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Name: 20141222_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2014
2403 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the government and mainstream media's role in creating internal strife, the West's use of psychological and economic warfare against Russia, and his predictions for 2016. He also mentions the need to focus on lawyers, politicians, corporations, special interests, and treaties with the UN instead of targeting police officers. The caller proposes a "Constitutional Freedom Truth Tour" featuring musicians to educate people and create info warriors in every city they visit.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you are a foreign offshore above-the-law banking cartel,
When the public starts to wake up to your activities, what do you do?
Well, you try to divert and distract the public by creating internal strife that is beginning to border on civil war.
So we're not predicting four years ago or a year ago or six months ago or a month ago that the Justice Department was going to stir up race riots in this country.
And if the new act of protest would be to kill police, and the police are also getting more brutal and killing more citizens, there is a real problem there.
But the answer isn't kill more police or kill more citizens, obviously.
So I want to open the phones up right here at the start of the broadcast for first-time callers today, or if you haven't called in a year.
Let's say first-time are folks that haven't called in a long time.
Or police separately, military, you name it.
Or anybody that thinks it's a good idea to shoot cops.
Because I see on Facebook and Twitter a lot of people saying this is a good thing.
And I had callers yesterday that basically said they were Caucasians.
And that they understand why people are shooting cops.
So see, it's not just a black-white thing.
There is a lot of hatred towards the police.
And I want to flesh out today where I stand and where I think, as a country, we should go to avoid all this.
Because the social engineers have helped set up a lot of these problems.
Then they ride those crises to greater and greater control.
And that is now happening right now.
And I'm not going to go back, for credibility's sake, and show you all the articles and special reports we did in the last five years predicting this, intensifying the last six months.
Everybody knows it.
Everybody heard it.
You can see the preparations.
You can see the state-run media hyping it.
And now Al Sharpton and the Democrats and others are backing off a little bit.
And you've got the former Deputy Director of the FBI saying they think there's going to be more of this.
You've got quotes from Sheriff Arpaio saying he's afraid it'll spread across the nation and police departments on alert.
Now, we tried to stop this paradigm from growing.
So at this point, though, I would just point out that state-run media continues to make the whole fight with the people in the government in this country about the people and the police, instead of looking at the actual lawyers and politicians and corporations and special interests and treaties and the UN.
Instead of really looking at what's driving the car, we're talking about tires.
Tire treads.
We're talking about where the rubber meets the road, the cops.
And it's just the stupidest place in the world to point the revolution.
Unless you want the revolution to fail.
And to be a big, fat, disgusting bloodbath.
Because you notice the Tea Party's taking over the Republican Party, the states are getting taken over, people are really waking up so the globalists are flooding the borders, trying to bankrupt us, signing us onto derivatives, getting ready to go after pension funds.
They want to gut us
Before we fully wake up.
They want to use economic serfdom as a tool of control.
And if it means the globalists get away with it, they will start a civil war.
As I've been harping and harping.
So I want to look into a lot of other news on the flu outbreak and on Fox News investigative reporters saying that the CDC is covering up thousands of potential Ebola cases.
We'll get into North Korea and just the bizarreness there.
North Korea threatened strikes on U.S.
amid hacker claims.
It's all coming up on this live Monday, the 22nd of December, 2014.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to be here every day this week, live, but Christmas Day.
To make up for some of the days I missed last week.
And of course, we were live yesterday with the Sunday broadcast, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, Infowars Nightly News.
Well, where to begin today?
This is just a smattering of what's coming up.
We have video of this and audio.
Gun control advocate urges kids to inform on parents and turn in their firearms, even when they're legal.
And to take, this is a PSA video being paid for through Bloomberg Groups, to take your parents' guns and take them to the police.
That's encouraging, in my view, theft.
And it's very dangerous.
Hey, you're ten years old, go get your dad's gun and take it to the police.
Or take it to the school.
What if some...
Ten or twelve-year-old does this and gets gunned down when they pull a gun out at school.
I mean, this is just, this is just unbelievable.
We're going to be getting into that report, getting into Paul Watson's report.
There's just no end to the statist, just like in North Korea, trying to get control of our children's minds and telling us our children don't belong to our families, they belong to the state.
Time Magazine says right-wing militias are the real threat to cops, even though statistically, you can look at the numbers, people directly tied to right-wing groups or militias kill about four cops a year.
I have the Justice Department's numbers here.
Conversely, thousands die while riding tickets when cars come out of their lane.
Still, thousands more die in car wrecks.
Thousands get shot.
In shootouts, at bank robberies, you name it, with drug gangs, things like that.
No, no, no, though.
When you go to the actual Homeland Security training manuals and videos, it's all, we're talking like 80-something percent, about the evil right-wingers.
We've got to have MRAPs, we've got to have tanks, we've got to have armored vehicles.
We've got to train because there's a coming war with the patriots coming.
Meanwhile, you have the Justice Department, and you now have the former Deputy Director of the FBI coming out and saying this, you have police unions coming out and saying this, and I'll go through the articles, that indeed the White House and the Justice Department are putting out the narrative using very sad cases, like Garner and Brown and others,
To cause a huge backlash, a cause celeb, and then a legitimization of shooting police as a form of protest.
Which is hurtling the country towards an expansion of the police state in answer to it, and to a backlash that will be unduly focused on to black folks.
But see, the government wants black people isolated, under government control, in government reservations, only thinking the Democrats and Al Sharpton and MSNBC and Mr. Maddow, excuse me, Rachel Maddow, are going to save them.
They want them balkanized and isolated, scared of everybody that isn't black, and everybody that isn't black scared of blacks.
This is how they
have destroyed the black community in this country to a great extent.
And they're using the same tactics just reversed to destroy every other community.
When the truth is people just want to live together in peace.
People go to school together, they work together, they get married.
People just want to get along and be friends and go play softball or go fishing.
People are just people.
See, they had a problem 65, 70 years ago
Blacks in America were more conservative on average in the most conservative white areas.
They had higher savings rates.
In many areas of the country, higher legitimacy rates.
That is not children on a wedlock.
We're extremely Christian.
We're anti-communist.
The communists in the 30s tried to take over black communities.
It fell on its face.
So Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, this is all public knowledge.
You can look this up.
Said, we're going to go hire all the major black preachers, pay them huge salaries, build them churches,
And we're going to replace one system of control segregation with another to get rid of these huge, rich, wealthy black neighborhoods.
They said, oh, you don't want us in your hotel?
You don't want us in your restaurant?
That's what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.
So they had hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, department stores back in the 30s and 40s.
And so we've got the public letters by Congressman LBJ and others by the fifties saying, listen, these blacks are voting for the Republicans.
They just passed the Civil Rights Act.
They just voted in Eisenhower for a second term.
We have got to shut them down.
The answer was the Great Society.
Hey, women, we're going to give you a free paycheck.
Just don't have a man in the house.
And we're going to have social workers and the state's going to get involved.
And boy, you can see what's happened.
You can see the destruction.
The destruction.
The demographics are over the top.
80 plus percent in some areas, 90 plus percent illegitimacy.
Crime rates in some areas 10 times what they are in other areas.
I mean, the numbers are well known.
They run from bad to worse.
And now those same demographics are shifting into every community.
Because it's a program of degeneration.
And when they're done with all the hip-hop gangsters and all of the cop-killer music, when they're done, black communities are going to look like
Open air, Warsaw ghetto concentration camps.
They always test the takeover on who is seen as the weakest group.
And it's all Democratic Party run, Chicago, New York, D.C., the list goes on.
And these cities collapse, like Detroit, when they're done.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
Just type in LBJ's racist letters on blacks.
Type in Margaret Sanger's letters on calling blacks weeds.
Subhuman weeds that had to be dealt with.
And how they would forge a liberal movement to get their trust.
This is not my opinion.
You can go online.
You'll go to major universities online.
You can see scans of Margaret Sanger's handwritten letters.
To different robber barons who were financing her to carry out the operations.
In fact, go back up to the top of that and I'll give folks the source.
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero, but also a racist.
And they try to spin it because he uses the word, the N-word a lot.
There's the Washington Times, Margaret Singer, racist eugenicist extraordinaire, but they just call them racist folks.
They lay out the complete plan in public letters that I've made films on to kill as many black people as they can, and they've done a great job.
52% of blacks since 1973 never got out of the womb in one piece.
You're not going to hear anything from the Reverend Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton, or any of these people that, oh, black lives matter, and I can't breathe, and use some of these sickening examples to stir everybody up.
Let me tell you, cops didn't kill 52% of black people.
The government did.
In a letter to Gable and 39, that's Procter and Gamble,
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can strengthen and straighten out the idea that if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
Margaret Sanger commenting on the Negro Project.
Tuskegee was part of that, just so everybody knows.
Injecting blacks with syphilis.
In a letter to Gamble, December 10th, 1939.
And it just goes on from there.
Do you understand?
So I don't want to hear a bunch of arrogant, high-horsing, oh shut up, you're white racist.
And that's usually from some trust fund racist punk.
Like this guy, we have an article about it on Infowars.com that works for the Justice Department, meets with him, you know, white.
He's running around on video saying, hey, pigs in a blanket, pigs in a blanket, to the police.
There's a new video of him running around saying that.
Pigs in a blanket.
Pigs in a blanket!
I'm going to get to that and name him later.
This is so the police all form ranks, see the public as the enemy, and all these tactics that will then be used on poor black folks will then be used on everybody else.
Ferguson protester met with DOJ, taunts police with NYPD cop killer quote.
Fellow protester labels shooter, mother bleeping hero.
Was he a hero for shooting his girlfriend right before he went and did that too?
And granted, a lot of New York PD are arrogant.
They're in their own world.
It is a sight to behold.
I've been in Mexico around corrupt police and they're not as arrogant, though they'll shake you down worse.
They're more corrupt, probably, but not as arrogant.
Because they understand, they just want the money.
They don't want to rub your face in it.
The cops in New York are worse than cops, in my experience, in Mexico.
And I've been to Mexico a lot.
But it doesn't mean you get to randomly walk up to two of them and blow their heads off.
And a lot of them are good people.
But it doesn't matter, they get due process.
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I am your host, Alex Jones.
I want to open the phones up to hear from people that think it's a good idea to shoot police.
Because we even had a few calls yesterday saying, well, I don't want to shoot the police, but, you know, they've got it coming.
And see, there's the paradox.
Because if you look at Albuquerque, that has one of the highest rates of shooting unarmed people, homeless people, and as the cops pull up, one of them says, you know, I'm gonna kill this guy.
I can't wait to kill him.
And then they shoot him over and over again, and then let the dog bite on his dead body.
And then nobody gets in trouble.
And you see police choke somebody to death, and then they don't get in trouble.
But even if you think that's cold-blooded murder,
Then do you randomly go out and just shoot two cops sitting in a car?
Absolutely not!
Plus, all that's going to do is start a civil war.
The police will arm, they will start getting itchy trigger fingers, they'll start killing more citizens, and it is going to turn into a giant bloodbath.
It is going to descend, and you can see the media, the state-run media, the same ones that want our borders open, and want our kids, and want forced inoculations, and want our guns, and are putting us under UN treaty, and they want to censor the internet, and they want to control our lives.
The rich, crony, capitalist elite that aren't free market, that are insulated for most of this.
Of course, Bloomberg's kid just got mugged on Friday.
They said, oh, normally there are police stations at the house, but there weren't that night.
You get police stationed at your house, but if I live in Chicago, I don't, and I'm not supposed to have a gun.
Actually, it was the other gun grabber, Rahm Emanuel.
Oh, it was Rahm Emanuel's son, that's right.
Did I say Bloomberg?
I think so.
I can't keep track of all these gun grabbers.
I know almost every gun control group out there is funded by Bloomberg, or by George Soros, or by the UN, or by the Ford Foundation.
But yes, Mayor Emanuel's son robbed outside family Lakeview home.
CBS News.
