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Name: 20150218_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 18, 2015
2528 lines.

On his radio show, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including Obama's extremism summit, DHS purchasing ammunition while restricting civilians' rights, brain implant technology, and Saudi Arabia's RFID program. He also talks about police misconduct, vaccines, and survival methods for the impending apocalypse. Throughout the show, Jones expresses concern over government and pharmaceutical industry control and encourages listeners to educate themselves on these issues.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday, the 18th day of February, 2015 edition.
I will be live here for the next hour and a half.
I have had some family medical issues and things that I've talked about the last few months where I've missed a day here, a day there, a part of the show here.
That is drawing to a close this week.
And so hopefully everything will be A-OK after that.
But I do want to be there to support family.
During times like this, I'll be leaving at 1230 Central, or the middle of the broadcast.
This is rebroadcast in different areas.
And David Knight has got a lot of big news and analysis coming up.
And Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow, then right through Friday, and of course, like I was live Sunday, live here Sunday.
Okay, where to begin?
I came in here this morning and looked at all the news in the stack I didn't cover yesterday, and got kind of mad at myself.
I mean, we cover a lot of news, but I kind of perseverate on certain topics more than others.
There's just so much to get into.
First and foremost, Obama is going to be in a summit today, tomorrow, and probably on Friday.
And the headline is, Obama's summit aims to battle extremists, Islamic and otherwise.
And that headline is basically everywhere.
This is from CNN.
We have a clip of that coming up.
And it goes on to say that he will not call them Islamic.
In fact, CNN this morning, very early this morning, when I sent this clip to Nico, it said Obama will not call Islamists extremists.
That was the headline.
And then I just came in here in my stack, and it's been changed to Obama's summit aims to battle extremists.
Islamic and otherwise.
Did you notice that, Nico, or it already changed for you by the time you printed that article?
That's one reason you were just on air, right?
He's gonna check his phone.
Yeah, but he was just on air, right?
He's on a microphone station that goes on air.
I am.
I just, more and more when you guys talk, I want to get you on air because it sounds like I'm crazy.
Okay, fantastic.
That's just wild.
That's why I print the articles off.
Because they pull stuff out of them, they change the headlines, and that's our headline, that's what it is.
Obama will not call Islamists extremists, and they're saying that the entire conference is about battling extremists.
And of course, Homeland Security says the main threat is domestic gut owners, veterans, libertarians, pro-lifers.
So Paul Watson's working on a story on that front right now.
A neocon think tank floats ISIS invasion of Europe by sea.
Well, actually, they're just letting all the radicals in right through the Border Patrol checkpoints, so it's the government's orchestrating it, not some D-Day invasion.
DARPA developing matrix-like brain implants powered from the spine.
Remember I told you about transmitter chips in the spines of troops?
I mentioned that last week when a caller called in and the military saying he had a chip and I said, was it in the spine?
And he'd heard of some of them getting them in the spine, but said no, he got his in his shoulder.
I was told by high-level folks, which is that they had chips powered by the spine.
And boom!
It's in the news today.
I said that last week on record.
I saw commenters on YouTube going, oh yeah, you knew it was in the spine, not until he said it.
Sorry, I said it.
I said it.
I said it.
And I hadn't said it before because the public isn't ready to hear stuff like this.
And if I can't document something, I don't go there.
Saudi Arabia proposed RFID program to the U.S.
back in 2010.
Military implanting microchips in Guantanamo Bay detainees prior to release.
Kit Daniels.
And Kit heard me talk about that last week on February 11th.
He went and looked it up and found Saudi Arabia proposing it four years ago.
I didn't even know that!
Kind of like I was with David Knight on the air the other day, talking and, you know, I was talking to Buckley, my cousin, I wasn't even aware that the drones, the toy drones, already have GPS in them to not let them fly certain places.
I was like, I bet they use that GPS to block it flying certain places.
They go, oh sorry, that's already done.
Here's the article.
It's not that I'm even smart.
I figured out how they operate.
And they're just doing it.
So, yes, we're not in Kansas anymore.
All right.
I'm going to fully launch.
I'm wound up.
Straight ahead.
On your mark.
Get set.
We're launching the operation.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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It's the plan!
Kill the country!
World government!
It's here!
The challenge is how to build.
They will do it.
Never before has a new world order had to be assembled from so many different perceptions, or on so global a scale.
The governments don't rule the world.
Goldman Sachs rules the world.
This is, we are going to carve up the world according to the way we want to.
Unelected world government looting you.
They've exercised power for actual world of global control.
I know what North Korea is.
I know what the TSA is meant to be.
You want to shut their energy systems off?
You want to break up their families?
If you have so much power...
In play.
You can do anything.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever.
You understand?
You're living in a science fiction movie.
I'm living in it.
The government has just approved the use of a computer chip that would be implanted under your skin.
When complete, everyone will have a unique 12-digit identity number.
That DNA is stored even without your consent.
But I mean, do they point-blank say, we're putting a chip in you?
I guess.
It was an interior barcode, if you will.
This makes my head explode.
That your television could be eavesdropping on your conversations and then sharing it over the web?
All the cars now have tracker boxes that can remote control your vehicle in them.
The Justice Department is building a national database to track in real time the movement of vehicles around the U.S.
storing hundreds of millions of records about motorists.
It's like the elite of space aliens or something with a master plan.
It's so evil.
It's so sadistic.
No, it's the devil.
I mean, that's it.
This galactic force of destruction that's animating people to do this.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, the 18th day of February 2015.
Obama is set today and tomorrow to host a summit, not into Islamic terrorists or Islamic extremists, but into, quote, extremists in general and why they need cyber security, more police state, there's bipartisan support for that up at the top with the kleptocrats, to protect us from extremists of all types.
So we're going to hear about right-wing and libertarian and Christian and gun owner and anti-UN and anti-Federal Reserve terrorists all day long.
Homeland Security openly says, and the Justice Department openly says,
With our Attorney General, who said six months ago he would leave and never did, still carrying out all sorts of dirty tricks against the American people.
They say that the main threat is domestic patriot groups.
We have more attacks in Europe on free speech, more people shot and killed in just the last several days in Copenhagen, Denmark.
And then we have these clips from today and the last two days.
Barbara Lee, Democrat from California, has come out on the news and made an incredibly over-the-top statement, agreeing with Obama's statement of last night, that they will not be calling the Islamist radicals extremist even.
And then we have other clips from the State Department and Mary Harf coming out saying that they just want jobs.
So, I guess if I was out of work or you were out of work, you just go kidnap 20 people, burn them to death, and then, you know, you just want a job.
Kind of like the illegal aliens, the ICE officers have leaked the memos, are allowed to drunk drive and allowed to commit aggravated assault.
They're told, release them.
Above the law.
So anybody allied with this government, and believe me, ISIS is Al-Qaeda out of Syria and Iraq, renamed to confuse the public, because the military got so upset we were arming them.
They're not really attacking ISIS right now, they're only attacking a few ragtag Islamic groups that have come to the area trying to power grab, and they are organizing an attack force
out of the new rebel army they're going to forge after they get them in line to then invade Syria.
And our own Pentagon has been saying they've been given those orders.
And here's Mikhail Phelan's article from last night that went super viral.
It should be reposted at the top of InfoWars.com.
Obama to give jihadists the ability to order airstrikes.
Did you hear that?
Quote, rebels who pledged allegiance to ISIS to control American bombers in Syria.
And the cover is, oh, we're battling them, but the Iraqi president came out a month ago and said they're airdropping every day two Al-Qaeda, two ISIS.
This is Al-Qaeda.
Saudi Arabia runs it.
Your government is double-crossing us.
The Iraqi parliament has come out and said that.
Our military two years ago said that.
This is all a bait-and-switch.
The Obama Administration is preparing to equip the so-called moderate Syrian rebels, let's get Colonel Schaeffer on immediately if we can, with the ability to order U.S.
airstrikes despite the group's admitted allegiance to Islamic State.
This is an excuse to stick U.S.
forces and other Arab country forces in the area to then pipeline in the smoke screen the weapons
to the Al-Qaeda army that is not following orders right now, but that will after they've been bombed into submission, then they'll forge the new Syrian Free Army and launch it into Syria.
Watch it happen!
I predict within a month they'll start airstrikes in Syria claiming Assad wasn't helping.
And then they'll just say Assad is ISIS or something.
That's how dumb the public is.
And within three months, I predict there'll be open airstrikes, if this continues, on Damascus, claiming that we're driving out ISIS in areas that they're holding inside Syria as a base.
We've got to take out Assad, because he's destabilized the country, and that's given ISIS an area to get a foothold, so we had to go in to root them out so this didn't happen again, or they'll just keep coming across the border into Syria, out of Syria, into Jordan, and into Iraq.
Word for word, you're going to hear that.
And they don't care that I know their battle plan, they'll just still spew it in front of everybody.
Now guys, please mark what I just said so it's easy to find this time.
Okay, I predict, it's not hard to predict, I've been predicting, it's now happening.
And by the way, in Mikkel's article, he links to mainstream news stories.
In fact, Mikkel does a great job.
I just want to get him at the bottom, like some of the other writers do, to go ahead and add the links as well and where it came from, not just the hyperlinks, because it gets hard for me.
I know I was reading it this morning and saw the sources, but it's hard for me.
This is in the Wall Street Journal, but it's hard for me to source it when it doesn't have it at the bottom.
And if you're in a hurry and don't do it sometimes, that's fine.
I know the links are there, but it's just once it's flattened, I want to then re-read the article to give you the sources.
Yeah, Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Journal, and, and, what is this, Fox News?
Okay, the point here is that this is over-the-top how stupid they think we are.
Now, let's go ahead and just go to some of these clips, because remember, Obama says he will not call the Islamists as terrorists.
Crazy people.
I mean, if you had some sect of Christians taking over half the Middle East and cutting all the Muslims' heads off, they'd call them radical Christians.
But they won't even call them radical or extremist Muslims.
This is the political correctness.
Just like hundreds of Muslim men in one city in England on record rape more than 4,000 children, and the local police will do nothing because it's politically incorrect.
To fight organized crime when it's racially or religiously organized.
It's like if you expose the Jewish Mafia.
Of course there's different Jewish Mafias out there.
Like there's Italian, like there's Irish, there's Wasp Mob.
It's so established, you just don't call it the Mafia, you call it the establishment.
You call it Boss Hog.
If you go after the Jewish Mafia, you get called anti-Semitic.
I mean, I just expose all these Mafias.
I just tell the truth.
Look up the ADL.
It was founded when Jewish gangsters were getting in trouble, and so they financed it to call people anti-semitic if they dared go after Jewish organized crime.
I mean, that's where this stuff comes from.
We have to be able to criticize gangs, whether it's a white supremacist gang or a Jewish gang or a Muslim gang or a black gang.
I mean, look at all the black gangs out there getting stirred up by George Soros to attack the police.
You got the little white kids out there leading them from the colleges going, time to kill the police!
And the police are ordered to sit there and stand down when terrorist threats are being made, that if you or I made those threats, we'd be put in jail.
And should be!
You just randomly say, let's kill cops.
This is what this country's turned into.
Let's start going to the clips.
Here is the Congresswoman from La La Land, from California, Barbara Lee, agreeing with Obama.
The President and the White House, they're exactly correct on this, and I applaud them for this.
Because first of all, they're responsible for ensuring our national security.
We have to be very careful in our language and how we perceive these horrible, horrific acts of terrorism.
And we do not, I believe, want to see any more anger and hostility.
So if you call people chopping men, women, and children's heads off, blowing up every Christian church they find, and killing Shiites and non-radical Alawites, it will make them angry.
But Democrats get up on MSNBC and say that I'm a terrorist, I'm a racist, I hate women, and that's okay.
And they just make it up.
I mean, these people are sick, and it's because our government, at the highest level, is working with Al-Qaeda.
Let's go to Mary Harf from the State Department, saying all they want's jobs, you know, when they're putting little girls into sex slavery and selling them into slavery?
All they want's jobs?
I mean, listen, some of them have got brown skin and they're foreigners.
That means they're perfect.
The only thing bad in this world, and we know that, is a white male.
Let's go to the clip.
By the way, let's just stop right there.
We're going to go to break and come back with more of these clips.
We've got Obama basically saying the same thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the West, the criminal groups that are trying to de-industrialize us, trying to make us dependent because they know if you're independently middle-class or well-off, you politically will promote freedom generally, and that gets in the globalist way of world government.
The West, whether it's in Egypt or Libya or Syria or Iraq, has been fomenting sectarian violence and destabilization on record.
General Wesley Clark has gone public in two different speeches saying he saw the classified battle plan to bring down seven countries with destabilization.
I don't even like Wesley Clark.
He's an anti-gun guy, but at least he told the truth.
