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Name: 20141029_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 29, 2014
2508 lines.

"Alex Jones discusses various topics including health supplements, politics, and current events on his radio show InfoWarsLife. He talks about DNA Force as a cutting-edge health supplement that focuses on brain health, nerve growth factors, and cellular energy optimization; the water crisis in Toledo, Ohio and the importance of having access to clean water during emergencies; documents revealing Obama intends to bring non-citizen illegals to the US for Ebola treatment; election news; the Democratic Party's transition from targeting poor whites to targeting blacks and Hispanics as part of a long-term program; contradictory actions of some politicians like Robert Byrd and George Soros; anger over criminals and control freaks running wild in various aspects of government; advancements in technology such as robots being used as customer helpers in stores like Lowe's and Walmart; incidents involving police officers threatening violence or letting mentally ill individuals join law enforcement; election news including voter fraud in Maryland and Illinois, a surprising Harvard poll showing millennial voters preferring GOP control; Ebola quarantine procedures and insurance policies excluding coverage for individuals with the virus; an incident where an officer with the Bureau of Indian Affairs spent five days in jail before bailing out after being accused of aggravated assault; the suspension of students for harmless activities; concerns over Ebola, GMOs, Halloween candy, and promoting alternative health products; concerns related to Bill Gates' investment in GMOs, weather modification technology, and forced inoculation; criticisms of the medical profession for focusing on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes of illnesses; how GMOs can damage the gut lining, potentially leading to mental disorders like ADHD; criticism of Monsanto and other large corporations for reducing human health and controlling the population through practices such as using chemicals like fluoride, heavy metals, magnesium stearate, fatty acids, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, and aluminum in medications and chemtrails. Infowarsstore.com provides The ProPure ProOne G2.0 Water Filtration System for households to protect families during emergencies. Super Nascent Iodine X2 from Infowarslife.com is also recommended, sourced from deep earth crystal salt. For a healthy immune system, sunlight, purified water, non-GMO food, and a good attitude are essential. Coast to Coast AM has 70% of the total radio broadcast audience in Austin. Host George Norrie has won three Emmys for news reporting. The Alex Jones Show discusses various issues including the administration's handling of ISIS and Ebola, upcoming elections, and the Ferguson situation. There are concerns about potential racial unrest in Ferguson due to outside infiltrators. The Navy and Army used to quarantine people who might be sick but now send troops to West Africa where they risk getting Ebola. Flights from West Africa should be banned, and people who have been in contact with Ebola patients should be quarantined for 21 days. Alex Jones discusses his upcoming events, concerns about government incompetence, and the importance of human awareness and fightback. A promo code for InfoWarsLife.com is shared. The possibility of DHS forcing vaccines on people is discussed. The mark of the beast as a means of control by globalists is also mentioned. George Norrie believes that people who initially enter politics with good intentions get changed by the system and lose their ideals. He predicts that the next two years will be very bizarre for America. Infowars.com covers news stories about Ebola, government drones stalking activists, and the Bundy family being targeted by the federal government in a land grab."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Syndicated radio host and three-time Emmy Award winning newsman and filmmaker, George Norrie, better known for his giant radio show, arguably the second most listened to in the United States, Coast to Coast AM.
He'll be joining us coming up in the third hour to talk Ebola, election 2014, as Matt Drudge said two years ago in a tweet, 2014 is everything.
I agree with that.
We're going to be breaking it all down in detail.
But getting into all these new studies, mainline studies coming out about humans, pigs, honeybees, you name it, what GMO corn, particularly BT corn, is doing.
I've been harping on this since Monday when a new study came out in a prestigious journal showing a 65% increase in children just in 10 years with irritable bowel, which just means bleeding, destroyed intestines.
And guess what they linked it to in a double-blind study?
BT corn.
It kills bugs that eat it, but it's supposedly okay for us.
Bill Gates, we love ya.
You know, he's involved in it.
Thank you for all you do in financing the private research, before he became White House science czar, of John P. Holdren.
And people like that, you are so nice for all the little gifts you give us and you think that we're too stupid and you're too smart that we'll never figure it out.
Well, guess what?
We have figured it out.
And the numbers show the population is figuring it out.
And what do you think is going to happen to you guys once we reach critical mass?
And all these foreign microbiologists and geneticists are now looking deeply into what you've been trojan-horsing into all this so-called food that you want to give the Africans, and give American schoolchildren, and give the Asians, and give the Europeans, and give the Russians, and give the Latin Americans.
The Latin Americans, for 20 years, have said no, hell no.
Asia's been saying no, Africa's been saying no, even when they're starving.
The only place that says yes is the United States.
Europe tried some of it, their pigs and sheep died when they ate it.
They said, you know, I'm not a microbiologist or anything, or a geneticist, but that might not be a good idea.
For my oinkers.
And the same thing happened in Latin America.
Brazil tried some of it in the last 15 years and had devastating effects.
They said, you know, something's in that.
The Russians went and actually looked at the GMO we ship over there and they said, in the Russian news, it's a bioweapon.
Did you know our meat is banned in Russia?
Because it's so full of toxins and poisons and GMO?
It's not that the Russians are angels or anything, but they know weapons when they see them.
They understand.
They can look at our cancer numbers.
They understand.
They can see our neurological disorders off the chart.
They understand.
And all over the world, the only place Mickey D's had a growing market was in Japan, Russia, China, but the word's gotten out there, so the bottom's dropped out on McDonald's, and every other Western, so-called fast food, weaponized food is in free fall right now.
And that's another great indicator, because it's going to happen on every front.
Now, I'm going to reset, go to break, and come back, and hold on to your hat, because I'm going over the election news.
It is clear.
In every state in the Union, the Democrats have the illegals voting en masse.
Obama's making jokes about, you can only vote once, this isn't Chicago.
We've got votes for Republican switch to Democrats in Illinois.
What a surprise.
Al Capone area.
We've got it also happening in Maryland and other states.
Meanwhile, shocking Harvard poll.
Millennial voters want GOP in charge.
Abandon Obama.
That's good news, but not in the rest of the story.
We'll break it down on the other side.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, we're in the middle of 2014 midterm election coverage and it is explosive.
And quite frankly, horrifyingly sensational how many instances of Democratic Party corruption and fraud that we have we're going to be going over.
We also have the latest on Ebola.
Meanwhile, Lowe's is testing robots as customer helpers, replacing more humans.
The Times-Dispatch reports.
That ties into the Time Magazine article last week.
Let's end human driving within 10 years.
You have to understand, I ended the broadcast yesterday with an NBC News story.
Saying, guess what, your car's got one of these, and the good news is it'll tax you by the mile and save you money.
Good news if you chop your hand off with a hatchet, your hand'll work better.
Good news, two plus two equals five.
No it doesn't.
The government premeditatedly, globally, the globalist corporate governance through regulatory agencies, the government's then rubber stamp,
Has had everybody from Ford to Toyota, from Chevy to Nissan, Mercedes, Saab, Ferrari, Lamborghini, you name it, they all have a box in them that you pay for as part of the sticker price that tracks you by the mile, that is wireless, that has a whole record of where you've gone and what you've done, and that will then transmit, whenever it gets near a transmitter, how far you've driven from the last reader, and will charge and debit you.
And they're going to keep the gas tax, boys and girls, state and federal.
But they push it like, oh, it's a one, it just, and this machine just happened to fall into your vehicle.
This is what's so frustrating.
We knew in 96 about the $10 billion that was publicly spent to put NSA snoop hubs into everything Lifetime.
They were already listening to most of it, but this was public, it was funded, it was illegal.
Engineers I knew that worked at telecoms freaked out, gave me the intel, and their response was to say you're a crazy conspiracy theorist.
No, it was not my opinion, it was 100% documented fact, and for the next 18 years I laid out what was really going on, and now it's all admitted, exactly as I said.
Because I interviewed all the NSA whistleblowers on and off air.
James Bamford.
And countless others.
Wayne Madsen.
The list goes on and on.
We've had the former director of NSA operations on, what, five times now?
On this show and on the nightly news?
Saying exactly what I'm saying.
There's no debating.
It's going on.
Tracker boxes in all the cars to track you, to tax you, and to control everything you do and then gather data claiming you're dangerous so you can have your insurance taken away and then forced to accept a computer box that you'll pay for that is a robot that will now drive you.
They've admitted all this.
I read stuff out of MIT ten years ago admitting all this.
Everything I was already told by engineers.
This is a plan.
There won't be humans going to space.
There won't be humans undersea.
There won't be humans in combat.
It'll be all drones.
There won't be humans at the grocery store.
There won't be humans picking the strawberries.
There won't be humans doing jack squat.
Jakari Jackson last year when Obamacare came in.
It's a powerful report.
We should go back and do another one.
He did it with a hidden camera.
And he goes in and tries to get Obamacare from the robot.
And it tells him he's obese when he looks like he has 2% body fat.
Looks like a Calvin Klein model.
And it told him he was obese and had diabetes.
Talk about misdiagnosis.
Directly out
of the movie Elysium, where Matt Damon goes up to the robot and it tells him he gets two more years of probation and his heart rate gets elevated and he says, you're getting, you know, angry.
Would you like a pill?
You're not going to have to wait 50, 60, 100 years for that.
It's coming now.
Near future.
You're already living it.
I've got all this news to cover, but I see a story out of the Times-Dispatch
Loathe test robots as customer helpers.
Do not use these robots.
Do not go in line.
Do not use them.
It's not that I'm against technology.
I'm not against gold rings, but if I lived in the fictitious fantasy world of Lord of the Rings, of J.R.R.
Tolkien, I would not want that ring.
See, because the ring has a Trojan horse built into it.
It's actually the spirit and the consciousness of Sauron.
Now, let's use that analogy and understand.
The drones are now already, and I knew this 10 years ago, I was told by high-level engineers, that Alex, they're already autonomous.
We've got ground robots, undersea robots, hunter-killer robots.
We've got cruise missiles that open up and release hundreds of little killer robots.
I was told by a Marine Corps colonel about all this actually.
Fifteen years ago.
And then now DARPA comes out last year and shows the exact cruise missile I was told about opening up and releasing the kill bots.
They actually have that.
And I go tell the public about it and they look at me and they go... I still get emails saying there's no such thing as spider guts to create body armor.
And there's no such thing as glowing dogs and cats you can buy for 15, 16, 17 years in Hong Kong or South Korea or China.
You can buy them here in the U.S., part jellyfish dogs that glow blue in the dark.
I'm not the one that did all this!
I'm not making any of it up!
There's a public plan to set up world government, put in a robot grid, and then release bioweapons to kill everybody!
And Obama thinks you're so dumb, he gets up there and says,
That this is a dry run, a test run for a more deadlier airborne in the future.
We've done a bunch of reports on it and Watson wrote a story about it last year.
We've got video of it.
It's released by DARPA and the Pentagon.
It shows the cruise missile flyover.
It releases little robots that have the rifle scope on them and they just kill you.
They're about six inches long.
When Homeland Security last year released its drone footage for internal usage, it showed it tracking gun owners selling each other, good old boys, selling each other rifles in a field.
This is what the whole architecture of the next big war is against individuals, against families, against the Amish, against self-sufficiency, against the farmers markets, against the lemonade stands, against gun ownership, against being human.
It is a complete and total takeover.
And that's the announcement that I'm trying to get at here for everybody.
And I want to just say, the team gets frustrated.
They do an incredible job, as I just mentioned things here on air.
And within a minute or two, they'll actually find them and put them on screen for TV viewers.
Because I know if you're a radio listener, a lot of this sounds fantastical.
You have to understand that if you're watching at PrisonPlanet.tv or on the free feed at InfoWars.com forward slash show,
That for people that aren't awake and think we're making this up, this is so essential so that you understand we're not making this up.
They can real time type in what I'm saying and pull up mainstream news, government documents to back up everything we're claiming here.
The White House Ebola czar says the number one problem is too many black people in Africa.
We played the video last week.
He's a eugenicist that works with Al Gore on population reduction.
Do I think this Ebola is the big one?
Probably not.
But we won't find out until the election is over.
But unless this is a fake Ebola simulant, a real bioweapon but not really Ebola, like Steve Quayle and CIA people are saying,
Then undoubtedly it is spreading in the US.
I don't know how virally.
I don't know how airborne it is, but it is airborne in cold temperatures.
That's the Army's own manuals.
And look, they can have the New York Times or CBS News attack me for saying that, but it's the truth.
It's the Army's own public documents, the CDC and the World Health Organization.
And when we show those articles, we have links to it.
And that's why you're losing credibility.
In the system!
It's because people know you deceive.
They know we at least try to tell the truth and are accurate 95 plus percent of the time.
We come back, huge Ebola news, and then after I've gone through the Ebola news, huge election news.
There is a lot of it.
We have a clip of Obama saying on early voting, you can only vote once, this isn't Chicago.
That is a clear
Implication to introduce the idea to go vote repeatedly, and how many Democrats do we have on record saying go vote?
In Texas that's being sued by the Attorney General, the outgoing master criminal in my view, all things he's been involved in, Fast and Furious, you name it, the persecution of people with the IRS, all of it on record that makes Nixon look like an angel.
