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Name: 20141114_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 14, 2014
2392 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including the Obama administration's handling of Obamacare and its impact on small businesses and individual citizens. He also talks about the government's purchase of ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms. Jones promotes various health products available at InfowarsLife.com such as Super Male Vitality and Infidel Body Armor. He discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system through sunlight, purified water, non-GMO food, and a positive attitude. The speaker criticizes the media for not addressing these issues and highlights the arrogance of illegals flipping off ICE officers. Jones also talks about how Obama has been ignoring Congress and the courts, making executive decisions on various issues such as immigration, power plants, carbon taxes, and guns with the UN treaty. He mentions that there is a globalist agenda in place, codified in Agenda 21, which aims to make people poor so they can control them, much like communism. The speaker discusses how oil companies like Standard Oil and Shell are owned by European royal families and the Queen of England, highlighting the immense wealth and power they hold. He claims that this wealth allows them to lower oil prices to bankrupt countries like Russia, which threaten their dominance. Jones also discusses a video by Infowars reporter Joe Biggs about how law enforcement is acting like an "occupying army" in northeast Pennsylvania to find Eric Freen, who allegedly killed one cop. Meanwhile, Nidal Hassan, who killed 13 people at Fort Hood and has terrorist ties, is being considered a victim of workplace violence. He encourages listeners to give various health products as gifts during the holiday season such as Oxy Powder, Survival Shield X2 Nacin Iodine, and Secret 12, a proprietary form of vitamin B12 that is selling out quickly. Finally, Jones mentions Jesse Ventura's upcoming appearance on the show to discuss CEO salaries. The video also discusses the importance of gut health on overall well-being, digestive issues, and how they can be addressed through natural strategies such as consuming essential nutrients, fasting, and using vegetable waters. It highlights the connection between blood sugar levels and digestive health, emphasizing the need to regulate blood sugar for good health. Additionally, the video promotes various products that cater to survivalist needs like soaps and laundry detergent, silver solutions for antibiotic properties, radiation detectors, supplements, and health products.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another worldwide broadcast.
It is already Friday, the 14th day of November, 2014.
The beard is getting very long and gray on 2014.
We will blink our eyes and we'll be into 2015 and beyond.
Infinity and beyond.
Thank you for joining us today.
Another huge news day coming up for Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
Also be joining us.
He comes on every few months.
We'll cover the latest news items and get his take on things and take your phone calls.
And Pharmacist Ben Fuchs hasn't been on in about 3-4 months.
Wanted to get him on to talk about all the different health news, GMO news, you name it, that is taking place.
So that's in the third hour, Compounding Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
Where to begin?
Well, the whole Gruber situation, they've now found four clips.
We only played the first two.
I thought it was kind of passe to play the third they found yesterday.
Now there's a fourth of him running around calling Americans dumb and teaching college students at MIT and places how to deceive people.
That's what you learn at college is how to lie and how to bring in giant frauds that massively raise prices and hide that fact from people.
So he is certainly hurting Obamacare big time.
See, the Republicans want to pretend like they're fighting it while not repealing it because they're run by the same special interest.
But something like this, the open arrogance of something like this, if we exploit it and use it, and we were the first to be covering it when it was discovered on Facebook, when just someone at the university noticed that it had aired on university television and reportedly on some C-SPAN branch, and then people started to investigate Gruber, and they found him just everywhere saying the same thing.
Later in the broadcast, if you can find, I think there's maybe five clips now, but I know there's four I've seen.
Line all those up, maybe we can play them in order.
I know CJ was saying, hey, play these clips yesterday.
I never got around to it, so maybe we'll play some of the Gruber clips.
Grubers, goobers.
Obamacare deception.
Everybody knows Jonathan Gruber now.
He was a consultant who helped frame the Obamacare law and got paid $400,000.
He was in the room with Obama.
It's now coming out when they came up with all the different deceptions for the American people, but it's okay.
He wears glasses and kind of says it in a squeaky academic voice, so it's okay.
You know, if somebody wears a little suit and talks like this and giggles and sticks a knife in your back, it's okay as well.
As long as it's in an NPR voice, and it's scary, everything's alright, okay?
Now get in the car, little girl, little boy.
I got a puppy, and I got candy.
Coming up on All Things Considered, we're gonna tell you about how we're battling ISIS.
We're not gonna tell you our government helped create them, and is funding them right now.
We're hoping they can set up a terror attack in America so we can take more liberties and then turn it around on the Tea Party.
Of course, they don't really talk in that voice, they talk in a... Hi!
Time to go to sleep, everyone.
Let's go to our next guest, who's gonna be talking exactly the same.
You're feeling sleepy now.
Aren't you feeling sleepy?
Let me put these Homeland Security handcuffs on you and give you some prisoner training at the airport and the public schools.
Take some medication.
Drink some fluoride.
Eat some GMO.
Have a flu shot.
Have a flu shot.
I was in a bank yesterday and there was a nurse in there.
She was just walking by, walking off the bank, saying, get your flu shot, get your flu shot, and she'd been there depositing something.
It was some mobile nurse, and I just looked at her.
It was an unhealthy-looking cult member bumbling around.
Get your flu shot, get your flu shot.
They've got the moral authority.
They've been told to go out and do this as their whole fraud collapses.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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I don't know.
I believe that all of these products will blow you away like they've done the thousands of other customers that have visited Infowarslife.com and believed in us and tried the products.
Folks, check out Infowarslife.com today and the entire line of groundbreaking, cutting-edge, hardcore products.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look at this headline, ladies and gentlemen.
From the London Guardian, special UN meeting urges stricter controls over killer robots.
Autonomous killer drone robots, killer tanks, hunter-killer missiles are already in the field.
On the rocks, Comet Battery could die in hours.
Great victory that they were able to land the probe on the comet, but they're trying to deploy the drill desperately to get some samples before the battery dies because the lander went in between a crevice area, basically, in a small canyon, and sunlight is not getting to its solar panels.
They're saying that they think as the comet turns more towards the sun, it might get some power as the angle changes.
But still, an incredible feat.
And first, when you don't succeed, try, try again.
Humans need a organizing, motivating factor that comes organically from the people.
And I believe it should be
Cherishing our planet, taking care of our planet, cherishing humanity, building up humanity, and then our rock stars, our hip-hop stars, our sports stars should be explorer missions.
We've got the volunteers, we've got the people ready 50 years ago to launch space colonies.
We've got the technology, we've got the people committed, ready.
Imagine watching reality TV from a space station that left in 1975 with a couple hundred people on board.
It's got its own gravity based off a centrifugal force system that they developed under Wernher von Braun in the 40s.
Imagine, they would already have left the solar system and be on their way to the nearest star systems with those colonies.
And of course, undoubtedly, probably, we'll develop technologies so much more advanced that they'll be a tenth of the way to the nearest star system by the time that we get more powerful systems of not just light speed, interdimensional jumps, you name it, that the equations show are there and we'll meet up with those.
But in case we destroy the planet and kill each other in a nuclear war, it's good to fire those bases off now.
People say, oh man, I want to just go get drunk tonight.
You're meant to be a trailblazer.
You're meant to want to go on missions.
You're meant to want to explore.
And we can do this as a shared community through each other.
I want to lay something that's really heavy on you, to use a cheesy 60s term.
I know everyone knows this intrinsically, but I want to just state it again.
You can be a time traveler.
In fact, you are, in the time-space continuum, a time traveler.
At the speed of life on this planet.
Whether you live 50 years or 100 years or maybe 5 years, you will travel through time.
You are traveling through time.
But not just your physical body.
There are always in the universe multiple repeats at different levels of the same thing.
You see this in nature.
Just as you have genetic memories, you also have family traits and cultural systems that are passed down person to person.
There is a physical connection to you, going back son, daughter, to mother, father, all the way back to our original ancestors.
A physical bond from your father, your mother, to their parents, to their parents, to their great-grandparents.
It is incredible.
It is a time-space continuum, and I never read this in a book, I just know this.
Electrical, dimensional, connection, unbroken, all the way back to our beginning.
You can debate that beginning, but that's incredible.
Then there's genetic traits and genetic memories that have been proven, epigenetics, that are in all life forms, but that are highly advanced in mammals and the most advanced in Homo sapiens sapiens.
And the globalists all know this and are programming it artificially, with artificial stimuli and things, trying to keep you from moving to the next level.
So when you write a book, or when you communicate to someone, or when you sit around the campfire and tell archetypal stories to your children, they are primed to sit there and listen to fables that are archetypes of Little Foxes Spoil the Grapes, The Tortoise and the Hare, all this stuff goes back to the Greeks.
Little Foxes Spoil the Grapes means it's not the big enemy you see coming down the road that's gonna bring you down usually, it's the little people that you're not watching.
Little foxes spoil the grapes.
None of these ancient common sense things are being passed on now.
We're being given false common sense meant to sabotage us.
But when you begin to communicate archetypal common sense information to people, they're primed and ready to receive the truth, like a plant is primed and ready to receive water and sunlight and nitrogen.
So all you've got to do is realize your whole life has been a system trying to keep you from reaching your potential.
Trying to keep you, you know, first they would call you a young man or young woman when you were 13.
Then it was 18.
Then it's 20.
Now they call college graduates kids.
Now they're calling 30 the new adulthood.
30 was the lifespan of the average human 50,000 years ago.
10,000 years ago.
Now, some live to be 100, but on average it was so rough, 30, 35.
Most of the graves they dig up of early man, they're 25, 35 years old.
I was a man physically and mentally compared to men I see around me today when I was like 14 years old.
I had the desires of a mature man.
I had the political desire to be informed and to be in charge of my life.
I was into my destiny.
I was into other people's destiny.
I was just absolutely into women and dating, you know, college women when I was 14.
I would have just been normal a hundred years ago, ladies and gentlemen.
But now, in the arrested development system, I was a complete anomaly.
Everything is geared to keep us not just childlike, but in a stupor.
So you don't grow to the potential, because if you grow to the potential, you won't care about fads and fake status and garbage and Kim Kardashian.
You will care about your honor and your genetic legacy of struggle and war and love and passion and art and exploration and trailblazing that is your ancestors
I don't care where you come from in the world, what your background is, you are incredible!
You're not junk!
You're amazing!
And you need to realize it, and you need to know it.
And you need to take it in your hands in the challenge.
The minute you tell your brain, and your spirit tells your brain, that, hey, I do have a destiny, I'm important, God made me in his image, this is incredible, I'm on a huge space-based platform orbiting a star, this is only the beginning, then you will feel yourself reaching forward in the time-space continuum as all of those people back you, all those people that came before us, you will realize you are them.
You will have their memories, their instincts, everything.
You'll be a young man, you'll be an old man.
You'll be a soldier, you'll be a doctor.
You'll be a teacher.
All of that data is already there.
All of it is already there.
And the system flicks on like switches and... I'm giving you the deep secrets here, folks.
Flips on and turns off the switches they want to use us as biological robots.
Well, I'm not their slave.
I was made by the creator of the universe.
I have a goal.
I have a mission.
And I will not be controlled by these people.
I will step into the destiny I've been given.
And I will try to build up humanity or I'll die trying.
And it's in that reaching out that the universe then joins you and providence comes into play.
But you've got to take that step and commit.
And it's a spiritual choice.
Everything, the fake churches, the media, is all about shuddering that potential, making you feel guilty and pathetic, and then you just sit there and serve the system.
Now, the true, is there's all these forms of ancestral genetics, ancestral memory, passing on culture, memories, person to person, fables, stories, common sense,
Then there's the written word passing on information, the digital, the spoken, and then there's also what they've proven, the transmission of the sixth sense, the spiritual energy, the connection that we haven't been able to quantify yet but we know is there.
And as you do those things, your spirit, your information,
reaches into the future, and I'll be communicating, if the species survives, a thousand years from now, ten thousand years from now, in whatever incredible thing we become in God's plan, with those humans.
And that is simply my love.
It's not for arrogance, it's not for ego that I want to be remembered and known.
I want to know my ancestors and I want our future children to know us.
I want to commune with them forever, living forever through them, guaranteed life after death, proven life after death.
That's what this is!
