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Name: 20141022_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2014
2273 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics such as the Ebola outbreak, the lack of proper precautions by governments, media sensationalism, alternative treatments for Ebola, and potential false flag operations. The show features guest speakers like Anthony Gucciardi and Dr. Group who provide information on probable Ebola cases daily. They also interview Professor Francis Boyle about bioweapons labs in African countries, which he believes are connected to the origins of the Ebola pandemic.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Ein.
I'll be your host today.
We have an exciting show.
Very informative.
We're going to have Dr. Francis Boyle on in the third hour.
He's going to tell us why there's been so much bioweapons research done in Africa, in the very countries where we see this outbreak happening.
And he should know.
He's been involved in writing two bioweapons treaties for the United States.
He's going to be joining us in the third hour.
Alex will also be joining us with some special reports.
You know, we've had a big victory in the Info War.
We see the fast food industry on the rocks.
Not literally, I mean, not with ice, but basically we see their profits plunging.
McDonald's, Coca-Cola, other fast food outlets.
I think it's a victory in the Infowar.
Alex does as well.
And he's going to talk about how the government not only won't protect you against Ebola, but how they ultimately can't protect you against Ebola.
You know, we keep looking for these magic cures from government.
They really don't have one.
They do have a threat that we need to worry about down the road with these vaccines that we may potentially be forced to take.
Without them having been properly vetted, properly looked at, and there's always the issue of what is added to the vaccine, even if they do these trials.
And so we're going to talk about that as well as some media manipulation that's going on against the narrative that people are, as we look at the different things that we see coming from the government, the stories that don't quite add up.
When we start doing investigation, we immediately get some pushback
Labeling everything conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory.
Well, that's the way you do an investigation.
You start looking at histories of things.
You start looking at the usual suspects.
And so, the Washington Post has pushed back using a strawman attack against us.
We're going to talk about that, not just against us, but against everybody that is looking at what's going on in Africa with the Ebola.
But we're also going to look at another Snowden document that's been released by Glenn Greenwald.
This is an amazing document to me.
I think it really sheds light on the attempts that we see to manipulate people in the Infowar by the government.
To give you a preview of this, this is a slideshow presentation from the British government's version of the NSA.
And basically, one of the slides, it talks about the four D's.
Deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive.
That's your governments at work.
When we have governments like that, who don't want to be held accountable, who shut down all efforts at transparency, that's what we should really be concerned about.
You're also going to be joined by, as I mentioned, Anthony Gucciardi is going to be joining us to talk about how you can take control of your health.
Jakari Jackson is going to be joining us near the bottom of the hour.
And he's going to be talking about this breaking story that's going on in Canada.
Of course, there were shots fired in the Canadian Parliament.
That is developing as we speak.
We see reports from BBC that witnesses saw a gunman firing at the Ottawa War Memorial.
Reportedly, a soldier was shot there, then running into Parliament.
So they say that this is
Increasing fears that there's some kind of a terrorism outbreak in Canada because they were just just raised their threat level from low to medium because of a soldier that was hit and run earlier this week.
They believe that had some terrorist motivation behind it.
We'll see.
Now there's also a story that we're going to be looking at later.
33 police officers fire 600 bullets into a car knowing that it contained a hostage.
Hopefully that's not what they're going to do in Canada.
Maybe they won't be that trigger happy.
Let's hope they don't shoot up their own parliament.
This is an amazing story.
A 41-year-old mother of two was abducted and it was a car chase sequence and the police let loose 600 bullets.
That's about 20 each that they put in.
We also have a report on someone who was making 3D guns in Japan and he got a two-year sentence.
It was a heinous crime, the judge said, because it threatened the very core of their control over citizens.
This guy knew exactly what he was doing.
He was a gun rights, gun freedom advocate, and we're going to talk about that.
So stick with us.
We're going to be right back, right after the break.
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Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
We have a very interesting show, but I'm going to break down who's going to be there.
But I wanted to cover this shots being fired inside the Canadian Parliament.
Right now we have a breaking story there.
We're going to have Jakari Jackson joining us in the next segment.
He's going to give us updates as to what's happening.
We had some shots fired in Ottawa
War Memorial, reportedly a soldier there was shot and then the person ran into the Canadian Parliament and apparently we're getting different reports.
Some people are saying that it hasn't happened but two Canadian MPs later said that the gunman has been killed so we'll be getting an update from that from Jakari Jackson.
As I look at that, one of the stories that came across the plate today was 33 police officers shooting amongst themselves, 600 bullets into a car, knowing that it contained a hostage.
This lady was in a bank as these guys were robbing it.
They took her out of the bank as a hostage, a 41-year-old mother of two.
She had a young child in her car.
She asked them not to let
Her child see them take her out of the bank as a hostage.
They complied with that.
They said, don't worry, nothing's going to happen.
Well, nothing happened from the robbers, but the police fired a volley of 600 bullets into the car, killing her along with the bank robbers, and now they're being sued by the family.
We also see in other gun news, we see that in Japan, a man gets a two-year sentence for making 3D guns.
Now, he knew what he was doing.
He was pretty much a self-defense gun rights advocate.
He was making a point, as we've seen those who do that here in the United States as well.
They want to make the point that we have the right to defend ourselves.
He was a staunch advocate, I would say, of the Second Amendment, except they don't have a Second Amendment in Japan.
So, this is what you see happening.
Actually, what they've got instead of a Second Amendment, they have a swords and firearms control law.
That's right.
You can't even have swords in Japan unless the government gives you permission, evidently.
So, I guess the Samurai Deleg wouldn't happen in Japan in reality.
But this guy who was arrested, who is now getting two years in jail,
He once allegedly wrote on Facebook, freedom of armaments to all people.
Also, a gun makes power equal.
Yes, that's essentially what Chairman Mao and other dictators understand.
They understand that power comes out of the barrel of a gun and it is something that the people need to have.
People need to have that power.
We have the fundamental right to protect ourselves, just as this Japanese guy understands.
It's not given to him by Constitution.
A government can take it away.
A government can lock you up.
But it doesn't come from the government.
It is not something that is a privilege that can be granted.
Earlier this week on the Nightly News on Monday, we had a story of a local jurisdiction that was requiring Facebook passwords on gun applications.
See, when you turn this into a privilege, there's no telling where they're going to take this.
And they weren't just looking for their Facebook page.
They wanted their
Their password.
What are they going to do?
Alter their account?
Well, basically, the judge said he intended to demonstrate that firearms are manufactured easily.
And to publicize that widely over the internet, that was a heinous crime.
Well, you know, it's not just governments and individuals who shoot people.
We also have false flags that are involved in this.
We have now a narrative that has been destroyed as it was delayed.
An investigation of the flight of MH17, if you remember, this is the flight that was shot down over the Ukraine.
Our government tried to use that to push us into a war.
We have a legislative requirement that the Congress declare war because these types of things need to be debated.
It needs to be a deliberate process before we enter into war.
And of course, that's been totally, totally circumvented by our government as the president now sends troops anywhere he wishes and essentially keeps them there as long as he wishes.
The only thing holding that back
Is the alternative media questioning whether or not this was really a shoot down by the anti-Ukrainian government forces or not?
If that was something that we should rush in to fight against those people now because that was such a heinous event?
Yes, it was an awful thing to see the bodies raining down out of the sky.
But it's also important to know who did that, just as it was important to know who unleashed that gas, that poison gas in Syria.
We later found out that it wasn't the people that we wanted to go to war with.
It was probably the people that we were supporting there.
So it's very important to take your time doing that because in this particular case we now see a German foreign intelligence agency has concluded that the anti-aircraft missile battery involved came from a Ukrainian military base.
This is reported by the German news magazine Der Spiegel.
And this is up on David Stockman's Contra Corner.
He was the guy who was the budget director for Ronald Reagan.
Looks like he's opened up his perspectives a little bit to publish something like this.
But it's very important that we take the time to look at these things.
We tried to have the mainstream media, as well as the Obama administration, tried to push us into war.
It's a good thing we didn't do that now, isn't it?
Maybe we should take our time and look at all these things, even if the Congress isn't going to do that.
We also see a breaking story on The Guardian.
The U.S.
is ordered to explain withholding of Iraq and Afghanistan torture photos.
The Obama administration doesn't want to show you the Bush administration's torture pictures.
They're fighting this.
They have 2,100 pictures, they say, of detainee abuse that's said to be more disturbing than the infamous Abu Ghraib photographs that sparked a global furor in 2004.
This is the Guardian reporting.
They say the imagery is the subject of a transparency lawsuit
That both the Bush and Obama administrations, backed by the U.S.
Congress, have strenuously resisted.
There we go.
It's a bipartisan thing.
Why is it that Obama isn't going to use this to blame Bush, to blame the Republicans?
Because he's involved in this type of thing as well.
Of course, he bragged about how he's really good at killing.
He's got his drone strikes, his open assassination of people, most of them innocent civilians, further inflaming the war.
But they say, oh no, drone strikes don't inflame the war.
What would inflame the war
Would be if we showed you pictures of what we did to prisoners.
In 2009, Barack Obama said that it would further inflame anti-American opinion and put our troops in greater danger.
That's what his drone strikes do, actually.
We need to come clean.
We need to put some people in jail.
We need to be transparent.
The pictures are not the problem.
What's happening is the problem.
The cover-up of what's happening is the problem.
And that's why we need to get these people out.
Unfortunately, he's joined by the Republicans and by Congress in covering this up.
They don't think you have the right to know what they're doing in your name.
Now, in the third hour, we're going to be joined by Dr. Francis Boyle, and he's going to ask some questions about what's going on in Africa, in terms of the countries that we're seeing these outbreaks centered in.
Why are we seeing so much bioweapons research in those particular areas?
Now, he should know because he's written a couple of treaties for the U.S.
government, bioweapon, bioterror treaties.
He's also written a book on the subject.
He's going to be joining us in the third hour.
We've had big victories in the information war in terms of nutrition.
We can see that reflected in the lower sales figures, the lower profits of fast food companies, of soft drink companies.
It was done by the marketplace.
It wasn't done by fiat, by edict, like Michael Bloomberg was doing.
And interestingly enough, the head of the CDC, Frieden, was his guy.
He raised taxes on tobacco from $0.08 a pack to $1.50 a pack.
That's an 1875% increase.
What happened?
Well, he got a huge black market.
That's what happens every time you do something like that.
It's essentially, you know, prohibition creating a financial incentive.
That's what we see with the war on drugs.
Problems like that, if you want to stop people from smoking, if you want to stop them from eating junk food,
Drinking soda.
You don't put bans on everything.
You don't ban salt on the table or certain sized drinks on the table as the CDC former head did.
You know, he can do that, but he's not, he's gonna ban the trans fats, but he's not gonna ban the transnational flights of people who might be bringing in Ebola into this country.
That's the absurdity of the nanny state.
And the way that you stop this is through education.
So we're going to have a couple of special reports from Alex Jones, not only on our victory in nutrition, but also on Ebola.
We're also going to have Anthony Gucciardi joining us.
And there's a major article that's come out that I really want to focus on.
And I don't have enough time to do this.
I'm going to do this at the bottom of the hour.
This is another Snowden document that's come out.
It's actually a slideshow, a training program from Britain's NSA, the GCHQ.
Most people didn't even know about that before the Snowden documents shed light on it.
But it's got, and this is one of the things, I'll tease this to you, one of the things that they're telling people to do in this is the four D's.
Deny, we see that a lot from the government, don't we?
The internet, somebody's web service, their business, their personal life, degrade their personal life, stop their, uh, destroy their company, destroy their personal reputation, and deceive.
There you go.
That kind of sums up our governments, doesn't it?
Deny, disrupt, degrade, and deceive.
And so we're going to break that down with you.
We're going to show you the slides on that.
And there's also an interesting article that we're going to talk about at the bottom of the hour from the Washington Post pushing back
on people looking at the developments here with this Ebola situation, pushing back, calling it a conspiracy and essentially putting up a strawman argument of a news item that was from a small Liberian newspaper talking about how they believed that the Ebola
Outbreak in that country wasn't just the natural progression of the disease, but it was being exacerbated in some kind of a false flag with formaldehyde.
So we're going to take a look at that.
Did that really happen?
And what's behind the Washington Post's coverage of that?
That's going to be an interesting segment with us.
And in the next segment, coming up right after the break,
We've got Jakari Jackson.
He's going to give us an update as to what's going on with the situation, the shooting in the Canadian Parliament.
Of course, as I mentioned earlier, we had shots fired inside the Parliament building after shots were fired at a military memorial there.
Reportedly, one person was killed, a soldier, and reportedly the gunman has been shot inside the Parliament.
