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Name: 20140912_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 12, 2014
2499 lines.

In his show on GCN Radio Network, Alex Jones discusses various topics including Ebola, domestic surveillance drones, the New World Order, Scottish independence referendum, ammo purchases by DHS, water contamination in Toledo, false flag attacks, misinformation from mainstream media, Agenda 21, and its impact on local decision-makers. He promotes products related to health and self-defense from InfoWars Life and Infidel Body Armor. The episode also features author Rosa Koire discussing the globalist agenda and how people can fight against it by becoming more informed. Advertisements promote various products such as Power Swabs, Occupower by InfoWars Life, and tax expert Dan Pilla for help with IRS debts.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Everybody knows that we fire and forget.
We move forward, we aim at the target, we pull the trigger, and we move on to the next target.
That's attacking tyranny, waging war on corruption, crashing through lies and disinformation.
One month ago, I called Paul Watson, and I got all my reporters in a room,
And I said here's a UN and here's a CDC report and here are major medical journals saying Ebola was confirmed to be somewhat airborne two years ago in 2012 and it's clearly mutated.
Here are the mainstream documents on that.
And it is replicating and spreading at ten times the previous worst outbreak six years ago.
I said, I'm no medical doctor or virologist, but I'm reading what all the top ones say as an analyst.
This is going to be a gigantic outbreak on top of what's already happened, and it's clearly somewhat airborne.
It's gestating longer.
And we were attacked, let me not exaggerate, a month ago.
Let me not exaggerate.
By tens of thousands of publications.
AP attacked this, others did, that was in thousands of publications alone.
You can type in InfoWars.com, Ebola, and see the stuff from a month ago.
Paul Watson's doing a video on it, he's doing a report on it.
We're going to do a special report Sunday, because it's not about defending InfoWars.
It's about understanding how propaganda works.
We presented documents.
We presented fact.
We tried to warn people, and we said it may not end up infecting the rest of the world, but it is going to ravage Africa.
You know what the headline today is on drugs from the New York Times?
So now the New York Times said it, it's true.
Just like the New York Times three weeks after we proved with video and the city manager of Kingsville, of McAllen,
And video where the Border Patrol told us to go, our ice whistleblower.
We went and showed the Border Patrol loading them on buses and giving them vouchers, the illegals.
We broke that.
And we were attacked.
People said it wasn't true.
And we took the mainline documentation and we put it in articles and it went viral, pun intended.
And then we got attacked.
Just like they said three years ago we were lying, there were no domestic surveillance drones, even though we were covering local newspaper articles.
Just like they said there were no death panels in Obamacare.
Just like they said that we weren't funding Al-Qaeda in Syria, now it's admitted.
The truth is my show is not radical.
I get radically upset.
I try to get people to wake up.
I jump around, naturally, because I'm upset.
That's not a manipulation, that I get up here and get upset, but it works because people are in a coma.
And it's time for folks out there to get out of their comfort zones and realize we're in danger.
And here's the headline out of the New York Times, what we're afraid to say about Ebola.
And they talk to the virologist and the World Health Organization, and they say it's going airborne.
There you go!
So, we're gonna have Paul Watson and my reporters put together articles showing the videos and the articles where we said this one month ago and were attacked.
There it is, August 4th, 2014, Paul Joseph Watson
And let's scroll back down.
He wrote that two days after I told him to.
Let's go back to the top.
CDC concerned about airborne transmission of Ebola virus.
Federal agency directs airlines to have to prevent spread of infectious material through the air.
Obama then signed an executive order saying for any respiratory illness you can be detained.
And the media said, oh, well that was just a reissuance of Bush's order.
But it expanded it to any respiratory problem, not just specific known pathogens.
So, we broke it.
We were right.
It's confirmed.
It was confirmed then.
We're going to break it all down because now they're saying it's uncontainable.
I don't know if that's true.
We're going to report.
Let me come back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Sunday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time we broadcast worldwide.
Of course I then return Sundays and we'll be here live in studio this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time yet again.
That's 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time for the Sunday broadcast.
We do have Syrian Girl joining us, expert on Syria.
The bottom of the hour to break down the fact that they're talking about arming and paying the Syrian rebels to stop the Al-Qaeda Syrian rebels that I've been told by high-level intelligence analysts are 95% of the rebels.
Not 65, as the mainstream media has said.
Scottis John, who's a friend of mine,
Local 2nd Amendment activist immigrated here from Scotland 20-something years ago.
I've seen him out picketing for over a decade for the 2nd Amendment.
He's big on Scottish independence that's spreading to Spain and other areas, including Texas, the New York Times is reporting.
He's going to be with us for 30 minutes.
We'll cover other news as well.
And then Rosa Corey, Democrats against UN Agenda 21.
She's always got the cutting-edge intel on what's happening with the global governance through zoning.
And through UNESCO, so she'll be joining us as well on this Friday edition.
If you just tuned in, if you go to InfoWars.com, we have the headline, Virologist!
It's too late, Ebola will kill 5 million people.
Expert says virus will infect entire population of African countries.
That story is on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com right now.
A month ago, or back on August 4th, Paul Watson wrote the article, because I called my reporters in and I called him on the phone, he's in England, we're here in Austin, Texas, and I said,
I've got a stack of government reports, CDC, UN World Health Organization reports.
I've got mainline medical journals, 2012, saying that clearly monkeys to pigs in African studies has been transferring the virus through the air.
And I said, I want articles written about this.
So, Watson did write an article, and for TV viewers, we'll put that article up on screen.
Also, print me another copy of that, guys.
Thank you.
CDC concerned about airborne transmission of Ebola virus.
Federal agency directs airline staff to prevent spread of infectious material through the air.
Now, Drudge
Carried links at the time to the actual studies.
But Drudge also linked to some of our articles at Infowars.com.
Then, literally thousands of publications, AP, you name it, which is then in tens of thousands of publications,
When AP puts it out, came out and said, there is no airborne Ebola, everything's fine, don't listen to Alex Jones, don't listen to Matt Drudge.
When all we were doing was writing articles or linking to articles that had been written two years ago in prestigious scientific virology publications about the fact that it was becoming airborne.
Not super airborne where it drifts around like anthrax in the air and can live for years.
But airborne enough that if it gets in spit or mucus, it can float through the air and you can get it, and now it takes weeks to show up so it spreads because it doesn't get identified.
And there is the myth article, the most destructive myths about Ebola virus debunked.
Ebola virus is airborne, waterborne, or spreads through casual contact.
That was in the Huffington Post.
And they and many others attacked us in a whole bunch of stories.
Look at Drudge being irresponsible.
Look at Alex Jones.
Look at InfoWars.
They're fear-mongering.
And saying it's mutating and saying that it's becoming airborne.
We didn't say that.
InfoWars wrote articles linking to the mainline medical studies.
And clearly Ebola is more aggressive now.
At the time, it was already 10 times a month ago, back on August 4th, over a month ago, 10 times the previous number of people getting infected at the rate it was.
Now it's way over that.
There's almost 3,000 dead right now.
There's over 250 mutations they've confirmed as it spreads across Africa.
And the media has been whitewashing it.
I remember numbers two years ago that there were more than 200,000 rebels attacking the Assad regime and that most of them were Al-Qaeda affiliated.
65% was the number the media put out.
It's more like 95% now we know.
Today I saw an article, the CIA says there's thousands
Thousands and thousands and thousands.
13,000 ISIS people in Syria.
There were hundreds of thousands and then half of them or so went into Iraq.
The other half stayed in Syria to loot.
They ran out of stuff to loot in Syria so they went into Iraq.
I mean, it's just constant whitewashing.
Now, here's the headline today.
Doc warns of airborne Ebola.
And it's not InfoWars.com.
It's the precious New York Times.
And here is the story.
Here are some of the headlines.
Ebola is devouring everything in its path.
Could it lead to Liberia's collapse?
Washington Post.
The Daily Beast.
Ebola's terrifying evolution.
I thought it wasn't evolving.
I thought I was a liar.
Ebola virus.
Biological war in Liberia.
Ebola outpaces global response.
World Health Organization says.
New York Times.
And here's the New York Times article where they basically break down the fact that it's starting to go airborne.
It's not crawling now, it's starting to walk.
And then if it runs, it'll turn into the Flash.
And remember what Dr. Bianca at the biology department at UT, the eugenicist, said about how soon the airborne Ebola would come and wipe the earth clean of the human scourge.
And that he and his family were ready to die.
I made a film about it, it's called End Game.
End Game.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
Three hours long,
30 minutes of it, it's really three or four films, but 30 minutes of it, it has chapters, is on airborne Ebola.
So, I made the film eight years ago, it's evergreen.
For the folks that don't know what that means, that means it gets more alive and doesn't die and gets more important, that film.
FBI comes out.
Synthetic biological could reduce our population.
Synthetic biology is being quietly inserted into the food supply.
I was so concerned, and to give him credit, the FBI was so concerned by Endgame, they went and interviewed Pianka.
Then he was on the news and went, I don't want anybody to die, man.
They came to him and they said, you're over the biology department.
And some of your graduate students have responded to Mr. Jones, we have their open letters here, saying that all humans need to die.
Do you have any knowledge of anyone in the lab with access to deadly biologicals that might be considering using them?
Now, that's a normal behavior of the FBI.
That's what you're supposed to do.
You're supposed to, when you've got people over at biology departments talking about stuff, talking about how wonderful it's going to be when everybody dies,
You need to go visit them.
And they did go visit them, because I guess they love their children.
I'll guarantee you, though, they got reprimanded.
Little Bird told me they got called off that real quick.
So, that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
It's 12 monkeys, for real.
So, New York Times.
What we're afraid to say about Ebola.
Do I get apologies from MSNBC and the Associated Press and all these countless publications that came out?
You know, they had NBC affiliates and you name it with their fact check segments in DC and TV reports.
Fact check!
The crazy conspiracy theory site claims Obama signed an executive order to detain anyone with a respiratory illness and it's because of Ebola.
And they claim Ebola could be going airborne.
Well, this is just false.
They show no proof.
They just say, I'm lying.
Well, Paul Watson's article linked to the CDC statements and to the studies two years ago.
I mean, we didn't write all this.
The CDC did!
I mean, I hope this is all hype.
I hope.
But let me tell you, you tell that to the 20-something thousand people that have got Ebola, that almost 3,000 that we know have died.
They're saying those numbers are whitewashed.
It's much worse.
You tell that when the head of the World Health Organization's virology department comes out and says 100,000 will have it in Africa by December, and now they've got other virologists saying 5 million will die.
I don't know.
But I know the Black Plague killed at least a third of Europe, an estimated 10 million.
Back at the time, when there was only 30 million people in all of Europe.
Those are estimate numbers.
Some say as high as half.
I just say a third.
It's a low number.
I go with the low number.
I know the swine flu killed tens of millions in 1918.
I don't know.
I don't know.
There's the Washington Post.
100,000 cases?
See, they're already saying it could be 100,000.
20,000 or 100,000?
That's the headline.
We were very conservative, but we were first.
We pointed out the analysis, and the establishment media said, why, you can't do that.
Infowars is incredible.
Drudge is incredible.
Because they wanted to whitewash what was going on, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're going to flashback Paul Watson's article to Infowars.com, and if anybody wants to go back to my reports, August 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, where I tried to make
A point about its viral spread and got attacked, it's right there.
Because just remember folks, in a kingdom of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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30dayfoodsupply.com Alex Jones here, back live.
Well, we warned everybody that they were going to put armored vehicles on the streets and we're federalizing police and we're going to use Homeland Security against conservatives, libertarians, gun owners and veterans.
It broke here six years ago with the secret documents that I received by the state police in Missouri and a federal marshal from California.
I can say that now in both cases because one of them is retired and the other state police officer
Did not get in trouble, even though they were able to discover that he had sent it.
In fact, he got promoted after getting in trouble.
That's another thing.
Everybody's so scared of being a whistleblower, people end up admiring that.
That's why we need more people to stand up and tell the truth.
But now it's mainstream news that Homeland Security is treasonously pointed at the American people.
Look at this article from yesterday.
Hadon Salazar wrote it.
When I saw this, I couldn't believe it, and I went and watched the local newscast.
Firefighters ordered to remove American flagstickers days before 9-11 off their private lockers, and the fire chief said it would be offensive to other firefighters who weren't Americans.
Marywood firefighters were disciplined.
Hughes, Roszak, and Sherlo, Surulo,
And one other, were all put on leave, unpaid leave, sent home, because they refused to take the little American flag stickers off of their lockers, because they had been told they were offensive.
