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Name: 20150312_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 12, 2015
2273 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers various topics including the recent shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri; use of black boxes in cars for spying purposes; efforts to legalize marijuana; government's Department of Homeland Security buying ammo while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms; potential water crisis in Toledo, Ohio; fluoridation of water and potential health risks; Texas Representative David Simpson's bill to remove marijuana from the state's legal code; UN's involvement in marijuana prohibition; medical marijuana bills in Senate and House; personal responsibility approach to marijuana use; parents facing imprisonment for using cannabis oil to treat their children; mandatory vaccinations and informed consent. Listeners share their experiences with medical marijuana and discuss the hypocrisy of U.S. government's stance on it, touching upon the war on drugs and how global interests benefit from its maintenance.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, March 12, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
We have a very busy show, of course.
You've probably heard the news by now.
Last night, just after midnight, there were two cops that were shot in Ferguson.
I believe they're in serious condition still.
Paul Joseph Watson has a story.
He's been following the reaction from some of the people who are there celebrating that police have been shot.
I'm very concerned about this because last night, as I was heading home, I heard about the resignation of the police chief, as well as the court being taken down.
And this is being reported in some of the mainstream media.
They said this was because of racial bias.
And yes, there is racial bias there.
And yes, there was racial bias in what they were doing.
But the key thing that they were doing was using the Department for Revenue Collection.
That's against the law in Missouri, as it is in many states.
It's against the law here in Texas, but it doesn't stop people from doing it.
We have a clip that we'll play for you later in the show of a Michigan police chief telling the city council that that's exactly what he's doing, and he knows that it's in violation of federal and state laws.
Nevertheless, he's going to do it, and the city council agrees and signs off on that.
We're going to talk about that with the National Motorist Association president.
This is a group that wants to help you to establish your rights on the highway.
And we do have rights.
We don't give up our rights when we travel.
They'll always tell you that driving a car is a privilege.
It's not.
Moving around in this country is a fundamental right, as fundamental as the right to keep and bear arms.
And we have to come together and collectively to fight for our individual rights.
And one of the ways that we do that is through organizations like the NRA and the Gun Owners of America.
That's the way we can push these people back collectively, and we need to do that as motorists.
They have a very interesting program.
They want to encourage you to take this to court, to fight these illegal actions.
And we're going to talk about what is illegal about the traffic ticket per se.
But they offer you an incentive, they offer you help one-on-one to fight these traffic tickets, and they offer you an incentive to take it to court, which is your right under the Constitution, under state laws.
And if you lose, they will back that up and pay your fine and your court costs.
So we're going to talk to them.
Very interesting story.
It also ties in, of course, their concern about black boxes, how that's going to be used to spy and tax on us, to drive us out of our vehicles, to force us to give up driving altogether.
And of course, we reported about the black box that's found its way into cars, and since 1994, it's been gradually building.
As of 2015, all cars have a black box in them.
It's required by law.
They're going to require that your cars start talking.
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is going to be mandated in just a couple of years on automobiles.
Who are they going to be talking to?
Well, I'll tell you who's going to be listening.
We just talked about yesterday the fact that the CIA was supplying, working with the U.S.
Marshals under the Department of Justice to spy on people's cell phones.
We've talked about this many times.
Cell phone tower mimicking.
Making your phone think that it's talking to the cell phone provider when actually what it's doing is it's dumping information to these phony towers.
And that's the way that they're spying and collecting information on you, tracking you where you go.
Don't tell me that these black boxes aren't going to be transmitting that information.
Where you're driving, how fast you're driving, sending that to them so they can automatically fine you, so they can raise your insurance rates, whatever.
That's what is happening down the road, and so we need to be aware of that.
We need to stand together to fight against that.
We also have Texas Representative David Simpson, who's going to be joining us in the third hour.
This is the Texas representative.
We talked to him before when he fought against the TSA sexually molesting children as well as all of us as adults.
He came up with a bill to shut that down.
And of course, it was so close to passing, it passed unanimously in the House the first time it came up.
They had to pull out our lieutenant governor here in Texas, who's from the CIA, to shut it down.
Well, he's back with a bill.
That would legalize marijuana, treating it like tomatoes and jalapenos, as he points out.
But the most important thing is, he takes it from a Christian perspective.
And if you're not a Christian, you need to listen to this and know how as a libertarian to talk to Christians to shut this down, because they're the biggest cheerleaders for the war on drugs.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
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Another major health threat.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show this Thursday, March 12, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be hosting the show today.
I have Paul Joseph Watson joining me in just a couple of moments to talk about the developments in Ferguson.
Of course, there's been several major developments just within the last 24 hours.
We learned first yesterday that the Ferguson Police Chief resigned.
I heard this as I was going home last night on NPR, BBC.
It was big news everywhere.
Now, a lot of them in the mainstream media were spinning this as the fact that he was being forced out of office because of racial bias in his department.
That's the way the BBC reported it.
But then they go on to say in their article that the report that was released by the Justice Department last week detailed how Ferguson officials used the city's police and court system to generate revenue.
Now, what were they doing with that, of course?
It was using it to generate traffic tickets.
This is another report from newspaper.com that points out the Justice Department report called into question the predatory tactics of traffic police and municipal court in Ferguson, Missouri.
They said they decided on money to clear the bench.
They shut down the court and they put another judge from a court of appeals in place.
So they basically shut down the court in Ferguson as well as the police chief.
And why did they do it?
Because of predatory traffic practices.
We're going to be talking to the National Motorist Association vice president later in the show.
And we're going to talk to him about these predatory traffic practices.
They help people to fight them.
They offer you advice, even for their members.
Not only give them advice on how to fight the traffic ticket, but if you lose in court, they will even pay your fine and your court costs because they want people to stand up against these illegal actions.
We've seen over and over again the quota systems and the emphasis of the police to do this as revenue, and it violates state and federal law.
Most states have a violation against that.
Of course, it is a violation of federal law.
As they say here, the Justice Department concluded that they did unconstitutional traffic stops.
Now, there was a racial bias as part of that traffic stop, but understand that this is like getting Al Capone not on alcohol prohibition, but on income tax evasion.
They got him because of the traffic stops that they're doing to you as well.
And so we're going to be talking to him.
Also, of course, the war on drugs has been a major emphasis in taking our civil liberties, especially on the highways.
We're going to be talking to a Texas representative later in the show, David Simpson, and he's going to talk about a bill that he introduced that would essentially remove marijuana from all of the Texas legal code, treating it, as he said, like tomatoes or jalapenos.
The interesting thing, I think, also about David Simpson's bill is that he comes at it from a Christian perspective.
And if you're not a Christian, you still need to hear this, because you need to be able to convince the Christians, who are the biggest cheerleaders and applauders for the war on drugs, for using the hammer of force to try to change people.
And guess what?
That hasn't worked for 40 years.
We still have the same drug problems, and we've got many other drug problems.
But joining me now is Paul Joseph Watson.
Welcome, Paul.
Hi David, good to be back.
I want to talk to you today.
We've got this article up about the Ferguson supporters celebrating the shooting of the police officers.
Before I get your comments on that, of course, there's also a video of New York protesters celebrating the shooting of police.
I want to play this clip that we had from USA Today talking about the police chief resigning.
Let's play that clip.
The City of Ferguson and Police Chief Thomas Jackson have agreed to a mutual separation which involves the Police Chief's resignation from the City of Ferguson.
The Chief's resignation is effective March 19, 2015.
This was a mutual decision both by the Chief of Police and the City's administration.
Chief Jackson will receive a severance payment with health insurance for one year.
Lieutenant Colonel Al Eickhoff will assume the duties as Acting Chief of Police effective Thursday, March 19, 2015.
In addition to our search for a new City Manager, we will also begin conducting a nationwide search for a new Police Chief.
As you are aware, one week ago today, the City of Ferguson received its final report from the Department of Justice.
The City has been committed to, and will continue to be committed to, addressing each item outlined in the report.
It is the City Council's goal to continue to be transparent as we strive to once again become a vibrant and diverse community.
On a final note, I would like to say this.
To Ferguson residents, business owners, and to the entire country, the City of Ferguson looks to become an example of how a community can move forward in the face of adversity.
We are committed to keeping our Police Department
Having one that exhibits the highest degree of professionalism and fairness.
Well, there we go.
Now, what was not said there was that they were operating not on protecting the rights of the accused, but on maximizing revenue.
That was the report from the Department of Justice that got him to resign, that also shut down the court.
But then shortly after that, after we learned that that had happened, there was a shooting of two police officers.
Let's go to that video.
This is raw video here that's taken on the street.
This is a handheld camera for those of you who are-
Okay, there was just gunfire and now cops have guns drawn.
Okay, let's go to Paul and get his reaction.
Paul, of course, you've been looking at the reaction to a lot of Ferguson protesters.
One of the things that I think is interesting about this, and I want to get your take on it, of course, they were winning.
They had gotten the police chief removed, they'd gotten the court shut down.
It looks like they're also going to get the police department shut down in Ferguson because of these practices that were not only racially biased, but were illegal, trying to maximize revenue.
And we see that everywhere in America.
You don't know about that yet because you haven't been here enough, but where they basically use the police primarily as revenue enhancement.
We saw that happen in New York as they shut down in protest of the mayor there.
But there were reports last night that the shots did not come from the crowd.
First, the police spokesman said that he thought that the shots had come from the crowd, but protesters at the scene and on social media said they thought that the shots were from farther away, on top of a hill.
What do you think about that?
I mean, it could be an agent provocateur trying to keep things going as a racial division, as a protest against the police, just as things would start to wind down.
Well, certainly the NYPD murders were motivated as a revenge killing in response to the Michael Brown verdict.
So, you know, we're not sure about who exactly is responsible for the shooting.
But what you were talking about earlier is key because we know that there's a genuine problem with police as predatory forces across the entire country, whether that be revenue generation or police brutality, which targets everybody.
Yeah, what has happened with this Black Lives Matter protest movement and this Ferguson movement is it's discredited legitimate opposition to the real problem of police brutality.
And we can see that again in the reaction to the shooting last night.
Again, very few details have emerged about it.
But even in that very video clip that you just played,
Seconds after this shooting, somebody's heard to say, a protester has heard to say, acknowledgement nine months ago would have kept that from happening.
You know, acknowledgement of what?
The fact that Michael Brown had just robbed a convenience store, he went out, tried to grab Officer Wilson's gun, punched him in the face, charged him, and now even the, you know, Holder Justice Department came out this month and said that the eyewitnesses who said that Michael Brown had his hands up
We're basically lying.
There's no evidence to suggest that.
There's no evidence from the autopsy reports, from the forensics to suggest that.
So we've had this entire narrative based around this hands-up, don't-shoot myth, which has been completely fabricated.
And this has been used as this divide-and-conquer method, as you said, to turn the majority of Americans away from opposing police brutality.
Because now they've pigeonholed it into this racial issue.
They pick cases like Antonio Martin,
The guy that aimed the gun at an officer's head, and that became the big cause célèbre about police brutality.
When you have cases like Kelly Thomas, you know, the other homeless guy who got shot, real genuine cases of police brutality that don't get sustained months-long media attention.
And that's because a lot of these protest groups, these Black Lives Matter groups, social justice warriors, they're not about genuinely opposing police brutality.
They're being steered.
This is not a grassroots movement.
George Soros, 33 million dollars sent to these Black Lives Matter Ferguson groups over the past year, according to tax records analyzed by the Washington Times.
So they keep the story alive in the social media echo chamber through this giant funding, through media cover, you know, Time Magazine in defense of rioting as majority black owned businesses were being burned down in Ferguson, Time Magazine comes out and venerates the looters and the rioters.
You know, and they don't give you the wider context behind these individual shootings.
Antonio Martin, Michael Brown, you name it.
So we're all being manipulated into, you know, being at each other's throats.
We're disavowing the facts behind each individual case and this is being used to discredit
Opposition to police brutality.
So then the polls come out and you see that the majority of Americans side with the police because you get incidents like the NYPD murders where these Black Lives Matter protesters are stood there clapping and applauding the murders.
And we've seen it again.
