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Name: 20141107_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 7, 2014
2499 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories, government cover-ups, potential for civil unrest, and controlled media narratives on his show, while promoting products from Super Nascent Iodine X2 to Infidel Body Armor. He touches upon topics like Mitch McConnell's pressure from constituents over Obamacare repeal, fake news stories, propaganda used by the government, Ebola transmission potential and economic collapse leading to civil unrest. A video showcases opinions about making money through grave digging instead of helping with oxygen treatments. It promotes Oxy-Powder for health improvement, discusses upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens sneak peek, false flag operations in Star Wars prequels and invites listeners to comment on the biggest false flag since 1977. Lastly, it promotes InfoWarsLife.com which offers high-quality supplements and nutraceuticals.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Analyst Harry Dent is going to be joining us for about 30 minutes in the second hour with breaking news on the world economy.
Our story on InfoWars.com is also on DrugsReport.com.
Economist, financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016.
Rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark revolution.
And don't forget yesterday's big story, Forbes.
Ryder, at a press conference with the CDC head, admitting that the media has agreed to cover up new Ebola cases.
Just like they collectively cover up that the Border Patrol loads the illegals on buses, gives them vouchers, and ships them wherever they want to go, men, women, and children.
We had to break that.
And the reason I keep going back to that is, it's an example of how they can cover up giant things going on.
Just like the mystery illnesses, respiratory illnesses last year and this year that killed three members of my family and are killing people all over the U.S.
Not just this virus out of South America.
There's almost no coverage of that.
I've got three people dead in my family.
That's what I'm saying.
We could have Ebola all over the place and they wouldn't tell us.
That's how controlled things have gotten.
Because the public is so sheep-like.
The news comes out here.
It comes out on Drudge and other places.
It comes out to millions of people.
Millions are awake, but the rest is... And I'm not saying Ebola's spreading everywhere.
What I'm saying is there have been ordered cover-ups of what appear to be new cases and people being disappeared.
And I know I just keep going back to that day after day because that's a big deal.
What if other people start just disappearing and nobody will talk about it?
I mean, is this Guatemala?
Is this South Africa 30 years ago?
Is this Nazi Germany?
Is this the Soviet Union?
Bizarre, my friends.
Very, very bizarre times that we live in.
We're going to keep looking at the post-mortem on Obama as a political god, now being a political devil in many people's eyes.
And sure, he's a front man and a puppet, but discrediting the collectivist, globalist agenda through their figurehead is quite useful.
So that's why we do continue to tear down Obama, because much of his agenda is still rolling forward.
Like Obamacare and the rest of it.
Mitch McConnell's gotten under a lot of fire.
The new Senate leader, the incoming Senate leader from Kentucky, the senior senator from Kentucky, the state where Rand Paul hails from, he's gotten in a lot of hot water with constituents.
There's not a lot of news coverage of it, but it's there.
When he said day one, Tuesday night and then Wednesday morning, we're not going to repeal Obamacare whole hog.
We might, you know, repeal some of it.
And the Democrats give him political cover and say, repealing any of it kills it, so he can declare a victory and fool conservatives and people that don't want to suicide the country's economy and healthcare system.
Well, now I saw him in the news today going, yes, if I get 51 votes, we will repeal Obamacare.
Mitch McConnell faces diverse pressure on Obamacare repeal, Politico reports.
Rumors of Mitch McConnell's political genius are premature.
Says the Atlantic.
Yeah, he is going to be on his way out along with Boehner if they don't start just at least not driving the country over the edge of a cliff.
John Boehner, Mitch McConnell vowed to kill Obamacare.
So they've now come out in a little press conference and that's good.
If that guy's printing me that article, please thank you.
That's in the Associated Press.
So there you go.
They're now saying they'll kill it.
Because you've blown their phones off their walls, and because talk radio isn't buying it.
Finally, I do not hear the big conservative talk show host worshipping the Republican Party.
Finally, common sense and their listeners are driving the agenda, and they're saying, next enemy, rhino, neocon, Republicans.
You are an endangered political species, just like the dirtbag Democrats.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body.
I think so.
And because early voting runs through this Friday,
You don't have to wait until Election Day.
You can vote all week!
The Rio Riba County Clerk's Office reported this afternoon that a voter trying to cast an early ballot in EspaƱola today was told he had already voted three days prior.
Activist on the tape goes on to suggest that discarded ballots could be collected from what she called Ghetto Aurora, saying that African Americans and Mexicans tend to throw out their ballots.
And as for those programs we do need, I'll make them work better and I'll make them cost less.
Thousands of federal workers are issued taxpayer-funded credit cards so long as they buy items that cost less than $3,000 or micro-purchases.
Our review found about $20 billion.
We're good to go.
By the end of my first term in office.
The Independent Congressional Budget Office warning a new fiscal crisis is coming if Washington doesn't get its spending in check.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios.
First, Ebola is not spread through the air like the flu.
Ebola is capable of entering human airway cells.
Ebola is primed to be able to have respiratory transmission.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this worldwide live original Friday transmission the seventh day of November 2014.
I am your host Alex Jones will be here for the next three hours Lord willing and I'll be back this Sunday live in studio 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time as well with the Sunday transmission.
InfoWars Nightly News airs weeknights 7 o'clock Central.
Infowarsnews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv will get you there.
I have got to cover all this news today.
It is all so over the top.
There are bellwether stories that indicate where we are as a society, just litmus tests in my view.
Or what I call Rosetta Stones, stories that then decode so much more.
And I've got a bunch of those today.
White House press laughs out loud at the press secretary's refusal to admit Dems lost or that losing is bad.
Close quote.
They didn't lose, and losing's not bad.
And then he said, I'm not going to sit here with a bunch of punditry from you guys.
They said, it's not that.
It's reality.
So see, saying punditry is saying that you're not a journalist.
You're just spouting off your opinion.
That's a way of saying you're a conspiracy theorist.
We didn't lose.
We control reality.
Are you smoking your own arrogant dope?
You don't control reality anymore.
And the same guy, Josh Earnest, he's one of the worst PR people I've ever seen, worse than the last two, Carney and Gibbs, went on Fox and said, criticizing Obama, not good for this country.
Because Obama, I guess, is the country.
No, criticizing and repudiating Obama is like sunshine to a vampire.
It's what the doctor ordered.
So they're trying to sell this idea that patriotism is getting in line and doing what you're told to the foreign special interests that run this country like a port-a-potty or something.
Nobody's a dumping ground for toxic waste and GMO and bad debts.
We've bailed out the whole world's derivatives to the tune of two quadrillion now.
Two thousand trillion.
Look it up.
It was 1.6 quadrille five years ago.
It's now 2 quadrille.
We've signed on almost 70% of it.
And they tell us our problems, the national debt, 19 trillion.
Oh, it's an issue.
But nothing compared to all the fraudulent debt we've been signed on to.
So we're going to play that clip coming up of Josh Earnest telling Fox News, criticizing Obama, not good for the country.
We're going to have another clip of the press laughing at him.
That's kind of like laughing at the captain when you're on the deck of the Titanic.
You're on the same ship.
You're in the tree.
You're sitting in the same tree.
It's like in Scarface where they've killed the drug dealer that tried to kill Tony Montana and there's the corrupt cop in there with him and he goes, yeah, you got out of control, Tony.
I'm glad you dealt with him.
And he said, oh, you messed up too, Mel.
You're signed on to this too.
The press is in the same group.
You're signed on too.
Don't try to laugh at this now when they try to control reality and tell you they didn't lose the election.
It's too late for you.
And see, that story dovetails with the Mint Press News
And a Breitbart story.
Weather Channel Morning Show beats CNN and MSNBC.
Dish drops CNN.
The world is changing.
And some people are going to change with it.
Dish Network chairman Charlie Ergin was in rare form today.
And he goes on to say that no one watches CNN anymore and that they don't even need them for election coverage anymore.
Not quite the product they used to be.
You can imagine CNN down on election night would have been a disaster 15 or 20 years ago.
Now there are plenty of other places for people to get their news.
The industry is changing.
There are about 10 big programming groups.
I don't anticipate that cable companies, satellite companies, and phone companies are going to carry the same 10 groups.
And so that's it.
CNN being dropped by Dish Network.
And so it begins.
CNN is already dead on arrival.
They were dead years ago.
I made that announcement two years ago when I was on Piers Morgan.
I'd been in those very studios three other times.
And they were glistening clean.
People were arrogant, running around with energy and news coverage, even though it was staged and manipulated.
The next time I was there, it felt like a tomb.
They were demoralized.
They had no momentum.
They know they work for the globalists.
They know they're traitors to America.
They know they're being told what to do by the White House.
They know.
They were a coffin that just hadn't been slid into the hole yet.
CNN is gone.
MSNBC is gone.
They are vestigial, propped-up edifices.
But that's all they are, is the skeletal remains.
They're done.
So, there you go.
We're going to be getting into those reports as well.
Obviously, I'm going to get into the economy.
A top economist says financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016.
Harry Dent was on and wanted to talk about this, but then he had a family emergency.
He'll be on Sunday or Monday.
So we'll just have open phones.
We do have an Ebola doctor joining us, who's been in Africa and covered it with some of the real treatments that are working, popping in the last 30 minutes.
This ties in, this economist's financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016.
Singer Elliott says U.S.
growth optimism unwarranted is data-cooked and says we live in a, quote, fake economy.
Completely fake.
And that there's going to be a deep crash, close quote.
Former ECB head bullied Ireland into bailout, that is, signing on to the EU's bailout.
Trichet held a loaded gun to their heads, close quote.
By the way, who do you think owns the Federal Reserve?
Same folks own the IMF and World Bank, mainly British and German and Dutch banks.
And they financed U.S.
robber barons in the 1850s right through the 1920s, and they run this country.
Into the ground, by the way.
They're the ones that got Obamacare passed, that is a huge tax increase, some estimate that'll bring in more money than the income tax every year, to private insurance companies.
That's why Mitch McConnell and Boner over there don't want to repeal it, because hardcore global mafia wrote that stinker.
Double, triple your prices and kill grandma and put the VA troops on death list.
I mean, you can be 30 years old, need an arm?
You're not getting one.
You're getting a cane.
You need a leg?
You're getting a cane.
You need knee surgery?
You need heart surgery?
You're 50 years old?
You ain't getting it.
You're on a death list.
Here's some pills.
Go home and die!
But that's okay because there's lots of PR about how great our military is and how much the government loves you.
I was watching, I was in the gym this morning, they had like seven TVs on, or eight TVs that I could see, and I noticed at the same time on three different morning shows, the big national morning shows, once two channels at the same time, and then later on the other channel, they were promoting the Navy, and talking to people on ships, because the Navy has horrible morale right now.
Just collapse level events are happening by design long term, but it's collapsing faster than they want.
So that's why you're seeing all the Navy SEAL stuff too.
Bin Laden died in 2002.
Well, I've talked to Navy SEAL families on air.
I talked to Navy SEALs at the time.
There was a Bin Laden lookalike.
That was a CIA asset.
We've even announced his name on air previously when the Navy SEAL families are on.
They went in and killed him.
That's why they court-martialed over 200 people on the ship who said that there was no body and no burial at sea.
None of it's real.
It's totally fake.
And now for Navy recruitment and to remind people that Obama supposedly had bin Laden killed and that he had this big victory, they announced this SEAL
And the Pentagon says, you better not talk, we're gonna come after you.
That way people think it's real.
Ex-SEAL says he fired Fidel Bin Laden's shot.
Total theater.
And by the way, why didn't he get blown up in the helicopter like the 23 other SEALs that were on the mission?
They were talking.
I've talked to SEALs that talked to him, okay?
It was not Bin Laden.
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Well, Martha, the other thing that people have observed is that Republicans spent a whole lot of time in this last election criticizing the President.
Now, that may have worked for them politically.
I mean, I think the numbers indicate that it might have, at least in the short term.
But is that really good for the country?
I think what the voters really want is they want Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C.
to sit down and start looking for some common ground.
