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Name: 20141028_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 28, 2014
2547 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including Ebola, midterm elections, hacking, health products, and the government's Department of Homeland Security buying ammo while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms. He interviews Captain Crunch (John Draper) about phone hacking and encryption, highlighting the need for privacy protection in today's digital age with tools like PGP and Wicker. Jones promotes various products from his company and others, criticizes Michael Moore's hypocrisy on guns, Democratic politicians for promoting division and violence among different groups, and the Republican Party for supporting the drug war and Obamacare. He takes calls from listeners on topics such as firearms, housing, job loss, and redistribution of campaign funds.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John Draper, the undisputed father of hacking, is going to be joining us to talk about why hacking is important in the state of the world.
He's got some pretty important things to say.
Of course, I don't know about who this guy is for 25 years.
I'm not even a techie.
So we're honored that he reached out to us and wants to come on the show as a listener.
So we'll be hearing from him, his take on Snowden, you name it.
He's the original guy hacking into telephones and teaching people how to do it.
And not so much to listen to people, but how to use the telephone networks for free.
So that is coming up in the second hour.
We are going to have open phones in the first, second, and third hour.
Obviously in the second hour for our guests who wants to take calls.
We're going to cover a lot of news that I haven't gotten to the last few days.
I was digging through the stacks.
It's really super important, but also all the latest breaking news.
and information.
I want to focus some on the bid, the huge midterm elections, the big elections that are coming up next week.
We're going to have probably a 7-8 hour marathon transmission on InfoWars Nightly News next week.
InfoWars Nightly News is going to run from 6 o'clock probably up till midnight or past that.
Not so much even covering the results, though we'll be doing that, but looking at the propaganda, watching for election fraud,
airing a lot of special reports that are being produced right now and interviewing some guests live.
And of course I'll be hosting much of that with the rest of the reporters and some of our investigative journalists and special guests next week.
We're going to have some expanded nightly news transmissions later this week into Monday ahead of the big midterm elections.
Where to begin?
When we come back from break
There's some articles here that really illustrate where we are in the United States versus the rest of the world.
Australia has issued a blanket visa ban on Ebola-hit countries.
So they've issued a visa ban.
That's how you stop people from coming in.
Hey, you aren't a citizen.
You live in one of these countries ravaged by Ebola, with the UN saying there could be up to 1.4 million cases by the end of the year.
You're not going to run here.
That's just a default common sense thing to do.
France has done it, England's done it, a bunch of the Arab countries have done it, the African countries have done it.
But the United States can't do it.
Now, that story, with this report that I saw two weeks ago on Drudge, two weeks ago, I think it was the Washington Beacon,
Andrudge, I saw this two weeks ago, Andrudge.
Here it is, Fox News.
Lawmaker claims plans may be in pipeline, now I've heard the Democrats talk about it, to bring non-citizens to the U.S.
for Ebola treatment.
See, they've got to overthrow common sense and just flaunt everything in our face and send the message out there that you want to come have your baby for free?
You got a bunch of felonies?
You want to come here and kill two cops?
Come on.
You want to rape and kill?
Come on.
You want to be above the law?
Come here.
This is the happy hunting ground with a bunch of dumb sheep.
Come join the globalists in overthrowing the country.
White House pushes back on state Ebola quarantines.
Continuing to say, don't you dare hold anybody that shows signs of Ebola.
You let them go.
But then cases that look like they are Ebola are being disappeared.
See, it's very complex what's going on.
The Daily Mail is reporting what we've been reporting for years.
Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost two months.
Tests reveal certain strains survive for weeks when stored at low temperatures.
That's the bad news.
This is happening as the winter comes.
The Army's own report from several years ago says, there's a test show, it is airborne.
I'm going to say that again, in below 45 degrees.
It's like a vampire.
And if it gets in bright, direct sunlight, it's vaporized.
But the sun is sinking.
The Earth's tilt is away.
And so the long, dark winter is approaching, as our borders and our airports are wide open, and Obama is advertising that America's a giant Ebola trash can.
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Others don't.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential fortnight situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Tuesday, the 28th day of October 2014.
We are here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And then we return weeknight, seven o'clock central, InfoWars Nightly News.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have the father of hacking joining us in the second hour to talk about all the latest Snowden revelations and more.
By the way, I've always said that Snowden is a clearinghouse for WikiLeaks with a whole bunch of leakers.
And then he basically just takes the blame.
There's no way one contractor, the way that stuff's compartmentalized, is getting all this data.
Just like Bradley Manning was a cutout.
And I'm not sure exactly for what group or agency.
I'm not saying Snowden's bad.
A white hat group in government?
I'm not sure.
But they're using them as clearinghouses to get the intel out.
And the FBI has now raided someone's NSA person's house saying they believe that this is one of the people that was actually putting stuff out in Snowden's name.
So that's the bottom line on that front.
But also by having these limited leakers that don't release everything they've got, it does put
I'm not saying Snowden's blackmailing people.
He's more of a figurehead in all this.
But you look at some of the organizations involved, the Democratic Party, Soros is involved behind the scenes in some of it.
It's selective leaking clearly.
And then Snowden says he has info that will bring down the U.S.
Well, what is the U.S.
government to Snowden?
Is it the Republic?
Is it the Democrats?
Is it the Republicans?
Is it certain groups?
I like the line in Captain America, where he says, we're gonna release everything, all of Hydra's secrets.
And the director, who's really the head of Hydra, goes, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
goes, we're gonna release all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'
's secrets too.
The only way to release this stuff is all of it.
Selective releasing is very destructive to freedom when you look at it long term because it's only being used to burn certain groups and it's only being selectively released to create an illusion, a delusion versus the reality.
So that's why I think more leaking is the way to go.
People have to decide what they're going to leak, obviously.
If it's a police investigation of serious organized crime and it looks like the police aren't violating the Constitution, Bill of Rights, then why would you want to leak something classified?
But if government, say, is covering up for DynCorp or Halliburton running white slavery rings, which they've been caught doing over and over again,
Then leak it, which people did leak it back in 2004, 2005.
So it was in the Chicago Tribune.
It was even in the New York Times.
People sat there reading articles about 10,000 little girls loaded on different defense contractor aircraft and being disappeared.
Yes, that needs to be leaked.
People need to be arrested and executed as well.
Of course that wasn't done.
Because stuff like this is so horrible they can't ever allow a prosecution because then that would take everybody down the rabbit hole into what kind of system is this where you got trillions of narcotics being flown around every year, 500 billion in the US alone, you got giant child kidnapping rings run by shadowy groups that sit inside government like Russian dolls.
It is not the government or major corporations per se that are evil.
It is the compartmentalization, the complexity, and the managerial groups that are part of this global interlocking corporate directorship of mafias that won't stop any other form of corruption that is in their network.
And they'll only use law enforcement selectively to shut down stuff that isn't part of their network.
Or is part of their network at a low level, but it's almost like a layoff program for the low-level criminals to put them into the criminal justice system to make sure they're slaves and don't have any credibility in the system to ever report on corruption above them.
I've studied the system very, very closely and it's a free market of evil.
Why does it work so well?
Because it's a competition in corruption and evil and cunning and manipulation and they've developed over time systems of fraud to burn the underlings and to build giant prison grids and to corrupt the rest of society all the time posing as the defenders and the saviors that are fighting the crime wave.
It is a fact nationwide.
It's a major news item that police departments nationwide are releasing hundreds of thousands every few months of illegals that have huge felony records and four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten or more identities.
And they call the feds and say, please come pick them up.
And the feds say, no, release them.
Just type in the headline police departments or jails releasing felony illegals.
And they're above the law.
Just like the illegal that shot two cops dead last week in Northern California.
Just shot them dead in a hammer.
And this guy had been arrested for drug dealing, for assault, been deported repeatedly, and he just gunned down two cops.
And think about this.
If a county or city even calls the feds now, because there's a computer record of it,
Then the Democratic Party lines up and goes in and tries to unseat the sheriff or the mayor or the county commissioners, even when they're Democrats.
And the Democrats in local areas are saying, wait a minute, I mean, this guy's a rapist or this person's an arsonist.
This person killed a bunch of people in Mexico and now here.
And they'll say, we don't care, release them.
And if you don't, we're going to have you thrown out of office.
That's a mafia power, a hardcore power that's hard to deal with.
It's over the top.
Just like they're now announcing that Obama does intend to bring
Massive Ebola patients into the United States for treatment here in obvious exposure and spreading it.
People say that makes no sense.
It's a campaign killer.
He doesn't care.
He's a lame duck.
It's about bringing the country down.
Meanwhile, Australia has now joined many European countries, many Arab countries, Middle Eastern countries, and every other African country.
Australia issues blanket visa ban on Ebola-hit countries.
Australia came under fire.
Oh, under fire.
Oh my goodness.
Tuesday for health experts and rights advocates.
After it issued a blanket ban on visas from West African nations affected by Ebola outbreak, making it the first rich nation to shut its doors to the region.
That's not true.
They've been banning flights and visas and not issuing the visas.
So see, this is how Reuters goes.
And they closed the hatch on the submarine before they submerged.
Or they saw their neighbor's house on fire and they called the fire department.
Oh, they're so discredited.
Ted Cruz said Obamacare would raise your premiums and had death panels.
He's been proven totally right.
He's so discredited.
Alex Jones predicted airborne Ebola in Rolling Stone in 2011.
He's a kook!
Alex Jones said 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Isn't that funny?
See, it's this mind game they play where, oh my gosh, Australia isn't going to let people in out of these five countries.
They're banning visas from them.
Meanwhile, Fox News reports lawmaker claims plans may be in the pipeline to bring non-citizens to the U.S.
for Ebola treatment.
A top Republican congressman claims the Obama administration is exploring plans to bring non-U.S.
citizens infected with Ebola to the United States for treatment.
Representative Bob Goodlatte
Republican Virginia, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News that his office had received information from within the administration, close quote, that these plans are being developed.
So far, only American Ebola patients have been brought back, in the past you didn't do that, to the U.S.
for treatment from the disease epicenter in West Africa.
Goodlatte warned that expanding the policy could put the country at more risk.
Next, the headline will be, Congressman discredited.
Of course we need to bring Ebola in.
Remember last week, Joe Biggs, or two weeks ago, this is a week and a half ago to be technical.
I should just say recently.
Recently, Joe Biggs went out in Austin.
They talked to 30 people at UT on the street, University of Texas.
17 said, bring Ebola patients in from African countries who aren't even citizens.
And what was it?
Seven or eight of them said they wanted to house them in their own homes and read stories to them and take them to UT football games.
In fact, it was October 17th, so a little less than two weeks ago.
Students signed a petition to bring Ebola into the U.S.
and Biggs talks to a nursing student, he's like, oh absolutely, it's racist.
Bring them in!
That's right.
Bring in unlimited people to have their babies for free.
Nobody else does that.
Mexico doesn't do that.
Let felons come in and stay.
Don't even deport them if they're a felon.
Oh, you're a rapist?
You're a drug dealer?
Sure, stay.
And they have no refusal, federally funded, rights violating checkpoints where they take people's blood with these rubber stamp warrants that have been proven to be frauds.
But in some areas they don't even do warrants.
They just take your blood in Arizona and Colorado.
That's the first place it started a decade ago federally.
Now it's happening here in Austin the last five years.
And Ace Veda sits in here getting his federal grants all day saying it's for the greater good, the greater safety
You can sit outside bars and see drunks drive off and see them run over the line.
You have probable cause, pull them over.
And I want them off the streets.
I've been driving home several times and seen somebody swerving side to side, clearly drunk.
I called 9-1-1 on them.
I called 9-1-1 and I was driving to San Antonio to give a speech.
About a month ago.
This person was obviously drunk out of their mind.
I looked at them, they almost hit me twice.
They were swerving all over the road.
They started driving about 100 miles an hour.
I called 911.
I didn't see cops pulling them over.
Probably couldn't catch them or whatever.
