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Name: 20140901_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 1, 2014
2323 lines.

In his radio show, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as government cover-ups, terrorism, mainstream media, big brother, Russia, false flag attacks, Obama's avoidance of blame, the FBI's domestic threat assessment on Islamist terrorism, and the water crisis in Toledo, Ohio. He promotes the ProPure Pro1 G2.0 Water Filtration System and discusses Harry Dent's economic predictions for a downturn by 2020 due to delayed government response and excessive monetary inflation. Jones advises investing wisely, writing off debt for economic rebalancing, and preparing emergency supplies for an impending collapse. He warns against misleading leaders and encourages financial support for their mission defending family rights, second amendment, sovereignty, etc.

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But I said that if he ever comes home from a vacation, that's because he doesn't want to get blamed for what's about to happen.
It's a bad image problem.
Urgent is the Drudge Report headline.
Obama to intercept and to interrupt weekend fundraising trip will return to DC.
He was going to attend a MSNBC wedding and do three fundraisers.
But he will still attend the MSNBC wedding.
While UK raises terror threat to severe.
Basically their highest level.
The FBI has put out a terror alert as well today.
Do you know who's not listed on the terror alert?
This is out of the Washington Times.
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism.
So they're saying a domestic attack, meaning here in the US,
Could happen at any moment, but Muslims, radical Muslims, are not listed.
You know who is listed, right?
You know the drill.
We first broke this seven years ago.
No one believed us.
It's mainstream news now.
Even when it was found in the New York Times a week later, we got no credit.
That's fine.
I just want people to know, we're not making stuff up, okay?
No matter how wild it sounds, it's documented.
I wish I was wrong.
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism, Bill Gertz.
Isn't that interesting?
Isn't that just special?
Can we put two and two together here?
Veterans, returning veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, constitutionalists, anybody who doesn't love Mao Zedong.
And I'm not even joking.
We've got 10 czars praising Mao.
I guess he's the politically correct one because he's Asian, so nothing he does could be wrong.
Only white people could be bad, like Hitler or Stalin.
No, he has the world record for killing people.
80 plus million is the Chinese number.
CIA says 60-something million.
The point is he killed more people than anybody ever in history.
We have a government run by people that endorse Mao Zedong.
We're going to come back and get into it.
I'm telling you, they may be getting ready to pull the big false flag.
Drudge just had a siren go off on Putin.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime directive discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out!
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it!
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Danger Zone bringing us in on this live Friday, 29th day of August 2014 transmission.
You don't see that but a few times a year, DrugsReport.com.
Putin, don't mess with Russia.
They've got the siren going.
And hey,
There's no compliment like imitation.
We have our siren here going as well.
And believe me, I want it red-linked when we post this Reuters article with links to our background and research on this.
I'm going to add the Ray McGovern video that we re-aired yesterday to that, where he says this could end in nuclear war.
Headline, top CIA analyst.
Moving troops into Poland and Ukraine could trigger nuclear war.
A very good chance of it.
And now Putin has come out saying, don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says, Reuters.
Vladimir Putin said today, just minutes ago, we're going to post the actual Russian transcript at InfoWars so you get the full thing.
On Friday, Russia's armed forces, see why I spent three hours on this yesterday and had people asking why I was making such a big deal of Ukraine?
Because this is a big deal.
Russian troops are going into Ukraine right now.
And I don't just sit there and agree with CNN.
They've been in a proxy battle for six months.
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia's armed forces, backed by its nuclear arsenal, were ready to meet any aggression, declaring at a pro-Kremlin youth camp that foreign states should understand it's best not to mess with us.
This is absolutely insane, crazy-level information.
Putin told the Assembly
On the banks of the lake near Moscow, that Russian takeover.
In fact, I'll guarantee you this is on RT right now, guys.
Go to RT Russia.
I guarantee it's their top video.
Putin told the Assembly on the banks of the lake near Moscow.
Let's get that on Infowars.com as well.
The Russian takeover of Crimea in March was essential to save a largely Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian government violence.
And they have been there ethnically cleansing them.
He said continued fighting in Eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists launched an uprising in April, was the latest of a reversal
And a refusal by Kiev to negotiate.
Ukraine and Western governments accuse Russia of sending troops and armor to back the separatists in a conflict that has already killed over 2,000 people.
Russia denies the charge.
Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts.
Notice that key word.
These are asymmetrical skirmishes.
He said at the camp on the banks of the lake, we don't want that and we don't plan it, but naturally we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.
Russia's partners should understand it's best not to mess with us, said Putin, dressed casually in a gray sweater and light blue jeans.
Thank God I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia.
They're moving US troops, mercenaries, you name it, into Poland and Ukraine with the CIA director setting it all up three months ago.
This is all public.
Thank God you're not planning something because we have nuclear weapons and we're rolling them up to the border.
When NATO and
And again, it's not our government, folks.
It's globalists manipulating this, just like they funded Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Al-Qaeda in Syria as the main force.
They renamed it ISIS.
Now the political class says, brace for terror attack, we're about to get hit by Al Qaeda or ISIS, highest terror level alert in England, terror level alert in New York City, for ISIS, and no one's talking about who gave them the weapons.
Just a year ago we had Rand Paul saying, we don't want to be the air force for Al Qaeda, and Senator Ted Cruz and others.
And so they had a problem.
The CFR openly said, we have a problem.
It's coming out that we're working with these people.
What do we do?
So they have this whole PR thing of, well, we can't control them and they are good fighters and Assad is bad, but we'll bomb them later.
And, you know, we'll take care of the Al Qaeda problem.
I don't know.
And then, we're basically told, brace for terror attack, brace for terror attack, brace for terror attack.
The al-Qaeda threat, the IS threat, is real.
But they were funded, protected, shepherded by the criminals that have hijacked our country and Europe and many other nations.
Is Putin good?
No, he represents a mafioso-type Russian strong-arm system where basically the KGB just became the oligarchs instead of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and the Arm and Hammer Al Gore dynasty.
They own the big factories all over Russia.
Our government in 1917 put the Bolsheviks in.
On record, it's declassified.
Gutted the whole country over 30 years.
Stalin was our big ally.
Lenin was our ally.
They were in Time Magazine as saviors, even in the mid-30s and late 30s and early 40s.
Endorsed publicly, given all our major factories, built up to take over the world.
So we could then point the finger and say, oh my gosh, the commies are taking over, we've got to build up a big army to counter them, and then that army took over the rest of the world.
Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.
In between the two of them, they licked the platter clean.
These are children's nursery rhymes.
I'm sure the public can understand what's happening here.
This is so simple.
And when I talk like that, I'm not talking to our general listeners that know more than I do, in many cases.
I'm always amazed by how informed people are.
I'm talking about the general public.
The system thinks you're so dumb.
They think you're so stupid.
That they would fund Al-Qaeda, protect Al-Qaeda, give them Stinger missiles just a year ago.
For the last four years they've been doing it publicly, but for a year it's been escalated.
And then turn right around and say, we've got to take your rights and have armored vehicles on the street corners and checkpoints everywhere because ISIS is inside the country with Stinger missiles and they're about to shoot down 20 airliners a day.
If they got 100 Stinger missiles into this country, and half of the missile launches were successful, you'd be talking about 50 aircraft shot down.
They were given 15,000 MPADS, many of them more advanced and high-tech than the latest Stinger-type missiles.
And you can see the Operation Terror the globalists are going to launch.
They could shoot down hundreds and hundreds of aircraft with these in Europe, the United States, the Middle East.
The FAA had to suspend during the last Gaza crisis that just ended, thank God, air flights into Israel because they know there's impads out there.
So unexplained, this is a real crisis, but the global crime syndicate, call them Chaos, call them Spectre, call them Dr. Evil, whatever you want to call these groups, that are going to make money off weapon sales, off the crisis, off the insider trading, off of knowing what's coming before it happens, they literally are using this to destabilize the entire planet.
And the Russians are not in an offensive posture.
The Communist Chinese, backed by the Globalist, are buying basically up the oil fields worldwide, the rare earth minerals, the weapons systems, the media systems, censoring U.S.
media, working with Microsoft to censor the Internet worldwide and Google.
China is a real hardcore New World Order threat.
There is some intermediary connections with the Globalists and the New World Order, but Russia through Solzhenitsyn discovered that they'd been hijacked by a eugenics program to destroy them.
That's why communism was put in there, because Russia was the only rival to the Globalists, using the West parasitically as their engine of domination.
So, Solzhenitsyn wrote a bunch of books on this, not the one he won the Nobel Prize for, Gulag Archipelago.
And he met repeatedly with Putin.
Now, I don't know if Putin's double-crossing all that, but if you look at Russian radio and TV, it's New World Order, there's cancer in the vaccines, global government, they want to kill us, have children, don't abort your children.
I mean, Russia knows what's going on.
And just the fact that that's caught on in Russia, the New World Order could start a nuclear war with them.
You understand that?
They want to take their gas pipelines, they want to take their oil fields, they want to take their only port to get stuff out to Europe, and they're doing it right now.
You are seeing what Napoleon and what Hitler did.
And by the way, you notice Obama knows he won't get in any trouble.
The globalists know.
He's about to sign an executive order, that's in the Associated Press, to legalize the illegals.
And to stop deportations completely.
He is about to sign us onto the UN and put carbon taxes on basically everything we do outside of law.
And Rand Paul said, the Senator said, you are not a king.
Well, if he doesn't go to jail, he is a king.
And now the establishment sets the precedent to whoever they put in as their puppet dictator will be a dictator in fact.
An elected dictator.
Because it won't matter.
Once you elect them, they act dictatorially.
So you can see it on every front.
The globalists are taking down Africa.
They're taking down Europe.
They're taking down Latin America.
They're taking down Asia.
They are taking everything down.
I'm skipping this network break.
It's too important.
That means our deer station shouldn't be covering this up because it's a network break.
This costs us $3,000-$4,000 every time we skip it.
But it's that important.
I'm skipping it.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you realize the magnitude of what we're facing?
Stuff is so hardcore that it's disrespectful.
They'll have some O.J.
Simpson verdict, or they'll have some hyped up Miley Cyrus thing, and talk radio will suspend commercials for a whole day sometimes.
I feel like I ought to suspend them, period.
We ought to be on our knees.
Everybody should be at church right now, praying to God that this Cuban Missile Crisis Part 2 comes to an end.
But this time, it's not the evil communist Russians trying to put missiles in Cuba.
It is the West moving missiles to shoot down their missiles so there can be a first strike on Russia.
And Russia sees the missile cruisers coming in.
They see the systems to shoot down their response strike.
They see the mercenaries, Al-Qaeda being turned loose, all over their borders.
From Chechnya, you know, right through to Russia proper, blowing stuff up.
And it's Western-backed.
They don't even hide the fact that the CIA is arming Al-Qaeda groups to attack Russia.
So you can see the massive double-cross.
And again,
They're shutting off our power.
They're shutting off our jobs.
They're shutting down our coal power plants.
They're passing more taxes here to shut us down.
Those are sanctions!
Obamacare is a sanction on our medical care system, on the average person, and seven taxes on blue-collar workers and poor people, and a total of 20-plus taxes.
On record!
You're now feeling it!
You're now seeing it!
Same thing with Russia.
So we have a lot of solidarity with the Russian people and the people of the EU who are being hurt by these sanctions.
It's hurting our markets, but the globalists don't care because they're going to be the last men standing when they've consolidated the global economy.
And Putin has gone... Call Ray McGovern, see if we can get him on.
I want to get an analyst on about this right now.
Because if they see a missile fired into their territory, Russia will launch on warning, is the default, and it will be the end of the world as we know it.
And a large portion of the Earth will die, like out of Revelations or something.
You don't hear a lot about America in Revelations, do you?
It's like we're gonna be blown away.
Why are all the elite leaving the country?
I'm not saying this is gonna happen, but let me tell you, it is in the cards.
It's like Russian roulette, ladies and gentlemen, pun intended, with six bullets in the chamber, and the globalists are so arrogant and so full of bravado and chutzpah that they are rolling that cylinder and then putting it to their head and pulling the trigger, and our head as well.
And I am sick of it!
I am sick of them rolling that cylinder, putting one bullet in, shutting it down, playing Russian roulette with our lives.
