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Name: 20140908_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 8, 2014
2539 lines.

Alex Jones criticizes US foreign policy and the government in general. He promotes skepticism about the government's actions, especially regarding war and killing of innocent people. The show discusses various products including spare fuel storage safety, tax debt resolution, water filter protection, digestive health benefits, magazine restrictions, Saudi Arabian infiltration, electromagnetic frequency manipulation, and personal experiences with targeted attacks. Jones praises his crew and urges listeners to pray for him.

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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, today is another head spinner as we kick off the new week.
It's already the 8th day of September 2014.
Hard to believe the 13th anniversary will soon be upon us on Thursday.
On Thursday, I'm going to do a fourth hour live out of the new TV radio studio.
We will be moving in there full-time very, very soon, but also using the studio some as well.
Won't really be able to tell any difference if you're a radio listener.
We do simulcast at infowars.com forward slash show with a free video feed.
And the nightly news, of course, for subscribers, prisonplanet.tv.
As we've grown our base of reporters and researchers, investigative journalists, thanks to all of you out there supporting us and spreading the word in a team effort.
Where to start?
I've just got to go over all this news today.
So much of it is just incredibly important.
The filmmaker and researcher has done it again.
Mr. O'Keefe, who I want to work on getting on the broadcast, James O'Keefe,
Dresses an Ebola-infected ISIS terrorist to sneak across Lake Erie from Canada to Cleveland and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame without being challenged once.
Just showing that the hundreds of billions spent a year, hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars on quote intelligence is all a giant joke, ladies and gentlemen.
And the entire homeland security system
He was dressed up in an Al Qaeda outfit, in a frog boat, in a navy boat, an inflatable, drove in and simulated basically smuggling in riots in Ebola, you name it, to draw attention to the fact
That our border's wide open.
And I imitate anything that's successful.
That's why we sent Joe Biggs down to the border last week to show that he could simulate a beheading right outside downtown El Paso, dressed as an ISIS fighter, and then come across with an ISIS flag and declare America for ISIS, basically.
It is stunts like these that illustrate how ridiculous
In fact, we ought to simulate, you can go to an Army-Navy store or buy them online, a used rocket launcher.
I've got to think about this, though.
There could be some legal issues, but anybody could do it.
I don't recommend you do, folks, before you think it out.
I'm just brainstorming.
And go sit out on the edge of an airfield, where planes are at 5,000 feet, dressed as a jihadi, and simulate shooting it down.
To illustrate that 15,000 MPADs have been given to Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, now known as ISIS or IS.
And that leads us to the next story here.
By the way, that's something Navy SEALs famously have done a lot to show that embassy securities wide open are not being followed properly by the Marines that guard them.
The Navy will run its other naval commandos, that's just another branch basically, up against the Marines and try to have them get into the base and simulate blowing it up or killing people.
Again, we're just here illustrating, James O'Keefe is here illustrating, that it's all security theater and a giant joke.
Now, that said, coming up in the next segment, Obama has come out and said the ISIS war will take years.
Obama's long ISIS war will take years and kill thousands.
Of course, then AFP, French news agency, confirms that ISIS is primarily armed with U.S.
You heard me right.
And we told you this, of course, back when Benghazi took place, but now it's all confirmed.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live worldwide edition.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
It is the eighth day already.
of September 2014.
We'll be here for the next three hours live.
We have Lew Rockwell of LewRockwell.com, Ron Paul's former chief of staff, one of the top libertarians in the world, joining us to give his perspective on military strikes on ISIS and what his breakdown is on Rand Paul endorsing military action.
I rarely have mixed feelings on an issue like this, but it's very complex and at the bottom of my gut, I want to see a massive air campaign against Al Qaeda.
That's who they are.
But there's the rest of the story that I'm going to break down that's public information and that is so sensationally evil that if the public could ever grasp it, and the public's close to grasping it, it will bring down the entire power structure.
Just like the pedophile scandal in England could bring down the royal family, the entire government, the whole system as well.
The globalists, these different dynasties are not invincible, but if we are invincibly ignorant, and invincibly passive, and invincibly stupid, and are in comas, and basically in trances, then we don't have any hope of ever changing anything.
In fact, the only change you're going to see is things degrading,
Situations deteriorating and rotting very, very quickly.
Let me give you a bottom line summation without going into a long history lesson for new people that just tuned in of what's happening.
There have been radical, jihadi, expansionist, imperial Muslims since the time after Muhammad's death.
The founder of Islam.
They're in what is Saudi Arabia today.
But there have been moderate versions of Islam.
There have been many different configurations of that.
The Ottoman Empire that was able to take over Constantinople and the headquarters of the Byzantine Empire in what is Turkey today.
There's a long history there.
But in World War I, you saw different power structures fighting on different sides.
The world witnessed the Turks allied with the Germans.
So there was a battle over who could control the Arabs, and who could control the Muslims, and who would snap up the pieces that were left at the end of World War I.
British intelligence goes in and creates what is Saudi Arabia today.
That's on record.
By arming Bedouin tribes, who could only be described as bandits.
As desert and hill people.
Who lived in basically 3,000-year-old style dwellings.
Open air tents.
These are the people British intelligence set up.
These are the people that now dominate Islam worldwide.
And they were undoubtedly involved in 9-11.
They were undoubtedly involved in the ISIS takeover of Syria, and now Iraq and Libya.
They are publicly giving the weapons to them.
Now, when Hitler took over the Middle East and North Africa in World War II, he got the keys for about three, four years to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Caliphate and all these different groups.
And then as soon as Hitler was defeated, the keys
to the city of Islamic extremism were given again into the hands of British intelligence.
They used radical Islam to overthrow the secular government of Iran.
Then they double-crossed the Muslim extremist and put the Shah in.
Then they double-crossed him and put the Ayatollahs in.
Yes, they put them in.
Iran-Contra deal, all of it.
But it's lots of double and triple crossing.
And here's the bottom line.
That type of culture creates squalor and creates pain and creates unstable civilizations.
So the enemy of my enemy is my friend is not the way to live Machiavellian politics.
We're similar in what is Italy today with the different city-states constantly fighting with each other and changing alliances and everyone having to live in armored fortresses because they might be killed any minute.
It's a very unstable way to run your society.
And the black nobility, the Venetian black nobility that basically ran to Scotland and to England about 700-800 years ago
When people weren't sure if the Arabs weren't going to be able to successfully take over Italy, like they'd done Constantinople, and what is Turkey today.
So a bunch of those rich people ran out of Italy, and they all ran to basically England and France, and Scotland.
And so the system we live under is cutthroat, manipulative, triple-dealing, triple-crossing, no honor, incredibly corrupt.
It's a system that Italy was under, and I'm just giving you basic gestalts here, after the fall of Rome in 410, when it was Byzantine.
Again, Italy was Italy today, not run out of Italy, but run out of what is Turkey.
It was Christian.
It's not the Roman system they had before that was based on honor and family and tradition.
That then again was corrupted in the decline of the Roman Empire.
The point I'm getting at here is this mindset of being cutthroat and backstabbing and dishonorable, that's what I call it, is not only centered in and around Saudi Arabia.
Those forms of thinking also have been going on in Europe for a very long time.
And you have the Machiavellian school that is in direct competition with what you would call the school of Western chivalry, which is based on being honorable and stable and truthful and everything being your family name and never double dealing.
But there was plenty of treachery went on as well in Western Europe.
There's just different schools and different systems.
Our government has a Machiavellian or almost Arabian, you could also call it, system of looting and betrayal and dishonor and double and triple dealing.
See, I said I'd get into a short history lesson, and then it starts turning into a long one because these issues are so deep and so complex.
But also so simple.
Here's what I'm getting at.
The West didn't want stable, secular, upright, prosperous Middle Eastern countries.
There was a major school of that there, going back to the time of Egypt and before.
Mathematics, so many of the sciences developed and invented there.
Very high IQs.
Smart people.
But that has all been removed and turned over to the Saudi Arabian extremists.
And that's what the West wants, is a bunch of backwards, barbarous, suppressed people
That they can then use to menace the West, so the establishment can then take our basic liberties here.
So, when you hear about Ronald Reagan or Jimmy Carter, quote, creating Al-Qaeda and having them attack the Russians, they didn't create them.
There was a relationship going back to British intelligence before that, again, specifically in Afghanistan, not just in Saudi Arabia.
And so when we then see Obama caught with Benghazi giving 15,000 surface-to-air MPAD missiles that can shoot down aircraft all day long and all these other weapons to the
Al Qaeda rebels in Syria and the whole thing that's happened in Iraq, all of it has been orchestrated by the globalists in DC, in London, in Tel Aviv, in Istanbul, formerly Constantinople.
And so there is no debating
That the people running our government planned this whole deal, this war against ISIS is totally staged.
The only reason it's happening is that there's such public education now about who really runs this and that it's Al-Qaeda, they changed the name two or three times.
To IS, to ISIS, back to IS, now to the caliphate, back to the caliphate, to confuse you.
And they'll show a truck getting blown up every few days with nobody running away from it, with no big explosions around it.
Clearly, this is all staged.
And they did this when they invaded Afghanistan in 2001.
That's why we quote, one in a week, because they would just have 14-year-old conscripts up front in grids that our troops could bomb.
When the real Taliban and Al-Qaeda was then paid in gold, put on USC-130s, flown out to safety in Pakistan, it was called the airlift of evil.
So, they just repeat all this over and over again.
So when Obama says the war will take years, they mean that when the jihadi nuts get out of line and go into a place they're not supposed to and loot it, they'll be bombed there just to keep them in line.
It's like herding them.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
Coming up, every day or two, I see new reports that are incredibly politically correct, where groups of black teens play the knockout game inside grocery stores, inside malls, and even on video, you know, say, get that white person, get them, get them, for no reason, and it's not decried as racial.
No one says it's wrong or bad.
So these young teenagers actually think it's okay.
I mean, if a group of 100 white people ran around beating up 100 black people or something, I would totally be blown away by it.
And would speak out against it.
And have.
But it's not the case when black folks do it because of political correctness, which is meant to shut down people's normal instincts.
I gotta say something, though.
You always see this type of stuff happen at night, and that's the time I carry a gun.
Like, I'm just gonna start carrying a gun at all times.
I mean, if a hundred people wanted to beat me down like Reginald Denny and beat my head in, I don't care if it's a group of black people or white people, I'm gonna start shooting.
Of course, you wouldn't have to shoot anybody if somebody just pulled a gun out.
I mean, do you see a hundred people attacking a cop?
No, because the cop's got a gun!
And imagine living in Chicago, where... See, I'm already going there.
I'm going to cover this in the next segment.
Getting back to the big enchilada issue.
Al-Qaeda is just the CIA... This has been declassified back in the mid-90s.
Database name.
In Arabic, it means the base.
The database of Wahhabist Jihadis worldwide.
In the Caucuses, in Chechnya, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar.
I mean, this is congressional hearings.
The name Al-Qaeda is from the CIA.
And by the way, Al-Qaeda operates as the globalists, Spectre, Chaos, the Illuminati, whatever you want to call it, as their destabilization secret army force, as their Cobra base.
Jacari Jackson made that Cobra intro.
We ought to play that, coming back.
They are the destabilizers within the system, so the system can come in and take over.
And here's the issue.
I know most of you know that better than I. What do we do about it now?
Because last year, this time, they were going to back Al-Qaeda with air raids on the main military bases of the Syrian government, who attack nobody, who's in a defensive posture, with a secular military, who are angels compared to Muammar Gaddafi, and that he's an angel compared to Al-Qaeda.
Then on a scale of 1 to 10, Qaddafi's like a 3.
Al-Qaeda's a 10.
Assad's a 1.
Literally, you could go there, be a terrorist.
They were letting everybody in.
They were starting to work with the West.
What's the answer?
Here comes 200,000 Al-Qaeda people to chop your heads off.
60 plus percent of the main force.
Now you talk about immoral.
Our military finally got upset.
This got decompartmentalized because our military knew.
And I've had Tosh Plumley, CIA on.
Congress has confirmed it.
Look it up.
And I've got other sources.
Colonel Schaefer's coming on.
Schaefer was on three days after.
