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Name: 20141113_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 13, 2014
2494 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including a new Texas bill allowing police to seize suspects' money without due process; Obamacare; global warming; intimidation tactics used by the establishment against conservative media personalities; and a Nicki Minaj music video criticized for being anti-Semitic. The show promotes products available through InfowarsLife such as Oxy Powder, Super Nascent Iodine X2, Diamond Gusset Jeans, and Secret 12. It also covers Cliven Bundy's ranch dispute in Nevada, emphasizing the importance of protecting private property rights, adhering to the Constitution and state law, and the power of social media to challenge government actions.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A new bill introduced into the Texas legislature just two days ago would allow cops to take your money on the spot.
What are the implications of that?
The bill was introduced by Representative Alan Fletcher.
He's a former cop.
He's the vice chair of the Homeland Security Committee and he's on the Transportation Committee.
This bill would require cops to inform defendants of the possibility of making an immediate payment of the fine
And related court costs by use of a credit or debit card.
And the cop would be the one accepting payment.
Now, of course, the argument for this is that it would expedite collection, it would make everything just run so much more smoothly and securely for the police.
But is it something that would increase your security?
The police officer, as Adan points out, is going to have all of your personal information, now your credit card information as well.
Do we have to worry about a cop committing fraud or identity theft?
But by pulling you over and taking your money right there on the spot, it might help people to understand what this is really about.
It's not about safety.
It's about highway robbery.
About 150 years ago, before we had cars and speeding tickets, Lysander Spooner asked the rhetorical question, what's the difference between government and a highway robber?
Well, he pointed out the highway robber doesn't pretend he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit.
And, having taken your money, he says, he leaves you as you would like for him to do.
But unlike the government, the highway robber doesn't keep protecting you by commanding that you bow down and serve him, by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that.
Of course, this is all about the vanishing due process, vanishing trial by jurors.
And of course, the idea and the understanding of jury nullification has long since left us.
But this is heading in another direction as well.
This is moving towards the computer-driven, government-controlled, driverless cars.
Of course, an essential part of computer-driven cars is going to be vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
If you don't think the government will be listening and working with insurance companies to make driving prohibitively expensive, you're not paying attention.
They won't need cops for that either.
These speeding tickets could be issued automatically.
That's how they're going to force you out of controlling your car.
That's how they're going to control every single aspect of your movement.
But let's look at the effect on the due process and what's happened just this last election in North Carolina.
North Carolina was the last holdout on requiring jury trials for felonies.
It was in the Constitution, but that was just overturned in this last election.
North Carolina became the 50th state, that's right, every one of the states allows a felony defendant to waive a jury trial.
So what's wrong with being able to waive a jury trial if you really want to?
Well we know how this works in practice.
Trials by jury have essentially disappeared from this country for a couple of reasons.
Number one, there's the plea bargaining aspect, where they pressure the defendant with a lot of trumped-up charges to plea to one of those charges so they can get that without a trial.
The other part of the problem is that since jurors see themselves now as a rubber stamp of the court, you don't have juries really acting independently.
And they certainly don't understand the concept of jury nullification.
That is, they're not there just to judge the facts of the case, they're there to judge how the law is being applied.
I would suggest that if you really want to stand up for individual freedom, instead of wasting your time in elections, demand a jury trial for a minor traffic offense.
If you lose, you'll have to pay the fine that you would have paid anyway.
You're not going to go to jail for decades like you would in a more serious crime.
But it gives you a chance to look the jurors in the eye, explain to them what the circumstances are, and tell them that they can cut their chains, the tyranny that is exercised over them, if just one of them will cut your chains.
For InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
We're live on this Thursday, worldwide transmission, the 13th day of November.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Big broadcast coming up, dead ahead.
That was a special report with the amazing David Knight.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Infidel Body Armor just won't quit.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Undoubtedly, today is one of the most heavy, crazy news days I've ever seen.
Going over the hundreds of articles I have in front of me and video clips, my head is spinning.
Extreme weather warning as Polar Vortex descends on US.
All hell to break loose.
As they prepare for major power outages as ice begins to form on power lines across most of the country, Obama's secret treaty would be the most important step towards a one-world economic system.
Barack Obama is secretly negotiating the largest international trade agreement in history, selling out U.S.
sovereignty big time.
Cell phone use triples brain tumor rates.
Another article, iPhones are for amateurs.
With 22 days to go, the Black Friday line has started.
Under Texas bill, cops to collect traffic fines on the spot via credit or debit card.
No judge or jury needed.
Proposed federal water rule could put property rights of every American entirely at the mercy of the EPA, says Congress.
Source, Obama to announce 10-point immigration plan via executive action as early as next week.
Fox News, Krauthammer slams constitutionally odious immigration proposal.
Report, immigrants make up to 42% of Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Did you hear that?
Health and Human Services Chief Obamacare should be available to DREAMers.
It already is.
Only the illegals get everything free to incentivize them to come in.
Once they're here, they'll of course be taxed to the hilt.
So that's just some of what's coming up.
A nauseating statement by George W. Bush.
George Bush, when Jeb beats Hillary,
And I hate Hillary so much that when I see the name Jeb beside Hillary, I like Jeb.
That is the manipulation they're involved in.
Even my mind detests Hillary Clinton so much that it's like a you-know-what sandwich that's got two pounds of you-know-what in it versus a you-know-what sandwich that has one pound of you-know-what in it.
I don't want to eat either sandwich.
But the force feeding is being prepared.
Sorry about the gross analogy, just there's no other analogy that fits.
And when it fits, wear it, ladies and gentlemen.
We're gonna be breaking down what to expect from the lame duck Congress, the Democrats in free fall, and so much more.
GOP's anti-Obamacare push gains new momentum in wake of Gruber video.
Back on Monday when we first started playing this clip.
And we've now found two other clips of him saying, we lie to people, they're stupid, dumb voters, a-ha-ha, increase the prices, a-ha-ha.
Look at the Washington Post, if you guys can punch up on screen for TV viewers, radio listeners can go see the smirk that I've seen in the eyes and on the face
Of these people that poses academics and poses reasonable people and talk like that when they're preying on the population.
And then they want to brag about how they're preying on the population.
Headline, GOP's anti-Obamacare push gains new momentum in wake of Gruber video.
The Republican Party's ardent campaign against President Obama's health care law gained
New momentum Wednesday as lawmakers reacted angrily to assertions by an architect of the policy that it was crafted in a deliberately deceptive way in order to pass Congress.
Well, of course it was.
And the media, the accomplices, went along with it.
On both sides of the Capitol, leading conservatives said they may call Jonathan Gruber to testify about his remarks, which were made last year and surfaced this week in a video on social media.
In the video, Gruber suggests that the administration's signature health care legislation passed in part because of the, quote, stupidity of the American voter and a lack of transparency over its funding mechanisms.
And he got paid 400 delicious smackers.
$400,000 of taxpayer money in just one of his payments to then go out and help fix the numbers, in his words, get it all prepared to deceive Congress.
Of course, Congress helped right the stinking thing with the big foreign banks and insurance companies.
The Republicans went along with it.
The Republican leadership, they know what's in it.
Just like they're going along with Obama on the trade deal that signs over our sovereignty, or shutting off a lot of the power plants, just like they went along with a lot of gun control bills in the past.
But they don't want it known they're doing this, so now they have to, oh my gosh, get upset because this type of arrogance, this type of disgusting arrogance is what will bring them down.
It's like Al Gore is now officially a billionaire.
Officially a billionaire.
And Al Gore is running around saying you shouldn't live in a nice house.
Obama's saying you can't have an air conditioner or a car in Africa, while they just live with the carbon footprint of thousands of people, conservatively.
I've never seen someone consume as much as Al Gore.
Last time I saw an article about it, he owns like 15 houses.
Some of them are 14,000 square feet.
He owns villas on the ocean in California that are like, you know, 10,000 feet.
Just one of the houses has multiple homes at that property that he said would be underwater by now in 2008.
By 2013 he said it would be underwater.
He said the polar ice caps would entirely melt by 2013.
It was all fraud.
It was all lies.
And they sit there and they laugh at us and say the giant polar vortex.
Heck, let's get that British astrophysicist, top meteorologist on that we get on a few times a year.
He predicted when he was on earlier this year, super cold temperatures and an even bigger arctic vortex.
Of course, he said it about 10 years ago too, following sun cycles, that we would be going into a mini ice age, basically.
And that's what all the real scientists are saying.
We should thank our lucky stars for the last 12,000 years coming out of the last ice age.
That's why we've been able to colonize much of the planet.
It's why we've been able to have the North crossings in the North Atlantic.
It's why we've been able to have the crops we've had.
That's why we've been able to sustain seven and a half billion people, roughly.
And if we have a mini Ice Age, or we have a few mini ones before you enter a big one, like birthing pains, if we get a big one,
They'll be permafrost in the panhandle of Texas year-round.
Minnesota and Illinois and places like that will be unlivable.
Canada will be unlivable in most areas.
How do you like that?
You have five, six winners?
Like some of the ones we've been having, and it will devastate the North.
Billions and billions a year on infrastructure damaged from the cold.
The Ice Age is what you should be worried about, and it has nothing to do with CO2 coming out of your car, or coming out of your mouth, that plants breathe.
Do you ever think about that?
You know we exhale what the EPA has listed as the number one toxic waste.
You know the carbon cycle is sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen.
You gotta have those four things for life on terra firma.
And they know you know sunshine's good.
They know you know oxygen's not bad.
They know you know water's not bad.
But, oh, carbon dioxide sounds scary, like monoxide.
That's why we can go out in Austin and get nine out of ten people at the University of Texas, or on the hike and bike trail, people with degrees to sign our petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide that's water.
And to ban carbon dioxide.
In fact, we did one two years ago.
I want to go back out and have people call for banning carbon dioxide.
Do you understand that if they ban carbon dioxide, the Earth will die?
I mean, you understand that plants live off of it and they put off oxygen.
That's the carbon cycle.
I know you know that, but...
They want to tax the individual, if you read the UN documents, they want to tax humans for breathing.
And I said that a decade ago, a few years ago it was in the New York Times, a tax on air, a tax on breathing.
You can pull those headlines up.
They really mean to do it, and that's what Obama is going ahead with with China, saying he'll executively put all this in place, even if Congress, and I'm not lionizing the Republicans, but they're the ones, four years ago, that voted down the carbon tax, and voted down shutting our power plants off.
And guess what Obama did?
He went ahead with the EPA, and the Supreme Court said, you know what, the EPA can act outside of Congress, and basically make law.
But they said Congress can cut off the funding to the EPA.
So see, I tried to go through the articles.
I went through about twelve, fourteen, before I hit one and stopped.
But we have new Jonathan Grubber videos.
And it will be their arrogance that undoes them.
As the president lands with about six support jumbo jets, he lands with Air Force One, red carpet, guards everywhere, helicopters, troops, 300 Secret Service agents, just in his detail, hundreds more in whatever city he's in, just a phalanx of hundreds of aides, thousands of bureaucrats behind him in infrastructure, and he says, you shouldn't be able to have air conditioning.
Because it puts off CO2.
We ought to have incentives for CO2.
Did you know that the CO2, you can look at it in the last thousand years and it goes up and down a little bit, but if you look back into the mudflats and the ice caps, you go back 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, a million years, it's the lowest it's ever been in the last thousand years.
Scientists, real scientists, climatologists, planetologists I would call them, to use a Herbert word,
are totally freaking out.
It appears we're losing our atmosphere right now, like Mars did.
Mars used to have water all over it, boys and girls.
We're losing our atmosphere, and it's like these demons that run things, who detonated hundreds of hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere, admittedly trying to blow holes in it.
That's on the History Channel, Discovery Channel has a show, Trinity and Beyond, narrated by Shatner.
And they just report they were trying to blow holes in the atmosphere.
So the government detonates hydrogen bombs in the atmosphere, but you can't have your car.
You understand that?
They plant GMO everywhere that kills the honeybees and rats and insects that eat it.
But you are supposed to eat it.
When we come back, I'm going to control myself.
I've only gotten about 14 articles.
I'm going to hit
I'm going to go crazy.
I'm going to hit a hundred articles.
Or, somebody's going to come in here and hit me upside the head with a shovel.
That's a figure of speech.
I'm not being serious.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com, also on Twitter, real Alex Jones.
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This is what you want, this is what you get, this is what you want, this is what you get, get, get.
I think this song is fittingly, if memory serves, called The Order of Death.
Fitting name.
This is what you want, want, want, want.
See, I get up here and the show sounds sensational because it is sensational.
Reality is sensational.
Adolf Hitler killing tens of millions of people and then Germany being crushed and 22 million Germans getting killed is sensational.
20 plus million Russians killed, sensational.
400,000 Americans killed, sensational.
That many Brits killed, sensational.
Millions of Japanese killed, sensational.
Mao Zedong, backed by the CIA and the Ford Foundation running it, gets into power, kills 84 million people according to Chinese numbers.
Foreign mega-banks openly taking over our government and having it sign away all of our rights through illegal treaties.
The UN treaty saying they want to restrict all ownership of private firearms.
The treaty goes into effect the 24th worldwide.
Obama says he will back it with executive orders.
Cancer viruses openly in most of the vaccines.
UN caught sterilizing women in India and Africa this week.
Mainstream news, London Guardian.
Cell phone study.
