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Name: 20141123_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2014
1530 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including President Obama's recent executive orders on immigration and climate change policies, national security, and more. He critiques inconsistencies in the government's actions and encourages listeners to take action against these issues. The segment promotes products available at Infowarslife.com and briefly touches upon current political events in the United States. Jones also discusses his view on immigration policies and impeachment, as well as changing rules for illegal immigrants under the Department of Homeland Security policies. Other topics discussed include an attack in Oregon by a man living in the US illegally, the Cloward- Piven strategy, ammunition purchases by the Department of Homeland Security, and protests in Ferguson, Missouri. The speaker expresses concern over race relations and police accountability, citing examples from Ferguson and New York City."

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today in Austin on this Sunday, November 23rd, 2014.
Now we've had Obamacare, we've had Obama phones, and now we're going to have Obama law, it appears, because he's going to do more.
He has already said, even before he made his executive order, his rule by fiat on illegal immigration, he said he was going to move ahead with climate change as well.
And he didn't think that the Republican Congress, even with their majority, could stop him.
Of course, what he really should have said is that they don't have the will to stop him.
We're going to take a look at the true consequences of what he's done, and we're also going to look at the reactions to it from the GOP.
As they go on vacation and go home, they've had some in their number get on and make some kind of, I think, very weak suggestions.
Sadly, even Pat Buchanan on the Sunday Show talked about how what Obama did is an impeachable act, and then he goes on to say that we shouldn't impeach him.
Why would we not impeach a president for an impeachable act?
Well, the only reason is because of politics, because of selfish gain.
And that's the point that we've gotten to now.
So we're going to take a look at what the GOP reaction is.
We're going to take a look at the press.
Even Saturday Night Live was mocking Obama.
We're going to take a look at that.
And then we want to get your reactions, your solutions.
And the number on Sunday is a little bit different number.
It's 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
We're also going to check in with our InfoWars reporters in Ferguson and of course in related aspects.
There's been a couple of shootings over the weekend.
I think it was in Ohio.
It was a young man who was, yeah, Cleveland, Ohio.
A young man, a 12-year-old, was shot because he had a BB gun in his hand.
So we're going to take a look at that.
That may not be an unjustified shooting, depending on how this came down.
And at first it looked like the police were going to stonewall people like they did in Ferguson, but then they came out with an explanation.
But then there was something far more troubling that happened this weekend.
We're good to go.
Coldly, the police did not even call for an ambulance there.
They just left him there to die.
But in related information this week, we had someone who was a whistleblower in the police department claiming that the police commissioner had essentially fudged the data on excessive force, essentially doing a Gruber.
I think we need to take Jonathan Gruber's experience.
I think we need to make a verb out of him.
So we're going to take a look at that.
And also in some news, we've got another secret order from Obama.
We've got a story up on Infowars.com.
Obama secretly extends U.S.
combat operations in Afghanistan.
He hasn't talked about that executive order, but that's going to have some big consequences.
Something else being done in secret, of course, although it's been reported many times how those in upper echelons of power have been involved in pedophile rings in both the United States as well as in Britain.
Now we see it yet again.
And this is not the Saville case.
This is another case where they shut down reporters.
It was a pedophile ring of politicians.
They said it was a matter of national security.
That's also a story that's up on Infowars.com.
We'll be talking about that.
We also have a Texas representative who's introduced a bill to nullify all federal gun control regulations within the state of Texas if they conflict
With the plain writing of the Second Amendment.
That is a rightful way, I believe, for us to stand this down.
I don't think we're going to find some Mr. Smith who's going to go to Washington and fix everything for us in a filibuster.
I think the problem is too large, the power is too concentrated, the corruption is too great in Washington to really even be handled within Washington.
I think anybody that goes into that black hole is essentially sucked into it.
We're going to have to shut it down from the outside.
Fortunately, there are constitutional remedies for it.
It remains to be seen if the people and their elected representatives at the state and local level have the guts and the backbone to do something about it.
So we're going to talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Taking your calls.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Sunday, November 23rd, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be looking at Obama law today.
We're going to look at the new way that business is going to be done, the consequences of it, both legally, economically.
Many different ways that what Obama did is going to ripple through our country, and there's a lot of reactions from it, both from the GOP as well as from the press, the public.
We want to get your reactions and your solutions to it.
But before we turn to that subject, I want to go over some of the breaking news today that's up on Infowars.com.
We have Obama secretly extending U.S.
combat operation in Afghanistan.
He secretly signed an order.
Oh, is that different?
Only thing different about that is that he's not talking about it, okay?
He signed yet another executive order that's going to expand the United States' direct comrade role in Afghanistan throughout 2015, reports the New York Times.
You can read about that on InfoWars.com.
Now, understand that there was a lot of reaction to executives taking us into war, keeping us into wars.
They pushed back against Reagan.
They tried to limit his actions with the War Powers Act, and of course his response was to create Iran-Contra, to do other things like that.
But they weren't successful in terms of getting control of the executive power to take us to war.
So we don't have Congress involved in that anymore.
The declaration of war, the involvement in war, should be something that is done deliberately with the people's elected representatives.
That's why the legislature was given that responsibility by the founders of this country.
Now once, of course, you start doing that, once you're involved in a war, decisions need to be made quickly.
That's why they put the executive in as the chief of that.
But we need to take that decision very deliberately.
That's why it's a legislative responsibility.
In the same way, when you look at this immigration bill, and they first push back and say, well, this has been done before.
It was done by Reagan.
It was done by Bush.
Those were not executive orders done in defiance and as an end run around the Congress.
Those were implementations of the Congress's bill, the Simpson-Mazzoli Act.
They basically referenced that bill when they made those executive actions.
So, in the same way that the Congress was deciding what the immigration policy was going to be then, and then the executive was implementing it with his Attorney General, just like if it was a war that the Congress had constitutionally declared, it would be within the powers
I don't know.
I'm tired of waiting for you to declare war, so I'm going to do it on my own.
And that is essentially what has happened.
But again, I said before I was going to go into talking about that, I wanted to go over the breaking news here and some things that we will probably hit on later in the day.
We're going to also be checking with our reporters in Ferguson who are on the ground, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs are in Ferguson awaiting that verdict by the grand jury.
And they're keeping an eye on the tensions that are building there.
There's some other
Cases of excessive police force that have hit this weekend.
We're also going to be looking at those.
One in New York that is particularly egregious, although there the police department has gotten out in front of it very quickly and said it was not a justified shooting apparently.
The guy was not committing a crime.
He was not armed.
He was merely walking up a stairwell with his girlfriend and he was shot in the chest with two cops that were walking down the stairwell.
They did not even bother to call for medical help.
The guy died
Blood out there.
And at the same time that shooting happened, we have someone who was an analyst with the New York City Police Department, actually looking at their data, looking at the report that the police commissioner filed, talking about excessive force.
That very issue that is before us in Ferguson, that is involved in this shooting of the man in the stairwell.
In that report on excessive force in the city of New York, this analyst said that the data was fudged.
They promptly fired him because he went public with this.
He complained internally, they didn't do anything, so he went to his friends in the press, and rather than take the criticism, they fired him for it.
So now he started a lawsuit, began a lawsuit this weekend.
The issue of the police cooking the data in New York City has come up before.
In the case of Adrian Schoolcraft, the whistleblower that has been talked about quite a lot, especially by Frank Serpico calling him a lamplighter, that's his
Way he characterizes whistleblowers, I think that's a much better way to characterize him actually.
But in the case of Adrian Schoolcraft, what he saw as a dedicated police officer there, somebody who was an honest cop, his father had been a cop, he was very idealistic.
He wasn't naive about what can happen in a police department, and that's what Frank Serpico said.
He said, I didn't come into this naive about what really happens.
I understand it's the real world.