I think you're right about that.
It doesn't mean they're going to agree on everything, right?
No, I think you're right about that.
That's the White House press secretary, Josh.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Mr. Baloney, earnest.
They always just say the same talking point, work together, get stuff passed.
No, we don't want more stuff passed like Obamacare and more gun grabbing and more open borders.
We want stuff reversed.
We want things repealed.
We want less government.
We want tax increases repealed.
We want violations of states' rights repealed, rolled back.
No, we don't want more.
What we want is repealed.
And the same Josh Earnest had the White House press corps laughing and groaning in disbelief.
Here is that exchange when he basically implied that they had not lost the election.
Here is the video and audio of that.
There are lots of people who get paid a lot more money than I do, who are responsible for offering up analysis and spinning the elections, and I'm not going to do that.
What I'm focused on here, and what everybody here is focused on, is figuring out what we can do to work with Republicans and move the country forward.
And those are the lessons from the election, and that's what we're here to talk about.
You said it was good for Republicans, so bad for Democrats.
Well, I know that is the mentality of Washington, D.C.
I also think that's the kind of mentality that voters aren't very happy about.
You're saying it could be good for Democrats?
Well, no.
That's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying I'm not going to pass judgment on the... You can say it's good for Republicans, but you can't pass judgment on whether it's good or bad for Democrats?
It's fine.
It is.
It is.
I'm certainly disappointed in the outcome of the elections.
The President is, too.
I think I said that earlier in response to your earlier question.
If you want to understand the mentality, it's a bunch of narcissistic, swarmy, nerdly, Mr. Cool guys that think they're the smartest guy in the room and who watch The Hangover five times a day.
These people, guaranteed that guy's never been in a fistfight, never been mugged, never built a business, never been in the military, probably doesn't have kids, I don't even know his bio, just isn't living in the real world.
Probably never worked at a convenience store.
Probably never had to fix his tire on the side of the road.
They're so disconnected.
and arrogant and in their own world that they're such big winners.
And people are rejecting Obamacare and Fast and Furious and the wars and the Patriot Act being expanded and the NDAA to secretly arrest Americans and all the rest of the corruption and saying we didn't build our businesses and the tax increases.
That's what we're rejecting.
Not that Republicans didn't work with the Democrats.
The Republicans passed Obamacare with them.
The Republicans are going along with arming ISIS and then fighting ISIS.
The Republican leadership is part of the problem.
And that's what the Tea Party is saying.
We're not in love with our party like the Democrats are.
We're not in love with big government.
We just want to have some future.
This country is being wrecked right now.
I'm going to get into the latest activity in the Middle East.
I'm going to break down the fraud of this announcement concerning the shooting death of Osama Bin Laden.
And if you believe that, I'm going to tell you about a leprechaun I met last week who was riding a magical pony unicorn on his way to buy magic beans to grow a beanstalk up to the International Space Station.
And of course, at the International Space Station, there are Keebler elves.
Riding unicycles while hanging out with little green men.
It is just total, absolute, fabricated baloney.
So we're going to be looking at that.
And then in detail, Alex, he reads the article, Economist, financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016.
Rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark revolution.
And that's what the Ministry of Defense is saying in England, that's what the Pentagon's saying.
But they're saying they want to try to stop it once it starts, which I don't want a bunch of burning cities and French Revolution garbage.
But the globalists have set that up, where the type of revolution we'll have will be a failure, with a bunch of welfare heads and socialists burning stuff and shooting police, instead of the states taking back over and the federal government being returned to federal control, not globalist control, wresting control away from the very combine.
That has been engineering worldwide, not just domestically, the climate of global revolution to bring in their world government.
It's mega-robber-baron bankers using communist revolutionary tactics on the ground.
Just as the best-selling book, 1972, None Dare Call a Conspiracy, documents.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We are going to be announcing the winner
Coming up later in the broadcast today, either towards the end of the second hour or at the start of the third hour, just as soon as they've got a little promo video ready showing the top six entries.
And we'll be breaking down who won that $7,500 contest to go out and hang up posters exposing the fact that Obama had shut off any type of response to Ebola.
And that if Ebola begins to spread in the country, he is aiding and abetting it.
This contest ended up to be very successful.
National news picked it up.
A lot of local TV stations picked it up.
A lot of newspapers picked it up.
And so millions of people ended up seeing the videos.
DrudgeReport.com picked up one of the videos.
And it got hundreds of thousands of views by itself.
So that's what we do.
We'll spend $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 on one of these contests.
Everybody that enters the contest is a winner because you're politically active, you're hanging up posters in legal and lawful areas, you're engaging in the First Amendment, you're engaging in peaceful demonstration, what they don't want, you are reaching out to people, and you are spreading the word.
And so, hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars of advertising to expose
The Ebola non-response for $7,500.
That's why we do these contests.
So we'll announce the top three runner-ups, who will also get some prizes, an InfoWars information warfare pack of t-shirts, books, videos, some of the supplements.
The three runners-up will all get that.
The first place winner will get $5,000.
Second place will get $2,000.
And third place will get $500.
And that is going to be announced coming up later in the transmission today.
Also, we have some special reports that are being put together on several breaking issues by Rob Doob.
David Knight and others that'll be premiering here on the radio slash TV transmission as well.
So look for that coming up in the next two and a half hours today.
I also want to open the phones up yet again for first-time callers, we do that every few days, on your response, your take on election 2014.
Clearly a political realignment.
The numbers show that.
Worst trouncing the Democrats have had since 1920.
Some estimates are since the 1830s.
This is unprecedented.
Does that mean we'll get change?
If we force Boehner and other kleptocratic creatures like Mitch McConnell, who's been up there stealing our freedoms, supporting Obamacare, that is stealing our money.
If we can route them now and put all this political pressure on them,
Instead of letting them be turned into political celebrities, we can really get this train going.
Because as soon as the public sees results, and as soon as they see victories, they will get confidence.
See, we never have victories.
They never let us have the smallest victory because they know the taste of victory is addictive.
It builds confidence.
But more and more, we are seeing victories.
It is a victory that CNN has basically collapsed, and they're just keeping it there to save face.
It is a victory that MSNBC has collapsed, and they're just keeping it there to save face.
This is being announced.
They're being dumped off cable systems, off satellite systems.
They have the viewers at CNN.
Of 590 AM one affiliate we have in Austin, that in the ratings with their top shows, has 200,000 listeners with George Norrie at night.
You can go read the Arbitron ratings.
He has, in a five county area, 200,000 people, one station.
When we're on it,
Because during the day there's a lot more competition out there.
We have upwards of 75,000 listeners on one affiliate.
CNN's average show has 100,000 viewers domestically.
You count International, 300,000.
It's a joke, people.
That's what I keep telling you.
It's a joke!
And all we do is hire good reporters and researchers and writers, build a fancy studio.
We're bigger than CNN.
It's over.
It's a joke.
The Weather Channel has more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined.
Major cable channels are being dumped.
CNN's been dumped by Dish.
It reaches, what, 500 million homes in North America?
Mexico, the U.S.
and Canada?
Four hundred and something million?
Bye-bye, dinosaur!
Nothing's gonna put you back together again.
That's why I coined the term dinosaur media, because what happened to dinosaurs?
They became...
Consumer Affairs reports, Dish Network dumps CNN.
Other Turner Channels, bye-bye!
That's what McLaughlin always says on PBS on the McLaughlin Report.
And listen, people know Sandy Hook was staged.
We don't know exactly how it was staged, but it's fake.
We've had the cops, the state police, the top school, college experts.
You got kids in rings going in and out of an empty school.
You got blue screen with Anderson Cooper with his nose disappearing.
And it's clearly blue screen where the flowers behind him blow and then blow the same way again.
It's a clip rolling.
They think you're so dumb, they get up there and have fake newscasts.
What are you gonna do?
Declare martial law?
Set some nukes off?
Come kill me?
All that'll do is wake everybody up if you go after Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Joseph Farah.
I mean, look at Tucker Carlson.
He's played the establishment fiddle.
But he's a smart guy.
He knows what's really going on.
I've hung out with him behind the scenes.
And so notice now he's talking like us because that's where the ratings are, it's where the truth is, it's where the success is.
See, I've always explained to everybody, you've got to get ready to win.
We always have this attitude that we can't win and there's always going to be a new world order and we have to fail and it's destined because they bought off the churches the last hundred years to run around and teach this doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture.
It isn't in there.
But regardless, it's a giant cop-out to believe nothing bad's gonna ever happen to you, because you've got your Christian snuggle toy, where you go to the church and just sit there with some dandy preacher glitter bug.
With voodoo teachings about how you go give them money and pray to them, basically, and you're going to have a perfect life with, you know, your wife's going to have big blonde hair and big cap teeth and little twinkly eyes and the preacher's going to strut around on the stage and talk about how God's going to supersize you because you just stay here in the church and don't do nothing in the world and you're going to be teleported out of here and you're going to have all these riches because you're just going to bend over to the government.
You ever read the Bible?
Nobody bends over.
They stand up against the evil in the government.
But you go watch these churches on TV, it's the opposite, because they're not churches.
They're government-programmed, government-run groups, and they're the next target.
Because let me tell you something, now that news is dying, establishment news, and there's a new rebirth, a renaissance of new media,
They're targeting the dumbed down that have just completely tuned out.
CNN and all of those places are going extinct, are going to entertainment, but the real propaganda is in the sports programming, the entertainment programming, the cartoons, the books, the magazines, everything out there.
When I turn on ESPN or I turn on, because I don't watch sports stuff except to analyze it.
Of course, it might be a real good run or something.
I mean, it's not like I hate football.
I hate the fact how it's used as a weapon to dumb people down and preach Obamacare and gun control and fire Hank Williams Jr.
because he had free speech and said that, you know, he thought Obama was like Hitler.
Obama is like Hitler in a lot of ways.
A charismatic guy put up there by special interests who's creating a fascist system and calling it socialist.
Yeah, the Nazis were national
Socialists, but they were really fascist.
That's what Nazi means is National Socialist Workers Party basically in German.
So, that's what's happening here.
Is there is a lot of good stuff taking place.
It doesn't mean we're out of the woods by a long shot, but we're coming from behind to use another ballgame analogy and people just have to get excited and be ready to start having some success.
Because I'll tell you, the average person in government, the average high-level corporate chief, the average high-level professor, they just want to be more successful with their peers, make more money, to pay off their last two marriages, and they really don't want to end productivity and prosperity.
They really just want to go to the Formula One race and pick up chicks.
They don't want to put cancer viruses in the vaccines.
They all know what's going on.
They all know about the agenda.
They go to these big board meetings.
Why do you think they listen to my show?
It's the only place an elitist can tune in and actually get a report on what's going on, not because they just believe I know what I'm talking about.
They know!
They know I know what I'm talking about.
And then you got all the fake liberal trendy intelligentsia.
I got invited to one of my friend's cocktail parties last night and there was about a hundred people there and a few of them went, is that Alex Jones over there?
And they were Democrats, UT intelligentsia types, and they left because I was there.
I mean, why not come over and argue with me?
Why not come over and make fun of me?
No, they are in such a cult, folks, they left
Oh my gosh, is that Alex Jones out on the balcony?
Excuse me, is that Alex Jones?
See, it's a cult.
It's all like being back in junior high.
You're going to let Jenny sit at your table at lunch?
We're not going to sit here at your table anymore.
Because Jenny wears a misfit shirt, and we're good little cheerleaders.
What a group of freaks.
You think it made me feel bad?
That you left the party?
Is that Alex Jones over there?
You should want to go to parties where there are people that are interesting and that you don't agree with completely.
That's called a lively party.
A place where everybody agrees is called a cult.
A lot of times folks will say, hey, we're going out to dinner, but my aunt wants to go, but she doesn't really like you or agree with you.
She works for the Federal Reserve.
I went out to dinner with, I said Ann, it was another family relation, I won't even say exactly, it was a person I know.
And they actually are pretty high level in the fellow reserve.
