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Name: 20150122_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2015
2600 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones and guest Lionel discuss various news topics including propaganda films like American Sniper and Selma, Monsanto's earnings dropping, abortion bill controversies, censorship on Facebook, police brutality, and recording police officers in public. They also cover freedom of speech, the persecution complex within the homosexual agenda, ignorance of words being used as hateful language, and censorship in media. The show also touches upon military heroes and their stories being manipulated for propaganda purposes, history being twisted in popular media, global warming being used as a religion, underinflated footballs, hacked movies, ducks playing piano, neckties, environmentalism while indulging in extravagance, UN treaties without Senate consent, plans to regulate CO2 emissions, and the push towards war with Russia. The IRS has introduced new programs to help individuals solve their tax problems, while The Berkey System is being promoted as the cleanest and best water system available. The Alex Jones Show discusses the Keystone Pipeline, climate change legislation, weaponized marijuana, and the need for constitutional education in America. The speaker also addresses halogens like fluoride in water and its potential harm to the thyroid, questioning if a medicine should be added without control over dosage. The conversation continues with callers discussing media coverage of scandals versus political issues in the Middle East.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide.
It is already Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 2015.
Can you believe it?
Soon the first month of 2015 will be dead and gone.
Dead and gone.
We have Lionel, former prosecutor and media analyst, joining us for 30 minutes during the second hour today to give us his take on Hollywood propaganda films like American Sniper and Selma and what's really behind these pieces of propaganda.
I've seen American Sniper.
I gotta say the actor that played Chris Kyle deserves an Academy Award.
He acts and looks and behaves and tells East Texas style jokes exactly like the real Chris Kyle does.
I'm from East Texas.
I mean it was frightening how accurate that they got it.
And expanding on that, another film that really got it right
Describing East Texas was Joe that came out last year.
If you've actually lived in those areas and been around people,
They got it right.
They really got it right in that film that was shot in Bastrop.
You know, that's not East Texas, but it's the Lost Pines.
When a glacier was over Texas, for some reason it didn't knock down that little group of trees that's in Central Texas that genetically match the trees in East Texas.
I'm kind of just going off on a rabbit trail.
You know, the reason that's such an avant-garde film is that most of the people in it were not actors.
They were real people hired out of the local area, including the drunk that plays the father.
He's a real wino who died shortly after the film.
And that's why it's so powerful, because it's not an actor.
That's like the film Under the Skin with Scarlett Johansson.
When I went and saw it, it was shown at a theater, an art house theater.
I didn't look at a review.
I just said, I don't want to see that.
It's a science fiction movie.
I didn't want it to be spoiled for me.
So I didn't read a review.
I just went and saw it and I thought, something's weird about this movie.
It's very powerful, very disquieting.
And then I went and looked it up and discovered almost everyone in it is not an actor, but they went a step further.
They didn't know they were in the movie.
They didn't know they were being abducted in Scotland by Scarlett Johansson.
She's simulating serial killings of men.
I'm spoiling it all right now.
She's a space alien.
It's been out for a couple years so I can talk about it.
She's a space alien.
You don't find out till the end.
She's abducting men and killing them.
And it's real until they bring the men to kill them.
I don't think so.
Film and cinema, since Hollywood lost its power, it's lost a lot of its power, it still put out big blockbusters, big propaganda films, and still have successes, but not every time.
In fact, less and less, and their profits are down, because the power of cinema is being diversified.
Incredible directors out of Mexico, incredible directors out of France and Spain and Russia and Japan.
I just keep seeing the best stuff out of Mexico for whatever reason.
And it's the films out of Scotland, like Under the Skin, with hidden high-def cameras.
That's the kind of movie I'd like to make.
About the New World Order, and do outrageous things that the New World Order is actually doing.
Simulate stuff like that, like testing pesticides on foster kids and things, but make it a movie.
But then make it partially real, without hurting the kids, to illustrate how horrible it is.
Because folks will get upset about simulating it in a movie, they don't get upset about the real thing.
There's just so many ideas out there.
I'm going to reset here.
I kind of went off the rails.
I'm going to come back with all the huge important news today.
Big guest and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Another global transmission on this Thursday, 22nd day of January, 2015 broadcast.
I want to open the phones up throughout the transmission.
We only have one guest joining us today to look at Hollywood propaganda and to break that down.
From a prosecutor's point of view.
And in the meantime, there is a ton of off-the-chart, incredibly important news.
And I was sitting here before we went live trying to figure out what I think is the most important story out of all of these.
Is it Monsanto?
Earnings fall 34% after a year of global protest.
Is it House Republicans drop controversial abortion bill ahead of Roe v. Wade anniversary?
We thought that was going to pass yesterday.
Inhofe calls Obama climate agenda a wealth redistribution scheme, but then votes to say that climate change is real.
Senate votes 98 to 1 that climate change is not a hoax, but Inhofe said the way they wrote it, they just said, is climate change real or not?
Well, of course climate change is real.
They didn't say man-made, so they forced Republicans to vote for it to try to get the Keystone legislation passed, that it was attached to, so they can then run around and say, Republicans agree climate change is real.
Playing lawyer mind games with the public that's not paying attention.
Because the public in every poll doesn't trust the government and knows we're in deep trouble, but they still don't know the details.
So we're going to talk about that.
Freedom of speech!
Boston mayor bans bad-mouthing of Olympics at Facebook.
And Facebook says it will filter out fake news.
City employees are told don't criticize it even in your off time.
British judge suspended for recommending straight couple to adopt a child in a battle with a gay couple.
That's like saying statistically you want
Parents or grandparents that get a child, not the state, they turn out better seven times on average.
Seven times better.
They have seven times less problems.
Drugs, crime, prison.
Those numbers are the same as Europe, same as here.
Well, you say that, you're being, you know, anti-social worker.
I mean, they deserve to take the kids.
And if you say, hey, heterosexuals statistically, you know, need to raise this child.
No, there's a line of gay people that can't have kids, and they want your kids.
I'm not saying all gay people are like this, but there is a mill
Going on and there's jurisdictions around the country like Travis County in Texas that's known to be the place to go and they have homosexual couples moving here so that they can get in line to take CPS kids because other counties won't give them the kids.
And so there's an incentive to grab kids and then give them to gays because they can't have kids.
Listen, go get a surrogate!
You don't need to take my kids.
And I'm sorry, this is what's going on.
Heterosexuals are being preyed on.
This is how gangs work.
It's how they operate.
And everybody knows I'm not a gay basher up here.
You know, it's not my cup of tea to tell people what to do in their bedrooms.
Quite frankly, it wouldn't even be discussed here if there wasn't such totalitarianism out of the left
That basically runs the homosexual agenda worldwide that is very anti-family and very, very, very aggressive.
I have a gay cousin, far removed, but, you know, nice person, and I got invited to his birthday party once.
And, um, at a bar restaurant.
And the gay men were in there, to me and my wife, talking about how horrible it was that we had two children.
We have three now.
And I just said, let's leave.
These were aggressive, mean, unhappy people that were offended that there were, I guess, a few straight couples there.
See, I wasn't wanted.
And that's fine!
Just, just, just, listen, you hate me?
You hate me that I got kids?
You bought the agenda of not having kids?
Then fine!
Don't come after my kids!
Pretty simple.
And I'm not stereotyping here.
I'm talking about a large, hardcore leftist contingent of homosexuals that everybody knows are operating like this worldwide and are filling up the social worker positions and the governmental judge positions to basically wage war on a heterosexual world that they think has oppressed them.
When you go watch movies that are based on true stories, like the Imitation Game, that's a true story about the
Gay genius that invented a computer to decipher the German enigma code with the ultra system.
He was persecuted.
He was drugged with hormone treatment and committed suicide and he was arrested for being gay.
That's wrong.
I didn't do that.
I wasn't alive then.
So see what happens is there's this persecution complex and then the persecuted become the persecutors fighting a battle
That isn't even going on in most areas of the world.
But you never hear the homosexual agenda, the anti-family agenda, the eugenics anti-population agenda is really why it's being pushed by the establishment.
You never hear it criticizing, I'm sure you've noticed, what happens in Muslim countries where they behead you or chop your arms and legs off or burn you.
Oh no!
Because that would be politically incorrect to criticize the precious radical Islamists, just like the feminists won't discuss any of that.
So, that's how it works.
True liberalism in the Thomas Jeffersonian system is you can have any political view or live any way you want as long as you don't affect somebody else or take somebody else's rights.
And I see a lot of totalitarianism out of the so-called gay agenda.
And an anti-free speech agenda where reporters are arrested in England when they use the word homosexual.
So that's why I use that term, heterosexual, homosexual.
Words themselves are not hateful.
Like the average dumbed-down person, white or black out there, thinks the word negro is an n-word.
It just means black in Latin.
Caucasian just means they believe whites originally developed in the Caucasus.
Caucasoid features.
It's not anti-white to say caucasoid.
But this is the ignorance.
It's just like the black lady that runs the casino restaurant, reading a book about Martin Luther King's favorite food.
Collard greens and fried chicken.
I think that may be my favorite food as well.
It's just Southern cooking, folks.
And what it is, is racist Yankees, when blacks moved up there after the Civil War.
I'm not saying Yankees are bad, but that's where it comes from.
They made jokes about blacks eating chicken fried steaks and collard greens and fried okra.
But then now, Hollywood says it's the South that makes fun of black people eating watermelon and fried chicken.
That's what people eat in the South.
That's what I eat on the 4th of July.
And it ain't because I'm black.
It's because it tastes good.
But see, this is the mental illness I'm talking about.
Don't use the word homosexual.
Don't use the word negro.
Don't use the word heterosexual.
That's hurtful.
No, these are scientific words.
And a casino, with a black woman managing it,
A black woman runs it.
She wanted to put some southern soul food out on the table.
And they had to apologize for it.
This is the main control.
Meanwhile, 52% of blacks are never born in this country and aborted.
Everybody knows I talk about that at nauseam, but it's over 55 million abortions now.
55 million abortions we know about since Roe v. Wade.
That's the big issue here.
And if you want to talk about black people being exterminated, we've got an example of it coming up.
Video of unarmed black men with hands up, killed, shot six times by New Jersey cops.
And they follow the police orders, the cops say, I'm going to kill you, and they shoot them.
And it's pretty scary.
I think a lot of this is contributing to the fact that the media has hyped up a black versus cop agenda and innocent black people are going to pay when scared cops shoot them.
But regardless, you've got to punish these officers.
This is very clear cut in my view.
And we can't have an attitude where the police are just 100% right all the time and you gotta back them no matter what.
That will create the climate that's caused so much dislike of the police that people like George Soros are trying to capitalize on.
And if you wanna talk about bad behavior of the police, we're gonna play this video as well.
Sleeping Illinois cop claims, quote, it's now illegal to record a police officer in public.
They've tried to put people in Illinois in jail for life.
We've interviewed the folks.
It's been on CBS News.
For life, for filming the police on their own property.
They're claiming it's wiretapping to film someone in public, and they've passed an Illinois law pretty much stating that now, because the cops were doing it without a law before, misappropriating another law, misapplying.
Well, this law is unconstitutional.
But that's tyranny.
You've got cameras everywhere, the police have got cameras with microphones.
How do they film you in public?
Because there's no perception of privacy.
Now, you go to somebody's business, and you tell them you want to have a closed door meeting with them, and you go behind closed doors in a conference room, and you record somebody in most states.
That is not illegal.
Fifteen states it is.
You gotta have two-party consent.
It's one-party consent in most states.
I think it's
I think it's disreputable.
I think it's wrong.
It's usually not admissible in court, but it is a First Amendment right.
But I think it's a gray area when you're in somebody's house or business.
It's up to the people letting somebody in to make sure they trust them.
A lot of times people take stuff they record that's legitimate and then they try to
Project onto that that something bad has gone on.
But to have the police all over the country beating people up, arresting them for filming them in public is a serious crime.
And police officers that do it need to be arrested and indicted for false charges and official oppression.
That'll stop real fast.
This is what you see in North Korea, not in the United States.
We're going to come back and get to a bunch of other news.
The Doomsday Clock set to move to one minute closer to midnight and more.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here.
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By now you've heard the news stories about police shootings turned into racially charged protests and police officers being executed in retaliation.
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In 1814 we took a little trip.
Along with Colonel Jackson down to Miami, Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we whooped the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.
There is one version where they say we whooped the bloody British.
But in this version they say we fought the bloody British.
Where to begin?
Let me just get into the police issues right now, and then we'll get into long-term use of birth control pills linked to higher risk of brain tumors.
Fox News.
Since they came out with birth control pills in the 50s, they've always been linked to a bunch of different cancer.
I mean, turning off
Your normal functions is going to screw your body up.
80 richest people in the world revealed new GOP border security bill removes the border fence.
I tell you, it's bipartisan tyranny that is all coming up.