We're going to get an update on that right after the break from Jakari Jackson.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm going to be joined here with Jakari Jackson in just a moment.
He's going to give us an update on what's going on in Canada with the shooting there in the Parliament Building.
But before we do, I want to let you know about our super survival shield, Iodine X2.
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You know, when I was looking at the Ebola outbreak...
I saw that there were six separate monkey outbreaks within labs.
We had three lab contaminations at different times.
There's only been about 32 outbreaks, and this outbreak that we've got now is four times bigger than all the others combined.
There were some very small ones, however, that you may not know about.
The biggest ones were about three or four hundred people, but this one now is nearly 10,000 people.
If you sum up all the previous 32 outbreaks
You get about 2,400 people, so we're about four times that size.
Now, some of those outbreaks, the reason you haven't heard about them is that they were very, very small.
They were lab contaminations, where things were released accidentally.
In Russia, there were two deaths and two separate incidents of humans.
There were six separate monkey outbreaks with lab animals.
Now, the interesting thing about that is that in a couple of, in two of those, humans actually developed antibodies.
That means that they were exposed, that they picked it up, either airborne or otherwise.
They picked up Ebola in a small enough amount, but enough that it triggered their immune system.
When you look at this, your key thing in surviving any kind of pandemic like this, whether it's Ebola or whether it's some of the more common viruses that are very dangerous nevertheless, the mystery viruses or SARS or MERS or any of these things that we've seen in the past, the key is your immune system.
So you want to make sure that your immune system is in top shape.
One of the ways that you can do that is to make sure that you have all the nutrients you need.
Iodine X2, you can find that at InfoWarsLife.com, a great way to get yourself healthy and to build your immune system.
And joining us now is Jakari Jackson.
Jakari, what's going on in Canada?
What's the latest development there?
Has there been any new information?
Well, you know, we were watching this earlier before the show, David, and they had reports of a shooter running around the Parliament area.
Now, Fox News are reporting that there are potentially multiple shooters.
Two guys jumping out of a Toyota Camry.
It says multiple gunmen opened fire at the Canadian Parliament complex, shooting at least one soldier and spraying as many as 30 shots inside the government building just two days.
After a terror attack in Quebec shook the nation, officials said.
And it goes on to say that there are multiple tweets going out, some by people who are claiming to be witnesses, some by police.
But Bernard Trotter, a Toronto-area MP, tweeted that the gunman inside the central block has been shot and killed.
The other was reportedly being sought.
So, you know, the story has changed since when we were watching it earlier this morning.
But it's my understanding, David, when you go to these Parliament buildings, they have armed security as soon as you walk in the door.
If you go to the Texas Capitol, they have armed security as soon as you walk in the door.
So if there was some type of active shooter situation, you know, how do they respond to that?
You know, this is just another example of the supposed Canadian gun control.
Well, gun control doesn't work.
Because just like whether it's Christopher Dorner, this
The story that you mentioned earlier today about the young lady who was taken hostage by the bank robbers and ended up being shot 10 times by the police when they opened fire on the vehicle.
You know, it's not even so much bashing the cops, but the cops, they don't know what to do.
Where'd the shot come from?
Does that guy have a gun?
Why is he wearing that heavy coat?
They don't know exactly how to respond to the situation, but luckily at the Texas Capitol, if there is an active shooter situation, you can have your concealed carry and defend yourself from said attacker.
I think it underscores the fact that even with stringent gun control laws like they've got in Canada, the government can't even protect itself.
They certainly can't protect you.
And so whether or not this is a terrorist event, whether it's a false flag event, whatever it is,
You need to have the fundamental right that we all possess as individuals.
Just like I was reading in the last segment, the guy in Japan understands that you are essentially a slave if you don't have any means to defend yourself.
And of course, in Japan, they actually try to control swords.
It's not just firearms.
I mean, they've got their own swords.
Control, I guess.
So, you know, we joke about that.
You know, hammer control, I guess, is the next thing, you know, that they're going to... Blunt objects.
Because, you know, people, at least in this country, they get killed rather frequently with hammers, blunt objects, you know, baseball bats, all that type of deal.
But we'll keep an eye on this situation as it continues to develop.
They say at least one soldier has been shot.
We don't know yet if the gentleman has died or if the soldier, I should say, has died.
Yeah, and I think when they said that they were shooting shots at the war memorial, I would assume that, you know, it wasn't that he engaged the guy, yeah.
It's a whole complex out there.
And then, you know, some witnesses say, you know, witnesses say that, you know, guys are running down the street, they're running around the area.
Is it potentially more than two?
We don't know, but as of right now, Fox News is reporting that there are at least two.
Sounds very much like what happened at the White House, doesn't it?
Oh yeah.
A guy just jumps over the fence and is allowed to run all the way across the lawn into the White House.
And that's the question they were asking on the major networks.
Alright, so we're going to be right back.
Thank you, Jakari Jackson, on that update as to what's going on in Canada.
We'll keep you informed if there's any new updates on that.
Thank you so much, Jakari.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back and we're going to talk about the control of your thoughts in the press and how the Washington Post is pushing back against that.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have some major changes in the way the CDC is telling people to care for Ebola patients this week.
We got new rules on Monday.
Now listen to some of the new rules.
In the new rules, they're told to wear double gloves.
They're told to wear waterproof boot covers that go to at least mid-calf.
Single-use waterproof or water-resistant gowns that extend to mid-calf.
Single-use face shields that are disposable.
Surgical hoods to ensure complete coverage of the head and neck and so on and so on.
These are things they did not tell us that we needed before.
Listen to this one.
Use of a respirator at all times.
At all times.
This is the CDC saying this.
Either an N95 respirator or a powered air purifying respirator.
Are they admitting that it can be transferred airborne?
With aerosol particles?
Is that what they're now saying?
Clearly we see that something needs to be changed.
We saw that the first patient that was brought in the United States, one patient gave the disease to two people.
That's the same rate of transfer that we've seen within Africa.
Now, of course, that didn't happen when they brought in the other patients to the secure facilities at Emory University.
The other nurse is being treated, interestingly enough, one is being treated in Emory as the doctors who were brought in previously were taken to Emory, and I believe the other one was in Nebraska.
I'm not sure about that, guys.
But anyway, the other nurse that has it is at the NIH facility in Maryland.
They're not leaving them in the regular hospital in Dallas to be treated because we've seen that there were a lot of problems with that treatment there.
But a lot of the problems were what they were told and not told by the CDC.
How many times though can we do that?
They've sent our soldiers into the heart of the Ebola outbreak now, into Liberia, not giving them any hazmat equipment, simply giving them gloves, single gloves, and a face mask, and then saying, well, you know, we're just trusting that they won't come into contact with anybody.
Yet they're going to send out, first it was 3,000, then 4,000, now 5,000 soldiers into that area.
I think we're going to see it come back, if that's their attitude that they're going to take.
And of course, even though they stockpiled 160,000 hazmat suits according to one supplier back in September, they're not going to be giving those to the soldiers who are going over there.
We're going to be talking to Dr. Francis Boyle.
In the third hour, he's someone who knows a great deal about bioweapons research, having written a couple of treaties about the subject, also a book about the subject.
We're going to ask him why there is so much research going on in these very countries where we see this outbreak.
But you know, whenever we question
The things that the CDC is doing, the reckless behavior that they're modeling, the lack of adequate protocols, how they're standing down from their own protocols.
As we question that, we're called, of course, conspiracy theorists, and the Washington Post
Is using what I think is a straw man to attack anyone who questions the government narrative on this.
This is an article that came out on the 17th, so I think it was the end of last week.
A major Liberian newspaper, they say, is churning out Ebola conspiracy after conspiracy.
That's the magic word.
You say conspiracy and it shuts down all investigation, all questioning of what the government is doing.
And they use this particular paper, this article, to, it's kind of a straw man, to push back on U.S.
bioweapons research.
Anybody has questions about that?
They push back on open borders.
They push back on vaccines.
Listen to what they say.
They say the Observer in Monrovia
Was saying that someone was going around dressed as nurses giving people Ebola vaccines and they were immediately getting sick and dropping into a coma.
And they say recent articles published by the paper have speculated that the US Defense Department manufactured the Ebola outbreak.
And they've alleged that the UN has deliberately introduced the Ebola virus and they've fretted over the impending influx of foreigners.
So there you go.
If you question U.S.
bioresearch, you're just as crazy as this conspiracy theory in this paper.
If you question open borders, then you're xenophobic like this newspaper there.
Or if you say that you have concerns about what's in vaccines, of course, then you're just a conspiracy theorist.
Well, you know, there really is...
Reason to question this article.
They don't give the guy's name that they say was going around dumping formaldehyde in wells.
They say someone was dumping formaldehyde in specific locations when they caught him.
He said, we are many, we're doing this in several cities.
But no other outlet reported that.
They didn't have the guy's name, there was no arrest information record, and yet they use this to push back not only on conspiracy theories, but kind of equivocate on the Liberian government wanting to censor the press, censor reports about what's going on in their country.
But I want to point out something pretty obvious to the Washington Post, to our listeners, and that is people really are dumping formaldehyde in our vaccines.
Yes, this dangerous thing is being put into our vaccines.
They do a lot of that with things that are supposed to agitate your immune system.
That's the theory.
It's going to agitate your immune system more so that you'll make even more antibodies.
So they put things like formaldehyde into the vaccines.
It's not that they're dumping it in the water.
They actually are dumping stuff in our water as well.
They're dumping fluoride, a class 4 toxin.
You've seen the video that we've had here at InfoWars where we had clandestine footage.
We took the tour of the water facility here in Austin.
Took pictures of the fluoride container that was being dumped into the water.
A toxic class 4 designation on the container as well as the corrosive pipes.
They're dumping that in the water.
If you think
That fluoride is healthy for you.
And of course, this is a different form of fluoride.
But if you think that you need fluoride, then take it as a medicine.
Why would you mass medicate the water supply with anything?
You can't control the dosage.
Some people are going to get too much.
Some people are going to get too little.
You should never dose medication.
Through a water supply.
But of course, that's what we see happening all the time.
But let's get back to the press aspect of this.
Of course, as I said, the Washington Post basically gives us a template, a straw man, to push back against anybody who questions our bioweapons research, our open borders, or vaccines.
But then they go on and they talk about how the Librarian President asked for broader powers to control false media reports.
They said, she said, because falsehood and negative reporting on the state of the affairs is likely to defeat the national effort in the fight of the Ebola virus, it's important that it be discouraged and prevented.
Well, they don't criticize that.
Actually, they say, well, there could be a case for doing that, because look at how crazy this particular newspaper is.
It was voted down by the Congress that they did not enact that.
But what they wanted to do was to censor anybody from the press reporting on Ebola in the country or what was happening there.
They had their own numbers that they were putting out and the WHO, the World Health Organization, said we have no confidence at all in their numbers.
But they were going to actually penalize any healthcare workers or government officials who talked to the press.
That's how stringent it was.
Does the Washington Post have a problem with that?
No, they say it's not really a zero-sum game, they said.
There's actually a precedent for the Librarian Press acting irresponsibly.
So they kind of say, well, you know, we really ought to kind of take a look at this.
Because they're irresponsible.
Let's remember, when the Washington Post starts giving a pass, equivocating censorship, massive censorship in Liberia with inaccurate reporting, let's remember that it was the Washington Post itself
In 1980, that had a Janet Cook story that won a Pulitzer Prize.
They had to take that, they had to give it back because it was found out that it was pure fiction.
Now it resonated with people because it was about the war on drugs.
And there was a lot of elements to that, that people could believe that it was a true story, but it was a total piece of fiction.
And they didn't vet it any more than this Liberian paper vetted it.
But that's no reason to allow the government to essentially shut down and control the press.
And we see them moving in that direction over and over again.
We have yet another indicator of that, again, from a Republican on the FCC, on the Federal Communications Commission.
Remember, he was the guy who
We're good to go.
How are you putting this stuff together?
They're still interested in that.
They're still, the government is still funding now, through the National Science Foundation, a million dollar grant, they're funding a study called the Truthy Study.
And as Ajit Pai points out, the member of the Federal Communications Commission that blew the whistle on this content survey, and why is that a problem?
Obviously, the FCC is not there to judge the content of what media companies put out.
They're there to allocate frequency spectrum.
That's why they shouldn't even be involved in the Internet, certainly not in print newspapers.
But he asked this question.
He says, if you take to Twitter to express your views on a hot-button issue, does the government have an interest in deciding whether you're spreading misinformation?
If you tweet your support for a candidate in the elections, should taxpayer money be used to monitor your speech and evaluate your partisanship?