So we know the battle plan.
They are destabilizing it and stirring it all up and then opening the borders up to bring these people in to have the clash of civilizations.
Then they build a police state up to fight it and use it on the libertarians.
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They railed against the crown.
Another ragtag band.
Declaring independence.
They laid their bodies down in a bloody war.
For liberty.
For their descendants.
We gotta get Steve Voss back on, an amazing country singer for liberty.
Free today.
Thanks to the Renegades.
We're free today.
By the way, I think John Harmon of The Network actually has this song, Renegades.
We need to get it.
Boss loves us to play it.
We ought to play the song coming in at the start of the segment.
I probably haven't played the whole song in years on air.
We should come in with Renegades.
Also, that Krista Berg song is very powerful as well when it talks about liberty.
Okay, so the new story just went up minutes ago on InfoWars.com.
I want to red-link this story.
By Paul Joseph Watson, that I co-wrote with him this morning before I came into work, Why Obama Refuses to Call It Islamic Terrorism, Federal Government Has Ignored Islamic Threat While Obsessing About Domestic Extremism for Years.
By Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.
And we go through the fact that they use the radical Islamist threat that they've opened the door to, that they ship in, as the pretext to then set up the police state or domestically.
Now here's Obama six months ago, saying ISIS or ISIL is not Islamic, and bananas aren't yellow, and the sky isn't blue, and I don't know if you believe that.
If you believe that ISIS isn't a radical Islamist right out of Saudi Arabia,
I got oceanfront property in Arizona, and from my front porch you can see the sea, and if you'll buy that, I'll throw the Golden Gate in free.
Now let's make two things clear.
ISIL is not Islamic.
No religion condones the killing of innocents.
And the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim.
And ISIL is certainly not a state.
It was formerly Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife
That's enough.
Our government with NATO four and a half years ago began funding Al-Qaeda out of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Yemen.
This is all on record.
Congress has had hearings to launch attacks against a country that was trying to work with Israel and the U.S.
and had done nothing.
And it opened up diplomatic channels just like Qaddafi did.
I mean, they set these people up.
And Gaddafi was no angel, but compared to Al Qaeda he was.
And then Assad was better than Gaddafi.
With his record.
This is very immoral what our government's done.
Now here's the new clip with Obama saying that they're not extremist.
It's very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9% of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we're looking for.
Order, peace, prosperity.
And so, you know, I don't
Uh, quibble with labels.
But Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz complains the name of the summit doesn't even mention the word Islam.
The words radical Islamic terrorism do not come out of the president's mouth.
The word jihad does not come out of the president's mouth.
And that is dangerous.
Attorney General Eric Holder says critics are missing the point.
Oh my gosh.
We're having this conversation about words as opposed to what our actions ought to be.
This is a difficult problem.
Hey, why are you still up there?
And why do you have people following me around in Austin, Holder?
Because I know that's from the Justice Department confirmed.
You got ICE releasing illegal aliens that are drunk or committed felonies.
But you got time to harass me and Dinesh D'Souza, and you said six, seven months ago.
Look up when he announced he was leaving, and he said within a month.
He's a liar!
Everything they do is a deception.
I mean, this country is on the edge of a criminal takeover.
This Attorney General shipped tens of thousands of guns under orders to then blame gun shops later, he tried to set up, to Mexico so they could trace him and have a bunch of deaths caused by it.
Turns out the cartels are buying mainly German weapons.
The cartels are very anti-America down there.
Mexico's lost three wars with the US.
Almost all, and I've had top professors on, almost all the cartels' weapons are German.
Because Germany built the infrastructure, what was the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
They had Maximilian, they had a German king.
It's just amazing.
A head-nodding history.
And almost all of them are fully auto from Germany.
Full auto from Germany.
So he did that to have some guns, but turned out the Mexican farmers got the U.S.
guns and are using it to maintain order in some of their areas.
And they're beating the cartels with full auto with their single shot and bolt action and semi-auto.
But that's a side issue.
What is this guy doing lecturing us?
Almost all of the government's time is spent on domestic groups, libertarians, conservatives, patriots, gun groups, okay?
That's who they admit they spend their main focus on, okay?
Though they're gonna use this as a power grab.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That's right, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
There's so much to get to, not just this first group of stories that I've been breaking down and covering here today.
Here's the Wall Street Journal headline, U.S.
to give some Syrian rebels ability to call airstrikes after training moderate rebels to get pickups with gear to call for American B-1B bombers.
And of course they trained the first group of moderates and the second group of moderates and scores of groups to be sent in who just promptly joined Al Qaeda and ISIS.
And I've had Colonel Schaefer and others on to break that down.
I see a comment on Infowars.com in the article, why Obama refuses to call it Islamic terrorism.
And Jack says, Islamic threat?
I thought ISIS was a CIA run unit and fake.
That's not exactly what we said.
In order to take our rights, according to Alex Jones, so, by Alex Jones' own admission, he should be praising Obama for resisting the New World Order created war.
This is a dialectic to confuse the weak-minded.
I'm going to try to explain this to Jack very slowly and very sweetly.
When they used the radical Islamists with Saudi Arabian funding in 1979 under Zbigniew Brzezinski's plan to launch wars not just in Afghanistan, but areas bordering Afghanistan to the north and to the west, forcing the Russians to come in to respond.
That was a trap.
So they didn't totally control the jihadis.
They were funding them, they were arming them, and then later they were supposedly blow back on 9-11.
But the door was opened.
And Saudi Arabia was there running the operation, the 28 pages.
Senator Graham of the 9-11 Commission has gone public.
And I've talked to Walter Jones, a congressman.
He's gone public.
And Colonel Schaefer and everybody else, okay?
So, I was right again, period.
So, I'm going to explain this to you.
It isn't just black or white where it's either 100% run or is 100% run.
Four and a half years ago, a program was launched in Libya, in Syria, and Egypt, and a bunch of other places to overthrow the governments and put radicals in.
Obama and other Soros-connected groups even above the CIA.
They do this even outside government.
This stuff's so criminal.
Went in,
And with Google Analytics and with Facebook behind it, they all met the same place Bilderberg met a few years ago.
They met there a few years before that.
They're north of London.
This has all been publicly released and funded the Arab Spring, where they get the students and everybody out in the street, but then the radicals use that once they take over to coup d'etat the coup, and then now you have an Islamic State over Libya, over Saudi Arabia, which is already cornerbacking it, over Syria, over Egypt.
So, there's Wesley Clark.
We have it on screen.
Libya and Syria, the neocon plan to attack seven countries in five years using destabilization.
Once you destabilize, you then have an excuse to come in and bomb the very groups you turned loose to begin with.
So, Obama is acting like he's a moderate and that he's only fighting, you know, some of the radicals because, you know, he loves Islam so much.
The truth is they're doing limited airstrikes on different disparate rebel groups that are in there battling for control of Syria that the West opened the door for to get them buggy-whipped in the line so that then they can be forged into a new army to go in and take out Syria.
And the excuse will be, because of the Syrian Civil War, that gave ISIS a home base, that gave Al Qaeda a home base, and so now we've got to go in and clean out the whole country.
It's Assad's fault.
We've already heard this.
You're going to hear it again.
That's why they're saying, oh, we're there with rebels now, calling in airstrikes and giving them weapons with billions of dollars of funding that Congress has passed in three different spending packages the last four or five months.
Billions of dollars.
And it's in the Wall Street Journal that, well, the good rebels are being given vehicles, and they're allowed to launch attacks.
And then you'll see these very vehicles in a month flying ISIS flags, and no one will go, wait a minute, we gave them that.
Or they might say, oh yeah, ISIS captured it.
Just like they captured Iraqi bases full of artillery and new weapons and RPGs, like the Marines and the Army just left those weapons caches in bases and didn't defend them or didn't have self-destruct bombs, didn't have detonators already placed to blow up ammo dumps.
They let them have it!
All they need is the plausible deniability, just like Benghazi and the heat-seeking missiles, the anti-aircraft surface-to-air missiles.
So I've been here since Benghazi happened, and before, telling you exactly what will unfold, and now it is, and your response is, Islamic threat?
I thought ISIS was a CIA-run unit, and fake, in order to take our rights.
Yes, they're now having a radical
You know, extremism meeting, and most of it they're now saying is going to be about gun owners, and right-wingers, and veterans, and Tim McVeigh types.
See, you're seeing it.
I told you, year after year, they're going to let the Islamic radical threat take place, then they're going to target domestic groups.
And you're seeing that, yet again, with a two-day summit that's about to begin, and you're going to hear all about domestic groups.
So they're going to use the shootings and the bombings and all the rest of it happening in Europe right now to then be projected on to the general public and the people resisting the globalist takeover.
The people resisting the fact that our borders are wide open and we're now in a North American Union and having our basic freedoms dissolved.
And the government's announcement is going to start coming after your private pension funds and your investment funds and your education funds.
Your retirement funds.
They're putting the police state in for the American people, but they need the average cops and even the average FBI and CIA to go along with its implementation, believing it's for the radical Islamist threat, but now they're converting and shifting to the domestic threat, which I've told you thousands of times obnoxiously they would, and now it's happening.
And then when they're done, they're going to blow up buildings, this criminal international group, they're going to shoot up schools, they're going to do you name it, and they're going to blame Alex Jones.
And talk radio in general, and free speech, and anyone that is not totally in line with foreign banks gutting this country, and Obamacare, and open borders.
And your kids being taught at age five how to have sex, and this whole agenda to take over our society, and forced inoculations and the rest of it.
You know, we were called racist a couple weeks ago saying, guaranteed these new measles strains, because we could read them, medical reports getting filed by doctors, are coming out of Latin America and the Philippines and other countries.
These are super mutated strains.
California measles, identical to type found in the Philippines, L.A.
But their answer is, we should all be forced to take the vaccines, but it's people who've had the vaccines that are getting it.
20 new cases.
Oh my gosh, no one's died, it's the end of the world, run for the hills.
So let me go through these headlines for you.
US to give some Syrian rebels ability to call airstrikes.
Told you that would happen.
Stories up on Infowars.com, because that's the Wall Street Journal, but McKeldin's story adding more background, more depth to it.
Why Obama refuses to call it Islamic terrorism.
may have let dozens of terrorists into the country as refugees.
Oh my goodness!
Several dozen suspected terrorist bomb makers, including some believe to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed, yeah right, to move the United States as war refugees according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.
And just like before 9-11, FBI agents tried to stop them training at the air bases and training at the flight schools and were told they would be shut down and that they would be basically fired or indicted if they continued.
And then John O'Neill, the head of anti-terrorism, basically was forced to resign.
His first day at work was September 11th and he supposedly died in the building.
You can't make that up.
He gave a speech in England two months before he died saying, our government, you can pull this up,
Our government is going to allow Al Qaeda to attack us to take American liberties.
That's a John O'Neill quote.
You can actually see blow-ups of it quoted from whichever British newspaper it was and the New Yorker magazine reported on it in my film, Road to Tyranny.
My memory can't pull up the exact dates, but I just gave you his quotes.
And again, you've got criminals, a very small group at the top, that need to manipulate the state police, manipulate the local police, manipulate the FBI, manipulate the public, manipulate the military, where it's all confusing.
I said six, eight months ago, yeah, I agree when Rand Paul says, yeah, we should probably bomb ISIS, but why did our government help them get a foothold in Syria?
See, they know the public can't get that sophisticated anymore, because they haven't been taught how things work, or how to look at things from a sophisticated perspective up above it.
Not emotionally from one side or the other.
Kind of like Robert Kiyosaki was saying yesterday, there's three sides to every coin.
Heads, tails, and the edge.
There's the headline, the counter-terrorist, John O'Neill is an FBI agent, with an obsession, the growing threat of Al Qaeda.
That was in 2002, January 14th, and then we can probably find the British one with the quote.
It really had the hardcore quote, where he gave a speech saying, the government is going to let Al Qaeda hit us.
And I remember seeing articles in the BBC like, FBI agents say it's as if Al Qaeda has moles above them at the FBI.
Well, it's more than that.
The globalists have moles in all these institutions.
Why is insider trading allowed by Congress?
Why is insider trading... Because the Justice Department is totally compromised.
And they'll only go after somebody for a crooked toenail, or if some patriot bounces a check, they'll call it money laundering, and throw you in jail with their cooked up kangaroo juries.
And everybody better worry, because they're getting ready to gut this country.
I mean, the corruption has built to a level that is mind-boggling.
The IRS targeting more than 50,000 conservatives and libertarians and Christians and pro-life groups under Justice Department orders?
I mean, they're one step away from trying to round everybody up.
And believe me, if there wasn't a Second Amendment in place, they'd do it.
But the good news is they've got a seven to eight percent approval rating in Congress.