He's coming on this week.
He was on three days after Benghazi.
And said it was basically an assassination of the ambassador to cover up the arms transfer.
And he basically started naming Turkey and turned out Turkish ambassador was there.
And then he got called in and chewed out so bad he had to walk it back a little bit on air.
But we told you exactly what really happened at the time.
Now generals go on Fox News and admit it.
Now it's in AP and AFP today in a government report.
So I'm not saying, oh I'm great, toot my horn.
I'm saying we were right.
Now what are we going to do about this?
Because Al-Qaeda, renamed ISIS, they'll name it something else next week, the caliphate, IS, they'll flip it to confuse you because it's so embarrassing.
So Obama
Is being forced to bomb some of these ISIS forces who are all fighting with each other as well.
It isn't that our government runs them, it's they've armed them, protected them, and opened the door.
That's what they've done.
It's like knowing wolves are in the woods that are hungry, and you go, you know, put a baby out in the woods and dump pig blood on them, hoping the wolves come eat them.
You're an accomplice.
Do you run the wolves?
But you put the baby out for the wolves to eat them.
You provided them.
And you gave the wolves their teeth.
So here is the headline out of French News Agency.
Property of U.S.
government, Islamic State jihadists armed with U.S.
military weapons from Benghazi.
We're on the march.
And other places.
The empire's on the run.
This is big.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
It's now admitted.
It's now admitted.
They're going to try to spin it.
Stay with us.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling, and believes all this, and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, Great America Hero!
Yo, Joe!
You don't work for Joe!
Joe got taken over!
The G.I.
Joe Command Base is run by Cobra!
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You want to be little boys?
Or do you want to really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bull****.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the things, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos.
It's run by Spectre.
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids, they run the snuff films, they run the drugs, they run it all!
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, to every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Chaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
A stage of terror attack, using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f*** yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves down to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
And that piece was put together by Jakari Jackson and Darren McBreen, illustrating how there are shadow criminal groups, or a group, manipulating society, creating chaos.
This is the real Machiavellian formula, or formulae.
And finishing on this issue, Obama comes out and says, now it's going to take years to defeat ISIS.
So Al Qaeda had been defeated.
They've been reduced down to nothing after a decade-plus war with them.
Real U.S.
troops getting killed, real coalition forces getting killed, as the cover to sit on top of the OPM hundreds of billions a year, trillions in no-bid weapons contracts, $15 million blue tarps.
It used to, a toilet seat was $800.
As a way to siphon money off when it really cost $10.
Well, now it's $15 million for a blue tarp.
That Halliburton puts up.
So, we're all thinking about the war.
No, no, no.
Al-Qaeda is being funded and allowed to operate and has now been resuscitated.
They finally got rid of that Frankenstein and then only created a thousand more.
And then they do things like torture Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
And that's back in the news today.
And people are like, well what, you're not for torturing Al-Qaeda?
They get us to give up our morals, because Jack Bauer tortures people for a decade every night on 24, and it's always to, you know, save everybody, of course.
It always turns out to be good to torture.
Meanwhile, it turns out that the people they would torture from Al-Qaeda
I don't know.
There's the headline, CIA tortured Al Qaeda suspects close to the point of death by drowning them in water-filled baths.
That's in the London Telegraph today.
Well, that's old news.
Back when they thought they could sell the idea, that was the corruption of America, they would admit on television that, well, we've taken the gloves off, we're working on the dark side, we're torturing these people.
When all they were doing was torturing people that knew too much or torturing people they needed to then confess so they could sell a fake narrative of 9-11.
We attacked Iraq when 15 of the hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
So see how easy it is to understand what happened on 9-11 13 years later this Thursday?
When we see Al-Qaeda openly armed
in Syria for four years.
They were the only major fighting force.
It's Saudi Arabia.
It's jihadi.
They want to kill the Shiite Alawite government.
Christian coalition government.
They want to go in there and kill everyone.
I mean, the inner Muslim fighting is ten times
Even the dislike of Israel or Christians.
It is so intense.
And who's the main driver?
The radical Shiites in Saudi Arabia.
The radical Sunnis in Saudi Arabia who are dedicated to hunting down even moderate Shiites and killing them.
And because this is somewhat of a complex issue, the public can't grasp it and the government and the system knows it.
I just mixed the two up, trying to describe it.
If American men knew as much about the world and religions and geopolitical systems as they knew about the defensive line of the Dallas Cowboys, or the UT Longhorns,
Or the LSU Tigers.
We would be in a free country and the system couldn't get away with this.
But it thinks we're so dumb that it's even come out that in Iraq, in Turkey, in Northern Israel, in Jordan, in Qatar, our government, the British government, the French government,
Our commandos trained and armed the cadres to then go create brigades after brigades, more than 40 brigades, some estimates are that high, of Al-Qaeda.
To then have them organize and invade Syria and now turn back around and invade Iraq to create that new Al-Qaeda sponsored base.
And they only bomb them
When the public learns about it, and some of the media is hyping it to promote the war on terror, so Obama is forced to do some limited bombing to make it look like they're trying to stop him.
So even the political system can't coordinate its lies.
Meanwhile, our military has been freaking out for several years exposing this, saying we don't want to arm these people.
They're going to end up attacking the United States.
This is immoral to turn these countries over with Christians in them and to let these murdering animals run around and blow up every mosque and church that isn't part of their system and crucify and chop the heads off of even children.
The reason I harp on this so much is that if this ever gets out, which it's starting to, it's already gotten out in our military.
Because they've been fighting these people so they know the players.
They understand the names and the region and the history.
So the military is awake by the prima facie fact that they have been to these places.
They have fought these people.
They know what these flags mean.
They know who these people are.
So the military is just freaking out right now, giving arms, weapons, MPADs to these folks, and now the facade is collapsing.
And I don't know what the establishment is going to do, because as it comes out that Al-Qaeda, IS, is being run out of Washington, D.C.
And run out of NATO headquarters in Europe.
As that comes out, and that Israel is working with them, that's come out in the Israeli papers.
As all of that comes out, we're all having a moral debate now.
Are we going to openly support Al-Qaeda?
Are we going to openly be this evil?
And to sow this type of discord and mass murder.
Because if we don't speak out against it, if we don't say no to it, we're part of it.
So now, Rand Paul has come out and said that he supports airstrikes on ISIS.
And I, in spirit, agree with that, but you can't come out and say that without pointing out that our government helped arm them, which Rand Paul did as well, and that's why I support what he's saying.
If we repent of this, if we have an open discussion of it, if we admit it, and then destroy it,
That would be this country taking a moral course.
But they don't want to do that.
They're going to let ISIS, known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq previously, take over the entire Middle East, Africa, you name it.
There is a global offensive being launched by radical Sunni Islamists in Central Africa, Western Africa, Northern Africa, in the Philippines, in Indonesia, in Central Asia, in Pakistan, all over the world.
And that's why I've said I expect ISIS attacks
to happen in Europe, or to happen in the Middle East, using MPADs, shooting down aircraft.
Unless we make it a big issue, then the politicos will try to actually use the intelligence agencies to stop them.
But if we just let them attack,
And don't expose the establishment, they'll spin it and use that to take our liberties.
We can use the enemy's propaganda push with Al-Qaeda, known as ISIS, against them, saying, you're behind it, you're involved, you're going to let them attack, our borders are open, so that A, we can put pressure on securing the borders, but B, force the system to roll up Al-Qaeda.
But Obama's statement, and I'm going to play it in a moment, that, oh no, this is going to go on for years, meaning into the next administration, means that they're planning to launch this even bigger worldwide and use this clash of civilizations to take our freedoms away.
So let's go ahead and play that clip of President Obama.
Coming out and saying this will take years.
Here it is.
This is not going to be an announcement about U.S.
ground troops.
This is not the equivalent of the Iraq War.
We're going to actually find that clip because we had it in the computer and I think it skipped ahead to a part of it.
I can read you the quote.
Obama's long ISIS war, it will take years and kill thousands.
Continuation of creation of destruction under the war on terror banner.
The New York Times, long the preferred conduit for war propaganda, has laid out Obama's plan to defeat ISIS, aka the Islamic State, in Iraq and Syria.
And then it goes on with his quote saying it will take years.
But the issue here is that the decision has been made to split Iraq in three parts, give Kurdistan to the Kurds in the north, give the east into the southeast to Iran, and to give that
We're good to go.
And they tried to spin it that, oh, they seized US weapons caches at bases in Iraq, as if our military just left these weapons there, waiting for them to come overrun it and get it.
But in the new report that's in AFP,
They admit that, no, the weapons were given directly to the rebels in Syria, which is this same group.
But they're trying to spin it, saying ISIS got it from those rebels.
No, they got it directly in Benghazi and in other weapons caches that were turned over to Islamic State, a.k.a.
Property of U.S.
government, Islamic State jihadists armed with U.S.
military weapons.
French news agency, Islamic State fighters appear to be using captured US military issued arms and weapons supplied to moderate rebels in Syria report finds.
None of those rebels were moderate.
Islamic State fighters appear to be using captured US military issued arms and weapons supplied to moderate rebels in Syria by Saudi Arabia according to a report published on Monday.
The study by the London-based small arms research organization Conflict
Armament research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period.
This is back in July.
The reports of the jihadists dispose of significant quantities of US-made small arms, including M16 assault rifles, included in a photo showing the markings, property of US government.
It also found that anti-tank rockets used by IS in Syria were identical to M79 rockets transferred by Saudi Arabia to forces operating under the Free Syrian Army umbrella in 2013.
Basically tow missiles.
Here is the actual AFP article if you're watching us on television.
So now they've got generals on Fox News going, well we helped create ISIS so now we've got to take them out.
They're not taking them out.
If they paint outside the numbers, if they don't do what they're told and go kill every Christian they find and blow up every non-radical Muslim mosque and kill the Iraqi Defense Forces, if they go into Kurdish areas where they've got EU oil deals and Chinese oil deals,
The Western powers have divided Iraq in three pieces.
And Iran's been told, give up some of your weapons, play ball with us, we'll let you have your own little Shiite wonderland there again in eastern Iraq.
So, I've spent most of the hour on this.
That's what's going on.
And the reason we're down at the border showing it's wide open is because, again, there's staged terror, there's provocateur terror, then there's terror where they arm them and open the door up and let a real terrorist group attack.
And that's what's going on, and there's a good chance they're getting us ready for an ISIS attack here in the United States.
And I just want to point out that the criminals that run our government were behind it.
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You know, I'm really just hand-wringing here on air.
Because there's a lot of good stuff happening.
Our military's woken up to the fact that we are arming Al-Qaeda.
And then they've got to get killed fighting them.
Because you have to understand, even the low-level jihadis, they don't know either what's going on.
They're compartmentalized.
They were brought up with no education and in many cases out in the middle of the desert or the mountains.
Still others are weird, spoiled brats from England, the US and Europe who have wealthy families and who want to go out and be adventurers or something.
You know, some people go and get into UFC, MMA type stuff to have fun and adventure.
Some people become cops.
Some people, you know, start rock climbing.
Well, some people go and they
Join Al-Qaeda.
But see, it's okay to join Al-Qaeda now, because they've given it a nice name like IS.
And now the British government says, oh, we need to let them operate on Facebook and Twitter and let them come back to England.
They're not bad boys.
They really mean well.
See, it's all how the media spins it.
But ISIS is committing so many horrible atrocities, it's backfiring.
And there are some people in the power structure that do want to take them out, so you're seeing some propaganda.
That is pushing for striking them.
If you want to strike ISIS, you need to remove the Saudi Arabian government.
Who is behind all this, to a great extent.
It's the main engine of it, but then you're back to British intelligence.
Now, coming up in the next hour, I'm going to get into the economy.
The second amendment, a Washington Post article, stop and seize, aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists, not charged with crimes, not caught with drugs.
That ties in with former New Orleans mayor sentenced to 10 years in prison for all sorts of criminal activity.
Okay, well, if he's going to go to jail, what about the Federal Reserve money laundering billions of dollars a month?
That's been in the mainstream news.
See, I love how they'll burn some low-level official.
Because, see, that doesn't threaten the whole power structure.
