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Name: 20150216_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 16, 2015
2349 lines.

The passage discusses various issues related to vaccines, the government's handling of public health, and the media's promotion of vaccination without providing adequate information about potential risks and side effects. The speaker also criticizes the medical establishment for promoting vaccination despite measles outbreaks occurring in areas with high vaccination rates. They question the concept of herd immunity and call for transparency in vaccine safety and effectiveness before asking for people's trust. Additionally, they discuss cases where harm has been caused by vaccines in the military, highlighting the need for more research on vaccine safety and efficacy. The Alex Jones Show takes calls from listeners discussing their experiences with vaccines and raises questions about purity of vaccines and lack of studies on their safety and efficacy.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, February 16, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
Alex Jones will be joining us in the second hour.
Also talk show host on another talk show host on a GCM program, The Power Hour.
Joyce Riley will also be joining us in the second hour.
Now, of course, Joyce Riley is a registered nurse, a whistleblower,
She's been a talk show host speaking out for individual liberty for quite some time on GCN She's going to be talking about her personal struggle with cancer And that'll be in the second hour and as I said Alex Jones will be joining us at that time as well Today I want to focus on what I believe is
This is an attack on the very foundations of our individual rights, of our legal system, in a way that is unprecedented.
Of course, it's an incremental story.
We've seen this happening for a long time.
But it's really coming to a head in a major way.
And we're seeing a lot of support from the media, from a lot of individuals.
We had the story this last Friday from Kit Daniels about the Canadian mother.
Who wrote this angry, uninformed, strawman attack on people who don't give their informed consent to the pharmaceutical companies and the government.
They're demanding that we do that without thinking.
They're demanding the same kind of blind obedience to the government and to the pharmaceutical companies that they have.
They don't want us to take a look at what's there.
And so we're going to look at that as well as the attitudes that we're seeing surfacing in California.
We've got the LA Times applauding Governor Jerry Brown, saying that he's showing new flexibility because he's considering mandatory vaccinations.
Isn't that Orwellian news speak?
Or maybe it's news speak.
When he starts talking about how he's going, they're going to take away people's personal belief exemptions.
Do you understand how they twist the language to get what they want?
We see this all the time as the statists, as the socialists try to move their agenda forward.
You take something that was informed consent.
The very basis of the Nuremberg Code, to try to prevent what we saw happening in concentration camps, the medical experimentation on individuals that we saw happening in Nazi Germany, in Japan, where they did horrible things to people and said, hey, it's for the greater good of mankind, because if I can experiment on these people over here, I may learn something that will help millions of people down the road.
See, that's the way they move this ahead.
They talk about the collective good, and they have absolutely no regard for individual rights.
There was a pushback, of course, against that in the Nuremberg Code.
People called it what it was.
Medical tyranny is despicable, and we have to not let them railroad us into this.
They're trying to drive us off the cliff the same way that the Disney filmmakers drove the Lemmings off the cliff, and so we're going to talk about that.
We're also going to talk about the Keystone Pipeline.
It's back in the news again because, you know, the Republicans just keep voting on it.
They passed it now the tenth time.
And, of course, we have the Republican Senate passing that, as well as the House has been passing it as long, as many times as they need to.
Doesn't look like it's going to get past Obama, but there are some very serious issues here that go beyond the environmental issues.
This goes to the essence of eminent domain and private property.
Now, of course, we had the Supreme Court decision ten years ago, Kello versus New London.
Essentially saying that one private organization could, with the government, come in and say, because my private use of this is going to be for the public good, more so than your private use is, I'm going to be able to take that property
And they supported that all the way to the Supreme Court.
So what do we see now happening with the Keystone Pipeline?
Now we have a foreign corporation, a Canadian corporation, coming in and telling people, in many cases who have had Nebraska farms for over 100 years, I'm sorry, your private property rights are not important.
We're going to turn them over to a Canadian corporation.
Do you understand how this is happening?
And of course we've got Cuomo's son talking about how our rights don't come from God.
So your individual rights don't come from God.
We don't need your consent either for government or for mandatory vaccines.
This is the way the country falls.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
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What if we the patriots hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about...
The individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride, GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month, we're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
But Alex will be joining us in the second hour.
Also joining us in the second hour will be Joyce Riley of the Power Hour, another GCN program.
She's a registered nurse, a whistleblower.
She's going to be on to talk about her personal struggle with cancer.
So you don't want to miss this next hour.
It's going to be a very powerful program that we have coming up with Alex Jones talking to Joyce Riley.
And we see some news, of course, that's just broken today.
It appears to be legitimate as far as I've seen.
I haven't seen any analysis that would suggest otherwise.
But a video purporting to show IS militants beheading 21 Egyptian hostages who were taken a few weeks ago.
They were all laborers and they were kidnapped by ISIS and they show a mass beheading.
And people are rightfully outraged, especially if this is true.
We need to understand, however, before we get goaded into a war, that this organization was created, funded, trained by the American government, by the CIA.
They were our proxies in Syria.
This is something that has been going on throughout the Middle East, so things are not just as simple as they appear to be, unfortunately.
And I think it's very important to go back and to look at the reaction of some of our Middle Eastern allies.
Let's take the Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan.
Now, remember last week there was the shooting in Chapel Hill.
The question as to whether or not it was a hate crime directed against Muslims, since all three of the victims were Muslims, or was the guy just a liberal
Rachel Maddow loving, gun owning nut who shot these people.
Of course, because he had a gun, the narrative out there was that he was some kind of a right-winger terrorist.
He was nothing of the sort.
This guy was a
Definitely, as I lived near that area in North Carolina, as most of the people in Chapel Hill and UNC are, he was a card-carrying liberal, if there ever was one.
But the bottom line is, they pulled this back, and if it couldn't be a right-wing terrorist, then it just had to be a parking lot dispute, or whatever the case was.
The Prime Minister of Turkey
lectured Obama and said, if you stay silent on this, when faced with an incident like this and you don't make a statement, the world will stay silent towards you.
And he says, I asked Mr. Obama, where are you, Mr. President?
Well, I ask, Mr. Erdogan, where are you, Mr. President?
Have you spoken out against these 21 beheadings by ISIS?
I haven't heard anything from that.
It seems to be very selective.
Clearly, there's no question if that video is real, what's going on there.
There is a significant question as to whether or not that was a hate crime.
If the guy shot three people, and there seems to be no question about that, isn't that enough?
Of course, that's the issue with hate crimes.
There's always some kind of alternative agenda that it's meant to serve, some kind of a divide-and-conquer agenda.
It's enough if the guy shot three people to just get him for three counts of murder.
I don't see why the hate crime issue is even important there.
But if we're going to talk about doing something about these
Outrages that are being committed on film, whether they're staged, whether they're real, everybody appears.
We've got a majority that wants to go to war, wants to put troops on the ground.
We've got a two-thirds majority, according to a recent poll in America, that want to send troops on the ground to stop these videos that we see.
Bear in mind that our closest ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, and they are our closest ally,
Is beheading one person every four days.
One person every four days.
So do the math.
What ISIS just did on video, Saudi Arabia does in less than 90 days.
On average.
Yet they are close allies.
Why are they our close allies?
Well, because of oil.
Because, of course, the CIA can use them, our military-industrial complex can use them to continually have war in the Middle East, because that suits their purposes.
Just imagine if we weren't such close allies with the Saudis.
Probably some high-ranking government officials would not have been able to sell oil futures short and make a fortune, which I don't have any evidence that anybody has done.
But don't you think maybe there's some extra money in some of those black ops CIA funds?
Don't you think that the Saudis, who are joined at the hip with the CIA, gave them an advance notice that they're going to
Dump the price of oil just by maintaining production where it was because demand worldwide is falling so quickly.
But of course, nothing to worry about there.
We're told continually by this administration that everything is wonderful.
The economy is doing great.
We've got great employment figures.
And every economic metric, as we're told at the State of the Union, Obama's recent State of the Union, every economic metric is up.
Well, that simply isn't true.
But if we're going to get so
excited about these videos that we're going to go to war because they've tried to they've created other atrocities and tried to blame them on the other side false flags that we saw happening in Syria a year ago trying to goad the American public, trying to goad the West into an all-out war again.
If we're going to do that let's at least demand that our allies in Saudi Arabia, that our allies in Turkey stop this type of stuff.
Maybe that would be a start.
The main thrust I want to talk about today is not that, however.
I really want to talk about how things are falling apart in America, the means of the takedown of the American state.
And of course, this is an incremental story, this has been going on for a long time, but now we see the public joining in with strident claims that we have to get rid of individual liberty, that we have to get rid of informed consent.
We see the LA Times talking about, we're going to look at
Removing the personal belief exemption.
That's the way they twist the language of informed consent.
They don't want to say we're going to move to stop informed consent at last.
That was the LA Times headline.
Instead what they say at the LA Times is California is going to move to end personal belief exemptions at last.
So you shouldn't have any exemptions for that.
We've got Chris Cuomo, son of Mario Cuomo,
On television, on CNN, saying, our rights do not come from God.
Obviously, he could care less what our founding principles were in this country, what our founding documents said.
Of course, the Declaration of Independence, which basically lays the fundamental theory of our government, says that, of course, all these rights do come from God.
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.
But he says, no, no, no.
Our rights don't come from God, he said on CNN.
He said our laws come from collective agreement and compromise.
This story that's on New American hits it on the head.
They said he is confusing laws with rights.
Our rights come from God.
Our laws are made by men.
And the point
of the Declaration of Independence was to say that we create governments in order to protect those God-given individual rights.
But we've lost sight of that.
So we have a situation now where we've got the vast majority of the public clamoring to shut down informed consent over measles.
This is not even Ebola.
This is measles.
People my age know that it was very, very common.
It was not life-threatening, and yet we see the shrill cries.
We see this woman in the story that was picked up by Kit Daniels last week.
Here's the headline from Daily Mail.
Mom's angry Facebook post lashing out at anti-vaxxers as her 15-day-old son's life hangs in the balance from measles.
It sounds like he's got measles, he's critically ill.
Guess what?
He doesn't
Against people who don't give their informed consent and she doesn't offer any reasons for it Just lashes out at them for the collective.
This is what we're seeing over and over again.
This is what we're seeing actually with the Keystone project
We can talk about whether a pipeline is the safest way to transport crude oil.
I think it probably is.
Probably the safest and cheapest way to move that around.
We can talk about whether or not it's going to increase pollution, as the environmentalists are concerned about, because of the form of that oil.
Nevertheless, it's going to be refined either in the United States or it's going to be shipped across the ocean and refined in China.
That's a net wash.
But here's the crux for me.
This is using eminent domain for a foreign corporation to take private property away from American citizens.
Taking away private property from people who have had farms for over a hundred years, in many cases in Nebraska, handing it to a TransCanada Canadian multinational corporation that says, I want your property.
And the government is coming in and giving them eminent domain status.
This is what we see happening with the Keystone project.
It's absolutely wrong for the government, and there's no constitutional support for this.
If we go back and we look at
What happened in the Kelo case ten years ago, that essentially began a precedent saying that one private company can take land from another private individual and say that it's in the greater public good.
That is not, not what the Constitution says.
The Constitution says that you must
Give compensation if you're taking it for public use.
If private property is taken for public use, there has to be compensation.
That is not what happened with Kelo.
When the Supreme Court said that, they were wrong.
They violated the Constitution.
And it's about to go to an even worse level here, where you've got a foreign corporation coming in and taking that away from someone domestically.
And of course, it's all about jobs, according to the Republicans.
Whenever the Republicans start talking, or any party starts talking about how they are going to create jobs, watch your back.
Governments don't create jobs, they create bureaucracies, and they create regulations, but it's only by taking those regulations away that jobs are created.
They're going to have about 40,000 jobs to build this pipeline, but once that's finished, it's going to be less than 100.
We're going to live with the loss of private property rights long after the jobs of the Keystone Pipeline are gone.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Alex Jones will be joining us in the second hour, as will Joyce Riley.
Alex will be interviewing Joyce Riley from the Power Hour at the noon hour, if you're listening in the Central Time Zone, but it's going to be in about a half hour at the top of the hour.
Now I was talking just before we went to break.
About the erosions against individual rights, against informed consent, against private property.
We see anchors on CNN, Chris Cuomo, saying, our rights don't come from God.
Our rights come from the collective.
From the laws that we pass.
In other words, everything is prohibited unless expressly permitted.
We determine what you're going to be able to do.
We grant you privileges.
You don't have rights that come from God.
No, you're granted privileges from the government, from the collective.
That's essentially what they're saying.
And so we see others in the media, like the LA Times, applauding the new flexibility of Governor Jerry Brown and considering mandates.
Do you see how they've turned that upside down?
If you want to mandate medical treatment
against people without their informed consent, which is what the Nuremberg Codes were set up for.