There's your political correctness, ladies and gentlemen.
You can't have an American flag on your locker, but
You can demonize the founding fathers in army training manuals.
It's just bizarro land.
Our government openly is funding Al-Qaeda, calling in ISIS, and is now going to give billions, not 500 million, to them, and Congress is about to give the money to Obama to then go arm the rebels that are attacking Assad, who are made up mainly of the Saudi Arabian Qatari jihadis.
And I've had former State Department officials on, CIA operatives from the Army on, Colonels, Generals, they're all on record saying that yes, the main force is Al-Qaeda.
And we defeat them by arming them.
That's how stupid they think everyone is.
And we dare!
We dared!
Back in early August,
To beat the drum for a week.
Because I said, I want to focus on Ebola going airborne, according to the CDC and the World Health Organization, and that they think it's going to go really airborne.
Because it's airborne somewhat now, but it's weak.
But it's becoming airborne.
They believe it's becoming airborne.
And then we get attacked for that.
That we're fear mongers.
No we're not!
We link to the CDC documents!
We link to the virology reports!
We link to it!
We didn't say it!
It's like when the New York Times calls Matt Drudge a tabloid person when he links to the New York Times.
And he links to Der Spiegel.
We're just linking to the reports.
InfoWars takes them and writes an article around it.
Oh, and here's seven reports that it appears Ebola's going airborne two years ago.
Now it's spreading!
This top virologist says he thinks it'll kill five million people!
There's been estimates, you can pull them up, of three billion dying if Ebola goes completely airborne.
Meaning, you know, floating around for hours or days or even weeks.
You can have anthrax in the ground for 50 years and it gets out.
I don't know.
But now the New York Times today says what we're afraid to say about Ebola.
And then it goes into the fact that it's turning into an epidemic, a pandemic, that nothing's happened like this.
in decades, anywhere in the world, and that scientists and doctors believe that it may be beginning to go airborne.
And it says that right here in the article.
And Drudge has the headline, Dock Warns of Airborne Ebola.
So, that's what's in the New York Times today.
Do I get an apology from any of these publications?
Of course not.
Here's another headline, Black Market in Blood Serum Emerging Amid Ebola Outbreak.
And then we have the graphs on the spread of it, and the British study, the London Telegraph.
Millions more at risk for Ebola outbreak, British study finds.
They have computers tracking the spread so far, and it's estimating millions are going to get it, basically.
And when we come back...
Virologist, it's too late.
Ebola will kill 5 million.
Expert says virus will infect entire population of African countries.
Paul Joseph Watson reporting for InfoWars.com in that article.
We're going to tweet that out again right now.
We'll come back, break it down.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex.
Shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks!
I'm being assaulted!
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Well, it's certainly an exciting time to be alive.
Look at this headline.
Border breakdown.
Militia to block ports of entry.
That's out of KRGV News.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Doc warns of airborne Ebola in the New York Times.
So it's true when they say it, but when we say it a month ago,
Then it's attacked nationwide, even though we're linking to the exact same statements.
Another story up on Drudge, mad science, genetically modified micro-humans to be framed, or to be farmed for drug testing by 2017.
Folks, that's already going on where they grow the little embryos, but then add some animal DNA to it, so they claim it's not a human and doesn't have rights.
Mad science.
Genetically modified micro-humans to be farmed for drug testing by 2017.
So we're going to look at this article and then go to our guest, Syrian girl, reporting from Australia on her inside scoop.
She's been joining us for over a year on what's really happening in Syria and Obama's statements.
But before we go any further and finish up with this article, virologist, it's too late.
Ebola will kill five million people.
Experts says virus will infect entire population of African countries.
And the London Telegraph is saying their models
British models show millions will be infected.
A top German virologist has caused shockwaves by asserting that it's too late to halt the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia, and that five million people will die, noting that efforts should now be focused on stopping the transmission of the virus to other countries.
Jonas Schmidt
of the Bernhard Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, one of the most prestigious in the world, told Germany's Deutsch Well, that's one of their top publications, that hope is all but lost for the inhabitants of Sierra Leone.
Well yeah, their leader said they're preparing to collapse, and that'll kill a lot of people in and of itself.
And Liberia, and that the virus will only burn itself out when it has infected the entire population and killed 5 million people.
Close quote.
The right time to get this epidemic under control in these countries has been missed, said Schmidt.
The time was in May and June, now it's too late.
I would expect to have the Washington Post, New York Times come out and say that we made all this up and we're not linking to the main German publications.
But this is being said.
I was hoping it was hype a few months ago.
I said that on August 4th when Paul Watson wrote the article about virologists worried it's gone airborne.
And we said, hey, we hope this is, you know, gets contained.
But it was already 10 times what any previous Ebola outbreak had been.
Something happened, folks.
We went and investigated.
There it was in the medical literature that they believe it was going airborne.
It's starting to walk.
It's not, it was crawling, then walking.
If it starts running, they're saying there's 200 mutations of it now.
Before, there was only a few dozen mutations.
It's going crazy.
It's been manipulated clearly.
It may mutate and burn itself out.
I don't know.
I'm not a virologist, but I do the research.
We've been proven right yet again.
What am I doing?
I'm getting my guts cleaned out, taking Oxy Powder from InfoWarsLife.com.
I'm taking Nacin Iodine X2 to clear out my bloodstream.
I am taking Colloidal Silver.
But not just for the Ebola, even though they brought Ebola patients now, a fourth one to Atlanta.
I'm doing this because there's a bunch of weird airborne stuff killing people in hospitals all over the country, including three members of my family.
There's all sorts of flesh-eating bacteria now.
This stuff's all coming at once, where the mutations and the toxic genetic manipulation, all of it is starting to come to a new flashpoint.
And we see times in history where you won't just get black plague popping up, you'll get something else popping up at the same time.
I got scared this year when my uncle, my grand uncle, my cousin all died in East Texas from the same mystery illness that the hospital doctors told us was scaring them and killing members of the staff.
Everybody knows around the office I've been doing everything I can from working out more, to drinking more water, to going to sleep earlier, having my kids do it, because I'm getting ready for this winter.
I'm getting ready, folks.
It's like in the old times, they said, you know, don't go outside with your shoes off, you'll catch your death or whatever.
All they knew was you went out and got cold, it would lower your immune system.
I mean, it's time to really try to get healthy, and yes, we sell products that aren't silver bullets, pun intended with the silver bullet, coiled silver we have, but
Are obviously better across the board to boost your immune system and to try to get sunlight, try to drink purified water.
Now we're going to go to Syrian Girl here in just a moment.
But before we do that, I saw Weldon Henson and I saw Jakari Jackson.
Weldon Henson runs the shipping department and a lot of the marketing stuff does a great job.
And of course, Sha'Carri is one of our great reporters and investigative journalists, but they just so happen to both be wearing what I believe is the best Second Amendment shirt ever made.
The last one I had the concept for and that Cade designed, our great graphics guy, was the best at that point in my view.
A lot of people agreed it was our best seller.
This one is even better.
You gotta go to InfoWarsStore.com to see it.
It says Molon Labe with an American flag draped downwards in gray with the bronze gold 300 Spartan helmet with .250 caliber two-scale bullets crossed with 1776 and InfoWars.com under it with a Special Forces style gray American flag on the left arm.
And let's cut to Jakari Jackson and Weldon Henson
Because I just haven't taken one of these home yet in two weeks and washed it and worn it yet, or a sports jacket on air, but I'm going to be wearing one of these.
This, I believe, is the best Second Amendment shirt I've ever seen.
Now, tastes differ.
I didn't tell you guys what I was about to do.
I just said I want people to see the shirts watching on television.
Radio listeners go to InfoWareStore.com and they can link through and see it there.
I don't know.
It's awesome, and we're lucky that Jakari and Weldon look like Calvin Klein models.
So go take some photos for the website to promote it if you guys feel like it, because those shirts are awesome.
I wish I looked that good in them.
Weldon, give us your take on the shirt here.
This is again just off the cuff.
This is how we fund our operations.
This is for sure going to be the best one we've ever had.
We just got this in the store last week.
We designed it.
Took a little longer than the other ones.
We knew you liked the .50 cal.
That's one of your favorite guns, Alex.
So we put the .50 cal bullets on it.
We're excited to put this one out.
I think everyone's going to really like it.
Well, by concept, I'm like, I want an American flag on the arm, and I want some bullets crossed under it with it looking face forward, and then Cade really designed it.
He is so good.
I think this one really has kind of a Special Forces feel to it.
It's going to be a great one, part of our Made in 1776 product line.
This is made in America.
The shirt's made in America.
All the graphics were printed right here in America, so support the InfoWar.
That's another good point.
And we also hire veterans.
You're an Air Force veteran yourself.
We got Joe Biggs.
I always hear the media saying how horrible veterans are to hire, and people are scared.
My best crew are veterans.
I just don't understand it.
Yeah, we got a few of us here.
Well, you get some more.
Of course, Jakari is a veteran of the Info War, getting shot at with Biggs and all that up in Ferguson.
Well, again, what's the name of the shirt?
It's the Molon Lobby 50 Cal?
I call this the 50 Cal shirt.
Yeah, we're calling it the 50 Cal Tee.
Jakari, anything else?
Sorry to drag you in here.
Oh, no, it's great.
We were actually about to go do a photo shoot because the guys recognized it's a good shirt.
I didn't even realize that.
See, okay, now I'm... I wonder if you're both walking around in it.
That wasn't planned.
That just really happened because I was over here near this radio studio and Alex saw me with the shirt on.
He said, hey, come in here and show off the new shirt, the new hat.
We got all the gear.
We have the belt, buckles, all this at InfoWarshop.com.
And that's how we fund the Info War.
Not taking tax money like Rachel Maddow.
You know, people need to keep checking back.
We've got a lot more American-made products coming in.
Molon Labe hats.
We've got the beanies that just went up.
Of course, Jakari's got one.
Yeah, we sold out of the Molon Labe brass, but we didn't fully print the whole number we were.
We printed 250 instead of 500 of the brass one.
So we have another 250 coming, and then they're gone.
Yeah, that's what we did.
Those just came in.
The last 250 of the brass Moulin Robé buckles.
You know, we kind of overwhelmed the manufacturer because they do make them handmade here in America.
And they are veteran-owned, yes.
And actually people need to, you know, keep checking back because we got a lot more stuff coming up before the holidays.
That's right.
I mean, we are just working as hard as we can.
To have everything made in America.
We're not perfect.
The dash cams are made in China, but that's why they're so inexpensive and work so well.
We have the lowest price on the dash cam, and it's private label to Infowars.
Lowest price you'll find lower than Amazon.
So there is stuff from China, but we're putting our money where our mouth is.
We're moving towards American-made.
I mean, a normal American-made golf shirt would be $60 to $80.
We have it for $40.
It costs us like $25 a piece.
That's absolutely true.
We can buy the same golf shirt from China for $5.
When we started moving most of our products over to American-Made, we definitely saw a price increase.
So we're hoping to change that.
You know, we need to support more American-Made manufacturers.
And that'll drive down the price once it moves back here?
Well, it's all the regulations and red tape.
You can't compete.
That's right.
It's done by design.
So we do have shirts from Mexico and Honduras and stuff that are half the price if you make the choice to get them.
Then you spread the word that way.
But we do offer American-Made ones now and more to come.
Gentlemen, thank you so much.
Great job.
Thank you.
Hey, real quick, Jakari and Weldon, what do you make of, like, top urologists saying five million will die now in Africa?
I mean, this is crazy.
Well, you know, when we first started talking about this, you know, months ago, you know, it's all scare tactics, fear-mongering and all this, but we were just looking at the tail of the tape.
We were looking at what these top experts were saying, the people who studied this, the people who live this information day in and day out.
And like you say, you know, we research it, but we talk to the people who, you know, live it.
And they say, you know, this is definitely a concern.
People coming in, like you said, the people going into Atlanta, other places as well, and people want to find out, you know, what's going on.
At least I want to find out what's going on, because I don't want to get caught with, you know, my pants down, so to speak.
We have this big epidemic, and now it's like, oh, oops, sorry, we started bringing people in, you didn't know about it, and now it's here.
I think the key is for everyone to stay informed and be prepared.
And, you know, there's a lot of things you can do.
You know, people need to focus on that kind of stuff, being prepared and educated on it.
We're not fear-mongering.
We're cutting edge, raising the alarm like Paul Revere.
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, it's like when we went out to Ferguson, like, oh, you guys are fear-mongering.