But they won't go after the big banks that run the drug aircraft, that run the torture rings.
Oh yeah, it's come out that the bank aircraft for Wells Fargo, but Warren Buffett's such a nice man, and Wachovia were used to fly drugs and weapons back and forth, and then also were involved in rendition.
But he's a nice old man, he eats ice cream cones on TV, he owns Dairy Queen, so everything's okay.
By the way, he's a serious gangster.
I don't even like talking about him, but I have to.
This is the type of stuff we're dealing with, ladies and gentlemen.
And being naive only makes things get worse.
Now, we're also, first, when we come back, I'm going to give the number out.
We're going to take calls on any of these issues you want to discuss or any other topics in the next hour ahead of our guests joining us.
I'm also going to get into racial attacks against whites are intensifying all over the country.
Strangely enough, we see racial attacks by Hispanics against blacks in the FBI numbers in LA and other areas.
We see racial attacks on blacks by Hispanics.
We don't see a lot of Hispanics attacking whites racially.
Sometimes you see it for robbery or vice versa.
But it's interesting sociology.
We're seeing blacks preying on blacks and on whites.
And the media will not decry it as racist.
When Hispanic gangs attack blacks, they'll just shoot an old black man on the side of the road, you name it, in LA.
Happens almost every day.
It's terrible.
It should be decried.
If whites go out and drag an old black man to death, it should be decried.
But the media will never say blacks when they go out and do this.
You gotta watch the video.
As they're like, get that white lady!
And they're sitting there, you know, stomping on her head.
What's gonna happen when people start pulling guns out of their purses?
Because, let me tell you folks, it's time across the board for people to defend themselves.
So that's coming up in the next hour as well.
But the big issue is the political correctness.
The people doing this think it's okay because the media never decries it.
I mean the knockout game.
Walk up to an old white guy, knock him out, let them bust their head open and die.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Some of the headlines up on Infowars.com.
Man fakes beheading video.
Fools global media.
Now even Al Jazeera is saying those beheading videos are fake.
I don't know.
Syrian rebel commander, yes we're still collaborating with ISIS.
Well of course the Syrian rebels are ISIS.
Obama's long ISIS war, they're now saying it will take years and kill thousands.
Another video on a play and talk about man arrested for filming militarized police raid.
He's across the street.
The police are obviously violating his First Amendment.
I'm tired of the war on the press.
Vaccine brain damage cover-up has officially imploded as more whistleblowers go public from the CDC.
There's two of them now that were involved in the publishing of reports saying there's no link to autism.
They said the evidence shows the opposite.
A tripling in autism in black boys that take it, and that is, they believe, some correlation to, on average, blacks having more testosterone earlier, sub-Saharan blacks, if you read the studies, but then it goes down quicker.
Asians have as much testosterone but don't have the cofactors to absorb it.
I was reading a medical paper on this this morning just to make sure I was accurate.
And then whites, Europeans, have testosterone at higher levels longer, but not as much early on.
And testosterone, for whatever reason, combined with the mercury, just absolutely devastates the brains.
And if mothers are taking it when they're pregnant, then it gets into the baby as well.
But we've always known most autistic kids are boys.
So it's really bad whether you're Hispanic, white, you name it.
But if you're black, you don't give vaccines to your baby.
And you're not going to have Al Sharpton telling you that, because he doesn't actually care about you.
In fact, I've seen white racists on Infowars.com going, the blacks are killing us and they're taking over!
What the hell are you doing?
Telling them not to take the shots!
We need to kill these people!
I mean, it's just incredible.
You've got blacks wanting to beat up innocent white people.
You've got white people wanting to kill the blacks.
It's just a bunch of idiocy.
A bunch of tribal, mindless garbage.
We have to transcend this, talk about what's happening to everybody.
Because the globalists are targeting everybody.
Studies show fluoride.
It's blacks even worse.
Blacks, on average, are very sensitive.
Very sensitive to a lot of chemicals, drugs.
I mean, just look at the numbers.
Blacks have double, double the prostate cancer in this country of any other group.
Black females have got the highest rates of breast cancer.
Don't you think people might want to find out why that's happening?
Because the stuff they're putting in the water, ladies and gentlemen, on average, goes after souped-up nervous systems.
And I mean, you know, to survive in Africa, you gotta have a souped-up nervous system.
The whole world's a dangerous place.
But you put people from Sub-Saharan Africa... It's like Hispanics have double the rate of diabetes.
Don't you think people might want to find out why that's happening?
I know why.
I've gone and read the medical literature.
Maybe I shouldn't even tell people.
If I tell people, they don't seem to care.
If I make something a mystery and say, tomorrow, I will tell you why Hispanics have higher rates of diabetes.
Then everybody would tune in to find out.
If I just tell you, no one cares.
But do you know how many brain-damaged people are walking around?
How many brain-damaged men who are screwed up and have learning disabilities?
And why they've got giant wings at public schools now for all the autistic kids with all the different neurological disorders?
It's because we're shooting little boys up with stuff that literally eats their brains!
And boys are more susceptible to autoimmune responses.
Because boys don't have as thick of a blood-brain barrier.
Girls are tougher.
But now the vaccines are so deadly, it's starting to hit girls.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Here's some of the headlines if you just joined us.
The filmmaker, James O'Keefe, has done it again.
Dressed as an Ebola-infected ISIS terrorist, he snuck across Lake Erie from Canada to Cleveland and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame dressed like a jihadi with bags marked Ebola, Ryerson, and other deadly and communicable toxins and diseases.
And he will be on the broadcast tomorrow, I'm told, and we do also have Colonel Schaefer on to give us the inside intel on Benghazi and what's happening with ISIS.
Continuing, an Ebola-infected ISIS terrorist could easily motorboat across Lake Erie and reach Ohio from Canada, according to an American conservative filmmaker who videotaped a fictionalized one Jihad incursion, yeah, in a black uniform and a rubber boat, it was so obvious, from Lake Erie, and released the footage today.
On the eve of 9-11 anniversary, our man, dressed as an ISIS terrorist, was able to cross Lake Erie, walk off a boat into Cleveland, Ohio, and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, guerrilla documentarian James O'Keefe narrates, at no point did anyone question him or ask what he was carrying in his suspicious brown duffel bag.
No, no, no.
Because all the security theater is about keeping the American people in line, henpecking us, putting us in naked body scanners, humiliating us to break our will and train us to be slaves who are illegally surveilled and have our rights violated.
But if you can get here from anywhere in the world, even if you have a criminal record, they will instantly legalize you and set your deportation hearing for 3, 4, or 5 years out.
But if you want to come here legally and do it properly, and if you have skills, it doesn't matter if you're from India or Europe, they make it very hard to get into this nation.
It's just outrageous.
I was thinking if we had Paul Watson, he might move here this year.
And I should push him to do it.
And do I go talk to a business lawyer?
Because we've been looking into it.
It'd just be easier to have him over here on six-month visas and then just go back and come back and he'd still be here legal.
But if we try to go through all the proper hoops and things to have our reporter here who's worked with me for 12, 13 years, oh no, you can't have that.
That's how sick it is.
So you have all of that going on.
Meanwhile, speaking of Ebola, Ebola is surging in places it had been beaten back.
Associated Press, more than 2,000 deaths now from it.
They fear up to 100,000 will be infected by the end of the year.
Obama says U.S.
military to provide equipment, resources to battle Ebola epidemic in Africa.
And now it could gestate for a lot longer period, making it more likely that it will end up getting into the United States.
That's in the Washington Post.
Resentment simmers in Liberia's Ebola jail town, perhaps since officials placed them in quarantine two weeks ago.
The residents of Dolo town are becoming increasingly resentful over their incarceration in Liberia's open Ebola jail.
7,000 people, increasingly hungry residents, in the settlement close to the international airport are forced to
Stand in line for rations or rice while soldiers blockade them at gunpoint.
That gives you an idea of what will happen if there's a smallpox or Ebola outbreak or SARS outbreak here.
Of course, there's already been outbreaks of superviruses and things.
Massive deaths this year and last year in the winter from respiratory diseases, drug-resistant bacteria and viruses, and just huge death tolls.
I've talked to countless medical doctors in person.
You've heard them call in.
I lost three family members to it in East Texas alone.
The hospitals were overflowing.
They said they'd never seen anything like it.
Turning people away.
I talked to the funeral home people at all three funerals, I figured it out by the second one, and they said, oh my gosh, it's just, it's high cotton for us.
They didn't use those words, but they said, we're working seven days a week around the clock, planting people in the ground.
When they lowered my uncle in the ground, the last family member to die this year, and he was an exercise guy, never smoked, you name it.
Everybody drove off and left to go have the wake.
And I stayed there with my son while they buried him.
I talked to the gravediggers and they said, yeah, it's bad, but it's not in the news.
So when there's a real pandemic in this country and they don't have a way of containing it, you're just not going to be told about it.
But they could use something like Ebola, or mousepox, or something like that, that has over a 90% kill rate if you don't get treatment.
50% if you do.
That's conservative numbers.
More than conservative numbers, those are just basic.
The numbers vary.
They could use it as a smokescreen for a martial law takeover.
So that's a microcosm of that.
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I specifically also want to talk to listeners about the fact that MSNBC, the Obama presidency, the Al Sharpton race baiting, in lieu of a good economy, in lieu of the welfare state breaking down, in lieu of the welfare checks not keeping up with inflation, you're seeing more crime in the inner cities, you're seeing more racial attacks on whites.
Every week we see it in local news, sometimes every day.
And the media will never call it what it is, even when it's on the videos, that it is racially motivated.
And we have one of these videos we're going to play in a moment.
The article is up on InfoWars.com.
Over 100 teens swarm Memphis Plaza, knock out shoppers.
Why not just start lynching them?
Because, you know, at one point in history, and in some place, criminal whites would do similar things.
So, all whites must be killed.
But then, if a black person ever kills a white person, I guess all blacks are then racist and have to be.
See, this is the mindlessness of tribal warfare.
That's what's happening here.
And the media and the Democrats brand everything as racial while they claim they're trying to fix any type of racial fights or animosity.
But they're there throwing fuel on it because it's all they've got.
It's divide and conquer.
They hope we're all fighting with each other while the banks, the offshore globalists, dismantle our economy, devalue our dollar, fund Al Qaeda, get rid of our borders, bring in unlimited numbers of illegals,
To then take the low-paying jobs, further displacing blacks, driving down wages to a point where it won't even help the Latin Americans that have escaped their hellholes to come here.
People go, well, hey, you don't blame them, do you?
No, I don't blame them.
I don't have some beef with them.
Individually, it doesn't matter.
The globalists are bringing them in here to shut the country down and bankrupt everything.
And they've got robots coming online to replace the McDonald's workers and the factory workers and replace the troops.
They're building a world not meant for people and saying, when they've got the automated systems in place, they're going to release bio-weapons to kill the majority of the world.
Go read the Rockefeller Foundation documents, the Biological Diversity Assessment documents, eco-science.
You don't even have to do that now.
It's all over TV.
The world would be better without people.
Well, people are parasites, and people have got to be dealt with, and there's too many of us.
Even if you believe that, do you understand you're being covertly targeted through the food and water?
Do you realize they're dismantling any free society?
They're dismantling any ways to fix our environment.
And only bringing out fake environmentalism, faux environmentalism, that's social control.
You can have all the GMO, all the toxic waste dumping, all the genetic engineering, all the leaking nuclear power plants, all the dirty coal plants in Mexico or India, but you can't have any of it here, even if it's clean.
You see that?
They allow all this trash and garbage to operate everywhere.
And they let all the bad GMO operate here as well.
But then anything that actually gives us an economy, we can't have.
Oh my gosh, carbon dioxide's a poisonous gas, even though you need it for life.
We're gonna tax that.
And then meanwhile...
In Memphis, Tennessee, I'm surprised people didn't get shot.
But see, these racist, black Klan members know how to target dumb, liberal, white women.
And I mean, they know, you'll always, I see it in the videos that are shot in Austin all the time, of groups of hippies.
They'll go find stoner hippies that have got their hair in dreads.
And they know that if a black person comes up and attacks them, they'll fall down and start worshipping them.
And they literally, in the videos, go, my God is here!
