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Name: 20141216_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 16, 2014
2246 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers a variety of topics such as government surveillance, police profiling and use of force, media narratives surrounding terrorist events, and false flag operations. It also discusses economic issues including interest rates and alternative energy solutions. In addition to discussing current events and political issues, the show promotes various products from InfoWarsLife.com like health supplements and survival gear.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined this hour by Paul Joseph Watson coming up in the next segment.
He's going to talk to us about some breaking stories on InfoWars.
Essentially what we're seeing is the MIAC report of 2009 that they sent to the fusion centers saying be on the lookout for anyone with a bumper sticker saying they voted for Ron Paul or for Chuck Baldwin.
These people could be dangerous.
Well, that's what they're doing now in terms of profiling everybody before they make contact with them.
It's essentially that MIAC report implemented and on steroids.
We're also going to talk to him about the fallout from this report, this video that we saw out of Spokane about the
Officer who is bragging about his MRAP, and when asked why would he need something like that in Spokane, he said, well, we have a lot of constitutionalists, so we're going to be talking about that as well.
We also have on the show an author of a book called The Colder War.
His name is Marin Katusa.
Very interesting book.
I really found this to be a fascinating read because there's a lot of background information in it.
You know, we have situations that are grabbing the headlines like the Sydney siege yesterday, like the massacre of school children in Pakistan.
Brutal massacre.
Now those are the things that are going to grab headlines, but if you want to know
What is going on in the world that is going to bring us to worldwide war?
To a worldwide depression?
You need to understand the background story, the struggle, as he puts it, the great game that's been going on since the British Empire, much older than the Cold War.
You also need to understand Putin.
And listen to this excerpt, this review from Dr. Ron Paul about this book.
He said, the Colder War provides a reversing
Contrast from the hysterical Putin is Stalin Jr.
Let's restart the Cold War message emanating from the neocon think tanks and the mainstream media.
That's exactly right.
He gives a very interesting take on this.
I have an excerpt of some of the false flag narrative.
It's interesting to look at this and put it into a timeline, into a historical context, and it's fascinating to look at how Putin used false flags essentially the same way our guys do.
Hey, if it works, it keeps working.
And they never get caught.
They continually fool the public.
It doesn't matter if it's the Reichstag fire.
It doesn't matter if it's 9-11.
It doesn't matter if it's these terrorist events.
They always work.
Full proof plan, apparently.
But we need to get people educated.
The only antidote to this is to get people to understand that.
But we're going to talk about the broader context.
We're going to talk about the petrodollar.
And of course, today we have massive tectonic moves that are happening in the economy, essentially tied to oil, to the stock market.
What the Congress rushed to do
Put the American taxpayer on the hook to ensure derivatives of banks.
Now we're seeing why they rushed to do that and take all the criticism for it.
We see the Russian Central Bank hiked its interest rate to 17% in order to halt the fall of their currency.
And of course, as we talked about yesterday,
Once these oil futures start falling because the actions of Saudi Arabia and OPEC, once they start falling, the oil futures are becoming worthless, that spreads to the commodities market, it spreads to the currency market, it spreads to the stock market.
It starts out as economic warfare between the West and Russia may very well turn into a shooting war.
We're going to take a look at the headlines behind it.
Russia's ruble plummets more than 20 percent a day, hitting new dollar and euro lows.
Again, that was on trading on Tuesday.
And we also see that they're tying it to the future markets, just as we said yesterday.
And another interesting thing that came up.
Comex has said the beginning December the 21st, I believe is the date, that they are going to effective Monday, December the 21st, they're going to implement gold and silver price limit collars.
In other words, they're going to limit the upside movement of gold and silver.
What does that tell you?
We see over and over again small but many signals that something big is coming.
So we're going to be talking to Marin Katuska about his book, The Colder War, and we're going to have Paul Joseph Watson joining us in the next segment.
Stay with us.
I'm good.
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As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing and they're all seeing me.
I don't understand what's going on.
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
Does it raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government?
How can you ask such a question?
What difference at this point does it make?
When a confident observer looks for signs of despotism in a community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, he saw, he died.
Yes, in modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly effective weapons.
You just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
You shouldn't trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating that, I will taint the news.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Oh goodness you, well we're gonna do everything we can to help you.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a rule for your mind.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 16, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Joining me from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson, and we're going to talk about some couple of stories that are up on Infowars.com today.
Police using social media posts to determine the threat score of suspects.
That's an article up by Paul Joseph Watson, as well as a follow-up to what's happening in Spokane, Washington, about this sheriff's deputy's comments about needing these MRAPs for constitutionalists.
But I wanted to play a clip and get Paul's comments on this from yesterday.
We have comments from Fox about the Sydney siege.
I want to play this clip and get Paul to comment on using that to justify torture.
Go ahead.
The actual individuals here at home who've been into and trying to stop attacks like this and perhaps future hostage situations as we are still at war indeed with ISIS and terrorism are the CIA and they've been painted as the bad guys at home.
You know, former Vice President Dick Cheney actually called out Chuck Todd over the weekend yesterday for taking cheap shots
Can you imagine that?
Just trying to do their job.
Can you imagine that?
Betraying the CIA as bad guys because of their torture.
I mean, who would imagine doing something like that?
Betraying them as the bad guys.
Paul, your comments.
Well, the CIA just trying to do its job and protect us from terrorism.
It was the CIA that smuggled weapons to so-called moderate Syrian rebels, which later ended up in the hands of ISIS terrorists.
Some of those same rebels defected and joined ISIS.
It was the CIA that helped the US government destabilize Syria in the first place, that led to the upspring of ISIS.
And then the whole torture debate itself is founded on completely false pretenses that torture even works, when every shred of evidence says that it only elicits false confessions, which in fact divert real resources from finding out the truth about terrorist plots.
On top of that, it creates terrorists.
It radicalizes people.
It radicalizes the region.
So it only creates more blowback.
So torture actually creates terrorists.
It doesn't protect us from terrorists.
And certainly giving weapons to radical jihadists who then hand them over to ISIS is not going to protect us from terrorists.
I think it's very troubling when we hear Fox's Hasselbeck and others promote terrorism as you point out is as the lie that is a effective even if it were effective we shouldn't be using it that's the point I want to make to people I've got this article here Paul from the Washington Post saying Americans back the CIA and they say in polling from 2007 2009 2011 and again today 2014 Americans have said they consider waterboarding to be torture yet increasingly they are foreign
So, they don't really care whether it's torture or not, if they think that it works.
And there's another article that really bothered me even more, and that was from a Christian magazine, World Magazine, WNG.org.
It's an article called, Torture in Our National Soul, and in this article,
The writer essentially makes the case of situational ethics, moral relativism.
In other words, does the end justify the means?
Listen to this, Paul.
He says Otto von Bismarck, the great 19th century German Chancellor, of course, the quote that he says, laws are like sausages, it's better not to see them.
being made, they make that article for torture.
They say this is true of other things the government does in serving the public good, like grisly police work and ugly executions.
They say it's torturing a captured terrorist and a reasonable hope of saving thousands of innocent lives among the unpleasant necessities of involving and keeping us safe and free.
In other words, they put out the Jack Bauer scenario.
They actually list that in here.
You've got a ticking nuclear bomb and, you know, if you can break this guy's fingers and get the answer to that, then we ought to do that.
It's amazing that they even talk about how our enemies abroad are cutting off heads.
That's our ally, Saudi Arabia, that is doing far more beheading than ISIS has ever done.
And of course, they're the CIA's proxy in most of this.
That's the thing that really troubles me, is the idea that we would sell our souls, essentially,
To achieve a means, and it's very troubling for me to see this coming from, of all places, a Christian magazine.
Let me read one more quote and then get your comments, Paul.
This writer, D.C.
Ennis, says, once we accept the, quote, no torture though the heavens may fall position is unreasonable, we are faced with a judgment call on the far margins of civic life in a tragically fallen world.
I would say no.
I would say that if we are going to embrace
torture for the sake of the false hope that it's going to produce results even, even if it did produce results, we should reject it so that we do not become the monster that we're told we have to slay.
Paul, your comments.
Well, if you embrace methods and techniques used by some of the most despotic regimes throughout history, and then try and turn that into some kind of American virtue, I mean, that just reflects on you.
And read the Tugumbu military report out of Abu Ghraib, you know, raping teenagers with sticks dripping with battery acid.
And the other point is, the vast majority of these people they took into these camps at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib,
They were never even suspected of terrorism.
They were goat herders, they were taxi drivers.
The vast majority of them weren't even properly suspected of terrorism, never mind turned out to be terrorists.
So again, torture decreases national security.
It actually harms America.
So in supporting it, these neocons are not only exposing themselves as anti-American in terms of the spiritual value of opposing torture, they're actually harming American national security.
Yes they are.
Because it doesn't work and it creates more terrorists.
Every single shred of evidence in every study shows that.
Exactly like the drone program of assassination where we have a chair force back in the United States essentially killing people, massive civilian casualties which they dismiss as collateral damage and look at anybody that is of a certain age in the country as a militant.
That's the way they excuse it.
That's the way Brennan excused it.
And they never answer for their crimes.
They continue to get away with it.
Not only do they get away with it, but they get promoted.
Brennan gets promoted from justifying torture.
He then goes to be an apologist for the drone program.
Then he becomes the CIA director.
And they appear to be, when you look at this Feinstein report,
They are essentially above answering to anybody, to the Senate, to anyone.
They go down and they list 20 different areas that they all blame on the CIA, and they say, hey, they did this, and they misled us on this, they lied to us about that, we didn't know what they were doing, and yet they will not broach the obvious solution, and that is to at least fire somebody.
They ought to be put in prison.
They ought to have a Nuremberg trial for these guys.
Well, I mean, if they were actually to fire someone, they would have to acknowledge that the entire program was wrong to begin with, so it's never going to happen.
Yes, and they want that power.
They want the power that they have.
I mean, drone strikes, 95% innocent civilians.
And go and watch a documentary like Skate Hill's Dirty Wars.
If you see your brother get massacred in a drone strike, that's going to radicalize you, and that's exactly what's happening.
It's creating terrorists in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, that hate America.
This is the consequence of torture and drone strikes.
And, you know, it does kind of make sense in a long-format way of thinking.
It creates more reason for more military intervention, more weapons sales.
So, by its logical conclusion, that's the only way you could support it, if you were a neocon who was going down that line of thinking.
But in terms of national security, it's horrible.
It's absolutely horrible for America.
Yes, absolutely, and of course that's how it is being used and that's why they're doing it.
It's not that they can't figure it out.
They know very well, Paul, that this is going to increase tensions, it's going to increase war.
That's by design.
They want a larger war so that they can sell into it with a military-industrial complex.
Let's quickly give a preview, because we're not going to have time to talk about it in this segment, but give a preview of your article up.
Police using social media posts to determine the threat score of suspects.
As I pointed out in the opening segment, it sounds like the 2009 MIAC report on steroids, but of course, it's on a much broader basis as well.
Yeah, this is a software program that police across the United States are using called Beware.
I actually got contacted by employees of this country, of this company, before I came on air, who themselves decry it.
Basically, they data mine your online comments, your social media posts, your quote, recent purchases, to give cops a heads up on how dangerous you might be.
There you go.
That's a preview.
We're going to have the rest of that.
Hang on, Paul, we've got to go to break.
Hang on, we gotta go to break.
We're gonna have the rest of that right after the break.
