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Name: 20140928_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 28, 2014
1365 lines.

This passage is about the Alex Jones Show where they discuss various topics including globalist control, resistance against it, the eruption in Tokyo, protests in Hong Kong, and independence movements. Other topics include Occupower supplement, Diamond Gusset jeans, David Cameron's criticism of people questioning official narratives behind terrorist attacks, recruiters for ISIS, Western nations arming jihadists in Syria, Saudi Arabia executing more people than ISIS, US military intervention not combating terrorism but creating it, the growth of ISIS due to destabilization of Syria, the need to harness populist uprisings to reinforce power of state, CDC whistleblower John Rappoport's statement on his non-suicidal frame of mind, concerns about riot control agents used during Ebola outbreak releasing hazardous chemicals, new weapons for law enforcement including a retinal obfuscation gun, increased police presence in Austin, Texas and potential false flag attacks, water crisis in Toledo, Ohio, use of HAARP causing drought in California, climate engineering conference discussing chemtrails, Department of Homeland Security buying ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms, DNA Force boosting eye health, Infidel Body Armor stopping all types of rounds, Occupower nutritionally assisting healthy eyes, and concern about an untested Ebola vaccine.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide,
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
This is the Alex Jones Show with me, Paul Joseph Watson, filling in for Alex Jones on this September 28th, 2014 edition.
Huge show lined up for you.
We've got several YouTube clips, a ton of news stories, many interesting issues to cover.
Obviously, I'm in Austin, Texas for the first time since 2005, my first time in Austin for nine years now, and one of the big stories that we're going to cover
Actually sprung out of me simply traveling through the airport and buying a copy of Foreign Affairs, which is right here, which of course is the CFO's publication, which as Hillary Clinton and others have admitted, basically runs the State Department of the United States.
And this is particularly interesting because they have basically three or four articles.
They devote half of the magazine to what they call the American distemper, the land of decay and dysfunction, and the primary article that we're going to cover
Exemplifies how the elites are in a panic about the populist uprising both in the United States with the Tea Party and in Europe with the UK Independence Party and the numerous other factions across the European Union that are rebelling against the establishment.
The key quotes out of the article which we're going to read through, we're going to analyse
Exemplify again how the elite are completely in a blind panic about the populist uprising that goes against the state system, the monopoly system that the globalists are trying to establish both across America and Europe with what we see now in 2016 with Hillary Clinton going up against Rand Paul in all likelihood.
And they say directly that they need to, quote, co-opt the populist uprising to kind of send this off into a rabbit hole to acknowledge the fact that people have got these concerns about national identity, about the general decline in living standards, and that they need to hijack
That feeling of disenfranchisement that is sweeping America and sweeping Europe and send that off into a rabbit hole where it's acknowledged, so it's kind of diffused into elements of political engagement which never really achieves what the UK Independence Party, what the Tea Party in the United States of America are trying to accomplish.
So we're going to cover that.
That is really a huge issue because the elite are talking about it.
Again, they know that most people don't buy Foreign Affairs because it's $9.95 to buy.
It's a magazine, basically.
You know, $15, $16 in the US, so the elite are reading this.
The normal, average, working class, middle people aren't reading this, and yet it's the game plan for what they see across Europe and across America.
In the next couple of years.
We've also got David Cameron coming up.
He did a big UN speech a couple of days ago talking about how...
Anyone who questions the official government narrative about 7-7 or about 9-11 is basically akin, is as dangerous as an ISIS terrorist.
Amazing clip that we've got coming up.
You have to hear what David Cameron said in front of the United Nations just two or three days ago.
And again how it ties into how they're characterizing
Any questioning of the government narrative on ISIS, which as we have documented with the recent spate of beheading videos, is extremely suspicious, extremely questionable.
They're very concerned about that.
So we're going to cover that.
We're going to cover the Saudis saying that the true agenda behind the attack on ISIS in Syria, in Iraq,
is about overthrowing Assad, regime change in Syria.
We've got David Knight in studio to cover some more key issues.
This is going to be a great show.
Stay tuned.
We've got numerous YouTube clips coming up.
Your calls come in later.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Stay right there.
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This is the Alex Jones Show, the Sunday edition.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson filling in for Alex Jones.
Riding shotgun is David Knight with some key stories about the Tokyo eruption, 160 miles west of Tokyo we had this major volcanic eruption.
And of course the Hong Kong protests which have been raging over the past couple of days against the imposition of Chinese influence on Hong Kong.
David Knight, tell us about what's coming up.
Well yeah, we've got a lot of eruptions.
We've got freedom eruption in Hong Kong as well as Catalonia.
That's exactly what you were just talking about in the first segment, about how foreign affairs is concerned about people waking up.
When we see the independence movements and the desire for people to have more say-so about government, to have more input into what's going to be done in their lives, we see that in Hong Kong
Beijing is saying they want to vet all the political candidates for their elections, so they're saying basically you can have the elections We're just going to pick which candidates you can choose from now They do that in the United States in the UK, but they're a lot more subtle about it so when they got into people's faces their Hong Kong was agreed to be a self a separate autonomous region But it looks like they don't have that much autonomy, and we see the same thing happening in Catalonia where people are
Asking for a referendum.
Actually, they have scheduled it.
Even though Spain is saying, that's not constitutional.
We're not going to allow that.
The position of the Spanish government is really pretty amazing if you stop and think about it.
Unlike the Scottish referendum that they just had in the UK, they're saying that all of Spain needs to vote on this referendum as to whether or not the Catalonians will be allowed to leave or not.
So it'd be like saying, no, we're not going to have that election unless England and Wales gets to vote on that.
And actually, Catalonia has been a separate area for quite some time, culturally, linguistically.
It's a very vital economic region.
They believe that they can go it on their own, just like a lot of people in Texas believe we can go it on our own if given half a chance.
So it's going to be interesting to see what happens.
That's going to be coming up right after our elections, and what changed was yesterday
The Prime Minister there, I believe is his title, Arthur Moss, said he scheduled the referendum after the Parliament overwhelmingly said that they wanted to give a referendum out.
But of course the Spanish government is saying that's not going to happen.
But there's a lot of violence in Hong Kong.
These peaceful protests have now turned into clashes with the police.
They've had 34 people injured there.
And then, of course, in Japan, there was a volcanic eruption yesterday.
The interesting thing about this, and of course, Paul, I've been on vacation, I was up in Yellowstone, so I spent the last couple of weeks walking around on top of a giant volcano, the largest one on Earth, which is... Very brave.
Well, you never know when any of these things are going to happen.
It's like driving down the road.
They're telling us that we're not seeing the kind of movements, seismic movements, the kind of ground swelling and temperatures that they would anticipate in the buildup to a Yellowstone eruption.
They didn't see anything with this Antaque volcano.
It caught them completely by surprise.
It had people, it had one lady who was on top of, or one individual who was on top of the mountain, taking a picture of the top of the caldera and tweeting it out just moments before it blew.
And this is, this killed 30 people, did it?
So far, yeah, the death toll is mounting.
They found 30 people near the summit that are dead, but they've taken a lot of people back that were suffering from respiratory problems from the ash, also from poisonous gas for the people that were near the top.
So everybody was hiking and climbing on this.
They'd had a little bit of volcanic activity, but that's not unusual in any of these areas.
You're constantly going to be having very small earthquakes.
It was nothing that raised an alarm with any of the volcanologists that were there, the geologists.
Nothing was put out, it just popped.
Now, the interesting thing about Yellowstone, and I'm going to do a special report on this, is that we had research papers that came out at the beginning of this year, January 5th, two different research papers done independently, both of them said that supervolcanoes were far more unpredictable than normal volcanoes.
