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Name: 20141024_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 24, 2014
2416 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Ebola on his show and criticizes mainstream media for lack of investigation into the virus's exponential growth in Africa, questioning the disappearance of patients showing symptoms. He promotes supplements to boost immune systems and stresses the importance of health in protecting against diseases like Ebola. The Department of Homeland Security is buying large quantities of ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms, which Jones criticizes. Dr. Francis Boyle discusses his theory that U.S. biosafety level four laboratories in West Africa are responsible for the Ebola outbreak, suggesting that the government may be withholding vaccines and hints at elite individuals being administered these vaccines to protect them from potential blowback. The speaker also criticizes doctors and medical professionals who might unintentionally spread the disease due to emotional distress. " Alex Jones discusses Ebola, questioning its exponential growth in Africa and the disappearance of patients showing symptoms of the virus. He criticizes the lack of investigation into these issues by mainstream media and expresses concern over the possible political motives behind the current crisis, such as vaccine sales and potential martial law. The host discusses stories from various sources regarding Ebola and promotes supplements to boost cellular energy, stressing the importance of optimizing health in order to protect against diseases like Ebola. He also criticizes other media outlets for not covering these stories and shares his frustrations with threats against him and others in his network. The discussion then moves on to fluoride shields for chelation therapy, the importance of having an immune system, and the need to focus on health in order to protect against diseases like Ebola. Callers express their concerns about the spread of Ebola in America and its potential airborne transmission when temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The show also highlights the role that doctors and medical professionals might play in unintentional spread of the disease due to emotional distress they face as they witness death on a massive scale. The Department of Homeland Security is buying large quantities of ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms. InfoWars Life offers various supplements and products that aim to boost immune systems and provide overall wellness. Dr. Francis Boyle discusses his theory that the Ebola outbreak is a result of U.S. biosafety level four laboratories in West Africa, conducting dangerous biological warfare research. He suggests that the U.S. government may be withholding the vaccine for this bio-weapon and hints at elite individuals being administered these vaccines to protect them from potential blowback. The speaker discusses their concerns about current events and references Dr. Boyle's theories about the motivations behind certain actions taken by the government." CONCISE SUMMARY: Alex Jones discusses Ebola on his show, questioning its exponential growth in Africa and criticizing mainstream media for lack of investigation into the virus. He promotes supplements to boost immune systems and stresses the importance of health in protecting against diseases like Ebola. The Department of Homeland Security is buying large quantities of ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms, which Jones criticizes. Dr. Francis Boyle discusses his theory that U.S. biosafety level four laboratories in West Africa are responsible for the Ebola outbreak, suggesting that the government may be withholding vaccines and hints at elite individuals being administered these vaccines to protect them from potential blowback. The speaker also criticizes doctors and medical professionals who might unintentionally spread the disease due to emotional distress.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The evidence is mounting, and mounting very, very quickly, that there is a massive cover-up underway, taking place, dealing with what's really happening with Ebola, not just here, but in Europe and Africa, the Middle East, and around other parts of the world.
If you've got healthcare workers that have some protection getting it,
You better believe the people in the waiting rooms, the people on the ambulances, the people that were around these individuals when they get sick, the people that flew on the airplane with the nurse when she was contagious and had a fever, have been exposed.
And you would expect to see some cases.
The fact that they say there aren't any new cases, other than this doctor that came in from Africa,
The fact that they're saying there are no new cases, when we have medical doctors on and off the record, as well as border patrol, saying that they're being told people with Ebola are being disappeared, and we're even naming the hospitals where this is happening.
That's all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
In fact, I'm going to have our guys move some of the Kit Daniels, Paul Watson,
Don Salazar articles about that breaking news yesterday and put that into a new post that has all three of those articles in it so that it stays on the front page of InfoWars.com.
Because that is major, major news and we need to force a debate about where are these people going that are disappearing?
Notice we're not hearing rebuttals from the Harry Truman Medical Center there in Missouri.
To the medical doctor that told us that he's talked to doctors there that are his friends and nurses, and they say people come in that look like they have Ebola in one case, blood coming out of every orifice, and they are disappeared by the feds.
That's what senior Border Patrol people have said on record and others off record.
And then we have another major medical doctor saying the same thing.
And we're following up, let's not exaggerate, more than 20 other medical doctors and nurses right now.
And a lot of these are getting confirmed.
Confirmed that they work at these medical facilities around the country and that they're seeing the same thing.
We're getting hits on the East Coast and then right up the middle from Texas right up into Illinois.
Where people are traveling.
Who came into Dallas and came into New York and other areas.
So, I don't know how bad it really is.
But it's bad.
And the government is in the news, spinning and saying, oh, there's no confidence in us.
Why are people panicking?
Ebola's no big deal.
Because you said you could be vomited on by somebody that had it and you wouldn't get sick.
And that's just not true.
Clearly this Ebola's gotten stronger.
Clearly it used to only live in the body for three days.
Or you'd be infectious and it'd show up in three days.
Now it's 21 days, then 41 days, then 70 days.
And everything we've been told has turned out to not be true.
So that's why there's a loss of confidence.
I don't want this to be a pandemic.
I don't want this to even be an epidemic.
I want this to go away.
I live here just like you do.
I have children.
I don't want the ratings that come with a crisis like this.
Because it distracts and diverts from all the other big news.
Obama moving to use executive orders to totally open the borders.
By the way, there's some good news on that front.
Infowars.com, Steve Watson.
Judge Obama, a candidate for impeachment, if he gives illegals green cards.
That was announced yesterday that Obama is just saying issue resident alien cards to anybody that wants them.
That was announced yesterday.
We're going to get into that report as well.
But again, doctor in New York City is sick with Ebola.
And then you got the governor making statements like he's self-quarantined.
Everybody knows he was on the subway, bowling, restaurants, and taxi cabs.
And the New York governor's lying as usual.
That's why there's no confidence.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Ebola crisis is beginning to spiral out of control.
We can unequivocally say the fix is in.
There is a concerted, orchestrated,
Effort taking place right now, ladies and gentlemen, by the state, federal, and also UN world government systems to deceive the public of the planet, from Africa to the United States, from Spain to Japan, about the true scope of this crisis.
The populist continent of Africa, home to close to a
billion people, what is it, 800 million or something, has at least five countries with people contracting Ebola, spreading it at an exponential growth curve, set to be 1.4 million by the end of the year, according to the World Health Organization's own computer models.
Ebola has mutated over 300 times this year alone, according to the World Health Organization and CDC.
We know that it now can live in the body and basically be contagious over a very long period of time, not the previous three days.
There's evidence that it's also contagious, not just when you're showing symptoms, but before.
But there's a concerted effort run by the new czar to lie to the public about that.
That's why there's a massive loss of confidence taking place.
We interviewed a medical doctor yesterday on air.
The story and the video is up on InfoWars.com.
Who talked about the Truman Medical Center in Missouri.
Where reportedly at least one patient showing signs of Ebola, bleeding out of every orifice, was disappeared.
Now whether they had Ebola or not, the disappearance of patients in Dallas and in Kansas City, outside Kansas City and other areas, is a big deal.
And the media is so lapdog, the establishment dinosaur media, that's the only reason that they're able to pull stuff like this.
This is a big deal.
We have a former senior Border Patrol agent that we were put in contact with by current Border Patrol people that are senior.
On record, here, earlier in the month, saying they're disappearing people who have Ebola coming in over the border.
And the CDC has vans and people in spacesuits disappearing them.
That was three weeks ago.
Border agent Zach Taylor, he joined us on the broadcast, October 10th.
We have another major medical doctor in Dallas who manages major hospitals.
I'll just leave it at that.
Who told us exactly what we heard from the medical doctor by name yesterday, a week and a half ago.
When Anthony Gucciardi and Paul Joseph Watson traveled to Dallas to investigate.
I know this individual.
He also lives in Austin part of the time.
I'll just leave it at that.
This medical doctor.
Paul Watson was there as well.
Before he flew back to England last Monday.
So do you understand that straight-faced medical doctors are saying this is going on?
And no one rebuffs us.
No one responds.
It's going on.
There is a cover-up taking place.
Governor Cuomo has come out and said that the medical doctor who contracted Ebola in Africa and who came back to the United States and who got through the JFK screening for Ebola, which isn't screening, had self-quarantined.
Ladies and gentlemen, he's on record being at a restaurant hours before he tested positive, a subway that day, a cab,
And a bowling alley.
He was a busy beaver.
And they're calling him a humanitarian doctor.
And I think doctors that go and fight Ebola are heroes.
And other healthcare people.
I admire them.
But it's not heroic to not self-quarantine in Africa out of the hot zone for a month is what they really recommend.
Not 21 days.
And then to come back here.
You do not come back here when you've been in wards with people with Ebola.
You do not bring Ebola patients into the U.S.
and stick them in regular hospitals.
You don't bring them in, period.
You treat them in country.
That's always been the default.
Federal law.
England has the same laws.
They never brought one patient in.
They shut down their flights two months and two weeks ago.
I keep saying two months.
It's now been six weeks.
France and others.
Do you understand that's why I'm so concerned?
Because this is definitely on purpose now.
You can't say it's an aptitude anymore.
Some of its ineptitude, but at its heart, is a deliberate conspiracy.
Now you've got to ask, why do they want this?
Vaccine sales coming up in December, January, with new vaccines they've got online, just magically after 35 years of Ebola?
Martial law, medical martial law, a distraction from all the scandals?
This new czar who gives speeches about how there's too many black people in Africa?
Who works for Al Gore and is basically a eugenicist?
Who's an expert at divvying up money in a public crisis and turning it into a boondoggle.
He's basically running the media now, telling them to tell everybody everything's fine.
That'd be one thing if they were trying to shut down the borders and shut down these flights.
They were telling us, okay, we have a few Ebola cases, we're taking them to these military level four facilities.
Where we can work on them in pressure rooms.
They're not doing that.
They're leaving everything open while disappearing people
To train government to be in on the criminal conspiracy and to corrupt the medical corps in this country.
That's why they always did secret medical experiments in other parts of the world.
And here domestically was to create groups of people who they could basically burn anytime they wanted who'd done secret medical experiments.
This is a corruption process of what they're doing and now Obama has come out, we've got the clip,
With a chilling statement, and Paul Joseph Watson has the article at Infowars.com, and Obama says that this is a trial run for a deadlier airborne disease, and that is exactly
What is going on here?
They are bare minimum using this to practice controlling the media, to practice getting hospitals to do what they're told under federalization, to practice getting the police, the fire departments, the EMTs, the hospitals, the media to go along with lies.
You heard the police officers and firefighters calling yesterday, one after another, confirming what was already in mainstream news.
But not just in New York, but departments in Missouri and Michigan and Texas saying, yeah, we've been told don't say Ebola.
We've been told cover up Ebola cases when we find them.
And then now people are disappearing.
Obama, and here's the big angle we're going to investigate.
This is what I want Watson and all the writers to look into right now.
Decide which of you is getting into it and let's go with this because it just clicked.
Remember that executive order he signed three months ago to permanently detain, if they want, anybody with any respiratory illness or sign of it?
That's with the flu coming up.
Obama signs the executive order to allow detention of Americans with respiratory illnesses.
Amendment comes in wake of Ebola scare.
And the reason I knew this was so important is the minute Paul Joseph Watson reported on this,
The minute we reported on this, we got attacked by White House-run groups at MSNBC and Media Matters, openly run by the White House, direct conduit on record.
See, they show how scared they are.
When we pointed that out, that he changed it, they went, oh big deal, there's been executive orders since the 60s.
If there's a contagious, you know, deadly disease, we can quarantine you.
No, it's said for any sign of it.
It's unprecedented.
Just like they freaked out two and a half months ago when we said, shut down the borders, shut down the West African flights, when everybody else was doing it, they said, oh, Drudge is crazy, Alex Jones is crazy and bad, there's no Ebola danger, it's racist, it's insane, it's deranged, close quote.
To say that people could fly in, or that if we bring medical workers in, they could get people sick.
What's happening right now in New York City?
What happened in Spain?
My gut tells me there's probably hundreds of Ebola cases, if not thousands right now.
In Europe, in the U.S., in areas that let people in.
It's a no-brainer.
We know the spread rate.
The average Ebola patient infects two people.
Look it up.
That's CDC's own numbers.
And now, they keep saying, oh, is it, has it mutated?
Has it gotten tougher?
They have all the mutations.
They know.
They're just not telling us.
We don't need them to tell us.
Of course it's gotten more powerful.
We're going to skip this network break.
This is so important.
Stations should not be airing over this because this is a network break.
This is our money we pay to not have some of these ads.
This is so important, okay?
My point is it's so important.
We lose money if we don't air these ads because quite frankly the ads won't even matter soon if we don't turn this country around.
And this planet around, from the evil program that's being brought in, they fund the terrorists, they attack us, they take our liberties.
They let the Ebola in, people start dying, they use that as a way to power grab.
So let's play the Obama clip of him saying that this is basically a trial run, extremely cryptic.
Here it is.
