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Name: 20150126_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 26, 2015
2663 lines.

"The radio show features various products and services including health supplements, survival tools, and entertainment content. It discusses a range of topics from conspiracy theories to interviews with celebrities. The guests share their experiences, opinions, and insights on current events and issues affecting society today."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Al Jorgensen of Ministry.
You're scheduled to join us via video link.
From his command center in El Paso, Texas.
Coming up in the third hour.
To say he's eccentric is, uh... He is a whitewash.
Very interesting fellow.
Listener of the show.
I'm a big fan of, obviously, Ministry's music.
Very informative.
And also very good.
And so, uh, he should be on the transmission with us today.
That said, I am in a controlled rage today.
Not just over the state of the world and the globalist programs, but just assessing people in general.
Most people have grown up without any real challenges in their lives, and with no organizational skills.
And we are a nation and a western world that loves to pass the buck.
And I just can't imagine what it's going to look like when things really unravel.
You know, Ron Paul was on two weeks ago and he warned of impending economic doomsday because there's no way that it's not going to come.
It's engineered that way.
The Washington Post is a lead today.
Rand Paul courts donors while father talks of impending doomsday.
And Rand Paul is being demonized more than Ted Cruz, more than anybody else out there.
Because they know he's a good guy.
They know he's pro-gun, pro-sovereignty.
He's been a little bit more hawkish than his father in things to differentiate himself politically so they can't demonize him and stop him from winning the nomination.
The fact that they're attacking Rand Paul is all you need to know.
Same thing with Sarah Palin.
Now, Sarah Palin's a big hawk, but I don't think she's a bad person.
And I know the system has come after her and demonized her.
And I said yesterday a successful ticket would obviously be Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, her as the VP, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin.
If she was better than a Ted Cruz or a Rand Paul, I would say put her on as the presidential candidate, but I just think they're...
They're better than her.
Better in their voting records, better in their understanding.
Rand Paul's not as big a warmonger.
But you're going to get warmongering out of any administration.
And I'm not a lesser of two evils guy.
I don't think the presidency is the end all be all of everything.
We need to take things back at the state and county and city level and just start saying no to all this unconstitutional garbage.
But in the big horse race that is the presidency, obviously a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz presidential run is a whole universe better.
A whole universe better than a Hillary Clinton or a Jeb Bush president.
I mean, that's not rocket science.
So you've got all these purists out there that sit on the bench every four years or they'll support some third party that has no chance of winning.
And then get mad when they don't win.
You've got to take over one of the two big parties.
Now, I'm all for a libertarian movement, regional wins, getting independents and libertarians into Congress.
That can be done, but that's still a long shot.
You've got to build coalitions at regional levels first.
That's where third-party movements can really, historically, have their biggest effect.
And still, it's tough.
But in this atmosphere, it can be done.
But that's where I stand.
It doesn't mean I endorse Sarah Palin.
It means they demonize her still every day for a reason.
The power structure doesn't like her.
That ought to tell you something right there.
I've known Rand Paul since 1995.
He's been here to Austin.
We've interviewed him.
I'm one of the first people to ever get him on air.
Probably the first.
I know Rand Paul.
And they know he's for real.
That's why, even though he's played politics with them, and come out and said something they want to hear, they're in the Atlantic Monthly and others saying, don't believe him, he's nuts like his father.
Because, yeah, he is a constitutionalist patriot like his father.
And they know that.
Okay, so, he's playing politics with them, like Clinton played politics and said you didn't want your guns, or Obama did.
Well, he's doing that on the opposite end.
And they know it, and they don't like it, and they're coming after him.
Rand Paul is awesome.
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As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing and they're all seeing me.
I don't understand what's going on.
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
It doesn't raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government.
How can you ask such a question?
What difference at this point does it make?
When a competent observer looks for signs of despotism in a community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, he saw, he died.
Yes, in modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly effective weapons.
You just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
You shouldn't trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating that, I will taint the news.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Okay Ms.
Hughes, well we're gonna do everything we can to help you.
We're live broadcasting worldwide Monday the 26th day of January 2015 Al Jorgensen of the mega successful band Ministry is scheduled to be popping in during the third hour today via video Skype interesting footnote for TV viewers via prison planet dot TV
Where to begin, yet again.
We also have joining us, because he's done it again, Mark Dice.
His video is on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We just tweeted it out at RealAlexJones.
That's right.
He went out and almost every person he talked to in California wanted to repeal the Bill of Rights.
If you use the words, Obama supports it.
Obama supports feeding little kittens into wood chippers.
Obama supports making men sit on the toilet and not stand.
They're trying to make men do that in Germany.
That was in the news over the weekend, so I'm not being sarcastic.
They're just throwing it in our face, but saying it's for Obama, so you should support it if you're part of the cult.
If Jim Jones says drink the cyanide-laced Kool-Aid, you don't ask whether it's sherry or grape flavor, you gulp it down to show you're a winner.
This is the yes-man mentality that has taken over the West.
Banks for austerity measures under attack in wake of the big win in Greece.
Harvard professor, government mosquito drones will extract your DNA.
I'm going to cover more of that today.
We're going to get into Secret Service recovers small drone on White House grounds against panicking over it.
WikiLeaks demands answers after Google hands staff emails to U.S.
Barack Obama films anti-oil drilling video from a jet.
But then, meanwhile, don't forget that he, in the State of the Union, bragged about incentives for oil drilling in the U.S.
when he cut the permits by 40-something percent two months ago.
So see, he knows a mainline audience wants drilling, but then he goes to his audience and says, we're not going to allow drilling, we're going to stop it, while he is on a huge wide-body jet aircraft with a whole string of support aircraft.
There's another big story.
Daddy issues.
Are Ron Paul's hardcore stans a problem for Son's presidential bid?
Kit Daniels got an audio interview with the former congressman this weekend at the very speech they're taking out of context.
He's going to have an article out in the next few hours specifically with Ron Paul addressing that issue.
He does not believe secession is going to happen.
He simply gets asked questions about it and talks about it, and the media tries to spin it like he's some radical to demonize Rand Paul.
We're going to be talking about that coming up.
Rand Paul has had some mildly hawkish rhetoric, but he does say get rid of all foreign aid.
He said if we get attacked, we'll fight back.
Stuff like that.
I don't even see that as hawkish.
So he's been attacked by a lot of the libertarian stalwarts and others.
For not being a total purist like his father.
He's got a real shot at winning the presidency.
He's positioning himself, it's very clear, to not be eclipsed by his great father.
And to be able to have more of a mass appeal.
And to say, I'm my own person, from a disinformation campaign they're going to put out.
They're going to misrepresent what Ron Paul has to say.
They're going to use Infowars and their relationship, it's already being done every week, to demonize him as well.
He has to differentiate.
And to say, I'm my own person, here's what I stand for.
Not that he isn't going to carry out a pro-America, free market, great agenda, if he was to be elected president.
He's simply positioning to be able to defeat their false attacks by saying, well, I don't know if they really said that, or you're taking out of context, but I'm my own man.
Here's what I stand for.
And in Atlantic Monthly and a bunch of other publications, they have made that point that they know that Rand Paul
Really is a horrible constitutionalist patriot like his father, and it's so horrible.
Now, I think he's gone a little too far in positioning himself away from the hardcore constitutionalist stance for political points, because I believe that bites him in the butt bigger with his base.
But I get some of the softening, because you're talking to a completely dumbed-down population when you talk about the general electorate.
And he also wants to scoop up a bunch of Democrat votes who are anti-surveillance, anti-police states.
So Rand Paul's been really speaking out against the militarization of police and other issues.
So I don't know if I'd totally agree with their political strategy up there at the Senate office and in the new presidential office they're getting ready to launch.
I mean, we told you here first, years ago, he's running.
I personally, on the phone, a private phone call, before he was Senator, to his home in Kentucky, said, listen, you're going to end up winning if you run for Senate.
And I know there's a bunch of politicos out there telling you can't win.
You're going to get the money.
They're going to love you in Kentucky.
Do it.
And the last time he was on the show, about a year ago, he said, yeah, it was you and others that said I should run, and you were right.
And he had people dressed up in racist outfits claiming they were his supporters.
We identified them as Democrats and helped expose that.
I could get Senator Paul back on the show.
Quite frankly, it doesn't really even boost ratings.
We can play clips of what he has to say.
I just leave him alone because...
In a way, I don't even like the fact that we're going to get a bunch of attention in a political season coming up as they take stuff I've done out of context and try to project it onto Ron Paul and Rand Paul.
But you've got to dance with the people that brung you.
And our ideas of freedom that are seen as radical are just classic Americana.
And they are gaining steam on every front.
But at the same time, the mainstream media can still distort, and so that's why he's distanced himself a few degrees from his father and from this show.
You know, he would sit and talk to Luke Radowski, great guy from We Are Change, the founder of it, and talk about Bilderberg Group, and say, you ought to talk to Alex Jones about that.
But then after he got chased around, I'm not saying Luke's a bad guy, I can just see Rand Paul's position, got chased around a few times inside the Senate, he just started saying, hey, you know what?
I'm not doing an interview unless it's scheduled.
Because if you start doing that every time, then you can't even get through the building to where you're going.
It's like, I've had reporters show up at other people's offices or people's houses and they'll call and say, people are here demanding to talk to you, can you please come here?
They say they're here to interview you, you must talk to them.
It's like coming to my house and saying, I demand that you have dinner with me.
Now, that doesn't mean if somebody won't answer questions that you shouldn't go out and ask them a question.
I mean, that's good guerrilla journalism.
Hell, I'm one of the modern pioneers of it.
And when I say modern pioneers, it's kind of like new wave.
I certainly didn't invent it.
But that's what's going on with Rand Paul.
And then once you're a senator, you've got so many forces attacking you from all around that you end up going into kind of a fortress mentality.
And believe me, I understand that.
I don't really have security.
I don't ever really over the years get on a power trip about how many people I reach, but at a certain point you realize, hey, I have a mission to complete.
I've got to go into a little bit of a fortress mentality just because there are people that will use your accessibility to attack you or to make stuff up about you or to claim they had entrance into your life to then make up a story.
Or who want to pose with a photo of you, just to then create a legend out of it.
It's a very sick, mentally ill society of narcissists out there.
It doesn't mean even a large minority, but a goodly minority.
A sizable minority of people are completely sociopathic and mentally ill.
I gotta say, something like 30% of people are completely out of their minds now.
Mental illness is growing, just as the Bible said it would, during the degeneration of any society.
And we're a cursed nation.
We're a cursed planet.
And we could have these curses lifted.
Even if you don't believe in curses, spiritualism, you should understand that when you write off 55 million babies, and you start writing off old people, and you write off veterans, and have secret death panels, and... Well, the system's going to write you off.
That's what this is all about.
That's what this is all about, and that's where this is all going now.
And so,
There's no way to paper over the degeneration of society.
When we come back, I'm going to play this Mark Dice piece ahead of him joining us.
This latest video that's on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Meet the people who want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights.
And this is everybody he talked to.
He can go out there for 15 minutes and get a five minute video.
This is everybody he talked to.
And one guy says, no, I don't know if we should ban the Bill of Rights.
Everybody else says it's time to do it right now.
Let's just respect our president.
Let's get rid of all freedom now.
And of course, you only find this in democratic areas.
These aren't mentally ill people.
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Alex Jones here.
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Record-sized blizzard to make history.
New York City bosses are saying the
Mayor saying it could be historic, the worst to ever hit the city.
That's up on DrudgeReport.com from the different New York TV stations.
That's the Associated Press.
3,000 plus flights canceled.
Connecticut governor orders all cars off the road by 9 p.m.
We've got feeds we'll put on screen for TV viewers of the radar feed.
And the satellite feed of the ultra-massive storms filled with snow beginning to hit New York and other areas on the East Coast.
And Al Gore is out there making statements from Davos that it's global warming.
There have always been big blizzards hitting the East Coast.
Now that means global warming.
Like I said, just pay global government money and they'll all fly around in their big jets and they'll fix it.
Snow this year in Hawaii and Florida.
It's been recorded before.
Hundreds of years ago, of course, in both places.
Nothing to do with humans, boys and girls.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to this report by Mark Dice.
The full video is on Infowars.com.
Americans want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights as long as you say it's for Obama and that Congress is for it.
Oh, well, if they're for it, I better be for it.
Imagine if they set a nuke off in this country, which they're now saying Al-Qaeda or ISIS is getting ready to do.
Well, everybody's got to get rid of the Bill of Rights.
Why, hundreds of thousands died when the nuke went off in Chicago.
Here it is.
What do you think about Obama deciding to repeal the Bill of Rights in the face of the new ISIS threat to make sure that we don't have a Charlie Hebdo type of incident here in the States?
Should we get behind Obama and the Congress to support the repeal of the Bill of Rights to make sure that we're safe these days?
I'm not sure.
I haven't studied enough to make an honest, educated comment about it.
He has announced that he's going to repeal the Bill of Rights to help make sure that we can keep everybody safe here in the homeland.
That guy looks like FBI or CIA or something.
