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Name: 20141230_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 30, 2014
2260 lines.

"The Alex Jones Show" delves into topics such as mainstream media manipulation, government cover- ups, corporate greed, GMOs, Obamacare, police brutality, and the dangers of propaganda. The show also discusses recent events such as the car crash involving journalist Michael Hastings, the Sony hack, and the upcoming debate with Bill Ayers. Other topics include the potential for economic destabilization and war in 2015, autism rates in children, and the importance of access to safe water during emergencies."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 29th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to have a vintage report from Alex Jones talking about the venal culture coming up in this hour.
We've seen this happen with the Sony interview.
We saw that transform from just silly gossip about stars that just really took over the media.
Then it turned into a kind of a psyop for the CIA, this North Korean narrative.
What they wound up doing was promoting assassination and internet control.
And of course it worked out pretty well for Sony, worked out pretty well for the U.S.
You got people standing up singing God Bless America, going to this stupid comedy
As an act of patriotism.
That's the kind of desperate straits we're in.
That's why this is an information war.
We need to get people to understand what's going on.
We're going to talk about what's behind that.
We're also going to talk about the other aspect of assassination.
Joe Biggs is going to also be joining us this hour.
He's going to be live in the studio.
We're going to talk about a new email that actually is new to me.
It's an email from the
A stash of emails that Wikileaks got from Stratfor several years ago.
It's about five million emails.
But I don't think they saw this email, at least we didn't see this before and talk about it until just recently.
It's an email between people within Stratfor talking about John Brennan's witch hunt against journalists.
So we're going to talk to Joe Biggs about that because of course Joe Biggs got involved here with InfoWars.
When he started investigating the death of his friend, we believe it was an assassination of Michael Hastings, and he was one of the people who really took this seriously.
More seriously even than Michael Hastings' wife, who after her ties with the administration, she kind of just went quiet.
Initially she seemed to be very upset about it, but then she went quiet.
Joe kept investigating that.
That's why we wanted to have Joe Biggs here.
We're also going to have John Rapoport joining us in the third hour, talking about another kind of PSYOP.
This PSYOP in the war of GMO.
Whether or not we're going to have our food labeled, but more importantly, I think, is looking at the real source.
Maybe adjusting our way that we're looking at this issue.
Maybe it's not really about labeling.
Maybe it's about just stopping it.
at the source.
We've had victories in that, and as John Rappaport talks about in an article that we had on Infowars.com this last weekend, you can see that right there if you're looking at it, the secret GMO war, double agents, betrayal, and greed.
And so we're going to talk to him about that article and about a lot of other things that have just come out about GMO war.
He thinks this is going to head this year.
We've got an article up
Today on Infowars.com, a new article about Monsanto trying to assert a patent over tomatoes, and a non-GMO tomato at that.
And as Alex pointed out yesterday, there's also the issue of states trying to crack down on the transfer of seeds.
They're attacking our freedoms at the most fundamental, basic level when they're coming at our food.
It's a very dangerous precedent.
Of course, it's all about the corporations.
We're going to talk about what's going to happen with Obamacare.
A lot of people are going to get surprised with some very large taxes this year because they haven't signed up for Obamacare.
And I think there's three headlines on the Drudge Report that really kind of lay this out.
You really shouldn't be surprised.
That the GOP did absolutely nothing about Obamacare, but rather funded it for another year.
We shouldn't be surprised about that.
Just think about these three headlines.
Being uninsured in America will cost you more.
New IRS rules are going to crack down on nonprofit hospitals.
And Jeb Bush eases out of some businesses like a firm that was helped by Obamacare.
Yeah, he cashed in.
Big time on Obamacare.
And so don't expect the Republicans who are making money out of this and the Republican corporations that are really making, not Republican corporations, but corporations that are running both the Republicans and the Democrats.
Alex Jones has been talking about this.
We've been talking about this here at InfoWars from the very beginning.
It is nothing but a massive transfer of wealth from the American public to the corporations.
They're going to force you to buy their products.
And then you have people like Jeb Bush raking it in.
They're not going to do anything to stop Obamacare.
Mitt Romney's not going to do anything to stop it.
He was working with Gruber to get it enforced in Massachusetts.
That was the template for what we've got.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 30th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We have joining us at the bottom of this hour, Joe Biggs is going to be talking to us about an email that came out from the stash of emails that WikiLeaks got about from Stratfor several years ago.
This one regards a witch hunt that was being conducted by now CIA Director John Brennan at the time of Michael Hastings' death.
We're going to talk to him about that because, you know, with this Sony interview, they've taken the art of propaganda, I think, to an all-new high.
We see that this is a movie that the studio executives are talking about being desperately unfunny.
It was going to be a flop unless they pulled it.
Well, that's what they did.
Once they stopped talking about all the silly star gossip, they talked about that for a couple of weeks, and that got a lot of headlines, got a lot of attention for the movie.
Then they came up with this North Korea thing, which has now been thoroughly debunked by cyber security experts.
They've even presented this to the FBI.
The FBI is not convinced.
We'll talk about that later as well.
But when you look at how they're using this narrative, not only for their own personal profit, but how they're using it to sell the idea of assassination, how they're using it to propagandize the people of North Korea, of South Korea, and of course the people of America, telling us that it's now our patriotic duty to go see
Uh, the interview, this silly little comedy.
And a lot of people are singing God Bless America in the movie theater.
I think that's one of the reasons that, uh, it made money for them.
It had a very limited theatrical release, didn't make a lot of money by box office standards, but they did sell a lot in terms of direct-to-video release.
So they're even looking at that as possibly a new way that they're going to release movies.
Maybe they could always have some kind of a false flag intelligence attack with a movie.
That always helps.
So we're going to talk a little bit about that.
But basically, this hour we're going to have a special report from Alex Jones, a real gold special report, looking at the triviality of the culture.
Of course, LeBron James, there's a lot of buzz about what he's going to do now.
A few years ago, there was a lot of buzz about what he was going to be doing.
And when Nico told me about this special report, my reaction was, he's a sports figure.
He plays what sport?
I don't care.
I don't know.
Alex Jones is going to talk about that.
There's things that we really do need to care about.
Things that we really do need to understand what's behind it.
So Joe Biggs is going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour and then after that we're going to have that report from Alex Jones.
We're also going to be joined by John Rappaport.
He's going to be talking about the hidden agenda.
He had an article about the hidden agenda of GMO this last week.
And it was talking about essentially how they're using people to sell the non-GMO project, it's actually a marketing ploy by some of the grocers, trying to use it to tell people, get people to shop with their chain as a marketing advantage, and still at the same time fighting mandatory labeling.
Now, there's another way to fight this, and that is to stop it at the source.
Because, as he points out in the article, if we're going to fight about the labeling, and we haven't been very successful at doing that because they have so much money, they've worked it out to a very fine science, I think.
If you look at the early contests against the GMO labeling initiatives, they spent a lot of money.
Now I think they've got it down to where they can consistently spend, outspend the opposition, about 4 or 5 to 1.
They can change public opinion that is like 90% in favor of knowing what's in their food.
I mean, why wouldn't you want to know what's in your food?
Whether you think GMO is good for you or not.
We have labels that tell us everything that's in our food.
Why wouldn't we have that?
So, the public is overwhelmingly in favor of it until the industry starts their propaganda campaign.
And then they're able to reverse that.
The only place where that hasn't happened
overwhelmingly stopped GMO production in one county and they had eight million dollars spent in this small local election.
The most it's ever been spent on anything in the state of Hawaii.
Even statewide initiatives.
Yet they still lost because the people understood what the issues were.
So we're going to talk to John Rappaport about that.
There's a story that's up on InfoWars.com about Monsanto now trying to patent natural tomatoes.
And they point out that we all know that they're patenting genetically modified organisms, but not everyone realizes, they say, that Monsanto tried to patent a tomato that has no biotech traits.
Now the European Patent Office, with help from an international coalition called No Patents on Seeds, has revoked Monsanto's fraudulent patent, and they claim that tomatoes that are naturally resistant to a fungal disease called
I don't know.
Botrytis is the way you pronounce that.
It's very similar, I think, to what's going on with CISPA as that's being brought back because that's being brought back in the name of patents.
We're seeing a lot of abusive use of patents and one way to fight GMO is to go to a different level.
Don't let them pick where the battlefield is.
Don't let them give you the phony choice of saying we want to have labels or no labels.
And go directly to the source.
Stop it at the production.
I think the same thing needs to be done in the war on CISPA.
They're going to bring it back this year for the third time.
Obama's already talking about how we need to have intelligence sharing.
And of course, that's what the IS and CISPA stands for.
It was the Cyber Intelligence Sharing Protection Act.
Okay, so they're going to, when they talk about intelligence sharing, they want to know everything that you're doing and then also have the ability to immediately shut you down without due process if they think that you are, or they claim, that you're violating their copyrights.
We need to take a look at copyrights in general, and I think we need to go back and repeal these abusive copyrights, these overreaching copyrights.
There's absolutely no reason why Happy Birthday should be patented for a hundred years or longer.
There's absolutely no reason why they should be allowed to patent movies and songs well after the lifespan of the individuals who created this work.
I think there's a lot of abusive patents that are going on in the technical industries.
We had billions of dollars being spent with tech companies who were essentially buying groups of patents and sharing them so they could do trivial things like view pictures on a computer.
Believe it or not, people actually patented things like that.
They didn't do any development work, hardware or software, they didn't run any programs, they didn't build anything, they just said, I have an idea that maybe someday people might want to look at pictures on a computer.
Trivial things like that, they're allowed to patent that and keep it forever.
And of course the big corporations, rather than trying to fight that, they use that to their advantage.
They all got together, bought up a whole slew of these patents so they could basically create things, but that keeps the rest of us
And essentially circumscribe what you can do to the extent that everybody is going to be pretty much handicapped as to what they are going to be able to show.
So it's going to be a suppression of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, if we don't stop the copyright abuse.
And I think that's one way to back these companies off.
They're going to keep coming.
With this legislation, they've come twice with CISPA, they're going to come a third time with it or call it something else.
They've had SOPA, ACTA, PIPA.
They just keep coming again and again and again.
I think one way to push back on that is going to be to attack their patents.
But we're going to be talking to John Rapoport in the third hour about the food issues that are coming up.
Now, of course, one of the big issues of 2014, as everybody knows, is police brutality and the attitudes that are going on within the police.
Things that they're being taught about the public, things that they're being trained about from documentaries that are coming from Southern Poverty Law Center coming in and doing training of the different police forces.
We saw this happen in Spokane.
And that was blown, the whistle was blown on that by some of the Spokane police officers, and they shut that down in the sheriff's office there in Spokane Valley.
But it's going on nationwide.
The way they train them, but also the kinds of people that they hire, and also allowing them to get away with bullying behavior.
Take a look at this video.
That just came out and we'll talk about what this is about.
This is a video that is an article that's on Infowars.com.
Paul Joseph Watson wrote this.
New York Police Department cops assault a YouTuber for dancing in the street.
This is something that was part of a contest that Ellen Degenerates had and basically people would dance behind strangers and this guy does this several times and nothing happens until he does it to some cops.
I want you to watch this.
Okay, so this is a... He's jumping around behind people.
This is for those of you who are just listening on the radio.
Now, when he gets behind the cop, the cop is... What's wrong with you?
No, I'm just dancing.
What the fuck are you doing behind me?
What's wrong with you?
I'm dancing.
Are you kidding me?
What are you dancing in the street for?
What are you dancing in the street for?
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
Okay, you saw that there.
Now, as I point out, instead of just letting it go, he starts really getting agitated with him.
And when he realizes that he can't drum up any charge, he gets brutal with the guy.
He doesn't beat him like we've seen so many times.
Instead, they throw him on the ground and tell him to go.
Okay, let's kill that.
So basically, he comes up to him, if you couldn't hear that and those of you who are listening on the radio, you couldn't see it, but he says, are you effing kidding me?