And we went out to two-hour dinner at the end of it.
They said, no, we agree with you.
You're absolutely right.
And I've talked to these two directors, the one in Dallas, the one in Kansas City, and they're aware of what's happening.
And they don't want to wreck the economy.
And they said the policies of the New York Fed are doing that.
And this person I was out to dinner with, with their family member, was just blown away.
Wow, she really likes you and agrees with you.
I can't believe this.
She is high-level policy, Federal Reserve.
Because this person doesn't want to wreck America?
That's what I'm saying.
We have to be ready to win.
We have to be ready to realize we're selling snow cones in hell.
We're selling a lifeboat when the ship's sunk.
We all share a commonality of wanting prosperity and freedom.
It's a very small group of transhumanist eugenicists, less than one-tenth of one percent.
Even most of the 6,000 superclass that Kissinger and others and Rothkopf write about aren't into this.
In fact, they're freaked out, most of them, but they want their power, so they play along with it.
But I certainly don't want our country to be converted over
To a cult!
See, the cult is so insulated.
They really believe that when they call you racist because you own guns, you get scared and sad and go freak out with your tail between your legs.
Or that when they call you racist because you don't support Obamacare, you really get shook up and upset.
Those people that left last night because they saw me at the party... And I just popped by for like an hour.
Because I was asked to go to it, and it was close.
They really thought that would shake me up and the people at the party, and they told folks they were leaving.
Because I was there.
And I even heard about it from somebody else this morning.
That's cult-like behavior.
You're not in our group, so we're going to ostracize you
Because, see, that shows what prisoners they are.
They think when they say, you're racist because you won't turn your guns in, if they were told they were racist, they would get in a fetal position and probably urinate on themselves.
So, see, they think we're like them.
So they sit up there, Rachel Maddow and the rest of them, like they're the king on the mountain, pronouncing things, and then it's the word of God or ex-cathedra spoken from the throne.
They say 2 plus 2 equals 5, and so it is so.
They say raising the debt doesn't raise the debt, so it is so.
They say they're not coming after our guns, even though they are, so it's so.
They say they control reality.
You don't, freaks!
Don't you get it?
You use whatever credibility and power you had left in the dinosaur media to try to sell this for a period.
You promise everybody free lottery tickets, basically.
That everybody was gonna win.
It didn't deliver.
So you've completely collapsed.
All confidence in you is gone.
Except for maybe...
10% of hardcore cult members that have been given medium-level positions in the power structure, in universities and government and corporations and banks, who still think by being yes-men, you are part of the winning club.
No, you're part of a group that's going extinct.
You're what we call dishonorable losers.
But what happens when you go with the trend?
Pretty soon, whatever's trendy and cutting-edge is what everybody's into.
You're not trendies at all, you're jokes!
You're cult members, who don't have identities.
And then you look at people like us, who really study history, who really know what we're talking about, who are real liberals!
Hardcore liberals who want human freedom, human life valued, dignity, right to defense, human empowerment, fans of humanity, fans of individuals, fans of local community, fans of decentralization, fans of exploration, fans of art and literature.
So many liberals will go, you read the New York Times before somebody sees me reading it or covering it.
You know poetry?
You know Beethoven?
You have a Texas accent?
There's no way.
Why, you know how to tie your shoelaces.
Why, only someone from Harvard would know how to... You're in a cult of believing you've arrived.
Look at this new lady they want for Attorney General.
Oh, Harvard Law.
My goodness.
Oh, boy.
What does Harvard Law produce?
It's just a big political cult.
It's a joke.
Everyone salivates over it.
When this whole system comes down, having a degree from Harvard Law is going to be like having a giant mark of cane on your head.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It's an article out of Foreign Policy, the Washington Post.
Meet your new favorite holiday, World Vasectomy Day.
That's right.
Don't have children for the Earth.
It's a win-win for the health of women, our children, and our planet.
And sure, you can argue a lot of countries have had too many kids, and there's a lot of problems associated with it, but this is all an anti-human movement overall.
And they're designing a world where humans won't exist.
They're designing a world where we won't go to space, where the world won't be designed for humans.
The elite are already moving to have robots do everything for them, so we are obsolete.
Just thought folks might want to know that.
Coming up in the next hour, we will take your calls, we will get into the economy, I will get into the Navy SEAL situation.
That was brought out
To remind people that Obama supposedly took out Bin Laden.
It was a PR stunt.
I've talked to the Navy SEAL families on air.
I've talked to the Navy SEALs off air.
They blew up the helicopter with 23 Navy SEALs on it to kill them.
I've had the families on.
They believe that.
We've had Navy SEALs on the show as well.
You understand that?
We ought to do a special report for the Nightly News that could air Sunday, where we go back and get the families we've had on, where they list the name.
And I was told that a week after it happened by a Navy SEAL, who wasn't in SEAL Team 6 but had a friend in it, that no, it was a body double they killed, and that then one of the helicopters blew up on the ground, they thought it was a setup.
And that just things weren't right.
And then the next helicopter blew up, that they packed 23 of them on, and that that was a hit.
And they flew them in, and the missiles were ready to shoot them down.
And I told you that first, and years after I told you that... Well, I'm gonna cover it in the next hour.
Years after I told you that, that came out in the news.
That the families think that they were killed.
Now, why would you kill a bunch of Navy SEALs?
But, oh, notice the guy?
Boy, I tell ya, most of the guys that were on the raid, they're all dead.
But the guy that shot Bin Laden, you know what?
He's doing just fine.
Oh, boy, I tell ya.
Oh, man.
But see, now you're not saying Obama's a lie, the raid didn't happen.
Now it's, are you saying a Navy SEAL's lying?
They're trained to lie.
They're Navy spook commandos, folks.
Deception's a large part of warfare.
Don't be stupid out there.
And he's got a very dangerous job.
Remember Private Ryan?
She was told a lie that the men cowered and feared, and she killed dozens of Iraqis.
It turned out she was hiding under the bed when they got there at the hospital, days after the Iraqis had pulled out.
And Jerry Bruckheimer, by satellite, directed the Special Forces in the raid to save her.
That was in the BBC.
That was all Jerry Bruckheimer production.
To get women to join the military.
You can pull up the articles, it was men in the team.
In the resupply team that held off a bunch of Republican Guard and killed a bunch of them.
She hid in the back of the truck.
But see, in Fantasyland... Oh, and by the way, four members of her team went public and said it was all a lie.
They were all killed in one week.
Having a barbecue?
A guy in a black uniform and a mask pops up and double taps you in the head from 40 yards in your backyard having a barbecue.
Two shots, dead.
Double tapped the head.
Another one found suicided in his house.
Another pulled over, drowned in a puddle of water.
And another jumped off a bridge into a river.
In one week.
Then Private Jessica
I don't want to say Ryan.
Jessica Lynch then came out and said, oh, it was all fake.
And then they didn't have to kill her.
In fact, print me all those articles.
I'm going to do a piece on it.
I got to get all my facts straight.
It's just old bull.
Stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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Security alert.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're going to have open phones in this hour.
First-time callers, 800-259-9231.
I've already covered a lot in the last hour, listeners.
I'd like to hear from you on what's happening in the economy, on CNN and other mainstream media collapsing, and major networks dropping their feeds.
We're going to get back into that.
We're going to look at American fighter jets carry out series of airstrikes against Al-Qaeda cell in Syria.
We're going to look at economists financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016 and how that ties in with America's upper middle class share of the wealth is the worst that
Every country besides Russia and Indonesia, yeah, they're just getting rid of the middle class entirely.
That is the main driver.
I know we know that, but it is just outrageous that this is going on.
And once you get rid of the middle class, they very rarely, if ever, come back.
So that's all coming up today as well.
I'm going to drill into those articles in the next segment.
First off, I'm going to just try to focus and put it all together in one spot.
See, I hate to
I could just start shooting my mouth off about the killing of Bin Laden being fake, without going and getting all the news articles, all the documents, all the names, all the proof.
There's just so much of it makes my head spin.
I've had Navy SEALs on, I've had their families on.
I've talked to Navy SEALs off record.
And I told everybody first.
They blew up the helicopter within a minute.
To get rid of the witnesses.
I told them it was a body double.
Now we know the guy's name.
The family has released it here.
One of the families.
So just print me all those articles from 2013-2012.
Where I broke all that down.
And again, I'm not up here bragging.
Hey, we were right first.
Hey, we have all the answers.
Hey, I don't like being the one.
Talking to Navy SEAL families first.
Talking to Navy SEALs that are active duty.
Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?
When the entire PR plan of the President was based on it?
The only reason I'm still alive is God above, but also your prayers and the fact there are so many good people in the military, in the police, even in federal agencies.
That the bad guys that dominate these agencies at the top are afraid to do things that are too obvious because they might get caught.
And that's why it's good to repudiate Obama, why it's good to indict some of these people.
It's good to get them on their heels so that more whistleblowers inside the system are able to expose what's happening.
Like, they better think twice about killing a bunch of Navy SEALs again.
Twenty-three of them on that helicopter, and they go, this is a weird mission.
We've not been given briefings or training.
We never do this.
We're being put on an Army helicopter, and we're being sent out to an area.
You know, what's going on?
And then they show up, and there are the missiles ready to shoot them down.
This is all pure bull.
In fact, I want to get Pachinic on about this Navy SEAL announcement Sunday, if he can do 30 minutes, maybe at 5 o'clock.
Get Dr. Pachinik on who was on my show early in 2002 saying that Bin Laden had died of Marfan's disease and kidney failure and then months later was in CBS News that he indeed had been at the American Hospital in Dubai and was reportedly on death's doorstep.
And then it came out in foreign papers he died not
Commanding forces shadowy from a cave.
I mean, and then they don't display his body.
And then they put out some fake photos, it turns out, of a wounded Navy SEAL that just stuck Bin Laden's face on it.
And then they, PSYOP, we tracked it back to the Pentagon, leaked that out to the military.
Oh, you're giving the classified, Bin Laden.
So they could have the simulated victory of seeing a dead Bin Laden, but it wasn't even true.
And then all those given the fake intelligence don't want to admit it was wrong when they were given it, and it just becomes a lore, a legend.
You don't get legend here.
You get real analysis, real breakdown that proves accurate time and time again.
And I wish that was not the case.
We're going to hit all that news and go straight to your calls after that.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into the second hour of this live Friday worldwide broadcast.
I'll be back live in studio this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central as well.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Record high number of Americans say guns make homes safer.
And there's a piece I want to get to at the bottom of the hour.
A news station out of Houston, of all places, the same city in Texas where they're trying to arrest preachers and indict them for criticizing homosexuality, trying to subpoena them.
Local news advises residents to play dead during home invasion.
Yeah, that's what public schools train kids to do.
If somebody comes to school, don't climb out the window, don't run, just get in a fetal position, and I guess kiss your butt goodbye.
This is what government wants, because they're predators, people that run things.
It's for you to learn how to get on your knees.
But they're unable to kill the culture of defend yourself.
That's why sheriffs and police chiefs all over the country, including traditional Democratic areas, are saying buy guns, defend yourself, shoot robbers.
Because if someone comes in your house, 97 percent, I was actually looking at the numbers this morning,
All right.
In that 3%, they are going to rob your house and they want to kill you.
They want to rob it while you're there.
They want to rape you.
They want to torture you.
So, if you're in your house and you look up and somebody's busting in, or you look up and somebody's coming to that door, and they know you're there, they want to kill you.
In almost every case, you better kill them as fast as you can.
Now it was back on August 6, 2011, just a few months after the so-called Bin Laden raid that he was
Supposedly killed him.
And Santa Claus on December 25th comes down your chimney and you leave cookies and milk out for him.
It's not really mama doesn't really make them for daddy who's putting stuff under the tree.
It's actually a fat man fits down the chimney and comes from the North Pole.
They weren't going along with the fable.
They were talking to me and others.
I mean, if I was talking to Navy SEALs and giving you the absolute intel that was proved correct day one, you can believe
That it was leaking out, so they put 23 of them on a helicopter and blew it up.