That's a preview for you.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
On this Tuesday, December 16th, 2014, we have Paul Joseph Watson joining us from the UK.
I'm David Knight.
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Now Paul, just before the break we were talking about, began talking about, you gave us a preview of your article here, how the police are using social media posts to determine threat scores of suspects.
It's bad enough, Paul, that they view the public as a threat.
They're told every day they go out, they're going into a war zone, they may not come back.
There's so many people in the public who want to kill them that they're being threatened.
So they build this sense of being threatened.
Now they're giving people an actual score by spying on them.
Tell us about that.
Yes, it's a program, software program that's been in use by police departments across the United States since 2012.
It ascribes people based on their home address a threat score of green, yellow or red based on recent purchases and quote
Any comments that could be construed as offensive.
So you get a threat score as to how likely you're going to be a physical danger to police based on your recent purchases and social media posts and online comments.
And what is the standard for what they consider threatening in terms of online comments?
Well, we know.
Again, back in 2012, Brandon Raub was literally kidnapped from his own home for making what, in comparison to a lot of online content, were tame comments about taking back the Republic while referencing people like Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy.
We've seen kids... They would definitely get a red score, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, would definitely be red, wouldn't they?
A red rating.
It's chilling.
I mean, kids who post rap lyrics are getting visits from police.
And this is what they consider a threat.
This is $36,000 a year.
Again, most of which paid for by federal grants.
Again, it goes back to the Department of Homeland Security.
They're funding all this.
This is why the police keep using it.
So it's chilling.
Also, they use it to enforce nanny state enforcement codes.
So if your trees aren't trimmed properly to the city code, then they can tie your home address to your personality and target you that way.
So there's a whole Reuters report on it, and that is just one program amongst others in which they're data mining, going through billions of records to identify Americans as potential threats based on, quote, comments that could be construed as offensive.
Wow, that's outrageous because when you talk about them going on a fishing expedition on, you know, minor code violations like the way they don't like your trees trimmed or your grass trimmed or whatever, this allows them to essentially go through and look at who they don't like politically.
And then go dig up some dirt on them.
That's the really hideous thing about this.
It's something that we've seen before, Paul, when they talk about labeling people as sovereign citizens, or again this other article where they're talking about labeling them as constitutionalists.
They use those labels to essentially
Get the threat perception up by the police, and we saw that happen in the wake of the Bundy Ranch standoff.
Immediately, Glenn Beck had on Mr. Bundy, and he had another person there that was interviewing him, trying to tie him to the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which he had no idea what they were talking about.
But they use these labels to try to scare the police into thinking that you're a physical threat to them, because they already tell everybody
Tell them that everybody is something of a threat to them, but then they make it very specific and they tie it to people who are opposed to them.
Yeah, and violent crime is the lowest it's been in 40 years.
Violent crime against police officers is dropping.
So this narrative that the police are being sold, that violence against them is increasing and that everybody's out to attack the police, statistically is not true.
And this program could also be abused if they tie you to the wrong address, to an address that somebody else used to live in that has been identified as a threat.
Could turn a green rating into a red rating
Is the quote turning a midday knock on the front door into a nighttime SWAT raid.
So if they confuse you with somebody else, as they've done on numerous false drug busts, then that could determine you to be a threat as well.
They could just confuse you with another person.
So it's absolutely horrifying.
We see people being killed all the time with these SWAT team raids, going to the wrong house.
That's not an uncommon occurrence anymore.
So that's something that, even if you are in total agreement with Obama and with Boehner, you should still be concerned about this because they might falsely identify you.
But this is a way to purge political opposition.
It's the enhancement of the police state.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I have Paul Joseph Watson with me from the UK.
We've just been talking about his article that's up on InfoWars.com about the police using the Beware program to assign a threat score to you.
Looking at your online media posts, profiling you, and essentially giving you a rating from green, yellow, to red.
And of course, the many problems of that, there's people who could be falsely identified.
It's a way they could come after their enemies.
And Paul, before we go back to this article, I wanted to give you
Something that came out today, this is from the Free Thought Project, about a police union that was caught putting GPS on rival politicians' cars and framing them for driving under the influence.
Now, this is a situation where we've got a couple of former police officers arrested and charged with felonies after this plot came to light.
What was happening was they had
These guys who are acting independently, rather they were not acting independently, they were hired by a law firm at the time represented over 120 police unions across California.
And we see this very often that it's the police unions who were standing against any kind of discipline for excessive police brutality.
But in this case, their beef that they had with these two politicians was that they was in regard to the budgets for the police departments.
They didn't think that they were getting enough money.
So what they did was they
Had these two guys, who are city councilmen, they were meeting at a bar.
Afterwards, all they had was non-alcoholic beverages and then drove home.
The police get a call from an observer, let's call them a snitch, who told them that these two had driven home drunk.
And so the officers arrest them, then later determined that they're not under the influence of alcohol.
They found out that these two men tracked them in their car using GPS, then called 911 to report that they had been drinking and had seen them leaving a bar.
So that's how this can be used.
You can use this to take down your political enemies and when you look at this, you look at a police union law firm that represents law firms hiring these guys
To set up councilmen who are opposed to increasing police budgets.
You understand?
That's how bad this is getting.
Somebody that they're politically opposed to, they try to set them up using guys who are operating as snitches.
They try to set them up for driving under the influence.
Now those guys are going to jail.
But this is how this kind of program, the BEWARE program, can be used against political enemies.
I mean, exactly.
If you give them these tools, then it's likely that at some point down the road they will be used for retribution.
That's how it works, again, in any despotic society that you want to look at.
The more technologically advanced they get, the more these kind of tools are used for snitch purposes to rat out people's business competitors, their political enemies.
The family members who they got personal issues with.
So the corruption becomes so endemic that it moves beyond any aspect of law and becomes petty and personal.
And then that's when you get a complete Gestapo state.
Yeah, you're talking about petty and personal.
These are people, these are elected councilmen who don't want to increase the police budget as much as the police would like to have it.
So they're targeted and set up.
Now, Paul, we also had this report that has come out today, the Supreme Court, I should say, not a report, but a decision.
The Supreme Court just decided by 8 to 1 that the police can stop your car even if they don't have a valid reason to stop your car.
They can then search you.
They just made it easier for the police to search your car.
In essence, what it boils down to, I think, is essentially enacting the New York Police Department's stop and frisk law
Doing it on a much broader scale.
And what they said was, in this particular case, it was a car that was stopped in North Carolina.
The police officer said, I'm stopping you because you only have one brake light.
Well, that's not against the law in North Carolina.
You can have just one brake light.
Now to excuse this, listen to the hoops that they jumped through to try to justify this.
Justice Roberts who wrote the decision said, I suspect most of you were surprised to learn that one brake light only is required in North Carolina, even if you are from North Carolina.
My question would be, don't the cops understand what the law is?
Can they not count to two?
Why would they if they're going to pull somebody over and then search the car and then find something else?
To me that is a stop-and-frisk type of intimidation and when you combine that Paul with your article here about the beware program that is being subsidized for local police departments by the federal government they give
$36,000 a year to pay for this for the local police department.
When you put that together, is somebody going to run a beware score on you to get some kind of a threat assessment and then use that as a reason to pull you over?
Of course they will!
Well, exactly.
The most chilling aspect of it for me is the recent purchases.
I mean, will that include gun purchases?
Will they say you're stockpiling weapons and ammunition and that's a reason to go and case your house or slap a GPS device on your vehicle?
I mean, it's completely open-ended, the abuse that this could lead to.
And again, we have to keep emphasising we're not anti-cop.
We're anti-corrupt cop.
That's the whole idea.
This is reflecting badly on the legitimate, genuine police officers across the country because this corruption is not being stamped out and it's only being encouraged by the fact that the majority of these high-profile cases, the police officers in question, never get in trouble.
So it never discourages this kind of behaviour.
Well, we're pro due process.
And that's why when I look at something like the Supreme Court decision where they say you don't have to have a reason to do it, when the Constitution talks about having a reasonable cause, they're talking about it in the context of going before a judge.
It doesn't mean, as we use it in modern parlance, reasonable says, well, I think that that's plausible.
No, it means you have a reason.
You're going to go to a judge and you're going to say,
This is what I'm looking for.
This is why I'm looking for it.
This is where I'm going to look for it.
And he gives you a search warrant.
And when we take that away, we are in a police state.
And we can see the effects of this.
We can see how the federal government, just looking at the name of this program that you're talking about here, Paul, the Beware program.
Everything is there to scare the cops, to make them adversaries of the public, to ramp up the threat, and now they're assigning these scores to individuals.
I mean, somebody who works within that company contacted me and said that everybody who works on that program
Well they were all freaked out by it and they're trying to convince their superiors to abandon it.
So even the people actually working on it see how chilling it is.
And then if we could shift into this other article which is the MRAP situation.
Obviously we had the exclusive video out of Spokane, Washington where the sheriff's deputy said on tape
We've got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition.
They have weapons here locally.
That was the quote.
We put it out on InfoWars.
And then the Spokane County Sheriff, Ozzy Knezovich, if I'm pronouncing that right, made this bizarre nine-minute video in which he did everything in his power while failing completely to shift the focus away from the comments made by the Sheriff's deputy
And blame us for reporting on the issue.
Apparently now it's our fault that the Sheriff's Deputy made these offensive comments.
And we're hate-mongering for drawing attention to it.
I guess that puts us at the red level, doesn't it, Paul?
But there is, at first they came out, they had no comment.
Mikhail, when he posted that story, he got a comment from an elected official in the area who thought it was outrageous, after he'd looked at the video.
The video is outrageous, but it's evidence of the way they're being trained by the FBI, by the Department of Homeland Security.
And they came out and said it was taken out of context.
It's not taken out of context.
Look at the video!
He's just going on and on about his wonderful new military toy that he's got, and the lady asked him, why do you need that here?
And he says, because of Constitutionalism.
Because people have weapons.
People have ammunition.
That's why we need this.
And the Sheriff's rant, I mean he claimed we were taking it out of context because we didn't play all the other interviews with all the other officers, but his main point of contention, the context that we should have given it according to him, and this makes absolutely no sense so it proves he has no case whatsoever, is the fact that the woman who filmed the clip
claimed that they had the MRAP tanks, the armored vehicles out at this event to desensitize the children who were at this charity event to a militarized police state.
He said that because we didn't include what she said in the video, that that somehow invalidates the offensiveness of what the sheriff's deputy said.
It doesn't matter what she said!
I mean, she could have said that the MRAP was being used to smuggle in, you know, little green men from outer space.
It's not about what she said.
That's not the context.
The context of the clip are those comments in which the sheriff's deputy said, yeah, we need armored vehicles to deal with constitutionalists and people stockpiling weapons, which again translates as gun owners.
So it was a bizarre rant.
They should have just come out and apologized.
I mean, the best thing they could have done is probably ignore it, because now there's a huge protest taking place on Saturday outside the Spokane Police Department.
Yeah, talk about that.
Talk about the protest that's being set up for Saturday.
But instead of making an apology and de-escalating the situation, this sheriff merely said that the sheriff's deputy was cautioned for his choice of words, okay?
Not the actual meaning and content of his words, his choice of words.
They failed to issue any kind of apology, they didn't retract any of it, and they blamed us for reporting on it.
And then the sheriff goes on in this nine-minute clip, which is in the InfoWars article,
To justify these comments made by the Sheriff's Deputy by implying that Americans are a violent threat towards police.
And again, look at the stats.
Violent attacks against police are down.
Violent crimes in general in America are down 40%.
