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Name: 20150109_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 9, 2015
2817 lines.

In this episode of the Alex Jones show, he discusses MI5's warning about al-Qaeda planning mass attacks in Western countries and criticizes Western governments for creating this threat by questioning if they are deliberately allowing terrorist attacks to occur. He also covers recent terrorist attacks in Paris and critiques French surveillance measures. The InfoWars Life Resolution Pack is introduced, a combination of three essential formulations for improving health. Alex Jones promotes various Infowars products discussing their benefits for health and wellness. Topics covered include MI6 chief's warning about preparing for terror attacks, conspiracy theories related to Louis XIV and the Rothschilds, the role of gangster rap in jihadist-ism, InfoWars Life products, flu vaccines possibly having wrong strains, home security systems' vulnerability to criminals, and record-breaking cold weather worldwide. Health officials warn of an increase in Bronx cases of severe pneumonia known as Legionnaire's disease. Alex Jones also discusses various topics with Kevin Smith including their respective projects, politics, cars, marijuana industry, freedom of speech, current news articles, and humorous discussions about famous figures.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Britain's security service, the MI5, has warned that al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria are planning mass casualty attacks in Western countries.
The MI5 chief, Andrew Parker, says it is highly likely that Britain would be targeted.
Parker said likely attacks are plotted against transport systems or iconic targets to inflict large-scale loss of life.
The spymaster also said three terror plots were foiled in Britain in recent months.
He described the level of terror threat to Britain as very serious.
Parker added that the threat is possibly posed by British nationals who have joined terrorists in Syria.
He made those comments in a rare address in the wake of the deadly attack on a magazine office in Paris.
All right, that's Press TV reporting from England.
Wow, the head of MI5 said jihadis out of Syria might attack Europe?
That's like saying the wind might blow someday, or that birds might tweet, or that crickets or insects might hop.
I'm not even going to attempt, though we probably should to go back and pull, the not dozens, not hundreds, but multiple hundreds of times that we predicted all this, in the last two years, that the Al Qaeda forces trained and renamed ISIS, reconstituted, bigger and badder than ever, hundreds of thousands of them, would start attacking soft targets.
And I said, newspapers, police stations, colleges,
Elementary schools, primary schools.
And then, of course, we'll have to have martial law, not just at the airports, but everywhere to keep us safe.
As if any amount of police state could ever protect you.
Whether this is a false flag or not, we know this.
Western governments helped create this threat.
They're now admitting these two brothers trained outside the country.
They had Facebook sites with their Al-Qaeda flags, with the hand signs, with the guns, implying what they were going to do.
And they were able to get weapons inside France, rocket-propelled grenades, RPGs,
and automatic rifles and go around and kill 13 people.
Now reportedly they're dead now we're hearing, but we've heard this before.
We heard this the day it happened and there's been explosions in the woods and supposedly the six hostages at a grocery store have been released.
I mean, I hope all that's true.
This is all breaking as we speak.
I got a call this morning from a very high level source
And I'll just leave it at that.
Confirming that an RPG was used, which is an interesting factoid, inside of the newspaper that was attacked two and a half days ago.
Charlie Ebdo and his high-level source,
is in the US military, I'll just leave it at that, in Europe.
And that is directly from their counterparts in the French anti-terror police.
So a rocket-propelled grenade was used.
Now you see reports that they had RPGs.
But the report is, we have one out of the daily mail, teenage suspect arrested after handing himself into police over Paris Magazine massacre that left 12 people dead as anti-terror unit raids building to hunt for two brothers trained in Yemen as assassins.
And they said, we are Al Qaeda from Yemen.
That's what witnesses said day one.
As well as AK-47 assault rifles, there were also reports of rocket-propelled grenades being used in the attack, but they don't source them.
Well, let me tell you, that comes directly from the anti-terror French police.
Directly from NATO.
Directly from a high-level source.
To me, on the telephone, 40 minutes ago.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We've got to be asking ourselves a big question right now while the world watches.
In fixed,
Enjoying the spectacle of fear going on, the spectacle of panic going on, as they pop their popcorn and pour their cold beer.
So many people are simply voyeurs of violence and carnage.
As the world watches
What else is going on?
What else is unfolding?
What else is happening in politics, in world news, in U.S.
news, in science and technology, in the economy?
It's all coming up today, ladies and gentlemen, on this live, hard-to-believe, hard-to-believe, already the ninth day of January, 2015, worldwide edition.
Now, just ten minutes ago, they said that both of the supposed terrorist shooters, Al-Qaeda from Yemen, they claim, had been killed, and that hostages taken, including women and children, had survived.
Now, Reuters is reporting four of the hostages are dead, and that the shooters are dead.
I'm not going to sit here today
And minute by minute go over this because there's going to be a lot of disinformation, a lot of media jumping to report the latest info.
We don't know this is a false flag.
We don't know if it's provocateur.
We don't know they protected these guys.
We don't know if they let them into the country.
We don't know or it may have just been missed.
Maybe a real terror attack.
But what we do know is that the giant worldwide spy grid, the French per capita have more spy systems and electronic snooping and are more open about it than even the United States.
It's one of the most surveilled societies in the world.
And for all the electronic surveillance, all the unconstitutional spying that France has that violates their own constitution as well, it did not stop this.
You could turn France into a giant prison.
People won't be safe, they'll be less safe.
One of the most dangerous places to be is a prison.
You can get more drugs, more contraband,
More child porn, more violence, more stabbings than in a prison that you're going to have in the worst areas of Chicago or New York City.
So the surveillance state didn't keep the French safe, and now we have the two brothers with their Facebook, with their Al Qaeda, Jihadi flags, showing them at the shooting range, I guess in Yemen,
Getting training for the attack.
And they've got their trendy girlfriends that follow them because they were hip-hop mac daddies.
It fits the MO of narcissists with their selfies that this could be a real terror attack.
If I had to give you the profile, and I've done this many times on air in the last few years, if I had to give you the profile of a real modern jihadi,
They're about 23 years old.
They listen to gangster rap music.
They wear Puma sweatpants, sweatshirts, and shoes.
I'm sorry, that's just who they are.
They take constant selfies and see themselves as basically movie stars, are narcissists taking selfies, hanging out with your daughter.
Because the coolest thing to do is a date a jihadi.
I mean, come on.
Just watch MTV.
Just hang out on a college campus.
There's nothing cooler.
The fusion of the worst of gangster rap and the worst of radical Islam to give us the mutation.
What do you call a mac daddy, homie G, jihadi?
A jihadi gangster?
A gangster jihadi?
How do you compound word that?
And I'm on record saying, over and over again, and I don't brag, I'm on record saying, when we're right, which is pretty much continually, I point it out because we really have the combination.
We have the code.
We know how things work.
We understand the program, the social poisoning.
And I said, get ready for real asymmetrical attacks across the West by aimless, welfare-head, spoiled, rotten, immigrant kids.
Their parents are hard-working, their parents don't like what they're doing, but they go into the toxic American culture.
You take radical Islam and you add it into the evil Western culture, you're going to get something really nasty.
And that's what we've got here, is this mutation.
And I see it all over Facebook, all over Twitter.
You see it at the anti-police rallies around the country, with the Ford Foundation and Soros right behind.
Radicalizing, holding up the ISIS signs.
I knew months ago, we started getting all sorts of ISIS threats by punks on Facebook and Twitter threatening us, and the government of course did nothing about it, that this was a real situation.
When I started criticizing Al-Qaeda four years ago in Syria, now known as ISIS or ISIL last year as a brand change to confuse the military and the American people, that, oh, we're not having to battle who our government put in charge of the rebels in Syria, we're battling a new group that we keep accidentally giving airdrops of weapons to.
And so now we have to give up all of our freedoms and liberties because the jihadis have come to town.
And it can be used to then take freedoms across the board, create new Islamophobia, which will be used to set up a larger police state that will end up being actually pointed at and deployed against gun owners, returning veterans, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, pro-lifers, land rights activists, get-us-out-of-the-UN activists, you name it.
And we've seen this carried out on a smaller scale, beta tested, over and over again since 9-11.
But now it's being rolled out writ large.
I've told you, I expect attacks on soft targets probably in Paris first.
I don't know how, folks, the clips, there's got to be 50 of those, or more, where I said in the last two years, until you were sick of hearing it.
In fact, we have a journal every day where we write down notes of my predictions, so we should be able to search that and pull a few, you know, clips of that, just to show new listeners that I'm not just making these claims.
I said I would expect Paris to get hit first, and then London, and then New York, and then some city like Austin, Texas.
I think Austin will probably get hit.
Because I just don't know how to look at the whole background and what's being deployed.
And they won't have to stage it this time because they have promoted it and hyped it and pushed it to certain extents throughout the media that when Al Qaeda and ISIS puts out a report a week ago, a video, saying attack the French, well, it was time for those trained in Yemen
Who in a anti-gun, anti-defense, anti-freedom society, like France, were able to have RPGs and automatic weapons and go kill at least 13 people, three of them police officers, and now they're saying at least four hostages are dead, but there's still explosions and fire and smoke in France, in the woods.
Who knows what's going on?
We'll try to figure it out.
At another point, it doesn't really matter though.
That's just a soap opera.
The larger issue is, we predicted it.
It wasn't hard to predict.
It's like if you douse yourself in gasoline and light yourself on fire, you're going to probably get burned.
Not a very hard prediction to make.
And again, that's how stupid the social engineers think you are and I'm are.
That's not proper English.
You are and I'm are.
That's how dumb they think we collectively are, is that they could arm for four plus years, give tens of billions of dollars, through NATO, through the US, through Turkey and a bunch of other countries, a coalition to gang up on Libya, gang up on Syria.
Turn the countries over to Al Qaeda and ISIS, jihadis out of Saudi Arabia, under any name it's the same thing, the same black flags, the same symbols, the same bin Laden brigade garbage.
To blow up every mosque that isn't radical, every Shiite mosque, every Alawite mosque, every synagogue, every church, and crucify Christians, and rape them, and murder them, and conscript their daughters into sex slavery.
And to eat hearts on TV.
Just scum of the earth.
Our government did this, and now hundreds of thousands, at least 200,000 of these people are running around Iraq and Syria, and many of them come
From the United States, England and France, and remember last year and the year before when it was in the news that they were allowing people to recruit on Facebook and Twitter in the US and England and Europe to go back and forth and that French and British and others were letting them fly back and forth?
In their Muslim gear, with the beards, with the Bin Laden flags, saying on their Facebooks, we're going to Afghanistan, we're going to Libya, we're going to Syria, we're going to Iraq to fight Jihad, and Western governments who were funding it in the zone, let them recruit online, and let them go back and forth, and now let them attack in Paris,
So they have a justification to grab my genitals or put me in a naked body scanner at the airport.
What a stinking, giant, disgusting fraud.
And now the head of MI5 says, brace for Al-Qaeda, ISIS to attack the West.
We'll play that clip when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Well, my friends, Alex Jones here back live.
It's finally mainstream news.
I've got a stack of it here.
Health officials warn of Legionnaire's disease outbreak in New York City.
That's coming up.
Unraveling key to cold virus.
Harsh respiratory viruses slams Colorado.
They're warning of super strains of pneumonia killing people across the United States in 2014.
I lost three family members in December and January of 2013-2014 to these super viruses.
And believe me, this winter is just as bad, and it's finally being reported on.
That's coming up.
Also, breaking exclusive to Infowars.com, drug cartel places a $45 million bounty on Rick Perry's head.
And that comes from directly inside two legislatures.
I'll just leave it at that.
But this is directly to our office from very credible sources.
We made some phone calls.
You can then see the response of Perry's office.
The article is at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Drug cartel places 45 million bounty on Rick Perry's head.
Fake terror group plans mass casualty attacks against the West.
That means ISIS slash Al Qaeda.
A special report by John Bowne that folks think is controversial.
The Islamification in the Obama Nation.
Well, there's no doubt there's an Islamification of Europe and the United States.
Europe more intensely.
Snowden says cyber war more damaging to the US than any other nation.
Insider reports Obama is being blackmailed by Muslim Brotherhood, that's an Egyptian colonel, and FBI informant we interviewed yesterday, Ahmaud Salem.
Really big news on the economic front I want to get into.
You know, in the last three months, more than 65% of new oil drilling permits by the federal government have been denied.
