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Name: 20150204_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2015
2690 lines.

In the podcast, Alex Jones talks about various health products available at Infowarslife.com such as colloidal silver, DNA force and super male/female vitality designed to improve overall health and wellbeing. He expresses concerns over government abuse of power in data collection on innocent citizens. The podcast also promotes fitness-related products and criticizes forced inoculations. Other topics discussed include x-rays and MRIs triggering cancer viruses, population control, benefits of protein powders for older individuals, crowd-buying website TogetherSave.com, slingshots from Slingbows.com, emergency preparedness supplies on MyPatriotSupply.com, IRS settlement expert Dan Pilla, and a movie Jones is set to appear in. He reflects on his experiences meeting people in Hollywood and globalist agendas exposure. Vaccine risks are also discussed, including potential links between vaccines and autism rates in Amish communities and third-world populations without vaccines.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Big broadcast lined up today.
We knew it was coming.
Now all over the country, bills are being introduced to forcibly inoculate you with hundreds of different deadly vaccines.
That's all coming up today.
We're going to have wide open phones.
Huge news across the board.
But first, here's part of a David Knight special report.
The NSA is not interested in terrorists.
It's interested in interesting people.
Part of that report.
Very interesting video that got posted by Washington and Lee University over the weekend.
Michael Hayden, who has been at the top of the intelligence community as the surveillance state of the 21st century has been put into place.
He was someone who began as the NSA director around the time of 9-11, shortly prior to that.
He then moved on to Director of National Intelligence, then on to the CIA.
He's pretty unapologetic about how he's broken the law, and he made some amazing statements at this law symposium.
I'm not a law enforcement officer.
I don't suspect anybody.
He's not law enforcement.
He doesn't have any suspects.
So I guess that would be why he doesn't go before a judge and get a search warrant.
Now remember that in 2006, Michael Hayden told some reporters that the term probable cause is not in the Fourth Amendment.
Well, it certainly is in the Fourth Amendment.
Of course, it is a right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects.
See, that's a right of the people.
These are rights that we possess whether or not there's a Constitution or a Fourth Amendment.
And the reason that we have the Fourth Amendment is because it puts prohibitions on people like Michael Hayden who think that they don't have or should not have any kind of controls on their actions.
They should go before a judge and say that they have a reason to search for the person and they should be very specific about it.
But he's turned this upside down.
Instead of going to a judge and getting a search warrant saying, this is what I'm looking for, he does a dragnet surveillance of everyone about everything.
Here's what else he had to say.
This is not about guilt.
In fact, let me be really clear.
NSA doesn't just listen to bad people.
NSA listens to interesting people.
Isn't that funny?
He doesn't listen to bad people, he listens to interesting people.
Ha ha!
Who does he find interesting?
Is it the political opponents of his boss?
Is it somebody that would reign in the surveillance state?
Maybe it's somebody that he'd like to blackmail.
Maybe it's someone that would give him some information about insider trading on financial markets.
Maybe it's corporate secrets from another country.
Maybe he's just some kind of a perverted voyeur.
He doesn't believe that there's any restraints on him.
And what you need to understand is that the lie that we're giving up our freedoms so they can protect us from the bad guys is just that.
It's a lie.
He doesn't care about bad people.
He cares about interesting people.
Maybe he'll take an interest in you.
Let's listen to what he said about Section 215.
A lot of commentary was made about Jim Clapper and the question from Juan Wyden on that, you know, about mass and bulk collection and so on.
Jim's answer was horrible.
And Jim's an honest guy.
He just hosed it.
Yeah, he lied.
Let's continue.
He hosed it because he flat out lied under oath.
But of course, if you're part of the intelligence community, you won't go to jail for lying under oath.
Jim's answer was not as bad as Ron Wyden's question.
Oh, it's the question that's the problem.
I don't really know what a dossier is in this context.
So, what I wanted to see is if you could give me a yes or no answer to the question.
That full report is posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's just half of it.
And I tell you, all of our reporters are real jewels, but David Knight is just...
Really hammering the enemy right now with these piercing focused reports.
Very exciting.
We'll be back with a ton of news.
I'm gonna open the phones up as well today.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
The world is heating up as we accelerate towards the singularity.
It's already Wednesday, the fourth day of February 2015.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next three hours.
Well, we need to have the headlines at InfoWars.com.
I know the articles are being written right now, screaming that forced inoculation is upon us.
That is the system's answer to their fraud of claiming it's the law to be vaccinated collapsing.
They're now trying to pass laws in California and other states.
The feds are looking at it to make you take hundreds of different shots in just the first 10-15 years of life with hundreds of other so-called vaccines coming online.
Most of these are not classical attenuated viruses or other pathogen to have learned immunity.
I've gone and gotten allergy shots and it's had some positive effect being injected with the mountain cedar that I am allergic to.
I believe in the science, I know it's real, but it has side effects.
But this is about social engineering and what they're adding to it.
So it's on like Donkey Kong, as they say.
We can see where this was going.
California senators introduced bill proposing changes to measles vaccinations.
Headline is, should be making it mandatory.
That's what the bill does.
We have similar pieces of news we're going to go over, but buried in the news today is that the Obama administration has done something, at least on the surface, good.
I expect a trick.
They have granted imperial immunity to the whistleblower from Merck,
And now other whistleblowers from the CDC are about to get whistleblower protection.
They're reporting on the fraud of the vaccine studies covering up the link to autism.
So that's all coming up as well today.
And if you scroll down, if you're watching on TV, we can show you the source of that report.
That's the Daily Caller.
We have a snippet posted at InfoWars.com.
So we have that very important news to get into.
Obviously we have the Taiwan trans-air plane crashes, probably the most dramatic plane crash video that I have ever seen.
I mean, this is just even more spectacularly horrifying and life-destroying than watching the Concorde blow up, what was it, 20 years ago or so over Paris.
Surprisingly, they say, quite a few folks survived.
The unbelievable crash, a testament to human endurance, simply horrifying.
But it's part of life, it's part of risk, it's part of danger.
Depending on the statistic, what, flying in a commercial aircraft is 20-something times safer than driving in an automobile?
And then flying in a small general aviation aircraft is a little bit more dangerous, but still, last time I saw numbers, it was 10 times safer or more than riding an automobile.
It's just that if you're in a plane crash, you've got a very good chance of dying.
The numbers go up as high as 75, 80% in a plane crash.
There was this car wrecks, you're gonna walk away more often, but you're gonna have more car wrecks, so statistically, it's much more dangerous.
But what's the answer?
Ban air travel?
Because somebody might get killed?
Oh my gosh!
Somebody stabbed more school children today somewhere.
Let's ban knives.
That doesn't make sense, does it?
But that's the idea.
They apply to guns.
Hey Alex, it's getting pretty dangerous getting on planes these days because oligarchs are now attacking people on commercial airlines.
Well, yeah, I mean, I don't know if we can call Paris Hilton's brother an oligarch, but they are a multi-billion dollar family.
He is the heir to more than a billion dollars.
And we do have the report here.
It was picked up by the Hollywood Reporter, TMZ, you name it.
Little oligarch gone wild, Paris Hilton's brother yells, I will effing own anyone on this flight.
They are effing peasants.
If you want to square up to me, bro, this is all a quote, then bring it and I will effing fight you, he allegedly said.
So yeah, that's the attitude that these people have.
I've actually met Paris Hilton.
She's a very, very nice lady.
But I don't really agree with her politics and the rest of it.
I haven't met her brother.
But that sounds extremely snot-nosed.
I'm not name-dropping, it's just interesting.
Charlie Sheen was in town last night, and he seems to be doing better.
Not as
Clearly burning the candle at both ends as he's been over the last three or four years.
But he's got a lot of interesting projects coming up.
It was very nice to hang out with him last night.
Very spirited folks at the little party I went to.
But I ducked out pretty quick because I needed to get home.
But who knows?
Might be having Charlie pop in soon here on the transmission.
He's working on some very interesting things out of the repertoire of different
Stunts, I guess you could call them, that have been pulled here on this broadcast, so we'll probably be talking to Charlie here sooner rather than later.
He's a really sweet guy, really smart guy, a misunderstood person, and he seemed to be in really good spirits and be surrounded by a good group of people.
Last night, and I've seen him before, surrounded by some folks that aren't so good, and I think that's really the difference.
You know, I first met Charlie about 10 years ago, before I got into all this news.
He just smoked cigarettes and drank coffee, exercised real hard.
He was just getting divorced from Denise Richards.
I met her, talked to her, she was pretty nice.
I got to know her pugs, but they were friends, but getting divorced.
And he was super smart.
He is super smart, but really frighteningly smart.
Uh, and it could just show what stress and the Hollywood culture can do to you, uh, the different bumps that he's been through.
But just some interesting little news on that front.
You can see a photo of us last night up on the Twitter at Real Alex Jones.
And, you know, why is it important to know Chuck Norris is a daily listener, or his son and accomplished director is a daily listener, or that Charlie Sheen is, or that...
Pretty much anybody you talk about in Hollywood, from Brad Pitt to Mel Gibson, are familiar and tune into the show and watch the films.
It's because it just shows you the power of the liberty movement.
In Hollywood, people are sick of liberal garbage and they're sick of mainline Republican garbage.
What's been hot for more than a decade and just gets hotter is alternative news and getting outside the box.
People are sick of it.
And as Sumner Redstone fades from control of Hollywood, he is the kingpin.
The kingpin is Sumner Redstone.
As he prepares to exit the planet...
They say he's in real bad health at 90-something years old.
And there's a lot of the old guard is preparing to blow away like dead cicadas attached to the sides of trees.
You might see some big shake-ups there in Hollywood.
I can just tell you that right now.
There is a feverish rebellion against the system.
Across the board.
And you've heard Rick Linklater, who's up for Oscars on this broadcast, talk about that as well.
So it just shows how we're winning the culture war when it comes to real numbers and minds.
But if you tune into Hollywood or mainstream news, you wouldn't know that.
I mean, yesterday we played the Fox News Club, where they said that the Seahawks from The Five Show, with the gutless bunch of fake conservatives,
That the Seahawks coach threw the game because he wants to go to work for Alex Jones?
I mean, just any way to demonize this transmission.
And they do that because they know.
They know we're calling them out.
They know we're showing the hat trick.
We're explaining to the people that Santa Claus doesn't exist.
I don't want to sit here and fight with Fox News.
I don't want to sit here and fight with CNN.
I don't want to sit here and fight with MSNBC.
But you know, MSNBC gets up there, and Taxers truly, and Rand Paul last night, and we've got those clips, and just implied it was insane and crazy that Rand Paul says that some vaccines may be dangerous and you need to investigate each one.
That's just common sense.
But this is the type of propaganda they engage in.
So coming up,
California Senators to introduce bill proposing changes to measles vaccinations.
Then we're going to look at this report.
Oregon business must pay $100,000 to homosexual couples for refusing to bake a cake.
Obama's big lie to clash with the big truth on the economy, Dr. Corsi.
Terrorist expert, Fox News is literally working for ISIS, Network Slam, for hosting uncensored Jordanian pilot execution video.
And when you watch these videos, these look like a top director shot them.
A lot of these have been proven to be fake.
And it's come out they're fake.
ISIS and this whole Islamic State thing is a Saudi Arabian creation.
They're exporting the revolution.
It's in the Middle Eastern newspapers.
I mean, they admit they've been behind it, trying to overthrow Syria.
And these are giant recruitment videos to get every ne'er-do-well 20-year-old who has dreams of being a rock star, who's a narcissist, to basically go join these organizations and these groups.
After Fox News became the only major broadcaster to carry the full uncensored video of Jordanian pilot being buried to death, terror expert Malcolm Nance accused the network literally of working for ISIS.
The video, which features a chillingly cinematic and brutal execution, was not carried by any other network, and copies of it uploaded to YouTube and other video sharing websites were almost instantly deleted.
However, Fox News is hosting the 22-minute video on its website with the words, warning, extremely graphic video.
You know, showing the video is not even the issue overall.
It's that it's probably fake, or was certainly scripted to a great extent.
You can just look at it.
Few directors could make something this good, this realistic, where something is more real than reality.
But it's that the West helped actually fund these groups, and they let them operate on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else, and this is their recruitment garbage to build a giant army that will then have to fight.
I mean, it's no conspiracy, it's just a fact.
That's what's going on.
Alright, when we come back, we're going to talk about the airline crash and get into forced inoculations coming your way.
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You know, this is a short segment.
I'm going to get into forced inoculations coming our way.
Just unprecedented medical tyranny.
Medical martial law is what Senator Rand Paul had previously called it.
The government forcing you to put something in your body.