And notice he sees it and wants to be a yes man because he feels like he's part of the power structure and he goes along with it.
Should we get behind Obama to make sure that the ISIS threat doesn't rear its head here in America?
Yeah, I would agree with that, yeah.
Yeah, end of day, yeah.
I mean, Obama probably knows he's in a better position to know if we should repeal the Bill of Rights to keep everybody safe.
Right, you would hope so.
Wish I could give you more, but... He just knows what's best.
He knows what's best, but I think he's depending on an awful lot of people to...
He's got some insider information.
Help him make the best decisions, right.
Sometimes it might seem so from the beginning, or from the surface, but only time will tell whether or not it was the right or wrong decision, right?
He is surrounded by a bunch of economic and political advisors, and if they're saying we should repeal the Bill of Rights, they probably know what's best for us, right?
You would hope so, yeah.
Obama has announced that in the wake of the new rise of ISIS, the terrorist threat, we're going to repeal the Bill of Rights.
Should we get behind that just to make sure that we don't have another 9-11 style attack?
Oh, shoot.
My husband would be the one to ask this question.
I don't follow it close enough to know, really.
If we should repeal the Bill of Rights?
Well, they have insiders and experts, so, I mean, if they're saying... Congress is saying we should do it, we should probably just get behind that.
We don't want to... Is it both sides, you said, are supporting it?
Both sides.
Republicans and the Democrats support the repeal.
Well, then, if they're agreeing on something, then maybe it is a good thing.
We should then get behind the repeal.
They don't ever agree on anything, so if they're agreeing on something, maybe it's a good thing.
It's what's best for the new world order.
Okay, well, let's do it.
Let's do it.
Let's get behind it.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
The Republicans and the Democrats finally have agreed on something.
Obama has announced his decision to repeal the Bill of Rights in the wake of the rise of ISIS.
Do you think that we could get behind the Congress and understand that they probably know what's best in this phase of the
I would think so, yeah.
I would think so.
I mean, especially what happened overseas, in Paris.
And if they are saying, with their experts, that it's time to repeal the Bill of Rights, we could probably get behind that.
We could, yes sir.
Yes sir.
That's a helpless dumbass.
Are you an American citizen?
Ah, yes sir, I am, yes.
Well, thank you very much.
Thank you.
As you probably saw in the news, both the Republicans and the Democrats have united a bipartisan effort to support Obama's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights, to make sure that ISIS doesn't come and attack us on the homeland.
Could we as a people get behind that bipartisan effort to repeal the Bill of Rights?
I believe so.
Hold on.
As long as men are made to sit on the toilet, that's what I care about.
Men are out of control!
I want the men that run things to have a dictatorship!
Reveal the ball rides!
We'll be right back, stay with us!
By the way, they say ISIS is planning something bigger than 9-11!
And if you take those rides, take even more!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
Alex Jones here.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I feel like I ought to just let this powerful song by Dave Mustaine roll.
My darkest hour.
He wrote this in just an hour or less when he heard that the bus in Europe had jumped over with Metallica and killed the bassist.
Said his feet were sticking out like the Wicked Witch under the house in The Wizard of Oz.
Go ahead, let's listen a little bit of Dave Mustaine and Megadeth.
In my hour of need.
No, you're not there.
And no, I reached out for you.
In my hour of need.
No, you're not there.
Let's play this part, then I'll shut it down and get back into the news.
Who's going to stand up for all the innocents being chewed up by the globalists right now?
Or all the men too busy playing at being men, playing at posturing, and pretending they're on a mission.
No, it's not a mission, men, to just make money or just watch football or just drive the best car and act cool.
The mission is build a civilization.
And the reason we're so unhappy is we don't have real goals.
Even those that seek out God go to big glitter bug establishment churches, on average, that are government run.
In fact, the entire system is set up to ensure that men never become real men.
That we just dawdle and totter and fritter our way through life, never actually having an effect, while the real engineers of the planet decide the destiny of humanity that's no destiny at all.
You look at the one guy in this Mark Dice interview where he doesn't go out and cherry-pick.
He can do this in 15 minutes.
We've done it ourselves in California, same place he goes.
We've done it in Austin.
You just gotta go where trendies or liberals are.
You go where conservatives are, you'll get about half of them to say stuff like this.
You go where liberals are, you get about 95%.
You'll see somebody think when you ask the question, they'll go, I need more info.
Instead of, no way repeal the Bill of Rights.
No way put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Dice went out a few years ago and talked about, was it 15 people or so,
And all of them but one said, yeah, let's put them in forced labor camps and take their guns.
And I was like, yeah, because they're troublemakers.
And the guy goes, you don't have to tell me, buddy.
He's like a 65-year-old guy, looks like he has a college degree, well-spoken, smart, dressed nice.
He's like, I hear you, let's put them in camps right now.
You call that a liberal?
No, that is a sicko that, like a moth to flame, just trusts the system and gets a feeling of power out of imagining getting rid of freedoms.
You got the low-level, you know, executive manager, probably makes $20 an hour.
Lady in her little business outfit.
I mean, you can analyze each one of these people.
She's like, yeah, let's appeal the Bill of Rights right now.
Yeah, let's do it.
Now, another woman is why they target women with most of the propaganda.
It's not that women are stupid.
They want to comply.
They want to get along.
That's just genetic, on average.
It varies.
On average, though.
First you get the women, then you got the children, so follow the men.
Adolf Hitler.
Just go take a marketing class, they'll tell you.
Target women.
In the general media, that's who they target.
They make most of the purchases, they make most of the major decisions, and they're very easy to make comply.
If you sell it in a herd mentality.
Talks to her, she's like, better talk to my husband.
I don't know about politics.
Well, everybody's doing it.
Oh, well, I'm for it.
She's not evil.
But she got the first guy that, well the second one he talks to, but the first to agree with it.
The first guy wouldn't go along with it.
He's like, oh absolutely.
You know, we don't know what they know.
We need to just go ahead and trust them and just get rid of the Bill of Rights.
Because Obama, he has the advisors.
Yeah, the foreign special interest that when they get control of a country,
They just start murdering everyone.
I mean, if the globalists could get full control here, they'd do what they've done in Libya or Syria or Iraq right now.
In Greece, they're four years into people dropping their babies off every day at hospitals and just leaving them there.
Little children being dropped off.
Collapse of civilization.
All signing the public on to debts that weren't even theirs.
Billionaires taking over Greek islands on quote debt Greece owes them because Greece bailed out their funds.
Then they get islands and those very people go to Davos and then lecture everyone on not having a high standard of living and how it'll save the earth.
Just total hypocrites and no media will call them on it.
Let's go back to the last couple people Mark Dice talked to.
Here it is.
As you probably saw in the news, both the Republicans and the Democrats have united a bipartisan effort to support Obama's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights.
To make sure that ISIS doesn't come and attack us on the homeland.
Should we as a people get behind that, that bipartisan effort to repeal the Bill of Rights?
I believe so.
To make sure that we're safe.
Of course.
That we're in a good position to know whether we should repeal these things for our own good.
They would come over here, right?
I've been drinking.
Shouldn't do this.
Mimosas, mimosas.
Should we as a public get behind Obama's decision to repeal the Bill of Rights as a response to the new rise of ISIS and the radical terrorist threat?
I think that'd be the best for the country.
Just to help keep everybody safe?
We could repeal the Bill of Rights and sort of modernize this new world order that we're in and just help unroll the plan.
Yeah, that sounds great to me.
Alright, thank you very much.
Thank you.
The Republicans and the Democrats have finally agreed on something and they're all supporting Obama's decision to repeal the Bill of Rights in the wake of the rise of the ISIS terrorist threat.
Should we get behind Obama and the repeal just to help make sure we don't have another 9-11 or like Charlie Hebdo style a terrorist attack here?
I mean, I guess.
I don't really know too much about it, though.
I mean, we need to give him the power, right, to repeal the Bill of Rights and really, you know, to help remedy this terrorist threat that we're facing.
I guess.
I guess so, yeah.
So it's probably the right decision.
Isn't it?
Whatever he wants to do, it's probably the best for the country.
Repealing the Bill of Rights is probably the best for the country.
Yeah, you can take your education funds, dumbo.
Go for it.
Go Obama.
Go Obama.
Thank you very much.
Go Obama.
Should we get behind Congress and Obama to support this new phase in the war on terror to help keep everybody safe?
To repeal the Bill of Rights?
Absolutely not.
That's crazy.
So we got one person wouldn't answer and then one person that said that's crazy.
That's the normal response by anyone half sane.
And then I think it was eight other people agreeing to it.
That's 80% there.
So, that's a low number.
You know, usually it's 95% out there say put gun owners in FEMA camps, forcibly abort babies.
I mean, they'll sign anything if you say it's for Obama.
This is a cult.
This is a cult.
90 plus percent of people in Austin signed a petition to ban the hydrogen monoxide for the earth.
And people say, well that's crazy to ban water.
Well, a lot of folks want to ban what comes out of power plants.
And it's not smoke, it's carbon dioxide and water vapor.
But see, carbon dioxide sounds scary, just like dihydrogen monoxide.
You can go out and get most people to say ban salt, if you use the technical name sodium chloride.
That's just the way it works.
And they love their ignorance.
And they'll argue with you, too.
Like, we ought to do some videos where we go further and start arguing with them and go, hey, listen.
The Bill of Rights is all of our basic freedoms and checks and balances.
That's what separates us from North Korea.
And once they've said they want to get rid of it, they'll bow up and buck up.
And start defending themselves.
Leanne was doing that one on water.
And this guy's bragging, hitting on her.
He's got a degree in chemistry from Cornell.
Yeah, he wants to ban it for the earth and she starts really, you know, repeating herself to him and he goes, listen, I got a degree.
And it's like, okay, well it must have done you a lot of good in chemistry that you don't know what water is, buddy.
Without it, we'd be dead.
And really, taxes on carbon dioxide are taxes on oxygen because everybody knows where the, everybody knows where the oxygen comes from, right?
Oxygen is a very low percentage of trace gas, like carbon dioxide.
And does everybody know where the oxygen comes from?
Of course, they've gone back and done ice core samples and things, and they know that first it was low, then it built up, now it's going low again, in the scheme of time on this earth.
It comes from plants.
And photoplankton.
And they take in the carbon dioxide, and then they put off oxygen.
And we have a symbiotic relationship, plants and animals.
It's a very racist relationship, though.
And, uh... Oh, my God.
How do I reach out to... It's scary, though, because most people I talk to, even executives,
Don't know what's going on.
When I talk about executives, how many people are making $5 million a year?
Not the new executive female class where they make $40,000 a year and have a bunch of guys under them and go, absolutely, absolutely, and then they end up making $100,000 a year and they go out and get their trophy husband, who's an artist, I say that in quotes, who, you know, bought her a taco one time so she buys him a car.
The difference is, though, those families don't have babies, so they're not families biologically, and so that's all coming to an end.
It was all engineered.
So enjoy the one season of the women getting most of the executive jobs and being 65% of the college graduates and, you know, the guys out there mowing your lawn, because by the time you figure out biologically what they did to you, it's too late.
All a battle plan.
I don't care less if women were executives.
I'll hire a woman.
I'll hire a man.
I'll hire anybody to get the job done.
It isn't a commie.
But it's just this, I'm a woman and so you don't know anything.
Obama likes me.
You don't need your guns.
I told you I was at the gym the other day and this woman's like... She obviously knew who I was and my trainer.
She's like, you know, I just don't think people need guns.
I just want to say, I really agree with Liam Neeson.
And I was just like, really?
You do?
You know where the highest crime rates are?
You don't know what I'm talking about.
And I didn't want to say it.
I was in Whole Foods yesterday, which I hardly ever go to, but I wanted to get some Epsom salts and some other things.
And I was there, and two or three times I decided to get some stuff for meatballs and spaghetti for the kids last night, so I was buying a few things.
I came over and I said, where's the French onion soup mix?
A mix of meatballs.
It was real nice.
I came over to Stalker's twice, and they go, uh, we don't work here.
I was like, Oh, thank you.
I know, but you're on this aisle and I'm having trouble.
And that's why the whole food department said, Oh, hi, Alex Jones.
How you doing?
It's, you know, it's over on the chip aisle, actually.
I was like, thanks.
But the next time I asked one of the stockers, they were all in there in the middle of the day on a Sunday.
That's where I came down here and did the Sunday show.
And I said, that's okay, because a robot's going to replace you soon.
And I know you play on your iPhone all day and don't like to talk to people, and that's your power, is to be flippant and rude and go, ugh.
Whenever, you know, someone asks you a question, about three people around me laughed.
And the person was like, ugh.
They didn't even understand that humans are just supposed to talk to each other and help each other.
They had studies came out two years ago, a government study in Canada, where environmentalists are six times more likely to steal, and environmentalists are, I forget how many times, less likely to give money, and conservatives are the most likely to give money to charity.
See, they're people, real conservatives, not your established conservatives, the fake ones that control the conservative movement, but real conservatives want to keep their money and then they want to give it to who they want to give it to.
