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Name: 20150302_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 2, 2015
2563 lines.

The speaker discusses a range of topics, including restrictions on analysis and commentary, the FCC's secret monstrosity, criticisms by major newspapers, unrest among conservatives, potential changes to website rankings based on chosen facts, and Netanyahu addressing AIPAC. The speaker also addresses the complex situation in Syria and its relation to regional geopolitics, as well as various power structures and lobbies within the U.S. He criticizes the support for groups like Al- Qaeda by Israel, the U.S., and NATO, and argues that such actions will lead to World War III if not resolved soon. The speaker also discusses the Israeli-Iran conflict and offers suggestions for peace in the Middle East. InfoWarsLife.com offers oregano oil and water filtration systems for health and safety purposes, while other topics touched on include potential World War III scenarios, Putin's economic difficulties, and theories surrounding Israel's involvement in the Middle East.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
Now we just landed in Chicago.
We are about to approach the Haman site.
This is the site where the Chicago PD has their black site where they are legally detaining American citizens, throwing them inside this warehouse.
And essentially torturing them.
Some have been killed.
I mean, this is out of control.
And this is happening in the heart of America.
As you can see just ahead of me, we're approaching this building.
This is the first time I've seen it.
This is a big, big warehouse.
There's a lot of traffic, people coming in and out.
Looks like there's a gate guard down here, uh, fenced around the place.
Alright, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to find a parking spot.
We're gonna get out.
We have to go, uh, on the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna call in and, um,
You know, tell them about what we've seen so far.
We're gonna walk around, look at some different stuff, and just talk about what we know so far with this case.
The fact that, like we've said before, they're illegally detaining American citizens, holding them there, beating them, they're torturing them, not giving them their rights as far as being able to call a lawyer, make phone calls.
Essentially like we've said before this is kind of like a domestic Guantanamo here right in the heart of America.
So this is something we're going to investigate.
Continue watching for reports because we're going to be over here for the next course of five days trying to dig, find information, expose the tyranny happening here in Chicago because if it's happening in Chicago by God it's probably happening in many other cities as well like Detroit, LA, places like this have to exist in other areas and all we've done is just scratch the surface.
The Guardian has reported that they hold people up to two days and people have died in there.
I mean, imagine just being taken to a secret facility.
Here we are.
It says, attention, no trespassing.
Any unauthorized persons found in a home, square, property are subject to arrest.
We've heard, based off many articles that have been out in the Guardian and all this, that this place is... Put the mic up to the hole.
So why are you guys acting so secretive about this place?
We're not acting secretive.
Then why can't you just answer a few questions then?
I have a lot to answer those questions.
But why not though?
There's nothing going on.
Sir, I have nothing to say.
So, but you guys at least admit though that you guys illegally detain people here and hold them without reading them their rights.
I said that if you have a question, ask Hoosper.
So he's refusing to talk to us and he says that we have to go to a public affairs office, which is not even around this area, which is blocks and blocks away.
Do what now?
You have to exit our property.
What's going on here?
You have to exit the property.
Can I ask what's going on?
You have to go back to Holman, where it's public property.
You're going to have to go back to Holman, like right now.
You're going to have to go all the way to Holman, like right now.
What's your name?
You're going to have to go all the way to Holman.
I'm Sergeant Patrina Wise.
You have to go all the way back to Holman, right now.
Okay, we will.
Right now.
Do you guys agree with torturing people and holding them without due process?
Can you show us where the sites are where you guys hold people illegally?
Wow, so as you can see, we just got out to investigate.
We walk up, we go and try and talk to the guy at the gate.
He won't talk to us.
He's trying to send us on this wild goose chase to go meet with a public offender.
I'm asking him, are you aware, sir, of what's going on here at this facility?
Do you know that they're illegally taking people, holding them hostage, shackling them to benches, beating them.
Someone's died there.
I mean, this is out of control and he's looking at me like I'm out of my mind.
You know?
So then they send some lady down, a police officer who's in charge or whatever, telling us we have to get off their property.
We're clearly standing on a public sidewalk, and she's just harassing us, telling us to get out of there.
You need to leave.
You need to leave.
You need to leave.
But this is a bank sidewalk.
This is a bank.
Do you work for this bank?
Do you work for this bank?
This is a bank, though.
That's their property.
It says Liberty Bank.
Okay, but I'm about to.
You guys are all thugs.
So then we're like, alright, whatever.
So we walk across the street into this bank parking lot, and for no reason, I mean, it blows my mind, this guy decides to just drive up and tell us, hey, I'm undercover, you can't film me.
Like, first of all, we weren't even filming you.
You drove in front of our shot, live, on TV, on the radio, to tell us that you're an undercover cop, and that if that footage gets out, you're gonna get killed.
I mean, what is, why would you do that?
Sorry to interrupt.
What's up?
Hey, uh, it's an undercover car.
Would you mind erasing the car where I drove through just so I don't get killed when they find out my license plate?
All right, folks.
We're live broadcasting worldwide.
Get ready when we come back.
We're going to break everything down on this March 2, 2015 global transmission.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live broadcasting worldwide on this Monday, the second day of March, 2015, global transmission.
Bruce Fine, the top lawyer at the FCC who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine,
Restrictions on free speech in talk radio.
Restrictions on being able to give analysis and commentary.
We'll be joining us in the second hour today to break down exactly what is in this still-secret FCC monstrosity.
And the New York Times, the Washington Post, and others criticize those.
I think?
It's no big deal that they're making the information secret.
It's no big deal that they've now announced that the entire telecommunications, internet, cable systems are under their control.
Why, they might even just announce that they're over print media, which is basically what they're saying, because that's what the internet mainly is, is text.
But how dare you!
In fact, the headline was, conspiracy theorists have a new conspiracy concerning the FCC.
Let us see the regulations.
Can you imagine how outrageous that's... That'd be like walking on a car lot, and there's no cars.
And you say, I'd like to see the cars and drive the cars, and they go, ha!
You want to see the car?
Just pay the money.
Okay, let me see the amount.
Oh, you can't see the amount.
Well, you just walk off the lot.
Let's see here.
You can't walk off the lot.
In fact, please put the Washington Post headline back up.
Good job finding that so quickly.
For TV viewers, we've got it on screen.
There's already a conspiracy theory brewing over net neutrality.
That's right.
Let us see what you passed out of your Obama-appointed, stacked-and-packed FCC commission, with the other dissenting members saying it's a total and complete power grab, which it is, but then we can't see it.
That's coming up.
Boehner fights is heating up as folks try to remove him as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
He is the big problem who helped author Obamacare with the neocons and the Democrats.
He is the guy going along with the gun grabbing, going along with the open borders, going along with protecting Obamacare.
And the media is just like, oh, can you believe the right-wing extremist in the House?
Why, they may even have the votes to remove him as Speaker this week.
This is just outrageous, and I'll tell you something even more outrageous.
They don't like Jeb Bush, who's anti-gun and pro-open border, and who supports world government.
I mean, can you imagine these extremists?
They don't like Naftan Gant that de-industrialized the country.
I mean, what is their problem?
Boehner's now defending his U.S.
House leadership amid conservative unrest.
How about people that aren't suicidals' unrest?
How about people that aren't destructive of the republic unrest?
How about people that don't have a death wish for the free market and prosperity and care about their children and care about freedom's unrest?
How about those of us that aren't insane's unrest?
How about that?
And of course, the big enchilada.
I mean, there's a lot of First Amendment news, really draconian stuff we're going to be getting to.
Google may be getting ready to commit suicide as we know it.
Other groups have done this.
Yahoo, Reddit, a lot of other groups that are smaller but still quite large.
Google wants to rank websites based on facts that are chosen by Soros groups.
I'm not kidding.
Not links.
That's an InfoWars.com article.
Google, moving to shut down alternative media by ranking sites on facts rather than popularity, wants to cross-check websites against debunking sites such as Snopes that's run by a lady in an apartment with a cat.
But George Soros groups have certified it as good, and so it's good.
That's an InfoWars.com article that links directly to this article in New Scientist.
Google wants to rank websites based on facts, not links.
The trustworthiness of the web pages might help it rise up Google's rankings if the search giant starts to measure quality by facts, not just links.
That's right, it's not how popular something is.
It's, oh, a George Soros script says Alex Jones is discredited.
There's no drones in the skies.
Or, there's no death panels in Obamacare.
You can keep your doctor, or we're not coming after your guns.
I mean, these are a pack of liars.
They get up on TV and say there's no side effects, vaccines are completely safe and effective, no side effects.
You pull out the insert, it says may kill you, may cause diabetes, may... Meanwhile, Soros and the Ford Foundation donated nearly $200 million to pro-net neutrality groups that weren't really net neutrality groups.
See, that's how you control the opposition, you lead it.
And a couple years from now, once they've got their censorship in place, which they're now announcing, people will then stand around and blame the new Republican president.
And of course, you know the Republican leadership, because they're part of the same group, went along with this last week, last Thursday, and signed off on it and said, we're not going to block it, we're not going to block the FCC, even though they had the votes to do it.
We're gonna green light you to do this, so you go ahead and you power grab the internet.
So, that's our top story in the second hour.
The big top story that, quite frankly, in the current position the world is in, economically, geopolitically, militarily, what we are currently facing right now is one of the most dangerous combinations
of geopolitical confluence that I've ever seen.
And of course, I'm talking about Benjamin Netanyahu, who's gotten here to the United States and just addressed AIPAC, the American-Israeli lobby, one of the most powerful, the big four lobbies out there.
And I've really tried to analyze what's going on here and looked at it from every single angle.
And in the next segment, I'm going to give you the macro view and the micro view of the different confluences taking place here.
First off, this is about 80% staged.
They've been engaged in this fake jousting between Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu for the last six, seven years.
And at first, it's kind of like you start wrestling with your brother, or wrestling with your buddies, and then all of a sudden somebody gets hurt and a fight starts.
I've looked at this very carefully.
It was 100% fake five, six years ago.
Now, because Netanyahu's battling for his political life, and Obama is battling for his political life with the left that is extremely anti-Israel, in the mainstream.
I mean, let's just say they're anti-Semitic.
And I'm saying that from a political atheist perspective.
And I'm not saying I'm a political atheist.
I'm saying I'm going to tell you what's going on from a political science textbook perspective.
And you know, folks, I know what I'm talking about.
That's not confidence.
It's a fact.
I know the players.
I know the parties.
I know the groups.
But the fact that this play fight has now turned into a real fight and it's real, 20 percent of it's real.
After today's speech, and after tomorrow's speech at Congress, unprecedented, it might become 30-40% real.
Well, 1% real with something like this is extremely dangerous.
And so I'm going to, just 100% when we come back from break, tell you what I really think is going on here, and I know most of it.
I mean, I know I'm right about most of it.
I've got to speculate on a few areas that are obscured from view, but from past analysis, and I think it's time to just see in the third hour if Steve Pucinich can pop in for a quick look, ten minutes, just on Israel.
I want to get his view.
I don't know it exactly, but I think I'm going to get it.
Then, call Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief.
I really respect him as well.
I only want a 5-10 minute pop-in from both men.
I just thought of that.
I want to get their take to kind of reality test what I'm about to say.
I'm going to break this down when we come back, and then I'm going to bounce it off you, the listeners, as well.
But see, I'm not an idiot.
I don't just pick a side, like, I'm with George Soros, kill the cops!
Or, the cops are perfect, and we should back them no matter what they do.
You want to bring down police departments in this country, that's what'll do it.
Because then that'll create an atmosphere of just above-the-law behavior, thugs will run wild, it'll discredit the entire institution.
You've got to look at both sides of the thing.
So it's not like I'm totally for Israel, and I'm totally against Obama.
Or I'm totally for Obama, I'm totally against Israel.
There's a lot of theater going on here, but there's some real chunks of meat in the stinking soup.
We'll get in there and look at those, the different confluence of influences and things that are in there, because I'm going to extrapolate out after the next segment why I'm so concerned.
Here's the headlines.
Netanyahu, Iran, nuclear deal threatens Israel's security.
Big Israeli paper.
Report, Channel 7 TV, Obama threatens to shoot down IAF-Iran strike.
You got the former head of the Mossad saying Netanyahu must go.
See, there's an internal battle going on inside of Israel right now.
In fact, I know you guys printed that for me.
Oh, here it is.
Yeah, I got it under the Guardian.
Netanyahu's address to Congress will be the most important speech of his life.
Wash Post, Republicans seek
Coveted Benjamin Netanyahu speech tickets from boycotting Democrats.
Obama, Netanyahu on collision course for six years in the making.
Farmer Mossad urges Israeli voters to oust Benjamin Netanyahu.
