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Name: 20141231_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 31, 2014
2421 lines.

In his radio broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including mainstream media, government cover-ups, potential violence by gang members, and the need for people to focus their anger on foreign interests taking over the government rather than targeting police officers. He criticizes those who support police brutality as a means of teaching them a lesson and talks about social engineers aiming to create civil unrest. Jones mentions disturbing factory farming activity and criticizes Twitter for deleting posts exposing Navy SEALs' deaths. He encourages listeners to visit his websites and reflects on the Red Dawn line "the chair is against the wall" as a potential song. Pastor Manning emphasizes using power to influence political decisions and encourages focus on real issues like accountability from public figures. Alex Jones discusses corruption within government and corporations, the impact of communism on young people, and the importance of men standing up for their rights. He mentions a special rebroadcast featuring interviews with celebrities, promotes products, and discusses flu vaccines, Satan's influence on NASA, supporting immune systems with supplements, and standing against evil forces. The speaker compares historical revolutions and comments on secret Nazi nuclear bunkers in Australia.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Gang members threaten New Year's Eve massacre of police officers.
Meanwhile, we have just stacks of news pouring in.
Of different demonstrators chanting in New York, you name it, you know, kill the police.
Meanwhile, government itself has been taken over by foreign interest.
That's where the real anger needs to be focused.
If this New Year's and into next year, the social engineers are able to start this civil unrest, or able to expand it,
It'll be a big victory for the globalists, because this is meant to harden the police and complete their journey into being paramilitary death squads for the globalists.
And I see so many comments on YouTube, Infowars.com, I see it on mainstream news sites, people saying, well, the cops are out of control, this will teach them!
As if what a cop does in one jurisdiction is then projected onto every other police officer around the country.
This is the mad howl of the French Revolution we're hearing.
Our revolution was focused based on ideas and was the most successful in human history, hands down, across the board, every major political scientist, historian agrees.
The French Revolution is hands down one of the most horrible
Revolution's proto-communist, and it started with the royalty, then it moved down to the enforcer class, and then it just moved to your wife, or your business.
And millions are estimated to have disappeared in the decade of the French Revolution.
And then what came out of the French Revolution but Napoleon Bonaparte and total tyranny?
So, we know how these cycles work, and I love all the armchair quarterbacks.
It's a minority of people that are on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but they're not really, because I can follow their Discus accounts and go look at what they posted and who they are.
It's not really black people on InfoWars.com that are saying, good, kill the police, let's get it started.
As best I can tell, it's a bunch of teenagers, but also some veterans, but then other veterans are getting in arguments with them.
Other people are on there saying, well, we just can't wait to get the soda and the popcorn out and watch all this.
It's just totally sick, as if you're going to go pull the trigger and blow somebody's innocent person's head off.
This is the dehumanization that I keep harping on, where the police are being trained that we're dehumanized with the no hesitation training.
And then we're being trained that they're dehumanized, and the globalists just sit offshore laughing at us as usual.
This is so obvious, and I'm not going to harp on it all day.
Pastor David Manning, always informative.
He's in the middle of Harlem.
He's been talking about this for a long time.
He's going to be joining us.
So we'll talk about some of this in the second hour.
In the first hour, we're going to cover news and take calls, and also in the third hour today, as well as the second.
But there is just so much.
Anthony Gucciardi's got an investigative report.
Video exposes Feces Lake inside Mega U.S.
Factory Farm.
A whole new sector of disturbing factory farming activity.
I'm going to see if I can get Antion here today to talk about this and play this video.
Describe it for radio listeners.
This is how my brain works.
Here's an article.
Islamic State publishes interview with captured pilot.
Asked Twitter followers how to kill him.
When we had Twitter campaigns and Facebook campaigns exposing the fact that Navy SEALs were blown up, they would delete and stop our tweets and our Facebook posts.
But Islamic State and others are allowed to operate, calling for killing people and showing the murder of people.
Meanwhile, Twitter bans hashtag Women Against Feminism founder for not saying Christmas is not oppressive to women.
So you can't go on there and criticize modern feminism as a way to enslave women.
But if you want to try to figure out ways to torture and murder people, it's perfectly okay.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the year 2014 is running on fumes.
And we are hurtling into 2015 and beyond.
Thank you for joining us on this live Wednesday worldwide broadcast
It is now December 31st, 2014, and John has a long mustache, and we're broadcasting from deep behind enemy lines.
That, of course, is a line from the original Red Dawn.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
And for all of you on or behind enemy lines, this song's for you.
In fact, if you go back about 18 years ago, I cut myself a liner with that from Red Dawn.
And then it went into a cool song.
I forget exactly what it was.
But we should redo that.
Because it's an oldie but a goodie to illustrate that we are in quasi-occupied, under FEMA, an emergency reorganization under the private Federal Reserve using the War Powers Act of 1933.
We are under this emergency reorganization.
In fact, Bernadine Smith of the Second Amendment Foundation out in California, about 16 years ago, and I've torn apart our storage facilities, if anybody can find it.
I think she's still around, we should get her on.
Maybe she'll send me another one.
She sent me this huge binder that she made for the show.
That I've shown on, back then I had an AXS television show, I flipped through it on AXS television, there's a tape of that somewhere, but she had the actual, not just photocopies of a lot of stuff, the actual New York Times from 1937, with the 10 reorganization under the Federal Reserve Regions
As a proposal, but admitting it was, you know, we've gotten out of the depression, or partially, and this is what will save America, is the Federal Reserve directly running government out of the ten regions.
And Jay Rockefeller, John Dee, thinks it's a fabulous idea, and is financing it, and hearing in Congress.
I mean, that article itself, or somebody's got to go to the microfilm.
Because it's pretty much the exact same regions.
A few of the lines are drawn differently, but it's 10 regions.
And then by 1979, we went under that.
And so we can talk about Clinton, and we can talk about Obama, and we can talk about Jeb Bush all day long.
But in the final equation, we're under an occupied government.
And you still have vestigial Congress and vestigial courts.
You still have the old system running parallel to it that isn't perfect, but is our constitutional republic.
And you've got the new system.
They got a beachhead in 1913 for 101 years now.
It's been 101 years and a week.
December 23rd, 1913, three senators in a legal quorum call passed the Federal Reserve Act.
They also then ran through the IRS Act.
And they also ran through with fake certifications from the states, getting rid of senators being elected by legislators at the state level.
Can you imagine the power states had then, they were supposed to have?
The House was openly elected, popularly elected, so that gave the federal government some power there.
But the states voted at the legislature for the U.S.
People like Davy Crockett, when he was a senator, wouldn't do what he was exactly told by the legislature, and they'd recall him and any other senator and get them on the floor and just interrogate them and shoo them out.
And we're gonna have a vote right now to remove you!
We're gonna vote for a new senator right now today!
That's the kind of stuff went on.
And the reason I bring up those points of history is that now we have this imperial federal government, more and more an imperial House leadership, an imperial Senate leadership, an imperial executive, an imperial judiciary, and the very fabric of the Bill of Rights
and Constitution is being openly dissolved, and the final columns are being eaten away that hold up the Republic.
And once the Republic collapses, we are in a lawless vacuum.
The Rand Corporation, for more than 30 years, has prepared the militarization and corruption through asset forfeiture, seizure, and federal control of the police and the phony drug war.
The Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution.
And now they prepare.
I've said for over a decade, I've been on here 20 years, but over a decade, when they prepare a civil war, and they start promoting race war, and they start promoting that the way to fight government is to go out and randomly shoot police, you know they're preparing the National Stabilization Force to come out of the crisis that they're pulling the trigger on.
And now all of the
Like in an aircraft, if you had a bunch of emergency switches, and a bunch of emergency dials, a bunch of emergency indicators, and bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz, one's going off, then bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz, two, three, nyeh, nyeh, wah, wah, bzzz bzzz, wah, wah.
Now the whole dash is going, whee, whee, whee, smoke's coming out of the engine, alert, alert, alert, it's all happening.
Global government being openly announced.
The sexualization and targeting of our children, accelerating.
Just the open pharmakeia being dumped into the food supply.
And you see the cancer rates, the retardation rates, the deformity rates, the diabetes rates, the mental illness rates, all skyrocketing exponentially up.
Need those sounds out of Star Trek or something.
A Star Trek alert.
Can we find one of those?
Because that's what this is.
It's like 50 Klingon ships just unclogged and are firing on us.
And I'm just sitting here pointing it out that all the dials are just flashing red like a Christmas tree.
And you're seeing it start.
I mean, I can't even cover all the videos and all the articles that just came out today of black-on-white attacks
By folks watching mainstream media and MSNBC and the internet that just says the answer is randomly go out and knockout game, you know, attack some white people.
And now chilling threats popping up all over social media and being painted on roadsides.
A cop will be killed New Year's night in Rogers, Arkansas. 1231
14, MS-13.
Of course, MS-13 targets police.
And the local media is like, who's that?
And the issue here is, this is all being allowed to get stirred up.
And then it will cause a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, who will go out and engage in the exact type of mindless, tribal, idiotic, base,
And you will have groups of white youth, I predict, as this gets worse, going out and, like cowards do, targeting weak people.
Old people.
Notice that's who's being targeted by the racist black gangs.
Old people.
Young people.
People in wheelchairs.
And in the backdrop, the excuse for all this is the gladiatorial videos we see everywhere of thug, out-of-control police
Out of two million police in this country or more.
The training is bad.
The system is corrupt.
The society is unraveling.
There are a lot of bad departments.
There are a lot of bad police.
But it doesn't matter.
It's simply a detonator, an excuse to start the conflagration.
Black thug beats elderly man in suspected racial attack.
Look at this.
Attack took place in broad daylight.
Assailant did not seek money.
And this is the type of stuff I have that I just mentioned.
Meanwhile, Twitter bans hashtag Women Against Feminism founder for saying Christmas is not oppressive to women.
Account erased for quoting
Radical feminist own words.
Facebook, Twitter.
People say, well why are you on Facebook particularly?
Censors us in memes we put out in articles.
Because it's a useful platform, even when they're censoring us, we're going to stay in the fight.
They're trying to deny us that zone.
They're trying to deny us access for a reason.
And if I've had to threaten to sue Google or YouTube, or I had to threaten and have lawyers send letters to Facebook,
I will do it!
Which we've done.
Because they claim they're this open, free area, as long as you don't violate their rules.
Well, if I don't violate their rules, they're discriminating against me!
They're going to give me entrance into that so-called commons.
They just want to data mine the general public.
They don't want us in there warning people.
Well, guess what?
We're going to do it!
And just like the Navy SEAL groups that exposed the Benghazi cover-up and things, got their memes and sites shut down, the woman behind a movement against radical feminism,
Has had her Twitter account erased after she merely quoted the words of radical feminists she was engaging in debate with.
Janet Bloomfield's account...
Judy Bitch 1, which had amassed 15,000 followers and boasted a weekly reach of approximately 50,000, was removed from Twitter after Bloomfield, an innovator of the hashtag Women Against Feminism, tweeted out a quote from the feminist writing in London Guardian.
That's right, you don't quote Gruber, or you don't quote a feminist, you don't quote when the environmentalists say kill people who don't believe in man-made global warming.
Bloomfield, that's what they always censor is what's documented.
Bloomfield took issue with an article penned by Jessica Valente who argued on the Guardian website, comment is free section and women are oppressed at Christmas time because they are burdened with all the chores that come with the festive season.
Such as wrapping up presents.
How about all the women I know love Christmas and are the main drivers of it and love wrapping presents.
How about that?
That's what I've observed in my life.
I feel like I get burdened when it gets too big.
But that doesn't matter.
All she did was quote that and they shut her account down.
But Islamic State publishes interview with Captured Pilot and asks Twitter followers how to kill him and don't have their Twitter account deleted.
See what I mean?
You can, it's just, it's crazy.
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No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now!
No matter how hard you try, you can't... Look at this headline on Infowars.com.
And we have the video.
TV host reported to police for hate crime of asking why a fat person is fat.
It became personally offensive and I believe it's a hate crime.
I'd like to report it.
We're going to talk about political correctness some today when Pastor David Manning joins us.
But this is the mind control.
Target is in trouble for having a white Annie in their displays.
So it doesn't matter that the new movie is out, and I believe that's a black Annie.
I think I saw the ad.
Who cares?
You could have a black Annie, a white Annie.
It's kind of like they used to have Peter Pan was a boy, now to be feminist they're making it a girl.
It's the people that own the Annie franchise, they can do whatever they want.
But see, it's all about making that a crime, or that's some type of dirty slight to someone.
But oh, if you want to capture a pilot and then prepare to behead them and promote that online, that's okay.
If you want to criticize feminism and say that it's a tyranny, we're going to delete your Twitter account or your Facebook account.
But if you want to go online and say, kill Alex Jones all day, oh, there's not a problem.
