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Name: 20150106_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 6, 2015
2616 lines.

Alex Jones discusses government cover-ups, mainstream media manipulation, big brother surveillance, oil prices, carbon taxes, civilian rights to own firearms, and news stories related to Bill Clinton, John Boehner, and Prince Andrew. He promotes various products on InfoWarsLife.com such as the Resolution Pack for detoxification and weight loss, and discusses topics including climate change, fluoride in water, vaccines, gun control, open borders, and carbon taxes. The show covers politics, world events, and current affairs with a focus on their potential implications.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I was a good boy today.
I spent hours at home.
Not exercising, but getting ready for this broadcast.
And I spent a good hour here going over the giant stacks of news.
And I did something I haven't done for probably six months, because quite frankly, I just got to the point where I was overwhelmed with the amount of information.
In the past, I would come through and email or text to the crew
Video links, articles, and then they would just basically print me everything off of several dozen major websites.
Where I come in here each day, there's about 500 articles.
400 to 500 articles stacked in front of me.
If you're a TV viewer, we can show you what's in the stacks today.
Now in the old days, I would sit in front of a computer.
With the radio producer, three hours before the show, reading articles and printing them because there's no way to surf around quick enough and to remember the order of them when they're on a computer tablet or computer screen.
So I physically print them so that we also have a record sometimes when they pull articles.
But the last six months or so, taking care of sick family and other things, kind of took me out of the game partially.
I got to where some days I'd come in here and only look at maybe 100 articles.
Not 200, not 300, not 400.
But over the weekend, I kind of got back in my old habit of becoming news obsessed.
And so you're going to get today, if the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, or to use a politically incorrect colloquial, well, I just won't use it, I'm going to go over all this news.
And the reason it's important is I've had time to not just go through the stack and cover it randomly off of what I think is interesting.
But, to tie stacks in together, just on what's come out in the last day or two, to show you thematic things that are going on.
There's a couple different reasons they lowered oil prices, and of course it shows that it's rigged, that the fix is in.
Bankrupt Russia shut down U.S.
oil development, but also, and I knew it was coming,
I'm not going to say I told you so.
Carbon taxes.
It's kind of dead right there.
Carbon taxes and new gas taxes.
That's one reason they're doing it and they're now proposing it.
Get ready.
Huge announcements all over the world that they're banning fireplaces.
Told you that was coming.
It's in the global UN treaty.
That's why treaties like SPP and the Texas Corridor and the Asia-Pacific partnerships
And the Trans-Pacific Partnerships, that's why they're all important.
Because they put them in place, and five, ten years later, you're living under it, Jack!
There's a reason the code enforcers wear badges and guns now, and drive police vehicles.
Because they're coming.
Are they my enemy individually?
No, they're a bunch of brainwashed people that, just like somebody running slaves on a plantation 200 years ago, might have been a good Christian and took care of their wife and family and gave money to charity, they really believe black people weren't humans!
Well, these code enforcers, on average, really believe they're saving the earth!
Arresting you if you cut down a tree on your property, even though it's going to fall on your house.
My parents tried to get permission to cut a tree off their house that's already collapsing, a big oak tree.
They told him, no, we might just make you move out.
Then they said, well, just pay us $75,000 for the mitigation and we ordered you to cut it.
So my dad spent six months threatening to sue them and getting lawyers involved and tens of thousands before they finally backed off and said, you know what?
Just pay us a few thousand for our inspectors coming out and you can cut the tree.
I'm living it, and so are you.
Now see, I haven't even hit two stacks yet.
There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 stacks!
30 stacks!
Each one!
You want a full map picture of what's coming?
What's already here?
I'm fired up today, folks.
You better watch out.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea, all of them involve traveling
And vacationing with and getting money from, along with the British Royal Family, the convicted sex offender reportedly running the dungeons with underage girls in them.
That boil-down by Kurt Nemo, linking to mainstream news, is headlined at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Bill Clinton, the known rapist, connected to birds of a feather that fly, and rape and torture together.
Hashtag fire Boehner.
Backlash against Boehner explodes on social media.
Capitol Hill switchboards are shut down with folks saying step down as the speaker you traitor who's set to make tens of millions off stocks that he owns in the big insurance companies that are already increasing in value with the scam that is Obamacare or rape the American people death panel care.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I am wound up, folks.
I've spent hours and hours reading the news today, and I am focused.
Let me just give you
The headline stacks here that we have.
Daily Mail.
Bill Clinton identified in a lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had regular orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times.
Royal Family also vacationed there.
They're now coming out defending him.
And visiting him even after he's been convicted.
Prince Andrew may have been secretly filmed with underage girl he is alleged to have abused.
The Smoking Gun, billionaire sex offender phone book contained email addresses, 21 phone numbers for Bill Clinton.
Former HHS official sentenced 25 years in prison for child pornography charges.
The Washington Post.
I mean, and the stack just continues on that front.
What have we been telling you?
Again, Boehner poised to win his third speaker term despite a vote.
Boehner vote crisis.
Jams Hill phone splits party.
Hashtag fire Boehner.
Backlash against Boehner explodes on social media.
Florida constituents pressure GOP lawmaker
To vote against Boehner, that video's on Infowars.com.
Republicans come out and say we're not going to shut down Homeland Security in February over executive amnesty.
We're going to let the borders be wide open for the North American Union.
Hours before vote, small GOP opposition to John Boehner grows.
It's huge opposition, but people are scared of blackmail and recrimination.
The cloud over the speaker, Boehner, making personal calls for speaker votes.
So he's desperate.
Let's go to the archives and with a clip from last night's nightly news with Leanne McAdoo hosting 7 o'clock central weeknight.
Here's a 54 second clip with Leanne introducing it where Boehner, back in the 90s, was caught handing out tobacco company checks
Two Republican members of the House on the floor right before a critical tobacco vote.
You can't make this stuff up.
This is the guy that loves Obama, hangs out, vacations and plays golf with him, who won't repeal Obamacare, who won't stop executive amnesty, who won't stop executive gun grabs, who blocks Benghazi and the IRSgate investigations.
Here is John Boehner caught
Bribing on the House floor.
But come on, we already knew that Boehner joined forces with the dark side long ago.
Well, I had heard that there was one particular member that was passing out checks on the House floor.
Wynne asked me to give out a half a dozen checks quickly before we got to the end of the month.
And I complied.
I did it on the House floor, which I regret should not have done.
It's not a violation of the House rules.
But it's a practice that's gone on here for a long time.
We've got to stop it.
This is just not something that ought to happen.
So that was in 1995.
Obviously he was very friendly then with the coming corporatocracy, but go back to that video.
He also looks like he was very friendly with the wolves of Wall Street, if you know what I mean.
But we'll see if he is actually going to get replaced or if he will be Speaker of the House for a third term.
Yeah, John Boehner looks like a fun guy to go to Vegas with.
Not a fun guy to run the country.
That's essentially what he does with Obama.
He's letting Obama act as a dictator.
We're going to get more into that.
Coming up, we're going to tell you what's behind one of the big issues behind the current drop in oil prices.
Remember Lindsey Williams two years ago with his big oil insiders that I know, that is, I've confirmed their identities.
Dr. Monteith actually called some of them up when
He was told kind of off record by Williams who they were and confirmed it, I confirmed it separately, that when they drop the oil prices to bankrupt Russia and to bring in the carbon taxes, that's the signal for the big collapse to come after about a year of that.
And that's now what all the big billionaires, when I say all of them,
I have a stack of news articles today where they're saying, get ready, 11 predictions of economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the globe.
That's coming up.
Newly renamed high fructose corn syrup contains toxic mercury.
All over the place, consumers won't buy stuff with high fructose corn syrup, knowing how deadly it is.
Not just with all the poisonous things that are in it, like lead and mercury at high levels.
That precipitate out in the corn from the bad soils and the toxic fertilizer, but also what it does to the pancreas, with pancreas cancer exploding and obesity exploding.
But now, they've changed the name, just like they did MSG, to confuse the public.
Anthony Gucciardi's report is so important, it's on InfoWars.com, and we're going to retweet that right now because it's so important.
Please get it out, everyone you know.
Also, FBI says search warrants not needed to use stingrays in public after the Senate began an investigation.
The FBI went from three months ago saying it doesn't exist, or they don't know whose cell phone towers they are, to saying they're ours and Homeland Security and we'll do whatever we want.
Again, as a rule, lying to you, folks.
As a rule, scooping it all up illegally.
Now they get caught, they go, oh, we think it's legal to insider trade in Congress.
We think it's legal to hand out checks.
We think it's legal to scoop up all your data and put it through a database and add whatever we want.
CDC flu season continues to worsen, could peak this month.
ABC News, we're going to break that down.
I Can't Breathe protesters invade 100-year-old vets ceremony.
Unbelievable, just to show.
I mean, these groups have got to be hired to discredit anybody that protests police brutality.
I mean, you couldn't come up with worse stuff, going to the dead cops' funerals and
You know, chanting and taking it over.
I mean, just... But unfortunately, I've watched these people.
I don't think it's staged.
I think these are just absolutely an example of modern, progressive brainwashing and the entitlement society.
Oh, World War II vets having a ceremony.
Let's go get in their face and blame them for cops shooting black people.
By the way, there's a new national study out showing that police are many times more likely to shoot whites than they are blacks.
And I've seen that following the news day by day, that whites don't tend to sue, whites don't tend to make a big deal out of it.
That's just a fact.
And so in a way, cops shoot whites more often.
What's happening is police just won't respond to predominantly black areas now.
I mean, cops are so politically correct, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to be breaking all... And that's what Charles Barkley said.
He said, do you really want the cops to never be in your neighborhood, period?
Because that's where all this is going.
And I'm not lionizing, as you know, the police.
I am demonizing the federalization, the globalization, because it is demonic, politically.
But, just hating the average police officer out of the blue, when they're part of this whole sick process just like we are, is a cop-out, is a scapegoat, and is what the globalists are financing.
They're financing a war with the police!
Well, I can intellectually tell you how that's bad.
But I just default.
New World Order promoting it?
I'm against it.
You're promoting fluoride and water?
I'm against it.
You're promoting vaccines?
I'm against it.
You're promoting turning my guns in?
I'm against it.
You're promoting open borders?
I'm against it.
You're promoting world government?
I'm against it.
You're promoting carbon taxes?
I'm against it.
And then I can intellectually go through every piece and show you why I'm against it.
But just as a default, if the New World Order's for it, baby, you better believe I'm against it.
The establishment likes Obama?
I'm against him.
The establishment likes John Boehner?
I'm against him.
The establishment starts endorsing Rand Paul or Ted Cruz?
I'll have a problem with them, but notice they're not.
That doesn't mean either man's perfect.
Now, we told you about this years ago, and it's in my 2007 film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I told you it would come here.
Fears surround EU plans to ban patio heaters.
2008, it's now happened.
EU to ban patio heaters.
EPA wood-burning stove ban deals blow to rural homes.
See what happens there, then comes here.
That is out of the Huffington Post.
And here is agency's ordinances and regulations.
You heard them say that any dust on your farm is multi-thousand dollar fines and your children can't go out and get the chicken eggs in the morning or carry out the trash.
This is the total takeover.
That's from the EPA's own website.
Well, everybody's freaking out in Oregon when they started getting the big fines around Christmas.
You're not allowed to have smoke coming out your chimney.
I'm fining you.
Ah, the total tyranny of being a prisoner is here.
For all you enviro-Nazis, get ready.
Now they're moving against red meat.
They want taxes on that.
That brings us next to the nanny state stack.
Today, which I haven't even skimmed the surface of.
And then, why they're driving down oil prices.
Stay with us.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her babbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade Bastards hung me
But I'm still alive.
There is no such thing as the last adventure.
All the past adventures that came before us, they live on through our adventure.
The great animating contest that is Liberty.
And I'm honored to be here with you all today.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Let's continue with the news here in the InfoWarp.
So, all over the United States, from Michigan to Texas, from New York to Florida, from Nebraska to Oklahoma, from Oregon to Tennessee, the EPA and local regulators going off of that now have listed carbon dioxide
And water vapor as pollutants.
Now what do humans put off?
Water vapor and carbon dioxide.
That's the big globalist joke.
They're not regulating GMO.
They're not regulating toxic waste.
They're not regulating nanotech.
They're putting in their high-tech takeover grid I'm going to be getting to.
It's in the news that your TV is going to interface with the new digital
We told you that was coming about eight years ago.
It was in MIT's own publications.
