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Name: 20150225_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 25, 2015
2473 lines.

This passage covers a wide range of topics including media, politics, internet regulation, healthcare systems, water supply toxicity, social media trolls, home security, preparedness, secret facilities, net neutrality, military-industrial complex, real estate financing, underground houses, global tyranny, government control over the internet, Chinese censorship, and detoxifying one's body. The speaker encourages awareness, individual empowerment, and promotion of alternative products.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You cannot make up the magnitude of what's happening right now.
The globalists are moving on every front, not just here, but worldwide.
They are tipping their hand, showing their true intentions, because they're entering a major phase of in-game global governance takeover.
The Republican leadership, quote, caved in and now supports Obama's power grab over the internet.
Calling it net neutrality, which is synonymous with an open free internet.
But when you actually get details of the secret 322 page bill, the former head of the FCC has called very dangerous.
The commissioner says, quote, independence of the agency has been compromised.
Hillary Clinton.
has come out endorsing it and was flogging and lobbying yesterday up and down Silicon Valley in California.
Suddenly the Republican leadership are backing it and you've only got a few left-wing groups and libertarian groups fighting it.
Here's the headline.
Left groups now fear government net grab.
Going too far.
Electronic Freedom Foundation.
I mean, it is on, ladies and gentlemen.
Look at these headlines.
FCC Chair Refuses To Testify Before Congress Ahead Of Net Neutrality Vote.
New York Times, FCC Net Neutrality Rules Clear Hurdle As Republicans Concede To Obama.
There are no regulations over free speech right now.
There are already criminal laws in place.
So it is an open-ended system right now.
And a power grab if this goes into place, just like Obamacare just lets the government do whatever it wants.
That's the language they admit is in there.
And it's large sectors of the establishment are freaking out right now because it's one thing to say they want to have Chinese-style net censorship.
It's another thing when they start doing it.
And I just got chills.
Eleventh hour drama for net neutrality.
A Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission wants to see changes that can narrow the scope of new net neutrality rules set for vote on Thursday.
And it goes through the three key Democrats on the committee that do not want this to happen.
But again, they're trying to call
The commissioner, the chairman, there's the chair and then there's the commissioner, two separate positions.
We have the former chair and the former commissioner of the FCC saying this is bad news.
And then now we've got the current FCC chair refusing to appear, that's the headline at DrudgeReport.com, refusing to appear before Congress ahead of internet takeover.
And notice, on every front now, whether it's open borders, or executive orders on energy, or gun control, or foreign wars, they don't care, they're just doing it.
Forced inoculation, they're just doing it.
Everything is moving into an accelerated high gear right now.
Meanwhile, poll.
Majority of Americans support invasion of Syria and Iraq to put down US-trained Islamic State when they admit they quote have a good group of rebels that we are funding and that that's part of the invasion is to quote help them topple Assad.
That's full-spectrum dominance and then they'll just turn loose the other radical group and let it go and take over part of Iraq which will be a redoubt of Saudi Arabia.
So, the Jews get Israel, and I guess Al-Qaeda will get its new little homeland in between Syria and Iraq.
I mean, this is bizarro world, because it's so naked.
And you can see the strategy, the stratagem, the gambits, the programs, the M.O., the mindset, the wavelength, the art form that is this tyranny.
And you can see it wrote large every day, everywhere, in everyone's face.
I mean, this is crazy land.
And the executive action continues on the open borders.
Obama ignores a judge in Texas trying to block it.
We got a new study out on fluoride out of a prestigious university study in the UK showing hyperthyroidism, especially in women.
So women, you want to get your thyroid removed?
You want to have a big old goiter and look like Jabba the Hutt?
Then drink some fluoride.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
We're good.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live, broadcasting worldwide.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Find showtimes and listings at InfoWarsNews.com or InfoWars.com forward slash show, as well as PrisonPlanet.tv.
Epic time to be alive!
I've been so close to this globalist takeover, watching it from afar, and then as it approached, that I've almost become comfortable with this devilish system.
I don't like it, I detest it, but I've almost made a sick friend of it, in that I know it so well.
And so I have a blind side.
I mean, sure, I'm up here waving my arms around, warning people, going over all the documentation three, four hours a day myself.
But I don't want all the other epic things happening to get in the way of people focusing in on the big enchilada.
And that is that the power structure globally is accelerating a tyrannical takeover of every facet of daily life, the family, the economy, health and wellness.
They are moving in a giant offensive where they're engaging in more tyranny in one year now than what happened in ten years previously.
We've now reached that critical juncture jump point.
Where they are abolishing states' rights, they are federalizing police all over the world.
They are putting carbon taxes in by fiat, even if governments don't pass them.
And arresting people that build barns on their property or have a puddle in their backyard.
$10,000, $15,000 a day fines, they vary.
Drones are surveilling now suddenly neighborhoods and farms and ranches.
World governments openly being announced and they're on TV going, yeah, there are secret treaties being passed right now that Congress can't see that put our government under foreign UN control.
I mean, it's happening.
Obama, for now a year, has just completely opened the border.
They give the illegals all the freebies, sign them up for welfare, bring them in, boom!
No other country would do that in the world.
This is North American Union global governance unfolding.
After they've already imploded Latin America, and they're going to force that crisis to pour over our borders, after our government and others already destabilized Mexico.
This is a worldwide destabilization program.
And now, in the last six years, they have put the internet kill switch grid in place, and then admitted it.
And they have systems to take over your cell phones, take over your smartphones, take over your home appliances, and force government messages over them, and now it's beginning.
They're actually doing it.
They are moving ahead to turn loose major military forces of NATO against the Russians in a proxy war on the Russian doorstep in eastern Ukraine.
Right before I went live, I was watching Senate
It wasn't debate.
It wasn't filibustering.
It wasn't two-minute speeches.
It was Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and other Republican senators up there with maps of Ukraine.
And I sat there with a cup of coffee in my hand for five minutes with my mouth open as Lindsey Graham goes, we stood up against Hitler.
We thought he had a master race.
We wanted to dominate and enslave the world.
And now the forces of Hitler, in fact, I have Jacobson back there grabbing the clip.
I'm going to play it later.
The forces of Hitler that are represented by Russia are invading, and we've got to go in there militarily and fight them.
And then they cut to John McCain saying it.
If anyone knows history, it was the Nazis that went into Western Ukraine and that had a war with the Russians, and then it's Eastern Ukraine that fought the Nazis.
And I'm not taking sides, Eastern and Western Ukrainians.
Slavic Russians in the East, what Hitler would call Aryan, you know, in the West, but they're all related.
Killing each other.
Both sides have beef, but our government was literally inverting reality, saying that the Russians are Nazis and represent the Nazis historically, when 20 million Russians died fighting the Nazis.
20 million!
That's why when I say America really wasn't World War II, both my grandfathers were in World War II.
Both of them almost died.
We lost 400,000 people.
That, we were in World War II.
That was big.
Civil War killed 700,000.
World War II is our third biggest war.
World War I even killed more.
But compared to 20 million Russians, 21 to 22 million Germans,
I mean, the Germans and the Russians were toe-to-toe for three and a half years, slaughtering each other in major cities.
Just toe-to-toe in Stalingrad and other areas where millions were killed in one city.
I mean, you talk about war, there's never been anything like it.
Nothing ever like it!
Can you imagine the Russians when they see that on their television?
Are senators saying they're the Nazis and using examples of Hitler and maps of Hitler?
I mean, this is inverted reality.
Upside down, 1984 writ large.
It's just mind-blowing.
Just like Obamacare was written by giant insurance companies on record to double and triple your prices, create death panels, screw you over, raise seven taxes on poor people, 20 plus taxes total.
Global profits up almost 50 percent, 47, 49, depending on what number you look at.
Tripling the profits just domestically for insurance companies.
But worldwide, they're screwing us so bad right now that insurance companies worldwide have had a 47 to 49 percent increase in 2013, 2014.
That's reality inverted.
That's fascist healthcare with a fake liberal stumbling around.
All of this is fascism.
The end of our sovereignty, the open borders, the shutting off our power plants while China opens three new ones a week, and then...
And then, they have the internet kill switch in place.
They're trying to pass cyber security legislation that SOPA and CISPA wrapped in together.
They've got language in here that basically says anything offensive, anything threatening, can be taken down by the FCC.
This is the FCC is going to now be giving orders to major internet providers to just take websites down.
We've had a whole bunch in-game was taken down and I had to threaten to sue people and they put it back up last week.
They're trying to get the Alex Jones Channel down right now for us talking and showing a BBC News article.
So right now we can barely reach you.
We can barely stay on air right now.
This isn't the FCC saying, you can't say the S word or the F word on broadcast.
This is the FCC saying, we're going to protect the internet by making it a government utility and putting regulations over it.
And they now have gotten part of the 322 pages that are secret, that basically says it's censorship.
And the Republican leadership's come out and said, let's pass the bill.
We're joining with Obama.
And it's libertarian groups, paleo-conservatives, and the left
That are freaking out.
Left group now fear government net grab going too far.
We ought to get Wayne Madsen on today.
Let's call Wayne Madsen.
Or let's call, we didn't have any guests today, I didn't want any guests today, but I think a Wayne Madsen popping in on this, or one of our other web experts would be good.
Dear FCC, rethink the vague general conduct rule.
You see that?
You gotta watch your general conduct.
For many months, EFF has been working with a broad coalition of advocates to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to adopt new open internet rules that would survive legal scrutiny and actually help protect the open internet.
Our message has been clear from the beginning.
The FCC has a role to play, but its role must be firmly bound.
See, what'd I tell you six months ago when I got attacked by all the big liberal publications when I said this is not net neutrality, this is a Trojan horse power grab, it's gonna be written totally vague, because Hillary and Obama were endorsing it, folks.
They don't endorse anything unless it's evil.
Two weeks ago, we learned that we had likely managed the first goal.
The FCC is going to do the right thing and reclassify broadband as a self-communication service, giving it the ability to make new, meaningful, open internet rules.
But we are deeply concerned the FCC's new rules will include a provision that sounds like a recipe for overreach and confusion, the so-called General Conduct Rule.
But again, they will not even testify to Congress and say what's in the pages.
According to the FCC's own fact sheet, the proposed rule will allow FCC to review and presumably punish
Non-neutral practices that may harm consumers or edge providers.
They've already said what that means.
If your little website doesn't provide audio translation or language translation, they'll shut you down.
Then you gotta pay for that so it makes it cost prohibitive to put out your free speech.
You can't limit the First Amendment just because somebody speaks Spanish or Mandarin Chinese or English.
That's like saying, if I go give a speech on the street corner, I'm violating someone's right under political correctness if I don't have a voice box changer, like in Star Trek, that translates it to everybody.
That's what they're saying.
That's just one example.
According to the FCC's own fact sheet proposal, rule will allow FCC to review, did you hear that?
And presumably punish non-neutral practices that may harm consumers or edge providers.
Late last week, as the window for public comment was closing, EFF filed a letter with the FCC urging it to clarify and sharply limit the scope of any general conduct provision.
Whether it's the free health care of Obamacare that doubles and triples prices and is a giant screw job, or whether it's, you know, free healthy energy, that means cutting off our energy, or whether it means protecting the internet, it means taking it over.
It's an open-ended giant power grab, a blank check, period.
We already had net neutrality.
They're called, like Jesse Ventura said yesterday, anti-trust laws.
And Congress could tell the big telecoms, you're making money hand over fist.
You charge for the bandwidth to provider to provider.
You're not going to put toll roads up on this.
The whole infrastructure is paid for.
It's the only part of our economy that keeps growing.
Keep your stinking hands off of it, or we're going to have anti-trust hearings right now.
And no one would do it!
They've had peer-to-peer wars.
Many times in my 20 years on air, and every time within days, whoever tries it, stops it because it just screws the whole internet up and lawsuits get fired up.
So, leave it alone.
Leave it alone.
That's what net neutrality means.
Anti-trust, ladies and gentlemen.
Free market.
Not the FCC waddling in.
And you've got the former chairman, the former commissioner, and a bunch of Democrats and Republicans saying this is bad news.
But Obama and the leadership...
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So you've got the FCC Commissioner, you've got the FCC Chairman.
Now, the FCC Commissioner, Ajit Paya, if I pronounced that right, says net neutrality is a solution that won't work to a problem that doesn't exist.
This is government coming in to basically end that neutrality and start ending free speech in a giant power grab.