Brain tumors triple with the use of cell phones.
Mainline study.
Washington Times.
Four Turkish terrorists caught in Texas after being smuggled across border.
Comets probe solar panels caught in Cliff's shadow not getting enough light.
Amazon's looking for ex-military personnel to fly delivery drones.
Feminists demand censorship of Princess Leia.
Cat calling parody video.
Republicans pressure bills to block Obama's unilateral immigration order.
Arctic Vortex, leading physics professor, Michiku... How do you pronounce that?
I hear his name on the news all the time, but A-K-A-K-U... Mikaku, yeah, we always try to get him on.
The University of New York has signaled a warning concerning the polar vortex, now bringing extreme cold weather to the majority of states in the U.S.
Superstorm Nuri packs more energy than Hurricane Sandy.
It's headed our way, and we are in the bullseye.
This weekend, it's going to plow into Alaska, creating 50-foot waves.
Then, by midweek, all hell breaks loose.
It's going to combine with jet stream, pushing Arctic air, perhaps as low as Florida.
He writes for CBS News.
In a worst case scenario, it could mean a deep freeze.
It means airlines cancelling flights left and right.
It means transportation being disrupted.
We're talking disruption that will peak between November 13th and November 15th.
Starting right now.
But will ripple throughout the rest of November.
Akaku added.
Telling viewers to get used to polar vortexes because the Earth is changing and we're going to see more violent swings.
Well yeah, you've got all this secret geoengineering going on with the Department of Energy and other governments.
You've got this guy that pushes global warming and see now they're like, oh, pay carbon taxes because these things are getting violent.
There's always been giant blue northers coming in.
They just call them now MEGA VORTAXES!
There's always been ten feet of snow sometimes, six feet of snow.
There's always been avalanches.
I mean, what do you think explorers did that went across the United States like Lewis and Clark?
What do you think explorers went up to Alaska did, going over those mountains?
I mean, what do you think we live in here?
But like we've never discovered anything.
Oh my gosh, sometimes it gets really cold and that proves global warming!
The sun!
That's why the UN five years ago had a vote and said, we vote that the sun does not affect climate.
We'd be absolute zero without the sun in a matter of hours.
If the sun wasn't shining, within a day or so, physicists estimate that it would be absolute zero, except in deeper volcanic fissures.
It is the sun.
And I know people think that's a conspiracy because that's because they've been so brainwashed.
That they don't know the sun actually gives the Earth life.
The plants, photosynthesis, everything.
I know Al Gore says it doesn't.
But it's what, it's why the polar ice caps on Mars were getting smaller.
Now the sun has cooled down, they're getting bigger again.
Because that's what happens, the sun!
In the summer it's hot, in the winter it's cold because of the sun.
We're not tilted towards it.
We're on the march, the empire is on the run.
I know that's radical.
I know it's radical.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Another world.
Another time.
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Another time.
Another time.
In the age of wonders, that is.
Green and good.
You invent the crystal fact.
Until the crystal cracks.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
The Argo Ignite Engines.
Earth-based Delta.
Operations are live.
It's an emergency worldwide transmission to all people that wish the human species to be able to continue on and not be irrevocably butchered and destroyed and mutilated by the globalists in their mad dash to play God and take over the planet.
We are broadcasting worldwide on this Thursday transmission.
It is the 13th day of November 2014.
I am your host Alex Jones.
I want to open the phones.
Dr. Group will be in studio with us in the next hour to get into a host of news.
He's got a big list of things he wants to get into.
But maybe I'll even get him to tell us about some of the secret Army special operations inside North Korea.
He was sure to tell us a little bit about that the other day, but wouldn't tell us too much.
Maybe he'll get into some of that.
Interesting stories.
But Dr. Edward Group's going to be in studio.
We'll have open phones for him as well.
Remember the secret sauce the last six months I've been taking every day on air?
Well, we're going to announce what the secret sauce is today at the start of the second segment.
That is coming up today.
It has taken us a long time to get it developed, to get it certified, to get it all double tested.
And we have been able to do it.
And from the research we've done, it is unique and the best out there.
And it will be a game changer.
That's why Infowarslife.com and the revolutionary supplement nutraceuticals that are there are big game changers and are turning a lot of heads in the entire supplement and nutraceutical community.
So that's coming up.
Speaking of that, we had sold out for about a week of the Oxy Powder that we have discounted with promo code NOW.
We already have the lowest price on it, but you can promo code NOW.
We're keeping that.
For another week, and then it is going to end next week.
Next Thursday, that special will end.
Across the board, InfoWarsLife.com, N-O-W, gets you 5% off even if something's already discounted as much as 25%.
The only special you don't get it on is the X2 nascent iodine with the lung cleanse 10% off when you get both of them together across the board.
That special is going to end as well next week because we're going to have to end it because we're going to be backordered on Survival Shield X2.
We do have the original Survival Shield that's also excellent.
I don't know how long we're going to be backordered.
Maybe a week, maybe three weeks, maybe four weeks.
It's kind of like DNA Force.
We thought 12 weeks, it was 16 weeks.
We're going to shell out soon of DNA Force as well.
Infowarslife.com and it's not just revolutionary products.
It also supports the broadcast show.
It's a win-win-win across the board.
We have the great Wake Up America coffee.
That's my favorite blend of coffee from southern Mexico in the high mountains, organically grown in volcanic soil by the Chiapas rebels, basically.
And I've just been drinking it for 14 years and found a distributor of the stuff down there that I think is even as good as the stuff or better than I get in Austin.
Uh, and so, uh, it's, it's, it's high quality and it's available at InfoWarsLife.com.
The big umbrella site is InfoWarsStore.com where you can find all the Made in America, uh, t-shirts and ball caps and belt buckles and the bottle breachers made by the Navy SEALs that we popularized and now got picked up by, uh, Shark Tank, that show up there with, uh,
The owner of the sports team up there, Mark Cuban, it's just funny.
Like we call him and go, oh, you won Shark Tank.
We want to have you on to talk about it.
They go, oh, the investors say we have to wait and get permission.
So it's just that's happened.
Let's not exaggerate.
Thousands of times where we break something big and promote it, which I don't care.
And then folks are too cool for school.
Uh, to then come back on the show when our show's bigger than something like Shark Tank.
And nothing against Shark Tank.
I know Mark Cuban.
Talked to him.
He was in the New York Times.
What happened?
I'm not going to tell that story again, but, uh, they called him up and they said, we're going to arrest you if you work with Alex Jones.
We're going to set you up.
And, uh, he, uh, backed out of the deal to put our film in over a thousand movie theaters and they still indicted him for insider trading.
When you're worth like four billion dollars like he is, a couple hundred thousand dollars was not insider trading.
It's called selling stock when you think it's going to go down.
But that's how things work.
So maybe they just don't want him on the show because of that.
Maybe he doesn't want to be indicted again.
I don't know.
I just continually go through this intimidation business that goes on out there because they know if this information ever gets popularized, my particular bird's eye view of the world, which is very accurate compared to most, it's based on history, based on documents, based on research, based on interviewing thousands of experts,
It's game over.
Well, let me give the establishment a little news here before I get back into the news and take your phone calls.
And I guess we'll punch up my phone system in here.
I'd X'd out of it.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Well, that's the network number.
I forgot, today, that's not the number you call.
In fact, we just won't take calls this hour.
That'll make it that much easier, because I'm already running low on time here before the guest joins us.
We'll open it up on our phone system in the next hour with Dr. Group at 877-789-2539.
I forgot, we're entirely producing the show right now, while Ted Anderson, John Harmon, and others from GCN are down here visiting the parent network that we syndicate through, doing a lot of important work down here.
So today, John's usually up there helping run the show, but Scott's up there doing a great job today, so that's why we're taking the phone calls out of our system.
Back to the really important point that I was getting into.
When you listen now to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Fox News, and MSNBC, the White House, Media Matters, they've all said this, it's true.
They say the talking points start on Alex Jones, and then they go out to the rest of the conservative media, and it's horrible because he's radicalizing them.
And they also throw Matt Drudge in, because a lot of it starts with Drudge, I'll say.
Starts with Alex Jones, starts with Matt Drudge at DrudgeReport.com, and it's just absolutely horrible, and we've traced back scores of bills that have even passed, and investigations to InfoWars.com, and this horrible, deranged demon.
They've even used those words, deranged extremist, horrible person, on and on and on.
Don't you understand that I'm not the one radicalizing?
You radicalize people by your radical takeover.
We just look radical because we're old-fashioned Americans that want basic freedom, basic right to self-defense, basic private property, basic right to worship as we see fit or not to worship.
We don't want big banks and corporations lobbying for higher taxes because they get the money in bank or bailouts.
Or lobbying for Obamacare that's a direct tax to corporations.
And then you sit around on TV and call us dumb effers like Zuckerberg.
Or call us stupid and how lack of transparency helped get it passed.
You guys have jumped the shark.
And every poll shows you've lost the people.
93% don't like Congress.
The Republican Congress, though, in polls is now more popular than Obama.
That is extremely rare to have Congress up at 40%.
Only Republicans, though.
And that's only because they're being given a shot to not drive the bus over the cliff.
And if they don't respond, no amount of false flags, no amount of nuclear false flags, no amount of biological false flags, no amount of blowing up a federal building and blaming it on talk radio, no amount of you guys pulling dirty tricks is going to put your Humpty Dumpty back together again.
So I'm gonna tell you, I know you're a mad mob of crooks, and there isn't really a central brain to it, there's more of an evil spirit, but you need to back off now.
You need to stop being reckless now.
Notice I talk to them like a FBI negotiator would talk to a psychopath holding six kids hostage.
That's basically what my job is, is to explain reality.
You're not gonna win, you're surrounded, you'll only be able to carry out these criminal operations.
We weren't aware of you, we know who you are, you're not getting out.
Right now you're just facing a long prison sentence.
Don't hurt the kids.
Everything will be alright.
Put your hands up and just come out.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Those are little kids.
Here's their names.
Their mommies and their daddies love them.
Here, talk to their mommies and daddies.
That's what you do.
People aren't pure psychopaths or pure sociopaths.
You talk to them and they go, here's Jenny's puppy.
Maybe you don't have emotions for humans, but maybe for a dog.
You know, Hitler did for Blondie.
Her little puppy Snoopy's... Snoopy's, or Snoopette, or Spotty, or Blackie, or whatever the dog's name is... Snowball, whatever the dog's name is... Stinker... wants to see her friend.
Stinker sleeps in the bed with Jenny every night and cuddles up next to her.
Why don't you let her come back to her doggie?
See, that's how we have to talk to them.
Do you understand psychopaths?
Do you understand people like Gruber that when you're up dancing around on TV about how dumb we are and how you're ripping us off and how it's a giant scam to rip off innocent, healthy people to take over?
Do you understand that we see you now and you're surrounded?
It doesn't matter if you've compromised the FBI, the CIA, and all these other agencies.
It doesn't matter.
You're now nakedly running around committing all these crimes, and people are aware of it.
Obamacare is a crime, in my educated view, and according to other educated views, and anybody can look at this screwjob.
It is a manifest, premeditated screwjob.
And Gruber said he only said it once and it was a misspeak.
Now there's two other videos of him saying the exact same thing.
In fact, we'll play those in the next segment.
But it's the nature of these people, and I'm not even saying Gruber's a psychopath.
Maybe he doesn't know that it's racketeering in the books.
To organize a fraud and to sneak it through and to lie to the public when you know it's a giant screw job and benefits foreign banks just because you got $400,000.
And I guess you've rationalized it by projecting it onto the public that they deserve it because they're dumb.
A five-year-old doesn't deserve to be grabbed out of the back of their yard and taken and put in snuff films because they're, quote, dumb and got in the van.
And Gruber would say, well, I'm not doing that.
I'm not saying you're doing that, Gruber, but that's the criminal continuum.
You know, you got you kind of here in the middle saying, oh, you know what, death panels, you know, screwing people over, massively increasing taxes to foreign banks, lying to folks.
Well, yeah, yeah, we kept it secret.
You know, we hid it.
Lack of transparency and the public being dumb.
Those two factors helped get us past.
They deserve it.
You know, they're dumb.
You got that kind of here in the middle of the continuum.
And then over here, you got grabbing kids on the extreme end out of the back of their yard.
And you know what?
They always deserve it, huh?
Stupid little kid!
She hadn't got in the van!
And we have to sit here and watch you parade back and forth, up and down in front of us, all arrogantly.
And we're not supposed to get angry.
They always say, don't get angry.
That, that, that, that.
Don't get angry like Alex Jones.
That will discredit you.
But in every case in history, our founders sure got angry.
Imagine how domesticated America's gotten.
I've used this example many times.
When I go on BBC, In Studio, Live, and they can't shut me off, or CNN Live, or Fox Live, or anything, I will make a scene.
Because if somebody's in a drug-induced coma, how do you try to wake them up?
You start yelling and screaming, you throw cold water on them.
You don't just, business as usual, let them control the debate.
You have to overshoot the whole deal and boomerang back in on them to where they can't even respond because there's such overwhelming veritas that they're being hit with.
And that's what people wake up to.
That's what people are then aware of.
That's what can get through to people.
That's how we wake people up, is getting out of this trance, getting out of this comfort zone, getting angry, getting upset, like Howard Beals says in the 1970s movie, Network, the newscaster.
I don't know what to do about the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the streets.