The Nuremberg Codes established informed consent as the gold standard.
I interviewed Jane Orient, MD, last week.
And she was talking about how that is the essence of the doctor-patient relationship.
But of course, we see that they're intruding with mandates like Obamacare onto that doctor-patient relationship.
Third parties are coming in that have conflicts of interest, whether they want to sell us insurance or whether they want to sell us vaccines.
We should be concerned about what the pharmaceutical companies are selling us.
This goes beyond the science of whether vaccines are safe and effective.
Of course, we are concerned about what they put into the vaccines in terms of preservatives, in terms of adjuvants, things that are designed to provoke the immune system, the number of vaccines that are given, the collective addition of these vaccines, giving multiple vaccines at the same time at an early age.
All of these things are very different scientific question to whether or not
We're good to go.
Consider this article right here.
The FDA doesn't even test the safety of genetically engineered food.
This is from Washington's blog.
USA Today reports, and they have a question and answer with the FDA over GMO foods.
They say, does the FDA test these foods before they're allowed on the market?
The answer is no.
Instead, there is a voluntary consultation process.
Genetically engineered foods are overseen by the FDA, but there is no approval process.
Foods are presumed to be safe unless the FDA has evidence to the contrary, says Jeffy.
The FDA, quote, has to show that there may be a problem with the food as opposed to the company needing to prove that it's safe to the FDA's satisfaction before it can get on the market.
Hey, I would be fine with that if that was the way that government operated in every other respect.
The only people who are presumed to be innocent
Of course, are the multinational corporations that have captured the regulatory agencies.
The rest of us, we have to apply for permission for everything that we do.
You want to try to take some kind of a painkiller to help you if you're suffering from cancer?
No, you have to get the FDA's permission for that, or maybe the DEA, because we know that marijuana is very effective at stopping nausea, very effective at stopping pain, very effective at treating glaucoma.
No, we can't have that, because the government doesn't permit that.
It's prohibited.
Where did they get the authority for that?
Where's the constitutional amendment for that?
They had to have a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, and another one to make it legal again.
They never passed a constitutional amendment that gave them a right to prohibit anything.
But of course, the FDA acts the way that it should to the rest of us, only when it comes to a giant corporation like Monsanto.
I think it's very revealing.
If we look at this article that came up, this is a transcript that I printed from NPR's Morning Edition.
They were talking about the fight between a couple of different plastics manufacturers.
Of course, we all know that there's issues with BPA.
We know that it has hormone-related health problems.
As they point out, in large doses, in other words, if they put it in every kind of container that you eat or drink out of, which is what they do in America, BPA in large doses causes hormone-related health problems in animals.
Yeah, like humans.
But they don't want to say humans.
They jump around that.
And then they get into a back-and-forth competition with another company that came up with a competing product, Triton.
We're going to talk about what they say about the scientific method.
Because it's very important in this debate about vaccines.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
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What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
I'm all about the individual being empowered.
The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride, GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
And to celebrate the kickoff of Human Empowerment Month,
We're slashing prices on InfoWarsLife.com products like Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
The sale is only running for the month, 20% off and there's a lot of other powerful specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
InfoWarsLife.com, celebrating human potential in the month of February.
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Again, InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Monday, February 16th, 2015.
Alex will be joining us in the next hour along with Joyce Riley, host of the Power Hour that you can also hear here on GCN.
I was talking just before the break about a fight going on between some plastics manufacturers and what that tells us about the scientific process.
But before I do, before I get onto that again, I just want to tell you that this hour is brought to you by the products that we sell at Infowarslife.com.
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Now just before the break we were talking about this story that I saw, it's a transcript I have here from NPR, talking about the fight between the people who make BPA,
And the people who make a BPA-free plastic, Triton.
And of course, as they point out, we all know that BPA taken in large doses causes hormone-related health problems in animals.
Of course, the large doses that we get means that virtually all plastics that they put drinks as well as food lining the cans of canned foods in many cases with BPA plastics, of course we are getting that in large doses.
And it's not just animals that have problems with it.
It has problems for humans, because we are animals in that respect as well.
Now, they point out that these two companies are going back and forth making claims and counterclaims.
They get into an argument.
They get into a lawsuit about this.
They've all got their own experts and studies backing their positions.
They argue, they say, at length about which tests should be used to establish whether a product had estrogenic activity.
In other words,
Both of these plastics, apparently under certain circumstances, create estrogen problems, creating problems for males, lowering the fertility rate, doing many other things, as Alex has talked about many times, the effects of these plastics.
But here's the key thing.
This is what they came down to the bottom line.
They said, the test results that we have, it doesn't limit our research in a scientific context.
He says, our companies are getting their message out by publishing scientific papers about estrogenic plastics that specifically mention each other's products.
He says, the tactic seems to be working.
I think people are recognizing that it's not the courts that determine scientific questions.
It's not the government of California.
It's not LA Times.
It's not Chris Cuomo.
Truth is not determined by democratic vote.
It's not determined by majority opinion.
Most of the time, the scientific consensus about most things has been wrong.
Louis Pasteur had to fight against the scientific consensus to get people to understand the germ theory.
Most of the time, the scientific consensus is wrong.
You advance science by questioning conventional wisdom.
And here's some questions for the people who put out mandatory vaccines.
And as I point out, we have an article, actually an interview that's up on the YouTube channel, an interview that I had with Jane Orient, Dr. Jane Orient, M.D.
She's with the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
She's the executive director.
And I thought they had some very good questions
That they asked the CDC in a FOIA request three years ago now.
They asked for things like, describe the potential conflicts of interest that you may have in recommending vaccines.
This is to the CDC.
Tell us what tests you've done to determine the duration of the protection of vaccines.
Tell us the safety and the efficacy testing of the influenza vaccine.
Give us documents that describe the long-term safety studies of children and adults who have received five or more annual doses of the flu vaccine.
Give us tests that you've conducted for possible viral or bacterial contaminants in vaccines.
We'd like to know what safety testing you've done for thimerosal, that's mercury, in children and adults.
We'd like to know any testing that you've done of thimerosal or other vaccine components for potential adjuvant effects, that's irritant effects of the immune system.
We'd like to know any investigations that you've had for the potential of any components with adjuvant-like effect for inducing allergies to vaccine components.
Which recipient is coincidentally exposed to like peanuts or pollen would like to know what the absentee rates in school children and health care workers are who have or have not received the flu vaccine, including time off for adverse reactions to the flu vaccine.
We'd like to know if you've compared the effectiveness of immunization of personnel versus other methods of protecting patients against acquiring influenza in-house.
For example, using UV lights to sanitize the air, which we saw them doing with the Ebola outbreak.
They have a UV machine that can come in and sanitize.
Uh, an entire room without people being in there.
So these are questions that need to be asked.
Where are the studies?
Show me the studies.
Oh that's right, you haven't done the studies?
Or you don't want to show me the studies that you've done?
Then don't ask me to trust the CDC or the pharmaceutical industry.
I certainly understand what vaccines are about.
I understand the process of passive immunity.
We talked about that when Ebola was an outbreak.
The idea that you would use the antibodies that somebody who survived the disease had produced human antibodies and you would transfer those human antibodies to someone else with a convalescent serum.
I understand that.
I understand active immunity, where you give somebody a weakened or dead version of the disease and hope that their body produces its own antibodies to deal with that.
That's active immunity.
I understand the principle of both of those things, but you understand that they then turn around and change that.
We talked about that with Ebola.
We said, look,
People who are recovering from this, in almost all of the cases that we've seen here in the West, they've all had this convalescent serum.
Virtually every single patient.
And they were passing this on, the doctors and nurses, because they had seen this work in the country.
But then, what the media wanted to produce was the pharmaceutical version of this, the artificial version of this, where they would inject monkeys with Ebola, and they would get monkey antibodies, and then they would genetically modify those monkey antibodies to
Presumably work better with humans.
Then they would take those genetically modified monkey antibodies and they would put them in a genetically modified tobacco plant and grow them.
Then they would take this Frankenstein substance and inject it into you, talking about how, hey, if this Ebola outbreak gets too far along, we're not going to be able to take the time to do the kind of testing that we'd like to do.
We're just going to have to start injecting people with this.
That's the difference.
Where they go from transferring convalescent serum from one person to the other to a monkey-generated antibody that they grow into a genetically modified tobacco plant because they can make money from that.
They can't make that much money just doing blood transfusions.
But they can make a lot of money doing ZMapp and things like that.
So that's what we're looking at.
That's what you need to have if you're going to have informed consent.
Yeah, we have this case that came out last week and it was up on Infowars.com.
Kit Daniels had this story about the angry mom and of course the way that it was hyped in the media and the Daily Mail saying her son, her 15-day-old son's life hangs in the balance from measles because of
You know, anti-vaccine people.
Well the reality is that her son didn't even have measles.
And I haven't seen, I've been following this and I'm sure that if he did come down with measles there's only one or two days left.
In the watching period, I'm sure that if Jennifer Hibben White's 15-day-old son had come down with measles, I'm sure they would be telling this to everybody.
But here's the catch right here.
When it was reported in the Canadian television report, they pointed out that the person who was in the waiting room, so she took her child to a hospital waiting room at 15 days old.
That's perhaps the Canadian socialist health care system.
I don't know.
Personally, I wouldn't take my 15-day-old child into an emergency room to wait for a routine checkup.
Nevertheless, she did.
And there was somebody who was there who was sick, as you would expect in an emergency waiting room.
We're good to go.
So she's angry at the unvaccinated people.
She brings up amazing straw man arguments.
Let's run the report from that Canadian TV news report.
They have some of her quotes, and we're going to stop this as we go through it and comment on some of these quotes.
Run that tape, guys.
Now to a mother outraged at parents who do not vaccinate their children.
She took to social media and her emotionally charged post is gaining steam.
You see, her newborn son may have been exposed to measles late last month and she does not yet know if he has the virus.
Here's CTV's Janice Golding.
Measles is a potentially deadly disease, and Jennifer Hibben-White has learned her newborn son Griffin may have been exposed at a Markham doctor's office on January 27th.
She writes, I'm angry, angry as hell.
The pickering mom of two doesn't blame the person who sought medical help, but on Facebook she posted, if you have chosen to not vaccinate yourself or your child, I blame you.
I blame you.
You have stood on the shoulders of our collective protection for too long.
From that high height we have
Okay, let's hold that right there.
Did you catch that?
Our collective protection.
You stood on the shoulders of our collective protection.
I blame you if you're not vaccinated yet.
The person that was in the emergency room was a vaccinated person.
That's not supposed to happen.
And according to their theory, somebody who gets measles
As a vaccinated person isn't supposed to be able to pass that on, yet we've seen that happen time and again.
I want to read one more quote and then we've got Alex Jones has called in on the phone.
She said, basically, you have stood on our collective shoulders.
We are concerned world citizens and we're not going to allow this anymore.
In other words, we're just going to force you.
Bringing up things like you think you can protect your kids by eating a shovel full of dirt, by dancing by candlelight in a full moon.
Talk about strawman arguments.
It's one of the most unbelievable posts I've seen and yet it's been shared over a quarter of a million times.
That's the mentality that we have to guard against.
Let's go to Alex Jones who's just called in.
Alex, go ahead.
Okay, so yeah, we're going to get to Alex in just a moment.
I think we had a little bit of a glitch there on our phone line.
Let me continue on with what she has to say here.
She says,
We let you be so privileged, thanks to our willingness to vaccinate ourselves and our children.
But she doesn't have any tolerance anymore.
In other words, you don't have the freedom to make decisions about yourself, about other people.
You have a privilege.
We allow you the privilege of not getting a vaccine, but we're going to bring that to an end.
She says, of course, your kid's not going to develop autism, which they wouldn't because of science.
That's her explanation.
Because of science.
So she accuses us of thinking we're going to protect our kids by dancing by candlelight in the full moon, by giving them shovels full of dirt.
And yet she doesn't offer any justification for the quote-unquote science.
As I just mentioned, it's not the science, it's about the vaccine.
It's the same as we talked about before, about french fries that are sold in a fast food scenario.
It's not simply potatoes!
When McDonald's has 19 different ingredients, some of them pretty heavy preservatives, they fry it in a chemical that is a key ingredient, and silly putty, when they do that,
It is no longer merely potatoes.
It becomes special french fries that you can put under a glass as they've done in Iceland along with a cheeseburger that is now six years old and hasn't changed a bit.
And that's the issue.
Don't tell me that I'm getting just potatoes when you give me some fast food fries.
It's not simply that.
And if this lady would go back and ask some of these questions that the CDC refuses to produce the information.
They sent a FOIA request.
This is the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.
They sent a FOIA request a couple years ago and you know what they heard back?
Crickets chirping, total silence.
