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Name: 20141229_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2014
2307 lines.

The Alex Jones Show highlighted the increasing amount of information available online and the growth of alternative media, emphasizing the importance of reaching people now while there is still a strong voice. The show also discussed parenting responsibilities, with Paul from Canada sharing a list of seven roles a parent should fulfill.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
LAPD's on alert after gunman fire on patrol car.
A warrior, as he's known, charged after threatening to kill cops and innocent, quote, white kids on Facebook.
Talk about the winner of the Darwin Dummy Award.
That's just some of the news we're going to break down as the Justice Department and controlled dinosaur media try to foment racial
And of course, economic class warfare.
But that's taking a back burner today.
I covered that in great detail yesterday.
This is just a smorgasbord of news.
Asia Air CEO dumped shares days before flight disappeared.
Move prompts speculation that Tony Fernandez had prior knowledge.
Well, that happened on 9-11, too, on American and United at a record level.
Four times any previous put option on the airline's decades and decades-long histories.
Hillary again tops Oprah on most admired woman's list.
Totally disgusting force-feeding of that witch to the public.
Pope Francis' edict on climate change will anger deniers and U.S.
Well, it's also just pure baloney, world government garbage from the Jesuit priest.
I'm no Catholic, but I know the basic law is that you never can have a Jesuit as a pope, or even as a high-level cardinal, because it's supposedly a guardian organization of the Catholic Church, so it's like third world countries always have the military take over.
Or it's like back in Rome, you couldn't bring in the Roman legions past the Rubicon in the north, out of what's Switzerland today.
Julius Caesar did that, 40-something years before Christ was born.
Pope Francis is the equivalent of that, bringing the legions into Rome.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, he wants you to pay carbon taxes!
He agrees with Obama that people in Africa shouldn't be able to have cars or air conditioners.
So folks who always want me to attack the Pope, well you're gonna get some today, don't worry.
Continuing the war on drugs just got even more vile.
Police to begin inspecting your poop!
And this is a mainstream news article out of the American Chemical Society report and the Journal of Sewage Epidemiology.
Let me explain something.
They've been snooping the poop like a you-know-what house rat for a long time.
But now they've got your blood samples in most major databases and they have computerized systems that can instantly inspect through it and then you're gonna be getting a knock at your door.
We snooped one of your poops and it says you were using cocaine or Ritalin or Prozac without a prescription.
Here it comes, land of the free, home of the brave.
We're gonna inspect your poop.
The Poop Police.
You've heard of the Green Police.
Well, I'm sure the Pope will come out now and endorse the poop police.
Of course, not his poop.
When the pontiff travels, they have a contained toilet that goes with him, just like President Bush and Obama have, because they know that foreign governments and others try to get into the sewage lines to get that valuable intel.
By the way, you think I'm... Folks, I'm going to mention this later.
Print me an article from like five, six years ago about Obama's toilet and about Bush.
Bush has his own toilet.
Bush travels with his own toilet.
The people won't believe this if I don't show them that it's actually been in the news.
Connecticut, studying whether hemp can be a new cash crop.
Well, it sure is in Canada.
It has no HTC in it.
So that's coming up today.
Japan calls 42,000 chickens after second bird flu outbreak.
Seals may have natural GPS.
That's out of Fox News.
We're going to be breaking that down.
We're going to get into the Cowboys fighting with the Redskins yesterday.
And get back into that old 50-plus year rivalry.
People say, why are you about to cover sports, Alex?
You never cover that.
Well, you'll see why.
Also, gunfire at mall with someone banging on metal pots, say police.
They say the wicked flee when none pursue.
Did the U.S.
and the Saudis conspire to push down oil prices?
Well, remember the old Rolling Stone article, headline, everything is rigged.
Of course it is.
It's all coming up today and a lot more.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Take me through the centuries to super-size.
Fanny Hari, the very popular food babe, has been shaking up Monsanto and other big companies.
Her book isn't out yet for a few months, but she's giving us a sneak peek.
She's under a massive demonization campaign in mainstream media and on the internet.
And she wants to come on and talk about that today, but I mean, that's a badge of success.
That's an absolute badge of success, and in my experience, the more you get demonized and attacked and lied about, the more the general public loves you and realizes that it's all just made-up garbage.
The traffic on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com doesn't go down when they put out a yearly fake report claiming the site has viruses.
They always have to retract it because it's not true.
They do that to Drudge Report as well.
And they come out and put out just constant lies, constant disinformation, edit what I've said, misrepresent what I've said.
This is what you expect.
This is what happens.
Whenever you are over the target.
And that's an old World War II bomber term, of course.
She joins us in the second hour.
Wow, that said, there is just so much to cover.
LAPD ambush.
Police call off massive search for gunmen.
Here's another report.
Now Florida cops targeted deputy survived drive-by shooting.
Justice Department grants link to cop-killing rap video that aired one week before the New York police were shot.
A man known as, nicknamed The Warrior, charged after threatening to kill cops and innocent white kids.
So that's the government's attempt to start race war.
Look at this bizarre headline out of all the headlines.
Seed libraries struggle with state laws limiting exchange.
No, we're not talking about marijuana seeds.
Mary Jane.
We're talking about heirloom seeds being targeted worldwide by laws that are getting passed by the big GMO companies to not let people save and pass on some seed varieties that are over 6,000 years old.
The ultimate crime is having a garden, or saving your seeds, or having a swap meet, or shopping at thrift shops, or shopping at local shops.
This is how you control a population.
You're not allowed to shop outside the company store.
You're not allowed to shop outside the plantation store.
You're not allowed to shop outside the reservation store.
You gotta go to the government or Walmart government-allied trading post.
Seed libraries struggle with state laws limiting exchanges.
Associated Press, gardeners in hundreds of spots around the country are sharing seeds as part of an increasing interest in locally grown food, but some agriculture officials say the well-meaning effort violates state laws.
In spots like Duluth, Minnesota, the conflict has surprised gardeners and library officials who never thought to examine
The intricacies of state seed laws.
Agriculture officials say they weren't looking for a fight, but must enforce laws that are intended to protect farmers by ensuring seeds are viable, will grow, the intended plant aren't mixed with unwanted seeds or weeds or plants.
Yes, that's right.
You're not allowed to trade seeds because there's seed purity laws.
There are a lot of old laws.
I have family that have been farmers for many generations on both sides, but there are old laws on you selling bags of seeds.
They better be what you claim they are.
But that's a civil issue.
This country did great without all these laws.
Now they're bringing it in, just like I saw in Michigan and in Oklahoma the last few years, where they passed laws, or had city councils come out in the case of
In the case of uh... it's it's it's it's the second big city in uh... Oklahoma.
It's not Oklahoma City.
It's the one Jakari's from.
Tulsa, yeah.
Tulsa came out and tried to pass a law banning backyard gardens and the city council had statements like, because we don't know what you're growing it could be marijuana.
See, oh my gosh you're growing something.
We need to have an inspection because you might, you know, prisoners can't grow things in their backyards.
This is why they have a war on lemonade stands that Forbes has written about.
It's why they have a war on swap meets, a war on Christmas markets, a war on raw milk, a war on the Amish.
Because a wild human, an independent human, is an enemy human in the corporate, globalist, Google, Microsoft takeover system.
So, knowing how to sew, knowing how to make a fire, knowing how to do basic metallurgy, knowing how to fix an engine, but that's why they don't want you to know any of those basics anymore.
In the Great Depression, 1929, we've read the national studies here on air, 90% of the country was rural and most of them self-sufficient or somewhat self-sufficient.
Today, look up the number.
90, right at 90 again, percent of the United States lives in a city or in a suburban setting, 10% live in the country, and wait for it, of the 10% that live in the country, about half are seen as self-sufficient in major studies by the federal government itself.
So we've gone from 90% on the land
To 10% of the land.
We've gone from over 50% totally self-sufficient to 5% that are self-sufficient.
And let me tell you, it's weird if you know how to skin a bucket around a trot line.
Homeland Security says look out for those people.
I see articles every year of somebody in the country skinning a deer by a major road on their own property.
And you know what?
The cops come.
Because people drive by and they see an animal being cut up and they think it's animal abuse.
And the police come!
And they act like something's wrong!
Because they've been trained that when you get called, why you gotta act like something's been done wrong!
Now I've got a hundred articles or more I want to cover here today, but that's the domestication that we've gone under.
All of the instincts that, like electricity, are transmitted through our DNA right back to the beginnings of our origins.
are there in the genetic memory.
We have magnetic cells in our brains, in our spinal cords, and in our guts, and in our heart, in hundreds and hundreds of studies, I'm about to cover one right now, where we are connected to the Moon, the Sun, the Earth's polarity, the gravitational field, changes in that, and the globalists have known this for 100 plus years.
And they have been manipulating it.
You don't just think they're trying to shut down the Amish and trying to shut down Backyard Gardens, do you?
And trying to shut down seed exchanges.
For no reason worldwide.
We are being destroyed as a species by the technocrats in their own words.
And as I talk about your ancestors can touch you.
An ancestor 3,000 years ago.
Whether Africa, Europe, Asia, it doesn't matter.
3,000, 5,000, 6,000 is physically connected to you because your mother and your father touched them and came out of them.
Their mother and their father touched them and were raised by them.
It is a genetic, electrical transmission of data and genetics that is magic.
And that's under attack with the GMO.
That within three generations, just BT corn alone turns guinea pigs into blind, mentally retarded creatures, if they're lucky to live, with tumors all over their bodies.
We're already now going into the second generation of attack, autism set by 2025 to be half the population.
We are under mega attack.
The data is incontrovertible.
And the reason I mention that is, here's this article.
This is out of Fox News.
Seals may have natural GPS.
I love how they always have old articles as if they're new.
It's been known for decades that seals can even have goggles put on them and can be dropped in and know where they're going.
They have magnetic GPS.
Beyond echolocation with bats.
So do we, folks.
Peter Radjic, the editor of the Atlantic Sun and the U.S.
National Science Foundation
The live science contributed to this Fox News report.
While hunting, Weddell seals have biological adaptations that allow them to dive deep as much as hundreds of meters, but also the uncannily ability to find the breathing holes they need on the surface of the ice.
Now researchers supported by the U.S.
National Science Foundation, NSF, believe they have figured out
They really do do it.
And how they do it?
By using the Earth's magnetic field as a natural GPS.
How do you think butterflies hatch out in Canada and fly all the way to central Mexico?
The monarch?
Takes three, four generations to get up to Canada, and then the big one's born that's four times the size, the big B-2 bomber, and it flies back.
They've done university studies shooting magnetic fields at them and they just fall out of the sky.
Why do you think the honeybees are dying along with BT corn?
The magnetic fields are being jacked!
And it goes into this animal we think may be highly evolved in the ability to navigate using magnetic senses in order to find eyesoles some distance apart and get back to them safely.
And it goes on from there, from Marine Biology, University of A&M University, and it just goes on.
The reason I raise this is I'm going to tie it in to the Redskins and the Cowboys getting in a whole bunch of fights yesterday when we come back.
And I'm going to explain how all this works coming up and how we're being manipulated.
And how they take ritualized memories, you name it, and create false rivalries in the population to control us using our physical memory, our genetic memory, you name it.
It's all coming up.
Some of the deep secrets of how we're controlled and how we can break free.
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Stay with us.
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So, seals.
Monarch butterflies.
The list goes on and on.
Navigate on record by electromagnetic magnified magnetic cell ganglia in the brain, in the heart, and in the gut.