There may have been a French bulldog first developed 200 years ago in England, popularized in France, when the lacemakers came over to England and bred dogs to create the French bulldog.
But my French bulldog is those French bulldogs of 200 years ago.
Well, with humans, it's much more advanced, ladies and gentlemen.
And then, of course, you see the layers.
Then there's the spiritual energy.
Then there is your spirit.
And it goes on to the next level.
So you see God's plan, how massive it is?
We are living over and over again, level after level.
It is so incredible.
That's what that's all about.
Just as you will be judged in this life for the bad things you've done, it'll come back on you many fold.
And God-fearing is your basic spiritual programming, going, don't stick your hand in that fire, don't screw somebody over.
Because your soul knows it's going to come back on you.
And why would you want to do that?
Because that person's you as well, in that shared experience.
But you will pay in the next life as well, in the spiritual realm, because you'll be thrown in with all the bad people, and that's hell.
God doesn't have to do anything.
God dumps you into what you were, what you resonated with, what you chose to be.
When we come back, they're talking about impeachment now in the Republican Party, and we'll look at Obamacare fraud.
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Remember, before it's time to survive, it's time to prepare.
We're good to go.
But think about that.
What you do now echoes through eternity.
It is ripples in a pond.
And the globalists are obsessed with this as well.
And they want the ultimate exclusivity of the life extension technologies, the space travel, all of it.
They've made a decision to let robots take over, deal with the mass of humanity, decide what humans are going to be like their God, get rid of free will.
This is all public, from Google, Ray Kurzweil, Microsoft.
I mean, this is a cult.
This is what all the elites say, I mean all of them.
Wired Magazine, British Royalty, this is all they talk about.
How they are going to be gods.
How they are going to take over the society.
And so all I'm saying is you need to know this is going on.
Geoengineering of the Earth's atmosphere.
Engineering of all the major plant and animal lives being manipulated.
Open air release of extremely dangerous stuff that could create atmospheric blights that would kill the planet.
Like the Andromeda strain or something right out of Interstellar.
These people, I can analyze what they're doing on every front, and it is unspeakably dangerous, and unspeakably wild, and reckless, and clearly demonically directed.
And even if you don't believe in physical demons, it doesn't matter.
What they're doing is what I would expect a creature to do that wanted to destroy life on the planet.
Dumbing people down, poisoning everything, while they say they're setting up a police state,
And setting up a total control grid to save the Earth while they destroy it.
I mean, I knew when Obama said, I pledge no troops in Iraq, that he would send a massive force.
He sent 6,000 like a week later.
And now the Pentagon's come out and said they're ready to send masses of troops into Iraq to battle ISIS.
Now, why would they lie so openly?
Why would they just say we're sending troops?
Because they want to train you that they lie to you and you just accept it.
They're basically bum-rushing everybody, trying to overwhelm us, trying to make us break.
But instead, that could boomerang back on them, and it is starting to happen.
Boehner is weighing expanding a lawsuit over Obama executive orders to cover immigration.
House Speaker Boehner is considering expanding a proposed federal lawsuit over President Obama's executive orders to include action on immigration.
Illegals have been caught on tape.
Washington Examiner is reporting.
Uh, flipping off ICE.
The headline is, Working for ICE is Hell Right Now as Obama Plans Amnesty for Illegals.
Illegals are getting very arrogant.
Just laughing at ICE people that try to do their job.
Meanwhile, Krauthammer says it's an impeachable offense, and that's more like it.
We don't need lawsuits.
We need hearings to start.
We need Congress to withdraw funding from the executive branch, shut down the government, and then Congress needs to begin impeachment as an emergency immediately, because the president is lowering the borders.
That's like lowering the drawbridge to the kingdom, and giving the people money to incentivize it, and violating federal and state law.
I mean, what do you do if the President starts snorting cocaine on the White House lawn?
You arrest him.
Doesn't matter he's the President.
He is not a dictator.
Though, if we allow him to do this, this has never been done.
Even Jonathan Turley, a big liberal, says Obama has tripled the constitutional violations of George W. Bush.
And believe me, if he isn't punished, the Republicans, when they get in, unless it's a Rand Paul or somebody that I trust, are going to abuse these unfounded powers.
And Rand Paul doesn't want these unfounded powers.
Here is Krauthammer talking about how it is
A impeachable offense on Fox News?
Look, I believe it is an impeachable offense.
If the circumstances were different, if we were at the beginning of a presidency, if we hadn't had years when the Congress has been supine and unresponsive at other grabs of their authority by the executive, like Obama unilaterally changing Obamacare,
After it was passed about 30 times with no response from the Congress, the same as Obama essentially rewriting some of the drug laws.
This idea of prosecutorial discretion is really a travesty.
It is intended for extreme cases.
Yeah, that's it.
They're overthrowing the entire Constitution.
It's being done on purpose and if Congress doesn't act now, they are ceremonial.
And we have a Caesar.
Now, he'll leave office, I believe, but a new one will come in and they're making the office dictatorial.
We don't elect dictators, okay?
We need checks and balances.
We're gonna come back with more of this.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The experts are clear.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Every time Every time that I look in the mirror All these lines in my face get clearer
It went by like dust to dust.
Isn't that the way?
Everybody's got some doozin' life to pay.
I know!
Here's the key.
And that's why the Nanny State is there.
So you never have a chance to lose.
So that you learn how to win.
Oh, you can't do that.
It's dangerous.
You can't do that.
It's racist.
You can't do that.
Oh, you can't tell jokes that'll upset people.
Watch what you say.
Be in these little boxes.
Only repeat what the television says.
And then you'll be safe.
They don't want you to mature.
They don't want you to develop.
They want to just sit there and shovel fraud at us.
But the good news is a lot of Republicans in Congress and a lot of people now on talk radio realize
That we just can't let Obama legalize tens of millions of illegals with a stroke of a pen, who he's already done without the executive order.
But we can't have him even put it on paper and officially do it.
We can't have him shut down more power plants when Congress voted it down four years ago, or five years ago.
We can't have him put our military under NATO command outside of law.
We can't have him set up the carbon taxes, as he announced this week in China.
Without congressional approval.
We can't have him go after the guns next year with the UN treaty that goes into effect December 24th.
We cannot have him ignore the courts and ignore the Congress.
Not that they're perfect, but this is an open flaunting, as Krauthammer was saying.
Obama has changed Obamacare 30 plus times we know of.
It's a lie with 21 taxes, seven of them, on people making below the poverty line that should be on welfare.
There are a lot of folks just so hard working, but so poor.
Black folks, Hispanics, white folks, I know a lot of them, that they're below the poverty line but won't take welfare, and they all just live together, three or four families in a home, and that's just what they do, and they go out and they work.
And see, at an emotional level, I want to make the minimum wage 20 bucks.
But I realize that that's a scam.
That'll just shut down smaller businesses that can't pay it.
Because when you pay somebody $20, you gotta pay Social Security, FICA, all these matching funds on top.
So basically, you're paying somebody $20 an hour, you're paying them about $27 an hour.
You're paying somebody $10 an hour, you're paying them about $15 an hour.
Do folks know that?
Oh, see, most Americans don't run a operation with employees.
I do.
You pay somebody $25 an hour, you're paying them $35 an hour.
Thirty-five dollars an hour.
You understand that?
So, they've devalued the dollar that Ron Paul kept warning of.
It's caused inflation.
Look at what hamburger costs.
Three times what it was ten years ago.
Cars are twice what they were ten years ago.
Only thing that is what it was a few years ago is oil, because they've been artificially manipulating it down, because they have a total global oligopoly to bankrupt Russia.
So that's a nice side effect for us to have lower fuel prices, but it's done as a weapon.
Just like they're shutting down the coal in this country, because we got more than the whole world combined, basically, and it's clean, and it doesn't put anything out but carbon dioxide that we exhale, and water vapor, so they're shutting that down.
You understand the globalists have a rigged global economy to a great extent.
They're trying to get a total global rigged economy, crony economy, and if they get that, Katie, bar the door, because they've told us what their ideology is.
It's codified in a worldwide treaty, 1992, called Agenda 21.
Stuff like Cloward and Piven that we talk about is just one of hundreds of their reports and their plans that got popularized, you know, a decade ago, and then by Glenn Beck a few years ago, but it's only one strategy to make you totally poor so they can control you.
Well, that's a classic communist strategy.
You understand that, folks?
This is weaponized, premeditated.
Does the average cop get on it?
They're just trying to go out and generate revenue and go to calls.
Does the average school teacher know this?
Does the average military person know?
Does the average general even know this?
They have their areas, their responsibilities, and they want to go play golf, or they want to go see their mistress.
They want to go see a movie.
They want to go read a book.
They want to go to the Caribbean.
The average CEO goes to the meetings.
I mean, really high-level.
Fortune 100, they're in board meetings, the master plan.
The main shareholders of... I remember Rex Tillerson, the head of Exxon Mobil, wouldn't sign on to carbon taxes about eight years ago, seven years ago, and David Rockefeller was in the news, in the board meeting, told him, listen, this isn't about
Keeping the economy going.
I don't care if you're saying this will shut down the U.S.
economy and is meant to make us energy totally dependent.
You're going to do this or I will fire you!
Because you know who the majority shareholder of Exxon and Mobil is.
Exxon and Mobil are standard oil, folks.
When they broke those giants up in 1906, all it was was 11 different signs on the gas stations.
The oil all came out of the same standard oil trucks.
And the only other oil companies out there, there's some South American companies operating in the U.S., but the big ones are Dutch Royal Shell and BP.
And do you know who co-owns Dutch Royal Shell and BP?
Little hint, one of them's called Dutch Royal Shell.
It's almost completely owned by the Royal Family, and their wealth is secret.
But do you know who the other owner of it is?
The Queen of England.
And do you know who the only other owners in BP are?
In the preferred central system in stock.
Privately held system.
They have some publicly held subsidiaries.
The Queen of the Netherlands.
Because they're cousins.
Those two women, well, one of them stepped down, now they have a king.
That king and then his cousin, Queen Elizabeth, the Dutch king and the British queen, own the second and third largest oil companies in the world.
See, that's the type of wealth we're talking about.
So much wealth, they could lower oil prices after gouging us for all these years, to now bankrupt Russia.
So Russia can't sell its oil cheap and undercut them.
Oh, you want to undercut us?
We'll go even lower.
That's how this stuff operates.
And Obamacare is meant to blow our engine.
Cutting our power plants off is meant to blow our engine.
Any free sovereign nation, while being exploited and funding the New World Order, at one level, is also under attack by the globalists.
Russia is under attack.
The United States is under attack.
We are being de-industrialized, just like the globalists have tried to block industrialization in Latin America, in Asia, in many areas, and in Africa especially.
That's why there's a war on small business.
That's why there's a war on lemonade stands and farmer's markets.
That's why there's a war on truck farms.
That's why there's all this bureaucracy.
And the bureaucrats are taught they're saving the world, they're good people, and why they're compartmentalized.
I'm here to decompartmentalize you, and I challenge you, if you serve the system, to write notes on what I say, and to go check it out.
Because if you rationalize this and just say, I'm a kook, God's looking at you, the universe is looking at you, fate's looking at you, your kids are looking at you, and that's the same as joining it.
You can't cop out in this.
Go look it up, prove me wrong, or join us.
And by joining us, that just means admitting there's a scientific world government being established that if it gets into place, Katie, bar the door.
It's not even fully in place yet, and I'm watching this
Singularity system being set up, this weaponized, electronic, automated, autonomous, globalist kill grid, and I read all their publications admitting that they're building the grid and it's almost in place, and I'm sitting here giving you the sources.
We're under attack!
And we're not being conquered like the Normans conquered England and brought a lot of science and stuff in, and we're oppressors at one level but also empowers at another.
It's not like they just want to run things.
And then, you know, marry our daughters.
And then we're not in charge anymore.
Because it doesn't matter, our kids are.
It's not a merger.
It's not a corporate takeover.
It's a corporate takeover to kill you!
Do you understand that?
I think you're smart enough to face a scientific attack of this nature, even though it's sophisticated, once you're aware of it and admit it, that's half the battle.
You've heard that saying, that's not just a G.I.
Joe saying in the cartoon, that's an intelligence saying.