Just like we told you the Patriot Act would be used against non-terror related cases, now it's basically used exclusively to get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution because we can read how it was written.
Well now they just keep it secret.
Another big telltale, but pieces of it are coming out.
Then you've got Tom Wheeler.
A Democrat, the current chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, we have a clip of him on PBS we're going to play here in just a moment.
He refuses to testify to Congress.
He's under Congress, chartered by Congress, but Congress is so neutered.
I mean, they should have him contempt charges right now, and a U.S.
attorney should move to have him indicted today.
Just like the Attorney General refusing to testify and all the rest of it, these people are belligerent breggans under our system of law.
And so now I'm not going to let you see it, and I'm not going to testify, sit down and shut up.
It's the bureaucracy run by special interests and Obama doing whatever they want, and the Republican leadership just went, you know what, we're going to support it.
New York Times.
Michael Powell has come out, son of Colin Powell, and said this is super bad news.
I have that article right here.
But first, let's go to the clip of the current head who won't testify to Congress.
This is very interesting.
Here he is two weeks ago.
We're really not doing utility regulation here.
Utility regulation was developed for a monopoly model.
What we're doing is we're taking the legal construct
That once was used for phone companies and pairing it back to modernize it so it specifically deals with this issue.
So it's not really utility.
The FCC has only had jurisdiction since it was set up in the 20s over broadcast, AM, FM, UHF, VHF.
This is a giant power grab into all telecommunications and the internet.
By a bunch of people who've been meeting with the communist Chinese czars, who are over censorship, and who are now implementing it.
And saying they want to implement it.
Now let's continue with the giant power grab.
Here it is.
But it is regulation to make sure that there is somebody watching out for the consumer.
Like you said, there's no paid prioritization, there's no blocking, there's no throttling.
And most important, there will be ongoing rules.
In perpetuity.
So that there'll be a yardstick to measure what's fair for consumers.
Because we don't know what the Internet's going to be five years from now.
And we don't know what the various tricks are going to be five years from now.
But we're going to have a referee on the field.
Okay, let's talk about what some of your critics have had to say, starting with the National Cable Telecommunications Association, which put out this statement today.
They said, despite the repeated assurances from the President and Chairman Wheeler, we remain concerned that this proposal will confer sweeping discretion to regulate rates and set the economic terms and conditions of business relationships.
Just the opposite of what you just promised.
That is the opposite.
You're right.
And I think that when they actually see the proposal after it's enacted by the Commission, they'll see that there is no rate regulation, they'll see that there's no tariffing, they'll see that there's no unbundling, all the classic utility kinds of activities.
And what there is, is in place a set of safeguards for consumers that at the same time allow those cable companies to make a fair return so they're incited to expand their networks.
This is what it is.
There is not government regulation over the Internet at this point itself.
There are laws over criminal activity.
This is a federal government power grab of the Internet, as the Wall Street Journal called it, from Internet to ObamaNet.
And it is the Obamanoids, the same big corporations that brought you Obamacare, the screwjob of screwjobs, that are now backing all of this.
So what's that tell you?
And he says, and they will get to see it, the coalition of cable companies, a lot of them small mom and pops.
That's why you're seeing some sense out of them.
Some of the big ones are supporting it because they know they'll be left alone.
They've got the lobbying power.
So this is a giant grab of the internet.
And you notice he said, after it's enacted, you can see it.
Just like with these Pacific Partnerships and North American Union Agreements, the text of the North American Union Treaty signed by Vicente Fox, Paul Martin, and George Bush in 2005 in Waco, Texas at Baylor University, a hundred miles from where I sit, is still secret.
Boy, that sounds like a free country to me, doesn't it?
But we see the result.
Obama's following the secret treaty.
Open borders!
World government!
It's incredible.
Simply amazing.
And these big trans-pacific partnerships?
We still can't see the text of that.
Congress can't.
I mean, this is over-the-top totalitarianism!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride, GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month?
20% off and there's a lot of other powerful specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
InfoWarsLife.com, celebrating human potential in the month of February.
Visit InfoWarsLife.com to find this special and many others in the month of February.
Again, InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is Ajit Pai, the FCC Commissioner, on what the FCC Chairman and Obama and the Republican leadership against the Republican majority and the Democrats are doing.
Again, it's the insiders, the people at the top, who want the open borders, the global government, the gun control, the wars.
It is the scum, the committee chairmen, they are the problem.
They're the ones run by the foreign banks, running this country to the ground.
Let's go to that clip.
Why is that regulation book so thick?
Well, that's part of the reason why I want this to be released to the American public.
I think if you told the average American that the FCC is going to propose regulations for the internet economy that are 332 pages long, and you're not going to be able to see it until the FCC adopts it, they would think that's the wrong way to go.
And part of the reason why I've been so outspoken about this plan is that it's very intrusive.
Unfortunately, under the FCC's rules, I can't describe with any particularity what's in the document.
And so, I think that we at the FCC should be as open and transparent as the Internet itself, and let the American people see for themselves what it is that we're talking about.
Wait a minute, you can't tell me what's in the document?
That is correct.
Stamped on the front is an internal, use-only, non-public moniker.
And unless I'm authorized by the Chairman to disclose this, I can't let you or any of the other millions of Americans who are interested in the internet economy know what the SEC is going to do.
Until we vote on February 26th, this document will not be released.
Well, that's been the traditional practice, believe it or not, of the FCC.
The chairman circulates a proposal three weeks before we vote on it, it's kept secret within the walls of the FCC, and only after we vote on it and staff has a chance to make changes does the public get to see what exactly it is that we voted on.
What can viewers, if viewers are going to call the FCC, what are you going to tell them if they don't know what's in the document?
If I can I tell them don't pass this if I don't know what's in it?
That's exactly the problem and that's part of the reason why I have been banging the drum in favor of releasing the document and barring that, trying to educate the public as best I can within the rules.
Now folks, the FCC commissioner actually runs the FCC and he's saying it's horrible.
So he's like the police chief.
But then you've got the mayor, who says it's a great idea, but don't let anybody see it.
You've got the head of the board, that's political, saying don't let the public see this.
And then you've got the guy that actually runs the FCC, saying here it is, it's secret with red tape, I know what's in it, it's really bad, but I'm not allowed to tell you.
Well, we've had Senator Graham and Congressman Jones and others that have seen the 28 pages of the 9-11 report that's secret, and it just says our government stood down because Saudi Arabia was quarterbacking 9-11.
Inside job.
Government knew.
Government stood down.
I'm correct.
I'm vindicated.
Where are the apologies?
Where are they?
They're nowhere.
And let me tell all the neocons and fake right-wingers and fake liberals all over Fox, CNN, talk radio, you name it.
When ISIS or Al-Qaeda does something bigger than 9-11, everybody who's got a brain knows our government built them up again and let them attack.
And you're not going to get away with it this time.
You understand?
Because everybody's going to know you've been accomplices in helping cover all this up.
With your red herrings.
Alex says there's no such thing as radical Islamists.
Alex doesn't know.
Our government's giving them the weapons and protecting them.
But again, it's tiny criminal groups at the top.
You've even got the FCC commissioner saying it's bad.
The former head of the FCC saying it's bad.
The former chairman, Powell.
Let's play that clip right now.
Here's a clip of Powell.
The next phase of this long tortured net neutrality event will be likely litigation.
So we're going to wait to see what the FCC order actually says and does.
But we think it's very likely that they'll likely be an appeal.
So one of the things we've all talked about is what an appeal looks like and how long it takes and what that does to investment during that period.
We've heard from the CEO of AT&T who said that he plans to pull back.
Can you speak to that broadly from all of your constituents you've been talking to?
Sure, I think, to put it briefly, litigation with FCC Appeals is a pretty long, drawn-out process.
I would predict that it's at least two and up to five years before the rules are fully and finally settled.
The original classification decision went all the way to the Supreme Court and took a good three and a half, four years.
If you look at the current set of net neutrality rules in 2010, it's 2015 and we still don't have a new set and this debate has gone on for a decade.
It's one of the reasons we believe this issue is ripe for Congress to fix.
Which is to moot all the litigation and of course, from an investment standpoint, companies have to understand what the settled nature of the law is.
They've understood the law for 15 years and suddenly that's going to be radically transformed to a new style of regulation.
That's right.
Which is going to prompt a whole myriad of questions that are going to await answers, and I think that's going to have an impact on investment choices.
And the special interest, the big telecoms, you can bet your bottom dollar when it comes out, have written this, and it is going to be one-sided to consolidate power, and the FCC, a very totalitarian organization, at least historically, very anti-free speech organization,
is going to now have jurisdiction over all telecommunications.
That means, well you notice it's already, I think it's a broadcast device, like a smart meter, your clock radio, it's got the FCC sticker on the back.
This is just going to turn it loose into everything.
And it'll take years for them to really take it over, but they will.
They already tried with Obama about five years ago saying, oh, all broadband and free Wi-Fi that government's going to give you, it will be censored and it will be under government control.
Already in London and Germany and other places, you go get on the, quote, free mass transit Wi-Fi that's paid for by taxpayers, it's not free, and it tells you in a message, everything's being monitored, everything's being tracked, so there's no freedom on this government web, but it's free, but we pay for it.
Not true.
And, oh, by the way, FCC regulation is going to be over here domestically, just like they have similar systems in Europe.
So, they provide it, quote, free, so they can then claim jurisdiction over the entire thing.
Republican FCC commissioners ask Wheeler to delay net neutrality vote release proposal.
This just came out a few minutes ago.
We respectfully request the FCC leadership immediately release the 332 pages.
That's a skull and bones number, isn't that funny?
Internet regulation plan publicly and allow the American people a reasonable period of not less than 30 days to carefully study it.
Remember Obama had a promise that he would have seven days to read the bills.
Republican commissioners
Mr. Pye and O'Reilly said in a statement Monday that after the Commission reviews the specific input it receives from the American public and makes any modifications to the plan as appropriate, we could proceed to a final vote.
See, that's even a red herring!
You don't want the FCC over the Internet!
It was designed by DARPA and the Pentagon to survive a nuclear attack.
It's designed to not be controlled and be organic.
It's already basically run between three big groups.
Google's the top of it, then the NSA.
So they already pretty much run it.
They just want to make this announcement to everybody.
The FCC received more than 4 million comments on its hashtag Open Internet during past year that helped shape proposal.
It's time to act.
Does anyone really believe that they're actually listening to that input?
They're listening to the input of the globalists.
Hillary Clinton endorses FCC's Title II designation yesterday.
She's out lobbying for it.
I mean, that ought to tell you everything you need to know.
The Brian Williams of politics, Hillary Clinton.
FCC chair refuses to testify before Congress ahead of net neutrality.
Maybe they'll fly him out of the country.
FCC net neutrality rules clear hurdle as Republicans concede to Obama.
Senior Republicans conceded on Tuesday to the grueling fight with President Obama over the regulation of internet service appears over.
With President and an army of internet activists victorious, an army of Democratic Party moron wonks.
Going, we're gonna free the internet, we are, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh really?
Well the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the EFF, just came out and said this is an absolutely horrible deal.
And Republicans on Capitol Hill, who once criticized the plan as Obama's care for the Internet, now say they're unlikely to pass a legislative response that would undo perhaps the biggest policy shift since the Internet became a reality.
Yeah, since Al Gore invented it, and he also, it was a mystery who did the pyramids.
It was actually not, it was Al Gore.
He has a teleportation device and an army of flying saucers, and he went back in time and built it.
Did Obi-Wan ever told you who your father is?
He told me enough.
He told me you killed him.
Al Gore is your father.
That's ridiculous.
Oh my goodness.
Again, the larger question is, why is it all moving right now in unison?
Why are the globalists moving, not just here, but worldwide?
That's my big question.
Net neutrality, the future of freedom on the internet, it's all to be discussed here.
Wayne Madsen joins us for 30 minutes, but I'm going to start taking calls here in just a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231. 800.
259-9231 is the toll-free number.
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Old dinosaur-controlled corporate press is dying.
As we move into this, basically, government and corporate propaganda, they're going to want to shut down free independent voices like Infowars, Drudge, WorldNetDaily, and you.
The answer is more of us have websites, more of us be involved on globalist platforms.
That we just take over the system, they'll never be able to stop us.
That's why it's important for all of you to be online activists.
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You pick your issue or a raft of issues, get involved.
And support independent, hardcore, pro-liberty-based media that transcends left and right.
