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Name: 20150224_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 24, 2015
2509 lines.

Alex Jones discusses energy dependency and its relation to wars in history. He questions the classification of oil as a fossil fuel, arguing that it is made up to control pricing and make people believe there is only a finite amount of it. He believes the Keystone Pipeline does not lead to energy independence for the United States but rather makes huge profits for oil companies in China. The speaker also compares energy dependency to slavery and discusses the manipulation within the oil market by globalists. The speaker encourages the development of independent, off-the-grid renewable energy systems like solar and wind power. He then highlights some current news topics, including the potential slowing down of the internet due to new FCC rules, the unwillingness of the chairman of the Federal Reserve to be audited, and the economic crisis that many Americans are unprepared for. Jones mentions a record number of U.S farmers switching to non-GMO crops in 2015, but 75% of air and rain samples contain Monsanto's Roundup, showing that biotech is tainting the food supply. The Department of Agriculture has released this information. A secret TSA program is quizzing travelers returning to the US, while illegal aliens are let in with no quiz and no ID. This indicates a desire to control the American people. Jones discusses human empowerment in February, introducing Ancient Defense Herbal Immunity Blend. He brings up energy dependence and how the Keystone Pipeline is only benefiting big corporations and China rather than America. He talks about the oldest form of warfare being siege to control food and water, and how oil dependency is a form of slavery. People should develop their own independent off-the-grid systems such as solar power. The caller discusses geopolitical issues in Latin America and suggests that changing the location of the Temple Mount could have implications for Middle Eastern politics. He observes a process where events once seen annually now occur more frequently, leading to a grieving process when dreams for the future are challenged. CBS News reports on children having allergic reactions to fruits and vegetables due to antibiotic residues used by farmers to keep pests away. There is growing sentiment among U.S. farmers to switch to non-GMO crops, with 40% opting for organic farming in 2015.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here is a sneak peek at the new head-to-head TV show I'm doing with Jesse Ventura.
Energy dependency is always a big thing.
Look at wars.
How do they fight wars?
One of the major things they do is cut off the energy in whatever form it is to the particular country you're going to war with.
We did it with the Japanese in World War II.
We embargoed, they couldn't get any oil.
We would have been even more successful against the Germans in World War II, except the Germans had already figured out how to create synthetic oil.
And by the way, in the German synthetic oil, there was no
Uh, fossil fuel used.
So I question whether oil is actually a fossil fuel.
I don't believe that it is.
I think that's made up in which to get people to believe so that they can control the pricing then that there's only a finite amount of it.
The Keystone Pipeline isn't pushing us towards energy independence at all.
All it is doing is going to make huge money for the oil companies as they export that oil out of the United States.
The simple way to look at it?
If Keystone was going to provide oil for us, they'd be loading it into trucks.
But what are they doing?
Keystone is going down to the Gulf of Mexico, and it is being loaded onto tanker ships.
So unless them ships are heading to L.A.
or San Francisco, say goodbye to all that oil from Keystone.
It's heading to China.
There's your key to it right there.
If it was coming to us, it would be loaded onto trucks, and you wouldn't have to build a pipeline all the way to the Gulf.
But because they need to load it onto ships, the pipeline goes to the Gulf to put it on ships so the oil companies can make big money over in China.
We use so much oil, the United States of America, there is no way that we can provide it for ourselves without seeking it in other countries and other places throughout the world.
That's the way I see it.
What is energy dependence?
Well, it's basically slavery.
We are slaves to oxygen.
We have to have it.
Plants are slaves to carbon dioxide.
If you go back to the most ancient form of warfare, practiced for more than 6,000 years, it's siege.
Shut off a city's water, shut off their food.
So through oil dependence,
In the
The very same system has allowed the few innovations that have been made to be corrupted and wind power farms and solar systems that have been built by government have just turned into inefficient boondoggles for the establishment so they can basically make the new clean energy systems fail to discredit it.
We're seeing right now Saudi Arabia and others trying to bankrupt Russia and independent US oil producers by driving down prices.
So there's also a lot of manipulation within the oil market itself.
But when you begin to research artificial energy dependence, you're really hitting at the heart of how the globalists control our planet today.
And that's why I encourage people to develop their own solar systems at their home that's off the grid.
Government encourages certain solar systems or wind systems that are hooked directly into the grid and the system and are highly regulated.
What we need is truly independent off-the-grid systems like Jesse Ventura has set up in Baja, Mexico.
I'm Alex Jones, head-to-head with Jesse Ventura.
And this is an idea that Jesse's folks had, and I like it.
Once a week, he'll take two minutes, and I'll take two minutes, and we won't look at each other's video.
And then we just sandwich them together to see if we agree or disagree.
And then when he comes back on the radio show, we can debate things we disagree about or flesh out things we agree about.
And it's surprising how much we did agree on the angles we went with.
Because I did not look at it.
He did not look at my video.
They sent it to us.
We sandwiched it together.
And there you go.
Jesse Ventura is joining us.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live, broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here, Lord willing, for the next three hours.
There is so much to get into today.
It really is over the top how fast the globalists are moving on every single front.
From Internet to ObamaNet.
The Wall Street Journal.
Here are the type of headlines that are out today.
Future of the entire internet at stake.
FCC chief presses to release new web rules.
The regs will, quote, make the net as slow as in Europe.
Isn't that just special?
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen,
Has come out and testified before Congress today, this morning, saying that she does not want the Fed audited and they continue to plan to have zero interest rates for the establishment, not for the general public, into the foreseeable future.
So free money for the elite and the insiders, but basically nobody else.
There's the CNBC headline of your TV viewer.
And that ties into this article that's up on Infowars.com.
Fourteen signs that most Americans are flat broke and totally unprepared for the coming economic crisis.
And you can have arguments about whether it's a year away or five years away.
It's already here when four out of ten Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
And if they have one unforeseen emergency bill, they're bankrupted.
We are net debtors now in this country.
And only the establishment is standing to gain from all of this.
That's coming up.
We've got some good news.
Montana House Judiciary
Committee pushes back against Agenda 21.
We're going to be breaking that down.
We've got some other positive news.
Record U.S.
farmers switching
A record number of U.S.
farmers are switching to non-GMO crops in 2015.
Continue to vote with your dollar on Infowars.com story with the Department of Agriculture's own numbers.
But here's the bad news.
75% of air and rain samples contain Monsanto's Roundup.
Biotech isn't just tainting the food supply.
We're going to break that down.
Secret TSA program quizzes travelers returning to the US, but illegal aliens are let in with no quiz and no ID.
Federal agency interviews Americans abroad before allowing them to fly home.
It's all about letting the slaves know that they better give up all their liberties and learn to behave like prisoners.
Scare tactics or possible threat?
Last time Homeland Security was threatened with budget cuts, America suffered a terror attack.
That, of course, was the Boston bombing.
Threat advisories have been circulated about a possible terror attack on the Mall of America in Minnesota, as you know, since the weekend, right as their budget's up.
And Jay Johnson came out, of course, a few days ago and said, hey, if you don't want the Mall to get hit, you need to go ahead and up our funding.
While they leave the borders wide open, I mean, terrorists could randomly attack a restaurant, randomly attack a train station, randomly attack anything.
A PTA meeting.
The idea that we need Homeland Security everywhere to protect every quote soft target inside the country when the borders are wide open, except for citizens.
Citizens do to flee have their laptops downloaded, their cell phones downloaded, harassed, all these questions harassed, your bags are dug through.
But oh!
You're coming in out of Mexico and you walk over and say, I have no ID, they just wave you right through it.
I witnessed this five, six years ago.
In Texas and in California at airports flying around internally in the US and then last year it came out in mainstream news that indeed there's memos and TSA is told let them fly without IDs.
I mean this is a joke!
It has nothing to do with stopping terrorism.
It's all about dominating and controlling the American people.
We're going to get into that report as well.
James O'Keefe
Of course, came out yesterday and said he was afraid for his life out of scores of huge reports and stories that he has broken.
Well, now he's released the report, and it's on DrudgeReport.com, out of the New York Post and other publications.
It's Garner, the man who was choked to death by police in New York, daughter on Sharpton, says he's all about the money.
And it's basically a collection of videos exposing the people of New York don't like Sharpton.
Some people would say, you went up against Obama, you brought down Aker, and you've been arrested.
You've done all these big stories.
Why would you be scared, O'Keefe, of Sharpton?
Well, you don't live in New York like O'Keefe does.
People that have gone up against Sharpton end up getting burned alive, end up getting stabbed.
I mean, he is a gangster.
And an FBI informant.
And a Coke dealer.
So he's kind of the king of Harlem.
And that's why whenever we had...
Pastor Manning on a month or so ago with his initiative to get Sharpton fired off MSNBC for all of his activities, that I said, boy, that takes a lot of cojones because Sharpton's a very dangerous individual.
Some people kind of shrugged their shoulders and said, what's the big deal, O'Keefe?
Well, O'Keefe's never put out tweets before saying, I fear for my life on this.
Believe me, I'd fear for my life bringing down Akron.
He's been arrested, he's been thrown in jail, he's been accused of wiretapping in Louisiana.
This guy's earned his bones in the press over and over again, so I respect the fact that he's probably got some threats coming through.
We're working to get him on the show sometime this week, if not today or tomorrow, to get the inside scoop on what's happening on that from the Veritas Project Director.
That's a model of grassroots media and really just an example of how to counter these people.
So those reports are up on DrudgeReport.com as well, including our InfoWars.com article on James O'Keefe.
I'm afraid for my life you want to read those actual quotes and more.
Jesse Ventura joins us in about 15-20 minutes from now.
Jesse had the idea a few months ago for once a week for him to shoot a video on a topic, or for me to shoot a video on a topic.
Either one of us could come up with a topic.
And then he sends us two minutes, and then we produce two minutes without watching his video, but on the subject that is mentioned, and then we put the two videos together so that it's a real, not even so much debate, sometimes it'll be a debate, sometimes it'll be a head-scratcher, sometimes it'll be something that spurs thought, and it's kind of exciting.
I mean, I like the idea because you don't know
What the other person's views are exactly on, say, energy dependence.
So Ventura sent us his two minutes and, you know, Josh back there, the video editor, he looked at it and I didn't watch the video, didn't tell me what the video was about.
He said, oh, he talks about Keystone and some other stuff.
That was it.
Next time I won't even be told that.
And I didn't really even get into Keystone.
So I went and shot my two minutes
And at my house.
And then we slap the two together.
And that's going to be head-to-head that he'll air on his show, and it will also air here, and then when he occasionally comes on the broadcast, we can further discuss those.
I'm going to air the first installment.
It's only five minutes long total, with a 30-second intro and outro, four minutes of content.
We're going to air that at the bottom of the hour as Ventura joins us.
And the full video is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I think it's very, very interesting that we agreed on so much and brought up different angles that really just complemented each other.
Because you'll notice when you hear Ventura, it's not an establishment left or right talking point.
Same thing with us.
We're just going off how energy really works.
And a lot of people say, well, I'm not into energy or I don't own energy stocks.
Why would I care?
Energy is everything.
We're not going to just talk about energy today, we're going to talk about police violence in this country, and is it an epidemic, or is it the fact that social media is showing the bad examples, creating that perception, and what's the endgame there?
We're going to look at the different wars, the economy, Obama, the future of the internet, and so much more, with Jesse Ventura coming up at
The bottom of the hour.
Now, before I go any further, here are some of the headlines on Infowars.com.
FCC, or ex-FCC chief, shocked by feds attempting to regulate the internet.
And they're doing it under the guise of protecting it under net neutrality, so they've got to bring in all these anti-free speech SOPA and CISPA rules.
Barbaric sheriff's deputy drags woman through courthouse by shackled feet.
There's just an epidemic of these videos, and we could fill the entire show with just the craziest stuff.
Cupcake cop pepper sprays grandmother in the face, dislocates her shoulder.
It's like a gladiatorial event.
FBI cops raid Republic of Texas meeting.
Fingerprint members see cell phones and computers.
Secret TSA program quizzes travelers returning to the U.S.
Gotta love how it's secret.
Eric Garner's daughter on Al Sharpton, he's all about the money, just mention that.
And the good news that I'll cover in the next segment, record number of U.S.
farmers switching to non-GMO crops in 2015.
But then how that ties into the bad news, that's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that we'll be covering today.
Another report as well, Feds Fear Patriots Not Murdering Terrorists.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, InfoWars.com.
And PrisonPlanet.com are our main websites.
The subscription TV site is PrisonPlanet.tv.
But hey, you need not be a subscriber if you just want to see the radio show slash TV show that's simulcast.
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Every move you make, every breath you take, your taxpayer money is paying for illegal spying on you and your family.
But meanwhile, the New York Post reports, despite the fact that billions, billions with a B, has been spent since 9-11 on, quote, added surveillance and security systems in the rotten apple, cops can't catch gang that has stolen 73 ATMs.
They drive it with a truck, tie up to it, jerk it out of the wall and drag it off.
When you go to New York City, there's just police almost on every corner, but they can't stop whoever's done this.
