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Name: 20140917_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 17, 2014
2484 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of issues including Ebola, Obama's military actions in Africa, DHS ammo purchases, UN-backed rebels injecting tainted measles vaccine into Syrian children, low trust in mass media according to a Gallup poll. He also promotes InfoWarsLife products such as Super Male, Super Female, Infidel Body Armor, Occupower eye supplements, and Survival Shield X2 nascent iodine. In the broadcast, Jones talks about surveillance technology's impact on privacy, its exploitation by criminals or use for absolute control over citizens, the importance of public awareness and action against such practices, government surveillance, militarization of society, social engineering, and power dynamics in America.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John McAfee is going to be joining us, of course, of McAfee Antivirus Software, to break down exactly what's happening with the so-called security of the cloud, and to detail exactly why the police and FBI lie about the mystery cell tower hours around the country that really aren't mysteries at all.
That's in the third hour.
For the first two hours, we're going to open the phones up and cover the waterfront on this live, Wednesday, the 17th of September, 2014, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Obviously, the Ebola situation, in Obama's words, is spiraling out of control and is a serious threat.
And they've committed 3,000 troops as of yesterday to go into these five African, now six African nations, but they're going to be in five countries, two particularly that are ravaged and where the governments are close to collapsing and society is close to spiraling into anarchy.
And a total of 6,000 other UN troops are going to be sent who are not trained and properly equipped to be around Ebola in a hot zone.
You can argue.
Do they go in and quote, contain it?
That means shooting people that try to exit areas or cross borders and putting them in the giant ghettos to basically die.
That's on record what they're doing.
Or is it really just going to be putting troops into a hot zone where they can gestate this for 22 days and bring it back into the United States?
And undoubtedly there's some typhoid Marys in there who have got Ebola or will get Ebola, who are master carriers, who carry it a lot longer than 22 days.
So, we're going to be breaking it all down here today.
I want to just say the crew and Rob Dew and everybody did a fabulous job.
Yesterday, I had a stomachache in the morning, and in the old days I would just come in if I had a stomachache or something, but I just decided to take off and get some rest.
So I did do that, but ended up working in the afternoon.
But it's just wonderful to be able to have an arsenal of great minds here to help fill in when I can't do the broadcast, like Paul Watson, Rob Dew, and the rest of the reporters.
It's just amazing that we have such an informed team, like our news director on the TV side, Rob Dew, who can just step in here, never doing a radio show in his life, other than filling in some here as a guest, and host a radio show that's in the top ten talk shows, political talk shows, in the country.
And in the top five political websites now, you can look that up for yourself, so pretty powerful arsenal of researchers and political minds that we now have here.
We're finally getting a little bit of depth in our operation, something that we desperately need so we can expand with our reporters and our research and our analysis and cover more in-depth of what's happening here on our planet.
So great job to the crew.
Dozens of children feared dead after being injected with tainted measles vaccine in Syria by the UN.
And who carried it out?
The loving rebels.
Well, they're not nerve-gassing children or chopping their heads off there.
They're vaccinating them.
It doesn't matter that it's on record that the rebels are the ones doing it.
They're trying to blame Assad, who I'm not saying is a cupcake of goodness, but quite frankly, I can't find a lot he's done
To say that's bad, other than being a dictator.
Kind of a semi-benevolent, not malevolent, compared to Al Qaeda, that is.
Certainly, he was trying to democratize, and they used that as a way to get in there and overthrow much of the nation, but Kurt Neumeyer wrote a detailed article about it, showing how it's a lot more than
36 children and it's excruciating how they died.
We're going to get into the latest on just a host of issues.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
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We're good to go.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
till 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, we're here live with this syndicated radio broadcast.
In this very time slot since 1997.
11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We then return weeknight 7 o'clock Central for InfoWars Nightly News at PrisonPlanet.tv with the entire InfoWars crew and family.
Thank you again so much for joining us on this Wednesday, the 17th day of September 2014.
We're going to be live, as I said, here for the next three hours.
There's a new poll out.
We'll be getting into some out of Gallup.
Trust in mass media at all-time low.
One billion websites and counting.
Yahoo News is now reporting.
Police are now using drones to photograph car wrecks.
That's just some of the type of news that's up on DrugsReport.com.
Up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, dozens of children dead after U.N.
gives tainted vaccine in rebel-held Syria.
and Saudi-backed mercenaries blame Assad fantastically.
Kurt Nemo wrote that story, and the story links to
The London Telegraph and to the World Health Organization.
Dozens of children feared dead after being injected with tainted measles vaccine in Syria.
We're going to go over the horrible deaths, writhing in pain right after getting the vaccines that resembled what cyanide does.
And what's amazing is it's admitted to be a UN program.
It's admitted to be in rebel-held areas, but then the rebels blame Assad.
Kind of like there's video of them going, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, last year, 15 months ago, and launching chemical attacks on multiple sites inside Syria, waving al-Qaeda flags, and then our news media would say, oh, Assad did it, and then even the UN tested the chemicals and said, no, it's Saudi Arabian.
I mean, it's pretty obvious when Obama goes, two years ago, if we see anyone launch chemical weapons, rebels or Assad, we're gonna bomb Assad and blame him.
That's our redline.
In fact, it was on the anniversary, so it was two and a half years ago, the anniversary of Obama's redline statement and speech that the rebels launched the chemical attack.
The first one of three.
Remember all this?
Early part of 2013?
And then Obama came out in March, a year later, and said the red line has been crossed.
The globalists are such gangsters, it's so obvious.
If any chemical weapons get used, we're going to blame Assad.
A year later, Al Qaeda launches the attack against Assad, and against the army, and then blames them.
And then now, in the London Telegraph, in Der Spiegel, in the World Health Organization's own statement, it's a UN program in the North, in an area seized by the quote, good rebels.
I am not a bad witch, I am a Glinda the Good Witch, to quote the Lollipop Guild speech in The Wizard of Oz.
It's like we're going to arm the rebels to fight the rebels.
It's all oxymorons.
It's all up is down, down is up, black is white, two plus two equals whatever they say.
It is just so crazy.
But then there's the whole discussion of why in Pakistan?
Why in Libya?
Why all over Africa?
Fifty years ago the natives would beg for the white medicine man's medicine.
Now they run.
Because they give them shots and the whole village gets HIV.
Or they give them shots and the whole village is sterilized.
Or they give them the polio vaccine and half the kids in the town become paralyzed and a bunch of them die.
I mean, I see this in the press all the time and it's almost like it's a conditioning or a psychological inoculation titrating the poison of tyranny where now I see articles about them vaccinating people and them dying and it's not even a news issue anymore.
I am being conditioned to accept it.
Oh, I saw on a local newscast, an 11-year-old girl, a cheerleader, it's always a cheerleader for some reason, took the shot, so mommy didn't want her to ever get cancer again, even though it doesn't protect you from cancer, even the papillomavirus, it says on the insert, oh there's thousands of strains, this only covers four to eight or whatever it says, there's different variants of it, and it doesn't protect you, it might give you Guillain-Barré or irritable bowel syndrome or autoimmune or might kill you.
And now I see those articles every few days where somebody new dies from it.
India, Japan banned it years ago.
It was introduced there eight years ago, like here.
But not in America!
All over the world, GMOs are being pulled off the shelves.
All over the world, glyphosate is being banned or restricted.
Look at this article.
Removes GMO ingredients from baby foods in South Africa, but not in the USA.
Company actively ignores requests of U.S.
Another great article by Christina Sarich for InfoWars.com from National Society.
You see?
We are the dumping ground for everything.
Here's the Globe and Mail.
lawmakers want to curb antibiotic use on farms.
Oh, I thought it was a conspiracy theory that we were getting superbugs from feeding antibiotics before animals are even sick across the board so they can live in horrible conditions.
And then we eat the antibiotics and then it makes us fat and bloated and screws up our guts and destroys our immune system.
That's a fact.
And now it's mainstream news.
Oh, here's another one.
Doctors and nurses, you are the vaccine fraud tipping point.
Do not be intimidated into staying silent by your hospital directors and managers.
And it's an excellent report, video report, detailing how that's the next level of rebellion.
Just like in the Army with the smallpox and anthrax shots, they were the ones that ended up getting those shots stopped that were, by the way, illegal.
You can't make troops take experimental shots.
You can order them to take vaccines that are, quote, seen as approved for general use and not experimental.
The military is the only group you can make take vaccines because you sign those forms and waive your rights.
And I think that's wrong and should be changed.
But they have been caught giving troops experimental drugs, experimental vaccines that kill them over and over again.
And it was the military doctors that rebelled time and time again and stopped it.
And now they want to test experimental Ebola vaccine on humans, made from the chimpanzee virus.
Sky News reports, and guess who you know, they're going to be testing it on the troops.
And when they get sick, telling them just go in a hole and die.
So that's why I mentioned that up front today with all the news we've got.
It's really starting to come out how bad GMO is, how bad glyphosate is, how bad fluoride is, and we're seeing more and more mainstream news forced to admit it because medical doctors and scientists are going public.
Speaking of that, CBS News.
Are cell phones really giving us cancer?
And it goes on to say, doctors say keep cell phones on airplane mode while in pocket to lower cancer risk.
Elementary school children should not have more than three hours a week around wireless.
Yes, it is a microwave transmission system that, for decades they've known, increases cancers.
I've talked to medical doctors, brain surgeons, who say it is epidemic brain tumors on the side of the head where you use the cell phone.
And everyone I know, and my friends and family, I buy them hands-free.
I buy them, because then it's just like a radio connection, basically.
I buy them wires that have been shown to at least not radiate right up against your head.
Because for the length of the microwave antenna,
It lessens by half every movement out from its measurement.
So if a cell phone's three feet away from you, it is literally hundreds of times weaker.
Still not good for you, and we're bathed in this background radiation.
But in all the major studies, you can look them up, we've covered them.
When you put a cell phone right up against tissue, it vibrates the DNA chains till they break.
Then they start mutating, then you get cancer.
It ages you.
And for the life of me, I cannot stop my father from walking around on the cell phone all day with it up against his head.
He will not use wires.
He will not use hands-free because it's a habit.
It's easy.
He's committed.
I know parents with their children.
Just give them cell phones all day and people will divorce over it and say, my kids are going to have cell phones.
That's the end of it.
We're going to have wireless.
You know, we're going to be bathed in this because, you know, it's invisible.
I don't see it.
You're making it up.
Are cell phones really giving us cancer?
Chris Moore spoke with Dr. Deborah Davis about the dangers of cell phone radiation.
Dr. Davis is the author of The Secret History of the War on Cancer and Disconnect, the truth about cell phone radiation.
I want to get that doctor on.
And then they go through and break down the fact that wherever it's
Just like radar guns, they learned, were giving the police officers testicular cancer.
Because, you know, where do you stick a radar gun when you're sitting on a motorcycle or in a squad car?
You don't stick it back in the holster, you stick it between your legs.
That's where it fits and you pull it up and fire it.
Well, even when they're not firing all the time, beaming out that energy, it's cycling and they're ready to shoot, putting it off into your genitalia.
Just like they said, oh DU's not bad for you.
Even though I've had the head of the DU program on saying the issue is you inhale it and then at point-blank range it sits there up against the DNA mutating it.
Not to mention it's highly toxic and now we know bladder cancer
Testicular cancer, kidney cancer in troops is just off the charts.
17-fold increase in birth defects in Fallujah alone, and our troops have a four-fold increase.
They know, ladies and gentlemen, so I'm just here warning you, we have an elite that has deployed all this technology knowing what it does.
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There's close to 3,000 deaths now in Africa from Ebola.
Many estimates, many experts believe it's much higher.
They estimate 30,000 people have contracted it.
They believe it'll be over 100,000, the World Health Organization does, by December, perhaps higher.
Many virologists looking at the viral spread maps are talking about 5 million people dying.
Of course, that was in Bild, major German publication last week, with one of the top virologists speaking in the country.
I don't know if that's true.
I know that the policy has been, don't bring Ebola patients to Western countries.
Treat them on ships if they're US citizens or Western citizens.
Now they're bringing Ebola patients to the United States and to basically every European country.
Spain, Germany, they're all taking them.
Extremely dangerous situation in my view.
Here's some of the headlines.
to commit up to 33,000 troops to fight Ebola in Africa.
Another article, 6,000 U.N.
peacekeepers not trained to fight Ebola are being deployed.
That's on a world net daily.
Ebola crisis could last for years if not controlled quickly.
Is what testimony to Congress is basically saying.
One of the doctors that survived Ebola that was taken back to the U.S.
That's in the Wall Street Journal.
American doctor recalls horror of contracting Ebola.