But now, oh, a Navy SEAL's come forward.
He lived!
He didn't get blown up.
And he killed Bin Laden.
He slayed the dragon.
Of course, people are believing him a little bit more than Obama.
Of course, folks on the ship said there was no bodies.
The most court-martialed ship in U.S.
Hundreds of court-martials, last time I checked, of the people that were on that ship when bin Laden supposedly got dumped in the drink.
And they didn't see Santa Claus come down the chimney.
They didn't even see a man in a red suit.
They didn't see Papa in a red suit.
They didn't even see him put a clown out there and dump him in the ocean.
Does anyone believe that?
And so they had to court-martial them all to dishonorably discharge them, to shut them up.
I'm going to do this, because I always start telling the story, and then I'm going to get all my documents together.
I'm going to do this towards the end of the hour.
I'm going to cover the Navy SEAL thing.
Because I want to do it justice.
I don't want to just sit up here and say it didn't happen.
I've got stacks of the articles here where the families came out and said it, where we said it first, where it was confirmed.
And now this.
This is pure PR for Obama to remind us that he killed bin Laden, and he blew up the Death Star.
And he saved the Titanic.
We're going to break that down.
And economists, financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America in 2016 and cause revolution.
That's what they're gearing up for.
So we're going to give you the news behind the news, the rest of the story.
But first, I do want to go to your calls.
In fact, as I'm going to do Navy SEAL stuff later,
It's like being a prosecutor who just has a slam-dunk conviction here, this is fake, but I want to be able to put the evidence on.
That is a problem I have, though, because there's just so much evidence that I tend to not even get into stuff where I have too much evidence.
It's just so ridiculous.
I want to pull up the clips where we said it first, two days after it happened, that it was fake, and that we said two days, three days after they blew up the helicopter that it was fake, and that we talked to the sources.
And then exactly what we said, they later went public.
I mean, it's just sensationally evil, this is all going on.
It's so crazy.
But first, it sounds unbelievable.
But remember, after the Aurora shooting, the Democrats put out training videos for Democrat-run companies in Colorado.
And then Homeland Security put out videos saying, vomit or urinate on someone when they're trying to rape you or shoot you.
They also, in one training video, said something else I'm not gonna repeat, but... It's just ridiculous.
They said poop on people.
Now, let me tell you what's gonna happen if somebody comes in here to rob us or kill us.
Let me tell you what's gonna happen.
Biometric access, 357 Magnum, M4 right over there.
Reaper 308 in that office, that's what's gonna happen.
You come in my house, that's what's gonna happen.
I catch you in my house, that's what's gonna happen.
You come in my house, in almost every case, the people that'll do that are intending harm.
If I pull up and catch you in my house, I'll probably call the police because I don't want a dead body to deal with.
And people that break in your house when you're gone usually don't mean harm, though they could.
But if you come in when I'm there and the lights are on, that means you want to kill me and tie me down and rape my family, you're dead.
And that's not because I'm a tough guy.
You stick your hand down a badger hole, he's gonna bite your fingers off.
You come in my nest, my hole, I'm gonna come after you, just like a dog.
There it is, CNN.
College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist.
Well, is there a five-day waiting period on that?
Or is it a 28-day waiting period?
I mean, I guess there is a waiting period, actually, for some forms of fluids.
I mean, I'm not trying to be gross, but, you know.
Vomit, defecate, urinate on people.
This is the joke, and now they say, lay down and play dead.
That's exactly what they want you to do.
It's not like it's a grizzly bear.
That works most of the time with a grizzly bear, because they usually don't like to eat humans.
But if you run, then it triggers their prey response, and they will try to eat you.
So yes, laying down, usually with a grizzly bear, is the way to do it.
Not with a predator.
It's a different creature.
Not with a human coming in.
They want to rape you.
And telling women to lay down and play dead.
That is the worst advice.
I've studied the criminology and any cop will tell you that.
Let's go to the local newscast, KTRK, with a straight face, a Disney affiliate.
So the headline is, Disney tells women to lay down and be raped, basically.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
If you can, get directly out of the house to a neighbor's.
Develop a family plan with a code word like danger, danger.
When your kids hear it, teach them to hide under their bed until you come get them.
That's where the training comes into play.
This is a little safe zone for them.
They just need to stay there.
Create a little comfort level for them.
Imagine, listen to this guy's voice.
Can you imagine being married to him as a woman?
Would you feel, in just a training area, get out of the bed, because somebody doing a home invasion never looks out of the bed for kids.
That's the first place someone looks.
A real plan would be have a room with a secured window and a heavier door to get to that has weapons.
It is smart, if you can, to retreat.
Not me, I'm charging, I can't help it.
You are in my house, you are dead!
And you're gonna die fast!
Just go back to this guy's shimpering voice.
A nice little safe place for them.
And what you do when there's a mass shooting is you get in a fetal position and you don't move because it's easier for the gunman to not have to aim.
Let's go ahead and go to the tape.
Get them.
That's where the training comes into play.
This is a little safe zone for them.
A little safe zone.
Create a little comfort level for them.
Keep your cell phone and car keys with you at night.
You'll be ready to call police and your key fob's panic button can create a great distraction.
That's actually true.
Pepper spray and baseball bats can be good go-tos, but any heavy object can help you if you decide to fight.
And finally, if you come face-to-face with the bad guys and you're not prepared, lie down, don't look at them, and pretend to have a heart attack or a breathing problem.
John says now is the time to plan for the worst.
I might have a heart attack as I jump from my gun so quick.
I don't know.
I would get so mad that I'd probably not even go for a gun.
Oh, man, I tell you.
I mean, coming in people's houses when they're there... I mean, breaking into somebody's house when they're not there is horrible.
Breaking into somebody's house when they're there, you better believe they're coming to kill you.
Because they know you got guns.
Unless you're in Chicago, New York, or D.C.
where they have crime rates off the charts, home invasions off the charts, and all these old ladies with like six, seven locks just quaking fear, and these thugs feed on them.
Who was the famous guy that shot all the thugs on the train?
Turns out he's a listener.
Remember one time he called in, we made movies about it, and he's a listener, and then he was on as a guest.
I confirmed it was him and he was on as a guest.
Who's the famous guy that shot like five people on the New York subway?
Because they'd mugged him a bunch?
I've been on the New York subway.
Yeah, Bernard, uh, do you pronounce it goats?
Yes, that's right, Bernard Getz.
We ought to reach out to him and get him back on.
I've been on the New York subway, and I'm a pretty big guy coming back from an event at like one in the morning, and a bunch of big guys come on and they're like, nice watch!
Mind if I look at it?
Rob Jacobson grew up in New York.
He said that happened every month to him, going to work early in the morning.
It should take like two hours to get to work.
And, uh, you just gotta learn to say, no, you can't have it, but they're trying to get it.
Imagine if somebody starts grabbing on you, you're just supposed to, you know, let them kill you, I guess.
Imagine if New Yorkers were allowed to carry guns to defend themselves.
Because the criminals are already gonna have them.
I mean, I know I'm stating the obvious.
Your phone calls right after this break, I'm going straight to, uh, John.
Chadwick, Richard, Mike and others.
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Well, former Navy SEAL reveals that he is the man that killed Puff the Magic Dragon.
He promises he did, but the other witnesses, their helicopter blew up and the families think they were killed, so the Navy SEALs to cover up the fact that they were really killing a body double and it was all staged.
But don't worry, Robert O'Neill, he's doing just fine.
And of course, then we've got other Navy SEALs that have been part of PR events that end up not doing too well, like Chris Kyle.
They're really using and discrediting the Navy SEALs for these propaganda operations, and that's what Dr. Puccinich and others have said here, and that is what's going on.
This is a Navy recruitment drive you're seeing, and it's meant to make Obama look good.
And it's not true, and I'm going to break it down coming up.
Let's go ahead.
I mean, he may think he killed him, but it was a body double.
I really don't think this guy's that dumb though.
Hey O'Neal, what happened to the other SEALs from the raid that you didn't get put on that mission on the helicopter?
Because they say that there was a bomb on board and that missiles were just a distractionary.
They were decoys.
We broke that, remember?
Then later it all came out in the news.
The families do indeed believe that.
You don't think I just made up I met with a Navy SEAL that I met with families, then I had them on later?
See, we said it and then it came out.
See, we're right.
It's fake.
I'm going to do a whole special report on the Nightly News tonight so I have it Sunday where I can show the clips of the families, show me saying it first.
You know, just show you that time and time again, folks, we're telling you what's really going on.
To the risk of my life, I will assure you they don't like this.
There's the headline, SEAL Team 6 Murdered, Family Speaks Out.
2013, a year after I broke it.
Carl Strange on the show.
His son died on that helicopter, was part of the Bin Laden raid.
Names the name of the body double.
By the way, I talked to the former head of Pakistani intelligence and he had concurred.
Hamid Ghul, nobody can get him on.
And I mean nobody.
He'll come on this show when it's 2 o'clock Pakistan time.
He ran the whole operation against the Russians with the CIA.
And he says my analysis is 100% on.
I'm not tooting our horn here.
We know what we're talking about is what I'm getting at here.
SEAL Team 6 families force Congress to investigate mysterious chopper crash.
Okay, I'm gonna get to it.
I have a tendency to cover it piecemeal.
Let's talk to John Chadwick.
I wasn't gonna go to Little John, but he just hung up.
What a cool name.
Mike, Tony, Richard, and others.
John in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, Alex.
One of the benefits I think we're going to get out of this election is I don't think we're going to see any anti-gun bills coming out of Washington, D.C.
for a few years anyway, at least.
That's right.
Almost every anti-gunner, whether it was state, local, or federal, was thrown out.
The biggest Second Amendment victory we've ever seen since 1776.
And Texas is solidly pro-gun.
Greg Abbott said the other day if an open carry bill reaches his depth, he'll sign it.
Dan Patrick, he was in my concealed carry class when I took my class for concealed carry license, so we're pretty well set here in Texas, too.
Yeah, and I know Abbott, I know Patrick, I mean, I know these guys well.
I've been going out of the legislature for 20 years, and they're all real guys.
I mean, they're just really good guys, and they'll be up there late at night, even when it's not on their committee.
Years ago, battling gun grabber bills.
I mean, they're all just the real deal, and so we're really lucky to have them.
And that guy that claimed he killed Bin Laden.
You know, when Chris Kyle, when they realized that Jesse was going to take him to court and he was going to lose and be proven a liar, which would have called his whole book into question and been an embarrassment to all the people who had lionized him to the hilt, they did away with the problem.
I wonder if that guy realizes if he becomes an embarrassment, he ain't going to be around for longer either.
Well, that's like Private Lynch.
They killed four members of the survivors because they said that she cowered in fear.
They killed them in one week.
And then I said on air, I don't know if she got the message, but I said, you better go public and say that this is all fake or they're going to kill you like Pat Tillman.
And she went public and said it's all fake.
I was told a lie.
Clint Eastwood.
I've seen a preview of Clint Eastwood at Kyle Book.
He's made a movie into it already.
It's going to be released in another few weeks anyway.
Yeah, and I'm not supposed to talk about it, but Jesse Ventura's not putting up with it.
He's already won one lawsuit.
He knows Clint Eastwood.
He likes Clint Eastwood.
I like Clint Eastwood.
But clearly this is a Navy propaganda film.
And the Navy is in trouble, and I get they need PR.
I'm not against the Navy, but it's all a hoax.
And I don't think Kyle got killed over just embarrassing the Navy.
Kraft, or people that look like Kraft, dress like Kraft.
In fact, I even saw one of the guys that I saw in the Boston videos and photos at a pool, and he saw me, and then went into a restaurant and got up and left.
Pulled by a restaurant.
Just a few weeks ago.
I can't even get into it.
It's just too weird.
Alright, we'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling and believes all this and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, great American hero.
Joe, Joe.
You don't work for Joe.
Joe got taken over.
The G.I.
Joe command base is run by Cobra.