Probably an inside job connected to that famously corrupt police department.
The bigger the police state, the less safe we all are.
And in the end, the police state always is used to rob what's left of the people's wealth.
And that's now happening.
Snow on the ground in 48 states.
We're gonna talk about that in a moment.
But first, speaking of the police state, Jay Johnson.
I mentioned this, but let's play the clip.
America needs to be vigilant about Mall of America threat.
He also goes on to say on CNN, all the more reason why I need a budget.
That's right.
Homeland Security over every federal agency.
And then now they need more money to keep us safe from the imminent jihadi attack on malls, which really might happen.
They brought in so many North African jihadis, and they let them fly out of the U.S.
and England and Europe to fight all over the Middle East.
Our government's funding them.
You bet!
They may not have to cook up some group to do this.
They've got enough crazies to do it, and then it'll be, well, the answer's taking all your guns.
Well, there's a problem.
ABC News reported this last year, and it was also reported back in 2013.
After Westgate, Interpol chief ponders armed citizenry.
Ronald Noble asked if Nairobi massacre would have ended sooner in pro-gun states.
So the common sense cannot be suppressed forever.
Let's go to Jay Johnson terrorizing the public and fear-mongering about terror attacks saying give me more funding.
Let's go to that clip.
And I just want to read you one more thing on this.
This is a statement from the Mall of America today.
Mall of America is aware of a threatening video that was released which included a mention and images of the mall.
We take any potential threat seriously and respond appropriately.
We have implemented extra security precautions.
Some may be noticeable to guests and others won't.
What are you telling Americans who might be planning a trip to the mall this Sunday?
What we're telling the public in general is you've got to be vigilant.
We just revamped our If You See Something, Say Something campaign at the Super Bowl.
Well, I see tyrants.
And so public engagement, public awareness is critical.
I see crooks.
Americans should still feel that they are free to associate, they are free to go to public gatherings, but it's critical that we have public awareness and public participation in our efforts.
Are they safe in going to the Mall of America today?
If you want to go take your kids to the Mall of America?
I would say that if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today, they've got to be particularly careful.
And as the statement you read indicates, there will be enhanced security there that will be apparent to people who go there.
Federal security as well?
There will be enhanced security there.
But public vigilance, public awareness, and public caution in situations like this is particularly important.
And it's the environment we're in, frankly.
And it's all the more reason why I need a budget.
And then it just cuts.
It's from CNS News.
Grab that clip.
This is just amazing.
They train, they arm Al Qaeda slash ISIS.
They admit ISIS is Al Qaeda.
They let them get funding.
Saudi Arabia is involved.
Turkey's involved.
Israel's involved.
The US is involved.
All of this to topple Syria.
And then when it blows back, they say, you do have to be careful.
It is dangerous.
Well, statistically,
We talk about it.
Honeybees kill over 200 people a year.
Terrorism doesn't.
Here in the United States.
So, so what if it's a real threat?
Since when does Land of the Free, Home of the Brave even cower with some police state chief up there going, we need more funding, and we're going to have a federal presence, and we're going to be there, and more security.
Some you'll see, some you won't, to keep you safe.
When the threat is the big, giant, out-of-control government.
This is the same federal government that has completely opened our borders outside of law and is legalizing tens of millions of illegals, many of them aggravated felons, and releasing them when local police arrest them.
ICE won't even come pick up rapists, armed robbers, and arsonists.
On record!
But they will sit there and, oh, in hushed voices, the threat's very serious.
If you go to Mall of America, you've got to really watch it.
This is so transparent.
The threat is you people.
You know, the ones that ship guns into Mexico in a false flag demonize the Second Amendment.
You people are caught red-handed and you're disgusting.
The same ones fear-mongering, global warming's real.
We've got to pay global carbon taxes or we're all dead.
I went and saw Kingsman, The Secret Service, last night.
It's like my show again.
It's like every movie is this show now.
Global government wants to exterminate everybody except the elite.
It's like Moonraker Part 2.
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Another world.
Another time.
In the Age of Wonder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Energy dependency is always a big thing.
Look at wars.
How do they fight wars?
One of the major things they do is cut off the energy in whatever form it is to the particular country you're going to war with.
We did it with the Japanese in World War II.
We embargoed, they couldn't get any oil.
We would have been even more successful against the Germans in World War II, except the Germans had already figured out how to create synthetic oil.
And by the way, in the German synthetic oil, there was no...
Uh, fossil fuel used.
So I question whether oil is actually a fossil fuel.
I don't believe that it is.
I think that's made up in which to get people to believe so that they can control the pricing then that there's only a finite amount of it.
The Keystone Pipeline isn't pushing us towards energy independence at all.
All it is doing is going to make huge money for the oil companies as they export that oil out of the United States.
The simple way to look at it?
If Keystone was going to provide oil for us, they'd be loading it into trucks.
But what are they doing?
Keystone is going down to the Gulf of Mexico, and it is being loaded onto tanker ships.
So unless them ships are heading to L.A.
or San Francisco, say goodbye to all that oil from Keystone.
It's heading to China.
There's your key to it right there.
If it was coming to us, it would be loaded onto trucks, and you wouldn't have to build a pipeline all the way to the Gulf.
But because they need to load it onto ships, the pipeline goes to the Gulf to put it on ships so the oil companies can make big money over in China.
We use so much oil, the United States of America, there is no way that we can provide it for ourselves without seeking it in other countries and other places throughout the world.
That's the way I see it.
What is energy dependence?
Well, it's basically slavery.
We are slaves to oxygen.
We have to have it.
Plants are slaves to carbon dioxide.
If you go back to the most ancient form of warfare, practiced for more than 6,000 years, it's siege.
Shut off a city's water, shut off their food.
So through oil dependence,
The very same system has allowed the few innovations that have been made to be corrupted and wind power farms and solar systems that have been built by government have just turned into inefficient boondoggles for the establishment so they can basically make the new clean energy systems fail to discredit it.
We're seeing right now Saudi Arabia and others trying to bankrupt Russia and independent US oil producers by driving down prices.
So there's also a lot of manipulation within the oil market itself.
But when you begin to research artificial energy dependence, you're really hitting at the heart of how the globalists control our planet today.
And that's why I encourage people to develop their own solar systems at their home that's off the grid.
Government encourages certain solar systems or wind systems that are hooked directly into the grid and the system and are highly regulated.
What we need is truly independent off-the-grid systems like Jesse Ventura has set up in Baja, Mexico.
I'm Alex Jones, head-to-head with Jesse Ventura.
I think that really turned out well and we've got Jesse Ventura joining us for the next 50 minutes or so live from Baja, Mexico.
Amazing Skype connection, despite the fact that he's down there and he's got some amazing stories to tell.
But his crew had the idea that periodically, every month or so, Jesse will tape two minutes.
He did it in one take, I did mine in one take as well.
Exactly two minutes.
And then we sandwich them together.
I think we pretty much agreed from different angles on that piece.
Jesse was just saying during the break, he thinks it'll be a real debate when we talk about illegal immigration.
We can probably not save that for that.
We can debate that today here as well.
But we're going to cover the waterfront with Jesse.
You can find this piece.
It airs over at aura.tv forward slash off the grid or twitter.com forward slash GovJVentura.
And Facebook forward slash official Jesse Ventura.
We have those all linked up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and you can follow us of course at RealAlexJones and on our different Facebook channels that are listed.
What I know about Jesse Ventura, get to know him over now, it's hard to believe like eight, nine years.
Is that he's the real deal.
And even though we disagree on probably 30% of the issues, it doesn't matter because at least he's an honorable guy.
He stands up for basic liberty.
I'd call him a libertarian.
He's an anti-establishment party guy.
You've heard him here many times.
And the system is attacking him and demonizing him and misrepresenting what he says and what he stands for.
More and more, because they're scared of him.
And that's why they did the fake thing where he got basically arrested by the police in California at the airport or whatever.
Did never happen.
Wasn't true.
He was in Minnesota.
Or the police had stopped him, it was a confrontation, made up.
Or the whole American Sniper thing, which is now unraveling and, you know, coming out that the movies basically has nothing to do with reality.
Why would they try to put him in that book?
And I'm sure Ventura hadn't threatened to sue him, probably in the movie.
It's because the establishment is really going after him and anybody else that they know they don't control.
Because Jesse Ventura, and we're going to get to all the issues with him, for new listeners, we have a lot of new affiliates, I know he's being demonized and attacked, wouldn't go for the war when he had a top-rated show back when MSNBC had tens of millions of viewers.
So for three years he was gagged from speaking and played out his contract.
Because, and of course, Donahue had some of the top ratings in cable.
And they fired him because he wouldn't go along with the war.
So that's why I admire Jesse Ventura, is because he wouldn't sell out to the establishment.
And he's a maverick, just like InfoWars is.
And that's the spirit of what we try to do here.
But overall, I don't think you've seen that head-to-head piece yet.
You just heard it, Jesse.
What'd you think of it?
I think it worked very well, Alex.
You know, we both made our points.
Like you said, we came at it from slightly different angles.
But I think we both realize the importance of energy independence and that we have to achieve it.
And what I've been pushing people very hard on is the fact that oil is old energy.
Oil is old.
We need to start looking new.
We need to start looking beyond.
I remember when I met with the scientist John Hutchinson.
And he looked at me at the end of our meeting, and he said something to me.
He said, do you really believe that scientists like me, since 1945, haven't discovered anything beyond the jet engine?
And I looked at him and said, no, John, I would think in 50 years of time, you have discovered something better than the jet engine.
I remember John smiled and said, how long do you think it would take to go to New York to L.A.
if you didn't have to deal with gravity?
And just smiled at me.
Well, and the point I'm making, Alex, is that we need to start looking to the future.
Enough of this oil stuff.
Oil is old news.
It's energy new.
It's let's move into the new century with a new outlook on energy and start putting our resources towards finding it.
Let's get into energy first because we know that, I remember in the 70s, a Chevy had a carburetor that would get you 100 miles to the gallon.
I know that the SR-71 Blackbird, in service in 1951, they still say is the fastest airplane in the world, when as you said, the Germans invented jets, the Nazis did in 1943.
So for them to sit around and claim that what we're seeing is the latest, greatest,
When the federal government admits that they are trying to block, quote, disruptive technologies, well, they mean disruptive to the grandsons and granddaughters of the robber barons that pretty much run a monopoly system worldwide.
Yeah, oh yeah.
No, no, and I agree wholeheartedly, Alex.
It's time, you know, one thing about, you know, when I did the three years of conspiracy theory, you know, it kind of labeled me and all that by the mainstream media.
But I'll tell you, I learned a lot of stuff and talked to a lot of very, very interesting people in doing the three seasons of conspiracy theory.
And, you know, it really broadened my outlook on a lot of things, doing it and hearing things from a
A different point of view and hearing people that were out, were not in the mainstream.
So it was a great learning experience and we were happy to have you on board for a few of those episodes.
What did we used to refer to you again from Starsky and Hutch?
Who was the black character again?
Huggy Bear.
Huggy Bear, yeah.
Remember we used to call you Huggy Bear.
Well, I really enjoy doing the show as well, and it didn't matter it got top ratings.
They actually censored some of the more hardcore episodes that dealt with continuity of government.
Now they admit plans for civil unrest.
Now, just in the last three years since that episode aired on the police state, they admit the surveillance grid.
They admit the threat fusion centers are federalization spy centers.
They admit that they're training for gun confiscation.
They admit that they're
You've set up an internet kill switch, a Wall Street Journal, from internet to ObamaNet.
So do you feel vindicated, A, and then B, Jesse, why do you think so much is coming out now?
Alex, I kind of want people to refer to me now as the prophet.
Well, yeah, sure, I guess we've all been warning people.
Yeah, I mean, I gotta laugh, because the very things, how about the redacted stuff on 9-11?
I remember going through utter hell because I was questioning there had to be more to 9-11.
You went to Congress, you pointed out the Saudi connection, you talked to the experts.
Absolutely, that 9-11 episode is incredible and now it's all just out in the open.
Yeah, now it's in the open and everything that we were saying back then is coming to be the truth.
How about the places when they took me to Kansas and they took me to these old missile sites where they're building the underground condominiums?
That hit mainstream a couple months ago that indeed it's happening and it's this and that and you can buy into them.
I think for 1.3 million you can have a condominium and we covered that in the show years ago.
I'm sitting back laughing, going, you know, conspiracy theory really was ahead of its time, wasn't it?
And that's a problem they have, Jesse.
Again, Governor Jesse Ventura joins us.
Looking at this whole situation, we see CNBC, MSNBC getting rid of a bunch of their crew.
MSNBC, CNN's ratings are literally collapsed.
It's non-existent from their great days.
Fox is slumping as well, but not comparatively.
But mainstream media itself is in decline while alternative new media is exploding.
What do you expect the establishment's move to be?
Obviously they're going to try to censor the internet, and they've got experts in the news today saying this new FCC takeover of the web to quote, protect it, will totally screw it up and bring censorship, Governor.
Well, and that's what we've got to fight against.
The way they ought to do it is they should move their shows over to the internet and let those that want to see them, see them.