There may come a time, sometime in the future, where we are dealing with an airborne disease that is much easier to catch and is deadly.
And in some ways this has created a trial run for
Federal, state, and local public health officials and health care providers, as well as the American people, to understand the nature of that and why it's so important that we're continually building out our public health systems, but we're also practicing them.
There you go.
And keeping them in tip-top shape.
That's right.
It's about federalization, internationalization of the health care, centralization, and central deception.
And then getting everybody used to, during the crisis, lying.
But it isn't a trial run.
Ebola's here, it's killing people.
This disease doesn't kill one-tenth of one percent like the flu does.
This disease kills seventy percent when you get medical treatment.
And they could stop it.
Let's say it wasn't even already here yet.
We know it's getting in from medical workers they're bringing in to Europe.
Don't bring them in!
Self-quarantine in Africa if you're going to go volunteer, if you're going to play the part of Superman.
Now, let's get to DrugsReport.com and some of the top stories there.
Road Subway, this is the doctor, hours before testing positive, had cleared enhanced airport screening.
Continuing, cops caught, this is a powerful video we're going to play in a moment, cops caught throwing Ebola waste in public trash cans.
That's right.
They've gone into his house, they're quarantining it, and they just have cops
Throwing the garbage in the trash.
The HHS says, trust us.
It's kind of like Nosferatu.
Count Dracula comes to your door.
Trust me, can you just invite me?
I'd like to be a friendly neighbor.
And then there's our article, claim patients being disappeared.
Thank God that DrugsReport.com thinks that's important.
Do you think it's important that a medical doctor on record
Who works for a major health center.
Came on air and listed what he's being told is happening with people that appear to have an Ebola disappearing.
And now we have top doctor says U.S.
system is engaged in an Ebola cover-up.
Top doctor, U.S.
health authorities waging mass Ebola cover-up.
And it is true, that doctor we had on runs some medical centers, so he is a top doctor.
And the CEO of the medical center called him and said, I like you, but you better explain this isn't in our medical center or you're going to be toast.
And he said that, that it wasn't his medical center.
We said it's the Truman Center.
But what we're getting at here is that I'm not just getting this from him, I'm getting this from Border Patrol on and off record.
I'm getting it from ICE, I'm getting it from another major medical doctor in the DFW area.
The Dallas-Fort Worth area.
My hometown.
The Metroplex.
Site of patient zero.
We have all these doctors who don't want to go on record saying basically the same thing, and we're desperately trying to work through all these cases and vet it all right now, but this is what they believe is going on right now.
So credible doctors and healthcare professionals are saying that there's a cover-up going on.
And no one is publishing this, no one is investigating this, no one cares about this but InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and DrudgeReport.com.
Everybody else wouldn't dare stick their neck out to save their own butts, in my view.
Other conservative and libertarian talk show hosts, where are you on this?
You have kids, too.
You don't even have to follow my story or our witnesses.
Put a call out to medical doctors yourself.
They'll call you.
You can have them on.
I was listening to a big syndicated radio show this morning, driving in, and they were saying, yeah, there's some people claiming that there's Ebola patients and they're getting covered up, but, you know, I don't know about those sources.
Clearly a jab at us.
You need, the people that have media power need to get on this right now.
It's ahead of a midterm election, that's why they've got this czar in there, this Al Gore spin master.
Who has no Ebola training to basically have the media shut up and engage in a cover-up, and that's the real evidence of how much trouble we're in, is having Cuomo, who says if you want to own guns or don't like abortion, get out of the state of New York.
Total gangster thug.
Saying to the New York Times and others and press conferences,
That, oh, this guy's self-quarantined, there's no danger to spread.
Everyone knows, the police are on record, and the EMTs are on record, that when he was interviewed, he said, I've been all over the place.
It's like this NBC reporter that was supposed to be self-quarantining.
The one that says, the medical correspondent, the one that says, take your bleepin' shots, your vaccines.
And she was caught at a restaurant.
This guy knows he came back from an Ebola-stricken area, treating Ebola patients.
Some of these doctors go home to their kids.
Man, I would sit in Africa, in a hotel room, for 30 days before I came back, knowing I didn't have it.
And then the cops are in his house, throwing Ebola garbage.
And again, this broke on alternative media, it's now CNN.
Notice how everything breaks on Infowars.com, or Drudge, or WorldNetDaily.com.
Just none of it breaks on these so-called main channels, because they're a bunch of cowards that won't stick their head up above the grass to save their own lives, or to even be successful journalists.
What do you think it's all about?
Being a real journalist is about going with evidence, but also with your gut, when you've got to get it out there to draw attention to something.
You people are a joke.
So, Ebola has reached the concrete jungle.
Population 20 million, NYC, Ebola confirmed in New York, patient rode subway, went bowling, took taxi, and then I've got video, I'll dig it up here, of Cuomo saying it's not true!
Man, these people make me sick!
You know why people don't have any confidence in you, Cuomo?
And the New York mayor's complaining as well, because you're a pack of congenital liars!
See, they don't work in the normal business world.
The middle class retail business world.
Where everything is about quality, it's about service, it's about relationships, it's about people knowing who your daddy was and who your mama was.
And all you people in politics and big Fortune 100 companies going around with your PR and your screw jobs, you may have conned some of the people, but you can't fool most people anymore, and they're done with you.
And we wouldn't believe, we wouldn't take a glass of ice water from you in the Sahara Desert, if our life depended on it, because we know what you are, a pack of crooks and a pack of liars.
Makes me want to throw up.
Let's go over some of these headlines.
CDC cleared Ebola patient.
Craig Spencer at JFK enhanced screening will not prevent spread of Ebola disease.
That's what all the doctors have said.
Pointing a thermometer at somebody's face isn't going to do Jack Diddley squat.
They know to take Advil or Ibuprofen, both will lower it, when you're coming in.
These people, it turns out, know they're fleeing here to get medical treatment.
What do you think happens when countries are collapsing and they're going to leave the conduit open to where?
You can't fly to France, can't fly to Colombia, can't fly to Saudi Arabia, can't fly to England, can't fly to Germany, can't fly to Japan, can't fly to China.
You can fly to the toilet.
You want to come vomit and defecate all your bloody Ebola out?
I'm not being gross here.
This is what's really happening.
We are
A huge Ebola port-a-potty.
That's what the globalists are doing to us.
CDC cleared Ebola patient.
Stocks fall on Ebola fears in New York City.
CurtinMO, InfoWars.com.
Investors believe gold and silver may experience a rebound.
Yeah, what did I say last week?
My gut told me it's not hard.
A doctor in New York City is sick with Ebola.
What do you know?
New York Times.
NYC Health Commissioner wrongly claims Ebola patient self-isolated.
Yeah, that's another one that did that.
And Cuomo did it.
May have stopped and gone to a restaurant along the way.
That's how you quarantine, is you go to a restaurant.
Maybe he gets up there and, you know, in a hallucination with 104 fever, squats over the punch bowl.
That's how we all quarantine it.
Humanitarian doctor tests positive for Ebola in NYC.
Fox News New York.
Humanitarian doctor.
You know, I don't really think he's very humanitarian.
He's a doctor, he knows he should have, or maybe he did self-quarantine, maybe I'm wrong.
They didn't say that in Africa and then he still had it and got it on his way out.
But I doubt that's the case.
Just like this NBC woman.
We're going to take your calls on this subject if you're in the New York City surrounding area or Dallas.
What's your take?
What's your view on the police running around without protective gear holding Ebola waste?
I mean, are we this stupid?
800-259-9231 800-259-9231 Something's going on.
This Ebola thing is big, folks.
There's a cover-up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I don't point out all the times we've been right on hundreds of subjects to brag and say, gee, I'm real smart.
They have never allowed Ebola into a country knowingly until now, and it's been done all over the world.
The default is don't do that and it's illegal.
From England to the U.S.
But England is following the law.
Spain and the U.S.
are not.
They've never, when there's a huge outbreak or pandemic of something super deadly, allowed people to fly in from that country.
There's always a flight embargo put in for a time.
Or people have to have a medical screening from a facility, a certified hospital, marked 24 hours old or no older to be able to get on the plane.
There's different things they do.
None of that's being done.
So something's going on here.
Just like we said two plus months ago and got attacked.
And let me tell you, it's lonely.
When there's only InfoWars.com and DrudgeReport.com and WorldNetDaily.com.
That two and a half months ago were warning about this and being attacked.
What's wrong with people?
I don't want to be one of the only people that knows what's going on.
I don't want to be a nation of morons.
Only our ignorance and trusting the system allows this.
The good news is people don't trust the system, but they don't know what to do.
And quite frankly, I don't quite know what to do either.
We have them obviously bringing Ebola in, they're obviously covering up something.
It's probably spreading all over.
I've been saying that now, this doctor's got it.
CJ keeps pointing out, and I agree with him, and they're running the board, that why is it only healthcare professionals that we're allowed to hear have it?
Do you really believe that?
No, it's because they can threaten their licenses, they have high IQs on average, and can be managed.
And because the nurses unions and people can't be shut up, so it's kind of a dichotomy there, a paradox.
But if you're a poor African who came in here illegally, or flew in with his open border visa, and that's who they report up in Missouri disappeared out of the hospital there at the Truman Center?
A black African out of West Africa?
They're taking on a military basis and no one is there to basically stand up for them.
And quite frankly, I'm mad at them coming over here and don't like what they've done.
It's clear that patient zero knew he had it and came over here and then died.
Spreading it.
But if they set the precedent on these folks that are bringing Ebola in to disappear them, with Obama's executive order, they can say Alex Jones might have had it and he disappeared.
And if not this go-around, two years from now, five years from now, this is a giant test run for an airborne event like the President said, and it could already be airborne, even the New York Times reported a month ago.
One month after Infowars reported on it, and Drudge reported on it, and then we were attacked for daring to say it could be going airborne and linking to CDC white papers from 2012 and the Smithsonian Institute.
See, they don't like us because we link to real papers and real bills.
Remember that congressman from Tennessee on Jesse Ventura's TV show?
The one that I basically wrote the investigation for?
I was in a bunch of the episodes, like ten of the episodes, but that one I was on it.
And I said, look at this bill, go to this facility, go to these plastic coffins for an Ebola outbreak, which they now admit were for that.
Confirmed, now five years later.
But the show was three years ago.
And Ventura goes to the congressman at the Capitol, and he goes, what about the bill for the FEMA camps to incarcerate political dissidents at the Emergency Centers Establishment Act?
And the congressman, with his fake southern accent, goes, what bill is that, Governor?
And he goes, there's no such bill to Ventura.
Ventura goes, yeah, there is.
And he goes, I'm sorry, aliens aren't going to come out of big machines and eat my children.
These are actual quotes.
Ventura goes, here's the bill.
And the congressman looks at it, I forget his name, and goes, Oh, that bill!
He sounded like Scarlett O'Hair in Gone With the Wind or something.
I played that clip probably a hundred times there.
We could probably cue it up and play it again.
Oh, that bill!
And if you don't think there isn't media control, that's why I bring this up, I'm not allowed to say what happened, okay?
I'm only allowed to say what Ventura's told on air.
That Homeland Security went to Time Warner and threatened him, and they spoke on the floor of the House and filed an official complaint against Time Warner, and then that episode never aired again and was pulled off TiVo.
And pulled off YouTube.
Folks are always re-uploading it, but the views, with millions of views, the copies have been taken down.
I'm not allowed to tell you what happened.
That's the problem with being a journalist and wearing that hat, is I'm told things in confidence, and then I'm told, by the way, you can't tell anybody.
But let's just say this.
I'm so sick of not being able to tell people stuff.
I'm going to get Ventura back on and insist he tell it.
I'm tired of it.
But believe me, folks, you want to know how evil this government is?
You need to understand.
You need to understand.
People have died for the information you hear here.
Do you understand that?
I was sent information just two weeks ago by detectives on the West Coast.
of a plot to kill me.
And the guy even came here to do it.
And then he was unable to, so he went and killed a cop.
That's the kind of stuff I deal with on a daily basis.
I'm not being a drama queen here, ladies and gentlemen.
I was sent a file three inches thick by him.
That's the kind of stuff that's going on.
Do you understand that?
He's dead now, too.
But this is real.
Do you understand that?
And this person was of course linked to the Feds, I should add again.
So when they try to take Infowars down, or they try to take me down, they're trying to take you down.
Do you understand that?
There's a reason Glenn Beck's got 50 security people now.
I've got security, it's called M4 and 357.
It's called Deck Gun, Shotgun, Semi-Auto.
But I'm not afraid.
I expected all of this.
I intend to take on the Dragon.
I intend to take on the New World Order, and whatever happens, happens.
I mean, I'm not as a hard-working, smart person as my grandfathers were, and in many ways as my dad is.
And look at the stuff they just routinely did back then.
People will go fight and die in foreign countries for their nation, but our nation itself is being destroyed from within by globalists that hate this country, by enemies.
Now I know when Ace Veda was here, last time he said, you know, there are people here trying to kill you in the studio during a break.
