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Name: 20140904_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 4, 2014
2433 lines.

In his monologue, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as high-level FDA whistleblowers revealing a cover-up about vaccines and their connection to neurological disorders in children; potential threats by ISIS or Al-Qaeda near military command centers; open borders and the visa program; iodine supplements for detoxification; gold IRAs for retirement; privacy concerns in the digital age, including smart meters and cable boxes listening without consent; security measures at the US-Mexico border; government surveillance capabilities; potential dangers such as an American Chernobyl situation; the Common Core curriculum; the government's purchase of ammunition; Infowars Life products; and Joan Rivers' death.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the last two weeks, massive news has broken in the alternative real free press.
High-level FDA whistleblowers coming forward about the cover-up.
of autism that they've known for decades is being triggered in great part, it's a cocktail of reasons, but in great part by autoimmune responses caused by vaccines and autoimmune disorders then being created in the brain and the gut of children and a scourge of neurological disorders.
John Rapoport will join us for about 40 minutes, 20 minutes into the transmission in the second hour.
Then we're going to have Joe Biggs from El Paso.
He's got a lot of big, breaking news.
Dealing with Homeland Security saying that they believe there is an imminent threat being planned and that an attack will take place.
They said that last Friday and again on Sunday.
In and around El Paso, Fort Bliss, Joint Task Force 6 area.
I want to be clear.
I'm the guy that exposes false flag.
I'm the guy that
Officially began questioning 9-11 on the day of the event.
I see comments on Infowars saying, you know, Alex, why are you saying there could be a real ISIS threat?
Why are, you know, it's going to be a hoax, it's going to be a false flag.
It is a false flag because ISIS has been empowered and funded by NATO and Homeland Security and they'll use an attack to take our liberties.
It does not mean there aren't jihadi nutballs that are coming to attack us!
See, the media always spins it that a false flag means it's totally staged by the government.
Elements of the government can fund terrorists and then let them attack.
That's what most false flags are, is opening the door, letting it happen.
Look at how the British government was in the news two days ago.
It's going to, quote, retrain the jihadis coming back from Syria, because huge amounts of them, tens of thousands, have come out of England.
They're allowed to fly in and out, they're allowed to have Twitter and Facebook accounts.
They are being protected.
They're being protected here.
It's in the news today in my stack that radical Islamist terrorists are using the open borders and the open visa program.
You can get a visa basically from any country in the world, just come here and never leave.
And we are being infiltrated by people that are planning to blow stuff up.
And it will be used to set up checkpoints at malls and everywhere else for the American people.
So I'm against it, and it is a false flag.
Any way you cut it, any way you slice it, any way you dice it, any way!
Yes, it's staged.
But yes, folks, it could be a real attack, and it could be bad.
They've got 15,000 Stinger-type MPADs, surface-to-air missiles.
I can just see the takedown of this country, how they're going to do it.
I cannot believe this.
They destroyed the borders.
They're destroying the dollar.
They're launching all these illegal wars.
They've turned Al-Qaeda loose.
The news is criticizing Senator Rand Paul because he's been anti-interventionist.
Acting like, ooh, you're discredited, Rand.
You were against attacking Syria.
And look, now ISIS is running wild.
Our government armed ISIS to destabilize Syria.
Rand Paul was the one that criticized it.
He's the one proven correct.
But they turn it around and spin it.
It's like, ooh, Matt Drudge, you're discredited.
You said that there's a $5,000 fine if you don't get Obamacare.
When there is a $5,000 fine.
It's like, oh, Rand Paul's discredited.
He was proven completely right.
And they just flip it around in the media, like, see, Rand, we should have attacked Syria.
What, on the side of Al-Qaeda?
That's why Al-Qaeda is now ISIS and running wild all over the world?
I mean, it is just, the public has none of the basis.
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This is life changing.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
To stay safe and healthy during a crisis, you must have access to safe, clean water.
Water which will not be available at your local grocery store.
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Iodine is key to so many of the body's functions, especially the thyroid.
I discovered a product being developed by Dr. Group.
You now know it as Survival Shield True Nascent Iodine that your body can really absorb.
Then, about a year ago, he said, listen, if you think this is powerful, I'm going to come out with rare earth, deep earth crystals.
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Nobody else has got iodine based on these pure crystals, ladies and gentlemen.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This magic moment So different and so new, was like any other
Until I kissed you and then it happened.
It took me by surprise.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
That's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
We're here live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Already the fourth day of September 2014.
Joe Biggs and our crew are down on the Texas border where Homeland Security is saying they believe an imminent, credible threat of a ISIS-Al Qaeda attack will happen on or before September 11th in and around the Joint Task Force 6 military command center based outside El Paso.
And we have Joe Biggs with huge breaking inside intel joining us in the third hour today.
There's also major whistleblowers from inside the government going public that there has been an ongoing cover-up at the CDC and the FDA that vaccines are indeed one of the big factors triggering the huge upsurge from 1 in 25,000 30 years ago to now 1 in 56,000.
North American children developing neurological disorders in the autism spectrum.
Now, if you'll remember, back in 2000, it was leaked in 2004, there was a secret CDC meeting, and the minutes were released, with the director and all the top scientists, more than 50 of them in the room, concluding that it is triggering autoimmune disorder in the brain, and that it is literally causing a giant problem, and that they should not give it to their families.
And the CDC director said, I will tell my granddaughter not to give it to my children.
My grandchildren.
I will tell my daughter not to give it to my grandchildren.
That was even on ABC News at the time.
So this stuff's come out before.
Then they'll run hoaxes saying, Dr. Wakefield discredited with fake research in England, linking it to this.
And then the media all says he's discredited, and that he was caught, and then he's now suing and basically winning that lawsuit, proving that it was all a fraud.
They could come out with a hoax tomorrow, claiming that I robbed banks, ladies and gentlemen.
It's not going to be true.
Or that I said kill Michelle Malkin.
Turned out that wasn't true.
Or that I was behind the Boston bombing.
They've said that before with no proof.
Or that I'm deeply racist.
Or blah blah blah.
Or that I've died.
Or that I'm in a sex tape.
Or that I'm not really who I say I am.
This is the type of stuff they do to anybody who they don't like.
They had Democrats twice dress up like Klan members and show up at Rand Paul rallies when he was winning his Senate race
And then we and others went and searched their faces.
They had their, you know, their faces open and found through Google image search that they were Democratic Party officials.
Low-level minions.
And they do this all the time.
I'm just saying, people have got to be aware of these dirty tricks.
People have got to be aware of the type of stunts that get pulled out there.
Now, where to start today?
There is just so much to go through.
I love how all over CNN and MSNBC there's a full court press to get demonstrations going all over the United States today promoting $15 an hour minimum wage.
And Kurt Nemo has the headline at Infowars.com, fight for $15 minimum wage is a fight for compulsory unemployment.
That's absolutely true if you understand the economics.
Kurt Nemo breaks it down.
The article just went live minutes ago at Infowars.com.
The globalists bring in unlimited undocumented illegal aliens.
We've got major studies out today showing that they got the majority of new jobs, in some states all the new jobs, like Tennessee, and that they will then work for illegal below minimum wage levels, get welfare supplement, and that that then drives down wages overall, but also taxes the welfare system.
So you've got the Democrats and the unions openly lobbying for unlimited illegals to come in to drive down the wages, and then they complain and say, let's raise the wages compulsory, which will only cause layoffs of people who are working legally and lawfully in the system with benefits.
Because I want to explain something to people that don't employ.
When you pay someone $15 an hour, when you pay the FICA and the Social Security and the payroll taxes and all of it, on average, it's higher in some states, but I'm in Texas, if somebody's paid $15 an hour, you're really paying them about $22 an hour.
If somebody's getting paid $20 an hour, you're basically paying them $29 an hour.
So you cannot afford in this economy, in many operations out there, to pay someone $15 because it's really 20-something.
And that's not even adding in all the other regulations and taxes.
Notice that Obamacare raises payroll taxes.
Notice that Obamacare puts huge taxes on businesses and has caused giant waves of layoffs.
Notice Obamacare makes you get people healthcare if they have more than 30 hours.
So across the nation,
We saw a massive increase in people going to part-time, so then they went out and got multiple jobs, which they count as new jobs, and then try to say, oh look, we've added 20 million new jobs.
No, you've actually cut people, so they had to go get a second or third job.
So when you know the real economics, it's a total screw job on working poor.
Which is designed to make you just go ahead and give up and go get on welfare or disability.
Because you can get a better deal there than working.
And then you add all the county and city and health taxes and regulations and VATs and sales taxes and environmental taxes.
It is unbelievable that the average business owner in Texas pays around 70% one way or another into taxes.
You go to somewhere like New York, it's over 80%.
San Francisco, over 80%.
Unless you're a fat cat, like Nancy Pelosi that owns restaurants and hotels all over California, they literally write bills, federally and state level, exempting themselves from everything.
Warren Buffett is exempt from basically everything.
Nancy Pelosi, exempt basically from everything.
Al Gore, exempt.
General Electric, Google, exempt.
Lehman Brothers, exempt.
Wells Fargo, exempt.
Bank of America, exempt.
General Motors, exempt.
They don't play by the same rules.
That's the real discrimination.
Cultural discrimination, they hype up all day.
Racial stuff, because the globalists just want us fighting with each other.
And sure, there's some racial issues going on out there and religious issues.
There always has been.
People are tribal, people get in cliques, big deal, grow up, get over it.
But the big discrimination that you can't get around is the globalists write the laws for high taxes on the little guy.
Because they don't want competition.
And that's why I harp on that every single day.
Obama is allowed to get about a third or more of his donations, it's come out in the news, from foreign illegal donors and publicly have foreign fundraisers with foreigners attending, paying $20,000 a plate.
Obama is allowed to have them on MSNBC lobbying to have illegals give money to the Democratic Party and give illegals driver's license.
Meanwhile, Dinesh D'Souza headlined Reuters, humiliated Dinesh D'Souza seeks probation after guilty plea for getting friends to give $10,000 each.
To a senatorial campaign of a friend.
That's right.
So again, think about how all this operates.
He's not exempt from the campaign finance laws.
You understand that?
And see, if you can exempt yourself from the regulations you put on others, you put everyone else at a disadvantage, you've rigged the game like a Don King boxing match.
Like a mafia-run horse race.
And that's the end of a free market, that's the end of prosperity.
And that's our biggest enemy in this country.
Is the elites have gamed the whole system and now they've got all these fools out there wanting to raise the minimum wage from eight bucks or whatever it is up to fifteen.
Doubling it.
And all that'll do is cut the unemployment.
It'll cut the people that are
Working and put more people into unemployment.
It'll bankrupt the system further and it will also cause more inflation.
And of course at some point you're going to have to say that you know you have to raise the wages just by the market factors because the dollars being devalued so much you're going to need $15 an hour just to survive if you pay the taxes if you jump through all the hoops.
But the average working poor person has all the taxes hidden in the bills and the things they pay and they get a little $200 refund check at the end of the year and they think the government's sending them money.
So, the elite loves to game the poor.
While trying to destroy any upwardly mobile nouveau riche.
Now when we come back, huge developments on the ISIS front.
Rand Paul says I'm no isolationist.
Also, CBS News says there's mystery cell towers going up nationwide.
They don't know who's putting them up.
We do, we'll tell you, coming up.
All this and a lot more.
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I think so.
Another major health threat, this one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
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Oh lordy, my troubles so hard.
Oh lordy, my troubles so hard.
Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
We'll do a story on this.
DrugsReport.com is linked to a CBS news story with the title, Rogue Cell Phone Towers Can Intercept Your Data, At Least One Found In Chicago.
And they have the FBI quoted in here saying, we don't believe this is law enforcement.
Quote, I doubt they are installed by law enforcement as they require a warrant to intercept conversations or data, and since the cell providers are ordered by the court to cooperate with the intercept, there really would be no need for this, Rice said.
That CBS2 security analyst Rose Rice, a former CIA agent, former FBI agent, said it's likely being used illegally.
I'm going to read that again.
CBS2 security analyst Ross Rice, a former FBI agent, said it's likely being used illegally.
Quote, I doubt that they are installed by law enforcement as they require a warrant to intercept conversations or data and since the cell providers are ordered by the court to cooperate with the intercept there really would be no need
For this, Rice said, most likely they are installed and operated by hackers trying to steal personal identification passwords.
