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Name: 20150306_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 6, 2015
2374 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics in his broadcast including geopolitical dangers since WWII, biometric security measures, Hillary Clinton's email scandal, and an interview with former CIA officer Robert David Steele about ISIS, election reform, and the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He also talks about Secret 12, a vitamin B12 nutraceutical, his allergies, and various other topics including the US government structure, CPS charges, Hillary Clinton being seen as the president of the Democratic criminal operation, Jeb Bush being booed and losing in the polls, Mother Jones declaring eating three meals a day as racist, and a newly introduced bill that may take away people's right to buy level 3 and higher body armor. The show takes calls from listeners.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live broadcasting worldwide on this Friday, already the sixth day of March 2015.
Yesterday, Lord Rothschild warned investors of most dangerous geopolitical situations as World War II.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts headlined today on InfoWars.com.
Crazed Washington drives the world to final war.
It's probably too late to stop the war.
You dovetail that with Alan Greenspan's latest statement.
Mainstream financial experts recommend
Quote, take out a loan and invest in the stock market.
And that ties into a new report with Alan Greenspan warns stocks are without a doubt extremely overvalued.
We've got intensifying information on the whole Hillary Clinton email flap, report Boehner cut deal with Nancy Pelosi to use Netanyahu's speech as cover, I knew that was a distraction, to fund Obama's executive amnesty, we'll talk about the lone wolf dictator president, that's what Andrew Napolitano calls him, all this and more coming up.
But first, here's a Leanne McAdoo report from InfoWars Nightly News on Google and some of the latest hacking.
So one of the big things that you're probably going to be seeing coming out of South by Southwest is how technology is doing away with those pesky passwords.
And of course, biometrics is being hailed as the best, less hackable alternative.
But there's just one problem with that.
Every single time they roll out a new biometric security measure, it's bypassed with a really easy technique.
For instance, eye scanning authentication can be skirted by simply printing a high-res photo found in a Google search.
Security researcher Jan Starberg-Chrysler from the Chaos Computer Club tells Forbes how this kind of attack is possible.
The best targets are bright eyes because iris recognition systems work with infrared light.
Also, only 75% of a target's iris needs to be visible in photos, and an iris diameter of only 75 pixels is necessary to be printed out with a resolution of 1200 dpi.
And believe it or not, this can all be easily attained with readily available printers.
Now, Starbuck has already proven how easy a biometric hack can take place.
In December, he showed off a clone of a thumbprint of the German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen.
And he was able to create this fake print using photos of the politician's hand.
Now, unlike a fingerprint attack where it is necessary to create a proper clone, Chrysler claims that all that's needed to hack iris recognition is this printed out photograph.
Now you can imagine how easily a brazen hacker could target biometrics, considering just how many high-res photos are on the internet.
And this technology is already everywhere.
Iris scanners are being rolled out just to customize your order at Pizza Hut.
Have a nice meal, guys.
And forget about being a sophisticated hacker.
You just need to be a scorned lover to get past biometrics.
So I pulled out my phone, and I had
Several things confirming that he was, you know... How'd you get that?
He got drunk and passed out one night.
And I did the little fingerprint on the phone.
You know, I put his hand on his phone.
Yo, you're a fag.
So, using your thumbprint to unlock your phone might just be a little bit too convenient for those crazy ex-girlfriends.
Now, we've shown you just how easily your credit card information can be siphoned off.
So, in this case, biometrics are better than passwords, but they're not bulletproof.
A whole new era of biometric security is being rolled out from your heart rate, your gait, veins, even the way you hold your phone.
These are all attributes that are unique to you being researched for identity confirmation.
Before rolling out the brave new world of biometrics, researchers need to ensure that they are not creating a false sense of security that's actually leaving us vulnerable to a whole new criminal level of identity theft.
We're broadcasting worldwide on this Friday edition.
I'll be back this Sunday.
Of course, I should add 4 to 6 p.m.
Central as well.
InfoWars Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central weeknights.
InfoWars.com is the place to find it all.
When we come back, we're launching into a huge plethora of key information.
Stay with us.
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The fall of Hillary Clinton could be at hand.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
When you raise the debt ceiling, it doesn't raise the debt, according to the great sage Barack Hussein Obama of NBC News reports.
US hits debt limit on March 16th.
Needs to be raised.
As we're maneuvered towards absolute bankruptcy by the globalists as they've done to hundreds of other countries in the last 200 years.
The British Empire model of domination and control deployed against once free nations.
And again, it's not even the British doing it, it's the British model of Rothschildian domination.
I am your host Alex Jones, thank you for joining us on this syndicated radio broadcast.
We have a former well-known CIA officer joining us, he's retired, Mr. Steele.
Who ran operations all over the Middle East.
He'll be able to speak specifically to what we see happening with ISIS and the proxy war with Iran and what he thinks of Netanyahu's speech.
We'll also look at election reform in this country and election 2016 coming up and a lot more with our guest.
And we will also be taking your phone calls.
Again, Robert David Steele, former Marine, CIA case officer, U.S.
spy, hacker, CEO of Open Source Solutions Network, will be joining us coming up in the second hour today.
And we'll also open the phones up for questions for Mr. Steele in the second half of that interview.
He's a really good guy who's aware of what's going on.
We'll also get his take on any of the latest false flag developments that he's been tracking.
We've got John Boehner, now caught red-handed, cutting a deal with Nancy Pelosi to use Netanyahu's speech as cover to fund Obama's executive amnesty.
That same day, they sent the legislation to the President, unchanged from what Obama wanted, giving him a blank check, just like Obamacare is a blank check.
The gun-grabbing, bullet-banning, garbage-as-a-blank check.
Congress is letting Obama operate and act like a dictator.
And we've got an article at LewRockwell.com posted at Infowars.com by Andrew Napolitano that's very important.
Judge Napolitano.
A lone wolf president.
When the president effectively writes the laws, Congress is effectively neutered.
Well, that's right.
And the Congress is self-neutering itself.
Self-neuteration, I guess, not self-mutilation is the word here, but they're dragging us all along with them as that goes.
We'll be breaking that down.
The Hillary Clinton situation heats up into high gear, but what's really behind the move to finally destroy Hillary Rodham Clinton?
I'll give you my breakdown in a moment and cover the different developments.
I will certainly enjoy warming my hands
And my posterior as well to the glowing funeral pyre of our criminal political dynasty.
And it signals curtains for Jeb Bush as well.
This is not just a maneuver between the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate to take out Hillary as a rival.
This is a larger repudiation of old figureheads by an establishment desperate for new faces to deceive the public into the future.
But I'll give you my full breakdown on that in a moment.
We'll also spend a lot of time on this.
This new GOP bill would completely gut the FCC's net neutrality rules, the Washington Post.
That's what they say.
Of course, I don't believe a word the Washington Post says when it gets into actual legislation.
Another one, out of Ars Technica, Republicans, Internet Freedom Act, would wipe out net neutrality.
Here is a Slashdot headline.
House Republicans roll out legislation to overturn new net neutrality rules.
Internet Freedom Act for consideration in the House.
Congresswoman backed by AT&T Comcast introduces bill to kill net neutrality.
So I thought, hey, why don't we just actually get the bill?
Instead of just listening to what the Washington Post says, or listening to what Ars Technica says, and I've read over the bill, it's a very short bill, and I'm going to give you my take on it coming up.
But I'll say this, you have to overturn what the FCC has done because they can't legislate from a federal agency.
That's what you have a legislature, a Congress, or a State House for.
This is all part of this dictatorial avalanche that we see accelerating.
The way this bill's written, it does protect the internet.
From the FCC power grab that is undoubtedly a takeover and funded by a bunch of big corporations.
The problem is the way this is written, it could also be interpreted as to let telecoms get around net neutrality.
So see, we're getting sliced up from both angles here.
You got a bunch of special interests fighting like pirates on the deck of a ship, every man for themselves, to seize control of the internet and then take advantage of having the regulatory catbird seat.
So the Republicans' leadership want to gut the Internet and take it over.
The Democrat leadership wants to gut the Internet and take it over.
And there's different ways to skin a cat.
Different ways to pluck a goose.
Different ways to slit a throat.
Different ways to burn down free speech.
The truth is, leave the consumers in with boycotts.
Antitrust laws are on the books.
Which aren't enforced for the last 30 years.
We need antitrust enforcement in this country.
The consumerists and others act like, oh, we had our precious thing to protect the Internet, which they still won't release, which didn't originate out of the legislative body.
See, I said I'd cover this.
I'm going to cover it when I have covered some other news, and I'm going to read the bill on air.
Instead of just
Hear what they say.
We're going to read the bill.
The bill is better than what the FCC did because it comes out of the legislature.
A. B. Overall, it looks like a pretty fair, good bill that would protect the internet, but it's got some language that is not as good as what we had, no regulation, just a week ago.
So, C. I don't trust the snout, the proboscis,
It's a strip-mining nozzle of government being involved with the Internet in any way.
So, that's the big issue there, and they've got all these fools to fight with each other on both sides of the debate, not realizing the whole thing is a fake debate.
Government worldwide wants to control the internet because government is low in the polls, the lowest it's ever been since we've had polls the last 200 years, and across the world, not just here in the US, and mainstream media is
Collapsing and then collapsing again.
Kind of like a sun will swell up and become a red giant for a while, but not put off a lot of heat, and then it'll kind of implode into a white dwarf or a black dwarf or a red dwarf, depending on what type of gases it's mainly made up out of.
And then finally, it just dies sometimes into a gas giant, or into a gaseous remnant, or sometimes it explodes.
You have a nova, or supernova.
And so you just keep seeing mainstream media collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse in on itself.
Is it going to go nova, supernova and blow up?
Supporting incredibly horrible totalitarian policies in an attempt to maintain hegemon and in the process blow up peace and freedom by backing tyranny?
Or will you just admit that you screwed up?
And do like a lot of mainstream journalists that have been censored, just go start your own operation.
You end up being more successful, reaching more people, and in a lot of cases, making more money on your own than working for these big establishment systems.
But instead, mainstream media across the gambit, across the field, is lining up to support censorship as if that's ever going to resurrect you.
You know, I like to say it because it's true.
All the King's horses and all the King's men can't put mainstream, lying, deceiving media back together again.
Even if you start telling the truth now, you are so discredited, you are so known to be frauds that no one is coming back to you.
And the model of how you're designed and how you're built can't compete in the future, regardless.
So, you had a chance to have the internet empower journalism.
Instead, you have just continued doubling and tripling and quadrupling down with new lies for old, and so you're discredited.
The question is, what will these cornered miscreants do now?
Well, they're calling to shut down their competition.
That's what Media Matters and others are calling for.
They're calling for going after anybody that's not a collectivist.
And you've got the Republican leadership backing open borders and amnesty.
You've got the Republican leadership backing this FCC power grab, so that they can deny it.
You've got good grassroots Republicans, meaning well, bringing forward a bill that is much better than what Obama and the Republican leadership have done, and it's being decried by the establishment publications as a horrible power grab.
And of course Comcast, who's been a villain in all this, and wants to destroy net neutrality for their own aims.
Of course they're backing this because this takes them out of the regulatory hegemon, the regulatory umbrella, the regulatory universe of the FCC.
But we don't want the FCC over the internet.
And we don't want Comcast either.
But the language isn't in here, from what I've read, to empower Comcast.
So again, it's a delicate issue.
We wouldn't need this bill if we didn't have the FCC power grabbing right now.
So, that's where I stand on that.
I'll detail it more coming up.
The really big news we'll cover first when we return.
Alan Greenspan warns stocks are without a doubt extremely overvalued.
Annual rate of increase in entitlements of 9% per year.
That dovetails with Lord Rothschild yesterday, warns investors the most dangerous geopolitical situation since World War II.
That's all up on InfoWars.com.
And meanwhile, feminism is being pushed as a way to just demonize any normal human activity and declare normal human activity mentally ill and deranged.
Eating three meals a day declared racist by Mother Jones Magazine.
Dogmatic adherence to mealtime is anti-science and racist.
Close quote.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Islamic State bulldozes ancient Assyrian site in Iraq.
Some of the most ancient
Statues and ruins in the world, and the United Nations, UNESCO has called it a war crime.
You know what?
I don't like archaeological sites being destroyed, but I think the war crimes, the Christians getting killed by the hundreds of thousands, and the non-radical Muslims, and our government funding and financing it.
