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Name: 20140828_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 28, 2014
2531 lines.

The speaker discusses water filtration systems, current events including political tensions between countries, medical concerns such as vaccines, and the Illuminati's manipulation through television programming. They also mention whistleblowers coming forward with information about vaccine-related neurological disorders.

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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're not going to be covering Miley Cyrus and her mystery date that turned out to be a wanted man today.
I'm sorry.
We're going to be talking about the headline, Russian troops invade Ukraine.
Breach of border.
Again, fighting alongside rebels.
Assault intensifies.
That's the headline on DrudgeReport.com from Reuters.
Bloomberg, the Washington Post, you name it.
We also have the reports up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Here's the bottom line.
Russia has been in Ukraine since this all started earlier this year when the Ukrainian government and the people voted to not join the EU.
When the West basically overthrew the government in a coup, an unelected coup that Obama called elected, Russia came in and secured areas that were historically part of Russia.
I'm not defending Russia, that's just a fact.
They act a lot less colonial and expansionist than the Goldman Sachs does running our country.
They're not messing with my interest.
They're not trying to take my liberties like the globalists are.
But since that happened, they've put proxy troops in, they've put advisors in, there's been a propaganda war with the shoot-down of the Malaysian aircraft.
Who knows the truth on that?
But there have been CIA and NATO advisors with the Ukrainian troops the entire time trying to take over ethnically Russian areas on the Russian border inside eastern Ukraine.
That's what's going on.
Now that said, when you hear big announcements of, oh my gosh, Russia has invaded, we heard this two weeks ago that supposedly a Russian column of armored vehicles got blown up.
Remember that?
In fact, will you guys reprint me that?
Thank you.
They never retracted it, but it turned out there was no video.
It didn't happen.
Remember in 2008, when the Olympics kicked off, we were told, I woke up and saw CNN.
And they announced, Russia has invaded Georgia.
Russia has invaded Georgia.
And I remember going on air hours later and saying, Russia has invaded Georgia.
And an insane move.
Of course, hours later, I was reading Foreign Press, and it was after Georgian forces attacked South Ossetia and Abkhazia, killing the entire garrisons of Russian troops that had been there since the end of World War II.
in Russia.
Kiev says forces destroyed Russian armor inside Ukraine.
Remember that back on August 15th, almost two weeks ago.
We just keep hearing this, but the media is running with the headline, the New York Times and others, that Russian troops have invaded.
Russian troops have invaded.
There it is.
London Guardian.
Ukraine troops battled Russian armor column claims Kiev.
Russia plays down...
Hopes for breakthrough as Minsk talks, as tensions rise with plans to send second aid convoy into Ukraine.
And the Russians have released video that it's aid convoys.
Then they say, well, they're painting military vehicles white.
Well, that's the oldest trick in the book.
I don't know what the truth is, but they've been caught lying so many times that I don't trust NATO and the New World Order one micron.
And this is a Russian interest in that area.
Another major health threat.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the President of Ukraine has announced that Russian troops have invaded the country.
And satellite photos are now being released.
NATO released a series of satellite images on Thursday showing that a top general described as Russian combat soldiers equipped with sophisticated heavy weaponry are operating inside Ukraine's sovereign territory.
According to a statement posted on the NATO website, the photos confirm that NATO and its allies had been seen for weeks from other sources.
This is a direct contradiction of recent statements made by Kremlin officials that a pro-Russian separatist leader in Ukraine who said all the Russian troops that entered the country are on their vacations and assisting the separatists on a volunteer basis.
Let's stop right there.
I have no doubt that Russian troops have been in there for years.
There's a whole bunch of naval and Russian army bases in Ukraine.
It's been part of Russia for hundreds of years.
I'm not on Russia's side here.
And I'm not on Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan that run our country's side or NATO's side.
These are two different predatory power blocs fighting with each other.
But the West did overthrow the elected Ukrainian government earlier this year and installed an unelected one that Obama called elected.
They've since had elections that Russia didn't dispute too much and the new president is saying Russia has invaded.
Well, it's admitted that the CIA and NATO are in there bringing arms and weapons and advisors as well.
So, let's get this straight.
There's a Cold War going on, just like from 1959 to 1964 when the Vietnam War officially got going with the Gulf of Tonkin staged event.
There was officially a staged event that got us into that, not declassified for 40 years.
But nevertheless, from the time that Indo
China fell from the time that the French pulled out of Vietnam in 59 and Eisenhower secretly sent about 30,000 quote advisors in.
They were coming home every day in pine boxes.
Sometimes dozens a day in pine boxes.
I know people.
I have family that was in Vietnam in 1960.
That's been declassified.
So it's the same thing.
You've got U.S.
forces, mercenaries, NATO forces.
It's come out in the foreign news, battling Russian troops in eastern Ukraine.
So, yes, that's true.
It's probably going on.
They announced two weeks ago, or almost two weeks ago on the 15th of August, that they destroyed a Russian armored convoy of armored vehicles and tanks.
They showed no video.
Later, they showed a few white vehicles burning that the Russians said were aid vehicles.
I'm sure the Russians are smuggling weapons in.
I think both sides are lying here.
But whose backyard is it?
Who started it?
Who overthrew Ukraine?
George Soros bragged.
Just type in George Soros takes credit for Ukraine overthrow.
This is a guy that wants our guns.
This is a guy that wants to end our free speech.
This is a guy trying to finance open borders here.
It's the same globalists that want destabilization worldwide.
There's the headline.
Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine.
Color revolution collaboration began soon after in engineered fall of Soviet Union.
And it's now coming to a head.
Five billion dollars spent in Ukraine to destabilize it.
If they were really trying to bring the Second Amendment and freedom, and not trying to take over the Ukraine so the EU bankers, the same ones that control our country, could literally suck that nation dry.
And if Ukrainians really wanted the Russians completely out, I'd be all for it.
But half of Ukraine has always been traditionally Russian.
It's over 90 plus percent Russian in areas close to the Russian border.
Overall, you look at these numbers, these demographics, 75 percent of eastern Ukraine is Russian.
And they've been there for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years.
It's been part of Russia scores of times.
This would be like Mexico being UN-backed, taking back Texas and saying, well, we had it, you know, 180 years ago.
And then Texans start fighting back, and it's on the news, Texans have invaded Texas.
Saying Russians have invaded areas of eastern Ukraine is like saying Texans have invaded Texas.
It just has no bearing in reality.
It'd be like saying Comanches have invaded Oklahoma or Indiana.
It'd be like saying Vikings have invaded Norway.
It'd be like saying the Dallas Cowboys have invaded Dallas.
The Seattle Seahawks have invaded Seattle.
Germans have invaded Germany.
Iraqis have invaded Iraq.
No, the globalists are manipulating all countries off against each other to sell weapons, consolidate control.
They turned radical Islamist, run by Saudi Arabia, financed by the West, Turkey, you name it.
Loose on our allies, like Hazi Mubarak in Egypt.
Loose on people trying to work with the West, like Muammar Gaddafi.
Loose on Syria.
Loose on Iraq.
Loose on the contractors and workers there trying to put in an infrastructure.
I've watched these ISIS videos, Crossing of Swords and others, and I can't even watch the whole thing, where they pull families over on highways in Iraq and then just shoot them with high-powered machine guns, or walk up to utility workers trying to put in phone lines and blow them, you know, kill them, and then pull up next to a guy going, your wife is not wearing black, she's wearing brown.
I mean, just imagine living under these absolutely out-of-control Wahhabis, who threaten us on a routine basis, by the way,
Notice they're not attacking Israel, they're not attacking the CIA, because folks, they work for the group that is above the CIA, above Israel, above the European Union, above the Vatican, above all these power structures.
It is chaos directed against humanity, almost like it's an alien force from a distant star system that's here, posing as humans, manipulating us.
It's that scientific, that cold-blooded, that evil.
In fact, guys, I don't remember the exact headline for it, but we've reposted it.
Star Trek Exposes 9-11, I think's the video name.
Or Star Trek Exposes Divide and Conquer is what we called it when we posted it.
It's like a seven-year-old video from YouTube.
I want to play that later.
It's an episode from Star Trek.
I forget the name of the episode, but I'll find the name.
I'll do a review of that.
I'll have McBrain do a review of it.
He likes Star Trek.
I like Star Trek, too.
We both like it because it's so goofy.
We like the original stuff with Captain Kirk, William Shatner, where there's an invisible alien on board the ship and it's playing the Klingons and the humans off against each other to suck the energy and consolidate power over them.
And I'm not saying it's a real alien doing this, but that's an allegory
Of what we're dealing with, and until we become aware of it, there's no future.
I want to hear from military people out there.
Again, specifically, contractors, corporate people, folks that have lived in Ukraine or Russia or Poland or surrounding areas.
If you're in Europe or you were a contractor or military, give me your take on this.
Because I get the cold-blooded chess.
Cut Russia off, don't let them send gas to Europe, don't let them have a gas pipeline to China.
Cut off the Black Sea, put missile cruisers there, call it missile defense when it's really a nuke shoot-down system so Russia can't respond if the West hits them first.
The problem is Russia will launch on warning now because of these missiles being moved in.
That's what Ray McGovern, who was Ronald Reagan and George H.W.
Bush's favorite morning briefer and top CIA analyst.
Very top for general geopolitical stuff.
Combat vet, whole nine yards.
And he just said the entire community of people that aren't nihilist death wishers is this is the most dangerous point the world's ever been in.
And the globalists, the big banks, are busy manipulating and pushing the world towards crisis on every single front.
And I'm completely upset about it and completely focused.
I've been very serious this morning here at the office because you can feel the energy and the danger intensifying.
Now, they tried to lie and say Russia had invaded Georgia back in 2008 on 888.
In August of 2008.
Six years ago.
The question is, is this another hoax where there are no Russian forces?
Preemptively invading.
I don't know.
Are there Russians there in a proxy war?
Looking after their gas pipelines, military and naval bases, and supply lines.
That's Russia's main funding is supplying cheap gas to Europe and cheap oil.
On 888, it's on record.
They have neocon, known CIA minions attack me routinely for this because I expose it and they hate it.
That day I got up and
Went in at like 6 a.m.
to look at the news, and the headline on CNN and everywhere else I turn on television was, Russia has invaded Georgia.
And even six years ago, I was still naive.
I guess I still am naive.
Who knows what the next shoe to drop is.
I was on air hours later at 11.
I went on air and said, Russia has invaded Georgia.
And then people started emailing us BBC articles and
After Spiegel articles and Russian news, and it was headlined, President begs for help, says they've been hit, begs for NATO, who was already there.
They attacked Obsidia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, killing entire buildings full of Russian troops in a middle-of-the-night attack.
Killing everyone.
And were shelling with tanks, and the Russians poured in across the border, drove them back and said, get out, NATO, we're going to attack you.
And NATO pulled out, Russia pulled out a week later.
So, the West is trying to take Russian interest.
Russia's pushing back.
And again, I'm not saying they're angels or something.
The point is, we don't have the moral high ground when our elites are directing the world towards this position.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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If you're in Poland, if you're in Ukraine, if you're in Russia, if you're in Northern Europe that borders a lot of these areas as well, if there is a regional war, it's going to affect the economies big time, the stock markets, the energy prices.
And then there is a very distinct possibility this could escalate into a full-out nuclear war.