Drone flies through congressional hearing.
Another drone crashed carrying methamphetamine.
NBC News.
This is really just the rise of the robots.
We'll get to all that in the next segment.
Open the phones up.
But first off, look at this article.
And I've got stacks like this every few days.
And it's not our intent to sit here and just demonize the police, because that will then play into the role of an us-against-them mentality.
But the Stockton police, out in California, fired more than 600 rounds at SUV.
Court documents now show the bank robbery suspect, who supposedly had hostages, and they shot the hostage 10 times, killing her.
I mean, that's this overkill business, where now they're all like special ops soldiers out there to fight an enemy, and so a guy gets out of his car with his cell phone, and the cops shoot him.
That happened in Austin, and the cop actually got in trouble because, okay, you're scared, you got a bunch of adrenaline, I get it, but it's this shoot-em-up training, it's this instinctive shooting training,
That a lot of police trainers are criticizing because, yeah, it gets cops to where they're ready to shoot and not hesitate, but at the same time, they'll just pull their gun out and shoot a guy in handcuffs in the back because they're so brainwashed to just pull their gun instantly and shoot.
It's scary!
I mean, you're not gunfighters at the OK Corral, is the point.
And we, the citizens, lives matter just as much as yours.
And this new video of unarmed black man with hands up killed, shot six times by New Jersey cops.
We're going to play that video on that audio right now, unedited, only bleeping the cuss words from the police.
New Jersey police have released a video of two police officers shooting and killing a black man as he tried to get out of the car with his hands up.
Now, let's be clear.
We showed a national study just two weeks ago showing that whites and Hispanics are almost twice as likely to be shot by police per capita than blacks.
So, whites are getting shot like this too by itchy trigger finger cops.
These are kind of like guys that go deer hunting for the first time that shoot the neighbor's cow because they think it's a deer and then argue they saw antlers.
They get buck fever.
And they get scared to death.
Well, the people you're aiming guns at get scared.
The guy put his hands up, gets out of the car, and they shoot him.
And it's all because there was a gun when the cops got in the glove compartment.
Well, having a gun is not a reason to get killed.
And I told the story of an Austin cop when I was still in high school.
I was a senior.
Pulled me over, saw a weight belt in the front seat, pulled a gun out instantly, shoved it to my head, and said, get your effing hands up!
Get your hands up!
Hey, how y'all doing?
How you doing, Officer?
Hey, Officer Diggs, Brisbane Police.
Reason I'm pulling you over, you went right through that stop sign back there.
Where at?
Right on South Pine Street.
Hey, you got a driver's license?
Yeah, I got my driver's license.
What's up, man?
Can you go ahead and grab it for me?
Alright, real fast.
Stop sign, we stopped.
No, no.
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Don't move!
Don't you move!
Don't you move!
Get him out of the car, Rog.
We got a gun in his glove compartment.
Don't you move!
Don't you move!
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Don't you move!
I'm going to shoot you!
You're going to be dead!
I want to come back and play this unedited because we're going up to break, but you notice it's a black police officer.
So see, Al Sharpton won't be able to make a big deal out of this, which I think is questionable.
I don't think the cop wanted to kill him on purpose.
He was scared.
But having a gun in your glove compartment should not be a death sentence.
But unfortunately, Al Sharpton and George Soros can't cause a race riot over this because it's a black cop.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Coming up, long-term use of mercantile pills linked to high-risk brain tumors, study finds.
We're going to get into doomsday clock, set to move one minute closer to midnight.
We're going to break down the courthouse news report.
DOJ asked judge to put BP fine at $11 billion.
The Department of Defense and Cybersecurity announces that they do plan to use appliances, they already are, to spy on you and your family.
We are all designated enemies under this system.
That's how they claim to get around the Fourth Amendment.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down coming up.
But finishing that video, the chilling video.
For radio listeners, you can go to Infowars.com and watch the video unedited with the cuss words if you so desire.
The police officer is cussing so much that a lot of the audio is choppy, but they've released the video.
The accident, as they're calling it, took place, that's what Sputnik calls it, on December 30th of last year, but the video of the shooting has only just been released.
The newly released footage shows two police officers,
Brahim Days and Roger Worley.
I think it's Brahim that's doing all the screaming.
Pull over a car in the town of Bridgeton for allegedly not halting at a stop sign.
And then the rest is history.
There's a gun in the glove compartment.
And so the cop obviously gets agitated, says don't move.
The guy puts his hands up.
And then the cop just starts yelling and screaming, and he appears to follow his orders, and then he just shoots him.
The other passenger, the driver, climbs out on the ground, on his belly on the ground, and doesn't get killed.
But, I mean, we don't live in Fallujah, ladies and gentlemen.
And this is the problem with having militarized police.
I don't want to be pulled over and they open my glove compartment and there's a gun and the cop starts screaming and then just shoots me.
I've almost been shot in the head by an Austin police officer 22 years ago, 23 years ago, almost 24 years ago.
I'm about to be 41.
And I don't hate that officer.
I understand he was scared of my weight belt, but I wasn't doing anything but speeding seven miles over the speed limit.
And so
It's something we got to talk about because these type of instances are up because of the training.
And I want to illustrate again, this is a black cop doing this.
I'm not saying he's a bad guy.
I'm not saying he wanted to shoot this person.
But it just doesn't sit right that this guy's dead.
And okay, one of the guys had a record.
Okay, whatever.
That's not a death sentence.
And I understand that it's a tough job.
I don't want a police officer's job, especially in a bad area.
It would be terrible.
But if you are so scared that you're about to get killed, that you're going to pull the trigger and shoot an unarmed person who isn't going for a gun, then I don't think you need to be a police officer.
It's really that simple.
Let's go ahead and play the entire unedited video.
Here it is.
They walk up on the car, he checks the license plate.
Hey, how y'all doing?
How you doing?
Hey, Officer Davis, Briston Police.
Reason I'm pulling you over, you went right through that stop sign back there.
Where at?
Right on South Pine Street.
Hey, you got a driver's license?
Yeah, I got my driver's license.
Can you go ahead and grab it for me?
Go fast, don't tell me to stop.
No, no.
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Don't move!
Don't you move!
Don't you move!
He opens the glove compartment to get the license and registration, but there's a gun in there.
Don't move!
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Don't you move!
I'll tell you, I'm going to shoot you.
You're going to be f****** dead.
I'm telling you.
You reach for something, you're going to be f****** dead.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you.
Keep your f****** hands right there.
Hey, Jerome, you reach for something, you're going to be f****** dead.
He's reaching.
He's reaching.
Show me your f****** hands.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
Don't f****** move.
Don't you f****** move.
The other guy's got his hands up, the other guy had his hands up.
How would you not panic having the cop put a gun to your head and say that?
So he puts his hands up, and comes out of the car, and the cop steps back and shoots him, panicking.
I mean, I don't want to be pulled over by that hothead, I tell you man, what a nut.
Total liberal guaranteed.
I was in the gym yesterday and there was this woman going, I'm a conservative but we've got too many guns and they're so dangerous and they're so scary they need to be taken.
And I just put my headphones on and because she was on the elliptical next to me babbling and ten minutes later I took the headphones off to get off the elliptical to lift weights and she was still babbling.
And I've seen people that see a gun in the hands of a citizen they freak out.
In the hands of a cop they think, oh it's fine.
This is the fear.
That's why open carry and things like that are so important.
Because then it desensitizes in a good way the public and everybody else to guns in the hands of good people.
But I've watched the video.
It's very clear.
The guy had his hands up and was
You know, saying, come on man, come on, and they just executed him.
So the headline should be executed for running a stop sign in New Jersey.
You now get the death penalty.
You know, I don't know my crew's view on this because I watched this video this morning on InfoWars.com.
I came in, didn't ask them.
Let's go to the control room here.
This is unscripted, unannounced.
They don't know who I'm going to.
Let's go to whoever wants to
Pop in.
It could be Nico, it could be Joe, it could be John Bowne.
Any of the folks in there, get a microphone.
Give me your take on this.
Let's go to John Bowne.
John, you want to talk?
Yeah, let's turn on John Bowne's mic.
We're going to get in the habit here of you guys coming on air a few times a day.
Bowne, what's your take on this?
Well, as you said, it's blatantly like Fallujah in the streets of New Jersey.
The streets of New Jersey are a very tough place to be, but the guy is clearly getting out of the car.
One cop shoots him in the back, the other cop shoots him in the front, and as you said, it's a buck fever.
Yeah, these guys would go deer hunting with you and would end up shooting the neighbor's cow.
Yeah, or the barn, something like that, yeah.
For the folks that don't hunt, I mean, you take some new hunters with you, this is what they do.
Or they just get a gun in their hands and they start freaking out.
Especially if they've never been around guns.
I mean, I was shooting Folgers cans at age 4 with a .410 to teach me the power, then watermelons.
Then I was taught not to touch guns unless I was authorized.
And by, I'm not bragging, by age 7, I could shoot the top off of a Tabasco bottle at 200 yards with a 3x power scope with a .243.
Now of course I can't shoot like that.
I don't want to digress, but I could shoot bullseye at a thousand yards with a .308 Remington 700 by the time I was fourteen.
But it's just for somebody immersed in gun culture, it's really hard to get my mind around northern policing, especially where they've killed the gun culture.
That's where you see much of this going on.
John, you were raised in Kentucky.
Were you immersed in the gun culture?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, you don't have a choice in Kentucky.
You learn how to use a gun.
A gun is no different than a shovel.
It's just a tool.
It scares the animals away.
It brings you food.
People in Kentucky are generally not afraid of guns, but now we have this culture.
There was a woman on Fox News the other day saying that we need to get rid of all semi-automatic weapons again.
We need these guns because we have the police acting the way they are out there.
If things escalate, then we'll be okay.
Smith & Wesson's stock just shot up yesterday.
So people are arming themselves out there, the general public, which is completely unrelated to the people that are in control because we are run by millionaires who are in a VIP club who are disconnected from the reality.
A hundred millionaires and billionaires.
If you look at the top Democrats, I mean, that's just a fact.
The Democrats are the top pretty much 15 people in Congress worth billions or hundreds of millions individually.
It's truly outrageous.
But I think a lot of people are getting guns, not so much for the police, but for the breakdown of society.
And the media is using bad actions of the police like this
Two demonized police as a whole.
That's the larger compendium of the manipulation.
I noticed that Jakari came into the control room.
I'm glad he's got something he wants to say.
Jakari, what's your view on this?
Well, with this shooting, it's pretty ridiculous to me because he pulls them over, he says, I want your license and your registration.
So many people, they put their registration in their glove box.
So a guy opens his glove box trying to retrieve the registration and he happens to have a firearm in there and the cop completely freaks out about it.
You know, so what are you supposed to do, officer?
Do you want me to get my registration or do you not?
And then the officer's actions, you know, he completely freaks out.
He's not able to keep a calm head, you know, put your hands up.
And there's a point in the video where we can't really see so much what the suspect is doing, but the officer's like, keep your hands up, keep your hands up.
The guy exits the car and is shot multiple times for his efforts just trying to be a peaceful person.
That's right, and I've had the case where I have a firearm in the glove compartment and I tell the police officer, okay, I'm going to get you my insurance and stuff, but there's a gun in there, would you rather come around and do it?
And the cop just said, no, just do it slowly.
But that's because I was so calm and relaxed that it wasn't an issue.
I mean, I get the fact it's nighttime, they're out there.
One of the guys has a criminal record, it came out on the plate they ran.
But they've got their hands up and the guy just starts freaking out.
The cop starts freaking out.
And I've seen plenty of white cops do this on video and shoot a black guy or a white guy.
And my sarcastic point was, unfortunately, they can't make a racial issue out of it because, you know, the cop initiating it's black.
But the point is, it's not racial in my view in most cases.
It is hysteria.
This black cop didn't shoot the black cop.
Yeah, I agree with that 100%.
It's not a racial issue.
It's just these guys, it's the training that they receive.
It's this federalized training.
It's these no hesitation targets and all the whole thing that goes along with that.
They're just completely freaked out that anybody who has a gun, anybody who has a constitution, anybody who actually knows the law better than the officers do, they're just convinced that these people are wicked devil criminals.
Alright, Jakari, thank you.
Anybody else in the control room want to add some points to this?
While we're waiting for folks to give a comment, we can play Jeopardy music in the background.
Deet, deet, deet, deet, deet, deet.
That means answer the question.
Okay, also coming up, Senator Schumer, sleeper cells might make bombs with household items.
So now if you mix bleach with soap to clean something, why, the ATF's going to be raiding you.
There's a whole new way to get in your house and everyone's a suspected terrorist.
Oh my gosh, I've seen corrupt police do this where they'll pull somebody over and taser them or kill them and then hold up jumper cables and say, look, pipe bombs.