Beat me!
And they just fall to their knees and get mugged and robbed by sometimes five foot tall teenager thugs.
I mean, they're not messing with a redneck in a Ford F-150 that's gonna come out of there with a gun or come out of there with a hatchet or something.
No, no, no, no, no.
They literally, in these videos... I'm gonna skip this network break, this is so important.
In countless videos, they will walk up to the wannabe white Rastas and will beat the living tar out of them or kill them.
We played that video a few months ago.
I think the headline was Black Thugs Beat Up White Hippies in Austin.
And they're like, come on, man!
And they punch him in the face again.
These are like big hippie white guys.
Literally, it looks like they're fighting like gang member munchkins or something.
And the gang member munchkins are beating them up and laughing because they won't fight back.
And that's political correctness.
Don't fight back against big banks.
Don't fight back against corruption.
Don't fight back against the corrupt government by even speaking out.
Just sit down and shut up and roll over to whoever comes by.
In one town alone, 1,500 plus children in giant gang rape rooms being sold into other towns, flown out of the country, and the government still won't stop them because they're Muslims.
That's political correctness.
So again, it's not even an attack on Muslims or blacks in the general statement here.
It's an attack, as an example, on the programming that's so strong that a white liberal will take it personal if you're watering on the wrong day, call the cops on you, will get in your face, try to run your life if you are a white person.
But if white people, white hippies or yuppies, have their kids being beaten up, they won't defend their own children.
And it's not just that they're cowards.
They just absolutely are so politically controlled, under political correctness, that they don't even have souls.
And so, turn your guns into your races.
Here's my guns.
Support Obama, carry your races.
Okay, I support it.
You sign on to death panels, you sign on to rationing of care, death lists for troops, you don't care.
Because all that matters is, is you're in the end club, everyone has told you that you're a good person.
Everyone has told you that you have arrived now.
You don't have a job, you don't have a future, or the job you've got won't be there soon, it doesn't matter.
You watch sitcoms, you watch MSNBC, you've got a college degree, you're part of the elite, you're intelligent, nobody else is.
People that drive trucks and got guns and don't trust the government?
And got three or four kids?
They're weirdos.
Michael Moore said it.
Any white person in the country with three or four kids is a racist.
He says it all the time.
If you're white and you live in the country and you got a bunch of kids, you're a racist.
That's right.
You want to go be left alone.
You want to have kids.
You want to have a garden.
Somebody punches you in the nose, you're going to punch them back no matter what color they are.
You are the enemy because you're normal.
If you're some black farmers out in the middle of nowhere wanting to have kids and be left alone, you're going to have CPS showing up.
You're going to have the DEA looking for pot plants.
You're going to have federal minders coming around getting in your business because they don't like it.
They're banning lemonade stands, farmers markets all over this country.
They're saying you can't have a garden in your backyard without government authorization because they want us all on their technological plantation and it's time to have a revolt against it across the board.
Let's play this video.
If you listen to the audio, it's, you know, attack that white girl, get her, get her.
This is a racial attack, and the media is so mind-controlled, that there have been articles where reporters have been attacked, and they will not let the reporter write that it was a racial attack, even though there's video of the racial words being used.
Because again, only a white person can be racist.
You understand that?
Doesn't matter, the blood's the same color.
Doesn't matter that a bunch of Klan people are the exact same mindset.
A bunch of trashy people out beating up some black person or killing them.
It's the same mindset as a group of trashy black people going around beating up white people or killing them.
But see, you can't say that because see, again, who's evil?
White people.
Who does bad?
White people.
It's this mindlessness.
Let's go to the club.
It's my job, don't eat for a lie.
I mean, listen to that ignorant lady.
It's over a hundred black people chasing down white people in a mob attack.
I mean, all somebody would have to do is get out and shoot a bullet in the air.
Everybody would flee.
This is the future of America with the welfare state.
I mean, one reason though, I gotta say.
Look at him throwing pumpkins at that white guy.
And then look, the guy is knocked out on the ground and didn't even fight back.
He deserves it.
I'll tell you one thing, man.
If I had 100 people, I don't care if they're black or white.
And by the way, this has pretty much happened before, back when I was a teenager.
I mean, I've been in a fight with like 15 guys before.
And I mean, I blacked out.
It was the greatest pleasure of my life.
I mean, I'm going to just be honest.
I literally, literally put like 10 people in the hospital.
And that's on record true in Rockwall, Texas.
You can ask anybody about me there.
The police came and like had me sent to the hospital and they said, we think he's on PCP.
But there was no drugs in me.
It was an absolute pleasure.
To have 15 members of the football team try to kick my butt.
I beat the living hell out of them.
And by the way, they were black and white.
I'll go ahead and tell the story since I'm telling this.
This is a true story.
This guy was beating up my girlfriend's little brother.
I told him to stop so he punched me in the nose.
So I broke his nose and he had to have nose surgery.
And I was a freshman in high school.
And then his older cousin, who was a senior and a football star, came into the, about a month later, into the cafeteria while I'm sitting there.
And slam my head into the plate of food.
I got up and beat the daylights out of him.
So two more football players came over and I just devastated them.
And then a couple more came and I turned towards the entire bleachers.
I shouldn't even be telling the story.
And I went, and I charged and ran and just started savaging those people.
And I'm telling you, I got so mad that the boot heels came off, because about 10 people were on top of me, and I just savagely exploded.
Blood vessels broke in my eyes, and I was just like, every punch was just like, it was the greatest drug in the world.
I can't imagine the ancients and those swords and those huge battles, just for hours, I could just feel it.
And I'd see about 100 people want to charge me, I'm telling you, I would just love it!
Because that's when you can really live, is when you're outnumbered like that.
Excuse me, I shouldn't be telling these stories.
That's a true story.
In fact, I even, one day somebody said, is this true?
There was some forum talking about me and they had shots of my, uh, some lister had shots of my, uh, what was it?
Uh, high school annals.
You know, high school, uh, what do you call it?
The thing is, you know, you get every year.
Give me your book.
Everyone, yeah, this guy's crazy!
One time he beat up like 20 people on PCP.
I've never seen PCP.
It's called opening a can of whoop-ass, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what it's called.
Alright, I shouldn't.
It's really terrible to tell that story.
But I told the story and it's true.
Actually, I'm joking.
MSNBC, it's all a joke.
None of it's true.
None of it happened.
Oh, boy.
I'm sorry.
People tune in because sometimes I get a little crazy on air.
I'm just imagining me or my family.
That's why I'm going to hate getting old, though, because I am 40, and I guarantee you I would probably throw my arms out of sockets and everything else if I tried to do something like that today or have a heart attack.
But that's what guns are for.
That's why the NRA was founded to arm black people, and to train people how to shoot in the North, so when the Klan was going around to gang up on people and kill them, they could defend themselves.
When 30 Klansmen showed up at your house to burn it down or shoot you, you could shoot back.
And when blacks started shooting back, people stopped trying to kill them.
And it's the very same situation.
And that's why we have a Second Amendment, that's why we have guns.
Oh, I'm just acting silly here, ladies and gentlemen.
I shouldn't even be telling those stories.
That's actually a true story.
I say it was like, it was probably more like 20 people.
I mean, it was a lot.
It was a lot.
And when the cops showed up, they didn't even do anything.
They were just like, what the...
Seriously, that actually happened.
And then, I'll just go ahead and tell the rest of the story while we're at it.
The city wanted me psychologically evaluated.
And my dad said, I know my son's not crazy.
Send him to whoever you want.
I went, and they had that famous psychiatrist, Dr. Death, the guy that would tell whether somebody was crazy or not for death row in Texas.
He sat there and did the analysis on me.
Have you ever been to a psychologist, Alex?
Yeah, I went to Dr. Death a few times when I was about 14, because the police wanted to know, how can he do this?
That's the true story.
Well, the truth is, you just black out, folks.
I mean, the thing is, I never started any fights.
And then the problem was, I wasn't even that big, so then everybody said, well, I can beat this guy up.
And that's why I was in probably 200 fights.
But about 75 of those, though, when I was like 10, 11, 12 years old.
But 120 plus real fights.
And in the hospital, had a compound fracture.
I've had the whole nine yards, folks.
So I don't recommend fighting.
I don't think it's a good thing.
And I don't know why I've gone into this big, braggadocious storytelling.
I've never told that story on air.
Probably shouldn't have told that.
But there, now you know my real chapter, Alex Jones.
And believe me, there's a lot more where that came from.
And I think I'm just going to shut up today and not tell any more of it.
We're going to come back and get into all the other news.
I don't want anybody calling in about that, though.
In fact, I'll just add a proviso that we're just having fun here today.
A little bit of entertainment there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
There is a war on for your mind!
Humanity is amazing.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
And we can defeat the globalists.
We can expose their operations.
We can overturn their system and restore the republic.
Not for some communist utopia.
But a system based on basic liberty and freedom.
It's time to take the wrecking balls to the walls of the New World Order.
It's time to accelerate hard engines to full power!
The truth is, in life or in anything,
When they say go 110%, that's because you can really go 200%, 300%.
You have natural governors built into you to suppress you from ever basically going too far and hurting yourself.
The globalists take those natural governors and they dial them in to suppress us when we're basically not even alive anymore and are just these receivers that they can program.
I want to be free.
I want you to be free.
I want justice, whether you're black or white, whether you're old or young.
When I find out about secret experiments on white Appalachian children, it makes me want to throw up.
When I learn about secret experiments on black children, it makes me want to throw up!
Because those are human beings!
And what's done to them is done to me!
It's done to you!
And it's time to find our fighting spirit and say no to the New World Order!
It's time to take action!
If we just sit here and give in to the new world order and decide we don't have any power, it's like rolling over to wolves.
I've seen the stories out of Canada and the U.S.
Coyotes are starting to kill people.
Coyotes never kill people.
It's never been recorded.
Unless somebody had already fallen down, had a stroke, or died out in the middle of nowhere, then they'd eat you when you were dead.
They wouldn't even get near a person.
Now, they will eat women, even in populated areas and parks, because women will see them.
They'll come up, growl, wanting the food they're having at lunch.
This has happened two different cases the same way.
And the woman, like a movie, will fall down and start crawling backwards from the coyote, which then signals, I'm prey, rip my throat out.
And that's an allegory of the American people and the people of England.
Who have such amazing histories of having so much courage and being feared militaries all over the world.
Now, we are reduced down, I don't care what color you are, to when a mob of racist blacks or whites or whatever the case is, attack, you fall on the ground and beg.
That's why we're being overrun by the Federal Reserve and the offshore globalists.
That's why the TSA is groping us at the airport.
Because everything is about training us.
As top psychiatrists and psychologists have said, the TSA is training kids to be groped.
That's how pedophiles train people to be touched.
That's how they test to see if a kid is ready for that.
I mean, this is some sick stuff.
The TSA people don't even know that, on average.
They're compartmentalized.
I say, you know, don't blame them, even though they hire some sickos who do know what they're doing.
The average person is compartmentalized and really thinks they're looking for ISIS terrorists.
You'll find the ISIS terrorists being armed, Mainstream News is reporting today, AFP, by the United States and Saudi Arabia.
They have Maiden USA M16s and TOW missiles.
They have 15,000 heat-seeking MPADS and other variant surface-to-air missiles.
Told free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And I didn't mean to go off earlier, but I forget who it was who said, no brag, just fact.
And I like to tell stories about things that are epic, that really happen, because truth is stranger than fiction.
And there's just a lot of interesting things going on in this world.
And I, for one, am completely real.
And I'll tell you, at 40 years of age, I'm looking for one thing in this world.
People that are real.
I am so sick of the posers, and the fakes, and all the delusional losers out there that imagine how great they are, and imagine how successful they are, and they want to then keep back everybody else that is legitimately trying to build a better world.
I'm tired of delusion and illusion.
I want the real deal.
I don't want virtual reality.
I want to jump into the real lake.
I want to swim down to the bottom.
I want to see what's there.
I want to climb to the top of that mountain.
I want to see that.
I want to experience it all.
I want to have grandchildren.
I want to live to see my great-grandchildren.
