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Name: 20140831_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 31, 2014
1647 lines.

In the Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including conspiracy theories that have come true, the government's Department of Homeland Security buying ammo, the UN power grab, Obama's carbon taxes, IRS persecution, and Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons in response to Western intervention in Ukraine. The show features guests such as Paul Joseph Watson, Dr. Michael Kaufman, and Larry Klayman. Topics range from the danger of a New World Order, eugenics, and the importance of being active participants in the battle against the forces trying to control our world to alternative energy sources, fracking, indoor air pollution, and the promotion of various products like Super Male Vitality, Infidel Body Armor, and InfoWars Life's Lung Cleanse. The show also covers conspiracy theories that have proven true, such as the Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Gladio, and the Gleiwitz incident, which have led to wars and invasions of foreign countries. Additionally, there is a discussion on how various political events in the Middle East are being manipulated by global governance and the dangers of socialist collectivism coming from progressives. The show encourages listeners to pay attention to these issues and support InfoWars by purchasing products from the InfoWars Store and attending events.

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Well, this is going to be one of those Sunday broadcasts that is particularly jam-packed.
Thank you for joining us for this original
August 31st, 2014, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
The news websites, again, are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
There is so much I want to get into here today.
We've got Larry Klayman on his latest lawsuit against the Obama administration, naming him in a RICO lawsuit, organized crime, as well as the United Nations and others, and the, of course, IRS persecution.
We're also going to get into Obama more than ever becoming a dictator on so many fronts, on carbon taxes and legalizing the illegals.
That's all coming up.
Paul Joseph Watson will join us at the bottom of the hour to talk about two articles he and I put together this week that are so important.
Ten conspiracy theories that came true when questioning the official narrative proved crucial.
And ten more conspiracy theories that came true from a fascist coup d'etat to FBI poisoning alcohol.
It's all coming up today on this Sunday transmission.
I want to ask listeners something.
Did you tell your friends and family to tune in today?
We're already reaching 20 million people a week one way or another.
On the live syndicated radio, YouTube, PrisonPlanet.tv, other platforms, 20 million people a week.
Let's up it to 40 million.
Tell friends and family about the live radio show, about the free podcast that 600,000 people a day subscribe to, the 4 million YouTube views a week just on one channel.
We've got, I guess, more than 20 million, you count it all together.
We're having an effect, not bragging, just letting you know the good news that the word is getting out.
But that we need your help getting the word out.
So, ten conspiracy theories that came true, and then ten more conspiracy theories that came true.
Both those articles have been reposted from Thursday and Friday on this Sunday edition.
Back up to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
So, that is coming up as well today.
Here's just a few of them.
Fascist conspiracy to overthrow the U.S.
Called a conspiracy theory at the time, back in the 1930s.
Confirmed to be true.
The FBI Crime Lab cover-up called a conspiracy confirmed to be true.
The existence of La Cosa Nostra, or the Mafia, or our thing.
FBI said it didn't exist from the 20s into the 50s.
Later admitted they covered it up.
A conspiracy there that came true.
The Tuskegee Civilist Experiment, denied, later admitted.
The Clintons and the vast right-wing conspiracy and their persecution of the media, denied, later confirmed.
The USS Liberty, denied, later confirmed.
Germany's claim that the Lusitania was carrying munitions, denied, called a conspiracy theory, now confirmed.
The Levant Affair, Israel staging terror attacks and blaming it on their enemies, denied, later confirmed.
Geoengineering denied, later confirmed.
That's just some of what we're going to be covering.
Operation Ajax and false flag terror denied, later confirmed.
And people at the time exposed Gulf of Tonkin.
That was in the newspaper.
They called the newspaper reporters the San Diego Herald Tribune conspiracy theorists.
Even though they talked to people on the ships that we were never attacked.
Operation Gladio, state-sponsored terror, denied, later confirmed.
Operation Northwoods, denied, later confirmed.
The Glywoods incident, Operation Hemler, denied, later confirmed.
Tobacco companies deliberately added deadly chemicals to addict people to cigarettes, denied, later confirmed.
Hired doctors to say it was healthy, knowing it was killing people, denied, later confirmed.
Operation Fast and Furious to ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, denied, later confirmed.
Number eight, NSA spying and mass surveillance.
Letter confirmed.
CIA drug trafficking.
Called a conspiracy theory.
Letter confirmed.
The CIA's heart attack gun.
Letter confirmed.
We have these two articles on InfoWars.com
Right now, with links to all the admissions, so you send this to people who deny it, you send this to people that say there's no such enchilada out there, and see what they think about that.
We're going to cover this in more detail with the always informative and riveting Paul Joseph Watson, Dr. Michael Kaufman on the UN power grab, and Obama, what carbon taxes will do, and the nature of the UN, what makes them tick, Larry Klayman, and yours truly, Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Get locked and loaded and strapped in!
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Whether you're out for dinner, working on the farm, or on the road, Diamond Gusset Jeans offers a full spectrum of style and sizes for any occasion.
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In Liberty, David Hall, Diamond Gusset Jeans Company.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season.
When the blood runs high.
Blood runs high.
In this time.
Give it to me easy.
And let me try with pleasure.
Only on the Alex Jones Show do you get Runcaster Karaoke.
Promise lands.
Crank it up.
Yeah, who's your daddy?
Is he a Russian strongman like me?
Alright, getting serious, folks.
We have got quite a broadcast lined up for you on this Sunday transmission, the 31st day of August.
We're about to be nine months into 2014, hurtling towards 2015.
Monday through Friday we're here, 11am to 2pm live, and back Sundays, 4 to 6pm Central as well.
Okay, we've got Paul Joseph Watson joining us to talk about 20 conspiracy theories that turned out to be absolutely true.
I know it's heresy and a thought crime to say that there was ever any corruption anywhere, but we've got to put the facts out there.
It should be very informative.
And we've got Dr. Michael Kaufman joining us to break down the fact that Obama plans to just skip the Senate and put us under U.N.
control with taxer boxes that are already in all the new cars right on time.
We told you they were being put in there to tax you by the mile, but now the Department of Transportation came out last week and said, oh yeah, we're going to do that in the next few years.
It's all part of the U.N.
That's where Obama gets his authority.
Public doesn't know any better, why not?
And then we've got the IRS persecution going on and more.
Larry Klayman is going to be joining us, founder of Judicial Watch, heads up Freedom Watch USA.
He's joining us, so it's another jam-packed Sunday show.
A lot of listeners have pointed out, man, this two-hour show seems to have even more info in it than a weekday show.
I don't know if that's the case, but it is hard-hitting because we condense everything down.
But I'll tell you,
Before I get into Putin threatening on Friday to say, hey, we got nuclear weapons, quit pushing us around.
Regardless of what you think about Putin, the West is overthrowing Ukraine and stirring stuff up over there, and George Soros is right in the middle of it.
Before we get into all the other news, and the Fed's warned of imminent terror threat on U.S.
border while they've been ordered to open it up.
Before we get into all that, I want to tell you what's coming up in the next segment.
This is so important.
There have been a lot of articles on this in the last couple of years, so I sent John Bowne and Leanne McAdoo, two of our great investigative reporters, out to Northern, Central, and Southern California this last week, and they filed these reports on InfoWars Nightly News Friday night.
In the next segment, we're going to be covering this.
inspector wanted reactor shut on quake fears.
And that was August 25th, just, I don't know, five, six days ago, a federal nuclear inspector urged U.S.
regulators to shut down a California nuclear power plant until tests showed its reactors could withstand shocks and nearby earthquake faults.
It's on a fault there in Devil's Canyon in Southern California, according to the Associated Press and others.
Well, see, this just opens up, this type of story is a Rosetta Stone.
A decoder.
It's bigger than just this reactor built on a fault line.
With the 6.0 that just happened a week ago.
I guess, yeah, a week ago today, seven days ago, last Sunday.
This is a big deal because it goes to the mindset of building six reactors at Fukushima on a fault line and in a tsunami zone.
And when they built it 40 years ago, 37 years ago, people said, you're crazy, don't do that.
And they said, oh, shut up, you're anti-nuclear power.
No, I'm anti-glowing-in-the-dark.
Nuclear power would be fine if these companies cared.
Like General Electric.