We've seen that on the news repeatedly, where there's this attempt to act like there are just terrorists everywhere making bombs that are going to be used on the police.
In fact, they've told police departments for six years, you will be hit by IEDs from veterans and gun owners in the future.
So when you start getting bombed, out of the blue, who's the main suspect?
The people that told you it was coming out of the blue sky, who are trying to demonize the Liberty Movement.
The same people like George Soros trying to take unfortunate cases, some of which I think are legitimate shootings, like the Brown case.
He did charge him, he did attack him, he did go to the hospital.
The witnesses came forward.
It was all made up.
The Zimmerman case, a little bit more questionable in my view.
Because, you know, he is following him around the neighborhood.
The guy's got a right to walk around the neighborhood and buy Skittles and tea or whatever.
But then the news shows him when he's 12, not when he's, you know, 17 and looks like LeBron James on steroids.
And then the black witnesses finally come out and say, yeah, he was on top of him banging his head in the ground.
And then finally all that comes out.
The Justice Department's trying to hype black against white.
In this country, and they want to turn that also on the police so they take the brunt of anti-government sentiment instead of the people at the top that are running the show.
The same Republicans that we thought were going to vote to ban partial birth abortion, they didn't do it.
They passed the same bill that was killed in the Senate last year.
But see, they could pass it in the House knowing it would be killed in the Senate.
Now, it would probably pass the Senate
Or force the Senate to vote for abortion.
They didn't want to be exposed.
So now they had a chance to ban abortion of babies that are viable outside the womb.
Unequivocally human.
Unequivocally developed.
Viable outside the womb.
They didn't vote to do it.
Just like they voted.
That climate change is real.
And said, well, climate change is always happening, but the Democrats did this as a rider so they can now say, why every Republican but one voted and agreed that climate change is real, we need carbon taxes.
So that's all coming up.
I said I'd go to calls this hour, but is Lionel on at 1230 or is he on at the start of the next?
Okay, so we will open the phones up in the next hour.
You've heard a whole spectrum of news so far here covered today.
Any of these issues I mentioned, I'd like to get your take on them.
I'd love to get your breakdown on it as a listener.
First-time callers today.
We do that a few days a week.
We will get you up and on the air.
Now, after the break, long-term use of birth control pills linked to higher risk of brain tumors, Fox News, we'll also get to this video of the cop in Illinois saying it's illegal to film me in public.
I mean, that is shameful, and at that point that police officer becomes a totalitarian agent of evil, and is no longer a police officer under the Constitution, and is an enemy of the Republic.
Now, I don't wish any physical harm upon them, but the politicians that passed this are the kingpins.
He is the enforcer in the street, in my view, carrying out a mafia edict.
I mean, we do not live in North Korea.
And police are not God.
And the minute they try to make them God, you know they're getting ready to go after your pension funds.
As Obama announced, they're getting ready to seize the education 401Ks.
I mean, this is happening.
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Are you aware that it is now illegal to report police officers in public?
Is it?
I'm afraid it is.
And there is the video.
Let's play that one more time for TV viewers so they can see the video.
Are you aware that it is now illegal to report police officers in public?
Is it?
I'm afraid it is.
In broad daylight, in the street, a cop saying you can't film me.
I mean, that is just outrageous.
And they did pass a law that's written trickily
But it implies if they don't know, it's wiretapping.
They don't know?
Well, I mean, the government is illegally breaking into our computers.
Samsung and other companies are watching and listening to us and announcing it.
But then separately, the government can't be filmed in public.
Well, I guess an on-duty police officer in Illinois can't go work a football game, because you might be on ESPN.
There's no perception
An expectation of privacy in public and he knows it.
Who feels safe living in a country where the police in some areas with a straight face will say you can't film police in public?
What a load of bull!
Look at this report.
Long-term use of birth control pills linked to higher risk of brain tumors.
Since the 60s, they've been linked to all sorts of cancers.
All we know is the cancer rates are going up.
Taking certain forms of birth control over five years or more doubles the risk of developing a rare brain tumor, a study led by Danish neurologists has found.
That's just one tumor they studied.
The study, due to be published today in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, says that women who take hormonal contraceptives show higher rates of glaucoma, a tumor that affects around five people in every 100,000.
Let's expand out of that.
Every major water supply has these birth control compounds in them, and they found Prozac derivatives in all the water.
In an AP investigation a decade ago, they found in every major city they studied.
It was higher than what runoff could show, and they said, we don't know why.
And it's basically a mix of different serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the Prozac class, but there's also a base chlorine slash fluoride molecule.
And we don't know why it's showing up.
They're dumping it in the water.
I mean, they put fluoride in the water.
That's the basis of Prozac.
Yes, we're living in a science fiction movie, boys and girls.
Yes, they've Trojan-horsed all this stuff.
Coming up, women on top.
His most dangerous sex position, scientists conclude, in a government study.
Missionary causes in the cowgirl position.
Responsible for half of all penile fractures, the London Telegraph reports.
Yes, it's very dangerous.
I'm glad we have government studies of that.
Here's another one.
Scientists create firewall for new forms of life.
And here's another study.
Feds spend $432,000 studying gay hookup apps.
Guess they're doing that for Obama.
And trying to tell him which bathhouse to go to.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, that's just some of the news there, being a little sarcastic here at the end, but that's a serious, serious story here out of the Washington Free Beacon.
NIH Project studied arousal of gay men when using Grindr, I think is the name of that.
The National Institutes of Health has spent nearly half a million dollars studying gay hookup sites.
They awarded Columbia University to interview gay men who use GPS dating apps.
You know, I'll guarantee you, just like they used, this is declassified, hepatitis shots in the gay population to spread HIV in the 70s when they started it.
They use a gay population as a vector because of high levels of unprotected sex.
I bet money this data is being gathered to figure out how to deploy weapons through the gay population.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Because they love the gays so much.
That's why they do that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two coming up.
New GOP border security bill removes border fences.
We'll look at some of the richest 80 people in the world and how they made their wealth.
35 of them are American citizens.
Courthouse News reports DOJ has judged to put BP fine at 11 billion.
Drone flies through congressional hearing.
A drone crashes carrying methamphetamine.
That's just some of what's coming up today.
Monsanto earnings fall 34% after a year of global protest.
Also, top five natural antihistamines.
If you're sick of being on stuff like Claritin D or Zyrtec D that makes you higher than a kite, we'll break that down as well.
Right now, let's go to your calls.
Stefan, Debbie, Riley, Howard, Rick, and others.
Stephan in New York, you're up first, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing Alex?
I have a quick comment because I heard you guys talking about this so I frantically tried to call you guys.
No one is really talking about, alright, if you want to carry a firearm and you want to drive around,
You have to, you can't leave it a surprise where when a cop says, Oh, can I get your registration from your glove box?
You go, Oh, okay.
Let me reach for my glove box where there's a gun inside.
You know what I mean?
You can't leave.
You have to tell the officer, officer, listen, if you're carrying it, you know, legally, you have to at least address to the officer first.
I'm going to reach for my, for my registration.
I do have a firearm in my glove box.
Uh, would you like me to show identification for it?
And, and so on.
I totally agree with you that they didn't know the quote procedure to not get shot when you have a gun by the police.
Red carpet treatment, because they know you've been vetted, background checked, gone through the training, and they know that statistically the lowest crime rate out there is concealed weapons carriers nationwide.
In fact, it's just unbelievable.
Because you're law-abiding, so you're wanting to go out there and jump through the hoops, even though it's unconstitutional.
To do it, it shows the group that is... In fact, concealed carry, in articles I've seen, have lower crime rates than off-duty police officers.
So that's a very, very low crime rate right there.
The problem is that once they get everybody to get concealed carries, they can then change the concealed carry laws and turn a right into a privilege.
I used to be a big critic of concealed carry, but now it's moving towards open carry and just the Second Amendment.
So I was somewhat wrong about concealed carry all these years.
I now intend to get it because it's actually evolved into more of a Second Amendment.
Uh, in most states.
So, uh, we're winning the fight overall.
It's very, very exciting.
The problem is they're going to pull some big false flags, uh, to try to demonize the second amendment.
Go ahead.
Oh, yes.
And I'm prepared for that because I also do have my concealed and carry.
And to be honest, there was a story where I was driving from Florida to Georgia and me and my brother, we were picking up a, a brand new pickup truck and we're driving in a Volkswagen that really only cost about 3000.
And here we are driving with $15,000 cash.
We have.
I look like I look like I'm Mexican because I'm dark.
So here you have people with New York accents driving from Florida with Florida police with New York accents.
They look dark.
They have $15,000 cash on them.
I got pulled over for 10 because my parents were too dark.
And what happened was I was I was packing at the time.
And what happened was what kept me from getting shot because I saw this cop, once he saw the money, he took a step back and he was like, okay, what the heck is going on in this car?
And I let him know.
I said, officer, we're buying a pickup truck.
We have, I, me and my brother and I, we both have firearms on us.
We both have permits to carry these firearms.
Uh, you know, well, point is, is you have to comply with these officers.
If you leave it a surprise and you leave it up to an element of surprise,
Well, the key is being calm and communicating.
That then de-escalates and makes them not so nervous.
I think it's a balance, though.
The public needs to think about how to engage the police, and the police need to, you know, not drink too much coffee, and then go out and kill people.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Ease the T-Rex in political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And if you go to Infowars.com, you can see a lot of the latest breaking news and top stories.
Texas cops jail woman for walking without a license.
You cannot make that up.
We're going to be breaking that story down at the bottom of the hour.
Doomsday clock set to move one minute closer to midnight.
We're going to be going over that.
I already covered this and played the clip last hour.
Sleeping Illinois police officer says it's illegal to record a police officer in public.
Senator Schumer says sleeper cells might make bombs with household items.
So now stuff under your sink may be terrorists.
That is just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Freedom of speech?
Boston Mayor bans bad-mouthing of Olympics.
And Facebook says they will filter out what they deem to be fake news.
Anyone, I guess, criticizing Zuckerberg, who met with the Communist Chinese last month to decide how to censor the U.S.
I mean, that was in the news.
He met with them to learn how they censored.
And now, oh, that's what China says.
They censor what they call fake news, and then they go further.
They arrest who they call fake news.
So, cops are saying you can't videotape them in public.
And Zuckerberg wants to censor the internet.
Does this sound like a free country?
So we need the good police to speak out against this and say, no, you do have a right to film in public and to not go along with this.
But it's not just the police.
They're at the bottom of the political room or rung.
We need to target politically the tyrants above them, the corrupt
Judges, the corrupt congressmen and women, the legislatures, the city councils, the mayors.
We need to target them and call them out for the thugs they are.
They need to be sued for a civil rights violation.
This mayor telling people you'd better not criticize, telling city employees, even in your off time, you don't criticize by voice or on your Facebook or Twitter, the Olympics coming here.
Or we'll fire you.
You have no free speech when you work for the government.
Man, that's crazy.
That's not a free society.
That's a system that wants to tell us to shut up and tell us what to do.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Debbie in New Jersey.
Debbie, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you.
I am retired New York police.
I did 20 years.
I retired in 2012.
I watched that video and I have to say, I do agree with you.
The cop definitely overreacted.
But I have to say that in his defense, that we're trained to, you know, call the plate into headquarters and get a run back on the driver and whatnot before you exit the cruiser even.
So they may have been given information through headquarters.
I don't know.
I mean, obviously the cops are going to flip out when you do that.
But then, at that point, the guy put his hands up, the cop flipped out and killed him.
So, I don't think it's premeditated murder, but, I mean, you just can't execute people because you get scared, in my view, when their hands are up.
I agree.
I agree totally.
It was really a bad judgment call.
Well, here's the good news out of the whole sad event.
Al Sharpton's not going to be able to create race riots out of this because the officer basically initiating it is black.
I think it's a great illustration, though it's sad, that this is about people being scared, not about racial issues.
Because black cops shoot white people all the time, it doesn't become a big issue because there isn't a George Soros movement to hype it up.
Let me ask you this question as a retired police officer.
What do you think about the fact that George Soros bragged last week and they released the documents that his Open Society group that helped fund the overthrow of Ukraine is now openly trying to finance anti-police demonstrations.
I mean clearly he's doing that for some
Endgame rule.
Is he testing to see if they can start civil unrest?
Then Obama can come in and act like a savior?
Or what do you think the plan is?
Because George Soros, more than anybody, calls the shots in the White House.
Well, I would agree that they're definitely trying to make Obama look like the savior saint.
Isn't that what every crisis has become?
That he runs in as the savior?
Let me tell you, this is why I resigned in 2012.
My uncle and a friend of mine who was a fed both told me what was going to happen down the line and advised me, if you got your 20 in, to get out before it becomes worse.
And that's exactly why I did it.
We were told from federal sources in 2012 and 13, we're on record with the Northeast Intelligence Group, Hagman on the show also had similar sources, saying that that was coming.