I mean, you can see in my article, you know, dozens of tweets from Ferguson supporters justifying and even celebrating the shooting of these two officers who were seriously injured and could have died.
Absolutely, Paul.
And just as you pointed out, there are so many legitimate cases of innocent people
Clearly innocent people that we could talk about, yet they focus on this one.
And that's one of the things that makes me wonder whether this really was shot from a distance.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson talking about the protesters celebrating the shooting of cops.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We've just been talking about the shooting of two police officers, the reaction on social media, as well as we're going to show you in just a moment a clip of some New York protesters celebrating the fact that the police were shot.
And as Paul pointed out in the last segment, there are so many cases of police brutality across the country.
People being brutalized, people being killed by the police who are clearly innocent, and yet they focus on Ferguson, where it's very ambiguous, where now even the Justice Department looked at it and did not force the police chief to resign because of what happened to Michael Brown, but they forced him to resign because they were using the police department and the court system, and the court system is gone as well, they removed the judge, but the police and the judge
We're good to go.
Out of control, not protecting our safety, not protecting the safety of the citizens, but coming after them to collect revenue is against state and federal law.
We're going to be talking to someone from the National Motorist Association, the NMA.
He's going to talk about how they're trying to encourage people to stand up for their rights in court and they basically will pay for your ticket if you fight and lose.
They will help you to fight that ticket to stand up for your rights.
But, Paul, when I look at this, and we've seen how they've used Ferguson and how they've ignored so many of these.
I mean, every day we see so many reports coming across.
We just can't even cover a fraction of these reports, and yet they focus on the ones that have the potential to divide us racially and to discredit the protests against police brutality, which makes me wonder if this itself is not some kind of an agent provocateur attack against these police, or if it's not some kind of a false flag.
What do you think?
I don't think they need to carry out a false flag because there are so many lunatics out there who are willing to do this.
I mean just look at the article which is at the top of Drudge now actually.
Ferguson supporters celebrate shooting of police officers.
A series of tweets
Quote, Chief Jackson steps down and two pigs get shot.
Best day Ferguson has had in years.
Quote, I'm glad two pigs wounded in Ferguson.
Quote, kill the pigs.
Quote, serves those two pigs right.
I hope organised public militancy continues.
So you have all these people, you have the NYPD murders which were
Motivated as a revenge attack for Ferguson.
Now that's acknowledged.
And then we have this video footage out of New York from back at the end of last year, which we're going to play, in which these Ferguson protesters chant for dead cops.
So they have to bear at least some of the responsibility for people shooting at cops when the protest movement itself calls for dead cops.
So we've got that clip.
They've been very successful at building that racial division.
Let's play that clip from New York.
I can't make out what they're saying, Paul.
Can you?
Oh, it's dead cops.
That's what they're trying to do.
This is a mass of people.
This is a group of you, uh, chopping stuff up.
As I get closer, you'll hear a little bit better.
Okay, we get the idea.
Your comments, Paul?
Yeah, so that was at the end of last year, chanting, what do we want?
Dead cops.
When do we want it now?
So they have to bear some responsibility for these kind of shootings.
That was before the NYPD murders.
Now we have another two shootings last night.
So you cannot legitimize shooting at cops
By claiming, you know, police brutality in these kind of ambiguous incidents.
We had another one a couple of weeks ago in Skid Row, where this convicted bank robber tries to grab a cop's gun and ends up getting shot.
And again, for days there was this whole social justice warrior freakout about racist police targeting black people, even though one of the cops in the incident was black.
And you know, if you try and grab a police officer's firearm, the consequences aren't normally going to turn out too well.
And then we had Antonio Martin, you know, aimed a gun at a police officer's head and was shot dead.
For days after that, there was a big social justice warrior movement.
And yet there are real cases, as we said, where people, innocent people who don't do anything violent, barely even resist, get pummeled, get killed by cops.
Kelly Thomas being the prime example.
They seize upon these cases and then the whole narrative, the whole debate becomes around cops versus black people when violence itself within the black community is rife for a number of different factors which we can get into.
It stops any chance that we have.
That's right, it stops any chance that we have of trying to get reform.
Call us with your comments at 800-259-9231.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin and joining me from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about the shooting in Ferguson.
What's behind that, of course, is to try to create division, racial division, not to address police brutality.
As a matter of fact, it discredits the protests against police brutality.
We're going to go to your calls.
We've had a couple people already call in.
Primarily, I'd like to get your comments on Ferguson.
We can take some other calls on some other issues.
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That's 800-259-9231.
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Let's go to Joe in Arkansas.
Joe, you wanted to talk about the Ferguson shooting.
Go ahead.
Yes, okay.
I distinctly remember around the beginning of the year, I was listening to a radio station in San Antonio, Texas, W-O-A-I, and I heard a news reporter say, a news announcer, he said, there's a new civil war in America.
It's the people against the police.
So I think there's no doubt that it's on the agenda.
I would agree with you.
I think you would too, wouldn't you, Paul?
Yeah, this is the point that I've made over and over again.
The elite know that that unrest is coming.
About six months ago, the CFO came out with an article called the American Distemper.
Now, we've had Brzezinski saying for years there's this huge uprising coming.
We've got the elite, the wealthy, buying property in remote locations in New Zealand because they're afraid of civil unrest and Ferguson-style riots.
So they know all that's coming, which is why they're trying to get ahead of it with these Soros groups and hijack it and steer it, which is why Obama labelled these grievances against the Wilson case, quote, legitimate and understandable, even after the grand jury case had found the claims of the Black Lives Matter protesters to be based on completely fraudulent foundations.
They're aware that this general uprising is coming.
You know, trust in government is at record lows, all the polls show.
So they need to hijack that, steer and divert it, and that's part of what we see going on in Ferguson.
Absolutely, and as you pointed out, you were the ones that wanted to discover the massive stockpiling of ammunition.
Hollow point bullets, not for target practice.
Hollow point bullets have been, they're very expensive.
You don't use those for target practice.
You don't use them in the military.
They've been banned by the Geneva Convention.
You only use those against your own citizens.
And of course, also the MRAP program that is pre-positioning military equipment throughout the police departments across the country.
Let's go to Charles in Texas.
Yeah, hi.
I just wanted to say thank you for everything that all of you guys do, as well as everybody, as well as all the listeners.
Well, thank you for listening.
I just wanted to make a couple of points about Ferguson.
You know, it's obvious to me that it's just falling under the same divide-and-conquer kind of plan, especially when you look at it from the standpoint
Like from the AR-15 rounds recently trying to get banned and as well as the overall fight that they're trying to like do the gun control by taking our ammunition away.
I think that they are just falling completely under the whole divide-and-conquer
The citizens, or the protesters, are just falling right into the hands of the globalists.
Either it's a false flag, or maybe, as Paul said, they don't need it after months and months of this narrative.
Thank you, Charles.
Let's go to Brandon in Georgia.
Brandon, you also want to talk about the MO ban that we've just seen try to be imposed.
Go ahead.
Hey, David.
I wanted to get your opinion on the ammo being pushed back and if it's just a trial run to sort of put people in a panic like after Aurora and Sandy Hook.
And I also wanted to ask you, do you think that this shooting in Ferguson is just a false flag or if it's just an attempt for the Soros groups to get people all rounded up to cause even more mayhem than we saw after the grand jury decision on Michael Brown?
Well, as far as the ammo ban goes, we have an article up on Infowars.com today, the real reason the ATF is backing down from green tip ammo ban, and of course he points out that the most effective way to encroach on our rights is to go big.
And so he believes that, as we've seen, and we've seen this strategy before, he believes that they're going to come in with some onerous, outrageous legislation that's going to inspire outrage, and then do that in a way that they can offer a compromise.
But of course that compromise is going to come with further encroachments and infringements on the Second Amendment.
And we've seen that strategy work successfully in the United States time and time again.
In the early days of the NSA, decades ago, they were
Partners with the government with that.
They were more than willing to compromise our rights.
You can never compromise your fundamental rights.
They are not negotiable.
And we need to understand that.
I believe the current leadership of the NRA understands that as well.
Certainly organizations like Gun Owners of America understands that.
But I think the NRA understands that now.
And of course, Paul, what he was talking about in terms of racial divide and conquer, that's what you've been talking about this whole segment, what we've been talking about since this happened in Ferguson.
It was very clear they were picking ambiguous cases, perhaps cases where the police were justified
And using that to shut down a pushback against police brutality.
That's precisely what they've done here in Ferguson.
Even the Justice Department didn't find anything wrong with the Michael Brown shooting.
They came after these guys and shut them down because they were illegally using the police department and the court system for revenue collection.
Well, David, I mean, compare the media's reaction to the Black Lives Matter protesters, you know, upholding and venerating them, Time Magazine in defense of rioting, to the media's reaction to the Bundy Ranch protesters.
Completely vilified them for months.
So that shows you right there where their interest lies.
On the ammo, one of the first things that Obama said, and this leaked in the Washington Post when he got into office, is that he would try and attack the Second Amendment, quote, under the radar.
So he's going to be very sneaky about it.
If you read the ATF's actual statement, you know, falling back on this bullet ban, they didn't say they would relinquish it altogether.
They said for now they'll leave it and they're just going to come back and try it again.
Different kind of regulatory framework.
So it's not done by any stretch of the imagination.
But we have had a victory.
And we do need to celebrate that victory.
And we need to take from that the fact that if we stand up to them, it was 80,000 people left to comment at the ATF.
They had 200 congressmen write them.
They had over 50 senators write them.
The bottom line is there was massive opposition to it.
They shut down the comment period five days early and said we're going to go back and take a look at this.
Of course they are going to come back, and when they talk about doing this under the radar, Paul, they're going to come after the ammunition.
They've tried for decades to take away our guns by banning individual guns.
And what happens is, one of two things is going to happen.
People will go in and make minor modifications to the guns so that they're no longer illegal, or they'll have to go door-to-door to confiscate these guns.
Now they've gotten smarter.
They're going after the ammunition.
That's the way they're going to do gun control, because it's not the Second Amendment.
It's not about guns.
It's not about any particular gun.
It's not about muzzle loaders.
It's about the right to keep and bear arms.
That means guns, pistols, rifles.
That means the bullets that you shoot out of them.
That means swords and knives, if necessary.
It's a way to protect yourself, a right of self-defense that we get from God that's recognized in the Constitution.
Let's go to Mike in Ferguson.
I'm sorry, Mike in Michigan about Ferguson.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hello, David.
Yeah, I just have one comment about this.
It strikes me kind of funny that they had the shooting down there last night in Ferguson.
And then, I mean, the ATF has shelled us about this.
I was just kind of wondering what kind of ammo they're using.
Yeah, exactly.
At the same time, they're trying to push this ammunition ban saying, these are cop killers.
Now we have a couple of cops get killed.
I haven't heard anything about that.
Have you heard anything about that, Paul?
I don't think they've had that kind of specificity yet.
There's no information on the bullets used.
The fact that they were injured and not killed probably suggests that it wasn't armor-piercing or anything, but we don't know yet.
Yeah, we don't even know with certainty because there's been conflicting reports whether the shots came from the crowd or whether they came from a distance over a hill.
Thank you, Mike.
Let's go to Nick in Missouri.
Nick, are you close to Ferguson?
Yeah, I'm close.
Hello, Nick.
Okay, let's go to Christina in Colorado.
Go ahead, Christina.
Well, until we get our president, first of all, straightened out with all of his so-called rules, we're not going to get America to back everything that needs to be backed up.
Our country is going to hell because we have a lousy president, and plus, he's trying to stop us from doing anything
Anything, and that is a no-no as far as American people are concerned.
We have rights from God Almighty.
I'm sick of this president and all of his actions of doing what he wants to do.
You know, our government, our right says when a government no longer rules as they should, it's time to get the hell out of it.
Well, absolutely.
That's what the Declaration of Independence says.
It says that we create governments to protect our rights.
And when those governments destroy our rights, we have the right and the duty to alter or abolish that government.
I think it was interesting that when the FBI came against Barrett Brown, as we interviewed him last week, one of the things they did was they confiscated his Declaration of Independence.
And they said, you've got that.
That shows that you're a radical.
Well, what they did was they eventually gave that back to him.
