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Name: 20141209_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 9, 2014
2423 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses topics such as the U.N.'s Small Arms Treaty, trends for 2015 by Gerald Cilente, the hypocrisy of globalists admitting their control over the people, and social media censorship. He criticizes Elijah Cummings' defense of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber and highlights the need to fight against centralized crony capitalism and unite as patriots. The show includes ads for various products such as Infidel Body Armor, InfoWars Life products, OxyPowder, True Nation Iodine, Super Beta Prostate formula, EZ Armor security solution, Faketv.com burglar deterrent, and DNA Force. Gerald Celente talks about trends like the popularity of gold due to aging and the importance of learning new things for health. He also discusses the suppression of Christmas celebrations, dangers of bankism, and how six words - Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks - have contributed to America's downfall.

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The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
New American writer Alex Newman joins us to look at the U.N.
Victim Disarmament Worldwide Small Arms Treaty that Obama says he'll implement without congressional approval.
It goes into effect as a Christmas present December 24th.
Then, Gerald Cilente looks at Trends 2015.
He's releasing the new Trends 2015 first journal this week.
He'll give us the first look at his analysis and Trends for 2015 in the third hour.
Obviously, there's a ton of news to look at.
Elijah Cummings has, quote, savaged Jonathan Gruber, the stupid American architect of Obamacare, as absolutely stupid and incredibly disrespectful.
Actually, he's being honest with everybody.
Cummings, and you're up there after you screwed over your constituents.
Black unemployment in your district's more than doubled.
The national average has doubled.
It's much worse.
In fact, the worst in the country.
In Michigan and then after that in Maryland.
So you're sitting on the very tip-top of the de-industrialization of black people particularly, black communities, playing stupid.
Look, Emmanuel, Ezekiel,
Jonathan Gruber, all of them, all these globalists are on record admitting that it's a giant screwjob and laughing at their slaves.
Kind of like Zuckerberg calls his users dumb effers.
So we're going to be looking at that today.
Speaking of Zuckerberg, Paul Watson has an article on InfoWars.com.
You know, Obama's meeting with the head of the Internet censorship system in China that works closely with Microsoft and others to censor the web.
And Zuckerberg is lauding socialism with China's Internet censorship jar.
Facebook CEO visits with Liu Wei.
Is called hypocritical and absurd.
We have a graphic on the front page of Infowars.com that I think says it all with a quote by the great journalist Gary Allen.
We published None Dare Call a Conspiracy in 1972, I should add.
We sell that out of print book at infowarestore.com.
If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all.
And I tell you, one of the most valuable things Kurt Nemo does is not just the great articles he writes for PresidentPlanet.com and Infowars.com, sometimes three, four times a day when it strikes his fancy, but always at least once a day, he will take something from the headlines and reflect it back in an image of a man in a suit and a tie with a communist hammer and sickle lapel pin.
And when you realize the CIA put Mao Zedong in, our own government helped fund and put Lenin in, funded Stalin, then it all comes into crystal stinking focus.
Doesn't it?
Why Google and Microsoft and Facebook and the owners of Twitter and General Electric and Miller Brewing and Walmart, all the usual suspects, all the Fortune 100.
Lined up to an organization, to a man, funding taking our guns, funding breaking up our families, funding ending our borders, funding our Pentagon to create Al-Qaeda groups.
Google the back, Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Hillary Clinton, the Bush's daughter-in-law.
Or the Bush Jr.
This ruling class of insiders that are anti-free market, scapegoating our precious cornucopia, our golden goose, and blaming it.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, as the war against the centralized crony capitalists accelerates into high gear.
I don't want to be a slave and I don't want you to be one either.
And I think that you believe like I believe and want to be free.
So let's come together and come in for the big win.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we
We are the ones responsible.
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Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
London Dungeon by the misfits.
Bringing us in.
The reason we're playing this is Prince William meets with King Obama.
Twitter responds accordingly.
What is it like to be able to do things unilaterally without a legislature?
That's the question.
Prince William and Kate begin U.S.
visit with a royal, royal treatment.
Oh my goodness, the royalty are there.
Billionaires paid for by taxpayers as pensioners basically have their gas allotments cut off.
Oh, how liberal!
Prince William, Duchess Kate kick off U.S.
trip with visit to White House and New York City Child Development Center.
Why don't they bring Jimmy Savelle over with them and some of the bodies they've been digging up on the royal grounds of small children?
Continuing, Kate visits New York City kids.
She cares about the children.
And Prince William joins Obama!
You go out there, dear, and care about the children and the nursery.
Oh, we have a fine cigar!
And of course, LeBron honored to play before the Royals.
I'll tell you what else, LeBron James, or also known as King James, tattooed on his shoulders.
No narcissism there.
A literal god, much like Kate and the princeling, King James.
LeBron James leads the way in I Can't Breathe t-shirts as hundreds of anti-police protests mob NBA game attended by William and Kate!
They must go to the Bread and Circus to give extra support to that to get the rabble watching the distraction while they laughingly run the eugenics program for Grandpa Prince Philip, LeBron James, and other NBA players.
Don, I can't breathe shirts.
You know, I have mixed feelings about this.
A, it's their First Amendment, so I support it.
And we'll fight to the death to defend it.
And B,
uh... the killing of eric garner looks like manslaughter to me and if they're going to have a poster child against police brutality and murder that he would be a lot better or a kelly uh... who's the guys uh... yeah kelly thomas out in california begs for daddy for fifteen minutes all that kelly they would be a lot better examples to pin your movement on
than Michael Brown.
They've released the federal autopsy, signs of a scuffle, just as they have the medical report on the officer, and signs that, well, we're going to get into that whole report.
Michael Brown's shooting federal autopsy shows evidence of scuffle in Brown's death.
Close range shot.
Showing that the officer was shooting him as he ran towards him.
I'm sorry folks, it looks like the cop told the truth.
So, I wouldn't make it the poster child to try to reform the police, be Michael Brown.
I wouldn't make it be cases where they shoot some innocent person in the back, or where they taser an old lady to death, or where they choke poor father of six Eric Garner to death.
And you know who they kept arresting Garner for?
Selling things on the street.
Swap meets without a license.
Selling cigarettes without a license.
The guy would just go out an entrepreneur in the neighborhood.
And so they just kept arresting him.
That's what you can hear him say.
Man, I'm sick of being arrested.
Hold on a minute.
Grab his hands.
Put him in a choke hold.
Tell him to put his hand behind his back when he's in a wrestler hold and can't do it.
And then promptly kill him.
And the cop that did it got off.
Now, there is injustice in this country, there's injustice anywhere, and the globalists are trying to ride this to a political distraction away from the power grabs, away from the unemployment doubling in the black community, away from the fact that Obamacare is a giant screwjob.
They want to get Gruber out of the headlines.
They want to get Fast and Furious out of the headlines.
They want to get Obama ruling by executive power out of the headlines.
They want to get open border, executive amnesty, end of America, North American Union treason out of the headlines and how they do that is getting the NFL and the NBA and late night TV shows and Democrats and Hollywood all endlessly hyping as if the only thing in the world
Is some of the cases of bad cops doing the wrong thing and killing people.
Bully cops beating people up.
Bully cops choking asthmatic teenagers.
But I'm telling you folks, they're doing that because one man's death is a tragedy.
10,000 is a statistic as Joe Stalin said.
They want to distract us with the soap opera that will never reform anything and is a political football of police brutality.
Because they know there's a giant anti-government sentiment out there.
They want to scapegoat it at the enforcers.
So the enforcers will then go into full gang mentality, accept the federalization and militarization, and come out against the American people.
So they want to harden the police against the American people.
That is the criminal political class that's raping us from every angle.
It's a very simple equation.
In fact, I should break it down on a chalkboard into some type of mathematical equation with a graphic to explain this to people.
Because it's very elementary, but sometimes it's good to have visual cues.
Speaking of visual cues, radio listeners can always go to PrisonPlanet.tv and subscribe and see the nightly news, the live feed of the radio show, all of my films, a bunch of e-books, other documentaries, 15, 16 years of material or more, up on PrisonPlanet.tv and support the very tip of the spear in the info war.
But separately, if you can't afford $5.95 a month for 20 memberships, 20 people can use the same username passcode, spread the word,
You can find the free feed for the Daily Radio Show with the five-camera shoot, the document cams, the in-studio guests, the Skype guests, and everything at InfoWars.com on the navigation bar under Listen or under Show, the Alex Jones Show.
And you go there and you can find the TV show, the radio show, the free audio feeds, video feeds.
You can find the free podcast, the free iPhone apps, everything right there under the Alex Jones Radio Show.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now, I've basically kind of gotten into the royalties.
The royalties!
And then we're going to look at Zuckerberg lauds or praises socialism with China's internet censorship czar.
Facebook CEO visit called hypocritical and absurd.
But look, he's a man of the people.
Look, he's wearing a kind of a Winston Smith blue jacket of the proletariat.
A true man of the people with the ultra-corrupt Communist Liberation Party that executes people.
They catch doing things on the internet the state doesn't like with mobile execution vans.
And Zuckerberg is praising them because his dumb-effer users, as he calls them,
I guess I won't get upset.
Actually, people are exiting away from Facebook.
We use it.
We have about 3 million likes on our different channels.
We've got one with about a million.
And it was set up by fans and given to us.
And we use it.
People ask, well, why do you use something that's so corrupt and so manipulative and spies on people for the government?
Because that's where the people are.
It's like asking, why have you invaded Germany in World War II and does that mean you support Hitler because you're in Germany at the Battle of the Bulge in a Sherman tank fighting panzers?
That's how nonsensical it is.
I'm in the battle space.
YouTube, Facebook, all these other platforms.
You need to be in them, not infighting and debating who the best patriot is.
That's the official White House cognitive infiltration plan to make us chase our tails.
But waking people up, creating memes, creating audio clips, capturing video clips, putting out articles, putting out blurbs, commenting.
That's the real video game.
The real call of duty for the Republic is a cyber war.
With Google and Facebook and others working with the globalists to try to misdirect and control, engage the internet, and learn how to control the population and steer political angst into socialist movements that will only make us more enslaved.
We need to culture jam.
You see a live news feed?
Going with local news, national news, C-SPAN, I don't care what it is.
Jump on television, take it over with key messages of liberty.
The Federal Reserve's private!
9-11's an inside job!
Or, there's cancer viruses in the vaccine!
It's social control, eugenics!
Or, InfoWars.com to learn what they don't want you to know about the New World Order agenda.
Or, the amnesty plan is the end of America!
NAU, NAU, bipartisan treason!
I've done this myself, many times, and it becomes international news stories.
You see a local news feed, think about where they're going to be doing local news feeds.
Think about where they do local feeds you see every day.
And the day that executives and principals and police officers off-duty and school teachers and lawyers decide they don't want to just be servile spectators for the rest of their lives, and the day you go down and take over a local TV show for 30 seconds, the day you crash city council meetings where your three-minute communication will go out over cable and end up being on the news, the day you call in to talk radio, the day you call in to C-SPAN, the day you go to the meet-and-greet with the senator,
Or the meet-and-greet with the congressman or woman, and you get them by the hand and you say, I'm sick of you selling us out to world government.
The label conspiracy theorist doesn't work anymore.
Be part of humanity.
The day that buzz gets big enough, most of those people are blackmailed in Congress and love their grandkids and actually don't want this to happen.
Most big Hollywood directors are kept on short leashes and listen to this show and know the truth.
Most people in the system.
Why do you think this show is so popular?
Across famous writers, lecture, you know, from Kurt Vonnegut to... Conor S. Thompson was a listener.
Because we're hardcore, folks.
