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Name: 20140923_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2014
2383 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers a range of topics including zombie outbreak simulations, the refugee crisis, airstrikes on ISIS targets, products available for purchase at InfoWarsLife.com and InfowarsStore.com, the downing of a Syrian jet by Israel, stories of listeners, discussions on drug use and government restrictions, attendance at a party with former senators and oil heads, news stories, asymmetrical warfare, and promotions of supplements by InfoWars Life. The show also discusses Google severing ties with ALEC, Candida overgrowth, the importance of resisting against oppression, and a caller's belief that the US government is funding and using rebel groups for corporate gain in the Middle East.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm taking the plunge into a giant cauldron of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
There is just so much to cover here today.
Sitting here in my seat, minutes before I was about to go live, I couldn't decide what to go to first.
And then I was looking at one of the TV screens in the control room that was re-airing
Restreaming some of Infowars Nightly News last night, and it showed actual Marine Corps and Army training films where they simulate mowing down Ebola-infected crowds of people dressed as zombies.
And I was just sitting here in the control room with CNN and Fox News and InfoWars Nightly News and the refeed of the radio just looking at all these television sets and it was surreal!
Marine Corps training videos where they practice mowing down zombies and we knew about that a couple years ago that this training was going on all over the country with the Army and Marines but
Now we have the footage that I guess nobody else has got, directly from the military, hiding in plain view.
And it was just so strange, I was pinching myself as I walked in here about a minute before we went live, and I thought, what am I going to go on air and talk about?
Because there's too much!
It's not, there's not enough!
If you give me a wider document cam shot, for TV viewers, I can describe this for radio listeners,
I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 stacks of news, page after page of video and audio clips, and my head is spinning right now.
It really is spinning because when you study what's going on and you get a clear image of it, you know that they've pulled the trigger on global meltdown.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the 23rd day of September 2014, and we have one guest coming on the last 30 minutes, TV radio host Lionel.
Political commentator, and of course former prosecutor, to give us his take on a host of issues.
But other than that, we're going to have open phones again, first-time callers for the first few rounds of calls today, to give me your take on any of the stories I mention and that I bring up here.
All I ask is that they pertain to something that is in the news currently happening.
Billionaires are hoarding piles of cash.
And then it goes on to break down, as the Financial Times reported over the weekend, as well as Telegraph, elites are hoarding gold at a record level while using paper put options and paper naked shorts to try to artificially drive down the price of gold.
And that's all come out now.
That's admitted, but we're going to get into why they're doing it.
So billionaires are hoarding piles of cash.
That's just one article out of about 200.
Dealing with that, we're going to be breaking it down.
Here's another stack.
130,000 Syrian refugees, Christians, fleeing ISIS seek refuge in Turkey, who's openly financing ISIS.
And Israel?
Shot down a fighter bomber, a Syrian fighter bomber that was bombing Al Qaeda positions on the Syrian-Israeli border in the Golan Heights in Israel.
Shot it down.
Israel shot it down.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
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I want to tell you about Texas Ranger with the big beat.
Comes out of the Virginia swamps, cool and slow with plenty of precision.
The black meat narrow and hard to master.
Some call it heavenly in its brilliance, others mean and root for the western dream.
If you are receiving this transmission live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Horsemen are drawing near.
On lather steeds they ride.
They come to take your life.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m., 2 p.m.
We're here live, with the grace of God.
Back Sundays, live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we're going to open the phones up again today.
We do have a guest the last 30 minutes of the transmission.
Where to start here with all of this over-the-top news?
Here is the New York Times.
Ebola cases could reach 1.4 million within four months, CDC computers estimate.
Now we were talking about 100,000 by December being called fairmongers a week ago.
But now they're saying 1.4 million in four months.
The computer models show between half a million on the low end to 1.4 million on the high end.
With upwards of 90% of those that get it dying.
Now you gotta know when they claim there's only like 3,000 dead so far, that that's a whitewash number.
Even though that's the biggest outbreak ever.
So on the low end, to be technical, it's 550,000.
To the high end, 1.4 million APs also reporting that.
That's some of the news we're going to be getting to hear today.
Obviously, airstrikes by the U.S.
and quote allies hit ISIS targets in Syria.
These are approved targets by the President.
But it appears to just be dummy targets.
They're not actually striking anybody.
Or they may be striking other errant Islamist groups that aren't under their control out of the whole smorgasbord, hodgepodge, scramble of different Wahhabist jihadis from different parts of the world as far away as
Chechnya, and as close to home as from Iraq and Syria, joining in on the head chopping and the blowing up of the churches and the non-radical Islamic centers.
Very disgusting to see all of this unfolding.
And as we expected, the U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations yesterday
Came out and reiterated again that this is about bringing down Assad once they've kicked Al-Qaeda out of the country, who is their main fighting force.
Now, it's a smokescreen to attack Assad.
Assad has said that, the Syrian army has said that, now the major Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria are in the news today saying that indeed this is nothing but a smokescreen to move US forces, including boots on the ground and NATO forces,
In to Syria to topple the regime.
Airstrikes by U.S.
and allies hit ISIS targets in Syria.
The United States and its allies launched airstrikes against Sunni militants in Syria early today, unleashing a torrent of cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs from the air and sea on the militants' de facto capital of... How do you pronounce that?
and along the porous Iraq border.
American fighter jets and armed Predator and Reaper drones flying alongside warplanes from several Arab allies struck a broad array of targets in the territory controlled by militants known as the Islamic State.
American defense officials said the targets included weapons supplies, depots, barracks and buildings the militants used for command and control.
Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from United States Navy ships in the region.
The strikes are a major turning point in President Obama's war against the Islamic State, who he started arming four years ago, and opened up a risky new stage of American military campaign.
Until now, the administration had bombed Islamic State targets only in Iraq, and had suggested it would be weeks, if not months, before the start of the bombing campaign against Islamic State targets in Syria.
Of course, a week and a half ago, the so-called moderates were all meeting in a building in Syria and it got blown up.
Raqqa is the name of the city.
So we can't believe any of this.
There's lots of videos of the familiar cruise missiles being launched off the decks of destroyers.
Islamic State attack on Iraq base leaves hundreds missing, shows Army's weakness.
The Army base in Iraq's western Anbar province has been under siege by Islamic State militants for a week.
So when a convoy of armored Humvees rolled through the gate, the Iraq soldiers at camp believed saviors had arrived.
But this was no rescue attempt.
The vehicles were driven by militants on suicide missions.
And within seconds on Sunday, the base had become
A bloody scene of multiple bombings.
That's the kind of stuff going on over there with Islamic State allowed to have a base in Syria and now turning it against Iraq.
Islamic State has now put out a taunting speech calling for the killing of civilians and calling for attacks in the United States and Europe.
And of course this will be used as we predicted.
It wasn't hard to predict.
We predicted years ago that the radical Islamists being given Libya and Syria and areas of Iraq and areas of Africa would then be allowed to attack the West and then they would take more of our freedoms and legitimize the NSA spying and the microphones and sculptures in Chicago and Austin, Texas.
And the stingray system, stealing our cell phone data and listening to us without warrants and live time.
It'll all be used.
That's why we had to give our freedoms up, even though in plain view, criminal elements of our government armed them.
That's why this is so important.
And here's a clip from the Communist News Network, where ISIS calls for attacks in the US and Europe.
These are the fighters ISIS is preparing to be stone-cold killers, featured in a new training camp video.
And tonight, a new audio tape threatening attacks on the U.S.
homeland is drawing a strong response from Washington.
A U.S.
official tells CNN, law enforcement and counterterrorism officials are working with foreign partners to thwart this threat.
A threat made by a senior ISIS leader, who for the first time specifically calls for lone wolf attacks inside Western countries.
Could this audio tape activate someone who's in ISIS or even a sympathizer inside the U.S.
to conduct a lone wolf attack?
Yeah, and then they'll get up and go, take my guns, because you let them do it.
He keeps pushing that message for individuals within the United States, within European countries, to simply act out.
The Islamic State could be trying to do the same thing.
The ISIS leader also specifically calls for attacks on US allies France and Australia.
Just days ago, Australian authorities say they disrupted just such an attack in Sydney.
In the new training video, ISIS is refining its military tactics and shows it's able to attract more Westerners.
They see this as a serious organization that really wants to fight, not just talk about it, to be a warrior.
And this is part and parcel of making that transition from being a civilian to being a warrior in the minds of these recruits.
This is one man who could be drawing them in.
The flames of war are only beginning to intensify.
intelligence officials now say this man, seen in a recent video apparently executing Syrians, could be an American.
Oh, you think so?
Police analysis is underway, and officials tell us they're concerned this could be the first time they're seeing an American in a position of apparent authority inside ISIS.
Further evidence of Westerners getting recruited to join Jihad in Syria?
This video showing ISIS fighters from Britain.
That tonight, just hours after that ISIS spokesman called on foreign fighters to carry out attacks inside the U.S., a senior Obama administration official warned that the international community is not prepared to respond to such calls.
The official saying, quote, we are not structured that way.
There you go.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you look at who headed up Al Qaeda, this is just Al Qaeda rebranded with a whole new generation that's been trained.
Those Western so-called leaders of ISIS you saw are working for Western intelligence agencies, MI6, CIA, Mossad.
It's on record that Adam Gadahn was a Western operative heading up al-Qaeda.
Do you really believe these people are following Westerners and not knowing who gives them weapons, who gives them Stinger missiles, who gives them intel?
And it's their job to produce scary videos, and to go around and do all this bad stuff, so then the West can wind up useful idiot jihadis who are being commanded by ISIS, who will really think they're attacking America, to blow up schools, shoot up schools, attack shopping malls, and then they're going to say, we've got to have checkpoints inside shopping malls, and that's it!
Everybody's got to turn their guns in.
If no guns are allowed, then there's no way that Ahmed Habib
Rajaga, made up name, could have gone into the gun shop and bought the weapons.
I mean, you can see the scripting.
You can watch it happen.
And you notice I told you four years ago when all this started, what would then happen?
Now they're doing the preconditioning for the low-intensity asymmetrical attacks.
I think it's gonna be with guns.
And this is, they're gonna take our guns.
This is how they operate.
So get ready for it.
Get ready for it.
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Now you have to understand, Egypt is the only Middle Eastern country that's a former Western ally that is not basically trying to bring down Syria right now in that whole region.
Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the NATO countries, the United States are all
Aiding the Jihadis, the Al-Qaeda IS, to bring down Syria.
That's 95% of the fighting force.
Mainstream news says 65-70%.
No, it's 95%.
And they just go, oh, you're the non-radical Islamists, here's the weapons, 600 tons of them last year, and then they hand them right to Al-Qaeda.
But because the public woke up to that, the military woke up, they now call them ISIL and all the rest of it.
Well, the public didn't buy that, so now they're doing some bombing of them.
Let me tell you who was really bombing IS yesterday.
Syrian aircraft in the Golan Heights near the Israeli border.
Fighter bomber coming in low in fierce battles with Al-Qaeda.
AP reports that.
In fierce battles with IS.
And Israel shot down the Syrian aircraft.
First time that's happened in 30 years, AP reports.
30 years.
Since that happened and now Israel is saying they did it on purpose.
They say it came a little bit in their airspace.
The people out there that support Israel just mindlessly, Israel's diverse.
Israel has a lot of different political views and five or six political parties.
Even if you aren't against Israel or a pro-Israel,
You need to be able to criticize Israel when it's doing bad things.
Just like I don't like our government arming ISIS, I don't like Israel giving field support to ISIS and the jihadis and medical support.
That's been in the Israeli papers for a year, that Israel is supporting the jihadis to bring down Syria.
And the argument's, well, we don't like Syria, this'll... What, to then turn it over to the jihadis?
That's how you completely lose the moral high ground.
And people know, I've not been a critic of Israel, but I tell you, this makes me want to throw up.
Just like it makes me want to throw up about Saudi Arabia, but what do you expect?
