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Name: 20141009_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2014
2343 lines.

Alex Jones discusses his theory of a sociopathic power structure where 20% of the population are destructive sociopaths, with 1/5th of that percentage being high government officials. He believes this to be worse than snakes and compares society's top dogs - those in control at universities, large corporations, and politics - to whips dogs dependent on state survival. According to Jones, the elite manipulate corporate politics through consensus among like-minded individuals who share similar views and philosophies. The film "The Congress" explores a dystopian future where AI disrupts industries leading to job loss, while Jones suggests that the elite are using it to control humanity's evolution. He also promotes MidasResources for buying precious metals in his radio show which discusses various topics like indoor air pollution, Ebola being used as a tool for peace, and the Free Man movement.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the Health and Human Services Secretary has come out and said that there may be other cases in the United States.
And of course he went on to say and repeat that we need to leave the borders open and have unlimited flights from West Africa into the U.S.
to stop it.
Saying that aid workers had to be able to get over there and back when everyone knows there's international aid relief missions from the UN, NATO, AFRICOM, the United States military, and that most of the aid workers are not flying in and out via aircraft.
And that's why the French and the British and countless others a month and a half ago banned flights out of the Ebola-struck countries.
And the countries neighboring it, neighboring the other nations that have been struck by Ebola,
The UN estimating millions will have it by December.
They are controlling their borders and shutting them down and quarantining people, but not the United States.
It is a politically correct religious sacrament.
Because you cannot ever send the message that anyone could ever raise a hand to block a fist.
The cardinal rule
of the collectivists and the parasites is never, never, ever, ever, ever allow anyone to defend themselves unless they work for the state or the system.
The cardinal rule of a criminal system is no one is allowed to defend themselves from crime, period.
Or disease or any threat.
They want pure, servile, domesticated, deaf, dumb and blind vassals who can't even communicate or have a costume party because it's racist.
Where scientific words are thought crimes.
Where if you deny that carbon dioxide is causing global warming, a proven fact that it's a total fraud, then you should be arrested.
And I agree with Michael Savage, I mean obviously they're wanting it to come in, they're wanting it to spread on one end to create a crisis as a political diversion from Syria and Turkey basically aiding Al Qaeda and attacks on the Kurds and just huge news with what's happening with Russia and Obama acting with executive orders on the future of the internet
And on the future of carbon taxes, and the future of the military, and the future of Obamacare, and the future of so many other things, all we're focused on is Ebola, because it is a serious issue, but still distractionary overall, from the larger globalist offensive that is taking place.
And the cardinal rule is,
We can't ever imagine that having privacy protects you, or closing your door at night is a good thing, or having a border is a good thing.
Only government buildings have fences and guards.
You don't have a right to own a gun and protect yourself, they say.
It's a privilege.
Just like traveling is not a privilege, but they told all their mindless minions that, so they quack it at you.
At the illegal checkpoints and the rest of it.
Inside the country, it is a right.
And if you're a citizen, it's a right to come and go.
Notice the CDC says, oh, we can't stop anybody from coming and going, including people that aren't citizens, like the gentleman that just died from Ebola.
Because right now, the borders of the U.S.
are completely gone.
The country is wide open.
We're going to break it all down today.
He was on with us a few weeks ago before he goes back to South America.
I want to get him back on.
He's the author of Totally Incorrect.
Conversations with Doug Casan.
Enjoyed the interview.
I thought we'd have him back on to take phone calls and also talk about political incorrectness.
How we counter the Marxist-Leninist.
I mean, that's what it is.
That's not rhetoric.
Mind control.
Of where they're now saying ban men and women kissing.
That's racist.
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There have been times that we all have looked in the mirror and seen those lines on our face getting clearer.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Very true words.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are under globalist, scientific dictatorship, organized evil attack.
Christians would call it the devil.
Regardless of what you call it, it's real.
It's a force of evil.
It's being turned loose across this planet right now.
But I forget the Bible verse.
I forget the exact number of it or what book it's in.
But when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
And that's why I say to you, if you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Best part of the song right here.
Lived and learned.
From fools and from sages.
You learn from fools as well.
Especially when you're the fool.
Hard to believe that song's from the 1970s.
Ronnie James singing right there.
In a cover.
Maybe I should just go and do a music show on XM or something.
And just come out and say, everything's fine, the government loves you.
2 plus 2 equals whatever the government says, and raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit, you didn't build your business, and everything is awesome when you're part of a team!
In fact, can we cue that up, because that's basically, the CDC said, run for the hills, we're all dead, give us more funding, oh my god, biggest Ebola outbreak in history, which it was, taking place in Africa, it
It gestates, it incubates for 21 days instead of three, meaning it can spread a lot longer.
This is so incredibly dangerous.
Oh, it could collapse Africa, it could kill millions.
And then as soon as it shows up here, well first, oh, it can't show up here, it's very unlikely, or oh, it's no big deal, it's here, and we don't need to clean anything up, and then now they've taken a sheriff's deputy to the hospital that they made go into the building.
Why were they sending sheriff's deputies and police into this person's apartment?
Why didn't they have regular hazmat teams there once they knew the guy had Ebola?
They waited three, four days.
Why didn't they quarantine the family?
All the defaults are turned off.
Let me just give the police a little news flash here.
I'm sure you already know this.
The default is you don't go in to a house with smallpox or Ebola.
A, you're just going to catch it and spread it.
B, it's not your job.
It's the health department's job, and the state health department's job, and the CDC does have the prerogative over it on the borders, and has hogged all the public funding, and so it is their job de facto.
But as usual, they wouldn't help in Katrina.
FEMA blocked everybody for at least eight days, blocked all the local counties and cities, and the Texas fire departments and police departments that came, they could have turned the power back on and fixed everything.
But no, no, you can't send the message that the states, or the counties, or other states working together could fix things.
So they had to cut the police communication lines.
Remember that?
It came out on CBS News.
We actually had the, what was his name, Rashard, the New Orleans Parish Sheriff on.
We had him on.
They were ordered to stand down.
And he sat there for four days while his mother was in several feet of water up to the gurney she was on in a nursing home in New Orleans.
And he followed orders.
And didn't go and get his mama, and his mama died.
Let me just give everybody a little newsflash here.
If the feds are blockading a city just because of water, and won't let people, and won't let local departments get old people out of a nursing home or a hospital, and my mother's in there, or my family's in there, I'm coming to get them.
And that's not shooting my mouth off.
I've got my life force.
I've got my common sense.
I remember watching that sheriff get up on TV and break down crying about how they wouldn't let him go get his mama.
Thirty years ago, the sheriffs would laugh at the FBI and FEMA, telling them they didn't have jurisdiction in their own county.
And the reason I raise this now is just the same thing with Ebola, and political correctness, and all the rest of it.
They won't control our borders, and they won't stop the flights, even though everybody else is.
from West Africa and countries that have literally collapsed.
The countries right next door to Liberia and Sierra Leone and all the other four or five countries that have it, they have machine gun nests set up.
Third world African dictators have more common sense, to quote Michael Savage here yesterday, than
Our government.
But see, it's not common sense.
Our government knows what it's doing.
It is a religion to have open borders under globalism.
And you can only have super-region responses, super-border responses from northern Guatemala up to Alaska in all the New World Order, North American Union, EU, Asian Pacific Trade Partnership documents.
You can't have nations or cities or states or counties that are allowed to respond.
You only can have global government respond.
And so when they order the stand-downs all over the world, this is done.
Then people say something must be done.
Give more funding to the multinational, multi-regional NATO Save Us.
UN Save Us.
Because here comes the big central planners.
They know what to do.
So what we're doing is decoding what's in plain view.
1884 is 1776.
I guess that's kind of terrorism to actually come out and say that the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Or maybe folks out there that are new listeners from the mainstream media are so dumbed down, you don't know what that means.
We get emails every day.
And I get asked on the street, what's that mean?
Gee, the answer to 1984, an oppressive, dystopian, anti-individual, anti-classical liberal, anti-constitution, anti-America, anti-Renaissance, anti-freedom, is 1776.
Individuals, from the poorest to the most wealthy, putting everything they have on the line, up against the military, no one had ever defeated, and that no one defeated since.
The English military and Navy beat the French, the Dutch, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Austrians, the Hungarian Empire, the Russians, everyone!
Until they went up against 1776.
Because people weren't going to stop fighting and weren't going to stop killing.
And weren't going to stop writing and exposing that they had the moral high ground.
That's what it comes down to.
They beat Napoleon just a few years later.
Couldn't beat us.
That's what 1776 means.
That's why they demonize it and go, oh, they were bad, they did this and that.
In their time, they were the Renaissance men.
In their time, they were calling for more freedom.
The ideals that they promoted, we have not even yet realized.
But just the small realization of it created wealth and power untold.
That's why 1776 is the answer to 1984.
It was actually a famous British mathematician and statistics man who came to me in Canada and wanted to meet me.
He died a few years after, I forget his name, we can look it up.
We had dinner with him a few times, looked him up, turned out he was a really famous government statistician and mathematician and he said, you know Alex, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
And that is absolutely right, ladies and gentlemen.
I didn't coin that, I popularized it.
And that's what it comes down to.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Does that mean the national government's perfect?
Does it mean the state government's perfect?
Does it mean the county government's perfect?
Does it mean the city government's perfect?
Does it mean your local housing authority's perfect?
It's all being centralized now under UNESCO, under the UN, under Agenda 21 Treaty, to remove any local control.
And that's why the Feds will stand down, let everything get worse, and then demand more power and trillions more funding over the next decade.
The same response in Australia, the same response in Europe, the same response all over.
Bring in the people that have Ebola, let them spread it in the hospitals, now happening,
In Australia, in Spain, same global program.
In England, if you are robbed three times and finally fight back with a golf club and break somebody's collarbone, they put you in jail for eight years.
The guy that's trying to rape your wife gets no jail time.
Sues you and wins.
Because the ultimate crime now is standing up for yourself.
Bullies beating your kid up, never gets in trouble.
Your child fights back, the police will take them to jail.
Because the ultimate sin, it's not even the police doing it, it's the bureaucrats at the school, the political correctness.
The ultimate sin is defending yourself.
You're only allowed to go to the state and go to the system for it to then come swoop in.
And then when you call it in, it will generally come in and do your bidding, but only for a season.
Only until it's taken over and set the precedent that only it has the right to force.
What did the UN say in their UNIDIR document, July 7th, 2000?
Published by the New American Magazine under the UN Minutes, the United Nations Small Arms Disarmament Body.
They said, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Never before has a more true statement been uttered by the UN except for one word.
There is nothing legitimate about a power monopoly of a state.
That is the world out of balance, a nightmare scenario, body politic, cancer.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Fidel Castro, and Jeffrey Dahmer all rolled into a big stinking you-know-what sandwich, and I'm not taking a bite.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There's a national poll out today.
40% of Americans believe the government, the federal government, which doesn't exist, it's totally seized by foreign banking interests publicly, completely predatory, seizes its human resources, they believe the federal government will save them from Ebola.
Well, if you call forced inoculations and mass illnesses and death saving you, then I guess so.
If you go back to the actual numbers, we've had medical doctors on to break this down and show them the graphs of polio in this country in the 1950s.
It got worse after they started the inoculations, and they just called it paralysis.
My grandmother got polio one month after receiving the polio vaccine.
But, everything is awesome, we're told, and there's no side effects from vaccines, and it's the law, you've got to take them to go to school, and Gardasil's the law.
And people with a straight face go, Alex, I don't believe you.
They say it's the law to take Gardasil.
They say it's the law to take vaccines to go to school.
And I go, there is no law on either front.
They're lying to you.
And then I say, Google vaccine waiver form.
And it's a waiver to something that's not even a law.
It's to policy.
And then there is no law for Gardasil.
It's not even recommended anymore.
But does it matter, see?
Because they have someone in the health department, White Lab Coat, get up on local TV because we trust the locals more.
They're really reading a globalist script that's all centralized.
And they don't even think about that.
They just go do their job.
I ran into one of the heads of the state health department on the hike and bike trail.
Over the vaccine program.
He told me his name.
He said, just don't use it.
And I looked it up.
And he admitted, yeah, vaccines are hurting a lot of people, but it's just got to be done, you know, for the overall good.