Les Goldsmith, the CEO of ESD America, which makes secure cell phones, said law enforcement with a warrant can use interceptor devices if they need information in real time or if they don't want a cellular network to know that they are being tracked.
The devices don't look like a tower, but are rather electronic boxes and laptops that trick a regular phone that isn't part of the actual cellular network.
How did ESD customers discover the Interceptor devices?
ESD, American Cell Phone, protects users, and it goes on to basically be an infomercial for this company.
Let's stop right there.
Let's just stop right there.
This is so frustrating.
I could barely read that article because so much stuff was coming up in my mind as I read it because I know all the answers.
Only because I'm focused on this.
I'm not bragging.
It's just I absolutely know what's going on from A to Z with this.
Either that FBI agent, that former FBI agent, is either completely ignorant or was an FBI agent 10, 15 years ago.
Because it's all open source, known.
What's going on?
Would everyone like me to tell you what's going on?
We had a leaker inside, known to us, inside the Seattle government.
I'll just say that.
I won't say it was state or city, but out of Seattle.
that sent us the secret diagrams earlier this year, in January, of the new cell towers, they don't look like cell towers, but cell boxes, hidden inside transformers, you name it, with cameras, microphones, but most importantly, their own cell system to grab everything.
And it wires through the Threat Fusion Center with the local police and Homeland Security.
Now, I'm gonna explain something.
Since at least 1998, this has been in place in Austin, Texas.
Microphones hidden, you name it.
After I exposed it, it was on the front page of the paper in 1998.
Chicago's got it, New York, Boston.
They've spent over $5 billion in Boston alone, more than even New York, I don't know why, since the 90s putting these babies in.
In one federal grant for Boston, it was like six, seven years ago, it was two billion dollars in microphones and cameras and illegal cell towers.
It is illegal.
So you got some former FBI agent going, oh, we wouldn't do that.
That's illegal.
Give me a break.
Now, does that mean there aren't hackers putting up their own fake stuff and their own wireless networks grabbing the data?
Absolutely, that's going on.
Does that mean there aren't criminals and corporations and foreign governments doing it?
No, there's a bunch of people doing it.
It is a free-for-all.
When you put your stuff on the cloud, when you use a cell phone, you might as well be standing on the top of a roof, screaming everything out at a sports stadium.
With a bullhorn.
With voice print, everything.
It's all being listened to.
It's all designed to be as easily grabbed as possible, because they don't want to have to break encryption.
The only encryption in an algorithm is to crunch the data.
And they've all got the keys to that.
The keys are public.
The globalists have put the keys out.
They want Pandora's Box to be so wide open, and surveillance to be so ubiquitous, that by the time it's announced to the slaves, it'll be too late.
Now when we come back, I'm gonna finish breaking this down.
But Mikkel Thelen wrote two articles about it.
It just makes me want to throw up.
Gee, what are all these cell towers?
That's illegal!
It can't be the government!
Yes, 98% of it is the degenerate government.
It's illegal!
And it is not to stop radical terrorists!
Stinkin' criminal government runs that group of nutballs!
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If not, then I want to know why.
Oh, I know it's tough to talk about this with some people.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here.
I tell you, it is epic to be informed, and very frustrating to see a former FBI agent and CBS television, there's a video report as well, going, oh, I'd be very surprised if this was law enforcement.
We don't do things like secretly grab data illegally, we get warrants.
That's like saying that sailors don't sail on ships.
I mean, it's just the way they talk to the public, like, oh, there's no world government being formed.
Oh, no, no, no.
There's nothing bad in the vaccines.
No, no, no.
GMO is very good for you.
And Roundup in the water supply, why, you could bathe in it and then get breast cancer and testicular cancer.
And the public for so long has just gone, oh, everything's fine.
Now, people on average do not believe everything's fine.
But we're told that we're all being spied on because of Al-Qaeda when our own government's been arming them all over the world.
And there's an article up on Infowars.com, the Obama administration policies that jihadists are using to legally immigrate to America.
Did you know that one of the Americans that was recently killed fighting for ISIS once cleaned planes at Minneapolis-St.
Paul International Airport?
And the article links to the documents.
Did you know they just got 11 large wide-body passenger jets at the Tripoli Airport and now the planes have disappeared?
I'm going to say that again.
When our government was funding and beefing up Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Al-Qaeda in Syria, that's what they called themselves, and the Al-Nusra Brigades and all of them, they waved black flags that are the symbol of Wahhabism with Wahhabist slogans.
Do you understand?
This is Al-Qaeda!
This is Al-Qaeda's daddy!
Not its baby!
And they're real, and there's hundreds of thousands of them, and it was in the British newspapers on Monday, and we covered it here, that the British government's going to re-educate the jihadis when they come back.
That's right.
British citizens are allowed to board planes, give money, go fight for ISIS, chop Christian heads off, and then come back, and then they get given a course.
You know, like if you beat your wife, you go to a course four or five times, or you get caught drinking and driving.
It's the same thing.
They're going to get a social worker course, and then this article breaks down
The open border policies that let these guys come in and out of the country in a survey conducted by Pew Research, the Wall Street Journal, and the information released by the Minneapolis newspaper.
I'm here looking at the sources.
This is just Daily Caller, World Net Daily.
The Minneapolis St.
Paul paper.
It makes me want to throw up that our border is wide open and they have got government finance cell phone towers up all over the place, illegally grabbing all of our data.
Running it through.
And the argument by Homeland Security when you read the congressional funding two years ago to put in the next wave of this stuff nationwide, in every city and town, government boxes that set up on top power transformers.
In fact, we'll show TV viewers.
Let's put Mikkel Thelen's articles up on screen.
From November of last year and January of this year.
Exclusive government documents reveals DHS domestic spy takeover, new mesh network documents, confirmed police vehicles, real time access to DHS spy cameras, cell phone data, everything.
It is real time to be given to the police once they sell it to the public at the Threat Fusion Center level and beyond, grabbing all data, public and private, and running it through into
Consoles in the police cars and then headset helmets and Google glasses.
And it breaks down the whole thing being beta tested in Austin, Texas, Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Boston, Massachusetts, New York, New York, Miami, Florida, Los Angeles.
San Francisco.
I mean, we have all the documents.
We know exactly what these mystery boxes are.
We know who's grabbing the cell phone data.
We know why it's causing all the drop calls.
We have people inside, okay?
Who run the things in major cities, telling us exactly what's going on.
I've had to put reporters on airplanes to fly and meet with these people.
We know, okay?
They've got laser coupling systems in major cities where they shoot basically white light invisible lasers, you can't even see them during the day, to your window and they can listen to everything going on in your house.
They can shoot it
at a paper bag in your front yard, and then bounce the sound waves off the window, off the paper bag, and then technically say they're not aiming it at your window, and even get around having a warrant.
But forget that.
Parallel construction.
Parallel construction is what I told you about years ago.
I was told by insiders over a decade ago that, listen, every major agency has access to everything Lifetime.
They don't give it to junior and mid-level people because they might blow the whistle on how illegal it is.
But it's a giant criminal revolution against our privacy and our freedom, not for our security, but for a domestic takeover by globalists with the inside info.
There it is.
MIT develops tech to record conversations using inanimate objects, including a paper bag in your yard.
Including leaves.
These algorithms are so powerful, folks, that leaves in a tree are picking up sound waves through your window, so they just aim the laser at the leaf, and then the computer dials in till it picks up what you're saying and doing, right out of the Joker Batman movie, where we're only going to use the sonar on these cell phones one time to tune it to the voice of the Joker and find him.
They actually have that.
Twenty years ago, they had infrared satellites, where they would pick up the signature of your shoulders, the top of your head, and track everywhere you went.
They already have this worldwide, folks.
They could control the borders, they could control everything.
They don't want to.
It's all completely illegal.
And so imagine, people are noticing these weird cell boxes, and these things grabbing their data, and they're wondering who's breaking into their computers.
It's come out the FBI.
has put out almost every major virus worm that's infected, in some cases, hundreds of millions of computers to quote, find one bad guy.
We were just infecting, you know, hundreds of millions of computers to catch one bad guy, and we finally caught him three years later with the technology, knowing he'd open it someday.
They attacked all the networks, they stole the data, and then gave you some story how they, I mean, it's just, it's ridiculous!
Meanwhile, our government is funding IS to murder over 200,000 Christians, chopping their heads off, murdering little children, over 100,000 non-radical Muslims, 300,000, look it up, conservative number, in Syria.
I'm going to say it again.
The people that run our government want jihadis chopping Christians' heads off.
Are these good people?
This grid is not to keep you safe.
You can dress up like Osama Bin Laden and walk across the border all day long, right in front of military bases.
Why do I know?
We've now done it.
Video's coming.
You can dress up like Al Qaeda, run around chopping heads off in front of military bases and nothing happens.
Simulated head choppings, nothing happens.
That's how open it is.
You can run around with ISIS flags on the border, nothing happens in America.
But let me tell you, folks, they listen to everything I do, they track everything I do, and they can plant anything they wanted on me at any time, and you too.
And that's how they control Congress, by the way, and that's how they control the Pentagon.
I saw an article a few years ago where they came into work one day at the Pentagon, and over 10,000 computers had child porn on them, and they came in to everybody and said, you're under investigation now.
Better do what you're told.
You understand how this system works?
This is pure evil and it only gets worse.
Yep, 2010.
So, listen to this article again.
Why there's these cell towers popping up and the telecoms don't own them and no one knows who they are.
Well, find out whose property it's on.
Call the landowner, then they can call the police and they can jack into it with their forensics people and tell you exactly whose it is.
They're not, folks, because it's Homeland Security or it's the CIA or Defense Intelligence or a private group.
They're just, it could be hackers or somebody else.
And they're on the news going, here's the fake tower, we don't know who has it.
And then they, let's talk to the former FBI agent.
Oh, it's not the government, uh-huh.
CBS2 security analyst Rose Rice, a former FBI agent, said it's likely being used illegally.
I doubt that they are installed by law enforcement as they require a warrant to intercept conversations or data.
And since the cell providers are ordered by the court to cooperate with the intercept, they really wouldn't need that.
No, they don't want to pay the telecoms anymore for the data.
They want their own systems that they also then use as the government's own cell communication that they think is secure for them and encrypted, but then that also doubles as stealing and grabbing all of your data.
Do you got what I'm saying now?
Do you understand what I'm saying now?
Everything they do has been war-gamed, brain-bugged, looked at, actuaried, studied, to have multi-platform uses.
But at the bottom of the rabbit hole, they want to know what everybody's doing to dump it into algorithms to know the future development of desires, where populations are going, what's going to be the next hot thing in the market, so they can steal your dreams, steal your patents, steal your ideas, and control and model the future.
And when you're able to know people's dreams, you're then able to influence the dreams and add stimuli
To control the herd instinct and literally enslave the mind, the group consciousness, the archetype of humanity, and destroy free will.
You're able to rig the stock market.
You're able to control the whole system.
You're able to game every single facet of it.
With this technology, they could literally empower humanity and turn humanity loose.
And we, within a decade, would already be space bases, you name it.
They're suppressing technology.
It would be a renaissance.
But they're not going to allow that.
In fact, they may already have allowed it for themselves and be way more advanced than we even know.
Because the open discussions are about how we're vestigial, and how the elite have already moved on to the next level, and should they just exterminate us?
Bill Joyce, why the fish doesn't eat us?
We've got all the former top NSA people like William Benny and others saying, no, they're blackmailing everyone.
The plan is, quote, total totalitarianism.
And he is on the broadcast tomorrow, I'm told.
This is the end of freedom.
This is the end of free will.
This is the end of having your own mind.
And you look at this elite.
They wage war on families.
They wage war on logic.
They wage war on prosperity.
They wage war on health.
They wage war on honor.
They wage war on... You understand?
It's bad people running this.
They built it to control us and dominate us as an act of pure power.
We are all being given the Trojan horse technology.
We're all being given sub rings of power, to use the Lord of the Rings analogy.
But everyone who's been given all these little rings when the police department and the CIA and the FBI and all of you that are being told you're doing this for good and being told you're doing this to stop bad people and being told that this is part of a greater good plan, you don't know that in the darkness one ring was forged out of malice and hate to dominate and to bring total darkness to the world.
One ring to rule them all!
One ring to find them!
One ring to bring them into the darkness and bind them!