This is very interesting.
Tell me specifically what your family members that were feds, or are feds, told you was coming three years ago.
I was told that Obama was going to get re-elected.
Now when I was retiring it was around April.
And I said, I don't know about that, but I listened.
And he told me, he says, the militarization is going to get worse.
And, you know, you should get out now and get your pension before you could possibly lose it.
I really wasn't completely convinced, but it scared me enough.
And then, of course, then I started listening to you and that woke me right up.
Did your family members that are feds, did they retire or are they trying to retire now?
Oh no, some of them are still on.
Yeah, some of them are still on.
What did you think when family members that are feds started telling you this?
I was scared.
I gotta be honest, I was scared.
You really don't know how to handle it at first because on the job everything's quiet, you're not informed.
As well as you think you are.
So when you hear it, you kind of take it with a grain of salt.
You know what I mean?
So you were compartmentalized, but now it's all unfolding.
They militarized the police.
Big banks help ship in the drugs, launder the money.
Society starts to break down.
They have the MTV crowd promote race war and attacking police.
And then it becomes a self-fulfilling prospecy.
Then the feds at the top criticize the very police that have been militarized by them.
And the answer is more federalization, more globalization.
Did your family members that are feds tell you anything else?
Um, they gave me a lot more information.
They informed me about the light bulbs, the appliances, all the stuff that you also talk about.
And back then, this was probably around, when I started hearing it, around 2010.
And I found it hard to believe, but I'm really glad that I did listen.
Believe me, I found it hard to believe ten years ago in MIT publications, and they said that, you know, the new light bulbs are going to interface with computers, they're going to have data over power line, and then six years ago I saw them start putting them in police departments and not telling the cops that
That it was data over powerline, now they admit that they're doing it, and now it's rolling out with the new TVs where they control the appliances in your house to make it a more fun, you know, viewing experience.
They're rolling it all out like it's cutesy.
You can just see how they're doing it and it's so Orwellian.
Did I tell you anything else?
Um... God, there was just so much that I was told about.
I'm sorry that my mind is a little bit of a blank, but I do want to tell you about the Smart Meters.
They put one on my home down in Maryland, and I had a complete fit.
I called them to get it taken off, and they said that the state of Maryland, I have to pay a $75 fee to opt out, and then $17 a month fee to not be part of the Smart Meter clan.
So they're going to penalize you to do that as if it cost $17 to have a human come read it.
And again, if it was just a wireless system just giving that data, it wouldn't be an issue.
They admit the four companies that put these out have standardized a system that scans and grabs all your other wireless data.
It is a spy hub.
Now we've had the victory nationwide that most states and cities have put in the opt-out.
Austin, Texas has done it as well.
But you shouldn't be penalized for the fact that they're trying to put a spy hub on your house.
Well, when I said that to them, they told me, oh no, there's nothing wrong with the meter.
It's a safe meter.
They even had, I guess, a repair guy come out and tell me how safe the meter was.
He said, I don't care.
I want it off my house.
Well, I mean, we can argue if the high-powered Wi-Fi is bad for you, but you can't argue they've been catching them all over the country, using them to game how you're charged and to, in some cases, double charge you
You always pay more.
They always screw you over with them.
But you sometimes double.
And then also, California promised they wouldn't do it.
Now three states are doing it, including California.
They will control your thermostats during peak times and not let you have the energy you need.
What do you make of that?
That's why I was totally against it.
I was floored.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
I don't want them controlling anything in my house.
If I want to keep my heat at 70, that's my business.
Well, it's all part of this argument.
There's not enough energy we've got to conserve.
The model is false scarcity.
Artificial scarcity.
They're going to cut what you get and then charge you more.
You're going to get a 200 square foot apartment and pay what 1,000 foot would have been.
This is their own admissions.
Screw job on top of screw job on top of screw job where we accept less.
Telling Africans
You don't get a car or air conditioning.
Not, we're going to get you a clean car and clean air conditioning.
No, you don't get development.
And this is called liberal.
God bless you, ma'am.
People like you, Debbie, should create a gnome to plume and write about your experiences, a pen name, create a YouTube channel.
See yourself as a leader.
And reach out to others.
We need everybody that's aware of what's going on to tell others.
And we can stop this program.
I have a report today where they've come out and admitted, yes, the government's using everything in your house.
It was a master plan to control you and we're designated as the enemy.
By who?
By foreign banks that have seized the federal government.
Does that mean everybody in the federal government's bad?
It means bad guys, like Nazi Germany, are in charge.
Was every German bad?
But Hitler was.
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Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, it's InfoWars Live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Rick, and then Howard, and then Riley, David, Josh, and many others.
Rick, from Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
I'm here.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I wanted to make a brief statement.
I felt like the initial officer in the New Jersey case elevated or escalated the situation.
I'm here in Texas and I live in the Big Bend.
My experience even watching police videos is, you know, a com officer who takes control of the situation can
I guess catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar and I think the screaming and the yelling and the gunpointing I really kind of just I think it threw a frenzy into the passengers the vehicle and it probably wouldn't have resulted in a death that's for sure.
Well yeah cops pointing guns at you and screaming at you.
And getting hysterical, you know, okay, one guy had a criminal record, okay, it was a gun in a glove compartment, okay, the hands are up, you know, you just killed somebody, and I'm telling you, I don't hate the police officers individually, but this will come back on them by living in this society.
The reality is, this is why people
fear the police and why they're upset with them is they see stuff like this and the defense of stuff like this only creates more hatred for police which the system is then going to capitalize on to cause a civil war in this country and that's the plan confirmed now George Soros involved in it and the average cop does not act like this.
The problem is he will probably get off he will not get in trouble for this until he does it again and
People say, well don't second guess, you haven't been out there.
I can see what's going on in this video.
And all I'm saying is, the public sees this as well.
So what do you think should be done to this officer?
Well, you know, it'll go through internal review and it'll show that he protected himself and he was doing his job and I don't see anything, you know, and I'm not a pessimist.
In this particular scenario, I kind of compare it to similar situations where, you know, the guy got out of the car, even though he had his hands up, you know, the officer easily could have thought it was a threat.
So, you know,
It's a systemic problem because the officers behaving and reacting the same way the establishment is training us to react, who are not used to being around firearms, seeing a firearm, hearing about firearms.
So, just like before when you've discussed someone who was in your office or in an interview, saw your firearm on your desk, they freaked out.
Maybe it was like an ABC news reporter or whatever it was.
They freak out because they've been indoctrinated.
They've been brainwashed into flipping out whenever they even see a gun, much less... So the officer has been brainwashed the exact same way.
Yeah, it was BBC in one case and there was a drawer, it's an instant access pistol safe, but it was open.
And there was a .357 there and she just saw the butt of it and literally went, oh, excuse me, oh, and got up and said, is that a gun?
And I was like, yeah, it is.
We're not sitting ducks here in this office.
And you're not scared when you see cops with guns, are you?
And she's like, but you, you, uh, yeah.
And she was just so scared.
And I had a similar case where a newspaper editor, major newspaper editor, who's college friends with my dad, he and his wife were visiting one time when I was in college and I left my guns at my parents' house.
So I was getting in my dad's gun safe to go to the shooting range.
And I was going to go hog hunting after that.
And I was walking through their living room from their bedroom, from the closet, from the gun safe with a deer rifle.
And a case with a gun, a handgun in it, and he saw it and went, oh, and it was David.
David, he's got a gun.
And I was walking through the house.
Yeah, I'm going shooting.
Well, why do you have a gun?
It's scary.
And I said, here's the gun.
He's like, no, get it out of here.
No, no.
And it's just an irrational fear.
So great points.
I appreciate your call, Rick.
Imagine if those police officers would have both been white.
You would have the usual suspects.
On television, on MSNBC and CNN, saying they executed him because he was black.
No, the truth is, they killed him because they had a panic attack.
They were hysterical.
The black cop was hysterical.
And the other shootings I see where white cops shoot black folks, they're hysterical.
They're scared.
This guy had his hands up and got killed.
Brown was charging him and had already attacked him.
And somebody's charging and attacking me?
I'm 41 years old.
I can still fight good, but I got injuries and things.
I don't feel young as I used to.
Let me tell you, if somebody's charging me and has already attacked me, I'm going to pull a gun and shoot them.
I don't care if they're black or white.
You're not going to ram my head in the concrete.
I'm just going to kill you.
Because I got kids I got to come home to.
I got a responsibility to try to stay alive.
So I get that.
But at the same time, you can't have just Yosemite Sam shoot everything up and the public perceive the police as dangerous stormtroopers.
Stay there.
More calls coming up.
Anne Lionel's going to join us.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We'll be fighting in the streets, with our children at our feet, and the morals to be worshipped will be gone.
Meet the new boss, folks.
James Yeo, boss.
The Republicans have voted unanimously, except for one person, almost unanimously, that climate change is real, to get their Keystone Pipeline vote to move forward in the Senate.
The House Republicans dropped controversial abortion bill ahead of Roe v. Wade anniversary.
They passed the same bill Fox News reports last year, knowing the Senate would kill it.
But now the Senate would be exposed as Republican-controlled and would have to vote it down, so the House protected them and didn't pass it.
Walter Jones had just voted on it when he was on with us yesterday and thought it would pass.
It didn't.
He voted, ran in, called us, and he thought it would pass, and it didn't.
How incredibly shameful.
So, they're going to keep killing babies that are eight, nine months old and could live.
They haven't told women that there are charities that will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to carry that baby to term.
And the answer is nobody wants minority babies.
That's the racist response of the left who started abortion in this country to get rid of minorities.
That's not true.
No, people want the minority babies.
Then they have leftist groups that battle so whites can't adopt black or Hispanic babies.
They'd rather have them all dead.
They've got a movie coming out about, you know, a black family not wanting a white guy to adopt the granddaughter.
This is Kevin Costner.
I saw the trailer for it online.
I forget the name of it.
I mean, okay, fine.
Just kill the black babies then.
Don't let those devil white people raise them.
My God, they might not be raised to hate white people.
Sure, just kill them.
Kill a black baby.
Kill a black baby, to quote Khalid Muhammad, before it was one of those white devils.
And we kill the white women!
And why do we kill the white women?
Because the white woman is the military manufacturing center!
And every nine months, she lays down her back and military reinforcements roll out!
You know why I can do a black preacher so good?
Because you listen to the cadence of how I talk.
It's just Southern.
That's what a white preacher sounds like, too, folks.
Southern Baptist.
That's really what I sound like.
I want to get right down to it.
Fire and brimstone!
If we don't abort every black baby, the racist whites are going to get them!
And then what are we going to do?
Man, I enjoy talking.
I want to go to a black church.
I want to hear some good preaching.
Hey, I do Marvin the Martian imitations.
I do it all.
People probably call that racist.
It's not.
Even though I don't like what Khalid Mohamed used to say, he's dead now, I did enjoy listening to his speeches.
It's really hard to not listen to it.
It's just very, very nice, the way it sounds.
Much better than Martin Luther King, who had a great voice as well.
I have a dream!
We ought to get the Martin Luther King speech and have me read it out.
Al Sharpton will probably get upset by it because it says, all men are created equal and shouldn't be judged by what color they are.
We are joined by a former prosecutor and former defense attorney and a syndicated radio host, a TV, you name it, Lionel Media.
He's just popping in for the next 20 minutes or so.
Then we'll go to Howard and everybody else, Riley and David and Josh, everybody that's patiently holding Lynn in Tennessee.
And Larry and others.
We're going to go to Lionel here in a moment to get his take on a whole bunch of issues.
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MSNBC that got billions in stimulus money, or NPR that gets 400 plus million a year, a year money to spew anti-gun, anti-family, pro-abortion garbage, and to deceive people.
In fact, I heard it, I listened to NPR this morning, I knew it was gonna happen.
They were on there going, well, even Republicans, all but one voted, saying climate change is a real threat and causing a problem, and that we need to have carbon taxes, basically.
They didn't say that.
They had a rider to get the pipeline bill moved forward, to get it out of committee.
They had to vote.
We got Mark Moreno joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
After we take more calls, the Climate Depot, they'll be popping in to break this down.
And so Inhofe said, look, it's a fraud, it's a hoax amendment.
It says, is climate change real?
Of course it's always changing.
So we voted to get the bill going forward because it's true.
They wrote it as a scam.
Of course climate change happens, it's just not man-made.
Or it's not a big deal.
But sure enough, they're spinning it.
Well, Republicans admit it's all real!
Deceiving their idiot audiences, who love to be deceived.
This radio broadcast, this TV transmission, this simulcast is not about staying on our one little reservation, liberal or conservative, and then only looking at information that validates what we're saying.
That's what control left and control right do.
We're full spectrum analysis going after the real agenda.
And carbon taxes is a wealth redistribution system to the elite and to shut down their competition
Let's go to Lionel now of Lionel Media.