Okay, so they named this the Truthy Project after Stephen Colbert's program where he talks about that.
But they're saying that they want to look at social pollution.
They want to study what they call social epidemics.
In other words, how are memes created?
How do they spread through the pop culture?
How do they propagate?
They're not just interested in the propagation of information and how that moves.
They want to scientifically study this so that they can control you.
That's what this is all about.
That's why this is so scary.
There's an amazing article
Great piece of work here from Glenn Greenwald on The Intercept.
Another Snowden document that's come out.
This one is a presentation that was put out by GCHQ.
That's Britain's NSA, essentially.
As he points out, it's a previously secret unit within that organization.
And we're going to take a look at some of the slides here, but basically this is something that was given to NASA, not NASA, to the NSA, sorry, and to the English-speaking Five Eyes Alliance.
Now that's the New Zealand, Australia, the UK, America, and Canada.
They're looking, they're sharing intelligence, and there was an article that came out the other day talking about how much, I think it was New Zealand, I think paid a hundred million dollars just to get information from this Five Eyes consortium here.
But they point out that it has two tactics.
One is to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets.
Say they assassinate your character, then they assassinate you.
That's how they kill the messenger.
You need to see that movie, by the way, the Gary Webb movie.
But here's the other thing they do.
They use social science and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes that they consider to be desirable.
See, that's what's behind this study that the FCC Commissioner
Blue the whistle on.
That's what's behind the survey.
That's what's behind this truthy project.
They're not just curious as to how we get social pollution.
It's more than just the government looking at this and pushing back against people and saying,
That's true.
That's false.
We're going to expose that.
No, that's not what they're going to do.
They've taken off the restrictions from Voice of America, from Radio Free Europe, to broadcast within the United States, but it's not going to be that obvious.
It's going to be a scientific approach.
That's what we're going to see from this.
Look at some of the things that they have in their playbook.
These are some of the slides.
Pull these up.
The disruption operational playbook.
Here's some of their tactics.
Infiltration, ruse, set piece, false flag, false rescue, disruption, sting operation.
Here's how some of this is going to work.
If you want to discredit a target,
You set up a honey trap.
In other words, a sexual tryst like we see the way they took down, allegedly, Julian Assange, alleging that he had raped two women.
Was that essentially a honey trap?
I think it was.
You could change the photos on their social networking sites.
This is their slide.
This is how they're teaching their government agents to discredit targets, people they don't like.
They could write a blog purporting to be one of their victims.
They could email or text their colleagues, their neighbors, their friends, etc.
doing things that are not going to put them in a positive light.
They can discredit a company.
They can leak confidential information.
They can post negative information on appropriate forums.
They can stop deals and they can ruin business relationships.
And again, the bottom line here is the four D's.
This is what government today is about.
Deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive.
Now, Glenn Greenwald points out in this article, he says, no matter what your views are on anonymous, activists, or just criminals, he says, it's not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agents being able to target any individuals that they want who have never been charged with any crimes, let alone convicted of any crimes.
This is the war on drugs on steroids.
This is what we saw happen with the war on drugs decades ago, where they would confiscate people's property.
That's become a major source of funding for all these militarized police forces.
It's the confiscation of what they call civil asset forfeiture.
They never charge you with a crime, they charge your property, the inanimate object, with a crime, and merely take it from you.
You have to sue them in court.
And he goes on, I'm going to read one more quote from him.
The broader point is that far beyond hacktivists, these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people's reputations,
to disrupt their online political activity even though they've been charged with no crimes and even though their activities have no conceivable connection to terrorism or even national security threats.
Now, as I mentioned, this all started with the war on drugs, and it's interesting to see that Obama is now looking to put in a new Civil Rights Division head who wants to decriminalize possession of all drugs.
We'll talk about that, but first I want to play a little bit of Rob Dew, as much time we've got for this segment.
Let's play Rob's report.
This is about what your children are being given in the toy stores.
Hey guys, Rob Dew from InfoWars.com and I saw this story last night on DailyMail.com and I wanted to bring it to your attention.
It has to do with the show Breaking Bad and the action figure that they're selling.
And what's really weird is that they're selling this at a kid's toy store, Toys R Us.
A Florida mom demands Toys R Us remove Breaking Bad action figure that comes complete with toy meth.
Florida Mom is campaigning to have the show's action figures pulled from the store's racks and website saying its adult themes and depiction of violence and drug abuse aren't suitable for children.
Now if you go to the actual website for Toys R Us and you look up the Breaking Bag 6-inch action figure Heisenberg, shows a picture of him, selling it for $13.99.
You go to the product description and it says this unforgettable variant edition figure features Walter S.'
's alter ego of Heisenberg.
He comes
Here's a close-up of the bag of blue crystals.
And you can see, this is what the meth that he was so famous for dealing during the entire series of the show.
Incidentally, he was using this to pay for his overpriced cancer treatment that was not covered under his insurance.
But that's a whole other side issue.
So there they are equating, hey, you sell drugs, you get a sack of cash to go along with it.
But what happens if you get caught distributing these drugs?
Here it is off criminaldefenselawyer.com.
Federal law mandates a prison term even for first convictions of at least five years for anyone convicted of possessing five grams of meth with the intent to distribute it and at least ten years for possessing 50 grams for distribution purposes.
You look at that bag... Alright, we're going to have to... We ran out of time on this segment.
We're going to pick up that report right after it.
And I want to have a comment about Obama's new Civil Rights Division head wanting to decriminalize all drugs.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We were playing Rob Dew's report on this Breaking Bad doll.
They actually put into the toy stores a doll that has a bag of crystal meth for your kids to play with, I guess.
Can we distinguish between prohibition and promotion of drugs?
Let's go back to that report that Rob Dew had.
It's a very good report.
I want to finish that and then I'm going to have a comment about Obama's new Civil Rights Division head wanting to decriminalize all drugs.
Here's that report.
I went to our local Toys R Us, and you can see they don't sell the Eisenberg figures here anymore.
They were sold out of them, but they do have the Jesse one.
And it is on an end cap, but it's right around the corner from other things like Star Wars, G.I.
Joe, Transformers, WWE wrestling guys.
So it's right on that end cap.
So any kid looking for those could go around, see the Heisenberg action figures, say, oh, Breaking Bad, this is the show you like, Dad.
Here, let's get it and bring it home.
I've got my little bag of meth.
I'm gonna go around and sell it.
Teaching kids to almost become drug dealers.
I don't know if you see the connection here, but this should not be a Toys R Us.
Toys R Us doesn't sell the Cheech and Chong action figures.
So they shouldn't be selling action figures having to deal with harder drugs even than marijuana, which is meth.
It's not meth.
Here it is out of the Telegraph.
Here's another one out of the Inquisitor.
The petition on Change.org was started by Susan Myers who says that Breaking Bad sets have no place in Toys R Us or any other store that caters to children.
People get mad, they put the word out on the blogs, they start their petitions, and now you can't even find this at any of the Toys R Us stores in the Austin area.
And when I approached the girl at the front desk at Toys R Us, the local one here in Austin, she said the product had been discontinued.
It had an X
Denoting it.
And so she said that means it's discontinued.
They're not going to sell it anymore.
So it looks like they are feeling the heat from this, which is good.
So you need to get out there and speak your mind, especially when you see things like this, because you never know.
It could just be one person there that changed the tide of a giant toy company.
And toys are us.
Once again, this has been Rob Dew with another report at Infowars.com.
Put your comments below.
What do you think about all this?
It's a great report.
You know, we have to distinguish between the promotion of drugs and prohibition.
Think back to alcohol prohibition.
They passed a constitutional amendment in the first place to give the federal government even the power to do that because they don't have the power under the Constitution.
Where are the amendments to the Constitution to prohibit marijuana or any of these things?
No, they don't have it.
That was the beginning of lawlessness.
And what we've seen from that is civil asset forfeiture, where they take property from people without even charging them with a crime, let alone convicting them of a crime.
We've seen the militarization of police forces, the corruption of police forces.
We've seen SWAT team raids explode.
Now, of course, they don't need that anymore.
Perhaps that's why they're looking at legalizing this.
I've talked many times to people from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
They understand how it has corrupted our entire system of government with this kind of prohibition.
But of course, they've militarized this to the extent that now they have the Department of Education using SWAT teams on people who are late on their student loan fees.
We're arming all of our agencies, turning them all into militarized SWAT teams.
It doesn't matter.
It's not just about the war on drugs.
So perhaps they don't need it anymore.
We're good to go.
Under Eric Holder tried to put a man away for 85 years who is growing medical marijuana in Montana doing it as a model for others according to state officials.
It was legal in that state but they tried to put him away for 85 years.
Now they say they're going to legalize it.
I hope that they stop Prohibition.
It is a medical issue.
It's a spiritual issue.
You can even say a psychological issue.
It is not a law enforcement issue.
Everything doesn't have to be that.
We're going to be joined with Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay with us in the next hour.
We have special reports from Alex Jones.
And in the third hour, Frances Boyle about bioterrorism in Africa.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host on this Wednesday, October the 22nd, 2014.
I've just been given some news on this update on the shooting in Canada.
The latest news is that one shooter is dead, one still believed at large in downtown Ottawa.
So this is not a lone person, this is an actual conspiracy.
Remains to be seen who is behind this.
Looks like a terrorist attack.
Report of additional shots fired near the Chateau Laurier Hotel, east of Parliament Hill.
Police are going door-to-door in the downtown core area.
Downtown schools are in lockdown.
All three main party leaders are reported to be safe.
There you go.
So, interesting, as I was talking to Jakari Jackson at the bottom of the hour, why
Didn't security inside the Parliament building take care of this?
You know, we saw the same thing happen at the White House.
It just underscores the fact that the government can't protect you.
They can't protect you in terms of violent attack.
They can't protect you with your health either.
We got a special report from Alex Jones that's coming up in this hour talking about what you need to do to protect yourself because ultimately
We've seen that the government is not going to do anything to stop the spread of Ebola.
They're not going to enact the kind of travel controls and quarantines that we believe should be enacted after an outbreak of this.
It'd be very easily contained in that area.
It's kind of like if somebody was sick with the plague in your neighborhood.
What if they allowed that person to walk around freely in your neighborhood, but then they put all the other houses under some kind of martial law?
Well, that essentially looks like what they want to do to us.
Looks like they want to get this out of control.
And, of course, the question that many of us have is, what's going to be coming down the pipeline with these drugs that they are rushing through?
There's been a lot of talk about how they're going to rush vaccines and treatment drugs from Big Pharmaceutical, from the military who's partnered with them.
They're going to rush those to market without doing safety and efficacy tests.
We have a lot of concerns about drugs that have passed their safety and efficacy test because when they manufacture them, they put a lot of preservatives in them, a lot of chemicals that are there to actually irritate your immune system.
Those in and of themselves are very dangerous.
I don't know that those are in there when they do the actual test, but are we going to be mandated to take some untested vaccine?
And most of these vaccines are focusing on genetic manipulation.
It's not like the vaccines that you've seen before.
This is a new strain.
It raises a lot of interesting questions.
We're going to have Francis Boyle joining us in the third hour.
He's going to talk about the bioweapons labs that are in Africa, where these outbreaks took place.
He knows a great deal about this, having written two treaties about bioweapon research and control.
As well as a book on that.
So he's going to be joining us in the third hour.
We're also going to be joined in this hour with Anthony Gucciardi talking about some health victories and things of course that you can do to take control of your health.
Just as you need to protect yourself with your own firearms because the government can't be there all the time to protect you with a policeman.
They can't even protect the White House or the Canadian Parliament as we're seeing.
Now there's also some breaking news.
I saw this.
This is fundamentally, this outbreak is fundamentally about open borders.
And of course the Obama administration has made it clear that they are going to open up a massive amount of
Amnesty after the election.
They've put everything on hold until after the election.
They will not do the kind of protocols and containment that we need to see with something as dangerous as Ebola because it would push back against their open borders narrative.
And we saw just yesterday...
That a spokesperson, Leon Rodriguez, the head of the Citizenship and Immigration Service, when asked about the immigration policy, the likelihood of executive action on immigration, he said he was put on a waiting list and he was eventually denied admission into Georgetown Law School.
I want to take that analogy that he has and expand that a little bit further right after the break.
And Anthony Gucciardi is going to be joining us.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be joined here this segment with Anthony Gucciardi.
But before we do, I wanted to go back to what I was saying in the last segment.
You know, this is fundamentally this Ebola outbreak and the lack of response in most cases to it.
It fundamentally comes down to open borders.
The government is reluctant to do many things that they should because they don't want to push back against their open borders.
And we know that it's coming on steroids after the election.
The White House is punting on requests about the surge of immigrant IDs.