Obama warns America can't dawdle on Ebola as he warns African epidemic could infect hundreds of thousands and jeopardize U.S.
national security.
Well, the panic and hysteria
That it's already causing, in Sierra Leone, Liberia and other areas, has threatened to bring those countries completely down.
And they're already locking up whole areas of cities and just throwing people in and putting barbed wire up around like the Warsaw Ghetto in World War II.
It's just really pitiful to see the video feeds that we've played here of folks with Ebola starving trying to climb out and being stopped by the police.
And being drug off in containment vehicles to be thrown back in.
But what are you supposed to do when society starts to collapse?
And do you want those jobs of those police and those military and of the hazmat teams that are one of the biggest groups contracting Ebola?
That's another issue.
People in full hazmat gear are getting it.
Now, if you can't get it, except by saliva or inhaling it, then why is it spreading?
We know versions of Ebola have gone airborne before, as evidenced by declassified Army documents that were first disclosed on NOVA in 1990.
We've played that clip here multiple times.
I'm tempted to play it again.
Now continuing, Obama warns America can't dawdle.
Speaking from the CDC yesterday, we have to act fast, he warned.
We can't dawdle on this one as he brings Ebola patients back to the U.S.
I have no confidence in Obama.
And quite frankly, this stinks of being a weaponized Ebola and the perfect global crisis.
And I've been predicting we'd see bioweapon releases in the last year, because it just fits into this... I mean, they're giving Al-Qaeda chemical weapons to launch attacks on Assad.
They turned Libya over to Al-Qaeda three years ago, and are now talking about U.S.
military having to go in there to stop them.
People say, wow, Obama screwed up arming Al-Qaeda!
Libya's a failed state!
That was the plan to bring down Africa.
Libya was sustaining and industrializing the entire continent.
And they wanted to create an African Union that would actually let Africa get its own resources and build its own infrastructure.
And that's a big no-no under U.N.
June 21, and not just for Africa.
Obamacare is meant to shut down small business.
Obamacare is meant to shut down small companies.
All the cloward and pivot carbon taxes are meant to shut down our factories and jobs.
And you know what?
They're doing a great job with it.
So, this fits into the overall global depopulation plan that they openly write about in all these globalist publications.
Remember what Prince Philip said?
He told Der Spiegel, and he also told the World Wildlife Fund, General Congress, he'd pull up his two quotes, and in the foreword to If I Was an Animal, Prince Charles' book, Prince Philip had the foreword,
And he said, I would like to come back reincarnated as a deadly virus to wipe out the majority of humanity to contribute something.
In the culling of the herd.
Now that's probably a perfect quote, or I may have conflated the two quotes.
You can pull up Prince Philip's quote about being reincarnated as a virus.
Okay, that's all I'm saying.
You got Dr. Pianka at UT.
There it is, wannabe virus Prince Philip attacks big families.
There's an article right there.
The London Times.
You can click on that.
We'll get you the actual quote.
It's just amazing.
These people are the prime suspects.
Ebola poses a new challenge for U.S.
Wall Street Journal.
Ebola crisis spiraling out of control.
Close quote.
Obama warns.
It's all coming up.
We're going to tell you about how they're now claiming open the borders up to stop Ebola.
I'm not kidding.
We're on the march.
That's coming up.
The empire's on the run.
That's Dick Durbin.
Alex Jones and the GMCN Radio Network.
Can't make this stuff up.
From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that six million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think so.
We're good.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go folks, I'm being assaulted.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, about two months ago, DrudgeReport.com and InfoWars.com and WorldNetDaily.com and others began to quote top virologists and others and link to stories that said that aircraft flying into the United States from Western Africa and Central Africa posed a major threat of bringing Ebola into the United States.
Now, it doesn't take rocket science to know that.
People can carry it for 22 days now.
It's spreading very quickly.
It's killing 90 plus percent of people that end up getting it.
50 percent of you get Western medical treatment right away.
55 percent or so.
And that a lot of these people are also flying in from the Middle East and Africa.
And that cases of people with Ebola were showing up in Saudi Arabia and other areas, that there was a good chance that the thousands of other than Mexicans, that's what it's called in the Border Patrol filings, being caught every month at different border sectors in Texas, Arizona, Mexico, California, that there's a good chance Ebola would also pass the border.
And Geraldo Rivera came out and attacked a bunch of people who's been on the show.
I like a lot of what Geraldo does over the years.
He exposed government drug dealing, you name it.
But he basically came out and said it's racist against Hispanics if you don't want total open borders and there's no Ebola threat.
It's what he said.
He said it was fear-mongering.
And then taking his cue, as I mentioned earlier in the week, all over international media, the Associated Press, CBS News, not just InfoWars.com or DrugsReport.com, but Paul Watson and Kurt Nemo and myself all got singled out.
We all got singled out.
That we were fear-mongering about that Ebola could be going airborne and that it could come across the border or flying on an airplane.
Well, now the President says that it's a major crisis and spiraling out of control.
I have the quotes.
I read them last segment.
In fact, I'll read you the headline again with the close quote.
AFP, Ebola spiraling, Ebola crisis spiraling out of control, close quote, warrants President Obama.
So, I just want to state again that being right first
It's not a bad thing.
Knowing what you're talking about is not evil.
And obviously, having a wide-open border, when you've got already drug-resistant tuberculosis, and drug-immune tuberculosis, and all these other diseases pouring across the southern border.
There's a reason people don't go to South America or Central America, unless you go to the nicer areas of Chile.
It's because you gotta take a bunch of shots and a bunch of medicine, and you still get sick a lot when you go down there.
I mean, they got stuff that'll curl your hair.
And we have no known immunity to it up here.
People are pretty tough down there.
They've been living around it for thousands of years, the Mesoamericans.
But this issue of, hey, we might not want to just merge with the third world,
They now even let people into the U.S.
that have a leprosy.
Wet, as it's called, transferable, communicable leprosy.
But there's all these forced vaccines and checkpoints and surveillance and Homeland Security raiding SWAT meets where people are selling knockoff NFL coasters and SWAT team raids of a guy that has a 23-year-old Range Rover that they don't think has proper emission controls on it.
That's all going on with a backdrop of war with Russia, war in the Middle East, dollar devaluation, Ebola spreading, China threatening to invade the Philippines again.
Just the whole world's blowing up.
And it's being activated by the globalists at the top to play all our countries off against each other.
It's a global destabilization program.
And then meanwhile, Dick Durbin says amnesty bill will help contain Ebola.
It makes it even easier for illegals to come here.
It gives amnesty to basically anybody who can get here.
Even if you're a felon, you promise not to be a felon again.
It's the same bill the Republicans wrote up with the Democrats four times under Bush.
Because the elite want a North American Union.
Because then that new system, that new bureaucracy can circumvent all the other state laws and federal.
It's not even a federal government we're dealing with.
It's a captured system by the offshore corporations who are exempt from the taxes.
That's back in the news today.
Yesterday, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois said that a comprehensive amnesty bill would help Americans contain the Ebola epidemic.
When it simply opens the border up even more.
That is so ridiculous.
Here's one out of Reuters.
Citing security threat, Obama expands U.S.
role fighting Ebola.
Again, but does nothing with the border.
But he ordered basically completely opened back in January of this year.
He doesn't have to act executively.
He already has acted.
So when they have the newscasters saying Obama's getting in trouble with the open borders lobby, because he didn't open the borders, he has opened the borders for all intents and purposes.
Now to make it even more rich, DHS official claims border more secure than ever, but truth is opposite of what Obama administration suggests.
In true Orwellian fashion, the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security claimed the border is more secure than ever has been before.
Speaking to a liberal think tank yesterday, Deputy Security Secretary Al-Jurando Makarkas, I'm having trouble pronouncing that, suggested a dip in apprehensions of illegal immigrants' youth last month, because they've just ordered him to let them go, meant the Obama administration has greatly strengthened border security, a fantasy considering that anyone, including ISIS,
Yes, the war on terror is a hoax, because it's aimed at gun owners, returning veterans, vets, libertarians, Christians, pro-lifers.
Our government, the illegitimate part of it, is arming ISIS.
And the border's wide open.
So, when they tell you, hey, you live in a post-911 world, we've got to spy on everything you do, track everything you do, increase the numbers of federalized police.
They created the crisis.
They ship in the drugs, and then have asset forfeiture seizure taking cash out of your wallet when no drugs are found.
Well, because it's a war on drugs.
They introduced the crises to re-engineer the society and the civilization.
They are converting us from a free society to a tyranny.
Now, I want to get back into the ISIS situation and then open the phones up and take your calls on this issue and a lot more.
But some of the stories up on InfoWars.com.
The latest from Gallup.
Trusted mass media at all-time low.
Gonna talk about what that means.
There's another new article and video out.
Man humiliated at TSA.
Triggers on his bottle of Chanel blue.
New recruits flock to ISIS following Obama's speech.
Dozens of children dead after the U.N.
gives tainted vaccine to rebel-held Syria?
It's all about getting the U.N.
into Iraq and all these places to shoot these kids up and sterilize them.
Yeah, some are going to have a bad response and die.
That's the way it goes.
Just the way it goes.
Well, it's just a footnote and a bunch of dead kids every day or two with vaccines.
And the inserts say it can kill you, but it's no big deal.
Go take your Gardasil shot.
You know, you can get a lot of attention for yourself when you bury your kid.
A lot of trendy moms out there, a lot of soccer moms might like that.
DHS official claims border more secure than ever.
I mentioned that.
Call your representative today.
Vote no on military aid to Syrian rebels.
Washington blog story about that.
Russia's come out and said the Free Syrian Army no longer exists.
Rebels are coordinating with terrorists.
Well, that's what Colonel Schaefer said a week and a half ago here.
He was up in a secret briefing on the Hill, and they said it's way above 65 percent.
And then I talked to another little source, and they said in that briefing, 95 percent.
Congress knows that the Pentagon has told them.
That 95% is Al Qaeda and they don't want, just like a year ago, they didn't want to openly back the rebels and give them air support.
And the Pentagon is telling them in classified briefings right now, do not do this.
There's no way these weapons won't go to Al Qaeda.
And it's more of a wink and a nod.
They just want to be on record not supporting this.
Because as corrupt as the military brass is,
This is really evil.
I mean, they're going to go into Syria and kill every Christian and Jew they find, and every non-radical Muslim, and they're going to kill literally hundreds of thousands more.
And General Jack Dempsey, for all of his problems, went to Obama over a year ago and said, do not attack Syria, do not back up Al Qaeda, we're going to have a rebellion in the armed forces, and it's going to come out that you're aiding Al Qaeda.
So that's why I've said it's a real moral moment for the U.S.
And for the FBI for that matter that are out arresting ISIS people.
But I guarantee you that's not who they've been told to target.
And they are being forced to release them or drop the cases.
But they're trying to go after these real people.
Just like before 9-11 the FBI was tracking the hijackers and trying to stop them being ordered to stand down in Phoenix and in Minneapolis-St.
Paul and on and on and on.
They're compartmentalized though.
Their hands are tied.
So now Dempsey in testimony yesterday
Admitted that they know Arab allies who fund ISIS.
Because they all know the 28 pages is set to come out.
And I've talked to Congressman Jones on air earlier this year.
I've talked to Colonel Schaefer.
And I've talked to other sources.
I'm not going to say anymore, okay?
But it's known what's in the 28 pages.
And it's confirmed from our sources on air, congressmen, that Saudi Arabia was running the whole show.
And I'm not scapegoating just Saudi Arabia.
By saying Saudi Arabia was the quarterback, the entire Western intelligence system, the Germans, the Israelis, the British, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, Defense Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, at the highest levels, all knew as well.
And the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ABC News, USA Today, canceled a trip the week before 9-11 that was set for 9-11 to visit Wall Street.
Instead, Warren Buffett had all the major CEOs, over 200, at a quote, special invited event, flew them in the night before, to meet at a secret hangar at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
This is Associated Press where I'm telling you, and they were all told something at that event.
We don't know what it was, it's classified.
I'll tell you how high level Warren Buffett is, folks.
You understand?
I'm just giving you some nexus points here, some dots, but
Saudi Arabia ran the operation.
And our government, bare minimum, knew in order to stand down.
Now, it was very compartmentalized.
The computers were taken over at NORAD.
This came out in the 9-11 hearings.
The computers were taken over and they didn't call it a hack.
They said, who's taking control of the system?
What are all these simulations in here?
And they just laid airplanes and stuff all over everywhere where they couldn't tell what was going on.
That's the problem with everything wired into Skynet.
Everything's centralized.
Every iPhone, every Droid, every computer, every new appliance wired in to get these codes with codes put into them that God knows who can go in and hijack or control.
And then no one knows what's going on.
South Korea's going entirely to giant robot sentries with .50 cal and even higher caliber guns, artillery.