I understand there's good cops, there's bad cops.
But in both cases, they believe that there was not such inherent systemic corruption.
They believed that they could blow the whistle on bad practices and actually see something happen.
In the case of Adrian Schoolcraft, for a couple of years, he recorded conversations secretly, essentially wore a mic on himself, recorded what he was being told to do because they were telling him and other officers to cover up violent crime because they didn't want that to show up.
And the statistics.
They didn't want rape and car theft to show up.
So when somebody would call the New York police and it would be a car theft, for example, they would say, you know, you really don't want to get involved in this.
You don't want to fill out all this paperwork.
It's going to create a lot of trouble for you.
They'd make it look really difficult.
Say, why don't we just change this report and say, once I got here, you forgot that you loaned this to your cousin.
And the car really wasn't stolen.
That's how they got their serious crime down.
And at the same time, they were telling them to lean very heavily on people for violations that they could get fines for.
Let's say having unswept hair on your barbershop floor.
They could come down with you for a couple hundred dollar fine there.
So they were ramping that up at the same time they were talking down the serious crime.
He blew the whistle on him, he tried to appeal to people within the system, and instead the number two guy went to his apartment and threatened him, said, we think you're looking kind of like you might take your life or something, so for your own protection we're going to put you into custody.
And they took him away.
Actually, before they took him away, they discovered the wire.
But he had a second recorder on the bookshelf.
They took him away, took him to an insane asylum, and committed him for several days until his father found him.
His father, the former police officer, found him.
Anyway, this has been going on before where they're fudging the data.
I guess we should start calling it the Gruber-ed the data.
You know, there was actually a piece that came out about Ebola just this last week.
It was put out, I think it was by, who was this?
Was this the Washington Post?
Yes, Washington Post.
Why your bathtub is actually far scarier than Ebola.
And in this, it's a perfect example of how they groubered the data.
How they twisted the statistics to get the kind of result that they want.
And you know, I think we've had a lot of words that essentially began with one person's actions and then became a verb or a noun.
We have boycott.
We have shrapnel.
We have crapper from the guy who... Crapper was the guy who invented the toilet.
We even have Lewinsky from Monica Lewinsky.
I think what we ought to have is
Grubering the data.
I think we need to have a verb for that.
They go through and you can look at this chart.
We'll pull this up here.
This is from the Washington Post.
Why your bathtub is actually far scarier than Ebola.
And they'll go through and they'll break down.
different things like uh... firearm assault they will break that down so that are actually death by car they break down a death by car they have pedestrian struck by motor a motor vehicle uh... struck by a uh... motorcycle struck by motor vehicle bicycle struck by motor vehicle they categorize this data down in different categories so that it looks like they're much smaller and they want to move firearms to the top so they basically break down death by automobile
Into multiple categories.
Understand how they torture the data there?
And then at the very bottom, they've got Ebola.
Because we've only had two people die of Ebola.
So, everything in the world is more dangerous than Ebola, according to the statistics of the Washington Post.
They grubbered the data there.
Except that, we understand that there's been another executive order.
All these executive orders.
That's just how the country's run anymore by Obama.
Well, he's going to allow people from nations who've been hit the hardest by Ebola, where they have the epidemic, to come to the country to stay in this country.
And of course, we're doing many things that are increasing the risk, and that's the point.
It isn't that we've only had two people who have died of Ebola in the United States, so therefore, it's not serious.
It's that they're doing things to increase the risk.
And the epidemic that's going on in Africa right now is fundamentally different.
That's how they lie about it.
The fact that we've already had more than four times all the previous 30-some-odd epidemics combined.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be taking your calls in just a moment to get your reaction to the new way that we do government here in America.
It's called Obama Law.
And actually, we came in with that clip from Ronald Reagan.
Actually, guys, we need to get a clip of Ronald Reagan back in the day when he would say,
I want to balance the budget and I send a budget every year to the House and Tip O'Neill pronounces it dead on arrival and there's nothing I can do about it.
Remember Democrats that there's one day going to be another Republican president.
Do you want him to rule by fiat?
What do you think he's going to do?
You don't want to give that power to one man, yet Obama has been absolutely doubling down on his executive orders.
He said, I've actually been very restrained on executive orders.
This is an article from The Hill where they quote him.
He says, if you ask historians, you take back a look at the track records of the modern presidency, I've been actually very restrained.
I've been very restrained with respect to immigration.
I've bent over backwards.
I will continue to do everything I can to get Congress to work.
What does he mean by getting Congress to work?
See, when Congress blocks the President because they don't agree with him, Congress is actually working.
Now, what he means is, when I can get Congress to do what I demand.
See, that's the issue.
They didn't do what he demanded.
So he went over, ran around them, did whatever he wanted to.
He says, and this is actually the narrative that we've seen over and over again from many in the mainstream media.
The Hill puts this in there.
We've seen it from Reuters, from AP, from most of the mainstream media, CNN.
Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W.
Bush, and George W. Bush all issued executive orders on immigration while they were in the White House.
Well, the reality of it is, is that Bush and Reagan referenced Simpson Mazzoli.
The Simpson-Mazzoli bill, which was passed by the Congress, they said the intent of the bill was to unite families.
So what they did was they extended it in some areas.
The bill directed the president to have the attorney generals change the status so that they would accomplish different objectives with that.
But what we saw in the result of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, as a result of Reagan and Bush implementing that,
We saw that it didn't work.
It only incentivized further illegal immigration.
We saw that millions of people were granted amnesty under Simpson-Mazzola, and then they realized that the border wasn't closed.
That they could come in and it would probably happen again, and it is happening again.
That's one of the reasons why they were blocking him on this.
But of course he did say one thing that was right.
They quoted him in The Hill.
He said,
Their comments, that is the GOP's comments, are simply, quote, a lot of rhetoric.
That's basically the first thing he said about this that I agree with.
Now, he also went out and actually mocked the GOP.
We've got a clip of this where he says, I didn't dissolve Parliament.
Let's play that.
You know, I don't always listen to all the commentary, but... But I understand that some of them are already saying that my actions sabotage their ability to pass a bill and make immigration work better.
I didn't dissolve Parliament.
That's not how our system works.
I didn't steal away the various clerks in the Senate and the House who manage bills.
They can still pass a bill!
I don't have a vote in Congress.
Pass a bill!
You don't need me to call a vote to pass a bill.
Pass a bill!
Because, because... Yeah, he says, I didn't sabotage their ability to pass a bill.
That's right, he didn't.
They were working.
That's what they did not want to have happen, is the bill that he pushed through.
No, what he sabotaged was the Constitution itself.
He sabotaged the division of powers that says that laws are made by Congress, that they're not made by Executive Fiat.
He said he didn't dissolve the Parliament.
No, he basically bypassed it, okay?
He essentially made it redundant by defying the fact that they didn't want that kind of immigration bill.
It's kind of like what we saw last week.
I don't know if you saw the article that was up on Infowars.com about J. Edgar Hoover sending threatening letters to Martin Luther King.
They had been bugging Martin Luther King's personal life and they knew that he was having some affairs so they said we're going to expose you as a hypocrite so for your own good just take your life.
Well he didn't take his life.
He didn't.
They realized that was a threat from J. Edgar Hoover and the government.
They didn't take his life but of course
He was killed, even though he was not...
Pushed into taking his life.
Yet we have seen that the GOP essentially has agreed to commit suicide.
Not only for us, for them, but for us, for the entire country.
We just had an election where we made it clear as a people that we did not support this kind of action.
We voted for the Republicans.
That was a clear message that we did not like Obamacare.
We did not like Obama's amnesty.
Those were major issues in this election.
And he doesn't even
Do anything to wait for the elected representatives.
He just goes on on his own and yet the Republicans reaction has simply been to Come up with a lot of rhetoric and then go on vacation.