You know, ultimately, everything comes down to the public's choice.
I remember when there used to be all the talk on censorship and what kids should see when I was governor and what they shouldn't see.
And I remember always telling people, there's something called the on-off switch and there's something called you can change the channel.
That's right.
Ultimately, that's what it comes down to is personal responsibility and personal viewership.
If mainstream media is not delivering
What the public wants and needs, the public's going to look other places for it, and you would think they would adapt.
So the adaptation has to come from them, because as you said, Alex, we're winning.
We're gaining and we're winning.
And so they've got to adapt to it.
Now, if they do it the honest way, they'll get into our type of media and try to win people over.
Or they'll do it the dishonest way, and that is paying off the politicians, legislating, and bringing the government into it to censor us.
So, I kind of vote they'll make the move to the second alternative, not the first one, although they should take the first option first.
I mean, it's now here.
Bipartisan Republicans and Democrats working together from Internet to ObamaNet.
And we've got the former FCC chief saying he's shocked by Fed's attempts, the article's on screen, to regulate Internet.
The order goes far beyond protecting net neutrality.
What a perfect cover, though.
Say you're going to protect net neutrality that most of us support, keeping it open and free, but then actually using it to bring in SOPA and CISPA style controls.
See Alex, you know how I saw through that?
They have already got plenty antitrust laws on the books.
All they have to do is apply laws that existed before the internet.
Antitrust laws were here before the internet.
They don't need to pass any new controls.
Just apply antitrust laws to the internet.
Don't let one or two corporations take it over in a monopoly.
It's no different than any other business out there.
They do not need to pass these new laws.
They've got laws in place, Alex.
Well, you know that trick as a former mayor and then a governor of a major state, where they won't fill the potholes, and then they'll demand more taxes to fix that when they just wasted a huge budget.
It's the exact same thing.
They say ISIS and Al-Qaeda are allowed to recruit on Facebook and Twitter, so pass laws to censor everybody's free speech.
Well, I get censored on Facebook and Twitter for just peaceful speech.
Your TV shows have been erased off TiVo and off Time Warner.
You've been openly censored.
I've been openly censored.
They've censored Navy SEALs families questioning the official story of their deaths in the Bin Laden raids.
So they're already censoring stuff that shouldn't be censored.
So these claims that we need new laws to stop ISIS recruiting, they're letting ISIS recruit.
I want to segue into that.
You were on a year, I mean a year ago, two years ago, every time you've been on.
And you can go back to the internet if you want first.
And you talked about how it's a false flag, they're funding ISIS, they're funding Al-Qaeda, this is all staged, it's going to be a wider war.
Now, again, that's all official.
We're being told brace for the malls to be attacked, Mall of America, where you're from up there in Minneapolis, St.
And then Jay Johnson says, or give me more funding, I can keep you safe.
How transparent does that have to get?
Well, it's, you know, the whole thing, I'll go back into history, let's go back to the Iraq War and put blame where it belongs, which is what you never hear out of our country.
One thing about the United States you can bank on and take it home.
We will never admit to a mistake.
We will never admit that we made the wrong move.
And the wrong move I'm talking about was the original invasion of Iraq.
Going back to that, do you think for one minute ISIS would exist today if Saddam were alive?
Do you think ISIS would exist if Gaddafi were alive?
Those countries over there can only survive having a dictator, someone with a powerful position to keep the peace and keep everything in line.
The United States invades the country, Gaddafi gets taken out, we take out Saddam, it throws the whole thing into unrest, it throws the whole thing up into the wind, which I have to believe, Alex, was their intention.
They wanted to make the Middle East unstable.
By the way, Wesley Clark just came out.
I don't know if you've seen this clip down in Mexico.
It just came out two days ago.
In fact, try to cue it up, guys, for later.
He said that Western governments are behind a destabilization campaign, and he's basically seen the documents just like he exposed the seven-country plan that they plan to invade.
Yeah, no, I can't believe that this isn't all part of a grand master plan to keep the place unstable so that we will be at perennial war.
That's right.
And the only way to keep us at perennial war is to bring the war home.
With these threats that ISIS is going to attack us in America.
They're going to attack us in America, so therefore we need to fight them over there.
To me, it goes back to Smedley-Butler, war is a racket, and we're involved in the biggest racket of all right now, and that's these wars in the Middle East.
We can solve them all.
ISIS won't be a problem.
Let's do what Ronald Reagan did.
Let's do what Ronald Reagan did when the car bomb attacked the Marines in Lebanon and killed 100 brave Marines over there.
Did Ronald Reagan go to war?
Ronald Reagan got the hell out of there.
Yeah, let people kill each other.
That's not our issue.
Well, today it's called cutting and running.
Ronald Reagan, the pinnacle of the Republican Party, cut and ran.
But I agree with Ronald Reagan.
He made the right decision.
Let's make the right decision and get the hell out of there.
Let them decide for themselves who's going to govern who over there.
It's so unstable now.
It's a regional thing.
And we got no business over there, Alex.
Well, the plan is destabilization, just like Ukraine.
It's the same global chessboard.
You know, you've read Brzezinski's book, Grand Chessboard.
They admit this whole plan.
That's what's so incredibly frustrating about that.
But expanding on this, speaking of propaganda wars,
You have spoken out, and I'd like you to elaborate on it.
I don't know if you've seen American Sniper yet.
I know you've read the book.
For those that don't know... No, no, no, no.
The only part of that book I've read is my chapter.
I didn't need to read any more.
Mine was completely fabricated and destroyed.
I didn't care to read any more.
I have not seen the movie, and I've only read one chapter of the book.
Well, the movie...
From what I know, I mean, and from what's admitted, is largely cobbled together truths and half-truths and then outright fabrications.
It's just... It's Hollywoodized, you know.
They do it with a purpose.
I put it into the best quote, I think, Alex.
I said, it's a propaganda movie with the same... and it's as authentic as Dirty Harry.
Well, I know you're a big fan, because a lot of times when we're hanging out, we've talked about... You've told me you're a fan of Clint Eastwood.
I mean, has this changed your view, or do you just think Clint thought it was a neat book and wanted to make a war movie?
You know, I don't know what Clint, you know, Clint's in the business to make movies.
That's what he does.
Uh, it disappointed me that, that Clint did it, but you know, it's not my, you know, Clint's going to do what he wants to do.
But I, the point I make about it being Dirty Harry is this, Dirty Harry is a fabrication.
You know, you can't go to San Francisco and look up Dirty Harry Callahan in their police and see that he was a police officer there because he wasn't.
And that's the point I made about the movie and the fact that Clint directed it.
So it's a propaganda movie as authentic as Dirty Harry, which means it's not authentic at all.
Absolutely, right down to fake babies.
Expanding on that, would you have been upset if they would have thrown in you getting beaten up in the movie?
Um, that was one of the reasons it forced me into court.
People need to understand this, that they would not talk about restoring my reputation in the four settlement, official settlement conferences we had.
The others, the Kyle side immediately stated, we won't admit to fabrication and we will do nothing to restore your reputation.
We will only talk money.
I refused, because this trial for me was not about money.
It was about the truth and restoring my reputation, so they forced me to go to court.
And yet mainstream media portrayed it, Alex, as you know, I was going after the widow and the children of the war hero.
And you know what I'd like to say, Alex?
Let's have fun with this for a moment.
Let's go back, because I know you understand history well.
And I'll quiz you on this.
This will be a good one.
Let's go back to the late 30s, early 40s when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, right?
Okay, let's go back to there.
They invade Poland, they overthrow its government, they occupy them.
During the occupation, they also torture Polish people, right?
Now, if a Nazi soldier during this invasion and occupation were to have killed 150 or 160 Polish people, a Nazi sniper, would that sniper be viewed as a hero?
By the Nazis he would, but not by the Allies.
Okay, just wanted to hear your opinion on that.
So in other words, a hero is in the eye of the beholder, so people of the United States are comfortable with the fact that we invaded a country, we occupied that country, and we tortured the people of that country, and during all of this, some of our women and men in the military doing their jobs killed vast amounts of people in that country.
That makes them heroes?
Well, I'll say this.
What would Americans do if we got invaded by a foreign army?
We would fight back and we would be called terrorists.
And we would be called insurgents and we'd be terrorists and we'd be all, yeah, good point, Alex.
What would happen?
Hypothetically, that's phenomenal.
If the United States were invaded and somebody from the invading side killed 150 of us, would that person be considered a hero?
Well, it's just a classic cowboy story of the Texan out there, you know, fighting, wanting to do it, you know, for his country, but not happy about killing people.
We know from Kyle's own statements that he loved it.
So that's my problem.
Eastwood should have shown him calling him, you know, ragheads and all these other racist terms.
They should have shown him getting off on it.
They should have shown all that and shown the real thing, not the other thing.
And what's sad here is
Saudi Arabia, we now know, quarterback 9-11, we go attack their enemy Iraq.
Iraq didn't do anything, and so that's what makes this so evil.
Jesse, go ahead.
I agree with you, Alex.
You know, when I made this statement, I think I said it on Alan Combs' radio show, as a veteran
They destroyed my American dream with Iraq because I never believed in my heart, and my mother and father were both WW2 vets, and I never believed in all my heart that I would see the United States line up our military at another sovereign nation's border, lie to us, giving us reasons why they should go in, that we would invade a country, overthrow its government, and occupy the country, and then worst of all, torture people.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here's Wesley Clark just a few days ago, former top NATO general, talking about how our allies are involved with ISIS and funding them.
Here's the clip.
Look, ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies, because as people will tell you in the region, if you want somebody who will fight to the death against Hezbollah, you don't put out a recruiting poster and say, you know, sign up for us, we're going to make a better world.
You go after zealots, and you go after these religious fundamentalists.
That's who fights Hezbollah.
General, I'm hearing you.
It's like a Frankenstein.
Okay, and then they go on from there, but for five years they've been funding the Free Syrian Army.
Two years ago our own military came out and said we're not going to be their Air Force.
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, to their credit, came out and said that.
So they just changed the name.
And Jesse Ventura was here at the time predicting it, breaking it down accurately.
We were as well.
We've been proven right yet again.
And I'm not bragging, it's not that hard to figure this out once you understand the paradigm of how this works.
And now these groups are set to attack us, and they'll try to take our liberties.
Governor Ventura, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, but finishing up with terrorism.
I'm really concerned about a major event here so they can finish their police state.
Well, I am too, you know.
Will that event be a false flag operation?
Who will really be running it to make it happen?
I fear it also.
I've also said that another one's going to happen.
To me, the Boston Marathon was a practice run-through where they brought in the federal troops and told people to stay in their homes and all that stuff, like a martial law type situation.
And certainly if we do get hit with something, hopefully not at the Ball of America, but if they do get hit in some type of situation like that, you can bet the government's going to step in and go through a lockdown procedure and it's going to depend on whether the American people accept that type of, are they willing to give up their freedoms for safety.
Jesse, let me ask you this question.
And I'm not.
I'm not either.
Let me ask you this question.
Obviously they're worried about economic collapse and other issues, but why are the people that run this country, accelerating classical police state, why do they want it in place and why are they pointing it at the American people?
Because it's power, because it's, you know, the separation between the wealthy and the poor.
It may be part of the globalization you talk about, Alex, because they can't put us on par with Mexico until they destroy the middle class.
That's right.
Then you'll have rich and then you'll have poor, and that's basically what Mexico has, rich and poor, you know, and then they can put us on all the same currency like they've done to Europe.
You know, and then it'll work here, too, then, I guess.
And so, and one thing in order to accomplish that, they have to destroy our Bill of Rights.
Because Mexico and other countries don't have Bills of Rights.
And we do, or we used to.
I would question whether we actually do today or not, I don't know, because it's being violated constantly.
That's why I urge, I tell people, young men and women that are enlisting in the military service, I always tell them, remember, you're taking an oath to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Never forget that.
Never forget the oath to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
That's right, there's a bunch of issues I want to get into in the 25 minutes we have left when we go to break, but you're kind of making my case for me about constitution, government can't act unilaterally, and you basically don't want to be a third world country like Mexico.
I'm not against the immigrants, and we'll debate it when we come back, briefly, or longer if you want.
It's that they're being used as a tool to drive down wages and as a new Democratic voting block, the Democrats admit this, to vote for gun control and things.
So I'm not against the immigrants.
I'm against how they're geopolitically being used.
So Governor, we'll come back to you on the other side, Jesse Ventura, and I'll kind of restate that for stations that join us, and then you can give me your take on it.
So we'll briefly debate that.
And then it's a wild card.
I'm going to ask Governor Ventura what he thinks is important and get into some of the subjects he wants to cover.
He's been a radio talk show host longer than I have, so I'm sure he can direct the show.
Stay with us.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
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What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Former Minnesota governor, professional wrestler, movie star, best-selling author, TV documentary filmmaker Jesse Ventura is our guest until the bottom of the hour.
I'm your host Alex Jones and then coming up
FedEx refuses to ship revolutionary gun-making tool, a 3D printer.
Iraq accuses Britain, and they have evidence, of delivering weapons to Islamic State.