Something else I've noticed about this propaganda, I've been saying forever, we don't want violent revolution in this country and we don't want them to start a civil war.
We don't want them to infiltrate the militia and try to set the militia up for violence.
We know the feds have been caught doing that a lot.
I mean, it's even in the New York Times that they've done that.
In almost every case.
The Hattari militia.
Who I warned was clearly being infiltrated and set up months before.
They weren't even in the news!
And I saw one of their videos and played it.
And I said, this is a setup!
I can see federal scripting!
Then they went in and busted them.
They're sitting there driving along with them.
And the tapes that were released, and, you know, the U.N.
takes over, starts putting us all in camps and killing us, what do we do?
Well, we might have to fight back to defend ourselves.
And then the judge, even in the trial, to the judge's credit, was like, you've indicted them and held them for a year in jail for saying if there's a takeover and the government's killing everyone, like Nazi Germany, that they'll have to defend themselves?
And have to try to restore local government order with the police?
Well, we'll have to work with the locals to try to defend against that and try to stay
And I could tell that group was being infiltrated by some of the members' videos I was seeing online that were clearly meant to set them up.
And indeed, it came out they'd been infiltrated by two feds.
One an FBI agent, one an informant.
As if you infiltrate a militia.
Militias should be wearing suit and ties and out speaking at the city council meetings.
And then if you want to go do maneuver training in rural areas.
I love how the militia always seems to do rural training.
As if you're going to be in a bunch of rural combat with the New World Order.
We need to be in an info war combat to stop the physical war.
But if you're doing real training, it would be taking over TV stations, taking over radio stations, not physically, with your own equipment.
It'd be hacking in.
Down the street.
It'd take them a week to figure it out.
It'd be how to do leaflet drops.
It'd be how to run psyops.
It'd be with the truth.
It'd be how to wake up locals.
And I'm not criticizing the militia, I'm just showing how it's all a psy-op, just as the feds on record in the 80s and 90s infiltrated militias, set them up to look violent for the national news, to demonize the idea of the constitutional militia that is just basically the civil defense, or the posse, as America is apple pie.
As George Washington.
And they did a pretty good job demonizing it, didn't they?
Well, now they want to demonize the idea of legitimate demonstration against globalization, against loss of property rights, against violations of free speech that are totally legitimate.
Well, how do you do that?
Well, you just send in a bunch of Ford Foundation anarchist, rich kid, 28-year-old, zit-faced lackeys to go around saying, deck the halls with dead cops in Ferguson and New York.
Leading it are a bunch of communist agitators.
We showed people on TV, on the nightly news, the signs and the groups that they were handing out to the black people.
There wasn't one black person that we've caught on videotape anywhere in this country leading any of this.
It's a bunch of communist agitators.
And you can go right back to the Workers Party and the Communist Party.
They don't even hide it!
It's on the signs!
And let me tell you, I got a lot of problem with police training and bad cops that are out there, and I get upset about it.
I wrote the book on it, literally, and made four films on it, trying to stop it.
But let me tell you, the cops had a lot of restraint.
In fact, I think too much.
You come marching by me, at my house, or anywhere else, and saying, deck the halls with Alex Jones's dead family, you're gonna get punched in the nose.
Because that's a violent threat.
But notice they're being told to stand down and let it just stir up and stir up and stir up.
It's so incredibly obvious!
The destabilization of this country, of Russia, of the Middle East.
Meanwhile, we're fighting over Target ads with a white Annie.
Annie used to be white, now she's black.
But you go back to white, it's bad.
It's just mindlessness.
Let me get the number.
I'll take your calls coming up.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
I want to say something before time gets away from us here today.
I am extremely happy with the crew I've got.
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It also shows how far we've come for liberty that if you read Wired Magazine or you read even CNN's website a lot of the time, it reads like InfoWars.
So this news of global government and what's being set up cannot be hidden anymore.
That's very positive news going into the new year.
So I want to say for 2014, it was an absolutely horrible year.
In so many respects, just like a tale of two cities, as I've said a thousand times, the best of times, the worst of times.
Can you guys print me that opening page?
I want to read that.
Thank you.
Just put it on screen.
It's so apropos.
Lost a couple of family members this year.
My grandmother started having a lot of real serious health problems this year.
And had a lot of other major attacks go on.
But at the same time,
Some of the best things that ever happened to us for getting the truth out happened this year as well.
So you got to take the good with the bad and I am very blessed and honored to be here and I thank God for consciousness and I thank God that my heart turns towards good and that I want to be good and I think
Jesus, for his sacrifice on the cross.
I just love Christ so much, and I couldn't do any of this without my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And I just ask God to help humble me more and help make me strong.
Going back to the quote from A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, one of my favorite writers.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
It was the epoch of belief.
It was the epoch of incredulity.
It was the season of light.
It was the season of darkness.
It was the spring of hope.
It was the winter of despair.
We had everything before us.
We had nothing before us.
We were all going direct to heaven.
We were all going direct the other way.
In short,
The period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on it being received for good or for evil in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Nobody can write like Charles Dickens.
Every paragraph of all of his books are so rich and are poetry.
And the average person is so dumbed down today, they can't even understand that.
And I don't say that from an elitist perspective.
I have trouble reading it and understanding it.
Once I grasp it, it's so beautiful.
Pearls before swine, though, for the general public now, they're wrecked minds.
Are salvageable, though, in my humble opinion.
I want to open the phones up
What do you think the most important news?
It's good to reflect.
No one is always moving so fast in the rat racer, only focusing on what's currently happening that we don't reflect.
What was the most important thing that happened in 2014, good or bad?
And in your gut, what do you think 2015 is going to be like?
You can see the destabilization campaign, economically, spiritually, culturally, physically, taking place everywhere.
You can see evil pulling out the stops.
As global government plays every nation and every people off against each other with scientific aplomb, like a centrifuge sucking everything into the center, sucking out the energy, sucking out the wealth, waging war, debasing the currencies.
To build the giant corporate world government, exempt from the laws, exempt from the taxes, the new royalty above us.
Modern, scientific, god-like versions of Kim Jong-un.
But just as disgusting and stinking in their colossal scale.
You stare at Kim Jong-un and you can grasp the foolishness, the weakness, the entitlement, everything given to him, the pleasure palaces, the sex slaves, the torture, the death.
You can see the rot in a man who can hardly walk, and he's a young man.
You can see the soul sucked out of his eyes.
And still you do not pity him.
Even though he was born into it.
The filth spawned of a communist king and his communist son and the next third line of filth.
Then we look up from that that we can laugh at in all its horror and then stare upon the true god of evil.
Does not look so weak as Kim Jong-un.
So much more sophisticated.
A thousand times a thousand slicker and more creeping.
The devil of the West.
The West is the best, to quote Jim Morrison.
And it'll do the rest.
Yeah, I'm talking about Texas Big Beat Radio.
Alright, enough.
They tried to bury us.
They didn't know we were seeds.
Mexican proverb.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
It is only through the oppression that we become strong.
The problem is the oppression is psychic.
It's cultural.
They gave us ugly icons.
They gave us stinking icons.
They gave us failed systems and twisted art and things that didn't make sense.
Look at children's cartoons now.
Total mindless jibber.
And it's declassified that it's meant to screw them up.
What type of elite would seek to screw up children?
The same ones that would put sodium fluoride in the water.
Known to lower IQ 10 points if you drink it just a few years.
Harvard study, look it up.
Thousands of studies.
Thousands and thousands and thousands every decade.
Going back to the 20s, University of Texas had the same findings as Harvard in a 1932 study I've read on air.
About testing it on pigs and rats.
The infertility.
The obesity.
The lethargy.
You give fluoride water to horses for a year, they're dead.
Anybody that's in horse or cow production will tell you that you do not give them city water.
And anybody that goes into the horse business and near a city and uses tap water finds out real soon.
And if they hire anybody around their stables that knows, they go, you don't give them city water full of chlorine and fluoride.
I'd kill your horses.
To something thoroughbred like that can't take as many insults as a human.
The more beautiful, the stronger, the more elegant, the less insults you can take.
Horses can't handle fluoride, folks.
But I digress.
This is the same system attacking us, willing to hurt us, willing that killer blow upon humanity.
And all the big billionaire tech people, whether it's Joy, or Thiel, or Schmidt, or Kurzweil, all of them, to a man, are in the news every couple weeks going, I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna be a god, I'm gonna merge with computers, the planetary government is coming, humans are done, it's all over, and you're hurting the Earth, and yes, the discussions are, how do we get rid of you?
They write it in article after article after article.
I've made film after film and given you a report after report as they sit there openly discussing what they're going to do to us, how they're going to release the airborne Ebola, how they're going to set up the death panels, how they're going to reduce our population down to zero at the TED Talk with Bill Gates.
And the crowd laughs when he puts up the equation that shows zero humans.
He goes, how am I going to get to this number is the only question.
And he puts up the equation that says all humans will be killed.
And you've got this trendy group in there.
They know how to read an equation.
And it's so funny, because they know the public, hit from birth with fluoride and GMO and television, with their brains wired wrong, doesn't see a threat coming at them.
Because they're not wired.
See, we've still got our instincts, even though they brain damaged us.
But we're hardwired that we go into the cave at night.
Big cats like to sit at the entrance.
That's why kids have an instinct not to want to go in and out of doorways at night.
It's been proven with epigenetics.
Because see, big cats in every culture wouldn't eat a big male or female coming out of the cave to urinate or whatever at night.
But a little three-year-old coming out is a juicy treat!
And so children are scared of doorways and entrances all over the world.
They don't know why they're scared, but there's monsters with big teeth.
Well, there are none of those monsters today, unless you're living in Africa or India.
But let me tell you, if you didn't have those instincts, you wouldn't be alive.
But see, do we have instincts to face GMO in our food?
Do we have instincts to face fluoride in our water?
Do we have instincts to face computer games and TV that rewire children's brains and brain damages them on record?
Look it up.
Are we ready to face binary weapons in the food supply?
Do we know how to face global corporate government, where the armies wear suits and meet in secret, and meanwhile deploy systems to make us kill each other over what color we are?
Well, humans follow instinct, but humans can also transcend at points in our development and make jumps.
Evolutionary jumps, and I don't mean evolution in the debate between the eugenicist Darwin and your local preacher.
It says, I ain't no, you know, ain't no monkey, my uncle.
Everybody laughs.
We're not talking about the fake debates they set up.
See, that's the mind control.
We're talking about evolutionary jumps in technology, evolutionary jumps in understanding, awakenings.
We could stop this if we just decided we had value, if we just decided we weren't crap, and if we started acting like it and started having strength and honor.
The average person in the government and in the corporate system wants that.
But they've been kept small, they've been kept corralled, they've been kept in authoritarian systems, and they're now just deploying onto us what they've already been under.
And so we will reach them
With the passion of the truth, the sexiness of the truth, the beauty of freedom.
If you just have freedom and are offering freedom, I'm not selling freedom, I'm showing you where it is.
Wild horses will drag them to us, but you're not going to need wild horses to drag them away to freedom.
You couldn't hold them
But meanwhile, we're told out of this whole world government, IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im Bank, UN, Global Treaties, DARPA, the CIA, Defense Intelligence, NSA, all the other agencies of the world, all the other secret societies of the planet, that the enemy is the police!
So we'll attack the police, harden them, to then be servants of the system.
The enemy is a white man at a bus stop.
Beat his head in, show the whites.
And I guarantee you that old white man goes back to his tiny apartment and barely has enough food to eat.
This is a poor area, I read the story about it.
And lives just like a black guy right next door to him, who's poor.
Watches the same television shows, has the same hopes and dreams, has the same red blood.
They got us killing each other.
See how that works?
Because tribalism is our instincts.
It's not just children afraid of a big cat or a hyena or some wolves gonna eat them if they go out away from mommy and daddy.
If they go outside the house when it's dark, that's when the predators hunt.
But see, nowadays the predators hunt in broad daylight with slick advertising and all the packaging of a game show host.
Well, you're invited to the party!
Why, you're lucky if you get to be part of the New World Order.
Speaking of slick advertising, we don't really have slick advertising.
I just try to develop the very best hot products I can that I personally use, whether it's the ProPure G2 filters and clearly filtered, discounted, 10% off promo code WATER, or Weather.
It is the 2015 Resolution Pack Promo Combo.
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A couple times a day when I remember.
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And I'm going to do the same amount of eating and exercise to see what it does.
And I'm going to start taking photographs today of my face and my body.
In fact, I'm going to take my shirt off, folks.
And we're gonna go, should've been doing this the last six months where I lost even more weight, but I'm gonna see what I can do in a month.
And I'm gonna eat the same, and I'm gonna exercise the same, but I'm gonna religiously do the Oxy-Powder.
So I'm finishing that up right now, and I'm gonna take the other supplements available at InfoWarsLife.com.