And I said, but a lot of the numbers and studies show it's actually worse overall.
And he said, well, doesn't really matter, does it?
So see, I didn't mean to digress off, it's just that here's the Ebola stack of news, and I'll get into all the North Korea news, the latest on the Middle East news, and the economy news, and more.
HHS Secretary, there may be other cases of Ebola in the United States.
Well, I thought it was preposterous that this guy running around for a couple weeks, you know, with Ebola might spread it.
I mean, that's just, who would think that?
Probably a conspiracy theorist.
Ebola crisis.
Global response has failed miserably, says World Bank chief.
Jim Kim demands $20 billion fund, of course, to the private banking consolidation to give to their buddies, and says, we failed miserably.
Oh, see, they screwed up.
And the answer is $20 billion to the IMF and World Bank, who are the governmental global fronts.
They're the worldwide equivalent of the private Federal Reserve that calls itself federal.
And remember 20 years ago, people, most people thought the Federal Reserve was really federal?
Almost everyone now knows it's not federal.
It's a fraud con game.
Just side issue.
See, this is planet hoax, folks.
It's all lies.
Jim Kim demands 20 billion fund and says we failed miserably as cases in Spain and U.S.
fuel fear of Western pandemic.
Gee, I said they'd won IMF and World Bank money three months ago when all this started cranking up, and I said they'd let it get out of control if they followed their past MO.
And criminals follow a modus operandi.
And now it's happening, just as we said it would.
The president of the World Bank, Jim Kim, admitted, oh he admitted, on Wednesday that the international community had failed miserably in its response to Ebola virus that had killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa and one of the crisis now affecting Spain and the US was going to get much worse.
Why'd you bring people with Ebola into Spain and then healthcare workers are getting it?
Gee, that's what we said would happen.
Not because we're that smart!
2 plus 2 equals 4.
I'm sorry, I'm the bad man.
Hundreds of publications demonized this because we dare say this was coming and they demonized Drudge as well because he dared say it.
Oh my gosh, we're so horrible.
We link to the CDC's own reports and the UN's own reports.
We apologize for being dead on right again.
Please, Rachel Maddow, don't call me a conspiracy theorist with your tiny viewership that has less viewers an hour than we have in 10 minutes.
Oh, you've got a short haircut and act bossy and Jezebel.
Oh, I was politically incorrect.
I talked to a woman in a way that was bad.
You're not allowed to disagree with a woman or you're against women.
I've got to vote for Hillary, you're right.
You're my boss.
You tell me what to do, okay?
You said our kids belong to the state.
You're not a fruitcake, weirdo, totalitarian that everyone should laugh at.
I'm gonna go home and cry tonight!
Cause you bossed me around!
I gotta do what you say!
Cause you're so liberal!
Even though by every yardstick you're a flaming fascist, piece of trash, control freak, divide and conquer, maggot, failure, piece of crap!
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
I break free of your mind-control filth!
Make fun of me all you want for being red-blooded.
You want people to go, oh, I better not be red-blooded, to then awaken the rest of the sheep!
They don't want you to wake up and say, get out there and warn people, because then their reign of evil might end, and they might be brought to justice for their crimes!
Stay with us!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
We got a bunch of bug-eyed nobody control freaks that promote absolute tyranny running around telling us how we're racist or how we're bad all day to guilt us into becoming their slaves.
I mean, if you don't realize that the Democratic Party particularly, and the Republican Blue Blood, Rhino, John Boehner leadership, are literally using psych warfare to prey on you and your family, and that their ilk all over the world, in the predatory, con-artist, bamboozler class, are not endangering our entire future as a species, you're not paying attention.
These people are your sworn enemy.
They want to bankrupt you to get you on their plantation, their reservation, on record.
They want you poor, on record, in a 200 square foot coffin apartment with government operatives and spies on every floor, with forced labor, forced volunteering, they're oxymoron, compulsory volunteering, everything 1984.
They're coming!
And they got a lot of well-meaning, bleeding-heart, somewhat classical liberal people going along with them, and it's up to us to expose the paradigm, overthrow the false paradigm.
Now, I only got through two stories out of literally more than 50 or 60 on Ebola.
Let me just read the headlines.
Let me just read the headlines, okay?
HHS Secretary, there may be other cases of Ebola in the U.S.
That's the Washington Examiner.
This is London Guardian.
Ebola crisis.
Global response has failed miserably, says World Bank Chief.
His answer?
These people that run our government?
This is the Federal Reserve in Europe.
Their answer?
Same shareholders.
Give them $20 billion.
I mean, they start a war in Ukraine.
What's their answer?
Give them $40 billion.
Told you that before they did it.
Not hard.
These people run the same operations over and over again.
I've interviewed the former Chief Economist of the World Bank.
He agrees with me.
Joseph Stiklitz.
Five times.
Airport workers walk off job due to Ebola fear in LaGuardia in New York, and now it's happening other places.
Yeah, they see all the sick people piling off of the airplanes, vomiting everywhere as Ebola empties out into America like we're a giant port-a-potty to be filled with bloody you-know-what.
That'll be Obama's new symbol.
It's just a giant cesspool vat of
Bloody obozo juice.
I mean, I tell you, man, it is unbelievable that all this is going on.
I'm not trying to be gross here, but I mean, this is what people do.
Well, I don't want Ebola, as these West African flights are just wide open.
Ha ha!
Come on in, baby!
Forty percent of Americans think government will save them from Ebola.
I'm sure they will, once it's spreading quite nicely.
Continuing, Australian nurse showing symptoms of Ebola, prompting fears the disease has spread.
Further, CBS News reports Ebola scares since Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy to the hospital.
He was forced to go in to the apartment.
Plane cleaner strike!
Again, more on that.
Ebola aversion behavior is already affecting global economies.
World Bank Kim says.
Again, slowing down the global economy over fears.
Southcom keeps watch on Ebola.
Top General, head of Southcom, says that they believe in their models that if Ebola gets into South America and Central America, it will cause a mass exodus over the border.
And you know what?
Obama will be there.
Greasing the border with gallons of Vaseline.
The LFC 130 is just dumping, you know, food packs onto the border to get everybody across.
And paying Mexico to ship folks by train.
It won't be called the death train anymore.
It'll be called the Ebola train.
And then we'll thank the government when Ebola spreads.
Thank you, Obama, Obolo.
Man, we're screwed.
Oh yeah, let's play the reporter.
I'm sorry.
This got caught where the newsreaders get up and ask their canned questions.
They have to get them to the White House first, but then after they ask their question, then the reporter had this to say on C-SPAN.
Here it is.
Yeah, we're screwed.
I'm feeling flu-ish.
Just so you know, so I'm going to give you a big kiss.
No, no, no, no, I don't want your kiss.
I'm just seeing it in her.
This comes back positive.
You guys all go home.
I got to go.
This what?
We're screwed!
Let's not tell the public.
So hilarious.
So funny.
Here's another one.
Newly vigilant U.S.
will screen flyers for Ebola.
Oh, now there's a backlash.
They'll put out some fever screeners that ibuprofen can beat.
How about you're coming out of a country that has it, you're not allowed to come in here.
Especially if you're not a citizen.
How about no more visas to people from West Africa?
Little simple stuff like that.
No, can't do it.
Hell, Rick Perry won't even call for it.
I mean, you can't get Republicans to call for it.
Ebola patients' death renews questions about care.
Ebola patients remain still infectious.
Ebola cleanup, an eerie experience.
That's just some of the Ebola news.
I've got a bunch of other news I want to get to ahead of our guest.
Well, I've opened phones for our guest at the end of the third hour on any topic you wish to discuss.
Briefly, let me tell you what I'm doing and what I was doing before this whole Ebola thing broke out to try to get my body in shape is more sun, more exercise,
More organic food, really less risk, because we've got a lot of family things going on, like never before, you know, when it rains, it pours.
I have been taking the proprietary Infowarslife.com products developed by top pharmacists, doctors, researchers, chemists, off what the globalists are targeting, putting bad halogens in the food and water chain,
Taking out the good halogen, true nation iodine that we've developed that we believe nobody else has, the X tube.
Using estrogen mimickers to block our natural hormone operations.
The DNA force that has the patented, certified, confirmed things that are known to link to the telomeres to restart and grow mitochondria.
I mean, just amazing to clean out all the garbage in the cells.
That's what I've been doing, ladies and gentlemen.
And so I do this regimen twice a day with the DNA Force, three times a day with Survival Shield, Fluoride Shield, and Super Male Vitality.
And so right now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to take my two DNA Force here on air.
If you're watching on TV at PrisonPlanet.TV, you can see it.
I'm going to take my 2DNA Force, no other product like it.
I'm going to take one squirt, because I do it three times a day, of the Super Male Vitality.
We also have Super Female Vitality.
I'm going to take the one squirt of the Super Nascent Iodine X2, and then I'm going to take the Fluoride Shield, that has the Nascent Iodine as well, but a bunch of other compounds known to chelate out.
The body, and then I am going to mix it up right now.
And folks, again, we're gonna do some before and after photos.
I'm just so busy, I never do it.
For an ab, we're gonna put together.
I lost like 35 pounds exercising and taking other supplements and Fuller'sHealth.com products that are excellent.
But then as we found the key missing links that we're hiding in plain view and put them together, in the last six months, everyone has seen me lose an additional 24 pounds and growing and suddenly it's accelerating.
And none of this is supposedly an appetite suppressant.
I'm not hungry like I used to be.
I have more energy.
I'm bouncing off the walls.
People can see it.
My face, just the weight is pouring off.
My belly is one-tenth of what it was.
In another month, folks, it's going to be gone.
The six-pack is starting to actually come out.
It is incredible and that's what
The iodine, the proper iodine, the crystal source, deep earth iodine, and all of it is done for me.
You've heard the rave reviews.
Infowarslife.com, infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
The oxy powder, turbocharged it about a month and a half ago, and they finally got me to take it.
Because this is a global healing center product that helped develop a lot of our products.
It's been famous in Hollywood for over a decade.
This is the global product we have at lowest price.
Infowarslife.com as well.
It's oxygen that time releases in the intestines.
And just believe me, it does what it says.
From my experience, you use it once, you'll continue to use it.
It's incredible.
I mean, I lost like five pounds the first week I did it, just of weight.
I'm not going to go into it.
OxyPowder, all of it, Infowarslife.com.
The DNA Force, the X2.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm gonna take my DNA Force right now.
Regross nerves.
We can actually say that because the patented stuff we have in here that cost $12,000 a kilo.
Just go see all the stuff written up by the doctors that's all been authorized by the lawyers to be able to say because it's such a proprietary special product at InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
And I tell my crew, because I've never been a vitamin guy my whole life,
I say, make me take it.
Do not let me forget.
Make me take it.
Remind me to take it.
I tell my children, remind me to take it at night.
It's 10 o'clock at night, they've gone to sleep.
There's no ice cream in the refrigerator, folks.
I go down and I have one of these.
Simply incredible.
Now before I go any further, also don't forget, buying these high quality products funds this whole operation.
Please support our local AM and FM affiliates as well.
Support our local sponsors.
Become a local sponsor.
Tell those stations thank you for carrying the show and tell your whole office, your friends and family.
If you got the money, pay to pull up a billboard for the local station.
Work with the station to do it.
We're not going to save the country if we don't promote outlets that promote freedom.
I'd get other talk show hosts on.
I'd get bigger hosts than me on, smaller hosts than me on.
I'd get authors, researchers, lecturers, others on to build the platform, to create synergy.
We're in a war, folks.
We don't take your money at gunpoint like the IRS and give it to Rachel Maddow and stimulus money and give it to NPR.
We just sell high quality water filters, made in America, pro-gun t-shirts, camouflage ball caps, got a whole winter line of clothing coming out that's awesome that I'm going to be wearing because I picked it out.
I just love it.
Super patriot redneck.
Point is, we're fighting hard.
I'm going to skip this network break here, speaking of that, because I want to air this special report.
We've got three of these today that Joe Biggs, Leanne McAdoo, and John Bowne have filed.
This one's by John Bowne.
And it's titled, ladies and gentlemen, ISIS is here.
And it was on the nightly news last night.
We're going to play it and premiere it here for the radio audience today.