They're suing Texas trying to block voter ID
When the Democrat battleground Texas group are on video saying they're going to get illegals to vote repeatedly and to vote over and over again.
So you got to have an ID for everything else, but not to vote when it's your name and when it's your house and you went and registered, then you shouldn't compare any of eight different forms of identification.
Because they lie and go, some people don't have a driver's license.
It's not that.
It's an ID, anything.
We're going to go to break now.
And when we come back, my friends, we are going to get right into Ebola and then right into election 2014.
It is heating up big time.
Stay with us.
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Coming up, Obama assails Ebola quarantines saying they are based on fear, not facts.
As the army quarantines troops coming out of Africa in Italy on a base.
State Department, it's confirmed, does plan to bring foreign Ebola patients into the U.S.
It'd be downright racist not to do it.
African countries have sealed their borders for months.
Most other nations, like Australia, are now issuing different types of restrictions, including blocking all visas from West Africa.
Jeb has said that Obama has been incompetent on Ebola.
Here's the deal.
No more Bushes.
No more Clintons.
Time for some new blood.
You guys have worked together behind the scenes.
The Clintons and the Bushes have got this big foundation together.
I'm going to get into that in election coverage, but I'm really getting tired of it.
But coming up in election coverage, we're going to focus on this first.
I'm about to get into Ebola.
Obama says on early voting, you can only vote once.
This isn't Chicago.
And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait till election day.
You can vote all week.
I mean, you can only vote once.
It's in Chicago now.
That's like when the CIA... That's like when Gary Webb got told by the CIA, just out of the blue, no one's gonna hurt your children.
It's the same thing.
Now you can vote all week long!
I mean, I don't mean like over and over again.
This in Chicago!
And people started walking out when he did that.
Not the cult members all on the dole, basically, or who have government jobs behind him.
Or consultants behind him, part of the campaign, smiling, and the few idiots up front chanting.
At that very rally, people began to leave en masse as he spoke.
They didn't want to hear, go vote twice.
Most of them aren't criminals, like the Democratic Party leadership.
You know what, I'm going to get into election right now.
I'm going to get into Ebola in the next segment.
But speaking of Ebola, here is another quote from Ebola.
And you know what?
That is a Freudian slip.
I'm not trying to call Ebola, Ebola.
I'm just doing it on my own.
Ebola, Ebola.
It's happening.
So let's go to this clip of Obama on Ebola.
Here it is.
We don't just react based on our fears.
We react based on facts and judgment.
Alright, that's enough.
Well, if this is progress, I don't want any more of it.
You didn't build your business, Hillary says.
It's a big lie that businesses give people jobs.
Hillary Clinton had trouble even saying it herself, reading off her notes, because it's so patently ridiculous.
Next she'll get up there and say, humans do not need oxygen to live.
Plants are not green.
Fish do not live in the ocean, have gills, and extract oxygen out of the water.
Plants do not live off carbon dioxide.
The Easter Bunny is real.
Santa Claus is real.
Unicorns are real.
This is getting over the top insane.
It's more than just psyops.
These people are completely out of their minds at this point, believing their own statement.
They control reality, as Karl Rove said.
No, Karl Rove and the neocon rhinos don't control reality.
And the criminal, sickening, out-of-control, bizarre, self-destructive, mafioso, Democratic Party that just wrecks everything they come in contact with, you don't control reality!
And reality is this.
Reality is you're losing me in full war because you use lies, we use truth.
You use fraud, we use common sense.
We're sincere.
I want to have a future.
I want people to do good.
Poor people shouldn't even be paying taxes.
No culture taxes poor people unless it wants to collapse.
Middle class should have low taxes on it.
Corporations that get government bailouts should have high taxes on them.
Instead, they're tax-exempt.
They run the rules.
And if I see one more slack-jawed, bug-eyed video of Warren Buffett calling to raise taxes, I'm gonna throw up.
Ugh, he makes me angry!
We're gonna come back.
I'm gonna get into the election news.
There is so much of it.
I'm gonna try to focus and go through all of it.
Then Ebola.
Then a bunch of GMO news, a bunch of robot takeover news.
Everything's accelerating as we told you it would.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Got a bunch of breaking news on it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space.
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
Knew too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Being right all the time?
Most of the time?
Maybe I should just sell out to evil.
Join the New World Order.
No, I don't think so.
I'm gonna lose my consciousness.
My morals.
In fact, I can't even imagine selling out to the New World Order.
Couldn't do it.
Coming up, documents reveal Obama is confirmed to bring non-citizen illegals to U.S.
for Ebola treatment.
It's no longer Ebola, it's Ebola.
Officially in my mind, I now only say Ebola.
It's happened!
I'll be talking to people in the street, and they're like, hey Alex, what do you think of the Ebola?
And I'll go, you mean Ebola?
They went, oh yeah.
It's now happened.
Obama is now officially branded with a killer disease.
Couldn't be better.
Because collectivism, progressivism, is a disease.
This is very, very exciting.
Let's go over the latest election news, but let's play that clip one more time, where he clearly says, you can be voting all week long!
And everybody starts laughing, and he goes, now, only once, this is in Chicago, and everybody laughs.
He's basically telling them, you get out there and you vote as many times as you can, with dead people's IDs, you name it, illegals, with your five or six IDs, you get the job done.
And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait till election day.
You can vote all week.
I mean, you can only vote once.
It's in Chicago now.
I'm teasing SkyGuy, I'm messing with you.
That was a long time ago.
Oh yeah, never goes on now.
But you can vote anytime this week!
Remember, you could walk into an Acorn office, office after office, and say, I want to bring child sex slaves in to run them on the streets.
For prostitution.
They're like, absolutely, we got the forms, everything.
But we'll tell you how to cover it up with the schools.
Just make sure they're in school all they want is their cut.
You ready to run operations?
You bet.
It's a mafia.
And that's why they will not allow illegals.
Particularly from Latin America, who have felonies, rape, arson, you name it, to be picked up by ICE.
And if a sheriff reports it and says they're here to be picked up in the database, the Democrats double down, La Raza and Mecha hit them and hit them hard.
In my view, they are aiding and abetting organized crime.
And that's all it is.
More organized than the Klan, more sophisticated, more focused, more vicious, more powerful than the Klan could have ever imagined, with a bunch of yuppie politically correct Hispanics, blacks, whites, Asians in America, having no idea the Democrats are right back to their old Klan days.
The Democratic Party, Albert Pike, Confederate head general, founded the Ku Klux Klan on record.
And up until the early 60s, they were losing elections because blacks were voting about 90% like they do Democrats today for Republicans.
Not that Republicans were perfect, but they were the ones of Lincoln, and they were the ones that founded the NRA to arm blacks as part of its mission, and to fight the Klan, and they passed the Civil Rights Act, and it was Eisenhower who sent the troops into Little Rock to bring the black kids in, and the Democrats looked at the demographic and said, that's it.
We've been running Klan ops on poor whites.
We're going to run Klan Ops on blacks and Mexicans, and they've done a great job.
It's been a 40-plus year program, and they got it.
And blacks would line up at the funeral of Robert Byrd, the Grand Dragon.
Dude called for all blacks to be sterilized back in the 50s.
You know, it's kind of like if you're George Soros and
You worked for the Nazis for four years, and rounded up thousands of people.
You go on 60 Minutes and say, I'm not sorry for doing it, and you get ADL awards.
But if your grandfathers both fought against the Nazis, and you fought against the Klan and Nazis, and I'm one of the most hated people by Nazis, because they're a bunch of Fed-run groups online.
It's not Benjamin Netanyahu they hate, it's Alex Jones.
I challenge you to go to any white supremacist site.
I am more hated than anybody.
I don't even support a lot of what Israel does, and they call me the Jew.
Because they're feds.
They're globalists.
And they hate my guts because I'm bringing people together.
And if we ever do that around the Bill of Rights and Constitution, as a unifying system of blood, not what color you are, it's game over.
People will learn how to be prosperous.
We'll be so rich and so successful, our kids will be building space bases.
And then that's it for them and their little game.
And I'm so sick of them.
And if we could only unseat
People like Boehner and other pieces of trash that are working with the Democrats, working with the Globalists, the exact same policies.
Republicans that helped write Obamacare, Romneycare.
RomneyCare was part of it, and then Ezekiel Emanuel got it and added the death panels.
What Romney wrote was bad for the insurance companies, and did increase premiums and make everybody buy it, and increase taxes, a huge royal screwjob.
In fairness to Romney, because I've read most of his thing they passed in Massachusetts 20 years ago, or whatever it was, it didn't have death panels and a bunch of other stuff in it.
The new one does!
And that's another thing.
I was watching Fox News on the elliptical this morning,
It's called Morning Rundown, or whatever's on it, like 7.
And they had this Democrat talk show host on.
I couldn't write their name down as long as I was on the treadmill.
I mean, on the elliptical.
It was called treadmill.
And with a straight face, this Democrat radio host was going, listen, your premiums have gone down across the board.
It is a conspiracy theory that anybody's premium went up.
Well, gee, mine went up by about 60%.
My children's went up even more.
My wife's went up.
My dad's doubled.
The guy next to me at the gym was watching the same thing and he said, did you just see that?
Mine tripled till I moved to a cheaper plan.
It was more than my old one.
You've got 200 plus thousand doctors.
Opt out of Obamacare exchanges, you've got the states on the verge of collapse over this, and you've got people on television with straight faces saying... with straight faces... Listen, your premium went down, and anybody that says it didn't is a liar.
We had a, what was it, a Humana earlier this year?
Article with the bill on InfoWars.com, where it was a 549% I think?
Just type in 500% increase in health insurance in Texas.
500 plus percent increase.
Or is it 400 and something?
We'll pull that article up.
It doesn't matter because they control reality.
Oh no!
Businesses don't hire people.
You didn't build your business.
Your kids don't belong to you.
Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
This will cut your health care bill to the cost of a telephone bill.
All patent lies in your face.
There it is, Humana.
Shock rate increase.
Obamacare causing 539% increase in health insurance costs for Texans.
That's a Natural News article, Mike Adams, with a copy of the Humana.
It went up from $212 to $1,356.
And you just get that in the mail.
Now, my dad's insurance since last year, every few months they send him a thing saying it's going up 20-30%.
Most people, that's how they're doing it.
They don't put it up 500% at once.
They just do it over and over and over again, and it doesn't matter.
They got a slack-jawed liar.
They're the liberal.
They got the moral high ground.
They're the party of the Ku Klux Klan, the party of communism, the party of total tyranny, the party of taking over, the party of having unions vote for NAFTA and GATT, the party of bringing in Ebola patients, the party of funding ISIS and Al Qaeda.
It doesn't matter!
They're slack-jawed!
Look at Rachel Maddow!
She's got an arrogant look in her eye!
And short hair!
Anybody knows a woman with short hair is God, folks!
You're not allowed to have an opinion!
She'll have it for you!
She wears the pants!
Got it, men?
Shut up!
Shut up and do what she says!
Shut up and do what Hillary says!
Businesses don't hire people!
Everybody knows that!
Hillary said so!
We all gotta listen to some arrogant crook!
She's God!
Jamie Foxton and Obama's God, Lord and Savior.
Think I'm joking?
Let's find that.
I haven't even gotten in the stack yet.
I'm already so upset.
This is why I don't like reading the news, but I do it every morning and every night.
I just... I came into a meeting this morning about election coverage and started yelling, and I wasn't yelling at the crew.
It's hard.
I know how people tune out of this stuff because, but you know, if we don't face it, we're going to lose everything.
It's the tuning out of it that has gotten us where we are.
Let me take a deep breath.
It's just such an insult to have all these control freak con men and con women and slimy scum involved in so many crimes and scams on record that they are just arch super criminals.
But then I'll read about the secret service and they want to arrest a bunch of them because they might've had hookers.
That's just a way to keep fear in the government over petty stuff, while John Corzine stole billions of private bank accounts to invest it, and then never got in trouble.
Because, well, he's a former governor and a former head of Goldman Sachs, so he's allowed to.
But the Secret Service might have got some hookers.
Oh my gosh, let's arrest all of them.
This is how the whole system operates.
Oh, the IRS comes to your little restaurant, you have no criminal record, you had it 40-plus years, you deposit less than $1,000 a day cash, because that's what you deposit, and they say, well, we're just going to take all your money, even though you can prove it's all yours and you've paid taxes, because we say, the regulations state, that you should make $10,000 or bigger deposits.
And then they sit there in the New York Times and go, is this the right thing to do?
And then they say at the end, no, maybe the IRS should ease off a little.
No, how about we have due process again in this country?
This is over-the-top freakville!
I'm starting to get really angry.
Let me just settle down for a minute.
Okay, good.
I'm all right now.
If people are tuning in on this, this guy, this is an act or whatever.
Look, I wish it was an act, okay?
I get high blood pressure from this stuff.
I really take offense on tens of thousands of people with no criminal records being robbed, no jury, no judge, no indictment, no proof, no discovery, no nothing.
Your money's gone.
That threatens everyone.
