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Name: 20141103_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 3, 2014
2704 lines.

In his radio show, Alex Jones discusses a variety of topics including election fraud, surveillance, immigration, and resistance against oppressive systems. He encourages unity and takes calls from listeners on various issues such as race relations and privacy concerns. The show also covers products like health supplements and survival kits.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have swept the decks clean.
Tomorrow's election coverage.
We're getting Tucker Carlson on and James O'Keefe it looks like.
He's done it again.
That guy deserves like five Pulitzer Prizes.
A true journalist.
That's a drudge that's coined that term.
O'Keefe does it again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Got video.
Exclusive undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to an eligible imposter 20 times, putting voter ID battle on front burner.
Yeah, O'Keefe caught Democrats in Texas saying, we're going to bring illegals in and have them vote.
Illinois has introduced a bill that was, well, it's passed their House and Senate.
I think it was unanimous in the Senate.
We covered it Sunday with David Knight yesterday.
That is a ballot initiative to let people vote, quote, from any country of origin who are not citizens.
Imagine the boldness of saying, if you can get here, you can vote.
It's just over-the-top crazy, but it'll probably pass.
It passed the Illinois Senate unanimously.
I'm living in the twilight zone.
I know I just keep saying that, I really am.
Because I read all this news, I look at it morning, noon, and night.
I sit here before the show going through hundreds of articles just staring at it.
It just creates an image, an irrefutable image of people out of control.
And you study history, that's what elites do, over and over and over again.
So we're going to be breaking this down today.
You want to talk election?
How about we talk about this article out of Politico, Obama readying for lame-duck presidency.
Obama faces the loss of his rabid fan base.
Well, you know what?
He's got a veto.
He's got his executive orders and his telephone.
Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kind of cool, as Begala said, working for Clinton.
And he's got a bunch of people like
Mitch McConnell's in the Senate, he'll probably be the new leader of the Senate.
And he's got people in the House like Boehner.
The answer is, get rid of Boehner, get rid of Mitch McConnell.
McConnell's not as bad as Boehner.
Hard to believe that, but it's true.
I've looked at their voting records.
And get Rand Paul, Ted Cruz types in there and then we could really start doing things like lowering taxes and watching the economy explode.
Getting rid of Obamacare waivers for McDonald's and others.
Abolishing Obamacare.
Can you imagine what that would do?
We're like a boat tied to the dock with the motor going and we're not going anywhere.
We've got to cut the rope.
Everything they're doing is to shut the economy down, while promising to get it going.
It's easy to get the economy going, but under Agenda 21, they don't want us to have any wealth, because they say it's bad for the earth.
Wealth is not bad for the earth.
It's the type of wealth.
It's the type of industry, but classical wealth improves the environment.
Everybody knows that.
Humans, in many cases, make the environment better.
Wildlife just flocks to parks and places, and humans turn the desert green.
I'm sick of this idea of putting humans down.
While the elite fly around in their big jet airplanes and red carpets telling Africans, you can't have a car, you can't have air conditioning.
Washington Post says 96% chance Republicans will sweep the Senate.
CNN says 95%, New York Times says 70%.
I don't know what the truth is because undoubtedly there's a massive political realignment happening right now.
But there's so much election fraud going on by the Democratic Party nakedly that I don't know what to expect.
But it's hard to overpower a landslide.
2014 is everything.
It was once said.
And I agree with that statement.
It is so critical that we reject Obama.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think so.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the big election day is tomorrow.
We're broadcasting worldwide on this November 3rd, 2014 global transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're going to have three hours of news and open phones today.
No guests today.
We've got Tucker Carlson on tomorrow, and it looks like James O'Keefe, who's done it again, he's going to be joining us as well.
Wow, there's just so much to get into.
There's also a lot of Ebola news as Ebola continues to spread across Africa and Obama said last week he wouldn't be surprised if more cases don't pop up here and we see reports out of Spain over the weekend that they believe Al-Nusra or Al-Qaeda or ISIS may try to get infected in Africa with Ebola and bring it to the West.
They don't need to do that.
We have Obama to do that.
And Spain has a government that brought Ebola patients in to spread it.
So you don't need Islamist sleeper cells to bring it in when you have Western governments that are doing it.
Here's another headline dealing with that from Breitbart.
Singapore requires visas for Ebola-hit African states.
Isn't that interesting?
AP is also reporting this.
Citizens of Guyana, Liberia, Sierra Leone will need a visa to enter Singapore as part of a measure against the spread of Ebola.
And guess what?
They're not issuing the visas.
But the United States is.
A poll reports, this is up on Infowars.com, 71% back mandatory Ebola quarantine in U.S.
Rand Paul, libertarian in me, horrified at government-enforced detention.
Well, you're a medical doctor, Rand, and you know the only way to stop it is to shut it down when it first gets here, or then we end up with tens of thousands quarantined.
A new NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll finds that almost three-quarters of Americans want to see government-enforced mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from West Africa.
Yeah, that's just a default measure.
A whopping 71% of respondents said they felt health workers would have treated Ebola sufferers abroad should be subject to 21-day isolation if they show no symptoms of the virus themselves.
If you're treating people with Ebola in Africa,
You should not leave the country till you've separated yourself from the hot zone.
You're still in the country, but not up against the patients.
That's the real hot zone.
And then you stay 21 days or more at the medical center or wherever, and you don't show signs, then you leave.
In fact, so you don't come here in quarantine, you quarantine there.
That's the default.
Why is it being ignored?
Why are medical workers bringing it in?
Why is it spreading?
Why is there an obvious cover-up?
That's what I'm getting at here.
Fifth doctor in Sierra Leone dies of Ebola.
That's just some of the news.
I'm done covering that.
The big news, obviously, is election news.
I want to play this report coming up in a moment.
James O'Keefe offered a busload of ballots in North Carolina, and last week he proved that they were letting illegals vote.
That's one guy with a camera person.
Who is the model in my newsroom of go out, do things like that.
That's real investigative journalism.
That's going out and showing the fraud.
Remember him five years ago?
Going into multiple Acorn Mafia facilities.
They're mafia in my view, and saying, hi, I've got sex slaves from Latin America, children, I want to run them as prostitutes on the street.
They go, sure, we'll help set up your operation for you, it's quite normal.
Just make sure you put them in the public school, that will not arise any, you know, of the government's suspicion.
Or CPS may get called.
Do you understand the systematic evil to just walk in, facility after facility, and they're just ready to do it?
Do you understand the level
of premeditated criminal mindset we're dealing with.
So we're going to get into that report.
He said it again.
He said it last week.
He said it again.
This is what we need.
Get on the offensive.
Weather Channel founder says man-made global warming is baloney.
And we've had Pastor Chuck Baldwin and others on talking about this movement a few years ago that was launched by the Liberty Movement, by this broadcast in part, not bragging, just showing how we can have an effect.
All across the country.
Churches are defying the IRS, endorsing candidates, daring the agency to sue.
Thousands of libertarian or Christian conservative style churches are saying, look, the Democrats openly collect money, they openly endorse who they want.
We're not endorsing a Republican or a Democrat.
We're endorsing someone who's pro-life.
We're endorsing someone who's pro-self-defense.
We're endorsing someone who's pro-family.
We're endorsing someone who's pro-business.
That we believe follows the ideas in the Bible of liberty and of free will.
That's the real message of the Bible.
And do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
And so Politico's kind of trying to sick the IRS on them.
Hey, they've already been attacked.
And see, this is how America always works.
The system thinks we're cowards when they come out and say, hey, you better not talk about government or we'll audit you.
You better not demonstrate at a pro-life rally or we'll come audit you.
Better not give money to the Tea Party, we'll audit you.
Better not go out and hold a sign outside or we'll come after you.
Better not film the police or we'll arrest you.
That just makes ten times more people come out of the woodwork to go out once you start pushing people around.
I've said this thousands of times.
Americans aren't really cowardly.
In fact, most Americans are super hard-working and come from vicious stock.
Bare-knuckles boxing.
Just swashbuckling.
You get ready.
Everybody knows that.
The whole world knew that.
All the foreign Japanese and French historians came here in the last 200 plus years and marveled at the United States and the people here.
And so even though we've become fat, dumb, and happy, we've still got it in us.
And so Americans have become totally focused on bread and circus until they get pushed around, until they get bullied.
And the system thinks that, oh, we'll just have the IRS take old lady's pension funds with no judge, no jury, no proof of fraud.
Oh, we'll just have the police out running warrantless checkpoints to take blood.
Oh, we'll just push, push, push, and we'll audit 20,000 Tea Partiers a year, and we'll intimidate.
All that's going to cause is a giant backlash.
Sure, it's super cheesy, but we should probably find the clip on YouTube from Star Wars in Episode 4 where Princess Leia is on board the Death Star talking to Governor Tarkin or whatever his name is, and he's telling her that he's going to blow up her home planet.
She doesn't answer his questions, and she says, listen, the tighter you squeeze, the more star systems will squeeze through your fingers.
And that is what we know historically happens.
It doesn't just happen in fictionalized accounts a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
It happens historically.
And it particularly happens with Americans.
The reason I'm on air
Is that people messed with my family, people in the government did.
The reason I'm on air is because I then saw farmers and ranchers having their houses taken and their farms taken by the environmental land grabbers who turned around and sold it off to build on it a few years later.
I saw the mafia in action.
And at a fundamental cellular level,
I started thinking, how do I, in the 21st century, that was back in the 20th century, but how do I, looking forward, resist them?
And I said, I'll do whatever I can to resist them, and I'll blow the trumpet to get other people to be watchmen on the wall, to try to rally more people to resist peacefully this operation, and have a velvet revolution of renaissance and awakening to this tyranny, to this injustice.
That's why they scream racism all day.
That's why they push all these distractionary issues is because, sure, there's some racism going on on all sides out there.
There are groups of whites that go out and find blacks and attack them.
There's groups of blacks that go out and find whites and attack them.
And Hispanics that go out and find blacks and attack them.
And blacks that go out and find Asians and attack them.
On and on and on.
Asians that find other groups of Hispanics to attack.
There's all sorts of gang warfare going on at a dumbed down level.
But at the end of the day, 98% of us aren't involved in that.
We're all going under Obamacare and the death panels.
We're all having our jobs shipped overseas by design.
We're all being told we didn't build a business.
We're all being told our kids don't belong to us.
We're all being told we don't have a right to own guns.
We're all being told we don't have a right to have a vehicle.
We're all being told we don't have a... This is a bunch of bull!
And so we just come together on these simple ideas.
And I don't care who delivers them.
The Republicans, the Democrats, the Libertarians.
I don't care what you call the organization or group, we need to put our ideas out and then support whoever promotes them and get out of this partisanship.
But the Democrats, when they were in power, got on a power trip that I've never seen the likes of.
And they have run absolutely wild.
Crazy Tasmanian devil meets Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, meets Woody Woodpecker, meets Jeffrey Dahmer, meets Adolf Hitler, meets Joseph Stalin, meets the most crazy stock market person you can imagine.
I mean, I just, it's wild.
And it's out of control and they've gone too far.
We have to have an indictment of Obama, and if we can't get one in the Congress with an impeachment, we can get one in the Court of Public Opinion with a referendum on everything socialist, everything collectivist, everything big city machine.
Of the oldest party in this country, the Democrats, who have perfected racial division and distraction and diversion and dumbing people down, and their willing accomplices in the media, and their willing accomplices in the Republican Party.
This is a referendum on all of these people.
This is not business as usual.
And we don't care how much you try to militarize the cops, and how many armored vehicles you buy, and how much police state training.
It's the police out there, I've talked to them, who are probably more awake than anybody else in the country, other than the military.
Does that not mean there aren't legions of bad cops?
And legions of political police?
No, they're there.
But I'm telling you, the most awake group in the country, other than the military, is the police.
That's not good for the establishment.
You understand the establishment's in trouble.
We're gonna come back, get the number out, play the O'Keefe piece, take your phone calls.
It's all coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Stay wet.
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We are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Don't forget, we're going to send out on the daily email this afternoon.
You can sign up for free at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
We're going to send out the video link so you can watch the nightly news for free even if you're not a subscriber tonight and tomorrow with the 2014 midterm election coverage.
And we're going to be on the air tomorrow night, 6 p.m.
to midnight central, at least, with our entire team, myself right in the middle of it, hosting.
We're going to have a lot of special guests on, Greg Pallast, you name it, just a lot of other people, with live coverage with Darren McBreen, Jakari Jackson, Leigh Ann McAdoo, Joe Biggs, John Bowne,
Rob Dew and the whole crew behind the scenes tomorrow night.