Said the cop.
What's wrong with you?
And he protests that he was just dancing and he says, are you an effing a-hole?
And then after realizing that they couldn't arrest him, they just throw him on the ground and tell him to walk away.
See, that's the kind of thuggish behavior that is causing problems with the police.
And yet, here's a different story that we had about a week ago.
We had a police officer, here's a good cop, bad cop story.
We have one police officer, they show up to a domestic dispute, there's about ten people involved, and they pull a guy out, and one of the officers handcuffs him, and then turns around and starts choking the guy, and beating him.
The fellow officer that was with him, the female officer, tried to get him to stop, and she got punched in the face.
Knocked out her bridge.
Guess which cop the system supported?
Not the good cop, the bad cop.
The good cop is now having to drive a truck to support her family.
She was a 19-year veteran in the police force.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Joe Biggs.
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We're good to go.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 30th, 2014.
Joining me in the studio is reporter Joe Biggs.
And of course, Joe Biggs first came to our attention after the death of Michael Hastings.
We believed that it was an assassination, that it wasn't accidental.
We didn't buy the official story that
Uh, the car exploded on impact with a tree and the engine, rather than being captured, was ejected at a right angle down the street.
What was it, Joe?
About a hundred yards or something like that?
I mean, an absurd distance.
Uh, that right away told us that something was fishy.
And then, as time went on, we learned that Michael Hastings was concerned about the FBI.
He was telling other people, hey, I've got to disappear, I'm going to see you later, the FBI is on to me, and I've got somebody, I've got a big story that I'm working on.
Now, we have this email which
This is something that was part of the cache of emails that was captured some time ago by WikiLeaks, and it was five million emails.
I'm thinking that this is an email, perhaps, that hadn't been correlated before to this incident.
But here's the email that I wanted to talk to Joe about.
This was an email that was written by Stratfor President Fred Burton, and it was Stratfor that they hacked the emails out of.
And Stratfor is intimately involved with the CIA.
And in this email, the Stratfor president said, Brennan is behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside Beltway sources.
Note, there is a specific tasker from the White House to go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda.
And he puts in parentheses, oh my.
Even the FBI is shocked.
The Wonder Boys must be in meltdown mode.
What's your comments on that, Joe?
Scratch a lie, find a thief.
You know, the more and more we're digging into stuff, the more and more we're finding out what's going on, we're going to find out who did this.
And I have a feeling deep down that we will find out who did this.
And like we said before, you know, when I went to the funeral, I spoke to Michael's wife.
You know, we knew that the story that he was working on was the CIA, John Brennan, the leader then at the time.
We knew, you know, when the email came out, it wasn't worded like anything that he would say.
And the whole narrative of the story that they're trying to shove down people's throats that this is an accident is just few, far and beyond.
I mean, this is murder.
What happened?
And this further proves
That, you know, we're not tinfoil hat wearing crazies.
You know, on top of the already unusual circumstance of the car crash, you know, now we know that the CIA and Brennan are going after these guys for... Going after political enemies of the White House.
Yeah, and he points out here, this is a guy, the president of Stratfor, they work with the CIA all the time, and he is amazed.
He says, oh my, they're going after all these people.
And he goes, even the FBI is shocked.
And he says, they must be in meltdown mode.
So, they're very, very upset based on this.
And he's talking about a witch hunt for any investigative journalist.
That would be him.
That's perceived as hostile.
And that's the other part up here that's interesting.
Yeah, exactly.
Perceived as hostile.
Now we know right after the death, the FBI released a statement saying, hey, we had nothing to do with this, which was very weird.
They don't ever make statements like that whatsoever.
And then now we know after the Rolling Stone article about Beau Bergdahl that in fact he was being looked into for what they called controversial reporting.
Now is controversial reporting perceived as hostile?
Is that what they're saying?
I mean, when you push
The limits and you try to find the truth no matter what and you expose the corruption?
Are you going to be hit with a drone?
Is your car going to blow up?
I think what it exposes is, if you understand the history of Brennan, the guy who's now director of the CIA, remember that for quite some time he was an apologist for the terror program, the enhanced interrogation program.
Obama wanted him initially for CIA director, but instead they brought him in in another capacity.
Somebody else was CIA director for a while, but then he began to be the guy who put together the assassination kill list, as they called it, the disposition matrix.
That's just, first of all, it sounds like a movie, but it sounds exactly like the kind of euphemisms that these people come up with for the stuff that they do all the time.
So he puts together this disposition matrix of people that they're going to kill without any due process.
He's another perfect puppet, just like Obama is.
He's willing to bend his morals in any way.
In fact, I mean, he doesn't even have any.
But I thought it was really interesting what Rand Paul did right before Obama made him the head of the CIA, John Brennan.
He went on, did a filibuster, and one of the things he was talking about, it says, no one politician should be allowed to judge the guilt, to change an individual, to judge the guilt of an individual, and to execute an individual.
It goes against everything that we fundamentally believe in in our country.
We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with Joe Biggs.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk a little bit more about what's behind this and what's going on with the CIA, creating movies, consulting with Sony to give a giant propaganda movie to us.
We'll be right back.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Some people say a man is made out of mud.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Wednesday, December, Tuesday, December 30th, 2014.
And with me is Joe Biggs, and we've just been talking about this revelation about the mindset
Of the White House, the mindset of the CIA and John Brennan at the time of Michael Hastings assassination.
And you were just reading as we went to break, Joe, the quote from Rand Paul talking about what a dangerous thing it is that we have something like an assassination drone strike kill list, what they call the disposition matrix, very cynically I think.
Uh, that we would have something like that in America.
I mean, it just shows how far this country has fallen.
But they've given all the power to make that decision to one man, to John Brennan.
And that's what he's talking about.
No one man should have that kind of power to say who lives and who dies.
That's right.
Well, we have one man who has assumed that he has the power to do whatever he wants to, including taking us into war, and that's Obama in the White House.
And anybody who criticized that, again, in this capacity, Brennan, the man who is intimately tied with
The torture program under Bush, then tied to the assassination kill list program under Obama, then became the head of the CIA.
That guy is on a witch hunt to get journalists.
So when you have that, and the president of Stratfor is talking about how even the FBI is amazed.
He said these guys, talking about the Wonder Boys, he's referring to the CIA, must be in meltdown mode.
So that gives us an idea of what the motive was.
Whenever you're looking at a crime,
First of all, you rule out some things that are improbable.
We immediately looked at this and said, well, it doesn't look like a typical car crash.
Something is going on.
Looks like this thing exploded, and then after it exploded, it just kind of rolled in and crashed into a tree, because the deformation in that car was not major in the front.
It hit the tree in the front.
That would not cause the engine to be ejected.
It would cause it to capture.
And when you see a car
Catch on fire and blow up immediately is because there's been a massive eruption of the gas tank.
The back of the car was not involved in that.
And, of course, this is a brand new Mercedes.
I think there was also another aspect of it, Joe, that we're going to see more and more of, and that is the car systems that are set up.
And Mercedes has been on the forefront of this in terms of setting up safety features, but those safety features that are all run electronically can be hacked.
But then all this other information surfaces that he's doing, he's telling everybody he's got to get out of town and now we see this from John Brennan and the fact that they're on a witch hunt for journalists that are critical of the White House.
Well it's interesting too that former Bush National counterterrorism czar Richard Clark, you know, came out and said it's relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver does not want acceleration.
Just throw on the brakes when the driver doesn't want the brakes on.
You know, after denying he was a conspiracy guy, the former top U.S.
counterterrorism official went on to say, in the case of Michael Hastings, what evidence is available publicly, or publicly is consistent with a cyber, or a car cyber attack.
So, like you said, when we start getting into these driverless cars, and it's completely ran off of a computer, that can be hacked.
And if you're a controversial reporter out there pushing the limits and, you know, really digging into the government, is your car going to be hacked?
Oh yeah.
Is it going to drive off a cliff?
Blow up?
You know, it's all this technology is going to be our downfall.
Well, when you go back and look at the original CIA assassination manual that was done back in the 50s, it was leaked.
Of course, their number one way to get rid of somebody, of course, is to make it look like an accident.
And a car accident.
So that's going to make it very easy for them.
Now, I want to kind of tie this in with the interview, because I tell you, I've been absolutely repulsed by what I've seen happen in just the last couple of weeks.
It started out as silly gossip, and we got a report from Alex about LeBron James and how, as the country is melting down, we're preoccupied with entertainment trivia.
And I'm looking at everything that came out of this initial Sony hack.
And at first it was just gossip about stars.
I could care less.
And then they turned it into this phony North Korean situation.
Yeah, where they're saying that there's going to be these 9-11 style attacks on theaters who go out and promote or show the movie.
And there was a great review that I came across that was from the women's desk on WBAI radio and they said, the interview, presidential assassination comedy as a free speech manifesto or is it US backed corporate terrorism under cinematic cover?
Boy, that says it all.
You know, because I said this is really like they've come up with a new genre of movies instead of a romantic comedy, a rom-com, you've got a propaganda comedy, you know, you've got a prop-com, yeah.
This is what she says, and this is very interesting.
The sobering question presents itself.
How much was this a script by committee or instead a consultation with the U.S.
government about exploiting the film as cover to bring a foreign government down?
Which would then beg the question, when are legitimate claims of free speech and against censorship as issues forfeited as being bogus when a movie claims cultural entity status and corporate terrorism is initiated when the studio heads huddle and strategize with the U.S.
State Department as is the case with the interview?
We had emails leaked.
Some of the emails that were leaked with this showed that they were talking to a Rand Corporation analyst, and he was saying, that's a pretty heavy assassination scene at the end of the movie, but we need to leave that in there because we need to
Plant this idea in the minds of people in North Korea and that's going to eventually travel into South Korea and that's going to eventually make its way into North Korea.
We need to plant that idea in people's minds because that's the only way we're going to get rid of this regime that we want to get rid of.
So they're selling assassination to people at the same time they're trying to convince us like in the case of Michael Hastings they would never assassinate anybody.
Just absolutely amazing.
At the same time, they also made so many theaters in America cower and say, oh my god, you know, what if North Korea comes in and attacks us all?
You know, we need you guys to step in.
You know, the president's coming in and talking about a movie.
Then you have a huge Hollywood official, you know, you've got George Clooney coming in and speaking about the matter.
I mean, this whole thing was a plan from the get go.
Well, it was kind of the Streisand effect, you know.
They basically said, we're going to cave in, we're going to pull this out, and the people clamoring for them to put it in the studios.
They do put it back in the studios, but they also release it in a different way.
They say that they're very happy they made 18 million dollars in their opening weekend.
They've got moviegoers that are on their feet singing God Bless America in Atlanta.
I mean, it's absolutely insane.
I was reading people's tweets and they said that it was their patriotic duty as Americans to go out and purchase that.
See, and I don't think anybody would have gone to see this.
As I said in other emails, I said it's desperately unfunny.
It's going to be a flop if we don't pull it.
It's horrible.
So they pulled it, made a big issue out of it, put it back in there.
Here's another film review real quickly, an excerpt from it says, a film of monumental stupidity.
If the Rand Corporation served as a consultant, it's no wonder American imperialism is messing up everywhere.
But you know, the interesting thing about Sony is they've got a long history of
Not only fake head fakes, they had a film critic called David Manning in the early 2000s from about 2001 to about 2005.
People found out they had created this fake critic operating out of Connecticut and they
I don't know.
Critic to push this stuff out there.
They'll create a movie to push an assassination agenda for the CIA They were the one of the first ones to go out and put DRM software and CDs and they busted a bunch of computers They had to pay a lot of damages to people there.
They opened up exploitations inside people's IBM PCs They had to Microsoft Windows.
They basically had to pay a lot of damages for that.
So they've been in this digital rights copyright issue for a very long time and that all
That ties together with the renewal for CISPA because that's the next push.
That's what's coming in the new year is this push for CISPA in the name of copyright protection.