The police aren't out there doing this.
Police are out there putting sniper dots on people's chests.
You know, that's not fear-mongering.
That's telling people what's going on.
You know, there's plenty of good police out there, but you don't want to see these kind of tactics.
Well, then the feds blamed them when they gave them the training.
Oh, yeah.
They gave them the big tanks.
They gave them the training, the MRAP vehicles, the heavy armor.
That was federal training to put the laser on you.
Yeah, and then they say, oh, we gave it to them, but we didn't know they were going to do it.
The sound cannons?
Oh, yeah.
And they said, well, you're not supposed to use it for peaceful protesters.
That's like an active shooter situation.
They give them the stuff knowing how they're going to use it.
And then when they use it, it's like, oh, shame on you for using it that way.
They send them to federal training centers and train them.
Oh, yeah.
It's all standardized.
The uniform is a federal grant.
The training is a federal grant.
All of it's federal.
Oh yeah, and it's such a joke because we were out there in Ferguson and the only report I regret we didn't do was to show how close the martial law center was to where the things were taking place on West Florissant Street.
It was right down the street.
Well, we got Scottish John coming up at about 15 after.
We're going to have our next guest until 15 after next hour because I'm going to her late, but I drug you guys in here to discuss all this.
Great job, gentlemen.
And it's the Molon Labe 50 Cal Shirt at Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And we are lister-supported, unlike NPR and MSNBC.
They get stimulus money and taxpayer money.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.
We are the opposite of state-run media.
We are freedom, patriot, liberty, supporter-driven.
We want to thank you all out there for your support.
Now, joining us from Australia is Syrian Girl.
She goes by that.
Her name is now known.
She's been on national Australian television.
And Syrian girl comes from a former ruling class family that was deposed by the Baathist coup and thrown out by Assad's father.
And they're also Sunni folks.
But they don't like Al-Qaeda, obviously.
She's 100% Syrian to the core, an activist and career student.
And her opinion of the Syrian government, I have no illusion of mine in any government around the world.
And her Twitter handle is PartisanGirl, YouTube, SyrianGirlPartisan, youtube.com forward slash SyrianGirlPartisan.
I want to get her breakdown because she's been on with us for over a year and a half now, how time flies, since early 2013.
And everything she said turned out to be incredibly accurate.
She has sources inside Syria.
Obama says no boots on the ground, even though there are boots on the ground.
He says he's going to give billions of dollars to the quote rebels to fight the bad rebels when we know the rebels will just fight Assad and the government.
And so I want to get her view on this, because it's so bizarre to see them using the public's ignorance about the players to actually launch a new war in Syria they couldn't get a year ago, because our military said, no, we're not going to be the air force of Al-Qaeda.
Well, a year later, change the name to ISIS, and they claim you've got to stop ISIS by arming ISIS.
Syrian girl, thank you so much for joining us.
Thanks so much for having me again, Alex.
I just want to reiterate what you said.
It's not about the Syrian government.
I have no illusions, as you said, in any government around the world.
But at a time where your borders are being breached, you have nobody to turn to but your army to defend you.
And that's where I'm coming from.
With my family, my grandfather was deposed from power, but we were never really kicked out of the country.
I'm sorry to get that wrong, but you left the country.
You left the country.
Yes, we did.
But thank you for your introduction.
I want to talk about Obama's recent speech and everything surrounding that.
Last time I was here, a year ago, we were facing the same scenario of Syria being possibly attacked.
Only at that time, the excuse that was being used was chemical weapons.
And it seems that there's only three sort of options that the US government will use as an excuse for war.
Either it's regime change, WMDs or chemical weapons, whatever you want to call it, or back to the good old faithful fighting terrorism bit.
And it seems that the fighting terrorism bit is the easiest one to sell.
And they think that we have goldfish memories, that we haven't noticed that for the last three years they've been supporting Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria and wherever else.
And the biggest irony as well is that even though the groups that they're supporting have been burning and tearing down churches, Obama recently met with Christian minorities, Syrian minorities, and tried to win them over.
And in that conference he actually admitted that Assad has been protecting Christians for the last few years.
So it's quite funny, but most of the
Government officials that attended that conference got booed off the stage by the Syrian Christians, who asked Obama, in that case, then why have you been supporting these so-called, you know, moderate rebels?
Last year, when I was here on your show, I said that the chemical weapons were a deterrent, and now that they're gone, it would leave us open for an attack.
And I also said that the US government wouldn't attack Syria until they were gone.
And I think that
That proved to be true.
I also said that the Syrian air defenses were quite strong and that would prevent a US airstrike.
And of course, at the time, Dempsey was saying that we can't have airstrikes against Syria.
We can only have kinetic strikes, which means launching missiles from boats.
And it seems now that the ISIS terrorists have been taking out Syrian air defenses in the northeast of the country in Taqba Air Base.
And I tweeted out days before Taqba Air Base fell to ISIS that as soon as the air base falls, and that means that Syria's air defenses fall with it, then we're going to start hearing about the US government and Obama saying he wants to attack Syria.
And that is exactly what's happened.
You know, interestingly, around the same time was when the two American journalists were beheaded.
And Obama is basically using the fact that ISIS killed these two journalists to whip up support for war and to, you know, get people really angry.
But interestingly, the family of Soklov, one of the journalists that was killed, said that the moderate rebels that Obama is trying to help actually sold Foley to ISIS.
It's a real shock.
It is, and I had Colonel Schaeffer on, who was at Capitol Hill that day, just a few days ago, and he said, look, it's way over 65% of the rebels that are really Al Qaeda.
And, of course, we're not demonizing Sunnis here that are 79% of Islam.
You yourself are Sunni.
It's that this Saudi Arabian-backed group literally is there to de-industrialize and shut down any country.
And when I said your family got kicked out of the country, I meant that as a paraphrase of saying you aren't allies with Assad when you are defending the regime and the army because, I mean, that just adds to your credibility
And it shows how accurate you've been the last few years speaking out.
Well, I have no personal gain and my family has no personal gain in this position.
It's just, frankly, just observing the truth and observing the news for not just the last three years, but the last few decades and even before September 11.
So it's all part of the wider plot of everything and of course I was also an avid watcher of your show, I like to say that, when I was a teenager.
So that helped me wake up to everything that was going on in the world and really opened my eyes to all the agendas.
And really, I guess I would like to just go back to the story of the two journalists who were beheaded.
And the media's reaction to it, which I thought was really jarring because so many Syrians have been beheaded by these al-Qaeda groups for the last three years, and Syrian soldiers as well.
The media's reaction to these two men being beheaded was outrage.
But when Time Magazine, and they asked people not to watch it, they censored images to get people's imagination going, but if you look at last year, Time Magazine gave an award for journalists' photographs and videotapes of a Syrian soldier being beheaded.
And that was one of Time Magazine's top ten images.
So that's the kind of treatment that you get as a Syrian, you know, we're seen as subhuman sheep to the slaughter and it's just a great story to watch us get beheaded, but nothing to be outraged about.
I don't think the US, with the history of what's happening, I don't think anybody should take seriously the idea that they really want to fight ISIS.
I think it's an excuse to intervene in Syria, to keep the chaos going, and to eventually balkanize Syria into different pieces.
If they really, really wanted to fight ISIS, then they would stop their ally and NATO member Turkey from giving ISIS refuge
On the Syrian-Turkish border.
They not only give them refuge, they give them medical treatment, and they allow them through the border.
Turkey actually came out and said, I'm not going to take part in allowing my airways to be used against ISIS.
And that's because there's so many ISIS individuals inside Turkey now, that Turkey's afraid that they're going to start causing problems.
And of course, Turkey has an agenda to support ISIS.
The Turkish government war room leaks actually have the Turkish government officials on record saying they would like to use ISIS in a false flag operation to start a war with Syria.
That was last year.
So again, you know, one of the U.S.'
's allies in the region, Israel, has been giving medical aid to the FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra on the Syrian Golan Heights border.
And actually, Netanyahu went and visited them.
And these Jabhat al-Nusra rebels actually kidnapped
We're good to go.
The fact is, we haven't really heard about Jabhat al-Nusra anymore, which was one of the other groups that the U.S.
said were terrorists.
And the interesting part about that is the fact that the FSA, who we're calling the moderate rebels, came out and said, you know, we have no problem with Jabhat al-Nusra.
Still fighting alongside them and they're not, you know, it's fine.
So that's why you don't really hear about it anymore because now there's some kind of a little bit of friction between the FSA and ISIS.
However, the FSA is still working with alongside ISIS in Arsal on the Lebanese border.
You wouldn't hear that but I would suggest you anybody check out Paul Joseph Watson's article
Which I was, you know, partly a source for, describing examples about how the moderate rebels are working with ISIS and are still working with them, and how some of the FSA battalions that moderate rebels have defected to ISIS, have sold weapons to ISIS, and of course have sold American journalists to ISIS.
So if they really, really wanted to fight ISIS, they wouldn't be helping these group of people that have been defecting and selling weapons to ISIS.
And they wouldn't be trying to undermine the Syrian army, who are the only force capable of fighting ISIS in the entire region.
You're right.
Because, of course, the Iraqi army was dismantled.
And if you just joined us, Syrian girl is joining us from Australia.
There's a little bit of a delay.
And that's exactly what Colonel Schaefer said.
Who was in Congress two days ago when he joined us briefing members of Congress saying you should join with Assad and the army
And offer to clear out ISIS if you really want to get rid of them.
He said arming any of the rebels arms Al Qaeda.
They're basically all Al Qaeda.
They've just changed the name to confuse the public.
I don't see how the establishment is going to get away with this one way or another.
And what will the army do?
What will the Assad regime do?
When U.S.
aircraft or NATO aircraft start bombing, how will they sell bombing Assad forces or of the Assad forces fire on the coalition aircraft?
Because they're there giving air cover and arming the rebels that are clearly going to be attacking the government.
That's an excellent question.
First of all, like any patriot would, we all reject any breach of Syrian sovereignty, no matter what excuse, whether it be fighting ISIS or fighting
Purple Dragons.
But Syria is going to take any airstrike against us without permission as an aggression.
They stated that openly.
Syria has been telling the UN about the terror threat for the last three years and they actually agreed to the resolution against ISIS and they said they were ready to work with any nation who legitimately wants to fight ISIS so long as they respect Syrian sovereignty and coordinate
With Syria.
That's right, and Obama's saying he won't do that.
This is incredible.
We'll be back in one minute with the second hour.
The Scottish John joins us in studio.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got Scottish John joining us.
We'll give you his full name and all the info.
A lot of these citizen activists, you know, are better known by their original internet handles.
And he's Scottish and will give us his breakdown on the Scottish Independent Movement that...
It's causing people in Catalonia, Spain to want to break away.
It's causing people in Texas to talk about it.
The New York Times had an article about that yesterday, saying that it's encouraging this movement all over the world.
I think Scotland should be able to be separate from the UK.
But there's some pitfalls to it as well.
That vote's coming up next Thursday.
We'll break that down.
Going back to our guest, known as Syrian Girl, continuing with where you see all this going.
I mean, what do you expect to unfold now?
That we're going to stop the rebels by arming them, but they're the good rebels, they're not Al-Qaeda.
And our own military knows that's not true.
Our own military, generals and colonels and others that I've talked to on and off record, are very upset about this.
It's all about a pipeline that's going to run up through Syria with natural gas and cut off Russia.
Okay, great.
But America won't even make money off that.
Plus, it's immoral.
It's blocking free market stuff.
If they want to have a pipeline, pay Assad, pay the government, pay the people for using it.
I mean, you just can't send Al Qaeda in to blow up all the churches because they'll let you have a pipeline.
It's so immoral.
Well, absolutely about the pipeline.
I mean, that's going to be the region that runs right through the ISIS-controlled areas right now.
And the idea is just to keep that area destabilized indefinitely and cut up Syria into lots of different pieces so that you can never have like a viable state there that you can, with stability, that you can run a pipeline through.
You know, the Syrian FM said that ISIS doesn't need any more airstrikes.
The Syrian Air Force can take care of that.
But what we really need is for the money flow and the training to stop.
And what this Obama's mission now, it's just going to strengthen ISIS and make it sort
I don't
You know, this could actually escalate as it did last year with some kind of a World War 3 scenario where Iran and Israel and Russia gets involved.
People don't want that.
We don't want that.
We've already suffered enough war.
We want to see things over.
We want to protect our sovereignty and our borders.
