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Name: 20141128_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 28, 2014
2718 lines.

In this discussion, Alex Jones touches on various topics including the globalist agenda, ammo purchases, self-defense, media bias, election fraud, voter ID laws, and Yom Kippur. He expresses gratitude for being able to fight tyranny and the importance of consciousness in defeating it. He also promotes Infowars Life Silver Bullet colloidal silver and Infidel Body Armor as well as shares his appreciation for his family, listeners, and supporters.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's Friday, November 28, 2014.
We'll be live this Sunday in the studio, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
But we're in a time warp right now.
I'm taping this for Friday.
Hope you're spending time with your family as well.
We're having live feeds and special reports at Infowars.com on the Democratic Party's
George Soros globalist destabilization program using the tragedy in Ferguson to try to create a race war as a political distraction.
No, that doesn't mean we like the police state either.
I'm just pointing out the PSYOP.
This is kind of the talk show host special coming up today.
A lot of shows are powerful, some shows are mediocre in my view, but we do the best job we can, but it really falls to me
In rebroadcast, we can have really special shows that are better than any live show because you can stick Michael Savage with George Norrie and Tucker Carlson all together in a fusion.
The Tucker Carlson interview was really about the media.
George Norrie got into a bunch of issues.
Michael Savage was about the takedown of America.
That's all coming up on this Friday edition.
Michael Savage, George Norrie, and Tucker Carlson.
Now, I talked about
On Thanksgiving, what I'm thankful for, and I've kind of gotten on a jag about this, thinking more and more about how thankful I am that I have the energy to want to fight tyranny.
How thankful I am that I have an instinct not to want to be a slave.
How thankful I am that I had parents that brought me up to be a free thinker.
And how thankful I am for all you, the listeners out there, and our affiliates, everybody that makes us able to be able to go on air, and the crew.
And I think more and more, one reason America is in so much trouble, is that we don't know what to be thankful for.
The most unhappy people I know, they could be welfare folks, they could be yuppies, they could be trust fund kids, or rich kids, or you know, whatever.
They just have never been challenged, life's boring to them, they don't care, so what.
They have a so what attitude that they think is a shield, when really it's a ball and chain.
It is so good to care.
It is so good to want to be informed.
It is so good to realize how magic and wonderful consciousness is, and how incredible our short lives and experiences are, and we can share them with others.
So I just want to say this.
I love all of you out there.
No matter what color you are, or where you came from, or what you're up to, as long as you care about other people, and as long as you want other people to be successful, and you want to be successful, and you're not a hater, I love you.
The people I really do dislike are the globalists that know how humans work and basically cheat.
It's kind of like having the codes to a video game where you never actually learn how to defeat the levels.
You just already have the cheat sheet.
It's like a Don King boxing match, as I've said.
It's not real.
And even though a lot of negative stuff is happening and a lot of misdirected militant enthusiasm with the riots and things, there is an awakening.
All the metrics, all the numbers show that.
And that's really exciting.
And so I'm thankful for that as well.
I want to write a book about what I'm thankful for and about the mysteries of the universe and just how wonderful it is to be alive.
And I hope you write a book about that.
Because I think in that, in really realizing how incredible life is, is the answer to Madison Avenue that wants to make us feel empty and alone and all by ourselves so they can then sell us their plastic culture of death that's artificial where we give over our free will and become just repeating boxes of the diatribe and anti-human ugly dribble the system spews down on us.
They don't want to spew beauty out because that would make us enlightened souls that couldn't be bound to their small ways.
But there is a human spirit rising, like the perpetual sleeping giant, that will bring this tyranny to its knees.
And that's my message to you out there on this Friday.
And I know it's true.
I know it's as veritas as the sun rising and setting.
I know it's as veritas as the phases of the life on this planet, like the geese flying south for the winter and north for the summer.
And there is a human spirit and instinct that will defeat this tyranny.
It will fall.
It will fail.
It'll have its minute of power, its minute of destructiveness playing God.
But in the end, this order of death will fall.
All right, coming up, out of the gate, Michael Savage, George Norrie, Tucker Carlson, and more.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars.com.
We'll see you live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, if the Lord...
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On the eve of Thanksgiving this year, I was thinking, what am I really thankful for?
And I gotta tell you, it's my family, it's all the blessings of liberty that our forebearers secured, and it's you, the listeners of the broadcast, who've made everything we do possible.
This Black Friday, I decided to bring you the biggest special we've ever offered on any of the Nutraceuticals at Infowarslife.com.
I'm talking about Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver that we've been sold out of for months.
This time I doubled down and got even more.
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So instead of keeping the price at its regular discounted price, we are going to give you 20% off and free shipping on single bottles.
But if you get four bottles, we're gonna give you the fifth one free and the free shipping.
I don't know how long this special will run, but if supplies last, we will extend it out until Cyber Monday.
You'll find powerful nutraceuticals like Silver Bullet and others.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
That's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
We are here live, broadcasting worldwide, back weeknights, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I've always believed that using information warfare and telling the truth, we can defeat the mountain of lies being put out by the collectivist and the globalist.
And we can stop them building their prison planet, thus the term prison planet.
Now we're joined for the rest of the hour, the next 52 minutes, by Dr. Michael Savage, a multimedia icon in the conservative, libertarian, constitutional movement.
Dr. Savage holds a master's degree in medical botany and a second in
A lot of other key research areas.
Additionally, he earned his Ph.D.
from the University of California at Berkeley in Epidemiology and Nutrition Sciences.
He is the author of 25 books, including four New York Times bestsellers.
He earned the coveted Freedom of Speech Award from Talkers Magazine in 2007. michaelsavage.com or michaelsavage.wnd.com
And when I got his new book in a few days ago and had a chance to start reading it, I haven't finished it yet, it was literally like reading Veritas, because I'm not plagiarizing him, he's not plagiarizing me.
Anybody that's sat back for 20 years like I have, 40-something years like he has, or longer, and watched what's going on, we're repeating history.
But the way he puts it and lays it out really even lit a fire under my butt.
The book is Stop the Coming Civil War.
I intend to finish it tonight.
I've got about three chapters left.
It's a big book, but a powerful read.
I have no stock in it.
I intend to sell it later, as soon as we can get it in.
It's Stop the Coming Civil War, My Savage Truth, Michael Savage, number one New York Times bestselling author.
Everything you see with Homeland Security has been flipped from Al Qaeda and radical Islam to Tea Party, gun owners, returning veterans.
Libertarian groups, constitutionalists, pro-life groups, the IRS persecuting them, going after free speech, banning Halloween parties, dressing like cowboys or Indians at colleges.
It's a tyranny!
These people are not liberals like Thomas Jefferson.
They are autocratic control freaks like Joseph Stalin.
And Dr. Savage has been exposing this for decade after decade after decade, and now it's coming to a head.
Homeland Security is fully converting over to go after the American people.
The gun confiscation has already begun in New York, California, and other areas.
The persecution is right out of, well, Nazi Germany.
Hitler from 33 to about 39 ratcheted up political harassment, audits, going after businesses of groups he didn't like.
We're seeing a Cold War against anyone loyal to common sense and freedom.
Now, I'm done ranting.
I want to give Dr. Savage the floor here.
But he gets it, I get it, a few others get it, Joseph Farah gets it, but undoubtedly, and I talked to top Pentagon brass...
On air and off air.
I have top CIA sources.
You hear them here.
People that are on my show right after they brief Congress.
The military knows Obama and others are funding radical Islam.
They know the borders are open.
They know they're letting Ebola in.
They know they're shutting down the power plants.
They know they're shutting down the businesses and passing taxes to kill the country.
This is to bankrupt us under Cloward and Piven.
But it's beyond that.
And now they want to start a civil war with Obama at its head.
As the new Lincoln.
Now Savage has been saying that for eight years.
They're now...
Making all the preparations to do it.
His book is so timely.
It is the talking points of truth.
It could end up being one of the most important books of the modern era if people get it and get it out to others and if every talk show host covers these points because I've been living this.
I know this is accurate and it's finally on paper.
I never got Obama Deception 2 out.
I was too busy.
Its subtitle was The Coming Second American Civil War.
Okay, so thank God this got put out, but from his gravitas perspective.
Now, I'm hyperventilating here, sir, because if people don't pay attention to this, we're not going to save this country, and it's going to collapse in my view.
Am I wrong?
Am I right?
You've got the floor.
Well, people, I want to start from the point of view of the doubters and the skeptics, Alex.
I always think about what the people listening to me who don't agree with us think.
Some of them are intelligent, obviously, and they listen to us because they know we're super intelligent, but they don't agree with us.
They think we're hysterics or alarmists.
So, I would start by addressing those who say, come on, you're just trying to peddle a book.
What's civil war?
Well, first of all, Obama declared a civil war the day he took office.
Didn't he say he was going to transform America?
Didn't he say he was a transformational president?
Well, he's done everything he said he was going to do, but not entirely.
He's done it in six years.
A very good job for the globalists.
Take a look at every aspect of this government.
And I don't mean just the government.
Each chapter is interesting.
I rephrased, before I published it too, the war on.
The war on our borders language culture.
Can anyone listening to Alex's show right now say that
They have not attacked the borders, our language and our culture.
How about the war in the U.S.
The war on American medicine?
I'll talk about Ebola.
If you like your Ebola, you can keep your Ebola.
If you like your EV-68 virus in your child's school, you can keep your EV-68.
It was brought in by the trainload from Central America this summer.
What I love most is I did a chapter of the war on civil rights.
Obama poses as the great champion of civil rights.
Oh really?
Tell that to those targeted by the IRS.
Tell that to those being snooped on by the NSA.
What civil rights?
You mean for the rioters and the freeloaders and the grifters?
Seems they have civil rights and the rest of us don't.
The war in our schools, who could argue that our schools are better than they were before it took office?
The children are dumber than they've ever been.
We are now below that of, I think, Nicaragua in learning.
I've never seen anything like it.
When I first moved to California, I loved the fact that I was a poor grad student.
I had two children, God bless them, and I knew I could never afford to send them to private school.
The University of California
Cal State Public Schools were at the top of the heap in the country.
You know where they are now?
About that of Tijuana.
I wonder how that happened.
So whatever you look at, whatever this person has touched and his radical leftist band of not-so-merry pranksters has been decimated.
So he has declared a civil war on us, Alex.
It's not like, oh, there's gonna be a civil war.
There is a civil war.
But it's the type that you've been talking about for years, the Cloven Hoof Method.
I mean a Clovis Piven Method or whatever.
We've all known the little secret methods that they've used, but call it the Cloven Hoof Method.
You don't have to start a civil war with a gun.
It's far more effective if you do it through brainwashing, and you own the press, and you own the media, and there's a government media complex which we know exists.
All along, Alex, I prayed that there would be some godsend that would save us from this psychotic in the White House and his band of very, very dangerous people.
You're going to think I'm a little weird here when I say that Ebola may be the silver lining.
Maybe that's going to awaken people to the fact that this man is not only incompetent, but that his radical open borders agenda is going to kill all of us.
Just maybe, this could be a blessing.
What do you think of that idea?
I tend to agree with you.
There's now bumper stickers popping up everywhere.
We already had a t-shirt in the pipe showing the Obama symbol as the O in Ebola and the fact that they totally opened up the borders
While they're taking our basic liberties with the NSA spying on the Tea Party, the fact that they have Homeland Security saying their main threat is the Tea Party, with no violence from the Tea Party, I'm really concerned, like you said a few years ago, that they could pull a false flag and try to blame it on the Liberty Movement.
Thank you.
That's the whole book, Stop the Coming Civil War.
I warn the readers that they're going to provoke an insurrection.
With our Jean Provocateurs, as a pretext for either martial law or seizing weapons, or worse than that, people say, well, it's only two more years left of him.
You actually think this guy's going to leave office in two years?
I'm not so sure.
By the way, I used to disagree when people said he would stay, but now I see they're going for broke.
We've never seen anything like this.
No, I've never seen anything like it.
So, you know, Alex, look, I am trying to get people to read the book, obviously.
I don't need to buy a new car.
I don't need to buy a new house.
I don't need a vacation in Boca Raton.
I'm not looking to buy any more bling.
As you can see, I have a lot of it on my hands.
You don't need to work 15 hours a day.
No, no.
I'm 72 years old, Alex.
I was a Boy Scout when I was a young kid who went around the neighborhood putting out get-out-the-vote cards on doorknobs.
My father called the police at 11 at night because I got so into thinking I was a good American, I forgot the time and I worked my little heart out.
Every doorknob in Queens, New York, I hung get-out-the-vote.
I thought I was doing some good, you know what I'm saying?
But the fact of the matter is we're all doing some good.
And if you look at the headline on Drudge, party isolates press for election.
Even his own party recognizes how unpopular he is, Alex.
So, what's going on?
Are people awakening to him?
Or what?
You know, Alex, I gotta tell you this in terms of raw numbers.
Yesterday, WorldNetDaily did an article on the book and it said, 30 Days to Save America, as the head and the leader.
It was a good article on the book.
You know that it was linked on Drudge?
They had 1.2 million hits as of this morning on that one article.
Can you believe that in one day?
So how is this happening?
Who's reading this?
It was one of the leading stories yesterday.
Well, are they waking up or what?
Or is it just a joke to them?
I don't really know, Alex.
Well, they better wake up because they've got the military.
The military's never been more awake, as you know, because they're openly training them.
It even comes out in Fox News, not just your show or my show, but I was sent the documents originally, that quote, the Founding Fathers wouldn't be welcome in today's military, that you better not be part of the Tea Party or an Evangelical.
What country did we wake up in where they threaten to court-martial people if they're a Christian?
I mean, that is just Communist China on steroids.
Michael Savage warns of second civil war, a new book.
Michael Savage, conservative radio host, warns of civil war.
Some of the headlines on some of the smaller blogs, conservative radio talk shows, Michael Savage warns of coming civil war.
But ask yourself why I am not invited on Fox News, Alex.
Are you a guest on Fox News?
No, not anymore.
I'm told I'm banned.
Are you banned?
You're also banned.
Well, okay, you're Ray-Banned like I am.
They Ray-Banned you.
