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Name: 20150116_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 16, 2015
2582 lines.

The speaker discusses issues of land ownership and management in the United States, arguing that federal control over public lands is hindering liberty and access to resources. He promotes a petition for returning land ownership to states. The discussion then shifts to conspiracy theories about government corruption, financial crimes, land grabs by global corporations, and the Bundy Ranch standoff. The speaker encourages preparedness and self-reliance while urging listeners to spread information through various means. He warns about a race war orchestrated by wicked people and advocates for an alternative government plan or "America reboot."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the White House and NASA have come out and they say that 2014 was the hottest year on record.
It doesn't matter that almost all other independent meteorologists and scientists are showing that this has been one of the coldest years that we just left on average worldwide that we saw in more than 40 years.
And the least amount of hurricanes, typhoons,
You name it, because the sun has been dimming as part of its cycle.
2014 breaks record for warmest year.
NOAA, that's the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and NASA experts say, who've been proven to be totally political.
The main climatologist, of course, at NASA is a huge Al Gore eugenicist,
Well, I don't like to be profane, but turdbasket.
There's not another word to describe them.
And they want to carbon tax everything, so you got the Pope out there pushing carbon taxing.
California's going ahead and implementing it.
Australia's getting rid of it because they implemented it first and it wrecked their economy.
It's wrecked the Spanish economy over in Spain.
This is getting crazy.
Meanwhile, there's an article from Mark Moreno at his website, Climate Depot, that's linked on DrudgeReport.com that we're going to post in whole at InfoWars.com and retweet out at RealAlexJones.
Scientists balk at hottest year claims, ignore satellites showing an 18-year pause.
We are arguing over the significance of hundreds of a degree.
The pause continues.
And that's just off the selected buoys and satellite readings they're using that they cherry-pick, ladies and gentlemen.
They've been proven all over the Western world.
Here's an example of what they've done in the last 20 years.
They will move the thermometers, say, at Camp Mabry, here in Austin, from the side of a building or under a tree to out on the concrete tarmac of the helicopter pad.
Same thing here where I live.
Years ago they, under federal funding for a new system of thermometers, of course, and weather gauges, moved it out onto the tarmac.
Well, do you think it's hotter out on the black tarmac where you can fry an egg than it is in the grass?
This is what they do.
They play games.
And what did the head of the UN program, who was in charge of all the major worldwide universities gathering the data, say six years ago when the climate gate broke?
He said, we've got to hide the what?
We've got to hide the what?
The decline.
We've got to hide the decline.
And climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer
has come out and said that's a fraud.
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels has said that it's not true.
Physicist Dr. Lubos Motol analyzed the satellite temperature data and laughed out loud saying it was not the warmest year.
Climatologist Dr. Roger Pickle Sr.
said we found a significant warm bias picking warm readings and ignoring the cool readings.
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry
Essentially, 2014, essentially tied with 2005 and 2010 for the hottest year if you look at their readings.
It's actually, if you look at other readings, again, the coldest within 30 to 50 years.
It's not an exact science because there's so many microclimates.
I'll be covering that more today.
We've got a big broadcast lined up.
We have the state rep on from Utah that has had a devastating
Devastating victory for freedom.
And it's this model of what Utah's done that could really cause the new renaissance and the boom in this country, something the globalists don't want.
They want a controlled boom that they control.
Utah transfer of public lands, all that federal land, 87% of the state is federal.
Well, it orders, because it's under common law in the Constitution, that it begun to be transferred to the people.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
The majority, not just a couple pieces, back to the state of Utah.
Starting this year in the law passed.
That's coming up.
Congressman Walter Jones will be joining us with some key intel.
It's all coming up today.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
It is Friday, the 16th day of January 2015.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live over the next three hours.
Congressman Walter Jones on Obama impeachment investigations into 9-11.
Our government openly funding jihadists over in the Middle East and so much more will be joining us in the third hour.
We have a state rep coming up for 30 minutes in the next hour that got a law passed
To take the federal land and give it to the people in Utah.
This is so exciting.
It's all about solutions.
New bill could mark the beginning of the end for Common Core.
And two plus two equals five.
All this and more coming up.
The Pope advocates violence in response to free speech.
But that's how Jesus died.
And now the Pope's having to backtrack on his comments, saying that, well, you talk bad about somebody's religion, you get punched in the nose.
I wish the Pope would talk more about the hundreds of thousands of Christians murdered the last few years in the Middle East by the jihadis that are being funded, but I guess that's not his job.
Now let's go to a special report put together by Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and John Bowne dealing with Obama's terror cells in the USA.
We're going to premiere this here, then tweet the video out at Real Alex Jones.
Stay with us, here's the report.
Follow us on Twitter at Real Alex Jones.
So Mr. President,
How do you, uh, how do you handle, uh, how do you handle promises that you've made when you were running for election?
And how do you handle, uh, how do you handle it?
I mean, what do you say to people?
Do you, uh, do you just, uh, you know, I know people, uh, people were wondering.
You don't, you don't have it.
How sad was it in the streets of Paris as 40 world leaders walked
Down the street, absent, was the United States of America.
Where was the President?
Attorney General Eric Holder was in Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Hollande, but darted out just before world leaders historically convened to pay their respects to the fallen Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.
Holder then went on a media blitz claiming that there is no credible threat to Americans.
The entire threat environment is as dangerous as anything you've seen since 9-11.
Is that still the case?
Yeah, I would say that that's true, although there's not a specific credible threat that I can point to.
It makes the average American wonder what the Obama administration is hiding when anyone can go online and discover the clear and present danger of decades-old State Department documents revealing what has been lurking within at least 22 of our United States.
A secret videotape uncovered by our investigation team.
Sheikh Jilani is seen here with recruiting American Muslims and instructing them in Islamic guerilla warfare tactics.
The tape is known as Soldiers of Allah.
On behalf of the Muslims of America, I present before you
A documentary film in helping in training oppressed Muslims.
I'm proud to say I had to sit with the Greeks who have been successful in forming an international organization which is called Soldiers of Allah S.O.A.
and we are establishing training camps.
You can reach us
You are most welcome to join one of our advanced training courses in Islam.
The Clarion Project, who I work for, we broke this story about how a terrorist enclave has been detected in Texas.
We know this from declassified FBI documents.
There was originally some broad intelligence about it, and so we started investigating.
We figured out the group's front organizations that they were using in Texas, and then some activists from a group called Act for America went and verified the specific location so that we made sure that we definitely knew what we were talking about.
And then we got declassified
We're good to go.
And if they pass the training in Hancock, New York, are then sent to Pakistan for training in paramilitary and survivalist training by Mr. Jelani.
On January 23rd, 2002, American journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped on his way to question Sheikh Mubarak Ali Jelani's connection to shoe bomber Richard Reed in downtown Karachi.
Nine days later, Pearl was decapitated.
On May 16th, his severed head and decomposed body were found cut into 10 pieces.
Jelani was temporarily in Pakistani custody after the kidnapping.
The main compound near the town of Hancock in upstate New York, known as Holy Islamberg, was founded in 1980 by Jelani as a religious sanctuary for devout Muslims.
This land is located near the reservoir that supplies most of New York City's drinking water.
In fact, most of the compounds are near strategic locations within the United States designed to affect a mass population event at any time.
According to the 2006 law enforcement report, Jelani opened his compounds near significant infrastructure targets.
Islamville is less than five miles away from the Catawba nuclear facility.
The FBI's own documents define the Muslims of America as an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and here within the U.S.
How can the Obama administration claim they are concerned about lone wolf attacks, i.e.
gun owners, tea partiers, and constitutionalists, when training videos clearly link Shiite Mubarak Ali Jilani to an expanding network of radical Islamic cells within the United States?
Further State Department documents have not listed FUQRA as a terror organization, regardless of countless felonies committed by its members.
Jelani's intent is echoed by the Muslim Brotherhood with slogans like, God is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Quran is our law, Jihad is our way, dying in the way of God is our highest hope, and Obama's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are becoming increasingly well known.
Why President Barack Hussein not hitting hard on the terrorists and on ISIS?
And I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me.
President Barack was born after his older brother Malik.
The father, Mr. Hussain, named his son Malik, and that's one of God's names in Islam.
The second son, he named him Buraq.
What does Buraq mean?
Buraq is the right Prophet Muhammad
And we can see Mr. Malik sitting with Mr. Obama visiting him in the White House.
Mr. Malik is in charge of the Muslim Brotherhood in Africa.
There's a lot of finances going on through Mr. Malik.
And we can see him in another picture holding the Yemenian dagger on his waist.
And he is a big supporter to the Muslim Brotherhood.
And that explains
That Mr. Barack Hussein is not hitting hard on the Muslim Brotherhood.
On the contrary, he took them off the terrorist list.
For years and years, the Muslim Brotherhood is on the terrorist list around the world.
In the Europe world, who knows them best?
But Mr. Barack decided to take them off the terrorist list and start to be sponsoring them and put them in charge of Egypt.
The IRS and your tax dollars allow these non-profit organizations openly hell-bent on the destruction of the United States to operate within the United States.
Demographics show that the Muslim birth rate is the world's highest
But it is falling faster than the birth rate of any culture.
The Muslim world currently has 25 million idle young men struggling to follow the immigration path to Western Europe and the United States to escape abject poverty and diminishing resources.
Now the Obama administration is playing semantics with the usage of the term radical Islam.
In an apparent bid to paint their investment in a better light.
The lengths to which he will go to avoid telling us the truth about the enemy is becoming comical.
It's certainly embarrassing.
For example, he will never forget about that we use the word jihadist.
He'll never use that.
But he refuses to use the word Islamist, which is used throughout the Muslim world.
It's used by journalists, by authors.
There are a variety of reasons why people... But was radical Islam one of them?
There are a variety of reasons why people do these things.
Some of them are potentially religious.
Okay, but all I'm asking is if you think among those variety of reasons, radical Islam might have been one of the reasons that the individuals took the steps that they did.
You see, you say radical Islam.
I mean, I think those people who espouse a version of Islam that is not... Are you uncomfortable attributing any of their actions to radical Islam?
It sounds like it.
No, I don't want to say anything negative about a religion that is not... No, no, I'm not talking about religion.
Look, the Middle East is coming apart with this administration's policy.
Look at Libya.
We should never have gone into Libya.
Gaddafi was on our side.
Look at Egypt.
Morsi is now going after the Muslim Brotherhood and the radical Islamists.
And we've got Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.
government today.
Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?
I know major Arab allies who fund them.
He spent about an hour meeting with five different rebel commanders who came from all over Syria to plead with him for heavier weapons, a no-fly zone, and airstrikes against the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
If ever a U.S.
President committed treason and deserved impeachment, the time is now.
Regardless of our long-standing stance on religious freedom, these terror cells are being protected for what blatantly appears to be a key component of the New World Order's endgame on American soil.
That's right, Joe Biggs!
Full report, InfoWars.com.
Spread the video.
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It seems like yesterday, but it was long ago.
She was lovely.
She was the queen of our lives.
There in the darkness with a radio.
I've got so much more to think about.
What to leave in.
What to leave out.
All right, we're back in the old studio today.
Crew did a great job on our beta test.
Next week on Tuesday and Thursday I'll be in there, and in a few weeks I'll be in there full-time.
Then occasionally we'll have, when we got too many people to stick in that studio, we can cut to this studio with breaking news and other reports as well.
Again, Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Here's what I want to do.
Let me just mention some of the news that's coming up today.
Top Obamacare official stepping down.
Dive Obama.
It just has a 37% approval rating in a new major scientific poll.
New bill would mark the beginning of the end of Common Core.
Germany proposes Jihad identity cards because the terrorists are still allowed to fly everywhere.
All you do is pick them up for probable cause.
You don't then issue them Jihad cars.
They're not allowed to travel.
That is Nazi Germany, in Germany.
Belgian police of course killed two in anti-terror raid during shootout.
Elon Musk, who I know is a listener of the broadcast, and who we're going to get on the show, gives 10 million to fight killer robots.
And of course, that's the head of Tesla.
Well, the problem is they've already got autonomous drones operating all over the place, but he is certainly worried about the real issue there on that front.
Zuckerberg defends Facebook censorship despite Charlie Hebdo support, and of course calling his users dumb effers.
That's in the London Guardian.
He hangs out with the communist Chinese censorship czar, learning how to make us a totalitarian society.
He is a true hypocrite, monster pig on every front.
Vatican attempts to clarify Pope Francis' comment on Paris' attack.
