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Name: 20141015_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2014
2468 lines.

In this clip, Alex Jones discusses the outbreak of Ebola in Dallas, Texas, and criticizes the government's handling of the situation. He also discusses the consequences of an Ebola outbreak on a larger scale, stating that it could lead to medical tyranny and chaos. Furthermore, he criticizes the flu vaccine, calling it a fraud and discussing its potential side effects. Jones also talks about Prison Planet TV and Info Wars News, urging listeners to support freedom by becoming members and sharing their membership with others. Additionally, he discusses various conspiracy theories including moon landings, man-made global warming, McCain's past, a video of McCain being confronted, and the true skinny on what's happening in Syria. Wayne Madsen, a CIA whistleblower, talks about McCain being blackmailed for his actions during his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The speaker also discusses Ebola and riots in Sierra Leone and mentions how millions of bottles of colloidal silver were purchased and shipped to Africa but were refused by someone in the government or a company, costing almost five million dollars.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here's the headline out of CBS News, Dallas.
Blood, vomit and diarrhea soaked hazardous materials piled to the ceiling from just one Ebola patient in Dallas.
The gentleman that died last Wednesday from West Africa.
And now a second nurse that treated him out of more than 70 has come down with Ebola and now they think her boyfriend may have it as well.
And of course they sent at least one of his children to school, and he used his apartment and the nearby street as a vomitorium.
On top of that, the feds sent just regular cleaning crews in to clean it up.
Ebola at this point, maximum, from the numbers I've looked at, might be a couple hundred people.
They're claiming it's three right now.
There's no need to panic at this point if somebody sneezes and has a nosebleed, or if somebody's had the flu and their intestines are inflamed and they have blood in their feces.
That is quite common.
Millions of Americans have that every year.
But if this continues, and you get thousands with Ebola and then tens of thousands with Ebola, the hysteria alone during the flu season, because the first stages of Ebola look like the flu,
Will cause an incredible medical tyranny.
We've had guests point this out, I've pointed this out, listeners have pointed this out, but this morning watching CNN, and then going to the gym, CNN was saying, you need to take the flu shot because if you get sick, they will throw you in a quarantine if you have the regular flu.
For 21 days or longer.
As if a flu shot protects you from the flu.
As if they ever guessed the right mutation a year before.
They admit they've never guessed.
It doesn't work.
It causes neurological disorders.
It's a fraud.
The science of immunization is real.
It has some serious risk.
But it doesn't work with the flu.
And that's just the medical literature.
It doesn't work.
So I walk into the gym.
And not one, but two different people.
And I thought they were messing with me because they know who I am, but just vaguely.
And say, man, better get your flu shot.
I'm going to get it.
Or if I get sick, they'll throw me in quarantine.
So they won't put in quarantine real people that had Ebola.
They stuck him in the emergency room.
They stuck him in a group area for days.
That's in the news today.
Didn't tell them when they knew he had Ebola, for days, hey, you better wear a high-level mask, not just a paper mask.
The default state and federal health department regulations stated that you were to isolate these people, that you weren't to bring them into the country, that you were to halt West African flights.
This is the default.
This thing kills between 50 and 90 percent, on average 70 percent, but it varies.
70% of people that end up getting this will die on average.
This is a big deal.
And they get on the news and they say, you gotta vomit right in an open wound.
Or other gross things to get this.
And that's not true!
We know this Ebola's different.
We know it's mutated 300 plus times.
We know it's spreading... The biggest cases before were 26 people infected a few years ago.
It has infected hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands, killed 4,000 plus people we know.
That's probably a whitewash number.
It's estimated to hit 1.4 to 5 million people, depending on what estimate you see from the UN and others.
And the border is open, and flights are coming in, and now they're talking about maybe screening people.
You don't screen them, you shut the flights down.
Anybody originating out of West Africa, you let them know, we're not letting you in, or they'll flood.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there was a terror alert on Monday about a potential Fort Hood situation?
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ebola begins to spread, reflecting on our past lives.
And it doesn't.
Because in the year 2014, they take me to the gallows.
The sands of time for our republic and the world are running low.
Because the New World Order, the technocracy, has global chaos on its mind.
And out of the wars and bioweapon plagues and atomic and hydrogen terrorism,
They expect to build on those assets.
Their planetary, scientific dictatorship.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're broadcasting worldwide on this October 15th, Wednesday transmission.
James Wesley Rawls, former army intelligence officer, best-selling fiction and non-fiction writer, and one of the top five survivalists in the world.
We'll be joining us coming up in the second hour today to discuss Ebola, economic collapse and more.
So stay with us for that information.
We'll also open the phones up in this hour and in the hour where Rawls is not on with us as well.
A second nurse at Dallas Presbyterian has been confirmed to have Ebola.
A first nurse was confirmed to have Ebola on Sunday.
Subsequent tests on Monday confirmed it.
Now the first nurse's boyfriend is showing symptoms of Ebola and they were testing him yesterday and have not released it as of we go live right now.
So that doesn't look too good, does it?
Confirmed, Ebola is spreading.
Now, again,
I know how to read CDC protocols, World Health Organization protocols, Health Department protocols, on a level 4 contagion, and believe me, Ebola is the top of the line of bad nastiness.
Some areas, 90% die, on average it's 70%.
And they brought back dozens and dozens, and the last number I saw was close to 30, healthcare workers into the U.S.
to be in regular hospital medical facilities, but they go, don't worry, we sealed off one end of a hall.
With ventilation open, not sealed rooms, not even level three.
They have them in level 2 containment facilities.
They've built bio-weapons labs in places like Galveston, Texas, out on a pier.
And a hurricane four or five years ago hit it and destroyed the entire facility that had Ebola, smallpox, mousepox in it.
Why would you build, since 2001, 36 bioweapons labs under the program BioShield and stick them in the middle of major cities everywhere on coastlines or on fault lines in California?
It's like the devil placed these things.
They're all in the worst spots.
Los Angeles, California.
Kansas City, Missouri.
Galveston, Texas.
Just like they only want to build nuclear reactors on the worst fault... I mean, they built Devil's Canyon reactor on four fault lines!
The only place in the state where four fault lines come together, where they believe the super mega 10.0 will hit.
Two reactors, giant jumbo babies, will blow sky high.
Why would you pick the worst spot?
It's demonic!
It's not like they only pick a few horrible spots.
They always do the worst thing.
They always do the most horrible thing.
Even if it was ineptness, they would do something good sometimes.
So let me give you the headline now.
Ebola health worker flew hours before reporting symptoms, Bloomberg.
The second healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola in Texas flew between Cleveland and Dallas hours before she reported symptoms.
The state health workers, U.S.
health officials said today.
How about if you work in a hospital where somebody's got Ebola?
You are quarantined to work at home if you choose to have that job.
Plus, don't you want to protect your family?
If I worked in a hospital as a nurse in contact with an Ebola patient, when I got home I would spray myself down with bleach in the front yard with a water hose and then I would go through a window and stay in a room and not let my children near me.
That's default, no-brainer.
If I worked in the hospital I'd do that, but if I worked
In the room with him, where they reportedly said the blood and the feces was stacked to the ceiling.
That's CBS News.
It's like a horror movie where they just splatter out.
They never show this on the news, ladies and gentlemen.
Nurses Union, Ebola patient left an open area of ER for hours.
They didn't clean the ambulance for days.
They didn't notify anybody.
They didn't clean the house for a week.
They don't care.
And you can say the hospital wasn't ready.
Why did the CDC, once they had an Ebola patient, not whisk him away to a federal facility?
They have 36 of these.
They have even more, level 4 facilities.
Oh, now in Bloomberg yesterday, they go, we're going to build special facilities, they don't have to build them, they're already there, at government bases, at federal army bases and things, and we have some other sophisticated facilities, that's where you're going to go now.
Well, that's where you were supposed to go.
You don't let the flights come in, and I'll keep harping on this, and when somebody comes in and they test positive for Ebola, everyone who is in contact gets put in quarantine.
Because if you don't, it's not 50 people or 100 people in quarantine.
Who, by the way, they tell these people go home and don't leave, and then they catch NBC reporters at restaurants who were in the rooms with people dying with Ebola.
It's the same NBC medical correspondent.
I meant to cover it yesterday.
NBC's Nancy Schneiderman breaks Ebola quarantine, apologizes.
This is the woman that said, just take your bleeping vaccine.
Oh, by the way, InfoWars.com article by Christina Sarich, who just does a great job for the site,
Vaccinate the whole country with experimental Ebola vaccine.
National Institutes of Health.
We may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire community.
Oh, how are you going to produce 320 million?
That's how many Americans there are now.
Another 30 million illegals.
So, 300, I don't know, 50 million, whatever it is.
How are you going to deploy that?
I mean, it would take a year to make that much vaccine, they admit.
Oh, oh, they just so happen to have more than 15 vaccines in the pipeline, and three of them become available in December, and then even more in January and February.
Oh, and then they had the Washington Post and NBC News and Market Watch and the Wall Street Journal all attack us yesterday in Curt Nemo's article, taking his quote out of context where he said, looks like they'll make a bunch of money off vaccines.
that are set to come out.
They said, oh, Kurt's crazy.
Infowars is crazy.
There are no vaccines set to come out.
And they acted like Kurt said it was for sure.
He said that they may try something like that.
But of course they are.
And now they're rolling it out, pushing it, promoting it.
Just get your bleeping vaccine, doctor.
Violates Ebola quarantine.
NBC medical correspondent shows zero concern for public health.
Two months ago, we say don't fly people in here, stop less African flights.
They had CBS News, NBC News, the White House, through Media Matters, which they admittedly run, all come out and demonize us and say that we were insane and there was no risk of it coming here.
And now they're back in the news, Media Matters, the White House attacked us yesterday.
In fact, guys, just type Alex Jones in Google and print me that article, thanks, in Google News.
I forgot to IM it to you this morning.
I want to show that article, because they go, oh, it's crazy.
He's fear-mongering, saying Obama wants Ebola to spread.
Well, when other countries and other African countries all ban people coming in from nations hit with it...
And when you bring people in for the first time ever that have it, and then people, medical workers start getting it, and God knows how much it's already spread.
But see, they are the authority.
They are the White House.
And so the White House state-run media, George Soros funded publicly,
Let me tell you what liars they are.
They called me about two years ago.
They wanted to, quote, interview me with one of their journalists, and I said, you're not journalists.
You're White House hacks.
The former transition chief runs it.
You have weekly meetings with the White House that gives you their talking points.
It's come out in Congress.
You say you want to destroy any alternative media in the country.
And nobody visits your site, but you are the talking points for CNN, MSNBC.
And I said, George Soros just gave you a million and a half dollars this year.
And the head person, the head editor, says, no, we didn't.
So it's laughing.
And I pulled it up online.
I said, here's Associated Press.
Here's Wikipedia.
Here's the Federal Commission.
You've gotten, what, four or five million dollars the last couple years from him, a million plus this year.
And the guy went, haha, you got me, Alex.
See, they're always about testing.
Is this an animal I can feed on?
Is this an idiot?
Kind of like when Senator Gary Hart was asked by We Are Change, it's in my film, Truth Rising,
They go to the meeting with his book signing and they said, you said in a public letter to Ahmadinejad that the U.S.
government would stage terror attacks to blame it on him so he better do what they're told or they'll stage a new Gulf of Tonkin.
He goes, no I didn't.
And they went, here's your letter in the Huffington Post.
He goes, no it isn't.
And when he saw it he goes, oh I remember that.
And literally gets scared and starts sweating and runs out of the meeting basically.
Has a meltdown, like, you're supposed to be an animal!
You're not supposed to know anything!
You're not supposed to know how to look up federal filings for tax-free foundations that get money, and who gave it?
You're not supposed to know about my letter to Ahmed Dedeji!
It's like, what?!
2 plus 2 equals 5!
You're like, no, 4!
No, it does!
Do what I say!
I'm the authority!
Do what I say!
So now, they've been caught red-handed by WorldNetDaily, at Alexa, run by Amazon, that owns the Washington Post,
They've been caught!