We know what's going on.
People want freedom.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The testimony is still ongoing this morning.
We're going to play some of the clips that are coming in as we speak in the next segment.
of Jonathan Gruber, one of the main architects of the scam of how to phase in Obamacare to keep the constituents from knowing that it's really a monumental screw job, a private tax to offshore banks that own the major insurance companies.
That's coming up in the next segment.
We're also going to look at an amazing article
Where the federal government has been caught, we talked about this a long time ago, we knew that it was being organized and focused outside of law, but now the House panel investigation led by Representative Daryl Issa, Republican of California, and Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, cites confidential briefing documents, and we have copies of those, that show senior Justice Department officials
Informing Attorney General Eric Holder that a consequence of Operation Choke Points, banks are exiting lines of business deemed high risk by regulators, and that outside of law, it's meant to shut down gun shops, gun dealers, you name it.
It targets, quote, legal businesses, this is outside of law, such as short-term lenders, and even if you disagree with short-term lenders like I do, change the laws, don't target them.
Firearms and ammunition merchants, coin dealers, tobacco sellers, and home-based charities.
And see, they do that to make it sound like they're moral, breaking the law.
But it is illegal to have the feds doing that.
Critics of the program argue that equating legal industries such as ammunition and lottery sales with explicitly legal or offensive activities such as pornography and racist materials transforms the FDIC into the moral police.
There's a better word.
It's called the thought police.
And there's copies of the emails in the article that's up on InfoWars.com.
And then we have an actual link to the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Daryl Issa.
And it's got all the documents in the report for you to read them for yourself.
And we know they're doing this with not just the gun industry or the self-defense industry, the independence industry.
They're doing it to the Tea Party.
They're doing it to pro-lifers.
They're doing it to evangelicals.
Remember last year, even Fox News had the headline that Fort Hood, we first broke this, we were leaked the information, they were calling them in and telling the non-commissioned officers, your people may be court-martialed if they go to a Tea Party event off-duty, or if they even give money to it, or are evangelical Christians.
Well, evangelical Christians are one of the biggest Christian blocs in this country, are very milquetoast on average, and leave the government alone.
But even if they were radical, the military has no right to tell soldiers what God they worship.
People say, yeah, why is it such a power grab?
That's the whole point of a power grab.
Take a million miles, and no matter how far we push back, maybe they gain 200,000.
Now there's the headline, Fort Hood soldiers told that Christians, Tea Partiers,
A radical terror threat, and threatened with court-martial.
You can click the Fox News article right there.
That's the type of garbage that we're dealing with.
And I go back to this.
What does it say when David Rockefeller, when Mao Tse-Tung died in the 70s, wrote an op-ed piece for the New York Times about how great communism was and how wonderful Mao Tse-Tung was?
Mao Tse-Tung killed over 80 million people conservatively.
Why would the richest guy in the U.S.
at that time, basically, come out and say, I love communism?
Well, again, Gary Allen, we have the graphic on the front page of Infowars.com.
With a banker business suit, with a communist lapel pin, and under it it says, if one understands that socialism is not a share-of-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all, Gary Allen.
And the reason I mention this is if you understand that, you understand the entire enchilada.
The cosmology, the compendium, the worldview of the mega-elite, they want monopolies.
They want state control.
That's why they had an outgoing president of China, basically appointed by their inner party.
Presidents, even an oxymoron, not elected, say that communist China is the ultimate expression of capitalism.
I'll never forget that quote in BBC, and they were saying, what a crazy quote, it makes no sense.
No, it makes perfect sense.
They mean crony capitalism.
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The little soft cover book from 1972, None Dare Call a Conspiracy at m4warestore.com.
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Stay with us.
We're going to look at Gruber coming up.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the future king of England took time to meet with
King James as he calls himself LeBron James again demonstrates social conscience with I can't breathe shirt and I've got the photo of him here meeting with
Prince Charles' son and his cute little wife that we're all supposed to love and buy into and get little royal coffee cups.
And to add insult to injury, the article's up on Infowars.com.
Piers Morgan has come out and said that America needs a monarch.
Says Obama will thankfully bow and scrape at feet of royals.
I don't think Obama has found royals that he doesn't bow to.
That story is up on InfoWars.com with the full quote by Piers Morgan, who'd already seen his rating slide in the year he took over from Larry King, but after I went on there two years ago, he was just annihilated.
And they now admit in major publications like the LA Times and others that his slide began when I got in his face and said, you are a traitor here to enslave us and disarm us.
It's not about children's safety.
I will not have your fake debate.
And of course, a lot of the weasels and cowards out there at first said, how discrediting of Alex Jones.
He should have talked in a proper British accent back to him and debated him on his field instead of going all the way over him.
How un-American to get in someone's face.
Yeah, that's right, Paul Revere would have just pulled out a blunderbuss, shoved it in his chest, and pulled the trigger.
I am a weak little weasel compared to Paul Revere.
And then you've got Americans mad at me that I dare go, look, it's about taking our guns, you know it is, and you're on notice.
You try to take them, 1776 will commence again, scumbag.
But the truth is, most Americans got it.
It resonated.
And it was like the Emperor's New Clothes being announced, or he's caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or Toto pulls back the curtain.
Everybody went, whoa!
We're here being lectured by a sycophantic, royal-worshipping twit who's got armed bodyguards at his home in LA about how we shouldn't have guns.
We're done.
And it wasn't just
That one interview.
He doubled down and brought a train of people on to basically excoriate him as well and the whole tone changed.
And now there's a lot of analysis out there that that began the final implosion of CNN from being number two on cable behind Fox to now being way in the end.
And essentially no longer exist.
They're just keeping it on the air to save face for Time Warner for its stock.
It's gone.
It's been dumped off cable all over the place, dumped off different satellite systems.
It's a joke.
And have they stopped?
No, they've increased!
The Royal Carriage!
Oh, the Royal Carriage!
Almost every time I see CNN it's, The Queen of England, gracious leader!
Oh, we love you!
They'll have that British reporter on going, they're probably having pea soup and something proper meal.
And again, I'm not an anglophobe, ladies and gentlemen.
I love England.
Love a lot of the culture.
It's amazing.
Led with the Magna Carta and the real Renaissance worldwide.
So much has come out of the British Isles.
But not the globalist and the Transylvanian royal family perched like giant stinking vultures on the carcass of the UK.
But I'll tell you who's into royalty.
Narcissistic pimps.
That's why so many of the gangster, hip-hop, mindless rappers will call themselves, you know, Prince This, King That, The God This, The God That, King James, all this arrogance.
And of course you'll find King James meeting with Prince Turdly, or whatever his name is.
And don't worry, Obama has met with the prince!
The graciousness of it!
Sorry, I need to get into news here.
Prince William and Duchess, Duchess, Duchess Kate kick off US trips with visit to White House.
You know, almost anybody who's
Got a last name like Gresham, or a last name like Jones, or a... I mean, there's a whole... I mean, if you know somebody that's got a name like that, or a whole bunch of names, has some connection back to royalty in England.
There have been a whole bunch of royal houses there.
There's been, of course, the Anglo-Saxons, and then the Norman that took over in 1100, and all the subsequent things that happened.
But when you look at this group of people, nothing against Romanians, or Germans,
But they're not even British.
That's what's so frustrating.
That's what's so nauseating about it.
I mean, at least the little bit of royalty I'm connected to, you know, got into the royal house by being in battles and chopping people's heads off and defending the king and stuff like that.
At least I can trace back my lineage to nobility in England, but they all got there from killing people in battles!
Not by being Transylvanians!
Of course, the Transylvanians got there because they ended up leveraging all of Europe to keep the Muslim invasions down, starting with Vlad the Impaler, so I guess they got there from violence as well.
But it's just, it's just everyone stepping and fetching to inbred, mentally ill, degenerate royalty makes me want to throw up.
Absolutely, totally disgusting on so many fronts.
I mean, looking at the photos and videos of Obama meets with Prince William.
I mean, who cares?
It's embarrassing.
I love all the people that have refused the knighthoods, like Stephen Hawking and so many others.
I think it's a badge of being absolutely pathetic when you do that.
But don't worry, LeBron was honored to play before the Royals.
These people think we're so stupid.
And I'll tell you something, being chumped and being into royalty because of all the made-for-TV shows and movies and when I'm at the grocery store at the checkout line, there's almost always two or three magazines about the royals that women buy.
Let me tell you my litmus test for a woman.
If she likes royal families and wants the teacups and stuff other than a joke, something's wrong with them.
But it's anglophile brainwashing that's gone on in this country for a hundred years.
You know the Thurston Howell III fake accent from Gilligan's Island, that Thurston Howell, I love you, have some champagne.
That is the Atlantic accent that's about 150 years old.
Where the bluebloods that got their money from British industrialists mainly would go to classes to re-adopt a British American style Atlantic accent to be accepted into British royal houses and they would end up having homes in London and living there half the time.
So there was a major re-colonization of our republic with this British royalty, anglophile crap.
I mean, people get tired of Israel trying to manipulate the internal activities of the U.S., and I don't like it, and I criticize it.
But does anyone talk about the British colonization?
And I don't mean the British people.
Of that thing, that monarchy and the big banks and the City of London that owns much of our Federal Reserve.
You want to know who wrote Obamacare?
These people.
They want to run our lives.
They want to tell us what we can eat, where we can go, what we can do.
It's the model.
And they're bad news, ladies and gentlemen.
Extremely bad news.
Now, that said, let's go ahead and get into another big con.
Jonathan Gruber.
We've got a whole bunch of these clips.
I wonder which one we should go to first.
Maybe we should go to Gruber saying he's not the architect and an apology.
And then we're going to put a mash-up together for the Nightly News tonight that will air tomorrow on the radio show, where we're going to show where he says he's the architect, where Obama says he's an architect, where Pelosi says he's an architect, where Harry Reid says he's an architect, and then Obama saying he never was the architect, doesn't know him, and then saying how he steals everything from him.
I mean, we're going to really be able to show the fraud here.
Because they want us to just give up and accept the fraud and go, okay, you've been lied to a thousand times, why not a thousand times more?
No, we're going to always celebrate your lies, celebrate trampling you, and showing how pathetic you are.
You want us to just give up and roll over.
This is a death battle, politically.
We're not going to give up.
That's who wins the fight.
Who has the moral authority and who won't give up.
George Washington, for seven years, lost almost every battle, but wouldn't give up.
And won the war.
Perseverance is power.
Never giving in.
Having will.
Setting your will against the globalists.
If you just spiritually ask God to use you as a vessel and set your will against the new world order, your life will change just like that.
It's a free will decision.
You want to know how to fight tyranny?
Ask God.
You want to know how to stand up, how to reclaim your life and your children?
Ask God.
Say, I'm willing to do whatever you direct me to do.
I turn myself over to you via free will!
The world doesn't do that.
The world creeps in and wants to take over your free will and get you to accept it by increment.
Not the God of the universe.
You've got to want it.
Now let's go to Gruber, the arrogant sycophant, the Harvard, you know, tactician, now at MIT, who bragged that, I met behind closed doors, and they said, we can't let the public know it increases prices, and it penalizes healthy people.
And so what we did was, is we deceived them, and then he adopted my plan.
And the other academics look at him, nodding approvingly.
Oh, the technology of lying and being disreputable.
And now they replace old lies with new, as Gruber denies that he's an architect, and apologizes for his hateful arrogance, endangering the foreign bank's attempt to finally break America's back.
Here it is.
I did not draft Governor Romney's health plan, and I was not the architect of President Obama's health care plan.