It's all coming up.
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Here's some of the headlines.
Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets.
Netanyahu warns an Iran deal could threaten Israel's existence.
Relations stronger than ever with the U.S.
says that he doesn't mean disrespect to Obama.
List times Israel defied America to act in self-interest.
Election watchdog orders TV and radio stations to impose five-minute delay on Netanyahu-addressed Congress tomorrow to stop electioneering.
Kerry cautions Israel not to undercut Iran talks.
Now, let's just stop right here.
I was reading headlines from DrudgeReport.com.
Let's just stop right there and actually break down what's going on here.
If you look at Israel's perspective, they're worried about Iran getting nuclear weapons.
Israel, represented by Netanyahu, who is in political trouble right now, and who a lot of people are sick of.
So let's be clear about that.
Netanyahu may speak for Israel at this point as their Prime Minister, but he may be the leader in the Knesset
But he is not the only person that speaks for people in Israel.
Just like Obama is not the only person that speaks for Americans.
And obviously we all know that, but it's important to just pull that into context.
Now let me get into the meat and potatoes here.
From the hardline Likudnik perspective, Israel at least seven other times has attacked
Countries in the Middle East, whenever it was being threatened or had been attacked, even when the United States was not backing it.
And Israel tried to false flag the USS Liberty to blame it on Egypt.
And that's since come out, and the Israeli pilots have spoken out, they were ordered to blow the ship up, and they failed.
The point is, governments do that.
So, when Benjamin Netanyahu comes out and says that in his AIPAC speech just an hour ago, that is major, major saber-rattling.
And Saudi Arabia is saying that they will back Israel in their major papers.
So they've officially said this in a strike on Iran's nuclear sites.
And then if Iran responds, Saudi Arabia already has nukes, ladies and gentlemen.
That came out a long time ago.
Israel has 800 nukes, at least.
They're talking about nuke strikes, with so-called tactical nukes, on some of these underground bunkers.
And then Russia could get involved, and that's where it leads into a World War III scenario.
And we've got former CIA folks, actually, in the news, talking about that today.
So that's coming up in the next segment.
So, I'm laying out just different pieces
of what I'm looking at.
So we're not just saying, I'm with Israel, or I'm with Iran, or I'm with Obama.
Let's look at the different interests that are out there.
Now, to understand what's happening between Iran and Israel and Saudi Arabia right now, let's pull back.
Israel, shamefully.
The United States, shamefully.
Europe and NATO, shamefully.
Turkey, shamefully.
Saudi Arabia, shamefully, all have been involved in the dirtiest of crime.
That's a fact.
Just a fact.
And you gotta understand this point to understand the entire compendium.
You get this, you get everything.
What's been going on in Syria for four and a half years, just north of Israel?
And Lebanon.
Bordering Iraq.
And Jordan.
And Turkey.
And what they're gonna make, Kurdistan.
You control that, you control the entire region.
It's a key piece.
You take the Russian Mediterranean port, you get the oil and gas pipelines, you install a regime.
There's been a Shiite, Iran, Wahhabist, Sunni proxy war, Saudi Arabia, in Syria for four and a half years, with the United States,
And I'm not demonizing Netanyahu!
This is a fact!
He gave a speech six months ago.
It was in the Jerusalem Post headline.
Why we need Al-Qaeda in Syria.
And the answer is, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
No, no, no.
You don't use the Ring of Mordor.
It only ends up corrupting you.
So there are some of the pieces.
Now when I come back, I'm going to restate that and then write down exactly what's happening here and why this is so dangerous.
Because there's double and triple crossing going on right now.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones!
Let's sit back like globalist sociopaths and psychopaths and not analyze what's happening from a moral position or taking sides.
Let's analyze it from a cold-blooded position and then apply our heart and logic to make them the right decision.
But when you're emotional about breaking down what globalists are up to, you miss most of their real program.
Again, this Netanyahu-Obama situation is staged, has been staged.
But there is a major power split taking place that is extremely dangerous.
And I'm going to break that down in just one moment.
Earlier, if you were listening to the ad, you heard Jakari Jackson cut a promo for the TuneIn app.
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I strike up conversations.
We're not supposed to communicate with each other.
We're supposed to sit there on the television programs.
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Please tell people that we're at tunein.com and send them the link to the sub page where you can sign up for free right there on the site and get the show.
We've only been on for a couple days and we already have 170,000 followers on the TuneIn app.
They've only got a couple of our shows since last week up there and we already have a hundred and seventy plus thousand followers on one app.
And we have all these other free apps, we have all these other things at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
What would happen if you started signing off in your email or on Facebook or on Twitter or other globalist platforms, YouTube, InfoWars.com forward slash show?
And again, if you're listening on local AM or FM affiliate.
Tell people to tune in to that local AM or FM.
Support their sponsors because there's nothing better than an AM or FM because you can saturate the whole town.
You can tell anybody how to tune in.
Most people have different apps or different computers or a third of the public doesn't even hardly use computers.
So you've got to reach folks through those AM and FM affiliates.
They're so precious because more and more censorship is coming into the web.
So our strategy is multi-pronged, like the fingers of a fist.
You combine them to make a fist.
We fight for web, true neutrality, and open source freedom.
But we also move onto as many platforms and proliferate as much.
That's a way for life to survive, is to promulgate, is to spawn.
So we're spawning onto every platform we can, as we've always done.
I've always been attacked, I've always been censored.
It only made us stronger to innovate, to be on every platform out there.
We fight for free speech, we fight for web freedom, we spawn to every platform, old tech, new tech, global shortwave, old satellite systems, new satellite systems, internet TV, UHF, VHF, cable systems, AM, FM, all of it.
And then we also try to get listeners to create their own media operations, so if somebody kills me or takes out my operation, already the understanding of the globalist program is understood.
We then put out hard copies on DVD and Blu-ray, films and things for people to save and keep.
We then have our own independent video streaming platform, PrisonPlanet.tv, to give you the free daily show, and InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And then we're producing more fighters, not just out there open source, but getting reporters, getting crews, getting investigative journalists developed and ready to then start spawning operations on their own.
We're following the basic rules of life, and we're having victory in the enemy's face.
And that's just some of the strategies we're involved in.
So tune in, we'll put the website and URL up on screen, tunein.com.
And you simply go to the site, you type in Alex Jones or Alex Jones Show.
And then you can go there and there is a hundred and seventy thousand people already following us on one platform alone.
You know, we've got, last time I checked, six hundred thousand following the podcast.
We've got hundreds of thousands tune in just to our free streams.
There's thousands of other systems and stations that duplicate our streams, so it can't be measured.
Tens of millions of views a week on YouTube and then hundreds of other video platforms.
And it's all coming out of our central systems that we've then duplicated and have separate servers in Europe and in other areas of the world, in Asia.
And we've got servers just sitting there on backup in case we're taken down or attacked, ready to fire up.
So we are prepared to continue to get the mission out.
Because let me tell you, they set off nukes in a major city and blame it on the Patriot movement.
We're going to get about 50 million visitors in about 10 minutes.
And we'll probably go down.
And then we'll go back down, back up.
We'll probably be attacked, be shut down.
We'll have to fire up redundant systems.
I might have to, I've already got plans for this, make a run for the border to get out of the U.S.
if it starts fully collapsing.
Not because I'm running, but because I've got to continue to get the transmission out.
I mean, we're not
Playing games here.
We are in a mega-crisis.
Not just InfoWars.
All of us together.
The whole world.
You notice the globalists are starting wars with Russia.
They're starting wars in Asia.
They're starting wars in the Middle East.
They're pulling out all the stops.
There's a major intensification economically, socially, at every level.
Meanwhile, this weekend.
This ties into the story I'm about to get back into with Netanyahu.
This weekend.
I see USA Today, and then I see the Austin American Statesman, and then I see the Austin Chronicle.
Everywhere I look is police killing citizens, and is it racist, and how do we stop the bad cops, and creating all these new Michael Brown type cases, and we cover it as well, but here's the issue.
We've always covered it.
This is all George Soros, because what they're calling for is federalization of police.
What they're calling for is more funding, just like when the CPS screws up, the answer is more funding to expand the CPS.
Then they pressure the CPS to grab more kids, when kids do get hurt, as if you could ever protect everybody.
These are the paradigms they use, and I see the same paradigm being used right now, because of the omnipresent surveillance system that the general public has.
It's creating the perception that police are killing people at record numbers, when if you look at the statistics, it's flat.
And I'm not excusing it, but it's just like people have a perception in every poll.
I think it's 77% of Americans in the last Gallup poll I saw last year believe gun crime is up.
LA Times reported on this two years ago.
Perception that gun crime is up despite plummeting numbers.
It's down 52% or 51% since 1992 according to the FBI's own Unified Crime Statistics.
I'm just about reality.
The reality is gun crime is way down.
People think it's way up.
The reality is police brutality is flat.
It's not way up.
Now, we criticize it, and always do, and want bad cops out of there.
But we don't want to go have a race war riot with the police because George Soros pumped thirty-something million dollars into it.
See, if George Soros is for it, I'm against it.
Real simple rule.
I can intellectually break down why.
He wants open borders, I'm against it.
He wants Obamacare, I'm against it.
He wants to restrict my guns, I'm against it.
He wants global government, I'm against it.
He funds the Ferguson kill the police protest, I'm against it.
He wants to overthrow Ukraine and start a war with Russia and Georgia?
I'm against it.
Real simple.
Then I can go into each one of those topics and then show you, with the evidence, why it's bad.
That guy's a villain.
That guy is trying to mess with us, on record.
That guy is a living fossil Nazi collaborator who's proud of it.
And he's given so much money to the ADL, they love him and give him awards.
Hey ADL, why don't you give Hitler an award posthumously?
I'm not joking!
If you're gonna give George Soros one, then give Adolf Alois Hitler of Austria an award!
You're a joke!
Excuse me, I'm getting a little upset now.
Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine.
You can scroll down and read the transcript and link through to the video to CNN and Fareed Zarkaria.
Anyways, I'm done ranting about that.
Just get the word out about our broadcast.
Google has already started delisting us and others.
They've already tried to put out alerts that Drudge has viruses.
It's totally made up and proven that way five, six different times over the last decade.
is now announcing they're going to start certifying that libertarian conservative media is not credible and only send you to George Soros media that Media Matters certifies.
You cannot make it up.
That's who's advising this group at Google.
That's a new scientist.
So understand that we can beat them.
People power, HUMET, human intelligence, you telling friends and family about the broadcast,
You appreciating the fact that we're under attack because we represent you.
We're fighting for freedom.
Property rights, family rights, gun rights, religious rights, sovereignty, common sense, local government.
I'm getting chills.
Everything we love.
Everything we stand for.
We're committed.
We recognize the attack.
We're rallying patriots worldwide.
We're standing up for justice.
Promoting the good America that the world loved.
And they hate us.
So we need your support now more than ever.
And I don't say that in a whining way.
I'm going full in against the enemy with a big fat smile on my face, loving it.
I'm just saying, it's a bad analogy, but it's a true analogy.
Because if you use the first Tron, it's an excellent movie, when the main computer empowers its attack dog and goes, all my systems are yours.
And he grows to be like 500 feet tall.
You could do that for us right now, folks.
You turn your systems, your prayers, your financial support, you're spreading the word.
Literally, InfoWars will grow up to that size.
And it'll be dangerous, because then the enemy will fire everything they've got at us, which is what I want!
I don't have a death wish, but I have a wish to be real and go 110%!
And then if they destroy me and my operation, that example of us being blown sky high like the Alamo, we'll live forever and we'll inspire victory!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I can feel it!
I know destiny is in our hands!
So you gotta go ramming speed, to use another movie analogy.
You gotta go in 110%.
Fortune favors the bold.
Our fortune is freedom and not being slaves.
And I will fight to the death for freedom.
I will never compromise.
I will never waver.
I will never back down.
I'm 110% in.
We will beat these people if you simply get that spirit.
I'm not gonna belabor this.
I gotta get into the Netanyahu analysis ahead of the free speech attack that's coming up.
I'm going to simplify it and boil it down as best I can.
There's just so many components that go into my analysis that's dead on.
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So InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
Now let me settle down for a minute.
Cause I start talking about how they're trying to censor us and how we're fighting and... Cause despite the fact they're attacking us and trying to censor us, we're still rising.
And the enemy's just throwing more hooks into us, trying to hold us down like lillipollies and it's not working.
Go back to those timid souls.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.
As for me, give me liberty or give me death.
Man, that feels good!
To not live in fear, to know who the enemy is, to be clear.
All right, let's stop.
All right, let me just do this as simply as I can.