They wanted to keep that as part of the plea bargaining.
And the judge says, no, I think you should give him back his Declaration of Independence.
He said he didn't want to report it because most of his liberal friends in the Huffington Post and Slate that follow him wouldn't believe that the government would do that.
Of course, he understood that they would.
But they eventually gave that back to him.
But you know what?
They kept his rights.
And when you're talking about Obama acting as an executive dictator, there's a story today from Lindsey Graham.
And I want people to think about what Lindsey Graham just said about running for president.
And understand, if you're a liberal Democrat who supports Obama's executive orders and his dictatorial mandates and his arrogance, saying, I don't care what Congress wants.
I don't care what the process is.
Twenty some odd times he said he did not have authority to do the things that he's doing with amnesty.
And then he comes back and he tells him later, I changed the law for you.
No, he didn't.
No, he didn't.
It's not legal.
But this is what you're going to wind up with.
If you support that because you are so into being a member of the Democrat Party, or you bought into this political division, you're going to get a president that's going to be like Lindsey Graham, where he says, as president, I would deploy the military against Congress.
Yeah, and you know what?
He probably wouldn't give him a lawyer either.
That's like reason number 975 why Lindsey Graham shouldn't be a senator, especially not a president.
Paul, what do you think about Lindsey Graham?
Well, David, imagine if there was a right-winger who was stockpiling ammo, threatening to overthrow the Democratic Republic of the United States, threatening to overthrow the government, who had met with leaders of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, which is what Lindsey Graham has done.
He met with Syrian rebels that went on to join Al-Qaeda.
He met with
Belhadj in Libya, leader of the LIFG, who went on to become the leader of ISIS in Libya.
So here's a guy who's met with terrorists, is threatening to overthrow the government, and he's in Congress.
He should be in jail.
Let's go to Anthony in Kentucky.
Anthony, you want to talk about racial division?
Yeah, well, basically, um, my point that I wanted to make was, um, this, this whole push for, uh, for, like, a violent revolution, a lot of these folks that are pushing for this are only reading, you know, inflammatory headlines.
A lot of times they're not even going into the article that I'm seeing, let alone, you know, checking the sources to see, uh, you know, whether or not that article is just trying to, you know, play on your emotions.
Uh, you know, and in some cases, uh, you know, I'm seeing a lot of, uh, you know, uh, really heartfelt, you know, rhetoric comes from these people, but.
A lot of it is, you know, it's not directed in the right spots or it's basically just coming off, you know, angry and foolish, you know, seeking for blood of these cops and stuff.
And a lot of them, they don't realize that a lot of these cops are actually, you know, they're good guys too.
They're on our side with a lot of this stuff.
And basically, you know, if a revolution, a violent revolution does kick off, a lot of these same people
I understand.
You know, to paraphrase Kennedy, if you make peaceful change impossible, you make violent change inevitable.
I understand that.
I understand the frustration from people who have been profiled, black people who have been unfairly treated, especially in the war on drugs.
I also understand the anger on the right about how we've got these people who swear to uphold the Constitution and are violating on a regular basis.
But we have to understand that just like we can't build a nation abroad by going in and trying to impose democracy on people, it's something that has to grow up organically.
In our hearts, in our minds.
That's why it's primarily an information war.
And if we try to start some kind of a violent revolution, whether it's for racism or whether it's for even supporting a return to the Constitution, that is going to backfire severely.
That's going to set it back, just as we see the efforts to stop police brutality being set back by these actions in Ferguson.
Yeah, to what the caller was saying originally about people not reading into these articles, just seeing these inflammatory headlines.
There was another police shooting in Wisconsin recently, and all the headlines, you know, CBS, ABC, CNN, white police officer shoots black teen, unarmed black teen.
You actually read into the article
He was beating the cop around the head repeatedly.
So, they removed the context, they removed the justification to push this race war narrative.
We see it again and again, and it's being funded by George Soros to the tune of $33 million over the past year.
All of that context is stripped out, which is why people are being misled in this whole movement.
Thank you Paul for providing us with the context and of course we're going to continue with your calls here.
Let's go to Denise in FEMA 6.
Go ahead Denise.
Hey, thanks to InfoWars.
I appreciate all you and the staff.
And I just want to say I am so disgusted that people are cheering about the police being killed.
That is so wrong.
You know, Martin Luther King would be turning in his grave.
He was a peaceful man.
And I think that's why they got rid of him.
Yes, they don't want peaceful change.
I'm disgusted.
I mean, people are more worried about a criminal
A criminal, this man was a criminal.
He was not some innocent person bystander getting shot by police, no.
He was a criminal.
Why do these people in Ferguson do not understand this?
And I understand there is some police brutality, but get to the real police brutality, where police are shooting kids with plate guns.
I agree.
We're out of time.
Thank you for calling us, Denise.
And thank you, Paul, for your perspective on this, putting this all in context.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We're going to be joined in the next hour by a representative from the National Motorist Association.
And it's important for us to remember that what took down the Ferguson Sheriff, what took down the corrupt judge that was running the court there, was them using the courts and the police department unconstitutionally, violating also the state laws, using them as revenue collection.
And basically running a kangaroo court.
That's what they took them down for.
In the same way that Al Capone didn't get taken down for violating alcohol prohibition, he got taken down because of the tax issues.
We need to understand that you can reform the system by addressing some fundamental injustices, and the way we have been treated for my entire life in this country on the highways is an outrage, and it's illegal.
And so we're going to talk to the National Motorist Association
What can you do to make driving not only just a better experience, the way that taxes are allocated, we have some real issues that are coming down the road with police surveillance.
It's going to really ramp up.
It's going to be much worse even after they get rid of the police on the road once they make your car.
The snitch is going to get very difficult.
So we're going to talk to them in the next segment.
But of course, using a quota system is something that is going on rampantly throughout police departments all over this country, not just in Ferguson.
We're going to talk about some of that with them.
But I want to play this clip and then I'll get back to your calls here.
In Michigan, we have a Michigan sheriff officer admitting to breaking federal state law.
As he's addressing the commissioners, the county commissioners, and then they pass a resolution that endorses him breaking state and federal laws.
Let's play that clip real quickly.
He is not responsible for taking any complaints.
His responsibility is strictly traffic.
That clears that up.
With me, I'm a numbers guy, so I know you're not allowed to do it by federal law and state law, but I do put stipulations on the numbers I want to see by the end of their shift.
And we have in the past the guys who can't perform numbers that have been removed from all over time for that particular grant for the remainder of the year.
That clears that up.
Thank you.
So he's standing there talking to the county commissioners.
Officers on their past days can sign up for these extra overtime patrols.
So that does make it nice, doesn't it?
Tie up the normal road patrol.
Commissioner Doar was the chief in Fremont when we had the last two grants there in 18.
He can tell you how they work and how they... Yeah, but I'd rather you did it, so... I'd rather you did it.
Any questions or comments?
Okay, that's enough of that.
That's an article that's from the Free Thought Project, and of course they point out that not only does he admit to breaking the law, but after he does so, they laugh and say, we'd rather you do it, the commissioners vote to enact his measure to break the law.
And here's the Michigan Vehicle Code.
It says, a police officer shall not be required to issue a predetermined or specified number of citations or ordinances substantially corresponding provisions of this act.
In other words, you're not going to have quotas.
They know what the law is.
They break the law anyway.
And we need to stand together and fight them.
And that's what the National Motorist Association is encouraging people to do.
Let's go back to your calls.
We have a little bit of time to take them before we get to our guests.
Let's go to Jeff in Tennessee.
Hi, David.
Hey, go ahead.
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
Thank you.
Good to talk to you, David.
I used your area yesterday.
I was trying to make a point on the green tip ammo and I cut myself off.
Oh, yeah.
Doesn't it seem like it's a setup?
It's almost like Fast and Furious on a domestic level.
You may know this better than I do, but I don't know of any .308 or .300 mag or .30-06 green tip ammo on the market.
It may be, but I haven't seen it.
How come it's just .223?
And how come
You know, it's almost like put out there so that if somebody does take it and shoot up a bunch of cops, then we're gonna come after the ammo and the gun, and if nobody does it, then we'll ban it because they shouldn't have had it to begin with.
Well, they're trying to set up a framework, Jeff, and they're trying to pretend that they've got some objective standards, saying that it's a cop-killing bullet that pierces soft armor.
Using that, they will ban pretty much most of the rifle ammunition.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with your calls and then with our guests.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
In the next segment, we're going to be joined by the Vice President of the National Motorist Association, John Bowman.
He's going to talk to us about how you can stand up for your rights in court.
We need to understand that across this country, we have police departments enforcing quotas.
It's been admitted many times.
The New York Police Department came after Adrian Schoolcraft when he made audio recordings exposing their quotas for minor offenses.
Not just traffic tickets, but all kinds of minor offenses in New York.
And of course they denied that that happened.
They even arrested him and put him in an asylum.
Disappeared him.
And he made a second audio tape when they came to his apartment and took him away, of the second in command of the New York Police Department at the time, threatening to take him away unless he gave up his tapes.
And they found the tape that he had on him, but they didn't find the tape that he had up on the shelf behind the books.
And so we know exactly what was said in that room.
His father had to track him down.
His father was also a police officer.
But they said, we don't have any quotas.
But we saw what happened after the Eric Garner murder.
We saw that he was killed over a minor violation of taxes on tobacco.
And in response to the City Hall criticism from Mayor de Blasio, they said, we're going to stop arresting and ticketing people unless it's absolutely necessary.
And guess what?
It went down by 95% and they lost millions in the city of New York for several weeks.
I think it was a little bit more than a month.
Illustrating the fact that most of what they do is revenue collection and we've got numerous examples of this all across the country that are happening.
So we're going to talk to the National Motorist Association about what you can do and what you need to do to stand up for your rights.
But I want to continue with your calls in this segment.
Let's go to Johnny in Missouri.
Hey David, thanks for the time man.
Appreciate it.
Sure, go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
You know we've got a lot of Patriot groups out there.
Struggling to regain the footing that the American people are supposed to have.
And I would like to bring one to the forefront if I could, sir.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, we have a signature drive going where we're trying to get a million signatures to put on a mandamus, which is an order to the court to acknowledge the citizens' position in our government.
Which is the head, according to our founding documents.
Tell us where we can find that.
Yeah, and it's on the right-hand side of the page when you get on the welcome page.
I think it's very important.
We have to stand together collectively for our individual rights.
That's what we're going to be talking to as far as our rights as motorists.
You know, driving is not a privilege.
That's what we're going to talk to the National Motorist Association about.
Thank you so much, Johnny.
Let's go quickly to Frank in North Carolina.
Frank, I want to try to get as many calls as we can.
Yeah, David, thanks for taking my call.
Hey, look, you know,
You know, people wake up from a lot of different ways, and I'm glad people are waking up as they watch Obama.
But, you know, this system that we live under has been operating unconstitutionally in a predatory and criminal way since long before any of us ever heard of Obama.
I've always voted Republican and all that until 10 years ago when I woke up.
And, you know, people think that this started and is going to end with Obama.
And I keep hearing people say, well, Obama's not going to leave office.
He's going to declare martial law.
I've been hearing that for every president ever since I can remember.
I think it's a bunch of bullshit.
Well, they've been operating under an emergency declaration since FDR, but yeah.
People need to wake up, and they need to understand that this isn't a Republican, it isn't a Democrat thing.
As I pointed out earlier, we got Lindsey Graham saying, as President, I would deploy the military against Congress.
Well, maybe he's exaggerating there for a point, but he's the guy who said, shut up, you don't get a lawyer.
When they're talking about indefinite detention without trial.
This guy is ruthless.
And the people who want to excuse it for Obama are going to find it under a Republican.
And the people who are Republicans thinking it's only Obama are going to wake up too.
Sorry I don't have time for more of your calls.
Don't hang on because...
We can't.
We're going to be talking about different subjects.
We're going to talk about National Motorist Association.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking to the Vice President of the National Motor Association, John Bowman, in just a moment.
But I think we need to remember that before this police shooting happened yesterday, we had the police chief as well as a corrupt judge and his court both taken out.
And the basis for it had nothing to do with Michael Brown.