Every Libertarian Patriot website turning it off saying we have no visitors when their own internal server shows we're spiking and all the Democrat sites are plunging.
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The new drumbeat, as predicted by our guests and listeners, is take the flu shot or you'll be quarantined if you get sick with any respiratory illness.
Because Ebola begins like the flu.
And what the media is implying is that somehow the flu shot will protect you, period.
Or you'll be sent to the quarantine center with the other Ebola patients.
They're really saying you'll be given the death penalty
If you don't go out and take the flu shot.
And even before this Ebola stuff broke out, and the government brought it into the country, by policy, I would hear people in restaurants, but also on the news, and in person, poking each other, going, you better get the flu shot this year.
And it doesn't matter if you've got the Canadian government study showing the average flu shot doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year and lowers your immune system by 50%.
Doesn't matter if a bunch of other studies show that.
Doesn't matter how many medical doctors I have.
They go on the news and say there's zero side effects and everything's fine.
And they lie to you.
So, the World Horse, the World, yeah, Whore Organization I should say, the World Health Organization says West African Ebola outbreak still expanding geographically.
Reuters, the Ebola epidemic is still spreading in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and projections show there will be between 5,000 and 10,000 new cases a week in early December, the World Health Organization said yesterday.
Liberia needs 79,940 more body bags.
That's from the Washington Post.
This inventory from the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare starkly illustrates the huge gap between what Liberia has and what it needs over the next six months.
Well, I thought 4,000 people had died.
Folks, entire cities and towns are collapsing.
They're calling Liberia and other countries failed states.
But don't worry.
The airports are still running and
The people are fleeing to Central and South America and El Norte, the United States.
And if you don't accept someone with Ebola into your home, you're racist!
And if you don't accept death panels in Obamacare or the VA having troops on secret death lists, you guessed it, you're a homophobe racist, which is even worse.
So there you go.
Sacrifice everything on the altar of political correctness.
Sky News reports that there's 60 days to beat Ebola, the U.N.
Oh, the U.N.'
's gonna save us and so will Obamacare here domestically.
The U.N.
says the Ebola outbreak must be controlled within 60 days or else the world faces an unprecedented situation for which there is no plan.
But after it, there'll be a global plan to respond to the next thing, right?
There won't be any, why'd you leave the flights open?
Why'd you bring the people in?
Why did the UN agree with Obama, leave the borders open?
Why did you do all this?
We'll have Bono come out and raise money for his charity in the UN.
Of course, you know it came out.
Guess how much Bono gives of the hundreds of millions he's raised for his private charity?
Guess how much Mono, I mean Bono, I mean Gonorrhea, whatever his name is, guess how much this humanitarian liberal, who also gives money to take your guns, guess how much this usurper, this Mandu Ireland, they should be so ashamed of him over there, guess how much he gives to charity.
You can pull it up in the Daily Mail or BBC. 10%?
I mean, the Clintons keep 50% for themselves to pay for mansions and jet airplanes for Haitian kids.
I mean, that's horrible.
That's despicable.
50% is over-the-top evil.
Guess how much Bono of U2 keeps for himself?
Look it up.
Bono only gives 2% to charity.
I want to vomit.
Whenever I see him on TV constantly with some rock concert sucking off everyone, paying for tickets for his charity to help Africans win the slug of earth.
I mean, it's like Warren Buffett.
Lobbying for higher taxes when he gets the laws written where he's exempt.
He wants poor people's money.
He wants higher payroll taxes by poor people who are losing everything they got paid to the government so he gets big banker bailouts.
Those two ought to be buried together when they die.
There it is, Bono under fire over one charity donations totaling $9.6 million.
And you read deeper, 2%.
A fraction of his income to charity.
Yeah, that's another article you found where he only gives a fraction of his income to charity.
No, no, no.
Yeah, but the charities, he also, when it comes down to his charities, the charities he promotes give a fraction as well.
So yeah, he gives a fraction, and then also the charities he's involved with give a fraction.
I know the number I saw was 2%.
But I guess the number you pulled up is they're saying he gives 2% of his income.
So he makes 9.6 million pounds.
And then he gives $118,000 to it.
The point is he's a hypocrite.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
We did pull up the article.
We can put it back on screen.
Confirming that the charity is 100% owned and run.
In particular, we're talking about by Bono of U2.
And he does give 2% of it to actual charity.
So it's worse than that.
He just takes the money and then gives 2%.
And we can put that article that they found back up on screen.
That's out of Metro News.
That's in London.
The big paper in London that's in the subways.
Bono under fire over one charity donations and then it shows how he gives 2%.
Imagine that!
Give me money for poor Africans.
Look, I'm a liberal.
I love black people.
And then he gives 2%.
But if you have a business and you hire people, period, and then you keep a bigger percentage of the profit because you take the risk, you run the business, you work at midnight, you show up, it's greedy and bad.
Warren Buffett says you should pay more taxes because he's exempt and he gets your money.
I didn't mean to go off onto that tangent there.
Before I get back into Ebola and give the phone number out to take your calls...
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It's time to protect ourselves.
It's time to get ready.
It's now to boost our immune systems.
In my family, for sure.
And get your vitamin C.
And get your vitamin D, and get your vitamin B12 as well, folks, and get your sunshine, and get right with God.
Because I've been saying before this Ebola even broke out, six months ago, the MRSA, the superbacteria, the plagues, the superviruses, the drug-resistant, even the feds are saying they want to start restricting antibiotics to be given to animals when they're not sick.
I've been in Turkey and poultry production facilities.
I've seen them.
I worked off and on for years in agriculture, working for a large animal vet, so I've seen it all.
And let me tell you,
Those big factory farms are hellish.
They are like something out of a science fiction movie.
You know, a million chickens in one giant facility, with mites crawling all over them, and they can't even stand up, they're force feeding them so fast, and they give them a bunch of antibiotics, and they're basically blind, they chop their beaks off at birth, so they don't peck themselves and commit suicide.
I mean, it is a hell pit.
That's why I will not eat processed chicken.
I will only eat free-range from places I know where it came from.
Because that's why beef is so good, is that it is morally raised out on the field, unless when they fatten them up right before slaughter at a feedlot, it is morally raised, happy animals, until they get hit by that gas-powered hammer and, you know, get their brains knocked out.
They're scared for a few minutes when they're going up there to get slaughtered.
And I, again, I think it should be more ethical just because what we allowed to happen to them ends up happening to us.
PETA is a death cult eugenicists that are just anti-human and want government to be able to vote for the animals and then outvote the rest of the humans.
So it's a fraud, an absolutely vicious, evil organization.
And I have inside knowledge of it.
I'll just leave it at that.
But, um, not myself, but family that was able to get into the highest levels of it and then later got out of the cult.
But, and their information is the source of the stuff that's basically wounded PETA mortally.
But digressing from that, even the government now that's run by Big Pharma is saying we better stop this.
Because it is a petri dish for mutations, for bird flu.
All it's gonna take is some airborne human communicable bird flu.
I mean, it kills 90 plus percent like Ebola.
And they think bird flu will probably go airborne before Ebola.
And then you don't get a cold, folks, you die.
You don't get a cold, your kids die.
There'll be so many dead bodies, they'll have to clean them out a year later, okay?
We're talking half the population dead or more.
By the way, the Black Plague killed between a third and a half of Europe.
No one knows.
The Black Plague would kill sometimes a third of China.
Where it came from.
The Bubonic Plague.
And it turns you black.
With pus tools all over your body.
That's why it's called the Black Plague.
The Black Death.
Ring around the Rosie.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes.
We all fall down.
Maybe we can come in to the next segment with Grave Digger.
Willie Nelson.
So, let's get this straight.
We have a criminal elite obsessed with releasing bioweapons to reduce our numbers and build some Moonraker, Zardoz, Elysium.
Do you think in the movie Elysium?
They're just going to let big third world populations roam around and consume the surface of the earth?
No, they're going to go to their underground Elysium, or the field of the immortals.
I've read documents, you can pull them up, where the elites in the 70s talked about building Elysium ring space stations with gravity.
I mean, Ian Fleming, that was high level MI6 in OSS, wrote Moonraker about it.
You know the Roger Moore film adaptation of it?
Where a world government group releases a bioweapon to kill everybody while they sit on a space station to come back?
Do you understand this is all the elite talk about?
This is their cult.
This is what they talk about at cocktail parties.
This is what they're into.
This is what they do.
This is what they discuss.
And they're told 90% are to be wiped out.
Dr. Eric Bianca talks about that at UT.
The FBI visited him.
Oh, just, I just, nobody's going to listen to me, it doesn't even matter.
Everybody just wants to watch their football games.
I'm convinced most men, while their wives and kids are dying, and while they're crawling around vomiting with Ebola, they'll be watching SportsCenter.
I'm serious.
So hey, just, you're dead already, you want to die, you want to roll over.
You want to give up?
You want to call anybody informed?
Anybody who's manly?
Anybody that wants to survive?
Anybody that wants to thrive?
Anybody that knows how government works or knows the three branches of government?
Anybody who's red-blooded?
Anybody that'll fight?
Anybody that isn't gonna roll over?
You want to point your finger and say, we're the scum, we're the problem?
You're right, I am the problem.
I am bad, Media Matters.
I'm evil.
You're good to be state-run media.
You're good to go work with Alexa to fake the ratings numbers to show every libertarian or conservative site losing 90% of its viewers or readers when our own internal metrics were spiking and exploding at all-time highs and you were too dumb to even get Alexa to change their internal subscription service where you could actually get the numbers showing an over 70% increase in traffic in just the last month, you stinking liars!
You think you heard us?
You think we sell advertising?
Off of ratings, off of your site?
We sell it directly off the metrics, off our servers and off results, jackasses!
But it shows how pathetic you are in your whole rigged world.
Hey Alexa, hey Amazon, if your kids get airborne Ebola or bird flu and are dead little coffins, how's your fake ratings system gonna do for you?
Why don't you just have an awards ceremony, Media Matters, with literally almost no visitors?
Run by the White House.
Millions of dollars being spent every month on you.
Up there in New York City and D.C.
And you've got to go fake the numbers to say we have no viewers or listeners?
I mean, what a joke!
Why don't... It's basically like an 800-pound literal blue ribbon hog, sow, that wins the blue ribbon at the Kansas City Fair
And then you trotted out at Miss America Contest, or up against a revived, you know, Interprime, Marilyn Monroe, or Sharon Tate, or something like that, and you roll it out, and then you have your judges put a crown on the 800-pound pig,
That has crap running down its legs or something.
I mean, I'm sorry to talk like that, but you people are such a joke, where you get up on TV and you say, 2 plus 2 equals 5, and there's no death panels, and you can keep your doctor, and it'll cut the price of Obamacare, and Ebola's not gonna come to America, and Alex Jones is a liar, and you don't have any visitors, and you're a failure, when you people are complete jokes.
I produced a film, now downloaded over 150 million times, on Google and YouTube alone.
Loose change.
I made Obama's deception watch more than 45 million times on YouTube alone.
I made in-game, watched more than 20 million times on Google Video, another 3 or 4 million times.
I can just keep listing films that have been seen.
10 million, 20 million, 5 million.
Just constant viral videos, not even on our own pages.
Just every day with a million views here, 600,000 views there, 5 million views a day on all of our pages combined.
Millions of visitors to Infowars.com a day.
700,000 to Prison Planet today.
Over a million to our one Facebook, and we've got like 30 of them.
Hundreds of thousands to my Twitter.
I mean, we can't even metric.
Dominating Roku, Boxy, just went on iHeart, already exploding on their podcast.
Just dominating everywhere.
And then I sit there and watch a bunch of guys with trendy beards and miscolored socks.
On there, doing podcasts from Media Matters, acting like you're grassroots, acting like you're trendy, when we know full well, during the break, you're in the CIA, saluting the White House and meeting with generals!
See, our enemy has beards and little socks and goes, uh, uh, I'm trendy, I'm Nelly, non-threatening, but behind the scenes it's, black-op operations, fix this, rig that, try to bring down the media, infiltrate!