What was Napoleon's quote?
War is made with artillery.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
What did Rudyard Kipling say?
Thank God the guns.
Thank God the guns.
What's the exact quote?
It's like, the guns.
Thank God for the guns.
The point is, is that everything's converting to robots, everything's converting to drones, everything is converting right now!
This is a master Trojan horse takeover.
And they tell people at the NSA, oh, it's being done to defeat other cyber systems in the future, the Russians, the Chinese.
It's above that.
The Chinese meet with the top globalists routinely, and there's a double-cross going on.
And this is a Skynet takeover.
But the eugenicists, transhumanists run it.
And they believe they are going to transcend humanity.
Speaking of General Dempsey, why not play that clip where he admitted that he knows of Arab allies who fund ISIS.
That's because we give the weapons to Qatar, we give the weapons to Saudi Arabia, fence it to a third party, plausible deniability, you know, you go rob somebody's house, you take it to a fence,
Who then goes in, who isn't the actual person doing it, and then they sell it to the pawn shop.
And it's the same thing.
Give the weapons to Saudi Arabia, and the M-16s, the TOW missiles, the Stingers, and then they give it to Al-Qaeda.
Or the ambassadors at a substation with three warehouses full of Stinger missiles, you name it, you just kill them!
You just order a stand-down, you send Al-Qaeda, who's the local security from Benghazi, who runs the city, send them over to kill them,
But two sheep-dipped Navy SEALs, CIA commandos, they didn't stand down, they ran back, so instead of it taking two hours to kill the ambassador, it took six, seven hours, and so it was embarrassing!
As our military had to sit there and watch a stand-down, and see they've all now been made accomplices to it, and they don't like it!
They're like, wow, we really just killed our own ambassador and people to let a bunch of jihadis kill him, and they had to watch it on the overheads,
And six hours into it, the order came from the White House to just turn it off.
So everybody's on ships, they're in Italy, they're at the military bases, they're all, I've talked to the people, they're all sitting there watching in HD infrared, not the stuff they show you on the news.
They can watch grasshoppers hopping around on the ground with us.
Just watching the jihadis kill everybody, watching them drag the ambassador around, watching them offload the missiles and load them on trucks and take them where they took them.
And they're all going, wow, it's really all true.
Our government runs Al-Qaeda.
Our government just killed everybody there so they could have plausible deniability with the jihadis, who are then going to hold the West hostage with the 15,000 Stinger missiles and all the other goodies.
And when they shoot down airplanes or when they come across the border and blow stuff up,
Dick Durbin will come out and say it's the anti-immigration lobby.
They didn't open the border so this happened.
He's in the news.
You're like, but that doesn't make sense.
This is an overthrow of reality we're now witnessing.
Here's the toll-free number.
I'm going to have totally open phones the next hour.
I'd love to hear from you on any of these issues I just raised.
All I ask is that you have a good telephone.
We don't screen your calls.
Any subject you want to bring up, it's a free-for-all.
Questions, comments, agree, disagree.
This is beyond Machiavellian politics we've now reached.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I love this Orwellian headline from McClatchy, who I really respect as a news publication syndicate.
They're one of the only mainstream media outlets that I continue to see true, groundbreaking, real investigative journalism from.
Labor Department announces grants to fight tax cheats.
But that's in response
To the Labor Department being caught letting big, major Fortune 100 companies not pay taxes.
So you read the headline and you think, oh, the Labor Department's doing something good.
But they're not.
And then some people would say, well, Alex, aren't you for paying less taxes?
But you can't have the ultra-rich avoiding the taxes because then they'll lobby to raise taxes on poor and working class and middle class to get more government contract money.
It's billionaires on average, if you look it up, lobby for bigger government and higher taxes because they're exempt and then they transfer the money to themselves.
And look, I know, I harp on this every week, it's the key to everything.
They've got us all worried about what color we are and fighting with each other over our genders.
And not trusting each other, while the big mega banks run the country, are getting rid of our sovereignty, and have gotten tens of trillions of dollars in banker bailout money.
And in this article it admits, at the federal and state level, that the agencies literally do agreements saying big corporations don't have to pay their taxes.
And I meant to do a story on this, I was at the gym,
Yesterday on the elliptical, and I picked up a GQ that somebody had left laying in there, and I read a bunch of articles, and every article was how men need to act pathetic and weak to get women, and how the new chivalry is, you know, how to be polite to women and not offend them was the cover story.
And I knew what I was going to read before I read it.
It was social engineering.
Just, well yeah, still grovel to women, but they're your boss, and still pay for everything, and still do what they say, but you're pathetic.
Yeah, they found it.
How to be polite to women without making them angry.
It actually says something else, but I'm not going to say it on air.
So, people are like, why?
Well, we have a lot of very conservative radio listeners, and I just like to keep it family.
But how to be polite to women without, you know, wutting them off.
And then it was every article.
And then I start watching the TV ads where the executive never knows what he's doing if he's male and the woman tells him everything.
And it's just bombarding with this garbage of social engineering while a bunch of rich, powerful men scam everybody.
It's just a wall-to-wall message to women is, hate men, put them down, they're stupid, you get ahead when they lose.
White people are all racist, blah, blah, blah.
Just political correctness is psychological warfare to screw the country up, period.
I'm going to come back and do a bunch of other news, video clips.
Got a special guest joining us.
John McAfee has more intel on the stingray system and the secret cell towers going up around the country.
We know what they are, but he's identified some key intel for us.
John McAfee, a very colorful character, is going to be joining us coming up in the third hour.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to your phone calls right now, and I'm going to be blitzing through a ton of breaking news and information throughout the broadcast.
Here's some of what's coming up.
CNN reports the headline, let me translate this for you, should read, ISIS Adopts Obama's Common Core.
Like, I think I'm going to have them post part of this CNN article at InfoWars.com, and just change the headline to, ISIS Adopts Obama's Common Core.
And here is the headline being serious.
ISIS bans math, social studies for children.
Yes, that's how evil this group is.
They want Stone Age, mindless, blithering idiots.
And that's why they are the choice for governance in the Middle East by the New World Order.
Because they want a totally dumbed down, mindless population of idiots.
And that's why the State Department, since the 50s, has spent billions of dollars, you can look this up, teaching 2 plus 2 hand grenades equals 4 hand grenades.
So now the change is 2 plus 2 hand grenades equals 5 hand grenades, or just don't teach math, period.
Our government has literally helped radicalize the Middle East.
So it can then, of course, be destroyed.
And the jihadis don't care, they just want to cut some children's heads off.
Because they're trendy.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't be politically incorrect.
I forgot, ISIS is not Islamic.
And the Pink Panther isn't pink.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brandon in Tejas.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
How's it going, Alex?
Good, brother.
What's on your mind today?
Well, first thing, I just want to let you know before
The question I asked you, I do have Supermail Vitality, Survival Shield, the Citizen's Rulebook that you sent me, and I need some more lung cleanse.
But I love the products that you sell, and I just wanted to say that first before I ask the question.
So the question is, you talked about the 28-page document and how you're angry, and there's actually a lot of other people like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and everybody else.
They're angry about it.
But my question is, why like, why ultimately don't y'all, which would pretty much, you know, cause a big commotion or whatever in the mainstream news.
Why don't y'all stand side by side?
Well, I hear you.
That's like herding cats to try to get Rand Paul and Ron Paul on the exact same page is pretty hard to do because they're both individualist.
I've had Walter Jones on this year in January when he introduced the bill.
We're going to get Walter Jones back on, if not this week, next week.
He's in Congress.
I want to get Ron Paul on the next few weeks about his Audit the Fed bill that even though he's not in Congress, it's now been put back in.
And we're going to talk about that.
I've been calling for the secret 9-11 report to be released since it was written.
Was it 2006 or so?
I'm going from memory.
And so yeah, we should create some type of hashtag to release the 28 pages and have an article about the 28 pages with our videos, with Colonel Schaefer, with Ron Paul.
I'll ask Paul Watson today, he's good at stuff like that, to put together an article tomorrow with a hashtag that deals with the 28 pages, with Ron Paul's statement, with Colonel Schaefer's statement, with Walter Jones' statement, and a link to the bill so that we can use the cyber system to try to push that tomorrow.
And so I'll make sure that gets done on the Thursday edition, and we will push that together.
You can march with us in cyberspace, and we can call for folks to create a march in Washington or something.
It's just very easy for the media to ignore a march.
It's not for them to ignore you on Facebook and Twitter and Yahoo and on YouTube.
Just like the bucket challenge with cyber.
That's how the globalists try to control the internet to create false revolutions that they use.
Instead, we need to create real revolutions of understanding and get those 28 pages released.
So I really appreciate your call.
But we're going to be pushing hard with Walter Jones, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and you, the listeners.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
Another major health threat.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body.
I think so.
We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We covered a lot of top stories.
Democratic leader Dick Durbin wants total amnesty and open borders.
I actually have the quotes here.
He said that that would contain Ebola.
So we said open borders might allow Ebola in and Rola Rivera said that was racist.
Again, that's like saying 2 plus 2 equals 4 is racist.
But now they're saying open borders will stop Ebola.
Just like you didn't build your business and raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt and you can keep your doctor under Obamacare.
Just a wall of lies and fraud.
As much as I don't like the Republicans and have cut my teeth criticizing them, the Democrats have really devolved into a very insane group of scum.
Trust in media
Returns to all-time low Gallup reports.
And it breaks it down after registering slightly higher trust last year.
Americans confidence in the media, that's establishment media's ability to report the news fully, accurately and fairly, has returned to its previous all-time low of 40%.
I've seen numbers as low as 15 if you read the full poll.
Americans trust in mass media has generally been edging downward from higher levels in the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
Yeah, folks bought into it in the fear of 9-11.
Prior to 2004, Americans placed more trust in mass media than they do now, with slim majorities saying they had a great deal, a fair amount of trust.
But over the course of former President George Bush re-election, the level of trust fell significantly from 54 to 44 in 2004.
Although trust levels rebounded to 50% in 2005, they have failed to reach any full majority since.
And then it goes over it.
Now, I've seen some of the polls as low as 13, 14 percent, and I mean, here are some of them.
Trust in mass media by party, 27 percent, 38 percent, that's... But some of these numbers, again, are as low as 27 percent.
That's a lot better than Congress, though, that has a 7 percent approval rating in a Gallup poll.
Not a very legitimate government.
Not a very legitimate government at all.
And that's why they want the schooling dumbed down.
Last night I was reading mainstream news articles about Common Core, where they were defending it.
And they had stuff like, 7 plus 5 equals 11, and others just weird.
And they go, well, it can be a little off.
And again, the famous one, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And I only marvel about that because even the Washington Post criticizes it and calls it flim flams, but it doesn't matter.
Because they want to dumb everybody down, and this is on purpose.
By the way, I mentioned this earlier before I got a call, and I meant to search it during the break to prove it because it's so over the top.
Guys, type in
State Department paid billions to radicalize Muslims?
Or State Department paid for radical madrasas?
That's Islamic schools.
From the 50s through the 90s when it got declassified, I think the number was $4 billion was spent to pay for textbooks in Arabic where it's like two hand grenades and two hand grenades equals four hand grenades.
Five swords versus five swords equals ten swords to kill infidels, Americans.
And people ask, well, why would they over decades do this?
Because they want the most radical, dumbed-down people over there to destabilize the region and to have an enemy that's easy to demonize to go after.
You don't want industrialized, first-world countries like Dubai.
Where you've got to go pay for everything.
You just want to blow the country up, de-industrialize it, claim you're going to fix it.
They want a failed state like they did in Libya.
Again, Obama didn't screw up with the quote, failed state in Libya.
That was the plan.
Now they go, it's 20 times worse than it was.
It's hell on earth.
No electricity, no water.
It was wonderful before.
That was the plan.
So I mention all that because of this headline out of CNN.
ISIS bans math, social studies for children.
In swaths of Syria, now controlled by ISIS, children can no longer study math or social studies, sports are out of the question, and students will be banned from learning about elections and democracy.
Educators cannot teach nationalistic or ethnic ideology.
Only service to the Islamic Party.
That's like the One World Government.
There is no nation, there is no ethnic, there is just the state.
The state.
That's why communists always ban churches.
Not that churches can't be corrupt or be their own evil, but when they become God, not God.
But the statists always want to get rid of God because it's competition to them.
And if it's a God that says, don't murder, don't steal, be honorable, common sense stuff, they're like, no, no, no, no, no.
You get that from us, just like it's confirmed now.
What USA Today reported on it last week, that you pray to Chavez in the school lunch program in Venezuela.
First you pray to Jesus, and the milk and cereal and eggs don't arrive.