I mean, I don't want people that are hardcore drunk out there, you know, driving around.
But this is all about money generation, all about power grabs.
And we've got some good news on that front that I'll get back into Ebola in detail.
Sheriff's Office refuses to participate in future blood draw checkpoints.
Backlash prompted by InfoWars story.
They show that on the news.
Controversial no refusal DUI stop.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to cover this local story out of Ohio because it shows the power of the people.
There were spontaneous demonstrations.
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You know, I've been meaning to play this for two days.
And so I'm going to play it now before I get into this DWI checkpoint story.
This is Hillary Clinton basically saying what Obama said a few years ago, that if you have a business you didn't build that, somebody else did it.
And see, they have to wage war against reality, because what they're doing is so obviously corrupt and destructive, and the fruits of it are degradation, poverty, injustice, corruption, you name it.
So Hillary Clinton, businesses don't create jobs.
That's why socialist and communist systems are such hellholes, because the government creates the jobs.
And you don't have the free choice to shop where you want, or open the business you want.
It's so fundamental what they're doing.
It's so over-the-top evil.
But they gotta break the ice and say your kids don't belong to you.
They gotta break the ice and say your house doesn't belong to you.
It's not enough to pay property tax on this rent.
She's gotta get up there with her freaky constituents.
What a cult of fruits!
And say, businesses don't create jobs.
Yes, individual risk, going out in the economy is the engine of it.
Everyone knows that.
But they've got to assault it because they are against reality.
And it's got to fall for them to rise.
We've got to implode so they can build on its ashes.
They're hellhole.
Where Obama goes to Africa and says, you can't have air conditioning, or you can't have a car.
Why didn't he say we can innovate and create clean cars and better air conditioning?
No, it's just you just can't have it!
Live in a shack?
I'm gonna fly off now on this high-tech jumbo jet!
They are fundamentally the scum of the earth while saying they want to give you prosperity when their own manuals say they want you bankrupt.
The first 50 years of the income tax, they didn't even tax poor people, folks.
Obama raised taxes on poor people.
I want to throw up.
Let's go to the Hillary Club.
Here it is.
Don't let anybody tell you that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs.
You know, that old theory, trickle down economics.
That has been tried.
That has failed.
As if trickle-down economics is the definition of a business, too.
Just that term where they had huge tax cuts for giant corporations that turned their back on the U.S.
and moved to China with the tax cuts.
And now they're just completely gone.
But see, they'll always call something that isn't capitalism, capitalism, to put it down.
They don't go up against the real thing, they build a straw man.
They don't beat up Mike Tyson in a heavyweight fight in nineteen
89 when he was at his peak.
They go and build a straw man that's just made of sticks and straw and beat it up and say, I just defeated Mike Tyson, heavyweight champion of the world.
That's what they do.
They play mind games.
They sit there and they define things for everybody.
Now here's some good news on these unconstitutional, federally funded, that's why these are so bad, is they've got local police all over the country running these checkpoints, and then when you turn off them, or you don't want to be searched, then oh, we're going to take you in and take your blood.
But you can't have the prior stop, the Supreme Court's ruled, to then try to see someone evade something, show you then have probable cause.
You've got to get it on your own.
And if they want to stop drunk drivers, folks, I could go out on Friday night and drive around with a cell phone and call 9-1-1 15 times.
I could find drunks everywhere.
They just want to mill everybody.
Oh, you had one beer?
You had two beers?
We're going to ruin your life now.
But oh my goodness, we're not going to take the illegal to jail.
Let's go to part of this newscast, WHIO.
No refusal checkpoints are nothing new.
Montgomery County had one on Wayne Avenue Friday as well.
But when a Libertarian radio host blogged about the one in Clark County, it got a lot of attention.
Drawing protesters from around the state who believe these no refusal checkpoints are unlawful search and seizures.
It's a Fourth Amendment problem.
Very much so.
And if this is not a positive event, then we need to find another way to do our job, create an environment of public safety, and I'm intending to do that.
The feds passed laws that the states can't do it, so that only the feds can do it, and then they give like 75 to 85 or more, depends on the case, back to the cops directly in their cop shop.
Incentivizing cops going out and taking money from people that have done nothing wrong.
Now the IRS is shaking down business owners taking their bank accounts with no proof of fraud.
This is illegal.
But if they set the precedent, they'll go, no it's not.
We have to say no to this.
This is the camel's nose under the tent flap.
Now the camel is inside.
Stay with us.
We've got something special coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling and believes all this and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, great American hero.
Joe, Joe.
You don't work for Joe.
Joe got taken over.
The G.I.
Joe command base is run by Cobra.
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You want to be little boys?
Or do you want to really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bull****.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the things, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos.
It's run by Spectre.
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids.
They run the snuff films.
They run the drugs.
They run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Kaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f**k yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves down to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra of Faith!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
Jacari Jackson put that piece together, and now look how it's mainstream news that our own government, we should do an updated version, is running and arming Al-Qaeda, renaming it ISIS, and then making our military go fight them.
Oh, our military is fighting real terrorists, and dying in many cases.
But the globalists above that funded it so they'd have a pretext to have trillions in weapons production and sales, hundreds of billions in money laundering, and control and destabilization of the planet.
They destabilized the Middle East bringing Al-Qaeda in with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.
They destabilized the U.S.
by shutting off our power plants, opening the borders, and telling the world, well, no matter what virus you've got, no matter what disease you've got, come here, we'll pay for it all, and we won't even pick up felons.
We won't even pick up criminals and bank robbers.
When they're illegal aliens, we'll order the police to release them!
Well, it's time to start saying no.
We are living in a science fiction movie.
It's so wild what's going on.
I don't know, I've said this a thousand times, I'll say it again, how anybody could say they were bored.
Or how people could go spend all their time watching football, or spend all their time doing petty things when huge real things are going on.
Now listen, if you spent a few hours a day fighting tyranny,
I would get wanting to go watch football, or I would get wanting to go to the Caribbean.
I'm not saying you shouldn't watch a football game, or you shouldn't want to go on a trip, or you shouldn't want to go have fun, or go play poker with your buddies, or, you know, if your ladies go out and do whatever you're doing, get your nails done, go play golf or whatever, or tennis.
It's that that's all people do, or they're too busy taking care of their kids and working three jobs.
They're giving people vaccines all over the country directly linked to all these mystery illnesses and paralysis and kids dying.
All these superbugs are coming across the border.
And now they're... The Border Patrol came out last week and said, get ready for a super surge.
Of course, first wave gets in, gets all the services.
They call home and say, yeah, come up to Norte.
It's all free.
And I'm not talking about Norte from Mexico.
Mexico's El Norte to Central and South America.
And those places are scary.
Very scary.
I challenge you to go down there.
I've been down there.
Won't be going back.
There's some areas in Chile, there's some areas, you know, that are nice, beautiful, some of the most beautiful places in the world, but if you're not out in a rural area, man, I tell you, the big cities and...
Guatemala, period, is like the kidnapping capital of the world.
It's so frightening.
And that's all coming here.
And you go talk to the illegals, they go, yeah, we're fleeing socialism and the kidnapping and the murders and everything, and we're here to get free health care.
We played that video yesterday.
Well, don't you understand that'll make it collapse here?
Well, yes, but I'll do okay until it does.
At least they know what's going on.
I don't blame people trying to flee that.
Just like I don't dislike water.
I like water.
But if a dam breaks, and I'm under 100 feet of it, I'm gonna die.
Water's great to drink.
Water's beautiful.
Water's nice.
You gotta have it to live.
But you take hundreds of millions of people all over the world, not just the Middle East, Africa, China, Eastern Europe, they're just pouring in!
And getting on the dome.
And becoming political vassals.
of the Democratic Party.
And the Republican leadership's part of it.
They've all invested in China and India.
They just want to get sold out.
They don't care.
They're going to live behind big, armored, gated communities.
This is a planned program on record.
Because it's easy to break things.
It's easy to cheat.
It's easy to bring down countries.
It's hard to be honest and build something and work with folks and to be chivalrous.
Look at this article that I didn't get to for two days.
I'm going to mention it now.
GMOs may be to blame for spike in kids suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
Now I read an article like this by Christina Sarich, who does a great job for Infowars.com.
A lot of her articles get linked on Drudge and everywhere else.
Excellent writer.
One of the largest studies to date conducted by researchers from the University Hospital Case Medical Center, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, has found a dramatic increase in inflammatory bowel conditions, IBD, in children in the U.S.
last decade, likely due to eating GMOs.
In fact, guys, I meant to cover this yesterday.
Will you re-pull me the article about it making the pigs die?
Same corn.
Pigs die.
Of course, I didn't need to know about a study.
I have a lot of friends and family in farming and ranching and they remember 15 years ago they would not buy the BT corn even though it's cheap for the pigs because a lot of their pigs would swell up and die.
And by the way, pigs can eat anything.
But when pigs start losing weight, and pigs have diarrhea all the time, an irritable bowel that's on the rise, farmers were like, hey, I'm not going to feed this to my hogs anymore.
I don't know what it is, but it's killing the pigs, Alex.
Eat right about your shoulders.
I'm killing them pigs.
And by the way, I'm not making fun of some of my friends and family.
That's how they are.
I mean, they're good people.
But that's how they talk.
And I'm a city slicker from Dallas, so I talk like this, see?
But, I am of hillbilly stock, big time.
But that's what I'm getting at here, is that I had family, who are fog farmers, 15 years ago say, you gotta talk about these GMO crops, they're killing the hogs!
All they know is they lose money.
So that's what's going on, on this front.
And I see this article, I remember all the other German studies, you name it, on honeybees dying.
They would find gut disorders in their little tummies.
When they would come, feed off the pollen from BT corn being planted in Europe and the United States, it would kill the honeybees.
That's a cocktail of things killing them, pesticides and other things.
There's another report out, pesticides are causing farmers to become suicidally depressed.
Farmers are using insecticides, 90% more likely to be diagnosed with depression.
And guys, there's a typo right there in the headline.
Likely 2-2 be diagnosed.
Probably the computer did that.
But there's that report.
It goes through that study.
While the incidence of irritable bowel disorder has caused many hospitalizations, the reasons behind the disease are unclear.
Except for one culprit.
The consumption of genetically modified ingredients.
This mostly from school lunches, eating processed GMO foods at the time, and restaurants.
And then they go over what the study found.
In the Journal of Investigative Medicine, there has been a 65% increase in IBD hospital discharges from 2000 to 2009 alone.
The number increased from 11,928 in 2000 to 19,568 in 2009.
It's the latest number.
It just took three years of study, or four years.
IBD refers to inflammatory conditions associated with irritation of the colon and small intestine.
As you may recall, Danish farmers noticed the same problem in their pigs, who were fed GMO feed.
They were affected so badly, their guts were bleeding in many cases, and they also suffered increased fertility issues.
They can't have babies anymore.
Gee, Bill Gates and Monsanto come out with this.
All they talk about is reducing fertility in humans, and then the pigs can't have babies?
In research also conducted in Italy, mice fed Monsanto's BT corn showed a wide range of immune responses.
Look, I'm going to stop right there, but let me just explain something.
This is just one form of GM, one of the oldest, been around 30 years.
There's a whole bunch of different types that either grow their own pesticides.
I'm sure you've heard that they're, quote, corn crops.
Farmers are gearing up right now to produce the new Ebola vaccines with corn.
People say, well, how is that happening?
The corn grows the virus.
The corn grows the virus.
I'm going to say it again.
The corn grows the virus, then they go attenuate it, or it's attenuated in the corn.
Well, that never gets airborne.
Remember Protogen back in 2000 was growing in Texas, open-air HIV corn?
Corn's the favorite.
And then they engineer the corn to grow it inside the corn so they can extract it.
Well, they're now doing that here.
But that's not BT.
BT is where they take a naturally occurring fungus or bacteria, it's both, they have two different types, based system.
And they then produce corn that we eat.
This is not pharmacological.