Then I'm going to have that video.
Posted to the front page of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
So many times, we've got everybody else's videos posted on InfoWars, because there's a lot of great videos out there, but not our hard-hitting reports.
We need to, I guess, have an RSS feed or something with all our videos in it, and then tweet it out to people.
Get it out to folks.
You're the real power of this transmission.
Remember five years ago, when somebody in LA put out the Obama Joker image?
And they called for their arrest in the LA newspapers and TV, saying, you know, he's our God, you don't do that, it's racist.
And I said, that's not American, that's mind control, we're gonna do it.
And so we called for a $5,000 contest of whoever could put up, you know, the most in their town, videotape it and put a YouTube out, in legal and lawful areas.
And from Florida to Wisconsin, from New York to Texas,
They called for the arrest on TV that someone had put down the god Obama.
So folks responded by putting even more out, and they backed off and said, okay, it's free speech, we're not going to arrest who did it.
See, you gotta call the political correct authoritarians that are trying to shut you up with their bullying.
You know how to meet a bully.
And we're going to do another contest, I think.
Exposing the fact that the governments behind Ebola opened the borders up,
I think we're going to do an Ebola, or Obama connected to Ebola contest.
It's going to be a quick turnaround, $10,000 deal.
I'm going to write it up today, launch it tomorrow, and you'll have like 10-15 days to turn it around, and then put your YouTube video up, and then we'll give it a week to judge it.
But I think we need to really hit them hard.
Send us your ideas and show tips at InfoWars.com.
What are your ideas of a contest to really show the power of the people, a V for Vendetta, putting the V's up?
You know, something similar to that.
We've had a lot of really powerful contests that have shown the power of you.
You have the power.
You are the resistance.
You are the ones taking action.
You are the ones that when you exercise your power can't be stopped.
This is what it's all about.
What are your ideas?
What should we do?
Does it mean this one contest will bring them down?
But the act of resistance spreading and realizing we have the power will.
John Bowne's report.
ISIS is here because we've got the White House coming out today saying there's no Al-Qaeda, there's no ISIS, but we've got to take all your rights because Al-Qaeda is such an imminent threat.
Meanwhile, Turkey's been caught openly aiding Al-Qaeda, known as IS or ISIS or Khorasan or whatever the name is to confuse us, attacking the Kurds.
And the Kurds are responding by now starting to burn stuff down inside Turkey, the ethnic Kurds.
So let's go ahead and go to this report.
Ladies and gentlemen, the John Bowne filed on ISIS is here in America.
Homeland Security saying that they believe there is an imminent threat being planned and that an attack will take place, they said that last Friday and again on Sunday, in and around El Paso, Fort Bliss, Joint Task Force 6 area.
I want to be clear, I'm the guy that exposes false flag.
I'm the guy that officially began questioning 9-11 on the day of the event.
I see comments on Infowars saying, you know, Alex, why are you saying there could be a real ISIS threat?
It's going to be a hoax, it's going to be a false flag.
It is a false flag because ISIS has been empowered and funded by NATO and Homeland Security, and they'll use an attack to take our liberties.
It does not mean there aren't jihadi nutballs that are coming to attack us!
See, the media always spins it that a false flag means it's totally staged by the government.
Elements of the government can fund terrorists and then let them attack.
Has Rand Paul ever been to Syria?
Has he ever met with ISIS?
Has he ever met with any of these people?
I'm not trying to cause a fight, sir.
No, no, no.
We're going to have a fight.
Because it's patently false.
This is the same Rand Paul that said we didn't want to have anything to do with anything to do in the Middle East, by the way.
I don't want to get in a fight with him at all.
But it's not true.
I know these people.
I'm in contact with them all the time.
Let me ask you this.
And he is not.
And he is not.
And he is not.
Let's remember here, the people we are fighting today, we funded 20 years ago.
And we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union.
They invaded Afghanistan, and we did not want to see them control Central Asia.
And we went to work.
And it was President Reagan, in partnership with the Congress, led by Democrats, who said, you know what?
Sounds like a pretty good idea.
Let's deal with the ISI and the Pakistani military, and let's go recruit these Mujahideen.
That's great.
Let's get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places, importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam, so that we can go beat the Soviet Union.
That's what most false flags are, is opening the door, letting it happen.
Look at how the British government was in the news two days ago.
It's going to, quote, retrain the jihadis coming back from Syria, because huge amounts of them, tens of thousands, have come out of England.
They're allowed to fly in and out.
They're allowed to have Twitter and Facebook accounts.
They are being protected.
They're being protected here.
It's in the news today in my stack that radical Islamist terrorists are using the open borders and the open visa program.
Prior to last night, it was running about 73%.
of the people apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley or OTMs, other than Mexican.
A lot of Central Americans, but really from all over the world.
And we were informed last night that that number has escalated to 80%.
So, and this is a fact.
So most of the people that we encounter here
A larger percentage of them are people from other countries other than Mexico.
And we're not told about the special interest aliens.
We have had Somalians here.
Once they got on that special alien list, they won't tell us that anymore.
But there have been Somalians, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Chinese, you name it, we've had it here.
We've also
Found evidence that people from these special interest countries in particular Pakistan and Afghanistan Iran Are coming through our property During one of our Texas border volunteer operations last year.
We had a group of ten We spotted we followed them informed the Border Patrol where they were going to come out on the highway Border Patrol were not able to respond fast enough.
They got they climbed the fence and
And loaded up and left and were not caught.
But as one of them was climbing over the fence, he dropped a package.
And that package was an Urdu dictionary.
Urdu is a language spoken in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
And in that translation book, Urdu and English, there were a lot of phrases circled and outlined.
Do you speak Spanish?
Do you speak English?
So it's easier for them to slip through this private property.
And that's just one example.
And more recently, within the past two weeks, some Iranian money was found in a bailout vehicle.
So, we know they're coming in here.
Besides that Iranian money being found in a bailout vehicle up here, four Syrians, which is not, you know, public news yet, but four Syrians were apprehended on the Rio Grande River a couple days ago.
So Al Qaeda put out an online magazine that states they want to hit the Air Force Academy.
They want to hit a military academy in Georgia.
They want to hit Las Vegas.
And once again, New York is another target as well, Times Square.
So these are very trying times.
And they now have 12 passenger jets in working order and have been photographed celebrating with them, basically saying they're going to kill us with them.
The Islamic Caliphate has risen.
And by God's will, it will not stop.
O youth, if you are men, we are on the ground.
So don't come to us with planes without a plane.
Come with your soldiers, who went through their violence in Iraq.
And by God's will, we will go through their violence everywhere.
And God willing, in the White House, we will raise the banner of La ilaha illallah.
We found backpacks with Korans.
Another fellow found a backpack with a prayer rug in it.
You find hypodermic needles.
You find pregnancy tests.
You find everything in the world in this trash.
Another friend had ten Chinese in his yard.
There's Arabs coming.
The Border Patrol said at one point, three out of ten that they apprehended was OTMs, other than Mexicans.
There's all kinds of people.
This is a national security issue.
Everything that you're getting on the media is a lie.
We live this every day, 24 hours.
And it is not secure.
When we got the wall built on our ranch,
It is known as a force multiplier, and immediately they deployed agents that used to patrol the border before the 10, 12, 14 foot wall.
You have 18 foot wall on this side.
They took agents off the border because it's a force multiplier.
ISIS cells that were active in the Juarez area, which is the northern part of Chihuahua State, and that they were moving around over there, that they had, just that there was some activity
And for the sheriffs along the border to be on the alert, for all law enforcement to be on the alert, and to be on the lookout for these people maybe trying to come across.
If they show their ugly head in our area, we'll send them to hell.
And I think the United States need to get busy.
And they need to bomb them.
They need to take them out.
I would like for them to hit them so hard and so often.
That every time they hear a propeller on a plane or a jet aircraft engine that they urinate down both legs.
Now, the reason they picked Juarez could be a strategic move.
This is just right across the border.
Juarez is no more than a few miles to my left.
Now, we also have, you know, many other buildings in this area that we've talked about.
We have the military base.
FBI has an office.
Do you have any information or any evidence that they're actually coming in the southern border now?
Yes, I have information that... Tell me what you know.
I know that at least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas.
There's nobody talking about it.
How do you know that?
Because I've asked the Border Patrol, Greta.
And the Border Patrol, they just let ISIS members come across the border?
No, they caught them at the border.
Therefore, we know that ISIS is coming across the border.
Two Central Texas men arrested on terror-related charges will both have a detention hearing tomorrow afternoon in federal court.
Rahatul Khan and Michael Wolff, both 23, were arrested separately this week.
They're both accused of providing support to terrorists.
Is there synergy?
Is there interaction?
Is there a connection between the Mexican cartels and groups like ISIS?
My opinion is
Yes, there seems to be at least talking to each other.
How much, I don't know.
But they're using, drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do.
People from terrorist countries, countries that are deemed special interest countries, pouring in here undetected.
It's time to step up and shut the border down.
We can shut the border down in Afghanistan or Iraq.
That's a big priority.
Our biggest priority needs to be shut down this southwestern border.
Any way you slice it, they're leaving the borders wide open.
They are funding ISIS worldwide.
They are letting them come into the United States.
So that when they attack, Obama can pose as a savior and take more liberties when they've opened us up.
Remember, Homeland Security is now pointed at gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, conservatives.
It's very simple what's happening.
Just like they're letting the Ebola come in.
Just like they're bringing the Ebola into the country.
This is their plan.
And we have to ask ourselves, why are they doing it?
The only way we can help stop this from happening is by pointing out that when it does happen, the central government and the Democratic Party specifically are to blame, and they might actually do something about it.
But remember, you're losing your freedoms because of Al-Qaeda threats, or ISIS threats, while our government openly funds it.
That's not our government.
It's an illegitimate criminal group.
That's why nothing makes sense.
When you realize they want to bring the country down, then it all makes total sense.
Stay with us.
Second hour.
Doug Casey coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The author of Totally Incorrect,
Doug Casey's coming up in the next segment.
We're opening the phones up at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to talk about libertarianism, anarchic capitalism, one of the icons of the movement.
He was gone a few weeks ago, but he's about to leave the U.S.
So I wanted to get him back on today.
I enjoyed speaking at his conference three weeks ago.
And I want to bring up Kim Jong Un's absence to him.
What an illustration of just pathetic government on parade.
What big government always basically ends up as is a bunch of crazy people in a big building sitting around like peacocks regaling themselves with titles of nobility.
And that's what North Korea is, is a royal system.
Even mainline analysts now say that.
I've been saying it for 15 years.
And it's just a total cult of scumbaggery.
Kim Jong Un's not in charge because he got voted in.
He's not in charge because he created beautiful music or was beautiful or was smart or was cool.
No, he was there because his dad was a communist puppet of the Chinese communists and put his son in charge and he put his son in charge.
Notice how the dynasties degenerate quicker and quicker now.
One should not try to eat lunch during a one-minute break, as the last hour ended.
It's just, there's so many things that I call Rosetta Stones that are issues that through them you can just see how the whole world works.
Big government centralization creates Kim Jong-un, Nazi Germany, Maoist China.
I mean, look how pathetic he is if you're a TV viewer.
Imagine the patheticness of a giant rotting country.
That building he's standing in front of, they've been building for 20 plus years, they can never open it.
They can't even get their cars to run properly.
They can't manufacture anything.
They have giant slave camps everywhere.
And this is the model the globalists would like us to live under.
They can't even keep their uniforms.
In good shape.
To then stand around and write things while he gives orders.
The cult of a giant, fat little sack of maggots.
With a bunch of gibbering cult slaves standing around.
And then I look at Democrats and so-called liberals, and they literally are a Kim Jong-un cult of political correctness and trendiness.
They have nothing.
They have no future.
They have all these college degrees that are worthless, outside the system that's collapsing, but they don't care.
They have victory!
They have their adoration of BB, of Big Brother.
They have their adoration of Kim Jong-un.
What a parallel Obama to Kim Jong-un.
He got a business, you didn't build that.
Let's go back.
Let's look at Kim Jong-un with all the girls.
When his dad died, three days of... Can we cue up the fake crying?
North Koreans cry at Kim Jong-un.
Look at the young 16-year-old girl in the uniform, all just trying to compete, who can grab on him.