And I did want to mention as well, just totally changing the subject a little bit, but on my channel the conversations of the journalist that was beheaded, Soklov, in the leaked Syrian Electronic Army emails reveal that one of the insurgent, the American insurgent, Matthew Van Dyck, who went to fight in Libya,
Actually told him that he had information that the Syrian rebels actually had chemical weapons and used them in Aleppo.
And Sotloff was interested in writing a story about this before he was kidnapped.
You'd find details about that on my channel.
But just goes to show you that, you know, any excuse would do.
And the U.S.
just wants a war and instability in that region, no matter which side they're on and no matter who they're bombing.
It doesn't matter if they're not on any side.
Just so long as they're in there selling weapons.
And, you know, creating the chaos.
Mimi Al Ahem, thank you so much for spending time with us.
We'll obviously be talking to you in the next few weeks as this unfolds.
I hope our military again says no to this.
Syrian Girl can be found at Syrian Girl Partisan on YouTube or Partisan Girl on Twitter.
I'm Alex Jones.
You can find us at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and on Twitter and Facebook as well, and syndicated across the United States.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Alex, and thanks to everyone.
Thank you, Mimi.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with Scottish John, all the way from Scotland, to give us his take on Scottish independence.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm looking at this headline and it really upsets me because
I remember reading about this in the BBC when I was first on radio in 1996.
And I would go on air and read the BBC news articles and people wouldn't believe me.
Because back then nobody was reading UK news.
And I'm not saying it's wonderful or perfect but it would have more interesting things in it about how they were already growing little human embryos but mixing them with cow DNA so they didn't have any rights.
Because there were laws in the UK and the US
In a lot of other countries, China basically has none.
It's the leader in all this.
Hong Kong makes glow-in-the-dark cats you could buy 20 years ago.
I would cover things like that and people wouldn't believe it.
Or goats that are part spider that create body armor.
People still don't believe that and that's probably been in the news, let's not exaggerate, 10,000 times.
But this story we're going to cover later, mad science genetically modified micro-humans to be farmed for drug testing by 2017.
So, within just four years, three years now, wow, it's going to go into full production, and you know this is already going on, to where they just grow these little humans and then use their different stem cells, you name it, or take the little organs out and they grow them larger.
This is the end of humanity.
This is having no value on the human species, not to mention all the things it's going to give rise to.
And I remember in the BBC they had scientists in 1996 talking about how they'd already successfully grown human embryos inside cow uteruses.
And they were doing it inside the cow uteruses and had the uteruses alive outside of cows trying to figure out how to create artificial wombs.
Well, they've done it.
And our article links to the patents and links to the announcements by the companies
And our story is up on Drudge Report.
Hey Alex, not to be sensational, but micro-humans is code word for babies.
Micro-humans is code word for babies.
You're right.
It is code word.
In fact, that was the thing back at the time, is they were going to grow embryos, which is code for baby, and it's all part of this dehumanization.
Once you have, thanks for pointing that out,
Once you've dehumanized and had 54 million abortions since Roe v. Wade, once you have death panels for old people and, oh yeah, the veterans are on death panels too with the VA, then it's, oh, micro-humans.
And yes, indeed, it is babies.
It is little people.
And they just spin it till they're little, though.
It's kind of like we're putting up microphones in every major city to listen to your conversations, but they can also hear gunshots, so they're gunshot detectors.
It's all spin.
Developers of artificial micro-humans, or mini-GM humans, close quote, in the patent, are hoping to release their technology on the market by 2017.
No, this isn't a sci-fi joke.
Scientists are developing artificial humans in the same vein as GM plants, with the hope that these creations will replace the need for using animals in laboratory testing.
See, oh, so that, and of course PETA and others support this.
See how that works?
Oh, we don't do animal testing, we just do human testing.
Artificial humans will be farmed, close quote, this is them saying it, with intersecting organs that can be used in drug tests, speed up the process of FDA and other government regulatory approvals, and supposedly without damaging rats or other animals currently used in laboratories.
The GM humans will contain smartphone-sized microchips that will be programmed to replace up to 10 major human organs.
This is just this particular company.
This is really very old technology, and the article then links through to all of the announcements by the companies themselves.
And this report by Christina Sarich is up on Infowars.com.
Great job getting that story out.
It's also originally appeared in Natural Society, Gucciardi's website.
So, there you have it, my friends.
This is how long this has been going on.
But when I first read the articles about it, the patents about it, in the mid-90s and late 90s, it was always, but don't worry, we've changed their genetic code 1% so it's not a human, so it's not under the law.
Now, this is what we know is going on.
Just like three years ago, we told you big companies were coming out, big pharma, to make you have microchips, tiny microchips, inside all of the prescription drugs that you then swallow, that they then track you with.
Well, don't worry.
Now all the big manufacturers are coming out with this.
Pfizer, Merck, you name it.
And it's all over the news.
Three years ago, when we reported it, one of the big companies sent us a letter and said, we're going to sue you.
If you say it's an edible microchip.
And they said, we want you to use a different term.
And I said, go ahead and sue me, and they backed off.
But they didn't want an early backlash.
They wanted to have their rollout for it, so everyone accepted it.
So don't call it babies are to be farmed to be medically tested on.
Because the headline should be, babies to be farmed for medical testing.
Babies to be grown in labs, to be tortured to death.
Oh, but all the beautiful Hollywood stars, they all want the stem cells and the rest of it for themselves, I guess.
They're not speaking out.
Just don't test on a bunny rabbit or a rat.
By the way, I don't like animal testing.
I try to buy stuff that hasn't been tested on animals.
But when you talk about just, oh, they're little microbes, they're little!
And it's the equivalent of basically selling them for meat at the butcher.
That's what we've been brought down to.
Does anybody feel safe when the little ones aren't safe?
Does anybody think this won't all come back on us?
Does anybody not think we're living in a science fiction movie where we buy all these Apple goods and they have suicide nets around the buildings, forced abortions, 18-hour workdays, where they literally have blood on the components because they work their fingers to the bone?
And there's been studies out, we've covered it, where Apple could pay $2 more per iPhone or other device, and the people would be living like kings.
But they don't want to create a real economy for humans.
They're just using humans while Foxcom prepares to replace all 15 million of their workers by 2016 with robots.
And they announced that two years ago?
Just a month ago, they had one of their factories go total robot, no humans.
Robots work on robots work on robots.
Oh, there's no CPS there.
They chain their kids up, if they have kids, on power poles or light poles outside and they defecate on the ground and then they wait till dad or mom comes back with enough food to eat once and live in shipping containers.
And we're going to compete with that.
We need to pay Chinese workers more money.
You go, wait, I thought you were against the minimum wage.
That's not what we're talking about.
They artificially create a wage so low, the kids are, by the way, you think I'm joking, type in Chinese children chained to light poles, and you'll just see shots of little kids lying on the streets outside the factories, chained, three-year-olds, urinating on the ground.
That's what you're competing against.
That's NAFTA, that's GATT, that's the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, but here they can put regulations in where your kids play in the park when they're 11?
We're going to take them.
See how that works?
Now, for the rest of the hour, shifting gears to something that could be a solution to the New World Order.
I want to try to explain something that's very complex in as simplistic a form as I can.
The globalists want to create three mega-regions with ten sub-regions, destroy the original sovereignty of each country, and replace it with a regional government that then only deals with sub-districts within the original area.
So I want cultural, racial, religious, or historical states, not because they're perfect, but because next to the globalist, synthetic, New World Order blob, it's a firewall or a redoubt.
I would love to see Texas at this point secede from the Union and form its own republic and control our own borders.
We would be wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.
America's already gone.
It's already been taken over by the globalists.
We could re-establish the republic here in Texas and then
Set up a new state federation with other states as it went.
I'm sorry.
America's already captured by the globalists.
If we could get the republic back, I would want to do it.
But at this point, I'm all for Texas' secession.
That's why the feds ran underground kooky groups early on to make the idea look bad so no one would accept it.
Now it's more popular than ever.
Major polls show a majority of Texas want to secede right now.
Scotland's actually doing it and is set to vote next week.
The Queen has said, don't you dare do it, and freaked out about it.
The Prime Minister, oh my gosh.
I've got Scottish, British, you name it, German background.
I don't have a dog in the fight.
I would be for Welsh independence.
I would be for Irish independence from the EU and the globalists.
I am for people being independent.
And when you've got something based on a culture and a history, that is far better having the people control their oil and natural gas and state properties of the people than the globalists and the Transylvanian king and queen.
They literally are Transylvanian.
The other thing against Romanians is they're not even German.
And so, Scottish John joins us.
We're going to go to break and come back with him.
And of course, born to an Irish mother and Scottish father.
I won't read his whole bio.
Growing up in Scotland and then in Ireland.
He then traveled the world and worked in manufacturing and in industry.
Then he became an actor, coming to Texas, moving back to London.
He's been all over the place.
But working in the Philippines, he met a lot of Texans.
That's why he moved here.
And I've just kind of boiled that down.
We're going to break in a moment.
But it's got to be over a decade I've run into you out at Second Amendment demonstrations, property rights demonstrations, Scottish John.
And so now you're here.
You've got a promo that runs with us talking about standing up against the New World Order.
And how long have you been in Austin?
I've been in Austin 16 years, Alex.
And I first met you when you were showing your movie 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
So 12 years ago?
There you go, yeah.
I'd just finished working for Mike Hansen at the time, and we met in the Alamo Draft House that night, down on there.
Did we have a pint?
No, we didn't!
If we'd gone for a pint, we'd probably still have been sitting there, bevying and yakking!
Oh, man.
Well, anyways, you're hearing me get all wound up and rant through all this news.
I'm always exhausted after the show, but that's what I do.
But when we come back, I'm going to try to give you the floor to break down some of the basics of Scotland, what independence means.
They've now got big banks trying to pull their money out and stuff.
They tried to do that to Iceland as well, but the Vikings stood their ground.
And so I do support independence, but the Scots have got to watch out because the globalists will come back in other ways.
But this is the way to go.
This is the way to get out of the New World Order is to secede from it.
We'll be right back.
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Well, the New York Times came out here and said, all over the world, millions are hitting the streets in Catalonia and Spain, you name it, saying they want secession as well.
So the whole world's watching what's happening in Scotland.
From Texas to Spain, it's happening, and Scottish John is here.
Tell us about that song, why you wanted to air that.
Tell us about the name Scottish John, and then get into what's really happening with Scottish independence, and you were telling me off-air, all the dirty tricks they're running, trying to stop you guys from getting away from the UK.
Why wouldn't you get away from England?
I mean, it took England 500, 600 years to finally conquer
By force?
And then you can go back to Bannockburn in 13-14 beating him for a while?
I mean, this is... I just can't believe that Scotland would ever be under the UK.
Well, that song, Alex, is a song called Letter from America by a couple of brothers called Craig and Charlie Reid.
And it was written in the 80s as a result of what was happening to industry back home as a result of Thatcher's policies.
And we were losing all our jobs.
Industry was being shut down and people in order to find a job were having to go wherever they could.
Some people went to America.
I ended up going to the Philippines because of the industry that I was in.
I could get work there because my industry in particular, which was the textile industry, was all being shipped out to the Far East where labor was very cheap.
But of course they needed people with experience and skill.
So I ran a couple of factories out in Manila in the Philippines.
I came back after two years of that and saw the explosion of unemployment figures and it's really shocking.
And basically this, you know, this was a specific plan to shut down manufacturing in Britain.
And now they've done it here.
Yeah, that shocked me when I came here.
I guess like most people, I thought America was different.
And now the robots are going to replace the people and the globalists say they've got a plan to just get rid of us.
Well yeah, and I guess like most people, when I started hearing language like that years ago, you'd say, that's crazy.
But when you think about it now, no.
They have no need for us.
Absolutely no need for us.
Tell me about your t-shirt.
My t-shirt is just an acknowledgement of the Battle of Bannockburn.
It was a battle that Robert the Bruce won.
Scotland gained independence.
Of course, William Wallace paved the way for that.
And just on that note...
William Wallace, one of his famous victories with the Battle of Stirling Bridge.
Now, in this shenanigans that's going on at home at the moment, somebody spray-painted a swastika on Stirling Bridge.
And that, that is just disgusting.
That is unforgivable.
It's unconscionable to do something like that.
My God.
Who do you think did it?
That's debatable.
Talk about Scottish independence to people who don't know why it's so important.
Because it's already sending shockwaves across the world.
Well, what has happened to Scotland economically and socially has been as a result of Westminster's decisions.
Traditionally, we've had a Conservative or Tory government in Westminster, which was never voted in by Scottish people.