I mean, that's who they are, folks!
That's who they are, and they are psy-opping this country with their NPR voice.
I'm so liberal.
Let's all talk like this now.
Let's go to our next guest.
Oh, hi, Kate.
Or, hi, Jenny.
It's good to be here with you.
Let's talk about how reasonable and intellectual we are, and how we're fake fascist liberals, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
I mean, that's who these people are, and I don't care if you want to wear miscolored socks and have a beard, and you watch The Hangover every day.
I like The Hangover, too.
Why even like trendies?
The point is, is that the enemy wears those cloaks.
Do you think a real spy is wearing an Armani suit that costs $3,000 and does 500 pull-ups a day and actually looks like James Bond?
A spy is a 80-year-old woman on a walker who looks like she can't walk and looks like she's sick, and then as soon as she closes the door, gets up and is all ready to attack and kill somebody.
A real spy has a beard and acts trendy and goes, uh, uh, uh, to sit there and fool you.
To sit there and sneak up on you, to sit there and pacify you.
They are preying on you scientifically like wolves stalking a jackrabbit.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that MSNBC is a military FBI operation?
They're basically all former FBI informants, all former or current CIA.
You can look up each one of them and actually find that out.
Did you know that most of the analysts on military and world affairs on CNN are former CIA or are former secret operations in one of 14 other agencies or are foreign agents of foreign governments like Wolf Blitzer?
On record!
Former registered agent of Israel, known Mossad, former lead spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Defense,
Anderson Cooper, CIA from the day he went to college and out of it, in what?
Psychological operations.
I mean, and it's great!
I love it!
I absolutely love it because you can't trump or beat naked truth.
Naked, redneck, Americana, in the face, cards on the table, no fear, down to earth reality.
I could sit up here and act like a trendy or act like a fake pseudo-intellectual.
I want humanity to win.
I don't want a bunch of oligarchs with derivatives trying to shut down the rest of the economy because they don't want to compete with people.
I don't want to put vaccines in kids on record to lower their IQs so a bunch of scum like you can manage them.
Boy, you're a real elite that you've dumbed people down and brain damaged them and put fluoride in their water on record so you could rule a bunch of addled artificial
Artificially down-syndromed people?
All I see is a sack of crap!
All I see is a bunch of crooks!
All I see is a bunch of fraudsters!
All I see is a bunch of trash!
All I see is my enemy!
You people are filth!
You're cheaters!
You're with the devil!
And to the devil with ya!
The devil take ya!
That's why you're all so scared to die.
That's why you're all such flaming cowards.
It's because you are absolute weak sellouts to the dark side.
You people are pathetic.
You serve the darkness because you're looking for power.
You can't even imagine the power of the good side.
But the system puts out this image of good as weak and pathetic and unable to do anything.
Oh look, Washington Post, Anderson Cooper on his CIA internship.
Oh, I don't think the work ended when you're blue screening and you're not really at Sandy Hook and you got all those actors up there, Bubba.
But see, that's why they've got us still.
They're so bold that we haven't had a full break with these people.
They brought Ebola in.
They let it spread on purpose.
We told you it would, because you can go look at what real virologists and scientists have said, and you bring in 30-plus medical workers that have it.
You let people fly in from countries that are collapsing with it.
Do you think it's going to spread?
Do you think 2 plus 2 equals 4?
You better believe it does, Anderson Cooper!
And here's something else, Cooper.
You don't have to worry about me coming to do something to you.
Or any of you other people that want to shut down freedom and arrest your political opposition.
You people each your own.
There is no honor among thieves, and you people are the ultimate of dishonorable.
And that's why you've turned America into a bunch of backbiting, backstabbing, arrested development, junior high, high schoolers forever.
Where almost every business and corporation is leaving this country because all people want to do with their businesses is not work or get something done, but is gossip and talk trash about everybody they work with every night when they go to the bar.
That's a little secret about being successful in life, is don't sit around and talk trash about people.
That's what leaders do.
That's what team players do.
But you people have created balkanization between men and women, between the so-called different races, and all this infighting, and all this nation of complainers, so that the country can't come together against your tyranny, so you can rule over us in divide and conquer.
Ohio Department of Health, Texas health worker with Ebola visited Ar... Arcon?
How do you say that?
A-R... Akron.
Oh, Akron, of course.
Wednesday, the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notifies health officials that the second health care worker in Dallas diagnosed with Ebola had visited Akron.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to a hundred and three.
A hundred and three.
A hundred and three is forever when you're just a little kid.
Cyrus Jones lived forever.
Grave digger.
Grave digger.
When you dig my grave.
When you dig my grave.
Make it shallow.
Would you make it shallow?
Grave Digger.
My old friend Willie Nelson bringing us in.
I wanted to play this because of the part where he says, ring around the rosie.
Pocket full of posy.
Ashes to ashes.
They all fall down.
It's a safe bet they're going to be lowering kids to the ground over this bowl of emerald.
And Obama will be the hero.
I told you I'd be the villain.
White House says I'm bad.
I'm being attacked.
Told you!
That wasn't a joke last few weeks.
We know how it works.
We'll sit here and point out who the killers are.
We don't care.
Deranged right-wing conspiracy theory.
Obama intentionally wants to infect the nation with Ebola.
I'm not a rocket scientist, though I do interview a lot of them.
They concur with my analysis.
The late Bob Bowman, former head of Star Wars.
If you bring in a bunch of people from Africa where they're all falling down, and they're projecting millions are gonna get it, and other countries won't let them in, but Latin America and the U.S.
advertise that we are the Ebola toilet, and that you can come here to die and bleed out in our hospital, well, you know what's gonna happen is we're gonna get Ebola!
That's why the default was, that was against the law and still was.
But see, we live in a country now where the southern border is wide open and they've told the kids of the world, come here with your families, we'll give you free passage and send you to a Democratic Party home and pay them $7,000 a month to keep three of you as a business and then we'll give you voter IDs and judges unanimously have struck it down, no voter ID, and you can vote to do whatever you want in this country and it works like a charm.
So, I'm no rocket scientist.
I don't always drink beer, but when I do, it's not Dos Equis.
You know, the most interesting man.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know that when... I know I'm stating the obvious.
I'm just going to keep stating it like an emergency alert.
We're letting him... Let me talk in an Obama-friendly voice.
I don't know why our lord and savior Barack Hussein Obama, the long-legged mac daddy, the savior of the planet according to Jamie Foxx, his bishop, I don't know why they would bring in all these people from hot zones when everyone else is banning it.
And I don't know why they would bring in medical workers that have it when they never did that before.
They would keep them on ships or at clinics overseas so they were better.
In country, I don't know why they're bringing him in to the United States and into medical centers and not even putting him in high containment facilities that would stop the spread.
They just must not know that bringing people in with Ebola might spread it.
They must just not know they're violating set laws and common sense.
I guess all of us know how to stop it, but Obama didn't.
You're right, White House and Media Matters.
It's deranged.
It's crazy.
Because you use the word.
Like a man in the Sahara Desert wanting to have a glass of water.
That's crazy, too.
Or wanting to have health and security for your kids.
That's nuts.
Or finding out about the secret death panels for veterans.
Those are going to stay.
You're right.
I've been an extremist.
I'm sorry I got upset and tried to wake people up and didn't like abortion, 54 million dead babies.
You're right.
That's a wonderful thing that we killed all those babies, too.
I want to be trendy like you.
I apologize.
You're the boss.
You control reality like Karl Rove said, okay?
Good job funding ISIS to chop all those Christians' heads off.
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Others don't.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I meant to do this yesterday.
We have a map.
We have a timeline of the Ebola outbreak in the U.S.
and we have a calendar.
I'll do that with James Wesley Rawls coming up at the bottom of the hour.
But roughly, Patient Zero got here three weeks ago.
Ran around vomiting and everywhere.
We now know he left Liberia knowing he had Ebola or thinking he did.
I went to the hospital, vomited all over his house and his kids, all over the neighbors, stairwells, ambulance drivers, at least two nurses got it from him now in Dallas.
And so you can do the math, three weeks is like 21 days.
In fact, it is 21 days.
So he gets there roughly three weeks ago.
And so he starts spreading it 21 days ago.
He gets in the hospital.
Two weeks ago, he dies last Wednesday.
So right around now, the government's brought the people in, they've got enough spread, this is right around the time that you will expect, like I said yesterday, to see Obama making announcements and them saying, uh-oh, it's really bad, get ready for it to spread everywhere, after they let it in and made sure it could happen.
And add some plausible deniability.
I mean, they may be out there releasing it for all we know.
I mean, this is a very evil group of people.
In fact, we would all be fools not to think they're probably behind it.
Obama cancels trip to meet on Ebola outbreak.
President Barack Obama, the AP is reporting, is cancelling political travel, that means raising money, to meet with his cabinet on the Ebola outbreak.
Oh, oh, he's going to save us.
The new Obamacare system is going to allow the coordination with the locals to stop it.
And I predict it will spread, but they will stop it.
And then they will be hailed and give each other awards for bringing the Ebola in.
And they'll bring in medical tyranny and forced inoculation.
Oh, they're going to save us.
They're so good.
The White House says the Lord and Savior, as Jamie Foxx calls him, Obama, is calling off a planned trip to New Jersey and Connecticut.
Instead, will convene cabinet officials, not servants, coordinating the government's Ebola response at the White House.
The change comes as a second health worker in Dallas who provided care for the first Ebola patient, the illegal, diagnosed in the US, has tested positive for the disease.
Obama had planned to speak at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats in Union, New Jersey, and then headline a rally for Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy.
This is like the Matrix.
I mean, we're just watching it unfold.
And they brought it in, they did everything they could to spread it, and now they're openly trying to create a catastrophe so they can grandstand.
Because they know 37% of the public, or whatever it is in Gallup, can't name one branch of government.
Legislative, executive, judicial.
They don't know what state and federal government are.
They don't know what rights are.
They don't know anything but SportsCenter.
With all these men in suits, all so serious, debating all the numbers and all the scores, which shows men could know all this, but they think the whole world is sports.
And I harp on the sports because it was the only area men are allowed to be dominant, where men can sit on the podium, where men can talk, where you can still have, you know, violence.
It's the only kosher, acceptable little venue.
But everywhere else, any sign of male masculinity or strength or virility is racist, is homophobic, is hurtful to women.
A man kissing his girlfriend and her falling in his arms is sexual assault.
It doesn't matter if you think that doesn't make sense.
It isn't meant to make sense.
They're overriding us.
They're screwing up the species.
They are using our social behavior.
We're like dogs.
We have psychopathic technocratic controllers.
In control.
And they're going after everybody.
Just because you work for the system doesn't mean you're in some high horse or that you aren't in the crosshairs.
In fact, if you look at the historical metrics of a tyranny entering later phases, you will be the most attacked, savaged, Winston Smith-tortured by the O'Briens of the world.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Another major health threat.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We will have completely open phones throughout the entire third hour today.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us.
This hour, James Wesley Rawls, one of the top survivalists in the world, most respected, best-selling author of fiction and nonfiction, is with us.
If you just joined us, some stations just carry the second and third hour.
The second nurse in Dallas was flying all over the country visiting family.
Was going to Ohio and other areas.
And this Ebola outbreak, as I said last week, is an October surprise.
The Hill is now saying that, and that both parties are battling with each other over the response.
Well, Barack Obama and the CDC are criminally negligent, bare minimum.
That's not my view, it's a fact.
The default laws, we've written articles about it, the default procedures are what England and France did two months ago.
When this hit epidemic levels in West Africa, stop all the flights from there and tell anybody if you're originating out of a West African country, you're going to be turned away when you get here.
Instead, we got people flying in who are obviously sick, fleeing to get medical care from collapsing countries like Liberia, vomiting all over the plains.
Two weeks ago, airline workers and airline cleaning crews went on strike.
And they said, because we go on the plains and there's vomit everywhere.
It's safe to say with collapsing countries that we just haven't learned yet in the last 21 days.