That's what Hollywood is.
Yeah, click on the Pimpin' Ain't Easy one.
That's what Hollywood is, what Edward Bernays talked about in advertising in the 20s, how they would put it out there and then show the person, they would have fake, only the first ones had to be fake in the 20s and 30s.
They would have all these people from the back lot of the production studio show up dressed up, fawning and yelling at the male stars and female stars.
And then they would put it on the newsreels, and advertise that next week another showing was happening, and people would show up and copy it, and then the pump was primed.
So in North Korea, he shows up with his stupid haircut and his little outfit, and all these starving girls run up, and they go, ahhh, I got a touching!
That's what fads are.
That's what trendiness is.
That's how incredibly empty you trendies are.
Now, if something's trendy, or been trendy, and you like it,
Then go with it.
Sometimes trends come from the people and they're okay.
When you're out on the road, the last place you want to be is on the road.
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Got it.
Others don't.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's make this a year of action.
That's what most Americans want.
Raising the debt ceiling does not increase our debt.
Nobody is listening to your cell phone calls.
The debate is settled.
Climate change is a fact.
And if people can't trust not only the executive branch, but also don't trust Congress and don't trust federal judges, then we're going to have some problems.
What difference at this point does it make?
That's right.
If you don't think everything is awesome here in the New World Order, collectivist, crony capitalist, anti-free market cult, well you're a heretic.
And the modern name of a heretic is politically incorrect, it is conspiracy theorist, it is questioner.
They would say that Galileo, who believed that the Earth was not the center of the universe,
Was a conspiracy theorist or a heretic or the Copernicus before him that said the earth was not flat but was a sphere or round.
Was a racist!
These are the new terms.
There's a story up on InfoWars.com dealing with this.
And I gave this intel to Watson.
This is specifically known and confirmed by me with folks I know.
And I've seen the internal documents.
Major yoga studio forced to cancel costume party after claims of racism.
Now last year they'd had one and someone came as an Eskimo and that made everybody, some people upset.
So they said this year it'll be a Bollywood or dress up in Indian costumes.
It had nothing to do with the fact that yoga comes from India and it was like saying hey let's have fun like if you're in a fraternity you dress up in togas.
That's racism of course against Greeks or if you go to a
You hate Germans!
You see, and so there were threats, and people showed up, and then the South Asian community got involved, and they said, that's not allowed.
They said, yes, you're right.
We're just not going to have a costume party for Halloween, period, at one of the largest yoga studios in Austin, Texas.
And then I learned it's going on everywhere in Austin, a crown jewel of cult brainwashing, literal cult brainwashing, totalitarianism branded as liberal.
That they are openly all over the nation, you've seen this the last few years, colleges everywhere saying don't use the name man or woman, boy or girl.
Can't have separate bathrooms.
Can't have separate locker rooms.
Can't come as a cowboy, an Indian, a geisha girl.
They have guidelines.
We have it linked in our article.
Major universities.
You can come as a zombie or a space alien.
That's the examples of what's okay.
Do not come as a pirate.
Do not come as a Russian.
Do not come as a Native American.
Do not, because it hurts, see if you, but it's like if a kid draws a picture of a gun in school, they get arrested.
But you can give a kid a video game where they do thousands of simulated murders per game, per time they play, per session.
There's no laws either.
There's no law you can't shoot a Nerf gun in your backyard and the neighbor sees it and calls the school so you're suspended.
The school has no jurisdiction.
They couldn't kick you out in school for a Nerf gun.
But they claim it's their policy.
No one challenges it.
All over the country, ladies and gentlemen, they're banning fiesta parties.
You want to have a fraternity party that tries to get new pledges with a theme of Mexican food?
Because, I mean, I've had many parties where we have Mexican food because it's good.
I'm going to be honest, I've had parties in college and after where we go get little sombreros and stuff and we... because it's fun, folks.
And you know what?
I've been to my Mexican friends' houses where it's, you know, everybody's there and they like to have them too because, you know, it's fun.
And it's fun to have Western-style parties.
You know, private school my kids go to, the last one before this one, they had one time a year a Western barbecue party, where they barbecue and you wear cowboy hats and boots.
Because you know why?
Because it's to put down Texans.
Or it's to put down Mexican cowboys.
People like to dress up in different outfits.
I went to Oktoberfest.
Saturday night, Fredericksburg, Texas.
And I had a good time, and you know what?
There were black people and Hispanics there wearing little German hats and they were having fun dancing around to polka music.
That sounds like Tejano music.
Everybody was just having a good time.
They don't want you to have any culture but the big, plastic, fake, Hollywood culture.
And they use anthropology, the CIA on record, to balkanize and play countries off against each other.
They use, they build up our differences, then they hype them, then they play us off against each other.
It is psychological warfare and is sick.
Now, once they've demonized all cultures and sold us a plastic culture, we can be like North Korea, where everything else is awesome, or you get put in a forced labor camp or killed.
Kim Jong Un's absence fuels rumors.
Over the weekend, of course, North Korean military leaders showed up.
He hasn't been seen in over a month.
He's been engaging in mass executions of the ruling class.
A little, stunted, demonic creature who grew up in Switzerland in a palace, who thinks that Dennis Rodman is cool, totally disconnected with top generals, going, oh, we love you, Dennis Rodman.
I mean, beyond Twilight Zone, truth is stranger than fiction.
He's not been missing.
We've been covering it for a month, but now it's a big deal.
And there's all this talk.
And remember when his dad died a few years ago?
The days of crying and begging.
This is the mass cult of political correctness.
This is what it is.
I reject it.
Let's play some of that video and audio of the abject worship when Kim Jong-un spent on his grave.
You know he's burning in Hades.
Here it is.
I mean, you gotta see the video, folks.
And we pray for another such outpouring of just masses of people.
Oh, they all got uniforms, though.
The more poor your country is, the more tyrannical, the more uniforms, the more festoonery, the more grand falloons, to quote Kurt Vonnegut, the more empty mindlessness.
Look, just begging, oh, our leader, he makes the sunshine, he built the country, he did it all.
The total failure of the state, everywhere.
Romania, Russia, Cuba, the list goes on and on.
But only in the West, sucking off the great Western culture, could big government survive this long.
But now it's gotten greedy.
100 plus percent tax rates in France against the middle class to knock out and bankrupt their competition as the Socialist Party is caught being totally tax exempt.
But if you try to go out overseas or offshore legally to protect yourself, they say you're a demon.
Keep your money here so they can take it all.
Joining us a little bit in the next hour is Doug Casey of caseyresearch.com.
Read his books years ago, I don't know how many, 18, 25, I forget.
Week's number one New York Times bestseller, The International Man, Right on the Money, another bestseller, totally incorrect, Doug Casey.
He's got a glass of beer and a cigar on the front.
Totally evil.
He's a man.
And a white man on top of it.
The main feminist group came out yesterday and sent a man and woman kissing statue to declare victory over Japan.
The famous sailor kissing the nurse.
That's rape.
It's got to be banned.
They'll probably cut it down.
Because it's about the outrageousness.
It's not that they don't know it's over the top.
It's about total control.
So before we get into the economy, take your calls.
Before we get into Russia and where Doug Casey sees the world going, before we get into all that, I want to talk about the cult of political incorrectness, where it's going, where now you can't have any type of costume party because someone will say that it's racist.
He's the chairman of Casey Research, best-selling author, world-renowned speculator, and libertarian philosopher.
Doug Casey has garnered a well-earned reputation for his insights into politics, economics, and investment markets.
Doug is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on rational speculation, especially in the high potential
Natural Resource Sector.
Doug literally wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil, which we're entering.
His book, Crisis Investing, spent multiple weeks number one in the New York Times Best Seller.
I'm not going to get into his tens of millions of books sold or all the rest of it.
He's back with us.
And thank you for coming on while I've been ranting, sir.
We're going to skip this break one more, so we give you plenty of time right here.
There's a network break coming up.
The station shouldn't cover this.
But Doug, you heard my rant.
People need to know political correctness, not from my view, but from their own documents.
80-something years ago said we got to merge Hollywood with the political class.
We've got to roll out and say the stars are for gun control.
The stars are for slavery.
You've got to be for it.
Just like they put Kim Jong-il on TV in North Korea and have women running up begging for him.
It's a parlor trick.
Where they sit up on MSNBC and say your kids belong to the state, men are bad inherently.
I mean, why don't we just laugh at these vomitous, horrible gutter snipes who are flaming authoritarians.
I mean, it is so over the top that I can't even at this point.
It's such a cult.
It's such a joke.
And people are so scared of what Rachel Maddow with no audience has to say.
Why are these pathetic,
Well, Alex, I absolutely and totally agree with everything that you've said, except for one thing.
You said, you called what you were saying a rant.
I wouldn't do that, because I would say what you've just been giving us is a compassionate defense.
I don't have a set of ideas.
But the fact that it's impassioned doesn't mean that it's a rant.
I totally agree with you.
Don't call it that.
It's an attempt at survival.
These people are assaulting us.
They suck dry every country they enter.
Oh yeah, I agree.
Why is the world turning in this direction?
I'm asking myself.
It seems to me at this point that most Americans
Uh, have been transformed into whipped dogs.
And, uh, I guess the reason for that is that half of all Americans at this point are net recipients of money and benefits and, uh, that's from the, from the government.
And it's transferred them, it's, it's changed them into
Whip dogs from human beings.
Now, I love dogs, personally, but I don't like people that act like dogs.
So, um, I don't see what will change the trend.
That's what really disturbs me.
It's bad enough that these people seem to have control of the media, and have control of the universities, and have control of the government, but, and I hate to be pessimistic,
But I don't see what's going to turn the trend around at this point.
Do you?
Not unless there's a huge wake-up call.
Well, I think we're going to get a wake-up call in the form of an economic collapse in the next two years because we touched on this a little bit when we spoke a couple of weeks ago and that was the fact that things nearly came unglued in 2007 and 2008
We're good to go.
The wake-up call that you're talking about, I think it's going to come in the form of an economic disaster that we're right on the edge of now.
I want to break down the technicals of that.
Government is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, gearing up to protect itself but not the people, and planning to capitalize from the crisis.
It's not immoral for us, who are trying to stop it, to also prepare to morally
Well, here's the way I break it down.
You've got the monetary situation.
You can have inflation, where the dollar loses value and prices rise, or deflation, where the dollar gains value and prices drop.
Now, which is it going to be?
For many, many, many years, we've had constant inflation, year after year.
The dollar has lost 90% of its value in real terms since the 1960s.
Can we have a deflation at this point?
It's possible.
Because, let's suppose the stock market collapses tomorrow.
That would wipe out trillions of dollars of money represented by the stock market.
Suppose there's an unbelievable amount of debt in the world today, that people count as assets.
Suppose that debt can't be serviced and bonds default.
Trillions more dollars that are wiped out.
Suppose the real estate market collapses because the real estate market is built on a, on a, it's floating on a sea of debt.
So that could wipe out trillions of dollars and the US dollar could become worth more for a period of time.
The problem is, is what's going to happen then is that Washington would grab the economy in a stranglehold and create trillions more dollars.
They can create
An unlimited number of them.
So, in the long run, we have to count on much higher levels of inflation, even though depletion is possible.
But there's something else you brought up.
And the opposite of depression is not inflation.
The opposite of depression is prosperity.
And the problem is that the standard of living in the U.S.
has been dropping for many years.
It's been dropping rapidly against other countries that have been coming up in the world, but now it's dropping in absolute terms.
When you deflate the dollar and make it constant dollars, over the last 10 years, the median income of the average American family has dropped from $58,000 to $51,000.
So, the real standard of living has gone down a lot.
The pay has gone down double whammy while inflation's gone up, so it's really more like they're getting paid $40,000 now instead of $53,000.
Well, it's even worse than that, because with the U.S.
government on the ragged edge, well, it is bankrupt.
I mean, running a $600 billion per year deficit, they can only get the money by borrowing more, by taxing, or by inflating the currency.
Those are the three ways they can get money.
Well, taxes are one of the three legs of the tripod.
So, even though the dollars people are being paid are worth less, more of them are being taxed as they go into higher brackets.
In addition, there's no way out of it.
The government has been living way above its means with welfare and warfare.
