a lot of Stephen Crowder's video reports where he goes out and just shows the totalitarian absurdness
of the people that call themselves leftist.
I don't even call them liberals.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
More freedom.
More private property.
Keep more of your money.
These people are the opposite.
They want to live in like some type of cult land.
And we have Starbucks now saying they're going to cancel, at least in stores, their Race With Us re-education camp garbage.
Hillary came out last week, of course, and said we need to go to fun camps to be forced to discuss this.
Black Lives Matter bust into restaurants everywhere and get in people's faces.
It's clearly to stir up division in the nation because that's all Obama and the globalists have to offer.
Black unemployment's doubled under Obama, so let's just get everybody fighting with each other while the establishment loots us.
Again, Steven Crowder joins us, louderwithcrowder.com, excellent YouTube site, excellent radio show.
I wanted to get him on to discuss some of his latest antics to show the absurdity of what's happening with Planet Fitness.
And I wasn't aware of Planet Fitness.
I'll be honest in how bizarre they were.
I didn't know.
That if anything's a re-education camp in the making, it's Planet Fitness.
So I want to get his expert take on this because it turns out I spent like an hour or two last week on his YouTube site watching all these different videos with his run-ins with them and others.
So Stephen, thanks for joining us.
Thank you so much for having me, Alex.
And listen, I know that we don't agree on everything, but I appreciate you extending a friendly invitation, and I'm glad to, you know, to lock arms on the things in which we do agree.
Now let's get into it here.
Your take, I mean, I call it an attempt to turn the country into a re-education camp.
What do you call trying to turn retail stores, gyms, you name it, into ninnying, control freak, hen-pecking dens?
I don't know if I'd go to use that many objectives, but listen, Planet Fitness, it's funny, one of my first videos ever, ever was about Planet Fitness, and it had nothing to do with the transgender sort of re-education that's going on right now.
It was about the fact that it was, you know, it was billed as this judgment-free gym, right?
And everything that's done under the guise of, oh, it's judgment-free, it turns out they're usually judging a group of people more harshly than anyone else.
And at Planet Fitness, that's athletes.
So if you actually look at Planet Fitness and what their rules are, no deadlifting, there's no squat rack.
It's designed to actually judge and exclude people who are serious about training in order to include people who, literally, they give you pizza and tootsie rolls at the gym and tell you that you're beautiful and you're perfect just the way you are.
Listen, I believe that all of God's creatures are beautiful and all are loved, you know, in the eyes of the Creator.
But let's be honest, some of us need to lose some weight, some of us need to improve ourselves, and we don't need a pat on the back to tell us to be too wallow in our slothfulness.
And that's what Planet Fitness does.
And then, of course, they took it one step further recently, where, um... I mean, you need to know, Alex, they're incredibly discriminatory, right?
They say, judgment-free, they kicked out a lady who complained.
So this is a story for people who don't know.
I'm sure you've covered it on this show, but I'll give a quick recap.
A man who wants to be a woman,
Went into Planet Fitness, used the women's locker rooms.
And if you see the picture, it looks very much like you would expect a man in a dress.
Kind of like when Bugs Bunny would put on the dress, and you know, the other bunnies would think he was attractive.
It looked like that.
It was pretty silly.
One woman complained, felt uncomfortable.
They revoked her membership.
They kicked her out.
They've also kicked out people for wearing pro-life t-shirts.
They've kicked out people for looking too strong.
So this video that I did was really just not so much
Exclusively about the transgender issue, but pointing out the fact that whenever you claim to be inclusive, at some point, everybody is excluding some group of people.
So let's just be honest about it.
Well, my issue is, is that if a guy can't pass as a woman, he thinks he's a woman, he better not go in the women's bathroom.
This is what looks like a 350 pound guy in a dress.
I mean, he looks like the guys in drag from Police Academy.
Of course, I mean, if I had a beard and walked in a women's restroom, I'd go, I'm a woman!
But I'm not, obviously, a woman.
It's just ridiculous.
Yeah, and they always trot out science.
You know, that's the big, if you look on, again, louderwithcreditor.com, people can go read the comments.
Liberals are going, well, or leftists, I think you're right in your terminology, are saying, well, you know, you're just denying the science.
What science am I denying that if you're born a man or a woman, that you're a man or a woman?
And of course, liberals and leftists always trot out the extreme examples, right, to make their case.
People who are intersex, or people who actually do have some sort of, I guess, genetic abnormality.
I don't know if I can use the word abnormal.
Because now, of course, transgender people make up 0.3% of population America, but we have to refer to everyone who's not that as cisgender.
That's the new term they want you to use.
And I'm going, well, gosh, there are more people in this country who are not arachnophobic.
There are more people who are not shuraphobic.
So only come back in the next long segment.
Tell me why you think they're pushing this so hard.
Now, you did actually look a little bit more like a woman.
I mean, not too much, but you don't... I mean, at least you're not 350 pounds.
Still, you could tell you were a man, but, I mean, come on.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Steven Crowder is our guest, a well-known comedian, actor, radio host, author, louderwithcrowder.com.
He had mentioned as a proviso when he first came on with this, and maybe before he leaves we'll discuss it, about, hey, we don't agree on everything, but I'm glad to come on about this.
So I guess some of the neocons are
I don't know.
I'm just guessing for say 9-11 truth or something, but that's only because the media misrepresents what I'm saying
There are radical Islamists, that's going on.
I was interviewing the embassy heads and special forces commanders and everybody else that Al-Qaeda was being protected.
Look at how we funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
I mean, I've really been vindicated on all those fronts.
