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Name: 20150220_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2015
2298 lines.

The passage is from Alex Jones's radio show where he discusses a variety of topics including vaccines, historical events, and individual rights. He also promotes various products and services on InfoWarsLife.com. He talks about how the government violates citizens' rights in the name of security and how power concentration can lead to tyranny. Drone technology and privacy concerns are also discussed. Finally, he discusses the backing of presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton by moneyed interests and urges listeners to stay vigilant against tyranny and join him in resisting it.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Friday, February 20th, 2015.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We take you now live to the InfoWars.com studios where David Knight is hosting the transmission.
But I'll kick off the next segment with a special report on a world accelerating into globalist orchestrated turmoil to bring in the one world planetary tyranny.
Stay with us.
Yes, welcome to this live edition of the Friday, February the 20th, 2015 Alex Jones Show.
We have a very interesting show today.
We have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Listen to these headlines.
These are recent headlines from Infowars.com.
Physicians Australian anti-vaccination tour in chaos.
Australian venues are cancelling on the anti-vaccine campaigner.
Then this headline.
Doctor educating public on vaccines receives bomb threats and cancels tours.
What is it that they did not want you to hear?
What is the message that is so important that they threaten the messenger?
We see this all the time.
We see it whether it's criminal actions being exposed by whistleblowers against the state.
What does the state ever do?
Do they ever go after the criminal action to try to shut that down?
Of course they don't.
They go after the whistleblowers.
They threaten them.
They jail them.
They assassinate them.
Suiciding them.
What is the message that Dr. Sherry Tenpenny wanted to tell the people of Australia?
Well, we're going to find out.
She's going to be with us in the second hour.
We also have a lot of news about breaking developments in Europe.
Just yesterday, there was a back and forth between Germany and Greece, of course, as to what's going to happen with Greek debt.
Germany is essentially calling the shots, and so there's a lot of back and forth.
Politicians are comparing the current German government to the Nazis.
They have had an election.
They have resoundingly rejected these austerity programs that have been forced on them by the EU.
It appears that the EU is either going to begin to break up, and that's what Alan Greenspan was saying.
It looks like there's going to be a Greek exit, or as they call it, a Grexit.
They have
Increase the chances of that happening to 50%.
That's from the Commerce Bank AG.
They think that's going to happen.
Of course, Alan Greenspan said about a week or so ago that he thought that was going to happen.
Some interesting stuff though came out of the live blogging that was going on that we saw from The Telegraph.
They were live blogging the negotiations as it was happening yesterday in the EU, and here's some of the interesting points.
Berlin, of course, rebuffed proposals to give them a six-month extension, saying it was a Trojan horse, but the European Central Bank was forced to deny reports that it had discussed capital controls.
Capital controls.
In other words, you cannot move your money.
Locking your money up.
This is going to be a very huge issue.
Of course, out of the Ukraine, there's a lot of tension that is building up there.
We just had some Russian jets do flyovers to the UK, pointing out that they are not going to be intimidated.
This is a very dangerous game that's being played by NATO, by the United States, by the bankers.
And it looks like Ukraine is starting to lose the civil war.
We have an article on Infowars.com, the U.S.-backed government in Ukraine is starting to lose the civil war.
Mainstream media in the U.S.
is being very quiet about this, but the truth is the U.S.-backed government in Kiev is starting to lose the civil war.
There's an article out on Foreign Policy magazine, Foreign Policy, talking about the draft dodgers of the Ukraine.
Talking about how the struggling army is trying to replenish its ranks.
Looks to me like they are losing the Civil War, but they have already lost the hearts and minds of their people.
Amazing story.
We're going to talk about that as well.
And we have an interesting, kind of funny bit of news.
We've got the predictive programming is beginning for driverless cars.
We've got a new concept that has been given the green light from Sony Pictures about a driverless car race from Paris to Beijing.
If you look at this picture of the Google car, I think all they have to do to have a comedy is put people in that car.
I could laugh at that for a couple of hours.
That's the car with no steering wheel, no brakes.
You're not going to get me in there.
We're going to talk about that in a little bit more detail.
Stay with us.
We've got a great program.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is going to tell you what they don't want you to know in Australia.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month, how we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month, 20% off, and there's a lot of other
Powerful specials at Infowarslife.com.
Celebrating human potential in the month of February.
Visit Infowarslife.com to find this special and many others in the month of February.
Again, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Friday, the 20th day of February 2015.
I'm Alex Jones, your host with a special news update.
You're looking at my little notepad here, and on the cover of it is the great wave of Hokusai, if I'm pronouncing that correctly, Buckley.
And this is one of the best known paintings in the world.
And it symbolizes, if you go read the breakdown from the different art museum websites, a time of great change and energy overpowering, something that cannot be stopped.
Undoubtedly, global governance has set in motion, the globalists have set forces in motion that will change world history forever.
But we can use the energy like a judo move that they have set in motion
To actually redirect their energies and bring in a new renaissance.
We certainly know that if we go along with their operations, it's only going to make things worse for the average human.
And have set in motion different actions that many historians, many military experts, many futurists believe have a very good chance of destroying life on this planet or causing cataclysms that are so bad we'd wish we were all dead.
We're going to look at a confluence of some of these factors of the Great Wave here in just a moment.
But right now, let's go over here to the computer.
And you can see here in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Great Wave from a series of 36 views of Mount Fuji.
And I guess that's from out in the ocean.
You can then see Mount Fuji there on the land with the boats coming across.
And there is a close-up of the Great Wave itself.
In fact, this is one of my favorite pen and inks to basically copy or add to a very powerful archetypal image, obviously.
Now, let's look at some of these real great waves.
This is a story up on InfoWars.com today, and we've got a link to ShadowStats, top economists who used to advise the White House.
John Williams.
Hyperinflation is starting in 2015.
Economist says get supplies, gold, silver, canned goods, toilet paper, bottled water.
He uses the numbers that they used up until Reagan and right back into 1900 or so with different government stats to come up with these numbers.
These are with real numbers, not with the Cook numbers.
And even on CNBC and CNN they admit that Cook numbers are being used.
So let's go back to this very important article here.
It's impossible to predict when or how the economy will finally reach a breaking point, but according to contrarian shadow stats economist John Williams, it's coming one way or the other.
I don't know if I would say he's really contrarian, though.
I mean, he's using mainline numbers.
He is contrarian from the Department of Commerce and Labor and the federal government, though, because they just shovel, you know, loads of bull that you can keep your doctor and Obamacare cuts your prices.
And then we've got Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog.
We've got a bunch of other people in here breaking down the fact that all the numbers are there.
I know this, going to even mainline restaurants, not fancy ones, they're about double what they were three years ago.
So you've got some commodities like oil that have been artificially deflated, but you've got inflation out there because of QE Unlimited.
You have the EU joining quantitative easing that violates their charter.
So, we're going to see inflation, but I think we're going to see inflation with depression in the real economy, kind of a hyper-stag inflation.
Which economists say can't happen, but this is so artificial, we are beginning to see it happen.
So there's that article up on InfoWars.com.
Then there's this report, and we knew that this was coming.
Feds, anti-government groups, a bigger threat than ISIS.
Remember on Monday, when they said they were having this summit, I said, watch, once it gets kicked off, Wednesday and Thursday, we're going to hear about how patriot groups are the problem, and Obama wouldn't even say that radical Muslims were radical or terrorists.
And all of his pundits and spokespeople said, because we don't want to anger the Muslims and they're all perfectly good, this type of baloney.
Feds, anti-government groups, a bigger threat than ISIS, while Islamic State brags about sleeper cells and the U.S.
DHS threats about right-wingers.
As President Barack Obama continues to receive criticism for his refusal to use the term Islamic Extremism, Paul Joseph Watson article, some federal authorities and law enforcement groups in the United States assert that anti-government groups pose a bigger threat.
And this has come out at the conference and it's come out on CNN.
We have the quote right here.
Some federal level law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to and in some cases greater than.
There you go.
So you're not seeing terror attacks by radical Muslims right now shooting people and cutting their heads off.
The threat from foreign Islamic terror groups such as ISIS that garner more public attention reports CNN.
And then it goes through
Judicial watches, documents on sleeper cells being ignored, all the rest of the preparations as the Islamists claim they're going to flood Europe with 500,000 people as a form of usurpation or basically la reconquista.
Of course, the original La Reconquista was the Spanish taking Spain back from the Muslims, from the Moors, from the North Africans.
But this is a, this is a conquering.
And the question is, will Europe go along with this?
Well, the multiculturalists want to engineer a clash.
I don't want a clash with Islam.
I don't want the war of civilizations that PNAC wrote about, but that's what's being engineered right here, right now.
Okay, let's now move along to another report on this front.
This is even bigger.
NATO prepares for war with Russia in Europe?
We have links to Stars and Stripes saying that they're moving in A-10 Warthog tankbusters, they're moving in tanks, and they've got different NATO commanders calling it a bold new plan, saying they're prepared basically for war with Russia.
And we have the Russian general saying, quote, we're at war.
Earlier this month, the former Foreign Relations head of the Russian military, Ministry of Defense, and current president of the Academy of Geopolitical Studies said Russia is at war with NATO in the West.
Now listen to this quote, and listen to this quote carefully.
Apparently, their officials of the European Union and U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry have dedicated themselves and continue to do so
To deeply and thoroughly study the doctrine of Joseph Goebbels.
They present everything backwards from reality.
It is one of the formulas which Nazi propaganda empowered most successfully.
They accuse the party that is defending itself of aggression.
We are seeing in Ukraine and in Syria is a Western project, a kind of new war.
In both places you see clear anti-Russia approach.
And as well known, wars today begin with psychological and information warfare operations.
I assume that the foreign ministry understands that we are at war, he said.
And it just goes on with the whole breakdown of the video.
That is up at Infowars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, what we're dealing with here is a world being artificially brought into crisis.
What we're dealing with is a planetary destabilization.
That is a real destabilization, but where globalist financial forces with their hundreds of trillions of fiat dollars and euros are going to try to leverage that, again, posing as saviors to bring in their one world government by increment.
Just like they say, oh, you know, we destabilized
Ukraine, now we need to have 16 plus billion dollars in a Marshall Plan that's then just paid into George Soros and others.
So they create the crisis, destabilize, take over, and then pay money to themselves as the quote, rebuilders, like the Marshall Plan.
And that's a microcosm of this operation.
Then we've got other articles over there that Mikkel Thelen wrote that's linked directly to the Harvard Law Review even criticizing it, where major colleges are doing things like, if a man looks like someone a woman claims raped her, with no reports,
She's not even saying that someone or proving someone ever raped her.
She's saying you look like someone who raped me years ago and so then the person's kicked off campus.
That's another article that we'll put up on screen here for the viewers.
This is the mind control where sleeper cells are being brought into the country, but the government's preparing for war with the Tea Party and auditing basically every Christian group and pro-life group and pro-gun group and trying to shut them down.
Well, meanwhile, you can't have brown paper bags in Seattle government or you're fired because it's racist.
And if a woman says you look like someone who raped her, then you're kicked out of school because you were offensive.
This is how they're ending free speech and they're really doing it.
And they're churning people out from these colleges that don't even know how to operate or even how to live.
This is modern mass mind control.
Well that's this news update.
I'll be back at the end of the broadcast with another news update with breaking information and I've almost completed the family issues I've had and I'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Live and I'll be back you
You know, for week after week, won't miss any shows.
I know folks have been chomping at the bit for me to be hosting, but quite frankly, a lot of folks like David Knight more than I do, so you get a nice mix.
You can always see David and Jakari and Leigh-Anne and the rest of the great crew on the Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central, weeknights at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now we're going to throw it back to David Knight, live on TheInfoWars.com News Studios.
I'm Alex Jones, reporting from home via low-tech.
It's actually pretty high-tech, but we're doing it in a kind of off-the-cuff, quick way.
But folks seem to love these videos, so we'll keep them coming, and I'll follow some more this weekend as well.
And there'll be another one at the end of the transmission today.
Never forget, if you're watching and receiving this transmission, you're the resistance.
Now is the time to be involved.
Now is the time to be speaking out.
I mean, you can see the world with war and crisis and turning the Middle East over to radical Islamists, and then not allowing us to even criticize them or stop them, and the economics being set up for the dominoes to fall.