You know, the mafia group that's paying to have power plants shut down that they don't own, but they get a waiver from Obama and increase their profits.
So your power prices explode.
That's what this whole UN thing's about.
Congress wouldn't pass a law to shut down the rest of them.
Because everybody else gets to have them.
China, Mexico, you name it.
The dirty ones, not the clean ones.
I mean, you know how big that is?
But I digress.
I mean, I'd rather have carbon dioxide that plants breathe than water vapor.
It's all that comes out of them now.
Versus nuclear reactors.
But this goes to the point of what type of elite builds 400 and something reactors around the world, most of them in earthquake zones?
There's five reactors in California, on or beside zones, that if there's an 8.0 or higher, are going to melt down, ladies and gentlemen.
And their answer is just say, oh, it didn't melt down, it's not a problem.
Here's a new report out, scientists drastically underestimated the amount of Fukushima radiation worldwide.
And that's come out in the Associated Press and other publications.
Cesium-137 levels in 2010.
0.00001 MBq Meccarels or whatever you call it, blue rating, CS-137, I don't know, all this physics stuff.
Now, the levels of it have increased 1 million to 10 million times after Fukushima.
Let me give you the sources of all this.
The article's up on Infowars.com.
I mean, this is just insane.
And their answer is, oh, radiation's not bad for you anymore.
Just like, they wouldn't let our troops use DU until 1990.
They had it since the 50s.
And they said, you know what, just use it.
And now they're using it at government shooting ranges all over the place.
I mean, it's crazy town.
It's crazy town.
This is the type of stuff
That is going on.
It is so incredibly frustrating.
Look at this.
This is from the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
Published by the American Chemical Society.
Last year on Fukushima.
Ten million times.
That's just one of the isotopes.
There's a whole bunch there.
I don't have time to read it.
It would take two hours, literally.
The EPA came out and said, we'll just raise the level and say it's safe.
Then they covered up the fish full of it.
Again, it's suicidal.
It's a bunch of crazy, greedy nihilists who don't care about anything anymore and now they went in when Ukraine six months ago voted to not join the EU and be sucked dry like Spain and Greece and Ireland and England by these globalists where they grab your private bank accounts and all the rest of it.
Hey, join the EU!
Take part of your bank account and give it to billionaires.
They've now been rolling weapons in.
They have the CIA director over there with mercenaries.
They're attacking Russian-held oil fields and gas fields and industrial complexes they built in Ukraine over the last 60 years that they own.
They have contracts with Europe for the gas, and they're trying to take those right now.
So of course the Russians have special forces in there fighting.
And then Putin's now escalating, saying, alright, we got nuclear weapons.
Knock it off, NATO.
Because NATO's moving weapons back in.
And again, it's not that Putin's an angel.
But he's not the one opening our borders.
He's not the one funding ISIS like Obama.
He's not the one doing all of this.
Russia is not in an offensive posture.
You know who is?
They're running around.
Buying up the rare earth minerals, buying up the oil and gas, buying off the politicians, telling our media what they can report.
And I'm not anti-Chinese government, I'm anti-communist.
They got mobile execution vans, they got massive public exterminations.
Putin doesn't have that.
Putin might spy on people.
Look what our government does.
The point is, is that the globalists are the ones running our country into the ground.
And now, the West was some of the best about running reactors properly and stuff.
We're so corrupt now in the West.
We used to be some of the most upright people on average.
We've gotten so decadent in our political elite, they don't care about reactors leaking.
You know, you can look up the studies.
Over 90% of reactors worldwide are leaking.
Leaking bad.
And they don't care.
So coming up in the next segment, we've got a report talking to people on the street about this and bringing up these news articles to people to try to draw attention to this.
You know, earlier this year I sent Jakari Jackson and some reporters out to, I guess, who else we sent?
Don Salazar and others out there, to go with Geiger counters and field meters, three different brand new calibrated units, and to get levels, in some cases, 15 times safe levels.
All up and down California, from northern to southern.
And they're out there again getting readings.
And again, it isn't even about the radiation.
It's about an elite that don't care.
See, they don't care about starting a nuclear war with Russia.
And that's where all these top analysts say, this could go.
If we're not worried about this, it could end up happening.
This is the type of attitude that ends up getting us all dead, dead, dead.
We'll be back.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Don't tread on me!
I'm gonna leave it!
What do you do when there's a global government run by the UN and private interest and they won't let you leave because it's a planetary regime.
A prison planet.
We're going to go to these reports with Leanne McAdoo and John Bowne here in just a moment and come back with Paul Joseph Watson.
And the top 20 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.
And it's all bibliographed and documented.
Mainstream sources and government sources.
At Infowars.com right now.
These articles are from Thursday and Friday, but I want to go over them with Paul Watson.
Those are linked up there.
Please spread the word about the broadcast to friends and family.
That's how we reach 20 million people a week on average.
It's a very conservative number.
More like 20 million a week on YouTube alone.
But we know on AM and FM stations, it's more than 10 million a week.
And then internet's more than 10 million.
600,000 a day on the podcast.
That's a conservative number.
And I'm not bragging.
I'm giving you the good news.
That liberty is popular.
That liberty is cool.
And we're reaching more people.
We can legalize freedom, like Ron Paul said.
Just keep telling friends and family, your email list, your Facebook, your Twitter, aboutinfowars.com, and these groundbreaking, incredibly important reports.
We can draw attention to this, just like we did earlier in the year.
We went out, showed the higher radiation levels.
It made the Navy come out.
They admitted it, drew attention.
Now there's city investigations and more all up and down the West Coast, not just California.
And we were in the newspapers.
The San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, they all said because InfoWars.com did these reports.
Well, we're back out in California right now, drawing attention.
You can do that as well.
Michael Peck released a report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2013, and according to that report, there are three fault lines nearby this power plant that would cause enough motion that it would bypass this particular plant's shutdown safety precautions.
That means something very similar to what happened in Fukushima.
Everyone thought that that plant was very well constructed, could withstand large tsunamis, but again, that was not the fact.
Experts would have us just bury our heads in the sand, but some are already preparing for the inevitability of America's Fukushima.
If Diablo blows, nobody's staying around to use it.
I've actually got backpacks in my car, you know, for heading out.
Preparedness, I think, is very important.
But the whole idea that they're going to sound the sirens and we're all going to head north, it just won't work.
So, I wish it wasn't there.
But it is, and maybe they'll deactivate it, and that would be fine with me.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think it's great how citizens on our own can be prepared, yet, you know, we're asking our government basically to take care of us, and they're, you know, telling us to look the other way.
And how can you do that when all of this is at risk?
Well, it always comes in the limelight once there's an earthquake.
So this Napa earthquake has made everybody kind of think about it again.
You know, that a good earthquake would cause the plant to blow.
And we'd want to get out of here.
When you look around and you see all this beauty, all these families, all these people, how does that make you feel knowing that they're okay with a potential Fukushima situation here in America?
We know we couldn't all get out.
You know, they say head north, I mean, yeah, head east, northeast, once the plant warns us.
But you know that you couldn't do that.
The freeway would be jammed.
That's why, you know, we know we could go across the Santa Maria River bed and head south.
I raised seven children in this town and I taught them all to run home no matter what the school told them.
Because we were going to hop in the car and get out somehow.
They weren't going to wait for school buses.
But yeah, it's a big problem.
They say we provide 20% of California's power with that plant, but I think they named it Diablo for a reason.
Should this plant be shut down until they can prove that it's not going to annihilate this entire town, if not the entire state of California?
Reporting for InfoWars.com, I'm Leanne McAdoo.
Nuclear core reactors that are just right over in that canyon are some of the most dangerous in this country.
They're right on a whole bunch of fault lines and an inspector that works there is trying to get it shut down because he said at any minute it could be Fukushima here in America.
Wow, that's outstanding.
If I had known this I would have never come here to take a swim.
I don't know what to say.
No, that's great.
Worthless, worthless.
No, that's perfect, because that's what I think.
When did they realize of this fact?
Well, the gentleman has been working for the last five years.
He's been an inspector there.
He had a report come out in 2012 that just basically spelled all of this out But they're hiding this report kind of and saying oh, it's fine We've checked it all out, and he's saying it's not fine.