They're probably covering up other Ebola cases around the country.
I said undoubtedly these nurses are going to get it.
They said you had to vomit and do an open wound.
That's not true.
That was Ebola 30 years ago.
This Ebola has mutated over 330 times now.
It is spreading.
The UN estimates 1.4 million will get it.
Some German estimates by top virology institutions are 5 million will die.
Will die.
I don't know.
All I know is they're still saying, hey, you can come here if you're from West Africa, we might finally put some people screening for fevers or whatever.
But what if people are just on business from these West African countries and don't know they have it?
It incubates for 21 days, not three.
So this isn't the 1980s or 1990s or 2000s Ebola.
It's new.
They believe it can survive longer in particular, namely bat feces and urine raining from the sky.
That's probably what's spreading it.
Most top scientists, you can look it up, even the Washington Post believe that.
If it gets into mammals here, oh my gosh.
You've got compromised immune systems with all the flu shots that lower your immunity on record.
They're saying take the flu shot so you won't get quarantined and mistaken with a respiratory illness, how this starts, with flu-like symptoms.
So they're now pushing the flu shot with it.
Now the U.N.
says it can become a global catastrophe if it isn't stopped in 60 days.
The answer is give them more funding.
Ohio Health Department says the second Texas nurse traveled there and spent time there from October 8th to the 13th.
Now joining us is James Wesley Rawls.
And he has been, again, a top survivalist since his... He's been a survivalist since his teenage years, been a top survivalist for decades.
Survivalblog.com is his very popular website.
He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Jose State University with a minor degree in Military Science, History, and Military History.
He's a former U.S.
Army Intelligence Officer.
We have top-secret security clearances, a special background investigation, and access to sensitive compartmentalized information.
He was awarded Officer Specialty 35A, Tactical, All-Sum Intelligence Officer, and Additional Skills Identifier, 5M Electronic Warfare Officer.
He achieved the rank of Captain, attended the Army NBC Defense Officers School, so he can speak to Ebola as nuclear, chemical, biological, as well as the Northern Warfare School at Fort Greeley, Alaska.
But really where he's been successful is in the market of ideas with millions of survivalists, one of the top survivalists out there, and a best-selling fiction and non-fiction writer with a string of New York Times bestsellers under his belt and a very popular guest on this show.
So I want to thank him for coming on.
He won't even have his face seen for really a decade.
He believes the collapse is so serious and that the threat of bio-warfare, nuclear, you name it, and here he is now to speak to all this.
He had his last bestseller out about expatriates.
His new one is about a fictional liberator group that I guess takes the country back after collapse, or 1776 Part 2.
He'll give us a little sneak peek on those books coming out at the end of the month, the new book, The Liberators.
But I tell you, James, I want to get your take on this.
I don't know your take yet.
But mine is, bottom line, they are criminally negligent.
I believe they did this on purpose.
Knowing they could let it spread, it'd be a good political diversion.
Even if it makes Obama look bad, it diverts from Benghazi, from Fast and Furious, from IRSgate, from all his executive orders on coal power plants.
I mean, he's making a move right now.
And again, the bureaucracy stands to gain, getting more power from this.
But, I mean, heads need to roll.
When we start lowering more Americans into coffins, into the ground, we need to punish this disgusting bureaucracy, not reward it with more funding because they, quote, screwed up the Ebola outbreak of 2014.
Well, Alex, I think you're certainly right that there's criminal negligence.
It remains to be seen whether or not the introduction of Ebola into the country was intentional.
That may be very difficult to pin down, but you're certainly right about it being criminally negligent.
Everything the administration has done has exacerbated this problem, and we are on the fast track to a full-blown pandemic, a global pandemic.
There are so many unanswered questions about Ebola that it makes my head spin.
It's uncertain how long this virus can survive on surfaces.
It's uncertain how long it remains in the system of someone who has, quote, recovered, unquote.
There's some evidence that it might even be a chronic venereal disease.
And given the
You know, the sexual practices in Africa, that doesn't bode well, at least for the African continent.
That's right, for those that don't know, just to back you up, it can live in the sperm now, or the testicles for 70 days, and they do now officially, in the deeper literature, call it basically a venereal disease.
Keep going.
Well, yeah, but the key question is, can it be easily transmitted through the air, not just with vomit, not just with blood, but with just very fine droplets from breathing?
If that's the case, we could have a pandemic that is very, very difficult to stop.
And from a preparedness standpoint, every American citizen needs to think very seriously
About how they would go about self-quarantining their family to protect themselves from this.
I also think it's important to let the feds know they've clearly been standing down or still standing down and when tens of thousands of Americans contract this and die from it or maybe even millions if it keeps going down this road that's where it is going now folks we can now officially say
This is on the fast track to global pandemic, and our government has stood down, and they need to know that we are going to hold them accountable one way or another.
And if they get that message that we know they're behind it, they may back off and actually try to contain it now.
But James, it may be too late.
If hundreds and hundreds of people have been exposed, if more people are coming in out of West Africa every day by the hundreds they report, who knows how many patient zeros there could actually be out there.
Well, yes.
We basically lost control of the situation by not sealing our borders early.
You know, the President should have been calling Madagascar months ago.
And now it's going to come down to individual families having to do the same thing.
And they'll contain themselves so they don't get exposed to it.
It's going to be an economic catastrophe, if nothing else.
Can you imagine what's going to happen to retail in this country?
To movie theater chains, to organized sporting events, to concerts.
No one's going to want to go out in public once this gets spread.
So it's going to shut down our economy, if nothing else.
Which, they've been moving to shut down what provided 52% of our power, now it's 30-something coal.
They're moving to shut down our industry with regulations and taxes.
Obamacare is meant to shut things down.
Classic Cloward and Piven, agenda 21, to make us dependent.
I mean, this fits right into the plan to implode the country, James.
It certainly does.
And you mentioned power production.
That really is the linchpin.
As I mentioned in one of my previous interviews with you,
If the power grids go down, all bets are off, then we could see a total economic collapse, not just a depression.
And in the case of Ebola, if it gets widespread enough that people are afraid to go to work, some of those people are going to be public utility employees, people who work at nuclear power plants, people who work at coal-fired plants, people who work at natural gas-fired plants.
And all of those require a certain level of staffing, and in the case of nuclear power, which is predominant on the East Coast, if there isn't a threshold of staffing that is met by NRC regulations, those nuclear power plants have to be shut down by law.
So, I think we could very well see a, not a full-blown martial law situation,
But a sort of selective martial law, where the employees of hospitals are essentially going to become indentured servants.
And perhaps even the other public service employees, police officers, firefighters, and the employees in the power industry, are essentially going to be required to
Show up for work and they might even be housed overnight.
They might be taken away from their families and not be allowed to commute.
Basically be captive at their positions if things get bad enough.
And given the proclivities of the Obama administration, I don't think they would hesitate at all to do that.
If they think they can get away with it and have the controlled media at Media Matters somehow blame me.
I mean, they actually are saying that I'm crazy for saying Ebola would spread and that Obama wants it to be here intentionally.
Well, by default, that's what they're doing.
And even though Obama's a puppet, the buck stops with him.
And this is the first administration we've ever had that was clearly, purposely trying to destroy the country.
So, sorry.
Stay there.
We've got to go to break.
We're going to come right back to you to get your point.
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James Wesley Rawls is our guest, SurvivalBlog.com, one of the top survivalists and best-selling authors, former U.S.
Army intelligence captain, and he's with us.
He got cut off by the break.
He was trying to jump in with a point on my point, if you just joined us, that this is now premeditated, even if it was incompetence before.
They are taking the second Ebola nurse patient to Atlanta.
to a little bit better facility, but the default was level four emergency facilities or an aircraft carrier with people, medical workers in the military that have basically volunteered when they signed up for something that's hazardous.
Now from my reading of the law and common sense and default, that's why I think it is a conspiracy, James, is if you have defaults in position, and you don't send kids to school if they have the flu, but you send them to school when they have Ebola,
I mean, they just can't perfectly screw up this bad.
Statistically, I mean, I know you don't want to go there and say you think it's staged, but I mean, I want your real view.
This is really starting to look bad, and then please continue with your point.
Well, I think it is about as bad as it could get, given public policy.
In the great chess game of politics, I think that they
Every move they've made with Ebola has been in the direction of furthering this pandemic.
The decisions they should have made months ago weren't made.
And repeatedly, they've been making bad call after bad call.
And the public, the generally dumb public, the GDP as I like to call them, are the ones that are going to suffer.
So people need to not only hold their elected representatives accountable, but at this point, they're going to have to fend for themselves.
Well, that's what I was about to say.
Look at Katrina.
Look at the hurricane that hit a few years ago in New York.
FEMA said, closed for bad weather.
It was a joke.
I mean, they never protect us.
My God, how bad is it going to get if it really breaks out and affects 100,000 people?
I mean, that'll create total panic, James.
It will, and just the perception of the pandemic will be just as bad as the pandemic itself, because it will cause an economic chain reaction that will take down retail, it'll take down all public events, and eventually the economy is just going to come to a screeching halt.
If people are afraid to go out in public, the economy is bound to
At least slow down and probably collapse.
But then they can blame the derivatives and the wars and everything though on Ebola.
They could blame the global crash on Ebola and politically get out of a economic reset, James.
It is possible, yes.
In fact, it could be used as the excuse for a lot of different things.
For example, one thing that most people haven't considered is that
Uh, the currency that we carry carries germs with it.
And if there's a pandemic, they could say, Oh, well, this is the perfect excuse to institute a cashless society.
So if you're talking early about flower given strategy, we're looking at multiple gains for the new world order coming out of this, uh, the cashless society, uh, further globalization of governance.
Selective martial law.
There's a lot of things that could come out of this that are very bad for the American people economically, very bad for our personal liberty.
We should be quite concerned about this and taking proactive steps, not just politically, but also every family needs to have their own preparation squared away and people need to make contingency plans
To hunker down in place for a period of months, if need be, to let this thing burn itself out.
If it goes airborne and is spread through casual contact, it will require hunkering down in place for months.
And the logistics that go along with that are pretty daunting.
Just being able to handle your personal mail, for example, so you can pay your bills will be a challenge just in itself.
And it doesn't make me have a lot of confidence knowing who the president is, while this is all happening, the very group that helped orchestrate it.
And I see this as a biological medical 9-11.
Just as they used 9-11 to overthrow much of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, they're going to use this now as a rollout of Obamacare.
Claiming federalization was the savior.
They're already saying that.
So we can see them writing the script.
I want to shift gears into geopolitical developments as well.
Economic developments with James Wesley Rawls.
Tell you about a couple of his new books that are coming out as well.
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I think so.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it!
Knock them dead!
Yeah, that's what they're doing, bringing the ebola in.
In the heat of the night!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Alex Jones.
I'll have that lottery card.
It's Kate Upton.
On the main stage.
A little bit of gallows humor here.
I'm going to be honest with everybody.
I'm not up there trying to be dramatic.
I've seen every indicator they're getting ready for total collapse the last four or five years accelerating.
Every indicator they're preparing for gun confiscation.
Every indicator they're preparing to persecute gun owners, veterans.
Anybody who's self-sufficient and not a traitor.
And now they're public about it.
Homeland Security is for anyone loyal to the Republic.
Anyone who's a good person.
Because in a society of criminals, who are you worried about?
You want to take over society?
You want to feed on the sheep?
You don't like sheepdogs.
You want to hunt them down.
So I got news for all of you.
You're going to have your pension funds taken if you don't bring down the globalists.
You're going to end up being a slave.
That's their default plan.
And they don't stop.
They love to usurp.
They love to take over.
And the constellation of global crises triggering the Arab Spring, funding Al-Qaeda, renaming it, starting war with Russia, accelerating... I mean, the new taxes, folks, for those that actually run a company and have employees, I mean, it's just devastating.
If I expand or do anything under accrual, I like pay more taxes than money I make personally, literally.
It wasn't like that four years ago.
I mean, they are shutting the country down with Obamacare.