I wonder what that's about.
Couldn't be related to Murdoch supporting Hillary, could it?
I know he does support her.
And again, what's wrong with him?
I mean, there's going to be no country if Hillary gets in.
Well, I can answer that.
I pretty much know what's going on there.
Look, their licenses are owned by the federal government.
The FCC controls licensing.
You know that.
There's a big, you know, there's a big tug of war going on.
They're saying, you want to stay in business?
You want to buy radio stations in the same city on TV stations and newspapers?
Okay, then here's what we need.
It's a trade-off.
That's why I fear the government media complex.
Alex, in the 60s, we were warned by the liberals, because I was a kid in, I wasn't a kid, I was 20 years old, that the interlocking corporate directorships were to be avoided.
That was the liberal credo of the time.
Watch out for the interlocking corporate directorships, right?
Well now you've got newspapers, television owners, newspaper owners, radio owners, all in one city, right?
How's that for interlocking corporate directorships?
And the same directors sit on the boards of medical device companies, pharmaceutical companies, universities.
So you've got a seamless corporate fascism that has emerged in America because of the conglomeration of all in one basket.
That's right, but the classic Napoleon or Hitler scenario, where they got power over their own country, they got power over their own system, but they don't have power over the laws of nature, and now they're so arrogant out in the open, and Congress has a 7% approval rating, the military is awakening, to the point of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs goes to
The Senate Armed Services Committee admits that we're funding the radical Islamists.
The military brass I talked to are totally upset.
The police I talked to have never been more awake.
So it's almost like a best of times, worst of times tale of two cities.
There is the huge awakening happening.
But the corrupt crony capitalists that have teamed up with the socialists as their political team to control the population don't care and are just saying, Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake.
I mean, she didn't really say that, famously before the Bastille got stormed, but our political elite are saying let them eat cake as Obamacare bankrupts the country and raises payroll taxes and has death panels, all confirmed, and then John Boehner funds it.
Why is John Boehner still the Speaker of the House?
What is wrong with the Republican leadership?
Don't they understand the Socialists, once they get control, are going to take everything they've got?
I can't answer anything about Republicans, but you brought up the military.
That's a sore point for me, because we can disagree on a lot of things, but in an age of head-cutting and radical Islam, I think everyone would agree that military and national defense are key.
I, in the chapter on the war in the U.S.
military in my book, I actually named the generals that he's purged.
He purged them the way Stalin did, except in a little different way.
Remember when Stalin seized power, he became a madman later on, and he shot his generals.
People don't realize, he shot, he purged the Soviet military of some of the greatest generals, because he was afraid they would coup against him.
He killed thousands of officers, hundreds of generals.
Well, Obama's just firing them by threatening to take away their pension.
Now, why is he doing it?
Because he recognized, as anyone can see, any student of history, even amateur student history, the one element of this government that could have stood up to this left-wing, fanatical, insane dictatorship was the military.
So, right after Benghazi, four generals were dismissed because they were ready to send aid and defend the embassy, save Chris Stevens.
They were ready to testify to that effect.
He fired them, including
A general, African-American general, with 28 years of loyal service to this country, he was dismissed.
Not one word in the media over this, Alex.
I have their names, ranks, and serial numbers.
And stop the coming civil war.
That was the beginning.
How many majors did we read he was purging?
How many captains did we read he was purging and dismissing from the military?
So what's left?
The cannon fodder.
The followers will follow the...
The four horsewomen of the apocalypse surrounding Obama, or worse yet, the Muslim sisterhood which seems to be advising him right inside the White House.
It is a Twilight Zone episode because I would hear you and others talk about the caliphate ten years ago and just go, give me a break.
And then eight years ago when Obama was running for office and now it's like the Twilight Zone with his brother and his cousin fighting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Why would our government want to overthrow our ally in Egypt and put Al-Qaeda light in?
Why would they want to topple Assad and put Al-Qaeda in?
Why, what is the master plan geopolitically from your view, Michael Savage, with Russia and all of it?
And then I want to tie it into the hot civil war.
I get from your book, and I agree, we're in a civil war, a culture war, and it's heating up.
But they're pushing this flashpoint, and I want to stop that.
We all want to stop it because nobody wins from a civil war.
Look at Syria.
How many years has it been going on?
How many hundreds of thousands of dead?
Four years.
How many cities are in ruin?
We don't want a civil war.
Here's the scary part, and I hate to use the word because I'm not into childish words.
One of Obama's mentors was Abraham Lincoln.
Isn't that correct?
Oh, yes.
Well, Abraham Lincoln was a wonderful man for some, but a monster to others.
People don't even understand what Lincoln did to us.
Lincoln was not a humanitarian.
He was an opportunist who further divided a politically polarized country simply because he wanted to dominate the southern states economically.
He was no saint.
Do you know this?
Very few people know this about Lincoln.
Uh, and this is very important because Obama has said Lincoln is one of his mentors.
Under the rights that Lincoln granted himself in the 1862 proclamation, a stunning overreach of executive power, Abraham Lincoln violated American civil rights with impunity.
He is estimated to have arrested and imprisoned some 20,000 civilians and detained them without trials.
That was 20,000 in the 1860s.
Members of Congress!
Yeah, but you know that, I know that, and Obama knows that.
Now, here's another one, Alex, and it's all in Stop the Coming Civil War.
Lincoln kept Southern prisoners of war in internment camps under deplorable conditions.
He may be on a penny, on the old Lincoln penny,
But at Fort Delaware, more than 2,000 Confederate soldiers died of scurvy and dysentery in a camp plagued by filth and vermin.
Confederate prisoners in the Union camp at Rock Island were reduced to eating rats, and with their clothing in rags, were unable to withstand the winter cold.
They were tortured by being hung by their thumbs.
Now, if that's not the action of a dictator, I don't know what is.
And yet, if you mention one word of this, right away they say, oh, so you're in favor of slavery.
No, that's not what I said.
I didn't say that at all.
What I said was is Lincoln is one of Obama's mentors.
God knows who else is.
It could be Ho Chi Minh or Mao Tse Tung or Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez.
Well, we know it's Saul Alinsky and now we have the Hillary papers where she's worshipping him.
Well, you know, people change in time.
Let's hope that Hillary, with all of the money that they've made, have become somewhat capitalistic and a little more greedy.
It's the only thing that could save us.
But I doubt it.
Because Leninists were always rich.
I mean, they're not Marxists.
People get it wrong.
They say, oh, they're Marxists.
No, it's not Marxism.
It's Leninism.
It's much different.
You know, it's like a cousin, as you well know.
But it's even beyond that.
I don't know what it is.
I sometimes think that it's not even Marxism or Leninism.
It's pure, unadulterated mafia greed.
That's it.
It's mafia masquerading with a pseudo-intellectual communist pantheon to fool a bunch of poor people into becoming slaves in a giant work camp.
It's all about money.
You know how much money is being made on these unaccompanied minors from Central America?
Did you see that article that came out showing how much the Baptist Family Services got from the federal government?
Oh yeah, hundreds of millions.
And each little democratic family, per group of two illegals, gets six to seven thousand a month.
So it's a giant mafia payoff.
Look at the money, the fortunes that are being made on these children.
Now, let's go to Ebola, which is wakening people up because they're scared.
As I've said before, you know, this is my field, is epidemics.
Microbes do not discriminate.
Here's the good news, I say to my communist liberal hipster friends with scraggly beards.
The microbes don't know you're a good liberal who love, you know, all of the good things of the world.
They don't know if you're black.
White, Asian, blah blah blah, gay, straight.
All I know is that you're a warm body and a good host.
And they like to proliferate inside warm bodies that are good hosts.
So when an epidemic starts to spread, it will spread.
It'll go to liberals, it'll go to this one, that one.
They're waking up to that.
Even common sense sometimes permeates the most drug-addled brain.
And perhaps, just perhaps, they'll come to understand that my message of borders, language, and culture was not just some crackpot right-wing jargon.
Maybe there's a definition that has meaning.
Why the hell did a nation create borders?
Why did a nation define itself by borders?
Let's start with the most obvious, Alex.
What is a border?
A border is made to keep certain people out, isn't it?
Yeah, it's like having a door on your house.
I mean, it's got a cell wall.
I compare it to every human cell has a cell wall, right?
A membrane.
And a plant cell is surrounded by a thick cell membrane.
Well, once the integrity of the membrane is punctured,
The good protoplasm oozes out and bad stuff oozes into the cell and the body gets sick and dies.
That's exactly what a border was created for.
Keep out the bad, protect those on this side.
It's a basic premise of survival.
Dr. Savage, we've got to go to break.
We're going to come back.
And again, he's got a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in epidemiology, nutrition sciences, and also in medical anthropology.
So he knows the history of diseases.
He has a PhD in that, folks.
So we're going to hear from a real expert historically.
Black Plague, you name it, Ebola, what he thinks is going on with Ebola, and why.
My big question.
I want to get his take on this.
Why would the government not stop the flights when everybody else is, and be so obvious?
If there is an epidemic here, how are they going to get away?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
On the eve of Thanksgiving this year, I was thinking, what am I really thankful for?
And I gotta tell you, it's my family, it's all the blessings of liberty that our forebearers secured, and it's you, the listeners of the broadcast, who've made everything we do possible.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well, I've got to say it, there are not a lot of originals out there in political talk radio.
The main pack kind of follows one mainline Republican view.
But I've got to say, trailblazing in the last 20 years are Michael Savage and Alex Jones.
Michael Savage was a lot bigger than I was before this show became the phenomenon it is right now.
And I quite frankly, I was just talking to him about this during the break, I'm not in competition with him, he's not in competition with me.
Kind of like he works with WorldNet Daily, I plugged him every day.
Uh, or Drudge or anybody else.
I just want to have a free country.
I don't want to see a civil war.
I've got a ranch in East Texas we've had since 1829 that we got Mexican land grant on.
Uh, I just want to live in a free country and raise my three children.
Just like Michael Savage has kids and grandkids.
I mean, there comes a time when you just can't go along with the system.
Now, Michael and I can clearly say I've never done that, but all these other talk show hosts, and all these other Republicans and Democrats and people that Michael was just saying about something like Ebola, doesn't care what color you are, where you're from, or what your sexual preference is, or what race you are, the government's gone insane.
Now, their plan is wreck the country like old-fashioned wreckers and go loot the ship, but
Most folks won't know what a wrecker is.
It's not something that comes and picks your car up when it's parked in the wrong space.
But that's the vulture mentality of the political class.
Look at this news story right here out of KIRO-TV.
CDC not taking extra Ebola precautions at Sea-Tac Airport.
They are flying in dozens of people every few weeks.
It's over 25 people that have Ebola.
Someone they brought into Spain has now spread Ebola at the hospital and people are getting it.
The Ebola patient in Dallas died.
They didn't even quarantine the family for days.
They didn't clean the ambulance for days.
They are violating the default positions.
Now that's a civil war against America.
When France and England and Saudi Arabia have banned flights a month and a half ago, we don't ban them.
The CDC comes out and says banning them would make it worse.
That's like saying, you know,
Winning the lottery would make you lose money.
It's just total asinine.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
Stop the coming civil war.
My Savage Truth, Michael Savage, the new book, available now in bookstores and of course on Amazon and at WorldNetDaily and everywhere else, michaelsavage.com.
And I don't have stock in the book, folks.
This is what I've been hammering.
He hits a lot of angles I don't hit.
Hits a lot of angles we do.
This is great to give people out there and say, hey, love your kids?
Now's the time.
I don't
For people to understand, you're a key expert to speak on Ebola.
Break down Ebola and then expand how you see things unfolding.
You envisioned it decades ago.
You've been very accurate with the lay of the land.
Totally open borders.
Open treason.
Ten ISIS fighters crossing the border.
Congressman Hunter learned from Homeland Security.
Total stand down.
I want the big picture.
What you think the criminals at Pennsylvania Avenue are planning.
But first, Ebola.
Well, I called him President Obola two weeks ago.
I thought that cute little phrase might stick.
I'm glad to see the Ebola bumper stickers in L.A.
with the O in the middle, but that's not going to get us where we want to go.
This is going to be possibly the lifesaver for America.
There's a clamoring coming up from the people.
They're screaming, what the hell are they doing?
When I saw that Friedkin from CDC speaking saying, don't worry, we're in control, I was screaming.
I know where Friedkin came from.
I know who put him in.
Here's the part that kills me.
Not one person in the medical establishment is speaking out about Ebola in the proper manner, nor about the ED68 virus from Central America, which is now raging through our schools.
Think about this, Alex.
You would think that several doctors, MPH, epidemiologists, docs, would say, wait a minute, we know where the virus comes from with the ED68.
It's endemic in Central America.
We can prove it.
Just look at the DNA of the virus.
No one
Says a word.
We're living in the ex-Soviet Union in the 1950s, when there was a government, and then there was no medical establishment.
In fact, during the 50s, there was a thing called the Lysenko Affair.
I don't know if anyone remembers that.
I do, yeah.
It was false science put out by the government.
And if anyone said otherwise, even though scientists knew it was all bull... You know what?
They were dismissed from the universities or put into the... Yeah, they were saying, you soak the wheat in the water and it makes it grow better and all this other crazy stuff that killed tens of millions.
Okay, we now have a government scientific medical complex.
Whatever the four horsewomen of the apocalypse say in the White House, the little parrots like Friedkin and Fauci at the NIH repeat like little parrots, we don't have any scientists left in this country.
They're government scientists.
It's like global warming.
They say no one disagrees that global warming's real, pay Al Gore money, even though it's a total fraud on record.
Well, okay, that's one thing.
We know that's just a scam for money for the grifters.
But now the Ebola!
This is no longer just greed.
This is going to kill people.
Why have they not stopped flights, as I keep saying, and this is the simplest point I can make to the doubting Thomasettes out there.
African dictators and nations around the Ebola plague nations don't permit them to travel to their countries.
Ipso facto, third world African dictators have more common sense than Barack Ebola.
How is that possible?
Why is he not being forced to ban flights?
How can we keep hearing this crap about it'll cause an insurrection?
In Liberia?
What's at its heart?
I mean, you know psychology.
I want your take.