And he goes, and we've stopped it.
And he said, you better appreciate us.
I was just like, huh?
And now I've been sent the whole file and I'm not even supposed to talk about it.
And there's other stuff going on.
It's just over the top.
My life is like a movie.
And your life is like a movie too, ladies and gentlemen.
Because you've got most of the government that's not bad.
Most of the corporations aren't bad.
It's key people in high-level positions.
And then most people, even in high-level positions, aren't bad.
They just don't know what to do because the public is so ignorant and so stupid that even if they go public and ask for your help, most of you will just spit on them.
Because anybody that sticks their head up, anybody that tries to tell the truth, anybody that tries to get involved, it's easy for all the cowards out there
To just look at whoever's in the arena and then judge us and make fun of us and show how we failed or how we didn't do something right.
It's a creed of losers.
This country doesn't operate like America used to.
And I'm not saying the country was ever perfect, but compared to others it was special.
It was unique.
And now we still have some of the good left, but it runs parallel to all the bad.
And I got calls from New York, and Texas, from Dallas, and you name it, on your take on Ebola, what you're seeing on the ground in your area.
Let me just recap what's happening and I'll go to your phone calls.
Humanitarian doctor tests positive for Ebola in NYC.
In the past, if you were in a hot zone, you would then take yourself out of the hot zone in the country, self-quarantine for at least 30 days, and then come back in.
I don't know why all these different doctors aren't doing this.
And I've talked to medical doctors that say it's very suspicious.
Why is it only medical professionals that are getting it?
Well, that's because they're whisking away people who aren't and disappearing them.
So where's the media on that front?
Read the story at DrudgeReport.com.
It's the top story in the top left-hand corner.
The top block, bottom story.
Patients being disappeared.
Go watch the doctor talk about it.
We interviewed.
Go look at Border Patrol saying the same thing.
Go read our article, media.
Prestitutes out there, get off the bench, stop being cowards, stop letting other people always take the front and try to save this country.
This is only happening because so much of the media are lapdogs and repeat whatever they're told to say.
What are New York cops doing going in the doctor's house and bagging up the trash and medical waste and putting it out at the curb?
What is wrong with this country?
That's just some of the news up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Again, Cuomo has come out and said that he'd self-quarantine along with the health commissioner.
That is not true.
You got cops in paper masks that do zero for Ebola, and rubber gloves.
And then the cops just took their gloves off, and their mask off, and then walk off with the mask in their hand.
There wasn't any Ebola on the front of that.
I mean, this is a joke.
Are we really this stupid?
If we're this stupid, maybe we deserve the globalists to wipe us out.
That's what they say.
We act so dumb.
And the police I know are pretty smart.
They're not dumb like that.
What is going on here?
New York Times.
Can you get a bowl from a bowling ball?
But they basically say it's extremely unlikely.
More bowl.
Okay, I want to go to your calls.
I've got a lot of other news on this front.
I need to settle down a little bit.
I was just thinking about what a twilight zone world this is.
And how crazy it's gotten.
We got jihadi people shooting up the parliament, we got open borders, we got our government funding Al-Qaeda while our troops fight them on the other end.
It's just pure evil.
It's a policy of Satan, is what I would call it.
The mindset that's being followed is so evil.
And if you don't know the MO of the Globalist, it doesn't make sense.
But once you know it, it's so obvious what they're going to do next.
And they want Ebola to spread.
So the question is why?
We're going to go to your calls.
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And I think, and what I've talked to Dr. Group and others, he's coming on next Tuesday with some of the documentation on this, that true nascent iodine, like X2, is just as important, maybe more important,
For bolstering your body's natural defenses than colloil silver.
And of course we have colloil silver 30 parts per million as well at Infowarslife.com and that is the silver bullet.
The name is silver bullet.
I don't believe anything is a true, complete silver bullet because some people are just immune to Ebola, period.
Other people, no matter what you do, they're going to end up dying.
But that's what I'm doing.
Get as much sun as you can.
In my view, it's your own medical advice, but folks have gone out and talked to their physicians about the advice I and others have said that we're using.
It's not even advice.
What I'm doing personally, what medical doctors and others, nutritionists and pharmacists have said here on the broadcast, we should get pharmacist Ben Fuchs on.
Today, maybe even a fourth hour of overdrive, if he can do it, get his take on it.
I know medical doctors that hear him and say he just has so much knowledge, even more than they have, on the front of compounding and so much more.
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If you're getting those toxins out of you, you're going to have more of an immune system, obviously.
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We're going to go to John, Reverend Bruce, Ray, Mike, Patty, and others.
John, calling from New York.
Is it New York City or New York State?
What's your take on this?
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
I'm actually right across the river in the state of New Jersey.
I really appreciate you running tip of the spear on these issues.
Very few people are.
I have to be honest, I've tried to get my friends to prepare, and not many people are listening.
I can't explain it, but people should know, and you have this on InfoWars, that the U.S.
Army, USAMRIID, has done studies on Ebola, and it has aerosolization comparable to influenza A.
Yes, sir.
Kit Daniels wrote a story three days ago.
I'll have it reposted to the top of InfoWars.com because I want to focus on that.
I apologize I haven't.
They say that once the temperature goes below 45 degrees that it then has the equivalent of influenza A and is basically airborne.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
So all I would say is that I urge people now is the time to prepare because the government is not going to be able to, even if they wanted to, they're not going to be able to help us.
But people are taking a backseat to all this because they say, well, the nurses are cured and the doctors are cured.
They're getting blood transfusions and they're getting care that none of us are going to get if this goes goes viral, so to speak.
Because there won't be enough blood in the transfusions, there won't be enough donors.
Yeah, exactly.
So now's the time to prepare.
I mean, I think you're doing a fantastic job urging people to get their health up to par, and people should also consider getting N100 masks, gloves, and be smart.
Yeah, for those that don't know, for those that don't know right now, it's already hard.
I'm going to hold you over so I don't let you finish because you sound like a smart caller.
So stay there.
I want you to finish your point.
What he's saying is, the Army said ten years ago, and again a few years ago in studies that Kit Daniels linked to, that no one cares about.
Literally, the story hardly even got any views or reads.
Because it's so important, of course.
Something about Britney Spears or Madonna would, I guess.
That once it gets cold, it's essentially airborne.
That's a fact.
We'll be right back.
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Hi folks, Alex Jones here with some important information.
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You take them all to man.
Kit Daniels is reposting his article as one of the top tiles.
Not in feature, but the top tiles that he wrote last week.
Or was it Monday?
With the Army's own Fort Detrick reports that Ebola, once the weather gets cold, essentially is airborne.
It's sunlight that ends up killing it.
It's normally a jungle virus, but that's just in jungle mammals.
But it actually likes cold weather.
And I didn't know that until I read these Army reports.
So, I'm so glad I went to John's call, because I tend to lose the forest for the trees.
That's why I'm freaking out.
If they let enough cases in, a few dozen or so, which I think's happened, clearly, and it starts spreading, and then it gets cold, in places like New York City, oh, this is gonna be like the flu, but maybe one-half of one-tenth of 1% of the tens of millions that get flu die.
This'll kill 70%.
And it's like a blood bomb goes off when somebody gets this.
It will be hell!
And I just want the politicians to know, you're gonna pay.
You're going to pay.
John in New York, or across the water in New Jersey, go ahead and make your point.
Sure, thanks Alex.
Just one last point, I'll free up the lines.
If anyone, I know you have a lot of interesting people listening, especially Hollywood people, I urge anyone that has any clout or has any connections, please tell the powers that be.
They've got to stop the flights.
It has nothing to do with racism.
It's all about common sense, protecting our country.
And if this case in New York doesn't prove anything else,
It proves that clearly having an open border policy is nuts and it will let Ebola into this country and cause more clusters.
Thanks very much, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
And still, the border's wide open and the flights are coming in and they're doing the fake screening.
And this is a plan.
There's now no doubt.
They want Ebola to spread in America.
And I'm sick of it.
And why do the criminals that run the government hate me because I don't want to die?
I don't want my kids to die.
Reverend Bruce in New York, thanks for calling, go ahead.
God bless you, Alex Jones.
Thank you, go ahead.
I pray for you all the time.
I'm from Long Island, and my major concern, first of all, is when they did the
When they broke into, I was watching TV, they broke in with this alert and Governor Cuomo, the mayor, and everyone was on the screen and talking.
And when they did the tour of the hospital, Bellevue, and talked about how secure it is and how we have all this elaborate equipment.
And all this quarantine and they showed the nurses, the two nurses, one male, one female, dressed up in their garb.
They showed it several times, how protected they were.
They even showed how they are learning how to put it on and learning how they're taking it off.
And they're glorifying this whole scenario of how we have it under control.
My major concern is this.
Africa is desperate.
Those Ebola-ridden countries are desperate.
When they see all of this on CNN, okay, about how wonderful it is in New York and how we have other hospitals in New York that are prepared to handle Ebola, they are going to crash our borders.
They're going to cra- not our borders.
They're going to crash Kennedy Airport, LaGuardia.
They are going to run here- That is an airport, just like a seaport or a land area.
It is a airport.
It is our border, you're right.
And that's what they want with Central and South America collapsing.
Advertise, come here, it's free.
This is on purpose, exactly!
But here's the $64 trillion question, and I'll hold you over, Reverend Bruce, and I'll go to Patty and Brent and everybody else.
Why do they think they can get away with something this bold?
What do you think?
Yeah, how do they think they'll get away with it?
First of all, the girlfriend is in quarantine.
The girlfriend.
If you love your girlfriend... Stay there.
I'm gonna come right back to you.
I'm gonna come right back to you.
Stay there.
Second hour coming up, folks.
Tell your friends and family to tune in.
This is important.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There's an old saying, Mama didn't raise no fool.
And again, I'm no rocket scientist to use another cliche, but the old defaults put people on hospital ships or make them self-quarantine in isolation after they've treated Ebola patients in Africa or wherever the disease is, and then you can come back.
What are these doctors doing coming back?
What are they doing bringing people that have Ebola back here?
And what's this guy doing?
Remember 12 Monkeys, where the guy that works in bio, weapon research, ends up going and infecting everybody on purpose?
This guy came from an African country, he has a fever, he's a medical doctor, and then he's going to bowling alleys, he's going to restaurants, subways, and taxis.
I guess he's just incompetent too.
That's right, Obama's incompetent bringing all these people in.
Everything's fine.
Everything's wonderful.
No, it's not, boys and girls.
Remember Dr. Eric Pionka at UT saying, the head of the biology department, he can't wait until the airborne Ebola comes?
This Ebola is starting to spread fast.
The Army says it basically is airborne when it's cold weather.
And Obama says this is a dry run for a later, deadlier airborne disease, close quote.
Let's go back to Reverend Bruce in New York, then to Patty, Brent, and others.
Go ahead, Reverend, what was your other point?
What I don't understand, and I'm looking at the doctor and the other nurses that are running around knowing that they're working with Ebola, I'm wondering if it starts to do something with the brain.
If you have a fiancé, a living fiancé girlfriend that you're supposed to love,
Oh yeah.
Oh, you know what I'm getting at.
You're saying you think Ebola affected his brain.
I don't know.
I saw a movie called 12 Monkeys.
I'm starting to think of a little something else.
You don't think they're going crazy?
I mean, you're a doctor.
Oh, he's crazy, I think.
I think he might have been crazy before the Ebola.
Something is wrong.
Why would you go on the train?
The news reports... There's a eugenicist that says there's too many black people in Africa running the Ebola operation.
Think something might be wrong there?
The news media!
Made us believe in New York that you could take the train the next day.
It's not going to be any problem.
He had a hundred and three temperature a few hours after he took that train to go to where he's the bowling alley.
They told us on the news, well, we're going to take the train.
I take, I ride the A train and I'm going to still take the train.
Well, my daughter and I ride the A train, one black man said, newscaster, and I'm going to take me and my daughter on the train as well.
I think these people are crazy.
Well, in America, acting like you're dumb and don't care and believe the government is the trendy thing to do... Oh boy, I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Man, I tell you.
My parents were planning a four-day trip to New York.
They like to go up there every few years, see the museums, eat in the restaurants.
Great city overall, other than the socialists that run it.
I like New York, I'll be honest with you.
I think it's really interesting.
I don't like parts of it, the garbage on the street and things and the rats running around, but...
I'm going to tell my parents, I don't think they should be going to New York.
Because it was one thing a few weeks ago to go to Dallas when we weren't sure they were trying to spread it, but now we know.
Now we know they're trying to spread it.
And as soon as it gets cold, it goes airborne.
In fact, that should be the headline.
Kit Daniels already wrote an article on Monday that got no attention, that was so incredibly important, when the Army reports saying that once it gets down to 45 degrees or lower, it becomes airborne.
And no one cares.
Maybe we should just republish it with a new headline.
Ebola to go airborne once temperature drops.
I mean, that's it.
That's it.
We're gonna come back.
I'm gonna get Tosh Plumlee on about 15 after.