Just explode based on the buoyancy of the magma dome.
And of course about the same time we learned that Yellowstone's magma dome is two and a half times larger than they believed before.
They already believed it was the largest in the world.
So that is a very troubling sign that you're not going to have to have these kinds of seismic shifts that are typically felt as earthquakes that usually precede a volcanic eruption.
If you remember back to 1980 Mount St.
Helens, people had a couple of months warning before that blew.
Still you had 60 people die.
Similar thing about a decade later with Mount Pinatubo.
About 900 people died.
Even though they had evacuated tens of thousands of people, they were still surprised by the magnitude of the earthquake.
And of course they can't predict the timing, but they did have a lot of warning with that earthquake as well.
This one in Japan today, no warning whatsoever.
It just popped.
That is amazing because I remember probably about six months ago now I did a video about buffalo, wild buffalo running away from Yellowstone Volcano and that was kind of dismissed at the time as, you know, we would have so far advanced warning if anything was about to happen at Yellowstone that, you know, people would get
Really in advance warning to get away from the area.
But as you say, with this volcano near Tokyo, 160 miles west of Tokyo, there was basically no warning whatsoever.
So that suggests that the systems that they've got in place now are not sufficient to give people that kind of heads up.
It's not that well understood.
It's a very large movement of a very large number of buffalo, which made it look suspicious.
But there were other things that happened at the same time.
They had the largest earthquake in 30 years in April.
In July, they had a road that melted, turned to soup.
It was reported by a Yellowstone spokesman.
And the first person that I talked to there, the first ranger, basically downplayed that, said it was just a bad asphalt job and it was a summer.
I hadn't been to Firehole Lake Drive at the time I talked to her.
I would have called her on that.
But I do talk about it in the special report that I'm putting together.
That was an area that had a lot of geothermal activity and two months later you can still see that that road is pretty messed up and it's messed up in the areas where the geothermal features intersect with the road or come in close proximity to it.
So I don't think that that's, you know, there's plenty of evidence that that happens all the time in Yellowstone.
And of course they've had much larger earthquakes, other things that have happened in terms of ground rising.
But it does look like, according to the USGS, that they are coming into a period of increased activity and uplift in that area.
That doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to pop.
They don't know when it's going to pop, is the point of the new research.
Just like they didn't know when this conventional volcano was going to pop.
And they have a completely different mechanism.
When it happens, of course, as we've talked about, it will be a huge event for the entire planet.
It will be orders of magnitude worse than anything that Al Gore has imagined with global warming.
So, it's going to be an interesting report, so I'll have that out in the next day or so.
Okay, and going back to the Catalonia thing, of course, as far as I understand it, in that region, their economy has prospered more than the rest of Spain.
So, as you mentioned, they're talking about giving the whole of Spain the vote.
They've got a 25% or more unemployment rate, mainly as a result of this green economy disastrous policy that's been imposed on Spain.
As far as I understand it, Catalonia has, in comparison, prospered.
So, that's one of the main reasons why they're trying to secede from the rest of Spain, because their local economy has engendered quite a prosperous environment in the past few years.
So, I think that's, again, we talk about these individual states, these individual countries rebelling against the main
Like Scotland rebelling against Westminster because they can survive economically on their own.
I think that is the case with Catalonia because Spain's economy is a complete disaster from what we've seen.
They've imposed the solar wind systems, the energy
Organizations that don't work and they're really prospering on their own and they want to succeed.
They've got the power, they've got the strength to do that.
And I think that that's a big part of the reason why they're really pushing ahead for that.
The New York Times points out that it's one-fifth of the Spanish economy.
So your point is very well taken and it's around Barcelona.
They have a very active industrial areas, economically much better than the rest of the area.
And I think it's kind of interesting that Spain would say
You don't want to leave.
Look at how much we're doing for you and say that you're not going to be allowed to leave.
That's the most important thing.
You're not even going to be allowed to have a vote.
And of course he said nobody should fear that somebody expressed their opinion by putting a ballot in a box.
That's the issue.
We'll be back after the break.
Stay tuned.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Stay right there.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Paul Joseph Watson with David Night on the Alex Jones Show this September 28, 2014.
We're going to get into ISIS now.
David Cameron gave a speech before the UN two or three days ago now, where he basically compared anyone who questions the official narrative behind 9-11, behind 7-7, behind ISIS itself,
He compared them to ISIS insurgents, ISIS terrorists.
He basically tried to make the point that this is a recruiting ground for ISIS terrorists, anybody who questions the official version of events behind any government terrorism action, behind any so-called staged event.
We got that clip set up now, so we're going to go to David Cameron before the UN.
Here's the clip.
We must defeat this ideology in all its forms.
As evidence emerges about the backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist offences, it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose worldview can be used as a justification for it.
We know this worldview.
The peddling of lies.
That 9-11 was somehow a Jewish plot.
Or that the 7-7 London attacks were staged.
The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy.
The concept of an inevitable clash of civilizations.
We must be clear.
To defeat the ideology of extremism, we need to deal with all forms of extremism, not just violent extremism.
For governments, there are some obvious ways we can do this.
We must ban preachers of hate from coming to our countries.
We must prescribe organisations that incite terrorism against people at home and abroad.
We must work together to take down illegal online material like the recent videos of ISIL murdering hostages.
And we must stop the so-called non-violent extremists from inciting hatred and intolerance in our schools, our universities, and yes, even our prisons.
Of course, some will argue that this is not compatible with free speech and intellectual inquiry.
But I ask you,
Would we sit back and allow right-wing extremists, Nazis or Klu Klux Klansmen to recruit on our university campuses?
So we shouldn't stand by and just allow any form of non-violent extremism.
We need to argue.
So that's David Cameron before the UN a few days ago comparing anybody who questions 7-7 or 9-11 to ISIS terrorists themselves.
And remember with the James Foley beheading video, the Metropolitan Police came out immediately after that video was released and said that anybody who even watches it on YouTube or on any other video sharing platform could be committing a terrorist act.
So even in the commission of actually just watching the video, they threatened people with terrorism.
Of course, millions of people did actually watch the video in Britain, so it was an empty threat.
But for him to actually make that comparison, I remember, you know, back in 2001,
We had George Bush, here's the article out of Daily Mail, met police, warned people that viewing extremist material may be a terror offence.
Simply watching a video on YouTube could be an act of terrorism.
Which, as I made the point in the video about the James Foley beheading, which got 900,000 views on YouTube,
They don't want people to see this, because if you actually watch the beheading videos, and this is why a lot of questions have circulated, indeed from within the Metropolitan Police itself, they had private investigators come out and say that the James Foley beheading video was, quote, staged.
He may have been killed off camera later on, but the beheading video itself was not a graphic portrayal of him being killed.
They're afraid of people asking questions about this, and especially with the other American, Sotloff, being beheaded since, the British hostage being beheaded after that.
They don't want people actually digging into this.
But the fact that he even came out and said that, and then you can trace it back to 2001 where Bush said, we must not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories about 9-11.
We see this theme running through the so-called demonization of anybody
Who even dares to ask questions about the narrative that is being pushed to justify US military intervention in the Middle East.
Even with the David Haynes video, the most recent British hostage, he kind of came out and said this is the truth about ISIS.
He was representing ISIS.
He sounded like the quote conspiracy theorist that David Cameron was talking about in that video.
So they're trying to correlate ISIS propaganda
With so-called truther propaganda, or basically anyone who questions the official narrative, and it's downright creepy.
David Knight, what do you think after watching that clip of David Cameron?
Well, Paul, as we're doing it, of course, he says many people are going to say that this is going to impinge on free speech.
Well, quite obviously it is.