Notice it's a coalition of leftist internet experts, paleo-conservatives and libertarians fighting this, and it's the Republican pigs and the Democratic hogs, the establishment scum, with a bunch of foreign corporations that want to carve up the web and shut down their competition because they cannot compete.
We've had 10 Senators, or 5 or 6 Congress members, I think 3 or 4 more Senators, 10 members of Congress, we just wrote an article last year about it, that's why I know it's 10, come out and call for the return of the quote, Fairness Doctrine, Orwellian named, censor-free speech on talk radio, and for a Fairness Doctrine online.
So, that's what they're doing here, that's what this is, guaranteed!
Now we had Obamacare and it had the bioethics death panels.
And people still couldn't believe that was in there when we had the actual text of it.
And they just ridiculed us.
The army of liberals that wanted it.
Now there's an army of liberals that want this.
You mean an army of trendy shills that think they're liberal and aren't?
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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As above, so below was the maxim of the ancient alchemist.
And now we've got this report coming out after Wayne Madsen leaves us and we take calls.
They found a secret police interrogation block site, or ghost site, in Chicago.
And this just in.
Three arrested in New York City for allegedly conspiring to support ISIS.
Our government has been supporting the ISIS rebels with weapons and simply renamed them to confuse the public.
This is the type of stuff they pull.
Then they'll bust low-level morons that try to join it.
They'll have their cake and eat it too.
Antonio, you're on the air from Toronto, Canada.
You there, Antonio?
I'm here.
Okay, go ahead.
I said, uh, hi and thank you.
I'm a little nervous, but I've quickly made some points to view some things.
So, to go on your comment about, as it is above, so it is below, there are times when I hear you on your rant and I can empathize, but one of the things I keep remembering, as it says in 2 Corinthians 4, the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.
So, it is a spiritual battle.
You ask why are we heading towards things so quickly?
I think...
Looking at a little bit of everything with people like Bob Fletcher who talked about the inbound planet.
People like Martin Armstrong who have charts showing September as a time.
With another leader, Jonathan Cahn, who talks about the year of the Shemitah.
I came across a YouTube with Augusto Perez and a junior astronomist, Gil G. Boussard, who has information that is free to go out there.
But if we look at the blood moons, how they've happened two times in a row,
He has evidence showing that this inbound planet is coming in March of Passover of 2016, and to the Feast of Tabernacles of 2016 as well.
So it's sort of like, I thought September, why this year?
They're saying an economic collapse.
These guys love to see us.
They laugh in our faces with regards to wanting us broke and being stuck and powerless and helpless.
That's what they're all about.
They do not want upward mobility.
They want us to just tune into their mainstream television and let them control our minds and our destiny.
They traffic in the souls of men, as Revelation says.
But I appreciate your call.
Let me just comment on the inbound planet thing.
I've been on air 20 years.
And I've been hearing about Planet X, Nibiru, every year since then, and I'm always wrong because I don't think it's coming.
Undoubtedly, throughout our history, there are hundreds of planets out in the Kuiper Belt, planetoids, bigger than Pluto, dozens bigger than Pluto.
They've got radio telescopes that have picked them up, chronicled them, we've had probes go out there.
We know there are comets that come through.
We know this type of thing has happened, and we know our ancestors probably went through some of it.
That's why every culture talks about it.
But I mean, this is waiting on a slow train don't come.
The sun could do a big ejection of a mass corona and cause some problems and knock out all the telecommunications.
A Carrington event.
So there's a lot of serious stuff going on out there.
I just see the real globalist acceleration for tyranny
That's certainly happening, but maybe you're right.
Maybe they're getting ready for some type of natural disaster.
That's what a lot of people think.
It's just that the people that keep predicting that, it never seems to happen.
Ryan in Mass, thanks for holding.
You're on the air from FEMA Region 1.
What are you, up in Maine or something?
All right, welcome.
Hey, Todd, great to talk to you.
Good afternoon.
I disagree with you, and every time you bring it up, I agree with you on 90% of what you talk about.
Well, you get just as fired up about the open borders as the FCC.
And I agree wholeheartedly with these scumbags trying to control the internet.
With the open borders thing, whether you like it or not, what you're asking for is for an entirely huge government to be able to track everybody, to ID everybody, you know what I mean?
No, no.
If they just don't give all the illegals welfare and red carpets and free everything and bus them in here and then set them up to be Democratic Party operatives and take my guns, it wouldn't be an issue.
We'd get workers up here.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, Ryan.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com with some breaking news.
Now, a report was broke by the Guardian today.
Now, they were reporting based off of Anthony Hill, who's a criminal defense attorney in Chicago.
And what they're saying right now is going on, Chicago Police Department is arresting and detaining U.S.
citizens for days on end at a secret compound.
This is a place called Hammond Square, where U.S.
citizens are essentially treated like terrorists.
Lawyers have compared it to an off-the-book CIA black site.
Police are seen wearing military gear and have armored tanks posted outside of the warehouse where this Guantanamo-style place is.
The site is used to interrogate citizens.
Out of the view of law enforcement chain of command citizens are sent to a black site so no record of arrest can ever be found.
Lawyers who show up to look for clients are turned away and police say that they are jeopardizing undercover operations.
Now I'm going to read you a part from the
Business Insider article says, there are usually questions about whether these arrests are justifiable or constitutional.
Anthony Hill, a criminal defense attorney, told Business Insider, suspected criminals are just picked up and thrown into the back of an unmarked car by police officers wielding assault rifles and wearing bulletproof vests, describing the process as highly militarized.
This is
One of the craziest things I've had to report on since I've been here.
You gotta think, if a place like this is in Chicago, wonder how many other black site, off-the-record type places there are in America detaining people, picking them up off the streets, not reading them the Miranda rights, not giving them the constitutional rights that they're supposed to have as American citizens.
Prisoners who ask for lawyers are denied that option at this place.
And when they say, I want my lawyer, you tell them, shut up!
Your time is expired.
This is the post 9-11 world that we live in.
This is a Guantanamo Bay scenario right in the heartland of America.
And this is something that we are going to do a lot more research into.
And I'm going to be digging into this subject for quite some time because this is out of control.
We do not need this in America.
We're going to cover more of this report at the bottom of the hour after we take some phone calls and talk to Wayne Madsen, formerly with the National Security Agency.
Let's go back to Ryan to let him finish up in this two minutes we have left.
You say you disagree that I'm right about this net neutrality being a Trojan horse to end net neutrality.
Well, yeah, it's an FCC takeover, period.
That's the end of net neutrality.
Forget about corporations fighting with each other.
This is the government.
I think, you know.
So I agree with you there.
You say you disagree on the border situation.
If we don't give freebies out...
Yeah, it's a heavy, heavy issue to me.
Uh, you know, welfare on its own.
I mean, I live right near a town that is just built on gaming the system.
And really with, you know, with an industrial town, all of that's gone.
So I mean, that's horrible.
But the whole
It's a situation with illegal immigrants.
Who are we going to ID?
That all feeds into the national ID.
Well here's where you're right.
Here's where you're right with Lamar Smith from Texas and the rest of them.
They get police state laws passed on national ID saying it's free legals and then the illegals are exempt.
So I agree with you and Ron Paul that the fence is bad because it's only to keep us in, not people out.
I just don't want to hear I've got to give my liberties up because of a terror threat when the government's behind Al Qaeda.
Make sense?
Yeah, exactly.
That's why.
It's a heavy issue.
No, I hear you, I hear you.
Look, this is all I gotta know.
If you want to hold over until Wayne's gone and come back to you a third time.
Hillary Clinton and Obama support open borders.
They also support this net neutrality deal.
They also support shutting down our power plants.
They also support attacking Russia.
They also support funding ISIS, okay?
That's all I need to know.
If they're for it, I'm against it.
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We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Wayne Madsen for about 40 minutes or so, then I'm going to get into this secret
Police substation.
In fact, we'll keep him longer and get his take on that and take your phone calls.
But I will go to Mary and Cindy and Spencer and Kevin and others that are patiently holding.
But before we go any further, I want to just recap the news here.
They are trying tomorrow to pass a secret 322 page
SCC regulation, that is the FCC is going to issue it, and they say it's going to pass their board.
We've got multiple commissioners that actually do the work, the chairmen like the mayor, saying it's a horrible idea.
They're fixing a problem that doesn't exist.
Net neutrality is a solution that won't work to a problem that doesn't exist.
That's what one chairman said, Chairman Pai.
You've got the Republican leadership, of course we now learn, has been involved the whole time and supports it.
That's in the New York Times.
You've got the normal coalition of kind of rent-a-mob, fake liberal trendies that are supporting it.
You've got Hillary out promoting it.
This is the FCC that has no regulatory power over the Internet getting that power.
And that's what Hillary said, quote, to Silicon Valley yesterday, quote, it gets a foot in the door.
Or a camel's nose under the tent flap.
And she supports it.
Now that's got to tell you something.
So just like with Obamacare, the Republican and Democratic leadership are for it, the grassroots is against it.
Until they're brainwashed.
And it's the same story over and over and over again.
Now I don't know Wayne Madsen's view on this overall.
I just know that he covers telecommunications, the NSA, the CIA, net neutrality, and is involved with the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
And the Freedom of the Internet groups has been involved in it since these groups were started.
He testified to Congress, the EU, you name it, members of Congress have also had him as expert witness.
So he is uniquely positioned as probably the biggest NSA whistleblower most people never heard about.
You hear about Snowden all day, but Madsen was blowing the whistle back when they didn't arrest you for exposing criminal activity 20 years ago when he left the National Security Agency.
Before that he was in electronic anti-submarine warfare operations in highly classified areas of the Navy.
And of course, he's a frequent guest here on the broadcast, and I appreciate him coming on on short notice.
I just thought, hey, we ought to get Wayne Madsen's take on this.
All I knew months ago was they wanted to show what the proposal was, and I said, I don't want the FCC over the Internet.
Use antitrust laws on these big corporations that are already there that they can't stop people's information going down the Internet.
If someone violates a law, those laws are on the books.
Well that's basically what Commissioner Pye and others are saying.
We're going to find out Wayne Madsen's view on this and then take calls on this subject and others.
Wayne Madsen, what is your take with WayneMadsenReport.com?
What is your take on what's happening right now?
Well, I wish we could freeze the current status quo without any sort of... My fear is that there's been a lot of lobbyists involved with crafting these FCC regulations.
I think there's arguments on both sides of this.
And I was involved in this peripherally when I was with the Electronic Privacy Information Center years ago, that the issue of net neutrality came up.
And isn't that the group that turned into EFF?
Well, they actually worked together.
They're two separate groups.
Some of the EPIC people went over to EFF, so there's been some cross-pollination there.
But they all basically agree that there ought to be net neutrality.
And I don't know their current take on this.
EFF is now coming out saying they don't like the current plan because... Go ahead.
They probably, I'm probably in agreement with their stance.
Here's the problem.
The problem is that currently, without any sort of, because it's out there, the internet is out there to be preyed upon by the Comcast of the world, and we know what their intention is.
They want to create these multi-tiered systems of bandwidth access, throughput,
And if we have that situation, small websites like the one I run and others out there are going to be relegated down with the slow throughput.
The Comcast, the Hollywood studios are going to get the high bandwidth throughput.
Good content or at least independent content on the internet will be smothered.
Sure, that's the internet too and so at one level globally they're trying to do that and then have a censored controlled multi-tier system then the FCC comes in as quote the savior but then that will give them regulatory power so they can then quote compromise and bring in the Comcast plan.
And that's the problem, because if you get the FCC involved in regulating content, this is a slippery slope, because we know the FCC regulates content on the broadcast networks, on the radio frequency spectrum, on television and radio.
That's why, you know, you can't say those seven words that George Carlin talked about.
Personally, I don't care.
If you don't like what you hear on the radio or television, turn it off or turn to another station.
But I'm really afraid that this could be opening the door for other lobbyists who represent, let's face it, I'm going to be right out in front on this one, those thin-skinned bellyachers from the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League who will start crying about content and they may try to use the FCC to regulate content on the Internet and that's where I think this could wind up because I think
Like I say, I wish we could just freeze the current status quo without any sort of lobbyist involvement or major companies like Comcast and Verizon getting involved, but that obviously isn't the case because we have this, you know, multi-hundred page document that's been prepared that's gonna, you know, the devils are gonna be in the detail on this one, Alex, too.
Well, isn't it telltale that he won't testify before Congress, the FCC Chairman, and the 322 pages is secret?
I mean, right there, you shouldn't be able to pass something that's secret.