It's all coming together in an engineered perfect storm, but we can take that storm, expose that the globalists are behind it, discredit them, and then use the time of change to get a lot of good stuff done.
Like many nations like Greece are doing.
Some of the reforms we see happening in Ireland.
In Iceland.
Some of the reforms we see at the state level.
For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction in Newtonian physics.
And Einstein expanded on that.
The globalists know that.
That's why they want to make you think you're powerless.
It's not true.
You take their energy and you use it against them in a judo move.
We take you now live to the Central Texas Command Center.
I'm David Knight.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for InfoWards.com.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, February 20th, 2015.
We have a special guest today.
We have someone who was essentially run out of Australia with bomb threats because they didn't want to hear the message she had to say.
To stop your ears, scream and shout, and threaten people violently.
That's what happened to Dr. Sherry Tinpenny when she wanted to talk about vaccines.
And of course, she wanted to talk about informed consent.
We can't have informed consent anymore.
We can't even have people talking about informed consent.
We had headlines on the 23rd of January.
Physicians Australian anti-vaccination tour in chaos.
As they got threats at the different venues in Australia.
A week later, doctor educating the public on vaccines receives bomb threats, cancels tour.
Free speech and double standards on the road to forced vaccination, as we put it.
So we're going to be talking to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny in the next hour.
You're going to find out what they don't want you to hear.
Do you remember the Streisand effect?
It was a situation where some people, early days of the internet,
People weren't used to Google Maps where you could look at pretty much anything.
Somebody was mapping the coast of California and on the Internet they had a picture of her house.
When she realized they had a picture of her house, she demanded that they take this thing down.
A very public lawsuit came over that because it was a very important principle about the freedom of the Internet.
At the point that she started the lawsuit, there was only four views of that house.
A couple of those were her and her lawyer.
After the lawsuit blew that up, there were 400,000 views.
That's the Streisand effect.
That's what's going to happen when you try to shut people up about talking about the risks and the concerns that we have about vaccines.
Talking about their safety and their efficacy, rather than addressing those concerns, rather than saying, oh look, here's the studies that we've done.
And your concerns are unfounded as to what we're adding to these vaccines.
Rather than doing that, they attack you.
They threaten to bomb the venues where you're going to be speaking.
That doesn't work too well.
It didn't work too well in the Boston bombings when we had the FBI say, don't look at any of these other pictures, only look at pictures that come from us.
Or at Sandy Hook, where you had the state police come in and say, and threaten people for what they would be writing about it on social media.
When you do that, when you send state police in Florida to threaten the man who you're stonewalling on freedom of information requests on Sandy Hook, when you do that, it kind of blows up in your face because people understand that there's something that you're trying to hide.
But what we're seeing right now is not only an attack on our fundamental liberties, on our Fourth Amendment freedoms, you know, to be secure in our person, to start with.
But of course, that doesn't happen anymore.
Not only can they violate the Fourth Amendment at the airports, putting their hands on our bodies whenever they wish, now they think they can put vaccines into our bodies.
So we have a fight about the First Amendment now as well that's on our hands.
Well, all these rights that we have, that are recognized, not granted by the Constitution, recognized by the Constitution, you have to value those rights, you have to exercise those rights, and you have to demand those rights.
And so that's what we're demanding.
We're going to be talking about that.
We've got a special report from
Rob Dew, that we're going to be playing in the next segment, and then of course Sherry Tenpenny is going to be joining us in the next hour.
On a lighter side, there is some funny news that has come out, and this actually is still a serious subject, a very serious subject, because it talks, it addresses the
The control of movement in our country.
The control of transportation.
And that's the driverless cars.
As I call them, the computer-driven, government-controlled cars.
But now we've got a concept that's been floated out there.
Sony has picked it up.
They're going to do a...
A movie, a comedy, about driverless car race.
That's what the working title of it is right now.
This is a story that was broken by deadline.
Now they say the driverless car race that they're going to put into this from Paris to Beijing would be close to impossible.
The infrastructure is not there yet.
But they're going to, I guess, pretend that it is there, at least partially there, for this comedy.
They're going to have comedians as passengers who volunteer to ride in self-driving cars.
No, self-driving cars is what we have now.
They'd be computer-driven, government-controlled cars.
Nevertheless, to ride in these cars on an experimental high-stakes road trip from Paris to Beijing is kind of like a 21st century of The Great Race.
If you remember that movie that had Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis, Natalie Woods, and it... that was...
That was a comedy that was set in the very early days of automobiles.
I guess they're going to do this now in the very early days of the remaking of transportation.
If you look at this picture, pull the Google car up, guys.
This thing is absolutely ridiculous.
When you look at this, this is essentially the automotive equivalent of the cone of shame.
You remember that from Up?
Remember how they would take the vet's cone and they'd put it on the dogs and they would get this?
You've seen it happen with your own dogs.
They're partly alarmed and partly embarrassed.
That would be what would happen in this Google car.
This is, however, what the castrated captives of the future will be driving.
This Google car.
It's not Herbie.
It's not cute.
It's just ridiculous.
No steering wheel.
No brakes.
You have no control over your life.
They've even painted headlights on it that don't work.
This is what they're showing us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride, GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month?
20% off and there's a lot of other powerful specials at Infowarslife.com.
Celebrating human potential in the month of February.
Visit Infowarslife.com to find this special and many others in the month of February.
Again, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
When the night has come and the land is dark and the moon is the only
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Our sympathies to all of you who are back east, suffering from this arctic weather.
But of course, it's not something that's just limited to the east coast of America.
We've got snow falling in Golan, in Jerusalem, even in the Negev Desert.
This is a story from the Jerusalem Post.
It's up on the Drudge Report today.
And of course, as we pointed out yesterday, the Great Lakes are frozen.
Most of them well under the high 90%.
It's a record freezing of the Great Lakes.
We've got Niagara Falls frozen.
We even have, as Drudge reports, the Washington, D.C.
subway rails have fractured from the cold.
There's also articles saying these are the coldest temperatures we've seen since the 1800s.
Guess what?
That's when we started keeping records.
Most places weren't even keeping records in the 1800s.
That's how little we know about temperature data, but of course that doesn't stop us from going off on a jag and doing all kinds of crazy stuff as we had a story that's still up on Infowars.com came out late yesterday from Kit Daniels.
After a blizzard closes the campus, Harvard spends $800,000 to combat global warming.
Even though they're concerned that students are falling behind because they're missing so many classes due to snow.
As I point out, I guess this is irony 101 for Harvard.
There's an old saying, you know, you can experience an expensive school, but it's the only one a fool will attend.
But that's what they're finding out in Harvard right now.
They're going to spend nearly a million dollars to combat global warming, but they can't even get to class because it's so cold.
Look, we've got decreased solar activity.
We've got increased CO2 activity.
Their models don't work.
If the CO2 is going up, according to their models, the temperature should be going down.
It's not man-made.
It's because of solar activity that's predominating on this.
And we can see that if you don't put the thermometers in cities and on airports, you can see if you look from space that the temperatures are, in fact, going down.
And that all plays into a study that was reported by Harvard's competitor, Yale.
It's a new study by Yale University professor Dan Cahan that confirmed that skeptics of the controversial, anthropogenic, in other words, man-made, global warming theory
Or, as realists often call themselves, skeptics, they found out that they know more about this theory than the people who support it.
They surveyed 2,000 people and they found out that people that are labeled as deniers, because see, this is a religion to the global warmists, okay?
Deniers actually knew more about what the other guys said they believed in, in this particular study.
Very interesting, I think.
We're going to go to a report from Rob Dew about vaccines.
It was on the nightly news last night.
Very important report.
But before we do, I want to let you know that this hour of the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by the products that we sell at Infowarslife.com.
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Now as I pointed out in the last segment, we're going to have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny who had her, first they tried to bar her from entering the country.
They were demanding that she not be allowed to even enter the country to talk about her concerns about mandatory vaccines.
Her concerns about the efficacy and the safety of these vaccines.
When they were not successful in barring her from the country, the next tactic that they took was to threaten violence against the venues where she was going to be speaking.
We had reports on this the end of January.
She has now cancelled that.
She's in the United States.
She's going to be joining us on the program in the next hour so you can hear what was so threatening to the
Pharmaceutical powers that be in Australia.
You can hear that in the next hour.
We're going to talk to her.
She's going to make her case.
Tell people what she would have told them in Australia.
And it's going to go out over the airwaves.
So tell your friends about it.
Let's go to Rob Dew's report about vaccines and how it's being, we're being lied to by our government and the CDC.
Yes, these men and their hypnotized followers call this a new order.
It is not new.
And it is not order!
Hey guys, Rob Dew from Infowars.com and Infowars Nightly News and I have a follow-up to the lengthy report that I put out just a couple days ago on the Alex Jones Channel and on Prison Planet TV.
That report is currently going viral and I encourage you to watch it.
I'll put a link to that report at the end of this one.
But here I want to focus on Dr. Ann Schuchat.
She's the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC, and she was the one being interviewed by Senator Elizabeth Warren when they had that beautiful exchange of how vaccines were so safe and effective, and that there was no credible science anywhere on the planet that could say otherwise.
Definitely running cover for big pharma.
So I wanted to take a look at Dr. Schuchat, specifically her past to see where she came from.
I hadn't really seen much of her looking at vaccines in the past, but
She was out there, especially back in 2009-2010 flu season during the H1N1 scare, where they were trying to get everybody to get the H1N1 vaccine.
And I found a couple of transcripts from press conferences that she released.
This one's from November 12, 2009, where she says, the immunization efforts with this supply continue to be focused on the target population priority groups.
Pregnant women, health care workers, children and young adults up to 24 and adults 25 to 64 with chronic conditions, and parents and other caretakers with small children and children under six months of age.
But what I'm specifically interested in is what she talks about in the beginning of that priority group section.
It is pregnant women.
Now, I hold here in my hot little hand the influenza virus vaccine Fluzone, and this is from 2009-2010 formula.
This is an old insert that I was able to get back then.
Here it says, under use in specific populations, safety and effectiveness of Fluzone have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers or children under six months of age.
So here, in the insert, it says it's not even recommended for pregnant women.
It hasn't even been studied on pregnant women or young children or nursing mothers.
Flip it over on the back, and it says this.
Under Section 8, Use in Specific Populations.
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with FluZone vaccine.
It is not known whether FluZone can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or affect reproduction capacity.
FluZone vaccine should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.
Under 8.3, nursing mothers, it is not known whether FluZone vaccine is excreted in human milk.
Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when FluZone vaccine is administered to a nursing woman.
So in two different spots in this insert from the same year where Dr. Schuchat was out there promoting that pregnant women should get this vaccine, it says it should not be given and it has not been tested on pregnant women.
There you go, once again the CDC pushing dangerous chemicals and adjuvants and vaccines on people
And on groups that they shouldn't even be targeting.
This is the insert that comes from the maker of the vaccine flu zone dated 2009-2010.
So maybe in November 2009 she hadn't got that information yet.
Well here she is in January on video during a press conference specifically targeting pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Here's that clip.
This is a concerted effort of the CDC, Health and Human Services, and all of our partners to encourage vaccination.
It includes a focus on people at high risk for complications, adults with emphysema, diabetes, cancer, children, pregnant women, and seniors.
Really a focus on encouraging vaccination for anyone who hasn't yet been vaccinated and wants to be.
Vaccine is still important for pregnant women and for postpartum women.
They've had terrible complications from this flu virus.
And although many have been vaccinated, we know others haven't.
And we do encourage vaccination of pregnant and postpartum women.
And doing my research in this 2009 swine flu epidemic, I also recalled the one that happened in the 70s.
And this is one that we have lots of documentation of, especially of the dangerous effects of the vaccine.
Swine flu?
Man, I'm too fast for that to catch me.
In fact, 60 Minutes did a report on it, and here's a couple clips.
Remember the swine flu scare of 1976?
That was the year the U.S.
government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation.
Well, 46 million of us obediently took the shot.
And now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot.
By far the greatest number of the claims, two-thirds of them, are for neurological damage or even death.
So this vaccine was endorsed by the president.
They used several other actor endorsements, including Mary Tyler Moore.
And when she was asked by 60 Minutes, she had this to say.
Mary, did you take a swine flu shot?
No, I did not.