He's throwing that out there because he knows it is going to impinge on free speech.
He's talking about things like web censorship.
He says we need to defeat the ideology of extremism.
Now, that can be anything that he doesn't like, okay?
He's saying, not just violence, but we need to defeat an ideology.
In other words, we need to ban and censor ideologies.
Who is he to pick what ideologies are going to be censored?
And we've already seen with hate laws that they always use that against anybody that they wish.
They can use it against Christians if they want.
If they're talking about abortion, they can say that that's a hateful speech or whatever.
That is something that can be that's malleable, that the leaders can use in any way that they want.
And I'm reminded of these pronouncements at the very beginning of this.
It was the beginning of September.
We had the guy who's now running for Senate in Massachusetts.
Well, he was in Massachusetts, now he's running in New Hampshire, Brown.
And I did a video on it, the centerfold senator, because basically he was saying that
We've got 300 people, Americans, abroad fighting with ISIS, and we need to be able to revoke their citizenship.
And that was picked up and used by Ted Cruz as well, to say that we don't need to give people their day in court.
We don't need to prove any charges against them.
We can just accuse them of being ISIS terrorists, then we can revoke their citizenship.
And of course, then presumably that was going to revoke some other protections that they had under the law.
It's very troubling to see that.
Subsequently, we have now seen that the FBI has backpedaled on that and said, well, at most maybe it's 12 people that are over there.
So that's how they're blowing up this threat and using it against people.
It's just, it's outrageous that he would do this.
And, in essence, he's saying, you know, anybody who questions 9-11 is a recruiter of ISIS terrorists.
You know, six of the 9-11 commissioners questioned the final report on 9-11.
So, I mean, are they recruiters for ISIS terrorists?
And again, if you actually look at the academic studies into what creates terrorists in the Middle East, the major recruiting tool for terrorists is
bombing the Middle East.
I mean, since we started, or the US and the UK started launching airstrikes against ISIS in the Middle East, we've had 6,000 new ISIS recruits in the Middle East directly as a result of those bombings.
So, you know,
What have they killed since the airstrikes started about a month ago?
Maybe a few dozen ISIS terrorists and yet 6,000 new acolytes have been recruited to the cause.
So, the true cause of terrorism is not conspiracy theories in the words of David Cameron, it's bombing the Middle East, flooding the region with weapons.
We'll continue to talk about it on the Alex Jones Show after the break.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
In the near future.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is the Alex Jones Show Sunday edition with me, Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com.
And riding shotgun is David Knight.
Of course, we just played the clip before the break of David Cameron comparing anybody who questions the official narrative of 7-7 or 9-11 or indeed any terrorist event or any explanation behind the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, in Syria, in Iraq.
Two conspiracy theorists who basically said that anybody who says that, who questions the official narrative, is a recruiter for ISIS insurgents in the Middle East.
Of course, we've also got the Saudi prince, the ex-ambassador to the US, saying that the ultimate agenda behind the attack on ISIS in Syria is the removal of Assad, regime change in that country.
So we're going to go to that clip now and discuss it.
Here's the clip.
Are these airstrikes against ISIS the first step in then ultimately removing Assad?
I don't know, but I hope they are.
Because you can't simply deal with ISIS and not deal with Assad.
There were Saudi warplanes involved?
Muslims dropping bombs on Muslims?
Well, you know, we don't consider ISIS as being a Muslim group because of what they do to Islam.
But they say they are creating an Islamic state.
That's what they claim.
And unfortunately, some people believe them.
But their actions belie their words.
You don't simply create an Islamic state by chopping people's heads off and enforcing your opinion on them.
Do you hope that the U.S.
will go beyond airstrikes?
You mean send ground troops?
I think if the need for it arises, I hope the President will change his mind.
Would Saudi Arabia be willing to send in ground troops?
Look, we sent in our aircraft.
I don't see any reason why we shouldn't send in our ground troops.
You saw what the Iranians said, that this effort by your country and others was illegal in Syria.
What about his troops being on the ground killing Syrians?
This is the irony and, if you like, the rather arrogant attitude that they give themselves the license to send troops to kill Syrians, but then, when we try to defend the Syrian people, they say that is illegal.
That's unacceptable.
That's pretty amazing.
I mean, they have done everything they can to come after Syria.
They'll even make alliances with Israel, the Saudis.
So, I mean, that's pretty disingenuous to see that.
It's also the same sort of thing as we were talking about over the break about the Asymmetric Warfare Center in Virginia.
When I was doing research on that before Joe Biggs and I went out there, I looked at their seminar that they had back in 2006 talking about what had worked and what hadn't.
In Iraq, basically, most of it hadn't worked.
But what they had learned was that what motivated these people was not religious extremism.
They were very clear about that.
They said they're motivated by the fact that they don't have any self-determination.
They don't have any control over their lives because we've invaded them.
That's what they're fighting against.
I mean, it's the same type of... It's not some kind of Islamic caliphate that's really motivating this terrorism.
And of course, that's presuming that this is an organic, natural resistance, a blowback.
It's much deeper than that.
This government has been, as you pointed out many times, training, equipping, fostering this, trying to come up with every excuse they can to get into Syria.
And every academic study, there's a Washington blog post article on this,
Which basically goes through the list.
Every academic study proves that the main wellspring of terrorism in the Middle East is the fact that the US, the UK, the NATO countries are flooding the region with weapons, are bombing the area.
This radicalizes the region, this creates terrorists.
It has nothing to do with, as David Cameron said before the break, you know, quote, conspiracy theories.
And then we have the nerve of Saudi Arabia
To lecturers on combating terrorism when Saudi Arabia has beheaded more people in the last month alone than ISIS has beheaded since its foundation.
You know, Saudi Arabia, a country that treats female drivers as terrorists under their new anti-terror law, a theocratic dictatorship whose legal system is completely brutal, arcane.
Based on Sharia law, which ISIS embraces itself, and yet they're supposedly engaged in the attacks against ISIS, the 28 pages that were censored from the 9-11 Commission report implicated Saudi Arabia in the attacks.
And now we've got them lecturing us on how to fight terrorism.
It's pretty rich, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah.
And telling us that we need to commit money and personnel into this.
This is clearly, they have a lot of
A lot of interest that they're not talking about in this area that will allow them to even make allies with people like Israel that they say are their sworn enemies.
They have an agenda here that is far beyond what they're saying.
And we shouldn't forget that Saudi Arabia, along with Qatar, Jordan, and here you see the graph, charts show that US policy has increased terror attacks in Iraq, in Afghanistan, if you scroll down the list there, since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, you see that terrorist attacks have risen since the declaration of the War on Terror in 2001.
Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East in general,
US military involvement in the Middle East does not combat terrorism, which is again why we see these airstrikes on ISIS.
It's not going to have the desired effect, based on the past 15 years of history, even in Asia, as you see from these graphs.
It's had the opposite effect because they don't want a stable Middle East.
That's the whole point.
And in fact, another article that we can get to is defense contractors are making a killing.
As a result of these airstrikes on ISIS, this is out of firstlook.org, defense contractor stocks have far exceeded the performance of the broader market.
The Bloomberg index of the four largest Pentagon contractors rose 19% this year compared to
2.2% for the S&P 500.
So again, ISIS are the best enemies money can buy.
You know, in the United States there's a lot of talk about the infrastructure collapsing, the bridges are crumbling, 21 trillion in debt by the end of this year.
But, you know, don't worry, there's plenty of money available to bomb the terrorists that the United States, the Obama administration created in the first place as a result of arming these jihadists in Syria.
You see it there out of CNN money.
You're running into debt with China to do this.
Defense stocks up big as ISIS crisis escalates.