We're gonna get Patty, Brent, Ray, Eddie on first, then Tosh Plumlee.
We're gonna come back from break.
But pray for sanity right now.
This is their false flag.
They're behind it, there's no doubt.
The experts are clear.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, one of the most famous CIA contractors of all time.
He was in the Iran-Contra hearings, you name it.
Tosh Plumlee, joining us via video Skype, is going to be with us coming up in about 10 minutes.
I'm going to finish up with calls on the Ebola front.
We have this doctor, Dr. Craig Spencer, 33, part of Doctors Without Borders, a known CIA front.
Over in Africa treating Ebola patients, he comes back, doesn't self-quarantine, gets sick, and then goes to bowling alleys, restaurants, the packed A-Train subway, and cabs.
This is a medical doctor.
We have the NBC medical correspondent running around restaurants.
But he's a hero, folks!
Previously, you would stay in the country to be treated of all the patients for not 21 days, for 30, self-quarantining in a hotel room or house.
Then you'd get on a plane and come back.
Not now.
The place to self-quarantine, because Governor Cuomo and others say you self-quarantine, is a New York rush hour train, a bowling alley, and a restaurant.
And an airport.
Forgot that part.
2 plus 2 does not equal 10,000 like they're saying.
This is getting crazy.
We have medical doctors on record and off record and the Border Patrol saying they're secretly disappearing people with Ebola.
Our story is top story on DrugsReport.com.
We have it red-linked, a super article with all three of our articles on this together.
Feds disappearing suspected Ebola patients across U.S.
Ebola can spread by air in cold weather.
That needs 50 million readers, not a couple hundred thousand.
We can go see who read it.
We need to get attention on this right now.
I'm gonna get Tosh Plumlee's take on this.
Bring it into Benghazi.
Gary Webb, who he, of course, talked to and who I knew as well.
And so much more.
And Tosh Plumlee has some intel.
I don't know what he's going to talk about here today, it's just incredible.
So we'll let him do the talking, he'll be with us for the rest of the hour, a little bit into the next if he wants to, and then Dr. Francis Boyle, who wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty, he's very famous in those ranks, he says this is a bioweapon.
And South Africa produced it as a race-specific bioweapon and made it airborne.
That was on the BBC in 1994.
We aired the clip this week.
So understand, folks, this could be something big.
Because they're doing everything they can to let it spread.
Now I'm going to move quickly through four or five of your calls, then go to break and back and come back with Tosh Plumlee.
Let's go to Patty in Texas.
Thanks for calling.
You're listening on 90.1 FM in Austin.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
I wanted to put something out there about the borders and you're all over the place about why they're shutting down the borders and I think I have at least maybe a partial answer for you.
It has to do, if you look at when this lab started back in Sierra Leone with the Gates Foundation, Tulane University, and U.S.
Army Infectious Institute,
If you look closely at those individuals and who all is behind the money on that, you can figure out why they're not shutting down the borders.
And the head of SouthCom says that now they believe Ebola will come across the border.
How is government not going to get in trouble burning down the house?
That's the big question.
Why are they so arrogant now?
Well, I'll get to that because the last key on that lab has to do with George Soros.
If you ask the question, why did they put that lab in Sierra Leone, and the very first thing you have to come up with is, they did the human trials there because they're dealing with very poor and disenfranchised people that have no voice.
That's not the final answer on it, Alex.
The reason that they put that lab there has to do with oil.
The discovery of the oil reserves offshore on all those countries around Sierra Leone and Liberia and Nigeria, there's a huge oil reserve that was discovered many years ago, but they did not announce the oil discovery and started drilling on it.
Oh, I know that.
That's exactly what Wayne Madsen, formerly the NSA, a major whistleblower, said on Tuesday here.
You're absolutely right.
Good to hear from you.
Thank you.
Ray in New York, you're on the air.
Hopefully it's not too late, is the comment that the gentleman who answered my Congressman's office said to me yesterday.
And what he was referring to was a letter that he, my Congressman Scott Garrett, and another Congressman, David Bittner, sent out to Reid and Bonner saying, hey, we have to get Congress back together so we can discuss this Ebola thing.
He's having three
I have four phone calls into the Washington office on a daily basis for the past three weeks talking about Ebola.
And the letter that they sent out and the comment that he made to me when he said, hopefully it's not too late, what he was referring to is he doesn't believe that they will convene again before the election.
And his comment after he said that was, hopefully then it's not too late.
So that's a little
What do you make of a medical doctor who's been in an Ebola area, has a fever, and then starts driving around on the busy A-train subway?
I mean, that sounds insane to me, unless you wanted to spread it.
I'm just wondering here, because the media is saying he's such a hero, why didn't he stay in Africa until he knew he didn't have Ebola?
I agree.
Absolutely blows my mind.
And if you take a look at the pictures of him, you are intimating that there's possibly a little concern about his stability.
And if you look at his pictures, he does look a little different, to put it mildly.
He looks like another self-satisfied, trendy know-it-all.
And I believe that, again, with the coming down of America, you know, it can't happen to me syndrome.
I can't have Ebola.
I can go through it.
Well, maybe that.
Maybe he's just a super arrogant person.
My point is, you're supposed to self-quarantine in the country after you've been with the patients in the super hot zone.
You move out to the edge of it, wait at least 30 days, not 21.
This is what they did before.
Then you come back.
Then you self-quarantine once you get here.
But he didn't do that.
Instead, he got a fever, just like this nurse in Dallas calls the CDC and goes, I've been treating the Ebola patient.
I've got a fever.
Can I fly?
Of course, baby!
Now, are we really buying this?
No, we're not.
Also, don't forget, we just had in New Jersey, land in Newark Airport Tuesday, a woman who was taken off the plane believing to have Ebola and scattered off to a particular hospital.
The hospital we don't know about, but we believe it's University Hospital because there was a lot of activity going around at the hospital at that time.
But what happened to her?
We haven't heard a thing about her since... That's the thing, we never hear about where these quarantine people go and now we have medical doctors telling us they're being disappeared and naming the hospitals and there's just zero coverage other than DrugsReport.com and Infowars.com and I want to draw attention to this malfeasance, what clearly is becoming, you know, deliberate criminal
Neglect so that they will put the things in place to stop it before it goes airborne when it gets cold.
And that's what the Army says it does.
Ebola goes airborne once temperature drops.
That's the headline.
Everyone should get this article out to everyone they know.
Thank you so much.
Now, what I'm going to do is finish up with three more calls, go to break, come back with Tosh Plumlee, who we do have on the line.
I really appreciate him joining us.
He's been getting some serious threats lately, and it's important for him to stay in the spotlight.
So he joins us with his maiden voyage on video Skype.
So it's like he's in the room, literally.
We're going to him in just a few minutes.
Real fast, Brenton, Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, real quick before I get background noise, I just wanted to bring up a point that I think we have a lot of talk about containing this virus to the hospital, but I'm actually worried about what is stopping a sympathizer from going to the hospital, infecting themselves, and then going out into the public.
It's obvious we're going to have a lot of sympathizers for the people with
Yeah, you're going to have a lot of fellow traveler Al Gore eugenicists that think there's too many people, and you've got all these doctors and biologists that go to school and send us threatening letters saying we're going to wipe all the humans out.
The FBI has gone and investigated people I've talked about on air.
I mean, Bianca and others, but his graduate students that are now bioweapons workers.
Why would you give somebody a bioweapon job who talks about how they want to kill everybody?
See, this is 12 Monkeys, folks, I'm telling you.
I'm telling you, it's a test run for that or maybe the real deal.
Did your phone come back, Brent?
Yes, sure it did.
Alex, one more quick point, if I could.
I've seen one person die in my life up close, and that, I really believe it gave me post-traumatic stress.
It severely affected me, and these doctors are seeing death en masse, and I can see how that can make somebody sympathize with the people that they're watching die, and seeing Americans' view on this, you know, currently, with them ignoring the situation that we're facing, I can see how that could push a doctor over the edge,
It's a disaster.
I hear you.
I'm going to get one more, then we're going to Plumlee.
Let's go to Eddie in New York.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi, sir.
Go ahead.
Yes, I'm here in New York, just working a few blocks away from our Ebola patient.
And I was thinking of giving the doctor maybe some credit, you know.
Maybe he decided to talk to somebody and say, yo, should I self-quarantine myself?
And they said, no, go ahead, fly.
So, but then you were saying that Doctors Without Borders is a CIA front, so that went out the window.
Well, I mean, listen, I don't, he probably, all I'm saying is, why'd this other nurse fly?
Are they creating a fake narrative?
Is this even accurate?
Is this even real?
Is it an Ebola simulant, like Steele, former CIA operative, you know, shed, or agent, shed last week here?
Or he actually said it a month ago, then he came back last week.
I don't know.
We're trying to figure it out.
It's just very suspicious, and they lie and say that he did self-quarantine.
When he didn't, the fix is in.
Tosh Plumlee coming up.
They'll be with us about 15 minutes to the next hour, so he gets a full hour.
And then we've got Dr. Francis Boyle to talk about Ebola.
He was already on a couple days ago.
I want him back on, because he's such an expert on biological weapons.
That's all coming up today.
Tosh Plumlee on Benghazi and more, straight ahead.
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Well, I'll tell you who's been going the distance, and he's with us for about 15 minutes into the next hour.
That's William Tosh Plumlee.
And he joins us now via video Skype for the TV viewers and radio listeners out there across the world.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
William Robert Tosh Plumlee.
If I go over his whole bio...
It would take an hour, but he's just a living legend, really, if you've studied this area of history.
The 1950s, he worked as a contract pilot for the secret CIA flights, including some for William King Harvey, Tracy Barnes, and William Rip Robertson, and flew arms directly to Fidel Castro when the U.S.
was backing him in Cuba prior to the overthrow of Batista.
He was never an official CIA employee.
After Castro, the U.S.
turned against him, toshed blue arms to Castro's opponents.
In 62, he worked on Operation Mongoose as both a pilot and undercover CIA covert action group operative.
He later worked as an undercover pilot in operation during the Ronald Reagan administration, drug war, flying arms in Nicaraguan contras and cocaine back to the United States, of course one of Gary Webb's sources he used, in what was to become known as the Iran-Contra scandal.
Tosh flew arms to John Hull's ranch in Costa Rica, returning with loads of cocaine offloaded at U.S.
In 77, Plumlee testified.
So he did all this after he testified to Frank Church and his Select Committee on Intelligence Activities.
People ask, well, how could he do this?
And also on the... Plumlee testified that their assignment was to stop the planned assassination of John F. Kennedy.
You could interview this guy for 50 hours.
We got a long segment coming up, but this is a short one.
And he explains how he's still alive.
He's part of the White Hat government.
And we could call kind of the Pentagon affiliated CIA group and from my deep research and being a conduit through the years, I'm not part of any agency, never been trained by any agency, any group.
I've had some family that was in the CIA and other groups, but
I have always had sources in the FBI, Secret Service, CIA.
I mean, you hear colonels, generals.
I've had former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff on.
The point is, is that the reason I'm alive, the reason Tosh is alive, and others, is that there is a light side to all this.
The problem is the dark side's taking over.
And I'm not putting words in his mouth.
He's said that before, and I found that to be true.
Now, he first wants to respond to John McCain that attacked him.
In this short segment, and we'll play the video next segment, then we'll get into the latest on Iran-Contra, the latest on Gary Webb and the new film Kill the Messenger, and the latest on Benghazi.
That's really the big issue, and his sources in NATO and in the military, the Pentagon, on what really happened there that's now been proven to be correct.
A year after he said all this on the show, it's now come out about the Stinger missiles.
You name it.
So, Tosh, I've done a three-minute introduction.
You've got three minutes to break.
What do you want to get into first?
Well, I don't know where to start.
I guess we'll start with McCone.
Let me make one statement about your Ebola and the doctor.
In my cases, when you fly into many, many different countries and you're there for a short time, something like that, you start to build up a
You're sensitized to believe that you're not going to come down with anything.
Sometimes you're vaccinated, sometimes you're not.
When you have hands-on, hands-on, day-in, day-out, 24-7, in a situation like that, I've flown with some of the border doctors.
And whether they're CIA or not, I mean, hell, CIA has filtrated everything out there, good and bad.
But you'll see that they sort of get an attitude like, well, it's not going to happen to me.
You know, I've been dealing with these people.
We went through this with the AIDS crisis in Africa.
And then doctors especially began to think, well, I've been working this long with it, so I'm not going to catch it.
In other words, I'm immune to it or whatever.
And that could be because of lack of education and not knowing how serious this particular strain of Ebola is.
There's many different strains of Ebola.
Now whether they're used as warfare or whatever, I wouldn't know that.
I'm not picking up for the doctor.
I think he used bad judgment in going out and making contact.
But I'd say it was probably more in good intentions because he honestly believed that he could not be infected.
So he's probably a great guy and a hero, just thought he was bulletproof.
Well, yeah, that happens to all of us.
Some of us that say that we think we're bulletproof, we find out we're not.
Regardless of what's out there.