Thank you for correcting me.
I'd mix these traitors all up.
Michael Moore has six bodyguards.
His guys have been arrested carrying guns illegally before.
I tried to ask Moore a question on the street.
It's in my film, Martial Law.
So his guys started basically hitting me, bumping into me.
And as soon as I ran my elbow back into his side, he... Those are some bodyguards, let me tell you.
That was pretty funny, actually.
It's on video.
I want to hear from you on this issue.
I know I talk about it a lot because this is what the globalists plan to do.
Destabilize this country.
Racial tension.
Focus the anger that people have on the government at the police instead of the criminals up the chain.
There are a lot of peaceful ways, effective ways, with ideas and lawsuits and peaceful demonstrations to take this country and this planet back.
Freedom is popular.
We need to legalize freedom, as Ron Paul has said over and over again.
And I've seen the entire preparation by the Pentagon, the police system, you name it, to bring in this crisis that Obama, in his last two years, plans to kick off.
A toll-free number to join us, first-time callers, or police, or people that agree.
Because I got two of these calls yesterday.
Well, I don't want to kill cops, but I see why it's happening.
Because, you know, they're killing a lot of us.
And they were white guys that called in.
And I've got a lot of criticism on InfoWars.com.
It's a minority of criticism, but it's there.
And on YouTube.
Hey, Alex, you know, the police are out of control.
Well, you don't fix a problem by doing more of something evil.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
MSNBC is hyping this and demonizing the police.
That's all you need to know.
They're scapegoating the most visible group that is, in many respects, the enforcer of the corrupt system.
But they're Americans too.
And you just cannot say because someone is in a blue uniform that they're the bad guy when there's so many different jurisdictions.
That's why we don't want a central federal government running at all.
Because then there's no diversity in it.
There's no reform.
It just tends to get more corrupt.
Can we stop the attempt to start race war, civil unrest?
And a civil war between the people and the police.
That once they get it started, Time Magazine's saying it, they're going to flip it onto the Patriots.
Just like they said that Homeland Security was for Al-Qaeda, now it's for the Patriots.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Another time in the Age of Wonder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The AP reports that police killings of blacks has been voted the top story of 2014.
I think the militarization of police and the federalization and the internationalization of police, because the feds themselves are captured and occupied, that's just a fact, that is one of the biggest issues in the country.
But the fact that the media could make, I don't know, what is it, a couple hundred, maybe, controversial cases, maximum, of black Americans being shot by
Is that really the top issue in the country, or is millions of black babies aborted this year?
Does that matter?
No, no, no.
That doesn't even blip on the radar screen.
Every week I see an article where a black cop in a questionable shooting shoots a white person.
There are no riots, because there is no media hyping it.
Like the police just shot Martin Luther King.
The media run by the globalists is hyping it.
So you know it's not good.
That's what I'm saying.
The police killings of unarmed blacks in Ferguson, Missouri and elsewhere and the investigations and tumultuous protests they inspired was the top news story 2014 according to the Associated Press annual poll of US editors and news directors.
See how it serves as a giant distraction?
Not the President becoming a dictator.
Not Raul Castro saying, be a dictator, use your powers.
Not the open borders and legalizing the illegals.
Not global government being openly announced or our own government getting caught funding ISIS.
And our own military saying no to it.
None of that matters.
In a year crowned with dramatic and often retching news developments around the world, the number two story was the devastating outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, followed by the conflict in Iraq and Syria, fueled by the brutal actions of the Islamic State militants.
How about fueled by the West publicly?
When you really know what's going on, reading this is just, it's like 1984.
It's like I'm working in the Ministry of Truth or something, reading this propaganda.
Among the 85 voters casting ballots, first-place votes were spread among 15 different stories.
The Ferguson injury received 22 first-place votes.
Ebola, 11.
And Islamic State, stories, 12.
And I guess it's kind of true that that would be the top story of the year, because they're just reporting on what the top story was.
But the same media, state-run media, made it the top story so that we'd all be at each other's throats.
And I know I harp on this because it's so central to everything.
The President, outside of Congress since January, legalizes anybody and everybody that hits our shores.
They've had top Border Patrol officials on record say, quote, we complete the smuggling process.
We load them on buses, we give them money, they are shipped to Democratic Party facilities, or to government schools, or to Democrat homes, or to churches, and that's it.
I've got family that goes to a Methodist church and they basically take up offerings to help finance all this.
I mean, this is prolific, ladies and gentlemen.
But oh, that's not even a story.
The president becoming a dictator, for all intents and purposes, is not a story.
So I'll throw this out at the listeners too.
A. Can we stop a race war, civil unrest, being started?
B. Where do you focus your real political energy, your peaceful energy, but certainly you don't focus violent energy on cops.
As I said, when the civil war kicks off, if they're successful, that's who's going to take the brunt of it.
And a lot of people at a primitive level will go, good, they deserve it.
They've had authority and have been arrogant and imperious and brutal.
Really, from small town cops to cops down your street, they've really been brutal to you?
They've really, all of them?
Because I've seen corrupt police growing up, drug dealing police.
I've also seen police help a lot of people, and police have helped me.
So, under the Constitution, it's a good thing.
Under the New World Order system, yes, the police are under a bad system, but we need to attack the system intellectually and not follow MSNBC and Al Sharpton's cue, along with Media Matters, who again attacked me a month ago.
I think the headline was deranged Alex Jones claims Obama and the Justice Department trying to stop race war and want to get cops killed.
Can you guys pull that up?
I want to read the quotes.
Now you see it happening.
They know full well I'm exposing them.
They don't like it.
Because when they're done wiping out a whole bunch of police and the full police state comes in, they're going to put real criminal thugs in.
Who, when they order them to go mow down a bunch of people in the inner city, they'll do it.
Or when they order them to come grab me and put a bag over my head and disappear me, they'll do it.
That was their headline on Ebola.
I forget their headline like a month ago.
It was something like that about Jones' latest theory.
Obama wants race war.
I think Raw Story did that too.
Mother Jones.
All the usual White House controlled suspects.
But that's how communists and socialists always direct things, is at the grassroots government, because they want to just overthrow that, or intimidate that, so that it backs down and then lets them get in charge of the government apparatus at the top.
There it is, Salon.
Alex Jones' Wild New Ferguson Theory!
The wingnut, oh that really discredits me, might as well call me the space alien, radio host is convinced that the riots are merely the first salvo in Obama's nationwide race war.
And then you go read my quotes, I said they're planning a war to start killing police, and you see what's happening.
And again, I'm not bragging about how I'm right, I'm telling you we know what we're talking about here.
And when they're done getting a race war with the police going, race slash police war going, destabilization campaign, they'll fully federalize the police, and then they're going to flip it.
They've already behind the scenes already done this.
On to gun owners, returning veterans, constitutionalists, pro-lifers, evangelicals, and then on to anti-war groups, everybody on the left as well.
And on the protest and freedom of speech, period, it will be seen as something that is linked to cops getting their heads blown off.
And the police will go out and get more brutal, and then it's going to spread, and then they're going to get the orders to start targeting patriots, and patriots are going to see other patriots drug away and disappeared, and then patriots are going to start fighting back, and oh my gosh, is it going to be horrible.
And you will see George Soros and all the rest of the Rockefellers and the rest, they'll go hide out in Europe.
They'll go hide out in Monte Carlo, or in Geneva, or in London, while all this goes down.
And it is going to be hellish.
And that's how you bring down America, and that's the plan, and that's why I talk about this at least once a week in detail.
Because if we don't turn this around, this is how they're going to take the nation down.
And they're going to take out their enemy, the states and the cities, the independent jurisdictions, whether they be good, bad, or ugly.
There's a mix.
And the American people and the veterans that the globalists fear, they want to wear us out killing each other.
And then they're going to roll in after two, three years of this.
They're going to roll in with the U.N.
troops as Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger have all been quoted in Foreign Affairs magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations.
They've all shot their mouths off for 20 years about how they were going to use race riots and destabilization, Balkanization, just like they'll stir up a civil war in Syria and then say, oh, we got to go in to end the civil war.
Or they'll start a civil war in Tunisia.
Or they'll start a civil war in Egypt.
They'll start a civil war in Iraq.
To then bring in their solution, breaking the countries up and putting them into larger super regions.
This is a ancient Roman slash British, in the more modern sense, great game is what it's called.
Just Google
British Empire, the great game.
That's what it was called by Cecil Rhodes, by Kipling, by all of them.
Just, it's all there.
It's all public.
The battle plan is public.
And here's Time Magazine, and we're going to go to your calls.
Oh, there it is!
The Great Game was a term for the strategic rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire.
The supremacy in Central Asia.
The classic Great Game period is generally regarded as a running approximately from the Russo-Persian Treaty of 1813 to the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907.
A less intensive phase followed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
That's right, British Intel put V.I.
Lenin in.
In the post-Second World War, they put ol' Alos Hitler in there.
In the post-Second World War, post-colonial period, the term is continued in use to describe the geopolitical machinations of great powers and regional powers as they vie for geopolitical power and influence in the area.
The Great Game is usually attributed to Arthur Conley, the intelligence officer and the head of the British East India Company's Six Bingo Light Cavalry.
It was introduced into mainstream consciousness by British novelist Rudger Kipling, see my memory's pretty good, in his novel Kim.
I almost bought that for my son Rex yesterday, Kim.
I was at a rare bookstore.
I'm gonna go back and get that.
I almost bought him Kim.
Scroll down for me, I forgot I read that when I was a kid.
And then it just gets into divide and conquer, how they balkanize different tribes off against each other.
You can see what they did in India right there, what they did in Pakistan.
This is a public operation.
They're going to run a great game on us here.
The drug war is a great game.
You ship most of the drugs in,
You then control the big crime gangs, you shut down the small ones, you corrupt the police, and you imprison the general population who dares use the drugs for being so stupid, and then you put them in private prisons, competing with the rest of the economy, lowering wages, so only drugs is the economy.
Oh, how did the British take down China?
I forgot the Opium Wars, which is even pre-Great Game, but is Great Game.
I mean, does anyone really want to know how the world works?
Because it's all there?
Tiger, tiger in the night.
Tiger, tiger, burning bright.
If there is the brightest star in the night, you know it is thee!
John, Bill, Mike, Jacob, James, I'm gonna go to all of you, but I'm gonna say it again.
I'm giving you the Death Star plans right now.
I'm giving you the Rosetta Stone.
I'm giving you the public documents of how this works.
Are we all that dumb?
That's what football's about.
Coke, Chevy, cowboy, redskin.
Black, white, male, female, gay, straight.
This is how they just get us all obsessed on these surface issues while we're all being gang raped by the globalists.
Now after I take phone calls, I'm gonna, at the bottom of the hour, I will get into this, North Korea threatens strikes on US amid hacker claims.
They deny they've launched the hack attack, but then say they'll basically blow up the White House.
They can't even
They've got like 50-year-old Russian cars they drive there.
Talk about a Rosetta Stone.
North Korea and Kim Jong-un is an example of, you like big government moving to North Korea, it's an example of how pathetic the state is, what the state finally degenerates into when the state is gone.
When the state cannot be checked.
When the state cannot be challenged.
It creates stagnation and literal hell on earth.
A dark age.
The dark age devil kingdom.
And then it's run by a toddling little wimp who can hardly walk it.
Like, what is he, 25 years old or something?
Third generation king who thinks it's cool to have Dennis Rodman who wasn't cool 15 years ago.
Who talks like Soran.
That's a joke video I saw comparing Dennis Rodman to Soran's voice.
And now these guys hacked Sony?
I mean, this is all a PSYOP in my view.
I've sat back and watched it, looked at it.
North Korea's denied it.
But they had to add their normal, we will blow your country up.
And the minute the globalists want to, they'll just blow something up, say North Korea did it, and we're off the races.
North Korea is absolutely horrible, absolutely terrible, but the people running us are a thousand times more sophisticated, and at the end of the day, evil.