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You want to be little boys?
Or you want to really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bull****.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the things, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos.
It's run by Spectre.
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids.
They run the snuff films.
They run the drugs.
They run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, to every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Chaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f**k yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America, and Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Spectre would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra or face my wrath!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
Jacari Jackson made that about a year ago, but it just never gets old.
We're going to air the Captain America intro at the start of the next hour that we've only played once, that Jacari Jackson also put together.
Not just a great researcher and patriot, and one of the hosts of InfoWars Nightly News, 7 o'clock central, but also a great video editor, putting all that together.
Jacari Jackson!
And his name's cool.
Whose name's cooler at the office, Jacari Jackson or Marcos Morales?
That's kind of behind the scenes.
I like walk by and say their names to them, like it's a voiceover announcement.
As you were saying, if the New World Order all just spontaneously combusted, I could go do voice acting.
Actually, I've done a lot of big national voiceovers for movies and TV ads and financial ads, but they always want you to fly to New York or L.A.
to audition and almost always get the job.
And it pays quite well, but it just isn't exciting enough.
But it is pleasing to know that I could dominate voiceover industry in cartoons, movies, ads, you name it, being able to do hundreds of voices, but that I refuse it to do media and promote freedom.
I'm not bragging, I'm just, people are always like, yeah, you'd like to be in Hollywood, wouldn't you, Alex?
No, I've actually turned down quite a few big roles.
Because I'm too busy.
It just isn't exciting.
I've been in a few pretty big movies.
Enjoyed them.
They were shot locally.
Patriots involved.
Rick Linklater and Tommy Pallotta.
But after that, they wanted me to be in another production house, play like a mid-sized role in a science fiction movie that did come out.
And I just said, no, I'm not going to come audition to that.
And I don't know why I'm just distracting off into side issues and then sounding like an egomaniac narcissist.
I'm not really.
I'm just actually saying I reject Hollywood.
I don't care!
Everyone's God!
Oh, to be a movie star!
Oh, to have a hole in your head!
How boring!
Been there, done that, seen it, and so that's why I've been behind the facade, behind the curtain, and I know what a joke it is, and then I get around politicos that are even low-level to state-level, and they're on such power trips and arrogant, or local reporters.
Local reporters and local news anchors and local politicos are more arrogant than A-list Hollywood stars.
They're like fantasizing.
It's all part of this trendy culture.
That they've arrived, and it's like a three-year-old girl dressing up as a princess and imagining she's a queen.
Or a three-year-old boy dressing up like Batman and running up and punching him in the arm and, you know, believing they're Hulk Hogan.
That's fine for a three-year-old, for a five-year-old, but it's fantasy land.
And so many Americans live in a fantasy land.
Let's go to your phone calls.
I have been ranting and I am out of control.
I've been ranting so much I didn't even plug.
I've got sponsors lined up around the block wanting me to plug their great products.
Most talk shows plug two times a segment.
Not just the ads.
I do it maybe once an hour.
And I skip ads.
I skip breaks because I just don't care.
I just keep ranting.
I have... I don't know what you call it of the mouth, but it must not be good.
Let's go to Chadwick in Kentucky with some serious news.
You say an Ebola survivor is speaking at your church tonight.
Tell me about that.
Yeah, I just want to say that the Ebola survivor is going to be coming here and talking with the big church tonight.
I know he's big on open border policy, on keeping these guys coming in.
Just need some marching orders on what we need to do when he's here.
Tell us the name of the church and which one of the Obamabots, quote, survivors of Ebola he supposedly is.
It's Dr. Kent Bradley.
I think he's an actor, but he's going to be speaking at the Southeast Christian Church.
Well, I mean, I think folks should go there, and if they have questions and answers, asking why top virologists are on record saying that Ebola patients shouldn't be brought to the U.S.
and, or I would throw out, do you know anything about the disappearances
Of people that show Ebola symptoms as reported by medical doctors on the Alex Jones Show.
Or, Doctor Forbes reported three days ago, and you can cite the article, it's an article that was linked on Drudge yesterday, that there's an ordered cover-up of Ebola type patients and that the media is involved.
Do you know anything about that cover-up?
And then the follow-up would be, why are the default positions to not bring Ebola patients in and to let people who've treated Ebola patients travel, why have the default protections been turned off?
That's the type of questions that I would raise.
And then be sure you videotape it.
Separately, bring a friend who can then ask a question when they're leaving or whatever, and come up with a camera and say, you know, we've seen actors at Sandy Hook, we've seen staged events before, we've seen CNN with actors claiming they were under scud attack in 1991.
We're here to ask you a very important question.
What do you say to the allegations that you're really an actor and never had Ebola?
And then get him to respond to that if that's the type of question you have.
Because government's done stuff like this before.
I'm not saying he's an actor.
I don't know.
But something's fishy in this whole deal.
What are you planning to do?
Well, I mean, I want to either do that and, you know, dress up in a hazmat suit and get him, you know, get some signs going out there.
But I mean, we definitely need to ask tough questions, but I just think that he's there just to push the narrative on keeping the borders open and keeping the public calm.
Well, that will make national news.
If you dress up in a hazmat suit with friends, handing out flyers, and then you put that on YouTube, that Ebola survivor challenged, or quote, Ebola survivor challenged by citizens, that is a sensational idea and a way to draw attention to the fact that they've turned off the Ebola defenses bare minimum.
I think that's a great idea.
See, you're smarter than me.
You're asking me what you should do.
You're smarter than me, Chadwick.
And as people like you start taking action, nothing can stop you.
I think Kelbra's in trouble.
Alright, thank you, Chadwick.
Very exciting.
And that is in the Louisville paper.
We trust but verify, we checked into what the caller said, Ebola survivor Kent Bradley to visit Louisville.
Years ago, Ebola survivor and medical missionary Dr. Kent Bradley attended the Global Mission Health Conference at Southwest Christian Church where he met some of his mentors, connected with employer
Samaritan's Purse and first learned about the missionary work in Liberia.
Well, he'll be there tonight speaking.
So, yeah, that's a good idea.
And he might be real.
He might have really had Ebola, folks.
It's not that he's a bad guy.
It's that the government are such liars and Christian medical missions are probably the most infiltrated CIA fronts there are.
Doctors Without Borders, all these groups, you can't swing a stick in the dark without hitting a operative.
In fact, the desired operative in intelligence agencies, not just here but all the world, is a medical doctor.
Just gonna let everybody in on a little secret.
It's not commandos, it's not tough guys, it's doctors.
Little news flash for everybody.
In fact, I've got to say that's probably the biggest group in intelligence is doctors.
Pachinic, Dr. Pachinic, medical doctor, will tell you that as well.
A lot of them are psychiatrists, too.
He's a medical doctor and a psychiatrist.
And quite frankly, I've been around some of these spooks, man, they are creepy.
Because they're super smart and super weird.
Mike in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
First of all, I just want to thank you for all the good products you've been putting out there to help our families through these tough times here.
Well, we put out the very best we can, the best research, but it also funds the operation, so don't thank me.
Thank you for supporting us, sir.
Not a problem, sir.
I just wanted to bring, you know, everybody's always calling in and, you know, asking how we can help wake up other people across the country.
Well, with the situation now where the Republicans have won, I think the government has put themselves in a situation now where if the Republicans do not reverse the actions Democrats have taken to help bring down this country, they pretty much prove to the rest, you know, to the country that this whole thing's fraudulent.
I can't think of anything, you know, any better way
You know, it's like you always say, okay?
Evil will always come back and basically hurt itself, you know?
It's the good people just standing up and, you know, we're out there, we're reaching everything, but at the same time, it's their evil and their corruption.
They're going to bring themselves down through their own lies.
Well, that's right.
So many times in history, evil oligarchies or evil power structures bring themselves down, but somehow we've gotten this idea from the churches that corrupt government's invincible.
But that's not true, or that it's always the end of the world, so why should you get involved?
It's almost like the Hindus think, you know, hey, you're gonna, or the Buddhists, I'm not knocking them.
I don't think that, you know, you're just going to come back in a few years anyways, so why does it matter?
This is your lot in life.
It's almost like the Calvinists who say you're predestined.
Well, wait, I have free will though.
How am I predestined?
I'm not picking a fight with the Hindus and the Calvinists or whatever, but you know what?
My life is not predestined.
There is a track and a destiny God gives us all if we choose his plan.
Or we can choose the devil's plan.
It's kind of like choose your own adventure books.
There's a basic direction you're going in.
There's fate.
There's providence.
But just to say that it's all predetermined is a total cop-out.
And it is the creed of slaves and those living in squalor.
And I understand Calvinism is an elitist view.
Well, I'm a Christian, so it must have been predestined.
I'm an elitist.
I'm chosen of God.
I'm special.
And it's true that God's providence runs through family lines.
It's true that God's providence runs over certain countries.
It's there.
But if you don't accept the providence and live by it, you don't get it.
So, I don't want to get into preaching here.
I don't need to go to all the seminaries and stuff.
I know what my spirit tells me.
And then it lines up with Christ's teachings.
But our biggest problem are these devil-run churches.
If you could spiritually see these big TV evangelists and these big megachurches in your town, I'm telling you folks, it is a horn-tailed demon sitting up there, baphomet, in front of you.
I can feel it when I go in the churches and then the preaching starts.
I mean, I feel more demonic energy there than I feel at a heavy metal concert.
I'm telling you, folks, because that's where the devil's really at, is at the church, trying to take that over.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Richard in Texas, you're up next.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, am I on the air?
Yep, sure are.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet, brother.
Okay, so normally I don't like to travel outside of Texas, but I'm planning a trip in the next couple of days to Canada.
And I've been researching their laws and what I can and can't take.
And what I've found is that although their laws are very vague, when you look at their actual legal opinions, they basically state you can't take anything that you could use to defend yourself against the crown.
The Crown!
Yes, you've read it.
And the Governor General really runs Canada.
Canadians get upset by this, but just like Australia, the Governor General threatened to override stuff.
Australia's gotten out from under it partially.
Canada has not.
And they've had the Governor General shut down the legislature twice.
And so if you read the actual bylaws,
of England or of Canada, the Parliament serves at the pleasure of Queenie.
And so you're absolutely right.
And they state in those bylaws that that's the reason they're having an abolition of weapons, is because the rabble might be able to resist the crown!
The crown on a witch's head!
I mean, what a joke!
A Transylvanian piece of trash.
I don't think it's Romanians or anything, but I mean, this is freaky that we have a Transylvanian crown of the line of Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula running things.
You can't make that up.
Truth's really stranger than fiction.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The crowd!
The crowd!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, that's okay.
So my thoughts are that really when you look at the, you know, this recent vote in Washington State, whether it was initiative 594, I think that the left...
Feels the same way.
I think that they feel that there's some sort of aristocracy.
And my question to you is, have you or your staff done any research into Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution that says that we're a free and independent state?
We're the Lone Star State.
We can pull out any time.
So can New Hampshire.
They have Article 10 right to revolt.
Texas is not really a Lone Star State in that respect, but we entered by treaty though.
I'm gonna come back and talk about it.
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You got someone to blame.
You got someone to blame.
There's another article up on Infowars.com by Paul Watson, Hollywood source, producer of new TWA 800 movie threatened by the CIA that they better not release it.
French farmers spray Obama on government buildings.
I'm sorry, I misread that.
French farmers spray government buildings with feces to protest regulation and taxes.
A former member of Federal Reserve to replace Holder as Attorney General.
Yeah, that's really bad.
And more.
Record high number of American state guns make homes safer.
Coruscant Pentagon says fantasy terror group bombed to protect homeland from group they helped fund.
The press secretary tells Fox News criticizing Obama not good for the country.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
There's also a graphic that Kurt Nemo put out up on InfoWars.com that has a quote from economist Martin Armstrong.
Turn down the economy.
Turn the economy down and you get civil unrest and revolution.
Yeah, so the Pentagon and all these British Ministry of Defense reports are saying total collapse by 2020, all the rest of it.