My grandfather had a heart attack and then off the heart surgery had a stroke.
After the city started sending him $2,000 a day fines,
This is like 15 years ago.
It took about five years to kill him.
And they said, it's up to like $40,000, Mr. Hammond.
You have to go clean out the creek behind your house.
And he went and looked at the map of his property, and it was a city guttered on a creek, and it was concrete.
And they said, no, you will clean out the obstruction back there, or we're going to continue the fines.
So I had to go fight that for him.
The IRS comes and says you owe us all this money even though he'd been paying the taxes forever.
So he had a heart attack.
And some people I know, you know, had that heart attack.
And I'm sick of living like a slave.
They wrote the tax code where nobody can follow it, so they can grab whoever they want.
Don't you know that?
They bring the drugs in, hoping your kids use them, so they can throw them into the prison system.
I'm done with all of it.
And I'm angry about it, because that's normal.
When you hear about a criminal group arresting preachers, and saying you can't demonstrate, and setting the IRS up for people, a lot of folks cower in fear and think, we better go along with these people, they might come after us.
We're going to lose everything if we don't stand up to these pieces of trash.
What we have is criminals and control freaks and psychopaths and sociopaths and just weirdo demons running wild in free reign.
Every day I see articles where police officers or federal police
We'll walk into a 7-Eleven and just start aiming guns at the clerk for no reason, threatening to kill them.
Or putting a gun to their head of a taxi driver and saying, I'll kill you.
I'm a federal agent.
They're letting mentally ill people that think they're Jack Bauer and who are completely looking for trouble get into law enforcement on purpose.
Just like the Soviets and the Nazis did.
I have those articles here in my stack today.
One just happened in Salt Lake.
Here it is.
We even have a local newscast.
Fed using Uber service points gun at driver's head.
It was all caught on video at the hotel.
For no reason.
Just for their power.
Let's play that clip.
Here it is.
Initially he brought it up over towards my head and then he lowered it and stuck it under his arm.
Uber driver James Brothers
...called the frightening moments in his car last Monday, when passenger Byron Keith McDonald put a gun to his head and asked him whether he wanted to live or die.
I look over and I asked him, what do you mean?
And he pulls a gun out from back of his pants and he holds it to me.
It happened as James tried to drop off McDonald at his downtown hotel at about 1 a.m.
last Monday.
The experience was shocking enough for James, but now it turns out Byron Keith McDonald is a federal police officer, a lieutenant with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., which oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs, said in a statement, quote, Mr. McDonald was on official travel during the time of the incident.
The incident is being investigated by our Internal Affairs Division, which will make use of the investigation being conducted by the Salt Lake Police Department.
Byron McDonald spent five days in jail before he bailed out.
We know that his superiors are aware of what's going on.
Salt Lake County DA Sim Gill charged him with aggravated assault.
We don't care whether you are a police officer or whether you are... Alright, let's stop right there.
This isn't just about police.
It's not about demonizing police.
There are too many federal police.
It's unconstitutional.
They're federalizing local police.
And more and more they're trying to hire people like this who are out there in the private sector.
I knew somebody in business who one time for no reason at a meeting pulled out a gun and aimed it at me and said, are you scared?
And they wanted to get off of me being scared.
I said, no, I got him to say, I'm about to physically attack you.
Better put that away, man.
And then I left, never really talked to him again.
And then I learned that person had done that to basically a bunch of other people I knew.
Well, just pull it out and put it on the table.
Or aim it at you.
And where I come from, that's how you get your neck broken.
But see, most people that guy did that to would just cower in fear.
They wouldn't even go call the police.
Do you stop that type of behavior going after criminals like that, or do you...
Let them do it.
If you let them do it, they do it more and then it gets worse.
And this is the mass mental illness that we have where they're hiring sycophantic, mentally ill people who want to menace innocent people to be police officers.
Remember the cop that threatened to shoot Joe Biggs?
He runs up and he says, I will effing shoot all of you right now as they stand there peacefully in Ferguson.
Just out of the blue for no reason.
These are a bunch of people they're hiring that are so cowardly that they shouldn't be allowed to be toilet attendants.
We'll be right back with the election news.
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I'm going to get to some election news coming up.
But first, a nurse in Maine on collision course over quarantine.
I saw her on television news today saying, I feel fine.
Doesn't matter if I've been around people with Ebola.
I'm not going to be quarantined at a government facility.
And I'm not going to stay in my house either.
And Obama has come out and said, yeah, do whatever you want.
Other countries quarantine, Africa quarantines.
Anybody who doesn't want to get this stuff would quarantine, but not us.
No, no, it's just all part of these people doing whatever they want.
Ebola vaccine trial to start in Switzerland this week.
Oh, they got the vaccine almost ready for you.
Isn't that just special?
CDC expands Ebola risk factors for forced quarantine.
They're going to wait until it spreads real bad, though, and then lock you up if you show any signs of being sick, period.
See, do nothing up front, hope it spreads, out of control, then take over.
But not until after the election.
Then he's got a couple years as a lame duck.
Insurance companies begin writing Ebola exclusions into policies to not cover people with Ebola.
That means they're concerned and think it might spread.
So that's some of the news on that front.
Coming up on election news, isn't this just precious?
La Raza, which means the race, as you start a white or black group called the race, promotes Washington Post's guide on where people can vote without an ID.
Gee, I wonder who's going to be voting?
Maryland Board of Elections probe, Republican to Democrat ballot switch.
Same thing in Illinois.
With Obama saying, you know, you can vote whenever you want.
Vote for Republicans, switch to Democrats in Illinois.
Isn't that cute?
Shocking Harvard poll.
Millennial voters want GOP in charge.
Well, here's the issue.
That shows they are rejecting Obama and collectivism.
The problem is the Republican leadership is the same group.
So if they don't endorse the Tea Party and libertarian ideas, it will then be put on conservatism and constitutionalism and libertarianism blame for all this.
We don't want that!
We either need to really have a revolution of freedom being peacefully restored or we want to let the globalists run it in the ground so they get the blame.
Don't hand it over to the quasi-Republicans right as the train wreck happens and then they blame it on us.
We've got to get rid of Boehner.
We've got to put constitutionalists in there.
That's why Bill Gates is targeting Democrats at the county, city, federal, state level, who are more reasonable, and don't want to take all the guns, and don't want totally open borders, and know we're going bankrupt, and want to balance the budget.
There are actually a lot of good Democrats across the country, and they're being targeted by Bill Gates, and by Bloomberg, and all these other pieces of trash.
We better turn this around.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Edward Grubbs coming up.
We're going to talk Ebola.
We're going to talk election 2014.
We're going to talk BT corn, what it's doing to your guts.
This is key intel coming up.
Also, this is up on Infowars.com right now.
Students suspended over pellet gun Facebook photo.
How are schools suspending people caught with caught in quotes?
Why, they were caught barbecuing.
They were caught going to church.
They were caught tying their shoelaces.
They were caught saying their prayers.
I see these articles all the time.
Students suspended when the neighbors saw them having a Nerf battle in the backyard.
The school says they don't allow kids to have guns at home, or toy guns.
Meanwhile, they have pellet guns they sell, you know, everywhere.
I've got some of them.
Airsoft, they're great trainers for kids that shoot plastic pellets that look like real guns.
Students suspended over pellet gun Facebook photo.
Parents say punishment violates First Amendment as image was taken at home.
No kidding!
Well, public schools now go, hey, you know those free laptops you paid for with your tax money?
They're not free?
We're watching you in the shower!
And the court says that's okay.
See, it's all over the top.
Criminals want to break your will.
The stories are pouring in mainstream news.
I remember back 15 years ago, people would report they were giving their kids flu shots without authorization, but it's a felony, so no one would ever confirm it.
Now it's in the news.
Yeah, school gives you shots without permission.
You need a form to go to the zoo or the planetarium, a permission slip, but if you want an abortion or a flu shot, we ain't asking mommy or daddy nothing, because your kids belong to the state, and the state loves you.
I'll get you next time, Gadget.
Next time.
Who's it gonna be, Mr. Robot?
Lowe's tests robots as customer helpers.
And I love their promo video.
Looks like Daleks from Doctor Who.
I mean, imagine, you're in Lowe's.
It's all part of the conditioning process of the public.
It's not like it's a robot welder that goes down on oil rigs so men don't have to go down 800 feet or something.
I'm all for that.
No, it's robots to replace humans to go around and boss you.
Japan's putting them in, you name it.
And the robots at Wal-Mart that diagnose you told Jakari Jackson he was obese and had diabetes.
Of course, he's been to the doctor, he has good blood sugar and has about 2% body fat.
But the robots said, see, it's like in Brazil where the bug falls in the printer.
Instead of tuttle, it says buttle or whatever, and then they go, arrest the innocent guy.
This just gets worse and worse and worse and worse.
And the globalists admit it's their plan to take over.
Will Obama ship more Ebola into the U.S.?
The answer is yes.
That's a special report.
Black activists demand Obama secure border from Ebola.
DHS warns of lone wolf terror threat against government, but doesn't say it's so much ISIS that they've been coddling under their black wings, under their globalist wings.
No, it's going to be homegrown groups.
When I say black wings, New York Council, I say because President Obama's all black.
No, no, he's a puppet.
Under the black wings means under the wings of the devil.
And I'm alluding to a Danzig song, ladies and gentlemen.
Armored vehicle, 24 cops show up to collect $80,000 from elderly man, and that ties into the story out of Salt Lake, where the federal cop, this is all on record, pulls up, gets in the Uber vehicle, gets taken to his hotel, other people are in the vehicle that are feds, they get out of their hotel, he gets out of his, and puts a gun to his head and says, do you want to die?
It just shows total mental illness out of control.
So we're going to break it all down.
Coming up, Dr. Group is in studio.
This is key intel coming up.
Hillary's backpedaling on her claim that businesses don't create jobs.
Why doesn't she just say she never said it?
Doesn't matter, we have video.
I remember Obama's always, I never said you could keep your doctor.
We have like the video a hundred times.
Oh, actually I did, but I didn't mean keep the doctor you have.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It needs to be recognized by the president and by you and others in the administration that when the president says that he's going to set
I think?
...have less reason to negotiate the hard decisions to be made about how to enforce our immigration laws in the future.
And those who do not agree with the President's position on immigration reform say, why should we negotiate if we can't trust the President to enforce the laws as they exist?
House Representative Bob Goodlatte has received information from inside President Barack Obama's administration detailing plans to ship non-U.S.
citizens with Ebola into the United States to receive treatment.
If you are concerned about this problem spreading, and this is a deadly disease, that we're even concerned about the great health care workers when they come back not spreading it, we certainly shouldn't be bringing in the patients.
Goodlatte, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jay Johnson.
I love this country.
I care about the safety of our people.
I believe in public service.
And I remain loyal to you, Mr. President.
And Secretary of State John Kerry requesting any information on the plans.
But those requests have gone unanswered.
The White House also denied Goodlatte's request to impose a temporary ban on non-U.S.
citizens traveling to the United States from the three African countries hardest hit by Ebola.
Don't panic.
The news hit this morning, a Texas nurse who treated an infected patient tested positive for Ebola.
And in California, a sick passenger on a flight from JFK to Los Angeles triggered an Ebola scare.
In Boston, a man is in isolation at the hospital after complaining of Ebola-like symptoms.
That common sense request was not only denied, President Obama claims it won't make a difference.
If we institute a travel ban instead of the protocols that we put in place now,
History shows that there is a likelihood of increased avoidance.
And as a consequence, we could end up having more cases rather than less.
The Obama administration has already illustrated their preference to dangerously instigate an unyielding socialist position over the safety of American citizens.
In 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement released into the United States 2,200 illegals, 629 of which that have criminal records ranging from repeated drunk driving offenses to aggravated felony drug, sexual abuse, and homicide charges.
No one on that list was charged or convicted with murder, rape, or sexual abuse of a minor, were they?
They were not.
Was anyone charged or convicted of illicit trafficking in a controlled substance?
Um, there were some with, uh, drug offenses.
The individual I mentioned earlier who is 68 and a lawful parent resident.
Were any of them involved in, uh, child pornography?
Uh, not of the ones that I am aware of that were released, no.
So of the 2,228, you can testify that none of them were involved in child pornography?
To the best of my knowledge, I can testify the answer is no.
Well, to the best of your knowledge just means that you don't have any knowledge of it.
That information was leaked to the public only after USA Today made a Freedom of Information Act request.
Although 418 charges of child sexual molestation and rape in North Carolina in one month alone went heavily unreported.
As Obama waits until after the midterm elections to open the floodgates, what is driving the Obama administration's recklessness?
Look no further than Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, John P. Holdren.
Holdren is the author of Ecoscience, the textbook that advocates putting drugs in the water supply to sterilize people, mandatory forced abortions, and a tyrannical eco-fascist dictatorship run by a planetary regime.
Holdren's radical solutions to overpopulation are routinely discussed in the halls of the National Academy of Sciences.
The National Academy of Sciences has published a shocking report which envisages a Chinese-style global one-child policy as the only means of reversing climate change and reducing global population to a sustainable number of one to two billion people.