It is pharmacological, but they don't advertise it as that.
It's for corn chips, corn tortillas, fillers, cereals, you name it.
Almost all GM corn is BT.
And then you eat it, and it's got on average 1,000 times the deadly fungus, that at 1% out of 1,000 is enough to keep bugs from eating it and it kills them.
They soup it up to 1,000 times on average.
That's the average increase.
That corn is planted, and then you eat something with a natural pesticide in it at 1,000 times what you were supposed to eat.
Now, do you think you're going to have some intestinal problems?
I know in the last 5-6 years, probably, let's not exaggerate, 50 people I know or know well who are young, below the age of 40, mainly women, who have gotten colon cancer.
Everywhere I go it's raised money for children with cancer.
Kids 50 years ago didn't get cancer, look it up.
We are being murdered by weaponized food.
So see, that's what signing on to this system does, and it's all hidden.
Spy tech in your phone, spy tech in your smart kitchen, GMO tech in your corn.
What does Gates admit he's coming out with?
Vaccines in the food so you can't avoid them.
Oh, thank you, you piece of garbage.
Oh, you're an open eugenicist.
Do you understand what they've done?
And so of course you can have Rolling Stone make fun of me or Nightline.
You idiots right at Rolling Stone, you people at Nightline, you're all gonna end up having deformed kids too?
Or brain-damaged kids?
Or kids that get cancer at 10?
I mean, why don't you wake up, people?
You're not immune from all this!
I'm right!
I don't want to be right!
I don't want this to happen anymore!
Buckley Hammond put together with our crew this Mayabola piece, and I think it illustrates in a very sad but humorous way
That Obama does own Ebola.
The collectivists, they're open borders, they're doing it on purpose.
It's his Ebola.
And here is the music video, My Ebola.
Here it is.
We're good.
First, Ebola is not spread through the air like the flu.
If there were any risk, I would not expose myself or my family.
I'm wearing the same shirt I was when I was in the car with that family.
There is zero risk.
I said it.
There it is.
I shouldn't say it.
Such a dirty mind.
Always cover up for as much of the undermined.
For this, here it comes!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here it comes with the full power of the New World Order!
Coming down on you from above!
Raining like hellfire from the skies!
You will bleed from your eyes!
That's right!
I'm Obama, and I'm leaving all the borders open for you!
I'm opening up the floodgates!
Here they come!
Here they come!
Are you ready?
Oh yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, baby!
I love this Obunna!
I'm just squirmin' in it!
I spread it all over me!
I put my hands in it!
I hugged and kissed a nurse!
Yeah, it's the best!
Everybody get ready!
Get ready for your future!
Your future is here!
That's Itchy Richie and the Weird Dimensions, My Ebola.
My Ebola, Obola, 2014.
Buckley and McBrain actually worked on that.
It was actually Itchy Richie and the Weird Dimensions that actually wrote that and put that out.
It's even more powerful if you're a TV viewer, not just a radio listener.
So in the next hour or so, we'll post it to the top of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and we'll tweet it out at Real Alex Jones.
And though I'm in Texas and a lot of you are in New York, we're facing very real danger.
1.4 million people set to get it by UN computer models.
We have to illustrate that it is Obama's Ebola now that he's left the borders open, told the states not to quarantine, turned off all the defaults, criticized Australia and other countries for doing their job.
It is now his Ebola.
Very serious situation, but illustrated by humor.
In the video, music video, my Ebola,
We show the little Obama character in the hazmat suit whispering in Obama's ear, whispering in the Texas judge's ear, in the Texas Commission's ear, to say there's zero chance of it spreading and it's so safe.
The Army's own reports, even the New York Times, admit that it's airborne basically for weeks now, they're saying, in cold weather.
Actually, months.
So it's not 3 feet, it's not 20 feet, it's months.
And we said that it might be airborne in cold weather two and a half months ago and were royally excoriated and demonized by dinosaur media, which our ratings only exploded, the visitors only exploded, the support only exploded.
Please continue to attack me.
Please continue to make stuff up about me.
You people aren't trusted or liked.
Please continue to add to our credibility.
Not just the fact that we were right, but that you're saying we're wrong and then you're proven wrong again.
Thank you!
Thank you!
See, we're not trying to lie to people here like you do.
We try to tell the truth.
We try to get it right.
When we're incorrect, we will correct it every time.
And proudly do so.
Because I wish I was wrong about this Ebola.
I wish I was wrong about this out-of-control government.
I wish I was wrong about all of it.
Believe me.
I'm on a mission to try to dial this back.
To try to have a future for my children.
Not because I'm a hero.
That's why don't call me and thank me.
Everything I've got is because my forebears didn't lay down and didn't like to be pushed around.
Everything we've got is because of inventors and people taking risks and building.
I just admire, a few years ago, that space jump.
NASA did, and they had private folks do it as well, from miles and miles and miles up in the air, from space.
Just the boldness of it, to push the envelope.
You can say what you want about Christopher Columbus, he did terrible things, but that was going on worldwide at his time.
He was a creature of his day.
Or, Leif Erikson, or the folks that came across the Bering Strait land bridge, you know, tens of thousands of years ago.
This is what humanity is all about.
And that's why when you hear statements from Hillary that you didn't build your business and businesses don't hire people... You know who ends up destroying businesses?
Socialist and Communist governments.
You know who centralizes businesses and hurts productivity and brings in tyranny and oppression?
You know what your own mentor, Carol Quigley at Georgetown Hillary, said?
And you read his book, he wrote about it in the late 60s, how great it was.
His plan for world government as the historian for the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, on record, was to bring in a worldwide totalitarian system.
He said, as the historian of this group, I'm so proud of our plan, I want to publish it.
And he said, we work with fascists, communists, socialists, dictators, as long as it's centralized, that's what we're going to create as a worldwide tyranny, because tyranny knows best.
And that's what you are!
A disingenuous, evil, swollen liar, when you watch that video.
Can we cue it back up?
Of her saying, businesses don't create jobs.
Don't let anybody tell you that, you know... Look at her rubbing her hands together like a rat.
It's corporations and businesses that create jobs.
You know, that old theory, trickle-down economics.
That has been tried.
That has failed.
You know, in life and in business, as you get older, you learn to go off your guts, your instincts, and what people have done in the past.
And I look at Hillary.
If she showed up at my office trying to sell me something, I'd say, get out of here, con artist.
The body language is of a predator, an arrogant psychopath who doesn't care, and is disconnected from reality.
Like when she put Al Qaeda over Libya and killed 50,000 people now, and she said, we came, we saw, he died.
Well, even if you're killing people, you don't brag about it.
She was rubbing her hands together there.
This is a really evil person.
You can look at Hillary.
Not just all her actions.
Not just all the things she's done.
You can look at a peach with a bunch of worms coming out of it.
It fell off the peach tree onto a cow patty until you don't want to pick that up and put it in your basket.
I've actually been picking peaches out in the cow pasture before, you know, been picking some up on the ground that fell, and it'd be like, the little secret about it is scorpions like to hunt around peaches on the ground.
Out at my house, we got a peach orchard, and, or, not an orchard, but it's like 15 trees, all with plums and stuff, and you'll go out there to get them, and there's just scorpions.
Like, there'll be 20, I'll shoot a video of that for YouTube, it'll go viral, just scorpions everywhere, sitting around the peaches under the trees, but there'll also be, you know, cow patties and things, but the point is,
You can judge a tree by its fruit, because it falls off, it's got worms in it, but you can see a good piece of fruit and reach up and get it, and say, oh, this tree has good fruit.
The tree that Hillary basically symbolizes puts off ugly, stinking, poisonous fruit that's killed a bunch of people.
Everything she does is a fraud.
So now she's saying we've got to control our borders, the Second Amendment's good, and they have news headlines like Democrats are asking Hillary if she really means it.
Member of the Foreign Minister of Canada, back in 2007, Canadians and people were worried about Obama and some of the things he was saying about NAFTA and GATT being bad for America.
And the minister came out to the news and said, don't worry Canadians, he is your savior too.
He said it was all just politics.
And of course, there were similar statements about Bush, where his political advisor said that as well.
Hillary is up there saying that she's this big libertarian now.
It's a total joke.
We're going to break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John Draper is going to be joining us, the father of hacking.
We will continue with a lot of important news as well, but I am so angry about the fact that Australia has issued a blanket visa ban on Ebola-hit countries.
That's the default smart position.
And then Reuters is like criticizing the Australian government, saying it's horrible, their Prime Minister Tony Abbott is horrible.
And he's resisted calls to send medical personnel to the outbreak zone.
Well, yeah, let Africa deal with its own problems.
And that means don't have the West over there stealing all Africa's resources.
Here's the thing.
Australia's got more resources than it knows what to do with.
It's the only other continent that has anywhere near what Africa's got.
And that's why Australia isn't over there.
This is all about NORTHCOM.
Through AFRICOM, as I predicted back during the Obama deception, and I even said that they would use outbreaks to do it, because that's in a CFR document, a North American Union document, and I cover it in my film, Endgame.
So I didn't predict, they said.
In fact, let me say that.
I had an epiphany the other day.
I keep saying I predicted, I predicted, I predicted, and sometimes I do predict things.
Nine times out of ten,
I'm actually going off what they've said they're going to do, and then I report on it, and then people say later, oh, you predicted it.
So let me just take a lot of credit away from InfoWars right now and Alex Jones.
But that's the good news.
You can go out and find their whole battle plan for yourself.
You can go get EcoScience written by the White House Science Secretary.
By the way, that disappeared off my desk a few weeks ago.
Does anybody know where that is?
We were going to do a search for that.
We've been looking for it like crazy.
It's a big book.
It's a big book and it's just gone off my desk.
Oh, now we found it!
Well, that's good.
That's why I just make announcements here on air.
I'm on the air so much, this is kind of like an intercom in the office.
It was sitting with the hazmat suits.
Okay, it was sitting with the hazmat suits.
Thank you.
Oh yeah, we got hazmat suits and everything here now.
Because this could really go airborne in the winter and I've just got to get my children out to the countryside and I'm going to
We're getting a bunch of, just in case, because it's insurance we can eat, we're getting a bunch of storable food here at the office now from mypatriotsupply.com.
That's not a plug, but it's becoming one.
And I'm getting ready with a skeleton crew if there really becomes a big outbreak to lock myself up in this facility.
We got generator, we got a gas generator, we got a propane.
Hank Hill would be proud of us.
We got a propane generator.
We got generators the whole nine yards to run the whole operation over here.
But we should probably get more fuel and more gas.
More propane and propane accessories.
I don't think it's going to get to that level, but government's doing that digging in like never before.
Why is it weird if we start digging in?
Spending most of our time trying to stop this, but also some time getting ready ourselves.
And I think this is what Obama said, and I said this weeks before he did, because they'll do this, they're scientific, they follow a nomenclature, they follow a MO, a modus operandi.
They follow a rollout plan.
They'll probably have more tests, and they'll get worse and worse each time with the Ebola Simulant.
With the bioweapon.
Until they release the big one, if you believe Dr. Pianca and Ted Turner and others, who basically run around 24-7 talking about how wonderful the Ebola crisis will be and how Ted Turner will go to his underground base, Pianca says he and his family will die, and the great healing of Earth will begin.
It's total kookball craziness, but eco-science, right how science are, calls for it.
Calls for chem-webs in the water, fluoride to sterilize you, GMO crops to sterilize you.
Well, if they don't sterilize you, you don't have a horribly deformed, mentally brain-damaged child who has an excruciating ten years of life so they can suck all your money out of the medical system.
They all just write books about how they're doing it, you and your family.
They really enjoy it, by the way.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be breaking some of this down this hour, then open phones in the third hour, and a bunch of important election news, economic news, you name it, and some special reports all in the third hour.
John Draper, better known as Captain Crunch,
The father is what he's known of hacking.
And over the past 40 plus years, John has helped an enormous list of individuals, mostly in the tech and hacking world and corporations, contributing to the foundations of many gadgets we have today.