Pontiff causes stir, you cannot provoke, you cannot insult the faith of others.
He said, yeah, if someone talks bad about my mother, I will hit them.
The last Pope criticized the Islamists as killing Christians in Syria and other areas, and killing radical Muslims in Libya, Egypt, you name it.
This Pope, so which one's right?
I mean, I'm not a Catholic, but if the Pope's supposedly infallible, which one was fallible then?
Was it the last one that they made leave or this new one who's an admitted socialist?
First time we've had a public socialist Pope over 1.2 billion people of 7 billion on this planet.
And he came out and endorsed carbon taxes and global government a few weeks ago.
And now he's saying that you shouldn't be able to criticize folks.
Well, Kit Daniels wrote an article here.
That I think is very powerful, and it went viral last night on Infowars.com, but it went out last night.
I want to retweet it today at RealAlexJones and post it on Facebook.
Pope advocates violence in response to free speech, but that's how Jesus died.
Jesus Christ was crucified for stating he was the Son of God.
And they told him, shut up and recant or they're going to kill him, and he wouldn't do it.
And then Pontius Pilate gave him a chance, and he wouldn't do it, and Pontius Pilate said, I find no fault with this man.
But I guess the Pope kind of trumps Christ, doesn't he, for a lot of folks out there?
I said, I am Jesus.
I am, said Jesus, and you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on a cloud of heaven.
The high priest tore his clothes.
Why do we need any more witnesses, he said.
You have heard the blasphemy.
What do you think?
They all condemned him as worthy of death.
That's out of the gospel of Mark.
So he's got to square that.
Number one, carbon taxes will kill a billion people over a decade.
That's the numbers that Monckton's put out before and I agree with him.
That if you cut off energy to the world over 10 years, it'll kill a billion people or more.
And Obama's told him you can't have cars, you can't have air conditioning, you can't have medicine, you can't have anything.
And so this is quite a departure from anything.
I mean, this guy is, he goes out and hugs old people and people with diseases, and the mainstream media that normally attacks Catholics, I mean, I'm sure you've noticed that, and attacks different Popes, suddenly is in love with this Pope.
And just endorses everything he has to say and do, I guess knowing he'd come out for a World Council of Religions, and come out for an ecumenical movement, and come out for restricting free speech, and come out for a world government, I guess.
Interesting story.
Don't know your take on it.
That's just some of what we got here in the stack today.
Oil projects worth billions put on hold because of dropping oil prices.
And I've got more on George Soros I want to hit first.
And that ties in with another story.
Canned foods are what schools say people should have as a defense against shooters.
That's, I guess, added to peeing on them or vomiting on them.
By the way, I'm not joking.
That's what they're telling me to do.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're live broadcasting worldwide on this Friday edition.
I'll be back in studio, Lord willing, this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time, transmitting live as well.
Now continuing here, I want to tie three things together.
Then go to a report from Jakari Jackson on CNN and the federal government recommending that you take a can of beans with you when you go to college or a public school to throw at a shooter.
I'm not joking.
And by the way, they know that's ridiculous.
It's meant to mock you.
They're all going to have paramilitary guards paid for by you.
And I.
That's coming up.
But when I saw this headline yesterday, I meant to cover it and get to it, but Chicago did a report last time for the Nightly News.
It's just so over the top.
But that's what all of this is about, is breaking our will.
Just like when the Feds came out a few years ago and told women to vomit or urinate on someone that's trying to rape you.
That's the feminist thing to do.
No, don't teach women how to use guns and have them carry guns and then attacks on women basically disappear in areas where that happens.
Carjackings in Florida and Texas that were epidemic ended for all intents and purposes.
Went down 99 percent.
Look it up.
Within two years of concealed carry going in.
Do you think muggers like in Chicago and New York like areas of Texas?
Do you think they go out to rural areas and mug good old boys in their trucks?
Just like they don't stick their arms in Arizona down rattlesnake holes.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
Actually, a nation of cowards will be gang-raped by every criminal type you can imagine, and we are being gang-raped.
Financially, economically, physically.
It's only gonna get worse.
Now, all of that said...
I want to open the phones up specifically for police officers, and I won't make you hold a long time.
I know a lot of you are on duty.
You're out there working.
Or even recently retired police officers, just to get your take on this, if you agree or disagree with me.
Now listen to the three points I'm going to make.
Because the same tactics used here are used in other countries.
I'm going to tie three stories together.
You have jihad training camps set up since the 1980s allowing jihadis to train to go to Pakistan, Afghanistan and other areas in the U.S.
and they're on no-fly list because other agencies put them on that.
They're allowed to fly in and out of the country.
The underwear bomber, the latest attackers in Paris, the attacker at Fort Hood was known and was allowed to operate.
All this has come out.
Same story.
Ahead of the 7-7 bombings.
That's mainstream news.
That's not me even saying that.
This stuff comes out.
It's a very simple equation.
Let them build up, let them create a threat, let them attack with their useful idiot jihadis, then basic Americans get our freedoms taken.
Then the overarching militarization and federalization and globalization of police can expand.
But that's not enough to take over the country.
How did George Soros get $5 billion of State Department money in 2013-2014 and then go on Fareed Zakaria's show?
We have a transcript in the video posted on Infowars.com from May 27th of last year, about seven months ago.
He came out and he said, quote, I am responsible for the operations and the overthrow of Ukraine.
They went in and financed with five billion dollars using real and perceived grievances and hype grievances, basically anti-police riots all over the country.
They then had their government take the government building, unelected, and then they put Joe Biden's son over the oil
And other Democratic officials' children, literally, children, college graduates, but children, over the entire economy and began a war against Russia.
I'm not defending Russia saying they're perfect and lily white.
The West started it.
George Soros, a Nazi collaborator, demon, who's brought down countless countries, financing riots to devalue their currencies.
He's on record doing that.
He brags.
He's brought down more than seven nations.
Looted their currencies.
He brought down Ireland.
He brought down England for a while.
He's brought down a whole bunch of third world countries.
Why would he finance?
And I'm not saying that the Ukrainian government was perfect, but it was elected.
They take legitimate things on the surface that sound like a reason to get upset, and then they use it to bring in even greater tyranny later.
And now Ukraine, a year later, is in total shambles.
So here he is.
Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine.
He told George Soros Farid Zarkaria over the weekend he's responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country's elected leader and the installation of a junta hand-picked by the State Department.
And it has the quote right here.
First, on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognize about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissentive activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe.
That's not what Zarkaria sounds like, that's what Soros sounds like.
Europe and Poland and the Czech Republic.
Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
Zarkaria asked Soros.
Well, I will set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia.
And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in the events.
Now Soros responded.
And he went on.
Well, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
What has he found and find?
Media matters.
He tells the White House what to do.
Media matters is their mouthpiece.
Who do they attack?
Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, freedom of speech, gun ownership, state sovereignty.
And they call, in their memos that have been made public by even Bloomberg and Politico four years ago, to infiltrate media and bring it down.
I mean, they try to get people in your operations, folks.
And I'm not going to go into all of it, but a lot of people have faced it.
I mean, they don't play games, okay?
They are a spy intelligence operation of George Soros.
They're just one group.
This guy overthrows countries, you understand that?
He used the white supremacists to take over Ukraine.
The deputy president they put in howls Hitler on TV, you can pull it up.
Their symbol is blonde haired women shooting electricity bolts on Emperor Palpatine out of their hands and he's howling Hitler.
You cannot make up stuff this weird.
But he's liberal so it's okay because he said he was liberal and gives money to everybody, billions.
He's a mob boss.
And so you got George Soros running around doing all this.
He's trying to overthrow that.
Enter this story that I covered yesterday from the Washington Times.
Now, again, we'd already covered this.
I say that to say we can confirm this.
You can blow up in the videos or look at the names on the signs.
He doesn't hide it.
Kind of like he went on 60 Minutes and said, yeah, I was a Nazi collaborator, rounded up, you know, all these people.
I'm not ashamed of it.
I survived.
I'm proud of myself, basically.
He admits he's trying to undermine the U.S.
He admits he wants your guns.
He admits he overthrew Ukraine.
He was the point man.
He's tried it before.
George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action.
So he uses some of the heavy-handed tactics, the globalist training on the police, the rest of it, to then demonize police themselves to try to start a revolution in America, pointed at the police that will drive the police into the Fed's arms as their saviors, break them and get them to accept the paramilitary takeover,
Which is what he wants.
He doesn't want a revolution like he wanted in Ukraine that actually overthrows the government.
He wants to spur a destabilization to bring in a greater tyranny, to give Obama a smokescreen, to bring in martial law.
If it would have worked, just like they tried to use Occupy Wall Street, he's funded to do this.
And folks, this is heavy information.
I'm not giving you my opinion.
This is a fact.
Thirty-three million dollars.
I'm the guy that made four films on the police state, wrote a book on it, predicted all that was coming because I read the Rand Corporation documents and others and had sources.
But I wasn't against the police, I was against them being taken over and being turned into basically North Korean-style enforcers.
Now to try to get them to do that, they want to have a war against the police to then force them into that position.
It's like they start the war on terror against radical Muslims, next you learn, oh, it's really for the Tea Party.
Same deal.
This is the plan.
And so here he is, 33 million of his billions he gives, just to spur this, and the Washington Times did an investigative report.
And links through that he was involved in the Zimmerman organization, the Soros Open Society Foundation.
That's the one that overthrew Ukraine.
Is operating in America.
Hey blacks, your unemployment doubled?
How do we make sure Soros' puppet Obama doesn't get the blame?
Cause a race war.
A soft race war of names.
Make it all about the white truck driver who's going bankrupt.
He's the reason a black truck driver's going broke.
Or a white teacher.
She's the reason a black teacher across town has trouble in school.
Or a cop!
A cop!
Just randomly project all your anger, not at the Federal Reserve, not at the IRS, not at the New World Order, not at the Attorney General shipping guns into Mexico to blame gun owners and false flag the Second Amendment.
Blame cops!
And I told you he was behind it!
This guy is a literal demon.
And he's par for the course, he's just one of the more arrogant, outspoken people.
I know somebody that's been in the East Coast home, I'll just leave it at that, of George Soros, and the entire place is black mirrors, and black paint, and black floors.
Do you know why people have their house like that?
Do you know what black mirrors are used for?
That's as hardcore Satanism as you get.
Black floors, black walls, black mirrors.
Can you imagine where this guy's heart is?
This is who wants your guns.
This is who's taking over the public schools.
This is who literally runs CNN, MSNBC, and the White House.
You gotta say one person, he's the guy calling the shots.
More than Brzezinski, more than Kissinger.
He is the guy on the ground, getting it done.
The war general.
The field marshal.
The Erwin Rommel.
He is in the field, folks.
He is coming.
And he's got his people.
Just out there... Engaged in every dirty trick you can imagine.
And you know what?
I just expect that flying in over the enemy base.
I don't care.
It's fine.
I expect it.
If I didn't have these people jacking with me and messing with me and pulling all sorts of stuff that I'm not even going to get into, then I wouldn't know that I was over the main target.
So, I'm not complaining.
I expect it.
Whatever happens, happens.
I'm going 110% in.
I'm dropping my load on these people.
And that's the end of it.
We're going to fly in over the base.
We're going to pull that lever.
And we're going to make sure those bombs go in in the info war.
He knows we're winning the Infowar, that's why he wants to finance false flags.
And I'll say it, the Democratic Party, three years ago, their memos came out where they said, we want to blame Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, people like that, for the next terror attack.
Give the Democrats money, don't worry if it looks like we're unpopular, we're going to be popular after the next terror attack.
Well, folks, there's no even veiled denial there.
They're telling you what they're up to and just get ready for it.
And so the police of this country need to understand something.
If you want to know who's financing radical Islamists in Egypt and Syria, it's George Soros.
On record.
You want to know who financed the Arab Spring?
George Soros.
You want to know who's destabilizing Europe?
George Soros.
You want to know who plans to get your pension funds in the end?
It's George Soros.
You want to know who's trying to finance groups and had little pasty white kids out there with signs saying, Deck the halls with dead cops, fa la la, la la la.
You want to play the clips?
They are all not even communists or socialists.
They're hardcore takeover revolutionaries who know they're on the winning team, they believe, and who go to these universities and who learn how to manipulate.
Remember Gruber at all those university speeches teaching the professors how to lie and the graduate students?
And everyone laughing and smiling, feeling included into the evil?
We're not demonizing George Soros.
