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Name: 20140825_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2014
2146 lines.

On this episode of The Alex Jones Show, David Knight and Alex Jones discuss various news topics including an increase in earthquake activity around the world, the potential fake beheading of journalist James Foley being used as propaganda for war in Syria, and a water emergency in Toledo, Ohio. They also mention the government's Department of Homeland Security buying up ammunition while restricting civilians' rights to own firearms, and promote products such as Infidel Body Armor and Survival Shield True Nascent Iodine for personal protection and health benefits. In other segments, Alex Jones discusses the future of transportation and its potential implications on privacy and autonomy, highlighting how cars are becoming increasingly interconnected and monitored, with new Corvettes having the ability to record data about a valet driver's performance. He also touches upon the concept of "ethics settings" in autonomous vehicles, which allow car manufacturers to determine how these cars respond in accident situations, raising concerns about liability and control over our transportation systems. Finally, he encourages listeners to stay informed and vigilant regarding these developments in order to protect their privacy and autonomy.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, here on this Monday, August 25th, 2014.
Well, it's wars, rumors of wars, and earthquakes in the news.
And we've got a lot of important news coming up.
We've had, just yesterday, of course, as you know by now, there was a major earthquake in California.
What you may not know is that although that was a 6.1 magnitude earthquake, there was an earthquake also in Peru.
That was kind of overlooked for the most part with all the news about California.
That one in Peru was 6.9.
And of course at the time that all this was going on, there was news that Iceland was concerned about a new volcanic eruption.
They were putting out warnings to airliners going in that area.
They had warned of a sub-glacial earthquake underneath this volcano, then they have now taken that back, yet there's a lot of activity, a lot of increased earthquake, seismic activity.
We talked just four months ago to Stan Dayo, and we're going to have him back in the third hour.
We talked to him about the increase in earthquake activity, seismic activity.
What in the world is going on?
Well, that's something we should all be concerned about because in California,
You only got a 10-second warning if you were in that area about the earthquake coming, and they were all talking about how amazing that was that they could predict it 10 seconds ahead of time.
Well, maybe you need to think about this a little bit longer than 10 seconds beforehand, because you're not going to be able to do much other than try to duck and cover.
Maybe you should start thinking about the possibility of this happening and make longer-term preparations in case we have not just an earthquake but any kind of natural disaster or man-made disaster or war or whatever terrorist event that is going to essentially take down the grid and leave you without water, without food.
Maybe you need to start preparing.
Maybe you need to think about what's happening and think about the changes that are going on.
Also, as far as the war goes, it was just a year ago that the U.S.
government was pushing for war in Syria.
Now they're using it again on the other side with this new execution of the American journalist, Mr. Foley.
It has now come out over the weekend that experts in the UK believe that this beheading was perhaps a faked video.
They came down and said very clearly that this one group believes that it was fake.
So we're going to talk to Paul Joseph Watson who has a couple of articles up on Infowars.com right now.
Staged Foley beheading used as a poster child for the Syria attack is one of the articles.
The other one is experts say that the James Foley beheading video was likely a fake.
And so he's going to be joining us in this hour.
We're also going to have an interview with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.
Alex Jones interviewed Joe Rogan.
That's going to be in the second hour.
You want to make sure you catch that.
A lot of news also about the border.
Obama, of course, is now talking yet again about an executive order for amnesty because Congress is out right now.
They're on vacation.
And, you know, they've tried over and over again.
He hasn't gotten exactly what he wanted from the legislature.
You know, the Democratic process just isn't working out for him with those elected representatives who are supposed to pass a law.
So if he doesn't get what he wants, he's going to enact an executive order, he's threatened.
And a lot of people believe that he's really going to make good on that threat.
It's kind of like what they did with the internet copyright laws of CISPA, SOPA, ACTA, PIPA.
These things have been rejected by legislatures throughout America, throughout Europe, yet they keep coming back again and again and again.
Now they get to the point where they're going to essentially put it in the back door through the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
So, you know, they can rule by fiat a number of ways.