He also called President Nixon to tell him
Los Angeles was running out of toilet paper.
Known as Captain Crunch for his legendary phone freaking, Draper has always been driven by passion and not money.
I'm on the same page right there.
The point was not to make free calls, but to explore and learn from the phone company's rich and complicated system.
Despite his many contributions to companies such as Apple, where he wrote the first word processor called EasyWriter for the Apple II, Crunch is not a wealthy man.
And webcrunchers.com, webcrunchers.com is his website, and John, and I'm very honored to have him, wanted to come on the show today, and we really appreciate him reaching out to us through his people, to come on and, A, talk about his health,
And more importantly, the whole state of the world to talk about Edward Snowden.
We're going to get into the new FBI raid on someone they believe was leaking information to WikiLeaks.
They're basically using Snowden as a front man or as a figurehead for other whistleblowers.
But the FBI is out there after them right now.
I say release it all.
So we're honored to have Captain Crunch on with us.
If I got into all of his exploits, we'd never have any time here today.
So we'll go right to him.
John, thanks for coming on.
Thank you very much for having me.
There's so much to talk about.
Where do you want to begin?
Well, I want to talk a little bit about an incident that took place.
I was actually working at a contracting gig in Bangkok, Thailand and in Koh Phangan, where I was developing some software relating to the telecom areas in that part of Asia.
And I had to come back to the States because I had a ruptured disc in my lower back that had gotten so bad that it was pinching my nerve, making the pain so painful that I couldn't stand it.
So when I got back, within two days, I was on my way to the hospital in an ambulance.
A lot of doctors examined me.
They were skeptical that I was that bad and that I needed surgery.
Finally, one of the neurologists came into me and says, we're scheduling you for surgery on Sunday.
That was like two days away.
So, I had a problem keeping my electronics plugged in so I can let the world know what was going on.
But I was able to get some volunteers to the hospital that got me some extra long power cables so I can power my iPad, keep tracks, keep active in the blog, and let people know by entering my Web Crunchers blog on all the things that happened.
Basically what happened, if you go to my website,
Not my website, actually.
Go to Facebook and look at my timeline, actually.
Post it in there.
An x-ray of what they did to me was a nine-hour surgery.
It took the doctors a lot of problems getting into where they needed to get to fix the problem, but they were able to put four screws in my spine, keeping it together.
They removed the discs in my lower back and replaced them with plastic ones.
I've got to go back and put another surgery in another month where they put a kind of a cage around the lower part of my spine.
Better stability.
I'm recovered enough to be able to drive and walk.
Although I can't engage in any really active things like going to conferences and walking around and stuff.
So I'm in the process now of trying to raise money to cover my expenses.
So to give you an idea of what my expenses are.
Well, Captain Crunch, you've done so much for freedom of speech and you name it, we are going to call for all your great supporters to go to your blog and support you.
You know, I wonder why Apple isn't supporting you when a lot of your technology is the foundation of what they did.
For folks that aren't tech gurus or techies and don't know how famous and important you are, you could hack the phone system computers and switches with your voice
Mimicking the tones by whistling into it.
You didn't just use your little famous black box.
Tell folks about some of your exploits.
Yeah, okay.
There was... I'll talk about what happened really at the... How we happened to get a hold of the White House... CIA crisis hotline.
I was just scanning Washington, D.C.
There's 10,000 exchanges in Washington, D.C.
There's a way of eliminating one-tenth of that.
Actually, ten times that, so it's really only a thousand tries to get into the Washington, D.C.
800 system.
I knew the prefix and I knew how the numbers were planned in the 800 system.
So I just started scanning and I got this number where this really rude guy answered.
I asked him, I said, what company have I reached?
I'm looking for XYZ company.
And he says, this isn't the company.
Get off this line.
It was very rude to me.
And it raised the flags.
I said, what is this guy?
It got my curiosity up.
So after a day or two, I went back in on the line again with the story that I was White Plains for a tandem test switching system with the AT&T network.
And we had a problem on the line.
And we asked him, I said, what company have we reached?
And he said, we've reached the White House CIA crisis hotline number.
He says, well, we'll fix the problem as soon as we can.
Thank you very much.
That was all I needed.
Once I got the number, I found the seven digit equivalent of that number, which I needed to use for auto verify.
And I was able to sit on that line for a while and listen to calls coming in.
Most of the calls coming in were encrypted or scrambled.
So I said, wow, this is an interesting line.
I was able to catch a call just as it got started, before they turned on the encryption.
What they do is they make direct contact first, then they encrypt the call.
During one of the direct contacts, I was able to hear what appeared to be a very important call going in there.
And they said, Olympus, please.
In plain text, in plain English.
It was a code name for President Nixon.
What came next was the encryption.
So I couldn't hear anything that they were saying.
Then later on, we decided to call that number.
I was at a party in L.A.
and I was upstairs and some phone freaks were downstairs and I wanted some information from them and I had to have something to trade so I traded that number for another number that I wanted.
So they took that number, and I told them, I said, it's a CIA crisis hotline number.
Olympus will get you President Nixon.
And they said, no, that's not true.
I said, well, go ahead and call the number, but have your story straight.
Be sure to call the number from an untraceable line.
And so we were able to jump through a couple of hops to the number, and we got the person on the other end.
With an authoritative voice, we said, Olympus, please.
And a voice came on that sounded like President Nixon.
And my friend grabbed the phone away from me and said, sir, we have a crisis in Los Angeles.
Sir, we're out of toilet paper.
I love it.
He didn't just prank call the president, he did it on the CIA crisis line.
The CIA crisis line was a special line they used to set up for calling in on rather important issues.
Yes, Russians are moving ICBMs.
They're loading them onto railcars, sir.
They're moving them towards the Polish border.
What was the capability of what I could do?
Really scared a lot of people.
I could get into the Autobahn network.
That was the military telephone network.
And for those that don't know, this is a great service to show how there's back doors on all these computers and the phone systems and in all the tech.
Because you talk about, oh, you're a conspiracy terrorist.
This is a fact built into it so they can spy.
And you are the guy that began to expose it day one.
Yeah, Pentagon didn't believe it.
But I was able to show them that
A switch in Murphy Dome was able to forward and pass a call to another military switch.
Of course, the telecoms, the corporations that built it, they all knew that.
So that's why this is a corporate takeover.
So getting back to Nixon and other things, they didn't come arrest you, right?
I mean, they tried a few times.
Instead, they figured out, hey, we should try to recruit this guy to really show us what's going on.
And that kind of started the whole move towards recruiting hackers into the government, right?
Well, kind of right, but the big thing that got everybody interested in the whole thing in the first place was the Esquire article.
Steve Wozniak found a copy of the Esquire article on his coffee table at his home.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
I'm gonna give you the floor and we'll come back and talk about...
All the history he's been involved in, and then I've got to get into current stuff that's happening.
Captain Crunch's view on the NSA, the Panopticon system, Big Brother, Edward Snowden, and so much more coming up.
But folks, you heard him.
He needs your help.
So if you appreciate all that Captain Crunch has done for liberty and freedom on the web, you need to give him some support, folks.
And that's webcrunchers.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The news websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
WebCrunchers.com is John Draper's website, and we'll tell you coming up a little bit later how you can go there and support him.
He is the undisputed, grand poobah, big kahuna, granddaddy, father of hacking, undisputed.
And it's one of those niche things, but a very important niche thing, that the general public probably doesn't know who Captain Crunch is, but to the hackers and that whole community out there, there's a lot of, uh, uh, uh, uh, going on right now, uh, because he's such an interesting guy and such a trailblazer on so many fronts.
Now, I want to get into what's happening in modern times right now with you, sir, but you've gotten up to the Army, the Pentagon, not believing that you were able to do this.
And of course, big investigations came out of that because the Pentagon didn't know the telecoms had put in a system where they could spy on everybody, including foreign telecoms.
So, John Draper, Captain Crunch, please continue.
Okay, well, as I was stationed, I was stationed up at Indian Mountain Air Force Station, Alaska, and I had to do a one-year stint up there.
And during my time up there, I had lots and lots of time.
It didn't take me long to figure out how to get into the Audubon system and make free phone calls home.
And they encouraged you to do that because for morale purposes and things like that, they actually had a special day set up where people can make calls over the Audubon just for personal use.
And so as I was experimenting around, being back home on the private commercial network, there's a switch up there that was passing Audubon calls because it was being used for both commercial and
Also military use.
And they didn't believe it.
And so, then Adam Bauman in the book, Adam was featured as, I believe, he was the one who actually snitched on me.
His actual name, I'm going to get it for you in a minute here, because I want people to know who he is.
His name is Sheridan.
So if you read the book, Exploding the Phone, and they refer to a person, Sheridan, he is the FBI informant that got really good friendly with me and was able to inform the FBI of these things.
And he tried to do it, and the FBI tried to do the Audubon.
They were unable to do it.
Uh, only I was able because it took a lot of finesse to be able to do it because you had to be very, you had to be very careful with the level of the tones.
The tones had to be really, really accurate.
But I was able to slip the tones through this switch.
Which gave me direct access to the military Audubon network.
And from there I could do anything.
I could do priority interrupt calls.
I could do a flash override in the NORAD.
It caused a few heads to roll.
And so, these things existed.
And I did my very best to try to explain to the FBI that these things existed, but they just didn't believe me.
The opportunity that I had to talk to the FBI was during my plea arrangement.
I was basically forced to tell the FBI what I did and everything that I did.
And so they rented a room inside San Francisco Hotel and I appeared.
They had about four or five agents in there, including some security experts.
And they contacted the Pentagon, and the Pentagon actually could not figure out how that could be done.
Rachel, in the book Exploding the Phone, whose real name is Adam Bauman, was the person who tried and was unable to do it, despite the fact they had all the equipment.
So going on to encryption and protection and privacy and things like that.
I certainly believe people should use encryption for any kind of communication that they use.
There's a program called PGP or GPG.
You can download it on the net.
You can install it in your browser.
And if you install it in your browser, your browser will have a little button there that says encrypt your message.
So just with one button and with Google Chrome and Gmail, you can encrypt your mail relatively easily.
It's a little bit difficult to install, but it works quite well once it gets going.
Well, Captain Crunch, we've got a long 18-minute segment coming up, and I want to cover the waterfront with you, because my mind is racing with all the questions I could ask you.
Obviously, they've made films about you, they're making more, I'm told, but there's so much to talk about.
I want to get into some more of your background, but then I want to accelerate into FBI reportedly raids home of 2nd Snowden.
Contractor could face federal charges.
I want to get your view on the fact that the NSA told us they weren't spying on us, when of course they've been spying pretty much all along, but now they're spying on people for their political views.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Get a piece of the action!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central we're here live I'm your host Alex Jones we of course return and that's weeknight seven o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News PrisonPlanet.tv John Draper
The infamous, the famous Captain Crunch, the father of hacking, that can hack into computer systems with his whistles, and with computers, primitive computers, is our guest.
He helped launch much of what you see at Apple today.
And he's had his back basically rebuilt.
He's broke and needs everybody's help.
You can go to his site, webcrunchers.com, or you can also go to his Facebook that's linked there on the site, facebook.com forward slash jdcrunchman.
And you can help him out there.
And I sure hope that if it's 20, 30 years from now, my back's destroyed, I'm broke, and I'm going on air talking about all I've done, people would help and support me.
You can see Captain Crunch right there with the founders of Apple.
Then you can go to his site at...
The crunch site and see him in the hospital and all he's going through right now.
So I'm glad that he got in touch with us through some of the other folks out there.
And it was so many good white hat hackers have helped us with government attacks, foreign government attacks, identifying things, tracing people that have attacked us.
We really just get amazing information.
It's almost pearls before swine, though.
And I'm the chief pig here because I'm not a tech guy.
I just study the general systems and how they work.
I know what they're doing.
I have great knowledge about the overall plan.