They're ordering a tremendous number of immigrant IDs as well as making other moves in terms of opening this up for people from other countries.
Where the gentleman was, Mr. Duncan, who got Ebola, in that community they were speaking over 60 different languages.
That was one of the problems that they were faced with.
Now when they asked Leon Rodriguez, who's the new head of Citizenship and Immigration Service, this is a subdivision of the Homeland Security,
He said, when they were talking about immigration, he said he recalled how he was put on a waiting list and then eventually denied admission to Georgetown Law School.
And that was where he was speaking that day.
So he tried to persuade, he said, the school official to let him in, and he was told that he was lucky to even be on the waiting list.
And so he said he thought that was a metaphor for immigration policy.
You know what?
I do too.
Should he maybe have just admitted himself into Georgetown regardless of whether he met the qualifications or whether or not they wanted him in the university or not?
Should he have demanded free tuition?
Well, we know that
Out-of-state tuition rates are given to illegal immigrants under the DREAM Act.
They can go to any state that they want to.
No American citizen can do that.
In many cases, they are, in fact, getting a free ride.
So, yes, should you have any control over the people who basically immigrate into your country, who basically put themselves on your tab?
I think we should.
I think it's a very good analogy.
I don't think that he has any right to force himself on Georgetown any more than someone who hasn't met the legal requirements, gone through the processes that legal immigrants go through, should be allowed to just self-import themselves into the country.
Maybe if he'd gone to Georgetown, maybe he could have just said, you know what, I'm now a student at Georgetown, and I demand a degree, and I demand that you waive all the requirements of the degree.
Just give me my degree right now.
Why not just do that?
Listen, the government can't protect you.
They won't protect you.
We've seen that.
They're going to leave the borders open.
Anyone can bring this disease in.
They don't have to go through an airport into the United States.
They can go into a Central American country and then just easily walk in.
So they won't protect you against it.
But you know what?
They can't even protect you against it.
Here's Alex Jones's special report.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is a breaking Ebola news update.
In a moment I'm going to break down some very important developments where the World Health Organization itself is now saying that the incubation period is not just 21 days but can be up to 41 days.
This was announced today as it was also announced that they are releasing dozens and dozens of quarantine Americans who are around patient zero in Dallas
Only after 21 days of observation.
And as more flights come into the United States from West Africa with people exhibiting signs of Ebola, it's clear that there is an attempt to whitewash and cover up exactly what's happening.
But before we get into that, I want to just point out that InfoWars.com, The Nightly News, and everything we do here,
Is about us trying to find out what's really happening.
Not coming at you with a pre-set agenda or view like the controlled left or controlled right and the state-run media does.
I want to know what's really happening with Ebola.
I want to know if there are things out there that could protect this country and protect my three children, just as you do.
We're teleprompter free here, ladies and gentlemen.
This is about really doing the analysis, really talking to a wide spectrum of experts and not trusting the system.
And that's the good news.
There are several polls out just this week.
Public confidence in the CDC nosedives CBS News reports in a major poll.
Another story.
64% believe America is out of control.
And yes, ladies and gentlemen, America is getting more and more out of control.
But the good news is when African leaders come out and say that this Ebola could be weaponized, people really aren't laughing anymore.
In fact, we have an article on InfoWars.com that has a BBC video in it.
Secret project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s to be used against blacks to reduce their population.
So the alternative media is now becoming the dominant media and we go out and source real facts and what's already admitted
And the system calls us conspiracy theorists and attacks us in publications every day, and it has no effect other than boosting our credibility.
The arrogant, dying dinosaur media still thinks that demonizing us is effective.
It's not, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones may sound crazy, but still has 300 million people that have watched him on YouTube.
And that sort of fringe, arch-conservative, deeply, I think, racist strain is being tapped into at crazy profit by people in the media.
Well it is, and I think that the point you just made is the key thing.
At crazy profit, these folks are getting paid to be racist.
Now shifting to the potentially bad news.
The breaking info.
CNN today, UN staffer dies of Ebola.
Monitoring ends for 43 in Texas.
43 people who came in contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan are now officially cleared after not demonstrating any symptoms during a 21 day monitoring period.
Here's the problem, the UN on its own World Health Organization website and other mainline virology sites state the same fact, say that Ebola can easily live for 41 days in the body and 70 days in the semen in a man's testicles.
So they are releasing people who are around this Ebola patient and he's already infected two nurses.
Who could not exhibit signs for another 21 days?
And this fits into the pattern of bringing in the West African flights when other nations ban it.
When they're putting Ebola patients in regular hospitals and the CDC told one of the nurses
Doesn't matter if you treated an Ebola patient and you've got fever.
Go ahead and fly, honey.
This is part of a pattern of trying to let Ebola get a foothold in this country so the CDC, FEMA, and NORTHCOM can engage in a giant domestic power grab of medical tyranny.
The feds have been buying millions of firearms, billions of bullets, and other forms of ammunition.
They've been buying huge armored vehicles and deploying them in every city and digging in for biological catastrophe.
I don't know if this Ebola event is that.
What I do know is they're making preparations while telling us that we shouldn't be prepared.
Just like they tell us we shouldn't own guns, even though the highest crime rates are in Chicago, New York, and D.C., where they have an abolition of the individual's right to keep and bear arms.
Well, I personally am getting prepared.
I saw them take the guns in Katrina and raid the houses of people that had their own solar power and were high and dry.
I witnessed people a few years ago with a hurricane that hit the East Coast begging for FEMA to help them and getting zero help for week after week after week.
And who could forget that famous sign that FEMA hung on their door saying, we're closed because of bad weather.
I'm not sitting back waiting for the government to come protect me and take care of me.
They've shown time and time again they have very bad intent and bad will against the people, not good will.
They want crises to get out of control so they can pose as the saviors.
And sell their toxic vaccines and other poisons as a solution.
Well, I'm personally getting my body ready with plenty of sunshine, organic food, purified water.
Myself and my family are taking high-quality colloidal silver from Infowarslife.com, the silver bullet.
I'm taking Survival Shield X2, true nascent iodine, that I believe is even more important than things like colloidal silver.
Because if you don't have iodine in your body,
If you're deficient in it, you will die.
It's something you've got to absolutely have, so governments keep lowering and lowering the allowance they claim that we need.
This needs to be looked into, ladies and gentlemen.
We've been investigating it.
It's why I'm doing everything I can to boost my body's natural defenses, and why I'm trying to warn people that they can't have confidence in the system.
But at the same time, we shouldn't just sit here and wait for things to spiral out of control.
None of this, in the final equation, is a silver bullet.
Nothing is perfect, but just laying there and being horrified and watching mainstream media deceive us and scare us is not going to do a damn thing.
We all need to get involved and do our own research.
So, don't stand behind us, stand right beside us.
Looking at every angle of this, researching what's really happening, and understanding that there is clearly a cover-up going on with this Ebola situation.
Now, I've said many times, I don't think this Ebola will probably really get out of hand here in the United States.
Even if the Feds try everything they can to let it spread.
But in Africa, the UN is saying it could be up to 1.4 million people or more that end up getting it.
That is just an incredible number.
What I'm really concerned about is the MRSA and the drug-resistant bacteria and the drug-immune TB that is spreading across this country.
The flesh-eating bacteria.
That's why it's essential for all of us going into this flu season to do our own research and find out that the H1N1 shot five years ago lowered people's immune systems and doubled their chances of getting the regular flu that was the big killer.
That's why it's vital going into this winter that we all wash our hands and boost our immune systems however we can naturally.
Well, that's it for this Emergency Ebola News Update Alert.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for this edition of InfoWars Nightly News.
We don't have all the answers.
But we know the Feds and the Globalist and the UN, the people caught doing secret, lethal medical testing all over the world, we know that that's a group that we are certainly going to keep an eye on.
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All right, that's Alex's special report.
Join us right after the break.
We're going to be talking to Anthony Gucciardi.
Of course, he was in Dallas last weekend doing some research about the outbreak there.
We're also going to be taking your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Give us a call if you've got questions for me or for Anthony.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and joining me in the studio is Anthony Gucciardi.
Now, just last weekend, Paul Joseph Watson was here from the UK, and he and Anthony went to Dallas to do some research.
What'd you find there, Anthony?
Well, you know, the most interesting interaction I had when I went there
Overall, besides the fact that every time we would go to lunch or dinner or breakfast or whatever, there would be a table of 15-20 people freaking out about Ebola, was I actually have a doctor friend up there who runs an emergency center, emergency care center, which is a booming thing in Texas now.
And one of the nurses he was friends with, I was talking to, was telling me that she's totally freaking out because the medical community on the inside, the doctors, you know, in their cooler talk as you would say,
Are freaking out because they're saying there's over 20 cases of probable Ebola in the United States every single day and they're reporting it to the CDC and the CDC is either ignoring it or just counting it.
And now that's not huge news until you tie it in to what Dr. Group told us.
When he came on the show a couple weeks ago, he had gone to one of the largest medical conferences in the United States.
It was held in Las Vegas.
Talked to a number of MDs, actually border patrol agents, everything like that, as we talked about it on air when he was here.
But as a refresher, he said that there was 40 cases, according to these MDs, every single day of probable Ebola being reported to the CDC, and they were discounting it, and not even hardly looking into it, or not returning calls.
Well, look at what they did in the hospital.
We subsequently learned, I mean, everybody was outraged that the guy, when he first went to the emergency room, was sent home for two days.
But then we found out that when he came back two days later, and they set him aside and they did preliminary tests, I thought he had Ebola and everything, for two days they were allowing these nurses, who subsequently two of them have caught it, to essentially treat him without any protective clothing.
Well, it gets a lot worse than that when you think about what Alex's report talked about.
They're letting people out after 21 days of monitoring, when they admit that some people can hold the virus for up to 56 days, or even the people that are cured of it, they can transmit it sexually, they can transmit it through other body fluids, and they're just letting them out.
I guess, you know what we're doing?
We're trusting them that they're responsible adults, they would never do anything like that, they can control themselves 100%, he'll never go and be with his wife sexually, everything will be perfectly fine, Ebola will never spread.
We're dealing with people that obviously are completely out of control, but what's important here is that these doctors think it's all some kind of freaky joke, like they don't understand that they're saying, hey, you know, there's 20 cases, Dr. Group said, his MD friend said, 40 cases a day of probable Ebola.
Oh, they're just conspiracy theorists.
That's what the Washington Post is telling us.
And whether it's a weekly basis or a monthly basis, whatever,
That's unacceptable.
And there's not an adequate response.
And then some of the other nurses were chiming in, there was a group of people there, they were saying, well, the CDC is doing all they can, you know, they've given us masks and said, what kind of masks have you been given?
Well, we have the standard cut paper masks and blah, blah, blah.
I don't know.
Well, you know, you had these situations where Dr. Frieden was telling everybody, all you need is a mask and gloves or whatever.
But then they had pictures of him wearing double gloves, wearing full hazmat suit and everything.
And now they have changed their rules as of Monday.
And I thought the most interesting rule change that they had was they're telling people, use a respirator at all times.
Either an N95 respirator or a powdered air purifying respirator.
So do they think that it's airborne?
Exactly, and now they're saying that, oh, we'll screen some people coming from West Africa.
We won't actually shut down travel, but we'll screen some people.
It's actually incrementally building, but what's the most concerning?
Because when the mainstream media is freaking out about something, it actually calms me down.
When the mainstream media is totally going crazy, oh my God!
You know, for example...
This shooter had a weapon!
Oh my lord, you know.
Then it calms me down.
Okay, it's not a big deal.
They're just going after something.
But now they're saying, it's almost like they're quelling.
It's like, no, it's okay.
Ebola's fine.
Nothing's ever gonna happen again.
Everyone's safe.
Everything's okay.
When this, they're just letting people out that could transmit Ebola.
They're just flying all over the nation, just letting them go home to their families without monitoring.
Everything's fine.
And they don't even want to talk about, and we talked about this.
I think it was me and you.
Several weeks ago, about some ways to naturally protect yourself.
Well, back then it was kind of new and I was just getting into it.
Some of the research that I knew, say, genistein and stuff like that, you know, silver, all these types of things.
But now, we've actually broken it down further and could go to Harvard Research and we're going to talk about it.
We're going to talk about how mice were given complete immunity to the virus.
Not only mice, but other animal trials as well.
Complete immunity to the virus, to the Ebola virus.
And instead... Was it some kind of a GMO miracle drug from a pharmaceutical on DARPA?
It was not a Merck vaccine.
It was not a Pfizer drug.
We're going to talk specifically what it is and how you can produce it naturally in your body if you turn on the right gene sequences.