By the way, we're going to break and I'll give you the floor when we come back, but talk about bulletproof.
You have been doing covert operations since the 50s and are still doing it.
You've lived a charmed life, I think.
Well, the reason, real fast, I know you're going to break, the reason for this is to put it out in the sunshine before the fact.
We'll get into some of this stuff about Webb and so on like that and my personal feelings along those lines.
It's not easy to know these things and then keep them suppressed.
Exactly, I know the feelings.
Stay there.
William Robert Tosh Plutton Lee will give you his Facebook and more straight ahead.
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Others don't.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
With William Robert Tosh Plumlee, facebook.com forward slash Robert dot Plumlee.
And he's had a mess with his site, block it, he's been recently threatened, I don't know how much he wants to say on air.
I hope he says it all, because I don't even like knowing what he told me and then not being able to say it.
I think he's probably going to tell you what his latest information is, because he's a pretty smart guy, long before I was born.
He understood to get it out there, and then you're not in as much danger, plus you've done the right thing.
But William Robert Tosh Plumlee is our guest.
He wants to deal with John McCain first.
We'll play the clip when he calls for it.
Sandwiched him with Colonel Schaefer, confirming what Plumlee has said, and sandwiched in with another guest as well, getting into what really happened with Benghazi.
But Plumlee's talked directly to a NATO officer and others.
We're just going to leave it at that.
And it's all been confirmed what he's been saying the last few years now.
And so he's been threatened by the Justice Department, you name it.
All right, I'm going to give you the floor, sir.
Go ahead and break down the whole McCain situation.
Okay, thanks a lot, Alex, for having me back on your show.
I do appreciate it.
However, I was, as you know, a little reluctant to continue to go on interviews.
Number one, I do not do interviews with mainstream media.
That's my personal feelings.
I do not trust them.
They've demonstrated to me in the past that they're more interested, in my opinion, more interested in spin, entertainment.
And some of the editors have been infiltrated.
We'll leave it at that on that.
So I'll come on Alt Media.
I have more respect for Alt Media, even though you have to be highly vetted in order to put stuff out on Alt Media.
But anyway, that's not the issue.
I've been called over the years the CIA's Forrest Gump because of what I've been involved with in one form or another for, good gosh, in and out over 45, 50 years, longer than that.
Why do I still be engaged in things like this?
There's a thing called methods and procedures.
And when they need people for the dark side, if you want to call it that, then they call upon people like not so much me now, but young people younger than I am.
They call upon them to carry out special ops.
And those ops have been infiltrated by political influence over the years.
I saw that coming many, many years ago.
I saw some of the operations that we were involved with that became illegal.
When I started flying cocaine back into this country to carry out an operation in violation of the Bolton Amendment, I began to have a little bit of a conscience about that.
And so I started trying to put information out there before the fact, not to prove anything, but just mainly to protect myself.
Because I saw what was happening to other people, character assassination, in some cases outright assassination, when they didn't go along with the status quo and the infiltration that was starting in those early years, back in the 50s through the 60s.
Whether it be military-industrial complex, whether it be CIA operations, COGs, or whatever you want to call them, UC operations.
But those operations, instead of becoming military intelligence operations and gathering intelligence for the welfare and protection of this country's national security, they become migrated into special ops for political gain.
Then we started getting incompetent people in strategic positions in the intelligence community.
So anyway, I don't know if that brings up a date on anything.
The reason that I decided to go in here and talk, a person sent me a clip.
And Senator McCain was asked a question about missiles, about weapons, actually.
And the statement come back, he made, yeah, Plumlee, referencing me, said, pigs fly and the sun rises in the West.
Okay, I understand
I'm not such a fan of that comment or what he's trying to say, but tell me outright, Mr. McCain.
I challenge you.
The information that I had about missiles going to the wrong places came two years ago.
It was, I think, even talked about on your show, Alex.
It was talked about here first with you, yes.
Yes, right.
And at that point, I started getting a little heat.
Politicians did not, some people did not want to hear this.
It was not with the administration.
It was not the policy of the administration at that point in time.
The CIA's Forrest Gump was talking again about things he knew absolutely nothing about.
Well down a year later, it was confirmed.
Another thing that was confirmed around that time was the training bases that was inside Jordan.
And also safe houses in Turkey and Jordan, where U.S.
weapons and also Russian weapons were being stored in these safe houses.
And there were also training sites at various places located in Syria, Jordan, and Turkey.
Now, where did that information come from?
That information didn't come from our intelligence.
It came from NATO intelligence and other sources, including the French, in these areas.
And being that they were heavily engaged in this, and there was also a war getting ready to start in Ukraine, a friend of mine that had worked with me, I might put it this way, I'd worked with him in Mexico on Task Force 7, Fort Bliss, Texas, was transferred over there into drone school.
And then he contacted me again one day and said, you won't believe what's going on over here.
We're moving weapons.
They're coming in on C-130s.
We're building up a secret army over here.
And I first thought, wow, man, this is, you know, it's got to be vetted.
I mean, you know, I mean, I could go out here and talk about it and so on like that.
So then I had another source, separate source from military out of the Pentagon.
And run that through him and he looked at me and said, where did you get the information?
And I said, all I'm trying to do is vet the information.
And so then I thought, well, I better go out and vet it out public.
So then later on, a few other things come out with the Mexican situation or the release of Carl Quintero and the Shorty Guzman thing and all that kind of stuff.
And then Fox News asked me to go on and I did go on camera with them and talked about that.
Had nothing to do with Benghazi, but even in that interview.
I mentioned Benghazi, I mentioned the Stinger missiles, and I even said the amount, 400 missing.
Now the reporter in the news clip, he said 15,000, he referenced Stinger missiles.
It was 15,000 hard impact weapons that was transferred over there.
Within those 15,000 weapons, hard core weapons if you want to call it that.
Any tank, any armor, penetration, any aircraft?
All that, all that and tanks.
I mean... High energy?
High energy, high impact weapons, and embedded within that 15,000 on those shipments that were there a year and a half before all this started breaking, was the Stinger missiles.
And then we found out that from the second source that worked with NATO, out of the Pentagon, that there had been a series of reports that Ambassador Stevens had sent back to proper channels and through the intelligence community.
In other words, now I want to get this straight here.
This was information from hard-working undercover boots-on-the-ground intelligence operatives with the CIA and with other organizations that had gathered this information over a long period of time.
Their responsibility is to pass this information up through proper channels, which they did.
However, the information that the intelligence community, I'm talking about the U.S.
intelligence community, in joint with the NATO forces,
They didn't want to hear that because it was contrary to the administration.
And then the president at that point had made a statement that these were little old kids playing around with over there and that there was nothing to it and downplayed it because it did not fit into the political structure at that particular time.
So therefore, State Department said on it, POTUS said on it, and this whole administration said on it.
I wasn't going to push on this until McCain made his statement.
So, now McCain made his statement, and you can play it anytime you want to.
He knew the people that those weapons were going to, and they were good people.
That statement was made at the same time American tanks were pushing in on Baghdad, and the same time those people over there were cutting off people's heads and lining up the soldiers that happened to get captured and shooting them in mass graves.
Okay, no comment from this administration.
That's an intelligence failure, right?
So, blame it on the intelligence community.
In other words, I'm not taking up for CIA and I'm not taking up for any organization.
I'm trying to put out the facts here the way that they came down the pike.
So, I thought, well, what am I going to do?
I mean, this information is out there.
Mainstream media cannot touch it, will not touch it.
Uh, for whatever reasons because, uh, lose your career, lose your job.
Only people that talk about this stuff are retired people that's been through it.
So anyhow, I, um, I don't want to eat up all your time just blabbering here, but... No, you're not.
It's important to give all the background on this.
We'll play the McCain clip right here.
This is, uh, reporters about a week ago.
They sent us the video.
We premiered it.
It's up on Infowars.com if radio listeners want to see it.
And it's sandwiched in between two of our expert guests backing up what Plumlee has said, one of them Madsen, formerly with the NSA, and then of course Colonel Schaefer, Lieutenant Colonel Schaefer, who was on just a few weeks ago, hours after briefing Congress, who is fully aware of everything that's going on right now.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Well, first off, there's a realization, Alex, and you can probably figure it, all of our options for Syria are bad.
I mean, I don't want to get into the details, it would get me in trouble, but there's people been fired over telling the truth to the White House, saying, look, these are the options we have.
And they're all bad.
And by the way, getting involved directly is just going to make things worse, you know.
So the whole idea of arming these folks, and let's be honest here, there's clear evidence in my judgment that the Libya consulate that was attacked on the 9-11 anniversary was very much involved in moving, you know, obtaining surface-air missiles
Senator, how do we know that the arms that are going to the Syrian rebels are not going to get into the hands of ISIS?
Because if we had people who were there to funnel it to the right people, and I know these people, and I know who they are, and I know how to do it, and so do other people.
It's this administration that doesn't want to do it, that is sending them to certain death when they're training them and not preventing Bashar Assad from barrel bombing them.
It's disgraceful.
Do you have any comments about the arms deal from Benghazi getting into the hands of the Syrian rebels?
That didn't happen.
The 15,000 Stinger Missiles.
No, it didn't happen.
It didn't happen.
It didn't happen.
Why would you think such a thing?
Somebody's really not informing you well.
Tosh Plumley of the CIA said that the 15,000 Stinger Missiles got into the hands of the Syrians.
Yes, and he also said pigs fly and the sun comes up in the west.
On blackmail, oh yes, absolutely.
You mentioned McCain.
And what have they got on this guy?
I mean, obviously he's blackmailed three ways from Sunday.
They know he was singing like a canary to his North Vietnamese captors.
For six months he was giving operational schedules for U.S.
attack flights into North Vietnam.
He also was responsible for the
Terrible fire on the USS Forrestal that killed over 200 naval personnel and he was the first guy taken off because they knew he was responsible because of his hot shot antics.
They called him Johnny Wet Start because he would flame his engine out as a form of hazing.
Alright, so sandwich between those two experts.
We had the clip with the Nolan Report where they brought up Tosh Plumlee and that's what McCain had to say to that.
Please continue with your statements on that and then let's move into the latest on Benghazi, the latest on Gary Webb, CIA drug trafficking with Tosh Plumlee.
Okay, so, uh, after that statement, I was gonna, you know, number one, I've never had anything against McCain.
I'm not a conspiracy or wherever he did this.
He did that's all I got.
In fact, at one time, I had a lot of respect for him, but I saw after he got in and our colleagues that he worked with,
Special interest took over.
Whatever happened, I lost a lot of respect for him.
That statement right there, knowing that this information had already been vetted and was before the fact, as much as a year, year and a half, that those missiles and their hardware was being pilfered or given to the radical factions that eventually become ISA.
Now, they built an army within two years.
With our weapons.
And some of the Russian weapons.
They didn't, uh, overrun all these bases.
I have one question about overrunning a base.
Anybody that's ever served in a hotspot in the country knows that the first thing you do when you're overrun, you get rid of all the paperwork and you damn well get rid of all the weapons if you gotta blow them up.
So that wasn't done.
It wasn't done by the Iraqis as they moved out.
And also the other part of those weapons over there that was being sent to the Middle East, they were not monitored.
It was according to the direct commercial sales and the foreign energy report to make it legal in order to ship those weapons.
They're supposed to be monitored at all times to make sure that they do not get into the eyes of hands, right?
There is a violation.
There is a failure right there.
Point one, the weakest link in the chain.
That's the failure.
We did not monitor those weapons.
Now, whether it was a conspiracy to arm these people, I don't know.
I don't get into conspiracies.
I'm trying to stay strictly on the fact was that the information came from NATO through our intelligence community.
Passed up through proper channels, that these weapons were getting in radical hands.
Ambassador Stevens found out about this.
He had a contact that could buy back, quote, some of the Stinger missiles.
He sent dispatches to Washington D.C., and I don't care what they say up there, many dispatches, he and others, and even some NATO people, and some people that was working with the French.
Also confirmed those reports to Washington D.C., to the U.S.
State Department, and they sat on it.
And that actually told the operatives... Tosh, Tosh, I don't want to have a conspiracy theory here.
Hold on one second.
Hold on one second.
Because number one, it didn't go in with them.
Your Skype cut out right when you got into the new information.
You've never gone this far.
Your Skype cut out for about 20 seconds.
Right when you got into the confirmation that this was happening and they sat on it, your audio cut out.
Please repeat.
This information from the intelligence community and the undercover operatives that work with NATO and other sources inside the Middle East that have put their lives on the line to gather that intelligence, passed it through proper channels to Washington, D.C., the current
...administration and also to some of the senators that was supposed to be monitoring what's going on.
That information was on more than one from multiple sources written and sent to the State Department complaining about what Ambassador Stevens had said that he had an opportunity through sources to buy back the Stinger missiles or some of the Stinger missiles.
So, the administration came out and said the intelligence community's information was totally wrong.
You've had some people from the Pentagon.
This information came from the Pentagon.
This information was leaked by retirees that had worked the operation as much as four years ago.