That's just a fact.
You can pull the studies up.
The so-called liberal is a self-centered nobody who is a control freak and hates anyone who's successful.
There it is.
How going green may make you mean.
The Guardian.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal study finds.
Let's see if my memory serves right.
It was six times.
When Al Gore was caught running up huge energy bills in a home at the same time as lecturing on the need to save electricity, it turns out he was only reverting to green type.
Canadian psychologist, and it goes through the whole government-funded university study.
I'm not saying there aren't real people that would call themselves liberals who voted for Obama because they didn't want to vote for a warmongering Republican.
But see, you notice you've got even more warmongering under him.
Later, in the honor system in which participants were asked to take money from an envelope to pay themselves their spoils, the Greens were six times more likely to steal than conventionals.
And if you drill down on that study and others, conventionals or conservatives, libertarians, or just non-control freaks, honorable people.
I mean, let me tell you something.
The problem is the best men and women out there are prideful.
And don't want to get in your business, don't want to run your life, and quite frankly, don't want to hang around with you.
See, those of us that produce are so successful and so happy in relationships and money and art and literature and poetry that we don't need to walk around and get the trendy look and the trendy haircut and sycophantically act like a bunch of snobs, a bunch of wine snobs.
I like wine myself, I'm not saying that.
It's just that, you know the archetype I'm talking about?
These are people that have nothing.
They're super stupid.
They would vote to get rid of the Bill of Rights if told to do so.
They would put me in a FEMA camp and would love a job to kick our guts in.
And I'm serious.
That happens in every culture, in every society.
You end up having the nobodies, for a tiny elite, who want to rape our wives, take our houses, take our kids, and kick us till we die.
They usually do it in a major takeover.
Now they do it through Agenda 21, through regulations, through bureaucracy, and they hate the old traditional honor guard, the police, who have their own problems, but they want to wage war on them and us at the same time, while they take over with their new system.
And so that's the lay of the land.
I mean, we're in deep trouble.
Demonic, gibbering control freaks want our guts because they know we're better than them.
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I grieve over humanity.
I grieve at what we've been turned into.
There's a quote by Rodney Atkinson.
The structure of the European Union today is based on the Nazi plans published in Berlin in 1942.
That's up on Infowars.com in the graphic.
And then I just see something like that and it tortures me because then it opens up a huge data file in my brain of how the Nazis had a plan to manage the Europe through a European Union and then have a global government.
Competing with the British model, with sub-directors, sub-governors, puppet viceroys, and how they would use what they called soft kill, poison in the food and water, to first dumb down the population and anesthetize it, like a spider first bites its prey to immobilize it and then feed on us later.
Because the Nazis said, well, you know, we're only going to have like 40 million Germans, they even estimated, after the war, which they did lose 20 million.
Once we take over, how are we going to control several billion people at that time?
And they said, through soft kill ops.
And we're under soft kill ops!
I mean, I'm living in a twilight zone here!
And I just, it's so stupid.
I don't want to fight with the cops.
I don't want to fight with the tough guy at the grocery store.
I don't want to fight with my neighbors.
I don't want to sit here and henpeck people.
I want to succeed and have a good society and not have criminals putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, pesticides by design in the GMO.
Kim trails all of it.
We're being murdered by a soft kill op.
And they've already murdered half the population.
Hell, half the population doesn't even know what planet they're on, what three branches of government are.
And these people will vote to take our guns, take our property, take our children, take our lives.
They will euthanize us.
They're already, nationwide, euthanizing the troops.
Old and young, they won't give them healthcare, they're letting them die en masse.
No one cares!
Not Jack!
You know what has been done about it, and I'm sick of this crap!
If they could kill the goddamn veterans!
Excuse me, Lord, I apologize, bleep that out.
I'm about to, I can't even do this show anymore.
I'm telling you, I'm sick of this.
What the hell's wrong with people?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Wake up!
Get up off your asses!
Get out of the damn coma!
Do you understand that if the veterans and the babies aren't safe, and now the old people aren't safe, none of us are safe!
You let them run over weak and innocent people!
It'll be everybody next!
You stupid, self-centered yuppies!
I will kick your ass!
I am sick of your crap!
I am sick of all the weak people wanting to be overrun and killed!
The globalists go, well see, that's you need to join us and kill them!
The globalists engineered it this way.
And so I'm mad at the slaves because you're being destroyed.
You're being overrun.
And I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
We can beat these people!
And there's no way.
Look, a lot of the public aren't even people anymore.
They've been turned into animals, below animals.
So it's clear it wouldn't matter if you got killed now.
I get that.
I get that.
Good job, New World Order.
Plus, a lot of people just like me that way anyways.
I've done an analysis of this.
The globalists, if they get full control, are going to destroy everything.
These people are not meant to rule and control everything.
See, that's the bigger problem, is when they actually get this.
Do you think the robots and the super machines they're coming out with are going to let these scum be around here?
I mean, this is a devilish plan, folks!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look at this disgusting headline of Politico.
Bush's gave Clinton's heads up.
That's from Politico.
That's the Drudge's headline linking into it.
God Almighty.
You know, earlier we came in with that Rolling Stones song, Shattered, and you notice I let it roll about 40 seconds.
It's because I was trying to control myself.
This is not an act when I blow up on air, and I probably just need to probably leave today.
I got Al Jorgensen coming up from ministry, though, and, uh...
I can't sit here and just act normal while this is going on.
And I looked at that headline on Infowars.com, and I know, I've seen all the documents, it's public, it's admitted that the EU was a Nazi plan, but the Nazis themselves were just a globalist plan.
They were set up to blow up Europe, bringing in an EU model, so that then the British Empire could come in and take it over.
That's what Bilderberg was all about.
And that's Bilderberg attendees like Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor, that wrote books.
I mean, I read the books written by them.
This is not my opinion!
Do you understand that?
And all we've got is a bunch of idiotic fight with the cops, black on white, white on black.
Uh, I'm gonna throw up with that top Spanish news anchor lecturing everyone, how dare you don't open the borders up to Latin America!
How dare you don't give us everything in Latin America!
It's just all, all over the top!
It's just all over the top!
I'm glad Mark Dice is coming up.
Cause I had him on for like 10 minutes last week and I wanted to get him back up about his book for a whole hour this week and then he happens to be coming on today when
When he's got a new video out, all I know is I'm just... I'm just normal.
It's normal.
For any mammal, seeing an orchestrated takeover attack, to be upset.
But see, the average person is like an animal that can't look over the horizon, and only responds to what they see directly in front of them.
And the globalists have moved so slowly with institutional systems, that the average person can't see it and has been acclimated to it.
But my God, when you read the books written by them 50 years ago, and we're living it today, and then you read the book they wrote 30 years ago, and you see what they're going to do next, and then you read what they said a week ago,
I mean, if they get the next phases in, man... I don't know what to say to people anymore.
And then so many people go, yeah, you're right about this, but we're not going to stop it, I'm just going to have a good time.
They don't even care about their wives, their children, nobody.
And so, you know what?
You do deserve to die.
Not at my hands.
I'm saying, you've rolled over.
You forfeited yourself.
You want to be destroyed.
And metaphysically, the New World Order needed you to have that opinion before they could defeat you.
But here's a newsflash.
My spirit, my soul...
Call it resistant, immune, whatever you want to this stuff, just cries out and burns to fight this.
I hate myself that I can't figure out the levers to move the world faster.
I hate myself that I'm not strong enough and focused enough to be able to just come up with ways to just hit the zeitgeist and smash the enemy.
I know we've already had a big effect, but I just cannot stand these people in the way of humanity, in the way of progress, in the way of honor, in the way of strength.
They just have no idea how good it is to be honorable.
I can pick up on the wavelength, the spirit of evil, people that are into it.
I just see them and they're all crazed and they hate everybody.
And I just, I just can't believe we're going to turn the world over to these people.
I just can't believe that the lowest scum on the earth
That would shutter the windows of perception, but be given power over the planet.
But that's the way it is.
The God of this world will be given the kingdom for but a day.
Alex Jones here.
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So we have Egan right there.
What's his name?
This is an emergency transmission.
This is an emergency transmission.
From FEMA Region 6 in the Occupy
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
The social engineers of the planet gain control of central banking and the issuance of currency and credit.
Once they have that, they have everything else.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us in the second hour.
We're going to Mark Dice, bestselling author, media analyst, here in just a moment.
He joined us last week.
I want to give him for most of an hour this week.
Inside the Illuminati is his new book.
Bring in some of the secrets of the Illuminati with him here today.
And also his latest video that we aired last hour.
Where 80 plus percent of the people in California he talked to want to ban the Bill of Rights for Obama.
And we should just quote, trust him and do whatever he says.
Kind of a repeat of Britney Spears saying that about George W. Bush.
So he's joining us in a moment.
Private interests have used our open society against us.
We were built and designed to face a British threat.
Or a, quote, native savage threat, if you use the parlance of the time.
I'm not calling them savages, I'm using the parlance of the time, the nomenclature of the time.
Or the Spanish threat from Spain fighting over Florida, or the French threat, or the Nazi threat.
Than the Russian threat.
But what about suits and ties and corporate systems and corporate boards and maritime law?
Administrative law?
Already, 83 percent, this is in the BBC, of British laws are made by the EU, though they're not allowed to vote on them.
That's how we've been conquered.
And the average person who cares about football stars and movie stars, you don't have the People Magazine of politics or really exposing bad guys.
Why are we hearing the news today that Hillary's pro-gun and wants to shut down the border?
Of course, she's the total engineer of most of what we see.
She doesn't know if she likes Obamacare now.
This is what she tried to pass back in 92, 93.
Actually, 94.
This is all just the mind control they engage in, because people don't seem to have long-term memories.
It's very, very frightening to see this unfolding.
We're having our borders usurped, our sovereignty usurped, the news is announcing our kids belong to the state, we're being bankrupted, while the feds themselves, occupied by the globalist bureaucrats, are preparing the police and the military for war with the American people.
We couldn't be in more dire straits.
There's an article out criticizing
Ron Paul ran Paul via Ron Paul that, oh, he wants secession and he's crazy cookie.
Actually, we have the speech recorded from Saturday.
Our reporter was there, and we interviewed Ron Paul.
That'll be up in the next hour or so at Infowars.com.
He actually didn't endorse secession.
He just talked about secession.
But it just shows the type of disinformation that's out there.
Daddy issues are Ron Paul's hardcore stans, a problem for Sun's presidential bid.
That's just some of the news we have.
Look at this!
Drudge has it.
We should do a story on this.
The New York Times had an article called, The End of Snow.
I remember covering this a few years ago.
Well, guess what's going on today?
See, there's the original article, The End of Snow, from February of last year.
Talk about asinine.
Talk about ridiculous.
But then up above it, record snow.
Governor vows subways will not close.
The mayor says could be the biggest in history.
Al Gore said the ice caps would be melted north and south by 2013.
They are the biggest ever recorded.
This winter,
And the winter last, most of the northern passages that are used for shipping to get from the US or Russia to Asia quicker, it's like a third the distance.
Instead of having to go down around the Horn of Africa or the Horn of South America.
Guess it'd be the Cape or the Horn, depending on which one you talked about.
They haven't been able to use that, even the icebreakers can't make it through there.
Doesn't matter, Al Gore's still everywhere saying that penguins can't swim.
Polar bears are dying.
It's just total crud!
But they say every scientist agrees, and Congress voted the Senate 98 to 1 last week that man-made global warming's real.
In a crushing blow, Republicans cave in and admit the science is overwhelming.
Every Republican but one votes with the Democrats in the Senate, with one abstention.
I knew those headlines were coming, and there they were.
It's the debate's over, man-made global warming's real.
They tagged it on to the Keystone Pipeline vote and said, admit climate change is real.
Well, of course climate change is happening all the time.
That's the only thing that is constant, is change.
And Inhofe comes out and says, oh, we made fun of them.
Yeah, because the language was written where we could vote for it, because of course change is happening.
Oh, really?
See, those are the little games they play, and they're playing them on people like this.
Let's go ahead and play a little bit of Mark Dice's video again.
I won't play the whole thing.
The whole thing's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Meet the people who want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights.
These are the people that really believe the polar bear population is near extinction.
When it's five times what it was in 1956, here it is.
As you probably saw in the news, both the Republicans and the Democrats have united a bipartisan effort to support Obama's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights, to make sure that ISIS doesn't come and attack us on the homeland.
Should we as a people get behind that bipartisan effort?
Just to make sure that we're safe.
Oh, of course.
Let's go back to the second guy, the really creepy one, if you can.
Cue that up, because I don't have time to play the whole five-minute video.
And again, I want to explain something.
We've been to the same pier and done the same thing with Mark.
We've gone to the trendy areas in Austin, the Hike and Bike Bridge and UT, and they're even dumber.
They call for killing children up to age three if the parents want to.
Post-birth abortions.
And then they have
A whole bunch of national publications and local newspapers say that we basically lied and that didn't tell people what was on the petition.
This is who you are, okay?
This is who you are.
Here's that clip of the really creepy guy.