People know what's going on.
They're aware of the corruption.
The American people are not buying it.
And now it's giving cover to good people in the NSA, in the CIA, in the FBI.
We're as corrupt as those agencies are.
Those are some of the most awake people you'll ever talk to because they're living it.
I was talking to a
High-level state judge.
I'll just leave it at that.
And he said, no, I would, you know, basically hear the stuff you talk about years ago and think it was crazy, but look at the IRS stuff.
Look at us funding Al-Qaeda in Syria.
It's true.
It's crazy.
Look at warrantless blood draws on the side of the highway.
Look at illegals allowed to commit felonies and being released.
I mean,
Does anyone think this is just gonna stop here?
No, no, it's gonna get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse!
When Colonel Schaefer exposed the fact that Stratis Ivy and all those secret operations, he didn't release any of the secret stuff, but just the fact that they could have killed Bin Laden twice in the month before 9-11, they tried to indict him for like $66, you can look it up, of unpaid, not unpaid, of phone calls on his colonel's cell phone to his wife.
Saying it was theft to call his wife on his cell phone, even though in the guidelines it says, of course, you can call your spouse.
Hey, I'm not coming home.
I gotta go here or there.
Or help me get my bags packed.
They began the indictment investigation.
But he didn't back down.
I mean, so they backed off.
Imagine how criminal these people are.
Oh hey, we could have killed Bin Laden twice, but we were ordered to stand down.
Oh, we're going to indict you for $66 of a phone bill.
You're a thief.
But, I read from Judicial Watch yesterday, where it said in the ICE memos, you may think letting a drunk driver or other criminal go is going to let them go down the road and hurt someone.
That death's on your hands.
No, it is not.
They didn't cite any precedent.
They didn't cite any law.
They lied to you and said, you can selectively enforce the law.
I mean, it's bold to put that on paper.
They're now putting police... Do you think police like quotas?
Do you think they like watching a cop get paid $130,000 a year who writes five times more tickets than them?
Police hate it.
They've bought ads in the New York paper, the police union.
We've got a tape we're going to play in the next segment of the police commander going, listen, you write tickets and you arrest people or you're going to be fired!
Now get out there!
But don't arrest illegals.
Can you imagine?
Make arrests, issue tickets, or get fired.
Missouri police caught in discussing quota scheme.
And the issue is, they pull over some poor black lady, or hispanically, or white lady who's a citizen.
They got three kids in the back of the car.
The woman's got her maid equipment.
I was talking to a cop about this years ago.
She doesn't have insurance, and she says, man, I just can't afford it, and what am I going to do, go on welfare?
And the cop said he couldn't write her a ticket, and then they reviewed the dash cam and basically sanctioned him because he just couldn't do it with the sick kid in the back with snot running down her face, and two other kids, and the woman's a maid, totally exhausted.
She just says, I don't have any money.
I can't pay it.
And that cop knew full well he can't give an illegal alien a ticket for that.
Or if they do, he gets in trouble.
But he's got to give it to that American citizen!
That is sickening discrimination, ladies and gentlemen.
Excuse me, I'm digressing.
But is there something wrong with me?
Because the military got it two years ago, that we were the Air Force of Al-Qaeda in Syria, and said they wouldn't be part of it.
And it stopped.
So they rebranded it, had it invade Iraq to get a bunch of U.S.
bases, weapons caches, to turn back around and go back into Syria.
And now we've got to take over Syria to get rid of Al-Qaeda, ISIS's foothold.
I mean, that's so simple.
Before we go to break, please understand, this broadcast is exploding right now.
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No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now.
I don't care what color you are, what religion you are, whether you're a school teacher, a doctor, an auto mechanic, a cop.
We should all stand up for the Bill of Rights and Constitution or we're going to lose it.
It's not like it's something you just mouth to and say, yeah, I support it.
We've got to defend it now more than ever.
This is the real war.
Freedom's not free.
We're being usurped.
We're being enslaved.
Our rights and liberties are being removed.
The laws are being made now by secret.
International treaties and tribunals, the World Trade Organization, the IMF, the World Bank.
We seceded from England because they were making decisions in England and ignoring our legislatures.
But at least the decisions made in the Parliament of England were public.
These are secret.
I mean, it's over the top how much tyranny there is, but so much liberty was there that there's two systems running side by side.
So it hadn't been as bad, because where there is tyranny, it's sporadic, but now it's phasing out the liberty.
There were two trains running side-by-side, now they're phasing it out.
Coming up, Eric Holder launches 90-day crusade against bank leaders, when they're totally bought off by them.
Putin says Russia intelligence shows U.S.
is already arming Ukraine, well, they've announced it.
Census Bureau, 30-plus percent of millennials still living with their parents.
That's just some of the news coming up.
Peace Forces in Haiti prey on civilians and children.
But before I go any further, here's that clip up on Infowars.com from Free Thought Project.
Make arrest, issue tickets, or get fired.
Missouri police caught discussing quota scheme.
Louis, Missouri.
A former Belfonte neighbors police officer has come out of the quota closet and is exposing the department's highly unethical revenue collection scheme.
Ten-year veteran of the forest officer Joe St.
Clair was ordered to carry out a policy that he says required cops to issue a certain number of traffic tickets and even traffic arrest.
If the cops failed to do it, they could be fired.
Well, the big thing is the average cop is paid about 50 grand.
In Austin, some of the DWI cops are paid $130,000.
They're like, well, let's stop DWI.
They'd take it as yell for one beer, but let illegals run to whoever they want.
And the police chief's like, well, we don't want to scare the illegals so they don't come to us.
Give me a break.
It's an order from the feds.
I believe the chief putting a legal mandate on his officers.
I think it's unfair to the community.
And we've got a tape of this.
You can go read the whole article, but here's a tape of it being discussed.
Approaching the van of Bell Fountain neighbor's mayor, Robert Doar.
Mayor, we just want to ask you... I told you nothing on camera!
Mayor, we want to ask you some questions... I told you nothing on camera!
But the mayor refused to talk on camera about a police policy that critics say is indefensible.
Well, I think it's unfair to the community.
As a Bellefontaine neighbor's cop for a decade, Joe Sinclair was ordered to carry out that policy.
It was a mandate put in writing that Sinclair says required cops to issue a certain number of traffic tickets and even traffic arrests.
If they failed to do it, they could be fired.
I think he's saying it.
I think it's really sad.
Clair gave us copies of spreadsheets used by the Bell Fountain Neighbors Police Department.
They identify seven different self-initiated activities that officers are required to do.
Those include writing ordinance violations, traffic arrests, uniform traffic tickets, parking violations, and traffic warnings.
Clair had to do 50 of them every month.
The spreadsheets show that traffic arrests represented up to 15% of the required activities for Bell Fountain Neighbors cops.
An equivalent of up to 8 arrests per month.
And that uniform traffic tickets were up to 60% or about 30 tickets per month.
Did you and other officers feel like your pay was at risk?
If you didn't write enough tickets?
Of course.
Progressive discipline will eventually lead to suspension, demotion, and even termination.
If you didn't write enough tickets?
I don't have time to get into the whole report.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Quotas are illegal.
They've denied forever they have them.
And a lot of these departments do.
And meanwhile, they're not allowed to go out and deal with real crime.
It's just raise money, raise money, raise money, raise money.
And they're creating all these new laws.
It's out of control.
Our economy shouldn't be based on this, on prisons.
We'll be back, stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Again, I realize why I get so upset while I rant and rave.
That's a normal response to the over-the-top tyranny we see unfolding in this society.
I'd like to open the phones up just to see if police officers will call in, off-duty, on-duty, former police officers.
If we're such a free society, they should call in.
Not be scared.
That's not a challenge.
Like, you better call in if you're scared.
I mean, I know people are concerned.
What if somebody in your department hears you?
Well, you should be able to speak out about these quotas.
And the argument is, if you just joined us, we were covering a news story, make arrests, issue tickets, or get fired.
Missouri police caught in disgusting quota scheme.
See the full report on InfoWars.com.
They now have the big prison companies basically writing the laws at the state level, it's come out, for quotas on people being convicted for prison.
They've caught judges and they've gone to jail.
In fact, print that, judge caught sending kids to juvenile for pay.
He was getting money from the private prison to send innocent people to jail.
There's big money in all of this.
Remember Tulia, Texas?
A racist, we're talking about a racist town.
Tiny town, privately owned prison, connected to the cops who own part of it.
And they would put old cotton farmers and people with no criminal record.
There's the headline, former judge sentenced to prison for kids for cash scheme.
Print me that, thank you, that's from Reuters.
Just as I talk about this, hundreds of articles come up in my mind.
Where it's modern slavery.
There's a bounty on heads in jail.
And so they'll put innocent people.
In the case of Tulia, Texas, something like half the black population was in jail, and almost all of them totally innocent.
And they were done grabbing all the young men.
They had the young women.
They had the old people.
You know, 70-something-year-old cotton farmers.
All in this phony drug war.
And so now this is expanding out from there with the asset forfeiture seizure and all the rest of it.
And that's where this leads, rack and ruin, while the government ships in the majority of the narcotics.
So I'd like to hear from police out there.
What do you do about this?
I get the drug culture is pretty scummy.
I get criminals are associated with it.
So I get it's bad.
But by making the drugs illegal, you put the huge premium on it.
So, you decriminalize, but regulate it, as Europe has done in most areas, and drug use goes down by at least 50%.
You can pull those statistics up.
Your prisons, then, are not full of people, but instead we have the largest prison population in the world, and now they're incentivizing the public schools to be pipelines directly to jail.
So, I'd like to hear from corrections officers, I'd like to hear from police, former or current,
I'd like to hear from people about this subject of the quotas, because I love how they deny them.
And quota stuff is just constantly coming out.
And it's disgusting.
And it's wrong.
And it's wrong to pay cops off of how many people they write tickets to.
Because then you just get a revenue generation machine, and now with all the zoning laws and the rest of it, they're just expanding
Police powers to the zoning police, the list goes on and on, under Agenda 21.
That's the program we're entering into.
Toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And while you're at it, what do you think of Obama saying some of the good rebels we're going to arm and call an airstrikes form to take over Syria?
That's the real reason U.S.
forces are moving in, is to control some of the radical groups that they don't fully control and then to prepare an invasion of Syria.
We predicted that.
That's now happening.
And then coming up in the third hour, we're going to do it again.
We're going to talk to folks that have been vaccine damaged or maybe you love vaccines.
We're going to open the phones up for you to call in 800-259-9231.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've been pointing out for the last three plus years that Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Google...
YouTube, which is Google, have been allowing ISIS, formerly Al-Qaeda, to recruit and threaten people.
I mean, they leave videos up where they're chopping people's heads off, and it's the original upload.
They leave videos up where they're threatening to kill everybody.
And here's a headline from Yahoo News.
Breaking it down.
Twitter under pressure to act more aggressively against terrorists as the Islamic State's go-to propaganda platform, the social media giant, faces increasing demands to police its network.
Oh yeah, I mean if I criticize Al Gore, they'll take my videos down, or links on Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, they all do it.
Google censored us, won't let us sell the Obama deception on their shopping cart saying it's racist.
Islamic State is allowed, I mean these are real groups too, because we link back to the main group, and they threaten to kill me.
And that's why you hear all these G.I.'
's wives going public, that they find out that they've got husbands in the military, and they go and threaten them.
And say stuff like, when we take over America, when I rape you, and all this stuff.
And I've got a big stack of articles about them torturing women and raping them.
Stuff so horrible, I can't even read it on air.
And Obama won't even call them extremists.
Terror Inc.
How the Islamic State Became a Branding Behemoth.
Yahoo News.
And it goes on.
With Vine's tweets, IS spreads its hateful message.
Can the West find a way to fight back?
Oh, we need cyber security to take everyone's rights away.
See, they let them recruit, they let them get every moron, every mentally ill patient to go join them.
Have all their lone wolves start attacking, and then they have a summit about right-wingers.
That's going to be talked about by Obama and libertarians.
It's an extremist summit to blame, you know, the non-existent conservative threat to integrate that in with Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
And I played those clips last hour of Obama talking about just that.
Now, with that said,
I covered this article last hour.
Make arrest, issue tickets, or get fired.
A TV station out of Missouri reports on it.
Caught a disgusting quota scheme to make 8 arrests a month and write 50 tickets or get fired.
And then that ties in with these articles that come in constantly.
Elderly man facing 10 years for unloaded flintlock that was made in 1762.
Look at this headline, CBS News, Border Patrol agent advised to release drunk drivers, told it doesn't matter if they kill somebody, but they should still write tickets and arrest U.S.
See, this is all selective.
The essence of tyranny is selective enforcement.
I'd like to hear from police, former police, jail guards.
How do you square this?