They've come out and said, the government of Iraq, we know you're really behind it in Saudi Arabia.
XFCC chief shocked by Fed's attempt to regulate the Internet.
If you go to my Twitter account, at RealAlexJones, it is mind-blowing, the links and articles we've got there.
Two days left.
Two days left until this incredibly important piece of legislation will be voted on that will change the web forever, and no one has even seen the FCC's 332-page regulation plan.
That's an article up on InfoWars.com.
And you've got these different Pacific partnerships and deals that are secret that Congress can't even see.
I mean, talk about global government.
We're in it.
We're going to talk about that in a moment with Jesse Ventura.
And Jesse, I've found nine times out of ten, we don't really disagree on things.
And it's fine to disagree.
We just have different perspectives.
I get hard-working immigrants are what made this country.
I get that you lived down in Mexico at least four or five months out of the year in Baja, and you like it, and you like the people.
And I understand the U.S.
already, under the age of about 12, is half Hispanic.
So, America is a Hispanic nation, the United States.
It's going to be more so.
White people and blacks don't have babies.
I don't care.
I like, quote, Hispanics.
My issue is
That the Ford Foundation and the Globalist are pushing for open borders.
Obama's doing it without Congress.
Most of the Republican leadership want it as well.
They get here, it was in CBS News, they order the police to not even arrest illegals for drunk driving.
So they get all this extra welfare.
They can come from China.
Women come here, CNN reported, and have their babies and we pay for them.
Nobody else does that, Jesse, so I'm saying I'm not against the Emirates.
I know if people are here, hardworking, we should have find a way, path toward citizenship.
But instead, I see the whole police state only for citizens, as Ron Paul said, the fence is to keep us in, not the illegals out, and I see this entitlement.
of the illegals that they should get everything for free.
That's my issue and I think the border being pretty much open in many areas shows the war on terror is a fraud.
So that's my two minutes head-to-head with Jesse Ventura live on immigration.
Explain your position and any counter-arguments you have, Governor.
Well, the problem is this.
If those things are going on, Alex, then blame our Democrats and Republicans and our politicians for creating programs that can be so easily abused.
I agree.
How hard can it be to say you have to be a citizen in which to get welfare?
Seems pretty straightforward to me, but they create a system that can be looped all the time, and then when somebody loops it, we always blame the person that loops the system.
Blame the people that created the system.
Now, in speaking about freedom, okay, I'll give it to you from a different perspective.
Let's say I'm a business owner.
And what I'm involved in, I hire people, I do the proper thing, I deduct taxes properly, the whole ball of wax.
Why shouldn't I have the freedom to hire who I want, and why should being a citizen have any part of it?
I mean, if I wanted to get roofers, or people that work with cement, I guarantee you I'm going to look for Mexican people.
Because when they do cement, they're not cement workers, they're artists.
I've watched them.
And they're remarkable.
And if you look at any roofing crew in America today, at least up in Minnesota, they're all Hispanic on those roofs.
So, don't you, shouldn't an employer have the freedom to hire who they want, who can get the job done?
And as long as they deduct properly, those people can't even get a tax refund.
They work and it goes into the taxes and, you know, they don't get refunded any of the money.
Well, that's being changed.
What about giving the... Employers are doing the right thing.
See, if the employers are not doing the right thing, which are United States people, and they're not deducting taxes and they're not doing it on the up and up, well then they're the ones to blame, not the worker.
Well, I don't sit there and hate people from Latin America that want a better life.
Well, I know that, Alex.
I'm just giving you my opinion that freedom also should be the freedom to hire who I want.
If I'm a United States businessman, then why should being a citizen be part of it?
Why does U.S.
citizenship have anything to do with who I would hire to get the job done?
But listen, what I'm getting at, and your points are valid, I can't go to Mexico and have a baby and have it paid for for free.
They'd laugh at me.
So this whole system is being exploited by design for corporate welfare and hospital welfare.
Well, then get the people who wrote the laws.
I agree.
Blame the Democrats and Republicans.
Don't blame the person who uses the law to their advantage.
Blame the people who did the law that allows it to be taken advantage of.
Well, I do.
Right back to the Democrats and Republicans.
Yes, and that's why I'm trying to block their latest agendas that are just more of the same.
And then they always make it about, hey, don't be mean to the immigrants.
Well, I mean, come on.
So many of the immigrants are fleeing a criminal past.
They can come up here and use any ID they want.
I mean, in California, they're giving the illegals driver's license and then they can vote.
Should illegals who aren't citizens be able to vote?
And I don't believe they are.
We have as much immigration as anybody in the nation up in Minnesota.
And we did a huge study when I was up there on campaign fraud.
Voter fraud.
It's so minute.
That's the biggest red herring out there.
That people are committing vo- What criminal?
You ever met a criminal that says, you know what?
It's November.
I think that means voter fraud.
I'm gonna go vote illegally.
Well, I don't think of the classic illegals as criminals just because they're violating federal law and breaking the law.
The Democrats are organizing them and they are voting.
Nobody commits voter fraud.
That's a red herring out there.
That's a red herring.
We did a study when I was governor.
You couldn't have won an election on voter fraud in Minnesota?
There weren't enough votes.
Well, Jesse, that was in your state and what, 15 years ago?
Or 12, 14 years ago.
They're now just giving them driver's license and letting them vote in California.
They don't have to take a driver's test?
They don't have to get behind the wheel?
Nope, they give it to them.
Yes, they go take the test.
They don't have to do nothing.
They just show up and they hand them a driver's license.
No, they go and they take the driver's test.
And that's California's fault.
That should be dealt with by the state of California, not the federal government, because the federal government has nothing to do with driver's license.
I agree with you.
We need immigrants in this country, but we don't need mothers with no skills with three kids who are immediately signed on to welfare the day they get here.
I'm only laughing because I'm thinking back to when I was governor and I met the, we were putting the budget together and all the welfare protesters were out in front of the Capitol and I remember I went down to talk to them, which no governor had ever done.
And I remember a woman with her baby yelling at me that I was responsible for her and her child.
And I remember looking at her and saying, well, where's your husband?
And he, she said he ran off.
And I looked at her and I said, well, so I'm responsible because you married a bum?
Somehow it comes to my responsibility?
And I remember Rush Limbaugh, I was his hero for like 30 days, you know, this new independent governor who said this.
The point I'm making is that our system is violated because the people that make the system allow it to be violated.
So if you want the system to not be violated, you have to blame the people that create it for allowing that to happen.
Don't blame the people that find the loopholes.
Find the people that allowed the loopholes in the first place.
I totally agree with what you're saying, but they can just take what I say or you say out of context, and we need to get the public focused on actually stopping all these different loopholes and dealing with a special interest.
Let's shift gears.
You know what's so weird, Alex?
I cross the border every year twice.
And when I go into Mexico, sometimes there's nobody even there.
I mean, I've actually stopped my vehicle and rolled my windows down and said, well, doesn't somebody at least say Buenos Dias and hand you a piece of paper?
They're not worried that I'm coming into their country.
They care.
I got pesos.
I'm going to spend some and it's going to spur the economy.
Yet when I turn around and come back into my own country, my country,
I've had times where seven lanes of traffic, I've had to wait three hours in the blistering 99 degree where I've seen, where I can prove to you that global warming and climate change is real.
Because while I'm sitting in my pickup truck, the temperature's gone from 99 degrees in the desert all the way to 116.
While I'm simply waiting to cross into my country.
Which repels me like I'm some sort of rabid monster.
And then, you know what the first thing they ask you, Alex, when you come back to your own country?
You know what the first question is?
What is it?
Without a doubt, I can verbatim, how long have you been in Mexico?
And I think to myself, how is that any of your business?
Whether I'm in Mexico one day, or whether I went there for nine months, it's really none of your business how long I've been in Mexico.
I have a legitimate passport.
This is my country.
I'm coming back to my country.
Why do you need to know how long I've been in Mexico?
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
It's funny you bring up climate change, because it is a very seriously complex issue.
And when we come back from break, I want to cover this as our final subject.
Obviously there's weather manipulation going on, but when we say global warming, now they're saying climate change, period, that we're denying that.
Climate change is always happening.
No one denies that there aren't heat sinks in cities, with all the engines and all the concrete, that it doesn't go up 5, 10 degrees.
What we're saying is their solution to it is global taxation regulation.
So I want to get your view on that and this London Guardian article from February 15th.
Spy agencies fund climate research in hunt for weather weapon.
Scientists fear.
The London Guardian reads like an episode of your show from HAARP.
One of the scientists that helped develop this.
So what I'm concerned about is they're already manipulating the weather.
That's admitted.
and weaponizing it.
We'll be back with our final segment with Jesse Ventura.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Check out his TV show at ora.tv forward slash off the grid or on Twitter at GovJVentura.
Follow us on Twitter RealAlexJones.
Stay with us.
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Final segment with Jesse Ventura, my compadre down in Mexico.
And then, of course, we'll come back, cover all the news, there's so much of it, and open the phones up for your calls for the second half of the broadcast today.
Again, I'm Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
So, we went to break.
Spy agencies fund climate research in hunt for weather weapons scientists fears.
expert Alan Roebuck raises concerns over who would control climate-altering technologies if research is paid for by intelligence agencies.
It's already going on.
Billions a year by the Department of Energy, HAARP, and others.
You've been to HAARP.
You've investigated it.
The Russians, folks in Dubai, they admit they can already control the weather.
I've had the former head of weather weapons for the U.S.
government, Ben Livingston, on.
They were controlling and steering and killing hurricanes back in the 60s.
What do you think's really going on with the weather, Jesse Ventura, and all these earthquakes we're seeing in Miami and Oklahoma?
What's going on?
Well, part of that's fracking.
You know, fracking is causing earthquakes.
We know that for a fact.
But what's going on?
They're violating treaty agreements.
They've, they're signed treaties that nobody can use the weather for war.
That's right.
And yet, and yet here we are violating them behind the back and nobody's going to do anything about it anywhere in the world.
You know, I don't know what to say about it.
It's, it's ridiculous.
You start messing with mother nature and mother nature is going to come back and bite you.
What are you most concerned about in the world?
I mean, do you think humanity is going to survive?
I, well, I want to believe it is, but I'll tell you what.
I've been down here in the Baja now for 10 years, and maybe some of it's due to the hurricane that hit here, which was devastating earlier this past fall.
But out where I live, Alex, I'm not seeing the fish this year like I've seen them in past years.
There's no sardine swarms that I'd see five or six of them a day, these hot spots of sardines.
I'm not seeing that anymore.
There's nothing dead on the beaches anymore.
You can't be dead on the beach if nothing in the water is alive.
That's right, and Fukushima started melting down again this week, and that's what we've got in mainline scientific reports.
They're saying much of the northern Pacific is deader than a doornail.
Well, I don't know what.
The whales are here.
I will say that.
The whales are surviving.
I'm seeing plenty of whales.
But I'm worried about the other things I'm not seeing.
I'm not seeing a lot of seagulls.
Which, or not seagulls, but what's the ones that's... Pelicans!
There you go.
I'm not seeing... I used to see them.
They were like fighter formations down here.
You'd see five or six a day with 20 of them in a group flying in formation.
Today I see a single pelican here and there.
I finally saw a couple formations the other day so I don't know if the hurricane threw everything off here or I don't know and I'll tell you what's going on down here.
It isn't the sport fishing.
It isn't the Mexicans and their banca boats fishing.
They've been doing it for years.
It's these trowlers.
They're out at night.
I see them.
They're five abreast.
They drag these nets and they literally sweep the bottom of everything that exists.
Well that's a big part of it.
If you want to know about a real environmental crisis, overfishing is devastating fish populations worldwide and something needs to be done about it.
That is a real environmental crisis in my view.
Yeah, I mean, I'm living it down here.
Alex, I didn't think in one decade I would see the change down here that I've seen in one decade as far as the wildlife goes in the ocean down here.
Remember, this is the place Jacques Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau bought the Calypso, his ship here, parked it here for two to three years and said, this is paradise.
I don't think he might say that today.
Wow, real environmental crisis.
Undoubtedly, humans are causing some big problems, but the globalists just use that to divert us off into things that give them more power and don't fix the problems.
Alex, always remember what one of my heroes, George Carlin, said.
You know why we're here, don't you, humans, on Earth?
Why, Alex?
Well, the Earth needed plastic.
The Earth can produce anything else.
The one thing the Earth cannot produce is plastic.
So that's the reason humans came.
Because humans know how to make plastic.
And the Earth needed plastic.
Because other than that, we are simply a consumer.
We give nothing back.
We only take.
Well, if you look out in the Pacific, they say that there is a garbage island bigger than Texas floating out off the coast of the United States in between Japan.
Imagine if that thing ever comes ashore.
Governor Ventura, I'm not kissing your butt.
It is like the Fountain of Youth down there.
You look like you've lost 15, 20 pounds.
You look 10 years younger.
What are you doing?
Well, I do a four-mile walk every morning in the desert with four-pound weights on each ankle.
And you're doing some surfing?
Well, I'm getting them and I'm doing a lot of old dumbbell training, you know.