He has announced that he's going to repeal the Bill of Rights to help make sure that we can keep everybody safe here in the homeland.
Is that the right decision?
Should we get behind Obama to make sure that the ISIS threat doesn't rear its head here in America?
Yeah, I would agree with that.
Yeah, end of day.
I mean, Obama probably knows he's in a better position to know if we should repeal the Bill of Rights to keep everybody safe.
You would hope so.
You would hope so.
Wish I could give you more, but... Hey, he just knows what's best.
That's whatever he said.
I wouldn't say necessarily he knows what's best, but I think he's depending on an awful lot of people to... He's got some insider information.
...help him make the best decisions.
See, this is the fake intellectual argument.
I run into people all the time.
They're lazy, this guy watches SportsCenter all day, and then he goes to work at his IRS job or his FBI job.
I mean, that guy's a fit.
I'll bet my pinky.
Let's do a search.
I mean, I'm here to tell you.
Might even be in an intelligence agency.
They go and put out their fake intelligence.
They go out and do their little compartmentalized deal.
They're yes-men.
They go to the top.
And anyone that they argue with, they just go, oh, I'm sure there's experts that know more than you.
And then that trumps you.
Just, oh, you know what, buddy?
You didn't know that there hadn't been a call to repeal the Bill of Rights.
They've just been doing it by piecemeal and doing it by fiat.
By conquest.
But remember, when they shut off the nuke in this country... Let's play that clip.
Prisoner who escaped ISIS captivity tells NBC they want something bigger than 9-11.
When they shut off the nuke in Dallas, Cincinnati, Chicago, Denver...
Council on Foreign Relations said that that's what they believe will be hit.
They'd like to let everybody know who did the hitting.
It's a little open, Brian.
I kind of like leaving the ace of spades when you carry out a knob.
And I think they'll probably hit where they said.
Let's go ahead.
Once they hit us, can you imagine the sheeple?
They'll be begging for anything.
Let's go to that clip.
Did the ISIS fighters seem worried?
By the U.S.
bombing campaign?
He was happy about it.
Because, he says, being attacked by the U.S.
meant that they were now just as important as that old American enemy, Al-Qaeda.
They want to be more better than Al-Qaeda, Islamists.
This is why they need to do something more brutal than the World Trade Center.
When you saw the events in Paris, what did you think?
What they are is a group of idiots being funded by the West on record and allowed to operate.
And they just had a name change.
Their leaders are Western intelligence assets.
That's on record.
And then now they're getting you ready for another attack in the U.S.
Mark Dice, we're going to break in a moment.
Appreciate you joining us.
In fact, I'm going to skip this network break right now, just to give you more time, because I got you on late.
You're not out there, because I've talked to you off air a lot, and we've talked on air about this, but I'm not putting words in your mouth, but I want you to elaborate.
I don't take pleasure, you don't take pleasure, in how systematically evil and dumb the public is.
Because it's evil to be that dumb.
When I started this series and the petition series a few years ago, the intent wasn't to actually get people to sign the petition.
I never really thought that they would sign these petitions or agree with these insane claims that I was making.
The Obama repealing the Bill of Rights idea.
The idea, my idea, was to actually get them to argue with me how crazy it was as I pretended to be a typical brainwashed Obama supporter.
And I was stunned to find that the vast majority of the people were agreeing to the insane ideas
And so this is sort of a spin-off of my Obama petition to repeal the Bill of Rights that you saw a few years ago that you had on InfoWars.
And so this one I wanted to actually get the people's reaction.
So for the audience, for the radio audience, they can't see but I'm wearing an Obama t-shirt in the video and it's clearly not edited in any sort of deceptive way.
You can see that I'm mentioning repeal the Bill of Rights
Multiple times, two or three different times in the same conversation.
So this isn't some daily show style editing trick where they're answering a different question.
You can see the unedited footage where I'm mentioning it multiple times and reminding them.
And this just goes to show that
Since I'm holding a microphone, it's a symbol of authority, it's a symbol of power, and I'm stating that Obama has done this, which, I mean, essentially he has, really, so I mean, that's not really even a joke.
It's not really deception, you're just overstating it to illustrate it.
But part of the point is that not only the public is so dumbed down they'll go along with anything, but this also demonstrates, as you know, as much of this audience knows, that when somebody who's in a position of power or authority with the symbols of power, the microphone, a wireless microphone, a very big symbol of power, an expensive piece of equipment, and an Obama shirt,
They're just mindlessly agreeing and you can just see me nodding my head like a bobblehead and they just follow right along to get into rapport with me.
Very scary.
This just goes to show why Obama can get on the television or Bush.
A lot of people get trapped into that.
They'll start cross-complaining and start pointing out what the opposing political party has done or they've done a similar thing.
And yes, they have.
This would go
Very similarly along both lines, but the liberals and the Obama supporters Overwhelmingly tend to be a much more dumb.
Sure, you know I've been nonpartisan forever, but let's face it hardcore liberals are the dumbest most mindless people
I mean, my dog is smarter than them.
I mean, these people really are helpless victims.
And they've been raised from birth in a trance state with television to be highly suggestible.
Top magicians who are old have been on record saying that 50 years ago, they might find one person out of 20 that was highly suggestible.
Now half the crowd, when they do the sampling before a show, are highly suggestible.
These people are in a trance.
Yeah, and like I said, when I first started this series, I never thought that people would actually be agreeing.
I thought it would be funny to have them argue and get angry with me as I pretended to be the, you know, fringe, lunatic, Obama-supporting zealot.
It was completely opposite of what I thought, and the vast majority of the people go right along with it.
And you can see some of the people in the video, they just, they didn't support it, but they just didn't know.
And I'm sorry, but it's fair.
Well, that's just as bad.
I mean, that's just as bad.
They don't know what the Bill of Rights is, or what the word repeal is, but I guarantee you that they know what American Idol is, or how to apply lipstick, or how to be, say, I'm a feminist.
I bet you money that woman
That we just had on screen.
I guarantee you she'd go, I'm a feminist.
I like Hillary.
Well, what's wrong with Hillary?
It's just this vapid, not even shallow.
It's beyond shallow.
I mean, these people just have nothing inside their heads.
And this goes to show, too, a bigger issue, how, and we can get into it later in the next segment, the Illuminati sort of emanating and becoming a part of pop culture, and the vast majority of Americans now, instead of despising them as being the criminal puppet masters behind the false flag war-starting provocateur events and the crashing the economy and pulling the strings behind the Federal Reserve, etc., the vast majority of the people now see them as attractive and want to be a part of that
As a party group you want to get involved in with all the movie stars and hip-hop and rock stars talking about it and that was a plan.
If you go back to professional wrestling right after George Herbert Walker Bush gave his New World Order speeches there was a big opposition to global government.
They came out with Hulk Hogan and the New World Order and they would make similar statements and then I would get calls
Almost every broadcast going, you got that from the WWE or the WWF.
And it just shows exactly what you're talking about, how they take something and make it pop.
So now when I talk about, you know, chemtrails or something, they'll say, oh, that's in a Hollywood movie.
It's the same, or, oh, in Winter Soldier, Captain America fights Nazis that infiltrated the government.
So see, Operation Paperclip doesn't matter now because we just made it up from Captain America.
The Illuminati and the New World Order have gotten so whitewashed that the average American just has no idea or the people who would be able to comprehend it have seen so many of the lunatic fringe conspiracy theories that people have tweeted out and posted that they just dismiss any idea having just seen a bunch of Illuminati idiocy.
And Cass Sunstein said seven years ago that was the plan to promote and finance and push
Mentally ill, but also operatives to trigger schizophrenics and others to believe the moon's made out of cheese, that you're a movie star, double identity, that I'm Bill Hicks, so that they flood everything with so much mental illness, they can then point at that.
Some people are so paranoid.
I was reading in the comments of my video that some people or some person thought that the people in the video were fake and they were actors from my Freemasonic Lodge.
I'm not a Freemason whatsoever, but they just thought that this was all staged and these are actors from my Masonic Brotherhood.
And even if that were true, they wouldn't do it because the point of the video is
99% of your audience and people who see it know is to illustrate the absolute ignorant state of America to spark a thought process so that people will go and look up the Bill of Rights.
Sure, sure, but I mean what's going on here?
This is like a medical test we've done.
You've got the mainline dumbed-down people that in previous videos
Yeah, let's put the gun owners in forced labor camps.
Yeah, I agree with you.
They're a big problem.
Let's arrest them all.
I mean, these are real people you're talking to.
So you've got that extreme of yes-men to the system.
You've got us in the middle that historically are questioning big government, exposing government drug dealing, the private Federal Reserve.
There's videos out of our troops fighting the Russians in Ukraine.
We told you that was happening.
Hell, the CIA admitted it six months ago.
And then you've got the extreme
of people that know they don't believe the government, but now they don't believe anything because they never had a rudder, they never had a belief, they don't have any core destiny, so all they can do then is kind of try to make up their own reality.
That's what we get accused of.
We're trying to find the real reality, not make up a reality.
But you can't blame those that have just come out of the Matrix.
They see the social engineers with Karl Rove saying, we control history, we're history's actors, we control reality, whatever we say it is goes.
So of course, the schizophrenics and others that are coming out of the Matrix, they're going to then emulate what they saw from the top, believing that it's a, I guess, mumbo-jumbo magic where you just make things up.
It just goes to show how detached people have become from reality.
So distrustful, so paranoid that they don't know what to believe, and they believe nothing, in a sense.
You know, I mean, you have for years sent out a pocket constitution with any order from Infowars.com, showing that you care about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
Everybody who doesn't have one should get one, read them.
It's just that, you know, the first ten amendments is the Bill of Rights, basically.
A simple ten
Restrictions against the tyrannical government.
Anybody could memorize them within a matter of minutes or after a few repetitions, but this has been supplanted the importance of such issues by the world wrestling entertainment now has had an outcome that the fans don't like and now everybody's boycotting and threatening to cancel their WWE subscription.
The deflated footballs is really the biggest conspiracy and the cover-up.
They always, you know, George Orwell wrote in 1984, as an allegory, a real stuff he'd seen in England, how they would fight all day about the local lotteries, and had all these complex systems, and could remember all these amazing numbers, and he's looking at the proles, saying, what if they would take that energy and put it into understanding how the world worked, they'd be financially successful, we'd have a free society.
But you can't get them to stop caring about fake lotteries, gambling, Deflatigate, or the WWE.
You can't get them to do it, Mark.
The television teaches them.
The television tells them what is the number one story.
I mean, when you have the NFL commissioner and the quarterbacks breaking into live press conferences on all the major networks, that's what the American public believe is the number one story.
And it's incredible how everybody was talking about and still talking about the deflated footballs, deflate gate.
But if people actually cared as much or
Even partially about actual cover-ups, actual conspiracies.
But we wouldn't be this far down Niagara Falls.
Well, I'll tell you what's going to happen.
When we come back, I want you to give a brief history of the Illuminati.
That's mainline history.
Then I want you to get into the secrets that are in your book, Inside the Illuminati, available at Amazon.com, MarkDice.com, and some bookstores.
We intend to carry it at InfoWarsTore.com.
Haven't set that up yet.
Mark Dice is our guest.
We're going to come right back to him here in just a moment.
Specifically, as we go to break, speaking to the listeners out there, I will give you my football conspiracy, and it's from watching them carefully.
A few years ago, you had like 10 minutes of the power outage, which gave them 10 more minutes of people totally paying attention as they went to commercial and came back.
We're talking 50, 60, 70 million dollars more profit.
You better believe that was staged.
You better believe that when they bring up a deflated gate,
That they know they're not going to punish the Patriots.
That's a way to get more attention to the Super Bowl coming up.
This is nothing but drama.
Nothing but stunts.
Just like we predicted, and it turned out to be true, that it was an inside job at Sony, and that North Korea, who couldn't tie their shoelaces, had not hacked them.
That all came out later.
I mean, you just learn how the enemy operates, and nine times out of ten, you can predict it.
I'm gonna get Mark Dice's take on that.
Does he think this is an NFL conspiracy themselves, claiming the balls were deflated?
Straight ahead.
Because it's so important, isn't it?
As Obama announces in the State of the Union plans to steal your education 401ks.
That's not important, though.
Deflatigate is.
Did he deflate those balls?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Listen, baby.
He aligns himself with the truth.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Listen to how beautiful those voices are.
Humans are crud.
Humans are beautiful.
Have we lost our soul?
Have we lost our will?
I'm not buying into Al Gore and the New World Order who want to live like kings at our expense, telling us we're crap, trying to get us to hate our survival instinct, trying to get us to be a bunch of self-destructive trash.
Crank this song up.
I'm gonna ask you again.
You only live once.
Life is super short.
But human life goes on if we don't let the globalists irrevocably destroy the species.
Let them vandalize our genetic code as they're doing right now to species across the planet.
We're resilient.
We've got to have the will.
I want Mark to really get into his book now.
I want to get him on for a full hour about the book, but we got off into all the brainwashing and things that are going on.
Then Al Jorgensen, a ministry legend, is going to be joining us.