You cannot justify the purchase or the acquisition of these armoured vehicles by citing violence against police because statistically it's not a case that you can make.
There was the other example.
This is not an isolated case.
We had the purchase of a Bearcat armored vehicle in Concord, New Hampshire last year.
The police chief justified the purchase of that vehicle by stating that it was needed to deal with sovereign citizens, free staters and Occupy New Hampshire activists.
So basically that's
Libertarians and left-wingers, the armoured vehicles are needed to deal with people's political free speech.
So this is a nationwide issue.
It's not an isolated example.
And that's why, rightly, people are up in arms over these comments.
That's why there's a protest taking place.
That is the issue.
That the sheriff needs to address and apologize for, not make some bizarre claim that we didn't include the context of this woman's comments who was filming the police officer, why that had anything to do with it whatsoever, which is what basically he rambled on about for nine minutes in this YouTube clip, making absolutely no sense whatsoever.
The context of this is what's happening coming out of Homeland Security.
We know that this sheriff's deputy didn't just come up with constitutionalists on his own.
We know that's what they're being trained for.
We know that's what they were doing across the country in New Hampshire.
This is Washington State, and we've seen it in all points in between.
This is something that is coming out of Washington.
We've seen the documents that they release, and we've seen the outrage in New Hampshire, for example,
From the marine colonel who eventually came to Austin and spoke in our studio here.
Alex interviewed him.
You can go back and take a look at that interview.
He was absolutely outraged at the town hall meeting that they would equip their soldiers better than he, as a marine colonel, had his soldiers equipped in a foreign war.
He said, what is this for?
And it is outrageous.
And this sheriff, if he's trying to tell us that this is something that was just a poor choice of words,
That is very disingenuous because we know that those are the terms and those are the methods that they're using to try to militarize the police, to try to build this perception of threat.
We see that from this article, we've seen it from the scenarios that they've had in the past, and we've seen it from the entire program, this entire 1033 program.
He cites the recent case, tragic though it was, of this cop that got killed by these two sovereign citizens who draped him in a Gadsden flag, which was horrible and tragic.
What he doesn't tell you is the fact that
Americans are nine times more likely to get killed by police officers than terrorists.
5,000 Americans have been killed since 9-11.
And again, violent crime against police is going down, as it's going down generally across the country.
So the threat is not Americans against police.
That threat is diminishing.
The threat is violent and militarized police officers, as we've seen.
And then there was another bizarre comment that he gave to the Spokesman Review.
That he was reluctant to take the video from Infowars seriously because of the conspiracy theories posted on the site.
So again, he's trying to shift all the focus away from the comments made by the Sheriff's Deputy and transpose it onto other content that's posted on our website as if that has anything whatsoever to do with this specific video clip.
Shoot the messenger.
Don't respond to what his officer said, but just try to attack us individually, personally.
Yeah, and then the campaign there in Spokane, why they're having this protest partly, and the representative will be there as well, is they're trying to get them to send back these modified assault rifles and these MRAP tanks.
The Sheriff's argument for not sending them back is because they were obtained for free.
That's his main argument as to why they shouldn't be sent back.
Not because they're intimidating, that they escalate hostility and tension between the population and the police department, but because just because they got them for free, that means they should keep them and continue to use them.
They got them for free like people would get a white elephant for free from the Raja in India.
They have to maintain those vehicles.
They do not get them title turned over to them.
They are loaned to them by the Department of Defense.
They have to maintain them.
Those are very expensive vehicles to maintain.
That cost is going to be borne by the local people.
But Paul, it's really about a campaign of terrorism.
It's about striking fear and intimidation into the heart of the people.
And this, both of these articles, this social media, looking at social media posts to determine the threat score of suspects,
Telling the police that the population is a threat to them, evaluating people, giving them a score based on their purchasing activities, based on their political beliefs, and then doing things like telling people we're looking out for constitutionalists.
All of this is about terrorizing the public, displaying this massive amount of force.
It used to really
It used to be something that only the Soviet Union and Communist China did.
They would have their May Day parades and they would run the big equipment down the streets on May Day to intimidate the population, to show what big bullies they are.
Now we have this being done by all of our local police departments at the behest of the Department of Defense, who loans them these things that have to be maintained by the local citizens.
And just read what the Police Chief Duval said in New Hampshire.
Free Staters are basically just Libertarians.
They're not connected to any violence whatsoever.
And then, you know, neither are Occupy New Hampshire.
It's just left-wing protesters.
That was the justification.
This is to police political free speech in America.
This is why they're buying the armoured vehicles.
Now it's on record.
Yes, absolutely.
Yeah, you look at things that the quote-unquote terrorists, the free-staters do.
They go around and they pay people's parking meters when they expire.
That's a Robin Hood program that they've got in Keene, New Hampshire.
That's the kind of threat to the police state that they are.
They basically cut off the police state's revenue coming from parking tickets.
But they're not terrorists.
And they're coming after people, as you said, Paul, because of their political affiliations, because of the way they're being profiled.
This is extremely dangerous, because we know about how our government uses SWAT teams, in many cases, against even the people that they're not looking for.
Not only against innocent people, but against the people who they're not even looking for.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
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All the leaves are brown.
And the sky is grey.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin, joined by Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
We're talking about the articles that Paul has up about the police using social media posts to profile American citizens, assign a threat score to them based on purchases, based on political beliefs, based on comments that they make on social media, as well as the fallout from the video that was posted from
A Spokane deputy bragging about what he needed his MRAP for to use it against constitutionalists who have guns and ammunition.
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Now Paul, as we were talking in the last segment about what's happening with the police state,
I wanted to go in this very last segment back to your comments yesterday.
We were talking about the media narrative and how they were deliberately trying to walk back against attaching this terrorist event in Sydney to ISIS or to anything that was political.
We see this happening today with Obama failing to blame the Taliban for the mass school murder in Pakistan.
Now, what he did, he did not use the name Taliban.
Instead, he referred to them as terrorists.
He said they're going to support the government of Pakistan, its efforts to combat terrorism and extremism, but not mentioning the Taliban.
What do you make of that?
Well, I mean, we've seen that before with Obama, but again, I think it's tied to the fact that, you know, his Afghanistan and Pakistan policies being a complete failure and these drone strikes have created more radicalised extremists in the region, so that's one reason why you would want to avoid that word, but...
Yeah, if he talks about the Taliban, if he talks about the Taliban, people might say, but wait, I thought those are the people that we spent a trillion dollars to eradicate out of Afghanistan.
You mean the people that we spent a trillion dollars to defeat in Afghanistan just murdered 120 plus people in a school?
Exactly, and it's similar to the Australian case, because as I explained yesterday, after it came out who the individual responsible was, the media narrative kind of shied away from the fact that he was inspired by ISIS.
A lot of the media reports ignored entirely the fact that he got these hostages to say this is an ISIS attack on Australia.
He demanded an ISIS flag.
Yet the media subsequently shifted almost instantly to blame it on a lone nut with mental issues that was out on bail for a criminal matter.
So it was interesting how that shifted when it came out that this guy had actually been brought into the country by the Australian government.
They'd given him political asylum and used him as a spokesperson to demonize the Iranian government.
So they were quite reticent to identify the true motives that this perpetrator had when it came out that he actually was inspired by ISIS, which of course grew as a result of the Obama administration and other governments destabilization of Syria.
So we see that happening over and over again now.
Yeah, we see that we are allying ourselves with rebels in Syria.
You and I have both talked about that.
Alex has talked about it.
And of course, in the Middle East, we're allying ourselves with Saudi Arabia, who has beheaded more people than ISIS has as well.
And we have an article up on Infowars.com.
That Saudi Arabia is now reportedly going to have a death penalty for smuggling Bibles.
Thank you so much for joining us, Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
In the next hour, we're going to be talking to author Marin Katuska about his book, The Colder War, laying out the dangers ahead of us economically and with war.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
On this Tuesday, December 16th, 2014, I'm David Knight, your host today.
I'm going to be joined in the next segment by Maren Katusa, who wrote The Colder War.
This is a very fascinating book, because for me, a lot of these events, I was aware of them, I remembered them, I didn't have them in a timeline, in a context.
And I want to read to you, because I found this to be absolutely amazing, the false flag techniques that Vladimir Putin used to hoist himself to the top.
This is something that parallels exactly what has happened with our government so many times in the last decade.
Now, there were four, they had a previous war with Chechnya that basically left the Soviet Union embarrassed and looking ineffective.
He used a second Chechen war to make himself look very strong and powerful as a leader.
It was a short war, even though the conflict stretched on for a long time.
They declared victory very early, kind of like Bush with his mission accomplished.
But I want to read to you what led up to this.
Now, this is from the book, The Colder War.
They said, the first of four closely spaced terrorist attacks came September 4th, 1999 in Dagestan.
Now, that would be in Chechnya.
There was a bomb that leveled a barracks that was housing Russian soldiers and their families.
64 Russian men, women and children were killed.
Five days later, there was a bombing in Moscow, this time an apartment building.
The working-class neighborhood in the city's southeast had a device that had been stashed on the building's ground floor, brought down all eight floors, and killed 94 residents as they slept.
Now, here's the key.
Within hours, the Russian government officials all but certified that Chechen terrorists were responsible, and calls for retaliation came from all political quarters.
Instead of treating the site as an active crime scene, however,
And sifting through the ruins, what did the Russian authorities do?
They razed the building just days after the blast and hauled the rubble away to a municipal dump.
Where have you seen that happen before?
To an FSB storehouse.
Not the FBI's storehouse like we do here, but this is the FSB.
Nothing was left for examination by third parties.
Then four days later, authorities were called early in the morning to check on suspicious activity outside another apartment building on Moscow's outskirts.
They left about 2 a.m.
not finding anything.
They didn't notice a massive bomb in the building which exploded three hours later at 5 a.m.
in the morning.
A nine-story building collapsed.
121 died.
Then came something very odd.
A speaker of the Duma, Russia's lower parliamentary house, relayed to the Parliament a report that he just received that an apartment building 700 miles south of Moscow had been blown up the previous night.
Not in Moscow, but in a different location.
Okay, so what happens is, that didn't happen yet.
That happened later.
Shades of the BBC announcing that Building 7 had collapsed.
Now, it said that it seemed no more than an inconsequential blunder until three days later, an apartment building in the city that he had named was indeed blown up.
And so a Duma member asked, how did it happen that you told us on Monday about a blast that didn't occur until Thursday?
That a white car pulled up and two guys get out, go into the basement, and leave large sacks.
They call the police, who then discovered three 110-pound sacks wired to a detonator and a timer in the basement.
They quickly evacuated the building.
A local explosive expert was called in to disarm the device.
He determined that they contained an explosive, RDX, powerful enough to bring down the entire building, as we've seen before.
In the meantime, they blocked all the roads leading out of this town.
Acting Prime Minister Putin flexed his rhetorical muscles, he says, and congratulated the residents for the vigilance.
The Russian Interior Minister chimed in, lauded recent improvements, and then they found out they actually arrested the guys.
And they were with the FSB.
They were their CIA.
Then they changed the story.
They said, we were just testing your vigilance.
Do you see how this happens?
It's called a false flag.
It's used over and over again by every government.
We're going to talk to the author of that, Marin Katusa, right after the break.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today...
And we're going to be talking to Marin Katusa, the author of The Colder War.
If you don't hear the previous segment based on your radio station, if they're carrying the news in the previous segment, I would suggest that you look at the online version of what I covered.