All I know is first you've got to get mad.
You've got to say, I'm a human being.
My life has value!
What do you see out of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and all these people?
They say, you don't have value.
Humans are ugly.
Humans are bad.
You have to do what we say.
We'll perfect you.
We'll make it a utopia.
We'll tell you what's cool.
We'll tell you what's trendy.
We'll tell you the way to live.
And then you'll be successful.
And then you go and you comply with them.
And you get degrees that don't matter.
You get brain tumors from the cell phones.
Stomach tumors in your guts from the GMO.
You get mentally retarded and autistic children.
You get all the curses of the glitz and the glamour of this system.
Because this system is as alien as a deep space planetoid from a trillion light years away.
That began its journey here at the beginning of civilization.
This is fiction, but it's an allegory.
Coming here with an army of scientific robots to take over covertly and set up a plan to incrementally enslave and then destroy humanity.
But first, horribly defacing us, horribly torturing us, tearing us apart.
Tearing our psyches apart, torturing us, rendering us down, sucking our souls and our spirit and our greatness out first, having a victory over our goodness, a victory over our love, a victory over our beauty, a victory over our honor, a victory over our strength.
It is a demonic spirit out of the dimensions of hell.
Event horizon.
And even if the spirit isn't a real entity, we as a group collective are manifesting it.
Any way you slice it, the group collective is manifesting a great evil and anyone who is not part of it can feel it rising.
That's what I talked about yesterday.
To have the knowledge of good and evil.
See, at the time of the garden, whether you believe it or not, or it's an allegory,
There is innocence.
They have knowledge of man and woman being together, mating.
They have knowledge of that there is a tree and they've been told not to eat of it.
But it gives them the knowledge of evil.
They already had the knowledge of good.
Then they got the knowledge of evil.
Of twisted science, of fraud, of scams, of manipulations, of not straight shooting.
And someone who is into the knowledge of evil looks at me and I'm as alien to them as they're alien to me.
Except I have the knowledge of good and evil as well.
So even though I'm not inherently evil, I have the mind
In a dual system, I have the knowledge of good and evil from the time of Adam and Eve.
I wish I only had the knowledge of good.
But the modern man, this is the great truth and I've said it before, once you are baptized into the New World Order, once you spiritually are immersed in it from birth and your soul is able to be snuffed out, it's still there but it's twisted.
It's a dark shade.
of what it was.
And it only resonates in the fraud.
And so it invents evil.
And it creates fallen evil systems.
That's why anything that comes out of the New World Order, cell phones, GMOs, chemtrails, everything they do may have it look good on the surface.
It's poison because it's evil.
It can't help it.
It's what it does.
That's why things are so bad.
It's because this evil is rising, but also trying to anesthetize us to the pain while it does it.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
There is a number one music video right now with Mickey Minaj, who's one of the biggest pop, hip-hop people in the world, that has Nazi and police state imagery and is clearly meant to show that it's bad.
But a lot of people are calling for it to be taken down.
That's kind of like feminist demand censorship of Princess Leia catcalling parody video.
Well, we have the director.
We're working on getting them on right now.
They said they want to come on today to explain what's really going on with the film.
So go ahead and set that up.
And Nico, if you need to do it, even while Dr. Gribbs is on with us.
I know Clive and Bundy's coming on as well today.
Just whatever time slot you need because it's important and we need to discuss that.
Video got launched yesterday, it has 4 million views.
It'll end up getting like 100 million views.
And again, we can have our police dressed like Nazis, we can have Nazi policies, we can have Nazi surveillance, Nazi secret testing, but whatever you do, don't ever show people
Dressed up as Nazis.
And of course, it's obvious why they want it down.
It looks like they've got Obama dressed up like the Pope.
And that's just a big no-no.
And again, even if you don't agree with this and don't get what the music video's about, the reason they're trying to slap them down right now is they don't want hip-hop getting political, just like we talked about with Rick Ross yesterday on air.
They do not want hip-hop getting political.
Because the minute it gets really political, and isn't just race-baiting and gang-banging stuff, then it's become a worldwide force, the globalists basically push, to take over other cultures.
It was a weapon designed to destroy blacks.
It's been so successful that they've moved it on to the rest of the world.
That's now American export culture, is thug gangsterism through hip-hop.
And we have a special report that we shot last night that was one of the most powerful things we've ever shot with Rick Ross.
But I mean, one of the most powerful things we've ever done, period.
Where he calls out the fake Rick Ross and says, stop using this as a weapon, stop hurting the youth, stop pushing drug culture.
See, you put a song out against Mind Control, the Illuminati, and Nazis, which is what the video does, then they want it taken down, because Mickey Minaj and the director, they need to be taught that you get off the script, you're done.
You get up there and you twerk your rear end, and you get up there and you talk about gang-banging, and you get up there and you talk about Mac and the G's, and slinging the rock, and everything's going to be alright.
Throw it in the gutter, go buy another.
Then everything is A-OK.
Because you see, me and my homies would like to play this game.
But the minute that happens, the government's going to come in on you.
But what's going to happen?
If it ever catches fire, A, it'll be super popular.
So folks want to do this, because this is what's popular.
I mean, look at this show, how popular it is.
If it ever catches fire, we take over.
It can happen quick.
We get hip-hop on our side,
I'm telling you, it's a major blow to the New World Order.
It's the kind of thing that could take them down.
Or a woman torturing herself on the Capitol Lawn.
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Others don't.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Jeff Osborne, one of the top directors out there when it comes to music videos, you name it, says, sorry, I'm not sorry, and he joins us in one hour.
Exclusive, Nicki Minaj's only director says, neither I nor the video are anti-Semitic.
I mean, give me a break, folks.
The video is exposing fascism
And is exposing the Illuminati and mind control.
You can listen to the song.
It's got profanity in it, so we're not going to play it on commercial radio here, FCC radio.
But he's come out and said, sorry, I'm not sorry.
I had an opportunity in an outlet which I knew would reach millions of people.
I wanted to make a statement.
The term New World Order isn't just an edgy pop culture reference.
It's a very real and was a term used by President George H.W.
Bush, ironically, 10 years to the day before 9-11.
That's right.
Guess who he's a listener?
MKUltra, the school of the Americas, Bush family owned.
The fact that in every recent war, the opposition leader has worked for the CIA.
That's what's in the song.
So, and they're just like, oh, it shows Nazis, ban it!
It's like when Charlie Chaplin dressed up as a Nazi.
Did they call for them to ban it?
No, he was making fun of Hitler.
I've had it with these people.
How stupid do they think you are?
How dumb do they think I am?
In fact, give me Charlie Chaplin's, uh, Dictator of the World.
I forget the name of the film.
The whole thing's... Yeah, yeah, I think it's the greatest speech, but it's also... It's where he's bouncing the beach ball of the world on his butt.
Hey, was Charlie Chaplin a credible comedian who was a Jew?
Is he anti-Semitic?
I'm tired of this!
I'm tired of it!
I tell you what, when George Soros gets arrested as a Nazi war criminal, which he is, a Nazi collaborator, then I'll start thinking you guys have any credibility.
How's that sound?
When the ADL comes out against Schwarzenegger saying he admires Hitler, then I'll have a little bit of respect for you.
You know what?
I don't.
You use this to demonize people that are exposing fascism.
That's what you do.
Another quote is, look up from your smartphone and smell the bleeping roses.
I'm trying to help you people vilify artists for using this type of imagery in their work as if they're part of the 1% Club.
Believe me, any artist who has a brain cell knows they're not in that club.
That's right.
In my opinion, it's not glorification, it's a subliminal warning, because you can't openly say these kinds of things.
I don't give a bleep.
I have no corporate interest, PR team, or image to maintain.
That's the kind of talk that will bring down the globalists, just start straight shooting.
My comment about the First Amendment was in regard to people demanding that they be removed, not their interpretation of the video, which I will welcomely open, whether positive or negative.
Oh yeah, when people
People will attack me and I counter them.
And they go, don't censor me!
They think when you respond back, that's censoring.
He goes on to say, the point of art is to challenge people and to get them thinking.
I mean, it's black people in fascist style uniforms.
They're not even Nazis.
But it's meant to be that iconography to get you thinking.
I mean, look at how fascist the Senate is.
It has actual fasci... Oh, there's Charlie Chaplin, dressed up in a Hitler uniform, with a bus, a Hitler style bus, and a...
Nazi-style eagle and a fascist symbol.
Oh my gosh!
Censor it right now!
Oh my goodness!
Somebody made a catcall video with Princess Leia.
Burn it!
Burn it!
This isn't the talk of... See the people calling us fascists?
They're the fascists.
People calling this director, Nicki Minaj's director,
A fascist?
They're the ones.
By every yardstick.
We'll be back with Dr. Edward Group and a big announcement.
Stay with us.
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To those who can hear me I say, do not despair.
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed.
The bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.
The hate of men will pass and dictators die.
And the power they took from the people will return to the people.
And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That was from 1940.
The end of the film, The Great Dictator.
Dr. Ebergroep is in the studio with us.
The reason we played that intro liner that we've only played a few other times is that it clicked when I saw this on television this morning and saw it in the news headlines.
You know, is Nicki Minaj racist?
Is she anti-semitic?
Is the director Jeff Osborne a bad person?
Well, we ended up reaching out to Osborne.
It turns out he's aware of us and a listener and is going to be coming on at the start of the next hour.
He's a popular music video director and film director.
And he said, obviously, this is to show that fascism is rising, mind control, police state.
That's why the people are in fascist-style uniforms that aren't even Nazi uniforms.
They're as Nazi as Charlie Chaplin.
But if an actor plays a Nazi, it doesn't mean they're a Nazi.
If Harrison Ford plays a bad guy in a movie, it doesn't mean he's really a bad guy in life.
This is political correctness by design trying to censor things.
There's a video out that's a parody piece on the feminist group that did the catcall video where the woman walks around New York and gets whistled at by guys.
And so they had Princess Leia do it, and the feminists are calling, we have a store on Infowars.com, for that to be banned and taken down.
So they're just making normal human activity, men hitting on women.
And if you talk to a woman, that's fine I think, I don't think it's very gentlemanly to whistle at them, but if they then ignore you and you keep pushing it, then it starts to become harassment.
But I've had women
Back when I was about 30 pounds lighter than I am now, whistle at me from the time I was about 14 to the time I was about 25.
And did I get mad?
And by the way, I'll be honest with you, back in college and stuff, I whistled at plenty of women and I got plenty of hot dates from doing it.
So there's a reason people do it.
A lot of women like it.
And this is just human activity.
I mean, if a badger, a male badger, runs up and scratches the dirt and makes an excited noise to a female badger, is it harassment?
Should he be locked up?
Is he some kind of evil racist or something?
Or is he a sexist?
This is just trying to create more class warfare.
This is simply trying to create more divisions, more manipulation, while the globalists are attacking the very species itself.
So, I played the Charlie Chaplin piece, and we'll show some of the famous film footage of that for TV viewers.
Radio listeners can just go to Infowars.com.
We're about to post the video of the great dictator.
With Charlie Chaplin playing the part of Hitler in a Nazi uniform.
Now, Charlie Chaplin was Jewish, and he was acting like he was pro-Nazi to illustrate how absurd it is as a satirist.
A satire.
I don't even do a lot of satire anymore because the public is so dumbed down on average, not our audience, but folks that I would reach out to on YouTube, that when I dress up as the devil or the joker, people really freak out and think that because I'm a good actor,
When I need to be playing the part of an evil person or whatever, that I must be inherently bad.
So, we're going to ask the question, is Charlie Chaplin anti-Semitic?
Is headline, you know, Nicki Minaj, her director, and Charlie Chaplin anti-Semitic?
And say, that's right!
According now to the people online and the news articles wanting it pulled down, to show that we're going into a fascist society, is anti-Semitic?
And they've so overused this anti-Semitism, racism line, you're racist if you don't like Obamacare, that it doesn't even have an effect anymore when you're dealing with real anti-Semites or real racists, and it's very upsetting.
So we've got the director coming on at the 6, 7 after next hour.
For the balance of the time, I'll also be on the nightly news tonight with some other breaking news, is Dr. Edward Group.
Anthony Gucciardi went up last weekend to investigate in Dallas
At a medical center, with medical doctors and nurses, and he hung out with them all weekend, we're friends with them.
They also do work down here in Austin, I'll just leave it at that.
And they said yes, they are taking people out of the hospitals that appear to have Ebola, it's still ongoing.
You had the Forbes writer say he was at the big press conference and the media all agreed to cover up Ebola cases.
That was in the news a week and a half ago, Drudge picked it up.
I mean, this is in Forbes now.
We've had a medical doctor on, Dr. Lorenzi, I want to get him on tomorrow, or Sunday I'm going to be live.
That's where we plan to really break this.
And Anthony said, yeah, but they've declared no Ebola cases.
People just basically won't believe us.
But I'm like, it doesn't matter.
If medical doctors, on record and off record, and you're going in meeting and they're saying, yes, there appears to be Ebola, and they're disappearing people, the story is the disappearing people.
And then you have Forbes saying, yeah, we were in on a meeting, told to cover it up, and the cops have called, and it's been in the news, and said we've been told to cover it up.
I'm not saying it's the end of the world.
I don't think we're going to have an epidemic or pandemic or something.
But it sets the precedent of such control that they could do other things and cover up a disappearing talk show host.