This has been known to be going on forever, but now it's out in the open, that the government really is trying to target good people.
Now, I know that police and others try to buck this and actually try to go after bad guys.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
But, it doesn't matter.
From on top, and it's gotten a lot worse the last seven years, no one can deny it, we're in a lot of trouble.
So, what do you think about this?
Because I already showed you articles earlier where judges and people have been caught getting paid kickbacks for how many people they send to prison or to juvenile hall, sometimes millions of dollars from the very companies that are housing people.
So they release the violent offenders, they release the violent aggravated assaulters and arsonists, not just illegals but citizens, to keep the crime going and then they keep the non-violent and house them because they're good slaves.
We're going to go to Carl, who's an active correctional officer.
Then we're going to go to Ben in Georgia, who's former police.
Carl, thanks for calling from Wisconsin.
Hi Alex.
How you doing?
I'm okay, brother.
Go ahead.
Everything you have said, Alex, is spot on.
Probation and parole revoke these inmates on the simplest little things.
We are overcrowded.
We are understaffed.
They are taking, they're going to screw with our pension fund in the future.
Oh yeah.
It's the globalists taking over, Alex.
Everything you have said is spot on.
And if people don't wake up and realize what's going on, this country is going down the toilet.
We have a criminal instinct more and more in the highest levels of government corporations, and it's trying to now get every level to follow criminal orders.
And if the locals and if the feds follow the criminal orders, you're going to have a conversion to an absolute tyranny very quickly.
And the president's already acting as a dictator on borders, on military, on energy, on everything.
And so can you imagine what's coming next?
I mean, this is mind-blowing.
After 18 years in the correctional system, to see these people come back time after time, get revoked, new cases, old cases.
It is astounding.
The money that is wasted, and this is taxpayer money, Alex.
This is our money.
Oh, I know.
That is used.
And it's a crime.
It's a crime.
And it's not getting any better.
People in this country have to wake up.
People in this country have to wake up and realize what's going on because it is not going to get any better unless the people wake up and use their voting rights and elect these people out of office.
And again, no one's saying we shouldn't have hardened criminals in jail.
It's come out in different university studies that violent offenders get released more often.
Illegals get released basically for anything you can imagine.
I mean, every month the numbers come out.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of aggravated felons are released because they're illegals.
And then they just throw the book
At people they know aren't criminals because they'll go along with the system.
They'll pay all their debts to the system.
And the system's not even designed to keep going.
It's designed to implode.
We can't have an economy based on packing giant prisons full of people.
And you can take people that aren't criminals and put them in prison a couple times.
They become criminals because it's the only thing they now know.
They've gone to school to be criminals.
That's what prisons are.
Colleges of crime.
I mean, let me tell you, I started going to public school when I was in kindergarten, and I'm going to go to your calls, kindergarten and first grade, then I was put in Christian private school, and then I was put back in public school because the IRS had taken almost everything my dad had, even though he hadn't, quote, cheated, so he didn't have money to go to private school.
And I was immediately being beaten up by people three, four years older than me that had flunked in the sixth grade that should have been already in high school.
Kids with mustaches.
And it was racial.
It was Hispanic and black students mainly beating me up.
I fought some of the rednecks a little bit later.
And no one would protect me because it was politically correct.
Now, I didn't join their gang and give them my lunch money and start toadying to them.
They'd all have entourages of white kids that worshipped them and did whatever they said.
Not me.
I fought and became manered in hell and, you know,
Brain damage people and stuff.
I mean, I got vicious.
It was like a gladiator operation, basically.
Right up into high school.
We had to move down here to get away from this.
And it didn't like that down here in Austin, thank God, but it's starting to get that way.
But most people just submit to the gang mentality and basically become puppets of the gangs.
I didn't.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ben in Georgia, former police.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing brother?
What's your take on all this?
It's crazy.
I actually wanted to tell you a story if I could.
It happened up in Atlanta, Georgia.
And basically, Atlanta PD got called.
Somebody claimed the kid had a gun.
When they later checked the records, no such kid exists.
And second, FBI, ATF, Homeland Security was there, pointing guns at kids.
I mean, I'm talking guys in straight SWAT gear, telling kids that basically if they don't answer their questions, they're going to throw them in federal lockup under the Patriot Act.
And, um, basically reporters got threatened.
The story's nowhere to be found, because parents threatened to sue the FBI, sue the school, because the school said when your kids are here, they don't have any civil liberties.
By the way, there was a story under Clinton, um, in the Pensacola News Journal that became national.
World and Daily picked it up back when I was covering it.
And the Marines came in and said, Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is like.
We'll be coming for your guns soon.
And it turned out it was a Clinton-ordered operation everywhere to sign off the kids, but it actually backfired on them.
What happened in this bizarre case?
There was no such kid and they thought that
Because they later checked the records, because the school, I think something like 50 parents threatened to sue the school, and there was one parent that was actually a federal prosecutor who was outraged that men with guns were pointing it at their kids, searching them, treating them like they're hardened criminals.
Well, you know they did that with the gun drills, bringing the guns in, in quote, drills, set the precedent to aim guns at the kids.
But yes, I've seen cases like this before.
So when was this?
Because I never heard about it.
This was in 2013.
It totally got swept under the rug.
I think that I have heard that local journalists were threatened by the feds over this.
I mean, and there was actually, um, a buddy of mine said that the sheriffs were actually told to leave.
This is a federal operation or whatever.
I don't know if they actually said that, but they basically said no.
Well, sir, we'd like you to send us an email or we put you on hold.
The name of the school, any information, we'd like to investigate it.
We don't, we don't care if we get threatened.
We'll go on to the end, whatever the cost may be.
You know, it's weird.
You would think somebody would, this would be front page news when you have literally 40 federal agents who swat your appointing guns at 14 to 16 year old kids, but it just got swept under the rug.
Well, when they said there was no such kid, it was probably a PSYOP.
When they do something that big, it's usually a PSYOP test, probably testing the feds to see which ones would say no.
This is all run by psychological warfare experts.
So the most manipulated group are the police and the feds themselves.
And I don't know if you're familiar with the FBI hostage rescue team.
They're pretty much, in a nutshell, it's a paramilitary... It's an execution squad.
Yes, I'm familiar with them.
Pretty much, paramilitary death squad.
And you literally have these guys, so you can tell a former Marine, they probably joined the FBI just to relive their past glories.
And they're literally treating kids like you could literally just see them getting, I don't want to say a sexual thrill off of, but they just, they're loving the power trip of it all.
They don't care.
And parents were threatened through the FBI.
Well sir, we're going to put you on hold if you want to give us more info on the name of the school.
Very interesting.
We're going to come back with Tony, wife is police, Robert, corrections officer, Doug, former police and others.
Stay with us.
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I want to go to Tony, Robert, Doug, Greg, and others.
Again, I have had a family medical issue, not with my children or anything, but with a family member that I've been having to deal with the last few months.
That's why sometimes I've been having to go maybe half a day a week, a day a week.
That should be coming to a head here very soon.
And family wants it to be private, so I haven't got into it.
It's just
And it's just part of life, but stuff comes up and I've got to go sometimes, so I'm going to leave here in just a minute.
I'll probably come back and be on the nightly news tonight or something.
I should be here all tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., but David Knight's coming in to continue with your calls, cover a ton of news, and open the phones up after he finishes with some of these calls for your vaccine stories, specifically and only.
We're going to finish with these calls first.
Tony is in Pennsylvania.
And he says his wife is a police officer.
He wants to comment on the quotas, because that's what we're talking about here.
They always denied these.
Now it's coming out more and more.
What's your take on this, Tony?
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
My wife, yeah, she was a deputy sheriff for 20 plus years and got out last year just because of, you know, all the corruption.
And, you know, they're handing out the flyers like you've shown before about the, you know, sovereign citizens, how dangerous they are.
And, you know, that's the kind of stuff they're emphasizing on.
And, uh, just recently there was a funeral for a former deputy who was, you know, corrupt and he killed himself because of the corruption.
You know, he finally got caught and he decided to kill himself.
And, uh, at the, at the, the viewing, there was a couple of the judges I had met before and I was talking to them and just bringing up different things and, uh, basically kind of picking their brains.
Cause I had already kind of had a relationship with them, just knowing them and talking to them.
And, uh, they basically just admit, like, the whole legal person thing, and that they trick you to be the shorty for it, and it's the word game in the court.
And, uh, you know, it's their case and, you know, by you stepping into it, you're becoming shorty for that legal thing.
I mean, they're just admitting it and laughing because they know no one's going to believe me.
You know, who am I going to tell that's going to believe this unless someone that's studied this?
I was talking to top lawyers yesterday and they were admitting that sometimes they'll just shove a piece of paper under the door because they won't even go into the court and then they'll, when they're making filings, that it's the wrong court or not the right jurisdiction.
But citizens pull that, they'll have you arrested.
I called before and I threw out a guy's name, and I know you don't like when people do that, so I'm not going to do it again, but this guy is really showing people how not to go into their court to file your own claim, not to use their paperwork.
And a lot of the stuff that I was throwing at these guys, they were admitting, they were acknowledging.
They're not considering it paper terrorism, because this guy is telling you to shut your mouth when you're in there.
Well sure, the problem is there's a lot of real Patriot stuff, and Pro Se Littingen statistically have been more successful in past years.
I saw like an AP article on that a few years ago.
There's a lot of quackery too.
So yes, there are people out there that know what they're doing, and I have some of them on air.
It's just that still, you can't do this halfway, and even if you're in the right, if you get a boss hog, they can try to put you under the jail.
So I appreciate your call.
Anything else, Tony?
Yeah, I was just amazed at how easily they just admit it when, you know, there aren't many people around.
And kind of like it's almost a joke to them, you know what I mean?
At the same time, they don't see how they're destroying the whole country and hurting themselves.
It's ridiculous.
Well, yeah, I mean, we now have the government officially telling the Border Patrol and ICE, let illegals commit crimes.
It's not just drunk driving.
And if they kill somebody, it's not your fault.
That violates so many laws and common sense.
It's just mind-blowing.
We've reached the point of just total insanity.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Robert's a corrections officer on police quotas.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I'm right up the road from where this whole little municipality went down.
Here's the situation, and it's right near Ferguson as well, where George Soros pumped all that money in to do the PSYOP on my community, and I really appreciate Mr. Soros and his 33 million freakin' dollars.
But anyway, here's the thing.
You've got this
We're good to go.
I don't think so.
Hold on.
I want to hear this.
I want to hear this.
I'll hear this as I'm driving over to the, you know, check on family right now.
David Knight's coming in, and I'll be back tomorrow, folks.
David Knight does a great job.
I think it's a good or better job.
I want you to finish your story to him.
We're going to have testimony from folks.
This is about you in the next hour about vaccines.
But don't hang up, Robert Missouri.
What you're saying is spot on.
I want to get your local perspective.
Then Doug, Greg, Chris, and a few more.
Then we'll phase into other news and vaccines.
And I taped a special report that's coming up.
So stay with us.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll finish up this hour.
We're going to be talking to callers on the line who have been calling in about this issue that came up in Missouri now about making arrests and having ticket quotas.
This is something we've seen a lot of.
This is something that was exposed by Adrian Schoolcraft in the New York Police Department.
A huge, huge whistleblower case there.
He later went on to talk about what the NYPD was doing in terms of their stop and frisk, their program of just
Pulling people over and frisking them because they feel like it.
Without any probable cause whatsoever.
Adrian Schoolcraft was recording for years what was going on in his police department.
This was an honest cop.
His dad had been a cop.
He was very idealistic.
He was very concerned about this quota system that was going on.
He was concerned about different issues.
I remember listening to the audio tapes.
They were telling them on Halloween, just go out and grab three people.
Don't even, just bring him back, put him in the pen, don't fill out any paperwork, we'll figure out what we're going to charge him with later, but just get three people, then go back out and get another three people, and then at the end of the night we'll run charges on him.
We just got to get our arrest numbers up.
He was concerned about the fact that they were harassing people endlessly for things that they could, petty crimes, that they could make a lot of revenue off of.
Things like they killed Eric Garner for.
And yet for serious crimes, they didn't want to look bad in the FBI statistics, so they would actually pressure people
To not report serious crimes like rape, like car theft.
If you reported a car theft, they would come there and say, you know, this is going to be so much paperwork.
It's going to take so much of your time.
You really don't want to do this, do you?
I mean, don't you kind of remember that you loaned this to your cousin and he hasn't brought it back yet?
Isn't that what happened?
Don't you kind of remember that?
Giving them an idea.
Yeah, that's it.
So then they would write that down, and then they wouldn't have any FBI statistics on serious crime.