I don't have all the mechanized machines off the grid.
We're ducking and hiding from the drones all the time.
That's why Abraham's always dirty, scrambling around.
Jesse, we're out of time.
Thanks for joining us.
All right, Alex.
We'll see you next time.
Thanks a lot, buddy.
There goes Jesse Ventura on our show.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the FCC is coming in to regulate the internet.
They got legislation they're trying to ram through in the next two days.
The former FCC head calls it just over-the-top censorship and draconian.
We need to talk about that.
We've got some good news as well.
Montana House Judiciary Committee pushes back against Agenda 21.
We've got, of course, what I was just mentioning.
From Internet to ObamaNet, BlackBerrys and AT&T are already making moves that could exploit new utility regulations.
It's on.
Obama's regs will make the Internet slow, as in Europe, warns FCC, FEC Commissioners.
Republican FCC Commissioner asks Wheeler to delay Net Neutrality Vote release proposal.
That's right, the 322 pages is secret.
That's from CBS News.
It is secret, ladies and gentlemen.
Since when do free countries continually have everything secret?
You've got these Asian partnerships, and trans-union partnerships, and North American union partnerships, and all these different agreements that are secret.
And then pieces of it get leaked, and it's just so draconian.
Remember five years ago, the Copenhagen Treaty.
They were trying to get global carbon taxes.
And they wouldn't release it.
Well, it got leaked.
They confirmed, yes, that's the Danish text.
That's what they called it because it was a version in Danish.
Lord Monckton basically got it.
We had him on first.
And I popped champagne on air.
Because it was just devastating that that came out on the heels that same week of ClimateGate with the top UN professors there in England at the university that were managing over 200 major colleges worldwide to hide the decline and engage in systematic cover-up.
Does that mean I want to eat GMO?
Does that mean I want to drink mercury and lead in the water supply?
Does that mean I want every fish in the ocean caught and, you know, trawled?
Does that mean I want GMO salmon four times bigger that will extinct the regular salmon population within 40 generations according to major studies?
Does that mean I want that in the water?
Does that mean I want spider goats roaming around in the forest that are part spider?
I mean, we know some of the spider goats have already gotten out, by the way.
In New York and other states where they're producing them.
Animals always end up getting out.
Especially goats.
You can't keep them pinned up.
They can climb trees.
Not kidding.
They will climb a tree over a fence and jump out of a tree.
You're going to see goats at the San Antonio Zoo that climb trees, but it's a side issue.
What I'm getting at is, this earth is being annihilated right now.
It's being chewed up, destroyed, by the very people that grandstand and say, we're not worried about GMO, we're not worried about overfishing, we're not worried about all this stuff, we're not going to let people out west cut dead trees down and create firebreaks so when there is a lightning strike,
Millions of acres burned down instead of humans being good stewards.
Because when humans are good stewards and care about the land, it creates oases that animals absolutely thrive in.
Humans can make things better and do, but that's not happening because they've made everything environmental about a global government that taxes carbon dioxide that's part of the four legs of life.
Water, CO2, and O2 oxygen.
Four things.
Water, sunlight,
Oxygen and carbon dioxide, if you don't have those, death.
No life on this planet, baby.
And what's king of those?
The sun.
Doesn't matter if you have CO2, oxygen, and water.
If you don't have the sun, no life.
So sun is numero uno.
And then you gotta have the other three.
They're all paramount together.
They're all co-equal, like the three branches of government.
You gotta have those three.
And they are saying we're gonna track, we're gonna tax, we're gonna surveil, we're gonna curtail.
All carbon, including carbon dioxide.
If you increase carbon dioxide just a few sub-percentage points,
Not even a percentage point, just a few fraction of a point.
The studies are out there.
Plants live longer and grow up to three times faster.
Don't believe me?
Just type in, plants grow faster, higher yields with higher carbon dioxide.
They've done literally thousands of published studies in the last hundred years in Germany, the US, Japan, you name it.
In controlled greenhouses, pumping carbon dioxide in.
They've done studies next to power plants that have carbon dioxide and water vapor coming out.
What do you think happens to trees downwind from that?
They found statistically they grow faster.
And anybody can search engine the fact that if we just had a fraction of higher carbon dioxide, they predict that the Sahara would come back.
And they've gone in and done core samples in the Sahara deep and found that just, it depends on the numbers you look at, but less than 10,000 years ago it was a green oasis.
With huge crocodiles running around and jungles, and just life everywhere, and that carbon dioxide's been dropping until recent times, and it's directly correlated.
We're at one of the lowest levels of carbon dioxide in the history of this planet.
That is undisputed.
Do I want more oxygen?
You bet!
Do I want more carbon dioxide?
You bet.
Do I want more water?
You bet.
For life on this planet, do I want more sunlight?
During higher sun cycles, when it's putting out more heat, more radiation, there's more life on this planet.
More plankton, that means more carbon dioxide, which means more oxygen.
Daily Mail.
Carbon dioxide emissions help tropical rainforests grow faster.
Study shows trees absorb more greenhouse gases than expected.
NASA study shows tropical forests absorb 1.5 billion tons of CO2 a year.
Rainforests absorb more than half the CO2 taken up by vegetation globally.
Scientists who previously believed tropical forests emitted carbon dioxide.
Yeah, they were talking about cutting the rainforest down five years ago to stop.
I mean, this is how crazy they are.
That's like burning your lungs up with acid.
I mean, just, you know, and putting space mirrors up to do... Just, just, just please.
I saw a Sahara study.
There was an association with the Smithsonian Institute.
There's another one.
Carbon dioxide, the gas of life.
Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on earth possible.
A special report by the committee for a constructive tomorrow.
That's probably some oil company funded deal, if you actually just drill into the real studies out there.
But again, you've got the biggest oil companies, BP, ExxonMobil, and Dutch Rochelle.
They give the majority of the pro-carbon taxing money in the world.
Look it up.
Goldman Sachs gives the most money for gun control, open borders, anti-family initiatives.
Just look it up.
BMW gives tens of millions to try to open our borders.
I mean, just any of these companies you pick, just go look into it.
The mischief they're involved in.
Oh, and by the way, hundreds of companies are pouring just huge amounts of money into Hillary Clinton right now.
It should be illegal.
All these foreign interests, but if Dinesh D'Souza gets five of his friends to give $30,000 combined, then it's questionable he goes to jail for nine months.
But Hillary, she can sit up there and just take all the foreign government money she wants.
And the reason I mention all this is snow on the ground in 48 states, USA Today.
USA Today also reported record low since 1960 for the number of tornadoes in the United States.
But you tune into the news, it's like, tornadoes, deadly weather, it's on the rise because of human activity.
Meanwhile, there's huge secret weather modification programs going on, and we talked to meteorologists, it appears they're designed to create drought.
You'll have huge wet weather systems coming into the West Coast, and then just suddenly a hundred planes will take off, fly back and forth, spraying aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and other things, blocking the rain, making it go into the ocean.
I mean, we're getting hit.
We're getting hit hard.
Guaranteed, we're under weather war attack.
I mean, this is just cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
Snow is on the ground in 48 of the 50 states according to three separate national snow cover maps.
Florida has no snow on the ground according to all the maps, one of which can be seen, but the three maps looked at don't agree on snow-free state.
It could be South Carolina, it could be Louisiana, or possibly Mississippi.
Anybody in those states see snow?
But regardless of whether the three states have snow on the ground now or not, or some snow is forecast this fall, this week, or all of them, Florida will remain the lone holdout as no snow is predicted there.
They just had snow there a month ago.
And yes, I had to look at the webcams in Hawaii where they had snow a month ago to see that patch of snow is there atop the high mountain located in Aloha State.
And then it just goes through the fact that at least 48 states have snow right now.
Here's another article out of Michigan Live.
Ann Arbor breaks record low temperature set in 1900, 115 years ago.
Librarian Megan Hartline makes her way across
The Diag at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
There's a photo caption there I was reading.
The temperature in Ann Arbor was minus 7 to the University of Michigan weather observer Dennis Colbaum.
It was still falling at that point, but was already low enough to break the previous record low of minus 5 for February 23rd, setting the date in 1900.
With the windchill, the temperature felt a good bit colder than that.
A windchill advisory issued by the National Weather Service was in effect until noon.
Yeah, it's 30-something here in Texas.
Windchill values could reach 15 to minus 20 according to the advisory.
Speaking of earthquakes, probably fracking, mysterious quakes rattling Coral Gables Homes outside Miami.
CBS Miami.
Here's some good news.
Virginia Measure could put PETA out of the animal shelter business, the Washington Post.
PETA on record kills about 90% of the animals that are brought to their bizarro shelters.
And I know people that have worked for PETA in Virginia at their headquarters, and they pressure the employees to go adopt animals.
And then, this is what I was told, and I didn't believe it at the time, and later it came out on the news.
They sit there literally getting crazy looks in their eyes while they inject them.
I mean, it's some kind of weirdo freak cult, folks.
And because they don't believe you should have a domesticated animal.
It's really just a transhumanist death cult.
So, there you go.
But some good news on that front.
These are not really top stories.
They're just interesting.
Here's the toll-free number.
I'm going to open the phones up right now.
We're going to reset the phone system so that it's operable up there at the network.
And then we are going to open the phones up.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I want to open the phones up for first-time callers today.
On any issue you'd like to cover, on any topic you'd like to go over, it's a total free-for-all.
The attack on the internet, the fact that the globalists are now moving in high gear on every front, from open borders to web censorship to forced inoculations.
I mean, the hammer is dropping.
That's really the big topic.
Why do you think the hammer is dropping?
Why are they accelerating their globalist takeover program?
Why are they just throwing it in everybody's face?
We're going to go to break, come back, and start taking your phone calls.
Briefly, I wanted to tell listeners, because I've been an hour and 47 minutes of news, and a guest, and not plugged any of our products.
If you notice, most talk show hosts plug products for sponsors every segment.
I should do that because then our funding issues would be over.
But I just get so obsessed with the news, I don't tend to do it enough.
We have life-changing, in my view, products like DNA Force, the Rolls Royce of known compounds that are incredibly hard to get and incredibly expensive.
One of the organic products in here cost us $12,000 a kilo.
This is a Rolls-Royce Nutraceutical.
It's got CoQ10.
It's got a whole bunch of other really amazing things in it that are unprecedented.
Astragalus root, bio-enhanced, NAR, lyoptic acid, P40, palm granite extract, Tibetan extracts.
It's got a whole bunch of other incredible stuff.
Bio-PQQ, that's what's really expensive.
And a whole bunch of other things that have supercharged my health, my mind, my body.
It is the Rolls-Royce product at an incredibly affordable price.
Comparable formulas are three to six times more.
Comparable formulas are $600.
And I know why.
In the industry, things are marked up seven times on average, in the supplement industry.
They put crap in it, and then they do marketing.
We don't do that.
We put the most expensive, high-quality products we can, and then sell them at the very lowest prices we can.
So, we've got some products that cost $14.95, like the Ancient Defense Known Easily Obtainable High-Quality Organic Herbs, and then it costs us $6, $7 a bottle, and we sell it for $14.95.
In the industry, you'd do that, and you'd sell it for $30 bucks, or $40 bucks.
DNA Force is like $150, but it's got stuff patented and confirmed to repair telomeres.
I mean, you name it.
This, this is it.
Comparable stuff's $300 to $600.
This is $150, and it's still marked up double, and your purchase funds our operation.
It takes a lot of money to run this operation.
The poor man's DNA Force is Occupower.
The stuff in our Occupower eye formula is not just for the eyes.
And I take it every day as well.
DNA force though, and we've had people on about this, if you've had nerve damage, like in your back, your hand or whatever, where my finger was cut off, it was still a little bit sore, even though it happened 10 years ago, it's not sore and it's not numb anymore.
But first it got real numb as the nerve was growing back.
Now, that's what this stuff's patented and known to do, but I mean, it's no joke.
I'm not saying it'll do that for you.
Consult your physician.
But this is stuff we can actually make claims about because it's patented.
But that's why it's so expensive.
This is the real deal.
DNA Force, your purchase supports the broadcast.
Or we've got oil of oregano in the caplets.
The best organic sourced from the Mediterranean.
The highest quality at an extremely low price.
We've got our colloidal silver at $10 less than what it's sold for at Whole Foods.
We private label the same stuff they private label from the highest quality lab in the country, and we sell it for $5 to $10 less depending on what special we're running.
Right now it's $10 less than Whole Foods.
Two ounce bottle of Silver Bullet colloidal silver.
Topical and can also be ingested.
Consult your physician.
We've got 20% off on DNA, 20% off on super male and super female vitality.
We're teleprompting for you here.
That's going to end in just a couple days.
That was a special for this month.
We've got 20% off on super male and super female vitality at Infowarslife.com.
Stay with us.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month, 20% off, and there's a lot of other
Powerful specials at Infowarslife.com.
Celebrating human potential in the month of February.
Visit Infowarslife.com to find this special and many others in the month of February.
Again, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
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You know, I started plugging and then didn't really finish.