Anybody who thinks we're safe and aren't in the hands of total criminals, just understand our government's involved in that.
Unprecedented evil.
There were huge congressional hearings.
People got in big trouble when the U.S.
backed Saddam nerve-gassing the Kurds.
That was a few thousand people.
Now it's just, Katie, bar the door, go wild, anything goes, incredibly immoral.
I want to open the phones up on this Friday edition specifically on what do we do about the presidency becoming a dictatorship.
I mean, it's Andrew Napolitano, it's the head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, it's Jonathan Turley, a liberal constitutional law professor.
Obama is a dictator now.
Again, doesn't mean he's going to stay in office, it means he's setting the precedent that if you can get elected, you can be dictatorial, no checks and balances.
And what do we do about the Republican leadership backing it?
We back the Republican and Democratic freshmen that have been fighting some of the tyranny, mainly Republican, and we make a run at Boehner, who's just a horrible best buddies with Obama, and is the reason that we elected all these Tea Party people and they can't get anything done because the committee chairman system, again, dictatorial, centralized, autocratic, authoritarian, despotic, is blocking it!
It's outrageous!
They're shutting down a coal power plant, the newer ones, every week.
Power prices just go up and up and up and up and up.
We can't even compete and produce cheap electricity, so factories can be here for heaven's sakes.
China opens three a week.
Right there is high treason.
Foreign enemies couldn't do this to us, okay?
I mean, we are just being annihilated for heaven's sakes.
They don't teach reading, writing, and arithmetic in public school, they teach now
Call it polyannery?
What's it called?
I saw it in the news just a minute ago, where three people marry.
Three men, three women, three whatever.
Next it's marry your dog.
It's all about weirdness.
You've got a right to have the government pay for a sex change.
But you do not have the right to not have foreign banks sign you on to $2,000 quadrillion and start trading the military for martial law.
I mean, we're all being screwed over right now and we're busy having Michelle Obama say, don't say the word bossy, it refers to women, when she's being a big bossy control freak.
We're not in a free republic anymore.
And the last vestiges of it are being flushed down the toilet by a bunch of crazy, aberrant, control freak scumbags!
So, what do we do about it?
What are you doing about it?
I want to hear from you.
And what do you think the next shoe to drop is with all this out-of-control orgy of power grabbing by these bug-eyed nuts?
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Then I got this news.
Every time Greenspan starts talking like this, get ready for the 2007-2008 bubble burst.
This bubble now is much bigger, much nastier.
Even though I don't like the bubble and like fiat currency, I don't want it to bust.
I don't want to see people not having money and not doing well.
After we've been maneuvered into this fake fiat economy, living off foreign goods, breaking the back of the American people so they can basically humiliate us and make us dependent on them and take our pride and decency away from us.
I just can't believe how really evil the Globalist are.
They really are trash.
Dovetailed with U.S.
debt limit to hit in 10 days.
Can we queue up for the next segment of Obama saying raising the debt doesn't raise it?
I think it's that Everything's Awesome clip, or it's the one with all his lies.
Not all his lies.
We need a new Obama tape that's just all the lies.
I mean, I know it would take 10 hours, but maybe the top 20 or something.
Alan Greenspan warns stocks are without a doubt extremely overvalued.
You think so at 18,000?
Why has the stock market doubled just last few years?
Because of fiat currency chasing it.
It's a bubble.
Annual rate of increase in entitlements of 9% per year.
People send me emails going, man, don't talk bad about it.
Sure, it's a bubble, but it's all we got.
And what, do you want it to collapse?
No, I don't want it to collapse.
But we've got to be more than a one-crop economy of fiat paper, or when stuff goes belly up, which it will historically,
You think the depression was bad with most of the public self-sufficient?
It's gonna look like Dawn of the Dead out there!
The elite, and that's in our article from yesterday, are building secret airstrips and stuff in the middle of the Arctic and Australia and stuff.
I was told by billionaires and people five, six years ago, buddy, if you're smart, get out.
The elite are hanging off helicopter skids to get out of here, like it's Saigon, 1975, telling you and me everything's fine.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt.
It does not somehow promote profitability.
All it does is it says, you've got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Headline up on InfoWars.com, it's a Derren McBreen special report from last night's nightly news.
Mr. Burns declares war!
And if you're not watching us, you don't get the fact that Lord Rothschild is a spitting image of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons, who's always saying, Smithers!
I never even really watch The Simpsons, my mom really likes them.
Well, I do watch it, it's funny, but there's a lot of programming in there.
Like men are idiots, men are morons.
Every dad on a Fox show for 30 years since married with children is just a complete buffoon.
That's all financed just like the current
Attorney General, back when he was Deputy Attorney General, 20-something years ago, said we've got to literally brainwash the public.
Well, these are the messages.
And when you see every show where the father's a moron, and every show where gun owners are racist, and every show where women are the boss, you're seeing globalist conditioning.
Meanwhile, a record number
56 million, 23,000 women are not in the labor force.
And women in every major study are the biggest sex objects they've ever been.
And most women say that they, in studies, are not happy with the way their lives are going.
Well, that's because the government wrote the script for you, Cupcake.
And men aren't happy as well, unless they're busy watching one of their favorite football shows.
But I want to go to your phone calls, Jason, Matthew, Brian, Paul, Kevin and others, on this whole move toward dictatorial power.
Now it's just out in the open!
It's not Alex Jones saying we're devolving and degenerating and rotting and sinking and collapsing and festering into a stinking heap of dictatorial swarminess with gaggles of sycophantic pumps becoming their own little local viceroys to oppress and dabble in control freak dreams.
It's the establishment!
We're technocrats now!
Why, the EU appoints Presidents and Prime Ministers now!
And we'll do it in America too!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
And Goldman Sachs will fund both Jeb Bush and Hillary!
Or will you?
We'll talk about the fall of Hillary Clinton coming up, but I do want to go to your phone calls.
But since I mentioned what Alan Greenspan and North Rothschild are saying, I thought I'd play a brief report, a brief snippet from last night's InfoWars Nightly News, hosted by our anchor, Darren McBrain.
Now, speaking of arming our enemies, Lord Rothschild is warning investors that we are about to embark on the most dangerous geopolitical time since World War II.
Well, he should know.
After all, his family funded most every war since the Napoleonic Wars.
Lord Jacob Rothschild, whose business associates include weasels like Warren Buffett and Henry Kissinger, he blamed the dangerous climate on chaos and extremism in the Middle East, Russian aggression and expansion, and a weakened Europe threatened by horrendous unemployment.
So that is a very scary thought coming from this guy.
And if you're not familiar with the history of the Rothschild family, I suggest you look into it.
I mean, these guys are worth a lot of money.
The Rothschild family is worth $500 trillion.
And they own nearly every central bank in the world.
They've financed both sides of basically every war since Napoleon.
The Rothschilds, they own your news, the media, your oil, and your government.
Most of you don't even know who this evil bastard is.
And I also found out something else very disturbing about Lord Rothschild.
He looks like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.
I mean, the resemblance is obvious.
The only difference is Mr. Burns is about as harmless as a Boy Scout or Mother Teresa in comparison.
What a douche.
Smithers, let's start World War 3!
All right, we're going to take a quick break.
The InfoWars Nightly News will return right after this.
When we come back, we have two very powerful reports.
One from Leanne McAdoo, the other from John Bowne.
And I'm going to sit down and talk to a biblical scholar.
We're going to talk about the emergence of implantable microchips.
Is the Mark of the Beast coming up?
That's coming up next on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I don't think it's coming up.
I think it's pretty much arrived.
That's what his report shows.
That's all at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com forward slash show to find all those details.
All right.
Coming up, I'll get into this new Save the Net bill that the Republican junior members have brought forward.
That's where legislation is supposed to come from, so I think it needs to be supported because we should cause a debate about the bill should be in Congress, not from an executive branch agency.
But the Washington Post is attacking it because it doesn't let the feds take over the Internet where they had no jurisdiction before.
It just returns it back to the people.
Doesn't mean I trust the way this bill would be implemented.
There needs to be no government involved.
Vaccine, not Ebola, made Docs sick.
That's in a new study.
Mainstream News.
We'll get to that.
We're going to get into a new Time Magazine poll.
Where Drudge and the Food Babe were far more influential than Obama.
Well, Drudge was number one.
This is why feds want to take over the internet.
Alternative media pioneer Matt Drudge and health activist Vani Hari, aka the Food Babe, are far more influential than President Obama according to Time.com poll.
People ask why I wasn't included.
I frankly don't care.
Uh, but I was not included in the big list of names you could choose from, so that's just why.
I think it was smart of Time actually to pick Drudge and Vani Hari, just to see what folks would say.
And Drudge was number one, Vani Hari number two.
Alternative media pioneer Matt Drudge and health activist Vani Hari, aka the food babe.
Yeah, I mean, even three or four years ago, the Obama babe quit doing what she was doing because the YouTube videos would get like 2,000 views.
I mean, people are sick of it, okay?
They're sick of all the polished teleprompter bull.
And it just goes through the whole graph.
You've got Drudge No.
1, Vani Hari No.
2, Barack Obama No.
3, Taylor Swift No.
4, Jimmy Fallon No.
5, Brandon Stanton, whoever that is, No.
6, and it just goes on from there.
From the 30 things that people that time chose to let folks choose from.
And I, I think if I'd have been included there, I'd probably have been like number two and the Vonnie Hart number three, but I mean, I don't even care.
Vonnie Hart was number one.
All I care about is getting the GMO out of our food.
It's a victory for all of us, and you see this in so many other metrics.
This is why they want to take over the internet, and that's why they're doing it.
I mean, George Soros didn't give $196 million with the government-run Ford Foundation to pass this net neutrality legislation, excuse me, it's not legislation, this federal rules power grab out of the FCC because they love internet freedom.
It's because they're coming for internet freedom, period.
And they still won't release the 330 plus pages, will they?
Freedom is still there, but they've built this whole new tyranny beside it that is now swallowing up, dissolving, like a jellyfish kind of grabs a fish and pulls it up to dissolve it.
It's just dissolving down to our skeletal bones what was left of the Republic, and I'm just watching it with horror.
And the elite in their conquering realize it's so dangerous, they're all running
To armored redoubts in Switzerland and Australia and Monte Carlo and the Bahamas to watch the U.S.
blow up and melt down from afar.
Maybe they'll roast hot dogs in the flames or something.
I mean, it's just redonkulous how classical tyranny this is.
Classical corruption.
Classical oligarchy degenerating.
I mean, quite frankly, we had some corrupt oligarchy that still was narcissistic and wanted to build big public institutions and build big beautiful art houses and, you know, fund grandiose ideas.
It'd still be bad.
I would still oppose it as not being freedom-based and picking winners and losers, but I wouldn't be risking my life fighting it.
I wouldn't be throwing myself at it with just absolute savage, tooth-and-nail viciousness.
Just turning loose every fiber of will I've got to try to come up with a semantical palette to paint the picture that represents reality of the horror to try to get people out of their trance.
I mean this, this, this world government
is an expression of hatred for humanity and hatred of goodness is just so nasty, so stinking, so crawling directly out of the rotting hole of the carcass that is the mouth of hell.
It's like a dead cow bloated in the sun with a big hole in the side of it with maggots pouring out of it.
I mean, I hate to be gross like that, but that's what, like, looking at this is like.
Crawling all over us.
I could care less about red carpets and big giant jets and all that narcissistic stuff these festooned tyrants and their little outfits prancing around all day to each other.
It makes me want to throw up.
When I see Michelle Obama or John Boehner, Michael Moore, it's like seeing maggots spilling out of rotting flesh.
I just recoil from these nasty little wicked scumbags who've joined with the most evil forces on earth to try to overthrow goodness and bring in a new age of darkness.
I said I'd go to your calls and I'm ranting.
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Okay, let's go to the calls.
And I think my phone system has been locking up.
I see that it isn't giving me the time, or there we go, we'll keep rebooting that.
Let's go ahead and go to Jason in Florida.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Two quick comments.
You mentioned what we should do about the President becoming a dictator.
I think Texas is on the right path.
We need a state to secede from the Union.
Well, I don't mean to brag or interrupt you, but I gotta say, Texas has got its fair share of problems.
But Texas is the only state battling hardcore federally the gun grabbing.
The only state battling the hardcore dictator open borders.
The only state battling shutting off the power plants in a big way.