Because it's been, for whatever reason, whether it's environmental factors or not, there is a gene that's been suppressed that produces these compounds that have been found, according to this study, to give mice complete immunity to the virus.
All right, great.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to have that.
And as I mentioned earlier, there's been six separate monkey outbreaks in labs.
And in some of those, they found antibodies in the humans.
So we know that their immune system basically stopped this in its track.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Anthony Gucciardi and your calls.
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The Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm joined in studio with Anthony Gucciardi.
We're going to continue, and he's got some interesting news, some breaking news about some compounds that in some research have given mice immunity.
As I was pointing out just before we went to break, in some of these Ebola outbreaks that have been limited to laboratories, to animals, they have determined that even the people who didn't get Ebola in some cases developed antibodies after being exposed to it.
So that raises a question.
Was it transferred via the air?
And of course there are scientists who were at that Reston, Virginia outbreak with the monkeys.
Eventually they had to put all the monkeys down.
They couldn't contain the disease, the transmission of it.
They clearly believed that it was being transferred by air there.
The workers picked it up and they developed antibodies.
So you can develop antibodies if your immune system is in good shape.
But Anthony's got some information about some compounds and results that they've seen in mice.
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Now Anthony, we were talking about how essentially it's kind of a game of Russian roulette that we see the CDC playing with.
It really is an education game and at the beginning of the hour we had a report from Alex Jones, why the government can't save you from Ebola.
But as we have victories in the Infowar, we ought to set back and celebrate that.
And I think we've had a real victory in terms of educating people about the dangers of fast food and soft drinks.
Not by prohibition, not like they're doing it in New York, not like the current head of the CDC did when he was Michael Bloomberg's medical director in New York.
You don't have to go through rigid prohibition, but you do need to educate people.
Here's Alex with the victory that we've seen in the fall of McDonald's.
And finally tonight, here at InfoWars Nightly News, we have some incredibly good news for you.
It was a decade ago that the film Super Seismic came out.
And it changed the way the world, not just the United States, saw fast food.
Because it was a catalyst telling us what we already knew.
That this garbage was full of addictive additives.
And was basically nothing but chemical, biological weapons being deployed against the people of this planet.
The MSG, the GMOs, the aspartame, you name it, linked to all sorts of brain tumors and health problems.
Is now something that most Americans are aware of, and the numbers show it.
And it's a great example of how voting with our dollars, or voting with our decisions, can change the world.
Let's go over some of the news, out today!
McDonald's profits this quarter are down over 30% on sales slumps, and they were down the last few quarters as well, showing basically a collapse is taking place.
But it's not just McDonald's.
The CDC is reporting that Americans are changing the way they eat, trying to avoid fast food, preparing their own meals, and getting healthier and healthier.
That's a story with the headline, Americans Eating Habits Take a Healthier Turn, Study Finds Working Age Adults Consume Fewer Calories and Eat Less Fast Food.
And these headlines don't come to you from places like Infowars.com that have been exposing this for decades.
It comes to you from Forbes and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.
There is a collapse, not just in confidence in the government, but in major corporations.
And don't forget who's on the board of McDonald's.
Bill Gates, the eugenicist, and Monsanto.
These are people literally weaponizing food, but the rebellion against GMO and all of these additives has now reached an explosive level.
And it doesn't help McDonald's, one of the biggest heads on this GMO Hydra, that a few months ago they got caught in China with their biggest supplier shipping in
Chickens that have been rotten for 15 days and chemically treating them.
That's why they lobbied to radiate all the meat.
That's why they lobbied to allow things like silicone in their nuggets.
Because they need to feed you something that's basically rotten
So they need to spray chemicals and radiation on it, show that the bacteria themselves die, but you're still getting all of those toxins.
And if we can wake up to McDonald's and Coca-Cola, who's also collapsing in their profits, then the entire globalist pyramid of weaponized food will implode.
When Super Size Me came out a decade ago, and then four years ago, films like Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, the industries attacked them.
But it only added credibility to them.
And that's the good news.
The establishment demonizes alternative media.
They demonize true consumer advocates, like the folks that produce Supersize Me.
They attack that whole system, and it only backfires on them.
And when the nanny state comes in and wants to tax fast food, or ban how big a soft drink can be, people reject that as well, knowing that it's government only trying to capitalize on a wave of awakening, and to use it as a system of more control.
Michelle Obama doesn't say don't eat GMO.
She doesn't say don't eat aspartame or MSG.
She just says eat basically prison-style food that's deployed down from other major corporations.
So that itself is another scam.
And it's not just films like Super Size Me that have exposed this.
We have interviewed hundreds of guests and had
Tens of millions of views on YouTube where we break down the secret history of food and how it's been weaponized and what's going on.
And countless others like Dr. Mercola have exposed it as well.
And you have exposed it on your Facebook and your Twitter and to your friends and family.
And we're winning!
Fifteen years ago, you couldn't find organic food on store shelves.
And if you could, it was incredibly expensive.
But as more people began to buy it, more people got into the industry, more quality and more choice came in, and the price is lowering until now.
It's hard to find in major supermarkets stuff that isn't organic.
And of course there's some problems with it, some fraud, but people are now researching that.
This is all part of a process of when people start to care and start to research, it raises the quality of living, it raises the quality in the society, and it's an issue that transcends left and right.
And of course the fact that these grassroots films
could have such a huge effect and change the world shows the power of modern Paul Revere's whether it's in food safety and quality or whether it's in the second amendment or national sovereignty issues or the military saying no to backing Al Qaeda and ISIS against Assad last year we are seeing the conscience of the world really awaken finally though you've got to beware the empire because they're going to strike back
And when I go see a movie or I listen to the radio or watch television, I am seeing McDonald's in what I believe is its death throes.
Come out and say, be a millionaire, be a billionaire.
Why, we've got the greatest deal ever.
People in top hats are powerful and cool.
You know, all you poor people that come in to get our food?
Well, guess what?
You could be a millionaire.
Look at all these Hollywood stars.
They're eating McDonald's and, you know, you could make millions in this Monopoly game.
Come get involved.
Well, the consumerists and others have broken it down, and you have a very, very low chance of actually even winning any money, and they say basically nobody will ever end up being a millionaire.
So they've gone into what Max Keiser calls the casino gulag model, where you've got to go in there and buy their garbage food made up of rotten chicken and GMOs and you name it, while Bill Gates gets rich off of it and Monsanto laughs at you.
And you're there like a gambler hoping that when you buy this garbage that you've got a chance to win some money.
So it's just like lottery tickets target the poorest people, the most ignorant people, McDonald's is now moving in to targeting the welfare moms and the get-rich-quick people that have absolutely no hope of a future and are now looking to McDonald's as a giant casino in the sky.
This is so dystopic that I don't think the mind of Kurt Vonnegut could have even come up with it.
So the good news is, people are leaving these facilities en masse.
We're creating a new, healthier culture.
Government's trying to hijack it with an anti-state, but that's failing.
The bad news is, they're weaponizing their agenda.
And as far as I'm concerned,
McDonald's is even worse than payday loan operations and loan sharks.
They are the bottom of the barrel and so be sure and spread this video to everybody out there and speak up against McDonald's and others and tell people that what McDonald's is doing is despicable.
And it's important for people that work inside McDonald's.
That is the model of this corporate dictatorship, this scientific dictatorship, this weaponized food and weaponized culture, that they need to decide which side they're on and not serve this evil and continue to leak information out so we know exactly what is in this so-called food.
Because in my opinion, in my view, stuffing a port-a-potty is better for you than the stuff you get at McDonald's.
Alright, well that's the analysis and breakdown tonight.
We're Teleprompter Free News.
We go off real research and real history.
If McDonald's wants to reform itself, that would be great.
But offering grapes, you know, with the Happy Meals isn't going to do it.
Not as long as Bill Gates is at the head of their board.
As long as Monsanto is involved and Bill Gates is involved, they work for Satan as far as I can tell.
All right, I'm Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars Nightly News.
And don't forget, if you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
Okay, that was Alex Jones from last night's Nightly News.
And of course, that's a victory based on education, not on prohibition.
And it was the CDC head, Frieden, who as Bloomberg's head medical director, was putting prohibition on all kinds of foods and substances in New York.
But of course, he's not going to do anything to control the spread of Ebola, is he?
Oh, absolutely not.
Now, we're going to go to our callers James in Missouri, Earl in Florida, but before we do, I wanted to finish up with what you were telling us just before we went to break about this new research about some compounds that have given mice immunity to Ebola.
Just like the CDC isn't going to tell you how to protect yourself, they're not going to tell you about the studies that date back from 2003, 2010, some recent ones, about natural compounds that your body produces by itself.
So if you look back to Gabon, Africa, at the outbreak of 1996,
There was a 70% mortality rate of those who became infected, right?
Well, they wanted to look into it, and researchers from the International Center of Medical Research in that area were saying, why are 30% of people perfectly fine?
Why are they not dying from this virus?
Some are not even getting it.
They obviously found, as we know now, that there are antibodies that are produced by certain people.
That resists the virus and how it works is actually breaks down the cellular walls of the virus and defeats it.
And it produces its own antibodies that can then detract from the virus and stop its spread.
So they were freaking out about this and this was back in 1996 and there was still a lot of information on virology and how it works but they couldn't figure it out.
So they were saying, you know, why were so many asymptomatic people developing immune response antibodies, IgM and IgB, to the Ebola virus?
They also exhibited fewer inflammatory responses in general.
So they were getting less sick overall, there was less inflammation in their bodies, and for some reason they were beating this catastrophic virus that was killing 70% of people.
So Harvard looked into it, some medical centers, the National Cancer Institute looked into it in Maryland.
And they found that it all came down to mannose-binding lectins.
That's what these compounds are.
Mannose-binding lectins.
And they found that it not only attacked the Ebola virus, but it was attacking infections like HIV, HCV and SARS.
Here's what's really interesting, and if Alex was here right now he'd get excited and, you know, be really concerned at the same time and upset at the medical establishment.
It's really correlated to Ebola and HIV, but it also has to do with pneumonia, deeply.
And some of Alex's family members died last year of pneumonia.
If you don't have these mannose-binding lectins, you cannot conquer pneumonia.
It is the frontline defense against all of this.
And they've known this for years now.
Since it came out in 2003, they looked into all this, but real proof came out in 2010 from Harvard, and we're going to get into that.
But there's ways, because what happens is, if your body's not producing these mannose-binding lectins, there's something wrong.
Your gene that is responsible for this is being suppressed, and there's no real research to tell us why that is.
The mainstream medical establishment will just say it's genealogical and wipe it off, but even Harvard's interested in finding out.
It definitely has to come down to environmental factors, because as it's been said, basically, your genealogy is a loaded gun, but you have to pull the trigger.
So if you have a susceptibility, let's say, to breast cancer, if you're living in the jungle eating 100% organic fruits and raw food diet, cleanest, purest water, mountain springs, you're probably not going to get breast cancer.
But if you're eating McDonald's every day, as he was talking about in that video, and you're drinking tap water and you're going out and just
Drinking alcohol every night, you're probably going to get breast cancer.
Just because you're genealogically susceptible to it doesn't mean you're going to get it.
It doesn't mean you have to chop off your breasts like Angelina Jolie and others.
So specifically here though, the key, the key that they found is if you activate your immune system, you will make these antibodies, no matter if you're susceptible to this gene issue or not.
So specifically,
Mannose-binding lectins, they found, attack the Ebola virus, HIV, HCV, and SARS.
They are produced by the human body via a DNA sequence called the MBL-2.
When our genes are working properly, these lectins flood the bloodstream and scourge disease.
They also inhibit virus growth, which is insane.
So if we, all of us sitting in this room right now, had enough of these mannose-binding lectins, we would have antibodies to defeat Ebola and we wouldn't die.
And we wouldn't even get it in the first place if we had enough of these.
And that's one of the things that really concerns me because almost all these drugs that we see, the research being pushed by the CDC and the American government, they're all focusing at the genetic level.
And so are these things going to actually help us or in the long run are they going to hurt our ability to function as an immune system?
Our genes are being turned off in every way from the genetically modified organisms to the radiation, Fukushima devastating us on a daily basis.
Is there any wonder why we don't have these antibodies in our own natural immunity anymore?
Okay, we're going to take your calls right after we come back.
Hang with us.
We're going to go to James Mzzuri, a physician.
I know that you're worried about your phone battery.
We're going to try to get to you right away, right after we come back.
We'll be taking your calls.
Stay with us.
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Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We've been talking to Anthony Gucciardi, and he had some breaking news about a Harvard study that was very impressive about mice immunity, and we can come back to that.
But I want to get to this physician, James in Missouri.