Nevertheless, when it came to petty rule violations, about people smoking in a barbershop, or the barbers, because they couldn't smoke in their own barbershop, going in front of the barbershop and standing there getting charged with loitering, for that, they were all over them.
And we just saw this last holiday season that the NYPD, being angry with the mayor there, de Blasio, said, we're going to do a work stoppage.
We're going to cut your revenue by $10 million a week by not writing tickets for petty stuff.
They said, we're not going to write tickets or arrest people unless it's absolutely necessary.
What a novel idea.
Not arresting people, or writing tickets to them, unless it's absolutely necessary.
They cut it by 95%.
And guess what?
Serious crime fell as well.
They didn't have a single arrest on New Year's Eve.
But unfortunately, that's changed now.
They went back, about the middle of January, they went back to business as usual.
A lot of pressure from the police captains and the brass who was working for City Hall.
And we need to step back and ask ourselves what the real purpose of the police is.
What is the real purpose of our government?
Is it there to protect our rights?
That's what the Declaration of Independence says.
Does a just government govern only when it has the consent of the governed?
Are we consenting to this?
Are they doing things that we really don't want them to do?
How do we get this back?
I want to go right back to Robert in Missouri, but real quickly, before I do, I want to let you know that this hour of the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by the products that we sell at Infowarslife.com.
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That's right.
Yeah, well, you know, this metamorphosis to where these entities that call themselves municipalities have become just strictly on the corporate model where basically now the police are just corporate revenue generators versus protecting the people within those entities themselves.
And, you know, I work behind bars.
I've been doing this for almost 20 years.
Oh yeah.
The price for these drugs is so high that makes these addicts go out and steal to get their high.
And then we've got these large federal agencies that import the heroin straight from Afghanistan and bring it here.
And here in the Midwest, I'm smack dab in the middle of this country and
We're good to go.
I think so.
And it's almost like these people become a lost cause.
They'll be sober for six months while they're locked up in these places and the first thing they do is run out and get a shot of heroin.
And sometimes it kills them because that's just the way it is.
And so this revenue generation thing that happened right down the road from where I live,
This is just symptomatic of the implosion of our economy, because the free trade's really the thing.
I mean, they sent all the manufacturing jobs elsewhere for that cheap labor, and then they import the stuff, and then they still sell it for the same price.
Well, all these kids, there's no jobs out here.
We're going through a total economic implosion.
And it's just a horrible situation to watch.
Every year they're having a bumper crop.
So if you want to know the source of the heroin epidemic, it's coming from the American government that is there facilitating it.
Not just importing it, but facilitating it in the same way that they facilitated the previous epidemic of cocaine and crack cocaine.
As Gary Webb pointed out in Dark Alliance, they were using that to fund their dark operations and bringing in and creating the crack cocaine epidemic that swept through the country.
They work both sides of prohibition.
They use prohibition to destroy the rule of law.
They use it to set up unconstitutional civil asset forfeiture.
And they also profit from it by being the suppliers to it.
And then they have the private prisons who make the money out of all the people that they put in prison.
And of course, we've incarcerated more people per capita than any other country in the world, in history.
Far more than Communist China, far more than Russia.
Robert, did you want to add anything before we go to the other callers on here?
Real quickly, there's tons of people that consider themselves sovereigns that are locked up right now, and the courts will not even entertain their arguments.
They will laugh them out of court, and they say, yeah, go do some more time, buddy.
So the courts themselves are lawless.
They will not even entertain arguments.
It depends on the municipality and the county, or whether it's in federal court.
So sometimes this sovereign thing, yeah, it's right on paper, but guess what?
The judges are criminals.
And so therefore, they laughed these people right out of court.
And one more thing with illegal immigration, pedophilia.
If you look at these units where we hold pedophiles, there's an alarming number of these people are illegal immigrants.
So they're bringing this culture with them where they rape little kids like in Mexico and so forth.
And now they're filling up our pedophile units behind bars.
I figured I'd throw that one at you too.
Well, you know, it's amazing when you're talking about how the judges will just throw stuff out.
We see that all the time.
I mean, a good example of that is the fundamental perversion of the idea of the purpose of a jury.
And, of course, we could, if we understood and stood up for our rights, if we understood what a jury is for, if we understood that it's not there just to rubber stamp what the judge in the court is telling you, it's not there just to judge the facts of the case, it's there to judge whether the law is something that you want in your community.
Whether it's being applied fairly, whether the punishment is something that you want to extend to people.
So, clearly, if I looked at this as a juror, I would not send somebody to jail if there was a mandatory minimum involved without any discretion on it.
I would shut that down.
They were shutting down alcohol prohibition by jury before they changed it again with the Constitution.
And, of course, that brings up the point I always bring up.
Why is it that we had to have a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol?
And we didn't need a constitutional amendment to prohibit anything else.
Nothing else.
Not medical marijuana, nothing else.
The government just says it's prohibited.
We've got two constitutional amendments.
One to prohibit alcohol, one to make it constitutional again.
Why is it that we don't have to have that for anything else?
Well, clearly the answer is that no one in the government at any level could care less about what the Constitution says.
It's a dead letter.
And as you're talking about, the corruption is so extensive that it is pervasive throughout the court systems.
The lying to the jurors by judges and their instructions about what the purpose of the jury is, is just one example.
Punishing anybody who is a lawyer who brings up jury nullification.
That's another example.
And of course, most people who are successful at jury nullification are doing it pro se.
They're representing themselves, like the New Jersey Weed Man, one of the first stories I covered when I came here to InfoWars.
But I think it's to the point where we're not going to see somebody, we're not going to be able to send a Mr. Smith to Washington and get everything fixed.
There isn't going to be any senator, there isn't going to be any president that's going to fix this.
We have a massive, metastasizing, feral government.
It's wild.
It doesn't respond to anything.
The chains of the Constitution have come off.
The only way, if it's not too late, to shut this down is at the state level, if we can find some honest people there.
Let's go to some other former law enforcement officers.
Doug in Maryland.
Hello, Mr. Knight.
How are you doing today?
Doing good.
Thank you for having me on, and I'll pray for Alex.
I think he's going to see his family there.
Thank you.
I wanted to give you a little bit of insight.
I can't stay on too long because I'm driving to work, but I wanted to give you a little insight on how quotas work.
I'm former NYPD.
So then you know about the agent schoolcraft situation?
Yeah, I do actually, yeah.
There's two different agencies that actually produce revenue for that.
Okay, police obviously, and then they have traffic enforcement agents.
We used to call them brownies as cops, which is kind of a derogatory term, but
What they basically do for punishing the police officers, just to give you an idea, is if you don't make your quota or your recommended daily, monthly amount, they'll stick you on post.
An example would be, I have personally been on this post for not doing it.
They'll stick you on the Brooklyn Bridge in January, walking back and forth on the bridge.
Not good, if you've ever walked the Brooklyn Bridge in January.
I don't think I'd want to walk it at any time, there's so much traffic.
But yeah, go ahead, that'd be pretty horrible, yeah.
So, or they'll stick you in a location like, you work in Brooklyn, and now you work in the Bronx.
So now it's harder for you to get to work, obviously.
And those are the minor punishments as well as trying to get you fired.
They'll run internal affairs on you.
You know, Doug, you mentioned doing that.
They did that to Adrian Schoolcraft.
They said, all right, you're going to walk the beat as a cop.
And you know, he was happy with that.
That's what he saw his job as a cop.
He got to know the people in the community.
They got to know him.
They trusted him.
He didn't harass them for minor violations like we were talking about.
He was there when there was a serious crime.
He actually liked that.
So it didn't work for him.
Because he was a real cop.
But I understand walking the Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of winter, that's pretty severe duty.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Yeah, and the beauty of what you just said, that a foot post is great because exactly what you said, you know all the parents.
You know, the store owner.
So if something happens, I'll put this example.
Little Johnny does something.
Hey, Johnny did this.
And then you can deal with the situation before it gets serious.
And that's the way the cops used to be.
When you go back and you look at the way they talked about cops, you know, in the early part of the 20th century in New York, or you look at the way the bobbies used to be in England.
I remember in the 1980s when I first went there, they're walking two by two.
They weren't armed.
They, you know, did foot patrols.
When I went back several decades later, they were in police cars like the American cops and they were carrying guns most of them and they were detached from the people.
The only thing that they were noticing were traffic violations and that sort of thing because that's what their focus was.
Exactly, and that's what they did in New York.
They put two of them in a car and they trolled them.
There's hardly a foot post, unless it's Brooklyn Bridge.
There's hardly a foot post anymore.
So, you know, you're detached, exactly what you said.
Detached from the people, society.
So what do you think is the solution to this?
I mean, you talked about how it's kind of a corporate situation, or the previous caller did, where we don't really have, especially with police, we don't have elections for police chief.
We have elections for sheriff.
That's a very different situation.
I mean, should we have municipal police departments, or are they too hard to control?
To be honest with you, I think they should elect them all, because at least the people are making the decision on who they want in leading the police department.
I feel that way.
I think if they're going to have a municipal police department, they ought to stand for election just like a sheriff.
And if you've got a police force that is unaccountable to the people, that shouldn't exist.
And that's the problem that we have, really, to take the analogy to the federal government.
That's the problem we have with the federal government.
We have the bureaucracies who are writing the laws, calling them regulations.
They're created by Congress, and then Congress just lets them run loose, just like Pelosi said, we've got to pass Obamacare so we can find out what's in it.
Well, they've got to create these different agencies so they can find out what they're going to do.
And eventually, if it gets really bad, Congress will come in like a white knight and try to get them under control and take the credit for that.
But Congress has abdicated its responsibility, its duty, its lawful authority to write the laws.
They've delegated that to this permanent, entrenched, unaccountable bureaucracy over and over throughout our government.
I mean, it started with the IRS, but now every bureaucracy works that way.
And I think that's one of the problems with law enforcement.
I want to get some of the other callers.
Thank you so much, Doug.
Let's go to Greg in Arizona.
Yes, they're a correctional officer in Arizona, former special forces engineer.
And I see a lot of these inmates coming in and they are under, you know, some drug.
They did something with drugs and then they get further into the gangs.
They get the tattoos all over themselves and they basically give in to the criminality.
And they can't get out.
Not with this economy.
Yeah, and that's part of the problem also, don't you think, of arresting people for things that are non-violent crimes and putting them in jail for a very long time with the mandatory minimums.
80% of the people who are sent to jail with the war on drugs are for non-violent marijuana crimes.
And what that does is that hardens them.
It not only destroys their life, not only takes them out of society, of course it makes a lot of profit for the private prison companies, but it also puts them into a criminal culture as well, don't you think?
Oh, very much so.
The thing about it is that they can't even keep the drugs out of the prison, which are supposed to be the preeminent security.
And are they going to keep it out of the country?
We've made that point multiple times.
You know, every year, I'm glad you brought that up, every year there are multiple deaths from drug overdoses inside of prisons.
I remember a story in Maryland.
There was a mother, her son was addicted to drugs and she tried everything to try to get him off of drugs.
So she called the police on him.
They put him in prison, and he died from an overdose in prison.
She said it was worse than when he was on the outside.
If we cannot control drugs with force on the inside of a prison, what kind of a prison society are we trying to build here in this country?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with more callers.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls.
Calls from ex-police officers or current police officers talking about this article that's up on Infowars.com about a Missouri officer who blew the whistle on the fact that they were
Using, essentially, 75% of their time to write tickets and generate revenue.
And so that, of course, is a very common thing.
We saw it to a large extent in New York City.
The last person I was just talking to, Greg from Arizona, worked in the prisons, was talking about how it just made them worse to go to prison, which, of course, is part of the reason that we have these mandatory minimums, perhaps.
We've known this for a long time, as Rob Jacobson just handed me an article going back to 2009 from the UK.
Overcrowded prisons act as a university of crime.
A university of crime for the young.
They say simply building more prisons is an expensive dead end.
Yet here we are, six years later, that's precisely what we're doing.
And before we go back to your phone calls, there's an article that just went up on Infowars.com.
Kit Daniel had Obama suggest Islamic extremists have, quote, legitimate grievances.
Hey, you know, these guys, they need jobs, they need a democratic process.
He says President Obama suggested that radical Islamic groups like ISIS, which beheads Christians and other Muslims for not obeying Sharia law, can only be stopped if governments are willing to listen to their, quote,
Legitimate grievances.
He says, this is Obama talking, governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change.
Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.
The irony of that statement.
Here we just had an election.
The key issues were that we didn't want to have open borders.
We didn't want Obamacare.
We didn't want corporate mandated insurance to be forced upon us for his corporate cronies.
And now they're talking about forcing vaccines on us.
We're going to be taking your calls in the next hour about personal experiences that you've had with vaccines.
They're removing informed consent from vaccines just as they removed informed consent from purchasing your insurance.