And let me tell you, I've studied the psychology of the Russians, I know the CIA has, the anthropologists have, the sociologists, the rest of them.
You had one of the former deputy heads of the CIA come out yesterday, Kit Daniels wrote about it, at Infowars.com, and say, it's time for us to kill Putin, or it's time for the KGB elite, the FSB, to kill him, or we are going to come after you.
And they're taking all those rich KGB guys' bank accounts, they're messing with them, they're doing dirty tricks.
They've got black ops in Russia, messing with their families, trying to get the Russians to start a war.
And it is because the New World Order has advanced weapons and things.
It won't matter.
Let's say they shoot down 98% of the nuclear missiles.
Russia's got 10,000.
Topol-Ms, railway-fired, medium-long-range, submarine-launched, cruise missiles, way more than 10,000.
What is 1% of 10,000?
100 missiles make it in.
The average missile, let's say, has 10 devices in it.
10 MIRVs.
Five of them are decoys.
So what's five?
Five of them are decoys, five are warheads.
That's a low number.
Some might have twenty packages, ten are warheads.
Or sometimes an entire package will be warheads.
You got cruise missiles that come in and fire
other cruise missiles off of them to basically get the targeting systems off so that the dummy cruise missiles with bigger signatures get shot down.
I mean, is this really what we want?
Because subconsciously, we want to join the 54 million aborted babies, don't we?
Subconsciously, we know we're a wicked nation.
Subconsciously, we know we're bad.
Subconsciously, and so we're kind of rooting for nuclear war and the end of civilization.
See, we have ancestral memories of struggle and of things being almost unsurvivable.
And in that we find our greatest moments.
But see, humans have a will to go into crisis.
It's almost an ancient form of entertainment to have war or crisis.
It's a bunch of drama.
But you can't do that with airborne Ebola.
You can't do that with airborne mousepox.
You can't do that with hydrogen bombs and x-ray lasers and super neutron-based antimatter reactions.
Oh, that's a highly classified weapons program you just heard about right there.
Air Force slipped up and gave a briefing on it.
San Francisco Chronicle 10 years ago, look it up.
And I brought that up to nuclear engineers.
I know it worked in the Pentagon.
They would turn white.
And I would bring up the antimatter bombs.
They've got weapons that will destroy the whole planet.
Just like that.
In fact, they can't even test them, obviously.
They don't know how much they would... You've seen Star Trek, one of the last episodes?
You know, the new Star Trek movies?
I think they're better than the old ones.
Where they go and drop that dark matter into the center of Spock's planet and implodes?
How about the whole solar system doing that?
How about black hole weapons?
They invented the equations for atomic weapons.
Max Planck did in 1900.
There it is.
Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons.
Program was touted publicly.
Then came official gag order.
San Francisco Chronicle.
I said 10 years ago.
Photographic memory.
But only photographic back to a certain point.
It's not been photographic the last few years.
Near photographic, if I'm focused, have the right nutrients, but I'm 40.
You're not supposed to be able to have a photographic memory after really 30.
It starts degrading.
I'm just saying, I'm not making this stuff up.
People hear me throw out facts, numbers, statistics.
How does this guy know all this stuff?
Yes, I do!
Of course I know when they publish a thing about antimatter bombs.
Who would not want to know that date?
I'm not bragging here.
I'm telling you that when Vladimir Putin says we have nuclear weapons, back off.
That's what they did on 8-8-8 in August of 2008.
I wake up.
My wife's like, hey, Russia has attacked.
Russia has attacked Georgia.
It's on the radio, she's in there cooking breakfast.
I get up, I stumble out, go to the computer, go to CNN, turn it on, got coffee, stand there in my underwear, kids are grabbing on my legs and stuff.
I'm like, huh?
Yeah, but they just invaded Georgia, nobody knows why, they're driving towards the Capitol.
They had the president of the country on there saying, please help us.
And I get ready, and all the news says Russia's attacked, and it took me until I was about 30 minutes into the show at 11.30.
Took me about, I don't know, four or five hours.
Yeah, there it is.
Russia threatens nuclear attack on Poland over U.S.
missile shield.
London Telegraph.
This is, that was a few years ago.
Print that for me.
Thank you.
If you're a radio listener and wonder what's going on, we're also simulcasting on television at Infowars.com forward slash show and at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And so as I say things, they Google it and pull up the headline so we can prove things for you.
But back on 888, their chairman of their Joint Chiefs of Staff said, I am authorized to tell you that we're going to launch medium-range attacks on NATO bases in one hour.
If the NATO aircraft landing and disgorging US and NATO forces do not pull out.
The Russians landed in Serbia, in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo.
When they were bringing in the Muslim forces and ethnically cleansing, they tried to take that Russian airbase, and the Russians landed and said, okay, we're preparing for nuclear war.
And the head of NATO refused the order.
The British head, I forget his name, General Jackson, I think it was General Jackson, refused the order.
He said, I am not going to go down in history books as the guy that started World War III.
Everyone knows the Russians don't ever threaten anything unless they're going to do it.
They've been all nice.
Oh, please don't take our military bases.
Please don't take our gas pipelines.
Please, we'll work things out with the West.
In fact, we'll even let you have 90% of the country.
Fine, the EU can eat Ukraine.
Don't move missiles in.
CIA head goes there provocatively, commanding all these forces, attacking the Russian-held areas.
I mean, what do you expect?
I mean, Putin could be Hitler.
It's Hitler with nuclear weapons, folks.
But he's not Hitler.
It's the globalists that are expanding and pushing and starting all this.
And if you just joined us, Vladimir Putin has come out and said, don't mess with nuclear Russia.
It's best for you not to mess with us.
Putin spoke easily with students, many of whom looked to be asking scripted questions.
Oh, like our press conferences aren't scripted with Obama.
Give me a break.
Listen, if you're going to say those are scripted, say, as ours are scripted.
See, because I tell you it's scripted here and it's scripted there.
I'm sick of this.
Oh my gosh!
Russians torture people sometimes.
Oh my gosh!
But we never do that, right?
And you don't spy on people either, right?
I'm just sick of the hypocrisy, sick of the fraud, and sick of you people trying to start World War III.
Hey, Goldman Sachs had made 40 to 1 bets on people's money.
These people are nuts!
Wall Street's nuts!
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SAC, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War III.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
No doubt.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are on a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
The only winning move is not to play.
That's the bottom line that we're discussing here, ladies and gentlemen.
And the headline at Infowars.com reads, from Reuters, don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says.
He goes on to say that anyone that engages any of our military forces
We'll be responded to with our full military might.
You can read the full quotes up on InfoWars.com.
Putin says don't mess with nuclear Russia.
The video is going up in real time right now.
Now it's in Russian, but I'm going to go ahead and play some of this now.
This just broke in the last 30 minutes.
This was released by RT.
Here it is.
Mr. Putin, good afternoon.
My name is Mr. Makariko, and I'm from St.
Petersburg Polytechnical University.
I'd like to express a big thanks for your visit to Seliger.
Mr. Putin, it's an educational forum, but of course we follow the developments that are happening around the world and some of the events are linked to Ukraine.
You met with President Poroshenko in Minsk and Mr. Lavrov also told us about
Sending another humanitarian convoy and also the militia announced that they will continue their military operation.
We also asked the militia to provide a humanitarian corridor to avoid bloodshed.
There were also media reports about possible tougher sanctions.
Also Russian servicemen were
Reportedly detained on the territory of Ukraine.
Could you give us your take on the situation?
And what are the future developments in your view?
Thank you.
So let's start with our servicemen.
I made a statement about that.
Ukrainian servicemen also found themselves on the Russian territory and in larger numbers.
Once we had 450 servicemen, then we had another 60 and another 16, many of them with arms.
And some of them, they went to Russia and just said, you know, we were lost.
But what we saw was that they were with armored vehicles.
Well, I do believe that they got lost.
We don't have a clear demarcation in some of the areas.
I think it's a purely technical issue.
We discussed that with the President of Ukraine, Mr. Poroshenko, and he assured me that the Russian soldiers will be handed over to Russia, just like Russia.
This is a two and a half hour video.
That's why it was just released in the last 30 minutes or so.
That's why no major media yet has the specific quotes.
We have the text released by RT.
We've got our guys reviewing it right now.
We will go through this and get to the part where he talks about don't mess with Russia and we'll retaliate and the rest of it.
But the full transcript
is on InfoWars.com and the video is posted there as well.
We're going to post it separately with the word video in the headline so folks can see that if they want.
But no one's perfect in this whole thing.
Russia has done a lot of bad things to Ukraine, but part of Ukraine has been part of Russia basically forever.
The Western Ukrainians have done a lot of bad stuff to Eastern Ukrainians.
We're not in the middle as Americans in their tribal sectarian warfare.
The EU is in there manipulating things to consolidate power and control.
That's what's happening.
And they want to suck that country dry.
That's why they ethnically want to bring in groups and then hype them up racially into the United States, not to assimilate, but to be their own group attached to the Democratic Party.
That's race-based politics.
The Democrats did that and ran the country for over 100 years with the Klan.
When Christian Republicans wouldn't go along with it, with Martin Luther King and others that were Republicans, and I'm not saying Republicans are perfect, they're part of the corrupt political class, the Democrats switched to racial politics with minorities.
And now they've brought in a majority of minorities.
If there was one white person huddling in a corner about to be shot in the head, that'd be a majority.
So this is how the political correctness works, race-based politics.
But they've gotten rid of the population's immune system
To this form of manipulation to where we just accept anything.
Except Obamacare, a giant criminal operation that big corporations are exempt from.
That's illegal.
And it raises taxes on poor people or you're against black people because Obama's black and he couldn't do anything wrong.
This is how the system operates and you've got incredible war propaganda
Going on right now, here's the headline in the London Telegraph from 2008, a few days after 888, when Georgia launched an attack on Russian-held areas of Ocasio and South Ossetia that have been Russian enclaves forever.
Russia threatens nuclear attack on Poland over U.S.
missile shield.
Russia threatened a nuclear strike against Poland after a landmark deal to cite American global anti-missile shields in its country.
Because what they really are, and what the Pentagon admits they are, is a system to where you can launch a nuclear attack on Russia, they try to launch a response, and the missiles shoot that down.
And they talk to us like children and go, no, it's to shoot down missiles if Russia shoots first.
Of course!
But it's an escalation because you can hit Russia and then they can't respond back.
So it's a major act of war to bring anti-missile systems up to somebody's border.
Can you imagine if Russians in Canada and Mexico were stationing these?
The United States would hit the targets.
We have found the clip of Putin
Talking about the response to the situation in Ukraine.
So here it is from the two and a half hour meeting.
We're going to play this clip, then we're going to get this clip and excise it out for folks and put it up on InfoWars.com.
But here it is, Vladimir Putin telling NATO, the West, George Soros and the rest of them, love them or hate them, they've got the nuclear weapons.
Do not push us, don't mess with Russia.
Here is the clip.
Historical memory is a very important component of our culture, our history, our life today.
And of course we should also consider the future based on our historical experience and our historical memory.
So I can tell you straight away that
Russia is far from being involved in large-scale conflicts.
We don't want that, and we're not going to do that.
Of course, we should always be ready to repel any aggression, any attack on Russia.
Regardless of the situation our partners' nations are in, they should always realize that they would be better off not messing with us, talking about a possible military conflict.
Thankfully, I don't think anybody seriously considers the possibility of starting a military conflict with Russia.
I would like to remind you that Russia is one of the biggest nuclear powers.
In other words, this is real and we actually strengthen our nuclear forces.
They are more compact now, but they're also more efficient.
They're more modern.
They have modern weaponry.
And we continue to boost their potential.
We are going to do this in the future as well.
This is not to threaten anybody.
This is just for us to feel protected and be able to implement our economic and social plans.
As far as cycles are concerned, yes, I think that
Global development is cyclical.
Primarily, I think, because the economy develops in cycles and this has been proven.
We have an economist present here.
There it is in context.
There's the audio, there's the video.
We'll get that clip, we'll have it up on InfoWars.com, up on YouTube in the next 30 minutes or so.
We have the full two-plus hours up, but we're going to have that for everybody updated to InfoWars.com.