It was a very interesting chronology of the way that Putin used false flags to essentially ascend to power.
A lot of parallels to what goes on in this country, or maybe even better yet, by the book.
This book is a page turner.
I really enjoyed it.
It has, it puts a lot of events that I remember vaguely.
It brings them back, freshens them up, puts them in a timeline, and more importantly, puts them in a much larger context.
Let's go to, is Marin on the line now?
Okay, let's go to Marin Katusa, the author of The Colder War.
He works for Casey Research.
He is an economics advisor.
He has a newsletter there as well.
You manage a hedge fund, don't you?
It's one of the largest in Western Canada.
Yes, and I tell you what, you certainly know the context, and we've seen massive moves in the last couple of weeks.
We've seen the U.S.
Congress move to cover derivatives for the banks, something that has massive implications for U.S.
But we also see this massive move by Saudi Arabia to not cut production in the face of falling energy prices, essentially creating a lot of problems for Russia already.
We see that the ruble has fallen 20 percent.
They have raised their interest rates to 17 percent.
Talk about that a little bit.
You're nailing all these right on the head.
Congratulations to you because your viewers are getting information that they're not getting in the mainstream media.
What a lot of people, if you want a breaking story, what my sources in Russia are now telling me that actually Lavrov, who's the equivalent of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the Russians,
As basically stated and warned that the Russians, because now they view Crimea as part of Russia, they're going to be moving nuclear weapons there and according to the Russian strategy, if you want to talk about false flags, here's the ultimate false flag, where now the Russians are going to be moving
We're good to go.
Yes, the oil price has gone down for Russia but what's important to understand is the ruble price
I think so.
You know, one of the things that I'm concerned about is putting the American taxpayer on the hook for insuring, through the FDIC program, the derivatives market.
Because there's already been reports that a lot of oil futures are going to be essentially worthless.
Already that's happening.
As the future market starts to tumble, that's going to spread out, as we've seen in the past, to other commodities, as well as we're already seeing to the currency in Russia.
And of course that's going to continue to spread to the larger stock market.
It is the biggest risk right now to the North American markets that nobody's talking about.
At the end of the chapter in our book, The Cold War, we get into exactly that.
Why to understand the derivatives is so important.
And this really is nuclear economic weapons of mass destruction.
That who's regulating this?
Which banks are going to be vulnerable?
And Americans need to understand, is your personal savings at risk here?
And I'm telling you, the implosion of the debt and the derivatives markets on the US shale, everyone's thinking that it's the Russians that are suffering.
The US shale sector is significantly suffering at $55 oil, so there's a lot of risks out there.
Oh, absolutely.
And to me, it looks like a massive economic war, of course, has already broken out with what's going on with the oil.
That's Putin's base.
He's built his country, as you pointed out.
His master plan is to base the country on natural resources.
So when they attack that, meanwhile, Putin
Is attacking the petrodollar, which has essentially been the big leverage that America has had in terms of being the world's economy.
Let's go back and talk, let's kind of run this out.
Talk about how this is not something that started with the Cold War.
This is what you point out is called the Great Game, going back to Rudyard Kipling.
This is something that's been going on with Russia and the West for a long time.
Talk about that a little bit.
So let's bring it back to when, you know, it was the Western world that discovered oil in the Middle East.
And if you go to Iran and understand the history, we go through all that in the Cold War.
The British, that's where they secured all their oil for World War II was through Iran and then the Americans came in in the 50s and they overthrew the existing regime and then it backfired on them so then they moved over to Saudi Arabia.
Now, when the oil crisis in the early 70s happened, America was faced with a double attack.
First of all, oil prices quadrupled essentially in a few months and the second one was when the French
Basically called the US dollar and wanted their gold back.
Nixon had no choice but to close the gold window.
So now Kissinger had to come up with a plan.
And what he devised was he went to Saudi Arabia and said, look, this is what we need to do.
We can guarantee your family, the house Assad, a long lasting regime.
But this is what you need to do.
You can only sell your oil in terms of US dollars.
And then you have to reinvest those those currency that
Those reserves back into the U.S.
dollar and with Saudi Arabia's the most powerful producer of the OPEC nations, then you had Kuwait, follow Qatar, UAE and other OPEC nations.
So that's the beginning of the petrodollar and that has been very important to the average way of life of the average American that a lot of people don't realize is now at risk.
So what they did essentially was they offered a protection racket, just as governments and gangsters typically do.
They say, we're going to protect you in exchange for our protection, our military weapons, and we're going to make sure that your company, that your country, I guess you could call it a company, that your country remains secure and that the House of Saud essentially stays in control here.
We're going to do everything we can with the CIA, with the military-industrial complex to protect you.
In return,
We're going to make sure that you price oil in dollars and then you take all the money that you get and you bank it at the Federal Reserve.
So then we've got the CIA as well as the Federal Reserve, our two organizations that we're not allowed to audit.
Both there and supporting the House of Saud, and of course, Prince Bandar, 22 years as an ambassador to the United States, now head of the Saudi intelligence service, pushing very heavily for us to get involved in a war in Syria, promising that Saudi Arabia would even pay our expenses if we would go to war in Syria.
This is essentially somebody that is tied in as a proxy for the CIA, a proxy for the Federal Reserve in this area, is it?
You've nailed it.
That's exactly what it is.
And, you know, Saudi Arabia really is a family corporation.
When I traveled to Kuwait and went to Iraq, it really is a small, rich class, and then it's all the workers, and there's workers from, you know, India, Thailand, across the world, and they have no voting rights.
Even though they try to say, you know, that everyone's equal, it really isn't.
And it's really a shame that
The Americans are exposed that that's who your allies are.
It really is a suppressed society.
And you look at what's going on here, even with Syria, where Obama has failed foreign policy, he was backing the exact individuals which today are ISIS.
This is really, if you wanted to write a book about failed foreign policy, all you have to do is just write a summary of what Obama's done in the last six years.
And it's sadly what every American needs to know.
The worst possible outcome of a failed US foreign policy is Obama's pushed
Russia and China closer together than the last hundred years combined and that is the worst possible aspect and that's part of what we're calling the Cold War.
I think so.
Putin is going to attack the petrodollar is using BRICS.
The Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
He's going to use them to go around the American dollar and essentially take the American dollar away from being the world's reserve currency.
Is that correct?
Definitely, and I urge all your viewers to go to the Cold War website, ColdWar.com.
We've actually created videos to really make it an entertaining, but more importantly, educational aspect of what's going on right now with the Cold War.
My book made the New York Times bestseller list, and we really nail what's going on.
It's not just about China and Russia, but you look at France.
They've attacked the petrodollar.
They've turned their back on the U.S.
You look at what Canada's doing, one of the major partners in the little brother of America.
They're now doing currency swaps outside of the U.S.
You know, the secret of the petrodollar, the rest of the world's talking about it.
It's only the American government that's trying to hide it and cover it up.
Yeah, I like your book because, like I said before, it puts things into a context and it's a real page-turner.
I didn't expect to see that from an economics book.
Anybody that likes history, anybody that likes politics is really going to like this book.
I like the fact that you go back and to
Very old history and bring it up to the current level in so many different countries and in so many different ways.
And as you pointed out, of course, as everybody knows, after World War II, the US was essentially in the catbird seat.
They were untouched domestically in terms of production.
They had most of the world's manufacturing capacity, a large part of the world's gold.
And as you pointed out, as that commodity
We're good to go.
Yeah, and you know what's interesting about all this?
The average American, and you never hear about this, but you know, it's sad for people to realize that even within the U.S.
for the last 25 years, the American electricity matrix has depended about 10%.
One in every 10 homes in America is powered by Russian nuclear fuel.
Hang on, we're going to be right back.
We've got to go to commercial break with Marin Katusa, The Colder War.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 16th, 2014.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Marin Katusa.
As his bio here points out, he's one of the most successful fund managers in the energy and resource exploration sectors.
His hands-on approach has taken him around the world, and he really understands the historical context.
This is an excellent book here, The Colder War, published by Casey Publishing.
And of course, that's Doug Casey's group, and Doug Casey has been a guest here with Alex several times.
Now, just before we went to the break, Mr. Catuso, you started to talk about the U.S.
dependence on Russian oil.
Tell us about that.
Well, it's actually the Russian nuclear fuel, uranium, and it's shocking to me that, you know, last year, for example, a Russian company produced more uranium on American soil than all of the American companies combined.
That's shocking to me.
America imports 90% of the uranium it consumes, and America is the largest consumer of uranium in the world, and more importantly, 10%, 1 out of 10,
One out of every ten homes in America is powered by Russian nuclear fuel.
This is shocking.
You know, these are risks that people aren't talking about right now that Americans need to know.
It needs to be brought up to the politicians so we can change this failed foreign policy.
Energy, our access to cheap energy affects not only our lifestyle, but even our health, our longevity in any country.
You can go back and you can show that access to cheap energy is the biggest producer of wealth in any country.
Putin understands that.
He has built his global plan, as you point out in the book, on the rich natural resources of Russia, in terms of being very rich in oil and natural gas, in terms of uranium.
On the other hand, we have a president
Who, even before he came into office, said he was going to shut down the coal industry.
He said you could build it, but it's going to, you could build a coal plant, but it's going to bankrupt you.
It looks to me like what he's trying to do is bankrupt the country.
Either by design or by incompetence, the collateral damage of what Saudi Arabia is doing with the oil prices, they may be aiming that at Putin, or they may be aiming it at domestic competition from oil shale.
But either way, it is very destructive of our country's wealth, and it's something that our closest ally, Saudi Arabia, that we supposedly are protecting, is doing against us, not just against the Russians.
You've nailed it.
I'm really enjoying the show because as a host, as an interviewer, you're really hitting all of the key subjects here.
And I do hundreds of these interviews a year.
And it's very rare that someone actually understands this to depth you do.
And what's really critical here is exactly as you stated, I see OPEC with Russia and the U.S.
production in a three-way war.
It's about market share.
And what's critical to the petrodollar, U.S.
went from the largest customer
To OPEC and Saudi Arabia to now a major competitor to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and UAE where NGLs, natural gas liquids and condensates are now competing for Qatar and Saudi market share.
At the same time, the Russians are also competing with it.
And ironically, what's going to happen is the side effect
shale production cannot compete with Russian production or Saudi or the OPEC Gulf, the Arab states' production.
So you're going to see an implosion within the U.S.
corporate oil producers because of the debt level.
And it's going to hurt because where have all the big high-paying jobs in Obama's administration happened?
It didn't happen in his green bubble revolution, which has completely popped and failed.
It's happened in the Bakken, where it's the lowest employment rates in America.
It's happened in the Eagleford.
It's the American energy revolution that has caused these high-paying jobs.
And these high-paying jobs are at risk.
And of course, Maren, I just read yesterday on the news here, there was an article from The Telegraph in the UK talking about, well, this falling oil price is going to be good for us in the short term as consumers at the gas pump, but you know, we're going to have to keep level or maybe even increase rates to consumers for heating their homes because we're going to have to subsidize our renewable resources.
So they're not even going to pass along a temporary savings because we know this is temporary.
Thank you.
And Germany's even in a worse situation than the UK.
Look at Germany.
A lot of people don't realize that in the last decade they've actually increased their oil imports from the former USSR by over 52%.
You look at their gas imports.
Germany needs the Russian oil and gas to keep its economy going, and Germany's the economic engine of Europe.
So Europe is so vulnerable here.