He says gear is being pulled, and he's on a cell phone with a low battery.
James, are you still there?
Yeah, hi.
Appreciate you taking my call.
I was unable to listen live.
I usually listen to podcasts.
I had no idea what you guys were talking about.
A couple things I wanted to discuss.
I'm a family medicine physician just south of Kansas City in Cass County.
HCA is a company that owns hospitals all around the country and they own, I think, four of the big hospitals in the Kansas City area.
And there was a nurse that is a friend of mine that called me today and told me that HCA had pooled
All of their HavMed gear out of all the hospitals that she's verified, she called the other hospitals in the area, pulled all of their gear that would be able to protect, potentially protect people from Ebola, flu, or tuberculosis, or any other illnesses.
They pulled everything out of their storage.
They have not replaced it with anything yet.
Did they give you a reason?
Yeah, was there any reason?
Was this equipment that they had before?
Was this equipment they had before the Ebola outbreak?
Or was this something that was added after the Ebola outbreak?
Well, they did it.
What the individual departments had done was send out these little kits where, in my opinion, are worthless.
N95 mask and goggles, the booties, the gloves, you know, which is inadequate, but at least it was something.
It includes everything that was there before, plus anything that may have been added since the Ebola outbreak.
They have not replaced it.
There has been no communication.
I specifically asked her to give a reason.
And the department manager of her department in the ICU at one of the hospitals here told her that they assume that they're going to try to standardize care and make sure everybody has the same thing, but they've pulled everything.
They have nothing.
Well, they care about you.
They're going to standardize care by taking everything you have to protect against actually infecting everyone in the hospital with Ebola or actually tuberculosis.
They obviously care about you.
Well, and then a couple other things.
Last week, I'm out of residency.
I'm a practicing physician, but a friend of mine who is in residency at, I'll go ahead and say the Hospital Research Medical Center in Kansas City, had a potential, this is not the KU case, there's KU meds near here, but this was another case that they potentially had Ebola.
And they came out and the patient basically disappeared.
This is what we've been told over and over again.
Can you confirm, have you heard other stories about this?
I've talked to nurses and doctors and Dr. Group told us they're disappearing people with apparent Ebola cases.
Two weeks ago before this really started getting, well actually three weeks ago, at Truman Medical Center
There was a patient that disappeared and it wasn't even, they didn't even turn him into a John Doe, which is a patient, which is a name they give to people that don't have names that they don't, you know, that may come in unconscious or whatever.
There was a patient that came in that was in subject shot, bleeding, typically Ebola symptoms, and they isolated him, moved him to the ICU out of the ER.
The patient disappeared.
They had a meeting with all the residents or whoever had contact with that patient.
I don't know.
The patient disappeared, and my friend did a little bit of research.
They could not find that patient at the hospital.
He was gone.
And they don't even do a test.
James, after we're done, could you hold on?
We want to get your phone number.
Because here's the thing, I've talked to physicians time and time again.
They all confirm to say the same thing, but they are so afraid to speak on air.
Thank you, James.
Hang on, we're going to get your phone number.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to take more of your calls in the next segment with Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay with us.
We're going to go to Earl in Florida right after the break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, joined in studio with Anthony Gucciardi.
We just took a phone call from a physician in Missouri, essentially verifying what you found, Anthony.
When you were in Dallas, you came across medical professionals that were up there that were saying that they're hearing that there are a lot of people that are being diagnosed with Ebola that are just disappearing out of the system.
And nobody's talking about it.
And that's what he was saying.
He had some first-hand knowledge of that happening in Missouri as well.
No, absolutely.
And they ignore it and they get calls from these doctors.
These aren't just idiots.
These are MDs that know how to diagnose Ebola.
And as he was saying, they just claim it's malaria without actually doing a test, even though we're in a potential pandemic zone right now, and then disqualify it.
And they even sometimes will call the CDC and say, hey, we don't know if this is malaria.
What should we do?
And the CDC says, it's OK.
Everything's fine.
And then we have heard reports of people, especially on the border, being disappeared with Ebola-like symptoms.
Someone comes in a van, oh we're going to come treat you, takes them away, MDs don't hear anything.
They have access to their medical records to see what happened and they're not even in the records anymore.
And we've got a couple of breaking reports today on the news.
Two sick passengers on flights from Liberia being monitored at Chicago hospitals.
A similar situation in Newark now.
We've seen this happen many times, and they come back and they say, well, never mind, they didn't have it.
Of course, we don't have the person's name or anything.
That's the very thing that the Washington Post was pushing back against that Liberian paper, saying that, well, they didn't get the guy's name, so the reports of him doing things with formaldehyde in people's water supply, that really doesn't apply.
But, you know, how do you verify this?
You know, how do you verify whether these people really didn't have it or whether they were just disappeared into the system?
It's very hard to do that.
You don't really need to verify the fact that we're facing a major threat when you think about the fact that these nurses are basically going in treating patients with trash bags on their heads.
Yes, yeah.
And you don't have to really verify the fact that we're going to have an Ebola outbreak when we don't even screen until apparently now we are doing some minor screening people with Ebola coming into the United States.
Or when we don't shut down travel to Ebola infected countries where millions are going to have Ebola.
You don't have to, you know, it's pretty safe to
Assume, or infer, because to assume is bad, to infer is to use evidence to reach a logical conclusion.
I'm going to infer that shipping people in with Ebola into the United States so we're tolerant enough to spread Ebola into the United States, into U.S.
citizens, is going to lead to some type of outbreak.
We're also shipping thousands of soldiers in, without protective equipment, without really any training.
They get four hours of training and everything, but they're going to be fine because they're not going to be in direct contact with anyone, we're told.
How do you control that when you go into the hot zone?
Let's go to some of our callers who've been waiting for a long time.
We've got Earl in Florida.
You wanted to call in with your take on Ebola?
Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing Anthony?
I'm a long-time listener of Alex Jones.
I was just kind of curious.
Everyone, you know, every time I go on the internet or, you know, look around on TV, everyone seems to be sensationalizing the Ebola thing.
What I'm curious to know is how come nobody has gone into the realm of testing certain things, certain ways, certain products.
I like the UV, like the ultraviolet machine they use to clear up, you know, emergency rooms.
Why can't they put someone on dialysis and run a long tubing system going through it and subject the blood to the ultraviolet to see what happens?
How about some colloidal silver tests?
You're 100% right.
No, that's the exact same question I'm asking.
You're asking, why aren't they looking at the research from Harvard in 2010, from the National Cancer Institute in Maryland in 2003, where we say, hey, there's ways to inhibit Ebola.
The mice are completely immune to Ebola when they're given proper amounts of mannose-binding lectins.
Or hey, look at colloidal silver.
Let's look at all these things.
Let's not go out and immediately say it cures everything, but let's look at it.
Instead, they're ignoring it completely.
And as David was saying over the break, they're just saying you're either going to get a bowl and die or you're not.
It's just a magic thing that's going to happen and we can't protect ourselves in any way and our immune systems don't exist.
So we should just listen to the government and fly over it.
You know what?
We should go to Liberia.
That's right.
We should go to the library with a trash bag on our head and run around and say, we won't get it, it'll be okay.
It's Russian Roulette, and so the question is, are you going to play Russian Roulette with one bullet in the chamber, or are you going to play it with six bullets in the chamber?
That's the question.
Thanks, we're going to be right back after the break.
We're going to talk about Ebola with...
Francis Boyle at the bottom of the hour.
He's someone who knows intimately about bioweapons.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We just had Anthony Gucciardi here talking about health issues.
Of course, he was talking about a 10-year-old study out of Harvard, talking about how the mechanisms, the compounds that they were seeing, analyzing to...
A machine that goes in, I think it's like 25,000 times the intensity of regular sunlight.
They put it into a room, turn it on for like five minutes on either side of the bed, and it basically kills all germs, all viruses.
Because, you know, it's not just Ebola.
That's not the major killer at this point.
Everybody's concerned about it because it has been spreading so rapidly throughout Africa.
This is a different strain, by the way, of Ebola than they've ever seen before.
In all the previous outbreaks,
All of them combined, they've had 2,400 people come down with it.
We're approaching 10,000.
It's about 9,700 now at this point, last I saw a couple of days ago.
So we're already in this one outbreak, four times as many as we've seen in the last couple of decades of Ebola.
This is a different strain, and we're going to be talking at the bottom of the hour to Francis Boyle.
He's someone who knows a great deal about bioweapons and about the bioweapon labs that are in that part of Africa.
He has some interesting questions about what's going on there.
But you know, there's also a question, and we raised this as well in an article I wrote on Infowars.com, and of course we were attacked for asking the rhetorical question, if convalescent serum is not an effective treatment, then why is the U.S.
military and pharmaceutical companies and big tobacco, why are they spending millions of dollars and waiting months to roll out a synthetic imitation of that?
The W.H.O.
and the C.D.C.
says, well, it's unproven.
No, actually, they've had a lot of success with that, going back with a lot of different diseases.
Diphtheria was the first one.
I had someone win the Nobel Prize, a German scientist, back in 1901 for using that.
This is something that's been around for about 125 years.
Very well known.
We've seen that the people who have received blood transfusions from Kent Brantley have largely recovered.
We've now got news that Nina Pham, who's the most recent one to get it, is improving rapidly, and the NBC cameraman who received blood from Kent Brantley is
Now, Ben said that he is recovered, that there's no sign of Ebola in his blood.
So, why don't we see those things being covered?
Well, of course, there's a money trail involved in that.
But if you point that out, if you point out that pharmaceutical companies have done this in the past with things like medical marijuana being prohibited, yet their synthetic versions of it are allowed and sold, we see this over and over again.
But if we point that out,
We're simply conspiracy theorists.
But I wanted to take a couple more calls because, you know, as we see these things not being done, we don't see the UV machines being sent with the troops going in.
We had a caller here, Ironhead, in Washington.
He wanted to talk about the 5,000 troops that are being sent in.
Of course, they're not getting the upgraded protection suits.
They're not getting any instructions, really.
They're getting, like, four hours of instructions and some face masks and gloves.
That is not what the CDC says is safe.
They've upped the protocol, including respirators, just this last Monday.
So they're walking back their comments saying, oh, don't worry about that.
You don't need to have anything other than just a face mask.
Ironhead, what did you want to say about the troops that are being injected into the Ebola outbreak in Liberia?
Well, you just hit it right on the head there.
Footnote, do you remember Dr. Mary's monkey, Ed Haslam, and what he showed us was the SV40 cancer virus being basically introduced to the entire smallpox vaccination?
Personally, I think what's possibly potentially coming down is the exact same scenario.
You put 5,000 troops over there, they become a vector metric to bring that back in.
Yes, absolutely.
And Dr. Francis Boyle that we're going to have at the bottom of the hour raised that exact question.
He said, why are we sending in this unit that is known for being a special ops unit and yet they don't have any specific medical skills that they're doing here?
I mean, do we need to send
Uh, that kind of a combat unit, elite combat unit, into that area in order to build buildings?
How do we keep them secure?
Can't they get contractors to go into that area?
I mean, that's the concern that everybody has about that.
And again, as I said, we're going to be talking to him at the bottom of the hour.
I'm anxious to get his comments on that.
Um, I want to move from Ebola now to the shooting.
That happened this morning in Canada.
We've got a couple of Canadian callers who've been on hold, and I'd like to get an update on that information.
Eric, in Canada, you wanted to talk about the Ottawa shooting?
I've been in the military for a year now, right?
And I've been concerned about, like, what do you think is the safety on our troops?
And also, do you think this could also be a good excuse for them to get rid of the guns?
And I'd like to see what you guys can say on that.
You've already got pretty heavy gun control there, don't you?
It's kind of like Connecticut, where they had a lot of gun control, but it didn't stop the school from getting shot up.
What do you make of the idea that this could happen at the Parliament Building?
I mean, obviously they would have some armed guards at the Parliament Building, wouldn't they?
Yeah, you'd think so.
I remember seeing an article a couple years ago saying that they had no security, but I think it was in 2006, they decided to enhance the security with MP5 submachine guns and
I think so.
Well, you know, what you can see is that even with all the Secret Service agents around Obama, they can't protect him from somebody just running across the White House lawn and into the White House.
We see now the same thing happening in Parliament.
Are you hearing anything on the news about this being an organized terrorist event?
Last I heard, they had killed one gunman, but there was at least one more that was still at large.
Uh, I haven't heard anything about that, but I'm thinking it might be a strain of a coffee cat because of what happened a couple days ago here in Quebec.
There was a, um, yeah, you're, I bet you're aware of it, the, um, a guy in a car who ran over a couple soldiers.
All right.