He's all I've said and more.
And I don't enjoy having to stand up against him, but my very being, my will, will not let me do anything but that.
I just can't not fight this guy, because he's an enemy of every person that wants peace and prosperity and freedom.
And you've been warned out there, all of you.
If you don't realize how serious this is, and you think, oh, he's exaggerating.
No, I'm not.
I don't have words to tell you how serious these people are.
We don't have a guest joining us for 30 minutes.
We have a state rep getting a lot done in Utah.
Very exciting.
They're taking the land back from the feds.
It's happened.
The bill's passed.
Now the fight's on.
We've won the first major stage.
He's going to be joining us.
Walter Jones just called and got his time zones rising to be on Monday.
So we're going to have a lot of open phones today on Friday except for one guest.
And I want to hear the first bank of calls.
I'll go right to your calls at the start of the next segment.
Sometimes I want police officers to call them.
We can load the line.
Sometimes none of you call.
If you're off duty, on duty, whatever, you need to get in the habit of speaking out or you're going to lose everything.
Just like we are.
We're all in this together.
Are you going to let, I'm asking you point blank, you're going to let George Soros spend $33 million to take unfortunate events and scapegoat every single one of you so you get shot in the head in your patrol cars or so your family gets killed?
You're going to put up with this crap?
While he has media matters claiming I'm violent and want cops dead?
How many times have they made that up with no proof?
Can't you see?
I'm trying to stop a civil war, not because I'm a hero, but because I want to have a future and I want freedom for my family.
That means you need freedom too.
Rising tides raise all ships, a lowering tide will beach us all.
And I'm sick of it and I'm not laying down to these people.
Where is our spirit?
I want to hear from the police.
And why not?
Active-duty military.
Because active-duty military are police now.
You're going to be domestically involved in civil unrest if this all kicks off.
He's not been successful so far, thank God.
A few more cases though of out-of-control cops choking somebody to death and the media hyping it.
They want to start a civil war.
I've been telling you for years it's starting.
They're now saying that in the media.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live, back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Well, the phones keep loading up, but there's no current police officers calling in to give us their take.
Is that because they're afraid of the NSA spying on them, that that'll be passed on to police, you don't have any free speech?
Or is it because you're just busy?
Again, when I don't ask cops to call in, a whole bunch call in.
Sometimes when I ask, they do call in.
That's active duty military, especially military police or police.
It's on record, George Soros, Open Society Foundation.
They're on record bragging that George Soros gave 33 million to try to stir up fighting here in the United States and to scapegoat the police.
Don't you see he's trying to cause a revolution like he did in Ukraine?
What do you think about this?
Do you disagree with me?
Maybe you love George Soros.
I want to go to this report by Jakari Jackson.
This is from CNN if you think we're joking.
Can goods stop school shooters?
That's right.
Don't have teachers that are armed.
Don't have pilots that are armed.
Just learn to urinate on someone or throw a can of peas at them.
This is the joke level, ladies and gentlemen, that they want us to live.
But the very bureaucrats that are against us being armed, they're the ones living behind armored fortresses with armed guards at taxpayer expense, like Piers Morgan, who has armed bodyguards.
Let's go to that report.
This is Jakari Jackson for InfoWars.com.
Now something that's very important to us in this country is the safety of our school children, understandably so.
But we can't all agree on how best to protect them.
And now we have this article.
Alabama middle school principal tells kids to bring hand goods to class and throw them at possible gunmen.
Here's a note that a parent received from the school.
And this is W.F.
Burns Middle School.
And we'll show you a little bit of this training.
It's called the Alice Training Program.
Holy crap!
The gang's back!
Oh my God!
Wait a minute!
That's not how it's supposed to go!
You said they should keep moving and throw things!
They didn't do either of those things!
No, they followed their natural instinct to hide.
And what did that make them?
Saving ducks.
Right, and saving ducks makes easy targets and we don't have to make anything easy for the intruder.
Can we try it again?
It's all about terrorizing kids for a threat that's incredibly rare.
Actually, I like this school.
And this is this particular program.
They don't do this at every school, but this school is participating in this program.
And while I do applaud them for not being sitting ducks and actively trying to defend themselves, I think a much better strategy would be to simply arm the teachers.
You have the principal, you have the janitor, maybe there's a locked cabinet, a gun case someplace where a teacher has an access key.
Or in some places, like Harold ISD in Texas,
Every one of the plans in the United States in schools, emergency plans, are to lock the doors and hide the kids.
Well, that was disturbing to us because we're 30 minutes from law enforcement.
We had no way to
It's pretty self-explanatory.
We're going to go to the break.
Jakari's full report is at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Yeah, at least the Alabama school is training them to fight back, which the feds say lay down.
But it shouldn't be canned foods, folks.
It should be firearms.
It should be firearms.
But overall school shooting training is just to terrorize kids about a threat that is
I mean, you got like, what, six, seven, eight times better chance of a honeybee killing you.
That was cool shooting.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dale is a police officer in Illinois, and I'd like to open the phones up to active duty military, corrections officers, police officers, you name it.
Because George Soros is now on record.
I mean, we knew it was Soros-funded groups that I saw marching around chanting for violence against police and being left alone.
And under federal orders, they had the police attacking the press instead.
Just everything they can to demonize the police.
I mean, this is a setup.
Admitting that they basically want to start a civil rights movement against the police in this country, so the feds can come in as the good guys and fully federalize them.
When it's federal training that's caused the police a lot of their problems.
This is so clear what's happening.
I want to hear from police, active duty military.
Do you disagree with me that they're trying to start a civil war?
I mean, it's pretty much admitted.
Dale, I guess you're a police officer in Illinois.
What's your view on all this?
Well, to start with, I'm not afraid of the New World Order, of the NSA, ABC, or EFG.
Any of them, I'm not afraid of them.
The problem we have is that
There's so many people out there that have never walked a mile in my shoes and knows what police work is actually about.
I've seen so many people in the last, oh God, I don't know, several months, say that we're doing everything wrong, we're not doing it right, we're not doing it.
Ferguson, for instance, we may argue about this quote-unquote chokehold on this guy in New York.
As far as I was concerned, the cops did exactly what they had to do.
The guy weighed over 300 pounds.
Uh, and that wasn't soaking wet.
Uh, the only place you could grab that guy to get anything around him is around his throat, because it's only probably 18 to 20 inches.
The rest of his body was probably over 40 inches.
Uh... Well, sure, but I mean, we all argue about these cases.
The point is, George Soros is trying to cause a revolution and trying to scapegoat the police to start it.
Do you agree with that statement, or what do you think about George Soros, is the question?
I agree 100% with you, George.
A hundred percent.
Alex, I'm sorry.
I agree.
I think George Soros is trying to start something, but it isn't.
It's causing the people to want to rebel against the police.
We've had more incidents in Illinois in the last couple of weeks where we can make a traffic stop and the 18, 19, 20-year-old kids want to fight with us because they think they've got a right to.
Well, this is being paid for by Soros.
We know that.
Oh, it is!
And the White House controlled media is hyping it to cause a civil war.
I mean, the police need to start speaking out against this because we're barely stopping this breaking out right now.
We have been, but the media, unfortunately, is so small.
You, George Norie, maybe sometimes on Fox News, will stand up for us.
I don't know.
From my heart, the last thing I'm going to do is run to the federal government for help.
I know for a fact there are people that know me, know me personally, know exactly how I stand.
I will do everything in my power.
Let's just say, for instance, they say, you're going to take the guns away from everybody on this street.
I will do everything in my power, not only to stand in their way, but let the people on that street know they're
Well, I'll tell you what, Dale.
I don't know if you're on duty right now, but if you can, I gotta go to break.
Will you come back and recap your thoughts on Soros?
And I'll give you the floor for a couple minutes.
Can you do that?
Alex, I wished I would.
I'm in a rush right now.
My mother-in-law just called for an ambulance.
No, I understand.
You gotta go.
I know how it is.
I hear you.
You gotta work.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dale.
Great points.
I want you to be able to finish your points.
Alright, we're gonna come back with Jeff, Steve, and others straight ahead and talk about this.
This is a big deal, folks.
I mean, George Soros just thinks he's gonna start a civil war using the police as the detonator, and we gotta stop him.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we just talked to a police officer in Illinois, and he said 100% he agrees.
Well, I mean, it's in the Washington Times.
George Soros admits that he spent $33 million trying to create a new civil rights movement around having citizens clash with the police.
And let's be clear.
We're the biggest critics.
Of the cops in Albuquerque that shoot the unarmed homeless guy, and then celebrate it.
They've both been indicted, by the way.
We're huge critics of federalization, globalization, of no-knock warrants being expanded to the general public, to the overall drug war.
Again, I'm the guy that made four films about this.
I'm the guy that wrote a book about it, about the federalization, about the training, about how they would make them political police, and environmental enforcer police, and how they would turn zoning people into cops.
That I'm all fighting.
I'm not fighting the individual, because they want to create this system, have us clash with it,
To then force the police into an even more militarized position and to go under federalization so they don't get shut down or arrested or sued by the feds.
So the feds send out the Soros money, have the controlled media under Obama, blame the police in general, come out and attack them, make statements, the president, mayors, you name it, put it out there, project it onto the average cop,
When I've said it, I mean, I've experienced it.
The average cop knows about the New World Order, knows about globalism, knows about the federalization, knows gun control is about victim disarmament, and is more awake than the general public.
So they're the enemy.
Local government's the enemy.
The globalists don't want that.
So they want to cause civil unrest to the point of civil war, just like George Soros brags he did last year.
On CNN, he told Fareed Zarkaria, I read the quote last hour, that he was behind with his Open Society Foundation doing it.
The Washington Times went to the numbers.
The Open Society Foundation last year, in the Trayvon Martin case before that, and now last year, $33 million to stir it up.
We caught the Justice Department secretly trying to stir up riots in Florida.
Does that mean Zimmerman's a great guy?
Does it mean he's perfect?
Does it mean it's tragic?
Yes, it is, but it doesn't matter!
The worst guy probably in the world, when it comes to evil, George Soros, that we know of.
The most active demon is involved because if they can get blacks and whites fighting, if they can scapegoat the lowest level of the government, the police, it will cause total destabilization, loss of confidence, and then they can bring in their greater control.
Just like the communists did in every other country.
Just like totalitarians have done in other nations.
This is a tridentary plan.
So, if George Soros wants open borders,
We don't want open borders.
If he wants to take our guns, we don't want to give our guns up.
If he wants to restrict freedom of religion in this country, we're not for it.
If he wants to overthrow Ukraine, we're not for it.
He's a bad guy.
He wants derivatives.
He wants banker bailouts.
Everything he does is bad, but marijuana legalization, which is decriminalization, which I would support, and I do support except for he basically runs the movement and is going to use it as a political movement into the future.
He wants to control it, and he wants to bring Monsanto in to genetically modify it, and then he will control the activist groups so they don't oppose it.
That's the inside baseball from the highest levels of organizations like NORML that George Soros is financing.
And they've now weaponized marijuana so strong they're gonna come out with strains that basically turn your kids into zombies.
So there's always a dark side to any libertarian movement.
I support it.
Because I support the basic idea of individual liberty, but I will also support the right to criticize weaponized marijuana and warn people.
Because you can go buy Drano and, you know, kill yourself with it.
They don't have it, you know, illegal.
Same thing with marijuana being weaponized.
It's got a lot of promising attributes to it, but it's got a lot of bad ones as well.
We should look at full-spectrum analysis.
I want to go to Mark in Washington, who's an active detective.
Steve in Alabama.
Is of course a correctional officer.
Jeff in Utah has been a police officer up to one year ago.
And we've got a few open lines for police, specifically for police or active duty military, because you're the people that are going to be the front line if George Soros can start a civil war in this country like he did in Ukraine.
And who did they firebomb and shoot in Ukraine?
The police.
What did his Open Foundations group run TV ads for and promote in the media they had?
Five billion dollars worth?
Showing cops brutalizing people.
To then overthrow the government and put an unelected government in charge.
And now Ukraine is in deep economic trouble, being looted, and George Soros just said he wants 50 billion dollars of U.S.
taxpayer money to help Ukraine.
He'll manage it and give it to his sons and people.
That was in the news last week.
That's what he does.
And he'll want to manage and have a reconciliation if civil war breaks out later.
Don't you worry.
We can all be politically correct and do what he says and the cops can go under globalist control and prove they're not bad.
Mark in Washington, who's a current detective, do you disagree with what I've laid out here?
