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Name: 20141219_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 19, 2014
2301 lines.

The Alex Jones Show talks about various topics such as Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups, and the Sony hack. Discussions include criticism of Verizon's so-called encrypted app that allows law enforcement access, air pollution being linked to autism by the EPA, approval of a more potent form of Gardasil vaccine by FDA, what should be done regarding the CIA torture report, censorship of new and old Sony movies, and the increasing acceptance of torture by Americans. The show also discusses the Sony hacking incident, questioning the FBI's claim that North Korea is responsible and raising concerns about the militarisation of peace officers, potential consequences of a police state, abuse of power by authorities, and the beware program.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host here in Austin.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us from the road in the second hour.
At the bottom of this hour, we're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson about the absurdity of this Sony hack of the interview.
The way this is being played out, the way that it's being used to call for internet censorship again.
We have an article up on Infowars.com from Paul Joseph Watson.
The Sony hack reinvigorates support for privacy-busting, CISPA-style legislation.
Yes, that's exactly what they've wanted all along.
I believe this is a false flag.
I believe
Even if it's not a false flag, but I do believe that it is, and I'll tell you why I think it is.
Even if it isn't, it was obvious from the beginning that they were going to try to make the case for this.
I had no idea it was going to get this big.
I thought this was an absurd story from the beginning.
We have some analysis of some of the emails that appeared there, and the State Department itself said North Korea is always making blustery.
We don't take any of this stuff seriously.
But now they're taking it seriously.
Now they're saying, we have a House Cyber Committee chairman saying, first Sony next to the electric grid, then Wall Street.
We have a leak of a, well actually it's not leaked, it was declassified by the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Since when do they declassify 10-year-old reports from the Defense Intelligence Agency?
Only when it's to their advantage to spread fear-mongering.
And so we have a report that they declassified that said, hey, North Korea was planning to do attacks on U.S.
nuclear plants with guys running around.
I don't know if they're going to throw scorpion bombs at them like they're talking about ISIS having.
Remember that story from the Daily Mail where they said that people were being terrorized by ISIS because they were putting scorpions and clay pots and throwing them at the residents to terrorize them.
So presumably the Defense Intelligence Agency now wants us to believe that
Ten years ago, North Korea was planning attacks on U.S.
nuclear plants, but of course they didn't.
Nothing happened with that, and of course they could have, probably because we have very lax controls.
If they're concerned about that, why don't they do something about the border?
But of course they're going to use this any way they can.
We now have a, we also have another report from a news organization here, Fox News, actually is reporting evidence, and Sony
Attack suggests possible involvement by Iran, China or Russia.
That's right.
Fill in the blank.
Any enemy will do.
We can blame anybody for this.
We can excuse any activity because we all have to be so scared about these baseless, blustery attack threats from supposedly North Korea.
They don't identify themselves as North Korea, they identify themselves as guardians of peace.
Richard Nixon first used that phrase when he went to Nixon.
He said, we're here as the guardians of peace.
We come in peace.
It's like another movie, Mars Attacks.
Maybe we ought to start calling these neocons GOP.
Guardians of Peace, and we could include in the GOP all the Democrats that play along with them, all the news media that plays along with them.
There's a lot of lies coming out in the news.
We've got Nebraska and Oklahoma are suing Colorado over marijuana legalization.
They're saying that
The legalization of marijuana has created an increased law enforcement burden in neighboring states.
And so you've got the Attorney General from Nebraska and Oklahoma claiming that federal marijuana prohibition trumps Colorado's law.
Isn't that sad?
Isn't that sad?
Throwing the Tenth Amendment under the bus.
To support marijuana prohibition, which they never put into the Constitution.
Why did we have alcohol prohibition put into the Constitution, but no other drug?
They just declare everything is illegal, unless they explicitly approve it.
And that's what we have here with this.
And of course, it's just the opposite of that.
The states trump the federal government on that because the federal government doesn't have any directly delegated authority to prohibit anything like drugs.
We also see another lie coming from Verizon saying that their new encrypted calling act
is going to encrypt everything from the call to the source but then we see from a report from Bloomberg they're talking about how they've been playing football with the NSA and they have back doors open to them.
It doesn't matter if you have encryption if you've got a backdoor handoff of all the data to the NSA at the source.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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As the community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing and they're not seeing me!
I don't understand what's going on!
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
Does it raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government?
I was telling you to ask such a question.
What difference at this point does it make?
When a competent observer looks for signs of despotism in the community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, you saw, he died.
As of modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly effective weapons.
You just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating that, I will taint the news.
You shouldn't trust me.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Oh goodness you, well we're going to do everything we can to help you.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a rule of thumb in your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us in the second hour.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us at the bottom of this hour to talk about this...
Sony, free speech, CISPA issue, and that's really what it is.
That's the way they're turning this, regardless of who's releasing all the gossipy emails.
This is going to be used to try to justify censorship, political correctness, and most importantly, shutting down the internet without any due process.
That was what CISPA was always about.
These media companies and Hollywood, especially the music companies, the MPAA, they're absolutely convinced.
That they're losing a ton of money.
MPAA is convinced that they're dropping sales a result of piracy, not the trashy music they're putting out.
So they are hard on to get this passed, and they have been working with every kind of legislative issue that they have.
Over the last several years we've had it, I think it's five times, had SOPA, CISPA, ACTA, PIPA.
I think?
Labels you as someone who has infringed upon their copyright without any due process without a trial just immediately take you down black We don't want to see that happen, but they do they're going to try to push it through in the trans-pacific partnership We've seen that data leaked, but now they're going to try to justify it with this And they're also telling us that we have to be worried because the next thing is a Wall Street the power grid nuclear power plants This is all things that we have to be concerned about so we've got to give control of the internet and
Explicitly to the government.
That's the way they're going to use us.
But as part of these emails that have come out, we've also seen evidence that Sony was working with the Rand Corporation, with a consultant there who specializes in North Korea, as well as with the State Department, to make this into a propaganda vehicle that they could use to overthrow the North Korean government.
And in this analysis of this, we're going to talk about this more with Paul Joseph Watson.
They say, wow, the North Koreans are going to be upset.
Are you upset that an absurdist comedy would be used as propaganda?
Do you realize that every movie that Hollywood does is carefully feeding you a message, feeding you their worldview, feeding you their political view, doing predictive programming to you?
That is what they were doing with this.
They said it's going to get people in the South thinking about what it takes to get rid of this North Korean regime, especially Kim Jong-un.
And of course, these are going to find their way into North Korea from South Korea.
So they'll get them thinking about it too.
That was a very chilling
We're going to talk to Paul Joseph Watson at the bottom of the hour about all the different fallout from Sony.
How absurd it's gotten that they're now banning Team America that some of the theaters are going to play in its place.
What's next?
Red Dawn?
They held that up for a year because of complaints from the Chinese government.
Then they made the North Koreans the bad guys and that finally when they came out.
I guess that's now been banned too out of political correctness and fear.
In the last segment I was talking about how Nebraska and Oklahoma are going to sue Colorado over marijuana legalization saying the Attorney General's there saying that it has increased their law enforcement burden to have marijuana be legal in Colorado.
Look, if they're worried about their law enforcement burden, they need to talk to the federal government about the open borders and the Mexican drug cartels.
They don't need to try to destroy the Tenth Amendment.
And what they're saying is, well, we believe that federal marijuana prohibition preempts Colorado's law.
There is no legitimate federal prohibition of marijuana in the first place.
They never passed a constitutional amendment to prohibit it.
They don't have the power.
The reason we have a prohibition of alcohol, we got two amendments in the Constitution, one prohibiting alcohol, another one making it legal again.
The reason they put that in there was because once upon a time in America, we had a Congress that respected the Constitution.
These guys know fully well that the Tenth Amendment stands, that if they don't have specifically delegated authority, then they don't have the authority to prohibit anything in any country, in any state.
And of course, the states reserve those rights, and they have just exercised it in Colorado.
So they're now trying to overthrow that in adjacent states.
We also see a head fake from Verizon talking about they have a new encrypted app.
It's offered by Cellcrypt.
They released this yesterday.
They say they're going to offer encryption for business and government customers end-to-end.
And then there's an asterisk.
And they say, well, law enforcement agencies will be able to access communications that take place over voice cipher.
As long as there's a legitimate law enforcement reason for doing so.
Now you know how that works out.
You know that they don't need to have a search warrant.
They don't need to have a reason.
They just pass some legislation in the Congress doing that.
So that's nothing but a head fake.
Also as a head fake, we see autism linked to particulate air pollution.
This is something that the EPA has been trying to do for a very long time.
We'll talk about that more in detail.
Also, the FDA just slipped through approval of a more potent form of Gardasil.
Twice the aluminum!
That's what you were calling for.
There you go.
You said, you know what we need is we need a vaccine with twice the aluminum.
So, you've got it.
And we're going to talk about what the numbers really tell us from Merck's study.
How much more risky
Coming down with a very serious adverse side effect from the vaccine is how much greater risk that is than there is for cervical cancer in the population.
Yet another one of the lies.
But before we go to those stories and before we cover at the bottom of the hour the Sony hack with Paul Joseph Watson, I wanted to go back to some very disturbing news that's come out about the tortures that our government has done in our name.
And that they're getting away with.
I want to read first this story that has gotten Europeans very upset and talking about how they need to get arrest warrants out.
Ed Snowden's lawyer has called for Europeans to prosecute U.S.
torture architects.
He says, we need to work the case up so that when people like George Tenet, former head of the CIA, come to Europe, we have the documents ready to arrest them because they are war criminals.
We used to not just prosecute war criminals for doing this kind of stuff.
We actually executed them.
The ones on the bottom.
The ones who were following the orders.
Some of those we executed from Japan when they did water torture.
We now call it waterboarding.
We now call it enhanced interrogation.
But we used to execute tortures at one point in time when America was a moral country.
Now we excuse it.
Now we promote it.
But it's something that is going to follow these people and it is something that perhaps in Europe they will get arrested for it.
Some of these guys in their old age are going to find that they're going to be spending that in prison or they're going to be spending it on the run.
Let me read you what happened to this one fellow who was, his last name is El Masri.
He was seized at the Macedonian border, officials say, after being mistaken for being a member of Al-Qaeda.
Now, he was a German citizen.
He was held in Macedonian custody for 23 days, and then he was rendered.
That's what they call it when they transport you without any kind of a court order.
This is the type of thing that shows where the NDAA is going to go for Americans in the future.
Now let me tell you what they did after they sent him somewhere where they could conveniently torture him.
The CIA put him through a process the agency refers to as capture shock.
He was a German citizen.
He was subjected as part of his capture shock to being stripped, hooded, shackled, and severely beaten and sodomized.
The man was then drugged and taken to a secret detainee facility located in Afghanistan called the Salt Pit.
At the secret prison, he was held for four months, frequently beaten, kicked, tortured, smashed into walls, among other various forms of abuse that we've now seen in this report.
At no time was he ever charged, this German, with a crime.
He was never given the ability to contact his family or his country.
To the outside world, he had simply disappeared.
That's what we call
Indefinite detention with the NDAA and rendering.
Eventually, the agency realized that they had apprehended the wrong man, but they continued to hold him captive for another few weeks before they decided to give him his freedom back.
I guess they were deciding as to whether they could safely release him or they just needed to kill him.
Even in his release, they say, this is Activist Post article, oops, CIA abducts and tortures wrong man.
They say, even when he was released, the CIA demonstrated how little they value or respect human life.
He was blindfolded, earmuffed, and chained to the seat of an airplane that eventually dropped him in Albania.
This German citizen was dumped on the side of the road with $14,500 to buy his silence and zero explanations.
When we come back from the break, I have something that is far more troubling than that.
Stay with us, we're going to be joined at the bottom of the hour by Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones will be with us in the next hour, and we have our reporters Joe Biggs and Darren McBreen in Washington State joining us in the third hour.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
Alex is going to be joining us in the next hour.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us in the next segment.