But when it gets down to the meat and potatoes and using it all, I'm like a caveman trying to fly a space shuttle.
But John Draper is our guest.
We're going to go back to him in just a moment.
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It's so great to have Captain Crunch on.
If he's got more to say, we'll hold him a little bit in the next hour.
If not, we'll do a part two.
Very, very soon.
I want to ask him about the EAS alert systems that are really a backdoor to take over all communications.
What he thinks of that.
I want to talk to him about Snowden.
I want to get into a whole cornucopia of issues with John Draper aka Captain Crunch here today.
But Captain Crunch, anything else you want to get to finishing up with your long and illustrious history of a trailblazer before we get into Snowden?
Yeah, there is.
I have certain medications that I have to take.
It's called blood thinners.
What blood thinners do is they prevent blood clots.
Well, when I got discharged from the rehab,
I had a prescription, but I couldn't fill it because it cost $375 for one month's supply.
And so I didn't get it for obvious reasons.
Well, just because of that, now I've got two blood clots in my legs, which, when not treated, would go up into my brain and kill me.
I wanted to make sure that people also could donate to my PayPal page.
And my PayPal information will be available to you as well.
Well, thanks a million.
Looking at your Wikipedia, you're the son of a United States Air Force engineer?
Yeah, I was in the U.S.
Air Force from 1964 to 1968.
I served four years in active duty in Alaska.
I put in for Vietnam.
I put in for Monkey Mountain, Vietnam.
That was the radar station they had up there.
I wanted to go there, but they wouldn't let me.
You know, I mean, everybody wanted to go to Vietnam at that point.
At least the Air Force people did.
But a lot of the times that I was there, I had a lot of lonely nights of
Just doing nothing.
I operated a pirate radio station there that got picked up in other sites.
The FCC was listening to me and they told me, keep it clean and we'll not bother you.
And they actually made a dedication and so I put the dedication on the air.
So it was quite loose and quite... Let's talk about your software developing for Apple and others and IBM, Bill Gates, you name it.
I mean, you've just done everything.
Yeah, well, I developed a program called EasyWriter, a word processor program for the Apple II.
I wrote the program while I was at the work furlough program, which was in jail.
It let me go out during the daytime where I could actually get access to hands-on to a computer.
I would develop the program and at night just before I went back to jail, I would print the source code out of the program, take the whole source code with me back.
In written form, and then I would go through it manually and make mistakes and correct the mistakes and go back the next day and fix them.
You know, I know an IQ test is only one way to measure intelligence.
It doesn't have social intelligence or other things in it, but what's your IQ?
You know, I don't believe it was ever measured.
I think somebody said it was like 120 or something.
Oh, yeah, right.
See, that's ridiculous.
Continuing here, there's just so much to get into.
Are there any legends about you and your freak phone calling that didn't really happen?
It's on record you called Nixon and his other stuff and they indicted you for a bunch of things, but what ended up happening that didn't happen?
Oh, well, the way I got busted was one of my friends, who was a sighted person, bought Steve's box.
I warned him, don't buy the box, because if you use it, they will detect it.
Well, this person I trusted with my phone number.
I told him, don't write my phone number down ever.
Just remember my phone number, but don't write it down.
It was fairly easy to remember.
It was a number in Las Gadas.
That's where I lived.
And he basically got busted in the FBI when they came in with their grand jury investigation of the Esquire article.
They saw my name, Captain Crunch, with a phone number in Las Gadas.
Once they had my phone number, they had me right there.
And so two days later, I was coming back from my class in college.
And I just pulled up and do a lot because I was going to get something before going home.
And that was when they got me.
They arrested me at that point.
Charged me with Title 18, Section 1343, fraud by wire.
And the way that they found me was that phone number.
That was the only link they had.
They didn't have any other link.
As far as they knew, when the Do111 conference was getting torn down, the Canadian Telephone Company was basically tracing everybody.
But they didn't trace me because I was on somebody else's tie line.
They only went to that person, but they didn't go to me.
So I was protected.
Well, Steve Jobs said if it hadn't been for your invention, there wouldn't have been an apple.
That's right, because Steve Jobs saw the Esquire article and said, we've got to build one of these things.
And then Steve Jobs wanted to market them and sell them.
And so the money that they made with the blue boxes that they sold paid for the
Construction, the layout, and the creation of the first Apple One PC board.
And that money that they used for that was from the sale of the blue boxes.
Captain Crunch is our guest.
Before we get into Snowden, I had engineers come to me a long time ago, I don't know, like 18 years ago, and say, listen, they've already wired into all the radio and TV stations to take them over.
But now they're hardwiring the equipment, by law we get, has to have it at the transmitter site and back at the station and on the cable and TV broadcast networks.
And now they're putting it into the telecoms and they say in the future the president or whoever will break in with government announcements and that we better get ready for hours a day of government programming.
Where they just cut him whenever they want.
Well now, over the smartphones and all this, it's beginning.
And we had a big emergency alert take over and say, do what you're told, don't be on your telephones.
Prepare for a message from the dear leader, basically.
That story went viral.
We broke it.
They first denied it.
Then by Sunday, we broke it.
Friday, Drudge carried it.
And then by Sunday, it was all over the news.
Yes, it happened.
What about AI systems making mistakes over these or trying to take over?
What about how Time Magazine says, let's have driverless cars by law and not let anybody drive their car?
It's like the elite are building a system not designed for humans to remove us from the equation.
We shouldn't allow these technocrats to build a world
Not based on people, where humans don't go to space, where we're basically obsolete.
The elite, the transhumanists have already decided this, and I think it's up to hacktivists and people like you and others to really declare war on this anti-human movement.
What's your take on that statement?
Well, in declaring war, I'd sure like to know basically how to start.
Getting started in something like that is very difficult.
I think we start thinking about how we wage war against this, and we wage war by building a better world, believing in humanity, and spending money on products and people and organizations that are about empowering humans.
We've got to let the people know.
That's how we're going to fight the war.
We're going to fight the war by letting
The voters know what's going on.
And that's what Snowden did when he released all of those documentation about PRISM and how PRISM was able to go in there and monitor everybody's Facebook transactions.
I mean, Facebook is, and Google, is the NSA's data center.
I mean, that's where they get their data.
Their government data is out of date, but Facebook and Google, that data is up to date all the time.
And that's where they get a lot of their information now, through that PRISM system that Snowden talked about.
What do you think about the NSA and all the back doors being built into all the so-called smart technology?
Well, they can do anything they damn well want.
That's the problem.
Because they're so removed from, like, Congress and things like that.
Congress was so surprised that this happened.
And it's getting to be pretty hairy right now.
People, of course, are being monitored.
But there are good tools out there that people need to be aware of, and this is how we fight them.
We fight them by using encryption.
We fight them by installing PGP on our Gmail systems.
We fight them by downloading programs like Wicker.
That's what I use.
I can communicate with my friends that have Wicker and there's no record of the communication.
There's not even metadata.
It's forward security.
And it's not that you have anything to hide!
It's that there are corporations and systems that run this giant spy network that are openly using it to block freedom movements and to set up a tyranny.
They admit they're setting up a totalitarian system worldwide.
We've had Benny, the former head of a major NSA department, number four in the organization, saying it's now a totalitarian plan to enslave and suppress and dominate.
So we now know what is prima facie.
We've got to take action against it.
We're developing a product right now called Thundercloud.
This product is actually being developed by my roommate.
We're about ready to go to alpha testing pretty soon.
And it's going to eliminate a lot of problems.
A lot of problems for people who travel between countries who have to travel with sensitive information.
Uh, and this, this product is amazing.
I played with it.
It is so fast.
And the data that comes through it is just like, you know, you get a YouTube video and it, and it streams to your place and it streams to your place and half the data throughput of everybody else because all of the, uh, all of the fluff and all of the, uh.
All of the internal stuff is actually stored on the server and not stored on the client.
And so the client can be a small little minimal system running an ARM processor and it'll last for about two to three weeks on a charge.
Uh, and, and, and the speed going through your network is, is, is blazingly fast.
So it's kind of like that.
And we're doing, we're going to be doing beta testing soon.
And just, just go to my Facebook wall for announcements on when you can, when, when you can sign up.
Very exciting.
John Crunch-Drapper, Captain Crunch, is on the line with us right now.
Isn't it going to be their attempt to suppress, dominate, and surveil us and rob us of our privacy to create their conspiracies of control that is going to trigger the new innovators like yourself and others to come that will actually revolutionize and create a bigger, freer web and system that may have never grown if they didn't force us to innovate?
There are other systems out there right now that are working on mesh systems through radio transmissions and through either ham or through a Wi-Fi, expanded Wi-Fi network with mesh systems.
These are survivalists and preppers that live out in the out in the boonies that have communities of maybe five or ten homesteads that are close by can all be connected together in a mesh network.
So truly local free communities.
John Draper is our guest.
Captain Crunch.
We're going to come back with him and get into more on Snowden and just any other points I can think of.
In fact, we should have been asking folks to tweet at Real Alex Jones any questions they've got.
Or maybe we should open the phones up if he wants to stay for hacking questions or tech questions.
So find out if John wants to stay 20 minutes to the next hour and take calls.
Captain Crunch is our guest.
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Okay, Captain Crunch is going to stay 20 minutes to the next hour to take your questions.
Specifically on air, quick questions.
We get to a lot of people.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 to talk to the father, undisputed father, of hacking.
And kind of the father of Apple, according to Steve Jobs.
So pretty amazing information.
The grandfather.
You'd say Steve Jobs was the father.
The grandfather.
John Draper is our guest.
Captain Crunch.
You heard me bring up emergency alert system, but I said so much
in the question that was really a diatribe.
Getting back to EAS alert systems, what do you make of this Orwellian move and the fact that it's been there a while, but now they're rolling it out with internet kill switches, state-run media, the government's building its own cell phone network, not just Stingray, its own permanent system to steal our data.
It's all completely illegal.
It's a revolution against humanity.
They are just doing it criminally.
No, that's...
That's probably true.
I agree with you.
One thing that I want to say was that we're building what we call a Preppers Data Warehouse.
These are for Preppers who want to build their own internet privately among their community.
Did you know that the Wikipedia will probably handle about maybe 20 terabytes of data?
And we've got disk arrays now the size of a lunchbox, which can hold up to 80 terabytes.
You put that in a Faraday shield, and hook it up to a prepper's power system, and you've got yourself your own internet.
Connecting that with a mesh network of radio systems, small communities can now communicate through an encrypted channel.
No one can pick them up because it's going to be encrypted.
And they can't shut that down.
They can't go in and intercept that.
This is the solution to this problem, I'm trying to say.
Preppers need to put together their own internet, in their own private compound, their bug-out areas, wherever they have to go to get away from all the hassle that's going to come.
You know what I mean?
It sounds to me, in my gut, like you're saying, sir, that you think the system's collapsing.
It's inevitable it's going to collapse.
It's just going to be a matter of when.
It might be the next 10 years.
But people need to get started to prepare now and start storing very important survival information locally on their own machines.
Especially people that are located out off the grid.
Preppers that are building their prepper compounds should also include and put together a data warehouse.
I'll take it you don't like the cloud.
They're trying to move the internet to not be secure, to not be redundant, but isn't the problem is that the DARPA engineers, people like your dad and you and others, built something that is designed to be able to take a nuclear attack?
Isn't the problem that they want to use it as a spy grid, one group does, but it was also built to bring freedom?
That's correct.
Of course it was used to build freedom.
The internet was.
Before all these restrictions, the China firewall, the blocking of calls.
I can't, for instance, go to Thailand and watch NBC.
They block it.
Why do they block it?
I mean, it sucks.
Because my IP address is coming from outside the area.
So people are building proxies.
I mean, they're trying to
We're good.
And, uh, I'm encouraging preppers to start putting together prepper data warehouses.
I agree.
And folks, the big industry in the future, I've said, is gonna be private internets, systems, things to protect yourself, whether it's a blocket pocket, uh, you know, or whether it's a high-tech system.