Yeah, and the guy who's the FCC chairman, of course, Obama picked him.
He's a former communications industry lobbyist.
He comes right out of the Comcast world, so I wouldn't trust anything on his silver platter, whatever he's offering up.
Like I say, I think what you said, it's not broke right now.
Why try to fix it?
And I wish we could just freeze the current status quo, but that's obviously not going on in D.C.
right now.
Let me ask you this question.
More and more on every front, the globalist interests are accelerating their program to a reckless level.
A. Do you agree with that statement?
And B. Why do you think every globalist project is being put into overdrive right now?
Oh, well, look, you know, the globalists are afraid right now.
Look what's happening in Europe with Greece.
I mean, the Greeks unfortunately buckled.
They had this new government.
They said, look, we're not going to play around with these bankers and this austerity.
But it looks like they, you know, in the 11th hour, they cut this deal.
It's, you know, these are like the little Dutch boy trying to keep his finger plugged in the dam because there's leaks springing up all over the world.
And they're getting, frankly, very, very nervous about what's going on.
Elaborate on the Greece-German situation.
Well, what we had in the victory of Syriza, that's the far-left party in Greece, it was an anti-austerity vote.
You know, Greece has been told to sell off all their public sector assets, everything from the ports, which they were forced to sell to the Chinese, to airports, to ferry systems, you name it, hospitals, everything was on the chopping block.
They wanted to do to Greece what's going on in Ukraine right now,
I think?
I think?
And there have been people on pensions in Greece that have been thrown off their pensions.
They don't have money to get their prescriptions.
I mean, it's been devastating.
So the Greek people elected an anti-austerity government, but what did they do at the 11th hour?
Instead of just saying, to heck with the EU, we're pulling out, we're going to re-establish the DROC
I think?
Leftist party, but in other words, in various countries around Europe, in fact around the world, you're seeing the population going to either the left or to the right because they're sick and tired of this status quo that's been engineered by these globalists.
What they're going to is nationalist anti-austerity parties, and when you analyze the Greek debt and others, as you've done, and I've had economists on, 90 percent, whether it's Iceland, whether it's Greece, whether it's Ireland, whether it's Spain, whether it's Portugal, 90 to 93 percent of the debt, it's always the same globalist formulae, is a fraudulent derivatives credit default swap or other derivative trash counterfeit that
Goldman Sachs, in almost every case, operatives...
Have had the President or Prime Minister sign the people on to quote, bail out the banks, but then it's their debt to the very bankers they just bailed out, and so their pension funds get raided, or they've got to bail in and give money to the banks.
I mean, this screw job is so epic it makes my head spin.
When we come back, Wayne, I want to talk about that with you.
I want to go to phone calls.
I want to ask you the wild card question.
What big story is he working on right now?
And so much more.
He's almost right now, and we're going to tweet that out at RealAlexJones at Infowars.com.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
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It's a classic dialectic, where you control both sides of the argument to then create a synthesis that is the endgame that you wanted to begin with.
The Galean Dialectica Problem Reaction Solution is a Straussian economic system that is deployed as almost a fix-all for the global social engineers, in my view.
It's very transparent.
There's a plan to create a two-tier, censored, controlled, hyper-fast internet.
It's already in place in South Korea and other areas.
Have people opt-in, waive their rights, and be surveilled, and then basically have a sub-web that is falling apart, choked with different tolls, and regulated as well.
And so they have the Comcast and others come in and try to push this hijacking, creating dams in the middle of the Internet.
Then Congress comes in to, quote, save us, but they don't.
They let the FCC, an agency, come in and just say, don't worry, we're going to declare regulatory power over this without Congress even passing a law.
So, it's a constitutional crisis in that it's the FCC declaring they're just going to do this.
And then we talk about FCC appeals when they don't have this regulatory power.
And we've got the former head lawyer joining us Monday for the FCC, Bruce Fine.
He's the guy that got rid of net neutrality in 1987.
So we can defeat this.
But, Wayne, what does it signify in the world right now?
I know I brought up another subject as we went to break, and I want to go back into this for a moment, in this short segment.
What does it signify, though, that they're trying this?
And if the globalists are in such crisis,
Looking into your crystal ball, talking to other experts, where do you see the world going?
What are we about to see the next few years?
Well, I mean, if you were to sneak in to, say, the Bilderberg, you know, you actually are inside listening to these people, these elitists, or the Davos World Economic Forum, or any number of these.
I dare say that's been discussed at the Bohemian Grove between, you know, naked romps in the forest.
They're probably saying, what are we going to do about this internet?
Because, you know, it's this fairly independent means of communications where the nation state, as a matter of fact,
Just last week, three fossils—Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Brent Scowcroft—were testifying before John McCain.
And John McCain is very much in bed with these Comcasts of the world on the Internet.
And all three of these ancient fossils said they're concerned about the Westphalian system being threatened by social media.
And what are they talking about?
Talking about the Internet.
And what they're talking about with the Treaty of Westphalia.
This was concluded in 1648.
This gives you some idea of these people living in the past.
They want to return to feudalism.
They want to return to chattel systems.
So when they're talking about the Treaty of Westphalia from 1648, their feeling is that the nation state is being threatened.
And right now we don't really have, in Europe for example, we don't have a nation state.
We've got a supranational group called the European Union, which consists of a lot of nation states.
And I think basically what they're afraid of is that the EU is going to fall apart.
All this Western Hemisphere, NAFTA and CAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade Partnership, all this stuff is going to come to a screeching halt because the people are going to say, no, that's our jobs.
That's our way of life.
That's our standard of living.
That's our cultural identity, too.
That's what Russia's upset about.
You know, where they're trying to force-feed Russia to adopt standards.
They're trying to force them to take political correctness, open borders, and Russia just isn't buying it and expanding on that.
You're absolutely right.
For those that don't know, it was about nine years ago.
We're trying to find the article.
We'll have to find the exact headline to find it when it's that old.
But remember, he came out lobbying for Comcast and said,
We need a law with no proof, basically, was the law they wanted, that Comcast and the recording industries were proposing, to quote, blow up pirates' computers.
That if you, if they claim you've downloaded something illegally, then they have, they send a virus that fries your computer.
Remember that?
He said, quote, blow up your computer.
I mean, these people are insane.
You know, but the mere fact that you had Scowcroft, Kissinger, and Brzezinski testify before some- Shows they're scared.
Yeah, I mean, you know, they have to haul these people out of the crypt to complain about how the Westphalian treaty system is being threatened by social media.
You know, they're talking about you, they're talking about me, they're talking about everyone else out there who's got an independent voice.
Well, Hillary said it four years ago.
They're losing the info war.
We'll be right back with Wayne Madsen, your phone calls, and a lot more.
And wild cards.
What does he think is most important?
I'll ask him.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in the Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
I'll be looking for aid when they pull that gate.
And I hope that judge ain't blind.
Amarillo by morning, Amarillo's on my mind.
Amarillo by morning.
Up from San Antonio.
George Strait, ladies and gentlemen.
Wayne Madsen is our guest.
I want to start going to your phone calls, Cindy and Kevin, Spencer, James and others that are patiently holding.
You want to talk about ISIS, Bill C-5-1 in Canada, basically Patriot Act.
Jesse wants to talk about Jesse Ventura and immigration.
Cindy wants to talk about ISIS in America.
Yeah, they've just arrested supposedly three people.
Fox News is reporting who wanted to join ISIS.
We're going to discuss all of that.
Also, they're set to move on codifying Obama's executive action on merging us into a North American Union.
That's what they call the open borders.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Meanwhile, college indoctrination on steroids, capitalism must be overthrown for the sake of humanity.
Janet Yellen is freaking out about Audit the Fed bill.
Here are a hundred reasons why she should be freaking out.
Another article, ex-FCC chief shocked by Fed's attempt to regulate the internet.
That's just some of what's coming up today that we haven't really gotten into in detail yet.
Before we go back to Wayne Madsen of WayneMadsenReport.com, I also want to get him to talk about his latest book.
Folks should definitely go get it and read it and support independent journalism.
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To quote Beavis and Butthead, the boing!
I mean, it is certainly, certainly the real deal.
Because of all the estrogen mimickers and fluoride suppressing our normal endocrine system, this will blow you away.
And by the way, I have a new big university study out of England.
Research exposes how our water is making us depressed and sick.
It's a great headline, but it's not hardcore enough by Mike Barrett at Infowars.com.
He did a great job writing this article.
It should say, University Study, Fluoride Destroying the Thyroid.
Because you read the study that they're linked to here, 30% increase in the cities in England in hyperthyroidism and also underactive thyroid, so both,
Just studying that.
So you can go read it for yourself.
Just another study of the thousands.
The Harvard study looked at 25 studies proving a massive IQ reduction.
The list goes on and on.
What are you doing paying for a toxic waste to be dumped in the water?
There's a London Telegraph.
Fluorine drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain warns scientists.
That was also in the London Telegraph?
You mean they actually reported on it?
When did they report on it?
The London Telegraph beats InfoWars by two days.
I love being beaten by mainstream media.
Make me passe.
Make me old news.
Anyways, you can get Super Male, Super Female 20% off, 15% off all the water filtration systems that are already the lowest price, highest quality.
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And then after six o'clock at night, we have an answering service.
They're still great folks, but you are talking to an info warrior when you call before six o'clock central.
So 888-253-3139.
Wayne Madsen, just now I thought of something.
Do you feel vindicated being one of the first 9-11 truthers demonized, vilified, drugged through the mud, pilloried, attacked for saying that Saudi Arabia clearly had a major hand in it and that there was a stand down in the book you wrote, in the interviews you've done?
For international, national media and this show, you were one of the first prominent 9-11 truthers covering real facts.
They sent in the well poisoners with ridiculous conspiracy theories who all attacked us to try to discredit the message.
But now the 28 pages, Senator Graham, head of the commission, says Saudi Arabia quarterbacked it, bare minimum, and that our government, bare minimum, stood down.
We are vindicated.
What do you make of that?
And then are you worried about a new false flag?
Yeah, I'm worried about a new false flag, but yeah, I was actually threatened with lawsuits from people in Saudi Arabia, a Saudi Sheikh for example, because I had written about the involvement of some of these Saudi banks.
Saudi bankers, members of the Saud family in 9-11, the current king of Saudi Arabia.
I tagged him as facilitating the transfer of members of Al-Qaeda through Riyadh when he was governor of the Riyadh province to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Paying their plane fare, giving them their tickets, paying for their hotel rooms, giving them cash.
He's the current king, King Salman.
Not to be confused with what you catch out in the Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest.
But believe me, those king salmons smell a lot better than King Salman of Saudi Arabia.
I had very good sources back then that were trying to tell me this was going on, and I feel good that they're vindicated more so than myself.
You're talking about Springman and others ahead of the U.S.
Yes, Springman was one of many, but there were so many back then.
Colonel Butler?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, they're just... I think back on some of them.
Unfortunately, some of them are no longer with us.
Some have, you know, kind of gotten out of the mainstream.
They got beat up so bad, they decided to get out of it.
And these are people there that watched it all happen.
I mean, these were eyewitnesses.
Yeah, I mean they were, and some of them are still around, but many of them left the military, left the intelligence services.
You know, it'd be nice, they talk about putting up memorials.
I'd like to see a memorial put up to those 9-11 truth people who, you know, suffered immensely.
Some of them are, you know, are dead, and I think suspiciously.
Oh, remember Barry Jennings, two weeks after he was on the show?
We aired the interview that our crew, I was producing Loose Change 2nd Edition then, and we interviewed him, aired the thing, and he was dead two weeks later.
Yeah, even Jean Palfrey, the DC Madam, told me she had information that would have been of interest to the 9-11 Commission.
You were on the show with her that day, and I said, listen, they might kill you, and I said, you'll never commit suicide, and she said, never.
I mean, I remember I had the police detectives call me.
I had her condo manager call me and say, no, no, she was leaving, they were after her.
He sent me her handwriting.
Looked nothing like her suicide note.
And there was FBI agent John O'Neill that was on the trail with Saudis early on.
You knew Palfrey, by the way, quite well.
Let's remember the D.C.
madam here.
Yeah, I mean, it's a long, long list.
But look, there's still reluctance to release those 28 pages.
And I've pretty much been told what's in them.
It's no surprise to me where these roads lead.
And, you know, it'd be nice to see the pages come out.
But I think it's going to be anticlimactic when they are released, because we're going to say, yeah, we already knew that stuff.