It's built on sand it will move when an earthquake comes and Just because America does that they they're like it's fine Yeah, can you imagine this beautiful place being covered in?
plumes of death
Actually, I could be very disappointed because there's so many animals, you know, and this is surrounded by nature and the atmosphere is great in here.
Actually, we came for surfing and it could be a very dangerous issue for all the people that live here in the coast and all the ecosystem.
Yeah, they already had to shut it down two years ago because it had a leak.
Yeah, so happy swimming!
Thank you, thank you.
Okay, so if California's Fukushima goes off, if Diablo Canyon erupts, it's not necessarily going to kill everyone, but it's definitely going to give people tumors and cancers and kill everybody's food for a long while.
You've been saying that a big earthquake is what you're talking about, aren't you?
What they say that is going to happen is it's going to destroy all of California.
Bring everything down so therefore it would kill everybody.
Most likely.
And if everything does happen like that, that'll explode and every other power plant in California will explode.
So it's going to have a chain reaction?
So then, wouldn't you say that it might be best to shut it down?
Or do you think that shutting it down wouldn't be a reasonable thing, considering that?
If there's no power for people who need that power, I mean, what would happen?
What would they have to do to make it so that everyone else has power if they get power from that plant over there?
Um, I would love to get into the debate about alternative energy, because I... Ooh, I just wish they would do it!
But they can't, because it's like 25% of the state's power coming from there.
And they can't get that much energy out of the ocean.
Because they'd have to tear out the beach.
They'd have to put mills to get the ocean water to make them spin.
And they can't, and then there would be no beach here, so this wouldn't be a place to go.
So, then they just build it right next to the beach and hope for the best?
They can't do that.
To get 25% of the state's power, they would have to take out this whole beach.
And probably three or four more.
I think the oil's worse, though.
I agree.
They don't have this oil, do they?
Well, they're fracking out there.
They're fracking.
What's that mean?
They're, um, like splintering the surface of the earth.
Fracturing it.
And sucking out all the minerals by pumping it
But there aren't any outfields with... Well, you can't see them.
Usually you can.
If you go down to L.A., you see them.
You look out there, and you see these big, giant buildings.
Again, groundbreaking reports.
Great job, Leanne McAdoo and John Bowne, and great job with the Sunday crew in here working hard.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson from London.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, thanks for joining us on this Worldwide Sunday Original Edition.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
This has got to be the best Deep Purple song.
It is so hard to turn it off.
It's just amazing.
Right here, listen to this part.
Yeah, we're here Monday through Friday.
From 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
I want to thank all of our great affiliates for joining us today.
Right there, listen to that guitar.
That just makes me feel smug.
And I'm not usually an arrogant person, but just that, ugh, that guitar right there.
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky.
Yeah, we'll be seeing some of that if there's nuclear war with Russia.
Let's hope cooler minds prevail.
Alright, we wrote two articles last week, I guess on Thursday and Friday.
I mean, I came up with some of the ideas.
Paul did most of the work at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and I've had them reposted together to the front page of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and I'm going to retweet them out as well at RealAlexJones because anybody disagreeing with you saying there's no such thing as a conspiracy theory, there's no such thing as government or big groups doing bad things, that's just asinine.
We know, historically, over and over again, that powerful combines, organized crime, you name it, get into corporations or government.
It could be small-town boss hog type stuff.
It could be the gang, you know, the Nazi mafia taking over Germany, the communist mafia taking over Russia.
We know this happens all the time.
We know what tyranny is.
But back in the 60s, and Paul Watson's written about this,
The CIA came out, this was declassified a few years ago, and said, hey, anybody criticizes any corruption, we just call them conspiracy theorists, and we tell the mainstream media, state-run media, to make fun of them.
Sure, there's a lot of kooky stuff out there as well, but just questioning is an American or pro-liberty value.
It's not bad to question.
And so the article again came out Thursday.
Ten conspiracy theories that came true.
And then the second article on Friday.
Ten more conspiracy theories that came true.
From a fascist coup d'etat to the FBI poisoning alcohol.
There's a lot of them.
Twenty of them.
But what's really neat to read is the comments.
Thousands of them under each article where people bring up other confirmed.
I'm going to say that again.
Anybody could theorize and think the Queen of England is, you know, made of cheese.
We all know that's not true.
But could you say the British government's been caught shipping narcotics?
Yes, that's been declassified.
And people said it at the time and got called conspiracy theorists.
So, Paul Watson joins us in this segment, the next, in that little five-minute no-man's land at the start of the next hour.
Paul Watson, you've got the floor.
I already talked about some of these earlier, but of the 20, what do you think's the most important?
One of the most interesting ones, Alex, is the first one in the second part of the series.
The business plot, this fascist conspiracy to overthrow the US government, which of course occurred back in the 1930s.
Prescott, Bosch and all these heads of big banks and corporations like Chase Bank, Goodyear, Standard Oil, DuPont family.
They approached Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler with this plan to install a fascist dictatorship by force.
They expected him to oversee it within the Army.
But he actually ended up blowing the whistle, exposing the plot to the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities.
What's interesting about it though, from this perspective, is at the time, the New York Times said that it was, quote, a gigantic hoax.
It really is incredible.
And that's just one of the points that you bring up.
The existence of the Mafia.
That was called a conspiracy theory until the mid-fifties because they were blackmailing some of the top FBI people.
That later came out.
That's in there.
The FBI poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.
Folks, we're not demonizing just the FBI.
It's just these are well-known conspiracy theories that were reported at the time and denied as conspiracy theories.
Paul, the sky is blue.
They could call that a conspiracy theory, but it's not.
Two plus two does equal four.
What's interesting now, Alex, is that the main modern-day progenitor of conspiracy theories is the US government itself.
I mean, look at MH17 shooting now.
But days after the event, they were asserting that it was shot down by Russian-backed rebels.
Failed to provide any hard evidence whatsoever.
And in fact, we called for the release of the air traffic control tapes.
Now, five, six weeks later, they are non-existent.
Time and again with these major events that go to, you know, prolong wars, act as casus bellis for wars, for military expansion, the governments are the one progeniting the conspiracy theories because they never back up their claims with hardcore evidence.
And you can go back to incubator babies, you know, in Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
You can go back to Northwoods.
What's interesting from this perspective, I mean, we had
Cass Sunstein come out obviously back in, I think it was 2008, with this cognitive infiltration idea.
He proposed the need to have government agents infiltrate conspiracy theory forums and so forth in order to counter conspiracy theories about government corruption.
But even in that program he admitted that some conspiracy theories previously dismissed as insane and fringe have turned out to be entirely true.
And he gave the examples of the CIA administering LSD and mind control experiments, the DoD plotting the commission of terrorist attacks inside the United States.
So even Cass Sunstein, from his perspective of trying to dampen down and quash conspiracy theories, admitted that many of them are in fact true, as we document in these articles.
Let's continue.
There's 20 of them in the two-part article reposted at Infowars.com.
But again, there's hundreds of other admitted conspiracies.
Let's talk about some of the big ones that are on record.
We're good.
Where the NSA had intercepted the communications from the Israelis, proving that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American naval vessel.
So again, another example of a conspiracy theory about Israel knowing that this was a U.S.
That was labeled, debunked as a conspiracy theory for decades, only came out really solidly.
Of course, we'd had testimony before that, but only actually confirmed in 2007 that they knew it was a U.S.
We're good to go.
Our government's done it, the Russians have done it, people need to stop being so naive.
Governments stage things to be able to blame their enemies.
And that conspiracy theory has been proven true, and it's linked in your article.
And then an even bigger one, of course, World War I. The sinking of the Lusitania.
Of course, Germany put out an advisory before the Lusitania sailed, warning that they would target ships which they knew contained munitions.
They named the Lusitania.
They named the Lusitania.
This conspiracy theory, as it was called at the time, was only proved in 2008 when they actually, the divers went down and discovered more than 4 million rounds of rifle ammunition hidden in cargo holds that were labelled, you know, cheese, butter and oysters.
So, when they actually went down and searched the wreckage, they found that yes, indeed, the Lusitania was carrying all this munition, all these weapons, and that's why it was targeted by the Germans.
Of course, that wasn't the story at the time.
The story was that this was an unprovoked attack, and of course, it was used to basically start World War I.