You can do it by executive order.
You can do it by regulation with a bureaucracy, because they create these bureaucracies, they give them legislative powers, and they say, well, we're just making rules.
It was just a week ago that the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, that bureaucracy, said that they were going to come up with a new rule.
They don't call it a law, but they call it a rule, mandating vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
What's that about?
We'll talk about that as well.
So stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us this hour talking about the possibility of war in Syria and the possibility of a fake beheading trying to drive us to war.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Another major health threat.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, August 25, 2014.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex today.
We are going to have an amazing show today.
Now, of course, we had the earthquake news that happened yesterday.
There's wars that are being plotted.
And we have Paul Joseph Watson joining us at the bottom of this hour.
He's got a couple of articles up, because things are changing a little bit.
You know, as Stalin said,
One person dying is a tragedy, but a million dying is a statistic.
They've tried over and over again to engineer a war in Syria.
And so now the latest thing that is going to drive us there, and of course Obama has said that this beheading of the journalist is actually an attack on our country, but Paul Joseph Watson has a couple of articles up.
He says that experts, and these are experts in the UK, say the James Foley beheading video is likely fake.
And he's also then talking about how it's being used to push us into a Syria attack.
You know, it was just a year ago that we were being told because of the sarin gas attack that we had to go to war with Syria.
Meaning that we had to go to war against Assad.
Now we're being told a year later that we have to go to war with Syria.
Meaning that we have to go to war with Assad.
Against the people that a year ago we were arming, training.
People a year ago who were beheading
Christians in Syria, now that they've got an American, we have to take that as an attack upon our country.
We now have to go to war.
Yet the idea is that maybe this is not really
The true, a true beheading.
Maybe this is likely fake.
So we're going to talk about the forensic evidence from these experts, why they believe that it's fake with Paul Joseph Watson coming up in the next segment.
Now, yesterday we had the California earthquake.
I'm sure you've heard much about that.
There was also an earthquake in Peru, a 6.9 versus the 6.1 in California.
And of course there was the concern that there was going to be a volcanic eruption in Iceland.
They subsequently stepped down on that.
They said at first on Saturday that there were subglacial earthquakes.
They thought it would be another volcanic eruption.
If you remember when that happened a couple of years ago, it had a huge impact on air traffic because of the volcanic ash and what it does to airplanes.
But we have a interview coming up in the third hour with Stan Deo.
He's going to break that down for us.
He was on with Alex just four months ago talking about the increase in earthquakes.
We have an article up today on InfoWars.com.
Why the earthquake near San Francisco is just the start of shaking in California.
This is by Michael Snyder.
I find it interesting that last Thursday Michael Snyder had another article.
Said large holes forming near the New Madrid fault and a giant crack in the earth in New
New Mexico, in North Mexico.
And he was talking about the increase in activity.
He said, do you know that the number of big earthquakes during the first three months of 2014 was more than double the yearly average of what we've experienced since 1979?
Did you know that the number of earthquakes in Central and Eastern US has quintupled in recent years?
So we're starting to see something that's very unusual.
And he talks about the New Madrid fault.
That's not in Spain, actually.
That is in Illinois, Indiana.
Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.
So it's eastern United States, central and eastern United States.
They had an earthquake back in October, I'm sorry, December of 1811.
It was a magnitude 7.7 earthquake.
There weren't very many people living there at the time, but we do have information about that, and it was horrendous at the time.
He says, now there are 15 million people living in that area, so what's going to happen?
Are you going to get a warning?
The people in California got actually a 10-second warning in an area where they're constantly monitoring earthquake activity because that happens all the time in San Francisco.
Maybe you should start thinking about what you need to do to prepare for some kind of a grid down emergency, some kind of a natural disaster, or a man-made disaster.
But we're going to be talking about what's going on with earthquakes with Stan Deo in the third hour.
Also, Alex Jones will be joining us in the second hour.
He's got an interview with Joe Rogan.