Did you give them permission to use your name saying that you had or were going to?
Absolutely not.
Never did.
Did you ask your own doctor about taking the swine flu shot?
Yes, and at the time he thought it might be a good idea.
But I resisted it because I was leery of having the symptoms that sometimes go with that kind of inoculation.
And when the head of the CDC was asked about this, here's what he had to say.
Let me read to you from one of your own agency's memos, planning the campaign to urge Americans to take the shot.
The swine flu vaccine has been taken by many important persons, he wrote.
Example, President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Elton John, Muhammad Ali, Mary Tyler Moore, Rudolph Nureyev, Walter Cronkite, Ralph Nader, Edward Kennedy, etc., etc.
I'm not familiar with that particular piece of paper, but I do know that at least of that group, President Ford did take the vaccination.
Did you talk to these people beforehand to find out if they planned to take the shot?
I did not know.
Did anybody?
I do not know.
Did you get permission to use their names in your campaign?
I do not know.
So around 500 people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, and at least 25 people died as a result of the vaccine.
In that year, there were only 200 cases of swine flu reported, and ultimately only one death.
So there you go, you see the CDC once again
Scaring the population into getting vaccines and injecting themselves with these chemicals, and then just kind of backing away, oh, and there's a problem.
If a swine flu epidemic comes, this is how it could spread.
You'll want to be protected, especially if you're elderly or chronically ill.
Get a shot of protection, the swine flu shot.
Although the head of the CDC did get fired as a result of this scandal.
Let me ask you another question.
Where do you get your health advice from?
Do you get it from McDonald's?
Well, right now McDonald's is giving away free vaccines with Happy Meals in Texas.
Do you want your hepatitis A shot with that Happy Meal?
This is what Anthony Gucciardi says out of Natural Society.
This program is actually happening in the city of Amarillo, and here's what the local paper had to say.
The City of Amarillo's Department of Public Health and the Caring for Children Foundation of Texas will offer free vaccinations for children from 9 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Saturday at McDonald's Restaurant on 815 South Grand Street.
They were offering the Minococcal vaccine, Varcella, MMR, the Tdap booster vaccine, Hepatitis A.
In addition to letting people set up vaccination clinics on site of one of their stores, I have here a McDonald's coupon that says, well, if McDonald's, the role model of health, thinks it's a good idea, then it must be.
And the coupon says, if you get immunized, bring your card in, you'll get a free vanilla cone.
So now we should be taking our health advice from McDonald's, a company that puts actual silly putty and plastic products in the food that you eat.
Are you loving it yet?
I want to end this report showing how the freedom-loving spirit can prevail in certain instances.
Back in 2011, the Canadian press posted that measles among vaccinated Quebec kids questioned.
And it talks about a case in Quebec where 52 of 98 teens who caught the measles vaccine were fully vaccinated.
And this was a shock to the researchers that investigated it.
And it's not a shock to me.
In fact, here's a clip from Dr. Suzanne Humphreys talking about how people, after they get vaccinated, they actually shed the disease.
I've got another study from Croatia and there were several cases of measles outbreaks occurring in children who had just been vaccinated.
And so they looked at the strain.
They're having intensive surveillance of measles during this period of time.
And so they looked at, with this DNA or genetic fingerprinting, what strains they were.
And it was the vaccine strain that they were infected with.
So not only did they become sick from measles from the strain that they were vaccinated with, but they were contagious.
As a result of this and other stories, there's actually a family out there that started a daycare that's vaccine-free.
In fact, they don't want to take any kids if they've had their vaccinations.
Here it is from CBC News, vaccine-free daycare criticized by Ottawa Public Health.
They say a vaccine-free environment is safer for young children because those who get the needle could, as ABECA calls it, shed some of the disease to others.
Children can just play and we don't have to worry about them contracting something from sheddings.
But Ottawa Public Health has a big issue with vaccine-free daycares and it wants to get the message out to parents that the measles vaccine is both effective and very safe.
I think you're going to see a trend of this happening.
People are going to start bucking the system, saying, look, we don't care what you're saying.
We're not going to put this stuff into us.
You haven't fully tested it.
You're not being forthright.
You've set up a secret court where we can't even get evidence from the vaccine companies, and you just award judgments willy-nilly depending on semantics.
No, people are starting to fight back, and this is one way, and I think you're going to see a lot more of these, and I hope to see a lot more of these in the United States, where freedom-loving Americans are going to put their foot down and say, we want to have an environment where vaccine-free kids can get together, and not just be pushed around by all you vaccine lovers out there.
This has been Rob Due for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
If you like reports like these, please consider becoming a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Thank you.
Very important report from Rob Dew, and of course that aired on InfoWars Nightly News last night.
Pass that around.
People need to understand what's happened in the past.
They need to see how the CDC has conducted itself, especially in the 1976 swine flu scare.
It wasn't an epidemic, it was a scare.
Absolutely shameful.
And yet, when you look at this, it's déjà vu all over again.
The only thing they weren't doing at the time was trying to take away our informed consent.
As a matter of fact, one of the things they were criticized for in the 60 Minutes report was giving people these consent reforms.
They said, well, since there weren't any doctors there, because 40 years ago we realized the importance of the doctor-patient relationship.
Proceeding with informed consent without third-party interference without mandates from outside mandates from the government So they said well because we didn't have doctors present what they did was they gave them consent forms the problem was That the information they gave them on the consent form was for a different vaccine not for the one that they would be receiving so it's loaded with a lot of
Huge bombshell information, that 60 Minutes report.
It's very good to see this put in the context that Rob Dew did, so pass that around.
Now we're having some good news.
We have some real good news in terms of people waking up and I don't want to just focus on places where we have a threat.
There are places where we are winning big time.
There's a story that's been picked up yet again.
This is on Drudge.
This is the BuzzFeed talking about Ron Paul appearing at a Mises Institute meeting about secession and the comments that he made.
He said it's good news that secession is happening.
He says it's going to happen.
It's going to be a de facto
And we're going to talk about what he means by that because we had him on after he appeared there and he said, I'm not obsessed about obsession.
He was talking about something that's a bit different than what you might think of when you say secession.
It's not about people rising up and leaving like they may do in the EU.
We'll talk about that right after the break.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In the last segment, we were talking about the news that's resurfaced about Ron Paul talking about secession.
Of course, they bring that up to try to paint Ron Paul as a right-wing fanatic extremist, the very kind of person that the Obama administration is more concerned about than ISIS.
And of course, we know that from the 2009 MIAC report where the Fusion Center was saying,
Be very careful of anybody that you see that has a Ron Paul for President bumper sticker or a Constitution Party Chuck Baldwin.
Those people are dangerous.
Profile them.
So this is part of this.
What was Ron Paul actually saying?
Let's play a clip from Ron Paul.
We're going to start off by talking about the subject, and the subject of course is secession and nullification, the breaking up of government.
The good news is it's going to happen!
It's happening!
Yeah, the good news is it's going to happen, but he went on to say that it's going to be de facto.
He said the Fed is going to end.
There is going to be a de facto secession movement going on.
The states are going to refuse to listen to some of the laws.
He's talking about nullification here.
He's talking about de facto.
In other words, not something where you make a declaration, but something that just happens naturally.
And we see it happening now.
He said we've seen tremendous success already with states saying to the federal government, we're not going to listen to you anymore about the drug laws.
Perfect example.
We're good.
Not a right-wing thing, necessarily.
This is the left saying, you know what, we're not going to lock people up in prison for a mandatory minimum of 10, 20 years because they've got a little bit of pot.
This is insanity.
We're not going to continue with this.
So you've got states like Colorado and Oregon, Washington, other places saying, we're not going to do this.
Of course, they tried to do it in Florida over medical marijuana, and just not even extending it to recreational use.
Uh, medical marijuana.
Why does he want to stop sick people from being helped with medical marijuana?
And it is very helpful for people who are taking chemo, who are suffering from HIV.
It helps with the nausea of those issues.
It helps with glaucoma.
There are some very well-known ways that, uh, marijuana helps people.
I could go on with a very long list of this.
I don't have time for it.
The opposition person who didn't give quite as much as Sheldon Adelson was a lawyer named John Morgan.
Now the interesting thing is that the Democratic National Committee's chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is a congressperson from Florida and she spoke out very strongly in opposition to helping people who are sick get marijuana.
She opposed this initiative.
The people who were in favor of this were very, very critical of her, so she sent a proposal to John Morgan, the Orlando trial lawyer who funded just under 50% of the opposition.
She said, if you'll retract critical statements that you made, I will publicly back your cannabis initiative.
That she had just been trashing this last fall.
And what he said to her was, no.
And he said, she is a bully.
I beat bullies for a living.
Good for him.
That's the kind of lawyer I want if I get into some issues.
I want somebody who stands up to bullies and beats them for a living.
Good for you, John Morgan.
Now, this is what else they said in the story.
They said, of course, it was voted on by just under 58% of the people wanted
We're winning.
We're shutting them off at the state level, at the local level.
That's what Ron Paul was talking about with secession, and we're going to do it.
We're going to do more of it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're going to have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny in the next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, February 20th, 2015.
We're going to be joined in the next segment by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, the person that they
We're able to keep out of Australia.
They essentially stopped her tour of Australia.
She wanted to talk about informed consent.
They don't want to hear that.
She wanted to talk about the safety and efficacy of vaccines in Australia.
They don't want to hear that either.
First they tried to bar her from the country.
Do they do that with Islamic jihadists?
Will they keep imams out?
That would be politically incorrect, but it's okay to shut somebody down when they're talking about an informed patient-doctor relationship, when they're talking about the safety and the efficacy, and when they're talking about stopping mandatory health care treatment.
It's not just enough in this country where we have the Fourth Amendment that recognizes our right to be secure in our persons.
It's not just enough for them to put their hands on us.
They now assert that they're going to be able to
Insert chemicals into us, and we're not allowed to question what that is.
We should be questioning that.
We have a New York University professor who questioned it.
He's uncovered the fact that the FDA systematically covers up fraud and misconduct in drug trials.
That's called regulatory capture.
That's the phrase.
It's a very common thing that happens when you create these government agencies that are supposed to regulate industries or companies or whatever.
Instead, they wind up being a tool of what they're supposed to regulate.
They wind up being bought by those people.
Regulatory capture.
How does it work for the FDA?
Well, they point out in the article, they say the FDA has shown a pattern of buying into the details of misconduct.
Nobody ever finds out what data is bogus, which experiments are tainted, which drugs might be on the market under false pretenses.
The FDA has repeatedly hidden evidence of scientific fraud, not just from the public, but also from its most trusted scientific advisors, even as they were deciding whether or not a new drug should be allowed on the market.
Even a congressional panel investigating a case of fraud.
Regarding a dangerous drug, couldn't get forthright answers.
Yeah, we see this all the time, of course.
We can't have the congressmen see what the FAA is planning to do with their new regulations, what the FCC is planning to do to the internet.
We can't see what this Trans-Pacific or Trans-Atlantic partnership that's being negotiated by corporate lobbyists of the biggest multinational companies.
We can't see what's in that.
We just have to pass it so we can find out what's in it, like we did with Obamacare.
People are finding out what's in that, and they don't like it.
Not even the Democrats like that.
Of course, we now have to just put the vaccines in our bodies so we can find out what's in them.
This is an article from Slade, and they say, reading the FDA's inspection files feels almost like watching a highlights reel from a Scientist Gone Wild video.
They say they find faked x-ray reports, forged retinal scans, phony lab tests,
Secretly amputated limbs, all done in the name of science, when researchers thought nobody was watching.
And they say, well of course, you're going to find, it's not shocking that you find misconduct.
Misconduct happens.
It's like what Frank Serpico said about the police.
He said, you're going to have in any segment of society, whether you're talking about scientists or policemen on the streets, you're going to have people that do the wrong thing.
You're going to have criminal activity.
The question, though, is will the system purge that criminal activity, or will it accept it?
Because when you accept it, the system becomes criminal.
You become the accessory to the crime.
You encourage the crime.
Well, that's what the FDA did.
They say, what's shocking is not that this happened.
What's shocking is what the FDA did.
When the FDA finds scientific fraud or misconduct, the agency doesn't notify the public.
The medical establishment, or even the scientific community, that the results of a medical experiment are not to be trusted.