I spent a lot of time getting into background, getting into analysis.
We should probably take that whole 10-minute break now that I did earlier when we put a YouTube out and sandwich it in to this whole clip that I'm about to get into what's happening with Israel.
We will skip this network break because I need time to cover this and it's so important.
There are different power structures, different special interests involved in the world.
Why is the gun lobby one of the only true conservative libertarian lobbies that has any power in this country and can defeat the will of the globalists?
Because people understand that they're being disarmed to be slaves.
And they won't back down on it.
They get politically involved and they give money.
And they give time and energy to the Second Amendment.
They put bumper stickers on their cars.
They teach their friends and neighbors how to shoot.
So we're winning the fight for self-defense.
There's the gun lobby in the U.S.
There's the big banking cartel lobby.
There's the big pharma lobby.
So there's the gun lobby, the big banking lobby, pharma lobby, insurance lobby, defense lobby, and the Israel lobby.
So you can say there's six big lobbies, but really there's five, because big pharma and the whole health care lobby is pretty much the same group.
So five or six lobbies, depending on how you break it down.
The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful because it's got about, let's be conservative, 10,000 times the funding of the Scientologist, and will come after you if you mess with any Israeli interest.
I'm not comparing Israel to Scientologist, that's another big lobby.
It's probably 20 down, but it's tiny, but people fear it.
So Israel, of those
Five lobbies is probably the weakest lobby when it comes to money, but it's got its operatives in the other lobbies.
So you could argue it's the most powerful lobby.
But there's infighting between these different lobbies.
There's infighting in Israel.
Israel's not unified.
You got a bunch of people in Israel that are sick of the Likudniks, sick of Benjamin Netanyahu.
There's been all these assassinations, the rest of it.
Israel has its own problems.
And so you've got Netanyahu, who's set for an election coming up.
He's neck and neck in the polls.
He needs this to grandstand and say, Israel's future is on the line.
You've got to commit behind me or it's all over.
And he could use this big speech in Congress tomorrow to legitimize an Iranian strike by Israel and Saudi Arabia, which they've both been openly saying that they will work together on.
So this may be Netanyahu selling a Iran strike.
That's a whole other kettle of fish that could lead to World War III.
We'll break down in a moment.
And again, I'm not for it or against it.
I'm being a political atheist, just giving you the pieces right now.
You can make your decision.
We report you decide to steal the Fox Maxim.
So, Netanyahu's got selfish reasons for what he's doing.
He's being attacked at home.
Now, enter Obama.
What's Obama doing?
The left
All they've got is race baiting and class warfare.
They're part of the globalist operation.
The Democrats totally work for the big interest, special interest, other than the Second Amendment.
That's the only interest they don't control and they hate it.
That's the only thing we put energy in to have an interest, to have a grassroots interest, to have a special interest that represents the general public.
So you've got these other lobbies fighting with each other, power grabbing.
And the Arabs have probably more money than the Israel lobby at this point, at some levels.
And so the Saudi Arabians and others are pouring money in.
They're also allied with Israel.
So there's a little bit of schizophrenia here.
And there's juxtaposing balancing acts going on in this whole cloak and dagger situation.
So you've got some of the pieces there.
Obama wanted left cover to be able to expand a fake, globalist, Google-run Arab Spring to take over the Middle East, North Africa, and actually put radicals in for Saudi Arabia and Israel to destabilize the entire region and keep it in the Stone Age, bring down industrialized sectors like Egypt and Libya.
They've done that, but it backfired.
Egypt and others withstood it.
Syria withstood it.
They're calling Libya a huge failure, saying Al-Qaeda is murdering thousands of minds.
No, that was the plan.
So the military, one of the big groups, not so much the defense lobby, but the defense operatives themselves realize this big picture now, and that's why the globalists are in so much trouble.
So then they had to act like they were against Al-Qaeda that Saudi Arabia and others had sent into Syria.
And so Obama had to come out and act like he was against them, even when he's airdropping them weapons.
So here's where it gets confusing, if you're not confused yet.
You've got to extrapolate all this out.
Clearly Israel and the United States and NATO were allied purely with Al-Qaeda up until about two years ago to take down Syria, to break up Iraq and other areas.
So Israel, the U.S.
and others were backing Al-Qaeda to engage in some of the greatest atrocities the Middle East has ever seen.
When they lost because of Russian special forces technology and advisors and got beaten in a bunch of battles in the last year and a half, and when they couldn't get airstrikes in Damascus and surrounding areas by the U.S.
and NATO to break their back, they flipped and made a deal with Iran to double-cross the Al-Qaeda people
And to remove them, and then to not bring down Syria, but then to have Iran get rid of its nuclear weapons arsenal.
The prob- and Iran's had nukes for at least a decade.
Let me just give everybody a little loose flash here.
I have that from- I'm not even gonna get into it, okay?
High-level special forces people.
They've got satellites and stuff you can see through the rock.
They- they got- they got bombs.
Now, they can't deliver them, probably.
But the point is, you've got all that going on right now.
You've got the CIA denying it, denying it, so there's this huge balancing act going on from all these different angles and all these different sides.
You've got Obama and Netanyahu insulting each other to look good with the anti-Israel crowd that makes up the body of the Democratic Party, the leadership's pro-Israel, but the body of it is
I mean, if you say you disagree with the color of the sky, they call you anti-Semitic.
And by anti-Semitic, I'm not saying anything to criticize about some of the policies in Israel.
It's just vitriolic, mindless, bestial, you know, you're a Jew because you don't want to blow up Israel, Alex, and Israel pays you off.
You know, no proof, no evidence, just mindless, we're better than you, you're a Jew, we're going to kill you.
So you've got that group, and Obama gets huge money from them.
It's made up of Arabs, Muslims, trendies.
You go to any anarchist event, it's promoted everywhere, it's sick.
The left and radical Islam are allied.
Netanyahu's got his right-wing base he's feeding red meat to, so they're attacking each other and fighting with each other and criticizing each other and having Kerry being overheard saying things.
It's all staged.
But just like you're fighting with your brother or your cousin or your buddy, sometimes it turns into a real fight when you're shadowboxing.
And so now this has escalated up
Where Israel, still in the South, is backing some of the rebels, and giving ambulance support to Al-Qaeda.
That's on record.
That's in Israeli papers.
But meanwhile, they are getting ready to hit Iran, and they're pulling back some of their support for Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and so what it looks like, as best I can tell, that Free Syrian Army that's really Al-Qaeda, once the U.S.
started double-crossing them with Iran,
Israel supported him for a while, and kind of threatened the West to run in and take over part of Iraq, with Saudi Arabia giving the funding and weapons.
And now that isn't going too well, so Israel's pulling back from that support, while talking out of both sides of their mouth, and it's a giant disaster mess.
And Iran has manipulated, with Russia, out on top.
So they threw a big fit and went and attacked Ukraine, but now the West is losing that.
And it is just a giant mess.
And as best I can tell, it's now boiled down to pure politics.
And historically, when politicians and different mafias cannot get out of a mess, they'll start a war.
So Netanyahu is more and more maneuvering towards an Iran strike, backed by Saudi Arabia, without U.S.
And he said that at AIPAC this morning.
He said, you know, we'll strike countries without your authorization, without your support.
Iran will attack Israel.
Israel will start using nukes.
Russia will probably retaliate with nukes we know they've got in Syria.
And you're off to the races.
So, there you go.
Forget whose side you're on.
There is no side here.
This is a giant you-know-what sandwich, and I don't want to take a bite out of it.
And I just want to commend George Soros and Obama and the globalists and all of you.
You people have done a horrible job of quote, taking over.
You're just going to blow the planet up.
I mean, at a certain point, like Hitler thinking he had a plan to attack Russia?
No, these aren't good plans.
Stop it!
Stop it!
And some will argue, well, see, Obama's right.
We don't want to attack Iran.
They've been attacking Iran through proxies.
It's all just a bunch of double-crossing scum.
I mean, that's what we've come down to here, is just a bunch of dishonorable people, rudderless, with a bunch of backstabbing as we lurch towards World War III.
Stay with us, second hour coming up.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former top FCC lawyer who got the Fairness Doctrine thrown out.
Bruce Fine will join us to break down their draconian net power grab.
He'll be with us about 30 minutes.
And then we'll open the phones up.
Then, Joel Skousen is going to be popping in for about 5-10 minutes to give us his take on the Netanyahu historic speech coming up tomorrow.
And we'll get him on for 5-10 minutes as well.
Dr. Pachinnik, want to get different perspectives from each of these men.
Here's the backdrop on Israel.
When the West backs everything Israel does and always covers up for things that Israel's done that's bad, in the end it discredits any support of Israel.
But you look at the opposition to Israel, it is a very unsavory group as well.
And this is where you get into primitive politics.
You're pretty much forced to then choose a side.
Well, choosing a side will lead us to World War III.
We need to transcend all this idiocy.
But you've got Iran, you've got Saudi Arabia, you've got Israel in the mix.
And I just need to say, Israel and the United States have lost the moral high ground.
But that's not saying much when you're talking about Saudi Arabia and Iran.
I don't think Saudi Arabia ever had it.
When our governments funded Al-Qaeda to blow up churches and cut heads off and take over and then sit around and go, oh, like 1984, we're always at war with East Asia, we're never at war with East Asia.
Now, oh, we've been fighting Al-Qaeda all along.
And so this has to be addressed by all the Israel worshippers.
If you support Israel, you need to support an Israel that's moral and that has the world's backing because it's moral.
I mean, I know people that love Israel who are like, yeah, it's terrible what ISIS is doing, and I understand what's terrible.
But multiple political groups in Israel backed with the West in this four and a half year program of turning the Middle East over to Al Qaeda.
And the argument is, oh, that's better than turning it over to Iran.
I'm not a Machiavellian.
I don't believe the end justifies the means.
And Machiavellian ideas always bring down civilizations.
They work for a while.
They work for a while.
You can have a man dying, going into shock, and you can, with his legs cut off, you can give him adrenaline, he'll wake up for a while, but he'll end up dying.
Just the same.
Using Al-Qaeda to do all this stuff and then to also take the West's freedoms because the Al-Qaeda threat is disgusting.
And now it's led to a split between the United States and elements of the Israel lobby.
And I have a clip of Netanyahu talking about the history of the U.S.
and Israel.
Here it is.
I started with the beginning in 1948.
Secretary of State George Marshall opposed David Ben-Gurion's intention to declare statehood.
That's an understatement.
He vehemently opposed it.
But Ben-Gurion, understanding what was at stake, went ahead and declared Israel's independence.
In 1967, as an Arab noose was tightening around Israel's neck, the United States warned Prime Minister Levi Eshkol
That if Israel acted alone, it would be alone.
But Israel did act.
Acted alone to defend itself.
In 1981, under the leadership of Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor at Osirak.
The United States criticized Israel and suspended arms transfers for three months.
And in 2002, after the worst wave of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel's history, Prime Minister Sharon launched Operation Defensive Shield.
The United States demanded that Israel withdraw its troops immediately, but Sharon continued... Alright, we're going to play more of this coming up.
And you know, I'm sorry, when is Israel's leadership back to Al Qaeda,
Israel lost the perceived moral high ground out there.
But still, we're left with Al Qaeda running around and Iran.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli embattled Prime Minister, facing an election, a tight election, just spoke a few hours ago at AIPAC.
We just played part of a clip.
I want to play it in full here in a moment.
But they're calling this a big speech coming up.
Netanyahu says Iran nuclear deal threatens Israel's security.
Well, if Israel wants to hit Iran, that's Israel's business in my view.
And then it's going to be Iran's business to respond.
We're going to get Bruce Fein's take on this here in just a moment.
But if Israel has 800 nukes, why would Iran use nukes even if they had them?
And now the word is Saudi Arabia has been getting them.
That even came out in the Jerusalem Post last year.
So, they're just proliferating.
Report, Obama has threatened to shoot down IAF Iran strike.
That's in the Israeli newspapers.
I mean, how could Obama tell Israel what they can do in their own region?
Well, they're trying to tell Russia what to do in Ukraine.
The Bethlehem-based news agency, MANA, has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday that U.S.
President Barack Obama threatened an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Following Obama's threat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.
If that's true, he's here selling that attack to Congress?
And to AIPAC, the bigger question is, is this a fake split for political red meat, because a lot of the left hates Israel?
And yet, you know who's in an election?
We know both countries backed al-Qaeda based groups to attack Syria.
Then they formed ISIS.
Now we supposedly have sided with Iran.
It just looks like a giant disaster to me.
We originally set him up last week to come on, Bruce Fine, former top counsel of the FCC.