And now the debt that the U.S.
oil producers, smaller companies, were accruing to start drilling or to continue drilling is set to bankrupt most of them in the next year.
So see, driving down oil prices bankrupts the Russians and it bankrupts independent U.S.
oil producers.
We're going to be breaking all of that down and more today.
I got a call this morning about 30 minutes before airtime speaking of the Paris situation that's ongoing with reports of the terrorists being dead and four of the hostages being dead, but then they're saying the hostages are alive.
We don't know.
Britain's MI5 warns Al Qaeda planning mass attacks on the West.
Well, of course, you help give them a new base, you give them tens of billions of dollars, you give them artillery support by the Turkish military, you call them freedom fighters in Syria, and now they've turned into Iraq and we're having to fight them there.
Of course they're going to come back.
Most of them come from Western countries.
They were allowed to organize by our media, by our governments.
And now those governments will take our freedoms when they attack us.
And the cops getting their heads blown off will be real?
The citizens getting shot will be real?
I got a call this morning by a very credible, high-level source.
military intel via NATO and their liaisons with the French National Anti-Terror Police who were directly involved inside the French satirical newspaper
Charlie Hebdo.
That a rocket-propelled grenade was used inside.
Just an interesting little factoid.
And one reason we haven't been shown more images inside, just one shot of a bloody hallway with blood splattered everywhere and papers blown everywhere.
Guns don't blow papers everywhere.
In fact, can we pull up the one photo we have?
Notice there's papers all over the place.
That's what a grenade does.
And it was reported by the Daily Mail
Yesterday, on Thursday, in an article, deep inside the article, Teenage Suspects Arrested, after handing himself into police is the headline, on page 12, as well as the AK-47 assault rifles, there were also reports of rocket-propelled grenades being used in the attacks.
We heard from witnesses they had RPGs, rocket-propelled grenades,
But this is from a source confirming it, who talked, my source talked directly to the French source.
High level.
High level.
And you look at that photo, they've now released more photos.
That's from the firebombing originally that happened.
But the new photo is a paper splatter all over the place.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, the word is RPG was used on them.
Just a little side note.
When we come back, I'm going to play the MI5 chief, saying Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda under any other name is still Al-Qaeda, ISIS or whatever, is going to be attacking.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
England, the United States, everybody.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I want to open the phones up on this Friday edition again for first-time callers on any issue you want to raise.
The French situation,
The police state, what's happening with oil prices, the economy.
Any angle you want to talk about, just get right to the point and have a good phone because we don't screen your calls.
Just your name, where you're calling from, how you're listening, what affiliate.
If you want to give us that info, I don't care.
Calls from China, Australia, Germany.
I'd love to get some calls from France.
I guess just dial your country access code and 800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231
We have an internal international line.
In fact, why don't we just go ahead and fire that up.
We haven't turned that line on yet, so wait a few minutes.
I just decided to do that in midstream.
Or you can call the international line at GCN.
Or just the classic 800-259-9231.
We'll be taking your phone calls.
I'm going to try to calm down.
It's just very frustrating that number one, if terror threats were real, we shouldn't give up our fundamental freedoms.
Because of that threat, because that then encourages terrorists to attack you to take control of your civilization and make you give in to their demands.
Now, if you have criminal elements in control of the civilization at the heights of corporate governance as well as governmental systems, if they can take control and run your life and get trillions in no-bid contracts over the last 15 years,
Would the government at least allow terrorists to attack if, as a society, every time there's an attack, we lose more freedom, even though losing more freedom doesn't protect us from another attack?
The way the media dramatizes 13 people that are dead.
Sure, it's a tragedy.
We're sad.
We hope the hostages weren't killed.
Some of them reportedly got out alive because they had children with them.
I've got one of those images on my screen of a father with his son and a woman being ushered out by the police.
They say the two terrorists are supposedly dead and that four of the hostages were killed.
But in the big picture, as you know I say, honeybees kill 200-something people a year, wasps 300-something, deer running out in front of your cars is over 500, deer with their antlers kill more than 10 people a year.
Oh yeah, look it up.
But see, deer aren't scary.
Honeybees aren't scary.
Great white sharks kill about five people a year worldwide.
And most people are scared to swim in over their neck in the ocean.
Most people I know, because they think sharks will eat them.
You've got a better chance of a leprechaun changing your oil.
Well, maybe you've got a better chance of a shark biting and the leprechaun changing your oil, because leprechauns don't exist.
Now I'm a conspiracy theorist, I'm sorry.
Maybe they do.
Maybe I'm racist against Irish people because I'm saying leprechauns don't exist.
You know, that's the answer to any intellectual argument you can't win.
Just say someone's a racist, but I'm going far afield now, aren't I?
It is so frustrating to see my freedom, your freedom, our freedom being flushed down a toilet while the borders are wide open.
I mean, how transparent is this?
France is wide open to open immigration.
Illegals pour in every day, get put on welfare.
The country is on the verge of economic collapse by every metric, just like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, and other areas.
The bankers are taking control of it.
The French government saying you can't say father and mother on documents because it hurts people that aren't male or female.
Oh, see?
Being a father hurts someone that can't be a father.
See where this tyranny goes?
This is mind control.
Oh, but these jihadis, which more and more I think evidence is leaning towards this being a real attack, they get to go on Facebook.
Let's put up their Facebook for TV viewers if we can.
A headline, Daily Mail, Facebook of terrorist suspects found, and they're on there with their rifles and with their spent cartridges, giving their hand signs meaning they're going to kill for Allah, and nothing was done.
But I've seen articles in the French press where vacationing Americans will joke about
You know, we're gonna blow this place up partying, and within two hours, French police knocked down their Rich Carlton door, dragging them out, because they said, we're gonna blow this place up partying.
They could look and see they were party animals, no criminal record, that it was in context of partying, but they went ahead and SWAT teamed them.
Same thing happened a few years ago, where
There was a text message in the United States of some visitors in L.A.
saying something similar.
They got a visit.
Remember the folks searching for pressure cookers weren't even Muslim in Florida, got SWAT teamed?
They wanted pressure cookers to cook some food.
I have a crock pot and a pressure cooker.
I have a big crock pot for putting turkeys and chickens in it.
I expect a SWAT team attack any minute.
I'm being sarcastic, but might as well.
Everybody knows I'm not a jihadi.
Everybody knows I'm not planning a terror attack, actually.
Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, MSNBC came out and said that I'm, quote, connected to the Boston Bombers.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like they may have visited my website, which gets millions of visitors a day.
It's like saying, they visited CNN, so
CNN's guilty as well.
So this is the attempt that we see taking place.
Are you upset about this?
Our government creates a new Islamic army under the name ISIS.
Our military gets upset about it, says we won't follow the side of Al-Qaeda.
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul come out and say that a year and a half ago.
So they changed the name to ISIS.
It's the same group.
And now they're connected directly to these guys who reportedly traveled to Yemen for training
And then posted the Jihad photos from Yemen with them training at training camps with AK-47s.
And then they got back into France with rocket-propelled grenades, RPGs, and full-auto Kalashnikovs, and nothing was done about it.
Just like with the FBI, cooking the bomb, giving them the detonators, and then Ahmad Salem
Tries to stop it, and he's pulled off the case, and they send in another bomb maker to help him finish it, and let them carry out the attack.
Because then, you get more funding!
And Congress is calling for more anti-terror laws!
And the French are!
And the British are!
Let's play the MI5 head.
Here's the Reuters headline, Britain's MI5 chief warns al-Qaeda in Syria, planning mass attacks on the West!
If they've got more than 10,000 heat-seeking, shoulder-fired, MPAD, surface-to-air missiles, that aren't much bigger than an RPG, if these guys could smuggle at least three RPGs they were seen with, one they used inside the newspaper, that's from Infowars, you're getting that, can they get a Chinese copy of a Stinger in?
Can they get a U.S.
Modern Stinger?
Because the stuff they've got's mainly U.S.
Oh, I've even had, by name, the CIA pilot, Tosh Plumlee, on to talk about his NATO source and others.
Flying the weapons into them, the military gets so upset they land, because they have military that offloads it.
They have contractor pilots.
And the jihadis shoot their mouths off and say, we're going to kill you next in English.
That's how, imagine being a special forces, NATO soldier, US soldier, and you land in Jordan.
Or you land in Iraq, or you land in Turkey at these training camps, and at the airport, at the airbase, a truck pulls up, and it's a 25-year-old jihadi from England, with a 23-year-old jihadi from France, with a 30-year-old jihadi handler from the U.S., and they even smart-mouth them when they're giving them the weapons.
I have that directly from people offloading the weapons.
You understand?
That's why you saw thousands of officers covering their faces, holding up pieces of paper saying, I won't fight for Al-Qaeda in Syria because it's so sick.
The American people may buy it and may be in a coma and not know how big this is, but the military does.
That's why Dempsey went to Obama two years ago at midnight on a Friday and said, the military is going to rebel if you try to launch an air bombardment against Syrian targets and if you try to send in ground troops.
Assad's done nothing to anybody.
The military is finally waking up.
And Dempsey didn't do that because he's an angel.
The military got it, folks.
If we can duplicate that, it's game over for this, and we're an inch away from that right now.
The bold move!
The naked move!
I mean, we had a former colonel in the Egyptian military on, who just loves America, loves the U.S.
military, hates radical Islam, worked for the FBI, saying, unfortunately, it looks like our government's arming ISIS and is behind it.
And he was very upset.
And he said this is to scapegoat Islam and create a clash of civilizations.
He gets it.
He gets it.
And it's to turn the Middle East over to a bunch of Wahhabist cavemen.
Well, I stand against radical Islam.
I'm sorry.
I'm a radical.
I stand against shooting police in the head.
I'm a bad person.
I stand against Al Qaeda.
I'm not trendy.
I understand that.
And all you ISIS people threatening us?
Hey, we're not a French newspaper.
We got people that have taken your asses out in this building right now.
We're armed to the teeth, and we're not scared.
You got that, you sons of bitches?
This is Texas.
You wanna threaten me?
You can go straight to hell.
You understand that?
I'm not scared.
You understand that?
I am just sick at what filth you are.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
We're broadcasting worldwide today, taking your phone calls.
Let's go to Lauren in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to thank you for putting out the information that you put out.
I just started listening to your show maybe last year, so it's probably like three months now.
I'm black.
It's hard to get any other black person to listen to this show.
How can I reach people?
It's like, it's exactly what you say.
As soon as someone doesn't agree, they say, oh, he's racist.
Oh, you know, that's their argument to everything.
Well, that's because you've got a dumbed-down population on all sides that just bleep out stereotypical words because they're not informed.
It just makes them feel smart.
And, you know, we have every race, color, and creed listening to this broadcast, and that's why these type of shows are important, so everybody can talk to each other.
So if you want to reach out to folks, you can do it right here on the air.
Go ahead.
I just, you know, I just really don't even... I just wanted to bring up that point.
I know some other people may have, you know, problems reaching out to other people in their community.
They just don't really understand what's going on.
And like you said, they just always call it racist.
So I just wanted to bring up that point.
Thanks for all that you do.
No ma'am, please don't thank me.
Like Limbaugh says, just say ditto.
Thank you so much, you're a sweetheart.
Please, I want to thank you.
Pete in Michigan, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi there Alex, long time listener.
I was just calling in about this whole terrorist attack in France.
I don't know if you've really come to a solid conclusion of what they're going to try to get out of this.
Are they going to try to restrict our freedom of speech out of this?
They're going to try to bring in cyber security with new fake cyber Pearl Harbors they're getting ready.
And then with this, they're going to try to bring in new political correctness.
I mean, shopping carts all over won't let you sell stuff even mildly critical of Islam.
Google won't let us sell the Obama deception saying it's racist.
That's what's coming out of this is we have to shut up.
We have to comply.
We have to go along with the system.
And the reason I said that I think this may be a real attack... Sure, the door was open, the training was allowed, it was protected.
So it is a false flag light.
But I've seen the real sexiness.
The real avant-garde foe.
It's faux avant-garde.
It's fake.
Promotion of jihading as some type of liberal socialist cutting-edge army in social media.
It's been allowed to operate.
They're just creating the clash of civilizations, so that the West kills Muslims and Muslims kill us, instead of us just promoting cooperation, science, technology, and freedom.