He joins us.
Lionel, there's so much to get to today in the limited time we have with you.
LionelMedia.com, but I wanted to get your take as a media analyst.
On all these propaganda films like Selma, and propaganda films like American Sniper.
And now, I knew Chris Call.
I talked to him on and off air.
I've debated him.
I don't think he was a bad guy.
I think he got sucked into something really scary, got told to go along with propaganda, and then got killed to cover it up.
I don't know your take on it, but I know that you were happy to come on and talk about it, and we'll hit a few other issues.
If you want to stay with us a little bit the next hour or two, we'll go to these calls with Howard and others that are holding.
But where do you want to go first, Lionel?
Well, a couple of things, too.
You know, Alex, the notion of propaganda, the term has a pejorative slant to it.
It's been around since the 17th century.
It was Pope Gregory from the Vatican.
Propaganda from the verb or the gerund, propagation, to propagate a particular idea.
To put something out is propaganda.
Right, exactly.
Now, in our country, from the days of Frank Capra and Why We Fight to Lenny Riefenstahl, which is, of course, during the Hitler times, this is Triumph of the Will, Bernays and others.
Our efforts in battle, in geopolitics, have always been punctuated with the media, through the Signal Corps, through Frank Capra, probably the greatest proponent.
So propaganda, I want to demystify that, that's number one.
Number two,
Alex, anybody who wears the uniform for this country we should owe nothing but respect and admiration for.
That being said, there is a meme that is being said constantly that Chris Kyle
Protects my freedom of speech that somebody in Fallujah or Kandahar or somebody in the Helmand province some insurgent is going to march into Cleveland and shut down radio stations that every effort is
That the United States government involves itself in, involves protecting my constitutional freedoms.
Now, while I respect the military, that meme, that connection is so dangerous in ensuring that the American public rubber stamp every future military activity because the propaganda that's being propounded is that they are there to protect us.
And when you start thinking that, when you rubber stamp
Every single military adventure, every adventure or example of colonialism or imperialism, whatever it is, you're actually ensuring that more Americans will ultimately be killed.
Now, what this was, was one of the greatest examples of propaganda
American sniper.
And by the way, if you're as fascinated as I am, have you ever heard, Alex, the history of Carlos Hathcock, the great marine sniper?
They're talking about World War II in Korea.
Well, this is also Vietnam.
Carlos Hathcock gave the notion of the sniper.
You know, Michael Moore, by the way, look, I don't want to play conspiracy, God forbid.
But if Michael Moore is not a government agent, or as we say in professional wrestling, the heel to come in to stir up this pro-military argument, because Michael Moore is the heel, he's the dupe that you always turn to if the argument is not going your way, bring in Michael Moore and he will galvanize people
He will give left cover to it.
He will be a foil to say something stupid to legitimize the other side that's getting torn up really bad.
Now, look at what happened.
Look at the last time we had a football game.
Football and this wonderful transmutation of propaganda and the military and the flag and patriotism and the Star Spangled Banner and flyovers and uniforms and color guards for a sporting event.
I don't know if any other international sporting team does it.
I'm not that familiar with soccer and football around the world, but it's perfect.
And one of the things we have to... Well, the only place you see it was in Soviet or Nazi regimes.
It's clearly totalitarian.
And again, this is the globalist...
Putting the military on death panels, letting an IBM robot called Thomas decide who doesn't get treatment, the government's preparing for war with the vets, but while saying we love them, we love them, they mean the glory of the archetypal warrior is projected on the state.
So the corrupt occupational state is projecting the glory of the male soldier, which is under attack everywhere.
The image of the male
is under attack.
Clint Eastwood or people like John Wayne, God, Guts and Guns is under attack, but you're allowed to have it when it's the military only promoting some globalist agenda.
So exactly.
We care about the military, but we realize it's a propaganda situation when every time they score in basketball or football, they cut to the military pavlovianly like, oh,
You know, you just felt good because of the military.
This is like training a chicken.
To tap the lever to get a little grain of wheat or something.
This is classical brainwashing, and that's what the film American Sniper was, because Chris Kyle had to admit a bunch of his book was bull, and I saw the movie.
It's like he's Jesus or something, and it's just not true.
And Alex, in order for you, again, because I have, I of course tweet, you know, at Lionel Media, people say, you don't understand something.
You can't say anything to desecrate this man's legacy.
Nobody is!
But let me explain something also, Alex.
This goes to show you, and we talk about this all the time, I've got friends, you've got friends, and when you bring something up, what you just said, the classic pairing, the Freudian, this Pateller connection of memes and archetypal visions and imagery, they're gonna say, oh god, there goes Alex Jones again with his conspiracy theories.
But look at what my friends in sports are!
As I discuss this, I'll say, hey, did you hear about Deflate Geek?
About what?
About, did you hear about Belichick Softballs?
I didn't know what he was talking about.
I said, what about it?
Yeah, you see, there's this thing, Alex, where they believe that he deliberately deflated the balls of the game.
I said, and it's an inside job.
I said, wait, I thought there was only one way to deflate the balls.
I thought it was another medical condition we got to worry about.
So anyway, I'm looking at these people that I know, and there is no aspect to the intricacy of this conspiracy theory.
The temperature, the weather.
They don't mind conspiracy theories.
This is bread and circuses.
Well, exactly.
And if anybody that goes and takes a PhD level marketing class, or if anybody was ever in these big corporate meetings, and I've been in some of them, all they talk about is archetypes and manipulation and subliminals.
That's been going on since the 40s in radio.
The public just doesn't know these sciences are being used.
Alex, you may not be old enough to recall this, but I was just a youngin', but I remember my parents took me to see Green Berets with John Wayne.
That was one of the greatest propaganda films ever!
Oh, I know.
I've watched it now, and it's just sickeningly obvious.
And it doesn't mean you're against the Green Berets or John Wayne.
I love John Wayne and the Green Berets.
I know Green Berets people.
This is just wonderful men.
Patriots, always, that I've known.
The issue is, is that it is sickening propaganda.
And Alex, when you, again, create this, you talk about this archetypal connectivity and the notion of these memes, whenever you say that you must, whenever an American soldier, marine, or whatever is involved, you must snap to attention and rubber-stamp their activity.
You know, let me explain something, Alex.
Chris Kyle, again, we, anybody who, and I can't believe I have to even stop with these prefatory statements about, I'm sorry he died, he doesn't deserve, in fact he died here, not even on the battlefield, but that's another story.
The people, Alex, that are after my freedom of speech, the people that are after my ability to exercise my constitutional rights, has never been an insurgent in Fallujah or the Helmand province.
But my government, people who want to pass CISPA and SOPA, people who want to pass cybersecurity laws, people who put me in a panopticon, real world... Legislatures like Illinois saying don't film the police in public.
And here's the deal.
They're just taking the troops.
Getting us to love them, which is easy to do, archetypally, that's what we're meant to do, you know, at a genetic level.
Support the men going out to defend you.
God, if you won't do that, you're dead.
But our government's been seized.
They're using them.
It's our military saying no to arming Al Qaeda and ISIS.
So the military themselves did the right thing, but the brass above them work for these globalists that are still doing it.
So then they say, oh, be patriotic.
Don't say our government's behind ISIS.
Don't blame our military.
Whenever I would question 9-11, Lionel, they would say, why do you think the firemen blew it up?
And I go, I didn't say the firemen blew it up.
There was a countdown.
They blew up building 7.
I don't know who did it.
Certainly not the fire department.
So see, they play that game like you're criticizing government.
You don't like firefighters.
Well, you know, Alex, what they also do is they'll say, well, what about this?
Or what about that?
Or if you question somebody, say, well, where did all those people go?
I tell people, it's your story, tell me.
But here's the thing that's very interesting.
Throughout our history, again, because remember, you know, Tolstoy said history would be a wonderful thing if only it were true.
What we call history today, if I told somebody, I said, who was the person who was responsible for alerting the patriots that the British were coming?
I guarantee you a thousand people would say Paul Revere.
And it wasn't.
Tell us who it was when we come back.
He just relayed the message.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
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We are the sultans.
We are the sultans of swing.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones here.
Lionel of LionelMedia.com is our guest.
We'll do this a little bit in the next hour.
We're going right to Howard, Riley, Josh, David, Larry and others right away.
Larry listening on WNFZ 94.3 in Tennessee and many others stay right there.
This is so frustrating because to get into history
It's a complex issue, but it's also simple at the same time.
Read a wide spectrum of history, and then you'll get both sides, or all the different sides.
But what I found is when you read 300, 400, 500 page mainline history books, like Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, or Order of the Deathshead, or the declassified British report on Hitler, it's actually in there that the British funded Hitler.
It's actually in there.
That all this stuff went on.
It's just not in pop history.
Pop history that you see being pushed by the system is what's really twisted.
So often, historians are so arrogant, they don't even want to be censored.
They want to actually put in there both sides of what happened, but that never gets picked up by the public because they don't read.
Lionel, get into your story about Paul Revere.
Very quickly, if you ask people what they think or who was the person responsible for alerting, you know, the Patriots, they would say Paul Revere.
Nobody would ever say Israel Bissell because Paul Revere was the creation of Longfellow.
Now even then, now when you go back to the myth and the memes of the military, I've got two examples of two names, Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.
A Pal Timber was doing absolutely great.
It was a billion dollars worth of advertising for the military.
Here's a guy who was making millions of dollars in the NFL who leaves to join his brother to fight for the noble cause.
Alex, you can't beat that.
We had that in World War II with Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable and others, but this was the real McCoy.
He gets to Afghanistan, he gets wherever, he becomes a ranger, he becomes a top-notch
A soldier.
And he writes back and he says, the war is a lie.
Lo and behold, accidentally, he's dispatched.
Then you have Jessica Lynch.
Another one.
You with Jerry Bruckheimer.
Actually writing out the script for this.
And what's amazing also is that even then, Alex, you and I and a lot of people said, wait a minute.
This story doesn't ring true.
It doesn't matter.
Because, like they say from the
I don't
Well, that may not have happened.
They're dispatched as well.
So what I don't understand is simply this.
You know, Alex, there are people who have a worldview, and they don't want to have that worldview affected.
The other night during the State of the Union, when Obama was out there speaking, I went and I took actual excerpts from George W. Bush's past State of the Union addresses.
And on Facebook, I would quote them.
And Obama folks said, that's brilliant.
That's why we love this band.
I said, go ahead and Google that.
And they said, oh, this is a skins and shirts world.
This is Mets and Yankees.
This has nothing to do about facts and realities.
There is a meme right now.
There is the idea of the military.
And it is almost talismanic.
And if you want to believe in the United States,
Which I think all of us do, at least the fundamentals of it.
You must never question anybody who is presented to you as a hero.
Because if you question either the veracity of the claim, or what happened, or the cause, somehow you're denigrating a man's history.
And what I also say again, as long as we rubber stamp every single military action, support them, absolutely.
But when we say that all wars are valid, all centurions are
We've now turned into a total third world cesspit once we do that.
And just putting a cherry on top of this, what was Private Lynch about?
It was about getting women in the military and saying they fought better than men.
It was also a giant fraud in social engineering.
Pat Tillman was exposing government drug dealing.
They killed him.
It came out.
And it's the same thing with Kyle.
I'm sure of it.
The story was unraveling.
Ventura was suing him.
They killed Kyle, folks.
They murdered him.
The very people that are now using him to use a dead hero is even better.
They killed him.
To make him a hero at the end of the movie.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go right back to Lionel.
He's with us till 20 after.
We're taking your phone calls.
Before he leaves us, he'll give us his take on Selma.
I've not seen it yet.
I think Martin Luther King did a lot of great things.
That said, I've read the cheat sheet on it, and it's being brought out at this point this time to further exacerbate racial tensions, all part of the George Soros backdrop.
That's my view.
I don't know Lionel's view on it.
I know he wants to review it.
So we'll get his take on that in the next segment.
Right now, Howard in Illinois, thank you for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey, Alex and Lionel.
Thank you.
I just wanted to talk to you a minute about the Infowars Freedoms of America pamphlet.
Do you know about that?
No, I mean I know that we put a free citizen rulebook in all orders.
It's got the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, famous quotes, stuff like that.
What are you talking about?
Well, I'm talking about this pamphlet you should come out with that would have the top ten things that the government's lying to us about, like Obamacare, gun control.
You know, that's a great idea, like a simple 20-30 page pamphlet that's inexpensive, that folks can buy at cost, that just has the big lies and then solutions, and then some websites that have educational videos on them.
That would be great to hand out to people.
Well, if you print them up, I'll order a hundred and I'll hand them out to a hundred of my friends and strangers both.
Yeah, I would fashion them almost after chick tracks.
Maybe even have some cartoons or illustrations in it as well.
I want to do it.
It's on the back burner.
I've been to do it for years.