Or whatever they're feeding that morning.
You pray to communism and Chavez, and they actually have a prayer.
It's the Lord's Prayer, but to Chavez.
And you pray that to him, and then you get milk.
Well, look at all the people that all they've ever known is government welfare.
All they've ever known.
There it is.
Yahoo News, Reuters.
Venezuelan Socialist Party swaps God for Chavez in new prayer.
I remember talking to people I know from Venezuela.
They were telling me about this and I went and looked it up and I couldn't find it in Venezuela.
I found it in the old Soviet Union and in communism to Mao.
They would pray to Mao in the rural villages.
Man, I don't want to worship your government god.
I mean, I'm sorry.
I'm just not going to do it.
Call me a heretic all you want.
And the churches say, hey, I've seen this in at least five megachurches.
I saw a compilation video.
I meant to air it.
So much research I do and everyone gets on air, but you can look it up.
Just type in, preachers say Christians were wrong to not worship Roman gods.
Or a preacher says,
Roman Christians were wrong to not follow state's orders.
That they should have worshipped Jupiter.
They should have worshipped Mars.
They should have gone to the public sacrifices at the gladiatorial events.
That's what they were.
That it was a violation of Romans 13.
This is the founding church.
Talk about blaspheme, because they're government run.
And I'm not up here on some high Christian horse myself.
I've been knocked off my horse a long time ago.
By a thunderbolt of truth.
But these people will sit up there praying, praying on them, getting up there.
I've seen Pastor Hagee in a video say, Christ was not the Messiah!
He was a rebel!
And was dealt with accordingly!
Read my new book!
I mean, he's not even teaching Christianity, he's teaching Judaism.
But it's beyond that.
It's just this, just anything but the Bible.
Well, that's what they want right here.
Pretty much anything but the Koran.
Stuff they're teaching is, I've read the Koran, this is a distortion.
And this is what's dominant in Islam now, thanks to Saudi Arabia in the West, and it will be used to destroy the Middle East and all those people.
And they're letting them invade Africa, invade Central Asia, invade the Far East.
It is an Al-Qaeda worldwide offensive!
And the globalists are behind it.
So, the joke headline that I want for InfoWars.com, it's not really a joke, it's satire, is ISIS adopts Obama's Common Core for children.
And then just add the article.
See, our headline will be ISIS adopts... ISIS adopts...
Obama's Common Core for Children.
Then the sub-headline will be the actual scene and headline that goes together like a horse and carriage.
Bans social studies and math for children.
Well, here they don't say they banned it.
They just ban it.
And I've got the big banking association documents.
It was in the news back in 1898 stuff.
Americans are too smart and too ebony.
We've got to create centralized education and get them ready to just live in factories and barely know how to talk.
The British party, Ingsoc, English Socialism,
The Fabian Socialists, they wanted to reduce the language down to where no one can hardly even talk.
And let me tell you, they've done it.
The average adult out there can't even have a conversation.
And by the way, the number one thing you can do in social circles and in business is know about this.
Even if you were a psychopath, you'd want to know all this info.
If you were a sociopath, you'd want to know this.
Do you know what happens in corporate circles when you know how things really work, how the lawyers work, how the rigging works, how operations go?
I mean, people just go, whoa, you know all this?
Tell me more, and then they'll tell you what they know.
But the average American thinks being dumber than a box of dead rocks.
Is cool.
It ain't cool, okay?
It's called being a schmuck.
Excuse me!
Alright, we're gonna go on a break and then blitz with nothing but calls for the rest of the hour.
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Get ready.
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Heck, let's find that quote, I love that quote.
So we can put it in context, but your calls are coming up.
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Lord Noshigi Nabishima.
I said more than 500 years ago, the way of the samurai is in desperation.
A person who is ready to do anything, regardless of danger, cannot be killed, even by dozens of men.
Great work can't be done sensibly.
Become insane and desperate.
In the way of the samurai, it is defeatism to meditate and discriminate in between this and that.
It is needless to reason about loyalty and
Final duty, you only have to be desperate.
Loyalty and fealty are spontaneously included in desperation.
Since I mentioned that quote, I thought I would actually read it to you and butcher it.
And then here is Prince Philip from the London Guardian, 1988.
We can put that on screen for folks.
I mentioned this last hour.
In the event I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to solving overpopulation.
And he actually said it again to the World Wildlife Congress.
He said it to Reuters, Der Spiegel.
We just found a quote in London Guardian.
Just so you know that we're not making these quotes up.
And of course that Cicero quote is so key about the traitor is the plague.
I want to cover that later.
But right now let's go to your phone calls.
Jay in Wisconsin, thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, um, I just wanted to mention something.
Um, my phone is dying.
Um, what's going on in Syria is right out of the book of Revelation, uh, 20 and four where they're beheaded for their faith.
And then, um, I actually was watching you the other day when you were talking to the Syria girl and she mentioned something about the false flag in Turkey.
I was able to go on their website and download the document and give it to my governor.
So they're talking about that now here.
Well, it even came out in the British and Turkish papers that the government got caught staging false flags against Syria, and the foreign minister and the top general were caught and recorded by the Russians on an unsecure line, going, yeah, we'll stage a false flag.
And the minister's telling the army general how to stage false flags, and the general says, hey, we know how to do it, don't worry.
Stop talking about it over the telephone.
And so they're just so arrogant that it's all being set up here to expand the war against Syria.
But General Dempsey yesterday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told Congress, and I mentioned this last hour, but let's play the clip now, that indeed we know our Arab allies are arming
ISIS, here's the clip.
I know major Arab allies who fund them.
Yeah, but did they embrace that?
They fund them because the Free Syrian Army couldn't fight a side.
They were trying to beat a side.
I think they realized the folly of their ways.
Let's don't taint the Mideast unfairly.
Now, the full clip, maybe we should back it up by the full clip, because I have the transcript here.
Senator Graham, who's involved up to his eyeballs with the other warmonger over there, John McCain, who admits he met with ISIS and has now attacked Rand Paul, going, Senator, how haven't you met with them?
Of course I've met with ISIS!
So he's quite proud of it.
That's the main fighting force.
So now you've got Graham and others trying to spin this back, Jay,
Like, well, I mean, our Arab allies didn't know they were radical.
They didn't know.
Who do you think Saudi Arabia is?
They created them.
So it's just incredible now how scared Graham and others are, and they should be.
Because when Al Qaeda blows stuff up in America, everybody knows who to blame!
Obama and McCain and all of you people!
I'm sorry, go ahead, Jay.
No, I agree with you.
I mean, this stuff is out in the open.
It's documented.
They think, like a Syria Girl said the other day, they think we have memories of goldfish.
You know, and they think we're not paying attention, but we're awake.
A lot of the people I know here in my community are politically awakened now.
We're very informed.
So, we're paying attention and we're praying for you, and I just wanted to let you know the things that were going on.
And don't forget that the beheadings are right out of Revelation 20 and 4.
I hear you.
It is frightening how much of this parallels Revelation.
But if you look at other stuff that's happened in history, it parallels it.
The Bible says there are many Antichrists.
And then there's finally the man of sin, the big one.
But everything in this universe goes in waves.
It builds up in cycles.
It peaks and then it goes back down again.
So we're building, building, building.
Evil is being invented.
There's a Bible verse about the evil ones running around inventing new forms of evil, creating new abominations, creating new forms of weirdness and corruption, and then trying to force it on the world population.
So genetic engineering, hydrogen bombs, nanotech,
Yes, it's all right out of the vision that John the Revelator had on the Isle of Patmos.
And it's an amazing time to be alive.
But meanwhile, the churches have been captured by the government, by and large.
I don't just mean their 501c3.
I mean, they go to meetings with the FBI, with Homeland Security, and they've got files on their practitioners, and they are now government agents.
And I will assure you, they will tell you to go to the FEMA camp if ordered to.
That's in the documents.
We played the newscast on Monday.
I'm not kidding.
More calls coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Others don't.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Those that wish to maintain their liberty must be eternally vigilant.
Quote a founding father.
But now we are literally overrun by traitors.
As Cicero said, the traitor is the plague.
And I wanted to play the full Dempsey clip here, uh, where Graham is trying to cover his bases and, uh, do you know any allies that are funding him?
Like, like, we don't know.
We're not funding him.
We're not giving him weapons in Benghazi.
And Dempsey knowingly looks at him and raises an eyebrow and goes, yeah, we got allies that are arming him.
And then Graham goes, hey, let's just not demonize the whole Middle East here.
And the message is, hey, I'm on the defense committee.
I'm the powerful senator.
You follow orders and play ball and help me cover our butts.
Because again, the whole government's not corrupt, and this is the establishment trying to get our military, for multiple years, to get behind openly joining with Saudi Arabia and Al-Qaeda to take over the whole Middle East.
And as much as our military isn't in love with Iran, they realize who the bigger jihadi threat is of radicalization, and that is the 79% Sunnis.
Who are dominated by the minority Wahhabi-ite, Al-Qaeda, nutcase, crazy town, dark ages, bad people.
Who, again, will be used to attack the West.
To take our liberty.
And then have plausible deniability.
Well, let me tell you something, government.
The 28 pages are coming out where our government stood down when Saudi Arabia ran 9-11.
That makes you complicit.
It's already been seen by Congress.
The word's already out.
Out on the show earlier this year.
And just like a crack in the dam, nothing happened when we first reported that right after he introduced the bill.
And then now, eight months later, it is huge news.
And it's got the whole government scared.
And most people in the government weren't involved.
Most people that are in the Joint Chiefs now weren't involved.
Clearly the head of NORAD knew what was going on back at the time, and he got promoted to be the head of the Joint Chiefs at that time.
And so people don't want to be part of this.
They know the House of Cards are coming down.
And the globalists think their House of Cards is designed to come down and give them more power at each new crisis they create.
That's not going to happen forever.
Because the average person, whether they're an auto mechanic, or a farmer, or an FBI agent, or a police officer, or a school teacher, or a factory worker, or a bus driver, or somebody that works at McDonald's, loves their kids and wants to just have a future.
And we're sick of a bunch of corrupt political Wall Street people creating hundreds of trillions, it's actually 2.5
2 quadrillion according to the New York Times a month ago.
I keep saying 1.5 quadrillion, that's an old number.
It's 2.2.
The World Bank, IMF now say 2,200 trillion in fake derivatives.
You people are the ones threatening the whole world with Zimbabwe, Weimar Republic meltdown.
And the American people are going, the police and military are getting the training manuals, demonizing the founding fathers and gun owners and Christians and being told the Tea Party wants to kill them.
They know that's propaganda.
And then they know the next step means you're going to pull something and blame us to start a civil war.
People know we're up to the edge now.
People don't want to go over the edge.
People don't want your world government.
We don't want Cloward and Piven.
We don't want to be poor.
We don't want to be slaves.
We don't want to be spot on.
We don't want microphones at the park listening to us.
We want a future.
So everybody in the system better decide now.
Corporate, public, private, I don't care.
All these churches, all these glitterbug preachers who know full well their clergy response team and got a little government card and go to monthly government meetings and are deceiving your public.
You're an agent of Caesar, violating the First Amendment, you're an agent of Herod, and you're not even telling me... Oh, I guess it all got launched when 24 was the top show and it was kind of fun to be a secret agent.
Now you realize it's not cool.
It's called being a collaborator.
Loose lips sink ships?
Well, see something, say something?
We see something, we are saying something.
So when you see tyranny in your colleges, or in your churches, or in your businesses, you better report on it!
Let's play the full Dempsey clip, then we'll go to Jeffrey and others.
Go ahead.
So our national defense in terms of stopping ISIL
From killing thousands or millions of Americans if they get the capability, really comes down to whether or not we can convince the Arab world to go in there and defeat these guys?
It really comes down to building a coalition so that what the Arab Muslim world sees is them
Rejecting ISIS, not us.
They already reject ISIL.
Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?
I know major Arab allies who fund them.
Yeah, but do they embrace them?
They fund them because the Free Syrian Army couldn't fight a side.
They were trying to beat a side.
I think they realized the folly of their ways.
Let's don't tank the Mideast unfairly.
And Dempsey is looking at him like, I have never seen such a load of you-know-what dumped out in the middle of a Senate hearing.
I mean Dempsey knows full well they were ordered to ship hundreds of C-130s of weapons right into camps with Al-Qaeda flags flapping.
I've talked to the people that saw it.
That's how dangerous this game is.
The 28 pages are going to come out?
All of it's coming out, boys!
And I'm going to tell you something.
Don't nuke a city and claim ISIS or ISIL did it to confuse us.
We know who's behind it.
You let it happen, bare minimum, and you're probably going to be behind it completely.
Alright, I'm going to your calls now.