Why are they trying to be over-the-top?
To break our will?
To just exercise raw power?
Why is it so naked when it discredits them?
The optics destroy them.
They don't care.
I think that many of them are drugged, to be frank with you.
I look at them and I watch them speak.
I look at their faces and I watch their mouths.
There's a disconnect from reality.
They do look like mental patients.
They are mentally ill.
Well, I wrote a book in 2005 called Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
It wasn't written in jest.
Because many people say, well, why would they do this?
I say, well, take this formula and plug it in.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
It applies, Alex.
I think they're crazy.
They're drug.
They're on medication.
They're like on antidepressants and they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
They're like robots.
They're robotic.
Let's go back a few weeks.
Remember the fence jumper at the White House that got all the way into the White House, how they lied to us about that one?
What was that, Alex?
I'm sure you covered it in detail.
How is that related to what we're talking about, if at all, Alex?
What was that?
What's your take on it?
I'm sorry, I think that there was an attempt by elements within this government to send a warning into the White House.
That's what I'm getting from the military and others, is they really realize they're bringing the whole country down right now, and there is a major power struggle internally.
Well, I don't know if that's the reason, or some caller said, Mike, you have it backwards.
This was a false flag event to permit the White House to demand a bigger security barrier around the White House, meaning a cordon sanitaire that's two blocks wide.
So I kept saying, wait a minute.
Two years ago, an unarmed black woman with a baby in the back was executed by the Secret Service and the Park Police.
Remember that incident?
She got lost.
She was driving around.
She wasn't anywhere near the White House.
And they whacked her in the car with a fusillade of bullets with a baby in the back.
Not only were they not indicted, they were given commendations for their bravery.
How come she was executed and the fence jumper wasn't even attacked by a police dog?
What's that about?
It does look staged.
Okay, so it's staged one way or the other.
Take your pick, right?
Staged to send a message saying, hey, excuse me, or to tell us he needs a bigger cordon sanitaire.
Sort of like, let us say, Uruguay or Paraguay with tanks on the White House lawn, maybe.
I made you digress.
Get back into Ebola and how serious you think it is.
And how could they try to get away with this?
Because either way, they've ordered a stand down.
They've ordered a stand down on default medical procedures, CDC law, policy.
What's happening?
Okay, well your question implies that they want it to spread.
But I don't think that's the reason.
I believe it goes back to the doxies and the agenda of the radical left, which is open borders, open borders, open borders.
It's a religion to them, Alex.
And as you well know, religious fanatics will keep repeating the doxies of their religion
No matter what's going on around them.
So the doxy is keep the borders open, keep the borders open.
Good for America, good for the economy.
Keep the borders open.
The minute they would close flights, or suspend flights from Liberia and other... That would reaffirm common sense, and then that would be the beginning of the end of their religion.
That's right.
Then the religion would have to say, wait a minute, if you're closing that, why don't you close the border to Mexico?
See, so they can't afford
To reverse any agenda item.
That's part of their strategy.
Never ever relent.
Not for one second.
Even if people are dying around you.
I agree with you.
That's why the CDC said we can't close the border.
The CDC chief should be arrested.
See, he gets me enraged.
I know who put him in power and I know why he was put in power.
It was to prevent quarantine during the AIDS epidemic.
They put friendly people in every public health department across the United States.
You look around, you'll see what I'm talking about.
And that was to prevent quarantine during the early days of the AIDS epidemic.
And they've never ever changed their protocols on any disease.
And now we see we have Ebola coming in, which is far more devastating than AIDS in terms of it's, it kills quicker, okay?
Let's be clear.
And yet there's no, no nothing be put in place here.
And Obama gives speeches that everything's in charge, we know what we're doing, we got medical care, nonsense.
But it's, and this is just the beginning.
Alec, they sent three to five thousand troops to Africa?
Now, why would they knowingly put our men and women at risk?
And the military brass said it won't even do anything.
It's like sponges to go soak up Ebola.
Take a look at the military brass.
He purged all those in the military who might have stood up to him.
So now you've got yes-men who look like ushers in a movie theater.
I mean, don't they?
They do.
What I love most is this clown Panetta who decimated the military
was one of the worst hatchet men in the history of the US military, the worst man for national security ever, now is putting out a book making believe that he's opposing Obama in some way?
And by the way, Alex, this is acute.
Every bookstore has like a thousand copies of his book and twenty of mine.
My book was cleaned out the first day yesterday.
His books are still sitting there in stacks.
And yet, everywhere you turn, there's Panetta on O'Reilly.
There's Panetta at USA Today.
Where's Savage?
Never heard of him.
Who's he?
Well, that's because they don't want real folk heroes or real independent journalists or real independent firebrands to rally the people out of this.
So they block him, and that's the seal of anybody who's really good, is they block him.
Notice, Piers Morgan was on Fox for 10 minutes today, throwing Obama under the bus.
What does that signify that even the red coat worshipper of Obama is now leaving the sinking ship?
What does it tell you that the idiots at Fox would rather have a man who was thrown off television because of poor ratings than someone who can tell the truth about Ebola, ED-68, the decimation of our military, the plans for another civil war to seize our guns?
What does it tell you?
It's all the government media complex, Alex.
We're both voices in the wilderness here.
It doesn't mean we're not going to win, by the way.
Oh yeah, because our audiences, that's another thing.
We talk about Fox, average show about 2.5 million listeners.
MSNBC now, average show about 300,000.
CNN, average show about 300,000.
That's joke level.
I mean, one of your big affiliates in like New York City or something's got hundreds of thousands an hour.
Some of our big affiliates have 60,000, 70,000 an hour.
Rated, shown, known, you know, instant ratings on their radios, we know.
I've got 3 million a day, you've got 6, 7, 8 million a day.
I get 10, 15 million YouTube views a week.
But still, it's like a facade that there's the big mainstream media, they've got all the answers.
They're the big man behind the curtain, the wonderful Oz.
Well, we understand the powers that be and what's involved here.
You know, we're bucking the system with the salmon swimming upstream to spawn the truth, to use a crude analogy.
And let's just hope that when we finally do spawn, we don't die in the tide.
Exactly, I don't want to be eaten by a Kodiak!
Shift gears back to what you just said, because that's the part of the book I'm getting to.
The hot war, the hot civil war, to brand the patriots as the terrorists, to get the shooting war going, to take the guns.
Get into that.
I mean, I know it's in the book, but break down your real fear of where they may want to take us.
Well, I think you just said it, Alex.
Here's the thing.
How do you stop them is the question.
What is the point of a person reading a book like Stop the Coming Civil War?
I keep saying, and you probably disagree with me entirely, the election coming up in November is key to the salvation of the nation.
Let me explain... No, I agree with you!
Okay, because many people say, well, wait a minute, you're saying let the Republicans take back the Senate and what?
You're going to have Boehner now in charge?
Let me explain why.
Here's my theory.
The Democrats Socialist Islamist Party, which is what I call Democrats now, DSI, Democrats Socialist Islamist Party USA,
Is a closed shop, it's a mafia.
You cannot reach them.
Nobody can reach Reid or Pelosi or... It's a cult.
We have a chance in the Republicans.
Because they're weaker.
See, that's my theory.
The Republicans are weaker and more frightful.
And once they are given the power again, by we the people, they're gonna have hell to pay if they don't do what we want with regard to borders, language and culture.
Sealing the borders, rebuilding the military, recreating national security, getting rid of the devils that were put into every agency in the country.
And we're going to lobby them through town hall meetings.
And we're going to reach them, Alex, because they're reachable.
They're going to be reachable.
We're going to make them reachable.
That's my theory, Alex.
Well, certainly once the Democrats aren't in control of the Justice Department, they can't be blackmailing or harassing people anymore.
So we can give the libertarian movement, the constitutional movement, a chance, which is why you see Democrats and Republicans at the top organized together against the real Tea Party.
Not that it's perfect, but that it's one of our only shots non-violently.
That's right.
It's the only shot we have, none violently.
That's correct.
That's all we've got is this election in November.
So when WorldNetDaily headlined the article, 30 Days to Save America, I was quite impressed because they actually broke it down.
That is what I'm saying, it stopped the coming civil war.
So if people talk to someone in their family, you know, in every family there's a liberal and a conservative and a libertarian, right?
Get that one person in the family to swing their vote over to the R side, explain why, and just talk about Ebola, just talk about national security, talk about the purging of the generals.
But here's a shocking fact that is on page, I think, you know, you're not going to believe me.
Do you know how many people have been killed who are ready to testify on Benghazi?
How many?
I don't know how I dug this one up.
I'm almost afraid to read it on the air.
You know, this Marxist-Leninist culture that we're talking about.
It's on page 71.
Can I read you the paragraph?
Go ahead.
On January 2014, the U.S.
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released its bipartisan report on the Benghazi terrorist attacks.
It contained information so shocking, I can't believe it hasn't been the focus of an investigation.
The report said that as many as 15 people supporting the investigation, or otherwise helpful to the United States, have been killed in Benghazi since the September 11, 2011 attacks, reference number 30.
Fifteen people who helped us in Benghazi have been killed since then.
So, how could that be?
Are we not to believe that their identities were not leaked into the hands of jihadists overseas because they helped us?
Could it not be that the purging of our own seasoned military commanders may go well beyond what happened in Benghazi?
Now, I believe that there's still a contingent in the US military that wants to see President Obama ousted.
You believe that too, don't you?
Well, he's continuing his purge of the U.S.
And I want to ask something, Alex, of your listeners.
Hold it there!
This is a key question.
We're going to come back in the final segment with Michael Savage, straight ahead.
I know he's a busy guy.
If he wants to do 10 or 15 more minutes with us, he's welcome.
He's probably got to go.
Final six-minute segment with Michael Savage.
InfoWars.com is my site.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Final segment with Michael Savage, open phones and a ton of breaking news in the third hour coming up before we end this transmission.
We'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
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Michael Savage, we got five minutes left.
Thank you for the time.
You've got the floor.
You said you have a question for the military.
Yes, I have a question for the military.
Do any of the leaders in the military understand what he's done to this country?
Do they understand what Hegel, Bagel, has done to the military?
Do they understand that there's no real war against ISIS?
How many times have we seen that clown, who looks like an usher, come out from the Defense Department and tell us that today we destroyed two trucks?
So let's say it cost us $35 million and these incredible pilots to blow up two Toyota trucks with three ragheads in it?
Why are they not blowing up any of the Abrams tanks that were stolen from the Iraqi military when those cowards in the Iraqi military threw down their weapons and abandoned their bases?
They took our Abrams tanks, remember ISIS did?
Have you yet seen one Abrams tank blown up?
Because this entire war against ISIS is a sham.
It's a pretext for invading Syria, taking down Assad, and leading to the wholesale slaughter of Christians and other Alawites in Syria!
We're about to see another holocaust occur.
Why is this allowed to go on?
How can the West permit this?
Because there is no West anymore.
There is no West.
The leadership has been compromised, taken over.
I'm actually begging those in the military who know what's going on to speak out long before they're retired and suddenly grow a pair of you-know-what.
I love all these retired generals who are sudden, what do you say, regular guests on Fox and CNN, telling us all of the bad things that happened when they were generals.
The trick is to speak out while you are a general, not after you're, you know, retired.
This is it.
We have no time left.
We're not surviving two more years of Ebola.
It's impossible.
And I say that from a statistical point of view.
Look at what he's done in these six years.
Now follow the arc to eight years.
It's metastasizing.
It's geometrically progressing.
He's accelerating!
It is.
It's not going to be just two more years of this mild socialist, Leninist, slow movement.
It's going to escalate and ratchet up.
He wants an insurrection.
He wants a pretext.
He wants his Kristallnacht.
He wants to take the guns.
He wants to arrest people.
He wants to detain people for their own safety.
He wants to do all the things that we've feared at our worst.
And I'm terrified that he might use Ebola as a pretext, rather than being impeached for this, for bringing it in, letting it come in.
He's liable to use it to gain even more power.
That's my worst fear, Alex.
It's why I wrote Stop the Coming Civil War.
He's been signing executive orders for open martial law.
Can he get away with it, though, if they let Ebola spread and then use that to grab power?
Sure he can.
Who's going to stop him?
John Boehner?
The New York Times?
That's what I'm worried about.
It is the yes-man attitude that's allowing this evil to take over.
I don't know.
I think the West is paralyzed.
I think it's just drugged to death.
I look around, I see drugs.
Everywhere I see.
I look at the Congress, they look like robots.
You're right.
Stop the coming civil war.
The book's selling out everywhere.
Thank you so much for the time.
Michael and I and many others are just trying to wake people up.
Michael, thanks for your time.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you for listening to GCS.
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Call 1-888-253-3139 You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Dr. Edward Groot, the legendary George Norrie will be joining us to cover the waterfront.
The good news, Dr. Groot, McDonald's profits are down over 30 percent, so are all the other big fast food chains globally.
People are really turning against them.
And, of course, Bill Gates is involved with that.
You were telling me they're putting up these kiosks that give you these brainwashing answers.
I'm not concerned about horse meat in McDonald's, because they're saying, we don't have horse meat!
That's not what we said.
You have GMO.
Tell folks your view on this.
I agree with you.
Talking about good news, I think that the public is waking up every single day.
It's the 100th monkey phenomenon, you know.
The more information that you get out, the more information that you get out.
People are realizing that the prescription medications are not fixing them.
They're turning to natural solutions.
That's why there's a big attack on all natural companies right now.
The restrictions that the FDA is putting on all the manufacturers to make sure everything is tested, they're really creating a financial nightmare for natural supplement companies right now because it's costing them so much more to produce and all the testing requirements that the FDA is laying down on them with all the new inspections and everything else.
And California has standards that are impossible.
There's more toxins in the air than California will allow.
Right, the Prop 65.
That was all contrived by the attorneys over there in California to try to create massive amounts of lawsuits to sue everybody that had 0.5 micrograms of lead in their products.
But all in all, it all comes down to focus on your gut.
Make sure that you have good probiotics in there.
You know, I've said before, the appendix is the microcomputer system of your body.
Your gut is the brain in your system.
The gut is the immune system.