He's the lawyer that went to Reagan and Congress and got the fairness doctrine of not letting you have talk radio and quote, be partisan.
That, hey, I don't support Obamacare.
Couldn't say that.
Google's coming out now with their own fairness doctrine saying they'll decide what websites to be promoted and linked to, and Democratic Party groups connected to Soros are running it as usual.
Bruce Fine, again, is a best-selling author.
He has a blog daily in the Washington Times that you can find there.
And he's going to cover the waterfront with us here on that issue, currently with Israel, his take on Russia, Ukraine, but mainly the 300 plus pages that the FCC head won't release.
He won't testify before Congress.
I can't remember this type of arrogant
You heard my breakdown.
Yes, they did.
I think one of the first things the audience should remember is that Prime Minister Netanyahu also testified before Congress in 2003 regarding the invasion of Iraq.
And at that time, he testified unequivocally that he knew Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that he would use them.
He also said that, in his view, the cure of Middle East ailments was to democratize the region.
You know, as it's become undemocratized with Arab Spring, and anybody who could think you could take political cultures that are pre-Magna Carta, pre-1215 in development and democratize them really needs their head examined.
It would be like asking Netanyahu to solve the problem on the West Bank by democratizing Hamas.
It just isn't going to happen, and of course we followed Netanyahu's advice and ended up spending three or four trillion dollars to make Iran stronger, the hegemon in the region.
So why are we asking advice from someone who got it so wrong the first time?
Aside from the recognition, I'm not blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu, his interests are in being re-elected and in Israel, not the United States.
So he obviously has a conflict with the U.S., so why are we paying so much attention to him?
And by the way, the Israelis are saying that and even blocking out some of his speech if it's political.
And he doesn't have unified total support.
I'm not attacking Netanyahu either.
It's just that the right wing in this country, and we're more conservative, has this idea we do whatever Netanyahu says no matter what.
Well, you know, it's just not our fight.
No, you're right.
I can divert for just a moment here.
There's a joke said years ago that Netanyahu was asked whether he wanted Israel to become the 51st state of the United States.
He said, are you kidding?
And lose 100 votes in the Senate?
But we need to remember, our interests are oftentimes aligned with Israel's, but not always.
But our interests should trump Israel's interests.
We have no interest in interfering or permitting our politics to be manipulated by Israel for their own domestic affairs.
It just wins us enemy.
And moreover, although I say we're often aligned with Israel, we shouldn't be subject to the baggage when Israel makes a decision.
We're good to go.
It's a suggestion that we're dealing with the maniacs in Tehran who don't have a desire to survive, and that unlike the Soviet Union or North Korea or Pakistan or others, they can't be deterred, even though, as you point out, they would be incinerated if they ever used a nuclear weapon.
They don't even have one.
They need the capability at some time.
You know, the term says work.
It worked in the Cuban Missile Crisis against a far more formidable adversary.
Iran negotiated an end to the war with Iraq in 1980-88.
When we shot down one of their passenger planes over the Persian Gulf, they got reparations.
They didn't attack and declare war against the United States.
They exercise real politique like others, even if they're imbalanced.
Even Adolf Hitler didn't use chemical weapons in World War II.
They have a desire of self-preservation.
I'm certainly in favor of threatening them with total incineration if they ever used a weapon.
Yeah, and again, for number 101, I think the wild card's a little less pronounced because the price of oil has plunged and we don't need so much to Saudi oil, but it is another example where we're being played by other countries to do their bidding.
You know, the United States comes first.
Our citizens' interests come first.
We pay the taxes, we obey the laws, we fight for the country.
And we cannot permit, you know, Saudi Arabia to manipulate things.
I mean, one thing I'd like Saudi Arabia to do is urge the President and the Congress to release these 28 classified documents that suggest they may have been up to their elbows in 9-11 itself.
And here we have more than 10 years after the 9-11 commission report, we don't even know what that connection is because of the secrecy.
Saudi Arabia, other countries, they're all wanting us to get involved in their affairs.
We say, you know, our country comes first.
What do you think is really at the bottom of this?
Because we know the U.S.
and Israel were allied trying to overthrow Syria using really nasty people out of Saudi Arabia and other areas to do it.
We now call them ISIS.
They were called Al-Qaeda.
Now we know we've sided with Iran to try to get control of that out-of-control group.
I mean, I don't even know if there is cloak and dagger here.
It just looks like a bunch of political wonks that have really screwed things up.
Well, you're right, Alex.
We oftentimes try to impute some kind of grand strategy or plan, but there isn't any.
I mean, I've worked in government as well.
It's all ad hoc based upon the next 24-hour news cycle.
And it is.
It's just reacting, you know, for the next day.
And that is the problem.
There isn't any ultimate strategy.
There's no goal.
Can you imagine a war?
Take World War II.
It was defined as the goal was to degrade
To degrade the Luftwaffe.
I mean, to fight the Japanese Zero Aircraft.
That's not a strategy.
That's just, we go fight to kill.
It has no political objective.
It has no definition of what victory is.
And that is one of the reasons why we should be out of this.
We are in a position where if we didn't, you know, basically take a bayonet and smash a hornet's nest and create a lot of very angry hornets, we have the ability to sit and ensure we are not attacked in the United States.
And these other people who are half crazy and fanatical, they'll kill us.
Bruce Fine, the former head lawyer at the FCC who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine, we owe Talk Radio and so much of Freedom of Speech on the Internet to your initiative.
I know you don't like credit for it, but you are the guy that did that and a lot more.
But you also assisted Bob Barr in drafting articles of impeachment against William Jefferson Clinton.
I mean, you are a guy that gets stuff done.
You've served on the bar of the American Bar Association Task Force.
I mean, I'm not going to go over everything you've done.
You represented Edward Snowden's father over the Orwellian surveillance of American citizens.
I mean, you are a classical Americana do-gooder.
Bruce Fine is our guest.
We're going to break here in about a minute and a half.
We're going to come back and get into free speech issues until 40 after when you leave us and look at this FCC power grab, in my view.
But before we do that, putting a bookend on this.
What do you expect out of Netanyahu's speech?
What do you think it's really all about?
Grant standing to get re-elected or is he trying to sell an Iran strike?
He's trying, I think, to do both.
I think he thinks the two converge, but we need to remember, he's a politician.
By definition, he's trying to promote his re-election, but I do think that also he believes that his re-election chances are bolstered the more he can suggest he wants to take out the nuclear equation in Iran, as was done years and years ago in Osirik in Iraq.
I however believe that his ultimate presentation will be largely a one or two day affair and it's piped here in the United States because it underscores the divergence between a Republican Congress and a Democratic White House.
But I don't think the ramifications will incur more than 48 hours.
I agree.
I think they're using it as just another balkanization issue to divide everybody, just like Soros has been caught funding the anti-police garbage.
Also, after we talk about FCC issues that you're the prime man to talk about, I want to ask you about the Chicago black site, because I know you're really key on due process being key to everything.
Bruce Fiennes, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Bruce Fine was General Counsel, the head lawyer for the Federal Communications Commission.
He's the guy that gave birth to the rebirth of the First Amendment so we can have talk radio and change the ideas, because I've researched this, I'm not just saying this about our guest, about how the FCC should operate to promote the First Amendment, not degrade it.
But I'm being partisan here because it's a fact.
Under Obama, we've seen an acceleration towards it to censor and control.
We've heard senators say, use the FCC for a fairness doctrine, take over cable, take over movies, take over print.
When it's online, we need to protect the public from hate speech.
But how better to fund it than for George Soros to give $196 million
To bill it as net neutrality.
Now, I haven't gotten Bruce's take on this current fiasco yet, but we'll find out.
As best I can tell, sir, you're the expert on this.
This is a Trojan horse, and they won't release the 332 pages, and he won't testify to Congress.
What is going on?
Well, I think it's the usurpation, again, of the executive branch of the legislative authority of Congress.
And think of this rather bizarre element to this net neutrality ruling.
On the one hand, the Commission, the three Democrats, conclude that, you know, the antitrust laws, the anti-monopoly laws aren't sufficient to protect the public interest and efficient operations of the Internet.
On the other hand, they say that there's so little need for it, they're going to forbear from regulating prices and 90% of what they could regulate under Title II.
That's called the Common Carrier Regulation.
So they're basically just picking and choosing what parts of the statute they want to enforce.
So that's up to them.
It's an earmark of what Congress should be deciding.
There's another element about net neutrality that is equally bizarre.
Typically, Alex, when you buy a service, you can have various qualities of the provision.
For instance, you can buy first class, or business class, or economy class.
You get taken from A to B, but the actual quality of the service varies, and you pay more if you receive higher quality.
First class pays more than economy.
And then neutrality is trying to say, well, you shouldn't permit people to buy first class tickets.
I mean, really?
That would seem bizarre to anybody who has taken a plane and, for whatever reason, needed the space, needed the rest, or whatever, to have a greater accommodation.
And the whole purpose there behind this net neutrality is, no, some people, especially who are spectrum hogs, who use vastly more bandwidth, shouldn't be permitted to say, well, I pay more and I need to get my
Sure, it sounds like something we'd hear out of Venezuela and their ideas of economics.
Yeah, exactly.
It's a variation of God's plan, the Soviet method of distributing goods and services, where you have the government deciding how much and who should be paying what for what quality of internet connection.
But aren't we missing the really big issue here?
And correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, isn't this a power grab with the FCC saying that it's now over telecommunications completely and that it's going to be over future development of that architecture?
I mean, that's a huge expansion of the jurisdiction.
Well, certainly it's what I view as the usurpation.
And although they claim that for the moment they won't use it to regulate prices in detail, they're claiming that they could if they wish to.
And I want to step back for just a moment, Alex, and remind the audience that the antitrust laws, you know, he calls them the Magna Carta of Economic Liberties, they apply in telecommunications and the Internet like they apply to anyone else.
So no one's talking about permitting price-fixing or abuse of monopoly power.
That's already illegal.
And we have the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department to enforce them.
So while we have the FTC coming back and saying, well, we know better than the Charter of Economic Liberty, you know, how the Internet should be run.
Especially ridiculous conclusion when it's the Internet that's really the engine.
It's the 20 cylinders of our economy that's making things move.
Why are you trying to mess up something that's working very, very well?
And the answer is, it goes back to politics, and they disgruntlement with the way the market system works, as most progressives and liberals are.
They don't believe in free trade.
Why would the chairman not show up to Congress?
That seems very belligerent.
Well, not only that, in my view, Congress has the right not only to the Chairman's testimony, but to anybody else's.
It's an attempt probably to avoid it, but it could be very embarrassing questions.
Congress has the right to overrule by statute anything that the FTC does.
Of course, the President could veto it, but that's a congressional prerogative.
And to refuse to show up really is another example of how the executive branch has just become almost a one-branch tyranny.
The last side of Branch has shrunk to almost a cypher.
And I would be holding these people in contempt and fining them each day.
Stay there, Bruce.
One more segment.
We're coming right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Bruce Fine, former General Counsel of the Federal Communications Commission, uniquely positioned to be able to really tell us what's going on.
Let's go back to where you got cut off by the break.
You're saying you would sanction people more and more.
I mean, I've been following C-SPAN for 30 years.
I've never seen behavior like I've seen from the executive.
And then the Republican leadership seems to roll over because they're licking their lips, I guess, to have all this power when they get a president in charge.
So, again, I'm worried about an imperial presidency, not even so much Obama.
But I am shocked by the left.
That if Bush was trying something like this, you would have just heard howls.
And now they say, hey, a lot of them make Obama a dictator.
He can give us some free stuff then.
Just incredible political ignorance.
So please finish up on that, Mr. Fein.
It's very, very important, Alex, in a democratic country like ours, you know, that we have government in the sunshine.
We're good.
This is during Reagan period.
I mean, President Reagan was having Secretary of State George Shultz testify, his National Security Advisor was testifying, Jeff Weinberger was testifying, Secretary of Defense.
It was all open in the sunshine.
This is President Reagan.
And now we have people like, you know, Chairman of the FCC.
I don't want to answer questions.
I don't want to show up.
Well, the Congress should be telling you, one, if you don't show up, we will impeach and remove you from office.
Because you have an obligation to explain to the American people what you're doing and why, because you are there.
Representative, you work for them, not for Obama.
You work for we, the people, who are sovereign.
And if they are recalcitrant, they should impeach them or fine them $50,000, $100,000 every day that they don't appear.
And you're right, it's stunning.
Congress says, well, please tell us.
They wring their hand and do nothing.
Well also, they promised to release the 332 pages as soon as they announced it, and then they haven't released it until now.