There'd be very, very few Scots who would vote for the Tory party.
But because of the demographics of Britain as a whole, two-thirds of the British population lives in the southeastern section of England.
So it's tilted in their favour for representation at Westminster.
Now, eventually they gave us what they call devolution in 1999.
You know, sort of.
Not real self-determining powers, but just to keep us happy.
You know, they chuck a couple of sweeties at us, as we like to say.
For people that don't know, that's why we have the Electoral College here as well.
You can't let the more populous states outvote the other states and then basically make them their slaves.
And that's the same issue you're dealing with.
And we always thought the Labour Party being against the Tories were our friends.
And of course we find out now that's not true.
The Labour Party were popular in Scotland because that was the only way they were going to retain
Enough seats in Westminster to maybe give them a chance to be in the government.
Well, we saw what happened when Tony Blair won for the Labour Party.
I kind of supported him when he came on the scene.
I thought I understood what he was doing.
He was shifting the sort of Labour theme more to the centre because, look, we've got to do something to get the Tories out.
But it turns out, no, he was a shill.
Absolute shill.
We're going to come back and talk about the big vote coming up next week with Scottish John.
I don't know why he calls himself Scottish John.
And we'll open the phones up for folks from Scotland.
Stay with us.
Get your phones ready.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Scotland's about to say bye bye.
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From the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Scottish John is our guest today.
We're playing some, I guess, Scottish modern theme music here.
There's a lot of other news coming up in the next hour.
We're going to look at Agenda 21, how the globalists destroy national sovereignty, destroy any cultural sovereignty, and bring in their plastic, synthetic Agenda 21.
It's way past zoning.
It's UNESCO, global governance, down to the political correctness, the speech, the light bulbs, the toilets, the food, the roads.
It's total global governance covertly being put into place.
And England, the UK, was a very strong, wealthy, rich people.
And so they use the English and others to then just expand this corporatist, black nobility system that had come out of Italy, basically.
And then you had the Norman invasion and that brought that imperialistic system to it.
And so it's not blaming the UK or the British people today.
They're kind of the vestigial heart of this modern planetary program.
It's just like the fact that we see eugenics coming out of the UK.
It comes out of the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, a Transylvanian bloodline.
We first talked about this in the mid-90s.
People thought we were crazy.
It's now mainstream news that the British royalty isn't British.
They have the fake name Windsor.
That's not their name.
It's Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and a bunch of other names.
And they're not even German.
They are from Transylvania and are the direct descendants of Vlad the Impaler.
Or Count Dragon.
Count Dracula.
And that's why the old symbol for England, you know, before that,
I mean, they didn't start fully coming over.
You've got a bunch of different houses.
You had the Plantagenets and then the Tudors.
I'm not going to go through the whole issue.
But for a long time, at least 500 years, there's been this influence going on in England.
And I'm not bashing people from Transylvania.
It's just that, literally, the world empire
is goes directly back to Count Dracula.
You cannot make something up this weird.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Scottish John, get into some of the history of Scotland, this vote coming up, what some of the scams are that are getting pulled to try to keep you guys from going for independence.
Yeah, this is an issue that it's hard to understand.
These people who have treated Scotland basically as a poor cousin for hundreds of years, now all of a sudden, when we want to leave, they're begging us to stay.
The promise in this, oh we'll give you more powers, we'll give you this, we'll give you... Well, why didn't you give us this before?
The reason we want to part from you is because of the way you've treated us historically.
You know?
Well you owe it to your ancestors to be independent.
The blood that's been spilt on Scottish soil over hundreds of years, it's just... it breaks my heart.
And the thing that I'm concerned about now is the way this campaign is being manipulated.
I was listening to some people in the Northern Islands this morning.
They had to do it by postal vote.
So they voted over a week ago.
And what's happened since then, they've heard and said, well, I'm sorry, I voted for no now.
I want to vote yes, but it's too late.
The BBC are complicit in trying to screw this up.
I'm very disappointed in the BBC, Alex.
The BBC that I knew when I was a younger man, I had complete faith in.
They're supposed to be unbiased because they're not supported by commercial interests.
It's paid for by the licensed pair, the British public.
But now, they're up to their neck in dirty tricks.
What are some of the dirty tricks?
I mean, we're hearing from the Queen, Cameron, all of them, big banks are going to pull money out, on and on and on.
But then you guys will get access to all your own oil and gas, huge reserves of it, trillions and trillions of pounds, just ready to be put into the Treasury.
It can almost be like Alaska, where the citizens all get a check every year.
Well, one of the things they've done is they've brought on a so-called expert and say, well, you know, there's not as much oil left as you Scots think there is, so it's going to run out in... Well, if we stayed with England, it's going to run out anyway.
What difference does it make?
But one thing I found out yesterday, there was a guy, he's an ex-ambassador to... Where is he?
Estonia, somewhere like that.
No, Uzbekistan.
He was an ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan.
And it turned out that in 1999, when the Devolution Act was being signed over by the Westminster Parliament by Tony Blair, the English government shifted the maritime line in the North Sea off the Scottish coast
And it took away nine oil fields from Scotland.
And this was done under the cover of darkness, so to speak.
Nobody knew it.
You guys should demand it back.
Once you got your country back.
If we get... They had a war with the Falklands, they're going to have a war with Scotland.
I know, yeah.
It was about sheep.
Imagine fighting a war about sheep, eh?
Talk about pulling the wool over your eyes.
God almighty.
Yeah, that was Thatcher.
But yeah, it's sad to see the dirty tricks that are being played.
I was going to say, yesterday, I saw a video yesterday, there's a bunch of Labour MPs showed up in Glasgow, and they're marching through the centre of Glasgow, and there's a guy in a pedicab following them around, and he was playing the theme tune to InfoWars on a big boombox, really loud, it was just...
Giving them all a bunch of grief.
But they were all going to see all these no-voters.
You know?
All these people, these stupid... I don't understand... Well, explain.
So how do you vote if you do want to have sovereignty?
You vote yes.
But they've confused it where people think you vote no.
Oh, did I say the wrong thing there?
See, they're trying to muddy the water so much.
You'll see something on YouTube, for example, and then you read the comments
And the comments are like chalk and cheese, and you think to yourself, well, how do you take from what he just said so differently from someone else?
It'd be like you saying to me, Nelson Mandela was white.
And I say, no, wait a minute, I don't think so.
How could you?
Well, that's like Obama saying there's no boots on the ground when he just sent 1,400 troops in the last month, 400 of them the day he says it, over to fight supposedly ISIS.
And then he says that ISIS isn't Islamic.
I mean it's just lying to our face and I know they've done it for a while but now it's really getting intense.
What are some of the other dirty tricks?
Go over some of the history of Scotland for folks that don't know some of the basics.
Well, we're just a country of people that just wanted to mind their own business.
Historically we had the clans and we had a different kind of way of living than the English, you know.
Yeah, sometimes there'd be a skirmish between the clans, but there was always a lot of respect.
One of the dark incidents... Clans or tribes?
Yeah, tribes.
Basically, yeah.
We fought the last Jacobite campaign, the famous Bonnie Prince Charlie thing, the second Jacobite uprising in 1745, and we lost that.
The English came in and carried out what they called the Highland Clearances, which kind of scattered the Scots all over the globe.
But just prior to that, there was the famous battle in Ireland by
Prince William of Orange, the guy who came from Holland and kind of got plonked on the vacant English throne at the time and this was a religious war, the Protestant Orange against King James's Catholic troops and what happened shortly after that was
Well, they're trying to sort out all the business with the clans up in Scotland, stop us from wearing the tartan and bar us from playing bagpipes and just trying to destroy our culture, basically.
All the clan chiefs were called to Inverness, which is a city in the north of Scotland, to pay their taxes.
Now, William of Orange had set up this thing to where the Macdonald clan
were coming over the Highlands and because of the weather they were getting slowed down so they stopped at the Campbell headquarters you know their camp and it was a Scottish tradition if a different clan was visiting you showed them hospitality you put them up to fed them well what they did there was in the dark of night they slaughtered the Macdonald clan they murdered them in cold blood and
That's just, that's the kind of tricks that they've played against us over the years.
You know, I'm not, I'm not a really educated historian, Alex, but, uh, just basically, we've been a, we've been a... Well, it's the old saying, why did the sun never set on the British Empire?
Because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark.
I mean, I'm Welsh and everything, but I'm a Heinz 57.
I don't have a dog in the fight.
I can just see the center of government manipulation, the fraud systems that were brought into the UK, that were brought into those islands, is now the global system.
And people need to be aware of that.
So it is a big defeat for the establishment if Scotland breaks away in my view.
There are some pitfalls because then
You've got competing globalist arms.
You'll just have Goldman Sachs come in there and try to take over your government and buy you off that way, even slicker.
But still, it's the self-determination of the fact that your country's been conquered for 300 years.
You want to get it back.
You know, one of the tricks he'll play is, there was an excellent example of this in the movie Braveheart, where old Longshanks is saying there, well, we'll offer such and such a clan chief, we'll give him estates and lands in such and such an area, you know, just to break... but further down the line, you know, he's going to come and murder that guy.
And what happened during my lifetime, in my working life there, when all the jobs were lost and the manufacturing industry just collapsed, they were very clever in that they left a certain amount of people in work, just to maintain the status quo so to speak.
And you wouldn't phase us?
Yeah, but to keep those people then, they would zip it because they didn't want to lose their jobs.
You know?
So that's, that's how they, it's the old divide and conquer thing.
They know what they're doing.
You got a bunch of notes.
Let's run through your notes here.
You got like three pages of stuff you wrote here.
Well, just looking at some of the things that's being discussed in this, in the, I've watched the two live debates with Sam and, and Alistair Darling.
What a name, eh?
Good God.
A third of the Scottish budget goes on healthcare.
Now what does that say about a country that a third of your budget has to go on healthcare?
Why is that?
It's because people don't have jobs that pay them enough to maintain a decent level of health.
They don't eat proper food.
You know?
That's... Well, people start dying when you go under a National Health Service.
Yeah, absolutely.
Alex Salmond and David Cameron.
They're two cheeks on the same arse.
That's all I can say.
I'm not a big fan of Alex Salmond.
I was never a big supporter of the Scottish National Party to be honest.
When I was a younger man I supported the Labour Party.
Of course when I got older and wiser I just realised
You know, but when you're younger... What do young people think about when... They're not that interested in politics.
If you're a young man, there's two things you're interested in.
Let's not say them.
Well, it's women, and maybe sport.
Me, I love to play football.
Or soccer, as you all call it.
See, with me, I wasn't interested in sports.
It was just one thing.
I thought I'd clean it up, you know.
Now, here's another thing.
This isn't really to do with Scottish independence, but this is just another thing of how these people work.
I remember when Maggie Thatcher was Prime Minister, they started privatising all the national assets like the gas and the water and the electricity and they offered the British people shares, you know, you want to be a shareholder?
And all they wanted to be yuppies back then said, oh yeah I want to buy shares, oh look I'm a shareholder in BT, well big deal, you know.
But further down the line, of course, they're tempted
...into selling their ship because they're offered such a great price.
They'll sell them and they'll maybe double their money.
But, what happens then?
That ownership is then concentrated.
Now, what happened, I'll give you one example that sticks in my mind, is South East Water Authority in England was bought over by a French company.
Now, what kind of government allows a foreign entity to buy something like... Well, that's it.
That's why the globalists want to have their own orchestrated breakaways in countries, but then it goes under a new conglomerate.
If a country breaks away to its original state, and it's based on culture, it tends to have a chance of actually doing something better.
I mean, this is all a big experiment, but exactly.
The UK
...has already got 83% of its laws on record made by the EU that is literally Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan.
So you're forced to secede just because even if you wanted to stay in the UK, it's been conquered.
And I really like Nigel Farage and UKIP and the rest of them.
But, you know, they're even pro-Crown.
Their argument is, well, it's better than the EU, which is our new king and queen.
So I get that at a certain level.
But at the same time, UKIP's got to support you guys, because they are the independence party.
And now all these other states want to get out of the EU and Europe.
And what do you think of the rest of the world looking at Scotland, Catalonia and Spain, Texas, a bunch of other places, are now wanting to secede, watching what the Scots are doing?
More power to them.
I mean, what greater gift can a human being have than the right of self-determination?
Now you just mentioned something there, the UKIP thing.
Even if Scotland gets independence, we're still going to be a part of the EU.
To me, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
You know?
I've heard that there's supposed to be a referendum on that further down the line.