I'm gonna take the proprietary Secret 12, Vitamin B12 Fusion.
That is the most bioavailable, absorbable, from our research, uh, lingually in the mouth.
It's the very same kind people inject.
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's that great.
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You'll be like, why does this taste like candy?
This is a vitamin your kids are gonna love.
You get that, Super Male or Super Female Vitality and Oxy Powder, a huge discount.
It comes to a huge amount off.
It's up on the site, Infowarslife.com.
You know that over the past several months, I've been challenging my body and losing weight.
You can see the difference.
I've lost more than 30 pounds total just this year, another 20 before that.
I've been working out and trying to eat right, but I have always done these things over the past few years with different results.
I lose weight and then some would come back.
Even running a few miles a day.
I'm not doing that now because of torn Achilles.
The difference for me has been testing firsthand our InfoWars Life products and I've been getting more serious about cleansing my body.
And I'll tell you about the finish of this when we come back.
And then we're going to get our guest, open the phones up as well today.
There's a ton of news we haven't gotten to.
There's a new Gruber video.
Secret Noxia bunker was found in Austria.
A drone discovers a lake of feces.
I'll tell you why that's important.
I wonder if that's where Gruber lives.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here back live.
Tomorrow, I thought we should do something but there's just not time in three hours to get to all of them so we're gonna have a special sometime next week.
We're going to air on the Nightly News more of the interviews, but Viggo Mortensen, Charlton Heston, Geraldo Rivera, Rowdy Piper, Jesse Ventura, Russell Brand, Mike Judge, lead singer of Korn, Michael Savage, Joe Rogan, Dave Mustaine, Willie Nelson, David de Rothschild, and a whole bunch of other people.
The famous folks that have been on the show and talked about the New World Order.
Billy Corrigan,
The list really does go on and on.
We should probably re-air some of the best interviews or parts of it with Ted Nugent.
In fact, send us emails at ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
Who would you like to hear a boiled-down, best-of interview with?
I mean, there have been so many.
See, I like it when I had the number three in the Japanese government on about 9-11 being an inside job, or when we had folks on from the Fukushima reactor, or
When I had the former head of the German CIA, Andres von Bulow on, or General Hamid Gul on, the former head of Pakistani intelligence.
I mean, those are the really cool interviews.
They're like when I've had Navy SEAL families on about the bomb and the helicopter to get rid of them because the bin Laden raid was fake.
I think of those as epic interviews.
We should probably, from time to time, dredge that stuff up and do just most hardcore interview flashbacks.
Because we never do this.
But tomorrow, we're gonna have a whole bunch of stuff.
I don't know, we could air some of the Charlie Sheen stuff before he went off the rails.
Charlie's really a sweet guy.
Known him for like 10 years now.
But I tell ya, I should never let him do that last interview.
Went in for an hour and a half, went off on his family and stuff.
I've already apologized for that.
I don't know if we're gonna air any Sheen stuff, but...
There's a lot here.
There's a lot.
So that's a lot of that's coming up tomorrow.
Crew's working really hard to get that together.
So I'll be tuned in tomorrow.
And I'll be back live, Lord willing.
I know certainly.
You never know.
Friday here in studio and next Sunday for the 4 to 6 transmission as well.
We're going to go to break, come back with Pastor Manning.
I'm going to give the number out on the race war the system's trying to start.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
I'd like to hear from the folks out there that are criticizing me, because even if the police were pure evil, which they're not, the system wants us to go out and have violence with them to bring in martial law.
I mean, this is clearly the false flag, folks, and I've been predicting it.
It's not like I just started saying this now.
And so, I've noticed I'm getting a lot more threats and stuff now, because like, you side with the police, you're dead too.
I'm siding with justice and common sense and not being part of cold-blooded murder of innocent people.
When the cops do it, they should get in trouble.
But the people that did it should, not some cop in another state.
Just like when somebody else does something, I don't get blamed for it.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
I want to get your take on the attempt, or maybe you disagree, to start a race war in this country.
You know I keep bringing this topic up at least once a week, in detail.
Because now there's new evidence of it.
We're going to be going over some of that with Pastor Manning.
We're going to get into Obama advisor Jonathan Gruber in 2009.
Obamacare will not be affordable.
That's what he said on record, but then he came out and lied about it.
There's criticism for proposed asset forfeiture law, where the police are going to start grabbing your cars and stuff for what they claim are petty crimes.
And under the federal guidelines, they don't even have to charge you or convict you.
And see, that is a corruption of the system.
The police should not carry out this piratical asset forfeiture seizure, so they're partly to blame.
But the real blame is the governing criminal class.
And us for letting it happen.
We need to change it, recall the criminals that run New York and other areas, and change it.
And not just say, you know, the cop-out of right-wingers that I love.
Well, I'm just waiting until the UN shows up with blue helmets and I'm gonna start, you know, fighting.
Start killing.
They're not gonna show up in blue helmets, folks.
It's gonna be a civil war first.
Think the globalists are just gonna come in here?
And the same thing for the left.
Well, we're just going to burn everything and kill the police.
I saw an article last week that I'm not even going to mention to give it attention, and it creeped into a link in one of our stories by a fella attacking the New York police, who by all means are not a bunch of angels, out of control, and just a reflection of society.
But then I happened to have been to dinner with the person,
When they showed their real side, and I was with Rob Dew, he was there, he started talking about once the communists take over and he's really a communist, they're gonna kill everybody that doesn't go along with them and the police and all the rest of it.
And I was sitting there and he was really getting off talking about killing people.
And I've been around communists before when they do this.
And I ended up never even airing the interview.
Because it was just a lust for killing.
And really chilling.
And um...
If they're able to cause a civil war and have a leftist takeover and they start trying to come around everybody up, it's a good thing we got the Second Amendment and it's a good thing we're ready.
Because I'm not looking to kill anybody, I'm not looking for trouble, but let me tell you something.
I'm not going on any truck to some re-education camp where a bunch of piece of crap communists are going to torture me and have their way with my family.
It ain't happening, okay?
So all you guys that are all macho and just can't wait to have your black uniforms on and have us all the way you want it, you're never going to get there.
Because people know who you are and we're ready.
And we're not stupid either.
We're not going to be part of your dumb civil war.
So we know you're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us.
We're wise of that.
We've been beating the pavement and the airwaves and the print to warn everybody.
We're making films.
We have the tens of millions of listeners.
The Liberty Movement is gaining steam.
You're in deep trouble.
And that's why you're working so hard around the clock right now to distract us with a civil war and scapegoat the police for everything that's happening.
Because you know we're on your tail and you can feel the fire lapping your butt.
And I know, my greatest frustration is I know that if this country ever finds its will and if men ever find their masculinity and their strength not to act tough but to have the will to tell the truth and the will to research the facts and the will to speak to others in public
That's where the real fight is.
If you won't go speak in public now or support those that speak in public, you will never lift a gun when the time comes.
All the people that talk about what they're going to do with guns, I expect very few of them will actually carry out the things they've said.
But those of us that are preparing for our defense, we won't talk about it.
We will defend.
And once it starts, you know what the best defense is, don't you?
So you listen to me, people in the establishment, just like Hitler was warned, or the communists were.
You think you're going to get away with this offshore?
Everybody knows who you are.
And you pull this, you're going to get it in the end.
And that's not a threat.
That's a law of nature.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Escape from New York!
NYPD investigates threats to kill officers on New Year's Eve.
Sources say from Florida to California, police are getting shot at all over Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, you name it.
Folks are calling for me to get killed.
You can go to Infowars.com and see it anywhere.
You search it.
That anybody that doesn't agree with massacring police in cold blood is a pig lover.
Well, I know this.
I'm a due process lover, and I'm not for a French Revolution in this country where anybody that's worked for the government or anybody that's worked in a corporation gets killed, or where anybody who's been in a uniform gets killed.
I know so many good people that are police officers.
I also grew up in a suburb of Dallas and saw the police kill drugs, and also saw them
A year after we moved away because of it.
We moved to Austin because of it.
My dad sold his dental offices because of it.
I saw that sheriff's department and that police department busted for dealing the drugs.
In fact, Rolling Stone Magazine didn't even believe me about that.
And then went and looked it up and found out it was all true in a piece they did a couple years ago on me.
Or was it Esquire?
No, first it was Texas Monthly, then it was Rolling Stone mentioned it.
The point is, not name dropping, I'm just saying, that really happened.
So I know that stuff goes on.
The point is, the system, in my view, wants to start a civil war.
And we have sources inside Homeland Security that I have, but other sources have, that were saying this two years ago, and I halfway
Rolled my eyes.
I mean, I knew MSNBC was trying to create racial division, CNN.
I knew that's all they had because black unemployment had doubled under Obama.
I knew that all they had was racial politics.
That's what socialists and communists do.
I knew it was communist agitators that were out there trying to get this stirred up years ago.
But to actually see it going on, and to see the Justice Department doing it, which will then legitimize the militarization and federalization of police, as an answer
to this new war zone mentality that's being entered into that will then be used to oppress the general public.
And yes, we'll make it more against a cop versus black thing as well.
When I've had white cops do really unconstitutional things to me, I've had black cops do it.
And it's the training, it's the system.
Instead of having a serious discussion about reforming this,
We see now it going into overdrive.
I mean, I've got two or three of these videos today.
Black thug beats elderly man in suspected racial attack.
Attack took place in broad daylight.
Assailant did not seek money.
Adon Salazar, Infowars.com, ABC News has video.
Chilling threats to kill cops in New York, in Arkansas, in other areas.
Now the Mexican gangs are getting involved, if you believe what's being put out.
MS-13 does target police.
So, we don't know if this threat's from them.
They say it's from them.
Could there be false flags by the system?
Police have been caught provocateur-ing things when they're under federal control.
In Seattle in 99, in other areas.
But, the police departments out there are actually really concerned right now.
They're on alert right now.
But they've already been getting hardened because the feds told them this was coming.
Because the feds aren't the feds.
They're run by the globalists.
They are triggering this.
Now, I'm done ranting about it.
I've got all this other news I want to get to with our guest.
But he's been warning about this and I want to get his insight.
Because I remember him on the show four years ago saying, Obama is going to become a dictator.
And I said, no he's not, Pastor Manning.
Well now, he's an elected dictator like Hitler on borders, on guns, on UN treaties, on our energy systems, on Obamacare.
He's changed that hundreds and hundreds of times.
It's actually 2,000 times it's been changed, but over 200 orders that had hundreds of changes, sometimes a piece, comes to over 2,000 changes to Obamacare that
Aren't done by law.
So, even Jonathan Turley, the big liberal professor, constitutional law scholar, says Obama is basically a dictator.
Ron Paul has said it, countless others have.
But the Republican leadership, even though they were given this huge mandate, will not move to block him on any front.
Because they're bought and paid for by the same wicked interest offshore, who want us here killing each other.
Now, Pastor Manning grew up in the South, went up to New York,
I'm not going to go over his interesting history.
It's on his website, atlah.org, A-T-L-A-H dot O-R-G, an excellent website, excellent radio, TV ministry.
But he also feeds, over the years, over the years, thousands of youth, hundreds every day at their church, free food for the kids there, through his ministry.
And he's no stranger to this audience.
I wanted to get Pastor Manning on the broadcast today.
Again, I wanted to get Pastor James David Manning on the transmission because he is uniquely situated at the epicenter of this, one of the twin epicenters, Missouri and St.
Louis area, but he's in New York.
He's in Harlem.
And he has seen what the social engineering has done that's been deployed against the black community.
But it's been tested on them.
It's being used against everybody right now with great effect.
So I want to get his take on the current stuff.
Does he agree there's an attempt to start a race war to distract?
Where does he see it going?
And since he accurately predicted what Obama would do, I thought it was being extreme four or five years ago on the show.
I want to hear what he thinks the next chapter will be.
So Pastor, Otlet.org, thank you so much for coming on.
Thank you, Alex, for having me, and Happy New Year to you.
And let me say this, I mean, I've heard all of what you've stated.
I'm here at the Epic Center, you're right about that.
I've told people, I've advised people that there is threatening to be a surge against police officers today, tonight, New Year's Eve, down in Times Square, against police officers.
I've told people to be very careful.
About being out there, because I suspect that these protesters, these neo-leninists, these communist people, that they're planning on creating an uprising.
But I want to put that on the table for just a moment, Alex.
Let me tell you what I think is going to happen next.
You're right.
I did say that Obama is a dictator.
It was clear that he was, based on his history in Jeremiah Wright's church, his belief in Saul Alinsky, his communist Muslim, if you will, background that he had.
So it was very easy to determine who he's going to be.
But here's what I want to say, Alex.
I want to say...
In light of what you said regarding these folks, these Homeland Security people in their black uniforms and looking to put us on FEMA camps and cart us away to these re-education centers, I want to say that the next movement is going to be the movement of what I'm declaring is the 70 million strong voices that are Christians, that are patriots, that believe in this nation, and they've just had enough of it.