I want to live to see space colonies blasting off, and to have a world where it's based around empowering humans, and where it's based around building a world for humans, building a world where we have a place at the center of things, where we're fans of humanity.
I've told you many times, the movie Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves is excellent, but it has some big lies in it.
And I told Keanu Reeves this once, and he agreed with me, when we were discussing the film, that the devil in the film says, I'm a fan of man, I want to empower you, and God wants to suppress you.
It's the opposite.
God is a fan of man.
We are creatures made in God's image.
That's pretty heavy.
So God can experience consciousness from our perspective.
I'm not saying we are God, I'm saying we are God's creation, but something separate with free will that God can then experience things through as a man as he did in his son or in his human expression, Jesus Christ.
And the churches and all the rest of them are there to suppress that information and to make sure you don't understand how big this is.
Because just as they said Christ was David, wasn't actually literally David, he was Melchizedek.
We are all a shadow, an expression of God's consciousness.
Think about that, that's pretty heavy.
We can do amazing things, and the New World Order knows that.
We are creators, ladies and gentlemen.
We're made in the image and the likeness of the omnipresent supreme entity that created this dimension and the dimensions.
And if you really read the Bible, and if you really read other ancient texts as well, it's clear we live on a fabulous
Wondrous, amazing planet.
A very special planet.
And this life is a very special test.
So make sure your heart's right with God, ladies and gentlemen, so you can be recruited to the next level.
That's where I wanna be.
I wanna see, on this plane, humans do well, expand,
Have our struggles, have our competitions, to grow at this level into what we're supposed to grow into at this level, but to also, in the next life, to that level.
Because if you see life, there's all these different expressions, and I've not read this anywhere, but I know others must have said it because it's true.
Universal truth is always discovered in others because it is true.
Just as we are our ancestors and can even have their memories, and that's been proven now in the epigenetics, and their experiences and their archetypes, and just as we go on to create others who are a beautiful mix of those that we've loved, not just now but in the past, it isn't
That's why the ancients were confused by it and felt like they'd been here before.
It's because you have been here before, but genetically you have been here before.
And then this particular mix of genetics and the spirit that inhabits it, experiencing this level of the time-space continuum, then advances on to God
To be able to experience that next level, or you go where your heart leads you to the dark side, to destruction, to the world of Hellraiser.
I don't want to go there.
I don't want to be part of that.
What about you?
Because let me tell you folks, there's a lot of stuff going on we don't see and we don't know.
And everybody in their gut knows it.
Everybody deep down, that's why the atheists out there on average hate spiritualists so much, of any type, because they're scared of the giant void.
It's like a spacewalk is how I've likened it.
You think it's scary to be up on a 10,000 foot peak and lean out over while the wind's blowing and you know it could blow you off?
But you feel so alive at that moment?
Imagine leaning out
From the International Space Station and looking down a hundred plus miles to the surface of the Earth.
Imagine what that's like.
And our spirit, our soul, is always hanging right out on the edge of eternity.
Part of eternity.
With the intergalactic space wind at our back, literally blowing right through our soul.
You can feel it.
Into eternity, into the Gulf, into the black hole, into all the other things that God has created in his mind.
Super heavy.
And it's all there.
And then you look at Obama and his red carpets and his stupid Air Force One and Warren Buffett and the Queen of England saying, please don't let me be the last Queen of Scotland.
Oh, please don't vote.
Don't you love me, your Queen?
How sickening.
I mean, what a joke!
A woman in a ceremonial headdress, a tribal headdress, that we're supposed to fall down and worship.
I'm about to puke.
And look, I didn't mean to come here today and just wax philosophical.
I do this sometimes and I apologize for some that might not like it.
I'm just keeping it real and this is what I felt like talking about here.
All of this got triggered by realizing our government publicly runs Al-Qaeda.
It's come out they run them.
They've changed the name to confuse the public.
No one's getting in trouble for it.
At least people morally are upset.
That's something.
That means we're going in the right direction at some level.
There's hordes of black youth running around beating and killing white people all over the country for fun.
The media is trying to cover it up.
I'm not angry at a tribal level.
I am disgusted at the ignorance, and I realize what a time bomb this nation is under the hundred million people on welfare, and just how such a great people have been laid so low.
I mean, you look at photographs and videos of black people 60, 70 years ago.
And they all got fire in their eyes, they're wearing suits and ties, and they might have been dirt poor, but let me tell you, they had their respect and their dignity.
And you look at black folks now that are doing this, they have absolutely had their souls sucked out.
And you go to a Walmart, and the white people look just like them as well.
Except that the black folks now think it's okay to attack white people because they're all bad and they're racist and, you know, we're getting back at them.
So it's like another notch downward in the destruction of humanity.
And again, the mind control that they're putting poison in all our water supplies.
We're eating GMO.
They're chemtrailing us.
Who knows what the globalists are really up to?
What we know is off the chart bad.
We have so many opportunities and such a great future we could be enjoying.
And MSNBC and the White House are promoting a climate
Where black youth go out at night to fairs, or squares, or targets, or wherever, and want to beat up some stupid Walmart Martians.
And you watch these videos, folks will walk up and punch some white person, and the white person just goes, and then just falls over, and ugh.
I mean, they're dead!
They're not even alive!
These people that watch television all day, then they go to Target, or they go to Walmart, or they go to Kroger, and they just shuffle around, and so there's no fight in them!
I mean, quite frankly, I'm not looking for a fight, but somebody walks up and punches me in the face.
I mean, you know, you just flipped a switch.
I am going to, quite frankly, enjoy this.
And it's not that I enjoy beating someone.
I like the challenge.
It flips a switch.
I feel really alive.
You just came up and kicked a bear in the butt.
And, you know what?
You just better be ready to write, you know, you wrote the check.
Are you ready to cash it?
And I see now that the average person just wants to roll over and die.
The average person just doesn't want to exist because they've been brought up from birth in front of the television.
They don't exist.
They're not people.
The globalists have turned them into zombies
Who just have been deprogrammed to not even have any basic programming.
Well, here's the deal.
Me and mine don't want to die.
I don't want to be shoveled into my grave.
I got things to do.
And so as soon as America finds its fighting spirit again, and some dignity and not be pushed around by the system.
Some dignity to not be slaves.
We're all slaves.
We're all nailed to the wall.
It's over for everybody.
I'm going to go to Greg, Peter, Mike, Lance, Tom, and others.
I know I'm preaching today.
And I appreciate folks bearing with me.
I always wonder why preachers always said, please bear with me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Even though people want to hear more, it's because it is kind of embarrassing to be up here pontificating hour after hour.
But I'm just here bearing testimony to what's written on my heart and trying to be truthful with people here.
Maybe I should just be truthful all the way and really tell people what I think.
Really tell people what's going on in the world.
I have told you what I think, but I can go further.
The universe is so wild.
We're gonna go to break, come back with Greg.
Everybody else.
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There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
My dad's been texting me.
He says, too much male vitality.
Gregson, James Gregson was the name of the psychiatrist.
That's funny.
See, my dad's like texting me, don't tell those stories!
Stop it right now!
What are you doing?
Well, I mean, I went to them and they said, this is another quote.
After they psychologically assessed me, because I'd literally beat up like 15 senior football players.
But it's easy when you've got like four or five guys trying to attack you at once.
I mean, you biologically shift into a gear to really be able to stomp.
And the guy, I'm not going to say what he said, because now that I'm telling the true story, it's too obnoxious.
It's too ridiculous.
Alright, I'll go ahead and tell people, and I'm done talking about myself.
But it's a true story.
And I guess he was right, because look how successful we've been in the fight against tyranny, and promoting anti-communism, and you name it.
He said in the assessment, he said, your son is immature, but what do you expect for a 14, 15 year old?
I think I was 15, I was 14.
But he said if he makes it, and if you keep him out of trouble, I think he'll end up being like John Wayne.
That's a pretty smart psychiatrist.
I'm not lacking myself to John Wayne.
He said I would end up being like John Wayne, because he was reading all the police reports and the rest of it.
And that's why I shouldn't get into these stories, it sounds ridiculous.
And then all these years later,
I just want my son to grow up in a free country.
That's all I want.
And again, I shouldn't tell these stories on air because they just sound ridiculous.
But I did, and I got into my views on spiritual issues and a lot more.
We've got so many other things to deal with here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and go to Greg in Mississippi, here on the air.
Hey, buddy.
Uh, one thing I wanted to say was, um, I appreciate the fact listening to somebody like you that loves God and hates religion and just tells it like it is.
And the other thing I wanted to ask you about, and I'll listen offline for the answer, is the new central virus that's going around.
My wife made the point that all kids just got their school vaccination and it's only affecting the children.
So I was wondering,
If that could be related.
And I'll listen out there.
Thank you, sir.
Well, God bless you.
Thanks for putting up with me.
It's very humbling to have men calling in and asking me questions.
I think you answered the question yourself.
Is it related?
Could it be related?
Of course.
We know that a lot of outbreaks of, like, measles, mumps, and rubella and whooping cough in California the last few years was from vaccinated kids.
And it was actually causing them to get sick.
We know a lot of kids get paralyzed after the
The polio vaccine.
I just read the news.
I mean, it's there.
But then they'll get on the news and say, safe and effective, no problems.
The insert says it can give you Guillain-Barré to the point of you quit breathing.
What do you think Guillain-Barré is?
It's the nerves basically shut off, just like polio.
And you can get it from the MMR, from the flu shot, from the tetanus shot.
Almost everyone I know has been deathly ill from a vaccine.
A flu shot almost killed my mother.
When she was, like, 20 years ago on the triathlete team.
I guess the UT triathlete senior, whatever you call it, team.
And they told them, take the flu shot.
So she went and got the flu shot and almost killed her.
I mean, that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
So, sir, you answered your own question.
God bless you.
I got a guest coming up.
Lou Rockwell.
I got all these callers.
I'm really bad.
Mike, Louisiana, let's get your question started and we'll come back to you in the next segment.
Go ahead.
Remind me never get you mad.
I shouldn't have told the story.
In fact, just so... I made it all up.
It's embarrassing.
It's not true.
Of course, that's actually a lie.
But I don't know why I told the story.
It sounds terrible.
It sounds ridiculous.
But I share all my other goofy stories.
So it's okay.
It's not like I was bragging.
I've told all the silly stories about me walking around the office one time with a roll of toilet paper hanging out five feet.
So I think that evens it out.
Stay there.
I'm gonna come back to you.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I apologize.
The callers always do this.
Hi, uh, get you on and then get a guest coming up.
Let's call Rockwell at about 12-14 after.
He'll be cool with that.
Because I want to finish these calls.
Mike, Louisiana.
Go ahead, sir.
Ask your question.
You're making a statement?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, you think it's hard at 40.
Wait until you get to 67.
I hear you.
It's pulling the wagon around.
The Infowagon in New Orleans.
I want to give you a little update of what's happening in my neighborhood.
And then I'll end on a positive.
I'll send you this article, it was in the local Gambit Weekly.
There's a gang of blacks going around my neighborhood with clubs beating the hell out of white guys, of which I'm one.
And here I am dragging your wagon through this neighborhood.
So I'm having a lot of fun every day.
Have you had somebody menace you?
Well, yeah.
It's a mixed neighborhood, so there are times when, you know, there'll be a, uh, yeah, I've had them say, I want to throw a hand grenade under that cart, and then the kids will run up behind it, you know, and, uh, what I do is just turn the cart around, head right at them, you know, then they start running away, because I'm, I've got... Exactly, but if you were the average person, you'd, like, get in a fetal position, literally, like a dog that rolls over to have its belly rubbed.
I mean, it's, I tell you, it's sick.
It's sick how people lay down to everything.
Tell folks how they visit your site and how they find out more, because I want to get those video screens on that cart.
Oh, yeah, thank you.
Well, I mean, you know, all's it takes is money, Alex.
You know how it works.
No, no, but tell folks, you have a YouTube channel, don't you?
Well, I had it on the Indiegogo for a while, but that ran out.
So I don't have anything up.
I'm probably going to start another fundraiser here soon, but they want to go to Coto Crew, which is C-O-T-O WordPress dot WordPress.
That's one of my... I'll guarantee you we got somebody in New Orleans that wants to get my show on big TV screens with you bicycling it around, so somebody should get there and do that.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, Mike.