Just like the globalists, just like the Rothschilds helped get World War I going, that killed 6 million Germans, 3 million French, a million Brits, a couple hundred thousand Americans.
World War II killed 21 million Germans, 22 million Russians, almost 400,000 Americans, about 400,000 Brits.
I'm going from memory, but you can look these numbers up.
Those were all basically staged.
They were real wars, but the banking cartels manipulated it on both sides.
Now they want the third conflict to be between the West and Islam.
And out of that clash, just like the West versus Communism, we both become more authoritarian in confronting each other because it's being manipulated by the central globalist committees.
What do you think is coming out of this, Pete?
Well, I think that you're right on spot with that, and I have kind of a question or a recommendation, an idea that might be groundbreaking for you.
Kind of goes along with what the last caller was talking about, trying to get people together.
A couple weeks ago I tried calling him because you had mentioned something.
About us getting together and pulling together on things.
Have you ever thought about, I know you've done the dating website thing a while back, I don't know what happened.
Well sure, we did a social network, PlanetInfoWars.com.
It's primitive, but it works good for people to meet each other and stuff.
I mean, that's one subsection of it, yes.
What I was wondering is, could you come up with something that would be kind of like Craigslist, where like-minded people could all get together by their area and maybe
You know, just pull together and pool our resources to prepare for what's coming down the tubes.
You know, we have the Prison Planet, um...
area where people can go in there and talk we have planetinfowars.com that's a basic social network that millions of people have used uh... we also have the message board the prison planet message board that is kind of organic and operates on its own mainly just becomes a giant gossip rag but it's got a lot of good information as well so yes sir but we do have planetinfowars.com
It's got street art, outdoors, guns, health, video, business, dating, economics, entertainment, offbeat, politics, science, technology, weird news, world news, activism, preparedness, resistance, members activity, find groups, smart groups, start groups, read articles, write articles, planetinfowars.com, and it's up there right now.
Okay, we're going to come back on the other side.
Continue with your phone calls.
Then I'm going to get into just a ton of other news.
The weather, you name it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and I'm Alex Jones.
I told you when we started the broadcast about 50 minutes ago that I was not going to follow
The ongoing soap opera very closely today because so much disinformation comes out in the fog of this hysteria.
First, they claim that both of the terrorist suspects have been killed.
Now they're saying that one of them's on the loose.
First they said the hostages hadn't been killed, now four have been killed.
It is just all over the map right now.
Clearly these guys had accomplices to get RPGs and fully autos into France.
They say they're working with ISIS and Al Qaeda.
They went to Yemen for training.
This is all part of the Saudi Arabian crescent of radical Islamification that they used to take over the Middle East.
And most Middle Eastern countries hate these jihadis.
I want to be clear.
Doesn't mean you have to even agree with Islam.
I'm just being accurate here.
They hate it.
Imagine you're living in Iraq.
You can go to the movies.
Your daughter can go to college.
You get overthrown.
Now they're chopping your heads off.
Or Syria.
I mean, you could go to Syria, folks, and order a beer.
Not anymore, where the Al-Qaeda people are in charge.
I mean, our government is putting the worst people in charge to destabilize those regions, just like they're trying to destabilize us and take our freedom away.
Just like they've caught the Feds arming street gangs.
Going back to the 60s, just like we caught the Justice Department arming drug cartels.
I mean, it's bad people in government, folks, and corporations.
I'm gonna go to a caller in France.
Steve in France.
What is your view on this?
Go ahead.
Good evening, Alex.
Thank you for taking the call.
Well, it seems like... I don't know if you hear me well, but... I do, sir.
Go ahead.
You hear?
Yes, sir.
Well, it seems to me like everybody here is taking it the same as 2001 in America.
It's a big shock for everybody, because there's no good point in having people coming up with machine guns, and guns, and cops, and people like this.
It's an outrage.
I don't know now what is going to be happening, but they are already talking about arming the cops, and making a huge amount of security.
I think it was, if it was a plot, which I'm not going to say it was,
But if it was a slot, it would have been perfectly targeted to motivate all French people to accept the same kind of law that are coming to America as lots of, how many police the same way as military and have them check everybody in the street and have a huge police state.
You said it right there succinctly, just like the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, now Chicago Mayor, said we never let a good crisis go to waste.
Whether it was staged or not, they're going to use it.
To basically intensify the totalitarian state, just as France economically, from what I've seen in the numbers, is in deep trouble, we know historically with economic trouble comes totalitarianism.
Do you agree with an outsider's view that the EU and France is having economic trouble, and that the government's trying to amass more power?
Of course, the EU is controlling the whole Europe, and who controls the EU is probably America.
So there's a problem in France and everywhere.
You know, I can see also with this event, the president, Antoine Hollande, he's having a very low rating right now.
I wouldn't be surprised if they can catch those guys, which right now I think there's a two on stage situation in France.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, stay there, sir.
Don't hang up.
I want to come back to you in one minute.
We start the next hour.
70 seconds, technically, and let you finish up.
And I want to speak about France as well.
France lost 3 million people in World War I, folks.
And then now, France is saying, we've got to give up all of our liberties because of 13 dead or 15 dead or whatever it is.
I want to ask him his view on giving up liberty for security.
Well, you never end up getting liberty, you get tyranny.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We had a caller from Macedonia that had some really interesting points to make about radical Islamists being brought into all those countries.
And protected by the West, but he hung up.
We're finishing up with Steve.
Charles de Gaulle, after World War II, basically they started setting up the Bilderberg Group and other organizations.
You can say what you want about him, but he was for sovereignty in the French people.
And he called all the major French leaders in in a famous speech and said, when he was elected president, we're not going to tolerate any of you being sold out to foreigners, we're going to have national sovereignty, and I'm basically going to come after you if you engage in treason.
You can differ with what the government's saying, but you're not going to work with foreign outsiders.
The French
Basically ended up grabbing their nuclear weapons away from NATO at an airport.
There was a big standoff.
That stuff's in the history books, but most people don't know about it.
And in the West, through British intelligence and the Jackal, tried to actually kill de Gaulle.
You won't see that in the history books, but that's in some of the deeper documents.
What you have is a bunch of financial interest, and the French president is a puppet.
Totally trying to indebt them, get them into a socialist system.
You can make fun of France being so socialist, folks.
We're only a few years away from that.
Obama just came out and announced free community college.
As if it'll be free.
It'll be indoctrination.
It'll fully federalize community college.
So, we look at France and where they've gone, that's where we're going.
And just as they used 9-11 to take our freedoms, they're going to use this now to take French freedoms.
You know, I think we have no choice in France to go to militarized police.
Nobody has guns, nobody has arms.
We cannot defend ourselves against
Uh, stand off like this.
Uh, and it's never gonna happen.
It's not in the mentality of French people to have weapons at home.
Um, so, it's never gonna be happening.
So, they have to come up to this, uh, solution of more police.
And I think we are going to be the ones following America with, uh, with a stronger police.
Now, America may follow in regard to socialism down there, uh, down the road, but we are the ones following America.
And, uh, apparently the, uh, U.S.
government has already proposed to help France.
To set up an anti-terrorism action in France.
Isn't that just perfect?
The West creates a new giant Al-Qaeda ocean, breaks the dam, pours them into our countries, and now they're going to take our freedoms and put us in a prison, collectively, a giant gulag, a giant ghetto, to protect us.
Isn't that just sweet?
And think about it.
This didn't stop the French having their guns taken the last 30 years, didn't stop the jihadis from getting RPGs.
You can't buy those anywhere.
Any other comments?
No, I don't know how French people would get those kind of weapons.
It's impossible.
It could be.
I don't know.
It's like they have to have a rat in the deal because they knew exactly.
It was known that they were meeting every Wednesday, but they had to know more details.
I don't know.
It's just shocking for everybody.
But I think because of this action, we're going to come up to the same neutralize as America.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
And of course, the final point in all of this, we'll come back and take more calls and cover news.
The French have a system just as sophisticated as the NSA, spying on stuff.
It's come out in the news thousands of times.
Didn't stop the attack.
These guys had Facebook accounts that I would have investigated.
But these things are everywhere.
Jihadis bragging, always with their rap music for some reason, it always goes together like a horse and carriage, about what major OGs they are and about the jihad they're about to pull, are just all over Facebook and Twitter.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Alexander in Macedonia.
We're going to him in one moment.
We've got Kevin in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Betsy in Montana.
Jim in Oklahoma.
Tex in Michigan.
Adam in Oregon.
John in California.
John in Texas.
Matt in New York.
We're going to all of you.
Wide open phones on this Friday.
We're now well into the second hour here.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Infowars.com is the main news site.
Exclusive to Infowars, terrorists fired RPG inside Charlie Hebdo office.
High-level military source confirms use of RPG and attack, which killed 12.
Well, it killed 10 inside, 2 police officers outside.
It had been reported on the RPGs being seen, but not used.
With the Daily Mail mentioning that some had said an RPG was used.
Well, we've confirmed it.
We've also got high-level sources, two different ones, on Rick Perry.
And they're being a hit out on Rick Perry by the Mexican drug cartel.
That's on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's all coming up with a bunch of economic news, global warming weather news, and what's happening with the oil economy.
It's all coming up after I go through all the callers that are currently holding.
We just took a call from France.
Saying they fear a police state.
They're not allowed to be armed.
Judge Napolitano rightfully said on Fox News, it's like shooting fish in a barrel because no one is allowed to be armed.
What cowards to go around and shoot a bunch of unarmed people.
I will say this before I go to your calls.
No one I know is buying this.
Almost none of our listeners are buying it.
And quite frankly, they're a little ticked with me that I'm not saying out of hand it's a false flag.
It is a false flag.
The media has promoted... I'm going to explain it.
Not a false flag that these aren't real terrorists.
They're synthetic.
The culture's promoted it.
They've been protected.
He was in prison.
He was trained under a jihadi.
They were allowed to go to Yemen.
They had all these weapons.
They had Facebook clearly planning this.
They were protected.
So it is a false flag in that respect.
Just like they created the new Al-Qaeda forces and gave them money in Syria.
That's the whole point of this.
Then when they attack us, the government has an excuse for an authoritarian takeover.
But I don't think it's a fake shooting.
I don't think it's a blue screen.
I don't think that the, you know, looking at it right now, I may be wrong.
The West is funding radical jihad all over Europe!
They're trying to overthrow Russia with it!
Putin's called us out on it!
Do you understand the CIA funded the Tsarnaev brothers to go to Chechnya on record?
That was in mainstream news.
I don't know what happened with the Boston bombing.
I just know that should be looked into.
Every time these people have Western intelligence sock-puppeting them.
They're always narcissistic people that want to be movie stars.
Who then gets set up, think they're agents, double agents, and get set up in drills, I don't know.
I just know past cases, MI6 was behind the 7-7 bombings, that came out.
Let's go to Alexander in Macedonia.
That's where the real Alexander the Great came from, Macedonian world conqueror.
Who knows, Alexander might be related to him.
Alexander, what is your take there in the former Greek province, I guess now a UN zone, UN occupied zone, what is your view from Macedonia on what's happening?
A hundred percent.
I'm a first-time caller.
I listened to your show for many years.
And what's my take?
I just want to tell you a few facts about the jihadist terror we're living under.
Maybe we have this giant statue of King Alexander on the main square in Skopje, but in fact we are under jihadist slavery.
I think so.
Now let's explain the socialist plan.
Explain to people Macedonia, formerly part of Greece, what the UN did, how they brought it down, how they brought in all the foreigners, they give them everything free, and then they act as the group to blow stuff up if you get out of line, and then the police, because I mean I'm familiar with the situation Macedonia is under.
Explain to people the model they'll use in London and Paris and in New York.
Yeah, Macedonia nowadays is like Kosovo 20 years ago or Lebanon 30 years ago.
So, the same situation, it's like copy-spaced, you know, agenda in the whole of Near East, Middle East and the Balkan countries.
But I want to be effective, I don't want to waste your time.
I just want to tell you about this Easter massacre which happened in Macedonia when the Jihadis killed
Five of our kids, 20 to 21 years old, they were just fishing on the reservoir, and none of this mainstream media has told a thing about this massacre.
You know, in a country of less than 2 million, we're 2 million according to census, but about half a million of the people fled, you know, because of the, you know, economic downturn, to kill five kids, you know, that's like killing 750 kids in the States.