If he later got indicted by a grand jury, which he may be, for fraud, they'll say, oh, I'm not THE architect, I did not draft it, and they'll come out that there were a bunch of lawyers, like Thomas Jefferson drafted the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, but by draft it, they had a bunch of people there together, he came up with it after they agreed on the basic architecture.
So, you know, we don't know who the Thomas Jefferson was of this monstrosity.
But Gruber came up with a bunch of the key fake numbers for Congress and how to screwjob people.
And he bragged about it.
So see, that's his lawyer speak right there.
Let's go back to the start.
And here, if you're a radio listener, you gotta see how he looks.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash show to see the little weasel there falling on his sword for bragging in front of the slaves.
Here it is.
I did not draft Governor Romney's health plan, and I was not the architect of President Obama's health care plan.
After the passage of the ACA, I made a series of speeches endeavoring to explain the law's implications for the U.S.
health care system from the perspective of a trained economist.
Let's hit pause.
He gave speeches to Democrat policy wonks and professors on how to declare war and engage in deception and fraud.
You are a general teaching the PhD students and the other professors how to better mob, rape America, and screw over poor people.
Let's just decipher what you just said, you little piece of garbage.
Let's go back to him.
Over the past few weeks, a number of videos have emerged from these appearances.
In excerpts of these videos, I'm shown making a series of glib, thoughtless, and sometimes downright insulting comments.
Let's hit pause.
They weren't glib.
They weren't thoughtless.
You were bragging about how you ran a major campaign against America and successfully shoved a dagger right in our main aorta!
And now they want to fully yank it through and terminate us for good.
We're trying to pull the knife out and get that aorta sutured.
And we're using your evil as a way to get the energy to pull the knife back out and to get in there, and they're fighting to, no, don't pull it out, drag it down through, finish the job!
What did you do, Gruber?
We almost had them chained down!
You torture the enemy once they're chained down, Gruber!
Don't brag until we've got them!
Until we've got their guns, Gruber!
Then we celebrate!
Let's go back to him.
I apologize for the first of these videos earlier, but the ongoing attention paid to these videos has made me realize that a fuller accounting is necessary.
I'd like to begin by apologizing sincerely for the offending comments that I've made.
In some cases, I made uninformed and glib comments about the political process behind health care reform.
Is that his wife behind him?
I'm not an expert on politics, and my totem plot I was, which is wrong.
In other cases, I simply made mean and insulting comments which are uncalled for in any context.
I sincerely apologize for conjecturing with the tone of expertise, and for doing so in such a disparaging fashion.
It's never appropriate to make oneself seem more important or smarter by... That's a favorite word of Weasel's.
I knew better.
I know better.
I'm embarrassed and I'm sorry.
That's enough, that's enough.
Let's play a clip of Obama talking about how wonderful Gruber is and how he has liberally taken from him.
Let's go to that clip.
You've already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles.
Many of them I've stolen ideas from liberally.
People ranging from Robert Gordon to Austin Goolsbee.
John Gruber, my dear friend Jim Wallace here, who can talk, I think, who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice.
All right, let's go to the really powerful ones coming up, but Gruber to critics.
I spoke against my expertise.
No, you bragged about, in all these closed door meetings with the President, deciding how to deceive people, and you wrote a report to Congress, so that, you think, by the way, Weasel, do you really think you deceived a bunch of lawyers in Congress?
They needed you to write the fraudulent report, so they could lie to their constituents and act like they didn't know.
You really think you deceived that pack of devils in Congress, you little moron?
You fool!
You were dumb enough to write the fraudulent report for them so they could play stupid!
My question is this.
Sitting here today, what do you say to those people who are trying to eliminate the ACA?
And who are quoting your statements as a reason to repeal health care for millions of Americans and many of our constituents.
The real enemy here is Cummings, who knows full well it's a giant screw job, massively makes blacks even more unemployed, payroll taxes, everything.
He wants to lie and say you're getting some free health care here.
See, that's the real devil.
He's smart enough not to certify some fraudulent report.
He has Gruber do it.
Let's go out to break with Gruber.
People are watching us right now on C-SPAN.
Now what do you say to them?
I would say that I made a series of inexcusable and offensive comments where I conjectured with a tone of expertise to try to make myself seem smarter by demeaning others.
And I apologize for that.
You acted just like Zuckerberg, calling his users dumb effers.
You had a public celebration of your evil.
We're going to go to break, ladies and gentlemen, and come back with more of Herr Gruber falling on his sword.
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All right, before we go any further, let's just go out to break as we start the next hour looking at the UN Treaty gun grab and more.
We'll also look at the Pacific Partnership and a lot of other unconstitutional power grabs with investigative journalists from the New American Magazine who's going to be joining us.
And we'll also open the phones up.
But first, let's go out with a clip of Gruber doesn't recall past statements.
Here's a little bit of him being grilled this morning.
Mr. Gruber, you believe that your statements were inexcusable insulting, but they do appear to be true.
You're not here recanting today your statements with respect to the tax aspect of Obamacare, are you?
I'm here today to say that any conjectures I made about political... This is not a conjecture, Mr. Gruber.
I mean, conjecture is, I believe it may have been, someone may have been thinking, perhaps they were, perhaps it was.
This is your straight-up statements.
These are not conjecture.
Is it your purpose today to recant Obamacare as a tax?
It is my purpose today to come forward and elaborate and straighten out the interpretation of a series of comments that I made and to apologize.
Let's do that then.
Let's clarify it.
Mr. Gruber, you made these statements, did you not?
If I don't recall exactly, but... You don't recall?
Now, one of them we actually saw on video.
Do you recall that one?
These statements, we'll enter them for the record, and I can't imagine how you don't recall your own statements because the American voter has seen them over and over again as you've called them stupid.
Do you deny making these statements, Mr. Gruber, even though you don't recall them?
Do you deny calling Obamacare a tax?
If you're reading my actual quotes, then I don't deny it.
I don't have... I am reading your actual quotes.
Then I don't deny it.
Okay, so you're not here to recant it or to deny it.
I'm here to explain that a number of those comments were made in a tone of expertise that I don't have when I was talking about politics.
Mr. Gruber, do you know what a tax is?
I mean, you do have, you know, expertise in economics.
Do you know what a tax is?
So, you would not deny today that in these statements that you made that Obamacare is a tax, would you?
Obamacare is a large piece of legislation with many parts.
We're going to come back, folks, with a second hour straight ahead.
More of this as well.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
As the year is coming to a close, we all pause to reflect on what's happened in the past year.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number two.
Alex Newman, investigative journalist for the New American Magazine, has really dug into what's in the UNIDIR UN Small Arms Treaty.
It goes into effect December 24th and Obama says he'll implement regardless.
Regardless of what Congress does, we're going to look at the executive power grab, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and a lot more coming up, and open the phones up specifically on the U.N.
gun treaty.
And then Gerald Cilente gives us an exclusive first look at his projections for the major trends of 2015.
Gerald Cilente, the trends forecaster, in the second hour.
Right now, let's go back to some more of this clip from just earlier today with Jonathan Gruber.
Let's just start this at the beginning because it's pretty powerful.
Doesn't recall his statements.
Here it is.
Statements were inexcusable insulting, but they do appear to be true.
You're not here recanting today your statements with respect to the tax aspect of Obamacare, are you?
I'm here today to say that any conjectures I made about political... This is not a conjecture, Mr. Gruber.
I mean, conjecture is, I believe it may have been, someone may have been thinking, perhaps they were, perhaps it was.
This is your straight-up statements.
These are not conjecture.
Is it your purpose today to recant Obamacare as a tax?
It is my purpose today to come forward and elaborate and straighten out the interpretation of a series of comments that I made and to apologize.
Let's do that then.
Let's clarify it.
Mr. Gruber, you made these statements, did you not?
If I don't recall exactly, but... You don't recall?
Now, one of them we actually saw on video.
Do you recall that one?
These statements, we'll enter them for the record, and I can't imagine how you don't recall your own statements because the American voter has seen them over and over again as you've called them stupid.
Do you deny making these statements, Mr. Gruber, even though you don't recall them?
Do you deny calling Obamacare a tax?
If you're reading my actual quotes, then I don't deny it.
I don't have... I am reading your actual quotes.
Then I don't deny it.
Okay, so you're not here to recant it or to deny it.
I'm here to explain that a number of those comments were made in a tone of expertise that I don't have when I was talking about politics.
Mr. Gruber, do you know what a tax is?
I mean, you do have, you know, expertise in economics.
Do you know what a tax is?
So, you would not deny today that in these statements that you made that Obamacare is a tax, would you?
Obamacare is a large piece of legislation with many parts.
And is one of those parts a tax, Mr. Gruber?
There are some taxes in Obamacare.
Well, the President, as you know, argued that Obamacare was not a tax until it went before the U.S.
Supreme Court as to whether or not Obamacare was a tax.
And then the administration argued that it is a tax in order to be able to save it from being declared unconstitutional.
So I would assume that you agree with the U.S.
Supreme Court that Obamacare provisions include taxes, right?
The U.S.
Supreme Court ruled on a particular provision of Obamacare.
You do not disagree with them, do you?
I'm sorry?
You don't disagree with them that there are elements of Obamacare that constitute tax?
I don't agree with their conclusion about the mandate.
Different than what you said at these hearings.
But now I have a question for you that I'd like you to think back.
You said, I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the individual mandate as taxes.
Did you ever speak to anyone in the administration who acknowledged that to you, or explained that to you, or who assigned a problem with you with the construct of
That we have to draft this in a torture way so that we make sure CBO did not score the individual mandate as taxes.
And you are under oath, Mr. Gerber.
Did anybody in the administration have that conversation with you?
That was an inexcusable term used by... I'm not asking you about how you believe that whether or not you should have said that or not.
It's a factual statement you're making.
Did anybody in the administration ever have that conversation with you?
I do not recall anyone using the word tortured, no.
Did they ask, did they have the conversation with you that it had to be drafted in a way that the CBO did not score the individual mandate as taxes?
Anyone in the administration, acknowledge it, explain it, or assign aspects to you within that construct.
You're under oath.
I honestly do not recall.
He does not honestly recall bragging everywhere that he helped come up with the fraud.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I'll tell you what Hollywood Babylon is.
It's LeBron James calling himself King James, meeting with stupid Prince William and his Duchess, Duchess Kate, kicking off their tour, meeting with Obama.
That's what Edward Bernays, who wrote the book Propaganda, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who worked for the Department of War and had the name changed to the Department of Defense,
He's the reason you eat bacon with eggs in the morning.
He's the guy that convinced women that smoking cigarettes would be cool and rebel against their man.
He's the guy that has affected our lives probably more than anybody else in modern history.
And he talked about mixing politics with Hollywood and the stage back in the twenties and thirties, and they've done that successfully.
And then Hollywood can sell the agenda that the family's bad, that strong men are bad, that freedom's bad, that
Defending yourself is bad.
They can sell this anti-human agenda so that we just stand down and become slaves.
Now, I wanted to get Alex Newman on because he's an international journalist, educator, author, and consultant.
He writes for the New American Magazine and World Net Daily, and the website is thenewamerican.com.
I've gone over the different permutations of the U.N.
I remember their Small Arms Treaty.
They tried to get ratified by the U.S.
in 2001.
The July 7th copy said, quote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Now that's a very true statement except for one word, legitimate.
Civilian ownership of firearms threatens
The power monopoly of the state.
That's a true statement.
Not, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Mao Zedong said that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
And the Chinese historians believe he killed 84 million people, the CIA says it's 66 million.