Have the Washington Post making fun of anybody that asked to see it, when we know they printed it up in book form, and they've been waving it around on TV for a month with this red tape around it.
So I guess if they don't testify to Congress, why ever release it?
They can be like the CIA, it'll just be secret.
Yeah, I mean, and say, secret government is antithetical to anything like representative democracy.
How can you have a government that doesn't even tell you what it's doing?
That's how we get to decide to approve or disapprove what's being done here.
They don't get to issue by decree.
You know, there are elections and things can change.
And there's this arrogance that's totally antithetical to what our founding fathers thought, you know, a free and open government would be about.
Other points, where do you expect this to go?
The Hill, and I think rightly says, that this has to go through a gauntlet, these rules, and that that's why they're not releasing them.
So I guess they think they want to win the propaganda war, that they're protecting the internet, before they roll this out by stealth.
But that isn't working for Obamacare, because as they roll it out, it becomes more unpopular by the day.
So why are they engaging in this tactic?
Well, they may be trying to bolster their defenses against what's sure to be a legal attack on the net neutrality rules.
The Court of Appeals here, the U.S.
Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia, has rebuked the FCC on numerous occasions for overreach.
They may be worried that the shallowness of their explanations need buttressing before they're going to be an immediate appeal.
And perhaps my expectation, Alex, would be that there'll be a stay of the FCC rules until there's a final court adjudication, which means there's years away, given the legal frailty of their promulgation.
What do you think is going to happen in your gut?
I mean, the sense of Congress, the sense of the country, the sense of the other administrators and lawyers you talk to.
Which way is this country going?
Because it seems to be stampeding into an accelerated decline of the Roman Empire meets Buck Rogers.
In your gut, where do you think this country and the world is going, Bruce Fine?
You know, what we need is to restore our fundamental precepts as a country, which haven't changed in over 200 years.
Human nature hasn't changed.
You know, the empire of psychology hasn't changed.
And we have, I think Alex, anywhere from
30, maybe 35 years to completely reorient ourselves as a country whose influence abroad is the influence of example.
We need to restore separation of powers back home, transparency.
We defend ourselves, but we don't go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
While 18, 19, 20 trillion dollars running around the world like Don Quixote, thinking that we can change cultures that are a thousand, five thousand years old,
Failure after failure.
Afghanistan fails.
Yemen fails.
Iraq fails.
Syria fails.
Libya fails.
All of that.
They keep coming back and doing the same thing.
I mean, Libya is a perfect example.
You've got 126 militias.
The whole thing is a Somalia-like desert land.
And now we're going to visit the... And remember, Libya and Yemen were viewed as the model that
Obama's singled out for pursuing ISIS.
I mean, my God, the model?
That's like saying, you know, General Cutler's lab battle of the little brick orange is the model by which we'll fight the future Indian wars.
You say, my God, are you crazy?
And we need to just totally repudiate this idea that we have some kind of obligation and expertise to cure all the ills in the world.
Nice if it was possible, we will destroy ourselves as a consequence.
Well, I think that's right.
If we can get Rand Paul and that philosophy back into the trajectory of where we're going as a country, we can save ourselves.
Otherwise, we're following the path of the Roman Empire.
It'll be just a matter of time.
We'll bankrupt ourselves.
We'll still overextend ourselves.
We'll ultimately collapse.
Well, I agree with you and in closing you notice that...
Rand Paul won the CPAC poll, and he's nowhere in the news, and then they have a whisper campaign, a libertarian movement.
Oh, he's not perfect.
You know, he's not his dad.
So we better not support him.
He's the best in the field.
That's why the power structure's coming after him and ignoring him, folks.
I want you to briefly comment on that, because you've got to go.
And then also, have you heard about the London Guardian?
Our reporters have been up there.
There's a giant five-story, and then a four-story and a three-story complex.
With black sites where people have died, where people are kept for up to two days shackled and aren't even put in the arrest database in Chicago to then ring these fake confessions.
They send police lieutenants and others from there to then run operations at torture camps at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Have you heard about this black site?
No, there have been cases in the past, Yuri, that I think was one, where people just disappeared into the jaws of the CIA, where you were kidnapped and held for years illegally, but I'm not fully apprised of what you've described there.
I don't want to miss the opportunity to explain Rand Paul.
Sure, he clearly is going to be the one most attacked, because he's challenging the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about 50-some years ago.
So they'll be making up all sorts of things about Rand and trying to obscure his popularity.
And we need to remember, too, we're never going to get a candidate that is 100% everything we agree on.
You know, no one's a clone of anybody else.
He runs for office and there are different demands than being a philosopher and writing something perfect.
We shouldn't squander the good on the altar of the perfect.
This is ridiculous to suggest that Rand doesn't deserve our support because there's a few semicolons and curly Qs that we disagree with.
On the fundamental issues of who we are as a nation and of liberty being the center of our constitutional universe, he's heads and shoulders above any other candidate in the last
Sure, nobody else is saying end all the foreign aid.
Nobody else is saying massively slash taxes.
Nobody else is doing what he's doing.
I mean, Ted Cruz is a moderate second, but I don't know Ted Cruz.
I know him, we've interviewed him, but I don't know him like I've known Rand for 20 years.
I know you've known the Pauls longer than that.
He's the real deal.
That's why they're coming after him.
We need to support him.
Bruce Fine, thank you so much for the time.
Thank you.
That is a champion of the First Amendment right there, and a guy of action.
Bruce Fine, very honored to have him on with us, BruceFineLaw.com.
I want to open the phones up now, specifically on the Netanyahu speech, because it's so easy just to hate Israel, and then to look at that perspective.
It's so easy just to love Israel.
I personally understand that it's a big globalist political football, and
At the same time, if you gave what is Israel or Palestine back to the people that are there, they'd start killing each other over it as well.
I mean, this is reality, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, I've got my beefs with the Israeli lobby, who tends to be anti-gun, who tends to promote a lot of social engineering that I don't like.
I mean, I'll be honest, if Israel used their power to promote the Second Amendment here,
And didn't have different Israel lobby connections with the ADL line about me.
I would be a lot more pro-Israel.
But I take the high road.
I mean, I look at some of the horrible groups and organizations around Israel.
I'm sure not signing on with that rodeo.
But the anti-Israel lobby is just unbelievably bad.
And so it's a bad situation.
It'd be like if I was on a used car lot and there's like 20 cars and I say, you know, why don't you like any of these cars?
What are you, a racist?
No, I mean, I don't like what Israel's doing.
I don't like what the Arabs are doing.
I don't like any of it.
And I'm sick of having to hear about it constantly, quite frankly.
I'm tired of it.
And it's just all a big dialectic, create the crisis on both sides.
This whole thing is pretty much staged between Netanyahu and Obama.
They're manipulating their supporters.
It's a real fight between the Netanyahu supporters on the right wing side and
Obama and his Socialists.
I mean, the Socialists, the George Soros crowd, are always super rich and they always support, go after the police, you know, overthrow Israel.
It's the same.
It's just that they've got their red meat issues that are red herrings.
So I'm going to take a few calls from you on those subjects.
I mean, I don't like Israel trying to sink the USS Liberty, and then if you criticize it, you get called anti-Semitic.
No, I'm against false flags.
Our government has staged a bunch of false flags.
People in our government.
Bobby Kennedy.
It was declassified six, seven years ago.
It was even on Frontline.
Wanted to blow up the U.S.
Embassy in Honduras and blame his political enemies.
I think Bobby Kennedy was a pretty good guy in a lot of ways, but his brother said, no, we're not going to blow up the embassy and kill people.
But that's how you start thinking up there at the top.
Well, if I do this, I can blame this and then it'll save all these lives.
False flags are going on.
You better believe it.
But fast forwarding, when our government does a false flag or elements of it, I don't then hate America.
So Israel's been involved in some nasty stuff.
Do you just blame Israel whole hog?
Israel's about eight different political parties, three big ones.
The political parties are always killing each other.
It's like the Arabs are always killing each other.
I mean, Israel isn't one monolithic structure is what I'm saying.
And I'm not even defending or apologizing for Israel.
I'm just sick and tired of
People that don't stand up for the Second Amendment, or sovereignty, or anti-GMO, all they do is run around bashing Israel all day.
And on the other end, you've got people that do nothing but support Israel all day, as if Israel is the center of the known universe.
And I'm just tired of it.
And I don't like the fact that they hand out M16s to Israelis to protect themselves, and then the Israel lobby gives money, you can look it up, to restrict the Second Amendment.
I'm angry about that.
I'm calling Israel out!
I want it to stop!
I have a right to defend myself, Netanyahu, just like you have a right to defend yourself.
And if you think Iran's got nukes, and you think you can deal with it, then do something about it.
But, it's all part of this globalism, too, where I don't like Obama, and I kind of like seeing him be criticized, but it is weird to have a foreign leader in the Congress criticizing your president.
I mean, are you going to see Obama go over there to the Knesset?
And criticize Benjamin Netanyahu?
It just... The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
And I wish that I could be more supportive of Israel.
I was a big Israel supporter growing up.
Big Israel supporter when I was first on air.
Everybody knows it.
The clips are out there.
Because I saw the UN and the globalists and Soros-type groups always funding anti-Israel stuff.
So I thought, well, if the UN's against Israel, I must be for it.
But then all the Israel lobbies have ever done is try to destroy me, so I'm just kind of like, well, that's not very nice.
So, um, it's a sick situation.
It's a complex situation.
But I'm not going to be a hater.
I'm not going to hate the Arabs.
I'm not going to hate the Muslims.
I'm not going to hate the Israelis.
I'm not going to hate anybody.
I'm just going to promote freedom, common sense, private property, and my right to defend myself.
And anybody comes after those freedoms, I'm coming after you politically.
And you can say I'm a racist all day long, or anti-Semitic, or whatever.
I don't care.
I want stability.
I want prosperity.
I want a future.
I believe in humanity.
Every child, whether they be Palestinian, or Israeli, or German, or Chinese, or Mexican,
I want everybody to be free, because that's what I want for me, and I know you reap what you sow.
We're going to go to break and go to Matt, Dana, Blake, Frank, and a couple of Franks, Kevin and others, that are patiently holding on the whole Israel situation and Benjamin Netanyahu's speech.
The whole thing's a mess, that's why we should cut all foreign aid and get out of this.
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Alright, here's the deal.
We're going to have open phones and news until the bottom of the next hour.
Then popping in is World Affairs Brief Editor Joel Skousen to give his take on the Netanyahu visit.
And then we've got Dr. Steve Pichinik with his view.
Pichinik is Jewish and is not a fan of Israel at the same time.
I don't know what his view overall is going to be.
Let's say he's not a fan of Netanyahu.
So we'll get two perspectives from people I know will tell us what they really think.
It is a mess though.
Man, I hope Netanyahu doesn't attack Iran just for political points.
I mean, if Netanyahu hadn't come out with that fake WMD stuff, I'd believe him a lot more.
I just know this, the Pentagon says don't hit Iran.
And you heard Fine earlier, who's a really smart guy, saying they don't have nukes.
That's the CIA's baloney.
I have talked to high-level people who I trust, and they say, look, they got them.
And they've had them for a long time.
There are a lot of nukes out there, folks.
Saudi Arabia, I told you, six, seven years ago, they had them.
And then last year, they said, we're getting nukes, and we probably already have them.
Saudi Arabia.
I just don't want to have a nuclear war.
This is not 1980, you know, with Israel hitting Iraq's reactor.
But if the Iranians get mad and blow stuff up as a response, Israel knows they'll get more support and then the government can take more liberties here.
So that's why four tyrants that are above our governments, the special interests that make money off war, this is a good move to start a big war with Iran.
But if you go too far, we'll have a nuclear war and everybody's dead.
Then that kind of screw stuff up kind of messes up the apple cart, doesn't it?
Dana in New Mexico.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Listen, I wanted to make the point that I had to come into a mindset that just because Israel
They're corrupt just like our government is.
That doesn't mean that the people of Israel are bad, and I know that's not what you're saying.
No, exactly.
I'm saying Israel has its own problems, but I'm not part of the religion of hating Israel.
And I think a lot of believers are not opening their heads up to the fact that we, you know,
God says those that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel.
We're not going against that.
We're just opening our minds up to those facts that we're having an awakening.
And so people need to ask themselves that, instead of just disregarding... Well, look at the Bible!
Look at how God would criticize and admonish Israel when Israel had bad kings or bad leaders.
It's not God being bad criticizing Israel.
I mean, is God God or is Israel God?
I think that's what it comes down to.
And I just want to make that clear to other people that they need to open their minds up to that.
And I want to let you know that you have many, many people praying for you and your safety of your whole crew.
Well, you know what?