That's what Ray McGovern, former top CIA analyst, to the president has said on the show, and that's what every other major analyst says.
This is a very reckless game.
This is not North Korea.
If our government started trying to topple North Korea, I'd say, wow, our government might actually be moral.
The guy's a complete joke.
But he's got over 100,000 pieces of artillery and would shell the South Korean city into the ground.
But nobody...
is messing with North Korea.
Instead, ladies and gentlemen, they're messing with Russia that is doing nothing to anybody.
But hey, we had a 60-year Cold War with them, doesn't matter the very bankers that run our country.
I'll say that again, the very bankers that run our country, the very bankers that run our country, that have hijacked it,
...are the ones that put the Bolsheviks in power in 1917.
That's mainline congressional hearings in the 70s, church committees, Anthony Sutton declassified, Mao Zedong put in power by the Western elites.
Look at how they're trying to shut off Russian gas pipelines and how they're trying to shut off our gas and oil pipelines into the United States of oil and gas we need.
Look at how they're shutting down our train beds.
Look at how they're shutting down our infrastructure.
Look at how they're shutting down more than a third of our coal power plants.
Look at how our power prices are going up.
Look at all the regulations.
You see, the globalists want to shut everything down they don't control.
And then sell you commodities at a hundred times what they should be worth, just like diamonds.
Diamonds are artificially scarce.
They lay on the ground all over Africa.
But the West controls Africa, so you can't get the diamonds out, and they have hundreds of movies and TV shows about anybody who doesn't put diamonds through the UN program is racist and has blacks as slaves at slave camps mining the diamonds.
And there is some of that going on, but mainly it's villages and communities and countries that try to mine their own diamonds, and they get overthrown when they do.
And there are literal slave camps run by the West, the equivalent of slave camps, where they do mine the diamonds.
And then you will pay a year's salary to put a two-carat diamond ring on your wife's finger.
And you can tell a woman, hey, these things are worthless.
It's a big scam from 100 years ago.
The Oppenheimers and De Beers with Edward Bernays and the British royalty, who owns a big part of De Beers, ran the scam.
There's documentaries on it.
It's an admitted fact.
And they'll say, I don't care.
I want it!
I gotta have it!
People love frauds.
People love scams.
And they're cutting our oil off, they're cutting our gas off, they're teaching us 2 plus 2 equals 5.
We've never been at war with Syria.
We've always been at war with Syria.
Now Syria's our best buddy.
We are living
1984 with a bunch of globalist existential envy haters of humanity.
Haters gonna hate?
Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, all of them are haters writ large.
The biggest haters this world's ever seen.
Hitler was a hater.
Stalin was a hater.
Mao was a hater.
They want control.
They want to dominate.
They want to dumb down.
That's my litmus test.
Are the Russians brutish and thuggish and basically a kleptocracy mafia?
And if they get in my business and try to take my guns or my property or my kids or try to forcibly inoculate me or try to push me around, I'll become the biggest Russian phobe you ever saw!
But the Russians aren't doing jack squat in my backyard.
The New World Orders, the same people screwing Russia over, are the same people taking all my freedoms!
George Soros!
Bill Gates!
Hillary Clinton!
Samantha Powers!
And you got the French government, you got the Russian government, you know, fighting with each other, you got the Germans and the Russians fighting with each other.
I mean, this is a disaster!
So now, NATO just released satellite evidence
Russia is lying about invading Ukraine.
You can blow up some of the images, we have them on Infowars.com.
It's from Business Insider.
Doesn't look like any evidence I've ever seen.
Pathetically vague.
The guns are pointed north, directly towards Ukraine territory.
The statement explained.
Yeah, which way do you think our guns are pointed at Russia?
This is just ridiculous.
So then you read the article, it's pointed into Ukraine.
Tell me something I didn't know.
They prey on people's military ignorance when the West started all of this.
What are the bankers thinking?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'll give the number out and come back.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your life.
It will be raining nuclear fallout, not just blood.
From a lacerated sky, bleeding its horror, draining our structure, now I will rain blood.
And I guess a lot of you love the spirit of Joseph Mengele out there and you want to have a war with Russia.
Russia doesn't teach their kids 2 plus 2 equals 5 or
That Heather has two mommies.
Russia promotes men and women getting married and having children and not reducing their population.
The truth is, Russia has started to break away from the larger eugenics-based New World Order into a strongman nationalism that is brutish and ancient, but compared to the New World Order, would be preferable.
That's all I'm saying.
And the West started this.
If you disagree with me, go ahead and call in.
I think that it's a little bit of both.
I think this is overall hype to get a larger escalation against the Russians, because using advisors with former Russian military that lives in Ukraine, they are beating the NATO CIA mercenary forces in the mainly Russian ethnic areas.
So there is a major proxy war with Russia on their doorstep.
We know that's going on.
Did they blow up an armored column two weeks ago?
Turned out that wasn't true.
So you can't believe a word comes out of the elected president of Ukraine.
Again, the first one they installed earlier this year was not elected.
In the NATO coup.
So NATO's caused a coup trying to steal the Russian infrastructure, the Russian pipelines, the Russian bases.
They're not putting up with it.
And so, the bankers, the John Corzine type people that make 40 to 1 bets with your private bank account money and don't get in trouble, that have gotten away with anything you can imagine, they think they can mess with Russia, just like Napoleon did, just like Hitler did.
And even if you like Napoleon or Hitler, did it end well for them?
Can you imagine if Russia
had helped overthrow the Mexican government, and was now claiming part of Texas belonged to them.
How would you feel about that?
That's what's happening, but they prey on people's ignorance.
In fact, I knew it would happen, now I'm hearing that Assad, in the news, is protecting ISIS, which is Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda in Syria, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, merged to form
ISIS and then IS.
That's on record.
Doesn't matter.
They're saying, oh, we might have to take out Assad, too, because he won't let us come in and take out ISIS.
When ISIS was armed by the very same globalists.
I mean, this is so evil.
I want to hear from people that have lived in Ukraine, lived in Russia, or are in Russia.
I want to hear from contractors, U.S.
military, people that have been stationed over there.
What is your view?
What is your angle on this?
I guess to be patriotic, I should just support 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And I should support Obamacare, because I'm not racist.
And everything is awesome.
I should just support Fast and Furious.
I should support Solyndra.
I should support Benghazi whitewashes.
I should support everything.
And I should support nuclear war with the Russians.
I mean, prove you're patriotic today!
Join the military!
Go fight the Russians!
Did the Russians create a 1.5 trillion dollar
1.5 quadrillion dollar global debt of fake derivatives and sign us on to it?
Uh, no.
Did the globalists run Enron scams and Bernie Madoff scams?
Did the globalists in the last five years, worldwide, except for Russia and a few other countries, they don't do it there, put satellite tracker boxes to tax and trace you by the mile in all the cars, which they're saying they want to start next year in pilot cities, San Francisco, Austin, and Minneapolis, St.
Paul, and New York, all the places that are liberal and trendy, where being a schmuck is cool,
They're going to start taxing us by the mile next year the Department of Transportation has announced.
And you know what?
It's Putin's fault!
If I fall on a banana peel, or if I'm bouldering in the Grand Canyon, or bouldering in Big Bend, and slip and tear my Achilles, I don't say a cuss word under my breath, I say, Vladimir Putin!
If I slam my finger in the car door, I scream, Vladimir Putin!
If I have a stomachache, I scream, Vladimir Putin!
And that's normal.
But when something good happens, I go, Barack Obama.
New world order.
Thank you.
Ooh, thank you.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Toll-free number 800-259-9231.
UN calls emergency meeting on Ukraine crisis.
Ukraine's president says Russian troops have been brought into Ukraine, calls for NATO aid right as NATO tanks and armor show up in Ukraine.
What would you do if NATO was moving troops into Ukraine and Poland right by your gas pipelines that you get all your money from?
You would send in regular military.
But see, that's why I'm a traitor.
I should support the foreign banks that occupy my country, and they're going to sit this out in Switzerland or the Cayman Islands or wherever, starting a nuclear war.
I mean, I'm just a bad person for not wanting a nuclear war.
The Pentagon's been putting out lots of propaganda, I mean truth, about how we can survive a nuclear war, why it's like no big deal.
Radiation's good for you.
Just ask Ann Coulter.
Russian and Ukrainian troops battle in the south, prompting fears that invasion has begun.
This is not confirmed, but the Washington Post goes with the headline that Russian-Ukrainian troops are battling in southeast Ukraine.
With no evidence of it.
They've put out some satellite photos.
I guess we got photos from the Gulf of Tonkin, too, that the Vietnamese attacked our ships.
The next time I'm going to hear, what are you, for commies?
Oh yeah, I'm a big commie, that's right.
No, I don't want nuclear war.
I don't want to start fraudulent wars.
Our global elite, that just 40-something years before the Gulf of Tonkin had put Lenin, V.I.
Lenin, in charge of Russia,
Owned and ran Ford and General Motors plants, the biggest in the world, in Russia, producing hundreds of thousands of trucks a year.
For the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and missile launchers, and tanks, and weapons, and SAM missiles.
and Globalist owned factories all over Russia, building the whole thing from 1917 right through World War II, and then suddenly we have a commie scare, so we have to take your rights to fight Stalin, while the factories in Arm and Hammer, and Al Gore's dad, Senator Gore, sat on the board of it, shipping, and we weren't allowed to bomb the ships,
By the hundreds every week, coming in to Hanoi Harbor.
Going in there.
I'm gonna give you a big secret about Richard Nixon, and I should do a special report on this sometime.
Because what's old is important, what's really old news and unknown, even though it's hiding in plain view, is important.
Vietnam went on from 1959 until 1975.
Officially 1964 to 1975.
You know, our own military generals and others kept getting removed because they wanted to bomb the North, they wanted to bomb that harbor, they wanted to mine the harbor, and no one would let them do it.
Because you had all this money being made from Russia and Europe and the US companies sending all the armaments in.
To fight our troops.
A perfect globalist war where you run both sides and make money and get power out of it and then destabilize the country and create a social movement you control based on socialism as the counter to war.
How do you sell socialism and collectivism and political correct?
You sell it against an illegal war.
So that it gives it the moral high ground.
See, they don't want a Ron Paul who's a libertarian against war.
Or the John Birch Society that was against the war and got demonized in the 60s and 70s because they tried to stop it.
Because they had the insiders in the government that knew the truth.
Oh, that's that right-wing crazy group.
They're traitors.
They're commies.
Yeah, the anti-commie group's commie.
Because they said, our government's shipping all the weapons in.
And then Richard Milhous Nixon, for all his sins, he didn't get in trouble for spying on people or planning a stage of terror attack against himself to blame it on the Democrats.
That's declassified.
He didn't get in trouble for IRS files.
He bombed the North and he ran a bunch of different operations bombing the Communists, bringing weapons in out of other countries.
And when he sent in B-52s to bomb the North, the impeachment process began.
You understand that?
And as soon as our military, it took them years to figure it out, went, we're not allowed to take the enemy out, the war ended, because the morale ended, because we wouldn't keep fighting, because we knew it was a fraud.
That's what the Al-Qaeda war is, that's what the war on drugs is, all these are fake wars.
Where they bring the drugs in, they bring the Al-Qaeda in, they bring in the illegals in, they bring it all in, and then watch the big fight that starts, and then they act like their savior's trying to start it.
Trying to stop it, when they're only trying to start the next leg of it.