It's now at EW.com.
Twelve monkeys to control your room's lighting.
Your smart TV's gonna interface with your light bulbs.
And, of course, surveil you for your fun, though.
It's fun, though.
It interacts.
And now there's all these articles.
Yeah, the smart grid tracks everything you do.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm digressing.
I'm digressing.
They're going after lemonade.
They're going after backyard gardens.
They're going after front yard gardens.
They're going after the Amish.
They're going after anything normal and natural.
They want you domesticated, hooked into a television, following orders before the next phase
They're going to make it so trendy to have a brain chip, so trendy to not, you know, have a fireplace, so trendy to not have a car.
It's fun to comply.
All the globalists fly around on jumbo jets and have sex slaves.
We're going to be getting to that coming up.
Mainstream news.
Just, it's all mainstream now.
Fears surround, because they're coming out now.
Fears surround EU plans to ban patio heaters.
That was 2008, almost seven years ago.
Four, five, six, six plus years ago.
And they did ban them, and then now, here's the article, EPA's wood burning stove ban deals blow to rural homes, and they just say, you can't burn wood!
Anything over 12 micrograms, we're going to shut you down.
And they did illegal secret testing on humans with higher levels, claiming it was lower levels, that David Knight exposed, became national news, with the think tank he was working with, to try to ban particulate.
But don't worry, they're coming after carbon dioxide now to shut off our power plants.
So that's just some of the news there.
And now, citizens got visits and fines in the Eugene area.
That's where they're kicking it off in that state.
Over there, fireplaces and we're burning stoves.
And now, space eaters.
They're going around writing tickets for those.
You can't have those outside burning natural gas that's totally clean.
But I guess it's not.
It puts off carbon dioxide.
They've done studies.
You can look them up.
Do you know how fast trees and grass grow that are downwind from a coal-powered plant that has nothing but carbon dioxide and water vapor coming out the top?
Because it's like a tropical zone around them.
And there's higher carbon dioxide.
The earth used to be much richer in it.
It's very starved right now.
There's major studies that the Sahara would come back if there was just a one point increase in the trace gas carbon dioxide.
Look it up!
Just type Sahara
Desification caused by lower carbon dioxide.
Just look it up.
Just look it up.
Because plants need less water when they have higher carbon dioxide.
But let's not have this gas that plants live off of.
Let's ban it, boys.
Let's ban it, girls.
Air regulators ban visible chimney smoke from wood stoves in Eugene area.
They don't need any tests.
They just say, if we can see smoke, it's banned.
And we have SWAT teams standing by.
And we're gonna jack up your power prices till the only thing you can live off is stoves.
Like they do up in Canada and up in, uh...
Areas like Alaska, and then the paramilitary is coming!
They actually train on a military basis to take out people with burning stoves, that's the sign of the enemy.
You got somebody off the grid, take them out, move in.
Move in the forces.
Take out the enemy, any free humans.
Now coming up, they're banning sleigh rides.
Red meat?
It's all over.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
You want slavery, baby?
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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How do you like me now?
How do you like it now that so much of the world government, so much of the tyrannical, oppressive, anti-human nanny state is now rushing into our lives?
Yeah, a lot of people like us now, but that's not what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for you to realize that you have power and can effect change and dial all this back very, very quickly if we simply put our foot down.
The open borders, the end of the nation's sovereignty, the carbon taxes by fiat, the gun grabbing, the gun confiscation by fiat, signing us onto derivatives by fiat, the selling of the republic out, the forced inoculations by fiat, the GMO by fiat.
All of it.
We can defeat them.
Just three years ago, almost everything in a high fructose corn syrup and with all the deadly health effects that are on record.
The obesity, the shutting down of your pancreas, the major links to diabetes, to all sorts of cancer risk, and the fact that the corn is grown in toxic fertilizer that is filled with mercury and lead that bioaccumulates.
And so every major manufacturer from Hershey's to Heinz Ketchup announced and started moving to sugar.
And not that it's even perfect, but light years better from sugar cane or other sources.
And so they've now come out and they're changing the name of high fructose corn syrup.
So we simply educate the public on that.
Yes, we have victories.
They counter and move again.
We battle again.
It's the eternal fight.
It's the animating contest of liberty that Thomas Jefferson dubbed it.
The reason people feel so dead is you're not meant to watch ESPN all day and waddle back and forth from work not being a real human.
I liken it to people that weigh 500 pounds and are totally unhappy.
Hey, I've gotten overweight before.
Not like that, but I got about 60, 70 pounds overweight.
I still haven't lost all of it.
I've lost about 75% of it.
I'm shooting to lose the rest of it this month.
But it doesn't mean that I can't grasp the fact that I was unhealthy and out of shape because I got so focused on fighting the New World Order, I was kind of the opposite.
I got so focused like a monk or something, only thinking about the New World Order, only trying to learn about it, only trying to fight it, that I got to where there was no play for Jack.
No fun for Jack.
No going out and having a good time.
No exercising.
Almost nothing!
I'd go on a hike maybe once a week.
Maybe on a long swim once a week.
When it was warm.
Turn into Jabba the Hutt.
I've dialed that back a lot and I'm going the rest of the way.
It's the same thing as a culture.
So when I'm up here on my high horse saying, do this, do that, I'm not up here telling you you're bad.
I'm telling you you're great and you have amazing potential!
And I'm angry about the globalists and I take it personal, their scientific plan, and I'm countering them.
I'm going to finish up with an anti-state articles and I'm going to tie it in.
This is just the stuff today.
And I'm going to tie it in with what's really going on with the low oil prices and more.
Then I'm getting in to the pedophile kingdom that runs Congress, runs the EU, and runs the British monarchy and Parliament.
It's come out in the biggest British newspapers that at least a third of the members of Parliament are in part of pedophile networks.
And I'm not talking about guys going out with 17-year-old women.
There's always an extreme end of things, you know, calling it pedophilia when you're 20 dating a 17-year-old.
I don't think that's the case.
And most people in polls don't.
No, I'm talking about five-year-old boys being strangled and raped and run over with cars.
Six-year-old girls having their throats slit.
Being grabbed out of their backyard and disappearing on a private jet to the Caribbean.
And the next thing you know,
World leaders are standing over you.
That's who needs to be saved.
And that's anytime I have a spark of fear.
In my psyche about who I'm going up against, I think about all those kids they're having their way with, and not just the little 3 or 4 or 5 year old that people are so upset about and should be.
All the hundreds of millions every few years worldwide, and the 55 million, I keep saying 52 million, it's like 55, 56 million abortions in this country since Roe v. Wade, saying they're not kids either.
The minute we did that, folks, now it's infanticide.
Now it's kill babies after they're born.
Now it's kill old people.
Now it's put the veterans on death list.
Young veterans.
Not just old ones.
That's bad enough.
Do not treat, do not give care list.
We are evil.
We are run by evil.
We must admit we're evil or there's no way to dial this back and the bottom's gonna fall out and we're inches away.
From the rusty bottom of this mine shaft elevator that goes down over a mile, we're up at the top?
You think it's scary now, just 50, 60 feet down the mine at the elevator and the wind's blowing through and it's all dark and there's cobwebs?
You think it's scary up here?
We're only in the entrance of the cave.
And that rusty bottom is starting to break and cringe, and the New World Order's jumping up and down trying to break it.
We're in the elevator with a big old devil.
It's just jumping up and down going, when this bottom comes out, and when that hedge of protection goes up, I'm gonna take you to the bottom of this pit, and you're gonna wish you were dead.
So you just get ready for the moment this bottom falls out, because I'm taking you and your whole family down there with me forever.
You gonna do something for the bottom falls out?
You gonna get ready?
You gonna warn people?
We may not be able to stop the bottom falling out in this worldwide culture.
The Germans couldn't stop Hitler coming to power, and when the war was over, 21 million of them were dead.
We always talk about people Hitler killed, and we should, but how about what the Germans paid for not doing enough?
All those tens of millions that went along with Hitler, thought they were safe doing it, lost everything.
The Soviets lost 22 million fighting the Nazis.
As far as I'm concerned, the U.S.
wasn't even involved in World War II.
Yes, we were involved in the Pacific.
Yes, we were involved, and that's an overstatement, in Europe, but we only lost 300, almost 400,000.
How about 21 million on one side?
22 million on the Russian side.
Look it up.
22 million!
You think those were some battles?
You think that was fun?
You think Leningrad was fun?
Change the name mid-fight?
They estimated about 4 million people, military and civilian, died in that battle.
That's a lot more scary than Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, huh?
Millions of men in uniforms killing each other toe-to-toe?
Little more scary than Freddy Krueger, isn't it?
And once it gets let out, it's not gonna stop.
It's gonna be billions.
And all you kiss-ass trendies and people out there, all your little bobbles and festoonery aren't gonna mean jack squat once the gates open.
I've seen beyond the gate.
I know what lies behind it.
And all the evil you see today is only the first breeze of the hurricane, of the maelstrom, of the typhoon breath.
You are warned and forewarned!
The gates of hell and the great black chains are beginning to move.
The glint is in the enforcer's eye.
The computer is there to make the enforcer carry out the great oppression, for they themselves are oppressed.
So, EPA's wood-burning stove ban goes into effect nationwide.
It's not a law, it's a UN treaty that wasn't even put into place in 92, but that's being operated under, kind of like the President's opening the borders up without any law, and no one's standing in his way.
It's called dictatorship of the UN and the global government, and the President and others are just
John Boehner and others are just delivery boys, errand boys.
To quote Apocalypse Now, sent to collect a debt by a grocer.
Who are you?
I'm an army officer.
No, you're not.
I'm an assassin.
You're not even that.
You're a grocer, an errand boy sent to collect a debt.
California governor!
Teffin's climate change goals!
Ratcheting it down!
Everyone will feel the green police now!
And he says as president it would be his goal, just as the Pope said last week, to deliver us under the UN system of total surveillance.
Here's another article out of reason.
In joyless nanny state called America, government prohibits sledding, saying it's dangerous.
First they ban dodgeball, then tag, then running at most public schools.
Now they move against football.
They never want you to learn confidence, they never want you to learn strength, not even in limited areas like military or police now, because that's to be phased out for the computers, for the robot enforcers.
It's all been announced and it will all happen unless you admit it's happening and say no to it.
But if we can't admit it's happening, well then we can't.
Oh, the drone pilots are depressed, there's not enough of them, so they're going pilotless this year.
It's being announced today!
The robots won't get tired!
See if you won't wake up when I'm...
Being serious in my delivery, I'll deliver the serious news accurately, but from the position of the enemy, from the position of their spirit, from the position of their enjoyment.
Just like Gruber and all these other globalists like to brag about how stupid you are, and of course there's death panels, and of course we're gonna kill people because it makes them feel powerful doing that to you and your family.
So if you want me to talk to you like they do, I will, okay?
Don't worry.
Don't worry!
You'll be alone and dead when they're done!
Suck dry, and they'll be laughing, because it's what you want.
You were too scared to admit the truth, so you let it grow.
Do it!
And you'll have the peace of your world government.
You'll have the freedom of your abortions, of killing the old people, and the convenience for you to die as well.
In joyless nanny state called America, government prohibits sledding!
Don't have much fun!
Don't have too much, in fact.
Don't have any fun.
You could hurt yourself.
We're the ones that are there to do that with the silent GMO.
To watch your neurons go out and watch you lose control of your body slowly until you suffocate with a neurological disorder.
We love you.
I'm sorry.
We're so sweet.
Don't have too much fun.
In fact, don't have any fun.
You could hurt yourself.
That's the thinking of all... That's not the thinking of them.
They're there to teach you in a max lockdown super cell, you don't have any freedom.
That's what you're learning.
You have the freedom to be strapped down and tortured.
Don't have to, man.
Let me say this real... Let me do this in an NPR voice, because that's actually how they... But their soul, their spirit sounds like I just sounded, but their mouth sounds like this.
Let me read it to you in an NPR voice.
Don't, don't have too much fun.
In fact, don't have any fun.
We're the authorities that lecture from on high, like your mommy.
You could hurt yourself, and you know how much we care.
That's the thinking of all too many government entities these days, and it's why local officials, not servants, are increasingly likely to shut down the neighborhood sledding hill.
According to the Associated Press, sledding prohibitions are more and more common.
That's right, being out after dark is too.
Now, one tracks how many cities have banned or limited sledding, but the list grows every year.
One of the largest is in Iowa, where the city council... How do you pronounce that?
How do you pronounce that?
How do you pronounce that name right there?