The basis for them being taken out was that they were violating state and federal laws in terms of quotas, in terms of using their police and their court system to generate revenue.
Not to protect people, not to enforce law, but to generate revenue.
That is strictly prohibited under Missouri law as it is in most states, and it is prohibited.
By the Constitution, as the Justice Department pointed out.
We have ample evidence of this.
Let me just read you some of the cases.
Going back to 2011, we have a police chief in League City, Texas, accused of threatening to punish officers if they didn't write a certain amount of tickets.
And of course, tickets are, ticket quotas are legal according to the Texas Transportation Code.
Then we have another one.
May 20th, 2013.
This is in Fort Worth.
A North Texas officer says that ticket quotas do exist, and it may be a ticket to getting a trophy.
So he blew the whistle on the Fort Worth police, and he spoke to the local news writers there.
Now, what they were telling them there was they weren't saying, we need a certain number of tickets.
No, they were very clever about it.
They called them, we have to have a certain number of contacts with the public each day.
We need four contacts with the public each day.
Oh, we don't mean that's tickets.
Let me tell you what.
They're not pulling people over and having them roll down the window and saying, I just want to tell you how awesome you are.
Where'd you get this car?
I just love this car.
No, they're giving them tickets.
That's what they mean by contacts.
Now, the police in Houston got even more ridiculous about this.
This is a story going back to 2006.
They had a quota system, but they called it getting two, quote unquote, ducks a day.
Two ducks a day.
I reported this in the Houston Chronicle.
They said, well, they ran afoul of the law.
Yeah, you know what?
If it doesn't look like a duck, if it looks like a traffic ticket, it acts like a traffic ticket, and it stings like a traffic ticket, it's a traffic ticket.
And then just this month, just March 9th, just a couple of days ago, we see cops across the country being disciplined, not for brutality.
But for not writing enough tickets.
They're talking about cops in Whittier, California.
Of course, we've got the entire highway patrol involved in this in Tennessee.
We've got another cop that was fired.
This is an article from July 25, 2013, InfoWars.
Cop fired for speaking out against ticket and arrest quotas.
A lot of
Hi David, it's great to be with you.
Thank you for coming on.
Now, we started out talking about these traffic quotas and talk to us about that.
That's a widespread national issue, of course.
It is, and it's getting a lot of attention lately, as you pointed out.
We see instances from all over the country, very similar to what you're talking about, where a cop will sort of blow the whistle on what is the worst-kept secret in law enforcement in terms of ticket quotas.
And the way a lot of the departments
Well, we don't have ticket quotas per se, but we do use the ticket volume that an officer writes in terms of measuring their overall performance for promotions and for HR purposes.
So they say these are nothing more than performance measures.
That's how they get around this, but for all practical purposes, they are quotas, and quotas
Really take away what we think is one of the police officer's most valuable tools, and that's discretion and judgment.
And there are certain cases where normally an officer would not write a ticket, but they're under the gun, so to speak, for their quota, and they'll write up a lousy ticket and move on.
So, motorists and people on the street are the ones who really suffer over this.
Let me talk about, you've got I think it's about ten points on your website program, things that you guys are standing for here that I think are very interesting.
Kind of gives people a feel for what the problems are on our roads.
You say, number one, taxes related driving or vehicle ownership should only be used for road construction and maintenance.
Two, drivers already pay taxes to construct and maintain roads, so they shouldn't be forced to pay them again in the form of toll roads.
And of course, John, we're going to see that these
Toll roads are going to take a completely different form in terms of charging us by the mile once we get the black box recorders in our cars and that was the way that I found you was by an article that was written by your president about the black box recorders that have been finding their ways into our cars since 1994.
Going back to 1994 there was only a couple of models of GM cars that had the black box recorders in it that's been building and as of 2015 models
All manufacturers are now required to have these black box recorders in there, and we know how this is going to break down.
The very company that's making these black box recorders, Harris Semiconductor, has also been making Stingray devices that the police have been using illegally without search warrants to search our phones as we move around, mostly moving around in cars.
So we know that with the combination of the
I don't
We know what they're going to do with these vehicle-to-vehicle communications, with these talking cars, with these black boxes.
They're going to be recording the number of miles that you drive so they can tax you.
They're going to be instantly giving you speeding tickets so that you can no longer be able to really drive your car.
They're going to push people out of the cars into these self-driving cars.
Boy, you've really set a mouthful there, and yeah, eventually it will come down to that.
All of the technology that's available now, and you mentioned some of that, through black boxes, through vehicle-to-vehicle communications, and any number of other surveillance and communications
Yeah, I think so.
Accordingly, based on congestion fees and things like that.
So there's a social engineering aspect to this, which we find very troubling.
You know, we believe that people should be able to drive where they want to, when they want to, and how they want to, you know, in an unencumbered way.
But when you start putting incentives in place, like, well, you can't drive into the downtown area between 4 and 6 p.m.
unless you pay double
For the mileage, this gets into some very uncomfortable areas for a lot of people, and we see this coming up.
Ultimately, though, who knows?
We probably will have driverless cars, maybe not as soon as a lot of people think we will, but ultimately, yeah, I think we will see that in probably widespread in 15 to 20 years, and then
Who knows what happens after that?
There's still a lot of questions.
I think it's going to happen much sooner than that.
That's the only thing I would disagree with you on.
I know that we both agree that moving about in the country, moving about anywhere, that should be a basic fundamental right.
And it is a very dangerous situation that we're put into when the government takes control of transportation.
I think, John, that's been what's behind the war on cars for a very long time.
The government wants to control our movement.
They want us to be dependent on them to move around.
And they will be able to do that with these driverless cars.
The head of Uber has already gone on record saying, you know what makes taxis, what makes our service expensive, is that dude in the car.
And once that dude goes away, we get very cheap.
And you know what else goes away, he says, is private ownership of cars.
I think it's very important for us to come together with organizations like yours,
Just like people have come together to defend Second Amendment rights, we need to come together to defend our ability to travel.
We need to stand collectively to defend our individual rights.
I want to read a couple of other things, get your comments about this program that you have in terms of the Traffic Justice Program.
Some of the other things that you point out on your website, the ten points, you say drivers should not be stopped or detained without probable cause.
That's what we're seeing happening in Ferguson.
Money should not be corrupting our traffic.
We're good to go.
It is.
We believe that people should fight every single traffic ticket they get.
We know it's a hassle, but really the only way to reform a corrupt traffic justice system that is geared towards generating revenue above all else is to get people to exercise that system.
You've lost already.
I mean, you're throwing up your hands, you're making that payment, you're getting points on your license, and you'll never know what you could have done had you gone to court and stood up for yourself.
And that's the only way that a system like this is going to change.
Well, they make it very enticing for you to compromise on your rights, because they'll raise the level of the ticket to a higher... and then when you come to them, they'll say, well, I'll tell you what, we'll knock a couple of miles off of it, we'll make it so that you don't get points on your insurance, etc., etc.
So they'll try to get you to compromise your fundamental rights
You have to hang tough, because this is about something that is far more important than just your ticket.
It's about rolling back this illegal system that compromises our due process, and it's about standing up to a government that says that you're not going to have due process.
I don't know how many states there are, maybe you can speak to this.
Here in Texas, you can check a box and say that you want a jury trial.
Yeah, some states will allow you to have a jury trial for a traffic ticket.
Many do not.
We would encourage everyone, if they have that option, to take it through a jury trial.
You know, fighting a traffic ticket sometimes is a little bit... John, we've got to go to a break.
Hang on.
We'll be right back.
And I want you to tell people what you do to help people fight this in court.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with the National Motorist Association.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight and we're talking to John Bowman of the National Motorist Association.
Their website is motorists.org.
This is an organization that was started in 1982 to commit to combat the 55 mile an hour national maximum speed limit.
They were successful in getting that returned.
I want to talk to him in this last segment we have him for about
The assistance that they offer people to fight traffic tickets in court and the incentives that they offer for people to do that.
You know, we have a right to travel.
We have a right to move about freely.
It's one of the worst ways that government can control you if they can restrict your movement.
We should be very concerned about the efforts to do this.
But of course, the way they typically enact these kind of controls is to do it illegally.
So we're going to talk to him about that.
I want you to remember, too, that George Washington once said,
The British move about freely, but it's between high walls.
In other words, they were very constricted, even though they had some leeway in what they could do, and that's the situation we're in today.
We feel like we're free in some respects, but boy, we hit those walls pretty quickly, because they are much higher, they're much closer to us than ever before, and they've got surveillance cameras all over them.
And now they're putting those surveillance cameras in our cars, and they're going to be monitoring everything we do.
Right now we need to stand up and we need to remember that this is the way they got the corrupt sheriff in Ferguson as well as the corrupt court to stand down was because they were setting up a traffic quota system.
You need to fight this.
You don't need to compromise with us.
We just had one of the fellows in the staff area saying that he just got a ticket and there's a discount on the back for paying it off early.
They do everything to try to incentivize you to compromise your rights.
But tell us, John Bowman,
Tell us what you do to help people to fight this in court, because you want people to stand up and fight for their rights individually.
Absolutely, we do.
And to help people do that, first of all, we're a membership-based organization, so you have to join us.
Anyone is eligible to do so.
It's a $35 a year membership dues.
And along with that, you get benefits that include
One-on-one consultations via phone and email with our staff here if you do have a ticket and you want some assistance fighting that.
We also have a lot of printed information on our website as well as an e-book that members are eligible to download that goes through the whole process of fighting a ticket.
You also have access to our experts around the country who've been through this process and know the lay of the land locally, so you can consult with them as well.
But I think the thing that you're leading up to is what we call our Traffic Justice Program, which if you meet the requirements for it, if you go to court and fight your... This is specific to speeding tickets.
You fight your speeding ticket and still get a guilty verdict.
We will reimburse you for the cost of the ticket as well as court fees up to a maximum amount per year.
And there really aren't many requirements for this, but the big one is that people have to be an existing active member of the association at the time they get their ticket in order to be eligible for this.
So if you've got a traffic ticket pending right now and you join us and try to take advantage of the program, you won't be eligible for it.
Right, but of course you can still, as a member, you can still get help to understand how to fight this in court.
And that's one of the key things, because it really can be fought in court.
One of the things that you point out on your blog, one of the ten points that you're talking about, is you say speed limits should be consistent with typical speeds of normal, responsible drivers.
And you also have a lot of information there about speed traps throughout the country as well, don't you?
We do, it's one of our primary issues and speed limits that are set artificially too low, meaning below the prevailing speed of traffic on a given stretch of road, those tend to breed speed traps because there is a natural speed that people reach
On a highway, and they tend to travel at that speed no matter what the posted speed limit is.
And as it turns out, that's actually the safest speed at which to travel.
When you lower the speed limit below that, you're making violators out of a high percentage of drivers who are, in fact, driving responsibly, and that's what breeds speed traps for revenue purposes.
Or the other thing that they do, which is what they do around here in Austin, is they will change the speed quite a bit over a very short period of time.
That's another tactic.
One of the things that you talk about, of course, Sue, is red light tickets as well as speed cameras.
And of course, this is something that is in the very, very early stages.
We're going to see this on steroids as we have this electronic
These listening devices move their way into our cars with not only the black boxes, but the vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
Even before we get to driverless cars, we are going to have that kind of situation coming in on steroids.
And so we need to get together and fight collectively against this.
And I think organizations like yours are going to be very important for us to stand up for our rights to be able to travel.
Otherwise, they're going to have us in
Corporately owned cars owned by a couple of companies like uber and we're gonna have all of our movements controlled and watched aren't we John?
We are and a couple of that with
Things like national IDs, the Real ID Act, that is going to be coming full force next year, and certainly there are going to be more and more barriers to traveling freely around the country.
Thank you so much for joining us, John Bowman.
Motorist.org is the National Motorist Association.
We'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Megg.
I'll be your host today.
And in the next hour, we're going to be talking to Representative David Simpson from Texas.
You may remember him from a couple of years ago when he introduced a bill to stop the TSA from sexually molesting
American citizens, especially children.
He was outraged by it, as we all should be.
I really like David Simpson.
He's a Christian libertarian.