They're tired of being kicked around.
They're tired of all the race baiting.
They're tired of how Obama is using his powers illegally in the White House.
They have just had enough of all of this foolishness that's getting worse.
The shooting down of police officers in their patrol cars.
These young boys out in the streets without fathoms, without morals, without conscience, without a concern, a love for God.
And then you got people being put into sainthood after they just tried to kill a police officer and just robbed a convenience store and threatened the owner and now he's a saint.
People have had enough.
And the next move is not, while I'm sure that FEMA or Homeland Security or the Obama thugs and others want to have the next move to advance their new world order concerns, but I'm saying
That the next move is going to come from the 70 million Americans who just had enough of this.
They've had enough of it.
I mean, it's just gotten worse.
People's patience have been worn thin.
People have tried to be amenable.
They've tried to be charitable.
They've tried to understand some of the concerns that people have expressed about how this nation has been going for the last 50 or 60 years.
But I think people have had their last mouthful of that.
So I'm saying the next move needs to come from people such as yourself and me, who are part of this 70 million, who have looked to Congress, we've looked to the House of Representatives, we've looked to the courts.
Pastor James David Manning of Otla.org, a big national voice out there, warning of what was coming, and it's now unfolding.
I want to look at Obama's agenda.
We know he's a front man of a larger global government operation, but for so many followers, I mean, they think he really is in charge, and to a great extent he is, even if he is, you know, kind of a puppet of the Socialists and others.
He really is operating now as a dictator.
That's admitted.
Look at how far we've come.
So I ask you, two years left in office, where are we now going to go, especially when the Republican leadership, as you said, has green-lighted
Him to do anything he wants.
It only seems to be encouraging the Justice Department, as the former Deputy FBI Director said last week, to be behind stirring up all this civil unrest.
There are legitimate problems with police in many areas.
There are legitimate problems with the Bill of Rights and Constitution being violated.
We harp on it, but... But you know, Alex, you know... But saying kill the cops, I mean, that is going to discredit demonstration itself.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, if you look at it and examine it closely, when you talk about the people that idolize Obama or think that somehow or another he's in charge, he is in charge of some things and that is destroying them.
If you look at, as you stated earlier, black unemployment for black people has doubled under the leadership of Obama.
Racism has gone off the charts under the leadership of Obama.
Food stamps has increased by as much as 35% under the leadership of Obama.
So effectively, Alex, what's happening is that black people, or African Americans, or whatever it is they want to call themselves, are doing worse.
I mean, were I, you know, just observing this, if I was in that cadre of mindset, I would turn around and say, hey, this man's trying to kill us.
We were better off, we had better jobs, we were better employed, and listen to this, Alice.
This amnesty that Obama is doing, the few jobs that black or African American or whatever it is they want to refer to themselves as have at present,
Listen, validating anywhere from 5 to 20 million illegals is going to make the employment situation of black people absolutely nil, which is going to increase crime, it's going to increase the problems in the community, it's going to increase and fill up the jails.
So I mean, anyone with a reasonable understanding of looking at what's happening in our world today would have to say about black people.
And I can get to other people in just a moment.
But black people in particular, Alex, are doing far worse.
It looks as if he's trying to drive black people into extinction.
I mean, the streets are filled with murder.
There are no jobs.
I mean, it's absolutely incredible what he is doing.
And everywhere, and I'm not lionizing the Republicans, but it's just a fact, everywhere the Democrats are in full control, areas of New York, Chicago, D.C., other areas, are crime-filled hellholes, people being shot and killed every day, the public disarmed.
If I was a space alien, like you were just mentioning, from Mars, watching with a telescope,
uh... and listening to the radio reports and and watching things i would name obama something like obama
The black destroyer, or Obama, the destroyer of blacks.
I mean, I would see him as a person who was waging war on blacks, if you just weighed things.
But see, that's the perfect genius of putting in the so-called black preacher, because that's what they've, as you said, trained him to do with the so-called black preacher there in Chicago, is to go out and stir up the new religion of hatred
But then you end up losing everything you've got.
You end up losing God.
You end up losing liberty.
You end up losing prosperity.
And in the end, all you've got is ten times the racism.
Talk about kill, steal, and destroy.
I mean, my gosh!
When it comes down to it, is not Obama, in a way, almost the devil to black people?
Well, I've called him the son of Satan, and he is indeed that, and he is a pimp, because that's what pimps do.
They destroy the people that they're alleged to represent, and the ignorance of those who are prostitutes for pimps
I believe that somehow or another the pimp has their best interest at heart.
So that's what I called him from day one.
That's what I labeled him from day one.
And that's exactly what he is manifesting.
And I think the world has began to see it.
But he's also destroying the liberals and the progressives as well, in terms of destroying the middle class and destroying the fiber of the nation and turning our nation over to the new world order, if you will, the deep pocket people.
Who are the banksters that I refer to as, the Wall Street types, and yet he has broken down all morality.
He has broken down all sense of who people were as Christians.
He has destroyed the fiber of the church.
I mean, it's absolutely incredible that he has been able to accomplish this through both of these, if you will.
Weak-minded groups.
They were weak-minded before Obama, I have to tell you that.
The black groups, the African-Americans, and the progressive liberals, if you will, they were all very weak-minded and didn't have a lot of moral strength.
Well sure, I mean, going back to Margaret Singer, that's what I was getting at, targeting black preachers like Reverend Jeremiah Wright and others to have them operate when, from what I've read and seen, they're not even Christians, they're communists and know full well what they're doing.
No, you're right about that.
And I think they should be called neo-Leninists, neo-communists, because their brand of communism is designed to be able, while at the same time have people think they have some sense of being a capitalist and having an economy that favors them in some regard.
But it certainly is a lie.
It isn't true.
Most people, especially blacks, are being kept at the very bottom
I think so.
I believe there are 70 million stoned down patriots, Christians, lovers of America who have just been too silent and have been too silent too long.
I agree with you, but what do we do when the liberty lovers of all race, color, and creeds start getting involved and start saying no and start voting out the bad guys?
Then the social engineers will simply stage terror attacks and blame it on us.
We have to be ready for that to expose these false flags.
I want your take on that, Pastor.
But in your gut, because you made a lot of predictions on this show, I think the first time you came on was actually six, seven, eight years ago, because it was at the other studio.
I've been here for about six, seven years.
You made a lot of predictions, even when Obama was running, that he would do all this.
And quite frankly, I kind of rolled my eyes, as I said earlier, at first, thinking it was a little too much.
I mean, I agree with a lot of what you were saying, but some of it I thought was sensational.
But reality always tends to be more sensational than what we can even dream up.
So, you've been right so far.
What's coming next?
What do you see Obama doing in his last two years?
Well, I can tell you this, that we're going to have a very difficult time here in America, mainly because Obama has neutered the Republican conservative establishment.
I mean, if you talk about Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, if you're looking politically at our nation, they have been neutered.
They have no power.
He has empowered
Those of the New World Order in terms of raising the stock market from 8,000 in December of 2007 to 18,000 points in December of 2014.
I'm sorry, 2008.
That's where the stock market was.
Yes, a giant bubble, the biggest ever.
So the wealthier are getting wealthier, and people will begin to feel the pinch of the economics.
And at that point in time, people have been getting prepared.
And I think most Americans are trying to be prudent about this.
People have been getting prepared.
They've been arming themselves.
They have been stocking up on arms.
They have been getting prepared to deal with our nation's leaders, or at least our homeland security types, and others, to defend ourselves.
I see within the next two years, as I stated on your show, Alex, going back six, seven years ago,
I did not see Obama leaving office in 2016, and by the way, that was just after the first election.
You'll mind you, the 2012 election had not taken place.
No, no, you've been coming on since he was first elected and predicting it.
So I don't see a smooth transition in 2016.
I mean, if you can just look at what's happening right here in New York City with Bill de Blasio, his hatred for police officers.
If you can look at what's happening now with Eric Holder, who's alleged to have resigned his office as Attorney General, yet he's still there.
If you could look at what is being fermented in the streets all over this nation, lawlessness is being fermented in the streets.
I can't imagine another 12 months of this without us having to hunker down and recognize it's us against them.
And I think that us is going to be greater than them.
And the other thing is, you know, there's old biblical, and it's not old, but it's a biblical teaching, Alex, that when Pharaoh was the dictator of Egypt and was oppressing the people worldwide, he had as his servants there the Jewish people.
And they were giving birth and young boys and growing in power and influence and Pharaoh became afraid of what the Jews would ultimately become in terms of their having power and to align themselves with other nations.
And so he began to kill off all the males that were born.
Somehow another Moses escaped.
What I want to use in that example is this, is that Obama is no fool and the people he serves or works for are not fools either.
They're looking at the tea leaves.
They're listening to you every day.
They know what you're saying.
And they know that tens of millions of people are listening to you every day.
Do you think they're going home
And so we're not paying attention to Alex Jones.
We're not paying any attention to anything he said.
No, that's not what they're doing.
They are getting ready when they feel that at some point.
There's been a tipping point, and the people are now ready to rise up and demonstrate they are the majority with absolute power.
Before that moment dawns, I believe you're going to see the kind of activity that went on in Boston with the so-called alleged Boston bombing, whereas whole cities will be shut down.
Planes will not fly.
Trains will not roll.
Buses and food supplies will not come in.
I think, in fact, I'm sure that's what they're going to do to try to prevent or preempt what is inevitable in our nation.
I agree.
Let's talk about that.
The type of false flags they're going to pull to try to bring all this in.
And it's not just the Alex Jones Show.
There are hundreds of shows, a lot of them with millions of listeners like yours, that are reaching out to people.
And there's so many voices now that get it.
I don't see how they could imprison a David Manning, or a Joseph Farah, or an Alex Jones, or a Matt Drudge, or the thousands of other prominent people.
They just can't stop the signal.
The word's out!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Others don't.
Waging war.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
When the blood runs hot.
Coming up, Obama secretly reaching out to Putin using Henry Kissinger.
Remember a few days ago we were covering Ukraine saying there's no nuclear accident?
Same place Chernobyl happened.
Radioactive leak at Ukraine nuke plant.
They've now admitted it.
We're gonna be breaking that down.
Oliver Stone has come out and said CIA fingerprints are all over Ukraine resolution.
Hollywood reporter.
And some, I saw, are criticizing him on the news.
The CIA admits it was involved.
George Soros gave a speech six months ago saying he was commanding it.
The State Department came out and said they spent $5 billion to do it.
We have video of the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
saying it.
Oliver Stone says the sun comes up in the morning.
Oh, that's really radical!
And again, they're not trying to overthrow Ukraine to put something better, and they're looting it.
They gave Joe Biden's son control of like a $14 billion company, and he has a big ownership stake in it that comes up to several billion.
His kid's right out of college.
He went and seized a whole bunch of areas that are controlled by the Russians and says it belongs to their kid now and the Russians built it.
The infrastructure that feeds into his gas company that then distributes it.
I mean, what a joke!
Why don't you just make Joe Biden's son the king of Ukraine?
That's the type of all-out corruption we're seeing right now.
I'm going to get to that in a moment.
Go back to Pastor Manning.
Your questions, your comments for Pastor Manning.
Here's the toll-free number.
What do you think about what he's saying?
I think it's spot on.
And when I underestimate something, I'm the first to admit it.
I'm usually dead on and super accurate, but I know there's a communist inlay in this, and the globalists use communism as a control arm, but really they're crony capitalists, monopoly men, deep pockets, as Pastor Manning was saying.
But really, the communists end up double-crossing the bankers all the time.
They really want to have a communist takeover.
It's communist tactics, kill the police, just the most violent, bring down the society, destabilize, cut off the food.
Eighty-plus million people died when Mao did this in China.
I mean, this is serious, dangerous stuff, okay?
Notice, Homeland Security isn't for the Muslim terrorists anymore, folks, the radical Islamists.
No, no, it's for the patriots, while the Democrats activate folks to go out and start burning stuff and killing people.
It's so obvious.
And then the cops go, I guess we're militarized.
See, we're getting shot at.
And then the journey towards tyranny is complete.
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Now, going back to Pastor James David Manning of atla.org, where you can find his radio and TV show and see all his predictions of seven, eight years ago.
When he really started going nationwide at that point, he had just been focused on trying to reform Harlem and trying to reach out to folks there, but he said that he saw Obama as such a threat and so evil to tear the country apart and start race war and all the rest of it, that he started coming out against him and going nationwide, and he joins us now.
I want to go to some phone calls at 800-259-9231, as well specifically for our guest.
But, Pastor, you've got the floor.
I've been asking the questions here.
I want you to finish up with some of the false flags, what you think they may pull to try to counter us, to shut down and lock down cities, which is clearly being prepared, and then what comes after that, and then other big topics that you're looking at and covering right now.