They haven't received any answers to conflicts of interest, to what tests have you done to test for the efficacy of this, what have you done to test for the long-term effects of these vaccines, and on and on.
I just read all those detailed things off.
Nobody has received any of this information.
When I don't get the information, I'm not informed.
If I'm not informed, you're not going to get my consent, unless you destroy our individual rights.
And of course, that is a key part of what Obamacare was about.
Obamacare was about destroying our
Ability to make our own health care decisions because when the government pays for our health care and that's where they're headed with this It's not right now.
It's a massive transfer of wealth from Individuals to insurance companies who are selling us inflated insurance policies that may or may not get us health care You understand the difference between having health care and having health insurance.
I hope so You realize of course that health insurance is not always going to get you health care and when they make single men by pregnancy coverage
Something's going on here.
The same thing is true when we're looking at mandatory vaccines.
When you've got the pharmaceutical companies selling vaccines out of virtually every retail location, they haven't sold them out of McDonald's!
They were giving away vaccines.
They had mold.
You could go there and get shot up with MMR.
You could get the tetanus shot.
You could get a staph shot there.
You could get hepatitis A. I totaled it up.
It was like eight or nine vaccines you could get right then.
What is that going to do?
As Dr. Wakefield said when Alex Jones interviewed him last week, he said, it isn't, when you look at these vaccines, it isn't 1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 3.
It equals something that is completely different.
And his point being was that he wanted to see, instead of the MMR being given to children, to space these things out.
And he said, when they did that in Japan, they saw a drop in the autism rate.
But then the autism rate started going back up again.
And as Dr. Wakefield pointed out, they looked at it and they found that even though they had now separated this out into three distinct vaccines, they had begun the practice of giving those vaccines on the same day.
Essentially the same effect as doing an MMR.
That's the question.
That's the concern that we have.
And when you look at the situation where they come back and they say, as the AAPS also had facts on mandatory vaccines, they talked about adverse reactions to the hepatitis B. They said, well, of course, that's less than 1%.
But understand that if you're giving that to 70 million American children, that's going to be 700,000 children that are going to have adverse effects.
I think we've got Alex Jones back on the line.
Alex, are you there?
Yes, I am, David.
Thank you for co-hosting with me today.
I'm joining you from my home studios.
I'll be co-hosting with you when Joyce Riley, who's battling stage 4 cancer, fellow GCN Radio host, Lydia, I've known for about 20 years, will be joining us coming up the second hour today.
So we're going to have this very touching, important interview with her and review her 20 years of work or so.
She started around the same time as I did, exposing Gulf War illness, having the Gulf War vets.
Association and more and get her view on world events, alternative treatments for cancer versus mainstream treatments.
So Captain Joyce Riley, who hosts a syndicated radio show for the same amount of time as I have.
I mean, I guess I did it for about a year or two longer on GCN, but she's been here for about 18 years.
She's going to be joining us in the second hour today.
Appreciate you doing a great job there, David Knight, co-hosting with me from TheInfoWars.com at Radio Studios in Austin, Texas.
I'm working on a big story.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be co-hosting in this next hour with Alex Jones.
He's at a remote location.
I'm here at the studio in Austin.
And we're going to have in the next hour Joyce Riley, a host with GCN for a very long time.
Of course, a registered nurse, a whistleblower.
She's going to be talking to us about her personal struggle with cancer.
And joining us now is Alex Jones.
David, again, I should be back in tomorrow.
I'm working on some major breaking news and some corporate deals to get the broadcast expanded and syndicated to television.
So that's why I've been missing a few days here and there.
Of course, I hosted live yesterday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I want to thank all of our affiliates and listeners out there.
David, you do such a great job when I'm tuned in and listening as you break all this down that I end up calling in early.
So thanks for letting me barge in here about 10, 15 minutes early today.
But wild horses could not drag me away.
What we see with the whole vaccine situation is epic.
People need to sit back and kind of, not savor this moment, but realize we're in the game, having a huge effect, having huge victories, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world.
If you really research what's unfolding, it's a Brian Williams moment.
In fact, I would headline your whole last 30-minute breakdown of vaccines, vaccines Brian Williams moment.
Because it's the moment when the facade collapses and the lies come out.
We've had the Merck whistleblower, CDC whistleblowers, two different ones.
One, the head of the program admitted they were basically covering up autism links.
We've had the co-author of the Andrew Wakefield study in England exonerated, his medical license given back, and the court said, yeah, you engaged in fraud to set this guy up, basically.
You've got all the analysis coming out that vaccines are causing the diseases, that they're full of all sorts of adulterants.
And so there's a public collapse in confidence
In the system.
Everyone I talked to basically is either totally against vaccines and has been hurt by them or you know thinks that they can hurt you but it's overall better for you in the end.
But the numbers are coming in and so there's a Brian Williams moment
So they're doubling and tripling and quadrupling down right now to push their agenda and to say, we're going to arrest you, we're going to kick you out of school, we're going to push where you live like you're a child molester if you don't take these, we're going to push for forced inoculations, we're not going to let you fly domestically if you don't do this.
It's the beginning of the Obamacare media tyranny, medical tyranny, where they all bully you and attack you into submitting to this and other social engineering.
So this is the big fight.
Of course, we've always been on it, you've always been on it, but now the big fight is front and center and everybody's got to let them have it.
I launched a video over the weekend that InfoWars declares war on vaccines.
Not on the idea of inoculation and that you can learn immunity.
It's that they're given liability protection.
They don't protect you.
It's a total fraud.
There's a social engineering agenda.
We know they're engaged in social control, dumbing down, brain damaging, infertility.
And this is our big fight.
This is our line in the sand.
They are physically trying to assault us with these, trying to force us to take these, trying to force us through collective medicine, collectivist medicine, to pay for all the damaged people that have autism and other neurological disorders.
They're collapsing, so like Battle of the Bulls, they're counter-launching, and in that video...
Uh, titled InfoWars Declares War.
Uh, really the title should be Vaccine Victims Tell Their Story.
Because what it's really all about, and I want it reposted to InfoWars.com, retweeted, and refacebooked under that title.
It's a great title they came up with, but the title we need, uh, is Vaccine Victims Tell Their Story.
If everyone who's a vaccine victim, who has family that is, or who died from it,
Gets out, puts out YouTube videos, puts out letters to the editor.
We will, as a tidal wave of victims, crush the enemy.
So they've got a few fake victims whining and saying it's our fault they're sick when it's pure bull.
We've got to come out of the woodwork against the enemy in a counter-offensive right now, and we will crush them once and for all.
This is their Brian Williams moment.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from my home in Austin, Texas, and we've got David Knight running the show straight ahead.
Captain Joyce Riley battling stage 4 cancer.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in the studio and joining us from his studio at home is Alex Jones.
He'll be co-hosting this hour.
Actually, he'll be interviewing Joyce Riley, host of the Power Hour on GCN.
Someone who is struggling with stage 4 cancer right now.
We're going to be talking to her in the next segment about her personal struggle, but joining us now is Alex Jones.
David, again, in the last hour you were breaking down the fact that Egypt is basically attacking Al-Qaeda forces that were put in charge by our government and NATO in Libya.
You also covered their full-out terrorization, as they've done gun owners, saying, we'll publish your names in the newspaper, where you live, if you don't take vaccines, it's your fault, we're getting sick.
When, if you've supposedly been vaccinated, you are protected.
And it is a total fraud, but they're gonna push this hoax to the end because their fraud is collapsing.
That's not my opinion.
It is the vaccine industry's Brian Williams moment.
And we shot a video in Prompt to Friday that we put out Saturday that is titled on YouTube and is the main featured video on our YouTube channel, breaking down the fact that we're declaring war on the fraudulent vaccine industry.
And we need everybody who's a victim.
I mean, when we open the phones up,
They just fill up with victims of vaccines where the doctors admitted to them that the vaccine hurt them.
Marcos Morales, our live news director, the doctor admitted to him that his daughter had a bad reaction to vaccines.
Other people's doctors go, yeah, my child had a seizure.
It's normal.
They're now saying in the news having a seizure is normal.
Folks, that means your brain is in total collapse level when you're having a seizure and having an autoimmune response to these things that irrevocably lowers IQ.
It's beyond shock therapy according to Dr. Blaylock.
That's what they're inducing with these seizures.
There's so much
Autoimmune response in the brain that your brain has a seizure and short circuits This is what we're doing to our children with this sick group of globalists who openly say they want to forcefully reduce our numbers But they want to give us these vaccines to keep us safe when they've been caught David as you know all over the world secretly
Adding things to the vaccines to sterilize people, you name it.
We need to have the 10 reasons not to take vaccines.
Paul Watson should write an article about this and break down the history of secret testing, the secret of spiking vaccines, the liability protection, the social engineering aspects, the fact that they lie and say it protects you when it doesn't.
Why do you think they're pushing so hard right now, David?
Well, I think what they're pushing, Alex, is a total blind faith in government and pharmaceutical companies.
I think what they're doing is they're rolling this back.
They're trying to roll back informed consent.
The very idea of it, of course, is tied to Obamacare.
That's where we see that we don't even have a choice as to what kind of insurance we're going to have.
So why should we think that we're going to have a choice whether or not we're going to vaccinate our children?
To me, that is the fundamental issue.
The science is very important because people need to understand that there are real issues about the safety and the effectiveness of these vaccines and we shouldn't have a blind faith in government or in the big pharmaceutical companies.
That's a very dangerous stance to have.
And at a base level, who really trusts the government and the shadowy corporations involved?
In fact, here's another angle no one's going with that I think is one of the biggest angles to really expose this, both in reality but also from a PR position.
Last number I saw in USA Today a few years ago was something like 83%
of vaccines are manufactured in China that are consumed in this country.
So we need to get Rob Duda, the big master researcher, or Kit Daniels, or any of our other great researchers to dig up, or CJ, whole crew's good at it.
To research and find out the amount of pharmaceuticals statistically, because some numbers are as high as 90% of the pharmaceuticals, but the number I saw was 83% of the vaccines are being made in a country known to basically taint everything.
And whatever it is, you know, 20-30 years ago, I heard this argument,
Well, 20-30 years ago, I didn't get seizures or get sick from vaccines because they gave you five vaccines 30 years ago.
It's now 36 they're trying to make mandatory.
Some kids take more than 60.
There are 60 out there popularly used.
36, though, that schools are trying to make you take versus five.
I mean, this is a big deal.
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The month of February is all about Valentine's Day.
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What if we, the patriots, hijacked Valentine's Day and instead made it about human liberty and individual empowerment?
I'm all about human potential.
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The establishment is the opposite.
That's why they spike our water with fluoride and GMO, estrogen mimickers, and the rest of the garbage.
InfoWars is striking back in the month of February with Human Empowerment Month.
How we can come together and win the human race.
We're good to go.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm here in the studio.
Joining us from a remote location is Alex Jones.
Joining us from his studio at home.
We're also being joined this segment by Joyce Riley, host of the Power Hour.
And I know that Alex wanted to talk to Joyce about her struggle with cancer.
If Joyce can do it, I'd like to invite her to join us for the whole hour.
Her website is thepowerhour.com.
She's been on the show many times over the years.
She, of course, would go on routinely with Art Bell and then, of course, George Norrie.
I first remember interviewing her 20 years ago.
When I just had a local radio show on KJFK 98.9 FM here in Austin, Texas, and her coming to town with the Gulf War Vets Association, exposing and getting the secret documents proving Gulf War syndrome was real.
Force inoculations on citizens back in 2002, 2003.
They have tried this before, but Joyce has missed some time recently on her morning show that comes on right before ours at GCMLive.com or thepowerhour.com.
And I had heard that she was sick and then recently heard her talk about just how ill she was and I've been praying for her and others that I care about pretty much every day trying to keep her in my prayers.
I'd like folks to pray for Joyce.
I know she's a Christian.
She's got pretty serious cancer.
I'm going to let her tell that story and try to shut up and not famously take over the whole interview.
But she's currently the host of Power Hour on GCN.
Joyce Riley is a registered nurse.
She's been the director of nursing for four institutions.
She's been a heart, lung, liver, and kidney transplant nurse.
She also served as a captain in the U.S.
Air Force in support of Operation Desert Storm, flying active duty missions on C-130 aircraft from Alaska to Cuba.
Her experience as a medical, legal testifying expert in medical malpractice trials gave her the background to investigate the truth about Gulf War illness.
She has since become an advocate for all veterans and citizens experimented on by our government.
Joyce was a whistleblower in the famous baby death case in which nurse Janine Jones, who now serves a life sentence in the Texas prison system, was convicted of causing injury and ended up catching her.
Joyce really kind of caught her.
To many babies in Bexar County, that's San Antonio,
Thank you so much for coming on.
We salute your work for humanity.
Well, thank you, Alex, and thank you, David.