So, the main beneficiaries from the bombardment of ISIS in Syria and Iraq are the military-industrial complex that has a rotating door with Washington, with the Obama administration.
They've got new profit centers.
They always had the Cold War that was reliable for them.
When that disappeared, they needed Islamic fundamentalists as a new profit center, terrorism as a new profit center.
They were able to move that into a massive new business of equipping the police, militarizing the police, and now they've brought back the Cold War!
So, I mean, this is salad days for the military-industrial complex.
They've never seen anything like this.
And I just want to point out, too,
Just as they said in Foreign Affairs Magazine, just as the Asymmetric Warfare Center said, blowback is a real phenomenon in these areas and it's when they go in and take away these people's self-determination that they then start, that makes them
We're good to go.
Taking over, invading these countries, denying them their self-determination, they have no economic future, that is driving them into religious extremism.
So it's the opposite way around, and yet they're coming in and saying it's religious extremism, so we need to take that down, and then broadening that out to any criticism of 9-11, of 7-7, and of the government's official story, any criticism of the government, period.
And then we have Obama on CBS.
We're going to get to his comments after the break.
But he basically acknowledged that the growth of ISIS or ISIL in the Middle East, in Syria and Iraq, was directly as a result of the destabilization of Syria.
Of course, what he didn't say were the causes, were the influences that led to the destabilization of Syria, which was the arming of the so-called moderate rebels.
We'll get to that after the break.
The Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the Alex Jones Show Sunday edition with me, Paul Joseph Watson and David Knight.
We're going to go to this CBS News clip where Obama gave some very interesting comments today regarding ISIS.
He basically acknowledged that the growth of ISIS in Syria and Iraq came about as a result of the destabilization of Syria, which of course
Was a direct result of the US arming the moderate rebels against the Assad government.
Obama didn't admit that in his quote, but he certainly went kind of a limited hangout some part of the way to acknowledging that situation.
So here's the clip from CBS News.
Well, I think our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clappers, acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.
Essentially what happened with ISIL was that you had Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which was a vicious group, but our marines were able to quash with the help of Sunni tribes.
They went back underground, but over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned,
They were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos and attract foreign fighters who believed in their jihadist nonsense and traveled everywhere from Europe to the United States to Australia to
uh... other parts of the muslim world converging on syria and so this became ground zero for jihadists around the world and they've been very savvy in terms of their social media in some cases you have old remnants of saddam hussein's uh... military that had been expunged from the iraqi military
Which gave them some traditional military capacity and not just terrorist capacity.
And this is one of the challenges that we're going to have generally is where you've got states that are failing or in the midst of civil war, these kinds of organizations thrive.
That's why it's so important for us to recognize part of our solution here is going to be military.
We just have to push them back and shrink their base.
So, Obama is basically acknowledging that
With the rise of jihadists, destabilisation in Syria, of course in Libya as well, that's where terrorists thrive.
But of course we know in Libya, they arm the jihadists.
I mean look at Libya now, it's a complete failed state.
Drug lords
Gangs of terrorist militants are running the country.
You know, black people are locked up in concentration camps as a direct result of U.S.
airstrikes on Libya in 2011.
We're seeing that same process again unfolding in Syria.
So, you know, they destabilized the governments of Assad, of Gaddafi, the secular
Mainly moderate, of course, they were proxy dictatorships in a sense, but there were no mass terrorist attacks and destabilization campaigns in Libya, in Syria, before the United States, the United Kingdom and the NATO countries started arming these jihadist rebels.
Obama talks about, quote, jihadist nonsense in this CBS interview.
They funded, they bankrolled, they armed the jihadist nonsense to begin with.
The terrorists from Libya crossed into Syria to start that destabilization campaign.
So I thought that it was interesting that
You know, he goes some way to acknowledging that the primary cause of the growth of ISIS was the destabilization of these countries, without admitting to the fact that it was the United States foreign policy in alignment with NATO, which was a deliberate attempt to create that destabilization in the first place, which of course led to Syria, led to the growth of ISIS, led to Benghazi, and basically this jihadist control over the region, David Knight.
I thought it was interesting that he was talking about jihadists from around the world.
Just as I had mentioned, they were trying to sell the narrative about a month ago that there were 300 Americans that had gone over there to fight.
Turns out it's not even that.
Now they're admitting the FBI is saying, maybe 12.
That's hardly an international movement that we need to be concerned about.
But it really shows, just look at the last couple of years.
As we've been pointing out, the fake sarin gas attacks that they had a year ago, trying to lay that solely on the Syrian administration.
And then earlier than that, there had been some other sarin gas attacks.
And you had, after we were pointing out that there were
There were reports that it was done by the Saudis, there were reports that it was not from Assad, and there were reports that back earlier in the spring, it had been a homegrown sarin gas.
And of course, they were trying to sell the narrative that only the Assad regime could have sarin gas, and at that point, you had even the American military.
Join with UN inspectors and with Russian inspectors and say yeah, they do have the capability to do sarin gas So that whole thing fizzled away But they've looked for every kind of excuse they can to provoke an involvement of American forces in Syria because their ultimate goal as we've been told For a long time is to take down the Syrian regime.
That's one of the regimes on the list to be taken down
And that's what the Saudi Prince... Wesley Clarke.
Yeah, Wesley Clarke.
The seven countries to be taken down in the aftermath of 9-11.
That's what the Saudi Prince admitted earlier.
The ultimate agenda behind targeting ISIS is to affect regime change in Syria.
So that's now an open secret.
We're going to switch now in the last four or five minutes in this segment to this foreign affairs piece, which of course is the publication of the CFR.
It's, you know, it's the conversations that the elite are having with each other.
You can see it here, the American distemper when polarization confronts the United States.
Madisonian check and balance political system.
The result is devastating.
And what this article is about, it's a nine, ten page article amidst a selection of other articles.
It's basically almost half of the magazine for this September, October edition.
It's about the blind panic that the elite finds itself in as a result of the growth of the distemper, as they call it, the populist uprising.
There you see it on the CFR website, America in Decay, the sources of political dysfunction.
And it's talking about how they need to, here's a quote directly from the article, leaders must learn to co-opt, co-opt, that's the key phrase, and channel popular passions, addressing political outsiders legitimate grievances, while bypassing their simplistic solutions.
So they admit that this populist uprising, which mainly focuses on
The decline in living standards in both the United States and Europe over the past 25 years, and the crisis in national identity as a result of mass immigration, it's a genuine issue, it's a legitimate concern that many people have, but what their solution to it is not to actually address the problem itself, but to hijack, to co-opt
Those populist uprisings, endemic within the Tea Party, the UK Independence Party in the United Kingdom, and numerous other parties throughout Europe, the True Fin Party in Finland, Marine Le Pen in France and several others, they need to hijack that, they need to divert it into separate channels so it gets shut down, so it gets closeted away, so nobody actually faces up to the problem.
And it's amazing that they're admitting this.
David Knight, how does this tie into what you've been researching earlier?
You mentioned Catalonia and the wave of populist rebellion against the establishment system throughout Europe and the US.
Oh yeah, a lot of small countries are wanting to basically
Take back their self-governance.
We see this happening throughout Europe.
There's pockets of it happening in America.
We see dissatisfaction out in California, for example.
Some of the counties there want to secede from the state of California because they have a different view of a lot of different issues, whether it's gun control or other issues.
This is something that is definitely happening, but we all need to remember that this is really kind of what they're talking about here is essentially like the COINTELPROgrams that we've seen in the past, where they go in and they take over any and every movement.
They may come in and have some people who try to turn it into a violent
If it's a peaceful movement, they may come in and actually provoke things as agent provocateurs.