We had this from the Sunday show today We had Patrick Buchanan and the video is linked up on Infowars.com He's on one of the Sunday shows and said rogue Obama's amnesty is an impeachable act.
Let's play a short clip from that
We're also a nation of laws, and we have a constitution.
And Barack Obama has said, sort of repeatedly, that he did not have the legal or the constitutional authority to issue what is an executive amnesty.
He is behaving as a rogue president, John.
Politically, it may be a very clever move.
He's dividing the Republicans, no doubt about it.
He's sticking it into their face after their victory.
He's saying, I'm going to do what I want to do, and now you pass your bill.
Impeachable act, but they should not impeach him.
Did you catch that?
He lays out the case perfectly and then at the end he says it's an impeachable act but they shouldn't impeach him.
The Congress has passed, and they did right after they came back from the election.
They had a very short term.
One of the first things, if not the first thing they did, was to pass the Keystone Pipeline Bill for a ninth time.
And I don't care what you think about the Keystone Pipeline.
We can talk about that.
The issue is they know it's not going to go anywhere, and yet they have passed it nine times.
They know it's not going to go past a Democrat Senate.
Why would they do that?
Why would they stand on that principle for their corporate sponsors, and yet they won't stand on principle for the American public, for the voters.
They just give him a pass.
And it's not just Pat Buchanan and the rest of the GOP establishment saying he ought to go out.
Here's some of the writers.
This is the Weekly Standard, and I think for this we ought to actually spell it W-E-A-K, Weekly Standard, How to Rebuke a President.
If you look at their article on the Weekly Standard, they've got Obama and some stocks and they've got written over it the word censure.
Basically saying that what they ought to do is they ought to vote to censure him.
I'm sure that would scare him to death.
I'm sure that would rebuke him in a way that he would never do this again.
And then of course we have this from North Dakota.
The Republicans have gotten together and they've named a landfill after Obama.
They said that they didn't think that they would be able to get this through, but they thought naming a pile of garbage after Obama was a fitting tribute.
Well, that's great, you know, but I think it's time we stop the name-calling and we put him on the rubbish heap of history for real.
Let's impeach this guy, because if we don't, we're going to have a long string of dictators from every party, and that is why the GOP doesn't want to do it.
Stay with us.
We're going to take your calls.
In the near future.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Now, I gave out the number earlier.
I really wanted people who were going to give us solutions that they see for the executive emperor that we have now.
How do we stop rule by executive fiat?
How do we stop the end around of the elected Congress?
I think part of it is that the Congress doesn't really want to be a part of the process.
I think they're just happy on their power trip.
But I want to get your comments to see where you think this needs to be stopped.
I've got some ideas.
If you've got some ideas about that, call us at 877-789-2539.
That's a Sunday number.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
Now, I didn't make that clear, perhaps, for some of the earlier callers, so we'll still take the calls on that.
But primarily I want to get people who are interested or have a solution, a reaction, a comment on what Obama has done with immigration.
Because, you know, it's not going to stop there.
We just had secret executive orders about Afghanistan.
He's heating that up.
He's increasing the rules of engagement there.
At the same time, he's telling people that they're shutting down the war in Afghanistan.
And of course, he's also said, right after the election, that he was going to move forward with his agenda on climate change.
And of course, that means taxing all of our energy, shutting down our power plants.
That's what he's going to do in response to global warming, even as we see record low temperatures throughout the nation.
And of course we have seen globally that the temperatures have not risen according to their models that say that it was dependent on a rise in CO2.
We've seen a rise in CO2.
We've not seen the corresponding increase in temperatures that they predicted.
Nevertheless, Obama is cutting deals without the U.S.
Congress with China.
He was just there about a week and a half ago.
The agreement there was that we're going to cut by 25% our CO2.
They're going to be allowed, within 11 years, they're going to be allowed to continue to expand and then cut after 16 years.
Wherever they are, it's going to be capped.
It's not going to be cut.
They don't get any cuts.
They get a cap after 16 years.
We get a 25%.
25% decrease over 11 years.
That's the deal.
Now, if it's a global warming concern, then why doesn't Chinese CO2 gas matter?
Why doesn't Chinese pollution matter?
Well, the simple fact of the matter is that climate change is merely a beard for them to control our energy usage.
So we're going to see it not only there, we also see it in the immunity executive order that he granted to corporations who are going to bring back Ebola.
We see it with the open immigration for people coming from Ebola countries, allowed to come in, allowed to stay, even to the extent we had this article that came out the end of last week.
New rules from DHS, Department of Homeland Security.
Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders are not a top deportation priority.
Who are they going to send back?
It's not people who threaten Americans, no.
They're only really concerned about people who, listen to this, who pose a danger to national security.
That's right.
The one thing they don't...
Is somebody coming here and actually criticizing the government, opposing the government, because that would be a danger to national security.
Whenever you hear this, that it's going to be a danger to national security, look at the story that's up on Infowars.com today in Great Britain.
Protecting pedophile politicians is a matter of, quote, national security.
Subtitle is, those with the sickest minds understand that they can most easily get away with their deeds if they are protected by an aura of power and ostensible respectability.
But that's how they justify every infringement upon us is
In the name of national security.
I'm gonna go to your calls, but before I do, this half hour of the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by Silver Bullet.
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Let's go to Fred in Michigan.
Fred, you had a comment about elite interest groups.
Go ahead.
Yeah, okay.
So, David, you may recall John Swinton.
Does that name ring a bell?
John Swinton?
John what?
No, that name doesn't ring a bell.
Tell us.
John Swinton was known as the dean of his profession.
In 1880, believe it or not, he was retiring from the New York Press as a journalist.
And so they gave him a retirement dinner.
And here's one of the things that he says, We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
We are the jumping jacks.
They pull the strings.
We dance.
Our talents, our possibilities, our very lives are all the property of the financial entities.
We are intellectual property.
So... Yeah, it's been around quite a long time, hasn't it?
And of course, we carry a very good book.
Carol Quigley's book that we have here at InfoWars.com really does lay out their plan.
It's not like they've kept it a secret.
It's just that people can't believe they would actually do it.
Just like you look at this headline, you can't actually believe
That you would have the British government covering up for pedophiles in Westminster.
People just can't imagine that there would be people that would actually do that.
And yet, at the same time, they actually had a group there that was lobbying for pedophilia.
Trying to reduce the age of consent to four years old.
You just can't understand it.
A normal person doesn't understand these things.
And just like you're talking about, the global elite, they've been laying this out for a very long time, but people are reluctant to believe that that's really what they plan on doing.
We won't take them at their word, will we?
What we have to do, David, and everybody in the audience, we have to really focus on the fact that there's a fellow Britisher by the name of David Merlin,
This is someone called Joseph Watson.
I'll interview David Merlin.
We have to learn how to legally, lawfully stop funding the corrupt, rogue, federal, central government.
And let's not forget, Ralph Nader, and remember Fritz Haaland, U.S.
Senator, he's from North Carolina, this fine gentleman.
What they said in 2004 was that the United States government authorized the war in Iraq to secure the interests of Israel, and they said that Israel's AIPAC and other, primarily AIPAC, and by the way, the same year, 2004,
The FBI concluded a long term investigation that AIPAC is a 64,000 member...
I agree.
I want to get people's reaction primarily to the Obama.
I agree with what you're saying and we have a situation where if a president can go to war whenever they feel like it without Congress, without the will of the people, that was established essentially because the passivity of the Congress.
Now we're establishing that they can make all kinds of massive changes to our society.
It's essentially
Thanks for calling.
We're going to move on to Pissed Off America next, but I want to see if any of you out there have an idea of how we stop this because you know the Republicans have just gone home.
They have a lot of rhetoric.
They've said a lot of things.