The CIA, and I'd always heard this from the folks at the John Birch Society of the New American and whistleblowers and their big congressional testimony, but it was declassified 15 years ago, and it's even been on History Channel, that the CIA did send rifles with no firing pins or bolts to Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists, that they did secretly arm Mao Zedong, and there was even a faction of U.S.
government people there, from Army Intelligence and others,
That they helped people like John Birch, who they killed, tortured and killed, that's why it's called John Birch Society, roll up and put the Communists in charge.
And David Rockefeller wrote his famous op-ed when, I think it was 76 or 77, when Mao died, praising what he did.
He killed
About triple what Hitler did, and about double what Stalin did.
Greatest mass murderers in history.
Mao Tse-Tung, Joe Stalin, V.I.
Lenin, Adolf Hitler has fourth place, ladies and gentlemen, fourth place.
Fourth place.
And they praise him.
And the guys just found the op-ed piece from the New York Times.
Was my history right that it was 76?
I forget what year.
It was 77?
We can put that back on screen, that New York Times.
From a China traveler, David Rockefeller.
And if you blow it up, it'll say the date.
But the point is, David Rockefeller went in before Nixon made his deal with China publicly and set all this up
To leverage planetary government between China and the U.S.
to bring in this new system.
And now, with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and with all these treaties, and Obama saying he'll sign and implement treaties outside of Congress ratifying them.
Open borders, that's part of the U.N.
treaty in ESCO.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is part of the North American Union integration by stealth plan.
All of this is happening and we see Obama trying to ban the importation of guns and ammo, citing UN policy in previous treaties.
So joining us to discuss the attack on the Second Amendment is Alex Newman, then at the bottom of the hour, specifically,
A discussion of the U.N.
I want to explain something.
People always say, get us out of the U.N., get rid of the U.N.
It's the problem.
It is the problem.
But robber barons in our country, in Europe, and in China, and in the U.K.
created it.
The Rockefellers gave the land in New York.
They financed it, and more than a hundred other globalist organizations, to bring in this planetary corporate government, where the ultra-rich are above the law.
And I've read this quote twice today from Gary Allen, journalist Gary Allen, who wrote, None Dare Call a Conspiracy.
If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth,
Then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all.
And his son has joined the dark side and runs and founded Politico.
Just like Ron Paul knew, and I guess could call him friends, Alan Greenspan in the 70s, when he wrote books and libertarian books, published like three of them that I've read personally,
And essays about the Federal Reserve, the New World Order, world government, planetary regime, how gold standard or silver standard was the answer, and they went and hired Alan Greenspan.
See, a lot of folks end up deciding to kneel to Emperor Palpatine to use that allegory.
You will now be known as Darth Vader.
Let's go ahead and go to Alex Newman joining us.
Alex, I tell you, they are really bold.
They're moving fast right now.
Let's break down exactly what's in this treaty because there's a new congressional report out today.
Where the feds are in emails admitting they're shutting down gun shops by ordering banks not to let them have bank accounts and they're shutting down major gun websites that even have accessories outside of law.
Isn't that like the Nazis throwing stuff through Jewish shopkeepers windows and outside of law not letting them have businesses?
You know, you're absolutely right that the attack on gun rights is coming now fast and furious.
It's been accelerating recently, and the United Nations now is at the point where they're just brazenly and openly saying that, you know, our gun rights, our Second Amendment is a human rights violation, we need to get rid of self-defense, we need to get rid of stand your ground.
Uh, and most recently after Ferguson and after the police shot that 12-year-old boy, they again attacked gun rights.
So that's four or five times in the last year or so, and they're just getting so, so brazen about it now that they're, you know, putting out press releases attacking our gun rights.
And the Obama administration, of course, is fully on board with this.
So the attack on gun rights is becoming very brazen.
You know, now the UN is pushing for expanded background checks under the guise of human rights.
And you know, that's so extreme that even the Democrats couldn't get it through the Senate when the Democrats controlled the Senate.
So that should give people a hint about how extreme these UN positions are.
But you know, it's part of the course for the UN.
Just a few years ago, they were helping the government down in Venezuela disarm citizens there, the law-abiding citizens, of course.
The government gets to keep its monopoly on power.
And it's just, in my opinion, it's unbelievable that we're at a point now where the UN feels like it can openly attack our gun rights as a human rights violation.
And get away with it, and it's only because the Obama administration is so anti-gun.
I think that this is able to proceed so openly like this, but it's becoming brazen.
They have the Arms Trade Treaty coming into effect on December 24th.
Like you said, Obama is talking about implementing these U.N.
treaties without even getting approval from the Senate, as is required.
And the Senate's had to, as you know, the Senate has had to threaten Obama that he better not try that, but then they never follow through when he does what he wants.
The U.N.
has criticized Obama for not opening the borders up enough!
Meanwhile, they don't criticize North Korea, they don't criticize Communist China, they don't criticize China selling and trafficking in human organs.
They only criticize countries that have free market economics.
Yeah, that's right.
And I'm actually doing a big report on this right now for the printed version of the magazine.
This entire human rights bureaucracy at the UN is beyond a sick joke.
I mean, you have communist dictators on there, the regime in China sits on the Human Rights Council, the regime in Saudi Arabia that beheads people for converting to Christianity, the Cuban regime that's enslaving the people of Cuba.
So these are the human rights people that are now lecturing the United States.
But you said something before that at the
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Countries that actually do have human rights violations, they put the worst human rights violators on the Human Rights Council, and then have them attack the United States for our actual rights, like our gun rights, and our self-defense rights, and our rights to free speech.
They want hate speech laws.
So it would be a cruel and ridiculous joke, except for the fact that our globalists here in the United States and in Europe are fully behind this organization.
I'm no fan of the police state.
I'm known for being the guy that criticizes it and is trying to stop it, but it doesn't mean I'm against the individual police themselves.
We can see classic communist liberation theology with the Democratic Party and others trying to have class warfare now between the general public and the police.
I mean, this is so transparent.
Yeah, that's exactly what's going on, Alex.
I'm so glad you mentioned that.
You know, they're trying to stir up any tensions and any hatred that they can, just keep the public distracted from the real criminals.
You know, have the police and the citizens at war with each other, the blacks and the whites at war with each other, the rich and the poor, the men and the women, any kind of division, arbitrary, ridiculous, whatever, they'll exploit it as long as it keeps the attention off of them and off of
That's right, because the Globalists are an enemy alien operation, and what would an enemy do?
It would divide the people so it could take them over.
Alex Newman, let's look at this treaty and the fight that's coming up in the House and in the Senate to stop Obama, who's announced he's going to move unilaterally on this and more.
Stay with us.
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I'm going to give the phone number out, and we're going to take calls coming up.
Alex Newman of the New American Magazine is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
For the last year, I've been hearing about Infowars.com Alex Jones billboards in Florida, in Arkansas, in Texas, in New Jersey, and in Missouri, just all over.
And radio stations have bought us billboards, and citizens have done it here and there.
It's happened probably hundreds of times.
But whoever's doing this has done a whole bunch of them.
And I had a caller last week who told us who it was, and then I asked them to give the number, and I don't think it got followed or happened.
So, I want to discover who you are, if you want to be known, and have you on the show and talk about it, because I think it's an example of what other people could step up and do, especially if there's a local AM or FM in the area, to tell folks to also tune into that station.
This is just another great way to get the word out.
Because if you come listen to this show, you will find out exactly what's going on.
Very exciting.
So we salute whoever's doing it.
Email us.
Contact us.
Who is the mysterious info warrior posting billboards nationwide?
Infowars billboards mysteriously appear on America's interstates.
And I'm told they're all over the place.
Commenters are going, yeah, I'm in New York, yeah, I'm in Illinois, yeah.
And it's the same one.
It's a good-looking billboard.
And if more citizens stepped up and did that, it could be a huge effect.
A huge effect.
Now I'll move back to our guest, but that's what this broadcast is, is a watchman on the wall, a watchwoman on the wall, telling you what's going on.
And even if I'm bombastic, sometimes fine.
I got all these great reporters, all these great guests, all these other researchers.
It's about the information.
I'm just here blowing the trumpet.
Sometimes I don't like the way it sounds, but I'm raising the alarm.
We need you to raise the alarm.
We have the power to change things.
One arrogant case like Gruber calling us dumb fools and how they ripped us off could bring them down.
And these people can't change their spots.
They keep acting arrogant.
Alex, I think that's a big part of the reason I'm confident is history shows tyrants and their minions love to brag.
They always go too far.
They never stop pushing.
They think they're going to hide their world government, but it's so big, it's so out in the open now, they don't laugh at us when we talk about the Federal Reserve being private.
They don't laugh at us when we talk about world government.
When mainstream media criticizes me, they don't even say he's nuts and thinks there's a plan for world government.
They say he criticizes the move to world government.
I mean, we've come so far since the days that Mr. Welsh founded the group that has your magazine.
Talk about where you see the world right now.
I don't want to come back and drill into the treaty itself and take phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us specifically on the UN and on this treaty is 800-259-9231.
We're discussing the stealth, but also extrajudicial move to take our guns, 888-253-3139.
This is only a few minutes left in the short segment, Alex.
What do you think the real state of the world is right now?
You know, I think thanks to patriots like you, and you're doing a really great service to humanity, Alex.
A lot of people have woken up because of the work that you're doing.
But you know, with what you're doing, and what the whole alternative media is doing, it's shifted the debate, and the globalists know this.
I don't know that they're scared yet, but they realize that people are waking up right and left every day.
That's why we see the drive to censor the internet, and you know, to pass hate speech laws, to censor the truth, and censor criticism of the political class.
So I think they're nervous.
I think they realize that humanity is waking up.
And, you know, as we get closer to this criminal world government that they're trying to set up, it's going to become more and more obvious to more and more people.
It's going to step on people's toes.
It's going to force people to come out of their comfort zone, you know, tune out the football for a little bit and realize that what's happening here is serious and it's going to affect every one of us.
So I think the globalists realize this and I think the patriots realize this.
Now, you know, it's a race against time.
But with God on our side, I'm very confident that the globalists can be
At least it defeated and held back for a significant amount of time.
And, you know, they think they're moving into their New World Order.
They call it the New World Order.
They think it's coming soon, but I beg to differ.
That's right.
A planetary, corporate, anti-free market, anti-human, total surveillance grid cutting off our resources.
I mean, this is total enslavement.
Everyone should take it personal and should make it one of the main focuses of their lives to study it, to know we're telling the truth, and then to move against it.
But people always want some silver bullet, Alex, that's going to fix it all overnight.
There is no silver bullet.
It is resisting it, speaking out against it, and withdrawing our consent.
That's right, and you know, what you do, Alex, is exactly what people need to be doing.
Get information out there.
Get the truth out there.
Educate your community.
Educate the electorate.
That's how we're going to get good politicians in office.
That's how we're going to restore the Constitution.
And that's how we're going to bring justice to criminals who want to take our guns, for example, or build a criminal world government.
So we need awareness, we need education, and you're doing a great job.
No, you are Alex and the New American and all the listeners out there.
We're all in this together, brother.
Alright, we'll be right back with your phone calls and we're going to look at the treaty and other globalist treaties.
They're moving on all fronts in a bum rush of desperateness.
They're behind schedule.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Just keep it coming.
We are not fooling around.
We're not playing games.
We know how epic it is to be alive right now on this planet and what we face as a society.
We're not just here Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
live with a Sunday transmission.
Many of our affiliates carry it.
We're very thankful for them doing that.
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I'm sorry, I said 100.
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It's not on purpose.
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All right, I'm going to shut up now and give Alex Newman of thenewamericanmagazine.com the floor to talk about the treaty, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and why he thinks they're moving on so many fronts right now.
Then we're going to go to Chad, Jim, Kevin, Nate, Leon, and others that are patiently holding.