How clear is it?
What do you want to say to Soros?
What's your view on this?
No, I agree with you.
The key is it's got to educate the public.
I mean, it's going to be tougher for the
The coppers in the bigger cities because you have a larger population, but for instance in the area that I work in, it's a smaller community, smaller county.
It's just one-on-one relationships with people and they get to know you and they see how you act.
You treat them like you want to be treated.
I'm not really worried about our area too much, but I think the people are smart enough to figure out when
We're being bamboozled.
I mean, Sorrells has an agenda.
He's a dirtbag.
He turned his own people in World War II.
So, I mean, the guy's a demon, but he'll get his in the end.
He really is a demon.
He is.
But as far, you know, I talked to a buddy of mine who's a canine handler, LA County Sheriff's Office, and I talked to him a couple weeks ago and I asked him what the sediment was down in his area.
And he's not seen too many problems with anti-police.
I mean, you're always going to have a group that doesn't like police.
It's I mean, it's just it's normal behavior.
People don't like to be told what to do or they don't they don't like to be confronted when they're when they make mistakes.
But I think it's just personally.
I think what what hurts us is that the media keeps putting the you know, the guys that make mistakes over and over again on the
Well, sure, and that's part of the agenda, not to reform problems, but to hype us up into a war.
I'm just saying it's a bold move to police realize that if Soros is successful, this is going to get a lot of people killed.
I mean, this is their big move, is to start this civil war, and these guys tend to succeed.
I mean, I just hope folks realize we are two minutes to midnight here.
I mean, this is getting really serious.
Let me put it this way.
It's going to be bad if it happens.
It's going to be bad in some areas.
It's going to be really bad in the urban areas.
Oh, yeah.
Rural areas where I'm at.
I'm not too worried about it.
I just unless the I mean, unless, you know, police go astray and just start
You know, violating people's rights in every city and it becomes an epidemic, then maybe that'll change.
Oh, I agree with you that it's going to be in urban pockets controlled by Democrats.
I mean, that's where it's going to be, but it's going to get... They want to create a destabilization as an excuse for the Feds to roll out troops.
And the Justice Department will act like they're against it all when they're behind it, just like Fast and Furious.
I'm just trying to get a major debate going within the Peace Officer Association so that they realize the larger agenda and program.
This is the key, Alex.
It's one-on-one coppers talking to each other.
I mean, I've talked to all the guys I work with, and we're all on the same page.
You know, we have one-on-one conversations.
I got one guy I work with that's also an infantryman in the National Guard, and he's told me that, you know, all his guys, including his commander, have all made a pact that they're not going to violate Casi Palmitadas, and they're not going to be taking guns from people, and they're not going to go against the American people.
They may tell their higher-ups, yeah, we'll do whatever you tell us, but when the poop hits the fan...
I think they're going to be on American TV.
Oh, they will be, at least in general.
When the rubber meets the road, if the globalists are bold enough to do this, they're going to end up losing everything when they make this move.
But it's going to be messy.
I hope they're smart enough to back off.
God bless you, sir.
Be safe out there.
And I want to be clear.
Federalization, federal grants, the erosion of the Constitution, the courts, and the people allowing administrative law to turn us into a police state
Now have police in some areas carrying out tactics and activities that are tyrannical, and so it is causing legitimate concern and angst for the police.
But separating that out, the system is going to use that, exacerbate it, exaggerate it, to detonate a bigger crisis.
And that's the bottom line.
And I'm here trying to stop the New World Order agenda.
That's why I'm 100% trying to hammer this subject.
Because I'm telling you folks, you know how much I predicted, I know how the enemy operates, plus they tell us what they're going to do.
Soros didn't spend $33 million on Ferguson stuff because he didn't think he didn't have a shot.
Then they sent in Democratic operatives in New York, Chicago, Missouri, St.
Louis, all over, saying, kill cops, kill cops, kill cops.
And the feds were there and told the cops to stand down.
Now that tells you something right there.
The system is getting bold.
And if cops start getting killed, start getting paranoid, start shooting innocent people, there's some Kent State type events where the cops mow down a bunch of protesters.
See, they want a V for Vendetta type event, you know, where the cop kills a little girl, and then they start overthrowing the government.
There's been cases like that in Romania and other places that really happened.
Similar events.
They want to create fake catalysts to get this going.
Because they're not winning politically.
We're going to come back with Jeff, Steve, Peter, and others.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I want to move quick in this segment because we have a guest coming on, but I'll continue with your calls.
Peter's Active Army wants to talk.
Jeff's got out of the law enforcement a year ago.
Steve's in Alabama, is a correctional officer.
I'm gonna get to all of you.
Peter, go ahead and make your points.
Thanks for calling in.
Active Army, go ahead.
Oh, hey, um, yeah, I basically just want to call in, um, saying that a lot of my civilian friends who awake that I talked to asked me repeatedly, what if you know what's going on?
Why don't you get out?
And other than you know, I'm an infantryman, you know, shoot, move, communicate, it doesn't really translate a lot to civilian jobs.
But other than than holding down a job for myself and my family,
Some good guys have to stay in.
So, regardless of what happens, I'm going to be one of the good guys in the system.
Oh, I totally agree.
I totally agree with what you're doing.
What do you think about Soros being so bold, openly financing an anti-police agenda?
Oh, well, I mean, come on.
Obviously, that's going to happen from a Nazi collaborator.
So, my only issue with that is, basically,
I don't understand how the system really thinks it's going to succeed.
They've done the polling.
They know what's going on.
They know how much, especially the military, I don't know what the percentage is of the police, but especially the military, who is awake.
So, when the rubber meets the road, obviously after post-Katrina, when everybody really realized what's going on, I honestly, I describe it to my friends with East Germany.
You know, when the wall fell.
The battalion commander was like, no, you guys are staying on post.
No one's going anywhere.
So, these guys can issue all the orders they want, but they know how many of us, when the rubber meets the road.
Well, that's right.
I mean, look at how Waco discredited the system.
Look how Katrina taking the guns blew up.
If they start a real civil war, that's why they want to make it racial.
If they can make it black against cop, they think maybe
Maybe somehow, then they can contain it.
It's just, it's so, it's crazy!
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and go to Jeff in Utah, former police.
What's your view on Soros?
It's just so bold.
I agree.
I think we're 11-59 here, Alex.
What's your view on all this?
Well, I was a police officer for quite a while.
And I ended up getting in trouble because I didn't take a gun away from a kid that had shot himself, and I returned it back to his parents.
It's a bad deal, and I ended up getting pushed out.
I think the thing that has to happen is the moral basis of the country has to change, and we're not having that.
No one's teaching their kids to behave or respect or anything like that.
Well, that's it.
I mean, the society is degenerating into a thug gang culture.
And so you're going to see that manifest in the police as well, because that's what it's pulled from.
And look at the military.
He's got huge gangs taking it over.
It's just we are degenerating.
I mean, that's what it is.
And that's what I'm saying.
Blaming the police isn't going to do anything.
We need to reform the whole system.
Going in and actually taking government over, just like the state rep that's coming on, did something incredible that could change this country's course in ways I can't even describe.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Stephen, Alabama, go ahead.
A corrections officer.
Yes, sir.
I've been a correctional officer, I guess, for about three years, and I finally gave it up about a year ago.
I think what you said on this Joker
Is, uh, if you look back at everything that Hitler did to get into power, you look at what he's doing.
I mean, it's pretty much, you know, note for note to me.
Um, like I said, and as a correctional officer, I mean, I was told you could look at them, but don't touch.
Uh, if they were doing something wrong, you know, just let them do it.
Cause I mean, they don't want you touching any, uh, I guess just like prisoner at all.
Uh, if you did, you got either wrote up or, you know, you had to fill out so much paperwork.
It just wasn't worth it.
And then they would tell you that if it was a hostage situation, there's no negotiations.
So you're in there with 30, 45 people in one room.
You're the only one goes through there.
And they could take you at any time.
And I just don't understand that.
But for those that don't know, medium and upper security prisons pretty much are run by the inmates, according to racial gangs, correct?
I mean, they could sit there and, you know,
Pretty much test you out, spit in your face, do whatever they wanted to.
And if you laid your hands on them, you know, it was either the end of your career or, you know, they put you in solitary where you couldn't touch anybody.
Well, see, that's the thing.
Society is degenerating.
And so the police are going to get more brutal as a society does.
And it's all unraveling.
You can just see it happening.
And plus, we had a
A man that ran for office up here, actually in Georgia, and I just heard on the radio today that he didn't win office, but he's actually in jail right now for stealing money from a profit organization, so... No, no, it's just the immorality is our main problem.
And then we have people like George Soros running around.
I mean, the guy should be in jail as a Nazi collaborator.
Instead, he's trying to shut down my operation.
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Another time in the Age of Wonder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
We've got some really positive news that if it gets picked up in other states could create the biggest boom this country has ever seen and could put the federal government itself run by foreign interest and the private fellow reserve back in its proper role.
We've got some other very positive news as well.
We're going to be talking to the head of American Lands Council, AmericanLandsCouncil.org, Ken Ivory, who was instrumental in coming up with the bill and passing it.
To take back the land in Utah.
This is huge.
We're going to be talking to him in just a moment.
Finishing up with police.
I've been arrested for peacefully demonstrating in Austin and in New York.
I've had a jail guard ram my head in the wall for no reason.
I have had run into some really bad thug police in my days.
We're against the system hiring these type of people and protecting them.
The point is, George Soros wants to cause a civil war with police as the pretext, as the scapegoat, because they're the most visible group.
And when you see mainstream media just demonizing police at every front, local police, and George Soros giving 33 million to hype it up, we just shouldn't have a civil war and go out and hate police and then have folks go out and randomly shoot cops in the head just because the media hypes it up and acts like they're the problem.
The problem is we've become immoral, we've become lazy, we've forgotten that freedom isn't free, we've forgotten to promote the Bill of Rights and Constitution, we've let special interest and crony capitalists come in and take over and use socialist tactics to buy the public off.
And maneuver us towards bankruptcy.
Well, this bankruptcy is a fraud.
We don't owe the derivatives.
We have the land, we have the energy, we have the ideas to be fabulously wealthy, and we will be!
We don't need to pay 95% of our money like the French do, or more in taxes.
We don't want it!
And it's getting up on our hind legs and saying, no, that'll turn this around.
We're going to talk to Ken Ivory, who's a hero, folks, in just one moment.
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Now, this story you're about to hear, I feel like we should have a drum roll or something.
Because the states are supposed to share power with the federal government 50-50.
That's the Federalist view.
The Anti-Federalists wanted even more states power.
That's why Senators were popularly elected only since 1917.
Well, 1913 they passed it, but the first time it started happening was 1917, with the 17th Amendment.
And if you expand out on that,
We now have a federal imperial government.
It's self-run by foreign special interests.
And the UN, UNESCO, others claim most of the federal lands in this country as collateral on the national debt.
Look that up.
Just like third world countries have to give their public lands over to the IMF and World Bank.
That's why Rockefeller created the national parks.
Now, national parks are great.
But they're only a few percentage points of the overall federal lands, where they're closing roads, harassing people on four-wheelers, kicking campers out, and saying, we don't want humans here, period.
That's part of training you that that land isn't yours, so they can give it to the Chinese government, like they've given hundreds of thousands of acres in places like Nevada, that's 89% federal.
Places like Utah are over 65% federal.
Roughly half the country is under federal control, ladies and gentlemen.
Now the feds are in states like Texas trying to claim all the land on both sides of the Colorado or the Red River.
We're talking about trillions here over time.
Bill Clinton used these rules to shut down the only clean burning coal in this hemisphere.
In Utah.
Then overnight it doubled the stock that he was invested in in China, the only other clean burning coal in the world, after they put the regulations in on us to use the coal.
So that's what's going on here, that's what's unfolding, and that's why this is such a big deal.
Utah Transfer of Public Lands from the Encyclopedia.
The state of Utah passed legislation in 2012, the Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act, to require the federal government to grant the majority of federal land to the state back to the state of Utah for 2014.
Well, 2015's here.
The state has pointed out that federal government controls more than 50 percent of the land west of Kansas.
In Utah's case, 64.5 percent.
I think it's more than that if you count some of the other stuff.
A situation that has increasingly resulted in tensions across the Rocky Mountain West.
They've got 89 percent of states like Nevada, and that's not enough.
So joining us is Ken Ivory, Utah House Representatives and President of the American Lands Council.