They even say this is an impeachable offense as we heard Pat Buchanan say and then say but we shouldn't impeach him.
Because it's in their political interest not to make an issue out of it.
They think they're going to get political pushback from people because they tried once and failed with Bill Clinton to impeach him, so they're reluctant to do that again.
And yet, if we allow this to be established as a precedent, it's going to take down our entire society.
The economy is going to go down with just this action, let alone his executive actions on climate change.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm going to be taking your calls in just a moment.
We have an article up on InfoWars.
Obama says voters are going to want a new car smell in 2016.
I guess he says that as part of his comments about Hillary Clinton.
He says he's been president for six years and he's got a lot of mileage on his administration and a few dings.
You know, it's more than that.
We're just tired of him.
This is what Landrieu, the lady who is a Senate candidate in Louisiana, was saying.
She said, people just don't like women and blacks.
That's why I'm doing so poorly in the polls.
That's why Obama is doing so poorly on the polls.
Obama got elected twice.
Landrieu got elected three times.
We're not simply tired of Obama.
We're tired of what he's doing.
If he wants to take this car analogy, yeah, we got a few dings on the car.
We've had a whole succession of people take our classic car, the Constitution, the American form of government.
It's like a classic car, and they've repeatedly wrecked it.
And now we've just been rear-ended by a drunk illegal alien.
And we've let a skunk loose inside of it and sprayed all over the interior.
That's what the real analogy is here with this.
We're going to put Hillary behind the wheel?
Yeah, I guess it was her husband that was driving the car around and picking up chicks, but I don't know.
I don't think that that's going to happen, but we'll have to see because, you know, quite frankly, what are we going to do with the Republicans?
They're content to complain about this and not do anything.
If they don't have any ideas about how they're going to do their job, if they don't understand what it means to be a congressman, if they don't understand that it's Congress that passes the law,
And if another branch of government takes that over, acts unilaterally, acts illegally, acts imperially, that they can't get the will to impeach that president, they don't need to be in Congress.
What are we going to do?
Are we going to bring this back at the state level?
I want to get your calls on that.
I'll take your calls at 877, this is a Sunday number, 877-789-3255.
2539, that's 877-789-ALEX.
I want to go to some of the callers that are here.
Of course, I didn't make it clear at the very beginning that I just wanted calls about the new Obama laws that we're getting, one after the other, with executive orders.
Let's go to Pissed Off American.
Go ahead.
What are your comments?
Well, since I slid under the fence with that, I'll move quickly and then go to the other one.
As far as, like, Ferguson goes,
You know, uh, Al Jackson is, uh, Al Jackson, Al Sharpton is supposed to be... They're kind of the same.
Yeah, 89 cities, and according to Daily Mail, an examiner got, examiners, the Washington examiners got him at 25.
Now in the video, it appears that he paid for his Swisher Sweets, but the ones he handed off to his boy, he didn't.
So that would knock out that felony as far as him being a strong-armed robber.
And it kind of would follow the narrative that they're trying to race bait this and make it into a situation.
Yeah, that's the shame.
Of course, we're going to have our reporters joining us in the second hour, at the bottom of the second hour, from Ferguson, Missouri, as we're awaiting the verdict of the grand jury there.
That's the sad thing about this, as Paul Joseph Watson was saying when he co-hosted at the end of the week.
They always go into the ambiguous situations and they let this narrative at Ferguson go for quite some time before they put out any exculpatory evidence that would clear the officer there.
It's as if they were trying to build up tension between the community and the police and then of course you've got Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson come in to divide the population between white and black.
We really do need to do something about the rules of engagement of the police, about the excessive force which is becoming an epidemic.
Everybody is beginning to notice this.
It is not something that just affects the black community.
They're affected in a disproportionate amount, but we need to have that discussion.
We need to do something about it.
We need to get control of the police.
Frank Ciprico has come up with some suggestions.
Other people have had suggestions about this, and yet we get caught up into, they move the narrative into white against black, or the entire community against the police.
That's not
Going to produce any effective change.
Thank you so much.
Let's move on to Mark in Texas.
Mark, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing out there?
Doing fine.
Hey, you know, my opinion is that the Republicans do not want to roll this thing back and stop Obama because you're in cowhoots to the Chamber of Commerce.
A lot of cheap labor, couldn't care less about the American people.
I agree with you thoroughly.
Yes, go ahead.
What we really need is a third party, and not a libertarian party, because I don't think a libertarian party is really going to get the majority vote.
I think we need a populist party, a constitutional populist party, that would take the best ideas available for this country and its people, and I think they could roll in
Well, you know, the problem is, I've worked with third parties, and they've really stacked the system against third parties, against independents.
Whether it's the Libertarian Party, or whether it's the Reform Party, or whether it's an independent, they make it very difficult, A, to get on the ballot.
They make it virtually impossible to get into the debates.
Look at what they did in the Republican primaries in just the last election.
Of course, in 2008, they kept Ron Paul out of the debates repeatedly.
I don't think so.
They did not allow him in most of the debate, so he eventually just dropped out of the Republican primary and ran as a Libertarian, because the Libertarian Party has had a lot of experience getting on the ballot in the states.
They know what the drill is, and they're geared towards that, but they have to expend a tremendous amount of energy and resources to just get on the ballot.
Then they're excluded from the debates.
And then of course there's the issue that they don't get any coverage in the mainstream media because the mainstream media is literally making billions now off of the Republicans and the Democrats.
So they put these requirements on all the other parties there.
I think where the opening is, is really at local levels.
I don't think so.
At all the 50 states.
I think we need to start shutting it down from the outside.
I don't think it can be changed from the inside in.
I don't think we can send a Mr. Smith to Washington to fix everything.
I think it needs to be blocked from the outside.
And there we got up there on the monitor John Boehner.
Exhibit A.
As to why nothing is going to change because the GOP leadership has thoroughly been bought off by this.
As you pointed out, Mark, it's the chamber, U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the big corporations, they want competition on labor at the bottom end.
They don't want to see the minimum wage go up.
I don't believe that's effective for helping people.
I don't think minimum wage ever helps anybody.
But what they're doing is they're massively importing labor at the lower end of the market
That's going to be a difficult thing.
That's going to increase unemployment for blue-collar workers, poor blacks, poor whites.
They're going to have a much more difficult time getting work.
They're going to have much more competition for labor.
That's going to depress wages.
Those are the people
Who have been the reliable supporters of the Democrats.
And there was an article about emerging Republicans in the Rust Belt.
I think people are starting to wake up and understand that they've been betrayed by the Democrat Party on that issue.
But of course, the Republican Party betrays us on so many issues as well.
When you look at the fact that they have passed the Keystone Pipeline Bill nine times, Republicans have, if they wanted to do something to constrain Obama, they could, but they won't do it.
Let's go on.
Thank you, Mark.
Let's go on to J.P.
in Minnesota.
Hello, J.P.?
Hey, you want to talk about impeachment?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I hear you.
Go ahead.
Okay, great.
Thanks, David, for taking my call.
You know, I want to talk about impeaching him because you listen to all the media and they keep
Structuring the debate around the merits of what he's done.
And they're censoring the whole impeachment topic.
It's been censored for a long time now and I mean you listen to every talking head and it's like they got a talking point.
They're basically saying they'll mention the word impeachment and they'll say that's not even an option.
And frankly I think it's the only option because
I agree.
I agree.
And we've got something here from the USA Today editorial board.
Listen to what they say.
They say, Obama's wrong way to do the right thing.
And that's unusual, because like you said, most of them are just focusing on, hey, it was the right thing, so let's forget about how it was done.
At least they have the integrity.
I believe it was the wrong thing done in the wrong way, but at least they have the integrity to oppose him on the way that it was done.
Stay with us.