We've seen that happen over and over again in the past.
Or they may do what David Cameron did earlier, and that is they just come in and say, we're going to resort to outright censorship.
We're going to shut you down that way.
So they don't ever put all their eggs in one basket.
They don't count on being able to completely shut people down.
They want to also be able to covertly take over these movements, make them look bad, or completely take over the leadership of them.
We'll get into it more after the break.
We're going to take your calls 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
It's the Alex Jones Show, this Sunday edition.
We'll be back after the break.
Stay tuned.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's Paul Joseph Watson on the Alex Jones Show with David Knight this Sunday edition.
We've got a lot of interesting guests coming up later this week.
I'm going to be back in studio on Wednesday through Friday.
A lot of really good guests lined up, so be sure to mark that in your diary.
We've got some calls coming up after the next break.
Byron in Pennsylvania is going to be first up.
But for the moment we're talking about this Foreign Affairs article, which is of course the CFR's publication.
Basically the CFR runs the State Department in the United States, as Hillary Clinton admitted.
And they're talking about the populist uprising both in America and throughout Europe.
And this is interesting.
I mean, I highlighted several passages of the article earlier today.
Here's a quote, and yet when most Westerners hear the word democracy today,
What they picture is a political atmosphere that is respectful, predictable and a little staid.
A system in which a small number of long-standing political parties alternate in government on a semi-regular basis resulting in reasonably moderate changes to public policy.
So basically that is the CFR admitting their agenda to keep the two-party monopoly
In place, both in the United States with the Republicans and the Democrats and in the UK with the Tories and the Labour Party, the threat to that system in the UK is the UK Independence Party and of course the Tea Party sentiment rising in some factions of the Republican Party in the United States.
And basically in this article they admit that, I mean here's another quote, you really need to get a hold of this if you can get your hands on the magazine.
Quote, to harness the passion of the populace to the cause of reinvigorating governance but without helping them kindle the flames of an anti-democratic revolt.
So they're admitting they need to harness the power of the populist uprising to reinforce the power of the state, which of course runs completely opposite to the goal of this populist uprising, which is to work towards smaller government, towards anti-statist objectives.
So the fact that they're talking about
You know, co-opting this movement to increase the power of the state, and later they talk about wealth redistribution, is absolutely amazing that it's so brazen in the CFR's own publication.
David Knight, your comments on this?
We've already seen that, Paul.
We've seen it with both the Pete Hardy as well as with the Occupy movement.
Both of the mainstream political parties have moved in to co-op those movements, to take them over.
They're born out of frustration, fundamentally, both of them, with the banking system and the abuses of the central banks and the very large, powerful banks that are too big to jail, as Eric Holder put it.
That was the initial movement of the Tea Party, where they came out, by some people's account, a half a million people
Went to Washington to protest the banker bailouts.
And of course, the left's Occupy movement is also upset about what the bankers are doing.
So what they do is both parties try to co-opt that.
Both parties try to shut that down.
The Republicans don't want to see Tea Party candidates elected.
They've got their own mainstream candidates who very much like the situation in Hong Kong are vetted by the elitists.
China wants to vet any candidate that appears on the ballot in Hong Kong.
That's why you've got thousands of students
I don't know.
Very often, we don't hear that admitted in America.
That's what's unusual about this, is that the CFR, which essentially has controlled the State Department in America since its creation, even though Reagan wasn't a member of the CFR, the first president since its foundation to not be a member, he subsequently appointed 300 people from the CFR into the State Department.
It's amazing.
We're going to get more into this after the break.
We're going to take your calls.
John Rappaport is coming up to talk about Ebola and the CDC whistleblower.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned.
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This is an emergency transmission.
This is an emergency transmission.
From FEMA Region 6 in Occupy.
There is a war.
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It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
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It's the Alex Jones Show on this Sunday, live edition, September 28, 2014.
Riding shotgun is David Knight.
We're going to go to your calls now.
First up is Byron in Pennsylvania who wants to talk about a shelter-in-place warning in Pennsylvania.
Byron, go ahead.
Yes, it's Brian, but anyway.
Yeah, I'm surprised I wasn't picked up or covered here, because it's
Yeah, pretty big.
They've been searching people's houses and everything for this guy that shot up police barracks.
Is that a breaking story?
Did that happen just recently?
That actually happened over a week ago and it's still happening.
Right, so they've got areas of Pennsylvania locked down then because of this incident?
So what's happening there?
So tell us what's happening.
What's happening is they've had stories on the news about, not like I saw one article and put it all together, but they had stories on the news about food being donated for people who were sheltering away from their homes and stuff like that and for the police and, you know, it's all crazy.
That's interesting.
We'll have to look into that.
It's not something that I picked up on, but definitely we'll take a look into that.
Thanks for the call.
Janitor in FEMA Region 9.
Go ahead.
Hi, how are you doing?
What's your point today?
I just wanted to talk about the 10 companies that own us and how Mr. Jones was talking about boycotting.
There's an article on HuffPost, it's a pretty old one, it's called that these 10 companies control enormous numbers of consumer brands and it just keeps continuously getting bigger.
And in order to
Control these globalists.
It's very systematic, very simple to do.
You look at the brands, and you systematically stop buying the brands in a, you know, just-in-time type of a way.
You cut the money supply off, and there's no need to, you know, I'm not saying that's propaganda or anything or whatnot, but that's how you basically cut the arms of these.
Very slowly with their own capital.
And if you look at that list, and that list has been, it's very old,
It's about from 2012.
It keeps getting bigger and every day and how the monopolies control it.
In every single brand, for example... So what are the top two companies on the list?
It's Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson.
Procter & Gamble owns Lacoste Perfumes.
I mean, you can't buy Coca-Cola at Pizza Hut because Pepsi owns it.
So it's very systematic.
So David, do you think that the power of boycotting companies still has influence in the modern era?
I guess my first reaction would be that if this is a couple years old, it's probably not 10 companies now, it's maybe 8 or 7 because they keep consolidating.
But yeah, I think it's very important not just to boycott,
I think it's good to do something positive, and that is to support local businesses.
You know, when all you do is trade with the chains, and all of your neighbor's small businesses go out of business, and I used to have a small business, so it's important for people to support.
No, we're good.
We're good to go.
It may look like it's cheaper to go out and buy something from a big box store, but ultimately, uh, it's going to reverberate back in your own community.
Um, Julio in Wyoming, you're on the air, go ahead.
Do we have Julio?
Am I there, Paul?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, I almost did a double take, because you're here in the North American Union, so welcome across the pond, and don't stay in Austin too long, go explore the United Nations National Parks here in the United States.
Like Yellowstone here in Wyoming, it's beautiful.
You could meet Dick Cheney, Paul.
That's not a very tempting prospect, to be honest.
Oh, it's beautiful out here, Paul.
Anywho, to double speak, ISIS, ISIL, we're going to war against war.
War is peace.
Two plus two is five.
It's quite clear corporate media here in the United States and corporate media in Europe are doing their best to try to sell the propaganda that the multinational corporations want us to hear.
And it's quite clear
Especially more so in Europe, I see.
I mean, you live in Europe, so I want to get your take, Paul, on how people aren't buying the bull from corporate media.
I want to get your thoughts on that.
And then secondly, Paul, I'm a journalist here in Wyoming.
How can I interview you on what's going on in Europe?
The best way is to contact me on Facebook, but in terms of ISIS propaganda, I mean,
The biggest propagandists for ISIS are the mainstream media.
I mean, every time I turn on the mainstream media, you know, CBS, CNN, they're showing ISIS propaganda videos.
So, you know, on the one hand we've got David Cameron saying that we shouldn't watch ISIS propaganda.