Companies are closing everywhere.
This is all designed to shut us down.
Because the big globalist corporations are exempt.
Only they can operate.
It's like decompressing an airplane and then you've got an oxygen mask and you hijack it and take it to your home country.
That's what they're doing is they're draining the oxygen out of the country.
They've got political mask.
Oxygen, here's the analogy or the parable or the allegory.
And then they get the whole infrastructure.
The Globalist and Cloward and Piven, and we just use that because it's popularized.
It's in hundreds of sociological papers to cut off the economy, make you dependent on government.
It's basic domestication.
That's what a 2021 UN Treaty is.
Shut off everything but what the elites control.
It is the equivalent of a financial, political, sociological, cultural, spiritual neutron bomb.
And by the way, Jimmy Carter didn't ban neutron bombs, and the Russians didn't either.
They produced whole generations of high-tech neutron bombs.
I've had top former nuclear weapons developers on who've been able to talk about it because part of it's been leaked.
They can't release classified info, but if somebody else has accidentally released it, they can talk about it.
They're well beyond high-tech neutron bombs.
They've even developed antimatter weapons.
That was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
The Air Force leaked that eight years ago.
This is crazy talent.
And so the point I'm getting at is you and I have cognitive dissonance because we don't think like that.
We think about prosperity and happiness and like people doing good.
The globalists don't.
This is the real deal.
Now, in the political fight, there's a chance.
I'm going to give James Wesley Rawls' take on this and give him the floor on other issues.
If we come out, call the White House, call Congress, call the media, and say the defaults haven't been followed, which is now starting to be admitted in Bloomberg, AP, and others, you're supposed to quarantine these people and everybody that's been in contact with them immediately.
You're supposed to stop the flights.
If we make a big enough issue out of this, they may stop the flights.
They don't want to do that, though, until it's clearly already here and spreading.
Because they want this crisis to not go to waste.
I mean, that's default.
They're now on purpose doing this.
They may not have up front, but they clearly are now, in my view.
If we put enough pressure on them, they may have to back off.
And I printed up, and they're now coming in from the U.S.
manufacturer, so you can order them right now, Ebola on the front with the Obama symbol and the O, or the rising sun.
And then it says Ebola on the back.
Now MSNBC with no viewers, they say they control reality.
They say no one is allowed to say this, you're a racist.
Well good.
We have a limited number without the blood splatters on it, a limited number with the blood splatters on it.
To associate collectivism and Obama with disease.
You know, they associate Liberty Movement with blowing up the Oklahoma City building, which we didn't do.
They did it.
The Attorney General, was the Deputy Attorney General at the time, ran the cover-up.
That came out in federal lawsuits.
His email's ordering the cover-up.
Well, that false flag.
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I mean, that's what's already happening, is because people are really getting tuned in and researching what can really give them a leg up with all the things that are going on.
So, InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Survivalblog.com is this excellent website where they're really discussing in-depth, themselves and other experts, what to do, you know, the real science, not the hype, behind protecting yourself from Ebola.
Not just from the immune system angle, but from the sheltering-in-place angle.
So I know where I'm going to be tonight.
I'm going back to Cabela's.
I'm getting more storable food.
Because if it isn't this crisis, it shows our government and other governments are totally inept.
But I don't know how they're going to get away with France and Germany and other African countries sealing their borders, stopping the flights, but we didn't.
James, you've got the floor to finish up with what an Ebola spread could look like, other economic collapse data we've got with the dollar, what you think about Russia, what you think about ISIS, all of this.
You've got the floor for the balance of the hour.
James Wesley Rolls.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I think that your listeners
are going to be head and shoulders above most Americans because most of your listeners are well-prepared individuals.
They're prepared for their families nutritionally, in terms of food storage and supplements.
There are folks that are not buying the big lie and folks that will be prepared to shelter in place if the Ebola pandemic
Multiplies the way I anticipate.
Folks need to be looking at this both from a political standpoint and a practical standpoint.
And the practical measures that people have to take are at this point pretty evident.
One thing that a lot of people have overlooked is the just the sheer number of pairs of nitrile gloves and and booty
We're good to go.
A N95 or better mask.
There's some evidence that the Ebola virus only measures 80 nanometers and an N95 mask has passed through apertures of about 200 nanometers.
So what you're really looking at is something better than an N95 mask.
So you're either going to want to have a full mil-spec mask
Or you're going to have what's called an N99 or N100 mask to protect from Ebola.
If Ebola can be transmitted through the skin, that means you're going to need a full suit, full face coverage, and the decontamination procedures that you're going to need to follow are going to be fairly complicated.
Folks need to be, you know, stock up on at least a decent quality disinfectant like Lysol and spray bottles.
Whoever is going to be the hapless volunteer who has to be in contact with the outside world for your family is basically going to have to stand outside in full sunlight for a half hour after being in contact and be sprayed down three times successively before they start to
Take off their protective gear and the expendable items like your if the booties the covers for your shoes and your gloves Are going to have to go right into an incinerator barrel?
and the other items After you it sprayed down three different times it Successive times at five or ten minute intervals are going to have to be hung up in full sunlight On a say your back porch or deck
The decontamination procedures are fairly complicated.
People need to think these things through.
They need to get a hold of the supplies they need now.
In another month, things like nitrile gloves and N95 masks and booty covers and Tyvek suits are going to be virtually unobtainable.
They will either be completely sold out in the civilian market or they will be
Sidelined, basically corralled into government service by executive order.
If people haven't already stocked up, they are behind the power curve.
So it's important that people think these things through, that they stock up, team up, and be prepared to hunker down for an extended period of time.
That's right, and again, I've never been obsessed with the biological warfare threat until the last six, seven years, because I saw the movements, the preparations for a biological catastrophe, and I saw the political brainwashing in the media, the preparations, and then I saw the accelerated mutations of bacteria and viruses
Just wiping out people in mass every winter.
Hospitals just full of mystery illnesses the last three, four years.
I lost three family members this year to a mystery chest illness, two of them that were in good shape.
And the hospital doctors said, my God, it's just regularly mutated bacteria just eating people's lungs.
And so even if this Ebola comes and passes like the angel of death, which I pray it will, government's doing, as you said, batting a thousand to make it as bad as possible.
Which shows it's clearly on purpose, folks.
You can't be so perfectly inept that you do the exact most horrible thing when it's easier to do the right thing.
And politically easier, and everyone's telling you do it and you won't.
We are in the hands of such evil people.
And I now just today realized the two old gas masks I've got that are M-95s, I've got some for the kids, but the two adult ones, the candles and food and guns and all that, I've got to go out and get
The gloves, the booties, the tape.
I've got to prepare for all that stuff and just pray because if it gets out there and here's why I'm really concerned James.
They said you have to vomit and do an open wound or all this and they had the Texas board say last week we have the clip that you know it's basically zero chance you can get it and then two nurses got it.
Clearly, it's gotten more virile.
Clearly, it's spreading.
It's gotta be hundreds of times worse than the previous one that was 30-something people.
This is now 4,000-plus dead, probably a whitewash number.
They're talking about millions getting it.
Something has changed with the Ebola.
And it's surviving longer, in particular.
Maybe it's gone somewhat airborne.
Maybe it dies in five minutes in sunlight.
I don't know.
But, you know, they said, oh, that's Africans.
They're undernourished.
That's why it's killing them.
Well, it's killing people, and people are getting it over here!
What does your gut tell you, James, being an NBC in the Army, you know, doing the research, writing about this for decades, talking to all the other experts, a lot of top virologists are saying they believe it's beginning to go somewhat airborne, meaning it's not hardy, but that the virus itself, like you said, can float around in very small
No, I think it clearly has had some mutations.
The question is, has there been a receptor mutation that would make it more easily transmissible?
With just a droplet contacting your skin, for example.
If it's a case of a virus that can only be transmitted if it touches a mucous membrane or your eye, then you might have a pretty good chance of having this thing stop.
But if it's something where just one droplet touches the human skin and can be absorbed, then we're in trouble.
Or if it's something that can survive inside the proboscis of a mosquito, and for an extended period of time, say anywhere from 1 to 24 hours, then we're in deep, deep trouble.
Well, I think it clearly can if it's living in testicles or in sperm for 70 days, James.
Well, Phil, we basically have to prepare for the worst and pray for the best.
And we need to, if nothing else, pray for God's providence and protection for individual families, because it may come down to that.
We need to get right with God, pray fervently about this, and then listen to the Holy Spirit.
You know, if you feel convicted to prepare folks
Get ready.
Get the food supply.
Well, I've been feeling it for about a year.
I've told everybody, I think really, I've never talked like this.
I think the hammer's about to come down.
I feel it right now.
I don't even know if it's this.
It might be something else.
Because you notice just all these crises are now unfolding right now, James.
Well, yes.
We're kind of on the cusp of a crisis here.
A major crisis.
And there's been a lot of different factors that are all playing into it.
Economic, sociological, political, and now epidemiological.
Yep, James, stay there.
I want to ask you about their vaccine.
They've now got the head of the NIH saying everybody should be forced to take it.
It's now started.
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Veterans are on secret death lists, confirmed.
But in every major city in the country, they will pay to have your sex changed.
And I'm not bashing people that do that.
The point is, our priorities are all screwed up.
Dow Jones tumbles 350 points.
Curt Nemo has a story, just went live on Infowars.com.
This is a chilling headline by Paul Joseph Watson.
Houston demands to see Pastor Sermons, a chilling attempt to silence free speech.
And that's why I mentioned the transgender stuff.
They've banned that in Canada.
They arrest you if you criticize homosexuality.
Whether you agree with that or disagree, I agree with free speech, folks.
And it says, City demands religious leaders reveal communications on transgenders.
I mean, this is what the City Council's trying to do right now.
You can't make up this bizarreness.
How about you get a plan for Ebola, huh?
Obama cancels trip, calls for emergency meeting on Ebola.
Now that he knows it's spread beyond their control on purpose.
That's just some of the news up on Infowars.com.
Alexa, owned by Amazon, caught targeting conservative websites, question mark.
I don't think there's any question mark about it, but it's an excellent article by Don Salazar.
We subscribe to it to track it as one rating service, and our internal number, which we show, the graph shows we're exploding, but the public number they put out shows us losing like 90% of our audience.
Same with Drudge, World Net Daily, everybody else.
While media matters, MSNBC, that we dwarf, explode.
I mean, this is just totally staged.
And it just shows how rigged things are.
Going back to James Wesley Rawls, who will be with us five minutes to the next hour, then it's your calls.
I want to talk about his new book coming out at the end of the month, Liberators.
James, what do you make of the head of the NIH?
I have the article right here.
Comes out and says we may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire community.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S.
National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, the National Institutes of Health, wants to vaccinate the whole country with an experimental Ebola vaccine that just so happens is going to come out in December.
The first, I guess, somewhat not approved, but ready for distribution.
Well, that's right on time, James!
All I can say to folks is beware, because the history of vaccinations in this country is just checkered with horror stories of contaminated inoculants.
And even if they had a successful Ebola virus vaccination, who's to say what else could be in it?
That would have long-term deleterious effects.
I would recommend that people not take that inoculation.
I think it would be foolish of them.
I would much rather wait and hunker down with my family here at my ranch than go in and take that inoculation.
That is absolute insanity.
Well, look, in California last year, they admitted that the MMR shot was giving people what it supposedly treated.
A lot of these new vaccines are actually live viruses.
I mean, I wouldn't trust this group.
I wouldn't trust Bill and Melinda Gates and Monsanto.
And it's not that we don't believe that there's some science behind inoculation theory.
It's 500 years old with smallpox.
It's that we can't trust this group with their whole history of secret testing.
There is great cause for concern, and I think that it would be foolish of people to just rush out and take this inoculation.
Who knows?
There could be, as you mentioned, live virus contamination.
So instead of stopping a pandemic, they could actually be proliferating it into all 50 states with their own inoculation.
Folks need to beware, and they need to be in prayer as well.
We need God's protection from this.
I have three children.
I have a lot of family.