So they announced a few days ago, the country is Ebola-free.
As it exponentially ravages Africa, the cases go from the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands, up towards the millions.
By December, they're estimating.
They're going to leave the flights coming in.
They keep issuing the visas, and they just say, there's no problem.
Kind of like the open border was going on for a good six months before we finally documented it.
But they're busting the illegals in, not just letting them in.
So the moral of the story is, we're flying blind.
It's like driving a car 80 miles an hour with our eyes closed.
And we saw some semis coming down the other lane.
We're blinded now.
We don't know, but I hear cars around me.
And so I don't know how many cars there are.
I don't know how much Ebola there is, but we need to get pulled over immediately.
We need to take our foot off the gas.
We need to find out what's going on.
That's my allegory.
Now, we're going to talk about a big announcement first, then get into a bunch of medical news that Dr. Group wants to get into.
But for more than two years, but two years with us, Dr. Group
has been trying to come out with the most powerful form for Infowarslife.com of bioavailable fusion of B12.
And this is the type, one part of it, half of it, that people inject.
But you don't inject it.
No needles needed.
Other groups just put out, pun intended, synthetic or the other forms.
We're going to break down those other forms.
This is
True, B12.
The two different types of true.
One of them is the type you inject, the other is another type.
They fuse together for what we believe is, it varies person to person, is the highest absorption rate out there, sublingually or lingually, under the tongue or on the tongue.
You're not gonna, I mean, others maybe, maybe 9%, 10% absorption with synthetics and you can't even use it.
With this, we believe, and he's gonna do this, it's as high as 70%.
But the point is, is that this is as close to injectable as you're going to get.
I mean, is that accurate in layman's terms?
Dr. Edward Gribb, who joins us, one of the top supplement formulators and pharmaceutical formulators in the country, who we're so honored to have developing our line at Infowarslife.com with other doctors and pharmacists, people that we also consult with, and chemists.
Why is Secret 12 so special?
I've been on it four months, since we finally got the final formula prepared.
And again, it is just all part of my regimen, where I mix the super mental vitality, the Secret 12, and other things together and take it.
It is simply amazing.
When I don't take it three times a day, I really feel it.
First of all, I'm a vegan, so there's a lot of information out there saying vegetarians, vegans are deficient in B12.
So it kind of put me on a research task or study about two years ago, really getting into what's going on with B12.
Is that something that only vegetarians are deficient in, or is that something that everybody's deficient in?
And one thing led to another.
You know, I'm not the type of guy who likes to have or prescribe people 30 or 40 different supplements out there.
But as my research continued on B12, I started uncovering things and uncovering more things and uncovering more things.
And it led to kind of like the iodine conspiracy where I believe that everybody is deficient in B12.
Most people think you get B12 from meat, but you don't get B12 from meat.
B12 actually comes from probiotics in the soil.
And in order for B12 to be produced, you need cobalt in the soil.
Well, because of all the pesticides and everything else that's been sprayed on the soil, 60% of the world's soil is now deficient in cobalt.
So, looking at that and then looking at all the different things that can affect B12 absorption in the body is what I did.
I said, okay, so if there's something really going on with B12, what could it be?
How do, how does GMOs affect B12 absorption in the body?
Sure enough, GMOs, the BT toxin, burn through the parietal cells in the stomach.
Just saw a study last week that glyphosates block it.
Glyphosate's blocking.
That's one of the other things.
So then I started going down the list.
All of the things that... They know what they're doing.
They're targeting us.
They know what they're doing!
It's a chemical war.
I mean, it is amazing how all these things affect.
Really, what happens is B12 comes into the mouth and it mixes in with your saliva.
You have enzymes in your mouth that actually bond and hold on to it so it's protected.
Through the gastric hydrochloric acid levels in your stomach.
And your parietal cells in your stomach secrete what's called intrinsic factor.
Intrinsic factor... I'm gonna skip this one break.
Intrinsic factor then, when it goes into the duodenum or the small intestine, bonds to the B12.
So if you look at it, what I did was put all the pieces together.
And found out that any damage to the parietal cells in the stomach is going to reduce or stop the amount of intrinsic factor being released, which ultimately means no B12 absorption.
What affects the parietal cells?
Exactly what we're talking about.
High fructose corn syrup, heavy metals, GMOs, gluten.
All the people that eat weed out there, that affects your parietal cells in your stomach.
So as I was continually doing this research, I was saying,
To myself, oh my gosh, I mean this is a serious condition.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue, neurological problems, shrinkage of the brain.
B12 is required for your proper blood cell development, which means lack of oxygen carrying capacity in the body, which means lack of oxygen in the body, lack of oxygen in the muscles, muscle twitching, vibratory senses.
I don't know if the camera can pick up how beautiful this is.
But, I have seen the medical grade, non-synthetic, high quality B12, because I have some friends that have prescriptions for it.
Quite frankly, I was thinking about going to the doctor and getting a prescription, because people tell me it's had such a big effect on them, taking it, especially in the winter.
But, this is the same color, looks the same, and in water, does the same thing as the injectable, because it is, molecule for molecule, the same thing.
I mean, look at that.
Just a few drops, and it's that beautiful,
Uh, purple-pink, just like the iodine.
What is it about stuff that's so good for you has a purple-pink color?
I don't know.
The standard type of B12 that's available is cyanocobalamin and it's actually cobalamin, that's why you get cobalt in the soil, cobalamin bonded to a cyanide molecule.
Cyanide is poison.
So cyanocobalamin is what's in the majority of the dietary supplements out there and it's in the majority of the injections that they give you in the hospital.
They give you injections because they know most people that are B12 deficient are not going to get it through the mouth.
They can't process the intrinsic factor properly.
They can't absorb it properly.
B12 is absorbed into your body in the terminal ileum, right there where your small intestine meets the large intestine, right there where your appendix is.
An interesting story that came out years ago by the Hippocrates Institute, Dr. Brian Clement, who went to Harvard Medical Library and went to New York Medical Library and pulled up pictures of intestinal linings that were drawn dating back to the 17th century, showed a little pocket, almost looked like a boot, right there where the appendix was.
And years and years and years ago, they stated that that's where
The vitamin B was stored.
It was like a little organic organ.
And now they're saying that that pocket has shrunk and shrunk and shrunk and has turned into the appendix.
It's an interesting theory.
There's no proof behind that.
But, in order for you to get the proper, absorbable kind of B12, you're going to need methylcobalamin, which is actually a coenzyme of B12.
Let's explain why this has two different types in it.
There's two different coenzymes that are usable in the body, which is methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, also known as dibencoside.
Those are the two coenzyme factors.
Methylcobalamin actually breaks down into adenosylcobalamin.
Okay, well, I mean, here's the deal.
I've been on road trips and gone ahead and done, like, an energy drink or those little energy shots.
It gives you a high, you feel horrible four hours later, there's a hangover.
I take this, when it first came in, actually about six months ago, one of the earlier formulations, and four months ago the final one, and you sent us about a hundred bottles and everybody just started fighting over them because people immediately felt this.
Now, this is more important than my coughing in the morning.
Why is this so good compared to other vitamin B12 I've taken?
I think 99% of the population is deficient in B12.
I think everybody needs B12.
Even children need B12.
You don't need a lot.
It's only micrograms.
But the reason why that's so effective is because it's the coenzyme usable forms in the body.
It's in a vegetable glycerin base so you can hold it in your mouth.
It goes sublingually directly into your... It's not synthetic.
It's not synthetic.
It's vegan safe actually too because it's cultured from bacterial cells.
And it goes straight into your body, and it's in the two usable forms.
I mean, methylcobalamin is expensive in itself, but to put the adenosylcobalamin in there, that's $14,000 a kilogram.
So what we're trying to do is get everybody the usable amount of B12 that they need.
The point is, this is a Rolls-Royce Nutramedical level.
There's only a few other brands that are similar.
They're like $100.
I mean, explain to people why this is different.
So you go to the store and buy a synthetic B12, you know, for $10 for a big bottle of it, and from what I've read, it just does nothing, basically, right?
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't do anything.
B12 is stored in your liver, and so what we wanted to do is put together, it's a processing technique, too, that we have that nobody else has.
It's a cold processing technique.
Because most of the B12 that's manufactured out there goes through a heating process.
I don't understand why because B12 is denatured.
That's why every time you cook your food, meat or whatever, 89% of the B12 is deactivated in your system.
Microwaving food completely, almost 100%, wipes out the B12.
That's why I say everybody is deficient in B12.
This is a particular cold processing technique that we use where we mix the two forms of B12 together
It almost, the vegetable glycerin almost creates a capsule around it so it bonds with the... That is the most beautiful color.
What do you call that color?
I don't know if the camera can pick that up.
It's kind of like a fuchsia or something.
Like a pinkish red fuchsia color.
Are they both that color when you mix them or are they different colors?
They are, they are that color.
The adenosylcobalamin is almost the crystalline structure like the iodine is.
We'll have to get some video footage of that for you, too, so we can show all the viewers.
But it's an amazingly pure substance.
The crystals and the methylcobalamin, all the care is taken to make sure that it's not heated.
We put it into the bottles.
By the way, the reason I work with you, Dr. Grip, is you are so obsessed with the absolute highest quality, double, triple tested, just neurotic level, which I love, because the other companies, and I'm not just saying this, I've gotten deep into this, a lot of them out there,
Just don't care and just throw crud out.
I mean, I work with Longevity because they have such high quality, but you just go to such a level that that's why half the time we don't even have product is because you're trying to source it and just go, sorry, I can't get a totally organic, 100% California certified, super grade, you know, super totally undetectable.
So we just either take the ingredient out or you're not, you know, we're not going to do it.
And I mean, or I've got to get the DEA approval for this deep crystal source.
It took you years to get that.
I mean, you are just a trailblazer.
That's right.
When I do a product, I want to make sure it's the best in the world.
And I take a lot of time to do it.
It took two years to do the research on the B12.
And to find the proper ratio and the way to put it together properly, that's, you know, I sent you samples, you were taking it on the air, that was the secret red liquid that everybody was saying, what are you taking?
Finally, today, it's launched after all that research and all that time period it took to put that together.
One of the things that people need to understand is that if you're diabetic, if you have heart disease, if you have medications, I was looking at what blocks the absorption of B12 and most medications block the absorption.
I don't
What do you think the animals have high levels of B12?
Because they eat grass and they get it from the soil.
That's why they have high levels of B12.
It's the cobalt.
It's the cobalt in the soil.
So what this is, is a bioavailable form, a cobalt molecule derivative.
Yes, this is, as a matter of fact, whenever they first found B12, it was a probiotic.
But they hadn't even classified probiotics back then, so they didn't know what to do with this chemical compound.
So they said, let's stick it, it was kind of close to B vitamins, so they said, let's stick it in the B vitamins.
That's right, I always hear about how deer have really high B12, and they're not eating meat, they're eating grass.
They eat grass, that's why the animals and chickens, and they're grass-fed.
I mean, if you're gonna eat meat,
And I'm not out there telling everybody to be a vegan or a vegetarian.
I mean, that's, you know, your own... Yeah, knock it off!
You need to take care of your own... I'm just joking, I'm joking.
But it might help for a little while.
Anyway, just make sure you're eating organic, range-fed, wild game, stuff like that, where they're out there eating the soil and the grass.
And, you know, they get dirt into their body, too.
And that's how they get high B12 levels.
And that's how you get it.
But the thing is,
What I found in the last two years of research is you might think you're getting B12 from the animal products but you're really not and the reason why is it's not that it's not there.
The reason is you're also eating gluten and you're also eating, by the way, alcohol too causes damage to the parietal cells and so does coffee, excessive coffee use.
So how many people out there do you know that drink
Coffee, energy drinks, caffeine.
And then meanwhile it's depleting you.
Meanwhile the soils are depleted of all this other stuff.
That's why they have this RDA that's so low.
Well obviously you need way more of it because it's being depleted.
But I want to congratulate you as best you can tell.
This proprietary formulation, and I see all your Tufts University studies found 39% of all people are deficient in B12.
You think it's 90%.
I mean, I want to congratulate you on the fact that you've really created something original here.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
I mean, it's just one other thing that we could give to people to help them become healthier and healthier and healthier.
Well folks, it's available and it's very affordable at InfoWarsLive.com and it will sell out.
We have a limited amount, unfortunately.
InfoWarsLive.com or 888-253-3139.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
When I first got online and I seen the price of the X2 and the DNA Force, I was a little hesitant, but I pulled the trigger on it.
It has changed my life.
I've been taking it for about 24 days now, counting the weights, staying in shape.
You've heard the callers to the show.
Several months back, I started taking your Nixon Iodine and your Supermeal.
Prior to this, I was barely walking.
Now, I'm able to function as a human again.
Whether it's Survival Shield Nascent Iodine, or DNA Force, Super Male Vitality, Super Female Vitality, Lung Cleanse, Fluoride Shields, Oxy Powder, I believe that all of these products will blow you away like they've done the thousands of other customers that have visited Infowarslife.com.
There's just amazing what it's able to do to actually detox the body.
It's great stuff.
I'm going to promote something.
It's got to be something I personally use and that I believe in.
Check out Infowarslife.com today and the entire line of groundbreaking, cutting-edge, hardcore products.
Using unparalleled research and the development of a synergistic formulation based around the key concepts of super oxygenation, the next level in cleansing is here.