They were concerned about the weapons being lost and getting in the wrong hands.
They are the very people that said that they, somebody, was training
People in Jordan and in Turkey.
That's why the Turks don't want to play with us too much because it's gonna expose this.
Those documents, those letters, those asking, what do we do?
The information on memos was sent.
Stay there.
This is incredible.
And you're listening to one of the main Iran-Contra witnesses, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay there.
Ditash Plumlee.
We'll be right back.
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Who are you out there?
People in government, corporations, everybody.
Who are you?
Which side are we on?
I'm not lionizing different agencies in the military, but clearly it's gotten more immoral over the years.
And everything that Tosh Plumlee two years ago began to talk about, he came out and said, I'm not like the others.
I'm not going to be a coward.
I'm not going to go along.
I've talked to all these senior people, NATO, Pentagon, you name it, and they say it's these missiles.
Well, that's what Schaefer was saying right at the time.
And then they called him in and screamed at him and a bunch of stuff and told him don't go back on that show, he still comes on.
He's the guy that ran the anti-Al Qaeda bin Laden unit.
Well now it's all come out.
So they changed the name of Al Qaeda to ISIS to confuse everybody, Al Qaeda in Iraq.
And now Tosh Plumlee's here, and he's going to be with us at least 20 minutes into the next hour, then I'll go to your calls and have another guest joining us.
But I hope Tosh gets into some of the stuff that was relayed to me through the reporters that were talking to him, and why he's pretty concerned for his life right now, because obviously even knowing this information is not good for my health.
So I'm sure he's going to talk about it.
I'm not trying to push him to, but if he's got a reason not to, please tell me.
It's pretty dangerous stuff.
And it's just par for the course where this civilization and society have gone.
We're going to go to him here in just a moment.
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Tosh, this is a short segment, short segment coming up, long segment after that, but I know you were talking about, you just did your job, you checked all these sources, you've been doing flights as we speak, you're talking to people, it all comes out to be accurate.
McCain makes fun of you, attacks you.
Obviously the intelligence community knows if Al Qaeda gets stingers, they're going to shoot down airplanes.
That's going to be a big issue.
They want to stop it.
Not just to be good guys, but so they don't get the blame.
And then why would the government, why would Obama, why would the State Department think that this wouldn't blow back on them and they could just have Stevens killed and cover it up?
Because they're incompetent and they have no idea what they're messing with and they have no idea how to run this war and they put people in strategic positions that are not qualified and therefore we have what they call intelligence failures.
What I'm saying is not an intelligence failure, it's a political failure at the highest levels.
We have no leadership, we have no direction, we have absolutely no plan.
Now you mentioned about
We're good.
So, now, back to the... Okay, if you remember, around the time when we had some of the people from the Pentagon and the intelligence community coming forward, trying to tell the American people... Keep it right there, I'm sorry, we had to go to break.
The breaks are all at the end and the start of the hours.
We're back in 60-70 seconds.
We'll go right to you.
Tosh Plumlee's our guest.
No friends and family, tune in.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going right to Tosh Plumlee in this short segment, giving him the floor.
Sorry to get interrupted by the breaks.
Long segment coming up.
Huge whistleblower on so many fronts.
Please continue where you were getting to in the intelligence community in Benghazi.
Okay, now if you notice back around the time we had a couple of generals that were getting ready to talk about this out of channels.
Administration jumped them.
I think those guys were asked for early retirement.
A couple of people out there, colonels and some birds and different ones were talking about this and was warned to shut up.
It could affect their careers.
Some of them have actually retired and come out and now have a talk about what we're talking about here.
So we have the Pentagon intelligence gathering, getting up and being blocked.
And then the main thing was the letters that Stevenson wrote to the State Department basically asking what to do.
This is what we found.
This is what Iraqi intelligence is telling us is going on.
Do we do?
Now, that was the reason that I devised the 11 Benghazi questions, which you posted over a year ago, or about a year ago, on your program.
And one of those questions specifically stated, will someday we be fighting our U.S.
weapons on some foreign battlefield?
Simple yes or no.
To anyone, Senate, on both sides of the aisle,
That would answer simple yes or no.
The 11 questions were based upon the same documentation that Senator Stevens, Senator, I'm sorry, Ambassador Stevens, had written asking the State Department and others in the administration what to do.
That jeopardized the official position of this government.
And so therefore,
Those documents had to be sanitized.
Those documents had to be withheld because it would show an illegal operation of a gun running situation and the weapons were not being monitored and allowed to get into the wrong hands.
Now if this was purpose or not, I have no way of knowing.
The fact remains that U.S.
And I'm talking about tanks, Humvees, launchers, missiles.
Over six billion dollars in weapons.
Just that I know about that I've been told from sources out of the Pentagon.
The reason that I was contacted by NATO is they don't know what to do.
Mainstream media does not touch it because they've been infiltrated through the old, what I call the old Mockingbird Project.
And I know Alex, you know what I'm talking about.
We're infiltrating the CIA operatives as journalists.
And the worst of the political class that just absolutely are totally incompetent, they'll just lie.
That's who they stick in there.
Well, that's right.
And then some of this, when we get into where they say this is a conspiracy on the part of this administration and elements within, sometimes I disagree with that.
What I see is total incompetence.
These people up there have demonstrated, and I use that word over and over and over, they've demonstrated to me that they're totally incompetent.
Uh, to even run this country.
And that is shown by the people that they put in that are not qualified to put in the strategic positions and infiltrate those people into the intelligence community.
And then they sit and suck up the information if it's not in line with administrative policy.
So it's not an intelligence community failure, it is a political failure.
That's right, the political groups are in control and that's why they can just lie to people on so many fronts now is because we literally have political state-run media.
Tosh, stay there.
We've got huge breaking news that just went live at Infowars.com.
The White House emergency alert has interrupted television viewers across the United States with a message of Ebola emergency.
This is unbelievable.
The video is on Infowars.com.
This is not broken in the news yet.
We are breaking it as far as I know.
And it says, remain calm and don't use your phones during the Ebola outbreak.
This looks like a false start.
Talking about incompetence.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I was told about 18 years ago by an engineer who managed 10 local stations as the head engineer, got a couple of engineers under him, that he'd been brought into meetings with the Texas Association of Broadcasters and the FCC.
And they told him in the future we're going to take over the phones, the radio, the TV.
We're going to have things called smartphones.
We're going to roll these out.
And he was the engineer representing the Texas Association of Broadcasters in the meeting.
His name was Kevin Stone.
He's dead now.
And he gave me the documents.
It said not for distribution.
It was all FEMA.
I shot video of it.
I put it in a film.
And I won't get into the whole story because we've got Tosh Plumlee here, but we always knew when they're getting ready to really drop the hammer, this stuff's been in now for about 15 years completely, that they would start using it and getting you accustomed to it.
Forced video messages on your phone from the President.
Forced video messages on radio and TV.
Nationwide, viewers from Austin, Texas, to Atlanta, Georgia, to Detroit, Michigan, North Carolina, you name it,
An emergency alert took over with text saying that during emergencies do not use your phones.
And it caused panic.
And warned them not to use their phones.
And amidst all the Ebola crisis,
That's how it prompted confusion given the highlighted tensions over Ebola.
That's what they're doing.
And my phone will now turn on, it's really a computer, will turn on and there'll be alerts from the president on it.
So I have to turn it off and put it in another room to sleep.
So it starts out with floods and things that sound reasonable.
And a missing old lady or whatever, missing kidnapped kid, and turns into this.
Talk about Operation Mockingbird, what Tosh Plumlee was getting at, CIA, government infiltration, political infiltration.
I mean, look at CNN or Fox or MSNBC or any of them.
Half the people are former administration PR flacks.
And then they legalized the CIA engaging in domestic propaganda this year.
I mean, they could legalize murder, still murder,
Tosh Plumlee, I want you now on the time you've got to run over finishing up on Benghazi and then you wanted to get into Kill the Messenger, Gary Webb.
You were one of his main sources.
You were Congress's source.
Everything you talked about on that's been vetted and confirmed.
As a testament to you doing the right thing and then continuing to do contractor work,
Because there are a lot of good people in the system, and as you pointed out, most of the good intel I get fighting the tyranny is from the Army.
And I'm not lionizing the Army, but it was Fletcher Prouty at the Army that exposed the JFK thing.
I know you were very intimately involved in those operations, Bay of Pigs, you name it.
Not just on the aircraft, but on the ground.
A lot of that's highly classified.
You say you're going to break your silence in Dallas on the
Anniversary coming up, but I think for your safety, let's just spill as much guts here as possible, including what you told me about Mexico and ISIS.
I don't like knowing that.
The crew doesn't like knowing it.
Can we please just get as much as you told us out there so they don't come kill us all?
Well, okay.
Sometime back.
Am I on now?
Yes, sir.
Okay, sometime back there was information came, you know, go back to the Mexico thing with Task Force 7 out of Fort Bliss, Texas, which Bill Conroy and ARCO News covered very, very.
This goes back to 2010 of weapons going across the border.
That led into the fast and furious.
We're good.
Ended up in this Zetas hands and other gangs that later came into cartels and then as a result of all that during that period of time over 80,000 people were killed inside Mexico.
Mainstream media did not cover any of that.
Our neighbor next door and their drug war and war was going on with the cartels down there and
We're good to go.
And, uh, which was eventually made into the movie.
I'm gonna stop up here and go into, um, the Colonel Saboe killing.
Gary Webb received the map that I'd given to Senator Hart, uh, through his security advisor and Senator Hart before the monkey business.
There was a sabotage on that situation.
But at any rate, the map had all the staging areas, it had the aircraft ID numbers, it had the routings, it had the coded names, and it had the people involved, which led into the Iran-Contra.
The information started going out to the Senator.
In 1983, he wrote a letter to the effect, turned it over to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Quote, they refused to investigate.
Even when the weapons showed up in cartel hands, laid out all over the plazas that had been firefights in that region, this administration and the other administration refused to acknowledge that there was any problems going on with the Zeta getting US-made weapons.
Okay, so there's the Mexico deal.
Then let's go over to the other side of the country.
At that point in time, later, weapons began to show up in Jordan, in Turkey.
Same MO, same operation.
Out of the direct commercial sales program.
I started trying to vet this stuff to make sure that I wasn't making any mistakes about the dollar amount.
Follow the money.
Where is it going?
Cut out companies.
Did it go back into campaign contributions?
I don't know.
I started working on that and then the wrath of God came down on me through anonymous deals, through character assassination.
Tosh, you better shut up.
You're getting way off base here.
There's nothing to this.
You're a conspiracy freak.
Why do you want to take pop shots at Obama?
He's a good man.
I don't know what they're planning up there, but I do know that the incompetency is causing almost a damn conspiracy.
It's making me wonder, are they really involved in this, creating diversions that takes us away from what's really going on?
All right, now I start talking like a conspirator.
Alright, so I have to vet the information.
I've told people, and I've told them on your program, don't believe anything I tell you, don't believe anything you tell them.
Get out and do it themselves.
Do their own legwork.
All we can do, all you can do, is point the people where to go.
I agree.
Specifically though, there's now been intelligence reports come out, and then finally the FBI denied it.
They admitted it two days ago.
So some of this is coming out.
We saw the shooter up in Ottawa a few days ago.
What I'm getting at here, with you, I guess yesterday, what I'm getting, or a few days ago, what I'm getting at here with you is...
Yeah, your Skype cut out.
Specifically, what do you know about Islamists in Mexico and U.S.
training bases with them?
Tell us what you know.
Okay, I went in on a program, I think it was yours or Hackman and Hackman, and then at that point in time, the intelligence reported that there was an infiltration coming across in the flux of the children and all that kind of stuff.
They picked up, I think it was nine Somalis, according to the Border Patrol, and these Somalis were filtered through Mexico, up through the porous border,
Between places like Antelope Wells, Columbus, Palomas, and the Warriors segment, which is a very desolate, remote area of the desert southwest at the three-foot fence down there.
So, now, was that happening?
They said that these things they were already staging in safe houses in Las Vegas, Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and they were infiltrating through porous borders in McAllen and those areas down south through Lajitas.
And again, all this intelligence through the task force out of Fort Bliss, Texas, went through proper channels.
The person that I'm talking about
was transferred to drone school to train before he went over to Afghanistan.
He gets in Afghanistan and says, hey man, the same operations going on over here that was going on in Mexico.
I'm saying, wait a minute, you're saying that we're putting guns in the Zatos hands?
He says, not direct.
You know what?
So anyway, they asked me at one time, this is 209210.
Would I come down there and so they could show me something.
So I went down and saw a warehouse and I saw the warehouse packed full and I even tried to take pictures of it and put tracking devices on the vehicles which was all recorded by Narco News and Salem News.
Mainstream media contacted me and said I was crazy that there was nothing
Good, and that's why they could not use it, and they had got that information from this administration.
So, then someone tells me, Mr. Plumlee, be very careful because the administration's out to get you.
They're going to subpoena you.
I said, okay, fine.