We're going to be taking more of your calls.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm taking your calls, your reactions to our new Obama law, and apparently the new way that we're going to do business in Washington because the Republicans are not doing anything about it.
I apologize to J.P.
in Minnesota.
I was going to
Have him make some more comments.
I kind of cut him off and started going to this USA Today article.
Let me continue on with that.
We were unable to get a hold of him, but it was the editorial board of USA Today that said Obama's wrong way to do the right thing in their view.
I don't think it was the right thing to do.
I think we've tried this before.
I think that the Simpson-Mazzoli Act that was passed in 1986 merely incentivized more illegal immigration.
This is already incentivizing more illegal immigration.
But this is what they said.
They said, this is the editorial board of USA Today, different from most of the mainstream media, and they say his plan amounts to executive overreach.
Yes, absolutely.
By taking such broad action through executive order, USA Today's editorial board says Obama has set a precedent for future presidents.
As hard as it might be for Democrats to believe, someday there will be a Republican president, as I mentioned earlier.
Think about the many times that Ronald Reagan sent a bill
We're good to go.
That's essentially the argument that Obama has put in.
They point out, more than a dozen times earlier in his presidency, actually Rand Paul said it was 22 times, according to his count, he told those who are pushing for such an order that he couldn't possibly sign one.
He went before La Raza, the racist Hispanic group, and said, believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting, I promise you.
Not just on immigration reform.
Yeah, that's right.
It's not going to stop there.
But that's not how our system works, said Obama.
That's not how our democracy functions, says Obama.
That's not how our Constitution is written.
And they go on to say that going forward, if Democrats want to have their way on immigration issues, they should win more Congressional elections.
Well, evidently they don't need to, because they can just bypass Congress and do whatever they want to with somebody in the White House who has their agenda.
Let's go to Truth Raider in Oregon.
Truth Raider, your comments.
Good afternoon, Mr. David.
Good to talk to you again.
How are you doing today?
Good to talk to you.
What did you want to say about immigration?
Let me put this in a nutshell, David.
The Truth Raider only goes by facts and figures that I can prove.
This has been planned a long time ago in their agenda.
This goes back to the Council of Churches, the Jesuit Order, it goes through all the corporations, and this is what's going on.
Those people in power and in those positions are very upset with the traditional American people who've worked all their lives, been successful and made money in this country and have built this country, have gotten fed up and they're leaving the sinking ship.
What's going on is they're panicking.
Be it the Federal Reserve System is the heart of it.
Yeah, I think we need to audit the Fed.
I think that's a very clear point, and I think that is at the heart of it, is the Federal Reserve System.
It's very interesting that our fiat currency, one of the things that really holds that up has been the petrodollar.
And that's essentially what's put in place at the same time that took us off of a gold standard.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
In other words, by reducing your purchasing power if you're an American.
That's one of the many ways that we are going to suffer under these economic policies.
And of course, this massive immigration move is one way to take down our country economically.
It's going to mean that we are never going to get away from crushing unfunded liabilities.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with more of your calls.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin taking your calls and just before the top of the hour we had a caller, he called in talking about impeachment.
I went to this editorial board from USA Today saying that Obama has done the right thing the wrong way.
I don't think he did the right thing but he certainly did it the wrong way.
They said what he has done amounts to executive overreach.
And as Rand Paul has pointed out, 22 times Obama said he did not have the power to just bypass Congress.
Here's one of the times that he actually said it at La Raza, the group that has made the race the basis for immigration policy, doing things to favor the Hispanic race.
Here's what he told them.
Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.
I promise you, not just on immigration reform.
But that's not how our system works.
That's not how our democracy functions.
That's not how our Constitution is written.
There you go and he says it's very tempting on a number of things and of course he's already signaled that on a number of things on something that is also going to have major transformational effects on our country in terms of climate change regulation and that's essentially going to be cap-and-trade it's going to be shutting down energy plants it's going to be a massive restructuring I would say a gutting of our economy he says he's going to move along with that regardless of what the Congress does regardless of their new majority he doesn't think they can
They can't stop him.
I don't think they will.
Let's go back to JP in Minnesota.
You wanted to make a comment about impeachment because, of course, Pat Buchanan says, what Obama has done is an impeachable offense, but we shouldn't impeach him.
Go ahead, JP.
Yeah, I was just listening to Ebola there.
It just makes me want to puke.
But hey, thanks for coming back to me, David.
You know, I was talking about impeachment, and Buchanan says that we shouldn't do it because people don't support it.
Uh, that might be true, but that's only because the, uh, the whole topic has been censored in the media.
There's been no discussion of impeachment, and there absolutely needs to be.
But you know, you, uh, you listen to all our talking heads, even the supposed conservative ones, and, uh, they all say the same thing.
They all say, uh, they'll mention the word impeachment and just say, we're not even going there.
It's like that you listen to Rush, Hannity, all of them.
It's like they're, uh, uh, uh,
Well, the mainstream conservative political pundits are essentially giving them cover.
They've gone home on vacation.
They knew this was coming.
They didn't come up with a plan for it.
All they did when they came back after the election was pass the Keystone Pipeline for the ninth time.
Then they head home, and then the talking heads in the media basically give them cover.
Buchanan had a very harsh assessment.
I think?
Politicians, some of the GOP at the lower level who are talking tough, but even if they make a movement to do impeachment, they're not going to be supported by the GOP leadership.
And so that brings up a question.
What do you think, JP?
I think that when you allow a crime to occur, I think you become an accessory to that crime when you help to cover it up and to give the criminal protection.
Do you believe that?
I do, and you know, but the thing is,
Politically, if we take action now and try and reverse what he's done, that's going to be really bad for the Republicans.
But you know, I'm far more concerned about the dangers of
Yes, exactly.
Yes, exactly.
I think that's the key.
It's far more important what happens in this country.
It's far more important the legal precedents that are being set in our Constitution.
That is far more important than the GOP's little political careers.
And if they cared about this country more than they care about their political careers, they would do the right thing.
And what they do when they say that they're not going to, it's the right thing to impeach him, but we're not going to do it because the voters will be angry with us in the next election.
What they're essentially saying is, is that they have no character.
They have no leadership ability.
They're simply political whores who want to stay in office forever and collect all the cash and benefits.
And that's what the GOP is really about.
Let's take a quick look, thank you JP and Minnesota, let's take a quick look again at this
The changing rules for illegal immigrants as reported by the Washington Examiner.
The new Department of Homeland Security rules under policies for the apprehension, detention and removal of undocumented immigrants says that they're not really concerned about people that are committing offenses like drunk drivers or sex abusers or drug dealers or gun offenders.
Anybody that's doing that, that's not really a top priority for them to deport.
And they point out in this article that an illegal immigrant could spend up to one year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top removal priority for the Obama administration.
They don't even want to deport criminals.
Of course, it's a criminal action to violate our immigration policies.
But we can't deport them for that, but we can't even deport them for violent crime, for sex abuse, for drunk driving.
Nothing gets them out of here.
John Bowne had a report about someone who was murdered in Oregon by a guy who repeatedly had had contact with the authorities and repeatedly was given a pass to stay in this country.
Here's that report.
A convenience store confrontation ended in tragedy after a man suspected of being in the country illegally approached and stabbed a college football player to death.
Police in McMinnville, Oregon are still baffled as to why 33-year-old Juventino Bermudez-Arenas
Attacked 20-year-old Linfield College student Parker Moore after entering a 7-Eleven convenience store last Saturday night.
Police, however, say when Bermudez-Arenas went back to the store, he allegedly refused orders to drop a knife in his possession, prompting police to open fire on him, killing him dead.
Bermudez-Arenas' family is also puzzled as to why he might have carried out the violent attack, as he reportedly did not have mental health issues, used drugs or drink, and was not involved in gang activity.