You know, buying insurance and having insurance is not the same thing as having health care.
Those are very different things.
They don't always work that way.
But they are transferring our money by holding a gun to our head to force us to do these things.
So here you've got a president who could care less what the
People say in the election, if the Congress, the majority Congress of the people just elected, if they don't do what he wants to have done, he says, well, you know, I'm just tired of waiting for you to enact my agenda.
I'm going to do it myself.
But I want to go back to these ex-police officers or current police officers who are holding on the phone.
Let's go to Chris in Nevada.
Hi, David.
Thanks for having me.
Oh, thank you for calling.
Go ahead.
Hopefully we can, hopefully we can wrap this up.
I'll give you how agencies have been
Dealing with the quota issue.
They don't call it a quota.
There's really no such thing.
However, they do it through policy and procedure.
A lot of agencies that are accredited do it through that, because this CALEA is the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement, and that's related to the Police Executive Research Form, which is the governmental type.
So you're saying that they call it a policy, and like in New York City for example, their policy was what they called the broken window policy.
If you go into a neighborhood where there's a lot of broken windows, we're going to really scrutinize the people there.
And as they pointed out in The Gothamist, when they were talking about this work slowdown, they said tamping down on all forms of quote disorder, things like resting a foot on a subway seat, or biking through a stop sign, and they say that's not cheap.
It cost them about one
$1.3 million a day to process 648 misdemeanor arrests.
And guess what?
When they get rough with people, in New York they've had nearly half a billion dollars worth of lawsuits since 2009.
So it has real dollar and cents consequences.
It may not even be simply about the money.
It may simply be about government strong-arming the citizens into submission.
Stay with us, we're going to have more of your calls right after the break.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls in the last segment.
We were talking to Chris from Nevada, an ex-policeman.
He was talking to us about these policies that, for all intents and purposes, he pointed out they're not, they don't call them quotas, they call them
Policies and different procedures.
They have a different name for it.
They don't want to call it a quota, but a quota by any other name, I think, is still a quota.
I want to go back to Chris because I kind of cut him off and started talking about the way they enforce the policy they call broken windows in New York City, which essentially works out to, in many respects, being a quota.
They talked to them about the number of arrests that they want to see this coming up.
They don't think that they're on their job, so that implies that they want to see more.
Actually, in the case of Adrian Schoolcraft, Chris, they were pretty explicit with the types of numbers that they wanted to see for very specific types of crimes.
They say, I want to see this many of that type and that many of that type.
They didn't call them a quota, but they had very direct numbers.
Yeah, because they're typical politicians and they should be fired.
I'll explain how it works to you.
Every month the computer generates a stat list of all your officers on your squad.
I was a supervisor.
So, you look on there and if there's people that are below the average, you go talk to that officer.
And initially say, hey, you need to bring up your stats because they're low compared to everyone else.
Next month, if that continues, you bring them in and you have a conversation and you document it in writing and say, hey, you need to pick up your stats.
If that continues for the next three months, you, after writing, not writing them up, but having a written verbal conversation that's in their file, so you have documentation to continue the progressive discipline process.
So, after three months, if they haven't picked up the pace and written more tickets or made more car stops, whatever, you know, the area that's low, you then put them on what's called a performance plan.
And then you meet with them weekly or bi-weekly and say, what are you doing?
And you give them training and try to get them up to a standard.
And then if they don't comply, then that's when progressive discipline comes in.
You give them written, you give them hours, and eventually that could lead to their dismissal.
So you see how they go through policy and procedure to make you work.
But in the sense of departments that have this type of policy, you have to get on officers sometimes to go do work, especially in these times.
You know, you have lazy officers.
Not all cops are
Sure, I understand.
Let me ask you this, Chris.
Let me ask you this.
You're looking at an average through the police department and you're saying, okay, this guy's not writing nearly as many speeding tickets as these other guys, so maybe the presumption is that this guy's maybe not working as hard, or he's not looking as hard.
Is it possible that maybe the particular types of crimes are not there?
Or maybe the other people are over-enforcing?
I mean, is that ever a consideration?
How do they establish this baseline other than an average?
Does that seem like a reasonable way to approach this for you?
Because it seems to me like it might be that you've got the average being pulled up by overly aggressive officers who know they're going to be rewarded for that kind of behavior.
You've also got the possibility that these crimes, if they are crimes, are not being uniformly distributed across the geographic area where these people patrol.
First-line supervisor know his people, and you have different talents with different officers.
Some are good at writing tickets, some are good at getting arrests and finding criminals.
So unfortunately, the first-line supervisor is not allowed to do their job in most departments because their lieutenant or their captain are looking at chat saying, what's going on?
And you know that officer's doing more arrests, he does better work, he takes more reports, and the workflow is trivial.
I understand, yeah.
We're out of time for this segment.
Thanks for calling Chris.
I think the problem is, I think
The kind of misdemeanor crimes that we're seeing, I think it's a symptom of an unaccountable police force that essentially has a different agenda than what the public thinks the police are for.
Coming up in the next segment, we're going to take your calls on vaccine experiments, or experiences rather.
I guess you could call them experiments.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls this half hour.
I'm particularly interested in people who have had experiences, adverse experiences with vaccines in their family or personally.
In this half hour, we're going to continue taking a couple more of the callers who are on the line who called in about the topic we were talking about last hour, and that of course was what we call quota systems.
We just had an officer explain to us that they officially don't use that word, but
They do put pressure on officers and we know from the tapes of Adrian Schoolcraft and the New York Police Department that it was very explicit about how many they wanted to see arrested per officer for various classes of offenses and these are not
Violent offenses that we think the police are there to help us for this is simply harassing people for misdemeanors that they can Generate revenue for the city for that's why New York Police Department had a work stoppage a work slowdown to punish the city They know that they're essentially meter maids with the ability to bludgeon people on the street if they don't They don't like what's happening
I want to continue with some of these calls.
Before we do, of course Alex has talked about this earlier in the show, this article is up on Infowars.com about DARPA developing a Matrix-like brain implant that's powered from the spine.
Just like out of the movie.
Just like out of Matrix.
And of course this is something that's going to allow people to bypass the eyes and go directly, transmit images directly to the brain.
As a replacement for things like Oculus Rift.
Now if you've ever used Oculus Rift, and we passed one around here in the office, Joe Biggs brought one in, it's pretty amazing.
It's an amazing experience.
And it's a pretty, you can even see the raster scan lines on the display, and yet, it is an amazing, immersive experience.
So you can imagine that people would willingly take this matrix implant,
If they could be entertained, because that's really what our society has boiled down to.
People who want to be entertained, who want to be comfortable.
That's about all they care about.
But of course, I'm very concerned whenever I see DARPA getting involved in things, even with the report that we had earlier this week about the special contact lenses that they were developing for people with age-related macular degeneration, losing your vision at the center.
Helping them to magnify the vision.
They could wink their eye and cause this thing to go into telescopic mode and magnify it by a large factor so they could actually read the print.
Now of course they could only wear these things for 30 minutes because it totally cuts off the oxygen to your eye.
But guess who funded them?
Because DARPA wants super contact telescopic vision for its troops.
It seems like
Eisenhower's prediction about the military-industrial complex, not only driving wars, driving perpetual war, perpetual conflict for its profit center, but also taking over all research.
It seems like that has come to a complete fulfillment.
Because it's not just DARPA.
I don't know if you know this or not, but there's an intelligence advanced research project agency.
IARPA, I guess is what they call it.
But it's not DARPA, Defense.
They're totally about intelligence.
What type of stuff are they working on?
Well, here's a paper that just came out in the middle of December, forecasting significant societal events using the EMBER's Streaming Predictive Analytics system.
What is EMBERS?
EMBERS is Early Model-Based Event Recognition Using Surrogates.
They love their acronyms.
What is it really?
It's an anticipatory intelligence system to forecast socially significant population-level events.
Things like civil unrest incidents, disease outbreaks, election outcomes.
Election outcomes.
Based on publicly available data.
Who's the customer of this?
Well, that would be for national security, law enforcement, intelligence missions.
Because they want to know and control elections.
They want to know about disease outbreaks.
Especially, perhaps, they're the ones who are starting it.
We've seen a lot of interest lately from DARPA, from IARPA, in terms of tracking
The spread of disease.
We've seen experiments conducted in the New York City subways.
We've also seen them moving to set up a competition to track the progress of chikungunya disease.
It was a fever that came out of Africa.
So this is something that over and over again, as we look through this paper, they're talking about illness, flu-like illness counts, rare disease outbreaks, again, mentioning elections and domestic political crises.
What they're doing is they're using open source data, in other words, publicly available data.
They want to mine that information, they want to be able to predict and understand what you're doing, and of course this is what we've been saying for a very long time.
Alex has been talking about this for years.
We've all been talking about this is how they're going to use the data that the NSA is collecting on people.
It's not just that they're a bunch of creepy voyeurs.
That's not why they're looking at your social media.
They're looking at your social media because they want to predict and control you.
They're closing that loop.
They're looking at the effects of how they can put in fake social media trolls on YouTube or on people's Facebook accounts to try to move public opinion.
So they want to be able to measure it.
They want to be able to predict it.
And as I point out, anticipatory intelligence.
This is the opening statement.
Anticipatory intelligence is considered to be one of the next frontiers of big data research.
That's why the NSA, why the government is collecting all of this information.
And of course, as Obama, it was not even a week ago that he did CISPA by executive order.
Intelligence sharing, cyber intelligence sharing.
And of course, CISPA was rejected twice through the legislative process.
Obama's corporate sponsors and the corporate sponsors of the Republican and Democrat leadership want to see this happen, so it's going to happen.
And if they can't get it through Congress, they're going to push it through by executive order.
Who is this information going to be shared with?
They said it's going to go to Homeland Security, because if they gave it to the NSA, people would be concerned about their privacy.
What a joke!
We're not concerned about our privacy if it's turned over to Homeland Security.
The entire federal government is set up as a pan-opticon tyranny and they're putting all the pieces into place and that's another aspect of it that people really haven't talked about and that is we even have an intelligence advanced research project.
I want to go back to some of the people who were holding to talk.
We've got Nick in Michigan, ex-Marine.
Also call in if you've got
Anything you'd like to tell us about your experiences with vaccines?
Go ahead, Nick.
Yes, my experience, I was in the Marine Corps, I joined the Marine Corps in 2008, or 2005.
Never had really a horrible flu ever in my life and was forced into the vaccination program in the military, you know, standing in line getting your however many 12 vaccines or whatever.
My whole, my whole unit, there was like probably 30 or 35 guys that were, including me, that were bedridden right after we got our vaccines.
And it happened the first time I got my vaccines, and it happened the second time I got my vaccines, and the third time, fortunately, I was in Iraq, and I, I don't even remember how I got out of doing it, but I didn't get the flu.
So, and the other thing is, uh, I have a, my younger brother, he's a
I mean this kid is the, he's a state champion quarterback, football player, excellent health, but when he was a baby he had cancer.
And he's trying to go into the Army, Special Forces in the Army.
My oldest brother is a Marine, and the Army won't let him in, and I think it is because he's not a good test subject for them.
He already had cancer, and they already know that once he goes in, once they start pumping the vaccines to him, there's a pretty good chance that he's going to get cancer again.
He's went through chemo and radiation.
I'm pretty sure that that's the reason that they're not going to let him in.
He's trying to get waivers from doctors saying that he is in complete, 100% perfect health.
He's never even had a broken bone, and if anybody's going to join the military for special forces, it's a kid like him.
That's very true.
You know what you're talking about in terms of using the military as guinea pigs, doing things to them without their consent.
We talked to Joyce Riley, the Power Hour, earlier this week, and she was talking about how when she was in the military, on one day, they gave her
Ten different vaccines on one day.
And it made her very sick.
And so, we know that they're using the military as test cases.
And as she pointed out, you know, of course, the Tuskegee experiments, they were done at a VA hospital.
We see what they did with depleted uranium.
They really don't have much respect for the military that they send out to fight the wars.
And they do, in fact, use them as guinea pigs.
So, sorry to hear about your experience.
Let's go to Ray in Florida.
Hey David, how you doing?
I'm fine.
Just to give you a little bit of a background, I did professional, well amateur rather, MMA bouts.
I think I had three of them.
I had my nose broken several times.
I used to train with guys that were 265 pounds when I was 165 pounds.
Anyway, I was working construction recently and stepped on a nail.
Went into the doctor's office and had to get
I felt it go down my arm, up the side of my neck, you know, I stood up, it went, it might have had something to do with me standing up too, but I doubt it because I've taken shots before and it really didn't bother me like that.
To give that DTAP shot to a small child would be the equivalent of taking him into that doctor's office.
And giving him a left by Mike Tyson back when he was still on D-ball, you know what I mean?