You pull out of the UK, then you pull out of the EU.
We were lied to about the common market back then.
They just said it was a trade deal.
And did you get jobs from it?
The jobs went away on it?
We didn't, no.
Just like NAFTA and GATT?
The farmers lost work.
It is, you know... Same you-know-what, different you-know-what.
I mean, it is just the same globalist mercantile scam.
Look, when England ran the colonies, they wouldn't let us have manufactured goods.
We had to send it back to England and buy it back as a way to control people.
That was the main reason for the war, it wasn't even the taxes, is that they wouldn't let us have industry.
This is how the globalists control things.
Now they've just moved everything to China
Out of the US, out of even Mexico, out of Scotland, out of Ireland.
This is how they control.
They go, oh, you're going to be a service economy now.
And then now that's not even working.
No, it's pathetic.
Well, look, we have to buy local, we have to be sovereign, we have to vote with our dollars.
Doesn't mean any of us are perfect, but that's how you grow an economy.
You're familiar with the name Chuck Harder?
Well, Chuck Harder made a very important point one time.
I've wanted to get him on the show.
He's really the proto-Rush Limbaugh.
There's three things that a society needs in order to thrive, and that is manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.
And if you don't have those three things, to a certain degree, then you ain't gonna survive.
And under globalism, they don't want any country to have all three or even two of those.
No, absolutely.
Because they want the globalist control from outside with their deals.
Who can get what?
And this is what people in Scotland need to realise.
Another interesting aspect of this is the voting age for this particular thing, this referendum, is being dropped to 16 years old.
I'm just hoping that they're wise enough and well enough informed
That they're going to vote the right way.
Well, I've been seeing the news, though, that targets young people.
It's all, stay in the UK, stay in the... Yeah, it's a bunch of brainwashing.
You know, over the years, I left Scotland in 1969, when my folks split up, and I ended up in England.
And over the years, as I was traveling up home to visit, I could just see the industrial landscape deteriorating year after year.
And also in Northern England, look at Sheffield.
Yeah, Sheffield, steel industry, that was a massive industry in Sheffield years ago.
But they're not allowed to have any of it now and had to all move to India because of carbon taxes, and India pays none, and then the UN head Pachari made the money.
Isn't that loving?
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It's Alex Jones.
Scottish John is our guest.
I've just run into this guy.
For more than 10 years it's gotta be.
He can probably remember at pro-gun rallies, you name it.
He goes out and holds up signs in front of the city council all the time.
He's really active.
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Scott, it's John.
You want me to give you a bottle of this Oxy-Powder?
Why not, sir?
Alright, here's the bottle.
Hey, you gotta promise to take it, and call and tell me what happens.
Yes, sir.
Now, I'd only take a few at first.
I'll keep a log.
Because you're gonna think, uh... Pun intended, I'll keep a log.
It'll, uh, absolutely...
You write love letters to Queen of England with it.
The point is, is that you were telling a really bad joke about the Queen of England.
Do you have any family-friendly ones?
Look, for me, a woman wearing a diamond headdress, and then to have world leaders bowing to her, I want to vomit when Obama does it to the Saudi king or her.
My ancestors fought to not be under a monarch.
It makes me want to puke.
I mean, and nothing against England.
I mean, I got a lot of English, you know, Welsh blood, myself proud of it.
You know, one of my ancestors, Gresham, invented the stock exchange on record.
I had a British family came over on the Mayflower, both sides.
It's just, at the same time, the people of England don't want to be under the EU and, you know, under the Queenie.
What is the argument to stay under the Queenie?
Here's your bottle.
It's brainwashing.
Some people think... The new royal baby's coming!
Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am about that, Alex.
We'd need to go into overdrive.
They have over a hundred palaces.
I know, eh?
They have three private trains, over a hundred aircraft.
But then old people are being cut off their gas in the middle of winter.
Well, I think Prince Philip... The royalty!
I think Prince Philip will be delighted because apparently he's very fond of children, if you get my drift.
Well he does, he does publicly, like if a lightbulb's out on TV, they won't let him on live television, they go, that lightbulb is out, there's a black in the area, must have been a black if a lightbulb's out, and of course he was, he's basically a Nazi, you know that right?
He's a eugenicist.
And his cousin Prince Bernhardt was an SS officer.
Do you know, do you know how I found that out?
I was listening to you one time, and I heard you say,
That he was German.
And I said, you sure?
Because we grew up and his nickname was Phil the Greek.
Yeah, of course, because he was basically the prince over the Greek island at the time, Cyprus.
There you go.
But yeah, after I heard you saying that, I researched it, and yeah, sure enough, he's a kraut.
Well, they're always saying that... I've got to apologize to the Germans for that, because I haven't met any Germans that I didn't like.
Oh, exactly.
But the thing is, he's not even a kraut.
He's Transylvanian.
He's Romanian.
He's a schmuck.
I can't believe he used to love those people.
Well, you know, the King of England who had to advocate in World War II, it wasn't over him marrying an American woman.
It's because he had to flee Germany when the bombing started, and there's all the photos of him levied up on Hitler.
You know, when I lived in London, I used to work in catering because as an actor you had to be very flexible.
So working catering gave you that flexibility to be free.
So I used to work lots of functions where I'd be serving the Royal Family, Members of Parliament.
I didn't know that.
I used to work in the Houses of Parliament.
I'll tell you a funny story about the Houses of Parliament.
Let's do five more minutes.
I want to hear some of these stories.
And we'll have you back sometime.
Scottish independence next week.
Tell me your gut.
Tell me your gut.
Are they going to vote to leave the UK?
I hope so.
What does your gut tell you?
I'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
Get some scotch whiskey out, man.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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Security alert.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
But you've got to do that little riddle rhyme that you just did about the Queen of England because we don't ever want to disrespect her.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, you talking about these, it just, it reminded me of, uh... Fat bastard, owe me, Tommy!
In my belly!
But, uh...
In Scotland, if you have a condition called diarrhoea, I don't want to get too guttural here, but we call it the skitters.
And I wrote a song years ago called The Skitter's Hum, and one of the verses in this song was dedicated to the Queen, and it goes like this.
Now over in Merry England, in a place called London Town, there's a bird on the scene, the Colliery Queen.
You cannae miss her, she wears a crown.
Now the Royals, they don't get skitters, no, because that would be unfair.
So when Queenie lets one go, they call it London Derriere!
You know, I know somebody that hung out some with Sean Connery, back in the day, and he would say, let's go get some birds.
So I guess you call girls birds, not chicks, birds.
We say birds, yes.
We won't talk about Pushy Galore in the Goldfinger movie, you know.
Yes, Pushy, I would love to.
I'm sure Sean Connery never, he didn't actually act like that in real life.
I've no idea.
He used to be a milkman in Edinburgh.
Anyway, Scottish John, do you know who Dale Watson is?
Dale gave me that nickname when I came to Austin.
I'd known Dale, I'd seen him play three times in London, so I probably met Dale either in 95 or 96.
And when I came to Austin, he used to get me up and sing with his band up at Ginny's Little Longhorn.
And he just called me Scottish John.
Now, when your hero, Dale Watson's my hero because of what he's done for country music.
You know, I'm a country musician myself and what happened with country music in the 90s, I thought that was the CIA did that because it's horrible.
Well they didn't like outlaw country, they ruined it on purpose.
So that's why I carry the name Scottish John with a lot of pride because Dale Watson gave me that nickname.
Very interesting.
I know Weldon knows him.
People love him all over the world.
I know!
It's like I go to New York and they go, oh we love Dale Watson.
And who do they love here?
Tim McGraw.
It must be the fluoride in the water, yeah.
I like Waylon Jennings.
Oh, he's my man.
Like I said, I said in my wee short bio there, it was when I was in the Philippines hanging out with these Texas guys.
They were working oil field in the South China Sea, and we all just used to drink at the same bars and eat at the same restaurant.
I'm hanging out with a bunch of them one night and somebody put on a tape, and I heard Waylon Jennings singing, I've Always Been Crazy, and then I heard Willie singing Yesterday's Wine, and I went, ah!
Some people find Jesus, I found Waylon and Willie.
I tell you, I went down to Grand Cayman and they just love Texans there, like, you know, real Texans with a Texas voice.
And everywhere I go in the world, people like Texans.
And I guess because old-fashioned Texans are pretty friendly and funny.
The sad part about it is Texas, nothing against Californians and folks like that, but I'd rather have people from Scotland or somewhere in like Africa or wherever, as long as they're real people.
California is so plastic.
And I talked to folks that lived in California 60 years ago or so, it was totally different.
It was more like Texas.
It is that fake Hollywood culture has just, it ruins everything.
You look at the musical talent that's come out of Texas.
Waylon, Willie, Ray Price, Chris Christopherson, George Jones, Bob Wills.
It's phenomenal.
That's a phenomenal pool of talent.
So that has to say something about Texas.
You know, that's unique.
Who's your favorite country music singer right now?
Bill Watson?
Oh, that's a hard question.
Waylon, Willie... You ever run into Willie around town?
I've got Willie's autograph on my guitar.
Well, I've played chess with him!
I know!
I'm not bragging, it's just... And I've done other things.
Birthday bash for Willie, when Mother Regan's Irish Pub was down here on 6th Street.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
And you know who used to come and watch us play?
I didn't know who he was at the time, but your buddy Mike Judge.
Oh yeah.
Used to come and watch us.
Oh, Mike's great.
He's been in town a lot lately.
I was heading down town to go hang out with him.
He's awesome.
You know, I was talking to Jimmy Vaughn.
He said, and it's true, but I'm not a master guitarist like him, so I wouldn't know.
He said that Mike Judge is one of the best guitarists he knows, period.
Like, the top five.
That guy's a genius right there.
You know he has like 180 IQ?
He can do like math.
Listen, Scott and Sean, good having you in.
I hope that they vote for independence, and I just hope Scotland does well.
And I've still never been to Scotland.
I've been to England a bunch, but I'm going to go there next.
Thanks for coming in, buddy.
Yes, it is.
There's a name like us.
All right, we'll be back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Headlines on Infowars.com, one month after we first broke it.
The Grey Lady, the New York Times confirms, top scientists are saying Ebola may have gone airborne.
Well, it was in CDC documents two years ago, we just wrote about that.
We got attacked all over the media for simply saying, scientists say Ebola may have gone airborne.
Well, now it's in the New York Times, the Washington Post, it's breaking everywhere.
Ebola may be airborne, could kill millions.
Doctors confirmed when info was first reported last month on August 4th.
Another headline, we were attacked for it again.
It's too late!
Ebola will kill 5 million.
I'm not saying that.
That is the top German virologist facility and that's in Bild.
Their biggest magazines, biggest newspapers, that's all being reported in Germany.
And I just told the guys, I said, why isn't that story red-linked?
That's a RedLink story, and it is RedLink now.
White House blunder.
Senior official claims Saudi Arabia has extensive border with Syria.
Uh, yeah, no, they don't, folks.
It's with Iraq.
A continuing judge says founding fathers turning in graves at Obama's unconstitutional murderous behavior.
That's close quote.
I want to get into that article.
Kurt Nemo writes it will take ground troops to fight ISIS block by block.
If they really want to take them out, they're not going to do that.
They're going to give them money and claim they're fighting them to overthrow Assad.
1.8 million protests in Spain.
I apologize.
I said a million earlier.
It was 1.8 million protested in Spain demanding separation like Scotland.
Uh, mad science genetically modified micro-humans, that means babies, to be farmed, close quote, for drug testing by 2017.
Should be babies to be kept in labs and tested on.
What do you mean, start having a baby symbol on the shampoo?
Babies to be tortured to death?
But they call them micro-humans, so it's trending and okay.
You can't make this stuff up.
Vote yes on Scottish Independence.
Scotland finally has a chance to get free from the British.
Another headline there.
And again, folks, I've got extensive what you call British lineage, but so did George Washington, and he absolutely defeated the Transylvanian king, King George III.
And that's just what it comes down to.
They're not British, they're not Scottish, they're not Irish, they're not Gaelic, they're not Viking.
The royal house that ended up beating all the other royal houses out, William the Conqueror's, Vikings, the Gauls, all of them got defeated by a Transylvanian house.
And if you don't believe me, just type in Prince Charles is the heir of Count Dracula.
It's mainstream news.
That's how bizarre all this is.
I mean, you could not, in a Twilight Zone movie, come up with something this bizarre.
So we have all that information up on Infowars.com and more.
And then I have another story I'm going to get to at the bottom of the hour and get our guest's take on.