Knowing is half the battle.
And then taking action is the other half.
So, that's what's going on, and it doesn't matter if it's Ezekiel Emanuel, it doesn't matter if it's Gruber,
Doesn't matter who it is, they get up there in the academics, this is what they teach in colleges.
They teach in corporate boardrooms.
Yes, it's a fraud.
Yes, it's a monopoly.
Yes, we scam people.
And what you really learn at MIT, and what you really learn at the UT Business School, and what you're really gonna learn when you are, you know, at the Harvard Business School, or what you're really gonna learn at Chicago Business School, or what you're really gonna learn at the PhD level,
What you're really going to learn is, hey, we're part of a secret crew of social engineers.
We're taking over.
So we can run your life in social engineering.
Government's got to run health care.
That's going to take a lot of money.
We want to get rid of the old system to build the new, command destruction, creative destruction.
And so we need you to get behind this.
Of course, you'll only be given one compartmentalization.
Just like the MIT engineers I knew 15 years ago, two of them lived in my neighborhood, really nice guys.
And then I moved to another neighborhood, and then another IBM engineer, when IBM was still in Austin, and they said, yeah, no, I'm here to train all the Indian workers to replace the U.S.
workers, but they tell us we'll still be in management over the Indians.
And I said, no, you won't.
They said, oh, I think you're wrong, Alex.
You know, they need, you know, they want some Americans there running things.
And I said, okay.
Years later, they apologized to me and said, no, you were right.
Then I ran into another engineer who was one of the last ones
And he said, no, I'm being trained now for the next year.
I'm training my final placements.
And I knew years ago, this is what was happening.
But, you know, it's just sad because Henry Ford would pay people enough so they could buy the product.
We're talking about that with Jesse Ventura next hour.
He wants to get into it.
But now they don't want there to be an economy.
So, this is designed to make you powerless so you accept the virtual reality, so you accept the free drugs the government's going to give out, so you just accept the whole drug culture, the whole collapse culture, the whole humans are ugly culture.
Humans are junk.
Humans are over.
Humans are yesterday's dish.
The new super trendy will merge with the computers.
Well, Gruber now admits Obama was in room when Cadillac tax lie was created.
What Jonathan Gruber is taking heat for now was planned out specifically with Barack Obama.
Do you understand he was one of the main architects of 14 people in these boardrooms?
And he has such disdain for you, he thinks you're so pathetic, that even when he brags on TV, that you will accept him rubbing it in.
Let's play a compilation from the first video, to the second video, the third video, to the newest fourth video, that Gruber was in the room with our, because Democrats are saying, our Lord and Savior wanted to cheat us?
To the Wall Street Journal, this Democrat's giving up on Obamacare.
Giving up on it.
You mean you're a rat leaving the sinking ship?
Most of you high-level Democrats knew what this was.
You kind of like social engineering.
You kind of like... I mean, we're screwing people over?
That's kind of sexy.
Let's go ahead and go to the tape.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
How in the world can this be HIPAA compliant?
HIPAA is designed to protect the patient's privacy and this explicitly says in order to continue you have to accept this condition that you have no privacy or no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Three different people were given access to her account, her address and her social security number.
And John Kerry said, no, no, no, we're not going to tax your health insurance.
We're going to tax those evil insurance companies.
We're going to impose a tax that if they say health insurance is too expensive, we're going to tax them.
And conveniently, the tax rate will happen to be the marginal tax rate under the Income Tax Code.
So basically, it's the same thing.
We just tax the insurance companies.
They pass it on at higher prices.
That offsets the tax break we get.
It ends up being the same thing.
It's a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.
Well, first off, the bill has ten years of tax increases, about half a trillion dollars, with ten years of Medicare cuts, about half a trillion dollars, to pay for six years of spending.
We will keep this promise to the American people.
If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.
But for the average person, many of folks who don't have health insurance initially, they're going to have to make some choices.
And they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they're saving money.
The Supreme Court is going to take that case, and the question is, are they going to stick to the way it was written, or are they going to rewrite it?
The interesting thing about the bill, all 2,000 pages of it, it's a gigantic blank check.
Their insurance is stronger, better, more secure than it was before.
Premiums go up.
Employers are not going to want to pay those premiums.
They're going to pass on as much as possible to the employee.
We said, well, that's pretty much the same thing.
So why is it a matter?
He said, you'll see.
And they're both going to pass.
The AmeriCorps is too stupid to understand the difference.
This AmeriCorps is too stupid to understand the difference.
I mean, he's really a realistic guy.
He's like, look, I can't just do this.
He said, it's just not going to happen politically.
The bill will not pass.
How do we manage to get there through phasings and other things?
And we talked about it.
And he was just very interested in that topic.
And once again, that ultimately became the genesis of what's called the Cadillac tax and the health care bill, which I think is one of the most important and bravest parts of the health care law.
And, um, doesn't get nearly enough credit.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.
Now you notice that he's bragging that he helped with Obama come up with a plan to put it in phases so it's after the election, just keep saying your premiums aren't going up, and just keep saying that they love you and you're racist if you don't agree with them, and to deceive people.
Obama said, I can't do this politically, double and triple people's prices, how do we lie?
And so Gruber's bragging he helped come up with the horse crap to shovel at everyone.
But we don't need Gruber to tell us, we know there are death panels.
The prices are going up.
They're bringing in tens of millions of illegals to give them free health care while denying it to veterans because it's meant to bankrupt the country.
And I think Gruber probably knows the whole game plan.
He's only telling you, to his students, why we lie, why we deceive, because it's for a greater good.
No, Gruber, it's foreign insurance companies that wrote it.
They get half the money, basically, and government gets the other half, and as he said, it's a whole new income tax.
What do you think it is when they've shut down 400 power plants his first four years, the last two another 300 or so, they're set to shut down 1,000 more in his last two years?
Look it up.
Just type in Obama, EPA's set to close 1,000 plants.
Folks, that's like half of what's left.
I mean, people go, I don't care, I don't own a power plant!
You buy electricity from it, bozo!
And I'm not talking to our regular listeners, I'm talking to folks that send me emails.
Why do I care?
There it is, EPA plan to curb new coal-fired power plants.
Shut down or not allowed to open, 1,000.
Remember Obama said, if you want to build a coal plant, that's fine, we will bankrupt you.
And they can argue, well we were over-consuming, we're hurting the earth.
It's not even about that though.
It's about screwing everyone over.
They're moving our jobs to China where they open multiple coal power plants, get this, a week.
And we're having them shut down every week.
So see, if it's one earth, they have totally dirty, no scrubbers on the smokestacks, pure mercury garbage goes out.
What comes out of ours in the last 20 years?
Nothing but water vapor.
They have sensors on them with carbon dioxide.
And I obsess over this because I own zero coal stock.
My family has a few gas wells that competes directly with coal.
Clean burning natural gas.
And coal is actually what keeps natural gas prices down in competition.
And so the gas industry and the Saudi Arabians have been dumping billions in to shutting down coal.
In fact, that's mainly who's behind it.
Look it up.
So, see, if I thought like the average scumbag corporate guy, I'd go... First, I would imagine that I was like some gas baron.
And then I would go, yeah, good, yeah.
I mean, I would go to gas council, you know, meetings and, you know, hang out in the foyer like I was part of it and come scurrying in and lobby.
Yeah, let's shut down coal.
Yeah, yeah.
No, let's have the most good clean energy we can have.
And coal's one of the best.
And natural gas is great as well.
Great to run your cars on.
I don't see the infrastructure being put in.
And all you people that shake your finger at me when you pull up at the front, you know, front parking and you get out of your electric car and you go plug it in.
They've done studies, you can look them up, that they use as much or more.
Some studies a little bit less, but generally it's about as much.
There's almost no difference is the point, depending on which way you go with which studies.
They're almost the same.
Of the amount of carbon created on an electric car versus gasoline car.
I'm sorry I'm scientific.
I'm sorry, I mean, I'm sorry I'm informed.
If you come out with electric cars that are great and are cheaper and work good, I'll buy one.
I'm not against your electric car.
I got solar panels.
I got a well, a shotgun rifle and a four-wheel drive, and a cattle ranch to boot.
I'm self-sufficient.
My family does.
The point is, is that it's all a giant fraud and he should be impeached for the fraud.
I mean, if they brought in these witnesses and brought in Gruber, who's in the room with Obama, coming up with the lies, Gruber says he came up, helped Obama come up with the lies.
That's really what that video says.
Gruber confesses to creating lies with Obama.
The video's going up on Infowars.com.
It's sensational.
Because they know people are ignorant and don't go look into this, so they're like, is Alex telling the truth or is Gruber?
Who has the nicest tie?
Who looks the most official?
Well, Alex doesn't look as official.
So, I'm gonna go with Gruber.
You know, I love Obama.
But see, when Gruber comes out and says, ah, you stupid idiot, you schmuck, you sucker, I conned you, you idiot,
The Democrats are going, what?
I did notice my... I mean, I know maids and people.
I know a bunch of folks who make like $20 an hour, and they've got insurance, and they live humbly, but they live pretty good, going on a few vacations, got a decent car, can give them some money to, you know, but just humble, frugal people, and they cry now on their, they can't get insurance.
And they were happy, they had jobs, they could live, they could, you know, they can't.
School teachers that are making even 50, 60 grand a year are being kicked off.
They're now telling teachers you're going to be substitute now, or you're going to be part-time.
All over the country.
And they're going to their unions saying, you're Democrats, you're supposed to protect, they're like, sorry honey.
All these Barton Springs Democrats came up to me when it went in last year.
Back then I was going there almost every day and swimming.
I haven't had time in the last year to go, but maybe 15, 20 times.
So I used to go almost every day and swim up to two miles.
These liberals all ran up to me, not just the lifeguards, but liberal Austinites just went, listen, I know you're a good guy and not like a right-wing extremist or anything, but, you know, I'm gonna get guns now, I agree with you.
And I'm like, why?
They're like, I just got put to part-time.
And I had, no exaggeration, probably 10 lifeguards in one day come up during a busy summer day.
And the manager and all of them, they go, you're right, they're cutting us all to part-time now.
20 hours.
So that they don't have to pay for Obamacare.
And I know it's meant to bankrupt the country.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's a year-round pool.
In the summer, they got like 15, 20 lifeguards.
During the winter, only five or six.
But I tried to help you.
And not because I'm a hero.
I don't want to be screwed either.
I read the bill.
I looked at the subsections.
We told you the truth.
We didn't want you to get conned.
We're not like that.
We don't sit around behind the scenes going, hehehehehe.
We sit around behind the scenes going, how can we really tell the truth?
How can we be hardcore?
You know, this is dangerous, what we're about to say, but we gotta do it.
We take risk to tell you the truth.
By the way, the best sales pitch out there is to say you're selling out of something.
It's the Christmas toy scenario where the company will go out with a newscaster and say, they've sold out.
There's people fighting over the turbo toy or whatever.
They made movies about it.
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Second hour coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura coming on.
He's got a article and video up on Infowars.com.
Ventura, CEO's salary's up 875% since 1978.
And obviously, I think there are a lot of CEOs that are doing pump and dumps, running scams, a lot of things I don't like.
But I don't know if I agree with Ventura on this, but I think it's an important debate.
Just like minimum wage is an important debate, so we'll debate in a friendly way that coming up in the next segment.
Also, please, because I barely plugged it in the last minute of the last hour, please, this holiday season, this Christmas season, give the gift of health and do it early.
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Give the gift and give the gift of funding this operation so we can continue and expand and get more reporters so we can have folks all over the world, not just the United States.
Now, I saw this piece last night on Infowars Nightly News, a little news update by Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
Uh, retired.
Uh, and I remember seeing this in the news and I thought it at the point and then he thought the same thing I was thinking.
Uh, one cop gets killed and they call it terrorism, but 13 soldiers get killed, they don't.
Uh, here is Joe Biggs' report.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com with a disturbing update on the case of Eric Freen, the alleged cop killer.
Now this gentleman killed one cop and now they're saying that they're going to add terrorism charges to this.
So this blows my mind to know that a man kills one cop.
And he will be brought up on terrorism charges.