On the contrary, for more than a decade, the FDA has shown a pattern of burying the details of misconduct.
They say they have things like 483s, establishment inspection reports, worst case warning letters.
They redact it and put it out.
It's like the NSA.
That's what we've been saying.
Our government no longer believes in transparency of any way, shape or form.
They're not going to show us the studies.
They're not going to show us the experiments.
In fact, if they even did it, because it doesn't support what they want to do.
They've been captured by the corporation.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
You're going to find out what they desperately tried to keep out of Australia.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Joining us now is Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Dr. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country's most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health.
She is an outspoken advocate for free choice in health care.
What a novel idea.
Free choice in health care.
We hear people talking about free choice.
Most of the quote-unquote pro-choice people, the only choice they want to give you is whether or not you want to abort your unborn child, because most of those same people are screaming at the top of their lungs for mandated vaccines.
They could care less about your choice.
Well, you know what?
We do have a choice.
We do have a free choice.
Dr. Tenpenny is also an expert on women's breast health and the use of iodine for disease.
Her website is tenpennyimc.com.
And before I go to her,
As I pointed out earlier in the show, we had these reports as she was going to speak in Australia.
They tried to bar her from coming into the country.
Then, when that didn't work, they started phoning in bomb threats to the venues where she was going to be speaking.
We had headlines, Doctor Educating Public on Vaccines Receiving Bomb Threats and Cancels Tours.
That was one week after they had suffered from these different threats.
So there's something there that they don't want you to hear.
When we question the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, whether or not they're effective, rather than responding to that question, they act as our government always does.
And that is, if you expose criminal action in the government, they come after you as the criminal.
They try to put you in jail.
They threaten to assassinate you.
You get suicided.
That's what our government always does.
That's what they're doing with the vaccines.
They don't address the issues that we have there.
So the question is, what is it that they're trying to hide?
by attacking the messenger.
Well, in this case, the messenger is Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Thank you for joining us, Dr. Tenpenny.
You're welcome.
Thanks so much for having me.
I am really interested to know, and I'm sure our listeners are as well, what was this scary message that was so important that they kept you out of Australia?
It was a really interesting thing.
We started out as a trip, just as a holiday, as a vacation, and then I met Miss Stephanie Messenger, who is from Australia, and she said, while you're here, would you like for me to set up a few speaking venues for you?
I said, yeah, that would be kind of fun.
I would be able to go to a couple more cities than what I was originally planning to do.
So she set up venues in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Gold Coast.
And it was going to be just probably a couple hundred people, more likely than not, kind of speaking to the choir, people that knew me from Facebook or maybe from this show or from Coast to Coast, and just get to know some people locally.
I got my plane ticket, got my visa, and then on January the 4th, there was this big blow-up in the Daily Telegraph and in the Daily News and on The Guardian and all the radio shows from Australia started calling me and the first radio show I did was the largest radio show in Sydney and the gentleman asked me at the end of the radio interview, he said,
Were you really surprised at the big blowback from all the media that was down here who didn't want you to come and said that you were a menace to public health and they labeled you as a public health terrorist?
They were making appeals and setting up surveys in order to get the public health department to revoke my visa.
He said, were you rather surprised at that?
And I said, very surprised.
I've been to Australia before.
I think it's a great country.
And I was very surprised at the way they reacted because the truth is
I would have spoken to about 1,500 people over the course of three weekends, quietly gotten on my plane to come back to the United States, and who would have even known I was there except a few hundred people that probably were like-minded anyways.
You are the people that made it truly into an international incident in all of the mainstream media in Australia, Canada, and the UK.
I was doing interviews in all of those places all across the U.S.
And now millions and millions and millions of more people are aware of the fact that vaccines can cause problems, that Australia really doesn't have freedom of speech.
Not only do they not have freedom of speech, they really don't have freedom of hearing either.
They don't want their citizens to know.
Yes, that's the key thing, that we have to want our freedom of speech, we have to, as you point out, our freedom of hearing.
We not only have to want to know what, to be informed, we have to want to be informed.
And of course we are going to lose that right along with many other rights that we have lost if we don't demand those rights.
And we cannot allow them to turn us into guinea pigs, into slaves, and that's what we will be if we allow them to force any kind of medical treatment on us.
Vaccines are a large part of that, and it's amazing to me, Dr. Tenpenny, that they're rolling this thing out over something that I had as a childhood disease, and we never considered measles to be life-threatening, or mumps.
Well, there's a couple things I'd like to say about that.
One is, I got an email from someone in Australia that I thought just summed it up very well, when they said, it's okay to question as long as you don't disagree.
And I think that's where we're headed.
And so now we can't even, it's okay to say our vaccine's unsafe.
We can ask that question as long as we go ahead and get vaccinated anyways.
And we are really heading down the path, like you said, most people over the age of 50 had measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pertussis.
They went through a couple of weeks of being uncomfortable with a rash and a fever and some runny nose.
And as long as they were well nourished and in our country had plenty of vitamin A. In fact, the World Health Organization policy was always when they did vaccination campaigns for the measles vaccines, even in third world countries, that previously they would go into these villages and give very high doses of vitamin A for two days before the shot.
The vitamin A at the very high levels, like 400,000 units a day for two days.
And the reason for that is that the vitamin A would protect from the viral insult from the vaccine.
And the viruses in the vaccine incorporate the vitamin A into their shell and their coat.
And that keeps any sort of disease or illness from happening.
And even children that had measles, if they got vitamin A, it shortened up the illness quickly.
They took quite, by many, many days and they didn't have any serious outcomes.
So back when you and I were of the age that measles was very prevalent, chickenpox was very prevalent, these were considered diseases of inconvenience.
There's been lots of things that have been on the internet about, you know, like the Brady Bunch video that's out there that shows that all the kids had measles and had to stay home from school and it was just so inconvenient and they sat around playing card games because they had to miss school.
It was never a big deal.
No, we had parents would send us down to our neighbors.
We've talked about this many times.
Everybody our age knows that they found out that somebody down the street had measles.
They would send you down and hang out, play with them, so that you could get the measles.
What they didn't do, Dr. Tenpenny, was to send me down and get the measles from Johnny, and then send me to Sally's house and get the mumps, and then send me to Joe's house and get rubella, and continue on and on and on, which is the other part of this.
The massive multiple vaccinations, as Dr. Wakefield pointed out, they had a drop
In autism, when they stopped giving the MMR shots in Japan, and then it went up again.
And they were puzzled by this.
What's going on?
Then he realized that in practice what they were doing was giving all three of these separate vaccine shots together on the same day.
They had seen a drop when they separated the shots out, spaced them out.
When they gave them all on the same day, they saw the autism rate go back up.
And that's what's happening now.
As recently as 1985, there really were only three vaccines.
There was the MMR vaccine, the DPT, which is diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, and a polio vaccine that has three different polio antigens in it.
As recently as 1985, it was only those three vaccines.
We would spread them apart.
We wouldn't give them all together.
Probably a lot of the kids didn't even get the whole series.
And then in 1991 is when the big ramp up started.
When they added Hepatitis B at birth, they added the Hib vaccine at two months of age, and then they continued to add vaccines along the way until now children get 49 doses of 15 different vaccines by the time they start kindergarten.
And then when they add in the teen vaccines, the Pertussis booster, the Gardasil, the meningitis vaccine,
That by the time kids are now 18 and they get flu shots every year and they get tetanus boosters, that they get over 69 doses of 16 different vaccines.
And so we, how, I don't know how even a slightly thinking person could look at that and say that was harmless and it was good for you and it was a must.
And these vaccine mandates that are coming down the road are very serious because it's not only about
Forcing parents to get vaccines that are currently in the vaccine schedule that perhaps they don't want.
But there are more than 200 vaccines in the schedule right now in the pipeline.
Most of them being targeted towards adolescents and adults.
And for the pharmaceutical industry to have those protected, they have to be on the childhood vaccination schedule.
So if we lose our right to refuse now, and our right to refuse a flu shot in exchange for a job, or any sort of vaccines in order to go to a public education, what's going to happen in another couple of years is as all these additional vaccines roll down the pipeline, we won't have the ability to refuse those either.
You know, it's not very good for the people of our country, but of course it is very good for the pharmaceutical companies.
Second quarter of last year, we had a list of the big companies that paid zero taxes.
Guess who was at the top of that list?
Two billion dollars and one quarter of profits.
No taxes.
And of course, number two under them was Seagate, that we just found out has a lot of infections inside their hard disk drives that are probably related to the NSA.
But still, a large part of this is about the money.
And I'm concerned, Dr. Tenpenny, because as we saw the Ebola scare this last fall, as we saw people being brought in by the CDC, by the American government that had Ebola,
That they were not taking proper care because this disease was transmitted to people who were following the procedures of the CDC.
Nevertheless, they still caught this disease.
They were talking about the pharmaceutical drugs that they were creating, the synthetics that they were creating, to
Uh, and they had not had these things evaluated.
They were saying, we're going to have to get to the position if it's not this outbreak.
There's going to be an outbreak in the future where we're not going to have time to even pretend to do any testing.
They pretend that these vaccines are tested, but they don't give us the information on it.
I'm concerned that they're going to have a outbreak.
They're going to say, we haven't had time to evaluate this, but we think it works.
And they're going to force everybody to take whatever it is.
That's a very, very dangerous situation.
They've already set the laws in place for that.
That started back in 1986 with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which it's way past time for that to be repealed.
Because if the drug companies are going to make us take all the risk of the vaccines and the drugs, and take all the risk of what might happen to us, and have zero liability, in fact, if that product even kills you, then something needs to change.
We are not allowed to know what information they have about the safety or the efficacy of it.
And of course, we cannot sue them.
It goes to a vaccine court, which has paid out billions of dollars in damages.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
And we're going to talk about these legal issues.
We're going to talk about informed consent.
That's very important.
We cannot lose that.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
On this Friday, February 20th, 2015, we're talking to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
And of course, she entered the news in a very big way in Australia when they tried to ban her from entering the country.
Because she was going to talk about vaccines, about informed consent, about us having information, and about the necessity of having our consent do something to us.
Now, this was reported in the Sydney Morning Sun on January the 7th.
They had had an interview, as Dr. Tenpenny pointed out, on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's radio, and they said, after that,
There were calls to block her from entering Australia, to bar her from entering Australia, saying her beliefs are a threat to society.
But Dr. Tenpenny responded and said, know what I really am, and what all of us are for the most part, are pro-information, pro-education, completely for freedom of choice and informed consent.
So Dr. Tenpenny, I want to talk to you in this segment
Let's talk about the laws that are already in place.
You started to talk about that before because I said I'm concerned about what they're going to do in terms of how they're going to actually implement and take and actually use these laws that they have put into place.
I think they're preparing the public mentally with this scare over measles, a minor childhood disease that was never considered to be life-threatening as we talked about.
They've already put some laws in place and a lot of laws are being proposed all over the country.
Let's talk about some of those laws that are in place and the ones that are being proposed.
The one that was put into place in 1986 was the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and it was at that point in time that the pharmaceutical industry was getting sued left and right over the problems with the Pertussis vaccine.
Most of the drug companies that were creating vaccines went out of business and several that were remaining went to
Then President Reagan said, you've got to do something to protect us or because this is the cornerstone of our public health and that we have to have vaccines and without vaccines, humanity probably won't survive.
And so they passed this this law in 1986.
Part of that law is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which is the VAERS system.
That is a passive collection of people who have had side effects.
And the side effects can be anything from a sore arm all the way up to a death.
Anybody can report a problem and that's why the FDA doesn't take it very seriously.
They just think it's anecdotal.
Anybody can report a problem.
Unless they see some serious trends, they don't pay any attention to it.
And I don't think most people know that that exists.
I think there's a lot of stuff that's underreported because most people don't know that they could report these symptoms there.
We didn't know about it with our children.
And they actually have said that David Satcher, who was the Surgeon General at the time, said that less than 10% of adverse events are actually reported, whether that be a vaccine or a drug, less than 10%.
So we know that about 12,000 VAERS reports are filed every year.
And if that's only 10%, that could mean as many as 120,000 reactions, many of them serious, that go underreported because nobody knows to report them.
And with that, we've paid almost $3 billion out in vaccine injury compensation claims, even though only 25% of people actually file a claim actually get compensation, and it can take years for that to happen.
How does that work out?