I mean, North Korea is a lens into what government worship creates.
Fox investigation, CDC may be hiding thousands of Ebola cases.
That was on Fox News yesterday, with an investigative report.
I just know I got medical doctors saying, yeah, there's Ebola, and they just disappear the people.
Just shows how they control things.
Borders wide open.
Nobody even seems to know that.
We're going to get into Time Magazine saying right-wing militias are the real threat to cops.
So they're getting everybody prepared for that.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to go on a break and come back and I'm going to take your calls right through to the bottom of the hour then I'll get into North Korea.
The latest on censorship with Team America and the interview.
Saudi oil chief says no conspiracy behind oil prices.
That's a funny one because we know there's an OPEX rig that's come out.
Gun control advocate urges kids to inform on their parents turning their firearms.
Actually, he tells kids to steal them out of the house and take them to the police.
Pretty amazing stuff.
That's all coming up.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
And I again want to thank all the presentPlanet.tv members.
Let's go to John in Texas on the police topic.
It's so transparent, even former Deputy Director of the FBI
has come out and said that the White House and the Justice Department are responsible for promoting this narrative.
It's so transparent.
It's almost like there's a civil war in the government as well.
Obama has the lowest approval rating of any modern U.S.
president since they started taking polls.
That's in the news today.
The military absolutely loathes him.
So the good news is the whole system isn't buying into this tyranny.
The bad news is it doesn't matter because they're still getting it all through.
What's your take on this, John?
Well, you know Alex, back in 1980 when I was living in Michigan, I lost my job at Chrysler's and I had to take a job working for a security company driving a patrol car.
And I had to work with a lot of police.
And by and large, most of them treated me good and I didn't have no problem.
But once in a while, one of them would get up in my face and start screaming, calling me a pretending cop and what the hell I was doing there.
And it was all I could do to hold my temper, you know.
But what I'm saying is a lot of cops are their own worst enemy, you know.
There is an extreme arrogance in a minority of them and the police should absolutely route that out.
Or it's going to allow the globalists to scapegoat them into an explosive civil war.
I mean, do you agree with my point that the establishment, the George Soros's, want the cops to get the blame for everything instead of the system?
Well, they want to destroy the police, period.
They want to put their police in there.
They'll probably bring them from overseas or something.
They want us to turn on our cops.
That's part of the game plan.
So how do we navigate this?
I don't know, but you got all these communist agitators out here forming all this stuff.
I mean, they've been there since the 1960s.
And people are going to have to realize that's who's causing all this unrest.
And they want a revolution.
They want to be another Lenin or another Trotsky or whatever, you know?
That's it?
It's a great game.
I mean, British intelligence, I can't believe that even on Wikipedia they have links to major universities.
They admit that the British helped bring down Russia, putting the Communists in.
That is so hardcore cold-blooded.
And then the CIA and British Intelligence put Mao in.
That just lets you know who's running the show.
I mean, these people are evil, and they now want to finally bring down what's left of America.
And I just hope we're not stupid enough to go along with it.
Good to hear from you, John.
Bill in Michigan.
First-timer on the police topic.
So what do you think's happening?
Yes, Alex.
Your last caller here in Michigan, he hit the nail right on the head.
And I disagree with these people just shooting, you know, our police officers.
There is a lot of good ones out there, but there's also a lot of them that are out of control.
And here in Michigan, I blame our governor, Ricky Bloomberg Snyder, you know.
We have all these, oh,
Like drunk driving stings and seatbelt stings and I mean they're pulling you over in the middle of the day for a burned out headlight.
Oh yeah, it's total police state, revenue generation, totally federalized, predatory, and it's out of control.
It is, you know, and I mean, but what are, what, I mean, shooting police officers isn't our solution, but us citizens, you know, I mean, are we just out here to pray for them or, you know?
Well, the argument is you need to follow the law.
I mean, half the Americans can't even pay for their inspection sticker now.
Are you supposed to walk to work?
I mean, the country is falling apart.
And it seems like the worse the economy, the more tickets they're riding.
Meanwhile, Google and General Electric are tax-exempt, and I pay 43% tax.
It's just totally screwed up.
Good to hear from you.
Mike in New York.
If that's the Mike that's called in for years, he's a retired police officer.
I don't know if that's him.
He hasn't called in about six months.
And then we've got Jacob, James, Damien, and many others.
Second hour, coming up in 70 seconds.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got open phones today.
You're going to be taking your phone calls.
I'm going to go to Mike in the next segment.
Right now we're going to go to Jacob, James, and others, then Daniel and Damien.
We are talking about civil war, the government trying to start a civil war.
We've asked the question on Twitter, can we stop the attempt to start a race war?
Tweet us your questions at hashtag AJshow, watch live.
I've got some of these comments coming up as well.
Jake Phillip or at Solid Snake says, yes we can and we should do so.
It's the people versus the elite, not the people versus the police.
Richard Watkins Jay says, won't be a race war, will be a class war though.
Yeah, but they're kicking it off racially and then saying the police are where you should vent your class war anger.
I mean this is just pure
Pure Bolshevik-type garbage playbook.
So that's some of the comments here.
Real Patriot News says, do you think it would be a good idea for communities to come together and spread the truth about the system and speak out?
People tweeted at Real Alex Jones on Twitter.
So that's what this comes down to.
More of those comments coming up.
Let's get a call in right now.
Let's go to Jacob in Utah.
You're on the air.
Yes, Alex, this is Jacob Law.
I'm a long-time listener and multi-scriber with your Prison Planet.
Thank you.
And, you know, I understand all your points now, but you're missing the whole thing about this.
This is about justice, Alex, and the system has been set up so there is no justice.
I mean, when you have your own kid killed, then you can start evaluating a lot different than what I'm hearing you talk about.
I know, I hear you.
And God forbid that that ever happened.
I see on the screen you say that your daughter was killed.
Tell us about that.
My daughter was killed.
She was unarmed, no warrant, no criminal record.
She was gunned down by U.S.
Marshals, shot in the back of the head.
Uh, that was January 9th in Salt Lake City, but it wasn't by the Salt Lake City Police, it was by Federal Marshal's JCAP, which is the, uh, uh, uh, Criminal Apprehension Team or something.
Were they on a drug raid or something, or a warrant service?
No, no, it, they, uh, was, she was driving in her car,
And unmarked cars come up, rammed their head on, another cop come and ran up behind her and shot her in the back of the head before she could even know what was happening.
You know, I see these type of bizarre cases all the time.
Now the FBI famously executed that guy in Florida when he was reportedly bound.
Do you have any idea why they did this to her?
Well, you know Alex, I was not totally aware of everything that was going on after my daughter was killed.
Uh, God forbid that happens to anybody else, but if you want reality, when your kid gets killed, you got reality.
Then you start seeing all the other things, especially here in Utah.
I mean, uh, uh, Daniel Willard was killed, uh, November 2nd, 19, uh, I mean, 2012, uh, by West Valley Police.
And she, and it was ruled unjustified.
No, I know.
Out by the Bundy Ranch, there was like a fifteen-year-old on a bicycle last year, and they just shot him off the bicycle.
No weapon.
I know.
It's this extinctive training, video game, kill, kill, kill.
A lot of police departments are actually removing that training.
It's like, well, we keep cops alive.
Well, then you shoot some guy that pulls his cell phone out?
I mean, it's getting to where they're like fast-drawing villains or gunfighters, and
There is a problem.
I hear what you're saying.
The globalists gave them the training, gave them the weapons, gave them the tanks.
But I really want to hear from you, when we come back, I want you to finish your story, then I'm going to Mike in New York, about what happened to your daughter.
And were they serving a warrant?
What happened?
They rammed her car?
I wonder about the cost.
I see cops all the time will just ram your car even if you're not fleeing.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Merry Christmas!
It's Monday, the 22nd day of December, 2014.
Old Man Winter is here.
From the front lines... From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong.
New World Order.
And world government is openly being announced by private megacorporations exempt from taxes that have diplomatic immunity.
And all over the planet, the way they control nations is using sociologists to come in and play off religious, racial, ethnic differences against each other.
The Romans did it.
The British did it.
It's the great game.
And with my audience on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and on YouTube, you're hearing the majority of callers that have called in today.
I'm going to try to move quick now and cycle through a bunch of them so we can get an accurate image here.
Hey, I don't want to go up and just kill random cops, but they killed my daughter, or they beat me up, or all they do is run checkpoints that are illegal.
So you see, as the police become globalized, because they are already federalized and the feds have been occupied and taken over under UNESCO treaty, our police follow UN rules.
The average cop doesn't know that.
As this munialization, as the UN calls it, takes place, you will see an us against them mentality.
And the system circling the wagons against the people so that the people aren't able to take over the system and restore the Republic.
So they are trying to cause a race war, civil war.
Here are some of the headlines and I'm going right back to your calls.
Police departments on alert after cop killings.
In New York, tensions between police and Mayor de Blasio boil over after killings.
Sharpton, our city, is hurting from these vicious murders of two NYPD officers when he's been helping promote all this.
Obama's propaganda pushed people to hate the police, Giuliani says.
A widening rip between the New York Mayor and the New York City Police is savagely ripped open.
Got another article here where a deputy FBI director retired has come out.
And said that the White House and Justice Department is trying to cause civil unrest.
Killings of two New York City officers triggers backlash.
Howard Saffer.
Anti-police rhetoric unlike anything I've seen in 45 years.
And it's being pushed by the media.
Now does that mean that the police in many areas aren't out of control?
I'm the expert on that.
I've made four films, written books on it, predicted all of this.
But there's a difference between being mad about what the general police are being turned into and randomly blaming individual police officers or their families.
It's very simple.
And they want to get us fighting with each other.
So how do we navigate this is the question.
And I'm hearing from listeners like Jacob, who I held over, he said federal marshals this January killed her.
Shot her in the back of the head.
If you give us her name, we can look it up and pull up the news article, sir.
I know it's hard for you to probably talk about, but I do see the videos from choppers and dash cams where someone will be unarmed and a cop just shoots you.
It's like the black team
Who was handcuffed on the dart platform and they pull the gun out and he just shoots him in the back.
And then they lied and said he beat up the cops so they shot him and then the video came out.
So they did try to cover that up.
Very creepy.
And the police officer only got like two years in jail.
And then they sent us subpoenas for people threatening the cop on my website on Infowars on the comments.
And they actually went and prosecuted multiple people around the country who were on my website.
Folks, they were all over YouTube saying the same thing.
Why was it my website?
Because we had it on our servers and it was a way to come snooping around here.
We have our comments now on Discus.
So you know what?
For two years, they're not here.
You can take your subpoenas over to Discus or whoever else.
You have no reason to come around here.
So I've lived through this.
I've seen it.
Serpico said that every other cop in the narcotics unit in New York was dealing drugs because they'd kill you if you didn't go along with it.
So is the New York PD corrupt?
But at the same time, we need to get Serpico back on.
He's been on twice.
I absolutely want Serpico on
John Bounds originally got him and we were going to fly him down here and do a documentary, but the point is I just want to get him on about this right now.
Frank Serpico is a listener.
So he shouldn't be hard to get on.
We're going to go back to your phone calls right now, but for me, this is the big issue.
Later in the hour, I'm going to get a North Korea threat and strikes on the U.S.
amid hacking claims.
AP, Saudi oil chief, no conspiracy behind oil prices.
Fox investigation, CDC may be hiding Ebola cases.
That was yesterday.
On Fox Sunday.
That's all coming up, but right now let's go back to your phone calls.
Jacob, tell the story about your daughter.
What was the investigation?
I mean, I don't know her name, I haven't seen your case, but I do see similar cases where these cops are so trigger happy, it's like taking somebody deer hunting for the first time, and they get buck fever, and they shoot a cow 400 yards away on somebody else's property.
I mean, that is a routine occurrence, and I think you got a lot of people like that joining police forces.