And meanwhile, the Fort Hood shooter, Nadal Hassan, is going to be considered workplace violence.
But we'll get back to that in a second.
Now, the police are acting like an occupying army in Northeast Pennsylvania.
It isn't working.
And what they're saying is, is no expenses have been spared to find Eric Freeh.
And this man has become so expensive, it is now running into the millions of dollars.
Now the residents, people who live in that area, were put on lockdown while others have been blocked from returning to their homes.
Many have expressed understandable frustration over the way they've been treated.
So the police officers themselves are acting like terrorists to find this one man who killed one cop.
Meanwhile, we have Nidal Hassan, a psychiatrist who worked at the Fort Hood Army Base.
He shoots and kills 13 people in wounds, another 30, and they are going to consider this workplace violence.
This is a man who has terrorist ties and says he wants to become a citizen of the Islamic State Caliphate, ISIS.
Does anyone else see a problem with that?
Because that, quite frankly, pisses me off.
This is something that we keep doing.
We keep glorifying these police officers.
One cop's life is apparently equal to 13 dead soldiers at a base.
This is mind-blowing.
This is something that needs to be looked at and changed.
I can't stand seeing something like this.
It makes my blood boil and my heart is beating out of control.
It just pisses me off.
I mean, I just, I don't understand how we can do this.
I mean, one cop is considered terrorism.
Look at that!
I mean, what the hell are we doing right now?
This is such a crazy time we live in.
Stay tuned for more reports here at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
Jesse Ventura's coming up, folks.
That's Joe Biggs' report.
And again, in a way it is terrorism, just randomly go out and shoot a cop for fun.
But it's obviously terrorism at Fort Hood as well.
But the difference is our government's funding the very ISIS Al-Qaeda type groups that influenced Hassan.
So that's why they don't want to call it terrorism, is to cover it up, basically.
We'll be back with Jesse Ventura.
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Wow, there's so much to talk about.
And I got one of my favorite guests on, my friend Jesse Ventura.
I was part of quite a few of the episodes for three seasons, got to go all over the country with him.
Of course, I met him about eight, nine years ago in Texas when he was down here campaigning for Kinky Friedman for governor.
And we've hung out with Willie Nelson, you name it.
Had some really fun times playing chess with Willie Nelson.
But Jesse Ventura is our guest for the next 51 minutes.
And then we have pharmacist Ben Fuchs coming on to talk about medical news.
We will take some of your calls for Jesse Ventura, coming up at about 40 after.
So I'll give that number out coming up at the start of the next segment.
But we've got a waterfront of things to cover.
We've got the fact that it's coming out that Obamacare was written to rip people off by big banks, with the Republicans and the Democrats behind the scenes.
We've got Jesse Ventura saying CEO salaries are up 875%, that's true, since 78.
He's saying forget the minimum wage going up.
Uh, my issue is they're just devaluing the dollar, so that's the real problem.
He says cap CEO salaries.
The CEO's making 50 million a year.
We'll get his take on that.
He's really talking about that.
Putin says Russian economy won't be dominated by dollar dictatorship.
New Cold War starting.
Gloves are coming off there.
Uh, we've got so many other important things that we're going to be breaking down today, uh, with Jesse Ventura.
He also wants to talk about some inside baseball with how the media works.
And some of the behind-the-scenes things that have been happening with him before he goes on big radio and TV shows, really showing others a talking point out there of types.
And I want to talk about attempts to censor the Internet.
I want to be clear, because I got attacked on the Internet, and I got a lot of emails the last few days, when I said what Mark Cuban is saying and what Ted Cruz is saying and other people that have seen what they've already proposed.
I don't want to federalize the internet, to quote, protect it, and then Obama says he wants net neutrality.
Well, that's like he wanted free healthcare.
It's a fraud.
The FCC wants to tax and regulate the web.
They've said that.
You don't not protect net neutrality or give it to Obama.
I want net neutrality.
Obama's saying we have to have government involved to do that.
We already have the regulations and the rules and the agreements on net neutrality, and customers can organize and leave companies that violate that.
The free market can deal with it.
I want to get Jesse Ventura's take on that first, but I am not for the government with their internet kill switch.
They've already taken it over.
Now they just want you to know they're the boss.
Look what they've done with water as a utility.
They've sold it off to foreign interest.
I say leave the Internet like it is.
Don't let Obama, with all these Democrats that say they want to bring in the Fairness Doctrine to the Internet and radio.
Listen, I couldn't have this show if they brought the Fairness Doctrine back.
If they do it, I'm going to continue.
They're just going to have to arrest me.
Now, Governor, I haven't asked your take on this.
He's got a hit TV show that's got millions of viewers online now every week.
Ora.tv forward slash off the grid.
That's really going gangbusters.
And remember the first time I met him, like eight, nine years ago, I said, wait till you just do your own show on the internet.
And he looked at me like I was a space alien.
He said, we'll talk about this later.
But now he certainly knows.
Jesse Ventura, thanks for coming on with us.
Yeah, thanks.
Alex, the Internet's the only place I got left.
I have my problems now with the mainstream media.
They avoid me like the plague, and so I'm really focusing myself completely on the Internet.
And I agree with you.
I don't want any government intervention of a takeover of the Internet in any way, shape, or form.
I'm all for equality and neutrality.
We all deserve the same type of access to the Internet.
But I agree with you.
I don't want the government getting a foothold.
I don't want them getting the ability to tax it and things of that nature because as soon as that happens, we lose it.
And we all know that the government wants to be in control of everything.
Well, absolutely.
They have such a history of taking things over and signing it off in backroom deals to insiders.
We don't want companies like Microsoft and Apple and all these others and the big telecoms, AT&T, to start carving it up.
But we don't want to hand it over to the big fox, to the big wolf, to protect it.
Yeah, it's a tough, dicey situation, and it's a delicate situation, you know, because, as I said, you certainly want every individual out there to have equal access and to be able to use the internet, you know, in their lives.
And you gotta be careful that the internet doesn't fall prey to, you know, corporate takeover in the private sector where they monopolize because they can be just as bad as the government when it comes to that type of thing.
In fact, let's remember something.
It's the corporations who are running our government.
That's right.
So from your research and being a governor and being a successful businessman,
What do we do?
Have a bipartisan commission?
Have a public debate?
And kind of inform the public about it?
I mean, I've seen them already try to get rid of debt neutrality, and the public backlash has stopped it when the corporations just do it on their own.
So, I mean, I really think that's the answer, is a vigilant public.
Well, it has to be, and that's your problem.
The public's not vigilant.
I mean, you know, I got asked the other day about running for president again, and I responded like this.
I said, well, 2016 would be the opportune time from a voter standpoint.
Look at this last midterm election.
What was the national voter turnout?
About 37%?
Okay, that means you've got a pot out there of 63%, a huge majority, that a person like me could tap into.
And that's what we did in Minnesota.
That's how we viewed it in Minnesota.
You know I could steal votes from the actual 37%.
I'll get some of them.
Are you going to run for president?
I don't know.
I'm leaving.
I'm going back off the grid.
I'm clearing my head up and getting the hell out of here.
You know, one thing I'll state is, Alex, the Republicans have taken over the House and the Senate now, right?
You know that means science comes to a halt.
You know, because now we will be governed on faith.
Instead of science.
Because look from 00 to 06 under Bush.
They cut science back so bad.
No stem cell research.
No anything like that.
See, remember this about Republicans.
They care more about the unborn than they do the people living here.
Well, I think that's, I mean, some of them truly.
There is the big fake right-wing church that's basically state-run churches, and the Republicans basically pander to that.
But I think some of the issues there were using dead baby tissue when there are alternatives.
But I do get your point that Republicans, the establishment Republicans, love to take liberties, love to launch wars.
And all the powers Obama has gotten into the presidency now will now be transferred over to a Republican, probably.
And if it's not a Rand Paul or somebody, or Jesse Ventura, you know, you asked who I would vote for for president, and I said, well, Rand Paul, because I've got a sneaking suspicion you're sick of it all and won't run for president.
But, you know, at the same time, I do see this massive vote against Obama as a repudiation of the system.
I don't think the people actually love the Republicans.
The voters are desperate for change.
No, I don't see it as that at all, because of the voter turnout.
What you had, when it sinks to 37%, all you had was the white males carrying the election.
That's who carried the election, because when you're sinking to 37% is all that voted, then it's very easy for a Republican victory to take place, because you're talking about the white male vote, which is the predominant voters.
And why is that?
The problem is all these other people who are choosing not to take part in the system.
And if they choose not to do that, then they can't change the system.
They've got to take part in it.
You've got to vote.
Well, it is true that white males were one of the biggest groups.
It was also young people, and that really freaked the Democrats out.
I mean, that's got to be a good sign that young people that are traditionally Democrats, you know, at least went and voted to try to repudiate some of the things Obama's done.
I think Obamacare and all the rest of it just made people super angry.
You know, here's how I view it, Alex.
I view it this way.
In the United States of America, a country like ours, anyone who's sick should have the ability to go to a doctor.
How you get to that, I don't know.
If we weren't involved in all of these silly, stupid Middle Eastern wars, we could pay for healthcare 20 times over for everybody.
We could fix our infrastructure.
We could do things that need to be done in our country to fix it up, rather than being
We're good to go.
We created an economy of war, counting the war on drugs, and we have to be a perennial war.
So until we change that mindset, we're in trouble.
I mean, did you see the, Alex, did you see the Gallup poll, where they polled 66,000 people outside the United States, and I think we were at 23%, Pakistan was at 8, and China was at 6.
Of who people thought, if they went to war, who would be the people attacking them.
Nearly one out of four people around the world said it would be the United States.
It's simply amazing.
No, you're right.
And again, no one is against getting poor people healthcare.
Medicare and Medicaid would have already covered everybody.
It's that what the government gave us was a giant screw job written to defraud everybody.
And why?
And why?
Because the insurance companies have the lobbyists and the insurance companies get involved.
I agree.
Healthcare should not be a for-profit business like it is.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back to Governor Ventura.
Stay with us.
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You know, we still got video on Rob Doo's computer of Jesse Ventura's birthday.
Up there singing.
Doing a great job.
And we never put it online.
You know, Jesse, you ought to put another record out.
I know you put one out in the 80s or whatever it was.
Jesse Ventura's our guest.
This isn't just about Governor Jesse Ventura or the former Navy SEAL or all he's been through.
It's about demonization campaigns they can do to anybody.
He was the underdog.
He went to trial.
He spent a ton of money.
He won the case.
The jury saw that it was true that Chris Kyle had never knocked him out, that Jesse hadn't said he was glad that SEALs were dead.
That was all meant to defame him, clearly.
And now when they want him back on TV or radio, up front, he told me the names, but we're not going to say them on air, just out of nicety, because when somebody tells you something off record, you don't violate it, unless it's something criminal that they're doing.
Or people don't tell you stuff in confidence anymore.
But, you know, they said, hey, Ventura, we want you on, just don't bring up that you won the court case.
Jesse, talk about that, because it's really some inside baseball.
Yeah, it's interesting because a lot of these media people were throwing dirt on me before, during the trial, and now after the trial, and my name has been cleared.
I won.
They don't want to talk about it now, I guess, you know, probably because Chris Kyle's the Navy SEAL war hero.
And if they do talk about it, they'll find out that three or four of his Navy SEAL buddies got up on the stand and basically lied.
They tried to perpetrate this story.
My attorney tore them apart, obviously.
The jury did not believe them in their attempts to fabricate.
I mean, they had the altercation, Alex, in six different places.
Well, I knew something was going on when Kyle changed it for me, knocked you out in front of the bar, to, oh, it was out on the street.
Yeah, well, that was part of it, and then all these witnesses.
In fact, let me tell you this, all his Navy SEAL witnesses who were allegedly there, not one of them had a story that matched with any of the others.
Now, I can understand why, because that night they consumed, they had a budget of $1,000 to spend on alcohol.
That buys you a lot of booze, I think, doesn't it, Alex?
Yeah, they got drunk.
Well, a thousand bucks they spent on alcohol.
It came out in the courtroom.
And I thought to myself, how could these guys remember anything?
You know, I mean, I haven't drank for years, but a thousand dollars buys quite a... and especially when you're in a place that appeals to you where you're going to get a discount on every peg of beer you buy.