The archetypal allegory of the tyranny of the New World Order, which we now learn, as all great linguists and archetypal researchers, Professor J.R.R.
Tolkien was aware of the New World Order and the Master Plan,
And he said that the system is run by dark wizards that seek to control the consciousness and souls of humanity.
And they are trying to build a ring to find them, to bring them, and to bind them.
When we start the next hour, I will play the six-minute report that is one of the most powerful ever by John Bowne.
In fact, John Bowne's been producing and board-opping and helping coordinate reporters.
He's done a great job all over the map, but he's so good at reports that I'm 50-50 now.
I've got him just doing reports because that's really his true talent.
He'll also be doing some directing and coming up with programs and things that we're going to be investigating and other things.
But we've got John Bowne's report.
It's now up on InfoWars.com.
Coming up, dealing with the fact that there is basically an imminent American Chernobyl or imminent American Fukushima with these nuclear power plants that are built on the fault lines.
And I'm going to tweet that video out as well at Real Alex Jones and I'm going to get it posted to our Facebook.
In fact, guys, I had the print-off of the video earlier with the actual title of it.
Can I have that again?
I don't see that here or see that in my list.
So I want to be able to announce the name of that so people know how to find that when I give it to the guys.
Thank you.
But it is so frustrating
To have the system talk to us like children and have the FBI go, oh, we don't know what these towers are popping up.
Ladies and gentlemen, it came out three years after we first broke it and Drudge carried our story.
We just went to the federal purchase orders and the federal grant that they put up thousands more microphones in Chicago in the street lamps.
And then earlier this year they announced on local TV news that, yes, there are new sculptures in town that have terrorism and crisis monitoring equipment that happens to have audio.
So they didn't say, we're listening to you.
They said, oh, we have something to detect terrorists and that helps people during crises.
It's audio, it records.
Oh, it's audio, okay.
Okay, great.
It'd be like going to somebody's door and saying, you mind if I come in and put a microphone in your house just to listen to you?
They would say, get off my porch before I punch you in the nose.
But see, your cable boxes, your computers, they're all already listening to you.
Patented on record for a decade.
Smart meters, all of it.
You got boxes in your car getting ready to tax you by the mile.
It's already been put in.
It's already been trojan horse.
It's already been set up.
Premeditatedly, illegally, a mass rollout while they deny and deny and talk to you like you're children!
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The investigation into the Diablo nuke plant built right on a fault line that's set to go anytime.
Federal experts say it would create an American Chernobyl.
That investigative report, a week in the making, they were in California last week, is coming up at the start of the next hour.
Then, FDA whistleblowers expose that they know it's causing autism, the vaccines.
John Rapoport joins us, and then we've got reporters on the border where the federal government says a terror attack is imminent and they believe will happen.
I'm going to break down the rest of the story on that front.
But again, there is ubiquitous spy grids built into the cell phones, the computers.
I was told over a decade ago that the chips could be energized from a distance by a top engineer and that they could, even if your computer wasn't hooked to the internet, they could wirelessly steal the data.
And all this built-in tech, you've got to pay for it.
It messes up how your machines function.
We've had Dr. Stallman, the inventor of open source, on the show.
He's talked about this.
Why so much of our tech doesn't work right is because what we're using it for is secondary.
You pay for a computer, you pay for a cell phone, you pay for a car, and there might be $5,000.
I was reading in an article of government-mandated illegal spy garbage, $5,000 of it.
Most new cars have two or three spy hubs in them, wired in where the car won't work if it breaks.
There's going to be a huge market in removing this stuff.
In fact, if I wanted to just make money, I'd start a nationwide movement to remove the spy tech.
Just like I told you before it was declassified that OnStar listens to you in real time without warrants.
Then it came out in the news.
And they don't want you knowing that, just like it turned out the DEA for over a decade has access to NSA live phone records, live time, in their database, and then when they go to court, to a grand jury, or go to get an indictment, they build a fake case with fake evidence how they know you are a drug dealer or a money launderer.
And they go and lie and perjure themselves and it's ubiquitous in secret hand signals to the judges nationwide.
And those same corrupt judges will put you in jail for not quote paying your income tax to the fellow to serve.
See how it's all a big little secret society, little secret agent thing.
And of course, they don't shut down the real drug dealers.
They don't shut down the real child traffickers.
They don't shut down the real child porn people that are doing snuff films.
They plant it on innocent people's computers and then send them to prison.
Now, there are good sectors of the government that are battling the other sector, but it's just so far gone, ladies and gentlemen.
So we've got a report coming out where we'll document, you know, the mystery of the cell towers is solved.
We just solved it right here.
The phantom rogue cell towers are not phantom or not rogue.
It's like black helicopters.
They were hitting towns all over the country, blowing stuff up, scaring everybody as a psy-op.
Reporters would cover it and national news would go, crazy people in St.
Louis claim helicopters blew up the old bakery.
And then there'd be local news footage of it happening.
And for a decade, they would just say it didn't exist.
I would go get footage of it, interview police chiefs, and they would have AP come out and say, Alex Jones is delusional and believe he saw black helicopters.
Alex Jones believes there's secret cell towers.
Alex Jones thinks fluoride hurts you.
Oh my gosh!
He doesn't trust a known criminal organization!
He's a bad guy!
Meanwhile, jihadis have taken over Libya.
They're murdering everybody en masse, just Christians, blacks, non-radical Muslims, taken over the airfields, blown up the U.S.
Obama and Hillary Clinton are getting no heat for overthrowing Qaddafi and doing this.
No heat for 11 missing airliners in Tripoli.
No heat for any of it!
And there'll be no heat when ISIS blows up Fort Bliss with a dump truck full of TNT.
There'll be that I predict MSNBC will somehow blame me!
There'll be nothing!
They'll blame George Washington like they do at Fort Hood saying he's bad!
Anybody good is scum!
Scum is God!
Scum rules America!
Scum gets a red carpet!
Hardworking Americans get screwed over at police checkpoints and tasered!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back into hour number two.
We've got John Rappaport joining us, coming up in 20 minutes.
We've got a very important investigative report we're going to premiere here.
Dealing with the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.
It's very important.
That's coming up in the next segment.
There's articles here where Rand Paul is being criticized as an isolationist by Republicans and Democrats.
Because he was against the Syria war.
They're trying to spin it.
I heard him do it this morning on the radio.
But see, he doesn't want to go after Al Qaeda.
He was against arming Al Qaeda to attack Syria.
And he's coming out saying he's not an isolationist.
Rand Paul, not an isolationist.
If I had been in President Obama's shoes, I would have acted more decisively and strongly against ISIS.
Some pundits are surprised that I support destroying the Islamic State in Iraq and greater Syria, militarily.
I support it.
I do.
But I support a real attack on these people.
And he's responding to that because they've been trying to say, oh, you're not for attacking them.
I mean, that's the Obama spin, has been, we see we needed to be there because they were there.
No, you armed them.
They shouldn't be.
I've said that since I began public life that I am not an isolationist, nor am I an interventionist.
I look at the world and consider war realistically and constitutionally.
I see war as a last resort, but I agree with Reagan's idea that no country should mistake U.S.
reluctance for war for lack of resolve.
As Commander-in-Chief, I would not allow our enemies to kill our citizens or our ambassadors.
Peace through strength only works if you have a show of strength.
He goes on to point out, and we have it quoted on Infowars.com and Steve Watson's article, Rand Paul, Obama's support weapons has allowed ISIS to grow.
We quote, have done a disservice and created chaos that has allowed the jihadis to grow stronger.
That's right.
That's why I said a month ago, yeah, I'm all for bombing ISIS, but I said three months ago when they were invading Iraq in huge columns, that's when they could have all been taken out.
But they don't want that.
They want to just bomb them when they know.
You gotta paint by the numbers.
You're not supposed to go into Kurdistan.
You're not supposed to go into the east controlled by Iran.
We're breaking Iraq up in three pieces.
You can murder all the Christians and non-radical Muslims over here in the west.
This is your new IS state.
Now you behave yourselves.
And now they're running around taking over almost all of Libya.
Which was the plan.
It was jihadis they used out of Saudi Arabia, brought into Benghazi to do this three years ago.
And this is what, I've been telling you this was coming.
That they would say, oh we're gonna get our airliners shot down.
Oh, they're gonna blow up Europe.
Oh, the attack's imminent.
When they set them up and opened the gate.
We're gonna cover this next hour with Joe Biggs.
And I'm telling you, we don't have the staff or the crew or the energy to do it.
We have millions of listeners, millions of viewers on YouTube alone every week.
Folks, there's hundreds of videos of me, when the whole Libya thing was happening, predicting what would happen.
Days after Benghazi saying they gave him Stinger missiles, it was all a set up to kill the ambassador, to have plausible deniability, arming Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra, and then saying what would happen next.
The reason it's important is that we need to be able to show people where I predicted and broke down the entire chain of events exactly as it transpired.
Not because I had a crystal ball, but because I know the globalist program.
I know how they operate.
I know how they do it.
And they will use the coming ISIS attacks that are undoubted going to happen in Europe and the United States.
They're going to use these attacks to take our liberties.
Whether it's a real ISIS team that does it, or whether they use contractors to do it, or whether it's a foreign agency that does it, I don't know who will do it.
But they will do it.
And then you've got all the weird Fort Bragg training and Army War College stuff about the Tea Party's gonna link up with radical Muslims.
Remember that?
And you're like, but that doesn't make any sense.
The Tea Party is Islamophobic.
They don't care.
They're training for that.
They're going to blow stuff up and claim the Liberty Movement is involved.
Remember MSNBC claiming, I influenced the Boston Bombers?
That's the narrative.
They're already getting ready.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
NATO, three and a half years ago, funded Al-Qaeda forces to invade Libya and overthrow the country.
They've now seized Tripoli, the airport.
11 wide-body aircraft they are swearing to use against the West.
15,000 heat-seeking missiles.
All of that is now confirmed.
You heard it here first, that that was a transfer of MPAD service-to-air missiles in Benghazi.
And they're now going to use the real threat of Islamic State to attack the West, and that will be used to take our liberties.
NATO commander admits al-Qaeda linked to Libyan rebels 2011.
Linked to them?
That's who ran the whole thing.
NATO is a war criminal organization.
Does that mean Putin's good?
But it's NATO starting the war, overthrowing Ukraine, trying to kick out Russian interest.
It's the globalists that are destabilizing the world.
Gallup is reporting Obama has a 38% approval rating, lowest of his presidency.
Rand Paul came out and said that Obama has created a jihadist wonderland in an op-ed piece in Time Magazine accusing Obama of helping create ISIS.
That's why I like Rand Paul.
Never supported any military action until now.
He says, yeah, let's bomb ISIS.
Obama isn't really bombing ISIS.
They're bombing a few trucks here and there because it's so embarrassing that they've been caught.
They thought we were so stupid that they would use them in Syria and Libya and against Russia and against Egypt and that the world wouldn't wake up to it.
This is a big deal.
It has, of course, been exposed that our southern border has been ordered wide open by Obama.
So they better think twice about letting ISIS in or staging something because we're going to make sure this government is criminally held responsible for letting ISIS attack this country.
ISIS is a real jihadi organization with over 100,000 members.
They are growing into India, into Africa.
They are attacking sites all over the world.
They have attacked the U.S.
Embassy in Tripoli.
They have overrun it.
They have taken over the airport.
They are running around murdering Christians everywhere they find them.
They're racist.
They find black people.
They chop their heads off.
Over 10,000 blacks have been murdered since the liberation of Libya by NATO to wreck that country and burn it to the ground.
What a war crime!
When Qaddafi had apologized, paid reparations, invested tens of billions of dollars in the West, he was set up and overthrown to destabilize that region.
A war crime!
Far from keeping the peace, NATO is a threat to it.
The London Guardian reports, and I agree.
It is just a mad dog, immoral position of the elites that we see.
I want to get into the latest on the border where Obama administration is refusing to tell Congress where illegal children went.
This has been going on for three months now.
The border has been ordered open for nine months.
Almost nine months.
Since the beginning of this year.
Eight months and change.
And it's all on record.
Look at how controlled the press is.
No one knew that they were pulling buses in to the border and loading them on greyhounds with Border Patrol assisting them with Democratic Party officials giving them vouchers, federal vouchers, to go anywhere they wanted without even a background check or ID.