So, that's why Nixon was removed, because he wanted to win.
And I'm not lionizing Richard Milhouse Nixon.
He went over and made deals with the Communist Chinese, who'd been put in power in 49 by his predecessors.
Harry Truman.
Can you believe our government, and David Rockefeller, when Mao Zedong died, I think it was in 76 or 78, we've gone to the microfilm, got shots of it, it's in my film, Endgame, he praised communism and bragged about why he supported putting Mao in in the first place, and how communism is the way to go in America.
David Rockefeller, in the New York Times, praising the biggest mass murderer in history, and saying, we need communism, for a community of purpose, that's a quote.
And when the John Birch Society would run around freaking out about it or others, they would be called traitors by William F. Buckley and the CIA on record run National Review.
Because how do you control opposition?
You lead it.
Well, I'm going to tell all the CIA people on the right something.
You're going to be set up and brought down once the controlled left comes in.
The globalists everywhere put the left in.
They use the Hegelian dialectic of left-right, but in the final countdown, they will long-knife every single libertarian or conservative trader that opens the gates.
You're going to lose everything, fools.
Oh yeah, the CIA fat cats, they make a bunch of money working with communist Chinese generals, using Chinese as slaves to make the cheapest goods in the world to leverage the planet and take over.
And now they've done it.
America's betrayed.
We're de-industrialized.
They told the CIA people and the technocrats, oh, we'll keep the super high-tech stuff here.
We'll only give the medium tech to Japan and to China and others.
They've sold all of it out, folks.
MIT came out last year with DARPA and said there's no way to regain the industrial base or the high-tech base.
It's been lost.
The U.S.
is over.
And they did that to make the elite that isn't traders give up.
And they're all being told, all the billionaires, everybody, you play ball with the New World Order world government that's going to be based out of Europe, you supply military troops and robots to it, and we'll let you live.
You really think an elite like that's going to let you live?
When they'd finally drop the hammer?
Ray, Gator, Hope, Blair, we're going to you.
We want to hear what you think about this situation.
There's been a proxy war going on in Ukraine this whole year.
Is this new provocation real?
Probably not.
It's a bunch of hype to escalate what?
What do you do with people with nukes?
What do you do the Russians pour in to take control of their area the West is trying to steal?
Again, they expect Russia to stand down.
Russia is not going to stand down.
They're just trying to win the propaganda war right now with their own lies.
I want my country back.
I don't want Russians running it, and I don't want George Soros, a Nazi collaborator banker, running it.
All you want to call me a traitor, some of you out there, you neocons, because I'm against nuking Russia?
All because you're mad that your great-granddaddy got kicked out, or your grandfather got kicked out?
The entire neocon movement, founded by Trotskyites, kicked out by Stalin?
You think you're going to reconquer Russia?
And the great dream of 1917?
You got a bunch of Americans going over there in 1917, taking over Russia.
Then the Russians kick out the Americans, send them back.
They come over here, set up the neocon movement.
And that's, that's, that's, that's who runs this country.
A bunch of communists.
Ray, in Poland, you're on the air.
What is your breakdown on this?
Uh, you know, I don't really know much about everything in the situation, but I completely agree with what you're saying.
And the most craziest thing that I think about here, since I've been in Poland, because I was born in California and raised in Texas, is that here in Poland is just as crazy as it is there in America, because the people here have no idea what's going on.
They don't even have two thoughts towards the idea of what's happening right next door in Ukraine.
I was in the Ukraine, and I lived there for a couple of months.
And it's like Eastern Ukraine is completely Russian and Western Ukraine is completely, uh, it's either Ukrainian or it's Polish.
Um, and in the western part of Ukraine, there's no sense of regulation.
And you can see it because in the western part of Ukraine, it's like slums, kind of.
It's not really nice.
The cities are kind of broken down.
Buildings are very old.
But as you go back towards the eastern part of Ukraine, it's really nice.
The cities are very clean, very hospitable, very nice there.
And here in Poland, the people get the same
Messed up news, no truth, because they get the same thing that MSNBC... Exactly, they get German news as well, and expanding on that for people that understand, the political class wants to take all the people's land and infrastructure who are Russian.
So for the political class in the poor western part, they want to rob the east.
That has infrastructure, everything, and that's what's going on here.
I mean, Russia at one time had one of their capitals in what's eastern Ukraine right now.
But again, we're cursed by knowing the facts.
God bless you, appreciate the call.
Let's talk to Gator in North Carolina, then Hope, Blair and others.
You lived in Ukraine.
What's your breakdown on this?
Yeah, some time ago when I was there professionally in the media business for a couple years, lived in Kiev.
We still have family there in Eastern Ukraine, some of which have had to send their children away to safety in Russia, actually, to keep from being bombed.
The consensus is among family and friends back there is a lot of people in the know and have any kind of sense to them understand that this is all completely U.S.
promulgated event.
They understand that this is CIA manipulation.
When I was there, I did experience firsthand encounters with the underground Nazi movement there, though.
It is very... I want to hear about this.
The vice president who our government put in, as Foros put in, literally howls Hitler, for those that don't know.
And these are real Nazis, folks.
They worked with Hitler in World War II.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, Gator.
I'm gonna go to Hope and Blair.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
Gator, you're saying you have family in eastern Ukraine, you've worked there.
Recapping, you said they've had to send their children out of the country into Russia.
For those that just joined us, they're announcing that Russia has attacked Ukraine and invaded.
And they've been saying this over and over again.
The truth is the West has overthrown Ukraine, is trying to take Russian infrastructure that's always been there, Russian ports, Russian pipelines.
That is not an endorsement of everything Russia does to say it's wrong for us to start a war with them.
Again, this is not Iraq that's being picked on by Wall Street.
And by the way, it's Wall Street folks financing taking your guns.
It's Wall Street creating the culture of the NSA.
It's these foreign banks that have sold us that they're Americana, that run our country, that are trying to start an economic and physical war with Russia.
I'm ranting.
Gator, go ahead and make your point about the first-hand run-in with the neo-Nazis that run the Ukrainian government.
Yeah, it was.
While there, I mean, it was a lot of it was underground and kept underground.
And obviously, it's really it's come from underground and it's running the show now.
But when there, I mean, I encountered it first time first hand.
And having actually intervened on the downtown street, a Christiatic, in downtown Kiev, in broad daylight, with some guys attacking a Hasidic Jew, in just broad daylight, walking up to him randomly, starting to beat him down in the street.
So I had to intervene in that situation.
That's when I really came to learn, started to investigate and see how prolific the Nazi movement was there.
People understand who Joe Biden's son is over there.
They understand what's going on with control.
Yeah, for those that don't know, he just got control of all this Russian gas that the Ukrainian government is just saying is his now.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so the Ukrainian people, a lot of them, a large portion of them, especially the ones we know, understand that this whole thing is engineered by the CIA and by the United States and the Britons to try to coax
Russia into a war.
And that basically is the bottom line.
They know they're doing it.
They're using the neo-Nazis to slaughter all of the people that are not loyalist to the Nazi Party, to the Nazi movement.
And who just want to be free and be left alone and maintain their sovereignty and their good relations with Russia.
And those people have to be exterminated, kind of like all the Christians in Syria need to be exterminated.
And there's a problem because half of Ukraine or more is allied with Russia and has Russian ethnicity.
This is not something that they're ever going to win.
Again, what does NATO think they're going to do?
Start a nuclear war with Russia?
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
I mean, our government funded ISIS and turned them loose and is now fighting them.
It's not our government.
And I want to explain, the average cop, the average FBI agent, even the average person in the CIA, because I've talked to them, is completely freaked out as well.
And they know the government's going for broke.
The people that have hijacked our government are doing things so reckless, it's scaring everybody.
Because this is how you destroy the planet.
I mean, this is so reckless, and it's not a moral high ground.
It's so evil.
It's global domination.
Messing with 170 million Russians.
With high-tech weapons.
It's just, it's madness.
We're gonna go to break, come back with Blair, and come back with Hope, and Darius, and Kevin, and others.
I just want to remind folks that we'll also be covering a lot of other news.
Ebola outbreak is the worst that he ever feared, says the UN.
We have huge news on that front.
As many as 20,000 now infected.
This is a big deal.
We're going to be covering that.
18 signs that Obama administration is openly hostile to the military.
CDC whistleblower, I knew about this a few weeks ago, but it's breaking now, has come out and said, no, they faked all the numbers on MMR.
They know vaccines are hurting people.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, thank you for joining us.
We're talking about the exploding escalation, the crisis, with Merkel saying that Russia is doing things that could lead to war.
Last week, two weeks ago, they claimed a Russian armored column got blown up.
That wasn't true.
Clearly, there's Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
It's been part of Russia forever.
They're guarding their interests.
That's just a fact.
But it's being escalated as Russia's invaded.
We've got to do something.
We've got to have a war right now.
You know, move in the NATO troops.
This is Russia we're talking about.
This isn't like Panama.
This isn't like the Falcons.
Falkland Islands.
The British have a good, trained, focused military and they lost a lot of troops fighting just a few hundred soldiers that were willing to fight.
And now NATO releases this satellite evidence
That Russia is lying about invading Ukraine and they show a few armored vehicles that you can barely even tell what they are.
And look, oh, there's the border.
Their guns are pointed into Ukraine.
Well, of course they are.
Meanwhile, in really important news, Joan Rivers stopped breathing during throat surgery.
Blair in California, you've visited Ukraine 12 plus times, you say.
What is your take on the situation?
Should we just be patriotic and nuke Russia right now?
Maybe I should join the neocons and Obama and just call for war against Assad, for Al-Qaeda, and overthrow Egypt and put Al-Qaeda in, and blow up Russia.
Is that the patriotic thing to do?
No, sir, it isn't.
Gator pretty much covered Kiev area and all that.
I'm more familiar with Crimea, Sevastopol area.
I've been there at least 10 times, there to Sevastopol.
And they essentially gave Russia no option.
They were going to... It would be like the Chinese Navy setting up a base in San Diego.
That just wasn't going to happen.
Yeah, that's it.
But what do you think about the bravado, the chutzpah of the Western elite?
What are they thinking?
I have no idea.
I'm a former artillery officer.
I studied the Soviet military, and they may be a little lower tech, but they have overwhelming numbers of equipment, and it's insanity is what it is.
Well, where do you think this is all going?
I don't know.
They keep poking the bear.
They're going to find out.
I hope the cooler heads would prevail.
Crimea is just a beautiful place.
It's just very calm.
People are really nationalistic.
It's loaded with some of the most gorgeous women on the earth.
They give California and Texas a run for their money big time.
But not just that, the people, they're real traditional, family-oriented.
Yeah, and the EU wants to go in there and teach them George Soros values.
Soros admits they want to go in
Well, they've been trying to invade Sevastopol, Crimea for a thousand years and everybody's lost.
I don't get where they think they're going to accomplish it.
One of my best friends is a former Russian military officer, historian, and it's just unbelievable the will these people have to
Well, exactly.
The globalists are so bad running our country, they're giving Putin the moral high ground.
And then we're supposed to just be immoral and go, no, we're going to side with our government and the bankers.
Let's have war with Russia and take their gas pipelines.
More calls coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
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If not, then I want to know why.
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Another major health threat.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States
Take action and reply.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to!
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on a cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and it could be used to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're seeing all over the different TV news headlines, the Ukrainian president coming out dramatically saying, Russia has invaded Ukraine!