But yes, sir, we should do that.
Also, maybe some pamphlets for the police, for us to hand to the police and say, hey, we're not in a war with you.
That's a great idea, to boil down the globalist plan, and the cops really click to it because they're already in it.
They're somewhat decompartmentalized because they already have inside scoops on a lot of stuff, and they want the next level of decompartmentalization.
Then when they get our intel, go check for themselves and find out it's true.
Our credibility just goes up, up, up, up, up.
That's a problem the establishment has because we have penetrated the compartmentalization of the military and police.
They are the easiest to wake up, a natural ally to freedom, if we'll just stop hating them and reach out to them.
That doesn't mean they're all going to want to be woken up just like the general public, but statistically
I've seen it and I've experienced it.
I think I get chills talking about it.
We can really beat the globalists.
We've just got to believe we can do it.
Lionel, any comments on what Howard's saying?
Well, my comment would be to have the top 10 things that the government is lying about, you need the top 1,000.
Because the idea of that would be a rather daunting cause.
You know, Alex, you mentioned something before about global warming.
Global warming and climate change is a religion.
Nobody has any idea of the second part about that.
Because what I tell people, just going back to what you said, I will concede, I will stipulate to global change, global warming, I don't really care about that.
What about the carbon trading part?
What about the carbon taxing part?
What about the Marie Strong Al Gore contingent?
And you get the look of, what are you talking about?
Because the issue is, critical thinking says, I'm not arguing about
Just like I'm not arguing about whether we should honor the military.
I'm not arguing whether we respect the police.
When I talk about a particular aspect of a huge subject matter... Well, they're doing the same thing.
They're saying, do not question or we're gonna arrest you in Europe.
This is a religion.
Everyone agrees.
Man-made global warming.
Pay Al Gore money.
Well, no, not everyone agrees.
And it's been proven to be a fraud that man is a huge contributor.
It's the sun.
And also, if you look at how ice caps are melting on Mars and others, Alex, I have friends of mine who have taken it upon for you to even challenge the proposition that maybe this might be a tad exaggerated.
It's like me challenging their mother's chastity or their religion or their faith in something.
And what they'll do is, Alex, they'll always say this.
How can you tell me that all of these scientists, all of these... And I'm saying, what scientists?
And they have a kind of an idea about that.
Stay there.
We're gonna come back with calls.
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I think so.
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It's Alex Jones.
The system says don't question the military or police.
Then the system takes over the military and police at the highest levels and turn them into instruments of the globalist takeover.
Then they try to turn us against the police at the low level to start a war.
It's a very simple equation of divide and conquer and destabilization.
Same thing they've been saying for 20 years.
Man-made global warming is real.
It's going to kill everybody unless we have a global government and regulate and surveil all human activity and tax humans for the carbon dioxide that they exhale.
That's a New York Times headline, a tax on breathing.
It's now here.
The taxes are going in in California.
The taxes have devastated Australia.
Now they're trying to implement outside of Congress passing a law.
We've got Mark Moreno of Climate Depot popping in at the bottom of the hour to talk about the shock vote on the surface in the Senate where 98 to 1, there was one abstention, one person wasn't there, 98 to 1 out of 100 senators voted that climate change is real.
But notice, Senator Inhofe said, well I had to vote because it was up for a vote.
I have his quotes here, they played a trick.
Where of course we agree that there's climate change.
The climate's always changing.
So we had a vote and had to vote, but it's a scam because it didn't say man-made climate change.
Mark Moreno was his former chief of staff and advisor, so we've got Mark Moreno joining us, former, and we work for Senator Inhofe, and advise the Senate, climatedepot.com.
He's going to be joining us to talk about this, but sure enough this morning, I knew it driving in.
I said, let me just see, and I dialed around on AM, they weren't talking about it, went over to NPR, and they must be saying every 10 minutes, well, the Senate voted 98 to 1.
The Republicans admit climate change is real, we need to do something about it.
That was the lie.
And they're going to just sit there and tell their idiot listeners, see, all scientists agree, and even all the senators, but one kook from Louisiana, you know those dummies in the South.
Yeah, that's just the way it is.
I want to go to Riley and others.
We've got to go to calls quick here, but you were getting into that, Lionel, media analyst.
I'm moving too quick here.
Then I also want to get into your review of Selma, but go ahead.
We made a couple of things.
You know, Alex, you and I realize the importance of language.
And I don't want to overplay this, but when President Obama was running, he said, hope and change.
I want change.
I want change.
I want change.
And I at the time was with a group of friends and I said, do you mean change or improvement?
And they thought I was being a bit callous about this.
If I said, Mr.
Mr. Jones, your tumor has changed.
You wouldn't say, all right, thank you, doc.
You would say, whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean change?
Has it improved?
Has it gotten better?
Climate change.
Now, I'm not in any way trying to belabor the point here, but even the term leaves itself for wiggle room.
And I gotta say this one thing, Alex, just because memes build up a momentum, myths and the like.
Let's take Hollywood.
People were saying about Selma, Hollywood is racist.
And so and so and this particular leader is going to go to Hollywood and sit down and talk to these people.
By the way, the same people who hated conspiracy theories thought absolutely that the Sony hack was an inside job.
It's funny how the concept of conspiracies are not a problem.
So we're going to go to Hollywood.
We're going to say, hey, how come Selma
How come you're a racist?
How come you did this?
And Hollywood turns around and says, last year, 12 years a slave, it won every award there was.
Oh, well, that's different.
Well, Hollywood's liberal.
Wait a minute.
This year, American sniper.
Supposedly, Hollywood hates Clint Eastwood, hates shoot-em-ups, hates war propaganda.
Hollywood loves this!
You see, Alex, people will just make up whatever they want to say so that their worldview fits into it.
Exactly, and we don't do that.
We get accused of being conspiracy theorists, where I really try to look at each case, study it, and come up with what is the most common sense, accurate analysis.
But when you look at Hollywood, it's just whatever agenda they want, and it's clearly propaganda.
Yes, sir.
And then when Selma doesn't get enough nominations, it's racist as well.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Let's go to Riley in Iowa.
Thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, good to be on with you guys.
Good to have you.
Just a quick comment, and then let's talk about the driving force of propaganda.
It was sort of revealed to me watching that Mike Dice video on MLK.
But a quick comment, climate and weather is defined as long-term patterns or change.
So the topic of climate change seems pretty redundant to me, because it's built into the... Because weather changes.
Yeah, first it's global freezing, then global warming man-made, anthropogenic.
Then when that's disproven, they just go, change!
I mean, they'll teach that there were never cycles or never seasons.
Yeah, so let's move on there, because that's kind of redundant, so I don't want to spend time there.
But I posted on my blog, it's Upright Riley, you can find it on Facebook, yada yada.
But it's based on Mark Dice's video that you posted.
The blog is focused on the driving force of propaganda, which is suggestibility.
The people in that video were only suggested that MLK was going to be put on Mount Rushmore, and they were just tucked into the lie, only because it was suggested.
No, that's right, they just want to comply.
So, Martin Luther King died today, and he was the first black man to walk on the moon, and he was a confederate general, and the people are there agreeing, going, oh yes, that's wonderful, I'm glad he's a confederate general.
It just shows they're zombies, they're in a trance state, highly suggestible, being raised on television, that's the paradigm, you just hit it.
Well, you know, Alex, if I could add something, I'm sorry.
What, next Lionel you don't believe he was the first black man to walk on the moon?
What's wrong with that?
Let's honor black people and build them up.
What, you don't think we can have black doctors and black astronauts?
Why are you now being racist against Martin Luther King?
He was the first man to walk on the moon.
See how that works?
Don't you dare say Chris Kyle wasn't who they said he was!
You know, one of the best things, Alex, I thought, going back about how people, how we meme, you know, remember, if ever you're killed or shot by the police, you better say something pithy that somebody can put in a hashtag on their hand, or else you're not gonna get a movement.
If you say, oh, blank, when you're shot, guess what?
You're out of luck.
When Charlie Hebdo came up, and the people that I know were holding up pencils,
Holding up pencils.
And I asked the question, have you seen the, quote, cartoons in Charlie Hebdo?
Have you seen them?
I said, well, I'll tell you what.
Why don't you take that pencil and you sign this contract.
Swear to me that you will put any cartoon that I pick from Charlie Hebdo in your school newspaper or your local newspaper.
This thing.
So it goes to show you that
They had no idea.
All they know is the meme started, the actual quanta of information, the data... Well, I mean, it does show Mohammed... I don't want to be vulgar with children listening, but it shows Mohammed performing oral sex on men and stuff like that.
And we are the United States of politically correct.
The people that I know who are the prototypical professional left, those individuals who will parse words about the way a particular ethnicity is depicted in a cartoon on TV would not post
The same cartoon that they are protesting in support of.
And they cannot also understand that you can support the military, support the soldiers, but be against the war.
You can support freedom of speech, but not like a particular expression of that.
You can support a particular
Yeah, they say free speech is agreeing with whatever they say.
When you counter it, they go, how dare you hate speech mean?
No, no, I don't have to agree with you.
We've got to go to other callers, but thank you, Riley.
Great points.
Very smart audience out there.
Really impressive.
Let's go to Larry in Tennessee, listening on 94.3 FM WNFZ.
Go ahead, Larry.
You're on the ear.
Hello, Alex.
How you doing today?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
Hey, first of all, I just want to thank you.
My family and I want to thank you for all the hard work that you do day in and day out.
We do support your radio show by purchasing your products.
But anyway, I have some pretty interesting information that... Well, I was blown away last week.
We just relocated from Florida after
Basically, listening to your radio show here a few years ago, at first I thought you were absolutely nuts.
Now I'm the one that's nuts, according to my in-laws.
But who cares?
I don't care.
Well, that's what I've found.
When people listen for a few years and actually check into what I'm saying, they tend to get more radical than even I am, generally.
And then I get criticized for not being hardcore enough.
Right on, though.
You're right on, brother.
Thank you, my friend.
But anyway, it's time for me to switch my driver's license over from Florida to Tennessee.
So I call up the local license branch and I ask them, you know, what information do I need to bring in to transfer my
Well, when they answered the phone, I looked the number up and it said the local DMV.
Well, when I called the phone, the phone number, they answered as Homeland Security.
I thought I dialed the wrong number.
No, that's right.
The feds have taken everything over, basically.
National ID card, everything.
It's all centralized now.
Yeah, you know, I just thought it was kind of weird.
I mean... Watch my film, America Destroyed by Design, 1997.
We show all the executive orders, all of it.
Excuse me.
It just took them 10 years or so to get it in place.
And then now it's all covertly being done.
And illegals get to get driver's license in most states with no ID or a fake Mexican ID.
But you've got to show a bunch of forms of identification.
I'm going to skip this network break and keep Lionel Weathers when we get to all these calls and get his analysis of this, but finish up what happened when you called the local number for the DMV and got Homeland Security.
Yeah, I mean, it was just very, and they went on and gave me a long list, like you were saying, you know, we got to provide all this documentation that we are actually American citizens.
Driver's license, social security number, bank statements, marriage certificates, all this stuff.
And, you know... Well, just tell them you're an illegal alien, but then they'll arrest you saying you engaged in fraud.
So don't tell them that.
Well, you know, I'm waiting now to get pulled over by the local police because I have InfoWars.com stickers all over my bumper.
Well, you'll probably get pulled over and they'll tell you how wonderful you are.
I mean, most police like the show.
Anyway, I won't keep you long, Alex.
I've got to go to work here pretty soon anyway, but there's another thing.
A friend of mine came to work here a couple weeks ago, and I was explaining to him, actually, about my experience with the licensed branch.
He goes to a local Baptist church, small Baptist church here in Tennessee, small town.
He brought a picture, they took a video, of three SUVs with cameras on the dash across the parking lot of the church.
And they were Homeland Security videotaping the church.
So he says.
He had pictures of it.
No, that's what Homeland Security does is go spies on mainline churches, you name it, and they're creating databases.
This is the secret police.
That's why the Homeland Security people are freaking out because they now understand they're becoming a totalitarian group.
So just as Homeland Security is a big problem, it's also a big pool of people that are awake because they know what's going on.
Oh, exactly.
Can you imagine being Homeland Security and spying on Baptist churches because Holder is targeting thousands of Christian churches to create a chilling effect so they won't stand up for pro-life?
Remember, but masks are out of the question.
And I'm not advocating that either.
But understand the sensitivity that has been exhibited by this government to never
Ever infiltrate a mosque?
And I thought, okay, fine.
But if it's a Baptist church, if it's another form of religion, well, that's okay.
Is that consistent?
I don't think so.
There is an open homeland security through the IRS, war on Christians, mainline Christians.
I mean, two years ago, when Army Intelligence sent me some intel that wasn't classified, they don't send me classified stuff, and it was Army PSYOPs at Fort Hood.