But we'll have expanded coverage as well tonight, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're also going to have streams on the YouTube channel at the Real Alex Jones channel.
And we're also going to again have a live feed at InfoWars.com forward slash election.
I want to go to this clip.
North Carolina election officials repeatedly offered ballots last week to an imposter who arrived at polling places with the names and addresses of inactive voters who hadn't participated in an election in many years.
No fraudulent votes were actually cast.
It was the latest undercover video sting from conservative activist James O'Keefe, whose filmmaking resume reads like a target list of liberal causes.
Yeah, he's brought down multi-billion operations.
He famously shattered ACORN, the community organizing outfit linked to Barack Obama.
He dressed up as Osama Bin Laden and crossed the Rio Grande, showing how the border's wide open.
On and on and on.
And this is what anybody in media could do, showing hypocrisy.
And notice how he shakes them to their foundation.
InfoWars has shaken the system to its foundation.
DrudgeReport.com, shaking them to the foundation.
And it's great to have an O'Keefe or a WorldNetDaily or a Matt Drudge out there.
Because I don't like being one of the only big missiles being fired at the establishment.
It is dangerous.
And believe me, if Republicans are doing stuff like this, we'll be exposing it.
The difference is they just start big wars and build more prisons, which I don't like, and support Patriot Acts.
They don't just run these mafia operations, and I'm not even saying they're good, it's just the Democrats are so evil.
Let's go to this clip, and then it's official.
The new Samsung TVs, they put it out in the press release and the terms and conditions.
Samsung listens to you in live time and warns you that they are indeed monitoring everything you do.
So it says, watch what you say.
I remember I told people eight years ago under a Google patent this was going on.
We're going to cover that after the break, but here's James O'Keefe and Veritas Project.
I'm James O'Keefe reporting from North Carolina.
There are more than 700,000 inactive voters in the state according to the Voter Integrity Project.
These are people the state has essentially lost, which creates a recipe for voter fraud on a massive scale.
Don't believe it?
Project Veritas Action has proven it.
Watch how many ballots I get offered from election officials throughout the state.
We easily accessed North Carolina's statewide voter rolls.
From there, we were able to isolate the inactive voters.
Then we narrowed the list down to 30-year-old males.
The next step, to visit early voting sites across the state and ask if they had that person's name on the list.
We were careful not to say we were that person.
That's the correct address.
Some 20 times, nearly a busload, we were just a signature or two away from voting.
Of course, we never signed anything, but we could have.
And if we had, we could have voted and no one would have been the wiser.
Just about every time we offered to produce ID to verify our identity, we were quickly told it was unnecessary and almost scolded for offering to show it.
That's right.
Alright, that's enough.
You see the full video up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Imagine the identity theft that this is causing as well using voter rolls.
And they don't want to have voter ID laws to vote because this is part of an organized globalist takeover of America with Democratic Party operatives running the polling places.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Analysis, InfoWars, building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive, discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I was thinking about it this weekend when a reporter was asking me how I would define myself.
I have a policy of truth to rip off the name of a popular Depeche Mode song.
I really try to tell the truth, and if I don't want to hurt somebody's feelings, I just try to shut up.
I want to be truthful to myself.
I don't want to be delusional.
One thing I've noticed is that most losers that I've known in my life fantasize about how they're successful and fantasize about how their competition is failing and will make things up.
They will sit right there to your face, do something, and then deny they did it instead of just owning up to it.
And when you lie like that, it doesn't just infect the general culture, it infects your brain.
You start believing your own bull.
And I don't want to be one of those people.
That's why it's so upsetting, fundamentally, to see a rotting political culture that's doing just that.
I want to hear from you on Elections 2014.
I have never openly endorsed the Tea Party, even though I was part of its founding.
With Ron Paul, the proto-groups drafting him to run back in 2007, up ahead of 2008, and even before that, in the election before that, called themselves the Tea Party.
Libertarian anti-war groups, who didn't want to be associated with the Democratic Party,
They went out in Austin, Texas, and in Boston, Massachusetts, and then in San Diego, California, and I was part of some of those first events here in Austin, and they would march to the bridge and throw the 9-11 Commission report in the water, or they would throw the PENAC document in the water, and the police would threaten to arrest them, and then they would tie a rope to it and pull it back up.
I mean, how pathetic that they would target us like that.
Because the old Tea Party, they just went and actually sacked the ships and threw it right in the harbor and beat anybody over the head that tried to stop them.
Think about how timid we've gotten.
And I'm not calling for violence, I'm just illustrating the difference.
Paul Revere rode around on his horse saying, get your guns, get ready for war, get ready to kill people.
An enemy has landed to usurp us.
Oneth by land, twoth by sea.
And they called him a great founding American.
One of the archetypal symbols.
But then I go on air and get in Piers Morgan's face and say, look, cut out the lies, the fake debate.
You're here to take our guns, to conquer us, to enslave us.
You're on notice, red coat.
Oh my gosh, the most evil thing.
Why I was so discredited until his ratings slide accelerated and he lost his job and they accredited that particular interview as the salvo that broke the dam.
That's how easy it is to overthrow this un-American, stinking fraud if we ever just start believing in ourselves and taking action.
The truth is every time you take action and you do it long enough and don't stop, you end up succeeding when you've got right on your side.
To quote the founding Texas Ranger, a man in the wrong can't stand up against a man who's in the right when he keeps on a coming.
And isn't that the way it always is in life, in almost every case, when you've got the moral high ground, and you've got courage, and you don't back down, and you keep on a coming, it may seem like you're losing for a while, but praise God, and I say praise God, not to be a preacher, that's just what I feel like saying, that you end up winning.
And that's what it's all about, is winning and trying to create a better world.
And that's what people like James O'Keefe are doing, and I want to salute them.
And I want to salute all of you, the activists.
I want to promote some more of the contest entries, maybe on a special page, Infowars.com forward slash contest.
Post them all there, from folks going out, drawing attention to Obama, leaving the borders open, flying Ebola patients in and covering it up before the midterm elections.
That ended up being a New York Daily News and CBS News and
A whole bunch of other publications and went super viral and drew attention to it.
$7,500 contest.
We're going to have three winners.
We'll announce them on Wednesday after the election.
But you all won by taking action and getting involved.
I salute you.
And then millions of people ended up seeing the videos and it ended up becoming national news and it brings heat on them and they don't like that.
Will our little action, our protest idea, save the world?
No, but together that idea of resistance and telling the truth and getting active and getting out on the street and getting active in cyberspace, that is the spirit of 1776 that will bring down the mindset of 1984.
So here's the toll-free number, 800-259-9231.
I'm gonna actually get to the quote here in a minute, but Mitt Romney came out and said something I really agree with.
He said we need to have this be a referendum against Obama and repudiate his whole evil agenda, and then we need to have election reform of all this election fraud.
Once the Republicans have control of the Senate and the House, well, that's not going to happen with people like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner.
And quite frankly, Mitt Romney, if you wouldn't have soft-soaked it and taken a dive, you would have been the President, not Barack Obama.
But the Republicans would have rather had a bigger sweep of the House and Senate.
And get more campaign contributions running against Obama than they would have getting in there and stopping him.
There's no telling what Obama may do after this election with two years as a lame duck.
He's already proven he's acting as a dictator.
That's not me saying it.
That's Jonathan Turley, a liberal constitutional law professor.
Obama is acting as a dictator, so there's no telling what they're going to pull while you guys have been playing politics.
I mean, look, it's well-known talk radio loses about 30% of its audience when a Republican's in office.
I could care less about losing audience and losing traffic to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if we got a Rand Paul elected or somebody similar.
I want a future for my children.
I don't want to sit there and go, boy, it's a big fire the Democrats have burning the country down.
Let's roast some hot dogs on it or something.
This is not a game.
And it's the lawyers sitting back that run the Congress, politically, thinking about what'll drum up more business and more money for them, while the whole country goes over the edge of an abyss.
We can't play these politics anymore.
The country is too fundamentally screwed up.
And while you're playing politics with Democrats, because you want cheap labor and the rest of it, they're flooding the country with third world labor.
That will incidentally vote for their agenda and will vote to overthrow American citizens and disenfranchise us and politically make us slaves regardless of our color.
And this is all being run by big banks in Europe and New York who've already done this in other countries.
They're not going to be helping the third world people.
And you know the sad part about it is I ran out of gas.
And a guy pulled right over who was from El Salvador.
Really nice.
Drove me to get gas.
I'd run out of gas in years.
I tried to give him 20 bucks for being a good Samaritan.
He said, no, no, no.
And he was just such a nice guy.
You could tell a good, nice Christian man, you know, had a little cross hanging around the mirror in his car.
Much more non-decadent, hard-working than I'll guarantee you most spoiled Americans, myself included.
Of course our future is immigrants.
Of course our future is poor people.
The problem is they get here now, and the Democrats are there trying to put them into their cult.
That's why they want them, that's why they say they want them, and that's what's so sad about it, is that there's no real libertarian patriot outreach to immigrants from Latin America, immigrants from Africa, immigrants from Asia, immigrants from Eastern Europe, with such hard-working people.
They just aren't there.
And so again,
The globalists can have all these arguments all day long about why, well, we need to take guns to make you safe, or we need to open the borders to be nice, or we need to... They can always have some arguments that sound good for this, but in the final equation, it's bad people running it.
So whatever they're doing, you better believe it's not in your interest.
Because it's a wicked mind piloting the system.
That's why the media's jumped on Virgin Galactic.
Or as one of our guys put a video up this weekend with a typo, Galactic Virgin.
We're still trying to figure out what that means.
Oh boy.
I don't know what that means.
The Hotel Elkada, there's a galaxy of virgins.
Not 47 of them, but a whole gala... a billion of them.
What would they do for that?
I'm sorry.
I'm just trying to figure out a joke out of that.
I want to go to Judy Veteran.
Listen, here's another thing.
After I take these five calls, it's going to be first-time callers in the next hour.
First-time callers.
I don't think I ever even gave the number out.
The phones are full.
I gave it out one time.
But here's the point I was trying to get to earlier.
I never came out and endorsed a subgroup in a party, even though I was part of the libertarian movement that just spontaneously called ourselves the Tea Party.
After 1776.
I don't even know who the first person to do it was.
I just know it came out of the Ron Paul movement's loins.
And then I saw the Republicans try to take it over seven years ago.
Because the Tea Party was going and bullhorning them and heckling rhinos.
So suddenly Rick Perry went from wanting four shots and maybe he was for some gun control, he used to be a Democrat, to running around with guns on TV saying, I love killing coyotes.
All the rest of it.
But that's a bunch of rhetoric.
At least we made him talk like that.
So when you see the big Republican donors and the Republican leadership teaming up with the Democrats to go after the Tea Party, that's when I'm like, whoa, that's the good guys.
Not that they're perfect, but it's an insurrection through the Republican Party to try to just keep the bus from being driven over the edge of the proverbial cliff.
Republicans get what they want, a midterm election about Obama, the hell.
But it is about Obama.
On eve of election, Obama's image matches all-time low, Washington Post.
To salvage his presidency, Obama faces pressure to reboot.
But will he?
Cruz aims to take on Obama if GOP wins Senate.
Won't vow support for McConnell.
Yeah, get rid of McConnell.
Doesn't need to be a leader.
Get rid of whoever's the oldest and sells out the most.
He can go be on a committee somewhere, but we need the people that want to save this country in there.
Enough of these lawyers.
Joe Biden ready to compromise.
Oh, I bet you are.
Remember, he said nobody wants your gun, your rifle, your shotgun, your semi-auto.
That's a lie!
We're not coming after your guns!
Bloomberg said we're not coming after your guns, as they do everything they can to get them!
This is really the last chance for America to pass judgment on the Obama administration.
And I agree, we've been looking for a theme for
Our election coverage tomorrow night.
I said last week, it's a referendum on collectivism and mafia government.
Judgment day for Obama.
That is what it is.
He's a puppet, but he's the figurehead, the titular head up there.
He's the golden calf, the big idol.
Obama gets heckled.
He says, this is a rowdy crowd.
That's just some of the news we have here.
Let's go ahead and start going to your phone calls.
We're going to go to Veteran, and then Raider, and then Eric, Wayne, and Captain USA.
And then we're going to open the phones up for first-time callers.
When you hear somebody hang up, that's your chance to call in.
And there's a lot of other news I'm going to be getting to, but not yet.
Like the story I mentioned.
That's got to be red-linked.
Ladies and gentlemen,
All the new TVs have hidden microphones in them and soon they'll have cameras.