Again, a major, major incident that was labeled a conspiracy theory, right up until 2008, when it was proven true that the Lusitania was indeed carrying the Heswe.
So, conspiracy theories that were proven true coming up.
Now, I'll tell you one conspiracy theory that isn't, when we return on the other side.
Because I'll tell you who the real conspiracy theorists are on the other side.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central live, back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
You're listening to us.
Thanks for tuning in.
On your holiday weekend, Paul Watson joins us from London, England.
I come to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
A beautiful, wonderful city that my ancestors have been in for a long time, now overrun by socialists from California who are trying to ban guns and stuff.
Not against Californians, I just, you've already collapsed much of your beautiful state, now you're here.
It doesn't matter, it's what you do.
Side issue, that's not a conspiracy theory.
That's my opinion, which you're not allowed to have.
They call that a theory.
You're not allowed to have your own opinion.
That's what all this conspiracy theory labeling is about.
And that's linked in Paul's article, in my article, in the second article, dealing with the fact that the CIA said, call anyone questioning corruption a conspiracy theorist, it's a shut down debate.
Basically like calling you a heretic.
Now let me give you some real conspiracy theories that are total baloney.
In fact, we should come out with an article next week, Paul, on 10 government conspiracy theories that were total bull.
And of course, that would be Al Gore inventing the Internet, when the Internet was invented by DARPA back in the 60s inside the CIA and government facilities and universities.
That's on record, too.
2 plus 2 equals 5 in Common Core.
That is a total delusional conspiracy theory.
They teach kids that under Common Core to literally screw up their minds.
If you're a corrupt government that tells you that you didn't build your business,
And that raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt, as Obama famously said.
Well, then you've got to teach people that two plus two equals five.
So there's some conspiracy theories that are total baloney.
Carbon dioxide causes global warming.
All the major studies show that carbon dioxide goes up after warming because there's more life on the planet, more plant life.
But that doesn't matter.
I mean, ignore that.
Just call us the climate deniers.
Paul Watson, let's get into some of the other conspiracy theories that turned out to be true in the two articles that are on InfoWars.com.
Yeah, well, obviously, the major one that uses Cass's belly for war was the Gulf of Tonkin.
Of course, we were told that the USS Maddox was attacked by the North Vietnamese.
Never happened.
The attack never took place.
It was used to start the Vietnam War and that whole disaster.
And then again in the 60s, 70s and 80s we had Operation Gladio.
Which was where NATO stay-behind teams carried out terrorist attacks to demonize leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists.
So the main example would be the Bologna train station bombing in 1980 which killed 85 people.
Blamed on the Red Brigades eventually turned out that the Italian Secret Service was responsible for the attack.
And of course, again, that was a conspiracy theory that Gladio was about a NATO false flag terror operation for decades, until it came out in parliamentary investigations from eyewitnesses, from whistleblowers, that that was precisely what was taking place.
It was a state carrying out terrorist attacks that demonised political groups, which were seen at the time as a threat to the power system.
The Gleiwitz incident, which we saw almost a replay of last week, where Russia accused Ukraine of staging the incident where Russia made the incursion with the so-called military convoy onto Ukrainian territory.
Ukraine claimed they destroyed the convoy.
Russia came out immediately after and said that they could have even killed their own people just to stage this incident, or it never happened at all.
And that's similar to the Gleiwitz incident in 1939, where nine days before the incident Hitler said, quote, I will provide a propagandistic casus belli.
Its credibility doesn't matter.
The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth.
And that was nine days before German operatives dressed in Polish military uniforms
...seized this radio station near the Polish border in Germany beforehand broadcasting a propaganda message in Polish to make it look as if the Poles had carried out the attack.
The very next day, Germany invaded Poland with Hitler citing that very incident as one of its pretexts.
So again, many of these conspiracy theories that turned out to be true are major, major incidents that lead to wars, lead to invasions of foreign countries.
And of course, Gleiwitz was part of the overall operation.
Himmler is declassified, is public.
And early on in World War II, the Nazis denied it and said that it was made up and a hoax that they had staged those events.
They even dressed up prisoners in Polish uniforms and shot them to have dead bodies on the newsreels that people would go see movies and watch news before it, before the age of television.
So this just goes on and on and on.
Let's cover some more of the admitted conspiracy theories that turn out to be true.
White people claiming there was organized crime
with the Italians and imagine the FBI saying it didn't exist until the mid-fifties.
I mean that's like saying again the Atlantic Ocean doesn't exist.
We now know there's organized crime in every ethnic group.
Imagine how naive the public was to believe the FBI that it didn't exist.
Precisely and then there are a couple of
More involved than the FBI, you mentioned at the top of the show.
The FBI poisoned alcohol during Prohibition because of course it was virtually impossible to enforce these ridiculous laws.
So they attempted to do it in a way which basically killed people.
I mean, there are all kinds of conspiracy theories so-called by the media which are proven about the government meddling with food and water supply, the environment.
Back in the 1920s during Prohibition,
The FBI enforced the law by deliberately poisoning alcohol with things like methane, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic and kerosene.
They even added rubbing alcohol, which is made of water and propene.
Basically destroys your internal organs.
They also added paint thinner.
So an example of how the government deliberately poisoned people in order to enforce the law.
Of course, another one is the FBI crime lab cover-up.
This emerged back in the early 90s from Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, one of the FBI's top scientists, and a whistleblower on how the FBI would deliberately manipulate
You're a crime lab data in order to sway trials and frame innocent people.
So there are hundreds or even thousands of people innocent, but sent to jail as a result of this crime lab data being manipulated.
And then it only came out in 2012 that the Justice Department had been quote withholding information for years.
About these cases.
So again, it was denied for almost two decades.
Just like they denied giving people syphilis in Tuskegee.
That's in there.
What about the Clintons and the vast right-wing conspiracy?
They've now released a few months ago, as you have in the article, from the Clinton Library, that indeed they were working with the mainstream media to demonize anyone questioning corruption.
And they said in there, because we don't want a new independent press to rise, we have to discredit the idea of a citizen press.
It was part of the war on new media, which at the time, of course, was mainly centered around Matt Drudge and, to a lesser extent, WorldNetDaily.
But they had this deliberate policy.
Hillary invented the pejorative term vast right-wing conspiracy to demonize the new media.
Not being credible, being kooky.
They had a deliberate policy to stop these stories that were coming out from the likes of Drudge from being picked up by the quote, mainstream media.
So, exactly, it was a deliberate attempt to control the media via their operatives in the media, just like Operation Mockingbird.
And by the way, if folks simply go to InfoWars.com right now, you can read these articles, follow the links to the Clinton Library documents.
We're not just saying this here, like mainstream media does where they just make claims and don't show proof.
We're showing you the proof.
What about geoengineering?
That's one we should end on, Paul.
Yeah, that's the final one in the second article.
Of course, for years throughout the 90s, people were pointing to evidence of these geoengineering projects taking place, of course linked to the phenomena of chemtrails and atmospheric manipulation.
But we only actually really got the hardcore documents in the latter years of the previous decade, around 2008-2009.
Where the government is indeed conducting these large-scale, indirect, semi-direct, aerosol campaign spraying programs, where they're basically spraying artificial chemicals in the air for tests on weather manipulation and so forth, and they admit it in their own documents, which are now public and on the internet.
Before that, it was a conspiracy theory that the government was manipulating the weather.
Of course, now we know that that's way, way in advance of anything we ever knew about.
It's way in advance of cloud seeding,
Weather weapons which Ben Livingston was talking about in the 60s.
That's exactly and in closing we're gonna come back with five more minutes with you Paul, but the big problem is then they have total kooks out there that claim that every contrail is you know is a weather manipulation that then discredits all the real research and
And then folks don't look into what's admitted, because it's not called chemtrails in the government documents, it's called geoengineering, basically terraforming, and Bill Gates and others are involved.
Follow the links to government documents and admissions at InfoWars.com.
Ian, ten conspiracy theories that came true when questioning the official narrative proves crucial.
And part two, ten more conspiracy theories that came true from a fascist coup d'etat to the FBI poisoning alcohol.
It's all documented at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
Check an hour with Larry Klayman, Paul Joseph Watson, and Dr. Michael Kaufman, coming up.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
I want to spend this little five minute segment ahead of Larry Klaman coming on.