Ah, Dubuque.
They're working with a team.
You can chop up babies and put vets on secret death list.
But ah, don't slay.
One of the latest is in Dubuque.
Good luck, you.
Sleep, sleep.
Put the handcuffs on and come into the basement.
Iowa, where the city council is moving ahead with a plan to ban sledding in all but two of its 50 parks.
And then they'll finally ban those.
They always give you a way of escaping, though.
It's a formula.
Oh, there's still a few of us.
Or you can pay a special fee and have us inspecting at a fireplace.
Or you can still be a parent, just as we do in daily inspections.
We have all kinds of parks that have hills on them, said Marie Ware, Dubuque's leisure services manager, but we can't manage the risk at all of those places.
That's right, they have to manage it, so they've banned it.
Oh my goodness.
Big threat for Obama's climate efforts from GOP-run Congress!
Oh my gosh, they might try to block him shutting down our existing power plants.
He already shut down about a third of them, doubling power prices!
Your electricity bill's off the chart.
Some more nanny state news.
Oklahoma lawmaker proposes hoodie ban and banning Guy Fawkes mask in public.
But sometimes the nanny enforcers get a little out of control.
Off-duty Boston cop arrested for allegedly assaulting Uber driver.
Cop steals Uber car in fit of rage.
Here's a better one.
MTA to launch campaign aimed at curbing manspreading on public transit.
Men will be fined if you open your legs more than a few inches.
Even though the seats are 17.5 inches wide and the average man's butt is bigger than that, you will keep your legs slammed together as they make seats smaller and as they make airline seats smaller.
It's all part of going after big people.
But then they'll create a lobby for people that are obese to then say they get special treatments.
They always manage both ends of it.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and get into the secrets of oil and why the oil prices are being kept down while every other major index and commodity goes up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and away!
And then, now there's not even soap, says the president of Venezuela to China as their communist utopia collapses into a hell pit.
Potentially dangerous asteroid to fly by Earth on January 26th.
And we're gonna get into all the King's pedophiles and all the King's cover-up artists couldn't put together their pedophile palace again, and how Bill Clinton's tied into it.
Stay with us!
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Oh, there aren't any jobs?
Well, there's new deputy enforcer jobs that give you a little stipend of $10,000, $20,000 a year.
If you keep your quote up and report on neighbors growing vegetables or that have unauthorized fireplaces.
Oh, did you see neighbors spank their kids even if there's no law?
I saw a story over the weekend where all over the country they're having deputies and police go out for authorized spankings of children to make sure they're not too violent when spanking is not illegal anywhere in the US.
What is, is causing serious bodily harm.
How do you think they still give licks at public schools?
And regardless of what you think of corporal punishment,
The globalists don't want any discipline, so your kids are out of control.
Ended up getting disciplined with tasers, and with billy clubs, and with Prozac!
This has all been declassified!
The 60s revolution, all of it, to screw over society!
Does that mean what was previously there was good either?
No, it was an older form of oppression.
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Also, I'm doing this cleanse with oxy powder this month.
Somebody said oxy cotton.
No, it's time release, higher level oxygen.
I don't get into the whole science.
The website does.
Basically like ozone.
It's releasing your guts.
We don't get any
We're good to go.
With our reporters, our investigative journalists, the filmmakers, and I'm kind of the rabble rouser at the center of it, beating a drum, screaming and warning people like a modern Paul Revere, though with not as much courage as he.
I'm not saying get your guns and start fighting the redcoats.
I'm saying fight the info war before it goes to that.
And I'm here at the center of it, trying to get people awake to then take action.
Now, I will start the next hour.
I will get into the oil, what's really behind the oil prices dropping.
They now admit what they're doing, confirming what we said they were doing.
It's not hard, but now it's confirmed.
We'll get into Boehner, can he be stopped?
Huge news on the drones, your phone calls and the Bill Clinton connection to giant royal pedophile rings.
It's all coming up in the second hour and we'll take your phone calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Trying directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
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Destroy Little Planet TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're doing first-time callers in this second hour today.
First-time callers, please.
Give folks a chance.
I'd like to hear what you think about all the news we just covered.
Bill Clinton tied into giant pedophile rings.
That's coming up.
We've got the light bulbs in your house controlled by signals from your television.
Told you that was coming about six, seven years ago.
Got ridiculed.
In fact...
Guys, search engine Alex Jones thinks your light bulbs are watching you or your light bulbs are controlling you.
Because they admit it.
They'll flicker to calm the public, Homeland Security, and they'll interface with your devices and your TV and other quote smart hubs with the electrical impulses with the data down power line to monitor you and your family.
In fact, I don't want to just read this article coming up out of Inside TV Entertainment Weekly.
It's all like cheese on the mousetrap, how wonderful it is to the trendies.
Ah, I love it!
Pull me a Watson's article from six, seven years ago about Google announces that it's watching and listening to you.
And then the one from a month ago where the smart TV at Samsung says, yes, we're watching and listening to you and giving your data to third parties.
And it's no big deal.
So watch what you say.
They actually say, so watch your mouth.
They don't just say, we're watching you!
Watch your mouth!
Yeah, there's Google knows when you're home.
Yeah, that's okay by Paul Watson.
The one I watched from 2006, and I think it's Google, Google Files Patent, or your TV's watching you, prisonplanet.com.
Because it's important we show people, you know, nine, ten years ago.
Not to brag, just so you know, that it may sound insane.
To say that we mammals, but other creatures as well, have electromagnetic cells in our brains that interface with the sun and with electromagnetic fields, and that those are being manipulated by DARPA.
I mean, DARPA said that, and I read that, in the Baltimore Sun in 1998.
And I read it in hundreds of publications since then, I just read hundreds of articles every day, and it was back in the news last week.
That, oh, seals have magnetic brains and have natural GPS and they think humans have them.
And they think humans have two eyeballs.
They think Moses was a human.
They think the sky's blue at high noon.
The turkeys say gobble gobble.
I mean, really, all I'm doing here is pointing out what's going on.
And I use a few examples that everybody knows about.
Experiments, and glowing cats, and glowing monkeys, and spider goats.
And then the young Turks, God bless them, because they're talented, smart people, even though Shinker, or whatever his name is, wife's a CPS worker, they clump together and make fun of me.
It sounds funny to talk about glowing cats, and HIV, and pharmacological corn, and spider goats, but see, it's not funny.
And when your kid is 20 years old, and you're 60,
Or whatever it is.
And they're dying of an advanced brain tumor that didn't exist a few years before.
It's in the news today that young people are having strokes at exponential numbers.
No one's going to tell you why it's happening.
I'm just trying to tell you and it's very sick to sit here day in day out knowing I'm right, knowing I'm spot on, knowing that the Pentagon listens and foreign governments listen.
It's come out in emails and come out in WikiLeaks and totally freaks me out because I'm on a power trip.
I'm on the opposite.
I just don't even want to do this anymore.
It's completely overwhelming me.
It's completely over the top.
Why do I have to sit here and explain to people how this is crazy?
Because the average man is in a love affair with all these men in suits acting so professional.
Oh yeah, he's coming up.
The defense will run this and the offense will run that.
Oh, it's so important.
Let's catch this person.
And I'm like, guys, I went to a movie this weekend and the guy said, did you see that Cowboys game?
He saw my thing.
I said, no, I didn't see it.
He goes, oh, what?
You didn't see that?
It's on right now.
It just ended.
It's incredible.
And I was like.
Yeah, I'm just kind of into other industries.
Oh, sure.
Hey, whatever, man.
See, I wasn't manly.
I hadn't succeeded in life.
I hadn't challenged world government and affected the planet.
I just, you know...
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Another major health threat.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I'm going to get really focused in this hour.
We're also going to take your phone calls for first-time callers on the bombshell Nanny State EPA now through local zoning departments under Agenda 21 of the United Nations officially are banning any type of barbecue pits, fire pits, or fireplaces where smoke is quote visible.
We covered all that mainstream news out of the Oregonian last hour.
And I know that's ancient news for our listeners, but, I mean, I made a film about it in 2006, 2007, Endgame, but it's now happening.
Happened in Europe back then, was being phased in, now it's here.
Global government, the exact same policies, just phased in in different points in different ways.
We're going to get into what's really behind the low oil prices in a moment and tie it into 11 predictions of economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the globe.
And we're going to get into stories so huge, so incredible, so over the top, that I really should spend all three hours on this someday this week.
It's ensnared Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton,
With a top donor who they vacation with, who they stay with, hundreds of times, who Prince Charles' brother stays with, who the Queen hangs out with, and there's so many of these people, who is a convicted pedophile.
And now it's coming out, had sex slaves in the Caribbean.
In dungeons.
Now we've told you for years this is going on.
And a lot of it keeps coming out, but when I think about the sheer amount of proof with DynCorp, subsidiaries, the UN, it's just hard for me to believe there's this many ghouls.
But it's all coming out.
And the other big question is, why is it all coming out now?
So that's coming up.
We've also got a very important article by Kit Daniels, the worst of Obama's staged photo ops that gets into how they create imaging.
drone fleet at breaking point over operator shortage.
Now there's not even soap as the president of Venezuela heads to China to save socialist utopia of Venezuela as it collapses.
Samsung Smart TV records personal conversations and sends them to third parties.
I mentioned that from a few months ago we wrote about.
We also wrote about it back in 2008, 2006.
Companies try to cover up move to watch consumers via TVs.
Google patent seeks to transmit your cell phone voice to law enforcement without warrant.
Mainstream media finally admits that television can spy on you.
It's not that it can, it is.
That dovetails with the announcement by Entertainment Weekly.
The next level of television rolling out next week.
Your television without asking.
Is going to interface with the federally, globally mandated light bulbs.
And track everything you do.
The circle is now complete.
Who was it?
It was a whole bunch of publications.
Went through all the wildest stuff I've covered.
Not that I said, I just covered it.
Back then it was in Pentagon and DARPA press releases.
Wasn't even secret.
But they knew it would sound crazy to listeners.
It was in AP, like, five years ago, too, that they announced in Minnesota that, oh, there's a grant to local police departments in Minneapolis and St.
Paul, where new light bulbs will interface with the police computers, but only some in testing areas.
But the light bulbs can also send out a flicker rate found to soothe the officers during troubling times.
If you wanted mind control, where would you stick it?
You'd stick it in the police department first.
Folks, you're not in Kansas.
They can make you have a convulsion with flicker rates on televisions 50 years ago.
They did tests in Japan and limited on one cable system in New York 14 years ago.
No, 15 years ago.
It was in 2000.
Causing 100 plus thousand convulsions in Tokyo alone and causing almost as many in New York.
Activist posted an article, 10 Modern Methods of Mind Control.
If you don't believe me, Google, Pokemon causes convulsions.
The red eyes would gleam in the little monster, and the children would begin flopping everywhere, including biting their little tongueys off.
Now, I know this sounds insane, because it is.
Oh, see, it's Trippy, the trendies that are all into their tech.
Oh, there's the banned Pokemon episode that gave children seizures.
See, there's the headline.
Let me go back, though, to the new article today.
Oh, it's Trippy!
Imagine you get caught looking through somebody's bedroom window at them having sex and they start beating your brains out.
You go, hey, it's just Trippy!
It's trendy.
Trippy and trendy kind of go together.
Twelve monkeys to control your room's lighting.
A new series is coming out about a biological weapon wiping out almost everyone.
Based on the movie.
And it's the Pioneer Show that will control the light bulbs in your house!
Entertainment Weekly.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Will I get an apology from MSNBC?
I'm trying to go from memory.
I got attacked a bunch.
Google Alex Jones thinks lightbulbs are controlling you, or lightbulbs are watching you, or lightbulbs are controlling your computers.
I just want to show people how it was so funny, even though they trimmed in the videos they played.
I'm trying to remember who did it.
There's a couple of publications on TV.
To where it just had me going, the lightbulbs will interface with your computer and are used for flicker rates for mind control.
And they just play that and it sounds like I'm totally crazy and I don't care, because I'm telling the truth!
They didn't show, there it is, Alex Jones, light bulbs are spying on you.
Yeah, that's just a site making a joke out of them.
But then that gets picked up.
It's so funny, though!
It's so funny that we told you a decade before anybody and before they came out in Wired Magazine three years ago and said, yeah, your washing machine is watching and listening to you.
We can break, I mean I remember when we first broke open a Scientific Atlantic cable box and it had a hidden microphone in it like 17 years ago.
I got death threats over it.
Full grown men calling up, going, you went too far, you little bleeper.