I mean, just the wars that we've had in the Middle East for the last ten years.
I mean, that's real capital that's being shipped over there and destroyed.
Well, even worse than destroyed, captured and now used against American troops if they go over there, which would be idiotic, as it sounds like.
It's only going to rile the natives more, make them hate Americans more, and impel them towards bringing the war here to the U.S.
There's really no way out of it at this point.
Nobody talks about disengaging from these insane tribal wars in the Middle East.
They talk about how we can re-engage in them.
I mean, they're not just doing the wrong thing, they're doing
But it's the right thing for the military-industrial complex that has made tens of trillions of dollars just the last few decades alone, funding and radicalizing Islamist groups and others.
A lot of it is insider crony groups who don't care about the larger prosperity of the world.
In fact, they see prosperity outside of their systems as competition.
So they work for policies to shut down their competition while creating monopoly combines for themselves.
What would you call this monopoly system?
Well, I don't call it capitalism, Alex.
That's a misnomer.
Capitalism is the system of free minds and free markets.
It's the system, if you use a strictly Marxist breakdown, actually, because most people are unaware of the fact that Karl Marx actually coined the word capitalism.
It originated with Karl Marx.
That's right.
So, what is capitalism?
Das Kapital.
Right, exactly.
So what is capitalism?
It's a system.
Marx was correct in this respect.
I mean, everything he said wasn't wrong.
Most of it was, of course.
But capitalism is a system where the means of production, factories, farms, things of that nature... Is in the hands of the people.
Well, our own privately owned, privately owned.
Yes, not government.
Not government.
And also where consumer goods, houses, cars, toothbrushes, are privately owned and privately controlled.
That's capitalism.
Now it's often confused with fascism.
People think of fascism and they think of the Nazis and jackboots and this type of thing.
That's got nothing to do really with fascism, the economic system, which has not been deployed, of course.
Fascism, which is what we have in this country, is a system where all of the means of production are owned privately, they are controlled by the state, and where consumer goods are owned privately, they're controlled by the
That's right.
You have a private car, but it's really registered to the state and is really theirs.
You supposedly own a house, but you pay a rent on it.
We didn't have any of this a hundred years ago, so it's the illusion of ownership.
Why would the ultra-rich, in many cases, want to go for this?
Because the state will create monopolies for them.
Well, exactly.
And it's the ultra-rich that can hire the lawyers to juggle the
Interpretations of the laws in their favor can hire the accountants to reduce their taxes, can afford to bribe the politicians to get things changed in ways that they like.
So that's why the rich are getting richer at this point.
And by the way, I have mainline accounting firms, tax lawyers, you name it.
I spend almost all the money that comes in here to fund the operation because I want to get the word out.
A. B, though, since Obama got in with the tax changes,
Before, with all the write-offs that have been gotten rid of and stuff, I paid about 50% federal tax.
Not 40, like they were saying, folks.
Now it's more like 70%.
For folks that don't know.
Well, you're right, because Social Security taxes, as a percentage of your income, keep going up, and the level to which they go up keeps rising.
And if you've got a company and a bunch of employees, they call that an asset, even though it's not.
It's incredible.
They penalize building.
We'll be back with Doug Casey.
Stay with us.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Raising the alarm!
By the way, earlier I actually quoted Marx, and I just decode things automatically when I said, oh, capitalism is when the means of production are with the people.
Well, technically, in the deception of Das Kapital, which I read over 15 years ago, the communists are saying that it's with the people, but it's really the state.
So when I say it's with the people, that's me saying capitalism would be with individuals, with the private sector.
So it's always changing the terms and manipulating them.
But if you read what Karl Marx wrote, and what others wrote, early communist thinkers,
They said the means of production will come up at such a point the state will wither away because there will be so many goods.
But see, they never allowed in this collectivist hybrid model with fascism and socialism and communism all mixed together for a different strata of society because the globalists are exempt from the stuff they do to us.
That's the key to all this, the real discrimination.
All they have is fighting over race and color and religion all day.
It's because they're cheating everybody and don't want us to realize that.
Is that we should be working two, three days a week.
We should be a culture based on art and excellence.
So they're always trying to raise taxes and shut down competition to create artificial scarcity.
And that's not my opinion.
That's the writings of Ezekiel Emanuel and Cloward and Piven and Jenna 21 and the UN and all their thinkers.
I want to talk to Doug Casey about that in a moment and take your calls.
But the toll-free number on any question you want to talk about free market, Ebola, Russia with Doug Casey, great places he's lived around the world, I guess more than 10 countries, traveled over 100 he says.
He's very famous for that.
Back in the 70s had the best-selling book, The International Man, has his new books out, right on the money and totally incorrect.
You can find details at caseyresearch.com.
But before we go any further, I jump on things.
And last week, or a couple weeks ago, we were calling Obama, Obolo.
And then we were even, I even had him looking at a t-shirt last week that was the Obama symbol.
The rising sun of Satan, or whatever it is, in the O of Ebola.
And then suddenly bumper stickers showed up and became a national news story in California.
We have them coming.
They're being manufactured right here in the U.S., being printed right now.
So it's not really a pre-order.
You can just order them, and we should get it in a few weeks.
You should get it very quickly after that, a week or so after.
We've got two different ones.
One that says Ebola on the front with the Obama symbol.
On the back it says, Ebola.
And then another one that says the same thing with blood splatters, fake blood splatters on the front and back to desecrate the state's god, Kim Jong-un or Barack Obama.
And just as Kim Jong-un is a puppet of the horrible military dictatorship and hermit dictatorship, proto-royalty of North Korea, so is Obama in the attempt to sell the state as sexy and cool and really hot and trendy.
I get excited around inventors.
I get excited around
People I know that from nothing ended up, you know, renting out dozens of apartments in high-rises and furnishing them and personally doing it and cleaning it themselves and renting it out to people that visit town and then ended up buying, you know, whole buildings.
I know a young lady like in six, seven years has done that from nothing.
I mean, literally cleaning all the toilets herself, working 18 hours a day, and now, you know, years later, becoming very wealthy.
I mean, I just admire that.
Artists, researchers, musicians that are successful on their own right.
Anything establishment sold or hyped is the opposite of Americana, the opposite of trailblazing, the opposite of Renaissance.
It makes you want to puke, quite frankly.
So I do want to desecrate.
There's a slang term for it, but it's what a dog does with fire hydrant.
I want to do that on the fake deity that is the state, and Obama is just one manifestation of that.
And that's where I stand.
So we've got the t-shirts in.
We're only printing 3,000 of them.
And when they're gone, 3,000 of each design.
When they're gone, they're gone.
Just like the original Joker, who just was selling, you know, thousands a week.
But I said it's limited edition.
When it's sold out, it's sold out.
We've got all the Made in America Molon Labe shirts.
Desecrate their political correctness.
Every time I see open carry marches, I just want to salute them.
Every time.
People parade with their guns openly showing folks they're not illegal, or wearing pro-gun shirts, or pro-gun bumper stickers, or pro-family bumper stickers.
Rub it in their stinking, control-freak faces.
They want to intimidate and bully us.
We've got them for women in beautiful gold foil on black, best-looking women's gun shirt out there.
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Doug Casey, you've heard me in my impassioned plea for sanity here.
It's the celebritization
Okay, one thing I try to do there, I try to do the same thing that you do,
I happen to be on for a full hour by myself the day before the national election in 1980, when Reagan was running against... I forget who he was running against.
So Phil asked me, I suppose you're going to be voting for Mr. Reagan tomorrow.
And I said, no, I'm not voting for Reagan.
And I gave him some reasons why I didn't like Reagan.
And we could talk about that too.
Actually, he was a nice guy personally, I'm sure, but really just a politician that made some gigantic mistakes.
So then Phil said, well, you're not voting for Carter, that's who he was running against, so you must be voting for the Libertarian.
And I said, no, I'm not voting for anybody.
And I started to give him five reasons why nobody should vote.
And I suggest that nobody do vote because
For one thing, it just supports them.
You may be voting, you're really probably just voting against the worst of the two people, but you're not perceived that way.
The guy that you vote for thinks you're actually voting for him and supporting him, not voting against the other guy.
So I prefer, look, back in the 60s we used to say,
Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came.
Well, let's take it further.
Suppose they gave a tax, and nobody kept it, and nobody paid.
Suppose they gave an election, and nobody voted.
I'd like to disenfranchise the state.
I don't want to feed them more power.
So, I think that's very important, Alex, that people stop thinking politically, and stop thinking, well, the government should do this, the government should do that.
This is a problem with conservatives.
I think so.
Well, it's all nuanced.
I agree with you overall on anarchic capitalism's goals and ideas.
But as Ron Paul has said, we're so addicted to this now, like a heroin addict, we've got to be taking off of it slowly.
Sometimes you've got to vote out of pure self-defense.
I know there's fraud.
I know both parties overall end up voting the same, just different rhetoric.
And a lot of times I won't vote if the candidates are so similar.
I get what you're saying.
I think what you're really getting at here is
We vote in the political system when it's probably one of the weakest votes.
The jury box, the grand jury box, voting with our dollars, buying organic food to displace the other GMO garbage, voting by leaving the country, voting by civil disobedience or fraudulent taxes, not paying them, not being part of the system.
That's what will really bring it down.
But also voting with our mouths, decrying it, saying it's illegitimate.
It needs us to invite it in, like a vampire is what I think you're getting at.
I totally agree with you.
You stated it very well.
That's quite correct, actually.
I want to fire the phone number out.
It's 800-259-9231.
Open phones for Doug Casey, caseyresearch.com.
Before we go to these callers, I know you want to get into Russia.
I want to get into it, too.
An article you pointed to said the Russian Empire strikes back.
And any other issues you want to break down, you'll be with us 20 minutes into the next hour.
Doug Casey is our guest.
Doug, did you want to elaborate on anything before we got into Russia and phone calls?
You know, there is one thing I wanted to say to amplify what we were talking about before, Alex, and that is that there are two types of people in the world.
People that want to control physical reality and manipulate nature, create things, and I like those kind of people.
And then there are the other kind of people that
That's just something I'd like to say about the morality of voting.
I think it's basically immoral.
But voting in the marketplace, voting by your actions, voting by your speech, that's a totally different thing.
You're not using coercion.
Well, it is true that they just had a Hollywood star who was working for State Farm as a spokesman come out and he said, you know, democracy always turns into fascism.
And then they basically fired him as a spokesman.
Well, he was basically quoting Thomas Jefferson, the two wolves and the sheep.
Uh, you know, voting on what's for dinner.
And that's the issue of a republic versus a democracy.
But all republics end up degenerating into a democracy, and then into a living hell, whatever name you want to give it, of a status system.
And clearly, we've degenerated into a democracy now, where 50-plus percent can vote to literally enslave the producers, and then tell us how immoral we are for building the civilization they inhabit.
Uh, you know, like, like, like...
Well, like Obama said, you didn't build that, somebody else built it.
He wants to make everybody feel like a parasite, which in fact he is.
But I've got to say that the kind of people
The parasites that go into government are not the best and the brightest, as they always like to say.
They're the poorest and the worst kind of people.
The problem is this, too.
It's that the more of these parasites that go into government, the more likely that more parasites will go into government.
And after a while, a decent person
Wouldn't even think of it.
So you have this class of perfectly horrible people that have taken over all the power in society.
And we've reached that stage right now.
And that's a cyclical fact that once we reach the bottom of it, the veneer of civilization will burn away like a heat shield on re-entry to the atmosphere.
What comes next after evil and control freaks have gotten control of every major system?
Well, one thing I think is going to happen is that the idea of democracy is going to be debunked.
It's like democracy has become a secular god in this country, where it's like mother and apple pie and democracy, but people don't really understand what they're talking about when they say that.
Democracy, in effect, is nothing but mob rule dressed up in a sports coat.
That's all it is.
It's a lynch mob.
It's 51% of the people.
I think so.
Sure, for those that don't know, we're supposedly a republic, which has laws that can't be violated to protect the individual, and then within a narrow spectrum we can vote then for representatives and others, and clearly government's been part of human development, but so often it is a destructive force, not a good force, and we know in its latter stages, always becomes destructive.
I mean, it's not like we're speculating here, Doug.
No, we're not, actually.