That's right.
How many SEALs drank a thousand dollars worth?
Well, I don't know, but that's still a lot of alcohol.
None of it.
I mean, wasn't Kyle the head cashier?
Wasn't he the purse?
I mean, I think it was ten guys, wasn't it?
No, there's no number of how many of them were there.
You know, there's no way of really knowing.
Most of them were family members and there were friends.
There was all different people there.
Well, here's the deal.
I have nothing against... $100,000 just at that bar on Bruce.
Again, I have nothing against Kyle himself.
I'm sorry he's dead.
I just know you and Newton and can tell it wasn't true.
It's just really sad that he got talked into that by News Corp, I think.
Well, I don't know how it all began.
I'll never know.
But like I said, the interesting thing with the media is now all these mainstream media people that were throwing the dirt on me, they now don't want to talk about it.
Number one, to cover their own asses.
Because they now will have egg on their face, because they had me dead and buried and gone.
And now when the truth comes out that, you know, and it's not to degrade the military, but just because you can go to war doesn't mean you don't have other faults in your life.
And clearly, and these guys were just following what they're trained to do.
Because they have a t-shirt, I have one, that says admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations.
We're good.
Well, we certainly know what's going on.
I mean, I know that when airports and stuff, when you see veterans, especially wounded ones, you know, I've seen you get a tear in your eye and tell them, that's why I'm trying to stop these wars.
And I know you care so much about people that are dying, and I've heard you say that so many times on air as well.
You wouldn't walk up in a Navy SEAL bar that you just put in a commencement and say, I'm glad SEALs are getting killed?
Well, you know, it's absurd.
It's like, what's her name, who's on with Howard Stern, his partner, I can't think of her name right now.
She said that to me.
She said, well, weren't you out there for a graduation?
And I said, yeah.
And she said, well, if you felt that way, why would you be out there?
And I said precisely.
I was the biggest promoter of the teams in the country.
I mean, I have four boxes of Navy SEAL t-shirts right now that were admitted into trial.
Four huge boxes.
I probably got 75 of them.
I have a motorcycle that's got a custom paint.
It's tattooed on my body.
You know?
And you got the Trident on there.
Stay there.
I know.
It's just, it's pure bull.
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Going back to Jesse Ventura.
Who of course hosts his own radio blog and his own TV show, and they're still re-airing the three seasons of Conspiracy Theory that was a hit show, had some of the highest ratings on the network.
He could have continued it on, I know Jesse, but we haven't really talked about this, and you've told me some, but why did you quit doing the True TV TV show?
Well, I think that they didn't renew it.
I think that the Chris Kyle book had a lot to do with that.
It came out in court because normally we would shoot all summer.
We'd go through the editing in November.
I would then head down to Mexico and then it would air the second or third week of January, which every year for two straight years.
Well, that year, the Kyle thing broke the first week of January, and all of a sudden, TruTV didn't air Conspiracy Theory.
They waited until all the way to the next fall before they aired them.
Now, there were three seasons, right?
...to be already shooting, so when they did that, I knew it was done.
I knew it was over.
Yeah, they really wanted to deep-six you for whatever political reason to get you out of the way and politically assassinate your name like they did Gary Webb before they actually killed him.
Have you seen Kill the Messenger yet?
Uh, no I have not.
It's excellent, I'm gonna go see it.
Are you familiar with the Gary Webb story?
Oh yeah, he's the guy that wrote about, uh, didn't he write about the CIA and the drugs and that?
Yes, yes.
Yeah, and then exposed it all, that they were bringing it in to make money so they could do their own separate operations without being, you know, responsible to the U.S.
citizens or to Congress or anything, yeah.
And then I heard that he was murdered.
That's basically what happened.
You know, we don't talk a lot about this, but obviously both of us have a little bit of security concerns.
I know there's been some stuff going on behind the scenes.
Are you ever concerned about them physically coming after you?
Am I?
No, I don't think so.
You know, I'm getting older now and I don't think... I think they've gone far enough to where they've marginalized me and my reputation to where I don't think they worry that much about me anymore.
You know, I'm on my internet show and I've got my podcast and all that stuff.
By the way, you know who I'm going to have on podcast this week?
Donald Trump.
That's awesome.
I'd like to get Donald Trump on the show.
Please help us get him.
I'd love to get him on.
I was stunned when they told me, you're going to see Donald Trump next week.
I thought, this ought to be good.
Well, I've known Donald for many years, so it'll be a lot of fun.
Well, I was honored to be on your podcast a few weeks ago as well.
It's very popular.
In fact, a lot of people, the reason I knew it was popular before you told me, yeah, we're getting hit numbers, then I went and looked it up and saw it in the newspaper, you know, millions every week tuning in, which is great, is that I've had people on the street a bunch the last few months
Well, you know, like I said, I went on with Adam Carolla, and I guess he's the master of the podcast.
So we're doing business with Corolla and his people.
They're the ones that are handling that part of it.
It's working out real good.
Like I said, I enjoy doing it and having conversations with very interesting people.
Well, what is the dinosaur media going to do?
You know, CNN got dropped from Dish Network two weeks ago.
Now they're getting dropped on cable systems around the country.
What does it mean when CNN is being dropped and they've got, you know, Lifetime channels that are still on?
What does that say when CNN has an average viewership domestically of about 200,000 people?
Well, it's showing that people, and especially young people, are not buying into what they supposedly call the news.
It's not the news, it's entertainment.
And, you know, like Fox News, it falls under News Corp's entertainment division.
It doesn't even fall under their news, it's in the entertainment division.
And I think people are seeing through it.
They're realizing that what they're getting is not necessarily factual.
Have you heard a statistic that somebody did a big study and found out that only 18% of what Fox News says is true?
Have you heard about that?
Yeah, I saw that report a few years ago.
That was according to their interpretation, but certainly Fox News lies.
I mean, I had them one time, I've told you the story with Bill O'Reilly, we played the clip, and they go, sexual predators are using the internet to go after women.
This is the type of hate.
So they mix sexual predator in with internet hate, calling for censorship.
And then he cut to a clip of me yelling and screaming, not even about women.
And then they turn my face red.
Well, that's what they do.
You know, that's why, that's one of the reasons I won't do Fox News unless I'm, I can't do them now.
But when I did do them years ago, I would only do them in person.
I would only do it if I was there.
Because I know what they'll do to you if you do it over a broadcast type situation.
Plus, they have a lot more courage when you're not in the room with them.
Yeah, I've noticed you destroyed Sean Hannity.
We played that about 4 or 5 years ago on 9-11.
The only other collision I saw that was as good as that was my Piers Morgan.
I mean, you mopped the floor with him.
Well, you know, I didn't go there to mop the floor.
I don't know.
I don't know.
How is my freedom being affected?
Nobody's affecting my freedom.
The only freedom I'm losing is from my own government.
That's a good point.
I want to give the number out.
I forgot to.
Quick questions or comments for former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, bestselling author and now hit internet TV show.
And what's going to happen to the old media when everybody like Ventura and myself have our own show?
They're going to die, because they're not straight shooting.
People want teleprompter-free news.
Even if they don't agree with you, 80%, 90%, they want to hear something thought-provoking.
You're going to get that here.
You're going to get that on Off the Grid with Jesse Ventura.
You're going to get real mavericks, and that's what people want, not this rigged culture.
And I see this as part of the revolutionary awakening happening.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
We're not giving out the regular network number.
We're producing all in-house this week.
First-time callers.
I'm going to add that for Jesse Ventura.
First-time callers.
Okay, Jesse, while the calls come in here, we'll grab those as quickly as possible and go to them.
Let's get into this video that's on Infowars.com.
Ventura, CEO's salary's up 875% since 1978.
In comparison, a typical worker's salary increased only 5.4%.
I get what you're saying in spirit that Henry Ford said we gotta pay people enough to buy the cars.
When you have this greedy economy, there's no middle class, the ultra-rich are getting rich.
My bigger issue is a lot of these big companies are tax-exempt while they lobby for higher taxes on the working class.
I'm for increasing minimum wage if that didn't hide the fact that we're devaluing the currency.
That's the real tax Ron Paul talks about.
So give us your argument.
You were telling me off-air it's already happening in sports to capping CEO pay.
If you look at football, if you look at baseball, if you look at hockey, if you look at basketball, LeBron James can't make what he's worth because they have salary caps.
And the big shots don't want to get in a bidding war for LeBron.
Because then somebody with the huge money is going to pay him through the roof.
And that's why they came here.
So you've already got salary caps in place on athletes.
Now, if there's a salary cap on an athlete, why shouldn't there be a salary cap on these CEOs?
I mean, let's look at it, Alex.
And I'm just pulling numbers out of the sky.
Somebody can't live on $2 million a month.
You know, that comes out to $24 million a year.
If you can't live on $24 million a year, then maybe I'll start supporting capital punishment.
Because it's absurd.
And when you look at Walmart, where the Walton family is making $12 billion a year, and yet their employees are all being subsidized by the government because they can't earn enough to not be subsidized.
That's obscene.
And so, you know, I'm
I'm all for the free enterprise system, I'm all for people, but when it starts getting to the point where it's ridiculous, if somebody, and I'm just pulling them to figure out, if somebody can't live on $24 million a year, something's seriously wrong with them.
Well, there are a bunch of CEOs that are paid $50 million or more.
For what?
And couldn't we use that additional money either to pay workers or apply it to the deficit?
We're $17 trillion!
Governor, you're absolutely right that things are out of kilter, that the ultra-rich have rigged the system like a rigged casino, crony capitalism.
I'm saying the dangerous path this goes down will be then, they'll say, people that have money have got to give more of it back, when the middle class is already paying more than half in taxes.
The big issue is the ultra-rich have set up tax schemes that are legal, because they write the laws, where the Waltons escape most taxes, but then I try to hire 40-something people.
All totaled, I pay over 70% taxes.
Oh yeah, there's no doubt about it.
Look at me, Alex.
Whenever I do a deal, let's say I do a movie and they offered me $100,000 to do the movie, right?
Well, I already know cut it in half, you're gonna get 50.
Because by the time taxes are done, and an agent, I have an agent, he's got to get paid, by the time, it'll probably, I'll probably get less than 50.
But I already know, that's the magic number.
Whatever I do the deal for, that's why I support a national sales tax.
If we would go to a national sales tax, and it's time for it now, that is equal, then we as citizens would never have to keep another tax record in our life.
I hear ya.
You would pay all your taxes at the point
Yeah, they want it where they can.
Sure, I want to go to some phone calls, but absolutely.
I'm for a national sales tax if they get rid of the income tax.
And it's the same thing with Obamacare.
I'd all be for a program to make sure poor people got health care if they needed emergency care if they already had that in place.
Obamacare was a takeover and screwing people that are already paying, and they now admit that.
That's my thing.
I agree.
I agree.
That's why you can't ever have a big government because always the special interests will get in there and screw you over.
All you can do is have a small government to guarantee the parasites don't get a big blood supply.
Good luck!
Yeah, Jesse, my question to you is I understand from a minister I watch that the South Americans have been converted to Islam down there before they ever started coming up here and I'd like to get your take on that and see what you might know about it.
Who's been converted to Islam?
He's saying that they're basically going to use immigrants that are coming through as ISIS-type sleeper cells.
I buy him that a bit.
You know, there's a lot of racism there, Alex.
Immediately they started telling us ISIS was going to infiltrate us via Mexico, right?
The brown-skinned people.
Well, if you believe 9-11 and the 19 hijackers that attacked us on 9-11, excuse me, they came in through Canada.
No, I hear you.
You know, this is bull.
What I'm getting at is that they will create the ISIS groups that are wind-up toys and then let them come in however and attack us.
I'll tell you what's gonna happen, Alex.
We're gonna get another false flag operation done and they're gonna blame it on ISIS and that'll get everyone in an uproar so we can go to full-scale war.
Mark my words.
I agree.
Elaborate on your prediction of a false flag.
No, I don't know what it'll be, but they're going to come up with some false flag operation that they can blame on ISIS, and then everybody in this country is going to panic and think ISIS is hiding behind every tree, and we're going to get taken over.