You won't want to miss that.
Now, on immigration, of course, the Congress is on vacation right now, and Obama had threatened that he would, by executive order, take action on immigration.
Now that they're gone, he's doubling down on this, and a lot of people believe that it's very imminent.
We have an article from Market Watch today, and they're basically saying there's three reasons why he shouldn't do this.
Three reasons why this would backfire.
One of the reasons is, is that even if he could survive a court challenge with his executive order, an executive order doesn't have comprehensive and permanent power of the law.
So they say a new president that comes in, the next president in 2017, could just rescind that order.
And basically, he could even take punitive action against the people that are here.
He also talks about how another reason not to do this is that it's going to make a lot of people very angry.
You know, a lot of people are getting very angry to see how the borders have been opened up, to see how illegal aliens, as they like to call them, undocumented immigrants,
But they're really illegal aliens.
They're from another country.
They're not citizens here.
They're coming here illegally, and yet we stand down and give them access to everything.
We let them violate pretty much most of the laws.
We give them better treatment than we do the poor who were born in this country, who are citizens of this country.
A few weeks ago, there was an incident in Times Square with a Spider-Man getting in a fight with the cops there about panhandling, and a lot of people have started looking at that, and something very interesting has turned up about that.
We see that it's not just the government that is giving a free ride and an exception to illegal aliens, it's also the corporations that are pushing so hard for control of the internet
Through copyright legislation.
In other words, saying, if you're violating my copyright, I need to be able to have legislation so that we can immediately shut down your website without any due process.
That's called CISPA, SOPA, ACTA, PIPA, all of those things.
That's what they want to do.
The justification for it is copyright violation.
And yet, these Times Square characters are violating their copyright every day in the open.
Let's take a look at what's going on there.
We've got a special report about that from the Nightly News on Friday.
About two weeks ago, it went viral when Spider-Man fought cops in Times Square.
The New York Times interviewed many of them, looking behind the masks.
They talked to a Mexican Elmo, an Ecuadorian Spongebob, a Colombian Statue of Liberty, and another one from the Dominican Republic, Peruvian Toy Story characters, a Moroccan Spider-Man, a Colombian penguin,
That's right.
These costumed characters are virtually all illegal aliens.
They came here illegally, working menial jobs that paid very little.
Then they learned they could buy unlicensed costumes from Peru and panhandle in Times Square.
The Ecuadorian SpongeBob made $80 in just five hours on his first day.
Panhandling is against the law.
Using someone else's copyrighted character in your business is against the law.
But the New York Times gives them a pass, saying, few performers seem to fully know the rules in part because of language barriers.
Many do not speak English.
It's okay.
They don't speak English.
Illegal aliens are above all of our laws, including our copyright laws.
Yet we're told that because of copyright violations, we have to hand over an internet kill switch to the government.
They want to be able to instantly shut down any website on a mere accusation of copyright violation.
And it's the very same companies that tolerate copyright violations in Times Square by illegal aliens that are screaming the loudest about internet control for copyright protection.
Take Disney, for example.
Except for these illegal costume characters, Disney has been incredibly aggressive in protecting their copyrights.
They got a lot of bad publicity back in 1986 when they threatened three daycare centers with expensive lawsuits because they had painted Disney characters on their walls.
Hanna-Barbera not only offered their characters as a replacement, they sent their own studio artists to paint the mural.
Then three years later, Disney sued the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the people who do the Oscars, because they opened their Oscar show with Snow White and didn't get permission.
It is so exciting to be here tonight!
There are stars out tonight!
Stars with glamour all gleaming and
It's a shame they didn't stop that performance with a prior restraining order.
Then in 2008, in a case exactly like what's going on in Times Square, a couple with a children's party business performed for the kids in Winnie the Pooh costumes.
Disney sent them a cease and desist letter, which they complied with, except the demand to send Disney the costume.
Instead, they returned it to the unlicensed Peruvian company for credit.
The same company illegals in Times Square prefer to get their costumes from.