Well, you know, one of the things that we'll talk about, we're running out of time for this segment, we've got to go to a break, and we're going to come back and talk about Putin, because one of the things I liked about your book is it isn't a hagiography, and it isn't a cartoon demon characterization of Putin.
You show how he's dangerous, how he's competitive, how his interests do not lie, but compete with ours in many ways.
I want to talk about that, and I want to talk about the pet
You've got a chapter on post-petrodollar.
We'll talk about that after we come back with Marin Katusa.
The book is The Colder War.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I have Mayor Katusa on the line and we're talking about his book, The Colder War.
A fascinating book that really gives you a background as to what's happening with this developing Cold War that is right now in a full-on economic war.
We're going to talk about the rise of Putin as well as the coming fall of the petrodollar in just a moment.
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Now, before the break, Maren, we were talking about
I said I wanted to cover Putin's rise, as well as the petrodollar.
But before we get to that, I wanted to get your comments as a fund manager about what's going on.
I just saw a notice that ComEx is going to implement gold and silver price limit collars.
Effective on the 21st, they're going to limit price fluctuations, will kick in at $100 moves in gold and $3 moves in silver.
What are they concerned about?
Looks like the Russian currency is crumbling.
We've got derivatives and oil that are coming in.
It looks like a very unstable time, doesn't it?
It really is, and as an investor, whether you're a fund manager or even at a retail level, for all the mom-pops out there, what you have to understand is it's not true capitalism, as Bud Conrad, an economist at Casey Research, says.
It's about interventions and understanding what's going on.
So if you look at Obama's administration, I would sum it up as he has increased the debt of the American government by over 50% under his watch, and he's made the worst decisions.
So I call it financial heroin.
He's made the system addicted to finance.
And the worst thing for your viewers to have is going into the next evolution and sector of this Cold War is to be exposed to the debt.
Because look what the Russians are going through right now.
If your interest rates go up and you're exposed to margin calls or increased volatility, be very careful.
And that's why the derivatives, when you mentioned them earlier, are so critical.
Because as the petrodollar does collapse, and it will,
Then you get the derivatives kicking, and who's going to control this?
We're talking about quadrillions of dollars, numbers that people can't even fathom.
We're in uncharted territory here.
And we're already seeing oil derivatives coming under a lot of pressure.
Many of them are already worthless.
People are scrambling to cover that.
I mean, it's just the coming tidal wave of economic problems, to me, is just, it's very apparent.
All these forces that are building up at the end of the year right now.
Very, very worrying.
Let's talk for a moment about Vladimir Putin before we talk about the consequences.
You've got a chapter in your book called Post-Petrodollar.
I want to talk about the consequences of what happens when we lose the petrodollar here in America.
But let's talk about Putin.
Talk about his rise to power.
What makes this guy tick?
Well, it's not money.
You know, when you look at a lot of politicians, he's the exact opposite of Obama.
What Putin truly believes is his mission on Earth is to bring Russia back to its previous greatness under Peter the Great.
You know, a good ideology of him is when he came into power, you know, he was the head of basically what we call the old KGB.
This guy is a Soviet trained, he's brilliant, but he's driven by national pride.
Let me give an anecdote from your book.
You pointed out that his grandfather, who essentially mentored him, was somebody who was a cook for Lenin and then Stalin.
He managed to survive the purges and there were even rumors that he was with the NKVD.
This is a guy that had a lot of influence on him at an early age.
He, Putin, went to the KGB and wanted to know what he could do.
And you report in his book that they told him, well, the best thing you could do if you want to get in the KGB is get a law degree.
And they came looking for him when he went to law school and recruited him at the age of 22.
This is a guy who wanted, he was...
Caught up in the James Bond type of espionage stuff.
They had their own version of it in Russia.
He was caught up in that.
He got very interested in martial arts.
Wanted to be a KGB person.
He's got a much different, longer term point of view than Obama, doesn't he?
I think so.
Better than ever before.
And the Western markets, you know, the old allies of the U.S.
are trying to sit here going, well, we can't do what the Americans want anymore.
For example, Germany was really being pushed by the American sanctions onto Russia, but now Germany's painted in a corner.
So really, Obama's isolated his allies, and more importantly, has pushed his enemies closer together.
You point out that as we enact these trade sanctions, we're essentially throwing fire on the de-dollarization in terms of removing the dollar as reserve currency.
Explain that.
Sanctions are just another form of war.
Everyone's going to lose in a sanction.
And, you know, it's sad that it's got to go that way because there's so many better alternatives.
But the sanctions are going to come.
Back and they've already backfired on the German economy.
It's starting to backfire on other European economies.
And remember, winter's coming and Eastern Europe and Western Europe depends about a third of its natural gas on Russia.
Russia's not down and out.
Never underestimate the Russians.
They have survived things that most people can't even fathom.
And Obama is underestimating.
You know, remember when in the debate with Romney, when Romney said Russia is our greatest threat and Obama laughed and said, what are you talking about?
The Cold War ended 20 years ago.
Obama's completely
Yeah, absolutely.
And so is the American public, too.
They don't remember, as you point out in your book, you said at one time Ukraine was Russia.
At the beginning of the interview you pointed out that it looks like Putin is going to move nuclear weapons into Crimea.
They're not about to let Crimea go, are they?
No, definitely.
There's four key critical elements that is about Crimea.
First of all, over 90% of the people are Russian and Russian-speaking.
So if you understand Putin's strategy, what I call the Slavic warrior mentality, he's not going to let any Russian be suppressed or be threatened.
More importantly, it's about the gas pipeline.
Second, the offshore oil and gas deposits.
It's a deep sea warm port, which is very important for Russia's military.
And fourth, the key critical part that no media is talking about is if Crimea stayed in even Ukraine or eastern Ukraine, Ukraine could now import
We're good.
You point out in your book you go back to the Rose Revolution in Georgia talking about how at that time South Ossetia and another territory tried to secede from Georgia and of course at that point in time we were against self-rule and self-government just as we've seen with the Ukraine situation you know we are for Ukraine seceding from the Soviet well from Russia and then we oppose Crimea seceding from the Ukraine I mean there's absolutely cannot
Make a coherent argument for this.
It's just naked power politics that they're playing here with the energy that's going on here.
Draw some parallels between the Rose Revolution and what we have just seen in the Ukraine with the Maiden Revolution.
Sure, so the Rose was first and it was really funded by the NGOs, American money, Western money coming in and it was the beginning but at the time Putin didn't yet solidify, he didn't take on the oligarchs yet at the time, he didn't control the domestic Russian oil and gas and resources.
So he kind of stayed put and let things develop.
Then we had the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and that was
That was very important.
That really showed a shift.
And now the main revolution is really the EU versus Russia and the EU is backed by America.
And it's really the American incentive to fight the Russian foreign politics here.
It's a retaliation that most people in the West did not expect because they thought Putin would back down.
That is not the situation.
And if you want to compare it to, let's say, the former Yugoslav Republic of Kosovo,
You know, where America defended Kosovo is exactly what Russia is now doing for their side.
So, you know, we've been seeing flip-flop politics and there's a lot of flags of awareness and failed foreign policy on the Western sides.
And remember, Putin's going to do exactly what's best for Russia's long-term strategy.
If it means going to economic war or physical war or supplying weapons or moving the nuclear weapons into Crimea, Putin won't think twice about it.
He's got a long-term plan, and part of that long-term plan includes moving into the Arctic, doesn't it?
That's where the world-class deposits are.
Oh, definitely.
And it's ironic that even though there were sanctions against Russia from the US, Exxon, America's largest oil producer, was still moving forward and doing the offshore development.
And they didn't pull out.
They got an exception to complete that well because according to the terms of the contract, if Exxon backed out, they would lose billions of barrels of oil.
So it's in Exxon's best interest to work with Russia.
Exxon wants to work with Russia.
It's all about the future world class deposits.
And you know, Exxon and other major American oil companies have realized that the political instability in the Middle East where other world class oil deposits not worth the risk.
So there's not many places around the world that you can get billions of barrels of deposits.
And Russia's definitely one of the most important countries for oil, natural gas and uranium.
You point out in your book that in the Arctic there's estimated to be 200 billion barrels, over 10% of the world's total.
And you also point out that there's a lot of different competing claims.
Canada's got claims there, U.S., Norway, even Denmark.
Just this last couple of days, Denmark made a claim that they own the North Pole.
I guess we should let Santa Claus know.
You know, who would you want to back on that?
Russia with Putin or Canada with Harvard?
Yeah, I think if a push comes to shove, and it probably will, I think Russia's going to go there.
But you make another point here that I wasn't aware of.
After 13 years of wrangling, the UN's Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf awarded Russia jurisdiction over a 20,000 square mile area in the Sea of Akhosh, I guess is how you pronounce that.
But basically, they've already had the UN side with their territorial claims.
Oh definitely and more importantly what no one's realizing is Russia is the world's largest country from just a landmass and they haven't even started their unconventional oil and gas development.
They're just going for the easy conventional stuff.
So Russia is so powerful and the emerging markets have realized that with Russia it's about business.
There's no political agenda.
There's no moral religious agenda.
The Russians want to do business with China, and that's the deal, and now they're pushed together.
Dealing with the Americans, look, Germany's realized the spying events that's happened under Obama's administration, the Chinese have realized it, and you know, unfortunately, all of this has come to fruition, and the failed foreign policy has proven to be worse than we all expected it would be.
So, America, unfortunately, has painted itself in a corner, and really, it's going to need
I don't
Claim on everybody's information.
I think that has left a stitch on the American government that is not going to be erased until we do something very visible, very tangible to pull that back out.
I want to talk about another area and that of course is Africa.
And we saw the Bilderberg Group a couple years ago talking about how their big pushes were going to be big data.
That was before we saw the Ed Snowden leaks.
And also Africa.
We see AFRICOM being created as recently as 2007.
So the U.S.
is definitely interested in the natural resources of Africa.
But of course, Putin, who bases all of his plans on natural resources, is very interested in Africa.
Talk about that.
Oh, definitely.
It ends with the Chinese.
The Russian and Chinese are working together and they are literally two decades ahead of America when it comes to the infrastructure, the deposits.
The largest onshore oil discovery in the world in the last decades was a company Doug Casey and I were involved with and they proved up, you know, billions of barrels of oil on Eastern Africa and Kenya.
It's called the East African Rift.
And ironically, when you go there,
It literally looked like a pic out of a James Bond movie where they're all wearing their orange overalls and they're happy to work and they're all Asians.
You don't see North American companies working there.
It's all Russian and Chinese drillers, Russian and Chinese geophysics.
You know, China's been there.
They're going to write the infrastructure checks.
They're moving forward for the development because it's about a secure supply and the Russians and Chinese are planning for 20, 30, 40 years out to keep their economies going.
Oh, absolutely, and of course we had Obama go and make his agreement with China that we were going to, over 11 years, cut our energy use by 25%, but China's going to be allowed to continue to expand for 16 years unabated, at which point they won't have a cut, but they'll have a cap.
It's okay for them under, I guess, we're not concerned about global warming, it's only a concern when it is something that is generated by the U.S.
or Western governments.
You know, it's ironic.
You bring up a brilliant point here that reminded me.
During the APEC conference, Obama made a big deal about the CO2 contracts and the limitations.
And in our Western media, they really try to portray Obama as a true foreign icon with his presidency.
If you read the Chinese papers, it was almost a mockery where Xi Jinping, the president of China, came out and said, look, Obama, calm down, tiger.
You fill a sea by drops at a time.
We're still in drops here.