Then I'll start going to your phone calls and going over other news we haven't hit yet.
You can get DNA Force that is the Rolls Royce at a Mercedes price.
So it's about three or four times cheaper than the leading competitor for basically the same thing.
You can get Super Metal Vitality at about half what the leading competitor puts out as a testosterone booster.
And we don't advertise it as that.
That's not really exactly what it even does.
It just gets your glands going.
If you want to see dramatic effect, you've heard the rave reviews from listeners.
This is not a game.
This is concentrated, cold-pressed, extremely expensive product.
I'll give you an example.
It cost me $18 a bottle.
And then we mark it up.
We got to fund this operation and the reporters and all the bills and the rest of it.
But other people we happen to know put like two dollars in other formulas of just some really strong herb that just does one thing but has side effects and they sell it for a hundred.
But they'll have like movie stars out there promoting it, and all the money goes into the marketing.
We don't do that, and that's how we fund our operation.
So, Super Male and Super Female Vitality, 20% off, already discounted, a great time to start.
And quite frankly, women have an even bigger, on average, effect with Super Female than we see with Super Male.
And it's about energy, it's about stamina, it's about libido.
We've all been artificially suppressed.
And it's amazing what cold-pressed organic herbs can do.
So this special will end when February ends.
We customarily go a few extra days afterwards to give stragglers a chance, but...
There's a bunch of specials.
The free bottle of Ancient Defense with the X2, nascent iodine, that's going to be ending next week.
Infowarslife.com or infowarsstore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
And a lot of guys I know like the super female rather than the super male because
Without going into detail, there are two ingredients in the super female that are not in the super male.
One of them has a very obnoxious folk name.
It's something goat weed.
And it works on men and women.
But I didn't come out with this as a herbal Viagra.
And I know folks that take Viagra and they say this does a better job than Viagra or Cialis.
I'm not comparing it to a drug.
That's just what they personally tell me.
We don't sell it as that.
That's a side effect.
It's overall increased stamina in the gym, you name it, is what I personally have experienced.
But regardless, try it out, and what do you have to lose?
If it doesn't work for you, we haven't found anybody yet, you've heard the callers, literally no emails, no nothing.
The few complaints are, my bottle was broken, will you send me another one?
Well, of course we will!
The customer service folks are standing by.
We want to serve you.
A, it's the right thing to do.
B, we want repeat customers.
And I had terrible customer service ten years ago because I was a very small operation.
It's tip-top right now.
We answer the phones until about six at night, seven days a week, right here in our offices.
Then it goes to an answering service that are great folks as well, but obviously can't do as thorough a job as actual folks that have worked here for years.
We've got some customer service people that have worked here eight years, like Michelle over there, who's just been doing a fabulous job.
I don't know if I want to say her last name.
Probably didn't want me to.
It is your purchasing of the products that makes all this possible.
You can also call toll-free and talk to the great customer service people or order via the phone 888-253-3139.
And when I kind of do an elaborate plug like this, when I forget to plug for an hour and 40-something minutes to pay the bills, we call it mid-air refueling.
Support those local AM and FM affiliates.
Tell your friends and family to tune into the show.
Support those local sponsors or become a sponsor today.
We're doing everything we can.
In fact, I got a stack of liners I'm supposed to cut for affiliates.
I need to do that at 2 o'clock today before I go to all these other meetings.
A lot of big things happening here, and it's all because of your support and your prayers.
I salute you and want to thank you.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the third hour, your phone calls, and a ton of news.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
People are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy Brittle Minute TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number three, open phones.
Coming up in the next segment, 75%
Of air and rain samples containing Monsanto's Roundup, that's the bad news.
By Christina Sarich at Infowars.com.
She wrote another article with the good news.
Record number of U.S.
farmers switching to non-GMO crops in 2015.
Here's another one.
The fall of Al Sharpton is coming close.
Lawsuit accuses Comcast, Al Sharpton of discriminating against black-owned media.
That's what all these gangster black leaders are about, is running roughshod over the black community and basically pimping them out to the Democratic and Republican Party.
Al Sarfat doesn't just shake down, you know, regular media that's owned by black, white, you name it.
I mean, he shakes everybody down.
The guy's a thug gangster.
So that's all coming up as well.
Another report here.
The spy cables, a glimpse into the world of espionage.
Al Jazeera is set to release a bunch of international spy cables.
I imagine those will be carefully selected and act like it's a leak to put out the image they want to put out, but we'll see what happens.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
We've got to Amy, Charlie, Michael, Rick, Thurman, and others.
Charlie, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hello Alex, how are you doing?
Pretty good, my friend.
Brother, I just want to say it's an honor to be speaking with you today, a true patriot, and I'm really proud to be an American.
And I just want to ask you a question and then make a brief comment.
When the goblins wake up in the morning, as men and women, those who report that terrible cause, how can they wake up and face the day in the morning and then set about the job of destroying the American dream like they're doing?
I just don't understand it.
Well, it's the same way that
People can sell each other into slavery.
Who was it?
Joshua's family sold him into slavery.
It's the same reason that we've done all these evil things where we abort our babies.
They just dehumanize us.
They see themselves as the ruling class.
And they don't want to have an economy based on freedom anymore.
They have the rationale that it's bad for the earth for us to be wealthy, which they could argue.
But they should just argue for cleaner technologies.
Instead, they just want to control us.
The elite just don't want a large population anymore.
And so they're busy dumbing us down, preparing us for the culling.
But the globalists
I don't care if they're African elite, Chinese elite, Asian elite, European elite, Latin American elite, they all pretty much act and dress the same, they all have the same hobbies, and they all get off on dumbing people down and controlling them.
And they tend to be psychopaths and sociopaths who just enjoy screwing people over, whereas a normal person likes having people over and cooking dinner for them.
Well, I think the same way, Alex.
It just baffles me, man, I tell you.
If people would look closely at what American Dream is saying, it eliminates any kind of racism, but they promote racism, like you say, in order to keep us separated so we can't live up to what God created us to be.
And it's a shame, but I really believe that God, we are blessed.
The Patriots of America, the Patriots of the world, when we stand up against them and we will overcome them.
But I just want to make a quick comment.
A couple weeks ago you mentioned you were going to sponsor an anonymous contest.
Do you still plan to do that if you do?
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
Don't hang up, Charlie, because you're a great caller.
I want you to be able to elaborate on your question and make other comments.
Here's my problem.
I sit up there and have these ideas, and then I have a limited crew, and then I call for things that my crew can't cash.
Kind of like my mouth writes checks that, you know, my body can't cash.
But we're going to talk about it when we come back.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Coming up, lawsuit for $20 billion against Al Sharpton.
We've got some good news on record numbers of farmers planting non-GMO crops.
We're going to get into just a ton of news I haven't hit yet, but if you just joined us
Record low temperatures across the entire United States, but also record low temperatures in Alaska and Hawaii.
So all 50 are record cold, but snow on the ground in 48 states, the Weather Channel is reporting.
The paper in Detroit's reporting that Ann Arbor breaks record low temperatures set in 1900.
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal has the headline, From Internet to ObamaNet.
And they report that it will slow down the internet and basically kill freedom of the web as we know it.
The former FCC head says that it is extremely draconian and extremely dangerous.
Obama's regs will make internet slow, as in Europe, warns FCC, FEC commissioners.
But this is what Congress and others are going ahead with.
Republican FCC Commissioner Ash Wheeler to delay net neutrality vote release proposal, which is still secret.
And we have articles detailing all that at InfoWars.com.
But I want to drill into these articles and some other news I haven't hit yet.
But first, let's take a bunch of calls here.
Charlie, we're running a contest for people to send in their art.
Four Alex Jones billboards.
Just the art.
But then part of that contest is to shoot video either putting up a billboard or putting it up on the side of your barn or handing out handbills of the image and then putting that to YouTube.
I just kind of came up with the contest and just said handle it and I haven't seen any of the entries.
I don't know what's going on with it.
And that's the problem.
I'll come up with these contests
And then, I don't follow up on them, and then, we've had film contests where we get a thousand entries, 500 of them plus were good, and then it took my whole crew, took up all our time to try to judge them.
It was obviously very effective, and the contest, some of the videos got millions of views, and the aggregate, tens of millions of views, and a lot of major filmmakers got involved.
I had one contest that was for $100,000 for the first prize.
That's as big as the Doritos contest.
I couldn't do that anymore.
We had some excess funds then, so we did that.
Usually we don't have excess funds, so most contests are like $5,000.
We had one $5,000 contest to hang up flyers in legal and lawful areas with vaccine info about the adverse reactions.
And we probably had 20 or more TV stations around the country covered it.
Newspapers covered it.
It was big.
So these contests have all been successful.
It's just a lot of them aren't as successful as they would be because I don't follow up.
I know this.
I said I'd put up two billboards at least.
We're putting one up at the Y. It goes up next week in South Austin.
And one is up off South IH35 down off Slaughter.
So two billboards are going in in Austin.
Just to kind of match in spirit the fellow that put up
Dozens on the East Coast that have had such a big effect.
And it was just the idea of what if listeners put InfoWars.com on their car, whether it was a bumper sticker or a big sign.
What if you started your own website and put it on your car?
What if you put it on the side of your barn?
A lot of people have been doing this.
So we thank you because it's certainly getting the word out and they're trying to censor us on so many fronts.
That's the reason we should double and triple down and up what we're doing so that people that have never heard the truth come to InfoWars.com, click on the free video feed.
In fact, it just hit me.
Down at the bottom of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we always have one or two of our most recent YouTube videos posted.
What we should do is get a video player like CNN has.
Where it just says live video and that's pretty much up in the middle or at the top so that people can click it and watch the free video feed that we have right now at InfoWars.com and then have a link or a little window that opens.
We should have a pop-up window.
People don't like pop-ups.
I've never had them.
I don't like them either, but what about a pop-up window with a nice display with the video feed and then the podcast link and the audio links under it to really push that?
I mean, every other talk show host does that.
Why haven't I?
So, you kind of bring these issues up, I start to brainstorm on air.
I just don't have the crew to get all these things implemented.
I should be a better administrator and focus on what's key, like getting us on satellite, getting us on all these cable systems and TV stations that are ready, willing, and able.
That's paramount.
Redesign InfoWars.
That's next.
Get a couple more reporters and writers.
But I'm always so busy trying to comply with all the government garbage and all the regulations and all the employee stuff and trying to make money to put coal in the engine to get this engine and this train over the mountain.
But here's the deal.
I'm pretty much, InfoWars is up at the top of the mountain right now.
And I'm looking down the hill now.
And I'm thinking, what's it going to be like when we start rolling down the hill?
I've kind of climbed the mountain with you and my crew, and I'm now up here on top the mountain, and I see an even bigger mountain.
And I see that we go down the hill, and being an engineer I know,
That we'll be able to climb that last mountain with the kinetic energy we're going to gain if I speed this train up to about 150 miles an hour or 200 miles an hour.
But the train's, you know, the track's only designed for about a 60 mile an hour.
Am I going to take the risk to accelerate this train down off this mountain, down into the valley, and then up that mountain of Mordor?
That's the allegory.
Because believe me, they don't like me now, they know we're positioned, and they know I can pull the trigger, drop the hammer, and have this show explode even faster.
People are gonna freak out on little local cable systems and TV stations and stuff when this is on.
Without even asking, we're already on five cable systems and some broadcast TV stations.
I'm talking about Southern California, Houston, Texas, upstate New York, Florida.
I mean, we're talking about big stations.
I haven't even plugged these people yet.
I haven't even gotten ready to roll this out yet.
We're on the satellite provider already, and the cable system that put the Ron Paul channel on.
They've been trying to get me to do it for years, so they got Ron Paul to do it.
I mean, we've got it lined up.
We've got stations clamoring.
I'm just trying to get our news quality production up more, which we're doing.
I mean, this is a ragtag operation that is ready.
We're going to be a lot bigger than Glenn Beck, who tried to get a, you know, just a cable channel.
You got a thousand cable channels.
Nobody's watching.
You're on the local basic cable channel like we are in Houston right now.
You're right now.
We're on the basic cable in Houston.
You know what that means?
We got basic cable franchise holders that are listeners all over the country.
And quite frankly, it's not that I'm a coward.
I've been hesitating after all these battles now facing the main enemy.
And knowing that if I turn up the heat and go up against them, they are going to drop a hammer on me.
But that'll make us even bigger!
Every time I get attacked, with espionage like stuff out of movies, folks.
I don't even get into it.
It just, everything goes our way.
It blows up in all of our enemies' faces.
Things just drop right in our laps.
The enemy's entire battle plan, everything just blows up in their face.
God be with us, who can be against us?
I'll be honest with you.
My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.
It's like my spirit wants to fight harder, and my body goes, man, I'm tired.
Buddy, can't you go fishing and enjoy yourself?
You really are pushing it.
Okay, don't get me killed.
Stop it.
Stop it.
My spirit's like, yes, yes, yes.
Go, go, go, go.
My body's like, no, no, no, no.
Don't do it.
Don't, no, don't you dare.
It's like the devil on the left, angel on the right.