One more time and I'm telling you it's over for you and your family.
You shut your mouth about what the... They had a backlash on AXS Television.
I broke that thing open.
Back then, you know, 1998 or so, you weren't supposed to know they were listening to you.
Before there was voice activation and all that.
And it was a big deal there was a microphone in it.
We gotta find that tape.
But see, now this is like a big deal.
There's a microphone.
My Kinect can look through walls.
I can sit on the toilet in another room and still play.
It sees me.
My Xbox, my... See how it's... Oh, it's so fun!
Your TV interfaces with your light bulbs!
The government just so happened to mandate a decade ago, that just so happened to become law three years ago, worldwide!
There's no global government, though.
They've got it.
This unification, this continuity of agenda, down to that point.
Here's the toll-free number for first-time callers on any of these subjects.
So, 800-259-9231 on this live Tuesday, the 6th day of January 2015.
Now, let's get into the energy sector.
Your energy prices are going up on almost every front except oil, and that's because Saudi Arabia and OPEC want to have a corner on the oil market to charge at least $10, is what they see.
The UN says up to $18.
A gallon for gas because it's good for the earth.
No, it's good for the globalists to take your discretionary income to make you poor so you're politically so busy you're not politically involved.
That's all been stated so many times by the globalists using making you poor as a tool of social control.
Inner Cloward and Piven and many other well-known examples of this theorem spelled out and wrote writ large with the bona fides.
Now, that said,
We're backing away from this.
The big enchilada is bankrupting Russia, so then the globalists can charge whatever amount they want.
OPEC have been criticizing Russia for selling oil at low prices.
You've seen the drop the last few years, mainly because of that, from the all-time high.
They've also been pre-positioning the public that if oil prices ever went down, the answer would be because of tax revenues supposedly going down.
No, the tax is tagged on regardless.
That's another thing they play on your ignorance, on the public's ignorance.
That they would start upping the taxes by the mile and taxes at the pump as a carbon tax.
So also, oh, your oil prices went down to a dollar.
You know, they're as low as a $2.
In some areas, the U.S.
is even lower now.
So they're going to keep dropping it for a while, while they bankrupt Russia.
While they bankrupt the oil patch.
See, Saudi Arabia had dual enemies.
Russia was drilling and developing and letting wildcatters in, as well as state-run systems.
But wildcatters and other companies had basically drilled all over the U.S.
and were already bringing prices down.
So they're bringing them artificially low, below market threshold, to bankrupt them as well.
And we said this months ago.
It's now admitted all over the news.
Stacks of articles are here in front of me.
We're going to skip this network break because this is so important.
I don't want to break thought here.
Low oil prices pave the way for new carbon taxes.
That's out of CNBC News.
Oh, you see?
They didn't want to raise taxes because energy was already too expensive, but now we can, at the pump, charge you a carbon tax.
Oh, but guess what?
Now, by global treaty and law, worldwide, all new cars, whether they're made in China, South Korea, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Japan, it doesn't matter, they all have a global standardized box that's GPS that you have to pay for and the cost of the car, even though it's not hooked up.
To your display.
It's there.
You're paying for it.
To tax you by the mile.
And more than 20 U.S.
cities are already doing the pilots, which will then... So you'll be taxed by the mile, tracking everything you do, and at the pump, and basically at the wellhead as well.
When prominent members of both political parties talk about the possibility of taxing fossil fuels, you know something serious has shifted in U.S.
Yeah, you got Republican leadership working with Obama.
On Monday morning, former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, the guy that brought us derivatives, a largely pro-business Democrat, that's funny, published a column in the Washington Post calling for the imposition of a carbon tax, which they always say doesn't exist when you argue against it until you're living under it.
Kind of like Obamacare didn't have death panels, or didn't increase your prices, or you could keep your doctor, or you didn't build your business, or raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit, and other such 2 plus 2 equals 10 statements.
Here's another one.
Here's why gas increases make sense.
WTI falls below 49 to new.
Five and a half year low.
crude oil fell to 49.
Last week we had articles on Infowars.com warning you by our analyst that this was economic warfare against America as well, folks.
It'll only help us for the short term, long term.
It spells they're planning to take us into a depression.
OPEC trying to punish US oil frackers.
I can't believe CNBC actually told the truth for once.
I remember two years ago we learned all these anti-fracking films and I'm not endorsing fracking either.
Folks need to get this through their heads, new listeners.
I don't just fall on one side or the other when it's a multifaceted issue.
Some things are black and white.
But usually, the point is, fracking's got some problems, and it's been abused in areas, it gets over-exaggerated how bad it is, and when Matt Damon comes out against it with George Clooney, and Obama comes out against it, and then you find out the Saudis are buying up oil fracking companies just to shut them down and financing every one of these stinking films, you know what's going on.
Same thing, shut Russia down,
It was the Saudis financed all this peak oil stuff.
They're finding so much oil it makes your head spin.
We've been getting raped for a decade as they raise oil prices.
But see, now they've devalued the dollar so much, oil prices should be high.
Because the dollar's been devalued.
The prices really aren't high, it's just the dollar's been devalued.
But now that they've devalued the dollar, you've got to have somewhat high oil prices, because then it won't be enough to get it out of the ground.
Then you'll have a collapse of the market, and then a huge spike later, which is what the globalists are doing.
My family used to run a lot of cattle.
They still own some, just for the tax break, which we can't even hardly pay for our land, our property taxes.
It's not our land.
Had it since 1829, and it just gets smaller all the time as we can't pay the property taxes.
But riddle me this, Batman.
How are oil prices connected to, an example, a beef?
Well, riddle me this.
If beef prices are at all-time highs,
But farmers and ranchers are going out of business everywhere saying they can't make a living in it.
What's happening?
A fixed market where all, all of the small meat packers essentially have been shut down.
There's a big four left that uses illegal alien labor and is exempt basically.
And they are able to then control the market, buy it at an extremely low price by cost collusion from the producer, and then jack it up to whatever price they want, delivering it to your table.
Maximizing record profits, not through free market, but by rigging the system.
And it's the same thing with the oil companies.
An Associated Press investigation, you gotta hand it to them, from 2001,
Found that in secret meetings in 1995 and 1996, the big 12 oil companies met in New York and other cities more than a hundred times.
I'm going from memory on this, you can look it up.
To work with the EPA and to fund environmental groups to shut down oil refineries they didn't own and to shut down some of the ones they already owned to ensure massive profits and a bottleneck at the refining level of Brent and Sweet Crude.
You understand now?
Same thing with beef, same thing with oil.
And that's why, I saw the numbers last week, for what oil is a barrel, you should be paying about $1.35 on average.
It varies on where you are for shipping.
But you're not, you're paying over $2 right now.
See, so they're still gonna gang rape you.
Even though they're gonna get the oil for cheaper now, they're gonna sell it to you in the aggregate and basically get the same thing, and then tell you, oh, our tax receipts have gone down because oil prices have gone down, when it has nothing to do with that.
It's tacked on at the state and federal level regardless.
And if they needed more money, they'd just raise the gas tax.
But if you search the term gas revenues, gas tax revenues at record level, you'll find that they're at record levels with the latest numbers we have in 2013.
Guys, please search for TV viewers so they can test my memory.
Gas tax revenue at record high.
You can see the 20-year graph there.
It just goes up and up and up, only dropping in its acceleration parabolically.
Still going up, but dropping in the parabolic rate because prices were so high the last four or five years that consumption went down.
But still the receipts were higher.
So we're talking about real on-the-street economics right up to the OPEC cartel.
And by the way, it's a cartel that fixes prices.
We don't need to have debates.
They admit they fix prices.
It's one of the most established facts out there.
But they came out last week and said OPEC does not fix prices.
That's right.
And Santa Claus isn't a big drunk elf in a red and white suit.
And Bill Clinton isn't a pervert.
So, that's what it's all about.
Carbon taxes, you can see the full push.
Bankrupt Russia, bankrupt independent oil exploration in the United States.
Shut down the coal industry, jack up prices there, and just shut this country and the rest of the world down so the globalists can then loan us money they made up out of thin air to buy our lives, to buy our sons, to buy our daughters, for nothing!
Because big, fat, disgusting, criminal, crony capitalists like Larry Summers
at Harvard can sit there and laugh at you and me because the public's ignorant.
Just like Gruber said, you're dumb, you're ignorant, and we're going to rape you!
Well, you know what, folks?
You put up with it.
You deserve it.
You like your kid's future being flushed down the toilet?
By the way, they know we're waking up to them.
They know there's a big call to remove Boehner as Speaker right now.
They know by every metric, the number one problem in every major poll Americans say is the corrupt government and corporate interests running it.
So what are they doing?
They're trying to stir up race war with the Democratic Party out there everywhere with I Can't Breathe protests, going into restaurants, harassing white people eating and harassing World War II vets at World War II events.
I mean, this is just disgusting.
And again,
It's a double-edged sword.
It gets a civil war started that's a distraction.
It makes the police feel sorry for themselves and see the public as the enemy.
And I'm gonna get into that stack of news today.
Major new study out showing cops shoot white people fatally.
Statistically, per capita, many more times than blacks because they're not worried about the political correct repercussions.
Police now just don't respond in many predominantly black neighborhoods in Chicago and other areas because they're scared of being shot.
They've said this on record.
The New York cops said, hey, we're not standing down because we're throwing a fit.
They were in the news this weekend.
We're scared.
We're getting shot at all the time, and nobody supports us.
So, well, you know what?
That's fine.
Because cops' job is to respond after a crime's been committed, to investigate it, and then to bring the people to us, the jury.
You work for us.
Cops work for cops, because they're citizens too.
Those are your rights as well.
You bring them to us, and we'll decide their fate.
But don't you dare, there's another part of that equation.
Don't you dare police, and most police don't in polls.
That's why I say they're not the problem.
I've seen 98% in police, National Police Association polls are for the right to keep and bear arms.
So the other part of the equation is, yeah, cops, you actually don't have to go around and put your life in danger.
Until it's your job to go grab people that have committed crimes, and to bring them to the system, to the people.
But you cannot bar us having a right to defend ourselves and having our own guns.
Police are supposed to be officers of the court and the people and of the county or city or state, not an arm of the Democratic Party and the UN and the world government to go out and social engineer and arrest people for their kids doing chores or fireplaces or lemonade stands as a bunch of globalists minding us on the giant plantation or reservation.
You think Indians were allowed to do anything on the reservation?
No, they weren't.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm really wound up today because I had some time to cogitate this weekend and think about the state of the New World Order.
And how real it is, how scientific it is, how planned it is.
And because the globalists have been so arrogant and have been building this thing in plain view, that's their weakness and also their strength.
Because something put out in plain view that's built slowly, the sheeple tend to just kind of ignore as ivy grows on parts of it.
It just becomes kind of a backdrop and we become comfortable with it.
We only get upset when the mainstream media tells us to get upset.
Oh look, an evil parent beat their kid and they died, but meanwhile a hundred kids died from vaccines that week and it comes out in local news but nobody cares.
There's an agenda behind it.
They admit there's a brainwashing agenda against families, against freedom, against men, against morality, against sovereignty, against savings.
There's an agenda by criminal sick weirdos, so if I didn't make it clear, let me make it clear now.
The oil prices being driven down are about bankrupting Russia's oil economy and bankrupting the US oil economy that's independent, not controlled by OPEC, and that's even in The Economist magazine and CNBC.
I didn't even need to read them and wait till they came out this weekend and admitted it.
I know how the global economy works.
I mean, it's clear.
But it's also about lowering the price so they can say, hey, let us raise taxes now that you can afford it.
It's for the Earth!
Now's the time when they lower the tax, kind of like when the income tax came out.
It was less than 1% for most people.
It's not that today.
Oh, we lowered the gas prices, which is an unofficial tax, kind of like Obamacare is.
These cartels set up these corporate taxes to themselves.
And so now we see Boehner, with all this political pressure on him, just repeal something out of Obamacare.
Just the death panels.
Just investigate Benghazi or Fast and Furious.
Just don't let Obama shut down the power plants outside of law.
And the Republican leadership has come out and said, we're not doing nothing on anything.
And when pressure mounts, they'll follow the pattern.
They will then come out and do some lip service and have a committee hearing about it.
Kind of like they did about, oh, we found out in Phoenix that there's secret death panels where they deny care to troops who have operable cancers and other problems.
And I said, folks, it's all over the country.
And then it came out it was all over the country.
And then, oh, it's an accident.