It's a pleasure to be here.
You know, when I first heard David say that, I'm fighting for my life and stage 4 cancer, it's kind of like, who's he talking about?
I mean, I can't believe that I'm actually hearing that about myself, because I've been on the other side of it.
Treating people for so long that had cancer and then all of a sudden to wake up every morning and think, oh my gosh, I have cancer.
It's just such a foreign thought and a foreign situation and it takes action.
It doesn't take, you know, I mean it is a mental issue to try and accept all of this because I didn't find out until the day before Thanksgiving
When I went into the emergency room and they did an MRI and CT scan and they said you have spinal cancer really really badly and I was just like shocked you know really and so at that point they began emergency radiation believe it or not on Thanksgiving Day and I told the radiation oncologist I said this must be bad if you're doing it on Thanksgiving and he said absolutely
He said, if we didn't do it today, you probably wouldn't be here.
So I didn't realize how bad it was.
And so there's a lot of things I've learned from this that I would like to share with people that they need to know in advance.
Because once you get cancer or once you are deeply embedded in the disease itself, and a lot of people may have it and just don't know it.
Like myself.
I didn't know it.
And so you need to be aware of what to do in advance because once you get there, there's a lot of things that take place and it's really hard to try and do everything that needs to be done.
Well, I want to give you the floor with David Knight.
I'm going to be here in the background as well, but if I don't...
I'll just step back.
I'll get so emotional I'll be jumping in and probably start crying.
It touches us all.
My grandmother's made the decision not to fight breast cancer at 89, but she's been dealing with that the last few years, so we're watching that progress.
We see cancer numbers, as you know Joyce, just pediatric cancer, breast cancer, it's all off the chart.
Later I want you to give your real expert expertise on why it's skyrocketing in Western world, not in third world areas.
The whole vaccine situation, how it all ties together, the medical tyranny.
And I want to invite you back for a part two of this interview as well.
But for the rest of the hour, please, you've got the floor.
David and I will just go in and out of break, talk about your personal story, and then expand on it.
Okay, well thank you.
But my personal story, I think, is born out of a lot of fighting against issues, just like you.
And I think what you do, Alex, and what David does, and what all of us do on Genesis, is we're fighting against things.
And it's taken a lot out of us.
Because it's been sort of a
Um, rough road to try and fight those things, fight the powers that be, and then maintain a healthy lifestyle and do the things that you're supposed to do for yourself.
And I learned late.
About diet.
I learned very late that there were things that worked.
That there were things that were much better than anything that medicine can give us.
I mean, you've got to remember, I was a nurse for many, many years.
And I lectured at NIH.
I was involved in some of the most, well, some of the most critical things in medicine.
Heart, lung, liver, kidney transplant.
I used to fly out on those airplanes to go and get the organs in the operating rooms around the country and bring the organ back and you know that's very stressful also and very a powerful time to be involved in doing that but I believed in medicine totally.
There was nothing that could have gotten me to believe that there was something that came from an herb or a plant or a spice that was going to make me better or anybody else better.
And so I thank you for this time Alex and I thank you for the fact that we can share this with other people because I know there's a lot of nurses and physicians that listen to Genesis that are reaching out and hungry for this information.
But you know I used to talk to the heart transplant doctors and I would say to them you know they are eating like junk diets and they would say that's okay because see some of those transplant patients would be in the hospital until they were transplanted like three months or four months they would be in the hospital and
At St.
Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Texas, in Houston, they have a McDonald's built in the middle of the hospital, so that everybody goes around the McDonald's, and including Texas Children's Hospital, which is there also, and they ate that food.
And if you were to go down there at lunchtime, that's where the doctors were eating.
And diet was never an issue.
Diet was never important.
Until I got sick from the Gulf War illness.
And what happened to me was I got 10 shots in one day.
When I was serving as a flight nurse.
And working with the military, you know, I wrote in my journal, I said, I would have taken a hundred shots today just to serve my country.
I didn't know.
I didn't understand.
And I'd heard stories about people passing out all the time when they get their vaccines and when they were giving the shots, especially with the guns.
But I didn't know.
I didn't understand.
And sure enough, lo and behold, about six months after I got those vaccines, I also became ill.
I could barely walk.
I was in Houston at the time.
I was admitted to the hospital, and they decided that I had a demyelinating illness, like MS, but not quite, they called it, and could really barely function at that point.
Now, that was 1991, and that was just after the Gulf War.
And I think it's important to know that I did not
Deploy to the Middle East.
I was backfilling missions here in the United States.
So it was not the oil well fires.
It was not the chemicals or biologicals that affected me.
It had to be, when you take away everything else, it had to be the vaccines.
Well, lo and behold, lo and behold, I will never take a vaccine again as long as I live.
And I'm sure you both feel the same way.
Nor will I ever give another vaccine.
They are deadly.
And since then, I have seen so many people in the military that have become ill as a result of it.
And I would have to ask the question, have we forgotten about all those Gulf War veterans that were sick with vaccines?
Have we forgotten, and has the pharmaceutical companies forgotten, that they did those anthrax vaccines and experimental vaccines that backfired on everybody?
Which they admitted made people sick.
I just want to add, we're going to skip this network break right here, Joyce, to give you more time.
Go ahead.
Oh, well, thank you.
Well, yeah, and all those people became ill as a result of those vaccines, and they actually quietly made multiple sclerosis a compensable disorder.
In other words, you could get compensated for MS if you reported that within one year of leaving the military.
Now, there were so many young men, 17, 18, 19, 20,
That we're getting MS and you never see MS in that population in young men that are younger.
No, it's just not done.
You don't see it.
But yet the Gulf War veterans in droves started getting that problem.
And so we started seeing a trend here with this demyelinating disease.
So many people had which demyelinating disease means the myelin sheath comes off of the nerve ending.
And it misfires horribly.
You know, like you were talking about having a seizure.
Well, this is like you're having a seizure but you're awake and you're alert and you can't stop your body from doing the things that it's doing.
And it was just horrible, the pain.
And Joyce, you're seeing it happen, and I watched the congressional hearings of Marine Corps captains and people that were in the best shape of their lives, and six months later were on a tracheotomy on a breathing machine in the congressional testimonies, then dead months later saying, help us, help us, and they wouldn't even help them or say it was real.
But the inserts, as you know, say it can give you neurological disorders.
Do you know of the 10 vaccines from your deep research, which one you think was doing it?
Or was it all of them together?
Well, I know that Hepatitis B is one of the problem ones, but the problem in the military is we got a lot of experimental vaccines and we're not allowed to know what they were.
But I do believe, though, that the Hep B vaccine is one of the absolute worst for demyelination.
That's what my dad says.
He's seen a lot of doctors that got sick when they take it.
He refuses when he was still practicing to take it.
And that's smart, because even the person, I cannot think of her name right now, but she was at Baylor College of Medicine, and you look up the originator of the Hep B vaccine, her brother became blind as a result of the Hep B vaccine, and she begged for people to remove it from the market.
I remember that.
And they wouldn't do it.
And so here I am now, a nurse, and they said, well, you must have a mental problem.
And I said, wait a minute.
You know, six months ago, I was flying around playing MASH in the air, loving every minute of it.
I wasn't sick.
I was doing great.
And now I come back and I said, and me and the other nurses were sick.
So I went to the commander of the unit, Colonel Mountain, and said, there's so many of us that are sick here.
So many.
What are we going to do?
And they said, you're not sick.
They're not sick.
Nobody's sick.
So then we go off to the VA and the VA says, unbeknownst to us, well you are in the reserve so you can't get treatment at the VA.
What a shock there!
Not that I really wanted treatment from the VA but there's a few little disclaimers they don't tell you when you go in the military like if you're in the reserve or guard and you don't have so many days active duty you don't get the
You don't get to get the VA treatment.
Well, that's okay because I didn't really want it.
But I wanted to find out why we were all sick.
And that's what began that investigation.
I was insatiable trying to figure out why we were all sick.
And sure enough, that's when I turned up the information that the U.S.
government had sold biologicals and chemicals to Iraq just prior to the Gulf War.
And for anybody that doesn't believe that, the United States set up that war, and it's... By the way, Joyce, I'm going to leave here in about nine minutes.
I'm going to still be listening, but I'm going to let David take over so I don't interrupt, because I'm going to be back tomorrow.
But what's so incredible is, for people that don't know, you broke with Dr. Doug Rocky and so many others on your show.
You broke literally more than half the news about Gulf War because I was following it and covering you at the time when they denied it for a decade.
And let's remember, they now basically admit most of this now.
In hindsight, it's admitted so much of this.
So it just shows how later, once it's not a big news issue, they'll admit it.
And that they would not even try to give people treatment from the vaccines, from the nerve gas, from the DU, the cocktail of things in country and out of country that was taking place.
Please continue.
It's all about money, and it's all about illegal weapon sales, and it's about pharmaceutical sales.
And so when I found that the U.S.
government had sold biologicals and chemicals to Iraq, and I've got, if anybody doesn't believe me, I have the batch numbers and dates that they were sold.
And what was fascinating about this was that I then found some vaccine trials that were secret, that were confidential,
Uh, that were going to be undertaken by the Tri-Service Vaccine Task Force.
And with that, I found that the government was doing experiments with the same biologicals that they had sold to Iraq.
In other words, they wanted to try and see if they could create a vaccine that would be effective against what they were going to expose our troops to.
So therein lied really the crime for me to figure out now who was behind all of this and I actually took all the documents to my attorney.
I spread them all out on a huge table there.
The ones that showed that the U.S.
had sold biologicals to Iraq, chemicals, and the ones showing the vaccine trials.
And he told me, after he looked at all the documents, he was like pale, and he said,
I'm no longer your attorney.
I will not watch after you.
I cannot do anything for you.
I could not fade the IRS audit that I would get if I would help you.
And I said, really?
And so he essentially shut the door on me and told me that was the last time I was going to come to see him.
And then Buchanan, what was his name?
Babe Buchanan was his sister.
Abby Buchanan.
Pat, yeah.
Then his campaign manager, he was running for president that year, his campaign manager came to my house all the way from North Carolina.
And he wanted to see the documents.
He said, I've heard you on coast-to-coast and I hear what you've been saying and I want you to prove it to me beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I remember that.
I remember that.
And then Pat will take care of this and he will do this with the veterans.
Sure enough, I showed it to him and I mean, this man was ill.
He was ill when we finished.
He came to me and he said, I can't stomach it.
He said, I had no idea.
And I said, well, is Pat going to do anything about it?
And he said, I don't know.
He said, I had no idea it was this bad.
Then one day I was traveling around the country doing meetings and getting kicked out of American Legions and VFWs because they had put out a message that I was not supposed to be in those facilities.
And a U.S.
representative sent his team to come to talk to me.
And they called me over at the halftime of the meeting and during the break and they said, the representative has a message for you.
And I said, really?
And they said, come over here.
And there were five of them that had come to this meeting and they were furiously taking notes.
The representative wants you to know
That he's not going to support you.
And I said, well, nobody else is either.
Why is that surprise me?
And I said, why, you know, but why is he not going to support this?
And he said, he says, you know, a lot about this.
He says, you know, a lot.
But he said, you don't know it all.
And he said, if you knew the rest of this story, and if the public knew, it would bring down this country as we know it.
And they said, oh and his message was to me, keep doing what you're doing, don't stop.
And so, all I can say is, when you are aware of something, when you're a whistleblower, when you know something, don't stop.
Investigate it, go find it, don't let go of it.
It is so incredibly important that we have people out there doing this on our side, just like you were saying on the vaccine injury people.
Get busy and get those videos made.
Tell your story.
But then also, give us your take on world events.
No matter what happens, your work, fighting for the veterans and their families who also got ill from some of the communicable stuff that was transferred to them.
Oh, you a debt of gratitude and all the folks that have supported you are on the right side of history and God knows that you've done so much good and that's what matters.
Our souls go on forever.
These bodies, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and I pray and hope you live another 50 years.
But regardless, you're a winner.
Regardless, you're one of the good guys wearing the white hat.
And I just want to salute you and thank you for all you've done so far, and now your testimony and your testament is even stronger today.
So again, I want to invite you up to the show again next week if you can do it, or whenever.
But we're going to go to break here in a few minutes, but we've got a few minutes till then.
David will take us out.
Please continue breaking down just the epic battles you've been through, which I know you'll say actually made you stronger.
That's the thing.
We're meant to do this, and these forces of evil
Do things that are so big, so evil, so bad, they then think that we can't accept how bad it is so they can keep getting away with it and it exponentially gets bigger and gets worse and we're building towards this event horizon now with the vaccines hurting so many people and so many people getting MS and other type diseases.
It's just incredible.
So Joyce, please continue.