The white paper entitled, Human Population Reduction Is Not A Quick Fix For Environmental Problems, authored by the University of Adelaide's Corey Bradshaw and Barry Brooke, even entertains the impact of world wars and global pandemics that wipe out six billion people.
As potential methods of combating the threat posed to the environment by overpopulation.
Under one scenario, a global pandemic wipes out 6 billion people from the year 2041 onwards.
Resulting in the planet's population being reduced to 5.1 billion by the year 2100.
However, this reduction of 2 billion people compared to current figures is not sufficient to accomplish the level of human culling desired by the authors.
...who note that even future events that rival or plausibly exceed past societal cataclysms cannot guarantee small future population sizes without additional measures such as fertility control.
The paper is edited by Stanford University's Paul R. Ehrlich, a perennial advocate of population reduction whose dire proclamations about environmental catastrophes as a result of overpopulation have been proven wildly inaccurate time and time again.
This will confuse you because how can then the total population grow like this if the children doesn't increase?
Where will all these adults come from?
John Bowne for InfoWars.com Great job John Bowne with that report exclusive to the radio transmission slash TV transmission today.
Don't forget you see more reports like that and even more powerful in some cases on InfoWars Nightly News 7 o'clock Central.
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And remember that this entire operation is brought to you by the great listeners that support us, our AM and FM affiliates, our great crew that just does such incredible job in there.
They are integral to the entire operation, so I thank God for the fact that we're here on air and for everybody that makes this transmission possible.
Now, Dr. Edward Group is with us, popular guest, for the rest of the hour.
He'll also hang around and be on the nightly news with us this evening, 7 o'clock Central, as well.
And I wanted to get him on about the latest on Ebola that he thinks, like, steal of the CIA and, like,
Steve Quayle, who's on tomorrow, and a lot of others, could be a hoax at one level.
There's real Ebola in Africa, it's clearly mutating, they're coming out with a vaccine, something's going on, but why aren't they quarantining people here?
Why is this nurse refusing to quarantine?
Why are only black people dying from it?
Is it race-specific?
We don't pretend to know exactly what's going on, but something doesn't fit.
Are they covering up that it's spreading until after the election is over?
We'll find out next week, won't we?
But I have never been more concerned in my gut.
And my gut's never been wrong.
And I think putting attention on this may force the system
To change course, because a lot of people in the system are not bad.
We're talking about that.
We're going to get into a report I've been talking about since Monday.
This is up on Infowars.com, but it links in to the different Journal of Investigative Medicine and others.
This is a big, prestigious, major multi-hospital study.
GMOs may be to blame.
Yeah, like Kennedy may have died from being shot in the head.
No, he did.
GMOs may be to blame for spike in kids suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, scores of new disorders, huge bowel problems undiagnosed but also diagnosed, a doubling in hospital visits in the last 10 years.
This is an epidemic.
We're going to skip this network break.
This is so important to get into Ebola, get into this, but also Halloween candy.
My children, when I've let them not so much participate in trick-or-treating and stuff, because it's dangerous, it's kind of a cultic, the whole nine yards, but they like to dress up, you know, and have a party at home or with some of their friends, you know, and run around and have fun, that when I do let them go to these parties and eat a bunch of candy, they get sick the next week.
So I give them very limited amounts of candy or brands of candy that are organic.
And if we force a movement like we've done destroying McDonald's and pushing organic foods and the rest of it, we can displace things to get healthier candies for kids.
We don't need Michelle Obama to do it or Mayor Bloomberg.
They want you to have GMO and aspartame.
They just want to control the calories because it's all about controlling on vitamins what the intake is, where they tell you what to eat.
It's not even about telling you what good foods are and educating you.
It's about feeding you a bunch of GMO crud.
Lunchables and stuff.
So we're going to talk about all this with Dr. Group and more.
But McDonald's is in free fall.
30 plus percent drop in profit this year alone.
Huge profit loss the year before that, the year before that.
Monsanto is involved on the board.
Bill Gates is a huge shareholder.
And I'm not just singling out McDonald's, but they're the leader of the pack.
I mean, I eat McDonald's, I get sick.
It's got silicone in the nuggets, ladies and gentlemen.
That's even CNN.
If we can defeat that insanity, we can bring it all down.
And by the way, I've been trying to get healthy for three years.
It's been a journey with InfoWars Health Products, Beyond Tangy Tangerine, other great products, and InfoWarsHealth.com.
But when I got involved with Dr. Group and some other formulators and developers, and came out with X2, nasoniodine, and survival shield, and fluoride shield, and super male vitality, and all the other products, and the oxy powder is so revolutionary from Global Healing Center, all available, most of it exclusively at m4warslife.com.
It's been life changing, and people can see it on the video feed.
I have gone from 275 pounds, at my biggest, down to 218 pounds right now, and I intend to drop to 180 pounds.
And I'm doing it, still eating large meals, still staying up late, still doing a lot of stuff I've always done.
I'm older.
I'm under the most stress of my life, and people knew all the stuff that was going on.
But hey, I say bring it on.
You know, I got God on my side.
Knock on wood.
Give it to Jesus.
At its core, though, Dr. Group developed these products.
We're getting into Ebola.
I don't mean to get into a plug, but I just want to tell people about it.
Supramel vitality is concentrated cold-pressed organic herbs and plant extracts that are known not to mimic testosterone.
I took some of that in college when I was working out with UT football players, and after about a month, you know, I was waking up at night sweating, was getting bigger.
I said, no, no, no, I don't want this.
Uh, Yohimbi, stuff like that.
These are things that I feel great on because it doesn't mimic testosterone.
It gets my glands to release what was already there being blocked by estrogen mimickers.
And let me tell you, it's worked for me.
You've heard the guys call in.
You've heard the women call in about what happens with it.
Believe me, similar products that aren't even as good are $150.
This is $59.
And it's so expensive to make because it's so concentrated.
Take Lung Cleanse.
It's super thick oil.
After you use it for a week, you've got to wash out the spray cap because it gets clogged.
It's so thick.
Other stuff's one or two herbs and some menthol and you spray it, maybe it helps a little.
This is real.
A whole bunch of essential herbs and extracts.
We've got a special going right now, Survival Shield and Lung Cleanse.
10% off Survival Shield, even though Survival Shield is set to sell out in a week.
It may take us three weeks to get more in after that.
You know we've sold out before.
I don't just say that to sell it, even though it does sell it.
Survival Shield, we believe, and he's got a lot of evidence, in fact we'll get into that after Ebola, that it's more antiviral, and he has the studies, than even colloidal silver.
All I know, personally, is I couldn't get rid of a chest cold that killed three members of my family, the mystery on this last winter, and I drank two bottles of Silver Bullet and it was wiped out.
And so, that's the InfoWarsLife brand of cloyal silver.
I know it helped me.
I know that the system, for whatever reason, doesn't want you to know what's going on with this.
I know the elites are obsessed with true iodine, and we believe we've developed the best source of it.
So the entire InfoWarsLife.com family of products is revolutionary, has changed my life, and it helps fund this operation.
So InfoWarsLife.com, your PrisonPlanet.tv memberships, buying a Molon Lobby t-shirt,
In fact, I'm going to wear one in here this week.
This is the most handsome, Special Forces-style U.S.
military pattern.
We have to even pay the copyright to use this camo.
It's the digital camo with the big Molon Labe, the U.S.
flag on the arm, Infowars.com on the back.
This shirt is awesome.
It's a man's man's shirt, and it's made in America.
Twenty-six dollars!
You would buy something like this in a store for $60, $70, $80, made in China.
It's super high quality, made in America, so it costs us like $15 or whatever.
We could buy it in China and get it for $5.
But the point is, made in America stuff at infowarestore.com, madein1776.com.
But I want to challenge everybody to get the DNA force, to get the survival shield, to get all the products at Infowarslife.com.
Now, I'm done ranting about that to the end.
I want you to speak some about lung shields and other things.
But Dr. Rubin, you've been sitting here for 15 minutes while I've been ranting.
You heard John Ballin's report earlier.
Ebola up front.
Obviously, they're covering something up.
This nurse is refusing to quarantine, even in her house.
People are dying in Africa en masse.
It's mutated.
But then it's only black people, it seems, that are dying.
A lot of experts say it's race-specific.
What do you really think's going on, Dr. Grip?
Because you also have your Special Forces background.
You're a really smart guy.
You have a lot of big connections.
What do you think's going on?
Well, I think a lot of people are confused right now, and a lot of people don't really know what's going on.
The media is, you know, not really reporting the truth, and even in the underground, or the scientists that I've been talking to, you know, I was out in Vegas talking to some people out there, just a lot of strange things are happening.
You know, you would think by now there would be more cases if it was really being spread.
The inconsistencies with the CDC changing their reports,
You know, the girl that lived in the building with the New York doctor that was infected, when they showed her the picture of the guy, she said, who's that?
You know, there's just more and more evidence coming out that there's something strange happening.
It's either all totally fake here, real in Africa, and they're covering it up, or it's secretly spreading and they're covering it up.
But as you said, I have that YouTube video, we should cue that up, I forgot to give it to the guys, and show it, where she's like, that's not who I lived with.
So they may be grabbing real people and putting actors out.
Something the CIA has been caught doing over and over again is what you're getting at.
I'm getting at there might be a certain section of this that could be that they're using actors.
That's what I said last week.
They whisk away the real victims because they can't control the narrative and then put out fake people as their spokesman.
Almost like the Boston bombing and stuff like that.
Yeah, and actually I was doing some research on it because some people were sending me some videos and there's some pretty heavy hitting videos of evidence behind it.
Another thing that's strange is all this neon green that they're using everywhere.
It seems like all of the
The shirts they're giving out are the neon green.
There was a Simpsons episode that came out a long time ago that talked about Ebola where Marge is wearing a neon green dress.
I mean, there's just some strange things.
I mean, the good news is people are actually out there putting this all together and it's not... And by the way, I've been approached by the folks at X-Files.
They were approached and told to do the episode where the government flies in the World Trade Center with a drill.
So we saw that and said, that's them throwing it in our face.
Well, we know they were.
Well, yeah, there was a Simpsons episode where they were holding a newspaper with a nine, and there was the two World Trade Centers in the back, too.
Yeah, let me ask you this question.
Obviously, they call it lesser magic.
The globalists are in the occult.
They believe if they manifest it first, that gives it good luck when they actually do it, and then if it actually happens, it doubles their power.
It's like they're playing Pokemon in the real world.
It's almost like the Matrix.
They tell you what they're going to do and that's the Illuminati has all those Illuminati cards, you know, and what they want to do is put it out there.
They want to put it in front of your face and show you what they're going to do.
You know, like Obama said the other day, this is just a test.
We're seeing how all this works.
More and more they throw it in our face.
If it was a major
Pandemic right now, don't you think that you would be seeing exponential spreading and spreading and spreading?
And I'm not sitting here saying Ebola doesn't exist, by all means, because we have plenty of... No, I agree, but it's either secretly spreading and they're covering it up, or something's fake.
And we know they're acting super shady and things don't add up.
So, we'll find out soon enough.
Yeah, the government has patents on Ebola with rabies.
They've done the zombie apocalypse stuff.
I mean, everything has been there.
The CDC posts stuff on their website about what to do in case of a zombie apocalypse.
You know, everything is there and it's just a matter of time.
You know what?
Do me a favor.
Do me a favor.
I want you with Anthony Gucciardi to cover the basics on Ebola tonight.
He's in a host of special after the news, so like at 7.30.
Take 30 minutes, take an hour, whatever you need.
Get the clips, cover all this in detail, so I can also air some of it tomorrow, and give the guys the clips, because I've seen them too.
And let's just look at it.
Let's just look at what the web is saying, because we have high-level CIA, high-level State Department, high-level FBI, high-level State Police saying, yes, Sandy Hook's totally fake.
Yes, Aurora's fake, and then it all adds up.
I don't have time to go into it.
Yes, a Boston bombing, we know it was fake.
I ran into a Kraft International guy.
I'm not saying they were involved, but they were, guys in Kraft outfits were there.
With black backpacks, I guess, to create a distraction.
They thought they were part of a drill or security, but they don't know that they were there as decoys.
And then the other simulant bomb goes off, but this craft guy, he saw me in public and got up from the table and said, that's Alex Jones, I gotta go, and ran out of the restaurant, basically.
He was wearing a craft shirt, what's he doing doing that?
I don't even have time to get into it.
It's just it's so overwhelming that they are faking more stuff because they can't control the narrative on real false flags when they blow up a real building because cops show up and see the unexploded bombs and they got to kill cops like in Oklahoma City and stuff and doctors.
So they do stage things out a whole cloth now because it's so over the top no one would ever believe that I think.
No, I agree.
I think that partially this thing is a test and they're preparing to see how we react.
Number one, they're also psychologically preparing us for an actual outbreak or a pandemic.
Obviously, this one isn't as severe as something that could be in the future, such as a rabies Ebola vaccine, which could be airborne.
They've already started preparing us for the fact that it could be airborne.