We're going to get that posted on one of our YouTube channels right now for everybody else as well, if you're a radio listener.
We do have Ray McGovern.
Former top CIA briefer to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, who was on with us on August 15th, two weeks ago, warning, a little less than two weeks ago, that this could lead to nuclear war, and that it's a very real threat.
Every major analyst I talk to, people formerly in defense intelligence, CIA, professors, on and off air,
And all the trade publications I read, military publications, Pentagon statements, I mean, this is a real push up into the border of Russia.
And if NATO troops start engaging Russian troops who feel like they're in their interest with their military bases, their pipelines, when they're trying to cut Russia off from Europe, which will hurt Europe big time as well,
This isn't America where Obama just gets to shut down a third of our power plants and double, on average, our electricity prices in seven years.
This isn't America where they get to pass a healthcare law that raises seven taxes on poor people with death panels and death panels at the VA.
This is Russia we're talking about that has its own set of problems.
But their public is more informed, on average.
You can look at the studies on that.
They know geographically what's going on.
They understand it.
They have the memory of 20 million Russians dying in World War II.
The Germans have it as well.
20 million Germans died.
Only 5-6 million of those were troops.
So, governments do this.
They make decisions, they do things.
Tens of millions died overall from war and famine in the Napoleonic Wars, all three rounds.
And people never think it's going to happen until it happens.
And this time, there's nuclear weapons.
I believe the Bible.
But I don't believe the establishment interpretations of it where we all get raptured out of this.
No, it says the beast wages war on the saints and overcomes them.
Then there's a big revival.
People wake up and start repenting.
There's awakening around the world.
One third of the earth's population is killed.
Large portions of the Earth's surface are black.
That's what the Bible says.
Columns of flame bigger than mountains.
Giant machines that look like insects flying around dropping fire on people.
This is what John on the Isle of Patmos saw.
And hey, even if you don't believe in God or the collective consciousness or anything,
Doesn't matter, boy, a lot of that's coming true.
And it isn't what these preachers tell you, who think they're big megachurches, protect them from nuclear weapons, while they're little CIA, FBI, auxiliary officers writing dossiers, you know, up late at night on their churchgoers, and, you know, which family they're gonna break up, and how they're gonna get people's money, and, you know, I mean, these are savage operations.
With just a bunch of gullible Americans just believing anything.
Oh, we got a great country!
We're the greatest in the world!
We're perfect!
We can do no wrong!
Blah, blah, blah!
We are hijacked just like France was by the Nazis.
Our government is a bunch of collaborators with offshore banks who literally are running us into the ground.
Russia goes, you want to cut our pipelines off with our contracts?
Where we sell the cheapest gas in the world to Europe?
You want to be able to drive up prices on people worldwide?
We're going to be competitive.
And the globalists and the Rothschilds and the Dutch royalty and the British royalty and all the rest of them that are driving this, they went, we're coming into eastern Ukraine.
We're taking over your oil fields and your gas fields that you developed and you got leases on and your pipelines that come out of Russia and those rich gas fields over the border.
And we're going to give it to Joe Biden's son.
We're going to give some of the stock to the British Royal Family, some of the Dutch, we're going to give Obama some, Joe Biden's son, you get $2 billion out, $2 billion worth, how's that sound?
Biden comes out and goes, I'm proud my son is a good businessman, yeah.
The Russians are literally watching Joe Biden's son take over their gas.
So they've sent in special forces to protect it.
And they're getting killed right now fighting mercenaries in the CIA.
And there's U.S.
troops getting killed over there right now.
You better believe it.
So Putin goes up there and plays the game of, we've got a few soldiers over there.
And notice all the kids laugh.
They all understand that Americans get told, there's no 2 plus 2 equals 5.
No, they know it equals 4.
So Putin's like, we have a few soldiers.
Some of them got picked up.
But they're going to be released.
They're playing along with, because they're giving us our own response.
Oh, there's no CIA or mercenaries attacking eastern Ukraine.
Oh no!
And Putin's like, oh, and there's none of our troops either.
And he goes, and this is not a threat, but we have nuclear weapons.
That was, this is a threat.
And you watch, within hours, his generals will come out and threaten to nuke Europe and the United States.
And remember who runs things?
We got Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and others with people like John Corzine, who would make 40 to 1 bets with private bank accounts.
He bought a subsidiary bank.
And then most people didn't get their money back for two plus years.
And he didn't get in trouble.
That's how reckless and... Let me tell you, the elite are just like Bernie Madoff or Ken Lay, but a few steps up and worse.
You want to put the whole world in the hands of Bernie Madoff and Ken Lay?
And the Weirdo Queen of England?
And those freaks that want to start a nuclear war because they got underground bunkers and they're bored?
Bunch of nihilistic scum!
We're going to take your phone calls coming up.
We got Ray McGovern on, but we're going to be taking your calls.
I want to hear from people about this.
Am I wrong?
Should we want nuclear war?
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Now, our loving government, run by foreign banks, has been funding Al-Qaeda and changing their name to confuse the public and then having fake airstrikes on them while they turn the Middle East over to them.
And while they overthrow all our previous allies, because they're not America haters, and while the destabilization goes on in Africa as well, our border is completely being dissolved.
Obama, it's in the Associated Press, is set by the end of the month, he said he'd do it by the end of August, I guess that means the next two days, to sign an executive order bypassing Congress.
You may have heard that two days ago on the carbon tax.
I'm going to be covering that some on the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
Just, hey, I'm king.
I'm just going to do it.
In fact, now he's doing government by not even executive order, but just saying, I told the department head.
So there's not even a memo or a piece of paper.
There's a piece of paper when a cop gives you a ticket, where it was, where the street was, the court, the law, the fine.
But when you shut down the power plants and get ready to put taxes on every mile you drive, with satellite tracker boxes in all the cars, lined up beforehand, getting you ready for it?
Oh, when that's going on, the feds have come out
After this article two days ago from CNS News, Feds move to require car-to-car safety communication, which will tax you by the mile.
Feds deny vehicle-to-vehicle communications.
Tech will be used to spy on drivers.
Basic safety message to broadcast GPS signal.
Totally ridiculous, folks.
That's right, and the NSA's not spying on you, and if you've got a business, you didn't build it, and on and on and on.
This is just beyond insane, and the whole Republican leadership is working with the crazies that run Wall Street.
That doesn't mean your average brokerage house, your average stock, the big megabanks, the high-frequency traders, the people that have rigged the market.
How long did I tell you it was rigged with experts?
And then Rolling Stone last year, or two years ago, the whole game's rigged.
The stock market, the interest rates, everything.
The top echelon is basically exempt, has all the info, runs the markets.
What are you going to tell us next, Alex?
That Las Vegas casinos are rigged in favor of the house?
Next you're going to tell me H2O stands for dihydrogen monoxide?
That's water.
You know, I've gone on the streets of Austin and 9 out of 10 people, it was actually more than that, we talked to like 20 people, until one of them knew that we were saying, we want to ban the hydrogen monoxide.
It's in everything.
It causes excess urination.
We want to ban it.
And the people would sign.
They would go, oh, I'm an engineer.
Yeah, I agree.
Start hitting on Lee and McAdoo.
One guy in the video was like, yeah, I went to
That's why they think we're so dumb.
I mean, because 9 out of 10 Americans will ban water because they don't know the scientific name.
Just like they'll ban salt if you give them a scientific name.
And I'm not even that smart!
That's what's frustrating about this is, it's crazy!
They're trying to start nuclear war with Russia!
We're gonna break it down with the former top CIA analyst Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, their favorite morning briefer.
Ray McGovern, coming up!
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I want to be patriotic.
I think we need to have nuclear war with Russia.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mark Adams joined us, investigative journalist, to chronicle the incredible criminal history of the illegitimate run-for-profit
For the offshore banks, Internal Revenue Service.
And I talked to senior people in the IRS in Austin, one of the biggest IRS centers in the country's here.
They admit it's all true, the total fraud and total scam, and the ultra-rich are tax-exempt, and the illegals are all allowed to be basically tax-free in many cases, and launder money.
I mean, this is all just a mafia government.
So that's coming up.
I said I'd get into the open borders situation.
We reported on this a few days ago.
Drudge picked it up first.
Now it's in mainstream news today, but suspects in murder of Border Patrol agent arrested and deported numerous times.
They were living illegally in Texas.
We reported on this yesterday.
We're actually two days ago.
So now it's hitting national news that they have been deported over and over again and we're just running around robbing and killing people reportedly for fun and to rob them.
So there you go.
Texas eased rules for housing immigrant children.
They can basically do anything they want with them and have no inspections and no Congress can't get in.
Nobody can get in.
Overwhelmed by the arrival of thousands of undocumented immigrant children, the state of Texas relaxed its standards.
That's called laws.
The legislature, you're breaking the law.
You just say now, like Obama, we're relaxing standards for the shelters that house them.
Mainly because the illegals are crapping on the floor.
I mean, I'm sorry, that's just in the news.
Governing how much space, they just won't use the toilet in some cases.
Never had a toilet.
I mean, I don't blame them.
Why not?
The EPA does it.
Maybe that's the new sign that you're in the in crowd.
You just walk into a restaurant, crap on the table.
I mean, why not?
It's racist to walk into a police station and just walk in and just crap right on the front desk.
And they're going to arrest me and go, what?
I'm culturally sensitive here.
That was in the news last week that that's why they're having all these inspections.
People are getting in trouble because there's just crap everywhere.
But easing rules governing how much space each child needs and what kind of facilities they should have.
Maybe that should be the new American flag.
It's just somebody crapping on the floor.
I mean, the EPA... By the way, when I said this a few months ago, people thought I was joking.
Then I mentioned it again a few days ago, or last week, and people were on YouTube going, I thought he was joking, until we flashed the article up.
No, no, no.
At EPA facilities all over the country, they go... The U.S.
citizens... We're not just playing the illegals here, because they grew up, like, in, you know, cardboard boxes.
I feel sorry for them.
They go to the bathroom at their desk in hallways.
And they're not just lazy and pee on the floor.
I mean, in an idiocracy, you have a toilet built right into your seat.
That's trendy.
You gotta have a hipster beard.
By the way, there's a new article out.
Islamic State's new icon is a hipster.
And I saw this a few days ago and thought it was satire, but now it's in the London Telegraph.
I look at so much news, I looked at it and thought, that can't be real.
You guys, if you'll punch this up for TV viewers, it's so ridiculous.
Islamic State's new icon is a hipster jihadi, sword-wielding supporter of the caliphate, is a university graduate from a well-off Cairo family.
I bet you a million dollars he's CIA or Ford Foundation or Soros Group.
I mean, you can just look at it.
What a joke!
And hey, they're carrying out Democratic Party operation to murder every Christian they find, slit the throats of non-radical Muslims, and just rule savagely, ruling with power like Akron.
You walk in Akron and go, I got children, I want to run as sex slaves.
They're like, sir, you came to the right place, time to run ops.
And if you don't run child sex slaves in America for the Democrats, you're a racist!
And if you're at the EPA and you don't just projectile crap all over the walls... You know what?
Maybe when I was at CNN a few years ago for the Piers Morgan deal, and I'd been at the same studios before, and it was all nice of Piers before, and now it was all gross while I'm on this scatological deal that Karl Rove, who listens in Austin, I'm sure loves.
But I'm disgusted by it.
I'm not obsessed with it like he is, with his nickname for the President, TB.
I don't mean tuberculosis.
Yeah, I'm not kidding.
Turd blossom.
That it was like Jackson Pollock's all over the walls.
Green, brown, black crap.
I mean, maybe that's what America is.
Maybe you prove you're a Democrat now by just running around the street.
Don't even wear diapers.
Stay with us.
This is Scottish John for InfoWars.com.
I know that most of you here in this commercial already know about the New World Order, eugenics, and all the other issues covered here at InfoWars.
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If not, then I want to know why.
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They might call you names, or they just want to talk about sports, or soap operas.
I say, so what?
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We from Scotland have had our skin in this game for the greater part of the last thousand years, and I'm still fighting.
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It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Former Congressman George Hanson had the eye of the tiger.