Again, thenewamerican.com.
Alex, you've got the floor.
Basically, there's a number of really important treaties that are moving through the process right now that people need to be aware of.
Each of them infringes on our sovereignty and on our inalienable God-given rights.
I think the Arms Trade Treaty is one of the most important.
Article 2 right there basically defines for us that citizens do not have a right to own guns or ammunition or any type of self-defense weapon that's listed in there.
Article 3 deals with ammunition.
And initially, at least, the treaty mandates that national governments form a registry with the eventual goal of confiscation, because as the treaty explains, the idea is that only authorized state parties should have access to firearms and weaponry.
Now, when people think of authorized state parties, I want them to think of Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Chairman Mao you were talking about before, you know, mass murders.
The Sudan's Omar Bashir, you know, genocidal guy killed a bunch of people in Darfur.
So these are the authorized state parties that we're talking about.
Kim Jong-un in North Korea, Fidel Castro and Raul Castro in Cuba.
These are the people that the UN thinks deserve to have guns.
And us citizens, we don't get any guns and the UN has made that clear for a long time.
Like I said before, they recently helped disarm the people of Venezuela, who are, as your listeners probably know, living under a regime that also does not really respect
Freedom and human rights and God-given rights.
So the Arms Trade Treaty, that's a big one.
The UN says it's going to go into effect on December 24th.
Of course, the Senate has not ratified it, but Obama is always scheming to implement at least parts of it without ratification.
Then we have, of course, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is an idea to merge the United States further into these regional building blocks of the New World Order.
This one involves the communist dictatorship in Vietnam, for example, and presumably would eventually expand to include others.
Then they're trying to merge the United States with the European
We're good to go.
We're talking about free trade here.
We're talking about managed trade, thousands of pages of regulations and international bureaucracy.
We're talking about government.
That's how they set up the EU, was calling it a free trade commonwealth.
That's exactly right.
And we have, you know, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The European Union started with the European Free Trade Agreement.
So they thought they were going to build the North American Union here.
Robert Pastor, the founding father of that idea, he credited the John Birch Society with killing the plan.
But as the CFR made clear, even recently this year,
We're good to go.
Thomas Jefferson, you know, the author of the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important founding fathers, he made that absolutely clear in his letters and his writings.
Treaties do not supersede the Constitution.
They do not grant any new powers to the federal government that weren't granted by the Constitution.
And the Supreme Court has agreed with this interpretation as recently as 57.
We're good.
We're good to go.
Well, you're right.
The constitutional scholars are legion on the fact that a treaty does not trump a domestic law.
But regardless of that, Obama is saying he will order agencies to follow treaties even if Congress doesn't ratify.
Let me ask you this question.
What do you make of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and others
Refusing to repeal Obamacare, refusing to go after him, refusing to impeach him, refusing to shut down the government to force him to not have executive amnesty.
I mean, this really shows us that the globalists are controlling the leadership of both parties.
You've got a lot of great grassroots people that just came into office.
I don't know how they think they're going to get away with this and having people like Jonathan Gruber.
Traipsing around, admitting it's a, you know, way to socially engineer and raise taxes.
And then his own party running from him, but still defending the legislation.
We have to come to grips with the fact that we really are dealing with a group of criminals.
And you know, no doubt the leadership of the GOP is controlled by neocons and globalists.
Same council on foreign relations that controls the Obama administration and the UN.
And that's obvious just by their fruits.
You know, by their fruits you shall know them.
We can look very clearly at Congress.
They just got a huge Republican majority.
And they're relying on the ignorance of the American people, and on Republican voters in particular, to not understand that they have the complete and total power to stop any of this.
All they have to do is refuse to provide funding for it.
All funding has to come from the House of Representatives.
If the House does not approve funding for Obama's imperial decrees for the UN climate, they're not even calling it a treaty now because Obama knows he won't get it ratified, but they can deny funds for any of this.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, that's why Congress keeps playing dumb.
Like, we didn't know that Gruber's plan to us was a lie.
We didn't know.
Well, now they know it's a screwjob.
They need to repeal it.
Let's play this clip of Elijah Cummings savaging Gruber.
Cummings is really good at acting like he doesn't know that he supports stuff that is basically double-black unemployment in Maryland.
Here's the clip.
And then we'll... Dr. Gruber.
For stupid.
I mean absolutely stupid comments he made over the past few years, and then drill and grill Administrator Tavenner about what appears to be an inadvertent mistake in reporting ACA enrollment numbers.
This may be good political theater, but it will not help a single American
Get health insurance.
It will not help a single person get well.
It will not help a single person get the care that they need.
This is how he talks to you like you're five years old.
Let me be clear, I'm extremely frustrated with Dr. Gruber's statements.
You're a screw job, he's getting exposed.
They were irresponsible, incredibly disrespectful.
Well, for telling the truth about what you're involved in?
And did not reflect reality.
And they were indeed insulting.
I was in Congress when this law was debated.
And Dr. Gruber does not speak for me or the chairman of the other committees who worked tirelessly.
Or the 12,000 pages of changes?
We debated this legislation for nearly a year.
You debated it, huh?
Before it was finally passed and signed by the President.
Did you read any of it?
We held 79 hearings and markups in the House of Representatives alone.
Of propaganda and baloney.
Never once did I believe
Or did anyone suggest that we were somehow hiding our goals from the American people?
Yeah, you don't want our guns either.
But worst of all, Dr. Gruber's statements gave Republicans a public relations gift.
In their relentless political campaign to tear down the ACA and eliminate health care for the American people.
Many Republicans now allege some kind of Democratic conspiracy, citing the praise for Dr. Gruber's work from President Obama and other Democrats.
But that, too, is completely wrong.
Let me highlight some additional praise Dr. Groover received for his work.
Dr. Groover received the following thanks for his contributions to health care legislation, and I quote, Jonathan Groover at MIT devoted hours and hours to an essential economic model.
All right, let's not play any more of these lies.
What do you make of this type of arrogance and humorous?
Then we're going to skip this network break and go to phone calls.
You know, I think it's symptomatic of everything that's going on in Washington, D.C.
It's constant.
It's all about deceiving the stupid voters, as Gruber put it.
If they couldn't deceive the stupid voters, they couldn't get away with this kind of arrogant crime spree.
It is.
You know, it's all across the board.
If you look at education, healthcare, all of it relies on deceiving voters who they think are stupid.
And, you know, that makes our job very clear.
We need to educate the electorate and get these people out of office so that they'll stop destroying our country, stop trampling on our rights, and stop selling us out to organizations like the United Nations that are being used to take our guns and infringe on freedom around the world.
It's that simple.
Well, they're just mafias that come in and hijack free economies, cut them up, divide them up, and then have a new scam to fix all the problems they've created before.
And Cummings knows full well what he's done.
Everybody knows what's in that bill up there in Congress.
And see, now they're like, the Republicans want to get rid of what we've got.
No, no, Boehner and McConnell don't!
See, because when it all comes out that they're together on it, then they lose the Democrats.
The only reason the Democrats are supporting it is because they think the Republicans want to take their free goody away and they've had an imaginary victory.
That's why you checkmate them when you actually bring out its bipartisan screwjob.
Jim, in Missouri, thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey, thanks.
Mr. Newman, I'd like to direct this question to you.
I've got a couple of points I'd like to make.
You know, I believe that the local law enforcement is the biggest hurdle the government has in gun confiscation.
But I'm wondering if the Obama administration will use these latest cases of police brutality.
Oh yeah, they're trying to start a civil war.
And so the U.N.
can come in and demand that the citizens and local police are disarmed.
That's in the U.N.
original UNIDIR treaties, and State Department Moranum 7277 is to disarm the people, then the police, then the federal police, and only have U.N.
peacekeepers, a monopoly of power by the world government.
Sorry, caller, go ahead.
Well, I just, you know, we keep seeing these police brutality cases, and the government, the Obama administration especially, jumps on these things.
And whether they're true police brutality or whether they're not, they're criticizing the local law enforcement.
And I just see this as a way for the Obama administration to turn the people against local law enforcement to help them further federalize the local law enforcement.
To be able to do whatever they want.
You know, I believe that local law enforcement is one main thing standing in the way of gun control because we've got a lot of sheriffs and police departments that want to enforce it.
But if the federal government has federalized local law enforcement, then they can do whatever they want.
And that's it.
That's it.
What you said is 100% true.
Alex, any comments on that?
Yeah, you know, we've been running for decades that the campaign supports your local police and keeps them independent, and it's for exactly this reason.
You know, local law enforcement is not the enemy.
Obviously there's, you know, some bad apples, whatever you want to call them, and you find that all across society.
It's not unique to police departments.
The biggest problem is the federal control over local law enforcement, the militarization of law enforcement that's being carried out from Washington, D.C.
So really, the source of these problems tracks back to the unconstitutional machinations by the federal government.
And then you have people like Obama, who have been showering military equipment
On local police stepping in and saying, oh, look, the police militarization.
So there's a very sinister agenda here.
The U.N.
is exploiting the same thing.
They're trying to demonize local law enforcement here in the United States as some kind of gung-ho, racist, lunatic wackos.
And that's just not the case.
The local law enforcement, that's our friends, that's our neighbors.
They're part of our communities.
And the globalists and Obama
And all of these, they understand that this is one of the big hurdles to implementing their agenda.
Well, there's certainly some rotten areas in the country, but when the globalist, weaponized media is attacking local police 24-7, and Hollywood's involved, you know it's bad!
I mean, it's a no-brainer.
When the enemy's doing something, I can intellectually track why it's bad, like Jim just said, like you just said, but it's just obvious.
It's so outrageous.
Anything else, Jim?
Yes, I would also like to make the point, I'm a pastor here in Missouri, and I would just like to say to all the pastors and Christians that are listening, we have an obligation to let people know what's going on.
To any pastor or church member that believes that politics do not belong in church, I'm going to encourage you to read Ezekiel 33.
We are the watchmen, and their blood is going to be on our hands.
The blood of the people is going to be on our hands if we let
All this happening, don't warn people about what's going on.
You're absolutely right.
They want civil war in this country.
That's how the communists take over.
And again, it's powerful, rich people that want to set off shore and bring the country down that are financing a classical communist takeover in America.
It's incredible.
And then they give all the federal training and these armored vehicles, knowing it makes local police look horrible.
Then they come back in and go, we'll train them how to use these tanks right, while the people throwing the bottles work for the Justice Department on record.
I mean, it's just, it's sick.
Kevin in West Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, how are you both Alex's?
My question is, my family is nothing but hunters, and this whole disarmament treaty, I don't quite understand it.
Well it's simple, do you think a tiger or a lion wants a gazelle or a ding ding it's going to eat?
Some little deer, do you think it wants it to have like big ten inch fangs?
No, it eats it because it'll roll over.
So that's why they're trying to take your guns.
Well, I mean, we're hunters and what scares me is that, um, are we going to wake up Christmas morning with the Gestapo at the door saying, turn them in?
Yes, and it's being done in California and New York incrementally for little regulations and veterans where they, Bloomberg says, headline last year, gun confiscation has begun in California.
I appreciate your call.
Comments, how do you see them rolling this gun control by stealth?
I think the globalists and the Obama administration have figured out that straight frontal attack on gun rights is not going to apply.
So it looks to me like what they're doing, first they want to get them registered, and this is how the UN treaty outlines that it should be done as well.
You need a national control list of all the weapons, who owns all the weapons, what type of weapons, what type of ammunition, and just like all dictatorships throughout history, once they have the guns registered is when they'll come for the guns.
So the first step will be registering
That's why you saw this huge push for the expansion of the background checks.
They don't care about background checks.