We've already seen back in the mid-2000s how they ruined people's computers with this DRM software management.
Now they want to come after the Internet all in the name of copyright protection.
Same company.
Yeah, well it's funny because they were able to kill quite a few birds with one stone.
They were able to help pull a failing Sony Pictures out of the, you know, pull that out of the water.
Also to freely promote their movie.
They didn't have to pay for any kind of advertising.
That's right.
Because this was on every mainstream media outlet.
And like I said, you had the president coming out and speaking about this.
These guys were able to get rid of an executive, or they're going to be able to get rid of that executive, based off of those hacked emails.
You know, and when the whole story came out, we're sitting there going, there's no way North Korea has the capability to do this.
Now, they do have the capability to hire someone on the outside to possibly do it.
And we've heard that, you know, they actually had an inside person who did this.
They're able to take, like you said, this horrible film and make money off of it and bail themselves out in that aspect.
I mean, this is crazy.
I mean, how many other movies are we going to have to see this happen to?
We reported on this about a week ago.
It was actually last Friday.
Hack on Sony.
That's their lie, and they're going to stick to it.
And it was an ingenious marketing campaign.
It was an ingenious marketing campaign for the movie.
It was an ingenious marketing campaign for the CIA's policies of assassination.
And it's an ingenious marketing campaign for this new CISPA act that they're going to try to push on us.
And of course, it shows just how trivial everything is.
How people got focused.
They were completely able to take the American public's attention
And make them think that they were standing up for free speech to go watch this movie.
They clearly don't understand and won't listen to any of the emails that are about the Rand Corporation or the State Department or the CIA.
All they want to look at is the emails about Angelina Jolie or whatever.
And they've completely swallowed this phony cultural narrative that they're feeding them, which makes me very concerned about the next step, which is CISPA.
But going back to this phony social narrative that they're trying to feed everybody, take a look at this report that we have from Alex Jones talking about the very same issue about four years ago with LeBron James.
Societies don't change.
Whether it was the Roman Empire or Nazi Germany, the population is obsessed with sports and petty celebrities.
And the United States is no different.
MSNBC, the New York Times, they're all reporting that we are going into a depression.
One of the greatest depressions in world history.
I think?
The border with Mexico is collapsing.
Mexico has collapsed.
And the public doesn't care because the media has set the agenda.
And they tell you to care about LeBron James and his decision.
And he's playing into it and he's going to announce his stupid decision.
It doesn't matter what basketball team he goes to.
This is a distraction by design.
We have the governor.
of the state he's currently living in in a bizarre we are LeBron we are the world literal worship fest with hundreds of celebrities this is sickening
Imagine the Ohio government begging and pleading on television and serenading LeBron James with hundreds of other celebrities when Ohio is one of the states slated to go completely bankrupt.
We're going into a depression.
They're about to launch World War III with Iran openly.
Fox News is reporting as if it's a good thing in New York State and Illinois that troops have helped arrest thousands of citizens and are doing gun sweeps in people's homes and searching people's cars.
We're going in to martial law.
Offshore banks have overthrown the US.
They've stolen tens of trillions of dollars, like we're some third world country they're looting.
Everything's going to hell in a handbasket.
So if you want to know why your children have no future, if you want to know why you're bankrupt, if you want to know why you're in debt, if you want to know why you have no future and have lost your job or are getting your pay cut, it's because your priorities are wrong.
It's because you let that idiot box
The television program you use since the days that your mother and father set you in front of the TV for 12 hours a day in your crap-filled diapers.
It's not too late to admit we're a sick, decadent, degenerate society crumbling.
We are Rome.
It's 410.
We're about to collapse, ladies and gentlemen.
I know, you won't know.
You know about LeBron James.
You don't know 410 is when Rome completely fell to Alaric, the Visigoth leader.
You better learn history.
This is dangerous.
Don't say you weren't warned, the globalist engineers.
The globalist social engineers look at you and how pathetic you are and how the whole world is waiting to see where LeBron James goes.
The social controllers look at you and see how you're obsessed with LeBron James and they decide we got a bunch of schmucks.
We've got a bunch of idiots.
We got a bunch of morons right where we want them.
Let's destroy their society.
Let's loot it.
Let's pass carbon taxes.
Let's expand NAFTA and GATT.
Let's announce an end to the dollar as the global reserve currency.
Do you know what that means?
We've already lost almost all our industry.
We're already in a depression.
When they get rid of the dollar as the world reserve currency, your life, as you know it, is officially over.
You're going to be a third world slave like they are in Mexico or Nigeria.
Those people down there at least know why they're slaves.
And you know what?
You are so stupid and so focused on crap, you'll probably still be talking about Lindsay Lohan when you're living as a homeless person on the street.
My friends, we've got to set our priorities and set them now.
Liberty or tyranny.
You've got to wake up and decide what is important to you.
Saving our republic?
Stopping the globalist takeover?
Or knowing all the mindless trivia about LeBron James and Lindsay Lohan?
There isn't much more time.
I'm begging you to ask yourselves to look in the mirror and really realize how sick this is.
It's not bad like a basketball game, but it is mentally ill and sick to buy into this manufactured hype and to have government officials that should be working for the people sitting there in these disgusting media spectacles worshipping somebody.
Our role models, our icons, the people that our children look up to.
and model themselves after are not inventors and scientists and trailblazers anymore.
That's why America's gone from the greatest to the most pathetic in every statistical analysis you look at.
And it's only getting worse.
We still got a lot of great people in this country.
But with Pete Rose and LeBron James and Michael Vick being our heroes, we're a joke.
We're clowns.
They've taken our heroes and our role models away.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have been warned, and this whole LeBron James decision means absolutely nothing.
This obsession with petty issues of little or no significance is the modern version of bread and circus.
It is the opiate of the masses, and it's why we are dumbed down slaves with no future if we don't wake up.
You have been warned.
Well, things don't really change, do they?
That was four years ago, and now LeBron James is back in the news.
We've just had a big dust-up about a silly little movie.
And of course, the American public didn't realize how they're being played by the RAND Corporation, by the CIA, how the government is using this to push forward a narrative of control in the name of copyright protection.
They're going to control the internet by shutting it down.
We're going to come right back with some news.
We're also going to take your calls at 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
We've got a lot of news.
Stay with us.
Second Amendment.
They're suggesting it's stupid and we need to get rid of it.
That's why you gotta worry about a CONCON, a constitutional convention.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be taking your calls in the next segment.
I'm David Knight.
That number is 800-259-9231.
I wanted to go over some news that's up on the site real quickly.
We've got an article that I alluded to at the end of the last segment.
A college professor says, repeal the quote, stupid second amendment.
And it's not just one, of course.
We've got multiple ones in this story.
And it's also a story
about Common Core and how they're doctrinating our children with that.
Now we've got a lecturer at Portland State University basically saying, repeal the Second Amendment, it's stupid, surround it, grab it, bring it to the back room, pull down the shades and end it.
Okay, petition for it, get it on the ballot, get it done by enough of the U.S.
populace, by enough people in enough states to get it consigned to the dustbin of history.
You think he really hates it?
You think he really hates the Second Amendment?
Listen, that's the danger of a constitutional convention.
Trying to strengthen the Constitution by changing it.
You're going to have things like that happen.
And it doesn't do any good to change the wording of law when it's ignored now by our government.
They ignore the Constitution that they swear allegiance to.
They could care less, really, what it says.
It'll only make things worse.
You could make the language stronger, but the problem is the people that are there.
The problem is even broader than that.
It's the amount of power and money that has concentrated in Washington, Inc.
And that Washington Incorporated is going to continue to draw corporations to it, ruthless people who want that power, corporations who want that money.
That's the problem, is the black hole that is in Washington, that power.
I don't think it can be changed, certainly not by wording on a piece of paper, because they don't pay any attention to the law.
It's not going to be changed unless we circumscribe it, unless we shut it down from the outside.
And that means exercising the 9th and 10th Amendment.
Using state power, using state nullification, using jury nullification to shut down these invalid laws.
They go on, this is from a Texas A&M University School of Law professor who asked, why do we have such an allegiance to the Constitution that was driven by 18th century concerns?
See, when you've got a law professor that questions why we have an allegiance to the Constitution,
That's the kind of person who is teaching lawyers.
That's how deep we are.
But it starts even before they get into law school.
They start propagandizing people in much lower grades.
And this is the issue of Common Core.
In the article, Kit Daniels points out sixth graders at the Bryant School District in Arkansas were given an assignment last year to revise the outdated Bill of Rights by deleting and replacing two amendments, using the War on Terror and the Patriot Act as a guide.
That's very telling, because you know the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, the Patriot Act have replaced the Constitution.
So what they're trying to do is get the kids to think, and this is a Rand Corporation technique, get them to think that it was their idea to change this.
You come in with something that is unconstitutional and say, we have these transcendent principles, like now the Patriot Act is a transcendent principle that supersedes the Constitution.
Everything is classified.
That's the highest veneration we can give to anything.
Remember the story that came up yesterday on Infowars.com about how they're going to start going through the sewage of localities so they can test in real time whether or not people are using drugs?
They're going to test our poop to see if there's illegal drugs in our poop.
And Alex pointed out, and I'd never heard this story before, back in 2006, Wayne Madsen wrote an article about Bush's trip to Austria and how they flew in a special toilet so they could capture all of his excrement and send it back.
You see, if you're going to worship the state in America, you make something national security.
That's the highest form of veneration that you can do.
So they made his excrement an issue of national security.
That's the kind of deep doo-doo that we're in here.
We're going to take your calls right after we come back from the break, and of course there's a lot of surprises coming up for us in this new year.
There's something in Austin that you won't believe that they're going to do to us, but it's probably headed to your area as well, because they always roll these things out nationwide.
Stay with us and I'll tell you what it's about.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Others don't.
Got it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, David Knight, and we're going to go to your calls right now.
We were just talking about the article up on Infowars.com, where college professors and Common Core curriculums are calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.
We've got Reverend Voll.
Reverend Voll, I guess?
I don't know where he's from, but he's wanted to call about the Second Amendment.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi.
Can you hear me?
Yes, hear you.
Go ahead.
And it's Reverend Volt.
Oh, Volt.
All right.
Go ahead.
A couple things.
One is in 1856 the U.S.
Supreme Court had ruled this was a guy in Georgia was carrying a sword.
The U.S.
He was arrested.
Supreme Court ruled in 1856 that any arms or any weapon that both the military and or the government can carry.
So thus you can carry anything that the military carries.
Number two, the thing is that gets me about these
Congressmen and Senators trying to change the Constitution through executive actions and orders is this.
It violates the Marbury vs. Madison Law.
Have you ever heard of that?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, it's interesting too when you mention that about weapons that the military would have because, again, the American people are the militia.
I remember, oh, about 30, 40 years ago I had a kid who was a smart kid.
He was going to government school at the time and he was the salutatorian, the number two in grade point averages, and he tried to explain to me
Uh, aggressive about that now, as you pointed out in the article, they're now trying to sell the idea that we have these transcendent things like the War on Drugs, or the War on Terrorism, or the Patriot Act.
Those things are over and above the Constitution, so kids in the sixth grade, we need you to rewrite the Constitution to be compatible with the Patriot Act.
They've turned everything exactly upside down.
See, they're talking about the War on Terror.
Terrorism is a military concept.
It's known as guerrilla warfare.
That is like you can't kill an idea.
Once you have an idea, it's out there forever.
How are you going to kill terrorism?
You can't.
Yeah, it's a war on a tactic, exactly.
But it all started with the war on drugs.
That's where we got the SWAT teams that we now have out of control, doing no-knock raids for the most trivial things.
That's where all this militarization of the police started.
That's where we started losing all of our individual freedoms, started losing our due process.
They started civil asset forfeiture, charging inanimate objects with crimes.
Not charging the people who own that inanimate object, but charging the car, charging the airplane, charging the wad of cash so they could just confiscate it.