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
The thing that bothers me about all this is that...
We see people on the vaccine side pushing back against us and giving us the history of vaccines and the medical history of how they made this discovery and what antibodies are and everything.
You know what?
I understand that.
I know all about active immunity.
I know all about passive immunity.
We talked about that with Ebola and people getting convalescent blood serum.
It's not about that.
It's about the preservatives, the adjuvants that they put in to
Annoy your immune system to trigger your immune system.
It's about the additives.
It's not about the vaccine theory even.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
Call us about your experiences.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to go through these calls very quickly.
We've got people who have been calling in about their personal experiences with vaccines.
Let's go to Dave in Michigan.
Dave, are you there?
Yeah, hey David, how you doing?
Doing fine, go ahead.
Good, good.
Yeah, my daughter was vaccine injured when she was, you know, I don't even know which one it was, but at 10 years old she was diagnosed with staring seizures.
And they said she was probably having up to 300 a day.
She, you know, we had had her tested for ADD and all that stuff.
And, you know, she was borderline.
They wanted to put her on drugs and, you know, for other stuff.
And we didn't know nothing at the time.
We let them put her on anti-seizure medications and she blew up like a balloon.
She had all the symptoms.
I mean, all the, you know, the insert
It was a nightmare.
For about, well, till she was, uh, she's 23 now, and we got her on Longevity, and, uh, she's got her own business now, and she doesn't have seizures anymore.
She's off all her medications, and, uh, she's doing awesome.
That's great.
That's good to hear.
You know, actually, I saw one of these videos where they're trying to lecture us, you know, why vaccines work, and they're going to give you the basic idea that, you know, they come in and your body creates antibodies.
That's where the active immunity, uh, thing, but they started out talking about how
They learned that vitamin C would stop scurvy.
They didn't really understand the principle of it.
It got neutralized because they were storing it in copper pots, and so they stopped doing it, and then it came back.
But they were talking about the efficacy of supplements, and then they went on to vaccines.
It's like, well, wait a minute, time out.
Just as copper pots might destroy the acerbic acid, the vaccines are something that's very different than just simple active immunity.
It's the things that they've added to it that make it a totally different creature.
So how is your daughter now?
You said it was a staring syndrome?
Was it autism?
Or has she recovered now, you said, with longevity?
Yeah, they said it was epilepsy, you know, when she was 10.
She had, we put her in a hospital for a test, you know, they wanted to do a one-week EEG and monitor her and while on her meds she had, you know, over a hundred seizures while hooked up to this thing and then they put her on this stuff, I don't even know what it was, but it made her meaner than a junkyard dog.
We said, you got to get her off this stuff and so then we finally heard Doc Wallach on Alex Jones and
I don't think so.
He takes Young Jeopardy since he was two months old and it's just amazing.
Well, they don't put much emphasis, as Dr. Wallach and others have pointed out, they don't put much emphasis in medical schools on nutrition.
Originally, the Greek doctors were saying, let food be your medicine.
You have to have nutrition, you have to have the basic fuel that your body was designed to run off of.
And so many of these diseases that we see are simply, like scurvy, an example of malnutrition, something that is missing in your diet.
And so that's why we have these supplements, because not only are we missing a lot of stuff in our diet,
But they're adding a lot of very harmful things to our basic food that we have to be able to deal with.
When you look at the rates of autism in the Amish community, ten years ago there was a reporter who went to the Amish community, based on the prevalence of autism at the time and the size of the community, it was about 150 per
I don't know what, I forget what it was, 150 let's say per thousand or whatever, maybe 10,000.
Anyway, based on the size of the rate of autism at the time 10 years ago, he expected to see 130 people with autism, kids with autism.
Instead he saw three.
He didn't know about one of them, but two of them, it was directly traced, immediately happened after they had their vaccines.
But there's so many things in the Amish community.
They're getting whole food, they're getting exercise, and they're not getting the kind of chemical soup that we have to deal with.
That's a very important point.
Thank you for bringing that up, Dave in Michigan.
Let's go to Nicole in Michigan.
Hi, David.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes, go ahead.
I wanted to call in with my husband's story.
He is a disabled veteran from the Air Force, and he was given a vaccine about 10 years ago, which caused him to immediately, well, about within 20 minutes of the vaccine, he went into anaphylactic shock.
And over the next 18 months post-vaccine, his body would randomly go into anaphylactic shock, just out of the blue.
I think we lost count somewhere around 30 or 35 times in 18 months.
How is he now?
Did he recover?
He has recovered some.
He does have some long-term effects, but what they did is when he went to get his medical record for us to try and get him on... I'm so sorry.
I'm out of time.
We gotta go to a commercial break.
When we come back, thanks for calling and letting us know that, Nicole.
When we come back, we have some vaccine victims speaking out.
Some people here at InfoWars.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is an extremely important public service announcement update.
Please take notes, check out the claims we're about to make here for yourself, so that you can protect yourself, your family, and those around you.
This is so critical what's happening right now.
There is a massive push across the world, a huge PR campaign,
To arrest people that don't vaccinate their children, to forcibly inoculate, to not let people travel, to publish the names and addresses of people that don't vaccinate as if they're pedophiles or something.
This is a huge push and this is happening right now because Merck whistleblowers and head CDC doctors and others are going public and saying the vaccines are linked to autism, we covered it up.
And so you're seeing a huge push now saying, measles, measles, you know, everybody's gonna die, take vaccines, they're safe and effective, no side effects, no problems, arrest whoever says that they're bad, because this is an establishment meltdown.
I recently interviewed Dr. Wakefield.
His partner, top doctor when it comes to the stomach and intestines in England, has been exonerated and given his medical license back, and the court completely censured the British
Regulators that had basically lynched Wakefield and his partner.
What we're looking at is a system that is in meltdown right now.
And they're in meltdown for a number of reasons.
You can only sustain a lie, a falsehood, for so long.
And now that Dr. William Thompson, senior CDC scientist, has come forward and said that they have known for 13 years that MMR vaccine is causally associated with autism and they have hidden it.
From the public, from doctors, from public health officials, from everybody.
They've kept it to an inner circle of people who knew the truth all along and have allowed millions of children to be put in harm's way in the interim.
So you've got whistleblowers from the inside of the US coming out and saying these vaccines are dangerous.
You've got Wakefield, who they always say has been discredited.
You know, vaccines are perfectly safe.
That research was bogus.
That's all a PR hoax.
So they're doubling and tripling down with forced inoculations, with the claim that it's going to be the law that you've got to take shots, and they're adding hundreds of new vaccines.
See, 30, 40 years ago, you only got five or six vaccines.
Now it's over 50.
They want it to be over 100.
Autism's gone from 1 in 25,000 30 years ago to 1 in less than 60.
It's projected by 2025 to be 1 out of 10.
This is the big global crisis.
This is about medical tyranny.
Now the big pharma complex is striking back.
They've doubled and tripled down.
We the people need to strike back and everyone who has been vaccine damaged or whose children have been vaccine damaged needs to go to YouTube and other platforms and do a testimonial video.
And I suggest you use your name, your information, you show pictures of your children.
We need to warn others so that they understand just how dangerous this is.
Because with my uncle that almost got killed with a tetanus shot, they told him, yeah, the shot did it.
The doctors did.
With Marcos Morales, our live news director.
Same thing happened to his child.
And the doctor admitted it to him.
But they want to isolate us.
They want to keep us quiet.
They want to arrest us.
They want to publish our names and shame us.
Like we're in a sex child registry or something because we're speaking out against vaccines or don't take vaccines.
None of my three children have been vaccinated.
And it's because I have so many friends and family who have 10, 15, 20 year old children that are still in diapers, screaming and yelling in pain every day with incredible intestinal problems from the vaccines and
There's going to be more and more victims now.
We've got to not just sit here quietly while this holocaust goes on.
This is a do or die moment.
It's absolutely crucial in the history of this country and indeed the world of who prevails.
Who do your children actually belong to?
And if we do not get William Thompson before a congressional series of committees that unearth the precise nature and extent of the fraud at the CDC and how they... That's the big whistleblower.
That is the big whistleblower.
Then, if we do not do that...
And if we lose this battle, your children, you, will be owned by the pharmaceutical industry.
And your children, and your children's children.
And they are simply a marketplace for those companies.
They are quantified in terms of vaccination for every birth in how much revenue they will generate for the pharmaceutical industry in a mandated program for which there is no real recourse to any kind of compensational litigation if your children are harmed.
So they want to take away your rights,
As to whether your children should be vaccinated or not, according to your decision, but if your child is harmed and vaccines are, according to the Supreme Court, unavoidably unsafe, then you are left to pick up the pieces.
The inserts are clear that it can give you diabetes, Guillain-Barré, narcolepsy, death, pancreatitis.
Everything that we know is happening to the children?
Is all in the insert, but the news will never tell you about these.
Now, the reason we're doing this special report is it hit me.
I was back in the control room talking to Marcos Morales and others about the scourge of vaccines.
He was shaking his head and he said, yeah, I really don't want to talk about this, but Darren McBrain says I really should.
My first child,
Well, he's gonna tell you the story.
Got the vaccines, they gave her a whole bunch at once, and it was incredibly painful, and she got incredibly sick, and the doctor told him, oh, that's just normal.
They don't even deny it now.
And what's happening is, there's brain inflammation, IQ is being damaged, and girls are tougher than boys, genetically.
Any doctor will tell you that.
That's why 80 plus percent of the autistic children are boys.
But he has daughters.
So Marcos is going to tell you a story because he's reluctant, but he says he needs to do it, he wants to do it, he's a behind-the-scenes guy, because he wants to warn you to know the facts and to not believe the mainstream media, the Brian Williams types.
And then I want to challenge everybody out there, again, who's been damaged, or who's had problems.
To tell your story.
Be heard.
Say, we're not intimidated by Big Pharma and by the PR firms.
We're standing up.
We're taking action.
And good people inside government and corporations are going public.
And everything that Alex Jones and Wakefield and Dr. Blaylock and countless other people have said, it turns out, is accurate.
I mean, even Harvard studies admit that fluoride's lowering IQs.
But they don't want you to read the fine print, ladies and gentlemen.
But they legally have to tell you this.
But when you go get your shots, they're not offering it to you, because it comes with the ampule itself, the multi-dose vial.
So again, we're going to launch a whole initiative, and we're going to air some of these on air on the radio and TV shows, so that other people will start a chain reaction of telling their stories.
They want to keep us quiet.
And that's why they know that people are waking up to them.
So they're really pushing now, that's their answer, to shutting down this avalanche of truth that's hitting them.
Marcos, first off, you've been here, what, three and a half years?
About three and a half years, yes.
Well, you're a good friend of mine.
I'm over here customarily
Ranting, but how could we not rant knowing this and seeing this huge push?
First off, what do you make of all the stuff we're seeing in the media?
The talk of publishing names, arresting people, the bullying, the terrorist tactics, and then tell us the story.
I mean, your wife's a nurse.
Tell us the story of your oldest child and what happened.
Well, one of the problems with the propaganda in the public these days is that it's turning a lot of people's minds into buying into it.
I know people who were deftly against the transvaginal ultrasound when they were trying to regulate it, under the guise of, I didn't want the government putting something in my body that I didn't want there.
And these same people are for forced vaccinations.
And I would tell them, you can't take that out of your body.
You're for the government putting something in your body when you can't take it out.
And this is the government being able to put in our body whatever they want, these so-called vaccines.
And they've got liability protection.
I mean, how creepy is that?
It's creepy.
And my way to fight back, as you said, I'm reluctant to be on camera.
I'm behind the camera talent, usually.
But hopefully you'll spur others to have the courage because we've got to stand up for these children.
My way to fight back was I would give people factual information.
I would give them the articles with the studies, the data.
Nothing really rang true with him unless my personal side came out.
And then I would say, well, you know, when my first child came, the second time we visited the doctor, we went a little later than our date.
So we were going to
The doctor said that we had to put four vaccines in that day because I missed the other two.
And I was the first time parent.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I didn't do my homework, obviously.
And so I went along with it.
And then that night,
My wife was working overnights at the time, so I had my daughter by myself.
And she just, out of control, just started crying.
Her eyes were bright red, her head was on fire, and she was inconsolable.
Inconsolable for almost three days.
And into the first night, her fever spiked.
104 is when you go to the hospital.
I knew at least that much.
And so I called around then.
I was told that it was fine, that it was normal.
This is a normal reaction.
So I had to get the doctor on the phone and tell them this was happening.
My daughter is having this adverse reaction.
The hospital says that's what happens when you get vaccines.
And the doctor, yeah, no, this is a normal reaction.
Including death.
And so I said, well if that's a normal reaction, then I'm not doing that ever again to my child.