But if you want to understand where the whole radical feminist agenda, cultural Marxist agenda is going,
And you wonder why they ban brown bags in Seattle government because someone may be hurt by a brown bag.
No one had ever said a brown bag was racist.
Or you wonder why they'll arrest you in England if you use the word homosexual even though it's scientific, like heterosexual.
Or you wonder why they kick somebody out of school for having a Nerf gun at home.
Or why they have laptops watching the kids six, seven years ago, it was already in the news, at home.
And then don't apologize for when they get caught.
It's all part of being over the top, where you won't communicate in any way unless it's to repeat the latest you've heard from government-controlled media.
It's about making you be paralyzed so there's no real debate.
The opposite of a renaissance, it's called a dark age.
It's called stagnation.
It's called total tyranny.
And there's a short film put out by Neil Koltekar, who I want to get on the broadcast, it's very powerful, that's posted on YouTube.
We posted it to InfoWars.com.
We're going to tweet it out in a few minutes at RealAlexJones.
And it's called Equality and it knocks it out of the park.
Now understand, this is not a joke.
This is not a joke.
Hashtag Equality is the video.
470,000 views in just a few weeks.
Needs to have 10 million views.
This is not a joke.
This is where they want to take us.
Let's go to this clip.
Sometime in the future.
Hi there.
You're very attractive.
I mean, I'm not objectifying you in any way.
Not that hello is necessarily your traditional greeting.
I'm not racist.
I'm not sexist.
I promise you I'm not sexist.
I'm not at all racist.
Is that a straight white male?
No, it can't be.
We killed them all.
Hey, how you doing?
Sorry, I just arrived from that time machine over there.
I came from 2015.
I was hoping you guys had the time on you or if you just had some food.
It's okay.
We don't eat food anymore.
It's very offensive.
Yeah, we just have solid love.
It's 100% gluten-free, halal, kosher, dairy-free, biodynamic, solar-powered, carbon-neutral, and to all the colours of the rainbow.
Yeah, nah, look, I'm gonna pass on that.
Um, why are you both wearing black?
It's not black.
It's African-American.
Okay, so what are your names then?
We don't have names anymore.
They cause discrimination.
We're just prescribed numbers at birth.
And many people were offended if their number was too high or was bad luck according to their religion.
Yeah, so we all became number one.
It's wonderful.
No, no, that sounds horrible actually.
Um, she's not used to men disagreeing with her.
What is she gonna do, arrest me?
Well actually yes, there's a 20 year jail sentence for disagreeing with a woman.
And 30 years if she's a privileged white woman with a blog.
And for both of you, we no longer use the terms he or she.
We're all equal.
I beg your forgiveness.
Oh great, number one, I'm not sexist.
I'm not... I'm not sexist.
I'm not sexist.
I'm not sexist.
I'm not... I'm... I'm not... I'm... I'm not... So no one has free speech anymore either?
Oh my Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Tumblr, Google, God, no.
Of course we have free speech.
We just have to thank the traditional owners of the oxygen every five minutes.
Which reminds me, it's five past three.
Oh great dinosaurs, we send our thanks for this precious air that we so selfishly breathe.
So your god is a dinosaur?
We're all gods.
Well, legally Mark Zuckerberg made himself our god.
Do kids even go to school?
Of course they do.
But only for three days of the year.
All other days are religious holidays.
And on those three days, we are told how beautiful we are?
Oh, but if by the age of 16 you're still a straight white male, we will kill you.
What sort of perverse leader made all these laws?
We have no leader.
We simply have an equality guidance counsellor.
They are the true number one.
But we're originally born Mohamed Smith Chang Steinberg Patel Volkov Mbele.
They're also four years old.
Your leader is... Four?
Four years old?
And if you have a problem with that, you are an ageist.
And to protect this utopia we live in, ageism results in the death penalty.
Rid yourself of the evils of the past and join us.
Join us.
Become number one with us all.
Join us.
I'm not sexist.
Join us.
Join us.
Join us!
I'm not sexist.
By the way, what's the date?
It's the 18th of January. 2016.
It's incredible.
That is the actual plan.
I hear these trendies at dinner tables and stuff at restaurants, and that's how they all communicate with each other.
We're gonna go to break, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the Cult Takeover.
We're thinking as a crime.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You walk into this room at your own risk.
Because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
The answer.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There was a famous British mathematician and a former member of the Parliament
In Canada, one advisor to the Prime Minister, and I'm saying all that because I forget his name, he's actually in Endgame, and he's dead now.
He's the fellow that said, Alex!
When I was sitting there at the bar drinking a beer with also deceased Jim Tucker, who first exposed Bilderberg Group, and I'd just been let out of jail after 15 hours of being held.
It was on every major newspaper.
The National Post, you name it, all over CBC that I've been basically detained and interrogated for 15 hours for daring to fly in to cover it.
And he comes over and he buys me a beer and he says, don't you realize it's an equation?
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
I go, what do you mean?
He goes, the answer to tyranny and oppression is worldwide 1776.
So don't ever want to plagiarize that fellow, even though I can't
Member's name.
I just felt like giving him credit.
I can't remember his name.
We'll look it up.
There is so many great people that have come and gone, but we honor them with our memories and by standing up for the things they stood up for.
All the strength of the people that came before us.
And I think it's so fitting that somebody from England would understand that the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Both made in England.
1984, the fictitious world that George Orwell believed the Soviets would build if they could bring communism to England.
Of course, he was a member of OSS and the MI6.
That was made in England, and then 1776 was made in England, out of the Magna Carta in 1215, by the ideas that Englishmen had that they were free and not slaves.
And that's why when I gave a speech to over 3,000 people outside the gates of the Bilderberg Group two years ago in England, I explained and the crowd agreed and there I had three plus thousand people from England there in the UK chanting, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
1776 does not just belong to this Republic, it belongs to anyone worldwide that wants to stand up against tyranny.
Powerful information, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you.
And that shows how powerful ideas are, that somebody could give me that idea, sitting there in a restaurant bar, and then all these years later, that is a slogan used around the world, and spray-painted on the subway walls.
Somebody in New Zealand put it in giant bold letters on a big building they were going to demolish.
It was up for months.
And I had the city there in New Zealand, we did an article on it, send us a letter threatening to sue us or charge us for having the answer in 1984, 1776 spray-painted.
It was just giant.
And I explained that the ideas are bulletproof and that I didn't do it, but that I saluted whoever did it.
I said, they're blowing the building up.
They're getting rid of the building.
I mean, that's human expression.
Whoever did it probably took them all night hanging by ropes to do it.
Good for them.
We've got to get ideas out there.
We've got to break out of this comfort zone.
We've got to get animated and take action.
Okay, I want to get into the tyranny, because if we don't get on the offense, we're going to be back on the defense, and they're going to come, and they're going to start shutting down your bank accounts, pulling your driver's license, not letting you work, mark of the beast.
Under the National ID Card implemented by the TSA that will be on the streets of America.
I told you that ten years before they were on the streets.
They're going to be everywhere.
You hear about people having to get, you know, TSA approval for a motorcycle license in Florida?
Or to get jobs?
It's going to be every job.
That's their plan.
They're phasing it in.
Worldwide similar systems.
And if you don't, quote, pay all the income taxes, no judge or jury, you can't travel on an airplane.
You can't leave your state.
They're going to build internal checkpoints.
You won't be able to have a job.
You'll get there, and you'll say, but Jim, you've got ten illegals working in here.
Well, they've been given government, you know, waivers.
They don't have to take them.
They're exempt.
But I've got to take ten shots a year or more?
We've been told to let you go.
Homeland Security, DHS says that you don't have the proper waivers, you're going to get the shot.
I mean, this is the plan.
You're going to see it happen.
You're gonna see him take DNA at the DMV to get a car.
You know how I know?
It's in my first film.
America destroyed by design.
And I read Bill Clinton's executive order and they're protesting and being arrested, refusing the thumbprint just to draw attention to it.
And then it was Washington D.C.
and a few other cities through state programs, that was a district program, began giving you a discount if you give blood for a DNA database when you get a driver's license.
These are all just beta tests.
Just like Austin four years ago started a beta test with thousands of drivers where you put a box in your car that taxes you by the mile.
And then you get some other discounts and things to be part of the test.
This is all lined up ready to overnight in the scheme of time.
More will start happening in a year than has happened in the previous ten.
Then more will start happening in a month than happened in the previous year.
More will then start happening in a week than happened in the previous year.
I mean, it's all lined up.
It's all actuaried, battle-planned, ready.
And let me tell you, it's nightmarish.
We do not want to go down this road.
And we have sabotaged enemy operations.
We've slowed them down.
We've frustrated their programs.
We've decompartmentalized the military and police to a great extent.
But I'm here to tell you, this is an anti-human movement by the globalists that don't even see themselves as human.
They see us as homo sapien sapien.
And they want to become these super sapiens that merge with machines.
A sapien just means wise one.
And that's basically what they call themselves.
So that's all coming up.
We'll get into that.
Buckley brought in some articles.
I mean, here it is from yesterday.
New York Times.
Moussaoui calls Saudi Prince patrons of Al Qaeda.
And it gets into Al-Qaeda, praising the Saudi Arabian princes for helping them prepare with Stinger missiles to shoot down Air Force One.
That's the New York Times.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Saudi government runs ISIS, runs Al-Qaeda.
Does that mean that sometimes these groups don't attack Saudi Arabia to demand more goodies?
And more power?
And more weapons?
But that's the real problem.
There it is in the New York Times.
Convicted terrorist claims Saudi's funded Al-Qaeda and knew of plots to down Air Force One.
It's in the 28 pages that Saudi Arabia was running the hijackers and they were in Saudi intelligence.
Yeah, but let's go further than that.
Under Clinton and Bush, they protected those hijackers when the FBI tried to stop them, when they were training, when people at the flight schools were suspicious.
But what about how at least five of the 19 trained at US military bases and were given spy training?
The head of the Defense Language School, Colonel Stephen Butler, went public a week after 9-11 in the San Jose Mercury News, and said, I don't know what's going on, but we train these guys at our bases.
Mohammed Adda was in my class.
Something's wrong.
Of course.
Of course.
Do we know exactly what happened?
No, but we know that this was allowed to happen, bare minimum.
There's ABC News, still secret, 28 pages, it could change our understanding of 9-11.
I've been told by the congressman on this show and military intelligence people on this show, they've seen it, what it says.
Senator Graham, former Senator of Florida, 9-11 Commission, has said what's in it.
We know what's in it.
Do I get apologies if I queue up that Fox News Club?
Seahawks and how they lost, so you can work for me.
Just sick jokes.
Basically that equates to Alex Jones lost to Seahawks.
Pardon me?
What are you just said something in my ear?
Sorry about that.
We rolled the clip a little early.
Oh, that's okay.
I didn't even know you rolled the clip early.
It's fine.
It's live radio.
Live TV.
Now, the Pavlovian message that is sent there is Alex Jones lost the Seahawks Super Bowl.
And they do the same kind of just openly Pavlovian brainwashing where I talked about this yesterday.
They'll say, yeah, there's a lot of sexual crime and abuse against women on the internet.
I'm Bill O'Reilly, we need to stop it.
And they cut to a clip of me screaming about something completely different and then have the words hate on my face, implying Alex Jones hurts women.
Buddy, I didn't settle sexual harassment cases like you.
And we have the transcripts of the type of stuff you say that was recorded.
So if I was you, I'd shut your fat mouth.
How dare you accuse me of what you do, punk, with no proof?
I'm gonna throw up here in a minute.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip where Alex Jones basically caused the guy to lose the Super Bowl.
Here it is.
Which is exactly what a truther does.
A truther sees the obvious before you.
He sees the planes hitting the building.
But he chose the more complicated idea because it appears edgier and it would appear daring and brave if you're actually right.
But if the truthers are right, they would be heroes.
But they're wrong, so they're fools.
That's the most unique assessment of this game.
Anybody's hat.
I didn't know he was going to go truther, to be honest.
And then in the full clip, they attack me.
It's the clip we played yesterday.
We've had some computer problems, as I mentioned to you yesterday, where a lot of these clips are getting messed up.
We're going to get to the bottom of this and start having those clips for folks again working.
It's in order to lose his job so he can go work for Alex Jones.
That's my theory.
But there's actually some truth to this.
What Carol did
Was he thought himself out of the right call?
There was an expected and obvious play that he had to make and he chose the more complicated one.
Yeah, so first we started the clip too late.
And then we started it kind of in the middle, so let's just back it up.
We're going to get this right.
Let's just back it up about 20 seconds before you started it right there.
We're going to play it from there.