Take your time.
Let's not make a big deal out of this contract.
But from the Western media, the APEC conference was all about this agreement where the Chinese kind of completely thought nothing of it.
I guess that's one of the things that really strikes me about your book, Marin, and that is the fact that Putin is very methodical, taking a long view, not only just for himself, but also for his country.
He's actually doing things to help Russia.
It's not in America's best interest, the things that he's doing, but he's actually working to help his country.
We have leaders who look to be actively undermining, actively trying to bankrupt our country, whether it's with open borders and a Cloward and Piven strategy, or whether it's taking down our energy production or taxing away our energy use.
It seems like our own government is our worst enemy.
But let's talk about one of your final chapters, I think it is your final chapter here, Post-Petrodollar America.
You point out that the decline of the British pound took 30 years and two world wars, and to unwind the empire took longer.
Is that going to happen with the United States?
Or maybe, as you think, there's going to be factors that argue that the undoing of the dollar will be very abrupt and very disturbing.
Tell us how you think that's going to play out, and why you think that's going to be abrupt and massive.
It's going to be very disturbing for those who are not prepared and protected.
You need insurance, whether you have health insurance or car insurance.
You never plan on using it, but when you need it, that's when you want it.
And it's all about preparing and basically preventing being exposed to the derivative defaults, the collapse of the petrodollar.
And it's actually quite simple to do so.
Number one, live within your means and stay out of massive debt and don't leverage yourself.
Number two, have a little bit of gold exposure, physical gold, because that is an
We're good to go.
Literally, the average way of life for the American is going to be cut in half overnight and everyone's going to sit there and going, what happened?
Except those who are prepared for it.
And as you point out, we have the world's largest military.
We've taken a hit in most other aspects of our productivity.
We had our manufacturing base decimated.
Yet we have a massive military.
And of course, when people see their lifestyle cut in half, as you just mentioned, they're going to look for an enemy outside of the country.
And that's when things are going to get hot.
Stay with us, we've got one more segment with Marin, and he'll be right back with his book, The Colder War.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Marin Katusa of Casey Research and his book, The Colder War.
I would highly recommend this book.
It's a very interesting read.
Any student of history or politics, anybody who wants to get an understanding of what I think are
Are things that are on the horizon.
We've seen a lot of very ominous signs.
We've seen Russia's central bank hiking key interest rates in just the last day or so to 17%.
That's their interest rate.
They've seen their currency tumble by 20%.
We see Goldman Sachs, this is a headline up on Infowars.com, Goldman Sachs says oil prices can go lower for much longer.
And that the oil prices reveal cracks in our economy.
Of course, even though we see cheap oil, we're not seeing the economy responding to this.
It's still laying there, not doing anything.
But the Saudis are going to keep producing, and that is something that is aimed directly at American production and independence of oil.
It also is something that is hurting Russia.
And of course, Vladimir Putin is determined to use his alliances to destroy
The Petrodollar are essentially our reserve currency.
Now one of the things that you have here in your post Petrodollar chapter here, Marin, is called the bomb in your basement.
We talked at the beginning of the hour, we talked about how Putin rose to power with false flags, bombs being placed in
We're good to go.
It is so risky.
I'm shocked that the media hasn't talked more about this.
This individual piece of legislation is essentially the world's strongest economic weapon of mass destruction that has been created ever.
The risks across the board to your pension funds, to the government from the state to federal level, this truly is a shocking element.
And yet, who does the government put the blame on?
On the working class citizen who's going to have to write unlimited checks.
Who's regulating these derivative markets?
People don't even understand.
I used to teach calculus in a university.
These derivative markets are so complex that my colleagues who are PhDs in calculus don't understand this stuff.
It's a bunch of maverick bankers who have the Washington
It's very annoying because they're not producing anything.
They're basically shutting down in a war on people who actually produce manufactured goods, people who produce energy.
Those are the bad guys.
And yet the guys who come up with these artificial constructs, as you said, these complex derivatives, that are not tied to anything, they're not producing anything that anyone can use, it's merely a scam from these large banks.
They're the ones who are now going to get protection, and we saw at the same time that they moved the derivatives to get FDIC protection.
They also started making some moves to say that they can come after pensions and the commitments that have been made by private corporations to their employees for a long period of time.
The handwriting is on the wall.
They're coming after the entire enchilada.
They're coming after the wealth of individual Americans as well as our energy independence, aren't they?
Well, you know, Obama's not just at war with the savers and workers of America.
He's doing more for the foreigners, like Putin.
Putin couldn't have a better ally running America, and they're at war together.
So, Obama's doing everything wrong for the average working class, hardworking American.
And this is going to come back, and it's ironic that, you know, Obama's all about, you know, the average American.
Well, he's going to need more than hope for this.
This is going to be a true disaster.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is an excellent book.
It is a real page turner.
Guys, you can get a clip of all the different tabs that I've put in here.
I wish I had time to cover everything that we have.
You can see all those different tabs.
I wish I had time to cover all the information that's in here.
Get this book.
Read it.
It will really enhance your understanding of the background behind this.
Thank you so much.
Maren Katusa, The Colder War, available from Casey Research.
We'll be right back and we'll take your calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Very interesting interview with Maren Katusa.
The book, again, is The Colder War.
You need to get that to get a background as to what's going on.
There's all kinds of ominous signs we see in the financial markets as well as the legislation that was passed as part of the Boehner budget betrayal, I should call it.
We're going to take your calls at 800-259-9231 if you have any comments about that.
I also wanted to go over some of the news that's been happening.
We've got a couple of big trials, one that's not going to happen, another one that we are going to have
A verdict coming out soon.
We have reported from antiwar.com that the US Army today has announced that it is going to cancel a two-day pretrial hearing at Guantanamo Bay that's related to the FBI infiltration of defense teams for detainees.
They provided no reason for the cancellation.
Now the interesting thing about this is that we learned that the FBI
had infiltrated the defense teams of five different detainees and what they were doing was collecting intelligence and essentially spying on the defense teams.
Spies inside the defense teams reporting back presumably to the prosecution as to how these guys are going to defend their clients and they say the new hearing was supposed to explore what other efforts the FBI had launched but it seems now that that's not going to happen.
And we also have a report up on Infowars.com.
Political prisoner Barrett Brown to be sentenced tomorrow and this is why the results matter to freedom in America.
You need to read this article.
It's from Liberty Blitzkrieg and he points out
The Feds went after Barrett Brown in the same way they went after Aaron Schwartz.
That, they say, led to the suicide of the latter.
I'm not so sure that it was a suicide.
We see this always being called suicide.
Nevertheless, they came out with a bunch of trumped-up charges, they say, including that of copying and pasting a link.
There you go.
See, it's a crime to even link to something, and that was the key thing.
They say that charge was later dropped, but they're still threatening him with 105 years in jail.
He's now served over two years in a federal penitentiary without bail, and his sentencing is tomorrow.
He still faces 10 years in jail for exposing the shady relationship
Between intelligence contractors and the US government.
That's how bad things have gotten.
And they point out here, they said, all of this makes sense only if you understand what Barrett Brown did.
He spent the beginning of 2011 advocating for the effectiveness of anonymous as a force that could bring transparency to institutions and to government through digital protests.
But that's the last thing we want in America, isn't it?
We don't get transparency even from our local government officials.
They're all acting as if they're part of the CIA.
As if they're all James Bond.
And you know they also think they've got a license to kill.
That's exactly what the mother of the 12-year-old who was murdered by the cops as he was holding a BB gun.
And you can see the video footage.
He doesn't give him a chance.
He's not doing anything threatening to anyone.
He pulls up, jumps, the cop pulls up and jumps out of the car and shoots the kid down.
And the mother says, you're not James Bond, you don't have a license to kill, and yet we see that is what they're training the local police.
And we have an article up on Infowars.com, we talked to Paul Joseph Watson about earlier, the fallout from the video that we showed yesterday.
From Spokane, Washington, where a sheriff's deputy was bragging about his MRAP vehicle and said that when questioned why he needed something like that, said it was for the Constitutionalists.
Well now, the sheriff has posted up a very long, rambling response to that, essentially attacking InfoWars.
You can see that video, you can see the original video, you can see his response to that, and you can see our comments about that.
That video speaks for itself.
And the context is one of a government that is training law enforcement to view everyone as a threat.
To view us all as terrorists and to militarize the police department.
And we can see how petty that has become in many areas.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Again, the number is 800-259-9231.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for this hour.
We're going to go to your calls in just a moment.
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Let's go to your calls right now.
We've got someone calling from Germany.
Eric in Germany, you want to talk about Hollywood on Russia.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
Hey, David.
We all know that Hollywood has
Many, many examples of foreshadowing events that have in turn happened.
For example, the X-Files and 9-11.
And the past weekend I was watching an old movie.
It's not old, it's from last year.
It wasn't big, but it was Jack Ryan's Shadow Recruit, and there's a speech in it.
And if you were to YouTube, Jack Ryan, Zero Hedge.
It's the first thing that comes up.
I put it on Zero Hedge.
A couple days ago.
This will send chills up your spine.
It is the creepiest thing because you know whoever wrote this movie, they had some creative arts degree from Berkeley.
You know, they don't understand the foreign exchange market.
They don't understand how to use currencies as a weapon.
When you listen to the speech, for people who know how foreign exchange works, it's the creepiest thing because it's
How to destroy the American financial system.
And I'm not saying the Russians would do this to us, because the Russians, they have enough problems of their own.
They don't need to start a war with the states, but we all know that our banker oligarchs have to start a war with someone so they can distract the population from the coming bail-in, the collapse of the dollar, the collapse of the stock market, which is going to wipe out everyone's pensions.
I'll get off the phone and let you respond.
Maybe you can take a look at the video over the next break and I can give us a while we got listeners on the phone.
Give us a gist of what they do.
If you can summarize it very quickly to take down the US system.
The gist of the speech is that there will be a terrorist attack on the United States and thereafter there's a terrorist attack.
All the foreign exchange reserves held by Russia in United States treasuries are dumped into the open market.
So, for those people who don't know how the secondary bond market works, when the American government borrows money, it sells a T-bill.
And this T-bill, it doesn't just stay in someone's pocket, it's like stocks, you can buy and sell them.
So when there's a ton of these T-bills available, the price goes down, which means the interest rate on that note goes up.
So Russia right now holds well over a hundred billion dollars worth of American T-bills.
Now one thing that's interesting is earlier this year Belgium, a country that's very small, started purchasing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of American federal debt within a very very short window.
Most speculation is that it was the Russians purchasing this debt.
So let's say, hypothetically, that the Belgian purchasers plus the official Russian sovereign holdings of T-bills
The Russians have two to three hundred billion dollars in American debt.
That would put them number four behind China, Japan, and the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve.
If we were to have a terrorist attack, we all remember what happened the day when the market opened after 9-11, it went down 600 points.
If we were to have a terrorist attack, and the next day, or later that day, Russia liquidates all of their Federal Reserves,
It would be the end of the petrodollars.
We know it.
We know that Putin wants to take down the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
He's working on a swift alternative.
He is doing currency swaps.
He's got currency swaps going with New Zealand, Australia, India, China, Brazil, and South Africa right now.
He's trying to create another system that runs parallel to the dollar.
You can Google this.
CNN, Fox, Bloomberg.
It's very, very well documented, and the idea behind this movie and behind this speech is that there's a terrorist attack, they liquidate, Russia liquidates the reserves.
When the market, the Treasury Bill market, is overwhelmed with supply, the interest rate on American debt will go up.