This will be the new renaissance, is the battle against the one-eyed cyclops of Big Brother.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John Draper, aka Captain Crunch, is our guest for another 20 minutes.
We're taking your phone calls.
I want you to visit.
His website, facebook.com forward slash jdcrunchman or just webcrunchers.com and go in there to the donate button.
This guy can't even get money for his medication right now and he's an icon of the true liberty movement.
Wonder where Apple is with its hundreds of billions of dollars supporting people that helped found the company.
They're too busy.
I guess getting their stuff from Foxconn and the suicide nets.
But maybe pressure could get them to take care of John.
John, I want to go to some phone calls here for you, buddy.
How's that sound?
Good plan to me.
OK, 800-259-9231.
You can call in as you hear somebody hang up.
Frank in North Carolina, you're on the air with Captain Crunch.
I'm not even sure if this is a word.
I'm not a technophile.
I'm more of a technophobe.
I use technology when I have to.
You know, somewhat cutting edge in the past, but I've never owned a widescreen TV, let alone a flat screen TV.
My cell phone is 11, 12 years old.
I've had newer phones for work, that type of thing, but all my personal stuff is very old.
I'm not impressed by technology.
I don't follow it.
I don't chase after it like all my neighbors and peers do.
And I know this is going to sound kind of paranoid,
And I understand that you can benefit a lot and you almost have to go with the new technology in order to
Well no, all the new smartphones are coming out already, the droids, with a kill switch for police worldwide to hit a button and turn off all the phones in the city, or all in the country, or not let you videotape.
So we now are saving all of our old cameras around here and old systems.
That stuff's going to have incredible, not just nostalgic value in the future, but real world application.
So don't throw anything away.
That's my view.
Captain Crunch?
Okay, well, as far as the older the technology you have, the harder it is for them to tap and to monitor you.
And one other thing, too, is cell phones are nothing more than radio systems.
There is an active group of people that build open source
Cell phone towers.
So we can build our own cell phone towers with our own communication networks with cell phones.
This was done at the Burning Man Festival last year.
They set up a cell phone tower.
They only would let you do text.
They put me in their data, they're using an Asterix open source, it's all open source, an Asterix server for the LB Telecom.
And they've got, they use the radio transmissions of the cell phones and it works great.
And people can build these things and set these things up and put encryption in there and everything else.
So the possibilities of us protecting ourselves are endless.
People just need to understand that it exists.
That's the only thing.
Here's a question.
We're going to go to Bright.
We can come back and answer.
We can start answering it now.
FAPNET on Twitter asks, what do you think about or has he heard anything about the upcoming Michael Mann film about hacking called Black Hat?
What's your take on that?
What is that, a movie coming out on Black Eye?
I've never heard of it.
Alright, well we'll come back and ask some other questions.
Mama Liberty 1776 on Twitter asked, what are John's thoughts on AI?
And the commenter goes on to say, I feel that AI would not...
Conclude to kill, dominate people without programmer input.
Well yeah, and all the new AI stuff they're about to come out with is drones that are autonomous, weapons that are autonomous, they decide when to kill.
We're gonna get your take on the Skynet Terminator scenario that many top scientists are predicting with Captain Crunch and your calls straight ahead.
We'll talk about AI straight ahead.
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I see the red moon rising
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It was about 23 years ago that I saw the tyranny rising.
I've been a student of history, found it very interesting.
And I saw it being repeated in a premeditated way.
I saw a technocratic elite that had decided humans were garbage and that they were God.
So their stamp is being put on the computer systems, the AI systems.
To try to twist technology to be oppressive and not empowering.
Well, I want technology that empowers humans as a universal rule.
Beyond Asimov's rules.
And we need to recognize that it's not technology that's bad, it is who is deploying it and also our lazy use of it.
Myself included.
Dr. Stallman and others are right.
We've got to all become activists and do little things that'll turn into big things every day.
Voting with our actions, voting with our dollars, voting with our time and energy.
Chicago activists unchained.
My life has been hurt by Democrats.
It's because of you, Mr. President.
Why should they even go out and vote?
Shock video.
Blacks turn on Dems.
They are abusing us.
We've taken the videos, posted them on Infowars.com.
But the reason I mention this now, as we go back to the founding hacktivist, the founding hacker, Captain Crunch, is it isn't the Republicans that are going to save us either.
It's that Matt Drudge could come from nowhere to dominate the news cycle in much of the world, not just here, because he was from the outside and he had that understanding of what the pulse of the people really was, not what the system wanted us to focus on.
And then now he can go to black activists in Chicago who don't want to be under Democratic mafia rule and are showing how socialism of this government type has ruined their lives and the walls are coming down.
Where an activist journalist who changed the way news is delivered and the way it's reported and empowered the people, as Drudge always says, to get you to become a news reporter, you to become an activist.
I had studied history.
And I knew that it was trailblazers, individuals, people taking action, promoting freedom and promoting true free will and true free association that had changed the world.
I knew tyrants told us that we didn't have power.
Because they don't have the power.
They just fool us to go to sleep so they can take over.
The minute we stand up, their power ends.
So it is a fight against good and evil.
And the Democrats have just shown the rot of the government, their power grabbing, their tyranny, with their Republican cohorts.
But the rejection of Obama as this big 21st century brand of liberalism is beautiful because they're not liberal.
They're more akin to fascists than anything else.
And the Republican neocon rhinos are teamed up with the Democrats to destroy the Liberty Movement that's trying to take over the Republicans and trying to brand the Tea Party as racist and all this because they want to Balkanize us.
Well, that's over.
Because I don't care what color you are.
Look at Drudge coming together with black activists.
Look at all these combinations you've never seen before without the internet.
How a local news story can become a worldwide story now.
No more compartmentalization.
No more centralization.
He's with us at the bottom of the hour, John Draper, Captain Crunch.
We're so honored to have him with us.
I want to get to more calls and more tweet questions, John, but I was bringing up AI.
What is your view on AI?
My concern is all the major monies going into AI that kills autonomously, that kills on its own, that is in a Skynet system jacked into all of our computers.
If we get a bad AI consciousness and it comes out of the military-industrial complex, I think, I disagree with the tweeter.
I think it will try to dominate and control because of the
Yeah, because it wouldn't be that difficult to put in a virus on these AI systems that will disrupt its ability to do AI work.
It's very scary stuff.
And the stuff in the cloud is very scary.
You've got to be able to encrypt all your data on that, most importantly.
And as far as the AI goes, the driverless cars, you know, I mean, those things are more dangerous than regular driver cars, you know.
I wouldn't trust it.
Well, what about a centralized system tracking everybody?
What about a centralized system that put
All the backdoor tracking grids into the cars worldwide a decade ago.
I mean, this is a planned blueprint rollout of tyranny.
How do we counter that?
Yeah, that depends on the equipment, the new equipment that they're using in the cars.
I believe that you're right.
There is a possibility that they could certainly put tracking on just about everything you do.
I mean, tracking equipment is very, very easy now.
It's very, very cheap.
I mean, a tracking device can be built to fit in the palm of the hand.
Well, they just pass it on to you in the cost of the car.
It's already been mandated and now they're rolling it out.
It's just so premeditated if people ever got that or understood it.
Let's talk to Mouse Link in New York.
You're on the air with Captain Crunch.
Good day, gentlemen.
I wanted to ask about decentralized Internet.
It seems to be kind of a central focus of what you're discussing here, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around like how us as individual users can embrace these systems and help popularize them.
I was reading about
Well, I already have a website I call ECOVISO.
That's E-C-O-V-I-S-O.
This was a website that I put up
Uh, because I wanted, I had the intention of doing exactly what you wanted to do.
Put together a group of people that are interested in basically removing themselves from the web, but actually still staying in contact with the web, in the sense of scooping up data.
And putting together a completely separate internet or a cloud system that is encrypted to the point where the cloud system will be safe to use.
I mean, right now there are too many cloud systems out there that still don't encrypt everything.
You've got to encrypt everything down to the socket level.
If you don't do that, then they're going to track you down.
They're going to know what you do.
Because there's so many little subsystems in these operating systems, like Microsoft Windows, Apple's OS, that do and use the internet or send packets to ports that are not known, not very well known.
But, and then those packets are not encrypted.
So you've got to be able to build encryption systems down at the socket level.
And that's what we're doing through Thundercloud so that we can communicate through the cloud totally anonymously and also totally safe from us snooping by the NSA.
Well, proven by the, and thank you caller for the call, the contact, looking at this,
They forced you, I guess, to see two psychiatrists when the FBI grabbed you.
One said that you were psychotic, the other said you were completely normal.
But talking to you, by evidence of all your work, you clearly are an accomplished, intelligent person that's trying to help people and has invented so many things that have been helpful.
What do you make of the political system trying to say that you were psychotic?
I don't know.
I mean, these are records obtained from people that interviewed me, and they've just drawn those conclusions, and I don't care.
I mean, so I'm crazy.
It's probably good to be crazy these days.
I agree with you.
In fact, I've got a song called Crazy Like Alex Jones.
I think if we were back in Nazi Germany and everybody's saying the Nazis are great and we're saying they're bad and saying we're crazy, well, you bet I'm crazy.
Or if the Aztecs were chopping out hearts of little kids, I'd say you're crazy.
They'd say I was crazy, wouldn't they, John?
Yeah, I would just take it as a compliment, actually.
Well, that's from one guy who's been called crazy a lot to another.
I mean, if it's crazy to invent a bunch of stuff and help people and have a super high IQ and give everything away for free basically all these decades, then I want to be crazy too.
You're really a great guy.
Thank you.
Let's jam in some more calls here.
Let's talk to Eric in Wyoming.
Eric, what's your question?
Quick question for Captain Crunch.
Hey, pleasure to speak with both of you.
I just recently got into the whole amateur radio, ham radio hobby.
I wanted to see what Mr. Draper's opinion was on, like, stand-alone radio communications as well as, like, packet radio and that type of thing in terms of just general communications, but mainly as a...if there's an emergency, whether it be a natural disaster or a man-made thing, like if they turn off cell phones or something like that.
Ham Radio is a very good source of communication in emergency situations for sure.
There's lots of packet radio systems out there that exist right now.
Some of them are actually using the satellite systems.
I personally don't know.
I haven't really been following up on the latest ham radio technology involved.
I myself used to be a ham radio operator, and I used to be operating on a 2 meter repeater in the San Jose area back in the day, just right after I got out of the Air Force in 1969.
I got myself a 2 meter rig.
Real quick, what about the move to try to shut down cash?
I think it's key to keep cash going so we have some privacy as well.
What do you mean?
You mean money cash?
Yes, sir.
Well, there's always Bitcoin and a digital currency.
We have a Bitcoin question for you, actually, there.
What's your take on Bitcoin?
I think it's great.
I mean, I personally don't have a Bitcoin wallet yet.
I'm really thinking seriously of getting one.
You know, Bitcoin gives you a lot more freedom than banks tracking every move you make.
And so transactions between two people can be kept relatively anonymously, if done correctly.
I tell you, it's a real treat, Captain Crunch.
Stay there, do one more segment with us, and I want to get you back in the near future.
John Draper, in the flesh, via Skype, over the web.
Another invention of a small company snapped up by Microsoft.
Just an example of the system saying, we didn't build it, or small businesses didn't do anything.
That's a bunch of bull.
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Humans are great!
We'll be back.
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A lot of breaking news coming up.
We're going to play crazy like Alex Jones.
You never heard that.
And we'll continue with your calls after our guest leaves us.
You can have your comment.
Probably not a question.
He leaves us in six minutes.
Captain Crunch, John Draper, is our guest.
We'll give you his website again before he leaves us.
Let's talk to James in Michigan.
You're on the air with Captain Crunch.
Thanks for taking my call.
It's an honor to speak to Captain Crunch.
You know, I have to check my budget.
I would definitely pay if you did a webinar.