I mean,
I'll be honest, twice I've seen, and I like the Austin Police Department, on average they're pretty nice people and follow the Constitution to a certain extent, but I've seen the Austin Police Cadets training at Deep Eddy Swimming Pool when I was doing laps there last year, and I saw them also doing push-ups at another park in some physical, and I'm, I mean, I'm not in shape, but I can swim two miles in 65 degree, 70 degree water.
Do it all the time, but I wouldn't call myself in shape.
I'm 40 years old.
I can do... I can do 400, 500 push-ups.
A couple months ago, I did 500.
Took an hour and a half to do them, but I did 500.
My son wanted to see how many I could do.
These cops could hardly do 20 push-ups, or they were cadets.
And let me tell you, I don't know who these departments are trying to hire, but I guess they're saying, well, nobody wants to be a cop.
And I think that's also part of it.
All over the country, they're hiring a lot of people.
I'm not trying to be stereotypical here, but a lot of times, it's, well, everybody knows who to be scared of with police.
And in my experience, it's women.
And I'm not saying there aren't good women police officers, but I think they feel outgunned and outmuscled, and so they get in your face real fast.
And it's kind of a Napoleon complex.
And maybe I got a Napoleon Complex.
I mean, I'm 5'11".
Never thought of myself as a little guy, but I do have a thing where, like, if some guy's a lot bigger than me, it's like a chihuahua wanting to fight a German Shepherd.
But you don't need people that have real problems out there abusing the public and then having the system cover its butt, because as Einstein said, for every action, there is an opposite.
I didn't even know we had video of them training.
There is an opposite and equal reaction.
So, if the police get militarized and start killing a bunch of people, some who deserve it, some who don't, people are going to start lashing out and it's just, you're not going to win.
The British Empire couldn't beat the American people.
We couldn't beat the Vietnamese.
We couldn't beat the Iraqis.
The Patriot movement in America is probably, I'm going to skip this network break, this is when I'm going to calls.
30 times, 50 times stronger than the Iraqi fighters?
Just in numbers alone?
I mean, really?
The training?
And they're training all of these cadets to just gear up and have this big war?
And I guess you want to be soldiers and I guess you want to fight the American people?
Well, if that's what you want, that's what you're going to get.
Jacob in Utah, finish the story about your dear daughter.
I mean, give us some of the details.
Well, my daughter is my only child.
So, you know, the reality of that has been, you know, you have your whole life, you build up that bought houses, you know, everything.
Who do you give it to?
But, you know, there's been more grievous killings or murders than just my daughter, as I
As I've become in touch with the whole community of people who have had their children killed across this country, Facebook's a great place to find it all.
But, you know, in Utah, the police chief of Salt Lake City told me that I should sue the cops, not for any of their crimes, Matt, but for their tactics and level of force.
And this is the problem, is the whole system is corrupt.
I've been, for 23 months, I tried to get my grandma reports, my four-year request.
I think?
And it's the system, it's the judges, the DAs, it's not only the cops.
I mean, I hate to say there's no good cops, but in a way there isn't any good cops.
No, I understand.
We're showing the case of the unarmed woman.
Was that your daughter or was it another?
Well, uh, well, that was Daniel Willer, was not my daughter, but I know is her family now.
Well, if you don't mind, tell us your name.
Tell us your name and we'll look into your daughter's case.
It was her name.
Kelly Simon.
Kelly Simon.
And, and why did they pull her over and shoot her in the back of the head?
Well, they suspected she was involved in some armed robbery.
But they had no proof.
They actually, the whole thing, it doesn't even matter what they suspect.
They can shoot first and ask questions later.
They don't have to have any reason.
I see the headline, father seeks answers in daughter's fatal shooting and robbery case.
Scott Simons is not sure why police believe slain woman committed series of robberies.
And we'll click and see an image of your daughter there on screen over there on the right hand side guys you can click on that image and we can see his daughter.
Well I tell you it's certainly scary and we'll try to look into that I just can't even imagine that.
I personally know in my family it was my Aunt Pat's
deceased husband.
She had one husband I was related to.
The point is, is that my Aunt Pat's husband's daughter was schizophrenic.
This is like 20 years ago, and was freaking out, unarmed, and they called the Houston police.
Neighbors did, and they just came and shot her.
And so, the issue is, don't call the police unless it's a real emergency.
Because it can go really bad, especially now with the kill first, ask questions later mentality.
I'm so sorry for your daughter, Jacob.
God bless you.
We're going to move quick now through calls.
Let's talk to Mike in New York.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Good day, brother.
How are you?
Thanks for calling.
I'm all right.
You bet.
Well, the topic of my conversation, I know you're leading to police, but, you know, I think Rand Paul came closest to open the doors, open the light.
Uh, when he said, even a fact I didn't know, I mean, this Gardner, what was he, a father of four or six?
And he's out in the afternoon?
And he's out selling cigarettes and they go, you don't have a permit, so that's why they arrested him over and over again.
And they choke him to death in an illegal chokehold.
They pin his arm under him so he can't put his arm back behind him and they kill him.
Well, you can try to fight it, but, you know, it's becoming so frustrating.
I had an innuendo thrown at me through our federal social security program.
I've been disabled for a little over a year, and they cut my benefits for another fact I just realized in the last few months, is that the money that they give you, plus any other assets that you have, in other words, I'm a retired or disabled from the landscape business, so my trucks that I have
Well, they call one day and they tell me, well, what do you have?
Ask me.
I said, well, I've got an old landscape truck, 1993, 22, 23 years old.
How much is it worth?
I said, I don't know.
Okay, we're going to do you a favor.
We'll list it as $1,200.
Then all of a sudden, between the money I have in my checking account that they gave me, I'm trying to pay my taxes.
Which they don't seem to understand that you can only pay it quarterly.
And they tack on a valuation on my truck.
Which brings me over to, here's the fact, $2,000 limit on your assets or else you're disqualified.
No, I hear you.
What's happening is they're raising taxes to the level of where the average person can't pay them and people are going under the poverty line and the government
has created such massive debts that it's impossible to pay back.
That's what we're talking about.
The demographic cliff.
Good to hear from you.
Interesting points.
James in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Can we stop the civil war or do you disagree that the Justice Department is not trying to start civil unrest?
My name is James.
I'm a first-time caller and I wanted to tell you about some incidents that I had down here in Columbus, Georgia.
But before you go to the next caller, I'm really, the only reason I'm really calling and getting involved with this is a lot to be more of a patriot to fix problems.
And I have some ideas that could be solutions, maybe, to help them.
We're not screening your call.
You're on air right now.
Go ahead.
Well, I'll start out by just telling you of an incident with the police a couple years ago.
I met a guy, he's Mexican, and he says he's an American citizen, his sister's in the Army, and she had moved here at Fort Benning next door to here.
And him and his son had moved over here with them, and he's a sort of do-it-all kind of guy.
He knows fairly well, you know, pretty good English.
But he never had an ID or anything, and, well, I live with my mother and my grandmother that are sick.
So I'm having him over to do extra jobs around the house.
And, you know, to help him make a little extra money and all.
Well, one day I'm taking him home and I stopped by the bank.
And he'd been drinking, he'd started drinking, so I was going to take him home.
I stopped by the bank, I wanted to get out and get some money out of the ATM.
When I get out, he takes off with my mother's car.
And I'm standing at the bank.
That right next door is a Wendy's and I call, uh, there was a dump truck dumping thing and I went over there and used his cell phone and called the police.
The police came right away and drove me down to my house and took all the reports of what happened, him taking off in my car and all.
And so they're like, okay, we'll see if what we can do to try to find your car and him and everything.
Well, you know, that was probably 11, 30, 12 at night.
Well, then we get a knock on the door.
That he's my friend.
And so the cop is arguing with me, well, you shouldn't press charges on your friend.
And I said, I barely know this guy.
He stole the car.
I want to press charges.
And he refused to press charges.
That's because the guy's illegal and the police have been told by the judges who run everything.
Well, you know why?
That you are just not to charge them.
They're basically above the law.
They even let serial killers out who've, you know, killed over and over again.
Arsonists, you name it.
So, long story short, how did it end?
Well, before, right after that, he's going over and he's saying, well he says this, and I said, well that's not true.
And he kept saying, well, I'm getting conflicting stories.
So I said, are you calling me a liar?
And that was all it took.
He jumped up, get on the floor, get right in front of my mother in our kitchen while I'm in my boxers and my underwear.
And I'm disabled.
And I stand up immediately.
I'm not able to just jump on the floor.
So I put my hands on the table.
Get on the floor, get on the floor!
I estimated 26 times he tased me.
He tased me in the head, in the face, multiple times in the chest, kidneys.
He fell down trying to do this, tasing me in the ankles.
No, I know.
What happens is, it's all about, you must follow my order, absolutely, I'm God.
And the minute you don't, you've committed this huge crime.
Don't even talk to me.
I appreciate your call.
That's why people are really upset with the police.
And tasers, admittedly, have killed so many people from heart attacks.
Couple years ago, they massively boosted the power of tasers, saying they weren't powerful enough.
And you hit somebody in the chest, I mean, you can kill them.
They're even killing young people with them.
So it's not non-lethal, it's less lethal.
And for every action, there's an opposite.
Yeah, how you doing Alex?
Yeah, I'd like to talk about the concept of government police in the first place.
I think people are confused because 99% of this country is already secured.
Any security concerns are already secured by individuals and private entities.
That's right, private citizens with their guns are the answer.
And also, there's a lot of constitutional issues on this.
Cops are unconstitutional, period.
Local and federal.
There is no such thing.
As is, they're already a standing army because they're wearing the same BDU, they have the same rules of engagement, they have the same command hierarchy.
So this whole binary... And now the police are being put on the same FEMA radio system with the same codes.
I mean, cities are allowed to hire their own police, sheriffs.
You know, are elected by the citizens, but you're right that the way the police stand now, the way they stand their, quote, forces up, or their troops up, they are, in their own words, a paramilitary domestic force.
There is no amount of training that you're going to do to fix it.
They're already part of the system.
You say, you know, people against the system.
Well, cops are part of the system.
Let me ask you this, and we're going to go to a break, and I want you to answer this, Damien, when we come back.
Sure, there's a problem.
I've been talking about it for 20 years.
How, then, is MSNBC, CNN, and Al Sharpton promoting demonizing the police when the system is the group that actually turned them into this?
So, see, how do you then navigate the fact that they want us fighting with them instead of reforming it?
See, the very feds that are causing this are posing as the saviors.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, you're hearing it from our listeners, or the listeners that are able to call in.
They've got a lot of horror stories from the police, but they still want to try to work it out and fix things.
I personally have had pretty much nothing but good experiences with the Austin police
Except for one time when they tried to violate my First Amendment.
This is like eight, nine years ago when I was protesting Governor Perry.
They were getting riot police ready.
We were peacefully protesting.
They'd already lost a whole bunch of lawsuits.
And I kind of blew up at them.
The video's online.
They were very restrained, but it didn't matter.
I mean, I got mad.
They're like saying, no, you have no First Amendment.
I just was yelling at this cop because he had come over
The Statesman was doing an article, San Antonio newspaper was doing an article, follow me around.
So there were two reporters there and the cop came over and he said, yeah, you can protest.
And they came over like an hour later and said, I never said you could protest right in front of the newspaper, even though they had heard him and written it down.
And I just blew up.
I said, man, you are a liar.
And I think that's what makes people more mad than anything is the lying.
And the fact that so many departments train police how to lie on the stand, that's come out.
But I just like the fact that I've been attacked by groups of rednecks.
I don't look at somebody wearing a cowboy hat and think they're going to attack me, or I've been attacked by black folks who are racist.
I don't look at black people and say, oh, they're black, so they're going to attack me.
I don't look at cops and think, because I've been around bad cops, they're all bad.
I'm trying to change the culture.
I'm trying to wake them up.
I'm trying to actually reach out and have serious discussions that have an effect, instead of just causing more division.