Oh, and they turn it into an accident when it's an official secret death list.
You have got
Skin cancer.
You have got esophageal cancer.
You have got a heart problem.
You don't get the surgery.
No matter how big the bureaucracy is that was built for you, we don't have the money.
But it turns out they did have the money.
They're just siphoning it all off to pay off the derivatives that aren't even ours we signed on to.
So people like Bill Gates, who lives in 50,000 square feet houses, can lecture you on carbon and how you shouldn't have kids, even though he's got kids, and how you shouldn't have a car, but he's got a bunch of jet airplanes.
These are monsters!
Now I want to get into the royal family and the pedophile garbage.
Then we're going to go to your phone calls, and I'm going to get into television shows.
Get ready for this.
You're going to be watching television shows now, and your new light bulbs, mandated by the government, in your house are going to start.
When a machine gun fires, they're going to flash.
When a bomb goes off or the lights go out in a movie, the lights are going to go out in your house.
And you don't worry.
You can go in the TV and turn it off.
Of course, they can always turn it on.
It's a house-controlling kill switch!
A big, giant, square, gray eye that's always watching.
That's the center of your life.
You don't have real friends.
I don't have real friends.
We have our friends on ESPN.
We have our friends on Game of Thrones.
We have our friends.
We're playing video games and the Xbox is watching us connect through the walls, through up to nine walls.
It's just freedom.
What kind of people would come up with something like this?
Hmm, let me see here.
And again, remember how long ago we told you, with the patents, with the documents, how this was all coming, and then the last six, seven years, how it was already in place, and then Janet Jackson's breast popped out, and the Chicago Tribune did something it wasn't supposed to do.
TiVo put out an announcement saying we had millions of rewinds and replays, a record on our TiVo system, during the replay... seconds after to see Janet Jackson's breasts pop out.
That's why you should have TiVo, then a popular DVR, still a popular DVR.
And the Chicago Tribune called them and said, how do you know that?
They went, oh, it's two-way.
We track everything you watch and put it in an algorithm.
And see now there's cameras and audio and they're watching and listening and Samsung came out.
Again, I'm repeating that because you're not in Kansas anymore.
I'm not in Kansas anymore.
We should all be upset about this.
If giant alien spacecraft landed in every town and city...
And it had big electrical tentacles that grew out and ran into every house and went into every light bulb, every washing machine, every device, your iPhones, your smart TVs, your smart meter.
That's just the government's monitoring hub.
That is the tentacle.
It's the equivalent of a spaceship landing, putting a tentacle on your house.
And then it dials into everything.
That's what this is.
It's just not aliens.
It's globalists.
It's our own species doing this, saying we're animals and they're this ascendant super being.
And they're about to merge with machines.
You're like, oh, that's crazy.
Brother, they're doing it.
I don't know what the end thing will be, but so far they're following a plan and it's working.
So imagine, spaceships land.
See, this shocks you because you're designed when an outsider attacks to have battle readiness and be threatened.
So image giant spaceships landing, their doors open and tentacles all come out or pods all come out.
Let's say it's wireless, but tentacles are scarier because we're designed, you know, for tentacles and teeth and things attacking us.
So let's go with that allegory.
All streaming out, hooking into your house, looking at everything, your Google Glasses, and now taking control of them and watching everything you're doing to study you for the next wave that's coming in at a hundred light years an hour, space warping in a thousand attack ships.
They already sent their probes and got them down on the surface, hooked into everything, watching everything we're doing.
They got control of government.
They're poisoning the water, the food, taking over the churches, the institutions.
They've already got their advanced operatives in cloned body suits, they're biomechanical aliens, in the positions of power everywhere now, and they're surveilling, trying to buy off whoever they can using psych warfare and cultural systems, and then warping in five, ten years away.
We don't have exact
Analysis on when they're going to land is the main attack fleet, with all the intel on us, ready to shut everything we've got off and totally control us when they get here.
The aliens will control Skynet.
They already control it when their main force gets here with the ground troops.
And the ground troops, folks, are going to be robots.
Now, you remove aliens from a thousand light years away, ten thousand light years away, what you just heard is the plan.
Now, folks, you try relaxing when you know that information, and you're sure about it, and the globalists have all written books basically describing it.
They don't put the cherry on top.
They say they're going to kill everybody, they're going to get rid of us, the machines will replace us, we'll be obsolete, they're going to live forever.
But they don't say, oh, by the way, this total grid's going to enslave you.
I mean, they actually do say that, but in pieces.
Now, would you fight if you knew aliens had done this?
I don't know, a lot of men would just say, eh, my kids are dead anyways, I'm gonna watch SportsCenter.
When do you say those aliens are gonna kill us?
And I'm like, well, they already put stuff in your food and water, actuaried out to kill you, right after the time you're done working.
But that was an old actuary, now I have to pay you out, just like the vets they don't give healthcare to even though they're 25 years old.
They make private charities do that now.
It's actuaried out that you won't be needed within about 10 years as soon as the robots replace you, but the robots are only a clean-up crew to get rid of this civilization that's seen as wasteful and destructive.
The decision's been made to overwrite humanity.
And the average man will just look at you and say, hey, SportsCenter, babe!
They'd pull out a .45 and just blast their family with more SportsCenter.
I love you.
It's so cute.
So cute.
Now, let's get to these aliens.
They're called psychopaths.
They're called a criminally insane psychopath.
There's a lot of psychopaths out there that are really just sociopaths.
They don't like tying kids down and torturing them for a month, using them up as they call it.
But there is a minority of psychopaths that enjoy hurting innocents.
And the worst of them like hurting women and children.
And that's their taste.
And you don't get into the club
Unless you like hurting small children.
And we all know that throughout history.
Don't get near the castle at night.
Monsters will grab you.
Every culture said don't get near the castle at night.
Monsters will get you.
Self-entitled, above the law people who've had every decadence you can imagine will see your five-year-old walking by the stream at dusk and knock him on the head and take him back like a cat plays with a mouse.
Now, transfer that to the future where our ancestors developed the technologies, the computers, the systems that we believe were defending us from the Russians and things, now to be used against us.
Are we smart enough?
Do we have the will to break out of the trance and do something about the master plan?
Then I'm going to David, Regina, Richard, Rachel, Amy and others.
Now let me show you the cat that plays with the mouse.
Let's go over the mainstream news here.
You've all heard this here before.
This will be old news to you, but now it's mainstream news.
Bill Clinton identified in a lawsuit against the former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who had regular orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times.
The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes.
A new lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein's private island where he kept young women as sex slaves.
Clinton was also apparently friends with a woman who collected naked pictures of underage girls for Epstein to choose from.
He hasn't cut ties with the woman, however, and invited her to Chelsea's wedding.
Comes as friends, now fear.
That Hillary Clinton runs in 2016, all of their family's old scandals will be brought to the forefront.
You think George Clooney and Matt Damon care?
Epstein has also a host of famous friends, including Prince Andrew, who stayed at his New York mansion after his arrest.
And that's now in the lawsuit.
Prince Andrew may have been secretly filmed with underage girls he has alleged to have abused.
They've now declared national security and say it's inadmissible in England.
Billionaire sex offender phone book contain email addresses, 1221 phone numbers for Bill Clinton.
This is in today's news as well.
January 6th.
This is just today's news.
Former HHS official sentenced 25 years in prison for child pornography.
Oh, look, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Bill Gates, a state staff member, traded child porn by Gmail.
Oh, look at Bill Gates, one of his giant... I think this house is smaller.
This was only 40,000 square feet.
I bet that's got a carbon footprint, hmm?
Former HH official, though, it's been 25 years.
So that's just some of the news.
Meanwhile, the Royal Family, the Royalty, Royal Family defends Prince Andrew amid sex abuse allegations.
British Royal Family emphatically defends Prince against the sex claims.
That's out of ABC News 11.
Andrew's a great man.
The best in the world, Fergie says.
Marrying the Duke was the finest moment in her life.
But she doesn't mention Abuser helped pay off her debts.
That's right, she was getting a little cash from the Princey's friend.
So I'm not going to go through the rest of these.
It's just that's what's going on.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding.
And I'm a libertarian.
If these rich guys want to have 15 mistresses or the head of Google, Schmidt, is into like 35-year-old women.
That sounds alpha male healthy.
I'm not saying it's a good thing overall, but if that's what he wants to do, that's his issue.
When you start targeting children, you need to be put in a dark shelf the rest of your life.
And if you get caught hurting the children,
You need to be executed.
The problem is the system is basically pretty much run by these people, but occasionally folks in the system are able to try to stop them, and there are a lot of good people in the system who aren't aware of how bad it is, but are becoming aware of it, and that threatens the power structure, because
As InfoWars decompartmentalizes the world.
I don't just mean my InfoWars, but the InfoWars.
You, the people, out ferreting, researching, double-checking.
Adan Salazar over the weekend, you guys put me in the article, I forget the exact headline, it was an amazing story, did an article out of mainstream Pakistani newspapers showing street protests against children killed by terrorists.
And it's photos of people that are believed to be actors from Sandy Hook that have been identified.
And even in the Aurora shooting, I didn't believe it when this first happened three or four years ago.
I went and looked it up.
It turned out the people there really were actors, the witnesses they had on TV, and later bragged about it.
I mean, I'm living in the twilight zone.
I don't know how deep this goes, folks.
I can't handle it anymore, okay?
I mean, just you figure it out.
Sandy Hook victim dies again in Pakistan.
And I went to the newspaper.
It's real photos from the big agency over there.
And they are holding up photos of the Sandy Hook kid.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
I mean, who knows if the terrorists even killed people.
I mean, this is just entering into... Because...
The system has just decided to lie to everybody.
They've legalized the CIA engaging.
This happened last year.
Lying to the American people.
That was legalized last year.
I'm gonna go to break, come back, and go to David, Regina, Richard, Last Chance, Amy, and others.
I'll go through about 20 phone calls to the bottom of the next hour, and then I will get into all of the other news.
Before we go to break,
I want to thank some of the new affiliates we've got in the last month.
WSMN, 1590 AM.
New Hampshire, Nassau's News and Talk.
Am I pronouncing that right?
WSMN, 1590 AM.
KAHI, 950 AM.
Auburn, California, The Voice of the Foothills.
WMOX, 1010 AM.
In Massachusetts, Meridian's News Talk, 1010 WMOX, WTLS, 1300 AM, Tallahassee, Alabama, WELD, 690 AM, Fisher, West Virginia, WCGO, 1590 AM, Chicago, Illinois.
We got two affiliates in Chicago.
WKDB, 96.7 FM.
In Washington, in Forks,
K-Z-L-S, 1640 AM.
Eand, Oklahoma.
The Eagle.
That's in Oklahoma City.
I don't have time to get to all of these.
I'll get to more in the next hour.
Stay with us.
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Enough of me.
We're going to go to David, Regina, Richard, Last Chance, Amy, and others now.
Specifically on all the topics I've thrown out.
And there's more coming up in the next hour.
I'm going to get into these light bulbs interfacing with your computer devices now.
Now it's in Entertainment Weekly.
It's going public.
I'm allowed to talk about it now and still be called a kook for being so accurate and so trailblazing and so on target.
And then we'll get into Boehner.
The House vote's going right now.
Could Boehner face a second ballot?
They need 29 to block him.
They've got 24 to block him right now and they're not done voting yet.
We're watching all that right now.
The embattled Speaker of Obama.
John Boehner Obama.
Or what's somebody calling him?
Bill Clinton Obama?
I started calling him Vice President Boehner.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to David, get the calls kicked off.
We'll accelerate through them in the next hour.
In Iowa, how are you doing today?
I'm doing good, sir.
How about yourself?
I'm alright.
Kind of wound up a few days, not a few days off, but a few days off the mic.
Yeah, I can see that you're finally able to have the show that you wanted to have for 20 years.
You can finally tell everybody because now we've caught up.
All the technology we were talking about before, now it's actually mainstream and people actually believe you now because the police state is out there.
What I wanted to talk about was basically how those light bulbs, those TVs interacting with each other, they're just getting us prepared to jack into the matrix.
People, in 2015, we're either going to be free and independent or it's going to be collective slavery.
David Knight yesterday was talking about how, during one of the NFL games, a guy put out a tweet about how he was going to rush the field, and then they caught him with the security, because of the police state.
And I think this is crazy, because that tweet got retweeted over and over and over and over again, and then he was the only one that got caught, and nobody else bum-rushed the field.
In 2015, we're going to have to bum-rush the field, because we're all going to have to become our own leaders.