That should be a wild interview coming up.
They're in there testing his video Skype right now.
If you're a radio listener, you can always go to infowars.com forward slash show and find the free video feed.
And pass that on to friends and family.
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Okay, I want to get into inside the Illuminati.
You know, they talk about the occult.
That just simply means hidden.
And the Illuminati came around in the 1775 or so, promising to fight the corruption of the church and the royalty.
They got the best people to join them.
Believe me, they were fighting in a conspiracy of liberty, but we got the Illuminati documents you're about to talk about, and the truth was, it was an even more evil plan, not to bring liberty, but to bring the ultimate tyranny, and you've read a lot of books about it, you've written a lot of books about it, you've republished old manuscripts on it, like proofs of this conspiracy that includes, you know, some of the transcripts of federal trials on the matter.
This has been proven, so get into proofs of this conspiracy in your new book, Inside the Illuminati.
Mark Dice.
Yeah, and then we can get into how it sort of morphed into this mysterious pop culture phenomenon.
But back in the late 1700s, a law professor, Adam Weisshaupt at Ingolstadt University, started the Illuminati, which was originally called the Perfectibilists.
Illuminati, of course, means the enlightened ones.
As you said, supposedly to help fight the tyranny of the Catholic Church, which nobody can doubt was and
We're good to go.
Spread around, you can track it, as I do in the book, to the various modern secret societies, like the Skull and Bones Society, the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, etc.
And the original writings, multiple stashes of them, were discovered by former members.
An individual named Joseph Utschneider came forward in 1784 to the Duchess, to the Duke of Bavaria's sister-in-law, and gave him
They raided some individuals' houses, found some of the actual writings, published them in German, and you can get them today in my book, Inside the Illuminati, in English.
Some individuals back then, John Robeson in Proofs of a Conspiracy, other individuals, Seth Payson in his Proof of the Illuminati, published English translations, and when you read them,
He nailed it on the door!
He listed his grievances with the Catholic Church and publicly nailed it on the door, risking his own life and liberty.
So, Wysop's a lawyer.
We all know the reputation that lawyers have.
The chair of the university over there, the law department, has spread his Illuminati through various cells, through deception.
We have individuals that when they started to find out that it wasn't just for a free society to spread personal liberty, that he basically was acting as inspired by the tyrannical Jesuits, using their methodology of the ends justifies the means.
People defected, there were court hearings, and if you read some of the writings, which are over 200 years old,
It's incredible how they ring so true today, talking about taking over the government, using the media, which the media at that time, obviously, there was no radio or television, but it was newspapers and books, and a lot of people actually read books back then, as you know, so there were reading clubs and reading societies.
I mean, here's a quote actually from Adam Weisshaupt's own pen, where he says, by establishing reading societies and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labors,
We may turn the public mind which way we will, meaning which way we want.
He goes on to say that in like manner we must obtain influence in the military academies, the printing houses, bookseller shops, and in short all offices which have in any effect either in informing or managing and directing the mind of men.
One of them goes on to say that we will get all the literary journals, we will take care by our carefully timed pieces, meaning articles, to make the citizens and the princes a little more noticed for their certain little slips, meaning to highlight some of the issues when they speak about something that they disagree with.
More noticed for their certain little slips, of course, to reinforce anything that the officials have said that can be used against them.
It's just incredible to see the blueprint and the actual connections.
People will go to Wikipedia as their number one source of information, which says that the Illuminati was discovered, which they were, where there were trials and people were arrested, and there were edicts, which was a decree of law.
Well, it all started when one of the couriers got struck by lightning and they found some of the documents.
Yes, on his person, one of Wysop's good friends was killed and some writings were found in a secret pocket.
But that's just one of the stashes of writings.
So even people who doubt that, there were actual two other main sources of the documents that were discovered after police raided individuals' houses after being tipped off by Joseph Utschneider, former member.
One of the major points, people go to Wikipedia as the number one source of information which says, well the Illuminati were discovered and they were just stamped out and they ceased to exist after 1787, failing to take into mind that in 1790, three years later, the Duke of Bavaria issued his fourth edict, which meant a statement of law, denouncing the Illuminati and saying that they continued to exist, they continued to spread,
Obviously, they infiltrated Freemasonry, which is admitted by Freemasons.
Albert Mackey, who wrote one of the most popular Freemason books about the symbols of Masonry, the lexicon of Freemasonry, admits, and all Masonic scholars do, that Wysop infiltrated Freemasonry in one of the biggest international conferences in 1786.
And let's expand on that.
Because George Washington, not just the Duke of Bavaria, decried them in a whole bunch of letters that we've shown here on air at the Library of Congress.
He was one of the top masons in the U.S.
and he said they're using the Masonic halls to take over.
These people want total overthrow of order and themselves as gods, they must be stopped.
And I say that because I'm sick of people telling me George Washington was part of the Illuminati.
Thomas Jefferson was.
Benjamin Franklin was when he went to France because they believed it was a society of liberty.
Once they found out it wasn't, they turned against it.
Now that's what the real history shows, even though it's not popularized or put out there.
So I just want to point that out.
I'm not saying they were perfect either.
But George Washington actually, after he was president, wrote a bunch of letters and spoke out against them.
Yeah, and you can read those right on the Library of Congress, in the George Washington archives, in his 1790s letters, well after the Illuminati was supposedly stamped out.
He did write that they were infiltrating lodges in America.
And he makes it clear that he didn't think that all the Lodges were a part of it, but they were using the Lodges to spread their information.
It's a perfect cover.
And the man who took over the Illuminati after Adam Weishaupt, a man named J.J.C.
Bode, who was a publisher, again a propagandist, he was basically the second in command and then rose to the top ranks after Weishaupt fled Bavaria once he was discovered.
In his own journal,
He wrote that he traveled to France shortly before the French Revolution and met with his Masonic brothers and introduced the Illuminati to them and changed it to the name of the Philadelphs.
So it doesn't matter what name it is, when people say, well, is it really the Illuminati?
What's it called?
Is it the Brotherhood?
The Mystery Schools?
It doesn't really...
Matter what they're called.
It's sort of like the Italian Mafia.
Didn't really have a name.
Doesn't really have a name.
La Cosa Nostra, this thing of ours.
They don't need to call up each other and say, hey, we have an Illuminati meeting.
They know, hey, we have to do our thing, our goal.
It's really an agenda more than a conspiracy.
But if you really take the time as I've done to, and if you've done, some others have to separate the facts from the fiction to clear up this terribly muddied water now with
Everybody thinking everything's connected to the Illuminati.
You can really get down to the core documentation to verify it.
Sure, let's break some of that down because then in 1832 you have this trust set up out of Germany and England to set up Skull and Bones to take over the dominant college at the time.
Then it is...
Declassified, sets up the CIA in 47 out of its members, and gets the National Security Act passed, so you have the Illuminati creating secret shadow government in 1947, peopled by Skull and Bones and British intelligence.
And again, we're not just saying that Skull and Bones was created by the Illuminati, we can get down to the specific details to the evidence verifying this.
Your book covers it, yeah.
William Huntington Russell traveled to Germany, the hotbed of the Illuminati activity, just before returning in 1832 and starting Skull & Bones.
Some people might say that that's conjecture, but there was actually a break-in into the Skull & Bones headquarters to their clubhouse called The Tomb in 1876 by some fellow students who literally used a crowbar and a file to break into the place
In the middle of the night, obviously this is before security systems and alarms, and wrote a newsletter and printed it up and spread it around campus about what it was that they found inside.
And I'm certainly not advocating burglary.
This is what happened.
And we're going to talk about what was inside, but just to expand on that, Charlotte Isserby's father was Skull and Bones and she was able to confirm, she's the one that gave Anthony Sutton all his documents, that what they said basically in that break-in was accurate.
Yes, and what they did, they said that they found a plaque on the wall that was from their German brothers.
One of the interesting things, there was a series of human skulls, a picture of human skulls, and then in German, it was written, translated into English, which one is the wise man, which one is the beggar, which one is the king, and which one is the fool, okay?
And then this is an allegory that they teach to their members to illustrate their belief,
In no afterlife, and what's interesting is this is the same allegory the same sort of riddle that was told to original Illuminati members back in Germany back in It is club 32 3 2 2 on the door for the year that they founded it, but also the Masonic 32 It's just in everybody's face and then Helmut Schmidt as I mentioned wrote a book men empowers a political retrospective Where he says oh, I love
You're Skull and Bones, I love your Bohemian Grove, but we have our own groves, but I go to theirs and we do the rituals.
And I love our Germanic rituals.
So, I mean, this is just all over the place they're admitting this.
And, of course, Skull and Bones, one of the more well-known secret societies,
People somewhat familiar with the symbolism, but now just think that it's a fraternity just for college kids.
Skull and Bones, certainly not a fraternity.
Fraternities, as you know, are just party houses, brotherhoods.
There's no alcohol allowed, you know this, in the Skull and Bones tomb.
So what kind of a fraternity doesn't allow alcohol in their club?
This is not a fraternity.
This is a postgraduate organization, a stepping stone.
You're going to die, and the only way for you to live on is to take over the planet through your children.
Prepare for it.
It's why this is a tomb.
You're joining the order of death.
They have Sunday sessions and Thursday sessions, so they meet twice a week.
Again, no alcohol is served.
They have a, you know, a big five-star chef come in and serve them lobster and steak.
And then presidents and people come and visit them.
Yes, they have elders come in and give speeches to prepare these individuals for their potential path to an inside establishment role in life.
Stay right there, Mark Deich.
This is a lot more interesting than deflated footballs.
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Well, Stanley Kubrick was a fan of his music.
I'm a big fan of his music.
When I was in high school, Al Jorgensen of Ministry, who helped expose 9-11 as an inside job and other big moves, has been on the show before.
I know he tunes in to the broadcast.
He says, I said, how long are you going to be on the show?
He was in there on Skype.
They were talking to him.
And he said, until Alex surrenders.
I mean, he's a feisty fellow, so we should see.
He'll probably attack me when he first comes on.
I've hung out with some record executives, some of the biggest in the country, when I was hanging out with some other folks, and they tell me nobody's as wild as Al.
And I was told that by one of the, probably the biggest record executive in the country.
Household name for folks that know about that stuff.
I'm not going to tell any of those stories, but the point is the wild man, the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla is going to be joining us coming up.
Now, going back to Mark Dice, I'm going to invite back to an hour-long commercial, free.
I'll have commercials at the start and front, but uninterrupted is the proper term, I guess, to use media parlance to the precise degree.
Uninterrupted hour-long special.
With myself.
In the next month we can tape it and air it on the Nightly News.
Talk about Inside the Illuminati because I want to go through the entire history of it with him.
We've just scratched the surface here.
The last four minutes we have left here.
Other points you want to add about Inside the Illuminati that I think is the best book condensing everything that's known about it.
You have really put together a real tour de force here.
You know, Richard Nixon wrote in his book, in his memoirs, that quote, if I were to give a speech that would give me the most, or if I were to choose a speech that would give me the most pleasure and satisfaction in my political career, it would be my lakeside speech at the Bohemian Grove in 1967.
Because this speech traditionally was off the record.
It received no publicity at the time, but in many important ways it marked the first milestone on my road to the presidency.
There is Richard Nixon in his own book, in his memoirs, admitting that the road to the presidency was kicked off in the Bohemian Grove.
And of course... He also called it the most GD faggy thing he'd ever seen.
We have the tape of that, but I'm not going to play it.
Now, there's a photograph of him, of course, in the Berkeley University archives showing him sitting down with Ronald Reagan inside the Grove where they were discussing who was going to run for president.
And we have a long list of people from George Washington, to Richard Nixon, to Henry Kissinger, to Winston Churchill, the Rothschilds, the former mayor of New York, John Hyland.
British royalty, back when the Cold War was supposedly going on in the 50s, they would have the foreign minister of Russia there.
All either also publicly talking about either the Illuminati or referencing them.
I mean, you know, as you know, you played the clip Dick Cheney joking about not mentioning that he was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Hillary Clinton saying that she goes there to get them to get orders to be told what to do.
We have a long list of people that have hinted at or openly admitted that there is an establishment inside.
We shouldn't be concerned with that.
We should worry about deflated footballs and
You know, little distractions.
And the issue is, these aren't loving altruists that want to help us in secretly, like Batman.
Or, you know, these aren't, you know, the billionaire philanthropist that wants to help you.
They want to kill you and merge with machines they believe is their only chance of living forever.
And creating this AI nightmare.
And again, I'm not against technology.
I'm against these people.
Like, I'd love a ring of power, if you want to use that fable, that could help people.
No, this was made by Sauron.
It ain't gonna be nice.
Yeah, I mean, transhumanism is really one of their ultimate goals, to evolve into gods, as you know, which goes perfectly in line with the Luciferian philosophy, with this satanic secret, the royal secret, as they call it, that one day will be announced, and you can see it being prepped with the celebrities to prepare the public to worship their Illuminati masters as holding the key to the secret to success, and that's ultimately, they'll offer mankind the supposed ability to become immortal gods.