Our forces are battling them in huge war!
Cities are burning, it's incredible!
We've got to have NATO helping here right now!
Magically, right on time, releases photos.
They say are Russian armored vehicles on the border with their turrets facing inwards.
And they show Russian self-propelled artillery inside Ukraine.
So all of this is going on.
Of course, there's Russian-made, because they bought a lot of it from the Russian.
There's Russian missiles that both sides have.
So we don't know if any of this is true.
But Russia has been in eastern Ukraine the whole time.
They have military bases there.
And there has been all sorts of escalation of war.
Months of Ukrainian fighter-bombers bombing the cities in eastern Ukraine.
Bombing them.
Bombing government buildings.
Storming airports.
Shooting people.
I mean, this is a globalist contrived civil war.
So we know the PSYOP, whether it's true or not, is the hyping of the President.
We need help right now!
Russian forces are smashing us!
They've invaded!
Help us!
The Red Chinese have invaded California!
This is right on Russia's border.
This is right in Russia's backyard.
Here's the Washington Post.
Russian and Ukrainian troops battle in the south, prompting fears that invasion has begun.
Ukraine's president says Russian troops have been brought into Ukraine.
calls emergency meeting on Ukraine crisis this afternoon.
We're going to take your phone calls on this subject and then get into U.N.
Ebola cases in West Africa could top 20,000.
expert says it's worse than they originally thought.
That's also being said for the director of the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden.
Rand Paul says Obama is not king.
Senator warns of constitutional crisis over climate change in round around Congress.
Yeah, Obama's been shutting down the power plants.
For seven years, even though Congress, when Obama first got in, shot down the law they wanted to pass.
Who needs stinking laws?
Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kind of cool, Paul Begala said.
Now he's got a job with state-run media.
Now Obama says, I got a pen and I got a phone.
We'll continue also with some CDC whistleblower coming out and saying, yeah, high level.
Yeah, no, we know vaccines are causing autism and neurological disorders.
Well, of course they do.
It's on the insert.
That's why we need more whistleblowers to come forward and speak out.
In fact, we should get John Rappaport on the next few days, or maybe have him on the Sunday show to talk about that in detail.
I got a call by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who's been exonerated and sued the journalist that put out the paper claiming that he'd run a hoax connecting vaccines to gut disorders.
Well, that was in Mainline Science, it turned out, in internal British government reports a year before Wakefield did his studies.
There are literally scores of studies I know about showing the same thing.
But they had a big hoax news.
It's been proven in Lancet that there's no connection to vaccines and problems and Dr. Wakefield is a fraud.
I got so busy when Wakefield was calling me a few weeks ago about this breaking that he's on my cell phone a bunch of messages we should call him.
He wanted to break it here last week and this week and he wanted to give me the whistleblower and
They went ahead and went ahead with it, and again, I'm overwhelmed, and I'm sorry, but I'm trying to run a news operation, make films, do a three-hour radio show, nightly news, all of it.
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying I'm going to miss a lot of balls here.
A lot of stuff's going to make it through the goal, and I'm not going to... Doesn't matter, it's out now, a John Rappaport article.
There's an internal video he sent me like two weeks ago, it must be out now.
It's in my email, actually, of the whistleblower.
There's even a video of the whistleblower.
I'm just remembering that.
I haven't seen that in the articles.
I guess that's not out yet.
This stuff's breaking and I knew about it two weeks ago.
I'm not bragging.
It just shows how too much is going on.
It's getting too crazy.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
We're talking to folks that have lived in Ukraine, lived in Poland, lived in Russia.
If you want a war with Russia, if you don't want a war with Russia.
What does NATO do?
Attack Russia now?
What is the answer?
Do I show I'm patriotic?
And I'll agree with the neocons that have been attacking me because they're so powerful.
They're actually not.
They're a joke.
And I'll just agree with them.
Vladimir Putin and Russia needs to be nuked.
Every Russian needs to die.
We need to overthrow Ukraine, kick every Russian, even though they're half the country, out and take all the property, give it to George Soros and Joe Biden's son, who's been handed the oil company and the natural gas company worth billions publicly.
It's just been given to him.
I mean, I think we should invade Canada and give it to Barack Obama's daughters.
I think we should invade France and just give it to Joe Biden's wife.
I think we should invade, I mean, we've already, give it to George Soros.
I think we should attack China, nuke China, and then give it to George Soros.
I mean, that's the same thing here.
Of course, they've opened the border and are giving Latin America to the United States so they'll vote.
They're conquering the U.S.
right now.
I mean, they are conquering.
And why should they stop?
No one stands up to them.
Nobody speaks out.
So I agree with the neocons out there that we should attack every sovereign country out there and hand over the countries to different administration officials.
I mean, I'm glad that guy mentioned earlier.
Joe Biden defended about a month ago that his son was put on the board and given partial ownership of the biggest gas company in the nation that they're claiming now controls the Russian gas corridors.
That's a nice slice of over a hundred billion dollars a year in natural gas that Russia sells alone to areas of Western Europe.
I think that's reasonable.
You just, you know, you're a slick son of Joe Biden.
You get everything!
Why not my house?
Why not my children?
I mean, they announced on MSNBC that our kids belong to the state.
I didn't build my operation.
I didn't build anything.
I didn't put my shoes on this morning.
I didn't comb my hair.
I didn't brush my teeth.
I didn't make my children breakfast.
I didn't drive into work.
I didn't wipe my butt.
I didn't brush my teeth.
Obama, get it!
In fact, are they going to announce that literally they own you?
Well, they do own you.
They want our soul.
They want it all.
Until we say no.
Hope in Canada, then Darius in Romania.
Hope in Canada, you're Ukrainian, you say, go ahead.
And I'd like you to know that 1.2 Canadians right here in Canada are of Ukrainian descent.
And we are all against Russian connections.
The history is too bad or too hard to think about.
In 1922, one million, over one million... No, I understand.
I understand that Russians and Ukrainians have been killing each other for 500, 600 years.
And then there were Muslims running around in there as well.
I mean, I get the history.
But should we nuke Russia then?
I said not to nuke Russia, but in 1933, when 10 million Ukrainians were starved, Stalin brought in millions of Russians to that country.
And this is why today, we have the Russians in there, the descendants of Russia, who want to go, if they want to be in Russia, they have to go to Russia.
Sure, sure, sure, sure, but let me ask you a question, and I want to keep you on the line, this is important.
Do you think Hitler was a liberator of Ukraine?
What do you think of Hitler's role in Ukraine?
Well, Hitler... Ukraine was between Russia and... between Russia and Hitler.
I'm gonna send you a DVD about it.
Between Russia and Hitler was... Well, yes, ma'am.
I mean, I'm sure you know better than I, but I do know the history of it.
I understand that.
You don't understand it.
No, I understand that Western Ukrainians have real beef with the Russians, and I've talked about Stalin's starving to death of 10 million, some estimates are that high, Ukrainians.
But I'm saying today is 2014, we can't have George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, overthrowing Ukraine and trying to start World War III.
I agree with you there.
But you see, the Ukrainians are victims of both the Americans, the Russians, the Europeans, and everything else.
I agree.
I agree.
And who destabilized it and is trying to exploit Ukraine right now?
The EU and NATO.
I'm going to come back and give you the floor, ma'am, because you're a nice lady, you sound reasonable, you sound like you're trying to be fair.
I want to give you the floor, Hope.
So I hope you'll stay with us, pun intended.
We're going to come right back to you after the break.
Okay, Hope?
Okay, good.
I'll let you talk for two or three minutes.
Make your point.
I'll try to shut up.
And then we'll talk to Darius and others.
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Well, the globalists have hijacked our country.
They're funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda to attack Christians everywhere.
They're wanting to bomb the Syrian government that they've been bombing for a long time.
They want to intensify that in the name of stopping Al-Qaeda.
And now George Soros and others have overthrown Ukraine, and they're trying to take Russian-held areas that have key military bases and gas pipelines.
They've already taken part of it and given it to Joe Biden's son, who now owns it.
And they're claiming that Russia has intensified an invasion into the area.
And I'm sure part of that's probably true, but the way they're announcing it's an escalation.
There's NATO forces in there.
And a lady named Hope from Canada was saying that 1.2 million Canadians are actually Ukrainians.
And she was talking about how horrible the Russians were coming in and usurping
Areas of their country.
Which I know Stalin did do.
He also killed a bunch of Russians.
It was terrible.
There were Russians in Ukraine before that.
It's been part of Russia before.
So it's a disputed territory.
And that's what the globalists exacerbate.
I'm against the whole thing.
I don't like the escalation of tensions.
It'll hurt markets.
It'll hurt stock markets.
It could lead to nuclear war.
Top CIA analyst Ray McGovern said last time he was on.
In fact, we ought to grab the end of that interview.
It's the last minute of that interview where he talks about that.
A CIA analyst warns of nuclear war with Russia.
That's a very important interview.
We should play a clip of that coming up.
But Hope, you've got the floor.
As a Ukrainian, give us your take on this.
I only learned about him, the globalist, or the American, or Soros, a couple months ago.
We had never heard in Canada about him.
So we didn't know anything about that.
But the problem here is, sir, that why would Ukrainians, after being starved, 10 million starved in 33, and when those people were starved, Stalin brought in Russians,
And that's why there's so many Russians up there.
And under Russia, there was no Ukrainian language.
The language spoken was Russian, and only Ukrainian was spoken in the house.
So now people are saying, well, those poor Russian-speaking Russians.
Well, that was the language of the day.
So how could they blame?
They didn't know Ukrainian because they controlled it.
After so many years of control, we have 1.2 million Canadians in Canada.
And would you think how many Ukrainians left their country to create so much Ukrainians in Canada?
Now, the Maidan was... The Canadians supported the Maidan.
I sent money there.
There were a lot of Ukrainian Canadians demonstrating on the Maidan.
There were even several... There were pictures on TV that they took.
There were Jewish rabbis demonstrating on the Maidan.
So how can you tell that they were all Nazis?
The Nazi portion I didn't like because Ukraine in the Second World War was between Hitler and Stalin.
And that's how my aunt came to Canada when the Germans captured her and she worked in German camps and then finally came to Canada.
So how can you blame the poor people who were subjugated by Russia and by Hitler?
And saying that there are Nazis now.
All the Ukrainians are not Nazis.
That's a big, big lie.
And people who are throwing those words around should study the history.
Or see how things ran.
Now I've got a couple of DVDs that I'm going to send you.
And you could look at them.
They're English.
The famine in 1933, and also the other one about the stolen land.
No, no, I understand that some of the Western Ukrainians were wronged, just like I know that the Turks killed people in their country and other things, and the Armenian genocide.
There's been a lot of genocides.
I'm not weighing in in tribal warfare here, like Palestinian versus Israeli, or any of this.
I'm saying the current war is the
Cybertronic, technotronic, scientific dictatorship that is soft-killing all of humanity, dumbing everyone down, destroying national sovereignty, attacking the very basis of what it is to be a human.
And while they've all got us tribally upset with old beefs,
And while they're exacerbating those old wounds, they are bringing us into a planetary world government and are using an old conflict to destabilize that entire region, have the EU come in and suck Ukraine dry.
So, so, Hitler had his way, Stalin had his way with your country, now the EU is going to have its way with you.
But, I mean, do you see any validity to what I just said?