Well, I think that the government thinks, the bad guys, the people that are trying to keep this ruse from us, don't think that we're going to follow it and stay with it.
They think they can intimidate us.
And that's what happened to me many times.
I got a call from the Department of Defense one day from Captain
Chalker Brown was his name.
Captain Chalker Brown called me and he said, Captain Riley, he said, this is Captain Chalker Brown from the Pentagon, Navy Captain.
He outranked me considerably.
And he said, I want you to know that you are not to give out that documentary to anyone in the military.
And I said, pardon?
And I said, what is inaccurate in it?
And he said, it's not that.
He said, it's that you are one of us.
And I said, no sir, if you think I am going to participate in the wholesale manslaughter of our military, you're wrong.
And I don't think he expected that.
And that's why I think we have to stand, and then we have to stand.
And if we don't, they'll win.
It's so important.
To have the integrity to speak out when you see evil being done to other people.
And to understand that you're part of the human race.
You're not just part of some government organization.
We've been talking to Joyce Riley.
She's going to continue with us after the break.
Joyce Riley of the Power Hour.
Stay with us.
This is an amazing interview.
Thank you, Joyce.
We'll be right back.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me for the rest of this hour is Joyce Riley of The Power Hour.
Now, of course, Joyce is a talk show host on another GCN show, that is The Power Hour.
She's also a registered nurse, a whistleblower about what happened during the Gulf War.
I found it very interesting, Joyce, when you were talking in the last hour, last half hour to Alex.
Mentioning the fact that you were not somebody who was on the battlefield, yet you were experiencing these symptoms, you believe, from having to take ten vaccines in a single day.
You believe that there was a very strong aspect of the multiple vaccines that people were given all at once.
That was a key part of this Gulf War syndrome.
And you also came across some research that exposed that.
And the people and politics who basically
Pull back and disown that.
Won't talk about it.
Won't address the evil.
It's just left to people who have the kind of integrity that you have, Joyce, who will continue to talk about this because it can't go away.
People need to know the truth.
This is very important that people speak out when they see this happen.
That's why your efforts as a whistleblower
Are very, very important and your determination to keep talking about this and to not shut up.
I remember Michelle Bachman, everybody saying she had jumped the shark when she talked about Rick Perry's trying to get mandatory vaccines on Texas school children.
She questioned the safety and efficacy and that was it.
The GOP was done with her.
She had ended her political career and you were essentially told to shut up, but you didn't shut up.
You kept going.
Well, I don't think you can shut up.
When you see so many people ill like I did, I started getting letters after I was on Coast to Coast from thousands, and I do mean thousands, I've still got lots of those letters filed away of people that were sick, that were having the same problem, being told there's nothing wrong with you or you have a mental problem.
And it got to be so ridiculous that the government just kept lying and lying.
And these men, it forced them into these incredibly, I don't know,
Bizarre situations where they couldn't, they couldn't remedy this situation.
They couldn't make sense of it because here they served their country all their lives and all they were told was obey and take orders and you'll be taken care of and all that and then all of a sudden they get sick and they're told well you got a mental problem.
I mean they couldn't make any kind of sense of all of this.
And that's what we had a problem with also was, you know, I mean, my idea of the military, my father used to, he was a belly gunner on a B-17, and he used to play off we go into the wild blue yonder, you know, every night before he went to bed.
And I mean, we were just, that was patriotism to us.
That was love of country.
And so when I saw these veterans so messed up and then placed on psychotropic drugs, so here comes the next part of that, is they're vaccinated to the hilt, given experimental drugs.
People know they're getting sick and know that it has something to do with the military.
And so then they place him on SSRI drugs to get him to be quiet, so they can label them and say, oh, look, he's on these drugs, so he must be a mental problem.
Well, which came first, you know?
The drugs or the mental problem?
And it was probably the drugs that came first.
And so I saw this taking place.
And then there's one document
Senate Report 103-900.
You can go to GulfWarVets.com and see a lot of these documents.
We've got them there online.
And it will change your life when you see what the government did know in 1994.
The information they knew in 1994.
And the people that knew it.
And if you were to read the list, it's a who's who of who is in the Senate.
It was Paul Sarbane, Chris Dodd, Jim Sasser,
Richard Shelby, John Carey, who knew all this information.
Barbara Boxer, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, it goes on and on.
Patty Murray.
And they all knew this.
And they knew that these people were dying for these reasons.
And the veterans kept trying to say, why won't you take care of us?
We know why.
And they couldn't make sense of it.
A lot of them committed suicide.
A lot of them couldn't take the abandonment.
And let me give an example of the way they tried to make you feel like you were mentally incompetent.
There was one man that I followed for a long time.
And he called me, telling me that, you know, they are just writing me off, and I'm a... I've been... I'm enlisted, or non-com, and I've been in for 27 years in the military.
And he said that they won't take care of me.
I mean, that's a lot of seniority, not to take care of your people.
And he said that I'm going to be going over to the VA one last time.
He said because now I am in a wheelchair.
I cannot walk.
So now they're going to have to listen to me.
He said my wife is going to take me over there, and our children are going to go over there.
And we're going to get an answer today regardless.
And I said, oh great, call me after you go to the meeting with them and let me know.
So he goes over there and he tells them, um, he says, I'm in a wheelchair now.
Now will you guys believe me that I am sick and I don't have a mental problem?
And the doctor told the wife, just went over to the wife and said, look, I hate to have to tell you this, but we gave your husband a psych eval, which by the way, they gave everybody a psych eval first.
A psych evaluation first before they did anything so they could always say, well here is the fallback reason why they're sick.
They could find something on anybody's psych eval.
And he said to him, he said to the wife, he said, I just need to tell you this.
We did a psych eval of your husband and we think he is, we think he is a latent homosexual.
And that's why he's doing this to himself.
And she got so mad at him she grabbed the physician's white jacket and of course they kicked her out and kicked them out and it was a major issue but she said how dare you say that to my husband in front of his family you know that's not true you know that is so far from being true and that's they would stop at nothing to try and convince these people they had a mental problem or to embarrass them or humiliate them or whatever
And it all stems, doesn't it, Joyce, from not getting informed consent.
In other words, they've betrayed the trust and the submission that the soldiers gave them, experimenting on them for the sake of big pharmaceutical companies.
And it strikes me how similar this is to, let's say, Tuskegee, or to the things that we tried to enact the Nuremberg Code for, to try to say that the gold standard
Of medical care is, first of all, you do no harm.
Secondly, you have informed consent of your patients because the soldiers didn't know they were being experimented on.
You are so right.
I'm glad you brought that up.
Because, by the way, the Tuskegee Institute, I studied that very carefully.
Guess where that was held?
That was done at the Tuskegee VA.
Now that's how integral this thing is into the military.
I want to share with you a document, 103-97.
This is worth seeing.
Senate Report 103-97.
This was, by the way, is no longer available.
In fact, it was never available only to committee members, and I got a copy sent to me, as did Dr. Stan Monteith at the time.
And let me quote to you from Senate Report 103-97, what you're talking about with informed consent.
I quote, during the past 50 years, hundreds of thousands of our military have been experimented upon without their knowledge or consent.
That's a quote right out of the document itself.
Senate Report 103-97.
And they know it.
And they're continuing to do it.
But what about the compensation for all these people?
What about going back and finding out how many of them are sick, dying, whatever from whatever experiment they had?
More than 50% of the military is experimented upon.
So, when you join the military, know that.
And, you know, we give a copy of Beyond Treason to anybody that's thinking about joining the military.
Just call the Power Hour, or go to thepowerhour.com if you feel like
You know, if you're questioning joining the military, please get this documentary.
We'll send it to you free.
Because I want people to see what they're about to enter into.
Because it's out of your hands.
And I don't care what the recruiter tells you.
He'll tell you, oh yeah, you can sign a waiver and you don't have to take the vaccines.
That is so far.
There has never been a waiver in the military, ever.
And it's not just, you're a nurse as well as a vet, so you know that they intimidate healthcare workers and say you must take this vaccine, you must take that vaccine.
And on so many of these cases, just as we were talking last week to Dr. Jane Orient, who's an MD with American Association of Physicians and Surgeons,
They tried to get a FOIA request from the CDC saying, show us the studies that you've done about the safety, about the efficacy.
What are the conflicts of interest between the CDC and pharmaceutical companies?
Have you done any determination of that?
Any kind of information like that that would give us information so that we could then have informed consent, that is withheld.
That's covered up and we're not allowed to know that.
Yet they intimidate people.
If you want this job as a health care worker, and of course by that time you've got so much invested, you've gone to school to learn this as a RN or as a doctor, you don't want to just walk away from your career.
So it's a huge factor there.
And of course they're doing the same thing even to parents and their children.
Setting up a mandatory vaccine schedule so that you can get into school.
So if you want to work as a health care worker, if you want to get into school, if you want to be in the military, they do these things to intimidate you.
Or in the case of the military, since you can't just quit your job, they force you to do it anyway and they don't tell you what's in there.
Right, or they can send you to prison.
I know a lot of people that spent time in prison for refusing vaccines also in the military.
But the idea though that, you know, even the cancer that I believe may have something to do with that, I believe, I was told by an NIH doctor,
I was discussing my cancer with him, and he said, Joyce, you have gotten some of the worst of the worst stuff.
He said, there's just no two ways about it.
I know what they were doing over there, and I know what you've gotten.
And he said, there may not be any answer for you.
And it is true.
You know, if you go back and look at the SV40 in 1959,
People always believed that the government would do no harm.
They had the simian virus 40 cancer cells in the polio vaccine and gave it to all the people.
And then when they found out that it had simian virus 40 cancer cells in it, they went ahead and continued.
Let me tell you Joyce, we've looked at, there was a case coming out of North Carolina just before I came here to InfoWars, where they were doing
Testing on people at the University of North Carolina.
The EPA was looking to increase its regulations on fine particulate matter and they were literally hooking people up to the tailpipes of diesel engines and trying to provoke a response.
They were screening for people who had heart issues, who had respiratory issues.
They were trying to provoke a response.
They had the director of the EPA, Lisa Jackson at the time, was before Congress and saying, we have more people dying from fine particulate matter than we do from cancer.
So they're hyping this, and yet at the same time, they're giving these people who signed up for this 70 times the dosage that the EPA said would be fatal.
She was very emphatic.
She said, I'm not talking about making people sick.
I'm talking about killing them.
We tried to stop that.
We tried to get a restraining order.
The courts turned it down.
The Medical Association of North Carolina was not interested in medical ethics.
The university was not interested in medical ethics.
The EPA is continuing to do this.
They then moved to California, did it to children in California.
Now they're back in North Carolina looking for black teenagers who have respiratory issues so they can make them sick, so they can grow their empire.
I don't think that their current levels are
As high and have the kind of effects that they say, but the idea that they can do these experiments without informed consent, and of course under the Nuremberg Code, the point we're making was under the Nuremberg Code, you cannot give informed consent for something that would kill you.
That's not even allowed.
So we have this systemically throughout the government.
It's being done to people in the medical profession, it's being done to people in the military, it's being done to our children, and it's being done in human testing by our bureaucratic agencies.
Oh yeah.
And a lot of testing that we don't know about on things and places that we are not aware of.
They did a lot of testing and biological testing in the Department of Defense without our knowledge.
But you know and when we have had enough and say that's it or there are some
There's some accountability for that, and these people all spend the rest of their natural lives in prison.
I thought it would be the Gulf War.
By the way, the way that they were able to keep people from thinking that Gulf War veterans were sick, is that this is the MO of the military or any government organization, is they will go to somebody like the RAND Corporation or, oh what is the name of the other one?
The RAND Corporation and
Can't think of the other one right now.
But anyway, they would go to these organizations and pay them a huge amount of money to basically find out that there is no, that they have no position on it.
And that's what they would do.
And they would pay Rand Corporation, I forget how many millions of dollars, to come back and say, we don't find any evidence to support there is a Gulf War illness.
Well, my goodness, evidence?
You've got, you know, 100,000 people that are sick that weren't sick before the Gulf War.
You've got all kinds of evidence, but that's what they would do, and if the Rand Corporation said that, then they were able to say, well, we went to the Rand Corporation, we trust them, they're an independent organization, and they said there's nothing wrong, so therefore, and everybody buys into that for the next five years.
So the government uses a private corporation to give them plausible deniability, just as the private pharmaceutical companies use the government, either the FDA or other agencies, to give them plausible deniability, to give them a legal cover.
We've seen this happen many times.
One of the things that Dr. Orient was talking about was how the CDC had approved the rotovirus vaccine and they had to withdraw that after a year of approval because it was so bad.
And we see this over and over again with flawed or incomplete clinical trials when they were looking at the effects of GMO on rats.
Remember those pictures of the rats that had the massive tumors coming out of France?
And of course Monsanto said, that's not correct.