Well, I can tell you now the continuation of pushing the envelope of lawlessness in the streets, lawlessness and riotous behavior towards police officers and authority figures.
I don't
Let me just say this, Alex, before I move further.
I've launched a campaign here in New York City to take down race pimp Al Sharpton, and I want to take just a few moments to talk about that if I can.
Oh no, you've got the floor.
In fact, I meant to get to Al Sharpton.
Let's talk about the FBI rat demon who helps set people up and who loves the fact that half the black folks
I mean, not even Pharaoh could get that done with the Israelites.
He couldn't kill half their sons.
Half of the black people in this country have not been born.
And I guess he just thinks that's a great thing.
So tell us about Al Sharpton.
Well, I've launched a campaign to demand that MSNBC fires Al Sharpton.
And we're starting a national movement to boycott all the advertisers of MSNBC until they fire Al Sharpton.
He's a known race baiter.
He's got no business being on MSNBC.
Al Sharpton did not pull the trigger on a large number of deaths that are associated with his protest marches over the past 20 years.
He has been convicted in court as a liar and a hoax starter in the Tijuana Brawley event going back a few decades ago and was fined $380,000 that he never paid.
There was a fire here out of Freddie's Fashion Mart.
I don't
After that event, Al Sharpton left.
Two hours later, one of the persons that was in that protest and disciples of Al Sharpton came in, pulled a gun on the people in the store, forced them down into the basement, sprinkled lighter fluid on the clothing that was there, torched the place.
Eight people died.
The deaths of those young people is on the hands of Al Sharpton.
No actions were taken against him.
I've asked people to stand with me.
To boycott the advertisers of MSNBC until Al Sharpton has been fired.
Now, MSNBC has the lowest cable ratings.
I mean, probably while you were asleep, Alex, you got more people here in New York listening to you than MSNBC has nationwide.
Al Sharpton is a liability.
And I believe, Alex,
That we can take Al Sharpton down.
And in doing so, we'll have a victory over Obama and over these powers that are trying to destroy us.
And I think it's imperative that people unite with me, boycott the advertisers.
We've got a statement up on our website.
We've posted up on YouTube.
And we've got a list of the advertisers that should be boycotted against, including General Electric that owns MSNBC, but we're also going to take out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal calling for this boycott until Al Sharpton is gone.
It's a great idea.
I want to talk about it more, but let's not forget he lobbies to raise taxes on rich people, poor people.
He loves Obamacare that raised seven taxes on poor people, including payroll taxes, and he hasn't paid millions in taxes and doesn't get in trouble for it.
He's above the law.
Why do you think that is?
$5.4 million is what Al owes at this present moment.
He says he's worked out some sort of an agreement with the government on a payback schedule.
But I can tell you now, he's not going to pay the money.
First of all, because he doesn't have it.
But secondly, nothing is going to happen.
I've talked to people, Alex, who have the understanding of the tax structure, people who are leaders politically.
They've all agreed not one person has differed in their opinion.
The government, Obama, the federal government, the IRS, is not going to do one thing to Al Sharpton in terms of his owing of those taxes, and he's never going to pay them.
But yet he insists on taxes being raised on everybody else.
So that's where that's going to go.
It is unbelievable.
It'd be one thing if he was against taxes and was dodging them.
But he just promotes higher taxes and doesn't pay them.
No, he's not going to pay it!
He's not going to pay it!
I'll go ahead and shed us on your broadcast.
We are presently doing an investigation to see whether or not Al Sharpton is operating under a 501c3, which is a charitable religious organization, which his organization is not.
And only the 501c3 organization, which many people involve themselves in, and Al Sharpton, I believe, has done it.
We have not been able to conclude what the findings are, but we suspect that he's doing it.
And if he's doing it, he's doing it illegally.
Because you can't make a donation to an organization and get a tax-exempt status unless 501c3, 501c4, 501c whatever, will not allow a tax rebate.
So we believe, and we're going after that tax issue with Al Sharpton as well, and as soon as I get the word, I'd like to come back on your broadcast and let you know.
Please give us an update.
You let us know, because this is a great idea.
I mean, it's time to bring him down as a message to everybody, because he's been working for the nastier elements of the feds all along to destabilize things and create just mindless racial hatred that's not going to rest.
I'm sorry, he's a snitch.
The man's a snitch.
He's been working for the federal government.
He's a known drug dealer.
In order to raise money at a time when his income was very low, he took to selling drugs with the mafia and people within the Harlem community.
So, he needs to come down.
He needs to go.
I think people need to see this.
It needs to send a message that there's a power out there that we'll not tolerate.
And as you know, he's been to the White House 85 times.
Alex, imagine that!
Al Sharpton in the White House at dinners and special occasions, private sessions 85 times with Barack Obama.
He needs to go.
He needs to go.
Well that shows me right there that Reverend Wright and Reverend Sharpton and Reverend Obama is all calling.
I mean that shows it's not just a communist act.
They just love it.
I mean they must love Sharpton and all the evil.
He is so nasty.
Selling drugs to his own people.
Promoting abortion.
Creating demonstrations where they burn people up.
And then why would MSNBC hire such an openly evil person with a record like that?
Because Obama said that they should, and they did, thinking that that would give them access to Obama, make them privy to breaking news events.
And they also calculated, Alex, that Americans would be afraid to be called racist if they raised an issue about MSNBC hiring Al Sharpton.
They counted on that, and they counted
Well, but that's why they did it.
That's how they did it.
I'll make a prediction.
Their ratings slump would end if they put you on two times a day or myself or anybody else with commentary.
Even their own people would tune in to hear the debate.
There's no debate on that channel.
It is a bunch of lies and garbage.
So it almost doesn't matter because they almost have no viewers.
What do you think they're going to do as socialist, New World Order, race-baiting media dies
Are they just going to keep it on air as a facade?
As I stand before the Lord as I talk to you, Alex, as well, they're going to get rid of our shop.
First, they're going to dig in their heels.
They're not going to take it seriously.
Or they're going to try to give him some cover.
And possibly try to make some deal with me.
No deals will be made.
I'm not a sellout.
I'm not a traitor.
Al Sharpton must go.
He's killing his own people.
He's a drug dealer to his own people.
He's promoting abortion.
He's promoting destruction.
There is nothing that anyone can offer me to stop me, to get me off of this path.
Do people know what scum he is in Harlem?
He must go.
I mean, I'm surprised he can walk up and down the street.
Well you got a lot of scum in Harlem and I don't mean that to be a blanket statement about everybody here.
You got Charles Rangel here.
So he's kind of king of the scum then?
No, I mean, for the scum, you know, for the minority of folks that are bad and who think thug life is cool in Harlem, who is the king?
Who is the king rat in Harlem?
You got a lot of racist people in Harlem.
Black people are racist, Al.
I mean, they are hell-bent on racism.
They're getting more racist.
But right now, Sharpton is king.
He's king.
So he is the king.
No, he's king!
No doubt about it.
Nobody's coming closer.
He's king.
So Hitler was king of the Nazis.
Stalin was king of the Russian Communists.
Fidel Castro is the king of Cuba.
Would you say the king of Harlem is Al Sharpton?
Oh, I am fanatic, no doubt about it.
He is, and he's undisputed.
He's unchallenged as the king of Harlem.
And for most black people nationwide.
Yeah, that's right.
That's absolutely correct.
So if you promote killing 52% of black people before they're born, and you shell drugs to black people, and then set them up for the FBI, you're a hero.
I had a conversation on the phone last night with someone, I was discussing this very issue, of taking down Al Sharpton, and here's what he said to me.
He said, Pastor, there's an old saying, if you go after the king, make sure you kill him.
Because if you let him live, he's gonna come back for you.
So the fact that you've raised the fact that he's the monarchy, he wears the crown here in Harlem, and that this person referred to him as king, and he is king.
No, he is exactly king.
Obviously, and I was getting to this next for going to Brighton to come back with a few segments of calls.
That's what I'm saying.
You're in the middle of Harlem with your successful church helping people.
Folks need to pray for you.
You obviously didn't bring it up that it's dangerous.
This guy is a thug, is a gangster.
What he is is a mafia chief in my view.
And that's why Obama met with him 88 times.
So people need to pray for you because you're a warrior for truth in his camp.
I mean, in his kingdom, you are going up against him in his face.
You're not sitting down here in Texas doing it like I am.
You are going up against him right in his own devil nest, and God bless you for it.
Fortune favors the bold, and the fortune that Pastor Manning's looking for is freedom for his people and everybody else.
We'll be right back with your calls straight ahead.
We'll see if we can keep it a little bit in the next hour.
Steve, Corey, Frank.
And others stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Tamika, Larry, Frank, Corey, Steve, and many others, we're going to be taking your phone calls.
Pastor Madison, stay with us about 15-20 minutes into the next hour, then I'll shift gears and all the other news.
I haven't gotten to yet.
The latest on the leaking reactor over in the Ukraine.
The latest on Gruber.
Got a bunch of video clips I want to get to.
I want to break down some of these factory farms.
A new Nazi bunker has been discovered in Austria by a filmmaker.
banks and U.K.
banks too weak to survive another recession.
Some serious economic numbers.
Tomorrow we're going to go back in the archive
And have Charlton Heston, David de Rothschild, Viggo Mortensen, Joe Rogan, Mike Judge, Rowdy Rowdy Piper, and Sean Stone, Willie Nelson, Russell Brand, and others for that retransmission.
Just some of the interesting guests we've had on.
Pastor Manning is our guest.
I want to go to calls here, but
And I'm not trying to lionize either, I say that a lot, but I'm not just saying it for hype that Pastor Manning has a lot of courage.
I've been to Harlem a few times, I've been to New York many times, but from what I've read and heard, if you shoot your mouth off about Al Sharpton or others, some bad things can happen.
I mean, he is a thug, he is tied into the mafia, the FBI, Obama.
So we need to recognize your courage calling for the boycott and his firing of this monstrous king of the pimps.
In fact, we're going to name this video today.
What should we name it, Pastor Manning?
Al Sharpton, King of the Pimps?
Al Sharpton, uh... Well, it's certainly Al Sharpton, King of... You can call it Pimps, King of Races, King of the Scum.
Either one of those will work.
Alright, we'll go with King of the Scum.
Well, if you're going to go after the King, you might as well go after him, huh?
No point in half-stepping on this.
It's either all or nothing.
So winner take all on this one, Alex.
Well, what do you expect?
We're going to go to break and come back with Steve and all the callers.
But what, in your gut, because I agree, he's ripe to fall.
You just are kind of the wind that blows through and knocks him over and people get behind you.
And I think they will with the Twitter and Facebook campaign.
We're going to get behind this with you, Pastor, and get some articles out and have you back next week.
What are you expecting and what type of stuff have you heard happening?
I mean, we know people get burned up in their house and stuff like that when Sharpton doesn't like them, but what else have you heard might happen to you?
Well, I have had Sharpton agitators and infiltrators in our church worship services.
They've come to some of our town hall style meetings.
In fact, a couple of them actually became members of our church to some degree.
Uh, so I've been infiltrated by the Sharpton and the Rangel crowd for some time.
And so you end up waking them up?
Well, no, they came to try to find out exactly what I was doing, where I was vulnerable, to see where the weak spots were in the church.
Excuse me?
No, I know, but are you saying that you were able to get some of them to wake up?
Yeah, of course.
And that's where I want to go next.
Thanks for saying that.
Because as a result of what I'm doing, the stand that I've taken, a number of people in the community have come to me privately and said to me, just keep doing what you're doing.
We are with you.
They don't want to take a public stand right now because they don't know that I'm going to succeed.
But they want me to know that they are with me and encouraging me, and should I have a need, I believe they're going to be there.
I believe people are just waiting to see someone take down this king of the scum, and then they can come out and shout and stand and align themselves with me.
I tell you, if I get that opportunity to have that kind of leadership, you're going to see a fresh breeze blow through America nationwide.
And I'm asking people to please pray with me that we get an opportunity to refresh America by taking out Al Sharpton and his likes.
Well, you know, biblically and historically, that's how it works.
When king rats start falling, it's like dominoes.
We've just got to have faith, pray about it, but take that first step.
And so we've certainly got to help you and pray for you and get behind you.
Just amazing.
So exciting.
Pastor Manning's our guest.
We're going to come back and go right to your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Pastor Manning, James David Manning, atla.org.
I mean, I just wanted to get him on about how the system's trying to stir up division and race war, and how out of control it's getting, and that it pretty much legitimizes any real police brutality, because then it makes anybody who's against police brutality look like a cop killer.
So sick.
We're taking your phone calls.
Pastor Manning's with us right now.
Steven in Florida, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Next we'll go to Tamika.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I just wanted to say something to get Pastor Manning's response to this.