Or our corrupt government.
Look at this article out of Euronews.
Syrian fighter jet shot down by Israel over the Golan Heights.
First such incident in almost 30 years.
Israel shot down a Syrian fighter jet over the Golan Heights.
Syria has described the shooting as an act of aggression.
Think so?
Earlier, the Israeli military said it appeared the Syrian plane had crossed by accident into Israeli-controlled airspace over the Golan Heights.
The area has been the scene of fierce battles in recent weeks between the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and the forces of the Syrian government and President Bashar Assad.
So, that's what's really going on when you try to bomb ISIS.
Not when you go out and bomb a couple of toilet trucks parked on a hilltop.
Looks completely rigged.
Here's another one.
allies hit militant targets in Syria, kill 11 civilians.
Press TV.
I mean, who knows if any of that's even true?
Pentagon cites new terror threat as ISIS war gets underway.
Shadowy terror group used to justify illegal and unconstitutional attack in Syria.
ISIS, Turkey's tool for re-establishing the caliphate.
I gotta hand it to them.
I remember when Glenn Beck and others were having Jerome Corsi and other people on talking about a caliphate and the plan to launch one with Turkey behind it and I'm like, give me a break.
A new caliphate or Ottoman Empire and now it's happening.
So I'm not always first to say something and I'm not always right.
I mean, I just can't believe how bold the West is to openly fund these groups, turn them loose in six different countries at least, and then turn around like we're stupid and say we're going to arm them to fight them.
I want to talk first-time callers, military, police, people in Israel, people in Syria, people in Lebanon, folks in the Middle East.
You can get through on the lines, we'll go to you first.
You got to dial your country access code in this toll-free number 800-259-9231.
I want to hear from you on this subject.
We'll write to your calls when we come back.
But am I wrong?
I mean, should Israel go ahead and just bomb Damascus?
How about nuke them?
Israel has nukes, why not just nuke Damascus?
That's a more loving death than turning it over to Al-Qaeda.
Every Christian, non-radical Muslim and Jew have their head chopped off.
I mean, is it anti-Israel?
Or anti-NATO?
Or anti-America?
If we don't nuke Syria right now and raise the Al-Qaeda flag over the White House, maybe I've been radical.
Maybe I've been an extremist.
Maybe these policies are good.
Maybe 2 plus 2 does equal 5.
Maybe Obamacare is free.
Maybe there are no death panels, even though they admit them.
Uh, maybe NSA spying is good.
I mean, maybe fluoride in the water is good.
Maybe, maybe I've been wrong.
Maybe Al Sharpton isn't a disgusting demon.
I mean, come on!
Maybe Bill Clinton tells the truth.
We're on the march.
Maybe water's not lead.
The empire's on the run.
Maybe Santa Claus is real.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, if you live in the Middle East, or you've lived there, or you've been in the military over there, and you want to give us your take on what's really happening with bombing ISIS, after you supposedly give them 600 tons of weapons in the last year, hundreds of tons of weapons before that,
And then the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
admits, two days ago, that this is all being done to topple Assad.
Of course it is.
Who is basically the arch enemy of these people and hadn't really done anything to anybody.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And then coming up,
Billionaires are hoarding piles of cash, CNBC reports.
The Telegraph reports.
The elites are also hoarding at an accelerated rate, over 200 plus percent in just the last three months, of buying gold bullion and bars.
I'm going to give you my take on what's happening behind that.
More on Ebola cases.
Could reach 1.4 million in four months, CDC estimates.
That's notinfowars.com.
I told you that a long time ago.
That's the precious New York Times.
So now it officially happened because they said so.
Continuing, FBI gags state and local police on capabilities of cell phone spy gear and the doppelganger cell towers they're putting up all over the country.
That's why you see police chiefs going, we don't know what these towers are but we're sure it's not law enforcement because that would be illegal.
Like the FBI's God, just 30 years ago in this country, local police wouldn't do anything the FBI said.
Unless they had a court order, because it was called jurisdiction.
Now, they've been so federalized, and been made deputies in so many cases, that when they say, jump, they ask how high.
When they are about to literally go in a bathroom stall at the local police departments in this country now,
And close the door, they call the FBI up to ask, you know, when they can go.
And I'm not even being sarcastic.
It has gotten to that point where they ask the FBI if they can put ketchup on their french fries.
It's beyond federalization.
It is sycophantic and over the top.
Well, let me just give everybody a news flash.
I know the FBI is very upset about the fact that I talk about this.
We're going to continue talking about it until the very end.
It doesn't matter.
We win.
We're committed.
We chose to do the right thing.
It doesn't matter what you do to us.
We're going to tell the truth.
This is illegal.
It's part of parallel construction.
Everything's being spied on without warrants.
It's part of social control and they can't ever let the public know about it because it was premeditated.
It is racketeering.
It is organized crime.
You FBI guys went to school to learn what those terms mean, so you can look in the mirror.
Now, the average low-level FBI agents involved in bank robberies and missing persons, but mid-level, high-level, they are in on the game, and the black hats sit in their offices, laughing at the goody two-shoes.
Basically, the FBI is La Cosa Nostra in this country.
That's why they took down Lacosta Nostra in the 50s, is that Lacosta Nostra had been blackmailing the FBI, and they said, you know what?
It's time for you to learn who the boss is around here.
And that's what happened.
And they got rivalries between the FBI and the CIA, and I gotta be honest, I don't know who's worse, FBI or CIA.
I see the CIA doing absolutely horrible stuff all over the place, but then the CIA people I've known throughout my life and run into, and I've seen the congressional testimonies, they all sound just like me and absolutely hate what's going on.
A lot of FBI agents don't like what's going on either, but they're so compartmentalized.
I've seen over a hundred, this was even in the New York Times, you can pull it up, FBI created almost all terror plots, is the headline, and they just go find mentally ill people and try to get them to carry out a terror attack and then put them in prison for life.
I mean, it's not good to find a 72 IQ person that can hardly talk and try to get him to blow up the Christmas event in Portland.
It's not cool.
There it is.
New York Times, Sunday Review.
Terrorist plots hatched by the FBI.
That's hatched.
The United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years.
Or so it seemed.
A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol.
A scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles and military aircraft was developed by men in Newborough, New York.
And a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.
But all of these dramas were facilitated by the FBI.
Whose undercover agents and informers pose as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest, and rudimentary training to suspects naively played their parts until they were arrested.
Yeah, and I mean it's one thing if you go out and ask somebody you think's planning an attack, hey you want to do an attack and they say yeah and you bust them, great!
You stopped a real attack.
But when you're just justifying budget,
There's the Guardian.
Government agents directly involved in most high-level U.S.
terror plots.
And we've seen these cases.
You remember at the RNC, where there's this video, back four or five years ago, of these young, dumb kids, like, I don't want to blow them all off cocktails.
I want to go home to mommy.
I booked an airline flight tomorrow.
I'm leaving.
Sent to prison.
I'm not going to bomb anything.
No, I want mommy.
I mean, all you do is totally discredit yourselves.
And so now, see I said I'd get to this.
I'm going to go to your calls.
FBI gags state and local police on the capabilities of cell phone spy gear.
It says it requires state and local police to keep quiet about the capabilities of the controversial type of surveillance gear that allows law enforcement to eavesdrop on cell phone calls and track individual people based on signals emitted by their cell phone devices according to bureau document released recently under Freedom of Information Act request.
And it just goes on.
Folks, when people in Chicago or Austin go, look at this new cell tower, they go, that's just fake.
Never mind it.
No, it's not fake.
It's a separate cell tower.
We have the documents from insiders in Chicago, in Washington, in Seattle, in Austin, Texas, years ago.
We know what they're doing.
So that's an example of what's coming up.
GOP Obamacare bending over backwards for illegals.
Illegal immigration, a new wave of Central American kids will reach the US soon, according to experts.
And just like they lie about the NSA surveillance or the Stingray cell towers, they'll say, we don't know where the kids are coming from.
We get a tip from ICE.
Go to the border.
And there are the buses pulling in, loading the kids with vouchers with their parents on buses to be sent anywhere they want without IDs.
Just like we told you, and it's now been confirmed, that they let the illegals fly with no IDs.
The point is, none of it has to do with security.
It has to do with us being pinned farm animals on the government slaughterhouse reservation, literally lied to about everything, preyed upon.
And the government's just sitting back in a giant criminal conspiracy, doing whatever they want, whenever they want, bringing in drugs, running snuff films, sex trade, little kids, whole nine yards, all comes out in the news, nobody gets in trouble.
We're going to cover that.
It gets even sicker.
London Independent, what does human meat taste like?
That's in the science stack.
And a story I didn't get to yesterday that I will cover in the next hour after we've taken a bunch of calls.
Peter Thiel, the billionaire and Bilderberg Group member, tech entrepreneur on a mission to cheat death.
And that's, again, a London Telegraph.
My film, Endgame, 2007, talks about Thiel, talks about the Bilderberg Group, and how their main mission
Is to live forever in a world government with forced population reduction.
Now, Thiel isn't pushing population reduction that I've ever seen.
And he does seem to be more libertarian than the whole constellation of globalists.
So, I'm not lionizing him, I'm just saying I've seen some good signs.
Still, if I was a billionaire, and I was Peter Thiel, I would be wanting life extension for myself and my family.
The elite have made the decision that the public's not to get this.
Now, when Endgame came out, the New York Times of all places, did a review of it, did a review of a film about my film.
And basically made jokes in a lot of other publications.
MSNBC's done it.
Salon's done it.
A bunch of other publications, Huffington Post, have said Alex Jones is insane.
He believes that world government's being formed so the elite can merge with machines and basically live forever.
Well, I didn't say that.
I'm going to explain something again here.
If I quote Hitler, it doesn't mean I'm Hitler.
If I quote Christ, it doesn't mean I'm Christ.
If I quote Mahatma Gandhi, it doesn't mean I'm Mahatma Gandhi.
The film has their quotes and where they said it, and how they would release airborne Ebola, and stuff like that.
This film came out seven years ago.
So we're going to play a clip of the three-hour film coming up after phone calls.
Mike, Mick, Ryan, Aaron, Rambo, and others.
If you just joined us, the West is openly arming al-Qaeda, rebranding it ISIL, ISIS, IS, to confuse the public and to confound them.
Israel has shot down a fighter bomber that came into its airspace, was trying to fight al-Qaeda forces, that's AP.
You've got the West and Turkey aiding him.
They allow him to travel back and forth between Turkey and England.
So, what is your take on Obama without congressional approval?
He came out and said, Congress is trying to give me an authorization.
I don't need an authorization.
Obama ignores Congress again to launch a Syrian attack with no legal basis.
President commits impeachable offense, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com.
I want to get your take specifically on this.
Mike in Canada, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, so basically I just, I had a question for you and usually you're pretty good at breaking down socially what it means and my question is, is how can you take something so fake and such a facade like this jihad
And have so many people willing to fight and put their lives on the line, yet when you look at your country, the United States, this beautiful country, hardly anybody is willing to put up a fight.
Your own military isn't even taking back the country.
You're right, because it's primitive.
Here's the bad guys crawling through burning cinder.
Here's the guys in black uniforms.
They say they're going to kill you.
And people can say, OK, go kill them.
Protect me.
It's like a remote control mentality or an instant drive-through mentality where we're a nation, by and large, not of trailblazers, not of innovators, but of sickly, phony tough sycophants.
And that is for the average private citizen, is for the average government person.
We are a corrupt nation now that has killed 54 million babies.
And rationalize that.
So they're going to rationalize death panels for old people.
They're going to rationalize secret death panels and death lists for veterans.
They're going to rationalize... Rahm Emanuel's brother wrote a op-ed piece.
I've got it here on the stack.
I'm going to get to it if I have time.
It ties into Endgame.
It ties into Peter Thiel.
Saying why it's good to die at 75, that's the name, or I think it's why I hope to die.