Jeffrey in Michigan and Scott in North Carolina.
Terry, Zach, Truth Man.
We're going to all of you.
Go ahead, Scott.
Go ahead, Scott.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Oh, hey, Alex.
Alex, how are you doing?
Big, big fan.
Thank you, brother.
I had an interesting theory when I was listening to your show the other day about the Ebola outbreak in Africa and how it just mutates and they're pushing vaccines on people with flu vaccinations, too.
What I'm worried about, Alex, is once this gets so bad and gets out of control, they're going to start forcing Ebola vaccinations
Uh, which, which obviously will not, you know, cure it or even, you know, make you worse for, for what matter.
Um, because I worked in a hospital and, and you would get fired if you did not take the flu shot.
I mean, and, and that, that forced curing and these government, uh, running places, they're just, they're just appalling to me.
Well, that's right.
For those that don't know, it's come out all over New York Daily News, you name it, that for about six years or so, at government facilities, federal workers, hospital workers, they go, you will take all these shots, or you will be fired, even though really the law says you can't do that, and even though it actually causes outbreaks, weakens immune systems, causes mutations, all sorts of stuff, they are just forced to
Or by fiat order, trying to push a de facto forced vaccine campaign in this country, and it's disgusting.
Oh, it's just terrible.
I mean, and what scares me, Alex, is because I think they were trying to weaponize Ebola in Africa, and it somehow leaked out.
Whether it be a monkey got let out of the back of a room, who knows?
I mean, but it got out and got new villages, and now it's just a free-for-all.
And these globalists are letting it happen on purpose.
Because this is their saving grace to kill off most of the population so they can, you know, fund their agenda.
I mean, it really makes you sick.
Well, I've always said about the Ebola outbreak that I believe the first big plagues of the 21st century
Cell phone brain tumors, that'll be covered up.
All the neurological disorders from vaccines, that'll be covered up.
As a practice of how they manage covering things up as it actually reduces the population.
But then they'll have big events with Ebola or mousepox, I've predicted.
And now we're seeing Ebola.
That'll wipe out hundreds of thousands, then millions.
Then they'll put in a medical tyranny with forced inoculations around stopping that.
To actually weaken us and get us ready to release a pathogen that only kills those of us that already had the binary GMOs or vaccines in us, so that when the other part is introduced, a binary weapon is where it needs two or more things to activate.
And that's the only weapon they'll deploy against us.
It's something they've already tested, they've already mutated, they already know the chain of mutations it's going to go through, so that it will have a computer-modeled effect, so they can be ready
And again, the average person involved will know nothing.
It'll be modeled and managed to test some sub-plagues that only kill 5 million, 10 million, 20 million, ahead of a mega-weapon that'll then later be released that'll kill 90% of the population.
And that's what the Globalists and all their publications say is 90% what they're gonna whack.
When you get deeper into their documents,
They go, well, really humans are a disease.
Only a few elite will be allowed to live and will merge with machines and be God.
And you can't have too many gods.
So in a lot of their documents, if you read deeper, they even talk about there being one being that comes out of the survival of the fittest social Darwin mega race.
And so there can be only one God.
It kind of comes down to that.
And that's the point we've now reached.
Now, whether this is all real or theoretical, the point is the elite are open about their religion.
This is their holy grail.
This is their brass ring.
This is their goal.
This is their promised land.
This is what they want to do.
And so anyone that ignores this does so at insane levels of peril.
Because once you know their master plan, then everything makes sense.
And no matter how bad the tragedies are, how many they kill, we're just unconscious animals.
We're just a plague hurting the earth.
They're the guardians of the galaxy.
They're the guardians of the earth.
And they know best in the end.
And they are going to attain this godhood.
They are going to achieve Elysium.
And once they've achieved Elysium, the golden fields of the demigod, they will then take the fire of Promethean
Power and ascend to the stars on a stairway of heaven.
Appreciate your call.
Zach in Florida, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Great show so far.
I just wanted to tell you about a term that actually came to me in a dream for some reason.
Sometimes in dreams, the vocabulary is a little better than in real life.
But the term that came to me was PTSD.
And it's not post-traumatic stress disorder.
It's post-traumatic society disorder.
I mean, we're inundated with the lies, the deception, all the crap every day.
It's tough.
We're all suffering from it.
And that encompasses it.
It's a post-traumatic society disorder.
And we're all suffering.
Everybody has Americans.
No, you're right, and this is the learned helplessness where they apply more and more and more pressure until in the animal studies and human studies, we just give up, roll over, and give up.
And that's the goal, just give up, give up, let the robots roll out, buy your goods from Apple with the suicide nets at their factories, force abortion, it's trendy, it's liberal, look, Al Gore wore different color socks, it's okay.
You know, Robot Sentries are here to help.
Take your GMOs.
We love you.
We love you.
We love you.
Forced abortion is good.
Infanticide is good.
Euthanizing old people's good.
Death panels for vets is good.
Humanity's trash.
The only way you have value is to agree to that and join the anti-human exterminist team.
Then you'll be a winner.
Then you'll at least feel like you're on the bandwagon before we destroy you.
This is their plan.
Exactly, and the only way to break out of that is just to be the best example that you could be.
Detoxify your body, detoxify your mind, and be an example for the people in your community.
I mean, I've got to tell you, I'm the triple threat.
I'm an Arab-American, I'm a United States Army veteran, and I'm a libertarian.
You want to talk about being demonized?
It's incredible.
But we can't get bogged down with that.
What we have to do is just be the best example in the purest form moving forward so the people around you gravitate towards you.
I mean, that's the only way I can see it at this point.
I'm sorry, one of my producers just walked in.
Great points you're making, sir.
Yeah, I mean, it's strange.
Being an Arab American, being a veteran, and also being a libertarian, I'm under attack all the time.
Whether it's the community, not understanding the Arab culture due to the, just the deception and propaganda that's pushed on TV in the current war and the rest of it.
Being a veteran, we all know how they're under attack, which I am, and also being a libertarian from all fronts.
We're under attack, and I just feel like that all the time.
But like I said, just be the best example moving forward, and nobody can really tell you... Exactly.
The best way to take out, and I appreciate your call, sir, God bless you, the best way to take out your opposition is to lead it.
And the globalists have gone in the Middle East for at least 60 years, really 100, and have tried to put the most radical, out-of-control people in.
Who have taken a system, when you look at Syria, and you look at Persia, and you look at Lebanon, and you look at Jordan, I mean this is where mathematics, and writing, and super high IQ people live, and they've had long histories of different levels of freedom.
And then you look at who they put in charge, it is the most radical.
And the plan is
To build up an enemy, let them kill a bunch of people, and then wipe them out as well.
But you have to understand, it's the same plan here.
It's like with the militias.
They would send feds out in the early 90s.
This has all been declassified.
You can look it up.
Congressional hearings.
And create militia groups and lead them.
And have them say racist stuff.
And have them go out and be on TV and things.
To then demonize the idea of the militia that's totally constitutional and good.
Because the globalists knew that there was a threat from that.
Just like they knew that revolution was coming in the Middle East for liberty, so the globalists went in and triggered it and put radical jihadis in, instead of moderates and secular folks and people that want civilization, so that they could lead the revolutions and wreck the society.
They knew a revolution was coming against the big banks looting us.
They wanted to make it left-wing so conservatives would reject it and back Wall Street no matter what they did.
So they created the radicalized socialist communist Occupy Wall Street movement.
Radicalized it.
Police shipped drugs in.
This came out in mainstream news.
We first broke it.
In Minnesota and other areas, giving them drugs so they could then say, you know, in their surveillance tapes, look, there are a bunch of drug addicts, to bring the homeless in, to then demonize the idea of being against banker bailouts.
And then Homeland Security, when they were done with them, had a 36-city SWAT raid on them, arresting people, with plans to even shoot the leaders, if they were given orders to do so.
So then they set the precedent on total martial law, shoot to kill, 007, Nazi-style garbage, all off a PSYOP they wound up to begin with.
So people go, why aren't you for Occupy?
Because I identified it.
We went and had in the Fed rallies in three cities in Texas.
And in San Antonio and Dallas, the Occupy people were totally mad communists, and were mad that we were there protesting the private Federal Reserve, and were demonizing us.
It wasn't us demonizing them, we were nice.
We were there to say, hey, Wall Street isn't bad.
Select megabanks inside of it that are above the law are the ones that are bad.
Because it's not just banks are good or banks are bad.
It's that you've got mega banks that are above the law, don't pay taxes, run the regulations that get your tax money and bailouts.
Look at who funds the gun control groups, the victim disarmament groups, the enslavement groups.
Look at who funds the open borders.
Look at who funds the GMO.
It's literally six banks.
Wells Fargo, headed up by Warren Buffett, Bank of America, European-owned, of course called Bank of America because the Federal Reserve is called Federal.
JPMorgan Chase, right at the top, Goldman Sachs, and then two consortiums that form one big bank in Europe.
We're talking six big banks.
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Just up on Infowars.com, Curt Nemo expands on a story that broke a few days ago.
Health and Human Services readies U.S.
hospitals for Ebola.
States, though, are continuing to be kept in the dark about severity of the often fatal disease.
Continuing with your phone calls here in just a moment, I mentioned how
Our nation can survive basic corruption, it can survive all sorts of stuff, but when you have predatory traitorous evil that wants to extinguish all opposition to the point of extinguishing all prosperity, like North Korea has done,
When something's that dark, it's got to be resisted.
It will destroy everything.
You join with this.
You join with pure evil, is the point I'm getting at.
And Cicero, who was a member of the Roman Senate, and of course tried to stop Caesar's takeover, was also a historian.
He wrote this, or actually spoke this, in the Roman Senate.
And this applies to the whole ruling class here, because that's who you are.
You're the plague.
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely.
His sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself, for the traitor appears not a traitor,
He speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their arguments.
He appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation.
He works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city.
He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear.
The traitor is the plug.
That was said, I think, in about 41 B.C., right before he got killed in 43 B.C.
With a sword down between the shoulder blade and the heart.
I forget, did he survive seizure, and was it Mark Anthony had him killed?
History's a fascinating thing.
The more you learn of it, the more it just all...
Well, my memory serves.
All right, let's jam another call before we go to break.
Jeffrey, I'm sorry, I went to you instead of somebody else, that's why we skipped you.
Jeffrey in Michigan, go ahead, thanks for calling.
Thanks for taking my call.
I'm the writer of the article up on InfoWars right now called Doctors and Nurses to the Tipping Point of the Vaccine Fraud.
Yes, good job.
Thank you, thank you.
I wanted to just say we are at a tipping point and CNN attempted a couple days ago or about a week ago tried to double down on the fraud and say vaccines do not cause autism and what happened was mothers and fathers with autistic kids mobilized and started a YouTube campaign much like the soldiers did when we tried to go into Syria.
The soldiers started a campaign and they did YouTubes and pictures and said I did not enlist to to fight on the side of Al-Qaeda at the time they were called.
And it backed off that war.
And we can back this.
We can force an investigation.
We can force the issue now.
It's up to the doctors.
The mothers and fathers daily are continuing to post these pictures and these videos up there with their kids.
That's right.
Not only is CNN and the rest of the collaborator media not reported on two CDC whistleblowers, one of them who authored the study admitting they were basically ordered to lie about it and it was tripling autism,
Instead of reporting that, oh, whistleblowers are coming out, they doubled down and said, vaccines are perfect, never hurt anybody.
Well, tell that to all the dead kids in Syria that just got shot up with the U.N.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, Jeffrey.
Then Truth Man, Truth Raider, Terry, Ashley, and others.
Then John McAfee's coming up on the secret cell phone towers that are really no secret at all.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wall Street Journals reporting U.S.
stocks hover near break-even ahead of Fed rate decision.
Yellen News Conference to follow central bank policy statement.
Are they set to raise interest rates?
We'll find out.
Does it signal the end of the QE unlimited?
Making it hence unlimited no longer.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeffrey in Michigan.
You're talking about your story dealing with doctors and nurses not going along with the hoax that vaccines aren't linked to neurological disorders.
Yes, the doctors and nurses are where the tires hit the road.
And if they start posting their videos about the vaccine injuries that they see, and I know they see them, because in the comment section up on InfoWars right now, they're already posting, nurses are already posting, saying, I do see these vaccine injuries.
Well, they admit they're there.
It's in the inserts.
I mean, we've got London Telegraph about vaccines killing a bunch of kids.
In Syria, where they forced inoculated.
I mean, this is like saying, we need proof the sun can burn your skin.
Or, we need proof that shooting yourself in the head could hurt.
But yes, we need the medical experts who have the gravitas to come out and commit the act of treason and say 2 plus 2 equals 4.
If they do that, everything else will follow, to quote George Orwell.