But we're not going to get apologized to by CNN, Fox News, Glenn Beck.
I mean really, Glenn.
Glenn, come on, do I get an apology?
No, well, some of those guys, I have a bit of schadenfreude right now with some of them like Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly, you know, lying about their war records and O'Reilly trying to claim he was standing outside of the Moran Shilts house when he committed suicide before he was supposed to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
I mean, you know, if we
What about Ryan Williams?
What's your view on him?
I mean, when he came out and tried to say, I misremembered being hit by a missile when he was an hour and a half actually behind it.
I mean, that is just an insane lie.
Yeah, I mean, who... That's like saying I was in the fertilizer plant explosion in the town of West Texas that's a hundred miles away.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, the thing is, poor Dan Rather got run out of the business because he happened to have told the truth.
Look, you know, of course some of the evidence was problematic.
He had about 20 pieces and we know Karl Rove spiked one piece of this info.
Yeah, so there's the corporate media for you.
They promote the ne'er-do-wells, the people who make up stories, and those who try to report the news are shown the exit door.
Look, I'm going to predict right now that I think in two years there will no longer be the half-hour broadcast evening news shows.
I think they're just ridiculous.
Do you think Brian Williams will be seen as the bellwether mark point in which the dying dinosaur media finally collapsed into a rotten heap?
Yeah, I think NBC will probably be the first to get rid of its nightly news, followed probably by ABC.
Well, CNN's already segwaying out to cooking shows and travel shows.
Oh yeah, I mean yeah, and MSNBC does the lock-up shows on the weekends, you know, and even the Weather Channel, we get, you know, Coast Guard guys in Alaska.
What is this crap?
See, getting back to the internet and net neutrality, that's what I'm, I would hope that the internet doesn't become that kind of
I mean, I don't think this is something they can get rid of.
If they were losing the info war four years ago in Hillary's words to Congress, when she testified, I think now we're really hurting them bad.
Well, I try to regulate the internet.
I keep my backup.
I have my old Woodstock manual typewriter.
I'll just start doing my stories on that and send it out by snail mail.
Well, we know the Soviet Union got crippled by people with fax machines handing out printouts just saying the government lied about this, the government lied about that.
That's why everybody should always have an arm of their media operation that's low-tech.
Oh yeah, I mean if they ever shut me off or anything, I'll launch an initiative of people door-to-door to put handbills up everywhere so fast they can't stop us.
Yeah, I'm actually thinking about going to some garage sales and antique stores to see if I can get those old mimeograph machines they used to have when I was back in grade school and junior high.
By the way, I'm sure you saw that Germany and Russia are actually buying typewriters for their super-secret communications, but the big secret is France already uses underground pneumatic tube for anything considered secret.
Exactly, exactly.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of countries going back to what we used to use those in the military, even in the intelligence community called, they were called bunny tubes, where you put your messages in these pneumatic tubes and send them from one building to another, one room to another.
Yeah, my dad, strangely enough, when he was in France,
They're very effective as long as some clown, as we've had on many occasions, as long as some clown didn't put a banana or an apple in this thing, because you wind up with banana mush or applesauce on the other end.
Oh, so some of the people even in the agencies themselves would do that?
Oh, sure.
Have you heard about this epidemic in federal agencies of people crapping on the floor?
The phantom crappers.
Why do they do that in the pneumatic tube?
Yeah, we had a lot of funny things show up in the pneumatic tubes.
Yeah, well, there were stories.
I mean, I remember that back in the barracks in the Navy.
There were those phantom people that did such things.
But I mean, why?
If you want to be crapped on, just turn on CNN.
It gets the latest press conference from the White House.
Or turn into Mrs. Maddow or Mr. Maddow.
He'll certainly get crap on you.
I know, it's ridiculous.
All right, I'm sorry for the potty humor, folks.
Gotta have some gallows humor.
Hey, let's take a few phone calls, Wayne.
All right, Wayne Madsen's our guest.
Next hour, I'll get into the secret.
Have you heard, it's even on mainstream news, they found secret black sites that the police have for interrogating people in Chicago?
Yeah, and I'm really happy that Rahm Emanuel was kept under 50%.
He's forced into a runoff, and I would hope that anybody who's a voter in Chicago would vote for Jesus Choi.
Garcia, I believe that's his name, I may have the last name wrong, I hope I don't, but he came out of basically nowhere and kept Emanuel under 50%, so they're going to go into a runoff, and I would hope that Chewie becomes the next mayor of Chicago and gets rid of that nonsense.
Well, it's a good Star Wars tie-in.
Now, is this mayor seven and a half feet tall in Harry?
I mean, Emanuel, he's just sold the city of Chicago to the highest bidder.
He's a total gangster.
For those folks who don't know, this was even in mainstream news, and he would flip out in meetings under Clinton and start stabbing the table with knives, foaming at the mouth, and he would tell Obama to shut up in front of congressional closed-door meetings with Obama.
I mean, he is crazy.
Yeah, and Obama showed up in Chicago to campaign for him, but apparently, as I wrote today on my website, where Obama thought he had coattails out there, it turns out he didn't even have a ferry loop to help old Emanuel.
Now, did Emanuel and Obama drop by the bathhouses like they normally do?
I don't know.
They might have discussed old times up there in what they call Boys Town.
Maybe they'll hang out with Sandusky.
Let's talk to him.
We're not joking, folks.
Or Aaron Schock, the other guy that I reported on.
He's the guy that redecorated his House office, House of Representatives office, as some sort of, with all this old English wallpaper and wall hangings and things, in the style of Dalton Abbey.
Yeah, there were rumors that he was also frequenting those same places.
Let's skip the network break so we've got more time.
Kevin in Maryland.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hey, good to talk to you, Alex.
Wayne, props to all your work, man.
Thank you.
Yesterday, Jesse was talking about some of the immigrant workers and how they're kind of like artists.
And I just wanted to mention that
Out in front of John Hopkins Hospital, they have a cobblestone road, two lanes on both sides, separated by a median.
I watched Brickman pull up all the cobblestones, put them back down, and pour a concrete bus lane in a week.
Meanwhile, our own city utility workers changed out a light pole for three weeks.
So, ethics, work ethic has something to do with all that too.
Well, it's bureaucracy.
They've designed everything to be as expensive as possible if it's done by government.
Wayne, what do you chalk that up to?
Wayne Madsen.
Well, you know, you're talking about big cities.
You know, that could be Baltimore, Chicago.
There's a lot of graft and corruption and payola in these cities.
I mean, the era of the big machine, the city machines, it's not dead.
You know, look how long it took to build that tunnel in Boston.
That thing took forever, and all the money that was wasted.
I think whenever you talk about big cities, you're almost, to Herod, you're talking about corruption.
Kevin Wayne's got to leave in about five minutes for another interview, so I'm going to jump, but anything else?
I just wanted to say, if anybody wanted to learn more about your thyroid, look into the Hindu teachings of Ajna Chakra.
And it gives you more of a spiritual perspective rather than the scientific, you know, how your body works perspective.
And, uh, I got the, got the ProPure G2 filter working great.
Got the, uh, Ancient Defense so far so good.
God bless you.
Give it to my youngins also.
Uh, do you have a minute I could say my poem?
We found great treasure in the past.
All this talk of moving forward without looking back.
My people stressed out, yet we helping to cook the crack.
Evil's real, and all the crooks are chilling back.
Building guerrillas for attack on the constant, but the content of the brainwashing is what's prominent.
The nonsense, the problems, all the solutions without shooting all the child abuse and all the prostitution.
I'm losing my patience, right?
But who do I fight?
Knowledge is the war game and your brain holds the light.
The key to all the mysteries, the proof and the truth, let's lead these revolutionaries back to our roots.
Very well said, my friend.
God bless you.
Let's go to one more call, then I'll continue with the calls.
Wayne's got to leave here in a moment.
Cindy in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
No problem.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Wayne.
I don't ordinarily watch network TV, but I do watch Lou Dobbs.
I think he has a lot of
Kudos to him.
I like him a lot.
He's a listener of the show, but Fox orders him not to come on, but go ahead.
Well, he had a show on January 19th with Ryan Morrow with the Clarion Project.
Are you aware of him?
No, I'm not.
Oh, okay.
You need to get up with that.
He was going over these Islamic guerrilla training villages.
They're called Islambergs.
They're sprouting up all over the country, and they were showing... Lou showed this
And on his show, these Islamic Muslims with semi-autos, they weren't practicing for prayers, I'll tell you that.
They were showing how to slit throats.
It was men and women.
They were drilling.
Well, Cindy, he's got to go in a few minutes.
I'll come back to you for a final word after he goes, but I'm glad this got raised.
The West, if you go back 50 years, funds the textbooks for the Madrasas to radicalize Islam.
Three arrested in New York for alleged conspiring with ISIS.
Our government created Al-Qaeda that became ISIS.
How ridiculous is this?
As they say, brace for Mall of America, brace for attacks.
We've got to get more funding.
Jay Johnson, the head of DHS.
Remember years ago we predicted that Al-Qaeda in Syria would turn against the West, now they've done it.
Yeah, and you know I just wrote recently out of the 11 recent cases of these lone wolf attacks, France, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Brussels,
All 11 of them were known to intelligence agencies, were known to law enforcement, and some were probably informants, agents, and 9 of those 11 are now dead.
That's right, they're Patsy's, just like Boston bombing.
I mean, the older brother was on CIA payroll, sent to the Caucasus.
I mean, Russia blew its cover two years before the Boston bombing.
Wayne Madsen, WayneMadsenReport.com.
Folks, you can find all your books there.
They're excellent.
Tell us briefly about your newest book.
It's basically a compendium of stories I've covered over the last ten years of the CIA knocking off world leaders, politicians, and even people who were professionals, not politicians.
So, it's called Tales from the CIA Crypt.
Well, well done.
We'll get you on to do a whole interview on that in the near future.
In fact, let's try to set him up now for about two weeks from now.
Wayne, thank you, my friend.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Always informative.
It's just amazing how they're preparing Al Qaeda under the new name ISIS to strike the West.
It'll be real people that come and attack us, but the door's being opened.
It could be real people.
I think the preponderance of evidence shows they're getting some real groups ready to attack.
Wind-up toys, I call them, or they call them.
They could also pull a really big fake one like 9-11.
Says the Saudi thing was just a cut out.
The head of the U.S.
Embassy visa section was told.
Was told.
No, these are CIA officers.
Not assets.
And that's why they have a terror designation.
Give them the visa.
I mean, I've interviewed Springman here.
And that's gonna come out in the 28 pages, folks.
They were protected.
Now, did they actually hijack those planes?
The only two air phone calls that were real said there's gas I can't breathe before people passed out.
They were running drills, James Woods saw them two weeks before, drilling, getting up, drilling, hijacking, testing security.
They believe they were testing security, I believe.
Were they triple agents and then actually hijacked?
That's a low probability, but could have happened.
The money's on remote control and nerve gas.
That's what the smart money's on.
Who did it?
That's another question.
But NORAB was ordered to stand down and that's public.
You think it's fun coming out with this information?
You think I like risking my life?
I'll tell you one thing, it feels a lot better now knowing there's all these other people out there getting this out.
I sleep a lot safer at night.
I don't want to get killed.
But you know what?
Duty comes first, and I'll do whatever I have to.
But yes, there are jihad training camps all over this country, from Texas to Alabama, from upstate New York to right outside Silicon Valley.
I've seen CBS reports.
And man, if citizens were training with guns and doing military training, slitting throats, I mean, we're out in a shooting club or something, that's great, but when you're out there doing training to attack, you would be infiltrated, you would be set up if you were a libertarian or conservative group.
Not these groups.
So, what do you, I guess she hung up.
I was going to go back to her and let her have another word on that.
I don't want to cut these callers off, so let's just go to break here.
We're going to come back with Spencer.
And with James and with Jan and Don and others.
And I see a caller holding there, but I don't know their name and some other callers.
But that's all coming up in the next hour.
And there's a whole heapin' helpin' to quote the Beverly Hillbillies of articles.
The Gobbin.
That's real hillbilly talk.
A bunch of a Gobbin.
The Gobbin of a bunch.
A Larapin meal.
That real hillbilly talk, you can't even understand.
Unless you're a hillbilly.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
One of the commissioners is calling the FCC power grab of the Internet lawless.
That's what it is.
The debate isn't whether they say they're going to do a good job or not.