We did our own studies and they didn't develop any tumors.
Monsanto did a very, very, very short study versus one that went a little bit longer with the French and gave time for the tumors to manifest themselves, to show up.
So you can rig these studies any way that you want.
That's why it's important for informed consent that the CDC and the FDA and these other companies put the studies out there for the public to take a look at it, for the medical community to take a look at it.
I remember going back to the swine flu.
thing back in the 1970s.
There was a clip when 60 Minutes looked at it, Joyce, and they had Mike Wallace talking to the head of the CDC at that time about all the celebrity endorsements, and he said, yeah, we had all these celebrity endorsements.
One of them was Mary Tyler Moore, and they went back to her after this debacle because a lot of people got Guillain-Barre syndrome from the swine flu vaccines that they pretty much scared the public into taking.
And she said, yeah, my doctor was all for it.
I was skeptical of it.
I didn't do it.
And he goes, how does your doctor feel today?
And she says, he's very happy that I didn't do that.
Very happy.
Thought that I made the right decision.
So even the doctors don't have all that information when they're talking to their patients.
Well, you know, we're talking about a government that has gotten too big, too controlling, that we need to do something about because that's how all of this illegal activity is able to be done.
They have to have a VA hospital, for instance.
There has to be the VA bureaucracy.
It doesn't work, it's not effective, but they have to have it because if you're going to look at all the experiments that were done in the military,
And brought forward, you've got to have a place that you can follow those experiments.
And the VA is where you do it.
That's why they don't go to TRICARE.
Or that's why they don't have another system.
It's because you have to keep quiet the experiments so they can follow them year to year and decade to decade.
An example, BZ, a drug that is a hallucinogenic drug, was given to the Vietnam veterans during, of course, the Vietnam War.
And the military, BZ is a hallucinogenic drug that's much worse than LSD, they gave it to half of the unit and they wanted to see if that unit would kill, that half of unit would kill the other half of the unit that didn't get the drug.
Oh, absolutely.
And guess what happened?
Hang on, we gotta take a break.
Yeah, you're talking about LSD.
There's an amazing book, A Terrible Mistake, that talks about the early days of the biological and chemical
Mockingbird, not Mockingbird, but the paperclip operation.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Joyce Riley.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm talking to Joyce Riley from the Power Hour, another show that's on GCN.
We've been talking to her about her experiences as a nurse, as a veteran, as a whistleblower about Gulf War Syndrome.
And of course, the website that she has a lot of information about, the documents that she found out about the Gulf War Syndrome is at gulfwar.com.
One of the things that Joyce was saying was that
Even as a nurse, she didn't really take her health that seriously.
Didn't think about nutritional side of things.
Really kind of taking a respond to the disease when it happens.
And I gotta say, that's the way I've pretty much been pretty much all my life as well.
The only time I ever did something different.
Uh, to that was when my sister got cancer.
We tried to do a macrobiotic diet with her and we stuck to that for several years.
Best I ever felt in my life.
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And Joyce, as we were going out, that's one of the things that I think people need to take to heart, and that is to not only do your research about things that may harm you, but do your research about things that can actually help you, help your immune system, give you better health, and to look at what you're eating.
Because when I look at the
The Amish and how they've got such a low incidence of autism.
There's a full spectrum of things that they're not doing that we're doing and things that we're not doing that they are doing.
It's a very different lifestyle that we live in modern America and we're paying the price for it and increased cancer and autism and so many of these different diseases, aren't we?
Oh, without a doubt.
Without a doubt.
You know, we create those diseases in our bodies.
Now, there's a lot of things we can't do anything about, but there are a lot of things that we can change.
And, you know, pure water, pure oxygen as much as possible, and then organic food.
But what we're seeing now is, let me just give you an example from the Gulf War now.
There were 697,000 troops that served in the Gulf War.
There were only 140 that died during the Gulf War of the U.S.
And of those, 70 were friendly fire.
So we only lost 70-some people in the Gulf War.
In a whole entire war!
But we have lost now of about 400,000 that have become ill and died as a result of the Gulf War.
Now, why isn't anybody asking any questions?
Like, why are 400,000 people dead and gone?
And why is it that the Department of Defense is the biggest user of SSRI drugs in the world?
The Department of Defense buys more SSRI drugs than anybody.
I mean this is sick.
This is just sick stuff.
And so now we're medicating these people to the hilt and then they're dying in their sleep or they're dying from suicides or homicides.
You know, it's so interesting to think about that.
You can actually go to a war and look at how much lower the risk is to you of dying in that war than the chemicals, the vaccines, all these drugs that are coming from the pharmaceutical companies.
And that's what's happening to us as a people.
We see not only the increases in diseases like cancer, but we also see the decreased fertility rates.
I remember it was just last week that they were talking about Italy.
Do you want to stay through to the next segment with us?
Are you able to do that?
Um, I've got to go to radiation today.
I have to go.
But thank you anyway, David.
It's been a pleasure.
Joyce, I want everybody... Joyce would covet your prayers and she's going through a very difficult thing right now with stage 4 cancer.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Joyce Riley, The Power Hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In the near future.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually it's begun and you can feel it.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host for the rest of this hour.
If you want to call in and comment on what you've heard as we talk to Joyce Riley from the Power Hour, that number is 800-259-9231.
Of course, we were talking to Joyce about her experience as a nurse, as a veteran, what she saw
This is the thing that should concern us so much as we see the scared clamor to remove informed consent, as we see the media that is making fortunes off of the advertisements of the big pharmaceutical companies pushing mandatory vaccines just as they pushed mandatory health insurance on us during Obamacare.
No, we should have the choice.
These are people, in most of these cases, these are people who, the only choice they want you to have is whether or not you're going to kill your unborn child.
But everything else in life, you don't get a choice.
You don't get a say.
You have to have the government mandate to you.
So we have the LA Times bragging about the governor and the California legislature presumably moving to stop the personal belief exemption.
That's the way they've rebranded informed consent.
Let me explain to you what the Constitution.
We have the legitimate governments derive their justified powers from the consent of the governed, but no longer.
No longer do they tell us what they're doing.
No longer do they even pretend to care if they have our consent.
And it's not just simple things that they ignore our consent on.
It's not just whether they're going to do anything that they want to do.
No matter how small it is, even at the local level, everything is hidden from us.
They don't want us to know anything that they're doing.
This is an article that was just handed to me from
Niko, he said, it's entitled, the FDA is hiding scientific fraud and you should be upset about it.
That's not actually what they said in this article.
But they point out that when the FDA encounters instances of scientific misconduct, it buries the evidence.
And they point out that according to the Journal of American Medical Association, that's JAMA,
They said, in an investigation of the FDA, they said what they found were falsification or submission of false information, problems with adverse events reporting, protocol violations, inadequate or inaccurate record keeping, failure to protect the safety of patients and or issues with oversight or informed consent, etc, etc, etc.
We're supposed to just shut up and take the vaccine.
That's what we're told by the doctor on CNN, the same one who, when her film crew was exposed to Ebola, violated the quarantine that she should have respected as a doctor.
We're told that our children are the ones who are responsible for this outbreak of measles by this lady in Canada, and yet the person that possibly exposed her son was someone who had been vaccinated.
There's an interesting story that's up on Natural News about another measles outbreak.
I've talked many times about the one in 2011 in New York that began where patient zero was a twice vaccinated woman who passed it on to four other people, two of whom had records that they had been twice vaccinated.
The other two had signs in their blood that they had been vaccinated.
In Natural News, they point out that in 1987, there was a study released about an outbreak in Corpus Christi two years earlier, in 1985.
Fourteen adolescent age students, all of whom had been vaccinated for measles, contracted the disease.
They point out that 99% of the students at the school, basically all of them, had been vaccinated.
Yet, they're getting the disease.
So much for the idea of herd immunity.
No, it is really just a herd mentality.
And what they're trying to do is call the herd.
As you just heard from Joyce, so few people died in actual combat during the Gulf War, and yet over 400,000 are dying of Gulf War syndrome and other complications.
Giving people massive amounts of vaccines all at once, without their consent, and certainly without informing them.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of the show.
We were just talking in the last hour to Joyce Riley of the Power Hour, another GCN radio program.
She is struggling with stage 4 cancer, that's metastatic cancer.
It's appeared in multiple places in her body.
She would very much covet your prayers as a Christian.
And she exposed, as she was talking about it, she has made a very valiant effort to expose what happened to people in the military.
The huge toll that was taken on the military, not by fighting the war, but by the vaccines that were given to them without their informed consent.
She has a website about that, gulfwarvets.com.
There you can see the documents that she's been able to unearth as a whistleblower, as a reporter over a long period of time.
You need to understand what our government does, what it is capable of, what the pharmaceutical companies that control these politicians are capable of.
You need to understand that before you give them your blind faith, before you destroy the notion
of individual informed consent and continue to push for this kind of herd immunization, which doesn't work.
If you don't have something that works for an individual, it isn't going to work for the herd.
And as I just pointed out, you had an incident in Corpus Christi where all the kids, 99% of them, were vaccinated and yet all 14 that came down with measles had been vaccinated.
So much for the idea of herd mentality.
He also pointed out in this article that back in the mid 80s, half of the kids, I think it was 1987, let me check that, I think it was...
1988 report from the CDC listed that of 3,655 cases of measles in 1987, 1,903, in other words, 52% of the cases of measles according to the CDC in 1987, 52% of the cases were people who had been vaccinated.
Tell me,
That it is effective.
And let's also talk about the safety because the first rule of medical ethics should be first, do no harm.
So first we talk about the safety, then you can tell me if you think you've got something that's effective.
I want to see the studies.
Show me the information.
You will not get my consent before you show me the information.
But the very dangerous thing that we have now is that no longer
Do we have governments who think that they need to govern by the consent of the people?
They don't even need our consent to do horrible things to us as individuals.
We've got a lot of people who have called in to talk about this, many of them Gulf War vets themselves.
I want them to have a chance to talk.
Let's go directly to Ron in Tennessee.
Afternoon, David.
I'm both a Vietnam veteran and a Gulf War veteran.
Excuse me just a moment.
Bad weather here in Tennessee.
I understand.
I can testify that what Joyce says is true.
And by the way, on that Agent BZ, they gave that to a team of Army Rangers.
If memory serves me correct, it doesn't always.
That was at the CIA compound north of Saigon.
In 1968, I believe, and the name of the operation was Operation Jacob's Ladder.
They all killed each other.
After they dropped them off.
You can look that up.
I'm sure there's some.
And that came out during the Senate investigation on the Central Intelligence Agency by Senator Frank Church in 1975.
Like Joyce, I have had a lot of physical problems.
I was in the Navy.
I went to the, I call it, wisdom of medicine in the Navy.
I'm being sarcastic, of course.
They didn't have an answer for anything, and they always did what doctors always do when you hit them with something they don't know about.
They said, oh, it's all your fault.
You did this to yourself.
And, um, anyway, I had to keep plugging at this and it took me 13 years to get properly rated dealing with the Veterans Administration.
So, um, all you vets out there that are going after the VA, don't let them herd you into an appeals court and keep it in writing and keep coming at them each year, year after year.
It takes time, but you'll win if you keep it up.
We've even had a vet come in here who was on the USS Reagan.
That was the ship that responded to the Fukushima incident.
It's very well known that these guys were exposed to radioactive water as many of them were coming down sick of course the VA just basically turned their back on them and did not treat them so even in something that is is that obvious and of course what Joyce is talking about here
The vaccination, she believes, that she has the same symptoms that part of the Gulf War syndrome.
She was not on the battlefield, but she was given a huge, massive number of vaccines on the same day as were the soldiers.
So perhaps that is the common link.
Again, her website is GulfWarVets.com if you want to get information about that.
Let's go on to Gerald in Arkansas.
Gerald, go ahead.
Dave, can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
You're live.
Yes, look, I served under John F. Kennedy, and I got out right before the Vietnam thing escalated, so I thank God for that, but my heart goes out to all these veterans since then, and I was telling the call screener back in 1945, John Wayne was in a movie called They Were Expendable.
It was about PT Boat Commanders, and we know JFK was one of those, but the point is that
Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial conflict, Kennedy did also, and nobody, no president since then has been warning about that.
It's about the bankers and the Pentagon making money, going to war, using the soldiers as guinea pigs, and the drug companies have been using the American public and the world, but the American public as guinea pigs.
So, we're all expendable to them.
We're just guinea pigs to be used and then discarded.
I don't know.
And of course, they were brutally treated by General MacArthur and Eisenhower at the same time.
But Eisenhower was warning us not only of just the military and the people who are making the machines and the bombs and the weapons, but he was also warning us that the research institutions would be totally captivated by the military-industrial complex.
I just saw an article this weekend.
About a contact lens that was being developed where you could basically wink with one eye and it would essentially telescope in for people who had age-related macular degeneration.