I'll honor that subpoena when someone else honors their subpoena or gets issued a subpoena, and I will stand side-by-side with that person and raise my right hand, and I will tell them, that committee, where this information come from, if that person would do likewise.
Now I could, I blocked out the name there, but everybody knows who I'm talking about.
I don't like to throw names out there, but so far I haven't heard anything from
But I did hear some other things that I'm upsetting some people because I'm going into methods and procedures and here's the problem.
Their problem.
I'm not a government agent.
I'm not employed.
I don't take the U.S.
Government Treasury's money.
This information is coming to me.
There are people that are dedicated to saving this Constitution and they're seeing it gradually through a process of evolution being eroded.
And it's being eroded by incompetent people, put in strategic positions that stops the actual flow of intelligence that is needed in order to save this country's... Now let's stop right there.
You told Niko and others specifically, repeat what you told us about...
About not just radical Islamists coming across the border, but a training base in Mexico.
And did you... That's the reason I came down here.
We're bringing it up to date.
The information I got, I'm still down here checking that out.
I haven't released, I said that's what I'm coming down here for.
Here's the report.
There's a training, two training bases.
One between, out here in the desert southwest in Chihuahua, which is directly between El Paso and Nogales, that area.
And a little, well, it's very porous down there.
I'm trying to get in touch with the Border Patrol right now to find out if they've had any reports of that.
I do have a Border Patrol contact out of Santa Teresa, and he told me there's truth to that.
However, I can't go out public at this point and say, I'm trying to get pictures.
I'm trying to find out for sure.
I'm trying to get next to the Marinos down there that are stationed in Palomas across from Columbus, New Mexico.
In other words, they did a raid on a ranch here back in 2010.
Uh, and it's recorded, and pictures of us shaking hands with the Border Patrol as the Mexican Marinos was raiding the ranch and they found weapons there.
Now, that was blocked out because, quote, national security.
Sure, let me say this, Shelley Castile, who was a high-level DEA agent, Vietnam vet, Border Patrol before that, DEA, obviously you know who we're talking about, also a source for Gary Webb and others.
They set him up for just selling a few shotguns and stuff when he got divorced to raise money and put him in prison for a while.
He said on my show in 2003, in studio, this video of it on YouTube, that they were going to arm secret armies called Zetas
Down by the King Ranch, and that he'd been asked to go train these secret armies.
They were going to claim that it was an infiltration, and that the Mexican army that was trained in the U.S.
had turned against the Mexican government and formed the Zetas, but it wasn't true.
When he said that, they came after him.
So now you're, because I don't want to get this wrong,
What I heard you were saying, because we were talking to the producers, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that there may be Islamist training bases that the West is protecting in Mexico.
We've seen that leaking out in the news that they supposedly have training camps.
That's what the whole thing, I'm down here far on this particular situation.
But you've got to confirm that.
Well, wait a minute.
Yes, okay.
Selly was right on.
In fact, some of us boys helped support him while he was in prison because he got a wrong deal.
We're trying now to get his pension back from him because his information has proved to be 100%.
Now, I'm going to go real fast and speed up here.
Selly also was
Knows about hangar three because he end up refueling one of our aircraft down there And that's how I know Sally and that goes back in the higher-end country to the secret air base known as Santa Elena Costa Rica and known as Point West and Oliver Norris notebook So Sally has a long history and that's sure what you just said is absolutely right they jumped on that man and they discredited his deal and robbed his pension and ruin him and
Now, he had also passed some of the same information to Gary Webb.
Now, I'm going to get into the Gary Webb bill.
Gary Webb received copies of the Gary Hart map.
Also, there was a Marine colonel that allegedly committed suicide, but they say it was murder.
Okay, get into all that kind of stuff.
At one point, Webb had that, but Webb could not connect the dots.
Webb was a damn good reporter.
He could not connect the dots to where Saboe had direct contact that these drugs were coming in and being pilfered out of El Toro to the black community in L.A.
Basically, Ricky Ross.
I went to and talked to Maxine Waters and Ricky Ross' attorney, and I told him this, the same night that Sally and Michael Ruppert, who has also recently committed suicide, had challenged CIA Director Deutch at that particular point in time at the high school.
I went on 6 o'clock news that night and said I didn't want to see a race riot started over this information.
The dots had not been connected at that particular time.
Webb did not use their supposed story because he could not confirm it as being factual that did not
It did not upset me and it did not upset the other people.
In fact, we supported them the best that we could.
Nick Skoll turned around, took part of the Sabo story, Marine Colonel James Sabo, took his story and he did an article on cocaine or cocaine airways, did a couple articles on me about my knowledge about El Toro and flying C-130s into El Toro to be offloaded with drugs and then reloaded to China Lakes with weapons and going down to the Contra.
Alright, that was also confirmed by Gary Webb and his security advisor Bill Holden.
That's all record now.
That goes to the Curie Committee.
This was all testimony of the Curie Committee and they classified my testimony and also classified what Selly had told them, their investigators.
He did not go in front of committee because he was DEA.
That information was confirmed.
But yet they went after him on a weapons that he sold.
And in law enforcement, they exchange weapons all the time.
Hell, we sell.
Shit, want to buy this one?
Hell no, I got this one.
This is a good Smith and 40.
This is a 9.
This is a Ruger, you know.
Oh yeah, okay.
Well, he just had a divorce.
I remember he was having money troubles on my show trying to sell books.
He went and tried to sell like 10 of his guns at a gun show in the divorce.
And then they came and grabbed him.
That's the way the ball goes.
In other words, Sully made a bad mistake.
Now look, hindsight's on quarterbacking.
Yeah, he knows it.
When he was in prison, I sent him money down there and helped him out.
And we talked about it.
I told him, I said, Sully, you've got to get out there public.
And we're getting off on Sully, but this ties into Webb.
Well, and also to Nick Skoll.
The article, I Run Drugs for Uncle Sam, was published in 1990, April of 1990, before Colonel Szabo was killed, and that map was recorded in that article.
That article, through San Diego Reader, has now been made into a book.
Not my book.
I don't have nothing to do with it.
Also, Gary Webb knew about all that because he was receiving information, because he was working with on the Ricky Ross thing, but he could not connect the dots to prove it.
Two months before he died, he called me and he said, I'm ready to come on your show.
I want to put this stuff on the website.
I've connected the dots.
He called me and asked me, what should he do?
And I hadn't talked to him in six, about six months.
And I said, what do you mean?
Okay, now, now, Nick, I'm not saying, okay, I'm not saying, I don't know, Gary Webb thing, here's my position on that.
Yes, he committed suicide, but he was programmed through the Mirka things, and you can verify this through the man who stared at goats, that movie, because on the back scene of that trailer, the documentation is proving there from Mirka, Mockingbird, and all these kind of things are psychological warfare subliminations.
You think they may have grabbed him and programmed him and then had him do it?
And I'll tell you some other people out there as good people.
DEA, Hector Borellas, and Phil Jordan, the El Paso Intelligence.
Okay, they've got the whole story.
The documentation was released to the committee, which turned right around and classified the committee as sensitive, top secret.
And it's still classified today.
So, here we are, the people that was involved in these ops, having to fight our own government to get our stories vetted and public.
In order to stop this money flow that's going into campaign contributions through the sale of illegal arms international.
And that's still going on today in my opinion.
That's what I'm working on.
That's why I have to come out here and let you people know this is what I'm working on before the fact.
Otherwise, I'm gonna go to a federal prison and be shot up, or I'm gonna have an accident like Hastings and some of these other people.
Now, okay, that makes me... Oh yeah, they blew Hastings up.
I even talked to his friends and family, and he was running from the feds when they killed him.
Well, all right, there you are.
I mean, you've heard me say this and I've said it on your program.
There is another world out there that the eight to five American cannot even comprehend that exists.
And some of us guys play in that world.
I call it the sandbox.
And some of us don't play too smart.
And that's what they want.
Now, okay, back to the Webb deal.
So Webb, about a, God, I'm not sure of the date, but a couple of months, weeks, maybe, whatever.
What should I do?
Man, you gotta go public.
I can't go public cuz I don't have the goods.
The dots aren't connecting.
Okay, what could I do?
It wasn't a question that they're gonna kill you.
It wasn't a question.
Okay, that came later.
In other words, his editors, who I think some of them worked for the CIA or took some of the CIA money to discredit that man.
Well, it actually came out that the LA Times was with a CIA operative as its head.
The CIA declassified that two weeks ago.
Tosh, here's what we got to do.
Will you come back on just on the Gary Webb issue next week via Skype for 30 minutes so we can finish up?
Yeah, yeah, I think it'd be a dang good thing.
Listen, if you want to get this out now, we can give you a 30-minute break and have the Nightly News interview you just on Gary Webb for the Nightly News.
Get it all knocked out of the park right now.
Well, here's the thing.
Here's the thing, okay.
Well, we can do it.
Let's let this digest here.
Sure, sure.
We're out of time.
We'll do it next week.
I want to thank you.
I want to thank you with your courage.
You've been vetted by Congress repeatedly.
You've been doing this forever.
We thank you so much.
You're an amazing individual.
We'll be back with the author of the Biological Weapons Treaty.
We're on the march.
Stay with us.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got a doctor, also a lawyer and professor, Francis Anthony Boyle, joining us.
He was already on two days ago, but I was listening to the interview while I was taking care of things at home in the office that day, and working on some investigations, and I thought, man, I gotta have him back for a second interview.
There's so much to cover.
We're going to him in just a moment.
Obviously, there is a big concern out there, and people are starting to panic over Ebola, because the government has acted so ineptly.
And has left the border open, let the flights come in.
This medical doctor was sick and going to bowling alleys and A-trains, that's the packed rush hour subways, and to restaurants and cabs.
This is getting really bad.
It looks like a fake narrative to me that everybody that has it is healthcare workers.
That they're just picking fake people to say that they have it so they can put out their PR.
That may not be it, but we have medical doctors that we've talked to on record and off record listing the hospitals where openly they are disappearing people that have Ebola-like symptoms.
So that's...
We're going to follow that over the weekend.
I have some big news on that on Monday.
Look for special alerts and video reports over the weekend at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I will assure you, this is not the type of off-the-chart ratings I like to have.
In fact, we have the biggest audience, the most traffic we've ever had, to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, to the podcasts, the live streams, the video feeds.
It's just off the chart right now.
Because we're breaking so much, because the rest of the media is pretty much controlled, to a great extent, or they're ignorant.
DrudgeReport.com is linking to our article with Top Border Patrol medical doctor by name who is under a lot of fire right now.
We're threatening to fire him on Monday.
He'll be back on with us.
He says he feels fine.
That's fine.
He's had all these doctors all over the country call him, and doctors in his town that know him, and doctors at the hospital called and thanked him, and said, yes, it's Ebola.
We think it was Ebola, and you're right, they're disappearing people.
But then they're like, don't say my name.
It's gonna come out, okay?
But he's like, hey, if it's Ebola and they're covering it up, fine, fire me!
He manages several hospitals, several medium-sized clinics.
He's not at the Truman Center, that's a different company, that's where he did his internship.
So that's going on.
We're going to go to Dr. Boyle here in a moment on the providence of Ebola, because he did author the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty that was adopted at the U.N.
And he went through the big top globalist
program, they only get one Ph.D.
a year out of.
At Harvard, the Kissinger Ph.D., which they only give to top people they want to make super gophers, or leggots, I would call them.
And so he's got the inside scoop on how they operate and how they work, and he's been basically saying, this stinks to high heaven.
We'll talk to him in a moment.
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Professor Francis Anthony Boyle is a leading American expert in international law.
He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 89, the American implementing legislation for the 72 Biological Weapons Convention.
He served on the Board of Doctors of Amnesty International and represented Bosnia and Herzegovina at the World Court.
He serves as a legal advisor to the President, delegation to the Middle East, peace negotiations in 91-93.
He delivered the Bertrand Russell Peace Lectures.
Professor Boyle
He teaches international law at the University of Illinois.
Champagne is the author.
And I'm not going to go over all of his...
Books that he's written, dozens of them.
He holds a doctorate of law, magna cum laude, as well as a Ph.D.
in political science, both from Harvard University, and his most recent book, Destroying Libya and World Order, the three decades U.S.
campaign to terminate the Gaddafi revolution, available on Amazon.com.
We appreciate him being so available the last few days.
Thank you for coming on.
What is your take on what's happening with Ebola, sir?
Well, thank you for having me on, Alex.
And just one point of clarification, that Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act that I did draft is on the Federal Criminal Code.
It was passed unanimously, my legislation,
By both houses of Congress.
Yes, yes.
And signed into law by President George Bush Sr., a conservative Republican.
So, it's not as if I'm doing something here at the behest of liberal Democrats.
I think, as I've said elsewhere, what we're seeing there in
West Africa is the result of the U.S.
biosafety level four laboratories, the highest level.
We have one in Guinea, one in Liberia, and one in Sierra Leone.
And these labs do every type of hideous biological warfare work
You could possibly imagine, including DNA genetic engineering on just about every type of agent you can possibly imagine.