He's a
District 47 was elected to the Utah House of Representatives in November of 2010, and he has developed and secured passage of legislation that these efforts include the Transfer of Public Lands Act and the passage of bills backed by the Utah Association of CPAs to begin reducing state dependence on federal funds they call Financial Ready Utah.
He's the president of the American Lands Council.
Ken dedicates his time to educating legislators and community leaders throughout the states about the jurisdictional rights and duties to manage, protect, and care for the lands within our borders.
Now again, I'm not going to go any further, but he's the author of Where's the Line?
How States Protect the Constitution.
This is the kind of guy we need in Congress.
The type of person we need in the Senate.
The type of person we need as the federal land commissioner.
The type of person we need over the different federal bureaus.
Not a bunch of globalists with special interests that want to be robber barons.
The robber barons funded, in the last hundred years,
Taking over a state government so people out west didn't know the land was theirs.
And they'll say, oh, they're going to build factories and make it all ugly.
No, they're not.
No, it's like 98% empty out there.
The globalists are the ones coming in that take the land and turn it over to selective groups.
They don't want us having access to it.
This guy's a hero.
He got it passed.
Now it's starting to be implemented.
And if they can do this and block the out-of-control feds,
We aren't even feds.
The federal argument's over because it's been taken over by UNESCO.
It's under a UN treaty, agenda 21, on record, that we can't develop this country.
It's a fraud.
It's an economic embargo.
It's like shutting off our power plants.
And if he can get this deployed to other states, this should cause an economic boom the likes of which we've never seen.
This is so exciting.
I mean, they're even trying to stop ski resorts being put in out west now, saying it's bad for the earth.
It's a load of bull.
Humans tend to make the environment better when they actually live in the area.
So, joining us, I know I'm ranting, is the state rep.
I know that's a big intro, but I wanted to fill the listeners in on why this is such a big deal.
Here's the headline, Utah demands feds surrender lands by December 31st.
That's New American Magazine.
That came and passed.
So exciting, sir.
Give us a presentation on what's happening.
Well, thanks Alex.
It is a big time.
It's a wonderful time to be alive, as Ronald Reagan said.
I was just down in Austin last week doing a training for new legislators in Texas.
This is an issue that transcends the West because beyond Colorado, states in the East are spending billions of dollars a year
To pay the federal government to manage the forest in a way that burns six million acres a year, kills millions of animals, destroys that resource, pollutes the air, destroys the watershed for generations.
You all east of Colorado and across the nation spending billions of dollars a year to lock up what the government accountability office said is more recoverable oil.
In Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and the rest of the world combined.
Now, another important thing, we were invited to come and give a presentation to the Reagan Library a couple months ago on national security.
Our national security cannot operate.
Our electronics technology, renewable energy technology, cannot operate without rare earth minerals.
And right now, 95% of the rare earth minerals for those industries to function come from China.
The price is going exponential and we've got rare earth minerals locked up
All over the western lands under federal control.
Now here's the critical thing, Alex.
Here's how simple this is.
You get right back to the fundamental principles, right?
Governments exist to secure these rights.
Life, liberty, property, and self-government.
That's why a government exists.
Well, without the right and control of property, we don't have liberty.
And so here's the situation.
You've got the federal government controls more than 50% of the land west of Kansas, but the statehood promises, called enabling acts, the statehood promises are the same.
In many cases, they're word for word the same.
In some cases, Montana and North Dakota, for example, it's the same document.
And yet on one hand, the federal government transfers the land, and on the other, they don't.
Now, promises are the same.
What most people don't realize is that at one point, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and of course, Alex, you know that great western state way over there of Florida?
They were as much as 90% federally controlled for decades.
And they were sending resolutions to Congress saying, hey, we can't educate our kids.
We can't grow our economy.
Our people are leaving our state because you're controlling all our land.
They've banded together, they compelled Congress to transfer their land, honor their statehood agreement, and we're simply doing the same thing today.
We expect Congress to honor the very same statehood terms that they kept with all states east of Colorado, because it is the only solution big enough to get to better access, better health,
Better productivity.
And so what people can do, they go to that American Lands Council website, AmericanLandsCouncil.org.
Number one, you can sign the petition and get in the game.
Log in at the website, get in the game.
We're leading the nation in restoring the rights of property, liberty, and self-governance, which restores our balance, as you were talking about.
The other thing you do is simply tell someone.
Tell somebody else about this.
Show them that map.
Get them in the game and critically tell your leaders.
Don't assume they know.
Don't assume they understand.
Tell them and tell them persistently.
And as Thomas Hart Benton, he was the Democratic Senator from Missouri who rallied all those Western states in the 1850s.
He said, you got to get your members of Congress to fix their eyes steadily upon the period of the speedy distinction of the federal title to all the lands within their boundaries.
And they did it, Alex.
Illinois is not 96% federally controlled.
Missouri is not 90% federally controlled.
Louisiana is not 90% federally controlled.
And they have the exact same statehood terms that these western states do today.
So that's, in a nutshell, that's where we're at.
Happy to go wherever you'd like at answering questions.
This is a big subject.
There's a lot of information on that website, AmericanLandsCouncil.org.
You can get to the Facebook page as well.
We push information out every day.
But this is the single solution big enough to restore balance in our nation and get us back to liberty, property, self-governance, where we have better access, better health, better productivity on our lands.
Ken Ivory, he is the president and head and founder of AmericanLandsCouncil.org.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The reason products cost so much, the reason that our economy is stalling, is we're not being given access to the rare earth minerals, to coal, you name it.
But China is.
They're in Australia, they're in Africa, they're in Latin America.
They're exploring.
And American companies aren't doing it because the regulations and the feds are trying to get more land out west.
I mean, take the Bundy Ranch situation.
There were 34 families.
Now there's one.
We can't even produce beef in America.
Because of regulations.
More and more farmers are giving up because special interests from my research want prohibitive costs there that they're able to be exempt from so that they don't have any competition.
And if we're able to free up, what are some of the numbers?
I know they're on the Land Council website.
I mean, am I exaggerating to say that if we start freeing up even 10, 20, 30 percent of western land and some of the federal land in the east, that this would just make the 10 percent growth rates that we had until the 1920s look small?
Yeah, I'll give you an example.
You can see this map right here over my shoulder.
The Institute for Energy Research, early last year, said there's more than $150 trillion in mineral value locked up in federally controlled lands.
At the same time, under failed federal policies that tie the hands of these good workers on the ground that would like to care for the land,
We're burning six million acres of forest, Alex.
Six million acres a year.
That's polluting the air.
It's destroying the watershed.
It's killing millions of animals.
Instead of sequestering that carbon into homes and viable products where that wood then stores that carbon for an indefinite period.
But the federal policies that are supposedly environmental policies
Destroying the air, destroying the water, destroying the animals, destroying the habitat for generations.
No, we've got all the tools.
We've got all the tools.
We simply have to get back to the very simple constitutional remedy of liberty, right?
And control of property and self-governance.
Let me tell you a story, Alex.
What's happening right now?
Canada, our neighbor to the north, over the last decade, Canada has been transferring land, water, and resources to the provinces.
And then just last year, they completed the transfer of land, water, and resources to the Northwest Territories.
And here's what they said they discovered.
They said, we discovered that when we let people closest to the matter, closest to the land, water, and resources make the decisions, we learned that you get a better decision.
That's not rocket science.
That's not rocket science.
Yeah, that's not rocket science.
And so, in the land of liberty, we're going the other way.
We've got a federal government that's centralizing control over more and more aspects of every aspect of our daily life.
And so, Alex, what we've really got to do is, in the States, we've got to help our federal governing partner focus very specifically, focus on doing those things that only it can do and do exceptionally well.
You know, like world peace and a sound monetary system.
Focus on doing only those things that only it can do well, and leave local zoning and planning and the tending of the garden to those people that know the soil, know the climate, know the culture, know the geography, know the geology, and are right there to deal with the circumstances whose lives and livelihoods depend upon that land, like Canada discovered.
Now, obviously, the media set things up where
Discrimination is only white against black, or black against white, or north against south.
That's how they want us thinking.
But isn't the ultimate discrimination the fact that special interests and socialists in DC and others don't want the West and the states to have the same freedoms as the East has?
I mean, how can you have
Maybe 5-10% of the land in the east being federal, and upwards of 90% in states like Nevada.
How can Congress, and how can the feds, say no to the law you've passed?
So, maybe spend some time on that please sir, as the state rep that helped get this passed and authored, and then walk us through the procedure now, because we know there's going to be special interests that are going to try to stop this.
That's a great point Alex.
What I want to point out first is, this is not a partisan effort.
Republicans and Democrats, sponsor voted for the bill.
Republicans and Democrats on the committees and the commissions.
Back in Nevada, bipartisan commission unanimously approved moving forward on the transition for the transfer of public lands.
Critical effort because educating our kids is not a partisan issue.
Burning up our animals in our watershed is not a partisan issue.
Having jobs and having a roof over our head and caring for our lands is not a partisan issue.
So, we've got some counties all over the West that have less than 5% taxable land.
How do you take care of kids and roads and public safety when you've only got 5% taxable land?
So in terms of moving forward, there are states all over the West now that are starting to take legislative action on this very same thing.
You've got Arizona is taking action.
Nevada has already taken action, working more.
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Alaska is now getting in the game on this.
South Carolina, Alex, did a resolution supporting the transfer of public lands.
And so for your listeners that are in states east of Colorado, if you go to the resources and then what's happening in
You've got a packet where you can get your legislators to run a resolution in eastern states to support this.
Now back to your point on discrimination.
United States Supreme Court just a year and a half ago, in a case called Shelby County v. Holder, said the constitutional equality of the states is essential to the harmonious operation of the Republic.
They said our nation was and is a union of states.
Equal in dignity, power, and authority.
Well, think about these football games we just saw this last weekend, right?
Aaron Rodgers, I mean, what an incredible guy.
I mean, I know you're probably a Dallas fan.
Dallas got ripped off on that call at the end.
Aaron Rodgers is running off one leg, and he's still doing amazing things.
But imagine if you're fielding a football team, and you've got to field a couple of guys that just are not 100%.
In fact, they're 30, 20%.
Well, if you're the opposing team, you're going to exploit that all day long.
Well, that's what's happening in our government right now.
You've got part of your team where the states and the federal government are supposed to have healthy tension.
They're supposed to be opposing one another to provide that healthy tension that keeps our system in balance.
Well, if you've got a whole bunch of your team that are in extreme disability, where they only control 10, 15, 20, 30 percent of the land, you're going to exploit that all day long.
And that's what's happening in government.
Give you a perfect example.
A year ago,
There's something called PILT.
All of you in the East are paying money, your tax dollars, to subsidize the West.
It's called payment in lieu of taxes.
It's payment in lieu of the taxes we would otherwise collect if the federal government kept the original promise to transfer the lands.
So payment in lieu of taxes.
The federal government in 1976 said, hey, don't worry.
This is going to be permanent.
It's going to be mandatory.
It's just as good as sovereignty.
You can trust us.
Well, over the last six years, you know, the federal government hasn't even had a budget.
And so not only is the bill not permanent, mandatory, it's not even in the budget because they don't have it.
A year ago, they didn't even put it in the continuing resolution.
And these counties are now dependent upon this money that's only 13 cents on the dollar of the taxable value of their land in many cases.
So they're dependent on this for public safety, education, roads, transportation.
It makes you creatures of the federal government, and it's almost like the federal government has conquered the West by never letting it be truly sovereign.
And I'm a Texan, I love Texas, but Texas advertises to businesses, hey, come here, we've got more open land, we've got lower taxes.
So it's basically like...
We're a NFL, you know, Green Bay team playing a college team when we compete against the West.
I mean, you don't want Utah to go under.
It's a great, beautiful state, a lot of hard-working, smart people.
But it's almost the analogy of Texas versus California.
Look at how California is falling apart because they can't compete with Texas.
Now, that's because of their socialist policies.
And I understand you're saying it's not partisan, and I understand there's a lot of Democrats that want to have free, open societies and prosperity, but it is the environmental
Socialist, anti-human control freaks that don't think humans should be anywhere out west, and there's the feds denying more and more access to the public lands they control.
Isn't that driving the anger out west at being treated like serfs?
Oh, indeed, right?
I mean, when you can't
Control your own land, your own water, your own resources.
I'll give you an example.
I've got a county commissioner down in Sevier County, Commissioner Gordon Topham.