A lad on airplanes without IDs.
You know who broke that?
And I'm not telling you that to brag.
I'm saying, look how controlled CNN is.
Fox News wouldn't even report that till we broke it.
And the New York Times three weeks later reported it.
And who told us?
ICE and the Border Patrol.
We should have enough reporters to be on the border all the time.
We don't.
Our reporters are down there now, joining us next hour.
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We're also covering other serious threats that show how reckless the globalists have gotten.
How out of control they are.
That they don't care if reactors are built on fault lines or leaking.
It's a death wish.
It's an evil spirit.
I don't know what you call it.
Here's John Bowne's report.
The coming American Chernobyl.
At Devil's Canyon, California.
On the 26th of April 1986, the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history occurred at the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine.
Chernobyl was labeled as a Level 7, the maximum classification on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
At the core of a blown-out reactor and buried under 14 meters of rubble, the graphite surrounding the nuclear fuel burns and melts the uranium.
The radioactive fallout is going to be a hundred times greater than the combined power of the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Years later, on the 11th of March, 2011, the Fukushima meltdown reawakened public awareness regarding the ever-present dangers of nuclear power.
So we're about 270, 276.
So we're maxing out around 280 or so.
And remember, 30 is what's normal for this location.
Now, they're disputing that this isn't the cesium-137.
They're saying this is radium and other things that naturally occur in the environment.
Whatever it is, it's abnormally high.
With the recent earthquake activity stirring in the ring of fire, the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, located near Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo, resting near not one but four fault lines, is a clear and present danger.
The second fault,
Known as the Hosgry Fault, was only discovered after the plant's completion.
In November of 1927, the Hosgry Fault generated a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, 10 miles offshore.
A 2013 document, filed by former Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspector Michael Peck, insisted on closing down Diablo until the commission determined whether the plant's equipment could survive higher seismic stress levels.
In 1981, Diablo was incorrectly retrofitted when employees failed to reverse the plans for the twin reactors.
Regardless, the Nuclear Regulation Commission approved the safety of Diablo's monstrosity of incompetence.
Diablo has a seismic monitoring and safety system ready to shut it down immediately in the event of significant ground motion.
The motion is detected by sensors in the ground and provides three-dimensional data on seismic conditions.
But that won't stop the potential damage unleashed by the fuel rods as witnessed during the Fukushima debacle.
Of course, Pacific Gas and Electric would like you to believe this ticking time bomb is good for jobs, energy consumption of its two million recipients, and the way forward as old man coal is aggressively shut down.
So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.
It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
But the voices opposed are many.
After President Richard Nixon called for construction of 1,000 nuclear plants by the year 2000, 1,900 anti-nuclear movement protesters were arrested in 1981 during a 10-day civil disobedience blockade of the Diablo Canyon power plant.
With the main gate cleared and the last blockader in jail, Pacific Gas and Electric made final preparations to start the reactor.
But then, at the last moment, PG&E publicly admitted a grave mistake.
There are two reactors at Diablo, mirror images of each other.
The blueprints for units 1 and 2 had gotten mixed up, and the earthquake supports for the cooling pipes, the same cooling system designed to prevent a meltdown, had been installed backwards.
It was the first of hundreds of mistakes discovered later.
All made on the two and a half billion dollar structure described by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the most highly analyzed building in the world.
Today, most locals and tourists are completely unaware of the passion Californians vented against the nuclear energy mafia just 33 years ago.
Fukushima resting right over those mountains.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Experts would have us just bury our heads in the sand, but some are already preparing for the inevitability of America's Fukushima.
If Diablo blows, nobody's staying around to use it.
I've actually got backpacks in my car, you know, for heading out.
Preparedness, I think, is very important.
But the whole idea that they're going to sound the sirens and we're all going to head north, it just won't work.
So, I wish it wasn't there.
But it is, and maybe they'll deactivate it, and that would be fine with me.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think it's great how citizens on our own can be prepared, yet, you know, we're asking our government basically to take care of us, and they're, you know, telling us to look the other way.
And how can you do that when all of this is at risk?
Well, it always comes in the limelight once there's an earthquake.
So this Napa earthquake has made everybody kind of think about it again.
You know, that a good earthquake would cause the plant to blow.
And we'd want to get out of here.
When you look around and you see all this beauty, all these families, all these people, how does that make you feel knowing that they're okay with a potential Fukushima situation here in America?
We know we couldn't all get out.
You know, they say head north, I mean, yeah, head east, northeast, once the plant warns us.
But you know that you couldn't do that.
The freeway would be jammed.
That's why, you know, we know we could go across the Santa Maria River bed and head south.
I raised seven children in this town and I taught them all to run home no matter what the school told them.
Because we were going to hop in the car and get out somehow.
They weren't going to wait for school buses.
But yeah, it's a big problem.
They say we provide 20% of California's power at that plant.
But I think they named it Diablo for a reason.
As the purported Chinese curse goes, may you live in interesting times.
For InfoWars.com, I'm John Bowne.
And that is the report that we just premiered here on the radio.
That's the type of reports we have every night, seven o'clock central, InfoWars Nightly News.
We just skipped this network break.
I do that routinely because it just doesn't feel right to even go to break when we're covering subjects this hardcore.
And the final addendum I would add, and we've had physicists and other experts on, nuclear physicists and of course
seismologist and geologist is that the entire ring of fire has been very active the last decade in the Pacific and the only area that hasn't had a major earthquake 8.0 or higher is the piece of the ring of fire through California.
And so it's set to go.
And they built Fukushima on a fault line.
And you saw what happened with that.
Five of the six reactors melted down.
Two of them blew completely up.
And I was brought up total free market anti-communist.
And so...
They would attach, you know, like, oh, not liking GMO or not liking, you know, radiation to being a commie.
So I was like, nuclear power is great.
It's safe.
It's wonderful.
Well, the truth is it isn't.
They hide the problems.
It's done wrong.
I'm all for technology.
But just because some of the left historically is against something doesn't mean then they weren't right.
Now the left today says they love nuclear power, and they love GMO, and they love... I mean, look at Obama.
So I don't just go off left wing or right wing, I go off real research, real issues, and they've got a Nuclear Regulatory Commission, UN report, our own Nuclear Commission's report, 91% of the 400 and whatever it is reactors, 427 or whatever it is, that are energy producing, and they've got hundreds of other research reactors, like the one at the J.J.
Pickles Center in North Austin, that's a big one for a research reactor, so it's actually thousands if you count those, 91% are leaking
And at that very Diablo plant a few years ago, it was on NBC News, they kept having leaks.
So they were supposed to turn the alarms on when there's a leak.
And the headline was, well, we've decided we're releasing some radiation safe.
We don't want to scare people.
We're going to stop turning the alarms on.
So, I mean, there could be an earthquake and the whole thing blows up.
They're not going to turn those alarms on.
I mean, used to, government wasn't perfect, but it would try to not blow things up.
It would try to not have nuclear war.
It would try to not start war with the Russians.
Our government didn't openly fund Al Qaeda to run around chopping Christians' heads off, even back when Reagan, you know, was running them up against the Russians.
Now, it's just so much more immoral.
There's another one.
Possible leak causes sand.
San Onofre nuclear plant shutdown.
That's another one out there.
That's Diablo Canyon.
The other is the Diablo Canyon plant in St.
Louis Obispo County.
And then it goes through that.
It was a precautionary shutdown and then they went on to say, but we're going to stop issuing the alerts now.
We don't want to scare you.
And again, it's this attitude to just absolutely ignore everything.
Do we have our guests?
John Rappaport is an investigative journalist with nomorefakenews.com and he's joining us because I got a call about two weeks ago
Uh, from Dr. Wakefield, who the media has tried to discredit and attack, the British doctor that now lives in Austin, Texas.
And he said, we're going to be breaking with a major government whistleblower in the next week.
The fact that they knew that vaccines were linked to autism, and that reminded me of the 2000 meeting at the CDC that got reported four years later by ABC News, where the head of the CDC, in a big roundtable conference, concluded and admitted, yes, if the public ever finds out about this, you can read the quotes, we're all going to jail, we gotta cover this up, but don't give it to your kids.
I'm gonna tell my daughter, don't give it to my grandkids.
And we ought to pull those articles back up and do a report on that as a flashback.
But this has come out before, that they know we've gone from autism 1 in 30,000 to 1 in 68 a few years ago.
Now they're saying 1 in 56.
The point is, it's epidemic.
And they can say, oh, it's overdiagnosis, whatever.
No, it's not.
And sure, it's pesticides, it's chemicals, it's a cocktail.
But it's the vaccines in babies pushing it over the edge.
And I've had medical doctors on, you name it.
There's CNN.
Autism rate now 1 in 68 U.S.
And that's CNN going with an old number this year.
It's actually 1 in 50-something from the doctors I've talked to.
It's set to be, in some countries, they're even worse than us that give vaccines, 1 in 20-something.
Think that's South Korea?
I go to restaurants, I go to movie theaters, take my kids to movies, there'll be like a third of the kids in there who don't know who they are and are obviously autistic.
I mean, I go to, you know, go to a resort with my kids, a hotel at the beach, and you go out to the pool and there's like 30 kids and 10 of them can't talk.
I mean, we're getting hit hard.
And what's going to happen when half the kids can't talk?
Now, it's eugenics.
This is the same government that shot black people up with syphilis.
And I use that example because everybody knows about Tuskegee.
People don't know about the 3,000 or 4,000 other declassified nerve-gassing troops killing foster children, radiating children, killing Appalachians, adding poison to water, spraying people on the New York subway with bioweapons in 1968, having military doctors there when they were dying to take blood samples.
This is what we know about Project Shad, atomic soldiers, 36,000 Nazis brought here in Operation Paperclip.
My grandfather worked for oil companies in West Texas and New Mexico.
And told me that there were people that almost got in fistfights, because the only place to eat would be military bases that had restaurants, and that you'd go there and there'd be more Germans at military bases in the 50s, out in the West, than there were regular troops.
I remember looking at my grandmother going, Nazis at military bases?
And GIs wanting to kick their butts?
Because they would smart off to people?
Anybody that watches documentaries about, you know, Werner Von Braun, you name it, even when he turned himself in, he was so arrogant to the GIs, to the generals, saying, I'm smarter to you, and all this stuff.
And I mean, this is who, and again, it's not that we're Nazi-run, it's that the Nazis were coming home.
Our government and the British government put Hitler in and loved all that stuff until they double-crossed him.
And so a government run by 36,000 Nazis, NASA, the CDC, everything, the CIA, you name it.
Do you trust them to take their vaccines?
And the answer is absolutely not.
Now it's just more sophisticated.
We're going to break in a few minutes, John, but tell folks, because we've been running your articles every day at InfoWars.com.
You've been on this.
Of a major whistleblower being retaliated against.
More people coming forward with the cover up of the vaccines.
Give us a snapshot of what's coming up in the next segment.
William Thompson, he's the whistleblower at the CDC, major scientist.
2004, he and his co-authors buried data that would have showed a much higher rate of autism in children who were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, measles, mumps, rubella.
He admits this now in a public statement as of August 27.
But he cooked the data that he and his co-authors sat on it for 10 years while more cases of autism piled up because of vaccines.
Nobody said anything.
It was omerta, the law of silence, and he broke the law through his lawyer because he lawyered up.
And yet, nothing is happening of any note in the major media.
The study hasn't been retracted.
This is, you know, if you just look at the scientific medical research community, an admission like this is like a time bomb going off.
You would expect all kinds of recriminations, investigations, shutdown of research programs.
We've got to go back and look at all the vaccine studies that we've done because they could have been faked as well.
Nothing like this has happened.
They're just still... And we're trying to break the blockade.
I'm going to tweet some of your articles and the video out.
Coming up at the end of this hour, and everybody to retweet it, we need to break this blockade of silence with the dinosaur media trying to suppress this coming up.
And so we're going to send out a string of his articles that he's put out the last few days at RealAlexJones from TheInfoWars.com posting, so you're aware of this.
But there is a blockout on this information.
Stay with us.
It could bring him down.
We're on the march.
It could bring him down.
The Empire's on the run.
Stay with us.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
This interview that's live on the radio and TV right now will be posted to PrisonPlanet.tv tonight.
It'll be on YouTube tomorrow.
We'll repost it to InfoWars.com.