Just whenever you're ready.
Stay on this for a second, Greg.
You have a theory on the interview?
Yeah, okay.
When you see a play that was so deliberately self-destructive, the only thing you could conclude is that it was an inside job.
And after all, the coach...
Coach Pete Carroll is a 9-11 truther.
He believes the government had something to do with what happened that ended up in the deaths of almost 3,000 people.
So I believe that this is an inside job.
But now I have to wonder, why did Pete Carroll throw the game?
And it's in order to lose his job so he can go work for Alex Jones.
That's my theory.
But there's actually some truth to this.
What Carroll did
Was he thought himself out of the right call?
There was an expected and obvious play that he had to make, and he chose the more complicated one, which is exactly what a truther does.
A truther... Alright, that's enough.
So, there you get the basic garbage.
I mean, this is just over the top, out of control.
I want to get to that news that I was just mentioning, the forced inoculations.
I want to get more into the Taiwan crash.
I want to get more into
Dr. Corsi's article, Obama's Big Lie, set to clash with Big Truth, a very important article.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
I wonder if MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, all these pundits that attack me for exposing the fact that we were lied to about exactly what happened on 9-11.
How do they feel as it comes out that Saudi Arabia was involved, our government knew, and bare minimum stood down?
I mean, I've had congressmen
Like Walter Jones, on to say, yes, he's seen the pages, that's what it says.
Senator Graham said the same thing.
I mean, you can attack me all day long, but do you really want to be part of covering this stuff up?
Because when it all comes out, we're going to remind everybody about the people that fought to demonize anyone that questioned this.
They're desperate, they're scared, and they should be.
Because it's going to come out.
And by the way, traitors, the military knows 9-11 was impossible the way they said it happened.
So when you demonize me for being a truther, I appreciate that.
Because the people that know how explosives work, the people that know about Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia, they agree with me.
You're not up on the mountain, like Michelle Obama, telling kids what to eat in school, telling us what to do, gutless.
What's the name of the pundit on The Five?
I mean, you know.
It's all a big joke, isn't it?
No, it's not a joke that our government stood down and let Saudi Arabia carry out 9-11, bare minimum.
Don't you get it?
You make fun of some football coach that's got the courage to point that out?
You're a coward.
And here's the rest of the story.
They're coming with forced inoculations.
They're coming with forced shots in this country.
That's what they're pushing.
Is that the kind of nation we want to live under?
And the vaccine companies, Big Pharma, is pressing every year to get 30, 40, 50 new vaccines approved.
And they've had vaccines, remember the diarrhea vaccine that killed a bunch of babies?
They had to pull that?
I mean, sometimes it kills so many people, they gotta pull it.
They pulled Gardasil all over the world, not here.
I mean, because Americans will take this stuff, roll over it and die, and nobody gets in trouble.
I mean, it's pathetic what we put up with.
So I want to ask the listeners a question right now.
And by the way, we don't screen your calls unless I say it's on a particular topic, and that's not really screening them.
Screening them is where you find people that you basically agree with what they're saying and want to put them on.
We have open phones for people that disagree with me on this vaccine issue.
Nurses, doctors, whoever.
Most nurses and doctors agree with us.
I'm going to open the phones up.
I'd like to hear from you.
A. Are you going to go along with forced inoculations?
Will you leave California and other states if they try to pass these laws?
What do you make of this big push?
What do you make of the fact that even New York Daily News admits the 2011 measles outbreak in New York was caused by the vaccine?
I mean, will you at least give me that, that the insert says it can give it to you?
But Megyn Kelly and Obama say there's zero side effects.
It'll 100% protect you.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theorist.
Don't listen to the insert that comes with it.
I want to hear from you.
Are you going to go along with forced inoculations or how are we going to fight this?
Because here's the deal.
They're already in the Associated Press, and this is the move, saying you're not going to get a driver's license, you're not going to get a job if you don't take the vaccine.
I mean, this is Nazi Germany.
This is how this stuff starts, folks.
This is why ID cards are dangerous.
Now, the illegals, they get everything free.
Citizens get to sleep on the street.
The illegals get to be above the law.
I mean, this is a scientific takeover.
And you can have a cute tart like Megyn Kelly up there, you know, telling everybody how great this is.
It's not, Megyn!
And the blood's on your hands now with all these kids.
I bet you, bottom dollar, if she has kids, she doesn't give them this stuff.
Nobody with half a brain does it.
I wish there were safe vaccines out there.
There aren't.
We're going to talk about the coming of the forced inoculation that no other country does, that is martial law, as Rand Paul called it.
He's now being demonized for saying that.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bills are being introduced in states like California for forced inoculations.
That's CBS News.
There's other bills.
Bill would support parents opting out of child vaccinations in Colorado.
There's already no law making you do it.
Meanwhile, Obama has come out, and they are to give immunity to a whistleblower, CDC scientists that fudged a vaccine report under orders to cover up the fact that vaccines were directly linked to autism.
Whistleblower plans to testify before Congress.
And again, they run this stunt saying, it's all been discredited, vaccines help you, mercury is good for your brain.
Dr. Wakefield was never discredited.
The report was a proven fraud.
He's suing the person involved.
I want to get Dr. Wakefield back on ASAP.
But this is how they run these hoaxes.
Just like they, you know, can run hoaxes and say Alex Jones admits he's a liar.
I was on the BBC live big Sunday news show a few years ago when I was over in England.
And I'll never forget.
I did my rant while I was live on air.
It went off.
They had security run in, thinking I would then be loud and mean so they could throw me out, like CNN did, and I wasn't mad mean, I was nice after that.
And I got real calm and real nice.
And I happened to even shoot video as I walked out in case they tried something.
And they were huffing and puffing mad.
They go back on air a couple minutes later after the break, the news break, and go, that's mine!
He just admitted it's all fake!
He just admitted it's all a big act!
That's like in Braveheart, you know, they said, oh, he has admitted he's a liar.
Or, you know, you torture somebody in a dungeon, you come out and say, oh, they admit that they're a witch, or whatever.
I mean, Alex says it's all fake.
And I've noticed they've had moles over the years tell the press that.
Like, oh, I've known Alex, I've hung around a few times, he just admits it's all an act.
And every time I'm around the establishment, they go, just admit to me it's an act.
Just admit it's an act.
And I go, well,
I can be an actor, and anybody can be an actor or a mimic.
I mean, I like doing Marvin the Martian voices, but it doesn't mean I believe I'm Marvin the Martian.
Or I can dress up and, you know, play the part of the Grim Reaper.
I'm talking about Obamacare or Krusty the Clown.
But it doesn't mean that when I'm being myself, this is not acting.
But certainly I act sometimes when I play the part of a cub or a commander.
I mean, I like to have a little fun here.
But no, I really believe what I'm saying.
My children have never been vaccinated.
I got three of them.
They're super healthy.
Super healthy compared to other kids I know.
And you know, I didn't even get to this yesterday.
I never shot the special report.
After I did a bunch of work and business, I was just too exhausted.
Sometimes I just am too tired to perform to the level I want to be able to and really cover the facts.
If Rob Dewey would just bring me the giant stack of research data that I was going to cover yesterday that I had him keep when I didn't do it.
I want to show people the German studies.
And Dr. Eisenstein died a few weeks ago.
He did studies up in
Because he treated a bunch of Amish up in Illinois and another state.
The Amish don't have autism.
The Amish have a fraction of the birth defects.
And they've tracked it back to vaccines as being one of the major issues.
So... They have major German government studies where three, four times the asthma, the allergies.
Three, four times the autism.
I mean, it's just... We've got all the graphs.
I want to show them to you because it's going to be in the special report.
And I'll probably shoot it today.
But, um, I want to go over all these with people because this is fact.
I mean, the media is always fact, safe and effective, zero side effects.
And then I can show you the insert saying it can kill you dead in a hammer and has all these horrible side effects.
So you don't have to believe me.
You just got to look into it and then you'll know they're a pack of liars.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with.
Brenda, Mike, Rick, Jeff, Alex, and many others, when you hear somebody hang up, that's your chance to call in 800-259-9231.
Are you going to take the forced inoculations?
You can tell your story of a good reaction for vaccines, a bad reaction?
I mean, let's just see how many people love it out there.
Did you get the flu from the flu vaccine?
Did you get the measles from the measles shot?
Shingles from the shingles shot?
Because that's where most of it comes from.
Your calls?
Coming up, then we'll get into economic news and more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Senator Rand Paul, a few years ago, did a sit-down interview with us here in Austin, Texas.
We played the clip yesterday.
And he said, it's the beginning of medical martial law.
To have forced inoculations.
Well, they're introducing bills in California and other states for forced inoculations.
Now, understand, they've got hundreds of vaccines on the market, hundreds more about to come on the market.
These companies lobby states and the federal health departments to push these on the public and lie and say it's the law.
They then have liability protection.
The carnage is massive.
They get up on television and in the newspaper every year before school starts in August and say it's the law to take vaccines.
That's not true.
Then they go, it's safe and effective, no side effects, maybe a sore arm.
These are the standard PR things.
Or, all that anti-vaccine news got discredited in England.
No facts, no nothing.
It's not true.
They just announced that it's been discredited.
Like Obama announces, it's discredited that there are death panels in the health bill.
Really, here's the subsections.
It's discredited it gets rid of your doctor.
Really, here's the subsections.
It's discredited it raises 21 taxes, seven of them on poor people.
Really, here it is.
Matt Drudge is discredited.
Remember that three, four years ago?
There is no taxes and they won't garnish your wages or take your tax refund.
All being announced now.
All happening 2015.
We're here.
There are no drones.
Infowars.com and CurtinMO and Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are discredited.
AP, three years ago, in thousands of newspapers, we had calls, stations calling us, you better defend this.
You're in quite a controversy.
There's no plan to use drones to surveil U.S.
We had all the government documents, Defense Department, local newspapers, Homeland Security using it to arrest ranchers.
Wired Magazine?
It's like, Jones, you better... Jones, you said the sun came up this morning.
They said it didn't.
You better prove it.
The thing's up in the sky, okay?
So they play these confidence games with people.
Everybody knows there's... 20 years ago, when I was talking about vaccines, they'd go, there's no mercury in those.
Where does it say mercury?
We'd go, oh, thimerosal's the name of it.
Oh, you mean that mercury?
It's not bad for you.
And then, okay, okay, whoa, we took it out, we took it out.
No, they didn't.
They've made lots available that are very hard to get, that don't have it.
And that's what rich people take.
And I have the London Guardian, and I have the article, I'm going to get to it, showing that.
I'm not just making these claims.
The rich people wouldn't take these vaccines if their life depended on it.
If there's some deadly thing out there that they're worried about, they're about to go to a third world country, they'll do a cost-benefit analysis and decide, yes, I'm going to take a vaccine, but I'm going to find the very best, and they have special doctors they go to,
And Rob News is actually pulling those articles out right now.
I just drug him and David died in here because they all get excited hearing me cover this and get upset about the system lying.
They run in with articles.
They run in with inserts.
They run in with documents.
And I said, hey, just come in here and talk about it.
The news director and one of our news anchors, David Knight.
I'm going to go to Brenda, Mike, Rick, Jeff, Alex and others here in just a few minutes.
Again, we open the phones up.
Have you had a bad reaction?
A good reaction?
Do you believe in vaccines?
Do you disagree with vaccines?
What do you think of forced inoculation?
Nobody else in the world does this, except for India and others, and they've been caught sterilizing women with the shots.
They've caught them in Africa doing it.
The villagers in Africa run now from the UN trucks.
I mean, they know what's going on.
All the Christian relief groups have gone in and they interview the Indian and African women and they go, I was pregnant and then they give me shots and I lose baby!
And all the seven other women giving shots all lose baby!
They kill us, we run towards Army!
I mean, this is going on, you understand?
And the UN admits they add a female hormone to the tetanus shot that then causes an autoimmune response to that hormone.
That's been in the Times of India, in the BBC.
I mean, do you understand, folks?
They're adding stuff, just like they have Trojan garbage in the cell phones, in the smart meters.
Remember I told you 15 years ago that the smart houses were coming, and everything was spy on you and integrate and hook into data over power lines and light bulbs?
And I had the documents from MIT, and it was so funny, and everybody made fun of me and said I was nuts.
No, I was crazed to warn you and try to stop this, okay?
I wish they had clean, good vaccines.
There's still side effects to it, it still lowers normal immunity, but I would give my kids vaccines for tetanus and other major issues.
If my uncle wasn't in the hospital for weeks and almost died from a tetanus shot when he was 30-something years old and I was a little kid.
If my mom didn't almost die from a flu shot, she was so healthy.