Try to pull it up guys, I can't find it here on the stack.
I saw it this morning.
The story's up on InfoWars.com.
Saying it's time to kill people basically at 75, and then it'll be time at 70, and then 65.
That somehow if we lower the quality of the civilization, if somebody else loses, I win.
There it is.
Why I hope to die at 75.
I bet you a lot of money
That he doesn't want to die at 75.
An argument that society and families and you will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly.
So see they've gone from there are no death panels to him saying yes there are death panels and we need to force people into them.
Ladies and gentlemen, we had whistleblowers on the show.
They have tens of thousands of people, young, military, old, you name it, who they go in and you're not going to be given care.
It's not going to happen.
You're going to be given pills to go home and die.
Because we don't want to take care of you and they've sold the idea.
That we save money by killing you, instead of just more fiat money, build the infrastructure.
They created fiat money to tie our wealth to it, to bankrupt us.
Instead of using fiat to build the civilizations we could.
And this is leering evil out in the open.
And I bet you money, Ezekiel Emanuel, who was just... Again, this is about evil leering in our face,
And just accustoming us, because they believe we have no soul now.
They believe we have no compass, no rudder, no moral connection.
The churches won't fight it.
The churches won't criticize it.
They're government run.
In most cases.
And so we're helpless to them.
So now they're leaning down going, there are death panels, and we are going to reduce world population, and we do need to kill babies up to age three.
And you know what?
We really are going to kill you.
And so that's why America is like this.
Europe's the same way now.
Wealth turned us into demons.
And now we're going to lose everything.
Does that answer your question, Mike?
Well, you know, just think about it.
Back in 2009, the American people had something like $400 billion stolen from them.
We fast forward to Clinton saying, we came, we conquered, with Gaddafi.
And then you have pictures with John McCain sitting with these people that you're supposed to be fighting.
I mean, like Max Keiser said, do they need to come into your house and rape your wife in front of you before you do anything?
Oh, well then they would just say it was for law enforcement purposes.
That's it.
We are a morally bankrupt country.
There is nothing there.
So McCain can meet with the heads of ISIS, and that's just the way it is.
And just like Karl Rove famously said, they control reality.
They will change what history supposedly is tomorrow, and we'll go along with it.
And if we do, well, that's what we deserve.
I appreciate your call.
Mick in Australia, thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I think he's got something in the background going.
We'll come back to him in a minute.
Ryan in Alabama.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I wanted to comment on Rand Paul's speech that he gave on Friday, and also I'd like to give you a quick story, if you'd let me, of something I really need to say to you personally.
It was about two years ago, I was doing a lot of drugs and stuff, and sitting outside a diner, locally, listening to your show, when I was approached by a woman, and she just, you know, hey, is that Alex Jones?
And a year later, we were married.
And I just wanted to thank you, man, for pretty much saving my life.
Well, that's awesome.
I'm going to hold you over because we went to... We've got to go to break here.
We went to that earlier caller.
He wasn't there.
I'm going to come back to you, Ryan, then Mick in Australia, Aaron in Missouri, Rambo in Florida.
But so many people tell me how they met on InfoWars, how they met wearing an InfoWars t-shirt.
I probably... Let's not exaggerate.
Had 200 phone calls like yours over the years or more and run into probably 50, 60 people on the street that met their husband or wife through the Liberty Movement, through Infowars.
And that's what it's all about.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
We're going to go to Ryan, Aaron, Rambo, Damien, Joe, everybody.
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Go back now, Ryan in Alabama.
So, I guess you got married?
Are you off the drugs now?
I mean, tell me the story about meeting this little lady.
Yes, it was outside a local diner.
I was sweating off the drugs, you know, getting ready for work.
Walked up to me, one thing led to another, and happily married now, listen to your show every day.
Perfectly clean, going to college.
Really turned my life around.
Well, that's what a lot of people need, a good woman or a good man to get themselves satisfied on the straight and narrow.
Sounds like a good lady, so tell me, how did this start?
She said, hey, are you listening to Alex Jones, and what happened next?
Well, two years ago, talking about your show, got her number, we listened to your show together for months, before I finally got up the nerve to ask her, you know, well, of course I asked her father for permission first, but just the best day of my life, hands down, and it's all thanks to you, brother.
Well, what's her name?
Give her a shout-out.
Uh, Ryan Stevens, from Alabama.
I love you, honey.
Now, what was your question or comment?
Two things.
There was a multiple shooting this morning in downtown Birmingham at the UPS.
Customer service... I'm gonna hold you over again, then I'm gonna get going quicker on the call.
Stay there.
Back in one minute.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Surprise, surprise, surprise, sergeant.
As Goldman Powell would say, White House fence jumper was on psychiatric drugs.
Jerry S. Murphy told CNN his former stepfather, Omar J. Gonzalez, had served three tours in Iraq and was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and paranoia, which his base psychiatrist was treating with medication.
Infowars.com right now.
Not hard to guess that.
And the other guy dressed up in a Pokemon outfit with a Pokemon doll, a Pikachu, a little yellow creature, hopped up on him as well, of course.
Gee, that person is walking down the street waving a gun for no reason, naked.
They're on psychotropics.
Gee, that person just sliced their kid's arms off with a hatchet.
They're on psychotropics.
Gee, that person just went to school and shot a bunch of people.
I bet they're going to be on psychotropics.
Why 99 plus percent of the time, because I can hardly find any cases out of hundreds and hundreds where it wasn't the case, where they weren't on them.
Because the inserts of the drugs say it can put you into a complete fantasy land.
And you mix psychotropics with stuff like Xanax, oh you're really in cuckoo land now.
I mean, are there crazy people that are so nuts you can give them drugs and it makes them better?
I've no doubt those drugs don't help some people, but statistically, they are time bombs, and they're very bad for your liver, very bad for your body.
Have you read those side effects?
I got a friend who's been on Paxil for 15 years, and they admit he's got all these health problems and Valigo, you know, that thing where you look like you're a vampire.
Yes, thanks.
It's funny that you bring that up, Alex.
It's like you read my mind.
The first thing they pulled out of that guy's car that killed all those people this morning was half a bottle of Xanax and half a bottle of Prozac.
I didn't even see it.
Guys, look up shooting in Alabama today.
So they admitted that, well thank God, usually the cops are told to shut up.
The cops openly said we found drugs?
No, no, no.
You will not hear about this.
I have, being a former drug addict of course, I have friends in the police department down there and that was what he told me.
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
You're kidding?
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
You're kidding?
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
You're kidding?
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
You're kidding?
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
You're kidding?
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
Half a bottle of Prozac and half a bottle of Xanax out of this guy's car.
Half a bottle of Proz
Wow, so your friend who was in the police department, what did they tell you?
They said they found his car parked down the parking lot a ways.
First thing they opened it up, pack of cigarettes, second thing, half a bottle of Prozac, third thing, half a bottle of Xanax.
And no doubt it was a major contributor, I mean,
Oh, yeah.
Happens every day, but... I'll tell you, Xanax is even worse than the Prozac family.
I read the news every day, so I see it.
That Xanax will literally put people in a complete trance where they don't even know who they are.
And then they'll just pick their gun up and just, you know, well, just go shoot somebody.
Really sad.
It cost four people their lives this morning, I'm sorry to say.
Well, we're gonna look into it.
Thank you for the tip.
Good to hear from you.
Alright, when I come back, start your engines.
Aaron, Rambo, Damien, Steve, and others.
I'd like to specifically hear from some of the callers when I get the number out, even though these other callers are interesting.
What do you think about Obama launching this war without congressional authorization?
What do you think about
All the other news I've been mentioning, the FBI gagging state and local police saying don't tell people we put up illegal cell towers to steal their data.
Since when are our local police ordered to commit crime by the FBI?
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Oh, I know it's tough to talk about this with some people.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, the Committee to Protect Journalists that usually has to fight countries like Iran and North Korea writes an open letter to Obama demanding better media protection from him.
That's in the Associated Press.
Also, Feds lack the data to determine how well key Obamacare provisions are working.
Oh, they're working quite well.
We're going to be breaking down FBI gags, state and local police on capabilities of cell phone spy gear.
That's in the Guardian.
It's also coming out in the Washington Post.
It's also being reported on that
Eleven million illegals are being given free Obamacare when basically no one else is.
It's only an incentive to get poor populations here.
And there's another report out that huge new waves of destitute immigrants are now set to start flooding the United States.
And that's what I've been saying all along.
Just wait.
Until this wave gets here and is given amnesty, they're only having immigration hearings for at least three years.
Some have been set for five years out.
That's de facto amnesty.
Just wait now to the next wave hits, and then the next wave, and the next wave, and the next wave.
And they're only there to do one thing.
Vote to take those guns.
Vote for North American Union.
And that was in the news yesterday.
Ninety plus percent of the illegals are going to vote for the Democrats.
Republicans' answer is to say, we'll legalize you.
No, that's not going to work either.
Now can I go to Mexico and get freebies?
If I get caught doing something illegal in Mexico, I'll be held like that Marine for years.
And no one will complain.
No one will say it's racist.
No, no, only America has to go along with all this.
So that's coming up as well.
Google is severing ties with a conservative group over climate change.
Microsoft has as well.
Yeah, Google wouldn't let us sell on their Google shopping cart, even though they approached us about doing a cart years ago.
The Obama deception, they suspended it.
And they said, it's racist.
You can't criticize a black man.
That's right, if it's our Lord and Savior, Obama, to quote Jamie Foxx.
I'm not calling him Lord and Savior, that would be blasphemous, I'm quoting Jamie Foxx.
But Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech entrepreneur, is on a mission to cheat death, that's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
But now, let's go to your calls.
Aaron in Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yes sir.
How you doing Alex?
I've been listening since 2006.
Uh, you, you know, were the first to wake me up.
Uh, this is the first time I've ever been able to call.
So, uh, but, uh, going back to that last part for a second, you know, in 2006, I didn't see anybody wearing any sort of, you know, revolutionary libertarian shirts at all.
I actually had one made on the front that said, turn off the TV and read on the back.
It said, welcome to the new world order.
But, uh,
I was wondering, I'm actually wearing a Moabite shirt right now, I was wondering if Liam McAdoo would approach me.
That's a good one.
What I'm saying is, is that when you wear liberty-based attire, you will meet like-minded people, and that will let you form a community in your area.
I just, the main reason I called is about this plane being shot down over Israel, and
They, I haven't really heard much about it at all on the TV that, you know, this morning.
Well, it was shot down in the edge of Israeli airspace, they claim, and Israel has been giving support.
People that run Israel to ISIS there over the Golan Heights.
That's been in the Jerusalem Post.
And just like I'm angry that our government's doing it or anybody else is doing it, I'm upset that Israel's doing that.
And now even AP reports that the jet was bombing Al-Qaeda forces.
And Israel's response was to shoot it down.
And Israel's been supplying ambulance and medical field support there in the Golan Heights to the jihadis.
Just like Turkey's been doing that, bordering.
I mean, it's like Israel, Turkey, the United States, France, England, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar.
They're all ganged up on Syria.
Who didn't do anything?
And in my book, you don't gang up on a country that hasn't done anything to bring them down.
And then say, well, Al-Qaeda's evil, but we're going to let them take over because, you know, they're better than Assad.
No, they're not.
It's immoral to start fights.
It's immoral to do this.
And it shows what we've turned into.
Aaron, thank you for the call.
Rambo in Florida, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Thanks Alex, great show so far.
I'm originally from Morocco, but I live here in the States, but been back and forth between here and North Africa for the past few years.
And I think it's obvious for people, if they want to know how this plays out in Syria, I believe it's Libya 2.0.
I mean, we've openly seen what happened in Libya when you murder and remove a sovereign dictator.
The goal is destabilization.
It's now a failed state.
They now get to loot all the infrastructure.
There's now no electricity.
Tens of thousands die every six months.