It's essential for our millions of listeners to take that video and to send it to press, send it to media, send it to talk show hosts and say, hey,
Back in 2000, the CDC had a meeting, and in 2004, ordered a cover-up.
And they covered it up, and now, a decade later, one of the people involved in the cover-up has gone public, and is now being retaliated against.
This is an incredibly important article.
This is an incredibly important whistleblower.
This is incredibly important information.
We know, not just from Dr. Wakefield, who they've tried to destroy,
But from Dr. Blaylock and countless other scientists and other government studies and secret British studies that were released last year that had been done 20 years ago.
That a bunch of vaccines in a baby causes an autoimmune response, swelling on the brain, and retardation.
And they call all the different disorders that the babies get autism spectrum.
Look at this article out of MyFox.
City mandates free medical marijuana for low-income residents.
That's what the Berkeley City Council is doing.
Sounds nice and friendly.
No, it's a way to suppress people.
That's why George Soros... See, just because I'm for drug decriminalization doesn't mean I'm for the drug culture.
See the difference?
Just because I don't want to throw people in jail for smoking marijuana doesn't mean I agree with the people that smoke tons of it every day and are zombies.
That's what this is about.
This is THX1138, Brave New World.
Aldous Huxley's brother ran the UN.
He said his book was about a real plan.
He was a top British eugenicist who went public.
was a plan to socially control the public.
They're controlling us with the fluoride, the GMO, the culture, the television, the additives, the chemicals, all of it is pharmakia through the food and the water.
It's in the water.
And they're hammering babies at birth with 40-something different shots by the time they're six months old.
I mean, I see people with, like, one-year-old, two-year-old kids now.
I mean, a lot of them, you can tell, are ill and are sick and are in trouble.
And I want to start crying.
Because I'm watching, like black people injected with syphilis for 47 years secretly, I'm watching people being murdered slowly.
And I know I'm right.
And they don't tell cops, don't shoot your kids up.
They don't tell FBI agents, don't shoot your kids up.
See, you all think you're part of the establishment?
You're not.
You're all being targeted.
I want to give the floor now to John Rapoport of nomorefakenews.com.
And we've been carrying his articles daily on this cover-up since it broke a week ago.
And we need to get this out to everybody about this whistleblower.
Recap his name, what he said, what happened, how they fixed the data, how they know the vaccines are one of the big things, with all the other environmental toxicity, to push it over the edge.
And we've got to get this out.
And then I want you to speak to the big picture.
Do you agree with me, it's prima facie, that this is part of the soft kill, eugenics, slow culling?
Before they can fully cull us, they've got to get us ready.
The IQs are physically dropping.
You can look at the graphs.
The illnesses, the cancers, the neurological disorders, all across the Western world, the sperm counts, the fertility.
We are under attack, John Rappaport.
It's biochemical warfare, that's what it is, under very many different guises, as you and I have talked about before, Alex, and as you've been talking about for a long time.
William Thompson, CDC scientist, good reputation, long-term service, is one of the co-authors of a 2004 study in the very prestigious journal called Pediatrics.
Not only that, but he's got co-authors on the study.
And if you look at at least two of them, Colleen Boyle and Frank DiStefano, it turns out, lo and behold, that they're also high-ranking CDC executives.
They're not just research scientists, and they're in charge of major vaccine safety programs and so forth, which really means PR, public relations, lies, told about how great and how safe vaccines are.
And yet, with a conflict of interest, they also happen to be the authors on this study, along with Thompson.
So, after 10 years of sitting on his secrets, Thompson is so guilt-ridden that he goes public in a statement through his lawyer, Rick Morgan of Cincinnati, who is a whistleblower attorney.
And the carefully worded statement admits in the first two paragraphs that yes, vital data were omitted from that study in 2004.
And if those data had been included, then of course the link between the MMR vaccine and autism would have been apparent.
But that data was taken out.
And what was that data?
It was all about
African-American male babies under the age of 36 months who had been injected with the vaccine and who had a increased, significantly increased, 300% elevated risk of autism.
That's the data that was buried intentionally.
All the authors knew about it and therefore the whole CDC knew about it because two of those authors, at least, were big time executives there.
So this was all covered up, and now this is not somebody coming in from the outside saying, I know that the data in this study, you know, was cooked and buried and distorted.
This is one of the authors saying this, a CDC scientist actually saying this, which would be big time, major news all over the world if it were on any other subject.
But it's about vaccines, which is the sacred holy sacrament of the medical church, and therefore it must not be disturbed.
And so what we're seeing is a huge media blackout all over the world on this subject.
Like it didn't happen, never took place, the whistleblower never came forward, he never said
We omitted vital data.
We distorted the study.
It was a fraud.
No, never happened, never happened, never happened.
And as I alluded to before the break, Alex, news like this, even within the medical research community,
Where we're talking published studies and we're talking plagiarism and we're talking distortion and lies and so forth.
If somebody like this guy, Thompson, steps forward as a co-author on a major study and admits fraud and that the protocol of the study was violated, that's a quote from him.
Suddenly, I mean, we're talking major investigations here.
We're talking a huge international scandal, if it was anything else, but they've had a secret Trojan horse program in vaccines from the beginning, like Dr. Salk admitting to PBS before he died that they knew every ampule of the polio vaccine had SV40
Super deadly cancer virus that literally more than doubled cancer rates in this country, and that's in their own declassified report.
Again, this has been going on forever.
It is so outrageous, and now we have another insider saying they covered up what it's doing to black people.
Because I've seen in the studies, hydrofluorosilicic acid, for whatever reason, in the studies we've had medical doctors on, is even worse for blacks.
So this is now a study on vaccines, okay?
And this is the empire, the vaccine empire.
Exactly, it's just funny that they want it covered up about what it's doing to blacks.
Because it's hurting everybody, but for whatever reason, this stuff all seems to be tailored to really screw them up.
And this is something that Thompson knows, his co-authors like Colleen Boyle, Frank DiStefano, they all know it.
The whole CDC knows it.
The whole research world knows it.
We know it.
It's all over the internet.
I've been writing stories about this end-to-end for the last week and a half, two weeks.
The world knows about it, but the press?
The big networks, the big newspapers, the big wire services, nothing.
Occasional little stories here and there, but it's a total blackout, and that's what we have to break.
We have to break that blackout.
By the way, this clip we're about to play is from 2004, when two studies, one of them is the study in question, Journal of Pediatrics came out, and actually said in this study, because he's being very guarded in his lawyer's release,
I don't even want to say whitewash, but it's a major watering down.
The disgusting study in question is one of two that actually said mercury is good for children's brains.
Now, for those that don't know, mercury is one of the most studied heavy metals.
It causes electrochemical explosions in the brain.
The brain is electrochemical, highly chemical.
It's the only heavy metal that causes a chain reaction similar to what cyanide does in the brain.
It is so deadly and you can look at major university studies, they have electron microscope videos we've shown of what just a micron of mercury does in pig brain or human brain.
You know, lead or something else just kills the neurons it touches.
This just like keeps killing and just eats through it.
And just causes a chain reaction, massive die-off, and it's being shot directly in the blood.
Because they argue, well, tuna fish has got some mercury.
Yeah, but it's bio-held.
The gut is meant to be able to pass most of that out.
It's when it's injected into the blood.
And of course, there's other things as well.
But that's a small part of it, the thimerosal.
But this is from CBS News, but this aired all over the country.
This was a local Austin report, but this PR piece aired all over the country saying, Mercury is good for you folks.
This is how dumb they think you are.
The government's putting up illegal cell towers to steal your data.
We have the documents.
We made national news last year with it.
They're in CBS News today saying, with the FBI, we don't know who's putting these cell towers up.
It's not the government stealing your data.
Now that, again,
This is how dumb they think you are.
Just like they're telling you mercury is good for babies' brains.
Here is the clip.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
That's 2004.
We taped that off CBS in Austin.
And we played it probably 500 times here.
Now again, one of those two studies is now being exposed, obviously the others are fraud too, as a total lie.
Well folks, I don't need a whistleblower to tell me mercury isn't good for my brain, okay?
Investigative journalist John Rappaport.
So, if you think mercury is bad if you happen to eat it in fish, which of course the government warns you about, don't have mercury-laced fish, so now imagine that it's being injected into the body of a baby whose immune system is far from being fully developed and whatever immunity the baby has is being bypassed because of the injection that goes directly into the body, thereby spreading the mercury, passes through
The blood-brain barrier, and goes directly into the brain.
And there does all the things that Alex was just talking about, setting off the virtual electrical explosion.
And so now, this child, with a mother, with a father, and we're now talking about untold numbers.
They're saying 1 in 68, 1 in 56.
It's all over the place.
The child suddenly goes dark.
Leaves the world, was happy, was playful, was attentive, alert, there, excited about a new life, and now suddenly, with this load of vaccine, all of a sudden the parents look at this child and the child, the baby, is not there anymore, not to return, totally different, forever, cut off.
And now you've got these Nazis
At the CDC and in research labs, whether they're literal or figurative, but Nazi minds who are saying, it's not a problem.
Don't worry about it.
We don't care.
And by the way, mothers, if you want to get compensated by the government for what you say is a vaccine injury,
Because you can't sue the manufacturers anymore because we passed a new law making that impossible, then we're going to make this a nightmare for you to go through government regulations.
And they did it all premeditated in the 70s, creating the Vaccine Damage Fund with billions in taxpayers to make the court secret, if you can even get through it, to give you a half million bucks for your brain damaged child.
All a premeditated program, literally
Tens of thousands of times bigger than injecting black men, women and children with syphilis and keeping it secret.
A premeditated program to brain damage tens of millions of children, bankrupt the medical system, ruin lives.
Literally, you got a little happy kid, Hispanic, black, white, Asian, whatever it is, and it's boys, because our blood-brain barrier is not as strong as girls.
Any medical doctor will tell you.
Why is there seven or eight times more autistic boys than girls?
Because boys aren't as tough as girls.
Women got to have babies.
Any medical doctor will tell you.
A woman can take more bullet wounds, anything.
A guy can fight better, you know, think better in a, you know, complex situation, anything.
Women are
Tough as nails, folks.
They live longer.
It's getting so bad now, women are getting it.
Baby girls are getting it now.
But little black boys, little white boys, happy, 18 months old, get that third round, have a convulsion, and then the cops come and say, you shook your baby.
That's why blood's coming out their nose.
But the good news is, so many of them have the blood come out of their nose at school when they get the shot that they don't get to take their kid.
Imagine how, and of course the cops don't know, they come and they say, yeah, blood's coming out this kid's nose.
They must have knocked their head up against a wall.
No, they didn't do that.
You gave them a shot so deadly that their brain's bleeding.
And it's bleeding so much, it's coming out their sinus cavity.
I mean, my God, we might as well line these kids up and shoot them in the head, John Rappaport.
That would be more moral.
What the Nazis did, lining kids up and blowing them away, was evil and horrible, but it was more moral than doing this to them, John.
This is a lifetime of torture.
That's what it is.
It's a whole lifetime of torture.
And as the child gets older, things often get worse.
Because it's not just withdrawing from the world, now the child can begin to get violent.
And then things are dangerous around the child.
And the parents are desperately trying to hang on to the child and figure out what they can do.
What can they do?
What can they do?
The government has no answer.
The government is actually inflicting this.
Look at all these crazy inner-city kids charging police for no reason.
I mean, and people talk about him.
They say, yeah, it's like he wasn't there.
I'll guarantee you, most of these people getting killed are mentally retarded, John.
It's a, you want a real pandemic, not a fake pandemic?
This is a real pandemic.
It's chemical warfare.
It's biological warfare inflicted by vaccine.
Every day, thousands of times a day.
We're going to create an article with all of your articles in it and the video about this today and email it out to everybody.
I'm going to come back, John.
I get really emotional about this because I've studied it.
It's so cold-blooded.
I want the secret Tuskegee experiment to stop.
They're murdering our children on purpose.
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You're not going to hear MSNBC with all their race baiting tell you that the CDC purposely suppressed the fact that black boys given, that's just one area of the study, it's across the board, the MMR shot alone, one of dozens, tripled their chances of autism.
Major whistleblower who wrote the study says it was a cover-up.
Now that broke a week and a half ago.
We knew about it before it broke.
And there's a blackout on it.
And literally I got physically angry during the last segment playing that clip where they say mercury's good for your child's brain.