I want to spend this little five minute segment getting your take on it, because I see you getting frustrated in your news videos, your nightly news reports, with folks that don't do any research but just wildly throw out whatever conjecture is, and then we get lumped in with those people, but it's worse than that.
They then get mad at us when we don't agree with everything they're saying or doing.
I think we should all just question everything.
Go off research, go off what's been proven as accurate sources, and historical perspectives.
Humans do the same stuff over and over again.
I mean, InfoWars is not really about theorizing.
Ninety-plus percent of what we do is just cover what's already known.
It's just so fantastical.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
A lot of people can't deal with it.
But I mean, what do you think about this whole term conspiracy theory?
Because for me it just means someone who questions known liars.
Within that compendium, or that spectrum though, of completely kooky stuff on one end and government propaganda on the other, I see myself as in the middle.
A true moderate trying to discover
The human experience.
What is truth?
I mean, I think that's the great aspiration in life.
Yeah, people are poisoning the well from my perspective.
I mean, I look at it from a perspective of motive, like the ISIS beheading of James Foley.
That clearly had a motive to justify military expansion in the Middle East and the potential attack on Syria, which they couldn't get done last year because another of their conspiracy theories failed with the chemical weapons attack.
But that had a clear motive, so I questioned it.
Turned out we were proven right by the experts who analyzed it, said it was staged.
That's the experts to the British government say it's fake!
They work with the British police.
Then you have something like, you know, the death of Paul Walker.
This is a Hollywood actor who wasn't even political.
My problem with it is every time somebody in Hollywood dies, like Robin Williams or Paul Walker, people immediately say, oh, he was assassinated by the Illuminati.
Sure, sure.
Well, I mean, you're talking about the schizophrenics that say that I'm Jeff Bridges and, uh, what's his name, Bill Hicks.
Yeah, it's a noisy minority.
Thankfully, it's still a minority.
Well, really, it's entertaining.
I mean, I got to be honest with you, you know, and you do it too.
I call them and say, what's the latest?
I don't do this anymore.
I swore it off five years ago.
I've really cut back.
We used to call up swapping the worst attack videos on us as entertainment.
But, and you know, the hater videos.
I repented to God, though, that I love hater videos because it's just they're so sick and pathetic.
It was a form of narcissism that I was enjoying it.
But I mean, it's amazing.
The phenomenon of schizophrenics now having access to YouTube and all their fantastical stuff.
What must it be like for them, though, as all this real stuff goes on?
That must be really freaking them out.
Well, that's precisely the frustration, isn't it?
There are so many real cover-ups, real conspiracies taking place right now, and they're focusing on the death of some, you know, actor in Hollywood that drove his car at high speed.
It just doesn't interest me when there are so many real hardcore issues that you can dig into.
And remember, we got blamed for Paul Walker saying that it was a missile when you had a video debunking it.
Yeah, I put debunked in the headline and people still say, how dare you say this is a conspiracy?
Because they don't watch the video.
That's the problem most of the time.
Well, part of it is the dumbed down nature.
I mean, the public is so dumbed down.
I mean, they just, they are so dumbed down.
It is so sad, Paul.
It's sad, but you know, with the internet, democratization of information, we've got such a wide range of access to everything now that
But then again, we've got a lot of noise, so it's about picking and choosing what's credible and what's not, and I think that's the balance that we try to get.
Sure, and that's why they spend all day in the mainstream media and other places saying we're not credible.
Well, we're incredibly credible.
We're having a huge effect.
We're growing exponentially.
We try to tell the truth.
People know that.
And they know we're really looking for the truth, looking for justice.
That's where we stand.
And we're not with the government conspiracy theorists or the poor mentally ill people out there.
But look, the government has lied so much, I don't blame folks for believing nothing.
Even stupid people know they're being lied to, so they come up with stupid theories.
But at least they're trying to think.
Paul Watson, thanks for the time.
Great job with the articles.
Thanks, Alex.
We'll be back with Larry Klayman, and we'll look at Obama and his move to turn over the carbon taxes to the UN outside of Congress.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
Thank you for joining us on this Sunday, the 31st day of August 2014 worldwide transmission.
We are now into our number two.
And we are going to be joined by Dr. Michael Kaufman.
I'll tell you about him in just a moment.
He's in several of our most powerful films, like Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Look at this headline.
Obama looks to skip Senate on new U.N.
climate deal.
The Hill.
It should read, Obama becomes dictator.
Breitbart, McConnell, Obama's congressional bypass with U.N.
treaty does serious damage to rule of law.
Uh, yes it does.
And now the New York Times and others are giving him political cover saying it's no big deal to shut down more of our plants and put tracker boxes that just so happen to be in all the new cars in your car to tax you by the mile.
Obama also announced last Friday that he'll be signing an executive order in the next week to end deportations of illegals.
He's already opened the border up.
Here's the Associated Press from Friday.
Obama plots bypass around Congress on amnesty through executive fiat.
That's the AP.
This is bigger than Obama, even if you're a Democrat.
This is about presidents becoming dictatorial.
And sure, they're elected, but it's the special interests that put them in there.
So it's the bureaucracy and the whole thing doing whatever it wants.
Put our troops under U.N.
Remember, he said that two years ago to the Congress.
They said, you've got to get authorization from us on Syria.
No, I don't.
I have the U.N.
I have NATO.
That's worse than him being a dictator.
He's like a stooge, a viceroy for these globalist corporate interests.
Well, the man who back in the early 90s put together with the UN maps, the master map showing half the country off limits.
You can just type in Dr. Michael Kaufman, UN maps, you'll see the global maps, the US maps.
Half the country in red off limits, another quarter of it or so limited use, less than 25% open use.
This is Agenda 21 that I've been covering since 1997 when I made the film America Destroyed by Design.
I'm not tootin' my horn, but you heard it here first.
I'm glad everybody else covers it now.
We have a chance to beat it.
The problem is now, they should, you know, tell Kauffman, oh, the UN's not gonna try to take over.
Oh, there's no such thing.
Now it's like, oh yeah, the UN, they tell us what to do.
So, Dr. Michael Kauffman joins us.
He received his B.S.
in forestry and M.S.
in biology in northwestern Arizona, University of Flagstaff, and his Ph.D.
in forest science, University of Idaho.
He taught courses and conducted research in forest ecology and forest community dynamics for 10 years at Michigan Technological University, a leading forestry school in the Midwest.
He's the president of Environmental Perspectives, Inc.
He's written many books, bestsellers, about the attack on our Constitution and more.
And his website is epi-us.com.
And you can buy his book at AmericaPlundered.com.
We have this segment and the next to get into it.
I tell you, Dr. Michael Kaufman, people watch that film eight years ago, Endgame, that you're such a big part of, and it freaked people out at the time.
Now it's all come true.
I'm told by filmmakers, you name it, that film is evergreen.
Truly something I'm proud of.
That's why I talk about it so much.
Even though I've had other films seen 50, 40 million times.
This one's only been seen probably 20 million times for free online.
Still, that's a big victory.
The DVDs, 200,000 in stores.
I mean, it's had a big effect, but you're a big part of it.
We're now seeing global governance out in the open.
But not just that.
Obama's saying his authority comes from the UN.
This is beyond constitutional crisis.
Yes it is, and it's really tragic, but you and I have been discussing this for 15, 20 years now.
It's nothing new, it's just finally starting to happen where people can see it.
It's almost impossible now for people not to see it, and yet they continue to decide they're not going to pay any attention to it.
It's really unbelievable.
When you have a nation that is at risk, as much as the United States is right now, to have people out there just
Willing to be blind.
You can't describe it any other way because it's right in their face.
Willing to be blind is just beyond comprehension.
It's a state of delusion that I never thought I'd ever see in my lifetime.
It's as if the country is in a trance.
For folks that don't know, they go, oh, let the UN run things.
Explain to people what they've already done in countries they've gotten control of.
Well, there has been plenty of evidence to suggest that they have a program of ethnic cleansing, not just a little bit, to the tunes of tens of thousands of people.
In the past.
Now, they're not doing that right now, at least we're aware of, but the fact is that they have no compunction whatsoever.