And when we talk about laws, I mean, the most basic law of the land is the Constitution.
There are problems with the Constitution, in my opinion, but I really am a big fan of the Bill of Rights.
Unfortunately, the whole Constitution is a dead letter at this point.
It has been interpreted
Uh, out of existence.
That's right.
By practice, they have overrun it and shredded it and destroyed it and used it for birdcage liner.
And if at any point you bring up the Constitution as the basic law of the land,
You're looked upon as being a dangerous radical.
They'll call you a terrorist.
Imagine this, though it's not perfect, some shield against rampant tyranny and people giggle and disdain at it like it's intellectual to literally destroy their parachute.
I mean, they're burning down their house, dancing on their graves, giggling at the folly.
Yeah, it really is quite disturbing and, you know,
After the next real or imagined terrorist incident in this country, I wonder, Alex, if we'll even be able to talk on the airwaves and say these things.
I wonder about that.
They openly say they want to shut us up.
We're the bad people that talk about freedom and other dirty things.
Doug Casey's our guest.
We're going to take 20 minutes of calls in the next hour.
We're going to come back and go to Woody, and we're going to go to Phil, and Isaiah, and Ron, and Ray, and many others.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can see our latest articles up there.
Libs claim using the term Obolo is racist.
That's it.
I'm doing an Obolo contest.
Jesse Jackson says Dalit patients of Ebola death due to racism.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
On PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, these headlines really are incredible.
Libs claim using the term Obolo, which I'm sure I didn't coin, but I thought of myself.
Then I heard everybody else using it, and I don't think they got it from me.
It's just common sense, Obolo.
I mean, it's not hard to come up with that.
But Libs claim using the term Obolo is racist.
No, he's leaving the borders wide open.
They claim there's a government, but then they leave it wide open when they want, because they're globalist.
And then meanwhile, they're letting everybody fly in from these countries and everybody else has banned it.
We're just pointing out that they want this crisis to obviously break loose here in the country.
And then meanwhile, Jesse Jackson says Dallas patients Ebola death due to racism.
I mean, it's just everything.
So that's some of the stories.
Michael Savage was up yesterday.
He breaks down the fact they want to cause a civil war in this country.
Yoga Studio here in Austin, a big one, cancels costume party for Halloween after claims of racism because someone might come as something unauthorized.
That is the type of issues.
HHS Secretary says there may be other cases of Ebola in the U.S., like we need them to tell us that.
Continuing on how to exercise your rights in an unconstitutional checkpoint.
Powerful video on that.
That's some of the stories up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Doug Casey's with us 20 minutes to the next hour.
We got calls for him.
Let's go to Washington State and Woody!
Woody, you're on the air.
Go ahead, you got a question or comment for Doug Casey?
Yes, Alex, I do.
Mr. Casey, I believe Russia is much stronger economically and militarily, and actually culturally, than the United States right now.
And I believe we're on a collision course deliberately to take us into World War III.
And I'd like to know what events you see Russia taking on a proactive level as far as our economy, because we are vulnerable there, if that was to happen.
That's a good question.
I don't think that Russia is stronger economically, militarily, than the U.S.
The country has half the population that we do, and the economic system there is not very entrepreneurial at all.
But they're not focusing on teaching five-year-old boys how to wear dresses, so I think culturally he's saying that it's hard to believe that Russia in some ways is more Western or less mentally ill than we are now.
Well, there's something to be said for that, and the leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is actually a manly man.
He's not a wimpy little girly man like our president is.
I hope somebody doesn't
Excuse me, of racism, because I called Obama a wimpy little girl.
I mean, actually, sacrilege and blasphemy.
He's a god.
You didn't hear Jamie Foxx say that he's the Lord and Savior?
No, uh, did he really?
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I like Jamie Foxx as an actor, but of course, just because you like somebody's technical skills on the screen doesn't mean that you endorse their political and philosophical views.
But, to answer the question,
No, I don't think Russia is a threat.
And actually, when it comes to this dust-up in the Ukraine, I really think that the U.S.
is the troublemaker there and is causing the problem, not the Russians.
I mean, the Ukraine isn't a real country to start with.
It's kind of like an area where most of the people speak Ukrainian as opposed to Russian or several other languages.
So, it's natural enough that the people on the western borders of Ukraine and those two provinces want to be closer to the Russians.
And the Russians like that because it's nice to have a border... Well, you do have an article at kcresearch.com that I want to get into and we come back and we'll go back to calls.
The Russian Empire Strikes Back.
I want to see where you see this going long term.
Straight ahead with Doug Casey of CaseyResearch.com.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
And we've got a bunch of powerful articles that are very important up on Infowars.com.
We'll be right back with the third hour in 60 seconds.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I saw it a few weeks ago.
It's powerful.
Rob Jacobson, David Knight, and others put together a review of the Congress dealing with a total
Brave New World, Drugs, Population, Dystopia.
We're going to play that review coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Doug Casey is our guest until 20 after, taking phone calls, author of The International Man, leading anarchic capitalist libertarian, as you could call him, with a lot of accurate predictions and forecasting.
Finish up with Russia, then we're going to go to Phil in Florida.
This article from Casey Research, the Russian Empire strikes back.
How are they striking back with world energy?
One of the guys that I work with, his name is Marin Katusa, fantastic speculator, brilliant young guy, and he's written a book called The Colder War, and I urge your listeners to read that book.
He goes into a lot of these things in detail.
Going back to Russia for a moment, I'm all for those two breakaway provinces from the Ukraine, Lugansk and Donetsk, just as I was all for the South breaking away from the U.S.
during the war between the states.
I'd like to see 7 billion little nation-states in the world, and the more the merrier.
It'll give individuals more control as nation-states get
So, I want to go the opposite direction of the European Union.
I'd like to see a thousand little countries in Europe.
Perhaps one of them might actually be free.
Not big giant super states that are almost always more oppressive, but lots of little states to compete with each other with lower taxes and freedom, creating real diversity.
So that there's every reason to support the
Rebels in those two breakaway provinces in the Ukraine and the fact that the Russians are on their side and helping them, that's fine.
But certainly the United States has no business at all sticking its nose into what's happening in a part of the world that most Americans can't even find on a map.
Seventy-five percent of Eastern Ukraine is Russian.
About a third of Western Ukraine is.
For most of its history, as you know, Doug, it's been part of Russia.
That's not some Russia-worshipping statement.
It's just facts.
They've got neocons that call me a Russian agent because I'm against starting war with Russia so George Soros can turn that place, you know, into another one of his little palaces where they put five-year-old boys in dresses.
No, exactly, Alex.
And Russia is certainly no bastion of freedom, but it is no longer a communist country either.
And the top income tax rate in Russia is 10%.
That's it.
So, in many ways, Russia is now freer than the US is.
If folks only knew, they only ran an operation like a business like I do, which runs as a business to finance it, they just have no idea what a real middle class or nouveau riche entrepreneur goes through.
I mean, the taxes are over 80 percent, you add them all together, unless you engage in, you know, squirrelly stuff like the Globalist, and then they selectively enforce against you where it's hard to do unless you completely leave the country.
Yeah, and I'm very disturbed about the demonization
Of Russia, and China, and so many other countries by the U.S.
government, because it was Rudolph Sterger that said a hundred years ago, war is the health of the state.
That's right.
And that is so true, because when there's a war, that's the perfect excuse for the state to pass more laws, and more restrictions, and taxes.
So, in general, chaos is the health of the state, not just war.
I'm very anti-war.
That's right.
They want chaos so they can orchestrate, run the whole thing, consolidate power, milk it, and then let the chaos continue against their enemies.
We're going right to Phil, Isaiah, Ron, Ray, Dakota, and others.
Straight ahead.
Bam, bam, bam.
Your calls with Doug Casey of Casey Research.
Best-selling author and researcher and well-known successful speculator.
We'll be back.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
Barack Obama!
Y'all stand up right now, you gotta stand up!
That's Jamie Foxx, a decadent, overweight, most unhealthy, lowest IQ, you name it, the United States is at the back of every industrialized nation and a whole bunch of third world countries.
Forty-third for economic investment.
Used to be number one.
But we've got these arrogant politicians and people who think the whole world should be theirs.
These are not Americans.
These are control freaks using our country and they've got to be stopped.
And it is not a thought crime to criticize them like Jesse Jackson and others are saying.
It is our right and our duty.
Doug Casey of Casey Research is our guest.
We're taking phone calls right now, but you hadn't heard that Jamie Foxx clip.
We've got a whole group of those with people saying, I don't have to pay for my house or my car anymore, I'll get everything free.
Your God and Obama supporters on the street literally believe that he's like a leprechaun that can give people buckets of gold from nowhere and that it's not being taken from somebody else, Doug.
Shocking and actually disgusting.
And I don't like to call anybody a racist, but perhaps Jamie Foxx is a racist because he's black and Obama's black.
I mean, does that have anything to do with it?
It is.
Only white people can be racist.
It's been proven by Al Gore, who also invented the planet.
Well, certainly the internet anyway.
Well, there you go.
It's anyone that disagrees with us is a racist.
If you're against the free market, you're a racist.
Well, if you're against global warming, which I guess Al Gore attempted to, you're also a racist.
This whole thing about racism, it's just crazy.
I mean, of course people are different from each other, and the fact of the matter is that people, birds of a feather, tend to flock together.
The races of people are like breeds of dogs.
We're different.
I mean, Irish setters are good at some things, and poodles are good for others, and bulldogs are good for other things.
Vive la différance.
If you're a poodle as opposed to a bulldog, that doesn't mean you hate bulldogs.
You just recognize the difference.
I like bulldogs.
I like bulldogs, and I guess that means I'm racist against all other breeds of dog.
These people keep bringing this up, and it inflames racism.
They say they hate racism, but they really must like racism.
Well, that's all they've got.
They don't have any real ideas.
It's just pure racism all day.
Phil in Florida, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Apparently, if you've been able to shed the grease from your public education, then you're a racist.
That's right.
I just wanted to thank Mr. Casey for coming on today.
I have all the guests that you have on here, and I almost always agree with you 99.9% of the time, but this guy so far, everything he said is, to me, right on.
It's particularly about fascism and the way that
The school is, they don't even teach people what fascism is anymore because they want you to think that it's capitalism.
Yeah, no, they want to scapegoat, I agree with you, capitalism for this crony, fascist, pick-the-winner, insider, gangster system that we're under.
Yes, when you use words inaccurately or incorrectly, it clouds
Well, that's what Orwell talked about.
And he was talking about in that book, Ingsoc, the Fabian Socialist in England that he was part of, how they wanted to destroy the language.
When he finally got into their upper groups, and he found out they were really just a bunch of criminal predators, who wanted to be the only people that could think, that's when Orwell turned against them.
Simply amazing.
Thank you, Phil.
Ron in Canada, you're on the air with Doug Casey.
Yes, hi, Doug.
How are you?
Good, thanks.
I got a question about propaganda.
I'm talking about Edward Bernays propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government and it also talks about
The group mind?
If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.
I want to know about the group mind, if you could talk about that.
What is it?
Sure, you're bringing up the 1930s book, Propaganda, by Edward Bernays, the top psych-warfare chief of the statists here in the U.S.
Your take just on general hive-minding, mob mentality they're trying to engineer into everybody, Doug?
I may be a genetic freak from that point of view, but the fact is all of us tend to run with the herd.
If you're the only person in an audience that disagrees with what the speaker's saying, chances are you're going to be quiet about it because the rest of the mob might tear you apart.
It's tough.
To be a contrarian.
In the investment world, it's very tough.
In the social world, it's very tough.
In the intellectual world, it's very tough to think for yourself.
It's much easier to just go along with the crowd and the herd.
So, propaganda is of huge importance to the deep state, you might call it.
Because, you know, the thought
is what gives rise to the action.
And you don't even want people thinking.
I mean, first you have a thought, and then you say something, and then you have an action.
You don't want people to think out of the box, or say anything that runs counter, because, God forbid, they might take action at that point.
But I can't help it.
I was born a contrarian.
Well, we've got to be contrarian when you're dealing with a bunch of crazy, control-freak nutballs yelling against common sense.
I mean, this is about victory over the truth, is what the statists are pushing.
Victory over common sense, victory over reality.