Yesterday, investigators revealed Bermudez-Arenas was likely living in the U.S.
illegally, though he'd worked in the country since at least the year 2000.
During a previous run-in with the law, he had given police a variation of his name, Juan Antino Bermudez.
Police say there is no connection between Moore and his assailant and that the attack appeared to be random.
Moore was a college student majoring in business management.
He was also a resident advisor and linebacker with the Linfield Wildcats, which just proceeded to the NCAA Division III playoffs after a shutout victory on Saturday.
Man of character.
Extremely talented.
Three factors that are really hard to find when recruiting guys.
And every coach that we had on our staff fell in love with Parker the minute we met him.
An investigation into the incident is still ongoing.
It is not clear if Bermudez-Arenas had ever come into contact with federal immigration agencies.
In fact, we're just beginning to recognize how much pain there is.
Okay, that was John Bowne's report on yet another murderer by someone who's had multiple contacts with the government, multiple criminal contacts with the government, yet was never deported, and ultimately it wound up with the death of an American football player, college student, in Oregon.
We're going to be right back with your calls.
We're going to take Michelle in Florida, Marion in Michigan, and another Michelle, Michael, Michael in Florida, and Michelle.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think?
We're good.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Monday, November 23rd, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host here in Austin.
We're going to be going to our reporters in Ferguson, Missouri, at the bottom of the hour.
But before we do, I've got a couple more phone calls to take.
We've got Marlon in Michigan about amnesty, also Michelle.
Then we're going to go to Michael in Florida, Ferguson.
I'm going to try to fit everybody in.
Of course, there's a couple of articles that you'll want to check out on Infowars.com.
There's an excellent
Article, you sold out our nation, a scathing letter to President Obama.
What you actually said to the citizens of this great nation, says the letter, is that you are an imperial king and you don't care what we, the people, want.
And of course the fallout isn't just from the editorial board, let's say, of the USA Today.
Saying that what he has done amounts to executive overreach, and if the Democrats want to have their way on immigration issues, they should win more congressional elections.
We've also got Saturday Night Live spoofing the president.
They took the idea of Schoolhouse Rock, where they talk about how a bill becomes law, and they've got a guy dressed up like a bill, and if you're watching this, you can see the picture here.
He actually kicks the congressional bill down the hill, and then he's got standing next to him
A thing that looks like a bill that says executive order and the guy's just kicking back, smoking a cigarette like, this is fine.
And he says, the guy in the middle talks about what's actually in the executive order and the executive order says, what?
And he actually pulls his head back in and looks in his armpit and he goes, oh, that's terrible.
I can't believe that.
But anyway, the congressional bill continually works its way back up the steps and the president continually kicks it down.
In other words, his contempt for the rule of law.
And the constitutional process is blatantly obvious to everybody.
Even Saturday Night Live is making an issue out of it.
And of course we've got another article where Kurt Nimmo breaks the economics of it down for us.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Obama's executive action will finish off America.
He says Obama's unconstitutional executive action to shield millions of undocumented immigrants, as the New York Times puts it, is a brazen effort to further impoverish the American middle class and convert the country into a third world wasteland.
He has several sources here.
One of these is Neil Monroe's article in the Daily Caller from Thursday, talking about how illegals will receive huge payments throughout the entitlement system.
He points out that 47% of legal and illegal immigrants coming into this country and their children are classified as living
At the poverty line or below the poverty line, which means that when they file their income tax payments, they will be eligible, he says, a family of two kids, an income of $20,000 would receive $14,500 in earned income tax credits.
There you go.
But it's not even there.
That's not even the biggest part of the Cloward and Piven strategy.
And many people don't understand what Cloward and Piven is.
They're a couple of sociologists who were socialists.
They wanted to tear this country down so they could rebuild their socialist utopia.
The same way that you see the character
And Captain America, the most recent one, the Winter Soldier, say we have to destroy America and then rebuild it the way we want it done.
That was what Cloward and Piven, as social engineers, suggested back in the 1960s.
And the way they said to do it was to create a massive entitlement state that could no longer be supported.
And that's one way that it's going to happen.
But a bigger way that it's going to happen is with local taxes.
About 80% of your taxes are going to go to pay for schools, for building new schools, as this is rapidly ramping up, as we're importing everyone from any place in the world that wants to come live here in America.
How are you going to pay for that?
These are massive, unfunded liabilities, and some of the states that have the
Biggest unfunded liabilities, the biggest walls of debt, as they put it, are the ones who are the most supportive of giving out more free benefits to people that want to move into this country, to get the free benefits at the expense of the middle class and at the expense of the jobs for blue-collar workers.
Now, earlier this year, Bloomberg was talking about California's $600 billion sinkhole.
We had the San Jose Mercury talking about California's wall of debt as only a slice of its liability problem.
And yet, just before the election,
California was launching a student loan program for illegals.
So it doesn't matter how far in debt they are, they're still going to go farther and farther in debt.
Now, of course, you're going to be paying for that predominantly out of your homeowners' taxes, okay?
You're not going to your property taxes.
You will never own your home.
And in many ways, I guess you could kind of sum this up, the Hispanics saying, uh, uh, mi casa es su casa.
In other words, my house is your house.
It's an offering of hospitality.
But this is really the other way around.
This is them saying, your house is my house.
They're saying, I don't care that you have a home.
I'm going to move in and put myself in as a dependent upon you.
You're going to provide education, health care, scholarships, in-state tuition, you name it.
That's going to be provided and there is nothing you can do about it.
I'm making a demand.
I want that.
And regardless of what American citizens say at the ballot,
They're going to put that in with their little emperor, Obama.
Let's go to your calls now and get your comments.
Let's go to Marlon in Michigan.
Marlon, you had something you wanted to say about amnesty.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, David?
I wanted to say just one thing, man.
It's just that I feel like the Republican Party won't do anything.
I mean, I saw two things that happened.
Right after his speech, I mean, during his speech, he felt to me, it felt like he was very confident that no impeachment was coming.
And then that Friday, it was two things that was just like, I haven't really heard nobody talk about was the fact that all of a sudden Lois Lerner emails got found.
And then the other thing was the Benghazi report comes out and there's no crime.
And my thing is, I feel like there's been a deal that's been struck, basically saying, hey, they won't impeach him.
You basically going to give him cover.
And then they revealed this stuff here and everything underneath the rug.
I think the only thing that's left, possibly, is that CIA torture report.
And tossing him and Bush.
But I doubt that even does anything.
That won't go anywhere.
That won't go anywhere.
They've had a back and forth.
Dianne Feinstein got into a personal spat with the CIA because they tapped her lines and her staffers' lines.
But beyond that,
The guy who's going to take over the chairmanship of that, Burr from North Carolina, loves the NSA.
He's said that there should never be any public hearings about what the NSA does.
He's going to give them a blank check as well as the CIA.
That report is never going to see the light of day.
Mark Udall, who did not win re-election from Colorado, was very angry about that.
He's on that Senate Intelligence Committee.
He threatened to read the unredacted report into the Senate record, into the Congressional record.
Whether or not he will do that remains to be seen.
I wish he would.
We need to see that.
But we're certainly not going to see it from the Republicans.
They love the police state, the security state.
They love the perpetual wars.
And of course it is something that would embarrass the Bush administration if they were to read this torture report.
So yeah, we're not going to see that.
We're not going to see them take any action because they don't want to see these reforms happen.
Of course, when you look at what happened with Benghazi, as well as with the IRS, weren't those the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, that he was using the IRS against his enemies?
And yet, they've used it to a far greater extent than Nixon ever imagined.
And of course, there's the issue of the covert wars, and we've seen that happening over and over again in the Obama administration.
The corruption that Obama has owned is now being owned by the Republicans.
Stay with us.
We're gonna be right back with our reporters from Ferguson.