And then Nuremberg principle number four states that it is not an acceptable excuse to say I was just following my superior's orders.
So if this comes out, Congressman Bill Posey apparently has all types of CDC whistleblower documents and if he decides to go ahead and call a congressional committee hearing on this and this goes forward, the doctors that are continuing to inject this when this information is out will be subject to that.
I totally agree with you and see what's happening is more congressmen and women
Their grandson's at their house jumping around at 18 months and the next week drools for the rest of their life.
And then they go find out why.
I don't have a grandson, Eric, because, you know, he got brain damage from, you know, from the shot.
And they're real upset.
And kind of the helicopters and, you know, $100 million in the bank isn't so cool anymore.
You kind of don't want to have a grandkid dying of leukemia or, you know, dying of a brain tumor.
I mean, all this stuff is killing.
And nobody gets out of it.
People lie to themselves that don't know this will come back on you.
I mean, people are scared of the government coming after them, or the FBI coming after them, or... How about being scared of all this evil coming back on us?
I'm not scared of the government sending a hitman to kill me.
I'm not scared of the FBI or somebody coming and setting me up.
That could happen.
I'm worried about all this evil coming back on my kids.
I'm worried about how corrupt this... I'm worried about the whole civilization.
I'm worried about people.
And see, nowadays, that's like, how valiant.
That's not valiant!
I don't want to burn my house down.
It's just so crazy.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Good article, too.
Let's talk to Truth Man in Montana, in Mountain Town.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I've been wanting to get on the show with you for a long time.
I have a short list here I want to run down, if I could.
Go ahead.
I am a longtime listener and have tried to get on the air to speak to you for years.
Um, I own all the DVDs that you sell on your website, which are all very, very awesome.
And I've, uh, I've, uh, distributed, uh, hundreds, actually over a thousand of your DVDs for copy and share media.
And, uh, I've been studying the New World Order for about 25 years.
Uh, I've been severely victimized by this global, this global socialist agenda that's being perpetrated upon us.
I've been stalked and harassed by black helicopters.
I've been disarmed by this criminal government.
I have witnessed drone surveillance in U.S.
citizens beyond the borders or the
The perimeters of the largest military base in the country.
Well, it's cause you live in America!
And you've had them put poison in your water, the fluoride, and you've had them try to push GMO that kills the lab rats on you, and welcome to the New World Order.
Look, I got John McAfee coming up, but I'm gonna go to calls about 45 minutes into it, so if you wanna get one more minute to get to your conclusion, we come back to you, we can.
Then, Terry, Truth Raider, Ashley, and others, stay with us.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forklift situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
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I got soul, and I'm super bad!
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
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We're not, again, like so much state-run media, that big banks own media companies, and the big banks get giant government handouts in the trillions, or 400-plus million a year, like NPR.
And all their tax exemptions or billions in stimulus money to give Rachel Maddow and others raises at MSNBC.
If you want to know what the government thinks, watch MSNBC.
Your kids don't belong to you, world government's the answer.
I want to go to our guest, but first I haven't really mentioned a lot of this until I learn more about the case and I have a connection into the case down in Houston to a law firm, that's all I'll say.
But Adrian Peterson of the Vikings has been in trouble before outside of a nightclub where reportedly some people tried to rough him up and he beat him up.
And it got dropped because he didn't start it.
Got dropped last time I checked, no charges.
What do you think souped up gladiators are going to be like?
We watch all this violence of football.
These guys killing themselves out there.
Most of them die by age 56.
And then it becomes the ultimate evil in the world when Rice punches his wife, which I think is a terrible thing to do.
I've never hit a woman.
But the point is, it's not like funding ISIS to kill 300,000 people.
And our government did that.
But they can all point their fingers, have senators chiming in.
I was in the gym today, and they had ESPN on, they had other channels on, they had all the news channels on, like 10 TVs I could see, and every channel at once.
Every channel at once, except one had an ad on.
So 9 out of 10 TVs.
I meant to shoot a video in there, but didn't.
I was too focused.
We're doing these workouts here non-stop for an hour.
And I looked up, and every channel was Adrian Peterson.
And ladies and gentlemen, you can raise your kids however you want, but it's not illegal to spank your children anywhere in the United States.
It's only illegal to do bodily harm to them.
But all over the news and things they say if you yell at your kid it's illegal and in Europe they take your kid away if you yell at them and then you are five to seven times more likely in Europe and the US, same number, to be abused in government custody.
So you're getting out of one fire into another much more horrible one.
So we don't even know the details other than he spanked his son with a switch.
My dad and my mother were spanked with switches, not very often, but my mother
We're good to go.
That's one way to do it.
I mean, they have fur seals that will bite the baby fur seal if it keeps going up by the breathing hole of the killer whale because she knows there's a killer whale there.
Mammals across the board.
I've seen baby deer come out and the mom smells hunters.
Not that the hunters are going to shoot baby deer, but they don't know that.
And I've seen them come over and kick them to make them go back in the woods.
When the fawn doesn't have spots anymore and is getting a little bit bigger.
Do they have CPS go take the baby deer away?
Do they have CPS go take the baby seals away?
Whales are known.
Dolphins are known to discipline.
To bite.
Uh, they don't have hands, so they'll nibble.
Look it up.
Marine mammals will bite their young if they're going into things that are dangerous.
I mean, they don't want to bite them.
I'm not endorsing it.
They're people that beat their kids.
It's wrong.
I don't like it overall.
But I mean, I grew up with principals paddling me when I got in fights or got in trouble.
And believe me, I wanted to be good because it hurt.
Now even worse was being run around.
They go, you can go run around two miles around the sports stadium or you can get three pops.
And I'd say, I want my licks.
They don't even do pops anymore, folks.
And look at the discipline in schools has disintegrated.
And now they just taser you and you fall over and die.
So we're going to taser you because the principal can't spank you.
So that's my point on the Adrian Peterson thing, is it's all about the state attacking parenthood, and making the ultimate crime, spanking your child.
And attacking men, and making the, you know, that's a, well the whole country, the whole world is shocked that he hasn't been completely fired, and Nike's not selling his jerseys, and he's just, it's ridiculous.
Alright, I'm done.
John McAvee now joins us.
McAfee, of course, was a top programmer at NASA's Institute for Space Studies in New York City.
From 68 to 70.
From there he went to Univac as a software designer and then later to Xerox as an operating systems architect.
In 87 McAvee founded McAvee Associates, a computer antivirus company.
He was the first to distribute antivirus software using the shareware business model.
In 89 he quit Lockheed and began working full-time for McAvee Associates, which he initially operated from his home in Santa Clara, California.
Two years after McAvee Associates went public, McAvee sold his
Remaining stake in the company.
Now subsidiary of Intel Corporation.
And McAfee's now developed new cutting-edge anti-virus, anti-surveillance systems.
And he joins us today as a special website he wants to talk about to send folks for a new campaign to promote liberty.
But he can give us the rest of the story, he's backtracked it, on exactly what is happening
With these mystery towers that we know some are Homeland Security, some are FBI, some are private, some are Stingray, but he's ferreted into the contracts themselves and discovered something.
What's amazing is they sit up here like we're ignorant and go, we don't know what these towers are on CBS News, the FBI.
They must be hackers.
We got the documents in Seattle and other cities.
They're Homeland Security.
They're illegally stealing everything.
And they have microphones listening to you.
And Buckley Hammond filed a report.
But we're going to skip this network break because we have plenty of time with John McAvee.
John, first off, what's the best website of your constellation of sites for folks to go to with this new campaign to legalize freedom, as Ron Paul says?
And then I want to get into this.
And then also, you've been warning folks about the cloud.
I want to get your breakdown on what was Kate Upton
And all these women thinking, putting up their photos, their naked photos, their sex vids on a cloud, on a faraway server.
What were they thinking?
John McAfee.
Thank you Alex, it's good to be here.
I'd like to say I'm joining you from the office of a junkyard in the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia because the software I'm using to connect to you Skype is insecure and can't be tracked to me within a couple of hours and by the time I'm tracked I'll be away from here.
The first thing I want to talk about, Alex, is two and a half weeks ago it was discovered that there were 17 cell towers in the Southwest, the Southeast actually, that were fake cell towers.
They were, rather than transmitting phone calls directly to who you were talking to, they were planting software on the devices that you were using to connect.
In the past two and a half weeks, myself and my people have tracked down exactly what's happening.
And there is only one company that manufactures this hardware.
And it's mobile.
You don't have to actually put a cell tower beside the road or on top of a mountain.
You can put it in the back of your car and put an antenna on the top of your car and be anywhere.
And they look and sound exactly like real cell towers.
These devices are manufactured by the Harris Corporation in Florida, near Palm Bay, Florida.
They're the only company that manufactures them, and they have a contract with all of their customers saying that the customer cannot talk about where they bought the equipment from or the fact that they own this equipment.
Now, when I discovered this, I thought, that's really strange.
Why would they do that?
The only reason I can think of is that there are so many of them that if the American public knew to the extent that they were being spied on, we would actually, you know, all get up in arms and do something about it.
Well, I'm trying to do something about it.
I've started a campaign called Legalize Freedom.
Legalize Freedom Campaign at Blogspot.com and read about it.
What I'm trying to do, Alex, is get every town in America at least one person who will volunteer using the Freedom of Information Act to demand to know what local law enforcement people are using.
Are they using this equipment?
How many do they have?
I suspect there are hundreds of thousands of these units here in America.
Their only purpose, Alex, is to spy on us.
They will transfer a call as if it's transparent, but at the same time they planned on your device a piece of software which monitors every single call that you make, which reads all of your emails, all of your text messages, your contacts, and everything that you're doing.
It turns on the camera, turns on the microphone, you are now watched 24 hours a day.
Now, that came out two and a half weeks ago, these 17 cell towers.
It got some play in the technical press, but then it just disappeared.
No one checked into it.
My people and I discovered who it is, the fact that they had these contracts, and I do suspect everywhere in America we have these things, which means that all of us are being spied on constantly else.
And of course we then have parallel construction where they use the stolen data, the stolen video, audio, your whole databases that they scoop up, put software on your phone to basically control it.
They then go lie to judges and don't even tell them where they got the fake evidence from.
I mean this is organized racketeering on the grandest scale ever seen.
And basically Harris Corporation only sells to the U.S.
The military covert agencies, the CIA, local law enforcement.
And here is where the problem occurs, Alex, is once it gets in the hands of local law enforcement, you know for a fact that no matter what technology you have, if enough official people have access to it, the unofficial, the crooks, the thieves, the gangsters are going to have access to it as well.
So not only are we being spied on by our governments, by the local police agencies, by the CIA,
I don't know.
Tens of thousands of mobile devices every single day.
And if we have hundreds of thousands of these devices here in America, then none of us have privacy, ever.
Once they have the ability to turn on your camera and your microphone, if your daughter has a waterproof phone and she's taking a shower, they can watch.
If you're talking to a business partner, they can hear everything that you say.
We have no privacy whatsoever.
And what I want to do, Alex, is to demonstrate the depth that they have gone.
If, in fact, there are thousands of these devices and possibly millions, certainly at some point we'll have to say, it's enough.
I'm mad as hell.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
Or have we gone over the edge and nobody gives a shit anymore?
Now, people do care, John.
It's just that it seems to be so overwhelming that you could have an organized program, not just with Stingray.
You're right, that's the big thing nationwide, but we got documents last year from inside the government in Seattle that caused the national news story, and the city council ordered it turned off.
Of course, that never happened.
But they put up fake cell towers, their own systems, microphones, camera systems, you name it.
And we're running it through Homeland Security, through the local police department, even though it hadn't even been authorized.
And then, again, they're stealing everybody's data, using it for prosecutions.
They can also use it to plant stuff on phones or computers, as you pointed out, Trojan horse people.
And then they go lie in the affidavits.
They go lie to the grand juries and don't even tell them
Where the evidence came from, I mean this totally destroys the entire judicial system.
You can't believe anything the feds say, and now the local departments are getting this.
And for folks that don't know, let me give everybody a newsflash.
People buy most their drugs from the police in most big cities, at least units of them.
Or you buy special equipment, guns, you name it, from cops.
Of course.
Okay, and so much of this stuff continues to come out.
And so, yes, they already do have organized crime with this stuff.
There already are organized crime hacking into people's things.
This is a Pandora's box they have opened.
The purpose... Government wants to do one thing.
All governments will eventually do the same thing.
They want absolute control over the citizenry.
In ancient times, they controlled people by keeping them in poverty and giving them entertainment.
In ancient Rome, everyone was in poverty, but they had the Colosseum.
They could all go and get entertainment every single day.
That's how they controlled the citizenry.
Today, people are controlled through information.