I'm not in my comfort zone, okay?
I'm not in some trance putting up with this.
This is a normal response.
To being assaulted and them lying and saying it's the law to take vaccines.
There is no law.
See how the whole thing's immoral?
And they're like, hey, we're trying to protect kids.
Hey, you brought 36,000 Nazis back to run our medical system after World War II.
Shut up!
You've been caught doing thousands of secret tests and killing people.
Stop acting like we're weird for not trusting you.
Of course there's evidence that vaccines could help people.
They want to take this up into some sort of intellectual stratosphere, where very polite tea-sipping conversation takes place among scientists, blah blah blah, who then report to the press, who whitewashes everything.
But outrage is the response.
That's it.
We're not saying there couldn't be technology in vaccines.
They always phrase it like, oh, you don't believe vaccines?
No, if something's a really bad pathogen, we had a trustworthy medical system, it was tested, or people were told it could be dangerous, but it's a cost-benefit, then I'd do it.
No, this is a secret Trojan horse program, like everything else these criminals pathologically do.
I know I'm ranting, John.
This just upsets me so much that we know we have eco-science written
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, that's absolutely right.
That's what's happening.
That's exactly what's happening.
And people are hypnotized and brainwashed into it.
And they think they can't do anything about it, but they can.
There are exemptions.
You can refuse the vaccines.
There are ways to do this.
In every single state.
They tell you there are not, but there are.
Because they're lying murderers!
And I want to go further.
How do we go all the way around this and circumnavigate it and start arresting the people involved?
Start going after the... because we've got to frame it in what it is.
It's more secret government testing discovered in vaccine programs.
And they call testing the murder and maiming of the population.
That's right.
Just like they got caught in the hepatitis shots putting HIV in it in the seventies in the gay population of New York.
That's declassified!
I mean, you'd be crazy to take anything these people push.
They should be arrested, convicted, tried, in jail, or on a desert island for the rest of their lives, or whatever the max possible sentence that a murderer could get is.
That would be justice.
That would be the right thing to do.
Now the way that we've got to start doing this is to break the blockade of this media blackout and to force people to recognize that the media are just another arm of the government and the vaccine manufacturers to keep people from knowing what's going on.
They're complicit too.
There's blood on their hands.
ABC, all the networks, all the wire services, New York Times, they've all got blood on their hands.
That's right, I want to come back and talk more about how to get this story out to people.
A major author, major scientist, major respected, comes out while he's in good standing and says what we already know.
You know mercury's not good for your child's brain.
Not to mention the pathogen that's in there that causes the autoimmune response.
Mercury and the aluminum is a small part of it.
I mean, this is a scourge, folks, the children.
It's on purpose.
And if this ever comes out, they're all coming down.
That's why there's a blackout.
I take kids getting brain damaged on purpose real serious.
I mean, I'm in a, you know what, kicking mood right now.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's completely normal that I'm having a very aggressive response right now.
This is normal, chameleon activity.
That if you learned somebody in the village was putting poison on apples and giving them to kids, and everybody was wondering why so many kids in the village couldn't talk and were sick, you'd go find out who messed with the apples, and they would get drawn and quartered.
And I don't have some instinct to want to kill people.
I love everybody except scum.
And I know about the eugenicists, I know about the tinkering and manipulations going on.
And John Rappaport, what does this say, investigator journalist, about the elite?
That they get off on sitting back and socially engineering, and cancer viruses, and pathogens, and nanotech, and flu simulants, and all the other... Bill and Melinda Gates with mosquitos that inoculate you so you can't escape it, and vaccines and food.
I mean, it's just... And McDonald's, fake food, GMO, social engineering.
It's all admitted.
What a group of evil freaks!
Everything they do, creating Al-Qaeda, letting them murder Christians.
Who are these people and how do we get this report out, John Rappaport?
Well, these people are evil.
I mean, what else is there to say about it?
They like being evil.
It's not just that they feel guilty about it or they feel compelled.
They like it.
That's what they do.
Yeah, I know what I want to do.
It's hard for people to understand that, but, you know, that's the deal.
They want to inflict torture.
They want to kill people quickly, slowly, every possible way.
They love each child whose life they've ruined will be in diapers when they're 45.
That's right.
And so people can't, you know, fathom that.
Well, how could that be?
They must be trying to do the right thing.
No, they're not.
Yes, there are many at lower levels, people who are brainwashed.
Useful idiots, yeah, exactly.
But at the top, we're talking about people who are completely evil.
And they escape because people can't believe that they exist.
That's what we have to get through to make people understand.
Well, there couldn't be somebody who's that evil.
Oh yes, there is.
There are a number of such people.
They're that evil and even more.
Joseph Mingla was brought to the United States and then brought to South America because the military base people got so mad at him.
So was Klaus Barbie.
All of them!
I mean, the stuff Joseph Mingla did to kids, folks, is nothing compared to what this does.
The whole euthanasia movement in mental hospitals and so forth was really pioneered in America before World War II, and it was sent over to Nazi Germany with blessings and awards.
That was the Nuremberg defense!
The Nazis got up and laughed and said, we learned all this from you!
We learned it from you, that's what they said.
Yeah, how dare you!
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
No, no, this is what we're dealing with.
And now we've got this story, this chink in the armor that blows apart a fraudulent study, major 2004 study done at CDC, that shows that the authors cooked the data, they buried vital data, and thereby
Proved, in heavy quotes, that the MMR vaccine was safe when it was actually creating autism and horrible effects on children.
One of the co-authors, William Thompson, has admitted it.
He stepped forward.
He's released a statement in writing through his attorney, Rick Morgan.
And now we have a chance to destroy the media blockade and force them
To reveal themselves as the scum, true scum, that they actually are.
This is a chance that we have to get this story out to the world.
We're going to take this video from the live show, put it in a video tonight, have an article tomorrow morning that I'm going to push to go viral tomorrow.
John Rappaport will do it tomorrow.
Thank you.
I want to have you back up.
I want to have you back up Sunday with me to follow this more and to have some of the whistleblowers on.
I want to get Dr. Blaylock on to break it down as well.
This is a big deal.
We've got to use this person having a conscience to help save these children.
John Rappaport, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, we're reconnecting with our reporters who are on the border.
A heavily populated area right there in the southern area of Texas and El Paso across from Juarez.
And they've got a lot of big breaking reports coming up today on the Nightly News and tomorrow here live with us.
We are investigating the imminent, credible threat that Homeland Security said last week in their words they believe will happen on or before September 11th of this year.
So that's the next six, seven days.
I don't know if it's a real credible threat.
I know ISIS is real.
I know they've got 11 wide-body airplanes seizing the Tripoli Airport.
Because our government armed them and let them take over the country.
Now they're taking everything over.
And I know that the system has been preparing for terror attacks to be used to take our freedoms.
And Senator Rand Paul has now come out to Time Magazine and said Obama has created a jihadist wonderland as they expand territory in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Africa, India, you name it.
It is incredible!
A new video surfaces at InfoWars.com.
You know Common Core famously teaches that sometimes 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4, kids.
Fuzzy math.
Well, Common Core teacher's video takes nearly a minute, I'm going to play this at the bottom of the hour, to solve 9 plus 6 equals 15.
Ladies and gentlemen, a four-year-old could solve that faster than that.
Nine plus six.
Nine and one means ten.
You have five left, fifteen.
Or nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
That takes about six seconds to count up to that.
But the weird way they teach it now, again, if the vaccines won't brain damage you enough to take us from the highest IQs on average in the Western world,
The highest standards, the most inventions, the toughest, the meanest, the smartest, the most inventive.
On average, Americans were marveled at.
Everyone wanted to come here.
By the 50s, the numbers start going down.
Highest cancer rates, lowest IQ, lowest test scores.
More fluoride, more vaccines, more GMO, more pesticides.
Now, former Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs
ReportingForInfoWars.com joins us, and I point out his military background because he has sources which we will not reveal here on air.
They're at Fort Bliss.
They believe it's a real threat.
They've closed most of the entrances.
The General's been briefed.
The General considers it to be a real threat.
We have that directly from the General's office.
I'll just leave it at that.
There are, other than Latin Americans, other than Mexicans coming across, thousands from the Middle East.
That broke weeks ago, mainstream news.
Ian leaked Border Patrol internal security memos that show the numbers.
So, this is going on.
It's in the news today that Obama lets known jihadis who are fighting for ISIS back into the U.S., just like the U.K.
So, let's get that straight.
Let's get that straight.
Just like they let five of the nine hijackers that were from Saudi Arabia back in, I had Springman, the head of the U.S.
Embassy, on, months after 9-11, who was ordered by the CIA to let Mohammed Adda back into the U.S.
I don't know what happened on 9-11 exactly, but I know they protected these people, and we're not being given the whole story.
Because they got to take our freedoms after 9-11.
So whether this is going to be a false flag, whether it's a real attack, or whether it isn't going to happen, they're using this to take our liberties.
Joe Biggs has learned a lot more.
He's got big news breaking tonight or tomorrow.
We're not going to release that yet for his safety.
But Joe, you've got a lot of intel.
Roger that.
It's Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
You know, the funny thing about this, people keep saying that El Paso is the second safest city in the country and that, you know, people keep reiterating that our borders are secure.
You know, I don't know how many times I have to continue to come down here, Alex, and show the American people how unsecure our borders are and how easy it is to gain access to America without even being seen.
You know, I was at a spot yesterday for hours filming and not one agent came by.
No one was around.
We sat out there and filmed, and it's literally, and what a lot of the locals say, they're like, well, there's mountains back there.
They're not going to come through that.
Well, think about this.
Where do they come from?
Iraq, Afghanistan, places like that.
The terrain's just like this.
It's not new to them to cross a mountain to get somewhere.
So that's what people need to pull out of their head.
They need to start looking at the facts.
And another thing that I don't like is people saying that that's fear mongering.
It's not fear mongering.
What we're doing is we're trying to inform people so they can make good, solid, sound decisions in case something happens.
Well Joe, we've got 11 missing airplanes out of Tripoli.
Al Qaeda's attacking Africa, India.
They're taking over all over the place.
They've got 15,000 MPADs.
We broke that first.
They are a real group.
They are a real threat.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund the FSA in Syria.
We give weapons to the FSA.
The FSA Free Syrian Army is known to support Al-Qaeda.
Rand Paul has now come out and said Obama created a jihadist wonderland.
I'm going to explain.
It is staged, folks, but the globalists have funded them and turned them loose for our military.
And our police have to fight.
Go ahead.
And people don't need to forget as well, we traded five huge Taliban leaders for a Bo Bergdahl.
He went to Qatar.
Qatar funds terrorists.
And now because we gave in to the terrorism, they're kidnapping men, women and children and journalists by the hundreds every day and chopping their heads off on TV.
Yeah, you know, the Obama administration is Dr. Frankenstein.
ISIS is Frankenstein.
You know, we are the townspeople who are fed up.
But do you think Dr. Frankenstein is going to kill his creation?
His creation has gotten out of control.
The Obama administration's ISIS has gotten so out of control.
They are a real threat now.
You know, it's beyond them at this point almost.
But they do use them for propaganda tools.
They are using them to topple these governments.
That's a great analogy of the Frankenstein.
I mean, they want us to go and then, you know, fight Syria now as well.
They want us to take out that regime, you know.
The Libyan rebels who took out Gaddafi were sitting there with Al-Qaeda guys right there with them.
Those were the ISIS guys!
So this whole thing is just one big, you know, propaganda tool.
This is ridiculous.
And now ISIS is double-crossing the so-called non-radical Muslim jihadis in Syria, in Libya, all over, and killing them, and then just blowing up and burning down the airport because they're a bunch of demons, and flying off in the airplanes, and then people say, oh, that's not a threat.
They're getting ready to launch terror attacks.
You can see it all being prepared.
And they're going to use it to take our freedom.
We're down there to expose where they're saying the main attack may come, to expose our borders wide open, and to expose that it's a fraud to take our liberties regardless of what it is.
What does ISIS do?
They behead people, they crucify people, they murder people in mass numbers.
What happens in Juarez, Alex?
The exact same thing.
That is a great spot, a strategic location for ISIS because they fit in.
They do the exact same stuff.
And we now know that ISIS is the largest funded terrorist organization in the world.
And why is that?
Because they keep taking over these oil refiners in the Middle East.