I mean, I was kind of scared of it because other flushes I did were painful.
This stuff is just, it's amazing.
It is amazing.
That's why my main focus is on the gut.
I've got over 3,000 documented cases of just about every single disease out there that has been reversed.
And it all starts from cleaning the body.
I mean, I am completely convinced right now that if you have a clean body, disease cannot exist inside your system.
But you have to take the effort.
I mean, people are addicted.
That's another thing we have to talk about.
Here's an example.
When I was a kid, I would eat a pint of Dutch chocolate ice cream with all the additives and GMO and the high-fructose corn syrup.
And a week later, I'd get zits all over my face.
And my mom would say, no more sweets.
And I didn't have zits, and all the other kids did.
I mean, it's real simple.
Well, a lot of the chemicals that are used as preservatives in food are addictive chemicals.
They're designed to make you addicted to that food.
Like high fructose corn syrup, for example, is extremely addictive.
It causes diabetes, massive obesity.
They use it for rats.
Same with aspartame, artificial sweeteners.
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Repairing the inside of your body.
Repairing your body's own self-healing mechanism.
Reducing your stress levels.
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When the nightly news is over tonight, I think it's Leanne hosting it, or is it Jakari Jackson?
I'm not sure.
When it's over, they'll come in studio, they're going to tape it now.
When they're done with the news, they'll air a special transmission, he's going to tape with Gucci Arti, getting into what's really behind the Ebola, is it crisis actors, what's really going on, and a lot of stuff he didn't get to.
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Security alert.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I call it InfoWars Live.
We're coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
I didn't ask George Norrie, is he out in LA or is he somewhere deep beneath the earth there in St.
He actually does have an office and broadcasts out of an underground cave.
They have a big complex of caves there, they have a lot of businesses in them.
George Norrie obviously does not need to be introduced.
I've been on Piers Morgan.
And they said that was the biggest political media event of the year, L.A.
Times and CNN voters said it was.
I've been on the BBC, Nightline, Rolling Stone, Esquire, you name it, cover stories, and never gotten one-tenth the response that I've gotten going on coasttocoastam.com.
Going on that 500 and almost 600 radio stations.
They're on in Canada.
They're on all over the world.
You know, most U.S.
radio shows, even though they're popular, like Rush Limbaugh, do not end up airing on broadcast stations in other parts of the world.
But his show is so fascinating.
And the family of guests he has on is so diverse and thought-provoking that Coast to Coast is America's radio export.
Kind of like the Beatles with the British Invasion.
George Norrie is the radio invasion of the world.
I was just thinking about that last night.
I was on his show last week and just got mobbed on the streets walking around Austin going to restaurants.
Hey Alex, I heard you on George Norrie.
That was a great two hours.
When are you going to get George on your show?
And then the waitress comes over.
I heard you on George Norrie.
And then I'm at the gym.
Hey, I heard you on George Norrie.
I heard you on 590.
That's because just here in Austin he has, last time I saw the ratings, something like 70% of the total radio broadcast audience.
Now you're killing it if you got 10% of the audience.
Back when I was, you know, on at night here before George.
Killing it's 10% of the total audience.
Up against AM, FM, rock and roll, hip-hop, Spanish music.
I'm not kissing George's butt, I just don't think anybody sings the songs of his praises like they should, that this is big media.
And talk radio is the only place that still has giant audiences.
MSNBC, CNN, even Fox has what, 3 million on their big shows?
Well George Norrie has 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 million a show.
16, 15, 20 million depending on the week.
But you don't hear CNN hyping it, you don't hear Time Magazine hyping it, because they don't have audiences anywhere near it.
MSNBC's got 200,000 viewers on their average show.
500,000 on their top show.
CNN, same story.
They're in free fall.
That's why you see the Globalists trying to destroy talk radio, with all the regulations and FCC coming in and moves towards the fairness doctrine.
Is because they're scared of it.
They want to control and dominate and censor the new media with Cass Sunstein White House tactics to cause infighting.
On the internet, something George is never involved in.
That's why I'm never involved in it.
But what can they do about talk radio?
Well, they can try to buy up the companies and just basically bankrupt it, run it into a wall.
That's why it's so important that we continue to promote new media and old media.
Just like I'm on over 160 AM and FM stations, we're like 170.
Support those local AM and FM affiliates.
Become sponsors, support those sponsors, let them know why you support them.
And if you're listening to us right now or George Norrie, tell people about the show!
We have the audience, if we leverage it, if you leverage it, it's over!
George, I remember first hearing him when he took the show over like, I don't know, it has to be like 15 years ago or something.
I remember hearing George on air saying it's not the law under the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act to take the vaccines.
And they even credited him in the news as getting a movement going to say, hey, it's not the law, and we shouldn't have them have regulations for forced inoculations, starting with firefighters, police, and nurses.
And see, that's why I'm so excited about George, is that in this whole pantheon of great talk show hosts, he's right up there at the top, and it's another testament to getting out of the left-right paradigm with complex issues, some of them wacky, some of them profound, and really bringing people together.
Like Drudge Report, you know, having videos out of Chicago of libertarian black folks breaking with Obama.
Now, George, I'm going to stop buttering you up here, but I just thought I would talk about how important you've been over the years, even before you were in talk radio, winning three Emmys for News.
Just so much you've done.
That's why I respect your view on the state of the world.
So, where is the world right now?
What do you make of the Drudge headline?
They dare not speak his name.
Democrats won't even say his name.
What does it mean that Brand Obama has fallen so incredibly hard?
Then we'll get into Ebola.
We'll get into the elections and whatever else you want to cover, George.
Well, first of all, Alex, great to be on your program again.
I mean, I really look forward to it.
And you talk about response, because after I'm on your show,
I open up all my coast-to-coast AM emails and everybody's listening to you, so thanks for having me on.
We are living in the strangest times and most difficult times I can remember in my entire life in broadcasting.
Let's go back a little bit, when George Bush was the president.
Nobody wanted him in anymore.
You know, aside from a few Republicans, people were fed up with him.
They wanted out.
And they ran to Barack Obama.
They ran to him.
They cherished him.
They voted him in.
Now, here we are, six years later, people have made a complete turn again.
They want him out.
They don't want anything to do with him.
His own party shies away from him.
They don't want to mention his name.
What does this tell you about our political spectrum in the United States?
People just don't trust candidates anymore.
They don't trust elected officials because they're given the wrong person.
They're not given somebody like Ron Paul who comes out and tells the truth and lays it out there for you and cares about you.
We're given politicians who have their own agenda, whatever it is,
And people are finally getting to that point where they're fed up.
This is an interesting election right now, because it comes up next Tuesday, and I'm in St.
Louis, as you mentioned.
I go back and forth between here and Los Angeles.
And I have a secret location, by the way, in Dallas, which I don't tell anybody about.
I love Texas.
I've got to say, people are just... They're done.
They're done with the political system and Democrats in the St.
Louis area, who are up for
Election and re-election, they don't want anything to do with it.
I mean, if the President today, and this is a sad state of affairs, the President today said, look, I want to come to St.
Louis and campaign for you.
They don't want him here.
And it's unfortunate.
It truly is.
I mean, people need to trust their politicians and we're just not getting that.
Barack Obama
These are the mistakes he made.
When he first came into office, he had a tremendous mandate.
People wanted him.
People wanted nothing to do with George Bush anymore.
He picked up on the bailout system exactly the way George Bush had presented it and was funding it.
And he just carried the ball into the end zone the same way.
He then immediately went into his health care program without thinking it through.
And everything he has done, administratively, has fallen short.
Whether it's battling ISIS in the Middle East, or, you know, naming a czar on Ebola who is nowhere to be found, everything he has touched has just not turned out the way it should.
And people have finally gotten to a point where they say,
We're done.
You know, I hate to exist in a two years before another election, and we'll talk about those candidates in a moment.
But people are going to be limping to the finish line with this president.
And I'm nonpartisan, as you well know.
We don't talk politics on coast to coast.
So you're getting some of my personal views here.
We're at a point in this country where unless we get some people in office,
Like the Ron Pauls, we are in serious, serious shape.
George Norrie, I totally agree with you.
I see a major political realignment where it doesn't take people four or five years to wake up to a political party or a political group lying to them.
People are waking up in months now.
And if the Republicans, who are probably going to sweep the House and the Senate next week, despite massive election fraud and illegals voting, if they don't deliver some basic tax relief, some basic corruption reform, dial back the police state, if they don't stop the lying...
No doubt.
I believe that the people like Alex Jones who come forward and tell the truth based on your own investigations, based on what you see, you just don't spout things out.
You're not one of those talk show hosts that just throws out opinions.
You check first.
You research first.
You quote articles.
I've seen this happen time and time again where people have tried to come after you
We're saying something, and you've got sources behind you all the way up your arm.
Sure, if I didn't, I would have been sued into oblivion.
And so what is happening now, and I think in the long run, I've said this before, I'll say it again, I think the American people will win out over this gross stupidity that is happening around this country right now.
What we have lost in government is the most simple of things, and that's common sense.
They're just not doing things that are for the people.
And, you know, the greedy money barons have taken over, and the multi-level corporations are pushing their agenda, and in the long run, though it's going to be a rough, rough road, we're going to win!
There's no doubt in my mind we're going to win.
I agree with you.
They can't shut down.
That's right.
Can't stop the signal.
George Norrie, Coast2CoastAM.com, BeyondBelief.com, for his hit TV show, Coast2CoastAM.com, BeyondBelief.com.
We're going to come back and talk about how he thinks we'll win, what he sees in this new election coming up, and what he thinks of lame duck Obama and his executive orders.
Will Obama end up getting impeached if he starts power grabbing after the election?
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It seems like yesterday, my friends, what it was long ago.
I've been going on George's show, it's gotta be 13, 14 years now.
And I thought about it, half my life I've been on air, more than half my life.
Pretty hard to believe how time flies by so quickly.
George Norrie is our guest, Coast2CoastAM.com.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I'm on here during the day, he's on overnight, and with the Coast2Coast sensation, and he's here with us today in the long segment coming up.
We'll get more into Ebola and other issues, but Ferguson continues to blow up.
And I know that you have a home and are broadcasting right now from very close to there.
I'm concerned that when it comes out they're not going to indict this cop, that all Hades is going to break loose.
It already has been.
And I'm not defending police state tactics.
Our own reporters got shot with rubber bullets for no reason.
But it did turn out the cop told the truth and was in danger and it was a justified shooting.
But people say they don't care if it's been proven to be a justified shooting.
CNN, MSNBC are still race-baiting it.
Are they hoping for some racial blow-up as a diversion for Obama?
I don't think they're hoping, Alex, for a racial blow-up, but I'm concerned that it could happen.
You know, I went through the Detroit riots back in the 60s.
About a month or so ago, when I was back in St.
Louis, I went out to Ferguson and looked at the area during the daytime.
It's a small area.
It doesn't look like a huge war zone like you see on CNN.
But it's upsetting because businesses have boarded up their places and they're trying to stay open and, you know, you go by it and see, you know, wood all over the place boarding up the windows.
You don't even know if they're open or not.
So those people are really getting hit.
They're suffering the most.
The worst part about it is, is you've got a lot of infiltrators coming in from outside of the St.
Louis area now.
We're just coming in for their own publicity or just to, you know, rabble-rouse and do things like that.
Now, you're absolutely right.
The police officer apparently had to defend himself.
Why in God's name that this individual had to hustle with the cops is beyond me.
He should have just merely said, you know, OK, I'm getting out of the street, which is what the police wanted in the first place.
Just don't walk down the middle of this road.
And, you know, they told him, get out.
And all age broke loose between the cop and the individual.
He got killed.
Now, was it excessive?
Did he fire off too many bullets?
I think this problem would have started even if he had shot once, even if the police
Point is, the cop told the truth and some of the other locals lied, but other black witnesses confirmed what later came out in video and witnesses.
So I just don't get everybody staking the whole world on this event when it's not even an example of a cop being out of control.
There's plenty of examples of police doing bad stuff, and a lot of times they end up getting in trouble now.
I just think only scapegoating the police feeds into this balkanization program the system wants, where it's an us-against-them mentality.
And I think that's why the controlled media tries to promote a police state on one hand, but also blame the police for everything at the same time.
It's like saying, oh look, they have all these armored vehicles in Ferguson.
Well, who gave it to them?
The Attorney General was blaming local police when their training in armor came from Homeland Security, George.
I have friends here who are local police officers, Alex, and many of them have scheduled vacation time coming up.
They have been told, no vacation time right now.
You've got to be on hold.
So they're anticipating the potential of problems if and when the ruling on the indictment or non-indictment comes through on the police officer.
And you're right, the speculation is that the officer is not going to be indicted.
Yeah, I think so.
Well, sure.
I mean, we care about the police officers.
We don't like the politicians and the police state.
People tend to confuse those.
I know you don't.
Again, all this federalization, all this militarization, all this training, the welfare society, all of it is coming out of Hollywood, out of D.C., and then the police are on the ground, who are being trained to act like this, and then the feds go, look at how horrible your police are.
We'll federalize them.
We're going to watch this situation unfold.
I don't know when they're going to make the announcement.
There's talk that they may do it on a Sunday, which is a strange time, of course, but they may do it on some day like that to minimize a crowd.
But we'll see what happens.
And the interesting phenomenon about all of this social networking
I'm good to go.
And you never know what will cause that chain reaction.
George Norie is our guest.
We're getting into the big issues straight ahead.
The election, the economy.
But first, his take on Ebola.
What's really going on with Ebola.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
On the eve of Thanksgiving this year, I was thinking, what am I really thankful for?
And I gotta tell you, it's my family, it's all the blessings of liberty that our forebearers secured, and it's you, the listeners of the broadcast, who've made everything we do possible.
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I'm talking about silver bullet colloidal silver that we've been sold out of for months.
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So instead of keeping the price at its regular discounted price, we are going to give you 20% off and free shipping on single bottles.
But if you get four bottles, we're gonna give you the fifth one free and the free shipping.
I don't know how long this special will run, but if supplies last, we will extend it out until Cyber Monday.