So, nobody mentioned about it.
So, you have a lot of admirers and listeners here in the Balkans, in Macedonia, all over the place.
So, I would like to, as you know, Saint Paul got this call to come to Macedonia, to Philippi and Thessaloniki area.
I want to invite you to, on 2015, this spring or summer, to come down here.
And see what the situation is.
We are living in a servitude.
We are confined to our homes.
We cannot let our kids go out on the streets.
These jihadist gangs are roaming the streets.
You know, stabbing, mugging, and...
And we have this acoustic jihad, five times a day, and you know the Mujahideen is not, you know, shouting.
It's recorded on a tape, and then they have these giant loudspeakers, and they are starting at 5.30 in the morning, when every decent human being is sleeping and preparing for the day.
So, it is a living hell living here, and with all this unemployment rate of 30%,
We're a basket case, a failed country.
Like Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, all these countries are.
Well, God bless you, brother.
Powerful information.
And again, folks, there's a lot of non-radical Muslim countries that just want freedom and good future for their kids.
The problem is, just as the Colonel Salem said yesterday,
The problem is the West and the U.N.
are funding this sickening fusion of socialist, U.N.
commie, gangbang, mac daddy, gangster rap, Arab jihadi.
And I don't care if they're Chechen jihadis, or they're Macedonian jihadis, or they're Kosovo jihadis, or they're New York jihadis, or London jihadis, or Syrian jihadis, or Iranian jihadis,
They're all funded by Saudi Arabia and protected.
And the welfare system of the world's been told, you green light, and these people go to the head of the line.
They don't get searched at the airport, that's come out in the news.
They are God!
Because they're the detonator to bring in the police state.
And just Europe is being turned over.
And then they come and bully.
On the streets of New York, London, you name it, the other Muslims into doing what they're told.
It's basically mafia.
Humans organize themselves into mafia.
Whenever folks say, you know, it's the Catholic Church, or it's the Jews, or it's the Masons that run everything, you know what it is?
It's criminal gangs that take over Jewish organizations.
It's gangs that take over the Islamic organizations.
It's gangs that take over the Catholic organizations.
You'll find it's gangs that use gang psychology.
Russia's basically run by former KGB that set up a gang and made themselves oligarchs.
I don't want government by gang.
I want government by the Republic, by freedom, by due process, where the people are organized to defend basic freedoms so that no gang can get together and overthrow that.
That creates prosperity.
But yeah, there's a worldwide Jewish mafia involved in derivatives and all sorts of scams.
Very powerful!
Trying to erode free speech here in the United States and Europe so that nobody can criticize what they're doing.
But the average Jew doesn't even understand that or know that.
There is a Catholic, several Catholic mafias, actually several Jewish mafias, they kill each other constantly.
So that's another reason about just bashing Israel mindlessly.
There's like five different groups, two major power groups, killing each other constantly, indicting each other.
It's just, the Catholic Church is probably seven or eight different groups.
The CIA is seven or eight different groups.
The NSA is three different groups.
It just doesn't work like that.
The FBI is at least three different groups.
And then now you've got to add gay groups to it, because gay groups seem to organize into gangs with their own neighborhoods and their own whatever.
I'm not against gay people, but I'm not in your gang.
And if I was gay, I shouldn't be forced into your gang.
You know, that's another thing.
Or I shouldn't be forced into your Protestant gang that I've got to bash Catholics all day or I'm going to hell.
I just don't want to be in your clubs.
I don't want to be in your gangs.
I want to promote freedom.
Private property.
I can be religious or not be religious.
I get to raise my kids as I see fit.
I can do whatever I want as long as I don't get in your business.
You understand that?
The police tend to turn into gangs.
And when a police department acts like a gang, you got a problem.
When they don't, you got a good police department.
Gangs are our problem.
And you look at these jihadis worldwide.
They'll have their drawers hanging down over their butts.
They'll be, you know, doing the OG walk.
I mean, it's just sick.
I'm sick of it.
The whole gangster rap culture was created by the globalists, on record, to totally screw up communities and to spread like a disease.
It is a disease.
It's a gang culture brewed in prison mixed with rap to make kids think it's cool.
It's prison music to get your kids ready to be inducted into prison.
Just like these jihadis are all out of prison and they want to be somebody so they go out and kill some people at a newspaper to show how big they are because they're so miserable.
We'll be back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Not satire!
Fox News calls for quote, over militarization of police.
An extremely powerful report from InfoWars Nightly News last night.
We're going to air coming up in the next segment.
Right now, we need to race through your phone calls here.
Manuel is in Queens, New York.
He's watching a live Spanish news site.
We're pulling it up right now.
He says it's reporting the brothers are not dead.
Yeah, two hours ago they were reporting the brothers were dead, no hostages killed.
Then an hour ago they reported that one of the gunmen was dead, the other one wasn't, and four hostages were dead.
It just goes on and on.
So they're changing the story constantly.
Manuel, your point on that?
Yeah, how you doing?
Well, basically I'm watching it right now and they're saying that Olan
He has a team in the ministry and they're talking about negotiations with the terrorists.
I'm watching live footage from the north of France and they have a whole bunch of police response team units there surrounded the whole entire town.
The mayor has the town on lockdown.
Nobody could come out.
They're all locked in their houses.
Everything is locked down in the streets.
Man, I'm not bragging, but if there were terrorists across the street, I'd grab my M4, grab the guys and go over and attack them.
I mean, how many thousands of police and military does it take to kill two scumbags?
I mean, just, I mean, back at UT when the shooter started attacking, citizens pulled their guns out, started shooting, and it was a citizen that climbed up with a local cop and took him out.
It was a citizen who pulled the trigger and shot him first with a shotgun.
I mean, that's a fact.
I'm not here shooting my mouth off.
I mean, I just cannot believe all this groveling.
Like shutting Boston down for one teenager.
Remember that?
I think it's so they can cover up what's really going on.
What do you think?
I'm pretty sure that there's something different going on than what they're reporting to us and telling us.
You know, I'm a first time caller by the way.
I listen to your show every single day.
Um, I'm, you're, you're, you're a hundred percent accurate.
Um, but yeah, in this situation right here, definitely people should, you know, there's gotta be guns.
Didn't you say that in France there's no more gun ownership?
So, you know, there's probably no gun owners in the area.
They don't have weapons with them, but yeah.
You know, I'm pretty sure.
I don't know how accurate their reporting is, but like I said, it's live.
It's live footage.
They have the police there surrounding the town.
Well, Buckley, my cousin, speaks fluent Spanish, so he's on it in there watching the feed right now.
We'll confirm your report, I believe it, but we're going to check into it and we'll get some clips from that if we can.
Thank you so much for the call, Manuel.
Let's go to Tex in Michigan.
Tex in Michigan, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
I know you're not got a lot of time, so I'm not going to waste it.
I'm a 23-year-old from Michigan.
I live in southeast Michigan, much of the Trinidad area.
I work at the Ford Mustang plant.
I work for Ford.
Obama was actually at the Wayne... Yeah, he was at the Wayne assembly plant, actually, on Wednesday.
But I'm sure he wasn't there to talk about, you know, putting boxes in our cars or shutting down our power plants.
What I was going to say is, with this terrorist situation, I'm not really like a Wayne Metzen or a Steve Kucinich, but what I think about is that if we already have a huge Islam-Arabic population here in the Metro-East, a city called Dearborn, and a lot of them are refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan and stuff like that, and I think that this terrorist attack was basically a message from the elitist, a reminder, if you will,
Like, hey, ISIS is still here.
We're still here.
Don't be afraid.
Don't forget about ISIS.
You guys got all caught up in the election, but don't forget ISIS is still here.
They'll come into your house and kill you.
It also sends an inspiration, if you will, like a message to people of Islam, you know, the younger generation.
I'm actually 23.
I also listen to gangster rap, and I know that that's
It's true.
I actually make hip-hop music about waking up.
Well, I'm not saying hip-hop or rap itself is bad.
I'm saying the gangster type is being pushed by the system and tends to then meld with this certain criminal type.
It's like saying most mass shooters are shoot-em-up video game heads.
It's not saying mass shooting
Games themselves make you a killer.
It's that they help trigger with the right kind of MO, psychology, then they can be a problem with those type people.
I really appreciate your call.
It's like most folks can have a few drinks here and there and not become alcoholics, but some people do.
I want to go to John in Texas.
I want to go to Kevin in Nova Scotia when we come back.
Betsy, Jim, Adam, John, Matt, and others.
When I'm done with those calls,
We will get into the other news, and there is a lot of it that I need to get to.
Briefly, the French President is going to make another statement here, they say in the next 30 minutes or so, so maybe we'll hear the official story.
There's an old British saying, how do you know something's true when it's officially denied?
So we're going to see what this liar, who has his own private Swiss bank account, but wants the public to pay 100% taxes, I'm not kidding,
You then get it back quoted services and they run your life.
We're going to see what this known crook who's been criminally investigated for scores of different offenses has to say.
And the reason I mention that is I don't believe a word comes out of this neo-Soviet dirtbag.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Alex Jones Show.
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Coming up, report, exclusive info wars, drug cartel places $45 million bounty on Rick Perry's head.
Before I go any further today, I want to make a couple of announcements here for all the viewers and listeners.
Our graphics department had an idea.
Why not put out an InfoWars.com 2015 calendar?
We only printed 5,000 of these.
That's it.
I predict they'll sell out in a week or two.
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It's kind of like stepping on a cockroach, you know, you turn the light on at midnight to get some water and there's a cockroach on the counter and it's eating a piece of bread.
You're like, guy, I know you just want to live and just want to have babies and everything and you know, you didn't do anything to anybody.
I'm picking up the dish rag and I'm going to pop you.
And I go, pop!
And, you know, I don't want to pop them too bad so their guts splatter everywhere.
Because Big Roach has guts in them.
I've done that quite a few times.
Just to disable them.
Get a rag, grab them, throw them in the trash.
Or throw them in the toilet.
You know, it's the same thing.
I'm not looking for a civil war.
I'm not looking for trouble here.
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And then just phenomenal products.
When you purchase them there, it supports us as well.
But there's 5,000 of the calendar.
It's basically a coupon book.
You'll make your money back on the first coupon in there.
I mean, some of the coupons are 25% off.
Some of them are store-wide, some of them are just on particular items, like 25% off on t-shirts, stuff like that.
25% off on flags, 25% off on bumper stickers, 25% off on water filters.
It's just, it's all in there.
2015 calendar, Buckley had the idea late in the year with the graphics department, so it's coming out in January.
Okay, I'm done plugging.
I didn't plug last hour, so I kind of double-plugged there.
No matter how good these calls are, I got a bunch of clips and a bunch of news I want to get to.
I'm going to go to Kevin.
Betsy, Benjamin, Jim, John, Matt, John, Adam, Joel, and others.
And then I'm done with calls until I get to all the news.
We have a special guest joining us in studio, Kevin Booth.
Bill Hicks is former producer, but he's better known for producing award-winning documentaries on Showtime, HBO.
You name it, American Drug War 1 and 2 and others.
He's here to interview me for a film he's making about oligarchs worldwide.
He's going to be over in Europe and stuff.
But kill two birds with one stone, he'll be here.
My former manager, I am Bill Hicks.
I'm being sarcastic.
I'm actually a clone between Elvis Presley and John Wayne.
So if you really want to get into conspiracy theories, I'm a reptoid clone of John Wayne
And Elvis.
Not of Bill Hicks, okay?
Let's just get that clear.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, even Texas Monthly asked, am I Bill Hicks?
And I mean, I might look like a third cousin or something.
I just don't get it.
But I know someone that produced some albums with him.
Kind of like, I live in Austin, Texas.
So therefore, I must be secretly working for the University of Texas.
Well, notice about fake conspiracy theories, is they never go after real stuff.
Like, I've said I had family that worked, multiple family members that worked for the CIA.
I throw stuff out like, my family would do stuff like help East German defectors, and I don't know the full detail of that.
Or, you know, I had family that
Did black op missions in the army.
No one ever goes after that and says, see he's CIA, he admitted it, because then it's not fun.
You've got to make something up, because then it's like your new creation.
It's like you made a new world of BS.
I want to make something clear here.