That's where this all began with the war on drugs.
That's where they continue to step this up and justify, try to justify the police state, the militarized police state.
And yet we want to talk about constitutional amendments.
There was a constitutional amendment required to prohibit alcohol.
Where's the constitutional amendment that prohibits
That prohibits any of these substances.
They don't have one, and they don't have the power, according to the 9th and 10th Amendment, to prohibit the drugs.
They don't have the constitutional authority to do that in the first place.
And the thing that would really freak out a lot of those that are in elected office is George Washington actually grew marijuana and hemp.
Hemp for paper products and marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Well, it just shows how desperate they are to forward their agenda when they take something like hemp that doesn't have any hallucinogenic properties in it, and because of its similarity to marijuana, that they would even prohibit that.
That's how paranoid and overreaching they are, but they clearly don't have the authority.
We're going to come right back.
After the break, we're going to talk about some of the surprises that your government may have in store for you.
They've got an amazing surprise in store for us in Austin, and it may be coming to your area.
We have all these surprises that they spring on us on Christmas Eve, on New Year's Eve, and we've got a new law here in Austin you'll probably have in your area starting New Year's Day.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the next hour with John Rappaport.
We're going to talk about the GMO war.
We're going to talk about the hidden agendas and the way they're using propaganda to hide what they're going to do.
And talk about, really, strategize as to where we really need to attack them.
I think we've been caught up on the labeling issue too much.
I think there's other ways, more important ways to go after GMOs.
We're going to talk to John Rappaport.
He had an excellent article last week about this very issue.
And of course we have an article up today about Monsanto now trying to patent natural tomatoes.
See, it all ties together, just like this Sony interview, and how they're trying to tie that into the copyright protection and internet control.
So they have to control the internet so they can protect their copyrights.
And they want to copyright everything.
The corporations want to own everything.
They don't want you growing your own food.
They don't want you exchanging your seeds.
They want to sell everything to everybody and make you pay royalties for everything you do.
Whether it's energy usage or whether it's growing your own food or whether it's listening to or creating music.
They want to get a piece of everything.
So you write your own music.
It's going to get increasingly more difficult for you to escape these copyright laws that never end, but go on for eternity, because that's what the major corporations want.
Now, before we go back to your calls, I had talked about some new surprises that are coming up, because this is the time of year that the government loves to surprise us with data, and they love to surprise us with new laws.
And we've seen some of this in the past.
Remember it was on the 23rd of December 1913 that they passed the Federal Reserve Act when a lot of congressmen had left town.
They went ahead and put that through.
Now the Senate passed Obamacare back in 2009 on Christmas Eve as well.
Obama signed the NDAA into law, the one that had indefinite detention without trial, where the military could pick up civilians inside the U.S.
and hold them indefinitely, ship them to another area that's called rendition.
He passed that for the first time on a Christmas, on a New Year's Eve, rather.
And so this year we've already had a little bit of a gift.
We've had the NSA quietly release 10 years worth of data showing that they were actually listening to Americans.
Now, that was a whitewash, just like the Senate Intelligence Report.
The very fact that they could listen to people was the real story, but they didn't want people talking about that.
Rather, they showed a lot of heavily redacted reports about, yeah, we found this person mistakenly was listening to this and then realized that it was in the U.S.
and backed off, or we found one person who was spying on their spouse using the software.
That is why William Binney and Drake and the other whistleblowers, right after September 11th, that's why they became whistleblowers, that's why they left the NSA, was to point out that the NSA was altering its software away from one that they had developed internally, called ThinThread, that would even prohibit that kind of activity.
They got rid of that software so that they could listen to people in America, and they've been doing it.
They've been recording everything since.
They went with a different software, Trailblazer, which didn't block them internally.
And of course, they used this kind of justification that this person knows that person, so I can, you know, two hops or three hops.
They can go in and justify it based on that, even if you are an American citizen.
So that was a total whitewash.
But they nevertheless dumped it on Christmas Eve because they didn't want people talking about the big picture.
Now we also have legislation that's going to be taking effect.
And we've got a couple more days to see what else they do.
But on New Year's Day, we're going to have a new law here in Austin.
And something similar to it in San Antonio, and it may be coming to your area, because there's been a lot of buzz about this.
It's already in some forms been enacted across the country, but it's going to be coming pretty soon to everybody.
And that is a law against using your cell phone in your car, to talk on your phone unless it's hands-free, or to use texting.
But they've taken it much further than that here in Austin.
In Austin, in a couple of days, we will literally be telling you, if you're listening to us on the radio or on your iPhone, don't touch that thing.
Don't touch that dial.
Because if you do, you might get a $500 fine from the police.
They're defining distracted driving in a very, very broad way.
They're not just talking about using your phone for texting or phone conversations.
Here's what they say is distracted driving.
Now, the first two things that everybody assumes it would be, texting or using a cell phone for talking or any other reason, but then they also include these things.
Eating and drinking.
Don't pull that cup out of your cup holder.
Get rid of your cup holder just altogether if you're going to come into the People's Republic of Austin because if you just unconsciously take a drink, you could get a $500 fine if the officer sees you.
Talking to passengers.
You need to get rid of that other seat in the car if you're going to be coming to Austin because you don't want to be talking to a passenger.
That's defined on the AustinTexas.gov website as distracted driving.
They could give you a ticket for that.
Grooming, reading, including maps, or even, and this is where I said don't touch that dial, adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player.
How about that?
Does that sound kind of like pre-crime?
I think it's pre-crime.
If I'm distracted in driving and I have a car crash, then do something to me.
Punish me at that point, but don't come in with this kind of pre-crime legislation saying that if I adjust the radio knob, that I'm now distracted driving, so you can give me a $500 fine.
Do you realize, I hope, how abusive that is?
Do you realize what they're doing to us?
They're really pushing us into driverless cars.
All this is for the generation that wants to do nothing but go on Facebook and Twitter.
And so they offer you a carrot and a stick.
If you're going to get into their government-run, computer-controlled cars in the future, you'll be able to sit in the back,
Or maybe in the front because you won't have a steering wheel, you won't have a gas pedal, you won't have a brake.
So you can set anywhere you want to in this box that's controlled by the government.
They will determine where you can go, when you can go, how fast you can go.
They're going to determine everything and control all your movement.
Do you understand how bad that is?
How scary that should be to you?
It's like controlling the internet.
But of course, every tyranny that comes to a country, they want to control the citizens' movements.
They want to control transportation.
And of course, our socialist government wants to control every aspect of your life to make you dependent upon them.
They want to have you dependent on them for food, for clothing, for your retirement, for your education.
That's what all of these socialist programs are about.
They're about creating dependency.
And so now the last one that they want to pull in is a dependency on government for your very movement.
And that's what these cars will be about.
So they'll offer you the carrot of being able to sit in the car and text or go on Facebook or go on Twitter the entire time you're in your car and you don't have to be bothered with driving.
And if you do want to drive, they're going to be watching everything about the way that you drive.
Are you touching that radio knob?
Are you going two miles over the speed limit?
Because the car is going to be reporting that back to your government minders.
This is an Orwellian, dystopian, science fiction future that they're bringing on us and they're doing it incrementally.
I think we need to roll it back the other way.
For the longest time we have assumed that any law about
Safety, that's sold in the name of safety for cars, is fine because that's theoretically going to save lives.
And so we have the pre-crime crimes of speeding.
If you're speeding and you don't hit anybody or you don't cause any problems, that shouldn't be a crime.
It shouldn't be a crime whatever you're doing.
If you're talking to somebody in the car, if you're reading a map or whatever, that should not be a crime unless you cause an accident.
If you cause an accident, then punish the person.
But until that happens, it shouldn't be a crime.
This is just a power grab.
It's a money grab from the government.
And I think the interesting thing is, is that they're also coming after bicyclists.
One of the things that they're talking about on here, they say that they're defining these devices that are prohibited for vehicles and bikes, and they go down and list out all these different things, and they list a laptop computer.
I've never seen anybody using a laptop computer on a bike, but if I do, I want to take a picture of it and not give them a fine.
Let's go back to your calls.
Ben in Missouri, you wanted to talk about Celebrity Worship that we were just talking about in the last segment.
That's right.
Well, first on the Second Amendment.
I mean, don't they realize that if the 1776 will commence again if they try and take our firearms?
That's right.
I heard somebody say that somewhere, yeah.
Say that loud and clear at some point?
That's right.
Anyway, you know, I had to get rid of TV because ever since I have kind of been listening to you guys and kind of seen through the Matrix, I just can't stand the mindless, brainless
programming celebrity worship that the American public has.
It makes me go back and forth between, you know, if these people are stupid enough to be programmed like this and to be manipulated like this, maybe they deserve what's coming to them.
But then I have to kind of, you know, take that back because all the things that they would roll out for, you know, the sheeple, are the same programs that they're going to roll out against people who have a brain inside their head.
That's the problem is that we have to live with what they're going to accept.
That's what makes this so frustrating, so scary.
And that's why it's very important for us to educate other people.
Go ahead.
I mean, and by the way, I'm driving by the Monsanto headquarters right now.
Every time I drive by, I want to run this sign over.
I swear to you.
Anyway, it's just disgusting.
It got to a point where I couldn't watch a sporting event, or I couldn't watch the news.
I can't do any of that stuff anymore because I just see right through the programming.
Well, what bothers me is, like you said, seeing the programming.
Seeing the programming even in some silly comedy like The Interview, where they're programming people to accept assassination.
I mean, that's the whole premise of the entire film, and then showing it explicitly.
That's the way they've been programming people with 24, even going back to the Bond films.
We were talking about this with my family this last weekend, thinking about the fact that, you know, Gloria Steinem was involved with the CIA selling feminism, they were selling the sexual revolution, the drug revolution that came out of the
drug experiments, Ken Kesey and Timothy Leary and their band of merry pranksters.
These are guys that were set up for the C.I.A.
program, and they go across the country preaching the wonders of LSD, which all came from our government.
All that stuff, the drugs, the feminism, the sex, the spies as heroes, that all hit at the same time, and they all, interestingly enough, have ties back to the C.I.A.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with more of your calls and of course in the next hour we're going to be joined with John Rappaport.
We're going to talk about the real GMO war that people are not paying attention to.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to go back to your calls in a moment.
John Rappaport is going to be joining us in the next hour to talk about GMO issues.
And again, on that health note, we have an article that's up on Drudge Report today.
Fukushima radiation, they say the U.S.
West Coast will likely see a peak in the increase in radiation by the end of 2015.
It's interesting how they release this information during the holidays and people aren't paying too much attention because they've been telling us all along that it's not really anything that we need to worry about.
But they say now that the debris that's been making its way across the ocean is going to continue to build but will peak
By the end of 2015.
I guess that's assuming that there's not going to be any further degradation of that situation there, that it is stabilized.
But of course they were telling us all along that it was nothing to worry about.
We also have a news report here from enenews.com and they're pointing out that levels on the West Coast spiked over 1 million times normal after the Fukushima explosions.
They're saying this is radioactive CS-137 levels increased anywhere from 1 to 10 million times after Fukushima.
This is not what we've been hearing.
But now the information is being released three, four years after this has happened, quietly, through the holidays.
See, this is why you need to watch out for your own health.
If you don't supplement with Survival Shield X2 that we sell here, get some other form of iodine to supplement your diet.
The soil is depleted, they're not supplementing it in the foods anymore.
It's something that you need to do to protect your health in a million different ways.
One of those ways, of course, is million times exposure to CS-137.
You just can't
Since this stuff, so you're dependent on people giving you the data, telling you if there's any kind of increase in the radiation.
Now they're telling you, but nobody's listening because they're releasing it during a very, very quiet portion of the news cycle.
And that's, of course, the way these things happen.
We were also talking about how they released their new laws or signed their new laws together on Christmas Eve or on New Year's Eve is a favorite time for them to release that to do document dumps and of course beginning on first of this year here in Austin as we talked about in the last segment they're going to have a law that is going to, it's targeted towards distracted driving but it's going to not just include your phone but they define distracted driving as adjusting your radio knob.