It's beyond believing in prayer.
I rely on it.
I totally know it's real.
Thank you so much.
You're a sweetheart and God bless you, Dana.
Blake in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, I just wanted to kind of, I guess, riff off of Dana's comment regarding Israel.
You know, the situation I think we have is that Israel is not Israel.
I mean, yeah, you know, the Bible says to support Israel.
Uh, but not under any circumstances.
And certainly not when Israel has been hijacked as black America has.
I think one message we need to get out to Christians is, um, that, um, like look, look at the health basket committee.
Um, that was, that's Israel's, um, version of, uh, the, the, the death panels that Obamacare has.
I'll tell you what, stay there, I'm gonna come back to you.
Don't hang up, Blake.
I'm gonna go to Frank, Andrew and Mike and others.
Stay with us.
Third hour, straight up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu's big speech.
We're talking to Blake in Texas.
Go ahead, Blake.
You were getting into some points.
Yeah, the Help Ask Committee in Israel recently voted this year to give free abortions funded by the Israeli government to women between the ages of 20 and 33.
And I think, you know, more Christians really need to know about that.
We would start to change some of our foreign policy ideas and our
Just blind support of Israel support of Israel.
You have to support Israel mean that they've kind of put out there in the Christian community.
If we if we got that out there.
Hey and one more thing one more thing Alex.
I recently for there's a Texas senator.
He could not believe this fact that I told him he could not believe it.
And I think that this could be the key to turning around the vaccine battle that we have.
It's WI-38.
Anyone sitting at your computer, just Google WI-38.
What it is, is it's...
It's a component of the MMR is the, you know, the rubella component.
What they do is they, they take a boarded fetal cells from a fetus.
You know about that.
It's, it's, and it's, it's, it's, it's frankly disgusting.
But this Senator here in Texas could not, he didn't, he thought that, that we just had religious exemptions for, you know, weird religious groups or something like that.
We need to push that out to the pro-life community.
And it only comes from white Caucasian dead girls.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Who happened, the mother happened to have rubella or hepatitis A. By the way, let's be clear, this is from dead children, not just, because they say it's not a baby in the womb.
Well, no, this is dead little girls.
Yeah, exactly.
And it's in the, it's in, what I sent the senator was documents from the FDA.
It says human diploid lung fibroblast, and then you actually.
Why are you being racist against three-year-old girls?
It's an honor.
That they get to be ground up and put into this.
What's wrong with that?
But you know, I gotta tell you, Alex, he could not believe it.
He was completely in support of getting rid of... Well, I mean, people don't believe that Pepsi grows off dead baby cells.
They're flavor testers.
It's exactly the same type of technology.
Exactly the same type of technology.
And you know what?
We've all been injected with it.
If you've had MMR, you have aborted fetal cells or components or DNA from that.
Which is so bad for you folks.
I mean, everybody knows you don't want to have a bunch of sexual partners because you can get all sorts of cancer viruses and stuff from them.
What about injecting it?
Seriously, Alex, I think that, I think we can win the vaccine battle.
I know, if we expose it.
You know, you made a great point.
I'll do a special report on this in the next few days.
Because I'd forgotten about WI38.
In fact, I didn't even know it was called WI38.
There are, let me not exaggerate.
Hundreds of procedures I've read about, so that probably means there's thousands because I don't know hardly anything.
That's just so frustrating.
It's always much worse than I know.
That for like 50 years they've been grinding up dead baby parts and growing them and then growing them in cultures and then mixing them with other animal parts and I mean and then just all these viruses are in there.
I mean it's so over the top.
I knew they were taking lung tissue from dead little girls.
And for some reason only works with Caucasians and putting it into the vaccines.
And I knew it was causing all sorts of mutations and really screwing people up.
But absolutely, we need to start exposing this.
Yeah, yeah, I, listen, I turned around, I've turned around a lot of people on just this one issue.
And what I've come to understand is that, listen, if you're not, if you don't work with the CDC, they're not going to listen to you about science.
You know, they're not going to listen to you about the science of it.
But if you can expose this one issue... If you expose that there's dead little girls in the vaccine, then you can get somebody to wake up.
Keep doing it, brother.
Thank you, Blake.
And how dare you not want Israel to abort Jewish babies?
Now you're racist.
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Resistance to tyrants.
His obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Interspersed with all the other news, Warren Buffett says barring illness, Hillary very likely to be the president.
Meanwhile, Jeb Bush hopes his Florida record erases doubts for conservatives and now he's under FBI investigation.
For lying about Nigerian deals he made back in the 80s.
So the political class are fighting with each other, just like in Israel.
Former Mossad head urges Israel voters to oust Benjamin Netanyahu, and this is how horrible he is.
Just a bunch of political groups fighting with each other.
Why do we need to be involved?
We're sick of the Bushes.
We're sick of the Clintons.
How long has Benjamin Netanyahu been around?
Has he been Prime Minister three times?
Different times?
It's like Kim Jong Un.
Nine years.
Nine long years.
I am sick of the same people over and over.
We need fresh blood, new blood.
We need to get these political classes out of there.
And these political classes, I don't care if they're Democrat or Republican, they're taking people's basic freedoms.
Over in Israel, they've been restricting freedom more and more.
You know when I support a country is when they're a free country.
That's how I judge a tree by its fruits.
And I judge these political parties as lacking.
And that's why they want to keep stirring up wars with unsavory groups, is because it then gives them the pretext of power grab in the name of fighting the outside threat.
Just like we're told we've got to give our freedoms up now because of Al-Qaeda, which is now ISIS.
And then meanwhile, I'm going to raise this with Bruce Fine,
Google wants to rank websites based on facts, not links.
But then they will judge the facts.
Like, don't believe global warming's man-made?
Google's gonna delist you.
The trustworthiness of a webpage might help it rise up Google's rankings if search giant starts to measure
We're good to go.
Pull up the people that run Snopes.
I mean, nothing against living in an apartment and having a cat, but I mean... She has a husband and a cat.
She has a husband and a cat.
I'm pretty sure both are neutered.
And global warming is real, Obamacare's a great deal, 2 plus 2 equals 5, whatever.
I'm sick of it!
Well, according to Snopes, vaccines are safe and effective.
According to Snopes, you can piss up a rope.
Excuse me.
I apologize for that, it slipped out.
You can't do that, by the way, folks.
It's down a rope.
Still, that's hard.
Gotta be done with skill.
I always wonder, why would you need to do that with a rope?
I'm just so sick of these people.
Can we pull up the Snopes people for a moment and show them?
For TV viewers?
RadioListenerInfoWars.com forward slash show.
You know what I don't like?
I don't like having to choose a side.
When there is no side.
It's a bunch of military industrial complex grips that want to just keep stirring up turmoil in the Middle East.
And I'll tell you, she is a beautiful lady, though.
There they are.
Look, they have the self-satisfied, affected smile of an entitled person.
They do have the pink Afghan woven with the obese cat.
What if we got an obese cat and I married a lady, just like that, and then I had this satisfied look on my face?
Then I would know everything.
Then I could say 2 plus 2 equals 5!
Like Obamacare, you know, Ebonics, whatever, it's Common Core.
Oh boy!
Very frustrating.
Snopes got snoped!
Snopes is run by a man and a woman with no background in investigation using Google.
And then they pick and choose.
Oh my gosh.
I don't know.
Which one's the man?
Which one's the woman?
I mean, I'm not being mean.
Hey Buckley, can you call her up so I can get a date with that lady?
The one on the left?
Okay, I'm being mean, I apologize.
I should be attacking them on their baloney, not on what they look like.
She can attack me on what I look like as well.
I kind of resemble like a human bulldog.
With my clothes off.
I even have the hair.
Black spots, white spots.
I'm just joking.
All right, I apologize.
Let's get back to the serious issue of Benjamin Netanyahu, who's going to come over here and speak for Congress, and then that'll give Obama a bunch of support with the left.
This is all just more infighting, more theater, more garbage.
Meanwhile, America's central banker, Yellen, at the private Federal Reserve, is going to hold rates the same.
We talked about this last week, but it's in the news now.
Feds raid Texas political meeting.
Fingerprint, photograph all attendees.
Seize phones.
Okay, right now, let's go back to your calls.
I apologize.
Let's talk to Frank in New York.
Frank, you're on the air on the subject of Israel, the speech.
What's behind this?
This is becoming a discussion.
You can say what you want to say about Israel.
I'm asking, why is he coming to give this speech?
Is he really about to hit Iran?
What do you think is going to happen about that?
I mean, what's the whole point of this?
And is Israel against Al-Qaeda now, or for it?
Because we know our government helped put them in there, but now says they're bombing them.
Is it a real alliance with Iran we've got right now?
What do you think is going on, Frank?
I think that Netanyahu needs to come to New York.
Speaking as a New Yorker, growing up as a Christian as yourself,
You gotta respect Israel.
We're all Judeo-Christians in that regard, and some people just don't understand that.
They just don't get it.
You look at Israel, just think of the logic behind this.
They are a small country, and they are surrounded by everybody that hates them.
So you look at Bibi, he's gonna come to New York, he's gonna, he's gonna go, he's gonna come to New York, he's gonna say what he's gonna say in front of the UN like he has in the past, he's gonna go, he's gonna go up in front of Congress, and the Kabuki theater that you were talking about between the Democrats and the Republicans, what do the Democrats have to hide?
You get Pelosi getting up there, she doesn't want
BB to speak?
The Democrats don't want BB to speak because Obama isn't doing a damn thing and picking a side and standing up for Israel.
He's not even calling the Islamic terrorists Islamic.
So when you look at what side are you on as an American, is your blood red like the rest of us?
Well, yeah, I don't get it.
So BB, yes, he has a right to get there.
He has a right to stand up and he has to say, look, this is what's going on.
With your permission or without your permission, Israel as a sovereign nation has to stand up for itself, and if we've got to fire one off at Iran, so be it!
Well, I've already said Israel's a sovereign nation, and that's what Rand Paul and everybody have said.
If they want to attack Iran, that's their issue.
My question is, why is Benjamin Netanyahu doing this now?
Is it political?
Or do they really think Iran's getting ready to use a nuke?
Because that'll make Iran look like victims if Israel strikes Iran.
I don't think that's going to happen.
Like you said, there's going to be a flag, there's going to be something that's going to happen.
Like you said, Iran has nukes.
Iran's had them for a long time and I'm a firm believer in that.
Because nobody was scared of our guys being over there.
When we were in Iraq, with our full forces, then I was thinking, oh crap, what would happen?
Excuse if I said that on the air.
What would happen if Iran decided to unload on our boys while we're in Iraq?
So you were over in Iraq in the military?
You're saying you were concerned if Iran decided to, well that was the word from the people over in Iraq was that Iran had nukes up on the border and I mean we know Saudi Arabia's got them now.
They're proliferating everywhere.
But I mean, look at the lesson of North Korea.
Nobody will attack them now, even though they really deserve it with all the provocations they do, because they've got nukes.
I think that's the lesson Iran's going with.
Let me ask you this.
What do you think's going on behind the scenes?
Because you've got Israel trying to knock Iran out by backing bad groups in Syria.
I think that's very bad.
But all these other governments did it too.
So Israel kind of went along with that.
Saudi Arabia is in the middle of it.
And then now, I mean, who's who?
You can't even tell what's going on.
There's a lot of confusion there.
And listen, if you believe in the end times, obviously you're going to say there's going to be a lot of confusion, and people are going to wonder what to believe.
Wars and rumors of wars.
This is what I believe.
I believe that Israel has some hard information.
And I think that he's coming here to say, hey, we stand with you, you're supposed to stand... Well, they're our best friend over there.
They're the smallest, but they're our best friend over there.
If they've got to take their gloves off, so be it.
Although, I've heard some say that
You know, Netanyahu doesn't have the stones to do that.
And that's why he has a lot of opposition right now.
But I think the timing is right.
I think the timing is right.
Well, that's true.
Netanyahu is getting opposition from groups that think he should have already hit Iran.
There you go.
And coming here is the right time.
It's the right time because he needs to stand up.
And this is why I'm glad the Republicans have stood with him and say, hey, we, unconventionally, we're bringing you here to stand up and speak your mind because you have to.
Because what's going to go on?
Besides our idiot Congress that can't get out of their own way, the world is going to be going on around us.
Sure, sure.
What about this problem?
There's some bullying going on by total pro-Israel groups on the internet.
If you don't agree with everything Israel's doing, that then backfires and gives support to the super anti-Israel groups that run around bullying even worse.
And are just, I mean, I am just, I think anti-Israel sentiment is growing.
Do you agree with that?
I've seen it a lot, and I'm a New Yorker.