Cass Sunstein at the White House said six years ago they would discredit real media by creating outlandish theories to discredit questioning the system.
And some can say I do that.
I mean, I get wild sometimes, but I think that's real, people resonate with it, and it gets people thinking.
You gotta get folks out of their trance first.
All right, let's go to these calls.
Then I've got the MI6 chief saying prepare for terror attacks and all the rest of it.
Kevin in Nova Scotia, you're on the air.
We are going to these calls quick, aren't we?
Kevin, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You're lucky you're in Austin today, because I'm in Halifax.
And it's as cold as David Rockefeller's heart up here.
Wow, that's cold.
That is cold.
I had an interesting fact to share with you and your viewers, and then I had a quick question for you, if that's okay.
Yes, sir.
There was a shipwreck off the coast of Texas, somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, in 1685.
The ship was owned by Louis XIV.
The ship was called Lovell.
And on board, they had a lot of treasures that belonged to the Jesuit Order in Rome.
And in one of those boxes, there was a whole bunch of gold rings.
And on the gold rings was the number 9-11 in Roman numerals.
So, I-X-X-I, which is pretty fascinating, I think.
And my question to you is,
Is it possible that David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds and the Bush family and all of the crazy things that are going on in the world, could it all be that these guys are working for the Jesuit order in Rome?
I don't think so.
I think the globalists, through every major institution, have a philosophy of world government, a philosophy of socialism to condition and social engineer, and that's all building towards a technocracy.
Really, today, it is a eugenicist cult that rules all the major former secret societies.
But we did look up that ship that I guess they have part of at the Bob Bullock Museum here in Austin.
I didn't even know that.
I ought to take my kids down there.
That's fascinating.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to another caller here.
Let's talk to Benjamin in Portland, Oregon.
He wants to comment on the connection of gangster rap and jihad.
I just continually see it pop up and nobody seems to tie it together.
Go ahead, your take on that.
How you doing, Brother Alex?
This is Benjamin.
I'm also a close friend of Ricky Ross.
He's a person, a friend of mine.
I also got locked up in the 80s with the crack epidemic in the 80s.
And I just see what you've been saying, man.
I talk to Rick periodically from time to time and I see what you're saying about how they are tying the rap music to this jihadism and
I was watching the news the other day and I was seeing where they was talking about the people who did the shooting in Paris and how they went to a clip of these guys dancing in the streets doing like a little video or whatnot and then when you do turn on MTV you see all the gangsta rap so it's a tie-in.
And I just want to, you know, I'm just happy, man, that we got men like you, man, to probably expose this thing.
I'm trying my best to educate people.
I'm staying in touch with Rick.
We'll probably stay on top of what's going on, man.
I love what you do, man.
Well, God bless you, my brother.
And I'll tell you, expanding on that, that was a powerful video that the real Rick Ross did, challenging the fake one, where he called him out for it.
Imagine what hip-hop could do, because the beats are great.
It's addictive.
I like a lot of the songs.
Imagine what could be done
If it was a force for good, but MTV and others make sure that a lot of music that's a lot better, but anti-establishment never sees the light of day.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
Tex in Texas just hung up.
John in Texas, you're on the air.
Alex, it's a pleasure to be on your show.
I want to say that first of all, and I've been listening to you for a while, but I want to share a couple things with you and with you viewers.
Uh, if they may not believe that this stuff is really happening.
Um, I work, uh, I deliver to Dollar General stores all over the state of Texas.
And the other day I was down at a store that literally right behind the store is the Rio Grande River, the border of the U.S.
and Mexico.
And literally I'm seeing people running across the border and getting away with it.
I mean, I'm seeing this.
I mean, I heard about it on your show.
I've been down to the border.
I've shot video.
I was down at Big Bend a few years ago.
There was Border Patrol everywhere.
Now it's just illegals just going right through, getting in vans right there by the ranger station, just driving into America.
Mexican plates driving right through the border checkpoint, 75 miles in.
And they wanted to search us.
And I was just like, are you kidding?
And then the last time, they just waved us through.
There is no border right now.
There's not.
You know, I know people that work with the border patrol and stuff, but that's a side note.
But I'm seeing it.
And I've seen them just walking across the border, border patrol there, not really doing anything about it.
And I'm just coming across the border.
Now, I drive truck, and a few years ago I used to work for a company that used to take freight to Canada and back quite a bit.
Oh, prevent calling across the U.S.
border when you're a U.S.
citizen, because I'm telling you, they question you big time.
It is a proctology exam.
When you're an American citizen, you are treated like trash.
And it is incredible.
Now, I came through once,
this year into Houston and the guy was a listener and he got so mad.
He said, yeah, I'm supposed to search you and do all this stuff to you.
And he goes, man, he goes, it's harassment.
They do it to everybody.
They do it to congressmen.
He just said, I'm not doing it.
And he stamped the thing and said, you can go through.
But usually they go, oh, and they go, uh, we're directing you over here.
So yeah, I mean, it is, it is such a joke because again, the internal police state system is only for us.
It's sick, isn't it?
And you know, recently, I flew recently and I got pulled aside for the extra screening and I, you know, groping by the TSA.
It was just, it was ridiculous.
I wasn't really happy about it.
Uh, you know, it was crazy.
Uh, another thing I wanted to share with you, uh, today recently, I, I, I was trying to get auto insurance quotes for my, for my car and I called and was doing some quotes and
You know, they asked me for my name, they asked me for my address, and that's about as far as they got, and they started reading off information to me, and I'm like, wait a minute, how do you have this information about me?
They knew my car, they knew my VIN number, they knew... Yeah, no, that's how the NSA works.
They share it all for at least 12, 14 years.
You get a rent car, a hotel, you name it, it's all wired through.
They know magazine subscriptions so they have access to the full accounts.
Everything is in there, plus disinfo.
And then it allows millions of people who have access to it to harass and stalk folks with the info.
Great points.
We're going to go to Adam in Oregon.
We're going to go to Betsy and Jim and many others straight ahead.
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Let's go back to your calls.
I'm gonna go to calls till we're done with Adam.
and Matt and John and Betsy and everybody else, then I will rampage.
Next hour, until our guest joins us, through the other news I haven't gotten to, but I've got to play this right now because I kept mentioning it for the last hour and a half, and that's this clip.
Britain's MI5 chief warns of Al-Qaeda in Syria planning mass attacks on the West.
That's Al-Qaeda we armed and put in there!
I mean, this has been debated a month ago in Congress!
How dumb do they think we are?
They're giving them arms airlifts!
That's not a conspiracy, that's public!
Forget speculating about stuff!
There's so much real stuff it makes my head spin!
At least our military is awake and cares.
I'm trying not to get mad, folks.
It's just so ridiculous!
It's like watching somebody bash their brains out against a brick wall for no reason!
Let's go to the clip.
Britain's security service, the MI5, has warned that al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria are planning mass casualty attacks in Western countries.
The MI5 chief, Andrew Parker, says it is highly likely that Britain would be targeted.
Parker said likely attacks are plotted against transport systems or iconic targets to inflict large-scale loss of life.
It's gonna be your fault when they do!
You were involved!
Anyone in France, even more than the U.S.
Shut him up!
Shut him up!
Shut him up!
Shut him up!
These are the very people involved, MI5 not as much as MI6, helping all this happen, reconstituting, giving them a command base, giving them the heavy weapons.
What are you going to do when they shoot down the airliners with Stinger missiles?
I guess you think we're so dumb we won't point out you gave it to them.
What does that say about the elite that they do stuff like this?
This would be like murdering children on your front lawn on national television and not getting in trouble.
Al-Qaeda, known as Syrian Free Army to confuse the public, has killed over 300,000 people in Syria, folks.
Don't talk about jihadis.
And nobody came to help him.
At least our military wouldn't get on the ground and help.
I'm gonna throw up!
Adam in Oregon, thanks for holding.
Then Betsy and others, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to say that I am a longtime listener.
I've been awake for 13 or so years, been listening for 10 or so.
I've spent four years hitchhiking across the country, waking people up.
I've written InfoWars.com on thousands of bathroom stalls.
As long as it's a public graffiti area, I wouldn't do it in a nice clean place, but if they let it go to hell, do it.
Yeah, yes sir.
Whatever you do, don't write it on Federal Reserve notes.
That's really effective.
Don't write on that.
Don't write on money.
Don't do that.
I'm a construction worker.
I listen to your show every day.
I blast it out to the people walking by on the street.
And I love your show.
I love you guys.
We love you too, Adam.
What's on your mind, brother?
Um, and that's exactly what I wanted, the point I wanted to make.
That amidst all this terrorism, all this negativity, that aside from the physical war, we are in a spiritual war.
The only way we're going to win that is to love.
To love everyone.
Even, even the terrorists.
I mean, I'm not saying, you know, uh,
Allow them to do it.
I'm just saying, recognize that they have a lie with them.
Well, they're mind-controlled.
I mean, they're absolutely mind-controlled.
I hear you.
Keep it up, brother.
Third Hour coming up.
Tell friends and family, tune in.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mega-massive news blitz coming up in the next segment.
I'm just drifting into part where the Martians speak.
I don't know why.
That wasn't actually Marvin the Martian.
I was drifting into it.
This would be Marvin the Martian.
Oh dear!
It appears those pesky jihadis, the globalists turned loose on Syria, have now invaded Iraq and are attacking Paris.
Oh no!
We'll just have to take everyone's liberties domestically to keep them safe.
We never thought that would happen.
But how are we going to cover up the Stinger missiles, which the jihadis say they're going to use to shoot down airliners?
Okay, Marvin the Martian is asking some pretty good questions, I think, today.
Betsy in Montana, the mountainous region.
Go ahead, Betsy.
You know Montana's named after Tony Montana.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I am from Lubbock, Texas, and I've been listening to you since 99.
I live in New Jersey, in Connecticut.
I'm very Jewish.
I've been to Israel.
So, listening to this conversation, what I called is about the dichotomy.
It's divide and conquer.
Between black, white, Jewish, um... Ursling and Martian as well!
Right, yeah.
I speak French fluently, so a lot of my friends called me.
And they said, is this what you're talking about?
I'm like, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Je suis Ahmed, et nous sommes
Charlie Hebdo.
Both of those things are... We are human.
Oh dear!
That's kind of racist against me!
But I've seen suicide bombs in Israel there in Ben Yehuda Square.
And I've seen people with the fear of God in their eyes and the triumph of God in their eyes.
Being from Lubbock, Texas as well.
Well ma'am, God bless you.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Yeah, thanks to you, you know, you've inspired
A dangerously antisocial podcast that I'm doing.
Well, Alex Jones is a very pesky earth creature.
Yeah, very Anunnaki, I'm sure.
But as long as we do come together and notice the dichotomy.
Sure, tell us your podcast, ma'am.
Plug it.
Um, dangerously antisocial.
That's a great name.
I gotta jump, sweetheart.
Thank you for holding.
Love you.
Love you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
God bless you.
I'm being obnoxious.
I gotta get to all these calls.
I'm gonna stop doing Marvin the Martian, even though we're in the third hour.
You know I degenerate by then.
Matt in New York City.
New York City!
Get a rope!
It's from a Pace Picante commercial, which is more Balkanization.
I like New York.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, about the ADL.
The ADL has announced to be a communist Jewish organization.
They didn't support other Jewish people like Michael Savage.
They totally ignored him.
They attack anyone, even ultra-orthodox.
They only support the Catholic Church.
I've heard Savage be very critical of communist Jewish organizations.
But I mean, look, look, the ADL is an organization meant to demonize anybody as a Nazi who criticizes any Democratic Party operation, basically.
And because it's effective to call somebody a Nazi.
It's just they've done it so much to innocent people.
They've lost lawsuits.
They've been in court.
They've been caught breaking into police departments to get files.
The ADL is, in my opinion, a Jewish mafia organization.
Yes, even the regular Jews, they don't like the far left, even the ultra-left, they're against that.
They only go for the ultra-left.
All the Jews I know are pro-gun, pro-liberty, really smart, cool people, and have done nothing but help me out.
So, I mean, you know, I get all this anti-Jew stuff is popular, but it almost becomes like a fetish.
The Catholic bashing, the Jew bashing, the white bashing, the black bashing.
I'm just into freedom like the last lady said.
And, you know, if a Jew like George Soros helps the Nazis, I don't like him because he's a piece of crap.