Yeah, I've seen photos and video of what you're doing.
It's pretty neat.
People can find that on his website.
There it is.
It's pretty cool.
Let's go to Peter in Washington.
Thanks for holding.
What do you think about arming the Al-Qaeda people?
That's what you called in about, right?
Yeah, what I wanted to call about... Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
What I wanted to talk is that the correspondence between the British government, the early correspondence during and after WW1,
And the Saudis has been published.
I haven't read them, but I've read the summary.
The summary doesn't show that there was any special arming of them beyond what was needed to fight the Turks, who were pretty tough.
Now, if you think it's different, have somebody read the original.
Say that again now?
What are you specifically getting at about the Saudis versus the Turks?
Between the British government and the Saudis, the early part,
During and after WW1 has been published.
There are several volumes.
Now, what I wanted to say is that I don't think, except for crooks and converts, that there was anything special there.
Anything that... And by the way, Kim Philby, the famous turncoat of the Cold War, his father was a scholar who was converted to Wahhabism.
But he was no master spy.
He was in need of money.
His correspondence with his wife has been published in the Philatelic Journal.
Are you a retired intelligence person yourself?
No, sir.
I'm just a reader and reader and reader.
Yeah, you sound like a historian or something.
Yeah, because a lot of this stuff, I have fragments of it, but I don't... What are you getting at?
Are you saying that the British
Didn't really help create Saudi Arabia?
War Republic.
Pardon me?
I've never been there.
Uh, but what I wanted to say was, uh, now, the main thing the Saudis did, as you know, was, uh, uh, uh, capture the, uh, the kingdom that was in control of Mecca.
Now, the British were not against the Hashemites that controlled Mecca.
No, I hear you.
I'm gonna come back to you, okay?
I'm gonna finish up with some calls.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
More countries are hastening the acceleration away from the dollar.
We're going to be talking some about that today.
Also, there is another report out dealing with the fact that if the economy is supposedly recovering, why is the labor force participation rate at a 36-year low?
They're cooking the numbers.
Also, former New Orleans mayor sentenced to 10 years in prison, convicted on 20 counts, including bribery, conspiracy, and money laundering, all tied to payments he received for granting city contracts.
Why are they busting mayors for low-level corruption and not the big kingpins of the Federal Reserve and the derivatives people?
Because they don't want their low-level minions stealing any of the goodies.
They want it all for themselves.
And I'm not defending this criminal activity.
It's just how many mayors and how many governors, you name it, are just caught involving corruption.
It's just crazy.
It's absolutely crazy.
And then meanwhile we have police all over the country under federal training doing the acid formature seizure where they pull old ladies over and go, how much cash you got in there, $2,000?
Well, I guarantee you there's drugs on that money because all new money, all that doesn't have drugs on it is new money.
All money that's been in circulation has minute amounts of drugs on it because it gets mixed in with all the other money.
And they say, we're going to test that and then take your car as well unless you give it to me.
And then they just take the money.
And it's mainly small departments that were doing it before.
They would work with corrupt judges.
Now, major police forces, state police, are doing it.
And it's criminal, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's just government devolving right down to the lowest common denominator.
Now, until 45 after, we're going to be joined by Lou Rockwell.
Then I'll go to Peter, Lance, Tom, Anthony, Brett, and others that are holding patiently.
I will get to your calls.
So stay on hold if you still want to get on air.
Appreciate you calling in.
I want to hear what you have to say.
In the time we've got, Lou Rockwell of lourockwell.com with us today, I want to cover the waterfront.
I want to get into his latest article, Limited Government, Is It a Vain Hope?
I want to get his take on Rand Paul endorsing tentatively airstrikes against ISIS.
I want to get his breakdown on all these racial attacks happening in the U.S.
with the media basically hyping him, how he thinks we can stop that.
And so much more with Lew Rockwell of LewRockwell.com.
I don't really need to introduce Lew Rockwell to folks, but he of course has been Ron Paul's Chief of Staff, helped getting him into Congress to begin with.
He's a libertarian, political commentator, activist, proponent of the Austrian School of Economics, and chairman of the Lubit von Mies Institute.
And again, he's one of the top libertarians in the world.
And he opposes communism, imperialism, all forms of centralized megastate.
And he joins us.
LewRockwell.com, again, is the website.
Lew, so much to cover.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well Alex, we can maybe talk about Mayor Nagin just for a second.
It's my view that all politics is corrupt.
All government is corrupt.
So when they pick out a guy like Nagin, I think this was true of Blagojevich in Illinois too, it seems to me he's offended somebody important in the government.
Because it's not that he's corrupt, they're all corrupt.
The mayor of New York is corrupt, the mayor of Boston is corrupt, the mayor of Chicago is corrupt.
Their governments are all just, you know, as Murray Rothbard said, government is a gang of thieves writ large.
So that's certainly true of municipal governments, state governments, federal government.
They're all corrupt.
So, Mayor Nagin did something to somebody.
He offended somebody in power.
That's why he's going to prison, not because he's corrupt.
Well sure, if they'd arrested the board members of the Federal Reserve and arrested these big arms company heads and mercenary leaders who've been involved in all this corruption, if they went after Wells Fargo for money laundering, then when they got down to Nagin, I'd say, wow, we've got a good government here.
But no, no, no.
They literally, I think, just make examples out of people who don't follow orders.
Well sure, that's an important part of it as well.
But you're right about the merchants of death.
I mean, what about the relationship between the companies that make vast sums of money off killing people, the military-industrial complex is another phrase for it, and so they're always promoting war.
That's one of the key, aside from the Pentagon and the CIA and the government agencies, it's the big private corporations that lead with the government
That promote these horrendous war policies and are now, you know, wanting us to bomb ISIS, wanting to bomb Syria, to overthrow Assad, the last non-jihadist Arab leader in power.
They want to get rid of him just like they got rid of Saddam Hussein and they got rid of Gaddafi.
Why do they want jihadis in?
Because they want trouble.
This is an ancient imperial tactic.
Governments that are imperial governments love trouble.
They promote trouble.
Because of course it justifies their policies to the people at home.
Oh look out, there are all those terrorists over there, that's why.
We have to, you know, take your children, take all your money, take your freedom, and take your life.
So it's to justify, you know, it's to justify their wars and their unbelievable spending, all the taxes, all the inflation, all the horrible things they do, with the effects, as you point out, of, you know, so few people being able to have jobs, and of course all the depredations of the bankocracy.
So many, many different things, bad things connected to the government.
And we're supposed to, you know, it's considered highly politically incorrect to say there are people who make money off war.
Vast, vast sums of money.
Whether it's Martin Marietta or Lockheed or just, you know, got on the list of all these companies.
Just like there are many companies that make money off the police state.
There's a security industrial complex.
There's a prison industrial complex.
So these, it's very, and government
It tends to be, as an institution, pretty stupid.
However, the big companies that are associated with it and are making vast sums of money, they're not stupid and they come up with these policies.
They love the war on terror.
From their standpoint, all the other wars had a bad effect.
They ended.
It was a terrible thing.
I remember seeing George H.W.
Bush and Jim Baker on television after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
These guys were white-faced.
They were so obviously unhappy, rather than celebrating the end of communism, they were worried about what would happen to the entire U.S.
imperial system if it didn't have the bogeyman of communism to keep pointing to.
So they came up with terrorism.
A war, as Sebel Edmonds pointed out the other day, can never be won.
Can never be won, and it can never stop.
Because there always might be a terrorist someplace, even if there's no actual terrorism.
It's the perfect phantom, and so if you don't have a big jihadi problem, well, give them weapons in Libya, give them weapons in Syria, let them come into Iraq.
If they don't, paint by the numbers and get into an area they're not supposed to be, bomb them.
But isn't it wearing thin, Lew Rockwell?
It's gotten so obvious now
That the system is arming and creating these people, that if ISIS does end up shooting down airliners with these impads, if they do end up attacking the West with our borders wide open, that the politicians might actually get in trouble, or do they have such a low view of the public's awareness
That they don't care because as we saw last year, it was beautiful, our military led the charge saying, and the show led the charge, and we Rockwell led the charge.
And I'm not bragging, I'm just telling folks we were able to get something done where
The world said, and Rand Paul said, and Cruz said, and Ron Paul said, let's not be Al Qaeda's air force, and so that war didn't happen.
Now, I understand what Rand Paul's saying.
ISIS is running around murdering Christians en masse, trying to overthrow Syria, and he said, I think we should hit them now, but you helped arm them, Obama.
The reason, and again, I don't ever support war, and I'm just saying tacitly, I get what Rand Paul is saying, and he added the proper proviso, by the way, we armed these people, this is wrong.
So, if we saw people arrested...
At the State Department who were behind this.
If we saw a public apology, if we saw congressional hearings like with Nixon promising to never arm Al Qaeda again, or anybody else for that matter that's extremist or whatever, then I would be for stopping them.
But as you said, the people that run the policy, they just want to keep it going forever.
Well, we have to remember, as you pointed out, Al Qaeda is a creation of the U.S.
When the U.S.
was running this proxy war against the Russians in Afghanistan, at which they were successful at tossing the Russians out, and it was a good thing for the people of Afghanistan, then of course the U.S.
went in even worse than the Russians.
But they gathered every Islamist crazy in the world.
Osama Bin Laden was there, funded by the Saudi Arabians, run by the U.S.
to get, these are the so-called Mujahideen, remember them?
The freedom fighters.
Hey, those were great guys.
They were being touted in Washington as wonderful people.
So that was a U.S.
ISIS is another U.S.
ISIS was armed by the U.S.
to try to overthrow the Syrian government.
And then they move out.
You know, and then nobody worries about all the beheadings that take place in Saudi Arabia every day.
Those are perfectly okay.
And so, beheadings, I'm certainly against all forms of capital punishment, although whether a beheading is actually worse than, let's say, a two-hour lethal injection in Oklahoma might, you know, maybe is another question.
So, of course, these killings are horrendous.
If we, you know, if we're to believe them, if we're to believe they're not, it's just not war propaganda phonied up.
As to Christians being killed, where have these politicians been when Christians were being massacred and ethnically cleansed out of Iraq for years?
This had been going on for years in Iraq.
Nobody cared.
Now all of a sudden it's a good device to go to war, so they're talking about the Christians.
Why don't I believe them?
I think it's just a tool.
They want war.
There's vast, again, vast money to be made out of war.
The people running things are bad.
And so no matter what we do, no matter if we try to say, let's have a humanitarian war and oxymoron, they will always just use it to start the next war.
So it's like the Ring of Mordor.
It cannot be used for good.
Well, you know, it's killing.
I mean, it's actually murder.
It's mass murder is what war is.
And, of course, the vast majority of people killed in every war are civilians, not soldiers.
So, people who are advocating war are advocating massacring innocents.
And we're supposed to think those are good guys?
We're supposed to salute them?
I notice none of them ever went in the military, of course.
They didn't go fight anything, but they want to send other guys to go fight.
Women to fight too.
And they want to kill a lot of innocents.
They want to cause much more hatred of the U.S., which they love that because it stimulates more warfare.
You're right.
You're right.
Lew Rockwell's right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Government's a gang with a flag.
I forget who said that.
I bet Lou Rockwell can remind me.
Alex Jones here back live.
But more and more we see that our government is degenerating.
And as you get a big unaccountable government, it becomes like an ecosystem or a coral reef where all these corrupt psychopathic eels and mercenaries and control freaks can hide and feed on people.
That's the kind of civilization that we're becoming.
We lost his Skype feed.
We're going to reconnect with Lew Rockwell right now.
But I wanted to get his view on the state of the empire, the state of government worldwide.
And talk about his new book as well, Against the State.
Because here's the deal, we know big government doesn't work.
And we know the bigger it gets, the more peril everyone is in.
And the whole basic mission of Infowars.com and what we do here is to get back to principles that we know work.
But we can't even get to basic American principles, much less libertarian principles, as we're being drug at light speed towards total statism.
Lew Rockwell, I wanted to ask you, as kind of one of the grand poobahs of libertarian thinking, who was it that said the state is a gang with a flag?
Alex, I wish that had been I. I frankly don't know.