You don't want the federal government involved in the Internet when it's an out-of-control agency like the FCC, historically.
A draconian operation.
And what they want to pass in their committee, not even Congress, but the FCC, that they say has passed, they're going to announce tomorrow, is 322 pages and it's secret.
Written by special interests, you can bet your right arm.
And Commissioner Pai says net neutrality is a solution that won't work to a problem that doesn't exist.
That's right.
It's a power grab to then.
Yeah, the current proposal that comes out will have some bad stuff in it, but it's just the fact that they're asserting that they have the jurisdiction.
When the same corporations need government as a cover to put this into law, they've tried to act unilaterally to end net neutrality.
Comcast, Tom Warner and others, they've been unable
So now they want the government to do it in the name of saving it.
Just like they staged the terror attacks at Provocatorum, or allow them to happen, to then take over.
I mean, it's real simple.
Spencer in Canada, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
Yes sir.
I just want to say, long-time listener, first-time caller, I ordered the X2 and the Secretol and the OxyPowder and it's literally changed my life.
I changed how I eat after, like it reset my immune system.
By the way, Spencer, whenever we get these calls, because we don't ask for them, we don't screen calls, people think they're fake.
You're calling, or some people claim that, you're calling in from Canada, you said you were calling in about BC51 in Canada, you said it's basically a Patriot Act.
So you didn't tell us you were going to plug these products and you're a real person?
No, honestly I'm always skeptical about hearing stuff like that but I tried it out of a whim just to see if it would work and I've never felt so good in my life.
I feel so much better.
I have energy during the day.
I feel better when I stop eating.
MSG, I stopped eating glucose, fructose, and if I eat it now, I feel sick.
Instantly feel sick when I eat it.
I'm the same way.
If I eat a fast food hamburger, I mean for 15 years I don't eat at McDonald's or wherever, but if I was out on the road, on a shoot, starving, yeah I ate at McDonald's like five years ago and I got sick.
So a week later I ate it as a test and got the same headache
The same dizziness, the same stomach ache.
I mean, when you've not been eating this processed filth, you really notice it.
So what I wanted to bring up real quick, just because I'm at work and it can't be too long, but Bill C-51, and they're trying to pass it right now and it's gone into like the second round in our parliament, but it's really scary.
It's our new anti-terrorism laws that they put together and a lot of people are saying it's going to strip our rights, but if you don't mind, I could just read a couple of... Sure, and that was all because of the shooter that shot the...
The military man guarding the Parliament a few months ago and now they're trying to pass their own draconian piece of legislation.
Please read from it.
So a couple of the points that were pointed out by some of our people in Parliament that they said were a risk to our freedoms and rights.
One is allowing Canadian security intelligence services service agents to conduct warrantless clandestine operations to reduce threats to the security of Canada.
Yeah, that's a sneak and peek.
Authorized judges to grant threat disruption warrants to our Canadian intelligence services in cases where disruption methods would break the law or violate Charter of Rights.
Oh, unbelievable.
You know what?
You say you gotta go, but I've got an article up saying just what you just said.
Yeah, that allows them to go in and destroy free speech organizations.
Hit some more of the points.
Hey, if you gotta go because you're at work, that's fine.
Or do you want to hold over and go back through those points and finish?
Hold over.
Back in three minutes, we're going to go right to Spencer to finish up.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is the type of bombshell information I've got after I go to some of your phone calls that I want to go over.
There's an 11-minute report we won't have time to cover but we will post it on Infowars.com and tweet it and put it on Facebook and hopefully you'll pass it forward to people.
Navy proves flu shot causes flu.
And the Navy announced they vaccinated a whole ship and then they had an epidemic of flu on the ship.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up every day I see stuff like this.
Major university study out of Canada.
Came out last week on fluoride reducing IQ, just like the Harvard one two years ago.
And then two days ago, the London Telegraph reported, we reported on it as well, that it makes you sick and depressed and gives you thyroid problems when you drink fluoride in the tap water.
I mean, look at that unbelievable headline.
Fluoride in drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain, warn scientist.
But if you go down to the city council, we got a new mayor now, so maybe he won't laugh at us.
I was downtown today and saw like secret service guys with guns, hands on their guns and looking around and it was, it was the mayor getting out of a black Tahoe and going into Google, the Google command base, like he was the president or something.
But I think of the Austin mayors because we go down there with scientists and the head toxicologist of a prestigious university and then he would just laugh at us and then flip us off.
Meanwhile we just start bathing, we're drowning in just documents and proof and they're just laughing at everything we say.
City of Austin is going to pay 1.3 million a year to buy toxic fluoride
From fertilizer mines in Florida, that's where we get ours, mixed with hundreds of other deadly chemicals, and then we're gonna dump it in the water supply and we're gonna, you're gonna pay for it!
And I gotta buy water filters to filter my water, just so my kids don't, you know, drink it.
I mean, you're a punk!
Laughing well?
The new mayor, I don't know if he's a punk, we'll see if he flips us off.
Here is Dr. Conant, the head of his university's toxicology department, a prestigious scientist.
And then Lettingwells.
Oh, thank you, doctor.
You don't mind if I leave while you speak?
I mean, that's a still the trolls are going to get, what I just did.
Feeding the trolls is very important.
They're pollinators.
Because see, we're in a paradigm above the Cass Sunstein School, would you boys.
And so we actually understand the aroma that you put off actually attracts people to see what all the hubbub's about.
Who was it that said, I don't care what you write about me in the newspaper, just spell my name correctly.
They've had, no exaggeration, probably 100 news articles
More than 100, and probably 15 TV shows that I personally have seen, this is just a stalled number, might be 20, where they make fun of me and say Alex Jones says juice boxes are going to make your children gay.
Where they edited a tape where it looks like I'm saying that.
What I said was, with about 15, 20, 30, whatever it was, news articles, because it was a video I did that probably had more than that, probably 30 articles in it, showing how mammals, amphibians, fish are having their reproductive systems fried and have both sets of genitalia, in some cases it's so bad, and are going into puberty early.
Are becoming fertile and reproducing early when they are in contact with the bisphenol A. And see, since you made fun of that five, six years ago, the bisphenol A is being jerked out of everything.
So, you lose, you fail!
How do you like them apples?
Because see, I'm not here to care about what happens to my name and my reputation.
I'm here to run over the barbed wire and throw hand grenades into your machine gun nest for the army that's coming up the hill.
And I don't care if I get blown up, because in an info war, I get resurrected over and over again.
I always get destroyed for a season, but rise again in the spring, just like the plants die in the winter, they come back in the spring, like the phoenix.
And that's why you don't have to worry when you're right.
Day one, exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
Day one, exposing fluoride.
Day one, exposing Obama.
Day one, exposing the globalist agenda on every front.
Because we know what we're talking about.
And I'm not worried about how they attack me up front and make me look like a fool.
It's all in God's plan, because I never tried to act like a goofball on purpose.
I just do it sometimes.
I never tried to act silly.
I just do it sometimes.
I never tried to do all the annex I engage in.
That's just who I am.
But it all, in God's greater plan, worked out as bait to suck you guys in, to try to destroy me over and over again.
Everybody knows it's the hero that gets destroyed.
And I don't want to be a hero.
I want to teach other people how humanity is a hero.
Men and women that stand up for decency and justice are the heroes.
People that do the right thing no matter what they get told by the establishment or what bullies say, they're the heroes.
And I'm here to tell you, you're a hero.
When you raise your children and love them and try to do the right thing.
And when you're not an envious evil person, God loves you.
And I'm going to stop preaching here.
But I just start thinking about
We're starting to win.
That's why the enemies tripled down.
We now passed the Rubicon where almost no one is buying GMO crops and farmers are converting because of the market.
You can attack the French all you want, but anybody tries to plant GMO in their area, they burn down their crops that night.
They sent in federal police to try to stop them.
They burned down the police station.
And guess what?
The French government doesn't charge anybody.
Because when they charge somebody, more farmers come out.
Because those French farmers, buddy, they've been on that land for a thousand years.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They know when they tested that stuff out and it kills their pigs, kills their geese, kills their cows.
They're not stupid.
And they will burn down anyone that tries to plant it.
Well, see, that's the extreme over there.
And over here, we are the dumping ground for all this stuff, but it's changing.
And by voting with our dollars, we're converting the market.
So now they want a new underclass of ignorant, uneducated, uninformed people that we can't communicate with out of Latin America to be brought in, who are the only people now eating at these facilities.
And I feel sorry for them.
We need to reach out to them and wake them up.
I mean, I look at the news.
It is just an army of evidence.
I said I'd go to your calls.
Spencer in Canada, I was holding.
He's at work.
I apologize.
This show is so unscripted, I'm an animal.
I apologize.
Spencer, finish up with the incredible draconian bill C-5-1.
We pulled up news articles out of Canada showing exactly what you said is in it.
Secret arrests, secretly disappearing, frustrating, quote, groups that could become terrorists, even though it may be illegal to break up protest groups, breaking into people's houses, sneak and peek.
Recap that.
I apologize.
What's really scary about it is this one right here.
Lower legal threshold for police to obtain a warrant to arrest individuals who have committed no crime and hold them in custody for up to seven days instead of the current maximum of three.
So that pretty much means to me that if I'm walking on the street, I can be arrested and put in jail for seven days on no crime whatsoever.
I mean, that's terrifying.
Holding her could be dangerous.
It's amazing, my friend.
Any other points you want to go over?
Um, I mean, I just think that, uh, you know, I'm always talking about you and always tell my friends, listen to your podcast and always getting people to listen to the Alex Jones Show and go on Infowars.com.
And, and it's, it's, it's funny because I point all the facts out to my friends about getting vaccinated and they're always sick because they're getting their cold and flu shots and their tetanus shots.
And, you know, and there's me, I'm never sick.
You know I show them the facts and I show them the adjuvants inside you know these shots and you know I preach that word and I get laughed out of my face but you know I know in the end it's you know I'm gonna do better than they are and you know and if you show the facts to people nowadays they're just so brainwashed with TV and media and going on Facebook it's
You know, it's really sad nowadays that, you know, people can't see... Well, just economically, not just doing the right thing, economically, you'll end up being so much more successful than them.
I don't know any elitists that get vaccinated.
I mean, they know what's going on.
Listen, I interrupted you earlier when you were getting into what the products did for you.
Tell us, since you tried to get into it and we went to break, the different products you've used briefly from Infowarslife.com and what they did for you.
I use the Seeker 12 and I noticed within two days an immediate change.
I just felt better.
I had more energy.
I started using the X2 at the same time.
I had better sleep.
I would wake up, I'd feel refreshed.
I wasn't tired all day.
I had energy at work.
I noticed my productivity skyrocketed at work and I would just get so much work done and then I would get home and I'd be able to do so much more.
I wasn't exhausted and just
You know, I wouldn't sit on the couch.
I would be, you know, cleaning my house.
I would be going out.
I'd be doing, you know, more than what I would normally do.
I took deoxy powder.
I lost a bunch of weight from that.
And I noticed, like, anytime I would eat garbage food after I used deoxy powder, I would start feeling like garbage.
And so it's changed my diet.
Did you do a four-day cleanse or a six-day cleanse with the deoxy powder tablets?
I did a seven-day cleanse.
How many days did it take, and then what was the response?
On the first day, I didn't really notice any difference, and then I upped how many I was taking.
So I went from six to, I think I went to eight, and then I definitely, I noticed a huge difference, and it was unbelievable.
I could just feel my weight melting off me.
I felt better.
I felt cleaner all around, like my entire body just... I did one a month ago.
I'm doing one again right now, and it is dramatic.
And the first time I did it, this will be my third time, it took about three, four days for it to kick in.
And then after that, it took two days and now one day it kicks in.
And you go, I don't want to get gross here, but it's very important, you go from the 40-something feet of your upper and lower intestine, where stuff goes through it if you're unhealthy in like a week or two, it's supposed to go through it in like a day or two, and it gets to where stuff goes through in a day or two after you've done this.
It totally changes how your guts work, at least for me.
Thanks for the testimonial.
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Coming up, I'm going to hit some more news before I go to your calls.
In the next segment, I want to call right now James and others like Jan and others that have been holding.
But I was thinking about the intro to A New Hope, Star Wars Episode 4, the first one, when they've grabbed Princess Leia, they've taken over her diplomatic ship, and they're going to disappear her.
And like the SS commander says to Darth Vader, holding her is dangerous.
If word gets back to the Senate, we could get in trouble.