There's a lot of reasons why America's in the shape it's in, but as a Bible-believing Christian for almost 36 years now, I think I can safely say that the main reason America is going in the direction it is is because Christianity in America has become such a joke.
It is no threat to the devil and its forces, and we're powerless to stop what's going on.
No, I agree.
They have all these fake preachers, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but then they've got them on the Republican side as well that just go along with the system, and they just preach a religion of going along with the system, whereas you have Pastor Manning, who's right there in Harlem,
That's what I got to earlier.
Having an effect for decades, feeding the poor, saving people, and getting in the face of the drug dealers, getting in the face saying it's not cool to be scum, it's not cool to be thugs, it's not cool to want to kill cops, and he's there, and now going up against Al Sharpton.
Let me get his take on this.
What do you say to what Steve's saying?
Steve is absolutely right.
The foundation of our nation and the foundation of our future lies in the strength of the church.
But the church has been neutered, it has been castrated, and we've got all these phony false prophets standing in these pulpit, these panty waist lollipop, if you will, preachers preaching these syrupy sermons without the strength.
And so therefore,
We have the problems that we have in America now.
And we're not going to be able to take America back through any kind of a political movement without the power of the church first standing up and bringing us back to our moral and Christian stance.
So, Steve is absolutely right.
If we overlook the fact that the church
Has not played the role as it should biblically, scripturally, then if we overlook that, then we're never going to see.
That's why I believe that God's got me in Harlem as a pastor for 30 years, Alex.
I've been there 33 years in Harlem as a preacher, and I've not turned to the right nor to the left.
I've been offered opportunities to sell out and do all kinds of things with Fox News and all that.
I've turned it all down!
Because I recognize that once I lose my soul and my connect and my ability and integrity to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have absolutely nothing.
I've never heard Al Sharpton say Jesus.
Has anybody out there in the audience ever heard this man say Jesus?
He's never said it!
I never heard Jesse say it.
Now, they might have, but I've never heard him use the name Jesus or the word.
Well look at Reverend Wright.
It's classic liberation theology communist garbage.
It's just so sad because then it creates racism.
It's the opposite of what Martin Luther King taught that I totally agree with.
Judge a person on the character and their deeds and what they stand for.
Judge a tree by the fruits, quote in Christ.
They do the opposite.
They say judge somebody by their skin color.
He's not a Christian.
Anybody in Jeremiah's right church for 20 years, and she knows what it is to be a member of a church, you've got to agree with their policies, their belief, their thinking.
And I says he believes in killing babies in the womb.
He even said he would want his own daughter to kill his grandchild in the womb.
How could you as a Christian be for him?
She said, but he's black, Pastor Manning.
He's black, and we black people got to stick together.
I've never heard anything as horrible as that.
Yeah, well you stick together, not killing all your babies.
We'll be right back.
I'm gonna throw up.
Stay with me.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Think of all those children in the womb.
All they want is their mother and father to stand by them.
Why is it even debated that we shouldn't be aborting children, especially in the second and third trimester, instead of promoting it like it's an activist thing to do, you know, an act of your selfishness to kill your child and use the very rare excuse of rape as a reason to say it's okay, and then people like Al Sharpton
And Jesse Jackson push it and say it's good and Planned Parenthood is part of getting folks out to demonstrate, to create racial division, saying black lives matter when they are the group set up to exterminate black people by Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler set up his model off of Margaret Sanger.
I don't want to digress off into that anymore.
It just makes me really get upset by how evil these social engineers are.
I want to go to Frank Tamika.
Larry, Corey, and Rich before Pastor Manning leaves us at 20 After.
So let's go quickly to the calls.
Let's talk to Frank in North Carolina.
You're on the air with Pastor Manning.
Hi, Pastor Manning.
Go ahead.
I'm a big admirer of your courage since the first campaign of the long-legged Mac Daddy.
I just had two quick questions.
Are you still experiencing harassment from the federal agents like you were back during the campaigns?
And also,
I'd like to get your take on what's behind Obama from your experience, and have you seen any evidence from your position that, like Alex has stated, that the Jewish Mafia is at the heart of the New World Order?
Have you seen any evidence of that?
Well, I can tell you I have not had the experience of any later, latter if you will, confrontation with the CIA, Homeland Security, or any of the other agencies set to shut me up about Obama for whatever reason.
They backed off and have not had any physical contact.
Also, with respect to your last question of the Jewish Mafia, I don't know how or who it is that Obama... I can tell you this, that there are people in Obama's administration
That have a Jewish heritage, and in fact, most of the people that he first chose are part of his first administration, have a Jewish heritage, if you will.
Whether they comprise a mafia, I don't know.
But I can tell you that he had a whole lot of them in his administration.
Well, let me expand on that.
The caller was putting words in my mouth.
I don't think a Jewish mafia runs the planet.
I have talked about how there is basically a left-wing, communist-associated Jewish mafia.
That's on record.
Some of the Bolsheviks and the rest of it.
Saul Alinsky, you name it.
But they hate religious Jews.
And so it's very diverse in Israel.
There's three or four big power blocs.
Look at all the trouble Netanyahu's in right now.
And so, again, there's an obsession out there with making it black, white, Jewish, Christian, you know, over and over again about who is behind this and who is behind that.
I just say I oppose this new world order.
I mean, Obama's got a ton of Jewish groups against him for the things he's been doing.
Trying to greenlight Palestine.
Yeah, there are some very green, some very orthodox Jews that are definitely diabolically opposed to Obama and Netanyahu.
So you're absolutely right, Alex, about, you know, who is or who does support Obama.
It's a pleasure to be on your show, Alex.
Hi guys!
I've been listening to you now for a couple of months.
I started following with the whole Ferguson thing with Joe Biggs and Shikari Jack.
And you said earlier, what would be the title for Al Sharpton?
And I thought, hmm, The Slumdog Millionaire, who has succeeded at convincing Tim Panzee they can dance on the head of a pin.
All the while, he's laughing to the bank.
Absolutely, that's kind of a long headline.
Sounds like a Kurt Vonnegut headline, but it's pretty good.
I actually stole that from you when I was trying to show my grandfather.
He listens to Rush every day.
And I told him, I said, you know pops, you gotta listen to Alex Jones.
So I showed him the CNN clip of you in tears going at it.
And I actually got that from you.
Well, you're a sweetheart.
I mean, I knew I'd heard that before.
I was saying, yeah, you know, I'm not going to debate how many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pen.
He's like, do you know this statistic?
Do you know that statistic?
And I had a list of statistics right there.
He wouldn't let me talk.
So I just kind of took over.
Did you have a question or a comment, Tameka?
My question slash comment, I really, really enjoy with you guys, what you guys are doing.
Part of my issue is I don't see the men stepping up and taking their role in society.
That's it.
You know, you have a lot of people that are crying out and that are calling for things to change.
And you have women like myself out here.
I was invited to run for a state House of Representatives seat.
And when I read, they were like, well, you know, you're going to come under the Democrats.
You'll be perfect.
And I'm like, wait a minute.
I don't, I don't like the Democratic Party.
Then I started researching the Republicans and I'm like, I don't like them either.
So it's very difficult when you have... Well, that's why you've got to run.
Well, whether it was as a real Democrat or as a real, you know...
Conservative run using the party as a platform, but the Democrats are the monolithic cult.
We have a chance for the Republicans to take over with the Tea Party.
That's what I would do.
That's the best shot.
The enemy's response is built around trying to stop that because it's one of the few spots we can politically change things.
But as Pastor Manning has said, I believe just politically saying no, speaking out, that will bring the system down.
It needs our passive acquiescence.
Thank you, Tameka.
Any comments to what she was asking before we go to Corey?
Only that she's right, that men need to step up and be men again in this nation.
And that's a major part of the problem.
That would be problem for segment number two.
First, the church needs to stand up.
But the church must inspire men to be men.
They must take away this Betty Friedan, the ideas that have been distributed in the 60s about women.
And not that women are not to be respected, loved, and cherished.
There's an idea that men have to be down for women to be up.
Yeah, well that's not the way it should be.
And it's never been that way in society until recently.
And we've got to understand that the church needs to start preaching that men need to rise up, stand up, be leaders and defenders.
Listen, here in the community of Harlem and communities like this across America, 8 out of every 10 households, Alex, is headed by women.
And the men are nowhere to be seen, for the most part.
We've got a terrible situation going on.
Now, it may not be that way in other races or groups, but we do see the demise of men, and as a result of that, the destruction of this nation.
Well, it's just a fact.
I mean, all the sociological numbers show it conclusively.
Good point.
Corey in Vermont.
You're on the air with Pastor Manning.
Go ahead.
Hey, how are you guys doing?
I want to thank you guys for, you and Pastor Manning, for all the information you guys give us and the truth sharing that you do.
And also, Alex, a special thanks for not only do you try to give us the truth and information, but you try to make us better as humans.
And you try to make me better as a man.
Because we're all in this together, brother.
If we don't come together...
We're going to lose everything.
That's why people thank me and I say, please don't.
I'm trying to survive here and stop pure evil from taking over.
So this is self-interest.
And I do care about people, but listen, it's not heroic to fight this.
It's that so few do it, so people call it heroic.
Okay, now it is heroic to go up against that, you know, slum rat gangster Sharpton in his own area, like Pastor Manning is.
That's dangerous in my view, but he's doing it.
So any questions or comments for Pastor Manning?
Kind of a comment, hopefully you guys can, what I've come to, you know, and I know you're totally against this, but what I've come to realize is there's too many politicians, there's too many, they're so entrenched in our everyday lives, and there's no way we're going to be able to vault these people out.
So I don't believe it's going to, we won't be able to do it unless it's done by force.
Let me get his comment on that.
If you stop buying GMO food, it won't be there anymore.
If you stop going to Hollywood movies, it won't be there anymore.
So, I mean, vote with your dollars, vote with your actions.
You have power, and the political class will follow, just like a tail follows a dog.
Pastor Manning?
Yeah, you're absolutely right about that.
And we need to understand that we can't at the same time support and then step back and complain that which we are supporting.
I mean, it doesn't make very much sense to do that.
So people have got to come to terms with that idea.
But the other thing, Alex, I'd like to point up is when the young man said he appreciates what you do.
I think it's a salient point.
That you try to make people better.
You're not just out espousing a political point of view, but you're also trying to make people's lives more enriched.
And whether you're going to receive their thanks or not, they're thankful because they realize that they're growing as a result of what you put out there.
I appreciate that.
It's just that I know how lacking I am, and so I appreciate that caller.
He was very nice.
It's just that I'm humble inherently, and I understand.
I mean, I think the listeners, they're the real power of this show, and so that's what I'm getting at, is just that I'm thankful to them.
Well, I understand your position, but I also understand his position as well.
He's growing.
He's being helped by you.
And I want to say amen to what he said.
That's what I want to say.
Well, amen to him.
I'm very thankful.
I grow from talking to you and Ron Paul and countless other people.
We're all growing together is what I'm getting at.
We're all in this together.
That's why they want us fighting with each other.
In closing, we're going to have you back up next week to get an update on the Al Sharpton situation and your move that's on your site, otla.org, to get him fired MSNBC.
I fully back what you're saying and appreciate your courage.
Do you expect we're going to see any police officers gunned down tonight as some are promising?
Well, I pray that we do not.
I pray that we do not.
But I have to tell you that a couple of weeks ago, a group of protesters threw a bucket of pig's blood on the face of Police Commissioner Bratton in Times Square.
They're probably going to be better prepared tonight.
I just pray that it doesn't happen, but I cannot assure you that it will not.
Well, I'm skipping this network break so we can take a few more calls.
I know you've got to go in about five minutes.
Again, Pastor Manning, Otlet.org is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you just tuned in, InfoWars.com is our site and PrisonPlanet.com.
But Pastor...
When I see, and we're going to do other video reports on this, we've done this, but we've pulled up the video of the groups that in New York and in Missouri, because our reporters have been there and seen it,
And in many other areas, where it's not a black-white thing, but like Seattle and other areas, they bring in anarchists from universities, government-funded, they house them in government buildings or pay for hotels for them, they're 20, 25-year-old trust fund kids, white kids, almost to a person, and then they go out with the signs, and then they go out with, link back to Democratic Party groups and say, deck the halls with dead cops and kill cops and maul off cocktails, and they don't get in trouble.
I was talking to some police officers this weekend, ran into two different ones that came over and talked to me, they're listeners.
They all know about this now, so that's good news, that the Feds and the Democrats, even a lot of Feds are upset, are in there.
How do they think they're going to get away with openly trying to make demonstrations against police activity, which are protected under the First Amendment, and I support whether they're right or wrong.
Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong.
I'll fight to the death for their right, but
This, this attempt to connect demonstration with killing police, I don't know how in Missouri, and we have the video, we played it three or four times, and in New York, they chant in front of the police, kill police, kill police, deck the halls with dead cops, kill police.