And I mean, Texas is just absolutely about to lead the country.
And I'm so proud of our state.
And I know the governor from sources is aware of what's going on.
So you better, he better watch out because the system hates his guts.
I'm telling you, I'm telling you, Texas, I'm so proud of Texas.
Go ahead.
Yeah, God bless Texas.
My son was born there.
I'm proud of that for sure.
My second comment was, Alex, I've been listening to you for a long time and I've never been more upset with you than I was when you interviewed Bill Ayers.
And the reason is, is because I felt like you just attacked him immediately.
And didn't really give him a fair shot, and sort of just labeled him a commie, when he was actually saying that he wasn't a communist, or not outright, but he was sort of, you guys were on the same page, it seemed like.
But see, that's what communists do, is in their new phase, they act all friendly and nice and try to get common ground with you.
This guy wrote the playbook that Obama is using predominantly, along with
A few other people.
The guy that wrote Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, and others.
And so I knew he was saying, oh, that red star, that's the symbol of Macy's.
I'm not a commie when he is a famous communist.
And then, oh, we didn't want to hurt anybody with the bombs.
And then I've got clips of him saying we wanted to hurt people.
So, I mean, he came off as very slick.
I've got a lot of criticism for not being meaner to him.
So listen, I do this three, four hours a day.
You're right.
I probably could have done a better job.
The problem is, is that when you're actually live on air, you don't always, you know, score the perfect touchdown.
But I think we, overall, I think I exposed him.
And then we put the video out later showing him playing ignorant.
I understand.
It's just I don't see that.
I've listened to the guy for a while and I've
I had an impression of him, kind of just based on what I heard in the media, and from what I read of him and what I listen to of him, it's totally different than what the media portrays him as.
And it seems like they're trying to demonize him and demonize anti-war activism, because that's kind of what he's all about.
Well, here's the deal.
A communist like him does not represent an anti-war movement, in my view, and discredits it.
So, you're absolutely right.
He and others were used to discredit the anti-war movement.
So what you just picked up on is absolutely true.
But, I mean, here's the deal.
I've studied Bill Ayers, and the guy is a liar.
In my view.
But I hear you, man.
And I understand that some of the right-wing people kind of use him as their boogeyman when they're involved in a bunch of bad stuff as well.
But I appreciate you putting up with me.
God bless you, Jason.
Paul, Kevin, Brian, Matthew, how do we stop the government turning into a dictatorship?
Well, I think we label it as a dictatorship and decry it.
Stay with us.
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We're going to continue with your phone calls in this segment and the next.
Then, we have Mr. Steele joining us.
Robert David Steele to cover the waterfront.
PiBetaIota.netBigBatUSA.org, formerly with the Central Intelligence Agency as a case officer.
You can break down the Middle East and a lot more.
You don't want to miss that.
It's always a powerful interview.
Right now, let's go to Paul in Indiana.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Al?
Good, brother.
Hey, I just want to say I've been loving your show here for a couple years, and I just recently started using your products.
Everything you said about them is correct.
Me and my wife both use a lot of them, and it's made a lot of changes in our lives here.
Well, thank you, brother, because it also funds our operation.
But doing that, I know I've got to have the highest quality.
I mean, just briefly, since you mentioned that, I didn't know you were going to bring this up.
I mean, an example of what the products have done for you.
Well, we both did the super male and the super female vitality.
Big changes, a lot of energy.
We've gotten off of the cheap energy drinks, energy shots, saving a ton of money there.
Just general improvements all over.
Wife's menstrual cycle's been better.
You know, just little things like that.
Mainly getting off the energy drinks has been our biggest benefit.
Did you feel an immediate effect with the super male or did it take time?
I think it took a little time for it to get in my system and start working the bad stuff out.
It's probably not completely successful, but it's a little closer to what we should be feeling like.
They want us stunned and dumbed down, and energy drinks and stuff just cover that up for a while, but then burn you out, in my experience, whereas stuff that gets your glands naturally going goes right to the source.
So, it's pretty exciting and I love it.
Well, thank you for your support, sir.
What specifically did you call in about, Paul?
Well, basically, the whole government, like you said, has become a joke.
The presidency definitely has become a joke.
And I think we should try to initiate a new way to select a president.
And I'm thinking maybe we use Hollywood to hijack government, stay the other way around.
And I'm thinking a reality TV show.
Let the American people choose the popular president candidate from anyone who wants to try to become president.
Put him through a set of tests, let some judges, let the American people vote on him.
If that was open and free, it'd end up being somebody like Ron Paul or somebody, because he would always be winning up front in the first primaries, then they would come in and demonize him or start cheating him.
But how would you keep, though, the networks from trying to manipulate it?
Well, it wouldn't be easy.
It would have to be done by some people that really cared about the outcome.
Basically, just
Put the people up there, anyone that wants to try, put them up there, put them through the test, see how they handle certain situations, let the American people do a popular vote, and then whoever wins, we put them up as an independent party candidate.
Well, we need to open up the system.
The two-party dictatorship's a big problem.
I've also said, though, we should work within the system and without, on every front, and try to get libertarian patriots elected to Congress.
They're very close to auditing the Fed.
They're very close to kicking out Boehner.
The globalist main attack pattern is to block a Republican takeover by the Patriots.
So we need to work on that while promoting third-party candidates, especially at the state level.
I totally agree with you.
And we should just start doing our own Internet reality shows.
You never know what's going to end up getting picked up and getting big to just change the way we see culture.
Notice how most the top shows now are produced by a sponsor
Not just House of Cards, there's a whole bunch of them now that are dominating cable and TV.
So first, cable was dominating TV with more choice.
Now, internet is dominating cable and broadcast TV because there's more choice.
And so, don't wait, folks.
Just produce it, get it out there, and they will come.
It's going to be art.
It's going to be making culture to counter globalist culture, if it's dead culture, that will bring them down.
Great points, Paul.
Got me thinking.
Brian and others, your calls are straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Richard just handed me an incredible article that I was trying to read during the 72nd break.
I'm gonna read this in the next break and start covering it with
Robert David Steele is joining us.
Washington strips New York's Fed's power.
And I was talking to some folks involved with the fellow reserve just last week, I'll leave it at that, at dinner, and we were discussing the major power struggle out of the Dallas and Kansas City Fed with other Fed branches, the other nine, against the New York Fed and how angry they are at the QE Unlimited and they believe it's hurting the country.
And I was sitting there with, I'd say high level for the Federal Reserve, not super high level, but pretty big in one of the regional branches.
I'll just, you know, their name's out there.
And we were talking to some other folks, let's leave it at that, and they said, look for some big stuff to be happening.
My life's getting too weird.
I remember Buzz Aldrin telling me over the phone, he's been on the show before, but telling me over the phone,
Tell them Charlie Sheen over the phone.
See, truth is so much weirder than fiction.
That they were going to crash an Indian probe in and discover water, but that they'd already told them where to crash the probe because they discovered water there in the 60s, and then like six months later, I'm walking through an airport and it's like, Indians to crash probe to try to find water, and then months later they find the water.
And then I had, of course, the talk show host on a few weeks ago who has on his show that the chief economist for the Federal Reserve, period, and he's had the Dallas head on.
What's that guy's name?
I don't have a teleprompter.
I can't remember names all the time.
Who was the fellow I had on last week who has the radio show, been on the show many times?
He helped us get Bill Ayers on.
No, it wasn't Peter Schiff.
Dan Colfall, thank you.
Thank you.
And we need to get Dan Colfall on like a ten minute pop about this and see what intel he has because he was hinting at some of this.
Here's the deal, a lot of people in the Federal Reserve, even if they're not good guys, they don't want to wreck the Golden Goose.
The globalists do to bring in an even bigger world government.
You gotta break eggs and make an omelette.
And they also don't want to get the blame when this thing finally goes under.
So there is big infighting going on, and then I just got deer in the headlights by this announcement, Wall Street Journal.
That is over the top.
We need to post this article right now on Infowars.com.
This is really big.
This is like a 20-page article.
I don't know how I'm supposed to read all this and then cover it.
I said I was going to your calls, but I got blindsided by that.
Brian in Virginia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, brother.
What do we do about this move towards dictatorship?
Well, God sure picked a strange time for me to be here.
Brother, are you drinking some whiskey this morning?
You sound ultra relaxed.
Did you just smoke a big ol' doobie?
Alright, well go ahead brother.
What's on your mind?
We love you, Brian.
Go ahead.
Tell us what you called in about.
The next shoe to drop.
That's a prank caller right there.
We don't screen the calls and I used to do nighttime radio and the callers were incredible because people are home from work and a lot of our callers are great as well it's just they have to call while they're at work and we don't really screen the calls but maybe we should if somebody sounds like they've had a gallon of cough syrup.
Because I guess we do screen calls.
In fact, it's hard to change something once you haven't been doing it for a while, but I want the calls screened from now on.
I want our phones to sound good, and just ask them what they're calling about, and get them to talk, and make sure they can talk.
Because our audience is incredibly smart.
You hear them sometimes on a topic they'll call and it's amazing.
But I swear, I love you to death, but man,
If you're sitting there drinking Jack Daniels, maybe you work the night shift.
A lot of our people, you know, tell me, oh I work the night shift and then I go to bed at 5 a.m.
then I get up at 10 or 11 and listen to your show.
Or maybe you get off at 6 or 7 in the morning, that's equivalent of 8 at night for you.
You have some Jack Daniels.
I totally understand it.
Not knocking, you enjoy yourself.
You're in there grilling some steaks up, drinking some, you know, Jim Beam or whatever it is.
Just the difference is, this is not the drunk line.
It is not the line for being drunk.
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This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case.
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Information management has become so sophisticated, every administration learns from the previous one.
I've got a parent.
And I've got a phone.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as President.
What do you say to someone who believes the President took action to change the law?
We did not change the law.
We acted within the law.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took action to change the law.
And InfoWars is here.
Waging war on corruption.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome, and thank you so much for joining us.
You know, I think we know the answer to a 1984 society is a 1776 spirit.
We have to start acting like free men and women.
We have to start valuing due process.
We have to start valuing open societies.
And somebody that promotes that is Robert David Steele, who leads major movements for open, free, open source internet.
He is a former Marine, CIA case officer, U.S.
spy, hacker, CEO of Open Source Solutions Network, Inc., 2012 candidate for Reform Party presidential nomination.
Currently he's the CEO of Earth Intelligence Network, an accredited educational non-profit.
Robert is known for his advocacy of open source intelligence, teaching 7,500 plus mid-career officers from across 66 governments, and is today the foremost proponent
Applied Collective Intelligence, which integrates holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything.
The latter, an engineering and information management approach that is affordable and scalable.
His most recent book is the Open Source Everything Manifesto, Transparency, Truth, and Trust by BetaIota.net or BigBatUSA.org.
Now, he wanted to come on today, and I wanted to get him on about a bunch of stuff.
We're going to cover the waterfront.
About fixing our election system, getting past the Jeb Bushes and Hillary Clintons, and getting real issues in there that don't divide people, but bring us together for real prosperity.
We'll talk some about that with him.
He's also thinking about running for president with Libertarians.
But he's a real expert from covert operations in the Middle East.
He knows Iran.
He knows the Al-Qaeda type folks out of Saudi Arabia, which are ISIS and ISIL, the Islamic State.
He knows a lot of the players, so he can give us really an expert.
He's not one of these CIA guys that was like a desk jockey or all the new generation that's where they've tripled the size of their operatives just to run around in that cool and wear black sunglasses.
He's actually worked with the Marines, the Army, and actual operations all over the Middle East, so he can speak.
To what he thinks is going on, because you've got double-crossing Iran, double-crossing Saudi Arabia, the West funding ISIS under the Free Syrian Army, and then not funding it, but are they?
And the Iraqi president says they have proof that they are.
So is it a triple-cross, a double-cross, or is it really just cause of destabilization, civil war between the Arabs and the Persians?
Where is all this going?
Because I've never seen such a fog of war hanging over this, and I'm pretty good at analyzing what's happening and what's unfolding.
What's going to happen when ISIS, as the FBI says they will, hits the U.S.?
Will anyone point out that we gave them the weapons?
The motive, of course, is let them attack us to take our liberties.
A form of false flag.
But then I say, what is the answer to the dictatorial move by government, internet power grabs, opening up the borders, outside of law?