The globalists have set up their police state, they've militarized them, now they want us to have a war with each other.
You could say at some levels, hey, you guys are all dressed up ready for war, okay, you're gonna get one.
That plays into the George Soros's hands.
The Democratic Party is financing these rabble-rousers and provocateurs and destabilizers.
And then making them heroes on the news when they demonize legitimate demonstrations and free speech.
I mean, this is a very clear program that's taking place.
There's not a doubt in my mind that I'm right about this.
So I'm asking listeners, do you think I'm right?
Do you think I'm wrong?
We can have your bad cop stories all day, and that's fine.
I could play videos every day of police doing absolutely horrible things and covering it up.
I could also play video every day of police doing heroic, good things.
And doing the right thing.
We try to have a balance of it all because here's the deal.
I don't want to just play in to the paradigm.
There's another reason Dinosaur Media has jumped on the hate the police bandwagon.
That's because their ratings are flagging.
And they know it's popular to bash the police.
Just mindlessly.
But what police you talking about?
The Feds?
Who are the minders over the local police in their minds?
When the feds get away with executing people in cold blood, when they're handcuffed and don't get in trouble, burning down the Waco, Branch Davidians, killing the kids, and I don't want to just sit here and out of hand demonize the FBI either!
Because that plays into this whole mentality of, well, we're being attacked so we might as well just circle the ranks and do whatever the brass says, when the brass are the bad guys.
Doesn't mean all the brass are bad guys, but when you get into the feds, I mean, the Attorney General is super evil and has been caught in multiple false flags and persecuting gun owners, veterans, and Christians with the IRS and hadn't gotten in trouble.
When Joe Stack flew his airplane into the
IRS building and killed two IRS employees.
Even though the IRS is unconstitutional, abuses people, it's extrajudicial, I don't wish them any harm physically.
But my goodness, the IRS director, all of them came for the press conference to grandstand and look like victims.
Aren't they really the people that run the criminal show?
But not even them!
Above them, I mean, do you know it's the private Federal Reserve that gets all that money?
See, I want to repeal the Federal Reserve, and we're very close to it.
And I want to win the war intellectually.
And we are starting to win, that's why they're going to start a race war.
And a war with the police, so they can say, oh, we can't allow demonstrations anymore, look what it did in 2015.
Oh, we can't allow, I mean, the media already tries.
Every day.
Multiple times a week to tie Alex Jones and Infowars.com to violence when we're the opposite.
The Liberty Movement's being demonized right now by Time Magazine saying right-wing militias are the real threat to cops, Daily Caller.
The secret world of extremist militias.
And you go into these reports, guess who's in them?
Yours truly.
And they teach police across the country
That Alex Jones basically wants you dead.
So that they can try to shut us down later, just like they blamed Oklahoma City on Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh had nothing to do with Oklahoma City, ladies and gentlemen.
Talk radio and free speech had nothing to do with it.
And that was a federal operation, just like Fast and Furious.
Oh, how far we've come!
You talk about this stuff ten years ago, like Billy Corgan said around the dinner table, people would laugh at you if you talked about the New World Order and conspiracy.
If you told them the Federal Reserve was private, they'd laugh at you.
Now people don't laugh.
They might not want to hear about it and say there's nothing we can do about it, but they know it's real.
The globalists are losing the info war every month.
We can keep them from not kicking off a civil war or a big fat juicy false flag to blame on us.
They're capable of anything.
I want to get into North Korea threatening to blow up the White House, tied right into the movies.
Notice how what North Korea says dovetails with Hollywood?
Because both our authoritarian regime needs an outside threat to take freedom, and North Korea and Kim Jong-un, he likes Dennis Rodman coming to visit him.
Do you think he likes movies being made about him?
It's well known this is propping North Korea up and they love it.
North Korea couldn't hack their way out of a
2 plus 2 equals 4 equation.
They didn't attack.
They didn't steal that info.
And there's evidence to that now emerging.
And they've denied it.
But shot their mouths off more about how they'll blow up the whole U.S.
It's not North Korea that disappeared nuke warheads out of Dyess Air Force Base last year.
All right, Damien, go ahead and finish your point that you were getting into.
Go ahead.
I'd like to reply directly to your media narrative.
The leftist media narrative.
Actually, to me, that's sort of the same thing as blaming the gun instead of the shooter.
There are only two types of people where PsyOps works most effectively.
One is academically smart, and two is really dumb.
Because academically smart, they understand they operate on a system.
So if they believe the system, they think it works on behalf of them.
So if they re-articulate it back, they think it's actually working on behalf of them.
Stupid, obviously, you get confused.
So the whole thing about, this is the same thing as inciting a riot.
I mean, the only person guilty is the person enacting it.
However, the thoughts come into his head and whatever the nature of his mind was before he got all this media echo chamber.
That's besides the issue.
So this whole notion of 20 years you've been articulating very eloquently how the system, the police state, the Federal Reserve, all these larger constructs are responsible.
Well, the state is a fiction without its actors.
We're good to go.
The notion of government police, not just repeal the Fed, you need to repeal that notion permanently.
You can't fix an occupation that perpetually attracts the most psychotic of a society.
There's like 10% that are always going to be psychopathic.
And that's who it attracts for a reason.
Well, it is a historical fact that the uniform
Attracts psychopaths, control freaks.
It also attracts good people.
But yeah, a good 5-10% of police, I think is a conservative number, are deranged masochists.
I don't
that we get a lot of great information from local police departments a lot of great information the military because they're the ones in there doing it they know how real this is a lot more than even i do and so
It's like a paradox.
It's our problem, but it's also part of the solution.
I know we've got a big giant imperial military that they're trying to use against us, but shouldn't we then reach out to them and educate them about the larger plan instead of just saying they're the enemy?
I mean, how do you navigate that?
Because as Ron Paul said, it would take decades to wean us off of this and reform this.
I'm saying we've come to the point now where they want to go ahead and start a civil war.
So I get your larger point.
I think you're absolutely right.
But how do we get from here to there?
When the system isn't even looking at that, it's going to start a civil war.
I'm just trying to stop that.
Well, Alex, you know how you always say, uh, you know, if you're not doing anything now, you're not going to do it when, you know, crap hits the fan?
Well, the same cops.
They're the same.
I mean, they're not doing anything about it now, so what makes you think they're going to suddenly change?
We're, history's at an entropy point.
You know, we're at the precipice.
If they haven't done anything up to now, they certainly aren't going to do anything when it happens.
And by then, they'll just be, you know, too busy taking care of their own, so.
Well, in the same boat.
The system's failing.
They're like the last phase of an existing system that's gonna go away, so I don't see the point in fixing them or reforming them.
I mean, they're all listening to you because they already realize something's up anyway.
So I don't see the point in reforming.
They've been tuning in to you anyway, you know?
These are the same guys giving you the information, and you've been talking the exact same way anyway, so there's no point in reforming them.
They need to come to our side, and it's gonna happen anyway, because history's on that trajectory.
An amazing call, Damien.
Wow, he really let it out, didn't he?
The system is designed to fail.
And they plan to end the crisis, bring in a total police state.
I'm trying to stop the vicious crash landing.
I want a controlled, sustainable, survivable landing.
There have been so many revolutions of ideas that have succeeded in men non-violent.
But they're not called revolutions, they're called renaissance.
And so I want a renaissance, not a revolution.
And I think if we get past the dumbed down, you're either 100% for the cops and always back them, or kill them.
And that's what it's turned into.
You either are for killing the police and burning down the police station, or you are for backing them no matter what they do.
How about we back a constitutional role?
How about we promote a culture of liberty?
How about we explain the larger New World Order plan to get us at each other's throats and short-circuit it?
Then we can try to fix things.
But yes, they've signed us on to a thousand of the two thousand quadrillion, or a little more than half of it.
It's not our debt, it's not sustainable, we're going down.
Every major economist says it's inevitable.
But the question is, how will it unfold?
How will the house of cards fall?
So I just don't have any macho desire
For this to turn into a big nasty mess, because I don't plan to try to run off to Switzerland and sit it out.
But maybe I should, like Frank Serpico, just go, man, you people just kill each other, I'm outta here, man.
It's so stupid!
And it's a plan, and they've got us marching towards each other!
And then the media has me at the head of it, in some plan to kill the police!
Imagine that!
Why do they want to shut me up and demonize me?
Because I've got their number!
I know the plan!
You think the establishment likes the fact that I'm up here laying out their plan every day?
Very accurately?
I'm not on a power trip knowing all this stuff.
I wish everybody else knew it.
I wish we could beat this right now.
I'm gonna go to break and come back with Daniel.
And then Jan, Tom, Alex, and others right into the next hour.
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to go to Daniel, Jan, Tom, and Alex in these next two little segments at 8 after.
I will get into North Korea.
Saudi oil chief, no conspiracy behind oil prices.
That's ridiculous.
Fox investigation, CDC may be hiding Ebola cases.
Gun control advocate urges kids to inform on their parents.
I'll cover all of that coming up after calls, and then continue calls in the next hour.
And then Dr. Steve Pachinik.
Just pops in for a couple segments because he grew up in Cuba.
Then was in the... in Russia, I guess.
Very interesting history with that guy.
And I guess he's gonna give us his take on Cuba and moves to unilaterally start normalizing relations and his take on Fidel Castro and so much more.
He'll pop in the last 30 minutes today.
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In the morning, you go gunning for the man who stole your water.
And you'll find him... We see...
Epic promotion of racial division, of attacking the police by the very establishment media that has supported the police warping and mutating in many cases into what they are today.
And it's a kind of night of the long knives.
After Hitler took power, he purged
The paramilitary police force, the SA, that had brought him to power, killed tens of thousands of them in one night.
And their leader, Ernst Röhm, Hitler's boyfriend.
And that's where the police and military are going if they go along with this treason.
History is very, very clear.
Daniel in Texas, can we stop?
The Civil War.
No one's really answered my question on that front, other than the last caller, Damien.
He gave a very eloquent breakdown of that.
Everybody just has stories about the police and how horrible they are.
We don't screen your calls, we're just taking them as they come.
This is what the public thinks.
And it just shocked me that when the cops got shot, people were standing around going, yay, yay!
Even if you hated the police, you shouldn't support that.
And it shows kind of the soft disconnection to reality.
Even if you hated someone, you wouldn't be celebrating them dying.
It's bad luck.
I'm here to tell you.
The cops get run over in Denver.
People cheer it.
So, I mean, even if the police are demons in New York, which I don't think you can say that across the board, you've now turned into that as well?
I mean, it's just, it's sick to see us being played off against each other.
That's all I'm saying!
This is not how we build civilizations!
Daniel in Texas, go ahead, what's your take on all this?
Oh, Alex, long-time listener, first-time caller, thank you so much for all you do.
And, you know, my heart hurts for this country.
It's a spiritual and physical hurt.
You know, when I read about that news on Saturday, I mean, it made me want to cry.
And just like you said, in no way, form, or fashion should those cops' deaths be celebrated by anybody in this country.
Uh, we've got a huge moral and spiritual battle going on in this country.
You keep on asking what it's going to take, and you know, I kind of like the approach to the civil rights movement.
I think it's what it's going to have to take a massive
Media campaign, broadcast meetings.
We've got to get this police state situation taken care of.
You know, the old man being slammed to the ground the other day by the young police officer.
There's no way in the world anybody can justify that unless that man branched a weapon.
I just, I don't get what it's going to take.
I mean, why do people like me and you and your listeners care so much and others don't, Alex?
Why is that?
It's because they're watching television all day and just partying, and even if it happens to them, their neighbor doesn't care, they don't care about their neighbor.
We're such a self-centered country that it has allowed corruption to grow.
Well, you know, I will tell you this, Alex.
I recently, five years ago, became a musician, and it wasn't until I got into music that my mind started to open, and I started realizing... I really enjoy your Billy Corgan interviews.
They're awesome.