Here's the public trade show announcements ten years ago of Samsung and of Sharp and all of them.
I'm warning you.
Here's Google's announcement.
Here's Kinect's announcement six, seven years ago.
Now all the new Kinects have it.
They can look through up to eight walls.
Goes back to DARPA.
It's all in the agreement you signed.
Paul Watson has it up there with a Samsung video announcing it, saying, watch what you say in your house because we're recording it and sending it back and to other third parties.
I don't know to laugh or cry.
I'm going to go to your calls after break.
I'm sorry.
They've already started a pilot program in Austin, and they admit in three years they're going to try to make anybody living downtown, they're going to activate the box and tax you by the mile.
And if I have one more yuppie, if I just have one more yuppie,
Come up to me and, you know, giggle and say, the black helicopter's gonna get me.
They don't really do that anymore, but do you understand that we told you about all this 15, 20 years before it came out because it's all a premeditated plan?
Do you understand it's evil?
Did Leanne do that report for the Nightly News Friday?
I didn't watch it on Friday.
I missed it.
I was with my children.
I saw the video before they released it.
Or is that going to be on tonight's news?
The one about driverless cars?
Yeah, driverless cars.
Yeah, I've got it.
What was the headline on that?
Trendies Want to End Self-Driven Vehicles.
See, I never saw that on InfoWars.com.
It needs to be, you know, Liberals Want to Ban Cars.
Or, Liberals Want to Ban Driving Cars.
And that's it.
Headline it.
A headline.
It's just, I don't know what happens with the more sensational report, the more guaranteed it never makes the website, never makes Twitter, never makes Facebook.
It may have, but I didn't see it, and I've been up and down our website.
Our title on it was, Trendies Want to End Human Driving.
That's it.
Trendies want to end human driving.
Excellent headline.
Great job, McAdoo.
I saw that report.
I missed it Friday.
I'm going to air that at the bottom of the next hour of your radio listener.
But I want it front and center, and I want this move back to the top, guys.
I get so busy up here.
I have to direct things when I'm on air.
Great job, crew.
Samsung Smart TV records personal conversations and sends them to third parties.
They are going
To tax you by the mile and track everything you do.
And the trendies think anything anti-human gets them ahead.
So, hey, let's kill kids up to age 5.
Hey, let's ban driving cars.
Yeah, there's too many cars!
Do you understand chumps?
They're going to put you in a 200 square foot apartment.
You're going to pay more for it than a 10,000 square foot.
They want to raise everything to drive you into the ground while exempting themselves.
It's an anti-human eugenics agenda.
Ah, we're going to go to your call.
Stay with us.
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Just won't quit.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Imagine it's 2 a.m., you hear the dog barking, some banging, you look out your back window and somebody has opened your garage door and is breaking into your 57 Chevy.
Now I would imagine you get angry, you yell and scream at them, you grab a gun, or would you just be calm and go back to sleep?
See, the reason I'm upset is our entire future is being charted by very bad people to be extremely oppressive and to take about 98% of what we produce away from us.
And building a world where robots and computers are in full control to then phase us out.
This is the official global governance UNESCO UN plan.
I'm just here tracking it as it happens.
I'm the fruit that told you there were boxes in all the cars to tax you by the miles because it was public.
I'm the guy that told you the television sets are watching and listening to you.
Now it's in their own promo videos.
I told you 15 years ago that the cell phones are giving you brain cancer.
It's all admitted.
I told you they put fluoride in the water to brain damage you.
It's totally admitted.
I told you GMO was killing us.
It's admitted.
I'm not a hero, folks.
I don't like... Listen, they're not robbing our 57 Chevy.
They are burning our house down with us inside of it.
And they think we're too stupid to get it.
Oh, look, it's a big flashy Trojan horse, big pretty television set.
Isn't it cute?
Isn't it nice?
Oh, you're gonna pay thousands of dollars to have voice activated so you don't have to use a clicker anymore, and you sit there and give it commands.
Go to this show, go to that show, go to this channel.
Totally lazy, but that's not even the issue.
It's that it's tracking everything you do, sending it back, building a psychological profile.
And you're like, oh, what do I have to hide?
And then they admit we're listening to everything you do and giving it to third parties.
So watch what you say!
It says that in the article.
We're going to play this later.
Watch what you say!
I'm going to say that again.
You buy your television, and in the owner's manual, it says, watch what you say.
Imagine if I just came and was looking through somebody's window at night.
They'd shoot me, staring in while a man was, you know, in bed with his wife.
I'd go to jail for five years, and I should.
But they do it through the Kinect system, Microsoft, and all these others.
They do it to the televisions, and they're all coming out like this.
Remember General Petraeus said two years ago on Wired Magazine, he said,
Your dishwasher is going to be watching you.
He said we'll spy on you through your dishwasher.
Wired Magazine.
I'm telling you people, I told you that 15 years before he made that announcement because it was in MIT Magazine.
It's a premeditated plan!
And let me tell you, once they get this grid in place, they're going to release bioweapons and they're going to wipe almost everybody out.
I'm trying to stop that.
It's in their plan as well.
What you going to do when they come for you?
We've got to stop it.
It is insane what's happening.
We are living in a science fiction movie.
I'm going to go to break, come back to your calls.
I promise I'm going to in the next segment.
We'll go through this raft of calls and first-time callers.
Before I go any further, I can just warn people about what's going on, and we fund our own operation with high-quality products.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm going to play the promo video from Samsung coming up, telling you, watch what you say, because they're watching everything you do, their cameras and microphones.
It's red-linked on InfoWars.com.
Got Leanne McAdoo's bombshell report from Friday.
It's kind of a double entendre.
We're going to be getting into the trend he's wanting to ban humans driving cars.
I mean, it's just, it's so sick.
So that's coming up.
Let's talk to veteran in FEMA Region 9.
Guess that's over on the West Coast.
Formerly Washington or Oregon or is it Idaho?
Where are you, veteran?
Oh, let's see.
FEMA Region 9.
Did I screw up my regions?
I'm in the former state of Arizona.
Anyways, hey, Alex, I want to suggest a writing campaign.
If people are voting and... Hey, wait, wait, wait.
I want to correct you.
Let's put up the FEMA Region map.
I was wrong.
Arizona is part of 9.
I guess 10 is... I guess California and Arizona are 9.
Yep, that's right.
10 would be the Pacific Northwest.
Sir, you have corrected me.
I apologize.
I am in former Texas.
Go ahead, sorry.
I heard a rumor that Big Sis, the former governor of this state, might become the regent of FEMA Region 9 at some time in the future.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about.
She is such a handsome man.
Alex, I want to suggest a write-in campaign.
You know, any race where somebody runs unopposed or a race where by the latest poll it's like over 3%, one person over another.
How about people write in something that's, you know, like a kind of middle finger to the system kind of thing.
Yeah, write in InfoWars and then that'll show up on the news feeds.
People will say, what's that?
Or, here's something, how about we could maybe kind of brainstorm this, maybe other people have a better idea, but how about, vote for, and write this in, consent to be governed rescinded.
How about that?
Yep, that would be certainly a message to the government.
I don't know how much the public knows what that means, but that is the Declaration of Independence boiled down.
Great job, veteran.
The last thing we want is for folks to get stamps or markers and write InfoWars.com on the money, the private fellow reserve notes.
The last thing we want is that.
Please don't do that.
Captain USA, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Captain.
Hello there!
I'm here in FEMA Region 7, currently known as St.
Louis, but soon to be known as 1STL.
Well, that's right!
You are up in a major inland port, the center hub of the public North American Union.
Yeah, it's pretty shocking.
Whenever I first started listening to you ten years ago, and you hit a lot of the things that I knew about the DOT and the federal license and proving your innocence and stuff like that.
But I was hoping all this other stuff wasn't going to be so accurate, and really, I know you don't like to be complimented, so I'll just say ditto on a thousand other compliments I've heard you get.
Well, thank you, brother, but I want to be clear.
If I get complimented, it's like I did something special.
Microsoft, Samsung, all of them, at least 10 years ago, said we're going to watch and listen to everything you do and give it to the NSA.
In the manuals and in the internal, I had engineers coming to me like 17, 18 years ago, freaking out when this was just starting.
I'm going to go to Brighton and come back to you because I don't want to cut you short.
Stay there, Captain USA.
I'm going to come back to you, get your point on elections.
Truth Raider, Wayne, Eric, but then it's going to be open phones for first-time callers, 800-259-9231.
Look, I was a mainline libertarian.
Everybody knows this.
I was listening 18 years ago, 19 years ago, 20 years ago.
And I'd get, why aren't you covering the block helicopter attack that happened in East St.
Louis last night?
I'm not just saying that because you're from Missouri.
That was one of those calls, like in 1996, and I go, there's no such thing as that kook.
They sent me local news about it.
I covered it and got called a kook in the paper.
And then all these special forces people are contacting me saying, no, we're training for gun confiscation.
Please leak it.
I mean, it's just, and then everything just fell in.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's what I want to do.
I want to take a bunch of your phone calls, first-time callers.
We've got some long-time callers on right now, but everybody else that calls in now, first-time callers.
What is your take on Election 2014?
What do you expect Obama to do once he's a lame duck with all of his executive power on open borders, total amnesty, wars, police state, you name it?
How do we counter that?
There's some good news out today on a Rasmussen poll.
78% say politicians play race card just to get re-elected.
And that is good news.
Everyone I know, I don't care what color they are, is so sick of the race baiting and political correctness.
It just doesn't work anymore.
We played this video last hour.
It's up on Infowars.com.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas went around and was able to vote 20 times, 20 times in North Carolina alone
Or he got up to the point of voting, could have voted.
They gave him the ballot, sent him in.
He didn't break the law and do it.
He was able, though, to simulate voting 20 times and they didn't want to see his ID.
It was all a big joke.
They would chastise him.
You don't show us that ID.
You can go online, get the voter rolls of people that haven't voted in a decade or who were dead.
And then you can vote over and over again.
So this is how it works.
The problem is, the welfare people are so lazy, the Democrats can't get them to go vote.
That's why last week they got caught in New York and other states, and Maryland sending out threatening emails and letters saying, we will cut you off your welfare if you don't get up and go vote.
And Obama's saying, now listen, I'm not saying be like Chicago, because you're going to be voting early this week.
I'm not saying vote repeatedly.
It's so obvious.
It's so criminal.
It's so over the top.
They want us to live like in South Chicago with no guns and, you know, 50 people getting shot a week and corrupt police.
They want us to live like in the armpit of Guatemala.
Or Nigeria.
It's so disgusting.
So I'm going to race through your calls now.
So just callers, just make your point.
Don't thank me.
Let's just... I never used to know when I was in like a freshman in college why Limbaugh would say, ditto, ditto, ditto.
But it's because the whole show gets taken up with thanking me.
Just please, let's just... I want to hear what you have to say.
Captain USA in Missouri, go ahead.
I'm really anxious to see how this Amendment 9 goes through tomorrow.
You know, whenever we voted five days before the Ferguson thing erupted, the Missouri voters really did a lot of good.
Paul Kirtland, he wrote a bill that's going to give electronic privacy, just like the Constitution and Bill of Rights said.
But now it'll be Missouri's Ninth Amendment.
So hopefully it passes.
Very interesting.
What do you think of the amendment they're trying to pass in Illinois that says anyone can vote regardless of citizenship or national country of origin.
It says you can be a foreigner with no ID and vote.
It's just a government revolution against the people.
Totally crazy.
I'm one of those conspiracy theorists that started collecting newspapers the day that Ronald Reagan was shot.
And I think I have Chicago newspapers of when the Clintons were handing out citizenship to get votes in that area back in the 90s when Ross Perot was warning us how bad NAFTA was going to cripple us.
You know, we've got clips of that debate in Fall of the Republic, my second film on Obama.
And it charts what's going to happen.
That's why the film's so important four years later, because it's all basically come true.
And you look at Ross Perot in that hour-long debate, we only played a few clips of it, and he just predicted everything.
Now, Larry, Larry, they get paid $30 an hour, on average, in Canada.
And as soon as they opened our border up to trade, they dropped down to about $15 an hour, and we were at $15.
Now, when we drop it in Mexico, they're about $1 an hour, and so we'll drop our numbers to about $7 or $8 an hour, Larry.
And then, you won't have an economy to buy goods and services.
It will kill the internal economy.
Now, I've made billions of dollars and hired tens of thousands of people.
I know how to do this, Larry.
This is not rocket science, though.
This will happen.
This has been done in other countries.
This is big corporations trying to gut the U.S.
for short-term profits and to bring in a lot of centralized control for politicians and companies that have connections in governments.