That's not free speech to say, go kill someone.
I mean, when somebody comes here who's been threatening me or wants to kill me, or sometimes somebody who doesn't, the police show up.
I mean, they deserve the same, just to say they're dehumanized, let's randomly kill cops.
It's so bold of Obama and the Justice Department, who've been caught financing this cop killer video in New York that aired one week before the cops got killed.
What do you think the grand strategy is?
Because that shakes me to my core, that they're so bold they're doing this, and they're getting away with it, and then I see these
Now when I say pasty, I'm not attacking their skin color.
These soft, Kim Jong-un looking white kids, who just toddling around, chanting, kill cops, kill cops, trying to agitate black people into doing this, who are desperate under this economic system.
And who do face a lot of problems.
It makes me so angry.
How do they get these young, rich, communist kids to go out and do this?
Because I can't go to these demonstrations because if I see one of them doing this, they're so disgusting, I'm going to be honest, I'll punch them in the nose.
So how do you deal with being around them?
I think we have to go back to the 60s, mid-60s, when the Black Panther Party was founded, and we have to then understand something about the communists, avowed communists, Angela Davis, who was involved in all of that.
Pastor, your audio cut out some.
Can they try to check the wires?
Because I want you to be able to finish your statement.
No, we're gonna give you a moment to mess with it.
It's got a big buzz on it and we're gonna come back and let you finish.
Otlo.org, Pastor Manning.
You know, I'm kind of ranting here today because we should be upset.
We're so comfortable with all this evil.
We're so comfortable with Obama saying, I'll just open the borders and legalize all the illegals.
I'll just sign executive orders banning gun importations.
I'll just sign executive orders shutting down power plants.
And then Congress does nothing.
We should be up in arms.
That's normal.
That's why I like Pastor Manning.
He's upset.
He's getting people upset.
I mean, Al Sharpton wants people to be upset and, you know, go out and engage in all this idiocy.
How about we really be upset about the private Federal Reserve?
How about we really be upset about real issues?
How about we get upset about Al Sharpton and call for him to be fired?
How about we do things like that to show these thugs we're not afraid of them?
And if we can't fix your audio, it's okay, Pastor.
I want you to have the final word and we'll talk to you next week, sir, and I wish you a great new year.
Were we able to fix his audio?
That's the magic of Skype.
Oh, we're reconnecting?
He has like super good Skype, good audio, and then I can't tell if it's on his end, our end, or in between.
But we are getting Pastor Manning reconnected right now.
The reason I sound more and more desperate on air is that we're having so many games against tyranny, so many people awakening, and I thank you all that call in and thank me, but
I'm like somebody telling you, your house is on fire.
I mean, you know, it might burn my house down if yours burns down.
And I thank you, and I appreciate your encouragement, and God bless you.
But we're all in this boat together.
We're all bailing together trying to get to the shore.
And we are so close to having a huge awakening.
It's already begun.
The brush fires of liberty are set.
But the globalists know that, and they are pulling out all the stops, not just here, but worldwide.
This is an epic time to be alive.
2014's about to end.
2015 is about to come in.
And this is the time to challenge, I mean, Jeb Bush, Hillary, the most respected in these fake polls, give me a break.
This is poll pushing.
Push polls to manipulate perception.
We've got to demand new grassroots people at the county, city, state, into the federal level, change things and say, we want due process.
We, as hard-working people of every race, color and creed, demand tyranny back down.
We demand the corruption back off.
And if you say that with righteous indignation and the facts, people in government and corporations, they want freedom as well.
It's the top that's corrupt.
If we do that,
Then we can have a peaceful move that can really make things better.
But the globalists know that a peaceful revolution of ideas cannot be stopped, so they want a violent one because they got a chance to at least make some money and get some power off the chaos while we're killing each other.
So that's why I never criticized the police and the police state that was growing because I hated cops.
I criticized it because I knew it was an instrument to take down our country, and we're now here.
Pastor Manning, we got your audio back, I believe.
You've got the floor in the last few minutes, and I'll let you go, because I know you've got to go, but you were making some points.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I think, and with respect to your last issue about the white kids, communists that trust fund kids that are out in the street without responsibility, agitating, and, you know, songs such as Deck the Halls with Heads of Cops.
We have to go back to the 60s to understand the formation of the Black Panther Party.
And I, too, agree.
People have the right to demonstrate.
It's a constitutional right.
When I want to do it, I want to be able to do it.
But you remember, the Black Panthers started the Black Panther Party carrying weapons openly in the street.
As long as they were open, they could carry them.
But Angela Davis, a communist, an avowed communist, fell in love having sex with one of the Soledad Brothers in prison out there in Marion County, California, then went into a courtroom, shot and killed the judges out there to release one of the Soledad Brothers.
In order for us to understand the level of anarchy, we need to look at that.
We need to look at what happened in 1968 at the Democratic National Convention when the same kind of young white kids were in the street with their protests and their violence, if you will, overthrow of government motif that they were using.
Recently, as you know, Obama has now began to normalize relationship with Cuba.
There's a woman in Cuba named Joanne Cheshire Meyer.
I think that
We have seen this picture before.
We've seen this act and this mindset before.
As we were talking with Steve a few moments ago, the church is the foundation, as you have pointed out.
Men have got to stand up and be men and defend their homes and defend their rights again.
But we also cannot overlook the continued influence of communism in our nation that, for whatever reason, intrigues young white folk between the ages of 17 and 37.
I mean, they just love it!
It gives them the opportunity to rebel against capitalism and their father's wealth.
It gives them the opportunity to rebel against the established government.
And so communism is as attractive as sex and drugs to these young people.
And understanding it from that point of view, we can then begin to realize what's happening here in our nation.
You've been on fire today, Pastor.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
We'll talk to you next week with an update on the king rat, the king of the scum, Al Sharpton.
God bless you.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
Happy New Year.
All right, we're going to go to break.
Come back and go to Rich, Chuck, Kevin, Richmond, and Felipe, and others.
Now, going back to the Black Panther Party, there were some good people originally in it.
In my research, some of them were bad.
The new Black Panther Party is run by the Justice Department.
Open carry is a way to say, hey, we have a right to own guns.
But the reason that... See, Martin Luther King was all about peace, so they killed him and then funded groups that would get into violence to discredit demonstrations.
It's really the same thing happening over again, and it's very dangerous.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Another time.
In the age of wonder.
Another world.
Another time.
As life was green and good, until the crystal cracked.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow we have a very special rebroadcast.
We've never done this before.
We've interviewed so many interesting people that this is only part one.
We're going to do this again in the future.
Tarleton Heston, David Rothschild, Viggo Mortensen, Joe Rogan, Mike Judge, Rowdy Piper and Sean Stone, Willie Nelson and Russell Brand excerpts.
of those interviews tomorrow in the first two hours in our interview with Gerald Cilente about three weeks ago with his trends for 2015.
That is the rebroadcast tomorrow.
Then I'll be back live, Lord willing, so I take nothing for granted, in studio, 4 to 6 p.m.
I'll also be live 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Friday with the broadcast.
I want to address this because it's become an issue
I don't want to sound ignorant of how people feel and I don't want to sound arrogant as well.
When folks call in and thank me,
It'll be, it happens all the time on the street, like a great family with their kids, they're all looking at me super intensely with like love in their eyes.
It gets humbling.
I mean, it's like, I don't like, it's okay, I know we have to honor folks that we think have done a good job, but you know, you win an award or something, you go to an award banquet, I've done that a few times, you give a speech, you're the guest of honor and everybody's looking at you, how great you are.
A lot of people love that.
To me,
I just think of how I let people down and how much more I should be doing.
And I really am the opposite of a narcissist.
When I was 18, you know, I guess I'd look in the mirror and think, man, you're handsome, but not really since then.
Plus, I'm not that handsome now.
I'm just not a narcissist, and it's this narcissistic society that makes me sick.
And I'm not saying you're calling in being narcissistic.
You're being the opposite, telling me how great I am.
I'm just saying it's not exceptional to want to fight corruption and not be a slave.
That's a normal instinct.
I know that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and so you guys are trying to honor the fact that we're fighting this tyranny.
Thank you.
But please honor yourself and your own family in the fact that you care about freedom, and you're researching what's happening, and you're seeking the truth, and you want to make a better world.
You care that autism is set to be half the population by 2025 in a major MIT report that came out last week.
You care that cancer rates are up several thousand percent in adults, ten thousand percent plus in children.
You care that they're moving ahead with forced inoculation.
You care that Obama's becoming a dictator.
You care they're trying to take our guns.
You care they're trying to start a war with Russia.
You care they're funding radical Islamic groups to destabilize the world.
You're involved!
I admire you!
And so imagine being on the air and person after person calls in and tells you how great you are.
If it happened a little bit, it'd be fine.
It's just it's so much that it pretty much has the opposite effect because if I'm this great, I better do an even better job is what I'm trying to say.
I don't like being probably the most dominant person when it comes to fighting the New World Order on the planet.
I mean there's Ron Paul, there was the Czech Republic president, he's out of office now, he was known for fighting it.
There's Nigel Farage, he's big in Europe.
There's, I mean there's really, there's really nobody else.
George Norrie talks about these topics, probably has a bigger audience overall than I do in the US, undoubtedly, but not worldwide.
And he's a great guy.
And has a lot of courage bringing what he's brought onto his show.
Believe me, he bucked the system to do that.
So, I don't know, it's kind of like looking out the door of a plane before you skydive.
When people tell me how great I am, it's like bringing me up to the door.
And, I'm looking down at eternity here, and, um,
I don't know, it's kind of like I'm just a regular guy, and in the Roman Colosseum, I'm being thrown in against the top gladiator of the enemy.
Everybody's like, yeah, we're counting on you!
And it's just like... And I'm like, okay, I'm gonna try to do the best job I can, but I'm saying the power is with you!
You have the power!
You are the resistance!
You are the answer!
I was there praising Manning and he wasn't particularly liking it.
And I get it.
You know, the courage he has and how great he is.
Because he knows he's on a mission.
He hates watching people destroyed by the gangster and drug culture.
And I understand where he comes from.
So I get it.
I wanted to praise him.
You wanted to praise me.
Let's all just praise God together for the fact that we've got that spark of liberty in our hearts and want justice.
And I pray that I can be sanctified and purified by the Spirit of Christ and be a true vessel against evil.
It's just that I am a fallen creature, and I'm very self-aware, and I'm aware of my soul, and I know what a fallen person I am.
I mean, if you knew me, people would say, oh, he's a pretty moral guy, keeps his word, nice guy, takes care of his kids, you know, is friendly, tips well.
You know, I'm a nice guy.
But at the same time, I can feel the immense wickedness of all my generations, all my race memories, all my genetics, everything my ancestors did.
Old-timers always knew in every culture that you pass on the sins of those before you, also the good traits.
Well, that's genetic memory now, ladies and gentlemen, and so I carry the genetic memory of everything my ancestors did, and let me tell you,
I can feel it, I can look into my memory, I can see it.
A lot of it's really bad.
And so I think that's... I'm not getting into things about myself right now.
I only use it as an example to analyze the human condition.
That's why all of you inherently, if you're a good person, you feel guilty and humbled.
Evil people feel great!
And the world manipulates good men and women because they know we feel guilty, because we're aware of sin, we're aware of corruption, we're aware of mutations, we're aware of problems, we're aware of traumas, not just in our lives, but in our genetic line.
It's there.
Crystallized in the DNA.
And so the system tells us, do what we say and we'll absolve you of the guilt, so we end up serving the system.
Okay, I'm for Obamacare, don't call me racist.
Oh, okay, I'll turn my guns in, don't call me mean.
Okay, I'll let my wife make all the decisions and boss me around and turn into Jezebel and turn everything over to the state because I want to prove I'm going along with the system.
That's designed to destroy us!
So all I want on my tombstone is, I did as good as I could.
That's it.
I tried.
But I'm not promising anything here, folks.
And let me tell you something.
Don't have faith in me.
Have faith in God to lead, guide, and direct you into 2015.
Because those of us that have discernment saw this coming a long time ago, historically.
Now, you don't have to have discernment to see what's coming on like a freight train.
And it gets closer and closer and closer.
Everything we've all seen already, you think this is something, this is just the vanguard, this is just the scouts of the New World Order assessing and beta testing and wargaming and market testing everything they've done so far ahead of the big finale.
And let me tell you, the police are scared out there?
They should be.
They're scared deep down at an instinctive level, not because they think some gangbangers are going to shoot a few dozen cops.
That's terrible, but in the aggregate, more will die in car wrecks this weekend.
The police have great concern because in their gut, and they're charged with that, so even if it's been corrupted on average, it is an ancient office to be the warriors in the town.
And so, they understand the country's betrayed, it's almost lost, everything's being overthrown, we're being prepared for bondage, we're being brought into bondage.
And it's a very sad thing.