On record.
In so many studies it'll make your head spin.
People that have been in traumatic injuries and had areas of this damaged or removed, they found are completely different.
We are tied in to not just the magnetic field of the earth, but the magnetic field of the sun, the galaxy, the universe around us.
That's why they know that birds and mice and other animals sense storms days in advance.
Tornadoes days in advance, before weather systems have even arrived.
Earthquakes days in advance.
It's been proven!
They knew 60, 70, 80 years ago, and they surmised that it was magnetic cells in the brain, and now they've got high-powered electromagnetic microscopes, electron microscopes, and they know they can cut the part out of a rat's brain
And suddenly it doesn't have those senses.
That's why you say you feel something in your heart, you feel something in your gut, and then those ganglia of cells communicate with your brain that's got the same cells in it.
It was first given a scientific name in 1972.
How do you pronounce that?
Magnetic perception?
Magnetoception is a sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field in perceived direction, altitude, or location.
The sense has been proposed to explain animal navigation in vertebrates and insects.
And it goes on from there.
Yeah, how does something hatch out of an egg in Canada?
And then fly all the way south to Mexico like the Monarch.
And many other species of butterflies, well, do similar things.
Well, it's known.
Just like the seals, they've proven, have this brain tissue.
It's the same thing at a pep rally.
Why do you go to a pep rally?
Because the energy.
Before you would go to war, hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago, before the men marched off, there'd be a big party the night before to get everybody hyped up.
And to dance around the fire and to get the energy up.
Well, that's hormonal energy, brain energy, psychic energy.
What do we see happening with this rivalry of the Cowboys and the Redskins, since both teams were founded, getting in fights with each other and hating each other?
Well, part of it's cultural and it gets passed on.
But if you think about those teams, from the day the Cowboys were founded and the Redskins were founded and played each other, was it back in the 50s?
Right through to now, there are people and members of that team that were connected to the next group that comes in, so it's one stream, just like a family, just like genetics, just like common sense that's passed on, just like ritual and culture is passed on.
So it's electromagnetic, it's chemical, it's culturally taught.
And it's a perfect example of how they organize us into false tribal constructs, false battles, simulated combat that then turns into real combat to then insert the other messages like Northup Grumman ads showing how in real time everything we're doing is being tracked so SWAT teams can attack us to keep us safe.
I want to take that new Norfolk Grumman ad, I want to find that and download it.
I saw it last night during the football game.
And I want to, I was watching some of it, about an hour of it, to analyze it.
And I want to go find that state ad out of Pennsylvania with a satellite spying on you in your backyard.
They said, we know where you live, we're watching you.
And just show people how they're throwing it in our face now.
It's all a giant conditioning operation.
To take our normal instincts, our normal tribal warfare,
And to distract us from the real world.
But it's worse than that.
And we'll put bookends on this when we come back.
Get into all the news we haven't hit yet.
Asia Air CEO dumps shares days before flight disappeared.
Move prompts speculation that Tony Fernandez had prior knowledge.
We'll also get into the Pope wants carbon taxes.
It's all coming up.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSTS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
You're in your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator belongs.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776.
That's right, we wrote the book on the police state.
The Info War has been about exposing the global move to turn police forces into UN-controlled, gun-confiscating, social worker minions of the system.
And that's now where we live.
That's now the place we are at in this society.
That is now the place that we stand.
The final ingredient is getting moron ne'er-do-wells to start talking about how they want to shoot and kill police
To start a war against the police that will finalize their move to the dark side, being a paramilitary suppression force against the American people.
And it's all completely scripted by the social engineers in London, in The Hague and the Netherlands, in New York and D.C.
and Colorado Springs and Los Angeles.
It's all a big joke.
It's all been written about in books.
It's all been put out by the Rand Corporation.
It's all public.
The global government, the forced inoculations, the anthropogenic diseases, the binary weapons, the social engineers sitting back coldly as if we were nothing but amoebas in a petri dish manipulating our world.
To paraphrase the opening passages of War of the Worlds by H.G.
Wells, who was one of them, and wrote non-fiction books admitting it, that War of the Worlds is an allegory of what the establishment sees us as and what they're doing to us.
He and Bertrand Russell both proposed, in different times, using atomic bombs to reduce the world population, if need be.
And how a nuclear war might actually be a good thing.
That's why they call them liberals!
If you get awards from Hitler and give awards to Hitler, love letters, you are hailed as one of the greatest women to ever live and walk the earth.
If you're a grand dragon, you're hailed by the Black Caucus.
If you're not, you're attacked by the Black Caucus.
That's just the way it works.
Talking about Margaret Sanger and, of course, Senator Byrd, the late senator.
Yeah, a woman sues City of Tulsa for cutting down her edible garden.
Code police, six things that surprisingly may be banned in your front yard or backyard.
I just mentioned those older articles because here's the AP where all over the country they're trying to ban people exchanging seeds from plants that they've grown.
Can't do that without a special license.
Gotta end that ancient human activity that started civilization of seed sharing.
Can't make that up, huh?
Boy, we're such a free country, aren't we?
But don't worry, Pope Francis, this is in the London Guardian, Pope Francis' edict, I love his edict, like Obama has edicts now, forget Congress, on carbon taxes or open borders or grabbing our guns or funding Al Qaeda or Obamacare, Pope Francis' edict,
Obama's changed Obamacare over 200 times without law, but it's okay because, well, it's an edict.
Pope Francis's edict that he can keep to himself, I guess, because I'm not going to follow it, on climate change will anger deniers.
See, we're Holocaust deniers, folks.
But it is religious, so it's fitting that one of the biggest religious leaders in the world, if not the biggest, should be
Telling us we shouldn't be deniers.
It's like denying Christ, sacrilege, or they have a word for it, heresy!
In fact, in England, they've called for Lord Monckton's arrest, they've talked about my arrest in major newspapers, for being a denier, and they even call it heresy!
Maybe after I'm tortured in a dungeon?
Maybe then, if there's an inquisition, maybe I will then behave myself,
And admit Al Gore is my sacrament.
When we break bread we think about him and this wine is Al Gore's blood and this bread is his body.
As he lives in giant mansions and Obama says you can't have a car or air conditioning but he can.
That's how they make it.
We live in the palace and you're poor and it's trendy.
How's that sound?
He's been called the Super Pope.
The establishment has been viciously attacking the Catholic Church.
For whatever reason, there's been an open war on it, to infiltrate it, to liberalize it, to do all these things.
You can say what you want about its history.
It's certainly checkered.
But now, oh, we have the Jesuit Pope.
And I'm no Catholic, but I've read a lot of history.
You're not supposed to have anybody in the Society of Jesus in a high-level position in the Catholic Church.
It was a big deal a hundred years ago when they started having cardinals that were Jesuits.
Folks like Ray McGovern, formerly with the CIA, that exposes the tyranny is super accurate.
He's a Jesuit, nice guy, I respect him.
But, I mean, you're not supposed to have Jesuits running the Catholic Church, are you?
I mean, I'm just giving you the edicts of all the past Popes!
But now you have the new edict of the Jesuit Pope that the media says is the most wonderful person in the world because he goes and hugs people that are sick and doesn't have a bunch of security when he randomly shows up out of the blue in a crowd where they know he's safe.
He's pulling stunts.
And I don't hate Pope Francis, but I do hate carbon taxes that are a giant stinking fraud.
Pope Francis has called for restricting civilian ownership of guns, another horrible tyranny.
He's called for ecumenical merging of religions.
Boy, that doesn't sound too good.
And it's got a lot of conservative Catholics upset.
Pope Francis' edict on climate change will anger deniers and U.S.
The pontiff hopes to inspire action at next year's U.N.
meeting in Paris in December, after visits to the Philippines and New York.
Yeah, Third World, let us put giant taxes on you.
Right at double, it's almost double, it came out in the Copenhagen Secret Treaty, and they said, no, that's our treaty, remember, five years ago.
Right at double, one point shy of double, and then huge taxes on us to stop development except for the elites that are exempt, and will kill a billion people according to Lord Monckton, who's a Catholic, and he's the guy fighting it.
And we ought to get Lord Monckton on about this and get his view on them making it religious
To pay Gore and Blood, the company in London, and the Rothschild Exchange trillions of dollars a year if they get this through.
And the surveillance of all human activity to make sure you're complying.
Europe already moving to ban, well actually they've done it in some areas, single family dwellings, the new construction of them, and having wood stoves, fireplaces, or space heaters.
Just type that in.
Don't believe me?
He has been called the Super Pope, and it would be hard to deny that Pope Francis has had a good December.
Oh, see, it's just a rock star cited by President Obama as a key player in thwarting relations between the U.S.
and thawing relations between the U.S.
and Cuba.
Oh, he was cited by Obama.
That's incredibly unpopular and hated and a total criminal fraud.
Ooh, ooh, it's like being cited by by Jeffrey Dahmer.
The Argentinian pontiff followed that by lectures his cardinals on the need to clean up Vatican politics.
Oh yes, he'll now persecute who he wants for a full Jesuit takeover.
But can Francis achieve a feat that has so far eluded secular powers and inspire decisive action on climate change, which means giant taxes to the Rothschilds?
It looks as if he will give it a go.
In 2015, the Pope will issue a lengthy message on the subject of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics and give an address to the UN General Assembly and call a summit of the world's main religions to call for the adoption of the UN climate agenda.
And the article goes on.
Isn't that just special?
Isn't that just cutesy-tootsy?
I want to take some calls just at the end of this hour, a little bit at the next hour before our guest joins us, from Catholics specifically.
What do you think about this?
I mean, this is basically endorsing abortion because it will cause starvation of tens of millions a year, conservatively.
This will shut down development worldwide.
It's implying development is bad, and that what plants breathe is bad, carbon dioxide that's at a very low level.
It's a giant, global government, total fraud, the takeover plan by the Green Police.
It is a nightmare.
It is a nightmare death sentence to the third world.
We already see Catholic churches calling for open borders and world government and gun control.
So were the Protestant ones.
I mean, this is state-run.
This is state-run religion.
And it's frightening.
And it shows the world government agenda is showing its hand as left, right, and center they come out.
Oh boy, the pontiff was endorsed by Mr. Abortion.
Obama, oh my goodness, he's a rock star!
Here's the toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Only, we've only got a little bit of time.
I want to hear from Catholics.
Do you think I'm wrong about this, or... I mean, are you all now going to get rid of your car, your television, and your heat in the winter?
Because most of it's from coal power.
I wonder if the Pontiff is going to go green.
Oh, they'll probably buy a few Volt cars as a knick-knack, as a token.
I wonder what the carbon footprint is of Vatican City that's exempt from taxation and wanted to pay its power bill to Italy.
Just above the law, do whatever you want.
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Let's go ahead and go to Dr. Kelly in California.
What's your take on the Pope endorsing the Rothschild World Government Carbon Tax UN plan?
Well, I think they should go back to letting the Pope ski and back in the day he would be gone and the ladies couldn't find him and he'd be out on the slopes getting some exercise and having a good old time.
Oh come now!
Popes have never had girlfriends throughout history even though it's on record hundreds of times.
And it's interesting how the Catholic school truly is the prisoner training with the uniforms and the segregation and
All of the tyranny that they promote there.
Well, look, I mean, I think it's a mixed bag.
One Catholic Church will be totally communist, one will be conservative.
I mean, I think it's diversified like any big organization, but undoubtedly the Catholic Church has been behind the EU.