Not because he's Jewish.
I just think about George Soros and I want to vomit.
Excuse me.
I'm so sick of that piece of crap.
We're going to be right back.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, transmitting worldwide on over a hundred ADM and FM affiliates, global shortwave and the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
All of you out there are vital components in the battle for human liberty, the battle for freedom, the battle for transparency, the battle for family rights and values, the battle for the right to self-defense.
All of those basic attacks
are directed by the globalists to shut down human individual freedom.
It's all about collective.
Forcing you into some gang or group that they can control.
Well there are more of us that are non-conformist
And basic classical humans that want to be free and want to associate in free society with other individuals, but that don't want to be bullied by political correctness into their centralized systems.
And this broadcast is a declaration of information warfare.
The warheads we fire are truth.
Our bias is telling the truth and standing for justice and not being cowards.
And telling totalitarians masquerading as the left that they can go straight to Hades.
That the real enlightenment, the real renaissance isn't about the left-hand path or the right-hand path.
Left and right is very occultic, ladies and gentlemen, for those that don't know.
Those terms have only been in use concerning masonry until about the last 150 years.
The left-hand path, the right-hand path, would masonry fall to Satanism and the left-hand path or following God?
And that's a gestalt, it's oversimplified, but this is about the left hand rising above.
And for the left hand to rise above, it has to overthrow the existing order.
Well, let me explain something.
I don't like kings and queens, and the Illuminati sold itself on claiming they would overthrow that, and got good people to join them.
But not to make you kings, not to create something new and even worse, no, no, no.
Anarchy is the road I'm on.
You can come along, just be sure that it's what you want, and your will is strong.
Yes, the left-hand path is very sexy, alluring, quicker, faster, but not as fulfilling or powerful long-term, and it doesn't regenerate itself.
It doesn't live.
It doesn't empower masses.
It only empowers the very few to dominate in a kingdom of darkness.
If the brightest star we see is supposedly evil, why does it produce such hell on earth?
The brightest star you see must always be thee.
Again, I'm using a little Danzig poetry and an ode to the devil to illustrate that the devil is a control freak.
The devil claims he's there to empower, there to free, there to make you strong.
But in the scales, I find the devil lacking.
And I know the devil.
We're going to get into the news right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's cover it.
Let's just start here.
Drug cartel places $45 million bounty on Rick Perry's head.
Cartels previously set bounties on Sheriff Arpaio and Border Patrol agents.
Really goes to, I mean, of course they got one on Rick Perry.
Because he's the only governor that's actually tried to shut down a border.
And believe me, folks, Perry's called me a big fat hog in public.
Yes, I was a big fat hog and done a lot of other stuff I'm not going to get into, but I mean, when he's in, when he's right, he's right.
So I just, I just go with the facts.
So they really don't like him.
I was told something about this by a state senator two years ago, but then, through some sources, we then made some calls, and this is indeed going on.
A Mexican drug cartel reportedly placed a $45 million bounty on former Texas Governor Rick Perry, but when he was governor, prompting heavy security around the governor, a political insider said.
The insider who is deep within Republican politics said an unusual number of black clad heavily armed state troopers are escorting Perry to speeches and other public events such as the recent dinner in South Carolina.
What's he gonna do when that security's off of him?
He's not governor anymore.
My state representative, we just got this info on Monday, we've been working on it since then, was just at dinner with Rick Perry and observing the usual amount of security, so he asked around and found out that Perry has a $45 million bounty on his head from a Mexican cartel.
Yeah, they were told that by the state police, he said.
They have been trying to keep it quiet for obvious reasons, but the security is humongous.
When reached for comment, Perry's press secretary, Lucy Nashad, confirmed the dinner, but referred security questions to the Texas Department of Public Safety, which then conducted contact and refused to give specifics.
See, they should have just denied it.
It's true, folks, because we made some other calls.
I made some little ring-a-dingies.
Cartels placed several multi-million dollar bounties on Sheriff Arpaio's head over the past several years.
And the Democrats criticized that he had two bodyguards.
He ought to have like 15.
And they also routinely set bounties on Border Patrol agents ranging from $250,000 to $2 million.
And some of them have been killed.
Perry previously called the cartels drug gangs, narco-terrorists.
What we're seeing on our borders is nothing short of a war being waged by these narco-terrorists.
Perry told the audience they represent a clear and present danger.
In response, he spearheaded a rapid deployment of state law enforcement.
See, Obama pulled them off, so Perry at least has them run through databases and then has to release them if they're not criminals.
The problem is the feds then just release them.
But for that, they want him dead.
Man, the federal government is just sick.
I mean, not the actual Border Patrol agents.
They're as horrified as we are.
They say, quote, we're completing the smuggling process.
In response, he spearheaded a rapid deployment of state law enforcement agencies across the border, which filled the gaps left by Border Patrol after the White House ordered the agency to stand down from enforcing immigration and trafficking laws.
Then it goes into how they're heavily outnumbered and they're getting shot and everything.
So there you go.
That's the country we live in, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's just go through this stack right now.
21 pages of Obamacare tax instructions.
IRS demands shared responsibility for payment.
And says it's in their prerogative, of course, whether they're going to start garnishing wages, grabbing bank accounts, or holding back tax returns.
They promised you that wouldn't happen.
This is a government under Obama that ships guns to the Mexican drug cartels.
You think they're going to gang rape you?
Oh yeah!
Is Treasure Island about pirates?
Momentum builds in Congress for raising the federal gas tax to the hill.
Oh, since the prices are down, how about a federal gas tax increase?
And how about new carbon taxes?
That's being pushed everywhere.
Told you that was coming.
Because it's the season of raping everyone!
It's the time of the season to get raped, cause you like to lay down.
Yay, yay, yay!
A nation of sheep will be ruled by what?
Oh, wolfies!
I thought groveling got me ahead in life.
No, there's a reason lions eat gazelles and tigers eat little, little deer.
Because they don't have big teeth and fight back.
And if humans ever started rolling over and showing their bellies, or running from lions or tigers, they'd start eating us.
What do you think a lion does in Africa when even two or three humans walk over a hill?
It hauls butt!
And it did that before there were even guns on the continent, recorded 500 years ago.
Because humans, when motivated, are more deadly than a lion or a tiger.
But nowadays, lions and tigers do eat people, because Africans have been domesticated, just like we have here in America.
Wolves now come up and grab people off their front porches, because we are now
Prey animals, trained by the upper class to be their food.
Well, I'm not your food!
And I still got my guns!
And I know who the enemy is, scum.
You haven't chopped my huevos off yet.
It's kind of poignant I said that and they got a hell of a paper cut.
Bad omen.
Experts warn of governments to plan for climate change of migrants.
We have to open the borders up.
The third world's collapsing because of climate change, Reuters reports.
Not because the IMF and World Bank, arms of the Federal Reserve, are raping them, signing them onto debts that aren't theirs.
See how we decipher the news?
Hillary furious over Bill's part in latest sex scandal.
Oh, with the pedophile?
Sure, Gloria Steinem will probably come out and defend that when she defended him with all the rape allegations that he settled.
And I don't mean some chick's drunk and claims she got raped.
I mean, I'm talking brutalizing women.
That's what's liberal, though.
It makes it okay if you're liberal.
They're now hyping a new cyber Pearl Harbor, you know, be launched for the globalists, so they'll open the door to outside attacks, burn a few patsies.
Obama proposed two free years of community college for students, but they've got to sign on and agree to more, which just means the debt.
So now they've got to use money to induce people to go get degrees that'll be worth less than toilet paper.
Because at least you can wipe your hiney with toilet paper.
You can line a birdcage, you know, with newspapers.
They've got some use.
If you've got a cockatoo, or African grey, or maybe a macaw or something, I don't know.
Tweety birds, I don't know.
Canaries, I don't know.
Obama doesn't have any canaries.
He just has hordes of flies always landing on him.
Continuing, Obama's free community college plan could cost $34 billion a year.
Yeah, you gotta schmuck in all the kids.
Senator Barbara Boxer is retiring, and the really horrible news, Feinstein flattered that Michelle Obama might be considering a run for her Senate seat.
Yeah, it doesn't matter that Michelle's never lived in California.
None of that matters.
The Californians will vote for her in a minute.
They love being told what to do.
It makes them feel good.
They got a fetish to be slaves.
It's a fetish to be run over!
They want to wear chains around their necks!
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There's a man going around taking names.
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When the man comes around.
When the man comes around.
The hairs on your arm will stand up at the terror in each sip and in each sip.
Will you partake of that last offered cup or disappear into the potter's ground?
The man comes!
All right, let's get back into the news here ahead of Kevin Booth, maker of American Drug War 1 and 2 that have aired on Showtime, HBO, you name it.
Good friend of mine, going back many years.
Before we go any further, let's get into the news.
Did we break a record?
Temps in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette plunged to historic lows.
There's been snow the last three weeks in Hawaii.
They hadn't reported that in over 200 years.
That's just some of the news on that front.
Record-breaking cold.
So bad, even penguins have been forced inside.
Cold worldwide.
Record-breaking weather.
Mobile hit 17 degrees, beating 1886 temperature of 18 degrees.
Thursday's flurries set Florida record.
Ocean effects, snow creates buzz from Jacksonville through coastal Georgia.
Jingle bells in Florida!
Kevin's over here laughing at this stuff.
The answer, Kevin, is pay Al Gore money.
He said that the Arctic would be completely gone by 2013.
No one calls him on it.
And he owns a company that California now at the pump.
I want to ask you about this.
You pay money to Al Gore.
That fat bastard's making billions.
And I mean, we're going to go to you in a minute.
You're not allowed to comment on Al Gore, your Lord and Savior.
We're just going to hold that for a minute.
So there you go.
Time to move to Mars, the Daily Mail reports.
Temperatures on the Red Planet were warmer on Thursday than 14 states from Washington to Maine.
And of course, when I had Lord Rothschild's sun on a few years ago, I said, I said, why are the ice caps getting bigger on Mars?
Because there was some cooling then in the solar system.
And he said, because it's closer to the sun than the Earth.
And I said, no, it's not.
It's Mercury.
Venus, Earth, Mars.
He said, no it's not.
It's Mercury.
We played it last week.
We re-aired it.
It's Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth.
And he just said, it is.
And laughed, because he knows full well that's not true.
But the fun is lying to everyone, saying raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
Or you can keep your doctor under Obamacare.
Or there are no death panels, even though there are, in the bill.
It's all part of pimping everyone.
Government creates ISIS, turns them loose, now they're murdering people in Paris, getting training, and their answer is, give us more power.
And I'm the conspiracy theorist.
Two plus two equals five.
Let's continue here.
New York City.
Health officials warn of increase in Bronx cases of severe, potentially deadly forms of pneumonia.
They're calling it, well, killer.
That's what it is.
Legionnaire's disease.
New York Times, of course, isn't too worried about that.
Harsh respiratory virus slamming Colorado.
Kids are on respirators by the hundreds across the United States.
But there's no concern about that.
We've got to run around like chickens with our heads cut off saying, take the flu vaccine.
Oh, they said again this year.
Oh, sorry, we didn't guess the right mutation.
It's worthless!
But still, I had somebody at the gym yesterday go, man, there's a lot of flu going around.
You better take the flu shot, knowing who I was.
And I didn't even get off the elliptical to argue with the jackass that walked over to me.
I just said, uh-huh, yes.
And I thought, man, three flu shots, major studies, doubles your chances of Alzheimer's.
That person looks like they're about 50, they'll be on a walker in a few years, then dead by 60.
Which is just about retirement time, that's the actuary plan.
I was like, okay, let's go ahead and die.
Fine, you're powerful.
Go kill yourself.
It's fine, you're powerful.
I mean, I've just come to the realization, you wanna die?
You wanna be a schmuck?
You wanna be a moron?
You wanna be a sucker?
You wanna be an idiot?
Kill yourselves!
Just get out of my way!
Don't sit there and tell me to take your flu shot, scumbag!
We're going to stop right there.
I'm going to reset for just a minute.
And I'm going to give you this headline right here.
Bow Wow Smart Caller for Dogs Beams Video to Owner's Phones.
That's out of UPI.
I have another article here.
It's on Infowars.com.
A wireless thing that hooks to your iPhone or Droid.