Because they don't want to just move to Mexico.
They want to move to China after that.
It's a giant sucking sound, Larry.
A race to the bottom is what the IMF and World Bank call it, Larry.
And Al Gore just kept interrupting him and, ha ha ha, listen to this old guy over here, what does he know?
And now you see what's happened.
And then Ross Perot came out and said, they have threatened to kill my family, and this country's in worse shape than I thought, so I am bowing out of here.
As soon as he hit 33 in the polls, that's a three-way race.
As soon as he hit even with the other candidates in a trifecta,
He said, I am bowing out of here.
And a lot was made of, was Ross Perot a good guy?
Was he a bad guy?
I know he was right, that's all I know.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wayne in Texas.
Wayne, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, nice invitation.
Look, I went on the site last night about my election district and, you know,
They're saying that they're going to enforce the ID law here in Texas.
Two things that I would encourage people to do is, number one, I'm going to vote out a lot of these incumbents.
And number two, you get an access code when you go vote.
And I think this access code may have to verify your vote.
You know, in case there is a recount or something, you know, maybe you can take this claim ticket they give you and verify that your vote is recorded correctly.
Well, you do that also doing your own exit polls, going and working, you know, during the stacking of the ballots to put them in the machines and other systems, and then you get to really see what happened.
I was in Travis County.
In the Republican primaries in 1995, and I was there downtown at the old convention center they tore down, stacking the ballots to stick them in the machines.
And I mean, it was 60% Pat Buchanan.
I think Travis County was like 6-7% for Pat Buchanan when the night closed out, and I talked to everybody in there and they're like, no, it's Pat Buchanan, hands down.
Pat Buchanan, out of a whole bunch of Republicans, just dominated.
And they proved in Arizona he really won in other states.
So, the fix is in, but then you add all these illegals to it, it only gets crazier.
Good to hear from you.
Oh yeah, the Justice Department, the race baiters, huff and puff and say, Texas-wise being sued, they're racist.
They want you to show one of eight forms of ID.
Basically anything will do.
You can show your welfare card, you can show your anything.
Just to show I'm the person here to vote, the Democrats hand out the rolls that are online of who's dead or who hadn't voted.
That's why if you haven't voted in a long time, you need to get yourself off the roll.
Because people are voting in your name.
It's identity theft!
It's identity theft, and it's being fostered!
In fact, they use online voter rolls for a lot of identity theft out there.
And have you ever had your identity stolen?
I've had mine just a little bit.
I've had it just a little bit about 10 years ago, and it was done as a dirty trick.
And let me tell you, it's not fun.
When creditors are calling up, you're getting bills and you're getting threatened or you try to fly and somebody's done something in your name.
It's not fun.
And it's happened to most Americans.
It happened to my dad.
He was on a no-fly list for a while because of it.
Not because he was my dad.
This is happening to tens of millions of people.
To congressmen and women.
What a fraudulent system.
And their answer is biometrics.
I told you that was coming.
Now Obama says biometrics.
Let's talk to Catherine in Alabama.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Hey, I read the poll about 78% of race baiters.
I live in Alabama and it's a huge problem here because black and white people basically get along.
But when you get to the topic, um,
of politics.
It's just not something that we can talk about.
Yeah, it's meant to make everybody uncomfortable.
All this political correctness is meant to keep the whole race deal going.
What's an articulate way to bring this up in conversation?
The articulate way to bring it up is say we shouldn't be prisoners of the past and of a past that's meant to distract us on how we're all being screwed over by the globalists.
And then you need to just not care about it and not always be trying to placate and walk on eggshells around each other.
Everybody just needs to start getting it out in the open and just talking about it.
And that's what I do.
There was a quote on Fox News over the weekend about Obama being the most racist president in history.
I don't know if I totally agree with that statement.
He's been the biggest, it was Ben Stein that said it, he's been one of the biggest race bait pushers ever.
But they always talk about the founding fathers, some of them having slaves.
They were the first country ever in 1776 to almost get it in the Declaration of Independence and to almost get it years later in the Constitution to end it.
But the South threatened basically to split off and there would never have been a union.
It was Europe that began to end slavery first.
Slavery was going on in the caste system in India, in the caste system in Japan, in Africa.
The Aztecs had a caste system of slaves.
They sacrificed you, for heaven's sakes.
And I'm not saying the practice of slavery was okay.
It's that it was going on everywhere.
It started in every culture six, seven thousand years ago.
We're not sure.
Every culture had it.
The difference is
We had segregation after it, and we had populations that stayed separate.
And so that's the unique American experience, and what came after it is the shame.
What came after the slavery, because the slavery was going on all over the world.
America and England, England really, and the Dutch as well, they led the world ending slavery.
The British went around for hundreds of years attacking ships that had slaves and freeing them.
I mean, let's just be clear.
Let's be clear about that.
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By the way, England, going back about 200 years ago, was trying to ban slavery all over the world.
But really, they took the abolitionist movement that started in England and the Netherlands and used the Christians wanting to end it as the excuse to just go rob ships and take over countries that still had slavery going, especially in the Caribbean.
So I don't want to over-lionize the British.
The same thing happened.
Christians wanted to end slavery here in the United States.
And then that wasn't really one of the big issues when the Civil War started.
It was trade deals and tariffs.
But then they later made that a centerpiece of it towards the end.
But it was hijacked.
I mean, talk about the British.
They were still doing press gangs until about 200 years ago when they had so many riots across England.
They would come and conk your son over the head.
They like people 14 years old or so, because they can mold them.
And then the Navy would just kidnap your child.
Or sometimes your husband.
But they didn't call it slavery, they called it impressment.
So there's many other forms of slavery.
Just like 7 million people in the prison system, 3 million in
Minimum or medium or maximum security.
Millions more in the halfway house system.
Biggest prison population in the world.
Teaching people how to be criminals.
Letting the violent criminals out.
Keeping the non-violence in.
That's modern slavery working for 25 cents an hour.
But there's no movement to try to stop that and calling it what it is.
And the prison industry lobbying at legislatures to have bigger and bigger sentences and more and more prisons to get our money.
Every good old boy I've ever known goes, prisoners, hot tubs, cable TV, smoking cigarettes all day, take their air conditioning away, make it painful, and make them work!
That's why you don't have a job.
Can you compete against 15 to 25 cents an hour at those huge factories?
They don't just make furniture and light bulbs and license plates.
Let's go ahead and take another phone call.
Raider in Oregon, you're on the air.
Hello, my radio friend.
Four years ago, you had Joe Rogan in studio talking about all of this and just about life in general.
And then pops in Joey Coconut Diaz.
He tore up the control room.
And he said, you know, the very things that we're talking about now today.
Although he did it in a vulgar manner.
It's one of the funniest shows you ever had.
Yeah, that video has millions of views online.
I'm friends with Joey Diaz.
We hang out whenever he's in town.
I love the guy.
He's great.
And what he said was, every four years you get the same thing from your politician.
So when I cuss, you know, think about that.
Think about what they do to you, and then think about me cussing.
That's the bad thing, the distraction is.
It's a selection process, Alex, a selection process.
So I don't know what's going to come out of this.
Do the best you can to participate in it.
But is it really going to be worth it?
I mean, these people are all paid off in their back pockets anyway, you know.
The whole thing is rigged.
I hear you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Eric in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Yeah, how you doing, Alex?
I just got a couple of points real quick.
But first, I just want to say that earlier you said that the biggest losers in your life are the people that you'll spit facts at and then they'll just straight make up things.
And I just want to say you totally hit that on the head.
I got a lot of people in my life that are the same way.
They're very sad people.
They're very sad.
I mean, dead on.
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Oh yeah, oh yeah.
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But it was a more
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Like, it was a better withdrawal overall.
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God bless you so much, sir, and if people can't even afford that, you can get the sea salts that have something similar, though not as good, and that'll change your life.
So, let's just be clear.
There's more alternatives than just X2 at InfoWarsLive.com.
Thank you, sir.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, now I'm gonna move really quick through about 10 phone calls.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Then I'm going to air Leanne McAdoo's video audio report.
Shot last Friday and aired last Friday's Nightly News.
Headline, it's up on InfoWars.com.
Trendies want human driving band.
And then it ties into the establishment in publications from The Hill to Newsweek to Time the last two weeks, all calling for it.
Oh, and guess what?
The box is already in your car to track and control you and tax you.
And then they're saying it'll save you money on top of the old tax, the gas tax, and the registration tax and the tickets and everything.
They'll be a new by the mile tax.
Your car will be like a government Uber.
How fun!
And your Samsung TV is listening to you and warns you when you're being bad.
That's the next thing.
In fact, Toyota has announced that they're going to be watching you with cameras that are wireless in all their new Toyotas.
It was like five years ago.
Now it's coming out next year, 2015.
And they said that the computer will actually tell you when you're bad.
And send a report to the police.
It's all completely premeditated.
It's all completely racketeering.
Completely global.
Completely evil.
But Samsung says it's so cool!
And again, I'm the radical kook for telling you about it 15 years, at least, before it was mainstream.
See, but now they're rolling it out.
I tried to warn you beforehand so we could get some opposition to it!
And I don't want to sit up here and say, I told you, I told you, I told you.
It's just that when I tell you and I mention Ecoscience and Club of Rome documents and show them on air and quote where they're from and you can go to the library and find them.
Or you can go to the library and get the New York Times where David Rockefeller endorsed Mao Tse-Tung killing 84 million people.
Don't put him in power.
Do you understand how dangerous these people are?
Do you understand they're following an exact plan for you and your family?
And there's no debating what I'm telling you.
See, that's how wild this is.
That's how I can get on air.
People say, man, you're so calm in person.
We go out to dinner, you hardly talk.
We go fishing, you just, you know, tell a few jokes.
Why are you like that on air?
What's that persona?
Are you an actor?
No, I'm not an actor!
I get in here, and I'm in front of millions of people, and all I can do is just jump around, basically like a monkey, begging people to... I mean, there's like 5,000 hyenas running down the hill about to eat us, and I'm saying we better do something!
Look at how we're being screwed over right now.
I have fresh outrage.
I never get outrage fatigue.
When I see them rolling out the nanny state televisions that are already listening to you, I told people like six, seven years, because I was told by someone at the FBI, I'll leave it at that, that they were using OnStar without warrants to listen to people, and then it was in the New York Times about five, six, seven years after I told you.
This is beyond OnStar.
Well, I have nothing to hide.
I have nothing to hide.
What about the people in Nazi Germany?
They didn't have anything to hide either.
They had a predatory government.
It'd be like if you were out in Africa at night by yourself, walking around in a loincloth, and 20 hyenas come up, or five lions come up, and you go, I have nothing to hide.
It's like a 16-year-old girl.
Ted Bundy pulls up in the yellow Volkswagen at the mall.
He's wearing a nice suit, non-threatening yellow bug.
The two women that escaped said it was the non-threatening yellow bug and he talked in a little soft voice.
Hi, how you doing?
Would you like to go get some ice cream or something?
He'd pick real innocent looking girls.
Hi, once you get in the car, do you mind putting these handcuffs on or I'll blow your head off, whore.
That's who the New World Order is.
Harry Reid and all that.
Hi, I'm Harry Reid.
A little non-threatening nice old man.
Mafia Don that runs Nevada.
Hi, I'm a nice old man.
Come on kids, I got candy in the back of the white van.
That's all these people are politically.
Mega predators.
And folks,
Conrad Lorenz on human psychology and animal psychology, a great psychologist.
You should go read his work.
My dad had me read it when I was like 14.
He said, you like these history books?
Read this.
On militant enthusiasm and the fact that the most aggressive super predators are actually very loving and care about people because it's like a governor built in so you don't savage and attack everyone around you.
I'll tell you right now, I'll be honest people, I am meaner than hell and I am a predator.
But the difference is I don't have the psychopath programming
Where I want to prey on weak people.
I want to deal with the scum and the bullies.
That's a normal impulse of males to defend people.
The problem is, is that men that have that are laying down while a bunch of snakes run all over us, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's time for that to end.
Do you understand?
People think they're safe because they lay down?
That's all coming to an end.
We're all in grave danger, okay?
And see, there's no more denial.
People don't come up to me and make black helicopter jokes anymore.
In fact, that's how I can tell the public's really woken up.
I don't ever really get heckled anymore.
I don't ever really have people come over and knock my glass over at a restaurant.
That used to happen.
Guys don't pull up on their big hogs, kind of right-wingers to make fun of me, and left-wingers don't, you know, come up and boo me in restaurants.
People aren't laughing anymore.