And they admit it's, quote, ten times worse, was the Washington Post article I saw a few months ago, there than it was, and that Obama screwed up.
No, they didn't screw up.
The plan is bring these continents down.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
Go ahead.
No, you're exactly right.
And just two more quick points.
Basically, I mean, it's not publicized, but it's pretty well known that fifth group, prior to 2001 actually, but especially after 2001, fifth group, you know, establishing AFRICOM and the rest of it, in the southern part of these countries, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya, Egypt, in the southern, less densely populated areas, they've been setting up these groups for years.
For four years.
You never hear about Moroccan train groups, but they're down there in the Western Sahara doing what they gotta do.
And just one more quick point.
Actually, last August, the 16th and 17th, I was up in Chicago.
I just wanted to get your point on this.
I actually got a chance to speak to Louis Farrakhan for about five, six minutes.
And he, I actually, we were talking about Libya.
And I actually, you know, just brought up your breakdown of Libya, which I echo.
I agree completely with your breakdown.
And his response was extremely positive and actually mentioned that they break down a number of your clips and their little meetings that they have in the mornings.
Have you ever thought about getting Louis Farrakhan on the show and I'll get us down here?
I don't agree with some of his statements.
But a lot of it is meant to be brash to get people's attention.
He agreed with me on Piers Morgan and is against having our guns taken.
So Farrakhan has made statements about the show before.
The Nation of Islam exposes vaccines.
They say blacks should spend their money in their neighborhoods and build their own society.
I agree with that.
I don't think you should add the statement, you know, that the Arabs and the Asians are in their, you know, blood sucking off of them.
I mean, if somebody doesn't build a business, people don't shop at black businesses, then, you know, that's their fault.
I do know that, but listen, it's not just the nation of Islam that watches this show and listens.
It's the Japanese government, it's the Russian government, it's our government.
I'm not bragging.
It's true that we're the number one show in the U.S.
military, hands down.
And it's not just the content, because the military listens and goes, man, this guy knows what he's talking about.
Other shows dumb down their content.
It's not that I'm even that smart or good.
It's that I raise our content to the level part way towards the military level.
People go, oh yeah, military intelligence.
Ah ha ha, they're a bunch of idiots.
No, they're not.
The military, the non-commissioned officers, the officers.
Does anybody have any idea how complex, sophisticated, how hardworking those people are?
It's just unbelievable.
That's why the system is so scared of them.
Because they know they can hear a show like this and understand it.
That's why police, despite all their problems...
With the system trying to twist them, our natural allies, the Liberty Movement, because they're uncompartmentalized, because they're where the rubber meets the road, they're seeing it all.
So they hear a show like this, it clicks just like that, because they may disagree on this point or that point, but at the end of the day, they know they're getting something more sophisticated and closer to reality than you're getting anywhere else.
Because we really study, we really try to know what's happening.
Anybody could do this, okay?
But you gotta do it for 20 years.
It's the long-term knowledge base that matters.
And so... I mean, I know that the Police Secret Society out in L.A.
listens to the show.
I know... I know that the Masons listen to the show.
I know... Because we know what we're talking about.
And that's why people want to take us down, it's why so many people don't like us, is because we do have the ear of people in major corporations and people in the government.
I was at an event giving a speech Saturday, KC Research, and there were, I was going, I know that guy from TV, I know that person, there were former senators there, there were heads of oil companies there,
And the conversations, they wanted me to go play poker with them, but I was too tired afterwards at a private party.
But I was sitting there, and I'm not name-dropping, folks, it's just that I don't ever even get out in society.
I mean, I was in an event, the speaker right before or right after T-Boone Pickens, and I was invited to all those events and meetings in Dallas, and I didn't even go to the cocktail parties after that, because at a certain point, I mean, I just, I can't sit around with a bunch of oil men.
Or at least I thought I could, and I was sitting around with these oil men, and they knew more about stuff than I did.
They were telling me about CIA operations, naval intelligence stuff they'd done when they were 25.
They were telling me about 9-11 being an inside job, and these are people I knew were friends with George W. Bush.
I mean, I'm sitting there looking at people, and I'm like, wait a minute, you're, yeah, what?
Yeah, let's go play poker.
And they were like, no, we know it's true.
They're all concerned.
They're all getting ready to leave, folks.
They're building bases in Chile with underground facilities 200 miles from any town.
That's what this meeting was.
See, I always keep the most fantastic to last.
They've already got it up and running.
Golf courses and beautiful facilities on top, underground bunkers below.
We're like, come with us to the bunker!
Meanwhile, I have to sit here and try to convince the public I'm not making this stuff up.
Oh boy.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got the billionaires, the rich people, they're buying gold bars, cash, and moving to armored redoubts in the middle of nowhere all over the globe.
And making deals with local governments to protect them.
Meanwhile, here back in America in the West, governments building bunkers, buying armored vehicles, helicopters, drones, and preparing for civil war.
While the Communists and the Socialists, run by a very small select group of mega-capital that's tax-exempt, are trying to start civil wars in the West, especially in the United States, between the police and the public.
And then they'll use the crisis of the Civil War to bring in total draconian control.
Al-Qaeda menacing the West is just a pretext to get the stuff in place for the Civil War.
And we continue to tell you exactly what's going to transpire.
Just like we said a few years ago, then the Al Qaeda forces will have their name changed.
I don't know how we even knew they would do that, it just made sense to confuse everybody.
And then they would start attacking the West, and then that would be used to take our freedoms.
This is not rocket science.
It's just, the public's never thought like a Machiavellian manipulator.
People that are awake know, but it doesn't make sense, it's so obvious
That's because you're awake.
It's like saying to a person who's awake, well, I couldn't walk right up and slap you in the face, but if somebody's asleep, you can.
If someone's asleep, they're asleep.
They don't see a brown recluse climb up on the bed and come over and bite him.
If I'm awake and a brown recluse comes walking right over to my hand, this has happened to me before in my house, out in the woods, that's a brown recluse.
That sucker's got a fiddle on its back.
Well, I'm going to smash it.
Get a piece of paper.
Look at that, kids, that's a brown recluse.
Because I'm awake, I'm looking around.
I don't go out to some old farmhouse or something that I haven't been at in six months and just climb into a bed that's in there.
I check in there to see if there's spiders in there.
And guess what?
A lot of times there is.
See, they call that being a conspiracy theorist.
Not trusting big government, not trusting black uniforms, not trusting open surveillance, not... That's like going in a farmhouse and not trusting a bed that nobody's been in in six months.
Or shoes you hadn't put on in a year.
I can't tell you how many times there's been a millipede, or a spider, or a scorpion in my boots.
Growing up in Texas.
Let me tell you, I was about four years old and watched one of my buddy's dads, Tim Baxter, stick his foot in the boot when we got out of the RV in the morning, hunting, and there was a spider and a scorpion in the shoe.
And they both bit him.
He got bit, got one out, oh my, this is terrible, put stuff on it, stuck his foot back in, and got hit by the wolf spider.
I said I'd take calls, and I'm digressing into stories.
Not trusting a big tyrannical government is like not sticking your hand down rattlesnake holes in Arizona.
That's all we're saying here is, whoa, historically, we know what this means, we know where this goes, and then billionaires, and hundred millionaires, and elites, have been fleeing the West for about six years.
And they're just sitting back, waiting for it to blow.
I told the story about running into John Wayne's family, who were moving out of Wimberley, about four years ago.
Moving to Costa Rica, because the new tax law is coming in.
But more than that, the elite have all given the word that they are going to screw this country over, Royal.
That's some valuable information, I think, for all of you to have out there.
Remember about two years ago, they asked Ashton Kutcher, or however you say his name, what he was doing, and he said, I'm exercising and training and preparing for collapse.
Now, I don't know if collapse is imminent, or whether it's even inevitable, but the preponderance of everything is leaning towards that, and the derivatives and other things are untenable.
So I don't know where it's all going exactly, but it's not good.
But we're not being negative.
We're admitting the problems that we've got so we can have a soft landing.
I'm gonna go right to Damien and to Steve and to John and Mick.
Mick is back from Australia.
I'm gonna go to Mick first.
He called back in.
Mick, you're up next.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The very cutting edge of hardcore news and analysis brought to you by Stuttering Texan.
I am your host Alex Jones and we're here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Don't forget weeknight 7 o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to run through some more of your calls and I'm going to get into some of the news.
White House fence jumper on psychiatric drugs.
Was on psychiatric drugs.
Ebola efforts in a state of complete chaos.
Special report we're going to be airing.
Pentagon cites a new terror threat as ISIS war gets underway.
And as ISIS says they will now attack America, that wasn't hard to predict.
And no politician will get in trouble, I guess, when they come right across the border and do it or fly in.
No, we'll just lose more freedoms and they'll call the politicians heroes that funded ISIS.
That's what a zombie population gets, I guess.
Obama ignores Constitution again to launch Syria attack with no legal basis, Paul Joseph Watson's article.
A detailed RT report with video of what happened with the bombing in Syria and we're also going to get into a whole bunch of other stories that have been breaking up there on the site as well.
Remind me guys to cover the Peter Thiel piece from Endgame.
That is absolutely essential to get that done.
Now, before I go any further to your phone calls,
I believe in symbiotic relationships.
I believe in win-win.
What's that, a rhythmic song?
Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
Well, no, not me.
I like to give pleasure and to receive pleasure.
I like to give hospitality and receive hospitality.
I like to give knowledge.
I like to receive knowledge.
That's how the universe is supposed to work.
And I always thought everybody else was like me.
No, a lot of people, not a majority, but a large minority, think it's cool to cheat people and cool to get ahead running scams.
Long term, that doesn't ever work.
Plus, it's not fulfilling.
My dad would always tell me, son, there are people who would rather kill you for a dollar than make a million dollars with you.
There are people who would rather steal a dollar from you than make a thousand dollars with you.
And I'd say, really?
Now, a lot of it is because they never had success doing things the honorable way, so they don't believe it exists.
They believe dishonor and treachery is the ether in which they have success, is the atmosphere in which they live, is the sustenance of their very being.
But when I promote something, it's not just because it brings money in here and funds my operation, which is the key to what I want to do.
I want to wake people up.
I want to expose tyranny.
I want people to know that the vaccines don't protect them most of the time and are filled with all sorts of horrible stuff and have horrible side effects.
And in many cases, things are added on purpose to reduce your fertility or give you cancer down the road.
And that's all been declassified.
So for heaven's sakes, please look it up.
But in a win-win, I want to... But see, a win-win doesn't just do the right thing morally.
It also ends up making you more money because people then come back and buy more products from you because they're the best.
It's like the Ford Raptor came out six years ago, won all these big desert Sahara races,
And so then everybody wanted them.
They started becoming commercially available five years ago.
I got one almost three years ago.
And now they're everywhere because they were the best truck.
Now Chevy's coming out with one, the Recon.
They're saying it'll be even better for off-road and stuff.
See, produce quality, produce the best, then everyone will want it.
If it's affordable, especially.
Like a souped-up Ford F-150, that's all it is.
It's great to be able to pull a boat up a mountain.
It's great to be able to drive up incredible inclines.
And believe it or not, I mean, I grew up with my dad with Land Cruisers and stuff, and Jeeps, you name it.
Raptor is amazing, but I'm not doing a Ford plug here that they're not a sponsor, though they should be.
The product's so good, they don't need to even advertise it, see?
That's the same thing.
I went to experts, top formulators, and I said, I want the best system to flush out the guts.
I want the best iodine.
I can't take this other stuff.
I want the best male and female vitality, cold-pressed, concentrated, the strongest thing out there that's the safest, that doesn't mimic testosterone, but that gets the body to release it.
I want the best.
And we go to these major, even respected big, you know, formulators and companies that are out there, and we say to them, yeah, we're going to put this much ingredients in these eye pills.
And they go, really?
That's about three times what anybody else has ever done.
You know, it's an expensive formula if it costs you $6 a bottle and you sell it for $30.