Militia is now streaming to the border, saying they're going to stop the illegals being bussed across.
So that's escalating.
Also, another report here out of Breitbart, first reported
Here by Al Jazeera, entire leadership of ISIS opposition wiped out by unexplained explosion.
Just like at the end of Episode 3 where they send all the so-called rebels to this base and then Darth Vader goes in and kills them all.
Oh Darth Vader, you're here to give us our reward!
Yes, you definitely got your reward.
The minority, non-quote radical
I had Colonel Schafer on, who'd just been briefing Congress, head of Black Ops against Al-Qaeda for a decade.
I had him on as he was on the cell phone leaving the Capitol, getting in his car, two days ago.
And he said, I said, is it 65% or Al-Qaeda like we're told?
He goes, no, it's way above that.
And then I, he said, but it's classified, I can't tell you.
So then I just talked a little bird later and it was 95%.
But the point is, 95%
Congress has been briefed.
Is Al-Qaeda, now known as IS or ISIL, to confuse the public?
That is huge!
And now the non-radicals all were called to meet the non-radical meeting to be funded by NATO, and I'm afraid the whole building blew up.
Nearly 50 senior commanders of a major coalition of Islamic moderates opposed to ISIS in Syria have been killed by an explosion at their secret command bunker as they met to discuss strategy against the Islamic State.
This is why the Assad regime and others listen to this show on record, it's come out in one telegraph, is because we're giving people the real analysis of how cloak and dagger works.
Okay, I'm not bragging, it's just a fact.
They were crazy to ever believe any of the intel they're giving the West isn't going right to IS to make sure they get taken out.
Saudi Arabia runs IS with the West, and they are not going to have anybody get in the way of that.
This war will be to mop up any rebels not controlled by Al Qaeda.
And the public will be told it is to take out Al Qaeda.
And that's Jerome Corsi, that's Colonel Schaefer, that's top generals on Fox News, that's my inside sources, but it's all... That Syrian girl whose grandfather ran the regime before Assad,
All right, we now, for the balance of the hour, go to our guest.
We sell her book, Behind the Green Mask.
It is the best little book in the world to give to city council members, zoning authority people like she was in an area of California, to be able to understand what's happening.
Because when you wonder why you can't have a light bulb, or why a toilet's away, or why Europe is banning toasters and vacuum cleaners, it's about total control.
India and China don't have carbon taxes, we do.
It's designed to shut our industries down, and then General Electric gets waivers where they don't get shut down, but all their competition does in coal power.
Meanwhile, we have leaking nuclear reactors on fault lines, like the Devils Canyon facility.
Rosa Corey is an author of Behind the Green Mask, who's an executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute.
She's a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation.
Her nearly 30 years of experience analyzing land use and property value enabled her to recognize the planned revolution sweeping the country.
While fighting to stop a huge redevelopment project in her city,
She researched the corporate, political, and financial interests behind it and found Agenda 21 from the UN.
Impacting every aspect of our lives, Agenda 21, sustainable development, is a corporate manipulation using the green mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan.
Her website is democratsagainstunagenda21.com.
And she's pointed out that it's a purple coalition of red and blue who don't want to be slaves.
I just call it reality.
And of course, they used to say there is no U.N.
There is no U.N.
You know, there is no death panels in Obamacare.
On and on and on.
Oh, there's no boots on the ground.
ISIS is not Islamic.
Two plus two doesn't equal four.
The Easter Bunny's real.
Santa Claus is real.
This is the type of stuff we're hearing.
Now the New York Times says, because of Rosa Corey and Alex Jones and Glenn Beck and all these other people, it's just terrible.
All of our development plans are getting messed up from the UN.
The UN does know what to do and we should follow what UNESCO says.
She joins us to give us the state of Agenda 21 and what's happening.
Rosa Corey, thank you for coming on with us today.
Glad to be with you, Alex.
So much to talk about.
Give us the latest cutting edge, where the battle is, the latest intel.
Well, you know where the battle is, it's right here.
Because the war on terror is a war on us.
And our minds, the war is on for your mind, as you always say, and this is really where it's at.
It's local, it's in your university, it's in your elementary school, all the way up to your postgraduate school.
And this is the idea, is to create
Regional alliances, so it's about breaking down our alliances, our loyalty, our connection with our national identity.
And I think it's interesting that you were talking about freedom movements for people around the world, because the idea anything that destroys
The existing order is going to further ultimately Agenda 21 because it's about destroying and transforming what we consider to be normal.
And in order to do that, it requires a tremendous transformation.
As Al Gore said, it's a wrenching transformation.
So, this is mental.
It's, you know, it's beyond Bernays.
This is way beyond Bernays, way beyond Skinner, way beyond Hegel.
This is absolutely taking us to a point where we are terrorized to the point where we are actually going to break with our old identity, with our old alliances.
And rearrange the world in a sort of a regional, sort of new framework.
And this is what the goal is.
That's right.
They're bringing in the worldwide cascade of crises, so we go in to learn helplessness, roll over and say, just we'll do whatever you say, just stop it.
Yeah, that's right.
And you know, it's very effective because we are just, you know, we're not trained to deal with this level of stress.
And so, you know, whether it's Ebola or you're terrified you're going to get your head cut off when you're on the way to the grocery store, you know, or you're getting patted down like a common criminal when you want to fly and see grandma.
This whole, you know, this entire way of destroying your ability to think clearly is a definite
Uh, plan.
This is the way that we are.
You know that this is being determined is how the main.
This way of thinking can be totally changed.
This is actually called second and third order change.
And this is part of the way that we're being propagandized.
And for folks that don't know, we'll talk about it when we come back, they have their Delphi technique, they go to seminars.
None of this is even secret.
They all write books about how they're nudging us, they're manipulating us, and they're far from liberal.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
You know, Voltaire was a liberal.
These people are social engineers.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, you might call them radical reactionaries who are extremely conservative in what they're going to allow you to think.
You know, they may pose themselves as being super, you know, liberal cool, but in fact, you know, the progressive mindset is restrictive.
All right, I'm going to give you the floor for the balance of the hour.
I want you to drill into their overall control grid, what they're doing, the state of the battle, Rosa Corey.
Folks, everyone listening, not just because it supports us, it supports Rosa, because, you know, we've got to put money in the meter to fund this growing operation that's having so much success, but it's about waking up local decision makers, sheriffs, police chiefs, school teachers, professors, zoning boards, PTAs, city councils.
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It's all part of the North American Union.
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treaty, the U.N.
plan, it's all public.
Rosa Corey is our guest, a leading expert and a very successful activist on communicating to people what we're facing.
Rosa, I want to get into the latest of what's unfolding but...
What is, from your view, traveling the country and the world, this is not just in the US, it's worldwide, what is the state of their attempted takeover?
I see them panicking all over the news.
First trying to deny it, now trying to say it's good to be run by the UN.
Where is all this going?
Well, where it's going, unless we stop it, is of course, unfortunately, the reality of one world government or the clash of the titans.
We're talking about full regionalization as the lead up to entire globalization, totalitarian state.
This is what the War on Terror is about, to create this perpetual war, that we actually create our enemy and then continually fund and perpetuate that so that it actually pushes us into these mega regions, which are then essentially fiefdoms, princedoms, that are going to be used for totalitarian control.
So, that's the goal.
I think that as I travel around the country and around the world, what I've seen is tremendous, tremendous rising in awareness and people who are actually working together to fight this and they understand it's local, that, you know, there's not really much that you're going to be doing about it internationally, but you are in power locally if you take your power.
So what you need to do is be very strong mentally and emotionally to withstand the tremendous power of social propaganda and behavioral modification that's coming at you from the press, from your universities,
In every small local organization, you know, talk about infiltration.
I mean, you have major international groups, you have local groups, you have nonprofits.
This is all public-private partnerships that are funded through your government.
And then work with, you know, for instance, like the Smart Growth Network.
Which is a United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Group, which is funded and put together by the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Federal Agency.
And then it includes lots of private partners, like the American Planning Association, you know, you've got Smart Growth Network, you've got, and then you've got universities in there.
So, in other words, what you're having, what you see is clusters of groups that have a single focus and that is to change the way that you think and to disempower you while giving you the impression that this is making you a better human being.
It's about creating the new man, somebody who is, you know, giving back.
And thinking about others, self-effacing, ego-destroying.
This is the concept that's being used throughout schools, throughout local organizations.
And this is what cults classically do with their brainwashed servants.
Jim Jones, any of them, they want these little mindless zombies that do whatever they're told while the elites fly around in jumbo jets with red carpets.
It is literal mind control.
Yeah, and you know, here's the thing.
You don't expect it to come from a government agency.
I mean, if you join Jim Jones, you know, you're like, okay, well, it's kind of weird here, and I'm off in Guyana for a reason.
But no, I mean, you've got this stuff coming at you from NOAA, from the, you know, Oceanographic Agency.
You've got it from the EPA.
You've got MSNBC saying 2 plus 2 equals 5, and that our kids don't belong to us.
They're purposefully trying to overwhelm us right now.
Yeah, and this is the thing, is that you really, I can't emphasize this enough, how you've got to keep your sense of humor, be able to step back from this and say, hey man, you know, this is, you know, you cannot expect me to fall in line with this, with this line that you're feeding me.
Because, you know, this is something, these are people who are truly trained and are actually experts at
Changing the way that you think and behave.
And, you know, I can give you an example.
I mean, this is, you know, this is, these are orders of change that are determined and they're taught in universities.
This is organizational management.
And, you know, you might have the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
That's a group that is training professors no matter what... Oh yeah, we have them right here in Austin, and it turns out they're CIA.
I'm gonna come back to you to explain how they create this artificial spectrum where it looks like every institution is agreeing, but it's all run by the same people.
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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Now when you read the Rockefeller Foundation documents and the Bertrand Russell documents, you get into social engineering, you read Huxley's Brave New World Revisited, it's non-fiction, his brother headed up UNESCO, that's the agency that's over UN at June 21, and the Global Treaty.
That we're following even though we never ratified it.
Kind of like we're not ratifying the carbon taxes, Obama says he'll just sign an executive order.
Or he'll open the borders and then the UN gives him the authority.
This is so incredible.
Well, the crew just came in with a CNN article.
We're going to get the video.
Scotland, you want out?
We'll take your place.
David R. Wheeler, who is a traitor.
In the past, in my view, in the past few years, as America has degenerated into a political and economic chaos, it has become increasingly clear that we will be far better off if we apologize for our revolt against the crown and request to rejoin the United Kingdom.
Well, it wasn't called the United Kingdom, them jackass.
Excuse me.
It was called the British Empire.
And it was incredibly corrupt and designed the first concentration camps that were then used against Native Americans.
See, I actually have read hundreds of books on the British Empire.
Back when I had time, I read history books every week.
I still do sometimes, when I go on vacation or something.
I mean, I'm really into it.
And I'm seeing all this British propaganda
People always talk about the Israel lobby manipulating us.
We're going to Rosa Corey here in a moment.
And I don't like the fact that that's going on.
There's the Saudi Arabian interest, the Chinese telling us what movies we can have, and Riyadh.
America is like just a joke now.
And I'm not saying that to bash the country.
I love the country.
We need to admit it.
All of this, they set up the Council on Foreign Relations in 1922 to Anglophile, as they call it, with British intelligence, New York.
It became the fad then to speak with an Atlantic accent like Thurston Howell.
That was people doing an affected British accent.
And you couldn't even get into high society unless you had like these connections or been on the Mayflower and stuff like that.
They have all these societies.
And that really goes on.
And I'm not here bashing the British people.
They're great.
They're huge listeners.
The globalist parasites took it over because it was a great country.
Just like the globalists use America to carry out all their operations and then blame America for it in the end.
This is what the New World Order is about.
But I see all these articles in the Boston Globe.
Is the Declaration of Independence illegal to say that we could overthrow a government?
They're fundamentally attacking the Founding Fathers.
Not that they were perfect, but because what they want to bring in is the opposite.
And when CNN has articles, this is an interview, this is a transcript.
David R. Wheeler lives in Lexington, Kentucky, where he is a freelance writer and journalism professor at Asbury University.
We ought to tweet at him and say, you know, if this country was, you know, still a sovereign nation, people like him would be up on treason charges.
Totally sick.
But again, what was Rosa Cori just saying ten minutes ago?
It's about shocking us into submission.
Just your kids belong to us.
Two plus two equals five.
You didn't build your business.
We'd be better off under the Queen of England.
England is in shambles just like we are because the globalists are sucking it dry.
Deindustrializing it.