I'll take a couple more of your calls.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
My apologies to the callers who called in to talk about Obama's amnesty program.
We're going to move on to Ferguson.
We're going to go to our reporters in Ferguson in just a moment and we'll take Michael and Florida's call about Ferguson as a lead-in.
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Let's go to Michael in Florida.
Michael, you wanted to talk about Ferguson.
We're going to go to our reporters in Ferguson in just a moment.
What was your comment?
Well, I wanted to say racial barriers should have been torn down.
That way it wouldn't be a useful weapon for the establishment.
But Obama warned us in the fiscal speech of 2011 that he was going to remove different fundings from the people.
I think?
There's going to be a massive implosion of our economy and of course we can see that starting to begin right now as Obama is also revving up the new Cold War.
We see, as I pointed out earlier, that Russia and China are going around the dollar and directly dealing with each other.
And once they do that, once that's established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, the BRICS, once they establish that,
And move around the petrodollar.
That's going to have tremendous economic consequences for us, as it will with the blanket amnesty.
The millions of people that have been brought in as part of an entitlement program.
And then Obama's going to do more.
He's going to shut down our energy usage in the name of climate change regulation.
Was there anything else you wanted to say about Ferguson, Michael?
Uh, yeah, I wanted to say what basically what they're doing is they're gearing up because you remember Obama's mentor, he said he needed a big crisis.
Basically, he's building up a crisis baton to pass on to the next person.
But, like you said about solutions earlier, I think the Infowar is the solution and that we should bring lawsuits and investigations and vote on, hey, let's investigate these corrupt officials instead of allowing them to continue to doing a bad job in America.
Oh, absolutely.
I don't think we can allow Obama to get away with this.
If we do, it's going to have serious consequences for our form of government.
But I think it's going to have to be brought back and it's going to have to be stopped at the state and the local level.
Thank you so much, Michael.
Let's go to our reporters now in Ferguson.
A main command center.
Well, right now, so far, all that is here is a lot of your mainstream media vehicles out here.
They're doing a lot of broadcasts from the area.
But the building that we showed you the other day, the vacant lot between the Foot Locker and the Target, has been covered up completely.
Yesterday, there was a large police presence behind that building.
And then today, there was a large presence as well earlier.
So they're definitely starting to move in in mass numbers.
Last night we saw a larger police presence outside of the police department in Ferguson.
They were a little bit more well organized because they had a lieutenant who usually doesn't work at this precinct, but he came in and took charge and things were not as violent, but they still are impeding on our First Amendment.
A journalist last night by the name of Tyler Yinks out of a source in New York, he was arrested for standing on the sidewalk simply just for taking pictures.
Now you filed a report, you had some pictures of some people that were in plain clothes.
You want to talk about that?
You said it looked like they might have been special ops type of guys or former special ops guys hired as contractors?
Yes, we were standing outside of the Clayton Justice Center yesterday, Dakar Jackson and I, and we were doing some reports about how they've been barricading up specific buildings in the area.
Even some of the buildings in that area, some of the businesses went as far as boarding up their windows as well.
One of the buildings had completely barricaded off their stairwell, so looters, anybody like that couldn't run in.
When we got done with the report, I was walking back to the vehicle, and I noticed a group of about seven to eight men standing in a large circle, and I'm sitting there thinking, like, these guys got, they have beards, they had the, uh, the, your standard, almost like, your military contractor type uniforms on.
Khaki pants, big green jackets.
I started looking closer, they had the American flag patches on.
A lot of the guys had earpieces in, they all had the Iraqi-Afghanistan scarf, the black and white checkered one that you see the local nationals wear over there.
And I watched them for a while and it was just very suspicious.
They all got into three different vehicles and drove off, but it looks like they're going to be staying in that area.
I kept an eye out for those men around the Ferguson PD last night at the protest.
I didn't see any, but there was a couple of people who didn't fit in quite so well.
Some guys that were walking around with backpacks on, I saw one, another streamer saw one as well.
It was very odd, but you know, they're sending a hundred FBI agents in, there's a thousand more police officers, there's National Guard.
Right now there's more law enforcement and police officers here than there is overseas in combat right now.
Maybe that was some guys from the Asymmetric Warfare Group, Joe.
You know, we went through A.P.
Hill, where they have built there, as well as in Camp Lejeune, they've built American cities, small towns, rural areas to practice controlling the American public.
And evidently, they want to get some real experience there in Ferguson, I would imagine.
That's why they're there.
What about National Guard?
Have you seen a lot of uniformed National Guard there?
I haven't seen any here personally, David, but there's a lot of pictures that are popping up on Twitter and Facebook.
People have seen them in surrounding areas, and it almost fits in with the picture that I had sent Kit Daniels into the article with the red line where the kettling was going to be involved, where they're going to set up National Guard around the area and then eventually close in on the violence if it breaks out.
But there hasn't been anything here in the heart of where everything's going on thus far.
Right now, where you're standing, it looks like it's pretty quiet.
What's going on with protesters in the area?
Are they in another area or has that stopped?
No, there's going to be a protest tonight around 7 p.m.
It'll be in the Shaw area where there was a killing back in October.
There's supposed to be a lot of protesters meeting there tonight.
So it's possible we're going to take a trip down that way.
It's about 30 minutes away and see what's going to go on out that way.
Thus far, there hasn't been a lot of police.
In this area since we got out here in the past 45 minutes, everything seems a little quiet.
There was a large setup of police off to my left last night and they were driving up and down through the area following protesters around.
The protesters were following them.
There was convoys back and forth from West Florissant, back to the police department, back to West Florissant.
So it was almost like a cat and mouse game going on last night as well.
You know, we were expecting to hear a verdict on Friday.
Most people thought the grand jury was going to deliver its verdict on Friday.
Now people are saying that they think it's going to happen tomorrow.
Is that what you're hearing a lot?
Yeah, roger that.
We're hearing that the grand jury will convene one more time on Monday and it's supposed to finish up any last words and then come to a conclusion on what they're going to say.
And sometime tomorrow we should find out whether or not Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted on these charges.
So from that point on, things will definitely heat up and we're going to be here bringing up-to-date reports as it happens.
You know, like I said, there's a thousand extra cops in the area.
There's National Guard on the way.
There's these special forces looking guys.
Things are starting to heat up.
Well, we're going to be talking to Jakari Jackson right after the break, and I want to get his reaction to this story that just happened over the weekend in New York.
Yet another police shooting of yet another innocent man.
We'll be right back with Jakari Jackson from Ferguson, Missouri.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we have our reporters in Ferguson, Missouri, awaiting the grand jury indictment there, whether it is going to be an indictment or whether they're going to allow the officer to go free.
We just spoke to Joe Biggs, and now we're going to go to Jakari Jackson to give us his assessment.
And I want to get Jakari's reaction to what just happened this weekend, a shooting in New York City.
Jakari, are you there?
I am, David.
Jakari Jackson reporting from Ferguson, Missouri.
Now, David, with the particular stories that
You were telling me about a young man in the stairwell.
Can you go over all those details again?
Yeah, basically what happened was you had, it was in a project in Brooklyn.
You had a man walking with his girlfriend of several years, walking up the stairs, and they were on the seventh floor.
It's called the Pink House Project in Brooklyn.
A couple of officers came in.
They were doing what they called a top-down patrol.
They entered the stairwell, and one of the officers pulled out a gun and shot this man in the chest.
And then they left.
They didn't call any medical help or anything.
The guy bled out there, was arrived dead on arrival.
And this is what the lady who was with him, her name is Butler, the guy who was shot and killed, his name is Mr. Gurley.
She said they didn't present themselves or nothing and shot him.
As soon as he came in, the police opened the door to the 8th floor staircase.
They didn't identify themselves at all.
They just shot.