Now, destiny is decision.
Decision is destiny.
If we make the decision that we create our own reality and we tap into who we are spiritually, we...
There's nothing that we can't do.
Blacks, Hispanics, trendies, they're the new proletariat that they're using with the Cloward and Piven, like you guys have been saying for so many years, to try to overthrow everything and topple the system that's being created.
But who's the Matrix for?
Who's the technology going to be for?
Who are the megacities like Jakarta and Mumbai and the computer-driven cars?
Who's that going to be for?
That's going to be for the people left over.
That's right.
The elites are moving in the middle of deserts with no one around for thousands of miles on purpose and their own words preparing.
Peter Thiel and others quote want to live forever and are already building
Fleets of ships to survive the collapse that they've been helping organize.
I mean, we're living in a Buck Rogers science fiction movie fighting Buck Rogers, James Bond type villains.
I mean, Dr. Evil has got nothing on these people.
Great call, David.
Amy and others, your calls are 70 seconds away, third hour.
Tell friends and family, tune in.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, now into hour number three.
Coming up, there's about, let's not exaggerate, about 20 stacks of news out of the 30 I haven't gotten to yet.
11 predictions on economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the world.
Last Friday's show, I didn't get to that chemtrail.
Top geoengineering expert feels this technology is being used.
Will you guys reprint me that?
I want to cover that as well at the bottom of the hour, because I promise to.
The voting for Boehner is going on right now.
We're going to be looking at that.
But right now, let's go back to your calls, because you've been holding.
We're going to go to Amy and then Regina, Richard, Last Chance, Dom, and others.
Amy, thanks for holding from South Dakota.
You're on the air.
Oh my God, you're on fire today.
It's like contagious.
Thank you.
So I just wanted to say that my husband and I moved from the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin out to the small town in South Dakota.
And just being able to see the difference in people, the difference in everything that's going on, it's just unbelievable.
I mean, we left the heavy police state behind and then we come out here where, you know, the police go down to the local shooting range down the block and send incendiary rounds down into the targets.
It's weird.
Um, but you know, I was an emergency and critical care vet tech in Milwaukee.
Out here, I work at this local grocery store, so I get to talk to all these people.
The fluoride in the water out here is so high, it's like 3.2 parts per million.
I mean, you see a lot of zombies.
It's pretty ridiculous.
A lot of cancer.
A lot of ridiculous stuff.
But, it's so awesome to see people awake and alive despite all of that stuff.
I mean, freedom is contagious, and to see the way that we as human beings overpower all of the stuff that's against us, it's just amazing.
We have this little tiny newspaper in town and somebody's been putting InfoWars, um, a little InfoWars notice in a little tiny newspaper out here.
It's like, I mean, we're getting out.
People are poisoned.
People are pushed down.
People are, um, you know, I mean, we are really screwed.
But at the same time, we have this vitality, this life force that's just
I mean, it's still showing through.
It's an epic battle.
The globalists have to harness that life force, or they don't get to make all the decisions.
Our free will gets in the way of them being able to control the destiny of this planet.
And so it is a struggle over the destiny of the planet, and they've just convinced people to be cynical, silly, ah, humans are crap, so what, yeah, they're gonna kill all of us, nobody can stop it, to just have that self...
Fulfilling prophecy to believe that and then they take over.
The problem is the globalists are the very worst of us.
The very last people we want in charge.
So yes, what you're saying really rings true.
We are living in an epic, epic time.
It is.
I mean, we are in 2015 right now.
We live in the future.
It's so unbelievable.
But I mean, the power that we have, it... I mean, everybody gets depressed about this stuff.
I mean, some days I'm so mad.
I just want to wring everybody's neck and be like, what is wrong with you?
How can you vaccinate your kids?
How can you drink this water?
How can you do this?
I mean, you point somebody in the right direction, and that's all that you can do is point them in the right direction and hope that they look.
But, like I said, despite all that stuff, I mean, to still see people coming through, people popping out of the woodwork and talking truth and, you know, good energy, it's just such a blessing and it really helps me get through the tough times, I'm telling you.
I mean, we are doing everything we can here.
I mean, we're trying to be the change, you know?
And we don't have any food in our cupboards.
We're sitting here, you know, waiting for someone to come fill our gas so we can have heat in the house.
And we're happy.
We're doing what we can do, and that's all you can do, you know?
Well, I agree with you, and speaking of depressing, John Boehner was just elected to a third term as Speaker of the House.
But in a way, his attempt to block the Libertarian Revolution, to stop Obama's takeover, his aiding and abetting, I think will only destroy the Republican establishment more, and really give us a chance at further galvanizing
The Republican Party to take the country back.
Because if Boehner was actually fighting Obama some, folks would go back to sleep.
Now people understand how dire our straits are.
So it's a best of times, worst of times scenario.
Boehner has risen again.
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I'm free!
I'm alive!
I want to control!
I own destiny!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
All I'm asking people to do is to be aware that there is a war on for your mind.
We are living in the middle of a science fiction movie.
It is happening.
It's on record.
And they just keep people debating whether or not it's happening.
And now people are going, oh, it is happening.
What do we do?
We say no.
We make decisions with our purchasing choices that affect the architecture of the grid.
We tell Microsoft and Samsung when they come out and say, yeah, our televisions are watching you and giving the data to third parties, not just what you surf, but video and audio.
Why not?
We'll put up with it.
And I mention that because it's back in the news today.
I've been on national TV, I've been on syndicated radio shows, newspapers, and they go, you think people's computers are watching them.
And I go, watching what?
The data, where you surf, what you do, your buying habits?
Physically watching, yes.
Audibly watching.
You think world government's being established.
Yeah, let me show you 10 clips.
This is the host of ABC Nightly News was here.
And he goes, oh, that's a different global government.
See, I'm here just like a wildfire's coming.
It's burning down houses.
It's a hundred yards away.
There's huge flames, 300 feet in the air.
And I'm going, hey, we might want to evacuate or put a fire defense up.
There's no fire.
And it just gets worse and closer and closer and closer.
It's crazy.
It's bizarre.
It's out of control.
And so many trendies who are smart think that if they just understand a little bit of it, but make a joke out of it, that that gives them power over it.
And it doesn't.
What gives you power over things is deciding which side you're on.
That's a big, dark secret right there.
You were hot nor cold, so I spit you out of your mouth.
You were lukewarm.
If you're going to be evil, then really try to be evil.
Really join it.
Admit what you're into.
Don't make lies up about it to yourself.
Be honest.
And if you're going to be good, the same thing goes.
Don't make excuses.
Don't say you're good when you let all this evil go on.
Pick a few issues you claim you're on and be all holier-than-thou about it.
A schnob.
A Pharisee.
Let's go to Regina next.
Then we'll go to Last Chance.
Dom, Crane, Richard, and others.
Regina, thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hello Alex, how are you today?
I'm just freaking out by how right we were all these years.
How it's just twilight zone to read mainstream media.
But it's all, it's so fun!
Your TV's watching you!
You are an amazing media figure.
Thank you very much for what you do.
My father worked for the Associated Press.
You can look it up.
His name was J. Clyde Bowles.
My name's actually Regina Bowles.
I have no problem putting my name out there because my father was a legacy within the Associated Press.
Just a fact, ma'am.
Nothing but the facts.
Afterwards, he retired from the press and actually sold
I grew up in the business and I watched these bigwigs like Ted Turner and I've seen what they do and I've seen how they act.
I was around them when I was a very little girl.
I grew up.
I went to all the national radio broadcasting conventions throughout the southeast in the summertime when we weren't in school.
I grew up in this stuff.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
I tried to teach people for years what's going on.
He's 11 now, so I dropped out of the scene for a while.
I have mooned Apache helicopters on private property that were filming what we were doing staging protests in Atlanta.
I know exactly what's going on in this world, and it's very scary.
And I called to tell you thank you very much for being here.
Well, please don't thank me, ma'am.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together, but it sounds like you've been taking action for a long time.
What's your view on all the news we've been covering today?
And tell us some Ted Turner stories.
Ted Turner is a drunk.
He used to come through the cocktail parties back in the day when he only owned TBS and he would come through like a huge car salesman and be like, Hi, my name is Ted Turner.
I own TBS in Atlanta.
He was very
You know, Ted Turner.
He's what you see.
He's put himself out there in the media.
Everybody knows what he is.
He's got his polo ties and his cowboy boots.
I was about to say, as bad as Ted Turner is, at least he's honest.
He's like, there's too many people.
We need to kill most of them.
I'm for world government.
I have five kids.
You have none.
I have jet airplanes.
You live in a shack.
I'm Ted Turner.
Yeah, he's...
He's a piece of work.
And he did win the world yacht champion race.
That's pretty hard to do.
Go ahead.
He started off as a poor farm boy.
He had nothing.
And his father told him, you will always be a dirt farmer, you know?
That's it.
And he said, no dad, I'm not.
And he started his, you know, company and he built a great company.
Well, the only reason that man put satellites all over the world was because several people in the news business came to him and said, hey, look,
I'm not going to mention names over the air if you'd like to talk about this privately.
Well, I know some of the stories about how Turner launched CNN in 1980 and all that, but go ahead.
Apparently I could discuss some things with you, but over the air I need to kind of be quiet.
Sure, sure.
But, you know, he was told if you take your whole station that was worth $100 million, you put these satellites up everywhere, we can have news 24 hours a day.
People like watching the news, Ted.
They need news 24 hours a day.
It was started off as a good thing.
It wasn't meant to become what it is now.
Very sad.
Very, very sad.
Well, I knew that from some insiders, too.
It did start out just as a news platform.
That's why it was popular.
But as soon as it got big, the CIA came in and just ran the whole show.
What else did you call in about today, Regina?
Well, I do totally agree with you about everything that you're saying about these DBs are watching you.
I've been trying to tell people that for years.
People listen to Alex Jones.
He speaks the truth.
He's not a mongrel.
He's not making this stuff up.
He backs up every bit of information with documents.
I've researched his research before I ever even called this show.
I've been listening for months.
Listen to Alex.
So he gets a little bit, you know, I don't know what to do.
He gets excited.
That's what I call it.
And it's because he's upset.
You should be upset, and you should listen.
And open your eyes.
Don't be asleep, people.
Wake up.
That's all I gotta say, sir.
Well, God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
I mean, for me, it's the bizarre experience of having a Time Warner engineer contact me 18 years ago.
And it turned out he was a senior engineer
He wasn't even living here at the time.
He was coming through.
He saw my access show.
And he talked to me.
I met with him.
And he said, no, these microphones are listening with keyword.
You know about the NSA?
You know about word logging?
Oh, yeah.
And he goes, that's what's happening.
And he said, I'm really upset about this.
And he was a guy, I don't want to give out too much info, but who owned a stake in some of the technology.
I'll just leave it at that.
Then I got contacted by one of their local engineers who said, no, it's true.
I'll come dismantle one of these for you.
Came to my house, opened up the box, showed me what to cover, showed me the blueprints.
I went on air and talked about it.
Imagine 18 years ago, going on air
On the cable system, on access television, and this happened.
Mike Hanson was there.
We've got tapes of it.
We've got just a warehouse, not a warehouse, like 20 boxes of them.
We've got to go through them before they all disintegrate.
And imagine we start dismantling the box on TV.
And the feed cuts out, which it never did, and they called it an FM translator that took, sounds like FM radio but it's not, that took the video and digitized it and Time Warner, then every time I would try to cover it would turn it off when I would talk about this scientific Atlantic cable box that everyone has watching this show, this new scientific Atlantic digital cable box that you're getting, has a microphone in it.
Here it is, here's the microphone.
And I get the death threats.
Because, again, back then, people could have woken up and said, no, because that's 1984.
Now they're so conditioned, they're like, here's an example.
Five years ago, one of our writers wrote an article about patents and how companies were about to come out the next year with microchips in the pills so they could track and make sure you and you alone were taking them and where the pills were.
The size of a grain of sand is how big the RFID transmitter is.
Receiver transmitter.
It can be red.
We put up that article linking to the patent and the company announcement, and I had the vice president of that huge company call me and threaten to sue me.
And he said, he goes, listen.
I got on the phone with him.
This is the kind of stuff I have to do around here.
He goes, listen.
I don't care if you're going to beat us in court, buddy.
You ready to defend a multi-million dollar lawsuit?
Take the article down!
And I said, no I'm not.
And told them, F you.
I'm going to be honest with people.
That's not Christian.
It's not good.
I said, F you.
And I hung it up.