You are talking the right thing, but you are not saying that when Yanukovych left Ukraine, he is Parliament?
No, no, I mean, I get all that.
Just that the globalists are fanning the flames.
The Empire is on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm going to be going back to your phone calls.
Darius in Romania.
Sean in Alaska, Kurt in Toronto, Sol in Poland, and others here in just a few minutes.
I'm also going to air a short little piece that was produced by an InfoWars listener six years ago or so.
The 9-11 lessons from Star Trek.
Dealing with a group playing two sides off against each other, in this case, an alien, in between the Klingon and Federation ship.
And when you see the globalists above the countries playing off real beefs, Russians have beefs, the Ukrainians have serious beefs.
I've always been pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian, because I grew up being anti-communist.
And I see the Ukrainians not like being abused by the Russians.
But this, again, is anthropologists, sociologists in there manipulating the different angles.
But I did tweet the video out, 9-11 lessons from Star Trek, an allegory to the New World Order and its divide and conquer tactics.
You can see the video at RealAlexJones on Twitter.
If you're a radio listener, I'm going to have it reposted to InfoWars.com as well.
But I'm not Russian and I'm not Ukrainian.
It was just like when the globalists tried to turn over Kosovo to the Muslims.
They had no stake in that.
The Serbs had defeated the Muslims when they invaded scores of times.
Famously right there in Kosovo.
That's the most famous battleground area of the Muslims and then the West back and forth battling.
That's where they stopped them.
Albania is Muslim to the south.
NATO went in, bombed that area, and let the Muslims go in, and they're still ethnically cleansing Serbs today.
Does that mean that Serbs are little angels and haven't done the same thing back?
No, they've done it.
The UN's own report said that the different Croats and Muslims and other groups had killed double the Serbs in the ten years of that conflict the Serbs had.
I'm not Serbian.
I'm not Slavic.
I just know the history.
I know the numbers.
I know they went in and bombed Belgrade's aircraft factories to build civilian aircraft.
They didn't want Belgrade to be its own country.
They don't want any sovereign countries.
They don't want Syria being successful, or Egypt being successful, or America being successful.
They don't care who you are.
They want to bring you down.
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Let's go to Darius in Romania.
Darius, what's your view on this?
Hi Alex, you're doing a very good job worldwide.
You're waking up a lot of people and I thank you for that.
I want to give my take on Ukraine and then I want to ask you a question, if you may.
Okay, so our president has had a press conference just a little while and said that it is not a Russian invasion in Ukraine.
He said Russians send military technique to support the pro-Russian rebels.
But the fact is that they are taking part of Crimea and they want to create a bigger transnistria.
Well, sir, continue to elaborate from your perspective.
And we have a really big NATO base here and they are on high alert right now.
I want to say something.
You ask if they want to have a war with Russia.
I don't think they want a war with Russia right now because it's a big deal to the United States, to NATO.
They have the thing with ISIS, with Africa, you know.
And, uh... I want to ask you a simple question.
How do you think the new world order will try to destroy us?
There will be nuclear, zombie virus, robot, or how do you think?
Well, they're gonna beta test wars, beta test super viruses, beta test things to see how we react.
I think?
They just don't call it communism now, they call it trendyism or political correctness.
And so the level of tyranny we will live under is the exact level we put up with.
And it's all being phased in.
I mean, I read 17 years ago that the Department of Transportation with DARPA was going to track us by the mile, tax us by the mile, track everything we do, and selectively tax the middle class until we collapse for social engineering.
And I knew that.
And people said, you're crazy, even though I have the documents.
Well, now it's being announced.
It's just, if you can imagine it, the globalists are doing it.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Darius from Romania.
Now, Sol in Poland, Kurt in Toronto, Martin in London, Sean in Alaska.
We'll get to all of you after we air this seven-minute allegory piece, 9-11 lessons from Star Trek, but it's applicable
It's applicable, this 1960s TV show, episode, to how the globalists are above the different nations, playing us off against each other, and then feeding, metaphorically, off of our energy.
This is how the globalists win, financing all different sides.
You become aware of it, you understand the paradigm.
Here is this piece.
Captain's log, stardate.
The Klingons were too far distant to have been the attackers.
What proof do we need?
We know what a Klingon is.
Helm's dead?
The clones have gone crazy!
Zoltan's taken over!
Most interesting.
The bulk of your crew trapped.
Your ship racing from this galaxy at wild speeds.
How did I perform this sabotage, Kirk?
All my men are here.
Do you think some people in a cave, do you think some people in a cave were able to have NORAD stand down?
Do you think that people in a cave were able to have all of this happen?
A phantom colony.
The imaginary distress calls.
The creation of these weapons.
We will in fact find, uh, weapons.
Do you sense a pattern, Mr. Spock?
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists.
And will persist.
There is an alien on board which may have created this situation.
Who cares what started it, Mr. Spock?
It is apparently capable of manipulating matter and mind.
I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes.
This is war!
There isn't any war!
You serious?
I've got men in sickbay.
Some of them dying.
Atrocities committed on their persons.
Talk about making peace with these fiends.
The alien is the real threat.
That's the enemy we have to wipe out.
Has a war been staged for us?
Complete with weapons and ideology and patriotic drum beating?
He used gas?
But where did he get the gas?
From us!
Recent events would seem to be directed toward a magnification of the basic hostilities.
And here is that agenda.
The project for the new American century.
Much of what these men wanted is coming true.
They urged that the U.S.
abandon the anti-ballistic missile treaty.
It has.
They wanted establishment of more permanent U.S.
military bases abroad.
That is happening in the Philippines and in Georgia and will likely happen in Iraq.
They urged regime change as a goal of foreign wars, not just in Iraq.
They wanted the U.S.
as a global constabulary.
Their word.
Such aspirations are unlikely to be realized without a catastrophic and catalyzing event.
Like a new Pearl Harbor.
Apparently, it is by design that we fight.
We seem to be pawns.
What's the game?
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
We must push outward if we are to survive.
The Constitution has not given permission for us to so-called police the world.
We have always fought.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists as you've been listening to propaganda.
Shut up!
There's another way to survive.
Mutual trust and help.
We ought to stay at home, mind our own business, trade with people and be friends with people and we all would be a lot better off.
There's an alien entity aboard the ship.
It's forcing us to fight.
We don't want to.
We don't know what its motive is.
We're trying to find out.
You must help us!
It is most urgent that we locate the alien entity immediately.
The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.
What do you want?
What are you doing here?
When the lieutenant became unconscious, the alien lost energy.
It subsists on the emotions of others.
This one appears to be strengthened by mental radiations of hostility.
Violent intentions.
It exists on the hate of others.
To put it simply.
And it has acted as a catalyst, creating this situation.
In order to satisfy that need, it has brought together opposing forces.
In an effort to promote the most violent mode of conflict.
We've got to get rid of it.
Then all hostile attitudes on board must be eliminated.
The fighting must end.
And soon.
Oh, we're a doomed ship.
We've got to pool our knowledge.
We must find a way to defeat the alien force of hate.
Stop the war now or spend eternity in futile, bloody violence.
It has to stop.
For the rest of our lives.
A thousand lifetimes.
Senseless violence.
While an alien has total control over us.
And it goes on and on.
The good old game of war.
Pawn against pawn.
Stopping the bad guys.
While somewhere, some thing sits back and laughs.
And starts it all over again.
He is telling the truth.
Be a toy.
Be a good soldier that never questions orders.
This is Captain Kirk.
A truce is ordered.
The fighting is over.
Lay down your weapons.
Mrs. Kang.
Cease hostilities.
The cessation of violence appears to have weakened it, Captain, and I suggest
That good spirits might make an effective weapon.
Get off my ship.
You're a dead duck here.
You're powerless.
We know about you.
And we don't want to play.
Maybe... Maybe there are others like you around.
Maybe you've caused a lot of suffering.
A lot of history, but that's all over.
We'll be on guard now.
We'll be ready for you.
So ship out!
Only a fool fights in a burning house.
Alright, see the video.
It's even more powerful by ThoughtCrime7 up on Infowars.com and follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
We're going to go to break and come right back and talk to Sol in Poland and others.
And again, the real radical Islamic threat is there.
The globalists though are funding it and protecting it just like they did ISIS.
That's the whole issue.
There are real wars going on, it's just that it's being manipulated by the power structure above it.
That's what I'm trying to get at here.
Mainstream media will claim that I said the towers didn't even blow up or something.
That's not what we're saying here.
Stay with us.
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We don't need no education.
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No dog sarcasm in the classroom.
We're taking your phone calls right now, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Let's go ahead and go back to those calls.
Let's talk to Sol in Poland.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Okay, I'd like to make a statement about Poland and then ask you a question, and also I'd like to make a statement about the Ukraine and ask a question as well.
In Poland, the people, they don't really take this idea of war happening right next door very seriously.
I asked people, do they even know what's going on?
Most people don't know or have any inclination of what's going on because the same thing that they watch on the news here is the same thing that the Trinity's would watch on the news in America.
It doesn't tell the truth.
It doesn't give the true motive of what's going on and what's happening.
And then, whenever I started realizing that most of these people out here, they don't have any real sense of what it means to be free.
You know, they don't have any real sense of freedom, of self-thinking, of self... of just investing in themselves, because...
They, their grandmas, their grandpas, their mothers and fathers were raised in communism, and when that transfers down to the next generation, how would you expect them to think?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Oh, I totally get it.
They just traded out one group of masters for another, and we are now taking on the aspects of communism here as well.
Yes, here they completely, they do what they're told.
Whenever I ask people about, or do they even know about what's really going on, they have no idea about what's going on.
And it's insane to me because they don't have any inclination of what it really means to be free.
And whenever I talk to them about it, they think that I'm from some other planet, which really makes me understand what it means to be an American because I am from America and I'm living here in Poland.
And another thing about the Ukraine is that people need to understand within the Ukraine, because I lived in the Ukraine for three months.
I also got married in Kiev, Ukraine.
People need to understand that in the Ukraine, the difference between Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukraine is like day and night.
Because in Western Ukraine, it's either Polish or it's Ukrainian.
In Eastern Ukraine, it's predominantly mostly just Russian.
They speak Russian, the Russian, the signs and everything are Russian, and even people don't understand that dating back, I'm not sure what year it was, but a nice portion of Western Ukraine used to be Polish.
And I have the question to you right now about Ukraine, is that how can Russia be invading into Ukraine whenever half of the country pretty much is Russian?
Well, all they're doing is trying to secure their interests there, and I'm not getting in the middle of the ethnic fights and religious fights that have been going on for 600 years.
It suggests that the West is starting this.
And that's a fact.
But you use the analogy of Poland being right next to all this, and you're saying that people on average don't care.
I would imagine they care about, you know, sports and things, just like most men here in the U.S.
are starting up their fantasy football leagues and don't care about anything, including what their kids are doing.
And it's just part of this entertainment society where most people are in this matrix of entertainment and they think it's weird if you know about geopolitical issues.
They think it's weird if you're informed.
They think it's weird if you know the Federal Reserve is private.
They think it's weird if you warn them that vaccines are dangerous, they should read the insert.
Uh, they just... They're just mindless.
And it's very scary.
But then you look at who's running things.
That's even more out of control.
And then now Obama just says he'll use UN authority to put carbon taxes on the American people.
Just like he said, our military.
He doesn't need Congress for war.