You'll find powerful nutraceuticals like Silver Bullet and others at Infowarslife.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
Again, this is Alex Jones wishing you all a blessed and happy Thanksgiving and thanking you all for your support of freedom.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well here's the big headline that just went live at InfoWars.com directly from a CDC report and documents confirmed by the US Army that I want Red Link to put at the top of PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
This is an article by Kit Daniels, CDC.
Ebola spreads like the flu.
A CDC flyer describing the droplet spread of Ebola, which happens when germs traveling inside droplets are coughed and sneezed from a sick person, is nearly identical to the CDC's description of influenza, which it breaks down.
And then he links in there the Army's own report confirming that.
And here's the issue.
We knew years ago that they believed it was somewhat airborne.
And now we know that in temperatures below 45 degrees, it can live for days and travel miles.
So, if this is real Ebola, because it could be a simulant or something else, it's very suspicious, we've got a big problem on our hands.
Either they're covering up, in my view, I want George Norrie's expert take on this, either they're covering up for the election and hiding it,
Or it's not real Ebola because they would wear spacesuits previously, and this Ebola clearly lasts longer, incubates longer, is much more dangerous.
It's real in Africa.
I'm not saying there isn't an Ebola crisis.
There's just no response.
But then I talked to a medical doctor in Dallas who's high level.
We have a medical doctor from Missouri on.
They didn't fire Monday, but they're ostracizing.
He's the head of several hospitals.
He said, no, the feds come in and grab people out of the Harry Truman Hospital that are bleeding out and disappear them.
I've had senior border patrol on by name saying this is happening.
Zach Taylor and others.
Dr. Group met with senior border patrol who were active duty.
Trying to figure out what's going on.
See, the Border Patrol, the police, the feds don't even know.
It's COG, FEMA, CDC, Northcom, the Army doesn't even know what's going on.
It's only senior people.
Believe me, the military teams are much bigger than them saying it's a 35-person team.
No, they're grabbing folks all over.
Well, are they grabbing people that really have malaria and it's a drill to see if they can get away with it?
Still, people are disappearing.
We know that's going on.
George Norrie, I want your take on this.
There's uproar over US troops who are under Ebola quarantine in Italy.
But in the past, the Navy, the Army, everybody quarantines people that might be sick.
They shouldn't have been sent there.
Trump says a new kind of hell to pay if soldiers are infected.
Doctor lied about New York City travel.
Turns out he traveled a lot more places.
What is he doing?
This other nurse now, who's around Ebola, saying she won't even self-quarantine.
Documents have now been released and revealed confirming the State Department plans to bring non-U.S.
citizens with Ebola here.
I mean, I made jokes about that two weeks ago and had Democrats sign...
Well, I find it unusual, Alec, but Ebola, it's been around for decades, and now they're saying by January they can have vaccines.
What's taking so long?
That's strange.
Liberian newspapers have reported that Ebola was started by us to get them.
That is something that a lot of people have suspected a long, long time ago as well.
First of all, we should immediately, and as I've said this weeks ago, we should ban any flights in from those West African nations and seal off the borders with these airplanes and not let people in.
It's cruel.
It's cruel, but it's got to be done.
Australia's doing it.
We should be doing it.
We've got to minimize it as much as possible.
Heck, I was even the one who did not want the doctor and the worker to come in when they first came in a month and a half ago, because I thought it would be a problem.
Now, with the possibility of letting real, true Ebola patients into the country...
They're going to quarantine the troops for 21 days.
Those troops, those American troops that we sent out there to help build little hospital rooms and things like that, they're going to be quarantined for up to 21 days, maybe longer, before they're even going to be allowed out anymore.
The danger of all of this is not the widespreadness.
Keep in mind, 36,000 Americans die every year from the so-called natural flu.
If we had 36,000 people dying of Ebola, we'd be running around going crazy, screaming and yelling.
The problem with Ebola is that 70% of the people who get it are dying.
We've been fortunate in this country that those people that have had it, we've been able to take care of them.
They've been able to fight it.
We must be doing something differently.
What's going on with this nurse who was around Ebola patients and then was sick so they quarantined her?
Now she's out of the hospital.
Obama orders are released.
Now the main governor is seeking to make nurse abide by quarantine, stay in her house.
Bloomberg's reporting.
The neighbors are freaking out.
The locals are.
I think people are so scared because the flu might kill one-half of one-tenth of one percent.
So we know if we get it, it's a very low chance.
Ebola kills 70%.
I think that's why it's so scary that if it starts spreading in the winter months, why was there a default, George, to stop people flying in before, to quarantine before, to not bring Ebola patients in before?
Why has it all changed?
Why do people not have any confidence in the system?
Why do they say you can't get it on a bus or a train, but scientists say you can?
Why are they lying so much?
Are they lying or are they idiots?
Or maybe a combination of both.
It just seems that everything they try to do, they screw up.
I mean, if you had people like this in your company, Alex, or in Coast to Coast, we would have fired them a long time ago.
I mean, you just can't have that kind of incompetence.
And that's what we've got right now.
Common sense tells you.
You've got a disease that spreads like crazy when you get any kind of solutions or body fluids or anything on you.
And like you said, it could be airborne.
Who the heck knows?
You've got to be careful.
And they're not.
They're being very, very foolish with it.
Letting so many people in who have this disease is ridiculous.
And we have just touched the tip of the iceberg of what's going to happen with Ebola.
I mean, you get these isolated cases.
That's not a lot, but it's going to grow.
It's going to fester.
It's not over by a long shot.
So you think it's over all real.
I tend to agree with you.
Something's creepy here, though.
George Norrie pulling back then.
Obviously, if on average Ebola spreads for each person that has it to two other people, you've got the guy that died in Dallas, and you've got this doctor and this nurse and then others, all these other Ebola patients that are being brought in, more than 25 of them, that are aid workers, now they're going to bring in foreign aid workers that have it, and they're saying it's no big deal, but before they wear spacesuits, and
I mean, you've got all this happening.
If two nurses got it from one guy, following the average, then you've got to expect, with this medical doctor that was in the infectious stage at bowling alleys and restaurants and on the subway, that it's had to have spread.
So, either it's fake or it's going to spread.
Now, I'm not saying it's going to be some pandemic and we're going to see hundreds of thousands get sick and die, but clearly it's one or the other, George.
What do you think?
No, I don't think it's fake.
I think it's real.
It's happening.
And it could get out of control.
And that's the bottom line.
It could get out of control.
What does your gut tell you?
Are we going to see more cases?
No, there's no question about it.
Are we going to see widespread cases?
I don't know yet.
I can't speculate on that.
But we're going to see more cases.
What do you think about the disappearance, though I've confirmed with medical doctors on and off record, of people, these federal teams come and grab them?
Why not tell the public?
Why not say?
If we think you have a baller, we'll put you in quarantine.
The public would support that.
To set the precedent to secretly grab whoever they want in the future.
I don't think so.
Hiding in plain view.
I want to get George Norrie's take on this.
Again, George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com, one of the top syndicated hosts in the world, joining us right now.
Kit, just a few weeks ago, the CDC had one flyer out on Ebola.
Now their new flyer says something pretty scary on it.
We're going to show folks a document cam shot of this, if they're TV viewers.
Kit, describe for radio listeners what we're looking at here.
Well, the document on the left is from the CDC on October 16th.
It's about the transmission of Ebola.
It says nothing about droplet spread of Ebola.
But now the CDC released another flyer on the right on Monday, the 27th, which does admit that yes, Ebola can spread through droplets in the air.
Now, we were attacked by, no exaggeration, hundreds of publications
Two and a half months ago for saying this, we were just linking to the CDC's internal documents that were public but not really widely circulated.
Saying this too.
So why do you think they're now, Kit, coming out and quietly admitting this?
Because now even the mainstream media is forced to admit that yes, Ebola can spread through droplets in the air.
So now they're just slowly admitting, trying not to bring too much attention to themselves, by quietly releasing this document, this new revelation.
Well, this is what concerns me, is that it doesn't die right away in cold weather and spreads according to the Army.
I know you have links to that in your article.
Thank you, Kit Daniels.
George, what's your take on this latest CDC...
Again, it shows the incompetence of what's happening out there, Alex.
Look, you're not a doctor, I'm not a doctor, but we could have told people years ago that Ebola, or any disease that's transmittable with droplets, or any kind of fluid, or any potential, if you come up to someone and they sneeze on you, and somehow that gets into your system, you're going to get part of the virus.
Now, will your body fight it off?
Look, we all have cancer cells in our system, but it's our immune system that's keeping it in check in most cases.
But there are some people that don't have strong immune systems, and they come down with cancer.
It's the same thing with this Ebola situation, except it's tougher.
It's tougher to fight off.
And, you know, it just shows me once again the incompetence
How could they on one hand say it's not possible, and then weeks later they come out and say, well, maybe it is.
Well, we eat GMO corn, like BT, that is in major studies on record to kill the honeybees that eat it, and it's linked to kids having, you know, these leaky guts.
And then we wonder why our immune systems are shutting down.
It's because they're bombarded.
They're overwhelmed.
We are in this toxic environment.
I want to expand, George, before we get into some other topics in the time we have left with you, to talk about beyondbelief.com.
And your hit TV show that I'm finally going to be able to come out to Denver and tape soon, hopefully.
I want to talk about that show because it's getting really popular.
I saw the numbers on it.
And I want to talk also about some of these big events you're putting on that you've invited me to physically attend next year, but attend via Skype coming up.
I really look forward to those.
Tell people about your events.
In terms of the events, though, we've got a lot coming up.
You can always track where I'm going to be by going to coasttocoastam.com, and at the bottom of the page, it says Calendar.
You click that, and it shows where I'm going to be.
But on November 8th in Toronto, Alex, and you're going to join us via Skype, and you've got a huge Toronto following, by the way.
I'm going to be up there with a woman who used to date Lee Harvey Oswald.
She's going to be one of my guests.
You're going to be there on Skype.
Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens will be there.
Peter Davenport, who heads up the National UFO Reporting Center.
And then rock historian R. Gary Patterson is joining me.
He's going to talk about why so many great rock musicians died at the age of 27.
And in addition, I do kind of sing on the side, so we've got a full group there that's going to play while I sing four songs throughout the night.
Full information on that is at GeorgeNoreedLive.com if you live in the Toronto, Buffalo area or if you just want to trip to Toronto, come on out and see me November 8th.
And by the way, I've seen you via internet getting to stay on Skype the whole time and watch it, and I've been to William Shatner's variety show, and yours is a thousand times better.
Even though his was okay, it was cool to see William Shatner.
The variety show you do, you're bringing up serious topics, interesting things.
You're a pretty good singer, George.
I really look forward to next year when I'm going to physically come to some of your events.
Very, very exciting.
Again, give folks that website one more time because I know it sells out every single time no matter where you go, so the venues get bigger and bigger.
Give folks the website one more time so they can go get tickets.
That's georgenorylive.com and of course it's N-O-O-R-Y georgenorylive.com for our November 8th event in Toronto.
Maybe next year, Alex, while I sing
I'll have you dance with somebody in the crowd.
Well, with my torn Achilles, I'm not a very good dancer.
The secret is I'm not a good dancer unless I've had a bottle of wine.
Did you ever hear Shatner talk about his play, his one-person play that he was in?
And he said he's on stage and all of a sudden he gets hit with the worst stomach ache of his life.
He had to excuse himself.
Keep in mind, he's on stage.
He's the only person.
He had to excuse himself, go to the restroom, where he was there for about 15 minutes, and then he came back.
Sure, it's a dinner theater.
In fact, those are some of the great stories when he was here last year and I went and saw him that he told and it was very interesting.
Boy, that's a guy that's got a lot of energy.
In fact, I don't want to say that yours is a thousand times better because this was pretty good.
I'm just saying it was much, much better watching it on Skype than seeing Shatner in person, which I liked.
So that's what I'm saying.
It really is a good show, folks.
So check that out.
Now, George, we've only got one more segment left, and you always let me come on your show, and you've got a few questions, but you let me kind of go in any direction I want.
What are you most happy about in the world right now, and what are you most concerned about in the world right now?
I'm concerned primarily about, again, the complete lack of understanding and respect for human beings by government.
They just don't seem to care.
What I'm happy about
Is that people are on to them and that we understand them.
And by doing so, we're going to continue to fight back.
You know, not necessarily, and I do not advocate violence by any means, but we're going to fight back at the election booth.
We're going to fight back on talk shows.
We're going to fight back in any way we can to keep them from trying to win.
And I think, again, in the long run,
Well, that's right.
Dinosaur media is dying everywhere because it just can't get its mind around ever questioning or being critical.
And I just can't imagine what the system's going to do, because pride goes before a fall.
Every indicator shows that the establishment is in deep trouble.
And it just shows so much arrogance.
I think it may be a confidence game, and they're not actually as arrogant as they act.
But, George, I think you're right, though, in the final equation.
Respect for human life.
Respect for each other.
Believing in humanity.
Believing in our greater angels.
Believing we can do better things.
That's what builds civilization in the future.
But this globalist eugenicist view of we're all crud and humans are a disease and all this, that's what's going to bring in a total nightmare.
Final segment straight ahead with George Norrie.
We'll talk more about some of the things happening in the election.
His prediction, will the Republicans take
The House, well they already have the House, more seats in the House.
Will they take the Senate?
Which the Democrats have right now.
And more.
His site, coasttocoastam.com.
I'm Alex Jones with infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
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Mike at RomeFolksTV1 tweeted at Real Alex Jones, wanted to ask George Norrie, do you foresee DHS coming to our homes and forcing vaccines on us anytime soon?
What's your take on that, George Norrie?
Anytime soon?
They've set us up for this.
To be able to come to us and have mandatory vaccines and push us to do it?
I'm not going to do it.
Let's get back to Revelation for a moment, Alex.
Revelation, the sign of the beast, 666.
What is it?
It's a mark to buy and use, you know, have services.
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to get chipped.
I'm not going to have a mark put on me.
And they will try to do that to us one day, but fighting
Well, they're going to do it through identity theft.
The globalists are going to release everybody's biometric data and, you know, force us onto biometrics because they release all the credit card data and all the passwords.
Then it'll be biometric, then that'll get hacked, and they'll say, look, you've got to have it in your body.