Took her first flu shot, almost killed her.
Years ago when she was running a triathlon, like 20 years ago.
So it's not that we're not saying inoculation doesn't work.
I go to an allergy clinic, folks, and get shot up with stuff that I'm allergic to and it's helping.
That's immunity.
I take vaccines on a weekly basis.
I know it's real.
You cannot, but see I'm there, I watch them.
This is locally made with the 14 things I'm allergic to.
They mix it together, they inject the serum.
I gotta have an EpiPen in case I have a big reaction.
I'm building my immunity and I'm getting a lot better.
Austin's the capital of allergies.
So, get it straight.
They want to act like we're a bunch of cavemen that are against science and technology and against the wonderful vaccines that have no side effects, as they lie to you and say there aren't side effects.
Senator Paul said two days ago, you shouldn't give babies hepatitis shots.
He's a medical doctor.
There's no reason.
It's a very dangerous shot.
It's a very risky shot.
It says on the insert it's very dangerous.
Until six years ago, they wouldn't give pregnant women vaccines.
Because they knew it caused all this.
So, we're gonna, after we take calls from Brenda, and Alex, and Jeff, and Rick, and Mike, and others, 800-259-9231.
Coming up in the next segment, we're going right to your calls.
So have your point ready, because I'm gonna go to the next person.
We're gonna go over the German studies.
Look at this.
Government study.
New study.
Vaccinated children have two to five times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.
We're going to go over all this.
How the elite don't take the stuff we take.
On and on and on.
This is social control.
This is eugenics.
This is what John P. Holdren writes about in Ecoscience, the White House Science Czar.
This is on record.
But I was talking to Rob Dew and then David had another angle about who he thinks this whistleblower is that they're going to allow to testify.
He thinks it's a whitewash and I agree with him.
But I wanted to bring up what Dew said because he said he got an email
With the insert from Merck that we showed yesterday saying it isn't linked to diabetes or pancreatitis.
Saying that it didn't say that on the paper.
When we showed close-ups of it for TV viewers, you can go online to their website and read it.
Rob, how outrageous is this that people are in that level of denial?
It's ridiculous, and the guy didn't put his email in, or I would have responded to him, he or she, whoever they were.
I want to be politically correct, it's almost 2016.
But, I mean, it says it right there, pancreatitis.
It says it in black and white, right there where you can read it.
And that's just one of the many things.
It also says in three different spots it causes measles.
There's three different types.
Atypical measles, it gives you a measles-like rash, which is measles.
I mean, look right here.
Corner of the back page.
Endocrine system.
And it says diabetes, pancreatitis, diarrhea, vomiting.
I mean, it goes on and on.
It says can cause a... It says can give you measles-like rash.
Over here.
Atypical measles on the front side.
Zoom in right here, guys.
It's just right here.
It says pancreatitis.
And that, you know, that's destroying your pancreas.
And then it doesn't work right, and then it causes a whole host of other issues that they're not looking at.
But anaphylaxis, that's like a shock that you get.
Your system, it'll shock your system.
Yeah, that's when the kids convulse.
Right, exactly.
And there's measles-like rash right there.
In other words, there's measles.
Hold on.
Flip it over.
On the front, on that corner right there, yeah.
Yeah, you guys can just point the camera one spot, I'll put the paper there.
You're doing a great job.
Yeah, atypical measles.
I mean, it says it in three different spots that it causes measles.
And people wonder why people that are vaccinated are coming down with it.
Well, they're the ones spreading it.
It says you can spread measles and don't be around people for 60 days after you take it.
And this is the MMR.
It also contains one for mumps and rubella.
And it's the live virus for all three of those that they're injecting into you at the same time.
And nobody thinks this is going to cause... And then they just have...
Obama and all these people get up on TV and say there's no side effects, it's been proven safe, and we got the sheet, and then the listeners won't even believe this!
I can't do anything!
Alex, I got a call from a Guardian reporter yesterday, and he's like, what do you say about herd immunity?
And you're about to get into this.
We've never done a study about herd immunity.
It's just made up crud.
In the United States.
We've never sat down and compared unvaccinated and vaccinated children.
But Germans did.
Germans did.
Germans did.
Germans did.
New Zealanders have done it.
What's so great about that?
Why can they do it and we can't?
It's a herd mentality.
It's not a herd immunity.
There you go.
And if you want to talk about the Guardian, Guardian does some good stuff, but there
They're lying!
They're lying!
I mean, they're demonizing this, and the thing that I can't understand, Alex, is the absolute vitriol and hatred, especially from the left.
People like Slate Magazine saying, we need to criminally charge and sue the people who are doing this.
How about if you criminally charge and sue the pharmaceutical companies who promise that this stuff is 99% effective, and it isn't?
I've got a story that I'm working on right now, measles, mary, and the outbreak they don't want to talk about.
And you look at the revolving door between
You know, government and big business, especially big pharma.
The head of Merck's vaccine unit worked for the CDC.
How can you have this and have objectivity?
My kids have never had it, and they all got it at different times.
Had a few little red spots on them.
And we're in bed for a day.
I got the mumps, and I got the mumps vaccine.
And they go, well, you should have had the booster.
My grandmother, one month after she took the polio vaccine, got the strain.
They gave it to her.
Well now there's a mystery illness going around that is a polio-like illness that they don't know what it is and it's in Colorado and it's all around and nobody knows what it is.
They call it placid paralysis.
It's just like when they just like when they gave you the shot.
You get it.
You get it.
It's happening all over the world.
It's happening in India.
But see, this is their cover story.
But in India, they admit it's the vaccine.
Oh, exactly.
But they won't admit it here.
They just run for cover for these vaccine companies.
Like, they're the golden god that we can't ever talk about.
It's never their fault.
It's the parents' fault.
It's always the parents' fault.
Or it's the people that use the vaccine.
Well, here's the deal.
They're coming for forced inoculations now.
I'm gonna come back and go to directly your calls.
But, you know, here's the headline.
Will you accept the forced inoculation?
And on your report, confirmed measles vaccine causing measles.
I mean, this is such a hoax.
Stay with us.
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He's going the distance.
He's going the distance.
Towards the end of the hour, I'm going to go through a whole bunch of mainstream news articles, documents, you name it, on what's really happening with the vaccines.
But first, I want to go to your phone calls.
Will you take the forced inoculations?
Will you fight these attempted state laws and federal regulations trying to order people to take shots?
Will you let them blame us for the measles outbreak that's been clearly caused by the vaccines?
It's a joke.
You've got a revolving door, a big pharma, running the federal regulatory agencies and paying off the media with massive advertising.
And it is totally sick.
And they're setting a precedent to put whatever they want in us.
And they've been coming out for a decade with social engineering vaccines that have live viruses that actually destroy key receptors in the brain to make you servile and docile.
Now, I first reported on this when no one else knew about it.
It's now in mainstream news, and they're, quote, testing it on PTSD troops.
A lot of them that end up getting the shots end up committing suicide, because they're not people anymore.
And they're testing it on the troops, the same ones that are on government death panels, the secret death list.
Oh, the government loves you so much.
Please take your shots.
But we put the troops on lists to not be given health care.
These are monsters!
All right, Brenda, and then we'll go to Jeff, Rick, Blake, Alex, and others.
Brenda, your vaccine story or your take on vaccines?
Yes, ma'am, go ahead.
Well, I'm Brenda from Idaho, and I want to alert everybody to the real reason why they want you to make this mandatory.
want to do away with billions of people in the first place.
And they want to give us binary weapon systems in us so that they can release something else that binds with it later and wipes us out.
That is a big part of them trying to force inoculations on us is to force that precedent to then use a binary extermination mode that will make them completely safe when they release the other agent.
And the thing of it is
Uh, I, when I got my, uh, I had polio.
Uh, there was, uh, I was born in California and there was a big outbreak of whooping cough.
Well, I was just born, so I shouldn't even, uh, in the hospital.
And, um, so anyway, um, I got this, um, um, shot.
It's right on my birth certificate.
I looked and, um, uh, I come down with polio, poliomyelitis.
It was a light case because at that point in time I really believed that they were running out of polio serum.
So they gave a lot of kids and babies and stuff like that polio to build up their serums.
And later on... That's right, for those that don't know, they wanted to get your blood and breathe more of it.
Yeah, most people I know that got polio got it from a shot.
And that's just another big open secret.
But you're not supposed to give a baby a polio vaccine.
They have huge immunity when they're first born to begin with.
It's just outrageous.
We've turned our babies into lab rats with a government known for a huge history of secret experimentation.
I mean, how crazy is that?
That's exactly what they're doing.
And they're counting on the stupidity of the American people.
Now, we've been in the dark for a long time.
I haven't.
I've been awake, real awake, since Reagan.
That, that, ooh.
Anyhow, um, I, uh, uh, and they, that's when they started experimenting with nanobots.
And, uh, when I turned 52, I was good and healthy and everything, you know, uh, but I do have a, uh, almost an inch limp.
Uh, in my leg and everything like that, but I was good and healthy up until about 52.
And then it started coming back on me, my polio.
And, um, anyway, I started having these bumps coming all over my right side, or I mean my left side.
Well, you know what was in that vaccine, SV40, deadly cancer virus.
But he is, uh, this is, uh, there's other things, uh, uh,
All kinds of stuff that they're sticking in here and they want us to... Oh, I know.
Ma'am, ma'am, God bless you and I appreciate your call.
We're gonna go to break.
Long segment.
Rick, Blake, Jeff, Alex, get to everybody.
Hearing that sweet lady.
My grandmother was like a beauty queen.
Super classy.
Uh, married my grandfather, had my uncle and my mother, and then she went and got the vaccine and three, four weeks later, got the strain she was vaccinated for.
And she said, yeah, I was, I got it from the vaccine.
And she was such a nice person, she didn't even blame the government.
She just said, well, that's mistakes.
That's, you know, that's just what happens.
That's what her doctor said.
They didn't even deny it.
Now all over the country, kids are getting this, uh, you know, uh,
Paralyzing disease, they don't call it polio, who get the shot.
They just go, we don't know all these kids are dying and can't breathe, because you're shooting them up with polio!
It doesn't matter, people want their kids to die.
I mean, they love it.
So, you know what?
Give your kids everything.
Take them in, give them hundreds of shots, and get ready to change their diapers when they're 15 years old.
And get ready to put them in the ground when they're 20.
Because they want to kill you and your family.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
No weapons of mass destruction were found.
Are you kidding me?
Do you buy that?
There were, there were, there were.
Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.
I was five and he was six.
We rode on horses made of sticks.
C'mon, let's shoot.
Hey, uh, I need to get the raft, the brass, the drop raft.
I got a wounded girl, we need to take the rough to Maya.
The main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction.
It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.
But I also talked about the human suffering in Iraq.
Hello boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
I salute the boys and girls who are buying United States savings stamps and bonds and they're giving important support to the cause of freedom and the men who fight for us in Vietnam.
As an American citizen, you have to respect our president, whether I like it or not.
It's really not my decision.
But I do respect my president, and I will support whatever decision he makes.
It is a hard fact that U.S.
strikes have resulted in civilian casualties.
The United States knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
One of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
Renewed hostile actions
Against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
That reply is being given.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right.
Alright, I want to go to your calls.
That last caller we spent about five minutes with, incredible story.
First caller out of the gates, got polio after she was vaccinated for polio at birth.
My grandmother, just growing up, it was, yeah, I got polio from the polio vaccine.
Just boom!
The doctors admitted that.
But now, 64,000, just a few years ago, it was in the Indian newspapers,
Children got paralyzed after the vaccine program sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates.
And they said, yes, they're paralyzed.
It's like polio.
Well, it is polio.
The insert for MMR says it gives you the measles.
You can spread it for 60 days.
Can give you diabetes.
I mean, we wonder why diabetes is off the chart.
It's a lot of things, but vaccines are part of it.
It causes an autoimmune response in the pancreas, folks.
It fries it.
And I get why people are emailing saying it can't be true, it can't be true, that's not a real insert.
Because you don't want to admit what they've done to you, a lot of you.
All I'm doing is here warning you.
I mean, it's so frustrating that we should be able to stop this and defeat this.
And again, I mentioned that vaccine that they gave kids, Senator Paul talked about it, that was supposedly going to cure diarrhea.
And then it would cause blockages in the children and kill them.
They had to pull it off the market.
We're the only country where most of this stuff doesn't get pulled.
They usually make a new vaccine and then five years later, or ten years later, or a year later, they got to pull it off the market in other countries because people go, whoa, this is killing people.
Not here, they just keep selling it and selling it.