The Catholic Church is now behind gun control moves in the U.S.
and open borders, endorsing it and housing the illegals.
It is a foreign government operating inside the United States, now openly with the globalist agenda.
But the problem is, is the Protestant churches
Are like endorsing Bill Gates.
I mean, look, the Catholic Church has been one of the main fighters of abortion worldwide.
So that's a very positive.
You judge a tree by its fruits, there are some positive fruits.
I think this really signals, notice the media is hailing this pope as the best guy since sliced bread when they usually attack the other popes.
I mean, I think you can say what you want about the Catholic Church.
I'm not here to cause division.
A lot of friends that are Catholics, great people.
There's big changes going on at the Catholic Church and everywhere else right now, and they ain't good.
Gun control, open borders, and carbon taxes ain't good.
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This is not America.
There is no doubt that whether it's the British Royal Combine, the Dutch Royal Combine, the Vatican City operation, Israel, the United States, the Pentagon, NATO, they're all working in conjunction to establish a planetary government.
Under which human life is completely devalued, the family is broken up, and hell on earth is deployed.
Now the Vatican, on average, has been pretty pro-life and pro-family, and I said that's something positive.
And you've seen globalist attempts to take it over and turn it into whatever they wanted.
You can debate what the Vatican was before, but there's been an attempt to take it over.
It appears that's now been done.
Even though the Catholic Church at some of the local levels is endorsing abortion, but not at the international level, tacitly by supporting this U.N.
carbon tax agenda, that's what's happening.
And it's got to be addressed and dealt with, just like I get disgusted and read out the big Protestant churches that are involved in open borders and gun control.
I mean, you know, religion
When it becomes state-run or state-merged, it's very, very dangerous.
It's why we have a First Amendment in this country saying Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But then what do you do when foreign-based governmental churches, so powerful and so old, it's a government of itself, says your borders will be open, we'll bring people in and legalize them.
We will push carbon taxes.
We will go to the UN and try to enforce it over you.
It's over the top.
Keith in Indiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to mention the idea that I'm Roman Catholic and I've had a lot of discussions with people about the Pope and a lot of people think that his function is to introduce these subjects to the congregation.
That even if they don't go through, he's like this guy who's going to lay the foundation for the next Pope.
He's already 80 years old.
But he can bring up all these subjects and put them out there and say, we need to do this.
And then you have it given to you and you can sit on it for a while.
Some politicians do the same thing.
They prepare the public for what's coming.
And a lot of people think that's what his job is.
Well look, I have nothing against Catholics.
Everybody knows that.
And I don't try to get into this, but he's making it political.
And look, the last Pope had to step down under scandal.
Guaranteed, the Catholic Church is being blackmailed.
So, either do you agree with that or disagree with that?
And then what do you do about something like that?
I completely agree with you, and I think they are being blackmailed, and one of the reasons is that they're being blackmailed through the international banking system.
They've got all kinds of terrible banking problems, and he was from South America, and a lot of them came out of that section because they were running, apparently laundering drug money through the Vatican Bank, people have said.
But anyway, you're right.
They bring blackmail, and what you do about it is the only answer you have
is you have to attempt to do a grassroots move just like you talk about all the time.
It's the individual people in their parishes who have to think they have some say in what happens.
But if they wash their hands of it, like a Pontius Pilate move and don't do anything, then the top will just get to do what they want and it'll just go along.
And I think I don't really know how else they're going to do it.
The problem is there's so few priests
A lot of the people don't have anybody to talk to anymore.
Well, if you go back on record 70, 80 years ago with the World Council of Churches and others, the Rockefellers publicly bragged that not just the Catholics, but the other seminaries, they were infiltrating with communists and socialists.
That's what Margaret Sanger said they would do to take it over.
And so, you've got a bunch of people that aren't even Christians there as ministers, as priests, you name it.
I mean, that's come out.
That's on record.
So we have to recognize that that's a big part of this as well.
That South American tradition of the Marxist thing.
The continent that opposes it more than any other is Africa.
Not America.
It's the African priests who are the most conservative.
That's true.
And they're the ones that exposed the UN agenda.
You're absolutely right.
Because they're facing the brunt of it.
They're under.
They know what it means.
Because they're 20 years ahead of us down the rathole.
Thank you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, AirAsia's CEO dumps shares days before flight disappeared and the food bank changes.
Right now we're talking to Catholics.
I asked Catholics to call in and give me your take on Pope Francis coming out and saying we gotta do something about climate change.
I mean, it's been a proven fraud.
It's global government.
And it's just outrageous.
Now, the Catholic Church, from my research, and I'm not Catholic, but I've done lay research, is very diverse around the world.
As the last caller mentioned, the African leadership of the Catholic Church is very conservative, exposes the UN, the whole world government agenda, because they've been under it.
Central and South America, the Communists basically took it over.
And that's where old Pope Francis comes from.
And, I mean, my goodness, you know, you tell a tree by its fruits,
Might as well make him the head of the U.N.
or something, in my view.
But what do you do about something like this?
Ron in Canada, what's your take on this?
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
I just want to say one thing about Catholics.
Have you ever heard of something called the Know-Nothings?
I just want to say what they are to your listeners.
The Know-Nothings were an anti-Catholic political group in the United States in the 1840s and 1850s who claimed that the Irish and Roman Catholic immigrants
Well, I mean, the Catholic Church was neutral to a great extent, but also joined in some of the Revolutionary War stuff to get out from under Britain.
So if you study the history of it, I really didn't see the Catholic Church
Trying to stop the formation of the Republic, if anything, was on the side of setting it up.
Though there was something that big, there was multiple things going on.
But yeah, the UN, the IMF, World Bank, all these organizations.
The Big Fortune 100 and the Catholic Church as a whole are pushing open borders now that will end the country as we know it.
So, that's where I stand on this.
I mean, I am against carbon taxes.
It is a eugenics death sentence and I want to get Lord Monckton on to speak about this.
Have you ever heard of something called the Gray Wolf of Bulgarian Secret Service?
I've heard that term before refreshed my memory.
Pope John Paul II's 1981 attempted assassination.
Various theories have been brought forward in regards to the attempt by Mehmet Ali Agra to kill Pope John Paul II.
Oh yes, I was aware of that.
Well look, I mean isn't that, see that's something good the Catholic Church did trying to bring down the Soviet Union.
That's what I mean.
I just don't think it's one monolithic thing.
It's like any big institution.
But this is a really bad turn in my view.
Who do you think was really behind the attempted killing of Pope John Paul II?
I think the CIA.
I honestly think the CIA is involved in almost every assassination there has ever been, including President Kennedy.
I want to get your take on the Catholics and Hitler.
How were the Catholics involved in the Nazi movement?
Well, the fascists took over Italy, and so at that point, the Catholic Church didn't have a lot they could do either way.
Some of the Catholics were for the Nazis, some were against, some got persecuted, some weren't.
My memory, this is a complex issue, I think it was Pope Pius, wasn't it, who was in there at the time, went along with it, or I guess get politically taken out.
You can slice it either way.
Then the Vatican was used to help get some of the Nazis out via the Rat Line Operation Paperclip, but they also used British intelligence and others.
So, that's what I mean.
It just seems like it's all part of one big operation.
So there you've got my historical take on that.
And this from someone that the Catholic bashers claim is a secret Jesuit assassin priest.
I just try to cover the real history without getting a bunch of infighting going on.
I want to promote the basic ideas of liberty, and I think in many people's hearts, regardless of what your religion is, that that desire is there.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here now into hour number two as we accelerate towards 2015.
How many more live broadcasts do we have?
We have today the 29th.
We have tomorrow the 30th and the 31st and I'll be live on New Year's Eve with a review of the year and looking forward.
We're preparing something really special for New Year's Day.
We've never done this before, and I'm going to leave it as a surprise, but the rebroadcast, a lot of it will be new recordings I'm going to do over the next few days with some other interesting stuff.
So Thursday, New Year's Day, we will not be live.
I will be live on Friday the 2nd though.
A lot of talk show hosts end up taking off basically a week of Christmas and this week, but I missed some over the last few weeks, so I was here every day last week but Christmas, and I'm going to be here live as well on New Year's Eve.
I do have family issues with my grandmother and other things I've got to deal with tomorrow.
I get to deal with tomorrow.
And so I'm going to be taking off tomorrow.
David Knight is going to be here.
That was a decision I just made this morning to spend time with my grandmother.
I'll just leave it at that, and I'll be back New Year's Day unless other things come up, but I should be here.
I'm not going to go into it.
People can probably... Anyways, so I won't be here tomorrow, but David Knight will be with Paul Joseph Watson and a big lineup.
Then I will be here New Year's Eve, and then the 2nd as well.
Vani Hari, the food babe, is going to be joining us here in a second to break down the anatomy of how they try to assassinate your character and why they're firing at her so much with some of the great successes she's been having, mobilizing the grassroots and what she's done as a template really of success.
Also, coming up in the next hour, this is so incredible, when I woke up this morning
And I saw this headline.
Michael Savage changing radio show format to become a life coach.
Now Michael Savage, I would say, is one-third political, hardcore conservative firebrand, one-third doctor of botany.
Believe me, he knows his stuff.
I've done a lot of research into it and I listen to him.
He knows what he's talking about.
And then one-third life coach and storyteller.
He's one of the only syndicated hosts I can listen to.
And he's not a complete egomaniac either.
Other hosts are such egomaniacs on average.
Limbaugh isn't, he has guest hosts, but other than Limbaugh and Savage, egomania does not even begin to touch it.
I mean, some of the national talk show hosts I know and other people know actually think they're Christ.
People can probably imagine who I'm talking about, but I'm not going to go there.
There's nothing worse than being around someone who thinks they're God.
But what's amazing is I had privately told my family and crew and everyone that we needed to start having more of the show be about self-help and life coaching
And how to skin a buck, how to run a trot line, how to be personable, how to start a business, track new startup businesses that can be successful.
Because my family and myself personally, I mean I did business before I did radio and TV when I was like 16 to 20.
And everything I did was successful.
Didn't matter if it was sales or oil painting or marketing or
Working on a golf course for one summer.
I'd already been promoted being there two weeks because I'd work.
I was already being paid basically double.
Little secrets to life like don't say no problem when someone says thank you.
Say my pleasure.
Little things like that.
Because that's how we're going to defeat the New World Order is by making the individual successful.
And letting the individual know how the world really works.
I mean, I've said this many times.
That knowing how the world really works doesn't just make you informed, it makes you wealthy compared to people around you.
The globalists obsess over this.
There's a reason the Syrian and Japanese and German and Dutch and British government and Russian government listen to this broadcast.
It's come out in the news they listen.
I've had the former head of the German CIA on.
Andres von Bulow, who thanked me for helping him wake up to 9-11 and researching it and wrote his book.
I'm not bragging!
I'm saying, figuring out how the world really works, the common sense, it's in all the history books, it's in all the globalist white papers.
Read Tragedy and Hope by Carol Quigley, 1,100 pages.
Read the Anglo-American Establishment.
Read the Technotronic Era by Brzezinski.
Read Men in Power as a political retrospective by the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
Read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and read about fluoride in the water of the concentration camps.
Read IBM and the Holocaust by Black.
They've had Black on.
That won a Pulitzer Prize, didn't it?
So did Shearer's.
Read Order of the Deathshead.
Read the secret wartime report declassified the mind of Adolf Hitler.
Read the declassified reports on Joe Stalin.