And let me tell you something, you're really not going to be laughing when all this comes through.
So see, I'm not up here putting on a little NPR act for everybody, when I sit there and I talk like the Globalist talk and act like the Globalist talk, because folks, I know how they are, because I can look right into their minds.
I can see what they see, think like they think, I know their game plans, I understand it, and just as good as they do.
That's why they tried to recruit me.
You understand that, ladies and gentlemen?
So stop acting like a bunch of chumps out there.
This is a serious emergency warning.
Let's go ahead and talk to D.C.
in Arizona.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, John.
This is D.C.
in Arizona.
Just calling to give you some intel on what's going on in Arizona.
I wanted to be pretty brief so I'll get right to the point.
SCR 1015.
It's a 2013 concurrent resolution that was passed in the House of Representatives in Arizona.
It's a proclamation supporting the Second Amendment.
Of all the people that voted against this proclamation, all of them were Democrats but one.
The key to this proclamation is
All the members of these people agreed to essentially not consider new legislation that would infringe on the constitutional right of the Second Amendment.
Yeah, that's a litmus test.
If you're for abortion, especially partial birth, or you're for gun control, you need to be voted out of office.
And back to my point, what's going on in Arizona, the Democrats are starting to take up much of the talking points that the Conservatives and the Republicans are talking, and they're actually taking the words that many of us are familiar with in Arizona, such as independence.
In Arizona, we have
I don't know.
Hillary Clinton led the PAC four months ago when she came out and said, you know, I actually believe in the right to keep and bear arms.
We shouldn't have more gun laws.
And you know what?
I don't think we should have open borders.
We need to deport people.
Pure fabricated baloney.
And I've actually heard some conservative commentators going, I tell you, Hillary's getting a little bit sensible up there.
I mean, just the chumpness of it.
I mean, how?
I mean, I appreciate your call.
I just cannot look at Hillary Clinton.
My radio show would explode even faster and have more listeners if Hillary gets elected.
I don't want her to get elected.
If Jeb Bush gets elected, I'll have more listeners, because people want me to attack folks.
Well, if it's a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz, I'm not going to have anything to attack, other than Democrats and RINOs and people.
Everybody knows for a libertarian talk show, ratings go down.
It's a cycle when Republicans are in.
Well, guess what?
I want the Republicans in.
Not that they're angels, but they're a new group of thugs that we can get control of, and a big realignment will scare them, and we'll get enough Tea Party people in there to keep control of it, and maybe dial this back a little bit.
And that's why the establishment's betting all their money against Tea Party candidates, because they are one of the only non-violent hopes we've got.
And I've never in 20 years on air gotten behind a party.
That's not really true.
I was pretty much a Republican my first year or two on air.
But then I just saw how treacherous, and look, the globalists can run their agenda through any party.
It's just the Democrats are metastasizing crazy cancer.
They need to be slapped down.
They need to be indicted.
They have been persecuting people at a level, no exaggeration, 5,000 times Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon persecuted a couple hundred people.
The Democrats are persecuting hundreds of thousands of people.
They're putting troops on secret death lists and then defending it when it comes out.
I mean, these people are just crazy!
And America recognizes that.
You think I wanted to have a shooting war start at the Bunny Ranch?
That's the last thing I wanted to do.
And I tried to dial things down and tried to exert my influence to stop that from happening.
So the media implied that I wanted violence.
I never wanted that.
But let me tell you, the image of the feds backing off from those ranchers, when they had their guns on them saying we'll shoot you if you come across, that scared the system down to its base level.
Do you think they want a civil war to start with feds in a shooting war with a bunch of ranchers?
No, they want it to start on their way when the globalists blow up a federal building,
Throw a bunch of kids in a daycare again, and then blame it within one hour on Rush Limbaugh.
And it's not that Rush Limbaugh is perfect, but if they can bring down Rush Limbaugh, they can bring down Matt Drudge, they can bring down Alex Jones, they can bring down Joseph Farah, they can bring down James O'Keefe, they can bring your local talk show host down, they can bring everybody down.
We spent over $150,000, I think it was, on Rush Limbaugh's show when all his people were deserting him.
They were trying to bring him down for his statements.
And for the First Amendment, we tithed and bought ads for the Obama deception on there.
And we made our money back.
It didn't make a lot of money, but it didn't matter.
We went and we advertised on Rush Limbaugh like $8,000 a minute.
Of course, it had gone down to about 6,000 because of the protesting, so we took advantage of that and tried to send a message.
No one would do that out there.
Where's the basic instinct?
Do you understand that?
The Federal Elections Commission is looking at trying to start censoring the drugs report.
I've seen some of the other sites go, good, he's too big.
Are you morons?
They're going to get you next, dummy!
Where is people's basic instinct to stick together?
We've been taught that screwing each other over is how we get ahead.
That's the creed of failures, ladies and gentlemen.
All we've got is our reliability.
Ever heard the term, he's disreputable?
You can't trust him?
Well, I tell you, that news travels really fast.
We need to promote liberty.
And I know that's simple.
But as all this evil starts collapsing around us, if we're there telling the truth, it will bring them down, not us.
And that's why they're in so much trouble, is because the liberty movement, going back 50 years, has been holding this back.
We're slowing it down.
Slowing the globalist takeover down.
Desperately, with a bunch of complainers going, I thought you said it was going to take over.
Well, they're not trying to get my guns.
They're not tracking me or listening to me.
The GMO's not bad.
Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom for the tenth time this hour.
That doesn't work anymore.
We stalled them with enough time to get defenses set up politically.
We stalled them while we also built up militarily.
It's beyond a cell network system.
It's just an understanding.
It's a manifesto of freedom.
It's invincible.
If God be with us, who can be against us?
We have been working, the Liberty Movement, for 50 plus years.
Hard to believe I haven't been here for 20.
But 50 years.
To stop this, and while we're trying to stop it, we've been building our organizations.
Just like arm wrestling makes both people's arms get bigger, we've been wrestling them, they've been wrestling us, and we've been getting stronger as they've been getting stronger.
For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
So don't ever let them make you think that you don't have power and that you can't affect change.
I'm going to play this Leanne McAdoo piece, then we're going to go back to your phone calls, John, Joe, Julia, Stephen, and others that are patiently holding.
We're taking first-time callers calls at 800-259-9231.
Now, we're going to skip this network break.
This particular article, we're going to cover this after this piece, but the two go together.
Samsung Smart TV records personal conversations and sends them to third parties.
Company's new privacy policy causes consternation.
Samsung's new global privacy policy for its line of smart TVs states that a user's personal conversations will be recorded by the device's microphone and transmitted to third parties.
Did you hear that?
A 46-page privacy policy, which is now included in all newly purchased Samsung Smart TV, states that the voice recognition technology may capture voice commands and associated text in order to improve the features of the system.
The policy, a summary of which is also posted online, ominously advises the users, this is from Samsung,
Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to third parties through the use of voice recognition.
And the article goes on, there's video of this.
Folks, and you could say, oh well they're not going to use it for that.
They're selling the data third party.
It's all on record.
Microsoft can see through eight walls.
It can
Count the pores on your butt through eight walls.
It can see and get a digital biometric shot of your genitals, okay?
I don't know how else to explain this to you, but this is all premeditated on purpose, and I'm begging you to understand that it's meant to predict the future, manipulate human activities, dominate markets, shut down competition, and surveil the public into a hole.
I have nothing to hide, you say.
Leave your doors unlocked in the middle of Manhattan when you go on vacation and post on Facebook where all your valuables are and what your address is.
You will be robbed.
You don't lock your doors at night because you're living in fear.
You're living in control.
You're putting up basic obstacles to sleep better.
Because you love your children.
And your data is your data, and it shouldn't be stolen from you.
If you walked out to your post office box, and I was standing there, that wasn't a federal crime, I'd do it to illustrate it.
And I'm sitting there reading your mail, you would probably walk up and say, what are you doing, buddy?
And punch me in the nose if I didn't quit.
You'd call the cops, and you should.
In fact, I'm going to do this.
I'm going to go to people's doors and go...
Hey, you mind if I put some cameras in your house just for your safety?
I'm a private group.
They're going to say, no, get off my Porsche.
I'm going to say, no, wait a minute.
Samsung's doing it.
Do you have a Samsung television?
By the way, it's not just Samsung.
They're all doing it now.
And I'm going to give them the article.
They'll probably say, get off my porch, kook.
Because see, first they say this isn't coming and call you a kook.
So folks don't want to be a kook.
Then when it actually happens, they'll accept it because they don't want to be called a kook.
A decade ago, we had engineers on from California.
They said, hey, I just retired.
These smart meters are going to tax you.
They're going to cheat you.
They're going to dial into all your other wireless systems that are coming out.
It's a big DARPA program, and I want folks to know about it.
We had engineers on the show, and they had articles in the San Francisco Chronicle making fun of me and the engineer.
Guess what?
Five years later, it started, and they do it.
Let's go to Leanne McAdoo's report.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Trendies want cars banned.
We'll put it up on screen.
I'll give you the actual headline if we can, the actual Infowars.com headline, because I want to put it in the featured news area.
It's up there on the tiles.
Special report.
Trendies want to end human driving.
Leanne McAdoo.
And I only watched part of the report Friday before air because I had to leave, but I believe a majority said ban cars immediately with humans driving them.
See, anything that's establishment, they want to do it.
Anything that's a bad instinct, they want to do it.
Anything destructive, they want to do it.
Anything foolish, they want to do it.
Because they're in a cult of just agreeing to drink the Jim Jones Kool-Aid.
Let's go to this bombshell report.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
I am here in downtown Austin to find out what the lovely trendies of Austin think about the rise of the machines.
Now, Elon Musk of Tesla says that they're going to have driverless cars by 2023.
We already know that Google Car has logged over 300,000 miles testing their driverless car out in California.
Now, the UK is going to be testing driverless buses.
So, it is coming soon.
Now, we all know what this is about.
It's not about being more efficient and making life easier for everybody so they don't have to think for themselves.
It is literally about making people not have to think for themselves and not have to think about why they're being caged up inside these megacities.
Why their cars won't drive them down a dirt road and take them down to a beautiful countryside.
Why are they only allowed to stay within city limits?
We know what's coming.
We just want to find out if everybody else does.
Pardon me.
Hi there!
Quick question for you.
So how pumped are you that driverless cars are coming?
Good, because the traffic here in Austin sucks.
It absolutely does.
Yeah, that's cool.
Oh wow, that's for real.
I don't drive.
So you're okay that you think a car will take you wherever you want to go?
Before we go back to the report, I just want to point out we have the Time Magazine article with the headline, Let's End
Human driving.
And then it says within 10 years we will do it.
This is a plan.
And notice, you can be in the ocean and go 100 miles without running into a coral reef and see almost no fish or no life.
As soon as you get near a coral reef, a city,
You will see thousands of fish, sharks, dolphins.
That's what cities are.
I don't like the traffic.
I don't like the lines at this restaurant.
I don't like the... That's what a teeming place is like.
I moved here from California.
And, you know, it's so trendy.
I like all the people.
I like all the dates I can get, though.
You know, I like all the stuff and everything.
You know, I came here, but I want it for me.
I want less people.
Let's clean off the highways, like Bill Maher said.
Let's kill some people.
Yeah, yeah.
They don't see the forest for the trees.
They're totally ignorant.
Death panels?
That'll save me money for it!
No one will save you money!
They've been taught though, when somebody loses out, I get something!
That means I'm liberal!
Let's go back to the idiots!
Take you wherever you want to go.
For sure.
Driverless cars and buses.
It makes me nervous.
I think it's an awesome idea.
It's all about conserving energy and technology progression.
I don't know anything about it.
I'll research it.
I mean, people drink and drive and that's someone behind the car, so I'm guessing if a computer can operate better than they can, it'll be alright.
What do you think about, you know, not being able to drive yourself wherever you want, having that spontaneity of taking a left instead of a right?
Well, yeah, that's the point, you know.
Giving up your freedom is always tough, but we're getting so crowded now.
You have to make compromises.
Probably kind of like getting used to reading a newspaper on an iPad.
It's a habit, and it'll be a long time for people to trust it.
Now, I think there's a vision here, a new technology, and I'm really looking forward to a time when generations after us look back at us and say how ridiculous it was that humans were driving cars.
I'm not sure I have an opinion on that, Jess.
By the way, pilots can't even hardly fly planes now because of the remote control.
He's the creator of Tesla.
He says we're going to have these driverless cars by 2023.
Driverless buses are already on their way in the UK.
I don't know about driverless buses.
I mean, buses scare me as it is.