Interview the new Sony movie, but also a ten-year-old movie Parodying another North Korean leader that some of the theaters are going to show in its place and then the absurd narrative that we're being fed from the GOP in this country the guardians of peace the neocons who want to control everything who want to Turn all of this into an attack on their enemies
Now there's been a lot of talk about what should be done about the CIA torture report and of course the media has been feeding us the line with their polls.
I don't know if these polls are genuine or not or are they maybe push polls because you know you can get a poll done to support any point of view that you want to make appear to be the mainstream thought.
They're telling us that Americans have increasingly come to recognize that the things that the CIA is doing in our name are torture.
And they've increasingly come to the point that they're good with it.
Well, you know, we've seen some pretty disturbing stuff out of the CIA report, but the most disturbing stuff has not come yet.
There's a story from Antimedia.com.
Actually, .org, I'm sorry.
Classified evidence says that U.S.
soldiers raped boys in front of their mothers.
They point out, according to a number of global mainstream media sources, the Pentagon is covering up a disturbing video that was never made public with the rest of the recent torture report.
This is a video that goes back to Abu Ghraib, and they point out that well-respected journalists like Seymour Hersh have been talking about this.
He went before the ACLU
Just recently, and talked about what he has seen.
He was talking about the release of the torture report, and he said that while this video has remained under wraps, he said it's only a matter of time before it comes out, and he said that it's going to be far more disturbing than anything we have seen in the torture report.
He says,
He's been debating about whether to talk about it, but he says some of the worst things that happen to you, you don't know about.
There are women there.
Some of you may have read that they were passing out letters, communications to their men.
He said this was Abu Ghraib.
The women were passing messages out saying, please come and kill me because of what's happened here.
And he said, basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded, the boys were sodomized by U.S.
soldiers with the cameras rolling.
And worst, above all, is that the soundtrack of the boys screeching that your government has.
They're in total terror.
And that is going to come out.
It's impossible to say to yourself, how did we get here?
Who are we?
What has this country come to?
When we have sadistic people like that, who can not only do it, but record it.
Let's go to that break.
But, you know, when Republicans say, you know, why now?
Let's go do it.
Why this timing?
Why not this timing?
Because no time is a good time.
No, that's not true.
She's leaving her chairmanship.
So Dianne Feinstein wants to get this off her desk.
And look, I agree with you.
The United States of America is awesome.
We are awesome.
But we've had this discussion.
We've closed the book on it and we've stopped doing it.
And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are.
This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not awesome.
I can't take anymore of her.
We are not awesome.
And we have not had this discussion, and this evidence has been covered up, and it will come out.
It will be talked about.
This is a lie, just like the stuff that is coming out about autism being linked to particulate pollution, just like this false Sony hack that they're using to try to justify taking control of the Internet, shutting down freedom of speech.
Everything they tell us is a lie.
I'm so fed up with this.
Look at this cartoon that we got on our desk.
Pull this up.
A great cartoon Buckley gave me just before we came in here, and it's like headlines people are looking at.
You see a headline, Rectal Feeding of Navy Seals, shows up on the top of the newspaper and the guy walks by and says, well I'm sure they were just patriots defending their caliphate.
In other words, the shoe is on the other foot.
They say, an army ranger was chained to the ceiling and kept awake for a week.
And the person says, well, that's just enhanced interrogation and not torture.
Well, would they say that if it was American soldiers that this was happening to?
Another one, an American was doused with water, left to die of hypothermia on the dungeon floor.
And the lady watching the news says, in fairness, you have to consider the whole context of the report.
Context of the time.
That was what we were told by John Yoo.
He said, well, if they did this kind of stuff, that would be illegal because we wouldn't have approved that.
But I just don't believe that was the entire context of the report.
If it's in the report, they did it!
They admitted they did it.
And Seymour Hersh is telling us that he's seen a video of children screaming that our sadistic government recorded and kept.
That video is going to come out.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson talking about the other silly thing that's going on.
Sony Pictures and all the Hollywood studios begging for CISPA.
We'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19, 2014.
I'm David Knight in Austin, and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to be talking about his story, Sony Hack reinvigorates support for privacy-busting, CISPA-style legislation.
And it's all the usual suspects, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mike McCall, all these people, the guardians of peace.
Who want to seize control of the Internet and try to use this as an opportunity to do that.
We're going to go to Poland just a moment.
Before we do, I want to let you know that we have extended this two-day sale that was earlier this week.
We extended it yesterday to guarantee shipping.
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Wednesday the 17th was the last day that we could guarantee shipment for Christmas.
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You'll find that on InfoWarsLife.com.
The Essential Holiday Health Pack with Secret 12, that's the B12 supplement, Nascent Iodine X2, and Silver Bullet.
Now going to Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Paul, what do you make of
This article that you put up here, the fact that they're grasping for any excuse to bring this thing back.
They've had at least five tries to jam this thing through from the media companies.
They're the ones, I think, who are really the corporate partners with the surveillance state, thinking that their business is not doing as well because of massive piracy.
I think it's just the garbage that they're putting out, like the interview.
I had no interest in going to see that.
I still don't have any interest in going to see it.
But I think it's the content that they're putting out, more than it is the privacy, but they're pushing for this kind of control, but it's going to be much more comprehensive than just protecting media.
Well, that's right.
This, from my perspective, is about reanimating the dead corpses of CISPA and SOPA, which of course both failed.
Now, of course, back in 2010, the two other most alarming cyber security incidents
Were Stuxnet, the Stuxnet virus, and the Flame virus.
At the time, they were blamed on the likes of China and Russia, and we were called conspiracy theorists for pointing to the evidence and the motivation.
And this is not just, you know, hot air.
They literally called us conspiracy theorists.
I compiled a list of where we were called this back in 2010.
And they're doing it again now, Paul.
They're now saying that this hack was probably China or Russia again, but also adding into the mix Iran because we don't like Iran now.
And that's Fox News.
That's the Fox News conspiracy theory.
Yeah, and they said the same thing for Stuxnet.
We said it was most likely the U.S.
or Israel in combination.
Came out in 2012 that, yes, it was the U.S.
government and Israel that created Stuxnet.
And nobody called us a conspiracy theorist on that anymore.
And now the FBI has done a complete 180.
As of three days ago, they were saying that basically the vast majority of the evidence suggested that this was an insider that had direct knowledge and access to Sony infrastructure and passwords that had conducted this hack attack.
Now, suddenly they've got some kind of memo from the White House who base their claims, their accusations, their assertions on no evidence whatsoever, as we saw in the case of MH17, blaming Russia for the shoot-down of that.
While presenting no evidence whatsoever other than, you know, screenshots from video games and things like that that they borrowed from Kiev.
So it looks like today Obama's going to give a press conference in a couple of hours.
The FBI is going to release a statement and say the same thing, that this is North Korea working in concert with Iran, Russia and China.
And they're going to present no evidence whatsoever.
And as he said, David, this is about CISPR and SOPR.
The Cyber Security Information Sharing Act of 2014.
Immediately, like piranhas, they all jumped on this yesterday.
McCain, Lindsey, Feinstein, Obama himself saying that
This Sony hack proves that Congress needs to pass this bill, which was completely dead.
It had no chance of passing, and now it's being re-animated.
And it would allow companies to monitor private communications and disclose user activity to the government, eliminating any kind of warrant process whatsoever.
Cui Bono, that's how the government benefits.
Then if you look at the six major Hollywood studios, they want to reanimate the SOPA bill, which also failed because it would force ISPs to comply with companies who demand that websites accused of copyright violation be shut down on a whim, again with no due process whatsoever.
So this whole fallout from this Sony hack
And what they're trying to propose to remedy it in terms of more draconian cyber security, more laws that allow user data to be handed over with no due process whatsoever, only benefit the government and major Hollywood studios like Sony.
No, then you look at the actual evidence which says that it was an inside job, that somebody on the inside of Sony was responsible for this hack, not North Korea, not Iran, Russia or China, and you ask yourself the question, if they're the ones that are going to get the bounty out of it, then who's likely to be the main culprit?
Well, you've already had Sony Pictures selling us Zero Dark Thirty in cooperation with the intelligence community, the U.S.
government, promoting Obama for president, trying to portray him as the man who took down Osama bin Laden, starting out that movie.
With a torture sequence and showing that, well, that's how we got the information that allowed us to kill Osama bin Laden, who'd been dead for years prior to that.
But it was also Sony.
So, you know, this inside job may be more inside than we realize.
Certainly, they've made the case.
We've had a tech analysis of it.
We talked about that yesterday.
They talked about how it was about 100 terabytes of data.
And if you look at the timing, they said,
And officials inside of Sony have even said it has to be somebody who's a disgruntled former employee, somebody in IT who is guiding this through because they wouldn't have had time to go through that many emails.
Think about how many emails that is with a hundred terabytes of data for them to immediately go through and pull out this type of stuff.
But we also now have some other data that's coming out that gives us another perspective on it.
But as you pointed out, Paul, it's not just CISPA, but it's also they're trying to turn this into a much broader spectrum, trying to blame it on Iran, China or Russia.
You know, The Onion had a parody up and they said, if we want to bring Putin to his knees, maybe it's time we embargo his Netflix account.
Maybe that's what we should do now.
We should embargo Putin's Netflix account.
There's an article up on Infowars.com, the Sony hack might have killed a certain kind of satire.
Now, one of the things I found interesting in this article was a quote from a cyber security expert, Peter Singer, who said, the ability to steal gossipy emails from a not so great protected computer network is not the same thing.
As being able to carry out physical 9-11 style attacks in 18,000 locations simultaneously.
Because that's what the House Cyber Security Chairman is warning us.
He says first Sony, next the electric grid, and then Wall Street.
It's amazing the fact that previously we all laughed at North Korea for this bellicose baseless rhetoric that they come out with every single year, normally right before Christmas just by coincidence, saying that they're going to destroy the world.
Everybody laughs in their face.
You know, it's a country that can barely feed its own population.
The experts who have looked at this said that North Korea does not have the sophistication to carry out this attack.
Yet now, the White House is acting as their PR mouthpiece.
They're turning North Korea
From a paper tiger into this rampaging Godzilla that's going to attack nuclear plants, that's going to attack 18,000 cinemas, that's going to bring down the entire country.
Now they're talking about electrical grids.
I mean, since when did the White House become the PR agency for Kim Jong-un?
It's completely ridiculous.
It's preposterous.
They have done it.
You know, North Korea has not claimed responsibility for this.
Again, read what the experts are saying.
If they had pulled this off, they would be all over it, like white on rice, claiming responsibility for it.
Dealing a blow to the great Satan.
I mean, that would play so well nationally for their domestic propaganda.
They would instantly claim responsibility if they were behind it.
They haven't.
And the people who were behind the hack, who gave interviews, anonymously said, you know, we're not backed by any state.
And in their message to Sony, in their initial email to Sony, the interview, this film about, you know, these CIA agents going over to kill Kim Jong-un, they never mentioned that movie in the initial message.
This whole narrative about the interview and linking it to North Korea didn't come from this hacking group.
It came from the White House.
It came from the media that glommed onto it and has never let go in the three or four weeks since.
Paul, illustrating what you were just saying as well, that's a good point that of course they would be crowing about the fact that they had done it if they actually had done it.
But there's also emails that have come out.
The Daily Beast reports that they looked at some of the emails and they looked at communications going back and forth about what they had said to the State Department and what they had said to a RAND consultant.
And one of the emails, going back to June 26, says, Michael, I talked with Ambassador King a few minutes ago.
Their office has apparently decided that this is typical North Korea bullying.
So back in June, the State Department
We're good.
That kind of power.
This goes way beyond political correctness.
And they have turned this thing around 180 degrees from where they were just back in June.
And it's amazing that they've taken this cartoon character villain North Korea and now this is their big boogeyman.
I mean, now it seems that they're lumping in China, Iran and Russia because people just aren't believing it.
They've been saying it's North Korea for three weeks, even though the FBI said there was no evidence of that.
But even if you look at the actual, the language in those messages, those threatening messages, people have studied it and said, this just looks like an English person who's deliberately trying to sound Korean.
Because what you would expect to see if English wasn't their first language and they were from North Korea would be something akin to what they call Conglish.
But it's not.
It's like an English speaker that's pretending to be bad at writing English.
It's that transparent.