Well, the Wall Street Journal has the headline, Washington strips New York Fed's power.
The New York Fed, folks, is the private arm that makes most of the decisions.
This would actually be a U.S.
government takeover, partially, of the Federal Reserve.
This just came out 30 minutes ago.
I'm stunned.
Trying to read it during breaks.
It's a long, 16-page article.
Secret triangle document gives control of bank regulation to committee.
And I'm even saying this is a good thing right now.
The committee is run by Fed Governor, which is calling the shots in an oversight of banking titans, such as Goldman Sachs Group and Citigroup Inc.
So is this good or bad?
All I know is this.
There are major movements happening right now.
It's been said many times that more happens in a year than happens in the previous 50, or more happens in a month than happened in the last 10 years.
We're entering, as we go towards the singularity,
A lot of sub-singularities, or waypoints, and everything's compressing.
And I'm seeing movement, for good, for bad, you name it, just accelerating to light speed everywhere.
And this is a time when good people can get involved and really change history.
The world has been unfrozen and put into a type of flux, where it's being remolded.
But if we understand that we can change things, and we can get involved, and we can
Actually control our destiny, then we can change the world.
But if we believe that we're just passive spectators, it's game over.
So I threw out a lot there.
What's happening geopolitically?
Why are things moving so quick for Mr. Steele?
There's so much to cover here.
What do you want to hit first?
Well, let's start with the government being in enemy hands.
The greatest threat to U.S.
liberty and U.S.
prosperity is the U.S.
ISIS is a theatrical threat.
It's funded by Saudi Arabia.
It's trained by CIA.
More people will die in the next two years to U.S.
police brutality than will ever, in ten years, die to ISIS.
You've got the floor.
Break it down.
Well, let me focus on why you invited me in the first place, and then we can go to Google as the Ministry of Truth and that other stuff.
I am putting together a non-partisan movement called Open Power, and the tiny URL forward slash is Open Power, and that'll get people right to the book and the blog and the documents.
Here's the bottom line, Alex.
60% of the American voters are disenfranchised.
It might even be as high as 80%.
Out of 319 million in the total population, 240 are eligible to vote.
In 2012, 110 million voted.
And the reality is that once they vote, and they're generally told how to vote by the 42 billionaires, Congress forgets about us.
So what I want to do is bring together the Constitution, Green, Libertarian, Reform parties and the Independents.
And I want to create a non-party ticket, and this is not No Labels or Americans Elect.
Those were good ideas, badly executed.
Basically, my dream candidate is Agnes King as an independent with Jill Stein as a vice president from the Green Party.
Gary Johnson running a new thing called the Governor's Council.
And everybody else on a cabinet that's announced in advance.
We have four planks.
Electoral reform in 2015, re-mobilizing Occupy to occupy the lawns and offices of a very lazy, corrupt Congress when it comes home on its summer recess.
Eliminate all taxes, all income taxes, and institute Edward Feige's
Automated Payment Transaction Tax.
Change the law so that you cannot be eligible to run in the general election unless you first appoint your cabinet and have cabinet level debates so the public can see what it's buying.
And last but not least, I believe we absolutely must get to a balanced budget, but that's a balanced budget that has to be formulated by the coalition cabinet transparently in front of the public.
And here's my bottom line.
If a hundred million Americans provide ten dollars each to a democracy fund, that's a billion dollars.
You combine that with your show on social media, and I absolutely guarantee we can kick the two-party tyranny out of office.
Well, ten years ago I would say that you were being too much of an eternal optimist, but the climate with the Gallup poll showing a seven to eight percent approval of Congress
And people completely leaving the mainline political reservations.
We are entering a time when you could create a coalition type movement to do this.
The problem is they will attack it.
They will send in disinfo operatives and anything that started actually gaining steam.
Would be attacked, as you know.
The difference was, though, if we openly talked about it up front, people would expect to see that, and the attacks would actually generate more support.
But it is quite an undertaking you're discussing and have on your website.
Well, Alex, I put a small Kindle book up at Amazon and it hit number eight in civics.
And I opened the book with the YouTube from Eric Liu on what citizens need to know about power.
That's the most powerful 17 minute YouTube I've seen in my 63 years, three years of life.
I will tell you without any qualification whatsoever.
If the independents, greens, and libertarians are willing to put aside their obsession with individual issues and come together on the one thing that we can all rally around, electoral reform, I absolutely guarantee I can deliver the U.S.
government back to the U.S.
Well, let's expand on that, specifically from your training in the CIA, or specifically your training in business.
From your research and live experience, why are you certain that that could be done?
Well, Alex, the Internet really has made a difference.
I mean, I'm a huge admirer of Micah Sifri's new book, The Big Disconnect, Why the Internet Hasn't Fixed Politics Yet.
And Micah makes a core point, which is that all of the activists today are as fragmented as the activists were in the 1960s when CIA and the Atlantic Council and the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, they were basically throwing out a lot of money in order to divide and conquer.
And we are divided and conquered today.
The think tanks in Washington are largely worthless because they're all chasing after bits of money that will keep them in line.
The reason I'm certain
is that we are now starting to see some revolutionary moments and I've posted the most popular graphic on my website is called graphic preconditions of revolution in the USA today.
I did my 1976, my first graduate thesis on predicting revolution.
I'll tell you what, hold it there because this is so important.
You're talking about flashpoints, catalysts, triggered events.
We'll get that graphic from your site, put it on screen for TV viewers, we'll direct folks to the website, give their radio listeners, but
There are catalysts, and the system may try to launch its own catalyst ahead of time to detonate a false revolution to stop our revolution.
So I want to ask you about that as well.
This subject could not be more important.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Robert David Steele is our guest.
A little bit to the next hour, if you can do it, to take your phone calls.
Formerly with the CIA in actual ground operations.
Author, researcher, book reviewer.
Got two popular websites.
And he was just getting into, if you joined us, writing a thesis paper.
On trigger points.
He's talked about this before.
If a soccer mom tortures herself in front of the White House and it gets caught on tape, I'm not saying somebody should do this, and it's put out the correct way, you could get whatever the issue was basically changed.
If it has the public's will behind it already.
So trigger events, catalyst, and the establishment knows we've reached this tipping point.
I think they'll try to trigger a fake thing like the Arab Spring and then have it led in the vacuum by a bunch of miscreants.
That's my concern, is they'll use it as a socialist or communist revolution, not a free market revolution that you and others are promoting.
You've got the floor, Mr. Steele.
Break down exactly what you're getting at here and the climate we're in right now.
Well, first off, I'm increasingly concerned that Elizabeth Warren is being turned into a Manchurian candidate, and that she is the logical follow-on to Obama as theatrical pap.
I mean, if you look closely at Warren, she's doing everything she can to protect Fed secrecy, and she's doing everything she can to protect the New York banks, and they're continuing to do business as usual.
So I'm extraordinarily skeptical
of the progressive enthusiasm about Elizabeth Warren.
Now let me come back to who I do believe in.
I believe in Angus King.
I believe in John Huntsman.
I believe in Jill Stein.
I believe in Gary Johnson, although I think Gary should be Governor General in charge of the Governor's Council and focusing on state rights rather than President.
I also believe that we're now reaching a point where people understand that the FBI and its false flag movement is, in fact, the sole source of terrorist incidents in the United States.
In fact, I was just reading about how a Muslim community has increasingly begun to identify FBI provocateurs and get legal restraining orders against them.
So you now have the situation where the Muslims in the United States of America are filing restraining orders against FBI false flag attacks.
I mean, false flag incentives to attack.
This is extraordinary.
The citizens are becoming very aware and they're finding that they can in fact fight back and expose all of this stuff.
But for me, the long and the short of it is that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Joan Blades of MoveOn, and Jackie Salet of IndependentVoting.org have the power to bring together not just the former political candidates, but activists like myself and Eric Liu and Richard Wolff, whose book, Occupy the Economy, Confronting Capitalism, is extraordinary.
Ralph Nader is also starting to come along.
He has a new book out, Unstoppable, which I'm not completely satisfied with.
Ralph is sugarcoating a whole bunch of things and he's avoiding some tough issues.
Sure, he's been on the show many times and I want you to elaborate on that, but sure Zuckerberg could help save the country, but instead he's backing the Democratic Party establishment and censoring people.
Of course your plan would succeed if they put Zuckerberg, you know, behind it, but I mean that's like
That's like saying David Rockefeller's gonna get behind it.
Well, you know, I've been talking to some people that write for Salon and, um...
And a couple of other of these progressive rags.
And what I'm starting to find out is that not only are the elites fragmenting, the 1% is actually fragmenting.
You've got people doing conferences on inclusive capitalism, and they're talking about redemptive capitalism.
That's code for stop the pitchforks.
I can stop the pitchforks.
No, you're right.
You talked about it in England just a few months ago.
The Rothschilds are having those meetings.
That's right.
Now, what I'm also finding is that the progressives are fragmenting.
The super smart people among the progressives are starting to understand, and Teresa Amato was an aide to Ralph Nader, and she wrote a wonderful book called Grand Illusion, the myth of voter choice in a two-party tyranny, and that's where I took the term from.
The smartest progressives are starting to realize that Hillary Clinton doesn't have a hope in hell.
And that the Democratic Party, as it is presently constituted, is, as I have on the cover of my book, one bird, two wings, same crap.
So we really are starting to see the smart people converge from all sides.
I just got off of Skype with Paul Rea, who wrote with Sherri Ruth Anderson a book called Culture Creatives, and he told me yesterday,
The Cultural Creatives are now $80 million in number.
Imagine if we got each of them to donate $10 to a democracy fund that is neither Democratic nor Republican.
That's $800 million.
With $800 million, I can crush the rich.
Because I will have you in the social media, and we will have the partnership among the Greens and the Libertarians, the Reform Party, Constitution Party, working families with Bill de Blasio, justice emerging with Rocky Anderson.
I'm telling you, if we all come together, we can win this.
It's not about money.
Well, the climate's certainly there for it.
Stay there, Robert David Steele.
Long segment coming up.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Robert David Steele is our guest.
Very interesting, informative guy.
I want to pick his brain about the different geopolitical movements we're seeing, not just here in the United States.
I know we've got a lot of callers that also would like to make a statement about how to try to fix our government, or how to try to reverse the dictatorial slide that we're in.
And I want Mr. Steele to be able to finish the point he was just making.
We can have him back up in the future as well.
Or even here to town in studio to put on some of the ideas that he has.
Here's what I see.
If I was the establishment, which I know infights with itself, it's not totally monolithic.
If I was the Western establishment, the Anglo-American establishment, as Carl Quigley called it, or Brzezinski or Rockefeller, I would be trying to promote institutions of freedom,
I would want transparency.
I would want due process because A, that produces incredible wealth, but B, it also secures the wealth of the elite, who can tend to sit up on top of things and skim off the top and get even richer.
But instead, they want to kill the golden goose.
And totally bring in corporate fascism, corporate kleptocracy, crony capitalism, discrediting capitalism itself, and are setting up autocratic, oppressive, classically dictatorial systems, and Google announcing they'll decide what's true or not, and D-list websites.
I mean, this is all really scary, and I see the left as horrible cheerleaders for all of it, just like the Republican leadership is.
So you, I guess, kind of see a coalition of libertarians and paleo-conservatives with the left.
And if things get bad enough, that could happen.
The problem is the left has these sacraments of restricting guns and, you know, men need not wear pants and, you know, things like... just stupid social... I mean, look at Zuckerberg.
He's funding right now, men do more work during, you know, ads on the NBA, as if men did something bad.
You know, more divide and conquer.
So I get, in general, the idea.
I mean, it could be a third party candidate out of nowhere, if they have the right rhetoric and get into the debates, would win hands down.
They'll just never let it get to that point.
So I've thrown a lot out there.
Let me ask you this.
Why do you think, historically, even though long term it's bad,
But currently, why is the establishment unified only, in my view, on shutting up totalitarianism?
Why do they think that will protect them when historically that will destroy them?
Hey Alex, first off, one of the reasons you're not supposed to marry first and second cousins is because incest makes you stupid.
And that's what we have among our 1% elite.
That you now have inherited wealth and incest and a whole bunch of other things and you've addressed pedophilia and Satanism and these are some sick puppies.
Now the smartest ones, the most ethical ones,
Are starting to realize, precisely as you said, that their only protection from pitchforks and having their mansions burned down and there's no place they can hide, including Switzerland, is an accommodation.