So this is already a dictatorship with a ceremonial Senate, and they're worried about secretly arresting people.
That's 1977, folks, where the ultimate tyranny is disappearing people.
It's in the Patriot Act, it's in the NDAA, and now Canada is trying to pass a bill that says, we'll allow police to break the law!
When the governments of the West, including Canada, have been caught funding the head of the snake.
Then when the snake craps all over us, they want to come clean it up.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
And by the way, Canada, I've been to third world countries and never been treated so bad.
Beautiful country, really nice people.
The nicest people I've probably ever been around.
So it's the best of times, worst of times.
Let me tell you, their border people knew who I was when I flew into Toronto, flew into
Their capital, Ottawa, and threatened to put me in prison in Toronto, and for 15 hours screamed at me.
And just said, I can't wait to put you in prison.
If we find any pornography on any of your three laptops with your crew, you're going to jail for transporting it.
And they go, don't think we mean child porn.
If there's as much as a pin-up, that's trans.
I'm gonna put you in prison.
I don't like you American scum coming up here.
Do you understand that?
I just said, whatever, man.
Good luck.
Because I knew the press still had some common sense, and even the CBC flipped out it was national news.
Cover the National Post, because we got word out.
Then he was apologizing the next day.
He goes, I've been here longer than I usually am and I have a daughter.
Please don't say bad things.
Please don't get me fired.
I was just following orders of the conference.
Please, Mr. Jones, I... Holding her is dangerous.
I have tracked the rebel spies to her.
Now she is my only link.
Let's go to James in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, formerly the Indigo Kid, I sent you guys that London Telegraph article and I posted that to my Facebook and got so attacked over it.
Oh yeah, how dare you post one of the biggest newspapers in Europe on your site, you kook, weirdo scumbag!
How dare you post a mainline survey showing it's causing depression and massive failure in organs!
What is your problem, filth?! !
I was thinking Alex... You know what your problem is?
You're winning.
We're winning.
So they want to bully us into silence and create the perception we're losing.
The vaccine industry has had their Brian Williams moment.
And so has the Florida industry.
Sorry, go ahead.
I was thinking, by reading about purifying water, apparently you can
Buy just generic iodine tablets.
You put them in the water for like 30 minutes.
Absolutely, they're super cheap, better than nothing.
Or sea salt that has it in it is great as well.
But I was thinking you guys could maybe use your secondary source.
And also, as far as the internet, you can actually, there's services online.
You can order either flash drives
Spread info, save info.
We're all rebels against the global corporate board trying to take over.
But I kind of ran over you there for new listeners that tuned in the last 10 minutes.
The London Telegraph's reporting on a major university study showing massive increases in mental problems, behavioral issues, depression, and thyroid failure.
Thyroid failure, 30% increase in towns that have it.
In depression, thyroid failure, you name it.
That's sensational news, but you post it on Zuckerberg's dumb effort site, in his words, that's what he calls his users, and a bunch of kooks swarm you.
I bet money those are fake account sock puppets.
Well, these are actually, uh, yuppies that... But you'll have what they call a bullhorn or magnifier that causes a snowball effect in intelligence circles where they'll put the meme out and then it's regurgitated and repeated by the parrots who then flap around quacking feeling powerful.
You understand?
Yeah, absolutely.
I just couldn't deal with it.
I had to describe lymphatic tissue, the relationship with the gut, the intestinal barriers.
How dare you know about such things, enemy!
Perhaps we should burn you at the stake, even!
Yeah, well, Alex, I'm putting out a graphic novel soon.
That's why I can't go by the Indigo Kid, but it's just the most hardcore anti-liminari thing.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
Send it to us when you do it.
We'll have you on the show, my friend.
Help me, I'm weak!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
A mad howl of liberty, the human spirit refusing to be dominated and have its free will that God breathed into each of our souls at conception.
Forged in the mind of God.
Consecrated into a body suit.
For the great battle test.
Oh yes, we're living beyond a science fiction dream.
I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.
You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.
Take her away!
Holding her is dangerous.
Word of this gets out, it could generate sympathy for the rebellion in the Senate.
I have traced the rebel spies to her.
Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.
She'll die before she'll tell you anything.
Leave that to me.
That's 1977, where the ultimate evil, Darth Vader, Darth Dark Father, translated out of the Dutch,
...is secretly arresting someone.
Oh, oh, the evil, the horridness!
And they even wear black uniforms, like our police do now.
Our government and other governments under globalist control are openly taking on the ancient mantles of tyranny.
They're even donning the German Kürzel helmet.
The Nazi helmet.
And now this other London Guardian, Infowars.com, had it yesterday with Joe Begg's report.
The disappearance... By the way, I saw the commenters on YouTube saying, it can't be true, it's not true.
As soon as it's admitted to be true, which it's now been admitted, it's like, so what?
We need to secretly arrest people.
So see, fluoride's not bad for you, now it's like, so what if it is?
The disappearance.
Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden black site.
And then they say, oh yeah, everybody knows about it.
They disappear people in there all the time.
It's no big deal.
Yeah, they probably torture them in there.
It's a, quote, secret secure facility.
And it's all this sycophantic thing now where everyone's a secret agent, everyone's Jack Bauer.
Again, I watched the mayor today.
Was having to be downtown and I saw this black SUV pull up and
You know, these people jump out of it all like they were commandos, you know, getting into the childhood imagination, like when I was five, imagining I was a commando, and hand to their ears, and their guns and badges, and they run up to the Google facility, wanting to look powerful and big, and they open the door and go in and check, and I'm like, who's gonna get out of that car?
And it's the mayor, the new mayor.
And then, about ten minutes later, he walks out, everyone's staring, oh my gosh, it's like a new signet of power, like in hip-hop gangster rap, to have like a crew with you, your guards.
I mean, what a joke!
Now the mayor is running around, you know, with all these bodyguards?
It's ridiculous!
But that's the new status in a third world country.
I'll tell you, when my dad was out in Paraguay two years ago on an aid mission, he does that in the third world sometimes, going out and doing free medical care.
Everywhere they went, in the green hell as it's known,
They would have like 15 to 20 bodyguards, and the more money you have, the more important, the more bodyguards you have.
And they were meeting with, like, the vice president, who was, like, handing out awards, you know, ambassadorships, and, you know, you can live here if you want or whatever, at some dinner.
He had, like, you know, a hundred guards.
But in a free society, you don't see this.
I mean, let me just tell you, black uniforms, guards everywhere, that's called third world
Well, I mean, I don't need to use gross words in my semantical palette, but when they do fit, they fit.
Third world sphincter.
And I'm just sitting there, eating a breakfast taco this morning at my business meeting, and I look, and I go, oh, look at this, look at these guys.
Oh, this is a very important person, I bet.
Roll my eyes.
And it was just the guys in suits, like they were Secret Service, dressed up on just such a power trip, like they were on the red carpet.
It was just a narcissistic, and I'm not saying everybody in the Secret Service is narcissistic, everybody in the Austin Police Department is, it's just the body language of the mayor and these people was just ridiculous.
And I sat there and watched people for like 10 minutes, how they would respond to them, how they acted, and I was just like, man, I know too much.
I mean, do these people even know how they look?
Are they even aware of the psychology here?
I was embarrassed once.
I went out to MZ's event.
It was great.
Two nights.
It added an extra night because it sold out there in Santa Cruz.
I was very honored.
It was one of the best speaking events I ever did, but I was embarrassed when we had, like, let's not exaggerate, ten cops to escort me in and escort me out.
And they ended up, the police told this radio station and the big boardwalk theater, he's not going to speak if we don't give him security.
And I guess I should have been honored because it turned out a bunch of the cops were listeners, but it was kind of like I was enslaved by it.
I mean, it was like, they're like, at the end they go, Jones, we hear you don't like this, but we had some intel it was someone dangerous here.
And that's why we were searching everyone.
And I kind of got mad at him.
But then the Austin Police Department discovered somebody was here in town to kill me.
And was trying to stake me out.
They got word of it, went and grabbed the guy, had to release him.
He went, and when the police came to talk to him in California, he killed one cop, shot up a bunch of other stuff, and then he got shot by the police.
So I was like, wow, maybe the cops were right.
I mean, that's what I mean.
Maybe the mayor does need all this security.
Maybe I'm wrong.
See, I mean, as you look at this, things are not usually just one-sided.
Abortion is one-sided.
That's why you gotta look at not just the surface of it, but what's behind it.
Like, all this security sounds great, but why do we need all this security?
Because we're becoming a very sick society.
Or, is it the perception of a sick society, and we're not really?
I want to go to Jan, and Gatekeeper, and Don, and Slim, and Rob.
That'll be it, those five callers.
Sorry, the other callers, that's all I have time for today, because I want to hit the rest of this news.
But right now, let's get back into
The disappeared Chicago Police detain Americans at abuse-laden black site.
The Chicago Police Department operates an off-the-books interrogation compound.
Rendering Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside what lawyers say is a domestic equivalent of a CIA black site.
Well, who do you think sets up these sites and sets up the threat fusion centers?
And believe me, folks, I know, okay?
Believe me, I know.
Exclusive secret interrogation facility reveals aspects of war on terror in U.S.
They disappeared U.S.
protesters, detained 17-hour shackling without basic rights, accounts describe police brutality, missing 15-year-old, and one man's death in the facility.
Keeping arrests out of the official booking databases.
Beatings by police resulting in head wounds.
Shackling for prolonged periods.
Denying attorneys access to a secure facility.
Holding people without legal counsel for 12 to 24 hours, including people as young as 15.
And look, Chicago's collapsed into a government cesspit of crime, because they have no guns.
In many areas.
There's nice areas in Chicago as well, but the South Side... There's no excuse for this.
You see, as society collapses, you'll see more of this.
And it goes into the torture of, uh, torture of protesters and disappearance.
The CIA calls them black sites, or they're really called ghost sites.
It's a domestic black site.
When you go in, no one knows what's happening to you.
Secretive warehouse.
Yeah, when Rob Dew got arrested, they settled a lawsuit with us, by the way, at the G20.
What was that, 2009?
They took them all to a facility in the freezing rain at an army barracks and had army there, army, and then all these police.
They would keep them out in the sleep for like five, six hours, and then they would say, get up and go to the bathroom, and then they would sit there and make comments about people's genitals.
I mean, can you imagine this, folks?
And this is just the basic stuff that goes on.
Robb Dew was on a hilltop above the university, the G20's over.
They said no assemblies.
During the day or at night.
Everybody's out at the park eating food, hanging out.
And there's video of like women on bicycles running away and cops hitting them in the back of the head with batons.
That's how you kill somebody, because they fall off their head.
And of course, they lost a lawsuit.
They lost hundreds.
They don't care, it's taxpayer money.
And I'm not here bashing the police.
Is this the country you really want to live in?
With black sites, and torture camps, and... Rob Do's up on the hill with like ABC, CBS, you name it, local news, and they come up, and Rob Do, you know, didn't have a big official, you know, flag on the microphone, because we weren't doing interviews.
And they looked at everybody's press passes, and they go, well, where's your press pass?
And he goes, I'm just First Amendment.
You know, he said, it's all on video, that's why he won the lawsuit.
And they go, well, we're going to go ahead and take you to jail.
So they...
Take him to jail, and they even keep the camera running while they talk crap to everybody.
And the camera's just sitting there for another 20 minutes running.
While they put him in handcuffs and everything else.
Okay, you're mainstream, you're mainstream.
Oh, you're an American with a camera up on a hill?
I mean, imagine police.
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and arrest people that are on a hill with a camera.
Yeah, that's an enemy there, because... Well, you know what, cop?
Nobody's going to come to your aid when some bad cops beat your son or daughter's brains out, or kill them with a taser, or when the banks take your pension funds.
Because see, you didn't stand up for everybody else's freedom, yours isn't going to be accounted for either.
And when you stand before God, believe me, you don't think I've wanted to cheat to beat my enemies before, you don't think I wanted to pull dirty tricks, but I know you cannot use evil and have it turn to good.
It may work at first, but down the road it comes around and bites you in the booty.
The evil things I've done, and they're pretty mild, but things I did when I was younger, all of it came back on me.
Every stinking bit of it, many times over.
Let me tell you something, too.
It comes back on your family and your friends.
I mean, you don't have to believe in God, or karma, or rebirth yourself, whatever.
It's a law that anybody who's been up and down the street, anybody who's been around the block of life, knows it's real, and knows you mess with that galactic spiritual law at your own peril.
Jan in Virginia.