That's what we'll cover in the hour-long special coming up, is we'll recap this and then spend most of it on the celebrities and how that's the image.
You sell out to the devil, you sell out to the Illuminati, you got all the power.
The truth is, these people just want to enslave everybody.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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I'm good.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Up on InfoWars.com, Americans are upset about the Royal Rumble.
From the Washington Times, Boehner McConnell retreat in Obama amnesty fight, panics conservatives.
They're not going to retreat on the Obamacare screwjob, double, triple your prices, death panels.
They're not going to retreat on open borders because we're going under a one world government, where we're flooded with third world populations who are given free welfare to further bankrupt the country and complete our journey into slavery.
I'm not against the poor peasants wanting to get a better life up here, but that's not the plan.
This is a checkmate operation to create a Tower of Babel where people are unable to even communicate with each other.
It is mind-blowing to say the least.
Some of the other news up on InfoWars.com.
Ahead of Al Jorgensen of Ministry joining us.
Shoppers ransack grocery stores ahead of Epic Blizzard.
28 million people are in the Blizzard zone just last year.
The New York Times said the end of snow and predicted no more snow within two years.
Well, here you go, ladies and gentlemen.
It's been the snowiest decade on record since record-keeping began.
That from Climate Depot and the New York Times.
So, there you go.
Didn't pay carbon taxes.
Now you're all gonna get snowed on.
That's the warm weather.
And I'm not saying humans don't hurt the environment and there aren't some issues.
They take that concern, put it on carbon taxes to tax everybody, and then exempt China, India, and everybody else.
Then our jobs move there, where the globalists control the situation.
Are they worried about GMO?
Are they worried about all this cross-species garbage?
No, no, no.
There's a new video out.
Cops beating Taser Man for honking car horn.
There you go.
They're encouraging the paramilitary police, which will lead to a civil war.
Banks for austerity measures under attack in wake of the big win in Greece.
It's a coalition government.
They're calling it a left-wing government.
Part of the government is left-wing.
Doesn't matter as long as they go after the globalists.
The problem is usually left-wing comes in as the response and only ends up bankrupting things more.
But the Le Pen right-wing movement is hailing it in France.
Then there's the crazy video we aired earlier.
Americans want Obama to repeal the Bill of Rights.
Millions of GMO insects set for release in Florida Keys.
That's an Anthony Guciardi report that I want to get to today as well.
That's one of the things we're going to talk about with Al Jorgensen, who's coming up.
He predicted when he was on a couple years ago that gold would go way down.
He was right.
He also predicted, here on the show, that the world was going to end in one year, and that did not happen.
But, with US troops fighting Russians in Ukraine, we've got that video, we're going to play what he's on, and all the other crazy stuff, maybe it's coming, or maybe we're all just a hologram in a computer, a simulation, and maybe this already happened a hundred times before.
Maybe I'm a 12-foot Easter Bunny that drinks blood, huh?
Maybe I'm actually Bill Hicks.
Maybe I'm actually Al Jorgensen.
This is a hologram two-way.
That's right.
Alright, I'm being silly now, but Al Jorgensen of Ministry coming on, his website, I can't say this on FC Radio, is al-effing-jorgensen.com.
And I guess he's about breaking all the boundaries out there and doing whatever he wants.
You know, I'm all for that as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, but I don't want to hurt our affiliates out there using potty words.
So if we hear any of those, we'll just have to bleep them, won't we?
How exciting!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're about 40 seconds away from going to break, and when we come back, we're going to break that down.
But hey, have you heard the latest news?
This is out of the New York Times.
To collect debts, nursing homes are seizing control over patients from their husbands and wives right after doubling their prices.
That's right, more and more they're having the guardian ad litems shine it over to them.
That's a lot of the cases we've covered where they euthanize people begging for their lives.
The hospital takes over, especially when you have a big, fat, juicy bank account.
So, that's coming up as well.
Hey, if death panels are good for the troops, they've got to be good for your mama or your daddy.
Of course, there won't be any death panels for the elite.
They're going to continue to have air conditioning and jet airplanes.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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This is our regular bumper music, but we actually have the Creator of Ministry on with us right now.
Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?
Does anybody else see a problem here?
If the government has nothing to hide, why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?
This story does not add up.
Coming up, we're going to play some of the stuff from his latest album, Punch in the Face, From Beer to Eternity, that takes on greed, hypocrisy, capitalism, and what I'd call fake conservatism.
He calls it conservatism through barbed lyrics.
And he's also got an autobiography coming out, Louder Than Hell, The Definitive Oral History of Metal.
He is the guy that started industrial rock and so much more.
You can also see his music in a lot of big movies.
And the biography is out right now as well.
And we've got links on InfoWars.com to his website, AlEffingJorgensen.com.
And he joins us right now to give us his view on the world.
He joins us via video Skype, I believe from somewhere on the West Coast.
Last time he was on, he was down in South Texas, or I guess down in El Paso.
Al, it's good to have you back on with us.
Alex, you crazy bastard!
Well, I don't know who the craziest is here today, but maybe it is me.
I think it's you.
You got it.
Hands down.
Let's go.
Let's talk about some stuff.
All right.
Well, thank you for coming on with us.
Where are you right now?
I'm in La La Land.
Well, that's awesome.
When are you coming back to Texas?
I'm on the left coast now, man.
It's all going good here.
I think I have an appearance coming up in Glee.
Oh, man, I'll tell you what.
I'm not even kidding, man!
I don't know what Glee is.
What is Glee?
Uh, it's some, uh, homosexual teenage angst drama or something.
I've never seen it, but, uh, apparently I play a demented substitute teacher.
Alright, well, you've played a lot of roles.
You know, I liked your role in Artificial Intelligence.
Yeah, Spielberg put up with me for a couple weeks.
It's okay.
It was all good.
It's all good.
Good fun and games.
What was that like?
Well, he was kind of freaked out because Stanley Kubrick wrote the movie and, uh, and when, uh, the band actually got to meet him three days after being on set, uh, they brought us up like we were meeting the goddamn queen.
Or something, you know, like, don't talk to him unless he talks to you first, kisses, ring, this and that kind of stuff.
And, uh, and I was at the end of the line and he gets to me and I said, look, man, Steven, baby, uh, here's the deal.
Uh, I thought, like, Kubrick hired us to play a porno movie called AI, which stood for anal.
And now you've got this like damn teddy bear and this kid, this Joel Haley Osmond thing running around like pack rats.
I was just like, I'm out of here.
I can't deal with this.
I was just kidding, you know, but apparently he took offense to it.
But anyways, over the next few days, Spielberg came up, wore my cowboy hat.
Did some jams with us on stage.
He actually got to jam with us and stuff like that.
So it all worked out good in the end, but at first it wasn't a very good meeting.
Now, going way back into the 80s and into the 90s, you wrote about the New World Order, global government, all the stuff that's now started to unfold and actually happen.
What was your views back then versus what they are now, or have they not changed?
No, they have not changed at all.
This is like even more global order than what we bargained for, man.
This is like... I'm as paranoid as you are.
This is some creepy stuff, man.
All I know is like...
The Saudis decided to take the world hostage, and the good news is they dropped oil below $50 a barrel, but the bad news is they dropped oil below $50 a barrel.
So, I mean, this is some really whack job stuff, man.
Al Jorgensen of Ministry is our guest right now.
There's so much to get into.
Instead of me asking some of the questions, looking at the world right now, do you still think we're going to be here in five years?
Yeah, I'll be happy if we are, because that means I can make some damn money.
But, in the meanwhile, I'm not really sure.
I'm not really sure.
I mean, can you tell if it's going to be around in five years?
I can't.
Well, last time you were on, you predicted gold would go down, and you were correct, but you also predicted we wouldn't be here in one year.
Do you remember that?
Yeah, I do remember that.
I was really... I sat out there with this Norwegian kid from a band called Celtic Frost.
And we sat on my porch and at the exact time that it was supposed to be the apocalypse, we sat out there drinking a beer.
Just going, bring it!
And, uh, it didn't happen.
So, I don't know, but I'm, uh, yeah.
My, my Notre Dame, uh, crystal ball is a little bit foggy this morning.
I can't predict for five years for you what the hell's gonna happen around here.
All I know is that all hell's breaking loose.
Look at Yemen.
Look at, look at Obama having to fly to Saudi Arabia to kiss the new, like, you know, energy provider for us.
Uh, look at,
Look at everything in the Middle East.
Look at the Ukraine.
Look at the oil prices.
Look at this.
There is so much stuff going on right now that people don't realize about.
And I'm sure you know.
Sure, well I wish Obama would bow down to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or just libertarian ideas of freedom.
I don't think of him as much as a liberal.
And why does he bow down to the Saudi kings?
I mean, he might even be grooming their stool.
Well, you just answered your own question, man.
We bow down to the Saudi kings because we are dependent on them.
I mean, would you like to bow down to a Saudi King?
Are you telling me that conservative folks wouldn't bow down to the Saudi King right now?
The new guy?
I mean, really?
We gotta kiss his ring because that's what we're doing.
We're heading down a final path, man.
That's all I gotta say.
I agree with you.
We have a clip we'll play later.
Have you seen this new clip where there's U.S.
Clearly, they're battling Russians in Ukraine.
Uh, yes, I've seen that clip and, uh, you know what?
It is true.
And usually the stuff I see on TV is not true.
But this one is pretty good.
I like it.
Well, yeah, I mean, they pretty much should admit... I don't like it, but I'm just saying... But you like the truth?
Sure, sure, no, I get you.
Passes the smell test.
Well, sure, I mean, they admit there's proxy armies they're fighting.
That sounds pretty reckless to be starting a war with the Russians to me.
Well, uh...
You think this is reckless?
Wait till we start a war with the Chinese when they come crawling for their debt to be repaid.
Then we're in a world, a heap of trouble, man.
No, I agree.
Al, I mean, you really are a pretty smart guy when it comes to geopolitical stuff.
That's why your music's so popular.
It's not just, I mean, good on the ears.
I enjoy it.
It's got a lot of energy.
But the lyrics are extremely powerful from a political perspective.
How did you begin to form?
Russia's the least of our problems right now.
You think it's China?
Right now, I really think the Middle East and the Far East are our big problems.
Russia's just like a bump in the road.
Whatever, go ahead, take over god damn the Ukraine or whatever the hell they're taking over now.
I'm telling you, the big battle's coming up ahead.
I agree.
Let's break down that big battle.
How do you see that unfolding?
Well, I see it's like using every weaponry that we've ever developed at Area 51 and other black spots and, uh, just kicking some ass around this world.
Enough with the, like, spare the civilian population.
These people are gonna go bonkers and start Dresden bombing everyone.
You can see the building up and the hardening of things here domestically in the homeland and all the fascist iconography and both parties getting in line and in my gut I can just pick up on the ominous doom that is beginning to approach.
I'm with you, Alex.
I'm with you.
This is some pretty gnarly, gnarly stuff, man.
This is not good.
When we come back, we're going to play from Beer to Eternity song, Punch in the Face, and I want to get your take on your new album.
But before we go any further, what are some of the other issues you want to get into?
Because we didn't do any pre-interview.
I like to just bring you on raw.
What else is on your radar screen, and what's ministry up to?
Well, like I said before, the good news is that oil is below $50 a barrel.
The bad news is oil is below $50 a barrel.
This makes the speculators rich and nobody else.
And on top of that, it shows how much Saudi sway they have in the world because they can drop the price and still grab oil out of their grounds, out of their sand pits.
That's sweet!
And that was the thing to set oil prices for the next year.
Now, if Saudi Arabia wanted to, they could have us on our knees in one minute.
And right now, it's all kind of kosher.
Everything's under 50 bucks a barrel and this and that and blah, blah, blah, blah.
But I'm just telling you, it just goes to show you the power
of the Saudi regime with this repressive regime in the Middle East and they're, you know, what is it, the enemy of my enemies is my friend kind of thing?
That's what the Saudis are.
I'm sick of these folk.
No, I hear you.
I mean, they're dominating and enslaving their own people.
You don't hear the feminists and liberals criticizing them when they, like, execute women that argue with their husbands.
It's just unbelievable.
Al Jorgensen of Ministry has got the new book out.
It's a very popular seller.
We're going to talk about that.
We're going to get into some of when they may be on tour, the new record, and a lot more.
And a very interesting political rock star who created industrial rock is our guest, Al Jorgensen of Ministry.
Stay with us.
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I've had some fun to this tune.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at
That's George H.W.
Bush bringing us in.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Al Jorgensen, the founder in 1980 of Ministry, is our guest and still the front man and owner of the whole operation.
Has a new best-selling autobiography out we'll be telling you about.
He wants to play a clip from his album, From Beer to Eternity, Punch in the Face.
But coming up in the next segment, Al, this is a short segment, I'm going to play a clip that was censored the last time I played this clip.
And I'm not going to tell you what it is until we get there, but I'm going to illustrate what you said about the Saudis and what I've run into, because I've never hit censorship like I do when we talk about the Saudis.
So that really goes to what you're saying.