Make no mistake, who I'll be with tonight.
I mean, it's hard.
It's hard to do this when you're actually in the position.
I mean, I could have even greater success is my whole point.
And I'm busy flogging around here to try to get basic stuff done because it's not well organized because I run it.
And it's not that I'm badly organized, it's that I take on too much.
I'm going to skip this network break.
See, I shouldn't skip the breaks.
That bankrupts the network.
Heck, we're not going to skip it.
I apologize.
Charlie, go ahead and finish up.
I don't remember the anonymous contest.
I said something about it.
It would be a really great idea to get people involved, to do things anonymously and then videotape it, legal and lawful things.
It's a great idea, but I don't think I even have the... That's lower on the totem pole.
How about other people just go out and do it!
Send us the YouTubes at Showtips.
I mean, you know, just do it!
Don't wait for me, take action!
Go ahead, Charlie.
Well, sir, I just want to say that I saw you on the Piers Morgan Show when you appeared there defending the Second Amendment.
As a result of that, I'm a better man today.
All you've been doing was defending a man's right to defend and protect his family, and God bless you.
God bless you and the entire InfoWars team.
And, uh, we send our prayers to you, sir.
Well, thank you.
You made some really good points earlier.
We're going to break in a few minutes.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, sir, other than, uh, we're with you, sir, and we're planning and working.
And, um, God is with us.
Well, thank you so much, brother.
Thank you.
And I want to thank you, sir, for all you're doing and supporting us and calling in.
It's very humbling to just have all these good people.
You can hear how good they are, how good their spirit is in their voice.
And it just shakes me up to have so many incredible men and women of every race, color and creed who are counting on me.
And I've seen people procrastinate and never launch a radio show, never launch a magazine, never make a film because they want to do a perfect job.
And I've always criticized those people saying, don't wait, get involved.
But now that I'm in such a spotlight and my operation is, it's almost like I'm a deer in the headlights now to a certain extent.
That it's just, it's so overwhelming, I struggle with it.
Now, I'm gonna take a bunch of calls, if the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, they've got an obnoxious statement from England, if the, something doesn't, the Admiral.
But when we come back, I'm going to Amy, on Fukushima.
I'm going to Rob, on America's bankruptcy, 1933.
Rick and World Net Daily, on the New Temple and Prophecy.
And Thurman on immigration.
Please hold, I'm going to you, straight ahead.
So just have your question or comment ready and I'm going to move to the next person.
I get started slow and I babble and I appreciate you putting up with me.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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Yep, coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
You found it, the InfoWar.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
Amy and then Thurman and others.
Amy, in Oregon on Fukushima.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, actually I'm a first time caller, long time listener.
I had actually taken a flu shot in 2004 and from that I had to have open heart surgery because I guess whatever caused problems just ate up my aortic valve.
Did they admit that to you?
No, they did not.
Because by the way, when they had the smallpox shots in 2002, remember it killed a bunch of troops and reporters that took it?
They admitted that it caused basically an autoimmune response.
I'm not a doctor, I don't understand how it happens, but I know it does it.
Vaccines attack the brain, heart valves, and the pancreas particularly.
And yes, I know that valves go out when people take certain vaccines.
What happened to your heart?
I mean, why do you think it was the vaccines in your case?
Well, because right after I took the vaccine, I was diagnosed with IPP, which is idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura.
It's where your blood doesn't clot correctly and you bruise and bleed out.
And actually bled into my lungs and was suffocating because of it and went to Breckenridge Hospital there in Austin.
And they said that I needed a heart valve transplant.
So, that's why I think it was a flu shot.
But later on, after the heart valve transplant, I was diagnosed with lupus, which is an autoimmune disorder.
Well, they admit flu shots and Gardasil, that's in the inserts, that they can give you autoimmune disorders.
So, I guess it did what it told you to do.
Sorry to hear that happen.
It sure did do it.
But I've been taking the DNA force, the Secret 12, the X2.
All your products and I am just, I'm seizure free.
They diagnosed me with epilepsy as well as lupus.
And I've been seizure free for four months.
So, and what happened when you started taking the products?
Um, I was less foggy in my mind.
I was actually able to get off of my anti-seizure medicine.
And so I'm, the only medication that I'm on now is blood thinners, you know, for my heart valve, which is ridiculous because it's a cow's valve.
It's bovine.
Are you on Coumadin?
Coumadin, yeah.
Or Warfarin is the generic.
But that's the only thing that I'm on.
I actually met you and your wife in 2005 at a, let's see, premiere of one of your movies.
Well, it's a pleasure, Amy, to talk to you again.
Specifically, what was your take on Fukushima?
Fukushima, well, being on the west coast in Oregon, the weather, I mean, it sounds to me like what's going on on the east coast is a nuclear winter.
Because over here it is warm.
It's 60 degrees, 65.
It's insane.
The sun is shining and of course there's chemtrailing like nobody's business.
It's insane.
But I think that we're in extreme trouble, especially with the new thing that's going on at Fukushima with the new reactor.
Billowing out all this smoke and, you know, I look in the sky and I'm just seeing horrible, or at least it was a couple days ago, plumes of smoke, which looks like they're just traveling across the sky and it's just really scary because I can feel the radiation.
We can actually, my husband said he can actually see it going through the window.
I mean, it's just
Well, I'm showing the headlines out of the Statesman Journal.
Fukushima radiation found 400 miles west of Newport.
Showed another headline, RT, radiation levels in Tuna of Oregon tripled after Fukushima.
And yeah, it's melting down again.
Thank you so much for your support.
God bless you.
Let's go to Thurman in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Been listening to you since about 2002 or so, first time I've gotten through.
Basically want to give two perspectives on immigration, having been in public education.
I recently got out of public education, but starting off in 2006, I had my own landscaping business.
We were doing very well, and of course, you know, the bottom started falling out, but we ended up being undercut by
People coming in, the artists that Jesse spoke of earlier, pretty much ran us out of business.
I have a degree and I've been in education before, so...
I went ahead and took a job as a teacher.
Just like Walmart is government-sanctioned and sponsored and tells its employees to get on welfare to undercut other companies as well, it's the same strategy and it's a fraud.
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Fight and you may die.
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Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
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It's Alex Jones.
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You know, perhaps, I should put on airs like other talk show hosts and broadcast like this.
With this voice, for the balance of the hour.
Let's go back to Thurman in Florida.
In FEMA Region 4.
Thurman, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
So, from 2006 to 2009, we watched our income go down in the landscape business.
And like I said, we were being undercut by a lot of immigrant labor that was coming in.
Illegal alien.
Listen, use the term, because if they can get people to not use the proper term, that's what they call...
Illegal aliens in Mexico is illegal aliens.
That's a term used for hundreds of years.
It means an alien of the state.
We call things from other planets aliens because that's the term.
We need to use the proper term and not let them bully us into using their politically correct terms.
But go ahead and finish.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
All right.
So anyway, I started working at a local elementary school.
And it was an affluent school, I'll say.
That was for three and a half years.
And then I transferred over to a high poverty, what we called 95% free and reduced lunch school.
I was a general music teacher, which meant that I saw every child in that school.
And that was right at about a thousand kids.
I went in, first of all, I was a little bitter, you know, because the illegal aliens had come in.
I felt like we had been undercut.
I was seeing it happen.
I was in the office several times helping out during registration, and I would see the family filling out the paperwork for the free and reduced lunch, and they would set their brand new iPhone down to be able to fill out the paperwork.
That didn't quite add up to me.
But here's where things started changing.
Once I got in there, and also I worked as an interpreter within the school system too because I speak Spanish, so I saw that side of it, the families being deported and the horrible things that happened there, but to get to where things changed was this.
This high poverty school that I spent the last two years at before I got out of public ed was broken down like this.
First of all, let me say that
I used to teach my students, you know, we are Americans.
We don't, you know, I don't see black Americans.
I don't see white Americans.
But let's just say it.
It's just like a prison.
I'm guessing what you're going to say.
Everyone was put into their own prison quadrant.
The poor white kids, the poor black kids, the poor Hispanic kids.
Something like that, but more to the point was this.
It broke down evenly along these lines.
A fifth of the students were Asian, because I'm near a very large military base where quite a few were lifted over after Vietnam.
A fifth were white kids, a fifth were black kids, a fifth were Hispanic kids, and another fifth would be the mixed-race children.
By far and large,
Hands down, the best students, the best manners, the hardest workers, the ones who did their homework, the ones who tried, who were well-dressed, taken care of, were the Hispanic kids.
And what I guessed, what I ended up concluding, and kind of changing my own frame and way of looking at it, was that
We, that is the people that have been here in the United States... We are degenerate, spoiled, rotten pigs, and are collapsing, and so there's a little bit of old world conservatism left in Latin America, as hellish as it is, so imagine when we fall how bad it's going to be.
That's a good point, but to me the thing that was the most impactual, as far as what I saw, was that
I've even told people I think that those kids are the last hope for our country because they still have that American dream.
They still work hard.
Now that having been said, I also believe that we need to shut those borders down yesterday.
Well, nobody else does this, and absolutely, the problem is the Democratic Party is there to take these immigrants, who on average would be good for the country, and to turn them into voters who will make everybody slaves.
I mean, these illegals vote, when they end up becoming citizens or vote, they've got the polls, and right at 90%, the most hardcore... Look at California!
I mean, they're taking all the freedom in California.
And so, here's the question.
How do we reach out?
Because here's the thing.
50%, I saw this like in USA Today last year, but I've already seen the demographics.
Below the age of 12, on average in the country, half the country is Hispanic.
In many areas the country is already like 67% Hispanic.
It's a joke!
It's Hispanic American citizens that are paying in these areas the majority for all the illegals.
So it's a total screw job.
And again, I don't blame the illegals wanting all this stuff, but because Latin America is in a long protracted depression.
Mexico is a descending hell pit, and it's a beautiful place on the Pacific and the Caribbean side.
I wish Mexico was like super nice, and I wish Africa was.
I mean, I'd probably move there.
I want countries to run too.
I'm sick of it.
You know, I've said I'll stay in America, but I don't know, man.
It's just that
They're taking these people and just turning them into the political army to vote us into total slaves.
And that's what makes me sick.
I appreciate your call.
See, I said I'd give each caller one minute.
These callers are all grabbing at least like 10 minutes.
Rick in Texas, go ahead.
Yes, I'm a first-time caller.
I've listened for many, many years.
I've been awake for 30-plus years.
Well, thanks for putting up with me, brother.
Oh, that's... I'm glad to.
I attribute being awake to having been through Bible college and seminary, where I had such an avid interest in Bible prophecy that I taught for many, many years.
So I've got two points that I'd like to make, if I can.
First is to call attention to an article in WND.
It was called, Prayers to God in the Wrong Spot.
This is probably one of the most significant articles of our times, literally.
Prayers to God in the Wrong Spot, WND.com.
We'll look it up.
Yep, it was there a couple days ago.
And the author is, oh, he travels the world solving Biblical mysteries, so he's hunted Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, and then took on the issue of where is the exact site of the Jewish Temple.
And his conclusion was that the exact site of the Temple was not on the Temple Mount,
But about 600 feet south, which is in the city of David, which Israel actually owns, and part of it is a park.
And that would resolve an enormous number of problems, because for most of us that know the Scripture well in that way,
There are a number of textual things that present enormous problems, much less just the geopolitics.
Sure, and of course they built a mosque on top of where they think, I think the first temple was, correct me if I'm wrong for my history, and so there's big fights whenever the Jews want to tear that down and build their temple back.
It creates incredible division.
Yes, and there's been a group called the Temple Mount Faithful that has actually rebuilt all of the implements for the temple.
They've had the cornerstone for many, many years.
They bring it out each year.
As the reminder of what it is that's to come, because they believe that's part of the end times.
So, I would recommend that people really look at this article.
I mean, when I read this article, I was absolutely astounded after having been a theologian for a long, long time.
I think it's just an absolute head turner, because that would allow for the rebuilding of the Temple.
And without any question at all, and it would take and change the whole geopolitical construction in the Middle East.
So, that's number one.
Number two, I was a clinical psychologist for a long, long time, and I've observed a process through the years.
When I first started teaching prophecy, because the events were so far out,
People would kind of, would have a great interest in it, but it was far removed.
So, especially when you get into things like we were trying to teach about the Federal Reserve, we actually had booklets... Sure, sure.
Or people would deny it because the media said it didn't exist.
I found now that it's pretty much admitted...
People don't go, oh, you were right, wow, you're really smart, I better listen to you.
They say, oh, so what, just accept it.
I mean, not everybody, but people that were already not listening, they will then just say, oh, so what now that all this is in our face?
But get into your story.
What did you see happen?
I see a process is the issue that I'd like to talk to you for a moment, if I may.
The process is that as time has progressed,
I moved to teaching where I wasn't just teaching prophecy and the original languages and all the things that you would normally do.
I started to teach along the lines of this is that, because years ago, if we saw one thing a year that really had prophetic significance, I mean, we were jumping up and down.
I mean, we had to subscribe to the London Times, and we had to literally get the old papers.