As talking to passengers in the car.
Do you realize how oppressive that is?
What do we do about that?
It's something you'll probably see in your area if you haven't already.
A lot of areas have already enacted anti-phone laws that you can't text or talk on the phone while you're driving.
But this is taking it to the next level.
We've already seen in the Socialist Republic of Austin that they have banned plastic bags in the short time that I've been here.
And it wasn't just Austin.
It was happening all over the country.
And so there were think tanks that were pointing out that, you know, hey, paper bags are not a panacea either.
And it's not that much of an environmental problem to have plastic bags.
So there was a pushback on that because it was happening all across the country.
You have these agendas, just like Agenda 21.
You have a national or global agenda, but they enact it
community by community and everybody just thinks it's the crazy city council where they live or the people who will put up with it but it's being done everywhere so pay attention
Don't be distracted by the media, by the circus and bread that they're putting out there, the information about the interview or talking about LeBron James.
Pay attention to what they're doing.
Look at the fine print.
See if they're going to create a loophole for them to be able to give you a ticket if you're talking to somebody in the car or adjusting the dial on your radio.
That's really, really oppressive.
I think we need to get together.
If we can't stop these laws by getting good people elected,
I think we need to stand up for each other, take it to court, go to traffic court, insist on a trial by jury, and tell the people there, do you really want to live under a government that can arbitrarily pull you over and give you, like in Austin here, a $500 fine for distracted driving if you're doing things like talking to somebody in the car or adjusting your radio knob?
Do you really want to support that?
I think we'll find that maybe that's the way that we get jury nullification back, is taking these absurd laws and shutting them down that way.
Let's go back to your calls.
Terrence in Canada.
Terrence, do you want to talk about world government?
Yeah, how are you doing?
Doing good.
Go ahead.
Alright, that's good.
No, I just wanted to talk about the ongoing economic war for this going between Russia and the United States and Iran and the Saudis and how the Saudis are
Manipulating and driving down the price of oil to completely bankrupt the Russian economy and Iranian economy.
That's very dangerous.
We're about out of time on this segment.
Hang on through the break.
I'll come back to you right after we come back from the break.
That is very dangerous.
It goes way beyond sanctions and it has implications for Americans as well that are very important.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And of course, John Rappaport is going to be joining us in the next hour.
We'll be right back.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and that is the problem.
People don't know much about history, and they don't know much about what's going on.
They get focused on the trivial cultural aspects.
The interview is a perfect example of how people focused on the celebrity aspect of it.
Completely ignored the propaganda and policy aspects of what were going on and those are very real and present and we're going to see the effects of those in the new year.
Now just before we went to the break we were talking to Terrence from Canada talking about the instability that is coming up and there's an article on InfoWars.com from Paul Craig Roberts talking about how
Conflict is being pushed on us, and it looks like our government is increasing the risk of conflicts throughout the world.
I want to get back to Terrence in Canada, but before I do, I want to point out we still have a special that's going on for Prison Planet TV.
It's the end of the year special that we run every year, but this year instead of getting six months for free, you're going to get seven months for free.
And this year Alex upped it from allowing you to share this with 12 family or friends to 20 people at a time.
And so you can get that right now, limited time.
It's the end of the year special for $29.95.
That's an entire year of Prison Planet TV.
It helps to support our operation, helps to support our reporters here.
And of course, it's the nightly news every Monday through Friday at 7 central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, and access to all of Alex Jones' documentaries.
A great way to get people to start paying attention.
Let's go back to Terrence in Canada.
Terrence, you started talking about the manipulation of the price of oil.
Go ahead.
Yes, absolutely.
No, it's absolute crime.
That's great.
I think it was Brazil, whose economy is about to implode.
And the fact that Venezuela, Iran, and that the Russian ruble is about to go right down into the toilet.
Well, you have different economic blocks.
You have the U.S., which has really prospered based on the petrodollar.
And that was something we created with Saudi Arabia back in the 70s, saying we will give you all kinds of military equipment and protection.
As long as you price oil in dollars and bank it with the Federal Reserve.
There's the Federal Reserve for you again.
The bankers always at the core of everything like that.
Well, that's worked out pretty well for the American public in terms of this phony fiat currency.
We've enjoyed an inflated standard of living.
Russia and other countries don't like that.
I think so.
Making sure that they're not going to lose money, but the American public is going to underwrite their speculation.
So we get all the risk, and they get all the profits.
That's the way it seems to work.
We didn't learn anything about history, did we?
We started the segment with that song.
It was only six years ago that this happened, and now we're about to recreate that whole thing.
But, you know, Terrence, I think this thing with oil is not just even directed at Brazil, Russia, China.
I think it's also directed at the American oil industry, which is now ramping up and producing a lot of content.
Those who would be producing fossil fuel as part of their war on coal, their war on fossil fuel in the name of stopping global warming.
If they can take down that economic block within the United States, it'll make it easier for them to push that agenda.
What do you think about that?
No, that's a really good point you have there, and it's actually Prince Bandar.
Webster Tarpey made a good point about that yesterday on his radio show, that it's Prince Bandar who's purposely driving down the price of oil in order to absolutely kill other producers around the world.
Very close ties with the CIA, Prince Bandar.
Yeah, go ahead.
Yes, yeah, absolutely.
And the fact that I watch the show and the show is a really great show.
Even my whole family watches it.
It's called One Piece and it really illustrates and shows the rising of world government and how it actually forms.
It starts with 20 kings from countries coming at the center of the world and forming one giant organization known as the world government.
And they use that
And just people, they use that to absolutely control people.
And what's going to be the way that they enforce this world government?
I think when we look at the pronouncements of the Pope yesterday talking about how he's going to urge the UN to do something, how he wants all religions to come together and make this global warming mantra that they've got going, this religion of global warming, this religion of
Climate change.
He wants that to be incorporated into all the religions of the world.
So we have one world religion, one world government and of course the means by which they're going to fund this is going to be carbon taxes.
It's going to be carbon credits that go to the corporations.
It reminds me very much of the indulgences of the Middle Ages, where they had so many holy days, we now call them holidays, because people were not allowed to work on the holy days.
And so the rising middle class in Europe wanted to keep their businesses open on these holidays or holy days, so they would buy indulgences from the church to allow them to remain open.
That's essentially what we're going to be doing with these energy credits.
They're essentially indulgences to use energy, to engage in activity.
And then of course, if we commit the sin, and this Pope talked about rainforest already, labeling it as a sin if you do something to harm the rainforest.
If we commit these kind of environmental sins, then we can also pay a penance, and that would be a carbon tax, and that would go to help fund this globalist government.
Yeah, it's an amazing way this all ties together into a world government.
Thank you so much for your call.
Let's go on to Coley in Wisconsin.
Coley, go ahead.
Oh, Coley.
Corey, sorry.
Go ahead, Corey.
You on the line, Dave?
Yes, go ahead.
You're on.
Hi, Dave.
I wanted to bring some of your guys' attention yesterday.
I don't know if you guys were following the news or stuff that was going on around the other alternative media shows.
This $1 trillion lawsuit that everybody seems to be thinking is going on in Connecticut regarding Sandy Hook.
I don't know if you guys did any reporting on this.
Yeah, I covered it on the radio here when I was on, but yeah, the one where they're suing the manufacturer.
Finally, one of the things that people have talked about, it's very suspicious, Wolfgang Halbig pointed this out, it's the only shooting where none of the parents sued the school system or anybody connected with it, the hospitals or the emergency rooms for not showing up quicker.
Nobody got sued with this.
That's the first time that's ever happened.
Now they're suing.
Now the parents have all got together and they're suing.
But they're not suing the school system or the security system.
They're suing the people who made the AR-15.
Having not even really proven to my satisfaction that that was the weapon involved.
But now they're suing the gun manufacturer.
What do you want to say about that?
Go ahead.
No, actually, this is a separate issue, separate cause, a civil suit that Jim Fetzer is backing, this gentleman.
And it just so happened to be that Jim and another individual went on the Pete Santilli show the other day and
I was speaking on behalf of what seemed to be Wolfgang's statement and there was a confirmation of four different video interviews yesterday simultaneously after that interview.
So who's suing who?
Who's suing who on this particular?
Apparently the name of someone, Stephen Hensley or somebody out of New London is actually starting a civil lawsuit in New Haven and he's claiming that Wolfgang
He's claiming that Wolfgang was in on this.
And they contacted Wolfgang yesterday in a video interview and said he had no part in this.
And for some reason, Mr. Jim Fetzer believes that he is on board with this.
And I'm just calling to let you guys know that I believe the YouTube handle is ProfessorDoom1.
That put out all the interviews speaking with all four of the individuals after that interview, and there was some major disinformation that was put out regarding that.
And it seems to be railroading Wolfgang's actual FOIA hearing coming up shortly here.
And I just thought you guys would like to know that and your listeners.
Yeah, I think that my personal take on it is I think that Wolfgang is the guy that is honestly trying to investigate this.
And I know that there's a lot of pushback from people.
We had a debate that Rob do narrated, or moderated I should say.
He moderated a debate between Wolfgang Halbig and another fellow who believed that it was all legit.
And I have a lot of questions about this and I know that Wolfgang Halbig has been a school principal, he's been a highway patrol officer, he's been a consultant to people on school safety.
And it seemed perfectly reasonable to me the questions that he was bringing up about this, and there's a lot of questions that come up surrounding Sandy Hook.
Why they did this, why they didn't do that.
And we've had him on several times.
So I wasn't aware of this lawsuit, but this is a lawsuit that they're claiming that he's a part of, but he's not really a part of.
That's what you're saying.
Yes, and it's circulating as such, and it got into investigative interviews yesterday, and the interviews were released to where Wolfgang actually came out and stated that this lawsuit was told not to be filed because it's going to hinder the current investigation that's going on, and that's when that same YouTube handle released the documents
Of Wolfgang's FOIA requests that are actually currently in Harvard, so now the world can actually see what he filed and that this hearing is coming up in the next six to eight weeks.
That's interesting.
And that in and of itself is, you know, why should our government try to block any FOIA requests like that?
Why would they send police officers to go and harass him in Florida?
Twice, when he was trying to get information about this shooting.
That's what he has always done in the past, about these other school shootings.
Well, thank you so much for telling us about that.
I'll take a look into that and maybe we'll have Hal Big back on to talk about that.
Let's go to Black Rob in Michigan.
You want to talk about tyranny in society?
Hey David, how you doing?
Doing good.
Go ahead.
I just want to say, man, you do a great job when Alex is not there.
I mean, the show is so smooth.
You do a really fantastic job, I just want to say that, you and the whole crew.
But yeah, man, just, um, you know, I hope this, you know, keeps making for the listeners, you know, everything that you guys report every night, you know, with the civil unrest in this country and also around the world, uh, from the different, um, you know, government agencies putting all these, uh, you know, tyrannical rules on us, you know, all this is really derived from,
Yeah, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but we wrestle against higher powers and authority, and that's why you have this kind of continuity that continues to go on generation after generation.
I absolutely agree with you.
Was there anything else that you wanted to say about that?
Well, you know what, for all the listeners who are not believers yet, it's one thing to be armed with the facts and know your constitutional rights and have guns and ammo, but when stuff really hits the fan later on down the line, you really need the power of Jesus Christ to get you through this.
So if no one doesn't know Jesus Christ, repent of your sins.
I'm good.
Yeah, absolutely.
I see a lot of people who will get angry because they're not Christians when we talk about this, but one thing they need to understand is that, you know, what would you be more frightened about?
Somebody who believes that they answer to a higher moral authority, who doesn't believe that they're the highest authority on earth, but somebody who doesn't and thinks that they are God or acts like they are God.
That's why it concerns me more to have somebody like Obama who
That's right.