It's like the anthrax notes.
It's so transparent that they can't even get the language right.
I wonder if anybody has checked Newt Gingrich or Lindsey Graham's computers to see if they've got emails from their computers.
If it's coming from that GOP.
Paul, one of the things that came out in these emails, besides the fact that they were dismissing it as just typical North Korean bullying, that was a quote from one of their emails.
Besides that, the Daily Beast reports that there were several emails going back and forth between the State Department as well as a Rand Corporation consultant, an expert in North Korea.
They say the claim that the State Department played an active role in the decision to include the film's gruesome death scene is likely to cause fury in North Korea.
But they said emails appear to suggest U.S.
government may have supported the notion that the interview would be useful propaganda against the North Korean regime.
Now this is what the Rand Corporation guy said.
He said,
I've briefed in my book, Preparing for the Possibility of North Korean Collapse, I've been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong-un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government.
He said, I believe a story that talks about the removal of the Kim family regime and the creation of a new government by the North Korean people, well at least the elites, will start some real thinking in South Korea.
And I believe that in the North, once the DVD leaks into the North, which it almost certainly will, I would personally prefer to leave the ending alone.
So, here you've got a picture of this guy from the Rand Corporation, and again the State Department concurred with that, and what they're doing is using this absurdist comedy as we view it.
We say, oh, this is just a parody, it's an over-the-top parody of something.
They understand that it can be used for predictive programming purposes.
They understand it can be used for propaganda, and they are seriously analyzing this.
And I would say, Paul, what does that tell us?
About this same studio that produced Zero Dark Thirty as a propaganda piece.
We need to understand, it's pretty blatant and obvious in that piece, but we need to understand that Hollywood is doing this to us in every movie, even a silly Seth Rogen comedy.
Well, we know for a fact the Hollywood-Pentagon industrial complex, the Pentagon has to sign off on scripts for these films to even get made, for them to rent the military bases, the helicopters.
They're in direct contact with the Pentagon for these big movies at every step of the way.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
In fact, the Pentagon brags about it on their own website.
And then we had a situation a few years ago with Red Dawn, where they didn't seem to be so concerned about portraying North Korea in a negative light then, because of course the original story in the remake of Red Dawn was for the Chinese to invade America.
They were concerned that that would hurt the market in China.
So they changed the enemy to North Korea, so then the plot was based around a North Korean invasion of America.
That was, I believe, maybe 2010, around that time.
There was no concern then about upsetting North Korea, and now suddenly they're all panicked that this film could upset North Korea.
I mean, who within Sony made that decision to pull the film?
Would they have really made that decision if this was North Korea that was responsible for this hack attack?
I think it's amazing that they pulled this South Park comedy, Team America, because it had portrayed Kim Jong-un's father in that movie.
I guess they're going to pull Red Dawn as well, because they held it up for a year because the Chinese didn't like it, and now I guess if the North Koreans don't like it, that can't be shown at the movie theaters anymore.
This is a 10-year-old movie with puppets, and they were going to screen it at the Alamo Drafthouse Center here in Austin and other locations throughout Texas, and they had that pulled by Paramount.
Soon every country will be in complete chaos!
And so you see, the new world is inevitable.
It's what?
One more time?
Things are inevitably going to change!
Yeah, things are inevitably going to change.
The subtitle of that was, Freedom is Hanging by a Thread.
They're all puppets.
But the reality is, is that freedom really is hanging by a thread.
We've narrowly defeated these attacks on free speech and the internet before, and they're going to use this as a pretense to bring it back.
Yeah, and the key article that people need to read is Project Goliath Inside Hollywood's Secret War Against Google.
That documents how desperate they are to reanimate the dead corpse of SOPA, to get these so-called copyright violators in prison, to get the websites taken down on a whim.
And this hack is going to grease the skids for that, that exact thing, which is why Sony and these other big studios are only going to benefit from this in the long run.
And they have a financial incentive, not just the pressure, but the access to politicians, the access to markets, the access to the equipment, as you pointed out.
When they did Top Gun, that was only really possible for Paramount because they had the cooperation of the military, letting them use their planes to get footage.
Otherwise, they would have not been able to pull that movie off, or it would have cost them a fortune.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin and joining me now is Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We've been talking about the ramifications of the Sony emails being hacked purportedly by the Guardians of Peace, the GOP.
And now we see the Guardians of Peace, GOP, like Newt Gingrich and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and Mike McCall all pushing for revival of CISPA.
We're told by the White House, another guardian of peace, that the Sony hack is a matter of national security.
It is a serious national security, said White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.
He earnestly is telling us lies yet again.
Emails that have leaked, it's not just gossip about
Various stars we also have emails that have been leaked that show a Communication going back and forth to the State Department saying that they don't take any of these threats seriously a few months ago now It is a matter of national security these threats and the fact that they got these threats.
We also see emails leaked that say that they're consciously leaving in the explicit assassination of Kim Jong-un and
In order to plant in the minds of the people of South Korea and North Korea eventually, that they maybe ought to get rid of this guy.
So even a silly comedy like that, Hollywood is calculating how they can shape public opinion as a piece of propaganda.
Paul, your comments.
Yeah, we've seen that before.
Now that the latest news is that the hackers have said if they don't release this movie, they will stand down and that's it.
The whole situation will be over.
So again, I just put up an article saying that this is almost certainly an inside job.
Sony is going to lose tens of millions of dollars over this, the piracy of this film.
But the cost
To the economy in general of piracy per year is about 250 billion dollars compared to tens of millions that Sony's gonna lose in this instance.
So if you look at the financial motive of this, if it greases the skids for SOPA to be reanimated then it's gonna make
A lot of people, a lot of money.
And then if you look at what the actual analysts who have looked into this have said, for example Mark W. Rogers, security expert, quote, it's clear from the hard-coded paths and passwords in the malware that whoever wrote it had extensive knowledge of Sony's internal architecture and access to key passwords.
And then Sony executives themselves told TMZ
We are told by people at Sony, this is TMZ, who are investigating, believe the hackers had intimate knowledge of mail systems and their configurations.
They also believe the hackers have knowledge of the internal media distribution systems and the internal IT systems, including human resources and payroll.
So every shred of evidence suggests that this was an insider behind this attack, yet now Obama and the FBI are going to come out and blame
North Korea, Iran, China and Russia.
Again, extrapolating it, David, into a more broader sense.
This new Cold War that we've had going on for months now.
We've got the attack on Russia, the financial attack, the collapse of the ruble.
Russia's closer alliance with China.
Again, this is about the unipolar world versus the multipolar world.
It's all part of that wider Cold War offensive against Russia and China.
And again you've got our Guardian of Peace, Newt Gingrich, saying this is an act of war and we need to hunt them down.
He said we've had our first battle in the cyber war and we've lost.
And so I guess from his standpoint, I don't know, maybe he wants to go even further than all out control and censorship of the internet.
Maybe he wants to have an actual shooting war.
They can use this as a pretense because we see one incredibly ridiculous pretense after the other.
I just think it's amazing to see how many different ways they can spook the American people, and now we've got a silly little virtual false flag attack that they're trying to trump up into new legislation, a new paradigm, taking away our freedoms yet again.
Thank you so much, Paul, for joining us.
We're going to hopefully connect with Alex Jones in the next hour.
He's on the road, and we've got a lot of news nevertheless, and we have our reporters in
Washington State, we're going to be talking to Joe Biggs and Derrick Breen.
They're covering what's happening with the police.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We are expecting Alex Jones to join us in this hour from the road, but he is on the road, so we're not sure of the exact time of that.
We're also going to be joined by our reporters in Washington State, Joe Biggs and Darren McBreen.
They're there, of course, to follow up on the story that we broke, I guess, over the weekend about the
A person coming up to the MRAP vehicle asking the police who were displaying it at a Walmart what this thing did.
When they started telling her what it did, she asked the obvious question, why do we need that in a small town?
And he replied, well, for constitutionalist people who stockpile ammunition and weapons.
Not for the police who are stockpiling military vehicles and militarized weapon systems.
So, we had a back and forth as we tried to contact the police chief there, actually the sheriff there.
We tried to contact him for comment, to try to be fair, to try to get his comment.
It's not something we're required to do.
They did not contact us back.
Rather, the following Monday, they posted a video on their Facebook page criticizing InfoWars.
We wanted to go out there and get some answers because there's a rally that's going to be held tomorrow.
I believe it's at two o'clock.
You can check our website, Infowars.com.
We'll give you the details of the exact location, the exact time of where that is, if you're in the area, if you're in the Spokane area, if you're in the Idaho area.
There are people there who are very concerned, who want to have a dialogue, who want to ask a cop.
That was the hashtag that blew up on the interview from CNN.
A lot of people across the country are outraged by the way the police are not punished for excessive use of force, the way they're being goaded into the excessive use of force.
And these militarized vehicles are part of the way that they're being goaded into over-the-top force, into rules of engagement, if you will, that we have never seen from the police in terms of looking at themselves as military organizations.
Paul Joseph Watson was just on with us, and yesterday we talked about the fact that the California Highway Patrol is now describing itself as a paramilitary organization to prospective recruits, people who might want to get a job there.
They've posted on their site in multiple times in multiple ways that they are a paramilitary organization, and if you have military experience, they might be interested in talking to you.
Well, Spokane area, and of course I don't know if the relationship to the Spokane Police, to the Spokane Sheriff's Department, if there is a relationship even.
Nevertheless, even that area has had its problems with excessive police violence.
There was a case that was settled for several million dollars.
Actually, it's a little over, it was 1.67 million dollars with the family of a man that was killed by a police officer.
His name was Otto Zem.
He was beaten, shocked, and hogtied by police officers after he was accused erroneously of theft.
That was something that happened back in 2006.
It took five years for it to go to trial.
Nevertheless, not only was there a civil judgment given to the family,
But the jury convicted a Spokane police officer, Carl Thompson, of needlessly beating him and then lying to cover up his actions.
That's good.
When you have people that are doing bad actions in your police department and they get convicted, that's what we want to see.
It's not possible and we will never get to the point where there's not any bad police officers.
Just like we're never going to get to the point where there's never any bad gun owners or people just in general society.
You're always going to have good and bad people in any society.
It's a cross-section as Frank Serpico has said.
The real question is,
Can the system purge those out?
I think one of the most important things that can be done is not necessarily body cameras.
They were investigated by the Justice Department.
They just wrapped up and put a report out just this week, December 16, 2014, of the Spokane Police Department reviewing their practices.
Some of the right recommendations are body cams, and yet
We just had another death in Spokane where a police officer who had a body camera didn't have it turned on.
And even when they have it turned on, in some localities they're not prosecuted, not even indicted.
That's why Matt Shea, one of the representatives there in Washington, we're going to be talking to at the rally tomorrow, reporters will be talking to.
That's why he pointed out we need to have oversight, not only of the police officers, but of their curriculum.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
Alex Jones is hopefully going to be joining us in this hour.
He's on the road and we're trying to establish contact.
In the last hour, we're going to be talking to our reporters who are in Washington State, Joe Biggs and Darren McBreen.
And just before the break, we were talking about
What is happening in Spokane?
They have just finished an investigation of the police department.
And again, I don't know if there's a relationship at all between the Spokane Police Department and the Sheriff's Department.
Our reporters are there because of what was said about an MRAP vehicle.
To talk about that program, there's a large protest that's going to happen tomorrow.
I think it's at 2 o'clock, but you can get the details of the location and the time at Infowars.com.
But we're also concerned about the fact that this sheriff,
Who pushed back against these comments, said they were taken out of context.
They clearly were not.
The lady asked the deputy why they had a need for a vehicle like this, and he immediately replied, for the constitutionalists.
We know where that comes from.
That comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
That is a narrative that's been fed out as part of training.
It's been put out as part of scenarios that they have worked with.
And of course, this sheriff has in the past called in the Southern Poverty Law Center to train his personnel.
And it was
Good people within the Sheriff's Department that blew the whistle on that, that exposed that to the community at large and caused that to be shut down, as it should have been.
Southern Poverty Law Center has attacked anybody that they don't agree with politically, labeling them as terrorists.
And so there are good people within the system.