Read the Battle for Gaul written by Julius Caesar.
Read the writings of Fidel Castro.
Read the Communist Manifesto.
Read Das Kapital.
Read Che Guevara's racist book against Hispanics.
And you see Hispanics wearing Che Guevara shirts, it'd be like blacks wearing a Hitler shirt.
Or Jews wearing a Hitler shirt.
Knowledge will set you free, ladies and gentlemen.
It will empower you.
Now coming up, Asia Air's CEO dumped shares days before flight disappeared.
We'll cover that at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to keep our guests for the rest of the hour, but I'll hit news at the bottom of the hour.
LAPD, police in Florida, you name it, are all getting shot at and ambushed.
It's on the crest of a race slash cop war starting.
All run by the Justice Department.
By the way, the Justice Department got caught funding one of these organizations.
But when I say great minds think alike,
Michael Savage is making the right move to shift a lot of the format into life coaching, because people... I was thinking about this in the shower this morning.
And we're going to our guest.
We now know there's a global government.
Back when we were trying to prove there's a global government and a corporate takeover, crony capitalist, anti-free market plan.
Back when we were trying to prove GMO was killing lab animals.
Back when we were trying to prove aspartame would make you go blind.
Back when we were trying to prove autism was increasing and linked to vaccines.
Back when we were trying to prove the Federal Reserve was run for profit in private.
Ron Paul couldn't get one co-sponsor 18 years ago, 20 years ago.
Now it's passed the House twice, set to pass the Senate, to audit it and basically start abolishing it.
This show, and I've told my crew this, is passé unless we really start educating people about the minutiae of history, also the big ideas, getting people to think outside the New World Order box about how beautiful and big the universe is, and how beautiful humanity is, and how much potential we have.
And then also discredit and attack the globalists.
But we've gotten to the point now where most people go, yeah, man, I know you're right.
What do we do about it?
And more than ever, if people learn to help themselves, they'll then learn to fight tyranny.
But you first got to have some success in your own life.
And so I intend to shift the format of this show 20-30% more into bonafide self-help reports
Factoids, kind of an encyclopedia of videos or articles on every subject.
I want to go to the next level, and by the grace of God, I hope I have the energy, and I hope I have the crew to do it, and I think I do, so thank you all for your prayers.
Now that said, why aren't we having the food babe on the show, Vani Hari?
Forward by Mark Hyman, M.D., The Food Babe, Way, a new book coming out in February.
We're going to carry it at InfowarsStore.com.
We have an advanced copy.
Break free from the hidden toxins in your food and lose weight, look years younger, and get healthier in just 21 days.
She's only been around a few years, was kind of on the Obama bandwagon, woke up to that, well-spoken, good-looking, good common sense stuff.
Her campaigns, working with alternative media,
And new media, we're going to skip this network break so she has more time, have been devastating.
She's been having victory after victory after victory on GMO labeling, on labeling what's in the beer, on just basically everything she's done because she's reached out to the public.
And they're scared of a poster girl who's well-spoken, cute, funny, charming.
And so now they've started a demonization campaign against her.
She wanted to talk some about that today, but I want to talk about it to say, good job!
When you're in a bomber flying over the enemy area, the SAM missiles are going to be coming up, and the anti-aircraft flak's going to be coming up.
You're not going to be getting flak unless you're over the target.
So we'll talk about some of the new news, some of the new things she's involved in, what she's done with McDonald's getting them to change things, General Mills, Coca-Cola, Chipotle.
Chick-fil-a, Kraft, Whole Foods, Mao Southwest Grilled, or Mo Southwest Grilled.
It's gotten attention at Democratic National Convention, U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture, on GMO labeling, you name it.
And so what she's done is a blueprint for others to have success.
But I'll just get up here and tell you how successful InfoWars.com is.
Or what I've been able to do.
Some people can't stand listening to me.
Sometimes I can't stand hearing a rebroadcast.
Different strokes for different folks.
Different views.
But overall, transparency, liberty, freedom, choice, real diversity.
Renaissance versus dark age.
Liberty versus tyranny.
Freedom versus oppression.
Light instead of darkness.
That's what it's all about.
Helping humanity.
Believing in humanity.
That's what's going to save us.
The establishment tells us how ugly and bad we are and how we're failed all day.
And that we all need to kill each other.
That's how we're going to get ahead.
Turn grandma off.
Have death panels.
Shoot some cops.
Race war.
No, no, no.
If we are altruistic, upright, informed people, tyranny will vanish like phantoms at dawn, to quote Thomas Jefferson.
So, Foodbabe.
Hari, great to have you back with us.
Great job.
I want to talk about some of the attacks you've been under.
And some of the demonization that's going on as the tide turns.
I don't want to spend too much time on that.
I want to get into some of the successes you've had and then what's coming in the future.
But you can really feel the wave that you and others are riding, that this show is riding, with our health news.
People are really waking up.
They're pulling the fructose.
Thank you so much for having me on here, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
I'm really excited to be back here because
You know, as you know, when I launched certain petitions, you fielded my research first, and I know that had a huge impact in getting these companies to change.
And so, you know, one of the things that's been happening as of late is, you know, and this is something that I didn't realize because, you know, I didn't set out to be an activist.
It was really an accident that it happened.
And it was my own weight issues.
It was my own health issues and just feeling really terrible about myself that eventually allowed me to have this wake-up call, this light bulb moment to take control of my health and say no to what the food industry was telling me and the professionals were telling me and use some basic common sense.
And that's the message behind all of the activism that I've been a part of, which is we need to have transparency about what we are eating, and we need the food chemicals and the food additives that the food industry is using to make us addictive and to make food taste better than it should, and to make the food industry's pockets richer.
I don't
Completely unregulated.
I mean, they have self-regulation when it comes to approving these additives at the FDA level.
Which are really drugs, which is their big secret that makes them addictive.
Your camera switched from external mic to internal.
I'm going to give you a moment to try to switch to external because you've got really bad reverb and I want folks to be able to hear what you have to say.
Spend about a minute working on that.
We're going to come back to you.
Let me read to you some of the successes she's had with campaigns she started with a website
And her activism with Facebook and other platforms, just a couple years ago, and she's also thanked this broadcast.
You, the listeners, deserve a big part of that credit.
She's launched a bunch of these campaigns on this show, so I'm very proud of our listeners.
Cheerios, removing GMO sugar from original Cheerios.
Chick-fil-A announced plans to serve chicken raised without antibiotics in all of its restaurants within five years and is now phasing that in.
Subway removed
A chemical, it's basically plastic, I can't even pronounce it, from their bread that became a big national story.
Pizza Hut, Bimbo Bakeries, Martin's Potato Bread, Nature's Own, Olive Garden, Starbucks, and Publix Grocery Store have announced they also have removed it.
That was an InfoWars exclusive.
Panera Bread announced it will remove artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, starting basically now, next year.
Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing, as well as Kurz, announced that they will publish ingredients for the first time and did in June of 2014.
We're good
of these different types of chemicals from their products.
GMO labeling initiative in Oregon lost only by 837 votes.
Wall Street Journal reported that more meat manufacturers are dumping antibiotics.
Powerful entities have a financial incentive to try to discredit me, this is her writing, in the work that the Food Babe Army is doing to secure a healthy unpolluted food supply.
Vance Crowe, the director of Millennials at Monsanto, says he is, quote, paid to stop fear and called Vani Hari a snake oil salesman.
Massive Monsanto advertising campaign in Oprah Magazine, Food Network, etc.
to counter her.
Companies have spent over $105 million to fight GMO labeling.
I mean, if they're so great, just let us know.
And then it just goes on.
If they are spending this much money to hide our right to know if they are eating GMOs, then why wouldn't they spend some more money to hire people to discredit me and others in this movement?
And we're having so many other victories.
Please continue breaking this down, Food Babe.
Hey, thank you so much.
You know, what's really interesting is that the media has tried to spin this to make it a story about me and not a story about the food industry.
They want to take the focus off what the food industry has been doing and getting away with and make the story about me.
They want to call me a fear monger.
You know, what's more scary?
Not knowing what we're eating or continuing allowing these food chemists, these food companies, and these giant chemical companies continue to pollute our food right under our noses without us having the right to know?
You know, what's more scary?
Who do you trust?
Do you trust the food industry that wants you to buy their products?
Do you trust the food chemists that develop these additives?
Are you trusting the director of Millennials, Vance Crowe,
at Monsanto for messaging.
I mean, he has literally stated, verbatim, on Twitter that he is paid to take down snake oil salesmen like myself.
He calls me a snake oil salesman.
I mean, that someone who is promoting organic, non-GMO food, food without these additives, food that other countries have safeguarded their citizens for,
Do that.
These same companies have taken out these additives for other people in other countries.
And going after me, and going after this message, and when they come after me, when they say that looking at food ingredients is fear-mongering, or that knowing about what's in your food is taking it too far, it leads to an eating disorder, what they're doing is they're trying to discredit the entire real food movement.
And right now, people are fed up.
They want these additives out of their food, they want more access to real food, and they want access to healthier food, and they don't want to
Be conned by what's on the label.
I mean, just look at Subway.
Subway for years was telling you to eat fresh by eating at their stores.
Meanwhile, they're putting plasticizers in their bread.
We need to really rise up together and we need to hold these food companies accountable.
And that's what I've made my mission to do.
And it's because of the health issues that I turned around.
I mean, I went from six to eight prescription drugs to zero when I started looking at the ingredients in my food and moving towards an organic
Non-GMO real food diet.
And in my book, The Food Babe Way, which you guys have an advanced copy, but this book is going to give people the plan, the tactics, the habits, everything they need to know in order to navigate this over-processed world we live in where the food industry is making the conversation out there.
They're the ones deciding what to put on Food Network during the commercial break.
I mean, the fact that Monsanto has had to go on this massive
I don't know.
Proves that they are losing this debate.
They are losing this game.
The consumers want access to real food that isn't tainted with their chemicals.
And we're going to rise up because together I know we're going to be able to change the industry.
One of the things that's in this book, The Food Babe Way, is Dr. Mark Hyman actually wrote the foreword.
And something that he says in the foreword is just, it gives me chills every time I read it.
And that's, if everybody were to follow the habits in The Food Babe Way, the food industry as we know it today would crumble.
And a new innovation and new creativity would take root.
And that's what I'm looking for, is a system that we can all be part of, and we can eat, because we don't have a choice not to eat food.
And we can be healthy as a nation together and reverse the rise of disease.
I'll continue.
We're about to go to break, but I want to hear more about the big successes you've had when we come back, but continue.
Yeah, you know, what's really interesting is what they're doing is they're taking a play right out of the tobacco playbook.
Back in the 1970s, they said that the consumer advocates, the ones that were speaking out against secondhand smoke, were causing smoke-ophobia and cancer-ophobia.
And these were the same scientists that work for Harvard Medical School that went on record in front of Congress and said, you know what?
We don't have the scientific data that shows that secondhand smoking causes cancer.
But we all know how that ended.
And what I'm saying here is that the media needs to look at the scientists that are looking at the food additives from an independent perspective, not the people who belong to the IFT that are funded by Monsanto and Kraft and Coca-Cola.
Well, how dare you speak out, Food Babe?
You're terrible.
We'll have to demonize you.
Stay there.
I'm Alex Jones, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The Food Babe, FoodBabe.com, Lani Hari is our guest.
The reason we've got her on is she's a blueprint for success.