And in the House, who will actually oppose him on this particular issue because they have some patrons of the Republican Party that don't want to see the coal and fossil fuel industries shut down.
And let me tell you something, the Pope is doing this and saying that they're concerned about the poor people.
Nobody is going to be more affected by this shutdown of energy than the poor people.
It is something that we can all see how it's going to affect our standard of living.
We can see in Europe, we've seen in many places where they've enacted these kinds of climate laws that they have made it prohibitively expensive for people who are retirement, who are pensioners.
They cannot afford to heat their homes.
It can have a direct effect on them, causing them to have health issues, to die during the winter, during the summer when the temperatures get to extremes.
But it is something that has been highly correlated, it's not just a lifestyle issue, it's been highly correlated with life expectancy.
Because all of society is built, a prosperous society I should say, is built on the prospect of cheap, plentiful energy.
And alternative energy, as useful as it is on an individual basis, to get yourself off of the grid, and that really ought to be our own goal, to try to get ourselves off of the dependency on the grid.
Nevertheless, it doesn't work when you try to use it within the grid.
When you try to use solar power or wind power, it's just not effective.
They have to use coal as a backup, and they have to use it in a way that makes it dirtier, because they have to cycle it up and down to fill in the gaps of the
Renewable energy sources that cannot produce the kind of consistent power that you need to run a technological society.
So this is something that is going to affect the poor in a very extreme way.
But it is something that is based upon a fundamental lie.
It is based upon something that is a dogma and that's one of the reasons why we need to oppose it.
It has always been a religious issue.
We've always had the climate
They call everybody deniers if you don't agree with their proposition.
And they will do anything to push that proposition.
They will cover and fudge the data to push that.
That's what the Climategate emails were about.
Emails were leaked out of England and America.
It showed that they were conspiring to hide the decline.
So that's something that is going to be there one way or the other.
But of course, this year is going to be the year, I think,
That Obama is going to try to push that through, as well as CISPA.
I think those are going to be the two things that they're going to try to push through as far as tyranny goes.
Let's go to George in California.
Hey Dave, how's it going?
Doing good.
I have a question.
Why is it that every time the subject comes up, we address it as they?
Why can't we point out who these people are?
And how are these people going about trying to introduce these police laws that essentially affect everyone?
I mean, where's the common sense?
That's what I want to know.
What do you mean when we say they?
They, like, I mean, they're doing this, they're doing that.
They are... Well, collectively, we're looking at the government.
We've got to attach names to it, and we have in the past.
We talk about Boehner, we talk about Kissinger, we talk about Brzezinski.
Yeah, there are some obvious faces that are attached to that.
I mean, it was like, you want to follow celebrities?
You want to do paparazzi?
I mean, that was what Bilderberg was all about.
Those were the guys that are pushing these policies.
But it's the policies that we need to understand and I think it's not so much to identify them as to identify the problem and to act on it locally.
Shut it down locally.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the next hour with John Rappaport talking about his article last week, The Secret GMO War, Double Agents, Betrayal, and Greed.
So we're going to talk about kind of the hidden agenda
The intrigue that's going on between in this fight about GMO labeling as well as in GMO prohibition.
We're going to talk about some of the other issues that touch on genetic modification as well with John Rappaport in the next hour.
I'm going to go back to your phone calls, but in the last segment we had a fellow who called in talking about the origin of tyranny in society, talking about how it really was spiritual wickedness in high places.
You know, we
We see in the Bible that it talks about nations will rage against God and his anointed, and we can really see that very clearly in China.
There was an article that came out this weekend, the Daily Mail, talking about China jailing six cult members in a continuing crackdown.
Now this is a cult that calls itself Almighty God, and they're sentencing them to five years for promoting their faith.
Now they say the six members were found to have held fundraising events and promotional activities.
That's pretty oppressive, isn't it?
Now, one of the interesting things that I thought was a takeaway here.
Now, of course, they're accusing this cult member of having committed beating a woman to death at a McDonald's.
Whether that's true or not, I don't know.
We know that governments will frame people for anything.
And I don't agree with Almighty God.
I don't agree with their... They think that Jesus has come back as a woman and wants them to overthrow the Chinese government.
So that may have something to do with it.
But they come after every religion whether or not it is against the Chinese government.
Certainly there's nothing in Christianity that would want to overthrow the Chinese government.
We have very compliant Christians, especially in China.
A lot of the people, we have a very vibrant Christian church in China that meets in homes, but the people who are allowed to meet in church buildings have had to go through a number of compromises in order to do that.
They have to modify the Bible, they have to modify their doctrine, they have to
Preach the glories of the communist state.
And if they don't do that, they're not allowed to have a church building and meet in public.
That's why the underground church, the home church, is so strong and vibrant in China.
And a good example of that also happened over the last couple of days.
They had, just around the Christmas time, there were stories up on Drudge Report, if you might have seen those, where they told these churches that they had to stop lighting their crosses at night.
So they turn off the lights.
They've already adjusted their doctrines, so now they turn off the lights on their crosses.
Then they come back a couple of days later and say, now you've got to take the crosses down all together.
You see how that kind of quizzling action where you try to cooperate with the government, you see where that eventually leads?
First it happens very slowly, then it happens very quickly.
And when people try to put those back up, they took them down again and then posted guards 24-7.
Now China is listing legal places of worship
For all religions.
It's not just the Christian religion.
It's not just cults like the Almighty God that are coming after them.
But it's for all religions.
So they've got now an official list.
So all worship is prohibited unless it's expressly permitted.
In China.
You understand how that happens?
You understand how that same thing can happen here, especially when we have a church that preaches a degenerate understanding of Romans 13 that puts the government out as if it is God, that says that anybody that is in office was put there by God, so obey them no matter what they do or say.
No, there are higher laws.
And that's like telling somebody that a husband who beats his wife is still a legitimate head of that family because he's the husband.
So God put him in that position so he can do whatever he wants.
No, when he does that, he's no longer legitimate.
is no longer legitimate.
When a government gets outside of the moral laws, it's no longer legitimate.
And for people who think that this isn't an issue, I would say to them again, would you rather be ruled by somebody who thinks that they are under God or somebody who thinks they are God?
Stay with us.
Right after the break, we're going to go back to your calls, and John Rappaport is going to be joining us in the third hour.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Tuesday, December 30th, 2014.
Let's go back to your phone calls in this segment.
In the next segment, we're going to be joined by John Rappaport to talk about his article on what's really going on with GMO and how we really should approach this in a wise fashion.
But let's go right now to your calls.
Let's go to Brian in Mississippi.
He wanted to talk about the Austin driving law that's going to take effect in two days.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Mr. Knight?
Doing good.
You are a great host.
I do have to agree with the other caller on that one.
Well, thank you.
Are you in Austin?
No, you're not in Austin.
You're in Mississippi.
So have you got something similar like that in the Mississippi?
I went through Austin the other day.
Delivered in Texas.
I'm a commercial truck driver and one thing that I've learned listening to Alex is
They use certain areas to test everything on.
Like in racing, they test the durability of parts and cars and aerodynamics before they put it in the market.
In trucking, they test everything else.
In truck driving, if I get a ticket for holding my phone, talking on it, texting, whatever, it is a $2,750 fine to the driver.
And if you look at the history of different aspects of trucking, like
Used to, the driver's license, federal courts will be, to drive a personal vehicle, you have a right to travel.
So you do not have to have a driver's license to drive a car.
But because it's considered commercial activity, you had to have what is a chauffeur's license.
Then they, over the years, changed it where everybody has to have a driver's license.
Then you look at the fuel tax.
We have what's called the IFTA, International Fuel Tax Trade Agency, uh, Fuel Tax Agency.
Gradually implement in the private area, just like we have on-board recording devices, like I have a Qualcomm where I use my logbook.
They implemented that in the cars.
And they're going to take that log and they're going to pass it on to our insurance companies who will say, well, you know, we thought you were taking that curve a little bit too fast or you were accelerating too much, even if you didn't break the speed limit by one or two miles per hour.
So we're going to raise your rates.
They're going to drive people out of their cars because they want to control transportation.
Go ahead.
You are correct.
I would love to talk to your reporters, one of your reporters about this, because that Qualcomm, the company knows how fast I go every leg of my trip.
They get speed reports, they get centers if you brake too hard, they could curve too fast, everything.
And I can get screenshots of my Qualcomm device.
But everything they've implemented in trucking, they are implementing into the personal, private arena.
Well, you know, I think it's just amazing.
You're talking about a $2,750 fine if you get a ticket for using your cell phone.
Of course, then the city of Austin is going to tack on another $500.
So you get about a $3,250 fine just for that one thing.
I just find that to be outrageous.
But I also think it's outrageous that they would extend this even further into talking to somebody in the passenger seat, adjusting your radio control knob.
I mean, when are we going to say we've had enough?
It's revenue generating.
That's the bottom line.
Yeah, and it's control.
And they're going to use that to force you out of your car.
And, of course, all these systems of self-driving cars are all going to use vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
So they're going to be broadcasting the direction and the speed that your car is going to the cars surrounding you.
Of course, they're going to be storing that
I think?
Now we're going to see them using the copyright laws to try to set up an internet kill switch yet again for probably the sixth or seventh time.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with John Rapoport.
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Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Joining us now is Jon Rapoport.
Of course, I wanted to talk to him about an article that went up on December 27th, talking about the war on labeling of GMO.
What's really behind it?
Who are the players?
What's the hidden agenda?
And really, how do we stop GMO most effectively?
I'm going to go back to your calls after the interview with John, so if you've been hanging for a while, I apologize, but we'll try to get back to those calls as soon as we talk to John.
But I really wanted to get John Rappaport's take on this and have him break down this article, because it came out over the holidays, as we were just talking about it.
It's a slow news cycle.
A lot of people don't get the information that comes out over the holidays.
That's why the government dumps so much information.
That's why they pass such overreaching legislation.
on the Christmas holidays between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
Joining us now is John Rapoport.
Welcome, John.
Good to be here, thanks.
Now, this article I thought was very interesting because you kind of break down the difference between the approaches of voluntary labeling versus mandatory labeling.
You know, we can have a situation in Whole Foods where they want to voluntarily label this as, this is GMO free.
The flip side of that would be forcing everybody who has GMO to say that it's got GMO inside of it.
One battle that's been going on, but talk about who's behind that.
Talk about this new bill from Congressman Pompeo.
Well, this bill would actually make it illegal all over the United States for any entity, whether it's a county or a state, to label GMOs in any mandatory way.
So it would wipe out the entire premise of the ballot initiatives that have been put on or legislative laws passed at any level.
And that's what's at stake.
And I thought when I first heard of this that it was absurd to think that this would ever pass.
But in conversations with several people since then who are knowledgeable on the subject, they warned me that there is a chance that this thing could gather steam and actually pass through Congress.
Yeah, I would think that the Republican majority there is going to be friendlier to this than the Democrats.
Is that your take on it?
I think so, although Henry Waxman, who is a departing congressman who is retiring, looks like he may have brought some Democrats on board here.
It's quite possible.
So, if that happens, we could be in real trouble.
Well, let's talk about the labeling issue in the first place.
Now, a lot of people might look at this and say,
I think it's a good idea for Whole Foods to create a market niche by voluntarily labeling their stuff.
That's a market-driven approach versus the government coming in and trying to mandate labeling laws.
But there's a lot more behind this.
Explain to us why that is.
Things are not exactly as they seem with that.
Look at it this way.
On one side, you've got the people who say, we want to pass mandatory labeling laws that say
What's in the food?
In the sense that it's going to say, this product contains GMOs, genetically modified organisms.
On the other side, you've got the people who are saying, well, we're going to do this voluntarily, but we're going to do it in a different way.
We're going to say this product is non-GMO or GMO free.
These two things do not coexist well together.
If one side really, especially if mandatory labeling gains the upper hand, if that ever happened across America, then the people who are voluntarily labeling would really be out of business on that score because there would be no need for what they're doing.