A couple months ago we were talking to him and he says, look, my forest, a healthy forest, has 40 trees to an acre.
Right now, my forest has 800 trees to an acre right now.
There's so many trees, they're competing for the same resource, they're dying, they're dead all throughout the forest.
This is the same all around the West.
He says, I'm one spark away from losing my watershed in the second most arid state in the nation and my community dies.
And my federal partner is telling me that they're going to prevent me from
Protecting my community to have a viable source of water, protecting the air from being polluted, my animals from being burned up, my watershed from being destroyed.
That's how serious this is.
And again, that's not a partisan issue.
Now, yes, there are these eco-obstructionist groups, but they'll go out and all day long they'll put out press releases and say the federal government's mismanaging the land, so we're going to sue them and extract taxpayer dollars if we win on a technicality.
And they simply don't want that gravy train to end.
But the states are stepping up because this is purely a matter of the health, safety, welfare of our communities.
And the United States Supreme Court, Alex, two years ago said that jurisdiction over health, safety, welfare is possessed by the states and not the federal government.
They said the independent power of the states serves as a check on the arbitrary power of the federal government.
And then they said this, Alex, they said states are separate and independent sovereigns.
Sometimes they have to act like it.
That's right, and it's time to bring balance back to the situation.
AmericanLandsCouncil.org, Ken Ivory, you are a hero.
And I don't say that very often with a lot of our guests, but it's true.
What you're doing is so important, and the fact you're traveling all over the country, that other legislatures are duplicating what you're doing.
How long until we start to see the benefits of this if Congress doesn't try to block you guys?
Well, I appreciate the kind words, but I'm a dad.
And that's why I got in this game.
I've got four kids, and it's a simple math problem to see what's coming.
And we've got to act.
I mean, Erskine Bowles, Clinton White House Chief of Staff, will tell you.
David Walker, Nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, will tell you.
The American Institute of CPAs will tell you.
We've got a very serious math problem.
The problems are real.
Solutions are painful.
We have to act.
We've got to grow fast or we're going to go bankrupt.
I know you probably got to go.
It's a 60-second break.
Can you do five more minutes and talk about that math problem?
Yeah, you bet.
And again, get to the website, AmericanLandsCouncil.org, sign the petition, get in the game.
When you're ready to make a difference, we are the vehicle around the nation that's making that happen.
We're here to help you get it.
You are.
You are.
Stay there.
We'll be right back with Ken Ivory, State Rep, Utah.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
This is an emergency transmission.
This is an emergency transmission.
From FEMA Region 6 in Occupy.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, Ken Ivory, Utah House of Representatives.
He's in District 47, AmericanLandsCouncil.org.
Every legislature, every city, every county, even though it's a state matter, should be just hammered with this information, hammered with his book.
This is the real prosperity.
America will mathematically collapse if we don't get some serious growth.
Talk about the math problems, sir, in closing in the last five minutes.
Well yeah, you look at the math problem.
Almost every state, nearly 50%, somewhere between 30 and 50% of their state budgets come from the federal government that is unsustainable.
Government Accountability Office every year says it's unsustainable.
It's the single largest line item of revenue of the states.
So how are we going to take care of sick people, poor people, roads, public safety, educate our kids?
If we don't get ahead of the curve and get back to economic self-reliance.
Yeah, there's a lot more we could talk about on that at another time.
Big issue.
We're working on something called Financial Ready Utah.
It's our financial earthquake preparedness planning, some modeling tools that get there.
But what's really critical, we've got folks in Congress now that are stepping up.
They understand.
They're dead!
Property is essential.
Liberty does not exist without the right and control of property.
So get on the website, sign up, sign the petition, and then tell someone.
I don't care how you do it.
Carrier, pigeon, smoke signal.
I know that if Benjamin Franklin were around today, he wouldn't be setting type one letter at a time.
He'd be on Facebook and Twitter, and he'd be jamming this information out as fast as he could go.
And then tell your leaders.
Tell them persistently, fix their eyes steadily, as Thomas Hart Benton said.
on the period of the speedy extinction of the federal title to all the lands within the states, which is what Illinois and Missouri and Arkansas and that great western state of Florida already did.
Promises are the same.
Already been done before.
It is the only solution big enough.
We need to make this the number one issue in the 2016 campaign because it is the only solution big enough to get our nation back to better health, better access, better productivity.
Well, look at Australia.
It's beating the global curve of recession because they've got rare earth minerals being extracted and it's not even really hurting their environment in most areas.
I mean, it's such a big country like us.
I mean, we should be in there getting that.
We should be getting clean burning coal.
Is there any way to reverse what Clinton did, blocking all that clean burning coal in Utah?
Yeah, we're working on a lot of those things.
In fact, we've got states working back together on this thing.
The critical word on that, Alex, is jurisdiction.
The governing right, power, and authority.
Where does the jurisdiction lie for the health, safety, welfare of the people?
Now that's something we're working on in Utah.
We're working on with states all over the nation.
And critically also, this whole idea of federalism, this governing partnership, the critical word there is union.
Federalism is a team sport.
To be an independent check to the federal government, states have to start working together, both at the executive level, at the legislative level, at the attorney general level.
It's happening in some instances, but we've got to get that more coordinated.
States have got to team up.
That's what some of the corrupt elements of the feds are scared of.
In the one minute closing, you sound pretty confident, though, that the system knows we're going to go bankrupt if we don't do this.
The question is, can we do it fast enough?
Why are you so confident?
Like Ronald Reagan said, Alex, this is a wonderful time to be alive.
We have no choice.
We have no other option but to succeed and use the liberty, the property, the self-governance we have, and that's what's in our DNA.
This is a wonderful time to be alive.
We're lucky not to live in pale and timid times, he said.
We've been blessed with the opportunity to stand for something.
For liberty and freedom and fairness and property.
These are things we're fighting for.
So get to the website, AmericanLandsCouncil.org.
Get in the game.
We're here.
We're leading on this.
We're here to help.
Well, Ken, we're out of time, but I'm impressed with your work.
I was already aware of it, but thank you for coming on.
I want to have you back on soon to talk about your book, Where's the Line?
How States Protect the Constitution.
Hey, my pleasure.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Walter Jones had to reschedule.
Had a conflict.
He'll be on sometime next week.
Doing a great job.
We're going to vote on phones on this Friday edition.
Now since our guest was on with us for 30 minutes, we've had folks holding.
We had some police officers, active duty military call in.
George Soros admits his foundation
I'll give you the exact name of it.
Open Society Foundation, the one that overthrew Ukraine, that he brags he overthrew on CNN, is financing the radical anti-police demonstrations.
And these are the demonstrations, the demonstrators being bused in, the white agitators, saying, deck the halls with dead cops.
I mean, you've got free speech, folks, but if somebody's walking around in front of me saying, I'm going to kill you,
But see, they're allowed to do it because they're there to stir everybody up and destabilize this country.
I know I've harped on that.
I'm all for indicting bad police.
I'm all for not hiring bullies.
I'm all for when a cop's being arrogant in your face, out of control.
Standing up to them and speaking out against what they're doing.
I don't like the threat continuum training they get where they taser you, some of the police, if you don't do exactly what they say instantly at a traffic stop or something.
Obviously the police though feel intimidated, they're being attacked more and more, the society is destabilized, so they're telling them to keep control of the situation, be really aggressive.
Well, that's then going to be shown on the news, and then used against the police, and it's building towards a confrontation, when most police don't act like that.
But it creates the perception that that's going on.
Look at the IRS taking old ladies' houses with no judge, no jury, no indictment.
New York Times reported on that, and said, is this okay?
Oh, this lady had a restaurant for 40 years and usually only made about $300-$400 a day, or a little one, you know, five-person diner or whatever, you know, five little seats at the front.
And so they said that was structuring her money, that she deposited it, so they took her life savings of $33,000, even though they admit it was after-tax money, and she didn't steal it, but the regulation they implemented, and they interpreted that they're going to take her money.
See, that's the mega-crime, and Congress is letting that happen.
Congress is letting the IRS target hundreds of thousands of gun owners, tea partiers, Christians, veterans groups, you name it, harassing them.
And not getting in trouble!
And lying about it!
And getting caught destroying hard drives!
The IRS, and I don't even mean the average IRS person, the IRS itself, a collection agency for the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is the number one issue.
The minions of it, like George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller,
Henry Kissinger, the Clintons, the top Bushes, but even those people are just minions.
We're talking Dutch royalty, British royalty, we're talking the Rothschilds, we're talking Soros with all his European holdings that are a lot more than 20 billion.
These are the people, the big Chinese drug cartels,
The Japanese mafia.
We're dealing with global mafias.
When you go look at who funds anti-gun initiatives, and I'm going to your calls, Robert and others, when you look at who funds the environmental land grabbing stuff, it's always Goldman Sachs, always JP Morgan, the Chinese government.
The Chinese government!
He's taken over land in Michigan, in Nevada, in Arizona, in Texas.
And let me tell you, the federal government just rolls over and gives them public land.
For nothing.
Nothing in many cases.
Or pennies on the dollar.
This is a bunch of crooks, like Hitler and Stalin dividing Poland in the Warsaw Pact.
And I'm not going to sit here and put up with it.
You're like, oh, well, who are you?
What are you going to do?
Listen, this stuff's so outrageous that if the people know about it, it's over!
Let the feds that have been captured and our globalist fronts tell the West, sorry, Nevada, 89% is ours, and we're going to run all the cattle people off.
Folks are done!
That's why you can argue, hey, Bundy and them were wrong to stand up to the feds and run them off that property.
They took the land that he had grazing rights to.
Since 1876, they ran the other 35 families off that land in the last 20 years.
They put grazing fees on there, they've never been there, and they claimed he was a welfare person because he was out in the middle of the desert raising cattle on scrub brush.
They know the public doesn't know about grazing rights and water rights, surface rights, mineral rights.
I do!
We've had land in the same spot since 1829.
We've got the Mexican land grant.
We paid for it.
Three cents an acre.
We've still got part of it.
Sold it off over the years.
It used to be big.
In East Texas, still thousands of acres.
I know about it.
See, so I know Bundy was right.
But the public, that old man thinks he owns the National Park?
What in the world?
It's not the National Parks that are only a few percentage of federal land.
See, they always say, what, do you want to get rid of those?
No, we're talking about millions and millions of acres in Southern Nevada.
That they suddenly are putting blocks on the roads so people can't go down to the river and swim, or so you can't ride your four-wheelers.
Or, federal paramilitaries, months before this happened, shot a 15-year-old kid in the back on his bicycle because he didn't stop when they said, get off the federal land.
And so a bunch of feds showed up, sort of beating people up all over the place in the middle of nowhere saying, nowhere in this county on these roads can you stand on the side of the road and protest.
You have to go in a little box.
And then they beat some people up.
So folks showed up with guns and the feds and the paramilitary they had aimed guns at them and said, we're going to shoot you if you continue.
And the people continued on and the feds had to back down because they didn't want the Civil War to start with a bunch of
White, Hispanic, black people up against a bunch of, I didn't see any black feds, Hispanic and white feds, because that wasn't the racial angle they wanted.
They want a civil war to start black against white, so we don't all feel like we're in it together.
They want it to be local cops we start the civil war with, by shooting them in the head in cold blood.
Not hands up, but guns on, walking up saying, hey, you got a hundred of his cattle in there, you're letting die.
And there's already been an order for you to back off, so you didn't do it.
We're coming in, and they had to stand down, and our reporters were there.
It's historic footage.
The people there weren't looking for a shooting war with the feds.
They'd been pushed all the way to the wall to bankruptcy.
And don't worry, beef prices are record cost.
Most people are going out of business.
Where do those cops think those federal police, federal troops, really,
Think the hamburger comes from they eat at the diner down the road.
Don't you understand?
You got 89% of the land out there and it's not enough.
And when the corrupt federal courts are out of control, there will be equilibrium.
There will be, for every action, an opposite and equal reaction.
Equal and opposite reaction.
So you're just on the wrong side.
If you're a Fed, out there in camo, aiming assault rifles at people on horses.
And it's when you pointed the guns at people who didn't have guns, the guns came out!
See how that works?
And the Feds did the right thing, they backed off.
And Harry Reid is so angry.
He wants you to go out there and die stealing land from Americans.
He wants you to go out and mess with the hardest working people that are around.
Because they're the enemy!
They don't want welfare.
They don't want a handout.
They want to produce, and the system doesn't like it.
Robert in Missouri, corrections for 20 years, former military.