Disney slapped the couple with a $1,000,000 lawsuit, plus attorney's fees.
And at the time, Disney said this.
Without firm licensing agreements, the company noted, it cannot control the quality and nature of the performance, the quality of the costumes, or the quality and background of the individuals providing the performance.
Disney's already seen its character turned into a sex toy story when an illegal Woody was arrested for sex abuse.
Even Santa Claus has weighed in on the issue.
That's right, the real Santa Claus, a monk in North Pole, Alaska, who's legally changed his name, wants licensing of these Times Square characters to screen out pedophiles.
But illegal costume characters want regulations to shut out competition.
Especially those Americans who they say flout the law.
What's the Spanish word for irony?
But they seriously don't like Americans calling them money-grubbing aravistas.
In other words, newcomers.
Times Square, they say, is their territory.
The panhandling illegal costume character business is for illegal aliens who started it.
Yet, these black market entrepreneurs truly understand the basis of most of our business regulation.
And that is to keep out your competition.
Now, if they want the government to come in and regulate those money-grubbing Americans, which laws are the illegal costume characters going to obey?
Do they want New York City to give them a license to illegally use copyrights?
Should we ignore their copyright theft and call them undocumented costume characters until they get a license from Disney or Sesame Street?
Are they even trying to get a copyright license?
They pretend they're not violating the copyrights by saying that they're just street performers and they're not doing this for a living.
But when New York City put up signs this past weekend telling tourists that photos are free, tipping is optional,
An illegal costume character named Juan Perez complained that his income had dropped from $80 to $15.
Another, Claudia Arias, said, we need to unite so people can see that this is our legitimate way of supporting our families.
But wait, I thought they weren't doing this... Alright, so that's the report.
You can see the rest of that up on Alex Jones' YouTube channel.
That was from Friday Night's Nightly News.
They're going to actually create a union.
They're going to be able to keep those money-grubbing Americans out of Times Square, perhaps.
It's La Fuente that they're turning to.
We're going to be right back after the break with Paul Joseph Branson.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin, and we have Paul Joseph Watson joining us in the UK.
He's got a couple of articles up on Infowars.com today.
Of course, the staged Foley beheading is being used as a poster child for a Syria attack.
We had an article just last Friday saying the Obama administration said that Foley's execution was, quote, an attack on our country.
And the Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes, said it was the first ISIS attack on America.
This reminds me of the saying that Stalin always said, you know, a million deaths is a statistic, but one death is a tragedy.
They're trying to bring this home, especially for Americans.
They showed people dying of sarin gas a year ago in Syria.
And perhaps they thought that Americans didn't get involved in that because it wasn't Americans that they saw dying.
But actually, what happened was we also exposed that it was not really a case that it was only the Syrian government of Assad that could have done that.
We made it very clear that there had been previous attacks.
of sarin gas where the United Nations as well as Russian and American intelligence analysts had said that the sarin gas had been used by rebels previously to that.
And so it wasn't true that that could have only been Assad.
So the whole narrative a year ago failed.
At that time they wanted to go to war with Assad in Syria.
Now they want to go to war on his side against the people that they were funding over the last year.
And there's been an interesting development over the weekend, that's why we have Paul Joseph Watson on, is that experts in the UK are saying that this video of the beheading was likely fake.
So I want to go to Paul now.
Paul, thank you for joining us.
Hi David, good to be back.
Now this video, tell us some of the aspects before we get into the implication of how they're trying to use this to start another war.
Tell us what these experts in the UK are saying about this video, why they believe that it was fake.
Well, I made a video last week, Thursday, questioning whether this was fake, because what piqued my interest was the fact that UK authorities, the police, came out and said, literally hours after this video was released,
That if you watch this video of this alleged beheading on YouTube, not merely share it, disseminate it, post a link on Facebook, if you simply watch it, then you could be a terrorist, you could be breaking laws under the Terrorist Act.
So that suggested to me that they weren't too keen on people watching it.