Back when no one in government dared criticize the IRS or speak on the floor of the House on C-SPAN about stories of them taking homes without even warrants or without even juries, jerking the diamond rings off little old ladies' fingers, he would expose that it was a collection agency for the private Federal Reserve that had been set up in 1913.
And I remember interviewing Hanson back in the mid-90s, again after 2000,
I tried to get him on last year and again earlier this year and learned that he was in bad health and could not come on, but he recommended Mark Adams, who is his biographer.
And when we look at what the IRS is doing today, going after hundreds of thousands of conservatives, libertarians, Tea Partiers, pro-life groups, Christian groups, land rights organizations, setting people up, arresting people, it's created a giant chilling effect.
Or even mainline Baptist churches hand out letters, as we've shown here on air, telling their practitioners, when you go to a church dinner, don't even talk about politics when you're having dinner.
Well, I mean, the First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And then it goes into the freedom of the press, the right to assemble for redress of grievances.
So petitioning, all of it's in the First Amendment.
More important, the Founders believe in the Second.
But the two go together.
Like a horse and carriage.
Like an engine and a caboose.
Because it's the pen that is so mighty.
Even more than the sword.
Because the sword will fail if it's not backed up by the pen.
That's the Infowar.
Pentagon says 90% of war is now Infowar.
They say soon it'll be 90-plus percent, 98%.
And so that's why we're going to remember what's been happening to George Hanson.
We're going to look back on what happened to him.
But first, we're going to start at present times and work our way back with investigative journalist Mark Adams.
Who again has a book coming out on the subject.
Jesse Ventura joins us in the next hour.
We'll have news as it breaks as well.
More on the border.
Russia prepares large-scale invasion.
Battle-ready forces of infantry, armor, artillery, and air defense.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
We've got some of the other important news up on InfoWars.com.
NATO warns Russia will use a humanitarian mission as pretext to invade Ukraine.
CDC remains silent on potential Ebola victims in the U.S.
If Obama doesn't follow the Constitution, we don't have to.
There's video of that.
Amnesty supporter hits protesting woman's car.
CDC getting dozens of calls about people who are ill after traveling to Africa.
911 dispatcher issues insane instructions to woman whose house is being robbed, put down your gun.
That's the kind of news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, Robert Redford has come out.
He wants to be basically tax exempt.
He's suing the state of New York over $1.6 million in taxes.
And it's always the Democrats, if you look at the numbers, the congressmen that don't pay taxes, the big rich moguls that don't pay taxes, the Bill and Melinda Gates that get out of taxes, the Warren Buffets, while lobbying to have poor people's taxes raised, because they get it in government contracts.
Truly a disgusting group of
Kleptocrats, posing as loving liberals who have the moral high ground.
Now, before we go to Mark Adams, if you're a TV viewer, we'll show you some of the photos of Congressman Hanson, who was tortured.
And that's the story that we haven't gotten to yet.
He was driven around, his teeth knocked out.
He was driven around for months.
They call it de-celling.
Those aren't even the bad photos we found online.
Until his
Yes, they call it diesel therapy.
Thank you, John.
Where your toes pop, your legs rot, your feet burst.
In fact, the photos we found online aren't even the ones he sent me more than a decade ago that were just unbelievable.
But this is the type of evil that you'd imagine in a communist gulag happening to Alexander Schultz and Nielsen that goes on.
So he's too ill to keep fighting on, but he fights on through his biographer and researcher.
First I want to play a clip from the early 1990s on Geraldo Rivera with Congressman Hanson when it was admitted
And confirmed that he indeed had been targeted and tortured.
Here it is.
But in my case, I beat them on the tax matter that they tried to throw at me.
In fact, we had a five-figure refund.
But they did everything they could to try to embarrass you in the middle of an election, all that type of thing, and then it didn't stop.
They tried to come at you from other directions, the Federal Election Commission, or
Or the ethics reports that you file with Congress.
And it didn't even matter if you went to the committee that handled the reports and asked them how to file the reports with two attorneys present, and they filed the reports, they made sure that one agency of government, the one they work with, the Justice Department, came in and got you anyway, even though you followed the instructions.
So they have a way of getting you if they don't like you, and there's a whole host of stories.
Any politician that stands in their way, they're not safe either.
They file taxes.
And you wonder why people go along.
Well, the NSA is blackmailing.
We had William Binney on a few weeks ago to say, no, it's confirmed.
They spy on the Congress and blackmail them and threaten them.
And then they got an intel operative come out in the news and say, I claimed I interviewed of someone from an intelligence community when Bill Binney is the highest level NSA person to ever go public.
He was number four at the NSA when he quit in October 2001.
This is the shy-op they run.
Telling you there's no death panels in Obamacare.
Telling you there's no open border.
Now they admit it.
Telling you that you can keep your doctor.
Telling you raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
Telling you there's no tyranny.
They're lying to you.
So Mark Adams, I'm going to give you the floor for the next six minutes until we go to break.
Where should we begin?
Currently what's happening or at the beginning?
Well gosh, thanks for having me on Alex.
I'll tell you,
It's remarkable.
So much of Congressman Hansen's fireball career, it directly relates now to the exposed collusion of the IRS and the Justice Department working together to try to destroy the Tea Party.
And for sure, 2014 has been a busy year for the IRS.
As reported in the New York Daily News on June 24th, United States Archivist David Ferraro, he testified to Congress that IRS did not follow the law when it failed to report the destruction of Lois Lerner's emails.
Also on June 24th,
It was revealed that the IRS was forced to pay $50,000 to the National Organization for Marriage for illegally disclosing their donor list.
That was reported in the Daily Signal.
And then, let's also remember Christine O'Donnell.
When it was revealed last February that the IRS illegally disclosed her confidential tax documents.
And then, at the end of June, June 30th, the Hill newspaper published an article with this headline, Senator Thune, he's from South Dakota,
Lerner emails on Senator Grassley, show the need for a special prosecutor.
And in the Hill newspaper, it quotes Senator Doon.
He says, we're all very concerned when we hear that the IRS, in addition to targeting political groups, may be targeting
Conservative Senators who've been critics of the IRS.
Well, the fact is the IRS has been targeting lawmakers for a very long time.
Their first victim was Senator Ed Long, a Democrat from Missouri.
And this takes us all the way back in the 1960s when Johnson was president.
Senator Long spent an unprecedented three years investigating the Internal Revenue Service.
And he was outraged at what he discovered.
And he did not mince words.
He warned the whole country
How too often the IRS acts like a gestample, preying upon defenseless citizens.
And his hearings generated a lot of press coverage because they also exposed the illegal wiretapping that was going on with the IRS and the FBI.
In fact, way back in, I think it was 1967, he published a book titled The Intruders.
That documented the government's crusade into secret and illegal surveillance.
I've read that book and that's cited by so many people that began to expose the NSA as well.
And that data is shared with all these agencies that are really mafias to do whatever they want.
We're going to go to break with investigative journalist Mark Adams.
I'm Alex Jones.
He just joined us and come back and break this down because it's getting worse.
And every year
They cut more and more white-collar investigators, that's the headline, but IRS that investigates billionaires, and they only focus on political now.
So they're becoming purely political on top of it, and getting away with it.
So what happens when they get away with persecuting people in the NSA spying?
You get a full-blown tyranny.
Stay with us.
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew you didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
So what we have going on here is a reign of terror.
And it's intensifying.
I saw in the Wall Street Journal just a few months ago where they cut even more of the white collar fraud investigators.
Across federal agencies, like the Election Commission, the commissions that look at the stocks and bonds, the IRS.
The IRS will let one house in Austin get 80-something million dollars over several years of fake tax returns.
Obviously, it's being laundered.
The Democratic Party and others.
It's not a house of four or five illegals getting that.
Same thing in Atlanta, Georgia.
Los Angeles, California.
It's there, though, to tell churches you can't have free speech and speak out against abortion when that's not even a law.
But, just like the mafia can threaten to break your legs, and it's illegal, but still,
A lot of people buckle to them.
So we'll get into Congressman Hanson's story, and we'll go back and look at the hearings that exposed it, and what happened to him specifically, and then move forward.
But it's just important to understand this is a reign of terror, and giving in to it only makes it get worse.
The answer to their chilling effect and their intimidation is to get more vocal against them, to get more aggressive, and to let the politicos that come after you know
When they try to set you up, Eric Holder may get out of it, but they're not going to get out of it.
You're going to sue them forever.
You're going to dig into their background, their other cases, and just like the Michael Mortensen case, you're going to end up sending them to jail.
It may take 10 years.
But I've always warned the government and everybody else, I know I'm clean.
And if anybody ever sets me up or tries anything, I am gonna make your life miserable by the full extent of the law, forever.
And I've got lawyers and a trust set up.
My money isn't set up to own a jet airplane.
My money isn't set up to live in a big house.
It's set up to take care of my kids, a little bit of money I got, and to make whoever kills me, or whoever sets me up, their life a living hell.
I don't mean to go off on a jag, but I've talked to so many top lawyers here on the air.
I want to get that top EPA lawyer on and the FDA lawyer on.
He does both.
I forget his name.
He's the top lawyer in the country.
We had him on and he's won a whole bunch of cases against the FDA, EPA, you name it, when they're bullying people for no reason.
And he said, look,
We go after the judges and the prosecutors for the crimes they've committed and all the money they're getting from the companies themselves.
This is a mafia.
They shut it down real quick.
That's the only way to beat the feds in federal court.
That's why they got a 97, 98 percent conviction rate.
Because it's a mafia, folks.
But you start investigating.
The lifestyle of the people that set you up?
Oh, they quit real fast.
I'm sorry, we got a long segment coming up.
I'm eating up your segment here.
Mark, get back to that member of the Congress who was getting into this in their book, The Intruders, and then move forward to what has grown into today.
Yes, well here's how they set Senator Ed Long up.
Bill Lampert was an associate editor at Life Magazine.
And he was contacted by an official in the Justice Department who worked closely with the IRS.
And this official promised Lambert a big, juicy story about the crusading senator.
And it was the May 1967 issue of Life Magazine published
An article that made the outrageous accusation that Senator Long's hearings, which were exposing all this illegal wiretapping, they in fact interfered with the government's investigation of organized crime.
The article also accused Senator Long of collecting $48,000 in bribe payoffs.
Now, Long, he of course denied the accusations.
And as for the $48,000, that was a legal finder's fee from an attorney in Missouri.
Money, which in fact, he had reported to the IRS.
And he documented the trail of payments.
Later that summer in 1967,
A Senate investigation committee cleared Senator Long of any wrongdoing.
But it shows the incredible dirty tricks that scare everybody else off.
And we're showing the news articles on screen right now that our guest sent us.
We'll be back to look at more of those documents for TV viewers.
We'll break them down for radio listeners.
This is important.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com.
InfoWars dot com.
The backup site has a lot of news on it every day that doesn't end up on InfoWars dot com.
Sometimes I find more on Prison Planet than I do on InfoWars, but regardless, that is the backup site.
We're on Twitter, at RealAlexJones, and of course, most of the big Twitter accounts that have like 5 million, 10 million followers, it's come out in the news, are fake.
The President's, the First Lady's, ours isn't fake.
We came to Twitter late in the game, so it only has like 280,000 followers on it.
That's still good because it's real followers.
And sometimes I'll tweet on the weekend if something's happening, or I'll tweet a video, or I'll tweet an article, or I'll tweet a photo, or I'll tweet humor.
You get more of my humor, which might be funny depending on your views.
At Real Alex Jones.
Very important to follow Real Alex Jones, even though it's a globalist platform, it's very useful.
Now, we had fans that set up fan sites on Facebook pretty early on.
That's why we have three million folks that like us on Facebook.
About 900,000 on one, and he had all the others together.
It's about three million.
That's because we got there early.
One thing I noticed about the Internet, it's important to get there early.
When some new platform comes out, if you get to
One of these sites, late, it's not as easy to dominate it.
Of course, we've dominated YouTube.
We got to that, not really early, but not late.
We got to it by about 2005, right when it got sold to Google.
We were on it before it got sold to Google, whenever that was.
Obviously, on one channel, we didn't set our channel up until 2009 or so, and that one has 400-something million, but all put together, 800 million on big channels alone of people that have seen our videos.
And that's just big channels.
I can't even track all the others.
And I'm not tooting our horn.