Now, right now, the American government's paying about 2.5% to 3% to borrow money for 10 years.
A 100-year average is 5% to 7%.
So, right now, just to service the outstanding debt, the American federal debt, it's about 11% of the annual budget, or about $300 billion per year, just interest on our debt.
But this is with interest rates right now at all-time lows, 100-year lows.
What happens when this interest rate goes back to the 100-year average?
It's not, let's not say five, seven, ten, let's just say four percent.
A lot of people think, oh well, we pay two and a half, you go to four, it's not that big of a deal.
You know, it's a percentage and a half, we can afford that.
But the bond market and the way the government is able to fund itself, it doesn't work this way.
Because we're paying two and a half percent right now, on a ten year note.
And it's eleven percent of the budget.
Well you know, what's really amazing is, it's almost like, as I pointed out in the interview, it's like we've got economic warfare and it's like
Bombing each other's cities.
I mean, I'm looking at this article from Russia.
They're facing some of the same stuff you're talking about that's already hitting them.
They're seeing their interest rates jump up to 17% and they point out in this article from RT that the interest rate hike is the sharpest since 1998.
And then they saw rates higher than 100%.
And essentially, Russia defaulted on their debt in 1998.
I mean, this is massive economic warfare that is unfolding right before our eyes.
Both of them are going at it, Russia as well as our side.
And I guess the bad thing, Eric, is that I get the sense that we're under friendly fire as well from the Federal Reserve, aren't we?
Well, absolutely.
The Federal Reserve right now, they have interest rates at zero.
Inflation, according to the CPI, we all know the CPI is cooked.
Inflation is sitting at a mere 2% roughly.
But if you look like the Walmart inflation index, which measures the cost of things like food that isn't included in the CPI, it's closer to 4 or 5%.
So your money sits in your bank account earning nothing.
But you're losing 5% of your spending power every year.
You're just getting hammered.
What's interesting with this foray with Russia right now is
That Putin, I don't think has returned fire yet.
He's kind of taken the first assault, if we've seen the movie Kingdom of Heaven with Orlando Bloom, there was that first assault, and they wait.
And they wait, and we all have seen Hunt for the Red October.
Yeah, he's got a plan, he's got a long-term plan, and he's kind of like the honey badger.
I mean, God just keeps going.
So we're playing checkers and he's playing chess, but like I said before, the really scary thing to me is the fact that we are also under friendly fire from our own president, from the Federal Reserve, which is allied against us, and of course
from the CIA's proxy, the Saudis, who are essentially attacking our own American energy independence.
That was very informative.
Thank you so much, Eric.
Let's go to Jeremy in Colorado.
Hi, Dave.
I'm actually glad I got to talk to you, because if I remember right, you have an engineering background.
I wanted to talk about
Well, energy independence, and in this case, particularly water-fuel conversions.
I know it's come up in these kinds of circles a lot, HHL, grounds, gas, and such, but I wanted to mention a
A video, if you type in on YouTube, Revelation of Truth 10.
Revelation of Truth 1-0.
It has to be done specifically like that, or else the results will get buried in a bunch of Bible-related material.
But it talks, it's all a source video pertaining to Stanley Meyer's work and the stuff he pioneered.
And I came across some other material that actually, I guess, makes it more practical and easier to understand at educate-yourself.org.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because, you know, with the instability in the, you know, global oil markets and energy independence and all the, you know, the impending disaster scenario, this is not one of those topics that can be, that we can afford to say, oh, it might be able to be, we might be able to do it, might be able to, I don't know, speculate and debate on it.
It's one of those things that
I mean, as far as just getting up from underneath the thumb of, I guess, the oil cartel, so to
Yeah, one of the things that was interesting about The Colder War, the book that we just talked to the author in the last hour about, was of course the rise of oil as an energy source.
And of course, along with it, the rise of John D. Rockefeller.
He pointed out that he had a fortune that in today's dollars would be about $340 billion, saying that he was, as far as we can reliably ascertain,
The richest man ever in history.
He pointed out that back in the 1300s there was a guy who owned half of the world's gold and half of the world's salt, which of course salt was a very expensive commodity at that time back in the 1300s.
Presumably he might have been wealthier, but you know you can't really correlate going back that far.
But certainly if you look at John D. Rockefeller, he was very powerful.
And so what we have here
There's a lot of very powerful vested interests.
We have the largest producers of oil in the world, and not the private companies as he points out, but the national governments like Saudi Arabia.
So there is a lot in the way of people coming up with energy independence.
There's a lot that's there to shut people down.
Just look at what's happening to the oil shale business.
I mean, even something that is kind of a side business, look at how Saudi Arabia
Stay with us, we'll be right back with more of your calls.
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What if I say I'm not like the others?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're here taking your calls.
I'm David Knight.
Before we go back to your calls though, I wanted to point out an article that's up on Infowars.com.
The Ultimate Guide to the Mainstream Media and American TV Networks.
How media pundits are interconnected with the CFR and with each other.
Now this is an article that was originally up on RT.
Kit Daniels pointed out to me.
We posted it up and they have subsequently taken their article down.
And I guess the question is, what was it they didn't want you to see?
I don't know, but it's more than just a tale of consolidation.
I think they put it back up.
I was just told they put it back up.
It's still a very good article.
You should take a look at this, because we've shown many times how consolidated the mainstream media is, being owned by only a half dozen different companies.
But this also interconnects it with the CFR, and of course the Council on Foreign Relations has dominated the State Department since its inception in the early 20th century.
And even though Reagan was not a member of the CFR, as soon as he got to be president, he put about 360 people, I believe if I'm correct, from the CFR into the State Department.
So they dominate our foreign policy, that particular think tank.
And there's much to be said about that.
We won't go into it, but look at that guide.
It's up on Infowars.com.
The Ultimate Guide to Mainstream Media.
I think you'll find it very interesting.
Lots of graphs and charts there as well.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's go to Eleanor in Missouri.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call.
I wanted to just comment on the first guest.
I think that, or the first, I'm sorry, the first caller.
I think that he was right on.
With the false flag thing, but I wanted to ask you, do you think that this whole scheme can wait until the September-October time frame that they're always pulling these?
I really don't know.
I mean, when you look at all of the signs and the economic signs that are queuing up here, already we've seen a massive upheaval from this manipulation of the price of oil that's going on by Saudi Arabia.
And there's a lot of, we've been talking about all the different aspects of that.
It's already having a massive effect.
I don't know.
Have the American taxpayers underwriting this massive speculation, this gambling by the major banks.
That's something that had been taken off with Dodd-Frank and now they put that back in as part of this budget deal.
There's a lot that can happen out of this, and of course we also pointed out that they have put effective next Monday, they're going to put limits on the movement of silver and gold.
Now, they didn't do that before when silver and gold were plummeting because they were dumping those, but now they're concerned, I think, that people are going to be running for safety when they see currencies collapsing, when they see the derivatives market collapsing.
So, I don't really know what's going to be happening, but some very, very ominous signs.
What's your take on it, Eleanor?
Um, well, I've been looking on the internet and, you know, look in chat rooms and stuff like that and a lot of the people think that in February it'll all fall apart.
Well, it's hard to predict the timing, but you know, the simple fact of the matter is, as I pointed out the other day, these banks, with a little bit of lobbying, they spent a few million dollars and they got essentially a quadrillion dollars worth of insurance, depending on how you estimate the total derivatives market.
And it's hard for anybody to do that, because it is so incredibly complicated.
Nevertheless, it's an astronomical figure, and they were able to get that insured for like $1 per trillion dollars worth of insurance that they get.
Now, you can't get that from the bank because they know that you're eventually going to die.
We should not be giving that to these bankers with their derivatives because we know that these derivatives are eventually going to blow up.
It's just
The state's working to make that happen, and of course we have Vladimir Putin working very earnestly, like I said, like a honey badger to take away the petrodollar, and he is building alliances to make that happen.
Thank you so much.
Let's move on to Renee in Colorado.
Go ahead, Renee.
Hello, David.
You say you want to talk about illegals?
Yes, sir.
I'm being terrorized by an undocumented illegal.
I'm actually legally blind.
I'm 53 years old.
And she is not only undocumented, but was allowed to file charges against me, allegedly saying I called her something I did not.
And I want to know where I stand and what can I do.
I just wondered if you or any of the viewers could possibly help.
Well, we'll take calls on it.
I really don't know what to tell you because we've reported over and over again how people who come here and are not citizens in this country are given rights that we as citizens do not enjoy.
We see that from everything from traffic accounts to traffic violations to other aspects.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're taking calls at 800-259-9231.
We're going to go back to those calls in just a moment.
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I want to go back to your calls, but before I do, I just wanted to point out just the amazing news that we see in this article.
If you didn't catch the first hour, we talked to Paul Joseph Watson about his article.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Police are using social media posts to determine your threat score.
Your threat score.
So they're notified when they pull you over if you're a bigger threat to them than the general public, which are already trained to be a threat to them.
And of course, this is based on things like your social media posts, your purchasing habits.
Who knows what it's based on?
And we also talked about a story.
I think?
Different police unions in California, they hired these two guys to get dirt on these councilmen and what they did was they followed them from a bar to home and then called up as snitches and said hey these guys drove home drunk.
However, they didn't have anything to drink at the bar.
They had non-alcoholic drinks and they were not drunk and this whole thing is turning into an indictment for those officers.
We've just learned that there is now a new Surgeon General that's been confirmed by the Senate Democrats.
All the Democrats essentially voted for him.
There was only one Republican who voted for his confirmation.
The man is Vivek Murthy.
He was confirmed by a 51-43 vote yesterday.
The LA Times reminds us that he believes that guns are, quote, a health care issue.
Back in October 2012, Murthy tweeted that he was, quote, tired of politicians playing politics with guns and putting lives at risk because they're scared of the NRA.
No, it's because politicians understand that we have God-given rights that are specifically protected in the Constitution, and those are not negotiable.
We have some people who have showed up in Washington State.
Now, of course, this is where we had the video yesterday of the sheriff's deputy talking about how they needed the MRAPs for constitutionalists, and there's been a pushback
I don't think so.
In Olympia, Washington, Gavin Symes, quote, we will not comply, unquote, pro-gun rally happened with between 1,000 and 3,000 people who showed up.
Now, they're protesting a new law that just passed in the last election.
That's Initiative 594, which among other things, now requires gun owners to obtain a background check before transferring a handgun to another party, person to person.
At the moment, the law became effective at midnight, December 4th.
A YouTube aggregator called Laughing at Liberals, I like that, L-A-L, Laughing at Liberals, posted a video showing just such a transfer taking place without the requisite background check.
Now, of course, that's not being covered by the mainstream media, but that's something else that's going on in Washington.
I guess that's some of those people that the sheriff is so concerned about, people who might transfer a weapon from one person to the other.
And of course,
Should we have licensing checks and background checks for people to exercise their First Amendment?
Well, that's something that's been proposed by the Obama administration, but that hasn't...
They've hinted at that, and of course we've seen persecution of the First Amendment like we've never seen it before.
One more thing on the gun issue.
As we look at Sandy Hook, we've noted a lot of anomalies.
Wolfgang Halbig has noted a lot of anomalies about the Sandy Hook shooting, to say the least.
One of the things that was very unusual about it was that none of the families had sued.
In every other case that Wolfgang had analyzed, the families would always sue for negligence, sue the school system or sue the police department.
None of that happened until now.
But they're not suing the government.
They're suing the gun maker.