Right down the road to my left is a western refinery.
It's a very large oil refinery right across the border, maybe 300 yards away
From Warren.
You can't trust Obama to run airstrikes that will actually take them out.
That's why they're clearly bombing a few empty trucks and, you know, because it's blowing up in Obama's face.
But yeah, you basically have to bomb ISIS now in Syria and Iraq.
But the type of airstrikes we're seeing, one or two a day, is nothing but show, Joe.
I mean, it's not effective.
It's not effective in any way.
In any combat way, what they're doing is ineffective.
They might be taking away small numbers.
We actually have the manpower.
If we had a legitimate government in place with a president who actually loved his country, we could take this out in a matter of days and be done with it and not have to worry about it.
But like I said, they're his creation.
That's his baby.
He's not going to kill it.
He wants to instead
Continue giving it money, give it more weapons, and put fear in the hearts of Americans, and try to take our liberties away.
That's it!
And what's crazy, Joe, is that our government openly funded the Muslim Brotherhood, openly funded ISIS, openly let them have bases, our own military... And Americans will clearly still go, no, that's not true.
That's not true.
You can give them the information.
We could even bring ISIS and have them in the same room as Obama with La Raza hugging
And people go, nah.
That's not real.
Undoubtedly, we knew from Colonel Schaefer days after Benghazi, he said exactly what's been confirmed now with the MPADs and the Turkish ambassador and our ambassador being killed and the stand down being ordered to cover it up for plausible deniability when they use those MPADs.
Why did Obama want Al-Qaeda, now called IS, to have MPADs, Joe?
Because they want plausible deniability when they shut down air traffic
Yeah, hopefully so.
I mean, because we saw how quick martial law can go into effect.
We're good to go.
This, Ferguson, can happen all across the country.
And that's what we have to stop from happening.
They've been trying to start a civil war, Joe.
I totally agree.
And again, we're not demonizing the police or military.
They're in the middle, like citizens.
I want to come back and ask you about other things you've learned while you're there.
I also want to get, later, you to flip behind the camera and get Josh Owens, the cameraman's take, because he's also a reporter.
I want to get his view on what he's seen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and folks, I've seen a minority of folks on the YouTube videos of Joe saying, oh, this is fear-mongering.
ISIS is taking over major countries right now.
They're a real group of nuts.
I'm the guy that exposed 9-11 as a false flag, folks.
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I can see for miles and miles and miles and...
We see massive preparations for global war, martial law.
We see the globalists launching attacks in Ukraine, the Middle East, turning Al-Qaeda loose against Russia.
We see massive funding being given to these groups.
We see the pipelines not being cut off that ISIS has been allowed to control.
Saudi Arabia has been allowed control of oil fields in Iraq.
They're using that to fund ISIS because they can't get Congress to openly fund ISIS and the attack on Syria.
Part of the deal is that ISIS will attack Western interests so the West can push the fake war on terror and the rollout of the armored vehicles and the checkpoints that's really going to be used on the Tea Party.
And that's all public!
ISIS has billions of dollars now.
And is allowed to operate on Twitter and Facebook, is allowed to fly to the US, is allowed to go back to England.
They're going to rehabilitate the jihadis.
This is an invisible army, secret army.
If you don't know about the CIA and black ops, folks, you better learn about it quick.
And you're like, well, that's our CIA.
No, it's not.
It's run by foreign banks.
It's Collaborator.
They don't want a free market in this country.
And we have a lot of CIA people and Army people that are telling us what's really happening because they're good guys in the government.
Most of the mid-level and low-level and even some high-level are good people.
In fact, they've gone so far now that the system's in trouble because our military is decompartmentalized and the police are decompartmentalizing and the system... Joe Biggs, I think the globalists have gone too far.
And when they have ISIS shoot down airliners in Europe or Israel or here,
People are going to get in major trouble.
I don't see them getting away with this, Joe.
Here's the thing.
My gut, I can see the setup.
With all the crazy stuff, the world blowing up, as Hagel has said, this is clearly part of the season of destabilization by design.
But Al-Qaeda, known as ISIS, is real.
And they are a real threat.
Could it be a smokescreen for a false flag?
We don't know.
But we're upset
Because if you look at the constellation of stuff going on and the preparations it fits in and you can just the tumblers are clicking here folks and I am just really concerned Joe.
And they're preparing themselves as well so that's what I don't get why can't we as citizens talk about something like this without being called fear mongers or conspiracy theorists things like that we see the setup
We see the endgame.
We see what's happening behind the curtain.
And all we're trying to do is inform people, give them information so they can make really good decisions.
You know, that's all we try to do here is bring people facts so they can sit back and look at all the pieces, put the puzzle together themselves and go, okay, I see it now.
All right.
So the more people who understand what's going on, the, you know, the better chance we have at defeating this and keeping this from happening.
But the sad thing is though,
Maybe they will do something like that and I just hope to God they don't.
Why did our government give Libya and give Syria and part of Iraq to Al-Qaeda and then change its name to confuse everybody because they've been caught funding them and now we're being told imminent terror attack about to happen if they let them attack us bare minimum on 9-11?
And folks I'm telling you the next one's gonna be bigger.
And so, whatever's going to be behind it, I feel another 9-11 coming, and I said it two months before 9-11, that I thought they'd blow up the World Trade Centers and blame it on their asset bin Laden.
I'm on record.
My spidey sense tells me they're getting ready to do it.
I'm trying to expose it, hoping we can stop it.
And then if we stop it, people say, oh, there's no big deal.
Well, let me tell you.
It's a real 9-11 if you're in Libya getting your head chopped off by these people, or in Iraq or Syria, or in India or in Africa.
They are launching attacks all over the world on shopping malls!
They're blowing stuff up every day in Nigeria!
These people are out of control!
Yeah, I mean, there's no... It's not a hoax to these people, like you said, in Iraq, in the town of Aribi, where people are just being murdered.
It is mind-blowing.
People see this and they still want to think, it can't happen here, it can't happen here.
But we've let stuff happen.
Pearl Harbor, 9-11, all these things we've let happen in the past.
We don't have a really strong rapport with saying that.
You know, this is impossible.
It's never gonna happen.
Every time something like this happens, we have our hands in it.
Our FBI sets up people and tries to set them up as terrorists.
You know, our whole government, for the most part, is corrupt as hell.
And I'm mad about it.
I know you're mad about it.
And all we can do is talk to people and tell people, these are the facts.
Open your eyes.
Do something.
Well, the government pulls stuff like this because the public acts like a bunch of chumps.
Well, because they're all... They're like zombies now.
You come to some of these cities now, people are just...
They just walk around with their heads down, they're staring at their little handheld television.
About half the people one mile from two nuclear reactors on four fault lines, half the people that we talked to in California didn't know there was a plant called The Devil built on fault lines a mile from them.
It's mind-blowing to know that people are just so dumbed down.
It's idiocracy.
It really is.
And then meanwhile, those of us that aren't dumbed down, we don't have all the answers, but we at least know what's going on.
They then laugh at us because we're informed.
I want to ask you a few more questions.
Coming up with Joe Biggs.
We've got a bunch of other news as well.
Stay with us.
We're live.
It is Thursday.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
The fourth day of September.
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Oh yeah, Bad Moon Rising.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know what we oppose?
Shooting kids up with deadly vaccines known to brain damage kids on record that don't even have any health effects that are good.
...any health benefits.
We oppose arming Al-Qaeda.
We oppose open borders and paying for the whole world to come here and have free welfare.
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We just oppose disgusting garbage.
Not because we're goody two-shoes, but because we want to be free.
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Evil takes over.
I've been talking to Joe Biggs.
He's got a bunch of special reports breaking tonight and tomorrow.
I'm not going to tell you what they are yet.
I don't want to shift gears.
The guy running camera is also a reporter.
And of course, that is Josh Owens.
Josh, give us your take on what you've seen down there the last two days at Joint Test Force 6, Ford Bliss, in El Paso with Juarez, just a mile away.
What you've witnessed, what you've seen.
Josh Owens.
Well, as a lot of people know, that they have, last weekend they shut down
Two entrances to Fort Bliss after Judicial Watch came out and said that ISIS was in Juarez, which is literally maybe 400 feet behind us right now.
And what we've seen here is the borders are open.
The same thing that we saw in Arizona.
I'm sure people remember Joe Biggs walked right across the border in Arizona.
We did the same thing here yesterday.
You can see that video on YouTube.
We posted it yesterday.
I think?
Like we brought up in another video, is will Democrats be blamed when ISIS comes into America?
And yeah, I'm sure ISIS already has sleeper cells inside of America, but if they're on the southern border and they're going to come in here, you know, are they going to be on TV, on the mainstream media, playing in the hearts and minds of people, trying to convince them that it's still okay for our borders to be open when people are being attacked and this becomes the Gaza Strip?
That's disgusting.
Totally disgusting.
And again, Al Qaeda was created and organized by Western forces, turned loose, protected.
I've interviewed the head of the Stratus IV task force who could have killed bin Laden twice the week before 9-11, Colonel Schaefer.
I mean, I'm an expert on this.
I live this every day just like my crew does.
I follow it.
Now, they've never funded Al-Qaeda like this.
They've turned them loose.
The West is clearly arming them, clearly training them.
Just six months ago, our own military went public and said, we're in bases in Jordan and Turkey, and in Western Iraq, training Al-Qaeda jihadis, and we're not going to do it anymore.
And now that's all come out in the news.
We didn't make that up, folks.
I mean, I have CIA, Army, I mean, Generals.
And I get info, and I'm not going to say how I get it, but it's like Matt Drudge says, go to a parking garage.
In fact, it's gotten to the point I don't even have the time or energy and it's too dangerous.
I already know what's going on on this.
I don't even need to talk to contacts anymore.
I mean, we've got our government clearly at a criminal level moving these people into position.
They're going to hit Europe or hit the United States or both.
And again, they wanted those impads covered up, but given to them.
And Ambassador Stevens wouldn't go along with it.
So the Turkish ambassador left.
They attacked.
Most people pulled out of the safe house.
They were given warning.
But then they were even sabotaged at their houses.
The jihadis had inside intel.
Secret security passes.
Two Navy SEALs ran down there, CIA Navy SEALs, cheap dip SEALs, held them down for five hours, three hours into it.
That's why the whole world learned about it and the military learned and sat there and watched the stand down ordered by the Joint Chiefs via Obama.
So that's the bottom line.
Why did they want the warehouses of MPADS given to Al Qaeda?
Because they're going to use it to bring the West to a standstill, and I'm here exposing it so the intelligence agencies... I know you're not stupid, but I'm just going to state what's going on for you.
At the lower level and mid-level, so all of you understand, there is a major play to hit the West with thousands of EMPADs, and now they've got 11 missing passenger jets.
I mean, this
It could be a new 9-11 with 11 aircraft and attacks from the ground.
I mean, my... I mean, oh, they're setting up a mega 9-11.
I'm sorry, Josh.
Go ahead.
I'm so angry right now.
I just can't handle it anymore.
This traitorous government makes me want to throw up.
And all the traitors at MSNBC that attack us, and Piers Morgan, and all you scum, why are you such trash?
Why are you such criminals?
Why are you so evil?
What is your problem?
The murder of 200,000 Christians with their heads being chopped off is on your hands!
I want you to know that, you filthy, dishonorable scum!
Josh, go ahead, I gotta settle down.
Well no, I mean obviously I completely agree with everything you're saying and it's unbelievable.
And like we talked about earlier, we have some stuff coming up tonight and tomorrow on the show that is going to put it in people's faces and show them just how serious and just how dangerous these open borders are and this whole situation is.
There will be no doubt after we do what we're going to do that people won't be able to see with their own eyes what's happening here and what can happen.
Don't tell them too much.
In fact, I'm going to let you go.
Great job.
Anything else you want to add?
No, I just, uh, it's unbelievable.
We see it over and over again and I just, I want people to wake up and see what's going on and stop it from happening.
Our government has turned loose over 100,000 crazy people with 15,000 surface-to-air missiles!
And the border's open!
That's what I'm... And then I see the idiots on YouTube, it's a minority of them, saying Joe Biggs and I are fear-mongers bringing this up.
Man, let me tell you something.
I don't know how much stuff we gotta predict accurately here, and then the stuff we do talk about that we're able to stop.
This isn't about a radio show.
It isn't about being big shots.