How does that vaccine compensation work out when we can't sue the companies?
It's a vaccine court, right?
Well, it's called the Vaccine Court, which is a federal court of claims where you file a claim.
And if you are only 25% of the people who file the claim get any compensation.
And there are many people who have an injury to the vaccine that don't even qualify to file a claim because there is a table.
It's called the Vaccine Injury Table that says these are the only types of side effects that we will allow compensation for.
But what about all the other people that have serious lifelong complications that start outside the window of what the table lays out there and they can't get any claim.
They're just hazards of the system.
They are just disposable people that they just sacrifice themselves for the greater good or their children and there's nothing, there's no compensation.
You can't sue the doctor, the hospital, the manufacturers, the government.
You are just stuck with your lifelong of bad disease and no money to help you pay to get better.
So the vaccine court is another one of these nonsense courts like the FISA court, like the traffic court, like the tax court, where you don't have any rights, you don't have any representation, you don't have a jury.
It's just a whitewash for the industry.
It's an absolute kangaroo court.
In fact, the people who are the judges, so to speak, they don't even call them judges, they call them special masters, and they are appointed, they have no medical background, and so they already, for the most part, are pro-vaccine.
They listen to the pro-vaccine side of the equation, and they politely listen to the other side, and then say, no, I don't think this has anything to do with it.
There are very few cases for which that vaccines have have that they have been adjudicated in the favor of the... We got to go to a break, Dr. Tempeny.
We're going to come back and talk about this more, but I want to say to the people on the left, the ones who are most strident and calling for the elimination of informed consent.
Understand that this was Ronald Reagan who created this kangaroo court, this vaccination court.
The same time he was creating mandatory minimums that filled up our prisons to the bursting point, caused us to have to release violent criminals so we could put people away from minor drug offenses.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Dr. Tim Penny.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host this hour.
I just want to let you know that we're going to go back to Dr. Sherry Tinpenny in just a moment, but before we do, we've got specials at the Infowarslife.com website.
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We're going to go back to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Her website is...
We were just talking in the last segment about the history of the government's protection of the vaccine companies going back to 1986 where Ronald Reagan removed the ability of people who suffer adverse effects from the drug companies vaccines, removed their ability to sue the vaccine companies.
Instead they set up this kangaroo court
With special masters who would allocate money based on people who have been injured on vaccines.
You wouldn't have a real court just like we don't have real courts for virtually anything anymore.
Whether it's traffic court or whether it's the FISA court, it's just a kangaroo legal system that we have now.
And most people don't even try, even in a criminal case, they don't even look for a jury trial because we've been lied to for so long about what juries are for.
They feel that they were just copped to one of the pleas and avoid a trial altogether.
But I think it's very important for us to talk to Dr. Tenpenny.
Of course, they were very strident about shutting down her message in Australia.
There were bomb threats when they were not able to bar her from entering the country.
As the person who was working with her to get her to speak in Australia pointed out, Stephanie Messenger, she said, we can't get doctors in Australia to talk about the risk of vaccination because they've been warned by the medical board that they will be stricken from the register.
In other words, they're going to lose their
License to practice, just as lawyers who inform people in court about the true purpose of a jury, that you are there to judge not only the law, but the way it's being applied.
Not only the facts of the case, but the way the law is being applied, whether you agree with that law.
If you are a lawyer and you tell that to a jury, in most cases you're going to get disbarred.
It's a real war against information.
That's why we talk about it as being the info war.
It really is about information.
And they don't want you to be informed, and they don't want your consent.
And I want to go back to Dr. Tenpenny.
I want to continue talking about the legal history of protecting the vaccine companies, as well as the things that they've already put in place to enact a kind of medical tyranny.
Go ahead, Dr. Tenpenny.
We were just talking about the vaccine court.
And continue on with that and what they've done since then in terms of laws they put in that would force us to take vaccines.
Well, as if the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in 1986 wasn't bad enough, it was in about 2004 that they passed something called Addendum E. And that's posted on my vaccine website, which is drtenpenny.com.
And there is a downloadable PDF file that will be up there later today or in the next couple of days that I will share with all of the InfoWars listeners.
And I wrote about it a lot in my book called, Foul, Birth Flu, It's Not What You Think.
And what Addendum E was, was the next level ramping up of complete protection for the pharmaceutical industry that, unless you could prove intent that they were intending to create a product, either a vaccine or a drug, to kill you, and you died from this product, you had even less ability to have any sort of recourse than what the
National Injury Compensation Program gave you.
It was putting into place the fast tracking of vaccines and drugs if we needed them for a terrorism or a bioterrorism sort of activity.
There was no compensation whatsoever.
And the person who pushed that through was then Senator Fritz.
I don't know.
And they swore that they were going to revisit this after they returned from the Christmas break, which they never did.
And so that is already on the books to protect them from all liability going forward.
The other thing that is now coming into play is all the laws that are being pushed forward in a very rapid, illogical fashion to revoke all of the exemptions that we have had in place since the early 1900s for the right to refuse vaccines.
All 50 states have had a medical exemption.
48 states have had a religious exemption, with the exception of West Virginia and Mississippi.
And we've had 20 states that have had what's called a philosophical exemption.
Which means you look at the risk of the vaccine and you compare it to the risk of the illness and say, I don't think so.
I think I can keep my children healthy by other means.
Well, since this whole measles nonsense has rolled forward, they are now fast tracking these bills all across the country.
In fact, if you go to the NVICAdvocacy.org website, which tracks all of these bills that are coming forward, you will see that there are anywhere between three and five bills in every state to repeal, all rights to refuse.
In fact, right before I came on the show today, I got an email that Washington State, which historically has had a philosophical exemption, and a couple of years ago they limited that and said that you have to, in order to get your philosophical exemption, you have to
Have an appointment with a doctor and go through an indoctrination episode.
And now, they have passed a law, passed a committee that's gone into full law to completely repeal all rights to refuse in the state of Washington.
And this just happened just in the last 48 hours.
And that's really a sad thing, because, well, we do have one piece of good news, and I'll pass this on to you.
We've been contacted by Representative David Sawicki in Maine.
He has sponsored a Maine House bill called My Body, My Choice.
It's an act to make it illegal to require anyone to receive a vaccine against their free will.
That is, though, the minority report.
As you pointed out, in virtually all these states, we have a lot of bills that are being prepared to take away our exemption, as they call it.
This is the way that they talk when they talk about, you know, tax exemption or they talk about a tax cut being an expenditure.
In other words, all your money belongs to them unless they exempt it from being taken away.
And then, of course, that's an expenditure.
We are not allowed to have, as they're talking about in California, they say we want to eliminate the personal belief exemption.
Of course, it's being pushed very heavily by the LA Times.
Personal belief, that's what we used to call information, being informed.
And then an exemption is what we used to say was consent, but now they have completely twisted this around.
I think it's also interesting, Dr. Tenpenny, as you pointed out, the connections between Ronald Reagan, who put in the protection from being sued in 1986, and then the representative who pushed in this 2004 addendum to remove even more liability from the pharmaceutical companies also being a Republican.
I think it's very interesting when we look at how Megyn Kelly of Fox News comes in and says, well, yeah, it's Big Brother, but sometimes you need Big Brother.
You know when you need Big Brother?
It's when the guy who owns your network, Rupert Murdoch, has a son who's been sitting on the board for a number of years on GlaxoSmithKline.
When you're intimately tied into the pharmaceutical industry, when they pay for most of the commercials that you put on your network,
That's when you have to have big brother, when you've got to force people to buy products from your corporate sponsors.
And I find that we're in a very dangerous situation right here because we know that the GOP is very closely linked to the pharmaceutical company.
And we know that the Democrats love the idea of mandates, and so they're pushing for this everywhere.
This is a very concerning time, Dr. Tim Penney.
I think they've got a really good chance of putting this through unless we get some kind of a coalition that goes across these political lines that breaks this kind of mindset that we need to mandate things, and breaks this connection of crony capitalism that's rampant in the Republican Party.
Back in 2010, there was a policy that came out.
It was called the Healthy People 2020 Policy.
And they've been doing this every 10 years to push forth public health agendas.
It started in the 80s and every 10 years they evaluated where they had moved this public health agenda moving forward.
And in 2010, there was this big celebratory thing that happened because the next 10 years between 2010 and 2020 was going to be the year to push forward all of these vaccine mandates, to allow, to disallow people the right to refuse, to make as an obligation of employment for in the healthcare industry, not only nurses and doctors, but anybody else that works in healthcare, including people in the IT department and volunteers, in order to have not only a flu shot,
But all of the vaccines that have been approved by the ACIP, the Approval Committee, that they should have all of these vaccines and be up to date on all of them as a requirement for employment.
That was part of these Healthy People 2020 rules.
So what we're seeing now in terms of taking away the exemptions, pushing the flu shots on health care workers, the next phase will be the additional shots like the pneumonia shot and all of those things.
There's another policy statement that just came out on the
We're good to go.
It's not about whether you're a bad parent, whether or not you get your kids a couple of these vaccines.
It's about what is barreling down the track at us in a very near future, and I would maintain that many of the very leftists or very liberal
Pro-vaccine, rabid pro-vaccine people that don't even understand that what is coming down on them, they may not want to have a shot that requires them to get something for obesity or depression or for periodontal disease or for their high blood pressure and they may not have a right to refuse that.
Yeah, we have a full-scale medical tyranny.
As you point out, this is a plan they had in place, talking about how they're going to roll this out between 2010 and 2020.
Here we are at the midpoint, and they're putting all the legislation in place.
This is something I just don't understand.
I know there's a knee-jerk reaction amongst many on the left to give all power to the state, to force people to do stuff, but as you point out, can't they see where this is headed in a full-scale medical tyranny?
I just don't understand their mindset.
And not only will it become about vaccines, I mean, when they first started mandating flu shots for healthcare workers about three years ago, I had seen this coming for five or six years before that.
And I said, where is this going to stop?
That they require someone to be injected with a substance against their will, that's not like a B12 shot or a vitamin shot, it's something that can cause them serious harm, in some cases even cause them to die.
And the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the last two years has paid out
More compensation for people injured by the flu shot than for any other vaccine.
And I think it's because they're requiring so many people to have it.
So are we going, where are we going to stop with that?
Is it going to be all the vaccines?
Is it going to be if you're having a bad day, you're required to have your Prozac?
If it's at your, if your cholesterol level normal is less than 200 and yours is 201,
You must take your Lipitor or you will be denied health insurance?
Are we going to be required to have these things to get on an airplane?
To renew our driver's license?
To go into a liquor store to prove that we can be out in public?
I mean, where is this tyranny going to stop?
Full-scale control.
You won't be able to travel.
You won't be able to work.
We've already seen this happen to the medical community.
We've seen... have many people who call in.
We ask people to call in and tell us about the adverse reactions that they've had to vaccines.
And of course, we're going to be taking calls on that and on anything else you'd like to call in in the next hour.
I'll be giving that number out later on.
But people will call in and say, I had to take this because I was in the military.
I had to take it because I was a health care worker.
They're going to extend that to everybody.
They're not going to, as you pointed out, they're not going to let you travel.
They're not going to let your kids get into school.
They're going to essentially quarantine you out of society with this kind of medical tyranny.
And of course, they're not going to stop there.
They will kick the door down at some point and come in and shoot you with a vaccine if you don't shoot them with a gun first.
That's where it's really going to come down to.
So we really need to fight this at this point.
We need to wake up to what is the logical result of this.
And Dr. Penny, Tim Penny, I think that we look at this and we say, look at the precedents that they're establishing, the way that they are setting the public up with their mindset.
Just talking about this measles thing, we know that's just a small part of it.
That's not really the full agenda.
They're just using that right now.
We've been talking about fluoridating the water for a long time.
Whether you believe what we're saying about our health concerns about that.
How do you ever justify mass medicating the public through the water supply for anything?
You can't control the dosage when you put it into the water supply.
We have legitimate dosages for anything.
So you have a child who is maybe, you know, you don't know what kind of level that they're going to get because you can't control the concentration of that when you just dump it into the water supply.
They might get something that is many times higher than you would give to an adult male.
So that's what we're concerned about.
If you establish that as a principle, and that's what this is all about, that's what this measles epidemic is about, that they're talking about forcing people to take vaccines.
They establish these precedents.