In fact, they love it when a nut job goes and shoots somebody.
Of course.
They want a list of everybody who owns weapons so that they can come and confiscate it.
And by the way, the Violence Policy Center, the Brady Center, the Austin Proteum Mayor, Mike Martinez said in speeches, we're going to register and then we're going to confiscate their guns.
And then he laughed, he laughed at the gun owners and said, yeah, we are coming for your guns.
Just like Gruber, they love to let us know.
Yeah, so if people don't fight back, there's a serious, serious struggle ahead for gun rights.
But I think the globalists have realized now that Americans aren't going to sit back and take an attack on gun rights lightly.
So they're trying to sell it as, you know, just background checks.
Who could be opposed to more background checks?
And they want to chip away at it, little by little, until they can exploit a crisis to come out and grab them all after they're registered.
That's right.
Great points.
Chad in Washington, you're on the air with Alex Newman of the New American Magazine.
Oh yeah, the last caller basically asked, which I was going to ask.
I just was hoping he could explain a little bit more.
I don't remember who said it, but somebody was saying if a state doesn't really comply or the populace doesn't comply, then they'll send in the U.N.
troops pretty much to disarm people.
I was hoping he could just explain a little bit about that.
Well, that's after the Civil War.
See, first they destabilize the country, then they send the U.N.
in to mop up later.
You know, people think it's ridiculous the idea that UN troops might someday be in the United States.
It's not ridiculous at all.
And if you look at what the UN troops are doing around the world, now I've written on this extensively because it, in my opinion, it's one of the worst atrocities going on in the world and nobody's paying attention to it.
These UN peacekeeping troops are systematically raping, slaughtering, and pillaging the populations they're supposed to be protecting.
It doesn't matter if you're looking in Haiti, the Ivory Coast, Sudan, Somalia, the Congo, any place where you find UN peacekeeping.
Literally being a news channel for 22 years, 20 years on air, no army in modern history has been more villainous, larcenous, murderous than the UN so-called peacekeepers.
I mean, it is an army of evil.
It is.
It's mind-boggling.
And the media doesn't want to pay any attention to it.
But the idea that they would be in the States is not as ridiculous as it sounds.
Look at the U.N.
and sex trafficking of kids and women.
They're the main driver of that.
Do five more minutes with us if you can, Alex.
And then we've got Gerald Cilente coming up.
We've got the little no-man's land.
Five minutes at some stations here at the start.
More calls.
Alex Newman, then Gerald Cilente with a first look at the trends of 2015.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alex Newman of the newamericanmagazine.com.
I'm going to take a few final calls for you right now, but any other points you want to make about the U.N.
Treaty, a little Christmas gift that Obama says he'll implement by fiat.
Yeah, one thing that I think is important for people to understand, the UN is more of a tool of the globalists than a danger in and of itself.
But with that said, withdrawing from the United Nations and defunding the United Nations would set the globalists back decades.
They're thinking to use the United Nations as the nucleus of this global tyranny that they're trying to impose.
And they're doing it on all
It's a good goal for all of us to aspire to.
We need to educate our communities about the danger of the UN.
And we can use that momentum to defund and then withdraw from the dictator's club.
And that's what it is.
That's what really exposes the UN.
They never criticize dictators and horrible regimes.
It's always Christians, family groups, private property, and then it's a bunch of corrupt billionaires on top of it, like George Soros, telling someone that makes $100,000 a year how they're a greedy pig.
Leon in Utah, thanks for holding your own the year with Alex Newman.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Mr. Newman and fellow patriotic citizen.
I have a few things that I want to just point out real quick.
I mean, what are we supposed to do, guys?
What's the plan?
I mean, overall, we can see that things are, you know, they're expanding in a way that's beyond our comprehension in terms of they want to just, you know, knock on our doors and say, hand over your guns, you know?
We know that people are going to stand their grounds, and we know that, you know, people are going to defend themselves, and it's going to be a bloodbath, to be honest with you.
It's something that we all have to understand, and many people, I feel like they lack discipline because they don't listen.
They're not aware of the things that are going on around us.
I mean, just a couple of days ago, I guess, you know, Russia, or even today, they're threatening that, you know, they're saying that America's sounding off the drum for World War III.
I mean, you can obviously tell that things are, they're not right here.
And I mean, we know that violent protests take us nowhere.
Um, and you know, they obviously don't agree with, uh, self protection.
And, uh, so what, what, what's the plan?
What do we, what kind of action are we supposed to take aside from petitioning and, you know, and, uh, you know, protests?
What, what, what, what's the answer here?
Tell me what they can do.
I always say, first of all, resist calls for violence.
Most of the time, those are probably going to be coming from federal provocateurs and globalists anyways.
Resist calls to this divide and conquer.
It's not about race.
It's not about class.
It's not about any of these things.
It's about globalist criminals versus the people of the United States, their liberties, and all that is right and good in the world.
Now, in terms of what to do, we have a lot of tools available to us.
One of the most important is educating our communities.
We still have our free speech.
We're good to go.
That's right.
If the people become motivated and highly active and know what's happening, if all of you become media folks in your own area, or activists, or jury activists, whatever the case is, there's no way the globalists can be successful.
If you just point people
At New American Magazine, or InfoWars.com, or WorldNetDaily.com, or PrisonPlanet.com, or DrudgeReport.com.
Not that any of us are perfect, but we're promoting basic information.
Thomas Jefferson said that if you've got an informed public and you've got free information, and you've got good information, that tyranny will vanish like phantoms at dawn.
That's what's happening.
And we're starting to see a lot of victories.
Congress has a 7% approval rating.
We just have to go to the next level to hold their feet to the fire.
Alex Newman, we'll watch this treaty closely.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
You bet.
We'll be back with Gerald Solente, the top trends forecaster.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Gerald Cilente is going to be our guest for the balance of the hour.
Always look forward to Gerald joining us.
We'll be talking to him here in just one moment.
Some of the stories online now at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Christina Sarich has an article.
Politicians silence nine-year-old over posting photos of school lunch.
Do you want to know what some kids are being served at school every day?
A classic example of tyranny.
And it goes through the fact that the school says you're not allowed to take photos of the food that the school has, and you're going to get in trouble if you continue that.
And that sounds like something innocuous.
Who cares?
Well, then they can feed them prison-style food if that's the case.
And by the way, the photo of the hamburgers we have on there is not the school food.
The school food looks like prisoner food when you go look at the photos.
And it's reversing the Michelle Obama boondoggle all over the country that people can see the photos.
So their answer is, don't make it high quality food, or end federalization of the food.
Just end free speech!
Interesting article, The Forecaster.
Can this computer predict the future?
The government certainly thinks so.
Articles at Infowars.com.
And it goes over the fact that the Feds seized
After 10 years of economic forecaster Martin Armstrong sat in federal prison, they seized a computer system he came up that they believe has an algorithm that can predict the future.
Folks, Google can predict the future now with mass movements.
Facebook can predict it.
You get enough...
You know, tens of millions of people simultaneously.
It gives you, in mass movements, true predictability.
How do you think Amazon can individually know what you're going to order now before you order and have it being packaged before you even buy it?
Or now pizza huts are coming out with iPads in the wall that face scan your retina as you look at the menu and then it decides and tells you what you wanted to order.
Just like Google gives you predictive searches tailored to what you want.
This is how they're going to manipulate society and then actually start telling you you want something when you don't.
Talk about laziness.
Talk about mind control.
Those articles are up at InfoWars.com.
Another story that I want to get Gerald Cilente's take on first, then the economy, Russia, the world, and his top trends for 2015 that he's going to preview here for us with his Trends Journal today.
Zuckerberg lauds socialism with China's internet censorship czar.
Facebook CEO visit with Liu Wei.
Hypocritical and absurd.
Now this is a guy praising them when they literally have people arrested and executed for using the internet improperly, they claim.
And now they're trying to learn, Obama's been meeting with them, how to do this here.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb F-ers for trusting him, lauded the virtues of socialism during a recent meeting with Liu Wei, the czar of China's draconian internet censorship system.
We can scroll down and show you a nice picture of him as Mao Zedong.
Having previously met with a State Department official, Katharina Novelli, who urged the two countries to work together as friends,
On web security, that means ending free speech, we paid a visit to Facebook's Silicon Valley offices, despite the fact that the social networking website is completely banned in China.
During the meeting, we discovered a book written by Chinese President Xi Jinping, called The Governance of China, sitting on Zuckerberg's office desk, leading Zuckerberg to comment, I bought this book for my co-workers, I want them to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics, and went on to praise it.
Truly sickening.
Let me give you the Chinese characteristic of that.
Most generals there are billionaires.
And there's no social network when people chain their kids up, their toddlers up, when they go work in the slave factories building robots that are now going to replace them.
Here's the headline, National Review, China's Promises to End Harvesting the Executed.
I remember about 10 years ago, the State Department came out and said it was a rumor, even though the Communist Chinese advertise in trade publications that they have, quote, fresh organs.
Whatever you need, and they keep the Falun Gong peaceful practitioners that are healthy, genetically and blood tested, in prison cells waiting for when Richie Rich wants to show up and get the goodies.
You don't hear the trendies complaining about that.
See, when there's pressure on the organ harvesting, just come out and call it a conspiracy theory, even though the BBC now has this headline.
China has promised to stop harvesting organs from executed prisoners by January 1st, state media reports.
Death row inmates have long served as a key source of transplants.
Here's the promise, but it's not the first.
They've done it many times.
We take you now to Kingston, New York, site of the start of the American Revolution, and Gerald Solente joining us via video Skype.
Gerald, thanks for coming on.
We're going to cover the waterfront today.
I want to get into a whole bunch of stuff, but what do you make of this hypocrisy and Zuckerberg calling people dumb-efforts?
What do you make of Gruber admitting Obamacare is a giant screwjob?
I mean, you've worked as a consultant, as a lobbyist, as a Fortune 500 guy.
Why are these people so arrogant?
You always speak to the White Shoe Boys and the Harvard Mafia.
Well, that's where he's from.
And now he's over at MIT producing lies to fool the American people.
Why would he brag?
Why would Zuckerberg brag?
What's their problem?
Well, why are sociopaths sociopaths and psychopaths psychopaths?
And going back to Zuckerberg talking about socialism in China, could anyone say communism?
That's what it is.
And remember who sold us out and when.
It began with Bill Clinton.
And as I keep thinking about this, and I keep thinking about that little grubby Gruber talking about how stupid we are and how they could pull things over our eyes.
Also, Alex,
I used to run political campaigns in Westchester County.
I had a graduate school back in the early 1970s.
And I was the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate.
So I was right there.
I was sitting in the back of the chamber with Malcolm Wilson, who was the governor, my boss Al Abrams, nice guy, and the head of the Republican Party, Anderson.
John Anderson.
So I was right there.
I saw what it looked like.
I know the game.
I know the way it's run.
And what's going on is the system is being run by lowlifes who are, to me, nothing more than traitors to America.
They are all traitors.
Slick Willie Clinton, a traitor for selling us out to the Chinese with NAFTA.
For selling us out with the other traitor, Robert Rubin, who deregulated the Glass-Steagall Act that allowed the banks to steal all our dough.
Traders, this guy Gruber, you could keep going after one after another and go back again to Zuckerberg talking about China.
Let's go back to two weeks after 9-11.
Go look at what oil prices were back then.
Ah, they were in the $20 a barrel range.
And then when everybody wasn't looking, and the CIA liars, and I love the words that they use, the prestitute language.
Remember, Alex, we always have to be proper, because people don't like it when you're not proper.
So we have to say, the CIA misled.
Grow up, Junior.
They're liars.
They lied us into the Afghan war.