And then they'll get all your medical records.
They'll get everything they need on you.
And you know what?
George, you ought to come on again just on your view on the future of the Mark of the Beast.
That'd be an amazing interview.
We could do a roundtable on yours.
What does George think, Texan American citizen on Twitter asks, what does George think about the recent deathbed confession of Lockheed Martin engineer Boyd Bushman?
I don't know what they're talking about.
Maybe you know.
That was an Area 51 expert.
Who claims that indeed they're extraterrestrials at Area 51 and that he knows that it's an amazing story You know, I haven't been able to authenticate it yet a lot of times somebody can make up something and I don't even know if Bushman was was a real person from Lockheed, but if he was It's an incredible story of another admission of what's been going on at Area 51
No, I believe in extraterrestrials.
This universe is way too vast to think we're by ourselves.
I do believe they've come here and seeded us, but I don't think there's a thing going on with them.
There is no place to run.
So we stay right here and we fix it and we make sure that it happens.
Well, George, in the last minute and a half we have left, I want to encourage people to go to your TV show.
I guess you can sign up and get 10 days free right now and see a lot of the back shows.
They're excellent.
At beyondbelief.com and support the new media, beyondbelief.com and just click on the George Norrie link right there.
In the final equation, what do you think is going to happen in the next few years?
Do you think Obama and the globalists are going to run wild when he's a lame duck and can pardon himself?
No, I don't think they're going to run wild.
Some people have predicted that there's not going to be an election in 2016.
That there's going to be some catastrophe where they decide that we can't have an election right now.
I'm not going to say no to that.
That's a possibility.
Was it planned?
I don't think so.
But it is possible.
I think it's unfortunate that these people we elect
Uh, who start off well intentioned.
There's no question about it in my mind.
I think all of them.
Have had these ideals of trying to make this a better country, a better planet.
And then something happens to them.
They get tainted.
They get approached.
They get changed.
And they begin to realize, you know, oh my gosh, I've got to play this game with these elitists.
And that's what's happening.
I think Barack Obama came into this election backed by people
I'll tell you what, George.
Do five minutes overdrive with us.
Come back and finish this point.
We're back in 60 seconds.
Infowars.com forward slash show to get the free feeds.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Tucker Carlson's coming up in the Daily Caller.
Say what you want about Tucker Carlson, but I've said good things and bad things over the years.
He's an interesting guy.
He's got a great website.
A lot of good libertarian Americana ideas.
A lot of breaking news.
Drudge loves it, obviously.
It's on there every day.
Damon, or Damian, in Indiana, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, my name is Damian Stanziano.
I'm the libertarian candidate here in District 41 for Indiana State Senate.
It's been a really tough battle, this whole campaign, trying to be recognized.
The newspapers run several stories talking about the two candidates they're running, the Democrat and Republican, completely omitting the fact that I'm even in the ring.
I've contacted the NRA about being endorsed by them.
I was told by the NRA that we're not interested in third-party candidates and basically told, you know, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Any charity or lobbying group that ends up giving money to third party candidates, the Federal Elections Commission comes after them.
So it's a monopoly with the two parties over elections.
It's a closed shop.
And I understand the idea of breaking it up.
I want to do that.
But then we are faced with this election.
And some Libertarians are getting elected.
That's why they're so scared of the Libertarian Party, America's largest and oldest third party.
Well, I support
Lowering your income taxes here in Indiana down to zero, just like Texas has, and increasing that homestead exemption up to 100%, like the governor candidate in Florida wants to do.
So, I don't know what more to do to let the people know, let the voters know, that the Republican Party is not the party of Eisenhower anymore, and the Democratic Party is not the party of Kennedy anymore.
They're both the same corporate, greedy, criminal party.
That's it, who are using government and selective enforcement to take over the economy and shut down their competition.
They are cancer.
Good to hear from you.
Wild man in Texas.
Thank you for calling.
Do you remember about five years ago, at least five years ago, when they had a national scoop of illegal aliens and they bust them all up and took them out of here?
Yeah, I mean, it was a front before they tried to pass Amnesty.
They'd bust a few meat packing plants and a few facilities.
I mean, it was still just for show, but yes.
Yeah, they did it up here.
I'm in the Panhandle, and they did it at Cactus, where there's a big packing house.
Well, they did that, and they got them all out of here, and then they turned right around, and they got all the Somalians in, Guatemalans, and Afghans in here.
And now that's who's messing with our food.
You know?
It is really... I mean, here's the deal.
I almost get Mexicans coming in because they border us.
It's been part of Mexico before.
I mean, I get it.
I don't get why the government ships massive amounts of Somalis in to just take over whole industries in Minneapolis, St.
Paul and other cities or whole groups.
I mean, they're just... The government is doing this on purpose to break the country up so none of us can communicate with each other.
It's Tower of Babel.
Yeah, and I mean, they're messing with our food, so these people, like you said, you know, the borders are open, they're letting all these thugs in now and stuff that are from God knows where.
Yeah, let's be clear.
They let felons go who've committed aggravated assaults.
And then, you know, Fox News is asking the sheriff, why do they do this?
And they're just like, we don't know.
No, because this is a criminal takeover.
Stalin opened up the jails and got a bunch of people to work for him.
Hitler did that at first.
I mean, this is what they do.
This is a criminal takeover.
Castro sent them to us.
And now everybody else is doing it again.
And then they print 60 million green cards for these people.
I don't know how many of them will actually do it or go vote because they're probably scared they'll get
Well, listen, listen.
Newspapers all over Latin America, we've shown them, advertised, go to America, here's how to do it.
President Obama wants you, free money waiting.
In fact, in Spanish, it's free money and a better life waiting.
And then, I mean, they're going to take over.
They're going to get our guns.
I mean, this is it.
And then they're going to go.
We voted to take the guns.
You won't turn them in.
Homeland Security, kill the terrorists.
Vehicles roll out against us.
I mean, it's all been planned.
I don't know if it's a year from now, ten years from now, but they admit at the gun control groups that they're going to get our guns.
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Again, this is Alex Jones wishing you all a blessed and happy Thanksgiving and thanking you all for your support of freedom.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Well, callers, you're gonna get to talk to Tucker Carlson.
Of course, he's been a host on most of the big TV networks, Fox News, you name it.
And he runs TheDailyCaller.com, one of the most visited news websites in the world.
And we're honored always to be able to get him to pop in with us, especially on Election Day.
So I've got a lot of questions.
A lot of comments.
I know that callers are lined up to talk about the election, so you can chime in with your point and then we'll get Tucker's take on it.
But before we go any further, Tucker, what do you think the biggest story of 2014 is?
Is it the major political realignment?
Is it going to be what the lame-duck president does with executive powers and amnesty?
Is it going to be the Tea Party insurrection trying to unseat the rhinos and neocons like Boehner?
Is it that they won't win the Senate tonight and there'll be a Harry Truman-esque upset?
What do you think in your gut the big story is going to be tomorrow, Tucker Carlson?
Well, first, hey Alex, thanks for having me.
Second, I think the story over the next two years is going to be chaos.
There is a lot of movement just beneath the surface in American politics.
I think in American society.
I think globally, actually.
And that's evidence that things are realigning.
And we're right in the middle of it, so it's hard to see.
It's hard to step back and get perspective on what's happening.
But the world is going to look a lot different in two years.
Our assumptions now, you know, that Hillary Clinton is going to run against Jeb Bush, I think all of them will be proven wrong in the end as people start to move to places politically they never thought
They would be, and that's one of the reasons that we're having so much trouble forecasting what's going to happen tonight.
I mean, it should be, as you know, it should be a pretty clean sweep for Republicans.
The President's incredibly unpopular.
He's done a lot to earn that.
People are terrified of the direction the country's moving, and so the party not in power ought to be the beneficiary of that.
Obviously, that's always the way it's worked up until this year, and yet Republicans are having trouble sealing a deal.
Why is that?
Because things are just much more confusing than they've ever been.
I've got a stack of the breaking news you've got up there today.
A lot of news about election fraud, vote flipping going on, pollsters says Obama may be the most destructive president to his own party.
We saw what Ben Stein on Fox News saying he's the most racist president ever.
I don't know if I agree with that, but he certainly has race baited and used race more than any president in recent history.
I have no idea what's in his heart.
I have no idea what his true beliefs are, but it's very clear.
They've made it as clear as it's ever been in the last two weeks that they're willing to use race to divide the country and get out the vote, and use racial fears to get their base, you know, out to the polls.
And I think it's effective.
It works.
Fear works.
It works for me, by the way.
I'm motivated.
When I'm afraid, it motivates me.
I think human beings are all that way.
But in the case of racial division, there's a consequence that lasts far beyond election day.
If you stoke people up along racial lines, you get ethnic politics.
And look around the world.
You've traveled.
You know practically every other country on the planet is divided by ethnic politics.
We haven't been historically.
Um, but we're moving in that direction, and it's really scary, because ethnic politics doesn't go away.
If you and I disagree on an issue, the issue can be resolved, and we can become friends again.
If we're divided by race, race is immutable.
It doesn't change.
We're always divided, and those divisions can be bitter.
They can turn violent.
I mean, you don't even want to play with that stuff, and they're doing it in a big way, and it's reckless.
There was a Rasmussen poll yesterday reporting that 77% of Americans think that race-baiting is just a desperate tactic and a political diversion, and they think it doesn't work anymore.
I agree with you that it still works to a certain extent, that's why they're using it, but that time's running out for that.
But there's a real attempt by the establishment, by large elements of it,
to kind of use the British great game of divide and conquer here on America.
And that's why they want to flood us with all these illegals, not to bring in new blood and folks to pay Social Security, because we've aborted all our, you know, our future, 50-something million people, but to create that balkanization.
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
There's no doubt that they see immigration as a source of political power.
And that's scary.
I mean, look, you know, like every American, I grew up on the border like you.
I'm kind of pro-immigrant in a lot of ways.
A lot of immigrants work hard.
I'm totally for it.
But massive amounts of low-wage, low-skilled immigration are exactly the opposite of what you want when you've got high unemployment.
So they clearly just don't care at all about people who are earning a wage in the United States.
They just don't care at all.
It's a trade-off between helping the middle class, helping ordinary people, and shoring up their own political power.
They don't think twice.
You know what side they're on.
Even though it'll end up hurting their children and grandchildren.
Tucker Carlson, DailyCaller.com is our guest.
I want to shift out of the election for a moment before we go back into it.
What's the state of the media right now?
Because we're seeing billions of web pages being created a year when it was just 30-something million back in 1996.
I don't
To the point they've now rigged Alexa to show our ratings dropping, while our internal ratings show we're skyrocketing.
But just like Nielsen's been caught fixing things for MSNBC, it just doesn't work on the final equation anymore.
I mean, as you said, we are in a realignment, and so the earthquake's happening right now.
We don't know what the landscape will be in a year or two, but we can kind of get some ideas.
What do you expect
Uh, the establishment media to do, because all the moves they're doing, doubling down on lying, doubling down on dumbing it down, that is causing an even faster exodus away from those traditional media outlets, and they seem to just be accelerating what's not working.
I think that's a really good analysis.
They are hysterical.
People who see the end coming tend to get hysterical.
A lot of these are people who can't function outside the media.
They never make it in a normal job.
The only option for them is to go to some depressing PR firm.
They know it.
You know, they've had really easy jobs all these years.
They've had a full monopoly on information in the country.
And they're looking at retirement years that are pretty bleak.
And so they're lashing out, I would say.
And they've totally abandoned their standards.
I mean, they've always been obviously aligned with the Democratic Party.
They've always been a liberal.
Most journalists are liberal.
But after the 2008 election, they just took the mask off.
And they're just kind of openly cheerleading for one political party, and in so doing, as you just said, they devalue their own currency.
Nobody believes them anymore.
NBC is the least trusted news organization in the country.
When did that happen?
I mean, it didn't take long, by the way.
I don't know exactly what the numbers were, but I bet 15 years ago NBC was probably number two behind ABC, and now they're at the bottom.
So that tells you what you get when you just decide, you know what, I'm no longer a news
What does it mean for them?
How do you see the fall of the dinosaurs?
Because they're already in the desert.
They already don't have any water.
Some of them are starting to fall down and die.
And they're in their death throes.
And obviously government can't come in with censorship and regulation, though they're trying to save the day.
No amount of stimulus money to MSNBC or NPR is going to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
So we're beginning to see rigor mortis set in.
What do you expect the final death throes to look like and what is your gut as a successful media guy on your own independently and inside the system?
What do you in your gut think things are going to look like say in five years?
Well, I think, look, I'm 45, so I'm not that old.
I remember when I started in this business, and my dad was in this business, I've been around it all my life, and I remember when I graduated college thinking, I want to work at Newsweek or Time.
I mean, that was a big deal.
Those were the best places for a magazine writer to work, and I was a magazine writer.
And now, they don't exist!
I mean, I guess maybe they do technically exist, but they kind of slip beneath the waves with almost no notice.
Newsweek was bought by, you know, the rich husband of a Democratic Congresswoman, and then it kind of went bankrupt, and now it just exists online, I guess, sort of.
I mean, they just kind of faded away, but they did so really, really quickly, and I think the same thing will happen maybe even faster to the broadcast networks, because the truth is,
You and I could pull our money and put out a magazine.
We couldn't pull our money and put out a TV channel, because it's really expensive to operate a television network, as you know.
And so, a broadcast television network.
So, I just think they're unsustainable.
I mean, they will go away.
I bet ten years from now, they won't exist.
And it's kind of a shame.
I'm talking about the news networks.
There'll always be a role for entertainment, obviously, and sports.
But the big-time news networks, I don't think will be here.
And I think a lot of it's their fault.
They don't get it, by the way.
They are so... If you go... I mean, I spend a lot of time in that world, because I live in New York part of the week, and everybody in that world is exactly the same.
There's no air.
They never let the door open and let new ideas or fresh perspectives or people with different backgrounds in.
They talk about diversity, but it is the most homogeneous group.
Well, that was my next point, is they're like a cult of dodo birds that don't realize the sailors just arrived and they're all about to get eaten.