People need to understand, we have the biggest, largest military in the world.
Nobody can beat us.
There isn't a damn thing out there who can defeat us.
But as the world's superpower, we need to take a new route of being humble, instead of being out there force-feeding everything that we want throughout the world.
I want to skip this network break so we can go to Alex, Jeremiah, and Coach before Jesse has to leave us.
You say you're getting ready to go back down and get off the grid?
God, yes.
It'll clear my head up.
Well hopefully we can get you skyped up occasionally or from your off the grid location and I'll come back on your show as well because now you've got communications down there.
It's awesome.
I want to go to these calls but before we do that, your take on what's happening with Russia.
I don't lionize Russia.
But at the same time, the West is trying to cut off their pipelines.
They did overthrow Ukraine.
They are trying to bully Russia into a new Cold War that will bankrupt them.
They are lowering oil prices to bankrupt Russia, which I'm all for lower oil prices.
But, you know, here's the deal.
Russia isn't messing with anybody.
And in some ways, they're becoming more... They have a lower income tax.
They have a 10% income tax.
I pay 40%.
I mean, Russia... We are so corrupt that Russia looks good on some fronts.
Well, you know, Alex, I want to commend you because I heard you were the only one that talked about that.
I heard tremendous speech that Vladimir Putin gave.
And you were the only one.
Mainstream media didn't touch it.
See, mainstream media is out there feeding, you know, we are behaving right now like Germany in the 30s.
And I know that's a bold thing to say, but my wife said it to me.
She said, you know, this country looks like Germany in the 30s right now.
I said that yesterday.
Elaborate on that, Jesse.
Well, we're not getting the truth.
We should all be hearing what Vladimir Putin has to say.
This should be on all our national media.
It reminds me, when you go back to the famous John F. Kennedy speech that he did at the College of the Americas, where it was played in its entirety three times in the
I don't know.
You're absolutely right.
We played clips of that speech here on air with an English translator over it because if we're about to get into wars with these guys and our troops are moving in up against their border, in a free country that isn't controlled, you get to hear what they say.
During World War II, they would play large clips of what Hitler said on the newsreels and on the radio and you could get full transcripts in the newspapers of what Hitler was saying
But over in Germany, it was the death penalty if they caught you with a radio listening to the BBC or listening to the Voice of America.
And so, yes, the fact that they have the government-involved censoring, internet kill switches, and that none of the controlled state-run media would tell us what Putin's been saying really shows you that they would like to have totalitarianism in this country.
Oh, absolutely.
It's ridiculous.
I mean, you know, I want to know what Vladimir Putin says.
They're making him into this devil.
They've already did it.
Everybody in this country thinks Vladimir Putin's a horrible guy.
Well, you know what?
They did the same thing to Hugo Chavez.
Because he kicked out Exxon and he nationalized the oil in Venezuela and felt the people of Venezuela ought to profit.
We're good to go.
Well, I'll say this, it doesn't mean Cuba's great or anything, but I agree the way to get Cuba free is to open it up.
Who cares if they're communist?
I don't care!
That's their business!
We go to Vietnam!
We go to China!
Well that's a good point.
Vietnam didn't wound 300,000, I mean Cuba didn't wound 300,000 people and kill 58,000 like the Vietnamese and now that's our new command base.
They're moving carriers in over there to park them.
So we're buddies with Vietnam but not with Cuba.
Exactly, and it's ridiculous.
It's utterly absurd.
We in our country think we are right, and 188 other countries are wrong.
That's the problem, Alex.
We have this attitude in America, we don't apologize for nothing, and we never, never, ever admit we're wrong.
No, I hear you.
We absolutely have to
Reach out to the world and stop being an empire.
Alex in Wisconsin.
We gotta move quick.
Quick question.
Sorry to make you wait.
Go ahead, Alex.
Hi, Jesse.
Hi, Alex.
I was just wondering, you know, with the government being so good at infiltrating and covert ops, do you guys ever consider that maybe you guys have been infiltrated by, you know, not you guys directly, but maybe crew members?
And what are your options for plan B if we're not able to hold them back and things just go all out?
Well, I have been infiltrated, not by so much government agents, but by other agents of influence before, but we discovered it.
But you find out pretty quick when troublemakers are in your operation.
And a lot of times they're from another corporation or group.
I mean, let me tell you, this world is wild.
Jesse, that's a good question.
Have you ever been infiltrated?
Well, on my current show, I don't think so, because off the grid, it only requires my command center in L.A.
and two people that work with me.
And so, I don't think I have been, but you never know, you have no idea.
But at this point in time, I don't think I've been infiltrated at all.
Now, on Conspiracy Theory, the TV show, I think there could have been some, a little bit there.
Yeah, I wish you'd tell those stories you told me.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go to Jeremiah in Kansas.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I love the show.
Quick question on the 2016 election.
This morning I was talking to my boss and he was talking about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton and how he hopes Bush will beat Clinton.
And I told him I don't see a difference between the two.
And I think it just goes to show that, you know, America is asleep.
The Christian Church in America is asleep.
I'm not a big fan of words.
I prefer action.
So what can us patriots do, you know?
To get out and really wake people up on a local and larger level.
Well, what I would suggest is start at the local level, grassroots.
That's where it's gotta happen.
And you can do this.
Get on the ballot and have the option of none of the above put on all your ballots for elections.
And that way, it gives you the option.
You don't like any of the two candidates, so you're voting for none of the above.
Imagine if they lose to none of the above.
Okay, I want to go as many calls as possible.
Sir in New York is next.
We'll try to go to Coach and others.
Sir, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Jesse, what do you think happened with the SEAL Team 6 helicopter crash in Afghanistan?
I don't know.
You know, again, I can't venture an opinion.
I don't like to make opinions on boots on the ground because unless you're there, you're speculating.
Yeah, well, the Seals say they think they were blown up to cover up the truth and bin Laden wasn't killed in that raid.
Well, you know, if that's the case, but I, you know, I have no direct knowledge of it, so I would prefer not to comment on it because, you know... Hey, I respect that.
If you don't got all the facts, don't make it.
Okay, who's up next in order here?
Let's talk to Jesse in Florida real quick.
Jesse, you're on the air with Jesse.
Hey, Jesse, my question is Building 7.
Do you think the government sometime in the future will ever declassify information, telling the truth?
Oh yeah, I think when we're all dead, you know, just like JFK, we're still holding on to stuff.
You can't get Lee Harvey Oswald's tax return, for Christ's sake.
I mean, he's only been dead since 1963.
Why can't we see his tax return to find out who he paid taxes and who he worked for, which would have led back to our own U.S.
government, because he was an agent of the government.
That's right.
That being said, quickly, no, they're going to hold on to all this.
You can't even get those.
I want them to release those redacted pages of the 9-11 report that ties al-Qaeda to the Saudi Arabians.
Jesse Gray-Jawless, we've got to see a third hour coming up, folks.
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A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
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You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, I'm Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Homeland security begins with hometown security.
Seems apparent that our citizens are staying off the streets, which may make scoring particularly difficult, even with this year's rule changes.
To recap those revisions.
Are still worth 10 points more than men in all age brackets, but teenagers now rack up 40 points, and toddlers under 12 now rate a big 70 points.
The big score, anyone, any sex, over 75 years old, has been upped to 100 points.
As always, how fast you move determines how long you live.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time ladies and gentlemen we are here live we've got some phone calls were unable to get to when Ventura was on I wish I'd have gone to coach but I
You know, Jesse thinks the Earth's changing and doesn't support the carbon taxes.
He just thinks we're hurting the Earth.
And I don't agree with everything Ventura says.
I should have gone to this call.
I overlooked it.
Next time he's on, I promise I will raise this point for Ventura.
But Coach wanted to know why Jesse supports Global Warming Agenda.
Go ahead, Coach, and make your point.
Yeah, I mean, despite the fact that the founder of the Weather Channel, you know, says that it's all a bunch of bullocks, you know, he supports it.
You know, and I love Jesse and I respect Jesse, so I kind of wanted to know, you know, why he supports that agenda.
However, I do have another point that I've been trying to get a hold of you for a very long time.
And that's a solution.
A lot of people call your show and they ask, what can I do?
And you always give them good advice, you know, to put the word out and all that stuff.
But we know, you and I both know Alex, that this is going to collapse.
Our system is going to collapse.
So, my solution is I think we should facilitate that collapse in the big four banks.
All of your listeners should pull every bit of money that they have out of those big four banks.
If you have a loan with that bank, you should refinance to a different bank and create a bank run.
That'll get their attention, in my opinion.
Well, I agree with you.
We have to get the attention of the establishment to stop trying to start nuclear war with Russia, to stop funding Al-Qaeda, to stop, you know, they go on TV and brag that Obamacare is a scam.
I mean, think about that.
And laugh at us, how they lied to us, and then it isn't repealed because of the Republicans.
We have to shake these people up.
You know, Hitler had to get shaken up with armies coming in on him.
I mean, governments go crazy.
They think they're godlike.
The corporations running it think they're not going to get in trouble trying to leverage U.S.
wealth and capital to take over the planet while bankrupting us.
And it's not just the corporations and the government.
The people themselves have gotten decadent.
We all have.
We've been living in such free countries with so much wealth for so long that we just stopped being serious people.
And started letting people do bad stuff.
And nobody's been watching the shop, and the inmates are running the asylum.
So I don't just sit here and blame the whole system, I blame myself as well.
Even though I've been fighting to Ernie for 22 years, 20 years on air, that's what it comes down to.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
We have Pharmacist Ben Fuchs coming up.
That's going to be a very informative interview to get a bunch of different medical news.
We'll continue with your phone calls and we'll take phone calls from Pharmacist Ben Fuchs on any questions you've got about vitamins, minerals, drugs that are out there.
We're going to talk about a host of issues with him, get into some economic news as well straight ahead.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and we are broadcasting worldwide live on this Friday edition.
I'll be back live in studio this Sunday, Lord willing.
4 to 6 p.m.
Central, and the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
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Another major health threat.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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Excuse me?
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSKS Late News 12's Jeff Beryl discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
You're in your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predators won't.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
I can't believe I'm doing a Nickelback video.
Well, it looks as if the apocalypse may finally be upon us.
Nickelback is releasing their eighth studio album titled No Fixed Address, which will feature their new single, Edge of a Revolution.
That's right, the vanilla Walmart rockers from Canada are telling you it's time to stick your fist in the air and call for a revolution!
The lead singer, who now looks like actor Tim Roth who borrowed a jacket from Bruce Springsteen, says the song touches upon the fat cats on Wall Street and inspired from current events as the war in Ukraine and how the government treats its citizens.
But before we analyze this anthem for the people, written and produced by the biggest corporate rock act of the last 20 years, let's enjoy another snippet.
Feeling inspired and revolutionary?
Well, I have to admit, the song is pretty catchy, especially with that anthem at the end, and that video editing is really slick.
But let's look at the inspiration for this song.
As we've been pointing out all along, George Soros was involved in the coup in Ukraine, and he even admitted this in May to CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
Zachary asks Soros, first on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you, during the revolutions of 1989, funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, and the Czech Republic.
Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia.
And that foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now, Soros responded.
Sorry, Nickelback, but I don't think a billionaire and admitted Nazi collaborator is interested in freedom or change or whatever the hell you're singing about.
And as for the Fat Cats on Wall Street reference, the video flashes Occupy over and over again throughout different parts of the video and seems to be paying homage to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which started back in 2011.
Its origins can be traced to the anti-consumerism magazine Adbusters, who have since claimed they had nothing to do with it.
Basically, the Occupy movement was started by foundations in order to take the heat off the In the Fed movement, which was gaining steam with the people.
And when the Obama administration could not control the movement, it was attacked and decimated.
I'm not attacking the people who participated in Occupy Wall Street.
There were a lot of good people involved who saw the system sucking off them, but capitalism is what built the foundation of this entire society.
Now, it's not perfect by any stretch, but when you have the government picking winners and losers, you will never have freedom, you will only have tyranny.
And what we have now is a festering, fascistic system called crony capitalism.
So you have Nickelback paying homage to two foundation-funded fake movements.