All of this, though, if you look at the preparations of, if you want to look at the population control and reducing the population, the general schema thing and the plan, all starts with lowering your mental ability to make decisions and lowering your overall health.
I mean, you can always trace it back.
That's where they make all their money.
If you're sick all the time,
You're taking pharmaceuticals.
They knew a lot of people were getting off pharmaceutical drugs, actually, and turning to natural medicine.
So they only had one other option, really, was to introduce more genetically modified foods into the standard American diet.
Because even if you're not on pharmaceuticals and you're on genetically modified foods, it's going to reduce your immune system.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
That's a perfect segue into corn.
It's in almost every processed food you eat.
And 87% of it's VT.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
If I start hyperventilating sometimes and sound like a chimpanzee on methamphetamine, it's because I get really excited about all this stuff.
I live these documents, the research, the election fraud, the preparations for world government, the boxes in all the new cars in the last decade to start taxing us by the mile and now they're announcing it and saying in 10 years robots will drive all our cars and robots rolling out at Lowe's.
for customer service.
Humans are being replaced.
It's a diabolical plan.
I'm not trying to scare you into a catatonic fetal position.
I'm trying to get you motivated that the house is on fire.
Let's put this thing out.
Let's turn the corner.
Now, Dr. Group, I've been ranting, so I want to give you the floors.
You're saying some really important things, but just this week a major study came out
And showed that different types of GMO corn are causing massive bleeding and death and deformity in pigs.
Another big lawsuit got filed against another big GMO corn producer.
Syngenta faces second lawsuit over GMO corn rejected by China.
The world won't take this stuff.
I remember 15 years ago, family I have, who
Our pig farmers saying, look, we feed them BT corn, they start having deformed piglets, their piglets start dying, they start losing weight.
All I know is, I don't feed them that corn.
But it's hard to get corn, 80 plus percent of it's BT now in the US.
Mexico has thousands of varieties of corn where corn was first developed and used by humans.
99% National Geographic reports of their ancient corn strains are infected with BT alone.
So it's taking over its genetics.
Plants aren't one daddy, one mommy.
You can have 1% of a plant being from another genetic strain.
There's a Chicago Tribune.
We'll put it back on screen.
Pigs fed GM grains suffer health problems.
Study says, boom, 2013.
There's a new one out this week.
Let me give you sources.
GMOs may be to blame.
Again, that's like saying smoking cigarettes may be to blame if you get lung cancer.
GMOs may be to blame for spike in kids suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
Study finds 65% increase in IBD hospitals in the last 10 years in children alone.
They believe as little as 1% are being reported.
So, 1% out of 100 and you've got 19,000 with this?
Everybody I know has screwed up bowels now, okay, if you eat GMO.
And this is out of the Journal of Investigative Medicine.
I have had the former top bioweapons people on, I've had people that were making $5 million a year that were top scientists in England, and they said, sir, let me get that guy back on, he's Pakistani, he speaks great English, I forget his name, he's a doctor or something, he's real famous, had him on like 10 years ago.
They come out with the
It was called the longleaf potato.
And they genetically engineered it to last longer, grow faster.
And he said, actually, we have to stop.
This is killing all the rats.
This is killing them.
We can't feed the humans.
And they said, you're fired.
And I've had so many of these eyewitnesses to it that are top genetic engineers, this is not debatable.
Bill Gates has invested billions in gut disorders, because they're off the chart, in the treatments for it, not the cure, while he owns the largest piece of Monsanto and the other companies shoveling this out.
And he trailblazes forced inoculation, taking your guns, gun control, and he is number one in funding the Ebola vaccine with Monsanto.
And number one in weather modification, he holds the patents on that and has invested four billion.
This guy is like Satan.
He is behind almost everything with that monster Warren Buffett that works with him and Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey and the Queen of England and Prince Philip.
They all get caught meeting secretly constantly, ABC News.
This is diabolical.
You're living in a science fiction movie.
Do you understand?
They're going to fry your guts on record
While treating you for life, however short it may be, sucking all the money out of you with the treatment.
Now I said you got the floor, but all I do is study this, Dr. Group, like you do.
It's just constantly, every week there's new ones.
It's just, it's unbelievable!
I'm so angry that it's so hard to get around all this for my kid's health.
I shouldn't have to live in a minefield in the global dumping center.
But the good news is, people are rejecting GMO, they're rejecting fast food, they're rejecting additives.
And the system is just coming down on us that much harder.
Dr. Group, I'm going to settle down.
Please, tell folks what you think about this.
I've been yelling and screaming that for 20 years, actually.
When I initially did the research and looked and made the connection, you can't just be a doctor out there without looking at the world in general and looking at all the chemicals and looking at every single thing and how it affects the body.
The way the medical profession wants the doctors to believe and trains the doctors is, let's give you a pharmaceutical for any condition that you have.
They don't look at the root cause of disease.
After 20 years of research, my conclusion was everything is designed to damage your gut.
They're going to poison you three ways.
They're going to poison you through the air, the food, and the water.
The water goes into the gut, the food goes into the gut, and most of the toxins you breathe in the air go through the gut because it gets caught into your mucus membranes.
That's why you secrete mucus and that's why you have all those little tiny hairs when you breathe in.
It ultimately drains down into your gut.
So the three ways that they try to poison you through the air, food, and water ultimately end up in your stomach and then down into your gut.
The gut is the most important defense that anybody has against the tyranny that's out there and against becoming ill and dependent upon pharmaceuticals and dependent upon the government and everything else.
And how do they do that?
They do that with genetically modified foods.
They do that with artificial flavors.
They do that with soy, corn, everything that you touch.
And what's happening is, and this has been proven like you said with the pigs,
The BT toxin, which is the bacillus thuringiensis toxin, literally burns holes through your gut.
They genetically engineered it as an insecticide because when the insects would eat it, it would blow up their stomach and they would die.
And that's why all the bees are dying, that's why all the butterflies are dying, you know.
You can pull up the Washington Post headline where farmers caught not planting GMO crops correctly and the sub-headline from Washington Post four or five years ago was not planting refuge crops.
They're supposed to plant crops that they don't even harvest right next to it just so all the bees don't die.
But then we're supposed to eat it.
What do people think?
It kills bees, but we wonder why our kids are so sick.
And Bill Gates is laughing!
Because they can create the disease and make money on the other side of the disease and use these things to transport.
If you have holes burned through your gut lining, everything goes directly into the bloodstream.
Your digestive system doesn't work properly.
You have a massive amount of everybody, like you said out there, kids included,
That have mental disorders.
Where do you think those mental disorders that ADD, ADHD is coming from all the time?
It's coming because of all these chemicals and toxins that you're feeding your kid going through the gut lining directly into the bloodstream.
You read Dickens books, you read history books, but you also read classic literature about the times.
Whenever somebody who's normally real nice was mean or acted weird or did something bad or had nightmares.
Or was doing weird stuff.
They'd say he must have gotten bad meat or cheese.
Everybody knew that bad food would make you behave bad and that it was all in the gut.
70% of the immune system has been proven to be there.
Look at that.
Makers of genetically modified seeds say more farmers evading EPA rules.
Monsanto Co.
and other seed makers reported a three-fold increase last year, and U.S.
farmers caught violating intended to stop insects from developing resistance to genetically modified corn.
The rules affect farmers planting seeds modified to produce a toxin derived from Brassilis throngensis or Bt, a natural insecticide.
The Environmental Protection Agency requires those growers to also plant an adjunct area, a so-called refuge,
Of BT corn so that bugs feed on both types of corn and don't become immune to the toxin.
No, it's so they don't all die.
Can you believe the magnitude of that?
This kills bees, now eat it!
Originally they said it was not going to do any harm to humans, of course, but if you look at the studies that they did on pigs and everything else, all the animals that eat this corn, then you can see the damage that it creates.
And it's shocking that we actually allow these things to take place in this country.
But is it normal I get mad?
No, I shouldn't get mad at a giant criminal operation admitting it's to reduce us and dumb us down, and the fluoride.
Should I get mad with the mayor?
We have doctors and scientists come in, medical doctors and scientists, the heads of major university toxicology departments, like Dr. Conant, and he says, here's the Harvard study that it causes brain damage and cancer, take the fluoride out, and the mayor flipped him off, and flipped the camera off.
I shouldn't get mad by that.
I mean, for your own sake, you shouldn't get mad just because it stresses you out and your immune system gets dropped.
But I mean, ultimately, when you understand the whole process and you open your eyes to reality... Why would the mayor flip us off when we're being nice?
I guess it's like his pleasure to do that to us?
He's just that sick?
I guess so.
I mean, you know, what happens when he's probably eating a bunch of GMO foods and he's, it's like the Mad Hatter, you know, the Mad Hatter.
They found out that there was mercury in the hats that cause mental disease and anger.
There's 50 percent, there's up to, you know, there's extreme levels of mercury found in high fructose corn syrup.
Talking about Halloween, all the candy that all the kids are going to be taking in.
High fructose corn syrup, GMOs, artificial color sweeteners.
That's right, they have loopholes where high fructose corn syrup is allowed to have 10 times the safe level of lead and mercury.
Why is there so much lead and mercury in corn syrup?
Because of the processing and because of all the pesticides and insecticides that are sprayed on all the corn and then it gets processed and they use the chemicals that they use to process the corn.
So basically your child is drinking Bt and Roundup and a bunch of other chemicals.
Yes, yes.
And now 2,4-D which the government just passed to use.
So it's basically roach poison you're feeding your child.
Pretty much everything that you get that's not organic is some form of poison for you and your children, especially if you drink tap water.
Humans are incredible creatures that we can take all this.
Right now, we're limited to pretty much drinking nothing but distilled water or purified water with organic apple cider vinegar or something like that so you get your pure minerals.
Any other thing out there besides breast milk?
Even breast milk is contaminated!
They've done studies on women across the nation and tested their breast milk and like 90% of them had DDT residue in there.
This sounds like something that evil space aliens would come up with.
Well, it's all in your mind to reduce your health.
I mean, the thing is, what makes us strong?
Our health and our mental ability.
We're under attack!
You see depression everywhere.
You see anxiety everywhere.
You see suicidal thoughts everywhere.
Prescription medications that they give you contain toxic elements in themselves that dumb you down and make you not want to open your eyes.
Fluoride's the main ingredient in most of them.
Fluoride, heavy metals, magnesium stearate, fatty acids, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide.
Titanium dioxide, which makes things white, the pills white, they're now linking that to the major cause of fibromyalgia.
Think of how many people have myalgia, fibromyalgia out there.
And it's just, it can be just one chemical that's allowed in foods.
So you really have to look at every single thing that you put in your body and the air that you breathe and everything that you're exposed to and realize that if you want to be healthy and you want to survive, whether it's a biological attack or whether it's just living longer or just being a human, we don't even have humans anymore because
All these chemicals alter the way you think, the way you feel, the way you sleep.
Well, they came out with studies a few years ago admitting that these GMO crops go through the barrier into the cell and are changing its DNA.
They are mutating us.
It's like they're mutating us into controllable robots, and that's not even counting the psychological games.
Why would Monsanto, with dioxin and Agent Orange and everything they do is evil,
We just have to come to grips that this is their mission and these other companies and Bill Gates are premeditatedly evil.
They know, they knew 20 years ago BT Corp, and remember Starlink got out and they had to recall it because it was so bad it would just kill you right there.
No, they don't want that.
They want you to go off and you know die over 20 years and then Bill Gates has all the patented treatments for you.
That's a diabolical guy right there.
That's also why they did the seed bank over there, too, to preserve all the seeds, because they also know that there's cross-contamination with genetically modified organisms.
And it's not only is it harming us, but it's harming the Earth at the same time.
The Earth is dying, the Earth is sick, the water is contaminated.
And then they're the ones saying, give all your liberties up, we'll save the Earth by cutting carbon dioxide that they admit is at the lowest level in planetary history.
I mean, this is like they're trying to kill the planet.
And when you look at all the chemicals, especially the nanoparticles of aluminum that they're spraying everywhere with the chemtrails, all of that is creating a damage in sick soil everywhere as well, because, you know, there's a slew of chemicals.
Maybe they are space aliens, and David Icke's right.
I mean, I don't really mean that, but it's so, they just hate humans so much.
They're so evil and so scientific.
I guess it's the Bible.
It's like an evil fourth dimensional creature is manipulating them or something.
I mean, what?
Group, this is just, it's just so heavy.
It's so scientific, so premeditated.
And it's all admitted, too.
It's just over the top.
Yeah, everything is out there in the mainstream.
If you just, well, I shouldn't say mainstream, but the alternative media.
Well, it's in the government documents.
It's in the studies.
Right, but most people don't read those regularly.
I mean, everybody watches CNN.
You know, CNN is a government-controlled news organization, and they're part of the whole... I mean, it's Sandy Hook.
They've got the same kids going in rings in and out of the building.
No helicopters called.
They turn, and it's a blue screen.
It's insane!
Right, right.
And when you calcify somebody's pineal gland with fluoride and they believe in the government, you know, this whole Ebola thing, they're just psychologically convincing everybody that they're going to need to go run and when the vaccine becomes available in 2015, they've created all the fear, they've shown the pictures of the dead people.