And when I watch CNN or MSNBC especially, it is a revolving door of all these Democratic Party chiefs of staff and all these hacks and it'd be one thing if they were well-spoken or good-looking or interesting or funny, but they're so selfish
They go advise the network heads to put them in, even though it only makes the ratings drop, but they don't care because even though it's a diminishing narcissistic platform, they don't care because they feel like they're successful when they go home for Thanksgiving with mom and dad.
I mean, I tell you, I really think they've lost control, and I think that's why they're counting on the police state, Tucker, is because they think oppression will work.
That's not going to work either.
I think this political clash is basically done.
Well, you know, I used to think... Of course, I agree with you completely.
I think they're going to be replaced probably sooner than they realize because we're in this moment of convulsion and change, for sure.
But what I'm so struck by is how much liberals have changed.
When I was a kid,
They were, or at least I believe them to be, you know, really kind of committed to free speech.
I mean, they defended the right of the creeps to march in Skokie.
They had some moral high ground.
I'll die for your right to express yourself even if I disagree.
Something happened along the way.
I don't recognize modern liberals.
They're fully authoritarian.
They don't want you to speak.
You're threatening me with your speech.
I feel uncomfortable.
You're making this an unsafe place.
Be quiet or I'll arrest you.
They have no regard for the First Amendment.
It's conservatives.
That is a total reversal of the way things were when I was a kid.
Well, that's right, and that's why people liked liberals, even if you disagree with some of their politics.
Hey, they're for free speech.
Hey, they're for labeling GMO.
Hey, you know, they're for diversity.
Now it's a cult, and that was another question I was going to bring up.
I could play these clips, but back when the Boston bombing happened, they had a host on there say, on purpose, and they had the former head of the RNC on there with them agreeing with it,
Yeah, they bombed it because they listened to Alex Jones and he influenced the bombers and he's deeply racist.
And I went to my lawyer and he said, yeah, you can spend a million bucks, win a lawsuit, and win maybe two million dollars, kind of like Ventura did.
He said, do you want to waste your time?
It's going to be hell.
Is your time worth it?
And I said, no.
But I came to realization, MSNBC five years ago would have never come out and said that I'm involved in the Boston bombing and I'm deeply racist without showing some proof, even if it was flimsy.
So yes, there is a major shift now where
It's like they're trying to commit suicide politically in front of us and they don't see it because they're still in the big rotting facade.
When I went and debated Piers Morgan, I'd been in those same studios a few years before.
They were nice.
It was rotting.
The bathrooms were unclean.
Everyone looked depressed, like a demoralized army that was about to collapse.
And that's what I see them doing.
But it's the wildness and the not caring and the no standard.
I could have sued them and won.
And, I mean, guaranteed, my lawyer said he's one of the top lawyers in Texas.
And they just, of course, I'm not suing them, but it shows a recklessness.
What do you take from that rant?
Well, I'm just, my jaw is open that they called you racist.
I mean, it's one thing, I hate to say it, but that term has lost almost all meaning.
It doesn't really mean anything anymore.
Basically, it's a way of telling you to be quiet.
We don't want to hear what you're saying.
What you say threatens our power.
Therefore, shut up.
I mean that's basically, that's the message of your racist.
It's not the beginning of a conversation about tolerance or diversity or what racism is.
It's an attempt to end the conversation, to end your speech by calling you names.
And it's the most tired thing and the dumbest thing ever.
I think it's very wise not even to get bothered with a lawsuit, you know, with them.
That's just a drain on your energy.
Lawsuits almost always are.
Even when you win, you know, it saps all your mojo, I think.
Sure, that's why I brought it up, but the recklessness.
Like when I was on Nightline five years ago, they tried to fact-check, they tried to research.
Yeah, they tried to discredit me, but they did a journalistic job at least half-baked.
They don't even put the cake in the oven now.
Because they don't have to!
Because nobody cares.
I mean, that's kind of the flip side.
Whereas 15 years ago, NBC News was a big deal.
It was respected.
People expected that they would do diligence when they said things.
Now, it's like, yeah, whatever.
They're crazy.
It's the Leon Trotsky Channel.
Nobody cares.
You know what I mean?
Like, there really isn't an expectation that they're accurate in the first place.
So it's not as big a deal.
But then Daily Caller can have millions of visitors every day.
Infowars.com can have that.
This talk radio show has conservatively, and it's a small show compared to a lot of them, 3 million people a day.
You count, you know, YouTube and stuff.
Every week it's like 15 to 18 million people tune in or watch.
And then you look at CNN and others and they're just still... You've been inside there so much.
Are they really arrogant or is it a front, Tucker?
Oh no.
Oh, the arrogance is bone deep.
The arrogance is the one thing that's real.
It's the one thing they all have in common.
And again, it's the product of never meeting anybody who disagrees with you.
I mean, you know what?
Look, even in Texas, there are lots of people who don't share your views.
There is political diversity in Texas.
It's a pretty red state, but there are blue parts of it, you know, especially where you live.
They live in a world where nobody disagrees with them.
They never meet anybody with a different view.
So their impression is that outside of the west side of Manhattan, everyone's like a cannibal, or married to a sister, or handling snakes, or, you know, smoking meth.
Like, they have the lowest possible opinion of America.
They really do underestimate America.
So in the final equation before we shift back into the election, go to break, take some calls, we've got a short clip we're going to play of James O'Keefe of the Veritas Project.
I want to get your view on what he's been doing as well.
So do you expect him to try to then bring in some type of fairness doctrine over the internet?
I know the Senate's been talking about that.
Well, I mean, I think that is absolutely the goal, but it won't be done under the normal justification.
The justification was before, for the Fairness Act, as you know, was, you know, we need the airwaves are a public trust, they belong to everybody, therefore you ought to have both sides on them.
Now, the airwaves don't exist, everything is digital, you can't make that, you can't use that as justification, so now they will use some species of diversity.
You know, that this is a pluralistic country, it's a multi-ethnic country, and too many news organizations are owned by one group, and we need, the government is going to force equal representation on the airwaves.
And that's, if I had to guess, that would be the justification.
And then they'll break up News Corp, set the precedent to go after everybody else, they've been talking about that, and then they'll break up news websites and say you've got to have an area to show different views.
In fact, you're right, that's what they've been proposing.
Well sure, and if you're against it, guess what, you're a, wait for it, racist.
Well, I have a lot of problems with some of the things Rupert Murdoch does.
I know you work for him, but at the same time, they're popular because they have a lot more Americana-type stuff being promoted than CNN, MSNBC, and all of them combined, but...
I defended them during the hacking scandal because it was clearly political.
It was clearly a witch hunt to try to bring them down and basically blackmail them to go along with the establishment.
And now that's happening with statements out of, you know, Rupert Murdoch about how great Hillary Clinton is.
I just don't understand why so many of these blue blood conservatives
are attacking the Tea Party and going with this party line.
I think the real Libertarian Tea Party is the hope of the Republican Party.
What do you think?
Well, I think that's absolutely true.
I mean, there's a... I heard the smartest thing the other day from someone involved in Republican politics who said the Democratic Party is strong because there's perfect alignment between its donors and its voters.
The rich people who fund the Democratic Party agree completely with the far left of their base, right?
So George Soros agrees with your average primary voter in the Democratic Party.
On the conservative side, Republican donors have total contempt for Republican voters.
Who really, I mean, the base of the Republican Party is kind of the Tea Party, libertarian, freedom-oriented people.
You know, lower taxes, pretty socially conservative.
That's not who funds the Republican Party.
The Republican Party is funded by and large from business, Wall Street, and these are people who want lower taxes, less regulation for themselves, but they're certainly not above
They're not striking some sort of private deal with politicians to help their businesses.
They're not at all socially conservative.
They're as libertine as the Democrats.
And so it's a problem when your funders hate your voters.
You can see what I mean.
What will happen if conservatives and libertarians realize for survival we've got to start really giving a lot of money to patriot-type candidates?
Well, we know what will happen.
They'll send in the IRS to harass everybody.
So we see the weaknesses of the Death Star by where they put their defenses.
We blow up this political monopoly, this status monopoly, by not being intimidated by the IRS like the preachers are doing now, not being intimidated in politically giving, politically running.
I think we become political animals, like I did 20 years ago, like you did 30 years ago, for basic survival.
You either get involved
Or we will basically go into a pure democracy where hordes of illegals will vote away our freedoms?
Well, that appears to be... I mean, there's no... I mean, as someone who grew up in California and looks back at that state when I grew up in it, and I'm not that old, that state was the richest out of 50 and the nicest, had great schools, excellent infrastructure.
It was pretty reasonable, you know, politically.
Now it's a one-party state that's literally crumbling and has more poverty than any other state.
Why is that?
Well, there's only one thing that changed, and that's the composition of the population of California because of immigration.
So immigration changes your politics dramatically, and there are a lot of people at the donor level, on the Republican Party side, I hate to say it, who really don't care.
Because it means cheaper health for them at home, and it means more profits for their businesses, and I think it's a very short-sighted view.
Well that's right.
It'd be one thing if they were bringing in giant groups of people to build them up.
Like Ross Perot documented, this level of immigration will bring us down and it won't even help the third world countries they're fleeing.
No, and it won't help the immigrants themselves.
I mean, look, at a certain point, you know, I'm for bringing in hard-working, smart people with a lot to contribute.
I'm totally for it.
I'm totally against it.
In a post-industrial economy, bringing in people for whom there are no factory jobs, people with fourth-grade education, who are poor, nothing against them personally.
God loves them as much as he loves anybody else.
But that's the issue, is the Democrats want people they can mold into whatever they want.
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It's Alex Jones.
Look, it's very simple.
You either have government of, for, by the people based on free market and basic values, or you have law of the jungle.
Government of, for, and by conquest.
And we've seen that.
That's why there's such beautiful places all around the world that are in total squalor and have smart people with high IQs that live there.
But they never had basic freedom, they never had basic values, so they're sitting in their own crap.
I'm sorry to have to describe it that way.
And listen, my family's all been successful.
If America collapses just like we came here on the Mayflower and other ventures, I'll just go somewhere else.
Even though globally there's not many other places to go.
I'm really sad for the general public because the American dream is being stolen by fraud.
And then those of us that produce are seen as the greedy enemies.
And so many rich elites team up with that because they're crony capitalists.
If you vote with your dollars, and you vote with your actions, and you vote by word of mouth, you could change the world.
Fifteen years ago, you couldn't find organic food.
As I've said a thousand times, almost anywhere.
In restaurants, in grocery stores, those little boutiques, whole foods were tiny.
Wheatsville Co-op.
Fast forward, because people started buying it and supporting it, it expanded the market, drove down prices.
With competition now, you go to a Target or a Walmart, they at least say it's organic or non-GMO, and the ketchup isn't, you know, it's sugar, it's not high fructose, you know, corn syrup.
Just your voting over 15 years has almost overthrown their system.
McDonald's is down 33% this year, 27% last year, and so is all the other major fast food.
People are done.
Just by voting and demanding some quality, you got it.
Now, on so many other fronts, we don't demand it, so we get things degenerating.
When you promote InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or DailyCaller.com or DrudgeReport.com or WorldNetDaily.com, none of us are perfect.
Got a bunch of writers.
I say stuff that's wrong sometimes.
I'm a different person than I was 10 years ago.
The point is I'm trying to be good.
I'm trying to tell the truth.
I'm trying to be honorable.
I'm trying to have a future for my kids.
And when you buy the books, the videos, the supplements, spread the word, support our local affiliates, you don't see it, but that's what grows the liberty movement, just like with organic food or anything else.
And if libertarian conservatives would just start running for office, even if you don't win to educate people, would just start giving money, not just to politicians or statesmen,
But would start buying cases of books and giving them to people.
And buying cases of the new film, Utopia, that we're distributing, that we're the exclusive distributor of, up until December.
There's No Place Like Utopia, by Joel Gilbert.
Excellent film about the free market and the nightmare of socialism and collectivism.
Everyone should see that.
You know the truth.
Your grandkids don't.
Your kids don't.
The library, donate it.
The only reason I've been successful, and I'm going to Tucker Carlson, and I want to get his take on what I just said,
Is because no training in RTF, no nothing, and you can see that the first 10-15 years, I didn't want to turn my guns in.
I saw them taking farmer's property, environmental groups, to turn around and build on it later.
I saw mafia tactics.
I got angry.
I decided not to live in a ditch.
I decided to stand up.
I'm not living on my knees, folks.
And I have reached hundreds of millions of people.
Because of you supporting.
So we're in a death battle right now with collectivists who want to finish the game, domesticate America, get 60% on welfare, get everybody dependent.
They think it's game over.
They think we're done.
History shows evil is always arrogant.
We have a very good chance of having a cultural revolution, not of communism, but of renaissance that will overthrow them.
Now I'm ranting, Tucker Carlson of DailyCaller.com's on, but you talk to a guy that's got one of the biggest news websites out there, been successful in mainstream media, alternative.
I'm really laying it on the line here that this is the come-to-Jesus moment for everybody out there listening to do more, to click on our sponsors, but to start their own websites, to do their own YouTube channels, to do their own radio show.
You can't just count on Tucker Carlson or Joseph Farah or Alex Jones or Glenn Beck.
You've got to do it.
Tucker, you've got the floor.
Well, I completely agree with that, and one of the reasons I'm not a liberal is because I just despise whining and people playing the victim.
I really don't like it, and in my worst moments I do it myself, and I'm ashamed when I do.
But I guess my point is that if you don't like
The media, as you find them, and you shouldn't because they're pretty bad, then you should make a change.
Either read stuff that you think is honest, you know, get off the habit, break the cycle of dependence on the big three networks, on a lot of the corrupt newspapers that people use to get their news, and go find news sources that are not lying to you.
Or, as you just suggested, start your own.
But do something about it.
Don't be passive.
I agree with that.
I mean, the shock to me is not that the legacy media are collapsing.
Of course they are.
They're terrible, and their business model is unsustainable.
What's shocking to me is that anybody goes there, that anybody's still watching, like the Today Show.
Yes, it's no longer number one in the morning.
But it still exists!
Who would watch something like that?