Now, I'm going with a hunch here, but let me guess, I bet you've been critical of me or something in the past.
I don't care if you have been.
I love it.
Go ahead.
Well, yeah, listen, of course I have.
You're also, by the way, syndicated on my wonderful home station in Detroit, WAM.
Yeah, but I've been critical of lots of people.
You know, when I worked at Fox News, I was getting in hot water all the time for criticizing people there.
What I would love to see is, you know, let's get you and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin in a room and let's just all hug it out.
Because the barrel of the gun that we are looking down on right now, Alex, is so huge that I'm just done with the infighting.
I agree.
No, exactly.
I agree.
I mean, Glenn Beck does a lot of great work.
You do great work.
Michelle Malkin does a lot of great work.
Everybody, we just need folks that are saying Ted Cruz isn't perfect.
Well, compare him to Hillary Clinton.
Yes, he is perfect.
Well, compare anybody to Hillary Clinton.
I think they're going to look like a beacon of light and hope.
And listen, I've gotten flack for saying, I don't know that Ted Cruz is necessarily the guy.
I love Ted Cruz.
You know, obviously the issue is, would I love for him to be president?
Do I think he can win?
You know, I'm not sure.
And some people will go nuts and say that I'm a rhino if I say that.
You know, it's one of those things where you can't please everybody.
We certainly disagree on a lot.
I do think that, like you said, if someone goes into your arguments on some of the issues, I think you're more reason than the media necessarily portrays you to be.
It doesn't mean that I can't have a disagreement, but... I love it!
I think it's awesome.
That's what it's all about.
It's political correctness that tries to act like it's bad if people debate or disagree.
That's what makes good radio to begin with.
No, I think you're right, and I think we've both been accused of being part of a Zionist gulag on YouTube, so there's a kinship now.
Exactly, or working for the Vatican or space aliens.
Again, Steven Crowder, louderwithcrowder.com, excellent videos, great radio show.
Steven, expanding on this though, we've got all these athletes now competing in powerlifting in Olympic races, and now
The liberal groups are saying, or the socialist groups are saying, you've got to let men compete as women.
I mean, this is an overthrow reality.
South Africa's runner makes Olympic debuts three years after gender storm.
Well, you know, it's funny you mention that, because I actually wrote a column while I was at Fox News years ago about Fallon Fox.
And I know you're good friends with Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo.
And Joe Rogan, listen, leans to the left, obviously socially, fiscally tends to be more conservative.
He's another free thinker with whom I agree on a lot and disagree on a lot.
He even took a stand on the Fallon Fox issue and said, like, man, that's an advantage, Fallon Fox, for those who don't know.
Is a mixed martial arts fighter, was a man, I believe fathered a child his entire life, and then in his late 20s or 30s decided he wanted to be a woman, and now beats the crap out of women in a cage for a living.
And, you know, the analogy I use with this, and people got really mad, right, because they trot out science and say, well, there's no real, there's no real... Yeah, let's let Mike Tyson say he's a woman and go into fighting women.
Yeah, well listen, we had Chael Sonnen on my show last week and he said, listen, I've fought in the UFC, I've fought for the title three times.
He said, I can, if I were not on a public radio show, I can give you names of men, I don't know if this is true, this is what Chael Sonnen told me, who would cut off their genitals to win the strap, to win a championship.
Now that's what he's saying.
We don't necessarily understand the psyche behind these athletes and the extremes they'll go to.
But the point I made on Fallon Fox is this.
Christiane Santos, Cyborg is her nickname.
She's one of the top female fighters in the world.
At one point she was suspended, and I believe stripped of her title, but she was certainly suspended because they found out that she had used steroids.
At one point in her career, I don't even believe it was in that current fight, but they found out she had used steroids and she was suspended.
Fallon Fox has used steroids her whole life.
They're called balls.
So if we're going to act as a...
So it's not an advantage.
Are those what Hillary has?
I'm sorry.
Oh jeez, there you go.
You went, well Alex said it, people.
Send him your hate tweets, not me.
But listen, you know, a woman on steroids, okay, for example, let's take a natural woman, okay?
And then a woman on steroids, on performance enhancing drug.
That woman doesn't enjoy the advantage over a natural woman that I enjoy.
To give you another example, let's take Arnold or Ronnie Coleman or any of these walking human pin cushions, right?
These bodybuilders who are... any steroid they can possibly use, they put in their body.
They don't enjoy the hormonal advantage over me as a steroided out freak as a man that I enjoy over a normal woman.
Let alone the bone structure.
It's bone structure, it's the muscles, the tendons.
A male brain is more aggressive.
Male brains make quicker decisions in a fight.
It's just well known that you can even
Remove your testicles, you're still a man genetically and then a lot of these transvestites aren't even removing their testicles and they're now allowed to be in the UFC beating up women or they're allowed to run in the Olympics.
You're going to have no one in the Olympics soon but men that have had their genitals cut off.
I don't know if I would go that extreme.
By the way, Fallon Fox wasn't fighting in the UFC, it was fighting in other organizations.
Whatever, fighting in those, it's the same thing, yeah.
I understand your point.
Well, it is interesting, and people say that if that's the science, then it's settled, right?
That's what anyone says on the left.
If they disagree, well, the science is settled!
Whether it's climate change or now whether it's the transgenderism thing, which by the way, I need people to understand this has not come out of a place of hate.
I mean, I've worked as an actor since I was 12.
You know, I didn't go to school for many, many days.
I mean, because I was out on set.
So I worked in an industry that was pretty liberal.
You can bet that I've had transgender people working on my face or my whole life I've been around it.