You know, you're going to spend $14 a bottle and sell it for $30?
That's new in the industry.
Oh, you're going to spend $17, $18 on a bottle of something and sell it for $40?
That's new.
You're going to spend $60-something on something and sell it for $130?
That's new.
See, that's shaking up the entire nutraceutical system
I can't even believe, just from a business standpoint, you'd want to sell lower, the highest quality, to dominate the market.
But just my instinct to want to give people a good deal while also funding our operation, it has a decent markup in there.
We're a free market.
It's just amazing how the average person has no business sense, nothing!
Even business people!
It's amazing!
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People will ask you, what does that mean?
Well, people ask, what does the answer to 1984 equals 1776 mean?
It means
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It means the 1984 dystopia, the answer to it is 1776.
What's hard to understand about that?
We got little Minutemen card decals, little happy smiley face patriot with a rifle.
You know, I saw this morning driving into work, not one, not two, but three, and I haven't seen this in a while, pickup trucks with rifles.
One was a shotgun, one was an AR-15, one was a deer rifle, like a Remington 700, synthetic black stock, driving down Mopac.
And I thought that was just beautiful.
Because just 20, 30 years ago, you saw that everywhere, but people would call the cops, so the cops would come and pull you over and harass you, so you wouldn't do it.
But now, because of Open Carry, they're trying to act like guns are illegal, create that perception so they can then ban them.
No, we're openly marching to the Alamo when the police say they'll arrest us.
When their law is in violation of state law and they back down because they knew what they were doing was wrong.
That was a civil rights march for everybody.
Not to hate the police, they're implementing a criminal city council's operation in the deep in the heart of Texas and we're not putting up with it!
And they had women all over the state of Texas.
I saw it in the paper.
March yesterday.
I saw
That all over the state of Texas, Houston, San Antonio, you name it, women marched with their guns.
I'm telling you, it's beautiful.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls.
Damien in Arizona, thanks for holding.
Yeah, how you doing Alex?
I'd like to address the whole ISIS and caliphate thing in terms of Joe Farah of WorldMedDaily.
You know how they always said terrorism is a tactic and you can't beat a verb or noun or whatever?
So now, I mean conveniently, they name it a state.
So it's a terrorist state.
So now they actually have a geopolitical reason to specifically attack it as a physical entity.
So I think it's a little bit of a coup in their PR department.
And then they can say that the Islamic State has gone to any country they want to attack.
So now it's an actual, it's a literal boogeyman.
Before, you know, terrorist terrorism is like, you know, some nebulous, arbitrary thing, now it's a physical thing.
But I'd like to address Joe Farrar.
I love his site on a lot of the stuff, but your initial instinct, I believe, is right.
There's a reason why I always end up coming back to your site, because there are people who specialize in, you know, minutiae of like domestic or foreign issues, but you do a very good meta.
They have wound up the caliphate.
I'm just saying it was WorldNetDaily that I saw first talking about it.
Yes, but the thing is, I think we're on that daily.
Joseph Farah, I love the guy, but he's a Lebanese-Syrian Christian.
I lived and worked in Lebanon for a little bit, so I'm kind of familiar with the Maronite Christian traditions, and I am also aware with American-Lebanese Christian communities' view of that entire world.
The whole caliphate thing, this is a problem.
I mean, a lot of the guys on the, we're on that daily side, they're always about, oh, they're using, it's all about communism, it's all about socialism.
And you, who studied all this stuff with the whole New World Order, you understand the meta, that they only use that as a tool.
So, just because ISIS and CIA, you know, or New World Order, or, you know, Intel Creation, paint the entire, you know, map with their photo, I mean, with their flag on it, doesn't make it so.
You know?
I mean, just because they say, oh yeah, we're gonna take over the entire world, ooh, ooga booga, you know what I mean?
I agree with you.
The narrative here, and what's important to understand is,
The truth narrative versus their fraud narrative, their deception narrative, is that now their narrative is wearing thin and people are going, wait a minute, we're going to arm ISIS to then bomb ISIS?
And more and more prominent people are speaking out against it.
I appreciate your call.
I want to go to Macon, Australia here in just a moment.
But if you look at what they're doing in the Middle East,
Notice that Egypt has been quietly, for the last few months, been bombing Al-Qaeda ISIS strongholds in Libya.
And our government has been trying to overthrow that government.
Because it's secular.
They got rid of the dictator, but it's still the military, and I'm not defending a military coup, but strongmen is all that tend to work in the Middle East these days, and the military doesn't let them chop the Christians' heads off, and you can go be a terrorist there, and you can have a job there, and have some decent freedom there, compared to being under Islamic State light, which is the Muslim Brotherhood.
And so I've just learned the players and what's happening here.
So you've got Egypt bombing Al-Qaeda, and you've got Syria bombing Al-Qaeda, and then Israel shoots down, today, the Syrian fighter bomber that was bombing Al-Qaeda.
And then there are folks out there that literally worship Israel.
And whatever the politician running Israel says,
They would decry some Jew in Israel that didn't totally agree with the Prime Minister over there, or their leaders.
And it just becomes really one-dimensional and mindless.
When I'm like, hey, Israel shouldn't be supporting ISIS, neither should Turkey, neither should England, neither should the U.S.
It's like, why don't you like Israel?
I'm allowed to have my opinion and say that I don't think funding Al-Qaeda is good.
You've got Egypt and the United Arab Emirates that are bombing, and then you've got other countries that aren't liking it in the area.
I mean, I think Egypt's doing the right thing bombing these people.
And they're not starting a fight.
They know this group's already been attacking them inside Egypt.
Let's go to Mick.
Mick, I forgot you were there again, from Australia.
I appreciate you trying to get back in and get on air.
So, from Australia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
G'day, Alex.
I want to talk about the effect of ISIS being such a pawn used by our governments in Australia.
We've had our Prime Minister make some rather provocative
And, yeah, very scary remarks in the last couple of days.
To the effect of, regrettably for some time, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift.
I mean, that sounds to me a la Nigel Farage, which has come up just recently as well.
But they're looking at changing our laws
Basically to these new anti-terror laws or legislations.
As if they haven't already taken enough of your liberties in Australia.
And I too am deeply concerned about the liberty leader of Europe, Nigel Farage, coming out and saying, I'm sad to say, we're going to give up liberty for security, the opposite of Benjamin Franklin.
And then now your leaders are saying that.
They've been told to get in line and go along with this.
When our own governments literally help create these grips.
It's just sickening.
Alex, it's just ridiculous.
You know who's not saying it?
Rand Paul.
Oh, Rand Paul.
No, Rand Paul's... I think he's an excellent statesman.
Well, you can score political points like Farage has done and like your leader's done, and I like some of the stuff your new leader's doing, you know, getting rid of carbon taxes and stuff, but it's easy political points to score to say, yeah, we're going to take out ISIS, it's going to take a few of your liberties to do it, but that's what we're going to do.
It's all baloney.
Where do you think it's going?
Well, I think it's going to a police state worldwide, to be quite honest.
And I think people are just going to take as much as, you know, I mean, people don't seem to get it until it's happening to them directly.
So, yeah, I can see him pushing for a militarised police state worldwide.
It's standardized worldwide because the New World Order is standardized.
It's global.
But the Liberty Movement's global.
You're evidence of that.
Calling from Australia, Mick.
Thank you so much for holding to get on.
Alright, Steve, John, Eric, Richard, your calls are coming up in a bunch of special reports.
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You're receiving this transmission, my friends.
You are the resistance.
Third Hour is coming up.
I'm going to finish up the calls in this segment and the little short next segment.
Then I've got a piece dealing with a singularity from my 2007 film, Endgame, that dovetails with this headline.
Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech entrepreneur on a mission to cheat death.
That's coming up at about 8 after next hour.
Then Ebola chaos, a new report just filed by John Bowne.
We're going to premiere here.
And then we have an expanded, we did a piece last week, it was about four minutes long, on Ebola tying into 12 monkeys and into
Films like V for Vendetta.
We've now expanded it up seven minutes with the invasion of Africa with the whole smokescreen that's happening there of Ebola.
And then we're going to tie that in if we have time before our guest joins us to Joe Big's special report, Africa Smokescreen.
So, this and more today.
Right now, let's go to Steve in Virginia.
Steve, thanks for holding your own here.
Thank you, Alex.
I've been listening to you via shortwave radio for many, many years, and I thought today I would comment on the Syrian situation.
When President Obama ordered the airstrikes on Syrian soil, he unilaterally declared war against Syria.
Which is a direct violation of the War Powers Act, and this is a high crime in which Congress should vote to impeach him, and so should the Senate.
And further, I think they should censor him so that the American people will no longer hear a Chicago used salesman oral masturbator.
It's time stuff has got to go.
He's doing anything he wants, and he can do it with fiat.
That's right.
He's already legalized the illegals by fiat, and then said, oh, but he hasn't.
He's already bringing in the carbon taxes without congressional approval.
And Paul Watson wrote the article this morning.
It's clear in the Constitution, and we quote it, Obama ignores Congress again to launch Syria attack with no legal basis.
President commits impeachable offense, and he's attacking a sovereign country
Claiming he's attacking a group that's attacking that country, and saying that if Syria shoots back, he'll bomb them.
I mean, it is just so wild.
And if he gets away with it...
He'll do more.
In fact, Congressman Justin Amash is quoted in there saying it's irresponsible and immoral that instead of debating and voting on war, congressional leaders chose to recess Congress for nearly two months.
Yeah, they advocated their responsibility, but that's a great point.
We just sit here watching the imperial presidency
Even Jonathan Turley, who's a big liberal, says Obama has done about three times what Bush did, unconstitutional, and Bush broke records because the power structure is sick of the Constitution.
It wants to do whatever it wants to.
Go ahead.
Yeah, like I say, it's government out of control, and you know, this ISIS situation is very much similar to
What Fabius did against Hannibal.
He uses asymmetrical warfare and the guerrilla tactics and they eventually wore down Hannibal.
And it's the same thing that the Fabian socialists do here in this country too.
And the only way you can defeat asymmetrical warfare is with asymmetrical warfare.
And the thing of it is, I just wonder how many Arab Americans are in our armed forces?
I think they should be used for this guerrilla asymmetrical warfare to defeat ISIS.
Well, obviously, but they're not going to let them do that because it's all a fake war on ISIS.
A smokescreen to give them weapons to take out Assad.
They're going to blow up a few tanks here, a few armored vehicles there, a few Toyota trucks here.
It's just total mind war against us.
And it's so sophisticated because it's so over the top.
Sometimes the simplest lie is the best.
You just repeat it long enough, as Hitler said, or Joseph Goebbels actually said it, the big lie speech.
That was his minister of propaganda.
All right, third hour, ladies and gentlemen, straight ahead.
I'm Alexander Emnick Jones.
Just want to make sure the globalists get my name straight.
I want to have my name like, like, uh, right there on the Constitution.
John Hancock, put it loud and bold.
Because I don't want to just be on all the list.
I want to be at the top of the list.
Day weather, second hour, third hour coming up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the efforts to contain Ebola are in a complete state of chaos.
That's the headline on InfoWars.com.
And right under that, the New York Times says, the CDC says their computer models show between 500 and 50,000 on the low end getting it in the next four months.
And 1.4 million on the high end.
Top German virologist said two weeks ago, 5 million by year's end.
I don't know, but this certainly has got to be 20, 30, 40 times bigger than any other outbreak ever.
This is just getting absolutely crazy.
Oh boy, and if you're a radio listener, we're putting everything we say up on screen for TV viewers.
Freestreams and Infowars.com forward slash show.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Oklahoma.
John, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, Alex, good to hear you on the air.
Local program now for a change.
Yeah, I should have plugged that.
You're listening on 1640 AM KZLS.
And I should have asked, do they carry this little five-minute No Man's Land segment?
Yeah, it's got some good guests like yourself on there, you know.
That's awesome.
Look, where do I start?