And this is why I like Richard Wolff so much.
I think he's really a great mind and he's really putting out some good stuff and I recommend all of his YouTubes, which I've been watching.
But I want an accommodation from the billionaires, not somebody making 200 grand a year.
I'm sick of the billionaires trying to make accommodations with the engine of a free market, and then they never pay Jack Squad.
Look, one of the things that I really believe in is eliminating all taxes.
I finally figured out the tax code.
It's the way Congress blackmails people into bribing them.
Okay, and in fairness to business, it's Congress that shakes down business.
It's not business that set out to bribe Congress.
So if we do the Edgar Feige automated payment transaction tax, that taxes all transactions including the currency and stock transactions of Wall Street that are not now
That creates more than enough money.
It does.
We have a balanced budget.
We eliminate the subsidies for the fossil fuel business.
We eliminate the subsidies for the moronic think tanks like New America Foundation and all these other places that just have people going through the motions and chasing money.
They have no integrity.
So, I'm telling you, one of the things that I've done right with this campaign that is starting to take off is firmly insistent from the very beginning that this is a non-violent revolution and that truth and reconciliation are our hallmarks.
All we want from the 1% is keep your wealth, get out of our way.
And that's the thing.
They always say, oh, we've got to keep the economy going.
Humanity is so prosperous, if they just get out of our way with all their crony bureaucracy and selective enforcement, the wealth and innovation is just startling.
The way they block, quote, all the disruptive technologies.
That's why I think the libertarians are central to the solution.
Well I agree with you and it's very exciting and I mean I have the London Guardian, I mean we already knew this but now it's in the Wall Street Journal, the London Guardian, that the elites admit at Davos...
They're buying airstrips in the Arctic, airstrips in New Zealand, airstrips in the desert of Australia, and building armored redoubts.
And it's not just a few of them.
I mean, they're building them in the Ozarks.
Their government's digging in.
Why not just fix things and let there be prosperity?
Why gobble up everything, and then go, oh my gosh, this is going to collapse, and then run to the hills?
Well, you really have to understand, there's an excellent book called Business Blind Spots by Ben Gilad, and one of the things he points out is that the information that is reaching these people, including presidents of countries as well as corporations, the information is invariably filtered, biased, late, or false.
Okay, so these people are operating in an alternative reality.
And one of the things that we have to do is actually get to the point where we can retake the Congress.
We can then start to publish truth.
Rather than Google's version of the truth, or the Obama version of the truth, or the 700 Club version of the truth.
And I believe that we are on the verge of a major convergence and also a major breakout.
All of our prior institutions, including labor unions, the church, and the universities have failed.
We're about to go into revolution 3.0.
Well, when you mention the inbreeding, by the third dynasty, I know because I was reading about it just again the other day, of the Egyptians, they on average would live to be about twelve.
They were about three feet tall, they were completely, I mean seriously, they had so many disorders in the royal family.
If you've ever gone to like one of the British museums or others, and you go through and see the mummies of this king, that king, this queen, they're all
Literally, completely insane and mutated from interbreeding and marrying their sisters and brothers over and over again for 500 years.
You look at this and you talk about the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Astors.
It's a handful of families that interbreed with each other and they admittedly, I mean the Queen of England has most of her siblings are locked up in mental institutions or already dead.
Most of, and it's very sad, but you're absolutely right.
So many of these elites are what Anthony Gucciardi, my buddy, calls aliens.
He calls all the rich trust fund kids in Austin that we run into aliens.
I mean, they could be 50, a trust fund kid.
They don't know what planet they're on.
They don't know how to tie their shoelaces, but they've got brand new Ferraris.
And they have no idea what's even going on.
Well, look, let me come back to a positive note.
You talked about the billionaires.
One of the things that I've noticed is that Warren Buffett, Tom Steyer and Bill Gates have all admitted that not only is the system broken, but all of the money they've been giving away to charity and various issues has been wasted.
All right?
So what's happening now is there is a growing realization among a critical center of gravity mass
That if we set aside the issues, if we stop trying to push one thing, like Lawrence Lessig is completely wrong to be focused on getting money out of politics.
That's a side issue.
One of the things that I found when I briefed in Portland is people's eyes were opened.
They suddenly realized that electoral reform is 11 different things and among them ballot access and paper ballots and hand counting at the polling station and no mail ballots because mail ballots is basically code for fraud.
All of this stuff matters.
Getting money out of politics makes no difference at all if you still have gerrymandered districts and you keep people from actually being eligible as independents or greens or libertarians to run for office or to be elected.
So here's the deal.
If Steyer wants to make his money work for climate change, first he has to fund electoral reform.
Again, pulling back from...
The day-to-day garbage that's going on, and just seeing the direction that the establishment's going in, if there isn't real moves towards reform, and instead a move towards totalitarianism to control things, and clearly I think they've made that decision in the main, that's the direction they're going, I agree with you there's a lot of signs that some of the more sane people in the establishment realize that's going to end up being a bear trap that catches their leg more than it catches the general public's leg, but where does this go as not just a
field guy in the CIA and actual operations but also as an analyst looking into that crystal ball.
Where does the world go if we don't start reforming?
Well, first off, I gotta tell you, I was just watching this video of a guy that stripped down to nothing during a TSA search to protest unreasonable search and seizure.
And I wrote an article that was widely read on the two cops that were killed in New York.
The canary dies also.
The system is very close to imploding.
It's unsustainable in its current form.
And it might be able to elect another Manchurian candidate in 2016, but all indications are that by 2020, we have American populism back in power.
So I'd rather not waste those four years.
And if people will take a look at the Electoral Reform Act of 2015 and the open power concept, I believe that we can non-violently get us back on track.
And my final phrase,
There's nothing wrong with the United States of America that can't be fixed and fixed quick by restoring integrity to our electoral system and to our government.
Oh, I agree.
As screwed up as things are, historically we could turn it around with the gravitas, the power we still have, but if they push much further into totalitarianism, we're done.
They are so close to breaking this country.
They will hasten, they will hasten the soccer mom.
Alec, everything they do from this point forward is going to work against them in an accelerating fashion.
I agree with you that it seems like everything the establishment does now blows up in their face, and when I talk to military, or cops, or school teachers, or auto mechanics, or farmers, that's why I say so many people on the control left want to have a fight, a classic communist revolution, like the cops are the enemy.
No, the cops, I've found, are more awake than anybody.
They understand the position they've been put in.
They understand what's happening.
So how do we, A, do you agree with the statement I just made, and then B, how do we avert
Killing the canary in the coal mine, as you said, when this whole thing kicks off.
We're good.
In June, at which all of the prior political candidates, including Ralph Nader and Jesse Venturi and Cynthia McKinney and Carol Mosley Braun and so many others, Barbara Marx Hubbard, they all come forward and they all issue a statement of demand.
Now, I really want to emphasize that these are not my ideas.
When I ran for president in 2012 after getting Occupy briefed up on electoral reform, I was inundated with stakeholders coming to me.
And so what I have done is I have aggregated the best ideas from across this country on electoral reform, and I have put these into a little booklet in a Kindle booklet, which will also be at CreateSpace next week, which basically is a starting point for national dialogue.
There's a great cartoon that shows how much power we have.
There is a plank out over a cliff, and the 1% are at the end of that plank standing on thin air, and we the people are standing on the other end of the plank on free ground.
All we have to do is get off the damn plank!
That's right.
In fact, we can probably pull that up online.
Just type the 1% plank graphic.
We've had it on InfoWars.com before.
But what you have is the one-tenth of 1% that actually run it all, trying to sick the 80% on the other 19 or so, when most of the 19%, you know, that top 20%
And in that top 1%, got their money fair and square, employ a bunch of people and are good folks.
It's that tiny, tiny, tiny elite that are the real issue and that are actually setting policy globally.
Let's go to, who's up first for the guest?
John in Florida, you're on the air.
Hi, I'm just wondering what your guys' take is on Snowden.
Is he the real deal or what do you think?
Um, I actually think that Snowden is an approved CIA operation and that the State Department took his visa away so that he would be forced to stay in Russia in exile.
Um, I don't believe that Snowden would ever in a million years have gone from security guard at NSA to CIA overseas, um, uh, technical operations.
So he's another Lee Harvey Oswald?
Um, no, he's far more than Oswald because he's been used, he's been used, I think NSA went one blackmail op too far.
And the powers that be started to realize that NSA was doing insider trading to beef up its offshore accounts.
That's what a lot of heavy hitters have told me, is it was a CIA-NSA fight, basically.
Yes, well no, this is, this is, there's multiple wars going on within the U.S.
And one of them is between the FBI and CIA and others between NSA and CIA and others between NSA and everybody else.
Basically, NSA has finally scared the crap out of the 1%.
That's it.
And so they're trying to cut it down to size.
Got too big for the britches.
And does Snowden know that?
Because here's the deal.
I've had major whistleblowers on from the NSA, like William Binney and so many others.
No attention.
You know, AT&T whistleblowers, real whistleblowers, almost no coverage.
But then when Snowden comes out, I mean, the mainstream media got all behind it.
And I tell you, that's what's suspicious.
It is suspicious, and someone else, I was discussing this with someone else, and the whole way in which the Snowden operation handled Greenwald, who I think has been scammed, they basically isolated Greenwald.
They put him into a little box, and so then they started feeding him stuff.
Now, let me say, I think that what's the outcome of the Snowden operation has been uniformly positive.
I have no problem.
So you're saying it was a good move by the elite to start realizing this panoptagon can burn their britches as well?
Yes, but one of the things we really need, and actually Obama could make much, much more of his last two years in office, if he would get in touch with the truth and with ethics.
Because what we have now between Jim Clapper and Mike Vickers at the Department of Defense, and John Brannan with his drone still assassinating people, and rendition and torture, and kids that don't know anything, it's a disgrace.
We need our government to get ethical and smart again.
I hear you calling my breath.
Caller, that was an amazing point.
Sorry to interrupt.
We'll be right back with our guests to talk to Gerald and others who have questions.
That's why I love taking calls for guests, because I should have asked that question.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can check out our guest websites at Pi Beta Iota.net.
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Welcome back, my friends.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Mr. Steele has agreed to stay with us 20 minutes to the next hour to take more of your calls.
I want to give him some time to talk about some of the CIA operations in the Middle East and around the world that he can talk about.
I know most of it's still secret, and I want to get his take on where the Middle East is going briefly in the next hour.
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So, Infowarslife.com.
Briefly, Congress stands up to FCC power grab with Bill.
Bill, important because it reasserts power of Congress over unelected bureaucracy.
Now again, I've read the bill.
It isn't perfect, but it is.
Congress is supposed to do this.
You better believe the FCC taking over the Internet is not going to protect it.
But you also better believe that the Republican side wants it to be taken over by corporations.
So we'll talk about the battle for the Internet and what Google and others are doing with Steele, who's an expert on it, some in the next hour.
Right now, let's go to a phone call.
Gerald in California, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Alex, always a pleasure.
Lung Cleanse is definitely one of the go-tos for me.
Thank you.
Still, this has definitely been one of the most informative guest appearances, at least for me.
You've given me a lot of tabs to keep open and go and research later.
Now, just referring to the Snowden incident, you know, and picking up from where you guys left off, after watching Citizen Four, I believe, and you guys can interject,
I believe that the way Snowden went about releasing the information is what gained publicity for the whole idea, you know, with him keeping himself out of the picture and just putting the information out to the public and the news media.
I think that created a successful reaction from the public and, you know, to get everybody worked up.
What do you guys think?
Well, I think you're right.
It was managed very, very capably.
The real question, and again, one of the tenants, and I used to be very, very good at covert operations.
I actually wrote the script for the El Salvador story in the 1980s for the entire world.
I was allowed to bypass headquarters and send the message out to 17 stations worldwide.
The key to a successful information operation is to use the truth, is use the truth to hide the truth.
And I think that's part of what's happened here.
I have no problem with the actual outcome of the Snowden operation so far.
But I do have a problem with the fact that we still have an intelligence community that's costing $100 billion a year that produces less than 4% of what a major commander needs, according to General Tony Zinni.
So one of the things I would like to do is create an open source agency.
Which OMB has approved twice at $3 billion.
Then I would like to cut the secret world back to $20 billion at most.
Because won't an open system keep everybody- I'd like to eliminate the NSA in a row.