I mean, when you can give somebody a vaccine so they don't, quote, get earaches or get diarrhea or, quote, get depressed, what do you think, biologically, that's doing to the body?
Reprogramming it.
We are the genetically modified organisms now.
We are like petri dish amoebas being manipulated or lab rats, and it's not funny.
Let's go to Rick in Florida.
Rick, you're on the air, welcome.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Answering your question, heck no.
I'm not taking any of their forced inoculations.
That's an appalling violation of our Fourth Amendment.
It's unconstitutional!
Okay, why don't you tell your listeners about the thimerosal and the squalene that's in there?
I know, and they'll just say there's no mercury in it.
I mean, I've been at Walgreens and shot videos arguing with them, and they go, there's no mercury.
And I go, what's thimerosal?
And they go, oh, that's a preservative, and it's the name of mercury.
I have a related question to ask you.
I saw something on the internet about 30,000 guillotines being purchased by FEMA.
What do you know about this?
It's an urban legend, rumor.
There were some guillotines brought in out of Iraq after the first Gulf War, and that's where some of those rumors started.
I appreciate your call.
I've been getting that question for 20 years, about once a week.
But it's good to ask questions.
That's as best I know.
Let's go ahead, the real guillotine are these vaccines and the GMO.
And there's new studies out about GMO corn killing pigs.
I mean, this isn't a game, folks!
Jeff in Michigan, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I am a health journalist.
I want to go by three quick points that people might not know about these vaccines.
So, because the reason it says there have been no controlled studies is because we are the controlled studies right now.
That's why we're the final stage of research, the public.
That's absolutely right.
In fact, the CDC admits that the year before they did the H1N1 thing five years ago, they released the virus as a stimulant in the last vaccine.
So they're doing tests, they admit, inside the vaccine.
So you're absolutely right.
We are the mass test.
That's why the talking point in the mainstream media, they always say, well, it's got to be healthy because there's been over a million doses given, because they don't know.
And also, the other point is, they go by the germ theory.
It's actually the law of the terrain by Antoine Beauchamp.
He's the person that they forget about, and that is the argument for herd mentality.
It basically says the biological terrain of your body is what keeps you healthy.
Immunity does not come from a needle.
That's why Dr. Group's products, when you detoxify your body, you are changing the biological terrain from toxic to non-toxic and what that's doing is allowing you to have a greater immunity.
That's what none of these mainstream people are talking about is how to individually get your immunity up.
They just want to push the needle.
Well, absolutely, and look, they're piggybacking on real science that's been going on for over 500 years with this learned immunity.
With this artificial immunity.
No one's debating that that's not a real science.
It's just that they deny any side effects, they deny any problems.
And then now they're using it as a social engineering tool and escalating it into hundreds of shots and the carnage is clear.
And they're doubling down going, we're going to vaccinate pregnant women, we're going to increase the vaccines.
Yeah, this year's flu shot doesn't work, so get another one.
It's just a pure wall of arrogance.
And then now they want to bully everyone
into you cause people to get sick and to create a new divide and conquer.
Feminist against men, black against white, white against black, hispanic against this, north against south, this football team against that football team.
Divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, while the globalists are literally screwing us seven ways to Sunday.
Thank you for the call, Jeff.
Alex in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Uh, yes, I'm here from Wisconsin, and I was born in the, uh, 80s.
And, uh, uh, I got my standard round when I was a kid, uh, uh, immunity shot.
And, uh, pretty much right away, I started having, uh, epileptic fever seizures.
That's in the inserts, yeah.
And my parents didn't know what was going on.
And pretty much when I turned five and around that age, I made sure not to get any other shots.
And it continues for like a long time, having problems with that.
And still to this day I have.
That type of issue.
I also had like educational issues.
I had like a pretty heavy speech impediment.
Absolutely, your brain had an autoimmune response.
Look, it says in all the vaccine inserts, can cause epileptic seizure, epileptic shock, can cause all sorts of inflammation on the brain, neurological disorders, Guillain-Barre.
And when you take the shot, if you don't have a convulsion in the facility,
And you have it the next day and an ambulance comes.
They don't ask, did you just have a shot?
Even though everybody knows, the big elephant in the room, is that so, Mr. Brown, you've never had a history of epileptic seizure and you've never had this in your family.
Well, we're going to do a CAT scan to see if you have a brain tumor.
Now, that's on the outside that you were having these sudden seizures because of a brain tumor.
But they don't care.
They're going to milk some cash out of you now.
Because they're never going to say something that the medical cult put out did this.
But I'm really sad to hear that happen to you.
I know a bunch of people that have lost their jobs and are on disability because their feet and hands are numb now, and they can't do their jobs.
And that's just part of America.
You take your shot, and if you're lucky, your hands and feet just get paralyzed or numb.
For other folks, they end up on a respirator and, you know, in a hellish facility.
And bankrupting their whole family.
But that's what we do to take the shot to prove we love government.
And we sacrifice ourselves on the altar of the loving government.
We will continue.
No matter how many children die, no matter how many people have convulsions, no matter how many birth defects, we love our loving government.
And we love doing what they say.
Appreciate your call.
Blake in Maryland.
Blake, you're on the air.
Well, hi, darling.
How are you?
I'm being a little cynical and sarcastic here.
It's very sad to see this full push.
And my husband is jealous of you because you do a better Marvin Martian than he does.
Oh, dear.
We'll inoculate these pesky earth creatures.
There, now you're not too smart, are you?
Now my takeover plan will be successful.
That's right, that's right.
Hey listen, you just, you pushed my button today.
The forced inoculation scared the heck out of me.
I got the swine flu shot.
I think it was 2000, I think it was 2009 when I got that.
And four to six months later, I started having all kinds of medical problems.
Just been healthy as can be all my life.
Just healthy.
And ever since then, I mean, it was just like, just all of a sudden I had problems with my heart.
I had immunity issues are just ridiculous.
Well, that's what the insert says it can do to you, but, you know, safe and effective.
Obama said so.
Megyn Kelly said so.
Are you saying that Megyn Kelly, the little puppy dog, little bows in her hair, are you saying Sweetsie's lying?
Yeah, Fox News is starting to become a lot worse than CNN and MSNBC.
I mean, it's just, it's just all so fake.
But I tell you what, this needs to be an issue people rise up over.
I mean, it's just, it's destroyed my life.
I mean, as far as my physical being, it's destroyed me.
Well, you look at the medical numbers on vets that haven't even been in heavy combat, and they are just, the cancer, the kidney failure, the skin problems, the immunity problems, they get
Shot after shot, hundreds and hundreds of vaccines in just a few years.
And sometimes they'll give them a shot and say, oh, we lost the record.
Shots again.
I know folks that have been given the same shot five times in a row.
And then meanwhile, the brass do not take it.
I mean, Joe Biggs used to be ordered to go get everybody vaccinated as a staff sergeant.
He'd say, hey, you guys aren't taking it.
He's told me the stories and they go, shut up, Biggs, get out there and get it done.
And so they don't take it.
In fact, I have the articles right here.
I'll show it after the break.
Mainstream news.
Where in the German military, the brass quote, take a safe vaccine and so does the government.
Then I have articles in China and the US.
They do not take it.
What does that tell you?
People on the fence need to investigate this on their own.
And I tell you what, if I had it to do all over again, no way would I have ever taken my children and had so many poisons pumped into them, one after the other after the other.
And, you know, all I can do now is just tell everybody I can what happened to me and refer them to articles on your site, on other sites, that, you know, these things are poison.
They're just poison.
That's it.
And it's done for a purpose, guys.
It's for a purpose.
And it's not to eradicate these diseases.
It's done to give you all sorts of man-made illnesses, anthropogenic illnesses.
So they can medicalize you.
Again, the doctors and nurses are compartmentalized.
Most of them aren't aware of it, but top doctors like Blaylock and others have gone out and read the establishment literature where it's all admitted, going back to the 50s, this plan to soft kill, to weaken, to inject people with cancer viruses that they had basically developed and then selected that are triggered when hormone levels decrease.
uh... and and other things i mean this is tailored murder and you know they kill you thirty years later you don't even know what killed you that's called a soft kill and i've been talking about that for twenty years but they had a movie a few years ago with brad pitt called killing you softly where the people don't even know he's gonna kill him he just he just kills them when they're not paying attention and that's what it is they kill you softly appreciate your call sorry to hear about that we're gonna come back and talk to thomas
And many others that are patiently holding 800-259-9231.
We'll continue right into the next hour breaking this down.
We will not go silently into that long night.
We will not just roll over and let you force GMOs on us and fluoride water and all these deadly vaccines and watch all the cancer numbers and illness numbers skyrocket.
We know what you've done.
We know about the plan.
We've got your books where you admit it all.
We're aware of your operations, okay?
And don't think you're going to get away with it all.
Because as you turn up the heat and more people are going to die, more people are going to get sick, more people are going to get angry.
So go ahead and just say there's no side effects.
Go ahead and say we're liars.
People are going to get sick.
They're going to read the sheet.
They're going to get mad at you.
I guarantee you there's going to be people listening this week that won't believe me.
They're going to give their kids shots.
They're going to have convulsions.
They might even die.
And then they're going to hate Megyn Kelly and Barack Obama.
They're going to go read the inserts after their kid is in diapers at age five.
And they're going to know you were part of it.
So just point blank, watch yourselves.
Because you're not playing a game.
Being involved in hurting people isn't a joke.
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Alright, document cam please for TV viewers.
Right over here, and then we'll go back to your calls.
I'm going to be describing this for radio listeners.
Anybody can go to InfoWars.com on your smartphone, whatever, your little government spy system, and you can actually watch what we're doing here at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Since I mentioned this, let me just show you a couple news articles on this front.
Here is Time Magazine.
In Germany, a better vaccine for politicians.
Now that was back in 2009.
Here's our article boiling it down, German Chancellor ministers get special vaccine without soft kill.
Here's another article, out of a local, out of Germany, government to get special swine flu vaccine.
There you go.
Okay, and that's just an example.
Here's some more.
This is out of CBC and out of Mercola.
Monsanto cafeterias since 1999 do not have any GMO in them.
People that work there will not eat it.
Monsanto workers ban GMO food from their own cafeteria.
You starting to get a little picture here of what's going on?
And then here are some of these news articles out of Germany.
New study, vaccinated children have two to five times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.
We can actually put the graph up on screen in color for folks.
Allergies, almost tripled.
Chronic bronchitis, it's like five times.
It just goes on from there.
Vaccinated kids have almost 20 times
The herpes, worse hay fever, hyperactivity, you name it.
Again, we can just pull that article up.
It is new study, vaccinated children have two to five times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.
And folks can actually see those graphs in color for themselves.
And we have some of the graphs here as well.
I'll just show viewers where they can go over this for yourselves.
But that's from the German report, from the German government's own breakdown.
I mean, this is stuff people might want to go look at.
I mean, you might want to find out about this.
I mean, the Amish don't take any of these, and all across the country autism's just unknown.
Disorder after disorder is just unknown.
And now they're trying to make them take vaccines all over the country.
There's no end to what the system won't push on people.
And we'll come back after the break and I'll show you those graphs and everything in color for everybody out there who is watching at PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.com forward slash show.
But it's the reason I get angry and the reason I get frustrated so much is that I mean I know what I'm talking about.
I mean this stuff's really going on.
I can open the phones up all day long, people that got polio when they got the vaccine, people that got hepatitis when they got the vaccine, people that got measles, mumps, rubella when they took the vaccine, and I can show you news articles where they admit it over and over again.
And all these kids dying every time they get the flu shot.
Of the flu.
And all the mystery illness that isn't mystery, it's polio!
Just like in India.
And the government and the media just knows how to cover it up, just act like everything's normal.
That's how they operate.
That's how they run these systems.
Well, come back and go to your phone calls for about another 30 minutes.
Then I'm going to shift gears into all the other news I haven't hit yet.
And they're attacking Rand Paul in MSNBC for coming on my show and saying Rand Paul has temporal relationships, demonizing anybody that understands what's going on.
We don't have all the answers, but we know the globalists are evil and have nothing but bad will towards everybody.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, taking your phone calls.
Have you been damaged by vaccines?
Do you love vaccines?
Do you think those of us that don't take them are the reason you're getting sick when you take all the loving vaccines?
And walk around and boss everybody around on a high horse?
I want to hear from you.
I haven't gotten one call yet that disagrees with us, but I want to take a ton of them now.
Thomas in Mississippi, thanks for holding your ear on the ear.
Hey Alex, how are you doing, sir?
Alright, brother.
Hey, I got two questions I really want to ask you, but I do want to touch on the topic of the vaccines.