I was uncertain about the situation in Syria until I heard from a war correspondent who said that the Christians were actively backing the Syrian government.
And I said, wow, you know, these people only can find some kind of protection and justice under a secular government, which, unfortunately, our president is trying to destroy all the secular governments in the Middle East, starting with Libya and then Egypt and now Syria, and replace those with the fundamentalist, radical
I just don't understand it.
Now we're going to what?
Continue to give arms to the rebels in the Syria conflict?
You know what we should be doing is backing away and start arming the Christians in the Middle East.
I agree.
We should arm whoever is being attacked and whoever the underdog is.
And that's what America used to do.
I mean, it is so immoral to be in there trying to overthrow Assad when he had been trying to democratize and work with us.
And I'm not saying he's an angel.
He was a good guy compared to Qaddafi.
And then Qaddafi was a good guy compared to al-Qaeda.
I mean, why would our government try to overthrow Egypt too?
Why do they want to put these people in charge?
Yeah, well, you know, life is cheap in the Middle East.
You can have somebody killed for $200, you can buy somebody's teenage daughter for $500.
So, these people live on a whole different paradigm than we do.
You know, they just don't respect life in the Middle East for the most part.
Also, I'm reading a book currently by, oh shoot, what's his name?
The Minnesota ex-governor.
Yeah, Ventura.
Ventura, yeah, Jesse Ventura.
American conspiracies.
And it's absolutely got my hair standing on end and the back of my head because the CIA, ever since its creation, has been involved within this country in numerous conspiracies.
The JFK assassination, the Martin Luther King assassination, the Malcolm X assassination, any number of other activities that are nefarious, that are against the law...
The CIA's got blood on their hands all the way up to their elbows.
No, that's right.
And then they tried to assassinate Ventura's character with the made-up Chris Kyle thing that he said that Ventura was glad Seals died and knocked him out.
So Ventura sued him and said, where's your witnesses?
And he didn't have any.
And he lost the jury trial.
And then people said, oh, how dare you sue a widow because Kyle got killed.
It was an insurance policy with News Corp.
I mean, what was Ventura supposed to do?
He didn't do that.
That was a lie.
And so...
By the way, Jesse was on about a month ago and he said he wanted to come back on in September.
I forgot to get him back on.
We'll see if we can still get him back on before he turns around and goes down to Mexico for the winter.
I don't blame him wanting to get out of those Minnesota winters.
Thank you so much, John.
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I think so.
They took my saddle in history, broke my leg in the Santa Fe
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
I'll be looking for aid when they pull that gate.
And I hope that judge ain't blind.
I'm a rebel by morning.
Well, political prisoner, best-selling author, second biggest documentary filmmaker in world history.
Dinesh D'Souza, frequent guest on this broadcast, has been sentenced to eight months in community confinement center.
That's like a locked up apartment complex with a bunch of drug addicts and other people.
That sounds worse than prison in some ways.
Man, I've gone and done volunteer work at some of those places and it's bad.
Because then the criminals can come and go.
A $30,000 fine in therapeutic counseling, brainwashing,
About how evil it was that he got four of his friends together to give money to a Senate candidate that he'd been friends with in college.
That's like you take one sip of beer and they pull you over and fine you $100,000 or lock you up in prison.
And then the Democrats get caught with a blood alcohol 15 times the legal limit that'll kill most people with 18 bottles of Jack Daniels spilt all over the vehicle just rolling around vomiting everywhere.
And they don't get in trouble.
Like Rosemary Lindbergh, the DA here in Travis County.
It's just unbelievable how this happened.
If they did this to Michael Moore, who I don't even politically like, I would be against it and worried.
I mean, they are politically looking for any petty thing with this Justice Department to go after people.
And D'Souza went ahead and pled guilty and said, yeah, I guess I should have done this better.
I should have formed a political PAC and got my friends to give, but it was like $30,000.
Look at the IRS going after the Tea Party.
All of it.
And MSNBC cheerleaders says, yeah, they're racist.
Shut them down.
It's so creepy.
Therapeutic counseling.
That's like whenever they tried to put Tom DeLay
in jail in Texas for a legal pack.
Took him five years to beat it, but he beat it.
It was all fake.
I'm not even defending Tom DeLay, a mainline Republican warmonger, globalist.
But he's not anti-gun.
He wasn't pro-abortion, so he was seen as an enemy by these people.
And so that is all about
A chilling effect.
Tom DeLay's conviction overturned by Texas court.
You know what?
It sure kicked him out of Congress.
See, they don't want you to make a libertarian film or write a book.
They don't want you to have a conservative PAC to get people elected to Congress.
They're going to come after you and they're going to get a grand jury that would indict a ham sandwich to do it.
They'll do whatever dirty trick they need to.
They are a clear and present danger.
Look at this article.
Barack Obama on ISIS combat.
This is not America's fight alone.
They got the French and others involved just randomly bombing a few pieces of equipment.
It's fake.
And then quote, giving 500 million to the good rebels that is Al Qaeda.
And John Boehner, the guy that's for open borders and Obamacare, he funded that last week, says that ISIS or ISIL is a direct
Threat to the safety and security of the United States and our allies, Republican House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement after Obama's Tuesday morning remarks on the situation, quote, I support the airstrikes launched by President.
I understand this is just one part, one step in what must be a larger effort to destroy and defeat this terrorist organization.
I wish our men and women in uniform Godspeed as they carry out this fight.
You mean piloting the drones?
And of course, the White House picks the targets.
Did you hear that last week?
We will work with you, Obama, and we will attack you when you need it so you can take your liberties.
But you have never outstriked any of our real people.
We may put some units of idiots out on the desert top and let you know where they be, but it is preferential you not even kill them.
And I watched all these videos, there'll be no one around the vehicles, no heat signatures, they'll look like some old Toyota truck, and they're like, yeah, we're bombing them.
Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, on record!
That's what's crazy!
We're going to give them $500 million on top of the billions, because they're the good rebels.
There are no good rebels.
The Pentagon has said that.
The Pentagon doesn't like this.
General Dempsey was hopping mad in there last week.
And they're like, nobody, there's no Arab allies, none of our allies give them weapons, right, General?
And he goes, no, our allies do give them weapons.
Our weapons.
We give weapons to Saudi Arabia, they give it to them.
Totally staged.
And are we sophisticated enough to get it?
I don't know.
I don't know.
The answer to this intimidation, the answer to this chilling effect, the answer to the NSA with a fine-tooth comb going over everything anybody who's got an American flag in their yard's doing, literally, that's what they say to the enemy, veterans being harassed, conservatives, gun owners, pro-lifers, Christians, the answer to their
Conquest of our free speech is to double down and become even more aggressive and to speak out and not let the chilling effect work.
Because of the chilling effect, they're trying to push works.
It's all over.
It's that simple.
And the good news is the chilling effect has not been working.
Every metric shows that
The Democrats have about a 25% approval rating.
Congress has a 7% overall.
Obama's got like a 30%.
They're all just a big giant joke, and people see through it, and it's not working!
Besides, we don't need the cowards that get scared of this and think climbing under a rock's gonna keep them safe.
The real men start standing up, the real women start standing up, when the real tyranny manifests itself.
People aren't really scared, they've been lazy, they haven't been sure.
Now that it's gotten so obvious,
Talk about a clear and present danger.
Our government bainer, boner, this is a real name, why not just pronounce it?
Be like if I said my name is not Jones, it is...
Jonanz or something.
I mean, literally, he had a whole campaign when he first ran for Congress where they would say on TV, I ought to find the clips really funny, he goes, it's not, it's not, um, Boner, it's Boehner.
They would have this, these radio ads too.
That's what I saw was a radio ad put to YouTube years ago.
I mean, be proud of your German name, bro.
It just means like Bonner, but it's Boner.
Now, continuing here, the real elite are just people like us on average.
Most of them aren't total criminals, but they're part of the criminal combine because they've got to work with it just to get along.
And one of those is Peter Thiel, who helped create a lot of the revolutionary things we see out there today in online commerce, PayPal.
The billionaire tech entrepreneur is on a mission to cheat death.
And Democrats attack him a lot and say he's the only example of a conspiracy so they can throw it back on Libertarians.
But he does give money to pro-gun groups and he does give money to Libertarian groups and people like Rand Paul.
He also goes to Bilderberg.
But the co-founder of PayPal and likely the most successful venture capitalist in Silicon Valley is on a mission to change the world through technology and find a cure for death.
And then The Telegraph describes their hour-long interview with him where he talks about transcendence and humans merging with machines.
You ought to go read the article.
Now, I quoted people like Thiel.
Kurzweil and others, but went deep into the documents in my sheminal film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, available free online.
You can buy the DVD as well at InfoWarsTore.com if you want to have it hard copied.
And this is just a small part of the film where we get into this, but when you understand this, you understand how the entire game plan operates and how it really works.
That's why they want world government.
That's why they want to shut down individual liberty.
It's so the elite has access to all this without you sharing it.
Because if the general public ever gets all this, it'll blast all their monopolies.
So they want to keep their monopolies in place while being able to have a breakaway civilization
I'm going to skip this network break.
While they have a breakaway civilization that we're not even aware of that hides behind corporate slash national slash global security.
And that's their words, not mine.
Well, here's the deal.
I'm not going to go join them and work with them, hoping that I get entree into this system.
That's bad mojo, bad karma.
I'm not a Buddhist, but you know the term, or Hindu.
We call it reap what you sow when we're Christians.
My God-fearing antennae go bang!
They don't like it when I think about joining with Sauron so that I supposedly get some power and I can live longer and my kids can't.
No, the answer is expose the rabbit trick, expose the whole paradigm, justice be done, may the heavens fall.
And let people know the real inequity is in technology and information.
And that a superclass has formed and is preparing to literally escape to an Elysium-type system.
What they have helped create.
So I want to force them to be culpable.
I want to force them to be in the crosshairs politically.
I want to force them to understand the public knows the secret.
The public knows the trick.
The public knows the game.
So they can't get away with it.
So they reverse this plan of global depopulation and exterminism.
Let the clean technologies come out.
Let the real education systems come out that can empower humanity and stop trying to dumb humanity down so that they can continue to be the elite if they will just share the technology and the information and not try to exterminate everybody.
And there are enough good members of the elite that are already guilty about what they've done and already know it's immoral and already don't trust the technocrats above them and know they're going to end up getting cheated as well who want the same thing.
We'll only corner them if we say no quarter.
If we say no quarter, we're going to come for you, you're going to be tried, you're going to go to prison, they'll fight to the end, might blow the earth up doing it.
If we have a velvet revolution of understanding, and I don't want to use the word seduce because that has wicked connotations, but talk to the elite and talk to their subordinates and really have a serious discussion with them, we've got a chance to have a lot of them defect back to sanity
And have a real debate about all this and try to fix it.
But I've got to get the public first to want to have a real debate about all this.
I mean, you've got to decide that fantasy football is not the only thing in the universe.
You've got to decide that... You know what?
Alex Jones knows what he's talking about.
Because when I came out and put this film out, the system got really upset.
Because it really told their whole game plan.
And now other people can know their game plan.
We have a whole online bibliography, whatistheendgame.com.
I haven't looked at that site in years.
It's not even still up.
Every second of that film has an online bibliography showing the proof, showing the news clipping, showing the documentation.
And they said, Jones is crazy.
He believes they want to create a world government for life extension.
Ah ha ha.
Merge with machines and exterminate the vast majority of the population.
Well, that's what
The plan is.
And Bill Joy wrote about it and warned people 14 years ago in Wired Magazine.
He said, I went to an elite meeting with 200 top tech owners and the whole discussion was, do we just kill everybody now or let them play video games?
And the answer was, it's immoral to let them just play video games.
We're going to drop the hammer.
You see the robots getting ready to replace you.
You see the paramilitary police getting ready.
That's in the first phase.
Make sure you don't try to squirm.
Then they'll be dealt with later.