I mean, it's common sense.
An open system is what'll keep people honest.
Not a closed system, that will bring corruption.
I mean, it's very simple.
I'm not a rocket scientist to know that.
So what do we do?
Roll back the 1947 National Security Act?
Well, I think not only the National Security Act, but Title 10 needs to be redone, because the military services are out of control and totally dishonest.
The Army now has a new monograph out on how lying is endemic to the officer corps, and that goes all the way to the Chief of Staff of the Army.
All right, Robert, stay there.
We've got to come right back in 70 seconds with Robert David Steele.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is a short five-minute segment.
We've got a 12-minute segment coming up for that, and then our guests will leave us, and I'll hit all the other news we haven't gotten to yet, and some of the breaking news, and some special reports on this Live Friday edition.
I want to go back to your calls, Clarence, Doug, Mike, Matthew, Cato, and others in the next segment.
Going back to Mr. Steele, our guest, working in the CIA, I know in the Middle East and actual operations with the Army and others, you know the different groups.
And earlier you pointed out very succinctly what you think is going on with ISIS, but recapping that and expanding, are they losing control of the situation or is it just a general Muslim sectarian war they want, a religious war?
What is the goal?
Looking at this, is there a real split with Saudi Arabia with the U.S.
to Iran or is that all show?
Is this cover so Netanyahu can hit Iran and then the U.S.
doesn't get blamed?
What are the smarter people saying in Washington?
Well, I'm very lucky to have gotten to know many of the smarter people, most of whom don't work for the U.S.
Let me explore this at three different levels.
Number one, Israel's influence in the United States is going to take a sharp downturn.
Gareth Porter has an excellent piece out on how Israel has been gaming the Iranian threat for decades.
And what I am starting to see, and this last visit by the Prime Minister to Congress may have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
There are 6 million Jews in the United States.
And the amount of financial and political influence they have is grotesque.
When you compare that to the larger population of 300 million and more.
Six million.
So I think that Israel's ability to manipulate the U.S.
government is about to take a sharp downturn and the lies that Israel, Zionist Israel, not the good Jews of Israel, have been telling are about to take a hit.
Number two, Iran is not a threat.
It never has been a threat.
It is not a threat.
It is a long-term strategic player.
And one of the most popular slides, graphics on my website, is the one that shows the Sunni-Shia split.
The United States of America, Dick Cheney, fell prey to Chalabi, who was an Iranian asset, and it was Dick Cheney that created the turmoil in the Middle East.
The Shiites of Iraq
We're under Saddam Hussein's thumb.
So we have basically created this opportunity for Iran to reassert itself as a major power.
And Turkey is also reasserting itself as a major power.
Sure, can you ever get rid of Iran and Iraq once they're in?
What's that?
I mean, once you let Iran into a place, how do you ever get them out?
Well, I'm not sure that's our problem.
I would like to get us out of the Middle East.
Ambassador Mark Palmer wrote an excellent book called Breaking the Real Axis of Evil, and what the American taxpayer has to understand is that in our name, and Bill Bloom's book on killing hope and his latest book on American nemesis is very important, we are best pals with 42 of the 44 dictators on the planet, and most of those dictators are in the Middle East.
The United States government, in our name, supports dictators.
And part of the thing people don't understand is that the reason NATO is so out of control is because NATO is how the U.S.
military industrial complex sells arms subsidized by the U.S.
taxpayers to dictators who are screwing their own publics in order to buy larger palaces.
And last but not least,
I think it's extraordinarily important to understand that we have been grossly irresponsible.
The Department of State under Kerry, under Hillary Clinton, going all the way back to Madeleine Albright, who once described herself as a gerbil on a wheel, which I think is an accurate description of the average US Secretary of State.
These people are insane.
They're criminally insane, and they're very uninformed, and they're very unethical and hypocritical, and they're not representing the public interest in the Middle East.
Well, I can't disagree with a word he just said.
We'll be right back with some phone calls and other big issues and topics that Mr. Steele wants to raise.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll give you both of Mr. Steele's websites when we return.
Stay with us and tell friends and family to tune in.
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It's Alex Jones.
Final segment with our guest.
Robert David Steele.
The website is PhiBetaIota.net or BigBatUSA.org.
We have them linked up at InfoWars.com and we are going to send them out on Twitter as well.
We are taking your phone calls right now.
Callers that aren't for Mr. Steele, I'll get to you after he leaves us.
But I wanted to throw one more big question at him.
We see the Secretary of Defense, before Hagel was basically kicked out, saying the world's more dangerous now than it's ever been.
Lord Jacob Rothschild came out yesterday and told members of N.M.
Rothschild and others the same thing in a press release.
We've got the former Fed Chairman Greenspan saying similar things.
What are they trying to warn us of?
Or do they want to look like they were trying to help if things go south?
What do you make of the proxy war in Ukraine?
Where is that going?
The situation with China?
Geopolitically, just give us a brief assessment.
Well, the brief assessment is that they're lying to us.
The world is only more dangerous to the 1%.
It's not more dangerous to the 99%.
The BRICS, and particularly Russia, India, and China, and Iran, and Indonesia, which most people overlook, but Indonesia is easily one of the future superpowers in the 21st century.
These countries are all committed to peaceful growth.
They can't afford a war, and they don't want a war.
And last but not least, it breaks my heart that for less than 5% of what the 1% have under management, the trillions and trillions of dollars in false wealth, I mean, it's obscene that the cocks should be making $3 million an hour in interest on their digital money.
For less than 5% of what they have under management, I can give every person on this planet a full-time salary, a house that does not leak, running water, free energy, and an internet connection.
That's right.
The studies have been done.
They're legion.
A literal renaissance.
A platform to the stars.
Instead, you read all the globalist finance futurists.
They're saying humanity's dumb.
We're going to merge with machines.
Humanity's crap.
The elite are going to live forever.
I mean, this is really a very sickening Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake type worldview by these inbred crazy people.
Well, not only that, but I frankly consider the people who worry about artificial intelligence as an existential threat to be inherently dishonest.
I worry about artificial stupidity.
The absolute last thing we want to do is automate the morons that we've got in charge now.
I agree.
That's the danger, is creating automated autonomous systems that these people are in control of, because then they don't even have generals or colonels or operatives or the people to say no.
That's the best thing about humanity, is it can learn how to say no in the moment.
I mean, I love that movie War Games, where the two guys are told to do the trigger, or that submarine movie where Denzel Washington stops the captain from launching a nuclear war on Russia.
Now, people don't remember, but in the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was a Soviet submarine commander that refused an order to launch a missile.
That's right, people forget that.
We ended up doing a blockade and there are two facts that matter.
The first is that unbeknownst to their governments, Kennedy and Khrushchev were in direct private communication.
And they both agreed that their worst, biggest problem and the greatest threat to human peace was their respective generals.
And second, it was a Soviet submarine commander that refused an order to sink a U.S.
Navy vessel enforcing the blockade that kept Cuba from going to World War III.
That's right, and it was General Curtis LeMay that they famously have the part of as Jack T. Ripper in the Stanley Kubrick movie, who wants to start the nuclear war with Plan R. Folks don't know, but that it was later declassified that Curtis LeMay, the head of the Strategic Air Command, wanted to do that.
Yes, and in fact we have Operation Northwoods, which Jim Bamford has made famous.
Look, it is not possible
To overstate the lack of integrity at the highest levels of the US government and particularly at the highest levels of our uniformed services and our senior executive service in the Department of Defense.
William Binney has said it best.
These people exist to keep the problems going and the money moving.
They have a severe lack of integrity and they are not at all committed to the public interest.
But now they've got nuclear weapons.
I mean, you think about all the mistakes dictators and people made, like Hitler starting a war with Russia when he was already losing wars in North Africa.
I mean, that's what's scary, is the elite really could start World War III and are moving in that direction.
They're very unstable.
Well, I would also draw your attention to the damage being done every day by industry.
I mean, Bhopal, for example.
I was reading a very, very useful piece in Counterpunch in which we ought to make it illegal for any industrial process to produce any poison.
For which we do not have a solution.
There's a wonderful book by Charles Perrow who wrote the book Normal Accidents Dealing with High-Risk Technologies.
He's written a more recent book on catastrophes.
He points out that there is a tank of chlorine sitting above the superhighway going into New York City in New Jersey.
That if you can put a hole in that thing and light it on fire, you will wipe out a good portion of Brooklyn.
Uh, as well as portions of Manhattan.
And by the way, I mean, I'm no former CIA guy like you, but I know how to read warfare manuals and, and, and study warfare.
I mean, the stuff's, people write about anarchist cookbook, that thing's a joke.
There's nothing in there.
But what is important is what real sleeper teams of special forces, like five guys per city, could do.
Dumping chlorine down skyscrapers, uh, blowing up chlorine tanks, stuff like that, which any real terrorists know about.
I mean, real terrorists don't sit there and, you know, have 75 IQs and, you know, try to do a truck bomb at the FBI cooks.
It's just, if there was real terrorism, folks, we would know about it, and then there you are mentioning things that would kill hundreds of thousands.
You don't need a nuke.
Let me give you two bottom lines.
First off, there's a book called Dying to Win.
The people that we are confronting are not terrorists.
They're freedom fighters.
And we are invading their homeland.
The absolute stupidest thing the U.S.
government could do is put ground forces into the Middle East again.
We ought to get out of there.
We should close down the 44 bases that surround Iran.
But instead, the synthetic ISIS that you pointed out was trained by the CIA, it's been put in to do what?
Be then projected on everybody else?
It's being used to draw us into war.
It's been put in there to draw us into war so that we can force the American taxpayer to pay for a new military to do a new elective war.
This is corruption.
This is treason.
Well, I mean, it's so obvious that ISIS works for the West.
It's been admitted.
That's another thing.
Why are the elite getting so reckless?
I mean, used to, I've studied different operations and things.
They never seem to be this reckless.
Or am I wrong?
I think you're right, Alex.
I think what you're seeing is the last spasms of an out-of-control system.
I have a guest review coming up of a new book and, you know, there have been a number of excellent books by Ger and others on secrecy and the Empire and so forth.
What you have here is essentially a syphilitic system firing its last round of machine gun bullets.
That's, it is kind of like a syphilithic fever of mental illness.
Let's talk to Russell in Vermont.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing, man?
Pretty crazy doing this interview.
It makes you think about how just extreme everything is.
It really is.
Yeah, no kidding.
My question for your guest was, how does all this, these proxy wars and skirmishes with ISIS conflict with currency values in the world?
And when those skirmishes are over and the
Iraq comes back on its feet, so to say.
How does the value of Dinar affect the value of the dollar?
Let me go back to Mark Lewis, who wrote a book in the 1980s called Liars Poker.
And that was the first major book by an insider that essentially demonstrated that the entire financial system is rigged.
And it's still rigged.
I mean, I personally think that not just Greece, but Spain and Portugal and everybody else should tell Goldman Sachs to take a hike.
These people, these bankers, the debt that exists today is not actually debt, it's interest.
The debt has already been paid off.
These people have made their money and more.
In fact, they create money.
Uh, that they don't have a right to create, and they charge us interest they don't have a right to collect.
This is all fraudulent.
What we need to do, and there's a lot of good stuff coming up from Mikel Bowens and collaborative economy and so forth, Richard Wolff I've mentioned before.
We need to put workers back in charge of production.
We need to eliminate absentee landlords.
We need to eliminate private banking.
I love Ellen Brown's book on public banking.
That's absolutely huge.
And the long and the short of it is we need to restore local currencies and we need to restore value based on people, land, and labor.
By the way, this just in, CNN.
Feds prepare criminal charges against Senator Bob Menendez for political corruption, basically pushing deals as political donors.
They'll have to indict all of them, but you see a purging starting to happen here.
Why do you think that's?
Why are they going after Hillary for these fake emails and obviously breaks the law, but a bunch of them do it?
I'm not defending her, but why are we seeing this season now of political indictments, political destructions?
Is that trying to throw the public a bone that some reform's having?
Well, the left and the right are starting to position themselves for 2016.
I mean, I personally think that the absolute best thing that could happen for democracy is Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton, because that makes Angus King and his coalition team an absolute shoo-in.
Yeah, I think that's why deeper groups in the deep state now want to get rid of Jeb and Hillary, because they realize that'll really cause an overthrow of their system.
Is that what you're getting at?
Yes, I am.