We've got the Metropolitan Police in Britain saying that it may be a terrorist offence to
Um, to even view these beheading videos, and yet every time I turn on CNN, there's an ISIS propaganda video.
So again, you know, we've had past investigations into who's behind these, the release of terrorist propaganda videos, it leads back to the Pentagon Department of Defense with Intel Center with these other corporations that get the videos first.
So, the biggest progenitors of ISIS propaganda is the mainstream media itself, while we're being demonized, characterized as terrorists, or even watching videos on YouTube.
So, David Knight, you're taking that.
Well, that may be changing, Paul, because they've taken away the prohibitions from directly addressing the American people with propaganda.
Remember, since the Cold War, they had prohibitions against using Radio Free Europe and Voice of America here domestically.
But just as we've seen the prohibitions on domestic surveillance of citizens fall by the wayside and be ignored, they have actually changed that law now that's going to allow them to directly propagandize this.
So we'll have to wait and see what happens, but certainly you're right.
It's a mockingbird media.
And I think it was just appalling when we saw at the end of the week last week the articles that have come to light about what happened with Gary Webb.
That they dedicated, at the Los Angeles Times, 17 reporters to essentially destroy him, because the CIA wanted his credibility taken away.
Because he had exposed the truth about their dirty little wars at the time.
It wasn't in the Middle East, but they were really more focused down in Central America, and they were using the cocaine traffic there to fund their operations, and running that cocaine into
America into California, essentially creating the crack cocaine craze, and he exposed that, and so they used the mainstream media to take him down, and that's starting to come to light now.
I mean, what's your take on Gary Webb?
Obviously he exposed the CIA drug trade.
There were some suspicious circumstances in his suicide, a double shotgun blast to the head.
I mean, we got heat at the time for even questioning
You know, if that was plausible, if he indeed was suicidal, I believe that was back in 2004.
Did you research that?
Did you look into that to see if it was plausible that he was suicidal?
We know he was talking about, you know... Well, he talked to Alex and said, I am not suicidal.
He made it very clear.
So did the DC madam.
She made it very clear.
She said, I can tell you right now, if somebody kills me, I'm not in the frame of mind to commit suicide.
We've heard that over and over again, and yet that doesn't stop them from saying somebody committed suicide.
It's amazing that, you know, Alex makes the point often that he's never going to be in that mindset to commit suicide, and a lot of people do say that.
Ultimately, it turns out to be tragic.
We'll be back after the break.
We're going to take more of your calls.
John Rappaport coming up at the bottom of the hour.
It's the Alex Jones Show live on this Sunday edition.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Hello me.
Meet the real me.
In my misfits way of life.
A dark black.
Painsite is always 2020.
But looking back, it's still a bit fuzzy.
It's the Alex Jones Show, live on this Sunday edition.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson, sitting in for Alex, who will be back tomorrow with David Knight, riding shotgun.
We're going to go to more of your calls coming up in the next segment.
Is John Rappaport to talk about the CDC, whistleblower, Ebola, and more.
But now we're going to go to Andrew in Illinois to talk about riot control.
Andrew, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, I was calling about, there's this article in the American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal that talks about the liberation of hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen chloride, which is hydrochloric acid, during high temperature dispersion of CS, riot control agent.
That's what they used in Ferguson.
So the reporters were being subjected to hydrogen cyanide and hydrochloric acid when those smoke grenades were used.
So is that a new development, that they're deploying that?
They don't want to talk about the side effects of deploying that agent.
Well, they're always talking about these non-lethal things that they use on people, and I think it was you, Paul, that put out the article about them temporarily blinding people.
A new device that they're trying to sell to the police.
Yeah, these non-lethal things like rubber bullets and CS gas and tasers are not really non-lethal.
And while I'm here riding shotgun, I'd be remiss to say that when we were talking before about Gary Webb, you said he was shot twice in the head with a shotgun.
It was a pistol.
As I said in the interim there, I'm from the UK and we're completely disarmed so I cannot distinguish between different kinds of weaponry.
They're all the same to me.
Just know we're going to get a lot of comments about that if you don't mention that.
So there we are.
There's the correction.
But nevertheless, what happened to him is still horrendous and it's still an obvious murder.
Yeah, there were a lot of questions at the time, I remember.
And you just had an article up there on screen about this company that's created a weapon that blinds protesters, if you could get that back up, of course, we know in Ferguson, that they deployed tear gas, they deployed all these militarized tactics, not only against protesters, but against the media.
And now there's, you know, new police compliance weapon, blinds targets, retinal obfuscation gun, a new tool for militarized law enforcement.
And it's kind of bizarre that they would put a gun with bullets surrounding it on there.
Obviously that's not how the system works.
They don't actually explain how it works in the promo for the company and they sell numerous weapons to law enforcement authorities.
So I guess we wait with anticipation, David, about the next new toy that the militarized police state will be deploying against protesters and journalists.
See how they'll comply.
Make us comply.
That's a compliance weapon.
I love the euphemism there.
It's very much like you see coming out of the Pentagon all the time, right?
It's pain compliance.
I think they used a similar term in the promo for the new weapon that they've got coming out, I believe, in December.
Pain compliance, which again is basically
That's how they enact their new measures in the new militarized police state in America.
And in fact, since I've been in Austin, I've noticed that basically you live in an occupied city, there are police officers on every corner.
In Britain, for example, there's an argument for what we call Bobbies on the Beat, but generally it's like a couple of police dispersed throughout
Uh, several different areas of the city of London, but here, it seems like, David, there are phalanx of cops, of law enforcement authorities, almost on every single street corner.
It seems like an occupied zone in Austin.
Yeah, you're probably downtown around 6th Street.
Exactly, yeah.
That definitely is an occupied zone.
When I went to England in the 80s, I was struck by how they actually did at that time have police walking beats, you know, and that was, I thought, a very healthy thing.
When I went back 20 years later, they were pretty much starting to get into cars like the American police here, and that means that they're not really doing anything to protect the citizens.
Instead, they're really kind of looking for traffic violations and other things like that, that really focuses them on a completely different perspective.
It seems that way, that they're looking for minor infractions.
We're going to go to more calls in a moment.
The call screen has gone dark for the moment.
Let's just throw to whoever the next caller is on the line, if you could go ahead and go to the next caller.
Who have we got on the air?
This is Indigo Kid.
Indigo Kid, go ahead.
Hey, what's up you guys?
I'll never kill myself either, so we can have a non-suicide pact, the three of us.
I was going to call Alex the other day and tell him that I thought that there was going to be maybe gas attacks on New York City subways and trams, and a couple hours after that the Iraqi Prime Minister said the same thing, so I thought that was a weird connection.
And I have a bad memory, but I believe they've done drills before in New York City for
I mean, there are a lot of scenarios.
I think, you know, last year they really were going for the chemical weapons attack in Syria.
Of course, the MIT report came out later on which proved that the chemical weapons attack in Ghouta could not have possibly been launched from a government area
That kind of derailed the Obama administration's policy at that time.
Of course, we had a lot of people within the military itself rebelling against that attack.
Now we've got an attack on Syria, airstrikes on Syria, under the cover of fighting ISIS terrorists.
But David, do you think there's a chemical weapons attack or a biological attack in the United States that they could use as justification for a real clampdown that we've been expecting for a while?
Oh, absolutely.
I think it's not a matter of if but when they'll do something like that.
I mean, that's essentially what we see happening with 9-11.
That's what we see happening with the 7-7 attacks in the UK.
That's why Cameron is trying to demonize anybody that would speak out against that tactic.
False flag tactics are something that every government has used, and it's a very well-known tactic.
It's even now becoming a very common plot device in virtually all the movies.