Yesterday you mentioned about Megyn Kelly, so last night I tuned in to watch and see what her reaction was, that they're still talking about the topic and they weren't.
It was absolutely disgusting.
They were totally right betraying of the New World Order.
Yep, gotta have the government have the power to put things in us when this government's been caught doing everything evil you can imagine.
Just, I mean, who would buy into that?
Well, a lot of people, obviously.
I'm in a position in life to know, but, you know, so a lot of people are believing in the New World Order system.
That's just...
There's no debate about that.
There's no doubt about that.
But I got another question, or two questions I'd like to ask you, Alex.
On this show here, you mentioned earlier that you briefed on 9-11.
Let me ask you this, alright?
And this is something I've been pondering in my head for a long time.
I've got investigative experience in my life.
And it doesn't take a genius once you take the blinders off to figure it was an inside job, right?
There was certainly a stand-down.
Certainly a stand-down, yes.
At the least.
Like I said, I don't know the details, and most people don't.
We have theories.
But the bottom line is, what happens when it comes out?
And I'm assuming it will.
That it will come out that the U.S.
was involved.
Does that mean there's more credence given to Muslims?
Maybe they get more seats in Congress or something?
No, because they were allied with radical Islamists that would carry out something like that if they could.
And Saudi Arabia certainly was involved.
I mean, ISIS is a real group.
Just our government's helping arm them there.
I mean, look at how they just continually turn these people loose, except on 9-11.
It's beyond giving Stinger missiles to Al Qaeda so they can shoot down aircraft, you know, in the Free Syrian Army.
This is NORAD standing down, the hijackers trained at U.S.
bases, Building 7 getting blown up.
I mean, it looks like beyond just letting them attack, it looks like certain criminal elements of intelligence agencies were working with other intelligence agencies.
That's where everything points.
Oh yeah, no, certainly.
That could be a narrative.
Right now it looks like they're going to blame the Saudi government, who ended up to their eyeballs.
I mean, I'm not sure exactly what's going to happen, but it's very good points.
Thank you, Thomas.
Rachel in PA, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I had a tetanus shot about six months ago and I've been healthy for 10 years prior to that and I've had pneumonia since then and I don't know what the heck is going on with my throat.
My throat's killing me and I can't swallow and I have spots on my tongue and I just want to tell anybody out there if you get a shot you're a fool.
And I'm going to say this also, because I'm racist.
Do you think the measles outbreak has got to do with those illegals coming through the border?
Well, I know the drug immune and drug resistant TB does.
I know the leprosy does.
I know all these other hundreds of weird amoebas and bacteria.
I'm not bashing these people, but I mean Latin America, Central America, South America is scary.
There's a reason they're trying to get up here away from that.
Uh, and so it's very beautiful.
Some towns are very nice, but the big cities are nightmare pits.
Mexico City's 30 million people.
Half of them live in cardboard boxes.
Water comes out of a faucet about one hour a day.
I've seen documentaries on it.
And, uh, during the summer, there's dust storms of human feces in the air with everyone wearing masks.
So, I mean, you know, that's all coming here.
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Thank you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'll tell you who does ride for free, the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve that Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, former head of the World Bank, called a fascist organization.
Well, the less than 20 global families that own
The private shares of the European Central Bank, the British Central Bank, the US Central Bank, that chartered almost every other central bank in the world, they do ride for free.
And they've been around so long with free money machines that we'll fight and kill for, that they can buy our daughters and our sons for.
They're above the law, tax-exempt, diplomatic immunity, the UN.
They now want to force GMO and inoculations on us, where in India and Africa and Pakistan and Libya, the people run.
If you go back 50, 60 years ago, the people would run towards Western doctors because they knew they were getting good health care.
The natives would do anything.
Now they run.
What's that 80s song?
Once I ran to you, now I run from you?
One of those techno new wave bands, I forget.
It's good zombie, some good bumper music.
And that's it.
They run.
They run for the brush.
They run for the hills.
They run for the mountains.
They run.
They run for the desert.
They run.
They run.
And I'm here saying, I'm running from the New World Order.
The problem is there's nowhere to run.
They say fight or flight is so close to each other because fighting is a form of flight, basically.
Back when I grew up in Dallas and a lot of mean people like to fight and if somebody started to fight with me and started to beat me up, I didn't run, I fled forward.
I aggressively would just spaz out and just go into it.
And it wasn't because I was enjoying it.
I just wouldn't run, I would run towards it.
Somebody would swing a punch and that's the point where somebody would just start threatening to attack me and I'd just go at them.
Because it was just boom!
Oh, you're starting a fight?
I stopped that.
And I'm here just simply trying to get people to understand we're under attack, folks.
I mean, they're on the news.
I mean, let's say you're even for vaccines.
Because there's some arguments that if they're clean and good and something's really dangerous out there that, you know, I would take them.
I've explained this thousands of times, thousands, over the last 20 years.
But they get on the news and say it's the law to take them and that there's no mercury in them, or mercury's in it, but it's good for you.
And they get on the news and tell you there's no side effects.
They're lying, folks!
Why would you trust liars with anything?
In fact, New Lister's probably just tuned in.
We've got new affiliates all over the country.
Will you queue up CBS News saying mercury-containing vaccines help children's neurological development?
Journal of Pediatrics, federally funded.
I mean, this is like 10 years old.
Mercury is good for you is the name of the clip on YouTube.
Mercury is not good for your brain.
2 plus 2 equals 4, not 5.
Raising the debt limit does raise the debt limit.
Everything is not awesome.
Everything is not wonderful.
There's a lot of awesome, wonderful things out there that I want to protect.
The genetic code of the planet.
Our children.
Our women.
Instead, they've got this background of happy, lovey, trendiness that everything's fine, but it's all skin deep.
Behind it is scientific evil.
Here is CBS News.
This aired nationwide.
This is an Austin local version of it.
Where they tell you that mercury is good for your brain.
Go ahead.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives and vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
So they've got whistleblowers coming out from the CDC, from Merck, you name it, saying, yeah, we covered up that these are linked to autism.
You've got all over the world countries banning a lot of these vaccines, from Japan to India.
You've got the science coming out.
You've got major scientific labs in Africa.
You've got Catholic bishops coming out against it, saying they're adding steroids to it.
I mean, they're in trouble.
They're in trouble.
So there's a quadrupling down right now saying that if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to kill everybody.
And now California and other states have introduced legislation today at CBS News to forcibly inoculate your children.
They passed a law three years ago in California where the age of consent is now 11 for your child to decide to be vaccinated without your consent.
Now let me explain something.
Everybody knows this, but let me just in case people don't.
You can't, it's statutory rape if you convince a 16 year old girl when you're 20 to have sex with you because they're saying she isn't of the age to make that decision, you took advantage of her.
Now you can argue if you're 18, your girlfriend's 16, I mean is it really statutory rape?
Probably not.
But it's got a high standard, people don't want their kids getting messed with.
You're 11 years old?
You better believe you're not of the age of consent for sex, for people giving you drugs or alcohol.
That's why if you get caught using drugs when you're 12, you don't get in trouble the first few times, because you weren't of the age of consent.
You couldn't make decisions.
You're incompetent, basically.
And I think that's true.
I think an 11-year-old is incompetent to make an abortion decision.
Is incompetent to make a vaccine decision.
Is incompetent to say should I take this LSD I've been given.
That's why drug dealers target them.
Predators target the youth because an 11-year-old girl can't make a decision about being sexually promiscuous about STDs or any of it.
So here's the state like a big fat pervert
Involves saying our children belong to them and then the kid and they give a little discount credit cards and Walkman's little little, you know mp3 prizes When you agree to get the shot, do you want a free mp3 and $100 on a gift card?
Everybody who says so sign this form you get to get the vaccine tomorrow Almost all the kids do it.
I Mean how creepy is that?
I mean, come on folks, this is beyond 1984.
Alright, I'm going to go to Walt, and Catherine, and Mary, and Ken, and Mark, and everybody else.
Walt in Michigan, you're on the air, go ahead.
Well, Alex, you and I have been talking on and off ever since you've been on the radio, and I wanted to share some information.
I got a while back, it kind of shook me, and personally, no.
Two things.
I talked to Edward Haslam on the phone directly to his house, who wrote the book Dr. Mary's Monkey.
Well, he knows a lady by the name of Judith Baker, who was the girlfriend of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Yeah, we've had both of them on the show.
Well, let me tell you what I know personally.
I know a guy named Richard Hubble, H-U-B-B-L-E, who was a maintenance welder at General Motors Truck and Bus in Pontiac, Michigan.
I've known him for 20, 30 years.
In one day, out in the alleyway, we're by ourselves, of course.
He told me that he knew Lee Harvey Oswald who served in the same Marine Corps platoon with him and talked to Lee Harvey Oswald the day he left the Marine Corps to go to the Central Intelligence Agency.
He was no traitor.
Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with John F. Kennedy's murder.
Of course, he was set up like McVeigh and was going to blow the whistle, and we've confirmed that with federal documents.
McVeigh said, I am not going to blow up a daycare.
We were supposed to sting this and get the white supremacists in here out of Elohim.
We cooked the bomb, but we're not supposed to detonate it.
So they set McVeigh up.
It's the same thing.
It's been partially declassified that he was in that secret
There's more.
Richard Hubble, guess what he died of?
And guess what they were weaponizing down in New Orleans at that anniversary that that book breaks down was weaponized cancer viruses to kill world leaders.
Her polio is coming back on her legs.
And I can tell you one thing I know what activates the cancer in one out of every 200 people that had the polio vaccine with the fast-acting cancer virus attached to it is radiation.
How much have they encouraged people to have x-rays, you know, MRIs, and all the other... And it's been proven in major studies.
Guys, Google this.
That x-rays and MRIs trigger cancer viruses to activate in the viral plaques that are attached to the cells.
You know your stuff, buddy.
You've done some research.
And more.
I'll tell you something else.
This idea of reducing population goes back a long ways.
I think there was a guy in England or Europe...
I can't remember the guy's name, but I read the article about it and his statement.
We've got to do something about it.
There's too many people in the world.
We've got to get rid of some.
And what better way?
War, famine, disease, pestilence, natural disasters.
If you talk about Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Jacques Cousteau, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, they're all part of the same club.
They meet secretly once a year at Rockefeller University in New York.
And it got leaked five years ago, six years ago in ABC News and London Guardian that they were quote establishing an alternative world government to carry out these operations.
Henry Kissinger also wrote a book called Global 2000 Reports of the President, back in 1979-1980, recommending five methods to get rid of people.
War, famine, disease, pestilence.
That's right.
We should do a flashback on Henry Kissinger's report to the President on exterminating the public.
That is an important declassified document.
Yeah, folks, these are very sick people.
Thank you for the call, Walt.
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Tainted Love by Soft Cell.
Once I ran to you, now I run away.
Crank it up.
Once the villagers in the South Pacific, in Africa, in Asia,
In Romania, crank it up.
Once they ran to get the vaccines.
Now they run.
Doesn't matter where they are, black, white, doesn't matter, Asian, they run.
Because they know.
Because the globalists went too far in third world areas.
They would give people hard kill.
Stuff that would kill people in a few weeks, kill their babies, or paralyze them.
So folks, no, they run.
See, the real militaries out there, the real death camps are these big hospitals.
And the real militaries out there are the white Red Cross vehicles from the UN.
Now you've got a lot of good aid workers, a lot of good doctors, a lot of good nurses who work in the system.
And they fix your leg when it's broken.
They can help you with this or that.
They'll even treat the tumors that you got from the polio vaccine.
That's on record.
When I say on record, I mean it really is on record.
And the system just hopes you don't look into all this.
Once I ran to you, now I run away from you.
Mark in New Jersey, powerful callers today.
So many people calling in who got the polio, from the polio vaccine.
I mean, my grandmother was told by her doctor she got it from it.
And people were so, you know, pro-America after World War II, they'd be like, well, it's just a mistake.
Nothing's perfect in the fight against this.
But you look at the numbers.
It was spreading it, just like it is today.
Just like the measles.
Just like the insert says.
I mean, how do you get around that, Megyn Kelly, Barack Obama?
Go ahead, Mark, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
You inspire me to be brave.
I'm 55 years old and in 2000 I went to Rutgers University to get a college degree and I was a year into it and they told me that I had to have an MMR, measles, mumps, rubella shot otherwise I could not receive the grades that I paid for and earned.
I went to a doctor they gave me a teeter test to see if I had antibodies and
And I had no antibodies, and the price for the test was $700, and the insurance did not cover it.
They gave me my first MMR injection.
I took the note from the doctor to Rutgers, and they said, no, you have to have two injections.