I drive it every day, so.
What could go wrong?
A lot, yeah.
A lot can go wrong.
You do have that risk factor involved with it, but I feel like as long as it's safe and it's approved by, what is it, the FDA?
I don't know what it is.
What if you decided you just wanted to randomly go left and your car is like, no, sorry, you've chosen to go to this destination and I've chosen the best path for you.
Well then, we have a problem.
Because I'm very hard-headed, but... But there's no steering wheel!
Well, they have a steering wheel in the new Tesla.
That's what they do now.
Not in the Google car.
Well... Or if you have enough money, you can get a car with a steering wheel.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's true.
These people are helpless.
It's probably easiest to walk from here.
You barely see a car in the city center nowadays, unless you're rich.
Being a person who doesn't drive, could you see this as being an issue?
You think it's great?
I'm curious what you think as a mom.
They have the programmers are trying to figure out how to set the ethics settings.
So basically that'll let the computer decide should they hit... Folks, they're already hacking cars and killing people.
This is totally insane.
We're going to go to break and come back to full videos up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're going to post it on Facebook and Twitter right now as well.
Very important for people to see this, but it's that same spirit.
Hey, let's abort kids up to age 5.
Oh yeah, for the Earth!
Oh yeah!
Let's kill children!
We ought to bring a 5-year-old out with us.
Okay, this one?
Kill this one?
Yeah, that's liberal!
Killing humans is liberal!
Yeah, what offer they earn!
The FDA says it's okay!
They regulate the cars, right?
They want to take care of me!
Just being preyed on, brought up from birth.
You know, we played a clip from Britain of cartoons that are on air conditioning kids that there'll be no cars.
See, it's all conditioning.
We're going to come back.
We're going to go to John, Steven, Joe, Julia, Fred, and others.
Don't forget, PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can subscribe and see the nightly news and all the documentary films.
But it's all going to be free tonight and tomorrow at Infowars.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.
Another major health threat, this one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's rampage through your calls here and then get to a bunch of news.
John in FEMA Region 5.
What former state are you in?
Oh, Wisconsin.
All right.
Welcome, sir.
Yeah, I got a couple things, two things really actually quick.
I grew up in Chicago and I know about the Democratic machine and there's never been a legal election in that town since probably the turn of the century.
And that's admitted?
They want to turn the whole country that way?
Well, I wonder why people, you know, like I was thinking about getting a t-shirt that's got a picture of Kool-Aid on it with a circle with a slash, you know?
With a cup of tea next to it, it says, you know, dump the Kool-Aid, switch to tea.
That'd be a great poster.
And then they always try to claim that that's some kind of code for racism or something.
No, it means Jim Jones the cult.
It means don't drink the status cult, go to the tea party.
And I've actually seen those parallels before, but not together.
We really should create a meme or something for Facebook, you know, that says dump the Jim Jones Kool-Aid and then have like an image of Obama
I thought so.
Anyhow, this whole thing about Illinois passing that bill, I guess it is, to allow anybody from any country to vote.
Those guys ought to be lynched in a normal society.
Speaking of normal societies, there's not a legitimate government
We're white, as I can think of.
And we're fast becoming the same way.
Well, Switzerland isn't perfect, but it's got cantons that are states, and the people do vote, and their elections are some of the best out there.
Everybody can own a gun.
Lowest crime rate, highest standard of living, highest test scores.
I mean, it's pretty darn good.
But, yeah, it's...
As bad as the U.S.
is, there's still a memory of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
So we're better than, say, Mexico or North Korea.
But they had a big university study out this year.
I think we were like 33rd for economic freedom and I think 42nd for political freedom.
I forget the exact numbers, but that's what most universities come out with.
We are dropping like a rock.
It's not just me saying this.
We are just burning up politically.
We are losing such hard-won freedoms.
God bless you.
Stephan in New York, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey, how's it going?
It's actually Stephan, but don't worry, I'm not here to correct you.
Listen, let me try to slide through this, because I'm actually at work like you.
Listen, one reason why I believe a lot of these people, well, people my age, I'm 23,
The reason why a lot of youngsters aren't going to believe, really even listen to what it is that you're saying.
One, up North, we've been brainwashed that just the Southern accent, we automatically discredit.
As soon as you open your mouth up, Southern accent, the guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Second, is because a lot of people, they don't believe in God.
Now, not that you need to believe in God to see what's going on, but if you don't believe in God, you'll never get the spiritual side of it.
So as soon as you start to talk about, all of this is, you know, because this is obviously the work of the devil that we're dealing with.
So as soon as you bring that up, if people don't see that spiritually, they'll never click, and they'll never really see how deep it is, you know, how deep the foxhole really goes.
Because like you say, it is much worse than you say.
Well, that's a great point, Stephan.
I mean, I can tell you that
A lot of good old boys might even listen to you more if you have a northern accent just because they find it interesting.
There's certainly bigots out there that would just go off what somebody's voice sounds like instead of the content of their character and their deeds, as Martin Luther King said.
But I have seen that stereotype a lot, especially by kind of the yuppies in the North.
We're good to go.
Yeah, the other thing is... Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you.
Gotta go to break.
Then Julia, Fred, Joe, Patty and others and I'm gonna hit a bunch of news.
It's broke at InfoWars.com.
Election 2014 coverage.
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I'll show you politics in America.
Here it is, right here.
I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.
I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.
Hey, wait a minute.
There's one guy holding up both puppets.
Shut up!
Go back to bed, America.
Your government is in control.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
It's 2014 election coverage.
We're getting your take on the election.
What do you think Obama's going to try to do once he's a lame duck?
And has the power to pardon himself and others.
A get-out-of-jail-free card.
Well, he's told us total amnesty, total open borders, Illinois style.
They have a ballot initiative that's already passed unanimously out of their Senate.
The House passed as well.
To allow anyone from any foreign country instant voting rights.
Just total treason.
That's an example of what they want to do nationwide.
James O'Keefe and others have caught the Democrats nationwide handing out ballots to anybody that wants them.
He voted or was able to get ballots.
He didn't complete the voting because that would be criminal fraud.
Twenty times in one day.
That video is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But I want to go to your calls now.
Stephen, finish your point from New York.
Uh, basically, uh, one reason why these cars are definitely gonna fly is because this whole car thing.
It's because a lot of us young guys, we never really grew up with a serious car culture.
We don't know what it's like to start up a GTO and just, you know, hear that rumble and know that that's America.
Yeah, they've made cars too expensive and the regulations too expensive for the average person to have a car and the freedom
Exactly, exactly.
And one last thing, um, is
As a New Yorker, I do bless you Texans, because by all means, you guys are really the force that's going to... Not that you guys are the force to stop this, but they know that they have to take you Texans out.
Because you guys are really the toughest out of all 50 states, I mean, by all means.
Well, I don't know about the toughest overall, but politically, and the history in the Second Amendment, there are other states that are smaller, that have even more freedom and more interesting histories than Texas.
It's just that Texas is the second most populous state, and is probably going to become the most populous.
But I appreciate what you say, my friend.
I'm disappointed that you guys are a problem to them, and God bless you guys.
Hopefully you guys bring the heat.
Well, God bless you, brother.
We're all Americans, all human beings, we're all on the same team.
I'll tell you, I found some of the most awake people out there in New York, in New Jersey, in Illinois, because they've been living under tyranny, and they're some of the most awake people out there.
And running into all those blue-collar police and firefighters and construction workers,
They're either totally awake and super cool people or they're completely dumb and completely sold out.
What I found in the North, and it's an overall simplification, is that you're either awake or you don't know what's going on.
And you get down in Texas, it's...
It's more of a mix, and it's very frustrating.
And let me tell you, we could lionize Texans in like World War II, who were known to be like the fist of the army.
But you look at Texans now, they're in trailers, watching cable TV or satellite television, getting diabetes.
I don't care what color they are.
And to see the degeneration of Texas, and the degeneration of Texans, and the colonization of Texas.
If Californians were all a bunch of pro-gun people, I'd love them.
In fact, a lot of Californians that come here in the first few waves in my life are the best people ever.
They're folks like Darren McBreen, who's from Arizona.
Arizona used to be more conservative or libertarian than Texas.
Well, you take California, it used to be like Texas 80 years ago.
It was mainly people from Texas and Oklahoma that had gone out there.
Not anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, these Californians will walk up to you in a Whole Foods and say, you shouldn't have three kids, or you're getting too much meat.
I can't go to Whole Foods because
I'll be going through with my kids and they'll walk over and say, wise choices.
And the third time it happens, you're being socially henpecked and like a cult.
That's the thing about the Democrats and political correctness.
It is a social engineering cult where the whole country, the whole world is a giant re-education camp.
That's what I'm trying to get at here.
It's all nudging us and pecking at us and in their own words, telling us how to live our lives.
So they can build their utopia.
And a lot of the people doing it mean well.
They really think they're building something good.
They don't know how it all, like an erector set or Legos, decompartmentalizes and hooks together.
And that's not my words.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carol Quigley, Henry Kissinger, John P. Holdren, Helmut Schmidt,
I mean, I've read their books, where they lay it all out and talk about how stupid we are.
And you sit here and you read this stuff, it makes you angry!
It's not my opinion!
I'm gonna stop ranting, I said I'd take calls.
Julia in Texas, you're on the air.
Alex, I want everybody to vote too, but what I'm more concerned with is them voting with their money.
Don't support sports figures that are liberal communists.
Don't support restaurants.
Spend your money with the people you support.
And my second point is, who?
Who at the Department of Defense is saying we have to do this?
Or who at the CDC says we have to do that?
Sure, your phone's overdriving.
Back off your phone just a little bit.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Yeah, I want to know who these people are, because if the state is anonymous, the owners have no recourse.
We can't get to them.
No, I agree.
I agree.
Well, see, here's the paradox.
The most awake people are at the Pentagon because they're decompartmentalized to a certain extent and know we're telling the truth.
So, I mean, I would say at the Pentagon, like 95% of people there really are dedicated, believe what they were doing, were compartmentalized, and it's that very small percentage at the top that in most cases aren't even fellow travelers as well, they just are company men and do what they're told.
So, the Pentagon is like the center of the manipulation, because it's the most professional thing in the collapsed government, but it's also where the people are awake.
And so, I mean, you want to name who they are?
I mean, General Dempsey.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs carries out a very evil globalist agenda, but then, to cover his butt, I guess, complains about it publicly, like funding Al-Qaeda and stuff like that.
But I mean, I talk to high-level officers and they say nobody likes it.
I mean, nobody.
They like playing golf and living in big houses and, you know, having a girlfriend on the side or whatever, but they don't like
Who wants to really bankrupt America and break up families and screw things over?
Only a very small percentage of social engineers on top that want to just kill our normal instincts so they can roll out the technological, technotronic era, as Brzezinski called it in the 70s.
So, it's the human haters that are maybe one-tenth of one percent or less than that
The problem is they've been put in by the Queen of England and David Rockefeller and Lord Rothschild in almost every power position.
And so, I mean, we're talking about 6,000 people according to Henry Kissinger's group.
They did an analysis.
Rothkopf wrote about it in the book Super Class.
And there's about 6,000 world gophers and rulers, and you don't get in the club unless you want a total takeover.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Joe in FEMA Region 5, formerly Michigan.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, how you doing there, buddy?
Long time listener, first time caller.
Thanks for calling.
I am calling about, I have a cereal box from 1994.
And it's actually, I don't know if I should say it over the air or not, but I probably won't.
Go ahead, go ahead.
I don't care, say that out of anything.
It's a Kix cereal box and it says, Explore America's Regions.
And it says, Explore this great land of ours.
And it has all our regions of the United States in ten separated
You know, regions.
So there are 10 regions here on this box.
No, absolutely.
Did you know there was a 1937 New York Times, that was the front page.
I have a copy of it somewhere around here.
I can't find it.
If somebody's got it, send it to us again.
And it shows that the 10 regions, and they're the exact same regions, and then it shows the global 10 regions.
Now understand, this is a good eight years before the UN gets founded.
This is a good... Well, the FEMA regions got set up in 1979.
So see the rollout, see the conditioning?
Children's cartoons say you won't have cars in the future, or if you do, robots will run them.
They're already preparing everyone.
That's my whole point.
I mean, you've got a little kid getting ready to go to school, and here he's reading the back of the cereal box, and it says America's regions here, and it says Mid-Atlantic,
It shows with New York, Pennsylvania, and all these other states up there, the Statue of Liberty, Oyster's Crab, and the United Nations.
And it has the symbol of it.
It's just, it's unfrickin' believable.