He's somebody who can speak to a very important group of people, and that is the Christians who reflexively support prohibition.
Prohibition was supported, alcohol prohibition was foisted upon us by a lot of well-meaning people who didn't understand that government is force.
George Washington, the founders of this country, understood that.
They lectured us about that.
They said it's not persuasion, it's not compassion, it's force.
It's like a fire.
You have to keep control of it.
It is a fearful servant and a dreadful master.
But we've lost that lesson.
We use the government as a hammer, because it's only one tool.
Government is force, and if you've got only one tool, force, you see everything as if it's a hammer, you see everything as a nail.
And so we go around hammering everybody, trying to change people using force, and unfortunately, in the war on drugs,
Christians are perhaps the worst about this.
I'm ashamed to say this as a Christian.
And so I want to get David Simpson on because he talks to Christians.
And if you're not a Christian, if you're an atheist, listen to him.
Because you, if you're a libertarian, you need to understand how to talk to Christians, how to explain to them that they shouldn't use
Uh, this, this hammer to nail people on this.
This is a medical issue, it's a psychological issue, it's a spiritual issue if you're a Christian.
You should understand this.
David Simpson has introduced a bill that would essentially remove marijuana from all the Texas criminal code.
Very different.
From what's been done in states where they've legalized recreational use in Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and in the District of Columbia.
In those areas, they want to still regulate and tax it very heavily.
No, David Simpson says it is something that God did not make a mistake when he made it.
God made marijuana.
Think about that.
And it has some real beneficial uses.
There's a story up on Infowars.com today.
Father faces 20 years in prison for treating daughter's cancer with cannabis oil.
And when I heard David Simpson talk about this, that's what he was talking about.
He was talking about medical marijuana.
He was talking about two children in particular in his constituency.
Both of them suffering from severe medical conditions and they could get no relief whatsoever from conventional medical pharmaceutical treatments.
The only thing that helped them was cannabis oil.
One family had the money that they could go to Colorado and do it legally.
The only thing that stopped their child's convulsions over a period of time was cannabis oil.
But of course the cannabis oil has THC in it.
And so it's not legal.
It's actually a Schedule I drug under our drug laws, which says that it has no medical value whatsoever.
That's clearly a lie.
And I want to talk to conservatives and the Christians and get them to understand that this is something that began at the United Nations ten years, ten years before Nixon declared a war on drugs in 1971 and 1961.
The United Nations set up a framework, an agenda, just like Agenda 21, just like they're setting up the U.N.
Arms Trade Treaty.
They always set these things up in the U.N.
Governments sign up as a treaty and say, we'll enact this into law.
Ten years later, our government set up a narcotics law with the same drug scheduling that the U.N.
had proposed in 1961.
We set that up in 1971.
And of course it's been the UN that has come back and said, we have to, lecturing the American government saying, you've got to shut this down in Colorado and Washington.
You can't have them allowing people to have marijuana.
Lock these people up.
And of course we have more people in prison in America than any other country per capita.
Far more than Mao's China or Stalin's Russia per capita.
It's an outrage what we have done in this country, and it's time we stop it.
It's time we understand that just like alcohol prohibition, it corrupts our government.
And it destroys private property.
We've seen under Ronald Reagan, they moved the emphasis to the individual rather than to the Al Capones.
And in doing so, creating mandatory minimums, creating civil asset forfeiture, what they did was they have destroyed our rights, our property rights, if you will.
Why don't conservative Republicans care about that?
Well, some do.
And David Simpson does.
We're going to talk to him in the next hour.
And to give you a sample of what he says, I want to play this clip, this short clip of him talking about this bill that he introduced last week.
You know, this, the present war, war on drug policies have completely failed.
And so, you know, God made marijuana.
He didn't make a mistake when he made it.
And I think it
like all things he made should never be abused and we should people should be responsible for their actions but we shouldn't ban a plant that God made we should use hemp for rope and for fiber and paper we should use the marijuana with the THC in it to help people with epilepsy I've got people in the district that I serve that have
One of them has a daughter that they've taken to MD Anderson, Mayo's, Cleveland Clinic, taken all the pharmaceutical drugs and has not been able to help but only harm their daughter who has 15 to 20 seizures a day.
They, in desperation, went to Colorado.
She went two weeks without any seizures.
Not everybody has that luxury.
They're very wealthy and they can afford that.
31-year-old that took a vaccine that killed everybody else in the lot, that caused him lots of problems, but his parents have lovingly cared for him.
He's 31 years old now, receives food through a tube, but he has seizures all the time.
They can't take him to Colorado, and they would be a felon if they brought the CBD oil back here.
But I don't believe we need a big government solution to this problem.
We don't need registries or more bureaucracy.
We just need to hold people accountable for their actions.
And that's Representative David Simpson of Lubbock, Texas.
He's going to be joining us in the next hour.
We're going to be talking to him live.
I couldn't agree with him more.
He has a wonderful way to tackle this.
As I pointed out, we have an article up on Infowars.com today.
Father faces 20 years in prison.
20 years in prison.
Because he treated his daughter's cancer with cannabis oil.
We have a lot of cases where cancer has been treated effectively with cannabis oil.
I have one in my folder here that I'm going to talk to David about, about a man, an elderly man who went through the standard chemotherapy.
It looked like it was in remission, but before five years was up, it came back with a vengeance.
Nothing helped him.
They put him in hospice to die.
He started taking cannabis oil, and he walked out of the hospice place.
Now, that doesn't happen with everybody, but there's clearly a medical value to this.
There's a medical value to it in terms of controlling seizures.
There's a medical value in terms of controlling if people want to go through the standard chemotherapy.
Controlling the uncontrollable nausea that you go through with that if you're being treated, you have cancer or if you have AIDS.
It's absolutely criminal to take that away from people.
And Rand Paul was right when he called Jeb Bush out on it.
Jeb Bush!
In his young, preppy days, admitted to smoking it recreationally.
But Jeb Bush's governor, as a former governor, came out last year to try to shut down the medical use of marijuana to criminalize it.
To do things like sending a father to jail for 20 years because he treats his daughter
Who has cancer, who's dying of cancer with cannabis oil.
Jeb Bush wants fathers like that in prison.
I don't know where this is coming out of.
I don't know what state this is in.
I don't see it on the article.
But that's what Jeb Bush wants in Florida.
And of course, 58% of the people in Florida said, no, we're not going to do that.
But they needed 60% to change the law.
So it is still illegal there.
But Rand Paul made the case, and he was absolutely right when he said, how dare you, Jeb Bush, say that you're going to lock somebody up for using something medicinally when you used it recreationally.
Of course, there's a different standard for the Jeb Bushes.
There's a different standard for the Hillary Clintons of this world, isn't there?
They just walk.
It doesn't matter what laws they break.
They can violate all these laws just like HSBC.
They can violate the money laundering laws.
They can launder money for billions of dollars worth, tens of billions of dollars worth for drug cartels and terrorists.
And yet nothing happens to them but a fine.
That's a very small percentage of their profits.
There's one standard for the big guys, another standard for everybody else.
And of course in Florida, Jeb Bush's daughter was hooked on prescription drugs.
The reporter who reported that, the fact that she got off with nothing happening to her, just coincidentally after the Bush family gave I think it was half a million dollars to the charity that was supported and worked with by the judge that was presiding over her case.
After a reporter pointed that out, the reporter got attacked because that's what happens in modern America.
If you attack the powerful, if you point out the laws that they break, they come after you.
They come after the whistleblower.
They come after the journalist.
They never put the criminals who are breaking the laws in jail.
There's an article up on WorldNetDaily.
That came out a couple of days ago.
The Fed's plans to force vaccines on adults.
Not only are they going to prohibit us making decisions to use things that are safe and effective, like cannabis oil, they're going to force us to buy the pharmaceutical company's products.
And let me say this to all the people out there, all the liberal Democrats who are clamoring, and there's 29 bills, there's bills in 29 different states, to take away your informed consent.
They get around it partially by calling it your personal belief exemption.
See, you're not informed, you have a personal belief.
If you disagree with them, you're not informed.
You just have, you have faith in something that's not scientific.
No, there's a lot of evidence about vaccine harm.
And of course, to say that they're going to give you an exemption says that everything is mandated unless they give you an exemption.
No, you need our consent.
And we need the information.
But they don't want to give it to you.
They're not just coming after the kids and say we're going to vaccinate them in the schools if they go to school.
They're going to come after the adults.
And so this is an article by an MD and she writes that there was a Department of Health and Human Services National Adult Immunization Plan that was published February 5th of this year.
This is one that got away from me.
I didn't see this until just now.
March the 9th
...was the last day for public comment about the National Adult Immunization Plan.
It's a proposal by the orchestrators of Obamacare, she says, to forcibly vaccinate all adult Americans.
It sounds benign on the surface, but it's not.
It's a five-year national plan.
How about that?
You know, the communists and socialists love these five-year plans, don't they?
She points that out in the article.
It'll require engagement from a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its full vision.
Why do they always refer to these people as stakeholders?
Because you don't have a stake in this.
You don't have any chips in this game.
You don't get to make a decision.
And you know what?
When they damage you with these vaccines, you don't get to sue them either because Ronald Reagan removed the liability of the pharmaceutical companies when it comes to vaccines.
Did you know that?
He did that back in the 1980s.
I didn't know that until this whole thing started with the measles.
Most people don't know that.
We've talked earlier this week about a case in Charlotte.
North Carolina, this young girl, $2 million she was rewarded by the vaccine court and $250,000 a year for life.
And let me tell you something, that is not to reward, to compensate her for her pain and suffering or to compensate her parents for their pain and suffering that they're going through.
I'm sure that $250,000, they set that up just for medical bills because you know what?
When you go to the vaccine court, the vaccine court,
You don't have a judge, you don't have a jury, you just have a judge that's sitting there allocating this stuff out and they do not compensate you for pain and suffering.
So I've got to ask these people, why would we have our informed consent removed when the vaccine manufacturers, and there's that picture if people are watching it, that's an amazing picture, that's the little girl
Who is suffering.
I think she's now 13 or 14 years old.
This happened to her when she was three months old.
This is the Charlotte paper.
And they ran this article because they too were amazed.
Maybe you don't know about the vaccine court.
If you don't know about it, look at Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
We've talked to her on the radio.
We've interviewed her many times here at InfoWars.
And she knows all about it.
And there's, you need to educate yourself and others about the fact that they have absolutely no liability.
Going back to this article at World Net Daily.
I want to read what this MD said.
She says, I have made the point that pro-forced vaccination crowd is generally also the pro-Roe v. Wade crowd, and you can't have both.
You can't scream for a woman's right to choose when it applies to an abortion, but give her no right to choose what gets shot into her through a syringe.
And she said, well, people will come back and say, you don't know what you're talking about.
Abortion is a private issue.
Vaccination is an issue of public health.
She says this, let me be clear, public health does not trump individual liberty.
End of story.
End of story.
You cannot trump individual liberty.
And let me tell you something, all this nonsense about herd immunity, we've said this many times, it's nothing but a herd mentality.
If it doesn't work for an individual, if you're not protected when you get your vaccine, if it's not effective to protect you against whatever you're being vaccinated for, it isn't going to protect you collectively either.
And when you give up your rights as an individual, the herd doesn't have any rights either.
You just become a bunch of sheep who are going to be ruled by wolves.
But there is an amazing inconsistency in this when you look at the people who are reflexively so angry at people.
And that's what the lady in Charlotte was talking to them about, the picture that we just showed you, the child who got a $2 million award and a quarter of a million dollars
Each year for life.
One of the things they were saying is like, you know, there's, there's been a lot of these cases done.
There's like $3 billion have been handed out by the vaccine court.
But most people don't even know it exists.
That's why there haven't been more people going to it because they are just told that they don't have any rights to sue the pharmaceutical company that's been removed by our government under Ronald Reagan, of course.
I gotta say, I just cannot understand why conservatives still worship this man.
I think he was the biggest shill I've ever seen in my life.