We see that there was a settlement recently of a shooting that took a long time to go through the courts.
There was a civil settlement to the family of the man who was unjustifiably killed, as well as a conviction of the police officer who shot him and then covered it up.
That's the thing that should happen.
When these things come to light.
We'll never, as I said in the last segment, have a situation where we have nothing but good cops.
They're a cross-section of society, and just like you have good and bad people in society, you have good and bad people in the police force.
The question is, will the system be able to purge them out?
As we were talking to Representative Matt Shea from the area, he had some very good suggestions.
It's not just that we need to have outside oversight when there's an incident like this, to make sure that everyone in the community feels that everything has been done
I don't
They're self-identifying themselves as a paramilitary organization.
They repeat that over and over again.
But the community needs to have oversight of the police department, not just in terms of when things go wrong, but even more importantly, oversight of their training.
That was what Matt Shea, representative for Washington State, said when we had him on earlier this week.
So we're going to be talking to our reporters who are there.
It is a major problem.
We've had, as reported back in February of this year, this headline from Infowars.com, Americans killed by cops now outnumber Americans killed in the Iraq War.
And we can't even get the complete statistics on that, because they're not keeping those kind of statistics.
And if they believe that they are at risk from the general public, as they're being taught, that we are a threat to them, that they need to have programs that go through our social media postings, our purchasing records, to evaluate our threat to them, so that they can immediately, when they pull you over, have any interaction with you at all, they can
Identify your threat level.
Are you a green, a yellow, or a red threat to them?
Think about how incredibly dangerous that is, besides the violation of privacy for your government to profile and label people like that.
Are they going to get it wrong?
Of course they're going to get it wrong.
They are going to label people red who are not a threat to them.
Maybe they're a threat to the political regime, like the Tea Party is a threat to Obama, but they're not physical threats to the police.
Yet, they will label people like that and many people are going to get killed who should not be killed because it's going to scare the officers because of their training.
They're real risk, as we've seen.
Half of them are, about the same number that are getting shot, are getting killed in car accidents.
And half of those people are getting killed because they're not wearing seatbelts.
They have a very low use of seatbelts, percentage-wise, among the police nationally.
An even greater threat to their health is morbid obesity.
We had this report from the Daily Mail saying that U.S.
cops have the highest rate of obesity amongst any profession in the country.
Along with firefighters and security guards, nearly 41% of boys in blue, they say, are obese, according to a study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
So there you go.
The health and lifestyle that you live is a greater threat to you.
The fact that you don't wear a seatbelt, those are much greater threats to you than the populace.
You don't need to be on a hair trigger.
I want to go to some health news.
There was a story that just broke on Reuters saying that autism, in a new study, has now been linked to particulate air pollution.
Now I think there's an interesting back story to this because this was not a study that was necessarily done by the EPA.
I don't know who paid for this.
This is a Harvard School of Public Health study.
But I think it's very interesting that
The budget that was just passed by the GOP, primarily, they were the ones who put the budget together, they cut the funding of the EPA.
The EPA has had its funding cut for several years now, but I think this was a shot across the bow because Obama has said
That he is going to enact climate change legislation.
He's talked about a war on coal.
And after the election, he said that there's nothing that the new majority Republicans can or will do about it.
He's going to get his climate agenda through.
So I think that their cut of the EPA budget was really kind of a shot across the bow, saying we can cut your funding if we want to.
I don't know if they will or not.
Remember, it was Richard Nixon who created the EPA.
But we've seen them using particulate matter to push things through in the past.
One of the first stories that I covered when I came here to Infowars.com was the EPA itself
Speeding test subjects' diesel fuel in order to push for higher particulate matter screening.
Higher numbers.
In other words, to reduce the amount of particulate matter that people would be exposed to, but to increase their bureaucracy.
That was the whole point.
They had gone through and advertised for people who had heart disease or respiratory illness, they took them into a room at the University of North Carolina, they hooked them directly up to the tailpipe of a diesel engine, and they gave them levels that were over 70 times what the EPA said were fatal levels of particulate matter.
Remember Lisa Jackson?
We're good to go.
It's not true.
They were trying to push these numbers, and if it was true, they're guilty of war criminal actions trying to kill these people.
So they come out on the one hand and they say, more people are dying of particulate matter than are of cancer, and then they take the level that they say is not just going to make people sick.
She was very emphatic about that.
She says, I'm not saying that that level will kill you.
And then they give that to their own test subjects at a level 70 times higher than that.
So that's kind of the background on that.
And also, pull this up guys, look at this EPA page where they give you basic information about fine particulate matter, as they call it, PM 2.5.
That is particulate matter that is two and a half micrometers in diameter.
That's one thirtieth the diameter of a human hair.
Now on this side, up in that corner, if you're looking at this
On video, you can see a picture of the Smoky Mountains.
And they have left that up there for years!
That was in my report two years ago when I came here.
And they say smog, including PM 2.5, obscures the Smoky Mountains.
That is not why the Smoky Mountains are smoky.
The Smoky Mountains were smoky long before there was any smog, long before there were any cars or industry, long before there were any European settlers that came here.
The Indians called it the Smoky Mountain.
They're talking about how it increases hospital admissions and emergency room visits.
Well, you know what?
It does that when you screen for people who have respiratory illness and heart conditions and hook them up to a diesel engine.
That also increases hospital admissions and emergency room admissions.
That is another way that they're now going to try to increase the regulatory reach on production of energy.
And that is through saying it's fine particulate matter and we need to cut that down.
Now they're going to blame autism on it.
Well, autism, we know there is a strong correlation to the things that are put into vaccines like aluminum.
Now we've just had the FDA this week approve a new Gardasil.
It's Gardasil 9.
It's new and improved, and it has twice the amount of aluminum.
Now, they didn't follow the normal procedure.
Normally, they would get this approved by a group called Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the VRBPAC.
And the VRBPAC normally is sent this information about new drugs, and they sent out a letter and said, well, we don't really think that
We didn't send this to you because we didn't think that we needed to consult with you over this because there's no concerns and no controversial issues.
And then they look at it and they say they have more than doubled.
They've gone from 225 micrograms to 500 micrograms of aluminum.
And of course they put that in there as an adjuvant to irritate
Well, there's a lot of reactions that it provokes.
They say, for the first time, we've seen from Merck, the developers of Gardasil, they have disclosed, they say, what may indeed be close to the true rate of serious adverse events that people are suffering after the use of Gardasil.
And this article is up on healthimpactnews.com.
They point out that if you normalize the number of people that have serious adverse events after this by their own data, that would be 2,300 serious adverse events per every 100,000 people who get a vaccine.
The number of people who get cervical cancer is 7.9.
So you're going to give somebody something that 2,300 people are going to have an adverse reaction where if you don't give them something less than eight,
Are we going to have that reaction?
That's the logic of our government.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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I hear the train a-comin'.
It's rollin' around the bend.
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck in a prison prison.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this hour.
And let me give out the phone number in case you want to comment on some of the stories that we've got.
I've got another story that you're just not going to believe, and we've got a video clip we're going to play here in a moment.
That number is 800-259-9231.
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Now this next story is something that just broke today.
Chikari brought this in this morning and said you won't believe this.
We've got Walmart, Amazon, Kmart and Sears have been told by the New York Attorney General that they've got to stop selling toy guns.
No toy guns for Christmas.
I remember years ago when my sons were young I was trying to find them toy guns and cowboy stuff and of course you couldn't find that.
I could get them
Uh, kits where they had billy clubs and SWAT teams and all this other kind of stuff.
So they could pretend, I guess, to be, you know, beating each other in a protest.
But I couldn't find anything that was just a straight up cowboy gun.
I had to go to something that was not the big box retailers in order to find that.
I did.
I wanted them to grow up playing with guns.
I want them to use guns.
That is their right as a free man.
And it's all of our rights.
But this is what the State Attorney General is doing.
He sent out a cease and desist letter to Walmart, Amazon, Kmart, Sears, and ToyArsenal.com telling the retailers that toy guns are selling online to New Yorkers are too realistic.
Here's that clip.
They look like the real thing, but these guns are toys.
For as little as $10, you can buy them online and in stores, even though they're illegal in New York.
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says that stops now.
Toy guns are mistaken for real guns.
There could be tragic consequences.
Schneiderman's office conducted an investigation that found many retailers selling prohibited toy guns online and shipping them into the state.
Investigators also uncovered at least one retailer selling illegal toy guns in its stores.
State and federal law are clear.
Retailers cannot put children at risk by selling toy guns that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.
There you go, okay.
So, and remember we were told that this young boy who was playing with a BB gun and the cops, zoom up if you watch the video, you can see the cop car come to a screeching halt.
Uh, the guy who's in the passenger seat jumps out and immediately shoots dead this child who's not threatening anybody, not doing anything.
What he was doing was not as threatening as Ralphie in Christmas Story.
But, uh, they say, well, it was too realistic looking.
They said that it didn't have an orange gun on the tip.
How could they tell if it was in his pants?
It was in his pants.
And it didn't matter whether it had an orange tip or not.
And in both that incident, that was in Ohio, where there is an open carry law.
People are allowed to open carry.
In Ohio, where there's open carry, that young man, the 12-year-old with a BB gun, a guy who was an older adult, he was in his early 20s, in another location in Ohio.
One of them was in Dayton, the other one was in Cleveland, in a Walmart.
He was walking, and you can see that video if you're watching it right now.
There was a call to 9-11 to 9-1-1 saying that we have somebody who's threatening people with guns.
He was lying to 9-1-1 and you can see that from the video tape.
He persisted in that lie until the video tape came out.
He was not threatening anybody.
He was holding the gun from Walmart that he was going to purchase in one hand and had a phone, a cell phone in the other hand.
He was talking to his wife as he was shot.
And you can see this cop run in and shoot him.
In both of those cases,
People came out and said, we need to get rid of toy guns.
That is not the problem.
The problem is this shoot first mentality.
Not assessing the situation.
Being so trigger happy.
That is the problem.
We need to train our police.
We don't need to have people shot down because they have guns or because they have real guns.
That's an open carry state.
They did not assess the situation in either of those circumstances to determine whether the person was threatening anybody.
Even with a toy gun.
There was no communication.
They just run in, in both of those cases, and shoot the people dead.
And yet, the solution is supposedly that we need to ban toy guns.
Absolutely amazing.
We're going to come back after the break.
Start taking your calls.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Another time in the Age of Wonder.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19th.
I'm David Knight, your host here in Austin.
The number to call in if you want is 800-259-9231.
We're going to be taking your calls for at least the next half hour.
We have our reporters in Washington State will be joining us in the next hour.
And we've been talking about the cease and desist letter from the New York Attorney General telling
Various retailers that they need to stop selling toy guns.
Is that really the problem or is it police who have been trained to shoot first, to not assess the situation, who have been so scared about the threats against their lives and the general public that they
Shoot first and get away with it over and over again.
Increasing the tension back and forth between the community and the police.
This is a deliberate tactic by the government to not address this, to increase the tensions between them.
That's why our reporters are there, because in that particular area,
With their MRAP, one question about that, he said he needed it for constitutionalists.
That's coming straight from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
That's straight out of their talking points.
And of course, he did have them in that area, that sheriff, training his staff.
And some good cops pointed out the propaganda that was involved in that to the public at large, and they shut that down.
Now, there's an article up on Infowars.com, Mexico's Sinaloa cartel is now dominating U.S.
heroin market.
Is that really any surprise?
Since we've been in Afghanistan, the worldwide supply of opiates has gone from 10% coming out of Afghanistan under the Taliban to well over 90% every year.
It's a bumper crop coming from there.
And should it be any surprise that the Mexican drug cartels are aligned with that traffic flow that is coming out of the CIA and the U.S.
We've seen that before, haven't we?
Where cocaine was coming out of Central America, going into the crack cocaine market in LA.
That was exposed by Gary Webb in his articles and books, Dark Alliance.
Same sort of thing we see happening.
And yet, what's the response to the legalization of marijuana in Colorado?
We see the Nebraska and Ohio Attorney Generals
Are now trying to stop Colorado's legalization of marijuana, saying it's increased their law enforcement expenses.