I mean, I- I- I- It's totally prepossert.
They planned, I learned about it 15, 16 years ago, but they planned 30 years ago, in public documents, the tracker boxes, the cell towers, taxing by the mile, driverless cars, Google search engines, the internet of things.
I mean, how do you fight something so diabolical?
I don't know, but I believe that, you know, the reason why we up in the Midwest here have a lot of thyroid problems, because they put chlorates in the water, because that's a main ingredient in rocket fuel.
That's right, and that's the opposite of the good halogen, which is iodine, and they ordered in 1922 that it be put in salt, iodine, to stop the incredible problems in the Midwest
Uh, because the water and food doesn't have a lot of, and the soil, iodine, and it basically boosted IQs 15 points within five years.
This is mainstream news, folks.
Look it up.
You can just Google, uh, iodine boost IQ, uh, in Midwest.
And then the feds ordered it taken out of the salt a few decades ago.
Why do you think that happened?
Uh, that's just, that is just because they just want to control us.
You know, I, I mean, it's a, it's a, it's a simple, uh, mind control and, uh,
And I believe that we're in trouble.
Look, they don't want you aggressive.
They don't want your mind on fire.
They don't want you to have energy.
That's why they don't want you to have iodine.
I mean, it's that simple.
It's unbelievable how simple it is.
All right.
Thank you, Joe.
Take a photo of that box, a digital photo, and email it to showtipsatinfowars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, I will get to a ton of news we haven't hit yet, including China's new anti-drone laser that can shoot down small aircraft.
Within five seconds, we got video of that.
If you're a radio listener and you're going, what do you mean you have video?
Infowars.com forward slash show.
We have a free video feed of the daytime radio show.
And we will have live coverage tomorrow night.
from 6 p.m.
Central to midnight of Election 2014.
We're having expanded coverage tonight kicking off at 7 p.m.
Central at Infowarsnews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got some other clips.
I haven't aired Joe Biggs' piece from last week yet where he went out and got a whole bunch of UT students to sign a petition that said kill children up to age 5.
And it's for the Earth.
They go, it's for Obama, it's for the Earth, we're going to have post-birth abortion.
Well, that's a woman's right, isn't it?
We're going to play that.
Let's go to Fred in FEMA Region 10.
So are you in the former state of Oregon or the former state of Washington State?
Washington State.
Alright, so you're up there with old Bill Gates running the show.
Oh, you've got to love Bill Gates.
I mean, Monsanto, the whole nine.
Well, you know,
The reason for the calls is that you're wondering what's going to happen after these elections.
Yeah, a caller actually called in on what I said I wanted to hear from you on.
Give this man a silver dollar or a blue ribbon or a gold star or something.
Yes, can you imagine what Obama's going to do if the Republicans don't start impeachment whenever they get out of office, whenever the Democrats get kicked out of the Senate?
Can you imagine what Obama's going to do when he's a lame duck?
Well, first thing he's going to do is he's going to try inoculating us with a Ebola vaccination.
I mean, you had Steve Qualong last week... But if you don't take it, why are you being racist right now?
You better do what he says, or you're racist.
Because I like Bill Gates, and Bill Gates is a racist, you know, and I might as well be one too.
He's a real racist, yeah.
You interviewed Aaron Russo, you know, rest his soul, a couple years ago.
And it was what, reflections and warnings?
And one of the things he warned us about is microchip tracking.
Yeah, first they make you go to passwords, then you go to biometrics, then that gets released to the public and stolen on purpose.
That gets compromised and then next is an implantable system.
That's the official plan and the White House announced last week they want to ban passwords and make you take biometrics to buy and sell.
So it's here, and then they'll track everything, they'll shut down all the farmers' markets, everything else, and then shut down the economy.
That's what it's all about.
Well, you know, with this whole Ebola thing going around, we had Steve Quayle on last week, it really made me think that maybe they're going to use these microchip tracking devices so they know exactly where we are and who we come in contact with.
So if we come in contact with an infected person... Well, you know, we all already have a chip that's grown onto our body.
It's called an iPhone or a Droid, and most of the public has one.
And this tracks everywhere you go and everything you do, and all your hopes and dreams you put into it, more than your wife or your husband.
So we already have an implantable microchip.
Yeah, it's really unfortunate.
I don't carry one of those around with me, but, you know, about 99% of the population do.
Well, I mean, I'm not being a hypocrite either.
I explain that I use it for limited reasons, because it's such a powerful Trojan horse weapon.
I can shoot video, upload it, tweet, you name it.
But I put it in a blocket system when I'm traveling, and I know it's being surveilled, and I put it in a drawer and turn it off, because it is a spy in my house, just like the smart TVs, all of them are.
Well, it would make it a lot easier to prevent voter fraud if we all had microchips on us, wouldn't it?
Well, see, exactly.
The illegals... I mean, I remember Lamar Smith wanting people to biometrically scan to get a driver's license in Texas to go under a federal ID program.
That's what it is, a national ID card.
And I was like, but the illegals are exempt from it everywhere.
So what's the point?
They always sell it.
Oh yeah, let's buy them metrically for our license.
That'll stop all the illegals.
The banks and the police all accept the consular matricula that you can get out of a Cracker Jack box.
You can go to the matricula place and just get as many as you want.
And it's disgusting.
Great point, sir.
Appreciate your call.
Patty in Texas, you're on the air.
FEMA Region 6, go ahead.
No, no, no.
Region 6, the great state of Texas, sir.
The great state of Texas.
I've got a couple of points, Alex.
One on the driverless cars and one on the next president.
Go ahead.
About 28 years ago, I was dealing with some people.
And I don't know if you had any information on this, but the driverless car research was done in large part right here in Austin, Texas.
Yes, I was.
And that's why they're rolling it out here, and they're rolling out the Taxi by the Mile boxes start here.
We are a U.N.
model city.
Dr. Frank McCullough over at the University of Texas at the Center of Transportation Research is doing... I want to hear this.
Start over, Patty.
This is interesting.
Oh, yeah.
In fact, I've been let into the DARPA areas of the psychology department, and they're not doing psychology over there.
It's weaponization.
About 13 years ago, it was how they were going to have retina scanners hidden that track your eye and what you're reading at Target and Walmart.
They've now been in about three years.
And they have the robot Obamacare kiosk now rolling out as well.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
If you go up to Infowars.com and click on the article, Trendies Want to End Human Driving, we show Time Magazine, you name it, calling for it.
You have to understand, this is a globally planned program where they're not asking us.
And you ought to read the comments.
We've got 134, 135 votes for, 24 votes that don't like our video.
And you can read the people in the YouTube comments saying how wonderful it is.
If you hate machines so much, stop driving cars and walk everywhere.
Stop using computers too, which is wrong with technology advancing to the point where it makes its own decisions based on sound logic.
People want the godlike power of driving.
A hundred,
miles per hour even though the test to do so series of vision tests and about a mile of
supervised driving.
I don't even know what this person means.
This is hardly the safest system.
See, it's all about safe, safe, safe, safe, safe.
Oh, Virgin Galactic shouldn't have humans in it.
It's dangerous to innovate.
It's dangerous.
We should shut them down.
We want to just wear different colored socks that don't match and be trendy all day and walk around and accept everything.
Now, it's a minority of people saying this, but yes, if the technology gets really safe,
And you want to be able to switch to driverless autopilot and do that, that's fine.
But people are already using GPS and driving off cliffs and driving into rivers by the hundreds a year dying.
The issue is the globalists that run the system admit they're setting it up to disempower humans ahead of depopulation.
This is a scientific military rollout on record.
Do you get that through your head?
And your response and your answer is, yes, there are too many of us.
Like you're pretending you're part of the elite because you've adopted whatever they want you to do.
They see you as idiot, schmuck, moron, sucker, idiots.
They see you as just total fools.
You think you're part of it.
It's like the devil's knocking on your door.
You're like, oh, hi, devil, I'm your friend.
I'll open the door.
And then the devil sticks a pitchfork in you and you go, why'd you do that?
I liked you!
You people are pathetic!
You're helpless, and you're all going to UT or other universities, and 92% of you are never going to get a job that'll pay it off.
There is no future for you.
A world's being designed without humans.
I'm going to say this again, jackasses, and I'm sorry to use that term, but it's the only parlance that fits.
A world is being designed without you, on record, and you're ushering it in, begging for it, and going, my gosh, if we just got rid of all people, there'd be more positions for us!
And we're going to send Joe Biggs back out with a petition to have folks above 55 be forced out of the workforce so they can get a job.
And I am predicting that half of them
We'll sign it to force 55-year-olds to lose their jobs.
You can even throw in, give their pensions to them.
They'll sign it because they are totalitarians.
And they're so jellyfish, they don't even know it.
Because they talk like this and walk around going, oh, I'm so cool.
Oh, oh.
So as long as you walk around going, oh, oh.
Everything's okay.
You don't have to be intellectual.
You don't have to be smart, historically informed, tough, inventive, aggressive, dynamic, everything that makes humans cool.
You've just got to sit around going, I mean, I could do that.
I could walk around and go, I'm so smart.
I mean, it's pathetic.
You people are a joke.
You're chumps.
You buy into everything.
Sorry, Patty, in Texas.
Tell folks about UT and the driverless cars.
And then they take all the data that public research pays for, and they give it to Google, the NSA, NASA front, and they roll it out.
Go ahead.
Yeah, true.
The research, the major part of that research for driverless cars was done here in Austin, Texas at the University of Texas Center of Transportation Research, and it was done under the head of the Center
An engineer by the name of Dr. Frank McCullough.
And the interesting thing about Dr. McCullough, that you may already know, is he has connections to the Saudis.
If I remember correctly, he is the engineer who designed and built the largest airport, at the time anyway, in Saudi Arabia.
And the McCullough family still has connections to them.
Well, there's been a lot of research going on about that, and I was aware of the fact that UT did some of the first studies on it over 30 years ago.
What I'm getting at is, is that I wouldn't be against... I'm not against vaccines.
I know they're a real technology.
But the globalists don't want us to get clean, real vaccines.
They don't want to tell us the pitfalls of clean vaccines.
They have an agenda on record to hurt us.
That's why I'm against it.
I'm not against driverless cars, if they get really safe in the future.
Except there's an agenda to force us out of our cars and to give us less for more.
While the globalists drive around in giant armored vehicles, this is social engineering and it's dangerous, and we need to vote with our dollars while we still can to not go along with this.
Thank you so much, Patty.
Speaking of that, let's get to this report with Joe Beggs, where Austin attendees sign a petition to kill children after birth up to age five.
And it says it in the petition, and the people read it and then sign it.
And one woman gets upset and comes over and he explains, no, we're doing this to illustrate that there are real trends being promoted by pediatric journals to kill children up to age three or even five.
And they say, well, the state will decide if their life has value.
So when you hear this death with dignity business, if you're dying of a deadly brain tumor that's super painful or bone cancer, and you want morphine to a level that'll kill you, make you go to sleep,
Then you could have some laws where the doctors give you whatever's needed for the pain.
The problem is they take something that sounds reasonable, and the state comes in, and now in the Netherlands and other places, they're killing folks that are viable.
They're now starting to do this here.
This is the plan.
This is death panels.
This is deciding, oh, you're a 50-year-old veteran, you got kidney failure, we're not going to take care of you or get you a kidney transplant, just go die.
We're going to put you on a secret death list.
That's what this is about.
And Bill Gates and everybody's going around and giving these speeches about death panels.
Where they say, we can hire ten teachers, hire ten teachers by not giving care to a patient.
And so they introduce the idea that someone dies, you get something.
As if, as if Bill Gates doesn't want to wipe out all you trendies.
They hate you.
I happen to know they respect me.
I happen to know that the globalists respect people that fight them.
And I don't want their respect, I could care less.
These people are out of their minds.
But I mean,
I call it chomping.
And you guys like to be punked, you like to be chomped.
I don't mean our listeners, but the people in this video.
It is a religion of just, well, I'm foreign of the FBI, so-so.
They're so dangerous.
And their ignorance and their weakness is so powerful.
They have no life force.
They have no will.
They have no destiny.
They have just come here in their hordes of weakness and they collapse one state and then like a horde of locusts they fly to the next and land and then just start walking around bumbling in a rest of development at about the sixth grade level talking about how smart they are all day.
I want to throw up.
Let's go ahead and go to this Staff Sergeant, former Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, goes out and talks to the new enemy, the invincibly ignorant.
And I want to be clear, he thinks and says, you know, a lot of them are really evil.
I agree, some of them have evil mindsets, but probably don't even know they're evil.