While the globalists engineer the collapse, then the military is given the job of stabilization.
They're not really involved, they're compartmentalized, but they're given the job in collapse to bring in martial law, which will look reasonable to them.
It'll look reasonable to me if you've got people burning down cities.
But who triggered the climate?
And here it is, Infowars.com, the story is also on DrudgeReport.com.
Economists, financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016.
Rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark a revolution.
Economist Martin Armstrong is predicting, that's a very respected economist, that rising resentment against the status quo as a result of
Economic inequity is likely to cause a serious political uprising before 2016.
Yeah, that's what a lot of money's on, but most of the money's on 2020.
It looks more and more like a serious political uprising will erupt in 2016.
And they want to make it a leftist communist movement, the globalists do.
We need to be a free market, take over the states, fix the problems peacefully, point out those that won't work with us constitutionally, and run them out of office or sue them.
Folks, I keep telling you for years, I've studied the battle plan, I've studied the training.
They're going to start a civil war, killing cops and military.
They're going to blame it on the Liberty Movement.
I just got chills, because I know it's coming.
I studied the enemy, okay?
I'm sure of this.
All their training is for this.
And the cops and military are smart enough to figure it out, because none of this has happened yet.
Why do they keep saying it's going to happen?
Get ready.
Because they're going to false flag it, they're going to trigger it, to then make it
A socialist uprising burned down the cities, and then separately they're going to claim the right wing is attacking the police and military when they come in and try to fix it.
That is not real when it happens.
We're doing everything we can to try to stop it, but notice it gets into that in this latest report.
This is what they're all saying.
They're getting everybody ready for this.
I'm going to get more into it the next hour.
I just can't even do it justice.
I haven't plugged anything all day.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We should do a special report next week and really spend a lot of time on it and then premiere it here on the radio.
About proof that the collapse is imminent and engineered, and just show all the top economists, internal reports, declassified reports, preparation for martial law, to just decentralize and decompartmentalize the whole enchilada.
I mean, I've done it here talking, but folks need to see all the clips, all the documents, all the proof.
There's hundreds, thousands of articles and documents as it's prepared, but what you're not being told is it's an engineered collapse, though that's in documents that are even more high-level, that they're bringing in this planetary collapse.
That's what's cloward and pivot in agenda 21 and all of it's about.
Economists, financial collapse will cause civil unrest to erupt in America by 2016, rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark revolution.
Economist Martin Armstrong, very respected,
Is predicting that rising resentment against the status quo as a result of economic inequity is likely to cause serious political uprisings in 2016.
And they've done everything they can to turn the economy off.
It looks more and more like a serious political uprising will erupt in 2016 once the economy turns down.
That is the magic ingredient.
Turn the economy down, which they're doing now, ending QE3, and you get civil unrest and revolution, writes Armstrong.
In making the forecast, Economist cites the case of 90-year-old World War II veteran Arnold Abbott, who I want to get on the show, who is being targeted by authorities in Fort Lauderdale for defying a newly passed city ordinance that criminalizes feeding the homeless.
An example, says Armstrong, of how laws in the U.S.
have simply gone nuts, close quote.
Yeah, they have.
And again, the cops are just enforcing unconstitutional laws.
Everybody just blames them.
Which, quite frankly, I wouldn't follow that order.
But then I'd be fired.
Well, people should be firing the mayors and folks that, you know, it's always a nanny state.
Well, it's not safe.
Are you bonded?
Do you have a license to serve food?
I mean, give me a break.
I'm not operating as a business or a corporation.
I could invite this homeless person to my house and give them soup.
Oh, no.
Folks are doing that in places in Florida.
They're saying, no, you can't invite 10 people in.
In fact, you can't invite
Jews, Muslims, Christians have been told all over the country.
But mainly Christians and Jews.
You can't invite more than three people in your house for a Bible study.
Bull corny hot dog.
As one of my friends said when I was a little kid.
One of my late friends.
He wasn't allowed to cuss, but he could say bull corny hot dog.
It is total baloney.
And it's not freedom, and it needs to stop.
But again, just... I'm not even defending the police on this.
Just screaming at them, though, and saying, why are you arresting him, does nothing!
The law!
See, it's a total cop-out!
Change the law!
Change the law!
We, the people, let government get out of control and now get to this point where World War II vets can't feed homeless.
And by the way, a lot of homeless are drug addicts, mentally ill, whatever.
You can't really help them.
But there are more and more people out there that really have given up and are basically homeless, living with their families.
And now they're trying to have zoning laws to stop that.
Who folks should help is people that are out of work that need jobs.
Because the government's tried to make it more palatable and incentivize just going on welfare rather than going out and getting a job.
But what happens when you're mentally ill and then your welfare runs out?
Well, you end up sleeping on the street.
And then we've got all these organizations and groups that are these charities that don't want people cutting in on their business.
And they're the ones lobbying to not let private groups or individuals take care of the homeless.
And you're talking to somebody who isn't up here tooting my horn, but... Well, growing up at Christmas and the holidays and Thanksgiving, you know, we'd go down and... Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, Loaves and Fishes... Everybody in my family is involved in that every year, basically.
Just because that's what you're supposed to do.
Well, we're only a few steps away from that getting phased out.
Then what are you going to deal with?
So, it's definitely a mess.
I'm going to come back, go to more of your calls, get to special reports, and I will also announce the winner of the Ebola contest.
It's all coming up.
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I believe.
We're good.
Do you want to kill Nazis?
I don't want to kill anyone.
I don't like bullies.
I don't care where they're from.
I believe Captain America was a composite character that really kind of captured the essence of that generation.
There's another analogy to be taken from Captain America, and that is that that generation, and America in general, has essentially fallen asleep like Captain America did as you see him wake up in the second Captain America movie to find that he's living in an authoritarian police state.
For a second day in a row, a group of World War II vets literally took down a barrier blocking off the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.
Harry needs his barricades back!
Wow, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.
I go protect Iraqis in Iraq, and I come back and I find that my fellow Americans are being attacked by police.
For once, we're way ahead of the curve.
By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.
The police and National Guard going street by street.
House to house.
Instructions to disarm anyone inside.
Gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen.
That's punishment usually came after the crime.
And when they say, I want my lawyer, you tell them, shut up!
Your time is expired.
Get a lawyer.
You're an enemy combatant.
You guys did some nasty stuff.
We compromised.
Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well.
When I was in Afghanistan, they usually kept us outside these buildings, and the other government agency guys, probably like DEA, CIA and all that, they would go into these kind of rooms like that, exactly, and they would be torturing people from in there.
Horrible scream to hear a grown person like that being tortured.
You're watching as this opium is being grown.
We provide them security, we're providing them resources, and we're providing them alternatives.
Captain America,
...is a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D.
With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D.
is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why.
You have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
This is only going to get worse once it starts.
And, again, there's no veterans doing anything right now.
No IEDs.
They are literally getting the police to pick a fight with veterans.
You are standing in my brain.
How did you get here?
It was Operation Paperclip.
After World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D.
recruited German scientists with strategic value.
I thought I could help their cause.
Operation Paperclip explores the secret military program that hired scientists who used slave labor to build the V-2 rocket and others who used concentration camp victims for human experiments.
The responsibility for the staggering loss of life and property is uniformly placed on Hitler and the Nazis, but excluded from the official history is the fact that Hitler and the National Socialists would not have risen to power without the help of international bankers and American and German corporations.
She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet.
Including Hydros.
And Shields.
What about Bradley Manning?
What about Bradley Manning?
Look at all those people he betrayed.
I think the revelations are terrible because they were revealed.
What's his name?
Yes, Snowden.
I think he's a traitor.
What about the others?
Are you planning a rescue mission?
You think about what is going on with the Veterans Administration, the hospital, and the fact that we have veterans that are dying because they're on a wait list.
You talk about Sergeant Tamarisi and his situation.
Let me talk to you, you know I can.
You can't defuse, Pershing.
Something that I've been upset about and raising a cane about, so I'm gonna ask you about it.
And that's this right-wing extremism report that
It was mailed out to all law enforcement officials in the United States.
I've apologized for that report.
It was not authorized to be distributed.
This isn't freedom.
This is fear.
takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
It's getting damn near past time you'd get me with that program, Captain.
Don't hold your breath.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And we are well into the third hour of worldwide broadcast.
I can almost not continue the show at this point.
I can eat habanero peppers raw.
I can drink Tabasco sauce and jalapenos.
I've been eating those since I was a kid.
But I just ate a jalapeno.
I just eat them raw that had the magic touch or got mixed with some other type of pepper that can happen.
My mouth is fire breathing right now.
I think I'm going through three glasses of water.
That's why I ran that long intro there was so that I could try to get my composure back.
It's got to be good for you though.
I want to go to your phone calls.
We have an Ebola expert doctor on as well.
But right now, I want to announce the winner of the Obama-Ebola-Ebola contest.
Everyone who entered is a winner.
This was done.
So that we can expose that there is a stand-down going on with the Ebola response in this country.
And clearly, Forbes has now confirmed this.
They are covering up what appears to be other Ebola cases in the country.
And it shows the amazing amount of control they've got over the media that we've been reporting this for weeks.
Forbes reported it three days ago.
DrudgeReport.com linked our article about this yesterday.
Good job, Drudge.
Thank you for being sane.
Anyone with half a brain.
If you've got medical doctors on this show, and other medical doctors we've talked to, naming hospitals where people that appear to have Ebola are being disappeared in vans with people in spacesuits, that's illegal.
Sure, quarantine them, but let us know, don't lie about it.
And we know the disappearances are happening.
We don't know they have Ebola.
And then Forbes writer, who's a pharmacologist, is at the meeting with the AP and everybody and they all talk in front of him and go, yeah, we've all agreed with the government not to tell folks about new Ebola cases.
That is huge news.
Even if Ebola is not a threat, which I think it is, the level of control is simply amazing.
And so I want to go through the first three runners-up.
They will get a big InfoWars grab bag of t-shirts, InfoWarsLife.com supplements, and more.
Six, five, and four, the runners-up will all get that.
But the real win is just exposing tyranny and exposing the Ebola response.
And then we'll go in order.
The third place winner who gets $500 and a grab bag
The second-place winner that gets $2,000 in a grab bag, and the first-place winner who gets $5,000.
And that's just to make it fun.
The very successful contest all over national TV, local TV, newspapers reported on many of these winners.
They're all amazing folks, but the big thing is they got off the bench and got in the game, so we salute everyone that entered the contest.
We will post the top six runners-up to InfoWars.com along with the top three winners.
But without further ado, let's go to the audio and video of number six.
Number six, the first runner-up here in the contest of the Ebola contest winners, Ebola Goes Digital by Mad Unicorn Games.
Hello America, I'm Moses, this is Noah.
And we're Mad Unicorn Games.
And we want to let you know that in our game, Radical Heroes Crimson City Crisis, we've retrofitted it to have InfoWars and Ebola posters and banners.
So tell me again, Noah, what can we do as Americans to stand up against the globalist agenda?
Support them!
Alright, that's the first runner-up.
Next runner-up, number 5, Ebola visits Skull & Bones by AsKnowledge.
Great job!
Here's the hard truth.
In West Africa, Ebola is now an epidemic of the likes that we have not seen before.
It's spiraling out of control.
It is getting worse.
It's spreading faster and exponentially.
Today, thousands of people in West Africa are infected.
That number could rapidly grow to tens of thousands.
Alright, number four, Spreading Liberty in the Den of Criminals by Mona Hine.
Great job.
Got my little posters or whatever like that and I'm gonna put it all over town.
I'm gonna be in D.C., out of D.C., around D.C.
and I want everybody to see this.
This is Ebola.
Obama, hot flights from the hot zone now.
Tyranny is the disease.
Help expose it.
Yes, secure the borders and get the word out there, and watch your girl go, because I'm on a mission right now.
Because at the end of the day, if anything falls, if everything goes down the hole, at least I can say, I fought for the good cause, and I am the resistance.
Number three.
This is third place.
The Truth is Viral, by John Anonymous.