Just as InfoWars is a blueprint for success, or GrudgeReport.com is a blueprint for success, for alternative, outside-the-system ideas.
Doesn't mean we all agree with each other on every issue.
We're going to go back to her in a moment.
I'm going to hit a few news stories that I mentioned first, but just think about it.
We've gone from 20 years ago, you couldn't find organic food basically anywhere in this country that hadn't had deadly pesticides used on it, or wasn't GMO to some extent.
Now it is displacing all of the garbage.
Heinz Ketchup, a couple years ago, got rid of fructose corn syrup and went to sugar.
Non-GMO sugar.
I know Coke and Pepsi have been talking about going back to sugar, which tastes great anyways.
You ever had a Mexican Coke?
It's like an old-fashioned Coke when you were a kid.
I quit liking Cokes when they went to high fructose corn syrup.
Fries, your pancreas, a bunch of other stuff.
The diet drinks.
It's now mainstream news, mainstream studies.
Cause diabetes and cause you to get fat.
They just fry your body.
I could go on for hours about all the big victories, but everywhere you go you see it.
With the bisphenol A being taken out of the plastics to on and on and on.
Mainly because women in this country got informed.
And women listen to other women like the food babe.
And her info is just mainline research, mainline studies, mainline common sense.
Hey, shouldn't you be able to label something that it's GMO?
And we're not talking about GMO where you cross two pumpkins.
That's hybridization.
That's how they confuse people.
The old fake
Conservative line where they got conservatives the last few decades to get on board for GMO is George Washington Carver crossed plants.
Yeah, he crossed different types of corn or different types of soybeans to make an edible soybean.
Crossing plants is natural.
Sticking insect genes in them, or fish genes in them, or human genes in them, or having corn grow HIV virus, look that up, pharmacological, and thousands and thousands of other glowing, I remember 15 years ago, BBC reported in Hong Kong you could buy glowing monkeys, glowing cats, and glowing puppies for like a thousand dollars.
Look it up.
Type in glowing cats, glowing monkeys for sale.
You can now buy them in the U.S.
and I know people that know folks who have them.
Rich people have glow-in-the-dark monkeys and cats in America that are part jellyfish.
I'm not kidding.
It's on screen.
Just type glowing monkey in.
Glowing mice.
Glowing cats.
Type in buy glowing pets.
Buy glowing monkeys.
Type glowing monkeys for sale in Hong Kong.
You may even get the 15 year old article.
The point is we're in Buck Rogers land.
This isn't George Washington Carver who was a master at hybridization.
Which helped us and did a lot of great yields.
They go, oh, people don't want to have rice that can grow in less water.
You know, they're racist, or people don't want to... No, this could feed the world, but you don't want Bill Gates involved in it, and you certainly want it labeled.
BT corn has about a thousand times higher naturally occurring toxin in it than it naturally occurs.
Yes, it's a natural toxin that keeps bugs from eating it because it tastes bad.
It kills bugs that eat it.
In the natural world, it doesn't.
It just makes them sick and they don't like it.
I remember talking to farmers 20 years ago who talked about their hogs wouldn't eat GMO corn.
And if they got them to eat it, they would die.
Now that's in the news, that it's linked to pigs dying and being infertile.
Do you understand that when they can afford them, they don't use lab rats that we're closely associated with, they use pigs.
Pigs are the most closely associated animal to Homo sapiens sapiens.
In drug testing, you can take a pig heart, folks, over a baboon heart.
They work better.
Pigs die when they eat it.
Now, I'm ranting.
I said I'd go to our guest.
I'm going to shut up and give her the floor.
Let me get into this headline.
I mean, this is big, folks.
I wish the Pope would come out against GMO, but oh, no, no, no.
The Bible says don't mix the seed.
The Pope won't talk about that, though.
AirAsia's CEO dumped shares days before flight disappeared.
Mood prompt speculation.
Tony Fernandez had prior knowledge.
AsiaAir's CEO dumped 944,800 shares in Tune Insurance Holdings, BHD, the organization that provides travel insurance for AsiaAir passengers days before the disappearance of flight QZ8501.
That's three flights connected to Malaysia disappearing this year.
Something's going on.
On December 26th, the Malaysian Insider reported that Fernandez, the founder of Toon Group SDNBHD, which owns Asia Air, had sold a total of 944,800 shares in Toon Insurance holdings, with 850,000 shares being dumped on December 22nd and others, 94,800 being sold the day after.
Very suspicious, just like United American put options at about four times the previous record in the week leading up to it that was linked to Buzzy Krongaard, executive director of the CIA.
Source on that, AP Reuters, broke in the Bild German newspaper.
And this article goes on to break down the 9-11 information, tying it into that.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Coming up after our guest leaves us, media companies and executives on the hot seat in 2015.
That ties into reality TV facing its own reality, a ratings slump.
We're nearing the media singularity.
I'll talk about it, a term I've coined, in the next hour.
Right now, back to the food babe.
Food babe, thanks for holding.
There, I know we got your audio dialed up and tuned in now.
So again, thank you for spending time with us in the twilight of 2014.
I want you to get into more successes, but first off, what's big on the radar screen?
We know the empire's striking back.
They're approving all these new GMO potatoes, you name it.
What should we be most focused on right now, and what are you planning to target next?
Well, you know, Alex, I won't be able to tell you my target today, but I'll tell you exactly what we need to focus on as a nation, is we need to focus on, number one, transparency.
When a company won't give you the list of ingredients in their food, you should automatically know that you shouldn't be eating that food.
We're good to go.
Saying that they were a pretty healthy company, that they were removing high fructose corn syrup, they were removing artificial ingredients for their food, but for their main bread and butter, their drinks, the coffee drinks, the frappuccinos, the lattes, all of those things, they have never once put the ingredient list
Online for those items like their competitors do like Dunkin Donuts does and so for this long and up until this point where they finally committed to do this after you know huge wave of media attacked them for not being transparent.
They basically told the public, you know what?
Drink our coffee because it's the best and we're not going to tell you what's in it.
And that's the type of scenario that I say the American public should fight back.
And they should also say, you know what?
I'm not going to support companies that don't tell us what's in their food.
The same goes for Papa John's.
Papa John's is a huge, giant manufacturer of food.
It has one of the most popular pizza chains in the United States.
Even their labeling on their marketing says, better ingredients, better pizza.
Well, how do we know if it's better ingredients if they don't label the ingredients that they're selling to the American public?
If you look at Domino's, you look at Pizza Hut, you look at any of their competitors, they post their ingredients online for the American public to view and see and find out what they're eating.
But Papa John's does not.
So that's another company that's getting away with not being transparent that I think needs to change.
An entire industry
For as long as they've been in existence has gotten away with not putting the ingredients on the label and that's and what I'm talking about here is actually chapter number seven in my book The Food Babe Way.
I'm actually giving out this chapter early if you want to read it if you pre-order the book and you send me your receipt at bonus at foodbabe.com.
I'll send you this chapter so you can read it before New Year's Eve.
But it's all about how the alcohol industry has gotten away with not putting the ingredients on beer, on liquor, and on wine.
And I investigate these companies in this chapter, and I show you what's actually in the most popular beers now that we know some of the ingredients because of Anheuser-Busch's commitment to start listing them.
But I start asking other brands, and then also the same brands of wine, you know,
What is this GMO yeast that wine companies have developed to produce the wine cheaper and faster?
You know, I expose those companies in this chapter as well as the liquor companies that are adding artificial flavors, artificial coloring.
And, you know, one thing is clear, you know, Alex, you know that alcohol is a class one carcinogen.
It's not a healthy thing for your liver.
You're not going to be a healthy person by drinking all the time.
But the American public has the right to know what they're drinking and also as a healthy individual like myself or my husband or anybody else who tries to live as free from these additives as possible, we want to know what's in our alcohol.
And one thing that really drives me crazy is that these scientists and other skeptics that are speaking out against this transparency want to continue having this information hidden from the public, but they also want us to make us feel stupid for asking.
They're like, if alcohol's bad for you, why do you care that all these other additives are added?
Well, I'll tell you why you should care.
Because the food industry, along with the tobacco industry and the alcohol industry are working together and spending billions of dollars trying to figure out how to make you addicted to certain flavors and tastes.
And if they're adding that already into alcohol, which is addictive in nature by itself, you have the right to know as an individual.
There is papers, leaked papers from
2006 and earlier in the 80s up until 2001 where it showed that Kraft and Philip Morris, who were owned by the same company back in the day, they no longer are, but they were owned by the same company, were working together to figure out how the brain works on how to create that addictive taste.
You're telling me the alcohol industry hasn't also used that research?
Yeah, they have.
And let's expand on that.
I mean, we know where Colonel Sanders' secret ingredient came from.
This is on record.
It's mainstream news.
Folks want to look it up.
The Japanese military, after World War I, couldn't get Japanese soldiers to eat the horrible, basically rotten horse meat because the Japanese were into quality.
They would follow orders.
They just wouldn't eat and starve.
They just wouldn't eat.
They wouldn't even complain.
So they started putting MSG, just total brain damage, total cell death, excitotoxins.
I've had brain surgeons, scientists, there's all these studies that we have the last 20 years.
All they knew was it made troops eat it.
You could feed them garbage.
So they took that, Kentucky Fried Chicken used that.
So many old people I know that have Alzheimer's, if you can get them off of MSG to stop eating Doritos and stuff, suddenly their minds come back quite a bit.
It's chronic
That's what vaccines do to kids.
But notice how the left wants to push carbon taxes on carbon dioxide to tax it worldwide while ignoring GMO and things that are on record bad.
That shows how the fake environmentalism, in my view, covers up all the real stuff that shouldn't be about left or right.
I should know that something has BT corn that has a pesticide in it that kills the bugs that eat it.
I mean, that's a no-brainer that I should know that bisphenol A is an estrogen mimicker and totally will screw up a man or a woman.
I mean, I don't want to go on estrogen.
Sorry, I'm not, you know, trying to become a transvestite or a tranny.
And if somebody wants to do that, that's great.
They can go become that.
I'm not even attacking, you know, transsexuals or whatever.
The point is, I don't want to be one.
I want to be a man.
And so this is social engineering, and you're right.
They've known for a hundred years, through the eugenics movement, and Bertrand Russell wrote about this in two books.
He said,
Diet, injections, and injunctions.
Diet, injections, and injunctions.
The courts.
So diet, vaccines, and the courts will make rebellion against the superclass and the controlling class as hard as sheep revolting against the practice of eating mutton.
So, sheep revolting against the practice of humans eating sheep.
They said, we're rendering you down into basically animals.
How else could, ten years ago we learned that McDonald's and others were putting a plastic emulsifier in the nuggets?
I mean, it's amazing that they've gotten away with this.
Go ahead, I'm ranting.
Well, you know, one of the things that, you know, is so crazy about this is that MSG, you know, it does affect the brain according to the research done by Russell Blaylock.
And by the way, you know, I've got a list of 10
I don't
Instead of the skeptic scientists that, you know, make it their job to speak out against anyone who's trying to protect the public and look for a different solution than the pharmaceuticals and the screwed up system that we live in.
But if you look at MSG, what the thing that an average person like myself can really benefit from, and you look at MSG and there's like, in my book, there's a page where I list all of the different hidden names of MSG.
If you avoid these chemicals in food, which they're in the majority of the processed foods on conventional supermarket shelves, and even in Whole Foods, they have some of these hidden ingredients.
If you avoid them,
You're going to start taking back your taste buds.