A lot of folks say, hey, we know this is coming.
You can't stop it.
I'm going to try to have a good time while this all happens.
Well, I'd go buy prison stock, and I'd go buy robot stock, and I'd go.
I would endorse Lucifer on Arabite with you out there, folks, if you want to sell out and just accept all this and throw yourself at the feet of the world system.
You will be destroyed and you'll lose your soul in the process, but hey, does that really matter?
If there's a free iPhone implant or something in it, maybe that's the way to go, okay?
But don't cop out and be a coward and point your finger at me and say, that's the nut, that's the kook, that's the crazy guy.
You bet I've yelled and screamed to get your attention.
It's frustration three, four hours a day on air.
I'm sick of it.
I know it's real.
Believe me, it ain't fun dealing with these people and their mind games and their dirty tricks and all the rest of it.
And look, I don't even hate their minions.
They're just mindless little program dummies who are like children.
Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do, to quote Christ.
Let me tell you something.
You sell out to this, you sold yourself out.
And people better make a decision which side they're on now.
Because notice it's getting clear.
Everything's getting very clear.
That's what God always does, historically, before a world is judged, before a nation, before a region, before a people, before a culture, before a city, before a family, before a man, before a woman, before a child.
Is judged.
It all is manifest and shown to be clear so you don't have any denial.
And God will show you again and again and again.
And then finally the hammer will drop.
And all the begging, all the pleading, all the screaming, and all the crying because you have no memory of it.
The Germans have a memory.
They don't like these wars.
20 million dead Germans.
20 million.
Same number, dead Russians.
Think they like war?
We only lost 400,000 people in World War II.
We don't have a real memory of it.
Putin talked about his speech where he said we have nuclear weapons a month ago.
He said Russians have a memory.
He said a racial memory of being invaded and attacked over and over again.
Over and over again.
Not just by Napoleon and Hitler.
And see, Americans don't really have that racial memory.
We've been given the false racial memory with sages like Mr. Maddow and that other guy.
The Reverend Sharpton up there with fifth grade level race baiting, divide and conquer.
I mean, those people all know what they're doing.
Get that straight.
They're up there soullessly reading off teleprompters trying to screw America up.
I mean, can you imagine?
You could put a gun to my head and say, be like Rachel Maddow or you're dead.
Well, go ahead and pull the trigger.
I'm not selling out.
And it's not a hard decision!
There's no coming back from this, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go to this clip from Endgame.
Here it is.
Eugenics dominated the 20th century.
Its ruthless spirit has now metastasized into the fields of genetics, nanotech, and robotics.
But that's not surprising.
From their inception, all three disciplines have been dominated by eugenicists.
The billionaire founder of Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy, courageously went public in 2000 to warn of a cancerous consensus among the technocratic elite that at best humanity would be completely enslaved by the year 2030, and at worst, mass extermination of everyone but the elite would take place.
A who's who of the techno elite are members of what is known as the transhumanist or posthumanist movement.
Many of its adherents see only the beneficial aspects of technology's exponential rise, like bringing sight to the blind, sound to the deaf, and longer life for all.
But what many of them don't know is that master eugenicist Julian Huxley founded transhumanism, and that society's controllers openly admit that the new system is designed to progress into absolute tyranny.
Leading transhumanist Ray Kurzweil boasts that technological advancements will allow those that can afford it to live forever, but admits that most won't be able to keep up with the new master race.
The drive for world government is now all about who will control and have access to radical life extension systems.
Biological evolution is too slow for the human species.
Over the next few decades, it's going to be left in the dust.
Transhumanists believe that they will attain the fountain of youth by merging with technology.
Now, it may be within their reach.
Decades ago, transhumanists said that if you did not accept augmentation or enhancements, you would no longer be able to get jobs.
And now it's happening today.
The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists.
Suicidal nihilists know that there is no longer any substantive purpose to their willing, but they would always prefer to go on willing than not to act at all.
They can very happily ally themselves with the notion of nuclear holocaust or perfect exterminism.
Technology has become so powerful in its capacity for destruction that free humanity cannot afford to let psychopathic technocrats with delusions of grandeur repeat the mistakes of their forebears.
Because it is highly probable that this time they may destroy everything, including themselves in their mad rush for godhood.
In this film, we have chronicled the Overlord's bloody orgy of experimentation, which already claimed the lives of more than 150 million people in the 20th century.
And now, they are promising to deliver an invincible tyranny that will dwarf their past exploits.
In the days of World War II, there were sovereign nations and armies to stand against Hitler's final solution.
Once world government is in place, no one will be able to stop the New World Order's plans for global population reduction.
For those immune to psychological programming, hundreds of FEMA camps have already been built throughout the United States.
In their quest for population reduction, no method is off the table.
These dark builders intend to release a string of man-made bio-weapons plagues, each one worse than the last, while at the same time expanding the police state to enforce an orderly extermination of the population, all in the name of fighting invisible terrorists.
And the Georgia Guidestones stand today as a cold testament to the elite's sacred mission.
To have a two-class system where the underclass are forced to live as slaves in tiny enclosed cities.
While the elite enjoy the land of the earth, evolve into superhumans with the aid of advanced implantable technologies, live eternal lives and travel throughout the cosmos.
This is the promise given to the inner members of the New World Order and the agenda of the Bilderberg Group.
Now, we get into more proof in the film and show Dr. Pianca talking about airborne Ebola and things like that.
That's a three-hour film that gives you an idea right there.
And here's Peter Thiel on Telegraph saying their plan is to bring in a system for eternal life for the elite.
So, there you go.
We've got a special guest joining us.
Some other special reports coming up as well.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential Fort Hood situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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He aligns himself with the truth.
It is time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This magic moment So different and so new Was like any other Until I kissed you And then it happened It took me by surprise
LionelMedia.com is his website.
Lionel is a legal analyst, former prosecutor, and commentator on New York's Heritage PIX11 News.
He's also syndicated talk show host, stand-up comic, and he joins us here
To break down a whole host of issues today.
But first off, Obama's supposed to get authorization from Congress for military strikes.
Obviously, if nuclear missiles get launched or something, he's allowed to respond.
There's an imminent threat.
Well, they're saying that ISIS is an imminent threat.
But the West funded it, created it, and now says they're going to give the non-radical arm of it more money.
While bombing inside Syria without their authorization, the very rebel group they helped fund.
So as a former prosecutor, I thought I'd get his take on that, on Obama's other executive actions.
And I know that when we talked about getting Lionel on a week ago, he wanted to talk about SSRIs, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and other psychotropics.
Turns out that the White House fence jumper was on these, prescribed by the U.S.
military and the VA.
So, very, very interesting on that front as well.
His Skype just dropped, so we're going to reconnect with him and go back to him in a moment.
And then I'll do a little bit of overdrive to talk to Eric, who's been holding so long, and Terrence, and probably another Eric.
There's two Erics.
But, or maybe we'll take some of these calls while Lionel's on.
Just have a quick question, because I want to mix some calls in as well.
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Then it builds a market, then the price goes down as more competition comes in.
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Because we are changing the world by our actions, by our decisions.
Now, going back to Lionel, who we got on the line with us now via video Skype.
Lionel, what do you want to tackle first?
The President and the Unitary Executive?
Or the fence jumpers and the fear the Empire has?
Now talking about checkpoints, miles around the White House?
I mean, it's just... Are we becoming some type of weird Byzantine Empire?
Are we becoming?
No, we have become.
Let me go right back to the first part of the show, Alex, when you were overwhelmed by the stack of information that you had.
I could hear it in your voice and I hear it every day because I never miss a show.
Where do I start?
Where do I begin to delve in?
Where do I start?
Here's a question for you.
Name one story, one issue, one story, one piece of fact or data that absolutely was reported perfectly by the mainstream media.
Go ahead, take all the time you want.
Other than fantasy football, the Kardashians, Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, NFL.
Aside from that, name one story in your stack that the mainstream media cover, even addressed.
Take all the time in the world you want.
Answer none.
Why is that?
Because the public's so dumbed down, the media's now so dumbed down, and the world's so complex, they have articles in the stack like, we don't know what Obamacare does, and we don't know if it's working, and we don't know what's happened, and we don't know what's happening on the border, and we don't know who we're fighting or who we're funding.
It does seem like the disintegration of society.
And I can hear it in your voice.
You're saying, why aren't there people banging on your door saying, wait a minute, where's that source?
Why aren't people slamming their brakes on their cars saying, I want to know this?
Let me talk about something if you could, and I think you've talked about it before, this notion called hydro-imperialism.
One of the greatest, I think, gifts that we, as sentient human beings and adults, can give the world is to let them know something that perhaps maybe they didn't know.
And you've got to know this, and I'm sure you do, that whenever the government says something, like Pilgrim's Law says, never believe anything until it's officially denied, when they say,
That we're going someplace for a particular reason, that's the cover.
So I ask people, why do you think ISIS, or ISIL, or IS, or FSA, or Al Nusra Fund, or AQI, or IQA, why are we changing the name?
What do you think this is about?
It's not about terrorism.
In the first wave of imperialism, it was gold.
There's gold in them dar hills.
Africa, the British.
Second way, post-industrial, oil.
Made sense.
Then the military began to be the Luca Brasi, if you will, of the American oil and petroleum industries and the world.
Third way, rare earth metals, lithium, which by the way, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan is the Saudi Arabia of lithium.
And then, now, here we go, water.
Everybody knows, kids know, that the world is covered by two-thirds of it is covered by water.
Well, that's salt water.
Okay, if you're a fish.
2% is in ice and glaciers.
1% is available to us.
That's potable, drinkable, accessible water.
It will be the future currency.
And Alex, it's so ingenious when you think about it.
Let's go back to Muammar Gaddafi.
And you said something, because I listen, Alex.
I listen.
I listen.
Maybe I listen too much.
I doubt that, but I listen.
You said, isn't it funny how we change the names of things?
Remember it was Al-Qaeda, not anymore.
Then ISIS, not anymore.
Then they go back and forth with ISIL, ISIL.
It sounds like characters from Yentl.
Yentl, ISIL.
Like a Jackie Mason routine.
Now, Qaddafi.
How many ways can you spell Qaddafi?
They even did that to us.
Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong.
Beijing, Beijing.
Qatar, Qatar.
When Gaddafi was overthrown, right when he was all of a sudden crazy, when he's wearing the Sgt.
Pepper outfit, there is the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer.
Underneath, right there in Libya, maybe Alex, maybe, just so happens to be, the largest freshwater aquifer in the world!
In the world!
He has spent $25 billion to take
Libya, which is 95-96% basically desert, and make it arable!
Make it usable!
Go back to Biblical times!
The Fertile Crescent!
Tigers in Euphrates!
The Garden of Eden!
This was water!
This is the currency now, in addition to the aforementioned.
So, when we go to a country, and we decide to either invade or liberate or whatever particular parlance you want to use,
I'm a lawyer by profession, and you have studied the law as well.
You know that when you buy property, you have air rights, there's the old ad sealum doctrine.
Then you've got surface and mineral.
But when you go to a country, and you seize a country, either by invitation or by liberation or whatever particular fiction you use, who owns the water below?
Second question.
Who does the water, I guess, whom does the water belong to?
Can you take water and put it on tankers like we used to use oil?
You know, it gets into interesting issues, Alex.
Sometimes when we go to different countries, and we will invade or liberate or whatever you want to call it, we find antiquities.
Sometimes you can't return to the Babylonians that which was the Babylonians.
Water's a different story.
So if we go to Iraq or Iran or Syria or wherever, and by the way, let me remind you that why Israel in its existential fight, existential something we have not really realized yet, if the Golan Heights were to be either re-assumed or taken back or whatever particular
Parlance you want to use.
Buy Syria.
That's 40% of Israel's drinking water.
Water is the currency of life.
You can't get off of the water standard like we did the gold standard.
There's no stopgap measures.
It's not subject to speculation.
You don't hold back on water.