The rich government bureaucrats own steel plants in India and ordered the ones in Sheffield shut down.
And then literally British ministers with Pachari of the UN, who wrote the carbon tax, literally then own the steel mills.
I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable!
Rosa, I'm ranting.
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We can beat these people.
As you said, there's a global awakening right now, but we gotta go over the top.
Because now, even when we wake people up, and we are fighting it all over, you were getting into, we went last year and talked to this UT professor about the Agenda 21 office he has, and smart growth.
And when I've gone to these conferences, they laugh and admit it's a political takeover.
Because they know the public is so ignorant.
The public's ignorance is their strength.
Tyranny's strength is the public's ignorance.
And it's like light in darkness.
As we become informed and understand the conspiracy, and that it's an open conspiracy, and that it's an arrogant conspiracy, we can bring it down.
But we have to realize it is a criminal enterprise.
Rosa Corey, you've got the floor.
Yeah, well you said it Alex and I don't know if you happen to catch Kissinger, Henry Kissinger had a little article in the Wall Street Journal about a week and a half ago where he was talking about the assembly of the new world order.
And he was talking about, you know, basically that, well, we haven't, we've got economic integration globally.
You know, these people are globalists.
We've got economic integration globally, but we haven't gone far enough.
You know, we really need, you know, we really need to have a full global system.
And the framework for that is already in place with the United Nations.
You know, so this is the structure is to
You know, where you've got the Organization of the Islamic States having a very powerful bloc, and talking about ISIS, ISIL, whatever they're calling it this week.
This is about empowering fundamentalists who are not going to allow dissent.
And this is, you know, we're talking about like, you know, whether you're going to Guiana with Jim Jones or whether you're going down to your city council and being berated by your local neighborhood association that's not going to allow you to speak out against whatever thing they're throwing at you this week in your town.
It's about not allowing dissent.
It's about restriction of thought.
And there are people who actually have the nerve to call themselves thought leaders all over the world who are mainly out of universities and so-called think tanks who are directing the corporatocracy.
This is, Agenda 21 is the
It's the blueprint to inventory and control all aspects of your life, all human activity on the planet.
And so what that means is it requires continual assessment and inventory, monitoring, assessment, and change.
And this is what your school systems are about.
That's what Common Core is really about.
It's about assessment, analysis, inventory, and then management of populations.
So, this is what we're dealing with now.
It's pervading every aspect of our culture all around the world.
And anything that destroys your existing structure is a boon to this, because it's about throwing you completely out of your equilibrium and destroying any sense that you have that you have control.
It's about destroying our independence completely, our individual concept of ourselves as individuals who have the right to resist, to speak out, to be strong.
And this is why it's so important for all of us to educate ourselves because if you don't know you're looking at it, you could be going right along with it.
You'd be a good German all by yourself, you know?
Put on your little uniform and you don't even realize that you're a part of the plan.
Unless you have the background and the knowledge that you need to recognize what it is.
Because they don't call it United Nations Agenda 21 when you're looking at it in your town.
You know, so it might be your climate action plan, the way your universities are taking control through clusters, through innovation ownership, through direction of your mind, through installing sustainable development principles in every aspect of your schooling.
And it's not about, we're not talking about recycling and stuff here, we're talking about actual, the way that you think about yourself as a human being.
That you are destroying the planet and that any action that you take that is individual is simply too selfish.
Your individual concept of yourself is destroying the planet.
This is really the way that this plan is forwarded.
So the individual itself is evil?
Yeah, that's right.
And so, you know, this is part of the whole third way concept, you know, that you've seen where, you know, you have to, it's like the Hegelian dialectic where you have to look at, you know... Free will is thought crime.
Right, and here you are, anything that you're thinking about, you know, that goes against, you know, that's dissenting, where you say, hey, wait a second, you know, let me ask a question here.
Slow down!
You know, what, what's the rush?
What are we, what are we doing here?
Let's ask the question.
How can we have a sovereign state without a border that's controlled?
How can we, you know, teach our children mathematics when they, when they're being, inserting huge numbers of steps that have nothing to do with math?
Why are our public officials not really representing us?
These are the questions we need to be demanding answers to.
And the thing is that when you join as an individual with others who are asking these questions, who are demanding the answers, then you have power.
When you're cowed, when you're terrified, when you're freaking out, you are not thinking clearly.
And this is what, you know, the plan is designed to do, is to destroy your equilibrium, to panic you, and also to make you accept a situation that you never would have accepted if it weren't for a tremendous, chaotic crisis.
And CNN says we're in a crisis?
The answer is joining the Crown!
You too.
You too can be part of the huge regional global plan.
You know, all you have to do is just go along.
And people don't want to resist because it's too difficult and it creates a sense of stress in them that they might not be accepted by their friends and their neighbors or they might, you know, they might get in some kind of trouble.
So, but you've got to really be courageous.
And, you know, hey, what is the point of your life anyway?
If you're living as a slave or as some directed individual, it's not really your life at all.
So, I think, and I think that your listeners, obviously, are people who are independent thinkers, who are people who are looking, clearly looking, at the reality of what's going on, and demanding, you know, that answers be given them, and that no activity be taken, especially military activities.
You know, this is, we're talking about totalitarian control that's being put in place to control us.
This is what it's about.
Like, for instance, the United States Army just put out a report, I know you know about this, on megaregions, on megacities, and how they're saying, we're not prepared to deal with hand-to-hand combat in cities, in megacities.
But this is the design.
This is, okay, so let's pump up the military, let's give them all their robotics and their, you know, their drones and everything they need to fight us in New York City.
This is the concept.
So, you know, we're at this point where we're just reeling.
And this is the purpose of it.
This is the purpose of what's going on.
It's public-private partnerships, fascism, and total globalization to remove our ability to have representative government.
Continue breaking it down.
Hey, you know, this is it.
And your university is part of it.
Your school system, your local school system, your local non-profit, your local neighborhood association.
You know, you get invited to go comment on Horizon 2035 or whatever it is in your local town.
You know, New York 2040.
You know, whatever the plans are.
Northeast landscapes.
The byways, you know, whatever the plans are, the greenways, the blueways, these are all about inventorying and controlling your activity on the planet and about restricting your ability to get out into the rural and suburban areas and live freely.
If you want to live in the cities, that's fine, but your taxes are actually paying to construct non-profit and for-profit
Low-income and regular income buildings that are inside of your city center so that you will get in out of the rural and suburban areas on your so-called high-speed rail that goes nowhere, doesn't exist, sinks your economy, keeps you trapped in the center of a mega city region where now your military is going to be patrolling with drones.
And this is about
It's about literally about the blueprint for control of us all across the world.
So whatever your system is, you need to ask whether it's local and your businesses and your schools, you need to step back and say, who is heading this up?
Who is funding them?
Is it the Rockefeller Foundation?
The Ford Foundation?
Are they the private groups?
Is it the EPA?
The Department of Transportation?
The HUD?
Which agencies are paying for this?
They were all on the President's Council on Sustainable Development.
This is a federal plan.
Moving towards a full global plan.
This is the goal.
So, we need to remove the blinders that we have, stop being panicked, and start taking our power together.
Educating ourselves is the most powerful thing that we can do, because if you don't know what the enemy looks like, you're very likely to be going and volunteering your time for those groups, the groups that are working against you.
And this is not something that can't be defeated.
Once you educate the public, once we expose the criminal conspiracy, once people understand that when you're sitting there talking to a major mayor, like the mayor of Austin who is an Agenda 21 model UN certified operative, Austin is a model of their global takeover,
They all know full well it's a zoning tax takeover and not about a nice city.
They all know it's about insiders getting waivers and nobody else getting it.
They're sitting up there literally as organized crime, and I'll say it, knowing what they're doing with techniques and seminars they've gone to for decades to know how to make you feel small, to laugh at you.
Lee Leffingwell flips off people that are there talking about Agenda 21.
We have video.
To make you feel desperate and powerless and to try to end citizens' communication.
Because the truth is, they know that they've basically hijacked the city as a microcosm.
They know!
Like bank robbers going into a bank!
And we're like going, hey, this isn't nice what you're doing, it's really a, ha ha ha, nobody's robbing a bank!
Keep them in the back tied up!
Go on, little kid, get on out of the way!
They're conscious.
We're dealing with perps here.
This is a giant corporate organized crime cult.
It's a military operation.
Yeah, and this is, you know, this is the concept, you know, this is what you're talking about.
Cult's fundamentalism, you know, does not allow for any thinking outside of what is permitted.
And so, you know, this is what's so frightening, I would say, if you're going to talk about fear.
About having infiltration in your government or your government participating with restricting the way that you think or the way that your ability to express yourself is, is allowed simply when you go to a public meeting.
In fact, I just came from, I was just in Alaska.
And I was in Kodiak, Alaska, and their city council up there, their borough council, just said, hey, you know, we have decorum rules.
So we don't want you questioning the motives of anyone sitting on this council.
That's not decorum rules.
That's Soviet-style speech control.
Hey, this council's being paid off.
Here's the evidence.
Officer, arrest that woman.
I see these videos all the time.
You don't come in here and say this is part of a U.N.
plan, but you've got a U.N.-certified board member
You're implementing it.
You're getting the grant under the treaty.
Officer, take that man out of here!
And we see the videos.
You stand up and say, I don't want my daughter taught 2 plus 2 equals 6.
I don't want fuzzy math.
Officer, take that man out of the PTA.
And he's like, I had my three minutes.
I don't like your tone.
Officer, arrest that man.
And the officer does it.
Again, because it is a criminal cult takeover of collectivists that don't build or make something.
They go and organize things, set up fraud, work together and rob us.
And I used to think it was only the top 1% of the elite that knew the whole picture.
It's gotten so bad now with their training, they all sit around and just laugh at their own events about us.
I mean, it's just, it's so crazy.
Stay there, we're gonna come back to you.
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And when you're on infowarsstore.com, be sure and get Behind the Green Mask U-121 by Rosa Corey.
You may know all about this.
But it's like calling 911 or yelling at a guy you see breaking in the back of your neighbor's house.
You should take it personal.
You should get upset about this racketeering operation.
These aren't words I'm using.
This is real.
This is a criminal, organized, corporate crime takeover.
We are being conquered right now.
And they will suck us dry, just like the EU's done in Cyprus and other places.
It's already happening.
Rosa Corey, in closing, what's the latest they're up to?
I know in Austin and all over, they're building city-funded, 200-square-foot coffin apartments, and then taxing people that have good-sized apartments to force social engineering.
They are opening the borders up to drive down wages.
I mean, it's just a really nasty group of people.
Yeah, you know what you are talking about is treason.
This is organized crime.
And the shock is that, of course, it's organized by your own government.
It is a takeover.
You're not going to see the tanks rolling down your street right away or anything like that.
This is what it looks like when you get taken over.
And, you know, the way to block it, to stop it.
I don't know how much we can stop it if we don't join together and really become aware.
But you can anti-Delphi meetings.
You can get the information out to your elected officials who you have elected.
You know what?
The thing is, with your elected officials, they don't always have to agree with you.
But if you show up down there with 200 people,
They're going to block whatever it is that they were going to do to you.
They will stop doing it because they want to stay in office.
And this is the only power that we have at this point.
We've got our legal power.
We are suing to stop a huge regional plan here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
That's our Agenda 21 major regionalization plan.
You can do things like this too.
You go down, you speak out, you elect
People who represent you.
You don't listen to controlled opposition.
You are the resistance.
You don't allow people to put words in your mouth or manipulate your children.
You expose these collaborators.
And this is something that, you know, if we, this is where the rubber meets the road with mega regions, with regionalization, because that is the stepping stone, as the big new Brzezinski said, to full globalization.
So when you're in your town and you see these mega buildings getting built, you know, they're supposed to be so fabulous and groovy and have the coffee shop downstairs and your bus laying out in front and all your bikes and all that.
This is about concentration of populations.
It's about making it more crowded, more hellish, and just literally micromanaging, surveilling everything we do.
That's an agenda 21.
Total surveillance.
Be the resistance.
We can do it.
Well, I want you to have a great weekend, Rosa Corey.
Thank you so much for your tireless efforts for liberty.
Thank you, Alex.
What an amazing lady.
Folks, we'll be back this Sunday with a special on Ebola with Paul Watson, Rob Dew, and others.
Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central, Infowarsnews.com.
Incredible job of the crew, our supporters, our affiliates, our sponsors, the listeners.
We are standing up for freedom.
Pray for Africa.
Pray that the Ebola gets stopped.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.