You're going to start taking back control of any addictive behavior you have towards food.
And if you want to lose weight, if you want to start feeling better, start eliminating this additive.
Because I tell you, you're going to stop
Having your mouth water when you drive past McDonald's or Chick-fil-a or Wendy's or a Burger King or a Domino's Pizza or a Papa John's.
All of these companies are using these addictive additives so that we continue to buy their food.
And the food chemists are figuring out how to create more addiction and trying to synthesize flavors together so that we continue to buy this food.
And what I'm telling people
I'm just interrupting because we're going to break, but I mean a great example is Pepsi using
Fetal tissue in their flavor development and testing, that shows how far this nightmare has gone.
Or take cigarettes.
We all now know that most of the research went into, in some cases, over 300 chemicals they would add to cigarettes to make them more addictive, to where you're actually addicted to something like crack that's even more carcinogenic than the tobacco itself.
It shows the conspiracy that's inherent in all of this.
Food Babes, stay there.
We're coming up with the final segment.
Then open phones and a ton of news in the third hour.
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All right, Food Babe is our guest, FoodBabe.com.
And really all I'm trying to say today, and I get really excited when she's on, is we can have success.
We can make a better world.
We can inform others.
But you're not going to find mainstream dinosaur media that's full of drug ads and GMO food ads and McDonald's ads telling you that.
And I was never a huge fast food person, but I ate it a few days a week for lunch.
And I remember I'd always get a headache and feel bad after I ate it.
And even nicer restaurants sometimes I can eat something and tell it had preservatives because I'll feel bad.
And over time you can taste something and tell it has preservatives and I just won't eat it.
Because I don't want the headache.
I don't want the zits.
I don't want the weight gain.
I don't know.
But then when the feds make you eat what they want you to eat, it's GMO.
It's just crazy.
I mean, we know Michelle Obama eats organic and has that garden in the White House.
Why would they do something like that, Food Babe?
Well, I want to read you this quote, and this is really telling to how screwed up our food system is today and the FDA.
This is from the Deputy Commissioner of the FDA, Michael Taylor, to the Washington Post last summer.
Okay, this is just this past summer in 2014.
We do not know the volume of particular chemicals that are going into the food supply so we can diagnose trends.
We do not know what is going in post-market.
Basically, there is no information that the FDA can even provide reporters or the media or anyone about the amount of chemicals the American public is consuming.
And on top of that, nobody
I think?
Testing the cumulative effect of all these chemicals in our body at once.
And what I'm asking for everyone to consider is to start using just some basic common sense.
You don't have to be a scientist.
You don't have to be a doctor.
You don't have to be a nutritionist.
Actually, you can become your own nutritionist with my book because I'm going to teach you how to be an expert label ingredient
I'm going to
And by the way, in my experience, when folks who are really addicted to fast food go off of it, you will go through withdrawals and get sick.
I mean, this is no joke.
And I designed this book.
It's a 21 day plan.
So each day you're going to develop one new habit.
So it's going to take you gradually through eventually breaking your grip from the food industry, breaking free from the toxins in your food.
You're going to lose weight.
You're going to feel younger.
I'm telling you,
I feel younger now, which is crazy to think about, than I did 15 years ago.
That doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm 15 years older, and I feel better now, and I have more energy, and I'm actually able to provide back more to the world.
No, I do too.
Vani Hari, thank you so much.
And I can't wait to sit down and read your book, and I'm going to try to do the 21 Day.
Thank you.
The Foodbabe Way.
Great job, and thank you so much.
Thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, if you just joined us, we were talking to the food babe about areas of our lives that we can take back from the social engineers.
Now we've had a lot of callers like Nick who's listening on 1340 AM in California, and Bill listening on shortwave, and Patty listening on iPad, and
Leno, listening on Infowar Streams, and Tim and others.
We're going to get to all of you.
I know it's about what I brought up in the first hour.
Then we're going to segue into other subjects and other news, but folks are welcome to call in.
Everybody knows, I don't bash Muslims for being Muslims, I don't bash Catholics for being Catholics, Protestants for being Protestants, I don't bash Jews for being Jews, Germans for being Germans, Mexicans for being Mexicans.
I bash though individuals when they're clearly want my guns, say my kids belong to them, are promoting abortion, are promoting GMO, are promoting scams like carbon taxes.
If you do any or you randomly want to just kill somebody, like you just randomly want to kill police for no reason.
I'm against that.
Or you want to randomly kill black people, say, or white people.
I'm against that.
Seems like common sense, huh?
I mean, it's nothing special.
But nowadays, it's kind of weird.
Pope Francis has an edict on climate change.
The headline says it will anger deniers in U.S.
And he says we've got to get behind and adopt the U.N.
plan, which will kill about a billion people, according to Lord Monckton, who is a Catholic, I should add.
And stands up for human life.
So, I've always been able to say, you know, at least the Catholic Church is pro-life, when people criticize it.
Well, this is bad.
And I'll also ask the Catholics that are calling in, am I wrong?
But I thought it was canon law that you couldn't have a Jesuit as the Pope.
And I'm not even here bashing the Jesuits.
A lot of our guests that come on, that really fight tyranny, like Ray McGovern and others, you know, are Jesuit-trained.
I judge people by people, but this does not look good.
And then the mainstream media is always saying how great this guy is, and Obama's praising him?
I mean, what's next?
So, Nick in California, thanks for holding.
You're listening on 1340.
Thank you for your time, Alex.
Go ahead.
I'm still disappointed I didn't see you in Santa Cruz, computer-generated.
You know, it's a lot about the mentality and how you walk on this ground level.
Well, you talk about the fine print on these labels.
You have to be so rushed, you can't read them.
A while back, you were talking about brainstorming, and I was brainstorming, and you were with this guy talking about immigration.
And I'm going, we need those Mexicans because they are not flat-footed.
They got here on their own thing.
And you were talking earlier about how we see things.
I'm a borderline flatfoot.
I'm very lightweight.
This place is methyl bromide at half the time of the year.
There's a valley in San Francisco.
They have six zones.
Of course!
And criminal dregs or welfare heads, you know, people that wear 6x underwear are showing up and they're ordering 30,000 pairs of them.
So folks are coming up here to get a free ride.
The country's bankrupt.
And so the cliche...
That the people all coming up here want to work is just that.
A big, fat, giant, cliche.
Now what tends to happen with the Latin Americans is they will get welfare and work on the side because they like true paychecks.
So I guess you could say that's better than poor whites or blacks who will...
On average, we look at the demographic numbers, we'll just sit there and not work on welfare.
But it's almost worse because they'll work for less that drives down the wages.
So, the globalists are for open borders, I'm against it.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now, we had the food babe on talking about the globalist fight to stop GMO labeling and a lot more and some of the victories, but in the first hour I raised the point and opened the phones on Pope Francis coming out and saying he's issued an edict on climate change that we should just adopt the UN program and hold.
It bans single-family homes, bans
Most people having cars, puts taxes on basically everything you can imagine, shuts down the family farm.
It is a dark age, selectively enforced upon enemies of the globalist.
And having the leader of a billion, two hundred million people come out and say that is a big deal.
Pontiff hopes to inspire action at next year's UN meeting in Paris in December after visits to Philippines and New York.
We have beaten back this onslaught that is a total takeover.
Now I don't want to spend the rest of the hour on this.
You're welcome to call in about it.
We have loaded phones.
I said I wanted to hear from Catholics specifically if they're upset about this.
And I should have just said people period, but I don't want to turn it into just a bunch of bashing or worship or whatever.
The point is this has been done and
It's very anti-life.
Not in my view, but in the facts.
Lord Monckton, a prominent Catholic, who's done analysis of this, says it'll kill about a billion people over ten years.
And that's a conservative number.
This is total anti-human activity.
You know, when Obama comes out and says, you know, we need to have carbon taxes, and Africans can't have cars or air conditioners, I'm upset about it.
Not because Obama's
Black, but because he's a eugenicist.
And when the Pope comes out and says this, I'm not attacking him because he's Catholic, I'm attacking his stance to do this that I know is a total fraud.
So I think Catholics particularly, who disagree with this, should let it be heard directly to the Vatican itself and as well to your local diocese.
Just like when they have Protestant groups come out and promote open borders or gun control.
You need to protest that.
You need to say no to that.
I mean, we need to stop letting
Major religious organizations push the globalist agenda.
You know, you notice that the Pope came out and endorsed the Second Amendment?
They'd say, how dare you be political?
But when he does this, oh, Obama's praising him.
I mean, it's just crazy.
The IRS is auditing tens of thousands and harassing Christian churches, libertarian churches, patriot churches, veterans groups, you name it.
Admittedly, it's political persecution.
That's been released in the documents, and that's okay.
See, it's all selective, just like the carbon taxes will be selective.
Let's go ahead and go to Bill in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
What's your take on this?
Yeah, Alex, first of all, if we can say it, Happy New Year.
But anyway, I am what's known as a traditional Catholic, born and raised in the Catholic Church.
And years ago, my parents and myself and many others
began to detect some changes within the church that were not Catholic.
It does not go to this current occupant of the Papal See, Francis.
It goes back to the Vatican Council, too.
And they made major changes in doctrine and in the apostolic succession.
And consequently, there is an alternative.
There are traditional Catholic pockets of resistance throughout the world.
We say that the sea is vacant.
In other words, since John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, and now this so-called Francis, that they are occupiers, just like we have occupiers within our government,
They are occupiers within the Catholic Church, deliberate subverters who have brought about these changes, not only to bring havoc in the world, but to destroy the means of grace for Catholics and anyone else that would want to become a Catholic.
And consequently, you know, you can go back and see how Freemasons and these anti-Catholic groups infiltrated the Church over a hundred years ago, but they did not have the control of the Papal See, which they now have, since this bogus council promoted all of these things.
Now, I would like to put out a website
That people can go to and find out about these traditional Catholic pockets of resistance.
And it's CMRI.org.
We go three and a half miles, not every Sunday, three and a half hours.
I'm sorry, wife corrected me here.
Three and a half hours to attend
A traditional mass, not this bogus thing that goes on in your parish and in the diocese.
They are all under the thumb of the New World Order.
And consequently, there is a solution.
There is a way that people can still practice their traditional Catholic faith, fight the New World Order, and stop what's going on in the world.
Well, as soon as I saw mainstream media that was always bashing Catholics switch to worshipping, and I understand and research what you're saying about this happening, you know, 60, 70 years ago, but now, I think it's really a cherry on top.
I mean, I'm not a Catholic, but I'm going from research to just memory.
Isn't it in the doctrine, like a long time ago, that a Jesuit cannot be Pope?
Well, they're not supposed to take titles and things like that.
But you'll notice, Francis does not call himself or sign himself as Pope Francis.
He says simply, Francis.
Last night on 60 Minutes, there was almost the entire show on the Vatican and on Francis and so forth, and it showed.
Francis has his own rabbi, and the rabbi says,
Francis is a revolutionary.
He understands what's going on, okay?
But most Catholics sitting in the pew have no idea.
They changed the idea of going to Mass on Sunday to Saturday night.
They like that.
They can go to Saturday night, then they can watch all the football games, and they can do this and that, and they've taken away a lot of the
Uh, traditions of penance and, uh, prayer and, and things like that that made them Catholics.
And, and, you know, you might disagree with it, but kept them in line, kept them in line.
They were having big families.
Now they're not.
They were not.
And now they call it a gnomon.
Henry the eighth was booted out of the Catholic church.