So it's a difficult thing for them to pull off, but they still can, because they control the media.
They control the narrative.
And the media wants access to them, we'll do whatever they say, essentially.
So that's, you know, we've had Operation Mockingbird, the CIA controlling the press, as we mentioned earlier, that's how we got onto Gary Webb, the fact that they would have 17 journalists dedicated to destroy his credibility because of what he had revealed about the CIA's drug operations.
That's a very telling sign.
So, yes, they can do that, and certainly Alex has been
Fearful of that, and talking about how he felt that was something that was impending.
And of course we had the Oklahoma beheading a couple of days ago, linked again to Anwar al-Awlaki, who of course dined at the Pentagon three months after 9-11, having been the mastermind behind the 9-11 hijackers who flew the plane into the Pentagon.
So we can cover that later.
With the ties between Al-Alaqi and the other patsies in the United States that have been behind domestic terror plots and question whether the Oklahoma beheading was one of those.
But we've got John Rappaport coming up to talk about Ebola, the CDC, whistleblower and autism.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're back on the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm filling in for Alex today.
Paul Joseph Watson with Infowars.com.
David Knight riding shotgun.
We're still trying to get John Rappaport on the line but in the meantime we're going to go to more of your calls and we've got Patricia in Arizona.
Go ahead Patricia.
Hi Paul, it's good to talk to you.
I actually called to thank you because I really feel that your contribution during the
Um, the Massachusetts, uh, the race, you know what I'm... I get on here now, I can't talk.
The Boston Bombers.
The Boston Bombers was instrumental in turning back their whole narrative between your contribution and Alex's evaluation of the situation.
If you hadn't found those pictures, though,
This could have been a whole different scenario.
I really believe that.
Because they had just announced that they had found the bomber.
They had escorted the press into that hotel.
And then once Alex was talking about, oh, look at this.
Oh, that's who they're going to make the patsy and all this.
Within five minutes, they said there was a bomb scare there.
They escorted all the press out.
And then a van pulled up right in front of the front door there.
They loaded some people in there and they drove away and then they said, no, no, no.
That's not what was happening here.
And I really always felt like.
The two were quite connected.
Yeah, it was amazing at the time to illustrate just the impact that we were having and, you know, other alternative media outlets.
For one day, immediately after the Boston bombings, Infowars.com got more traffic
Than the Drudge Report, which if you realise how huge the Drudge Report really is, you know, it drives more traffic to websites than Facebook and Twitter combined.
And for one day, we were above the Drudge Report, which again is a huge honour, given the magnitude, the importance of what the Drudge Report represents.
Which again shows you how intensely locked in people were.
To following this narrative with the Boston bombings, and of course now we have this recent beheading in Oklahoma, which has been linked back to the mosque at which one of the Boston, alleged Boston bombers attended.
David Knight, your take on... Yeah, it was kind of surreal when that was all happening.
I remember one incident in particular.
When they arrested the Sarnia brothers and showed those photographs of them, and Leanne got on the news right away and said, that backpack doesn't look like the backpacks, doesn't look anything at all like the backpacks that they had before.
And within a few minutes, it was about 20 minutes, CNN had a former FBI agent, and they set up a little dog and pony show to say, look, they could have put a backpack inside of another backpack and pulled it out.
I mean, they basically reacted that with a really patently absurd explanation.
If they're going to try to disguise the backpacks, then why didn't the older brother have a darker back?
Why didn't he have a different colored backpack instead of a darker backpack?
I mean, it didn't make any sense.
But it was interesting to see that kind of back and forth, and that wasn't the only incident.
That's just one that I remember very well.
It really did have a big effect.
I believe that they really were setting this up to blame it on some kind of anti-government patriot straw man that they had created.
And what was amazing was they arrested one of the Tsarnaev brothers that later died, allegedly, you know, during the manhunt for him.
They arrested this man, the so-called arrest of a naked man, later allegedly released.
But if you actually looked at the photos of this guy who was arrested, unscathed, unhurt, during the manhunt for the Boston bombings, it was the Tsarnaev brother that later turned up dead.
And his aunt identified him.
As such, so that's my nephew that we talked to in Canada.
Yeah, it was an amazing situation, but yeah, that's the kind of stuff we see here.
It is kind of surreal at times, isn't it?
We're going to go to Kyle in FEMA Region 4.
Kyle, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Paul, it's an honor, sir.
How are you doing?
What's your question today or comment?
Well, I've got kind of an urgent issue here that I wanted to bring
To the attention of all you at the InfoWars team.
I know you guys.
You're on the forefront and you cover a lot of important things, so I'm not.
Trying to hold your feet to the fire anyway, but I just wanted to bring this up and it's about the drought in California and harp connection.
And I think this is really a big.
This is turned into a big sneak attack by the globalist, but no one's really.
Not putting together.
There's a channel on YouTube.
It's called the Harp Report and it's a gentleman.
He's a former meteorologist.
And he has access to a lot of the Doppler radar, just a lot of those instruments, and he's got a lot of great information.
And essentially, he proves, even in ways that a layman like myself can kind of see and understand on the map of just HAARP downburst and HAARP interference, sort of being used to disperse hurricanes and even kill some hurricanes, that just over the last few months, I mean, he's had some up there that would have drenched California.
And so I think it might be time maybe to get Dr. Nick Begichon just to kind of get his take on it.
I haven't heard from him in a while.
And it's really just insane just when you think about it, because most of California right now is in a state of exponential drought, which is the highest possible drought on the scale.
And it's just happened in a span of three years.
And I live down here in the South.
And I mean, parts of Georgia have been in a drought.
But I mean, it's kind of taken like 10 years.
And I mean, usually for these severe droughts to happen, I mean, it takes a long time.
And I mean, this has just been in, like, the last three years that this drought in California has really popped up.
And I think it's such a devastating sneak attack, Paul, just because, I mean...
To show the sort of circumstantial evidence of possible meddling and this being a possible globalist operation, you've got UN delegates on CNBC already talking about how we might have to migrate people out of California.
I mean, there's 38 million people in California.
I mean, for all the mayhem that could come out of this Ebola outcry and all the immigration stuff, I mean, if we've got things collapsing in California and people having to move, I mean, we're talking about
Force relocation and possibly putting people in camps and not to mention all the pressure that would put on food prices because so much of our food comes from California.
So this has a lot of implications.
And here, one thing to Google, CNBC, July 31st, California drought may have to migrate people.
And they've got Lynn Wilson, who was on the UN climate change delegation, talking about how, you know, they've had to move
People have moved out of areas in the past for drought, so they might have to move again.
I don't know.
It just smells really bad.
Again, I would recommend everyone go to the Harp Report channel on YouTube and just watch this guy.
He breaks it down clear as day, so even people that don't have meteorology degrees can understand that there's a lot going on.
Have you guys heard anything about this?
I haven't personally heard anything.
I know there was a report back, I think it was three or four months ago, there was a report that HAARP had shut down, but then that was kind of countered, wasn't it, David, by other speculation that that was a ruse.
I mean, what have you learned?
Well, it's not just HAARP.
It's a lot of different things.
I mean, going back to Vietnam, there was that meteorologist that was given a medal because of his work with weather by Lyndon Johnson.
I can't call the guy's name.
Just about a month and a half ago, there was a climate engineering conference in Europe.
I can't remember, was it Berlin?
I'm not sure.
But they were talking about stratospheric aerosol injection, SAI, or some other scientists will talk about persistent contrails.
We call them chemtrails.
And there's ample evidence that that's being done as well.
So there is climate engineering.
That is going on.
There's no doubt about it.
And yet they will go to these conferences and put it out there as a hypothetical possibility that they're looking at when it in fact is something that they're already actively engaged in.