We must counter them.
And people think you get heat when you do that.
Sometimes you do, but when people are sick of the globalists, folks actually come to your aid.
When everybody's already sold out to the system,
For so cheap, it's good to go against it, even if you're not moral, folks.
In my experience, at this point in the game, it's not good to go along with a train going over the edge of the cliff, Doug.
Well, not only that, Alex, but you've got to live with yourself.
Uh, sure, you could run with that stupid herd of wildebeest out there, and it might give you some protection from the predators haunting you for a while.
But you know, if you're intelligent and moral, you've got to live with yourself.
And that means you have to do the right thing, regardless of what the consequences are.
So, I'm not interested in being just another one of the stupid wildebeest out there running with the herd.
Yeah, humans are not wildebeest, but they're trying to engineer us into that component so that we can be fed on as the herd.
Because with humans, being in the herd doesn't even afford the safety of a wildebeest or of a schooling sardine.
No, you're right.
The people that like to control other people want to see us all as milk cows.
You know, we'll stand there and let them take 40 or 50 percent of what we produce and if things go a certain way, they might even turn us into beef cows.
That's right, feeding cows.
Thank you, Ron.
Ray in California, you're on the air with Doug Casey.
Okay, first of all, I want to state that I believe this is all containment for extermination, like I said before in other comments.
Next point, for the United States, they want to, by a holocaust, which I believe is a subsequent nuclear holocaust, Ukraine as to Syria.
And the question is, what do you think Putin's going to do now that he has to fight this thing on two fronts, Ukraine as to Syria, then Iran?
Well, look.
If I was a Martian and I came down and looked at the situation on this planet at this time, I would hold Putin to be relatively... I mean, sure, he's just a politician and he's basically the dictator of Russia at this point and so forth, yes.
I'm not saying he's a good guy, but I'll say this, that if I was a Martian and looked at the situation objectively, I would have to put Putin
On the right side of these issues, and the U.S.
on the wrong side of the issues.
And it's a very sad thing to have to...
Well, the Martian would also conclude that there was a technocratic, scientific, anti-free market elite that was playing humanity off against each other in balkanization and trying to dumb down and hurt the species as a prey animal.
And the Martian would conclude that we have a predator species, or a parasite species, a subgroup of humans, sociopaths, psychopaths, the opposite of chivalry, literally growing like a cancer through human civilization.
You know, Alex, that's an interesting point.
Because, actually, you could make the case that people may be speciating on mental ground.
Because some of these people, like, well, you mentioned Rachel Maddow, I could no longer mate with her intellectually and philosophically than I could mate with a chimpanzee physically.
I wonder if people are actually speciating mentally.
Let's do one more segment.
Can you go to the bottom of the hour, just ten more minutes?
Alright, break, we'll come back, six more minutes.
I wanted to finish on that.
The so-called global elite believe that they are splitting off in another species.
You can look that up in London Guardian, you name it.
This is their delusion.
Well, then they're degrading into something not as good as we were, because I just can't imagine wanting to dominate and wreck everybody and dumb everybody down, but you don't just see that in the so-called elite, you see it in the general public as well.
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I've been watching and I've been waiting.
And now we're back live, broadcasting worldwide.
It's the Alex Jones Show, with me, Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up, we break down an extremely powerful film, The Congress, dealing with a
Psychotropic dictatorship that I think is near future in many respects.
Final segment with Doug Casey, caseyresearch.com.
Really appreciate him joining us and spending so much time.
Finishing up your point about speciating or the species breaking into different groups, that's what quote liberalism or statism, it promotes not having children, it promotes anything that degenerates society.
I mean, I guess you said it earlier, they want chaos because then they can manage it.
But it really does seem like a hateful group overall, those that support statism.
They really are.
They're just destructive people.
And I hate to use the word evil, which has become so degraded and used so loosely.
But what is evil?
It is the willful destruction of something that has done nothing to deserve being destroyed.
That's right.
These are just horrible people.
You know, there's something called Pareto's Law, the 80-20 rule, and my opinion is that
You know, 80% of... 20% of your salesmen do 80% of your sales and so forth.
There's many applications of the 80-20 rule or Pareto's Law.
Now, I'm of the opinion that 80% of the human race are basically decent, get-along, go-along, okay people.
And then you got 20% that are like potential trouble sources.
They can go either way.
And then you take 20% of that 20%, or 4% of the population, and these are just active, destructive sociopaths!
I mean, they're just snakes!
And then you take 20% of that 20%, and the kind of people that become high government officials and lead the CIA and the NSA and so forth, they're real sociopaths, psychopaths.
So I think it breaks down kind of that way, according to Pareto's Law.
But then there are the type of people that just disgust and disdain the sociopath control freaks.
But the problem is those type of individuals are usually lone wolves, something demonized, who just want to lead their own lives and don't want power over others.
But usually those type of folks have to be absolutely attacked and suppressed until they finally rise up and historically end up crushing the parasite.
Yeah, that's interesting.
At this point, let's say
Fifty percent of the people in the U.S.
have been transformed into whip dogs because they're living off the state.
But not everybody's a whip dog.
You've got somebody who's worse than a whip dog.
And I call them running dogs.
Those are people that are, you know, working for the state because it's in their best interest.
And then you've got these top dogs.
On top of everything, and I don't know how many there are, maybe a thousand people in this country that presidents of top universities, heads of big agencies, top generals, very top politicians, congressmen that have been there for many years,
These are the top dogs.
These are the real fusha pads in society.
And they have control of it.
And they're everywhere.
Guys that run big corporations and so forth that have risen to the top, not because they're productive, but because they're good at corporate politicking.
Back slapping and back stabbing is the way corporate politics work.
Sure, they're the types of General Electric that pay Obama to put him on the head of the council to shut down all the power plants they don't own, and then double their profits in coal power plants because all their competitions shut down.
They make money out of insider scams and destroying productivity, not out of trailblazing.
Yeah, you're right.
And I know we could talk about conspiracy theory, and I know that you're much more into it than I am.
My own opinion
It's hard enough for three or four friends to decide what restaurant to go to for dinner.
Well, yeah.
I don't believe that there's a guy with a white cap that's controlling things, but these guys all...
They go to the same schools.
They have the same philosophies.
They have the same views on life.
They go to the same clubs.
There's a consensus.
Yeah, they're a bunch of guys that scratch each other's back.
And unfortunately, they control the society at this point.
And we've got to identify them.
They want us to look at their puppets.
We need to look up past that to the actual heart of it.
Doug Casey, thank you for the time.
We'll be talking later this afternoon, sir.
Thank you so much.
Your call.
Ton of news coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
And that special video report.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
On the Congress.
Stay with us.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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The answer... The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It seems innocuous on the surface until you realize its roots back with Edward Bernays and others.
Headline InfoWars.com White House host fashion show as Ebola spreads like AIDS.
Well they're saying it's worse than the AIDS pandemic the World Health Organization is.
CDC compares spread of Ebola to AIDS while White House talks fashion.
And the first lady, Michelle Obama, points and tells you what to wear.
She also tells you what to eat.
Yes, that's her job.
The government tells your children what to eat.
Something worse than what prisoners would eat.
The government and the First Lady.
They tell us we didn't build our business.
They tell us that debts going up don't go up.
They tell us they don't want our guns.
They tell us they want to destroy ISIS when they created them.
They tell us that they're liberals when they're fascist control freaks using psychological warfare against us.
It's time, ladies and gentlemen, before our shadows are taller than our souls to get right with God and face the reality that we are under a great deception and under a great tyranny of these scum!
And it's time to wake up and say, we break the conditioning!
We're no longer under your spell!
Doesn't mean you believe what Alex Jones believes.
It believes you know there's an agenda and signing on to what they say to look like and how to dress and what to do and making them your gods will deliver us not into Valhalla but into Hades!
Let's go ahead and go to the Congress piece put together by Rob Jacobson and David Knight and others.
And then, after this film review, we will go back to your phone calls.
And others that are patiently holding.
I'm Alex Jones, and if you are watching or listening to this transmission, you are the hope, you are the resistance.
Congress, starring Robin Wright and directed by Ari Fulman, has just finished a limited US theatrical run and is now available for rental online at places like Amazon and iTunes.
Now, when I looked at the trailer, I thought this was going to be a film that really kind of focused on the radical technological changes that are coming as we see many jobs in virtually every industry being replaced by artificial intelligence and robots.
Regardless of what industry you're in, whether it's manufacturing or service or whether you're working at a low-level job or even as a professional, your job will be impacted if not entirely replaced by new technology.
The Congress explores how this disruptive technology would affect Hollywood, displacing actors, even the animators that eventually move their digital avatars.
The movie takes a much broader look at a future dystopian society where people are essentially enslaved by entertainment, where they live in a virtual existence.
The irony is that many people will avoid this movie or not finish it because they don't find it entertaining enough.
But that's how close we are to the dystopian future that it looks at.
The Congress is a film that echoes an archetypal warning that's been presented by many great artists over many decades.
And that is, once we live in a society characterized by fantasy and deception, it opens a door to authoritarian dictatorship.
Based loosely on Stanislaw Lim's The Futurological Congress, it stars Robin Wright as herself, as an actress whose decisions have so frustrated the Hollywood machine that they refuse to work with her ever again unless she signs a one-time contract, a one-time fee, where they will capture her entire appearance and personality into a digital model.
Now, of course, she will never be allowed to ever work again.
This is something that's going to happen in many industries as people, even professionals, work with programmers to create artificial intelligence that is going to take over their job, where they will never ever work again in their field or area of expertise.
The Congress also stars Harvey Keitel as Robin's agent and Danny Houston as Jeff Green, president of a major movie conglomerate, Miramount Films.
The film begins with Hollywood's next technological leap forward.
A completely realistic digital version of an actor or actress that makes it look like the actor is in the film.
And of course, they've used this in a lot of action science fiction films to replace actors in very dangerous or impossible sequences.
The sphere of lights and camera that are shown in the film capturing Robin Wright's image is an actual device that's already been used.
But once they go beyond the distant shots or the small action shots and go to actual virtual actors, that's something that's going to change not only the process of filmmaking, but movies in general.
And this is where the Congress really gets interesting.
After they flesh out the concept of virtual actors, the film jumps 20 years into the future.
And ironically, even though Robin Wright was very reluctant to be a part of this digital reality, she is the last remaining major Hollywood star that actually has a real-life person attached to them.
So, she's sent to the Futurist Congress.
And so she's selected to be a part of the Futurist Conference, where they're going to announce the next big step forward.
Inhaling an actor's genetic code,
Creating a controlled hallucination of the actress or movie, completely controlled by the unconscious.
This futurist conference, this congress, is really where the live acting ends and pretty much most of the rest of the movie is animated.
Now, the animation style is kind of a combination of classic animation and modern techniques, but it is filled with provocative, subliminal sexual references.
Almost as if they're kind of making fun of the way Madison Avenue and Hollywood studios like Disney have done this in the past.
At the Congress, the president of Miramount Films reveals the actual plan.
The complete corporate control of all human thought via pharmaceutical technologies.
For those who attend the Congress, the hallucinations never end, because they put the pharmaceuticals in the drinking water.
The announcer romanticizes what he portrays as a utopian future, where you can be whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, where you have everything in abundance.
But of course, it's simply an illusion.
And if you're a dissenter, or if you're defiant in any way, you will be eliminated.
And why should the roller coaster stop here?
Wright's characters then moved 70 years into this future.
A world divided by those who are part of the mass hallucination world and those who opted to live life in reality.
While this part of the movie might seem like pure science fiction, look again.
The world that's being illustrated here is one that's been described by top futurists for many decades now.
Aldous Huxley famously predicted a world where people learn to love their servitude to the state through psychotropic and behavior controlling drugs.
To make people contented with their servitude.
I think this can be done.
I think it has been done in the past, but I think it could be done even more effectively now, because you can provide them with bread and circuses, and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda.
One look at the psychiatric drug industry in America and it will be obvious that for millions of people Aldous Huxley's brave new world is a functioning part of their everyday lives.
Heavily influenced by Huxley, the reality portrayed by George Lucas in THX 1138 shows every move and emotion of an ordinary man or woman is controlled and regulated pharmaceutically.