Their whole ethics program and so forth is led by nations that are literally blind to anything about, talk about human ethics and so forth.
Exactly, the UN promotes NAMBLA.
They're a member of the UN.
It is, everything, no matter what you look at,
They are a totally corrupt organization that does exactly the opposite of what most people in the United States would want to have happen.
Well, even if they were good guys, we don't need some foreign global group run by other countries carbon taxing us.
I mean, imagine.
Absolutely, and that's a very good point, because we have a system of government that has served us very well, with very strong, at least historically, private property rights that's disappearing now, that has given us the ability to become the wealthiest nation in human history.
And the United Nations has exactly the opposite form of governance.
If most of you in the listening audience know what that means, it means that the United Nations will control everything.
It will control every action.
And of course, that's what Agenda 21 is designed to do, is to control every action that you and I and everyone else takes in this world.
It gets to tell us what we can and cannot do specifically on every particular issue that we want to.
There will be no such thing as private property rights.
We're good to go.
Unless you're in a position of graft and corruption and so forth within some sort of organization.
Could be private, could be public, doesn't matter.
But that's the only other way that you can legitimately create wealth is through private property rights.
And it's what's created prosperity and invention and innovation?
It's not even debatable, but now we see collectivism and socialism pushed everywhere by the United Nations and now our president.
I mean, back when you helped testify to Congress and beat this stuff back in the early 90s, now they just say, hey, who needs Congress?
That really shows who's running things.
It really shows how dictatorial this thing really is.
It's very bold.
I'm really worried if Congress doesn't slap down Obama and the bureaucracy that this is just a major precedent.
Well, you got one of the things that we have to do, and of course it's not going to happen in this election, probably won't happen in 2016 either, is that we have to get these people out of Congress and our state legislatures, even our county commissioners, that are progressives.
These people are dangerous.
They're utterly dangerous and we will destroy this nation if we allow them to continue to do what they're doing because everything that they think of, and you can go back, this is one of my books, Plundered, goes into great detail, is to describe how this group of people since the time of Rousseau
We're good to go.
Tens of millions of their own people because it's so barbaric when it gets down to exactly who has the power within that form of government.
We're moving towards it very rapidly.
That's exactly where Obama is taking us.
In fact, the University of Hawaii breaks down democide.
262 million people in the 20th century, non-military combatants killed by governments.
70 plus percent of it by communists.
The rest by Hitler and some other dictators.
But communists killed 70 plus percent of 262 million people.
That's almost the entire population of the United States.
And people like to get scared of great white sharks.
They kill five people a year.
Why not be scared of the giant democide train of socialism, collectivism coming with all these well-meaning progressive grassroots people having no idea what they're doing.
We'll be back with Dr. Michael Kaufman and talk about is there a way to stop this nightmare situation.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's right folks, coming to you from the former United States.
We're occupied just like the Vichy French.
We're sold out to the Nazis.
We really are occupied by this corporate monopoly capitalist system that uses socialism to control the grassroots or oligarchical collectivism.
You go back to the Jacobins in France and the French Revolution, they were criminal plunders who wrote up the plan to carry this out and that's what Dr. Michael Kaufman is an expert on.
The writings and government documents he's dug up, it's in Endgame 2.0, that was released only to PrisonPlanet.tv, it's there today.
All the documents about how they would promote homosexuality.
To end the family and to break down society.
It's not that I'm against, quote, gay people or that I want to go hurt them or something.
It's that, and that there's been people like that forever.
It's that the government is confusing genders on purpose.
It is a program.
And that's just one example.
There's so many that he covers in Endgame 2.0 that people should go watch at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Dr. Michael Coffman, we got about 10 minutes in this segment.
I want to speak some about what you were just getting into, and then specifically about Obama saying he'll sign on to a treaty without Congress, which is unprecedented.
But I talk about statistically, honeybees, you know, kill 200 people a year, but people aren't really afraid of them, but great white sharks kill five people a year.
Worldwide, it's a couple hundred honeybees, people get killed by those every year here in the U.S.
But then you've got something like government.
What is it, 10,000 more people drowned a year or something?
You don't see TSA out there with checkpoints to get in a lake.
But it kills a lot more than terrorists do.
My point is, media decides what to hype up and what to be afraid of.
And statistically, government is the number one unnatural form of death, and it's collectivist governments that do it.
Free market ones just pour out money and success and upward mobility and freedom.
The problem is then those societies become decadent and government by conquest, government by corruption ends up setting in.
How do you educate a youth about this?
How do you stop a political class that just wants to expand their empire?
How do you reverse this?
Because more and more you can see they're not going to stop and they also hate anyone that's free market and anyone who's self-made.
There's also an instinct of these collectivists to not just take over but to then persecute those of us that are producers, which then always hastens the collapse as well.
This is just like some type of mental illness.
Dr. Michael Kaufman.
It is.
In fact, psychiatrists have done studies on this for over a hundred years and have come to that very conclusion.
This is a psychological or pathological problem.
They cannot connect reality.
They live in their own dream world and as a consequence, the policies that they formulate
Are totally wrong.
It's based on emotion, not rationale.
Now, we need emotion in our lives.
I'm not saying that.
But you've got to make a decision first on reason, and then temper it with emotion.
And all they do is do emotion.
They don't care about reason.
It could be outer space, and they just, they're disconnected from reality in total.
This is what the studies have shown over a hundred years now.
How do we change this?
Because they have penetrated our public school systems, our Congress, it doesn't matter what major institutions, they basically have taken over those institutions in this country.
Almost totally now.
Not quite, but almost totally.
With Common Core, they're going to take over the education system totally.
And what we're seeing, of course, we have a lot of grassroots out there that are fighting this and gradually beating back Common Core.
And I think by this time next year, we're going to be pleasantly pretty pleased because these people, I've done some in Common Core, but I have to admit, these people really, really have been effective in exposing the underbelly of Common Core and how bad it truly is.
And hopefully, by that process, we will be able to
Gradually take back our educational system.
There have been textbooks that have been rejected now because of revisionism and so forth of history.
And if we can begin to start training our kids while they're in elementary school and then while they're in college and so forth to the true foundational principles of a good liberal education,
Then I think we can begin to take it, but it's going to take decades to do that.
We have a problem right now.
Can we even survive the next two years of Obama?
That's the question.
And the only way that I can see that we could perhaps stop this is if we elected people in Congress, in the Senate, state legislatures, all the way down to your local level, that have some degree of reason behind them.
They're not often as pie-in-sky stuff that progressives really get involved in.
And I don't see that happening.
Because they have such a huge propaganda machine.
However, programs like you and others around the country and so forth are gradually making people aware of how bad this is.
It's just a matter of timing.
Can we do it?
Especially by the 2016 election.
Well, it's like Michael Savage has properly said, and I know he's researched it, that there are major psychological studies on the mind of communists or socialists, and they really are mentally ill.
They are.
That is the camp follower, though.
The higher-up ones know it's just a program of criminality.
Our biggest problem is the Republican leadership
He is bought and sold by the very same corporate interests that are using collectivism as a model.
Where is Boehner on Obama about to sign executive orders to legalize all the illegals?
Where is Boehner?
Where are all these people on Obama saying he'll just sign an order carbon taxing everybody?
And the DOT is coming out saying, oh yeah, there's little tracker boxes in your car, we're going to start taxing you.
I mean, everything we warn people about in Endgame, you talk about that in the film, is now here.
And so they've gone from denial to just doing it.
Why do you think they're doing that?
Is it because they're behind schedule?
Or they just don't care?
I mean, used to they would try to cover this stuff up.
Now they just do it.
One of the things that I'm very concerned about, Alex, and I know you are too, is that they're getting very close to the point where they're pulling the plug.
And there's going to be, well, obviously we are economically bankrupt in this country as it is right now.
It would take very little to put us in a real tailspin.
And I think that's what they're planning on doing.
And they don't care anymore.
They literally don't care.
We see a president that just doesn't care.
He'll go off golfing when the world is burning around him because he knows everything is going to come crashing down.
Shutting down a third of the coal power plants, doubling energy prices, will put us into a total depression.
And they know it.
Cloward and Piven, you're right.
They are going to wreck us.
They're committed.
They're doing it.
They're doing it right now.
And you have Europe as the classic example why green energy does not work.