So it's my opinion that this is where it came from.
I'm trying to figure out, you know, precisely what type of agent we're dealing with.
Today's New York Times has two variants.
Uh, a, uh, what looks like some type of, uh, hoof and mouth, uh, disease, uh, that was genetically engineered along with Ebola down at the University of Texas in Galveston.
And a second type, this is in the New York Times today, you can read it.
That's right, hidden in plain view, I have the article right here, just buried, this is a product of BioShield, so our bioweapon is bouncing back on us.
I'm afraid this is blowback.
The second bioweapon involved here is the National Institutes of Health.
They've always been up to their nose, actually their eyeballs, in biological warfare and the Center for Disease Control.
The second agent seems to be a genetically modified organism
Uh, involving, uh, enhanced, uh, lethality, uh, Ebola, uh, together with the virus for the common cold.
Oh my God.
You put the two of them together.
You're the author of our biological weapons law.
You're a top expert in this.
You were access to a lot of classified stuff when you did that work.
You're here telling us that you've looked at this.
It's hiding in plain view.
We know we have these secret bioweapons labs in Africa.
That's what the African scientists are saying.
The media has been attacking me for pointing out that South Africa admitted they developed this stuff.
That was declassified in the mid-90s, as you know, with Project Coast.
Yeah, I work with them, too.
That's well known.
So you're saying, in your view as an expert, you believe that this is a Western-developed bioweapon crossed with a cold because the Army's come out.
We had a report on Infowars.com today and said they believe that it will transfer like influenza A in temperatures below 45 degrees and will go airborne this winter.
I think it's been manufactured to be airborne to some extent.
Although, for your viewers, I want to make it clear, I have never had access to any type of classified information.
I've never had a government security... Only when you were in Congress working with them, because I read some of the filings on it.
It just talked about, I guess, declassified info that you went over with them then.
That's right.
Back in those days, everything was in the public record, but pursuant to
Freedom of Information Act requests where you could actually get something but these days you can't get anything and you just have to read the press and scientific literature very carefully to find out what's going on.
Yes, concerning the influenza virus today the New York Times, I just sent you my comment on that, says that they're going to be testing out three types of
The biological agent itself, by means of genetic engineering, in the case of Galveston, it looks like a foot and mouth or something, and Ebola, enhanced Ebola, and in the case of NIH and GlaxoSmithKline, it is this, what I call Colbola, the common cold, together with
I don't know.
Sorry, in Mali.
Mali just came down with its first case of Ebola reported today.
So, the third variant then appears to be some type of Ebola, enhanced Ebola, with the flu.
So, that'd be even more contagious than the other two, if that's what the New York Times says they're going to do this.
And we have to understand, the weapon comes first, and then the vaccine comes second.
So, when they say they're testing out vaccines with GMO, that also means they have the weapon.
And they very well could be just using the weapon and withholding the vaccines.
The positive point here, though, Alex, is this.
It's a fundamental rule of biological warfare that you do not launch a biological warfare attack on anyone.
Unless you have already developed the vaccine by use of the same technology.
Now, if you read that story I sent you today from the New York Times, which I analyzed carefully, it appears that these vaccines have already been developed at Galveston National Institutes of Health and have not been developed but produced, but at a small scale.
The excuse, well, we couldn't jack it up because Big Pharma wouldn't come in here.
That's ridiculous.
We've spent $79 billion on this stuff since 9-11.
That's BioShield.
That's the BioShield program.
Of all of everything, all of biowarfare together, from 9-11 till now, we've spent $79 billion.
Well, Dr. Boyle, that's what all my listeners have been saying the last month.
And the Africans are saying, listen, there's been U.N.
vaccination programs and other things.
That's where it's coming from.
They're running.
They know.
And then it goes back to the boldness of the establishment.
Why would Obama then and others let it spread everywhere around the U.S.
and lie about it and disappear people?
We now know that's going on.
We just don't know the severity.
Then I guess it's to hold the panic till they're ready to roll it out and then pose as saviors?
It just seems like such a bold move.
I really, this is the most crazy thing I've ever broadcast on.
This is overwhelming me psychologically.
I don't know what to say, Dr. Boyle.
What do you think's happening?
Yeah, it fits the pattern of what happened on September 11, 2001 with the anthrax attacks that we know those were U.S.
government agents involved.
That was super weapons-grade anthrax manufactured at Fort Detrick and Battelle, Dugway Proving Ground.
And we know that the entire White House was on Cipro prior to those attacks because they knew the attacks were coming.
That's Associated Press.
Right, that's all over.
So, my assessment of the situation is that Galveston and NIH already have these vaccines along with the agents and I suspect our elite have already been administered these vaccines to protect them from the blowback which is undoubtedly coming.
If you look at the New York Times there, they've been working on these vaccines since
Ebola was first sent.
The WHO, which by the way does what the CDC tells them to do, ordered Ebola in 1976 sent to Porton Down, which is the British equivalent of our Fort Detrick.
And that's where they got caught doing all the Mingala experiments on the troops.
And that's their Fort Detrick.
And it obviously was sent there for weapons purposes.
And then it was sent to CDC.
And CDC has always been up to its eyeballs in biological weapons.
I have an official government document here establishing that CDC was doing biowarfare work
For the Pentagon, no later than 1988.
And they had to have constructed the lab before that.
So CDC is in on this.
But they've had all those years, from 1977 till now, to develop
The Ebola is a bioweapon and a vaccine.
And now they magically have it.
We're going to go to break.
I want to come back and ask you this question.
What do you think about it?
We get to the money, too.
I'll talk to that in a minute.
We'll talk about vaccines, money.
Dr. Boyle is our guest, author of the Biological Weapons Law and Terrorism Law and Treaties and other things.
Just simply amazing.
I mean, I have three children.
I'm so upset about this.
Because here's what I see, and that's what I want Dr. Boyle to talk about when we come back.
They wouldn't be doing something this dangerous, this bold, this crazy, that makes them unpopular if it wasn't for some other bigger goal.
They may be going for broke.
This may be the big one.
That's why I'm so upset, is the government at the top is acting so crazy.
And I don't think it's an epitude.
Like Dr. Boyle says, it's pretty much stage deals.
The question is, what is it?
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He sells, but who's buying?
Look, I've made a big study of history because I find it fascinating.
Other folks watch sitcoms, I read history books.
At least when I had time, I did.
And you end up getting mental illness in government corporations throughout history.
It's kind of like a dark logic.
It's like a twisted economy.
People start cheating in war, cheating in business, then it becomes whole systems of fraud.
Then you get inventiveness in corruption and plots and conspiracies.
And no matter how many of them get declassified or whistleblowers exposed, the greed, the evil, just grows.
And we're entering that cycle right now.
So I'm kind of answering my question that I asked Boyle.
I want Dr. Boyle's take on this.
It's just this.
I see the actions of the ruling system worldwide, and it's very Nero-esque.
It's very arrogant, narcissistic, mentally ill.
Mental illness can destroy families, it's destroyed friends of mine, I've seen it destroy people in business.
People end up thinking they're Jesus, or people end up thinking you're a space alien.
You know, schizophrenic type stuff.
I've seen nervous breakdowns, you name it.
But when you get it in government, and incompetence mixed in with it, and corrupt big pharma,
And a bunch of eugenicists saying there's too many black people, and that's what this, uh, that's what this Ebola czar is a eugenicist.
When I first saw him, I thought, I've heard of him.
Oh yeah, he runs all Al Gore stuff.
And then it's declassified all the things they've done to Africa with bioweapons and everything.
Black people, it's just open season on them.
They do it to everybody, but they really like to go after black people.
That's the apple of their eye.
Dr. Boyle, I'm really freaked out at this point.
I want you to get into money, but it's obviously bigger than that, but this is so bold.
I don't see them getting away with this.
The polls don't show it either.
And people's kids die from this?
Folks are going to know what did it.
Has the elite gone completely insane at this point?
No, I don't think so.
You mentioned Czar Ron Klain, Obama, Mrs. Obama, all the rest of them.
They all went to Harvard Law School.
Every one of them, they were after me.
This is the Harvard Law School mafia at work, Cass Sunstein.
You know of him.
David Barron, who said Obama could murder Americans, put him on the first circuit.
I could go down the entire list.
Occasionally there's a Yale Law, or Harold Killer Co., Mr. Drone.
Occasionally there's a Yale Law person, Mrs. Clinton.
But this is Harvard Law, Mafia.
I went through the same program when I was there.
If you saw the movie, The Paper Chase, that's exactly what it's like.
And these people, they are not incompetent.
They are very bright, very intelligent, very well trained.
No, I understand that, but I'm saying... Let me finish my question.
Sure, sure, sure.
They are completely ruthless and unprincipled.
So, sure, we could say that Hitler and the Nazis were nuts.
But, I don't think that gets us anywhere.
You know, during the war, the OSS did commission a psychological profile of Hitler by psychoanalysts, and I've read it, trying to explain what motivated the man.
The mind of Adolf Hitler, the secret wartime report.
That's correct.
So, I see no point in saying these people are nuts.
These people went through the same program that I went through and they've been trained to operate this way.
Czar Ron Klain, Harvard Law School buddy.
Elena Kagan, I can go down the whole list.
Larry Summers, stole from Main Street to give to Wall Street.
Harvard President.
That is who
We are dealing with here.
So they are some of the smartest people in the country.
Harvard, for these type of people, pretty much is a meritocracy.
And they've been trained to be thoroughly ruthless.
And again, I went through the same PhD program at Harvard that produced Kissinger and Brzezinski before me.
They gave me Kissinger's old office.
I know.
We've got to have you on for a full hour sometime just on that.
Stay there back in one minute.
I want to get into the money with Dr. Francis Boyle.
Stay with us.
This is powerful information.
Thank you for joining us.
And I'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
with David Knight on the Sunday Show.
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Others don't.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, final segment.
And Doc, sorry I interrupted you earlier.
I know this is a really hardcore subject.
I know that they're scientifically cold-blooded and smart.
Just to me, it is a form of power-mad mental illness.
Because just because you can be Machiavelli,
It doesn't mean you should be Machiavelli, and I know... Why did they end up bringing you through that high-level program that so few go through, and then you ended up not joining them?
I mean, I think that's another example of how there are ways to turn this around.
I don't think they're invincible.
A, I want to get your take on that, and then B, follow the money, give us your take on that.
No, they're not invincible, but they've been trained to think like Nazis, and that's pretty much what we're dealing with.
These neoconservatives go back to... Strauss.
...Rio Strauss.
I went there as an undergrad.
They trained me to be one of them, too.
And his godfather was Carl Schmitt, the leading Nazi jurisprudence of his day, who justified every hideous atrocities the Nazis ever inflicted, including against the Jews, for our Jewish listeners out there.
As to the money, yes, these two bioweapons vaccines that I've mentioned have already been patented.
You can see in today's New York Times, the Galveston weapon vaccine has been patented.
And it's already been reported that the National Institutes of Health CDC have a patent on the technology behind Cold Bola.
So what we see here is, as you said, rolling this out, then coming out with the two vaccines that they know work,
I really don't know what to say about that, Alex.
Well, it's like Germany.
A few years ago it came out, even in the BBC, that they had, quote, clean vaccines.
So they'll run limited runs that are actually good vaccines.
Who knows what'll be in the other vaccine from the group that brought us the Ebola to begin with?
Well, I think that's what we've seen here.
That is, I think, if you read the New York Times today very carefully, they have vaccines already that work for these two different types of Ebola weapons.
And my guess is that, you know, our leadership belief has probably been administered these things already.
The positive sign, however, is we need to get access to those two vaccines.
And there is a special procedure there in the WHO where you can, and World Trade Rules, you can break patents for public health.
And we need to get those vaccines immediately, the real ones, not any fake ones, and get them, if my surmise is correct, and this is my surmise, get them into mass production immediately at a reduced rate, certainly for the people of West Africa, because I'm not sure how much time they have between you and me.
Well, Dr. Boyle, we're also thankful for you.
Folks can find all of your books on Amazon.com.
You've got Destroying Libya and World Order, The Three Decades U.S.
Campaign to Terminate Qaddafi Revolution.
If folks want to read real information that's been very well vetted, they should get your books.
We've talked about this over the last decade you've been coming on or so.
We've never done it.
I should have you on, not when it's breaking feverish news, but for an hour sometime to talk about Harvard, to talk about that PhD program, the Kissinger-Brasinski program that so few are part of, and to talk about the mindset, because to know our enemy is important,
That's the way I saw it.
I was a bull for the peace movement for ten years at the University of Chicago with all the neocons that had harbored for seven years with four degrees, including teaching two years at Harvard.
That's exactly what I did.
Did they get mad when you let them know that you weren't with them?
I don't think I'm very pleased.
I think they would just as soon revoke my degrees if they could, but they're sort of stuck with me.
Well, we look forward to talking to you again very soon.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you so much, sir.
Well, thanks, and my best to all your listening audience out there.
Thank you, sir.
Folks, we're out of time.
Back to Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Great job, crew.
Pray for peace.
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