Took almost the entire nation, okay?
Because of what was, you know, they wouldn't let him have his second wife, third wife, fourth wife, fifth wife, sixth wife, you know?
This was the Catholic Church standing up against something that was wrong.
And therefore, you know, now
If a Catholic doesn't like the wife that he's married, well, we can go and get an annulment.
What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
So that's what's going on, good Catholics, and listen to Alex.
You don't have to put up with it.
You can stand up for your Catholic faith, find these pockets of resistance,
Go to CMRI.org and they have, listen to this Alex, they have apostolic succession coming from an archbishop from Vietnam who saw what was going on.
He was a member of the Diem family and while he was not in the country when the rest of the family was assassinated by the CIA,
You know, it was Archbishop Tuck, so they have their apostolic succession.
We are ordaining priests that provide valid sacraments.
You know, it's a whole different world.
I'm familiar with that movement.
I know Mel Gibson's been involved in that, so they kind of ran a Psy-Op on him as well.
Thank you so much for calling in, Bill.
Let's go to Tim.
This is a quick one because we're going to break here.
Tim in Tennessee, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
All right.
I just wanted to say, that first caller, when he said they had something on him, had something to do with money or whatever, my idea is, yeah, they got something on him.
NSA, whoever you want to say.
They did something.
They got something on them from their all of a sudden come out and support this nonsense.
This is my thing.
Here are these religious people, it doesn't matter, Catholic, Jewish, or whatever.
The thing that's going on in Fukushima, it is like insane.
It's going to destroy every living thing on this planet.
After the first year it was going and nobody was doing anything about it, this nuclear engineer came out and said, if they don't take care of this, it's going to be an extinction-level event on this planet, meaning everything is going to die.
These people are so into God and how, oh, God's life, this, that, and the other thing.
How come they're not talking about that and doing something about it?
That's all I want to say.
I totally agree with you, Tim.
Thank you.
When we come back, I saw this article earlier.
I never covered it.
I'm going to cover it and then go back to your calls.
They've had a disaster.
Remember it started last week and they turned the reactor off this weekend?
Remember, Ukraine is where Chernobyl happened in 1986.
It's estimated by the EU it killed a million people.
It's happened again, folks.
Hopefully not as bad.
Ukraine turns off reactor at its most powerful nuclear plant after quote, accident.
I mean, what is it?
I used to be pro-nuclear, but they just cannot run these things properly now.
Stay with us.
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Ukraine turns off reactor at its most powerful nuclear plant after accident at London Independence reporting.
Prime Minister calls for the truth as electrical fault revives memories of Chernobyl which they didn't admit for over a week as well.
Ukraine shut down one of the six reactors in its most powerful nuclear power plant today for the second time in a month because of an apparent electrical malfunction.
How do you pronounce this?
The Zaporozhaya Nuclear Plant?
It's a cool name.
Insisted the radiation levels in the area remain normal after the sixth reactor was disconnected from the grid by the generator's internal defense mechanism.
Yeah, I love how they just turn off themselves and then blow up, like Chernobyl.
An official statement said the plant was operating at 40% power.
The reason for the outage are being investigated.
Yeah, but I tell you, it's great what George Soros did with $5 billion of U.S.
taxpayer money overthrowing the country, stirring stuff up with Russia.
Thanks a lot!
Are you for that Putin, Alex?
But I'm not for starting wars.
I really don't like the Communist Chinese leadership.
If our government was on their border, overthrowing stuff, trying to start a war with them, I'd be against it.
Because our government's run by a bunch of special interests that are even worse.
A short circuit in the same power station's third reactor contributed to power cuts across Ukraine earlier this month.
The unit is in the southeast of the country, is Europe's largest and fifth most powerful in the world.
Oh, if it blows up, that ought to be nice.
It generates up to 40% of Ukraine's nuclear power and switched on its first reactor in 1984.
The Prime Minister noted the previous outage during one of his cabinet sessions, urged ministers to tell the truth about the accident.
His words did not go unnoticed.
The term accident was, after all, the word used by the Soviet newspaper.
When it reported on Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, four days late on the 30th of April.
Again, it took them like over a week to really admit how bad it was.
They just admitted something had happened four days after.
By then, most of the residents of towns neighboring the plant had been evacuated.
Weeks stunned and later largely forgotten.
Yep, just like in Japan.
So, folks want to talk about
Fukushima, I mean that happened four years ago, three and a half years ago?
How long ago did that happen?
Six general electric reactors, big ones, over 35 years old, almost 40 years old.
Not supposed to be kept on more than 30 years.
That radiation just eats the equipment.
They're storing the waste there.
That's four years ago, okay, I was going through memory, thanks.
They pop in my ear and remind me of stuff.
So four years ago, one of them was a MOX reactor that uses plutonium and uranium, the most horrid type.
It blew up, and I could measure it off the electrical poles' heights, and I said it looked like it shot stuff a mile in the air.
A year later, the New York Times admitted that it shot the reactor a mile in the air.
It was not a hydrogen explosion.
It achieved limited fission and exploded.
And we had all these... In fact, who's the top scientist we have on routinely?
We'll pop my head in a minute on Fukushima.
Where's the beanie cap?
He's a chemical physicist.
I want to get him back on.
Because everything he said later came out in the news.
That rained down, and our media's like, it's no big deal, no problem.
Then all this radioactive tuna came in, and they covered that up, and some radioactive isotopes went up over 2,000 times, save levels.
So the EPA just said, oh, we'll just say it's safe now.
Here's the problem with the prevailing trade winds and the jet stream.
It just loops around the Earth, towards Europe and then back around over us.
We will get this radiation as well.
But if it has melted down or had a crisis, you can count on them not to tell you.
The parallels with today's conflict torn Ukraine are obvious.
But a press officer for the plant said it would be a major exaggeration to describe either recent event as significant nuclear incident.
The latest shutdown will be zero rated in the international nuclear scale events.
And it just goes on.
Who knows what the truth is.
We've had reactors blow up in California and other areas completely blow up and they covered them up for 30 years.
That salt reactor they had that radiated most of California, they just covered that up.
So we'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Lino in Nevada.
We're going to go to you in just a moment.
Matt, Patty, Tom, Paul.
We're going to get to everyone here today.
In fact, we're going to go to Patty first because they've been holding the longest and then the caller from Nevada.
After I run through a bunch of these calls, I want to get into media companies and executives on the hot seat in 2015.
I want to look at what I call the
media information singularity and give you my predictions on that.
I want to get to the intensification of police getting shot or shot at.
And it's a good thing that the idiots that are buying into shooting police are such bad shots.
You got to be a pretty big moron to just randomly want to go shoot cops in some jurisdiction for no reason.
And so it's happening in Florida, California and other states, New York.
They're shooting at police.
It happened in Ferguson and I'm going to give you my take on that because it's a very dangerous situation obviously.
And the whole thing is being financed and protected by the usual suspects.
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Okay, let's now go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Patty in California.
Patty, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks Alex.
I was raised Catholic, and just so you know, your parish is your church.
It's like your little town.
The diocese is like the county which many churches can belong to.
And I'm a student self-taught of eschatology, which is like the study of end times.
I studied with
Jehovah Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists and it's really interesting.
There was prophecies about this Pope being the last Pope by Saint Malachi.
I don't know if you remember that at all.
I've heard of that.
He had made prophecies in the 12th century of the 266 following Popes.
He did it in the style of Nostradamus.
He would write the name and a little blurb about each Pope.
And the last Pope
He said, and I can read it, it's pretty short.
In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep.
And by pasturing his sheep, that can also mean feeding his sheep.
In many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of Seven Hills, which is considered Rome, the city of Seven Hills will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The end.
I've been really watching this Pope because he was supposed to be the last Pope.
And, you know, he started out really good, Pope Francis.
I'm feeling like, well, maybe he's the last of the, you know, bad Popes and he's the start of the good Popes or whatever.
But when I saw what was going on with him hooking up with the whole climate change thing, I'm thinking he might be making a deal with the devil to feed his sheep, literally, when
Like, when you had Stephen Quayle in last week who said that there was food shortages in the Dakotas, and we know that the prices of food have quadrupled in the Ukraine over the past year with what's going on with the oil prices.
It's all kind of related.
You know, that we could be seeing food shortages and he could be making preparations to feed his people.
And that could be why he's doing this deal, because the whole climate change thing is interconnected with the food and the food supply.
Well, I mean, that's going to cut the food off is the whole point if they bring in carbon taxes worldwide.
They had carbon taxes for two years and it devastated Australian agriculture.
Folks have no idea how evil this is.
It is total control of every facet and every detail of our lives by a UN council and that's what he's calling for and we need to spur a debate about this.
Thank you so much, Patty.
Lino in Nevada, thanks for holding your on the air.
Hello Alex, this is the first time I've listened to you and I've been listening to you I think just for a few months.
I call, I don't usually, you know, I wasn't going to call, I don't usually call on your show, I just listen for information purposes.
I wanted to correct your caller that said of a contest you called who talked about Bishop Tooke.
Milt Gibson wasn't under Bishop Tooke, he was under Archbishop Follet, Bernard Follet, he's still alive, and it's a Pius X society that he was, that Milt Gibson was in association with.
In fact, it's that very society that is right now in controversy with Rome in keeping the traditions alive.
And they're doing a heroic job, by the way.
Their masses are all over the world, throughout this country, and anybody can look it up and find them.
But anyway, what I wanted to get at is this.
You know, I remembered your comment about, you know, how many, you know, how you'd like to state so much in so little time.
I've studied this for over 40 years.
I don't know where to begin, so I've decided to go on a timeline with this.
And it begins thus.
You know, after the founding of the Freemasons, we had Pope Clement XII in around 1730, 1740,
Who began to warn, in an encyclical, the faithful about secret societies that were popping up all over the place.
It was happening, you know when the Masons were founded, I'm not going to go into that, but it happened within 20 years after their founding, they began to make trouble, and there was a Pope that paid attention to this and wrote about it.
Pope Clement XII, people who are interested can go in and look up his encyclicals, I won't go into details.
Next, we have seven, eight mystics that deal with this, that had appearances, had apparitions, and so on.
We have two Marian apparitions related to this, eight popes that dealt with this issue.
We next have, in the mid-19th century, Pope Benedict XVI, who wrote an encyclical called Morari Vos,
Warning about these things.
We begin to see things heating up with these secret societies.
Don't forget this is after the French Revolution.
Pope Clement XII was before the French Revolution, warned about this sort of thing.
We have the French Revolution, then we have Pope Benedict XIV beginning to really sound the alarm about revolutions beginning to develop all over Europe.
I'm going to mention only three mystics, four mystics, that relate to this.
One was a woman by the name of Anna Maria Taighi.
She knew Napoleon Bonaparte's mother, was friends with her.
She had visions, and she had many children, and she's basically saying, they blessed Anna Maria Taighi, and she had visions.
The end product of this is simply this.
She said, I see, and I'm just only going to give you this phrase from one of her revisions.
She says, I see, in those days, she said, I see Russians in Genoa, she says.
Okay, so we'll leave Anna Maria Taigi there.
People can look up her writings and look at the details.
Next we have Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Who was a stigmata, he was a nun, an Augustinian monk, and for 50 years had the stigmata, lived on nothing but the Eucharist for some 50 years and discussed the utter destruction of the Catholic Church and the attempts by traditional Catholics to build it up.
We'll leave that aside.
There's some 4,000 pages of material for people who wish to go into Anne Catherine Emmerich's visions.