Not the open borders with the Mexican drug cartels coming in.
No, it's the legalization of marijuana in Colorado that's increasing their law enforcement expenses.
Look, the drug war is the biggest boom to the law enforcement budgets there ever was.
Their asset forfeiture programs are ripping off the public, charging inanimate objects with crimes, never any due process, just confiscating the equipment without any due process.
This is where the Patriot Act and the War on Terror all started 20 years ago, back in the early 90s, the late 80s.
That was where they started first attacking the rights, and now they're consolidating that with militarized police in the name of the War on Terror.
First we had to have SWAT teams because of the War on Drugs, and now it's the War on Terror.
There are also arguing that federal law, these two attorney generals in Nebraska and Ohio, are saying federal law takes precedent over Colorado law.
There is no legitimate law in the federal government to prohibit marijuana, as I said before.
It required a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, and then to reinstate it, it required another one.
So we've got about 10%
of the amendments in the Constitution that are about the prohibition of alcohol and the legalization of alcohol.
Why did they have to have that?
The only reason that's there is because once upon a time, we had a government, a Congress, that respected the Constitution.
Now they do whatever they wish.
Just as we see the logical conclusion of that, as you eventually wind up, as you scoff at the Constitution, as you do whatever you wish, as you claim powers that you don't have as a Congress, as a President,
The logical conclusion is you wind up with a president who at this point is now just issuing memoranda or verbal orders about massive programs of blanket amnesty for illegal aliens.
It's not little memoranda or executive orders like when they're going to have a holiday break.
These are things that are gigantic issues that he's overriding the will of Congress, saying
For a long time, I don't have the authority to just do whatever I wish.
I'm not a dictator.
Saying that 22 times and then becoming a dictator.
That's where we wind up.
That's where we are now.
The next step, of course, is for this dictator or the one who follows him
To start using the indefinite detention of the NDAA to retain, to render, to torture American citizens on our street.
That's where it all ends.
We've seen this movie before.
We know how it ends.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Let's go to Stephen in Florida.
Stephen, you said you want to talk about toy guns?
Yeah, hey, good afternoon, David.
Yeah, the article you were just citing about the
Attorney General up there in New York State, which is my home state.
It doesn't surprise me, but here's what I was thinking about.
Alex showed in his documentaries how Homeland Security is trying to recruit the Boy Scouts to go after veterans.
And he played many times that clip of Eric Holder when he was the Assistant Attorney General under Clinton, talking about how we need to brainwash the public into giving up their guns.
And I think about Charlotte Thompson Isserby, who you guys have had on several times, and her book, Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and how they were going to take control of the schools and program these kids to basically go along with their agenda.
And with this deal about, you know, saying, oh, you can't have kids have these toy guns, they're too realistic, and they're therefore a threat.
This is about conditioning the younger generation, because I think with the adults,
Of course they don't want to talk about that, but I'm saying there's a deliberate conditioning of the kids to be afraid of the guns rather than hearing what they should, which is the criminals that want them to be that way, which is the people running our government, and so this is why it's incumbent on parents
You've got to make sure that you're controlling what your kids are being exposed to, because basically what I'm saying, David, is Americans are so unaware, to a great extent, of psych warfare and how it works, and that's why Alex calls what he has Info Wars.
It's a military term for psychological warfare.
But a lot of Americans really don't know what we're up against, and if we have our kids being conditioned this way,
We're going to have a real big problem on our hands because they're already being zombified as it is from reality.
Oh, absolutely.
And it's all about getting the kids at an early age.
I don't know about... Did they have law enforcement in the schools and metal detectors when you were in schools?
They didn't when I was.
I'm older.
No, I'm in my fifties.
We just started having, like, guards, you know, hall guards and stuff like that.
Yeah, but a hall monitor is way different than having armed police going through the halls.
And of course, we just had a case here locally, just outside of Austin.
Where, and there's video that exists of the footage, there was a young man who was breaking up a fight between two people, and this cop comes up after, at the end of all this, and singles him out and shoots him with a taser.
He goes straight down on the concrete, has a massive concussions, left him brain damaged, and that's a lawsuit that is running through there.
But again, that type of action, and what you're talking about is not just a fear of guns that they're trying to put in people, and just not
Trying to sponge that out of the culture.
They're also trying to put a fear of the government in them.
That's a big part of this conditioning.
A big part of the programming.
That's what the TSA is all about.
It is a psychological program.
It's exactly what people, behavioral psychologists like BF Skinner, have always done with their operant conditioning.
Just like clicker training.
Let me put my hands on you and touch you.
Let me harass you.
I'll immediately reward you.
with letting you fly on a plane.
That's exactly what they do to animals.
And that was what B.F.
Skinner was talking about.
My wife was a teacher.
She had a master's degree in education.
Skinner, Beyond Freedom of Dignity.
She read B.F.
She said, this is outrageous.
And they were making everybody read that as part of the graduate program because they want them to think that way.
They want them to understand that it's a conditioning response.
And this situation that's going on in Washington, where they were bringing the MRAP out there, they were putting that in public
And I agree with the lady who shot the video.
I think that was conditioning.
I think that was trying to make the public afraid of the police, show them their overpowering presence there, that they've got all their equipment.
You know, be very afraid of us.
I think that's a big part of all of this.
But it also entices the police to want to use the things that they're trained for.
That's why they're on a hair trigger.
That's why they shoot first.
It's all part of their training.
Thank you so much Steve and Florida.
Let's go to David in Kansas.
How you doing, David?
It truly humbles me to be able to speak to you with it today.
I got a couple topics if you can just bear with me and not like cut me off or, you know, I just want to get them out.
I just want to agree with that you're a dead on when they are training the kids at a younger and younger age to be afraid of guns, but also to be afraid of the government.
I grew up in the late 80s, early 90s, you know, into the mid 90s.
And when I was like in fifth or sixth grade, whenever we used to go to like the library, like
Me and my friends would play Secret Service, like we would have a president and we would protect him, you know, we'd make gun sounds and the teachers wouldn't care.
And now you look at that same school I went to has a police officer on duty, you know, the full school cycle, and what they're doing is just making it worse.
There's more school shootings today than there was in, you know, like, 93 when I was, you know, coming up through elementary school.
Oh yeah.
Sorry, go ahead.
I think they are pushing it because the strength today, I was addicted to opiates and I can back you on the Mexican drug cartels.
Every major city I've lived in from Vegas to Austin to Kansas City, the Mexicans run everything.
I mean, they have it down to it's a business and it's the mafia.
It's not like Mexican Americans, it's illegals.
But when I was living in Colorado Springs, they're predicting for the 2014,
The net tax profit was $60 million.
In July, it was already over $100 million.
What they're going to do and what they need to do...
They don't need to legalize it, but that's what they're going to do to get a control on it.
And then all the cannabis is going to be lower quality, it's going to be full of poisons, and it's going to... Cannabis is the single thing that got me off opiates.
It's a lifesaver.
I don't think you should be doing it as a party drug, you know, but if a physician can prescribe you, you know, enough opiates to bring down a hundred men,
You know,
Infowars supporters have been doing it for about, you know, 13 years now.
Well, thank you so much, David.
I really appreciate that.
Yeah, you know, I'm not a marijuana user, but it bothered me decades ago that they were using it to destroy our entire legal process, to take away our rights to have trials, to take away our right to even be charged with a crime, that they could punish us by confiscating our physical possessions.
Without even charging us with a crime.
I saw this happening to people over and over again.
That bothered me.
The corruption.
The increase in crime that always comes with any kind of prohibition.
That bothered me.
But one of the things, as you point out, the medical uses of marijuana, that's the thing that really bothers me.
How can we shut our hearts to people who need this desperately as the only thing that can help them to get their appetite back to an effective treatment for glaucoma or for high blood pressure?
There's so many different things that marijuana is effective for.
And yet, we just harden our hearts to these children who are dying of cancer, or people who can't keep anything down, who can't eat anything, are throwing up constantly, who can be helped.
People who have said that the only thing that works for them... I remember a case 20 years ago.
Peter McWilliams, he wrote a book called, Is Nobody's Business If You Do, and he had AIDS.
The only thing that would keep him with the medication that he was taking, it was like a chemo patient, everything that he would take would try to eat, he would throw back up.
The only way that he could keep anything down was by using marijuana.
And he explained that to the judge.
The judge threw him in jail to keep him from violating his order of taking medical marijuana.
And this man, Peter McWilliams, died in jail choking on his own vomit.
I'm disgusted to live in a country like that.
I'm disgusted to live in a country where a Terri Schiavo can be starved to death by the government.
The people who try to give her any water are arrested and taken away.
I'm disgusted to see somebody like Jeb Bush, who was governor of Florida and who could have helped Terri Schiavo, who could have come in and intervened over the orders of a probate judge who murdered her.
Give me a break!
He could have intervened.
George Bush could have intervened.
They sent in the National Guard to stop segregation orders.
Are you going to send in the National Guard to stop a judge from killing a helpless woman?
I think that should end any claims to a presidential campaign that the Bushes have.
Especially Jeb Bush.
He was on the scene.
He had the authority to override that.
He had the authority to allow people to give water and food to someone and let her die.
And they're letting people die because they're withholding medical marijuana.
And he was on that side of the issue along with this casino pimp who spent millions of dollars to try to keep that from happening in Florida.
And they came really close to having it pass anyway.
It just wasn't the super majority that they needed.
Let's go to Wolverton in Tennessee.
Sorry, Wolverine.
No, no, you're good.
I just want to talk about how
If you look on the back of a police car, it says government service.
That should be changed.
They work for us.
They're public servants.
And, you know, it's the duty of the people to inform.
I mean, I don't understand why people just don't care because you after all that, you know, the Eric Garner case, you know, on Fox News, you would see, oh, if you just listen to police, if they ask to search your car, let them search your car because you have nothing to hide.
That's bogus.
You know, Benjamin Franklin said it best, those that would sacrifice essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither and should lose both.
And I completely agree with that statement.
And I think you had brought up, Edward Snowden said, if you say you have nothing to hide, you don't care about the Fourth Amendment, then you don't care about that right.
That's right.
And you basically don't acknowledge it.
That's right.
And along those lines, I would just repeat that quote from that article by Julian Assange yesterday.
We have an article up today.
Assange says the U.S.
is prosecuting Barrett Brown for quoting an assassination threat that was against me.
It wasn't against the FBI.
It was against Julian Assange.
I'll read that quote when we come back.
It's absolutely amazing how the government can twist and pervert the truth.
And that's why we should be so worried about what's going on with the police state, with the surveillance state, with the training.
As you pointed out, they need to be trained properly.
They need to understand that they are working for the people and not for some authoritarian paramilitary organization.
We'll be right back.
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We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, December 19th.
We've been trying to reach Alex, but he's in an area where we can't reach him, but he will be back for the Sunday show.
That's at 4 p.m.
Central, 4 to 6 on Sundays.
Alex will definitely be back on Sunday.
Now, we're going to go back to your calls here, but before we do, I want to play one more thing.
Oh, before I play that clip, let me take it back one step further.
We just had a caller who was talking about our basic rights and the way things are twisted.
And I wanted to repeat that quote yesterday we got from Julian Assange, where he was talking about the prosecution of Bear Brown.
Was for quoting an assassination threat that was made against Julian Assange.
Get that clip ready to play guys.
We'll play that clip for them.
But he points out something I think is very interesting.
He says, Twitter is a police interview that never ends.
Facebook has all your friends wearing a wire.
YouTube has you in the dock talking to the judge?
He says, every social media user creates a vast library of statements that can be taken out of context by vengeful or ambitious officials.
Users should be displayed their Miranda rights every time they log on to social media.
And this is why Julian Assange said that.
Let's play that clip.
And the National Security of the United States, the way to deal with this is pretty simple.
We got special ops forces.
I mean, a dead man can't leak stuff.
This guy's a traitor, a treasonous, and he has broken every law of the United States.
He's talking about Julian Assange.
And I'm not for the death penalty, so if I'm not for the death penalty and I don't want to do it, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.
Paul, what about it?
Oh, I can't believe I believe what... I'm along with Bob.
You know what?