It's destroying Europe right now.
And the socialists here in this country, the socialists still in Europe, they don't care.
They still want to do the same program.
They're convinced that green energy is going to work.
I don't know how they're going to do it, wave a magic wand or whatever, because it never could work.
I mean, we forecast way in advance.
Listen, Dr. Kaufman, we're out of time.
Come back for a full hour on the weekday show soon.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, Environmental Perspectives, Inc.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
Do you want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Larry Klayman joins us for the next two segments, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.
And I can't think of anybody who's broken more secret documents, leaks, than Larry Klayman.
He also is a columnist and investigative journalist for WorldNetDaily.
And he is demonized by the Clintonistas big time.
Larry Klayman joins us.
We'll give you his website coming up here in a moment as well.
There's so much to talk about.
When I wanted to get Larry on a few days ago, it was going to be about his investigation of Lois Lerner and what's really happening with the IRS persecution.
But now we've got Obama saying he'll sign an order legalizing the illegals and stopping any deportations.
They've pretty much already done that.
And then he'll put us under U.N.
control with carbon taxes without Congress.
This is official dictator type stuff.
So I want to cover the waterfront with him.
Freedomwatch.org is the best website.
So again, he joins us right now.
Larry Klayman, thank you for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
Again, that's freedomwatchusa.org.
Even I feel like I'm in the twilight zone, and I'm somebody who's been accused of going too far so many times.
Now people say, wow, it's all true and worse.
Larry, what's the next shoe to drop?
I mean, I want to get into all the stuff that's happening, but it just seems like the bottom's dropped out.
We've reached that point, like with Hitler or Stalin, where they've gotten away with everything, so why not go to the moon?
I mean, why not go a trillion miles?
If they've already taken us this far,
How far will they go?
Well, it's quite clear that they, meaning Obama and his comrades, literally speaking, will do whatever they can.
They have a certain period of time left in office until we get Ms.
Hillary, probably in the next eight years after that, which will finish the country off.
She's elected.
But they're going to take it to the max.
And, you know, everybody tries to make excuses for Obama, particularly the Republicans.
They're trying to say, oh, he's incompetent, he's not
Well-informed, doesn't know what he's doing.
You know, that's ridiculous.
And the only reason they say that is that they're afraid of being accused of being racist.
If they actually criticize the guy for his ideology all of a sudden from the left, you're racist.
So they have to couch it.
We have to call it as it is.
Alex, you've done that.
That's why I admire you.
Somebody's got to speak out and the fact that you're speaking from your heart and what you believe to be true doesn't mean that just because you're criticizing
An African-American president that you're racist.
So that's where it comes from initially.
This guy would have been long gone if he was not African-American.
He would not be in office right now.
Even as bad as he is.
And as bad as the electorate is that put him in there.
Because he's committed one scandal after another.
He's lied to the American people.
He's trashed the Constitution with executive orders and everything else.
And now the world is imploding over his foreign policy.
Which is not based on a lack of knowledge, but I believe it's calculated to further a Muslim caliphate.
He feels kinship with these people.
And that helps explain why, you know, we did an interview about Extortion 17 in Afghanistan, why our best and brightest, Navy SEAL Team 6, can't fire on, you know, Muslim insurgents before they're fired upon first.
I mean, my God, look at the Israelis.
If there was a Hamas operative in an apartment building, they blew the whole thing up.
And who elected Hamas?
It was the people of Gaza.
You've got to pay the price for putting them in power.
But we're not willing to do any of that stuff.
And the world's falling apart from Russia.
Well, regardless of why he's doing it, he is turning loose the most radical, vicious, caliphate, Wahhabist nutballs all over the world, with Benghazi help give them weapons, help use them against Syria, and it is so diabolical to see them going for broke, and then they get away with persecuting everyone, a thousand times what Nixon did with the IRS.
I know you've been focusing in on that as well.
Yeah, but before I get to that, I'll make one point here, which is important.
We should not just be critical of Obama and his leftist hacks, but also the Republican Party, the Republican leadership, because all of a sudden the Republicans learned about ISIS.
There are key Republicans, like Mike Rogers, the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.
Like John McCain, who's a powerful U.S.
Senator, quote-unquote.
Like Lindsey Graham, another Senator.
Like Representative Peter King.
Where were they?
Why weren't they telling us about ISIS?
You know, and so, the whole government has broken down, and on top of it sits the NSA and CIA that spies on us with their heart's content.
And the IRS is part of this.
That's the segue, Alex.
Is that the intimidation of conservative groups, auditing of them, harassment of them, is not new.
But it's part of an entire process that the government is using to keep dissent down.
To keep people from complaining.
To keep them from taking action against the government.
Legal action.
To scare them to the point you can't even use your telephone anymore.
And of course the IRS is an agency that characteristically has been used not just in this country, but ministries of finance in all countries to destroy political adversaries.
Particularly Russia, China, and other places.
So, we live in a Orwellian state, as the judge said in our NSA case when we got an injunction back in December.
There's a state of tyranny that we live in, and frankly, we're not far away from a violent revolution, which I'm doing my best to try to prevent.
God forbid that happens.
Well clearly they want to bring in tens of millions of illegals to be wedded to the Democratic Party for free goodies and then make it a racial issue if you don't want totally open borders and to have Obama and Jerry Brown saying it's our responsibility to pay for the children of the world when only 17% of those coming in are children.
And then meanwhile in Texas they're reporting on an imminent
Terror threat, a judicial watch that you founded, a feds bulletin describes threat of imminent terrorist attack on southern border.
Well, yeah, they report thousands of others than Mexicans, as they call it, pouring in from the Middle East with all sorts of ISIS memorabilia and signets.
ISIS is showing up at the White House, they're showing up in Ferguson.
I've been sent threats by these groups.
I mean, this is like Rockstar with the left.
A lot of leftists who aren't even Islamicists are like, really like what's going on.
And I used to think when I would hear you and others, because I respect you a lot, but say, you know, Obama's secretly this and that and he's planning this.
I was like, oh, come on.
But when we learned his cousin in Kenya is sending money up to the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the Egyptian government, and then they're blowing up all these churches and crucifying Christians, and our media is defending it, CNN's defending it, and then you catch Obama trying to overthrow Assad to put al-Qaeda in, and you see these, you start going, man, well, I mean, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck,
I mean, is the Islamic radical movement a fifth column for the liberals?
Alex, unless we do something, we're ducked, right?
So, look, yesterday, I mean, to give you an example, we filed a lawsuit.
I filed it in my own name with John Doe plaintiffs, okay, to protect the matter of security and allow people to come.
I brought a lawsuit against President Obama against
Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the U.N.
Secretary General something Moon, whatever his name is.
And what they've been doing, and this is Israel, and it tells you the way this whole thing is operating, is that we have given hundreds of millions of dollars to Hamas out of slush funds to the State Department for so-called humanitarian purposes.
And just a few days ago when the Israelis took out the Chief Financial Officer of Hamas,
I mean, that's on record!
Well, Larry, stay there.
We're going to come back and have you break this down in another segment with Larry Klayman.
And we're going to talk about where he sees the future of this country going, because I don't have words to describe how dire our straits are right now.
And regardless of what you think about Israel, why does Hamas fire the rockets?
Why do they attack?
What is the point of that?
We'll be back.
I began to get into iodine a few years ago because it was helping me and my family so much get healthy and detoxify.
Most people know that iodine deficiency has been a crisis around the world.
Iodine is key to so many of the body's functions, especially the thyroid.
I discovered a product being developed by Dr. Group.
You now know it as Survival Shield True Nascent Iodine that your body can really absorb.
Then, about a year ago, he said, listen, if you think this is powerful, I'm going to come out with rare earth, deep earth crystals.
And the results that I personally have had have been life-changing.
Nobody else has got iodine based on these pure crystals, ladies and gentlemen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment on this Sunday worldwide broadcast.
Tomorrow we'll be back.
We'll be breaking down the latest with Russia and Putin's talk of nuclear weapons.
We'll be looking at the open border, Obama's executive orders as we just track
A criminal political establishment that really has a score to settle with the free market in America.
They want to rule this country.
They want Cloward and Piven to wreck it so they can run it and pose as the saviors.