It's nothing new to me.
Why are they so special?
What's behind the agenda pushing it?
Well, I don't know if it's necessarily behind energy.
I don't think, and this is where I would say that you and I sometimes disagree, right?
I don't tend to believe that people get together and set agendas a lot of the time.
Sometimes they do, right?
There are some people who are proactively evil, I would say.
You know, people like the Ahmadinejad's of the world or Nancy Pelosi, depending on how you look at it.
But I wouldn't say that necessarily in this case.
I think what's happened is the bar has just been moved
So frequently that people just accept it.
I mean, the transgender thing is really relatively new.
And by the way, we're having a lesbian guest on my show here this week or next week, I believe.
And a lot of lesbians and a lot of feminists, by the way,
Are offended by the transgender push.
You have some liberal feminists who believe that it's a product of patriarchy, that it's unfair to women for a man to decide that he wants to be a woman and act as though he understands the plight of women and the rights that they don't have.
I'm not saying I agree with them.
And then you have lesbians who say that they feel bullied and that, you know, they're being marginalized.
So it's not like it's settled even on the left.
But you're told that, hey, if you believe, for example, I watched, you know, not that long ago, maybe about a year and a half ago, Tyra Banks had a little boy coming out who was seven years old.
And saying, you know, referred to his penises as both defects.
He's going, your birth defect, your penis, and they're going to chop it off for the kid because he wants to be a girl.
At what point do we say, hey, hold on a second.
It might be healthier with a seven-year-old who, by the way, three minutes ago was wiping his boogers on the couch and we're now allowing him to make sexual decisions for the rest of his life.
It might be healthier to maybe see if this, if this kid is confused.
It might be healthier to not be, look, death education, 2020 did a special on this.
1997, but they introduced it at Columbine first federally and then other schools and within a couple years there was a doubling and a tripling of suicide.
It's the same thing.
You start teaching five and six year olds about transvestites and trannies and she-males and hemaphrodites, the kids end up getting confused.
And then they have the supermodels on TV saying, you know, like you just mentioned, we'll get rid of your birth defect.
It sounds like it's an attack on the standard genders of the mammal species, male and female.
I think that's what it is.
Well, yeah, and that's where, you know, the left loves to accuse people of conservatives of being simple, right?
Yet they grossly oversimplify, for example, the issue of same-sex marriage.
I'm not even talking legally, if you want the government to recognize it or not.
As a matter of fact, I'm pretty libertarian on the issue.
Well, the problem I have, and by the way it's more complicated than that even legally, where in my home country in Canada you have pastors who are now put in jail for hate speech simply saying they won't marry members of the same sex.
So it's more complicated than just love versus hate.
That's what I like to teach people about, and I'd like to open up that discussion.
Sure, political correctness is a tyranny.
It's being used to control language and bully people.
And I want you to be able to continue, but since you mentioned it, I thought you were joking.
We have the video.
I'll play it for TV viewers, radio listeners.
Just Google, uh, eating pizza while working at Planet Fitness.
And we've got footage of this, uh, with the guy.
I mean, the guy looks like he weighs 400 pounds and he's actually working out his back in a back machine while eating pizza that is from Planet Fitness.
But don't worry, the purple plate matches the decor.
Right, yeah, exactly.
By the way, it is horrible branding.
If I'm just going to speak from a design perspective, purple and yellow, every time I go, I mean, I can't imagine an epileptic training at Planet Fitness.
It'd be like watching an anime cartoon.
Yeah, well, listen, the idea, it even goes back to, like I said, you know, same-sex marriage.
We're not talking about the legal issue, but what you are saying with that, okay?
And this is something that's very important here, and I hope people understand where I'm coming from.
It doesn't come from a position of hate.
You're saying that men and women are fundamentally interchangeable.
You're saying that two daddies can offer everything that a daddy and a mommy can.
You are saying that two women offer everything that a man can.
And I don't agree with that premise.
I don't accept that premise.
But here's the problem.
When you start down that road,
Well, you've made men and women fundamentally interchangeable.
You now can't say, OK, we're at a fork.
We have to stop here.
When you get to the transgender issue, you have to be accepting of any and all preferences regarding what people want to do.
Well, now in Europe and in Australia, they're trying to legalize pedophilia, saying that, oh, that's the next frontier.
Well, it's legal where I'm from.
Where I'm from, the age of consent in Quebec is 14 years old.
Now, again, we want to be accepting of people, right?
We want to be accepting of everything, apparently.
Well, you tell me that a relationship between a 55-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy is just as sexually healthy as a 25-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman.
Look, we're supposed to be tolerant.
That's true Thomas Jefferson, you know, liberalism.
Just anything and everything goes because we know a year old baby shouldn't be having sex with a 50 year old Biologically, it's not designed to do that.
It is perverse.
What we're saying is there are limits We have to make decisions in this universe and we're being told by the so-called leftist No, there are no limits except will arrest you if you read out of the Bible in Canada, you know these passages so really
I think it's coming to a crisis point, though.
It's gotten so obvious, so ridiculous.
The Starbucks program blew up in their face.
Everything Michelle Obama pushes is blowing up in their face.
I think we're starting to hit bottom here.
What do you say?
I think there are four winning issues for conservatives.
Alex, do you consider yourself a conservative or libertarian?
I'm a libertarian constitutionalist, pro-human that wants our civilization to survive.
But I'm into self-defense.
I'm pro-life.
So I'm lined up with conservatives on most issues.
And you know, my problem with the word libertarian is, you know, you've got you, you've got Glenn Beck, then you've got Bill Maher and, you know, all of them claim to be libertarian.