I know a lot of you do too out there.
It makes me beyond angry.
It's just so disgusting they haven't shut down those flights, because James, as Africa continues to collapse, more are gonna come.
We may be able to contain this, but not all the new people whoring over.
We'll be back in one minute for final comments from James, then I got John McCain being confronted, your phone calls and more.
Third hour coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'll tell you.
It's just so hard to watch this country degenerate.
This whole West is degenerating.
It's television.
People are spectators now.
They just don't have a spark.
And those that do are the enemy.
We're the milk cows.
We're supposed to do the work, do all the thinking, and then we attack all the parasites above and below.
It's just a really bad situation.
James Leslie Rawls, other points briefly on Russia, on ISIS, and tell us about your new book that's coming out.
Well, in terms of Russia and the Ukraine, I think that there'll probably be an announced political solution for the Ukraine crisis, but the long-term power game has not gone away.
There's still a huge chess game going on behind the scenes.
And the end result of that will probably turn out to be tilting in the direction of global governance.
In terms of ISIS, boy, we're just seeing the beginning of the spread of the caliphate.
I would not be surprised at all to see most or all of Iraq fall to ISIS.
Let's face it, you can't spell crisis without ISIS.
They want to use this as an excuse for a continued American military presence in the Middle East that will go on for decades, and it's just another enemy du jour that we created ourselves, our own government created ISIS, and now they've set this puppet up.
As the latest bogeyman to justify a huge military expenditure.
And now Turkey is airstriking the Kurds and says they won't fight ISIS.
I mean, they're there letting ISIS, it's their proxy army.
They're just taking over.
It's incredible how dumb they think we are.
They're letting Ebola in, they're running Al-Qaeda under the name ISIS.
Tell us about your new book coming out.
Well, yeah.
On the 21st of October, my latest novel, Liberators, comes out.
It's in the Patriots novel series.
It's the fifth book in the series, and like the others, it's set parallel to the others.
It's set just in the near future, but the geography is different.
In this case, it's set primarily in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and in Western Canada, in British Columbia, in the area called Bella Coola.
And I think folks will find it instructive on a number of different levels.
I went pretty heavily into both intelligence analysis and guerrilla warfare tactics in this novel.
And I'm probably not going to make any friends in the Eastern Establishment with this novel, but, you know, just like your radio show, Alex, they cannot stop the signal.
Four of my books have become New York Times bestsellers and
Folks are eager to learn about how they can prepare.
I can't wait.
Come back.
Come back in two weeks when it's out.
I want to carry the book at InfoWarsTore.com.
In 45 seconds, I'm seeing a near total wake up in the military.
That's got to be a real ace in the hole for liberty.
A real wild card for the enemy.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I do want to wake people up.
My main concern with my blog and my books is to
Wake people up, get people active politically and in terms of their preparedness.
Someone needs to confront what's going on.
And I believe that the American people are capable of great things.
I still have a bit of hope for the political process, although things are looking a little more dim in that area, but... James, I know you gotta go, but can you do two more minutes?
I want you to finish what you're saying, and I want to talk briefly on the other side about the military waking up, what that does.
Just come back for like two or three more minutes on the other side.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
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Well, so does he.
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I'm gonna give the number out in a moment, take a ton of calls this hour, get into some geopolitical news.
Nielsen manipulations in the ratings, White House-run media matters manipulations, a lot of important information on that front.
But also, open the phones up for your take on Ebola and a lot more.
But finishing up with James Wesley Rawls, who was an Army intelligence best-selling author, four New York Times bestsellers.
The military's always been one of the most awake groups.
When 10% of the public on average knew that the Federal Reserve was private, maybe half the military I would talk to, enlisted, commissioned officers, it really didn't matter.
They were more awake to the general public.
They certainly knew that vaccines were experimental and killing people because they were guinea pigs.
Then I would just walk down the street in Austin or Dallas or New York City and almost every military person would run up, whether they were an officer or not, saying they were a listener.
And then it started to be police doing this.
And not just some police that recognized me, most police I would end up walking by or talking to or in a restaurant turned out to start becoming awake.
And then now, I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas last year, and they were having a military convention there of different types of specialists, and they were also having a water convention there while I was there.
And I ran into most of the water convention people, and they were all aware of fluoride being bad, being a fraud, and causing brain damage.
And I ran into the military, and they told me, oh, about 70 to 80 percent are awake.
Well now, a year later, I talk to military and they go, about 90% are awake.
And I mean, they know about the NDAA, they know about the FEMA camps, they know about the gun control, they know about Agenda 21 and Cloward and Piven, they know about the plan to shut off the power plants, they know our government's funding ISIS and said no last year, remember that?
All the military holding up signs saying, I won't fight for Al Qaeda.
I don't know what the establishment does when they've tried to form the military into an army to take over domestically,
And they've tried to militarize the police, which they've done, but in the process, it decompartmentalized them, because the last five, six years, James, as you know, we broke a lot of this, but now it's mainstream news.
They come to them and actually say, Christians are bad, gun owners are bad, the Founding Fathers were bad.
It's like something you'd expect to see in the Red Dawn movie when they show the re-education camp at the sports stadium with the movie screens going, George Washington was a pig, gun owners are bad, capitalism is bad.
The propaganda of the people running things.
is so horrible it makes you think they're inept because this is the stuff bad guys would tell the military.
I think their attempt to demonize the Liberty Movement, James, has totally backfired on them and is strategically one of the biggest defeats they've had.
You have a lot of military, current and former.
What are they telling you?
Do you concur?
Do you disagree?
What's your view on the military waking up?
Well, everything that I've heard in recent years is in concurrence with what you've seen.
I have a lot of readers on my blog who are active duty military, and they're all telling me the same thing.
That they have woken up, they have done their homework.
They can see what's really going on.
And they're no longer falling for the lies that the administration is trying to push.
So, to me that indicates two things.
One is, it's very encouraging.
Because if they ever try to institute martial law, they're not going to be able to do it with American troops.
They'll have to bring in overseas troops to try to institute martial law in this country because the American military is not going to put up with it.
There's too many people, especially in the officer corps and the non-commissioned officers, who are fully awake and they're not going to go along with it.
Everyone who leaves the military and, you know, very few people are career military.
A lot of people just do their four to six years and they get out.
There's a huge number of people who now have combat experience, coming home from Iraq, coming home from Afghanistan, who not only are politically aware, but they also have a
Very advanced skill set in at least small unit tactics and beyond.
So that if we ever got into a situation where there was a war of resistance in America, as I pointed out in my novels, all those returning veterans are going to form the core cadre of the resistance.
We can depend on our service members and we should support them.
Individually, but not support the policy.
That's right.
They always spin it and say, support whatever the globalist, occupied government says.
That's not our military.
It's like Hitler would say, support the military.
Well, that means supporting Hitler.
I mean, our own military now trains to take on returning veterans, where one week after you get out, you're now enemy number one.
And they actually have the Southern Poverty Law Center and others
With the FBI come in and give the troops these briefings that are so traitorous.
How do the feds not know, James, that these traitorous briefings where they say George Washington wouldn't be welcome in today's army at Fort Hood.
I mean that that took the army intelligence units there because I know they give me a lot of info and they're for real.
They're not just giving me disenfocus.
I've checked it over the years.
When they started doing that, they went from liking me and checking what I said and believing a lot of what I said to going, oh my God, the government really is at the top alien.
It really is totally fake.
I just don't know what's wrong with the Socialists and the Globalists that they think you can call troops in and say your new enemy is, you know, America and George Washington.
I mean, George Washington's on the Purple Heart.
He founded the U.S.
I don't know how you do that.
Well, I think the Globalists are naive and all these strategic plans they have are going to come back and fight them.
Because we still essentially have a liberty-loving nation, and our military reflects that.
In the long run, we win, they lose, and that's very encouraging.
Alright James, well I'm glad you're getting the same good info I'm getting.
But again, it's not up to the military to get us out of this.
It's up to all of us to get ourselves out of this.
And to be very loud and very aggressive with the establishment.
Let them know that they're going to get the blame for everything.
They may back off.
Or you can make the decision to go underground and write best-selling books to reach out to people.
Or you can be on the radio or do your own podcast.
Whatever you do, get active, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the moral high ground.
We've been right over and over again, not that it's hard.
The default is very simple.
James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com.
I want to set you up right now before you're gone with Nico, our great producer, to be on as soon as your book comes out in the next two weeks, okay?
Well, thank you very much, Alex.
It's been a great pleasure being on, and I pray the 91st Psalm for all your listeners.
Thank you so much.
I'll pray it as well.
They say that there are no atheists in foxholes, and
I got three small children.
One's 12, one's 10, and one's 6.
And I look at them and I'm just beyond angry with the globalists and Obama.
I mean, they're just dishonorable scum who love to screw things up or create crises or let crises get worse so they get more power.
And I'm going to blame some people in the system if anybody else keeps down from Ebola.
You say, oh, but car wrecks, you know, kill 10,000 a month or whatever.
I get it.
But this is premeditated.
And they're doing it on purpose, and they're letting these people in, and it isn't going to help Africa, and they're lying and turning off the default protections.
And folks, if they get away with this, what I keep saying, they get away with Fast and Furious and Benghazi and shutting off our power plants and teaching kids 2 plus 2 equals 5.
The sky's the limit!
Imagine if I'd have said six months ago, they'll bring Ebola into the country.
As we speak, the border's wide open.
As we speak, anybody can get on a plane from Liberia or Sierra Leone or Guyana or wherever and just fly in here with Ebola.
I mean, I am three and a half hours from Dallas.
That stuff's already spread.
This latest nurse has been going all over the country.
Folks, if it killed 10% of people, I'd be concerned about it.
It kills 70.
One of my kids gets this, there's a 70% chance they're gonna die.
All because the filthy CDC.
All because our government wants open borders.
They are so evil!
They would fund Al-Qaeda to kill 300 plus thousand Syrians, most of them Christians, blowing up churches, chopping their heads off.
They're not fighting them.
ISIS is spreading everywhere.
The U.S.
and Turkey are giving air support to them, bombing any other rebel groups that aren't radical jihadis.
That came out in the news yesterday.
Oh, there's a lot of friendly fire, and I predicted that would happen.
It's all staged.
It's all staged.
And our military, yeah, they woke up.
What are they going to do by themselves, though, not follow orders, get court-martialed?
I mean, it's coming down to that point.
I want to take your phone calls on just any issue you want to raise, but Ebola, I think, is front and center.
Or we should say this, what else are we not looking at?
Two questions.
What's your take on Ebola?
Are you angry about it?
What should we do?
But also, a whole other area of questions.
What are we not looking at while this is going on?
That's a big question.
We also have coming up, Angry McCain admits meeting with ISIS, scolds Rand Paul for not knowing terrorists.
Remember that was back in September.
We have a new video sent to us by a listener that I think McBreen put together with some other clips of us giving some history where McCain caught lying again.
That's coming up about 45 after, after we take time to take your calls.
But 800-259-9231.
But, man, I am just beyond angry at this point.
I've never felt like this before.
I mean, I am just fed up.
Everybody knows what I'm talking about.
I'm beyond angry.
I'm telling you, globalists, you're not gonna get away with the Ebola pandemic, okay?
You let this spread, we're gonna make sure you go to prison!
And you know you're gonna go!
All of you scum!
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I want to go to Josh in Tennessee, then Bill, Aaron, Susie, John, and others.
Josh is a listener on WNFZ 94.3 FM.
And Josh, thank you for calling in.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Just, you know, want to go over the same disgust, you know, that American people have this Ebola.
It keeps spreading like it's no big deal.
They keep shipping these people back and forth.
They let them into the country knowing.
Then you've got all these other viruses that are coming up that, you know, they don't know where they came from.
The enterovirus 68D that's infecting kids and respiratory infection, you know, it's just ludicrous.
And what are they using this to cover up what's really going on?
You know, open borders, the ISIS thing, they're just trying to use that to control the oil and, you know, basically have us...
We're scared for our lives, eventually, over a war and an outbreak of Ebola.