If the government knows where every citizen is, at every moment of the day,
If they know who you're talking to, if they know what you're talking about, if they know your dreams, your desires, if they know your inner secret life, which you divulge to at least some people, your wife, your children, your mother, your father, then they control you.
And we have reached the point, Alex, where
Someone can turn a switch and we have gotten into the world's worst dictatorship.
I'm not saying that the administration has a global plan to do this and they're all secretly talking about it behind closed doors, but no, you know what's coming.
You know for a fact that once we are controlled, once we have no freedom of anything, when the government knows everything about us, someone's going to go, gee, we can use this, why don't we just throw that switch
Well, I've interviewed William Binney and all the other top NSA people.
They say they've been using it for blackmail forever, everything you're saying, that it's now going panopticonic, surveilling everything, that it was premeditatedly designed for this and that Snowden says
They have data that would bring the whole government down.
We know it's that the government basically ran 9-11.
It's now coming out in the 28 pages with Saudi Arabia.
We now know that it's indeed the government runs the narcotics, the snuff films, the little kids, everything.
The organized crime runs the government at the top and set this up criminally to control the public and take over everything.
This is an orchestrated, worldwide takeover.
I mean, look at Apple with factories with suicide nets and literal forced abortions, but again, they act liberal and talk with a lisping voice, so it's okay.
I mean, these people know what they're doing, John, and you have absolutely broke down how serious it was, but William Binney called it premeditated totalitarian total takeover, or 1984 on steroids.
Those are all quotes by him, and it is that.
With complete helicopters and armored vehicles and checkpoints and forced inoculations and your kids don't belong to you and neighbors spying on neighbors.
I mean, my God!
Clergy response teams, infra-guards, spies everywhere.
They have done it and now the public is finding out it's all there.
Before the establishment wanted it known, what do you think about the state of the world and where this is going?
Well, I think the problem is, Alex, people are afraid.
I mean, I'm sitting and talking about it.
I'm in an office in a junkyard, in the middle of nowhere, because I'm afraid of people retaliating.
Fox News, I gave Fox News the opportunity to break this story.
They thought, that's great, until they discovered that Harris Corporation was the corporation which, you know, has donated more to, in fact, they used to have their own television station.
And they said, no, you know, we'll back away from this.
People are afraid.
You know, I'm afraid, really.
You should be afraid.
You know for a fact that what I'm saying now and what you're saying now is not liked by the people in power.
And at some point, you know, maybe they're going to take some kind of action.
And worse than an audit, you know, because that's the first thing they do, they audit you mercilessly.
And then maybe you get vague threats, you know, maybe people disappear.
But somebody has to speak out, Alex.
That's the number one step.
No one's doing it.
We are all safe and secure in our womb.
We have the technology at our fingertips to have pizzas delivered, whatever we want.
The world is at our fingertips, but we have no freedom.
The freedom was taken away by these very technological devices that we depend on so much.
That's right, and they're going to take the chicken feed and the bait away.
There's a piece of cheese out there on that mousetrap, but it's only to lure you in.
And here's my issue.
Most people in the government are actually freaked out by this as well.
They don't like being brought into this conspiracy, this racketeering.
They want to get out of it.
It's not here to keep us safe.
Our own government's funding Al-Qaeda.
That's all coming out funding ISIS.
People are really concerned and they realize the only hope we've got is to say no to this and stop it.
We should all be afraid of not doing what you're doing, John.
Going public.
What Ron Paul's doing.
Going public.
What we're doing.
What Drudge is doing.
We've all got to speak out against this because it's crazy.
Well, people are saying things, Alex, like, um, well, it doesn't really matter if they know what I'm doing.
I'm not doing anything wrong.
That attitude is the most self-destructive attitude I can possibly imagine.
It doesn't matter if you're doing something wrong.
Who cares?
I don't want you in my business whether I'm doing something right or something... Well, John, that's like the people that would put, I'm going to Mexico for Christmas for a week and a half.
We leave tomorrow and come back such and such.
Look at all the stuff we got at Christmas.
We got a new silver set.
And then the thieves use it to rob your house.
It's like saying, I'll get in a car because I have nothing to fear.
It's Ted Bundy.
It's not that you're a nice 16-year-old girl, so what do you have to fear?
It's that Ted Bundy just pulled up.
Ted Bundy.
John Wayne Gacy, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Jeffrey Dahmer runs the New World Order.
It's like, who cares if sorons palantir?
You can see what I'm doing.
It's sore on!
It's bad!
A bad guy built this!
Someone has to take the first step.
You've been doing it for years, Alex.
I'm getting out here and putting my ass on the line here.
You know, I am, number one, outing a defense contractor.
Harris Corporation is one of the largest defense contractors, and certainly the largest in the world as far as spying is concerned.
They're developing the hardware and software to spy, hopefully on our enemies.
But it's actually being used to spy on our citizens, ourselves.
Someone has to take the first step.
I'm asking people all across America.
Please, volunteer.
Send your name and address to Post Office Box 60 in Finger, Tennessee.
I chose that because...
The finger to the people who are trying to do this to us.
Finger Tennessee.
The zip code is 38334 and volunteer your time to go to your local police department with a freedom of information demand saying, how many of these units do you have?
I want to know.
And we're going to collate them and we're going to publish exactly the state that we're in.
I think if we find out that there is nowhere that we can go where these devices are not listening to us, not tapping our phones.
The last thing I want is for anything to happen to these devices.
We don't want anything bad to happen to these devices.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones!
I should do an article or a special report about why surveillance kills productivity, freedom, you name it.
You have predatory megacorporations that are making money off the militarization of the West.
Off armored vehicles, drones, helicopters, surveillance, the uniforms, the weapons, the equipment.
And the substations are turning into their own little NSA spy bases.
And so they're expanding all these petty crimes and bureaucratic things, watering on the wrong day, and $2,000, $4,000 a day fines for dust in your barn.
And they're going to use all of this surveillance to literally hammer everyone to hell, while the government ships in the narcotics and uses the surveillance to cut out their competition to make sure the big banks make the highest profits, just like
Goldman Sachs has been caught using high-frequency trading to corner the stock market.
It's rigged.
They're rigging it.
But the stock market's pumped up with a bunch of fiat dollars right now, inflationary dollars, so people don't know that and think, oh, it's doing well overall.
And when the house of cards comes down, all that's going to be left is the police state.
And it's not there to keep us safe.
And again, the media acts like we're talking about a police state, we're talking about average cops.
The average cop is just out revenue generating, or is out responding to petty crime.
I'm talking about the police state, like in North Korea, on steroids.
As William Binning called it.
Former Director of Major Operations and Technology for the National Security Agency.
It is a predatory takeover.
John McAfee's our guest, but they can corner markets.
Amazon now has a program, as of this year, where with their longtime customers, they already have packaged and are beginning to ship, with they say 99.9% accuracy, the package that you want.
before you order it.
And then they even have it where if it's being shipped and you don't order it by time, it turns back around and comes back.
But the error level is so low, they make all this money out of it.
You go on Amazon and you've already ordered a toaster off there.
My buddy was talking about it.
And he wanted another toaster for his farmhouse or whatever.
It was his farmhouse.
And it said, don't you, you sure you want this in your cart?
You already got a toaster a month ago.
And you're like, well that's convenient, it's easy for me.
No, it's profiling you.
And now they can corner whole markets.
They can decide what propaganda to put out and then look at how it's being effective and then change it.
It's superman technology for tyrants to dominate humanity and to change our free will.
And John McAfee, the famous anti-virus software guru who evaded the now proven corrupt officials connected into terrorism down in Belize, joins us.
And I'm kind of ranting here today
Uh, about what you're discussing, tracking back the contract.
I knew Stingray was one of the units that's being bought with Harris Communications and the rest of it.
But I didn't know that it's in the contract, they can't reveal it.
But isn't that funny?
It's like Monsanto saying, it's in the contract, you can't reveal that this killed monkeys, glyphosate was tested on her.
It's in the contract.
And so there's cops and FBI on news going, we don't know who these are, must be hackers.
Then they just walk off like they would leave a hacker's fake telephone pole up.
That looks like a cactus.
I mean, this is how dumb they think we are.
Then we even get the documents they're doing it, and now they're adding, John, as you know, microphones that listen to people.
And now they're adding face-scanning cameras.
I mean, there's no end to it, where the government literally is engaging in felony activities and lying to us.
What happens if they don't get in trouble, John?
Well, they conveniently sign these contracts because it gives them an out.
Well, they can't talk about it.
We can't say we have them because we're legally bound not to talk about it.
By the way, that lung cleanse, I need some of that.
I started smoking, Alex, when the anti-smoking laws became so draconian that I just couldn't not smoke.
I felt sorry for these tiny crowds of people huddled together in these 10 by 10 areas trying to smoke, so I started smoking.
So you're a contrarian, not just a rebel?
Well, yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you know, at some point, even if you disagree with what's happened, with what a person is doing, you've got to do something to stand up for their rights to do it.
In fact, I formed a society called the Social Pariahs.
We're on Twitter, we're on Facebook, you can check us out.
Where we're supporting people who do these things which are socially undesirable or not politically correct.
Because, you know, I don't care.
I literally started smoking when I was at an airport in Atlanta and I saw these four people out in the cold huddled together, you know, desperately trying to get their last puff.
And I thought, you know, this is it.
I'm going to start smoking right here, right now, today.
And I did.
So, in fact, I think you kindly enough let me smoke in your office one time when we were on air, and I know that you had quit smoking, so I apologize for that, but that was very gracious of you, sir.
Well, I've never been a huge smoker, but cigars and stuff, I've just teetotaled it the whole nine yards, but we do like to violate the city ordinance on indoor smoking, so we're happy to have that happen with the nanny state who puts deadly fluoride in our water and doesn't let us opt out of it.
But, John, getting serious here.
What about the cloud?
I mean, I remember knowing.
Now it doesn't let me store my photos on my phone or whatever.
It sends it off to this big central hub and they admit that Google, all of them, data mine the emails, data mine the photos, shell the info in aggregates to the government.
It's not just the NSA, it's these big corporations are literally making billions a year.
That's why police are going to their own cell phone towers and saying, why should we pay for the data without a warrant from the telecoms?
Well, why do you think the cloud is free?
Think about it.
It costs us nothing to store as much information as we want.
Well, there's got to be a reason, because someone's putting the bill for this, and the people want the information in the cloud, because believe it or not, the cloud is not something which is inaccessible.
Anybody can get into it.
Anybody can do anything they want.
So all the information that you put in there is available and will stay available.
I mean, to save data is... it costs nothing.
I mean, this little device here, this little Hello Kitty thing for kids.
You can store over 10,000 King James Versions of the Bible on this one little thing.
Got the USB connection here.
Five dollars!
So, of course, everything that we say, everything that we do, all of our videos, all of our images, all of our written words, are going to be saved now in perpetuity.
Nothing will ever disappear.
And you can go back a thousand years now and rehash this conversation and listen to every single word because saving it costs nothing.
It costs nothing.
Our technology has become so sophisticated and our engineering so precise that it doesn't cost anything to save anything anymore.
So the cloud, we put all of our data there because it's convenient, because I can put it in the cloud and I can access it from another computer from another state anytime that I want.
Well, unfortunately, Alex, so can anybody else.
Well, that's like the smart houses on record.
The CIA director said everything has spy devices in it and we're going to control your life with it.
And you see these ads where you're in Hawaii on the boat and your house is having a fire and you know, or you can change the air conditioner at your house.
The issue is now the globalists can all go through that device and also know what's going on in your house as a tool of social control.
It is a total revolution against privacy.
I want to give you a quote from 1978 by Philip K. Dick, who wrote Blade Runner and, of course, Scanner Darkly and so many other powerful books that have been made into films, one which film I'm honored enough to be in, Scanner Darkly.
There will come a time, this is a quote from Philip K. Dick, there will come a time when it isn't they're spying on me through my phone,
Eventually it will be, my phone is spying on me.
What a visionary.
That's exactly what's happening.
And by the way, Philip K. Dick is my favorite author.
And my favorite film of his is Blade Runner.
Which is actually based on a book of his called, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Yeah, he was a visionary.
And he was absolutely correct, and it is what's happening.
This device.
They're not spying on me through this device.
This device is spying on me.
It has its own intelligence.
Its own chip.
It's a computer.
It's an intelligent gadget that watches, listens to me, reads my emails, my SMS messages, my contacts, monitors my activities.
This device, which each of us carry, and we want to carry, and we're glad to carry, is spying on us, Alex.
Just like the gift that the Trojans gave was beautiful indeed.
It has a lot of legitimate devices and things on it that are very useful tools, and humans love tools.