Ray Kurzweil believes that you'll be able to upload your personality, your consciousness to a computer.
Once there, you'll be able to do anything you want, even talk to people who are long deceased.
Of course, in Ray Kurzweil's case, he thinks he's going to be able to talk to his father who died decades ago.
At one of the most powerful points in the film, Robin Wright exits the hallucinogenic animation, and she finds herself in the real world, where people are just roaming around in this grey, grim reality, like inmates in an asylum, because they really only exist in an entertainment coma.
So the question the Congress presents to us is, will people be willing to live in an entertainment utopia, but where they're actually enslaved by technology?
Now, technology is just a tool.
It can be used for good or for evil.
And Eisenhower warned us about this with the military-industrial complex, saying that it would take over research, that it would take over technology and use it for its own purposes.
We've seen this happening as technology accelerates.
It's increasingly being used for destruction and for distraction.
Not for production.
It's being used to enslave us, not to serve us.
The Congress could wake up some people about our obsession with entertainment.
If only it were more entertaining.
For InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
That's right, that's from last night's InfoWars Nightly News, every night, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWarsNews.com.
Now, I agree with his review overall, and it's a complex film.
I'd give it, on the Paul Revere scale, that we should bring back to the movie reviews, of one to five horses.
I would give it five horses for concept.
For execution, I'd give it two and a half.
They lay out what Bill Joy and others have written about is the actual plan to slowly get us with the iPhones, the apps, then the glasses, then the contacts, then the implants, oh it's so trendy, then the full augmentation, and then you're just told by the hype machine that oh they live forever now, they're in the machine, and it can mimic who you were enough to fool people.
As if the elite would actually let you merge with some type of technological computer that could challenge them.
They're not going to allow anybody into this but themselves.
And they even discussed the battle they're going to have as the super being forms.
Now I don't mean that's really going to happen before the New York Times says that I'm saying that.
I'm saying what Kurzweil and Google and all the rest of them are up to and Peter Thiel in his quest for immortality that was in the London Guardian last week.
I'm talking about this 20 years ago, 18 years ago.
People really thought I was nuts because it was only in MIT publications then.
Now they're creating the pop version of this to sell it to everyone, but I think the makers of this were really trying to help people.
The film starts with her trying to get medical help for her son who is going to go blind and lose other senses from a brain disorder.
And then it turns out at the end, the very scientist in L.A.
that was helping her son, and that she went and sold her identity to Hollywood for to get the money, ends up being totally, you know, upset and depressed.
Basically discussing suicide up in one of his government observation blimps that they spray chemicals on people with, saying we thought it would help people, it destroyed everybody.
And, you know, the drugs got stronger and stronger until now 98% of people are in this false reality and the rest of us are just here looking at the wrecked, ruined world.
But it also gets into other areas that weren't really mentioned in the review.
They're not just going to get rid of the actors, or be able to copy their voice, in fact simile, and then type in whatever message they want through those icons.
They'll further continuing the process of removing humans from any type of, not just manufacturing, but the arts as well, the synthetic system.
The writers all go along with it because they're sick of the actresses and actors putting their own stamp on it or trying to change it, which happens constantly in Hollywood.
So they're for it at first, but then later they are replaced.
Well, let me tell you something.
The CIA about 30 years ago began working on programs that were declassified three years ago because they were going mainline.
Where you can put the basic data you want in to the computer word processor and then it writes it and spits it out with different versions to create the illusion that different people are writing it.
So you can put one message out but have it rewritten 200 different times to be put in newspapers and publications with fake names.
Well there's Wired Magazine, as I said two years ago.
Can an algorithm write a better news story than a human reporter?
And it goes on to say that the CIA developed it.
Well, that was two years ago.
This year, 2014, it rolled out, and many of the stories you do read are now written by a CIA robot.
There's no professor.
90% of news stories will be written by computers by 2030.
No, it's already going on.
Like they said, by 2030, all the aircraft will be robot.
Now it's 2020.
They always give you a larger date on record than a psych warfare profile.
I read in the British Ministry of Defense document, but you can see it everywhere.
They're only using systems to cheat us.
A real human would show you the tricks and try to empower you to transcend base manipulation, like you want to teach a five-year-old not to be scared of boogeyman under the couch.
But in this artificial arrested development system,
The elite themselves are arresting themselves by trying to not accelerate the rest of humanity.
There is a continual feedback loop between all sentient homo sapiens sapiens that has been documented beyond the sixth sense.
You could call it karma, reap what you sow, whatever.
What comes around goes around.
And that is the great folly of the current global elite, is they do have high intelligence but it's more mathematical or psychopathic.
The only humanity to them is that they do have some lust for death and destruction, but I wouldn't even call that human.
It's more of a mutated version of that, but they believe...
They only look one or two steps down.
Or they can look hundreds of steps down if it's to dominate and control something, but they won't ever look on how those steps affect them.
Some of the smarter ones will say, oh, I know it affects me, but I like doing this.
It's so much fun.
And those are the really bad ones, who will even tell you they know they're probably going to blow the planet up, but say that that will be my work of art.
I did a piece, a secret Homeland Security document revealed or video revealed.
I don't remember the exact name of it.
It's the one where I'm the devil.
It has to do with the name of it.
And it didn't go particularly viral.
It got a few hundred thousand views on YouTube.
Millions saw it here and heard it.
And people got deeply disturbed by it.
Because I put a big iron skull helmet on in black and really talked like the devil really would to his son, the Antichrist.
And it's kind of a modern take on the Screwtape Letters, a C.S.
Lewis book, short story I guess you'd call it, not really a short story, but it's not that long of a book, I remember reading it when I was about 12.
I'm really trying to give you a mind's eye view into
How these guys operate.
Here, let me look for it.
I bet I can find it.
I don't expect you guys to be able to find something if I can't even think of the name of it.
And people got really freaked out by it because it was like, Alex must be evil because he can act like that.
No, no, I was using my intellectual mimicry of something I've composited of archetypes of evil trying to warn you, not trying to be flashy that I could be scary and be dark.
That's the thing, I could do pieces that would really wake people up, comedy pieces, dark satire pieces, but the public is so dumbed down, not even so much my audience, but a portion of the audience that's new or doesn't get it, that it's just too disturbing for them, when it's only a literary way of trying to get you to think.
He's talking about dressing up like the Joker and went out to expose Obama and vaccines.
People, because I was acting evil as the Joker got, said he's a good guy.
How could Alex be the Joker and be so scary and come off scarier than the Joker in Batman?
Don't you get it?
Real evil would sit up there and act nice and would never dress up like the Joker.
He would come up in the yellow Volkswagen non-threatening like Ted Bundy.
Like I said, do all know the name or McBreen will.
So that's the only way to get.
I can run over there.
One of those guys can.
We'll try to give you the name when we come back.
Take a few phone calls.
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The Empire is on the run!
Here come the Daleks of Homeland Security, bringing in the Ebola.
Yeah, the name of the video was Secret DHS Training Video Leaked.
I think we're going to re-upload this.
Or maybe play on the nightly news tonight.
Because evil tries to act all trendy and friendly with different colored socks, like Mr. Rogers.
But really, if you could look into its heart, from my research, this is more what the devil would actually sound like.
And here's the video.
The Director of Homeland Security welcomes you to the Federal Family.
A message from the Shadow Director of Homeland Security.
My servant's work on Earth is progressing well.
I shall now make contact.
Alas, you are here.
Oh, beautiful death!
Might we pull down the mountains and poison the streams?
Might a trillion children be aborted?
Might our minions continue to believe that they will achieve godhood, and might we reign over their birth skeletons for eternity?
Might the universe be swallowed up in all creation fall?
Hail the new world order!
Hail the globalists!
Across the space-time continuum, I feel the vision of death and hell upon Earth.
Hades reborn in black death.
Soon, our armies will be released, and nothing on the planet Earth can stop our forces.
Satan's throne is rising!
And darkness will reign for eternity.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at...
This is a short little message from Homeland Security.
The Department of Homeland Security want to welcome you to the team.
Please advance to orientation module 1138.
Demoralization of targeted North American population.
Or assimilation into the New World Order.
Ah, trendy.
I guess I'm going to do some overdrive so I can get to these callers that have been holding the longest, like Isaiah, and who else has been holding the longest?
Tim and Matt, and then I'll track it to TJ and Eli.
We'll just go to break, come back, do a little bit of extra calls here.
I'm trying to shake people out of their comfort zone.
I'm trying to wake people up, and that's the old saying, wake up, wake up.
I know you're awake as a general audience, no more than I do in many cases.
But it's the general public that tunes through, makes jokes about it all.
Well, they tune through because they've heard the show, it's interesting.
And then more times than not, they laugh at first, but later they cry because they find out how serious it is.
Alright, we're going to Overdrive.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Not Texas, but taxes!
Wendy Davis, the abortion Barbie as she's known.
Michelle O'Head, champion's abortion Barbie.
Wendy Davis, she wants to give kids a chance to build better lives by being chopped up.
So that's an interesting article up on InfoWars.com right now.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Isaiah in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, my preacher Joseph Israel says that the devil's new world order is going to claim to bring love and peace and unity
So my question is, could the federal government be allowing Ebola and everything to get so bad that they can come in and offer world peace?
Yeah, but I mean, a whole bunch of crises.
I don't know if this Ebola is going to be the big one, but definitely they're gearing up towards that.
Good to hear from you.
Thanks for holding.
Tim in Florida, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, brother.
I just wanted to say, as far as a waterfront of issues kind of thing, this Ebola stuff really concerns me only because, like you said so well, that it can't be controlled.
It's something that they just kind of let loose on the population, so that's kind of what
Concerns me the most about it, but I really wanted to get your take, and I wish I was on when Doug was on, but I wanted to ask about what you think about the free man movement, the free man on the land, the sovereignty idea.
I think that's very legitimate as long as they don't engage in their own pseudo paperwork filing.
And I'm all for pro se, and there's a lot of truth to it.
Just there's also a lot of people making up stuff that doesn't actually work in court under those names.
So I'm saying it's very legitimate overall.
Very illegitimate, though, because of some of the people involved.
So I don't want to just blanket endorse something that'll get folks into trouble.
And then I'll get off after this, but just any suggestions you think that would help progress that movement forward?
Because I see that as a good solution.
Well, I mean, most of the laws are unconstitutional.
They're not applied to politicians governing class of the illegals.
So I'm not telling you what laws do not follow.
But stuff that's not constitutional?
It's a duty to not follow tyrannical laws at this point, to live your own life, to have a barter economy, and to stay out of this parasitic system.
Because this globalist system is designed to shut down everything and make us dependent.
We must build things outside the system so there is an infrastructure for humanity so they can't bring in artificial scarcity writ large, aka Agenda 21.
Thank you so much for you and the crew.
No, brother.
Don't thank me.
Thank the crew.
They're amazing.
They got to put up with me.
Let's talk to TJ, because this stuff on air is not an act.
What I do on air, that's going on behind the scenes.
TJ in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
This is TJ, and I'm a nurse, retired nurse, and disabled.
We're good to go.
Um, people, in what's happening, the I, me, my, let's control people.
I had a family that these two spirits were in and actually has destroyed it.
Ahab and Jezebel.
Ahab for men, Jezebel for women.
And you do, the biblical stories literally repeat in our families, in government.
It's the same story.
It is a spirit.
That's right, and the higher-up levels are so involved in the occult mystery religion, as Dr. Monteith, I was listening to him today, one of his programs that he had made years ago, and it all comes to fruition if you look at what's happening right now.
And, um, as far as the Ebola thing, you know, this wouldn't happen back in the early 1980s when I became a nurse.
This didn't happen.
TB was the big thing, and we took every precaution available to us.
I was an ICU nurse that worked with unknown viral etiology... Clearly they're violating the lab rules or violating default positions, correct?
They're violating default positions and they're also, they're also, doctors are not stepping up.
The nurses are starting to.
Nurses are starting to move.
We're starting to see people protest, that's right.
We're just a nation of yes-men and women and it's gotta stop.
It'll grease the skids to hell.
Thank you so much.
Sorry to Matt, Herbert, and Eli.
You call me back tomorrow and I'll get you on, Lord willing.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
The Genesis Communicator.
Your eyes.
It's time to give your eyes a powerful