Soros is public, trying to start a civil war with police.
What do you make of it?
Well, you know, I live here in St.
Louis, Alex, and, uh, you know, if you pay attention to St.
Louis News, which, you know, this is near and dear to my heart, I got 80-year-old relatives that live in the Ferguson-Delwood area, and guess what?
We've been having killings in this town, and it hasn't been making national news.
We had seven murders in 24 hours just, uh, the other day.
They've got these kids, these young black kids with nothing but a pot to go to the bathroom in.
They got them so wound up against just whites in general and the usual suspects.
No, I know.
It's in the local St.
Louis News.
Every day a white gets shot or their head clubbed in and the national media won't talk about it because it doesn't fit into their narrative right as they put out Selma movies to put salt in the wounds.
I mean, you can see what they're trying.
Yeah, and I called this out from the day this all started with Mike Brown, that I knew it was orchestrated from the top levels of this rotten federal cesspool.
And, you know, this is the point that, you know, the worse they make it out here on these streets, the further they can ratchet up this nasty police state.
You know, I work behind bars.
I've been doing this for almost 20 years.
I was in the Marine Corps before I started this.
And you know what?
This is the PSYOPT of all PSYOPTs in this country.
I try to wake my fellow compatriots up to this, and many of them are like the Blaze-level awakened.
They're only at the Breitbart-Glenn Beck level.
They're not willing to go to the next level.
They still trust the federal government as some sort of a
I think so.
Not willing to go past that membrane that says, hey, the feds are running this thing, and that's the real problem.
Well, sure, and again, let's be clear, it's not the feds.
It's foreign globalist interest under UN treaty, publicly!
I mean, George Soros is running CNN, MSNBC, and 33 million to get police, anti-police riots going.
I mean, how obvious, that's exactly what I'm saying, how obvious does this have to get?
It's a sick situation and it's due to our own laziness.
You know what?
Don't hang up, Robert.
I want to come back to you briefly and then to Kevin, Bob, John, Jacob.
I want you to talk about the murders of whites that are going on that you'll see on the St.
Louis News but nowhere else.
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Divide and conquer, balkanization, that's the name of the game.
Robert in Missouri, 20 years as a corrections officer, former marine.
You know, we ought to talk about the racial attacks in Missouri because, I mean, especially a whole bunch of Eastern Europeans that have communities have been killed.
Because they tend to live in the more inexpensive inner city areas, and it's on the news.
And they just ask, is it racially motivated, even though witnesses hear of the chances they're killed?
How does just murdering some random white person, whose family history never had to do anything to Africa?
Well, how does burning down a black church stand?
I mean, it's giving criminal elements
Who are also kind of dumbed down the excuse to go out and do violent things.
And again, it's all part of getting us fighting with each other instead of the globalists that are sucking this country dry.
I see it every few days, and I'm not even really watching Missouri at this point, or St.
Louis, but you're saying it's happening pretty much every day.
Yeah, I mean, I see these reports, and the media, nationally especially, can you imagine if a week, seven black people in a city were being murdered because of the color of their skin, how big a news story it would be?
We as people that pay attention to all this media, we've got to realize the media that is fashioned for black people to take in is totally different than the normal media that like a regular old white guy will take in.
They have been
If you pay attention to it, it's a militarization of their mentality, and it ties in with this weaponized form of music, which is the dominant cultural factor in inner-city black life.
And I've watched this for 20 years, and anybody that wants to come up and try to debate this with me, I'll come at you, because, see, anybody that, you know, it's baloney.
This is a weaponized form of music that is poisoning these kids.
If you look at the murder rate,
59% of the homicides are done by African Americans, who are about 13% of the population.
But within that 59%, well over 70 to 80% is those that are 18 and under, 20 and under.
And so this is the thing, that's the cultural rot, is the music, culture, Hollywood, Django, this whole thing is meant to make them hate anything white.
And the poor Bosnian people, you know, I got a friend
He was shot Monday night, twice, within a block of where Samir Bejic was hammered to death.
And this is in a Bosnian part of town.
It's a bar I hang out at.
And he was shot Monday night by a couple of these little thugs that tried to rob him.
They put a gun up to his head.
He batched the gun away, got shot in the hand, and he's in the hospital right now.
And so, you know, this area right down here, they've got these kids hating on the Bosnians and white people like it's their fault.
And then these young thugs who think they're in the right are gonna mess with cops that are trained killers and get killed.
Yeah, you know, it's this synergistic relationship and they know that.
The worse they make the culture, the worse the cops gotta be.
And, you know,
It's terrible.
They moved all the jobs offshore.
The Chinese, the Indians, the Mexicans.
And now we don't have anything here.
And these kids are just lashing out.
And then the weaponized form of rap music.
Well, now you sound like Louis Farrakhan, because that's what he says, attacking Asians and Mexicans and everybody else for taking the jobs.
You know, I want to ask these inner cities, though.
Why can't folks get together and open their own businesses and stuff?
Well, that's what Farrakhan says, too.
The federal government deployed social welfare systems to make sure that didn't happen.
So it is a planned program as a beta test on blacks, and now it's being deployed against everybody.
And what you've said is pure veritas.
I appreciate your call.
It's very sad.
Very sad.
And it's just because all I want is to not have black people abort half their folks, and to not have the media trying to get a race war going, and to not have this hip-hop murder gangster culture being deployed so much that it's hard to even keep my kids away from it.
And let me tell you, you give gangster rap to white kids, in rural areas you get murdering gangs.
Same thing happens.
It is weaponized music.
It is designed like brainwashing
...with these catchy beats, all of it, to just absolutely indoctrinate kids into a destructive lifestyle.
And that's why the globalists 110% back it.
We're gonna go quickly to Jacob, Randall, Bob, John, Bo, and others when we come back.
I'm going bam, bam, bam to your calls.
Then, Pope advocates violence in response to free speech, but that's how Jesus died.
I'm going to get some into this Kit Daniels article.
We're going to look at some of the economic number and Obama's poll numbers.
And we're also going to get into some geopolitical news.
That I haven't hit yet.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Last night a little dancer.
Last night a little dancer came dancing to my door.
Turn this up for a minute.
I want to hear a little Billy Oz.
Hey Alex, I hope you're having a great day.
I just, uh...
Got a question for you, but first I just want to say that, uh, Peer Stre- er, uh, sorry.
Peertruth is stranger than fiction at gmail dot com.
That is Peertruth.
Alright, alright, hold on, hold on a minute.
Do you have a specific thing that you want to cover on air or a question or comment?
Because we can have folks spam people's phone numbers or emails out and it causes problems sometimes.
So we don't really let that happen unless we know who we're talking to on air.
Did you have a comment or question today?
Yeah, I just want to say that you're doing a great job.
You're waking up a lot of people.
I mean, if people can come to that, you know... Alright, brother, I appreciate your call.
You don't sound like a very serious caller to me and it sounds like some kind of hokey pokey stuff going on.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I just want to add something to Representative Ivory from Utah.
This is really huge and I want to just make a couple connections.
The BLM are related to all the administrative agencies.
Which basically go in and confuse the meaning of words, to confuse the mind.
All of these agencies are bogus.
The IRS, the FBI, and I think... And then they have federal judges rule that, oh yeah, we can have 100% of the land in Utah or wherever.
No, it's pure bull.
We have to start saying no to this or they'll have us out on the back 40 pulling stuff like a mule again.
Absolutely, and this actually loops around to the same thing that Max Prince, you know, Sheriff Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs in those counties.
There's going to be also the really important pushback on that is the Constitutional Sheriffs.
And I might add that according to my information, and you can verify this, Sheriff Mack has had a little heart attack.
And he's doing okay.
Apparently he had a stent or something, but I just wanted to put that out.
Everybody keep him in your prayers.
I didn't know that.
We'll try to contact Sheriff Mack.
I was wanting to get him on a few weeks ago.
I didn't know that.
Thank you, Bob.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Canada.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, Alex.
You there?
Yes, sir.
Uh, first of all, I don't want to pat you up on the back too hard because I know you get that enough, but I'm from your old stomping ground.
I'm originally from Dallas, Texas, grew up in the heart of Oak Cliff.
And, uh, matter of fact, I was, uh, I did a lot of things for Kennedy back even as a young kid, I'm about 20 years your elder, maybe a little bit more, but getting to the point here today is that I've got to say, be careful how I say this, but my son is, I'll just say he has a work in Europe.
And in that work, he has a lady involved in his work.
And she's from Paris and her brother works on special and special forces with the Paris police force.
And out of the blue, she was just telling, he was telling her and then she told my son that they, that one of those two, the terrorists there was actually in his, in the office eight or nine times before it happened.
One of the terrorists.
And he said, he told her that the very day that it happened,
They knew, the police, the special forces, knew exactly who had done it.
And I thought that was strange.
Matter of fact, I thought it was strange when I saw it on the news that these guys are all wearing masks and all of a sudden, within hours, they knew who they were.
I mean, that stunk of an inside job to me.
But anyway, I thought that information was pretty important.
And see, no reason for her to be lying to him.
I mean, the situation, and it fits really with the whole situation and what happened there in Paris.
But not just that.
Can I take a few more minutes?
Sure, go ahead.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what in the world is going on with our government in the United States.
I mean, I was in Europe when 9-1-1 happened.
And I knew right off the bat when I saw it on TV, I said, something ain't right with this pitcher.
And when you go through the whole thing, you can see it's an inside job.
Oh, it's ridiculous.
But then the question is, what is an inside job?
Criminal elements in the government with Muslim radical decoys who they were protecting, who were CIA, who were trained at military bases, colonels have gone public, were set up, nerve gas was released, they were killed.
The planes were then flown into buildings by remote control.
The buildings that had explosives pre-deployed were blown up to cover up the evidence.
And I've even interviewed people like Barry Jennings, who was the Deputy Head of Emergency Management for New York, who came on the show, talked about bombs in the building, how they blew up Building 7, and he was dead two weeks later.
I mean, like I said earlier, I grew up in the heart of Oak Cliff, and we were let out that day from school to go see Kennedy come down in downtown Dallas.
We took a bus down there, myself and my brother, and we were only three blocks from where it happened, around the corner from the Texas Book Depository, and we actually were coming down from the building down on the street, and we heard the shots.
It wasn't three shots.
Give me a break.
It sounded like a firework display.
I don't think so.
To see what's going on, all these inside jobs, CIA, whatever's doing it, and on and on and on, it really doesn't take a rocket science.
I've been around the world, I've seen things, I know what's happening, and I appreciate what you're doing, no doubt.
Well brother, thank you for thanking me, but I thank you.
We're all in this together.
And it's compartmentalization, it's government secrecy, it's the National Security Act that's allowed all these criminal elements to take over the government.
That's why they want it to be in secret.
Just like a bank robber will close the blinds and lock the door and say you're closed, the government says it's closed so that special interests can come in and take over.
And now they're so bold, George Soros just struts around trying to get a civil war going to kill local cops so the feds, you know, can come in.
I mean, that's what Soros is doing, trying to get these violent protests going, and it's happening.
He wants to get a race war going.
He's a piece of garbage.
It's funny to him.
But he thinks everybody's scared of him, and a lot of people are.
I've heard other talk shows criticize him, and then they shut up.
Because the stuff that he, let's just say the stuff that starts getting pulled scares people.
Well, I'm not scared of any of it.
And it's not because I'm macho or tough.
I'm done.
In fact, just imagining giving in to fear, or imagining being scared of these people, just is like, I'm dead already.
It's just, it's not going to happen.
And we need to have that attitude of, we're done, we know who you are, we know what you're doing, and just, we didn't start this fight, and when the globalists blow up a bunch of stuff trying to blame it on us, we're going to get right in your face day one and expose it, and we're not buying into your official narratives anymore, we don't believe anything you say.
Appreciate your call, John.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Bo in Virginia.
Bo, thank you.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, brother.
Well, I've only been awake for a couple of years.
I came to a conclusion last night.
I was watching a video that The Anonymous put out about how to kill the New World Order and save the world.
And I was watching a video of Martin Luther King Jr.
about the New World Order right before his death and he said the only way that we can deal with the New World Order is through peace.
And I believe that there's enough people in this country now that has half a brain that we ought to march on Washington
In mass.
In mass.
And try to bring a peaceful conclusion to this mess before it blows up in our face.
Well, that would be one of the answers.
The problem is they've balkanized people.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
On so many angles and so many fronts that they'd have provocateur groups in there immediately or they'd find a sheriff's department, you know, on the way there that was controlled, that would attack us.