They lied us into
The Iraq War.
You remember those weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda.
You remember that next mushroom cloud you see.
Condoleezza Rice.
One liar after another.
Now let's go back.
Two weeks after 9-11, fook, zap!
Hey, Zuckerberg!
They brought it into the World Trade Organization when no one was looking.
And then you saw the increase in oil prices.
You saw the phony boom start being built.
They've sold us out.
Clinton, Bush, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, Graham,
One after another, they are traitors to the Constitution, traitors to the Bill of Rights, traitors to America.
All of these people are traitors and they should be brought up on more criminal charges and treason against we the people and everything that we stand for.
I agree, and do you agree with me that clearly they're trying to start racial division and play the people off against the police, when the police are obviously been federalized, a lot of bad stuff there, but the politicians want to get us all fighting with each other instead of realizing they're the enemy, and this is all a desperate tactic promoting all of this division.
Go back to our SpringTrends Journal.
Went out three weeks before Ferguson.
The article that we asked Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to write was, Cops Gone Wild.
How the police have gone wild in this country.
It's more than a racial issue.
It's an issue against we the people that the traitors that have destroyed our Constitution and Bill of Rights with the so-called Patriot Act.
With a National Defense Authorization Act, have robbed us of our rights and militarized our nation, particularly after 9-11.
Hey, a racist nation?
Are there racists in America?
Of course there are!
Hey, I'm an Italian-American.
You want to see discrimination?
Hey, put on a show like The Sopranos with the Jewish people.
Do one like that.
Try it with the blacks.
Hey, how about with the Spanish?
Yeah, Rodriguez and Jose.
Yeah, doing dirty deals.
Try that one out.
Are there racists?
Are there bigots?
Of course there are.
Is America a racist nation?
If we were a racist nation, Alex, would we have a black president?
Hey, how about that attorney general?
What color is he?
I forgot about Condoleezza Rice.
Remember her?
What about Colin Powell?
Hey, who's that Homeland Security Johnson what?
What color is your skin?
I've had enough of it!
Hey, who's the woman running national security?
Oh, Susan Rice?
Yeah, Rice?
White as Rice?
Stay there, Gerald Cilente.
We'll give his website out when we come back.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
Gerald Cilente, TrendsResearch.com and the Trends Journal, riding shotgun with us.
And we're not being negative here, bringing up the bad things.
The system always says, oh, don't get angry, don't be negative.
There's so much good stuff in the world that that's why I'm angry and upset.
I want to defend it.
I don't want to be a slave.
But you really can't doubt the fact that tyranny's moving on all fronts.
I've criticized the militarization of police.
I've exposed it, probably like nobody else.
But then I can see the Feds trying to come in and make every evil in the world about the police when it's worldwide the federalization, the globalization, the militarization has been happening as criminal ruling classes move from free market to crony systems.
Gerald Cilente, I want to start getting into the top trends of 2015, your new journal that's just about to come out, that's just invaluable reading.
I hope everybody goes to TrendsResearch.com and subscribes or at least signs up for your free alerts.
And looks at the 2015 forecast, you're going to give us a first look here today.
But in this short segment, what do you think the state of the world itself is?
Obama says that he stabilized the world and that it's never been more secure.
Hagel said the world's never been more insecure, so he fired him.
What is the real state of the world overall in your view?
We're heading toward World War.
It's blowing out all over the place.
Anybody that's half awake and listening to and watching what's going on can see it.
And I want to stay on this China issue again with Zuckerberg sucking up over there.
Zuckerberg, maybe, would be more appropriate.
Yeah, Zuckerberg.
Commie Zuckerberg.
There we go.
And you look what's going on here and around the world.
You go back to one of our top trends for 2014.
China boomtown.
America's in the business of war, China's in the business of business.
They're buying up the world.
And they're buying up America.
Hey, folks, you like that?
Obama always calls everybody folks.
Yeah, folks.
Folks, you like that Smithfield pork?
Hey, owned by China, huh?
Oh, yeah.
Hey, how about that Waldorf Astoria in New York?
Hey, Chinese just bought it for $2 billion, didn't they?
Oh, where are they getting the dough?
Ah, yes.
Just did another deal right here in New York.
Only about a billion dollars.
Who's funding it?
The Chinese National, or the Chinese Bank?
Communist government.
You go look what's going on over there in Portugal.
You know, they're privatizing everything, privatizing... And my problem, I mean, I want you to get into what real privatization is, but the Communist Chinese already every month I see where they're controlling TV shows, movies, what can be published.
Michael Savage couldn't even get his book promoted anywhere.
The publisher wouldn't promote it because the Chinese threatened him because he criticized... I mean, the Communist China is a big fat censor.
That's my problem.
Well, again, they're communists.
I mean, I grew up most of my life teaching us to hate communists.
Hey, those Russians, they're no good.
But those Chinese commies, our kind of guys.
Gee, I wonder why.
Couldn't be because of all of the American manufacturers that sold us out and and be
They brought all their cheap, uh, their product over there to be made by slave labor.
So the Chinese communists are good commies.
All those Cubans, they're bad commies too.
There's only good commies and bad commies.
It's all about business, Alex!
And that's what I want to talk about.
The business of business is China, and China's buying up the world, and you look at the numbers.
As I said, privatization going on all throughout Europe.
It's not privatization.
It's selling off valuable public assets at bargain-basement prices to do dirty deals with your pals.
They just had a big auction in Portugal.
You know what the major language was of the people bidding?
You look what's going on in Canada.
Look what's going on in the United States.
The Chinese economy's collapsed.
The smart money over there knows it.
They have 70 million, that's right, million vacant luxury apartments.
Entire cities that are vacant.
Their bubble has burst.
Look, they lowered interest rates 40 basis points trying to pump this thing up.
Goes back to the trends of 2015.
One of them is called price wars.
Because there's oversupply and overcapacity of just about everything.
It's not only oil prices that are going down because of oversupply and less demand, it's copper prices, it's corn prices, it's iron
You could buy rebar, reinforcement rod.
A ton of reinforcement rod over in China costs less than a ton of cabbage.
So what they're doing, they are aware of the collapse that's coming.
They're taking their money and they're buying up the world.
You better learn how to speak Chinese and learn how to be a better commie because the politicians in this nation have sold us out and continue to do so.
And they love it.
It's like Gruber.
It's one thing to raise rates and rip off poor people and cut their health care, but he enjoys it.
He enjoys lying, enjoys cheating, enjoys screwing people over.
A bunch of low-life, degenerate, filthy scum.
But we let him do it.
So it's our fault.
Because we're a bunch of chumps.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
My friends, I want to thank you all for this Christmas coming up, for your support of the broadcast.
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I'm very humbled by the fact that you put up with me.
Because regardless of how I deliver information, some of it good, some of it bad.
We are trying to tell the truth and trying to promote liberty and freedom, and to try to build a platform for other great folks to promote their platforms, because we're all in this together.
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Thank you, Gary.
of 2015 and also looking back on the trends of 2014-2013 that you unfortunately very accurately gauged and in your trends I want to get your take on Russia because you were talking about that a few years ago I don't lionize Russia
But as you know, they're really trying to destabilize it.
They're trying to cut off their pipelines.
They're trying to screw up their deals.
They're lowering oil prices to try to bankrupt them, so that then there'll be no competition.
They can jack it up as high as they want, in my view.
And a lot of mainline analysts, not just you or Dr. Paul Craig Roberts or myself, are saying this could lead to actual war.
Is there no amount of hubris out of these Harvard Mafia people that though they act like miscreant weasels are in control of the nuclear arsenal?
Well, they, again, you know, we're looking at who they are, and everything they do, they turn to disaster.
There's not one thing that anybody could point to that says, look at the great job that the D.C.
gang has done, whether it's in healthcare, whether it's in education.
Whether it's in military, whether it's in the environment, whether it's in food safety, go up and down the list.
And before I go on, I want to also encourage all the listeners of InfoWars to support what you're doing, as you know that we do, and we advertise in InfoWars magazine.
Because you're one of the few people out there, along with a number of us, that are concerned with the truth.
And the truth isn't abstract.
I'll give you an example why it's not abstract.
Begins with our conversation today about the CIA, quote, misleading.
It's not misleading, it's lying.
There's a lie and a truth.
It's not about banks misleading.
Or misdeeds.
It's about corruption and thievery.
So there is a truth.
And when enough people support the truth, then the truth, as they say, shall make us free.
So I really encourage everyone during this holiday season to do what they can to keep promoting your voice of freedom.
And as we look at the whole situation of what's devolving,
And the bigger picture, the bigger picture is that we see in 2015, is this is the year of the game changer.
Look what's going on in the markets as we're speaking.
All of a sudden, the markets are now under pressure.
The Shanghai Index today lost over 5%.
It's down over 2% across Europe.
Again, what's going on in oil, yes, it's an oversupply issue, but it's a lack of demand issue.
Because when you go through all of the commodities, again, whether it's corn, whether it's iron ore, whether it's copper, you're looking at five-year lows.
You're looking at a global slowdown.
And the way they get your mind off the global slowdown is with war and going back to Russia.
How they've taught us how to hate Russia.
And you well know we were on top of this.
We saw it coming with the Sochi Olympics.
Again, prior to the destabilization of the Ukraine.
Hey, Alex!
Don't go to Sochi!
Because if you get on one of those airplanes, watch out for those toothpaste bombs!
Who can make this stuff up?
I'll tell you who!
A bunch of sick SOBs!
Hey, Alex!
Don't go to Sushi!
Not if you like animals!
Because they're shooting all those stray dogs!
And don't drink the water!
No, no, no, it's all yellow!
And hey, those hotel rooms, they're garbage!
They started to defame Russia before it happened.
By the time the Olympics began, America's perception of Russia was at a 1994 low.
I'll tell everyone out there listening.
You want to get into a good business?
You could do it cheaply, doesn't have to make any sense, and you can make a lot of dough doing it.
That's the business to get into.
Watch out for those ISIS!
Fear and hysteria.
All of the propaganda coming out against Russia.
Let's put this into perspective.
Every week,
If not, every day we keep hearing about Russian troop movements, Russian tanks, Russian armoured vehicles flooding over the Russian border into Ukraine.
Hey Alex, have you seen any pictures yet?
They show us nothing!
Ain't this world of selfies?
You can't show us one photo?
No, I'll tell you why.
Because they're liars.
They're sociopaths.
They are leading us to war.
The global economy is collapsing.
Only a psychopath would want to put sanctions on Russia, that only hurts really the Europeans, because we don't do that much business with them, at a time when the European economy is in the crapper.
Oh, that's right!
Unemployment in Italy?
Yeah, it's at record lows.
Yeah, over 13%.
Oh, oh, look what happened today in the Greek stock market.
Now you turn on CBS, Bloomberg, you see the little prostitutes come out there and say how there's recovery over there in Greece.
They're out of a recession.
Gee, wonder why the market's down 11% today.
So you can see, only a moron, a psychopath, and a sociopath would put sanctions on Russia, now that Russians are putting sanctions on the Europeans.
And who is it hurting?
Well, it's hurting the small people in Europe.
Yeah, the ones that used to sell product to Russia.
So they're destroying the global economy.
And when I said before, Alex, this isn't a throwaway line.
That Obama, who's launched a war against Syria, that's dropping bombs on a sovereign nation, and you remember the line about that humanitarian mission?
No, we're not going back in Iraq!
No, no, no!
We're there on a humanitarian mission to save those Christians on the mountain, and then the Yazidis.
You know what a Yazidi is!
I'm sure you got them all over San Antonio!
We gotta save them too!
No, no!
It's not all those bombing runs they're doing every day!