So the waters have been muddied.
So I just say conservative.
But most people would consider me more libertarian.
Oh, yeah.
There are four winning issues.
I think you're right here with conservatives.
There are four issues where leftists have really overreached.
And you're seeing some rebound effect.
Even with my generation, and I think call it the video game generation, they want to fire off cool guns.
It's a losing issue for liberals.
Feminism is overreached because you now have a generation of young girls who don't believe that being treated like women is anti-feminist.
And then free speech.
There's been a real overreach from the left on free speech, where I think you're even getting some rebound on college campuses, where kids are rebelling against the political correctness.
And, uh, I can't remember what the fourth one is.
I'd have to get... Oh, Islamic terrorism.
Yeah, Islamic terrorism.
By the way, when I used to do these videos on YouTube, you can go back in 2008, 2009, almost all of the comments were, this is Islamophobic, this is hate speech.
And I've noticed a turn, even on YouTube, a super liberal platform of people going, yeah, okay, this is something we have to get a handle on.
It's not the same as other religions out there.
Well, yeah, why do the Muslims, and I'm not anti-Muslim, but I'm anti-radical Muslim, why
Like they've even had that David Cross movie came out where at the end the guy goes, I got all this from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, I hate blacks, Jews, and Muslims.
What is this thing where the left claims that if you're against radical islamicists it's like a form of racism when the radical islamicists are sexually mutilating women, enslaving people, killing everybody, and you never hear any feminists criticize them.
Why are radical islamicists such darlings to the left?
Well, it's a good point, and I don't think one can expect feminists to be consistent on anything.
I mean, we're feminists, they talk about supposed rape culture when men are dragging their tallywhackers into women's locker rooms to plan a fitness.
We're the feminist anti-rape culturists there.
With Islam, you're right.
The silence is deafening.
I'm not anti-Muslim.
I've talked about this, okay?
To give you an example, I am a Christian.
I'm very honest about it, even as a libertarian, but I personally am a Christian.
Not all Christians are perfect, okay?
But I believe Jesus was.
And I think anybody who's not even a Christian could look to whether they think it's a fable or not of Jesus and say, okay, that's a pretty good example.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, sure.
Muhammad was.
Muhammad, the prime example, was someone who did kill, who did behead, who did beat his wife, who did call for the deaths of Christians and Jews.
So my problem isn't necessarily with all Muslims.
But if you look at ISIS, and you look at the Muslims who maybe aren't going as extreme as them, you have to say, okay, who is closer to emulating Muhammad?
My problem is not with Muslims.
My problem was with Muhammad, and that, of course, is hate speech, and politically incorrect to say, but I've read the Quran, and I've studied Muhammad, and the guy was a terrorist, so let's have an honest conversation about that.
Well, he certainly did conquer the areas around him by the sword, but then people would argue that's what happened in this country.
My issue is, is that they're using radical Islam to basically take our basic rights to protect us, but they're not protecting us.
And then radical Islam is getting bigger and more out of control than ever.
And it's just a nightmare situation.
Shifting gears back into when you got in drag to go into Planet Fitness to illustrate how absurd it is.
What do you think is driving Planet Fitness to create such a bizarre environment?
And how does that tie in to what Starbucks is doing?
I mean, it was so surreal to send our cameras into Austin, Starbucks' last week, where they were handing out newspaper checklists of, you know, how you're racist and all this stuff.
I mean, anybody with a brain knows that's going to create racial division.
It's not going to create unity.
Yeah, well, I went into Starbucks the very next day and they said, how do you take your coffee?
I said, I take it Ving Rhames.
Just to see how they react.
Yeah, listen, I mean, it's one of those things I won't relent.
I won't even give it credence, the politically correct thing, the race thing.
Listen, here's the crazy thing too, Alex.
I'm substantially younger than you are.
I said not as an affront, just to talk about the generational gap here.
And I was raised in Canada, okay?
So I was raised in not only a post-racial America, but Canada.
I will tell you this.
There has never been more racial tension in my lifetime.
Now, I wasn't alive, obviously, for the Civil Rights Act.
I wasn't alive for the Detroit riots, like my father, who was raised in the bad part of Detroit that Eminem tries to claim he's from as the phony that he is.
I didn't experience that.
So I was raised in a post-racial America.
But today it is worse than ever.
Today I have kids with whom I went to high school, who we were friends with, now saying that there's an established form of racism and the system is stacked against them.
And that's a new thing for these people who I've known my entire life.
I don't think so.
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I'm going to do about five minutes overdrive and talk to Doug and Eleven Bravo and a few others that have been holding for a long time.
Steven Crowder is our guest.
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Where you see this society going, what you think about the election, and where you think it's going with this obsession.
You think our national domestic products, not even propaganda or military hardware now, but just ninnying about what politically correct group we're in, you end the last segment talking about people you know who now their whole identity is being in a persecuted group.
I have to be careful, obviously, the way I word that, because these are good people.
I just think these are people who've been misled.
You know, it's funny, I've been writing this book for a while, and I only have two books in my lifetime that I want to write.
And I remember when I pitched it to one publisher, they took it and they said, well, we need it to be more Doomsday Theorists.
It's too funny, it's too positive, it offers too many solutions.
So, to give you an idea, the one chapter in there, there are two kinds of leftists in this country.
There are the manipulators, the propellers, right?
The James Camerons, the Hillary Clintons, the Barack Obamas, okay?
People who I think know better on a lot of issues, but proactively try and manipulate certain people in the public.