So this is just the pre-hype and they'll have another outbreak next year that's worse and then that's what this is really for?
You know, usually if you look at the pattern of things, if this was really super, super bad, and I'm saying this now, I wouldn't have said this probably a month ago, because you would have expected exponential spread already if this was something serious.
But this year, I had three family members die, and the doctors all said it was an incredible mystery illness, but the media kept it quiet.
They could be disappearing all the people, which is what we're getting from the doctors.
Yeah, you never know.
There's always...
A diversion usually in most cases.
So what's really going on?
I mean, and I've heard a lot about this mystery illness too.
We've had people calling our office saying, you know, I don't know what's going on with this Ebola, but these other people are dying.
We've talked to doctors.
Kids are on respirators everywhere.
All the hospitals are full.
We've talked to doctors that they're saying patients are disappearing.
You know, we've talked to border patrol agents.
You met with senior ones.
Yes, that people are disappearing from the border.
So, who knows what's really going on, but the thing that you need to look at it is, don't believe everything that you're hearing on the mainstream TV channels, and really start looking into what are some of the other things that can be happening.
And most of all,
Prepare your family and your body because if your body and your immune system is healthy and you have a strong self-healing mechanism, which is what I've been talking about for years, everybody has a self-healing mechanism.
It's right here.
It's the strongest medicine you'll ever have.
But your self-healing mechanism, if it's not working 100% because you're eating genetically modified foods, because you're on antibiotics, because you're on other prescription medications, all of the other toxic chemicals that you're exposed to,
That is when you're going to be susceptible to any of these mystery illnesses, or Ebola, or any other bio-warfare weapons that might come out there.
And the most important thing, again, they know the gut is important for making you sick.
We know the gut is important for making you well.
Focus on the gut.
That's why the UN said at the 96th Food Conference, food is a weapon.
And they are eugenicists.
We're going to come back and get into more of what's in the Halloween candy and how to avoid that.
And is there any healthy stuff out there?
You can't even find bubble gum or regular gum that doesn't have aspartame, even the sugared.
This is just over the top important.
Stay with us.
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Dr. Edward Group's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
George Norrie's coming up in the next hour.
We'll talk election 2014, Ebola, ISIS, and so much more with Coast2CoastAM.com's lead host, George Norrie.
You were getting into a lot during the break.
You wanted to talk about Dr. Alabeck from Russia, some of his findings.
Also, what iodine has been found to do in studies.
Break some of that down for folks, Dr. Group.
Well, you know, I've had a lot of people out there asking me about colloidal silver as far as different types of viruses, but a lot of people have been asking me also, what, can we use iodine?
Is there any scientific evidence that iodine is good as an antimicrobial?
What I was able to pull up, I do have a lot of research on iodine, been doing research on iodine for years.
I've made a list of some of the things that are really relevant, I think, to any type of airborne
One of them was from 1945.
There was a breakthrough that occurred when J.D.
Stone and Sir McFarlane Burnett, and Burnett later went on to win the Nobel Prize for clonal selection theory.
But basically that study was in 1945.
What they did was they sprayed an iodine mist on the snouts of mice and then exposed them to airborne virus, influenza, and none of the mice ever came down with it.
One of many studies out there that I'll go over that are documented evidence that iodine does in fact help with control or actually prevention of certain viruses out there.
One of the reasons I put iodine in the lung cleanse was for that same purpose.
Now I'm not saying that that will work 100% of the time or anything.
What I wanted to do was just share some of these scientific studies with people because
If you were to use the lung cleanse properly, spray it in, that's why I have everybody breathe, because it coats the mucous membranes all the way down into the lungs.
Let's just say I would feel much more comfortable going into any type of area that might be contaminated, whether it's flu season, anything.
If I have a bottle of that with me and I can just spray it in my mouth and inhale it, or for that matter, if I'm in a public place, you know, for schools, I give it to my kids when they go to school around flu season.
But Dr. Group, it's also what being on iodine, real iodine, because I tried other iodine that had some effect, but this real nascent iodine from the crystal source especially, has just supercharged my skin, my hair, my weight loss, stamina, energy.
Is that because the FDA has such a low allowance of what they say you need under Codex Alimentarius?
And that a larger dose, and of course, consult your physician first.
It's just done wonders for me.
You will die without it.
You will die without it for sure.
I mean, you will definitely get massive thyroid issues.
You can survive on tiny, tiny amounts of iodine, but that's the thing.
You just survive.
The way that the globalists and everything is set up right now with the poisons everywhere is that you barely survive and you have to lean on government.
Lean on government health care.
They can decide
How to run your life, what prescription medications you need to be on, and all medications do is they cover up the main problems in the body anyway.
It's not ever designed to fix anything but to keep you ill and sick for the rest of your life.
Breast cancer's up several thousand percentage points in the U.S.
and England.
Other parts of the world it's not.
Brazil started adopting our practices, suddenly their thing's going up.
Every country that takes in GMO, you name it, or starts planting glyphosates using Roundup,
No one ever says, why don't we find why it's increasing?
It's always find a cure.
Well, no, find out why it's becoming an epidemic.
It's like, find a cure for diabetes.
No, find out why everybody's getting it.
That's like the whole breast cancer scam with the whole pink ribbons and everything, where they promote all this, promote all this, promote it.
But if you track the money back, it goes straight back into the pharmaceutical companies to produce chemicals.
The Merck manual says chemotherapy is a derivative of mustard gas.
Oh my gosh, we're going to come right back.
Stay with us.
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The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Dr. Edward Groot, the legendary George Norrie will be joining us to cover the waterfront.
The good news, Dr. Groot, McDonald's profits are down over 30%, so are all the other big fast food chains globally.
People are really turning against them.
And, of course, Bill Gates is involved with that.
You were telling me they're putting up these kiosks that give you these brainwashing answers.
I'm not concerned about horse meat in McDonald's, because they're saying, we don't have horse meat!
That's not what we said, you have GMO.
Tell folks your view on this.
I agree with you.
Talking about good news, I think that the public is waking up every single day.
It's the 100th monkey phenomenon, you know.
The more information that you get out, the more information that you get out.
People are realizing that the prescription medications are not fixing them.
They're turning to natural solutions.
That's why there's a big attack on all natural companies right now.
The restrictions that the FDA is putting on all the manufacturers to make sure everything is tested, they're really creating a financial nightmare for natural supplement companies right now because it's costing them so much more to produce and all the testing requirements that the FDA is laying down on them with all the new inspections and everything else.
And California has standards that are impossible.
There's more toxins in the air than California will allow.
Right, the Prop 65.
That was all contrived by the attorneys over there in California to try to create massive amounts of lawsuits to sue everybody that had 0.5 micrograms of lead in their products.
But all in all, it all comes down to focus on your gut.
Make sure that you have good probiotics in there.
You know, I've said before, the appendix is the microcomputer system of your body.
Your gut is the brain in your system.
The gut is the immune system.
I mean, I was kind of scared of it because other flushes I did were painful.
This stuff is just, it's amazing.
It is amazing.
That's why my main focus is on the gut.
I've got over 3,000 documented cases of just about every single disease out there that has been reversed.
And it all starts from cleaning the body.
I mean, I am completely convinced right now that if you have a clean body, disease cannot exist inside your system.
But you have to take the effort.
I mean, people are addicted.
That's another thing we have to talk about.
Here's an example.
When I was a kid, I would eat a pint of Dutch chocolate ice cream with all the additives and GMO and the high-fructose corn syrup.
And a week later, I'd get zits all over my face.
And my mom would say, no more sweets.
And I didn't have zits, and all the other kids did.
I mean, it's real simple.
Well, a lot of the chemicals that are used as preservatives in food are addictive chemicals.
They're designed to make you addicted to that food.
Like high fructose corn syrup, for example, is extremely addictive.
It causes diabetes, massive obesity.
They use it for rats.
Same with aspartame, artificial sweeteners.
So it's about changing your diet and putting things into your body that are actually healthy for you, that are organic,
Repairing the inside of your body.
Repairing your body's own self-healing mechanism.
Reducing your stress levels.
These are just all immune secrets.
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When the nightly news is over tonight, I think it's Leanne hosting it, or is it Jakari Jackson?
I'm not sure.
When it's over, they'll come in studio.
They're going to tape it now.
When they're done with the news, they'll air a special transmission.
He's going to tape with Gucci Arti, getting into what's really behind the Ebola, is it crisis actors, what's really going on, and a lot of stuff he didn't get to tonight, 7 o'clock central.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Watch me!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I call it InfoWars Live.
We're coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
I didn't ask George Norrie, is he out in LA or is he somewhere deep beneath the earth there in St.
He actually does have an office and broadcasts out of an underground cave.
They have a big complex of caves there that have a lot of businesses in them.
George Norrie obviously does not need to be introduced.
I've been on Piers Morgan.
And they said that was the biggest political media event of the year, L.A.
Times and CNN voters said it was.
I've been on the BBC, Nightline, Rolling Stone, Esquire, you name it, cover stories, and never gotten one-tenth the response that I've gotten going on coasttocoastam.com.
Going on that 500 and almost 600 radio stations.
They're on in Canada.
They're on all over the world.
You know, most U.S.
radio shows, even though they're popular, like Rush Limbaugh, do not end up airing on broadcast stations in other parts of the world.
But his show is so fascinating.
And the family of guests he has on is so diverse and thought-provoking.
The Coast to Coast is America's radio export.
Kind of like the Beatles with the British Invasion.
George Norrie is the radio invasion of the world.
I was just thinking about that last night.
I was on his show last week and just got mobbed on the streets, walking around Austin, going to restaurants.
Hey Alex, I heard you on George Norrie.
That was a great two hours.
When are you going to get George on your show?
And then the waitress comes over.
I heard you on George Norrie.
And then I'm at the gym.
Hey, I heard you on George Norrie.
I heard you on 590.
That's because just here in Austin he has, last time I saw the ratings, something like 70% of the total radio broadcast audience.
Now you're killing it if you got 10% of the audience.
Back when I was, you know, on at night here before George.
Killing it's 10% of the total audience.
Up against AM, FM, rock and roll, hip-hop, Spanish music.
I'm not kissing George's butt, I just don't think anybody sings the songs of his praises like they should, that this is big media.
And talk radio is the only place that still has giant audiences.
MSNBC, CNN, even Fox has, what, 3 million on their big shows?
Well, George Norrie has 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 million a show.
16, 15, you know, 20 million depending on the week.
But you don't hear CNN hyping it, you don't hear Time Magazine hyping it, because they don't have audiences anywhere near it.
MSNBC's got 200,000 viewers on their average show.
500,000 on their top show.
CNN, same story.
They're in free fall.
That's why you see the globalists trying to destroy talk radio, with all the regulations and FCC coming in and moves towards the fairness doctrine.
Is because they're scared of it.
They want to control and dominate and censor the new media with Cass Sunstein White House tactics to cause infighting.
On the internet, something George is never involved in.
That's why I'm never involved in it.
But what can they do about talk radio?
Well, they can try to buy up the companies and just basically bankrupt it, run it into a wall.
That's why it's so important that we continue to promote new media and old media.
Just like I'm on over 160 AM and FM stations, we're like 170.
Support those local AM and FM affiliates.
Become sponsors, support those sponsors, let them know why you support them.
And if you're listening to us right now or George Norrie, tell people about the show!
We have the audience, if we leverage it, if you leverage it, it's over!
George, I remember first hearing him when he took the show over like, I don't know, it has to be like 15 years ago or something.
I remember hearing George
On air, saying it's not the law under the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act to take the vaccines.
And they even credited him in the news as getting a movement going to say, hey, it's not the law and we shouldn't have them have regulations for forced inoculations, starting with firefighters, police and nurses.
And see, that's why I'm so excited about George, is that in this whole pantheon of great talk show hosts, he's right up there at the top, and it's another testament to getting out of the left-right paradigm with complex issues, some of them wacky, some of them profound, and really bringing people together.
Like Drudge Report, you know, having videos out of Chicago of libertarian black folks breaking with Obama.
Now, George, I'm going to stop buttering you up here, but I just thought I would talk about how important you've been over the years, even before you were in talk radio, winning three Emmys for News.
Just so much you've done, that's why I respect your view on the state of the world.
So, where is the world right now?
What do you make of the Drudge headline, they dare not speak his name, Democrats won't even say his name?
What does it mean that Brand Obama has fallen so incredibly hard?
Then we'll get into Ebola, we'll get into the elections, and whatever else you want to cover, George.
Well, first of all, Alex, great to be on your program again.
I mean, I really look forward to it.
And you talk about response, because after I'm on your show,
I open up all my coast-to-coast AM emails, and everybody's listening to you, so thanks for having me on.
We are living in the strangest times, and most difficult times, I can remember in my entire life in broadcasting.
Let's go back a little bit, when George Bush was the president.
Nobody wanted him in anymore.
You know, aside from a few Republicans, people were fed up with him.
They wanted out.
And they ran to Barack Obama.
They ran to him.
They cherished him.
They voted him in.
Now, here we are, six years later, people have made a complete turn again.
They want him out.