It's about saving this country.
Anything else?
You've said it all.
I just urge people, just like you have for years and years, to realize how serious this is.
It's not a joke.
It's not a game.
And people need to open their eyes.
When you're talking to the locals, are any of them concerned?
Or is it only the military you talk to that's concerned?
There have been locals that are concerned.
A lot of them aren't hearing much about it in the press in the area.
So, some of them are unaware, but most of them are concerned.
I mean, when you hear something like 11-plus planes have been stolen, the borders are open, ISIS has been seen right across the border, right here in El Paso, right across the border in Juarez, you would be a complete moron.
Not to be worried and not to be concerned.
Unless all you're doing is staring at a TV screen all day or your phone.
Other than that, I mean, you would be insane not to be concerned about what's going on.
And again, if they kill thousands of people, it's sad, it's bad statistically.
You know, we can handle it.
It's not that big of a thing in the aggregate, except they're going to take even more of our rights after this.
You know, they're going to use this Al Qaeda attack number two, 9-11 number two, to totally butcher the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and the military and everybody's being trained that the next war is with the Tea Party.
So see, they're going to develop and set up the precedent for a total Orwellian police state, and then they're going to flip it around on us.
It's already happened!
This is not me 13 years ago predicting it, that they would turn this around on the American people.
That's already happened.
We're now predicting the next phase.
And desperately trying to stop it, because let me tell you something, folks.
They do a couple more phases of this, they're going to come kill me.
They're going to come arrest me.
You understand, folks, I'm in this to win it.
I know this isn't a game, okay?
I live in the real world.
I know I'm getting threatened by these IS people and they're messing with, I mean, I don't want to even get into it.
I know that the globalists are using them as a secret army.
I know they brought 5,000 Iraqis in after the Gulf War that they use as sleeper cells.
They even came out in the news.
I know how much trouble we're in.
And I'm just telling you, only an understanding of you're a foreign banking cartel, how do you bring the U.S.
You organize fun jihadis, let them attack,
Use the attack to take over the society, set up a total grid, and then turn it around on the people.
It's very elementary, ladies and gentlemen, and it's what they're doing.
Josh Owens, you guys go.
They've already shot some stuff for a special report.
Go get that out as soon as you can, but take your time as well.
You've got several reports in the pipeline tonight and tomorrow, and just great job.
Get out there, finish your other reports.
They've got a lot of stuff coming down the pike.
Great job.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Josh Owens reporting for InfoWars.com.
This is one of those days where CDC whistleblower confirms who wrote the study with the rest of the government that they covered up that the vaccine is absolutely brain damaging children.
It's been out for a week and a half.
No mainstream media picking it up.
Our government has funded Al-Qaeda to run around and blow up hundreds and hundreds of churches in Iraq and Syria.
They blew up the burial place, the church with Jonah's grave.
They are just murdering... They have these crazy nuts just running around doing whatever they want and our filthy government runs them.
And it's not our government, it's these illegitimate criminals who just get away with everything, and I am just sick of it!
I mean, how much more obvious does this stuff have to get?
And I'm going to warn the criminals up there about something.
Let me tell you something, everybody, I'm talking 90% now of the military I talk to, I don't care if they're enlisted, non-commissioned, or officers, they know what's going on.
You see this whistleblower from the CDC?
There's going to be a lot more of that.
Because let me tell you, that guy from the CDC, I guarantee you, looks at the brain-damaged kids he sees at the mall, and at work, and at church every day.
And as stuff gets worse and worse, people aren't just going to sit around anymore and let you people get away with what you've done.
And when your ISIS crud goes around and blows up more stuff and kills more Christians, and other innocent people, and other non-violent Muslims, you're going to be held responsible for it!
I don't know what your problem is, or why you want to do this to these countries that haven't done nothing to anybody, and why you people love evil so much, but I know you do, and I know you've got to be stopped.
People can call me a weirdo all day that I want to throw up or turn this desk over right now, because as a man, just physically, you people absolutely disgust me.
The people are in a trance.
You've got to break out of your trance, just like they say in network.
I don't know what to do about the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the streets.
All I know is first you've got to get mad.
You've got to say, I'm a human being!
My life has value!
And it's true!
You've got to first just say, I am breaking with this whole system and this whole thing.
It's a fraud.
It's a cancer.
I'm done with it!
You know how angry I got at the start of the show when I read this morning CBS News quoted the FBI saying we don't know what all these mystery towers are stealing everyone's data that aren't part of the telecoms.
But it's probably not the government.
When they know full well almost all of it's the government.
Sure there's some hackers out there as well.
So I had Mikkel Thelen this morning write this article that just got completed and just went up at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com and just got tweeted out.
This is unexclusive.
I don't care about the fact that we are the exclusive.
It's just this is the exclusive.
This is the answer.
This is the intel.
This is the truth.
This is the data.
This is the answers.
This is it.
Right here.
This is the water in the desert.
This is the knowing.
The people perish for lack of knowledge.
We know!
And it's driven us crazy what we know!
I'm in a real...
Threat Fusion Center of the People.
I live this stuff 18 hours a day.
I do nothing but interview the experts.
I know how the world works.
And I'm here just the same time.
I'm not emotional when I'm researching, but once I get up here for three hours to talk about it, I get sick of it.
I'm pleading with everyone just to wake up and wake others up.
You're the answer to tyranny.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's saying, no!
I will not go along with this anymore!
I will not have my name on it!
I will not bend over!
I gotta remember to breathe.
It is a criminal, premeditated, scientific takeover of absolute evil.
Now, I don't know what to do about all of it.
I just know we better have a cultural discussion about this.
Mystery of rogue cell towers discovered.
Fans attempt to downplay growing spy grid.
And we even have an NSA whistleblower that came through today, a well-known one but with new data, confirming our analysis and saying they're denying these are government cell towers because they don't even want to pay the companies for the data or get a warrant.
They're just grabbing it all illegally.
So the FBI and CBS News denying it.
And this whistleblower confirmed that indeed this is part of their parallel program where they have to fix the stuff for court later and go lie in court and claim how they got the information.
Mystery of rogue cell towers discovered.
Feds attempt to downplay growing spy grid.
Mikel Thelen.
Recent reports of rogue cell phone towers being used across the country to intercept mobile cell phone data is drawing a response from federal agents who claim the towers are not being used by law enforcement groups.
I doubt they're installed by law enforcement.
Yeah, they're just only on city polls.
Require a warrant to intercept conversations or data.
And since the cell providers are ordered by the court to operate with the intercept, they really would be needed to do this.
Former FBI agent Ross Rice told CBS Chicago.
Most likely they're being carried out by hackers.
Well, certainly there's some of that.
Law enforcement's fight to keep these systems in place is likely rooted in one thing.
Parallel construction.
And then we go into our investigative reports from last year that caused the city to say, remove them, they're illegal.
In Seattle, headline, new mesh network documents confirm police vehicles' real-time access to DHS spy cameras.
Used to conceal how law enforcement investigation began, parallel construction allows police to create a criminal case while concealing how the evidence obtained illegally was acquired.
Speaking exclusively to Infowars.com, NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe, who helped develop the data processing system ThinThread, breaks down the danger of surveillance and parallel construction.
Then the report goes into the fact that it's a Seattle-Chicago contract, with the hubs, who runs them,
We have secret maps from the city, from Homeland Security, of how the towers work.
We have photos of the towers up in Seattle and other cities.
That's what they are.
Now the article's good, he wrote it quickly, but first he gets into my point about parallel construction and the whistleblower, but really, we probably want to point a note out and read deeper.
We show how the hubs are being put in by Homeland Security.
But that's what they are.
Because they don't want to have to get it from the telecoms, even with a blanket FISA warrant that lets them scoop it up.
They want first-hand, real-time access to it all, so they're putting them up with stingray systems, you name it, to scoop it all up.
Here's the article.
You want to know what the mystery towers are?
It's no mystery.
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Telecoms are getting sued for giving data to the government without warrants even though there's government hubs already in the telecoms.
They have to act like they're officially getting it with a warrant.
Now they're just putting up their own cell tower hubs.
We have the documents where it's happening nationwide on record from whistleblowers and we have an NSA whistleblower in our article today commenting, confirming our analysis.
It's part of parallel construction.
But they'll have articles in Business Insider, CBS News, everywhere saying, you know, oh jeepers, what are these?
Just like we knew the black helicopter drills was dealt to force and it was the night stalkers and it was to condition the public for martial law.
I interviewed the police chief who was given the secret documents and the emergency manager and to this day they just say there are no black helicopters.
Just like there are no secret cell towers, no stingray systems, nothing.
Just tell the public it doesn't exist, don't listen to that guy.
2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4, it's a conspiracy theory.
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Look at this.
Google VP Megan Smith gets top White House tech job.
That's right, it's full of Facebook and Twitter people just all to game everything and censor us when we send out stuff on Obama and block our tweets and Facebooks and Google blocks us all the time.
But that's okay, let ISIS operate.
Let them share and recruit on there, but don't let patriots recruit and threaten the troops at Fort Hood not to be part of the Tea Party or not to like the Founding Fathers and make the Navy SEALs take the Gadsden flag off their uniform even though it's been on Navy uniforms for 240 years.
Gadsden flag, George Washington bad, ICE is okay.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Video Common Core Teacher takes nearly a minute to solve 9 plus 6 equals 15.
Common Core is designed to create a dumbed-down, obedient population of ne'er-do-well nincompoops.
To follow the orders of ninnying... ...nattering... Ugh, moron control freaks.
Make me want to vomit.
Let's go ahead and go to this video.
It's from Kit Daniel's article.
Common Core creates a dumbed-down, obedient population.
Here is the teacher.
We'll give you the details after the video.
When you and I were in school, we used to just memorize 9 plus 6 equals 15.
Not anymore.
With the Common Core, students need to understand why that's the case, and Mrs. Ryan is here to explain.
Thank you.
So, our young learners might not be altogether comfortable thinking about what 9 plus 6 is.
They are quite comfortable thinking about their friend 10.
10 is emphasized in our young grades as we're working in a base 10 system.
So if we can partner 9 to a number and anchor 10, we can help our students see what 9 plus 6 is.
So we're going to decompose our 6.
And we know 6 is made up of parts.
One of its parts is a 1, and the other part is a 5.
We're now going to anchor our 9 to a 1, allowing our students to anchor to that 10.
Now our students are seeing that we have 10 plus 5, having now more comfort seeing that 10 plus 5 is 15.
That's much more comfortable than looking at 9 plus 6, an isolated math fact.
Alright, you got all that?
And with a straight face, mercury is good for your children.
This just in, Joan Rivers has died.
Joan Rivers is dead.
And that's all we know.
So Joan Rivers just died.
That is being reported by Fox News.
You can put it up on screen if you want.
I mean, I gotta tell you something right now.
Joan Rivers kind of symbolizes to me
The whole Babylonian structure.
But I want to say something about the dead.
I mean, rest in peace.
Our daughter said comedian Joan Rivers has died.
After getting surgery.
And there you go.
So she is gone.
As we all will make that journey.
Some sooner rather than later.
And I guess there's a lot of plastic surgery for the face and stuff, but I guess not for the internal parts.
So I just wish people like her could use their power for something other than tabloid journalism, but there you go.
She's dead.
So she's crossing the river Styx right now.
And I'll have some comment on that in a video that I'll shoot right after the show.
That'll be on the Nightly News tonight, seven o'clock central.
But we hope that Joan Rivers rests in peace.
You know, early on I said that Robin Williams was probably, you know, on psychotropics and stuff.
Turned out he was.
And it says on the insert, it can make you commit suicide.
In this case, you know, a lot of it is just you get old.
And a lot of people don't do too well when they're put under anesthesia.
And so I'm sure there'll be conspiracy theories that pop up.
And all those do is discredit all the real examples of things that are real conspiracies.
But very worldly woman.
Some are already arguing, guessing that she would die because she dared to say that Michelle was a transvestite and Obama's gay.
A lot of evidence Obama is gay.
Uh, I don't know about the Michelle thing.
She looks more like a giant reanimated snapping turtle to me.
Uh, maybe like one of the guys Godzilla fights or something, but that's it.
Joan Rivers is dead.
Great job to the crew.
We'll have some big news breaking from the border coming up tonight or tomorrow morning.
Nightly News at 7 o'clock Central Standard Time this evening.
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