Larry, you were getting into hundreds of millions of dollars being sent to Hamas.
And then Hamas launching attacks on Israel, and then Israel looks like the bully, and there was superior weapons bombing, you know, the combatants.
But just looking at it coldly, not emotionally, what is the point of Hamas attacking Israel, knowing they're going to lose, A?
And B, it is a leftist cause celeb at the UN and everywhere else.
I have leftists call me all the time and they say, are you upset about dead Palestinian kids?
I go, yeah, I am.
I don't like seeing dead children, this is terrible.
Do you care about 300,000 dead Syrians, mainly Christians, killed by Al-Qaeda being backed by Obama and John Kerry?
And they just, shut up, you work for Israel.
I mean, who's going to speak up for the Christians?
It's like, it's like, just all the left will talk about is Hamas and Israel as if that's the only thing on the planet.
Larry Klayman.
The left doesn't like Moses or Jesus any more than it likes Moses, okay?
The fact is, you know, Israel is the land of Christians and Jews.
The fact is, Christians have been killed in Israel by Hamas.
The fact is, this president is supporting his brothers, his Muslim brothers, in the Middle East, and he's funneling money, and you're going to see more of it now, under the pretext that now we've got to rebuild Gaza.
This money is being used against Christian and Jewish interests and American interests
And Obama's furthering it.
I filed a lawsuit yesterday.
You can find it at freedomwatchusa.org.
And we charged Obama and Clinton and Kerry and the UN Secretary General of criminal racketeering in the civil context.
So, you know, we're making a point here.
And this president is simply not
He's patriotic to this country.
He does not care about this country.
It's not a question of playing golf.
He wants to dismantle this country.
He wants us to pay reparations for past discrimination.
Granted, that was bad.
That needed to be rectified.
But he believes that it's time to pay back his people.
And his people include African Americans and Muslims.
And everybody else can go be damned.
And I hate to say it that straight up, Alex, but someone's got to start saying it, you know?
I'm a civil rights lawyer, in part.
Okay, I'm a Jewish Christian.
Okay, I understand what discrimination is.
It's terrible.
You know, our people were enslaved back with the pyramids.
But it doesn't mean you destroy the country because you're going to have to do a payback.
And that's what this guy's doing.
Well, look at how Al-Qaeda and ISIS is killing the moderate Muslims all over the Middle East.
Where is the left on that?
That's all I'm saying is that I'm sad 2,000 Palestinians died in all this, but I wasn't part of it.
You know what?
I'm sad too, but the reality is the Palestinians elected Hamas in Gaza.
And they elected a terrorist organization.
And as a result of that, they have to take responsibility for doing that.
And that's their problem.
They can get Hamas out of there, they don't have to vote them in, and they've got it.
Just like we have to bear responsibility for Obama and what he's done.
Maybe we're going to have to make amends to the rest of the world.
Sure, sure.
I mean, I get what you're saying, but they'll never talk about hundreds of thousands of Christians being slaughtered by people... No, of course not!
When did you ever hear Obama talk about that?
Maybe once or twice in passing?
In six years?
The man doesn't consider himself a Christian.
The man has an antipathy towards Christians.
There's this pastor in Iran that's been rotting in Iran prison now for years.
He's just one of many.
You know, read this complaint because we documented in detail that Obama is, in terms of what he feels in his heart and the way he acts, totally Muslim, even though he's only one half Muslim by birth.
He was raised in Muslim schools.
He is praising
Terrorist organizations like the Islamic Society of North America repeatedly.
He wears a ring that says my only God is Allah.
By the way, that's really true.
It's on record, but I always thought that was to manipulate Muslims to follow him or something.
I tell you, this is really getting weird.
Look, we got to get you back for a full hour if you can do it soon, Larry.
I'd love to, Alex.
We need to tell it like it is.
We can't be parsing it anymore.
Let me just briefly get this out there, though.
You're on the forefront of exposing the IRS from day one.
Will anybody get in trouble for that as it's proven they destroyed the evidence?
Lois Lerner, the rest of them.
Well, we're working on those.
I might say Judicial Watch is my former group.
I have run Freedom Watch, now I founded Judicial Watch.
And they were the ones that uncovered those emails.
I applaud them for doing that.
You know, and one quick point, Alex.
Why couldn't the Government Reform and Oversight Committee with their subpoena power, and they can also file FOIA,
Get those documents.
Why does Judicial Watch have to do that?
It tells you that we don't have a Republican Party that's for real up there.
I think they're good on getting on Fox News.
That's about it.
And it's time for the American people to rise up and do it for themselves.
Because our country, as you pointed out, is hanging by a thread.
It's beyond imagination.
Why are these elites doing this when America's wealth and freedom made them so fabulously rich?
Why would they want
To shut off our power plants, open our borders, bankrupt everything.
I just want a bunch of nasty, nasty people.
Well, look there, in Washington, D.C., there's no recession in Washington.
You know, I lived there for 20 years.
I still go back there a lot.
I spend at least a third of, you know, half of my time there.
The fact is, there's so much money to divide up, they're cutting up the pie, the Democrats and the Republicans.
So why rock the boat?
We just get fat and happy and rich, and the American people will be damped.
You know, Louis XVI, après moi le déluge, I speak French, after me the flood.
And that's what's happened.
They don't care what's going to happen to this country.
To them, it's a power game.
And, you know, even the Peter Kings of this world, who think it's fine for the NSA to get into all of our underwear, so to speak.
You know, our phone records, our internet, everything else.
This is so they can remain in power.
And the rest of the country, you know, just go to hell.
We're in charge.
You know, I've had it, and I like to be able to express myself with the American people because it's time that we do rise up, and I've been advocating peacefully.
But there will come a time when, if things don't work, we're back to seven.
Well, they plan to push us into that position, and that's why they're militarizing the police.
William Benny seconded what your lawsuit proved, the former fourth in charge of the NSA, that it's a totalitarian takeover system to suppress legitimate political action.
We are in the hands of a radical revolution.
We're the restorationists, we're the counter-revolution, and that's how they list us up there with Bill Ayers and the rest of them.
Just really an amazing group of people.
I think it's important they know, though, that they're never going to get away with this in the end.
In the end, there's going to be Nuremberg-style trials for these people and the collaborators that tried to bring in this criminal system.
I mean, does your gut tell you we're going to end up winning in the end, Larry Clement?
It does.
You know, I have a lot of faith, and I'm an optimist, or I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing, and you wouldn't either.
As Thomas Jefferson said, when the people fear the government, there's tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there's liberty.
They need to start fearing us, because they're going to have to answer to us at some point.
Alright, Larry Klayman, thank you so much for joining us.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
We're almost out of time for this Sunday edition.
Larry Klayman has defended the Second Amendment, fought carbon taxes, and so much good.
And whether you agree with him on the Israel situation or not, I look at it from the outside to see the manipulation.
Why are both sides being funded to have conflict?
Well, it's good for the crisis managers to stay in control.
They want a society based on crisis that they control,
...problem reaction solution instead of a society based on open free systems.
And they're exacerbating tribal warfare between East and West in Ukraine, the same globalist interests.
Same stuff going on in Israel and with Hamas and the Palestinians.
Both sides have beefs and grievances.
I'm not in their fight.
I don't have a dog in those fights.
I just don't want to be financing either side of it like Rand Paul says.
I don't want to be involved in this.
I want my Constitution, my Bill of Rights, my Republic back.
And that's why I'm here with the Sunday broadcast.
That's why we do the nightly news five nights a week at seven o'clock central, weeknights.
That's why I have a three-hour radio show weekdays.
It's why I work so hard.
Because I know the only thing that allows evil to triumph is that good men and women do nothing.
I know we can take this world back by caring and by being as informed on politics and geopolitical matters that are so incredibly interesting.
As we are on fantasy football.
I've got so many friends who don't even exist this time of year because they're too busy forming their fantasy football leagues.
I mean, is that what life was all about?
What consciousness was all about?
A bunch of bread and circus jokes?
Now before we end this hour, please remember we are Lister Supported.
We don't get money, 400 million of taxpayer dollars like NPR.
We don't get stimulus money, like MSNBC.
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Please pray for peace, pray for justice, and the people's eyes be opened, and pray for Infowars.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
Lord willing, see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
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