It certainly is true.
The state is a criminal gang.
And we can think of war as just being government.
Because everything the government does overseas in terms of wars, on a mass scale, it does on a slightly smaller scale to us at home.
It's got its guns, it's putting guns at us all the time, it's ordering us to do things or otherwise they're going to put us in a cage or they'll kill us and they want to grab our money.
They get to decide how much of our money that we earn, they get to take.
It's like the Mafia, although I hate to compare the government to the Mafia, the Mafia is of course a much better... So what is the state of the world right now then?
I mean, for Team Liberty versus Team Tyranny?
Well, you know, since all of human history, this has been a fight that's gone on.
I think it's actually many good things happening all over the world.
You mentioned the rejection of the dollar.
One of the key aspects of the American empire has been forcing other countries to use the dollar.
All the oil producing countries to price their oil in dollars.
Typically, if countries have not wanted to do that, they get bombed.
Saddam Hussein and, you know, many, many other people.
Saddam Hussein, the great promoter and protector of Christians, by the way, in Iraq.
But nobody cared about getting rid of him and allowing the Christians to all be massacred.
So this is, you know, this is the way government operates.
And I think there's
I think there's a lot of interest in freedom.
I think it's a tremendous thing that apparently the people of Scotland, my fingers crossed, are going to vote for independence from England.
That would be a very, very good thing.
Anything, any secession, any decentralization, any place in the world is good for the cause of liberty.
And I think young people all over the world, think of all the young people who listen to your show, young people are realizing that the government has really worked them over.
Here they are, a lot of times graduating from college with a degree that doesn't do them any good.
They've got a vast debt.
They're worried about being able to get a job.
Maybe they're having to live with their parents.
They're all realizing that things are wrong.
Things have gone wrong.
And again, we live under the biggest, richest, most powerful government in the history of the world by many magnitudes.
The U.S.
But it's also the biggest bureaucracy ever to exist.
And bureaucracy is inefficient.
Bureaucracy has got many, many problems in operation.
So I think the government is a lot less strong than it would have us believe.
That's why they're announcing to us that they're listening to all our phone calls and emails and this radio show.
Too high NSA.
And it's why they are stepping up the taxes.
It's why they're stepping up their wars.
But I think because people are not believing the government.
People don't want this war against ISIS.
It's why these beheading videos have been put on in order to promote the war and get Americans to go along with it.
Americans, as you pointed out, thanks to you and others of us who didn't want the war against Syria, Obama was not able to launch that war.
Now, of course, they're trying the ISIS thing and they claim, well, don't worry, there are not going to be American troops on the ground.
We're just going to bomb everybody from the air.
Well, that, you know, it's a funny thing about people in other countries.
They don't like being bombed.
Iraq has been bombed by the U.S.
since 1991.
So do people turn into what they call terrorists?
Although terrorism, of course, is simply war.
It's war by a non-state entity.
It's the same sort of tactics as governments use.
They call it war.
They wear uniforms.
They have their flags, as you say.
They have their medals.
They're patriotic.
They're wonderful.
We should all salute them and give them our seats in the airport and so forth.
But really, terrorists are exactly the same.
Maybe they don't wear a uniform.
But they, uh, terrorism is war.
Um, again by a non-government like ISIS or... Well, yeah, real terrorism is funding Al-Qaeda and then acting like a hero and making our troops go fight them.
Lou Rockwell's our guest.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
We're gonna talk about, uh... Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I want to get a little bit more into war with Lew Rockwell, then some other issues, and then we're going to go to your phone calls.
I also want to talk to you about his new book that's coming out.
I definitely want to read it.
I've read some of his other works.
They're excellent.
But before we go any further,
Both of my grandfathers were in World War II, as a lot of people's grandparents were, great-grandparents.
Most of that generation is gone now.
And Hitler was obviously a bad guy.
He was attacking people.
He was going to try to take over the world.
The problem is, it's just like it's happening now, it's historical fact that the robber barons, there's New York Times best-selling Pulitzer Prize winning books, Shearer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, IBM and the Holocaust, I mean, it goes on and on, that U.S.
and British companies literally helped put him in power, promote his eugenics ideology, he was in Time Magazine, he was in gardening magazines,
I'm making a documentary about it.
We've actually sent off and bought the original magazines on store shelves.
My grandfather, growing up in Dallas, my mom's dad, remembers they would play Hitler speeches on the big radio stations.
WBAP, you name it, and translate it into English like it was wonderful.
It's a big German community up there.
My grandfather's German, was German.
I mean, an American, been here for a long time, but German roots.
His dad could speak German and didn't have to hear the translation.
I mean, Adolf Hitler was on the radio in America as a rock star.
Folks don't know that, because people don't know their history.
So it's the same thing.
Create Al Qaeda, fund them, sponsor them, give them weapons.
It's in AFP today that our government and the Saudis armed them with anti-tank missiles, M16s, Made in USA is the headline from AFP.
So I get Rand Paul saying, yeah, they're running all over the Middle East killing everybody.
We need to stop them.
But it's the oxymoron.
Our government turned them loose to kill hundreds of thousands in Syria.
Now they've run back over.
They are, of all the unsavory killers out there, some of the most nasty.
And so I want to stop them, but it doesn't matter.
It's always turned to evil.
So the same thing.
Should we have then fought Hitler?
I understand that we helped create him, then knock him down.
It's the same thing here, but here we know it's premeditated.
So how do you deal with that being anti-war when, okay, we created ISIS, but at the same time, I don't think Obama even wants to bomb them.
I think public pressure
Because we now know what ISIS is doing, and then so you got the arms dealers are happy to do it.
I mean, it's a complex issue.
I understand your moral stance, but how do you tackle the World War II argument?
Well, you know, first of all, when you talk about somebody running around the world killing people, how about the U.S.
I agree.
You know, the U.S.
government killed probably a million people in Iraq.
Since they went to war against Iraq.
They make ISIS look like the Girl Scouts.
So, you know, the U.S.
government has killed millions and millions of people in its career of killing and depredation.
Hitler, of course, was a monster.
So then Roosevelt had us hook up with his pal Stalin, who was every bit as much of a monster, probably killed more people than Hitler killed.
How many did he kill in Ukraine?
This still has effects today.
8, 10, 12 million people?
We don't know.
But it was a horrific, horrific massacre in Ukraine that Stalin pulled out.
The Ex-Im Bank is in the news right now, the Export-Import Bank, was founded by Franklin Roosevelt when he became president in 1933, specifically to fund trade and to boost the Soviet Union.
Go back and read Wikipedia or whatever.
This was the purpose of the Ex-Im Bank.
Roosevelt saw World War II as the war to make the world safe for communism.
So the U.S.
hooked up with one monster to fight another monster.
No, I had a brother who was killed in World War II, and of course many, many Americans died in World War II.
You know, is it... No, I think there were ways to avoid that as well as ways to avoid the other wars.
I don't think war... Well, yes, it's just like World War I!
No, and of course, World War II was part two of World War I. Yeah.
This was one long war, and what the U.S.
helped do to the German people had very bad effects later on.
The rise of Hitler to power, among other things, because of the starvation blockade that Britain and the U.S.
put on Germany, kept on long after, by the way, the war was over.
Another 600,000 German civilians killed in the hunger blockade, trying to make them, force them to accept the Treaty of Versailles, which was a disaster in Europe.
It was a disaster in the Middle East.
This is what, you know, that's where we get Iraq and Syria and all these countries were created as a result of the
That's why it's great that you're such a historian, not just an economist and writer, because you know this, the establishment knows this, the public doesn't know it, that World War I came into World War II, and then sort of everything after that, and you're right, it just never turns out good in the end.
We can't trust them, Alex.
We can't trust the government.
So there's always war propaganda.
The Russians are going to get us.
The Southerners are going to get us.
The Spanish are going to get us.
The Mexicans are going to get us.
There's always some bad guy over the next hill that you've got to give all power and devotion to the government so they can go and kill people.
Well, you know, there's something wrong with that.
If we just think of the basic libertarian principle, that it's never morally
Well, Lew, two weeks ago...
The vast sums of money.
Two weeks ago, they tried to float the idea that if we'd have taken out Assad, ISIS wouldn't have this foothold.
We need to take Assad out.
Now, nobody bought that, so they backed off.
A pro-Christian ruler, by the way, Assad.
You know, there have been Christian communities in Iraq and Syria since the time of the apostles, and they've been successful there under the Ottoman Empire, under all kinds of invasions.
They never were harmed.
Now they've all been destroyed ever since the U.S.
invaded Iraq, and now it's making war on Syria.
So, you know, again, just all you can think, folks, is assume the government is always lying to you.
Maybe you don't know what the truth is.
You have to do a little investigation to see the truth.
Let me ask you that question.
You're all a bunch of liars.
Let me ask you a question.
And the U.N.
even admits this, that persecution of Christians is up everywhere, peaceful ones.
Why is the U.S.
government, in every case I've seen, on the side of radicals to kill Christians?
Our government will bend over backwards, especially under Obama, to exterminate Christian minorities.
What is going on?
Well, the U.S.
government, of course, hates Christianity.
The government hates the idea that people are loyal to, and feel themselves responsible to, an entity that is God above the government.
You know, they look back, I think all governments look back on, say, the ancient Egyptians, that was the great thing, when the government actually was God.
That's the way they'd like us to feel today.
They're jealous of religion.
They want to take over religion.
They don't mind killing Christians.
They don't mind killing Muslims.
Muslims have a right to life, too, by the way.
It's not just Christians.
Buddhists, Hindus, everybody has a right to life, no matter... Jewish people, whatever their religion, they have a right to life.
They have a right not to be murdered.
But the U.S.
government is murder incorporated.
It kills people all over the world.
Again, vast amounts of money being made out of this.
You can't believe anything they say.
So when they have this new bogeyman ISIS, you can just pretty much ignore what they have to say.
You can certainly hope, pray that bad things don't happen to people in Iraq.
But the U.S.
government has murdered so many people in Iraq.
We're really supposed to trust the U.S.?
Certainly the Iraqis don't trust the U.S.
Well, that's my point is that
It's just the oxymoron.
It makes my head hurt when I think about it.
The paradox.
Our government helped create and fund these monsters to do in Syria what they're doing in Iraq.
And then now we're supposed to go bomb them, but that'll be fake.
They'll probably end up bombing Assad or something.
It's just such... They are going to, of course, they are going to attempt to overthrow Assad.
That's absolutely true.
You know, they're... Let's mind our own business.
Who put the U.S.
government in charge of the world?
They're not God, even though they think they're God.
That brings me to Ukraine.
Why don't they get rid of the crime in Washington, D.C.?
How about stopping the militarized cops in Ferguson and all the rest of America?
I noticed that some of the supplies now going to the militarized cops include bayonets.
So that'll be nice.
They'll be out there with a bayonet to stab you.
And we're supposed to think, of course, that's much better.
That's law enforcement, unlike those horrible guys, ISIS, with their knives.
So concentrate on what's happening to us here at home.
Stop attacking people in other countries.
Mind our own business.
It's quite enough to mind our own business.
We know that as individuals to try to raise our families and have a job, support ourselves, not be a burden on others, take care of our retirements, support our churches, support our communities, mow the lawn.
What do you think of Rand Paul's statement?
I mean, obviously, some of that's politics, but at the same time, it's pretty easy to say you want to bomb ISIS.
They are unsavory.
But I get your point.
It'll only turn into something worse and more evil.
It's just sick.
No, I don't think bombing people is a good thing.
It's murder.
It's bloody, mass murder.
It's not, you know, would Christ want to bomb people?
I mean, why don't we ask that question?
We're talking about Christians.
That's not the non-violent way of Jesus Christ.
Why don't we try to follow that?
Why is killing people always supposed to be the answer to problems?
Throughout human history, haven't we learned that killing people is not the answer to problems?
And the idea that we should just be creating more hatred, and they're right to hate us if we're bombing their homes, bombing their businesses, killing their parents.
They don't like it!
Sure, Lou Rockwell is our guest, Alex Jones here.
In the time we've got left, I want to spend some time on your new book, but also, what about Ukraine?
I mean, that's so obvious.