That's what I was going to say earlier, before you even got on, was they're going after the dirtiest people right now to try to make the system look clean because they realize... I'm going to correct you, Alex.
They're not going after the dirtiest people.
If they were going after the dirtiest people, Epstein would have been hung by now.
Oh, I mean, I agree with you.
I meant like visible... This is a token, okay?
This poor guy... Hold on.
Do one more segment since you're saying that.
I want to hold you over and have you finish up with this next segment.
Robert David Steele, do five more minutes with us.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another flash of sunshine.
Back in 2010, took some flights with one of his donors to Dominican Republic and other areas.
In a federal investigation two years ago, he agreed to pay back $58,000.
So I agree with what Mr. Steele was just saying earlier, that they're going after mid-level nobodies for small corruption.
I'm saying some of the worst, nastiest people, though, like Hillary Clinton and Menendez.
People that are
Publicly there with bigger scandals like he has of a sexual nature and other things that have come out.
So what they're doing is throwing a few bones to the dog.
But it shows how they'll never go after folks for really big issues.
Finishing up with your statement on that and then one final phone call.
Well no, I believe that the governor of Virginia was taken down because he was small enough to crucify.
Sure, and it's always for some little petty thing, some vitamin company or something.
It's just, meanwhile, giant, huge levels of corruption are taking place.
I mean, is it a war crime for our government to fund the Syrian, Free Syrian Army, mainly made up of Al-Qaeda, and have them run around and engage in mass murder, and then turn around three years later and say we've got to have war with them now?
I think it's treason for the United States government to be engaged in a war that has not been properly sanctioned by Congress.
Sure, and now we see an acceleration of Congress advocating its authority, handing it over to the executive.
Is that because of blackmail or because they just want plausible deniability?
Look, all of the checks and balances have gone.
I mean, I've got a video coming out soon, but I briefed a book called The Power and the Ambition.
It used to be that Congress executed Article 1 of its responsibilities as a balance of power.
But when Newt Gingrich destroyed Speaker Wright, he turned the members into a voting bloc that is sold to the highest bidder.
So congressmen today don't actually read legislation.
They vote the way they're told because their vote has been sold by their party.
That's what we have to get rid of.
That's right.
That's why they laugh and say, we don't read the bills.
We don't read our emails from you either.
Yeah, we just go play golf and, you know.
We make money.
Part of the problem that you learn is that Congress has to spend 75% of its time begging for money.
And then when they get caught actually getting the money to be in Congress, they get sent to jail to scare the rest of the herd to play ball.
Let's go to one final caller.
I'll take the rest after our guest leaves us.
Clarence in Texas, thanks for holding her on the air with Robert David Steele.
Thank you.
You're talking to a former optimist who, basically, a pessimist is an optimist with experience.
But I'm just very pessimistic about taking our country back.
And I view the ones that are truly in control of our system, our electoral system and everything else, as the crude analogy of the alien facehugger on the human host.
Because when you go to try to take that thing off, it's going to kill you.
And until it's done, it's dirty work.
And so my thought is to you, what is your thought on if we do, if they see that we're starting to take back and truly have a constitutional republic where actually our vote means something, don't you think that they're going to basically say, OK, we've lost control of America, so we're going to release the whatever?
Well, you know, the facehugger wants to lay more bushes and Clintons in our stomach, and then scurry off itself and die.
I think if it sees enough people waking up, it may actually go scurry and hide before it lays its eggs.
But you've got a good point.
That's a great question to end with, with Mr. Steele.
Look, the bottom line is, these people are not completely stupid.
And I think it's really, really critical to make the observation that we're offering them an exit strategy.
We're offering them a non-violent truth and reconciliation exit strategy.
And if they don't want that, if they want to have, it's not, this is not about burning down their mansions.
This is about shooting their Learjets out of the sky.
I don't think they understand how many pissed off veterans are capable of shooting down a Learjet today.
So, they have a choice.
They can get out of the way and accept an exit strategy that is non-violent, that does not go after their existing wealth, or not.
Well, it's certainly going down that road.
What do you make in 60 seconds of the Russia-Ukraine situation?
Who's really behind it?
Where's it going?
I think the United States government is behind it because we actually fostered a revolt there.
We've substituted a corrupt fascist government for a corrupt communist government.
We broke our word to Russia in expanding NATO into Eastern Europe.
The bottom line is the United States, as Martin Luther King said long ago, is the single most destabilizing toxic force on the planet.
Wow, powerful interview.
Mr. Steele, thank you so much for your time today.
It was very enlightening.
God bless America.
Look forward to having you back on as election heat sub.
There he goes, folks.
We're going to come back and talk to Matthew, and Mike, and Cato, and Ray, and Andrew, and everybody else.
I'm going to get through those calls quickly, and then a bunch of news we haven't hit yet, including CPS kids ending up in pedophile rings.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I've done really good this fall and winter not getting sick, but the mold hit.
I mean, I'll be point-blank.
The vitamins, the minerals, the drinking more water, exercising has really helped me.
Living in Austin, that is the capital
of bad allergies in the U.S.
because so many different topographies and different floral things grow in this region.
It is undisputed worst allergies in the world, not just the U.S.
I grew up in Dallas and didn't have allergies and thought it was something that hypochondriacs had when I had friends that didn't want to go out and ride dirt bikes or didn't want to go hiking.
They'd say, oh, I'm sneezing too bad, I feel terrible, hay fever.
I'd laugh at them.
Well, I don't laugh now.
Black circles under my eyes when I get allergies and just feeling like I had 20 martinis last night and I didn't have one.
I mean, that's what it feels like.
I feel like I had 20 vodka martinis last night.
Or it's college and I had like 10 shots of tequila or something.
I mean, I feel like I've been run over and almost everybody else I know feels like this.
I was talking to my grandmother, who's lived her whole life.
89 years old.
She has allergies the last decade.
She never had them.
And I think it's the GMO, the stuff in the air, a lot of the jet stream that dumps in out of China comes in over Texas.
I don't know what it is, but even though I've done mitigating things to try to feel better, I'm a little bit sluggish.
That's why you might hear me slur my words, because it is just, I just feel hammered.
I don't feel so bad until I get on the air.
But man, you spend two, three, four hours really focusing and you got allergies, it wears your brain out.
And I didn't mean to go off into some whining sector there.
I was just letting folks know why you hear me coughing and sniffling a little bit here and there.
Because mold, elm, things like that do that to me.
Separately though, the answer is drinking more water, more purified water.
I would have allergies even worse four or five years ago before I started drinking more water, and you know, things like that.
But it's a point for a larger discussion, why are allergies, and in food allergies, thank God I don't have any of those, why are so many allergies just exponentially increasing in the population to where EpiPens in public and private schools are ubiquitous now, and so many kids carry them in their pockets because they might die if they didn't.
Is it just that we're getting more contact with things that hype up our immune system?
I never, growing up, and then I'll go to your calls and cover the news, we would do things called wasp fights.
With ping pong paddles and water guns, we would go into barns and houses and garages and Yellow Jackets would get in these little bushes in the neighborhood and we would run up and stir them up and then sit there and not kill them, but have fights with them.
And I'd run home with all these stings on me and my mom would put bacon soot on me and say, Alex, stop playing that game.
One time my dad was, he was a kid playing a similar game and they were in a barn and he was with his friend and his friend had his, you know, head shaved to a burr haircut.
They were like 10 years old.
It was actually Mike Capps, former CNN top anchor.
My dad grew up with him.
Really nice guy.
He's also been a voice of the Rangers and a bunch of other stuff.
I don't know why.
Mike's called me a few times.
I need to call him up.
He's a really nice guy, but side issue, he goes up to the top of the barn and the whole thing of red wasp sticks on his head.
But I had been stung by honeybees and stuff.
Let's not exaggerate.
30, 40 times in my life.
But one time I got chased by a swarm of partially Africanized bees because they sent people out there after it happened.
It was at my parents' house.
And they stung me like 15, 20 times.
I had all these stingers in my head and neck.
I ran in their house.
It was like they followed me in the house.
It was like a cartoon where the bzzzzz and big, big black swarm of bees
And man, I swelled up, almost had to go to the hospital, so I'm digressing.
It's just the larger question is, once you get the allergy, because I've been stung by honeybees since then, and I start swelling up again.
So it's kind of like, what is it in our environment where we never had allergies that's triggering them now?
Because you start getting dominated by these allergies, you start getting really sick of it.
But so much of it is in the gut, so I'll just turn this into a plug, didn't do this on purpose.
One thing that's helped me with my allergies is oxy powder.
It's a higher level of oxygen, meaning it breaks down, it's almost the level of, I'm not a scientist, we have videos that explain it, of ozone.
And that's a super high level of oxygen.
And it breaks down in the upper and lower intestine and is dramatic how it scrubs all the garbage off the walls and it just peacefully, comfortably will then leave the body.
That's been my experience.
You've heard the rave reviews from listeners.
And quite frankly, this is not a sales pitch.
I mean, it is, but it's the truth.
I don't know how everyone out there doesn't buy this right now.
Because you want dramatic results.
You're going to get it, in my experience.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe somebody isn't.
I know people that have gone on it six, seven days, or backed up, like, going to the bathroom once a week.
That they call me, friends and family, and they go, you know, I spend five days, and then also they call and go, oh my gosh.
And then a month later, oh, I go to the bathroom twice a day now.
It's all fixed.
Thank you so much.
This is really amazing.
Can you imagine being backed up for a week?
A lot of people are.
Not me.
But this stuff is just unbelievable.
It's just oxygen.
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Some people it's in one day.
If your gut's already in pretty good shape, you're gonna see a big result the next day.
But if you're kind of moderately messed up like me, two, three days later, holy Toledo.
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Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to Matthew in Alabama.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
I'm doing pretty good, Matthew.
Well, I want to talk about CPAC today.
I don't know if you watched it, but it absolutely made my day to see Jeb Bush getting booed before, during, and after his speech.
It was fantastic.
I thought he got booed a couple days ago during CPAC.
Did he speak again?
It was the same period, there was D-PAC.
Before he gave his speech, I think it was like the 27th of February, multiple people mentioned him.
Before he came on stage and he got booed several, several times.
That's beautiful.
We don't need him, we don't need Hillary, none of these scumbags.
Think of the arrogance of the anti-gun, pro-open border slimeball trying to get up there and tell us to accept him again.
I mean, no.
Not Hillary, not Jeb.
No, no, no.
And Boehner, you can go with him.
What I really wanted to ask you about is if you happen to have seen a speech given by Newt Gingrich in CPAC, that was probably one of the best speeches out of the whole event.
And I highly recommend you watch it or get some of your people to watch it because he took several jabs at the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from countries that consistently fund terrorism.
He took a slightly veiled jab at the Bush family, I think, for funding Hitler during the Second World War.
It was fantastic, and I recommend you look into it.
Alright, Matthew, we'll get on it.
I gotta tell you this.
Upping the rhetoric.
Saying Obama's becoming a dictator.
Saying the Bushes are garbage.
They've intimidated everybody to not speak up, but what do they do when everybody starts speaking up, you see?
They can't stop us.
We're reaching that critical mass.
There it is on the Boston Globe, Conservatives' Boo Jeb Bush at Maryland Gathering.
So it wasn't... Was that C-SPAC?
Was C-SPAC in Maryland this year?
Scroll down, please.
Or just print me the article and I'll look.
Just too much information.
I'm just overwhelmed.
But we'll get on it.
I'm sure if it's there, the video's available.
And that says February 27th.
Yeah, that was another event.
I think the caller must have just seen something.
Yeah, it's CPAC.
And that was last week.
Alright, thank you.
I thought I was on a time warp or something.
Mike in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you?
I'm alright.
I'm the antithesis of an earlier caller who said that they're a pessimist.
I am an optimist because I believe in the American people and I believe in our system of government.
Our system of government, if you really understand what it is, is probably one of the most beautiful creations of government that have ever existed.
That's right.
It's designed so that all these agencies and governments fight with each other and they can never get together to create a dictator.
The original premise was that the power that was held within our system of government was held within the states in order to keep it decentralized.
So, because once the country became too big, and our founding fathers knew this, our job as citizens in this country is to micromanage our states.
It's a manageable segment.
That's right.
The founding fathers were geniuses among geniuses.
It was true brilliance, and it's really important that people understand that you guys, everybody that hears my voice right now, you hold the key to the solution of this, but you have to stop paying attention to all of this TV stuff.