Now that's a very small percentage of leftists.
I think of the majority of people who vote Democrat who go what we would call liberal.
Are people who don't know any better, who take the default political position as given to them by culture, by these leftist propellers, the entertainment industry, the media, right?
So I think it's important to distinguish between those two.
Because if you're dealing with someone who's proactively lying and manipulating, I think you need to make an example of them.
But I think a lot of these people who are going along with what they've been taught their entire lives through public schools, university, and what they hear in the media in Hollywood, those are people whose minds can be changed.
And I think that's kind of what you're seeing with Planet Fitness.
Listen, I don't think the franchise owner...
In Midland, Michigan, is out there trying to break down the barriers of sexual norms?
I don't think so.
But I think he's been given a piece of paper saying, this is our policy from someone who does want to try and subvert culture, and he has to go along with it because he doesn't know any better.
So, while I do believe in standing up for what we believe in, and I do believe in being bold, I also think it's important to understand that there are some people out there whose minds can be changed, and they're not necessarily being proactive with the manipulation, and it's important to make that distinguishment.
Sure, there are a lot of liberals out there who really mean well and they don't realize that they're working for a bizarre cult of control freaks that want to totally enslave this country.
I mean, look at the power grabbing going on right now by Obama and the Republican leadership's doing nothing.
The internet, the borders, just everything.
I mean, what do you think the next shoe to drop is in the power grab?
Gosh, man, you know, I don't know.
The way I see it is if people who are paid to make political predictions all over the news get it wrong about 90% of the time, you know, me in my little home studio here with a bag of potato chips haven't got a shot.
So I stay away from the political predictions.
Did you hear about FEMA to deny funds to states that won't accept the global warming religion?
No, I didn't.
I don't know.
That's just out today.
I'm not kidding.
Well, I'd have to read up on that, Alex.
I don't mean to tell you that I don't believe you.
I just don't know about it, so I'd hate to give an opinion.
I hear you.
No, no, no, no.
Did you know that George Bush was photographed with a plunger bombing the World Trade Center?
That's a joke, man!
Okay, alright.
This is my first time on the show!
I don't know, Alex!
You can have me back tomorrow.
I want to have you back.
Hey, you're doing a great job with the videos.
They're really entertaining as well.
So I like to think you're having fun with it.
Steven Crowder, lotofthemcrowder.com.
Thank you.
m4wars.com is our site.
Overdrive starts now, but I'm coming back with your call.
Stay with us.
See you later, Steven.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I mean, I can't believe we've got a debate.
Men at the Olympics that say they're women winning the races.
Just because they've had their
You know what removed?
Or that a 350-pound guy walks into a women's bathroom with his junk flying around and then the woman doesn't like it so she gets thrown out.
I mean, I know that was last week.
It's just... This is the conditioning we're under.
If they can get away with stupid, silly stuff... I'm not obsessed with this stuff.
I'm sick of it.
They can get away with anything, folks.
I mean, imagine how many crazy freaks there are that just want to go stalk women.
And now they can put a wig on and go in the women's bathroom.
We could do a stunt where I show up at like a women's softball game, maybe of like teenagers, dressed as a woman.
And then I just demand to be on the high school team.
They're like, well, you're not in the school.
And then I'm like, and I'm going to wear a wig and I'll even grow a beard for it.
Don't you judge me!
I love a beard.
And I'll say, I'm going to play baseball against these girls for softball.
Of course, they'd probably beat me, so it wouldn't be a good analogy.
I don't know.
I'll show up at, like, a woman's weightlifting event, and I'll say I want to be in the lowest weight class, because it's discriminatory.
You know, if it's 100-pound women in the weightlifting class, I'll say, well, I weigh 240 pounds, and I'm going to lift weights against you, or you're being racist.
I mean, that's what we're talking about here is just crazy talent.
Doug in Minnesota, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm doing alright.
What do you think about the presidential race, my friend?
You know, I think people ought to just sit down and ask themselves one simple question.
You look at the candidates and you say, which one of these candidates have actually honored their oath of office?
We have got cemeteries across this entire country of
Fatherless and motherless families because they did.
And now we have a Congress and we have a government that's trying to eliminate everything that every war has been about up to this point.
Our basic freedom.
And nobody is standing up for it.
You got all these people who have lost people in the military.
They ought to be raising hell with this government right now.
I agree with you.
I mean, which Republican candidate do you like or none of them?
I like Rand Paul myself.
Yeah, I like Rand Paul.
I really do.
He just doesn't have as slick a team.
And I know Rand Paul.
I know he's a good man.
And so I guess that's who I need to support him.
Ted Cruz, though, is very strong.
I really like him.
I appreciate your call, Doug.
Eleven Bravo, you're on the air from South Carolina.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Good afternoon.
Long time listener.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi Alex.
Talking about military training activities in Georgia, South Carolina area.
I was recently planning a couple hikes along the Appalachian Trail, so I referred to some resources that are available to the public like Georgia Force Watch quarterly newsletter.
Turns out the U.S.
Army Rangers have been conducting military exercises
In what they call Cooper Creek area, which is right along or close to the Tennessee state line along the Appalachian Trail.
And I find this to be highly unusual for military activity.
I was 11 Bravo myself, Army infantry.
And you usually don't conduct military activities in a public area.
And when you've got deuce and a half, six deuce and a half, unarmed soldiers walking the trail... You know what?
I'm going to continue into overdrive.
You've held this long, 11 Bravo.
Will you hold so I can go to break and come back and give you plenty of time?
Yeah, sure Alex.
Okay, thank you.