When he comes out and says that he's holding everyone hostage, that he's going to release millions of people... There you go.
So that's the Fox News clip, where he says, let's illegally shoot the SOB.
Now, when Barrett Brown posted on Twitter, he posted that.
He said, dead men can't leak stuff dot dot dot, illegally shoot the SOB.
And that was a quote that you just heard from Bob Beckel on Fox News, along with another Fox News commentator who said, yeah, let's just assassinate Julian Assange because he's giving out information that shows the criminal actions of our government abroad.
He's the whistleblower.
He's exposing crimes that our government is committing, and we haven't seen all these crimes yet.
As I mentioned in the first hour, there's a video from Abu Ghraib.
According to Seymour Hersh, and I trust him, he's been a reliable source many years, he says that he's seen the video of U.S.
soldiers in Abu Ghraib bringing the children of women who are imprisoned there, raping those children in front of
The mothers, sodomizing the young boys.
And the mothers are writing back letters saying, come and shoot me, I don't want to live anymore.
That's what our government is doing.
That's the kind of thing that Julian Assange was exposing, and he was threatened by the Fox News puppets, saying we ought to just shoot the guy.
Now when Barrett Brown gets angry because of the way he's been attacked for exposing criminal actions of our government, he retweets
That action, that comment from Bob Beckel saying that men can't leak stuff, let's just illegally shoot him.
The FBI said that they were being threatened, that that was a threat against them because Barrett Brown was angry with them.
And that's what they're trying to keep him in jail for another eight years.
He's already been in jail for two years.
That's how they will twist and take out of context anything you put on social media, so be careful.
Then there's not just social media.
They're going to grab information from you by eavesdropping on you, looking at your computer, listening to your telephone.
That's the full spectrum tyranny that's there.
So the solution isn't just that you can't say anything to anybody, that you have to zip your lip like you're living in East Germany.
No, the solution is to shut down and incarcerate these criminals who are running our government.
Sorry I didn't get your call, but we'll take it right after the break at the top of the hour.
We'll go back to the callers.
We've got Scott in California, Andrew in Washington, and many others.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
And we have reporters from Washington joining us next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, December 19th.
I'm David Knight, your host in Austin.
We're going to be joining our reporters in Washington State in Spokane.
They're going to give us an update as to what's going on there and tell you about the demonstration that's going to be happening tomorrow.
I don't know if they've had a chance to interview anybody with the police department or the sheriff's department there in Spokane.
Of course, the sheriff pushing back mentioned several times that he'd love to come on our show and talk to us and we tried to reach out to him.
He mentioned that the PIO told us that he's not going to be back until the beginning of the year.
He's gone for a holiday.
So, I know they're not going to be able to talk to the sheriff.
We would like to talk to the sheriff.
We'd like to have him on the radio show.
But in spite of the video that he put out there saying he wants to get on the video show, he's not available.
But we will be talking to our reporters there.
Let's go back to your calls in this segment.
Let's go to Andrew in Washington.
Hey David.
Hey, go ahead.
What's on your mind?
Well, I've got some footage for you.
I'd like to give you of about 15 of these MRAP vehicles arriving on a train into a depot in Spokane right next to the police department.
And they're a little bit different than the ones I've seen a lot of videos of coming from you guys.
They're a little bit more off-road like with a
You know, they ride higher above the axles, kind of a dune buggy type scenario.
Yeah, we'd like to have that.
Yeah, when you finish with the call, don't hang up and we'll get that information from you to get in touch with you.
You can also send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
You can also send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Great, I was actually hoping... But hang on, we'll get that from you directly.
Yes, go ahead.
I was actually hoping I'd be able to deliver it in person on a thumb drive to Joe Biggs while he's here in Spokane.
I'm skipping work right now to
Sure, he's going to be in the next segment, so he'll tell you where he is.
If you listen in the next segment, we're going to go to him live and he'll tell you exactly where he is and Spokane always does.
I think he's at the Sheriff's Department or somewhere around there.
But just listen and he'll be mentioning where that is and if you want to give us any contact information, don't hang up and we'll get that from you.
Let's go to Anthony in Florida.
Anthony, you're on.
You said you want to talk about guns?
I heard about how if, what do you call it, that Texas could nullify federal gun laws if they try to enforce a new anti-gun
Bill, it's supposed to come into December 24th, I think it is.
Oh, that's the U.N.
Arms Trade Treaty?
That's not going to be a valid treaty because, first of all, it's only been signed by the Secretary of State.
It hasn't been confirmed by the Senate.
Even if they were to confirm the treaty, there's a big constitutional fight that's going to come up because it's not constitutional for them to affirm anything that violates our own Constitution.
So when the Constitution expressly allows, recognizes, doesn't allow it, recognizes our God-given right to own guns, when the Constitution says that, they can't sign that away with a treaty.
So that's going to be a big fight, and hopefully that will be led from here if they try to push that through.
Okay, thank you.
Let's go to Tom.
Yes, thank you.
Tom, you said you want to talk about gun rights?
How are you today?
Yes, sir, Mr. Knight.
I'm good.
I agree with you that banning and outlawing toy guns is ridiculous.
My hand in my pocket, with my index finger extended and some raised in such a way to look like the hammer of a gun, will realistically get me shot real dead if I don't reveal quickly to a uniformed officer approaching me that it's my hand and it's not just a gun.
You know, the exercising of common sense, it seems, is so often the real issue that we face in these struggles and these instances.
Yeah, we just had an article up on Infowars today.
A man was just shot who had a spoon in his hand because it looked metallic.
I guess he thought it might have been a gun or a knife or something.
Should we ban spoons?
As well as toy guns?
Or maybe what we need to do is train the police to assess the situation, to not be fearful of the population, and to not shoot so readily.
We'll be right back with our reporters in Washington State.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We're going to be going to our reporter Joe Biggs in Washington State in Spokane about the incidents there in just a moment.
But before we do, we have a special for Prison Planet TV membership and of course that supports our nightly news and our reporters like Joe Biggs and Derry McBreen, the cameramen who are out there in Washington right now.
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So it's a very cheap way to wake people up.
You can let them see the Alex Jones documentaries.
That's a great way to get an overall perspective, to put things into a context.
Have them watch the Police State series that's there.
I think if we could get this
The Spokane Sheriff on the show, I think we ought to give him a complimentary membership.
He could share it with up to 20 other police departments at the same time and they could watch the police state documentaries and see how they have been played by the federal government if in fact they're not signed on to it.
They can understand where this agenda has been building and developing and the training and the equipment of the police for over a decade.
It's another way where you can also every night at 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, you can watch the nightly news Monday through Friday.
So joining us now are reporters in Washington State, in Spokane, Joe Biggs and Darren McBrain.
Joe Biggs here in downtown Spokane, Washington.
We're actually on an elevated parking garage overlooking the city right now, right beside the Liberty Building auntie's bookstore.
So, today has been very interesting.
Actually, the entire trip so far has been very interesting.
You know, we have a militarized police force embedded here in Spokane.
We have a sheriff who is ducking and dodging info wars.
And just moments ago, David, there was a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter hovering over the city at very low altitudes, flying in and out of the buildings.
Now, that's something that's very interesting.
Why is the Army here?
What are they doing?
Is this because of the protests that are going to be happening?
Because tomorrow at 12 noon, there's going to be a protest about the I-594, which is about the
Transfer of weapons now.
In Washington, a new bill is passed where you can't transfer a weapon between two people unless you've done a background check on them.
And if you do that, David, it's a felony.
Which means if you and I go out to a range to go shoot, and I let you shoot my gun, you let me shoot yours, we're both breaking the law.
So that's something that's pretty intense.
They're gonna be protesting that at 12.
Representative Matt Shea will be there as well.
And then at 2 p.m.
tomorrow, we're gonna be moving over to the Spokane Valley Sheriff's Department, where we're gonna protest the MRAP.
They're expecting a very large group of people to come from all over.
I've spoken to people from Seattle who said they're going to be willing to drive out here.
People from California.
So tomorrow's going to be a big day, but so far it's been very interesting.
We had the interview with Representative Matt Shade just earlier with Darren McBreen and I. It was very good, and I liked a lot of the things he had to say.
I think he's a very good person for Washington, and I wish we had more people like him all across this great nation.
He's got some very good remedies, I think.
We were talking about how in situations where there's a question of excessive use of force by the police, there needs to be not just a grand jury investigation that's run by the local district attorney that always works with the police department there.
It needs to be
A little bit more open than a grand jury proceeding.
It needs to be, and there's a picture of him as he joined us earlier this week, it needs to be more open to the public.
A grand jury hearing is not open to the public.
It needs to have an outside prosecutor who doesn't have ties to that department.
And there needs to be a public oversight of that whenever that happens.
It needs to be treated differently than if it was a shooting between two people in the community, one of them not being a police officer.
And of course it is treated differently.
It usually doesn't have that kind of oversight.
But he made the point when I was talking to him, Joe, Matt Shea said, we need to have oversight committees looking at the curriculum that the police are being fed.
And he pointed out that they had the same sheriff that brought in the Southern Poverty Law Center.
That's one of the reasons why this deputy, I believe, was so quick to say constitutionalist, because the Southern Poverty Law Center identifies anybody that believes in limited government and constitution as a terrorist.
The thing is though, he says he's a constitutionalist.
Now either he doesn't understand the definition of what constitutionalist is, or he does, and this is an attack on the American people.
Yes, absolutely.
And we've seen this over and over again from their training scenarios and everything, but it's especially true of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
And to their credit, there were people in the department there, in the Sheriff's Department, Spokane Sheriff's Department, that made this public and stopped that training by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
So there are good cops, and we need to be able to replace the bad cops.
I understand that when you talk to Matt Shea, who was talking, or the protest leader, I think there's a video up.
I haven't seen it, but I was, as John Bowne was telling me and Nico were telling me,
That there was a report up where one of the protesters said they're going to do everything they can to remove this sheriff.
Well, yes, that's very true.
A lot of the people in the community feel that way.
But one of the things that was interesting when I was speaking to Scott McClay, he is the president of the Rattlesnake Motorcycle Club.
He's the one heading up the protest tomorrow at 2 p.m.
He said that the sheriff here has called him a common crook, a criminal, and he has zero criminal background whatsoever.
So this is the narrative that's going on around here.
If you're a constitutionalist, a patriot, you're now a criminal.
And this is something that's not just happening in Spokane.
We're seeing this all across the nation now.
And it's something that we've got to look at and try to stop.
Because like you said, for some reason, they're being taught a whole nother thing.
This is a shoot first, ask questions later, no knock warrant, a complete and total militarized police state that's happening.
And we've got to do something about it.
Yeah, we saw the training scenario that was being fed to the military talking about how the Tea Party was going to ally with Muslims and how they were going to surround and attack the Tea Party.
So it's not just people who agree in the Constitution, it's also the Tea Party.
And the scary thing about it, Joe, is that we do see them actually attacking the Tea Party, using the IRS at the moment, but that's not to say that they won't use law enforcement in the future.
Roger that.
That's very true.
And also, Representative Shea, he said he actually has footage.
He sat in on the SPLC training with the Sheriff's Department here, and he has footage of the Sheriff saying, I have a pen.
With a stroke of my pen, I can take your rights away and or your life.
So we're going to get that footage.
We're going to try to get that out to you guys as soon as possible.
So InfoWars, the viewers, everybody can see that.
Well, speaking of footage, we had a fellow call us, I think it was Andrew in Washington.
He said he had taken some pictures of a lot of different types of MRAPs, and he wanted to try to get a hold of you and give you a thumb drive.
Yeah, that's why I was breaking down the exact interview.
We're on top of a parking garage beside the Liberty Building, auntie's bookstore.
Right in the middle of downtown.
This is the view we have, so if he wants to swing out and bring us that information, that'd be very grateful.
Okay, great.
That's good.
And tell us again now where these protests are.
There's going to be a protest at noon tomorrow that's going to be about this law that just got passed.
It actually was something that was in the legislature, and then they put it up for a referendum.
It passed as a piece of, as part of a referendum in the state.
I think?
Basically, after the fact, if they see that there's something else that they want to go after somebody with, it could be a very minor violation and they could bump this up to a felony by putting this in after the fact.