Of mass medication, of taking away your informed consent, and they've got some things down the line that we should all be very concerned about, whether we're Republicans, Democrats, left or right.
Oh, absolutely.
And you know, not only do they have all the fluoride in the water, but there have been several studies that have come out now showing all of the pharmaceuticals that are in the water.
And to my knowledge, there's no real filters out there to be able to filter out all these different pharmaceuticals because some of them are really small molecules, some of them are very large molecules.
And so we're getting our dose of daily Prozac in our tap water every day.
Yeah, absolutely.
We've seen that with the fish.
They talk about how the fish are behaving strangely and reacting to these SSRI drugs because, as you pointed out, the water systems are not filtering that out.
The water treatment systems are not set up to filter those pharmaceuticals out.
So they're accumulating and building in the water supply.
And even with children with vaccines, with this one-size-fits-all vaccination policy that is only set up for the convenience of doctor visits and the insurance company, that they are to get these vaccines at birth, two months, four months, six months, one year, and pre-kindergarten.
It's all set up on that schedule at the convenience of the insurance industry.
And all the vaccines are given at the same dose at the same way.
So it doesn't matter if you are a 6-pound premature baby or if you're a 12-pound baby, you get the same dose.
And the same thing happens all the way up the scale.
There's another thing that not very many people know about is about half of the vaccines, when you get the little vial and there's the gray stopper at the top that you put the needle through,
In about half of the vaccines, that is a very inert rubber.
It's a gray rubber that's very inert, causes no side effects, no reactions.
In another half of the vaccines, those rubber stoppers still contain large amounts of latex.
So they sensitize people to latex through that rubber stopper.
And because you don't know which one of those that you're getting, unless you know the manufacturer, you may be getting a lot of sensitization to latex, which increases your incidence of asthma and allergies.
Increases your reaction to foods.
And all of these things are happening behind the scenes to confuse people so that they're not getting all of the same vaccine.
Because if we were all getting all the same vaccine, and it was dose-related to our age and to our weight, and we're taking into consideration things like family history and whether your parents had a vaccine reaction, we would have a completely different conversation.
But instead, it's this militant tyranny to make sure we were all inoculated with all of these substances.
That's very interesting because latex allergies were essentially, and I'd never heard of that before I became an adult just a couple of decades ago, now it's fairly prevalent.
It's amazing to see how these different things like that, like autism, as you pointed out, we can't get, they're not interested in studying it or in terms of releasing those studies to us, but they also, by putting some of them out with an inert rubber and putting some of them out with a latex, it confuses it.
It muddies the water.
We can't get a good epidemiological study about the real effects of this.
And I think it's deliberate.
I think I picked up that you believe that it's deliberate too, don't you Dr. Tim Finney?
We're going to be right back.
We've got one more segment with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
We'll also be taking your calls in the next hour, so stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight and we're talking to Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
She was kept out of Australia because they didn't want people to hear her message about informed consent, her questioning of the safety and the efficacy of the vaccines.
In the last segment we were talking about how the government has moved to protect the vaccine companies from litigation.
What does that tell you?
What does it tell you that they have to be protected from being sued?
What does it tell you that they want to demand that you be forced to take their products?
Shouldn't you demand to be informed?
Shouldn't you demand that they have to get your consent?
Shouldn't you demand your rights?
And as you pointed out, though, we've got bills pretty much in every state that are coming out to force
Uh, mandated vaccines to remove our informed consent.
Dr. Tenpenny, tell us where we can get information from you.
You're a wealth of information.
You've got a lot of, uh, you've got several different websites here.
Tell us where we can go to get more information.
Well, one closing comment, David, that I think is really important is that the politicians in your state and the politicians in Washington only care about two things.
They care about votes and they care about money.
And right now we are really in a fight for our life.
It's a race to the finish line to protect our rights on a state level.
And so every one of your listeners really needs to go to NVICAdvocacy.org
Get signed up for your own states.
Start letting people know that you've got to protect your right to refuse, not only what is on the schedule today, but what's coming.
For more information from me, you can get that at dr10penny.com, which is dr10penny, just like it sounds, dot com.
My Facebook page is Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines.
And I have another site that's called the Vaccine Research Library, which is vaccineresearchlibrary.com.
Well, we've collected more than 6,500 mainstream medical articles that show problems associated with vaccines.
You can sign up there for free for two weeks, get information about MMR, aluminum, and pertussis, and hopefully spread the word that vaccines are not safe, they're not effective, they don't protect you, and they do cause harm.
And we'll have those links on the YouTube video of this interview.
That'll be on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
And if you're not a subscriber to our YouTube channel, please become a subscriber.
You'll see these videos as they come up.
You'll be able to find these links to these different groups.
And of course, we would ask that you support our operation by subscribing to Prison Planet TV, where you'll get the nightly news each night.
And be able to share that with 20 people.
Now, the one that is talking about the bills that are being introduced in all the different states.
Let me repeat that one again, Dr. Tempeny.
That's NVICadvocacy.org, is that correct?
That's correct.
And when you go there for your particular state and you register, you will only get alerts about your state.
So you're not going to be inundated.
If you're in Pennsylvania, you're not going to know about Oklahoma.
So you're just going to know about the states that are very important to you, and they will tell you, this is a good bill.
Encourage your representatives to vote for this one.
This is a bad bill.
It's going to take away your rights.
Encourage your representatives to vote no on this bill.
This is the most urgent point in time we've ever had with this issue.
Everyone who cares about their freedom, about what's going on with their lives, the lives of their children and your grandchildren, you must get involved.
You must get involved.
That's very important and I think we can have much more effect at the local, at the state level.
People knowing what is coming up in their particular state, being able to go in.
I think the people who are concerned about this, the people who are informed about this, the people who demand that they have individual liberty, those are people who will really stand up and fight in most cases because they're looking
At this issue, they understand the threat that it is to their freedoms, they understand the threat that it is to their health, to the life of themselves and their families, and I think if they can network together, that's very important.
We need to not only just stop the bad bills that are going to remove our informed consent, but we need to put it in law as this representative in Maine, the My Body, My Choice, as he put it, an act to make it illegal to require anyone to receive a vaccine against their free will.
What's so controversial about that?
That ought to be the default position in America.
Unfortunately, it isn't.
We're going to have to fight.
Thank you so much, Dr. Tenpenny, for the information, for your efforts, and we'll have those links for those various sites up on the YouTube channel.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you.
Stay with us right after the break.
We'll be taking your calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, February 20th, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'm your host this hour.
We're going to be taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
We're going to pretty much open this up to any topic.
We were talking in the last hour to Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, who was basically kept from speaking in Australia.
First, they had strident calls for the immigration department there to not allow her to get into the country, to bar her from the country when they failed to do that.
They started having bomb threats at the various venues where she was going to speak, so they essentially cancelled her being able to talk about
Vaccines, about science, about your informed consent, because that's fundamentally what it's about.
That is the substrate.
If we lose the concept of informed consent, then we have lost everything in this country.
We are no longer anything but slaves and guinea pigs to the government.
That was a vital part of the Nuremberg Code, to say that this happened because they ignored informed consent.
And we know how this is going to play down if we are
If we allow the big business interests as well as the authoritarians and government to make these kind of demands on us.
We also have, of course, the FCC which is trying to expand its jurisdiction, trying to get control of the Internet.
Now they say that it's there to keep the Internet open and free, to preserve net neutrality.
That's not what it's going to be.
It's going to be about a shutdown of the internet.
They know that they're losing the information war.
They want to shut down the information just as they wanted to keep Dr. Tenpenny from speaking in Australia.
We had a special report last night from Leanne McAdoo on the nightly news.
I want to play this about what's really going on behind the scenes of the plans to shut down the internet.
The secret plans to shut down the internet.
Here's that report.
So just what is Obama's proposed net neutrality plan?
Well, that's the problem.
Nobody quite knows for sure.
The FCC has made it clear that they will not release the 332-page plan to regulate the Internet until after the agency votes on it.
Other times we've heard this, we've got to pass it to find out what's in it.
It hasn't really fared well for the American consumer.
Now one of the FCC commissioners, Ajit Pai, has gone rogue.
He's been publishing a few articles in recent weeks.
These are press releases that other FCC leadership has moved to block.
And he's basically warning citizens and lawmakers that this net neutrality is a bad deal.
Pai writes,
While the plan contains no shortage of regulations, the most problematic may be the new Internet Conduct Rule.
It's a vague rule that gives the FCC almost unfettered discretion to micromanage virtually every aspect of the Internet, including the choices that consumers have for accessing it.
This includes restricting service plan options, including unlimited online streaming, as well as low-price, prepaid voice plans, which are used by millions of low-income households.
When consumers have more choices, they can find lower prices.
But the FCC wants to do away with anything but one-size-fits-all plans.
Think of it like how all of your health insurance plans now include prenatal care, even if you're a 75-year-old retiree.
Allowing for new business models is critical to promote competition.
How can we expect entrepreneurs to stand out from their competition if they aren't able to compete with a standardized plan?
Clearly, the President's plan is only going to benefit the existing internet giants.
But the issue is, the Internet isn't broke.
We don't need the President to fix it.
Pai says the Internet is an unparalleled success story.
It is a free, open, and thriving platform for civic and political engagement, economic growth, educational opportunity, entertainment, and much more.
It has made the United States the epicenter of innovation.
Alright, you can see the rest of that report up on Alex Jones' YouTube channel.
The example of government overreach.
Yet again, we see secret plans that we're not allowed to know what it is until they pass it.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with your phone call.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host this hour.
We're going to go to your phone calls in just a moment.
That number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
We're pretty much going to keep this open topics.
Before I go to the phone calls, I want to just go over some of the victories that we're having because, yeah, we're up against the wall.
As Dr. Sherry Tenpenny said, they're trying, in most of all the states, trying to enact mandatory vaccination schedules.
We need to
Understand that we really though can have an impact and we can see how this is playing out in a number of areas.
We've had success in terms of shutting down the federal government in terms of drug prohibition and some of the liberal states and some of the conservative states were having success in terms of shutting down encroachments on the Second Amendment.
Of course, they're coming for the full enchilada.
They're coming after the First Amendment as well.
That's what all these attacks on the Internet are about that we just heard that report from Leanne McAdoo.
The fact that they are doing this secretly, they're not showing what they're going to do to the FCC, although some details, as you reported, have leaked.
We see, though, that we're
We've had a lot of victories just in the last few weeks on the Second Amendment.
Here's one example.
This is from shallnot.org.
By a 5-1 vote, there's been a bill passed in Arizona to reject federal gun control.
This is passed in committee.
This is going on.
So this is a Senate committee.
This is going on to the full House and Senate.
So you need to be aware of this and to support this.
Now we've seen
The South Dakota House just passed a constitutional carry bill this last week.
Be aware of what's happening in your area.
This is where you can really have an effect at the state level.
If you connect up with people who are interested in the same kinds of freedom issues that you are, whether it's maintaining informed consent, whether it's establishing and maintaining your right to keep and bear arms, you can have pressure
You can help to put pressure on these legislators, but we do have some good legislators who are doing the right things.
As I point out, 5-1 vote in Arizona to pass, to reject federal gun control.
And what they would do in this bill, it would prohibit any state agencies or employees from enforcing or even assisting in the enforcement of any new federal act, law, order, rule, or regulation.
We're good to go.
That's what Ron Paul was talking about when he was talking about de facto secession.
He was talking about nullification.
He was talking about shutting down these encroachments, these violations of the Constitution at the federal level, shutting them down at the state level.
So this is something that passed into law in Idaho last year.
It was passed by the Montana House this month.
So we've got a couple of bills that are in the works there.
Listen to what's going on in Texas.
We just had the new governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, in his first state of the state address said this.
Let me briefly follow up on a word I mentioned a moment ago, liberty.
In a single word, it encapsulates what this country stands for, what Texas symbolizes.
And then he goes on to say, I will expand liberty in Texas by signing a law that makes Texas the 45th state to allow open carry.
Open carry.
We can get concealed carry, but open carry is prohibited here in Texas with pistols.
So, guess what?
Sheriff Woody is finally going to get a gun for that empty holster of his here in Texas.
But that's the way it should be.
That's the way it should be.
We got a good governor, hopefully, that's going to be with us on a lot of liberty issues.
I like what he had to say there.