I'm going to put you on hold.
You've been putting up with hearing me bark stuff for 45 minutes.
I want to hear what you have to say.
That's the issue.
And as soon as this broadcast is over, I'm gonna go shoot a special report, neurotically, with like 50 news articles, bills, and documents, to counter Southcom and Northcom saying basically I'm a liar today in Stars and Stripes.
The military is being trained to cordon cities and take guns.
Of course all this training has dual use overseas, but they're doing it openly in civilian areas to condition the military and the public to accept military occupation in the U.S.
under the Brigade Homeland Plan and the John Warren Defense Authorization Act of 2007 that predates Obama.
But we're going to get this fellow's take on it straight ahead.
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Alright, I'm gonna go back to 11 Bravo in South Carolina, then we'll go to Jim and others in this segment.
I'm gonna shoot a whole special report for the Nightly News tonight where I can really go through everything and then air the report tomorrow here on air.
Because Stars and Stripes has come out.
Here's part of the story.
Army Special Operations Command pushes back against alarmist claims about upcoming exercise.
Washington, U.S.
Army Special Operations Command is pushing back against alarmist claims that an upcoming U.S.
military exercise is preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals.
He goes on to say conspiracy theories about the exercise, known as Jade Helm, appeared online this week.
Some commentators railed against the event, referred to an online slideshow allegedly created by USA South Command, which outlined a special operations exercise.
They then go on to say, but we couldn't get through the firewall to see it, so we can't tell you if it's real or not.
No, it's real.
They then respond and say, well, we are doing this, but it's endangering lives for you to criticize us.
They always act like the propagandists.
Military.com has it as well.
It's all over the news.
That we're against the troops or we hate the military.
No, no.
We hate the military being used by the globalists.
I mean, I guess gun confiscation didn't happen in Katrina either.
I mean, I've been to so many military training sessions with the Marines and the Army where they're trying to take American guns.
It's been in the news they're training to take on veterans and gun owners.
It's in the news they're teaching police departments that they will engage veterans who will attack them with IEDs.
They tell every department in the country, you will be engaged by veterans in a civil war.
They've been teaching this for six, seven years out of the clear blue sky with none of that happening.
Now what does that tell me?
They're going to stage stuff and blame it on us.
We in the Liberty Movement are trying to get ahead of this to have a debate about it so the PSYOP doesn't work to get the public and the military to accept it.
Because get this straight.
They say in this new military exercise, Jade Helm 15, that it is to get the locals to understand the mission and to create relationships.
They say that.
And then they called Joe Biggs, who was Staff Sergeant in the Army.
One of his friends was in there.
Called him and texted him and said, shut up!
It's our PSYOP, stay out of it!
Okay, so that's what's going on.
Now, I'm gonna shut up and go to 11 Bravo.
Again, tell folks when and where you were in the military, and from your experience, how this mission is different.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, I was in the military back in 81 through 84, a long time ago.
However, back then we had Ronald Reagan, who had our sixth.
So thank God for him.
But anyway, as I mentioned, I was planning a hike along the Appalachian Trail, doing some research on the Appalachians and where to start exactly.
And I came across the Georgia Forest Watch Quarterly, which is a public publication.
And surprising to see that they had an article.
And again, this is public information.
Uh, about expanding military training activities by the U.S.
Army Rangers in Cooper Creek, which I found to be highly unusual being a former soldier myself.
You usually don't perform military exercises around the public.
There's so many reasons, obviously one is safety, but it was confirmed initially back in June of last year when a Georgia Forest Watch district leader came across two Army Rangers on foot along with a pickup truck, unmarked pickup truck, and it was close to the Bryan Creek tributary, which is runs into Cooper Creek.
And so he asked him what they were doing at that time, and they said all they were doing was looking for
Scouting basically landing sites for a helicopter because as they said the colonel wants to step out what that means.
It's cryptic I have no idea and then there was another confirmation that was made in November of last year and again the Regional Forest Watch
Leader was on a hike and he ran across the Army Rangers and this time they had six Deuce and a half Army trucks and they were walking with weapons.
And by the way, we found the news articles you're talking about.
Did you find them?
So it's public information.
Then they ran across them again in December.
Questioned the Army Rangers again.
They said, you know, we're going to be running exercises here on a regular basis and you're going to see a lot more of us.
My question is, and I think you're hitting it head on and right on, is what are they doing there on the Appalachian Trail in a public area when there's two Army Ranger bases close by?
It's all to condition the public, ran corporations on record with the National Stabilization Force, and they've admitted that TSA will be their little on-the-ground tattlers, and then when they need it, they're going to call in army units that are in every city.
When the FBI gave us documents on video in 1999, on the day after Thanksgiving,
There was a military army checkpoint.
My camera guy saw it, pulled over.
The FBI pulls up and goes, here's your document.
Get out of here.
We know it's good for you.
We don't know why they gave it to us.
And it was all about secret operations.
The military is here to provide every county with everything from air evac down to warrant service.
And I already knew from people I talked to about classified programs going on then with the military helping SWAT teams and stuff.
So it's a huge covert operation.
And the issue is it's seismically building, it's exponentially getting bigger, and now it's rolling out nationwide towards a larger event.
And that's clearly what's happening.
I mean, it may not be this year or five years from now, but we see the power grabbing by Washington.
People always say, oh, when's the big martial law takeover?
Well, it only has to happen if the states stand up and say they're not going along with a gun confiscation order or a carbon tax order.
And they know Texas and Utah and other legislatures just so happen to be the ones that have been bucking all this.
And so now they're listed as hostile on a map.