Yes, yes, and they were talking about that, so they said, yeah, they, um, they thought it might be some kind of a terrorist-related event based on that.
Thanks, uh, Eric.
Let's go to Ron in Canada.
Ron, do you have any information about, uh, the shooting in Canada?
Uh, how you doing?
Doing good.
Okay, yeah I do actually.
What you were just mentioning, there is another suspect at large.
From what I hear on TV.
Are they saying just one?
One or more than one?
Supposed to be a third event that happened somewhere else and then they took it back and said no, that didn't happen and then the lockdown was lifted at that place.
So I don't know if there's a third.
But I do want to say a few things about what I think this is.
Basically, I think this is ISIS.
One of the... CBC mentioned that a couple days ago there was increased activity on Twitter about some of these Syrian jihadis going out, calling for attacks against the Canadian government, you know.
So I think that's what it is.
Yeah, and it's unfortunate, isn't it, that we just keep arming them, whether it's intentional or whether it is accidentally.
We just dropped a load of weapons by parachute to supposedly help their opponents, the Kurds, and then we see on social media that ISIS brags about the fact that all of those weapons basically fell into their hands.
We've seen this for a long time.
We've been telling people
Going back years that our government is arming and training al-Qaeda.
We've been telling people that ISIS and the terrorists that were in Syria were actually not good guys.
And yet our government was arming them and training them to fight the Syrian government.
Now we have ISIS and I'm sure that there will be people, you know, this is, it's not just a false flag.
I mean, even if our government identifies radical people in other countries and arms and equips them, that doesn't mean that they aren't going to then use those things domestically against us, of course.
Those people are crazy and it only makes it more dangerous when our government gives them arms and trains them.
What's your take on that?
You're exactly right.
Well, I knew about that.
And, you know, what I thought about it was ridiculous.
Arming these, you know, NSA, or what were they, the Free Syrian Army, the FSA, to go ahead and, you know, to try to take out Assad's forces.
Apparently, I heard that the FSA wasn't able to take out Assad, and that it only took, like, a small handful of ISIS fighters to take out Assad's government.
It's ridiculous.
I just want to say one more thing before you go, because I know you have a lot of callers you want to get to.
Basically, I want to figure out, I know all this is going to come out in detail, I want to know what kind of gun this guy was using, where it was made, what his name was, who is he.
I want to know all the identities of these people.
I just have a bad feeling that this is, these guys are Muslim.
And I'm in Canada, there's a lot of mosques around here.
I went to a mosque the other day.
I was looking at some of these characters, and man, they looked pretty shady.
Like, a lot of these guys had hoods on their heads and everything.
And in Canada, we accept the Muslim religion as, you know, it's a multicultural country, and we just let everybody operate, you know, with impunity because we allow everyone to do what they want to do.
If we have completely open borders, we don't know if convicted criminals are coming into our country.
We don't know if we've got terrorists coming into our country.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Chance in Canada.
Chance, do you have any information about the Canadian incident today or any comments about it?
Go ahead.
Hi, David Knight.
You're doing a great job of filling in for Alex Jones.
I'm a Prison Planet member and long-time, almost 10-year listener.
I don't have any direct information on what's happening immediately, like I'm not there, but I am seeing the reactions from Canadians on call-in shows, like our 640, you know, your local talk show, and they're basically, everyone is doing exactly what happened after 9-11.
They're all saying we need to give up our liberties
To be able to put on restrictions on these people, to be able to stop ISIS.
And nobody's seeing that this is exactly what Alex Jones has been warning about, what people like yourself and myself have been doing, warning people on the internet, talking about the attacks coming up, and it was no surprise to me that this happened today, and I'm completely not surprised by the reaction of the Canadian people.
That's the way they always roll it out.
Whether it's real or a false flag, they're gonna use that crisis to take your civil liberties.
They're gonna try to scare you about the other person.
This mysterious person.
Who knows?
I mean, we've been told that there were 300 people in...
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we're going to be joined in the next segment with Francis Boyle, an expert on bioterrorism, and he's going to talk to us about some weird things going on in Africa around the Ebola outbreak.
Now in the last segment we were just talking to some callers from Canada, and one of the callers said all the people that he's hearing on talk radio there, they're all being scared about ISIS, and they're willing to give up their civil liberties.
I would just remind you
That it wasn't that long ago, just a few weeks ago, that we had the candidate for Senate, Scott Brown in New Hampshire, saying that he thought that we ought to take the citizenship away of anybody that we accuse of being on ISIS's side in Syria.
Of course, that's really easy to just move from there to just accusing somebody with being with ISIS and taking away their rights or their citizenship here, because then that makes it a little bit more easier to
Deny their other due process and of course we were told that we've heard that there's up to 300 Americans who are fighting with ISIS and if we take away their citizenship, they won't be able to get back in the country.
Do you need citizenship or permission to get into this country through our open borders?
That's nonsense.
Besides, the FBI then came in and said no.
It's probably more like about 12.
But we had Ted Cruz jump on that bandwagon too.
We don't want to give up our liberties
By being scared into this ISIS thing.
Remember that it was our government who funded and trained these people, who set them up in a way that they could then have a justification to go back into Syria, which is what they've been trying to do for two years.
Let's not get scared into this.
But speaking of Scott Brown, the centerfold senator, as he was using that ridiculous analogy saying we need to just be able to arbitrarily strip them of their citizenship.
Uh, to keep them from coming back into the country.
Listen to what his opponent had to say in that race.
Do you approve of the job President Obama is doing?
Now, there'll be a chance to follow up, but this is a yes or no answer.
Do you approve, yes or no?
In some ways I approve, in some things I don't approve.
So, you know, like most questions that we deal with as policy makers, there aren't simple answers.
Yeah, she was for him before she was against him, but maybe she's not.
You know, we're seeing over and over again how the Republicans and the Democrats are really the fringe candidates.
Look at the situation in Florida.
We've got a Libertarian running there, Adrian Wiley.
He's really a serious candidate, unlike Charlie Crist and Donald Scott.
The only thing serious about them is that the media is taking them seriously.
He's polling, the Libertarian candidate, third party candidate, is polling around 10% in the polls and yet, of course, they won't let him in the debates.
We see that over and over again.
That's a reminder.
That we are going to be doing an election coverage here as part of the InfoWars Nightly News.
Now if you're not a subscriber, please consider subscribing.
It's one way that you can support our operation.
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But we're going to have a special election coverage the night before the election, the Monday night before the election.
We're going to have live coverage for a couple of hours for our subscribers, and we're also going to have about a four-hour live coverage on election night.
And we're not going to be just covering the horse race aspects of it, or the Republican versus Democrat aspect of it.
We're also going to look at some of the issues.
You know, they're going to be looking at whether or not they're going to get rid of the income tax in Tennessee.
That's going to be interesting.
We're going to be looking at some ballot initiatives for a lot of different things.
So we're going to be looking at the freedom aspect of things, not just the left-right paradigm.
And the really, the serious candidates that we see over and over again, there's a lot of people who are giving a serious look to people outside the Republicans and Democrats.
They keep voting for the same thing and getting the same results.
They're looking for something different.
I think it's very interesting that this guy in Florida is talking about
Essentially ending property taxes for people who live in their home and adjusting the tax burden around sharing, doing revenue sharing with the state and the county, but also basically cutting back government.
Have you seen even the Republicans cutting back government?
You can go back just a few years, and you can get rid of something like the property tax for people who are living in their homes.
It's also interesting the way some of this is coming into play.
He's at 10% in the polls, and that's going to be a tight race in Florida, so he could basically throw that into a runoff.
We see the same thing happening in Chicago.
An interesting thing there is that a union has already donated $30,000 to the Libertarian candidate, and it looks like they're going to give them six figures in that state.
So there's some interesting dynamics here, but it really is fundamentally about where people are going to fall on the freedom spectrum.
It's not a left-right thing.
If you think it's a left-right thing, you really need to look up the Nolan chart.
Search that on Google.
That gives you a much better picture of where people are
Are we going to have people that are really going to move against the NSA?
That's something we're going to be covering in our special election report.
And look at our newsletter.
We've got a new newsletter launch.
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We'll be right back with Francis Bacon.
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I think so.
We're good.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forward situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Iden, studio, and we've been talking about this shooting in the Canadian Parliament.
Alex Jones is on the line and he wanted to comment on this.
Absolutely, David.
I've been here at the Home Office getting ready for some big stories.
We're about to break.
Also, I'll be on coast-to-coast AM tonight for several hours with George Somerville and over 500 radio stations.
Nationwide, so I'll have all the latest intel this evening.
Midnight Central, 1 a.m.
Eastern, 10 p.m.
Pacific, 11 p.m.
of course.
Mountain, so that's all coming up as well on Coast to Coast AM with George Norrie.
Tonight I'll be hosting our guest for several hours with George.
When I saw Paul Watson's article this morning on that, my heart just shunk.
And then when I saw the police come out and say to everybody that social media was somehow bad and people shouldn't communicate about what was happening, it really reminded me of what unfolded, oh, many, many years ago, back with the 7-7 bombings in London, that were clearly a false flag, where bare minimum, they had patsies.
Uh, with backpack bombs that were set up as part of a drill.
We later confirmed that.
Uh, and then it turned out the MI6 agent, who was the leader of the group, was protected, and was basically Al-Qaeda, what we call ISIS today.
So, just like criminal elements of Western governments are funding radical Islamists, uh, I would say they're the prime suspect in this.
We're probably allowed to do it.
If they aren't, and they claim it's some right-wing patriot group, or French separatist group,
You can believe it's a setup.
And the way they're saying, don't share social media, don't take photos, don't document what's happening, to me is the big tip-off.
Because in the old-fashioned police work, the people are the eyes and ears.
And cops, when they're doing real investigations, use social media and use the public and use the QMED.
We're good.
Now, it could be some type of threat from Saudi Arabia that the West better get in line or they'll unleash real terrorists.
Or it could be spades.
Or it could be some sleeper cells that have been activated by ISIS because they're being double-crossed by the West right now because they got out of control.
Quite frankly, things are so complex right now, I don't think we know exactly what's happening.
It's a very bad sign that the police are trying to restrict media, independent media, and social media, and are implying it's connected to mass shootings and terrorism.
It's all part of this, where we see protesters attacking police, they don't arrest them, they attack Zari Jackson and Joe Biggs and Al Jazeera.
So it's part of that dangerous pattern.
I'm looking at all the intel right now, studying it all day.
Kit Daniels has an article going up in the next few minutes.
On InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we will be focused like a laser beam with our whole investigative team.
Joe Biggs, just follow the video report.
It'll be up on InfoWars.com very soon.
Leigh Ann McAdoo, Chakari Jackson, John Bowne, Don Salazar, of course, Mikhail Salin, Anthony Gucciardi, Kurt Nemo, and just so many others I haven't listed or named here are ferreting out every point.
But here's what's most important.
Human intelligence.
You are huge listeners in Toronto, in Ottawa, in New York, in Rochester.
We need citizen reporters to be on the ground, tracking everything, because they don't want that.
And if they didn't have something to hide, or they weren't trying to manage the narrative, the police wouldn't be aiming guns at innocent reporters and at terroristic people.
And the fact is, they haven't caught one of these guys still.
Very, very sick.
So, hit the ground, folks.
Get out there.
You are the resistance.
Find out what's happened.
But let's just be with the camera on the ground.
Go through the video footage from the mainstream media.
Pour over their statements.
Record all their press conferences.
Track everything.
Just like they caught the underwear bomb being put on the plane and it was confirmed in Congress two months after we broke it, or a month and a half.
Just like we exposed 7-7.
Just like we exposed the Boston bombing.
Just like we exposed New Haven with the blue screens and all the fake actors.
We are going to find out what happens here.
But if it is real Islam, it's just what you could be.
In fact, I've looked at the numbers.
Everything that they claim is right-wing is fake.
If they claim it's French Shepherds, you can believe it's fake.
It's a $2 or $3 bill.
Billard bills, I guess, are real but rare.
If they go with a narrative that it's ISIS posts, say, now we've got to have boots on the ground, that could be a false flag move as well.
But then they're going to say, well, why is Canada so open to the Middle East?
Why is the U.S.
so open?
We don't know, but I've been predicting hundreds of guns, Islamist, Al Qaeda-affiliated mass shootings at capitals, shopping malls, colleges, and public schools because they want to put DSA on the streets and checkpoints randomly on the streets and martial law, basically, but never control the border.
So none of it holds water.
Canada is wide open to the Middle East, but if you're a U.S.
citizen, they treat you like trash.
I've experienced it.
We're looking at every angle.
We're throwing off a point.
David Knight, the rest of the team are on the job right now.
They are on the job, taking action.