So you can surveil your baby with a camera or microphone or digital readout of its history, its temperature, but the problem is it's a digital system that's microwaving, and that's up on Infowars.com.
It's all part of the smart grid totally jacked into the NSA that we told you about 18 years ago that's now mainstream news, so I'll apologize for being right about that as well!
And they've now admitted that the CIA went after Gary Webb, like we told you, and so we apologize for being right!
We'll be back with Kevin Booth!
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hey, I'll show you politics in America.
Here it is, right here.
I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.
I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.
Hey, wait a minute.
There's one guy holding up both puppets.
Shut up!
Go back to bed, America.
Your government is in control.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You know I really shouldn't joke around about Bill Hicks because I've talked to some of his family before and they are mightily offended by people saying that I am Bill Hicks.
A, our politics differed a lot, though he didn't trust the government.
And he died, I guess, back in 93 or 94.
I forget, Kevin, you can give us the details.
But because you live in...
Or lived in Austin, Texas, and I knew you from TV production stuff, and we did some work together.
You've worked with hundreds of people, including HBO, Showtime, Tommy Chong.
Maybe Tommy Chong is actually Bill Hicks.
You've worked some with some of Russell Crowe's people, I guess.
Russell Crowe must be Bill Hicks.
I know he's thinking about making a Bill Hicks movie.
This is where it really gets crazy.
But now Texas Monthly's investigating.
They have national news stories.
Is Alex Jones Bill Hicks?
As a joke, making fun of me.
Like, I'm now getting conspiracy theories back on me.
I never did conspiracy theories like that.
Well, Bill Hicks, you know, didn't like Waco being burned down, and Alex didn't either, so he must be Bill Hicks.
Well, most Americans didn't like Waco.
Kevin, let's just come clean.
I am actually a cross-species clone between, well, John Wayne and Elvis.
That's right.
They're on to something, but I have lived before, but I was John Wayne and Elvis, not
Doesn't matter that both men died after I was born.
I'm actually John... Well, you don't have to be dead to make a clone, I guess.
Well, maybe we're all being treated for schizophrenia right now by the government.
Alright, I'm going to give you the floor before I run over you.
Kevin, you're actually here to talk about a secret project you're working on.
I'm talking about a condominium for penguins.
Oh yeah, that story.
Seriously, the penguins are seeking shelter in the Antarctic.
Because it's so frickin' warm.
Well, that's why they got to get all those carbon taxes.
That will fit.
Well, California started it.
They're starting it this week.
You're going to have an added tax that literally goes to... It's called Gore and Blood, not Blood and Gore.
It's a carbon company.
That's one of the companies.
They're going to pay money.
Here's money to Al Gore and a British company.
That'll save the earth, right, Kevin?
Well, as long as they build condos for... What about the pelicans?
Little pelicans.
Fly pelican?
Pelican go.
Seriously, how do you like that?
Uh, well, I guess I should be happy because the price of gas is so great, but... Well, that's why they're doing it now.
They're sneaking it all in when it's low.
Just in time for me to buy a Prius.
How are you gonna like it, then, when they jack up prices later?
Uh, then I'm gonna get my battery car that runs on coal.
I'm just going to fill the back seat.
That actually uses more carbon than the other one.
I know the old people that have electric cars, they look down on you, and then the regular car that gets good gas mileage is better than their car.
I think Volts look great, but I'm tired of like yuppies looking down at me that I have a truck when their Volt uses more carbon than I do.
Well, it only goes 30 miles before it runs on gas anyway.
They're good-looking cars.
I would buy a Volt if it had a V10 under the hood.
Teslas are cool.
Just to say, you know what, to Al Gore, a middle finger, I'm thinking about getting a Hellcat.
700 to 7 horsepower.
How about a nice Hummer or a Tank?
I already got a big, uh, I already drive a Ford Raptor.
Is that, oh, I saw it out there.
Is that you?
Yeah, I love it.
I mean, I had it, now everybody's got them and I don't care.
Cause I'm not like, oh, everybody has it, I don't care.
When I got it like three and a half years ago, nobody had them.
Did you get rid of the Dodge?
Uh, yes.
You ever rid of the Dodge?
I had it, like, seven years.
It was a great car, but, you know, I sped too much in it.
The car went 200.
I miss Alex here.
I haven't been to Austin.
This is my first time to be in Austin in years.
This is nice being back here.
Out at your dad's old ranch?
Yeah, back at the old ranch in Fredericksburg.
Where Bill Hicks had so many good times?
We used to trip all the time and had all our experiences back during the day.
No, it really is insulting to Bill Hicks for people to try to steal his identity and project it onto me.
It's strange, you know, my brother was schizophrenic.
He was nine years older and he had a thing where he would project people's personalities on other people.
In fact, he thought he was this other guy for many, many years.
And so after Bill passed away, and people used to say, Alex looks just like Bill.
I would, I would think, I don't think Alex looks anything like Bill.
And I think it was just talk from that that started some guy.
I got a guy on my Facebook page claiming he's the one that started the conspiracy.
And then, then we joked about it a few times and took off from there.
Well, I mean, he was from Texas, and he looked like a second cousin.
But it's just crazy.
I've had people three or four times come up to me like in restaurants and go, Bill, Bill!
And I don't respond, I go, oh, I was just checking.
Like I'm going to turn around when they say Bill.
Well, I mean, I get crazy people on the internet making these videos, but when Texas Monthly then puts it out there, and they actually choose the craziest of all the videos to promote.
And if you go, I don't know if you've looked at some of the other videos that those people made, but they can also speak to dead babies, and they have a lot of other magical powers.
Have you seen that?
I don't have time.
I did a little research on the people that made the video.
So... Let's not show too much of it, folks.
It's just ridiculous, because they're so nuts.
They'll claim copyright on videos claiming I'm Bill Hicks.
I'm not even allowed to defend myself.
Seriously, though, I am the son of John Wayne.
That'd be cool.
No, my dad's cool.
You're all into the whole Texas thing, right?
Yeah, not from Ohio like John Wayne, but...
You fought for the Texas Republic, right?
I did have ancestors.
Enough about me.
Actually, I am Davy Crockett reincarnated.
Now we're... The New York Times will probably run with that.
I'm joking.
This is satire, folks.
Am I Tony Montana?
How many times have we watched Carface?
You and I probably watched it five times together.
And how many times have you watched it?
Five hundred.
No, when I was editing American Drug War, I just had it on a loop.
That's great.
That was a very successful documentary you made.
It's aired all over the place.
Yeah, it's doing pretty well.
It's still clocking numbers out there somehow.
It airs all over the world.
Yeah, did pretty good, did pretty good.
And I think it's launched a lot.
I've seen a lot of other documentaries.
I used to get offended when people steal your ideas, but I think just like music or anything else, when you see other documentaries coming out and they're using the same exact ideas and everything like that.
Well, I consulted on it and then I got too busy to come out to L.A.
to finish it with you.
I'm really bummed that I didn't come finish the film with you.
Just like Russo wanted me in his
Freedom to fascism and I was just too busy.
I should have done that.
That's why I'm here today to be in your film.
That's right.
Your secret film.
Yeah, we're working on a new top secret film.
It has to do with how the history of the world has been molded by rigged elections and staged elections.
But this time we're actually going to be going over to the former Soviet Union and spending some time over in Bulgaria and some other places over there where we have
It sounds like you were doing vice type stuff 10 years before they existed.
Going into dangerous third world countries, going into Skid Row, going in and talking to the drug dealers, and so I guess you're going back to your roots.
This is pretty exciting.
Investigating dictatorships is not a very safe thing.
I know.
I know.
But the front... Well, I'm glad we're sending you to the front.
I'll stay here.
In the rear with the gear.
I went to Juarez for like four hours.
Got in and got out real fast.
No, but you went in actually to the drug areas and stuff.
You've done a bunch of that.
Yeah, no, it, uh, you know, it's, uh, it's gonna be, it's gonna be serious.
I mean, this story's been told before, obviously, by you several times, but hopefully, what's gonna be different this time is that we're gonna be able to go into, like I said, former Soviet Union and tell it from that perspective.
So it's gonna be an American perspective told from a Russian story.
It's gonna be... But none of that matters.
The drug war doesn't matter.
What oligarchs are doing don't matter.
It's just...
You are actually Jim Morrison.
I'm gonna start that here today, that you staged your death at 28 in Paris, or was it 27, and you are Jim Morrison.
Jim, how did you come out with those first few albums?
You're just a genius.
I've always been such a fan of you, since I was a little kid listening to your music.
We were just looking to open the doors of perception.
Now did you get that from Huxley, Mr. Morrison?
That's a Huxley statement, yeah.
That one, Doors of Perception.
I mean, I know Jim Morrison talked about the Doors of Perception.
You know, my brother actually got hit over the head with a Coke bottle at a Doors concert.
So I was actually in Los Angeles during that whole... You knocked your brother over the head?
Jim Morrison's brother?
I got another funny story from that day.
I actually, when I was a little kid, I rode my bike to where the Manson Ranch was, out on the side of L.A.
When that was going on?
Yeah, when that was going on, actually.
Some crazy, you know, it's kind of like a... Maybe you're the son of Charlie Manson.
That could be.
From, uh, who was the guy from the Beach Boys?
Trey and I, we had an idea for a restaurant in Hollywood.
We want to call it The Last Supper.
Where we have all the, the whole menu is all the famous last suppers from everybody.
We want to have like the Sharon Tate meal and... Sharon Tate was so gorgeous, man.
What a crime to gut her.
We just went to that property the other day and they changed the address.
They bulldozed down the house and they changed the address by one number.
I'm really against war because it chews up women.
If you go back to chivalry, just leave the women alone.
Take care of them.
Hey, seriously.
Again, my old buddy Kevin Booth, I've known you since 1994 or so when I was first getting around to Access 95.
Bill had just died.
I had just staged my death.
At the time, Bill was here in Austin working on several projects.
We were actually working on a project that was called the Virtual Tonight Show for Australian TV where we were going to do the thing about Branch to Video.
He was being offered national TV shows, he'd done one in England, all this stuff, but he'd rather stage his death than become Alex Jones.
Well, we had a thing where we were doing a gag.
Remember the cows that were around the Branch Davidian compound?
We were going to do a gag where Bill was going to be one of the cows that was out there by Branch Davidia, and he was using that to get close to the compound.
But during that whole time coming and going, you were just starting on Public Access TV, and you were this young guy that sat in front of the star map.
And I couldn't really tell what you were rambling about, but it was kind of magnetic.
And actually, Bill wrote a script
About, it was called Public Access, where there was a main character, kind of loosely based on you, named Arturo, that he was going to play.
So he actually wrote a script, the main character... There's the proof of how I did it, how I became Alex Jones!
Well, you know, separately, I got to know him, become good friends with Mike Judge, and I'd heard this from people that knew him, Rick Linklater and stuff, because he produced the first Beavis and Buttheads, and then some of the King of the Hills, out of the studios of Rick Linklater, Deter Films.
It wasn't a Detroit Films production, he just did it there.
And I've been told by Linkletter and Tommy Pallotta that, oh yeah, some of that was based on Axis.
Well, then I get to know him good, but I've known him a few years, and he goes, oh, by the way, when I was interviewing him, so it's only, he goes, by the way, you're partially based on Hank Hill and Gribble.
And we'd always sat around Joe.
He said, no, I've got a tape around here that's got your show with two guests saying, you know, the, uh, the, uh, the three Dales.
Well, you know, it's funny about that.
I'm actually working with Johnny Hardwick right now.
Oh, really?
He's a character.
He's a classic.
We're doing a, uh,
Yeah, that's another thing.
That's a comedic show, unscripted.
By the way, I have a new listener tuning in.
That sounds like crazy boasting.
Can you guys play the Bill, not the Bill Hicks, the Mike Judge intro for the show here in a minute?
Cue that up and just play it whenever you're ready.
Let Hank Hill introduce the show.
The reason I'm talking about this is it shows the power of individuals.
I was on AXS TV a few years.
Had no idea that all these Hollywood people were already writing scripts, doing movies, coming up with TV shows, and I was influencing them.
Now the influence, we've confirmed, Captain America, you name it, from this show, Winter Soldier, so many other movies, it's incredible, video games, this show is having such a huge effect.
It's not a testament to Alex Jones, I think it's to the guests and just the open debate here, Kevin.