And they didn't do it.
But that's the kind of stuff I... You think they just let us put this stuff out?
During our flu coverage, during the swine flu, I had major companies calling me up, going, we can cause you a lot of big trouble, or we can become big friends.
I go, what do you mean?
Well, you're in the radio business.
You got advertisers, don't you?
What does that mean?
You know what it means, Mr. Jones.
It's just like the Wolf of Wall Street, when the FBI agents, true story, are talking to him, he goes, how would you like to have some investments?
The FBI goes, what does that mean?
Are you bragging?
I just said what I just said.
See, the most people go, oh, I'm being offered money?
You bet.
I'm going to sell out right now.
Well, okay, you want to put RFID in chips.
If people want to swallow them, that's their issue.
I'm going to speak out against it and point out it's a track and control, everybody.
Just like I told people 15, 16 years ago about the tracker boxes they were getting ready, they're now in all the cars.
Again, it's not about me being right.
The point is, it's here, it's here, it's here, it's here, it's here.
Last chance.
You're up next.
Then Dom, Jay, Crane, Richard and others.
All straight ahead.
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It's not a game.
Our ancestors fought so hard just to survive.
Others fought to be free.
We build on the last generation, and now all our gains are being stolen by a scientifically evil takeover.
So I don't fear my physical death, but I fear the death of humanity's soul.
The death of our species.
A failure in this great quest for the stars.
Let's go back to your calls as quickly as possible.
Appreciate folks calling today and holding.
Last Chance in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, thank you so much for everything you're doing.
I wanted to tell you that we had a Merry Christmas and I passed out a bunch of prison plan subscriptions to my friends and family.
And we're going to win the Info Award.
I had something I wanted to talk about today and get your opinion on it, if that's okay.
Yes sir, thank you for calling.
You know Alex, throughout history,
Tyranny has always failed.
And it fails when the good people stand up.
And all we've got to start doing to take down their house of cards is have one big arrest.
Pull somebody out, put them in the spotlight, let the world know what they're doing, and then all the rats are going to run for the shadows.
The cockroaches are going to flee.
And I think that's all we need to do.
And one way that I'm working on doing that, Alex, is in the Republican Party.
And I'm really active in the state of Arizona.
Uh, in this Republican Party thing, and we've got a battle, you know, we're battling Senator John McCain right now, the grassroots.
You know, rank and file Republicans that make up the actual, the people that go knocking on doors.
You know, we're out there fighting for our lives right now against the McCain machine here.
And just like Speaker Boehner, almost lost today.
I think more and more people are waking up.
And what I want to ask you, Alex, do you think that's a good strategy?
Do you think we should get people more involved at the local level and just start tearing into these crony politicians and start taking our country back?
Either through the Republican Party or the Democrat Party, wherever Liberty is going
I totally agree.
I mean look, we couldn't get one co-sponsor to audit the Federal Reserve.
It's passed the House twice now and they predict in the new Senate it may actually pass to audit the private Federal Reserve.
That will lead to exposure and to its repeal if we keep pushing.
The future is dictated by what we do.
It's not just evil on their side.
Boehner just got re-elected but narrowly is the third term as Speaker.
Now everyone needs to start trying to push for a recall election with the signatures at the state level and put heat on him for getting money as it's come out in the news today from Obama, from the insurance companies, for having his investments with those companies set to make millions off the American people's back, the fact that he's exempt from Obamacare.
He's a bigger enemy now than Obama.
You bring him down,
You bring down the Republican bluebloods who are always there as a globalist rearguard action to stop any conservative movement taking this country back.
And by conservative, I mean conserving the Bill of Rights and Constitution, the Second Amendment, family, you name it.
So great points, Last Chance.
Good to hear from you.
Here's the great part about the fact that 7% of the American people agree with Congress.
In Gallup polls and others, they think the government's the number one problem.
That shows people are awake.
What they're not awake to is their power.
You don't have to save the world.
Last chance.
We have to save it with God's providence.
That's how history works.
I've experienced it.
When there's overwhelming odds, if you're conscious of it, you got up and you say, even though I don't want to do this and I'm scared to a certain level, I'm doing the right thing for the innocents out there.
I got to stand up for the children.
And then boom, you step across threshold, there's no more fear.
The danger is you do that so many times that we're never afraid anymore.
And that's its own danger.
So I've prayed for discernment, and I've prayed for God to, you know, direct me, and then I do have fear when I need it.
And it's over the top.
I mean, I have been given some fear back.
And I know in some passages it says, be fearless.
Other places in the Bible it says, you know, be wise.
And what I mean is wise.
But it's for some of us to charge out there 110%.
It's for some of us to quietly work on things.
A blog, a magazine, telling friends, handing out business cards, calling to talk radio, having a radio show, doing an access show, having a YouTube channel.
Just getting involved, reaching out, running for city council, running for state rep, running for dog catcher.
They don't run for dog catcher, but you know the point.
From the highest position to the lowest, get involved.
When you see police officers, who are the lowest level of enforcement, where the rubber meets the road, we're gonna go to break, come back with calls and get to that news I mentioned.
11 predictions on economic disaster in 2015 from top experts, and then the Chemtrail article that I didn't get to last week.
When you see police officers, go over and thank them for putting their life in danger, just like you thank firefighters or anybody else or paramedics.
And then say, I know a lot of you got into this for the right reasons, but know this.
The system is taking over local police and does have a corrupt mission for you.
So you follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and we're gonna back you.
When you back yourself and your family, and you back us.
And I think a lot of them will shake your hand and say, you bet.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought.
By the military-industrial complex.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
It was almost as if there were planned implosions.
Just pancakes.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all of them.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I give myself a B-plus today, and usually I give myself about a C-minus covering a volume of news, but I really want to hit a lot of stuff I haven't gotten to yet, at least briefly, and finish up with some phone calls in the 26 minutes we have left in this worldwide transmission.
But I didn't mention a few of the new affiliates we've got in the last month or so.
So let me finish that list.
KZLS1640AM, Eand, Oklahoma.
That is Oklahoma City.
The Eagle, big station there.
All these stations are fabulous.
Pangburn, Arkansas, News Talk 99.1, WMEX, 1510 AM, Boston, where Liberty has a voice, huge audience, huge station.
Tell everybody in Boston, 1510, Alex Jones, explaining what the Nanny State's really all about.
So incredibly important.
We've gotten about 15 new affiliates the last month.
I know that brings us up to close to, well it's over 180 affiliates.
But there's always stations selling or changing formats.
So as you gain, you lose.
But overall, we are gaining.
And it's a big deal.
It's a very competitive market.
We're not with Clear Channel or with Cumulus.
Talk Radio Network's basically gone the way of the Goonie Bird.
You got some smaller networks out there like Salem that are quite large.
But they remember my criticism of Bush, so that's some Prasada Nangrata.
I mean, I criticize anybody that violates the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
I'm not a partisan.
I just cover issues and facts, and I want freedom for myself and my family.
That means you better live in a free country, or I don't either.
It's self-preservation.
It's insane to want to live under tyranny.
It's insane when Microsoft and Samsung come out in the last few months and say, yeah, we're watching and listening to you, so when you turn this on, this TV or this Xbox Kinect, you agree to us watching and listening to you.
I mean, come on!
But I get to play World of Warcraft!
I get to play... Call of Duty!
I get to watch TV!
I get to watch the new 12 Monkeys TV show!
Look, it's controlling my appliances in my house!
How cool!
The TV show, Mudge!
It's running the house!
The Christmas tree turns on and off when it hits!
The power went off on the show in the city!
The power went off here!
It's so funny!
It's a TV!
Wait, the TV runs my house?
That's what that crazy guy Alex said like five years ago!
He said, soon the TV will be running the light bulbs!
It's kind of a rip-off of Barney Rubble.
Is that his name?
He kind of talks like that?
Ralph Cramden?
It's a cross between Barney Rubble and Ralph Cramden.
What's Ralph Cramden's wife's name?
He's always got a scheme to get some new appliance.
Look here, babe, I got the bestest, best in the city.
It watches everything we do.
It doesn't attack us individually.
In the aggregate, it surveils us for the system to destroy us and our families, to replace us with silicon lifeforms.
Alice, okay, her name's Alice.
Alice, I'm gonna tell you one more time!
And then to the moon without a rocket!
And then who's his goofy friend, the janitor or the plumber?
Oh my goodness.
Okay, I'm gonna go to your calls.
Let me just do this now.
I've been intending to do this earlier, because I don't do this every day on air.
In fact, I've done it in a few weeks.
But I actually do this during the breaks, and I get so busy I forget to do it.
I'm going to take my Super Mill Vitality, my Secret 12, and my Fluoride Shield, and I'm going to put a couple squirts of each in the water.
Proprietary vitamin B12, extremely absorbable methylcobalamin.
That's the pharmaceutical grade, folks.
I'm going to take some fluoride shield.
I'm going to mix it all together.
That's a chelating detoxer.
And I decided to just do oxy powder all month long.
It's recommended you only do it like for a week-long stint.
So I'm doing it all month long to see what happens.
It's been dramatic.
My energy is off the charts.
And I'm eating the exact same amount, and I've not worked out in six days, which is something I haven't done in about a year, because my gut prediction is if I actually take these products three times a day at the recommended dose, and I take the Oxy-Powder straight, that it'll flush me out so much that I will lose weight by the end of the month with lighter exercise.
I'm gonna start exercising again tomorrow, lightly.
But I wanna be able to say that I lost more weight while eating the same and not exercising as much, and I'm actually doing it.
I've lost two pounds in the last six days doing this, okay?
I've gone down from 279 to about 225, and I'm gonna try to drop down to 205 in the next month.
And I started out about the fourth or so,
Officially doing this every day about three days ago, and I'm going to go right through about the fourth or fifth next month.
And then we're going to have photos taken every few days.
I already did this last Friday.
And we're going to go right through the month and have like a time lapse in the same spot every day taking a photo, or every few days.
So I can't do it on the weekend, obviously.
And then composite those together to see what the weight loss is like with my shirt off.
And who knows, we got enough postcards from the ladies all stripped down to my Calvin Klein underwear.
Whatever floats your boat.
I'm being sarcastic.
I'm not into brand names, but they don't even make these Calvin Klein underwear anymore.
I just noticed that they're microfiber and they're real thin, they're real comfortable.
And I'll try to buy some more.
I know they're sold out, so that was irritating.
I bought some other ones and hate them, so I'm not plugging Calvin Klein.
It's a horrible brand.
Border Patrol got all of them.
The Border Patrol got them all because they were 6X for the illegal aliens.
This happens by the third hour when I'm super high energy because there's no teleprompters, the show's not an act, and I kind of go into goofball mode.
But you can get the oxy powder with enough to do three rounds of detox.
That's like three months of detox.
It's only take it for a week.
I'm doing it for a whole month.
But not at the full dose every day, it's a test.
The Methocobalamin Super Organic Vitamin B12, Secret 12, Super Metal Super Female Vitality, the three products together, 48% off, InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
And I'm also taking the products, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the Pollen Bursts and other things that I've been taking for three years that helped me lose the first 35, 40 pounds.
And I'm still taking those, it's just that doing the X2, the nascent iodine, the super male, the oxy powder is helping me go to the next level.
So the products all fuse together at InfoWarsHealth.com, InfoWarsTeam.com, or InfoWarsLife.com.
Okay, I need to get to this news and your phone calls as promised.
I mentioned this last week but never got to it.
I think I'm going to do a special report on this for the Nightly News and air it sometime during the week, it's so important.
Kind of like I'm having Anthony Gucciardi, his story is so important about how they're changing the name of high fructose corn syrup to trick people so they can put it back in the food as folks stop buying it.
Hershey's, Heinz, they've all taken it out of their foods.
They're candies, they're condiments, and so now they're changing the name.
Well, we're just going to fight that.
That's a big article that he put out that went out at like 5 this morning, he wrote last night.
And so I'm having him on the Nightly News tonight to talk about it.
Same thing, some things are so important, I want to highly produce it so then I can air it on the radio the next day.
Because the TV Nightly News kind of feeds into this broadcast, as you know.
Geoengineering scientist terrified of projects he helped create an excuse for weather modification programs.
Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University in the UK told the media recently he's terrified by many of geoengineering projects currently in the works to thwart man-made climate change, a phenomenon being hawked as an excuse for weather modification programs by many mainstream scientists as a threat to humanity.
But see, now Bill Gates gets to get billions to run the fleet of aircraft to spray the clouds to quote save you.