You can tell me who's up for a vote on your next reality TV show, but you can't tell me what politicians are going to be voting next.
You can tell me the record of your favorite sports teams, but you can't tell me the voting record of your politicians.
We are the reason that the system is the way it is right now.
And it is still fixable until they turn around and openly tell the world that that system no longer exists.
And it's really important that everybody understand that, because the checkmate to all of this federal encroachment is to reinvigorate our state.
I know, that's why I called for the second American Declaration of Independence a few years ago.
It got a lot of circulation.
It's a plan to do just that, and I'm glad that you're so positive in your prognosis.
I agree.
If you want to know what the problem is, look in the mirror, as V says.
And we can blame ourselves.
That's why George Soros wants us to scapegoat the cops.
If we take control of our legislatures and our cities, you won't have bad cops out there getting away with bad stuff.
That is a manifestation of us degenerating.
So I'm not going to just sit here and scapegoat the cops or scapegoat a race of people.
No, no, no.
We're the problem.
We let this happen.
Look in the mirror, realize it, and have optimism that if we just stand up and take action, it's over.
God bless you, Mike.
I want to go to Cato and others, but first let me hit some stories I mentioned.
We actually have a newscast clip about this.
CPS charges parents with neglect for allowing kids, 10 and 6 year olds, to walk home from the playground.
Neighbor called police after spotting children just a mile away from home.
What a good neighbor.
Meanwhile, report children taken away from parents by CPS wind up in sex trafficking trade.
And then, I mean, I've had members of the, what was it, it was the Georgia Senate, she was about to expose this, and then they came to her house and killed her and her husband.
I mean, and I'm not saying all the CPS are involved, no, no, no, but this is, this is where all over the place, at Penn State, or in England, it doesn't matter, they get them out of the CPS, out of the foster care system, because no one will then believe them, because they're in the system.
Now let's go to the newscast about the children being taken away by CPS winding up at sex trafficking trade.
Child Protective Services that I mentioned a little while ago.
In Orange County last year, they had a bust for these traffickers.
They got 105 people, victims of trafficking, human trafficking.
65 of those, 65% of those victims were wards of Child Protective Services.
Not only were they wards of Child Protective Services, but check this out.
They were never reported missing.
Child Protective Services.
And that's Buzzsaw, Sean Stone's TV show.
It's excellent.
And we'll put up on screen the name of that lady who we should get on as a guest, who's the National Director and Founder of National Safe Child.
All over the world, they use the child welfare grid as the spotting and vetting zone to then disappear children.
And this has just come out so many, so many times, time and time again.
We played this clip yesterday and didn't notice that it was going on.
But then listeners called us and pointed it out, and sure enough Breitbart had it.
John Earnest refers to President Clinton while explaining Hillary emails.
That's because they see Hillary as the president of the Democratic criminal operation.
And that she was co-president for eight years with Billy Boyd.
And it's such a good thing to see her in so much trouble and such a good thing to see Jeb Bush being booed and going down in the polls because we are just sick of all these snot-nosed establishment punks.
Let's go to that clip of where the reporter is talking to him and the press secretary calls her President Clinton.
Here it is.
So, Josh, if they were held to the same standard, after dozens of questions over two days, why can't you just once say, Secretary Clinton did not follow that guidance?
Because the guidance that has been given to these individual agencies is to ensure that they are in compliance with the Federal Records Act, which actually indicates
That when personal email is used for official government business, it's required for that personal email to be stored, properly maintained, and preserved at the agency.
And that, according to President Clinton's team, is exactly what they did.
We're going to go to break and come back and take some more calls.
I meant to start the show with this today, but I didn't do it.
Yesterday I talked about, imagine you're watching the NBA and then there's PSAs with LeBron James, sponsored by Google and Facebook, telling you men, you don't do enough work, clean up more around the house.
As if men inherently are bad or didn't do something.
Being lectured by the very sports system that turns them into couch potatoes as they live through other men's action.
In a fake game that doesn't matter for the elite.
We covered that yesterday.
But now this, eating three meals a day declared racist by Mother Jones.
I was getting my son's haircut about a month ago, and they had the police state cover for Mother Jones Magazine in there in the haircutting place, and there was my name on the front demonizing me.
Because you know I'm for the police state.
I mean, unbelievable.
An article featured in the left-leaning, it's not left-leaning, it's just kook-level, outlet Mother Jones this week declares the act of eating three meals a day to be racist.
See, everything is racist except the U.N.
program murdering blacks en masse or aborting 50% of blacks.
In a piece titled, Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, they want to change the entire language.
They're the people that tell you how to speak, they control reality, and they'll change that reality from time to time and you'll dutifully follow it, to quote Karl Rove.
In a piece entitled, Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, writes Kiera Butler, please get this person on, folks.
Please, I want her.
Asserts that strict adherence to meal times is not only anti-science, but quote, racist as well.
I mean, I'm actually reading this.
When European settlers got to America, they all supported their meal habits.
They observed that eating scheduled the native tribes was less rigid.
The volume and time of their eating varied with the seasons.
Oh my gosh.
See, it's about making you paralyzed, just afraid you're being racist over everything that's happening in the world.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was just mentioning this and then Paul Watson has put a new video up about it, but I want him to add links under it to the last two articles that I just mentioned so people get it in context and it's part of a larger operation.
Eating three meals a day declared racist by Mother Jones.
The NBA launches a feminist campaign to lecture men not doing enough housework, and their new campaign, I don't have time to play because I'm going to take a few phone calls, Men Are Losers, says new feminist campaign.
I mean, you cannot make this stuff up.
These people are out of their minds.
They want women to think that all problems on earth are because of men at their level.
Not globalists, not criminals, but just men.
The ultimate form of divide and conquer.
And so many women you run into, they really are just convinced you're bad, and men in period are the problem, and they'll tell you, and then you get right down to it, they're not politically correct, and it's all just something they say to try to sound like they're in the in crowd, and they go, no, I hate it, you're right, it's terrible.
Following fads, following the system will get you nowhere.
Blame it on hormones.
Men are the cause of today's problems.
Another article out of Huffington Post.
I mean, it's just an onslaught.
Men are inherently bad.
Part of the species.
Imagine if you said women were inherently bad.
See, these are the race pimps promoting racism in the name of fighting it.
So the new thing that's kosher to be racist against is men.
It is racism.
You're against the race of men.
Really, these are just women that want to boss around and dominate other women as their leaders.
Really sick of a very Jezebelian time to be alive.
And you know when a society goes down the road of Jezebel, the collapse is near.
You see women, record unemployment, record debt, record unhappiness, and they just dig deeper into feminism, thinking it's going to give them Valhalla.
They're like Spanish conquistadors, wandering around till they die, over thousands of miles of the southwest, looking for the fabled gold temples.
And the natives just kept saying, the gold's that way.
The gold temples are that way.
No, no, not here.
Gold over there.
Was that Cortez?
Cato in Alaska.
Well, there is some gold in them here hills.
Cato, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, good to talk to you.
I have a few, a couple points here.
One in particular, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me run a few extra minutes to get all my points out on.
Yeah, go ahead, brother.
Okay, yeah, I want to talk about the huge elephant in the room of mankind.
It's religion.
In my opinion, religion is the poison that is destroying the world.
I agree with you.
Not true spiritual issues, but what else is religion?
Carbon taxes?
There are thousands of things that are religions.
You know, people like race cars.
I mean, it's a religion that I tend to almost follow.
I understand it.
I like to drive them, not watch them.
But I get what you're saying, but there's more than just saying Christianity is the problem, because it's not real Christianity.
It's a Christianoid fake thing.
Well, Christianity is immoral.
Let me guess though, that's what you've got your big problem with?
It's treason to values, and it dismisses this world in favor of an expected next one, and a lot of people are throwing mankind and the world under the bus for their next world fantasy.
And, uh... Well, I do agree that modern... I'm going to hold you over and do some overdrive and take a few other calls.
This is important to Andrew and Chris and a few others.
But you're right that fake modern, I'm-going-to-be-raptured Christianity becomes a cop-out to ever fight tyranny because, oh, the devil did that.
I'm not going to warn anybody.
I'm going to hide in my church until I get beamed up by Scotty.
But that's not real Christianity, brother.
We've got to put the God toys away and human it up.
And human it up, huh?
Who do you think built this planet?
You certainly can look around you and tell this was engineered, right?
I mean, you do realize we're made in the image of God.
Don't you have a feeling?
You've been around a while?
Been to some other places?
You've got to pick up on that.
That we're made in the image of something really cool.
Stay with us.
I'm going to take more calls.
Alex Jones here.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, Kato, I think I heard what you have to say about the problems of the Christians.
No, the problem is the fake Christians.
Hiding in their megachurches.
Glitterbugging about.
Andrew in Iowa, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Welcome, brother.
Yeah, my main issue today is the Middle East situation with Israel and Iran heating up.
I think that we need to pay close attention to this and other issues domestically, but we need to pay attention to this situation because
Deep down in my gut, I have a tough feeling that this is going to be the next huge war.
I think that we're going to team up with Netanyahu behind the scenes and attack Iran and bring the Middle East into another bigger war.
Oh, I agree.
And we could wake up any morning and reactors have been blown up and the Iranians are attacking back and then we're in a huge war and we'll be diverted with that.
Yes, hello Mr. Jones, how are you?
Okay, let me just give a little background information before I ask my question.
I promise I'll be quick.
I'm interested in going to dental school, but as I'm sure you know, dental school is quite expensive and my family doesn't have a whole lot of money, so I would have to take out loans, but I'm not interested in getting $500,000 in debt in this economy.
So, my grandfather, who served in the military, he's not in anymore, he suggested I pursue it through the Army, so I went to the recruiter and went through the process.
I'm not signed on or anything yet, but I was interested in joining.
And I was listening to your radio program one day and I heard how the military was putting microchips into soldiers and I did some research on my own and I found that the Washington Post, the World Net Daily, I think it was New American, they all had a report on the same thing like three years ago in 2012.
But I wanted to see what the recruiter had to say so I went to the Navy recruiter this time and I asked them,
About that information.
I presented the articles to them and they said they had not heard of that.
Not that I'm saying you're wrong.
No, no, I believe them.
It's only special officers and special forces types that have gotten the chips so far, but that's why it's in the news.
It's a fact.
Okay, so here's my question with all that being said.
I wouldn't be worried about the microchip.
I'd be worried about the vaccines they give you in the military.
I think it's great to have good people join the military and get aid and go into college and stuff later.
In fact, the military will put you through dental school, sir, if you promise to then enlist after you have the degree.
That's one of the best, and then you're gonna be an officer and won't have to take the vaccines.
Little news flash for you.
I was good friends with the guy.
He moved away.
He actually went back to the Army.
Dr. Dillingham.
We used to go to competitive police shooting deals that had civilians involved.
And he was a great guy.
He'd been in the Army, come out and been a dentist.
Went back in the Army.
He liked it so much.
It wasn't the Air Force.
No, it was the Army.
And so I know at least when he went, they put him through college before he was even in the Army.
But he had the grades.
He had the grades.
I think he went to college for two years and then he went.
They have a program, at least they did, to put you through medical school to promise to then join the military.
So that might be a pretty good plan for you.
I don't know if that's still in place.
So you think it would be a good idea for me to join the military to pursue dentistry or some other type of education?
It's one of the only ways you can do it, and I have a bunch of debts on you.
And, you know, I support our troops.
I don't support some of the illegal wars.
And I think it's an honorable thing to join the military.
The problem is they treat you so bad, they say you're the enemy after you're out.
But if that's your path to try to get a dental degree, then I'm not going to certainly look down my nose at you.
I mean, I got a beam in my eye compared to you, buddy.
I'm certainly not judging around here.
I was a bit concerned because I heard you talk about how the military is trying to take the guns away.
Yeah, I would not join.
I would tell my son, don't join today, but that's because he would have other opportunities probably.
But I don't, but I get joining.
I mean, I kind of want to tell people to join.
So we got patriots in there.
Then they treat you so bad.
I say, don't do it.
But then I get.
Man, I understand it.
There's a lot of different ways to look at it, is what I'm saying.
Hey, I'm sorry, Josh.
I'm out of time.
Chris, Slim, Doug, we're out of time.
Great job to the crew.
See you back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, and Friday, 4 o'clock.