They don't want anything to do with him.
His own party shies away from him.
They don't want to mention his name.
What does this tell you about our political spectrum in the United States?
People just don't trust candidates anymore.
They don't trust elected officials because they're given the wrong person.
They're not given somebody like Ron Paul who comes out and tells the truth and lays it out there for you and cares about you.
We're given politicians who have their own agenda, whatever it is,
Election and re-election, they don't want anything to do with it.
I mean, if the President today, and this is a sad state of affairs, the President today said, look, I want to come to St.
Louis and campaign for you.
They don't want him here.
And it's unfortunate.
It truly is.
I mean, people need to trust their politicians and we're just not getting that.
Barack Obama
These are the mistakes he made.
When he first came into office, he had a tremendous mandate.
People wanted him.
People wanted nothing to do with George Bush anymore.
He picked up on the bailout system exactly the way George Bush had presented it and was funding it.
And he just carried the ball into the end zone the same way.
He then immediately went into his health care program without thinking it through.
And everything he has done, administratively, has fallen short.
Whether it's battling ISIS in the Middle East, or, you know, naming a czar on Ebola who is nowhere to be found, everything he has touched has just not turned out the way it should.
And people have finally gotten to a point where they say, we're done.
You know, I hate to exist in a
Two years before another election.
And we'll talk about those candidates in a moment.
But people are going to be limping to the finish line with this president.
And I'm non-partisan, as you well know.
We don't talk politics on Coach to Coach.
So you're getting some of my personal views here.
We're at a point in this country where unless we get some people in office, like the Ron Pauls,
We are in serious, serious shape.
And if the Republicans, who are probably going to sweep the House and the Senate next week, despite massive election fraud and illegals voting, if they don't deliver some basic tax relief, some basic corruption reform, dial back the police state, if they don't stop the lying...
No doubt.
I believe that the people like Alex Jones who come forward and tell the truth based on your own investigations, based on what you see, you just don't spout things out.
You're not one of those talk show hosts that just throws out opinions.
You check first.
You research first.
You quote articles.
I've seen this happen time and time again where people have tried to come after you.
We're saying something and you've got sources behind you all the way up your arm.
Sure, if I didn't I would have been sued into oblivion.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And so what is happening now, and I think in the long run, I've said this before, I'll say it again, I think the American people will win out over this gross stupidity that is happening around this country right now.
What we have lost in government is the most simple of facts, and that's common sense.
They're just not doing things that are for the people.
And, you know, the greedy money barons have taken over, and the multi-level corporations are pushing their agenda, and in the long run,
So it's going to be a rough, rough road.
We're going to win!
Well, sure!
There's no doubt in my mind we're going to win!
I agree with you.
They can't shut us up.
That's right.
They can't stop us.
Can't stop the signal.
George Norrie, Coast2CoastAM.com, BeyondBelief.com, for his hit TV show, Coast2CoastAM.com, BeyondBelief.com.
We're going to come back and talk about how he thinks we'll win, what he sees in this new election coming up, and what he thinks of lame duck Obama and his executive orders.
Will Obama end up getting impeached?
Maybe he starts power grabbing after the election.
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It seems like yesterday, my friends, what it was long ago.
I've been going on George's show, it's gotta be 13, 14 years now.
And I thought about it, half my life I've been on air, more than half my life.
Pretty hard to believe how time flies by so quickly.
George Norrie is our guest, Coast2CoastAM.com.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I'm on here during the day, he's on overnight, and with the Coast2Coast sensation, and he's here with us today in the long segment coming up.
We'll get more into Ebola and other issues, but Ferguson continues to blow up.
And I know that you have a home and are broadcasting right now from very close to there.
I'm concerned that when it comes out they're not going to indict this cop, that all Hades is going to break loose.
It already has been.
And I'm not defending police state tactics.
Our own reporters got shot with rubber bullets for no reason.
But it did turn out the cop told the truth and was in danger and it was a justified shooting.
But people say they don't care if it's been proven to be a justified shooting.
CNN, MSNBC are still race-baiting it.
Are they hoping for some racial blow-up as a diversion for Obama?
I don't think they're hoping, Alex, for a racial blow-up, but I'm concerned that it could happen.
You know, I went through the Detroit riots back in the 60s.
And about a month or so ago when I was back in St.
Louis, I went out to Ferguson and looked at the area during the daytime.
It's a small area.
It doesn't look like a huge war zone like you see on CNN.
But it's upsetting because businesses have boarded up their places and they're trying to stay open.
You go by it and see wood all over the place boarding up the windows.
You don't even know if they're open or not.
So those people are really getting hit.
They're suffering the most.
The worst part about it is that you've got a lot of infiltrators coming in from outside of the St.
Louis area now.
We're just coming in for their own publicity or just to, you know, rabble-rouse and do things like that.
Now, you're absolutely right.
The police officer apparently had to defend himself.
Why in God's name that this individual had to tussle with the cops is beyond me.
He should have just merely said, you know, okay, I'm getting out of the street, which is what the police wanted in the first place.
Just don't walk down the middle of this road.
And, you know, they told him, get out.
And, uh, and all age broke loose between the cop and the individually got killed.
Now, was it excessive?
Did he fire off too many bullets?
I think this problem would have started even if he had shot once, even if the police
Point is, the cop told the truth and some of the other locals lied, but other black witnesses confirmed what later came out in video and witnesses.
So I just don't get everybody staking the whole world on this event when it's not even an example of a cop being out of control.
There's plenty of examples of police doing bad stuff, and a lot of times they end up getting in trouble now.
I just think only scapegoating the police feeds into this balkanization program the system wants, where it's an us-against-them mentality.
And I think that's why the controlled media tries to promote a police state on one hand, but also blame the police for everything at the same time.
It's like saying, oh look, they have all these armored vehicles in Ferguson.
Well, who gave it to them?
The Attorney General was blaming local police when their training in armor came from Homeland Security, George.
We have friends here who are local police officers, Alex, and many of them have scheduled vacation time coming up.
They have been told, no vacation time right now.
You've got to be on hold.
So they're anticipating the potential of problems if and when the ruling on the indictment or non-indictment comes through on the police officer.
And you're right, the speculation is that the officer is not going to be indicted.
And once that happens and that comes out, who knows what's going to happen.
But you know what?
You got to get to a point where, you know, you and I have talked about the police state for some time.
This is one of those times where you need police forces in place.
You can't have people looting, you know, shooting, you know, doing whatever they do.
We need some
Well, sure.
I mean, we care about the police officers.
We don't like the politicians and the police state.
People tend to confuse those.
I know you don't.
Again, all this federalization, all this militarization, all this training, the welfare society, all of it is coming out of Hollywood, out of D.C., and then the police are on the ground, who are being trained to act like this, and then the feds go, look at how horrible your police are.
We'll federalize them.
We're going to watch this situation unfold.
I don't know when they're going to make the announcement.
There's talk that they may do it on a Sunday, which is a strange time, of course, but they may do it on some day like that to minimize a crowd.
But we'll see what happens.
And the interesting phenomenon about all of this, social networking,
...has made demonstrations so much more powerful.
I mean, because now you tweet, and you get the word out, as they did in the Middle East during the Arab Spring a few years ago.
And I mean, instantly, you've got people out there.
And you never know what'll cause that chain reaction.
George Norie is our guest.
We're getting into the big issues straight ahead.
The election, the economy.
But first, his take on Ebola, what's really going on with Ebola, straight ahead.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well here's the big headline that just went live at InfoWars.com directly from a CDC report and documents confirmed by the US Army that I want Red Link to put at the top of PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
This is an article by Kit Daniels, CDC.
Ebola spreads like the flu.
A CDC flyer describing the droplet spread of Ebola, which happens when germs traveling inside droplets are coughed and sneezed from a sick person, is nearly identical to the CDC's description of influenza, which it breaks down.
And then he links in there the Army's own report confirming that.
And here's the issue.
We knew years ago that they believed it was somewhat airborne.
And now we know that in temperatures below 45 degrees, it can live for days and travel miles.
So, if this is real Ebola, because it could be a simulant or something else, it's very suspicious, we've got a big problem on our hands.
Either they're covering up, in my view, I want George Norrie's expert take on this, either they're covering up for the election and hiding it,
Or it's not real Ebola because they would wear spacesuits previously.
And this Ebola clearly lasts longer, incubates longer, is much more dangerous.
It's real in Africa.
I'm not saying there isn't an Ebola crisis.
There's just no response.
But then I talked to a medical doctor in Dallas who's high level.
We have a medical doctor from Missouri on.
They didn't fire Monday, but they're ostracizing.
He's the head of several hospitals.
He said, no, the feds come in and grab people out of the Harry Truman Hospital that are bleeding out and disappear them.
I've had Senior Border Patrol on by name saying this is happening.
Zach Taylor and others.
Dr. Group met with Senior Border Patrol who were active duty.
Trying to figure out what's going on.
See, the Border Patrol, the police, the feds don't even know.
It's COG, FEMA, CDC, Northcom, the Army doesn't even know what's going on.
It's only senior people.
Believe me, the military teams are much bigger than them saying it's a 35-person team.
No, they're grabbing folks all over.
Well, are they grabbing people that really have malaria and it's a drill to see if they can get away with it?
Still, people are disappearing.
We know that's going on.
George Norrie, I want your take on this.
There's uproar over US troops who are under Ebola quarantine in Italy.
But in the past, the Navy, the Army, everybody quarantines people that might be sick.
They shouldn't have been sent there.
Trump says a new kind of hell to pay if soldiers are infected.
Doctor lied about New York City travel.
Turns out he traveled a lot more places.
What is he doing?
This other nurse now, who's around Ebola, saying she won't even self-quarantine.
Documents have now been released and revealed confirming the State Department plans to bring non-US citizens with Ebola here.
I mean, I made jokes about that two weeks ago and had Democrats sign...
Well, I find it unusual, Alex, that Ebola has been around for decades, and now they're saying by January they can have vaccines.
What's taking so long?
That's strange.
Liberian newspapers have reported that Ebola was started by us to get them.
That is something that a lot of people have suspected a long, long time ago as well.
First of all, we should immediately, and as I've said this weeks ago, we should ban any flights in from those West African nations and seal off the borders with these airplanes and not let people in.
It's cruel.
It's cruel, but it's got to be done.
Australia's doing it.
We should be doing it.
We've got to minimize it as much as possible.
Heck, I was even the one who did not want the doctor and the worker to come in when they first came in a month and a half ago, because I thought it would be a problem.
Now, with the possibility of letting real, true Ebola patients into the country...
They're going to quarantine the troops for 21 days.
Those troops, those American troops that we sent out there to help build little hospital rooms and things like that, they're going to be quarantined for up to 21 days, maybe longer, before they're even going to be allowed out anymore.
The danger of all of this is not the widespreadness.
Keep in mind, 36,000 Americans die every year from the so-called natural flu.
If we have 36,000 people dying of Ebola, we'd be running around going crazy, screaming and yelling.
The problem with Ebola is that 70% of the people who get it are dying.
We've been fortunate in this country that those people that have had it, we've been able to take care of them.
They've been able to fight it.
We must be doing something differently than the
What's going on with this nurse who was around Ebola patients and then was sick so they quarantined her.
Now she's out of the hospital.
Obama orders are released.
Now the main governor is seeking to make nurse abide by quarantine, stay in her house.
Bloomberg's reporting.
The neighbors are freaking out.
The locals are.
I think people are so scared because the flu might kill one-half of one-tenth of one percent.
So we know if we get it, it's a very low chance.
Ebola kills 70%.
I think that's why it's so scary that if it starts spreading in the winter months, why was there a default, George, to stop people flying in before, to quarantine before, to not bring Ebola patients in before?
Why has it all changed?
Why do people not have any confidence in the system?
Why do they say you can't get it on a bus or a train, but scientists say you can?
Why are they lying so much?
Are they lying or are they idiots?
Or maybe a combination of both.
It just seems that everything they try to do, they screw up.
I mean, if you had people like this in your company, Alex, or in Coast to Coast, we would have fired them a long time ago.
I mean, you just can't have that kind of incompetence.
And that's what we've got right now.
We've got it in common sense, don't you?
You've got a disease that spreads like crazy when you get any kind of solutions or body fluids or anything on you.
And like you said, it could be airborne.
Who the heck knows?
You've got to be careful.
And they're not.
They're being very, very foolish with it.
Letting so many people in who have this disease is ridiculous.
And we have just touched the tip of the iceberg of what's going to happen with Ebola.
I mean, you get these isolated cases.
That's not a lot, but it's going to grow.
It's going to fester.
It's not over by a long shot.
So you think it's over all real.
I tend to agree with you.
Something's creepy here, though.
George Norrie, pulling back then.
Obviously, if on average Ebola spreads for each person that has it to two other people, you've got the guy that died in Dallas, and you've got this doctor, and this nurse, and then others, all these other Ebola patients that are being brought in, more than 25 of them that are aid workers, now they're going to bring in foreign aid workers that have it, and they're saying it's no big deal, but before they'd wear space suits, and
I mean, you've got all this happening.