I love that guy.
And the spiritual aspect of music, I say this all the time, be it good or bad, far outweighs its entertainment value.
And then that's what it took for me.
And I don't know what it's going to take for my neighbors.
I mean, I've taken your advice and started my own show with, you know, on my online show and try to get my friends.
And a lot of it's, you're just, you're constantly bullied for caring.
And I don't get that part about it.
Why nobody wants to question anything.
It's because they're raised in front of television sets, the proto-matrix, and they're spectators.
They don't know how to stand up.
They think it's work.
They don't get that it's like breathing.
It's life.
Thank you for listening to GCMI.
Third hour coming up.
Great caller.
Stay with us.
You can get GCMI.com today.
Jan, Terry, Alex, Cindy, you're up next.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have a caller in Japan who we'll go to at the start of the next segment, then I'll get into North Korea.
Yeah, Alex, how's it going?
Okay, uh, well, you know, first
I want to call in just it's the last caller if you owe $1,500 the State Department no passport so anybody looking to get out just making their way don't don't trust that your passport is going to be good when you get to the gate to try to leave let's get in affairs in order um we just had a California cop that just got arrested sheriff um he kicked the old man's cane out from underneath him and then uh created perjury about it then he decided to uh
Has video evidence, and they went back and arrested him.
Kind of an amazing feat.
And yes, I think the Civil War can't be stopped.
It can or it can't be stopped?
It's the wheels in motion too long.
There's no way.
Well, we have four or five videos over the years I've seen of jail guards and police throwing quadriplegics out of wheelchairs.
And they'll tell him, get up, and they're like, sir, I am paralyzed neck down.
I said, get up!
So they're supposed to grow new legs, and they will throw them out or dump them out, and then they'll break more bones, because their bones are like, soft like cheese, or like rotten wood.
And then they'll defend it.
I told him, get up!
I mean, I have a friend who's a manager at Home Depot.
Who got pulled over by a cop just like 10 years ago or more.
Now the cop's like a senior supervisor.
And he filed a lawsuit.
I've seen the video of it.
And he says, what are these?
And he goes, sir, these are my hand controls.
I'm paralyzed, chest down.
And he says, get out.
And he said, all right, my wife has to get my wheelchair out of the back.
He said, no, I said, get out.
And he said, well, I can't.
So he drags him out, beats him.
It takes a real man to beat somebody up who's paralyzed.
Let me tell you, they ought to start putting quadriplegics in the UFC, baby.
Just lay him on the ground, maybe in a loincloth, and one of those guys can come in and beat him.
And it's just bizarre.
Look at that, boom.
So many videos of police pushing people
Out of their wheelchairs.
Now granted, sometimes people are in wheelchairs that really don't need them, but they're examples of quadriplegics in wheelchairs.
In fact, that last one was an old man.
We're showing video of your radio listener.
Any other points you want to make, Alex?
Yeah, how about the protesters?
You're either with us or against us.
Can't even be on the fence no more.
The one thing they're protesting and they're basically assimilated the process.
Well, they've taught the police that the safest thing for them to do is the minute somebody doesn't do exactly what they say, jump on them and beat them up.
That might work at the time, but it's going to create massive animosity.
And I think that's what we've seen shown here today.
So it's really worrisome.
I mean, if you're a radio listener, you ought to see the stuff they've been putting on TV while we've been talking.
Police beating people up in wheelchairs.
And when they're quadriplegics, when they dump out on the ground, their head will bounce and their arms and legs are just laying there.
It's basically like beating up Stephen Hawking because he doesn't follow your orders.
And I've seen cases where they beat somebody up in a wheelchair and claim that it's because they assaulted him.
In fact, in one case, it's a guy with a motorized wheelchair.
He's paralyzed.
He just drives by the cop on the sidewalk and grazes his shoe.
So the cop takes it as disrespectful, so he beats him up.
It's not enough to knock you out of the wheelchair.
They gotta beat you up once they do that.
We've all seen the footage of the woman walking down the street, doesn't get out of the way for the cops.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
So the AP vote of top news editors around the country says the
The story of police killing blacks, unarmed blacks, is the top news story of 2014.
It's certainly the top story that the media has hyped.
You have to ask yourself, why is that?
Because you can have 20 million kids with autism from vaccines, they're going to cover that up.
Or you can have the borders completely wide open, they're going to cover that up.
Or you can have Obama acting as a dictator, they're going to cover that up.
Why are they hyping this?
Well, it's because the public is really angry at the police.
There's massive mistrust in government across the board.
And so if the establishment can get us fighting with the police, that's all the better.
It's not going to reform them.
It's going to make them be a true standing army, so they can then have the civil war they want, started by a race war.
Weapons, money, and drugs.
Report reveals FBI mishandles evidence throughout the agency, because they're not accountable.
I've had Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, the former head of the FBI crime lab, on many times, and that place was a factory of frame-ups.
That's why you can't trust DNA evidence.
It can be planted.
Or they can just give a false positive.
But there's all these forensic shows about how it's 100% bulletproof.
Truth is, you got some really creepy, weird people in charge of things.
And that's why this country's going to hell in a handbasket.
North Korea says Obama behind the interview.
Gun control advocate urges kids to inform on parents, turn in their firearms.
ISIS supporters praise attacks on French citizens.
Ferguson protester who met with DOJ taunts police with NYPD cop killer quote, pigs in a blanket, and says cop killer was a mother effing hero.
No, he was a scumbag that killed his girlfriend in cold blood.
And then he went out and killed other people in cold blood.
Just unbelievable.
It's war on the streets of America.
Former FBI assistant director, race provocations and cited violence towards police by the White House and DOJ.
So it's also a civil war.
They want to totally federalize local police.
And that's why the media is hyping this up as well.
There's a lot of different angles to this.
I want to take a call from Japan.
Yeah, I just wanted to, I don't know, make a little parallel with the cops here and
Yeah, hey Alex.
I'm sure you have some idea of it, but the cops here, they're just, it's like two different worlds.
I don't even know how to explain it.
You have to be here to understand, but they treat you like people.
I mean, they treat you like your people.
Before I say anything, I have a, my dad is actually a lieutenant on the Memphis Police Department.
So I'm in a cop family.
I love cops.
I've always respected them, but it's crazy what's going on right now in America.
And he's a great man.
He's a great Christian man who loves the country, and he does what he can to protect his people.
And that's what's going on here.
They don't have weapons here.
At most, you'll see one with a stick, but that's even rarer.
They don't carry weapons.
They don't carry anything.
Today, just for example today, there was a drunk old man who was stumbling down the street, and I saw a cop get on the bus with him and go home with him.
He took the guy home and that's a normal thing you see every day here.
You don't see that in America.
I'm afraid to call the cops when I'm in America.
Because like we said, we get this...
You know, you're just as likely to get beat up or, you know, thrown in prison for what the other person did to you, and it's ridiculous.
Well, I've never been to Japan, but I want to go, but I've read a lot of its history, and it certainly has its own set of problems because they, folks do work together so closely that if you have a tyranny, it's very dangerous because people will
I mean, I follow cult-like orders, kind of like the Nazi Germans did, but look at when they have an earthquake or a tsunami, crime rate goes down.
Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
They don't have any right to own guns there.
They have occasional crazies that will kill a bunch of people with a knife, but it's the culture that people are respectful to each other, and so see, it would be dishonorable
For the Japanese police to be rude to people.
I actually know somebody who was in a fight though, the military in Japan.
And once they didn't stop fighting, then the police came in with their bare hands, got in a big martial arts fight in the bar.
And so that's actually what happened.
That goes on.
And you're absolutely right.
And then once they arrested him, they didn't even handcuff him.
They told him, put your hands in your lap.
And then when they didn't do it, they would karate chop him.
So once that happened, the gloves were off and they would like started karate chopping him and putting bruises.
So that is certainly what goes on over there.
And America was born out of the gun.
America was born out of swashbuckling, free booting, pirate-like war.
So that's why America's had so many inventions.
It's why we're feared when we go to war.
But now we're kind of the decadent slob great-grandchildren of those that built the nation.
And so the police are a reflection of the public.
The public is demonic, slovenly,
Arrogant, violent, hateful.
Not on average, but we have a large sub-segment of trash.
White trash, black trash, Mexican trash, you name it.
Just trashy people.
They all act the same and have the same horrible habits and love to thug around and love to gang up on people.
And when I see thug culture in a community,
It can be white trash people in a small town ganging up.
It can be black trash ganging up on people.
It can be a gang of cops ganging up and acting like thugs.
It's called mob psychology.
And America now has a mob psychology, and that's when police are dangerous, is when they're in groups and showing off to each other.
And no one dare challenge the other because, well, then we're speaking out against a brother.
No, you're not.
What you're doing is creating a climate that is going to collapse the country.
But in the midterm, pressure on police will make them close ranks and be that much more militarized and corrupt, which will lead to the Civil War.
So I'm saying let's try to fix it from the public side and the police side.
And we can decide what to do later about how big departments should be or what's constitutional.
It's just I don't want to play into the larger plan.
Does that make sense?
Oh yeah, it makes perfect sense.
And you're completely right about the police here.
They are out to learn martial arts.
They ought to know all that stuff.
And people try to bring up this argument a lot with me that, look, man, they have the lowest crime rate in the world of any industrialized country, and they have no guns.
It's completely different.
Well, you're right.
Their mindset is completely different.
It's a completely different culture.
You can't transpose Japan onto America and use that argument.
It's two completely different mindsets.
Their culture is about working together.
It's brought up from childhood into, you know, the business workforce.
It's all about working together.
In America, we were born, like you said, we were born out of war.
We've always had the guns, and like you said, we can't just take the people who follow the orders' guns because the criminals will still have the guns.
In Japan, no one has the guns already.
Even the police don't have the guns.
The guns are already gone.
In America, the criminals will always have the guns.
They're not going to turn on me.
We're going to make the citizens settle, but not the criminals.
That makes completely no sense.
So it's completely false.
Well, the reason the Japanese don't allow guns also is that's for war.
Notice the NYPD has now come out and said we're in a wartime department now.
Yeah, you dressed up like it, you got ready for it, now it's happening.
You acted like soldiers to the citizens, and Lord knows there's a lot of scum in New York.
The police have a really bad job, but it's just being around all that constantly, you dance with the devil.
The devil doesn't change, you change.
And the police are a reflection of this country.
Did the police abort
It's like 60 million now.
I keep saying 50-something million.
It's 60-something million people aborted.
The number's old.
Get me the latest aborted since Roe v. Wade.
Guys, thanks.
The police didn't put the fluoride in the water.
The police aren't setting up world government.
The police didn't open the border.
All I'm saying is I got big problems with the police!
Big ones!
I've got real problems with the brain of the system.
That's what's really jacking with us, including the police.
55,770,015, but that number is again rounded back, so it's higher than that.
I saw a news article a few weeks ago that it's approaching 60 mil.
60 million people that are dead.
And then we go, oh, we don't have enough people to pay Social Security now.
We've got to import people.
We've got to import 50 million illegals.
Gee, how many people did you kill?
But I forgot I'm a racist.
That's why I don't like the fact that, did you know almost half of those are black?
Almost half the abortions, if you square the numbers, are black.
Man, I could be a liberal Klan member and have black folks eaten out of my hand.
Like Senator Byrd and Bill Clinton and all those people.
That's why I make jokes to Democrats when I see them around town.
I see a state senator that's a Democrat and I'll say, hey, where are your Klan robes?
And they'll always laugh.
Because let me tell you, folks, they know.
And it just makes me want to throw up.
But let me tell you, you want to get something done, you know, the Dixie Mafia,
It's even more Dixie up north than it is in the south, I tell you.
Not my soul.
I'm not signing on to killing 55 million people, half of them black.
And I just harp on that over and over again because we gotta have a war!
We gotta kill cops because a couple black guys got shot.
One man dies, it's a tragedy.
10,000 dies, it's a statistic.