Now that happens to be a million dollar business, what they're doing.
Not only is Whole Foods creating a niche for themselves by saying, well, we've got now 20,000 or 30,000 products that have no GMOs in them, but in order for them to say that, they're sending these products to the non-GMO project.
Which in turn contracts with labs to do all sorts of testing.
This is a multi-million dollar business that would shrink down very, very small if mandatory labeling came in.
So this led me to question, you know, who really wants what here?
Is Whole Foods, for example, really in favor of mandatory labeling?
Or do they obviously realize that this would put a big crimp in their approach to the whole thing?
Saying what they really believe.
They're not always who they seem to be, are they?
There's this whole thing about Scott Faber, as you pointed out in your article, executive director of JustLabelIt, the preeminent organization dedicated to mandatory labeling of GMO foods.
But he's also working on the other side and he has some very, he speaks out in praise of GMO.
So here's a guy saying, well, we need to label it.
But then he is actually seems to be for GMO at the same time.
And not only that, but in his former position, he was the vice president of the Grocery Manufacturers Association of America.
Now this is the group that's poured millions of dollars, also committing illegal acts, to defeat mandatory labeling in Washington, Colorado, California, Oregon.
So, you know, this is a guy who's been talking out of both sides of his mouth.
What is he doing being the executive director of Just Label It, when prior to that he was trying to defeat labeling?
It's what we see over and over again, isn't it, John?
We see people who are working, we see one group that is controlling both sides of the issue.
Somebody like Scott Faber is the perfect example of that.
Somebody who says, well, I'm going to head up the commission or the organization for mandatory labeling.
Meanwhile, he's got connections to the industry and he makes an amazing statement that you've got here.
He says, we do not oppose genetically modified food ingredients.
We think there's many promising applications of genetically modified food ingredients.
I'm an optimist that the promises that were made by the producers of the technology will ultimately be realized.
We'll have traits blah blah blah.
He goes on with all this in praise of GMO.
This is the guy who's out there pushing for labeling.
Maybe if we look at this, we start to realize that as they do in all of these issues, whether it's the presidential election where they control both the Republican and the Democrat, they are controlling both sides of this labeling issue.
Now they're tired of playing games.
They don't want to spend money, even though they've had a long string of successes with the money they've poured into it, with the illegal practices that they've done around these elections.
They've had nothing but successes fighting mandatory labeling, but they're tired of doing that.
They don't want to go to court and have a long legal battle with the Vermont legislature.
They're just going to stop it all from Washington, because that's where they can exercise complete corporate control, isn't it?
And not only that, from the statement you just read, this gets to the heart of the matter.
Banning GMOs.
And there are studies that indicate both serious health dangers from the genetically modified elements in our food now, which are everywhere, plus the accelerated use, the huge gigantic use of Roundup, which contains glyphosate, which is a highly toxic chemical that is necessary for much of this GMO food, especially from Monsanto, because
The crops are engineered to withstand the toxic attack of Roundup, so you keep spraying lots and lots of this on food.
Well, this stuff blows all over the country, this toxic pesticide.
And then on top of that, the GMO elements in food are drifting from plant to plant, food to food, everywhere.
And so as long as Monsanto and the other giant biotech companies can play this kind of holding action,
Oh, label it, don't label it, let's argue about that back and forth, back and forth.
They accomplished what really is a fait accompli, which is the entire country is now drenched in poison and GMOs are everywhere, so they've won.
And I've been writing about this over and over again.
The whole anti-GMO movement from the beginning should have been about banning GMOs.
Absolutely, and that's where we've had the success.
We had that success in the last election in Hawaii.
They spent $8 million in Hawaii to try to stop a ban, and I think it was just one county, wasn't it, John?
And they lost that.
Because the people there were informed of it, and there's been several localized bans on GMO production.
That's why I wanted to have you on, because I think that's the most important thing.
We need to change the mentality and not get distracted by this labeling war.
As you pointed out, they'll create a situation where they control, they'll offer you a false dichotomy.
This is what they do with everything.
Well, it's either label it or don't label it.
And they get everybody fighting over the label it or don't label it.
Meanwhile, they continue with their experimentation, with their production, and as you pointed out, you're getting cross-pollinization, you're getting overblown pesticides that are having effect.
And it's not just the glyphosate, there's also the component, one of the major components of Agent Orange 2,4-D.
It's a lot cheaper than the other pesticides that I can use.
So you're going to pay me the difference?
If you pay me the difference, essentially blackmailing him saying you pay me the difference that I would for this more expensive pesticide over the 2,4-D and I'll use the other pesticides.
So the guy's having to pay him the difference to keep him from killing his crops and over spray.
And that's just about plants and food and crops.
It's not about human bodies and the health effects that these pesticides wreak on humans.
So, you know, we're dealing with chemical warfare here and GMO warfare.
So this is what I've been trying to emphasize.
You've got Josephine County, Jackson County in Oregon, who have banned GMOs.
Before you get into that, we've got to take a commercial break.
Hang on, John.
We're going to be right back with John Rapoport.
We're going to continue talking about the real strategy we need to approach stopping GMO.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to John Rapoport.
And we had an article that went up December 27th on Infowars.com, the secret GMO war.
Double agents, betrayal, and of course, greed.
And that's really what they always offer us, isn't it?
They give us two choices.
In this case, it's to label the food as being GMO-free or to mandatorily label the food as having GMO.
So they give us this choice of two options.
And then they control both options as double agents, the same way they control the political process, giving us two phony choices and controlling both of those options.
Now, I think that was important enough in the story, but I want to talk to John Rappaport because he suggested that we're getting distracted by these false two choices, and we need to really focus on stopping GMO production.
And John, you were just getting into that when we had to go take a commercial break.
Go ahead and continue.
Yes, we had two counties in Oregon, Josephine and Jackson, that banned any GMOs in the county.
We had Humboldt in California.
Then we had Maui County, which enacted a temporary block on further GMO pesticide development by Monsanto and Dow.
Now all of this has been challenged to some degree.
I mean, we've got a big case going on now in Maui and a suit filed by Monsanto.
We don't know what the outcome is going to be.
Oregon has responded by passing a law signed by the governor that says no more of this banning in any county in Oregon.
That's not going to happen anymore.
It's all on a state level.
So what we're seeing here, you see, counties have the right to ban GMOs.
It's a county movement.
And it's a trespass against your private property, as we're talking about, not just with Monsanto stuff, but of course the Dow Chemicals 2-4-D, the component of Agent Orange, one of the two major components of Agent Orange.
And now what we're seeing is, you see, the states are trying to assert their authority over the counties.
And if the state doesn't do it, the federal government will do it.
And it's all by this misinterpretation of the so-called Supremacy Clause in the U.S.
Constitution, Article 6, which says that basically federal laws trump everything, or the bigger government entity controls the smaller.
Yeah, but if the citizens of a county are being poisoned,
If their livelihoods are being destroyed, and if these genetic elements are entering the food supply with their own health dangers, then that trumps everything because the whole basis of the law is that you have the right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, you know, to survive.
And I would argue that the 9th and 10th Amendment, which were enacted after the Supremacy Clause, take precedent.
And also, they define what the jurisdiction of the federal government is for that supremacy.
So, we have jurisdiction, we have a later precedent set in the Constitution and the law, the 9th and 10th Amendment.
People have the right at both the state level, at the county level, to enact laws that protect themselves against trespass, against poison, if you will.
This is a coming battle.
We're in it right now.
Do people who live in a local community have the right to protect themselves from harm?
Or can the government say, because we're the superior entity, you have to suffer and die?
It's that simple.
And so this is the struggle and it's going on right now in the United States and probably in other countries as well on local levels that we don't even hear about.
But here in the U.S., this is a major fight that we're in.
It not only involves GMOs and pesticides but other things as well.
But since we're talking about this, it's the right of a group of people in a community to say,
This corporation can't operate here.
You can't grow this type of crop because we know it's dangerous.
And we don't care what you say about your knowledge of the science and how you're experts.
We know that's all lies.
Yeah, they can cook the tests and they always do.
Just as we saw with the GMO test of the rats that came out of France.
Those were the ones that developed tumors all over their bodies, those grotesque pictures.
Those came from rats where the experiment was continued for a reasonable amount of time.
But Monsanto had already done their study, but it was for a very short time, so they didn't see those kind of effects.
They cook the books, they fund the studies, and then they come in and say, we know better than you.
But people need to make that decision, just as you pointed out, John.
That's a transcendent principle in our government.
That the Declaration of Independence had that we have the rights, the fundamental rights of life and liberty, that we create the government to protect those rights.
And any government that is destructive of those rights is not legitimate.
And it's our duty to alter or abolish that government.
We're going to be right back with John Rapoport.
This is the fight.
The fight is not over whether it's going to be labeled that it's free or has GMO, but whether we're going to have GMO produced.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with John Rapoport.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Got it.
Others don't.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today, and joining us is John Rappaport.
He's graciously consented to stay with us a few more minutes into this segment, and then we're going to go back to your calls.
And of course, we're talking about his article that he put up, The Secret Double War, going on about labeling, showing how people are working both sides of this issue, the labeling issue.
And of course it's all being controlled from the top.
They want to stop any further ballot initiatives across the country that might affect mandatory labeling.
They want to make that illegal from the Washington directives.
And they want to shut down any banning of GMO production at the state level.
This is something that really impinges on our fundamental right to life.
As well as property rights, as well as trespass onto neighboring farms.
We should be able to do this at the local level, at the state level.
And John, I wanted to touch on some of the other articles that have come up in the last couple of days as well, that really kind of show the corporate overreach of these people.
The audience doesn't really understand the science behind it, and I think we should clarify that we're talking about transgenic genetic modification that's very different than selective breeding that people have been doing throughout human history, where you take things of the same species and you modify characteristics by selective breeding.
No, this is transgenic.
They're taking
Genes of completely different species and manipulating them and combining them in a way that would never happen in nature.
That ought to concern everybody about just the science of it, if they really understand the potential for abuse, the potential even for mistakes, the potential for collapsing our entire food supply.
But there's also an overreaching greed factor here.
That was the last part of your title in the article that we had up on InfoWars, the greed.
And when I look at this article that came up,
Also over the weekend, seed libraries are struggling with state laws limiting exchanges.
And they're talking about, in this particular incident, Duluth, Minnesota.
They say it surprised gardeners and seed library officials who never thought about the intricacies of state seed laws.
And the very last line of this article says,
Advocates of seed sharing programs have said they don't necessarily blame agricultural departments, but they express frustration that laws focus on the needs of modern hybrid seed producers while limiting age-old person-to-person seed exchanges.
See, we're not going to be allowed to grow our own food because Monsanto and Dow need to make a profit, don't they, John?
Yes, and Monsanto and Dow are basically saying you can't share because we own it.
Yeah, exactly.
And if we don't already own it, we're going to figure out a way to insert genes in it and patent those genes so we do own it.
I mean, this is one of the oldest traditions on earth.
It's farmers, families, sharing seeds.
And all of a sudden, well, you mean there's a law against this?
Yes, of course, because you're violating this and you're violating that and so on and so forth.
And you scratch your head and say,
This is completely insane.
Where is this coming from?
Well, where it's coming from is governments on a state and federal level colluding with these mega-giant corporations like Monsanto and Dow to basically own the food supply and say, you've got to come to us to get all of your seeds.
And this is something that they don't even have to go in and genetically modify the food product in order for these guys to claim ownership.
We have an article that just came up today, John.
Monsanto is trying to patent natural tomatoes that they didn't even modify.
They just roll over and die, and so I think that's another aspect of it.
We're going to see, just as they decided they didn't want to fight state by state, county by county, against labeling laws, against production bans, and so they take it to Washington.
They're now taking their fight to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to the Transatlantic Trade Partnership.
They're going to enact these international treaties that are going to supersede even the national governments in order to push their products on
On different regions that right now are rejecting those products.