I sit here on the wall heralding as the town crier chronicling the enemy operations as best I can.
And for that, I deserve no thanks.
Because, I mean, why would I not warn people if you know this information?
That's the question!
If you know this, you should be climbing the walls to warn everybody!
And not thinking you have to do it through InfoWars or Prison Planet.
If you want to use those names, help promote us, whatever, fine.
Start your own organization as well.
Just don't infight.
The enemy will try to shut you down doing that.
Go out, wake others up, bring people together, promote freedom.
You build it, they will come.
Run for City Council.
Run for Water Commission.
Run for Student Council.
Write for the local newspaper.
Start your own newspaper.
Start your own website.
Offer to go intern on Local Talk Radio!
I did it!
Get on air!
Just come on!
Because I know in my gut, and in my spirit, as sure as the sun rose this morning and will set this evening, there are people listening to me right now, around the world, and in the United States, that if you decided to make that spiritual decision to stand against evil, and ask God to come into you, and to take control of you, and to direct you as an imperfect vessel,
You would change the world more than I've changed it.
I know there are people there listening that have everything it takes, the right stuff, to take it to the enemy.
I know we can beat them!
And I'm mad at myself that I don't have the energy or the will to carry out all the plans I want to carry out.
So I'm telling you folks, none of us can do everything, all of us can do something, and that's the epic moment in history we've now arrived at.
In 2014, it's already 2015 in parts of the world.
Let me show a global time map of where is it 2015 right now.
Out in the Pacific, right?
365 days a year, the planet orbits that sun.
It's been orbiting and orbiting for so long.
And we have our lives here in the middle of this epic adventure.
Of being conscious.
Of being alive.
It's amazing.
It's blessed.
It's over the top.
Is it already?
What are the... Kuwait City, it's 10.45.
Kuala Lumpur, it's 3.45am, so I guess it's already.
Already the next day.
7.45pm in London.
I'll go to your phone calls.
Sometimes though you, I mean you do when you're doing this all the time, you just get caught up in how crazy it is.
And that governments have stolen thousands of trillions of dollars and other currencies to build underground bases everywhere and incredible cloning operations and just sci-fi stuff.
I mean we're not in Kansas anymore as they say.
We are in crazy town.
I mean look at this.
Two different national security reports
And then another speech by General Jones when he was the head of the National Security Council.
And all these statements about how Henry Kissinger runs the West for the Rockefellers and how they have to call him daily to be told what to do.
That's treason.
And then here's Bloomberg.
Inside Obama's secret outreach to Russia, they won't talk to John Kerry, but Putin will talk to Henry Kissinger.
Obama secretly reaches out to Putin using Kissinger.
That's the guy that says they're going to use riots to bring in world government.
And there you go.
He just writes books about it all, just it's funny to rub our noses in it.
Radioactive leak at major Ukrainian nuclear plant, report RT.
So now they've come out and admitted that Life News has published
That the State Emergency Services of Ukraine leaked that they admit there was some kind of accident, and the President has said admit it three days ago, but they won't, and now this report's been leaked.
Just like Chernobyl.
I hope it wasn't big like Chernobyl, but something's going on there.
Look at this headline.
The NYPD is essentially refusing to do its job, and yet New York hasn't collapsed into chaos.
Free thought project.
The NYPD has basically stopped doing its job.
Since the murder of officers Raphael Ramos and Wenjian Liu earlier this month, according to reports, the New Yorker, New York Daily News.
The Post reported an arrester down 66% in the week following the deaths of officers from the same period in 2013.
And then it just goes on to say the police are not out doing a lot of regular police work.
Yeah, I think New York's overly policed.
I've been treated horribly by New York police officers almost every time I've been there.
Does that mean they need to be shot in the head?
But the attitude is that we have a huge criminal city, we've got to act tough and have this facade up or people come after us.
I think you act tough when somebody pushes you.
You don't act tough when a terrorist is videotaping
Wall Street, and you walk over and tell them they can't have a handheld camera, and there's no law, and then the person says, well, we can do this in Texas, and the cop says, I'm gonna take you to jail and knock your teeth out right now.
That's North Korea.
That's shameful.
But see, I'm criticizing the behavior of particular people, not projecting it onto a whole group.
Like the Obama administration does, saying that, you know, veterans and gun owners are terrorists, they're gonna kill everybody.
I mean, that's just pure garbage.
But I'll tell you about New York City and New York State.
Criticism for proposed asset forfeiture seizure law.
This is out of the New York Daily News.
Packed into a hot, crowded conference room for a public hearing on Monday, almost two dozen speakers denounced a proposed Orange County law that would allow authorities to seize and keep cash and other assets involved
In misdemeanor drug cases, once the defendant has been convicted or pleads guilty.
Well, they already have a federal program where they allow up to 85% of the money to go back to local cops, state police, you name it, in the state level, if it's through the feds.
And they take money when no drugs are found from old ladies.
So, I think all this asset formature seizure is a really, really, really, really bad idea.
It really is.
It's because it always gets abused and always funds it.
The big banks launder the drug money for heaven's sakes.
So yeah, there's a lot of legitimate criticisms out there, but you become worse than the worst cops.
Tell ya, the crazies that go out and shoot cops are really bad, but they did it though.
It's the people all over the internet trying to stir it up.
It reminds me of what girls would do in junior high and high school where they would go tell their boyfriend
That they've been dating you or something just so they can start a fight with you?
There's always just a few girls that did that.
They were always starting fights, always getting their boyfriends to go beat somebody up or get in a fight.
Or if they came and hit on you and you didn't go out with them, then they would tell their boyfriend something?
But it's much worse, a thousand times worse.
These people are just out trying to stir up a civil war, and it's all a bunch of World of Warcraft video game heads, from what we've seen, who just think it's like entertainment.
But they admit that war is a big sport on television, real war.
Well, you know what?
You actually get it, you're not going to like it.
A real war.
Not a bunch of make-believe where you play Sony PlayStation that says, the adventure begins.
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Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Does it make it easier on you if you got someone to blame?
Will it make it easier on you now?
I'm not going to blame black people or white people or cops.
I'm going to blame the New World Order.
They engineered it.
They run it.
They call the shots.
I blame David Rockefeller.
I blame Henry Kissinger.
I blame Lord Rothschild.
I blame Queen Beatrix and her son, the King.
I blame Ted Turner.
I blame the Rockefellers.
I blame Elizabeth Queen.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the 27th or whatever she calls herself secretly.
I say secretly, it's in the documents, but it's public, but not well known.
I blame the people that have set up this nightmare planet that they're trying to force us into, because there's so much good running parallel.
There's so many good ideas and beautiful things and happy people, and then evil builds these big towers of power and convinces us all that they created all this.
They didn't make the trees grow, or the birds tweet, or the sun come out.
They didn't make our forebears invent things, or be bold, or be strong, or be bad, or be good.
I'm sick of it!
I'm sick of them acting like they're the whole universe, when they're not.
They're not God.
Rich in Ohio, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex, how are you?
Good, thanks for holding, brother.
Listen, I gotta tell you this, and if I don't finish, talk to me off air, it's imperative.
It's a matter of life and death.
There's a missing link that you're all connecting the dots and everything.
You're naming off the devil's children.
And you know it, because God's giving you that.
I'm not going to thank you.
You're a watchman.
It's your job, and so is it mine.
If you look up Jack Parsons, the father of our modern rocketry, of JPL Laboratories, which became Nassau.
He was a devil worshipper.
He was a devil worshipper.
Yes, he was the understudy of Aleister Crowley, Barbara Bush's father.
But listen, that's not the point.
They have called the devil himself to give them their marching orders, and that's what really goes on in Area 51.
If you look up the rituals that they did, and he was enjoined by L. Ron Hubbard from the SSI, the Navy's Secret Service, to find out what he was doing, and that's what they've adopted all around the world.
They're listening to the voice of the evil one.
And if you look up the ritual called Babylon Working and what the real NASA is really about, they're still continuing these rituals with our money.
And they're calling the devil himself, the destroyer.
And the Lord is driving them out of the earth, out of the heavens, to the earth.
And it's coming to us.
And we are Mystery Babylon.
The reason why, you'll find out revealed in the rituals.
And it should shake you to the very core.
Because we're only human.
Well, I know Hubbard did hang around with Parsons, but so did the guy that wrote the Star Trek books and then movies.
But regardless, it is true that Crowley did that ritual you're talking about at the Great Pyramid.
It is true he came out and reportedly did some of that in other areas.
Yes, they've called that destroyer, and that's the planet that they call Planet X. The Bible calls him the destroyer of worlds.
And it's coming.
That's what they're hiding.
That's what they're hiding with chemtrails.
They won't be able to hide it much more past this year because it's going to be visible in the daytime.
And that's what's going to make people scared.
Here's the deal.
I'm not attacking you.
A lot of what you said is true, but to try to say that...
Scientology is the same as that.
I'm not even defending Scientology.
The point is, it's just not, it's a different deal.
And then, I have not seen proof that Barbara Bush is, you know, the daughter of all this stuff, even though she looks just like it.
But, I mean, it's just, so... Hold on, we're gonna do some overdrive and take some calls.
Hey guys, I'll see you in 2015.
God bless you all.
This is G.C.O.
for the United States Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, let's go to Kevin, Andrew, and Chuck.
Final calls of the syndicated radio transmission of 2014.
Let's go ahead and go to Kevin in West Virginia.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, about the last call, we're talking about Mr. Parsons and all that.
In 1947, when Roswell happened, that's when Crowley was there, and also the Dead Sea Scrolls were also found around that time, too.
So it's a cosmic check game between Satan and God.
But I called in last week, and when Steve Quayle was on and talking about the
Alien savior and all that, but I do believe I see looking forward.
It's almost like I see something like that happening.
I want to get the warning out there and I wanted to tell you that I am standing in the gap.
With you, and I will do everything that I possibly can do in my little feeble mind.
You're not feeble.
God bless you, brother.
But what you just said is something I meant to talk about today.
There is not just evil in the world.
There's good in the world.
And for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
God wants to work through us to fight the evil in the cosmic chess game.
But we have to be willing to be moved when our heart moves us.
And absolutely, there's not just evil in this world.
We have power.
And that is so profound what you said.
God bless you and thank you for your kind words.
Chuck in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Alex, how you doing today, sir?
Good, my friend.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was discussing base also what Rick was saying, you know, about Crowley.
You know, he did, you know, he is known for making a statement that he, you know, will give birth to the 20th century.
You know, a lot of things that are going on in the world that, you know, are a lot of what he's done and talked about.
And I also want to talk about the strategy that you're talking about on the race war starting up and all this, you know, craziness happening in the world.
That's what Charlie Manson, who was one of them, was pushing.
Yeah, exactly.
It's gonna be the race war.
See how it's all the same?
It's devilish.
It's all just devil garbage.
Yes, sir.
And I wanted to see, what would you think, I had an opinion, would you think that this all started from when they first put Obama into office?
Do you think that's the reason they put him in office?
Well, it's been going on all along, but he had basically double the Wall Street money that the others did, not that they were good, because he was the man, not to bring racial unity, but to bring division.
And so, absolutely.
I mean, look at Helter Skelter, look at the race war, look at the Manson family, look at all of it.
It's the same plan, bringing a race war,
That'll then kill all the cops in the government, and then they will take over!
It's the French Revolution!
It's the Bolshevik Resolution!
It's the same playbook!
Just, bam, bam, bam!
My final question for you is, you know, you've probably heard of Phil Snyder.
You know, he talked a lot about this back in the 90s before, you know, he was found strangled to death with his catheter in his apartment.
You know, he talked a lot about the underground bases.
You know, he was a geologist.
You know, he... I had him on the show.
He's been on the show.
I gotta jump, but yeah.
What was your question about him?
Last thing, too, and you can answer this off-air, is I just want to know if you've had any more contractors that have dealt with these underground bases, have come out and maybe given any more info.
No, but speaking of that, Nazi underground base was just discovered, big, big tunnels.
That's in the independent secret Nazi nuclear bunker discovered in Australia by a filmmaker.
I'm going to cover this more in the Nightly News.
Andrew, last caller of the year.
You've got 50 seconds in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
May it be God-blessed.
And, uh, protection.
Guardian angels watch over you.
And I just want to comment on that the partial birth abortion was a direct sacrifice to Satan.
That was the whole point of it.
So you get the baby out and then they do the ritual and they sacrifice it to Satan.
Actually, a lot of top abortionists have turned out to be Satanists and have admitted that.
It's legal human sacrifice.
That's why I want it stopped.
I'm sure that's a typo or a mistake.
We offer all sorts of coupons and things, but thank you so much.
Send us a help ticket.
We'll figure it out.
That's it for this year.
God bless you all.
We've had an amazing year here at Sodes of Ammo.
At the same time, the re-ammo.
At the same time, the restricting civili-