They said, no, go ahead and tell people.
We don't care.
I was like, are you kidding?
And they said, no, we're sick of it.
Then I ran into a whole other group of PSYOPs, of course Fort Hood's so big, there's a lot of different PSYOP groups, where they were told, you are not allowed to be an evangelical or give money, and you're not allowed to be in the Tea Party or you may be court-martialed.
Fox News picked it up and said, is this okay?
So that's the supposed conservative standing up.
Well, is it good they're saying Christians are terrorists?
Mainline evangelicals.
That is a test to see what the military would do.
And of course, the military freaked out.
They have a First Amendment.
But this is going on.
I couldn't believe it when we first got the documents and we called the commanding general about it and they did not deny it.
So imagine Homeland Security.
That wasn't even secret.
Imagine, you're at Fort Hood and you're told, you will not go to Evangelical Church.
I mean, this is beyond the Soviet Union!
What do you say to that, Lionel?
You know, Alex, I don't think there is anything that the American people could ever hear in terms of a news show that was validated on any program or any network that would so much as cause a flutter of concern or worry.
I believe
That through systematic habituation to one example of excess after another, that the American people have been basically numbed by this, have been habituated, have been conditioned, so that if you were to tell them anything, that's why the government said, go ahead, see what happens, nothing.
But if you suggest that footballs were underinflated,
That is going to cause a hashtag deflategate.
Alex, I'm not kidding.
What this country is concerned about, what gets our attention, what becomes viral, what becomes faddish, what becomes part of our culture, and what is excluded.
And by the way, let me just say one more thing.
The word homeland was not picked out of the blue.
That word, Homeland, has a very serious historical currency.
And I ask everybody to Google that.
Well, there's multiple ones, but give me the one you want to focus on.
It's always an imperial term for the center of the authoritarian empire.
Going back to Rome, the Nazis called it Rome.
I don't know.
Well, let me just say one thing.
What America says today, not all America, but a significant portion of it, whenever it does not like what you're saying, you're crazy.
That's that Alex Jones guy.
He's crazy.
In a similar notion, it was just revealed that there may be hundreds of thousands of documents that have been released regarding extraterrestrial contact.
That might very well be the Watergate of the millennium.
Do you know what that would do to American and world interest in little national jurisdictional issues compared to the universe?
And the first thing that is ever said in conjunction with any subject about extraterrestrials or interplanetary is crazy.
As if you're not supposed to question that we're
Not alone in the universe.
I mean, obviously they've photographed hundreds of billions of galaxies.
Every culture said stuff was going on.
Call it demons, whatever you want.
The point is, it's not crazy to question, are we alone?
It's in a lot of government documents.
I don't go there because there's... Look, I can't get people to admit FEMA camps when they're declassified under the Emergency Centers Establishment Act.
Alex, remember this, if you tomorrow said, ladies and gentlemen, I have something that you're not going to believe, I have an
Yes, it's Lucien Sarti or whoever it was.
Nobody would care.
Nobody, because something has happened to our, what we accept and what we reject.
There's a pocket of us, a group of us, who loves to, they're called skeptics by the way, and they love to just reject whole cloth.
Let me tell you something, the other day, driving to Albany, New York, I looked up in the sky, and Alex, it looked like, I don't know, what some people might call geoengineering, or chemtrails, or whatever.
So I turned to my friend who was driving, I said, you see that?
He said, what do you think that is?
He says, that's jet exhaust.
I said, maybe.
I said, it might be something called a contrail or geoengineering.
Let's see how long these last in the sky.
If they're there for two, three, four hours, that's another story.
As we were looking at this, and my friend who has never heard of it,
Never read anything about it.
Forget nanoparticulates and geodes and nothing.
He said, well, what are you getting at?
I said, I'm not getting anything.
And even that which he looked at and could see.
Alex, there were jets, like hashtags, like tic-tac-toe, flying.
Where are they going?
What's going on?
He was saying, oh, what are you getting at?
I said, like you're saying,
I'm not, this isn't an article I'm giving you.
Meanwhile, it's declassified that it's compartmentalized and being added by three major companies to the jet fuel, so the pilots and folks don't even know that it's aerosolized out of the engines.
Bill Gates runs the program, and they spend $5 billion a year at the Department of Energy alone.
The Earth is 30% darker now, according to NASA.
They say from contrails, persistent contrails.
No, they're not persistent!
And we know there's real Contrails ice crystals.
My dad's a pilot.
The point is, these programs are real, but they go, where's the document on chemtrails?
Well, it's like, where's the document on FEMA camps?
They're not called chemtrails.
They're not called FEMA camps.
It's called geoengineering programs, and China and Dubai and Russia admit they do it, okay?
But understand though, as we're looking at this,
Listen, other people, so if you, we remember, the government can tell you, Jones, release whatever you want.
Here, go, take a cruise of FEMA, whatever it is, nobody cares!
But talk about under-inflated footballs!
Or talk about a hacked movie!
Or talk about some duck playing the piano!
Or a necktie!
I mean, it doesn't matter.
That will get our attention.
That'll be viral.
Something has happened to the way we process things that matter.
Something has happened to our alarm mechanism.
A switch has been flipped.
The people are lazy, and they've been subliminally triggered on record to not respond to real issues and respond to phony ones.
And they're not humans.
They're not conscious.
I don't know.
Hi, thanks very much.
I really appreciate Lionel's assessment of the movie and picking out these heroes, these propaganda heroes as heroes that are fighting for our rights.
I wanted to bring your kind attention to Reverend Pinkney in Michigan, who is fighting for our rights every day.
Right now he's in prison, still fighting for our rights.
He tried to fight the emergency managers in Michigan.
And he was arrested on felony counts for changing the dates on his petitions.
And now this man of the cloth, just like Reverend Martin Luther King, is in prison, wasting away because of his political actions.
I'll look into that.
Yeah, there's another reporter who's going to be sentenced today for retweeting a threat, just covering it.
I mean, it's really scary how they're persecuting people.
Thank you, Dan.
We're going to go to Josh.
He wants to talk about George Soros and weaponized marijuana.
We got Nelson wants to talk about waking people up.
Robert's a vet.
Wants to talk about militarizing police.
We'll go to him first.
After we talk to Moreno, Mark Moreno, for about 10 minutes about this debacle in the Senate voting on climate change.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Lionel.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
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A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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It's Alex Jones.
Alright folks, I've got just a standard doctor checkup.
I haven't gotten one in a while.
Only got one last year.
My blood pressure's gone down to really below normal, very healthy.
Had some high blood pressure before that from obviously all the stress and not exercising enough.
But I'm going back to get another checkup.
They said six months later today and it's at two o'clock.
It's down the street.
So I'm gonna leave here in the last segment.
And David Knight's going to be here into overdrive some to also take calls from Josh and Nelson and Bob and Lucas and Robert and others.
We're getting Mark Moreno on the line.
Do we have him?
He is on the line.
We're going to play David Knight's piece that he did.
As I saw it in the news today, he did this piece last week for the Nightly News.
We never aired it here on the radio.
Pointing out that a gallon of water
is now more than a gallon of gasoline to show you how they have artificially deflated the prices absolutely massively.
So we're going to be getting to that report and then into the final segment in Overdrive.
David Knight will be here getting your phone calls.
But now Mark Moreno joins us.
Mark Moreno, of course, formerly worked in Senator Inhofe's office.
He heads up Climate Depot.
He's advised Congress on supposed man-made climate change.
First it was global freezing, then global warming.
Now it's just any change.
And the NPR and others are saying, hey, the Republicans now admit man-made climate change is real.
Well, not really.
They said climate change.
Well, they had to vote because there is climate change.
And that was attached to the Keystone Bill.
Mark Moreno of ClimateDepot.com joined us for 10 minutes.
We appreciate him coming on on short notice to decipher exactly what happened.
I mean, to me, this was like a classic manipulation where, OK, you want us to try to pass this bill?
Just add on to it that you agree.
That man-made climate change is real, but the bill will say climate change is real, which of course we know it's changing, just not man-made.
It's always changing.
And then they can run around and lie and act like every scientist agrees and even every Republican agrees, you know, 98 to 1.
Is that a correct analysis, Mark Moreno?
Yeah, that is.
Senator Inhofe, I thought, did brilliant tactical maneuver.
The whole vote was nonsense.
It was just a diversion.
Bernie Sanders came up with it originally.
Senator Whitehouse
From Rhode Island was involved.
They're all, they were just trying to get, they're trying to, in their mind, embarrass Republicans into being called deniers of global warming.
But as you pointed out, it's perfectly acceptable to say climate change is real.
That's all the Earth's ever done in its entire history is change climate.
And it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a meaningless thing.
And the other, they actually had a vote that was 50 to 49, and I think five Republicans
People like Susan Collins and Lamar Alexander and Lindsey Graham voted on this, and that was that man-made causes are causing climate change.
So we have at least five weak Republicans.
All the Democrats voted for that.
And this is going to be a political football, especially after President Obama's State of the Union.
It certainly is.
We've been having a lot of successes exposing the fraud, but it seems they're doubling down, and I noticed a record number of private jets flying into Davos, with them running around chirping that none of us should have a carbon footprint and Africans can't have heating.
This is really hypocritical, isn't it?
Yeah, and in fact, I just went to the Peru-Peru UN Climate Summit back in December, and it's literally 10,000 people.
They're calling it, they call it a traveling village of UN delegates, bureaucrats, world leaders, celebrities, and just about anyone else.
Billionaire, green investments, trying to suck more money off government nipples.
That's what they do.
They come in in private jets.
Leonardo DiCaprio typically shows up.
Al Gore shows up.
And it rotates around the world.
The frightening thing we're facing now, Alex...
The science is on them.
They're reduced to claiming things like hottest year, which was just total and absurd nonsense.
And we had scientists saying this was misleading, this was lying, NASA was caught lying, this was deception.
And President Obama is going full steam ahead and the Republican leadership is now entertaining the idea that they're only going to talk about regulations and economics and not deal with the science of global warming, not challenge the science.
We have literally won every battle of global warming skeptics in this battle, but because of President Obama's sheer audacity in doing these executive orders and now doing a UN treaty without consent of the Senate.
They're talking about a ratification process that will not involve a Senate vote because they're going to ratify it under a 1992 disastrous UN treaty that was done under George H.W.
And by the way, anyone who thinks we need a third Bush in office need to look at nothing less than the global warming record of the previous two Bushes.
And you know this too well about their whole globalist agenda, especially when it comes to the United Nations.
George W. Bush sent a delegation every year to the UN conferences.
George W. Bush rubber-stamped the UN climate reports.
He rubber-stamped the UN negotiating process.
George H.W.
Bush went further and actually signed the Rio Earth Summit Treaty and actually
I don't think we're ready for a third Bush to take on this issue and a lot of other issues.
Wow, Mark Moreno, just veritas coming out of your mouth when you actually know the facts and read the news every day like I do.
It's all hidden in plain view that most scientists say man-made global warming is a fraud.
Most scientists say it's a power grab, it's a wealth transfer to select billionaires
Who then get to exempt their companies like General Electric was exempted by Obama with a waiver from their own carbon taxes to shut down their competition.
This is a conscious, larcenous, criminal takeover.
The same special interests.
That are greasing the Democrats, are greasing the Republicans.
We can't get a partial birth abortion victory out of these groups, now that the Republicans have both sides.
They're letting Obama run completely wild with executive power grabs, setting the precedent.
I mean, what are you... We've already seen the political realignment with all these incumbents getting thrown out.
What are the Republican leaders thinking, or are they blackmailed?
Why are they going along with an agenda?
Why won't they repeal Obamacare?
I mean, what the hell is their problem, Mark?
I don't know, but I think our biggest challenge isn't fighting Obama.
It's going to be fighting Republican leadership.
That's always been that way, in essence.
But I think President Obama will go down.
I think he surpassed LBJ.
I think we're talking level of FDR.
He may surpass FDR in the ability he has to truly transform America.
Be it on immigration, be it on healthcare, be it on climate.
And remember, climate, as MIT scientist Richard Lindzen said, he who controls carbon dioxide controls life.
It's a bureaucrat's dream to control carbon dioxide.
It affects every aspect of our life.
Japanese government telling citizens to go to bed an hour early, the German government doing PSAs telling people
Not to have sex in the dark to save the planet from global warming.
Not to turn the lights off when you make love.
It's about teaching you to have less so the ruling class of collectivists can have everything and giant palaces and mistresses and huge jet aircraft and then we have nothing and austerity is so sexy and cool.
It's the total totalitarian wet dream.
It is and they're talking about
They're talking about a CO2 budget for every man, woman, and child on the planet.
They're talking about CO2 budgets issued by your employers.
Which will have to be surveilled.
That'll mainline NSA spying.
Yeah, and they've already got, they've already had in California proposals to regulate your home thermostat.