It's a real tripwire, isn't it?
Yeah, I mean, how many people are going to be arrested for something non-violent?
You know, how many people go out and actually have guns because they want to go to the range and shoot?
When you take that away, I mean, that's about as ridiculous as the bracelet that Eric Holder wants us to wear.
This is mind-blowing, and everyone should be outraged at something like this.
You know, you can't even hand over a weapon to somebody without giving them a background check.
And not have to worry about being arrested or tased or choked to death afterwards by a police officer.
This is out of this world.
Yes, so now this is going to be a protest at noon tomorrow and tell us again where that protest for that law is going to be.
That's going to be downtown here.
I'll get that information out.
We'll try to put that up in a blurb later on.
I don't have the exact location right now, but when I have that, David, I'll make sure I give that to one of the riders and we'll have all the information for tomorrow's protest put up on the site so we can get that out to everybody.
And I'll also make a video on YouTube so people can go to the Alex Jones YouTube channel as well.
We'll tweet it out.
We'll have all that information out for you guys.
This afternoon.
Okay, so people need to check Infowars.com and they need to check the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
And then following that protest at noon about that law, there is going to be a protest at the Sheriff's Department at 2 p.m.
And of course, we've had this hashtag, AskACop, that has blown up on the internet because of people's outrage over the excessive use of force.
I think it's time that we have a dialogue with the police.
I think that that'll be an important thing, an important aspect of
Hopefully there'll be somebody there from the police department to talk.
Have you had any success talking to the PIO there?
Well, Scott McClay, the president of the Rattlesnake Motorcycle Clubs, he said that he's spoken to the police department, the sheriff's department, I should say, in Spokane Valley.
And they're allowing us to be in the actual parking lot of the sheriff's department.
So we're hoping we can get a police officer to come out.
Maybe if you start a dialogue, let some of the citizens in this country ask some questions.
You know, why is this happening?
You know, I really like the ask a cop question that Jakari Jackson put out.
Why are the cops in Ferguson lying?
About using CS gas on citizens.
So those are more questions we got to ask and hopefully they're going to come out and we can get a dialogue started.
Hopefully the sheriff will stop ducking and dodging us on his fantasy, fake vacation, whatever it is he's on.
When he already came out and said that he'd be willing to debate Alex on the issues at hand.
So now it looks like he's ducking and dodging but we'll see if he can come out and
He'll man up and show up and come out and, you know, let us talk to him.
And just to repeat the chronology there, we got that video that the lady shot there with the sheriff's deputy in the MRAP.
The video did not go up on YouTube and the article didn't go up until Saturday.
Mikhail had reached out to them on a Friday night.
They didn't respond the next day.
They didn't respond on Sunday.
On Monday they put up his long video on Facebook, which we included in our article to try to be fair, to give his point of view there.
He said repeatedly that he'd like to come on the Alex Jones Show and talk, and we reached out to him, but we keep being told from the PIO there that he's not going to be back until next year.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
Wrap this up with Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired, and now in Washington State.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, December 19th, 2014.
We're joined from Spokane, Washington by Joe Biggs, there along with Darren McBrain and our cameraman, reporting on the situation there, that there's a protest, massive protest tomorrow about the new law prohibiting the transfer of firearms that was just run through with a referenda.
On this last election, as well as the sheriff, who has made a lot of very troubling comments.
The most recent one was saying that they needed an MRAP to use against constitutionalists.
Joe, the MRAP is something, and you and I have talked about this, this is something that was rushed into production by the military in a very, very short time frame.
Didn't go through the normal design reviews and competitive bidding as normal.
They rushed that to theater.
They have had a lot of problems, a lot of very expensive maintenance.
They've offered these things to our allies if they just come and take them.
Nobody showed up to come and offer.
And so now what they're doing is they're giving these away as a lease program, these different police departments, putting the maintenance charges on those police departments.
And although
There's been some localities where they have gotten the police or the sheriff to, they've told them they need to send back the MRAP.
They're not able to send that back unless they get the permission of the Department of Defense.
And now we've got Congress buying some Abram tanks we see in this article today that the Army doesn't even want.
Just like they can't get, they want to get rid of these MRAPs, these white elephants, and put them locally.
Now they're getting
Other equipment that they don't want, of course, foisted upon them by government.
This is something we've seen happening over and over again throughout the decades by the military industrial complex lobbyists pushing Congress to do this.
Well, David, what happens when you give a child a costume?
Say a child, you give him a Spider-Man costume, he takes that role on.
What happens when you give police military equipment, military gear?
What are they going to do?
Act like they're in the Army.
And now, like you said, there's $120 million for tanks that the Army says that they don't want.
But Congress says, or the defense spending bill includes $120 million for that.
So what's going to happen?
Where are these tanks going to go if the Army says, hey, we don't want them.
We already have enough in our fleet.
What are they going to do?
They're already giving the MRAPs to local police forces.
What's going to happen now?
Abrams tanks on the roads in rural America?
You know, this is something that we have to think about.
I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, but think about it, though.
Where are they going to put them?
This is rapidly escalating.
There was a story that we talked to Paul Watson about yesterday.
It was up on Infowars.com, where the largest police agency in the United States, the California Highway Patrol, is self-identifying themselves now as a paramilitary organization.
Saying, is this job for you?
People who want to work for the California Highway Patrol at their website.
They're saying, we're a paramilitary organization.
We operate under a structured chain of command.
They talk about how they want people who have military experience to work for the California Highway Patrol.
They are rapidly militarizing and they're not even making any bones about it.
They're admitting it now.
I mean, what happened to it being a peace force?
These are supposed to be people to help enforce the law.
Now they're an attack force.
They are an organized, well, not really organized, but they are turning into a military.
This is something that's got to stop.
And the shoot first, ask questions later mentality, there's too many innocent Americans that are dying because these guys are being taught the wrong things.
And the SPLC coming into Spokane isn't going to help the situation out whatsoever.
We've seen them go from identifying themselves as peace officers to identifying themselves as a paramilitary organization.
Everyone, everyone should be very concerned about this.
It's been a very slow gradual process, but it's accelerating quite rapidly now.
I mean, it's ten times worse than Orwell could have ever predicted.
I mean, you can't go through a city right now without some camera on a corner, multiple cameras, stingray systems everywhere.
I mean, the Army's putting up a huge blimp to watch the East Coast, but that's only in defense of, you know, missiles coming in.
They're saying that it's not going to be used to spy on people or watch movements of people or cars or listen on cell phone conversations, because we know, David, they never do things like that.
Well, maybe it's to watch out for these North Korean terrorists because we now have this, it's now official.
Even though, and this is interesting Joe, they put out a statement from the U.S.
government saying the FBI now has enough information to conclude the North Korean government is responsible for this hacking of Sony.
And they say this was not attributed to any official by name.
Nobody wanted to show up and say this.
Nobody wanted to sign their name to this because it's so patently absurd.
It's such an obvious lie and yet that's the way they're scaring everybody into this massive police and surveillance state.
This really, what they're telling people about this Sony hacking is just as absurd as the narrative that's being fed to the police for a long time by the Southern Poverty Law Center and yet they don't have the ability to see through it.
The FBI couldn't locate a stolen cheeseburger.
I mean, these guys don't know what they're doing.
This whole thing is out of control.
And America's got to wake up to what's going on.
We've got to talk to each other.
We've got to share this information.
And we've got to stand up and say enough is enough.
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Joe Biggs in Spokane, Washington, along with Darren McBreen, and they're going to be covering the demonstrations tomorrow, one at noon and another one at 2 p.m.
Check InfoWars.com and the Alex Jones channel on YouTube for details of where that will be if you're in the area.
And of course, a lot of people are in the area, even going into Idaho.
There's another large city there.
We'll be right back with your calls.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, December 19th, we're going to go back to your calls.
We have Dominic in California.
We're going to talk to you about Kim Trails.
He said he wanted to talk about that.
Before we do, I just wanted to go back to this Sony hacking situation and the absurdity, the absurdity of the FBI saying they now have enough information to conclude the North Korean government's responsible for these actions.
And as I pointed out, as I read this statement,
They didn't attribute it to any official by name.
Nobody wanted to sign their name to that.
They didn't want to be coming across as Jonathan Gruber.
They did not want to appear handing that out or making that announcement.
We have had Obama come out and say that, of course, and all the other guardians of peace from our country, most of them actual GOP members in the grand old party sense.
John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mike McCaul, all the people who support
Every military action, every war, every intrusion into our privacy, every attack on the Constitution that's being done in this country by our government.
And there's an article that just went up by Kit Daniels.
NSA capable of false flag Sony hack that's blamed on North Korea.
This is a presentation that came out by Charlie Miller.
Who spent five years exploiting foreign computers for the NSA.
He gave a presentation entitled, Kim Jong-il and Me.
How to build a cyber army to attack the US.
In which he explained various hacking methods and how easy it was to blame the attack on another country.
You get that?
Kim Jong-il.
That's the father of the current Kim Jong.
And he's saying, Kim Jong-il and me, in other words, I can attack the U.S.
and make it look like it's coming from North Korea.
I know how to do that.
Of course he does.
You can easily route your attacks through another country.
He says, maybe a computer from China is attacking you, but really that computer is some Russian dude who's logged into that computer.
So you can't tell if it was Russian or Chinese.
On the other side, it will make attribution really hard for your opponent, because you'll be able to attack from a thousand different places, and from all over the world, and they're not going to know who you are.
That's how you do it.
They've known that for a very long time.
They know that.
When he wrote that, that was the previous leader of North Korea.
Aaron Schwartz pointed out a long time ago, and of course he was the guy that was the point man in shutting down these previous attacks on us, CISPA, that they're now trying to revive.
Our guardians of peace are now trying to revive that.
And he had pointed out that virtually all of these exploits that we're seeing, all of the hacking, is either the U.S.
government itself directly, or they're funding these exploits from other people.
In other words, our U.S.
government is the biggest group of hackers on the planet.
It has absolutely no credibility that this is an attack from North Korea.
They're crying.
They're crying about, and that's, that's Kim Jong-il.
He was so ill he died.
And now we have Kim Jong-un.
The UN.
There everybody is.
And of course, they had to cry.
And I guess we all have to cry about what's happened to Sony.
I guess we should all line up and start doing that to make Newt Gingrich and Graham and McCain all happy and tell them,
That's okay.
We'll give you absolute total control of the internet so nothing like this ever happens again.
And as other security experts have pointed out, it's a huge leap from going into some computer in a business that's not very well protected and grabbing their emails.
It's a huge leap from going to that to saying that you're going to have them attack the infrastructure.
And I tell you what, if the infrastructure is attacked, it's probably going to be a false flag just like this.
Should we be concerned?
Does it have any credibility with you that the FBI said this?
That it's now official from the FBI?
I just read at the end of the last hour that statement from Julian Assange where he pointed out that Barrett Brown has been in jail for two years.
They're trying to keep him in jail for another eight and a half years.
Because he tweeted a quote from Fox News where they were saying that the government ought to assassinate Julian Assange.
See, that's the answer to everything, isn't it, for the neocons, for the GOP, for the guardians of peace.
The answer to everything is to attack, is to assassinate, is to torture.
That's the kind of government we have, the government that would twist that.
It's very obvious at this point.
It's not a mistake.
They're just using that saying that when he tweeted that dead men can't leak stuff, illegally shoot the SOB, they said you're talking about the FBI and that's what they're trying to keep him in jail for.
They're saying that he was quoting Bob Beckle and we played the clip for you.
Let's go back to your calls.
Dominic in California, you called about Kim Trails.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey David.
Yeah, you know, I moved into a new house about two months ago and I'm in a heavy agricultural zone here in California.
And there's been a lot of these chemtrails over my area and I started filming them about a month ago and one day they came really low by the houses, like really low, and within a couple hours they turned into a cloud and there was these web things falling everywhere in the air and I got it all on tape.
I put the video up on chemchasers.com.
These webs were like I mean they were up in the sky as high as the trail and they I mean they look like they're 100 feet long and I mean they're all over this video everywhere.