He's got NATO authority.
He's beyond a dictator.
He works for foreign powers.
Third hour coming up.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
I am here with William and Dino Sheps.
They are fans, but they also live here in Napa, wanted to come say hi.
You guys actually experienced the quake.
Tell me about it.
Yeah, well, I woke up and I was terrified.
I mean, it was like a bulldozer was rolling through my house and, you know, I've never been woken up to something like that.
You know, we had one a month prior.
It was like a 3.5 and it woke me up.
So when I felt this one I kind of knew it's like that it was an earthquake and then yeah it just it hit and then all the power was out.
I tried to call my brother and I got a hold of him before the phones got turned off and I was just in cold sweats sitting on my bed and I was just telling my brother give me a second because I was just completely in shock and nauseous from the from the 6.1 and
And then all you heard, you know, when I went to bed, all you heard, I left my screen open, all you heard was just sirens and dogs barking and helicopters.
That was it.
So, yeah.
And then, there you go.
State of emergency.
I honestly thought the Russians were dropping something.
So it was pretty violent, you know, and that's just, you know, it's just scary.
You feel helpless in situations like that.
And you just got to kind of roll with it and, you know, pray for the best.
I definitely am thankful our house is okay and we had power.
PG&E was great.
They really were.
In emergencies like this, to see the community get together and work as a team.
It was really good to see, honestly.
But we are right on the fault line.
We've had 60 aftershocks.
We had one last night and my brother was talking about it.
It was pretty scary.
You don't know if the big one is going to come.
We're done or you know, so you just kind of roll with it.
But as far as everything is going, you know, I'm glad to see the reporters out here and covering the news and you know, it's it's it's bad, but it's good.
It's it's it's like a test to see how the community like I was talking, you know, how everybody's going to work together and perform in emergencies.
So but as far as you know, the earthquake, you know, we're on the San Andreas fault line.
We are an earthquake country, so that's the risk of, I call it the hazards of life, you know, and you just take those risks.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
I am on Meadowbrook Drive in a beautiful residential working-class community right here about a mile and a half outside of downtown Napa.
This community is filled with friendly faces and family and a lot of children running around playing.
And unbeknownst to them, this entire neighborhood was built directly on top of this
Relatively unknown fault line that was here and you can see where the road has just separated into.
It was pushed up against each other directly in this area.
Sidewalks are about three feet high in some places.
True to California fashion, some of the children have seen this as their opportunity to have their own makeshift bike ramps and skate ramps, trying to make the best of this situation.
And you'll see these lines go directly from this house straight over to the house across the street.
And it's like that through this entire neighborhood.
Every parallel street that is running along this fault line has lifted sidewalks, lifted homes right off the foundation.
People's homes jolted some two feet in some directions.
And that's what they're seeing here in this neighborhood.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, we've heard a few different perspectives from Ukrainians living in Ukraine, Poles living in Poland,
Ukrainians living in Canada.
From Russian Ukrainians living in Florida.
Again, thank you for joining us.
We're gonna go to Sean, Martin, and Kurt, and then we've got Fritz Springmeier coming on to do part two of the interview we did live.
This is live as well.
A few weeks ago on Secrets of the Illuminati in the context of what's currently happening in the world.
What is the Illuminati?
Is it just something out of history?
Is it a fable?
We'll give you some of those answers coming up with one of the leading experts on the subject.
But what we know is Western groups, the same groups that are trying to destroy our countries, are trying to start a war with Russia, and I don't think that's too smart.
After we take some of your calls, I'll get into the latest on Ebola, the latest on Obama's approval rating numbers, and a lot more.
That's all coming up.
Sean in Alaska, you're on the air, and you visited Ukraine.
You want to give us your take on it?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I've been there a couple times.
Back in 2006, I was working for KBR in Iraq for the operation over there.
So I went over there, had a girlfriend, and she was gorgeous, just like you said earlier.
And we dated for quite a while, and I learned a lot about the country.
I was down in Crimea, went to Kiev.
And, uh, she was telling me a lot of stories back there about her, um, her grandmother during World War II and the fact that, um, while out there in Kiev, I guess, they, uh, um, were set to execute a bunch of them.
She survived, her grandmother did, by hiding in the Volga River, um, pregnant with her mother.
And, um, I just find it very sad that... Who was gonna execute them?
The commies or Nazis?
The Nazis.
But, you know, it really saddens me, I mean, to see all this happening, going on over there.
It's one of my favorite countries I've ever been to.
I've been to maybe 12, 15 countries in the world, and like I said, it's one of my favorites.
They've got great wine, great women, great vodka, great land, and what I think Americans should do, I mean, not that it will ever happen, but we need to have like maybe an open carry march on Washington just to go arrest them all.
Well, it's bigger than Washington, I appreciate your call.
It's special interests that are manipulating all our countries that have an interest in chaos.
It's government and culture by conquest, not by free market, not by the best ideas winning.
Not by the system of people voting with their dollars, voting with the decisions they make.
It's more and more a global economy based on fraud run by the private European banks that call themselves the Federal Reserve.
Really a private bank.
And so I'm simply trying to get people to pull back outside the big paradigm that is controlled to the even bigger paradigm of basic human liberty.
And to realize that if you got killed by Russians,
You hate the Russians.
If you got killed by the Nazis, you hate the Nazis.
Ukraine has been exploited over and over again by different empires coming into it.
Whether it's Napoleon or the Communists, Russians.
And if you look at the CIA and what other groups do, they have anthropologists and sociologists that study a country and figure out how to ethnically break it and get them fighting with each other.
And first, they'll raise ethnic awareness with political correctness.
In the name of fighting ethnic strife, they will hype it up, just like death education introduced in 1990.
Across the United States, within three years had massively increased, ABC News had a piece on it, you look it up, still online, back in like 2005, within just a few years, actually 2020 did, within a few years it had massively increased and a decade later it was more than triple.
You start teaching 12-year-olds how to commit suicide and telling them all about it, people start committing suicide.
It was never even in their vernacular.
They weren't even thinking about it.
Well, you start hyping up, you know, in History Week, the wrongs against blacks, or the wrongs against women, or the wrongs against... They're taking reasonable ideas to talk about the wrongs that were done so they're not repeated, but then it becomes the next level of where that's the whole world.
And so it's all people are is folks that have chips on their shoulders.
I mean, who does the Klan recruit from?
Poor white people.
Who want to have a chip on their shoulder.
I mean, you take some racist black person, some racist white person, they probably dress the same, drive the same truck, have the same kind of blue collar job, got the same problems with their kids, but they hate each other because of their skin color.
Because it feels good to hate somebody and blame everything on that.
And there are real issues there, and the big smart technocrats will sit back and manipulate those differences.
So I'm simply pointing at
The higher up echelons that admit they manipulate all this.
Are race relations better under Obama than they were?
They had a survey of black Americans just a few days ago that said overwhelmingly it's worse.
Obama could have fixed race relations to a great extent, but that's not what he was designed to do.
A large group of white people elected Barack Obama because they really wanted that.
But they're only buying the surface of political correctness and the idea of neo-lib reconciliation.
It only means, hey, turn your guns in, prove you're not racist.
Support Obamacare, prove you're not racist.
Let the feds federalize everything, prove you're not racist.
Shine on to this whole agenda we've got, or we'll say you're racist.
Well, gee, I'm against abortion.
Well, that's because you're a homophobic, racist, Republican, white bread piece of trash.
It doesn't make sense if you look at the reality.
Kurt in Toronto, Canada.
You're on the air, you've got a point on Ukraine, and we'll talk to Martin in Poland.
Go ahead.
Talk to you.
Go ahead.
I got a slightly different twist on the issue with the Ukraine and Russia.
Might be fresh, it might be disconnected, I don't know how the outlook will be, but essentially,
ISIS and Al-Qaeda and all these groups are kind of surrounding Greece right now.
You know, they're in Libya, they're in Egypt, they're all over.
And there's 5 million illegals in Greece at the moment.
They're all coming in from boats in Turkey, thousands by the day.
And Greece, geopolitically, wants to align with Russia.
Because Russia can come down the Black Sea, down the Hellespont,
And go to their base in Tarsus, I believe.
Yes, and that's why the big banks are grabbing money out of the Greek banks, doing bail-ins.
That's why they're doing it in Cyprus.
Of course it's geopolitical.
Iran, Syria, Greece.
It's about encircling Russia, cutting Russia off completely, moving weapons systems in against Russia, and trying to have Russia collapse.
And there's a nationalistic party there that's equivalent to, I would say, the Tea Party in the States.
They're called Golden Dawn.
And they're the only ones that would like to align with Russia.
And apparently, the Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis and, you know, the eugenicists, the bankers, whatever, they propagate Golden Dawn as a neo-Nazi party.
And Venizelos, because the European presidency is in Greece this year,
And Venizelos is illegally, politically persecuting these people.
They've put them in jail for, you know, just stupidity, like illegal reasons.
They keep changing the laws.
Yet he went and he honored the neo-Nazi party in the Ukraine.
And basically what's going on is I see pretty soon that they're going to align the neo-Nazis with Golden Dawn.
And they're pretty much, they want to get him out of the picture because all these illegals that are coming in, they're from the age of 18 to 35, sponsored by Soros, and they're going to... I know, for those who don't know, Soros is sponsoring illegals from all over the world to overrun everything and then be his new political party.
It's an absolutely diabolical program.
I mean, Soros brags, he is behind the open border right now.
Yeah, hi, how you doing?
Okay, so if I may refer to your first call about a situation of Polish population in regards to the Ukraine.
I think the majority of the people just don't care.
They just don't really want to know.
But there is a massive awakening happening right of the political movement through the party of Mr. Corvin Mika.
And it's going really, really big at the moment.
Basically, it's British UKIP.
You're saying it's like UKIP?
Yeah, it is basically... Yeah, well, UKIP is getting branches in all those other countries, and it's nationalist movement to kick the globalists out, and they're having trouble, you know, calling them racist, because they're not, and meanwhile the globalists are actually aligning with the racists.
Yeah, exactly, and there's a massive awakening happening, because people are just tired, in Poland especially, for the last 24 years.
It's nothing has been happening, just as globalists coming into it.
Basically, we have another partition happening at the moment, you know what I mean, as it's in the 1700s.
So people just wanted something new and Mr. Konrad Mika is basically one of those people and it's lots of this finding like Mr. Stanislaw Michalkewicz is pretty pretty cool figure in Poland.
Closer to you in States in New York we have another one who is supporting that movement
He's Mr. Mariusz Max Kolonko.
He plays in New York City.
Interesting, interesting.
Well, thank you.
We're out of time.
We've got our guests coming up.
We'll also try to go to Tosha, who's Ukrainian family in Ukraine and Poland.
We've got Fritz Springmeier coming up.
Look, both sides in Ukraine have issues.
But this is a microcosm of what's happening all over the world in different ways.
We've also got a bunch of other news coming up.
I haven't even gotten to a ton of it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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August 13th, just a few weeks ago, Ray McGovern, former top CIA analyst, was on the broadcast.
He was Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush's number one morning briefer.
Some days a week, six days a week, he would brief them.
Sometimes seven, he would travel with them.
A top analyst, combat veteran, Vietnam, you name it.
Served for 40 years.
And he said the majority of the analysts they've talked to, he's written articles on this, say that this could easily lead to nuclear war with Russia.