She suffered for almost three days, inconsolable, to the point where she couldn't cry anymore.
Her tears were dried up, her body was worn out, and she just whimpered and laid there.
For those that don't know, when adults are given a bunch of shots at once, the military, I've talked to troops that have described it, when they're given like three or four shots at once,
Burning, uncontrollable migraine headache.
And that's why you see these kids.
Rob Dew was telling the story.
In fact, I didn't even tell him I was going to do this.
Somebody go grab Rob, bring him in here.
Because we're having these behind-the-scenes discussions that are so real they would wake people up.
He'll be at the playground and see like some two-year-old flipping out at some crazy one of his neighbors.
And they go, I don't know what happened.
She's never acted like this or he's never acted like this.
And Rob goes, did you go to the doctor?
They're like, yeah, we went yesterday.
Did you get shots?
They're like, how did you know?
Because we know, and until a few years ago, if your daughter would have had convulsions, they would have taken her from you, or if she had died, they would have indicted you, because they do a CAT scan, blood on the brain.
Your daughter had a huge autoimmune response.
I'm not a brain surgeon.
Dr. Blalock is and exposes that.
I guess, talking to his mic, Robert, I mean, tell... It's the new normal now.
You know, your kid's flailing on the playground, and she's kind of laughing about it, going,
Oh, we don't know what's wrong.
And I just go, well, did y'all just go to the doctor?
She goes, yeah, we took her last week.
She just got back from, you know, she went to the doctor last week.
Oh, okay.
And I said, has she ever acted like that before?
No, this is the first time she's started acting like this.
Two-year-old baby.
And he told the rest of the story, you asked about vaccines?
Yeah, well, and then I said, is she getting all of her shots?
And they're like, oh yeah, she's right on schedule.
So it's the fact that the parents don't even see the connection between the bad behavior, because she's never acted like this before.
She'd just gone to the doctor, and this is what happens.
I've looked at studies of people that said the vaccines are safe, and in the epilogue, the doctor writes, I've taken
My first two kids, they both had seizures after the shot.
But I'm going to take my third one to get the shot, and I'm going to give them Tylenol beforehand.
That's their solution.
And here's the deal, because these aren't vaccines.
They're adding brain-altering systems, the anti-stress type vaccines that are viruses.
We'll put the articles up that go in and actually eat part of the brain.
This is population control.
It's what's in eco-science.
And it's so big that they may win, because it's so over the top
How do you deal with this?
How do you deal with 1 in 25,000 having autism 30 years ago, and now it's 1 in 50-something?
How do you deal with the magnitude of... My mother almost died from a flu shot.
The thing is, you said the doctor said, this is normal.
See, that's the new thing.
Because they'll say on the news, no side effects, no problem.
You go, hey doctor, it says it can make me have convulsions.
I don't know.
Yeah, of the same strain that they're supposedly vaccinated against.
The same exact strain that they're being injected with, they die from.
I was talking to a globalist off-record once and they said, Alex, you don't understand.
You think people adapt and evolve, adapt, overcome, you know, the military talks about, is a good thing.
We use the public adapting to bad things and people will go along with it.
And he sort of explains to me, basically laughing at me.
I was flying to New York once on a first class flight to be on The View.
And I mean, I looked the guy up.
He was like the head of a major bank.
Not one of the big six, but one right tier below that.
People don't understand this is a multi-generational attack.
This is something that has been going on for about 60, 70 years.
And they just keep, every year, they change the schedule, they up the dosage.
And it's little bits, but we've seen, and it's happened really bad since the 80s, the late 80s, when Rain Man came out to normalize autism and make it seem like it's kind of cool.
And they normalized breast cancer.
Yeah, it's up 3-4 thousand percent, but we're having a run for it.
We're not going to ask why it's increasing.
It's up to you folks.
Robb Dew can't do it all.
Marcos Morales can't do it all.
Alex Jones can't do it all.
Kit Daniels can't do it all.
Don Salazar can't do it all.
All our crew back there.
John Bowne.
We need you to tell your story, especially about the doctors admitting it.
Because, I mean, my dad wouldn't vaccinate me and he's an oral surgeon and a dentist and has a degree in chemistry and all this other stuff.
He wouldn't do it because he said they usually don't protect you even if it's a clean vaccine and it lowers your immune system.
He said, I would only take it if there was something super deadly like polio running around and only if it was already rampant.
But he goes, you know, your grandmother got polio from the polio shots.
I went and asked her.
She goes, yeah, I got it a month after she was given the shot.
And then she got these strains she'd been vaccinated for a month later and is on crutches at age 89 today.
So, so, this affects me.
My mother used to run triathlons, this was like 20 years ago, and they told everybody on the team, get your flu shot because we're having a triathlon come up next month.
You know, she was on UT Master Swimming.
She was in bed for like two weeks.
Just, just almost killed her.
My uncle, Joe, Joe Jones, almost killed him.
The doctor said, yeah, you had a bad reaction to the shot.
Face swoll up, hands swoll up.
But everyone I know, I mean, it's ridiculous.
I haven't had the flu shot myself since high school, by the way, and I got the flu every year in high school that I got the flu shot.
And then once I moved out, went to college, never took the flu shot again, I haven't had the flu since.
It lowers your immunity by 50% for an entire year when you take the regular flu shot.
It's up to you to call in the talk radio with your stories.
It's up to you.
If you don't know how to do it YouTube, go to your grandson or your neighbor or your brother.
Do it!
Speak out!
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
I started 23 years ago trying to get on air.
After three years, I got on air.
Now I reach 20 million people a week, conservatively.
And I just didn't like them trying to pass laws that under 18 couldn't shoot guns with their parents, couldn't go hunting, that they were trying to take people's private property.
I never intended to be on air.
I never intended to do all this.
I just went out there.
And you can do it, too.
I'm not saying you want to go this far.
Maybe some of you will go further.
Just tell the story.
And you know what?
If vaccines have been great for you,
Keep it up.
Just enjoy yourself.
But at least read the insert, because I'll be in a restaurant, and I will see someone with an air tank on, being wheeled in.
It looks like they're about to die.
And I saw this woman walk over to the other woman.
She goes, Hi, how you doing, Blair?
That was her name.
Have you got your flu shot?
She's like, yeah, I got my flu shot.
She's like 50 years old or something.
She's about to die.
And I'll be in a restaurant.
It's like a cult now.
All these really unhealthy looking people.
And they're like, yeah, I got my shot.
I mean, they just think they're getting something.
They're like, dealing what's right, not going to get other people sick.
Herd immunity, herd immunity.
Herd immunity.
The government, hello, is going to force stuff in us.
It's going to start a civil war.
I've never called for violence, and I'm not calling for violence now, but it's violent to force something on people that we know hurts them.
In India and Africa, everywhere else, they've caught the UN forcibly inoculating, sterilizing people.
This is like coming at you with a gun, but it soft kills you.
Okay, so, I'm not for offensive violence, but I'm telling you, they want to start a civil war, this is the way it's going to be.
And the media people, and the bureaucrats, and the medical people, and the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and Bill Gates up to this to his eyeballs, they're trying to make this forced.
McDonald's giving out the free, you know, vaccines with Happy Meals.
You are going to be held accountable.
I know the Nazis got caught because they used guns, and everybody could see they were killing people.
You just give us shots and we go off and die later.
No, we know, we're ringing the alarm bell, and we know what you're doing.
And I just want to say this.
We're three dads here.
We all have kids.
And it's not that we're medical scientists, we're not professionals in the medical field.
All we did, read the inserts, read the studies, read what other people have researched, and look at the connections.
We're not doing anything spectacular.
The doctor told you it was the vaccine!
It was a normal response.
And she came back, thank God.
That was a lucky one.
She would have been a boy, probably.
I mean, autistic.
Could have been.
Could have been.
Because boys can't handle it.
It's so epic, though.
I mean, it's so wild.
It's biowarfare.
We're undergoing biowarfare in the name of these giant pharmaceutical companies to make us customers for life.
Because when you're debilitated by these, you may not have autism, you may have severe allergies, you may have Crohn's disease.
How many people out there have Crohn's disease who also got their vaccine?
And they never used to have that.
All these new diseases.
I don't
They have a lot more money and we're going to destroy you.
That's what they did.
Well, but he's rising like the Phoenix.
He's been exonerated.
Here's what we need to do.
I want to make this a featured video on the YouTube channel.
I want it on InfoWars, Prison Planet, Facebook, Twitter.
Because it seems like if there's something super important, it doesn't get pushed.
And I want this video to get out there.
Folks, we can do it together.
Tell your testimony.
Expose what's happening.
Band together.
And let your doctor know.
What my dad says is
Go in with a consent form to them saying they'll take responsibility.
When the school lies to you and says it's the law, see they're liars, say here, sign this consent form that you waive any liability for me and that you'll pay for everything.
They won't do it.
This is how you take down a society, how you medicalize the culture, how you make everybody sick, and then the socialist healthcare of government comes in
Federalizing everything to basically reclimate and tear down the system.
This is the military attack on America and the rest of the world.
This is the heart of their program and it's why they're pushing so hard right now.
So get your testimony out today.
Take action.
Write articles.
Post it on your Facebook, Twitter.
However you want to communicate, get your stories out and keep telling them.
Because I read on our YouTubes
Uh, you know, people that have been damaged are just annihilating the trolls.
Because they're like, hey, listen, my son's brain damaged after the shot.
They admitted it and we settled in court.
I mean, it's just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
I mean, this is real.
And this could bring down the entire New World Order.
Since the late 80s, Alex, the vaccine court has paid out over $2.6 billion in damages to people.
If they're so safe and effective, they wouldn't be paying out $2.6 billion.
Okay, it's not safe and effective.
It is a chemical attack.
Chemical bio warfare from the same government that used to just shoot the blacks up with syphilis straight away.
Don't, and dads out there, you're going to get this information.
We have a lot more male viewers than females and you're going to go up against your wives who have been programmed to accept the medical tyranny.
You have to do your education and be patient.
It does work if you keep giving them the facts.
You can turn this around.
You can even convince your doctor that what they're doing is wrong.
We need to get serious.
I mean, people almost need to get FM transmitters that broadcast over a neighborhood and just run this in a loop for five years.
No, I'm serious.
I mean, we need to get hardcore with these people.
Because when you realize all the secret testing our government did...
And how they took the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and said they put stuff in vaccines, Bertrand Russell, all of them.
They're doing it.
They are really doing it.
All right, folks, it's up to you.
We're taking action as well.
We're all together.
Join us in warning the parents out there.
I'm going to warn people all the time I hear about other medical tyranny.
We're going to start on a bunch of issues, getting people to tell their stories.
That's how we're going to stop this evil.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for the Whole Info Wars crew.
Please spread the word.
Get this video out to everyone you know, because truth is powerful.
And as V for Vendetta says, ideas are bulletproof.
That's a special report you can see up on our YouTube channel.
It's a featured video up there.
We need you to tell your story.
How has it affected you?
You know, we need to also stand against this medical tyranny that is in direct opposition to informed consent.
I can't think of any more dangerous thing than destroying the notion of informed consent.
Yet we see this hatred for it.
We see this condescension.
We saw this hysteric hatred from this woman, Jennifer Hibben White, who said that her 15-day-old son was exposed to measles in a waiting room and he's going to die at any minute.
That's the way it was.
She's fighting for his life.
That was the way it was put on the Daily Mail.
He didn't come down with measles.
And the patient who had exposed other people in that waiting room was a vaccinated person.
Patient zero was a vaccinated person, not the unvaccinated.
We understand what the theory of vaccines are about, but you also have to understand it's the same thing as saying that fast food french fries are simply potatoes.
They're not!
They've got preservatives and many other chemicals in them that allow them, as they've done in Iceland,
If you want more information, I think you should also check out the documentary, 40-year-old documentary that 60 Minutes did back when the major news media was not completely owned by the pharmaceutical companies.
Mike Wallace with 60 Minutes went back and did a post-mortem, essentially, on the swine flu panic that was created by the CDC, inoculating millions of people.
I think it was over 40 million.
And having over 4,000 cases in today's dollars, $15 billion worth of damages.
Watch that documentary.
See how the CDC lied.
There was a CDC whistleblower involved in that.
They were telling people you must get this vaccine.
There wasn't even one confirmed case of it, but there were 4,000 confirmed cases of very serious illness and death.
Now, tomorrow we're going to have Dr. Hugo de Garis, author of The Artilect War.
His book has been copied in many movies, Transcendence, Elysium comes to mind.
It's a story of a technological elite.
Who goes to war against the rest of humanity.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
It's something that's happening not only in the movies, but also in real life.
Join us tomorrow.
And tonight, at 7 central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, we have the nightly news with Jakari Jackson.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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