And I had to go pick up my daughter from school shortly after that, and they were covering the fences and the trees at the school.
And I mean, I saw them coming out of the trail.
What do you think?
Do you think that the aluminum just maybe got jammed in the sprayer and it was spraying out, like pumping up?
Or like, what could that be?
Well, I can't really speak to that.
I don't know.
I do know that, I mean, where can people see that video again?
I do know we had a participant in the Paul Revere contest and he had an interesting
documentary as well as an app that he was doing it was called uh... skyder alert i think was the name of it and people can get that app and they can uh... they can report whenever they see something like that in the sky where they see chemtrails nothing is unusual as what you just talked about uh... but when they see massive uh... grid of persistent contrails in the sky they can report that and they've been able to correlate that with uh... changes in temperature so
We know that they've talked about doing this, and they pretend that it's something that they haven't done, and yet, going back decades, going back to the Vietnam War, Alex Jones interviewed a man who was decorated by President Johnson because of his effect that he had on the weather during the Vietnam War.
So we know that they've been working on this for many, many decades.
We know that they have talked about using chemtrails to try to affect the temperature here on the planet, to change the reflectivity.
So we know that they're doing it, and yet they pretend that it's, well, it's something that we need to look into it, but we're not really doing it yet.
At the last geoengineering conference that they had this year, I think it was this fall in Germany, they had a paper written by one guy that says, well, assuming that we were to do something like this, who gets to set the thermostat?
And that's a really good question.
Who gets to set the thermostat if they were to do something like that?
I don't really know what they're doing.
I don't know what you saw.
I'd very much like to see that report that you got over there.
Thanks for calling in.
Let's go to Bob in Maine.
How you doing?
Doing good.
What do you want to talk about?
I'm kind of on topic today.
You guys talking about the police state.
I had a SWAT team at my house trying to kick my door in this past winter.
It was pretty terrifying.
You know, and they had the wrong guy.
Every day, on a daily basis, and every day we're seeing people who are innocent being attacked.
If they kick in the door, are you under a home invasion or is this a SWAT team?
And we've just had a report yesterday of somebody who had their home broken into and the people yelled, police!
And it wasn't the police, it was the robbers.
They knew that's on everybody's mind, so they used that to attack the people to get the upper hand over them, to say that they were a SWAT team.
But it's a very dangerous situation.
If you try to defend yourself, the SWAT team will kill you.
Yeah, oh yeah, and they showed up here in the middle of the night.
They put my face on TV and said I was a criminal and couldn't find out.
They only wanted the guy for the copper theft.
They wanted who?
Somebody for copper theft?
They wanted the guy for copper theft, but they showed up here instead.
I mean, it was like they had a SWAT team in the middle of the night.
You know, there was a case a couple years ago where the Department of Education showed up in the middle of the night, dragged a man and his children out on the front lawn, face down, probably what they just did to you.
It was the Department of Education's SWAT team.
A year earlier, the Washington Post had looked at their RFPs, their request for proposal, their bid to get equipment, and they said, why is the Department of Education buying bulletproof vests and shotguns and all this other paramilitary equipment?
Why does the Department of Education need that for?
And then they found out.
That's why we're so concerned when we see this equipment going to the police, when we see these requests for purchases for billions of rounds of ammunition.
We know they're going to use that.
We know that's for civilians because Geneva Convention outlaws the kind of ammunition that Homeland Security was getting.
And we know that it's not for target practice because that's the most expensive ammunition you can get.
You're not going to use that for target practice.
Even as profligate as our government is in terms of spending money, they're not going to waste that much money if they're going to buy that kind of quantity of ammunition.
It was absolutely absurd and it was absurd for the Department of Education to get that kind of equipment as well.
And I mean, they called me a sovereign and everything else because I wouldn't give them my social security number through the window and they wouldn't show me the warrant.
And they had the wrong house the entire time.
They had the wrong guy.
Somebody with the same name as me.
But I mean, I've lived in this town for 35 years and I mean...
I don't know.
And just like you said, they came to the wrong house because it was somebody else that they were looking for that had your name.
That was why that guy was picked up by the CIA, rendered out of the country, tortured for a very long time, then dumped alongside the road and threatened not to talk about it.
He had the same name as the person that they were looking for.
We're good to go.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, that's what they've been told.
See, it's terms like a sovereign citizen, terms like a constitutionalist.
That's why everyone was so concerned about that videotape.
It was not taken out of context.
The real context is that the Southern Poverty Law Center is using those types of terms to demonize people and, again,
We've seen in scenarios that they even use the term tea party to try to portray people as being dangerous.
Thank you so much, Bob.
I'm glad you survived that encounter with the SWAT team in Maine.
Again, that's Bob from Maine.
He had his house SWAT teamed and he wasn't the guy they were looking for.
Yet they put his face on television, they put him face down on the ground, nearly killed him with a SWAT team.
Let's go to John in Colorado.
John, you want to talk about the marijuana laws there?
No, I think we missed him.
That's too bad.
Let's go to Kevin in West Virginia.
I wanted to ask him about that.
You said you want to talk about the beware program.
Yeah, I was wondering if we as citizens could have our own little beware program and kind of do the same thing that they're doing and point out what police officers are corrupt and what police officers are not actually for the Constitution.
But my question then is, is that going to add fuel to the fire
Um, with an Osperson type of mentality.
Well, that's true.
I think that there needs to be citizen oversight of the police.
And as we were talking to Matt Shea, he said there ought to be separate outside investigators whenever there's a possibility of police brutality, excessive use of force, whenever there's a shooting.
There ought to be an open public trial, not a closed grand jury investigation.
And there ought to be an outside prosecutor.
And we ought to have oversight of the police
In terms of their training as well.
So I think it would be appropriate to start looking at the postings of the police.
And if they're posting stuff up that is threatening, and we've seen that.
A lot of the repostings from the Ask a Cop were some very in-your-face postings from the police.
And of course, they put out that t-shirt that we had an article up on Infowars.com yesterday.
They've got a shirt that they're putting out, a law enforcement insignia that says, breathe easy, obey the law.
Essentially the same thing that Art Acevedo said here in Austin.
Hey, if the cop tells you to do something, just do it and you won't get hurt.
Well, do we have to mow their lawn?
Do we have to lick their boots?
What do we have to do?
That's that article up right now for anybody that's watching.
Pro-police, breathe easy t-shirt draws the ire of brutality posters.
Just obey the law, you won't be beaten or murdered unless the cops feel like it.
That's the article.
That's up on our website, Infowars.com.
You can see that article.
And I guess really we should point this out and it was actually, Kevin, it was actually police inside the Spokane Sheriff's Office who blew the whistle on the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center was there propagandizing the Sheriff's Department.
So there are good cops who
Are not going to be doing that type of thing that we just saw up there.
They're not going to be threatening the population and they're going to be blowing the whistle when you've got somebody like the Southern Poverty Law Center coming in teaching some very dangerous stuff.
So I don't think that that necessarily escalates things.
I think there needs to be a dialogue back and forth to the police, don't you?
I totally do.
My uncle is an ex-retired police officer for Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
He was head of Narcotics Division.
And he wrote a book about the corruption in the Anne Arundel County, Maryland Police Department.
He hasn't published this book, but he has given me a copy of it.
And all the names are not changed or anything.
But I was wondering, is that something you guys would be interested in looking at?
Certainly, if you've got a link to it where we could look at it or if it's been published, yes.
Send that to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
I'd appreciate that.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to Will in FEMA 8.
Will, you said you want to talk about toy guns?
Actually, that's FEMA 5.
Oh, FEMA 5.
Okay, go ahead.
Yeah, of course, hearing the one caller prior on the mistaken identity.
Yeah, I had that even though it wasn't with the police, thank goodness.
Partially with the one bank I was with, same name, and actually also the same last four stoche that they looked up me by.
And what did they do at the bank?
When I was needing to get into my account and all I had was my debit card, they looked up my name, they asked for my last four of my SOHs, and they actually had to confirm my location of where I live because there was another person with my name and the last four of my SOHs in their system.
Yes, yes, absolutely.
It's a very dangerous thing and it's not just getting names mixed up.
We're talking about this beware program, the real beware program that the federal government pays $36,000 a year for the police departments to have.
They can go in and
And who knows what the assumptions are that they're making in order to assign a threat level of red, yellow, or green to you.
I mean, that really begs a lot of questions when they're giving out threat assessments.
Essentially, not just telling the police that everybody in the general population is out to kill them, but then assigning a color to you, telling them that you're a threat.
How do they know that you're a threat?
What are their fundamental assumptions?
There's a lot of possibility for false positives in that a very dangerous situation going even beyond invading your home with SWAT teams.
We'll be right back with your call.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Here in Austin, we tried to reach Alex.
He was going to call in from Rome, but he's in an area where we could not reach him.
He will be back on Sunday, however, at the 4 p.m.
Central Show between 4 to 6 on Sunday.
Of course, that's 5 to 7 Eastern Time.
He has extended the special that we had earlier this week.
We can no longer guarantee Christmas delivery, but we've had such an overwhelming response.
We decided that we would make it available to people.
It looks like there's a lot of demand for this.
Do it as a favor to the people who support us.
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That's only about $20 each.
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57% off.
We're still going to make that available, although we can no longer guarantee Christmas delivery.
You might get it, we're not sure.
Let's go back to your calls in this last segment we have here.
Steve in Michigan.
Go ahead, Steve.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I've been a longtime listener and supporter of your program.
And I've been tuning in to talk about the FEMA camps and the red and blue list and about how the NSA tracks everything we can do, watches your show and who's calling in.
And last night I was listening to, I guess it was a rebroadcast, and Alex was talking about how they are and why they are letting InfoWars go on.
But I think there's one thing that everybody's overlooking.
Excuse me.
What they're doing is the NSA knows everybody that calls into your show.
They know their name, they know where they live, they know everything about them.
So essentially the obvious reason that they're letting you guys go on and they're not going to touch Alex until the very end is because you're essentially calling the herd for them.
Well, let me say this.
If we're going to get so afraid of the government, and listen, they're watching everything you do, anywhere.
If you want to take it to the logical conclusion, you don't have to just call into this show to get onto their radar.
They're listening to you through your monitors.
They're listening to you through your phones.
Are you going to shut up and not say anything to anybody in your home?
We cannot cower in fear before these people.
The only thing that's going to stand it down is to stand up to them.
Don't cower in fear before them.
Don't censor yourself.
If you start censoring yourself, we've lost at that point.
Then we're in a true Stasi East Germany state.
At the point where we're so afraid of the government that we won't speak up.
Of course they're listening to everything everybody does.
Let me tell you, when we were at the Bundy Ranch,
Josh and I could not get any reception at the site where the protest was.
It was away from the Bundy Ranch.
We had to go back to the Bundy Ranch or to our hotel in order to upload anything or to get any coverage because they had a Wi-Fi system there.
And they said, that's really strange because we've always had cell phone coverage out there.
Well, we couldn't get any.
Then on Saturday, when they had everybody show up for the protest, we had great reception.
We could broadcast everything there at that site.
And of course they had stepped up the reception so they could get the information from everybody that was there.
Did we know that?
Of course we did.
Were we afraid of it?
No, we weren't.
None of the people that were there cared.
You've got to get to the point where you don't care about the tyrants.
You know what?
If they've got you cowering in fear, thinking that they're culling the herd if you speak out, that they're watching you constantly, know that they're watching you constantly and still do something about it.
That's what you need to do.
Let's go to Lewis in Massachusetts.
Lewis, you want to talk about the Pelican shooting?
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, David?
Doing good.
Yeah, so this ties in with what Joe Biggs was talking about, how the cops are acting more like the military.
So, um, I was watching the news the other day and there was this guy who was shot for carrying a pellet gun.
And, yeah, basically what happened was that he bought a pellet gun at like a Walmart or whatever.
Well, he was standing there.
He hadn't even bought it yet.
He was just talking to his wife on the cell phone.
It's absolutely... Sorry, we ran out of time.
I don't... I'd like to take your call and I'm sorry, I apologize to the callers who are still on the line.
Join us tonight for the nightly news at 7 Central.
Alex will be back for Central on Sundays.
Join us then.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.