Oh yeah, I mean it'd be a big deal 15 years ago to have some CEO admit sooner or later everybody will have brain chips and now it's just in the newspaper 50 times a day.
But in the process, as the veil is being lifted on all these events and people become more sophisticated about the religious, economic, military and political aspects of current events, things happen within the individual that actually is listening and absorbing that.
And a part of that is it's kind of like the loss of a child.
When you lose a child, that's devastating.
And part of that devastation is related to the fact that you're not just losing the child, you're losing all the dreams of and for that child.
All of us have those dreams for our future.
And so when the realities of what we thought our future were going to be are changed and challenged in any significant way, that actually enters us into a grieving process.
And so what happens typically is that there will be one, like in a couple, there will be one person who's really getting lit up and they can't hardly not talk about it.
But then the other spouse who doesn't have that same interest or doesn't have the same background or have the same amount of information starts to get really scared and withdraw.
And so you see all of these problems related to actually what underneath is a grieving process that takes place.
That's why you just got to tell people the truth and then move on and hope they wake up and God will work with them.
But also most people are so tied into Hollywood and the NFL and kind of the fake world that the system puts out that they can't seem to then dial in to what's really going on.
Because if they ever did, you'd never care about petty stuff anymore.
I mean, quite frankly, I know a lot of Hollywood people and musicians, and I like them because they're cool people that love freedom, and they tend to be interesting folks, but I could care less if they're movie stars.
I could care less to be invited to some A-list Hollywood party.
Already done it.
The problem is most people never got invited to parties like that, so they imagine there's some Mount Olympus Valhalla that, oh, if they could just get there, they'd be fulfilled.
And it really just doesn't exist.
What exists is just being an artist, being a person that crafts things, a farmer, someone who builds things, someone that educates, someone that helps, the passion of life, the simple things.
That's what is fulfilling.
But the world wants to sell that, no, you've got to go do all this and you've got to follow the Madison Avenue
Line to be fulfilled, and the system wants to be God.
And the system wants to recreate the Earth in its image, which is very ugly.
Thank you, Rick.
Really good points.
I want to move quick now because I got a bunch of news I want to hit.
Rob in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Yes, sir, I am.
Go ahead.
I had a question for you.
I was looking online and it appears that back in 1933 the government actually went bankrupt under Roosevelt.
Sure did.
War Powers Act, officially.
So, from that point, it looks like the U.S.
government and all the cities and states and everything kind of turned into corporations.
They did, and then they went under the 1878 Federal District of Columbia realignment that we talked about yesterday, and there is a corporate fiction operating in the same domain as the real republic.
So they built a scaffolding of the fraudulent system to then slowly transfer power to that.
While milking the old system, now they're preparing to fully suck dry what was left, blow it out the airlock.
The enemy's now moving into its final phase.
I guess my question is, you know, I've listened to you a couple years now.
Why do you always refer to the government as the government?
Or at least that's what I think I hear you say.
Sure, it's the same reason when I talk about micro-FM I call it pirate radio because we're on over 170 affiliates and most of our listeners don't know what micro-FM is or FCC rules or community radio or how the airways belong to the people and on and on and on.
So I will say pirate FM or AM
Known by insiders as micro, people should look into it.
I do it because we're talking about the government, the de facto force majeure, by seizure, by taking under common law, we have been usurped.
And so, via the barrel of a gun, there is an illegitimate government that operates through ignorance.
But its agents believe they're agents of the republic, almost to a man.
So if I get up here and speak in the real legal parlance and in the actual text of the system, the general audience would think I was speaking in Latin, because half the time I would be.
Well, I understand, but I guess the thing is, I think maybe if people actually understood that the government really doesn't serve them as they say they do, and it's actually a corporation, there may be a quicker awakening.
I agree.
I mean, we are modeled after the British East India Company.
They set up a corporation, they had a district.
Uh, in two different spots in India, and maybe 10,000 Brits, you know, by the middle of it, control hundreds of millions of people.
Uh, and so that's how they did it.
And we're under that model, just like the City of London controls the UK.
The City of London within London has a wall around it, its own laws, the highest rent in the world.
It might as well be an alien spaceship that lands in a city and then controls everything around it.
I mean, that's exactly what we're talking about.
And you notice the Vatican operates like that with its Swiss army.
You notice Israel says it's not part of the UN and above the law.
And I'm not attacking Israel, folks.
I'm just stating this is how these things operate.
You notice the UN says it's above the law.
It has its own sectors.
At The Hague, in the Netherlands, and in New York City, and who gave them land?
The Rockefellers?
I mean, yeah, this is hardcore what we're facing.
The other thing, too, is that I've also, I may be wrong, but it looks like when this all happened that the United States citizens actually became collateralized via the Social Security system.
Yes, we are collateralized, and they say that our work, our names, our children, our pledge is collateral on the national debt.
That's a fact.
I mean, that means that we're slaves.
Yes, yes.
In fact, they didn't free black people at the end of the Civil War.
On record, they created a system to make everyone indentured servants who then had privileges.
Everyone became a slave.
It's unbelievable when you really discover all the truth about this.
Very good calls, great points.
Antonio, Chris, Wayne, I'll have to go into overdrive to talk to you because in this final official segment, I've got a bunch of news.
Stay with us.
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Two years ago...
We showed JP Morgan memos and letters to their customers, as well as Bank of America letters.
DrudgeReport.com linked to both of them.
And they had JP Morgan and Bank of America come out and say, we're not going to charge for deposits.
And then they had national outlets attack me and say I was a liar.
I mean, we had copies of it.
Here it is, MarketWatch.
That's a division of the Wall Street Journal.
JPMorgan to start charging big clients' fees on some deposits.
And they're also saying they're going to start charging people at Bank of America and JPMorgan and others, JPMorgan Chase, to transfer money.
So see, they've debased the money so much that they're going to charge you to keep your money in the bank.
And Yellen, the head of the Federal Reserve, the private Federal Reserve, says she's going to continue basically QE Unlimited and never raise interest rates.
Don't audit me, she said, and no rate rise ever.
That's DrudgeReport.com with links to her statements at CNBC and MarketWatch.
Home ownership hits 20-year low.
A nation of renters.
I thought they loaned poor people all that money to get houses because they cared about you.
homeownership rate hits 20-year low.
CNS News.
So that's some of the news that we're covering.
Pachauri, the guy whose family owns the steel plant, they had the British one shut down, the last steel plant in Britain, and then moved to India that he owns.
AP reports he stepped down as the climate change head over sexual harassment charges.
So I love how their political correctness bites them in the butt.
Greece's leaders face a revolt at home as they try to appease creditors.
I thought the new elected group was going to not pay these debts that really aren't theirs, most of them, but New York Times reports they're not moving in that direction now.
Thailand is jailed too on royal insult charge over a play they wrote.
We talk about how Thailand's a free country.
No, it's not.
I know a lady from Thailand.
She goes, I go, your country's not free.
I was at a party years ago.
She was arguing with me.
And I go, no, it's not.
You don't have any free speech.
She goes, we free.
We have king and queen.
I said, excuse me?
She goes, we free.
We have king and queen.
I kept this gleam in her eye like, oh, the royalty, royalty, royalty.
Just want to throw up.
Doesn't matter.
What matters is, is Sweden's Missan the world's oldest living cat?
Missan 29 may be the world's oldest cat according to Swedish owner.
I bet money they don't vaccinate this cat.
Says aside from suffering from some minor back and kidney problems, there's no reason why the furry friend won't make it to the grand age of 30.
So we're going to end that part of the show with really important news.
I'm joking.
Here is the really important news.
We've known this forever.
Superbug strikes again, killing two in North Carolina.
Directly linked to antibiotics.
CBS News.
Here's another CBS News article.
Antibiotics on food causing children to have allergic reactions to fruits and vegetables.
Yeah, it's just all over everything.
More children are appearing to have allergic reactions to fruits and vegetables, but this has nothing to do with the food.
Farmers often use antibiotics to keep pests away that have a problem for some children.
And it goes on how it's causing asthma, everything else, yeah.
But they don't tell you to wash your food or get organic.
They just say, here's a bunch of drugs.
Oh, your five-year-old daughter's going into puberty?
Here's some hormones to suppress that, not, hey, quit drinking, you know, Bisphenol A bottles or quit microwaving in plastic trays where it just boils out.
You know, they don't tell men, you know, you have erectile dysfunction because you've got so much estrogen out of plastics.
They just say, oh, we've got drugs for you.
We're being killed by this garbage.
And here's the good news that I mentioned earlier.
A record number of U.S.
farmers switching to non-GMO crops in 2015.
Continue to vote with your dollar.
There's rising sentiment among farmers in the U.S.
as a conference of factors, a confluence, urges them to produce pro-organic.
From falling GMO grain prices to rising tide of public distrust of genetically modified ingredients, failing GMO traits, higher GMO seed prices, and then it goes into the study about how record numbers are going into non-GMO organic.
Very exciting.
We're going to overdrive for five minutes, say bye to most of the stations.
We're going to go to overdrive, internet only, and take some phone calls from Antonio and others.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
Infidel Body Armor can stop every round, including hollow points and .308 sniper rounds.
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But for how long?
Go to InfidelBodyArmor.com.
Spelled I-N-F-I-D-E-L BodyArmor.com.
Infidel Body Armor just won't quit.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Antonio in FEMA Region 9, formerly California, under UN occupation.
Yeah, the UN here in Austin is putting an open borders conference on that ends today.
I mean, we're living under UN rule.
Antonio from UN Command Base 9, you're on the air, go ahead, from Region 9, here in the Hunger Game, go ahead.
Yeah, how's it going, Alex?
It's a pleasure to speak to you, man.
I really appreciate what you do.
Appreciate you, brother.
What's on your mind?
Okay, originally I wanted to talk about trainees, which I want to get to, but you started talking about JP Morgan, got me worked up.
Have you happened to catch on Netflix, I believe it's a History Channel miniseries, it's called The Men Who Built America, my friend David turned me on to that.
No, but I've heard about it.
You know what?
It's a very interesting watch.
But you know what?
They build these guys up like gods.
Oh, I know.
I've seen History Channel and PBS shows about the loving Rockefellers.
Lady Rockefeller helped the children.
Meanwhile, you find out she was like a Hitler worshipper.
I mean, once you know the real history, it's sick.
Oh, Thomas Watson loved the little black children.
Meanwhile, I was writing for him.
Let's exterminate all of them.
Heil Hitler!
I mean, it is just so sick.
Yeah, you know, there was good facts, you know, talking stuff like, there's stuff like about Tesla and Edison, which, you know, was interesting, but just the God worship and, you know... Oh, J.P.
Morgan built America, no, didn't he?
Sucked off the country.
He was a British agent.
Oh, yeah, it's bad.
I recommend to watch it for research.
And then also, there's this other documentary, I don't know if you're aware of it, I'm sure that you've seen,
Yes, years ago.
I've heard about that so much, man.
There's just so much media now.
What was your point on the trendies and the yuppies?
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry about that.
How dare you?
I'm joking.
Go ahead.
I'm here in San Jose, California where I'm in, like, trendy control here.
I live down the way right there from where that fake, supposedly that drill, that terrorist attack happened.
Morgan Hill.
I'm, like, right down the street.
So what are the trendies doing?
We're almost out of time.
Okay, the trendies, what they're doing out here is, man, they're pro-GMO, pro-vaccine, they're pro-everything, and it's like something... Yeah, they think they get power out of doing whatever the system tells them to.
Like, I'm a winner!
I'm for the system!
It loves me!
I love Obamacare doubling prices!
I love death panels!
Kill the veterans!
You've seen Mark Dice, I mean, he's not editing these tapes.
Should we put the gun owners in slave camps?
I'm sick of them!
Yeah, let's take all their properties.
You bet!
I mean, ugh!
And let's ban brown bags, because they're racist.
Of course!
I mean, these are not liberals.
These are just mindless scumbags that are on power trips.
These trendies, you know, they're not just here in the streets and just don't care.
You know, all they want to do is just get drunk, get laid and stuff.
But you know what?
They're in the trend.
Well, I mean, you know, there's worse things.
I mean, I'm not judging.
And my point is, listen, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate your call.
I want to jam in one more.
I apologize.
We're out of time.
Chris in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Well, you saved me for the last, but I was trying to tell your call screener.
I just think the naysayers talking about how you don't organize and you should be more than just a journalist and that you should get something going on.
I kind of think that you're doing a job as a journalist, but you should maybe offer some assistance for people that are trying to meet locally, get some kind of organization.
What do you think about that?
Just assisting your popularity, your website, for people that want to start preparing and organizing, other than just by themselves, like we seem to always be left alone in the dark.
Well, I agree.
I mean, there's a million things I want to do, and I'm just trying to get things organized to put on a TV show, radio show three hours a day, and nightly news, news websites, everything else, and try to get the funding.
But there's a bunch of stuff I want to do.
It's just, quite frankly, I can't do it.
But I'm getting there.
So we're getting a lot done.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Retransmission starts now.
Sorry to Wayne, David, and William.
Jesse Venturi is joining us.