That is a psyop to, again, slowly condition the troops
From enlisted right up to the commissioned officers, that this is the new game in town.
And so that's all this is.
I'm not saying, as the Army Times says, or Stars and Stripes says, or as Military.com says, that they're coming to Texas this summer to take over.
Notice how they never say who I am or link to our report.
They misstate what we're saying.
We're saying this is part of a long-time strategic program to prepare us under the Rural Affairs Committee
That Obama set up last year that SOCOM is over.
If you look up Obama's executive order, it says SOUTHCOM and then NORTHCOM are over the FEMA jurisdiction in the ten regions, rural regions of the ten FEMA regions.
And it says to stabilize local communities during
Yes, exactly.
I'll hit it right on the head.
Not only that, in my training, what they taught us to do was cut off what?
All major entry and exit points in and out of cities, metropolitan areas.
What's the Appalachian Trail as well?
It's a trail that runs from Georgia, I think right at the end of it, Alabama, Alabama-Georgia line, all the way up to Maine.
You choke that at these key points, you just said it.
They're preparing to lock this country down.
God bless you.
They're preparing this permanently.
Sounds like they're building a base there.
Stick units there.
That is incredible.
Guys, put the Appalachian Trail on screen for folks.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
Great point.
He just said the key there at the end.
That is the absolute key.
And it is sick to watch this country.
Our border's wide open, but they're putting troops on the Appalachian Trail.
They don't want you to be able to move.
That's why, for 10 years, they've been putting highway dividers up on record to stop people cutting across the highway.
They've got them all the way from Austin down to Mexico on I-35.
They are tightening everything up, folks.
Jim in Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Bless you.
I've been a while since I've been able to get in.
I see that as a good thing.
I want to give you a little background, just real quick.
Gave you just before the battle number.
I'm sorry, just before the battle numbers.
CML Paces, Argentina and a silver note.
I could talk for hours.
I love you all.
I lost 50 pounds that I needed to lose.
I'm in my fighting weight now and that's due to a lot of what I've learned on your program and using your products.
I thank you very much.
Thank you.
You've got a real handle on the true definition of the word liberal, and I love that.
It is time to really dig into what our Father's definition of the word Israel is.
Let us not be confused any longer.
Use the strong spokes thing on the Hebrew as, or the son was Hebrew.
My point is best taken to heart.
All those who believe in our Father in heaven will learn his true name and the name of his son.
I just wanted to put that out as an emergency broadcast.
Everybody needs to understand what Israel is by our father's definition, not by this new definition.
Just like liberals were taken over, so was that definition.
What say you, sir?
Well, there's a lot of definitions of Israel, but I mean, specifically, I think I know where you're going with this.
Give us your interpretation.
Well, I know that there's two.
There is the land that is his.
It doesn't matter who is occupying it.
There is also his people.
Those are the two that I truly know.
Now, who are his people?
We, you know, we all, the people who are Gentiles also are involved in this.
We are talking about his son came here and he spread it across the whole world.
It was started there.
And it's gotten to here.
Me and you, there are so many people that get this, like Lauren in Ohio.
She gets exactly what's going on.
Even probably better than I do.
This is very serious.
We need to know his definition.
I just wanted to throw it out there, and it's not really about my definition.
It's about digging in to find what the definition that he says it is.
No, I hear you.
I gotta jump.
We're gonna go to break.
No, I'm gonna skip this break.
I'm gonna go right to the bottom of the hour to talk to Alex and Rich and Greg and Casey, but I gotta just give a few minutes to each caller so I can get everybody in here.
This is really important.
To try to force a national debate about militarization of police, federalization, which really means globalization, because the feds are captured, by the definition, by the globalists.
So, federalization means globalization.
It means checkmate.
And we need to force a debate about the fact that our military, our military is incredibly awake because they're being trained to take on the American people.
So you need to understand this is coming from them.
It's not our opinion.
And so we need to support them instead of just sitting here and letting the globalists use them for however they want.
We are having a battle right now over control of the armed forces of the Republic.
The Republic as we know it is being folded in to global treaties right now and is ending.
And I just got chills.
The country is really dying right now.
And then I get ashamed that I'm even spending the last hour laughing at the whole socialist movement.
They're not funny.
They know exactly what they're doing.
We laugh at these people, but they're taking over.
They're conquering us.
Because they manipulate definitions.
They play games.
Let's go to Alex in Nevada.
Says you're a federal employee.
Comments on military training.
Go ahead, Alex.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I've been listening to you for, well first off I'd like to say thank you for everything that you do.
My brother turned me on to you back in 2005 when I was in the Navy and you have just opened up my eyes and I've never been more awake ever.
God bless him.
But anyways, I'd just like to say what Eleven Bravo was saying that I'm not sure if this is legal or not, but let's see now.
He was hiking along a trail in the public lands, and he saw the military operating there.
Well, I am a DOD employee, and the military base that I work on, it is a training base, and they operate in forest lands every single day.
The instructors go out every day.
The students go out every day.
We have a small team of rangers, marines,
I don't know.
I don't
But it's all a PSYOP cover to condition the public for military operations domestically and the complete revocation of Posse Comitatus, which has basically already happened.
Good to hear from you, Alex.
Rich in New York, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, how you doing?
Good, brother.
I've been listening for about 15 years, maybe longer.
Woke up a lot of people because of you.
Thank you very much.
I was just wondering about
Getting together, not that kind of Wall Street sit-in stuff that there was before, but something legitimate.
Especially when you're talking about what's going to go on in Texas and, you know, as a show of support against those type of things to show them that we're aware of what's going on.