I think Joe Stalin said that.
Alright, I'm gonna hit North Korea coming up.
More of your calls and a lot more.
Wesley in Japan, gonna say sayonara to you.
We'll be right back.
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I've got so much more to think about.
Deadlines and commitments.
What to leave in.
What to leave out.
Against the wind.
Yeah, maybe I'm running against the wind.
We were young and strong.
We're still just running against the wind.
But that's what makes you strong in life, is running against the wind.
Always going with the flow.
Well, that sounds like North Korea, doesn't it?
In fact, we have a graphic up on the front page of Infowars.com that says, a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
Edward R. Murrow, the great journalist, as he's known, because he defended communists,
But you could argue he defended the First Amendment, so maybe he is a hero.
That's a subject of debate.
But what he is doing is changing a quote by Thomas Jefferson.
So many quotes I see are just rip-offs of other quotes.
The Thomas Jefferson quote is, A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
I think that's a lot straighter, don't you?
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
But perhaps it's even more eloquent, I don't know.
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
That's probably even more poignant, because it is true.
Sheep likeness, submission... I mean, I've told the story.
I'm not looking for trouble, but I was in a little Texas resort town, South Padre,
And there was a motorcycle rally going on there, and it wasn't a supposedly, you know, outlaw motorcycle gangs.
But it was just people out there just acting... Most of them are real nice, but some of them are, like, aggressive, and say stuff to people, and be rude to families, and... One of them did that to me, and I was like, what the hell is your problem, man?
It wasn't even those guys.
And I'm not looking for trouble, but I was just like, are you ready to back it up?
Because you're wearing a leather jacket?
I stopped right there, but I mean, you know...
I don't like people acting like wolves.
Been to a third world country like Nicaragua?
And seen how the cops act there?
It's scary.
They act just like gang members that are getting ready to mug you.
They get that same look, that same criminal swagger.
And when I see it in cops' eyes or anybody's eyes, I'm sick of it.
I see it in Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's eyes.
They're a bunch of thugs, perched on us, Rahm Emanuel, all these globalists, make me want to throw up!
And when I see that little maggot, Kim Jong-un, I'm going to talk more about this in the next segment as well, of North Korea,
A hereditary dictator.
If he can stay in power another hundred years, they'll have red carpets for his great-great-grandchildren and Hollywood stars will want to kiss their ring.
Three generations, a hereditary dictator.
Most of the country doesn't even have an electricity.
Show the map of South Korea at night versus North Korea.
Only two cities are lit up.
Millions have starved to death or died or been eaten.
Most families, the children are taken like eggs from a hen, to quote George Orwell, and raised in government facilities to be just mindless, gibbering idiots.
And we are to believe that North Korea did this.
I believe, and I'm going to give Steve Pachinick's take on this, wrote NetForce and a lot of other big books with Tom Clancy, but I believe this is a false flag, probably by Sony,
As a way to super hype this film ahead of a larger release later, and as a way to call for more net censorship and attacks on piracy, because they're tying North Korea now to piracy, online piracy.
President Barack Obama is reckless spreading rumors of North Korea orchestrated cyber attack on Sony Pictures, North Korea says, close quote, as it warns of strikes against the White House, Pentagon, and the whole U.S.
mainland, the cesspool of terrorism.
Such rhetoric is routine for North Korea's massive propaganda machine during times of high tension, with Washington with a long statement from the powerful National Defense Commission.
The powerful?
I mean, it looks like a bunch of... People make jokes about it because it's so evil and so over the top, in their badly tailored little suits, standing around like a bunch of tyranny bots.
Oh, it's just the opposite of freedom.
I mean, it's just the spirit is just pure evil.
But see, the evil that runs our country can sit back and look good juxtaposed to that.
We're going to break all this down.
Dr. Steve Pucinich on this in Cuba and more.
Straight ahead, I'll tell you what I really think.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up, report feds pressuring more doctors to ask patients about their guns.
Under Obamacare, they now become total agents of the state.
That's a Kit Daniels article, just went live at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Be sure and spread that out to everybody and get it on Facebook and Twitter.
Gun control advocate urges kids to inform on parents, turn in their firearms.
Yeah, I mean, actually have them steal the firearms in the video and take them to the police.
Talk about super crazy and super dangerous.
Also, Walmart, Amazon, Kmart, Sears told to stop selling toy guns by the police in New York, who I guess are the state attorney general.
Just thinks he's God.
No judge, no jury.
And the governor said, if you're a gun owner, just get out of the state.
Or if you're pro-life, just get out of the state.
Speaking of North Korea, I'm going to get Dr. Steve Pchenik's take on that.
He's been to North Korea.
He did a lot with South Korea.
We're going to get his take on the situation with Russia.
He grew up in Cuba, has a very interesting background.
We're going to cover the waterfront, just bam, bam, bam with Steve Pchenik.
But look at these headlines.
North Korea's internet is having serious problems.
It's already limited to just a few cities, as we showed satellite photos.
Only two cities have power.
That's being reported by The Verge.
Newspaper, but were to believe they ran these sophisticated hacking attacks.
Well, I said last week, probably staged to bring in a bunch of cyber security laws, or it was other hacker groups, and they're blaming North Korea.
North Korea responded by saying, we'll blow the whole US up.
How about you blow up the whole galaxy while you're at it?
They can't even tie their shoelaces from what I know.
North Korea threatened strikes on US amid hacking claims.
And they've come out and said that they did not do it and that it's a false flag by Obama.
I hate to be agreeing with North Korea, but that's certainly where it points.
Sony gets a new threat.
Anonymous says hackers aren't Korean.
Release film or more hacks coming.
Yeah, a bunch of these past hacks have been admittedly not North Korea.
Of the Apple Cloud, of other major groups.
We've got an expert on cyber security and somebody that wrote books on it with Tom Clancy, Steve Pchenik.
We're going to cover the waterfront here, Doc.
There's new books out there.
You can find it at StevePchenik.com.
Steve Pchenik Talks is the new book.
But Steve, let's get into your take briefly on what's happening with North Korea and this whole move to say we're not going to show Team America, we're not going to show this movie now.
Is that just an attempt to set the precedent for the feds to ban movies by fiat?
No, I don't think so.
I think what the problem really was, you have to understand the dysfunctional level of Hollywood.
Number one, you have to understand Sony is not an American company.
That was not made clear to anybody in the United States or the world.
Sony is a Japanese company.
It's a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Japanese Aibatsu.
So the issue really relates between North Korea and Japan, which has a long-standing history of discontent and fighting since World War II and prior to World War II.
It has nothing to do with the United States.
This has much more to do with Kim Jong-un, Kim Il-sung, who had a long history against the Japanese.
And this has to do with Abe and his handling of his economy, his handling of cybersecurity, and where Japan stands relative to Korea.
I don't think our own government really understood this in terms of the fact that this is really a Japan versus Korean.
I think so.
You know, that's a great point.
I was thinking that last week, because, I mean, for those that don't know, the Chinese and the Japanese absolutely hate each other, at least from what happened in World War II.
Even bigger atrocities by the Japanese in what is now North and South Korea, and they still follow that World War II propaganda that the original, you know, granddaddy came out of, that they're still at war with Japan.
They're constantly threatening to nuke Japan, and so you're saying this is Japanese anti-North Korea propaganda?
Oh, this is totally between North Korea and Japan.
I mean, it's not an accident.
They could have put any show that they wanted to, the fact that it was a North Korean semblance of the leader.
There's all kinds of videos of the North Korean leader that's never been hacked.
But the real reason is you have two anti-Japanese films coming up.
You know, the one about with, what's her name, Angelie Jolie.
Unbroken and then you've got this film which comes as anti-Korean but comes out of Japan and the Japanese do not admit to the fact that they've killed hundreds of millions of people in Korea, in Japan, in Vietnam.
This is an old story that has never been closed by the Japanese, and the nationalism in Japan has increased because Abe has an economic problem.
And in turn, Kim Jong-un is attacking Japan to warn them that this is not going to continue.
By the way, much of the money that came out of North Korea came from the pachinko parlors of Japan, the gambling term, and the Japanese don't admit that.
So you've got a whole special relationship that unfortunately our president got into a narrative that didn't belong to the United States.
Didn't belong to cyber attacking.
It belonged to a province.
Okay, so you think the theory that it's a false flag.
Why is Kim Jong-un then saying that Obama and Sony did it?
You know, I don't even know if he said anything, quite frankly.
You don't really know who says what to whom, but I can tell you that the relationship between Japan and North Korea is a determinate relationship that's historically determined, not by the narratives that we create now.
The minute I saw that, I said, Sony's in trouble because it's Japanese, and the man who runs it, Linton, who was the head of a publishing company, doesn't know anything.
I don't know how to manage anything.
Well, they admit Sony is in trouble and may be sold.
As usual, a very unique perspective.
You may be right, probably are.
We know that they're in a propaganda war against each other.
I've just got to say, I think of the Japanese, despite their past atrocities, we have our own here as a lot better than Kim Jong-un.
Alex, Japanese never had a Nuremberg trial.
Like the Germans have.
We have never indicted any of the Japanese war criminals who started biological warfare and killed American soldiers, British soldiers, Dutch soldiers, and killed Chinese civilians in Manchuria.
We've never had that.
And Hito has always been covered up as a butterfly enthusiast as opposed to the man who ran the Japanese biological warfare.
So we have an old history here that comes out, and Kim Jong-un is emphasizing that point.
The narrative goes away from America, right between Japan and North Korea.
Now, they let you into North Korea, is that right?
Yeah, I got in there through another passport.
North Korea is basically a country like East Germany was for West Germany.
It's a failed state, but we cannot unite it.
With an increasingly effective state like South Korea.
And the reason for that is, if we put the two countries together, they will implode.
South Korea cannot handle the poverty and the scarcity of commodities and the ruling class, which is based on kleptocracy.
So basically, the United States and the other countries that are involved in Asia are doing it very slowly.
And quite frankly, it's China's responsibility.
All right, let's shift gears, because I want to get you on some time about your life.
It's very interesting.
Dr. Steve Pachenik joins us right now.
We don't know a lot about, I mean, how you were brought up, what happened.
You were born in Cuba, right?
Tell us about that, and then give us your take on Cuba.
I was born in Cuba as a matter of fact that the great liberal FDR did not allow a lot of the Holocaust survivors, or my father and mother, to come in through 1941 during the war.
My father was in the French Army, my mother escaped to Spain and Lisbon.
And they bought visas into Cuba.
It was like Casablanca the movie.
So I grew up, I didn't, I grew up there for the age of five or six.
We left.
My mother spoke Russian.
We knew that the Russians were coming in little by little.
I didn't know Castro would be a communist.
But she didn't like the Russians, she didn't like the Communists, she didn't like the Fascists.
So we eventually got to the United States.
The fact that I have fought the Cubans, Raul Fidel's people, in Panama, and they're very effective.
They're very smart.
They run a very effective PSYOPs campaign in Panama and elsewhere, in Honduras and in Africa.
The real issue is that after 50 years, the embargo really hasn't worked.
What it's done in effect is made a lot of Midwestern farmers very wealthy, which I don't begrudge their wealth.
They made over $300 million in wheat and commodity sales.
But the point of fact is, it doesn't work anymore.
And Cuba, after 50 years, is not really a strategic threat to anybody.
We're good to go.
Cuba was a transit point for which Benjamin Franklin and many of our founding fathers received illegal money from Spain and France and the guns and ammunitions in order to fight the British.
Most people don't know that.
But eventually, Cuba was in with the de facto province of the United States.
It has never been a strategic problem.
Even during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I think Kennedy
We're good to go.
And this results from the Brett Wood Conference of 1944, where everything in the world is denominated against the dollar, including the ruble.
And we've just knocked down, in this administration, they've knocked down the ruble, they've knocked down the rating of Russia, it's a junk bond, and so now, effectively, the United States is a superpower, not only militarily, but economically.