So they will claim violations if you share seeds.
And they won't be claiming it at a national level.
They'll say, this is a treaty violation.
You can't do this because we control the food supply.
That's where they're going with this.
To control the food supply, which means, essentially, you then decide who eats, who doesn't eat, who dies, who lives.
That's the biggest framework, which is the globalistic framework behind all this.
Do you really want to give a few worldwide multinational megacorporations absolute and total control of the food supply?
Maybe that's the way some of the people can understand the danger behind this.
There's one more article I want to talk to you about, John, and get your take on it.
There was an article up on Infowars.com, Noah's Ark, Russia is going to build the world's first DNA data bank of all living things.
Now this is not just seeds, we've had a millennial seed vault that Bill Gates has got some involvement in, but now they're doing this with living organisms and this is something that Russia is doing.
What do you think is behind this?
Some people have speculated that maybe it's them trying to prepare for the possibility of nuclear war as we see the United States trying to build
I think you're right.
I think they are very frightened and confused to some degree, but they're getting smarter in Russia.
They realize that
With this massive spread of GMOs all over the world, everything is now contaminated with gene drifts from plant to plant.
So they want to preserve as much as possible original seeds, traditional seeds, traditional DNA on all levels because they know this doesn't just stop with plants.
The whole globalist idea, technocratic idea is eventually we're going to be talking in the same way we're talking about plants now, about genetically engineering human beings and animals.
So they're saying, okay, we have to retrench here.
We have to create a vault where we have original DNA because
This is spiraling out of control completely.
And one more thing I would add, that is, people in the United States are largely ignorant of everything that we're talking about here because the press coverage is so minimal because it's being suppressed.
You go into other media outlets around the world, the Monsanto, GMO, pesticide, patenting the food supply, etc., etc., putting farmers out of business by the millions.
This is major, major news.
And it's not just putting them out of business in India, they're committing suicide because Monsanto has made it impossible for them to stay in business.
And that's the way they react to it, these poor farmers who have essentially lost everything, everything, because of Monsanto's corporate greed and their genetically modified program, essentially ruining their crops where they can't grow anything at all.
But that's the thing I think that we really need to focus on is that, and you pointed this out in your article,
If they get us fighting over this labeling, whether they're going to label it or not, meanwhile they keep producing this, meanwhile it keeps spreading, it keeps contaminating natural products, and that's the real danger, is that while we're looking at the label, whether it says it's got it or it says it doesn't have it, while that's going on and we're fighting about that, they continue with their development and this stuff is spreading out of control.
That's the real thing that I think concerns everybody, and maybe that's what's concerning Russia.
I think that's true.
I recently came across a list of pesticides and herbicides that were being sprayed on the island of Kauai.
And this was a list that was prepared blow by blow, company by company, hour by hour, day by day for a year.
And what it detailed was what the chemicals are.
These are all experiments that are going on in Kauai.
And the list was absolutely overwhelming.
I mean, I've never heard of most of these chemicals in my life.
And then on top of that, I had a PhD bioscientist out there telling me
Plus, there are secret chemicals that nobody knows about.
And that's another good point, because when we look at the GMO, the non-GMO project and their GMO free label, what that's looking at is strictly genetic modification.
If they're putting a pesticide, a new pesticide that nobody's ever heard of before, if it's an inorganic chemical, of course it's not going to be genetically modified.
You don't genetically modify inorganic chemicals.
So they could still spray that
On the GMO-free, quote-unquote, project that they're selling at Whole Foods at a premium, it could still be covered with inorganic pesticides, and it would be labeled as GMO-free.
So there's a lot of deliberate, I think, confusion within these labels.
In an organic product, of course, it would not have any pesticides, and there is some monitoring of whether or not there's a GMO component in the organic label, but if it's this
The commercial label that was created for the grocery stores to have a niche, this non-GMO project, they can have pesticides as long as they're not genetically modified.
So the consumer says, well, this is the best thing I can do is to buy non-GMO.
That's what he believes.
Pesticides present?
Could be, yeah, sure, why not, of course.
Is it organic?
Is it the same thing as organic?
He doesn't understand these distinctions.
The labels end up confusing people to the point where they give up and then they just go about their business buying whatever they want to and in the meantime the whole insane technology and poisoning expands.
And that's why I think the mandatory labeling is simpler, because it's just a list of ingredients.
And of course, GMO should be considered to be an ingredient, because it's got transgenic ingredients added to this natural product.
I think it is quite natural to call it an ingredient.
But thanks so much for joining us, John, and thanks for pointing that out.
I think people really need to understand that where we have had the success, of course, and where we really need to fight them, is in banning the production of this stuff.
Because if we start just looking at the superficial label, it's going to continue to spread out of control, and it's going to be just a couple of corporations that are going to have total control of the food supply.
And once they collapse it, I guess they'll have the control of the seed vault and the control of the animal DNA.
I don't know, but thank you so much for joining us.
That's where it's going.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
I want to get back to some of your calls now.
We've had several of you hanging for a very long time.
Let's go to Rich in California.
Hey, you want to talk about Fukushima?
Yes, you mentioned the Fukushima nuclear disaster earlier.
The reason I'm calling, I heard about a method of decontaminating fuel rods.
It's called Brown's Gas.
I understand that the Chinese Navy uses this stuff to decontaminate fuel rods, spent fuel rods from nuclear submarines.
What you do is you combine atoms of oxygen and hydrogen.
Are they using that technique now?
And if not, why aren't they using that technique?
I have no idea, and I heard about it a while ago.
I've talked to everybody in town here, I could, and I've tried getting on your show for several times, but I finally made it through.
But anyway, I would
I'd be more than happy to send you this information.
I'm a senior citizen.
I live in a trailer in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Not too far, very close to the Pacific Ocean, and that's, that nuclear stuff is heading my way.
So you say it's a technique to decontaminate the nuclear, the fuel rods, right?
But what about our own health?
Does it help us any with our own individual health?
Uh, that I don't know.
However, the contaminated fuel rods certainly aren't doing us any good.
Perhaps you or Alex, I'll send you the material if you just read this.
Sure, I'm happy to read it.
Hang on and they'll get your information and actually I'll let them give you my email address and you can send that to me.
Thank you so much for pointing that out.
I guess the real problem of course is can we get any honest information about what's going on.
As I pointed out earlier in the show, there's an article that's up on the Drudge Report that Fukushima radiation is supposed to peak
By the end of 2015, I thought it wasn't even really a problem.
I thought they were telling us that all the animals that were dying in the Pacific Ocean, that was because of increased ocean temperatures or something like that.
When the radiation readings that people were getting as they were doing their own readings, those were not valid because they weren't coming from bona fide sources.
So we've been...
Reporting on this, we've been seeing the effects of this, and yet they've been denying that it's really essentially going on.
Nevertheless, we've seen Oregon State University research that showed that albacore tuna radiation levels tripled off of Oregon right after Fukushima.
And it all presumes that they're going to get this under control, that it's not going to just continue to flow radiation out into the Pacific Ocean.
I haven't seen any evidence that they have it under control or that they've got it so much under control that something else couldn't make it accelerate or start up again.
That's one of the reasons why the former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency said that
In his perspective, we ought to shut down all nuclear power plants in America and redesign them so they don't have this same fundamental flaw that we saw in Fukushima.
And I think he's exactly right.
I'm also very concerned about the long-term effects of storage.
How do you calculate the expense of that?
How do you control it for hundreds of generations?
The power plants and how long you have to monitor the radioactive byproducts of that, the nuclear waste.
Who's going to pay for that?
Who's going to keep that safe?
What kind of technology is going to last for a thousand years or three thousand years to keep this safe?
Those are the kinds of questions we should be asking of the nuclear power industry.
But of course, Obama wants to shut down coal and nuclear is his choice.
There's a lot of green groups that say it's the greenest source of power because why?
It doesn't have the infamous CO2.
Well, you know what?
CO2 can be breathed in by plants, but they can't breathe in radioactive plutonium.
Let's go on to Jeff in New Mexico.
Go ahead, Jeff.
How you doing, David?
God bless you.
Thank you.
I have a couple comments, and then I'll be as brief as possible.
I'm an ordinary minister.
I've been awake now for a few years, thanks to you guys there at InfoWars.com.
I want to read, you know, Romans chapter 13, he mentioned that earlier.
Verse 1 and 2, very briefly, it says, that every soul be subject unto a higher power, for there is no power but of God, the powers that are ordained of God.
And then it goes on in verse 2 and it says, whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God,
Second of all, I'd like to say this.
I want to praise Oxy-Powder, first of all.
That has done wonders.
I'm on my second bottle now.
And people need to wake up and realize that the Bible has all the answers for our health and all the answers for what's going on in our country and the world today.
Well, that's true, and I don't want to second-guess the plants and animals that God has created.
I don't think we should be combining them in unknown ways to create these chimera.
That's what really concerns me.
That's why I think we ought to start creating a DNA seed bank as well.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
And this is Final Six.
Tuesday, December 30th, 2014.
I want to go back to your calls.
We've got Mark in California has been on hold a very long time.
Thanks for holding, Mark.
What did you want to talk about?
Yeah, before we get into the upcoming debate with Alex Jones and Bill Ayers, I'd like to say that I spoke with the General Manager of Family Radio, Tom Evans, who I've known for years.
He took over for Mr. Camping, Harold Camping, and he said that he would be willing to have a phone interview with, I told him about Alex Jones' phone interview with Dr. Wakefield of the CDC and Dr. Thompson, and Family Radio has many radio stations, or they are,
A Christian radio station, I do not work for Family Radio, but Tom Evans, I'm not good on the computer, so if you could tell somebody there at Infowars.com that is good on the computer to contact Dr. Wakefield and Thompson, they will get an interview over a bunch of radio stations with, it's called a public service announcement.
Oh, okay, good.
That's a message that needs to get out there.
Good, yeah.
There was just an article that came out yesterday saying that they estimate that at the current rate that autism is exploding, they expect to see half of the kids come down with autism by 2025.
About half of our children will be affected by autism.
It's just exploded.
It's amazing how rapidly that has increased.
Yeah, and if you want my last name too and phone number for, you know, because Tom knows me and of course Mr. Camping's in heaven now so he can't be reached, but would that help?
Sure, go ahead and give it to them and they can take that information and they can pass that along.
Thank you so much.
Was there anything else that you wanted to cover?
Yeah, on the bill, when is that going to be with Bill Ayers, the debate?
That was going to be, we had Bill Ayers was scheduled to come on and then I wound up doing that show that week, that was a Friday, and that's been delayed and I don't know what the new date is for that, but no firm date yet, I was just told by Nico.
So I don't know when that's going to be, that had to be rescheduled, but stay tuned, it's going to happen.
And it should be an interesting debate, that's what I'm going to want to hear.
Is there anything else, Mark?
All right.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to Melvin in South Dakota.
You want to talk about 2015?
Go ahead.
I'm a first-time caller, and I just became introduced to the products that you've got there.
I'm very pleased with the efficacy and the advanced formulations.
But I'm thinking about 2015 and the question the other day about what was expected to be the most significant events occurring in 2015 and it looks to me like the continued economic destabilizations are going to be on the plate and with ongoing provocations and tripwires for a government to react and to create a provocation for war.
And I believe that the answer to that is that our nation needs to immediately align with the BRIC nations and get off of this Asia pivot baloney and start getting on to the fast track of re-industrialization and development rather than
Manipulation of monetary systems in order to try to create, you know... Well, it's going to be difficult because, you know, this whole thing was a concoction of the Federal Reserve and the BRICS have been essentially set up to try to counteract this petrodollar situation that's there, so I don't really see them joining.
But there is going to be an effort to try to join all the different countries together.
It's called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Trans-Atlantic Partnerships, these
We're good.
Well, that's it for today's show.
Join us tonight at 7 p.m.
for the InfoWars Nightly News.
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Join us tonight and we'll be back tomorrow at 11 central.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.