Jan, thank you for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Um, I was with you guys in Chantilly, um, I don't even remember what year, but a few years ago in Bilderberg, and I loved the Daisy Chain, uh, megaphones.
That was awesome with the windows rattling and everything.
That was great.
Yeah, and the head of the CFR coming out looking like he wanted to kill us.
Yeah, that was, that was fun.
But, um, but anyways, I wanted to cover just a couple of points.
As far as net neutrality, I called my congressman and I urge everybody to do that because your call, it's not just one call, it counts as many people calling.
It's not that many people, you know, take the time to call.
So I urge everybody to give him a call and let him know, you know, to stop the FCC with this ridiculous bill that nobody can read and everything else.
Alright, so my second point is, you touched on it with Madsen.
I created a newsletter just to see what happened in my local town in Virginia and I put like 30 or 40 copies in my in-laws barbershop.
Good job!
People picked it up and all it was was just quotes from past presidents Eisenhower,
Kennedy just warning about the military-industrial complex.
That's right.
If the tens of millions of awake patriots in the US alone would just hand out business cards with quotes and websites, print out sheets, whatever you come up with, we would defeat the globalists very quickly.
We could litter everything.
Just obnoxiously dropping things off everywhere.
That's what I do.
People picked it up and we ended up meeting up at a friend's house and one of the guys that was there had picked up the newsletter and was like, oh, you guys wrote that?
That's cool.
You know, and you know, when's the next one coming out?
So we're like, all right.
So I think the next one's going to be like a vaccines in agenda 21 or something like that.
But, but also another thing I used to do was do, you know, print out like vaccine inserts
Print out vaccine information and go to CVS, go to all the pharmacies, and I used to like hide them, you know, kind of so they wouldn't see me, but I would like put them out so people would pick them up or pass them out outside.
Because, you know, that's where people are going to get injected.
So that was another direct action that I used to do.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was as far as real estate.
I know everybody wants to, you know, like buy a house or live in a place that's
Uh, that they could afford.
They don't have to go through a bank.
Um, what I ended up doing was I want, I wanted to have some land.
I got, um, owner financing.
I don't know if many people are familiar with that, but that's where you, your house is financed through a person and not through a bank.
And, uh, basically I, I went through, I actually went through a realtor.
This guy was selling this land and I was like, Hey, will you, you know, owner finance it for me?
I got it.
I had like $10,000.
Absolutely, and if you don't pay it, he can take it back.
That's one of the best ways to sell cars, land.
There's a lot of owner financing out there and that's the way to go.
Or support a local bank.
You know, local banks are not our enemy.
It's the big globalist banks that are the bad news.
Exactly, but they totally went for it, and they're like, okay cool, you got $10,000 down, we'll finance the other $20,000.
I got 30 acres for $30,000 in central Virginia.
Oh, Virginia's so beautiful.
If you can't afford, like, you know, 30 acres or whatever, like, just get a couple acres.
Alright, so there is this type of house that you can build.
It's like an underground house.
It's called a Wafati.
And there's other kinds that you can build.
And this guy out in the UK, he only had two acres of land, right?
And he built this house.
It was this underground house.
That's what the zoning is about.
They're gonna cut the resources off to the point that you pay
For a 200 square foot chamber, what you'd pay for a large house.
They know everybody's going to then try to go off the grid.
So that's what the new policing agencies are about.
The new zoning police worldwide is to shut that down.
You will not grow your own food.
You will not have a fire.
You will be under Globalon control.
I appreciate the call.
That's a good word.
I just invented Globalon.
It's kind of what we're facing here.
The New World Order spirit of Globalon.
Don, a global tyranny.
Don in California.
That was a great caller.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
How are you doing?
Good, brother.
I have really sickening news out here in Palmdale, California.
I came across leaflets recruiting for jihad in the local mall.
Oh, it's everywhere.
There's a real push because our government's letting it happen to get the jihadis over there to take down Syria.
Can you scan it and send us a copy at ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com?
Well, I sort of had a blended fury and terror at the same time, so I didn't take a picture.
Well, I wish you would have.
Where was this at the mall?
We'll send somebody there.
It was in the restroom in the Palmdale, California mall.
What level?
It's single level.
And it's very professional.
It has beautiful calligraphy.
They're really trying to appeal to people with, you know, little sacred passages from the Quran.
It's really sick and disgusting.
Well, I sure wish you'd have got a photo, brother, but what else you want to say about that?
Um, I just have two other points... I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to come back to you on the other side.
Man, three hours isn't long enough.
I really need to get into all this other news.
Soros and Ford Foundation shovel $196 million to net neutrality groups for the White House.
Let me tell you, this is not net neutrality.
This is a takeover.
Oh boy, stay with us.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride, GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month,
We're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month, 20% off and there's a lot of other powerful specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
InfoWarsLife.com, celebrating human potential in the month of February.
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Again, InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
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Folks, look at this quadrant of articles.
On the right hand side of drugreport.com, IRS Lois Lerner received $129,000 in bonuses.
She was caught lying to Congress, she persecuted free speech, she got rewarded.
Wild targeting conservatives.
Hillary Clinton endorses government takeover of the internet.
Quote from Hillary yesterday in Silicon Valley.
This gives us a foot in the door
We need to stop, quote, different media dividing country.
That's media matters.
And George Soros is trying to shut this show down.
And the Drudge Report.
Flashback, in 98 she said, Internet news needs a rethink.
And they go on to say it's the Chinese model for censoring the web.
In China, they send out bureaucrats, they send them here a few months ago to meet with Obama and Zuckerberg to learn from them how to censor.
Australia tried to adopt this a few years ago, and that was the headline in the Sydney newspaper was, Australia to adopt Chinese-style censorship.
They're not hiding this.
But here it is out of the Christian Science Monitor.
Highly respected.
China's model for a censored internet, and then it gets into doing that here.
I mean, do you understand?
They're really doing it.
They're really opening the borders.
They're really launching wars against Russia.
They're really moving to start grabbing education savings funds.
They're really doing it.
They don't care.
And Soros gave 196 mil, along with the Ford Foundation, to try to get this passed.
And they gave 30?
Three plus million dollars to stir up riots against the police!
I mean, they want to destabilize this country.
They are taking us down.
These people really are enemies of this country.
Please support the broadcast.
I mean, the very groups trying to get Obamacare in, and net censorship in, every day or two are naming me on their main talking point website, Media Matters.
Then CNN and MSNBC directly take their talking points from them.
White House, Media Matters, Controlled Media.
The White House is thinking about Infowars.
The White House doesn't like us.
Because we got their number, folks!
We know who they are!
We got them!
And they're scared other people are figuring out the paradigm.
Because here's the deal.
Once people see stuff from our angle, they learn it's not our angle.
We're actually looking at it from above, from a globalist perspective, but we're not globalist.
Then you find out, oh, it's not a point of view, it's that we're really outside the box, we really get it.
Now, you can have different interpretations of what you see, but once you get our mountaintop view here, and you're not down, you know, looking at the ground, one inch from the elephant's butt, once you pull back, you see it's an elephant, or you see it's a tyrant.
I'm gonna go to break, a little bit of overdrive, and go to Don, because he's been holding, or no, no, gatekeepers first, and then...
Then Rob, then Don.
I don't know about Drew and Mark, but I'm trying my best here.
The good news is they cannot hide all the university studies on fluoride and vaccines.
I mean, there is a new Navy and Canadian government study, two different ones, coming out and they go, yeah, we vaccinate everybody and then we have record flu.
In fact, our headline isn't strong enough.
Navy proves flu shot causes flu.
That's a good headline.
The video's called Navy Crews Flu Shot Causes Flu, but I saw it, I think, on Twitter and it was like, Navy says flu shot ineffective.
No, no, no, no, no.
It causes the flu.
There's another study, Infowars.com.
Fight the enemy.
Get the video that Rob Dew did.
Our news director.
Send it out!
Have a fighting spirit!
I know you do!
But I'm saying to others that haven't gotten involved, it's not... When you're lethargic in the info war, it feels like it's terrible.
But once you actually get in the cockpit, once you get in a gun pod, and start blasting enemy forces in the info war, and watch them blow up, and then watch them counter-strike, then you're in the war!
Then you can't get out.
Then you're addicted.
Then you're free.
Then it all starts to fall into line.
Now you're really alive.
Now victory is within grasp.
The fighting spirit.
The liberty.
The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month?
20% off and there's a lot of other powerful specials at Infowarslife.com.
Celebrating human potential in the month of February.
Visit Infowarslife.com to find this special and many others in the month of February.
Again, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because... Because there's a war on for your mind.
Gatekeeper, thank you for holding.
I really appreciate it.
You're on the air.
So I guess you're Hillary Clinton, wanting to censor the internet.
I'm being sarcastic.
Go ahead, Gatekeeper, from Georgia.
Uh, yes, sir.
This is Gatekeeper out here in northeast Georgia.
Hailing from the former great state of Georgia.
What FEMA region are you in?
I hadn't looked that up yet.
I'm sorry.
I don't remember.
I think you might be in three or four, but go ahead.
Well, I'm calling mostly of a testimonial, which is a pretty good one because about 14 years ago, I was diagnosed with the bipolar manic depression.
And from the medication that I'm on, it has caused a lot of problems.
With regular, you know, using the bathroom and just basically needing a nap every day.
And once I heard about Super Mill Vitality and the other product, I started buying them one by one.
And I mean, it is just, I don't even know if blessing is the word.
I mean, it has just changed my life because it seems like every time after I eat lunch, my body just wants to shut down and I have to take a nap.
I think so.
And I mean, I ain't got to get into it, but it has been a blessing in many ways.
Well, sir, let me just throw this out at you.
We can't make medical claims because of the FDA and the things they do that I believe violate the First Amendment.
But here's the issue.
We just showed the one telegraph with a major government study out Monday at the University of Kent.
That fluoride in the water is causing depression, thyroid problems, everything else.
Well, so many times we have mineral or vitamin deficiencies.
The estrogen mimickers have suppressed our glands, and that's what we've come out with is things that I would want to take, that I do take, that have changed my life.
So, that's all I'm going to say.
Try the Super Male, the Super Female.
You ought to try the X2.
Have you tried X2 yet?
Uh, see the issue is I started taking X2, Super Male, and 4-Rise Shield at the same time, so it was kind of hard for me to distinguish.
Yeah, see, so you think it's the Super Male doing it, and that's certainly energy, the glands, all the rest of it.
It's just known, concentrated, cold-pressed herbs and extracts that are just, you know,
I mean, all the big folks that are into this are buying it because they go, man, this is really high quality, really concentrated.
I mean, even for the snobs that are into herbs, they're like, whoa, this is really well-priced and really is smoking.
Because we have the best known labs making it, groups and several others.
But I'm telling you, if you are having all these problems, a lot of times it's associated with a thyroid, you take out those bad halogens and add the good ones, it's amazing.
And that's what the London Telegraph is saying.
I mean, here's National Geographic.
Nature's best remedies, but see if I say that they'll come lock me in a throw me in you know handcuffs, so There you go brother, but overall you you think it was worth the money Yeah, I'll tell you one more major major thing is you know I won't get too graphic But I only use the bathroom about once every three or four days well.
Thanks to the oxy powder and
Um, I am now using it every day, man.
And I mean, that is just... I've been like this for 14 years.
I mean, it almost brings tears to my eyes, man.
Well, brother, I hear ya.
Yeah, there are a lot of folks that go to the bathroom, like, once a week, every three or four days.
The thing about OxyPowder is, let's say you're going to the bathroom every three days, you take it.
Some people, now they're taking it, going, you know, every day.
Maybe you're going every day, and you take it, you're going three times a day.
You're supposed to have your food go through in two days, max.
Uh, and, uh...
Now, are you continually on Oxy-Powder, or did you take it and then the effects continued?
Alright, the way I did it originally is, I did it the way it said on the bottle, but I had to actually get up to 10 capsules before it started working for me.
Yeah, you were really clogged up.
I did it for, yeah.
Well, that's why people get, I mean, the cancer, imagine all that rotting food in there.
That's weeks old, it's not supposed to be two days old.
I mean, I don't mean to be gross, but folks, I mean, we are stopped up.
God bless you, brother.
Glad that happened.
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We just win-win.
Reap what you sow.
These are life-changing products from what I've experienced.
Try them if you haven't, folks.
You're crazy if you don't.
By now, you may have heard a bit of distorted history.
Civilizations around the world