Yeah, no, and it's your hard work.
I mean, that's why when people hit on you, and I always get in situations, especially, you know, in the marijuana field where I get around people all the time that are going, oh, when you're with Alex, you got to tell him he needs to do this, and he needs to stop doing that, and he needs to stop doing that.
And the one thing I always say about you when I'm sticking up for you, and I have to stick up for you a lot.
Out in L.A., I bet.
Out in L.A., I'm constantly defending you, is that I say, well, first of all, if you don't like Alex, change your channel.
It's called Freedom of Speech.
Check it out.
Everybody believed in it.
Or I thought you did, too.
And Alex is just being himself.
And, you know, maybe you just can't help the fact that he got there with hard work.
I mean, you have... Alex is a hard-working guy.
You are a hard-working guy.
A lot harder working than me.
No, Kevin, you're a lot more talented at filmmaking, but enough about me, I'm boring.
Enough about Bill Hicks.
At first I said, hey, let's talk about some of the Bill Hicks stuff, and you've got some of the documents and clips.
And I said, no, Kevin, let's just get into what you're doing, but I know it's top secret.
Talk about Sacred Cow Productions.
Talk about what it's like out there working in that industry now.
Because we heard the mayor announce that Hollywood's collapsing right now.
Are you seeing that?
Uh, not from my point of view.
I mean, I'm having a... Because you're what's collapsing Hollywood, the new blood.
Even though you've been doing this for 30 years, you're the new blood out there.
I hope so.
Leaner, meaner?
Yeah, I hope so.
I mean, hopefully it's a new age coming out there.
You know, we're also working on another documentary that's going to be more of a fun thing about, you know, another pot doc.
I can't get away from the marijuana thing.
But, uh, I had another story I was going to tell you about.
I'm friends with a guy that bought a prison outside of Denver.
You ever heard of this guy?
This guy actually bought an entire prison and he's going to turn it into a marijuana grow operation.
And that's pretty amazing.
And Colorado is fighting against it.
I don't know if you've heard now about the lawsuit that Oklahoma is launching on Colorado because of everybody bringing pot over the border and that's like their new proof that marijuana is bad.
Well, obviously it can be used to excess, but they didn't control alcohol outlawing it.
It made it more plentiful and corrupted the police.
You've got to decriminalize.
What's crazy, though, is that right now there's over 130 publicly traded marijuana companies.
And it's funny because you're seeing this new form of corruption coming into the marijuana industry, using the marijuana industry to do kind of these Wall Street type trading deals.
It's a whole new level of scam taking place.
There's a lot of pump and dump.
All these penny stocks.
I'm actually in conversation with Jordan Belfort, too.
You know, we talked to Jordan.
He's a listener.
Did he tell you that?
I didn't know you talked to him.
Well, he said he'd come on months ago and never did.
That's the Wolf of Wall Street.
You know who he was in prison with, right?
Yeah, with Tommy Chong.
So he was actually there when I interviewed Tommy in prison, so that's pretty interesting.
Well, will you please get him on the show?
All right.
Aw, it's so good to see you, Kevin.
How is your lovely wife, Trey?
She's awesome.
She's in the other room watching.
She says hi.
She misses you.
Say hi to her.
I'm going to go see her in a minute.
Hey, Trey.
Man, I tell you, Kevin, it's good to see you.
We ought to try to get dinner or something tonight.
So, the ranch is still out there?
Your sister's still there?
My sister's there.
She's part of a new thing called the Mom Center.
They're starting a new non-profit for
Young girls who are pregnant who don't have anywhere to go.
A place that women could go.
My sister is one of the co-founders and business administrator.
Tell us about that website.
Tell us about your website.
That's my sister's new thing.
Out there in Fredericksburg.
Check that out.
And please donate.
Please support that.
Maybe you can help support that, Alex.
It's up your alley.
Such a horrible family, always helping people.
Your sister's always helping people.
Yeah, she's a major caretaker.
I mean, to an extreme level.
I mean, she really is really doing it.
Whether it's rescued animals or people.
Every time I'm out at the ranch, it's like a... The caretaker, absolutely.
And, uh... Yeah, I know the ranch is still there.
It's amazing.
I haven't been there.
That's one reason you moved out to L.A., because I guess it kind of turned into a refugee center out there.
No, the point is that she really is nice.
Yeah, no, the ranch is awesome.
You don't realize how awesome Texas is until you're gone for a while.
I needed a break, maybe.
You know how long I lived in Austin?
I lived in Austin for 25 years.
That's a long time to live in one.
You grew up in O.J.
Simpson's neighborhood.
Right over by it, and then out in L.A., then you moved here.
Right, Northridge, yeah.
A little more not-so-nice as O.J.
Simpson's neighborhood.
But yeah, I was a little kid in Northridge.
You said it was close to there.
And Manson.
Right between Manson and O.J.
All right, Kevin Booster, our guest.
Tell your children not to walk my way.
We'll be back straight ahead, just having some fun here and talking about some of the interesting things going on in the world.
It's a pretty heavy show today, so it's nice to end on a lighter note.
By the way, we got a final segment coming up, and I'll be back live in studio this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Stay with us.
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Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah.
InfoWorth.com, yeah.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting Worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Can't do it as good as Mike Judge.
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We'll do five minutes of overdrive as customary to finish up with Kevin Booth.
I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Kevin, as usual, I go down rabbit trails.
You weren't going to come on today, but since you were here to interview me, I drug you in here.
What do you want to talk about?
I don't know, I mean we could tie it into the topic of the day, freedom of speech and Bill Hicks and how Bill Hicks really represented freedom of speech.
I think the most interesting thing about what happened with this new thing is how now we've got Bill Maher and Jon Stewart basically jumping in there.
It seems like this new little round has really invigorated the liberals.
To jump into this deal.
To, like, the fight.
Well, yeah, Obama is now acting like he defends free speech when he attacked these cartoonists two years ago.
Here's a headline.
For charge for taking photos of pig farm under Utah's new ag law written by Big Agra so you can't take photos of the Nightmare Factory farms.
That's in Reason Magazine.
Total bull, Kevin.
That's un-American crap right there.
And if that continues, we'll all be done.
Can I get one of those dog cameras?
Yeah, they're selling them now.
You can watch my dog sniffing other dogs.
That's very exciting.
We'll just look at Hillary and it looks like a dog's butt.
Don't need to have the camera.
Anyways, what else is on there?
What else you got to say?
Hillary does resemble a horse's ass.
Yeah, a little bit, yeah.
So she's getting a little older.
We cross her with a Feinstein.
Looks like a dead donkey in the ditch.
With a possum crawling out of its rear end.
This show's taking a new twist.
I always come on here thinking I know what I'm going to talk about.
Oh my God.
Mark Kornke, you should describe Janet Reno when she was Attorney General.
Anybody who's worked on a farm has seen this.
A cow dies or a horse dies in the night.
Possums like to eat what's in their lower intestine.
So a possum will crawl in.
And when you catch him, he said, he said Janet Reno always looked like a possum with that look on its face when it comes out of an animal's chair head.
I thought I was plagiarizing Mark Kornke there.
But that's a sincere form of flattery.
Yeah, that's cool.
Well, that's cool that you know Mike Judd and those guys.
Like I said, I'm working with Johnny Hardwick, who, he was Dale.
Yeah, I mean, he is Dale.
No, Judge is great.
He's got the stamina.
I mean, he just can go out and listen to live music all night.
I just can't do it anymore.
I just, I just can't do it.
Did you watch that, uh, Silicon Valley?
Yeah, it was excellent.
Yeah, it was amazing.
I went shooting with the stars of that.
Who's the red, big redhead guys also in the New Transformers?
I don't know his name.
It was a lot of fun.
Yeah, those guys are great.
It was an awesome show.
For sure.
Yeah, it did really well, and he snuck in as much.
He said he's scared to put in more Liberty stuff.
He's afraid of the IRS.
That just shows this reign of terror we see.
It's not about left and right.
It's about, hey, I'm not a commie, and they come after you.
We're gonna come right back in one minute.
Some stations leave us.
God bless you all.
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Hicks Bayonets, Bill Hicks is in the house!
Fix bayonets.
Three days of terror that gripped France have come to an end.
They now, after four times claiming they've killed them, say they've killed the terrorists.
Algerian officials gave early warning.
Nothing was done.
We knew that was coming.
Britain's MI5 says Al-Qaeda is going to hit us any minute after reconstituting in Syria.
Who did that?
Our government.
Yemen branch urges international jihad.
That's just some of the news.
Bookter puts Rand Paul's secret weapon, his wife, on national stage.
Jeb Bush is set to try to raise $100 million, run for president.
Do I wake up and was born into an oligarchy where it's only Clintons or Bushes, Kevin?
Dude, they are just pumping those Bushes out in a factory.
There's like some other Bush too, isn't there?
Yeah, he just got elected to state government.
I mean, how many George Bushes are there?
I think it's a cloning facility.
They are cloning him.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
That would be a good documentary.
I'd like to see how you clone a George Bush.
Well, you know, clones are never that smart.
That's why they get stupider.
Maybe that's what they did.
Maybe this George P. Bush is the new one.
Maybe they cloned Bill Hicks.
Stop giving the secrets.
I make jokes.
It's not fair to the family.
I apologize that crazy people do that, but I can't help it.
Yeah, I don't think we... We didn't really start... We're on the run, Kevin.
We're on the run, Kevin.
We didn't really start that thing.
We're on the run, Kevin.
We're trying to cover it up.
We're on the run.
Sit in a studio for 10 years, we're on the run.
No, no, no.
I mean, we're trying... Look, there I am.
I remember when I first did the first Alex Jones video.
And I, for the first time, I introduced you to all the Bill Hicks fans and they hated my guts for it.
Oh yeah.
They hated me.
And I knew, you know, I mean, people always think, oh if you're... And now what do they think that, because you have one of the biggest sites for Bill Hicks, or not the biggest, one of the sub-sites, your message board, you try to get away from that so you can do your own thing, but how do the fans like it when they hate me, on average, and then
Now I'm Bill Hicks?
It's so weird.
The fans are so weird.
I gave up a long time ago.
Have any of them decided I actually am Bill Hicks?
Yeah, I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out the Bill Hicks fans.
Hey, you knew Sam Kinison really well.
Now that's interesting.
I gotta be honest, I'm a bigger Sam Kinison fan.
That's okay, yeah.
That's Joe's favorite kid.
Wanna say hi to Joe Rogan?
I know he listens.
Hey Joe, what's up Joe?
Joe's got a great podcast.
You introduced me to Joe Rogan!
Yeah, I know.
That was like 16, 17 years ago, brother.
I remember that first time we went to that club in Houston, it was so smoky I couldn't even see.
Remember how we had to crawl down to the floor just to get air?
There was so much smoke back then.
Yeah, that was like in like 97, 98.
But I met him, he came and hung out at your house or something like that in 98.
Remember in 2000 we did the thing where he dressed up as George Bush Sr.
and I was George Bush Sr.
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
Belly of the Beast!
That was one take, wasn't it?
Yeah, one take wonder.
That was great.
Oh my gosh, we ought to go into more overdrive.
What is that called on YouTube?
Alex Jones, Bowie the Beast.
Guys, pull it up.
We ought to put that on YouTube.
That would go viral.
Joe Rogan throwing me out of a wheelchair.
And we had a flying saucer in there.
Where Chris Athenas put a flying saucer on it.
And then remember all the stuff in LA?
Oh, we can't talk about that.
Want to turn into a reptoid?
Oh, that's right.
At Gary Busey's house.
Oh, that's a true story.
Oh, my God.
Alex and I went to Gary Busey's house.
Don't tell it.
He listens.
Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.
That was before he even got more eccentric.
And he sent me, he said, he told me, he said, I want you to go to, what was it?
We're going over to Schwarzenegger's house, get in the car.
I want you to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and get me a chocolate milkshake.
They don't have chocolate milkshakes at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
So I ended up, I went to Jack in the Box and I bought a chocolate milkshake and I poured it into a Kentucky fried glass and I brought it to him and he thought I was a genius.
We gotta back this up though, I got thrown out of the wheelchair.
This is real footage, actually Bill Hicks is Alex Jones, is George Bush Sr.
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I've lost the amount of weight I've lost.