Sure, so what do you think's behind that?
I mean, Israel's not the center of the world.
Why are people so obsessed with it?
I think it becomes just a political diversion.
I mean, here's an example.
Radical Islamists have killed about 300,000 people in Libya and Syria in the last couple years.
No one talks about them.
But when Israel kills like 20 people in a bombing raid, it's like the end of the world.
All I'm saying is, it becomes a distraction.
Everybody knows what Israel does.
No one else is guilty of anything.
That's all I'm pointing out.
I appreciate your call.
And we're going to get Dr. Pachetnik's take on it.
I know he's listening right now.
He's a big critic of Israel.
He's Jewish.
We'll get his take.
We got Mike, we got Moe, we got A.D., we got Scott.
We're going to all of you straight ahead.
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Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Mike in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Good, brother.
Um, okay, so Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel and ISIS are all connected.
Part of the reason why they've been doing a slow burn in Syria is because Syria has a strategic alliance with Iran and Israel cannot strike Iran until Syria is neutralized.
I know, so they backed Al-Qaeda along with the West to take out the country, which is incredibly immoral and wrong.
So when they sit back and they say Obama's done nothing to support Israel, that's not true.
This whole grinding with ISIS in Syria has been to wear Syria down so that its ability to respond when Israel attacks Iran is negated.
That's been the whole point.
No, I totally agree and I like how you boiled it down simply when I babbled about it for an hour.
The question is, what's the background now?
What's your take on the real power alliances now?
Is there a real double-cross of Iran?
Is Obama going to double-cross Iran?
Or is Israel mad, or Bibi mad, that Obama has double-crossed them and is in an alliance with Iran?
I think Israel's been terrified of the concept of Iran getting a nuclear weapon since they started suggesting they were trying to do it, and that's why all of the stuff that we've watched kick off with Syria has happened.
This has just been a long, slow process, because we couldn't directly go in and start bombing Syria, so we had to do it through a proxy third party.
So it's been a long process.
And so now Israel has to act like the U.S.
isn't involved to give us cover when Israel doesn't.
And I'd like you to pose that to Pecheneg, because I'd like to see what his response is to that as well.
Well, I wanted to war game all this out, and I think what you just said crystallized everything.
Do what I can.
What else do you have to say about this, Mike?
It's a mess.
That's about all I can say about it.
I see a lot of
I don't think so.
Israel alone.
Syria borders Israel.
They share a border with Israel.
You haven't heard anything about ISIS attacking Israel.
Well, it's clear that the leadership of ISIS is completely run by the West.
As best you can tell, who do you think is quarterbacking the ISIS boys?
No idea, to be honest with you.
It's too mucky for me to call that one.
Well, we know.
I mean, we know.
It's a fact.
It's the Turks, NATO, the Saudi Arabians with the money, and Israel is helping with their Arab agents as well.
The question is, how can Israel trust Al-Qaeda to do things like this?
I don't know whether they intend on doing that.
I think they're just using them.
Damascus is in between them and ISIS anyway, so they can be fairly confident that Syria will act as its own buffer to prevent ISIS from storming in.
I know some people that have been over to Turkey recently for some, well, I don't want to get into why, but the Turks are scared of these guys.
I don't know totally, you know, I don't know how much of that is just a front.
But from the people that he was meeting with, and they're high level people, they're terrified of ISIS.
They're really scared of these guys.
You know, there may be contributing factors.
They may be helping in some way, shape, or form, you know, logistically or otherwise.
But there's some... Well, they're terrified because Turkey, you know, exports wine.
And they're not... I mean, they're like Islam-lite.
And, of course, they are worried about them because they're afraid there could be an Islamic uprising that takes over Turkey as well.
So there is some evidence that's why Saudi Arabia is giving them money and exporting them.
They're like, here, you go have your country with our enemy, Iraq.
And Syria, you go take them over, don't take us over.
But that's like paying off a pirate.
That's only going to bite them in the butt later.
I do have one thing, and I don't want to say it on air because I'm in the middle of some sensitive stuff myself.
But I do have one thing that I would like to impart to you about the whole Turkey-Syria thing that I think is really important.
We'll do this.
I can't talk to you because you're on the network board, but tell John Harmon you can trust him.
He'll relay it to me right now.
Appreciate your call.
We've got AD and Delaware and a bunch of others, and I'll get to all of you.
Uh, because we've only got Skousen popping in for like five, six minutes, and, and, and Pchenik for, you know, that long.
So I want to just have some guests where they just pop in, pop out, with a quick comment.
You're going to hear more and more of that on the show.
You'll hear the long-form guests where they hear 30 minutes an hour, sometimes two hours if it's, you know, a guest that's, can cover a bunch of topics.
Uh, but, uh, we're going to get quick pop-ins from them and see their angles.
Because this show isn't about sound bites and repeating it at you to brainwash you.
It's about going through the same process we are of wargaming all the angles to really figure out what's happening in the world.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Remember back in June of 2014, Rand Paul said Iraq is a jihadist wonderland.
If we were to get rid of Syrian President Bashar Assad, it would be a jihadist wonderland in Syria, he said.
It's now a jihadist wonderland in Iraq presently because
We got over-involved, not because we had too little involvement.
Well, there's Rand Paul, absolutely spot-on, and Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com was kind enough just to pop in with a quick news update.
I don't know his particular view yet on Benjamin Netanyahu's visit.
Or on what he thinks is really going on with the real power alliances.
Are things breaking down for the West?
With their backing of Al-Qaeda groups to take over Syria?
Or is it part of a larger plan?
And is Netanyahu clearing the way for a joint strike with Saudi Arabia?
And then to give the West plausible deniability so that Obama and the United States cannot have its interest hit by Iranian retaliation.
And would Iran buy that?
So is the Triple Cross about to happen?
First we work with Al-Qaeda against multiple Middle Eastern countries, renaming ISIS, double-cross them, side with Iran, and then triple-cross Iran.
What does Joel Skousen, with all of his contacts and world research, think is happening?
We'll find out now.
Hi Alex, good to be with you.
Let me give you some background here going back to 2004.
There was an uninvited insider to a top City of London meeting of globalists.
They didn't realize he wasn't a globalist.
He was one of the financial experts in the City of London.
He sat in on a meeting in 2010 and he heard them discuss their displeasure that Israel, that had been assigned to attack Iran since 2004, had not done so.
One of my sources in Israel says the reason they haven't done so is they feared Syrian retaliation.
And so they basically put pressure on the United States to say, you've got to get rid of Syria before we'll attack Iran.
And so that's what put the U.S.
on the road to arming and funding jihadists through Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain so they could have plausible deniability.
That's what Benghazi was all about, is shipping arms to the Syrian jihadists.
Noto overthrew Assad.
And then, as you know, we've talked about before, that program of ousting Assad got derailed by Kerry indiscreetly saying or giving Syrian out at a London press conference a year and a half ago where he said, yeah, we wouldn't attack if they gave up their chemical weapons.
And they did so.
And so it set back the U.S.
A program.
That's why they had to create ISIS to have an excuse to go back into Iraq.
I mean, go back into Iraq and Syria in order to take down Assad.
That doesn't happen yet.
But what you hypothesized, I think, is right on, Alex.
That is, there's a triple cross going on.
But it's really kind of a triple deception going on.
Israel has leaked to Aretz Sheva.
Aretz Sheva, which is Israel News Network, normally a very reliable right-wing network, news network, private news network in Israel.
That Obama was going to threaten to shoot down Israeli airplanes if they attacked Iran.
That was completely bogus, completely disinformation.
Yeah, that's insane.
That would be political suicide.
It would.
Not only that.
I mean, you'd have a tough time with American pilots shooting down Israeli pilots, who are the best in the world in terms of their, you know, top flight abilities.
They fly the same airplanes that we do.
They have the same type of IFF, or identification friend and foe.
You'd have a real... But it was total bogus disinformation.
The reason it was put out
Is, as you say, to give plausible deniability to the United States that not only were we not involved with Israel, we even threatened to shoot down Israeli aircraft if they did so.
And by the way, you're a former Marine Corps fighter pilot, so you know what you're talking about, just for folks that don't know.
That's right.
I know what the Israeli tactics are, the best in the world.
But the point is, the U.S.
would never threaten to shoot down Israeli aircraft because of the Israeli lobby here in the United States.
But that was disinformation.
But what it shows is,
That Israel is getting closer to attacking Iran, probably with Saudi Arabia.
I know they have clearance already to go through Saudi Arabian airspace to do that attack.
But the U.S.
seems to be really setting itself up for deniability that we don't have anything to do.
Now, I don't think that Iran will buy this.
I don't think that it will spare U.S.
retaliation against U.S.
And I don't think the U.S.
wants to be spared.
I think they want to be retaliated against Iran, then they can join with Israel to finish off
The military of Iran.
Remember, the purpose there is not to occupy Iran.
That would be very unpopular in the U.S.
The purpose is to take down Iran militarily because they're the only Muslim nation that is on the verge of becoming self-sufficient in arms.
Rockets, aircraft, weapons, artillery, drones.
No other Arab country... So they only want to cover with the American people so that Obama doesn't look like a warmonger.
So this is all complete theater?
That's right.
Absolutely, Alex.
Well, that put nice bookends on it.
You know what's scary?
I can't disagree with anything you just said, and that's basically what I've been saying, and again, I'm not a fan of these radical countries either, but at the same time, just the deceptiveness of all this, the manipulation of all of this, and then the most unsavory groups being funded to run around
And commit all these atrocities.
We know a lot of it's for television, but they are going through and really doing some terrible things.
What is the endgame in all of this, Joel Skousen, and where do you think it's going?
Well, the endgame is to take down Iran.
As I say, they want to make sure that Iran is completely neutered in terms of its ability to produce weapons and arm the rest of the Arab world.
They've got Israel under their thumb, Saudi Arabia under their thumb, Turkey's under their thumb, and Syria, when it goes down, hopefully they'll be able to control that with controlled jihadists now, which probably are Israeli agents.
Israeli-Arab agents that have been trained to go in and do that.
I think even the speech of Netanyahu was part of this political theater attempting to, and all kinds of leaks came out about how the Obama administration was not in favor of his coming, and the Congress invited him despite the White House displeasure.
This is all political theater.
There's no way that the White House was really protesting Netanyahu's visit.
But the endgame is a major Middle East war, will not accelerate to World War III, but I think it will create absolute hatred against Israel and the United States among the Arab world, which is part of the rationale for eventually attacking the West.
Creating hatred among the world both in the Serbian world and in the Muslim world against the United States so that when Russia and China finally attack the West that they will feel justified.
So it's another suckering like World War II suckering in the Japanese.
If you pull back from this...
I'm just sick of everyone being obsessed over Israel and acting like they actually are the dominant factor when you can see more and more that the forces running the United States and Europe are giving the orders to Turkey, are giving the orders to Israel, are giving the orders to a certain extent to Saudi Arabia, though that's really incestuous.
We'll have to have you back soon to do a whole hour on it.
Thank you, Joel Skousen, editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
My pleasure, Alex.
Okay, we just got his take on it, which I agree with to a great extent.
This is real analysis, real debate, real wargaming here, not a bunch of talking points repeated over and over again.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
Iraqi forces again claim U.S.
is supplying ISIS with weapons drops, including their president.
Well, again, our military knows about this and is upset about it.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
Obama supporters endorse Karl Marx as next president.
You cannot make this stuff up.
I didn't get to this today because there's just so much other over-the-top news.
Now, joining us is Dr. Steve Pachinik.
Former head of Psychological Operations for the State Department, and of course one of the founding members involved in Delta Force, and co-author of many books and films with Tom Clancy, the late great, and he joins us now.
His new book is now available at his site, StevePachinik.com.
It's non-fiction.
Dr. Pachinik, I don't know your take on this fully.
I know you've traveled the world.
I know you're part Jewish and have a complex view on Israel.
We appreciate you joining us with Netanyahu, speaking at AIPAC this morning, set to address Congress tomorrow.
Is this political theater or is this a split with the United States Anglo-American establishment beginning to break away from Israel?
Steve Puccini.
Well, this is really, once again, BB's stupid, arrogant, self-destructive ways.
He started this when I was involved with James Baker under the Bush senior administration, where Baker correctly threw him out of the office for calling him insolent, stupid, and arrogant, and subsequently Clinton.
Senior also did the same thing.
What you see here between Bibi and his right-hand man, Mr. Ron Dermer, who is from Miami Beach, is you basically see two Americans.
You do not see Israelis.
Let's get that very clear.
These are not Israelis.