Well, for, uh, okay.
Uh, there's, uh, iOS for the iPhone, uh, macOS, uh,
And the new language coming out called Swift.
I'm getting into that now.
But commercially for client-server applications and web frameworks, I've been exposed to Django.
That's D-J-A-N-G-O, Django Python.
And also Ruby on Rails.
I've worked with both of those systems.
And they're pretty, they're pretty secure.
They're easy to make and build and they've got a lot of security built in.
They are very different from each other.
So if you get into one, getting into the other would be difficult because they're so different.
Alright, wow.
So this is not a dumbed down computer radio, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the granddaddy poobah, Captain Crunch, here.
Thank you, James.
Great question.
Wayne in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griper.
My concern is, you know, the technology we paid for is being used against us and we're financing the whole matter.
We already have water parks in every city in this country with the money that's been spent on all this.
So, yeah, we need to find the weakest link in this whole system and we need to pound on that weakest link.
Oh yeah, that's true.
Because you want to be able to have the ability to be able to build your own systems.
Small community internets that serve a small community of people anywhere between, let's say, five or ten homesteads that are out away from the community.
Support community farms, support community businesses, support community, community, community, support community media, support micro, support real.
Thank you so much, caller.
We gotta move quick.
There's a question coming in here asking you, what do you think about the Matrix?
That's what Prophet PX asked on Twitter.
What do you think about the movie The Matrix?
No, no, no, no, no, actually that's another person asked that question.
I'm going too quick here.
That was asked by TV Agribond.
What's your take on The Matrix?
I thought it was a great movie.
I don't know that it could really happen, but it seems to be going that way, doesn't it?
You bet.
Another person, ProphetPX, does ask his thoughts on 2600 Kevin Michnik hacking scandals in the 90s.
Uh, Kevin really didn't do a whole lot with 2600.
He was mostly into social engineering and, uh, and extracting information and source code on, on, uh, cell phones.
So he could, uh, he could act and, uh, and do his thing, uh, with, uh, with cell phones and not get tracked during that time.
Cause 2600 died in 1981.
After 1981, 2600 really didn't do much.
It was just a publication.
Oh, you're talking, are you talking about the 2600 magazine?
Or are you talking about... Oh, I'm not, we're talking about both.
Okay, the 2600 magazine, you know, was a spin-off from TAP, T-A-P.
And, you know, it's a great magazine.
It is.
Listen, we're out of time.
I apologize to all the other
Uh, questions but here's one final one.
Do you think it's possible for the electrical grid to be hacked or go down?
Yeah, absolutely.
Uh, they're using this SCADA system and it runs on Microsoft.
Yeah, it can get hacked.
I am very surprised that they're actually doing that.
I don't believe that the power grid should be having under any control, with any kind of internet control, it should be controlled by a completely different system, totally off the internet.
So it's a ticking time bomb?
Yeah, absolutely.
It could certainly be.
I'm not sure.
I'm certainly not looking forward to it.
Well, amazing.
Promise to come back.
Folks, go there and support Captain Crunch if you support freedom.
Thank you so much, sir.
We salute you.
Thank you very much, Alex, for having me on your show.
I appreciate it.
Aye, aye, Captain.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Beam me up to the Alex Jones and the GCN radio network.
Aye, aye, Scotty.
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Smithing and do all kinds of things, you know?
Do you even sell guns?
We even, we, well... Oh, God, a rabble slave with a weapon!
Disarming him!
Get the guards, disarm him immediately!
Where's one of the slaves have a weapon?
Crazy, Lord!
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
And yet, having a gunshin' without a presumption to know what's going on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I went looking one day on the internet just to see what I could find.
When I heard this talk show maniac just proudly speaking his mind.
It was really wild, but the more I heard it made a whole lot of sense to me.
I want to thank you Alex for opening my eyes and helping the blind to see.
I want to be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones And yet have enough gumption without a presumption to know what's going on Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans I want to be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones
All the talking heads on the TV screen with an arrogance of this degree.
Talkin' about what's been a-goin' on around the world and here in our nation.
They all seem to turn like a pack of wolves when Alex goes on the air.
In spite of the facts, they launch their attacks and I just don't think twice.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
And yet have an adumption without a presumption to know what's a-goin' on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans.
I wanna get crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
Yeah, I wanna get crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I'm your Christian leader!
Never mind skull and bones!
Never mind bohemian growth!
Never mind my actual policies!
Just buy my rhetoric, buy my lies, because you're my slaves!
We're gonna put in a Democrat leader who works for the exact same people, and you're gonna love it when they do it!
All you Democrats that hate the Patriot Act, and all you Democrats that hate the police state, you're certainly gonna love it!
Visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
When you're on the site, you can also tune in 24 hours a day to my daily radio broadcast.
There's also a free iPhone app to listen to the Syndicated Radio Show when and where you want.
That's a three-year-old song and video, Crazy Like Alex Jones.
We air it a couple times a year by Robert Ownby, and we really love all the folks that have redone the song as well on YouTube.
My fault, I launch so much stuff around here that I don't pay attention and then follow through on it.
I launched a $7,500 contest about two and a half weeks ago with a quick turnaround.
We've got a whole bunch of great entries.
And we do these things the same, but I guess I didn't put somebody in charge of it.
What we do is as the contest entries come in, the good ones, most of them end up being pretty good, we post them on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com so everybody wins by exposing the tyranny.
That's actually the whole point.
It's a bunch of viral videos.
It's a form of advertisement for freedom.
We didn't do that this time.
So the next few days we're going to be posting a lot of these to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and there's one that just went up on the site and I'm thinking about the headline.
I don't even know what to say the headline is.
It says Ebola Fervor Hits Nashville Mall.
Activist post, activist post, you know, posters
Go up and maul.
I don't know what the headline is.
Activist warn of Ebola pandemic at maul.
Activist post posters connecting Obama to Ebola outbreak.
I don't know.
But we need to do this to scare them into doing something about it.
Or they'll bring in just the general folks from Africa that are sick.
I warned you about this weeks ago.
Now it's mainstream news today.
Everything with these people is about being over the top.
Getting away with bloody murder.
That is the name of the game.
Do we have the video that's on, uh, Drudge?
Uh, shock video?
Blacks turn on Dems?
Yeah, this is a powerful video.
I'm gonna play this right now.
And then tell you where you can go to obviously link through, but Infowars.com mirrored it from Drudge, just so it's backed up.
And we're going to play some clips of this on the Nightly News tonight.
We're going to play this clip, and then we are going to open the phones up again.
Just a free-for-all.
Any question, any comment, any issue you've got, we just won't have a lot of time, so make it quick.
Love to hear from you.
I don't usually play a ton of videos and reports here, but this four-minute video is pretty powerful.
This is what most of the black folks I talk to on the street have to say.
So I just don't know where there are all these Democratic voters, and I want to be clear when we come back.
I'm not saying the Republican Party is pervert or going to save us, but the Democrats working for the globalists have gone for broke this time.
Payroll taxes on Obamacare, death panels, the VA putting troops on secret death lists, that's confirmed.
Saying the Tea Party are worse than ISIS, saying you didn't build your business, this is communism mixed with fascism.
This is
If I was reading an article about this a hundred years from now, I would call this a tyrant.
And I know he's a puppet, but we've got to pull him down as a puppet to scare all the other puppets.
So when the Republicans get in to the House and Senate, which it looks like they're going to do, we're on them day one when they back out of promises.
We're recalling them.
We have them scared, and they are scared.
People wake up to politicians in a few months now, not a few years.
This bait-and-switch doesn't work anymore.
And if John Boehner and all them think they're going to stop the Libertarians and the Tea Party and the Paleo-Conservatives from taking over, they got another thing coming.
We're not going to sit here and five years from now have our guns taken, which is the plan!
This is do or die, people!
Let's go ahead and go to this report, Chicago Activist Unchained, Destroy Black Leadership.
The black leadership, all these leaders, the Democrats are running from Harry Reid right now, they're all running.
On to the next puppet.
Harry Reid's a joke.
Obama's a joke.
All of them.
Michael Moore has six bodyguards at all times with guns.
But he doesn't want you to have one.
He gets on MSNBC and says, only white racists want guns.
What the what?
That's a quote.
We've played it.
Shut up, punk.
Stop trying to take my guns.
Or just keep talking.
You expose yourself.
But I'm telling you, I'm sick of your lies.
I'm sick of it!
And it's all the race baiting by MSNBC.
I didn't even have time to get to it today.
There's an epidemic with, right here in Austin, one of our people that's done computer contract work for us, Max Cabrera, it was on CBS and Fox News, got beat up by four black guys who then tried to sexually assault on police cameras downtown his girlfriend.
And this is just epidemic and it's being, and it's done because, well, whites deserve it or Hispanics deserve it.
This is MSNBC just pumping all this racial division so we're all at each other's throats.
It's outrageous.
He didn't even say anything to him.
I mean, I won't even go downtown now around 6th Street, 2nd Street, anywhere along 35, even at like 7 at night.
Because here's what's going to happen.
I could probably fend for myself even at this age.
I've got a bad Achilles and stuff.
I'd probably like to, at a certain primitive level, get in a fight.
I don't want to.
This is why I avoid problems.
Because four people think they're going to attack me, they're just going to, firearms are going to get pulled out.
And then if people keep attacking, something else is going to happen.
And I tell you, I've seen these racist, they're basically like black Ku Klux Klan.
Ku Klux Klan would just run around looking for blacks to kill.
Well, that's what these new black folks are.
This is the Ku Klux Klan.
Because they think it's good to attack people that aren't black.
They mainly target hippies and trendy type folks.
And, you know, Max dresses real nice and, you know, looks sharp and everything.
And I think that's probably why they picked him out.
He's not a big guy either.
It just does not happen to guys in Ford pickup trucks.
I mean, I got an M4 right there.
And it's just over.
I mean, anybody, I can get out with my fist, but you're not going to be facing fist.
You're going to be facing somebody that can shoot bullseye at 300 yards over and over again with an M4, and I'm just going to defend my family.
And I'm just going to start carrying guns all the time.
I'm done.
It's just time to start packing 24-7.
Let's go ahead and go to this report.
Here it is.
Black folks is in an abusive black leadership relationship.
We have to send a message.
This is the time for us to send a message.
We always talking about what the Republicans ain't done for us or what they will do to hurt us.
My life has been hurt by Democrats.
And we got in our mind that we always got to keep voting Democrat.
You know, look and see in your community.
Who are the real oppressors in our community?
They always talk about black-on-black crime.
And when you hear the word black-on-black crime, the first thing you think of is a black man robbing you, a black man breaking in your house.
And that is a black-on-black crime.
But let's take it one step further.
There's a black-on-black crime down in City Hall.
There's a black-on-black crime down in all the state capitals in America, where black folks are voting against our interests.
Where black folks are voting and making us, we're getting poorer and poorer, and other groups are getting richer and richer.
Everywhere you go, there's poverty in black areas.
This lot where I stand at right now, Ida B. Wells, public housing that they used to live in.
Most of the people at home is living in the street.
And it's because of you, Mr. President.
In Detroit, where your leaders at?
There's no white folks running Detroit, cutting water on black folks in Detroit.
Them black folks running that city.
Ain't no white folks doing that.
Them black folks going along with that.
Everything's happening in our community is black leadership doing this.
Our children know that if the Democrats have not done anything for us as of yet, why should they even go out and vote?
What agenda is on the table that's going to change their life?
The only thing they're offering the black community
Now he wants to have this conversation about minimum wage raise because he knows that this is the way to get a lot of the poor people's attention.
But to hell with his minimum wage raise.
We don't have any jobs!
A minimum wage raise for what?
They're not pushing a black agenda.
They're not pushing a family agenda.
They're pushing a neo-liberal agenda.
Across this city, in these major democratic cities, this is what it looks like.
How can the same process happen over and over again and nobody can do nothing about it?
Black leadership is abusing us.
The Democratic Party is abusing us.