And nobody ever really talks a lot about the real power this group of hoodlums have, or how they're behind trying to take down Syria or Libya, and they're behind ISIS.
Our media claims they're fighting them.
What is your view of ISIS and this whole radical Islamic movement?
I mean, pretty clearly, they admit our own military has been ordered to fund them, to turn them loose.
Where do you think that's all going?
Well, I'll tell you what I think about ISIS.
First of all, the Saudis don't like them because they have such a repressive regime that the last thing they want is Islamic fundamentalists.
The rest of it, the whole ISIS thing, the beheadings and all that,
Look, they just asked for $200 million from Japan, which would have funded enough weapons to take down so many American planes that are hovering above the Middle East.
I mean, these people are not, like, going away.
I hear you.
They're not going away.
I hear you, Al.
As usual, you know all the general facts surrounding it, but here's the issue.
Saudi Arabia did fund Al-Qaeda in Syria, which is the core, now, of ISIS.
They have.
They funded Al-Qaeda.
They didn't fund ISIS.
They don't want that kind of crap in their neighborhood, let me tell you.
No, I agree.
So they're exporting it.
They just want to sell their damn oil.
That's it.
Why do you... You know, ISIS...
It's like, you know, it's just a bunch of poor folks that are just disillusioned and bummed out that they have to live under Israeli control at checkpoints.
They have no money, even though, like, the sultans are living like kings or whatever.
And these people are pissed off.
Good for them.
I'd be pissed off, too, if, like, all of a sudden I stopped getting royalty checks from, like, these damn
Uh, people would send me checks.
I'd be pissed, you know, and they're pissed.
They have no future.
They're pissed and they're beheading people and this and that.
But, uh, this is not new.
We've been doing colonialism for a couple hundred years.
We got it pretty perfected off the British and we're gonna keep going forward.
I agree with you that they get a bunch of disenfranchised people that are ignorant to be part of the Al-Qaeda and ISIS brigades, but above that, the West wants to stir these groups up and let them attack, or let them take the blame for further false flags.
I'm really worried about another staged terror attack.
What do you think?
Uh, I think you're spot on on that one, except for one thing.
Um, listen, I'm on the no-fly list zone.
I mean, these people hate me, and I'm doing a whole flight tour.
And you're the kind of person you want on your plane.
I'd be on there in Malaysia Airlines, saving people right and left.
And I'd make sure whatever bastard went up to the cockpit would be tackled and beaten thoroughly.
You're the kind of person that I want
That you want on your flight.
But no, the TSA just goes crazy over my piercings and shit.
And uh, sorry about that word.
It's okay.
But it's as if.
I mean, you don't look like an Al-Qaeda operative.
Well, if I was, would I look like this?
It's just ridiculous, but I mean, they put congressmen and women on the no-fly list.
It's a way to set up domestic internal checkpoints.
By the way, we're going to break, but I want to talk to you in the long segment coming up about the Malaysia airline.
I know you've been doing some research into that.
Give us a little bit of your ideas on it now.
Alright, my idea is that aliens.
I'm serious.
No, I'm dead serious.
I don't think this was a governmental attack, whether it was over Uzbekistan, or whatever, or wherever the hell they flew.
They're never gonna find that plane.
I really think this is an alien intervention.
Well, let's break down... No, let...
Hey, the last one went down.
Okay, we know that.
But that first one, I don't know, man.
I think they just got sucked up into, like, some kind of 3D sphere or something.
I want to hear what you think of David Icke.
Maybe the planet's run by aliens.
And I say that for the sake of debate and argument.
I'm not saying that for the New York Times.
I don't believe that.
But let's get Al Jorgensen's take on ministry straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And our guest, Al Jorgensen of Ministry.
And that's just the First Amendment in action.
I'm more concerned, not with cuss words, but with the vets now caught on secret death panel lists across the country.
And secret experimentation on the children.
You know, Al Jorgensen is the founder of what you call industrial rock.
One of the top rock bands across the board out there.
And I'm a big fan of the music itself and a lot of the political messages in it.
I really don't know where to start.
He was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958.
They relocated the United States with his mother and Norwegian stepfather.
And I should get Al on sometime just about his interesting personal life.
Very, very interesting.
But before we spend a few minutes on that and the Malaysian aircraft and the rest of it and the police state with Al Jorgensen, I wanted to play this clip and get his take on it.
Now, it's from The Dark Crystal.
Came out back in the early 80s, I think, or maybe late 70s.
I don't remember.
I think it was the early 80s.
I remember seeing it with my dad.
And it's a Muppet movie.
I think Henson was involved, basically.
And you've got these evil Skeksis who only care about materialism and are corrupt.
They remind me of Dick Cheney and Al Gore, you know, together at a Bohemian Grove, you know, gay party or something.
And when the Emperor dies, there's a scene, well the last time a few years ago, that this Saudi King's brother died and he took over.
Now it's the other half-brother that just took over, who's also very ill.
I said, we have footage of him dying.
Here it is in exclusive, and it was footage of the sketch scene.
And, I mean, it's a children's movie.
It was fair use.
It was a one-minute clip.
They didn't take it down for copyright.
They took it down because the Saudis complained, and they said that I committed a hate crime.
And I had to threaten to sue YouTube just to get our channel that then had, like, 300 million views.
It's got, like, 500-something million views now.
That's just one of our many channels.
We've got, like... It's something like a billion-plus views or something.
It's ridiculous.
But this shows the censorship.
ISIS can run around and recruit online.
All these other groups can do whatever they want.
But we're censored when we do this.
So you know what?
This is my radio show, and they can't censor this.
We have the video streams in PrisonPlanet.tv.
So they can't censor it on places like YouTube.
We're going to play it right now, and I'm going to get Al Jorgensen's take.
I mean, this is not a radical move to make a joke about a Saudi king.
But you can make all the jokes you want about the Queen of England, but you can't make them about these people.
And I know Al's a huge First Amendment guy, so let's go ahead and play this clip of the Skeksis dying.
Well, the footage of the king dying.
Here it is.
That looks like him.
Bow to Spielberg.
She looks like Hillary.
That's hissing at his brother.
There's the King of Saudi!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go back to Al Jorgensen of Ministry.
Al, what is your take on the censorship of that video clip on YouTube?
Man, I couldn't see it on my interwebs thing here.
I understand, but I mean, it's a Muppet dying.
It's not that scary.
Listen, I heard the audio and it sounds about right.
I mean, it just sounds about right.
That's the way it is.
The Israeli lobby and the Saudi lobby are the two most powerful lobbies that we have.
Bar none.
So, that sounds about right with all those noises and stuff I heard.
I didn't see it though, but I will look it up tonight.
In fact, if somebody's got an iPhone or something, just have them Google death of Skeksy and it's the clip.
But it doesn't matter.
The point is, what are they doing censoring?
I get more censorship when I talk about Saudis than anybody else.
That tells me they're pretty close to the top of the pyramid.
I'm with you.
I'm with you, Alex.
I'm with you all the way on that one.
They are pretty close to the top of the pyramid.
If you want to go to Bilderbergers and Illuminati and all that stuff, these are the people, these are the new Rockefellers, okay?
And you know how much of a douchebag he was.
So, these are the new overlords that we have to deal with, alright?
These Saudi
People man, and the Israeli lobby spends over three and a half billion a year.
I'm lobbying Congress.
So these pockets are lined.
No wonder you want to be a congressman, because I sure wouldn't be.
Not only that, I have too many Polaroids in my closet that says that I can't run for, like, office.
I was told by one of the biggest record executives in the country that you are, of all the rock and roll people he knows, the wildest.
And they said that if there's nuclear war, two things will be left in the world.
Cockroaches and Al Jorgensen.
That's about right.
I'm going nowhere.
Go ahead.
No, no, no, I'm sorry.
Your Skype was breaking up for a minute.
Go ahead and repeat yourself.
Yeah, I agree.
Fully agree.
Mean cockroaches.
That's it.
That's what you have to live for.
Oh my goodness.
Well, tell us about your last record and your autobiography and then tell us what's coming new with ministry.
Well, we got a tour, a big tour coming up and we're going to do songs from Beer to Eternity and it's a pretty good record.
I like it.
I think it's in the realm of ministry.
It's got to be in the top three.
Come on, just give it up for that.
This last one's pretty good.
We do this tour and then I'm doing some active parts on
So you're the king of dystopia, are you gonna be a zombie?
So you're gonna be like some mega-powerful zombie in the show Walking Dead?
I don't think I'm that mega-powerful because I read the script and I die at the end.
So, uh, I'm not that powerful.
Well, that's okay because I'm gonna Chuck Norris a movie coming out.
Oh, there you go, man.
Dude, I could just see you right now because, well, I can't see you because they wouldn't put your feet on, but I'm sure you're naked sitting in your office.
Covered in honey.
No, no, no.
Seriously, the reason we don't send you the feed is we've noticed, if the connection isn't really good and yours is okay, for some reason sending you a connection back, your phone or computer has to calculate that, and we've just learned that it ends up messing up the feed.
But bandwidth may have gone up the last few years, so maybe we should start sending a feed.
But look, you're not missing anything, not seeing me.
No, no, no.
I know you're touching yourself in inappropriate places right now.
How did you guess that?
You're psychic.
Al, we need to get together sometime.
Do you still ever visit Texas?
What's in my schedule?
Yeah, I should be there on May 3rd in Dallas.
Because, I mean, a while back I know you have family in Austin and then I know also for a while you were down there at that apocalyptic... El Paso.
Do you still live in El Paso?
No, I live in La La Land, but I'll tell you what, I'm going to go to Play Dallas, and I'm going to sleep on the grassy knoll the night before.
And I'll be thinking of you while I touch myself.
Ah, stop it!
Stop it.
See, the thing about Al is, he's just trying to freak everybody out and be politically incorrect.
And hey, let's shift gears to some really serious issues.
If you're really going to the grassy knoll, I would love to come interview you at the grassy knoll, you know, 20 minute video interview.
You want to do it?
You're on.
But you have to promise, you have to promise to eat an entire bag of psilocybin mushrooms.
I promise.
We're just joking, folks.
I've been there, done it.
Oh, I bet you've never done anything.
I bet it's all a big act.
Yeah, something like that.
Hey, me, I'm a little lily lily.
I'm as pure as a driven stone, my friend.
My friend, you are sincerely disturbed.
I've seen you go off from Larry King on down.
And I've seen you.
You are just a disturbed person.
I love you, man.
I follow you every day.
You are awesome.
You make my day, man.
I was disturbed this morning.
I am more and more disturbed.
I think it is actually true.
You know what disturbs me?
How crazy the world is and everybody just goes along acting like nothing's happening.
What do you make of the fact that it came out that they secretly had death lists of troops that had stuff they could treat and were killing them and not giving them treatment and then nobody gets in trouble?
And then what do you make of them militarizing the police and at the same time trying to finance battles with the police?
I think you're trying to start a civil war.
What's your take on that?
I think it's business as usual, man.
This is nothing new.
Are you serious?
This is nothing new.
These people have made a complete point of putting their jacked old boots over our necks and keeping the populace down.
So, this is no news to me, and I'm sure it's no news to you either.
Well, I agree that they want to create a paramilitary force and keep a boot on our neck, but at the same time they want us to then hate all the cops to then create more friction.
They're trying to create social unrest towards even a bigger police state crackdown in my view, and I want to try to avert that somehow, or maybe it can't be stopped.
I don't know, man.
I don't think it can be stopped because you have power versus unempowered.
And, uh, that's always a bad mix.
You look at the New York Police Department, and, uh, you know, I'm glad that all the cops turned their back on de Blasio, and I'm glad de Blasio turned their back on them.
I'm just sick of it all.
Just figure it out.
Just, like, stop frisking Negro people just for, like, being Negroes.
I mean, really, enough.
Just get over it.
They have pot on them, so what?
Look, Colorado and Washington, it's legal.
Why doesn't New York just legalize it?
And pave some fuckin' roads.
Sorry for the fuckin', but, uh... Pave some roads, educate some people, and you can make all this money off pot.
I mean, what is your problem here?
I mean, this is a 70-year-old ban on something that shouldn't have been banned, that was done through reefer madness craze.
Uh, I mean, enough!
Just get your stuff together in New York, man.
Well I hear this, all these conservatives that say get out of people's lives, well then they need to get out of other people's lives.
You're a good man, Alex Jones.
Well, let me look.
I see it like Obama's a fake liberal and the Republicans are fake conservatives.
What we need is really libertarian ideas that you can do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt somebody else.
Doesn't mean I have to agree with it, but it's just building a big government is a nightmare.
It only gets bigger and bigger.
Only special interests can control it.
I mean, it's like a steering wheel that weighs a trillion pounds.
Little guys can't move it.
So we've built a world where we're like
Not even midgets.
I mean, we're not even bugs to this system.
And as the elite become more and more disconnected from reality, I see disaster coming.
Because you say business as usual, I agree.
But things are coming to a head on so many fronts, Al.
I agree with you, Mr. Alex Jones.
And I'm here in La La Land, and I see this on a daily basis.