It would zoom you in essentially so you could see better.
You lose the sight right at the center of your vision with AMD.
And guess who funded it?
It was funded by DARPA, because DARPA is looking for supervision.
They essentially own all of the research now at this point.
The government, but especially the military-industrial complex, is funding virtually all of the research, and we see them using it for things like killer robots.
We now have tanks that are going to be... You're worried about the MRAPs that they're giving to the local law enforcement?
Well, they are creating tanks
that would operate autonomously.
Killer tanks that are going to make their own decisions.
This is the kind of nightmare scenario that DARPA is coming up with, and at the same time, they have absolute contempt for the people that have joined to serve them.
Was there something else you wanted to say, Gerald?
Yeah, I was just going to say that the whole, what enables them to do all this stuff is the phony Federal Reserve fiat money system.
Without that, they couldn't do any of this.
Yes, absolutely.
And you know what the first order of business was when they came back from the election?
The first order of business was to extend insurance to the bankers' derivatives because I think they're getting kind of concerned about the economy again and this shaky derivative situation that is far, far larger
Then the mortgage derivatives that blew up on us in 2008.
Now we're on the tap for derivative market that is many, many times larger than that mortgage market.
And that's something that I think that's the key part of why they're getting us on a trigger's edge with these conflicts in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
They want to have many wars that are set up so that they can distract our attention
from the people that we should really be angry about, and that's, as you pointed out, the bankers who have ruined this economy and the politicians who have assisted them in it.
Thank you so much, Cheryl.
Let's go to Gatekeeper in Georgia.
Yes, David, can you hear me okay?
Yes, go ahead.
All right.
First off, I want to say joy, God bless you for continuing to do what you're doing, because
A lot of people would give up and just let the sickness get the best of them.
So God bless your spirit, ma'am.
And David, I'm 32 years old.
I've been listening to Alex since about age 20.
And I got a quick testimony to give.
I take my son to a speech therapy once a week.
And there's a mom up there that's got two kids with autism.
And I've just been trying to, you know, get the strength up to talk to her.
I think it was last Wednesday, I finally talked to her.
And it all ended up in tears, you know.
She said, as soon as we got their second round of shots, she just started noticing a lot of changes in them.
And it was just a, I can't believe I didn't talk to her before I did, because I just want to encourage everyone.
Well thank you for doing that and that's the thing that's really important for people to understand.
I know many people feel so guilt-ridden because they gave vaccines to their kids and didn't know about what was happening and they they don't want to acknowledge or to talk about what happened to their kids.
But you need to do that.
Just because somebody took advantage of you is no reason not to speak out and to prevent them from taking advantage of other people.
It's very important.
So we want to hear your testimonies.
Thank you so much for calling us.
Gatekeeper in Georgia.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
It's 800-259-9231.
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Day after day, alone on a hill.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of the show, and we're taking phone calls about people's experiences with vaccines.
We talked to Joyce Riley in the last hour with Power Hour.
That's her show on GCN.
And of course Joyce is struggling with stage 4 cancer.
She requests your prayers.
And she had a lot to say about what's behind the Gulf War Syndrome.
About the tremendous cost and lives that have occurred not on the battlefield.
But in the hospitals where they injected people.
In her case, 10 vaccinations in one day.
She traces a lot of health problems to that point and now she's struggling with cancer.
So keep her in your prayers and of course you can get information at GulfWarVets.com.
We're taking calls on vaccines and people's personal testimonies.
Let's go to Dave in Long Island.
Hi David.
I want to talk about my daughter, actually, that has a rare disease that they attribute to genetics, but as it turns out, it's different.
But first I want to say something about people and their disconnect in the sense that
People are so concerned about additives in their foods, in cans of soup, etc, etc.
They're so concerned about additives in the purity of their food, yet somehow they're not concerned about the purity of their vaccines.
Very good point.
With all the additives in it.
Very good point, and we've had a lot of progress, I believe, in getting people to question whether or not they need to have this food coloring, whether or not they need to have that preservative in there.
Making a few little extra dollars for the company, is that really worth that preservative that they're putting in there to give it a little bit longer shelf life?
Is that really worth the health risk to the people that consume that?
And I think the public is answering back, no, it is not worth it to us.
We'll be willing to pay a little bit more for cleaner food.
And that is essentially the same issue that we're seeing with the vaccines.
Go ahead.
So, I mean, the point is, too, is, I mean, the context is different also because the whole thing started out with the food, with the pesticides being on the food.
It's a little hard to tell people that it kills that thing over there.
If it's on your food, it's going to kill you, too.
So people understand that.
But we see with vaccines,
It's efficacious, and like Alex says too, he's not against vaccines per se.
He's against what they're putting in the vaccines, you know, what we just referred to with the food, with the additives, etc, etc, etc.
That's right.
It's a preservative that's going to kill bacteria, but it's also these adjuvants that are designed to provoke an immune response.
And so when you multiply the number of vaccines that people get
I mean, when you give multiple vaccines at the same time, you're really multiplying that aluminum that is there to provoke and to attack your immune system.
Is it any wonder that people are having autoimmune disease problems, that they're having autism, that they're having so many other things when they get things that are designed to do that?
That's the key issue.
I just wanted to point out that disconnect there.
People are so concerned about all the things they add to the foods and they want pure foods and blah blah blah, yet with the vaccines, hey, whatever, the guy in a lab coat says it's okay or whatever, with the New Balance white sneakers on and his pen pocket protector or whatever.
They're like, oh no, it couldn't be.
But my thing is, my testimony is, is about my daughter.
My daughter has a very rare disease.
I don't know.
That's when we noticed that there was some problems.
But no, we didn't attribute it to the vaccines.
But at that time, 20 years ago, I think the questions were just starting to be raised about vaccines and autism.
So nobody really knew because it was in its in its nascency.
OK, but I suspected it.
And when I asked the doctor and, you know, he he he absolutely refuted it.
But the thing was is that I was bringing my daughter in to see him because she had a problem.
Now he, you know, the pediatrician admitted that there was something wrong with my daughter, but he could not identify it.
But yet...
Without being able to identify what was wrong with her precisely, he still insisted that vaccines were not the cause.
Because he's been told by the CDC, he's been told by the FDA that these drugs have been tested, they're safe and effective.
They haven't, in many cases, looked at the studies themselves.
As I was pointing out in the last hour, when they did this with the swine flu, the doctor was telling Mary Tyler Moore, yeah, you should take this swine flu shot.
And then after all these people got sick, they came back and he said, I think you made the right decision.
The doctors are not necessarily even informed.
We haven't seen the research.
Even if they've done the studies, they're not publishing them.
Hang on.
We'll come right back to you, Dave.
I want to give you a chance to finish.
We'll take your calls at 800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
We're talking about vaccines because there's a massive push on by the media as well as social networks to push against informed consent.
Mandatory vaccines strike at the very heart of medical ethics.
The core value of medical ethics is a first do no harm, but also the Nuremberg Code that came out of the abuses that we saw in the human experimentation by the Nazis, by the Japanese, who incidentally were brought to this country as part of Operation Paperclip, very well documented in a book called A Terrible Mistake.
It's the story of Frank Olson, someone who worked in the biological and chemical operations of the U.S.
government in the 1950s, was part of the LSD experiments, and was someone who either was thrown out of a window or jumped out of a window to his death.
It is a very, very well documented book.
I would suggest that to anyone, if you want to know the beginnings of the kind of criminal actions that we see in this country.
That are, have taken to an extreme extent here as we now have people pushing against informed consent, the very basis of the Nuremberg Code.
Of course, when you bring in scientists that have been experimenting on people, when you make them a part of the US government medical programs,
You should expect that you're going to see the same types of things done secretly to people, whether it's troops or whether it's the Tuskegee experiments or things like that that we see going on at the EPA.
They have absolutely nothing but contempt for our informed consent.
And that's a very dangerous proposition.
But our government is very dangerous when they're going to bring in scientists who should have gone to jail or been executed under the Nuremberg trials for violating human rights when they bring them in as government consultants create a program around it.
Of course, the one thing that I disagree with the book, A Terrible Mistake, about
Instead, he says, well, this is about the dark days of the beginnings of the biological and chemical programs in the United States government.
Let me tell you something, it hasn't changed.
If anything, it's gotten far worse, because our government is far less transparent than it was 50, 60 years ago.
Still, it's a great read, it's very well documented for what it covers, even if he doesn't believe that's still going on.
We know that it's going on, and the fact that it went on, then where are the changes that would keep that from happening again?
Our government has nothing but contempt for people who try to stop human experimentation, as we saw with the EPA experiments, as we see now with the push by the government, by the media, to wipe out informed consent.
That's the basis of our medical ethics.
But of course, we can also talk about the safety and the efficacy of these things, and that's what I want to take your phone calls about, your personal experiences with this.
Before we do, I want to let you know that this hour of the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by the products that you'll find at InfoWarsLife.com.
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It's very important that you take
Responsibility for your health, for your family's health, that you inform yourself about the different risks as well as the benefits of things that you can find naturally.
There was an interesting article I mentioned earlier in the show that NPR covered about the fight going on between the different plastics companies, between the ones who sell products with BPA in it, which are known to have estrogenic effects, that plastic.
Then there was a BPA-free product that came out, Triton, and they got into back-and-forth lawsuits as well as conflicting scientific claims, different scientific papers.
That's as it should be.
This should be out in the open for people to make their own decisions.
And as one of the fellows from one of these corporations said, I think people are recognizing that it's not the courts that determine scientific questions.
That's right.
It's not up to a majority vote.
It's not up to the courts.
It should be open discussion.
We should be skeptical about what we're being told instead of saying, just shut up, the science is settled.
Science is never settled.
If it is settled, then what you're giving people is religious dogma.
You're not giving them science.
You always question the science.
You always test it.
You always go back and look at the results.
But of course, they won't show us the results.
Let's go back to Dave in Long Island.
Dave, you were just getting ready to tell us about your daughter that they diagnosed with a congenital issue, but you believe that it was vaccines?
Right, well for six years they tried to diagnose her but during that whole six years they could not figure out what was wrong with her and during that whole time they insisted that vaccines were not they couldn't identify what was wrong with her you get this okay the absurdity of it they couldn't identify what was wrong with her yet vaccines had nothing to do with it absolutely not so six years later she got some genetic testing done finally whatever and they said well oh
Here it is.
Here's the thing that causes your daughter's problems.
So, anyway, as a concerned parent, naturally, you try to read up and try to follow it as much as you can.
That was 20 years ago, okay?
I'm going to read to you from a government website right here.
A little short article from the U.S.
National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, okay?
Government website.
This was a study done by the Department of Pediatrics in a university in Italy.
My daughter's disease is called Rett Syndrome, R-E-T-T Syndrome, okay?
Along with the classic form, variant forms of Rett Syndrome and Rett Syndrome phenotypes are also recognized.
We report on a girl who at age two months developed an acute encephalopathy with destructive brain damage twelve hours after acellular pertussis vaccination, okay?
Three months later, months later, the girl manifested a Rett Syndrome phenotype, okay?
This previously unreported association emphasized the notion that Rett Syndrome phenotypes can result from different either genetic or environmental causes.
The environmental causes being the Acellular Pertussis Vaccination, okay?
So this whole time there's just been...
No, no, no, no, no.
Here's a report on the government website saying where it does.
Now, we've come full circle, okay?
The current research on the thing, if you read any of the research on it, you can't make heads or tails of what's going on.
They start off with one premise, they end up with another, but meanwhile, in between, as they come full circle, they're back to not knowing at all what causes this thing.
They just discovered it in 1970.
You know, my... Well, of course.
We're good to go.
They're not looking at all, they're not doing the studies.
You'll find in so many cases that the studies that we, the few studies that we do have, are coming from other countries because our government is so owned lock, stock and barrel by the big pharmaceutical companies, or just like they're owned by Monsanto, who's pushing through their genetically modified organisms.
The conclusions of the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, talking about how the FDA studies have falsification, submission of false information, problems with adverse events reporting, protocol violations, and on and on and on.
They are not doing the science.
The science is not settled.
It hasn't even begun.
They haven't even done the studies.
They haven't even published the studies.
You're talking about your daughter 20 years ago.
Of course, back in the 70s and 80s, autism, as well as many of these other diseases, were so incredibly rare.
There was one in 2,000 cases.
Last year, it had jumped to one in 68.
I don't know what it is this year, but it's growing exponentially.
Where are the studies on this?
If it's not vaccines, what is it?
They're not doing the studies on this.
Was there anything else that you wanted to say, Dave?
I just wanted to say that I mean there's the association with the vaccines you have all these modern day before there was no cases of this or whatever it comes out of nowhere but this is a case examination here I mean besides the other vaccines for all different kinds of diseases
And what it causes and everything.