He's a guy who comes in, I loved his speeches, I still love to hear Ronald Reagan's speeches, but if you look at what he did, if you look at the way he tried to gut the Second Amendment to please one of his friends who was shot, if you look at what he did on the war on drugs, if you look at what he did with the
The vaccine company, if you look what he did with Iran-Contra, with shipping weapons and weaponizing cocaine and crack cocaine and shipping that into LA, so many things there.
I'm sorry.
He makes a great speech.
He's a great actor.
He played the role of president really well.
But you know, this guy was, his legacy is horrific.
He presided over civil asset forfeiture as well as mandatory minimums.
Now, the Senate is coming back again with CISPA.
This is going to be CISPA 3.
To make it look a little bit different, they removed the P. This is going to be C-I-S-A.
The C represented protection.
It's called the Cyber Information Sharing Act.
It used to be called the Cyber Information Protection Sharing Act.
The Cyber Security Information Sharing Protection Act.
You know who they were protecting?
They were protecting the companies who share your private information with the government.
They were protecting them from lawsuits.
And here it is, coming back the third time.
Aaron Schwartz beat them twice, and I believe they suicided him for it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back, right after the break.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and as I pointed out in the last segment, joining us in the next hour is Representative David Simpson.
We're going to talk to him about the law that he has just proposed last week that would basically remove marijuana from the Texas legal code.
Treat it, as he points out, like tomatoes or jalapenos.
In other words, not regulate it, not tax it, just treat it
For what it is, and that is something that God created.
And that's the important thing is he approaches this from a Christian perspective.
And we need to reach out to Christians because they are the biggest cheerleaders, unfortunately, for the war on drugs.
And we need to reach out to the GOP because even though it contradicts their principles of private property with things like civil asset forfeiture, they're nevertheless reflexively supporting this policy that has failed now for 40 years.
And we saw it fail with alcohol prohibition.
Now, of course, Hillary Clinton and her emails are still in the story.
I tweeted out earlier today, you know, she's telling us that, as Rand Paul pointed out, her convenience trumps national security.
But you know what?
It seems like national security always trumps our convenience.
It trumps our privacy.
It trumps our rights.
It trumps the rule of law.
It trumps everything.
It's the thing that we always appeal to, to take away everything that we have as individuals.
I mean, even when you look at these mandatory vaccine laws, they're really saying, well, we have to have, you know, we've got to protect the national security of the public, so you have no rights as individuals.
If you give up your rights so that you get security, so that you get safety, you will have neither.
As Benjamin Franklin pointed out, you deserve neither.
But we've seen throughout history that when you give up your rights, you know what?
You become a slave.
And slaves have no security.
You wind up in a maximum security prison.
I'd like to play this... Guys, let's get this clip set up with Josh Earnest squirming, trying to defend Hillary Clinton's deletion of emails.
I think that's...
Great clip, but going back to the marijuana thing one of the things that is really outrageous and again look at this article look at this video That is up on Infowars.com where father is facing 20 years in prison because he was treating his daughter Who's dying of cancer with cannabis oil?
This is just amazing.
We need to have jury nullification to shut that kind of thing down And we need to have nullification at the state level which is what David Simpson is going to be doing But let's go to that clip from Hillary Clinton
Josh, did the White House know that Hillary Clinton was deleting 30,000 emails that she sent to the Secretary of State?
John, I can tell you that I was not aware of the personal email habits of the Secretary when maintaining her personal email inbox.
I'm not talking about her habits while she was Secretary.
I'm talking about what she did just a few months ago, which was deleting.
30,000 emails that she sent to the Secretary of State without anybody determining, except for her and her team, and her and her team alone, that those emails didn't need to be part of the public record because they determined they were strictly personal.
Well, again, John, this is a decision that was made by Secretary Clinton and her team, and what we're talking about are emails that she described as personal, that relate to what she described as a variety of own personal arrangements, whether it's her daughter's wedding or
Um, again, I'd refer you to Secretary Clinton's team about the decision that they made on that, but again, we're talking about a decision that she has made related to her own personal email, and that falls outside the purview of the government.
Can the White House assure the public that Secretary Clinton deleted only personal email?
You know, how many of you think that it's more convenient to set up your own personal server in your house than it is just to use the email that they want you to use at work because you want to hide what you're doing?
I mean, that's really the issue.
And I think the amazing thing was how she got caught in the lie as she's standing before the UN giving her prepared speech of a little over an hour.
The Wall Street Journal interviewed someone who said, Bill Clinton never emails.
He's had two emails his entire life, both of them as president, and here's the two times he did it, he doesn't use email whatsoever.
And she was telling people she had this because she was emailing her husband.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I just had Rob Dew, the news director, come in and say, can you please tell everybody that it's personal, not personal, which is what Josh Earnest keeps saying as he's squirming in front of the reporters, asking, why would, did you know that she deleted 30,000 emails?
Did you know she had a private server?
This guy is squirming, and of course, I don't even know what a personal email is, but he's got a, I guess a bit of a lisp, but...
I'm upset about a lot of aspects of this, and the thing I'm most upset about is the fact that, just as we've seen over and over again throughout one administration, Republican and Democrat as the other, but especially in this administration, I don't think anything is going to happen to her whatsoever.
Now, I want to take your phone calls on the issue of medical marijuana.
I might take some of your phone calls.
I want to cover some news before we go to our interview.
It's going to be coming up in the second, not this next segment, but the one just before the bottom of the hour.
We're going to be talking to David Simpson.
We'll have him for a short period of time.
I want to take your calls on the subject of medical marijuana.
And I want to cover some news before we do that.
That number is 800-259-9231.
Again, we're going to limit that to that subject of medical marijuana.
But before we get to that subject, there's some other news.
And of course, there's been a lot of news about this letter that was put together, sent to Iran by Republican senators.
And as the New York Times points out, this was put together by a new senator.
A Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas.
He is the youngest member of the Senate.
He's only 37 years old.
He's been a Senator for exactly 65 days, the New York Times points out.
And he's a veteran.
He served in Iraq in 2006.
They say while Mr. Paul and Mr. Cruz influence the Tea Party and the Libertarian wing of their party, Mr. Cotton
Personifies a wave of Republican newcomers to the Senate to back a hawkish interventionist foreign policy.
And then of course you've got Mr. Neocon himself, Bill Kristol, of the Weekly Standard, saying that he's ahead of the mainstream Republicans on foreign policy thinking.
No, he's not.
He is decades behind Republicans on foreign policy thinking.
Republicans are waking up to the nonsense of perpetual warfare.
And he's trying to bring us back there.
Of course, Bill Kristol is the editor of Weekly Standard.
And the way you spell that is W-E-A-K-L-Y, Weekly Standard.
Now, Tom Cotton, who put that letter together and got the senators to sign it,
Is someone who basically saying, uh, look, you know, Iran, once, uh, Obama leaves, uh, we're going to rule as dictators as well.
And so we're not going to honor any treaties or anything that were signed.
Uh, so you just forget about this.
But whether or not you agree with the content of this, the interesting thing about it was immediately after launching this effort, according to, uh, First Look, Diagle Ward, this is their headline, immediately after launching effort to scuttle Iran deal,
Senator Tom Cotton goes to meet with defense contractors.
Yes, within 24 hours he went to an off-the-record and strictly non-attribution event with the National Defense Industrial Association.
It's the lobbyist for the military-industrial complex.
It's composed of the executives from the largest military contractors, and of course Cotton is auditioning for being the leader of the neocon, the neoconservative, warmongering wing of the Republican Party, strongly advocating higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy.
Yes, that's exactly what we need, and if you want to know what's behind all of this
Kerfuffle about Iran and this treaty is because they're trying to get a war going no matter what.
Now as I pointed out in the last hour, I was very happy to see Rand Paul call out Jeb Bush on his hypocrisy about medical marijuana.
I'm not happy to see what Rand Paul is doing in terms of trying to court the neocon left.
Reason points out that he wants to draw up new lines for Kurdistan and promise them a country.
This is something he's not saying if they get their independence we will recognize them.
No, he's saying we need to literally remap the Middle East.
And they point out at Reason, that didn't work too well for the British and we're not going to be any better at it.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We'll take your calls on medical marijuana.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, March 12, 2015.
I'm David Knight, studio here in Austin.
We're going to be talking to David Simpson, a Texas legislator who has put forth a novel bill to legalize medical marijuana, or legalize marijuana, period.
Not just medical marijuana.
We're going to take your calls on medical marijuana.
But David Simpson's approach is novel in the sense that it doesn't impose restrictive regulations or taxes.
It doesn't create some kind of a spider web of regulations to entrap people.
No, he takes the approach that it's something that God made, and God did not make a mistake, and we need to address the behavior of people separately from these particular things.
And of course, there's a constitutional argument to be made as well.
We needed to have a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol.
Everybody agreed with that.
When they passed the 18th Amendment.
When they passed the 21st Amendment, to repeal that, everybody understood that the power to ban us owning, possessing, or using anything was never given to the federal government.
And of course, under the 9th and 10th Amendment, if we don't give them, under the 10th Amendment, the expressed power to do something, they don't have it.
But of course they don't operate under that premise anymore.
They now operate under the premise that they have all power, all of our rights belong to them, and we are periodically granted privileges and exemptions.
But that's not the way that it was, and we have two of about 10% of the amendments practically
Pointing out that they don't have the authority to ban anything like alcohol or marijuana or any of the other drugs They simply don't have the constitutional authority to do it, but we need to walk this back however we can I really applaud him on his effort, and it's very important because he makes a statement an argument from a conservative Christian standpoint
And so that's something we all need to understand so we can talk to that group of people who are the biggest cheerleaders, the biggest supporters of this failed war on drugs.
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I want to take your calls.
He's going to be joining us just before the bottom of the hour, David Simpson is, to talk about his bill.
And I want to get your phone calls before and after on the topic of medical marijuana.
Again, that number is 800-259-9231.
Let's go first to Dr. Kelly in California.
Go ahead, Doctor.
Hey, David Knight.
It's great to talk to you.
Thank you for fighting a good fight.
And I just wanted to talk about...
The, uh, it's neuroprotective, it's cardio-protective, it is, meaning protects the heart and the mind, it is anti-cancer.
The United States government has known this since 1942.
They have the ability to isolate it, to concentrate it, to purify it, and to create, um, what they call in their own words, hashish.
And they knew that it was anti-cancer in 1942.
That's Dr. Adams.
And in the Trends for Pharmacological Sciences, there's a beautiful pie chart that shows the differences between the CBD, the cannabidiol, the non-psychotropic properties, and the THC.
And I'd love to either be on the show or have you get somebody there from ASA, Americans for Safe Access.
Oh, absolutely.
Make sure you give your phone number to John Harmon.
Hang on after we're finished talking because you sound very informed.
People need to understand that there is a corporate agenda behind this.
You just talked about the pharmaceutical competition.
The fact that we have pharmaceutical companies that don't like the competition from something that is safe, effective, and that they don't own.
But of course there was a lot of competition also with hemp against the cotton and textile industry and many different industries.
And so they shut that down to a large degree to protect entrenched big business.
But there's also a UN agenda to try to control the population with this war on drugs.
As I point out, that started in 1961.
So there's a lot of different aspects.
to this war on drugs, especially to marijuana.
Marijuana is the one that is very easy for people to understand because it is so powerful medicinally.
Thank you.
Is there anything else you want to say, Dr. Kelly?
You're very informed.
Yeah, I just wanted to briefly touch on that, fortunately, I will be getting to volunteer at the Truth Tour, where Dr. Billy DeMoss is going to be hosting.
Alex will be there, Antony will be there, Dr. Group will be there, and so it will be a fascinating, amazing time to be alive in this world, as Uncle Ronnie used to say, when I thought he was a good guy.
Yeah, you and me both.
I'm really, I'm so stoked to hear that you guys are discussing this.
And that it's on a national and a worldwide level.
And Europe didn't come along and get their patent until 1991.
But the reason that the pharmaceutical industry is so against this, and thank you for this little bit of forum here, is that you can't have diabetes.
You can't have psoriasis.
You can't have pain.
You can't have bacteria.
You can't have
You can't have anxiety, you can't have psychosis, you can't have any of these horrible, awful conditions in the body that has adequate levels of the CBDs in it.