I know you all think we're all a bunch of liberals out here with gay homos and pot and stuff like this, but I'm not.
I'm telling you something, man.
These people are... They're as whack as we are, man.
It's crazy out here.
I don't even know what to say.
Yes, I see it coming to a head soon.
Are you in Northern Central or Southern California?
I'm in SoCal, man.
I'm in the home of Jay Leno.
I live in Burbank, California, for whoever's wondering.
And here's my problem with the whole thing.
In Hollywood, I know there was Hollywood land that was 13 letters.
They discussed that it was bad luck to have 13 letters, so they shaved it off to 9 in Hollywood or whatever.
Here in Burbank, I live right underneath the B-Stine.
They couldn't even come up with the cash to spell the Ur-Bank in Burbank.
So I live in the city of Buh.
Because that's all I see.
It's just a big B of my house.
Screw this.
Yeah, I hear you.
You know, my problem with it was Southern California.
Well, not so much San Diego.
L.A., the smog.
I mean, it really gets to me.
I just get physically ill.
But isn't that the funniest paradigm and paradox of all?
Is that the people with the most environmental protection agency rules here have the worst smog pollution in the United States.
It just freaks me out.
I get on this damn 405 or 5 or the 134 or whatever and it's just like a parking lot.
Oh yeah.
People with road rage that are ready to go off.
I know I am.
Al, we need to go shooting.
Let's do it.
Hey, if you got time, we'll put you up in Austin or you can come visit family.
We should go out to the shooting range.
There's this place in Burbank that I have all set up for you, man.
You want to go out shooting with me, we'll go out shooting, alright?
Well, I need to come out to LA and do Joe Rogan's podcast.
We ought to go to Joe Rogan's podcast together.
You want to do that?
Uh, is that the guy that invented hair loss or something like that?
Joe Rogan?
Yeah, alright.
Joe... I'm down with it.
You know Joe.
I'll bet you know Joe.
He's a great guy.
I've met Joe before.
I thought he was a member of the Band of Fear Factory until I met him at, uh, opening at the show.
And I met this guy and he made sense.
Yeah, no, he's a really nice guy.
We've been friends for about 16, 17 years.
He's awesome.
That's it!
We're going to come out to L.A.
and Charlie Sheen just called me the other day.
We can all go hang out, all three of us.
That'll be crazy.
Yeah, except you have to spend the night with me in a sleeping bag on the grassy knoll.
Well, I don't know about in the sleeping bag with you.
Al, come on, man.
I'm a married man, Al.
You know, well, I used to be, but... No, no, listen.
Now don't start tempting me, telling me you're gonna bring like 15 hot chicks or anything.
I just can't handle it.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm gonna tempt you with that, man.
I can't handle it.
I've got it.
No, no, no, don't do it!
Just at this NOM show last week, man.
Oh, wait.
Here's the best part.
Hold on, hold on.
Best part.
Stay there.
I gotta go to break.
It's satellite.
It fires.
Give us the best part when we come back.
No, wait.
You have to hear about FarmersOnly.com.
Okay, fine.
Skip the break.
Skip the break.
Skip the break.
We gotta have some silliness occasionally.
I'm sorry, Al.
We just skipped the break.
We can't push it back.
We can only skip it.
Go ahead.
Man, I told FarmersOnly.com
I was a gay porn star by day, and at night time I heard goats.
And I got six requests from people, and one of them was a dude.
Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, right there.
I don't know what you're talking about.
So, because, for folks that don't know, Alex Morgensen is in the comments.
It's on my website.
It's on my website.
There's 400,000 people a day that come on this damn website.
And they just, like, review what the hell I'm doing.
And, uh, last night, I got on Farmers Only and just had these, like, six requests from people going, uh, yeah, I really want to... Oh, stop, listen.
Family show.
I didn't know... Listen, here's the deal.
I get it.
You like to do funny jokes.
That's what I heard.
I heard from these record executives that you are the king of pranks.
And I'm actually, I'm actually almost scared.
I mean, I want to meet you sometimes.
You're an interesting fellow, and I'd be honored to meet you, but I'm almost kind of scared.
You wouldn't try any pranks on me, would you?
What if I tried something on you?
Maybe I'm crazier than you in person, huh?
Let's bring it.
I think that's going to happen.
You know what?
I think we should go with a film crew to a Southern Baptist Convention religious retreat for a week.
That would be a good reality show.
I think that's called the Bohemian thing that goes on up there with the Bilderburgers.
We'll go to that.
I'll go to that with you.
I've already seen you been to one.
Hey, you want to crash Bohemian Grove with me?
I want to go to Bohemian Grove, that's all there is to it, then my life is complete.
But imagine a reality TV show with Alex Jones and Al Jorgensen crashing Skull and Bones, crashing the Republican-Democrat conventions, crashing Bohemian Grove, jumping in off helicopters with parachutes.
Can you imagine?
That would be a popular show.
I would jump out of a helicopter with you in a second, Alex.
I love you.
Hey, how's the family, Al?
Well, I don't... I don't have much one anymore.
I got a bunch of squirrels and blue jays and bobcats and coyotes here and... and buh.
Which is where I live, and last night I was visited by two bobcats.
I had to throw a chair at one of them.
It was not a good fucking thing, man.
It was not, sorry for that word, but, uh, it was not good, man.
Now I understand.
In fact, I hear that the wildlife, uh, is encroaching, uh, pretty fast and mightily, uh, into a lot of those areas.
So you got bobcats, you name it, coming into your house or by your house?
I hate to sound like a tree hugger, but I'm telling you, this environmental disaster is going nuts right now.
There's like animals that shouldn't be here, that are in my backyard, that I have to deal with on a nightly basis.
So, uh, you know, I'm, I mean, I'm up for the task, but, uh,
It's just like it's really becoming a pain in the ass.
You know what makes it fun?
They've got high-powered Nerf guns now that won't hurt them but shoot pretty hard and you can just sit back there with a semi-auto Nerf gun and just shoot them when they come up and run them off.
Alex, I'm with you.
I'm a half step ahead of you.
We just bought a Nerf gun yesterday.
You're kidding!
And, uh, no, I'm dead serious.
My son's got them and they actually hurt now.
They've got some more powerful types that, uh, or get a paintball and just really give it to them.
I mean, that won't hurt them.
It just will hurt a lot more.
Yeah, well, I'm tired of critters.
How about a Molotov cocktail?
Well, that kind of, like, alarms the neighbors when I do that.
I understand.
Hey, what type of red wine is that you're drinking?
Uh, I don't know.
Something from 7-Eleven.
A Pinot Noir?
Uh, I don't know.
Hold on.
Let me look.
Cabernet Sauvignon.
Oh, yeah.
Cabernet Sauvignon.
I'm high styling it, man.
I'm going to 7-Eleven for my wine.
That's awesome.
You have to admit, that's like...
It's pretty cool.
Yeah, but they actually got pretty good wine now at more and more places.
It's interesting.
They actually have a wine selection.
But I don't buy the good stuff.
I buy the real crappy stuff, man.
I mean, I'm like a dismal alcoholic maniac that lives alone in his house and yells at clouds and yells at people on his lawn and this and that.
And that's what I do, man.
That's it.
That's my gig.
And so you moved out of Texas to Burbank to do that?
Of course!
And not only did I move to BUH!
But I moved into the most Republican county in the fucking entire state of California, Los Angeles.
And I live in this, I live with like a bunch of people that just came up and told me yesterday that you better get your damn registration done, boy, because you have Texas plates on the block and we don't like Texans.
On our block.
Is that why so many of them are running to Texas?
So I guess you've run there to balance it out?
Seriously, man, they were like really unscrewed about this whole thing, man.
Just like, you gotta get your Texas plates off, man.
Somebody actually said that?
I mean, if somebody came up and told me what to put on my car, they'd have a big problem.
I'm not saying I'm Mr. Tough Guy.
Not only said that, but they pointed a cane in my face and literally poked me in the face going, boy, you have to change your text.
Oh, so I get it.
So this guy, uh, did that really happen?
No, it was a girl and she was like 95 years old.
I've never seen anything that old attacking me before.
I couldn't believe it.
But, and then you asked her out for a date.
Of course I asked her for a date.
Did you prepare any carrots or any hors d'oeuvres like you do other executives and people?
This chick has a dream date coming.
Alright, you're hilarious.
Al, this is it.
We gotta hang out.
Al Jorgensen, the founder of Ministry.
And folks, I guess you're on tour.
You're coming to Dallas.
Everybody can find that stuff.
They're on the website.
Grassy Knoll, man.
We're going to the Grassy Knoll.
Let's do it!
Alright, we've got about 30 seconds left.
You have closing comments.
What is the secret of the universe, Al?
The secret of the universe is to, like, trust in yourself.
Don't trust in any of these other bastards.
Just trust in yourself.
What do you think of Barack Obama?
I'm not sure what to make of this douchebag.
Uh, I mean he's okay in spots, he's not okay in other spots, it's like whatever.
Uh, I just remember reading The Onion and just like having this like big bold headline saying... Hold on, I want you to finish.
We gotta go to practice.
60 seconds.
We want you five more minutes.
We gotta finish that statement at fullworks.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Six bayonets.
We got Al Jorgensen.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, we got five minutes left.
Appreciate Al staying over to finish his point.
You were getting to your point about an Onion article, and I got another question for you, Al.
Well, all I know is that when the night that Obama got elected, I went on The Onion, and I saw, with my own eyes, black man inherits worst job in America.
I'm cutting him some slack here.
I'm sorry, I'm not an Obama lover, I'm just not an Obama hater.
No, I get it, but that's why they picked him, because they knew people would try to give him slack, hoping to bring unity and stuff, and all I've seen is the establishment use him to create division and to get their fascist agenda passed.
Business as usual.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Let me ask you this.
You know, I got a chance to meet Stanley Kubrick's daughter, his protégé, an amazing lady, Vivian Kubrick, and we're actually going to work on some stuff together, but I know that Kubrick liked you, Stanley Kubrick, and you actually got to talk to him, at least according to Wikipedia, before he died and before artificial intelligence got made and it got handed over to Spielberg.
What was your conversation like with Kubrick?
Well, first I hung up on him two times and I thought it was a prank call.
I would too, yeah.
It's like, what?
Yeah, you're right.
Stanley Kubrick has called me in Austin, Texas.
Yeah, sure.
Later, click.
And after a couple of those, I figured out that these people were persistent.
And they wanted me to be in their movie.
This weird American guy living in the countryside of England was like a big ministry fan.
I mean, I just couldn't believe it.
It freaked me out.
Well, I've learned a little bit about Kubrick that folks don't know from his daughter, and I'm not allowed to talk about it, obviously.
It's like talking to John Lennon's family and I can't talk about it.
But it's just unbelievable.
This guy knew everything we knew before we were born.
I mean, he was just... It was amazing.
It's incredible.
That's a film or a book to be written.
Listen, Dr. Squangelove is like the best film ever.
It is.
I mean, he knew what we knew before it happened.
Yes, you are right.
I just wish... Sorry, go ahead.
This is why I listen to your damn radio show, man.
It's, like, cool, man.
I listen to this religiously.
Well, you're a sweetheart for putting up with me, brother.
Well, thanks for staying over with us.
And so, the tour dates are on your website, Al Effing Jorgensen.
And it's Effing, I-N-G, Jorgensen, is the website.
People can go there.
We've got it on screen.
We'll tweet it out, aleffingjorgensen.com.
And you can link through to all the other websites there.
We appreciate a real rebel.
There's a lot of fake rebels in rock and roll, but I think Al, from all the insiders I've talked to, they say you're the king of the bonafide rebels.
So, that's quite a title.
Hey, here's all we have to do.
We spend one night on the grassy knoll camping out, and then we do a couple days of psilocybin and shooting guns in Burbank.
How's that?
And that could ring in the end of the world, and volcanoes start erupting, and flying saucers start crashing.
That's what I'm hoping for.
We've already got Malaysian Airlines planes crashing everywhere.
Thank God, the first thing I checked is like make sure I'm not on Malaysian Airlines.
They seem to be having a string of bad luck.
Absolutely, Al.
Well, listen, I know I've got some of your contacts, but since you moved, I may not have them all.
So let me say bye to you and give us any contacts.
And I'm serious.
I'll come up there to the show.
And if you want to do an interview, I'd love to do it there at the Grassy Knoll.
That sounds fun.
Man, we're on.
Later, dude.
All right, take care, buddy.
Appreciate you.
There goes Al Jorgensen.
You know, that's our eclectic transmission.
I have decided to be in a little... Chuck Norris' son's putting out a film, and it's an association with our production company.
I'm gonna be in that up in Dallas.
They're shooting that soon, so maybe while I'm up there, we'll kill two birds with one stone and sit around the same dates and stuff and get an interview with Al Jorgensen.
That guy is the real deal, a true artist and a true maniac in every sense of the word.
Believe me.
Uh, what you saw is the tip of the iceberg.
All right.
God bless you all.
We'll be back.
Lord willing.
Tonight, 7 o'clock and tomorrow, 11 a.m.