What do you expect from a band who sings mostly about strippers and drinking?
And if you think foundation-funded movements are harmless, look into the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace.
One of its first moves was to lobby Woodrow Wilson not to end World War I too early, so they could fundamentally change America.
Now Nickelback did get it right with how the government treats its people.
They mentioned the NSA, and recently an Obamacare architect got caught on tape saying the stupidity of the American people got Obamacare passed.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.
And for years we've been documenting the rise of the police state.
While I was watching the Edge of a Revolution video, this is kind of how I imagine the song and video were inspired.
Hey, marketing team!
We gots to get a new album out for the remaining Nickelback fans that are left.
Any ideas?
Well, people seem to be into Revolution.
Even our blue-collar fan base is angry.
That's a no-brainer!
Uh, Mr. Moneybags, my cousin used to be in this thing called, uh, Occupy.
Yeah, add that in the video.
We'll make people think our corporate rock star cutouts really care about the people that have this vanilla rock forced on them.
I'm getting visions of more records being sold and more money in my bags!
I like money.
Uh, Mr. Moneybags, no one but trendies and DJs buy records.
Techno, that's it!
The next Nickelback record will be techno!
Enjoy your corporately created revolution brought to you by the 2011 number one musical turnoff and the band that was voted the second worst band of the 90s, Nickelback.
And all you nickelheads out there, before you start writing in the comments telling me how much you hate me, read a little bit about the tax-free foundations in the links provided below.
You just might learn something.
And this is Rob Doo for InfoWars Nightly News and InfoWars.com.
If you are watching this on YouTube, please consider becoming a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
The new album drops November 17th, so get ready for an onslaught of vapid Nickelback songs to flood corporate radio!
Oh, we try to do entertainment coverage here.
Now, for the rest of the hour, pharmacist Ben Fuchs joins us.
We appreciate him coming on the transmission with us.
He's a top compounding pharmacist and just a great talk show host here on the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com.
I want to get into digestive system and mood and brain health.
I want to talk about digestive system and skin health, weight gain and digestion.
A lot of secrets out there that are pretty well known to folks that have investigated.
Because we also want to talk about solutions here of trying to get our lives together.
And I've been following a lot of the stuff that pharmacist Ben Fuchs has been talking about for about three years now, working with Dr. Group and others.
But Fuchs has also been advising me, and it's really helped me.
I have lost tons of weight.
People can see it, feel great, have more energy, with really simple things.
And a lot of it's getting my gut in line.
So we're going to discuss that.
We're also going to talk about
This article, our probiotics, the new Prozac.
Think twice how the gut's second brain influences mood and well-being.
Scientific American.
Yeah, there's a brain in the gut, basically.
We're going to talk about all those secrets and more with pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
Ben, great to have you with us.
Thank you.
Good to see you again, Alex.
Wow, so much happening.
Where do you want to start when we come back from this break?
Well, you know, I always say that health should be simple, and there's nothing more simple when it comes to how we live our lives than the food that we eat.
We have such control over what we put into our mouth, and when you understand that the foods that we eat have an impact on our health and on our longevity and on our disease states, and then you combine that with the element of choice, lifestyle choice, it seems like a no-brainer to try to at least understand the impact that foods have on our bodies, on our mentality, on our emotions, as well as on our physical well-being.
Well, that's right.
Separately, your take on Ebola for a minute or two.
They claim no more cases this week, but we've talked to medical doctors and others, a bunch of them, and Forbes admitted they were in a meeting with the media and they said, no, we're going to cover up what the government believes are cases.
Regardless, they're disappearing people.
What do you think is really happening?
Two words here, Alex.
Immune system defenses.
And we're going to get into talking about that, I hope.
The gut is the house of your immune system.
It's the bulk of your immune system.
70-80% of your immunity is located in your gut.
Fighting viruses, fighting bacteria, fighting toxicity, detoxification, all of this mandates that we take care of our immune system, which means take care of our gut.
So if you're worried about the flu virus, HIV virus, Ebola virus, Shingles virus, now that's all in the news.
You can do no better than take care of the immune system in your gut by making better food choices using probiotics as well as other nutritional supplements.
Well, that's right, and again, most of our listeners know this, but a lot of new listeners don't.
This is revolutionary stuff, and I knew all this knowledge years ago, but I just didn't follow it.
Following it has changed my life.
I want to discuss this all with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
He's the host of Right Side for an hour every day, right before my syndicated broadcast, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., and it's picked up by a lot of stations across the country, including a lot of our affiliates.
We're very excited to have him here with us today.
And we'll also open the phones up for your health questions for him coming up in a few segments from now.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones.
Now, I'm going to give pharmacist Ben Fuchs the floor in the next segment.
I'll be here.
But if I end up talking any, I'll end up taking over.
I want to give him an 18-minute run coming up in the next long segment to really drill into this because Bill and Melinda Gates are investing in weather control, genetic engineering, you name it.
But their biggest investment in the last two years is gut flora.
They know the BT corn, they own part of Monsanto, and the rest of it is manipulating the gut.
They know this is all happening.
And the gut, as our other guests have said, has basically a connection to the spine, to the brain.
The two are connected.
Autism with gut flora problems is connected to what's happened with the kids along with vaccines.
Think twice how the gut's second brain influences mood and well-being.
Scientific American.
Are probiotics the new Prozac?
The gut-brain axis.
Can probiotics affect your mood?
Potential probiotic effects go beyond gut.
How your skin health reflects your... I mean, this is everything I heard Fuchs saying six years ago, five years ago when I first became aware of him.
And then now, this year, more and more of it is coming out.
Very exciting.
So this is a short segment.
You've got the floor getting into this.
And we're not even selling probiotics.
I don't even have a probiotic, folks.
I mean, even though B12, Secret 12, I mean, is a probiotic overall.
It's not a microbe.
Explain to people what probiotics are.
I mean, I know they know what they are basically, but in a larger sense, how the gut works.
Alex, probiotics are so cool on so many levels.
First of all, how interesting is it that our entire lives are run by these little tiny bacteria that live in our gut?
Trillions of bacteria.
Do you know there's 10 times more bacterial cells in your body than there are human cells?
So in many ways, we're just like carrying cases for these bacteria.
Now, what do these bacteria do?
Well, they make vitamins.
They detoxify food.
They help us derive energy from our food.
They fight cancer.
They communicate with the cells of our intestine to accelerate the healing process.
And one of the coolest aspects of these gut bacteria is they act as a repository of genetic material that can literally be shared with our own genes.
In other words,
We transfer genes from our bacteria to our own cells.
In essence, we are a form of walking bacteria via these interactions and almost everything we do on a regular basis conspires to kill off these incredibly critical elements that live in our digestive tract.
I'm talking chlorine in food, chlorine in water, I'm talking fluoride in water.
I'm talking antibiotics that we take intentionally.
I'm talking antibiotics that we take unintentionally.
Antibiotics in fish and in dairy and in meat.
All of these conspire to kill off the probiotics which for most of us are already deficient because of the birth process.
You know, one-third of Americans are born caesarean section, and now we have voluntary caesareans, where people are getting caesarean sections just so they don't have scarring on their bellies.
This is the latest trend in Hollywood, to have an early caesarean section, and pretty soon the average person is going to be encouraged to have a caesarean section.
When a baby is born, Alex, it comes out of the di- uh, comes out of the womb.
It's supposed to be bathed with a coating of bacteria.
That coating of bacteria that comes in from the mother's birth canal as the baby passes through goes into the baby's nose and into the baby's mouth and it goes down the baby's digestive tract and implants in that baby's intestine and from that point forward those bacteria become that baby's personal, and I mean personal, health angels.
We're good to go!
And go into life.
Now, if you're born cesarean section, if a baby's born cesarean section, a third of babies are, and more, the numbers are growing, that baby's going to be deprived of those initial bacteria, and that means from that point forward, that baby's health is going to be compromised.
Now, it gets even worse, because the baby's digestive tract and the bacteria that have implanted, theoretically have implanted in the baby's digestive tract, are supposed to proliferate via the activity of breast milk.
That's one of the main roles of breastfeeding.
But we don't give them that.
And then when they get big, they eat GMO corn that has pesticide in it.
All of it.
That kills the good bacteria.
All of it.
So here's the deal, Alex.
The baby's a day old, two days old, a week old.
His health is already compromised for the rest of his life.
And the baby hasn't even gotten out of the... They're not getting the colostrum.
None of that.
They're not getting the bacterial coat of all their mother's immunities.
They're not sinking with mama.
And of course, the medical system at the top has no idea what's going on.
It's all been planned.
And we even have all the documents.
The average doctor doesn't know, though.
They're compartmentalized.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs is gonna be hosting when he comes back.
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It's Alex Jones.
Thank you, InfoWarriors, and thank you, Alex.
It's an honor to be sitting in for you here for the next 18 minutes or so.
So I was just going to continue talking about the importance of gut health.
For you guys who have listened to me on the Bright Side, you know that I love the simplicity of health.
We get so confused by all the different aspects of disease states and all the different body parts and all the different chemical reactions and all the different molecular aspects of the human body that we forget that health is really a simple matter.
I call it the triangle of disease or the triangle of wellness, depending on how you look at it.
Fix your digestive system, stabilize your blood sugar system, and relax the adrenal glands.
And it's really not a very difficult process, and once you start to do all of these things, beginning with digestive health, you'll notice that whatever your health condition is, whether it's something as benign as acne, something as mild as acne, or
We're good to go!
So how do you do it?
If you're dealing with a degenerative health crisis, if you're dealing with a autoimmune disease, if you're dealing with a skin condition, what are the practical steps that you can take?
Well, first and foremost, you gotta address digestive health.
We are manipulated by food.
We have an empire of food, and it's been that way historically.
Since the days of Sumeria, going into ancient Egypt, and then Rome, and then Europe, and now the American Empire.
Humanity has been manipulated by food for eons, for 10,000 or 12,000 years.
So getting control of our food, getting control of our digestive health, learning to free ourselves from the tyranny and the hegemony of the empires of food is job number one.
Not only if we're dealing with a degenerative health crisis, not only if we're dealing with a health issue, but simply for our longevity.
Simply, if we're healthy and we want to stay healthy, learning how to control digestive health is job number one.
As I was talking before the break, it all begins to tumble out of control woefully early.
As soon as we leave the womb, for many of us, our digestive health becomes compromised because we don't get that bacterial shower that's supposed to occur as we go down the birth canal in the birth process.
We're good!
Either because the baby is born Caesarean section or because the mother is not healthy and the mother doesn't have the appropriate bacterial flora, that baby is going to become immediately compromised.
As the baby goes through life or begins his or her life, the baby's gut is supposed to be further enhanced and further grow.
Growth is supposed to further be encouraged by breast milk.
Well, we know one-third of babies aren't breastfed.
So again, the baby becomes compromised at the digestive health level.
Then the baby, of course, goes into the standard American diet, and that's really when it all tumbles out of control.
See, once the digestive system becomes compromised, the babies and our ability to extract energy from food becomes compromised as well.
Once we have a problem extracting energy from food, our blood sugar starts to become unstable.
Once we have problems extracting energy from food and extracting sugars from food, extracting nutrients from food, the body's insulin processing and blood sugar processing get thrown off.
And eventually that leads to conditions of low blood sugar and high blood sugar.
I call it the low blood sugar, high blood sugar roller coaster.
And eventually that leads to diabetes.
And we all know that diabetes is an epidemic just as much as digestive health conditions are epidemic.
I think so.
If you Google metabolic syndrome, you're gonna find that metabolic syndrome and dysglycemia, or messed up blood sugar, go hand in hand.
So you got your digestive system gets whacked out, starts woefully early, the blood sugar system gets whacked out, that's the next step, and from there you go into almost every single health challenge you can name.
But you know what, guys?
That's great news.
That's not bad news.
That's good news, because it means that no matter what our health challenges are, we have an incredible aspect of control that we can employ.
We can stabilize our blood sugar, we can work on our digestive health, and once we do that, almost every single health challenge you can name will begin to reverse.
Now, if you want to throw something else in, you can work with the adrenal glands, which are linked to the thyroid, but it's not even necessary.
It's as simple as stabilizing blood sugar and working on digestive health.