If people can organize ongoing demonstrations, marches, summits, meetings about the transformation of America from a republic to a globalist enclave, a globalist fiefdom, it needs to happen.
Yeah, I totally agree.
The other thing, Alex, is a little bit of a spiritual thing.
When you talk about this being Luciferian, there's an article you might really want to read.
It's very interesting.
It's by a Christian mystic, a guy called Rudolf Steiner, and it's called The Advent of Aramid, and I think you'll find it very, very interesting, especially the way it relates to the technocracy.
So if you ever get a chance, check that out.
You'll find it very illuminating.
Thank you so much, sir.
God bless you.
I'll try to look into that, in fact, right when the show ends.
Let's go ahead and go to Casey.
Casey in Oregon, you're on the air.
Alex, I consider myself a general in the InfoWar, and I have a mission for all the InfoWarriors.
Get on YouTube, get in the comments, and start controlling the narrative, because right now we're not.
We need to get in the vaccine videos, get on the comments there, and every time they slander your name, we need to back you up, because they've now turned their TV programming, they've put you into it, and used your name
I don't know.
And police are listening, and they listen to the show because they know it's credible.
They know they're compartmentalized, I'm compartmentalized, but you combine the two groups, we're not compartmentalized, and we know what we're talking about.
And so there's a real discussion outside of mainstream media and, you know, Johnny Six-Pack watching TV all day.
There's a real debate in the system going on right now, and that's why the globalists hate us.
And it's not working.
I mean, the police and military
are smart enough to know that when they see mainstream media or MSNBC saying horrible things about me, that that means I must be saying something they need to listen to.
And while I'm here, I don't have all the answers.
I'm just here pointing out that our government's becoming lawless, that we're being controlled by foreign interest, and that they're trying to prepare a tyrannical takeover as some type of rearguard action for the globalists.
And they're trying to cook up a race war, civil war, and that we don't want to be part of it.
I mean, that message resonates because it's true and common sense.
Go ahead.
I know a lot of Infowarriors feel like they want to do something, but they feel like they don't know what to do.
The YouTube comments is an excellent place for all of us to get together.
Everyone should be vocal.
Everyone should be aggressive, online, offline.
We're in an Infowar.
Fire at will.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Ride to the sound of the guns.
Now is the time for maximum effort.
The globalists are making their move.
Anything else, Casey?
I actually was calling about the Blacklist, the real Blacklist.
NBC Dateline put this out on national TV the other day and I encourage everybody to go watch it.
Pump up the views on this thing so they know this is the kind of media they need to be putting out stuff like this.
Everybody will be shocked when they see how deep the mainstream media went on this story.
What is the real Blacklist?
I don't know about it.
It's called the real Blacklist.
It's a Dateline episode.
They aired last week.
But it goes into certain parts of government corruption that you just wouldn't expect mainstream media to touch.
Well, sometimes they have producers that do something good and then it just kind of leaks out there, but thank you.
Like that CBS reporter that exposed Fast and Furious and everything, you know, and she came out and said, yeah, they're covering up Ebola.
People are like, oh yeah, where's the Ebola?
Well, I mean, where's the open borders?
Nobody knew that the Border Patrol was shipping the illegals in until they told us
And the Border Patrol told us, we've told like 20 media outlets this, Mr. Jones.
You're the only one that sent reporters down.
The Border Patrol called Fox News and first, they didn't want to report it.
We did.
So again, if they can hide open borders, folks, they can hide anything.
The Real Blacklist, I guess, is on YouTube.
It's only got 3,000 views.
Let's do one more call and I'm out of time.
Sorry to Rick.
I want to go to Rick too.
Real fast, Greg in Michigan, you've got one minute, then I'll go to Rick and Michael.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I've been a listener for 10 years on YouTube and I'm finally back as of last year, now a Prison Planet member and also a customer of the InfoWars store.
Thank you.
I'm home with a 100 degree temperature today so I can call you.
I think I got it from a tertiary vaccine contact with one of my office workers' kids.
So I might skip a beat here, but what I wanted to say is, you know, we got to vote with our dollars and make sure that we can, you know.
Use what we do have in our pocket to try to get some change, but I want to know where are the North Carolina nukes now?
I haven't heard anything out there, but are they still floating around?
We don't know!
We just know these warheads got brought out and shipped off and then everybody freaked out and they fired a bunch of people and Lindsey Graham said we may be nuked any minute.
And I mean, I don't know.
That's the thing.
I don't know.
That's why I keep talking about it.
And then I don't know why they're demonizing me in the media all of a sudden after a news blackout.
So I don't know.
Well, I'm worried of where they're at, but I also want to say that I am a racist, but I'm for the human race.
So everybody, continue to work together and keep up the good work, Alex.
Rick in Illinois on highway barriers going up everywhere.
Go ahead, you're our telegunner.
Hey Alex, this is Rick from ConspiracyNews.com again, how are you?
Good, go ahead.
Real quick, you were talking about the highway barriers.
I live over in Illinois, Central Illinois, and just recently this year, they have started putting these steel cables up between where I live off of Highway 74, Area State 74, all the way to the Indiana line.
Yeah, it's nationwide.
They're locking everything down.
Right, real quick, I also wanted to talk to you about the gun control with the AR-15 ammo.
I have a police officer friend here in the community, he's the best friend of mine.
And he said it does not matter what they do.
They wear soft body armor only, and they're soft body armor, they don't wear ceramic or AR-5.
Yeah, you know, it's all just meant to ban bullets and set the precedent.
We're out of time, great job crew.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.