It is who we are.
And Alex, hydro-imperialism.
Is yet another subtext, another stratum, another layer to this labyrinth, this calculus that we in the world are involved in.
So add that to your stat and add that to your worries.
Well, obviously you were alluding to the Great Lakes, where I was reading years ago, and I was in a documentary with Jesse Ventura about it, dealing with the fact that every month hundreds of supertankers come in from China and Japan and load up in the Great Lakes and just leave, and they basically have a UN treaty to just take our water, and now the Great Lakes are going down.
The globalists have set the precedent where they just take the water if they want it.
And what's also interesting, Alex, is when you tell somebody this, when you tell somebody and you freak them out, let me tell you the group of people that you're going to meet.
First of all, there's a group who say, that's a conspiracy, a conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theories, we've talked about a million times, means something I don't want to hear.
Something nefarious, something backward, something backroom, something illegal.
Conspiracy theory, to me, means two guilty people conspiring.
What we're doing sometimes, we're saying, no, this isn't a conspiracy, this is a fact.
There's no conspiracy.
That guy that's going into your neighbor's house, stealing his furniture, that's not a conspiracy.
That's called burglary or robbery, depending upon which.
So that word is the blanket for distraction.
People hate to be told something they should know.
They hate to be told something they should know.
And third, they hate when you shatter a myth.
Let me give you my new favorite.
How many times have you heard that extra virgin olive oil is great because of this thing called the Mediterranean diet?
It's fat!
It's a con!
Yet, so?
This is just olive oil.
We're not even talking about things that really bother.
I brought this up the other day at a restaurant.
People are running bread through pools of olive oil versus butter.
This is called the Mediterranean diet.
I said, it's fat.
No, I read, you didn't read.
It's a, it's a myth that you misunderstood.
It's a jingoism.
It's this thing that we are led to believe.
I was watching a study the other day on new efforts to go out into the world, Alex, and look for life elsewhere.
And I made the statement, why don't we look at the life from other
Dimensions of planets?
That's landing here daily!
Ask Edgar Mitchell, ask Gordon Cooper, ask astronauts.
What are you talking about?
That's crazy!
It's not crazy.
What is sane anymore?
I'm asking a very logical question.
I don't believe in myth.
I don't believe in folklore.
I believe in fact.
And it must infuriate you every day.
Just tell us the truth.
Tell the American people and the world that the reason why we in Saudi Arabia and British and English and American intel have concocted this boogeyman, the power of nightmares as a great BBC documentary said, the reason why we're giving you ISIL and ISIS is in order for you to look at this, be so horrified
Using the Hegelian dialectic to turn to us, beg us, please do something while we go in and we bomb a country.
And by the way, why not ask Assad to basically, because I think he has a bigger beef against ISIS than we do.
I'm every day fighting this battle as do you, saying I'm looking for the truth, I'm not the enemy, I'm not a truther, a conspiracy person, I'm an American citizen who loves this country, who loves the rule of law, and I just want the truth.
And I don't want any more of our brave men and women sent to be the Luca Brasi, the enforcer for some
Asset stripping, globalist, financier, jackal, or whatever particular phrase you want to call it.
And expanding on that, Lionel's our guest from lionelamedia.com, syndicated radio host, TV host in New York City, and a lawyer, prosecutor in his own right.
I saw articles in the New York Times, the London Guardian, just everywhere Newt Gingrich was saying, all these elites were saying, the people are mad, they don't buy what we're doing anymore, there's a secessionist stuff going on, it's a crisis of the world order,
And that things are breaking down.
This weekend I was in a meeting that had a lot of big executives at it.
They were all concerned about their families.
They were looking at getting out of the country.
And these things were high level.
So the elite even realize, it's not one monolith obviously, that things are really screwed up.
I don't think the general public though realizes it yet.
And when the bottom falls out of this untenable carrying capacity, whatever you want to call it, that we've reached.
It is a time bomb.
I mean, in your gut, what do you think is going to happen to civilization?
Well, I think what's going to happen is that you will see a complete burst of devolution and then an ultimate destruction.
How long that takes, you know, is anybody's guess.
The thing that I am amazed by, Alex, is I'm in New York City right now.
And downtown, we had a group of people who I think deep down inside, deep down inside, really, truly wanted to do something.
You know, Alex, anytime somebody gets off their duff and goes out in the street, whether it's a party and whether they trash the place or don't clean up is another story.
But whenever somebody stops tweeting or liking or posting or whatever, I'm
I'm heartened by that.
And I wanted to go and ask these people, do you realize the kind that you are being a part of?
Just like people who believe, and nobody's suggesting that ISIS or ISIL is nothing to worry about.
You're talking about the big global warming march that just happened and that trashed everything?
If I see a picture of that polar bear on an ice cube that was an iceberg, if I see that one more time,
And I try to explain to somebody, do you understand that what is happening is that the people involved, the people who are there to make money on carbon trading, carbon exchange, carbon currency, Al Gore, Marie Strong, the usual cast of characters, people you've never really heard of or thought of,
In order for them to, just like ISIS, just like anything else, to turn to the government, international organizations, the UN, please help us.
What they have to do is say, do something, do anything.
Hey, how would you like to do your fair share?
Anything to help that little baby polar bear!
How would you like to pay just a little bit?
Yeah, just give Al Gore some money.
Stay there, Lionel.
I'm gonna have you finish up on this.
It's so ridiculous.
We'll be back.
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I was sitting in traffic, listening to the radio.
Lionel is our guest, LionelMedia.com.
I'm your host Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
Here in my stack, in fact I found the article, here it is.
This is out of Chicago Tribune.
Google severs ties with conservative group over climate stance.
And it just basically said they won't do business with them or operate with them or do web platforms with them.
Because, quote, no one questions that global warming and climate change is real.
Google is breaking ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council, a prominent network of conservative state legislators, among other projects works to roll back laws that promote solar and wind power, the company's chairman said Monday.
The decision marks a major victory for the campaign for environmentalists.
And it just goes on.
Censoring, not letting gun shops have bank accounts, or things like this, is real draconian authoritarianism.
You can say, well, Google's a private company, says Microsoft, let them do what they want.
Okay, well then, if somebody doesn't like someone's sexual persuasion, are you not going to sell them a house and say, well, it's your free market right?
The so-called left tried to pioneer, they claim, it was really Republicans, and I'm non-partisan, that's just a fact, the Civil Rights Act and other things, so many issues.
Where they're claiming they're trying to stop discrimination, but now there's a whole other level of it.
And they say in the article, climate change denial will not be tolerated.
Like they're saying it's Holocaust denial or something.
That's pretty scary, because Lionel, I don't think anybody's denying there are a lot of serious environmental issues.
I'd rather have those dealt with and covered.
But paying a carbon tax to a few hundred rich guys, and moving our jobs to India, where they have, you know, dirty plants,
Or to Mexico.
All this is a scam.
No one can debate that.
Alex, nobody is suggesting, and I'm not suggesting, that there is not some cyclical sun-solar related warming or climate change.
That's not the issue.
Yeah, we're not even denying it.
But if we wanted to, that's our right.
Well, there was a guy named Galileo who wanted to deny the notion of a geocentric universe as well.
And look what happened to him.
Look, here's my challenge to the carbon taxes.
If Al Gore signs something,
That said, I hereby believe so much in the notion of change of this anthropogenic man-made... I'm gonna sell my ten mansions that are 20,000 square feet.
But I believe in this so much, I'm going to sign something disavowing any profit that I ever make from any kind of carbon exchange or carbon taxing.
Then I'll listen to him.
If you do that, if you tell me that this is truly a belief that you have, that we've got to
You know, reel in and tamp down this belching of carbon?
Fine, I'm with you.
But until he does that, what this is, is to get people into a religion.
That this is something that everybody believes in.
To make even those who question it to seem luddite and stupid.
And by the way, this is the vehicle of the professional left.
You know, this is the country, Alex, that used to believe in this thing called 1984.
I gotta mention this to you.
The other day, again in New York and around the country, people are standing in lines waiting so they can now take a GPS, forget the carcinogenic aspect of it, but this thing that they would just carry in their pocket.
Now they're going to wear it as jewelry so that they can be tracked.
And they've had Opticon, Worldview, 24-7 Grid.
Next, we're going to forget the biometrics.
We're going to have RFID chips installed.
And you and I are going to sit back and say, well, we told you so.
And Google Contact Lenses.
Lionel, awesome.
I want to get back up for a full hour next week to cover the waterfront.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, sir.
You are listening to GCN.
Highly news tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I'm going to do some overdrive and take a few calls.
Visit GCN now.
Eric and others.
Eric and Terrence.
I don't know about the others, but we're coming back to you.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think?
We're good.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I appreciate the callers holding, but anytime you don't want to hold them, you can obviously hang up, but I always like to hold over and get a few extra calls in.
Political President of the United States, sentenced to eight months.
Told radio host he was targeted and set up, basically.
That interview is up on Infowars.com.
And that's exactly what happened.
It's frightening for the First Amendment in this country.
Let's talk to Eric in Ohio.
Thanks for holding.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking the call, man.
Appreciate it.
I just wanted to say, you know, thanks for all the great information you're putting out right now.
I recently watched
The Obama deception and was really chilled, but out of all the facts that you presented, what really struck me the most was at the end, you know, you point in the camera and you say, you are the resistance and you say, you are important.
And that really, uh, that really hit my soul.
And I just wanted to say, you know, as much as it is important to spread the information that you're spreading and show people the truth,
There are certain people who are not ready to see it right now, and I think that what we have to do to get them to that point is be able to uplift them and encourage them, you know, spreading a positive message as well as exposing the nastiness of what's going on right now.
And I say that to say, you know, I'm planning to start my own community organization, you know, inspired a lot by some of the things that I found out through you and also just some of the general truth that I've come to see.
Um, I just wanted to, you know, just keep you encouraged, man.
Keep fighting the good fight and, uh, you know, stay up because I know it's stressful.
I can hear it when I listen to you sometimes.
You know, we, uh, what we need to remember is that, you know, we've won this battle.
We just have to claim our victory right now.
Thank you, Eric.
God bless you.
I absolutely agree with what you're saying.
Terrence in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing Alex?
That's good, that's good.
So yeah, about what's going on in the Middle East right now, I think it's absolutely disgusting.
I agree with you.
It's like, so first they arm these rebels to take down Assad, and then they use that as a pretext to, they use, now that they're, now that they've formed ISIS now,
And from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and they're willing to put our troops on the line.
And the way I see it is that there can really no, there can be no true peace unless people really understand each other and that they understand each other's pain.
And that's when you, I think we can have peace, but they don't want peace.
It's all about, it's all about gaining money and, and, and destabilizing the Middle East.
What's your take?
That's it.
Screw the place up so it's weak.
People are unorganized with a bunch of cavemen running around murdering people so the big corporations can roll in after the locusts have passed.
And then the public found out our government was funding Al Qaeda, so now they're doing some fake bombing raids on them and changing the name every five minutes.
It's disgusting.
One more caller.
Eric in Florida.
Go ahead.
You've got about a minute and a half.
I'm glad to finally be able to talk to you.
Do you remember the story of $500 million out of the Mosul Central Bank?
It was actually 500 billion Iraqi dinars, and that's 62.5 tons of money, and it would be over a mile and a half wide.
So it's being funded by the banks, just like World War I and World War II, and it's all a setup.
And this is a setup.
We hit Syria, and we have Russia backing
Syria and Iran and it's it's it's playing it all over again starting in the Middle East and uh yeah 62.5 tons of cash is what they would have had to steal and and it just to me it sounds unlogical so any of your thoughts?
No, I totally agree with you.
And that's what we're here exposing.
And the good news is, there's now a national debate about this.
People are going, wait a minute, this is the same group we helped create.
What's going on here?
Alright, big broadcast tomorrow lined up.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
Great job, crew.
The Genesis Communications Network is one of America's... ...where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water...