Okay, so we'll go there now.
Sir, that's very interesting.
I just wanted to get your take on the current pope basically calling for the UN to run the planet through carbon taxes.
I need to get some other callers, get some other news.
It's very interesting, but just wrap it up for folks.
Three days after his assent to the papacy, the way he acted told me that he was a communist ideologue.
I knew he was Marxist.
I studied Marxist, by the way.
I completed my studies years ago in philosophy.
I took a specialty in Marxism and existentialism.
I knew immediately by the way he acted that he was a Marxist, and I began to tell some of my friends, a few of whom quit talking to me because of it.
And the reason I say that is because of what Marxists will do once they get into your organization, especially the Catholic Church, they lower your gaze.
Let's put it this way, they confine your gaze to the material.
And that's precisely what this Pope did in taking the option for the poor.
He didn't raise our gaze.
He didn't put on the papal tiara so that we could look up at the papal tiara and watch him repose on his throne to look beyond him to be inspired by him and love Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother.
He didn't do that.
He basically brought our gaze down into the streets.
And it was upon that principle that I had decided that this is a Marxist, no different from Fidel Castro, who in the early 1960s did the same thing when he went to Harlem.
And began to butcher his own chickens in a motel there, in a hotel there.
And did the same thing in basically drawing everybody's attention with his option for the poor.
Very interesting, sir.
Thanks for holding to tell us all that.
It's complex, very interesting to get the perspectives.
All I know is this will kill a bunch of people, carbon taxes.
Half the world is living at survival level, roughly, and you raise their food prices, it kills them.
And that's what this will do.
I want to get to a few other news stories, then I'm going to go to Tom, and Matt, and Paul, and John, and a few other callers here.
But adding some of the news on the police front, this is the type of news we've got today.
Anti-police protesters plan to disrupt New Year's Eve celebrations.
All that will make is anybody that ever legitimately protests look like idiots.
The Democrats, if you go look at the signs and the groups they're part of, they're all funding this.
It came out yesterday, confirmed that the group funding the music video about killing cops was a 1.5 million dollar Justice Department grant.
I mean, you just can't make this up.
CBS Boston, woman smears pork products on Farmingham police dispatch window.
What is the point of that?
It's just, we hate you, is what this is saying.
Americans fighting with Americans.
This will not reform any police problems.
This will make it much worse.
Police arrested a woman who came into the station and smeared raw pork on the dispatch window.
Police say 24-year-old Lindsey McNamara walked to the station holding a Dunkin' Donuts box.
She then said it's time to feed the pigs before smearing raw bacon and sausage around the air of the dispatch window.
LAPD ambush.
Police call off massive search for gunmen who shot at two officers.
Shooting up their cars.
Now a Florida cop's target.
A deputy survived drive-by shooting.
They were parked in respective squad cars in a church parking lot when three shots were fired at them from a passing vehicle in broad daylight.
And here's the article out of the New American Magazine.
Justice Department grants linked to cop killing rap video.
A 1.5 million grant.
And we played part of the video yesterday on the Sunday Show where
It shows simulated and real police abuses and then shows the rap stars putting guns to police heads and then gunshots.
This has been airing and is a popular video seen by tens of millions in the week before the officers were killed.
There is a move to get this going.
Warrior, close quote, charged after threatening to kill cops and innocent white kids, said streets would run red with blood.
A Chicago man was arrested after he posted a message on Facebook saying he would kill police and white children.
Photos of white children accompanied the threat made by Eris Woodfin, a convicted felon and obviously a moron.
If he's gonna kill people, why'd he brag about it?
He was arrested on, well the other guy that bragged about it before he killed the two cops in New York.
These people are just, it's just, it's just crazy.
He was arrested on Friday after a woman in Alabama saw the post and contacted police.
And it goes on and on and on.
And meanwhile, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs and Josh Owens were up in Ferguson when this all started, just to cover the truth of what was happening.
And they would rubber bullet the press under orders and attack the press because they had won them there.
And we criticized the police.
It was horrible.
We also criticized people running around burning stuff.
And it appeared provocateuring was going on, but not by the police, by Democratic Party third party groups.
Outside groups of white agitators.
And then we aired the video last night.
In fact, we're gonna go to break and come back with it.
The classic Trust Fund 2025-year-old Democrats with their officially made signs out there singing, deck the halls with dead police, fa la la, and kill the cops.
And I bet you
Everything I own, that some of them or all of them work for the Justice Department, I can look at the sacks of crap and just tell you I've been through it, I've been threatened by it, I've been harassed, I've had them pull dirty tricks on me.
I didn't know what was happening to me 20 years ago when I first got on air.
But about 10 years ago, I figured out their number.
It's like Hal Turner, the white supremacist, attacking me every day on his radio show.
Turned out he was a fed.
And he was told to do that.
I mean, I just see three... They control the extreme racist whites.
They control the extreme racist blacks.
They want to get us all killing each other.
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I said I would get into the media singularity, so I'll do that, go into overdrive, and go to Tom, Matt, Paul, and others that are patiently holding.
Media companies and executives on the hot seat in 2015, the New York Times.
And they say, while it's great to see the economy coming back, which isn't really true, even though fiat money's been printed by the trillions, they go on to say that media, movies, cable news, but across the board, entertainment,
Is cratering?
Well, there's a lot of reasons.
A, you put out establishment bills everybody's sick of.
But more importantly, there were roughly 10 million websites in 1996-97.
The last number I saw was 3-5 billion websites.
Web pages.
Not being counted.
There's so many other pages.
But there are billions of different destinations on the web.
More people are getting cameras.
More people are being journalists.
More people are doing blogs.
And so, we were able to come into the new media early and grow slowly and become very large.
But there's more competition every day.
Of entertainment, sex, news, whatever.
We're being atomized.
And what is the singularity?
It's when machines and technology get so incredible that it starts growing exponentially until you become omnipresent.
The elite believe we're done, we're a joke, they're gonna merge with us, they're gonna be gods.
I don't know if that singularity is possible.
Sounds more like a singularity of destruction when all these technologies get developed and we don't know what we're doing with them.
But there is a singularity or at least a pre-singularity of information
Where in the next five to ten years, you're going to see hundreds of billions of pieces of content out there.
I mean, YouTube, we could use to easily get, you know, 500,000 to a million views on YouTube.
And we still get millions of views sometimes and things like that, but it's much more competition.
And people that were huge on the web are now tiny on the web.
We're bigger and
I think?
That kind of puts people into a too much information mode where they just go into a catatonic state or give up.
It's our job to point out in the scheme of information we really are covering as close as you're going to get to what's really happening and trying to formulate a general idea
To have a debate about the future of the human species.
But I've got a stack of news about media going under, reality TV facing its own reality, LA Times, a huge ratings slump across the board.
Because the real reality TV is online.
It's people that put webcams in their houses.
It's people that put webcams in their offices.
It's one website with tens of thousands and growing, where people dial into business webcams with audio that folks don't know have been dialed into.
Because they just use the default code.
So, what rose the new alternative media, that happened to be Patriot in many cases, because we cared about freedom, so we were there first, will also atomize us.
So we better be getting bigger and reaching more people now, while we still have a big voice, ahead of the media singularity that I'd say is about 7 to 10 years out, maybe even quicker.
We're going to go to overdrive, main transmission's over.
God bless you all.
We're going to take a few calls.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Fixed bayonets.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show Overdrive.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
Let's go to Tom in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Tom.
Thank you for holding, brother.
I wanted to talk to you about the disturbance at the Monroeville Mall.
Yeah, they're now saying it was somebody banging on metal, right?
No, there was a lot of teenagers there.
A lot of teenagers.
Oh, you're talking about, yeah, I see there's a stack of those where kind of having flash mobs, beating people up and stuff?
There was, yeah, they had all the, they were recording it on cell phones and stuff.
You know, I mean, I'm not looking for trouble, but if four or five teenagers come over and want to beat me up, I'm going to beat the living hell out of them.
And when I'm an old man, I'm going to be carrying a gun.
I mean, I'm really getting sick of hordes of teenagers beating people up.
Go ahead, I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
What's your point on that?
Yeah, it was a bunch of like, looked to be a bunch of girls.
You know, younger, just like younger kids getting into like scuffles and stuff.
I guess they were all got together.
Yeah, I've seen a bunch of those stories this week.
That's been happening a lot.
And white kids do it, black kids, Hispanic kids, mixed groups of kids.
It's just absolutely idiotic and mindless.
I mean, I did stupid stuff when I was a kid too.
Well, I usually got blamed for stuff I hadn't done.
Like, I'd be the guy when they were tying chains to a stop sign to rip it out with a truck.
I'd be like, should we be doing this?
And the cops would pull us over and say, Jones, what have you done this time?
But I just don't know what it is.
Yeah, five arrested after brawl at Navy Pier.
Appreciate your call, Tom.
Interesting point.
Let's talk to Matt Mass.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
Good, brother.
I'm calling to talk about the Intelligent Traffic System, because a lot of people aren't talking about this.
Most people don't know much about it.
Yes, it's going to be meant to tax us, and it tracks everywhere we go.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, the cameras put up on top of all the traffic lights, the CCTV cameras, they're called AutoScope Solotera.
That's one company that makes them.
Here in Massachusetts, they were put up under the Mass Chapter 90 Roadwork Program.
It's called the Intelligent Traffic System.
It's supposed to change the lights of the cars.
But the problem is, is that what they really do, what I found out by going to my fusion center in Maynard, Massachusetts and asking questions, is that these cameras on top of the traffic lights actually record all the time and take pictures of the cars as they go on there.
Well of course they do!
So see, they have one legitimate use that they tell us about, but that's maybe 2% of what it really is up to.
Yeah, and the thing is, they deny that.
See, my local police department, the Leominster Police in my city, they don't have access to these cameras.
In Massachusetts, they act like the cameras don't exist.
But they admit that they exist at the Fusion Center, right down to the point where every single one of us has a file in a data center, which is owned by a private company.
They're trying to nationalize the one in Utah.
But every single one of us has a file.
So say you throw your cell phone out the window after a protest and you think you went there and they don't know who you are, they can just track you by these traffic cameras all the way back to where you are.
That's right.
Everywhere you go is a complete database of everywhere you go and what you do and nobody asking.
I'm going to say it again.
This is a great caller.
I'm glad you raised this and it freaks you out.
All the new smart TVs listen to you and record you and in the terms of service tell you that what you say is being given to third parties, so quote, watch what you say.
I mean, that's beyond Big Brother.
But it's just, eh, passe, and I'm a kook because I don't like it.
Matt, good to hear from you.
Paul in Canada.
Go ahead, we've got one minute left.
You're our telegunner.
Sorry to Tucker and John.
Go ahead, Paul.
Alex, what a privilege it is to be in the Lord's army with you, man.
I just want to give you a gift.
You've given me so much.
I've been listening for 15 years, and I'll do it quickly.
The seven responsibilities of a parent.
Number one, you got to be Lord because you got to control them.
Number two, you got to be savior because you're going to have to rescue their butt.
That's right.
Number three, you gotta be the priest, because you gotta have empathy and understanding, and all those priestly behaviors.
Number four, you gotta be the prophet, because you're the teacher.
It's your responsibility.
Number five, you gotta be the king, because you gotta give him a kingdom.
You gotta give him protection.
Number six, you gotta be the judge, because you gotta protect him.
And number seven, number seven, what's number seven?
God, you gotta love it!
That's right!
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