More importantly, what's evil is their ignorance that they think submission to the system
Compliance to the system is the way to go when the system is so bankrupt and evil and so complex and they can't even grasp it because it wasn't on Family Guy or Adult Swim or if it wasn't in the little cutesy shop.
Let's go ahead and play the clip.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com here at the University of Texas in Austin.
Now, there's a trend going around college campuses nationwide.
It's all the new rave.
Post-birth abortions.
A lot of you probably never heard of that term.
I know I hadn't until yesterday.
Well, post-birth abortion is after the baby is born and up until five years old when it's able to make decisions or is self-aware, you can still kill the baby.
Now, I know that seems shocking.
Why not?
It's just a fetus.
But there's a lot of college kids around the country who agree with killing babies up into the age of four or five.
So I came out here today to find out whether or not UT agrees with post-birth abortion.
Let's go see what happens.
A lot of people, they have botched abortions.
You know what that is?
And what this is, is a post-birth abortion act.
Is that Rachel Maddow?
If you want to sign it or not.
But you can take a look over it.
I don't think that person's evil.
Just totally compliant.
No, I can't support stuff like that.
Why can't you support stuff like that?
That sounds awful.
Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
Alright, well, thank you for being that way.
What an extremist.
I hope more people agree that.
The more the merrier.
We have to say thank you for not wanting to kill five girls.
We can help empower women.
That's not a hero thing.
Hey there, how's it going?
You wanna help empower women?
I'll just sign it.
You'll just sign it?
Well, it's all about empowering women.
Drink some glyphosate, it'll empower you.
I'm just signing paper.
Nice suit, seems like you're hot in there.
You look cool, you look cool.
Well, at least I'm alive, I made it.
Unlike these babies who are gonna die.
For this?
But in what context?
Can I read it?
Uh, post-birth abortion.
Women who have botched abortions, sometimes they fail, and it's to give them the ability to go ahead and go through with it after the baby's been born.
So, first of all, I can't even... I don't even have a comment on this, because it's...
We're good to go.
Hey, so, I'm glad you made that decision.
Thank you.
Because guess what?
You have three students that go to this school that think that's a good idea.
Guess what?
They promote this.
This is promoted on campuses.
It's to give women the right to have abortions.
It's what they teach in medical school now.
Yeah, they're just post-birth abortions.
So, basically, a lot of abortions get botched.
They don't work.
And the baby gets born anyway, so it gives the mother
What is it?
Alright, it's just a post-birth abortion.
What does that mean?
What does that mean is if there's a botched abortion, and the baby's stillborn, they can just do it right then, terminate immediately.
They're not doing that.
Imagine if they start taking folks to FEMA camps.
Don't sign that petition!
Ask where you're signing!
I already know where I'm signing.
Thank you.
Go out there with a petition to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
I'm telling you, they'll sign it.
They're making sure that you're not an evil person.
Look, you have a lot of students here.
That's freaking ridiculous.
Yeah, it is, isn't it?
Like, who would sign that without... No, guess what?
There's people who read this that says they're allowing kids up to five years old to be killed.
No, look, this came out in the College Fix.
Please tell me that you do not agree with this.
Oh, of course not.
I have a huge issue with this.
How dare her?
She doesn't care about babies and five year olds.
This is shit.
These people are horrible people.
She's freaking out.
And people all over the university are promoting this.
She's embarrassing me.
Now dare her.
No, it's not.
You should feel that way.
You know what breaks my heart every time someone signs this?
What a bad person.
So thank you for being a good human being.
I appreciate it.
Thank you for not wanting to kill five-year-olds.
What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Mila.
You support abortion?
Okay, well this gives women the right to have post-birth abortions.
And you can look it over if you want, or just sign away.
It's up to you.
So what are you going to school for?
Nursing means taking care of people.
What are you going for?
Look at you.
Oh, she's government.
Your aspirations.
Alex, ooh.
She says, I want to be a politician, not a public servant.
Well, that's what we need.
She's going to be a politician.
Killed children at age five.
That's great.
All right, I got to write this down.
Future politician.
I'm just reading it.
Yeah, cool.
Check it out.
Okay, that's really weird.
The person that signed before me has the same last name as me.
Oh, you said Bainter?
She's going to be a politician, you're going to be a musician.
You got it?
You already got it?
Seconds, come on, you're talking about a petition to give women the right to have abortions if they want to.
Come on, hey.
It's post-birth.
Oh, boy.
So that's Joe Biggs from Iraq and Afghanistan to UT, and I'm telling you, just the mindless bots fluttering around.
No wonder the globalists prey on people.
We're gonna go to break and come back to Michael, and then to Dan, Mark, we got Preacher who's watching us on Roku right now, Tony and others, that's all coming up.
There's so much news to get to, I haven't hit as well.
Look at this headline.
It will take 6.25 billion years, man years, to pay off federally mandated government liabilities, a mathematical impossibility.
I want to try to get to that.
That's just some of the news that we have here we haven't gotten to yet.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But before I go any further here today, please do not forget that I keep forgetting to take my daily regimen.
So I just do it right here on air for TV viewers who are about to see this.
Radio listeners, go to Infowarslife.com.
I always forget and I have to grab it from the counter over there.
I'm going to put a squirt.
of course.
Can't announce that product yet.
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It doesn't just go after fluoride.
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Just get a little bit into your throat.
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Bon Appetit!
Bon Voyage!
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Penso que un sueño parasito no volverá más.
New article out by Kit Daniels states the obvious, but it's important because it links through to the data and the proof.
Illegal alien voters could swing close elections to Democrats, or the headline could be
Criminal conspiracy by Obama.
Illegals are his secret weapon.
There's that special report.
Trendies want to end human driving.
See the full video up at InfoWars.com.
Polls 71% back mandatory Ebola quarantine in the U.S.
The last, quote, moderate mercenary group in Syria surrenders to Al-Nusra, which is really just Al-Qaeda.
CDC to purchase 1.4 million surgical gowns as Ebola concerns grow, but not till after the election.
Then we're going to find out what's really going on.
I hope that it's not spreading, but I tell you, it's suspicious.
And then, of course, that other article, Samsung Smart TV records personal conversations and sends it on to Samsung and other parties and says, watch what you say.
Yeah, that's what you expect when you open up your TV and get your owner's manual.
By the way, we're recording you and monitoring you.
Watch out what you say in your home.
Thank you very much.
And then it's, ooh, a shocking statement.
The founder of the Weather Channel has come out and said man-made global warming is baloney after the UN came out and said we're all going to die.
The UN admitted in early documents in the 60s they were going to say global cooling and then global warming was the reason for global government.
They admit it's a fraud.
But they want to arrest you.
They want to pass laws that you can't say it's not true.
What a group of out-of-control totalitarians.
They say and do things and then you talk about it and then they want you arrested.
Truth Revolt put out an article quoting the author of Gone Girl, which is a pretty scary movie based on the book, where she is quoted in the book talking about sexual experimentation.
Well, they quoted the book, and so the lawyers are threatening to sue them, saying it defamed her.
I mean, this is the bizarreness of this.
Herman Von Ruppe, the head of the EU, announces we want global government and a global tax.
Then you quote it, and the Southern Poverty Law Center puts you on a list as a terrorist.
It's just what they do.
They just think they control reality.
I believe it's bullying.
Let's talk to Michelle, or is that Michael?
I can't read anymore across the room.
Lights are too bright.
Michael, you're on the air from FEMA Region 10.
I guess that's a former Oregon or Washington.
Go ahead.
Former Oregon.
Just had my daily dose of X2.
I want to thank you for that.
As you alluded to earlier, Alex, Hollywood has already shown us a possible future with the robots and machine quote-unquote loving us in the movie WALL-E.
I'm sure everybody's seen that.
And us Oregonians tomorrow are voting on both GMO labeling and legalizing marijuana at the same time.
Well, some of the liberals end up having some good issues, and decriminalization is good, and I think, obviously, labeling is good.
So, there's some things the left does that are good, but notice Obama and his administration has been trying to block labeling and has been trying to block decriminalization.
So again, why is the Lord and Savior, in Jamie Foxx's words, not backing grassroots liberals?
That's a good question, because the amount of money that's actually coming into the state of Oregon to combat GMO labeling and combat legalizing marijuana, guess where it's coming from?
It's coming from the liberals.
That's right, because they're not liberals.
They are on fire tyrants, and they've got all the well-meaning liberals below them going, well, I know they're not pro, but they're better than Republicans.
Look, worldwide the globalists use liberalism to take over.
Okay, and so we'll use whatever system there is to block it.
God bless you, appreciate your call.
We're gonna go to break, do some overdrive.
Dan in Canada and others.
Preacher in Texas.
We're gonna go to you guys straight ahead.
We should be able to go to Dan, Preacher and Tony.
I don't know about Mark, but we'll try.
Stay with us.
Infowars.com forward slash show for all the free feeds for election coverage.
Starts tonight, 7 o'clock central.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I'm gonna go to bed early tonight.
I'll be honest with you, I had trouble sleeping last night for some reason.
That never happens to me, very rarely.
I know I didn't sound really dingy today, but I just feel like I kind of mailed in the broadcast.
But it was overall good, I think.
But I'm gonna be back super hard hitting, Lord willing, tomorrow.
I better be.
I need some aromata in the afternoons.
I'm going to be hosting off and on like six hours of live coverage.
Nightly News tomorrow night as well.
So that'll be nine hours tomorrow for old, old, old, old Mr. Jones.
Dan in Canada, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex.
Yes sir.
I've been trying to get through to you for months.
Well here you are front and center talking to the pumpkin head.
Okay, dude.
I totally dig your show.
Like, I share it to my wall every day.
Thank you.
And it gets out to over 200 and some thousand people.
It even gets to Russia on my wall.
You talking about Facebook?
No, I use it on Gmail Plus.
So it gets out there big time.
So, Alex, I was an MKUltra test, eh?
Mind control?
I know that Canada had more MKUltra victims than the U.S.
according to declassification.
Yeah, and they used psychotronic weapons on me.
Tried to drive me nuts, eh?
Well, were you officially ever adjudicated to be in MKUltra?
Or do you believe you were in MKUltra?
...or anything like that.
They just, I was in the federal prison system and they just went after me to drive me crazy and they beat me 65 times half to death and they, uh, they broke all my bones.
I'm handicapped now, eh?
From the beatings?
Hey, Alex.
I had a couple of things.
First of all, I just have a comment in regards to the Ebola virus.
Yes, sir.
I work in an apartment complex in Chambers, Arizona, where they're bringing in refugees from Africa, Liberia, all over, undocumented, nothing, bringing them in, and they get to live here for free.
Completely free.
You know, you want to do a secret report on it or send us tips at whistleblowers at Infowars.com.
And if you can tell us what to show and what to do, we'd send a reporter out there.
But yes, I know a lady, family, friends, since I was a baby, who manages some of the biggest apartment complexes in Texas.
And they were sent to meetings about six years ago and they told them, we're going to secretly go government housing.
We're only supposed to give it to illegals.
We're to kick out all citizens.
And so it began.
And so, are you saying that's what's happening where you're at?
It is.
I have video proof of them bringing them in.
I have, like, video proof of, like, a guy who they quarantined because there was, like, an Ebola scare here.
And they made a sign, the CDC made a sign, a confidentiality agreement saying that if we went to the media, went anywhere, we could be fined up to $5,000 and five years in prison.
Yeah, notice, they make you sign something when you had rights.
And by the way, there's not prison time for violating confidentiality order.
And if you agree to that and it's criminal what they're doing, it doesn't hold water.
But I want to get your name and number off record.
I want to have one of the reporters talk to you.
But there's more than one way to skin a rat.
And so we can check this out.
But we know this is going on.
Tell us specifically what's going on at the apartment complex.
They've brought in people from Liberia.
They have like a specific classroom here in the office where they bring them in.
They kind of go over what to say, what kind of paperwork to fill out.
Liberia, Africa, all these different places where they come in and they literally, they're teaching them what to say, what to write.
Like half these people don't even know how to write their own name on their own.
Perfect voters.
And so who's doing this?
The feds?
The CDC?
Who's doing this?
They have to be because every single apartment complex managed by this company literally lets nothing but refugees in.
Now I hear you.
Say the name of the company.
It's called Billmore Property.
Okay, give us the name of the apartment complex and we'll send people out there.
Chandler Village Apartments.
Well, thank you so much.
God bless you all.
Sir, we're going to put you on hold and get your info.
This is going on everywhere.
I already know it is.
We need to illustrate.
Remember they were going to have whole resorts for the illegals?
It's a total implosion plan.
It's going on right now.
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