For whatever reason.
Whether it's to shift the rain patterns or whether it's to create, to increase the albion of the planet, to make it more reflective so they don't get global warming.
Whatever their motivation is.
Or whatever they tell people their motivation is.
And whether or not they tell us that they're actually doing it, I believe they're really doing it.
Sample evidence to show
Uh, planes dropping out these, these, uh, these chemicals.
We've shown them on our website, uh, many times.
Uh, there's also apps that people are social, uh, social apps where people are taking pictures and reporting them together to show where there's hot spots of that.
I think it's called Lookup is the app that's out there.
And that's Ben Livingston back in the 60s with a weather weapon.
If you Google that, that's on U2 Alex's interview with Ben Livingston.
We'll be back after the break to cover some final news stories and wrap up this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay tuned.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're back for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show, just about 10 minutes left, so we're going to try and advance quickly, because we've got John Rappaport on the line of nomorefakenews.com, who of course needs no introduction.
He's been on the show many times before.
We feature his articles regularly at infowars.com.
We're going to ask him about the CDC whistleblower, the latest on that, and Ebola.
John Rappaport, welcome to the show.
Hey, good to be here, Paul.
So John, tell us the latest about the CDC whistleblower.
Of course, this has been completely ignored by the mainstream media.
Even I thought they would at least have to address it and try and dismiss it, but they seem to have blacklisted it entirely.
So tell us the latest on the CDC whistleblower.
And the actor Rob Schneider recently came out and basically got fired from his insurance company job for questioning the legitimacy of certain vaccines.
So tell us the latest
Yes, well, as some people know by now, Rob Schneider, comedian and actor, was dropped from State Farm Insurance TV ads where he was, you know, playing a part.
And the ads had started to run and all of a sudden they were dropped because he's made statements questioning the validity of vaccine information and vaccines.
And so he was really put under the gun.
I mean, they just dropped him, you know, like a hot potato.
And they issued some kind of garbled press release as to why.
So this is flat out censorship.
I mean, in other words, he's not permitted in this landscape to make a statement questioning, criticizing vaccines.
You can make all kinds of other statements criticizing this, that, and the other thing, but that's the holy grail of medicine.
And, you know, you get punished for it, and that's what happened to him.
It's a commentary on the First Amendment and free speech in America these days, that something like this would happen.
As far as the CDC whistleblower goes,
This is a man named William Thompson who came out of the shadows on August 27th and made a public statement through his lawyer that basically said he and his co-authors committed fraud, scientific fraud, in a 2004 study that was published which said that the MMR vaccine had absolutely no connection to autism.
And so this is an insider, a research scientist at the CDC for the last 15 years or so.
Who has said that he himself and others omitted vital data and basically committed fraud.
The latest thing I have on this is that Thompson sent thousands of pages of documents to Congressman Bill Posey, Florida Congressman, who is very receptive to
Uh, information about vaccines beyond what the establishment tells us.
And so Posey staff is going through these now.
So I've queried his staff several times asking them, is this information that you have now just related to the 2004 fraudulent study?
Or is there other information in there?
And so far,
They just haven't gotten back to me and won't answer that question.
So I don't know exactly how much fraud they've got, you know, to spark maybe a congressional hearing.
I don't have a lot of hope for that, even if they have a hearing, that anything really will happen.
But that seems to be the aim of some people who are hoping that Thompson will come forward and testify, which he probably will if he's subpoenaed.
But I don't know how much he's going to say, how much he's going to admit if he does.
I'm very interested in this data.
Thousands of pages.
This is kind of like a... I mean, I don't want to call it a mini Snowden because the information could be more explosive even than the NSA information.
If it shows that the CDC has been covering up fraud in more than just one study, but many, many studies.
Which I believe is absolutely the case.
They exonerate vaccines.
They say, oh, no harm, no problem.
Everything's perfect.
There's absolutely no connection to autism.
And the U.S.
government has made multiple statements saying they've completely vetted the problem and there is no problem with vaccines.
But I know for a fact, because I've looked at other studies,
That there are other fraudulent studies out there.
But if a whistleblower inside the CDC can say that and show data to back it up, that would be a collapse of the house of cards.
I mean, it seems so toxic that the mainstream normally would at least tackle these kind of issues and try to dismiss them, but they daren't even touch it.
But we've got to move on quickly because we've got about four minutes left.
And there was an editorial recently in the Liberian Observer which blamed the United States for basically developing and unleashing the Ebola virus on Africa.
David Knight, you've got a quick question to put to Jean Rappaport about that.
Well, yeah, along the lines of what you're saying, John, there's this report out of Reuters today that scientists are grappling with ethics in a rush to release the Ebola vaccine.
So it really kind of ties these both things together.
And they're saying that normally it takes years to prove that a vaccine is safe and effective.
We had a decade where they covered up the fact that this MMR vaccine was not safe.
So, yeah, address the issue of
Do you believe that this is something that was perhaps helped along, weaponized, introduced by the American government?
And where do we go from here?
Are they going to force people to take an Ebola vaccine that hasn't been proven to be safe or effective, just like they're trying to intimidate people into taking other vaccines?
I think you put your finger on it.
The vaccine is the big problem here with the so-called Ebola outbreak.
This is the thing to, you know, really be on the lookout for because
All vaccines can do harm, and you rush a vaccine into production without any kind of real testing, and you say, well, the benefits outweigh the risks, and we're in this terrible situation.
So now, you know, everybody who lives in this area has to take it because some guy flew in on a plane.
And if you don't take it, we can quarantine you and isolate you.
These things could definitely happen in the U.S.
and in other countries.
And with an untested vaccine,
You're just absolutely playing with fire here.
So this is a big, big red flag.
If this thing comes out and they say, well, OK, we've got a great vaccine now and everybody should immediately take it.
I think the absolute opposite is true.
And you know, this is GlaxoSmithKline, which just last week the Chinese government found guilty of bribing doctors in China to the extent of 297 million pounds.
That's about a half a billion dollars that they paid out to doctors to prescribe their products.
I mean, are we supposed to just get rid of all the ethical concerns and give them a fast track to require mandatory vaccinations?
Absolutely not.
And one more quick fact here about these manufacturers.
Julie Gerberding, who was the head of the CDC during that period when Thompson and his co-authors committed fraud, she knew what was going on.
She knew that this had been covered up because Thompson sent her a letter explaining, if you read between the lines, exactly what he had really found out that wasn't going to be published in the study.
And in 2009, she left the CDC and eventually became the president of Merck Vaccines, which she is today.
And they manufactured the MMR vaccine.
I mean, so how much more of the story can you get than that?
And yet there's a total media blackout.
So, John, do you think that Ebola in West Africa is a test run for some kind of engineered global pandemic?
Is it a trial balloon?
I think all these so-called epidemics have been test run.
Swine flu, bird flu, SARS, West Nile, this one now.
And I think that in every case, what's really being projected here is vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.
That is the whole point of all of these.
So, I'm not particularly concerned unless I see some new evidence about
The weaponizing element here of the virus.
What I'm concerned about is that these are all ops in order to get people to take toxic vaccines and that's really where the problem is for the rest of the world.
And of course we've got the CDC being very coy about potential Ebola cases in the United States.
Do you think there's a potential that it could spread to Western Europe, to the United States?
Well I think what could happen is, and we don't really have time to go into this, but they could say that.
Because the diagnostic test that they use to decide if somebody has Ebola.
...are so unreliable that they can be slanted in any direction that they want to.
Okay, we're going to leave it there.
That's going to wrap it up for the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport, nomorefakenews.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Monday show back tomorrow.
Stay tuned.
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