People call me a Russian sympathizer or a traitor because I don't want to have a nuclear war with Russia.
Russia's going to a first strike doctrine to mirror our policy, the U.S.
government policy.
Clearly Ukraine's been overthrown by the West.
Clearly they're trying to stir stuff up with Russia.
And again, I'm not lionizing Vladimir Putin.
I'm simply saying anybody can look at this and see that NATO is moving troops in, doing drills, openly moving missiles up to the border.
This is not Iraq that we can just kick around for 20 years.
This is Russia with nuclear weapons.
Haven't they learned the lesson of Hitler and Napoleon?
Well, they love war.
And they think, you know, there are only two really large independent countries in the world anymore.
There's Russia and there's China.
So both are being targeted by the U.S., which sees itself as the global hegemon.
The U.S.
believes it should run the world.
I'm sure they believe they should run the solar system and the galaxy, too.
But right now they want to run the world.
They want to get rid of or certainly take out Russia and China as opponents of U.S.
And, yeah, the U.S.
Despite the agreement that we made with Gorbachev, that when he agreed to pull his troops out of Germany and out of Eastern Europe, the U.S.
agreement was we will not push the boundaries of NATO up to Russia.
We won't make those kinds of aggressive moves.
So needless to say, the U.S.
Like every other treaty, they don't keep their word.
And it's horrific what's going on.
It's very scary, as you point out, the potential of atomic war.
Professor Bob Higgs always points out the state is the one entity actually capable of bringing to an end life on Earth.
Don't worry about asteroids.
It's the government that can actually bring this about.
For example, with its vast store piles of chemical warfare, of biological warfare, of atomic weapons.
Yeah, I got a feeling they may actually destroy the Earth.
Well, they have the capability and they're certainly morally not above it.
So yeah, it's very scary business and we have to be opposed to U.S.
aggression in Ukraine.
Putin's a politician, he's not a good guy, but he happens to be in the right here in the sense that we are aggressing against Russia.
Shouldn't be happening.
It's very, very dangerous.
Of course, China's got atomic weapons as well.
These are both
Here are countries that came out of communism, and still bad things about them, still bad things needless to say about the US too, but they came out of communism.
People are much freer and more prosperous in those countries than they were under Khrushchev and Mao Zedong and dictators of that sort.
So why are we welcoming them into the family of nations?
Why are we wanting to trade with them?
Why are we putting anti-free trade sanctions on them, which are acts of war?
Why are we egging on Japan to attack China?
There's all kinds of very terrible stuff that can have just horrific effects on the lives of our children and our grandchildren.
If there's a lot of radiation in the atmosphere as a result of all the atomic weapons that exist in the hands of governments all over the world.
So, you know, peace is a virtue.
Peace is necessary to civilization.
War is the enemy of civilization.
It's the enemy of freedom.
It's the enemy of free enterprise.
It's the enemy of everything good.
So, when you hear people in Washington saying, let's have a war, I say to them, hey, I'll gladly pay for you to take a rifle and go over there, buddy.
But don't try to get American kids to go.
Don't try to involve our people.
Mind your own business if you're a politician.
Don't try to make mischief.
Of course, advice that's not going to be taken, but that ought to be our attitude.
Well, I was reading about the last of the Plantagenet Kings who got killed in battle, and he certainly was corrupt and had his problems, but at least until about 500 years ago, a king had to actually be out front in the battle, and they were routinely killed.
And so it was men against men with swords.
Certainly ugly, horrible, brutal.
I don't romanticize it, but I can understand, you know, now it's robots, now it's drones.
It's so disconnected.
And the elites are so disconnected from what they're doing.
But I think we're in more danger now than we ever have been.
And even Secretary of Defense Hagel said the, quote, world's blowing up right now.
And it's because... And he's helping blow it up, of course.
I agree, exactly.
Yeah, yeah.
In closing... They're putting Terminator into effect.
The Terminator movie's into effect.
With all these drones and other kinds of military robots that will be able to kill on their own say-so.
They won't even have to tell, have a human tell them to kill.
Day one, they're making them autonomous.
They'll be used against us as well.
So this is a very serious situation.
Something we all have to worry about.
We have to try to educate ourselves.
We have to oppose what the government is doing.
We have to resist.
Peacefully resist.
Because of course they've got all the weapons.
We don't have the weapons.
I agree.
We're almost out of time.
I want to plug...
uh... against the state your new book available at lourockwell.com and bookstores everywhere amazon come back in the next few months and you can send some talking points we've never done that but if you sent me a blueprint of say ten points about the book we could do a whole hour specifically on your manifesto against the state lou rockwell thank you and it would be great to be back on the show alex it's an honor to be on here today keep doing what you're doing thank you it's great to hear you just uh... absolutely uh...
Indict and I think successfully convict those that worship at the altar of the state.
And I just want to say a prayer for humanity that we don't let the state destroy us.
Because you're right, it's the ultimate threat.
It killed the most people in the 20th century.
261 million people according to University of Hawaii.
Lou Rockwell, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, LewRockwell.com against the state.
Two segments coming up.
The end of the show, then some overdrive to go to Peter, Lance, and others that are holding.
I'll go right to you straight ahead.
But yeah, pray to God the state doesn't kill us all.
We'll be back.
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We're good.
Alright, Peter earlier was on hold, but I held him over because a guest came up.
And he was trying to make a point about arming of the Saudis.
He was bringing up British government arming the Saudis back after World War I. Just, what was your point though?
Go ahead and finish your point, Peter.
Alex, you can hear me right?
Yeah, I sure can.
Okay, basically the correspondence has been published.
It doesn't indicate that it was special.
You know, the arming was mostly for fighting the Turks, who are not easy, you know, opponents.
But I think that it is possible there were some converts and some crooks.
And I mentioned one convert.
Who was the father of Kim Philby, the great turncoat of the Soviet Union.
Sure, they call him Arabist.
There's a lot of people in the State Department and stuff that end up converting to Islam.
Is that what you're getting into?
Yeah, his father was a convert to Wahhabism, just as his son was a convert to Marxism-Leninism.
And I think there were some more.
Kipling was afraid of that.
You could tell in one of his novels the light that failed about an artist.
Anyway, you can see the movie in the movie.
Sure, sure.
That's the issue is there's been a lot of Saudi Arabian infiltration of government.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
It's definitely gone on.
The Ambassador Stevens that got killed in Benghazi was an Arabist.
It's really complex stuff.
The point is, is the West isn't just recruiting people.
It's happening the other way back.
Lance in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, it's an honor to speak to you today.
You know, people here
Just normal average people that aren't white.
They are military complex and they think U.S.
And it's not just the U.S.
It's all the militaries.
It's all connected to the globalists.
They're the ones that perpetuate all the wars, all the antagonism.
It's amazing to me that we still train people on different continents to kill
Other people, legally, on different continents on this planet.
Yeah, for those that don't know, the military-industrial complex, which is multinational, sets the policy and then goes out and trains our enemies so there can be another war.
That's their full-spectrum dominance and that's what's immoral.
Does it mean that our crib's going up against Al-Qaeda?
Aren't fighting scum who, you know, I don't cry about getting killed.
No, our troops in many cases, you know, are really hardworking, smart people that care passionately, but up above it in the complex.
The globalists are running both sides.
That is the great evil.
That's why Lou Rockwell would say, shut it down, stop offensive war.
And I agree with him.
But at the same time, I can see where Rand Paul's coming from, saying, look, this is out of control.
Al-Qaeda's running around.
Why did we arm them?
Let's take them out.
Because Al-Qaeda itself is a real entity, and our government helped create it.
So the people in our government that did that should be held accountable.
I say take out Al-Qaeda, but also arrest the people like Hillary Clinton and the State Department and the folks involved in Benghazi.
Stop it!
Stop super Machiavellian garbage like this that'll bring everybody down.
We as a species aren't gonna make it if we have an elite that wants to de-industrialize the Arab world and keep them in squalor by putting the Wahhabists in charge.
You agree with that, sir?
Yes, I do.
I definitely agree with you.
I agree with you.
We should be starblazing the stars.
We should be trailblazing the stars right now.
And, you know, this Earth is a living being, and when it's ready to shed us like the life that we are, it will.
There's no telling, Alex, how many civilizations have actually been on this planet and lived here.
It's incredible.
All right.
God bless you, brother.
We're going to go into overdrive now.
We're going to go to Tom, Anthony, and Brett.
We're going to go to all three of you, at least get those in.
Thank you, Lance.
InfoWars.com, Ford's live show, to find the free video feed.
Your station doesn't carry this fourth hour.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out!
Intellectually, it's begun, you can feel it!
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment.
Appreciate folks holding.
I didn't even look at Infowars.com the last 30 minutes.
I usually look at it every five minutes.
I got busy talking to Lou Rockwell.
Army report urged preparations for troops to occupy New York City, other megacities, during collapse and civil unrest.
And they're basically admitting that they believe that's what's coming.
A pretty powerful article up on InfoWars.com.
There's another one dealing with the NFL, this latest choking video, where we point out they can't blame it on the Second Amendment to their dismay.
Obama blatantly lies about ISIS on television.
There's a lot of key stuff.
A man fakes beheading video, fools global media.
That's all up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Okay, Tom in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes sir, yes sir.
You know, the cell phone operates on the same radio frequency spectrum as the human mind.
That's according to Dr. Eldon Byrd, who ran the electromagnetic program for the Marine Corps.
I knew that.
Electromagnetic weapons program for the U.S.
And that's not a coincidence that our cell phones operate on the same electromagnetic spectrum as our minds.
And, uh, you know, look it, they're giving babies as soon as they're born.
They tell me, they told me in the hospital, I can't take my baby out of the hospital.
I've had a falling out with one of these globalists.
I've had my life threatened.
I had somebody come up to me in Ventura, California, telling me, look, they can give you a carcinogen.
I now have blood in my urine.
I've had, I have a gas, I have a leaking gas tank.
Uh, my brother and I both had a falling out with this individual.
We both were putting gang stalking programs.
I'm 11 Telstar on YouTube.
But anyway,
But despite all this, I can't mention any names specifically because they'll just kill me.
But the point of it is, I had my baby in the hospital.
As soon as he was born, they want to give him a hearing test.
He can't say he can hear.
He can't say anything.
They said, oh, we just got to hook up this computer to his mind, put these earphones on, and just run some frequencies through his head and everything.
And even if they're not bad, it's that they can put Trojan horse stuff on everything.
And there's a DARPA program admitting they use cell phone frequencies to, quote, calm the public during civil emergencies.
That was in the Baltimore sun, like, 15 years ago.
And it's just incredible.
I appreciate your call.
Brett, in California.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I really appreciate everything you do.
Don't thank me, brother.
I appreciate you putting up with me.
Go ahead.
Alright, my name is Brett.
I'm 27 years old.
And I was actually one of those college graduates that Mr. Rockwell was talking about.
I graduated with a worthless degree that didn't take me anywhere.
Ended up in a corporation.
I excelled really hard at the corporation.
Moved up the ladder very quickly.
I found myself kind of compartmentalized.
So what happened?
necessarily agree with your point on weaponized marijuana
I think what we have right now is actually the cleanest marijuana that we have.
Alright, well here's the deal.
I know a lot of people can smoke pot.
It helps them.
And it's got a lot of medical benefits.
I'm not going to get into that.
But a lot of people I know, it ruins them.
It turns them into zombies.
And they're on it all the time.
And marijuana is incredibly strong now.
And so that was my view.
But I hear you.
I'm not, look, here's the thing.
I'm for decriminalizing it.
I don't want to lock people up for it.
It doesn't mean I have to endorse it.
I mean, I don't like the vibe when I've covered marijuana conferences and stuff, and you've got 10,000 potheads there.
I really don't like what it does to women.
I mean, that's my personal view.
I don't embrace the marijuana culture.
That's what I'm saying.
Man, I'm out of time.
I want to go to Anthony and Eric and Jim, but I've got to go.
I've got a bunch of work I've got to do.
Um, so I'm out of time.
I apologize to the callers I didn't get to.
Great job to the crew.
Everybody else, I want to thank you all for your prayers, and as I said, for putting up with me.
Uh, Nightly News is tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
God bless.
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