And I told the nurse, well, you know, now I gotta pay for it again.
She says no.
And by the way, that's not even what it says.
You're not supposed to take the quote booster for I think six months, depends on the vaccine.
But see, this just shows this new thing where they go, take two flu shots this year.
We don't know why, just do it.
It's all part of the doubling down, all part of an arrogance.
Go ahead.
So what happened?
So, uh, I told the nurse, put the poison in my arm.
I want my grades.
And she says, well, you're 41 years old.
You might want to have children.
I don't want to give you the shot if you're going to have children.
And I says, no, I'm not going to have any children.
Put it in my arm.
Wait a minute.
So even the nurse knew how deadly this stuff is?
Yes, sir.
So she gave me the shot and I graduated in 2003.
And a couple years later, I start having numb legs and shooting pains that went from like pins and needles and now it's to the point that it feels like electric screwdrivers going into my legs and hands.
Have you been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre?
No, sir.
I've been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and there is no cure for that.
And the drugs they give you are gabapentin and or Lyrica and they give you... Now you know that they've got a whole whole classes of neurological disorders that vaccines are causing but that's basically in the Guillain-Barré family.
That's terrible, sir.
And and and uh the the gabapentin with the suicidal thoughts wasn't helping me enough so my doctor said what we'll do is we'll give you a catalyst drug to boost it and he put me on Cymbalta which is Prozac's cheap generic cousin and uh
Prozac is a hideous drug that was tearing out part of my brain.
By the way, let me just add something.
What you say from your doctor is true.
You know that Prozac is a fluoride molecule that's been altered, and it is an adjuvant.
Fluoride is an adjuvant or an accelerant.
It boosts other drugs.
So you're right.
That's why they add the fluoride to the water is to boost the other trace drugs that are being put into the other food chain.
I'm sorry to hear this happen to you, sir.
And you're saying you believe it's directly connected to the vaccine?
They have no way of knowing and they're willing to do a lot of expensive and painful tests on me and there's no cure for it anyway.
Well, that's the story.
A soft kill.
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I see the red moon rising
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Earlier in the show today, I was talking about meeting a gentleman who was an economist and had been the chief economist to the Canadian government at one time, a British-born Jeremy Wright.
I couldn't remember his name.
I'd only hung out with him three or four days when I was covering Bilderberg in 2006.
He died a few years after that, but he's the one that coined the answer to 1984 is 1776, and 1776 worldwide.
And I think it's interesting, that slogan is very popular all over the world now, and it's attributed to me online, because I gave a speech out there, and you know, threw that in, you know, at the Bilderberg Group, in that famous speech, so it's the answer in 1984, 1776, and the guys were able to ferret out by watching the film, his name, I just forget it, because I only met him a few times, had dinner with him a few times, he and I, and Jim Tucker, who's also dead,
I was just pointing out that little idea he had, you know, continues on all these years later after he's dead.
And that's how we're all like little rocks in a pond with those ripples, basically going forever to use that cliché.
You know, a lot of clichés are clichés because they're true, but we use them a lot because they're so true.
Like, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Best of times, worst of times.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Oh, it sure is, man.
I just sit back and think about my life.
It is so crazy.
Like, hanging out last week with Chuck Norris' son, who's a big accomplished TV and movie director in his own right, Mike Norris, who's learned to ride a motorcycle from Steve McQueen.
That's who got Chuck Norris into acting.
And I can't get into the movie yet before it comes out, but I want to show TV viewers a few photos that they sent us.
Here is Gary Haven and one of the actors.
You guys go to a document cam shot.
That's a photo shot off one of the big cameras.
There I am with Mike Norris, really great guy.
He's going to come down and be in studio soon.
He lives up by Dallas.
And there I am at the courthouse where they shot this senator scene where I play the evil senator.
So, that movie's supposedly going to come out in the fall or winter.
I'm not allowed to talk about it yet, but it's anti-New World Order to say the least.
And just, I mean, I've had Chuck Norris on the show five, six times over the years.
He told me he was a listener and liked the show, but then talking to his son and, you know, I don't know how much a listener Chuck is, we're going to get him back on.
It's just really weird to know that almost everybody I end up running into from Hollywood is a listener.
And I don't mean a listener once a week or something.
I mean listen a lot.
I want to say hi to Mike Norris, who says he listens every night.
And Gary Haven, the billionaire founder of Curves, is a big listener.
Can't wait to get him in studio.
And the stuff he was telling me about behind the scenes, talking to senators and governors and people.
All the amazing things that he's been learning.
I've got separate sources.
I was there talking to the sheriff and other people just in that county where they were shooting this.
People are so awake.
I was only up there one day last week.
Was it Monday I took off?
David Knight did a great job to go do that.
I didn't take off.
I left at 6 a.m.
and got back at 1230 at night.
That way I could see my kids in the morning, but took off the radio to go do that.
It's just every experience I have, it was like
2006 we had a 9-11 Truth Conference in L.A.
2,000 people showed up, international media showed up, C-SPAN showed up, and I got invited out.
By one retired LAPD detective that was running security, then I met a bunch of other LAPD detectives that were current LAPD.
The next time I went out there, I went out to dinner with a bunch of these guys.
And I mean, they all were as well-spoken or smarter than I was and knew about everything.
I mean, they could do a radio show tomorrow as good as this one.
And that's what I'm saying.
These people are just everywhere who know what's going on.
I mean, it's like we've won, folks, is what I'm saying.
We've won the hearts and minds.
Not that we even want it.
People know bull is going on.
And that's why they want to divide the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
That's why black against white or citizen against cop.
It doesn't mean there aren't bad things happening on all sides.
It just means it's being pushed and fanned and expanded
Because the globalists need that or they're going to lose.
And I know that's very simple, what I'm saying, but that's what we've got to really think about every day, myself included.
They want us at each other's throats.
For a reason.
Because if we ever get together, in fact we should come into the next segment with the Bugs Life clip, if those ants stand up, you know, then they might all stand up.
Those puny ants outnumber us a hundred to one.
The globalists know we're going to stand up, so they want us to stand up against the local constabulary and crush it so the feds can come in.
We're going to crush the New World Order like Beowulf crushed Grendel by just grabbing the arm, leveraging it around a column, and ripping it out.
We're just going to grab and hold on.
That's who wins.
Whoever perseveres.
And just have the will to just keep telling the truth, never stop.
They're never going to tell you we're winning.
They're just going to tell you we're losing.
No one's listening.
Oh my gosh, everyone wants to be vaccinated.
Everyone wants world government.
Everyone wants the state to take over kids.
Everyone wants blah, blah, blah.
Everybody wants Obamacare.
Everybody wants to turn their guns in.
Everybody... No they don't!
And we have to just discredit the establishment media, discredit the people that have hijacked our governments.
We're good to go.
Hard it is to continue because there's so few people at the top that'll speak out.
I think that's what I'm getting at before I go back to calls here.
A lot of times I'll just start speaking stream of consciousness and I'm thinking, what am I getting at?
Under the surface, almost everybody's awake that matters.
And by that, if you're a movie director, you gotta be pretty competent, know how the world works.
If you're a TV producer or a major actor, you've got to be pretty competent.
If you're a cop who's been on the beat a while, you've got to be somewhat competent about the real world.
Combat vet, same thing.
A doctor, a lawyer, anybody that's got to be competent.
A school teacher, you live in the real world.
I don't care who you are, if you're working in the real world as an accountant or whatever, you're going to have smarts about how the world really works in your area.
That's why they want everybody just playing video games, staying in college till they're 30, never getting out in the real world, because that's just a nation of people, and it's about a third of the country is like this now, that doesn't... I don't just mean poor people on welfare.
I mean these trust fund kids everywhere, who just have no idea what's going on in the world, and they'll point at us and laugh all day long.
The system wants, though, units like family and like communities to fight with each other, because if we're busy doing that, they can then rob and rule over us.
I mean, again, it's that simple.
So, as negative as this show is, there's a lot of positive stuff.
Every, I mean, I go to the regular grocery store now, sometimes, when I'm in a hurry and can't go to an organic place that's pure organic, or claims they aren't.
Lord knows Whole Foods or Central Market aren't, fully.
I mean, the cereal aisles, no GMO, no high fructose corn syrup, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, that shows.
You know, we've got plastic that doesn't have bisphenol A. A couple years ago, they'd have a small section that wasn't bisphenol A. Now, you go on Target, Walmart, Randall's, I don't care what it is, it's just nothing but bisphenol free.
And that's because people stood up and said, we don't want to turn our boys into girls, and our women into breast cancer victims.
I mean, I see the changes everywhere.
We start saying we don't want smart meters that spy on us, and we keep educating folks, and we don't want smart appliances that everybody can hack and take over.
I would talk about that 10 years ago, and people acted like I had three heads.
Now, the federal government's warning of it, and it's the big hot item.
Notice for months we've been getting into vaccines because I said the big push, try to force vaccines is coming.
I could see the buildup.
Now we're here.
Notice everybody else is trying to get on the wave.
We were already on the wave before it started.
Months ago.
Notice we're always right over the target with what the big new issue is going to be because we've got to engage the enemy at point blank range.
We've got to know where they're going to strike next to be waiting on them.
I mean, just quite frankly, it's UNBELIEVABLE how accurate InfoWars is.
It's UNBELIEVABLE how groundbreaking it is.
But it's a testament to 20 years of focus.
You learn how stuff works over 20 years.
And this whole world's been designed around distracting and diverting people to keep them compartmentalized.
To get good people to go join corrupt systems and to go along with it, believing they're doing a good job, because the system knows most people are actually good in the system, and so they just need a fake narrative to make them feel like it's okay.
But now, through decompartmentalization, not just this broadcast, but across the board, there is a rapid learning curve as people get what's really going on, and then just go, whoa!
The great danger is in going along with this because this is a human civilization-ending road we're on by the globalists.
Who are they to decide the age of humans is over?
Who are they to decide the, quote, evolution of humans and machines?
Who are they to decide what we put in our bodies?
Who are they to decide what we read or what we do?
I mean, we are not programmable pieces of garbage.
We're talking about free will here.
Monsanto stocks in trouble.
I mean, every globalist operation is under fire.
And let me tell you, they are going to strike back.
We should be discussing, from the enemy's perspective, getting into their mindset, wargaming, what they're going to pull.
We know what they're going to pull.
Civil unrest.
Kill the cops.
All this other garbage.
And I'm just, I'm telling you, we've got to stop it.
And even if we don't stop the next wave, we'll be that much more credible when the next thing happens.
And people go, wow, it just keeps... Exactly.
Again, because we know the enemy operation.
We've studied them, we know them, we know what they stand for.
And they don't stop doing the same thing because it's been working.
But that's a weakness, because it doesn't work as well each time.
They're getting closer and closer to failure.
They're running out of tricks.
We are getting closer and closer to their hind end.
We are on their heels, ladies and gentlemen, and they're running.
Now, they're going to pull the stops out, but they've got to know when they set a nuke off, or release a bioweapon, or shoot up a bunch of schools, our people are going to be everywhere.
Our people are going to be everywhere, and what happens when a cop pulls up at a school and sees a bunch of anti-terror mercs getting in a truck to drive off, and goes in and finds a dead patsy killed, and shoots video of it, and releases it, and blows up the false flag within one day?
Not a week, not a month.
See, and it's already, that's what happens, folks.
What do you think we get all this information?
We're going to blow their operations every time they launch them.
We got people everywhere.
And the great part is there's no cells, there's no brain.
This is not even a cell operation.
This is just humans wanting justice.
We're everywhere.
Once we're awake, it's over for you!
You understand that?
And just like they say in V for Vendetta when V's talking to the cops, the detectives, and he says, why didn't you do this earlier?
He said, I was waiting for you, detective.
I was waiting for you.
I was waiting for other men and women who know what's going on to stand up and to do what has to be done, or we're going to lose everything.
I mean, don't you have a chill up your back right now?
Do you really want to be in the hands of the New World Order?
These are bad people.
We should all be struggling against this, not because we're heroes or have courage.
It's blind courage to want to be under this evil.
I mean, you've got to have some courage to go along with this, because let me tell you, you're signing on.
You might as well sign your name in blood to the devil.
That's another thing.
Once you know this information, and once you've gone out and checked into it and found out I'm telling you the truth, it's much worse than I say.
People always go, it's worse than you say.
I can't articulate all this.
Once you find this out, it's on you to do something about it.
People are like, well, I don't want to do the work.
All you gotta do is get your heart right.
It's like once you decide you don't like something, once you decide you're gonna resist something, the doors start opening.
God just starts opening doors.
It's magic for you to do the right thing.