I'm saying people are awake.
Liberty is popular.
And now the IRS has been exposed being political, going after people who are innocent, but it's a fraud to begin with.
Didn't get set up until 1913.
The average American didn't pay money to the IRS until the 1950s.
And here's a headline from the New York Times in 2000, April 16th.
IRS more likely to audit the poor and not the rich.
And since then I've seen that headline over and over again where they're not auditors for Warren Buffett, boys and girls.
But if you own a car dealership, you're getting audited every year.
If you own a restaurant, you're getting audited every year.
That's what the poor people think are rich people.
Or if you make $20,000 a year, $30,000?
Those audits went up in 2013, they reported this year, and of rich went down even more.
But I'm ranting.
I want to give Mark Adams, investigative journalist, the floor, and then a new article that just went live on InfoWars.com.
North Carolina sheriff to residence
Fight back against crime by taking up arms.
And he goes on to say crime is exploding in their county due to the illegal alien crime wave, the economy being bad.
And that's the truth.
Crime has gone down since 1992 with the end of the crack cocaine epidemic.
I remember when I was a kid growing up in Dallas, there'd be sometimes four murders a day, five murders a day.
I remember hearing, you know, 20 murders in the last three days over the weekend.
Dallas had the highest crime rate, worse than Chicago when I was growing up.
But it was more than that.
They think it was the lead and the fuel made people violent or something?
I mean, you know, I grew up where if you looked at somebody wrong, they would just jump out of their truck while it was moving and just run towards you.
I mean, it was just like, just like fistfights constantly.
People get, and I lived in a nice neighborhood.
And people were shooting each other and stuff sometimes.
You know, it was like wives shooting husbands, you name it.
Just crazy stuff, but I don't know why I'm going off on that jag.
The point is, since guns became so incredibly popular and concealed carry came out, the FBI even admits that's one of the largest reasons crime's gone down.
Also taking lead out of the fuel.
Lead will make you a mad dog, folks.
That was a big part of why the U.S.
was so violent, because we would lead the fuel.
A lot of other folks banned that before we ever did.
But, so I give that to the left, who always talks about crime dropping, being fuel.
That's part of it, but the guns are the biggest, because lead was out for a long time, crime went down some, and then down even more by the mid-90s, 2000, and through that, when the lead had already been out by the 80s.
But I'm gonna go back to my guess, you know how I love factoids.
But now, because of the economy being in a depression in most areas, and methamphetamine and the rest of it, crime
Muggings, shootings, people knocking out the window in your car, people stealing your bag when you go to the bathroom at the restaurant.
Petty crime is off the charts.
And what's happening is people trying to carjack.
Carjack's coming back.
It's not as bad as it was since concealed carry came in, but it's coming back.
They're just getting killed.
Muggings are going up.
They're getting killed.
So the sheriff, we're going to play the clip after our guest leaves us and Ventura joins us, he says get
Learn how to use them.
Because the Sheriff's Department is overwhelmed.
Departments are saying this everywhere.
Start shooting these people.
Somebody tries to mug you, tries to break into your car, grab the revolver, shove it in their chest, pull the trigger until they're dead.
Until they're off of you.
And that'll teach all these people.
So go out and get a job and work and not go around knocking people on the head.
Let's go ahead and go back to our guest Mark Adams, the investigative journalist who's writing a book about Congressman George Hanson who was arrested, tortured.
He's getting into earlier congressmen and senators that were persecuted.
Then I want to get into his torture and when your book is coming out.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, thank you, Alex.
One thing I want to point out here, it was the Life Magazine article that really sabotaged Senator Ed Long.
He lost the primary election in August 1968.
Life Magazine never published a retraction, even though it was proven that he was innocent of those charges that were put forth in the article.
Well, on August 6th, 1968,
46 years ago today, the IRS commissioner, Sheldon Cohen, called Bill Lambert, the associate editor at Life Magazine, to offer them his congratulations.
And by the way, we're showing the New York Times article as you speak.
Go ahead.
Now, Bernard Fensterwald, he was Chief Counsel to Senator Long's committee.
He also did not mince words.
He came right out and warned Senators and Congressmen who are not scared of looking into the IRS have to be crazy.
Because the IRS will just ruin your career.
And they should have all gotten together as a coalition against cowardice and all come out, or even 30 or 40, then they couldn't bring them all down.
But instead, cowards all sit down while great men like Congressman Hanson are tortured.
Well, one senator who came forward was Senator Joseph Montoya.
He was a Democrat from New Mexico.
He chaired the IRS Appropriations Subcommittee.
And in 1972,
He started lining up witnesses to testify before his subcommittee about IRS atrocities.
Well, in 1975, he was sambagued when IRS operatives colluded with Bob Woodward and the Washington Post.
IRS chief blocks audit of Montoya's taxes.
Well, that was the screaming headline on the October 19, 1975 edition of the Washington Post.
And that article by Bob Woodward has got all the appearances of a real work of sabotage.
Right there at the beginning of the article, Woodward states that Montoya
Senator Montoya had been twice recommended for prosecution because he allegedly failed to file returns going back to World War II they were looking at, 1945 and 1946.
But then, four paragraphs later, Woodward writes, there is no evidence that Montoya has illegally evaded taxes.
For those that don't know, Bob Woodward, I'm not defending Nixon, was naval intelligence, and that was a total set up.
They were giving him all the intel to bring down the presidency, to bring in a soft cue of bureaucrats.
So anytime Woodward or Bernstein, especially Woodward, are involved in something, you gotta look out.
Well yes, in fact, what McConnell was doing was, he was making people nervous.
He was going full throttle to, again, show America
How the IRS behaves like a Gestapo, preying on defenseless Americans.
Now remember in 1968, the IRS finally got rid of Senator Long.
Now just four years later, Senator Montoya is in hot pursuit.
Woodward doesn't mention any of this.
All she says in this article is, he, Montoya,
is well known on Capitol Hill for his active interest in IRS matters.
Of course he has an active interest in IRS matters.
He's the one who chairs their subcommittee that oversees the IRS.
Yeah, the headline should be, IRS persecuting Congress, IRS going after their bosses, IRS in political sabotage of those that would bring him to justice, IRS tries to block congressional prosecutor.
That's what's really going on.
Well, in fact, in 1972, when Montoya was really getting serious of looking into the IRS, that's when the IRS district director in New Mexico decided to start investigating Montoya.
Then, in December 1972,
An IRS memorandum was issued by IRS Chief Intelligence Division.
This was in San Francisco.
And that memorandum branded Senator Montoya as a tax protester.
And they further smeared him as one who would advocate violence against revenue.
And we're showing that memo right now.
So, if you're on the committee to control the IRS and you don't like them abusing old ladies and taking their houses, you're a tax protester because you're exposing this criminal organization.
Now, we're going to have you back for a second interview, obviously, to go over more of this, or our nightly news, because you've sent us so many documents.
I want to do an interview when your book comes out as well, sir.
But first off, we've got a lot of ground to cover with Congressman Hanson, but you're showing the pattern here that links up with today of why Congress won't do anything to the IRS.
Now, what's interesting here is it was later exposed, well, this is more than 10 years
That one of the IRS operatives that was used against Montoya was later used against Senator Hanson.
That person's name is Everin Ride.
He was transferred, this is now in 1975, he was transferred
From Albuquerque to Salt Lake City.
So they have to find specialist goons to target good people, even in these rogue agencies.
They find specialist hitmen to do these political jobs.
And when he arrived in Salt Lake City, Everett Ride, who is now promoted to IRS Intelligence Chief, he was collaborating with IRS District Director
Let's talk about what they did to him.
And as a result of that, a lot of Idaho citizens and businessmen lost everything they had.
Congressman Hanson led the battle to secure over $400 million in flood damage reimbursements.
But before the waters barely even subsided, the other side of government showed up.
What happened next truly warps the mind.
Agents from the IRS swooped down on the flood victims with plans to tax their government relief payments.
Congressman Hanson fought them on that tooth and nail.
He called it a flood tax.
Then, three weeks before Election Day,
A scandalous article appears in the Lewiston Morning Tribune.
And with lots of support and detail, the article alleged that Congressman Hanson was not paying his taxes.
Now here, because of a courageous IRS whistleblower named Paul DeFossis,
A lot of these players have been identified.
Like I said, there was the IRS Intelligence Chief, Evan Ride.
There was the District Chief, Howard Martin.
Evan Ride was contacted by Robert Huntley.
He was the campaign treasurer to Stan Kress.
Stan Kress was the Democrat candidate who opposed George Hansen.
And information, or I should say misinformation, lies, were provided to Robert Huntley, and then those were used against Congressman Hanson by Stan Kress in a debate that was being held at Idaho State University.
So that's key.
First they discredit you, they have mainstream media put out disinfo on you, then they come out and indict you for something, and then they try to break you, torturing you in the dungeons.
There was also a clandestine meeting with, in the offices of professor, a history professor, Richard Stallings at Ricks College.
He was the campaign manager for Stan Kress.
Well, Richard Stallings is now running for Congress from the Idaho 2nd District.
Wow, is he running as a Republican or a Democrat?
That needs to be known.
Yes, indeed.
Now, what happened here, though, with George Hansen is interesting.
Unlike Senator Ed Long, unlike Senator Joseph Montoya, George Hansen survived the sabotage
And he won re-election.
Afterwards, the IRS struck again.
Now they put Congressman Hanson through the ringer with a criminal audit.
It was a grueling audit.
It was being conducted by the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS.
Which is hanging out and meeting with the guy that ran against him?
But once again, IRS smear tactics blew up in their face.
After months of auditing, it was determined that the government owed Congressman Hanson a refund.
But it doesn't matter.
With the IRS, there's not just double jeopardy, there's triple jeopardy.
And soon they'll get their hands on him and get him in a dungeon.
We'll be back with the criminal foreign bankers that run the country.
Stay with us.
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How many people have you seen in the news who were audited after criticizing the IRS?
And so the common response is out there is, well, you better shut up about them.
Well, that allows them to engage in their pillaging of innocent people.
And are we really a nation of cowards that bad?
In most countries, tax systems come and go.
People are always changing stuff and not putting up with it.
The IRS is a political group of oppressors.
I'm not even saying the average rank-and-file person's bad.
They're just there doing a computer job.
But the technicians of it are out of control.
And look at people like Joe Bannister, a Treasury agent, who found out it was all a scam, quit over it, but he was a rising star.
They tried to put him in federal prison twice, but the juries found him not guilty.
I mean, this is a crazy group, folks.
Who've been ruling this country and it's getting worse!
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Alright, let's go back.
Let me just ask you briefly, and I want to finish up in this segment and the next, and then Jesse Ventura's coming on with investigative journalist Mark Adams.
Let me finish up with you.
I know the story, the public doesn't know the story.
A, how is Congressman Hansen now?
George, how is George doing?
And then B, finish up what happened to him.
His rejuvenation powers are remarkable.
Um, he has many, many medical afflictions, but his mind is hyper, razor sharp, and he fights on.
And gosh, there is so much that has happened to George Hanson.
Twice, he has been illegally railroaded to prison.
The first time, when the United States Marshals got their hands on him,
He was giving a speech somewhere in the Midwest, and they hired a private rear jet to pick him up, flew him to National Airport, booked him into the Alexandria County Jail under the alias Fred Smith to hide him from his family and friends.
The second time when they got their hands on him, that's when they dragged him all over the country in chains with a black box attached to the chains to interfere with your circulation to cause those horrible injuries that you enumerated earlier.
Let's be clear, they grabbed a congressman like Rendition, threw him on a jet and flew him off.
I mean, this is the mafia that is our government.
No one is safe from these narcotics trafficking murderers.
If they can do it to a congressman, they can do it to anybody.
And really, that's the headline, you know, the true story of a congressman that was kidnapped.
Yes, indeed, that's exactly what happened.
Once finally he was tracked down, there was a whole cadre of congressmen and senators that got a hold of Ed Meese, demanding answers, but really the whole thing was just effectively covered up.
And people wonder why Congress is scared and bends over.
It's because a guy can be found not guilty twice,
The next time they grab him and they just disappear him, he beats that, so then they grab him again and drive him around for months till his hands and feet burst.
His toes burst.