Dr. Watson recently told the UK Daily Mail online that he's terrified because the potential for misstep is considerable.
Oh, you mean use it as a weather weapon and then it's a misstep?
It's a giant 30-year program, at least.
They keep the thing completely sacred.
I had Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons.
He's on record the father of weather weapons.
When it was declassified on the show four times, then he got threatened and wouldn't come back on.
A living legend.
In World War II, he was the first guy to fly bombers to get data into hurricanes and into typhoons.
Typhoons are in the Pacific and go a lot faster and rotate the other direction.
He flew fighter attacks, directing aircraft over several hundred missions over combat zones in Vietnam.
I'm kind of going off on a jag here.
And then it was declassified so he thought he could speak out about how he was controlling hurricanes by the early 60s and had it certified by Stanford Research Institute and the Navy and the Rockefeller Foundation by 1967.
They were creating hurricanes, steering hurricanes, directing hurricanes, and lessening the power of hurricanes.
Now that was with aircraft in spring.
Now they've got antennas with the aircraft that ionize things and manipulate it and that's been declassified.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
Go read the full article.
All right, let's continue here.
Then we're going to go to your calls, and then into the smart TVs, but I've already kind of covered that.
Oh, they're smart like space probes from another planet come to enslave us.
And I don't mean that literally.
It's an allegory to get people to realize the magnitude.
Just because it's our own species, if a green alien was torturing a kid in the basement, it'd be just as bad as if Jeffrey Dahmer was doing it, is what I'm saying.
But people would be more freaked out if it was an alien with tentacles.
Eleven predictions of economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the world.
Will 2015 be the year of financial crashes, economic chaos, and the start of the next Great Worldwide Depression?
Well, in many countries, in Europe and Asia, it already is, in Latin America.
Latin America is in free fall right now in most areas.
Michael Schneider breaks it all down in one of his excellent boil-downs.
Bill Fleckenstein
says that basically the markets are going to crash.
John Finance says, in the U.S., Professor Robert Shiller's Politically Adjusted Price Earnings Ratio, or Shiller CAP, his S&P 500 is currently 27.2.
He goes into all the technicals.
Ambrose Evans Pritchard, one of the most respected economic journalists on the entire planet, said, quote, the Eurozone will be deflation by February.
Forlornly trying to ignite its damp wood by rubbing stones.
Real interest rates will ratchet higher.
The banks will still give themselves free money.
That's what he means by that.
The debt level will continue to rise at a faster pace than normal GDP across Club Med.
The region will sink deeper into compound interest trap.
Jerome Levy, Forecasting Center.
I don't have time to read all this.
It's just... I mean, you heard all these... I mean, look.
You heard Donald Trump come out and say get ready for collapse.
Plummeting oil prices drag S&P 500 to three-month low.
Because, see, the stock market's high because of inflation and devalued dollars, yen, yon, and other currencies.
But when a commodity's forced down artificially, it will drag down other commodities.
And I see the stock market as a bubble commodity, basically, a flim-flam commodity.
It's like a latrine.
There's some real water in there, but most of it's other things.
And it's just going to pull it all down.
McCain and other top officials accused of illegally visiting Syria.
Well, yeah, they violated federal law and they did that.
Got some articles on that.
I want to go to your calls right now and then I'll kind of range over some of the other stuff I haven't gotten to yet.
Oh, there's so much here.
I should do another fourth hour.
Dom in California, you're a trooper for holding.
You want to talk about geoengineering, so go ahead.
Yeah, first off, I want to say you helped me find Christ, and I've been helping others find him, so it's a chain reaction, you know?
And I got all the products, being that I'm in a heavy geoengineering area in California here, I got the lung cleanse, the nascent iodine, the silver bullet.
Yeah, the Oxy-Powder Man, and I swear, man, I feel like Superman.
I get up at 6 in the morning and start filming these chemtrails, and, you know, I'm ready to fight these guys every day.
Just warn as many people, make a documentary, get the word out.
I want to be clear.
True nascent crystal source iodine, the X2 is the only product that has it anywhere.
That's just a fact.
People are trying to find out where we get it and the rest of it.
Only folks that knows the DEA is going to jump through all their hoops to get it because it can be used for so many other things in its raw form.
This stuff is the good halogen.
It removes the bad halogens.
That's why it's so dynamic.
Sorry, go ahead.
So that's what I was calling about.
You know, you said do something about it and you always tell everybody that and I was inspired by your show.
So a few weeks ago, they were spraying heavy and all these webs started falling out of the trails.
I got samples of it.
I filmed the whole thing and that led me to your nightly news episode with Marie Snow and her friend Cory out in Arizona.
And let me guess, I bet you got a ton of viewers.
We got a ton of viewers and everyone supports it.
They say God's with us.
We follow these jets all around California and show the trails burning in the wild.
Well see, what you're doing, and if other people do it on different issues, it will bring the system down.
We're not fighting in a vacuum now where establishment media sits there and lectures us on 50 TV channels, or 20 TV channels, or 3 like they had in the 50s.
We now are everywhere, and if we all just start reporting on what we see truthfully,
It will cause others to question, it'll be a chain reaction, and then it's over for the tech takeover.
I'm worried there's going to be such a backlash against this globalist infected tech that we're going to have a bunch of troglodyte movements to stop all technology, which I'm not for.
But this is going to be epic.
Tell folks where people can see your YouTube channel or whatever it is.
Yeah, you could go to www.kimchasers.com or look for it on YouTube.
Kim Chasers is the channel.
We just videoed all spring, all day in California yesterday.
Grid on top of grid on top of grid.
And this is how you do it.
You make it all about how it's happening.
Looks super professional.
Wish I could do something like that.
Alright, great job brother.
We ought to get those guys on as a guest on the Nightly News.
Let's do that.
Let's get them on as a nightly guest.
Let's get them on!
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Thank you.
Don Salazar just came out with a new article.
Bill Gates wants you to drink poop water.
I'm not kidding.
There's another article up there with videos of the hilarious racism of Al Sharpton.
From Lou Rockwell that goes over all of that.
I guess there's a separate video and another article of his ridiculous statements.
And this is the guy that you get the information that saying we're having a brown bag lunch is racist.
And hundreds of companies paying him shakedown money for decades so he won't call them racist.
I mean we're talking about fighting with each other over racism while the television sets are watching us and it's being admitted.
We're all being screwed over.
We're all having aluminum salts, barium, radioactive isotopes sprayed on us.
The levels are exploding in every major study, and we're busy fighting with each other over the color of our skin.
And they're selling a revolution.
You stop corruption by shooting a cop.
That's like you stop arson by burning your house down.
We're going to go to Crane and then Richard and others.
Crane, you're on the air from Texas.
Go ahead.
Oh, hello Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
So yeah, what I wanted to kind of talk about was how you had mentioned this pedophilia scandal going on and kind of how Stanley Kubrick with his last film was trying to send the message of that whole world of Illuminati
I don't know if you've seen the movie, but there's a lot of secret messages in there.
You know, there's a George Soros character.
Yeah, I happen to be one of the only people in the last 15 years who's interviewed the daughter of Stanley Kubrick, who has kind of helped him direct some of his later films, did the music on him, his protege.
I think we ought to try to get her back on the show.
She's an amazing lady.
Vivian Kubrick.
So that interview on the radio and TV is there.
She did talk some about Eyes Wide Shut.
She told me privately some of the things about it, which actually are very interesting, but that she didn't really make me at liberty to tell anybody.
But just really amazing information.
I've got to get Vivian Kubrick to come on and talk about all that stuff sometime.
It's just really, really interesting.
But what was your point about it?
Well, no, I mean just the fact that he was killed.
I mean, he died three days after the movie was completed.
I mean, he was pretty much just sending a message to the people and on the world that this is kind of how the Illuminati works.
Well, he died of that heart attack, I think, mysteriously.
And... Again, I forget what I was allowed to talk about and what I'm not allowed to talk about.
Let's put it to you this way.
The establishment was not happy with a bunch of stuff Stanley Kubrick did.
And when you get into it, he died mysteriously and then they cut 25 minutes out of the film.
So let's be clear.
He died way before it was to come out and they cut stuff out of it.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
That's on record, that's what happened.
And I covered it back when it happened in the late 90s and it was just bizarre, Twilight Zone, then me talking to his daughter about it, Vivian Kubrick, who's a listener of the show.
Simply amazing.
Anything else?
No, that was basically it.
I just thought maybe it'd be a good show you should do sometime.
Oh, it'd be real neat!
Talk about John Lennon, what really happened there too.
But I'm not allowed to talk about it.
Because, and the people I've talked to go, you don't know what it's like yet.
I'm like, well, they've harassed me.
Have they killed your dad?
Have they killed your husband?
And then come and told you, you'll be dead if you talk?
I mean, that's the kind of stuff that goes on with these celebrities that get killed.
Not talking about John Lennon or anything.
I mean, it's just, it's real, folks.
And John Lennon woke up to the Illuminati and was speaking out against it right before he got killed.
They were scared of him.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
In Overdrive.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The Twilight Zone.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.
Final segment.
Let's rush to the calls.
Jay in Wyoming, thanks for holding.
Then, Regina.
Greg and John, if we have time.
Jay, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Also, like you, I'm following history.
And, you know, the beginning of World War I, you know, was started by the Archduke Ferdinand or whatever his name was, you know, he was assassinated.
Yeah, the Archduke Ferdinand, yeah.
He was killed by the Black Hand Secret Society, by British intelligence.
Okay, well, with the lowering of gas prices, bankrupting Russia, do you think that that may trigger... I mean, you know, the war in Europe is starting, you know, for something a lot less than this.
Oh yeah, well there's already proxy wars with real combat dead in Ukraine and all over.
And again, it's not that Russia's good guys, it's just they didn't start it.
George Soros did, and he's ten times worse, in my view, than Putin.
I mean, he's a living Nazi collaborator.
Somebody pinch me, I gotta wake up here.
And yes, the thing is, there's nuclear weapons, so they think Russia won't ever use them.
So it's like a bluff.
It's because of mutually assured destruction, you'll let us attack you.
And it's just playing with fire, brother.
What do you think?
Yeah, I agree.
I've been watching almost all of your videos, all your movies, and I've transcribed a bunch of them.
In Fall of the Republic, you said that we have not had a real president since John F. Kennedy.
And I've said that to people and they say, well, what about Reagan?
And I don't have a response to that.
Hey Alex, I watched the vote today on the C-SPAN, and I just wanted to share something that I thought was real interesting.
Congressman Rohrabacher, right before the vote was standing, you know, the vote for Speaker of the House Romanoff was standing, and he's from California.
He's pretty highly acclaimed, you know, supposedly conservative.
No, no, we've had him on the show.
Okay, well I want to bring something up here that I thought was real interesting, and hopefully we can correlate this, but Congressman Rohrabacher was standing next to Louie Gomar, who was down at the
Tea Party two years ago with Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and leaders that had read from the Tea Party the total bill of the Gang of Eight and we're trying to get it stopped.
Sure, sure.
Gommert's been on the show too.
He's a pretty good guy overall.
Tell me what happened.
Okay, so he's standing next to him, so I thought, oh gee, this is exciting.
He'll be supporting, he'll be supporting Gomer.
But when the vote come up, I heard him support Boehner!
And I thought, you know, the same thing happened how many years ago, when George Bush stood up and said, I'm going to put us back into UNESCO, and Rohrabacher stood there and went along with it.
He did not support stop funds for UNESCO.
I remember.
I know, Rohrabacher's been on the show probably 15 times and talks a good game, and then when it gets down to brass tacks,
But also the media started attacking Rohrabacher before that, you know, bringing up stuff about him.
These people are being threatened and blackmailed.
And at least Gohmert voted to keep our guns and stuff.
So it is a problem.
I didn't hear or see what you saw.
I'll look at the vote.
But we'll be looking at this vote very closely tomorrow on the syndicated broadcast.
Regina, thank you.
I'm out of time.
John in New York, we can get your number if you want and call you back tomorrow because I want to hear callers, what they think about Boehner tomorrow.
Once I can analyze this vote that happened about an hour ago.
Greg and Matt, same thing.
Sorry we're out of time.
Great job with the crew.
I covered a lot of the news.
I'd give us a B+.
But tomorrow, I'm going to keep some of these facts here.
I'm going to hit some of the stuff I didn't get to tomorrow, and I'm going to cover the news tomorrow.
I'm going to do more and more to try to really cycle through as much news as I could, but there was just so much.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
God bless you all.
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