That they will launch on warning because the missile's being brought in.
Me not wanting nuclear war, or you not wanting it, is not some endorsement of everything Russia does.
It's just that George Soros and the globalists are destabilizing our allies.
Italy and Spain and Portugal and Ireland and
I mean, they're just engaged in every evil you can imagine.
They will come in and raid U.S.
They'll raid pension funds here.
Warren Buffett's betting against the dollar right now with Soros, moving our few jobs.
We can't even have administrative jobs for Burger King here.
They're bad people.
This isn't the U.S.
government, is my point.
We've been captured.
They want to capture Russia now.
To do that, they've got to grab their key port.
And that's in the Black Sea, right there in Ukraine, in Crimea.
And that's why I've been obsessing on this for two and a half hours.
I don't usually cover one topic this much.
I've covered some other stories as well.
But it's just that this is really bad.
It's not like you go to a car lot and they've got five cars that are all bad.
This is the worst one.
It's not saying Putin's good.
It's not saying China's good.
It's not saying Iran's good.
It's just the people that are running our country are crazy.
Let's go to Ray McGovern a few weeks ago on the broadcast as we ended our talk talking about what would happen if this continues.
I mean, somebody's got to restrain these people because it looks like they're asleep at the switch.
I mean, I think we've really reached, stick a fork in us, a decadence level in the ruling class where they're off playing golf, Ray.
I don't think they even know what they're doing.
Well, it's true, you know, and it's the old syndrome, Alex.
You know, I've often wondered what people do with their second million or their third million.
I mean, there's an insatiable appetite for collecting or grabbing more.
Now, I think you're right.
This is going to reach a no good end, as the Chinese are fond of saying.
But people don't realize this.
And Obama is really pretty much a tool in their hands.
So if you're Putin,
How are you going to react when what happens is this missile defense system?
Now, that's the biggest corporate welfare project in the country's history.
It'll never work.
But can the Russians depend on that?
Of course not.
And so what are they doing?
They're putting it on ships.
They're putting it in the Black Sea.
And they're targeting ICM bases within Russia.
That's trouble.
So if you're worried about a first strike, what are you going to do at the first hint that it's coming?
You're going to launch.
One-ton warning, and we're all going to be dead, Alex.
And we're all going to be dead, Alex.
That is the guy that briefed Ronald Reagan every morning.
That's who Ronald Reagan talked to five, six, seven times a week.
That's who George Herbert Walker Bush wanted to come in and brief him.
The analyst who studied everything.
I don't need to be a CIA analyst to know how dangerous this is.
I understand.
I saw the news this morning that
What's Hannah Montana's name now?
Miley Cyrus.
Yeah, that's really important.
Miley Cyrus had some reality show where she dated a bum and it turns out he's got a criminal record or something.
Let's report on that.
Actually, I kind of wish I did report on that.
Joan Rivers was having surgery on her throat.
Stopped breathing.
Talk about
A hallmark of the decadent narcissistic society.
She's an 87-year-old woman that looks like she has a rubber mask on.
And it's all just vapid and empty and, oh dear, oh, oh, and her daughter jumping around.
I mean, don't you know this elite's gonna make some mistakes?
We're gonna end up having a nuclear war.
Don't we just look and act like a country, begging for it?
Fifty-three million babies have been aborted in this country since Roe v. Wade.
Fifty-four million actually just went up.
Keep giving an old number.
And you know whose fault that is?
Vladimir Putin's.
And again, Fast and Furious, Vladimir Putin's fault.
Obamacare, Vladimir Putin's fault.
Open borders, Vladimir Putin's fault.
You guessed it.
Our dollar being devalued, you guessed it, Vladimir Putin's fault.
So I'm a patriotic American.
I say we launch nukes on Russia right now.
We'll show them rooskers.
Yeah, you show them Obama!
Get in there and you slap that rooskie around and you show him who's boss.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential foreclosure situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being assaulted!
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
We're going to Fritz Springmeier here in just a moment.
Some of the stories up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
North Korea calls U.S.
graveyard of human rights after Ferguson crackdown.
Is Russian invasion of Ukraine a hoax?
Kurt Nemo has an article.
ISIS detains UN peacekeepers in Golan Heights, bordering Israel.
Rand Paul, Obama is not a king.
Well I say that's treason against our king, or our, sorry, he's bigger than a king according to Jamie Foxx, Lord and Savior.
I'm not saying that, Jamie Foxx said that.
Ice Bucket Challenge ALS Foundation admits less than 27% of donations fund research and cures.
And even the 27% goes to Big Pharma.
You know how many treatments they've got for cancer and ALS and the rest of it that get warehoused, that get shelved?
I'm all for charity, and I give money to charity.
Things like the Salvation Army that gives 89% directly to people.
The gospel, food, water, education, jobs.
If they show that they're able to do it, they'll go out and get them a job.
I'm not saying it's perfect.
The Bill Clinton charity, it turns out, almost all of it goes for private jets and homes.
Almost none of it to African children.
But it's okay because he says he likes black people.
I love you black people.
I like black people.
I'm a black man.
I got an office in Harlem.
So I speak for black people.
I'm America's first black president.
You didn't know that.
Also didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
95 million later, only 27% of donations actually help.
Yeah, I've been meaning to come up with some gimmick about the ice bucket.
I think we should start something where we just dump buckets of money on our head and just keep pointing that out and then hijack that point and then point out that all the other... United Way, the Red Cross... I'm not saying you're bad if you volunteer for the Red Cross and went out and helped people in a hurricane.
You're wonderful.
You're only the PR front, though.
Well over half the money ends up going to the executives.
Then a bunch of the money, I forget the exact statistics, the other half, a bunch of it's advertising, and then something like 25% again goes to... And everyone says, donations to Red Cross, like, oh, they know how to hand them out.
But my big problem with the Red Cross United Way is, you know where else the money goes, right?
A good percentage of it.
Look it up.
There are articles on it.
Guess where it goes?
Gun control groups, that's right!
And open border groups and all of it.
When you give money to these big organizations, it goes right down a rat hole.
Or it goes towards taking your rights.
And they got all these well-meaning, everybody, it's something easy and fun.
They like it because it reminds them of a football coach who just won the game.
It's a fun little thing to do on TV.
Like three weeks ago when this thing first started getting big, I was like, man, I need to do something.
You know, the Ice Bucket Challenge.
But I just never got around to it.
But that's an important meme to hijack.
So I want to challenge our listeners to do your own Ice Bucket Challenges and maybe dump a bunch of diseases on yourself.
On cue cards and hold them up and go, yeah, the vaccine company's making money off this, why their own inserts say they can give you cancer or Guillain-Barré or brain damage or permanent narcolepsy or permanent epilepsy.
Maybe the Ice Bucket Challenge should be that.
Of course, a lot of these vaccines use dead baby parts.
So maybe you fill it up with little chopped up plastic toy babies and a bunch of fake blood and go, yay!
Let's raise money!
Because, you know, they're always looking for a cure for breast cancer.
They're never looking for why it's skyrocketing.
They know why.
The glyphosate's in the water and other things, and women aren't getting enough iodine and stuff.
So I would give money every time I go up to the cash register at a drugstore or wherever else.
They go, would you like to give money for breast cancer research?
And I go, no thank you.
Why not?
It's a little moral authority thing.
Well, I already pay 60-something percent in taxes, and I already give charities.
I research the charities I give to.
Yeah, right, buddy.
Oh, really?
Well, you give some money then to give it to the breast cancer research groups who, it turned out, as you know, are financing Planned Parenthood.
And abortion.
That's right.
That's come out.
So, see, I know how things work.
I'm not stupid.
That's why I'm such a bad person.
I understand.
But as long as you act liberal, it's okay.
It's like Foxconn, the company Apple uses.
Has the worst record in China.
Suicide nets, forced drugging, forced abortions.
But Al Gore's on the board, so it's okay.
Because he's real condescending and he's Al Gore.
It's a good deal.
NAFTA and GATT are a good deal, Larry.
Be quiet, Ross Perot.
He was so calm and laughed at Ross Perot.
He loves us just as much as our black president, Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton is about as white as the driven snow.
Covered in little liver warts.
He looks like driven snow with a gallon of dog urine dumped on it.
He doesn't look black to me, but you know what he said he's black?
He's black.
Let me tell you what else he said.
Al Gore, Mr. Know-it-all, ooh.
Polar bears can't swim, penguins can't swim.
All the ice caps melted completely.
They're gone!
You know what he said?
He said he invented the Internet in a Senate vote in 1991.
The Internet was invented by DARPA and the brain bugs running it, whoever they are, in 1963.
And my dad used it in 1968 at the University of Texas and CD-ROM.
It wasn't invented supposedly for 20 years later.
Not Al Gore!
But see, I've committed a sacrilege.
Al Gore didn't invent the internet.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
If you have a business, you didn't build it.
And Russia deserves to be nuked.
There you go.
Let's go now to Fritz Springmeier, author of Bloodlines Illuminati.
I want to get his take.
You can buy the book.
We are the ones that put it back into print.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's excellent.
I didn't believe a lot of it when I first read it 16, 17 years ago, and so much of it's turned out to be mainstream news.
But I meant to get him on for a full hour, but we pushed him back and then he had Skype problems.
So we're going to get him back on again, I guess, in a few weeks.
Three must be the charm someday, but we had him on the Nightly News last night, or last week, with Leon Magadu.
What do you make the...
Do you disagree with me, or what can you add about how the globalists create the crisis or exacerbate it?
Put cancer viruses in the vaccine, give over 100 million people cancer through the polio vaccines.
That was declassified in the 80s, people can pull that up.
And then they raised hundreds of billions of dollars to fight cancer, but never find the cure.
Fritz Springmeier and cancer only skyrockets, up several thousand percentage points in adults, over 10,000 percentage points in pediatrics in children.
But no one dare ask why all this is happening.
The answer is go jog and pay a hundred bucks to enter the jog, you know, the 5k or the 10k, and feel good about yourself, Fritz, while you give money to groups that are carrying out eugenics and funding Planned Parenthood and gun control groups.
Fritz Springmeier.
The pattern, the way the elitists work, the way the Illuminati function, they've followed a pattern for the last century and once you catch on to it, which you have, then it becomes a no-brainer.
But most people are busy, you know, looking at the latest celebrity scandal or their football team and just sit there and absorb whatever they're told by the mass media.
But once you catch on and you can critically think, you start seeing things just like you've been telling people.
And that is, is they create a problem and then they create the solution.
But what we have with those solutions is they create a banner issue.
For instance, sustainable development.
Who doesn't want sustainable development?
So, under the disguise of sustainable development, we have Agenda 21, we're going to save the land, we're going to save women and children, and then they bring their agenda behind us.
They give themselves the moral high ground.
We are saving the earth and prosperity and sustainability.
Who's with us?
Well, actually, you want to take my property and give it to yourself.
Shut up, racist!
Right, so for like the Christians back in 1992, they do Evangelism 2000, which, what Christian doesn't want to evangelize the entire world by the year 2000?
But then they run their agenda, and behind Evangelism 2000, what did the Christians do?
They went door-to-door like census takers
And found out what religion everybody belonged to.
So they were doing mapping for the New World Order.
This is the kind of stuff that they do.
By the way, you said that at the time, and even I rolled my eyes.
Now it's public.
There are clergy response teams, actual FBI paperwork and CIA paperwork.