If two nurses got it from one guy, following the average, then you've got to expect, with this medical doctor that was in the infectious stage at bowling alleys and restaurants and on the subway, that it's had to have spread.
So, either it's fake or it's going to spread.
Now, I'm not saying it's going to be some pandemic and we're going to see hundreds of thousands get sick and die, but clearly it's one or the other, George.
What do you think?
Well, I don't think it's fake.
I think it's real.
It's happening.
And it could get out of control.
And that's the bottom line.
It could get out of control.
What does your gut tell you?
Are we going to see more cases?
No, there's no question about it.
Are we going to see widespread cases?
I don't know yet.
I can't speculate on that.
But we're going to see more cases.
What do you think about the disappearance, that I've confirmed with medical doctors on and off record, of people, these federal teams come and grab them?
Why not tell the public?
Why not say?
If we think you have a ball we're going to put you in quarantine.
The public would support that.
To set the precedent to secretly grab whoever they want in the future.
I tell you, and then that only destroys confidence more, causes all the rumors.
It is really out of control.
Kit Daniels, one of our InfoWars news writers and special reporters, is here.
And Kit, you notice something very easy to freak out about here.
Hiding in plain view.
I want to get George Norrie's take on this.
Again, George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com, one of the top syndicated hosts in the world, joining us right now.
Kit, just a few weeks ago the CDC had one flyer out on Ebola.
Now their new flyer says something pretty scary on it.
We're going to show folks a document cam shot of this if they're TV viewers.
Kit, describe for radio listeners what we're looking at here.
Well, the document on the left is from the CDC on October 16th.
It's about the transmission of Ebola.
It says nothing about droplet spread of Ebola.
But now the CDC released another flyer on the right
On Monday, the 27th, which does admit that yes, Ebola can spread through droplets in the air.
Now, we were attacked by, no exaggeration, hundreds of publications two and a half months ago for saying this.
We were just linking to the CDC's internal documents that were public but not really widely circulated, saying this too.
So why do you think they're now, Kit, coming out and quietly admitting this?
Because now even the mainstream media is forced to admit that yes, Ebola can spread through droplets in the air.
So now they're just slowly admitting, trying not to bring too much attention to themselves, by quietly releasing this document, this new revelation.
Well this is what concerns me, is that it doesn't die right away in cold weather and spreads according to the Army.
I know you have links to that in your article.
Thank you, Kit Daniels.
George, what's your take on this latest CDC
Again, it shows the incompetence of what's happening out there, Alec.
Look, you're not a doctor, I'm not a doctor, but we could have told people years ago that Ebola, or any disease that's transmittable in droplets, or any kind of fluids, or any potential, if you come up to someone and they sneeze on you, and somehow that gets into your system, you're going to get part of the virus.
Now, will your body fight it off?
Look, we all have cancer cells in our system, but it's our immune system that's keeping it in check in most cases.
But there are some people that don't have strong immune systems, and they come down with cancer.
It's the same thing with this Ebola situation, except it's tougher.
It's tougher to fight off.
And, you know, it just shows me once again the incompetence
How could they on one hand say it's not possible, and then weeks later they come out and say, well, maybe it is.
Well, we eat GMO corn, like BT, that is in major studies on record to kill the honeybees that eat it, and it's linked to kids having, you know, these leaky guts.
And then we wonder why our immune systems are shutting down.
It's because they're bombarded.
They're overwhelmed.
We are in this toxic environment.
I want to expand, George, before we get into some other topics in the time we have left with you, to talk about beyondbelief.com.
And your hit TV show that I'm finally going to be able to come out to Denver and tape soon, hopefully.
I want to talk about that show because it's getting really popular.
I saw the numbers on it.
And I want to talk also about some of these big events you're putting on that you've invited me to physically attend next year, but attend via Skype coming up.
I really look forward to those.
Tell people about your events.
Well, in terms of the events, though, we've got a lot coming up.
You can always track where I'm going to be by going to coasttocoastam.com, and at the bottom of the page, it says Calendar.
You click that, and it shows where I'm going to be.
But on November 8th in Toronto, Alex, and you're going to join us via Skype, and you've got a huge Toronto following, by the way.
I'm going to be up there with a woman who used to date Lee Harvey Oswald.
You're going to be there on Skype.
Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens will be there.
Peter Davenport, who heads up the National UFO Reporting Center.
And then rock historian R. Gary Patterson is joining me.
He's going to talk about why so many great rock musicians died at the age of 27.
And in addition,
I do kind of sing on the side, so we've got a full group there that's going to play while I sing four songs throughout the night.
And full information on that is at GeorgeNoreedLive.com if you live in the Toronto, Buffalo area, or if you just want a trip to Toronto, come on out and see me, November 8th.
And by the way, I've seen you via internet getting to stay on Skype the whole time and watch it, and I've been to William Shatner's variety show, and yours is a thousand times better.
Even though his was okay, it was cool to see William Shatner.
The variety show you do, you're bringing up serious topics, interesting things.
You're a pretty good singer, George.
I really look forward to next year when I'm going to physically come to some of your events.
Very, very exciting.
Again, give folks that website one more time, because I know it sells out every single time no matter where you go, so the venues get bigger and bigger.
Give folks the website one more time so they can go get tickets.
That's georgenorylive.com, and of course it's N-O-O-R-Y, georgenorylive.com, for our November 8th event in Toronto.
And maybe next year, Alex, while I sing,
I'll have you dance with somebody in the crowd.
Well, with my torn Achilles, I'm not a very good dancer.
The secret is, I'm not a good dancer unless I've had a bottle of wine.
Did you ever hear Shatner talk about his play, his one-person play that he was in, and he said he's on stage and all of a sudden he gets hit with the worst stomach ache of his life.
He had to excuse himself.
Keep in mind, he's on stage.
He's the only person.
He had to excuse himself, go to the restroom where he was there for about 15 minutes, and then he came back.
It's a dinner theater.
In fact, those are some of the great stories when he was here last year and I went and saw them that he told, and it was very interesting.
Boy, that's a guy that's got a lot of energy.
In fact, I don't want to say yours is a thousand times better, because this was pretty good.
I'm just saying, it was much, much better watching it on Skype than seeing Shatner in person, which I liked.
So that's what I'm saying.
It really is a good show, folks.
So check that out.
Now, George, we've only got one more segment left, and you always let me come on your show, and you've got a few questions, but you let me kind of go in any direction I want.
What are you most happy about in the world right now, and what are you most concerned about in the world right now?
I'm concerned primarily about, again, the complete lack of understanding and respect for human beings by government.
They just don't seem to care.
What I'm happy about is that people are onto them, and that we understand them.
And by doing so, we're going to continue to fight back.
You know, not necessarily, and I do not advocate violence by any means.
We're going to fight back at the election booth.
We're going to fight back on talk shows.
We're going to fight back in any way we can to keep them from trying to win.
And I think, again, in the long run,
Well, that's right.
Dinosaur media is dying everywhere because it just can't get its mind around ever questioning or being critical.
And I just can't imagine what the system's going to do, because pride goes before a fall.
Every indicator shows that the establishment is in deep trouble.
And it just shows so much arrogance.
I think it may be a confidence game, and they're not actually as arrogant as they act.
But, George, I think you're right, though, in the final equation.
Respect for human life.
Respect for each other.
Believing in humanity.
Believing in our greater angels.
Believing we can do better things.
That's what builds civilization in the future.
But this globalist eugenicist view of we're all crud and humans are a disease and all this, that's what's going to bring in a total nightmare.
Final segment straight ahead with George Norrie.
We'll talk more about some of the things happening in the election.
His prediction, will the Republicans take
The House, well, they already have the House, more seats in the House.
Will they take the Senate?
Well, the Democrats have right now and more.
His site, coasttocoastam.com.
I'm Alex Jones with infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
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Mike at RomeFolksTV1 tweeted at Real Alex Jones, wanted to ask George Norrie, do you foresee DHS coming to our homes and forcing vaccines on us anytime soon?
What's your take on that, George Norrie?
Anytime soon, no.
They've set us up for this.
To be able to come to us and have mandatory vaccines and push us to do it.
I'm not going to do it.
Let's get back to Revelation for a moment, Alex.
Revelation, the sign of the beast, 666.
What is it?
It's a mark to buy and use, you know, have services.
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to get chipped.
I'm not going to have a mark put on me.
And they will try to do that to us one day, but fight it.
Well, they're going to do it through identity theft.
The globalists are going to release everybody's biometric data and, you know, force us onto biometrics because they release all the credit card data and all the passwords.
Then it'll be biometric, then that'll get hacked, and they'll say, look, you've got to have it in your body.
And then they'll get all your medical records.
They'll get everything they need on you.
And you know what?
It's not going to happen.
George, you ought to come on again just on your view on the future of the Mark of the Beast.
That'd be an amazing interview.
We could do a roundtable on yours.
What does George think, Texan American citizen on Twitter asks, what does George think about the recent deathbed confession of Lockheed Martin engineer Boyd Bushman?
I don't know what they're talking about.
Maybe you know.
That was an Area 51 expert.
Who claims that indeed there are extraterrestrials at Area 51 and that he knows that it's an amazing story You know, I haven't been able to authenticate it yet a lot of times somebody can make up something and I don't even know if Bushman was was a real person from Lockheed, but if he was It's an incredible story of another admission of what's been going on at Area 51
No, I believe in extraterrestrials.
This universe is way too vast to think we're by ourselves.
I do believe they've come here and seeded us, but I don't think there's a thing going on with them.
There is no place to run.
So we stay right here and we fix it and we make sure that it happens.
Well, George, in the last minute and a half we have left, I want to encourage people to go to your TV show.
I guess you can sign up and get 10 days free right now and see a lot of the back shows.
They're excellent.
At beyondbelief.com and support the new media, beyondbelief.com and just click on the George Norrie link right there.
In the final equation, what do you think is going to happen in the next few years?
Do you think Obama and the globalists are going to run wild when he's a lame duck and can pardon himself?
No, I don't think they're going to run wild.
Some people have predicted that there's not going to be an election in 2016.
That there's going to be some catastrophe where they decide that we can't have an election right now.
I'm not going to say no to that.
That's a possibility.
Was it planned?
I don't think so.
But it is possible.
I think it's unfortunate that these people we elect
Uh, who start off well intentioned.
There's no question about it in my mind.
I think all of them.
Have had these ideals of trying to make this a better country and a better planet.
And then something happens to them.
They get tainted.
They get approached.
They get changed.
And they begin to realize, you know, oh my gosh, I gotta play this game with these elitists.
And that's what's happening.
I think Barack Obama came into this election backed by people
I'll tell you what, George.
Do five minutes overdrive with us.
Come back and finish this point.
We're back in 60 seconds.
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This is overdrive.
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That they don't care how obvious they are, how much they lie.
It's like they lie on purpose, almost to discredit the system.
I know that's a communist tactic, but it's beyond that.
But you were getting into so many people that get into office who are good at first, and get blackmailed, get compromised, get insulated, get overtaken by a system.
But at its root, it's so sophisticated.
Finish up your point.
I don't think they start off being bad people by any means.
I think they're all well-intentioned.
I think they have great ideals and good ideas.
But once they get in or once they get chosen, someone picks them, they get changed.
They get tainted.
They get, I don't want to say bought off.
That's not fair.
But something happens to them and it happens to all of them.
I don't know if the power gets to them.
Or the elitist get to them, but something changes them.
And I think that happens with almost every presidential person that gets elected into office.
And I think it's happening in this particular case.
I think we had a well-intentioned person.
Who was discovered by some folks who said, this one's got potential, and they got him elected, and now the change, the metamorphosis has occurred, and it's dramatic.
So, the next two years are going to be very bizarre for us.
I mean, trust me on this, that's my prediction.
And anything, I mean anything,
Well, I agree with you.
I don't ever want to hear people say this is a boring time.
I hear other broadcasters say this is a low news day.
I can't cover 5% of the insanity that comes across my desk and it's horrifying, it's exhilarating, it's interesting, there's good news, there's bad news, there's ugly news.
Just thank God that so many of us do enjoy life and do enjoy the mysteries that are out there.
George Norrie, thank you so much for the time and we'll be tuning in tonight, midnight Central.
Alright folks, there goes George Norrie.
Great job to the crew today.
So much important news up on Infowars.com right now.
CDC, Ebola spreads like flu.
Really, that's pretty sensational information.
Government drones stalks activists.
Protesting Ebola response.
It's actually a theatrical piece.
It's one of the entries in the contest we'll be announcing Friday.
Feds launch new land grab targeting Bundy family.
We probably need to get the Bundys on tomorrow or the next day.
We'll work on that.
Students suspended over pellet gun.
Facebook post.
Now the school runs everything, including their free speech.
Will Obama ship more Ebola into the U.S.? ?
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
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I want to thank everyone that continues to support us on this epic battle that we're in together.
We couldn't do any of it without you.
All right, tonight, Dr. Group, Anthony Gucciardi and others on the nightly news, where they explore, are there crisis actors involved in the Ebola?
That's tonight, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.TV.
Lord willing, I'll see you back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
This is the InfoWar.