And again, it's non-psychotropic, it's from the industrial hemp, and so that has an amazing two-fold set of properties to it, to where it is a food, it is a fuel, it is a textile, it is a paint,
We're good to go.
Three days before the cow came onto the planet, and then he created man, and of course woman.
Well, she came last because she talks the most.
Thank you so much for everything that you're doing.
I'm super stoked to have gotten to talk with you today.
Thank you.
Give the screeners your contact information and we'll talk to you further about that.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for giving us that information.
And of course, people ought to ask, what's going on with this?
We have something that there's so much evidence that it's safe and it's effective, but of course nobody can make money off of it unless there's a black market.
Because it's very easy to grow.
It grows like a weed, as they say.
So the pharmaceutical companies can't patent this and charge exorbitant prices on this.
And when you look at something like hemp, you understand that hemp doesn't have THC in it, doesn't have any psychoactive properties in it.
So why would they ban hemp?
Well clearly it is to try to protect industry.
So when you start to see there's an economic aspect to it, and then you look at this, how effective it is medically, and then look at what the pharmaceutical companies are doing.
They want to take away our informed consent
And violate the Nuremberg Code saying that they can inject us with whatever they deem to be necessary at any given time.
We should be very, very concerned about this.
This isn't something that they're just doing if you want to go into school.
I could deal with that easily enough.
But that's not the way that this rolls out.
I could take my kids out of school.
As a matter of fact, I never put my kids in school.
I always homeschool them.
My wife was a teacher.
We knew what that was about.
She and I had gone through the schools.
I would do anything to keep my kids out of the schools.
And of course, if I've got to have a vaccine to put them in, that doesn't really affect me.
But they're not going to leave it there.
They're going to come to your home.
They're going to come into your home.
They're going to force you, as an adult, to take these vaccines because it's in the financial interest of the pharmaceutical companies who are granted immunity from vaccines.
Why do you think they're showing up... Why do you think vaccines are showing up for everything?
Everything is going to be treated now with a quote-unquote vaccine.
Well, it's because they have absolutely no product liability for it, if they call it a vaccine.
That was set up by Ronald Reagan in 1986.
He took away their liability.
And that's why you see vaccines everywhere.
Let's go quickly to Jason in West Virginia.
Yeah, Dave.
I just want to say thanks a lot for sitting in for Alex, man.
You guys are awesome.
I also want to say that I am awake, and I am waking others out here in West Virginia to what was going on.
Up until two years ago, I was in the trance that Alex talks about, sitting on the couch, watching TV all day, listening pro-government.
Yes, Alex opened my eyes, and I am running around like a madman on fire for Christ.
out here telling everybody exposing this crap that they're trying to give us vaccine for kids and it's just it just makes no sense they need to go down they need to be exposed and this needs to come out and i think this is the work of god putting you guys together to get the voice out to wake america up
Well thank you, and that's what is needed.
We try to give you ammunition, we try to give you talking points, we try to educate you about where the studies are that show that fluoride is harmful, that show that cannabis can be effective, that talk about the dangers to not only our health but to our civil liberties to allow them to mandate any kind of medical treatment.
And that's one of the big issues I have with fluoride, the fact that you would dump it into the water supply
I mean, we look at the dosages that are allowed.
The municipalities are doing it at two to four times the level that they've seen in the UK just a couple of weeks ago will affect, dramatically affect the thyroid.
And of course the EPA allows it at ten times the level that will affect the thyroid.
But it's not just the thyroid.
We see that it affects people's IQ, children's IQ especially.
We see that it also affects ADHD.
That was a study that just came out a couple of days ago that we talked about in depth yesterday.
And so we have to understand that when you're even talking about these levels, that's not the level that you're getting necessarily when you drink the water.
What kind of dosage are we going to have for adults versus a young child?
You can't control for dosage if you dump it in the water.
If fluoride were safe and effective, you still wouldn't want to dump it in the water.
Some people are going to get too little if it's effective and necessary.
Some people are going to get way too much.
One dose does not fit all with any medication.
So that right there should set off alarms and flags that something is wrong about this fluoridation program.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're going to be talking to David Simpson, who introduced the bill to take marijuana out of the legal code here in Texas.
And then right after, we're going to go back to your calls.
That number is 800-259-9231.
And we're going to be taking those calls on medical marijuana.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Bloomberg Politics had this headline.
Texas Republican mounts pro-marijuana campaign Bible in hand.
Who is this Texas Republican?
Well, it's David Simpson.
We've talked to him before with his bills to try to stop the TSA from sexually molesting us, especially our children, especially our children.
Unfortunately, that didn't pass.
He gave it a ballot try twice.
It was shut down by the lieutenant governor.
Before it got through the Senate, David Simpson got elected to the State House in Texas in 2010, defeating a seven-term incumbent by running on a platform of defending the Constitution.
This is from his biography on his website.
In his first session, he earned the Taxpayer Champion Award from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Freshman of the Year Award from Young Conservatives of Texas.
He has deep roots in Texas.
He's a seventh-generation Texan.
Well, it's a delight to be with you.
Thank you for having me.
Well thank you, and thank you for putting this up.
Thank you for your work.
I'll tell you what, if people want to know who the heir to Ron Paul is, it's this guy.
This guy is my hero, I'll tell you.
Talk to us about what you would do with medical marijuana.
What's your approach?
What would you say to Christians who want to use the hammer of government who see everything as a nail that needs to be hit down with force?
Well, first of all, I'd like to focus on
Proper role of government.
And you can just go right to Romans 13.
It talks about how God gave the civil magistrate the sword.
The sword is an image of force that can prod, it can punish.
It's duty is to punish the wrongdoer.
But it's interesting, it's not every wrongdoing.
The commandments that the Apostle Paul focuses on in the middle of the chapter, after talking about the magistrate's role, are the second table of the law.
Not murdering, not stealing, not bearing false witness, or even planning to do so.
The role of the civil magistrate is to punish the wrongdoer who harms his neighbor, taking away his life, liberty, or property.
And it doesn't touch the first table of the law.
That's the first thing.
We don't want the civil government telling us how and when to worship and who to worship.
That's something that we must follow as individuals, according to our conscience, and led captive, hopefully, by the Word of God.
The other thing I'd focus on with respect to marijuana is that you start with a world that God created good, including all its plants.
And some people misinterpreted my statement about that, but you have to start there.
Certainly, good things that God made can be abused, but in 1 Timothy 4.4, it says that
Everything is to be received, if it can be done so with Thanksgiving, and that would assume fate.
And so, what led me to repeal all the prohibitions for punishing people for possessing or cultivating or selling mulled marijuana, is it didn't... We shouldn't ban a plant, God may, we should focus on irresponsible actions that harm our neighbor.
If you haven't harmed your neighbor,
I just talked to a former prosecutor last week.
We talked to Jim Garrock with Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
That's an organization of former prosecutors, former police officers, some of them still active, but most of them are retired.
They don't want to see prohibition.
They understand how it's counterproductive.
They understand how it destroys our liberties, it corrupts government.
They've seen that happen.
And Jim Gearock is at the United Nations this week trying to get them to change their focus, attacking this at the top level, trying to get them to change their focus from law enforcement to recognizing that it's a medical issue.
And as Christians we ought to recognize that it's a spiritual issue.
We're going to come back and I want to talk to, right after the break, I want to talk to David Simpson about how differently he would unregulate marijuana as opposed to the way they've done it out west in the states where they've passed initiatives.
Heavily regulating it, heavily taxing it, creating a web of entrapment for people.
David Simpson's bill would not do that.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and we're talking to David Simpson, a Texas representative who has just introduced some legislation that would remove marijuana from the Texas legal code completely.
I want to talk to him about the implications of that.
I wanted to have him on especially because he addresses Christian issues, and as David Simpson was pointing out in the last segment, and as he wrote in an op-ed piece for the Dallas Morning News, he said the Bible warns about excessive drinking, eating, and sleeping, but it doesn't ban eating, drinking, and sleeping, or the substances or conditions associated with eating, drinking, and sleeping.
So you can do that excessively, but it doesn't ban those things.
He said there is a place for prohibition.
There is a place for prohibition that's prohibiting aggression.
And he was just talking about Romans 13.
Certainly as conservative Republicans, conservative Christian Republicans, the main supporters of the war on drugs need to understand
They ought to instantly be revulsed by this because of just what happens with private property.
Look at civil asset forfeiture, where you're not charged with a crime, you're not convicted of a crime, they charge your property with the crime and they confiscate your property.
See, that's the kind of destruction of due process that happens under Prohibition.
And of course, the mandatory minimums locking people up for non-violent crimes for very long periods of time, where there's no discretion for the fact that they were non-violent, that this is their first offense.
No, just lock them up.
We have a story that's breaking today, Mr. Simpson.
A father who is facing 20 years in prison for treating his daughter's cancer with cannabis oil.
Can you speak to that?
You have some constituents in your area that are struggling with health issues that they find cannabis helping them with.
It's an issue of compassion.
Can't we, as Christians, have compassion on other people?
Well, we should, and especially our closest neighbor, that is, that God's temporarily entrusted to us, our children.
And that's really what led me to file the bill at this time, because
I know there are numerous families that have sought to help their children.
Some have means, some that don't.
The ones that have, have tried Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, all the pharmaceuticals, which have tremendous side effects.
Without any help to their precious daughter who has 15 to 20 seizures a day.
In desperation, this one family went to Colorado and she went two weeks after taking the cannabis oil without any seizures.
So they're faced with uprooting their family, taking a new job, or becoming criminals and smuggling the product here in Texas.
And they shouldn't be faced with that kind of choice.
As long as you're not harming your neighbor, the government shouldn't be getting in the way.
I know of a case that goes back to California.
One of the things that first woke me up was a case of a libertarian, Peter McWilliams, and he was struggling with AIDS.
He was on chemotherapy like cancer patients.
He could not control his nausea.
And he was very public.
He was a writer.
He was very public about how helpful cannabis was for controlling that.
And they came after him to make him an example, and the judge
Ordered him not to use it, but he continued to use it and he talked about the fact that he was going to use it because he was not going to, you know, that was the only thing that would help him.
And the judge locked him up in jail where he, so that he couldn't get access to it.
And Mr. Simpson, he choked to death on his own vomit in jail.
That's the kind, that's the results of these kind of laws.
Well, they're unnecessary.
They are not compassionate.
And it's time that we recognize as conservatives that we need to get the government out of health care.
And if there's a natural plant that God made that can be used responsibly, we ought to have access to it.
And you shouldn't be a criminal or fear being a criminal for using it.
And that is just wrong.
This is supposed to be Texas.
This is supposed to be the land of the free.
I think most people recognize that this is what we should do, but they're just fearful.
I think we need to move forward with it and my colleagues, I'm hopeful that they'll recognize that as well.
We see this being pushed back.
This is something else that ought to speak to the conservative Republicans who tend to support the war on drugs.
They need to understand that this has its roots as a U.N.
agenda in 1961, ten years before Nixon declared a war on drugs.
They laid out the blueprint for how they were going to do this, even coming up with the four different schedules.
And that's why the U.N.
has weighed in on these states out west that have legalized recreational use of marijuana.
Mr. Simpson, we have bills now that have been introduced in the Senate as well as in the House on marijuana.
The Senate has just introduced a medical marijuana bill.
It has Rand Paul on the Republican side and on the Democrat side we have Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand who have sponsored a bill on medical marijuana.
People are waking up to the absurdity of drug prohibition, especially when it comes to marijuana.
I'm thankful for that and we need that because one of the concerns about the other bill that's in the Texas House now for medical marijuana, it not only creates a bureaucracy similar to the ATF in a sense, but it also creates a registry.
And unless we move the federal prohibition, if you're on that registry and we have a change in policies,
And they start prosecuting those who use marijuana medicinally, that'll be evidence of it.
And that's what makes the bill that I have different, is that it basically just says this is the limited government personal responsibility approach to marijuana.
It doesn't mean that, you know, if you do something irresponsible, you're still responsible for that, whether it be on the road because of marijuana or cough syrup or alcohol.
Absolutely, and you know as I pointed out earlier in the show,
We had, when we had alcohol prohibition, they had to pass the Volstead Act.