With key ingredients backed by real clinical studies, the new Oxy Powder, available through InfoWars Life, was invented during Dr. Group's research on the toxification of our bodies.
Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body.
I think so.
We're good.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Analysis, info wars, building, independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we
We are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive discrediting Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to get out of the plugging of Secret 12 here in a moment, but I wanted Dr. Group to specifically talk about this proprietary product he developed for Infowarslife.com.
We are trying to produce more right now.
We've actually had some in for a few weeks, but I was trying to build some up so that we wouldn't just immediately sell out of it.
Because it is frustrating.
You know, his laboratory is pretty big, but it's producing a lot of stuff.
You know, he will sell no wine until it's time, as Orson Welles once said.
But if you want to get the Secret 12, I'd love to hear your take on it.
It's $29, which for this super expensive proprietary ingredients that go into it.
To give you an example, we could buy it from big manufacturers that are well-known, supposedly organic, and it would be a bottle of like 50 for $2, and then we would sell it for $20.
That's what the industry does.
Instead, you know, we put $10 into a bottle, basically, and then sell it and make $20 to fund the operation.
Because there's still markup there, big time.
But the average markup in the industry, seven times, we do it once or twice, or 150%.
And, again, you're not going to find anything like Secret 12 out there, period.
I mean, there may be some nutraceuticals I don't know about.
Why is this so different?
Explain that to people.
I don't want to shift gears into other health news.
Well, it's so special because everybody needs it.
I mean, if anyone has fatigue, if anyone has mood swings, if anyone has neurological conditions, the problem with B12 is it's never looked at by doctors.
It's a vitamin deficiency, so of course doctors are never going to... Well, it's just like if you have scurvy, they don't diagnose scurvy.
They don't even know scurvy's all over the place with people that eat fast food diets.
Right, I mean... Teeth falling out, sores all over you, zits all over you, you got scurvy, they won't tell you, an orange would cure it!
Anxiety and depression, you know how big anxiety and depression is.
Anxiety and depression are specifically linked to B12 deficiency.
You can link it to autism, ADD, ADHD, you can link it to cold hands and feet, tingling nerve sensations,
You know, brain misdevelopment.
It can be linked to all kinds of things.
Just take the oxygen carrying capacity out of the blood and that's going to cause all kinds of problems in itself.
But what makes this so special is the fact that from start to finish
The product is not irradiated, which most manufacturing facilities out there irradiate their products.
It's pretty much handmade.
It's all done in borosilicate glass mixing vessels.
All the other manufacturing facilities out there, they all use stainless steel, aluminum-based mixing vessels.
The difference between using glass-lined vessels or all glass-lined vessels is tremendous.
I mean, we've had to actually get some of our vessels custom-made just so we can do this to where these compounds are never in contact with any metal.
A lot of times metal will deactivate the energy signatures or, you know, the metal can heat up in certain cases.
It's just not good to touch nutritional supplements
We're good to go.
We always get the 99%.
It might be... a difference for the 99.6% might be 6,000 a kilogram.
99.9% might be double that.
12... it's hard to get those extra tiny percentages.
It's like 0.999 silver and 0.9999 silver.
So we get the top quality ingredients, come in, inspect them, and then it goes basically a handmade process through our specific cold processing technique to where the methylcobalamin gets mixed in with the glycerin, then the adenosylcobalamin gets mixed in with the glycerin, it's all done in like... Then it gets sent to third-party lab testing.
It does get sent to third-party lab testing, and then it goes into bottling, and then it comes straight to here for the consumer's use.
I'm just amazed at what I've uncovered with the fact, you know, looking it all the way back into the soil content and seeing how deficient we are as a nation in B12.
And it's just like iodine, the same thing.
Those are the things that I search for.
What are the things that we really need in the body, that all the cells need in the body?
And what are the things that we're deficient in?
And then try to trace it back to why are we deficient?
Well, everybody can see the difference now that I'm on this line of supplements you developed for us.
I mean, I still don't look super healthy and skinny like you do, Mr. Commando.
But, I mean, you see me every few weeks and you go, man, you're looking better.
I just have more energy and I'm still not totally taking care of myself.
Barely get sleep sometimes.
But it's just a world changer.
The super metal vitality.
The colloidal silver.
You know, all the line of products.
The oxy powder, what it's done.
Did you hear about Rob Doo was already in pretty good shape?
In six, seven days, he lost 12 pounds of crap in his intestines taking the Oxy tablets.
He took about a third of the bottle and lost 12 pounds.
We have people that call in and say, yeah, I lost 20 pounds in three days, but that just goes to show you how much compaction people have in their small intestine and their large intestine.
No wonder you get cancer.
There's just rotting diverticulitis.
You know, every single thing starts in the gut.
The immune system's in the gut, everything's in the gut.
And what are we putting in our body?
Everything that destroys the gut.
So, if you can keep your... Somebody asked me yesterday, what's the one thing somebody can do if they wanted one product or something like that?
I said, the best thing you can do is support your gut.
I mean, a lot of times if you have a good probiotic balance in your gut, those probiotics produce B vitamins.
They produce nutrients that you need.
So it's all about taking care of yourself, eating healthy, drinking lots of water, avoiding all the chemicals that are coming into your system.
And taking responsibility for your own health so you can reactivate your body's own self-healing mechanism.
And that's what we're all about and that's what we try to do on a daily basis.
And what you're doing with everybody is trying to really get the word out and provide them with the highest quality supplements in the world so they can change their health.
I just read a testimonial that came in that someone sent in a few minutes ago back in the other room here where somebody's cat that they were in love with
...was sent home by the veterinarian to die.
It was a Siamese cat, apparently worth tons of money.
And the guy had some X2, some iodine.
And he said, well, let me just try this.
And he put three drops in the cat's mouth.
And within two days, the cat was up walking around.
He wrote, thank you, Alex.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You saved my, my cat.
And the cat's, he's been putting iodine in the cat's water, and the cat's fine.
Well, I want to be clear about something.
I've known there's a war on our food and war on supplements, but I got kind of subconsciously, not depressed, but resigned, where I'll just do whatever I want.
I'll eat whatever I want.
I'll drink whatever I want.
They're going to get me anyways.
And I went from working out when I was like 25, almost every day and being in great shape, to being Jabba the Hutt.
The first few years I was like, great, I eat and drink whatever I want, I still look great, and all of a sudden I turned into Jabba the Hutt.
So it's been a long process of getting out of that, but it's supercharged with you, the last two and a half, three years, you were advising me even before, you know, we started launching this together, but we have to fund ourselves with t-shirts and books and videos that are always about spreading the word.
Anything I do has to have a win-win for freedom.
High quality, good-looking shirt, you know, made in America,
We're well-priced, funding the operation, giving Americans jobs, trying to get vets jobs.
Because I'm not some goody-two-shoes, I understand the universal law that what I do to people comes back on me.
And people call it God-fearing if you're a Christian, whatever.
When I even think bad thoughts that aren't even my thoughts, it's my brain looking at things from the enemy perspective, I still feel guilty.
It's what I call that knowledge of evil.
That I know how evil works, that is shameful.
I mean, you see what I'm talking about?
And so when I get up here and I say,
This is the best product.
This is the most expensive we could get at the lowest price to you.
I'm shocked to know that 70% or so is a conservative number of the nutraceutical companies out there.
I'm not knocking competition.
This is such a growing market.
I don't need to.
I'm shocked.
They will go all marketing, all packaging, all glitz, all everything.
And then it's, now that I know all about this, it's crud in the bottle.
And it makes me so angry, because as an industry, we should be going for the best, so people get incredible results, help people get good karma, mojo, repoche show, whatever you want to call it, but it will grow the market faster, because it'll be so dynamite, the results!
Doing the right thing is the right thing to do!
I just don't understand why people don't get that, and it's why it's so good to work with you.
But when I get up here and I say, this Super B12, Secret 12, has, you know, that's my name, it was all secret, you know, what the, how you make it, the proprietary stuff.
Plus, I had to keep it secret for months.
Well, we thought we'd have it four months ago.
I'm having to keep it secret.
Well, I've been in here taking it every day when I take the other stuff in front of people, and, you know, trying to hide what it said on the, you know, on the hand-printed bottle.
So it's just, it feels so good to have fair price stuff that funds liberty and freedom to promote Second Amendment property rights, sovereignty, you know, basic dignity, and to be able to fund the operation and help people, and then
I can't believe I'm saying this, but we don't screen the calls.
Callers have heard it.
It almost gets annoying how many callers off topic are, you know, thank you for the products, but I understand we appreciate them, but we're on other subjects.
It just blows me away that we haven't had
Any complaints, other than in the bottling once, we think it was 20 bottles, only about 10 of them came back, where the machine didn't fully fill the bottle, and we didn't catch it on inspection.
I mean, we've had stuff like that, or my bottle got broken inside the bubble wrap.
Oh here, boom, here's an extra bottle or here's a free book or something.
Because we're all about customer service.
I didn't know how to run customer service 10 years ago.
It was terrible.
We have a first-rate group now.
And people really take that personal when you're not, you know what together.
I know I'm ranting here and I'm going to get into some other medical news and get off B12.
It's just that simple deficiencies.
Vitamin C. You've got to have true vitamin C. You've got to have true B12.
You've got to have true nascent iodine.
And then it blew us away when we couldn't even get enough of your iodine.
We went out to other parties and said if they want it, we'll get anything, alcohol based.
And we went and looked at it and it wasn't really even nascent iodine.
So there's just sticking iodine in with alcohol, regular iodine.
And again, that'll help you not be totally sick, but we want to just for the same price
Give you something that is just like heads above it.
I mean, it's... I had dramatic effects when I started taking iodine four years ago.
That's what helped me start getting down all this.
And when I went into your iodine, it was just night and day to that.
That's all I'm saying.
If you can't afford X2, folks, go get the sea salts that they have the iodine in them.
There'll still be some other contaminants and things in it, but it's better than being deficient.
You'll die without it.
You know, I mean, it's real simple.
This is not rocket science.
I can't believe it's us telling people, you've got to have B12.
You've got to have nascent iodine.
You've got to have it.
What happens if you don't have vitamin B12?
You die.
Just like iodine.
And many people have died and many people have been misdiagnosed.
One of the most common misdiagnoses of vitamin B12 deficiency is MS.
You can have Alzheimer's, dementia.
You will literally die, waste away and die if you don't have B12 in your system.
Ted Anderson's dad, he allows me to tell this story, and it's such a horrible story, he says, I don't care, tell it.
They gotta get Ted Anderson in here.
The Beyond Tangy Tangerine from FortWorthHealth.com, longevity.
It's got this essential 90, you know, they say only need like 60, but really it's 90, trace elements, minerals, it's an excellent product.
And they have the 2.0 that's purely organic, very hard to get that many ingredients out, all organic as you know.
But his dad has Alzheimer's, and I met his dad before, nice guy.
They like to go fishing, hunting up in Minnesota.
He went on that for a few months and suddenly knew who he was.
Short-term memory was back.
They were fishing.
His dad was back.
The sores all over his arms, scurvy, healed.
They went and tested his blood at the doctor and they have him on, I guess, cumin and never had a stroke or heart attack, but blood thinner.
I think that's the thing he said.
And the doctor said, whoa, you've got vitamin K here.
Are you eating a lot of spinach?
What are you doing?
No, I take this Biontang and Tangerine.
Oh my gosh, you've got to go off this.
And Ted's mom said, and his dad went within a month of going off of it, didn't know who he was again.
Source came back and he said, fine, I'll honor my parents.
You just go ahead and don't do it.
But the doctor said, you don't take that and you don't eat these leafy vegetables because it'll block the Coumadin.
So, okay, you're not going to have a heart attack if you don't know who you are.
I mean, it's just, it's crazy that you can't have the vitamins.
You can't have the minerals.
And it's just simple.
It's not rocket science.
It's not.
I mean, you know, our water inside of our system is just like seawater.
It's full of minerals and nutrients.
And if we're not getting them in the soil, the problem is they're killing off the soil.
They're poisoning the water.
They're poisoning the air.
All the things that we need to survive.
But the good news is, there's a solution.
And it's not that hard.
All you need to take is a good, organic, multivitamin and mineral formula.
Take the nutrients that you're not going to get in your normal diet.
So beyond tangy tangerine, secret 12, iodine, and any type of herbal formula to assist anything else that you need help with.
What about folks that are really poor, even though our stuff is fairly priced, very effectively priced, reasonably priced, to be competitive and high quality?
What can a poor person do to get their essentials?
Obviously eat the orange peel.
People ask me that question all the time and I always ask them, you know, how many pairs of shoes do you buy?
How many new shirts do you buy?
What do you spend your money on?
The thing is, if you change your life, how much does being sick cost you?
Being sick costs people a lot of money.
It costs their family time, suffering, depression, anxiety.
They go back and forth to the doctor, which costs them gas.
You know, if you look at the pricing and the cost of sick care, it's a lot more than the pricing and cost of health care.
So what's the real... I mean, there's a lot of game now sold in stores.
So I guess you could get real game.
I'll have vitamin B12 in it.
I guess you can get, you know, from an orange peel or whatever, mega dosages or rose hips are like super cheap.
I guess you could get... You can go to your local farmer's market.
Every single town has one or find a farmer that's growing organically.