The problem is it's been loaded, in Bill Gates' own words and others, to where it is meant to dominate our lives, be the center of our lives, and condition us, track us, control us,
As not our guardian angel, but our little guardian devil.
It's literally a palantir through which Sauron can stand right next to us every day and watch everything we do.
And if you don't put it in airplane mode when you're not using it, it's there radiating you.
And even CBS News admits doctors are saying, medical doctors, turn them off when you're not using them.
I take my battery out when I'm not using it, just for safety's sake.
But yeah, but the most insidious thing, Alex, is not just that it's doing this, but that we like it.
We like this device.
We're in love with this device.
We can't imagine going from home without it.
When we're without it, we feel insecure.
Oh my God, where's my phone?
So that's the most insidious thing.
The thing which is our worst enemy, we love the most.
You know, we're living in a science fiction movie where there's these smart devices rolled out by a central government that's already replacing frontline troops with battle droids in South Korea on the DMZ.
Almost all the aircraft have already gone autonomous drone.
Skynet is now deciding when to launch the missiles.
They are openly attacking humans, getting rid of our jobs.
The major Foxconn factories are going total human free.
We're being socially engineered through the food and water.
And we have these little devices tailored
To have everything about us on them and tracking us, and the government is illegally accessing all of it, so are the corporations, and it's all premeditated.
Where does it go next?
That's anybody's guess.
I mean, it will go where the person in power wants it to go, as always.
And it will never go in a positive direction.
Once society reaches such a level of decadence where we have these things because they make life easy for us, they make life convenient for us.
Nobody wants to do hard work.
No one wants to live not one second in discomfort.
So, who knows where it's going?
It will go where it goes always.
Downhill and downhill until total collapse comes.
And this is why I've done the Legalize Freedom campaign.
Please, legalizefreedom.com
Give us some help.
Volunteer to do this thing.
I'm talking to your people out here now, Alex.
Volunteer to use the Freedom of Information Act to find out exactly how much fining is done in your town and let us know so that we can collate this and put it out.
Help us out financially if you can.
Send us whatever you can to Legalize Freedom at P.O.
Box 60 Finger, Tennessee.
383, what is it?
383? 349.
Well look, and people don't want to do it through yours, and I think they should.
Folks should be their own citizen journalists.
Mainstream media should be shamed into covering this.
I want to explain again.
The police, the feds, they already go in bulk data dumps and they can get basically anything they want from the telecoms.
But the telecoms, because they know they can get sued, have cut back on this sum the last few years and make them get warrants.
And so the feds don't like to share too much with local police with the parallel construction because it's so illegal.
And so now the locals with Homeland Security grants, because they both share the data, are putting in in every city and town their own cell towers.
People call them fake.
They're not fake.
They're dual cell towers to steal your data.
To put out the codes, to be able to put programs on your phone, to take control of it.
And remember what happened five years ago in Philadelphia, and in surrounding areas.
It also happened in Sacramento.
The 11-year-old girl was getting in and out of the shower.
She was eating Skittles.
And the school called her in and said, you were taking drugs.
We're suspending you.
And they said, how did you know?
And they said, your laptop.
And we have videos of the teachers bragging, yeah.
We see the kids at home, we see them undressing, blah, blah, blah.
So over the top, if you caught a teacher peeping, tomming through your window, you could beat him to death and the grand jury would no-bill you.
You could kill someone in manslaughter, in an act of anger, if that happened, but in the webcam gate, the court even ruled.
That, well, you know what?
You gotta pay $610,000, but the school said we're not gonna stop.
And it's ubiquitous, and they were using the cell cams and the laptops to watch everyone.
This is what goes on, and they weren't even apologetic.
First time I heard of this, John McAfee, was about 14 years ago in Tennessee and then in Missouri.
It was in local news in both cases.
In one case in Missouri,
The middle school girls basketball team came to another town and they were in the showers and saw cameras in the showers.
Now the normal response would be run out, screaming to your parents, panic.
But in the 1984, the school came out and said, what's the big deal?
Of course there could be fights in the showers or thefts.
And it turned out it was being accessed by people in more than 20 states and by hundreds of law enforcement departments filled with pedophiles wanting to watch prepubescent girls in the shower.
Okay, and I mean, folks, this is a total network.
And it came out the NSA, they're looking at people and watching people over webcams and stalking people.
And of course, if you're Kate Upton, don't you know there's going to be people at the NSA that are going to want to get into your cloud and look at your naked body?
I mean, how stupid are people, John McAfee?
How dumb are we that it's just that how dare you not like a shower in the 11-year-old girl's bathroom?
I mean, how dare you not like cameras in there?
Admittedly, we as a society may not be the smartest in the world, but seriously, Alex, where are the parents?
If you're a father of a teenage girl, and you find out that someone is watching her in the shower, good God, Alex, why aren't we all out in the streets carrying signs and guns, making sure this never happens again?
They did, and the cops showed up and said it's no big deal, and the people at that school argued with the other parents and said, it keeps them safe.
Well, yeah, okay, maybe.
It's the government.
If a private citizen did it, you'd freak out, because it's government.
It's supposedly safe.
The founders told us, and history shows, government's the most dangerous.
Go ahead.
Well, governments are composed up of individuals, Alex.
That's the issue.
They're all people.
It's just like the Bank of America.
They have the right to watch you while you're accessing your account.
But what is the Bank of America?
It's composed of people.
Someone at a lunch hour who works for the Bank of America who is bored going, let's go watch this teenage girl take a shower.
Come on, get real!
If it happened to my child, if I had a 14-year-old child or a 12-year-old child and found out that someone was watching her while she was in my house, in the privacy of the bathroom, taking a shower, I would pick up a gun.
Why aren't we all doing that?
What is wrong with us?
What is wrong with the parents?
Have you lost all respect for yourself?
It's just, I'm telling you, our national symbol should be a guy bending over, grabbing his ankles.
Unfortunately, it's reached that state, Alex.
I'm starting to lose faith, not in the future, but in ourselves as a society.
What has happened to us?
In 1950, do you realize what would have happened if someone said, yeah, they're watching your kids in the shower?
They would have burned the school down and hung the teachers.
You know this is a fact.
Now what happens?
We sit back and turn on the television and watch the next football game.
That's right.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson.
We are.
Let's just face it.
We have a lot of good left in the country, but by and large, they're replacing our spirit with one of cowardice and servitude and groveling to tyranny.
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John McAfee, getting back to the cloud.
They have designed the architecture of this to be tapped, to be tracked in live time for social engineering.
That's admitted.
But at the same time, the Internet's been exposing the establishment a lot as well.
I don't even know if humanity can survive all the stuff that's going to come out of this.
I mean, we definitely are strapped into a serious roller coaster here.
Big time.
Big time.
And it is a double-edged sword.
While the internet, the cloud, our new technology is being used to spy on us and to remove our freedoms, it's also, Alex, giving us the opportunity to express ourselves and to utilize the few freedoms we have left.
I'd like to say this before I forget it.
We spoke about parents not caring whether their children are being watched.
Surely, as parents, as loving human beings, you must care about the world.
That you are leaving to your children.
Your children have to live in this world that is increasingly constrained.
Increasingly less free.
A world where privacy is diminishing to the point that it is disappearing.
If you love your children, for Christ's sake, do something.
Do something.
I just have to say this, Alex.
I feel like I'm alone up here on a soapbox and people are looking the other way.
It's frustrating.
No, they're not.
Listen, people are really concerned.
They're really awake now.
But it is make it or break it.
Because we either now start reversing this, and people start getting in trouble, or we've set the precedent that we live in the opposite of an unsurveilled society.
And it's not to keep us safe.
Go ahead.
It's not just the lack of privacy and the fact that we have surveillance.
We sit back blithely while police kill innocent children and get away with it.
This has got to stop, Alex.
Again, if we have any sense of
Of humanity.
If we have a grain of grace left, surely.
Well, government across the board is becoming more and more unaccountable.
But if you look at the feds, militarizing police, and then using the bad actions of the police to federalize them further, or if you look at how they now admit all over the country, they pull you over and you got cash, no drugs, they take your cash.
When cops became robbers was one headline I saw this week.
People are really starting to understand that as well.
How far have we fallen?
We have, we have.
I have a friend who was traveling through Texas with a fair amount of cash.
Well, legal cash.
I mean, you work for money, you take money, you put it in your pocket.
And they charged this person with money laundering, for Christ's sakes.
Because it was cash.
Well, at least they charged him.
In most of the cases, they don't even come up with a fake charge, they just take the money.
This is the world we're living in, and you and I are talking about it, like, and people are listening, like, yeah, okay, that happens, and then they turn the TV back on and watch them get lost in some fake world.
That's because they've raised us as spectators, and even as horrible things are happening even to ourselves, we just sit back and watch it.
We're not actors in the real world.
That's what Karl Rove said.
He said, we're history's actors now in the elite.
You'll accept whatever reality we say.
All right.
Very interesting.
I'm going to come back and plug that website one more time and take your calls.
Thank you, John McAfee.
Always great to have you on.
Stay with us.
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Got it.
Others don't.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the pro-amnesty Marriott CEO has asked guests to start tipping maids.
It's all this culture of guilt.
How about if you want to pay them more money, you pay them more, bud?
It's all this guilt thing.
Don't wash your towels.
It hurts the earth.
No, really, it just saves us money.
Oh, give tips so I don't have to pay the maids.
It's like Luby's cafeteria years ago.
You know, you should just get your own sauce and your own stuff.
And then they brought in, quote,
I've already tipped
People that clean my room well?
I'm not doing it anymore because of that right there.
I don't care if it's Marriott, any of it.
I'm sick of your social engineering.
Makes me want to throw up!
You pay them enough, punk!
I'm coming to stay at your hotel!
I don't stay at Marriott because they're anti-gun, too.
Marriott can go straight to hell.
Excuse me.
Sick of these scum preying on us like Warren Buffett.
Ashley in Texas, you're on the air.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I have a few things.
One of them, I do, I definitely agree with you about the Ebola.
I think they're going to be incubating the troops and then bringing them back.
And I grew up in Panama in Central America.
Before we went, we got yellow fever shot, malaria, tetanus.
I don't really know if there was anything in those vaccinations then, but the Americans that I went to school with and all of us that were there, we were actually really healthy.
So I don't know if it was just because we were picking fruit off the trees and and playing outside a lot.
I don't know.
And I have also taken my kids out of school.
I'm homeschooling them now because I, you know, I want to be ready to take off and get out of the city to the point where I'm even buying a four by four so I can go off road if I have to to get around the traffic.
And and another thing about the racist, my my daughter, when she was six,
I was playing at the playground and a young little Mexican boy started hitting her.
So I went over and I said, you know, you can't hit other people.
And he said you're a racist?
Well, that's the new thing.
Give me your money, give me your life, let me tax you, give me your guns, or you're racist.
It's like a power word.
People will go, racist.
And they stand back like, ugh.
I just waved them at it.
But it actually works.
People just fall to their knees.
They'll do whatever they're told.
Just don't call me that.
Yeah, they do.
I just leaned down right in front of my daughter, in front of that boy, and I said, sweetheart, this is a boy who is not being raised right, and we don't hang out with those people.
Well, you're bad.
I mean, you should throw your child into a pit of piranhas, okay?
Just to prove that you're not against piranhas.
But yeah, no, that's the new thing, because now America is majority-minority.
And so the Democrats of the party of the Klan, it was always race-based, when whites wouldn't go along with that, they flipped against the Republicans that have been against it, and said, oh, they're the racists, we're now the party of stopping racism, and so it only gets worse because they run the whole deal.
They're expert race pimps, and they've done a great job, the country is completely fried.
I appreciate your call.
Look, I'm sorry to Truth Raider, but we only have about 45 seconds.
Go ahead, Truth Raider.
Yes, sir!
My fellow upline.
Hey, a tribute to Ben Fuchs.
I brought him up here to Portland.
He's helped a lot of the folks in a couple of groups that I'm in.
And he says you're a really sweet guy.
You're under a lot of stress, but you're really sincere and a great person.
So, you know, just a tribute to the pharmacist.
Well, I love pharmacist Ben.
He's part of Infowarshealth.com, and we want to get him back on the show soon.
You got it.
All right, man, I appreciate your call.
Look, I'm out of time to the other folks, but try to call me back tomorrow.
Thanks for putting up with us.
Great job of the crew.
Lord willing, 7 o'clock Central tonight, InfoWars Nightly News, back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Please, there's a lot of media out there, but InfoWars is exploding for a reason.
We are promoting fundamental basic liberty and truth and justice, and what we talk about comes true over and over again, and that's why we need your prayers.
Please don't take us for granted.
The Genesis straight ahead introduced a super male, and then when super female came out, tell us what happened.