And then they didn't call for help, didn't call an ambulance, and he died.
Now, the interesting thing, I think, Jakari, is that, you know, this clearly is, I think, everything that we were told initially had happened in Ferguson with Michael Brown.
That narrative was allowed to build for quite some time in Ferguson before the Ferguson police came out with some exculpatory evidence that would clear the officer.
Nevertheless, here, that is not happening.
Here we had the police commissioner come out right away, and this is what the police commissioner in New York said.
He said, what happened last night was a very unfortunate tragedy.
The deceased is totally innocent.
He just happened to be in the hallway.
He was not engaged in any criminal activity.
So, basically, he's essentially saying that, hey, you know, this really was a hands-up, don't shoot, except they didn't even get a warning.
There wasn't even a hands-up.
There wasn't any order given.
The guy, they saw the guy standing there with a woman and just pulled out a gun and shot him in the chest.
I mean, what's your reaction to that?
I just cannot believe that we live in a country where that kind of thing is happening.
Yeah, it's a horrible story, David.
Just in the similarities to the Mike Brown shooting, regardless of what happened with Mike and Officer Darren Wilson, one of the things that people keep harping on out here, and rightfully so, is the amount of time that Mike Brown was left to pretty much bleed out in the street.
You know, no chance of respiration, no chance of getting to a hospital, and potentially having a contradictory story.
So it's very alarming to me that these things continue to happen, not just to the people here in Ferguson, Missouri, but all around the country.
You know, and people are asking me on Twitter, you know, what do you think about these racial shootings and all that?
And I care just about as much about what happened here in Ferguson as the guy in New York, as Kelly Thomas, who was white, as the young man in Bastrop right outside of Austin who got tased and fell down and busted his head open.
You know, I care about all these people.
It's not so much a racial issue to me.
Do these things happen to minorities quite a bit?
Yes, they do.
But they also happen to, you know, white college girls who get arrested for jogging.
You know, all kinds of craziness going on.
Oh, you're talking about, you know, a white collar girl, a white girl, remember the video where the officer just comes out of nowhere and does like a body slam and knocks her into a park bench there?
Oh yeah, I believe it.
It was after some type of football game or some type of championship and they were having some type of rally outside.
We need to have a real discussion about
What the legitimate use of force by the police is, and what is illegitimate, and what is going to be done about it, what kind of oversight they're going to have.
That is a tremendous problem throughout this country, and it affects everybody, whether they're living in the city or the country, whether they're rich or poor, black or white, it affects everybody.
And yet, we see this case in Ferguson.
I believe that it was, they let this thing run for a while, trying to build up tension deliberately.
Because I think Obama wanted to play the race card in this election and it didn't work.
Now the other thing that's interesting about this case in New York, to me, is that at the same time this incident happened, about these two cops walking into the stairwell, they see a man accompanied with a woman walking up the stairwell, no orders, nothing, they just pull out a gun, shoot the guy in the chest and kill him, at the same time that happens,
We see an analyst filing suit against the New York City Council because there was a report that was put out looking at excessive force in the New York City Police Department.
It was put out by the same police commissioner who just said basically there was no criminal activity.
In other words, taking the side of the innocent man who was killed, not trying to talk that down or make any excuses whatsoever for the officer who did that.
He didn't say anything about the officer as far as I know, but he didn't make any excuses either.
Nevertheless, he was making excuses a while back.
There was a report about excessive force, and this analyst who brought it to their attention said, wait a minute, I think you're grubering the data here.
Although he didn't use that phrase, but essentially the same thing that Jonathan Gruber's doing.
We can go in, you can massage the data to make it say anything that you want.
He complained about that internally.
They didn't do anything about it, and so he said essentially, I said, finally, screw it, something needs to be done.
I contacted my journalist friends and some city council members, and he went public with the information.
At that point, the New York City Council fired him.
As a whistleblower, he is now suing them for that.
And so we see that the police are, even though this is a chronic condition, a chronic situation everywhere, and even though he's been up front about this, I think to try to diffuse things in New York, because if this happens in a stairwell in New York at the same time this Ferguson verdict comes out, and if they let the policemen go there, that's going to be massive riots in New York.
So he had to talk that down.
I don't really believe they want to do anything about excessive force.
They pick these ambiguous cases, as Paul Watson pointed out, and they avoid really doing anything to change the way it's structured.
That's exactly right, because the situation is, David, is these things continue to happen, the policies don't change.
You know, they always want to brush it off as some rogue guy, but you think about the situation that happened in Houston with the schoolgirl who refused to get off her cell phone, cop slammed her to the ground and put a knee in her face.
You know, and it's the same tactic
For you know, some 350-pound guy with a knife as it is for a 90-pound schoolgirl.
The problem is the tactics, the problem is the training, or lack of training for that matter.
You send these guys out there and you just let them loose and hope for the best.
That doesn't work.
These guys need to be properly trained.
And to the fact that Joe was speaking on earlier, the policeman who was running the show last night, you know, even though we had some arrests and some other things going on, the officers last night were very much, much more well behaved.
We're good to go.
And I hope that the situation in New York does not turn into something that is merely racial, because of course there are racial overtones to this situation as well, and there is a racial aspect to it.
But as you pointed out, this is happening to everybody.
We had the police in New York, remember when they were chasing a suspect in New York, they just fired like nine rounds at him.
Oh yeah, it wasn't outside of the Empire State Building, it was outside of some building
And then they're like, you know, so many people shot, like nine people shot, and the headlines almost made it seem like the guy did the shooting.
Like, no, the police, it was like that scene from Pulp Fiction, you know, they pull out the guns and shoot everything except the guy.
It would be funny if it wasn't so serious, and yet...
You know, that was not racially motivated.
There has to be something done about the rules of engagement.
But, you know, they're talking about this situation and immediately you've got a former city councilman in New York put a racial spin on it.
He goes, so here's an unarmed black 28-year-old in the stairwell.
Two officers, one Asian, one white, fully armed.
He's unarmed.
They meet him on the stairwell.
He winds up dead with a bullet in his chest.
I want to hear the justification for this one.
Don't tell me the hallway was dimly lit.
That's no reason to kill a black man on a stairwell.
Okay, so there is difference in races between the people, but there has to be rules of engagement, there has to be external oversight of the police to keep this from happening to anyone.
And the fact that it's happening more frequently to blacks, that's important, but it's not the only thing that matters here.
It's the rules of engagement and the oversight that something needs to be done about.
I hope that that's what people are going to push for with Ferguson as well as here in New York.
Yes, a lot of people we meet out here, you know, there's a diverse crowd, you know, predominantly, we have seen a large group of blacks out there, but there are also white people out there, Asian people out there, people with anonymous masks, you don't know what race they are, but you know, people, they come together in unity, you know, old, young, white, black, whatever.
And they just say, we want oversight.
We want accountability for these officers and the actions that they take, you know, because so often it's, you know, occasionally they will burn somebody just to put a happy face on it, but we have to have
Uh, from the ground up, the top, ground up, top down, whatever it has to be to get these guys in line and also hold them accountable.
You know, I, for all the accountability we talk about here, we see an officer go F yourself, got fired or suspended or whatever.
I still haven't heard anything, uh, happen to the guy who was out there aiming a gun at people in the crowd.
That's right.
You know, and that was the first day we got here on that Tuesday after Mike got shot, aiming guns, putting sniper dots on people's chest.
As far as I know, nothing's happened to that guy.
He hasn't been, uh, disciplined in any way at all that I know of.
That's right.
Well, we're running out of time.
You're going to be there tomorrow, of course, if the verdict is released.
We'll be having coverage of that live on InfoWars tomorrow.
We'll be back at 11 Central or 12 Eastern.
Stay with us.
We're going to have our reporters from Ferguson covering it tomorrow.
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