What's the best salt to get iodine if you can't afford this?
Himalayan crystal salt.
Himalayan crystal salt is what I use.
It has 84 minerals and nutrients in it.
So the poor man's beyond tangy tangerine is Himalayan salt?
Yes, yes.
The poor man's tangy tangerine is Himalayan.
I'll tell you another really, really good nutrient source that I use, and this is all that I... We're just trying to help people that can't... Yeah, no, exactly.
You can get this for $4 and pretty much get all the nutrients you need is organic, raw, organic apple cider vinegar.
Go to the... Oh yeah, you got me on that, and that's what I've been forgetting to take.
I need to take...
Put a tablespoon or a teaspoon, however much you can handle, in some distilled water.
That's the best probiotic?
And you're going to get all kinds of nutrients, minerals, probiotics in there, enzymes in there.
Another big problem is we don't secrete enough enzymes in our body to help us digest foods.
Chew your food well.
Chew your food well.
That's really important, which I tell people all the time.
Chew their food until it's a liquid before they swallow it.
My dad always said that.
Chew your food!
Chew your food!
Right, exactly.
I still don't.
I eat like a wolf.
Well, usually people in the military wolf their food down, because you only have a certain amount of time to eat.
Well, I never... And it was my eating habits when I was in the military, because they were like, you have ten minutes to eat this, and we would be like... Well, I was about to say, I used to be pretty well behaved.
My mom was always about, be a gentleman, have good manners.
I could go, you know, eat at the rich people's houses, they'd all be impressed.
Now, I eat like a barbarian.
I'm trying to train myself again, because I got kids, so they're not like little pigs.
You know, like the pig family.
I mean, that cute way.
Yeah, having to eat during a couple three-minute breaks, that's what really screwed my gut up too because I wasn't digesting.
Well, I did a report on how people eat nowadays and found out that the majority of people eat in the sympathetic state.
And you have a parasympathetic nervous system and a sympathetic nervous system.
The sympathetic is your fight or flight response.
When you're in the sympathetic state, and that means eating while you're driving, eating while you're talking on the phone, eating while you're watching TV, eating while you're on the computer at work, I have a whole list of all... Well, that's why the Bible, it says, I forget the passages, you're supposed to sit down, pray, be calm, and take a long time
And so what happens is your digestion comes to a halt when you're in the sympathetic state.
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You know, I was going to have Anthony Gucciardi in here to do his report on going up to Dallas to investigate Ebola, now that they've declared it Ebola-free.
We're just going to have a medical doctor on at First Blue The Whistle tomorrow about the intel he's getting from up in Missouri, and then he will write a report tonight or tomorrow that will accompany that about what we found in Dallas.
But they are disappearing people.
Who appear to have Ebola.
Forbes, separate from us, said, yeah, the media has agreed that cases that look like it are being disappeared.
We don't talk about it.
You don't talk about people being disappeared?
This is confirmed by a doctor, on record, at least two other doctors, off record with us, who we know, I mean, one of them's big, runs a bunch of stuff, big hospitals.
This is freaking me out, because it's like a Twilight Zone episode.
They're starting to, the families are starting to come out.
That's who we were meeting with.
They're freaking out.
Yeah, they say, yeah, my husband's out of Ebola.
You have people dying on planes, vomiting with blood coming out, and they go, oh, when it lands, it wasn't Ebola.
Obviously, they're covering it up.
They told the police don't talk about it.
They don't know what's going on.
They just say, it looks like it's shut up.
But that's illegal to disappear people and not be honest about it.
So see, this was hurting Obama.
He wants to leave the borders open.
So now they're just going to deny it's out there.
I'm surprised that it didn't spread a little bit more.
They didn't do something to create a little bit more panic.
I think when the panic got, when they were getting the blame, they thought they would just have Ebola here and no one would go, well why is the border open?
When we made it political, they had to back off.
When Drudge did.
Because remember, they had all their pundits attack Drudge.
Stopped saying it's going to spread, then started spreading.
Oh really?
Well now it's not spreading.
Well, there's definitely a reason behind it, you know, that's yet to be determined, but if you look at all the research that we've been talking about in past shows and everything you've been uncovering about the CDC owning the patent, I mean, there's no reason why, if you link everything together with them owning the patent, with them, you know, verifying a rabies Ebola vaccine back in the 90s, all the hermetically sealed coffins that they have stored away, all the FEMA camps that have been put together that have been verified,
I think it's what Obama said.
This is a test run.
All the underground facilities that are pretty much complete right now.
Yeah, exactly.
He came out and said it was a test run.
They put everything out there.
And they're test running to see if they can control the media when there's an outbreak and cover it up.
That is creepy, because to me it's not even an Ebola issue.
I'm going to say it again.
We have doctors naming themselves.
We have Forbes confirming what we said.
They're in the meeting, the media is agreeing to not talk about it and cover it up.
It's done!
I mean, there's something going on here.
The thing is, for some people that actually pay attention...
Well, in addition to the alternative media, they know.
I mean, you've been covering all this for a long period of time, so they should know what to do, and they should be prepared and have everything that they need just in case, or when it does happen, because they obviously wanted to test everybody out and see how everybody reacted to this, and they did create a lot of fear.
I know my phones were ringing off the hook saying, what can we take?
How can we protect ourselves?
I think that they accomplished what they wanted to accomplish and found out how the world would react.
Now it's just a matter of time.
I think that, you know, we know for a fact that they have stored up biological weapons that could be used at any time.
They could be mixed in with the chemtrails and sprayed on us.
So now it's just a matter of time before something like that happens.
Well, we're already being hit by the soft kill garbage, so we don't know what got us.
It's just a cocktail of testing and manipulation.
Well, we're going to continue to follow this.
We've got a bunch of big guests on tomorrow.
We've got Clive and Bundy.
They've been getting harassed, put on terrorist lists and stuff.
But, you know, Harry Reid...
The repudiation of him, I think, is one of the real terrorists of the Constitution, as that's coming up.
We have the director of the new Nicki Minaj video they're trying to censor coming on as well, talking about First Amendment issues.
We'll do five more minutes with us before that director comes on.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Dr. Edward Grubb of the Global Healing Center.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com, and yes, we did about 30 minutes of that last hour of mid-air refueling, I call it, of funding our operation, rolling out a new product.
A little newsflash, when you listen to talk radio, or nightly news, or the morning shows on CBS, ABC, NBC, almost all of that is an infomercial product placement.
When they're reviewing a movie, or reviewing a product, or reviewing a book, it's an imprint of News Corp.
When we're openly selling something to you, we just say we're selling it.
You know, I mean, when I'm selling Rick Ross's book about the fake drug war and the CIA and Gary Webb and all the rest of it, I just say, we're selling the book, get it at Infowarsstore.com.
And I'm not going to belabor this anymore, but Secret 12 really is... Do you believe, from your research, putting this out, this is the best vitamin B12 supplement out there?
No doubt.
I don't put out anything that's not the best, and that's just the way we are.
What should the headline on this interview be, then, when we put it on YouTube?
You know, you will die without B12?
Well, that's true, you will.
I mean, I don't know, whatever the best headline would be, something about... Not knowing that everybody needs B12, whether you think so, or your doctor doesn't even know you need B12, but... How about the B12 conspiracy?
The B12 conspiracy, there's definitely a lot that goes on.
As a matter of fact, you know, they just, the supplier of potatoes that supplies McDonald's for their french fries,
The USDA and the FDA just approved the new GMO potato for the supplier, so pretty soon all of the McDonald's french fries are going to be with the new potato.
And by the way, they had top scientists come out and say that potato is dangerous.
That potato is seriously dangerous, and they also just approved a form of alfalfa too, a GMO form of alfalfa.
Yeah, you know, but the good thing is, at least people are stepping up.
I mean, right now, again, Monsanto, they wrote an article about me the other day about how much I was a quack.
And the Oregon vote that's going on right now.
Monsanto wrote an article about you?
Yeah, they did, on one of their farm blogs.
Yeah, just the other day.
Yeah, well that's like Satan.
You know, saying that the Apostle Paul was a bad guy.
I mean, Monsanto's got about the lowest rating out there.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, you are a... Monsanto's like the devil.
I mean, dating back to Agent Orange and now that, you know, all the... Dioxins.
Dioxins that are killing the soil.
It really all goes back to the soil.
Somebody asked me, well, how come there's some...
I think?
There's some cultures in Siberia that soak the seeds in their mouth, and the seeds literally read what their body is deficient of, and they plant them.
That's verified in Siberia.
These cultures, they're really tight-knit.
They use all their feces.
Everything goes back into the soil to build the soil, and as long as the soil is healthy and the soil is mineralized,
The plants will grow what you need to survive.
See, that's the problem.
We've gone from community growing and everybody working together and using the, recycling everything, whether it's your urine or your feces or whatever, recycling it into the soil, to spraying chemicals.
The agricultural
The agricultural society is just as bad as the pharmaceutical.
It's done by design.
The pharmaceutical companies are designed to poison you with pharmaceutical drugs.
The agricultural society is designed to poison the earth with chemicals and drugs.
And they know what they're doing is killing the soil.
They know, because if you kill the worms, you kill the probiotics in the soil, that's what recycles and aerates the soil and keeps all the vitamins and the minerals and the nutrients.
You know, have you seen Interstellar?
No, I haven't seen it yet.
Well, that's basically what happens is a blight.
Fungus gets in the atmosphere and takes all the oxygen out of the earth.
And I see that as... That's basically what they're trying to do.
These people are out of control.
I mean, the millions and millions and millions of forests that have been cut down, that's exactly what's happening.
We've gone from 30% oxygen in the air, down to about... And now they want to cut carbon dioxide the plants breathe.
Seeker 12, folks.
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We're good.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, she's in the top five hip-hop, pop artist, whatever you want to call it, in the world.
Nicki Minaj, even I know who she is, and I don't really follow pop culture very much, as you know, when it comes to entertainment.
Though I should, because that's where the real cultural battle is going on.
Yes, Infowars.com and the Nightly News and the Syndicated Radio Show has a much larger audience now than CNN does.
It's being dumped from different cable networks and satellite networks here in the U.S.
and worldwide.
But we're not winning the war overall when it comes to Hollywood, when it comes to music, when it comes to the general culture.
That's where the real news and the real programming is going on.
But we are starting to see more and more positive messages come out of Hollywood, and I've talked to some of the directors and people, like Mark Cuban, who understand that we have a tyranny on our hands.
In fact, Mark Cuban just came out.
The article's on Infowars.com.
Mark Cuban says Feds will F up the Internet.
I'm more concerned the government will F it up, he says.
And then he goes on to break down that it's basically Obamacare, like Ted Cruz said, for the
But I'm shifting gears now to that culture war.
In this interview, Nicki Minaj put out a hit video, a song yesterday, music video, that last time I checked it had like five million views.
It'll probably get a hundred million views at the current rate just this one video has.
Billboard and others have this headline, exclusive, Nicki Minaj's only director says neither I nor the video are anti-Semitic.
And we have the director joining us to talk about this, but earlier when I got into this, I was very offended that there are people calling for the video to be taken down, groups calling for it to be censored.
Because even if I disagreed with it, I would still say it has the right to be out there.
Even if it was a Nazi video.
It's obviously the opposite.
When you listen to the words and the rest of it, showing this is the culture we've become.
Just like Charlie Chaplin back in 1940 with the great dictator dressed up like Hitler to make fun of him.
It wasn't a pro-Hitler film.
But people knew that back then.
People understood that he wasn't being pro-Hitler when he dressed up like Hitler and pretended to be him.
He was making fun of him and drawing attention to it.
So, if you're going to say...
Nicki Minaj, or her director, Jeff Osborne, who's an award-winning director, cinematographer, and editor, working with top names across the board.
Very excited to have him on.
His website is jeffreymosborne.com, and he is a listener, and we appreciate him coming on the broadcast.
Congratulations, it's a powerful music video.
And so I'm not surprised that folks are calling for it to be censored.
I guess you're supposed to, you know, only stay in a very narrow confine when it comes to pop music and not try to get outside those lines.
I mean, it was, it was pretty interesting to me because I actually left the country a couple of days before the video released.
So this sort of all came to me through the internet and I wasn't expecting this type of reaction because this type of imagery is all over the place.
But, you know, I don't know what it specifically was, whether it was just too straightforward or something like that, but, um, you know, I was getting hate mail, tweets, and this and that, and, you know, just because someone does that, I'm not, I'm not gonna back down to what, you know, what I believe in, and also I'm not anti-Semitic, so.
Well, I liked your quote.
You said, sorry, I'm not going to say I'm sorry.
I mean, you know, the point of the video is actually quite the opposite to show how totalitarianism is very much alive today and exists, I mean, right in front of our eyes, even though a lot of people can't see that.
But I think a lot of people are just missing the point.
And then plus the way the media interprets it and then takes certain parts of my quotes and highlights them.
Half of them didn't even spell my name right.
So you can just tell that
The media is sort of just, it's just become very fast, lacks integrity, and is just really jumping on something to cause a stir rather than tell the truth, I guess.
That's right.
It's a total knee-jerk reaction.
Now, I've seen several names in the video.
What's its true title?
And folks can find that on YouTube.
Nicki Minaj only.
We have it on screen for TV viewers and radio listeners.
Now there is some parental advice here.
There is some profanity in it.
But it's the imagery.