They had to give us the 18th Amendment to the Constitution because the federal government doesn't have any authority to prohibit anything that we use or put in our bodies.
So they had to have a constitutional amendment for alcohol.
They had another one to take it out.
How do we get to the point where no one in Washington pays any attention to the Constitution?
That's what people need to start asking themselves as evidence
Well, we just, uh...
You know, it would be able to be taxed, but just like any other agricultural product, there are fruit from it, and it wouldn't be a sin tax.
It can be used responsibly.
I wouldn't want to tax it like we've done to tobacco.
I just want to allow people to grow it, to sell it, and there's cannabis that makes other products that have low THC.
It's called hemp.
And that's been banned along with the higher forms of cannabis, marijuana, for about 100 years.
It's one of the most strongest fibers.
It produces about four times as much fiber as pine trees per acre.
It could be used for rope.
Our founding documents were printed on hemp.
And so, as far as marijuana used medicinally, it would just
And I think that's what people need to understand is that when they see something like hemp
That doesn't have any psychoactive properties.
I think that is correct, and we just need to return to the basics.
We always look to government to be our savior.
What we need to do is focus on self-government, family government, church government, and just recognize this good plan that God has made, and let's use it responsibly to help our neighbors, help ourselves, and to make good products with it.
I want to go to the
I want to go to some of the medical issues, too.
I want to address this.
And I understand that it's important for people to know that your bill is not simply legalizing medical marijuana, but I think it helps people to understand that it should not, first of all, be a Schedule I drug.
Even if we're going to try to maintain this unconstitutional, illegal U.N.
framework for drug prohibition, marijuana doesn't belong as a Schedule I drug.
And of course, 80% of the people who are locked up are locked up because of marijuana under the War on Drugs.
But of course, I've got a story here, and there's many of these.
An elderly man with terminal cancer walks out of hospice.
His cancer came back a second time.
The pharmaceuticals are not giving him any help.
He started treating it with cannabis oil.
He walks out, as I mentioned earlier, we've got now a father who's trying to do the same thing for his daughter, facing 20 years in prison because he tried to treat his daughter with cannabis oil.
When you were talking about the people in your jurisdiction, the ones who are the children who are having these uncontrolled seizures, you mentioned something about one of the children had been damaged by vaccines.
Is that correct?
That's right.
The first person I alluded to in the earlier segment comes from a wealthy family and was flown all around the country and has tried all the pharmaceuticals.
This other family
That I often refer to, and they're not the only ones, but they come to mind because they show the other end of the spectrum.
This is a 31-year-old who's fed with a tube, and he has had epilepsy all his life.
And he had an identical twin brother.
He had a vaccine from another lot.
Everybody in his lot died for him.
And he suffered with these seizures ever since then, and his parents were lovingly taking care of him.
And they don't have the ability to just fly him everywhere.
And, you know, the only way they can try the cannabis oil that's been so effective for the other constituent would be to just basically don't move.
It would be very extraordinary for them to take their son there.
So the other usefulness of it is our veterans.
Suffering from PTSD, we have 22 that we know of, veterans per day committing suicide because of the difficulties of living with what they've gone through.
And this is a natural plant that they can use to help calm them, to treat some of these symptoms, and that doesn't cost a lot.
We shouldn't have to just resort to government-approved medicine.
We should have the right and we should have a conscience that would demand that we have the least side effects.
If you compare marijuana side effects to the pharmaceutical products, they don't even compare.
Limited side effects compared.
Oh absolutely.
I had a relative and they were tested for glaucoma and they said well you don't have it yet but you're trending high and so I went back and I researched well what would they do if they had glaucoma.
And when you look at the American Ophthalmology Society's website, they talk about the different medications, and you look at the side effects, they were horrific.
But they had one section there, Mr. Simpson, about treating it with cannabis.
And you know what the side effects were?
Euphoria and increased appetite.
Those were the side effects.
And they said, the problem with it is that we haven't
Run the test.
Why don't they run the test?
Well, because nobody's going to make any money off of running the test.
We haven't run the test so we don't know how much you should medicate.
So the biggest risk is that you may under-medicate with this.
That was it.
You may under-medicate and the symptoms are euphoria and increased appetite.
But I want to go back to this case of this child who's suffering from seizures because we just had a report that came out of Charlotte.
The news media picked that up of a child who has been compensated by the federal vaccine court.
And her case was very much like the one that you were talking about.
This is a child who was damaged by vaccines at three months and she went before because
That's right.
Well, that's right, and they want to do that.
They want to try that.
They actually could have
It's just unfortunate
And it's a tragedy that government is standing in the way of loving, caring parents taking care of their children that can bang their head on a desk or the floor or a wall at any time.
We need to really be consistent in our conservative principles.
And we don't need not only the Affordable Care Act, which is not affordable, we just need to be left
You're talking about the Affordable Health Care Act where they mandated insurance to help the insurance companies.
They're going to be mandating vaccines.
We see bills throughout the country, 29 different states.
I know we have it here in Texas.
So really quickly before we have to let you go.
What's your response to the bills in Texas that would come after the people who are concerned about vaccines essentially removing our ability to have informed consent?
Well, I oppose those and there is a great movement towards that.
We need to have the option, the conscientious objection, or just we don't want to do it.
And the people, you know, say, well, that's going to harm the rest of the population.
Well, I say, well, it may harm someone who doesn't take it.
If yours is so effective, it shouldn't affect you, so why not let us opt out?
The government shouldn't be telling us what to put in our bodies, especially our children.
I oppose the mandated vaccines and the list created from them.
Yes, yes.
Tracking people.
Again, like you're talking about possibly tracking people with this other bill that would legalize medical marijuana, setting up a registry to track people.
That is something we should all be very concerned about.
And of course, Mr. Simpson, when we look at these bills that would take away our informed consent, that was one of the cornerstones that came out of the Nuremberg trials.
That was the Nuremberg Code saying the way you stop these kind of abuses that we saw under the Nazis is to make informed consent paramount.
And yet that's precisely what they want to take away from us now.
And I find it amazing that the people who want to take away our informed consent are many people from the left who are
Well, they can pray for me and for the cause.
Use their freedom responsibly and contact their representative, senator, and the leadership of the state in favor of House Bill 2165.
Thank you so much, David Simpson, and that's davidsimpson.com.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We were just talking in the last segment to David Simpson, a Texas representative who was introduced to Bill, but would not bring
A massive regulation and taxation to marijuana.
It would decriminalize marijuana in all respects.
It would treat it for what it is.
A very effective plant that God has given us.
And he has taken this appeal.
He said he normally doesn't talk about his faith, but in this particular instance, because so many people who support the war on drugs, and of course marijuana is 80% of that,
The people who support the war on drugs are typically conservative Christians, and so he wanted to speak to them in a way, and I hope that even if you're not a Christian, that you understand a way that you can talk to Christians, talk to them about compassion, talk to them about the fact that government is simply force.
It is a hammer.
And it sees everything as a nail, and this is not a problem that can be fixed by force.
This has corrupted our government, it has destroyed our due process, and it is withholding from people medicine that is very effective, and we need to stop it.
We need to roll Prohibition back right now.
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Now we'll go back to your calls.
We've got JD Slim, Lauren, Damien, and Ted.
I'm going to try to get to everybody.
We'll go into overdrive if we don't get to everybody.
Let's go to JD in California.
J.D., go ahead.
Say hi, David.
Yeah, I'm a medical marijuana patient, devout Christian, and I just can't stand how, you know, these people who believe that they're Christians and they take the Bible seriously, but they miss the very first page of the Bible in Genesis, where it says, God gives us all seed-bearing fruits and herbs for man to use.
Yes, that's one of the points that David Simpson made in his editorial that went into the Dallas Morning News.
Yes, good point.
And, you know, what about compassion?
What about, you know, having compassion for your neighbors in prison?
I mean, if Jesus criticized people for not visiting people in prison, for not giving them food, for water, what does he think about people who clamor for non-violent persons to be locked up in a box?
Locked up in prison?
Simply trying to treat their child who is in complete misery on their deathbed.
Or even have the chance at saving their child's life with this medicine.
What do you use it for?
You said you're a medical marijuana patient.
I have chronic pain from I broke my back on a mountain bike.
That's another thing I wanted to bring up with you guys is your health products.
I just want everyone to know if there's anyone out there suffering from chronic pain.
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I feel the best I've ever felt.
I'm actually, because of those products, I'm in the process of getting myself off of opiates.
Oh, that's great.
That's great.
You know, it's just, we are so starved for nutrition, for whole food in this country especially, and people are starting to wake up to that.
Thank you so much for sharing that with us, JD in California.
Let's go to Slim in Canada.
Hello, Mr. Knight.
Hey, go ahead.
How are you doing?
Doing good.
That's good.
Yeah, I'm talking about basically about marijuana.
I mean, the simple argument, I've done a few debates in high school and in university regarding this issue.
And I mean, it's the simple debate regarding this, as opposed to things that are illegal, you know, compared to this, that's illegal, considered illegal.
I mean, look how many people have died from alcohol related.
Look at how many people have died from tobacco.
I mean, every day, I believe it's what on every hour someone dies with respect to tobacco related.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
You always hear, every year, you hear all these kids who go away to college and they die of an overdose at a drinking party at a fraternity.
People don't die from an overdose of medical marijuana.
Stay with us, I'll take more of your calls.
Nightly News.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're taking your calls on medical marijuana.
Let's go to Lauren in Ohio.
Thank you for holding, Lauren.
Go ahead.
Hey David, how you doing?
Doing good.
I've got a couple of points, but I just want to let you know I was a drug rep and I sold for the sister company of Roxanne Labs, which makes Marinol.
So again, here are men trying to copy what God already made.
But the first point, the gentleman that was on was exactly right about the decriminalization of marijuana, not legalizing it.
It's like decriminalizing a tomato.
God made the men.
He made them with cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2.
God made the plant for our youth.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
That case was thrown out of Texas court because, as Al read through the statute, he realized they were charging him and they were applying a statute that applied to man or other animals.
He made the case to the judge.
He wasn't a beast man.
He was a child of the living God and superior to any rules created by men.
So they threw the case out.
So it really does matter.
Alex was getting into this the other day, the war between Satan and God.
People need to remember, God made the men, the men made a club, the club made rules, codes, regulations, and statutes to limit the maids and the butlers of the club, not to rule us as the free kings of this nation.
And then finally, the solution.
It's the same solution for marijuana as it is for the vaccines.
They're using Parents Patrie, which is, that's what they're using for the federal adult
The National Adult Immunization Plan.
They're saying, if you're not smart enough to figure out how we're doing this to you, we're going to keep doing it.
If you look at the back of a U.S.
passport application, actually it's the front, second paragraph, who gets a U.S.
Two types of citizens.
A U.S.
citizen and a non-citizen national.
That non-citizen national is not a corporate U.S.
That's the free king.
And he is not under the rules, codes, regulations, and statutes of the corporation.
The little fee, and I know you guys talk about this, but it makes a difference there, and it's right on the passport application.
So I hope people will really take this into account and understand that the first commandment is, have no other gods before me.
You can make all the excuses you want for why you're not obeying God and why you're obeying men.
Because I'm scared, because they'll put me in jail, because whatever.
But in the end you have to answer for it.
So the right to be free is yours.
Do a little investigation.
I would love to talk to you if I could leave my number and give you the hard evidence for what I'm telling you.
I've tried to get ahold of you, but it's kind of tough.
Go ahead and give your information.
Excellent call, excellent points, and as you point out,
They have a patent on marijuana.
They know that it is effective.
But of course, the war on drugs serves the interest of government.
It serves the interest of the globalist UN.
That's why they operate both sides of it.
We're growing the heroin at record amounts in Afghanistan.
Yeah, how's it going, man?
Yeah, I just want to say one thing.
The war on drugs is a fraud.
We got our sisters, we got our brothers overseas fighting, dying, trying their hardest to protect us over a fake enslavement ideal that there is a terrorist out there.
And here they are fighting and bringing back this opium across the border.
We're out of time.
Thank you so much.
Absolutely correct.
Sorry to the other callers, we don't have time to get to you tonight.
7 Central, 8pm Eastern, The Nightly News.
Join us then.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.