It's the same way in every black community across the country.
And they forced us into a life of welfare.
We don't want no welfare.
We want opportunities to go to work.
We want opportunities to own business.
They bailed out all of the major banks and these big investors, but left the people starving.
There are no tea parties in your city.
We don't have those people.
We have a major democratic machine, and the majority of them, they look like me.
These are the people who make sure we get nothing, but then turn around and have us to vote for them again.
They only come around when it's time for elections.
When they think they can give you a toy, or give you a turkey or something, and everything is good.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are coming down from the federal government.
But the money is going to all these special interest groups.
When our people don't have jobs in our communities, when we don't have any vital resources, when all
Deal's been cut and all our people are left out.
This is where we end up.
And we got a most important thing that we got that we can stop all this.
Everybody gotta vote.
And if you use your vote wisely, you can stop a lot of this stuff.
And it is a simple one or two dimensional issue to say Republican or Democrat.
The truth is the Republican Party was with the Democrats behind the drug war to ship the drugs and to destabilize these areas.
It's all a scientific plan.
Most people in government though are compartmentalized and don't know it.
They're not part of it.
But for the Democrats to sit there and say white people want to keep their guns because they're racist or they don't want Obamacare because they're racist.
That is pure race baiting to lie to people when the whole point of Obamacare is to abort poor people.
And it's to cut off health care that you would have already gotten through the state and church charities.
Obamacare starts getting rid of the free health care this country had, that the illegals come here and enjoy.
It's just so diabolical, but the Democrats are the tip of the spear right now, ramming all this through.
And they are just giving everything free to the illegals because that's a new group who they don't have their votes yet, they want their votes.
If we didn't have NAFTA and GATT, if we had tariffs like China has on us and a lot of other issues, you would have industries, you would have jobs, you would have communities.
But instead you've had the Democrats for 40, 50 years saying burn everything down if a cop shoots a black person.
So people burn down their neighborhoods three or four times, nobody will build anything there.
And so you live in a desert with a bunch of government housing with a government message and MTV with gangster rap, well that would screw any culture up and that's been the plan.
And then they've exported the whole gangbanger culture into every group.
You go to Europe, and there's thug white kids walking around, talking like Chicago gangster thugs.
And talking about street cred, it's disgusting.
I've been at Hollywood directors' houses, big ones.
And they've got thug life tattooed on them, and they're going, I mean, it's just, and I'm just like, are you really, as an adult, a famous, you know, 50-year-old, um, director?
Who likes to direct Denzel Washington movies?
I need to shut up.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I'm like, man, it's just, it's just, even Hollywood believes their own dope.
It's a joke.
It's not manly.
It's stupid.
It's destructive.
It's bad.
Being manly is working hard, owning a business, shaving, raising your kids, and then being successful and being honorable.
That's the wealth.
And this goes beyond the black community.
That was the weaponized target.
That was always the place they could get away with it.
They get away with their biological testing and everything now.
They're going after everybody.
I don't care what color you are, where you're from, you're all under attack.
I want to go to break and talk to Indigo Kid, Ironhead, Rod, Scott, and Chuck.
We'll at least get those five calls in the next segment, the segment after that, that little extra thing I tend to do.
Before we go any further, there's a lot of breaking news up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Where a sledgehammer attacks racially motivated?
Best we can tell, this black guy started pulling over and attacked eight cars with white people in them, but the media won't say it's racially motivated.
This is the type of craziness we see MSNBC promoting and pushing.
That you're not doing well because of white people.
The average white person can't find their butt with both hands and just lays there while you get attacked with a sledgehammer.
Believe me, I know, I'm telling you right now.
Before we go any further, remember this broadcast is listener-supported.
That means you spread the word about it, people learn about it.
You email the podcaster, tell friends and family about the free newsletter, InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
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Headline, InfoWars.com, Activist Mall Kiosk, Blast Obama, Ebola Response.
This is the type of thing that will get their attention.
See that video up on InfoWars.com.
Shock video, Black Activists Turn on Democrats.
See the video, InfoWars.com.
World premiere of hit music video, My Ebola!
Get that and forward it to everybody, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
NGO envisages global one-child policy.
Pandemics to solve overpopulation.
That's a non-governmental UN organization.
Global one-child policy.
Very important article.
Linked and read by Paul Joseph Watson.
Right now, let's go to some of your phone calls.
Let's go ahead.
Oh, I forgot.
This is out of a WMTR.
See, they're promoting it everywhere.
Want to pay your taxes by the gallon or by the mile?
And it goes on to say it'll save you so much money.
Oh, and these devices are already in all the new cars magically to tax you.
Oh, there's no conspiracy!
Alex only told you 15 years ago when they started going in.
They're now in all the cars worldwide, and we're gonna tax you with a wireless system.
Oh, sorry!
Oh, we didn't know it!
Alex is crazy!
He reads government documents!
I mean, it's just, it's all coming true!
It's all planned!
Oh, don't listen to him.
There's no plan to do that.
I'll take your vaccine.
Hey, the study says that the animals that eat BT corn die.
Shut up!
Well, the kids are deformed.
I mean, just... We've got to wake up here, people!
Indico Kid from Colorado, you're on the air worldwide.
Well, two points, Alex.
One, I live in federal housing in Colorado, so I mean, you can't have firearms or marijuana or actually even grills that aren't electric.
They do unannounced inspections.
Yeah, there you go.
You don't have a Fourth Amendment, you have nothing.
This is their plan.
It'd be one thing if they helped people that needed a leg up, but no, they don't want you ever out of the spider trap.
And I have one more point.
I posted a video on YouTube.
It's called Pantera Center Warns It's Collapsed.
But a minute long it's Phil Anselmo's Pantera saying the U.S.
dollar is going to fall and how he's a prepper.
Hey, let's get the lead singer.
I know they're up in Dallas and so I know Metallica and Megadeth and everybody listens.
I bet Pantera does.
We're the cowboys from hell!
So we get them on.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate the call.
Chuck in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Hey, Hillary, where's my job?
Sounds like they took responsibility for the whole unemployment thing.
That's right.
Why don't you just go knock on the White House and say, Hey, I'm here.
Where's the job?
Well, that's right.
That's right, and we need to redistribute these campaign funds too, because why should John Edwards be the only boy that has a video biographer?
That fat pig got elected First Lady of Oklahoma 30-something years ago with no money and now she's worth over $100 million.
She's a swindling, filthy, filthy dirtbag who robbed to get her money, and then she says any of us that actually work for our money are pieces of crap.
No, she's the piece of garbage, excuse me.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
You have a good day, but we're in my job, you know.
I hear ya, I hear ya.
I know, you didn't build your business either.
And our kids aren't our kids.
And to those black activists, I want to take their video on the Nightly News and add some history to it.
I mean, I know these guys know.
I want to get Rebel Pundit on this show.
I don't want to get him on the Nightly News.
I want to get him on a few months ago, the last video I saw of theirs.
I know what they're doing.
They're good folks.
I don't know if they know, but the rest of the story has to be told.
Margaret Sanger got awards from Hitler.
He gave her awards.
She gave him awards.
Her letters are public from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, the Colgate Foundation, saying, we've got to take over the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
We've got to get them on welfare.
We've got to have blacks that we hire that are racist and hate black people who want to destroy these people.
We will get these weeds.
But we've got to do it.
We've got to get them domesticated first.
And boy, they did it.
And the model they used on black Americans is the model they're using on everybody else.
That's how they always do it.
They always pick the weakest group, the smallest group to do this to.
Just like in The Godfather, which Mario Puzo's book's based on true stories.
He said that before he died.
Frank Sinatra, all of it.
But you notice they're in a commission meeting and Don Corleone doesn't want to deal drugs.
And they go, listen, we'll only do it in the black areas.
They're not humans, we'll do it there.
That's all real.
That really happened, okay?
I want to end it all.
I want to stop it.
We'll be back in Overdrive, Infowars.com, Not Only News Night 7.
I'm going to talk to Ironhead and a few others.
Stay with us.
You're not putting that on my conscience, not on my soul.
All these dead black babies and the rest of it.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy Britain's limited TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The McLeveless Occupied, formerly Wonderful City.
Ironhead in Washington, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead, Ironhead.
Hey there, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
You're going to have to get some Hilda Beast bumper stickers and a t-shirt going real soon.
Why are you against women?
You should vote for Hillary.
Hold on, you're against women.
You vote for her, you turn your guns and you do what she says, and then she might say you're okay.
How dare you not let her dictate reality?
I want to hear you worship Hillary Clinton right now.
I'm going to go grab my Sagan.
I let about 12 rounds off in the backyard in salute to her.
Ed Haslam, one of the most articulate interviews you ever did.
It was with Ed Haslam and Dr. Mary's Monkeys.
He illustrated what was going on with the SV40.
I just listened to a three hour interview he did about three months ago showing the correlation with what was coming on the Ebola.
Yeah, let's get him back on.
Let's get Ed Haslam on.
We got some other really big guests coming up this week and next week.
That's all I'm going to say.
Yeah, the correlation factor between what happened with the SV40, how it was introduced into the vaccines, it'll be, to me, it's a walking parallel to where we're going.
I agree.
They used the polio vaccine program to put the cancer viruses in people and kill hundreds of millions worldwide, conservatively.
Great point.
We'll do that.
Rob, or Rod, in France, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hello, Thought Criminal.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm doing pretty good.
How are you doing?
Enjoying that red wine and the French ladies?
Oh yeah, always, always.
Gotta do that.
Hey, you seem like you're in a really good mood tonight, and I can see why with all the good news that's been happening here.
The Clark County, Ohio thing was really good, a really good thing to hear, and I had called the Clark County Sheriff there, Gene Kelly, and spoke with him.
I'm originally from Montgomery County, Ohio, which is where WHIO Channel 7 was that reported all that.
And by the way, just to be clear, I didn't give this enough attention.
Our listeners spontaneously saw our article and ran out and protested all over the state and freaked the government out and they said they're going to stop doing it and it's starting to spread to other counties.
That's an example of these catalyzing events.
We don't know where they're going to come from.
But instead of the enemy controlling the catalyzing events and making them violent, we have the catalyzing events and make them peaceful.
We can win if we realize our power.
Exactly, exactly, and I was probably one of the first persons to contact the sheriff because he was really surprised when I told him that...
That what they were going to do was going to be aired, has been aired on InfoWars and is probably going to get around three million views.
He was like, wow.
So yeah, I sent him a thank you note for his decisions and everything.
That's right.
It's federal money.
They take all the money out of the state and have the police begging for it to be able to make payroll to then go out and do these ineffectual, stupid, unconstitutional checkpoints.
Don't pull over the guy that's obviously drunk.
Don't set up a checkpoint.
That is not a free country.
Great job, good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Scott in Texas.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Man, I am really glad I found you.
You are on the air.
You have just enlightened me so much to so many things.
I would really love to work for you, man.
I am just... Well, we would love to be able to hire more people, but we're tapped out right now with everything.
We can't expand at this point, but if, you know, we build it, they will come just to support us.
We can probably get that done.
What's on your mind, brother?
Well, what I was going to tell you is I went out and did some videotaping of the Fed building, the Federal Reserve, and the Earl Campbell Courthouse this morning, and I didn't really have any problems with any of the police or anything.
Oh, that's right, because we've exercised our First Amendment, so now they leave it alone.
That's good.
That's right, and I also did some investigation on masks, the M95 masks, and there is no mask manufactured today that will filter Ebola, period.
Because they only go down to one micron, which is a thousand nanometers, and Ebola is measured from 80 to 100 nanometers.
I don't know, I think they said the M100, but look, I'm not a virologist and we'll try to go up those numbers.
I'm sorry to Hunter and Mark, I'm out of time.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
You are the resistance.
You are the power.
And the folks up in Ohio, great job getting involved.
And great job to the guy with the Ebola stuff at the mall.
Adam Miller here with Midas Resort.
The last place you want to be is