Yes, that is exactly what happened to him.
Yeah, and we've got a few of the photos today, but they're not even the ones Congressman Hanson sent me back in 97 when he first came on the show.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Five more minutes and Jesse Ventura joins us.
Mark Adams is our guest.
Can't wait till his book comes out.
We'll talk about that straight ahead.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
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Yeah, we were maneuvered to this point.
And those of us that said don't do it, you're a conspiracy theorist because you have top economists on.
You know, and I was so thankful three weeks ago when Drudge linked to a lot of Infowars.com stories.
Not because it sent traffic to my website, and that's part of it.
But because the story then broke, and it forced the national debate to begin, which the White House came out and said, this is not happening.
We're not letting illegals in.
And because you didn't have amnesty, this has now happened, the answer is legalize everybody and that'll make everybody stop coming.
We're going to legalize bank robbing.
That'll make bank robbery stop.
I mean, it's just, it's insane.
It would increase bank robbery, just so you know.
And it's a system run by criminals for criminals.
It's like where they say, you can't have a gun to defend yourself at your bank or your business, but the police aren't going to respond when you get robbed.
I mean, that's what this is.
Give us your guns, America, and we're going to let the dregs of the world come here and just walk across the border and we'll put them on a bus and bus them right into the middle of the country.
National suicide.
And I know I keep going back to that over and over again, but I was complaining.
Earlier, last week, that, you know, the national media was spinning and lying with our story about the border being wide open.
But why was I complaining?
They ignored the Border Patrol President, and they ignored the Vice President, saying there's an open stand-down.
That's the quote.
There is a stand-down.
There is no border.
They're told, citizens that come back through, look and see if they've got Rohibitol in the car.
Arrest some college kids.
All we're allowed to do is arrest college kids.
And we don't even want to do it.
Because they are not allowed to enforce the law, they enforce the criminal hatred that the globalists have for America, and for anybody that's American, because in these wars,
If you study history, the globalists hate the seed of America.
They hate the culture, the idea, not of all the bad things America's done, but the good things America did were so revolutionary.
Everyone in the world wanted to come here.
It was special.
It's that quote from The Last of the Mohicans, right towards the end.
In the fight scene, where the two, you know, alpha Native Americans battle to the death.
And he says to him, I'm gonna kill you, and I'm gonna kill your daughters, and I'm gonna wipe your seed off the face of this earth.
That's real power, folks.
The globalists aren't just attacking humans, they're attacking the trees, they're attacking the fish, the amphibians.
They're genetically re-engineering everything with horrible consequences.
And then they run the environmental movement.
Again, so we're all distracted onto what plants breathe as the scourge, not just the hundreds of horrible things that are going on.
That's what I'm saying, folks.
I mean, it's like the elite.
Our evil space aliens come here to destroy us.
I mean, they're that bad.
I mean, they really are that bad.
We are in the hands of pure evil.
That's what I'm getting at here.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
And if you are listening or watching this emergency global transmission, you are the resistance.
I'm just a normal person, folks, who about 22 years ago discovered a lot of the crimes being conducted by
Offshore anti-free market corporate interest through governments in an attempt to shut down free markets while blaming free markets for their kleptocratic brand of socialism on the bottom to domesticate the public fascism sitting on top now I've used my own
Geopolitical terms married them with husband them with already existing terms and I have to say much of what I have put into common parlance is now Now part of the common nomenclature and That shows That those of us that don't want to go along with the globalist
Can defeat them.
If one guy from Texas can reach 3 million, 4 million people a day, 15, 20 million people a week, conservatively, what can you do in your area?
And I don't want to start this interview talking about myself, but I never got to this earlier, because I got, my flight got cancelled last night getting back in the country, and then I was late an hour into the show getting here.
I just want to make this point, we're going to our guest, and I want to ask him this up front.
But when I say it's the best of times, worst of times.
We're getting some good Supreme Court rulings, a lot of them.
Not just the fact that you can have companies that don't have to pay for abortions, basically, like Hobby Lobby.
And we're seeing some other good rulings out of them.
And we're seeing more and more people talk about crony capitalism versus real capitalism.
We're seeing billionaires come out and more and more tell it like it is.
Like Donald Trump, saying that prepare for financial ruin.
And we're seeing more and more of the media, even MSNBC and CNN.
And because you see NBC, they'll say, oh yeah, there are crony capitalists that like wrecking things.
I mean, folks are starting to get a basic self-preservation instinct.
And people better, because here's the big issue.
If, for three weeks, Congress, as the National Review has published, with a letter by a representative from Oklahoma, if members of Congress aren't allowed into these military bases, and there's private security strutting around, and they've detained our reporters for even trying to go shoot video through the fence,
And you've got a culture of total lying, and they're busing the illegals in that don't even have skills.
They're not even skilled workers.
Criminals, you name it.
The question is, what comes next?
Well, here's another issue for the establishment.
This is what I want to bring up with Mr. Dent, who's about to join us.
You've got all this craziness going on.
A lot of good things happening, but also a lot of bad things happening.
But the establishment acts like they don't care.
Like they know something we don't know.
And they're just invincible.
I mean, Obama, in the first campaign, and again in the last campaign, took about a third of his donations offshore, through websites, with even fake names and stuff, each case a felony, and never got in trouble.
I mean, that's just one example of the legions of crimes that are going on, while they then use the IRS to persecute, you know, the institutes and things that promote conservative financial ideas, or pro-life groups.
It's real tyranny, is what I'm saying.
And then meanwhile I'm in the airport yesterday to see this dichotomy in Houston and I go to the TSA and I don't want to be put in the naked body scanner so they get all angry at me and act like I've done something wrong and then I explain to them that they know full well it's all a fraud and they basically let me through and then I go through customs
And the guy's a listener, and said he only got the job because, you know, he had family that died in 9-11, he's retired military, and then he knows the whole thing's fraud, and government runs ISIS, and, uh, yeah, they put an X on your thing here to be searched and harassed, but this is all a load of crap I'm sending you through.
You have no criminal record, I listen to your show every day.
By the way, I was waiting for what happened there.
I even recorded it.
I don't think I'm going to air it.
I don't want to get the guy in trouble.
The point is that he said, yeah, the machines are taking over.
That program machine that we don't even know who put stuff in it tries to keep, you name it, from even coming into the country.
He goes, congressmen have trouble getting back in the country.
You have trouble getting back in the country, but the illegals can come right in.
You see, that's why they want computers in there so that it's all centralized and people can't say no to the tyranny.
But there was that dichotomy, and then when I was in the Caribbean...
In places like Grand Cayman, I mean, I was mobbed more than even I am in Austin, Texas.
I mean, mobbed by the people at the hotel.
Mobbed at other hotels by the staff.
I went to the Ritz-Carlton for dinner with some friends.
Just incredible.
Just everywhere I went, at the airports, the police were listeners.
It was just completely blowing me away that they all got it on that island.
So there is hope, because I'm not bragging, hey, Alex Jones is a big deal.
I'm saying liberty is popular.
Legalizing freedom is popular, as Ron Paul says.
And we're selling snow cones in hell.
They're selling lighting people on fire on the 4th of July.
People don't want to be burned up, folks.
They want a snow cone.
And the system is creating a hell right now.
We're joined for the rest of the hour by Harry Dent.
He's a best-selling author.
Made a lot of accurate predictions.
Of course, was a top analyst for Bain Capital.
And he's been on the show four or five times as a popular guest.
We appreciate him coming back on.
His new book's out.
He's offering our listeners, it's a nice thing he sent along, at harrydent.com forward slash Alex Jones, a free chapter from his book and more with some of the key charts and things we're going to be showing here today.
And I want to get into that with him.
I want to debate
Uh, inflation, deflation with him.
Not that I even disagree with him, but I want to go through these nuances with a technical guy, just with my layman view.
Maybe he can explain some of these paradoxes to me.
But first, the last five minutes, you heard me break down just some of my experiences, uh, being out of the country, coming back to the country.
The border is wide open.
The government pays to ship illegals in on the buses.
We have video of it and them admitting it.
Obama won't admit it and says it's ridiculous we should have amnesty to fix this when they already are causing it by giving them fiat.
People are waking up, but still things are getting worse.
The elite are acting like they don't care.
In five minutes before we go to break, or I'll skip the break, explain to me your perspective on what's happening.
I mean, is this like Caligula marrying his horse?
Are Nero committing suicide?
I mean, is the elite going insane, like Hitler attacking Russia?
Or is there some method to this, Mr. Dent?
Well, no, it's not to me.
Like he said before, people are destroying natural systems.
Free market capitalism is a natural, organic, biological system that needs the dynamics of opposites.
It is being overmanaged.
They're trying to run the economy like it's a machine.
You know, they're not.
They don't.
We have the worst immigration policies in the world.
I'm just back from Australia in February, about to go back in July again.
They have the best immigration.
We're good to go.
The economy can't slow down.
They've taken over the economy.
And again, trying to run it like it's an inorganic machine, which it's not.
So, you know, I hear all the stuff you say about, you know, pollution in the environment, you know, modified foods.
Well, I mean, I was just listening to a guy saying, you know, our intestines are all screwed up because we overuse drugs and antibiotics so much that we've killed all the good bacteria while fighting the bad.
I mean, we don't have enough respect
Or the wisdom of natural systems.
Adam Smith said it.
You know, the invisible hand.
How our economy runs from the bottoms up.
If you just set some good rules and let it, let innovation happen and let booms and busts happen and let inflation and deflation happen.
In my work, inflation and deflation are the critical
Um, incentives for innovation.
And if you don't allow this to happen, and most of the innovations happen in bus, not in boom.
And then they come into our economy in the boom.
So economists to me, politicians do not understand our economy.
They have kind of hijacked it.
They are running it for elite interest.
The top 1% has run away with almost all the gains now for decades and
By keeping this bubble going, after creating the greatest bubble in history, debt and financial assets, the government's only policy is to keep the bubble going forever.
It keeps the top 1%, making outsized gains.
It fosters all this inequality and polarization in society.
It's the worst economic policies I've ever seen in history, and that tells me that it's going to end badly.
And of course, I've been warning the last few times on your show as well that
The Dow is going to get to somewhere like 17,000, where it is recently.
And by the way, you said that just about a month and a half ago on the show.
People can go back to it.
That did come true.
In fact, you don't like to brag.
Folks can go to your website and see some of the past reports, harrydent.com.
But tell some of the people out there some of the predictions you've made that have been spot on.
I mean, you do have a very accurate prediction background here.
That's who we have on the show, people that are accurate.
I mean, you can tune in to CNBC most days and just get a bunch of bull, because they're being literally told to put that on.
I've talked to some behind the scenes.
They would lose their jobs, like, you know, Dylan Radigan or whatever, if they don't play ball.
So, recap for folks, some of the big predictions you've made that came true.
Well, first of all, you know, the biggest tool we use, of many, is demographics.
We know exactly when people buy the most cars, houses, when they spend the most money, borrow the most, pay for babysitting, you name it.
There's almost nothing I don't know about the life cycle of consumers.
And consumers are 70% of our GDP, and businesses who invest when consumers are growing are another 10, governments only 20, thank God.
So we use demographics to predict trends.
When I first got these tools in late 89, I came out with my first book and we predicted simultaneously that Japan would see a giant crash in the 1990s, while the US and Europe would see the greatest boom in history.
People thought we were absolutely nuts.
Then in the early 90s, when we had the recession that we predicted, we said, no, we're going to come out of this, and the Dow is going to hit 10,000 or higher by the early 2000s, and that happened.
We called the tech peak in February and April.
We called the internet peak in February and the NASDAQ peak in April, just within one month of the peak, and said, look, this bubble, this is a peak.
It's going to start to burst.
Then we called the housing peak in late 2005.
I literally
Moved from Miami to Tampa in that time period, sold my house in Miami, rented in Tampa, saved a fortune.
So I practice what I preach.
And we've been saying now for 20 years that in late 2007, the baby boomers would peak in spending and we would start to move into a downward economy.
Well, we did get our big crash in 2008, right on cue.
But governments have just said, well, we won't let that happen anymore.
We won't let the economy go down.
We won't let banks fail.
We won't let
Companies fail.
We won't let debts be restructured or entitlements, which are just off the charts unaffordable.