And who's he doing it with?
Doesn't even ask Congress!
Congress doesn't even care!
They're traitors!
These people are committing treason!
They're treasonous acts!
And no one wants to call it what it is!
They're treasonous acts of war!
They're treasonous acts that are robbing us of our constitutional rights, of our Bill of Rights, and our money!
Because they make up things!
One of the top trends... Oh, by the way!
We have decided, we selected the people for InfoWars to hear our list of top 10 trends, of top trends for 2015 before anyone else.
They just went out to our subscribers as we're talking.
We also had a conference here in Colonial Kingston this last Saturday.
A video of that is also available, a five-hour conference we put on.
And people, if they go to our website, they can sign up to get that as well.
But we selected InfoWars because these are the people of all of the media that's putting out
To the people, freedom of speech, thought, and spirit.
No one is doing it to the level that you are.
So we decided this is the one we're going to first.
And going back to the top trends, bankism.
People are saying this is a failure of capitalism.
No, it's not.
It's bankism.
The banks are in control.
And the person that's writing this story for us in the Trends Journal, and we have the synopsis out now, is Nomi Prins.
Who, of course, wrote that great book, All the President's Bankers.
So, don't complain about capitalism.
Four words killed it.
Everybody knows what they are.
Too big to fail.
Brought to you by Henry Paulson, former CEO of the Goldman Sachs gang, now playing big roles as Frankenstein in a freak show near you!
What else do we have?
The grand manipulation.
It is no free markets.
Everything is rigged.
We know LIBOR is rigged.
Eh, only to 700 trillion dollars.
That's right, the interest rates.
But, we're not gonna punish anybody!
No, no, no!
They're just misdeeds, and they misled.
So we'll only fine them, and the same thing with the Forex, the currency exchange, of which they trade $5.3 trillion a day.
On and on, gold manipulation, as detailed and written in this issue by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Other big trend, price wars.
Get ready for it.
Here's something.
This is going to go out later.
We just started writing about it today.
This is a headline.
If these equity markets continue to go in the direction that they are,
This is going to be a rocket that's going to knock Santa out of the sky, and the retail sales are going to plummet.
Look what already happened with Black Friday.
Came in on the red, didn't it?
No, it didn't go up 4.1%, as the National Retail Federation had predicted.
Down 11%.
Now you pile on that declining markets, fear,
Fear spreading across the world of the overblown equity markets that were only propped up because of low interest rates and trillions of dollars of phony money flooding in.
You're going to see a disastrous Christmas, which brings us to the trend price wars.
You're going to see 50%, 75%.
They're going to want to unload the garbage that they have, made in China, at any price they could get, rather than being caught with oversupply of product.
You look at the sales, even at the luxury end, Prada's getting blown away, one after another.
So when you start putting these trends together, how do they get your mind off it?
I'll tell you how.
You saw what they did with ISIS, remember?
They beheaded those guys.
Ooh, beheadings are bad.
Drones away?
Ah, that's okay.
That's a clean blowout, man.
But no beheadings, and the people buy it.
They buy it like they buy 32-ounce
Phosphorescent slurpees!
You could sell them anything!
So when you start putting the trends together, and keep looking where it's going, you go back into the positive ones, like you said.
The millennial generation.
They are going to be ripe for retrograde.
This is the only generation coming up where they're looking, and those of us that are old enough, remember that all our lives the polls used to show the future is going to be greater than the present.
Not anymore!
Now they look at the future, they say, Marron, it's bad now, it's only gonna get worse.
They're looking for a future that they're going to take from the past.
Remember, the Renaissance in Italy happened after the Black Plague.
60% of Europeans were killed.
They were dead.
They realized, what are we doing wrong?
So they went back to the past, a renaissance, a rebirth, a rediscovery, retrograde.
They're going to take from the past and retrofit it for the future.
This is one of the biggest trends that people should look into because the millennial generation
A lot, they're not stupid.
A lot of these kids are really sharp.
And they know they're getting shafted.
And they can see who the shafter is, and they know they're getting it on the blunt end.
So, manufacturers, it ties into local.
It ties into high quality.
You will finding out our research at music schools, these kids aren't going back to rock and roll.
They're not going back to Louis Armstrong.
They're not going back to Ella Fitzgerald.
They're going back to Bessie Smith.
They're going back to Django Reinhardt.
They're going back to Jelly Roll Morton.
They're going back to the roots.
The roots of America that made this country what it was.
Anybody can complain and I don't want to hear the stories.
I'm very aware of them.
What we did to the genocide of the Indians.
The inequality that we did to blacks.
I'm very familiar with it.
But, this was also the land of opportunity.
I make this very clear.
Gerald, stay there.
Explain this when we come back.
And we're going to look at some of the other trends with Gerald Cilente straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, InfoWars.com.
Check out and get the new magazine.
It's excellent at TrendsResearch.com.
You can also subscribe and see the nightly news at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We always have the free feeds for the daily radio show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Stay with us.
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I think what Gerald's getting at, as the break cut him off, Alex Jones here back live, is that you have to look at the time we lived in, 250 years ago.
We're only taught about America's evils, but when compared to other countries it was very tame, in some cases.
In some it was very barbarous.
But the idea of not having a big government, not having royalty that's being bowed to in the White House today, the idea of the little people having ideas and quality
And I'm already seeing this renaissance as liberal trendies that move to Austin are not just going out and learning how to square dance, and I'm not saying that's even good, but it's good to see them trying to do something folky or authentic.
They're going out and buying guns.
They're going out and buying four-wheel drive trucks.
They are breaking with the system and becoming more libertarian, more rugged.
And unfortunately, original Texans are sitting in their trailer houses watching satellite TV all day and dying of heart attacks.
But I think that's what Gerald's trying to get at.
People going to truck farms, people going to organic farms, people getting into going to thrift stores to get their clothes.
Half the time it's better than a big... and I'm not saying big corporate stores are, you know, the devil in every case.
But they're all lobbying to get laws passed where you can't have a farmer's market.
So if we shop, just like the organic food market that didn't exist 20 years ago, and demand it, it will grow, it will lower the price, it will supplant the rest of the economy.
And so there is a major quest now by young people, I'd say 30 and below,
To look for something better.
Is that what you're getting at, Gerald?
Yes, that's exactly it.
And again, going back.
Look at the buildings they used to build.
Look at the junk they put up now.
A big box store.
It's like going shopping in a large self-storage unit.
So it's, they're looking for quality because they know that quality is going to improve their lives.
Beauty and quality are going to be big sellers.
The marketers that understand it... Rediscovering that beauty is wealth.
Again, that was the Renaissance.
And look what's happened.
And again, as I was saying before, you know, people could criticize this country.
We were the envy of the world.
It was the land of opportunity.
As I say, my blood is Italian, but my heart is American.
I could never be me if I was born anywhere else.
The freedom that I was given, that they're taking away now.
So going on to some other trends, and it all ties together.
The golden age, the boomers are now, you know, I'm born in 1946.
This is one of the biggest markets to play at.
You were talking about all the people sitting around watching stupid television.
Going for the gold is going to go for the golden age.
In exercises, no, not these muscle trips.
How do you stay healthy and live longer?
You go to our website, we did a video on June and Stanley Blum.
They're 95 years old!
Stanley began painting at 80.
When you... in other... in other... That's how you stay alive, is learning and doing new things.
And the marketers that understand that, in providing them products and services, and I'm not talking about Walkers and Canes,
No, treating old people like they're still people and then they'll act like people and won't decide to go die.
Because all the studies show when old people feel like they're not needed by the tribe, they go turn off and die.
When they're treated like elders and respected and brought in, they become the dynamic engine that then interlocks down to the first generation below them and then that down to the young people.
And that's why they've targeted the youth and told them to be forever kids when they're supposed to be men and women earlier.
That's why they told old people, oh, it's your time to go to the beach.
And then they go and just die instead of staying alive.
Perfectly said.
And so the older you get, if you keep on learning, the wiser you get.
I remember when I was a little kid, my father made it so, rest in peace, meeting Denny, look at me and say, you know, son, they say youth is wasted on the young.
Take a couple more bites and he'd say, they were talking about you.
To do five more with us, Cheryl, some overdrive to put bookends on it.
See you tonight, Nightly News 7, folks.
For others, Infowars.com forward slash show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets!
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Final segment with Gerald Cilente, TrendsResearch.com, his new trends journal coming out now.
Paul Watson said being offended by a white Christmas song.
In fact, I meant to play that.
Let's play that tomorrow.
I saw that last week.
It's like thinking the Rolling Stones painted black is a call for black on white genocide.
Paul Watson tweeted.
The article's by Don Salazar, Texas lawmakers and schools.
Yes, it's legal to say Merry Christmas.
First, they said don't have an official holiday at Christmas at the school.
Then they told kids don't give out Christmas cards.
Well, you have a right to give out any card you want as long as it's not profanity.
This is the totalitarianism.
What do you see in this attempt to create hyper-political correctness in the future, Gerald Cilente?
Well, what it's doing is it keeps robbing us of more and more of our rights.
So that's where we're at, and that's where we're going.
So, I mean, what's political correctness?
Let's make this straight.
There's nothing correct about anything political.
These are a bunch of sellouts who are trying to run and ruin our lives.
It's the system, and when are people going to stop letting the people in the system run and destroy their lives?
Because you can name the heads of the system
And how could anybody with any self-respect or dignity believe what they say?
And how can the First Lady tell our kids what to eat?
And how can the so-called liberals tell us we can't have Christmas trees?
They can go to hell!
I agree.
I mean, who are they to tell us?
Who are they when the real discrimination is all of us being signed on to the derivatives?
I'm sure you saw the new bill they have to sign us all on to the derivatives as taxpayers.
I did.
And also, to me, it's no big deal because with or without the bill, they're still going to steal our dough because it goes back to the top trends.
One of them is bankism.
It's not capitalism.
It's a takeover.
When are people going to call it what it is?
So it's on every level.
I want to show you something, Alex.
When people talk about Russia, as I mentioned, we had a conference here this past weekend.
This was given to me by one of the attendees.
It's a famous graph of Napoleon's march to Russia.
You can see the big line going into Russia.
How many people he had?
The 400 and something thousand, I believe it was?
You can see how many came out.
You know how many came back?
10,000. 10,000!
Hitler launched the greatest offensive of any time in history against Russia.
They lost.
Do you think the guys, this NATO group that can't beat a bunch of lightly armed people in Afghanistan, can't win in Iraq, are going to defeat the Russians?
They're out of their minds!
If Napoleon couldn't do it, if Hitler couldn't do it, you'd think Obama's gonna do it.
Maybe he'll do it between a game of golf and basketball.
Very well said.
That's the thing.
I don't know if the hubris makes them strong or weak, but I know it makes them dangerous.
Like you said, a bunch of white shoe boys from Harvard.
I've had top PhDs like
Dr. Boyle and others on, he went to the secret PhD programs there, and he says it is a Harvard Mafia.
If you want to blame one group, it's a Harvard Mafia, Penheads.
Well, here's my line.
Six words have killed America.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks.
Go back to Princeton.
Who is the guy that destroyed this nation probably more than anybody since the latest crew was Woodrow Wilson.
Look at Larry Summers.
Oh, yeah.
Well, Woodrow Wilson brought us into World War I. That wasn't America.
And the war was almost over.
He's the guy that brought us the Federal Reserve.
He's the guy that brought us income tax.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
Bill Clinton, the Yale boys.
It's a gang.
That's who they are.
Hey, we're going to talk to you before the year ends.
Thank you for the time.
Gerald Cilente, get your Trends Research Journal now.
Thank you, Gerald.
Thank you.
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