But doctor, let me stop you right there.
Let me just stop you for a minute.
This is great game stuff.
This sounds like British tactics to knock everybody else out so we're number one, but meanwhile our same elite is taking our basic freedoms as well and foisting it into this global system.
I mean, I want the American system to be successful and to be the culture of the world, but I wanted to do that through the fact that it's moral and upright.
I mean, what did Russia do in the short term to deserve a destabilization and an attempt to take its gas lines into Europe?
Why shouldn't they be able?
Honestly, it had nothing to do with their gas lines as much as it had to do with the fact that Putin has been a kleptocrat for so long that he's been ruining the Russian economy.
This came out of the Russians themselves.
When he created the Sociolympic, he spent over $50 billion.
He wasted out the internal reserves, and then there was a flight of capital.
The issue of Crimea is a false issue.
The real issue that came in was the issue that he's destroying the country and like basically Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
He's a very weak leader.
Although he looks tough, he looks very effective and he looks macho.
He in effect was a very weak leader for Russia.
What America needs is a strong technocratic leader in Russia that can actually create trade and can work in the international system.
The point of fact here is not that we started it.
Merkel, who was the head of Germany, who knew him very well, basically said this cannot continue the way he's been acting as a kleptocrat, destroying the Russian economy, and the Russian people are now suffering.
It was not a result of what we initiated.
The effect of what we did in psychological warfare and economic warfare was a complete result of what Putin did to his own people.
The Russians are great.
They have nothing to do with it.
This was directed to Putin, initiated by the EU, and then followed by the United States.
So are you saying that the West is putting Putin out of his misery and that he was already killing the country?
That's exactly what we did with Yeltsin, that's what we did with Gorbachev, now we're doing with Putin.
What Russia needs is a clean minister who can run the country without any problems with kleptocracy and reaping their own country.
That's basically what we're doing.
Who's a prime minister, who's a financial minister, he said it himself.
Russia was destroyed by Putin.
We only helped it.
But no, never doubt our ability to run a psychological war for economic warfare when somebody comes in with tanks that are antiquated, airplanes that are antiquated, or threatens any of our partners in the EU.
This is the formidable part of America, and the fact that we can do something without even having to show our guns.
Basically, we do it because we're very sophisticated.
We've done it 20 years ago in economic warfare.
We will do it again.
It's not the imperialism of a British country.
It's really the effectiveness of an international system that says we can no longer afford
The kleptocracy that exists in one country in order to destroy it so that we can have the distorted trade.
What we need is a fair trade system, even with Russia.
It's for the Russian people.
Yeah, but I mean, saying Russia's kleptocratic is the pot calling the kettle black.
I mean, look how kleptocratic our elites are.
Well, I don't say our big corporations are not kleptocratic.
Believe me, I'm not a theologian here, but it turns out that in fact we have a far more resilient system that works not so much at the elite level as it does on the local and the community level.
Speaking of that, I want to shift gears.
I want to shift gears and look at PSYOPs.
I'm not a PSYOPs expert like you, but I'm not a doctor of psychiatry either, but I can look at MSNBC, CNN, the White House, trying to stir up black-on-white crime, trying to create race riots, trying to say the police are the cause of all our problems, or certainly have been turned into paramilitary units, but why is the establisher, or maybe you disagree, trying to stir up civil unrest?
I see it as more divide and conquer.
I don't know if it's divide and conquer.
I don't think the president's been a very effective leader internally in terms of articulating any position.
The fact that he's black aggravates the situation.
He knows that.
Eric Holder is left.
These are not two African Americans or blacks who came out of America.
These are guys who were born in other countries and came out of either the Caribbean, as Eric Holder did, and Obama, wherever else he came out of Kenya.
The issue at hand here has to do with underlying, simmering problems between the black community, which still has to get its act together,
Without responding to agitators like Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
And the fact that you can even give credence to CNN, MSNBC, or any of the others is a joke, quite frankly, Alex, because we don't even have it anymore.
No, I know, but they have a small audience, and it's their viewers.
They've knocked out CNN, they've knocked out Fox News.
You're the only news I listen to, Alex.
What I'm saying is the remnant of the Democratic Party wants to run everything on racial division to change the subject from economics and they're clearly doing it.
I wanted to get your view on it because they're trying to push a narrative that's going to trigger a bunch of cop killing.
Now I know the system's pushing it.
Why do you think they're pushing it?
Well, the problem that they're pushing, they may be desperate in looking at the various issues because they have no other issue to look at, but it's a very dangerous issue to look at cop killing and go against policemen on the local level.
De Blasio understands this, but I didn't vote for De Blasio, and certainly I know people in New York who didn't vote for him.
Again, we voted for people who are not qualified to manage major systems, as long as the Democrat or Republicans want to put forth candidates.
We're not capable of managing complex systems.
This is what will happen.
They will go to the lowest level of prejudice and the lowest level of propaganda and promulgated because that's all they know how to do.
That's right.
It's a dumbing down to just mindless idiocy.
And that's what de Blasio's doing.
He has no idea how to run a complicated city like New York.
He's not qualified like Blumberg.
He wasn't effective as Giuliani.
It's not a question whether you're Republican or Democrat.
It's a question of did you do what Alex Jones did?
Build a business?
Build it up?
Stay right there.
Final segment.
Stay with us.
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Final segment for the main broadcast.
I'm gonna go to some overdrive to talk to Cindy.
And Terry.
And Nelson.
The folks have been holding the longest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
If you just tuned in, Steve Pachinik is our guest.
Comes on every few months.
Always has interesting points and background.
StevePachinik.com is his website.
Okay, Docs.
We covered a lot of different issues today.
Interesting perspective.
I do monitor what I'd call dinosaur media, and that's all they've got, because big government, socialism, collectivism didn't deliver, so now it's just class warfare.
It's sick to watch big crony capitalists like George Soros and the big foundations full tilt funding racial division and infighting, but I guess that's what they need to do to keep us from ever identifying them
What is your brief prognosis for the new year, the economy, and what's coming?
I think my prognosis is very good.
Number one, our economy is going to be growing very quickly as the oil price is going down, probably $40 a barrel.
Number two, we're growing at a very fast rate, 3-5%.
We're good to go.
China has to work with us because Americans have to understand one thing.
Every renminbi or every yuan that the Chinese have is calibrated against the dollar.
So they can have as many renminbi as they can, but it really is against the dollar.
China is now in a real state of economic problems.
I don't wish it to last, but President Xi has now gotten rid of a lot of the kleptocrats, just like he did with Putin.
He could have gotten rid of Putin.
He's getting rid of all of the corruption within the military, within the Communist Party, and he's trying to regionalize the growth areas so they can grow.
But unfortunately, China cannot grow as effectively as the United States.
It will not be a dominant power.
Even though its economy is larger than ours, our per capita income is very low compared to ours.
Whereas in the twenty to thirty thousand, there's a couple of thousand.
So there's no comparison between China and the United States.
China will always work with us or against us, but for the most part, China's not a threat.
What about their threats to go in and grab Philippine or Japanese islands?
Uh, it's only a threat.
Basically, we've had the Spratly Island issues, which I've written about 20, 30 years ago, but basically we act as the intercessor.
Patrick, our Navy, is very effective.
Our St.
Without our Navy, China cannot go through the Straits of Malacca or into the, uh, uh, the T and the Pacific Ocean without our protection.
So China needs us to protect their shipping.
We protect 98% of their shipping.
What do you make of China starting military action against Vietnam?
Well, they can start it, but they have to remember they were twice beaten by Vietnam, and that's quite dangerous.
The Chinese know the Vietnamese have beaten them twice.
It's not a good beginning for the Chinese.
They're not going to continue with that.
China has a bigger internal problem than it has external problems.
And Xi is a very ruthless leader, and he will keep China in control.
But it has to be controlled.
Within one year, you have 175,000 riots.
It has to do with corruption.
Corruption, not communism.
And we're seeing attacks on police and government when they're seen as not delivering justice.
As you said, over 100,000 riots a year.
I think if we see more government corruption here, we're going to see that phenomenon expanding.
Well, the United States is interesting.
We are a very quiet people, but basically, if you push us too far, we do have the Second Amendment, and it's always there.
We don't need to use it right now.
I agree with you.
We need to, whoever holds their fire to the end wins in this fight.
Dr. Buchanan, thank you.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
We'll be back tomorrow live.
I'm going to do some overdrive.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, moving through calls quickly.
Thanks for holding while Patrionic was on.
Cindy in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I originally called to speak about the police, but you said you got no answers pertaining to solutions.
My solution is we quit listening to mainstream media on TV.
When I saw them announce about the cop killing, I automatically spot false flag as soon as I saw the photo they showed.
It showed a pistol, and it showed camo pants with guns on it, with blood on it.
False flag.
Like Dorna.
You know, the most surveilled cities in the country, they don't show us any videos.
And I think the solution is, instead of always being on the defensive, we have to go on the offensive against this racism.
It would be great, Alex, if you could print out some Martin Luther King t-shirts, and everybody start wearing them, and we just take up the flag of Martin Luther King.
Of non-violence.
Now that's a great idea, and I wish MSNBC and others would do that, because they have a small audience, but they're definitely stirring stuff up.
You know what's sad?
This government, the New York government, has been caught staging false flags and going along with them, so you have to look at it being a drill or set up.
I watched the videos carefully, though.
It looks pretty real to me.
This guy killed his wife, and then there was a terrorism drill going on, and he went and killed them.
Or killed his girlfriend.
And you know, he already had blood on him when he put it out on Facebook that he was going to go do this show.
Sandy hooks the false flags.
We got the blue screens and the kids going back in the building and no helicopters called.
And I mean, I don't want to go into it all, but I mean, when it's a false flag, we'll say false flag.
I don't know.
I mean, this looks pretty real to me, but it's not a bad question to ask because they've got a history of it.
Terry in Minnesota.
Thanks for holding your on the air.
Go ahead.
Good, brother.
Yeah, I was on Star Tribune.com and the Grand Jury of Minneapolis, the Hennepin County Grand Jury cleared the four officers on the Highway 212 shooting in Eden Prairie.
There were two people, Matthew Service and Don Pfister of Wisconsin.
And what happened is the two were in a crash.
They crashed the car.
Let me ask you a question.
If you're in a car wreck, why do you jump out with a knife at the cops?
The last thing I'm going to do is the cops pull up, I'm going to jump out with a knife.
I'm not saying it's good that they shot him, but why?
I don't know.
What I was concerned about is, you know, they always talk about the tasers that they have, and they're so proud of them.
Why aren't they using those?
I hear you.
I hear you.
There's the article, Grand Jury clears police officers in Highway 212 shooting that killed a couple.
I mean, is there video of them coming at them with a knife?
Because there's so much lying that goes on.
That just sounds crazy.
You just jump out of your car from a wreck.
You're not even being pursued by the police.
You run at them with a knife.
That just sounds crazy.
But people do crazy stuff.
That's why I'm allowed to have guns under the Constitution to protect myself.
Because a cop can't be on every street corner.
We're living in a real tyranny.
Nelson in Florida.
Thanks, Terry.
Nelson, you've got about one minute.
You're our tail gunner.
All right.
I'm a musician in South Florida.
I wake up people every day and I have a suggestion about putting together the Constitutional Freedom Truth Tour with Hank Williams Jr., Willie Nelson, Ted Nunes, Jim Billy Corrigan.
You know all the musicians that are, you know, liberty-minded.
And we do it every weekend, and we educate people.
We create info warriors in every city that we go to, and you host it.
You know, that's a great idea, but trying to get people and their managers to work together is like herding cats.
There's a reason you don't see, like, people walking their cat, because they don't, they'll go in all directions.
So, uh, but it would be fun to do that.
I know it does, brother.
Great job.
Tell us about your band.
People are waking up.
God bless you.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
I'll be back tomorrow, live.
Unexpected person's life is filled with unexpected challenges.