And this is just par for the course.
Of all the takeaways I've laid out here, here's the final one.
Government, whether it's Sandy hitting the West Coast or the East Coast, whether it's Katrina hitting the Gulf, or whether it's Ebola, whatever it is, government can't and won't help you.
Show all this police state, all these laws of liberty, all the spying, all the checkpoints, all the trillions, all the wars, and Al-Qaeda and ISIS are bigger than ever, we've lost more freedoms than ever, and the government's saying, give up more liberties, you'll be protected.
It is totally and completely bogus.
I'm going to throw it back to David Knight, hosting InfoWars Worldwide, and I'll be back with special reports.
On 4Wars.com, the Natalie News tonight with the rest of the team and George Story, Coast to Coast AM.
I was already going on the show tonight, you can read it on Coast2CoastAM.com.
I was already going on tonight about ISIS and what's really behind it and terrorism looming in the United States and more.
So we'll be covering all that tonight on Coast to Coast AM.
Alright, God bless you gentlemen and ladies.
Let's continue on with the HUMET analysis of our host and listener.
Thank you Alex.
That's Alex Jones on the line and of course the article he is talking about censorship.
RCMP asked the public not to post photos or videos of the Ottawa shooting.
That's up on Infowars.com.
That's Kit Daniels got a story there with a tweet and analysis.
Now on the line we have with us Professor Francis Boyle.
Dr. Boyle is a leading American expert in international law.
He's responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
The American Implementing Legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, and he's the author of a lot of books, but the one that we're interested in today is Biowarfare and Terrorism.
We have him on the line, and welcome, Dr. Boyle.
Well, thank you, David, and my best to your viewing audience.
Thank you.
Thank you for waiting.
We had that breaking news that's very important that's going on there.
But I wanted to ask you about the bioweapons labs that are in these African countries, because you know very well what's going on with the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act that you drafted there.
Why are they putting these labs in those countries?
Well, it's very simple in trying to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention and my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of
1989 that provides for life in prison.
We have a BSL-4 in Guinea.
We have one at the capital there, one in Liberia, Monrovia, and another one at Kenema in Sierra Leone.
And they all do this dual-use offensive-defensive biological warfare work.
Guinea has never been a party to the Biological Weapons Convention.
Liberia has never been a party.
Sierra Leone is a party, but given the disturbances over there, I'm sure no one's been paying attention to what's been going on in these labs.
However, I will point out
I drafted my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act to make it extra-territorial by name, In Hig Verba, so that these illegal criminal types of bio-warfare work done in these labs by U.S.
citizens can be prosecuted.
That's interesting.
Now, as you pointed out, the CDC is there, Tulane University, anybody knows about the notorious Tuskegee test that ran for decades on black people with syphilis, not telling them that, well, not giving them treatment and just watching this develop for decades.
Tulane University is there, as well as the CDC, so what is your take on this?
Do you think this is something that was perhaps accidentally leaked out?
Is this deliberate?
Because it's interesting that this is a different strain
And it is thousands of miles away from where these are typically happening in Central Africa.
This is now over in Western Africa.
They want to say that it transmitted by passing through animals.
I mean, why didn't we have any outbreaks in between those two different areas?
That's right.
The standard explanation is completely nonsensical.
I have here in front of me the Biological Defense Research Program of 1988.
Page Appendix 3-4 clearly says that the Center for Disease Control has been doing biological warfare work in Sierra Leone since 1988.
And also, Columbia University was doing biological warfare work in Liberia, and as I said, Liberia's never been a party to the BWC.
Of course, this bat theory makes no sense at all.
It's clear that, in my opinion, the agent we're dealing with here, of Ebola, is
70% fatality whereas all previous Ebola outbreaks have been 50% and also it appears that it has perhaps somehow been genetically modified to make it airborne to some extent.
I recently sent to your assistant there a press release the National Institutes of Health
Uh, uh, mated, uh, live Ebola, uh, with, uh, the virus for the common cold.
And, well, might have been this type of vaccine that they were testing out over there at these BSL-4 facilities.
We know that the Sierra Leone government shut down Kenema and accusing them of starting the pandemic
With shots under the supervision of Tulane.
And we know for a fact Tulane has been involved in biowarfare work for quite some time.
We also know that Fort Detrick is over there.
The Center for Disease Control is over there.
These three labs were set up by USAID, which is a front organization for the CIA.
So I think it's pretty clear these three labs, I suspect, were the origins of this pandemic, which has now come here to the United States.
The CDC just said 21-day quarantine
But the WHO recommends 42-day quarantine.
Even the 42-day quarantine only gets 98% of the people.
So my guess is, you know, we should really be talking about 50 days or more quarantine.
And the question then is, you know, why do they allow the 4,000 people on that cruise ship off
And according to yesterday's New York Times, there's no monitoring on any of them.
Every other contact going back to Mr. Duncan is somehow being traced, contacted, quarantined, whatever.
But the 4,000 people on that ship, no.
And they could have easily just quarantined everyone on the ship right there.
So, I don't know exactly what to say about this, but it doesn't look good.
Well, we saw that in Nigeria.
They've gone now the 42 days, and they haven't had another outbreak there, but they went through contact tracing.
They had 900 people that they were looking at based on one person who flew into their country on an airplane, was very sick, 20 people caught it, 8 people died, and they had 900 people that they were looking at.
I haven't seen anything like that.
As you pointed out, you know, we've got a situation where you've got this new strain of Ebola that they've never seen before, that travels from an area where they've typically had it, in Central Africa, a thousand to two thousand miles, and they want to tell us that it's been traveled, you know, that got there by bats?
I mean, that's just not, that's not very credible, is it?
Well, even the New York Times reported that in 1976, that when Ebola was first discovered, the World Health Organization ordered it to be sent to Porton down in the UK.
That's their equivalent of Fort Detrick.
So you can figure out what happened with it from there.
And Sierra Leone is a former colony of Britain.
Liberia has always functioned as a de facto colony of America.
And now we see US troops in Liberia, British troops in Sierra Leone, and France, the former colonial power in Guinea, sending troops in there.
You're talking about them finding it, isolating it, and then immediately sending it back to their equivalent of Fort Detrick in the UK.
It's very much like the movie Aliens, you know, that one guy finds that alien and he says, you know, don't kill it, I gotta get it back to the military-industrial complex.
That's what they do.
There was an article that came out today I think is very interesting.
As we look at this, this is a new strain.
They were talking about it being a new strain when it was first identified, first broke out in April.
And if you look at all the previous outbreaks, it's about 2,500 people.
It's 2,478 I totaled it up.
Already in this one we've had about 9,700 people.
So it's about four times all the previous outbreaks combined.
This is a new strain.
It looks like it's a weaponized strain.
You're talking about them bringing something back and working on it.
We just have a report that came out last Friday, basically kind of buried in the Friday news cycle.
This is from the New York Times, and we haven't seen very much reporting about this.
The White House said they were going to cut funding for risky biological studies.
Now, this is them saying they're not going to do any more weaponizing.
What do you make of that?
Well, that's the smoking gun.
That's Friday in the New York Times.
You see, they de facto admitted
That this is exactly what they were doing at those BSL-4 labs in the three BSL-4 labs in
Uh, West Africa.
And they're basically sort of retroactively trying to cover their rear ends there.
But I think that statement that came out Friday is a pretty good indication that they know that those three labs and other researchers here in America, like Tulane, CDC, National Institutes of Health,
Galveston down there, University of Texas, have been up to their eyeballs in this, I would only know what to say, weaponization of Ebola.
It does not appear it is as contagious as the flu.
But it looks like it could be as contagious as the common cold, which is what the National Institutes of Health has been working on now for quite some time.
So it could be that they shipped that agent over there, put it into some type of vaccine, and then tested it out on these people.
Yeah, and you know, we should always remember that the influenza epidemic right at the end of World War I that killed 21 million people, that was from soldiers returning, bringing back that epidemic to their country.
Now we've put 5,000 soldiers into the heart of the heaviest outbreak of Ebola, not with much training, not with basically any effective equipment to protect them.
We're putting them at risk.
That, to me, is a huge deal.
But going back to this New York Times thing.
We know for a fact that this Dr. Mengele professor at the University of Wisconsin resurrected the Spanish flu virus, brought it back to life, on behalf of the Pentagon.
We know that for a fact.
We also know that the same Dr. Mengele at the University of Wisconsin
Genetically engineered Ebola to make it more dangerous.
And we also know this same Dr. Mengele at the University of Wisconsin does GMO flu work.
With H5N1 and some of the others.
And that's exactly what they're saying they're stopping.
They're only saying that they're stopping not Ebola research.
They're not mentioning that.
They say the moratorium is only on research on the influenza virus and the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS.
It made no mention of Ebola or any related fellow virus.
Ebola is already extremely lethal, they say, but it's not easily transmissible.
That's the New York Times take on that.
Well, in other words, they've admitted they were doing it.
And then, second, the word Ebola wasn't in there, because if they had put Ebola in there on the list, everyone would have said, well, what were they really doing with Ebola?
And that's why Ebola is not on the list.
It should be on the list.
But they're not going to say that because everyone would then ask the next question.
Sure, it was censored out of there, but we know they have done that type of Dr. Mengele bio-warfare work with Ebola, as well as those other agents, which they admitted they were doing as recently as last Friday.
Now in this press release that you sent to us, you talked about it being GMO'd into a flu bola, and they do actually mention in the New York Times what you just talked about, the H5N1 avian influenza.
They say that opponents of this type of research, and listen to this, the euphemism that, hey, you probably know this, we're talking to Dr. Francis Boyle who wrote treaties against bioweapon research in 1989 and 1972, so I'm sure you've heard them use this euphemism, a gain of function.
That's what they call it.
A gain of function when they weaponize something like the H5N1 avian bird flu.
I mean, they make it much more deadly.
It's a gain of function.
This same Dr. Mengele at UW-Wisconsin, Kawarako, who's on the press release, also is involved in so-called gang of function, which means species jumping.
And indeed, he tested out this H5N1 on ferrets to see if they could jump from one to the other, because for these purposes of flu, ferrets are akin to human beings.
So it's very clear what he was doing there, yes.
So what do you make of this?
I mean, we have the, it's not just the bioweapons labs that are there, but we've also created AFRICOM just back in 2007.
That's something that the American government never had before.
A tremendous number of military bases there.
Of course, we know that Africa is very, very rich in mineral resources, even though the countries are poor.
We had the Bilderberg Group in 2013 in the UK were saying that the big item on their list was Africa.
I mean, is this some kind of neocolonialism that they're looking for in that area as we see them moving in there with research, with military bases, focusing now on Africa?
Yes, of course.
The troops being sent over there have no training in medical treatment of anyone.
The 101st Airborne is an elite invasion force.
And so is the case for the Marines.
There are now 250 Marines over there.
And they've already moved the headquarters, the 101st Airborne, over there.
So I think what we are seeing is AFRICOM
Finally moving into Africa.
As you know, their headquarters had only been in Germany because they couldn't find anywhere in Africa, although Liberia had offered to serve as their headquarters.
So I think this is being used as a pretext for AFRICOM to establish a base there in Liberia.
We could see the whole 101st Airborne Division in there soon enough.
I think that's why they
Move the division headquarters there to Liberia.
And that's the point that you made.
Why send in the 101st?
They're not known for being a medical relief or a construction division.
Why would they move them in?
The same way with the Marines.
101st Airborne and the Marines are not trained to heal people.
They are elite invaders.
They go in, they invade land, kill anyone that gets in the way, and then they hold that land.
My dad was in the Marine Corps in World War II.
He invaded Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa.
And that's what the Marines do.
They go in there, they kill anyone in their way, and then they continue marching on.
Well, give us some hopeful words here.
I mean, you wrote the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
It was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress.
And yet, we see still weapons development and bioweapons development very, very active within the U.S.
And of course, it's been there from the very creation of the CIA.
Anybody that doesn't know the history
Of that, of Operation Paperclip.
You need to go back and take a look at A Terrible Mistake.
It's about the death of a CIA scientist.
And that will give you a very good background of the kind of heinous war criminals that were brought in at the beginning of the CIA as they transferred from the OSS to the CIA.
This is something that's been going on for a long time, Dr. Boyle.
How do we get control of this?
David, I think first of all we have to get control of the immediate emergency facing the American people because even the people in Dallas have admitted there will be more Ebola infections and I think they know what they're talking about.
The only way we're going to do this is to break through this wall of silence about what really happened here.
We've got to leave it there.
Thank you so much Dr. Boyle for joining us.
Join us tonight at 7 for the nightly news.
Tomorrow Alex Jones will be back at 11 central.
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