Here's a very weird one that's caused by it.
But they're back to full circle.
They don't know what causes it.
They have people with the marker in the gene that don't have it.
They have people who have it that don't have any marker.
They still don't know it, but they're looking in the wrong place.
They don't want to look there.
They just don't want to look there.
We don't have the information that lets us know what percentage.
And some people are predisposed to that.
Some people, they have to have these adjuvants in because they're not getting the response to the vaccine, so they add more adjuvants to it.
That, to some other people who are maybe more sensitive to it, that causes them to have an over-the-top adverse reaction, while you still have some people on the other end of the scale who still won't produce the antibodies.
That's why they're not
Effective in so many cases.
That's why we saw back in this case study that I talked about earlier, you had back in 1987, 52% of the people who got measles had been vaccinated.
What does that say about their efficacy?
Where do they get this 99% number?
We see them continuing to throw this number out even though in the most recent outbreak of about 100 people or so in Disneyland, they had 14% of people had been vaccinated.
These numbers are not adding up.
Thanks, Dave.
Let's go on to Indigo Kid in Colorado.
Hi, David.
Yeah, I had military vaccines when I was a kid because my dad is overseas.
My brother had them.
He's autistic.
I have a lot of issues as well, but I have a government study in front of me from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
People can Google the title of it.
Comparison of blood and brain mercury levels in monkeys exposed to vaccines containing thimerosal.
I already passed that, but I'll read this directly from the study, the abstract.
It says, recent publications have proposed a direct link between use of thimerosal-containing vaccines and the significant rise of the number of children being diagnosed with autism.
The Institute of Medicine 2001 review did note the possibility of a relationship and recommended further studies.
A recently published second review, IOM 2004, appears to have abandoned the earlier recommendation as well as backed away from the American
Thank you.
If that's true, it still remains the question, was that a link in some of the health conditions that we saw?
And if that's true, how did they ever, ever
Justify putting mercury into vaccines.
I remember 20 years ago, I was trying to use Contax, and there was a cleaning solution that had thimerosal in it.
The minute I put it into my eyes, I got this red stinging.
My eyes turned blood red.
I told the optician, I can't use Contax, evidently.
And they said, no, no, I think you're just having a reaction to the thimerosal in the solution.
We'll give you one without thimerosal.
At that point, I could use it.
But I mentioned that just recently to an optician.
I guess it was about, not recently, it was probably about five years ago, I was considering using contacts again.
And I said, yeah, I quit using them because I was having problems with the cleaning solutions, especially thimerosal.
And he goes, oh no, they banned that.
That's mercury.
That was the first time at that point that I realized the connection with the thimerosal.
Why would they ban it for putting it into a contact lens cleaning solution?
Why would they ban it there while they're still allowing it to be injected into people?
That's the question.
What are they doing to analyze the safety, to inspect the safety of these vaccines and the additives that are put into them?
So whether or not they're putting thimerosal in, what about the other
Additives that are going in.
What about the adjuvants?
What about the aluminum?
So many things that they're putting in, and that really is the issue.
Thanks, Indigo.
Let's go to Brian in Tennessee.
Brandon, sorry.
Brandon in Tennessee.
Yes, hello, David.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I really appreciate you guys covering this topic about vaccines.
You obviously don't hear a lot about it in the media at all.
I guess the reason I wanted to call is I've kind of been inspired to call and tell my personal story.
In 2009, I ended up getting the swine flu vaccine.
You know, at that time, I wasn't aware.
I wasn't following you guys.
I really didn't know much about anything.
I just kind of fell into that fear that the media was promoting about that, the need to get that vaccine.
Two months later, I was at work, and one of my feet started to fall asleep.
And I said, well, that's odd.
And it wouldn't wake back up.
Well, finally, it woke back up.
Well, two months later, the other one started to fall asleep.
And it was kind of off and on like that for a while, until finally, they both fell asleep.
And then they started to burn.
And, you know, I ended up going to the doctor, the neurologist, and found out that I had what's called peripheral neuropathy, which there was another gentleman, I was listening to Alex a couple, maybe last week, had called in and had the same thing.
Yeah, it's very frustrating.
There's really no cure for it.
And it can be progressive.
But anyway, you know, I'll never get another vaccine.
I was 28 when I had that vaccine.
You know, now I'm 33, and at the time I got this vaccine, I was just getting ready to graduate with my master's degree, and obviously this has really had a negative impact on my plans for life, you know?
And I just can't warn other people enough to say, hey, you know, you just don't know.
Well, I played excerpts from the 60 Minutes report back in the 70s about the swine flu vaccine at that point in time.
And of course...
We're good to go.
There were over 4,000 people who claimed that they were damaged from this swine flu vaccination program.
It was really the first time they had done a mass panic of the public like that.
They had what would in today's dollars be $15 billion worth of lawsuits.
Claiming damage, most of them from Guillain-Barre syndrome.
So, you know, you talk about this and how you didn't really, you took the vaccine, you weren't really aware of it, you weren't really thinking about it.
I was around when that happened.
I remember people talking about the swine flu vaccine, but it never really clicked with me back at that time.
Didn't click with me for decades.
So it's something that occasionally it will come out, just as 60 Minutes did a report on it.
40 years ago, when the media companies were not essentially owned by the pharmaceutical companies, with every other ad being a pharmaceutical ad, they did an investigation.
They found some horrendous conflicts of interest, as well as lying to the public, panicking the public over this, getting them to take a vaccine that had not been tested, telling them that they had, giving them an insert for them to sign, because they were trying at the time to pretend that they had informed consent.
Today, they say we don't need informed consent at all.
They reject the notion of that.
But 40 years ago, they wanted to get the informed consent of people.
Nevertheless, they gave them information about a different vaccine than they were giving them.
So they weren't even giving them the information.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to go to Ollie in California, Aaron in Texas, Sherry in Missouri.
We've got a lot of callers, and we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to get right back to your phone calls.
We've got Aaron in Texas, I'm told, called the other day.
We ran out of time.
I want to try to get to Aaron, Sharon, Sherry, George, Crystal, Andrew.
If I don't get through all of them, we'll go to overdrive.
But let's go to Aaron in Texas.
Go ahead, Aaron.
Yeah, hi.
Hi David, can you hear me?
Yes, yes, I hear you.
Go ahead.
Oh great.
I was wondering if you're aware of what they do to the doctors that are speaking out about vaccinations and there's one doctor who spoke out about vaccinations and chemtrails about 10 years ago.
And he was targeted by the IRS.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, they've got a lot of ways to deal with people.
I mean, we just had Dr. Andrew Wakefield on last week.
Alex was talking to him, and as Alex pointed out, his partner has been vindicated.
Of course, Dr. Wakefield, when he was here, said he didn't have a half a million dollars or pounds, I don't know who he was in the UK at the time, to defend himself.
But eventually, he's being cleared as well, because they've now had a full investigative
Full investigation of his partner who's been vindicated in the results that they were looking at.
So, they will come after you in any way that they can.
They'll try to destroy your medical license.
But, you know, we have to understand that there are bigger issues in this.
Everybody who is a whistleblower understands that they're going to be attacked individually as persons.
They're going to attack your reputation.
They're going to try to attack you financially.
That's why we need to hang together and that's why we need to publicize this and stand with those people.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this doctor, he spoke out about chemtrails and vaccinations ten years ago and he was targeted by the IRS and he spent the last eight years in jail on bogus tax charges and right now we're trying to help him get out.
His name is Dr. Kent Hovind and his website is FreeKentHovind.com
We really need people to stand together.
He's a strong Christian, and he also talked about the lies of evolution, and the government doesn't like him at all speaking out on these truths, because he asked, where do your rights come from?
And that's the most dangerous question that you can ask.
Oh, that's right.
And of course, Chris Cuomo told us that our rights come from, not from God, but they come from government.
Because I guess Chris Cuomo hasn't read the Declaration of Independence, so he doesn't understand the principles that our country is founded upon.
Well, thank you so much.
That's KentHovine.com.
We'll look that up.
Let's go to Sherry in Missouri.
Good afternoon.
I think it's important to speak about the delivery of the vaccination.
When it's inserted into the bloodstream through the skin, it does not provoke the immune system as if it's taken in through the mucous membranes.
Yeah, absolutely.
That's the initial response of the body is through the mucous membrane.
And so then because it doesn't provoke the immune system, what they do is they add things like aluminum that they call adjuvants to artificially provoke the immune system, but then of course that has other effects as well that are not desirable.
Well, right, but what I'm saying is that most, if you want a safe vaccine or inoculation, that it should go through the mucous membranes, which provokes and incites the immune system to kick in for a response.
And that's natural.
That's normal.
And you know, when we're talking about this, to see the panic from people about measles, when I grew up as a child, we didn't have any vaccines for measles.
It was a childhood disease.
It wasn't a serious thing if you got these childhood diseases as a child.
But if you got them later in life, or if you got them as a baby, it was a very serious thing.
As we were talking to Dr. Jane Orient about it, she said, yeah, the problem is that there was some immunity that would be passed on from the mothers who had genuine immunity because they had suffered from the disease.
That would be passed on to their infants.
And people would get it as a child, and they would have lifetime immunity that would protect them as adults.
But these vaccines are not effective at protecting people.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
Take the rest of these calls and join us tonight for InfoWars Nightly News at 7 central.
That's on Prison Planet TV.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
In overdrive, I want to get to at least Crystal, George, and Andrew.
We'll see if we can get any farther than that, but I want to try to get to at least these three calls who've been on hold for a while.
Let's go to Crystal in Arizona first.
Go ahead.
Hi, how are you?
You're live.
Yeah, you know, my daughter, back when I was active duty military, got these vaccines, and now she's handicapped.
And, you know, it's a crying shame to find out that it's these vaccinations that are harming our children.
Did it happen right after she got her vaccine?
What makes you think that it was due to her vaccination?
Was she normal before she got the vaccines?
She was normal, actually.
She was normal.
And then I started to see a change and everybody else told me, no, don't worry about it.
It's no big deal.
You know, this is normal for a child.
And, you know, it just went downhill from there.
And my daughter is now almost 18 years old and she's equivalent to maybe a six-year-old.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
That's why we need to have studies done.
That's why we need to know what the risk is.
When we're looking at childhood diseases like measles, mumps, that have really, they want to scare people about how fatal they are, but they have a very low mortality rate compared to most diseases.
When we look at the risk, and there certainly is a risk, there is a risk of serious complications with any of those diseases, but there's also a risk of serious complications with the vaccines, and we're not given the information about what the trade-off is there so that we can make the decisions about ourselves and about our children.
That's the most important aspect.
So sorry to hear that, Crystal.
Let's go to Andrew in Illinois.
You're live.
Good show.
I just wanted to say that
The vaccines, they've got to cut way back on them because they're not being tested.
That all the runoff of aluminum from the chemtrailing and the fluoride for the water treatment is going into the rivers, into the oceans and concentrating.
That's killing off all fish and plant life.
That's got to be looked into.
And the glycophosphate too, the Roundup.
Yeah, absolutely, and of course we have, not only do we get aluminum that we see precipitating into the water supply, but of course we get that in a lot of the cans that we drink things out of, just as we were talking earlier about the effects of plastic in terms of estrogenic effects.
There's also the effect of aluminum, even from our cooking utensils in many cases, and there's links to Alzheimer's with that as well.
Thank you, Andrew.
Let's go to George in Washington.
Yeah, can you talk about common law and how can we invoke common law on this land?
This is the land of the free, sir.
Well, you know, I think in terms of where we cross the line, for me personally, once we have the kind of medical tyranny, and we're very close to that, because we've seen this now with Obamacare, where they can force you to buy insurance.
I mean, where does the government have the constitutional authority to force you to buy anything from a private company?
It's not there.
They know they don't have the constitutional authority for mandates, so the Supreme Court
Changed it for them and said, OK, well, it's a tax and we assert that we can tax you directly from Washington, which I would say is also a questionable constitutional issue as well.
But that's the way that they sold it to us.
And as many of us said at the time, we believe that Justice Chief Justice Roberts was being blackmailed.
Quite frankly, if you look at the fact that he wrote
Both the dissenting and the concurring opinion and he sided with Obamacare after he had said that it wasn't legal So he's been on both sides of this issue.
He wrote both opinions that looked very suspicious But for me the line is when they come and tell me that I am forced to inject something into my body or into my children's body I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take that Let's try to get one more call in George and Washington has been on hold for a while George.
Go ahead
Sorry, we're out of time.
We're looking at the clock here.
Sorry, George, if you call back tomorrow, we'll try to put you at the front of the line like we did Aaron today.
That's it for today's show.
Join us tomorrow at 11 Central for the Alex Jones Show and join us tonight for the nightly news.
That's at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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