These are people who grew up in the United States, went to MIT,
He went to MIT when I was there in the 70s, got a business degree, BB, never fought in the United States Army, then went over to Israel, has a dual citizenship, was indicted for corruption, Shamir didn't like him, Menachem Begin didn't like him, nobody liked him.
He was arrogant, not very bright, and strategically very inept.
At the same time, he picked the right-hand man who was even stupider than he, Ron Dermer, from an area where I come from, Miami Beach, where his family, the Rosenfelds, are the most corrupt mayors in a very corrupt city, who has no idea what he's talking about in Judaism, no idea about Israel.
This has nothing to do with Israel.
This has to do with two arrogant
American Jews who've never really been part of Israel, have never fought in the United States, have never deserved an American passport.
And what they're trying to do is really try to justify Bibi's incipient notion that we should not have an agreement with Iran, which is incorrect.
Number one, Iran has been our partner for the past eight to nine years, has helped our military and our intelligence get out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and is now the most effective partner against ISIS and al-Qaeda.
Who are the members who are fighting alongside ISIS?
They are Bibi Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
Bibi is very much a part of the ISIS group that is ostensibly beheading everybody.
Bibi has formed a formal alliance with Saudi Arabia.
So what this is, is an indictment of Bibi.
Not Israel, not Zionism.
So are you saying a right-wing breakaway group is in a proxy war basically with the United States over interest in the Middle East?
It's not even that.
Alex, you're giving him too much legitimacy.
This is a stupid, arrogant blowhard who was elected to Prime Minister.
He doesn't have the popularity vote among the intellectuals or even the military or intelligence in Israel and basically is trying to blow his own horn when he was thrown out.
By our own Secretary of the State and our President of the United States, Clinton, as well as Obama.
And he's trying to exert some kind of leverage so that he can get re-elected.
It has nothing to do with Israel.
Well, I mean, to back up some of what you're saying, Meyer Dagan, London Guardian, former Mossad head, urges Israel voters to oust Benjamin Netanyahu and basically says, quote, destructure of the future security of Israel.
He goes on to say that he's dangerous.
He's very dangerous.
Actually, what I've always said is what happened to Rabin should happen to Bibi.
He understands that.
Okay, not on this show.
Come on.
I'm not... Well, I'm saying that.
You're not saying that.
I'm saying that.
But if Israel wants to survive, which it does, it cannot
It cannot bring in American, low-level, self-aggrandizing Jews who know nothing about the diaspora, have never served our country, have never really served Israel, have never been in our military, have been nurtured by us.
This guy, Derman, went to the University of Pennsylvania, and to think he was smart, he went to Oxford, where anybody can get a degree.
You just sit there and read, and he's a dumb,
Miami Jew, as well as his family and his wife, who's from Baltimore.
So you're not talking about Israelis, you're not talking about Sabras, you're not talking about Herzog, whose father was in the British Army, the Israeli Army, and was head of our ambassadorship.
You're not talking about Tzipi Livi, whose father was head of the Ogun Selomim in Manachem Begin.
These are two outcasts from the Israeli-Zionist narrative.
They don't belong there, they don't belong in America, and they should be thrown out.
It has nothing to do with Israeli military or Israeli intelligence.
They're still a strong part of our own military and our own intelligence.
We will make a deal with Iran.
I guarantee you that.
It will be to our benefit.
Syria will be staying alive.
And Russia will help us.
That is the geopolitical reality that I said years ago.
Sure, you did say that years ago here.
What was the whole point then of trying to overthrow Syria to begin with?
Did the West fail on that project?
It was a very big mistake made by Generals Abizaid, the neocons, again the same people Wolfowitz, Steve Hadley, all the ones who are part of Jeb Bush's new and different coterie of friends.
Jeb Bush just announced he's a different man but he just took on board every one of the old Bush
Okay, if the neocons are such failures, why are they always in power then?
Because there's nothing to stop them other than what we would normally do, because they basically come back in, they have the Wall Street Journal, they cower to people who are incompetent like Jeb Bush, they go back into the Bush family.
Jeb is a moral hazard, he's had a history of ineffective work here in Miami and in Florida.
You used to like Jeb more though.
I used to like him, but I said if you stay quiet, and you keep quiet, and you don't go any further than your capabilities, then stay shut.
America needs a leader.
It doesn't need a sycophant whose brothers had destroyed the country, including Melvin Neal, who gave us the savings and loan crisis, and Bush Jr., who gave us the 2008 financial crisis.
So when you go out and you say, I'm my own man, and you don't have anything to offer, and you are not a very good governor, that's an insult to the American people.
It's an insult to Jews, to Christians.
Am I right, though, that this is dangerous if we do hit Iran because Russia could get involved, or is it not dangerous?
No, it's not dangerous.
Russia's interest is basically to make sure that they have a perimeter
Okay, what does Saudi Arabia want?
Saudi Arabia's in trouble.
They're run by brothers and cousins now who are in fighting.
Basically, they want to stay alive and relevant.
They can't, because about 40% of their children have unemployment.
They're depleted of oil, over 50%.
We no longer need their oil.
We no longer need their gas.
They don't have a civil society.
Neither does Qatar.
We have a new emir.
The emir is protected by 10,000 of our soldiers.
We have a navy base.
I think so.
Israel will have to put into place exactly where it belongs.
It'll have to learn to get along.
Herzog and Sippy and others will learn that Israel has to make accommodations with the Palestinians, with the Jordanians and the Middle East.
They have no other choice because...
I want to do two more minutes with the other side, if you can do it, because there's a big article out today.
CIA insider, forget Iran and Iraq, Ukraine and Syria, this is where World War III will start.
In a startling interview, he reveals that all 16 U.S.
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What's your take on that, briefly, and the latest on Russia?
And that's just some of the news that Jim Rickards is putting out.
I want to get your take on that on the other side.
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Alright folks, final segment of the main broadcast.
We'll do five minutes of overdrive to finish with calls.
But I'm going to go to AD and others here in just a moment.
By the way, the FCC won't release the 300 plus pages.
Won't testify before Congress.
We had the former Chief Counsel Bruce Feinon from the FCC saying it's just that an FCC power grab.
South by Southwest schedule coming up March 17th.
They're going to have the FCC subhead there propagandizing about how great and open this is but they won't release the documents.
So that's what it's all about.
It's why they won't release it is so they can run around and lie about it all day.
Dr. Steve Pucinich, finishing up with the statements about preparing for war with Russia.
What's the latest on Ukraine?
Where do you think that's going?
Well, I don't think it's a war with Russia.
Basically, the Ukraine has... This administration has been effective in running an economic war, and basically reducing the price of oil, and at the same time reducing the ruble by 50 to 60 percent, and making the Russian bond a junk bond.
So, Putin has a real problem, both with inflation, economic chaos, and impending political chaos.
It's more of an internal issue.
He cannot fund a war.
He's not capable of funding a war.
The Russians don't want to fight a war.
They need to reconstruct their own internal capacity to grow internally.
The Russians are great people.
They understand that this cannot continue.
They want to live a good life, and Putin is not able to really control it.
Contrary to what a lot of people say, Putin is not as smart as everybody thinks.
What do you think about the latest assassination of the opposition leader?
Well, I think it was an old KGB technique.
I mean, I've said it 10, 12 years ago when I wrote in the Intelligence Journal that Putin was always going to be KGB forever, and this is an old, awkward technique.
You don't think it's a false flag to create a martyr?
No, because Putin has done this way before with the Chechens.
Putin is not that clever to create a martyr and reverse it because those days are gone.
False flag has become now the natural narrative to this.
And the CIA doesn't have a real, you know,
I don't have a credible narrative for this right now.
The CIA is too busy, along with our military intelligence, running all kinds of other operations in terms of economic warfare, psychological warfare, which is far more effective.
Assassinating an opposition leader is very systematic, and it's a very old system of operation for the KGB, whether Putin directly did it, or he claims that Chechens who did it, or because the man was Jewish.
It's all nonsense.
The point of fact is he was assassinated.
The point of fact is Putin is in trouble, and the people need some liberty.
It's as simple as that.
In terms of Bibi and his representatives, they don't represent Israel, they don't represent anybody but themselves.
Doc, thank you, stevebshank.com.
Thank you for that perspective.
All right, there he goes.
We're out of time for the main broadcast, but some stations carry this next part.
So I'm going to go to a call right now before the main show ends.
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in Delaware, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I'll get right to my point.
State of the Nation had a Putin-Snowden document dump regarding 9-11 and everything that's led up to what we're seeing right now.
The five major nations were involved, which is United States... Wait, I wasn't aware of this.
I mean, WikiLeaks just put out stuff on 9-11?
Well, it's State of the Nation, it's a document dump from Putin and Snowden from September.
It spells everything out, who was involved.
They stole $200 trillion, 350 nuclear warheads, there's 235 underground bunkers ready to go.
What this is all about... I'm not sure that's a real... I remember that.
I'm not sure that was a real Snowden release, sir.
This is about Israel going into the Middle East and taking over all the, you know, they need the water, they need the oil, they need the space.
They're sick and tired of fighting.
He's right what he says about Netanyahu.
Hold on, I want you to finish your thought.
Hold on.
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I'll tell you what's good news, InfoWars.com, Jeb Bush booed at CPAC 2015.
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Uh, AD, because I want to go to Scott and others real fast.
Finish exactly what you're getting at.
What I'm getting at, folks, is that they've been moving Israel into the Middle East this whole time.
ISIS is Mossad, MI6, mercenaries from all different countries.
I don't believe the Christians that they're showing being there.
A lot of this stuff, Alex, is false flag, disinformation to keep us in fear.
It's rhetoric.
Look, key players were paid $20 million a piece
Okay, to run this garbage for the last... Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You don't believe that ISIS has armies of 7 foot men?
You think they might be fake?
I think they're actually 11 feet tall, to tell you the truth.
I hear ya, I hear ya.
I hear ya.
There's a real armies they have invading and taking over, but they are engaging in a lot of PR stuff.
You can see it's just cartoonish.
It's just so crazy.
Scott in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I wanted to run something past you and get your take, especially since Joel was on and trailed off his comments with whenever the Russians and Chinese attack as though it's a foregone conclusion.
If they attack Iran, are the Iranians going to set off bombs in this country, and would that trigger anything international on our soil?
I think there's a good chance the Iranians would, or our government would do it and blame it on them.
So you think it could happen?
Man, the government is running around acting really weird, and they're digging in, they're acting really strange.
Elites are moving to the middle of nowhere everywhere.
They're planning on something big.
I don't know if it's an economic collapse or a big war.
I don't know.
What do you think?
I would tend toward economics, but when these politicians go crazy, anything can happen.
Well, that's right.
And throughout history, they usually end up going crazy.
And so that's the problem.
We're overdue for that.
This is utter insanity what's going on.
Yeah, siding with Iran, and then backing Al Qaeda, but then bombing them, and then renaming them, and then... I mean, I'll be frank.
I can't even figure out what's going on at this point.
I appreciate your call.
Which is the globalist plan.
And then they just use the crises to get more power.
See, they don't care if there's chaos, because they always come out on top.
So it makes no sense to us, because it doesn't make sense.
Just like people can't figure out why Jeffrey Dahmer did what he did, because you're not Jeffrey Dahmer.
You're not going to figure out.
But these people are crazy like a fox.
Damien in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Mein Führer, I can walk!
I'm calling in about the caller earlier who was talking about Nuke and I ran ASAP.
Of course it would be easy to survive and to create such a machine.
All you would need is a giant complex of computers connected to a group of belly bombs.
But why didn't you tell the world?
It was to be announced at the next party conference.
Mein Führer!
We must not allow a mineshaft gap!
Sorry, sorry.
I can take that 10 to 1 female ratio though, that would be alright.
Of course the females have to be chosen for the stimulating qualities, for the duties of each male and the 10 females.
I have to admit you have a great idea there, Herr Doctor.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
It's just that guy earlier who was talking about, or Skousen, who was talking about we need a nuke Iran ASAP.
I can't believe people actually think like that.
What does he think that's going to lead to?
I mean, why do people like that think that that's actually an option?
That just blows me away.
Well, you're not saying Skousen said that, you're saying a caller did?
No, it was the caller before him.
Yeah, he said we need to nuke Iran ASAP.
Of course, there will be a nostalgia of those who survive for those lost on the surface.
We would be busy, animals would have to be bred and slaughtered.
Mein Fuhrer!
I mean, my President!
It's just absolutely crazy.
We conducted a study with the Bland Corporation.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I mean, I imagine 90% of the people in Washington think like that, too.
Most of them are dual citizens, anyway.
And the most would have to be bred and slaughtered.
We'll be back tomorrow.
Lord willing.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock.
Great job, crew.
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