The Bushmaster company, the company that made the Bushmaster, is being sued by all of the families.
They're not going to sue anybody for negligence.
They're just going to sue the gun maker.
So I guess we should start suing the car companies when somebody has an accident.
But of course there's a lot more to Sandy Hook than that.
Let's go back to your calls.
Caleb in Washington.
You called about the sheriff in Washington.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was calling.
I actually reside in Spokane Valley.
And the sheriff is named Ozzy Knezovich.
And I'd just like to point out that when you think of Washington State, you think of a liberal state.
But over on the east side of Washington State, it's actually very conservative.
A lot of farmers here.
Is that where he is?
Where that sheriff is?
Yes, he's in Spokane Valley.
It's right on the border with Idaho there.
And to be fair, he has kept a high standard for his officers.
He's actually been in quite a lot of trouble.
With the police union, because he's gone on record firing deputies for poor behavior.
But I found it interesting that in the local news here, he went on record saying that the officer misspoke.
It should not have used the word constitutionalist, and perhaps extremist was a better word for the type of people that officer was talking about.
Well, you saw the video.
Do you think it was taken out of context?
I do not.
And I'd like to point out that constitutionalist isn't a word that's thrown around very often.
Where did he get that?
We know precisely where he got that.
We've seen the reports, we've seen the training documents, we've heard the rhetoric.
From police departments across the country.
We know where this is coming from.
It's coming from Homeland Security.
It's coming from the FBI.
It's coming from the federal government.
They're training your local police department to be militarized, to see you as a threat.
I'd just like to also say there's going to be a rally on Saturday at the Spokane Valley Police Office.
Yes, and they can see the Sheriff's reaction as well as our comments to it on that article on Infowars.com.
And I believe that article also mentions that rally that's coming up on Saturday.
Thank you so much, Caleb in Washington.
Go to that rally.
Tell your Sheriff what you think.
And you know, unlike a Chief of Police, a Sheriff actually has to stand for election.
That's an important thing.
So keep that in mind.
Let's go to Max in Ohio.
Hey David.
Hey, how you doing?
I was going to tell you about the Sandy Hook thing.
I heard that on Dr. Savage's show yesterday on the news report.
Maybe Bushmaster needs to hire Wolfgang Howard to be their investigator for them.
Well, maybe if he gets a lot of big money behind him, he can actually get somebody to respond to some of his FOIA requests, other than sending highway patrolmen to his house to try to intimidate him.
But, yeah, it's very strange.
And I don't know if you saw the debate that we had.
On InfoWars.
I think it was on last Friday, but yeah, it's interesting.
I think there's a lot of questions, a lot of unanswered questions, and of course many things that we see happening as part of a false flag.
There's things that we see being done over and over again.
Buildings being taken down, the debris being taken away before anybody gets a chance to take a look at it.
We saw that at 9-11.
We also saw that with the false flags that Vladimir Putin used to get into power.
They use the same types of things over and over again and immediately when there's a terrorist attack and they have solved it, they know which group it is and they're going to come after that group as we saw with the Vladimir Putin false flags.
They immediately penned it on the Chechens and used it to start a short war where he could declare victory.
Yeah, when we see that kind of thing, every government seems to use that.
Certainly the most corrupt and criminal ones, and that's something that we see happening with our government.
Did you have any other comment about that?
Well, for one, I think the Sandy Hook thing, that's pretty gutsy, man.
Especially with everything that Wolfgang Halbers pointed out.
I mean, you figure that would open them up even more.
I don't know how much Bushmasters work or how much they're seeking damages, but you know, sometimes they just settle just to put it under the rug.
And it's time for people to start standing up and fighting this stuff and exposing it even more.
Well, you know, it's interesting because when they sue the company, they don't have to go into the details of the shooting that much, as if they, as they would if they were suing for negligence, the school system or the police department.
Then they would have to talk specifically about what was there, and that would uncover some of that.
But with this, this allows them to do an end around and just essentially come after the company that was named as having the gun that was used.
It allows them to go after them without really looking at the details of Sandy Hook.
So it is kind of an ingenious strategy.
We see that happening over and over again.
Let's go on to Dean in Florida.
Thank you so much.
Yes, hi.
Thanks for taking my call.
Sure, go ahead.
You wanted to talk about the police state, it says.
Yeah, well, I wanted to talk specifically a few months ago.
I was in a McDonald's and there was a Florida Highway Patrolman that came in.
And anyway, I ended up handing him a little slip of paper that had it said InfoWars by
No, we're starting to lose you.
Hang on a second.
You said you handed this to an officer?
A piece of paper that said Infowars.com?
Yes, I wrote down Infowars.com's website and the Rutherford Institute's website.
And I handed it to the police officer.
And boy, he got worried and kind of upset.
He gave the thing back to me.
And I'll tell you, I tried to engage him in some conversation.
And he didn't want to talk about anything, and I said, what are you afraid of and all this?
And he ended up telling me, well, you don't have the need to know.
So something is going to happen really soon.
And I mean, this is verification on an individual level.
Yeah, it's a shame.
They need to understand how they're being played and they need to understand that their family, their future is on the line as well, that they're not separate and above the rest of this country, that they're part of the country.
They need to understand how they're being played.
by the federal government.
They should get a clue when they see the government putting out these threat scores on the public, telling them that we are the enemy, giving them targets of civilians and ordinary citizens.
Even I'm using the military terminology, that we are civilians and they're somehow officers who are above all of this.
And of course, we don't have a need to know what our servants are doing, our public servants.
Why don't we have a need to know?
We pay their salary.
They're supposedly working to provide security and safety for us.
That's what we're being told and yet we're not allowed to know.
We don't have a need to know anything that our government is doing.
And that's true from the top level all the way down to the lowest local level.
That's the kind of arrogance we see coming from our government.
Thank you so much, Dean.
Let's move on to Chad in Washington.
Chad, go ahead.
I wanted to bring up a topic that I don't really hear people talk about a lot.
That's geoengineering.
And I encourage people to Google Arctic methane emergency.
And I don't think it's something really being talked about, but it's amongst all the scientists in that world.
But I also wanted to turn you guys on to a guy named Dane Wiginton, if you don't already know who he is.
I think you run the website called geoengineeringwatch.org.
Yeah, it's something that we talk about from time to time, and we covered it when they were just having their annual geoengineering convention.
It was somewhere in Europe, I think it was in Germany.
And there were papers that were being put out, and one of the papers that I covered, the guy was saying, well, these are things that we could possibly do.
But then, of course, his question was, because they always like to pretend not really doing it, but it's something that they're considering to do in the future.
He raised an interesting question.
He said, who has the right to set the thermostat?
If we have these techniques and we can use them, who gets a chance to determine what the global thermostat should be?
Who gets punished?
Who gets rewarded?
I think that's a key question, but of course, that's not going to be answered.
Thank you so much, Chad in Washington.
Let's go to Thomas in Tennessee.
Hey, yes sir.
How are you doing today?
You said you wanted to talk about constitutional issues, I think?
Doing good.
Yes, sir.
Constitutional rights.
Um, first off, I'd like to read Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution.
It says, The Constitution and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuant thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby.
Anything in contrary or laws of any state to the contrary should be notwithstanding.
And what notwithstanding is, that's a legal definition in law.
And it means void of law.
And every traffic citation is notwithstanding.
And that's what they're scared of.
Do you have, in Tennessee, do you have jury trials available for you with a traffic violation?
According to the Constitution of the United States of America, anything with a fine of $20 or greater in a jury trial shall be granted.
So yes, according to that, anywhere in America has that.
And I think it's very important for us to utilize that.
If nothing else, even if you don't win, go to court and make an argument to the jury about jury nullification.
Make their lives as difficult as possible.
That's what I do when I go through the airport security.
It's like, I'm going to make them do the full pat down on me.
I'm not going to make their life any easier.
If they're going to hassle me, then bring it on.
I'll hassle them back.
And I think you ought to inform your citizens because it's something that's much bigger even than traffic violations.
It applies to everything.
People need to understand that juries are there to protect our rights.
It's one of our best
Foundations, one of our best protections.
It only takes one juror to strike down a law or a law that is being misapplied or has draconian punishments in it.
That's something we need to stand up for each other.
You don't have to elect somebody.
You just have to go be a juror and stand up for your legal rights in a jury trial.
Here in Texas, if you get a speeding ticket or any kind of a traffic violation, you can check a box.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In this final segment, we're going to be taking your calls.
Before we go back to the calls, I wanted to point out an article that's up on Infowars.com.
The Department of Defense, DARPA, says that they are developing a magic bullet that can change direction after being fired.
When I saw this, I thought,
Arlen Spector must be giving a thumbs up from the grave.
You know, he's the guy who advanced the magic bullet theory that the single shooter had a bullet that took out JFK and changed direction several times, so maybe that was something that the DOD developed decades ago.
Or maybe it's something that they'll have in our future.
Let's go back to your calls, David in New York.
Go ahead, David.
Mr. Knight, how are you doing today?
Doing fine.
Mr. Knight, I've got a story that I'd like to tell your listeners, and if it's okay with you, I've got a website where people can support the gentleman who is the subject of this prosecution for using a gun in self-defense.
A fellow here in New York was helping an itinerant guy next door, getting food, and
At one point this fella confessed that he was actually using a false name and he was a fugitive on a rape charge.
That he was hiding in the woods, so my guy...
Arranged to get the message to the police and the police actually drafted him to try to deliver this guy to them.
I remember you called and we got to your call at the very tail end of the show several days ago.
Before we run out of time, give us the website.
People can look at that and they can contribute.
They can see what the case was because we probably won't have enough time for even if we just take your call to get to the end of it.
But give us a website where they can learn about that and contribute to help this guy.
It's David Carlson Fund dot com.
David Carlson Fund dot com.
Spell Carlson.
Alright, good.
And, yes, yes, go ahead.
The police, when the police didn't get this guy arrested after several attempts, they even launched a manhunt, which was unsuccessful.
My guy put him in a car, delivered him to the police, and they still let him go because they didn't cuff him.
Now, when the guy finally confronted my fellow, after he had eluded the manhunt, he made a citizen's arrest, walked this guy a quarter mile to a neighbor's house, and the neighbor saw what happened.
He said this fellow was close enough to grab the shotgun when my guy fired and killed him.
A very different result than we would see with the police, who we've seen many times that they're not indicted even if they shoot people at a distance.
Merely saying that they were concerned that the homeless man, when there's eight police officers who fire 49 times, they were concerned that the homeless man at quite a distance from them might have had a knife.
Okay, so people can go to that website and take a look at that.
Let's go on to David in Idaho.
I want to get through the callers as quick as I can.
Thanks, David.
Let's go to David in Idaho.
You said you want to talk about police and martial law.
Go ahead.
Okay, sorry.
Let's go to Wayne in Texas.
Yes sir, David, I really do appreciate it.
You are a great host.
Just real quick, I think it's really important that people pay attention to the whole Sandy Hook suing Bushmasters, because they're going to have to present evidence.
And I think that that is a very important thing that we should keep our eyes on as a public and as news media.
Well, I hope that does happen.
As I said before, I kind of think that they're going for the gun manufacturer because that will allow them to avoid a lot of specifics just by saying that they have culpability simply because they have the gun.
If they don't want to go in and explore that, that would be something they could do.
Hopefully, Bushmaster will go on the offensive and say, show us the records.
Prove that that was our gun, even, that was used there, because that's even a question.
Well, that's all the time we've got for today.
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