So how do you do it?
Well, working backwards with the blood sugar system first.
How do you work with the blood sugar system?
How do you stabilize blood sugar?
One of the most important things you can do to stabilize blood sugar is to eat less calories.
Every time we eat anything, really, but every time we eat the standard American diet, most especially, our blood sugar goes up.
The body's response to elevated blood sugar is to pull that blood sugar down.
We get tired, or so-called hypoglycemic.
We end up going to get some more food.
Our blood sugar goes up.
Body pulls that blood sugar down.
By the way, sugar represents a toxic element to the body.
Sugar is very explosive.
If you've ever put a marshmallow into a fire and watched that marshmallow go poof, you've witnessed visibly how explosive sugar is.
There's grain silos in the Midwest that you're not supposed to smoke in because the sugar, which is
Which is the same thing as the grain dust, is very, very explosive.
The body has a way of eliminating sugar, of reducing sugar, and it does it very efficiently, at least at first.
And as this high blood sugar, low blood sugar rollercoaster continues, this is where our health begins to degenerate.
So by eating less calories, and I'm talking all calories here really, not just calories from processed food, but by eating less calories, we can begin to start to stabilize our blood sugar.
A second great strategy for stabilizing blood sugar is to eat more protein and to eat more good fat.
Yes, I said eat more good fat.
Don't pay any attention to the nonsense about keeping your fat intake low as long as that fat is good.
Coconut oil, for example, is a stupendously important fat and not only is it a great fat just for giving your body a good source of fat and a good source of vitamin E and a good source of something called medium chain triglycerides, which the body can use very effectively for energy, but coconut oil
Coconut oil is also a great way to stabilize your blood sugar.
In fact, if you want to eat less food, using a scoop, a tablespoon or teaspoon full of coconut oil before you start your meals is a great way to decrease the amount of foods that you eat and improve your satiety.
By the way, when it comes to eating less calories, I don't like the idea of suffering or struggling.
I like the idea of satiety, of satisfaction.
I think?
You're pretty much satisfied.
You pretty much don't need to eat.
Now most of us, including myself, will continue eating.
We'll basically finish the amount of food on our plate.
Or we'll just continue eating if we're in a social setting, just because we want to be part of the crowd.
But as far as being satisfied, as far as being full, it only takes one or two bites.
So eating less food is one of the most important strategies, not only for stabilizing your blood sugar, but for taking the load off of the digestive system.
You can also use micronutrients.
That is
We're good to go!
I think so.
Arginine, another super-duper amino acid, not only important for helping stabilize blood sugar, but arginine is also very important for building, for immunity, it's got antiviral properties, arginine can also be helpful for helping the body secrete growth hormone, and arginine is stupendously important for heart health.
These are all, by the way, deficient stuff.
Nutrients whose deficiencies are really common, tragically common.
And I'm telling you, as a nutritional pharmacist, as a pharmacist who uses nutrients in my practice, it's hard for me to believe that these nutritional deficiencies, which are so common, are not somewhere located, somewhere behind our
Absolutely abysmal state of health.
This is why I have such a problem with physicians and with doctors and with medicalizing.
We really don't need to be medicalized.
Yeah, sure, if you get hit by a car, you get hit by a bus, you have some kind of accident, you may need to have some kind of surgical procedure done.
I call it heroic medicine.
Heroic medicine is where they stitch you up after you have some kind of traumatic injury.
But in terms of chronic, long-term degenerative diseases, the kind of problems most of us are dealing with, whether they're blood sugar problems or heart problems or immune system problems, these are not issues that we need to be interfacing with the medical model for.
These aren't doctor issues.
These are issues that involve lifestyle and lifestyle choices around blood sugar and around food and around working with the adrenal glands as well, which hopefully I'll get to here in a second.
So anyway, stabilizing blood sugar, eating less calories, using coconut oil, using micronutrients like chromium, vanadium, which you'll find in sweeties, using arginine and taurine.
The B-complex, by the way, is stupendously important for blood sugar control, especially thiamine, which is vitamin B1.
And niacin, which is vitamin B3.
In fact, niacin is actually part of something called the glucose tolerance factor, which is a complex of chemicals that the body makes in order to process glucose.
Here's the really interesting thing about the B-complex.
The B-complex is water-soluble, which means it dissolves in water, which means it dissolves in the watery part of the body, which means it's excreted out of the body every time we urinate.
This is so important!
Because every time we go to the bathroom, every time we urinate, we lose our B-complex.
In other words, every time we urinate, we lose our ability to process sugar.
Oh yeah, by the way, magnesium, which is also important for sugar processing, is water-soluble too.
So we lose our B-complex, we lose our niacin, we lose our thiamine, we lose our magnesium every time we urinate.
We lose our ability to process sugar every time we go to the bathroom.
Now, how many folks are replacing their magnesium every time they go to the bathroom?
How many folks are replacing their B-complex every time they go to the bathroom?
The B-complex, by the way, is not only important for sugar metabolism,
The B-Complex is also important for energy, and it's also important for brain health, and it's also important for the immune system, and it's also important for the digestive system.
Which means, every time we go to the bathroom, we lose our ability or reduce our ability to process sugar, we reduce our ability to think clearly, we reduce our ability to process foods via the digestive system,
In fact, almost every single system in the body, because it depends on the B-complex of vitamins, becomes compromised when we go to the bathroom if we're not replacing those nutrients.
And this is one of the reasons why I'm such a big proponent of the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, which is liquid nutrients, especially liquid B-complex.
And by the way, liquid B-complex in very high concentrations.
So, controlling your blood sugar by eating less foods, using micronutrients, using liquid nutrients, making sure you're on the B-complex, job number one.
Job number two, focus on digestive health.
And the same strategies, or some of the same strategies that you can use for improving sugar control, you can also use for improving digestive health.
Namely, eating less food.
This is so important.
In fact, one of the craziest strategies that we hear we're supposed to do from the mainstream, is to keep eating throughout the day.
They call it grazing.
Some of you probably heard of this.
We eat five meals a day, or six meals a day.
And theoretically, it's supposed to keep your blood sugar stable.
This is one of the craziest medical strategies or health strategies you could ever use because if you do something like eating throughout the day, you never give your digestive system a break.
Can you imagine this?
For most of us, we've gone cradle to grave without giving our digestive system a break for more than
One or two hours.
This can do nothing but put a horrific load on the digestive system, and in my opinion, it's probably behind this idea of eating throughout the day, is probably behind much of our health crises, much of our epic, biblical almost, health crises.
So eating less food, even to the point of fasting.
Now some folks will say, oh I can't do a fast, it's too hard to do a fast.
Well guess what?
When you do a fast, something very interesting happens to your brain.
Chemicals called orexins, O-R-E-X-I-N-S, or some people call them hypocretins, H-Y-P-O-C-R-E-T-I-N-S.
Hypocretins or orexins are secreted in the brain in response to fasting.
Why is this important?
Well, it turns out that orexins and hypocretins give you energy.
They keep you awake.
They keep you alert.
In fact, orexins and hypocretins give you so much energy,
And keep you so alert that drug companies are now studying these compounds to use them as the latest form of speed in order to deal with things like narcolepsy.
But you can make your own hypocretin.
You don't need any pharmaceutical hypocretin.
You can make your own orexins.
You don't need any pharmaceutical orexins.
Simply by giving yourself a food holiday.
By fasting.
In fact, if you have any kind of inflammatory health condition or autoimmune condition, the fastest way to reduce the symptoms
And reverse the autoimmune condition itself is to stop eating.
You don't believe me?
Try it.
Do it for one day.
Watch what happens when you fast for one day if you're dealing with some kind of chronic autoimmune condition or chronic inflammatory condition.
In fact, even WebMD
I think?
Again, I don't like struggle.
I don't like willpower.
I like satiety.
So if you're trying to fast, but you have a problem with it because you just can't force yourself to not eat, use soups or use vegetable juices or do what I call, use what I call vegetable waters.
Vegetable waters where you take cucumber or celery or some kind of vegetable and you slice it up into thin slices and you put it into some distilled water and you let the electrolytes seep out of the vegetable, out of the cucumber, out of the celery and go into the water.
You can also use a blender.
If you use a blender with your vegetables, you'll blend up the vegetables and you'll spin those electrolytes that are in the vegetables in the vortex.
And when electrolytes and water are spun around in a vortex, they create electrical energy.
When you drink that vegetable water that's been blended, you'll get that electrical energy and you'll find that you're satisfied to the point where you don't feel like eating.
So using vegetable waters, using soups, especially what I call bone soup where you take
Hold on, Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
Hold on.
Hey, I did it!
18 minutes I didn't cut into somebody.
We're gonna come right back with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs in the final segment.
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Now listen up!
She's a razor sharp!
She'll slice you apart.
Moves like a cat.
She'll get your name.
Might not make it back.
Monday through Friday, we're here, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
I'll be back this Sunday in studio for a live transmission.
Sometimes David Knight sits in, does a great job, sometimes it's taped, most of the time it's live, and I'll be live, it was live last Sunday, be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time, unless we get snowed in down here, all part of this global warming.
Going back to pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, I said earlier, hey I promote probiotics even though I don't sell one on Infowarslife.com, but then I was looking over here as we're promoting Root Beer Belly and Flora FX from Longevity at Infowarshealth.com.
I guess technically I do, but what I mean is I don't really promote it.
Because I end up getting brands at Whole Foods and stuff.
But I have started taking FloraFX and also the enzymes.
I don't know about these probiotics, so I just take randomly a whole bunch of different ones.
I don't know if that's probably the best thing I'm doing.
What's your view on that, Pharmacist Ben Fuchs?
Well, there's two ways to do your probiotics.
Number one, what you're talking about now, by supplementing with them, with the root beer belly, the Flora FX.
There's a product called Bio-Lumen Nightly Essence, which is a longevity product, which is my favorite probiotic.
And then there's the second way, which is to eat fermented food.
Traditionally, indigenous cultures have always ingested fermented food.
Sauerkraut, fermented cabbage, fermented beets, miso, tempeh, pickles.
There's so many different ways that you can get fermented food.
Okay, so I love all that, so I'm good.
Go crazy with it.
In fact, you can subsist on it.
When bacteria act on these foods, they release the nutrients, so they make it easier for the body to absorb those nutrients.
That's really what it's all about, Alex.
Making it easy for the body to get nutrition.
These are all the things our ancestors developed over thousands of years.
Yes, they've been doing it for millennia, and it's only been the last 200 years that we've figured out artificially how to take the nutrients out of food and sell humanity the carcass, the dead body of the food.
You know why they do that, by the way?
Do you know why food processors take the nutrients out of the food and leave us with the carcass?
It's because when you take the nutrients, the micronutrients, the vitamins and the minerals out and the fats out of the foods... You need more.
No, the foods last longer.
Oh, sure.
The bugs won't eat them.
The bugs aren't stupid.
They're not going to eat food that has no nutritional value.
Only we eat those foods.
So the foods have their nutrients removed so they'll have shelf life.
Oh, exactly.
That's why they're doing GMO tomatoes and tomatoes.
But secondarily, I mean, I know McDonald's has admitted this.
They like to take the nutrients out because then, as you said, it lasts longer.
But also people are hungry again.
They keep eating over and over and over again.
This is why people lose weight once they start a micronutrient program.
This is why the Beyond Tangy Tangerine causes weight loss even though it's not really a weight loss product.
That's how I first lost my first 25-30 pounds and I've lost 20 more.
You feel satisfied.
You feel satisfied quicker and that's really what it's all about.
You know, I was saying before when you were gone, it's not about willpower.
It's about satisfaction.
And satisfaction is regulated by nutrient content.
If you want any of the InfoWars team to be able to answer any questions, maybe you want to become a member and work on it, become a member of InfoWarsTeam.com.
Pharmacist Ben Fugues, we've got to have you just guest host sometime.
I'd love it, thank you Alex.
With you and David Knight or something, so he can just ride shotgun with you.
Because David really compliments folks like yourself that are scientific.
Thank you so much and we'll be listening next Monday 10 a.m.
Central to The Bright Side.
Thank you, buddy.
Have a beautiful day out.
God bless you.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
See you this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
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