Posted posters everywhere.
The truth is viral is third place.
Number two, second place.
Obama spreads Ebola awareness in Chicagoland.
He's got a lot of attention.
Well, you win $2,000.
We really got this national attention to this.
In first place, $5,000, going postal, you've got Ebola Mail by C-Fig.
Good morning.
It's about 10 after 10 a.m.
Uh, October 24th, 2014, and I am in my mail truck, and I'm about to start delivering.
Here are all the stacks of the Obama flyers that I made.
I made 550 of them to cover the entire route.
This is the mail lady, the mail woman, delivering flyers, but she paid for it herself, so it's legal.
She's got a right to use the mail like anybody else does.
And again, these videos are all on InfoWars.com.
Congratulations to all who participated.
Great job.
Round of applause to everybody.
And, you know, I like this contest because we did it in a month, we had a quick turnaround, and I was only a week late, or a little less than a week late, in making the announcement.
Sometimes I'm like two months late on that $100,000 contest because
There were like 600 videos, and most of them were really good, and I just couldn't decide the winner.
Now, the crew pretty much unanimously agreed that Going Postal was the winner.
I couldn't decide.
I thought it was either first or second place, I'll be honest.
So I said, put a poll up and see what the listeners think at Infowars.com.
And we sent an email out with a poll as well, and both on the website and in the email poll, which video do you think should win?
Going postal, 28%.
Obama spreads Ebola awareness, 27%.
Truth is viral, 19%.
Spreading liberty in the den of criminals, 12%.
Ebola visits skull and bones, 9%.
Ebola goes digital, 5%.
The votes, at least in the first three winning places, were right in line with us.
So, we pick the winners, but sometimes we crowdsource when we can't decide.
So, everybody pretty much picked those winners.
We spend $7,500, get massive, probably $500,000 worth of promotion at InfoWars.com.
The people that all do it get promotion on their own websites.
But most importantly, it's about promoting liberty and truth and the people getting involved and taking action.
So, wonderful job.
Everybody that entered the contest, a big winner.
And you know, I had a surplus of like $100,000 a few years ago because we try to make more money to put it back into the operation.
That's why we've grown.
That's our main goal.
And so I said we'll have a $100,000 contest, and that was really a doozy.
But quite frankly, $7,000 contests are just as successful.
We don't have the budget for that right now.
People have been asking, is there going to be another $100,000 contest?
Probably never, just because I don't want to try to run this operation, just try to raise that type of capital.
I want to just get it up to a certain point, get three or four more reporters, a couple more camera people, a few more writers, and kind of stay at that level.
Just because I can't manage it.
I'm trying to develop a system where we can do that, and then people that enter contests can end up being auxiliary reporters who I'd like to pay.
But again, it becomes a whole chicken or the egg thing where I can't spend all my time and energy just raising money and then managing people to try to have reporters on the ground.
What we need is folks just to go out and be reporters, citizen journalists, follow your reports to YouTube, authorize us to use the clips in all or a portion of so that we can then all synergistically with human
intelligence crowdsourced overthrow the dinosaur media uh... what's left of it and that is certainly beginning to happen
I don't mean to sycophantically quote Matt Drudge so much, just the things he said 15 years ago, 10 years ago, a year ago are so true, so short and succinct.
You as a blogger or a person with a camera and a Facebook or a Twitter or a YouTube channel or a local radio show are just as important as the New York Times.
In fact, we know they get caught lying all the time, so you're more important than them.
And now what you report can instantly be picked up by others.
And so get out there and kick some New World Order tail.
But that means when you see a citizen helping an old lady, not just a cop, might be a cop, show that.
Or when you see cops doing something bad, show it.
When a cop walks up to Joe Biggs for no reason and says, I will effing kill you, and points a shotgun at him, because Joe's there with a camera filming stuff, that cop got relieved.
I think he's getting fired.
That's good.
You don't need a hothead crazy person, in my opinion, in the police department acting like that.
That is momentary insanity, in my view, and needs to be psychologically evaluated.
Do I want to get a cop fired?
But do I want my reporter dead?
Can survive Afghanistan and Iraq?
Getting blown up repeatedly?
Can't survive Ferguson?
I had to pull my reporters out, the cops were acting so bad.
And by the way, a lot of the protesters were acting bad too, that was what was sick.
We had protesters doing stuff to us, cops doing stuff to us, it was a shameful situation.
And the cops were acting like that because they couldn't release the investigation information yet, which I disagree with, and turn out the cops told the truth about what happened.
Ferguson, they're saying when the
Word comes out, of course, on whether they're going to indict the police officer or not, that St.
Louis, not just Ferguson, may burn.
I know this.
Nobody better come around my house trying to burn something, Darren.
I mean, burning down houses or businesses doesn't do anything for a youth that's been shot.
It's just a disgusting situation.
LA riots with Rodney King is what should be expected to happen in Ferguson.
Evidence and justice, irrelevant and politically charged case, InfoWars.com.
A law professor in Indiana is predicting a repeat of the Rodney King riots that wrecked Los Angeles.
If Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson is not brought up on charges, but if he was attacked and charged by someone obviously on something, and that most witnesses, including black witnesses, said that, and now it's come out in court, I mean, do we just lynch the cop just so people don't burn stuff down?
It's a mess.
And when the economy unravels, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to get to that now and then to your calls and a guest that's coming up.
Katie Barr, the door, and I mentioned economist Martin Armstrong in the last hour article on Infowars.com, financial collapse will cause civil unrest, revolution, civil war, whatever you want to call it.
This is being organized.
And all of us are going to lose our standard of living and our freedom in this.
I don't care if you're a black man, a white man, a hispanic woman, an asian woman, an american indian, a native american, a firefighter, a school teacher.
This new world order is bad for freedom, bad for business, bad for life.
And it is organizing a worldwide collapse that it's going to roll the police state out as the solution of the collapse that they pull the trigger on.
So the reason I keep harping on this is
The plan is clear in the movies, the TV, the preparation, the actual training, the secret documents we've gotten and made national news with.
I say that because I say secret documents and I see on the YouTube, where are they?
Show them to us.
New York Times, Washington Post had a report on it.
We broke the MIAC.
We broke the Homeland Security documents.
We were given all of them.
Go look it up before you say I'm making something up.
I have to sit here and source, cite, source, cite just to counter people that say I'm lying.
Sometimes I think I shouldn't even do that.
Because it just takes up all the time.
If I've already sourced something a hundred times before, maybe I just shouldn't every time come back with it.
The number one enemy is gun owners, returning veterans, Christians, conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists.
In all the government reports, I played a clip of Napolitano apologizing for it earlier.
At ten after the clip played.
That's where she said it.
That cue it up again.
In that Captain America intro.
Because I still go on other shows and they go, you claim the government's training to take on veterans.
I don't claim jack squat!
Don't make it about me.
Face what's in the documents.
Face what's in the training.
They don't train to fight Al-Qaeda.
They train to fight gun owners in a civil war.
That's the battle plan.
And how will they launch it?
They'll blow stuff up.
It's even come out in Democrat memos.
It's even been on Fox News.
They're going to blow up stuff and blame it on us.
And you know who they're going to blame.
Who do they blame every time?
Talk radio.
And who's at the top of the list?
Alex Jones.
With Oklahoma City that was as funny as a $3 bill, who did they blame?
Who'd they blame?
Rush Limbaugh?
Within 25 minutes Bill Clinton came out and said Rush Limbaugh's fault.
What did Rush Limbaugh have to do with Tim McVeigh with a bunch of other people in a government operation blowing that building up?
I've interviewed the police who were there and who saw the feds and the feds came in their office and said I'm gonna kill you and your wife if you don't shut up and they did kill cop of the year who wouldn't shut up.
I've had cops on this show, like Don Browning, who was highly decorated Marine in Vietnam, head of the K-9 unit, and when I said, go ahead and say the names who threatened you, he turned white on air, gutted up, stuck his chest out and said the guy's name.
And you know, I'm saying, do you understand the world we actually live in here?
Do you understand how real this is?
Do you understand they could come after me at any time?
Do you understand?
And the fact that we're on air shows there is still a lot of freedom out here.
Oh, yeah, here's Napolitano.
We'll go to break.
Here it is.
And again, we know the names of who planted the bombs, we have the hotel receipts, we have the witnesses that saw them planting the explosives.
We got news.
We're on the march.
We're gonna take the bombs out.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
Whether it's the radio show, the news websites, documentary films, or the nightly news, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We'll be back this Sunday, live, 4 to 6 p.m., Lord willing.
We don't take that for granted.
The Force Awakens.
We like to hijack big industry entertainment memes with parallels to the real world.
The last five minutes of the broadcast today will premiere a piece that Rob Dewey was going to do for the Nightly News.
I saw it and thought it was so good, let's just air it here on the radio show.
Not that the bad stuff's on the Nightly News.
Quite frankly, the Nightly News, for 30 minutes of broadcast, is much better than my radio show, in my humble opinion, because it's so concentrated and so well done.
But I tend to hijack stuff from the Nightly News before it airs and play it here, which was my plan all along.
So that's coming up in the final segment.
Star Wars, the new episode, has a title, The Force Awakens.
We'll give you a sneak peek of that.
Coming up, sneak peek on the Force Awakens.
So, that is coming up.
And we'll probably get this fella back on with us again for a full hour, because after I began to research him, it's just really amazing.
We hear about all these treatments for things like Ebola.
Is it colloidal silver?
Is it ozone therapy?
Is it going in a barometric chamber?
I thought, why not get a renowned emergency medicine MD,
Board-certified, affectionately known as the father of medical freedom for spearheading the first state protection for alternative unconventional medicine in Alaska in 1990 that's spread around the rest of the country.
It's Dr. RowanMD.com or DocRowan.com.
He joins us.
He's been to Africa dealing with Ebola recently.
He's working with their governments there in alternative treatments.
And I've seen news reports where there are Africans saying it's been working.
So, Doctor, thanks for coming on with us.
Tell us where you've been in Africa, what your view overall on the Ebola situation is, and what you think of the response has been like, and then let's talk about what you've been able to do with ozone.
Well I've been working, thank you Alex, it's an honor to be with you.
I've been working with ozone therapy since 1986, longer than any other living person in North America.
I got the idea to go to North Africa or West Africa several months ago when this thing really got hot because ozone is probably the most ideal treatment there is for this.
I was just listening to your commercials before you brought me on
And you talked about certain types of oxygen therapy and longevity therapies, etc.
Suppose you had a therapy that was absolutely dirt cheap, that could be done for less than a dollar per treatment, and has the following four parameters.
One, it improves the rheologic properties of blood flow.
That means blood flow is better.
Two, it releases more oxygen from the red cells, and it helps the mitochondria burn that oxygen to make energy.
Three, it modulates the immune system, meaning if the immune system is way up here, like it is with Ebola, when you get at the end stage, you get what's called a cytokine storm.
That's collateral damage.
Your immune system comes out with all of its bullets and artillery, firing it at everything, and it gets you.
But ozone modulates that process and brings it down.
Ozone, if your immune system is down here, will bring it back up to where it should be.
So it dials back the hemorrhagic response?
It should.
And then the final thing is ozone is directly viral inactivating by biochemical processes.
Viruses are inactivated by heat, by ultraviolet, and by oxidation.
And ozone is the ultimate oxidant and it's non-toxic.
So it should totally knock out the Ebola virus instantly.
Now we went over there to teach doctors how to do it and we taught a lot.
We turned heads in the medical community.
We turned, I mean, doctors, their biggest doctors came to our lectures and learned how to do this and some of them came highly skeptical and left absolutely blown away.
Well, I know this just reading the news.
The Queen of England and the Queen Mother, who lived over a hundred, are obsessed with barometric chambers, ozone treatment, you name it.
And I was talking to a doctor that runs one of the most elite clinics in Austin for the rich people, and he said that's what they're all doing is running their blood, even when they're healthy, through ozone systems, through machines that use ultraviolet light.
So this is actually known.