We see a report from Breitbart saying that a researcher has come back and pushed back against people who are saying that, no,
Defensive use of guns isn't anywhere near what you said.
We had a researcher who years ago, as part of the National Self-Defense Survey, his name is Gary Kleck.
He's a professor at Florida State University.
He's a criminology professor.
He has pushed back now on people pushing back on his research.
He did research and found that what he said was a minimum of 760,000 defensive uses of guns annually.
He was criticized on these findings that went back to 1997, 98 and 2001.
They refuted those criticisms at the time and now Politico comes back and pushes against that yet again and so he points out
The case behind his statistics yet again.
He said survey respondents are actually underreporting crime victimization experiences.
He said, consider this, in the early 90s and the mid 90s when he was looking at this data, he said respondents who used a gun defensively not only had to admit using the gun, but in most cases they had to admit to a degree of criminal behavior
In as much as they had the gun with them in a public place before concealed carry was as widespread as it is today.
In other words, a lawful use of a firearm was more likely to be carried out by someone who possessed the firearm in a manner for which there was not legal sanction.
So therefore, those people were reluctant to talk about it.
So they said, yeah, we found 760,000 cases of defensive uses of guns.
It was far underreported from what really happened.
So we see a lot of good movement here on this.
We're winning the argument.
We're winning in state legislatures.
But we've got California again on the wrong side.
California, we've got a law that was signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger back in 2007.
He signed a law that would go into effect in 2013.
And listen to what this would do.
This would essentially require that all handguns manufactured after 2013 would include firing pins that were capable of stamping each and every shell with a unique and traceable mark.
Now, they didn't have any technology to do that in 2007.
They still don't have any technology to do that in 2015.
And so for the last couple of years, it's been a de facto prohibition of all new guns being sold in the state.
This is what Smith & Wesson said in a statement.
I said, a number of studies have indicated that micro stamping is unreliable, it serves no safety purpose, it is cost prohibitive, and most importantly, it's not proven to aid at all in preventing or solving crimes.
Nevertheless, California is pushing on with this, so now this case is being challenged on a constitutional basis before a judge saying, this is nothing
Then a veiled, a thinly veiled attempt to abridge the freedom that we have as human beings to protect ourselves, a freedom that is recognized in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
So that is before a judge, but you know the reality of it is whether it's on
Banning all handguns with this silly little fantasy device that is nothing but science fiction, as they point out.
It's never existed.
It can't be made.
Banning them because they don't have this science fiction device on them.
It's the same thing that they're doing in California, saying they're going to get rid of the personal belief exemption.
That is simply their way
Yes, I do.
Hi, I'm Michael.
Yes, we're live.
I am?
Yes, you're live, go ahead.
Hi, I'm Michael from Florida.
I just want to point out to you the article that you talked about the FDA and the clinical trials.
I read that complete article on the 18th of February and something I'd like to point out to you and your listeners, by the way, I hope you and your family and staff are well.
What I'd like to point out is that out of the 600 clinical case studies that they did, they could only find 100 of the 600 that they did that they could tie the pharmaceutical company to.
In other words, they redacted so many
Yes, it's very important.
Heavily redacted, just like it was some kind of an NSA document.
Did you say you wrote that article, or you read it?
No, I did not write it.
It was actually, the article was February the 18th on Zero Hedge.
And it was posted 1830, which is 6.30pm.
And they actually, not only did they cover up, they actually
Yes, that's what we're talking about in terms of regulatory capture.
People think, hey, you know, the science is finished on this.
And it's like, the science hasn't even been done.
We're not being allowed to see the results of the science.
And when they do studies, and the studies, as we see in this case of this FDA article, as you're pointing out, when the studies show that something is dangerous and unproven, you've got their buddies in the FDA who really work for the pharmaceutical companies.
They've been captured by the pharmaceutical companies.
It's regulatory capture.
They cover up this.
They redact it as if it was some kind of a national security secret.
Because really, I guess it is because national security, the nation is essentially run by these giant corporations, pharmaceutical companies, banks and others like that.
They essentially run the government.
So I guess it is a question of national security.
It's the security of their profits, isn't it, Michael?
Okay, let's go to Jason in Texas.
Jason, you want to talk about vaccines?
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey, David.
Quick, real quick.
There's an event on March 4th put on by a vaccine advocacy called the Immunization Partnership, and it's going to be at the Texas State Capitol.
And the information says, as an immunization stakeholder, you play an important role in the legislative process.
Yeah, when they're talking about stakeholders, this is coming from the industry, isn't it?
Oh, yeah.
Wow, that's very important.
People need to be aware.
Thank you so much for making us aware of that.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Again, if you want to call in on any subject, it's 800-259-9231.
We've got open lines and open subjects today.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking your calls this hour.
That number is 800-259-9231.
We're going to go back to your calls in just a moment.
First, a couple of quick news items.
The number of corporations in the U.S.
has hit the lowest level seen in 40 years.
40 years.
The Tax Foundation's report titled, America's Shrinking Corporate Sector.
Says there's a million fewer corporations than there were in 1986.
It's because of economic and regulatory burdens.
And guess what?
That's by design.
The large companies.
We've been talking about the FDA regulatory capture, how the FDA, the CDC work with the pharmaceutical industry protecting them.
Well, of course, the other part of this is that most of the large corporations have embraced
The government regulations that will keep out their competition, will shut down their competition.
Whether it's taxes or regulations, they seem to be able to escape these taxes and regulations.
We said Merck got two billion dollars in the second quarter of last year, paid no taxes.
That's the way it works.
But it also works when they get their industry regulated.
They somehow seem to be able to sail through these regulations just like the vaccine companies don't have to worry about lawsuits from the people that they damage with their product.
You know, this is a serious thing because it's a factor of the American Dream dying.
The American Dream was never about having a home mortgage.
And that's really what's been sold to most people.
The American Dream was about starting your own business and that's being shut down because of the economic situation but mainly because the burdens that have been placed on us predominantly by the federal government.
Another article, Switzerland is flexing its parliamentary muscle scrutinizing HSBC.
Of course this is in tax dodging efforts but also there is the money laundering issues that have been scrutinized by
The pass and saying essentially that they were too big to jail.
It was the Eric Holder administration of the Department of Justice that said, there's nothing, no interest of the public's in sending any of these people to jail.
Let me tell you something, they would send any other person to jail in a heartbeat, just not the people who are running the big banks.
And in other banking news, we see that this crisis that's going on in the EU,
Over the Greek debt that was being negotiated yesterday, and of course Germany vetoed the idea that Greece would be given a six-month extension.
And as part of that discussion, as it was being live-blogged by the Telegraph in the UK, they pointed out that the European Central Bank was forced to deny reports that it had discussed capital controls.
You understand what that's about.
That's about saying you can't move your money.
One of the things that came out in this report, they said the ECB has moved to increase its cap on emergency support for lenders.
This is not guaranteed until after the end of the month.
So they're going to continue to emergency support for lenders, but at the end of the month they're not going to do that.
So things are really coming to a head.
There's a real animosity building between the nation of Greece and Germany.
They seem to be at loggerheads over this.
Alan Greenspan believes that
Greece is going to exit the EU.
If that happens, if that sets a precedent, what's that going to do for the rest of the EU?
We've got a lot of political movements throughout Europe that are wanting to get out of the EU, and of course the EU is a very important part of global government.
They created the EU, they created NAFTA, these trading organizations, these consolidations.
These are all part of a stepping stone, and the next step in the stone is to unite these organizations with the Transatlantic, with the Trans-Pacific Partnerships.
What happens, though, if those blocks that they have created start to unravel?
I don't know.
We'll have to see.
Let's go to Peter in Washington.
Go ahead, Peter.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
You're on.
Go ahead.
Okay, fine.
I'd like to talk about two, I agree with most of your practical issues, maybe all of them, but not with some of the historical and the one I want, many of the historical, and I want to discuss the Smedley-Butler issue.
Butler claimed that there were a lot of rich people in New York that were planning in 1934 to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt and set up a fascist dictatorship.
Yeah, Prescott Bush or Preston Bush, George Bush's father was one of the ringleaders that he identified.
Go ahead.
Einstein, who was the co-chairman, was a
NKVD agent and received $1,000 a month, which was good money back then.
Here's the thing... Hang on, hang on.
I'm sorry to do this to you, but we're coming up to a hard break.
I'll hold on through the commercial and we'll come back to you right after we come back.
Stay with us.
Peter in Washington.
We've also got coming up Karen, Terrence, Steve and others.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and we're taking your phone calls.
The number is 800-259-9231.
We're going to go back to Peter in Washington in just a moment.
He wanted to make a point about Smedley Butler, I think, about the coup that he said that Smedley Butler reported was going to happen.
Of course, Smedley Butler was a Marine General who spoke out quite eloquently about the military-industrial complex.
About how he felt he had been misused by the military-industrial complex, by the United Fruit Company, for example.
He said, I wasn't fighting for the freedom of America, I was fighting all these wars and conflicts I've been involved in for the United Fruit Company.
So we're going to go back to Peter in Washington real quickly before we do this hour.
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Let's go back to Peter in Washington.
Peter, sorry we got to the break.
You were just building up to the point you wanted to make about history, about Smedley Butler's claims about
Yes, I don't like the Bushes, but I don't believe in liars and communists getting away with anything.
The claim that was made was that these men were going to finance an army of 500,000 bonus marchers to go and overthrow Roosevelt.
That was ridiculed widely for good reason.
First of all, these men, these smart men, either knew, believed, or suspected that the Bonus Marchers was a communist organization.
And at that time, the communists did hate Mussolini.
Secondly, FDR, you know, he was probably plotting war against Hitler, but not on Mussolini.
In fact, FDR's first program, the NRA, the National Recovery Act, was openly modeled off of fascist principles.
In 1934, Mussolini was an enemy of Hitler.
When the first time the Austrian Nazis attempted to overthrow that government there, he sent
His army to the border in support of the existing Austrian government.
I agree with you.
I think there's a lot of different ways that these things have been used and of course communism itself was set up by bankers.
They sent Lenin on a train to start his revolution.
They put him on a train from Switzerland with 10 million dollars in gold sealed in there.
He was sent on his way by the head of the German central bank and of course
That guy's brother was working to establish the Federal Reserve at the same time in the United States.
So, you know, we shouldn't be captured by these different ideologies, and I'm not a communist either.
I was very sympathetic to the bonus marchers.
I still feel that when the government tells veterans that they're going to give them something,
They need to make good on those promises and I think they had a legitimate beef.
Smedley Butler was speaking to them.
I've seen the clips of him speaking to them.
I think it was absolutely an outrage that they would betray these people.
I think Smedley Butler realized that he'd been betrayed multiple times.
I don't know what he felt about economics.
I think a lot of people will look at the abuses of large corporations and banks and
Take that to an incorrect extreme and say the problem is capitalism.
No, the problem isn't capitalism.
It's not free markets.
The problem is corporatism.
The problem is governments that are captured by corporations and used by corporations.
And so, I think a lot of people misdiagnosed the solution to it, but they just, that's possibly what happened there.
Appreciate that, Peter and Washington.
Let's go to Karen in Texas.
Karen, go ahead.
Hi, David.
This is about vaccines.
I just wanted to make people aware of that there's a bill in Congress.
It's House Resolution 117.
It was introduced last week by Representative Adam Schiff from California, and it's now in committee.
But the title of it is Recognizing the Importance of Vaccinations and Immunizations in the United States.
What a surprise that would come from somebody in California, where they don't respect individual freedom in any way, shape, or form.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That's H.R.
117 that's been introduced?
Yes, last week, a week ago.
And a couple things in there that
People can go read it themselves on the internet, but it's to affirm that vaccines save lives and are essential to public health, economic, and national security.
Yeah, economic security and pharmaceuticals, yeah.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, it's funny.
Well, you know, the danger of that, Karen, is that they're going to put this in and say, well, you know, we agree that vaccines are safe, effective, necessary for economic and national security.
When they put that in, then they're going to refer to that and say, therefore, we have to mandate these things without your informed consent.
That's a very dangerous aspect of that.
Thank you for pointing that out to us.
That's HR 117.
Was there anything else you wanted to say about that?
I wanted people to hear and it recognizes the lack of vaccination can cause a public health crisis and that there is no credible evidence to show that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases in healthy children or adults.