Let's walk through the imagery for radio listeners who can't see us right now of what shook people up so much.
Describe for people how you came up with this, the animation.
Well, I designed the four characters sort of as the main pieces of the puzzle in order to create totalitarianism which is
You know, a dictator, religious themes, economic themes, political themes all tied together to sort of control your mind into believing one thing, which is something that the Nazis did very well and is very much alive today.
So that's why I was trying to draw those two parallels between past and future.
But I think people missed that connection.
Well, Jeff, watching it, I mean, the imagery is very scary.
It is powerful, but
I think it struck a nerve because people realized this is the type of culture that we are devolving into.
Militaristic, regimented, highly controlled.
I'm just shocked that there were so many calls to censor the video and take it down.
That pretty much proves the point of the fascism.
Absolutely, and you know, at the same time, you know, on one level it hurts to see people from the Holocaust and this and that reaching out, but at the same time, I can't be sorry for a misinterpretation.
You know, I have the utmost respect for people that fought in the war.
I have the utmost respect for people that were in and lived through the Holocaust.
I visited the Holocaust Museum in D.C.
as a child.
I'm very much aware of what that was like.
So it has nothing to do with being ignorant to the past or anything like that, but I made the video as a statement because it should be scary because I'm also that scared of what our future holds based on the way people react to media like this and other things.
Well, and I wouldn't call it just purely Nazi or fascist.
It has some Soviet-style iconography, some occultic.
I think you're just saying we have an evil, overarching
I mean, art is made to have discussions.
I mean, if there isn't any passion or any discussion involved after a piece of art, then why is it really there, in my opinion?
What are the artists, I mean obviously you worked some with Nicki Minaj on coming up with this, what's their view on the controversy?
Um, to be honest I really don't know because we never really sat in the same room, it's just we passed the video onwards and they gave me what they needed and you know I applied what they needed and then I added my own artistic voice to that.
So to be honest I can't really speak on their behalf because I don't know.
But they obviously liked it because they greenlighted it.
I mean, you know, again, I can't speak for them, but I think chances are they at least, maybe they didn't see the full message of what I was trying to get across, but I think they at least saw past the fact of it representing them as Nazis.
I mean, obviously that's why they released it, so.
Well, I see a quote here, I think from you, in Billboard.
It says, the young money team came to me with a set of parameters in which they exactly stated something black and white, dark, ominous, with hints of imagery like Sin City or Metropolis.
Or Metalopolis.
I mean, that's exactly what you did, is a high-tech Nazi Germany-style system, but when you look at it, it looks like our military's uniforms, it looks like our tanks, it mixes in a cultic iconography, and I think people don't like the fact that's happening.
Chris Brown's uniform is actually designed directly off a U.S.
The building in the middle is the Lincoln Memorial.
You know, the planes are F-22s.
Security cameras didn't exist, at least in that form, in the 1930s.
So I've drawn a variety of different time periods.
I mean, at the end of the day, I'm representing them as a generic totalitarian regime, which takes different facets of every country and time period into one.
Um, and I'm presenting it that way, so I think that maybe... Sure.
I think people, you know, just misunderstood and got bent out of shape as a result.
Well, you're right.
I mean, it's crystal clear.
Now they're wanting to censor feminist groups.
The Princess Leia catcalling parody video.
And even if you don't agree with catcalling, people have a right to do it, and people have a right to make videos about it.
And just this culture of shut it down, turn it off, don't let them say that, is really very anti-American, I think, and is actually, like I keep saying, it proves the fascism that you're warning about.
Absolutely, and I mean, and I think the media is also part of that problem because they just take
They take something and they try to spin it to cause, you know, backlash and basically separate people and cause misunderstanding.
I mean, you can just see from all the articles how certain ones would only pick certain parts of my quote for the shock value, not to try to clarify or really help people understand.
Maybe they didn't understand or whatever.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think just
The media plays a very detrimental role, I think, especially today.
Well, it's divide and conquer.
Instead of dealing with real racism, real classism, big mega banks getting trillions in banker bailouts and being tax exempt, they want us thinking everything's racist or everything's bad, so we just sit down and shut up so we don't get accused of something.
Well, they steal all of our freedoms collectively, and then anybody could look at your video and see that you're saying America is turning into Nazi Germany meets Metropolis.
And before I'd even talked to your senior quotes, that was self-evident.
And I just don't see how people can then say this is what you're doing.
It's an agenda to shut up artists.
As long as you were on air pushing gangster rap, shoot up the cops, you know, race war garbage, why, you'd be just fine if you were, you know, making a video about slinging crack.
They don't want hip-hop to get hardcore political like KRS-One, Professor Griff, Paris, and so many others have done, because hip-hop dominates the world now, and if it ever gets really awake, that's it for the New World Order, and their big weapon may backfire.
Director, stay right there.
I want to hear more from you straight ahead.
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That's One World.
That's Dave Mustaine.
He's been politically active, whether you agree with him or not.
I agree with most of what he has to say.
He's a great guy.
He shouldn't be slapped down when he criticizes the government or when he promotes the Second Amendment.
So, you can say whatever you want.
Just don't try to take my right to speak away.
Jeffrey Osborne, award-winning director, sentimentographer, editor.
He's been criticized all over TV, all over Billboard, all over hundreds of publications, to try to intimidate artists everywhere to not point out that our country, in many respects, has surpassed many other totalitarian regimes throughout history.
Whether it's the NSA spying, or the amount of people in prison, or the phony drug war, or tasering deaths, or homeless getting shot and killed, and the paramilitarization of police, everybody knows this country is converting to a serious tyranny.
And so he puts a video out,
Without Nazi symbols or anything, but just fascist iconography.
Kind of Soviet, too.
And they freak out.
He joins us now.
I want to get him back on next week in the aftermath of all this.
I think their attempt at censorship will just backfire.
What do you think, Mr. Osborne, and what are other points you'd like to make?
I think the video is still up, so I think it's there to stay.
Who knows whether it'll be taken down in the future or not, but it's here to stay and I think that if everything has led to this and me being on the show, then I think I've succeeded.
Well, brother, coming on here is not that big a deal.
We just appreciate what you're doing.
You were telling the crew that you are a listener?
Yes, I am.
I actually think it's pretty surreal that I'm on this show right now speaking to you because, man, you are my hero.
Well, you're awesome, brother, but the grass is always greener on the other side.
You are my hero.
I mean, you're going out there.
And trying to wake people up.
Some people aren't going to understand it.
Some people are going to get mad at you.
Maybe because they don't like the artist you work for or something.
But it's clear that your heart was pure in this.
And it just shows how screwed up we've gotten that they're trying to censor it.
I mean, it's really creepy.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I knew that I had an outlet that would reach millions of people, and may or may not, you know, cause a stir or at least cause a conversation.
And, you know, it did just that.
You know, I don't want to say that
I'm happy people are outraged but it's at least raised bigger discussions because I've even seen on threads and this and that that these conversations have sort of expanded into what I've said is about our First Amendment rights and censorship and Big Brother and all this so some people get it and it's starting those bigger conversations which is exactly what my intention was.
Well that's right and look I've done like Piers Morgan interviews and BBC interviews and a lot of others where I genuinely get mad and yell at them and just kind of break the silence don't play along and at first everybody says oh you're in a lot of trouble you're discredited but then six months later they love you two years later it's just the best thing they ever saw in their life and Alex Jones destroyed Piers Morgan it was the end of his career are the headlines so it's the fact that you got that response
Shows that you're waking people out of their trance and that's why they're upset is because deep down they know you're right.
So great job!
Well thank you and I hope so.
I hope so.
Any other points you'd like to add?
Um, absolutely.
I mean, you know, just a side note, I'm actually in Panama right now.
I know I stated I was out of the country, but right now I'm working on a project about the illegal invasion of Panama and everything that went with it.
And I've been getting interviews from all different types of people down here, and it's a very exciting story, and I'm excited to make it into a film.
I'm sure you've seen the Panama Deception, then?
Oh, I absolutely have.
I actually had to buy the DVD directly from Barbara Trent because it's not for sale in stores.
It was kind of shelved after she won the Academy Award.
That's right.
I'd love to get her on with you when your film comes out.
Because for folks that don't know, that was a total false flag.
There were no kidnapped students.
It was all made up.
And they just mass-murdered a bunch of people.
I mean, I'm sorry.
That was a criminal attack.
I mean, they lied about the number of dead.
Even the UN voted, I believe it was 72 to 20, that it was a flagrant violation of international law.
But of course, the US can just come in and veto it.
And again, it's not that Manuel Noriega is a saint.
It's kind of like Ricky Ross, though.
He was their drug dealer in the whole Iran-Contra deal.
He threatened to go public.
And they said, no, you won't.
And instead of the mafia doing a hit, the US Army was the hit.
I think that, you know, once he was tired of being, you know, used and this and that, you know, he really wanted to do what was best for his country and as soon as he had it conscious, we saw what happened, so.
Do we know the name of the new film yet?
There is no name yet.
It's still in development, but it's developing rapidly.
Well, you're an interesting fellow and congratulations on all your work.
We'd love to get you back on next week or something for an update.
Well, you're my hero.
Everybody likes you, Jeffrey.
All right.
Take care, buddy.
Great job.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate you taking the time to put me on.
Thank you.
The latest on being listed as terrorist, Cliven Bundy joins us.
Coming up next.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
Well, you remembered!
A few months ago, back during the whole Clive and Bundy situation in Nevada, Harry Reid came out and said that these people aren't patriots, they're domestic terrorists.
You got the feds aiming guns at people, saying nowhere in the county, basically, without permission, could they hold a sign up.
They said you have a free speech zone out in the middle of a desert.
One little pin, but there's no media.
And then they beat up folks and had attack dogs go after them.
And so thousands showed up, and a few people aimed guns at the cops, because they were aiming guns at them, the feds.
And I wouldn't have aimed guns at the cops, at the feds.
I think that escalates things.
But only a few people out of 2,000 did that, and they might have been plants, probably were.
The feds were aiming guns the whole time.
First, though, saying, if you cross that line, we will shoot you.
And David Knight and Josh Owens deserve medals.
They marched to get the historic video, Feds Back Down,
At Bundy Ranch.
That video's got about a million views.
You can go watch it, it should have 50 million views.
And they said, we will shoot you.
Men in military uniforms aiming M16s or M4 variants at them.
And our guys walked across and they had to back down.
And of course they were holding the Bundy's cattle at their barn and basically killing them.
So, that's what happened.
Look, smart folks are walking towards the armored paramilitary feds, I don't want to call them cops, with their hands up, because, very dangerous situation.
And I don't want anybody to get hurt on either side, but is there no federal order that can't be followed?
Because Obama is saying he's going to open the borders, he's going to take the guns under a UN treaty, he's going to shut down the power plants, he's going to bring in the carbon taxes with the Chinese government, whether you like it or not, whether Congress likes it or not.
Remember Nixon said it's not illegal when the President does it.
Well, we proved that wrong.
I mean, was Hitler God?
Because they misinterpret Romans 13 to say, do whatever government says.
If it's godly government.
If it's in the right.
If it's the people's government.
Not if it's Mao Zedong or Stalin or Fidel Castro.
And I mean, we know what this looks like.
I'm sure those federal paramilitary BLM SWAT guys are probably, you know, not bad guys.
But why does the BLM have big SWAT teams?
I think they put military guys in.
They didn't look like regular folks.
They looked like real military.
And not just your standard army people, but vets.
So they probably sheep-dipped in FBI hostage rescue team people or who knows what.
But it's a serious situation now.
One of Klavan's family tried to fly and was pulled out and then pulled out again and said, oh, you're on the terrorist list, basically.
This is what this computerized system is all about.
This is why they want to control our lives.
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We're going to talk to Klavan Bundy for an update here in just a moment.
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You heard that award-winning cinematographer, filmmaker, saying he's super influenced by the show.
He's down there basically making a Panama Deception Part 2, I would guess, from what he said, like reaching out to the original maker, who won the Academy Award, and then it was never sold in stores.
Because, I mean, that film was incredible.
He's down there making basically an updated one.
And that's how this show and others have influenced the culture.
We're all in this together.
Some folks may not like my delivery.
I don't like it a lot of the time.
But I got all these great reporters and researchers.
Maybe you like their delivery.
Or maybe you like that director's delivery.
Maybe you like his style.
We want freedom.
We want to share it with each other.
We love each other.
We have goodwill towards humanity.
That's what it's all about.
And now there's been big developments on the Bundy Ranch, too.
They're now saying that it's not just an environmental area, but it's this
It's the same deal.
But they prey on your acreage that you don't know development rules.
So there's been new developments on that front.
And we're joined by Cliven Bundy.
Seven generations there, with open surface rights.
Folks don't know what that means.
They go, make that guy get off government land!
The government came later, after he had surface rights, and told him he didn't.
Yeah, they had a federal court say that, yeah, yes, basically get off.
Well, you know, they got federal courts saying Obama can take your guns without a law in Congress.
You got federal courts saying he can open the borders up without Congress.
You got them saying he can raise taxes without Congress.
That's a load of bull, folks!
It's called tyranny!
You gotta decide what side you're on.
Cliven, thanks for coming on.
That's quite an introduction, I know, but you can jump in wherever you like.
Well, thank you.
Appreciate it.
And I want to say hello to America.
It's nice to be able to visit with you one more time.