So they're preventing the very crisis that could rebalance our economy, get rid of this top 1% running away with all the games and everything, but they won't do it.
And so what's going to happen instead, they just created a bubble.
They created a bigger bubble again.
And we've been telling people and over the last several months, somewhere around Dow 17,000 a little higher, this bubble is going to peak.
It's going to peak soon.
And the next crash is going to take us to lower lows than we saw in 2009, about 5,000 to 6,000 on the Dow.
That's a very clear pattern, higher highs in each bubble peak.
Again, if you just joined us, you can visit the website harrydent.com forward slash Alex Jones and you can get unpublished chapter, so it's an unpublished chapter, that's even better, of the Demographic Cliff book that's already a bestseller.
We're going to go through some of those graphs today as well if you're a TV viewer, watching at prisonplanet.tv or infowars.com forward slash show to find the free feed of the daytime broadcast and transmission.
Now, continuing with Harry Dent,
If you just tuned in, I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking about where the world is today and so many people send me emails.
It is a minority, but I do get a lot of them and I get it on the street or when I do radio interviews or TV interviews.
Alex, why are you such a pessimist?
Why are you complaining?
Why are you saying this is bad or this is terrible?
Well, it's because I want to differentiate what's good from bad.
I socially want to wake people up to try to make the world a freer, more open place.
Now, if someone disagrees with me about what my views are, that's fine, but it's my free speech.
But denying all these trends that are as clear as the nose on my face or your face
Is the stuff of societal collapse, and if we don't reverse this, we have a managed economy like Japan or Venezuela.
Two different managed systems.
One of them managed much better, but still in a 20-year recession slash depression, with signs of total societal collapse.
Nobody's having kids.
You look at Venezuela, they can't keep the lights on.
I mean, we know that managed systems don't work, and we know that there's this tiny elite
That are scapegoating the free market while they run away with all the gains, creating a giant piranha-like underclass that they are using politically to fully socialize the once great Western nations because the globalists are exempt in most cases from what they've done to us.
So what I'm asking you is, how do we politically
I understand it's important to know these trends and understand them so we can individually take care of ourselves and be in a better position.
Maybe even, you know, thrive from it.
That's a very moral and smart thing to do.
But at the same time, what do you say about political hope?
I mean, there's some huge awakening happening on one side, but also incredible arrogance by the ruling class on the other.
So where does all this go?
Well, you know, the only hope I have, and this is exactly what I see happen, a crisis is what gets people clear.
I am just like you.
I am crystal clear on debt trends.
They're off the charts.
The greatest debt bubble in history, and that never ends well.
Entitlements are even worse than that.
We never even had entitlements in the Great Depression when that debt bubble and financial bubble burst.
We got financial assets.
Overvalued again, more than ever, about to burst, and we're going to see a crisis because a lot of wealth is going to disappear when these bubbles burst, and a lot of banks are going to have to fail when people realize the government can't just artificially create growth forever when the demographic trends and the debt trends are down.
So I'm clear on this, but I'm also clear
Unlike economists.
They're saying that China is the new model.
State-driven capitalism.
And I'm like, you have to be kidding me.
China makes Japan or any other managed system look like nothing.
China has over-expanded, over-managed their economy from top to bottom.
And talk about crony capitalism.
The way you get rich in China is you're the friend with the local Communist Party mafia leader.
And that's what it is.
It's a big mafia.
China has 27%.
Let me just stop you for a minute.
That's what this unpublished chapter I'm giving away for free about.
It didn't make it in time because I was rushing to get the book out.
I got it into the Korean and Chinese and Asian books, but I didn't get it in the US books.
So this is the most important chapter.
It looks at China.
Sure, sure.
Well, they're gonna use...
Well, I mean, in the brains of the socialist bean counters, the collapsing things gives them more power so that they think they're going to survive it.
But if we politically expose them, this could really be the end of them.
I agree with you.
The crisis they've been helping create and exacerbate
Is there downfall if we simply tell the truth with a narrative against their narrative?
Our narrative, the truth, will defeat their narrative, the lie.
But looking at China, you hit the nail on the head right there.
Nobody brings this up.
When I look at Europe and the US as elites, what upsets me about the real controlling socialist elite
Is that A, they're exempt from what they're doing to the rest of us, but B, they're so anti-freedom, anti-market, anti-mail, anti-independence that they don't even want to lifeblood in their own system that they've...
Got control of.
But then they embrace, in the Economist magazine every month, I guess you're talking about that, I see it everywhere, China that has suicide nets, mobile execution vans, forced abortions in their factories, just stuff off the chart evil, rivers getting set on fire, they're so toxic, and then this is the model.
A bunch of Chinese generals that are tax-exempt making millions of dollars with their corrupt little royalty mafia families.
I know I'm ranting here, Harry, but the fact that our elite loves the Chinese model, the Chinese communist state-run model, shows you how much trouble we're in.
Yeah, you know, these people who love this model ought to go over there and choke on the smog.
And like you say, they're the most polluted environment.
They're creating the most pollution in the world.
They're adding the most to this global bubble that is just going to burst.
And again, that's what we'll talk later about deflation.
When you get bubbles burst, when wealth disappears, when debts fail and get restructured, money disappears.
Disappears and you get fewer dollars chasing the same goods.
You get deflation, not inflation.
And all this overcapacity and overbuilding.
I mean, China's pretty much overbuilt their economy for the next 12 years in advance.
They're uprooting all their traditions.
They're basically destroying their economy.
That's an economist's dream.
But if you look at it and you get this chapter, believe me, the reason I'm putting all this stuff out like you is I'm going to be there to say I told you so because people do need to learn.
We are going to get this crisis.
You cannot keep a bubble going forever.
You cannot manipulate our economy forever.
You can't take more and more financial drugs and not have consequences.
So this crisis is going to hit, but people need to understand why it happened and what the cause of it was so we don't repeat these mistakes.
And so these people do lose credibility.
That's right, Harry.
We've got to go to break.
The spread is screwing our economy.
Harry Dent's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Dave Bratton, Virginia, just won the primary, as folks know.
He's an economist.
Sounds just like Mr. Dent.
This is a popular idea, folks.
We're going to break it all down on the other side and look at where the economy's going.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Escape from the New World Order.
Need to have a new movie with Kurt Russell.
Directed by John Garbinder.
We need to get Rowdy Piper back on.
When we had him on last year about They Live, that was awesome.
We're going to go back to Harry Dent.
Again, you can go to harrydent.com forward slash alexjones.
He's got an unpublished chapter.
I kind of halfway read this because I got in late today with the flights.
And I was like, oh, he's posted one of his chapters.
No, no, no, no, no.
He already had some of the chapters I saw up on the side a few months ago when it first came out.
This is an unpublished one that really came out after the book.
And we're going to talk about his predictions now.
And perhaps he can explain to myself and others out there what he's getting at saying it's deflation, not inflation.
And I just want to talk to him about what I'm seeing.
But tomorrow, and I may even do like an hour overdrive today because I got here late.
Some stations carry that fourth hour.
I want to get into a bunch of this news and take your phone calls.
I'm not sure if I have time to do that yet.
We'll see.
I'm just more reflective now because I like to scuba dive.
I like to snorkel.
I never get to do it.
So I went down to the Caribbean and I'd be on the boat and they'd be being real nice to me with all those people on the boat, you know, going snorkeling or scuba diving or going out to see the stingrays or going out to be on a wreck.
And they would just, can we have a photo now at the end?
Then I'd say, what's going on?
Oh, we're all listeners.
And again, one of the tour guides would be, you know, a cop who also runs a company to go out and see the wreck.
Or it would then be, I mean, I did probably like six or seven of these tours, sometimes two a day, and every time they were listeners.
I'd be in a grocery store and a cop would walk by and go, Alex Jones!
Like what you're doing!
I'd be in a dive shop and there'd be, you know, three black Caribbean guys in there.
They'd all go, that voice!
You're Alex Jones!
I like what you say!
I have a lot of the same views!
We listen!
And again, I'm not up here bragging, hey I got a bunch of listeners!
What I'm saying is, we should be able to turn this around if Tea Party candidates are winning, not just here but in Europe.
Le Pen and the UKIP party all over Europe.
I mean, they got the biggest gains in the EU election.
And it's happening here.
So we're going to go back to Mr. Dent here in a moment.
I just want to tell people, this is exciting.
Because I learned, it's a particular Caribbean island, they would never say anything when you're at a restaurant or wouldn't say anything when you'd gone out and done your trip.
At the end, they would say, I'm a listener.
Or they'd be sitting there holding me in, like, reverence.
And I could tell, I'd go, are you a listener?
Well, I didn't want to bother you, sir, but we really appreciate you.
I mean, it's just amazing.
Amazing that I can go to England.
People saw live feeds of this on the, at Bilderberg two years ago, or now a year and a half ago.
And I just go to Big Ben, do a live feed, and there's
People walking by, by the scores, and like half of them are stopping.
Alex Jones!
Alex Jones!
Quite frankly, I don't know where these numbers are at, because we have millions a day we can track to visit the sites, listen to the show, and AM and FM stuff, but I don't know where the numbers are, where it's all coming from.
That can't be it.
All I'm telling you is, there's, government has a 7% approval rating right now.
We should be able to beat this.
We should be able to take the country and the world back.
That's what I'm getting at here.
Now, before we go back to our guest here, this whole broadcast is Lister-supported.
I can hire more reporters, I can pay my reporters better, I can get better equipment.
You've seen the new studio.
We'll be doing the show out of there full-time soon, but I've been doing a lot of special reports out of there.
What I did last week was, before I left town, I taped a bunch of reports, then they aired them live on the show with David Knight, who was live, but they had taped to air, obviously, my clips.
And we're building all of this because of your support, and it costs a lot.
I don't want to get into how much it costs to run this whole operation a year, but one reason it's been successful is that I take, it's got to be 95% of the money that comes in here, and put it right back in the operation.
And then over the years, we've created a fund in case the whole economy shut off, so we can keep running three, four months.
When you talk about collapse, it really scares me, because in a collapse, we need to be prepared, and we need to get as big as we can before the collapse comes, so that we've told the story, so that we have a position to go to the next level to really try to change history.
That's what I'm into.
I'm not into fancy things.
I'm not into money.
Nothing's bad about it.
I'm into money because it gives me freedom.
The elite want to make you poor under their control because they want to run your life.
And we sell the best products, the best supplements, the best Made in America t-shirts and Molon Labe belt buckles that are selling so fast they'll be gone in two weeks at this rate.
We've got the great anti-socialism shirt that's the best seller.
We've got everything at Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, Infowarshealth.com, 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
And just please continue to support us in the free market.
This is true free association.
A, I mean, I like being a good guy and I like having high quality products I'm proud of.
That's just normal instincts to be successful.
Good guys, you know, end up being successful because you treat people like you want to be treated until you get a rigged system.
But we sell the best products because I really only want to sell you the best water filters at the lowest price that really are number one and destroy the competition in gravity-fed filters pro-pure.
I really want to sell you the best nascent iodine.
I really want to sell you the best super male vitality that's just done amazing things for my energy, my libido, you name it.
I really want you to get these products and get a great deal and be blown away by the quality of them.
And then fund our operations so we can all be successful together.
Because I'm defending family rights, the second amendment, sovereignty.
We're here!
Because it's survival.
I don't deserve to be patted on the back.
I deserve you to stand right beside me.
And that means financial support.
And that means the armies of people that listen.
Need to tell other people how they can listen or pass forward those videos, pass forward those news articles, those clips.
Everybody should send a link out of harrydent.com forward slash alexjones to read about this, so when this all comes down, people then understand our credibility goes even higher.
Why do you think the show's exploding?
Why do you think Harry Dent's popularity is exploding?
Or Rand Paul's?
Or Ted Cruz?
Because folks
We're on the deck of the Titanic saying, get to the lifeboats.
Now, I've been ranting, sir, it's just that I think it's important, before we get into the economy and where it's all going, and some of your charts you're about to show here for TV viewers, radio listeners will be able to find this on YouTube tomorrow, or PrisonPlanet.tv tonight, but there's a free feed at InfoWars.com forward slash show right now.
But briefly, and then I want to get into inflation.