And every time you face down evil, and every time, whether you win or lose, it doesn't matter, you're being trained by God to then receive the next level of providence so that you can then go to that next level fighting evil.
I'm telling you, it's amazing, folks.
This is the real war for humans' future.
This is the real war for justice, the war for innocence.
There is an incredible war.
People want to join and go fight Al Qaeda.
Heroes who think they want to fight for America, who are misguided, manipulated into a full-spectrum, dominant system.
Hey, the real war is right now for your family and the human soul.
It's going on right now.
So go talk to the youth about how they're being targeted.
Go talk to everybody.
Go to city council.
Call and talk radio.
Get aggressive.
Katharine in Alabama.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
I'm 33 and I'm a yoga teacher now.
I got Hodgkin's disease, I believe, from a vaccine when I was 18.
I went to public school for the first time in 11th grade and the school counselor told me that I had to get a hep B vaccine.
So I went for the three rounds and in three months I couldn't get out of bed.
I lost weight and I kept going to the family doctor.
And they would give me a mono test and metabolic test and say, well, you don't have mono and they'd send me home.
Three months after that, I had tumors in my lymph nodes and had Hodgkin's disease.
It would be hard to believe that now because people ask me for advice and... Oh, I've known people that get Hodgkin's lymphoma right where they get the injection.
That's very common.
In fact, they admit many inserts.
It can give you localized tumors.
Well, I got my tumors were in my neck and then there were two more in my lungs because I was in stage 2A by the time I was diagnosed.
Um, it's okay now.
It was definitely a hindrance, but I just...
Take it as a learning curve.
Well, God bless you and your courage and we all pray for your continued recovery and not a reoccurrence.
But the media always focuses on the courage of cancer survivors, absolutely, but then how to give money to find a cure.
How about we find out why cancer is exploding at every level, including a 10,000 plus percent on average in children.
I mean, pediatric cancer was unknown 60 years ago.
Again, I'm not just saying this to be dramatic.
Sometimes I'm at the mall or something, or I'm at the grocery store, and I see a kid with like a stain on their shirt, and I look, and they got a little bald head with a cap on, they're holding their mom's hand, tell the mom's real sad, and you can tell they got a chemo poured into their chest, and I just gotta go, and I gotta go in the bathroom.
This doesn't happen a lot.
I try to just not look at them, and it's a mixture of sadness and rage.
That I can't stop them doing this, and I mean, they're just going to kill everybody.
I mean, I just, I can't stand it.
And then I have empathy, because I have children, and it makes me hate the New World Order.
I hate David Rockefeller.
I hate Bill Gates.
I hate Warren Buffett.
I hate, and I mean, people say you're not supposed to have hate.
No, the whole Bible is about God hating evil.
All I know is, I hate the fact that we're weak, and let these sacks of evil do this.
Yeah, I mean, it's just... I don't mean to start ranting, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Anything else?
I'm so sorry about your cancer.
Shortly thereafter, I had to drop out of high school, but shortly thereafter, after I went through treatment, I began college, and the first speech that I gave in speech class was on the American Cancer Society, who, back then, 12 years ago, had a $900 million budget, but they didn't spend
I spent almost no money telling people how to prevent these.
No, the more money we spend on cancer, the more cancer.
I mean, can't people put two and two together?
The Rockefellers by the 20s had discovered viral cancers.
It's in the medical literature.
The Cold Springs Harbor facility, they were injecting poor Appalachian whites and blacks with it, and then they've got it perfected by the 60s, and they're just murdering us, up one side and down the other.
They own the biggest group of hospitals in the country that run the cancer research, and it's just all a big joke to them.
It's all real funny.
He just told me that cancer was a virus and he also told me that only people between the ages of 18 and 35 were getting Hodgkin's disease.
So that has got to tell people something.
If only one segment of the population, young people, are getting this cancer, not old people.
Um, not kids, but this one sector.
I mean, that, to me, that says, well, something triggered that.
Well, I mean, I'll see a beautiful 25-year-old woman on a walker, you know, down on the hiking bike trail, and I'll stop and say, hey, you know, what's, and they'll be, like, shocked that I'm talking to them, and they'll, they'll, I could bring some cameras out and show this, and they'll say, yeah, I was doing great.
I was in a, you know, a runner, and I was in gymnastics, and I had a boyfriend, and then I, I go, what do you think did it?
He's like, I took shots!
I mean, it's just, it's just, and I just see these victims everywhere.
The hardcore operation's doing a great job.
And I see people with their kids on walkers all over the place.
I mean, we're, it's a devastating military operation.
And it's just gonna get worse.
Back when I was 18, I just, you know, I didn't have access to the information, and I just thought, well, my school counselor is telling me you have to do this, so being conscientious, I went for all three rounds.
Yep, they lie to you, they lie to you, and they say, be conscientious, you'll spread this stuff, and that's what they do.
Well, God bless you, ma'am.
I'm sorry, I hope you get better.
I'm glad you've gotten better so far.
So her doctor told her it was a cancer virus.
You don't really hear that ever on the news, though.
They don't tell anybody.
Mary Ann, you're on the air from Canada.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I'm a longtime listener and a huge fan.
And actually, my older daughter will be very upset when she finds that I'm talking to you, because she'd want to talk to you, too.
So I have a younger daughter who had been vaccinated at two months.
Until five months when she was diagnosed with something called Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.
Which, long story short, is a rare genetic disorder that causes tumors in all major organs.
And one in many... And ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, of course it's genetic that you can get lung cancer if you smoke a bunch of cigarettes.
It means you have a predisposition.
But you understand they lie now and say everybody's getting type 1 because of genetics?
But in the inserts it admits that the vaccine is destroying the pancreas of children and they're getting what they call genetic diabetes.
It's just not true.
Go ahead.
Oh, I completely agree.
And it was actually with research, after listening to you and listening to vaccines, we researched that it was actually the DPT shot.
There was a case in the States where a neurological doctor, I believe his daughter had it, and it was proven that the DPT shot caused this to happen.
So, had we not given her the shot, she would have lived a normal-ish life.
Um, but now we are stuck with the consequences because the doctors were not educated enough to do anything about it.
Let me ask you this, how much are the medical bills yearly?
Because again, it's not the doctors, they're compartmentalized.
Up above these big foundations that own the hospitals and run them, they're making massive cash.
Let me guess, are her medical bills $50,000 a year?
Um, well, we're from Canada, so luckily OHIP is paying for it because, quote unquote, it is genetic.
Um, but her medicine is costing us $300 a month.
And plus, we have private speech therapy, we've had lots of help, a lot of intervention coming out of our pockets, so I would say about five grand a month.
Holy Toledo.
And what's five grand times twelve?
Five is what?
Sixty grand a year.
Well, they've had a great victory.
Well, ma'am, I pray for your daughter, and all you can do is warn others so this doesn't happen to them.
We are, but we always get an uphill battle.
And it's to the point that we just told them to back off.
It's our child, that the vaccines actually had affected her.
And everyone's worried, oh, but you're not vaccinated.
I go, well, why are you worried?
Because you are vaccinated.
Oh, yeah, they're going to still bully you into more.
They won't be happy until you're all dead.
God bless you, ma'am.
And just tell your daughter I said hi.
That's why I don't do these shows.
It really makes me angry.
I could open the phones up and say, call in if you've had family members forcibly killed in hospitals, where they turn off the water and food as they beg for water and food, and people will call in.
I mean, people have no idea the Holocaust that's going on.
Schmedley Butler in Italy.
You're on the air, Schmedley.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I'm a former Marine.
My wife is current active duty military.
She was
Six weeks pregnant when they decided to give her the flu shot.
And that's when we had our miscarriage.
Sorry to hear that.
They're killing us left and right.
As a former Marine, I am on the do not treat list.
And evidently now, I'm on the do not let reproduce list.
And I got one more thing to say.
If they're going to try and force inoculate the entire country,
1776 will happen again.
And I want to say something.
All these enemies that are out promoting it and lying, these news people, they need to be held accountable when we take this country back.
They're going to be held accountable at the Nuremberg Trials.
And I'm serious.
Right along with all these globalists.
Don't you agree?
I agree 100%.
Megyn Kelly is a freaking joke.
And that queer over there with the purple sweaters on all the time, give me a break.
Who takes that seriously?
You're talking about, uh, Gutless?
Yeah, whatever his name is.
I don't pay attention to that stuff.
Hold on, sir.
I want to come back to you and talk about this miscarriage.
Yeah, I mean, up until six years ago, worldwide, you never give a pregnant woman a vaccine.
It's just well-known, uh, either deformities, major mental disorders, uh, or miscarriages, and now they push extra shots for pregnant women.
I mean, again, it's an over-the-top thing.
Yeah, we'll be back in Overdrive and FullHorse.com.
This is unbelievable.
Stay there, Smedley.
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I'm good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're going to skip this intro.
Fix bayonets for an overdrive.
I'm Alex Jones.
Main rebroadcast coming up.
Joe Biggs had been denied for about eight, nine months health care and he's got shrapnel in him, bullet holes, bleeding lungs from being inside armored vehicles that were blown up twice.
Until he started saying, I know I'm on a no-treat list, I'm going to do a press report about this.
Suddenly, he got health care.
They put a large number of vets on the do-not-treat list.
That's come out now for a year.
The caller was mentioning that.
And then, yeah, he was talking about his wife, who's in the military, being ordered to take a flu shot, and that she had a miscarriage.
I mean, you know, it's 101.
And the officers don't take it.
You know, they've got Obama rolling up his sleeve and the rest of it right now.
It's disgusting.
Okay, I mean, I showed you the articles where the elites don't take regular vaccines.
And there's still danger even with the good, clean ones.
But, yeah, you can get immunity from them.
But a lot of it is incompetence, bad facilities making it, but a lot of it's being spiked as well.
I mean, it's just Russian roulette big time.
But Smedley Butler finishing up, you were saying you're on the do-not-treat list.
Notice how that came out, and then it was just out of the news.
Yeah, and now evidently I'm also on the Do Not Let Reproduce list.
So I guess every time your wife's pregnant, they'll just give her a shot and then that's it?
Well, the strange thing is that this year they were doing the nasal spray, the nasal inhalation for the flu.
Yeah, that's really bad.
And that was mandatory, you know, for everybody at the base.
Yeah, you know that's live.
That's live virus.
Yeah, and they injected her with the dead virus or the whatever it is, you know, and she... Shit, I lost my train of thought here.
They gave her the shot specifically while everyone else was doing the inhalation.
So they killed my child.
Absolutely, and it's all done by computers.
Like, it was put in a file that she's pregnant.
She goes in to get, you know, those type of services.
It's in a computer, and then the computer spits out, probably an IBM Watson, because that's who decides what troops to kill, and then the Watson says, terminate.
I'm not kidding.
They have a Watson computer is what it's called.
IBM made the Nazi machines as well and that's what decides what to do.
So what does your wife think about all this now that she's pregnant so she's singled out for the injection?
She's thinking we're getting out of the military.
All right, God bless you over there in Italy, sir.
This is incredible.
Yeah, they're targeting the troops, folks.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
So if you support the troops, stop letting them do experimental vaccines on them.
It's illegal, but they still do it.
I know people that get drugs approved.
I'll just leave it at that.
And the way you fast track stuff is you get a general involved and get a general in your company, and then they'll get the strings pulled where they'll test on troops.
You heard me right.
Companies go, and the troops, that's why there's so many vaccine programs, they're tested on it.
Just like the black people with syphilis.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Anytime you're a captive of these folks, they will hurt you.
Foster children, almost 70% are on psychotropic drugs.
Ken in Arizona, last caller we have time for, clone truther Pat and John, we're gonna do this topic again tomorrow, so we'll call you back.
But Ken, go ahead.
Earlier, a caller said that the public is the test group.
More specifically, the school system has two groups.
One is the un-inoculated, and one is the inoculated.
If you take the data for autism, and just compare inoculated versus un-inoculated to autism, the rate, all that data is in the school system, so they don't have to do studies.
They can pull it up right now.
Well, they've actually done that, private groups have, and yeah, it's unknown, pretty much.
In children, mainly boys who get it, there's a weaker blood brain barrier.
It's basically unknown in Amish communities, unknown in third world communities that don't have the inoculations, and unknown in the unvaccinated population.
If the data can be pulled up from the public school system presently, that the kids with autism, what percentage are inoculated versus not, that would be the proof right there.
Well, sir, that did come out and the CDC ordered it covered up.
But yeah, we should hire statisticians to go break those numbers down for us.
That's a great idea.
I wish we had the money to do that.
Somebody should do that.
Tonight, Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central, back here tomorrow at 11 a.m.
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