Here on Bundy Ranch, you know, we have been enjoying some freedom since that standoff with the feds.
And you know, we the people did drive those feds out of this part of the county and off Bundy Ranch, and we have really enjoyed some freedom and liberties, and we've been able to ranch and, you know, picnic, have off-road enjoyment, and enjoy this land.
And so, in that sense, we have accomplished a lot.
And we're feeling good about it.
We need to get our state to stand up for statehood, and our county sheriff to stand up to protect their lives, liberty, and property.
But hey, we're progressing.
We're doing good in America.
Well, you're right, and the feds were tasering people in the middle of nowhere that held up signs.
Attack dogs, they were creeping around everywhere.
Harry Reid's gonna come out and say you're basically a terrorist.
That's backfired.
There's been a major political realignment.
I want to talk about the political realignment and what happened to your son.
But first off, Cliven, let's talk about the current state out there.
Are they shooting kids bicycling in the back?
Are they still pointing guns at ranchers?
Are they still harassing everybody or what's going on?
Well, they're not doing that on Bundy Ranch, and they're not doing that in this part of Clark County, but they are doing it all over the western United States.
They've increased their power off this area, and they are abusing the citizens' property rights.
And, you know, you wouldn't want to think that they're going to shoot some kid in the back, but hey, they've been doing that, and we haven't got that far stopped.
You know, the people at Bundy's standoff made a mandate of the sheriff.
He said, take those arms away from those federal agencies, those federal bureaucracy.
If he took those arms away, they wouldn't be shooting people in the back.
They don't have no jurisdiction or authority to do it now, but they are doing it.
And we gotta have sheriffs across the United States that are constitutional.
The sheriffs with the proper jurisdiction and authority.
And anyone that's supposed to shoot somebody in the back if he's that bad a criminal, not these federal officers.
Well, since when does a free country have hundreds of agents he's running around dressed up in Army outfits?
They should go join the Marine Corps.
Well, sure, if they want to play Army.
But you know, this is where Harry Reid comes in.
Harry Reid has developed armies, and not only Harry Reid, it's our federal government.
But let's blame it on Harry for a minute.
Harry Reid has backed up all these different bureaucracies, agencies, and it's not only BLM and Forest Service and Park Service, but you know, it's the school and Homeland Security and on and on.
He's armed these people.
You know, our federal government has armed these people with military weapons.
Now those people are not armed to protect us against foreign nations and foreign people, invasion, invasion.
Or him to kill American people.
And that's what the proof of Bundy's standoff was proof.
That's what they come for.
I can't believe they'd threaten to shoot people if you crossed the line.
But America stood up to that intimidation.
But Reid is just looking for a way to come after you.
Let's play that terrorist clip to remind folks what he's been saying.
And then we'll get your take on it.
I want you to come in with me.
You know, Reid here also said he'd prove himself sound.
To be patriots.
Or not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
And I think that we are a country that people should follow the law.
And what went up in Mesquite is not very good.
I repeat, what went up there is domestic terrorism.
Domestic terrorism.
Not tourism.
That's right, that clip took a minute to play, but you've got the floor, Cliven, talk about it.
Well, you know, what happens here is when they earmark you as a domestic terrorist, and he actually said later that he was a Biden domestic terrorist, he puts that earmark upon me and my family and all of those that stood with us.
Now what the current event was, is you don't have a son that was going to try to fly from Phoenix, Arizona to Salt Lake City.
Well, when he goes to get a clearance there, what is he?
He's earmarked domestic terrorist.
I don't think so.
Uh, the local gun store and see if I can buy a gun, see if I'm listed there.
And sure enough, they would not sell him a gun.
He was in the, he was, he's been earmarked in that list, on that blacklist.
And so if they did that to one of my sons, evidently they could be doing that to all of us.
And all of us have stood against them for sure.
Continue going down the line then.
What do you think of this major political realignment?
Do you think that's a repudiation of these type of activities by Harry Reid?
He's one of the most unpopular people out there.
Well, political realignment don't mean anything to me.
You know what means something to me is when our United States Congressman
And our President of the United States and our Supreme Court realized that they only have limited power over certain things here in America.
Now, when they get back there and take care of their business back in Washington, D.C., and they make legislation over those things that they're in charge of, that's just fine.
But when they come out here in these sovereign states in America and start telling us what we're going to do and how we're going to do it, and if we don't do it, they're going to bring an army against us,
We're not going to put up with that.
Not us people here in America.
And those people have a place.
But it's not here in these sovereign states.
They have very little to do with these sovereign states.
I'm not saying they don't have nothing.
But their courts and their bureaucracies have very little to do in these sovereign states of America.
Elaborate on that.
Well, for example, this is a current event.
They're coming back with retaliation against Bundy Rights right now.
And the people of Southern Nevada.
What are they doing?
They're putting more environmental restrictions on the land.
It's called Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.
They're basically making all of Southern Nevada A.C.E.C.
And basically what's happened in the past
On these environmental issues and this so-called public land, they've said, we're going to give you land, and what we're going to do is we're going to give you, you can go down the sidewalk, but you can't get off on the grass.
And if you get off on the grass, we'll fine you $400 or $500.
You know, that ruins the picnic.
But this new regulation they're putting up over the land is taking away the sidewalks.
So in other words, don't go down the sidewalks.
You can't go down the sidewalks without getting a $500 fine.
So that's a new restriction they're putting over Bundy's Ranch and also all over the southern, Park County, Knight County, and Lincoln County, portions of them, in Southern Nevada.
Well sure, for those that don't know.
Retaliation against we the people to stand up against the Feds.
Well, for those that don't know, Cliven, Congress had maps put together off the UN coordinates of areas that would be completely off human use.
And guess what?
You live in an area that they basically have completely out of human use, but then only the globalists are allowed to operate in those areas.
This is how they make their land more valuable.
They make all the other land unusable except the land they own.
That's how they create artificial scarcity, and this is in Agenda 21,
scam up one side and down the other.
Now they're coming in with EPA rules trying to ban people's children carrying the trash out or working on the farm.
Proposed water rule could put property rights of every American entirely at the mercy of the EPA.
The proposed rule has ignited a firestorm of protest.
So they are coming out on every front.
Obama says that China doesn't have to cut their carbon.
We're going to cut ours and double the price.
That means double the price of our energy.
I mean, this is a strategy to shut us down.
You said there were 30 plus families that came in on those wagon trains in the 1870s into your county.
You know, when your great great great great granddaddy was there.
You're one of the last families.
Aren't you the last?
I am the last of the cattle ranchers that actually uses this land.
No, you're a bad person!
Listen, if you weighed 600 pounds and wore 6X underwear, you could get on a bus, come to the U.S., they'll load you on a bus, take you and put you on welfare, and you can sit there and watch daytime soap operas and get up to a thousand pounds.
But the fact that you, the fact that you produce food and are hard-working, aren't a criminal, that's why you gotta be hunted down, Cliven!
Yep, I guess.
But you know what?
I want to talk to you about something that's happening.
You know there's a line, Drew, let's look at it as like a white line down the highway.
And I want your audience to shut their eyes and say, okay, I see a black road here with a white line.
You know, we in America now have drawn a line.
And you're either going to be on the Constitutional, where we believe in the Constitution of the United States, the supreme law of the land, or
And I'll add more to that.
The Inspired Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
And we're going to believe in sovereign states and state law and county governments and county sheriffs having the jurisdiction and authority of policing power and arresting power.
And his job, we pay him to do that job, and his job is to protect our lives, liberty, and property.
And also it goes a little further.
You know, we elect our judges at the county level.
I hear you.
Stay there.
We need to make them stand up and do their job, not become federal minions and the feds themselves have been captured by the globalists.
That's how you conquer America.
I want to talk about your son getting put on the no-fly list when we come back.
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You know who that is?
Johnny Cash, bringing us in.
Live on Monday, I really appreciate you spending time with us today.
You're right, there's a line.
You're either going to stand up for the Constitution, due process, and prosperity, or you're going to join with the globalist gang, people like Harry Reid that get up on television and say that, you know, that you're a terrorist for not letting them completely run everybody off the land who've been there since 1877.
Now let's talk about your son and what they've been doing to him.
This is an example for everybody.
And if we give in to this intimidation, they'll end up taking over even more.
Oh, you better not criticize the government.
They won't let you fly.
That's the whole reason we shouldn't have internal checkpoints.
It isn't for terrorism.
It's for us.
Just like the Patriot Act they now admit is for the American people.
It was always meant for that.
Cliven Bundy.
Yes, now let me go back here.
I want to wake your people up here.
You know, they got their eyes shut looking down that white line down that black road.
They better wake up and decide which side of that line they're on.
And, you know, I didn't finish.
You know, I said that the sheriff has the constitutional jurisdiction and authority.
And we the people elect that sheriff, and we the people pay that sheriff.
You know one of the problems we have in America is when the federal government is paying our sheriff.
No, that's not their duty to pay the sheriff.
We the people of the county that elected that man is the one that pays him.
And then he has some respect and honor back to protect our life, liberty, and property.
But if the feds is paying his wages and his expenses and his operation, who does he respect?
That's a problem.
That's not only a problem with the sheriff, that's a problem with our school districts, and our county governments, and our state governments, and our health and welfare programs.
We need to start paying the bill ourselves, not the federal government.
But I want to show you, I want to look on the other side of this line.
This other line, you expressed it pretty good.
That is where we have a social government, where we have communist-type government, where we have all these big bureaucracies, and we have all this function of unlimited power through their placings.
We're good to go.
I agree with you.
We're almost out of time, Cliven.
Can you update us on your son and the harassment when he flies?
Yes, I can.
What we're at on that is, of course, they refused to let him fly.
They refused to sell him a gun.
And then, of course, what's happening is the feds are running backwards on this now.
They're saying, hey, Mr. Bundy, you can fly.
You can buy a gun.
But you know what that is for America?
That's a win.
We are winning this battle.
There's another wind also just happening yesterday and today.
And that's on this ACEC.
You know what?
They had a hearing yesterday, a public comment hearing on these ACECs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
There was a group of people met there, the off-roaders, the picnickers, the campers.
I had a representative there representing livestock.
And guess what they did?
They controlled the people or they wasn't able to talk or express their feelings.
Well, they have another meeting in Nevada, which is another 50-60 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
And guess what?
They canceled that meeting today.
Hold on, I want to do five more.
People are not going to stand up to the federal government just running over and embarrassing their land anymore.
Those people are ready to be sovereign citizens of the state of Nevada.
Cliven, I'm almost out of time here.
We've got to go to break.
Do five more minutes with me in overdrive so you can finish your point on this.
I want to specifically talk about these meetings that are happening with people getting riled up straight ahead.
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Going back to Clive and Bundy, all of us aren't up on exactly what's happening with the Range Wars.
I don't
The system, despite all their armored vehicles and the rest of it, just doesn't have the moral high ground, and people know it's oppressive.
So that's got to be, you know, a good feeling for you, and you're right historically at the heart of that.
What do you see in the future in the last three minutes, Clavin Bundy?
Okay, I see in the Ammon deal with the airport and the gun, you know, he put that out on social media, and he had over almost a half a million hits in less than four hours.
You know, we the people say that we don't like this.
We're not going to put up with this no more.
And this deal with the ACECs on the meeting in Prompt, Nevada today.
There are hundreds of people.
They're saying we're not going to put up with these feds no more.
And we the people are winning.
We the people have got to just keep moving forward.
And our state governments better wake up because we the people are not going to put up with them until they start realizing that they are sovereign states and we do have a constitution and we the people are the juries of this nation.
Well you're certainly right, Cliven Mundy.
So that's great news that
Your son got put on the terrorist list and couldn't buy a gun and couldn't fly.
No judge, no jury.
Harry Reid just, you know, says, we're making moves against him.
But it's good that they've had to back down.
What other dirty tricks are you expecting them to try to pull?
Well, let me tell you about the gun thing just a little more so your listeners can understand.
He went to Camaro's.
That's a big...
A retail sports store.
And they said he can't buy a gun.
And you know, within eight hours, during the weekend, after the media hits on a computer, within eight hours, the FBI called him and said, hey, tell Hammond Bundy he can buy a gun.
So that's what social media can do.
That changed the federal government's attitude over, during a weekend where they were not even supposed to be at work.
Well, that's because they know you guys are good people and you're good poster childs, you know, like Rosa Parks for a movement, so they don't want to mess with you anymore.
They want to just deny people their right to buy guns off-record and not have it on the radar.
Also, there's a lot of Democrats operating inside the NYX system, and there are a lot of better people in the FBI and others, that's who's over the NYX, who need to know when this happens, because a lot of people get thrown on these unconstitutional lists, not even officially.
They just go in and put your name in there.
So that's why you gotta squeal and get upset and make a big noise.
Then they're forced to back down.
Great job.
Folks can go to BundyRanch.blogspot.com.
Cliven, thank you so much for all your time today.
We salute you for your stand for property rights and freedom.
You're a true American.
And thank you for this opportunity, man.
America, this is a beautiful land.
It is.
The best land on Earth.
And we have the best government on Earth.
We can do it.
We can do it.
Call me anytime.
You pick up the receiver.
With your heart racing and sweat dripping from your forehead, you finally muster the courage to dial the number to call into your favorite talk radio show.
It rings once, twice, and then.
Hello, it's GCN.
Mel Vitality by Infowars Life.