Just like that, what the TV show, The Outer Limits.
You are not, you know, you are not in control.
They're, they've talked about that.
They've affected our dishwashers, our washing machines, our light
This is their excuse to roll out the smart grid spy system.
In closing, Mark Moreno of ClimateDepot.com, you are the global expert on fighting.
Lord Monckton is the global expert on developing all the scientific reports with scientists.
As probably the leader or co-leader of the resistance to this evil, what do we do?
You've got three minutes.
Well, right now we've got to keep the Republican Party from committing even further climate suicide.
What we historically have, the Republican Party has picked the environment that most liberal members of any Republican administration are typically the EPA directors or anyone that has to deal with the environment.
That goes back to Richard Nixon.
In fact, it's so bad that all former Republican EPA directors testified on Capitol Hill that they supported Obama's global warming regulations.
And that's the problem.
Even in the Senate and the House,
Republicans are always willing to throw out environmental regulations.
The left knows this.
They are now putting, as Vaclav Klaus actually said, now that the fall of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union, the greatest threat we face is what he termed ambitious environmentalism masquerading in the global warming issue.
Republicans have to wise up.
This is the issue that's going to define freedom in the 21st century.
I agree.
It's a bigger threat than radical Islam.
It is the global takeover threat.
Absolutely is, because they're going to justify, as I said, when you control CO2, you can control transportation, waterways, the air, regulation, airlines, your home energy use, every appliance you can imagine.
They have already statutorily
That's coming Alex.
People aren't even aware of it yet.
So we've won the Info War, but the tyrants are in control of the central systems.
Any good news in 30 seconds?
Well, the good news is the science continues to collapse on them, and there has been talk of them moving over to other eco-scares, environmental scares.
They're talking about sustainable development, species extinction, because they're losing some of their own left-wing scientists.
And in my documentary, Climate Hustle, which will be out later this year, I profile
That's right.
But the only hope we have here is the next president has to rescind all these executive orders.
I don't see it coming from a President Christie, a President Jeb Bush, a President Mitt Romney again.
Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, though, I think will shoot it down.
Mark Moreno, thank you so much.
You're a real hero.
Thank you Alex, appreciate it.
Wow, when we come back from the break after the special report, David Knight is going to be sitting in.
He'll go to your calls exclusively, Josh, Bob, Lucas, Robert, Nelson.
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Here is the report on water and gasoline to show how rigged it is.
Gas prices have fallen far and fallen quickly, but don't celebrate yet.
It's a manipulated price and behind it are some horrific trends.
Before we talk about those trends, I want to give you a quick comparison and some historical perspective.
I just bought gas for $1.79 a gallon and a 20-ounce bottle of water for $1.29.
That's $8.25 per gallon for refrigerated water.
Of course, I can get a gallon of unrefrigerated water at a retail grocer for around a dollar, but there are also huge taxes on the gas.
In Texas, that's 38 cents per gallon.
Federal and state, much cheaper than the high gas tax states of, say, California, New York, or Pennsylvania, where you'll pay up to 65 cents a gallon.
So taking out the taxes, I paid $1.40 per gallon.
Think about that for a moment.
$1 a gallon for just taking some water, pouring it into a jug and shipping it to retail versus $1.40 per gallon for exploring for the oil, developing a well.
If that doesn't work out, they start all over again.
Once it does work out, they have to ship it to refinery, refine it, then ship it again to retail.
Of course, Saudi Arabia doesn't have any exploration or startup costs.
They're just looking at production costs, and their production costs
I think?
Zero percent interest rates haven't helped the global economy, neither has printing money, and not even drastically lower oil prices are expected to help.
Here's the most important thing that nobody is talking about.
The global economy has weakened so much, so quickly.
That in just the last few months, the Saudis were able to cut the price of oil in half by just maintaining production levels.
That's how weak the global economy is.
So, enjoy that gas that's about the price of water right now.
It's a sugar fix.
It's a Trojan horse by the Saudis so that they can regain and keep control of the world's oil supply.
And then they will charge you accordingly.
Most economists say, oh, it's good for the consumer.
Well, of course it is.
We save maybe $2 a day and lower oil prices, but it's going to burst one of the biggest bubbles we've had recently, the fracking bubble.
We were told we're going to be energy independent.
We got this great fracking revolution.
It's just a bubble industry without 5% jump on rates, the lowest we've ever seen in history, normally 8 to 10% for those type of high risk lending.
And without $100 plus oil prices, fracking doesn't work.
So fracking is dead.
That's a million jobs.
That's $980 billion in investment that's going to go bad and a half a trillion dollars in debt.
And it's not just oil that's declining.
Other commodities are as well.
A metric of 24 commodities shows a drop of 43% since 2011, with 28% of that coming in just the last seven months.
And that's part of a long-term trend.
In history, when you try to cure debt with debt, you end up either in an inflationary blowout and or a deflationary crash.
And we see, and we've been saying consistently, a lot of very smart people who understand the debt crisis is unsustainable.
We've been saying, no, this ends in deflation.
And all we've seen, Europe's worried about deflation.
is worried about deflation.
Commodity prices are collapsing.
Older people are deflationary.
Young people cost everything to raise.
Old people downsize everything.
And with deflation accelerating, the other D word comes to mind.
As we saw with the Great Depression, economic hardship brings civil unrest.
And our government has been preparing for civil unrest.
It's war.
The greatest concentration of fighting troops in Washington since 1865.
I knew something was going to happen, that they might be attacked.
And I had a press card, so I passed the police lines and then I saw the soldiers advancing and they started throwing tear gas.
I'd never seen anything like it.
To prevent civil war and a major economic collapse, governments will start foreign wars.
And the U.S.
is laying the groundwork for war with Russia.
And if the Russian economy collapses, they will want a foreign enemy, too.
War with Russia has already begun, with Western-funded revolution in Ukraine, economic sanctions, and with the CIA and the Saudis targeting Russia's most important economic sector,
The CIA's ally, Saudi Arabia, is once more working against the interests of our country.
And working to make us dependent on foreign oil, something the military-industrial complex has used to push us into wars throughout the 20th century.
And engaging directly in economic warfare on Russia, pushing us towards real war as the world slips from deflation into depression.
For InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host for the last segment here.
We're also going to take the calls of the people who've been waiting online to talk to us.
We're going to take that in overdrive as well.
Before we go back to the calls, just want to remind you we've got a special introductory offer of 25% off of Ancient Defense.
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Now, that report that you just heard, talking about how the Saudis are using
We're good to go.
There is nothing that they can do, even with falling oil prices, that the World Bank has said that we're going to continue to see the global economy not recover this year, even with lower oil prices.
And yet, when we look at this climate change vote, what explains the Republicans committing suicide?
Why are McCain and Lindsey Graham pushing Republicans to vote on climate change?
It's the Keystone Pipeline.
This is something that they passed in the House for the ninth time, right after they came back from the elections.
And of course, nothing at that point had changed in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
They knew they weren't going to get the Keystone Pipeline through the Senate, not signed by Obama either.
Nevertheless, they ignored doing anything about Obamacare.
They didn't do anything about the border.
They worked on passing the Keystone Pipeline, the very first thing when they came back from the elections.
What is it about their corporate masters, the GOP's corporate masters that want the Keystone Pipeline so desperately that they've done it nine times and now ten times?
And if you look at what they've done, they've offered a carrot to Obama to get him to sign it.
They basically put in the clause about climate change.
Alex said and warned everybody that as the prices of oil were down, before they bring them back up, before the Saudis regain full control of the oil economy, while they're down, they're going to introduce new taxes.
Many people have already been calling for new gasoline taxes.
This is when they can add new carbon taxes, when oil prices are temporarily low.
But we see that there's been massive deflation in commodities, even though we've seen consumer prices rising.
It's looking very shaky.
Are we going to have stagflation again?
Or is this deflation going to turn into depression and war?
That's the other part of this.
I want to go back to your calls right now.
Let's go to Josh in California.
Hi, David.
Go ahead, you're on.
I wanted to discuss something Alex brought up a few days ago about George Soros and weaponized marijuana.
I believe Alex is correct about most of what he says about George Soros.
I've been studying the New World Order since 1990 myself and been an activist in the cannabis legalization movement in California for just as long.
And what he said was
You know, kind of wacky, and I wanted to set some truth and straighten that out a bit.
There's no such thing as weaponized marijuana to begin with.
What we have is, we have people crossing strains that have, say, 12% THC, with strains that have 16% THC, and then upping the THC to, say, 14%.
And they keep doing that, and we've gotten it to about 22%, 24% is about the highest percentage of THC in cannabis today.
Josh, here's my take on it.
I know the concentration has gone up, and I think it's been going up for a while because this always happens with prohibition.
The problem is not marijuana.
The problem is prohibition.
We saw the increase in alcohol potency during alcohol prohibition.
And of course we've seen the same thing with every drug that's being permitted.
And my personal take on it, Josh, is I think it's interesting that as we look at a global economy that can't be revived no matter what happens, with cheap oil, with free interest rates, and as we look at depression, are they going to bring it back as kind of a distraction like they did when they legalized alcohol the second time?
Hang on, we're going to continue with your calls right after the break.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be taking your calls here in this Overdrive segment.
We wanted to get the people who've been on hold for a while to be able to talk.
We've got Nelson in Florida, Robert, California, Bob, Colorado, and Lucas in Texas.
We're going to try to move through these quickly to get all of you who've been holding here.
Nelson, go ahead.
Hi, David.
I'm Nelson, the LLP treat here in South Florida and Naples, Fort Myers area.
I talked to Alex about a month ago.
We're good.
Saying that if we started doing, like, concerts and things like that, reach people through music and through families, through family events.
And what I had proposed to Alex was to have, like, a Freedom and Constitutional Truth Tour, We the People, and have, like, Willie Nelson, Ted Nugent, and do a family thing, but invite all the sheriffs and police in the United States to join us at these events to talk about the Constitution, to talk about America and our values and morals, you know, just make a family
And Alex said it would get co-opted, you know, how everything does.
But I believe when we do it in a family atmosphere and not a protest but a parade, you know, where it's fun, it's, you know... Well, that's true, yeah.
Willie Nelson did Farm Aid years ago.
It's a great way to reach people when you do it with entertainment, with family.
That's a good idea.
I'll pass that on.
Was there anything else you wanted to say?
Okay, thanks.
Let's go to Robert in California.
Hello, David.
This is Robert.
I served in the Navy, you know, and I just wanted to thank you.
A lot of people thank Alex for all the hard work he's doing, but I want to thank you, Jakari Jackson, and all the other guys there at InfoWars because you guys are doing a great job.
Well, thanks.
We wouldn't be doing anything else if we had a choice, even.
So, go ahead.
So, I was on board nuclear submarines for about eight years.
One of my main duties was the purification of water for the reactor, for potable water.
And for the whole ship and we also created our own oxygen and we were able to survive down there and it kind of taught me a lot and getting out of the Navy I wasn't really following Alex and somebody referred me to him and I remember him talking about water fluoridation and at the time it was kind of new to me so
But when I speak to people, they seem skeptical that the government or whoever could put something like that in the water, and it must be good for you.
Well, water isn't simple.
If you study water chemistry, the book that we had in the Navy was actually two volumes, and they're about a foot and a half thick.
And so there's a lot to water, and it's not simple.
And halogens, like fluoride, don't belong in your water, and they're not good for your thyroid.
And so for anybody out there who's still skeptical,
You know, Robert, it was interesting when I was in Denmark covering Bilderberg.
I had someone come up to me.
He goes, yeah, I recommend your program to people.
And they just can't believe what Alex is saying.
They can't believe that anybody would put fluoride in the public water system.
And I think one of the things that we need to do to explain to people who are skeptical about this and say, okay, let's forget for a moment whether fluoride is safe or effective.
Let's talk about a safe and effective medicine.
Take your pick.
Would you put it in the water supply knowing that you can't have any control over the dosage, that a baby is going to get the same dosage as an adult male?
That's a very stupid, dangerous proposition.
So anybody that wants to talk about fluoride,
I would start at that point.
Thank you, Robert.
Let's go to Bob in California, trying to go through these calls quickly.
Go ahead, Bob.
Hi, David.
Just a real quick reference to the previous caller.
Just like he said, thanks to all you guys for helping fight the InfoWars price list.
I just wanted to touch real briefly on a point that Alex had brought up about how the football scandal yesterday was getting so much attention.
I actually ended up at a local business and they had CNN on.
Well, I've got a couple of seconds.
Make it real quick.
Tell us what gives your time.
Yeah, they... Ten seconds.
They spent a lot of time covering that and then briefly after that they went to coverage of politics in the Middle East.
They've spent several times more.
It gets all the press.
I'm sorry we don't have any more time.
Apologies to Lucas.
Join us tonight, 7 Central and 4 Wars Nightly News.
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