Now my daughter has been disabled by a vaccine.
I'm sorry.
I know from personal experience that is not true.
Yes, yes.
And we know from their own studies that it's not true.
We know that we can just look at the bogus vaccine court and the billions of dollars that they paid out there to protect and that kangaroo court process to protect the pharmaceutical companies
That is a very dangerous bill.
Thank you for pointing that out to us, Karen.
That's H.R.
That's in the U.S.
It's been introduced by some communists from California, some authoritarian from California who wants to ram this down people's throats.
It's a very important thing to stop that, the idea that vaccines are necessary, that there's nothing harmful about them, that we have to force this.
They're laying the groundwork.
Right there for a mandatory vaccination.
It's a full-out campaign.
This is as much of a campaign as any gun control campaign that they ever did.
This is setting the stage for a medical tyranny.
We need to understand that.
We need also go to the website that we were given by Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, and I don't have that.
Hey David.
Hey, no, I wanted to make a point since the caller was talking about history.
RT America posted an article of how the new, the German puppet government put out new revised editions of the Mein Kampf, Hitler's book, right?
And no, it's sad that how Germany has become a complete
That country has been completely controlled.
It's completely destroyed from what it was.
I remember back when Hitler came into power, Germany was completely bankrupt and he eventually devised a national credit program.
What did they change about Mein Kampf?
Did they put out a revised historical version of that?
What did they change about it?
Pardon me?
You said they changed Mein Kampf?
They put out a revised version of it?
What did they change?
They revised it.
I think they revised it and put a lot of anti-Hitler into it in this new Mein Kampf.
That's what I saw on RT America.
Okay, yeah, I'm not familiar with that.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, so, no, because what people don't understand is that, and I'm not pro-Hillary or anything, but he was better than the commies or the capitalists, even though he worked, he was put in place by the very same people, he worked for the very same people, but he hated the Zionist Jews that controlled the banks, because they were
Yeah, I don't know that he was any better than the communists.
I think they were both put in place by a lot of the same people, the bankers.
But, yeah, I don't know.
Did you want to make a comment about vaccines?
Yes, I did.
Actually, I had two points.
No, when the doctor came on, I think her name is Sherry, I can't remember her name.
Yeah, she made a point about the flu shots and that
I don't think too many people know this, but they should, that vitamin D is way more effective than the flu shot and just natural home remedies.
And I notice that's not on any of the major media outlets that, oh, this is how you can avoid the flu because it's going to take out of their profits.
Oh yeah.
And if people want to see how the government railroaded people into buying pharmaceutical products,
Intimidating them into giving their consent.
Of course now they say they don't even need our consent.
They're just going to do it to us.
Go back and look at that full 60 minutes report that they did before the pharmaceutical companies owned all the major media companies.
You can find that report about the swine flu vaccines in 1976.
And of course Rob Dew did a great job putting that together with some other issues that have come up in a combination.
So you can see that report on Alex Jones's channel.
Thanks, Terrence.
And I gotta say, you know, the argument that Hitler made the trains run on time is kind of like, so what?
I could care less.
And we need to adopt the attitude that my freedom, the respect for me as an individual is not up for sale for the sake of effectiveness, for national security purposes, to save my life.
I don't care.
You know, if you give up your freedom for the promise of security, you're not going to get it.
You never have.
And people need to understand that whenever you see these authoritarian appeals, and understand that what we're talking about with vaccines is essentially removing informed consent.
That was at the essence of what was going on in these death camps that they were experimenting on people for.
That's what they came up with in Nuremberg.
They said, you know, the fundamental problem that we need to guard against is allowing this notion in here that informed consent doesn't matter.
It is paramount.
It is paramount.
Individual liberty is paramount.
You will never have prosperity, you'll never have security, if you don't have liberty first.
So don't talk to me about making things work on time.
Don't talk to me about being safe!
I'm not interested.
Talk to me about liberty.
Talk to me about respect to me as an individual.
Then I'll listen to the rest of what you've got to say about vaccines or whatever.
But until we get to that point, we don't have anything to talk about.
If you're going to cover up the studies that have been done with the pharmaceutical companies, and you're not going to release that information to people, you're going to redact the companies that were involved in adverse effects.
If the FDA is going to do that, don't talk to me about any of these other things that they're trying to mandate to me.
We're not even going to get to that point.
Let's go to Steve in Florida.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon.
First of all, I just wanted to put out there to help you out.
Dr. Sherry Tantani referred to it.
It's Barbara Lowe Fisher's website that's been on the Alex Jones Show before.
It's NVIC.org.
Thank you.
I think it was NVICadvocacy.org, wasn't it?
Or was that NVIC.org?
I see.org because I get their newsletters.
Okay, good.
National Vaccine Information Center.
There's a lot of good information on there.
She actually has a son that was brain damaged by vaccines.
That's why she got into this.
And if they go to that site and get on that list and they'll get alerts and updates about what's happening in your particular state, you'll find out what's going on so you can take action, support the right bills, oppose the wrong ones.
Thank you so much, Steve.
Go ahead.
Yeah, before I get to what I called about the vaccines and a personal experience, just want to say you were talking about corporations, which does tie in with the vaccine.
People don't realize that, and you know this, we've been run by a corporation as a nation since the 1800s, and that is D.C.
The District of Corruption.
And I propose that we should really rename our capital, capital switch it, and this will tie in with the banks, fittingly, CD.
Which is corporations deified.
Because these people think they're God.
They can just do whatever they want to support their God, the God of this world, Satan, who wants to destroy everything that God has created.
That's what this all comes down to.
I agree.
We talk about the Constitution because it's important that people understand the fraud that's being perpetrated on them.
These people swear allegiance to the Constitution, say that it gives them their authority.
They come in swearing allegiance to a king, and they are the stewards, but they are dishonest, evil stewards who then ignore everything that the Constitution says.
I'm sorry, go ahead with your comment on vaccines.
Okay, I've had a couple of run-ins with CPS in Texas and the second one we had a child that died back in 2003.
Those vultures showed up at our door pretty much the next day after and it was just a freak occurrence.
He got sick, died from an autoimmune disease.
Anyway, a doctor at Texas Children's actually signed a consent form for them to do this while the head doctor was against it.
And what I wanted to say is this.
That was a situation where we had no say in them showing up.
We were cleared from their so-called investigation.
But think about this.
We've had put in place the NDAA.
They're trying to get people's guns.
We've got Codex Alimentarius still in the wings to take away all the supplementation, the good stuff that will help people.
Now they're pushing the vaccines.
So you put all that together and we're going to have the Nazi Holocaust with the secret police and Stalin and Mao and all that.
Times a thousand on steroids.
I mean, this is a nightmare.
And so people really need to wake up and get involved opposing this and not go, well, you know, I'll just trust the Lord or it doesn't affect me out of sight, out of mind.
I'll do a deal with the, when it comes to my doorstep, it is going to.
And like Alex said, it's already coming in your home to the propaganda they put out to the media.
People need to wake up and understand that when it gets to the point where they are secretly taking you off,
Putting you in one of their camps and then forcibly vaccinating you to sterilize and kill you, it's going to be too late.
You need to wake up now.
I couldn't say that any better than you did.
It is... Christians have, and everybody has, a right to protect themselves, to protect their family.
At this point in time, when we see this explosion of technology, when we see this concentration of power in the hands of a few that technology is giving them, that should make everyone very afraid.
We need to work harder than ever to make sure that the fundamental principles of individual liberty, things like informed consent, are established even more firmly than they've ever been, because the potential for abuse, the downside potential, is so much more dangerous than it has ever been.
Let's go to Shane in Montana.
Hi, David.
How are you today?
Doing good.
Go ahead.
Hey, uh, I'm reporting live here from Montucky.
I was just wondering what theme of rage that puts me in.
I don't know.
I don't have the map in front of me and quite frankly I could care less about their designations.
Go ahead.
Right, right.
My topic today is about drones.
Such thing as schools of death drones.
Have you ever heard of such thing, David?
Schools of death drones?
Are you talking about like a swarm of small drones?
Yes, yes.
I'm in Montana here and it seems to be live.
I've had these people, you know, four years they've been following me around here.
You know, it seems that people don't look up in the sky anymore.
I don't get it.
It's like their perception is foggy.
I don't know.
Well, people just don't look at anything anymore.
I mean, you know, we were talking to one of the pioneers in artificial intelligence yesterday in the program, and I said, maybe we don't have to worry about the machines becoming super intelligent.
Maybe we've got to worry about the humans becoming super idiotic, you know, descending into an idiocracy.
Thanks so much, Shane.
We're going to be right back with a couple more of your calls.
And in the next segment, Alex Jones is going to be joining us one more time.
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I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month, 20% off, and there's a lot of other powerful
We're good.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I apologize to the callers who are on hold.
We're not going to have time to get to any more callers tonight.
We've got Alex Jones coming up in just a moment.
And before we get to him, I wanted to cover a couple of articles that I think are pretty amazing, of course.
It's about the 2016 election, or I guess I should say the selection.
The candidates are being selected right now by the rich, moneyed interests.
We've got an article up on Infowars.com, Jeb Bush exposed, part two.
He thinks the unconstitutional NSA spying is, quote, hugely important.
Yes, it is hugely important, but not in the way that he thinks.
He thinks it's hugely important that we continue this unconstitutional, illegal action.
And as the story that we've got out on Infowars.com from Liberty Blitzkrieg says, I can't imagine a more odious, absurd scenario than being forced to choose between another Bush and another Clinton.
And guess what?
When we look at Hillary Clinton, there's articles that are up on the Washington Free Beacon talking about how she is taking money from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany, a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone Pipeline.
They're all giving money to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation.
We've always heard from HL Meakin that said an election is an advanced auction of stolen goods.
Well, the auction is running right now.
And guess who is in front?
It's Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton raking in the money.
And as we see another story, Jeb Bush says he believes in the amnesty bill with all of his heart and soul.
Meanwhile, we see even Chris Ruddy
The conservative who attacked the Clintons was one of their nemesis in the early 90s, going after the Vince Foster death.
He's now going to give them a million dollars for their foundation.
They have collected billions.
Well, here's Alex Jones wrapping up the show.
He's got a word that he's recorded with us.
Here's Alex.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to conclude this original live global transmission, this February 20th, Friday, worldwide broadcast, but I will be back in studio Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time, and we'll have another report
Another special report I'm filing tonight on The Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time, PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to just say great job to David Knight hosting and I want to say great job to the entire crew and the work they've been doing and all of you, the listeners, whose prayers and financial support has made all of this possible.
We are continuing to expand the InfoWar.
We already have cable systems in places like Houston carrying the nightly news.
We are set to launch on satellites very, very soon.
It's very exciting what's happening, but the enemy is going to come after us.
You need to understand that I'm willing to really go at these people head on.
I've gone through a lot of crap over the years, and I've only been blessed because I've stood up to these tyrants.
But whatever happens, it's in God's plan.
But I'm not going to stand here idly by, and I know you're not, while tyrannical, anti-human, anti-God, anti-family world government is established.
For everybody that said the New World Order is coming someday, and the technocracy is coming, and the rise of the machines is coming, it's here.
We're 2015.
Everything's compressed.
The big waves of change are coming.
We need to ride those waves, surf those waves, survive those, to be a remnant to rebuild civilization after this tech war that's coming.
We're already in the first days of it.
We see wars, proxy wars with Russia, proxy wars in the Middle East, our borders wide open, our sovereignty ignored, the presidency becoming a dictatorial office for the globalists.
And we're seeing the same technocrats installed in places like Italy, where they just install the president unelected.
I mean, this is an unprecedented time, folks.
You're seeing the rise of tyranny.
And if it wins, at least for a season, they'll write the history books and they'll be the good guys.
But this is just what we saw in World War II and other cases.
This is totalitarian takeover.
It's a corporate anti-free market takeover.
And we're resisting it here.
We're the tip of the spear worldwide, and I'm very honored to be your host.
Please join us, and please ask your friends and family to join us this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., and I'll be back live, hosting all week long, next week.
Again, God bless you all.
I want to thank God for all the blessings and the hedge of protection.
I want to pray for protection for patriots worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off for InfoWars.com and the syndicated radio transmission.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
Big heart-shaped boxes filled with delicious candy.
What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.