Not just megachurches.
Most preachers now literally go to secret government meetings and are spying on everyone.
And it's even mainstream news.
You know, and so, like, under health care, which is another banner issue, who doesn't want health care?
You know, who doesn't want to fight cancer?
Yeah, you're not for starving children or not giving them medical treatment, are you?
So then they bring in the vaccines, and like you exposed on InfoWars, that one polio vaccine that they were giving in India paralyzed 48,000 children.
And then they were giving a vaccine over there in Africa, and you exposed how that was paralyzing children.
So this is all
A lot of what we're seeing is under the major agenda that the Illuminati have, and that's population reduction.
Or you can give it different names, you know, population stabilization, but the end result is they want to kill a lot of us.
And so a lot of these agendas, or a lot of the things that we see happening, follow under their main goal, which is to reduce the world's population.
And the ones that remain, they want to control.
So you see, the second agenda that they have is mind control.
So a lot of what we see happening is to control our minds.
Now, there's a scripture, John 7.22, excuse me, John 7.24.
Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
And, you know, that's what you're doing, that's what a lot of other people like yourself are doing, that's what I'm doing, and that is, is we're
We're setting aside judging by appearances, because if we look at appearances, like we've been discussing, oh, I want to save the land, oh, I want health for everybody, you know, but we have to judge righteously.
What is the truth?
It also tells us in the Word of God, in 2 Thessalonians 2.10, it says, the love of the truth is what's going to save us.
Not the truth,
You know, I can hand you a Bible or I can hand you some research, but if you don't love the truth, you're just going to throw it away.
And so what you've been trying to do, what I've been trying to do, is empower people, get them excited about the truth, so that they love it and they want to do something about it.
You know, and you and I can hand people facts and truth and information all day long, but until they get to the point that they love the truth, you know, it's not going to affect their lives.
It's not going to save them.
So, this is what we have going on.
You and I, we're trying to empower people.
I'm trying to encourage people and trying to pull
The mask off of all of these falsehoods, you know?
And the people that you're talking about, you were talking about George Soros.
You know, what I can contribute is he's Illuminati, you know?
And then the Bill Gates Foundation, you were talking about that just recently.
That's a foundation that the Illuminati worked through, you know?
Where I come in to help what you're doing is that I, like you were saying, having researched the Illuminati, I come along and say, you see all these corporations, you see all these politicians, here's how they connect.
To the center of power.
Here's how they connect to the globalists, the elitists, the Illuminati.
So you look at someone like Sir Jeremy Haywood.
He's the Cabinet Secretary over there in the United Kingdom.
He's the Prime Advisor to the Prime Minister.
He's Illuminati!
We have all these Illuminati people assaulted through things.
And then we got these little puppets like Obama.
You know, that just do whatever they're told.
And then, like you say, we got people like Al Gore running around.
By the way, that was an awesome puppet imitation.
It looked like Team America or something.
Can you do that one more time?
I like you, Gary.
Sorry, go ahead.
So, what would you like to talk about?
Well, I mean, there's so much to get into, and things got cut short again.
We've had bad luck twice here with the Skype, but it looks great now.
I wanted to get into some of the current topics.
Let's talk about geopolitically.
I know that the Illuminati comes out of the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools.
It's systems of control, hidden knowledge.
A lot of it was just pharmakia, or engineering, or hydrology.
But then a lot of it is also social control shrouded in ancient mysticism.
You can see the Illuminati system working worldwide, but...
There are three different competing predator systems within it.
So I want you to spend some time on your view on who rules the Earth geographically.
I mean, you talk about the Bloodlines, the Illuminati, some of these key families, but separately from that, you've got Russia, you've got geopolitically what's happening now.
What's your view?
I mean, how staged is it versus real conflict going on with Russia?
Well, the conflict with Russia, just like the Cold War on one level, is totally real.
But there are some real hidden controls.
There were hidden controls during the Cold War.
There are hidden controls still intact in Russia.
It's not like the Illuminati have no assets or no strings attached to what's going on in Russia.
In fact, you'll find a lot of their corporations are deeply entrenched in the Russian economy.
Well, most of them that came out in the British lawsuit were actually Rothschild fronts.
People need to bear in mind that really what we're seeing at the top is a staged, scripted, new Cold War.
And they work off of controlled conflict, and what's going on for the Ukrainian people is real.
I mean, I've talked to Ukrainians that are now American citizens, and their relatives are still back in Western Ukraine, and those people are suffering.
Their suffering is real.
Because of the things that have happened, you know, the gas being shut off, the economy's wound down, you know, there's no electricity, they're having problems getting food, I mean, just the basic essentials of life are now
Difficult for the Ukrainians, whether they're Western or Eastern.
And that's all because they didn't vote to join the EU.
Yeah, so that suffering is real.
And so, it's like in World War II.
If you were a soldier fighting the Japanese, your suffering and your misery... That's right, but the Emperor didn't get in trouble.
We'll be right back.
I want to hear more from Fritz Springmeier.
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Big Sam left Seattle in the year of 92.
New headlines are going up every few minutes at InfoWars.com.
Be sure and scroll through the whole site.
Ex-CIA official proposes assassination of Putin.
In a recent op-ed, a former CIA official suggested the removal of President...
Vladimir Putin by assassination, if necessary, should be the primary objective of the Obama administration in its strategy for Ukraine.
Herbert E. Meyer, who served as Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence under the Reagan administration, said the goal of the U.S.
sanctions against Russia should be to get the Russians, who we've been keeping Putin in power, or tolerating Putin in power, to throw the knockout punch.
And he goes, by that, a bullet in the back of his head would also be okay.
So they're telling the Russians, kill him.
Because Putin did arrest, I don't know, six or seven oligarchs, it turned out were basically Rothschild fronts.
Rothschild sued over the claims and it came out in court, it was true.
Look that up.
Last year, the case settled.
And the judge basically said, this suit that you brought proves everything against you.
It proved what was claimed.
So that's the big no-no.
That's why they're always like, I bet Putin's got billions he stole.
I'm not defending Putin.
The point is, is that they want him out of there.
And listen, the Globalists might assassinate Obama, hypothetically, as a false flag to get a race war going.
They got a lot of wild cards they can play.
Fritz Springmeier, you agree with that statement?
Yeah, there's all kinds of wild cards, but I think that they've got their agenda pretty well under control where they're not going to have to play too many wild cards.
You know, going back to this whole thing about
They're creating all of these messes, but the solutions that they give us are taking us in a direction that they want to take us.
Another way of describing it is Hegelian dialectics.
Perfect example of Syria creating ISIS.
Now we've got to go back to the Middle East because of ISIS.
Yeah, well, you know, the United States supplied these groups that were fighting Assad, we supplied them with weapons and money, and then those weapons and money are now being used by ISIS then to become this powerful organization.
So we created the problem that now we have to go and bomb.
So, yeah, it's the same thing.
And once you get these problems going, they kind of, they morph where they're almost out of control.
That's right, that's right.
They just trigger a lot of stuff or make something that's already happening worse.
It reminds me, you know, during the 90s, I was helping some men and women that wanted out of the Illuminati.
They were under Illuminati mind control, so I was trying to deal with their trauma-based mind control.
And anyway, where I'm going with this is they described some men and women
Different individuals described to me Illuminati ceremonies where they would have gladiator fights to the death.
They would have two people and the spectators would watch but the gladiators that were fighting to the death couldn't see the people watching them.
But because of the way the viewing windows were one way.
But anyway, they love this conflict.
They love to set two sides.
They love to play with our world like it's their little toys.
Treat us like pawns in chess.
Wait till their judgment day comes.
Five more minutes with Fritz Springmeier.
I'm out of time.
I'll try to go to this caller on Ukraine as well.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
It'll blow your mind.
How much of it's totally dead on?
Who knows?
Fritz, believe me, is telling the truth.
A lot of it's documented.
It's a page turner.
Your purchase supports the broadcaster.
Great job to the crew.
Little bit of overdrive coming up.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We just tweeted it out, a real Alex Jones.
Ex-CIA official proposes assassination of Putin on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Chris Springmeier, I want to do a whole hour interview.
It's good to do these in a little installment, so I'll do a whole hour in the next couple weeks with you.
Specifically, maybe we should even get you here to Austin, to get into how the Illuminati works, how the general programming is going on through the television, and the culture, because it's so obvious right now.
We have the famous quote of the current Attorney General saying,
To a big media group, let's brainwash the public.
Let's just keep repeating our messages to get their guns.
They don't even hide a lot of this now.
It's like they admit they created ISIS, but then say, so what, we gotta bomb them.
Then they don't even really bomb them.
They get ready to bomb the opposition.
It's like they don't care anymore.
It's like one giant group of the public's totally unawake, and another big giant group of the public
Knows what's going on.
I mean, it's just crazy, but I don't see things going well for them, though, because it's getting so obvious.
You make a good point that they're just getting in our face and saying we're going to do this no matter what and you can't stop us.
You know, the Illuminati want Hillary to be our next president.
We'll see how well that goes.
I notice in the checkout stands and they're getting her picture everywhere.
They just push her everywhere.
And if you're against what she wants to do, you're against women.
Yeah, just like if you're against Obama, you're against blacks, you know?
I mean, they play these silly games and people buy into the baloney.
Well, they use really simple psychology, and you can argue, well, the public's simple, but studies show the simplicity actually dumbs people down.
The dumbing down of media dumbs you down.
Yeah, people aren't critically thinking.
Fred, send me an email about topics you want to cover, because now you've got good Skype, and I'm sorry again today you had Skype problems and we had some issues.
I actually pushed you back a little bit because I forgot to go to calls.
I apologize to Tasha and others.
I'll have to go to them tomorrow, if we're here tomorrow, Lord willing.
I don't take anything for granted.
Nightly News tonight will have a lot of info.
We're going to have our reporters tomorrow.
Reporting from the Devil Canyon nuclear power plant that even federal officials have said if there is a major breakdown there, or even an 8.0, it will cause a Fukushima-like level disaster.
Why did they build it like that to begin with?
Our reporters went to the local town there and went to their library and found the old articles.
With scientists warning about it as well.
There's a bunch of reactors on the West Coast that are built on that.
Let me ask Fritz that question briefly in the minute and a half we have left.
Fritz, why do you think the elite build the reactors on fault lines and tsunami lines?
I mean, I've looked at where reactors are.
It seems like they build them only on fault lines.
Yes, it's been an intentional thing to create these problems.
Chernobyl, for instance, was the background to the Ukrainian problem that we have right now.
Because of Chernobyl, the Ukrainians began to hate the Soviet government.
And there was a group called Green World that started protesting.
They felt like the Ukrainian genetics had been totally ruined because of the
You know, and that's an example of how that then led to Ukrainian sovereignty.
Ukrainian sovereignty has then led to the Crimean thing.
The Crimean thing then led to Eastern Ukraine.
So it's like this, it all fits together.
So yeah, I think it was intentional.
A lot of evidence was they knew it was going to blow up.
I've seen PBS documentaries and would do nothing and then just programmed it basically to blow up.
And so, people that are in the know, like the programmers and stuff, they program these kind of events into the scripts in the minds of the mind-controlled slaves.
Well, yeah, that's what I'm seeing is now they're going to full mind control publicly with the predictive programming.
We'll talk about it next week if you can do it.
Full Hour with Fritz Springmeier next week.
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