Let's think about that.
Our government, publicly, for four years funded Al-Qaeda, changed their name to ISIS.
Our own military wouldn't support bombings, Assad, to help them.
So now Turkey is bombing, and saying it's about bringing down Assad, and Al-Qaeda under ISIS is marching towards Damascus.
That's how controlled our media is, is that our government is actually behind ISIS while claiming they're fighting them so they can chop Christians' heads off.
It's so immoral.
It's so evil.
It's just over the top.
I mean, I can't even believe it's this crazy.
To get the Christians to back the war, saying, hey, they're out here killing the, you know, Christians, and at the same time,
They're setting it up to happen.
They're funding them.
That's full-spectrum brainwashing.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, that's exactly what it is.
They're getting American people that live under a rock and aren't paying attention to listen to everything they see and hear on the, you know, TV.
Which is ridiculous, you give everybody a smartphone, they all walk around with their heads down, nobody ever looked up to see the big picture.
I got planes flying over the top of my house, all the time, spraying chemtrails.
What the heck is that?
Nobody looks up- I'm telling you, we are living in a science fiction movie, brother, good to hear from you.
I am just so upset about this.
The Ebola, clearly, they're gonna allow it to spread all over the place.
And we said months ago what they were doing with Let It Spread.
Oh, shut up Alex, you're evil.
Think about it.
So few people challenge these criminals that the White House has had two articles last week attacking yours truly, saying I'm crazy, I'm a fear monger, because I'm pointing out they won't stop the flights.
Who do they choose to attack?
I mean, can you imagine what it's like to have the known White House front
Watching and listening to you.
It doesn't scare me, it just creeps me out what traitors they are, how horrible they are.
Do the people at Media Matters really want Ebola to spread?
I mean, do you really want to be villains?
What's wrong with you people?
Bill in Iowa, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm just calling, I wanted to apologize to you.
I didn't quite believe you when you said that ISIS had chemical weapons, but it is fact that ISIS or Al-Qaeda, they definitely have chemical weapons.
The major media is now reporting that, and what they're saying though is that these weapons were captured in small Iraqi towns.
Yeah, they're actually, you know, we know that they were given these weapons from Saudi Arabia.
No, the UN admitted it's exactly, it's actually come out that Saudi Arabia is running the whole show and has given them the chemical weapons and they launched them on Assad three times to blame him.
I mean, imagine Obama goes, if you use chemical weapons, which you've never used, I will invade you.
And then on the date of his speech a year later, they launch a chemical attack and blame it on Assad and didn't even care.
Al-Qaeda is so uncontrolled.
See, it's like putting black widows in somebody's bed.
They don't run them, they turn them loose.
They shot video.
of themselves launching the chemical attacks and did their little video to show off to each other.
So I'm sorry to interrupt you.
It's just that that's how Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily and Infowars and I knew it was them because they made videos bragging our media just ignored it.
See how it's not like I was some sleuth or Sherlock Holmes.
You know, that's that's why this is so frustrating, brother.
You understand what I'm saying?
Well, you know, I've been discredited myself for saying things, and it boils your blood.
I mean, it is what it is, but all you can do is just keep pushing on, and you've got definitely a dedicated listener for me from now on, Alex.
Well, God bless you, brother.
Listen, I wish I was wrong.
I don't wish Assad launched a chemical attack, but I just wish our government wasn't so evil it funds al-Qaeda, launches chemical attacks, blames it on the innocent people fighting for their lives,
I mean, whoa!
The government's letting Ebola patients come in.
Letting people fly in.
It's spreading!
We're living in a Twilight Zone movie.
I just... I know I say this probably every hour, but I'm going to say this again.
The government for three years teaches 2 plus 2 equals 5 in public schools.
They got a bunch of other math things where, where it's, I mean, it's just like, do I have to explain how screwed up that is?
It is crazy!
We have a mentally ill, insane elite, okay?
They are nuts!
They're setting this country up to bring it down.
Okay, they know all this is getting out.
Okay, they're gonna set us up.
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Others don't.
I see a bad moon rising.
I see trouble.
About two months ago, I said, you know that song, Bad Moon Rising?
I said get it in rotation, because I see a bad moon rising.
It's deliberate evil in control of the world.
And while the public plays video games and Second Life and watches SportsCenter, and as the women watch their sitcoms, the globalists prepare for the mass culling.
I think this is probably a big test where they're just going to see if we'll stand down when they bring Ebola in and spread it and put vaccines in us.
The vaccine's probably what we really got to look out for.
The National Institutes of Health is now saying we should all be forced to take the new Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Notice I talk about Bill Gates and how he's a eugenicist all the time and make films about it.
He gets up and gives speeches about reducing human population down to zero and stuff, and then everybody laughs at TED TV.
They're not playing games.
It's all hidden in plain view.
I just sit here going, does anybody care?
Does anybody want to listen to me?
Does anybody... I used to harp on the government trying to train the military to attack us, but that backfired on them because the military is awake now.
I used to harp all day on the militarization of police and all the preparations, but that's starting to backfire.
They can show bad cops all day on TV to create a divide and conquer, but it's just a fact.
That's why I talk about it.
I didn't get this until about six, seven years ago, but the police are now more awake than the public.
The public, they just... If we could only reach the general dumbed-down public, if we could only get to them, I just...
This country is under attack, ladies and gentlemen.
The whole world is under attack.
Two things I want to announce, and then we're going to go back to your phone calls and some breaking news in this McCain video.
We've had a newsletter that goes out periodically with breaking news, and we have people that are writing at 7 in the morning, 9 in the morning, noon, 2, 3, and a lot of stuff breaks at 4, 5, 6 o'clock.
That's the most important news of the day.
And some people tune into the nightly news, but it just kind of fades off.
We need to be able, with internet censorship and Facebook and Twitter not letting us send certain tweets and images and documents out, a way to reach you, that's digital but also low-tech, so we can send exclusive videos, exclusive breaking news, so I can send you like our own tweet.
That's what tweeting is, just a public email, a short message.
I need to be able to have
Connection to you.
Over 20 years, I never saved emails, I never used them, I never really promoted them except for PrisonPlanet.tv members, because that's part of your subscription.
And I've never done, one of the few places we're light years behind everybody else, is having free newsletters and promoting and getting people to give us their emails so we can communicate with you.
At least five days a week, I'm going to shoot, or the crew's going to shoot, exclusive videos on our servers, so we can't be censored as easy, because it's really getting bad.
Where, as things get tightened down, we have a way to communicate with you.
If they shut us off, I can still, from a terminal, send you a message or a video in the future.
A message, definitely.
So I'm going to shoot these low-tech, that is not fancy videos, quick videos on breaking news every day in that no-man's land between like 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock with the news and send that to you.
And if we got a document cam shot for TV viewers, Radio Listener, just sign up, we'll send it to you.
You can see the test yesterday of the underground insider, as we call it.
Because email is kind of the underground of the internet right now.
You know, it's the old tech, but it's one of the best ways.
We send you a big glossy digital magazine basically every day with exclusive audio, video, new news articles that are breaking, upcoming guests.
So go to InfoWars.com.
I mean, I can have, you know, 800, 700, whatever it is, million views on YouTube.
I can have 3 million listeners a day, but
For whatever reason, with talk radio audiences, they won't sign up for our Twitter.
We have real Twitter followers, you know, 300, 400,000, a million or so on Facebook or whatever, but... Well, for whatever reason, people just won't go sign up for the Twitter and follow real Alex Jones, so I can communicate directly with you, real-time, when I'm out and about or whatever, or so the crew can, and they don't sign up like they should for the emails.
So I'm saying do it folks!
Infowars.com forward slash newsletter to get all this exclusive info and then you can send it on to your friends and family.
Email is still such a great way to communicate with people and we've never really used it like we should.
So Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
You'll also get exclusive offers and promo codes and discounts on Infowarslife.com products, Madein1776.com products, the clothing.
All of it.
So you help support us, we'll help get you a good deal as well.
So, InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter or just go to Real Alex Jones and you can click through on that tweet and please retweet that.
I want to thank all of you that retweet our information.
Because that's where the establishment bozos are is on Twitter and you know on Facebook and all that's where the victims of the mind control are.
And so, that's why we are trying to reach out to people through it.
Separately, I launched this, I guess, last Friday.
It's only going to run for two weeks.
Very short contest.
First place, $5,000.
Second place, $2,000.
Third place, $500.
But it isn't about the money.
That just makes it interesting.
Print off our free posters connecting Obama to Ebola and the open borders.
It's just hashtag Ebola contest.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash contest, you'll find the article.
And you can print off our big glossy ones, go to Kinko's, print them out color black or white, hang them up, shoot a video, put it on YouTube and one other platform, and help expose who's behind the Ebola.
The Ebola.
That's what it's all about.
So take advantage of that.
We'll then post the videos on Infowars.com.
They will go viral and it will help draw attention to what's happening.
Will this contest by itself save the world?
But it will have a big effect.
So tie who is really helping this spread into it so they get the political blame and don't get the power grab out of the whole situation.
And then finally,
If I was you, I would be bolstering my body's natural defenses.
I would be trying to eat organic, get sunlight, vitamin D, vitamin B12.
I think I'm gonna even go out and get a prescription and start injecting vitamin B12, because the studies I've seen for immune system, it's like, I gotta take my kids into the doctor's, see if I can get that done or something, because, I mean, I just, this winter is gonna be hell.
I've never been a hypochondriac, folks, until a bunch of my family started getting killed by all these superbugs and stuff.
I mean, this is, this, it's bad.
I've talked to medical doctors.
I've talked to them on air, off air.
You've talked to them.
I'm taking colloidal silver every day.
I didn't used to do that.
The silver bullet.
I'm taking Supramel Vitality to get my glands working.
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And then because of the way capital works, it'll take months to get the money and then reinvest it and get more produced.
Because we only use the highest quality organic products and so it just takes time to get the materials.
I don't know.
Look, do we have to buy the most expensive, super organic, you know, totally perfect, no parts per billion of anything, when we then just can't even get it most of the time?
And then no one can, then we can't even have it?
Can't we just be the best out there, not the most neurotic perfect?
I mean, I'm just being honest with you.
I mean, we really do put out the highest quality stuff.
We do really jump through all the hoops.
Because when we know we're a target of the FDA, we know we're a target of all the stalkers and haters and, you know, people out there.
And so we just go at the very highest platinum standard at the very best price, Infowarslife.com.
Support our local AM and FM affiliates.
We've got a lot of new affiliates, a lot of old affiliates.
Become a sponsor.
Spread the word about them.
Thank their sponsors.
Give them a donation.
So many stations pick us up on the weekend, then they put us on weeknights, then we're on live.
That's the pattern of almost every station.
And then they sell a few years later.
That's the other part of the pattern.
Now it's ESPN.
I don't have a problem with people being obsessed with sports.
I used to be a sports head.
I used to play sports.
You name it.
Soccer, football, baseball, softball.
I mean, I'd be out at midnight playing baseball or out playing golf in the dark with glowing golf balls when I was a teenager.
I mean, you know.
Then afterwards I go knock on my girlfriend's window.
The point is that all those energies of sports are meant to be put into business and life and family to win there.
If the ball game was something you did on a Sunday or a Saturday or a Friday night and it wasn't your God, then it's healthy.
But it's unhealthy now.
And it's unhealthy that most of the stations we've been kicked off of, we didn't get kicked off of because of a lack of money or ratings.
We made them money, we had the ratings.
Most of the stations that we have been on for four or five, like we were on in Corpus Christi, took the station from no ratings to the top rated show, period, in the city.
For a year, a straight year.
Same thing happened in Orlando.
ESPN came along with a contract and money.
And it wasn't about ratings.
It was just, I mean, I've been taken off over a hundred stations by ESPN.
Imagine the subjects we're covering here.
And instead it's men making jokes, talking about other men all day and what's going to happen in a game, while Ebola is spreading.
Hey, how's Ebola going to affect the bottom line of your stupid football games?