I mean, it is... It's not only propaganda, it's stupid and patronizing.
So why does it have any audience?
That's what I find distressing.
I just hope people will move on and go to something new.
That's part of my question.
What I was really getting at is we don't just have the jury box, the grand jury box, and the voting box.
We have voting with our dollars and voting with our action, and we're so close that if people out there really start doubling down to educate someone every week, to tell somebody about our websites every day, to put us on their Facebook, their Twitter, we're so close.
They've got Zuckerberg and Google and everybody trying to kill the libertarian upsurge because they know we're coffin nails to their vampiric system.
We're high noon to Count Dracula.
And so folks, do you agree that it's key for folks to really support?
Oh, absolutely!
And it's key in general to be mindful about where you spend your money.
Is it consistent with what you believe?
I don't think you should politicize everything, and not every purchase is a political act, but I do think it's worth being thoughtful about it.
If I can, when I spend my money, if I can spend it on something that advances ideas that I believe, that I think are true, that I think make people's lives better,
I do it.
I mean, I live in the District of Columbia, about 100 yards from the state of Maryland.
There's a gas station right across the border.
I don't go there.
Because I don't agree with how the state of Maryland is run.
I probably buy gas cheaper there.
I don't.
I don't patronize it.
Because I don't want to give money to people I disagree with.
And by contrast, like most people, I shop at places where I know the ownership and like them and approve of what they're doing, and I don't think your behavior online should be any different.
And that's our real power.
The system's trying to take that away from us.
If we look at what Obama's doing with Cloward and Piven, they want us to go to the company store.
They want us to go to the Soviet gulag, basically, and, you know, get our sausages and get our nylons.
I just don't think that's going to work.
Getting back into the election, how big a factor do you think election fraud is going to be with illegals getting caught voting everywhere?
Here is a clip, I'm sure you saw it, probably talked about it on Fox News.
Can I say one thing before I forget?
I just love your riff on McDonald's.
I hate to say that.
But I agree with you completely.
I've never heard anybody say that before.
I don't listen enough, obviously, but I totally agree with you.
Well, thank you, but I'm not just picking on them.
It's just that garbage, low-quality food, we need to just move away from it.
I agree.
I didn't used to agree with that, and I've gotten older, and I completely agree with you.
Well, McDonald's didn't eat... When I was a kid, McDonald's hamburgers were greasy and beef and tasted good.
Now it's like alien Martian food or something.
I want to play this clip of Obama last week where I think he's hinting for people to vote repeatedly.
But regardless of that's what he's doing, that's what's going on.
Let's play the clip.
And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait till Election Day.
You can vote all week.
I mean, you can only vote once.
It's in Chicago now.
I'm teasing Chicago, I'm messing with you.
Yeah, he's messing with us.
What do you make of that statement and then what do you make of the real world evidence of fraud coming out?
Well, there's an awful lot of fraud.
And a lot of it, amazingly, nobody seems to care about.
I mean, let me just make the obvious point that there is no justification for opposing voter ID laws except to abet voter fraud.
It doesn't make any sense.
The idea that it's racist to ask for a driver's license?
Then driver's licenses themselves are racist.
If black Americans can't get access to driver's licenses, then why are we requiring one to drive a car?
I mean, it doesn't make any sense at all.
The only reason that you're opposing that is because you want more fraudulent voting, because you know it benefits Democrats, which it does overwhelmingly.
But we also know that in the 2008 election, hundreds of thousands of non-citizens voted illegally.
Hundreds of thousands.
Maybe 700,000 voted.
And so that's an almost definitive number.
That's high enough that you can affect election outcomes.
So there's no debate, really, among people who care enough to learn that it's happening.
The debate is only between those who care about it and those who don't.
What would the Democrats do if Republicans started going and getting the voter rolls of folks that hadn't voted in a while and started going in and voting fraudulently?
How would they like that?
See, why is it, and I'm not saying we should cheat, but why is it that Libertarians and Conservatives rarely cheat and with Democrats, they even have studies on fake environmentalists, they're like six times more likely to steal, to not be charitable.
I'm just so sick of watching them run around and act corrupt while shaking their finger at us.
Well, that's true.
I mean, moral superiority is a huge part of the liberal program.
So the idea is not only to amass power and then wield it, in other words, get the ability to tell other people what to do and make them live a certain way, but also feel virtuous while you do it.
That has always been the part of liberalism that makes me sickest.
The sanctimony.
I mean, isn't it enough that you're bossing me around, making me wear a seatbelt, forcing me to put out my cigarette, taking half of my take-home pay in taxes, then you have to lecture me and call me names?
And say, well, you're not a working person.
Because I work an awful lot.
Like, you're lecturing me?
What is that about?
Let me ask you this, Tucker Carlson of DailyCaller.com, if you just joined us.
What do you make, though, of jumping the shark, in my view?
Obama and now Hillary saying, if you have a business, you didn't build it.
And then Hillary comes out and says, companies don't create jobs.
We know that's been disproven, she said.
I mean, this is just 2 plus 2 equals 3 type stuff.
It's getting so weird.
What does she know?
She hasn't driven a car in 25 years.
That's a good point.
Who is totally cut off from the reality of life in America.
I mean, I don't think she has any idea where jobs come from, never having created one.
I mean, she's all about command and control.
And by the way, not even in an interesting way.
Let's, you know, in one sentence, listen to the next Hillary Clinton speech that you can.
And you'll, the first thing you'll notice is how totally banal she is.
It sounds like a mess.
Next administration.
No, no, I totally agree.
I mean, I'm interrupting.
She sounds like a broken robot or something.
Totally unappealing.
I mean, I think there are a lot worse people in American politics than Hillary.
Like, I don't wake up in the middle of the night wishing her ill.
I don't hate her.
But she's just not impressive.
And nobody says that out loud.
You know, I think she's pretty tough.
Okay, great.
There are a lot of tough people in this world.
You know, who are hard to people.
But she's not had an original idea, ever.
And I've watched her since I was at the newspaper in Arkansas more than 20 years ago.
She's just not interesting.
Well, you're a very nice man to not say that you don't hate her, but I mean, come on.
You can say that a trash can is tough.
Why can't we get rid of Clintons and Bushes?
I totally agree.
There are 320 million people in this country.
Let's talk about the need for diversity.
We're always yapping about diversity.
How about some political diversity?
I mean, I think, by the way, the Founders were really worried, as you know better than anybody, they were really on guard against the very human impulse to worship temporal authority.
They didn't want a dictator because they knew that the people, in many cases, want a dictator.
They want a king.
And the founders basically set up all these systems to prevent us from getting what we really want, which is a king.
And we've kind of gone around all their safeguards and are setting up, we're not setting up the king, but you're seeing this human impulse at work here.
We want to keep rewarding people from the same families.
Why are we doing this?
Well, that's like the Israelites wanted a king and God didn't want to give them one and they finally got Saul.
It's the same story, it just doesn't end well.
It's so sad.
I want to go to a few phone calls here and then after you leave us in overdrive, I'm going to premiere that James O'Keefe piece and then we've got the full interview coming up tonight.
But first off, Mary in Pennsylvania, you're on the air with Tucker Carlson.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I have to apologize because I want to depart from the topic of the election for a moment because there's something I've always wanted to ask of Tucker Carlson.
And I just wanted to say that
The Daily Caller website is really an aberration in conservative media in terms of the disrespect towards women that it has on its website.
It's essentially in a race to the bottom with the left with its policy of contributing to over-sexualized atmosphere that we have.
Ma'am, hold on a minute.
I mean, are you one of these people that thinks they should ban the statue of the sailor on Victory over Japan, kissing the woman?
Because they're banning that everywhere.
I mean, are you joking?
I don't think anybody accuses Daily Caller of... I think Tucker gets accused of being almost too liberal sometimes.
Now you're saying he's attacking women?
He is being a man, period, attacking women.
Read article.
I don't think so.
When they're trying to sell product,
And prostituting women out in that way, of course.
Now, wait a minute, wait a minute.
See, that works really well.
I would also say, by the way, we do surveys on this, if this makes you feel any better.
Our female readers are some of the biggest consumers, the biggest repeat readers of our slideshows.
Oh yeah, it's the women that are looking at it.
Come on.
Cosmopolitan Magazine.
It's obviously geared toward women, and it's filled with pictures of naked women that are much, much saucier than anything you'll find on our site.
But no, we're not embarrassed about it.
Listen, man, I appreciate your call, but I'm going to be honest.
I think that was a seminar caller, and I never say that, but I really do think that was just a cheap shot by some writer.
It's pretty funny.
But I mean, give me a break.
You guys have occasional slides on the sides of like, you know, a woman on a surfboard or something.
I mean, I'm just... Notice how the left is like a cult, though.
Like we're in some weird cult and we're about to be burned at the stake because you have Marilyn Monroe on your website.
Well, they're all very uptight.
I mean, you know, we're happy to do a slideshow on the women of the IDF, for example, because it's hilarious and it's funny and interesting and whatever, and we mean it in a very light-hearted way.
There's nothing serious or creepy about it at all.
And I just don't believe that things that are meant in good faith and as
By the way, I have looked at the slideshow of the women of the IDF and think that, you know, that they're very nice looking.
I mean, what's wrong with that?
They certainly are!
It's awesome!
And it's funny!
I mean, it's a riot!
So every Yom Kippur we do an IDF slideshow, and it makes me laugh every year.
People are offended by it.
I think they're in a small minority, and I'm sorry about that.
Yeah, lady, I don't think you're a regular listener.
We've got more Tucker Carlson questions ahead.
A preacher in Texas wants to talk time.
Just don't show slideshows of guys in underwear.
Don't show that.
Now that, I agree, is sexist, and I'm against it.
We would never do that.
Don't, Tucker!
Or I'm gonna quit reading it.
I want to see it.
That's what I like, though.
I like Marilyn Monroe, women in bathing suits.
There's nothing wrong with celebrating feminine beauty.
I just do not apologize for it.
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Well, David Bowie said it, this is not America.
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Finishing up here with Tucker Carlson.
We'll be back tonight, six hours, live, with a bunch of taped interviews and other things so we can take breaks, but it's gonna be powerful.
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Tucker Carlson, I want to take a few final calls from Preacher, Corey, and a couple others that are holding, or not Corey, whoever's next up.
But, do you think the Republicans will take the Senate?
A and B, do you think they'll then try to reverse Obamacare?
And C, will they get removed from office if they don't reverse Obamacare?
Um, that is exactly the sequence of events that's most likely to occur.
A, I'm not sure.
I think, of course, the odds are in favor of the Republicans taking the Senate tonight, or in January when the recount in Georgia is done.
But I'm not, you know, I wouldn't bet my house on it, actually.
The numbers are pretty really confusing, but yeah, if I had to bet, I guess I would bet a limited amount of money that they'll win.
No, they will not try to overturn Obamacare, because they don't think they can, and they don't think that it's politically popular to do so, and they won't.
And yes, they will wind up disappointing a lot of their voters, because they always do.
But people are getting fed up with him.
I see a Tea Party takeover of the Republicans if they don't change over to our way, which is just basic survival.
Yeah, I mean, look, the candidates who... I mean, the most popular senator in the United States, there's only one senator right now who's running unopposed, and that's Jeff Sessions of Alabama.
And Jeff Sessions is not a good speaker.
Jeff Sessions is not super charismatic.
He doesn't pander to people.
The only reason Jeff Sessions is truly the most popular person in the state of Alabama is because he's really principled.
He says exactly what he thinks.
He doesn't lie.
And people like that.
I think there's a market for that.
I actually think you can get elected and keep your job if you are an honest man.
Look at Ron Paul, another example.
Talk about a guy... I mean, I've been to a lot of Ron Paul speeches.
Ron Paul is one of the least inspiring speakers ever, and yet he inspires all these people.
Because you know when Ron Paul talks, whether you agree or not, he's being totally sincere.
Let's talk to a preacher in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air with Tucker Carlson.
Hello, Alex.
First of all, I want to thank you for all you do to get the information out to take down these people who are trying to oppress us.
Second, Tucker, I am a follower of yours on Daily Caller, and I appreciate the work you do on Fox News.
Oh, thanks a lot.
Uh, yeah.
Hey, I wanted to bring up a story that you put out on Daily Caller today I thought was pretty interesting that kind of shows the racism of the Obama family and that's Michelle going out and telling voters to go vote Democrat and then go have a piece of fried chicken.
Now, is that not racist?
I don't know what the hell she was talking about.
I mean, first of all, I mean, it sounds like part of a stereotype laden joke.
A. B. Isn't that a direct violation of her eat kale for breakfast program or something?
Every time I see her, she's like eating the most fattening foods and then the stuff she wants our kids to eat looks like rat feed or something.
So I don't, I mean I couldn't even begin to decode what she said.
I will say my one sentence on Michelle Obama I've been thinking about all day is, here she's campaigning much more than Barack Obama, but you're not allowed to criticize her.
She's a full-on political figure used by the Democratic Party to get votes for their candidates.
But it's somehow out of bounds for you to say... Well that's like saying, you know, she's a woman and she's black so it's a double.
And if they run Hillary, oh, now you're against women.
And I think that woman earlier is mad that two men, you and your former college roommate, own it.
I think that's why they're mad.
Because all the feminist groups don't get mad when they have women in bikinis.
It's if a man owns something and has a woman on a bikini.
Tucker Carlson, DailyCaller.com, thank you so much for the time.
Thanks, Doc.
That was great.
Thank you.
Great job.
Alright, we're going to come back with the James... This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
On the eve of Thanksgiving this year, I was thinking, what am I really thankful for?
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Again, this is Alex Jones wishing you all a blessed and happy Thanksgiving and thanking you all for your support of freedom.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's Friday, November 28, 2014.
We'll be live this Sunday in the studio, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
But we're in a time warp right now.
I'm taping this for Friday.
Hope you're spending time with your family as well.
We're having live feeds and special reports at InfoWars.com on the Democratic Party's
George Soros globalist destabilization program using the tragedy in Ferguson to try to create a race war as a political distraction.
No, that doesn't mean we like the police state either.
I'm just pointing out the PSYOP.
This is kind of the talk show host special coming up today.