You know, it's just we're so balkanized by the criminals.
That's why I like the idea of the states taking back the land, citizens taking back the cities.
But you're right, peace is the answer.
They want us to get violent.
They want to scapegoat the police, because Lord knows there's a lot of problems with the police, but make that the whole problem when it's a very small part of it.
If you actually look at where the trouble's coming from, it's globalist social engineering.
It's a scientific world program.
It's eco-science that the White House science czar wrote about.
It's a master global social engineering plan.
And knowing the plan is half the battle.
People really learning how the world works.
And we've come so far, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago.
I can't believe it's been 20 years.
I've been 20 full years on air now.
20 full years.
And in 20 full years, we've gone from most people, probably 70% of people, listening because they thought it was entertaining and funny, 30% knowing it was true and accurate and contributing and educating me.
That was part of the process.
To now, 75-80% the numbers have flipped.
No, the New World Order is real, global governance.
But they say, what do you do about it?
They want some simple solution.
Another 25-30% that would drink cyanide if the government told them to.
Jim Jones cult members, mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness, normalcy bias.
Those are all our enemies.
People believing that they don't have power.
People so overwhelmed by the world and their kids and the laundry and jobs and that they just, you know what?
I just want to have a life.
I don't want to hear about it.
I don't care.
But caring and being involved is what's animating.
It's like saying, I haven't worked out in five years.
That was about how it was.
I didn't work out for like five years.
Went from being in great shape to being in horrible shape.
Then tried to work out and it felt terrible.
Getting involved politically at first is like you hadn't lifted weights or jogged in years.
It doesn't feel good.
But you do it just for a few months, religiously, you're going to be addicted and not able to stop.
I mean, imagine what Thomas Jefferson would be doing right now, or Martin Luther King would be doing right now.
He wouldn't be running around saying, club Bosnians' heads in St.
Louis because they're white, or throw Moloff cocktails at the police.
In fact, he would win if the police attacked them and they didn't do anything.
That's why the system protected the provocateurs, so they could discredit demonstration to begin with.
And that's why Soros is funding this anti-police movement, is because if they overthrow the government, they get to put in their system of control and he wins.
If they don't, it makes a more centralized government take place to respond to it, which he already controls with Obama and his people.
It's not just George Soros, but if you've got to single out one guy who just is like constantly involved in everything bad, it's him.
I mean, I cannot believe what a busy bumblebee he's been.
So, we need to be busy telling friends and family about this radio show.
That's a good place to start.
Getting copies of my films, making copies of them, giving them to people, putting them on AXS television, taking our videos from YouTube and PrisonPlanet.tv, sending them to Facebook, Twitter.
Um, sending our stuff out on your Facebook and Twitter.
If you've got money, and you're nouveau riche, or you own a business, and you've done pretty well, I don't care if it's my website, start a news website, post articles to it you think are important, and put up a big billboard in your town.
Or do it for InfoWars.com.
And Lord knows we're not perfect, but we're trying our best.
Tell people about the show.
Support your local Aminathem affiliates.
Tell the local sponsors you're buying from them because they sponsor the show.
Become a sponsor.
That's how wars are won, is with money and with will.
We're winning the info war.
We've come from way behind to dead even right now.
And the enemy is freaking out.
The panic button is trying to get a race war going.
That's why I harp on this, because the people doing this have overthrown countless countries, but with racial and religious and ethnic differences.
They're experts at it, and they're trying it here, folks.
They're trying it.
And believe me, I'm not bragging, so don't thank me, because my life's worthless if we don't beat this anyways.
My kids are in big trouble.
So don't thank me.
This is like bailing water in a ship or a boat that has holes in the bottom.
We're rowing to land.
It's a mile out.
We can make it.
Give two people row and four or five bail.
Right now we got one person rowing and one person bailing, collectively.
We need to get everybody bailing that can bail, everybody rowing that can row, and look, there's not a question, that water's icy, we're gonna drown and freeze to death in about two minutes if we get in it.
We're a mile away, there's a cold wind in our face, it's hard going, but we're making progress, we gotta get to the land.
We gotta get to the land.
Because the alternative, you better, your back's burning rowing, you better row harder.
Because you're gonna die if you don't.
Just make the decision.
You're going to row, and that's the end of it.
And that's what makes you strong, just like working out.
It's a process.
Because we're in the hands of really wicked people.
I mean, we are in their hands right now.
I want out of their hands.
It's basically like this.
Here's an allegory, then we'll go to break and come back with calls.
We're two seven-year-old boys,
They got grabbed and thrown in a van at the park.
We're tied up in the basement, and we've noticed that there are some clear plastic tanks that have got dead kids in them up against the wall.
Maybe some kids' heads mounted on the wall.
Those are some real cases that have happened.
Somehow I get out of the bonds, and there's a big door.
And I'm not strong enough with the crowbar to pry it open.
But maybe if I get you out of the bondage you're in, we together, we can break our back and get that door open before this guy comes back from work and tortures us for a couple weeks.
Now, I'm in here getting chills down my back constantly when I talk about this, because I realize this is all real, folks.
This is all really happening.
I mean, there's a good chance you know they're going to come after me.
That's why I've gotten even more serious, more focused, big picture the last few years.
Because, I mean, this isn't a game, people.
The stuff I've seen doing this, it's real.
They've tried to buy me off everything.
I mean, this is real.
You understand, folks?
This is real.
The people running our government turned Syria over to Al-Qaeda to kill 300-plus thousand people, men, women, and children, and to blow up every church they found.
You think they're nice people?
George Soros is.
A demonic entity.
He was involved, of course.
I mean, do you understand that?
They got us right now, folks, bound.
Collectively, we can break out of here.
You're like, well, that guy's scary.
He may be up the stairs.
At least you're going up the hall.
At least you got a chance to get out of here.
By the way, we're not seven-year-old kids.
We're 800-pound gorillas to these chicken necks.
So what?
We find him up the hall.
You understand?
Start using your power!
Start using your will against these people!
Look what I've done in 20 years!
There are people listening out there that would dwarf what I've done!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I tried coming to you from occupied Texas.
I mean, I really am occupied by a U.N.
global government.
I'm under FEMA Region 6, suspended Constitution.
They pretty much admit that now.
I mean, just admit where we are to get out of it.
We're tied up in a basement.
Let's get out of this.
Lack of exercise causes twice as many deaths as obesity, CBS News is reporting.
Some good news, a new bill could mark the beginning of the end of Common Core.
And 2 plus 2 equals 5.
So there's a lot of stuff going on on that front.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
There's some bad news though.
McConnell, the leader of the Senate, says the Senate will try to pass a House Immigration Bill.
I mean, it just never ends.
With Republicans like this, who needs commie Democrats?
Ah, it's just a collection of crooks.
Scott in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Hey brother.
I've been listening to you for 11 years and this last week has just prompted me to call.
I've been thinking about this for a couple of months.
Remember the contract with America back in, I think it was 94?
Yeah, that was sabotaged on purpose by Newt Gingrich, yeah.
Right, well my thought is similar to the lines of that.
What if we had a small college
Run by, say, all the guys that contribute to your show, your guests, say with a hundred kids.
Rewriting the entire Code of Federal Regulations, all the policies, everything that's in writing.
And then we had a package, a replacement package, that a group of
Well, that is the type of thing that is a velvet revolution that they never call a revolution in the end.
Those are the type of revolutions that succeed.
Usually violent ones fail.
Ours succeeded because it was velvet ideas but armor-coated and was, you know, a defensive move against tyranny.
So we're one of the few violent ones that turned out good.
But you're absolutely right.
Just like they've got these initiatives to take the federal land back to the states and the people, those are now passing and having victory because it's such a good idea, who can say no to it?
They'd rather have some buildings blow up and some cops shot so we can have a civil war because we would actually fix things peacefully.
So yes, something like maybe even having the Ron Paul Institute come up with a plan of an America reboot or America re-upload.
And then people run on that, states run on it, federal run to build a bigger coalition about what we pledge to do to restore the republic and just go back to what we know works.
It's real simple and it's a great idea.
It doesn't mean your plan would succeed.
It doesn't mean if Ron Paul did it, it would succeed.
But those type of ideas, enough of them out there.
We'll gain steam, and we will end up reforming the country.
And that's how we should fix things, is with ideas, not with bullets.
But, if they come to take guns and start an offensive war on us, and want to round people up, I mean, I'm sorry, you know, we have to defend ourselves, and we didn't come to look for a war, but if it's going to start, to quote the founders there at Bunker Hill, it's going to start right here.
And so, we'll have the moral high ground, even if they make it up and say we're terrorists, and we'll have to defend our families, and that's just the way it is.
If we did all of the work outside of Congress, the way they have groups write their legislation, and had everything done in place, you know, trying to elect a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz, that's great, but we're never going to get the majority that way.
Plus, they can assassinate one of those people if they turned out to be legitimate.
Right, but if we had an overhaul package in place ready to go,
And a group came along, a majority group of politicians said, look, vote for us, and we will vote this legislation.
I totally agree with you.
It's a genius plan.
A real contract on America, but not an American emergency resurrection package.
And we need to promote it so that when things collapse by design, we don't get the globalist reboot, we get the republic reboot that we need.
We'll see you Sunday, folks, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And I'm going to do a little bit of overdrive, internet only.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
I'm back to your calls.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You wanna fight tyranny?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
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Well, this just broke by Adon Salazar.
Be one thing if they had a black guy, a white guy, a hispanic guy, a lady, but Miami cops shoot mug shots of blacks for target practice.
Snipers trained with photos of real people.
And unless the news is distorting it, which they could be doing, it's all blacks.
And I think that's pretty unacceptable.
Just like I thought it was unacceptable when the feds ordered millions of no-compromise targets of pregnant women and children.
Remember that?
So that story's up on Infowars.com right now.
I mean, who did that?
Plus the PR disaster.
I mean, who?
This is really hard to believe.
But the feds shooting little kids in training stuff is hard to believe, but it was real.
I just, I don't know what to think anymore at this point.
This is just, they really want to get the cops in a fight, a racial war with the blacks.
It's just the perfect Soros plan.
This is really stupid if the cops did this.
Let's go to Gerald in California.
You're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Long time listener.
Well, not long time.
I'm 24 years old.
Started listening to you when I was 20.
Well, God bless you.
Thanks for putting up with me, my friend.
What's on your mind?
I don't even know where to begin.
I think what's on my mind is, most importantly, the fact that it's hard to pass a message along to kids and young adults of my age.
But I'm doing my best.
I also want to talk about Paris, this whole France incident, as it being propaganda to take away our Second Amendment.
Also, I'm outraged by Liam Neeson's stupid, frivolous, very, very, very lackluster comment about too much guns in America.
That was by far the most
Outrageous thing I've heard coming from a person who promote propaganda in a sense, you know, with his, uh, the movie roles he decided to take on.
You know, I found it preposterous and, you know, it's just, it's a contradiction.
But, you know, we all know with those type of movies, they get passed through the government, you know, so they can promote certain things.
Oh, absolutely.
But Liam Neeson is a good actor and I'm so upset with him.
Saying that American guns are blaming Paris.
What in the world?
I mean, it's like if somebody slips on a banana peel, you blame the Second Amendment.
And I guarantee you, in fact, have the guys look into this, I bet money Liam Neeson has bodyguards and I bet they're armed.
Just like that pig.
Michael Moore, who again is pushing the whole race war agenda, claiming gun ownership is racist.
I mean, it's just absolutely divide and conquer.
God bless you, have a great weekend.
Anthony in Florida, probably the last caller we have time for.
Sorry to all the other callers.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Anthony.
Uh, yeah.
When I see this shooting here in Paris, it just proves yet again that we should always question the official narrative because, quite frankly, you know, you see these people running and screaming, ah, it just seems so fake.
And it's like, what do you call it?
It just seems like, you know, total Hollywood script.
And I think that what real journalism is questioning the official narrative.
Well, I agree with you and we've questioned it.
It stinks to high heaven.
They were allowed to train.
They were allowed to fly when there were no fly lists.
They were connected to the CIA operative Ammar al-Awlaki.
That's just to name a few.
And so it's false flag at some level.
Are there radical jihadis?
Were these guys the shooters?
May have been.
Is this being used to restrict free speech and call for internet censorship?
Not just by governments, but by the great pontiff himself and many others.
See you back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Great job, crew.
And tonight, 7 o'clock central.
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No one has put together