Briefly, I mean, I'm not a technical financial scientist like you,
I just look at it with street smarts as a layman, but how would you quantify what I just said?
Do you agree with it?
About the awakening, A?
Or B, am I being too optimistic?
I mean, what does your gut tell you?
No, I think, I study a lot of cycles, Alex, and one of them is a 250-year revolutionary cycle, as in the Revolutionary War, 250 years ago, and the whole wealth of nations by Adam Smith and stuff.
We're ripe for a major revolution.
Things do go towards more freedom, even though at times they go the other way, and I think that's what's going to come out of this.
I do think it's important.
I've got the same mission you do.
I'm just warning people.
The media doesn't want people to hear this.
Politicians don't want people to hear it.
You know, Merrill Lynch doesn't want people to hear it.
You know, in financial institutions and banks.
But this is the truth.
I just tell people, here's how much debt we have.
We have 127 trillion by my last conservative count.
Eight times GDP.
Here's what our demographics say.
It predicted the boom.
Now it's predicting a bust.
So I'm not a bearish person.
I've been bullish for 20 years.
But the trends are down and now with these bubbles, I've also studied every bubble in history.
I got a whole chapter in the book, Chapter 5 on Bubbles, this unpublished chapter on China, the greatest bubble of them all.
You've got to understand bubbles because people get in denial.
And so I agree with you.
People who hear this sort of stuff, who hear the truth, need to tell other people and warn them because people are going to get their ass handed to them.
I hate to say this, but you know, you think the last crash was bad or the last recession
I think this is going to be more like the Great Depression because the longer they put this off and the more they pump up all this artificial money, which again is just like taking an artificial drug to stay high and get higher.
It's exactly that.
The worse the come down is going to be.
So people do really do need to be prepared.
They need to get in safe investments now.
Don't don't chase this bubble any further.
It may go up another few percent.
It's already bubbly and I tell you if I can show that the one chart I should show people.
Is that megaphone chart I alluded to earlier.
If you look at it, and this is a very simple chart, nothing complicated about it.
Each bubble has taken us to new highs and each crash has taken us to new lows.
This is exactly a similar pattern to how the market peaked when the last generation peaked in their spending, the Bob Hope or World War II generation.
We had three higher peaks in 65, 68 and 72.
And then we kept having lower lows and of course the big crash hit in 73-74 and nobody saw that coming.
This is a very obvious pattern.
You talk about common sense.
Our biggest indicator is the spending wave.
It's just a 46-year lag for the predictable, quantifiable peak in spending of the average household in this country.
And it would have told you decades ago that we would have an unprecedented boom from 1983
to 2007 with the rising baby boomers earning and spending more money getting their kids in college and all that good stuff and then we would have a downturn from 2008 to 2020 to 2023.
That's a very simple indicator.
Common sense.
People spend more money as they raise their families.
Who doesn't understand that?
We can quantify it.
We can project this.
We know when people are born and I just for legal and illegal immigrants
Well, you know why?
It's because they want to specialize in different schools to then compete with each other to have more textbooks and then to confuse the whole thing so nobody can even understand it.
That's what a lot of the big banks have been financing for a hundred years.
Is basically conflating everything, but let me ask you this and I want you to go to the charts and basically predict the next shoe to drop with our guest here today, Harry Dent.
Let me ask you this question.
Look, I agree with you that when the big depression really kicks off, we're already in an obvious long-term recession, depression in many areas of the world, depression in different sectors.
It's a very managed economy, so some areas are boom, but the larger aggregate, just looking at it, is bust.
And even the establishment is starting to admit that, and they're buying armored vehicles, and the Pentagon admits they're preparing for collapse, and Europe's preparing.
So, we know what's happening.
But just like when you were on a few months ago,
I said, look, I get that there is going to be deflation, that's probably where this goes, but the elites have been taking trillions, bailing out their too-big-to-fails, giving it to themselves, and so you can see luxury items, Bentleys, big houses, helicopters, they're all double, triple, huge inflation, because the elite are being smart, they're keeping it all to themselves.
The problem is it leaks out.
There is some trickle-down.
And so now it's causing inflation in a lot of areas.
The QE, even though it's slowing, look at meat prices exploding.
Look at state, everybody, I go out, everything's going up in price.
When I was in the Caribbean, I said, why is stuff so expensive?
They said, well, we're pegged to the dollar here.
You know, I mean, my God, they were aware of it.
And that's how inflation works.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
It's generally worse outside the country first.
Then those dollars start coming back in, the different M1, M2.
So breakdown for me,
How we're seeing inflation, but also there is a deflation in business, deflation in some of the real markets, trillions of dollars chasing the stock market, pumping it up with QE dollars.
I mean, aren't we seeing a stock market inflation just like we see in some commodities?
Explain this to me.
Yeah, that's what we're seeing.
What you're getting, this only happens once in a lifetime.
That's why people don't understand it and see it.
The last bubble economy we had was from World War I into the Roaring Twenties.
And in that time, you get debt growing way faster in the economy.
You can't, debt grew from 1983 to 2008 at its peak.
Private and public debt together grew at 2.6 times our economy, our GDP.
You can't do that for 25 years without getting a huge debt imbalance.
So you get too much debt, that overstimulates the economy, the government then on top of that pours in money every time we have a recession and pushes down interest rates, and that causes even more borrowing and leverage.
So you create more and more leverage, again, like a financial drug, like steroids or crack, financial enhancing drugs, and basically it creates bubbles.
Businesses... Sure, I understand, but explain to me how you're saying we're going to see, you know, depressionary stuff,
But, I mean, economists didn't think until the 70s you could have inflation and depression until they had stagflation.
Would this be hyperstaginflation?
Or once it blows up and pops, is it so bad, then things will implode and then that will take out the inflation?
I mean, what's happening?
Yeah, actually Alex, in chapter one of my book I showed four seasons of our economy.
Spring boom, a summer stagflation, high inflation, recession, which again economists never understood even when it happened.
It's part of the model that repeats once in a lifetime all throughout history.
Then you get a fall bubble boom and that inflation falls, you get very low interest rates.
That's when technologies move most mainstream, like microcomputers in this one and automobiles in the roaring 20s and stuff like that.
But when you get this bubble, people over-borrow, over-expand, over-leverage, and then when the generation cycles turn down, the bubbles burst, and you get a huge debt deleveraging.
I mean, in the health industries, they call it a detox.
Or if somebody's coming off drugs, they call it a detox.
It's a debt detox.
What happened in the Great Depression is that we went from debt, being 190% of GDP, down to 60%.
We shed a ton of debt.
Trillions and trillions of dollars of debt.
Most of it private debt, because government deficits only tend to go up in downturn because their revenues go down and their costs go up.
But we shed debt.
The economy rebalanced.
The bubbles burst.
Real estate went back down to reality.
Stocks crashed 89%.
See, all these top 1% of people that are controlling all the assets, they're the ones that are going to get hit the worst when this bubble finally bursts and doesn't get cranked back up by the government.
The government has saved the banks and has saved the top 1% and it's screwed the everyday household.
What should have happened is we should have written down these mortgages, which were way over lent by banks, and they're the sophisticated people, not the everyday household, way over lent against high home valuations.
Those home valuations need to come down where a young family can afford a home again.
Mortgages need to be written off.
If the average person had their mortgage written down in half in line with their house, they would be a lot better off instead of worse off.
It's this, the financial bubble's bursting.
Dow goes from $17,000, my ultimate target is more like $3,000 to $4,000 down the road around 2020.
That's going to destroy, you know, 80% of people's wealth.
You've got $80 trillion in net worth that could be cut in half.
That's money that disappears.
Home prices drop.
Stock prices drop.
All this sort of stuff.
A lot of debt gets restructured and written off.
That means, as I said earlier, money disappearing.
It never comes back, at least for a long time.
And that creates deflation.
So it's the opposite of the inflation, what I call summer season we saw in the 70s.
And that's the way the economy goes.
It goes from mild inflation in spring, to high inflation in summer, to falling inflation again, which everybody loves in fall, and then to deflation in winter.
This happens over and over and again.
It used to be every 50 to 60 years when our lifespans were that.
Now our lifespans are more like 80, so this cycle is more like 80 years.
Economists don't understand this.
They don't understand the dynamics of the free market system, why deflation and inflation actually stimulate the strongest innovations that pay off for decades.
They also, I mean, having home prices come back down, having a lot of debt written off, restructuring our entitlements, which we can't even remotely afford what's been promised by the government for Medicare, Medicaid.
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I tend to get a little frantic on air with guests like Mr. Dent.
Because we're not really talking about something that's rocket science here.
It's historical.
Now, he takes it and shows it in a scientific way so people can see the facts for themselves, but this is all common sense.
And I've studied the establishment.
They have created models where they think they're going to get more power out of this incremental collapse and domesticate us, break our will.
They're smoking their own dope.
They can't manage their way out of a wet paper bag.
And Obama vacations four months a year.
So this is not going to go well.
I don't know what's going to happen.
But it runs from bad to worse with a lot of crazy mixed in.
And I don't want to see this like some Planet of the Apes scenario.
I mean, I've seen some of these governmental and corporate interests that have just wrecked other countries that were great nations.
It happened to Chile and others.
And I just am so sad to see them trying to turn this country into a third world nation.
And I guess I'm involved in collective hand-wringing, just saying, how do we wake people up?
And I think it's with the fundamentals, it's the basics.
What do you expect the political class in Europe, the United States, and other places to do when one of these crises goes over the edge, like Ukraine, ISIS in the Middle East, China blowing up all the time?
People say, where's the meltdown?
Where's the blow-up?
Look at the societal rot, the cities, the dozens of states about to go bankrupt, hundreds of cities already bankrupt.
All the numbers, it's just so astronomical.
I mean, it's guaranteed.
It's like a guy that's had five heart attacks.
And he's 85 years old, and they're saying he's got to walk up the Empire State Building stairway.
I mean, we don't know if he's going to have a heart attack this time, but he's going to have one soon is what I'm saying.
I just feel like I'm sitting on top of a bunch of lit TNT, Harry.
In addition to our demographic cycles, I have an innovation cycle every 45 years, very simple.
A geopolitical cycle that turns negative every 36 years.
From 9-11 into the end of this decade, this cycle continues to point down and everything has gone wrong since then.
The Middle East is an outright Shia-Sunni civil war that's going to blow up now that we're not willing to intervene anymore.
I don't think we should have been the first place in that case.
China's going to have unbelievable social unrest when this bubble bursts.
They've got 221 million unregistered rural citizens living in cities that aren't even legal people there.
And they don't have any skills.
They're tolerated like illegal immigrants here in the United States.
And then boom, they will not be tolerated in the bus.
They're going to have huge
I think so.
Everybody's been telling people it's okay.
You know, the leaders in Europe, the leaders in the U.S., the Chinese.
Oh, we can manage this.
We can have a soft landing.
We can engineer our economy.
These people are going to lose credibility because they told us it was going to be okay.
Warren Buffett's telling people it's going to be okay, and I think he should shut up.
He's a great guy, but he shouldn't be talking about economics because he doesn't understand the economy, and he's misleading people.
People are going to be very upset and that's when they're going to listen to the people who told them the right thing in the first place.
You know, I'm popular with a certain group of people and in certain arenas like this.
CNBC has me on just as a contrary person.
They don't agree with me.
They don't want to hear what I have to say, but people are going to remember people like you or I or other people said, hey, there's a problem here.
Hey, there's a crisis coming.
So people are going to naturally listen to those people.
And not to the people that told him everything's okay, we can manage it.
Sure, sure.
Harry Dent, I don't want to bug you too much.
I know you're a busy guy, but I'd like to get you back soon to specifically give people tips.
I know you can't give them individually tips, but maybe take an hour of calls and talk about what people individually could do if you were them.
So hopefully you'll come back on the next few weeks.
Yeah, yeah, I gotta go to Australia, but I'll be back, uh, like, early August, so yeah.
Let's do it.
And, and, yeah.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
You wanna finish?
We're back in one minute.
If you do five more minutes, we'll let you finish.
Alright, harrydent.com, Alex Jones.
You can find the new chapter, the ghost chapter.
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Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's hard to believe, ladies and gentlemen, that it's already Friday.