You know, I gave up Frisbee, golf, and everything a long time ago, folks.
Because I don't have time to play games anymore.
You understand that?
And all I'm saying is men don't even know how to fight back or speak up because they've never done it!
Try turning the ESPN off.
Let's go to Susie in Florida.
Go ahead, Susie.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, ma'am.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Oh my goodness, I'm so delighted to hear from you.
Thank you.
And I've listened to you since 2005 and looked up everything.
And I think that you're a human deluxe and you're the only one I trust.
And you taught me a lot of history.
And after that, okay.
I'm a little bit nervous because I'm... Don't be nervous, sweetie.
Go ahead.
And I pray for you and your family almost every day because why are they picking on Texas?
It's like the borders are down.
We don't know what's coming across there.
That hospital, they're bringing, you know, everything seems to be going down there.
And it's like a coincidence that it's a red state or whatever.
And, you know, they had the Israel flight stop.
Remember that?
They stopped it completely.
Yeah, well so did England, so did France, so did Saudi Arabia.
Anyone who doesn't want Ebola shuts flights down from Ebola countries.
It's a no-brainer that people that have Ebola are going to get on airplanes to go to the West.
And listen, it hasn't even started yet.
As Africa begins to accelerate exponentially with Ebola, where do you think they're going to go?
I mean, it looks like what it has been looking like.
They hate America.
They are no Ben Franklin, that's for sure.
I mean, the Israel flights when Gaza was fighting them, and they were trying to blame Israel for
Them hiding their weapons in school houses?
I know, I know.
Stop that quick!
That's my issue.
Everybody lionizes Hamas.
And Hamas drags non-radical Muslims to the streets behind motorbikes.
And I'm not defending stuff Israel does either.
But it doesn't mean that I then jump in bed with the UN's cause celeb, the radical element of the Palestinians.
It's all a mess.
It's just a total mess.
I want to play this John McCain report, then we'll go to John, James, Nancy and Matt and others, but this report is going to premiere on the Nightly News tonight.
Well, now it's going to premiere here.
A listener sent us this video yesterday, so good job they shot the video.
It's TheNolanReport.com, shot by David of TheNolanReport.com.
The video starts with Colonel Schaefer talking about how Benghazi has a missile deal to arm Syrian rebels via Turkey.
Then it cuts to McCain, after a public appearance, he's asked about how
We know the arms we are giving the rebels will not fall into the wrong hands.
He is then asked directly about the missile deal out of Benghazi, and he says that, yeah, the sun rises out of the west and pigs fly.
Remember they said to Al Gore that not every scientist agrees that man-made global warming is happening.
They said, and the moon landings didn't happen.
In real polls, the majority of scientists say man-made global warming is a fraud.
It's the sun.
But see, they can make a moon landing joke.
The video then cuts to Wayne Madsen talking about McCain's past.
So, again, here is this new video of McCain being confronted, sandwiched with the true skinny on what's happening.
Well, first off, there's a realization, Alex, and you can probably figure it out.
All of our options for Syria are bad.
I mean, I don't want to get into details that would get me in trouble, but there's people been fired over telling the truth to the White House, saying, look, these are the options we have.
And they're all bad.
And by the way, getting involved directly is just going to make things worse, you know.
So the whole idea of arming these folks, and let's be honest here, there's clear evidence in my judgment that the Libya consulate that was attacked on the 9-11 anniversary was very much involved in moving, you know, obtaining surface-to-air missiles.
Senator, how do we know that the arms that are going to the Syrian rebels are not going to get into the hands of ISIS?
Because if we had people who were there to funnel it to the right people, and I know these people, and I know who they are, and I know how to do it, and so do other people.
It's this administration that doesn't want to do it, that is sending them to certain death when they're training them, and not preventing Bashar Assad from barrel bombing them.
It's disgraceful.
Do you have any comments about the arms deal from Benghazi getting into the hands of the Syrian office?
That didn't happen.
The 15,000 Stinger Missiles.
No, it didn't happen.
It didn't happen.
It didn't happen.
Why would you think such a thing?
Somebody's really not informing you well.
Tosh Plumley of the CIA said that the 15,000 Stinger Missiles got into the hands of the Syrians.
Yes, and he also said pigs fly and the sun comes up in the west.
On blackmail.
Oh, yes, absolutely.
You mentioned McCain.
And what do they got on this guy?
I mean, obviously he's blackmailed three ways from Sunday.
They know he was singing like a canary to his North Vietnamese captors.
For six months, he was giving operational schedules for U.S.
attack flights into North Vietnam.
He also was responsible for the terrible fire on the USS Forrestal that killed
You know, over 200 naval personnel and he was the first guy taken off because they knew he was responsible because of his hot shot antics.
They called him Johnny West Start because he would flame his engine out as a form of hazing.
That's NSA whistleblower Wayne Madsen.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
McCain, a total piece of trash, anti-gun, rhino, neocon.
And now citizen reporters are out there putting the heat to that traitor's baboon butt.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls.
Straight ahead, InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get the exclusive videos.
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We're here live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Our story that Paul Watson just put up in the last 30 minutes is now linked on the left-hand column of Ebola coverage at DrugsReport.com and that is dealing with riots in Sierra Leone dealing with Ebola.
And it is the social cost of this
That is really big.
It is the panic that's the real crisis.
Police resort to tear gas after body of Ebola victim left the street for two days.
They're locking people up in giant Ebola ghettos, starving, not letting them out.
But hey, there's one way to get out.
That's on a U.S.-bound aircraft.
I shouldn't laugh.
I mean, I'm right here in Texas, right by the epicenter.
And man, this is gonna just devastate healthcare more in this country.
John in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how are you doing?
I haven't been on in a while.
I've been kind of under the weather, but I'm back now.
Good to have you calling in.
So what do you think about the situation?
Well, I got two statements about the situation, and I got an analogy for you at the end.
First of all, I read an article.
I've been following the Ubuntu movement in South Africa, and they said that there were millions of
I've seen the letter in the news articles in Africa where they were saying it was helping and there's an army study and the government will just freak out and come after anybody that actually covers that study so I want to agree with the FDA, colloidal silver is horrible even though I take it and it's just it's just it's just the government loves you and Obama loves you.
It sounds like somebody in the government or somewhere.
refused to shipment.
It cost them almost five million dollars to ship these.
Yeah, I know.
It was turned around, but there's also previous reports of people saying it was helpful.
I mean, that's really a no-brainer.
I'm not saying it's a cure.
I don't think anything's a cure-all of something, but undoubtedly other antibiotics are helping as well.
Well, Silver's a natural antibiotic.
It's just not patented so the big companies can't make money, so they have the government go after anybody that, you know, that tries to promote it and put it out there.
All I know is
I had three family members die from mutated bacteria this year.
I got it while at the hospital with my uncle, and literally was coughing up blood for two months, and could barely be on air.
It was a month and a half, my dad had it for two months.
And I drank two bottles of colloidal silver in one week, and it finally knocked it out.
So, it worked for me, that's all I can say, thank God for it.
And now, I literally have an entire cabinet, not just full of Silver Bullet, but other brands.
Because I believe ours is really good, but I don't even, you know, I don't know.
It varies person to person.
I've got hundreds of bottles.
You can go to my house, open the cabinet, and there's like 200 bottles, okay?
Because I've got to be able to take care of myself and other people.
And I think I'm going to get even more.
By the way, we're sold out of it.
I'm not even promoting it.
But yes, I'm aware of all that.
And government's been buying it, but they just don't want you to have it.
It's just, it's unbelievable.
And I'm not saying vitamin C is a cure-all, but it's certainly in study shows it boosts your immune system.
But they won't tell anybody that stuff.
What's your analogy, John?
I gotta get to other people.
Well, the analogy is, I don't know if you remember back in the 60s or 70s, if you've ever seen any old shows of, like,
And the Democrats.
Everything that comes out of a Democrat's mouth is what the globalists want you to know.
That's right, and the Republicans just say enough good stuff to fool you, but they're the other arm of the puppet master as well.
So the Tea Party tried to take that over, so they're under attack.
The Republican and Democratic leadership are giving more money to defeat Tea Party candidates than to defeat each other.
That's even in Politico.
Because they know, folks, that the Tea Party is enough common sense to bring them down.
A little bit of overdrive coming up to go to James, and Matt, and Nancy, and I'll try to go to Paul, but each person just be ready.
Alright, we'll be back.
Stay with us.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday?
About a potential forfeiture situation.
Shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted.
Obama loves me.
Oh, Obama, ooh.
Don't talk bad about our Lord and Savior.
It's up to us to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And that's what PrisonPlanet.TV is designed to do.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm joking, but I think we had online security breaking in during that ad.
A little bit of Love, Obama transmission.
Let's go to James in Michigan.
James, thanks for calling in.
You're on the air.
We're good.
You know, they're very frustrating points.
One, I'm looking at the global disease outbreak map a couple days ago.
It had all the indicators for where it was happening, where the alerts were coming from, different flagship symbols.
But, you know, today I go on it and there's nothing.
There's nothing there.
And there's no outbreak reports coming out of Mexico.
Very peculiar.
I'm looking for hazmat suits, AJ.
Class A suits, level 4, $1,000 or more.
It's out of my range.
Class B suits, $150.
Class C, $50.
I was hoping that these manufacturers can do better than that.
One other final thing here is, I was trying to get in touch with this nurse, Kelly Seitz, S-I-T-E-S.
She's out of Eagle, Michigan.
And she had come back from Liberia with a couple of the other doctors that contracted the Ebola virus.
She did not contract it.
She did isolate herself for 21 days before returning back to her family.
I could not get in touch with her.
Her number has been disconnected.
Her husband, Charles, has been... Well, we gotta check into these stories.
I agree.
Everybody should be doing that on the ground.
Gotta jump.
Thank you.
Good points.
Nancy in Michigan.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to say that something suspicious is going on with this Medicaid, Obamacare thing.
I get free rides from Meridian.
They contract drivers.
And I'm able to get my own driver, but they reimburse you for 41 cents a mile for gas.
But their contractors, it seems like the last four drivers I had were from West Africa.
They could barely speak English.
They were driving Lexuses.
Well, here's the deal.
The country for illegals is literally wide open.
That's why they dare not stop the Ebola flights, because we're just totally wide open.
And the answer is, do it illegally.
As long as you do it illegally, you're going to be given everything free.
You try to become a citizen naturally, properly, you'll be destroyed.
I hear your points.
I mean, it just... And as Africa implodes, it will be emptied out into the U.S., now known as the Ebola Toilet.
The Obola Toilet.
Thank you, Nancy.
Everyone should beg to be the Obama Toilet, or you're racist.
Matt in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, good to talk to you.
Long time listener, first time caller.
I guess I could say I'm reporting to you right here in the epicenter.
We've got Texas Presby as well as Mr. Duncan's apartment.
So you're calling from the epicenter of the Ebola toilet in Dallas?
Well tell us about it.
Yeah, the apartment complex that Mr. Duncan lived in is about six blocks north of us as well.
The first infected nurse lives about four blocks south of us.
I can only guess that the second infected nurse that came up recently lives in the immediate area because the news helicopters have been buzzing around gathering their feeds and their footage pretty much since about 6 30 central time this morning.
It's a very unique experience.
My girlfriend and I typically go out and do our grocery shopping every Saturday.
I don't think we're going to be doing that this Saturday, at least not here.
We're probably going to go about an hour outside of town to do this.
That's smart because you're right at the epicenter of it.
You're where a lot of us are going to be in a week or two as this probably starts to spread.
And just, do you want to thank Obama for letting the foreigners in?
And do you want to thank him for leaving the borders open?
I wouldn't really say thank him.
That's because you're racist.
Yeah, I won't say that on the air.
But anyway, I've
You know, I probably wouldn't be so on edge if I actually thought for a second these local servants and, quote, CDC officials actually knew what they were handling or what they were up against, but I don't think they do.
And, uh, it's... No, I hear you.
Well, listen, keep calling us, keep us updated.
Sorry to other callers, out of time.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
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