I understand you're a pioneer of it.
I'm just surprised that it's not more widespread.
Well, let's look at what happened in Sierra Leone and then you won't be surprised.
Of all the people who didn't come to our... By the way, we were invited by the president of Sierra Leone and we met twice with him.
And we also met with his key advisor.
Now, the only people who didn't come to our lectures, who should have, were the Minister of Health and the Deputy Minister of Health and those who are making over $100,000 a year administering their Ebola program.
Mind you,
In a poor country like Sierra Leone, those people are making more than I do on a yearly basis for administering their Ebola program.
They didn't come to the lectures.
Now, what does that tell you?
And then, at the last minute,
When the treatment was in the Ebola Center.
We went to the Ebola Center.
The machine was there.
The staff lined up.
They were skeptical at first, but the staff at the Ebola Center... By the way, I didn't treat Ebola, so people don't have to worry.
I wasn't face-to-face with an Ebola patient.
I was there treating staff.
Not treating, instructing.
The staff jockeyed, they vied, they competed to get treatments to protect themselves.
But a call came in while we were there from the Deputy Minister of Health, and then a second call came in from the Minister of Health, telling the military major who was in charge of the government facility, quote, if you value your job, there will be no ozone treatments at the facility, end quote.
And by the way, you're under quarantine right now, self-quarantine, correct?
It's modified.
They're not upset if I go outside, but I have to monitor my temperature every day, a couple times a day.
If I go out, I have to do it before and after.
I have no quarrel with this.
It's the proper thing to do, and I'm not seeing patients at the present time, because what patient would want to come in and see me during this time?
But my quarantine is over next week.
How long have you been back from Africa?
Um, two weeks.
So yeah, I mean that's just another week and you're done then.
What do you think of this doctor, I know you don't like to throw stones, but this doctor in New York that had a fever, had come back and went to bowling alleys, on the subway, to restaurants, and then the police said he lied and said he hadn't gone outside but they got his credit card receipts.
You're right.
I don't like to throw stones.
I'm trying to be very... Let's talk about what I'm doing.
Yeah, let's talk about what you're doing, because I don't like overall the Obama response I've seen.
Alternative treatments are being shot down in Africa, we've read.
I mean, is that an accurate statement?
I mean, we brought a treatment that is absolutely safe.
It's published in the world literature that it's absolutely safe.
It is extraordinarily effective at infectious disease, at modulating the immune system.
This was published in peer-reviewed journals.
There's absolutely no question about it.
How is this particular therapy delivered?
The therapy we went to teach is real simple.
You take some oxygen, ozone, gas.
The gas, I mean, it's not air, Alex.
Air is 80% nitrogen.
Do you understand the difference?
This is 100% oxygen, of which 4% of it is ozone.
And it's about maybe this, you start with maybe 20 cc's and then each treatment you take a little bit more.
It's oxygen, it's metabolically active, it's consumed, so it's not like shooting air or nitrogen into you.
No, no, I understand because all the elites, as you know, for years are obsessed with this and get the treatments and again explain how it's different than air and why it's then safe to be shot right into the veins.
Well, first of all, for Ebola, you don't want medical waste.
The only waste here, the only thing that's contaminated is the butterfly needle that goes in your vein here.
That's all.
It's just a very tiny 27-gauge butterfly, and then there's a syringe about this big.
Well, the syringe doesn't touch the blood, the needle does.
So that's disposable and that costs what?
30 cents?
40 cents?
Well, let me ask you this.
Why are the elite so obsessed with this?
If they don't have Ebola, why are they constantly getting it?
And why are people always telling me to get it?
I know medical doctors that say, come in, I'll give you a treatment.
They're getting rich off of it right now.
I mean, I'm sure you know as one of the leading guys in this, this is really hot.
I teach this.
I'm the Oxidation Chair of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and I'm chairing the workshop next week.
I've been doing this for years.
I think ozone is the ultimate anti-aging treatment that there is.
Because we know
For sure, ozone stimulates the production of superoxide dismutase, SOD.
And SOD is part and parcel of the activity of an enzyme called telomerase.
Telomerase is what nourishes the end cap of your chromosomes.
The better your telomerase, the better your telomere, the healthier your DNA, and the longer you live.
My telomeres at age 60, I'm older than that now, were the average length of a 35-year-old.
How old are you?
Because you look like you're like 55.
I love you Alex, thank you.
I'm not kidding.
If I saw you on the street, I'd say that guy's 55.
I'll be 65 in a week.
Wow, so I mean, reading the literature, we've got to have you back for a full hour soon.
You pioneered this, and I'm not kidding.
I know national radio hosts that get these every week, two of them.
I know a bunch of really successful, I mean really rich people, billionaires, that get it every month or so.
And then all these other
Well, first of all, to understand why it's not out there, follow the money trail.
How much money is it to inject 20 cc's, 30 cc's of oxygen gas?
It ain't much.
Even if you do it the way I've been doing it for years, which is major auto-hemotherapy, where you take blood out, add the ozone, oxygen, gas, and put it back in, no drug company is going to make billions of dollars on this because you can't patent it.
Ozone therapy has been around since 1920, for God's sake.
It was even used in the First World War by Germans.
Well, I know.
You can look it up that the royal family is obsessed with it.
I mean, they're not stupid.
And look at their health.
They're really quite in good health.
They also do homeopathy, too.
And they have people making fun of that and misrepresenting it constantly.
It's just incredible.
Well, tell us about your website.
Tell us about where this is going.
I know you're trying to get more attention to this.
And I know some of the presidents over in Africa are obviously wondering for themselves and their families.
I don't think they're going to be able to hide something this powerful, Doctor.
Well, first of all, I've posted our story on my Facebook page.
It's a public page.
Anybody can go to it.
Dr. Robert J. Rowan.
So you can go there and read my postings.
I have an incredible YouTube channel with well over a hundred patients and many of them before and after treatments.
Some of them crippled when they walked in the door and they're dancing out swinging their hips afterwards.
That YouTube channel is youtube.com slash user slash Robert Rowan M.D.
R-O-W-E-N is my name.
You can find that easy.
There's a lot of videos of me on YouTube, but you want to go to the channel to see the patients.
And I even have patients that we... doctors from Sierra Leone that we recorded both before and after.
And you need to look at the expression on their face.
You'll see things you just wouldn't believe if you didn't see it.
And by the way, the day after the government shut down our attempt to use ozone on Ebola patients there,
The foreign minister called my physician host, who was trying to get this through, and he wanted ozone treatment for his mother and his family because she was in an Ebola area.
Isn't that interesting?
So they'll shut it down for everybody, but they still want it for themselves.
Well, look,
I'll be honest I've been hearing about this ozone injections and these treatments they do taking the blood out there's other systems for years but now it is all the rage and I've seen people I know they're like 65 years old that are already one of them is a well-known sports champion that I'm friends with and he just looks so much younger from the ozone treatments and
It's amazing.
I think I'm going to do it, but I'll probably consult with you, doctor, about where I should go and what the best treatment would be, because I know you're one of the grand poobahs of it.
I hope you can come back in the next few weeks for a full hour to really, you know, send us the points you want to go over, play some clips of your videos, and do a special hour on this, because alternative medicine has been proven
To be so effective is just a gift that you and others are helping promote out to the world, so we salute what you're doing.
But it's so simple.
We operate off oxygen, so supercharged oxygen with ozone just does amazing things inside the body.
And I've also read from the scientists, the mainland literature, that oxygen levels are low in the planet's history right now as well, correct?
Yeah, actually our oxygen levels are probably getting lower as we're destroying more of the plant life that puts oxygen out.
Sure, yeah.
But the most important thing to your body above everything is oxygen.
And it's a long way from oxygen out here to oxygen in the tip of your finger inside your body.
It's a long route.
And ozone is incredible at helping that process out.
Oxygen is the fundamental of life for us, and all healing is dependent upon oxygen.
No kidding!
You don't have it, you die!
Okay, we'll promise you'll come back for a full hour.
Dr. Robert Rowan, MD.
We're going to tweet again the link out to your YouTube page.
Just amazing information.
Thank you for spending time with us, and good job to Nico Acosta for getting you on.
Thank you so much, Alex.
One final question I forgot to ask before we go.
So just to be clear, I saw it in the news.
You're there, the doctors are loving it, and then they ban the treatment in the country.
I mean, that's just amazing.
The doctors loved it.
It was the Ministry of Health that axed it, and this is just an opinion now.
It's my personal opinion.
I believe they're more interested in getting the millions and millions of dollars coming in to dig graves and to incinerate the bodies than they are in trying something that has been proven safe to actually save the life.
We wanted to put the grave diggers out of business, not get more money in for grave digging.
All right.
Well, God bless you.
Makes a lot of sense.
We need oxygen.
What a thought.
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
Next, we're going to say that divers underwater need it.
That's why they call us conspiracy theorists.
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Well, I could stand in line for this Rob Duce sneak peek at Star Wars The Force Awakens by Disney.
You know it's going to be cheesy.
In case you're wondering, the new title for Star Wars Episode 7 was just released and it's going to be called The Force Awakens.
Interesting title.
We'll see if that still plays out.
In the past, there have been title changes at the last minute.
Return of the Jedi was going to be called Revenge of the Jedi.
And now we all hope that J.J.
Abrams can succeed where the prequel failed.
And that's to create a movie with credible acting and not rely on cartoon characters to appeal to that elusive 2-6 year old demographic.
What's this?
A local.
But, where the prequel did go right is by illustrating the false flag operation and the Hegelian dialectic.
In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire!
For a safe and secure society!
Emperor Palpatine, or the Emperors he is referred to by the time he was thrown down a reactor shaft, started off as a mild-mannered senator from Naboo.
He then hatched a multi-decade plan using many different alien races as his useful ID10Ts.
That's idiots for all you out there who don't speak nerd.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
He secretly initiates the creation of two armies, manages to get elected Chancellor under the guise of a humanitarian crisis.
I first act with this new authority.
I will create a grand army of the Republic to counter the increasing threats of the separatists.
Then starts a war where both sides of the conflict have unlimited budgets to fight a war on hundreds of battlefronts, thereby draining the resources of all sides, and doing this under the nose of the Jedi, who just can't seem to realize that the guy walking and talking with them is a Sith Lord.
The dark side clouds everything.
The Emperor even manages to off all of his commanders.
And convinces his new apprentice, Darth Bad Acting, to kill all the remaining leaders of his confederacy.
So he is then the only person with total knowledge of his master plan.
He will take care of you.
Lord Sidious promised us peace.
He only wants... Look up the Night of the Long Knives if you want a historical example for that one.
Fast forward 18 years, the Supreme Chancellor disbands his dysfunctional government in favor of a dictatorship.
I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the Council permanently.
Thus completing a galaxy-wide false flag which started off as a seemingly small planetary trade blockade on his home planet.
So by playing off all sides against each other and creating a crisis, which is the Confederacy with a giant drone army,
He is able to pull off the Hegelian dialectic by providing his own convenient clone army which he started creating years ago.
Emperor Palpatine is the perfect technocrat dictator.
It's treason, then.
So while it remains to be seen out there what will be seen in Episode 7, whether it's chrome stormtroopers, the Inquisitor, or Chewbacca with a bionic hand, it will be interesting to see if J.J.
Abrams can harness the archetypes and historical references that George Lucas used all so well.
The fact that he is now under the Disney umbrella probably means anything meaningful won't be seen in this film.
There'll be a lot of flash and a lot of lens flares.
That I can almost assure you.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
But I do have a new hope that he will do a better job than George Lucas in creating a stylistic masterpiece.
And if you would like a complete history of false flags, pick up a copy of Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terrorism, at the InfoWars store, or you can watch it free on YouTube.
Please write in the comments below which in your mind is the biggest false flag that we've seen since 1977, which is the year Star Wars premiered.
This has been Rob Doo with InfoWars.com, and may the Force be with you.
Well done, Lord Doo!
That's it for this transmission.
Great job, folks.
See you Sunday.
Help me, I'm weak!
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