So I made a video on Thursday questioning some of the aspects of this so-called beheading clip.
To make it clear from the start,
In the original clip of this so-called ISIS beheading of James Foley, you do not see Foley being beheaded.
All you see is six so-called slashes of the knife across his neck, and then it fades to black, then it cuts to a still image of Foley's decapitated head resting on his body.
So at no point do you actually see him being physically beheaded.
And all these points that I'm making now were replicated by these forensic experts that came out yesterday and said the same thing that I said and many others said last week.
The other main point, David, is the fact that when he's reading out his speech, Foley, before he's beheaded, he's completely calm, he's completely composed.
It's not the behaviour of somebody who knows that they're about to be brutally slaughtered.
In fact, the forensic experts came out afterwards and said that
He actually had to redo one of the lines in the footage.
They said he had to re-film one of the lines because he mocked it up.
So he was going off a script.
His demeanour was obviously not of a person waiting to be beheaded.
So we'll get into it more after the break.
Well, it was interesting, and I want to talk after the break, too, about this censorship, because that is a major reversal.
We ought to be concerned at any time that the government says watching a video makes you a terrorist, and yet they've been very accepting of ISIS and other terrorist groups' Facebook postings and social media postings.
At the same time, when we put things up, they will censor it if we try to share it with other people.
So that was a very
Amazing reversal of their policy to say, but don't even look at this, even though they had left the previous Islamic terrorist social media postings up for everybody to see, censoring people who are pushing back against that.
So that right there raised a lot of flags, besides setting a very dangerous precedent for everyone.
Exactly, the free flow of information precedent.
And, you know, we saw the images
Flashed across the news, we saw the net is being pushed.
And yet they were encouraging, not just encouraging, but warning people not to watch the video.
Which suggested to me that there was something very wrong with it indeed.
And, again, it completely contradicts previous beheading videos where you have a group of these militants surrounding the individual.
They all chant Allah Akbar as he's being killed.
They cite the Quran before they kill him.
You'll see none of this in the James Foley video.
I think it's also interesting that the guy who did it is supposedly a British guy as well.
So we'll talk about all that when we come back.
With Paul Joseph Watson in the UK, we're talking about the latest, perhaps, false flag used to try to get us into a war in Syria.
This time, on a different side.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin and joining me right now from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about his articles.
He analyzed the video last week talking about the Foley beheading and said that he had concerns based on the fact that we were told not to watch it.
We were threatened not to watch it.
We were threatened that we would be considered terrorists.
It's an amazing reversal
Of what the UK and the American governments have done, essentially giving carte blanche to these Islamic terrorist groups and their social media postings while censoring
People from sharing our information many times on Infowars.com's Facebook site.
So it was an amazing reversal and so that got his curiosity up.
I think other people were curious about that as well and so we had some experts testify this weekend that they believe that it was a fake beheading.
But this is all being done to set the stage again for war.
A year ago it was war with Syria.
Now a year later it's war with Syria.
Except this time it's with
Assad instead of against Assad.
This time they want to go to war with the group that they were funding and training last year.
Remember when everybody said that we were not going to be Al Qaeda's air force?
We had Ted Cruz say that.
We had Denis Kucinich say that.
And it was true.
We were equipping and training these guys.
And they said, we're not going to be their air force.
It was a questionable trying to blame the sarin gas attack, saying that it could have only come from the rubble from the from Assad.
And that narrative failed at the time with analysis.
And so now they're coming up with something different.
Paul, I'm reminded of the fact that Henry Kissinger said that we don't have any permanent allies, only permanent interests.
I think maybe the permanent interest of the American government is to somehow
Get involved in a war in Syria.
It doesn't really matter which side we get on, does it?
Well, exactly.
This is the poster child for military expansion into Syria.
As you said, Ghouta, 2013, almost a year ago actually, just over a year ago, chemical weapons attack, obviously blamed on the Assad government.
We talked to eyewitnesses who went to the very region
Talk to the rebels who were stationed in the region, and that included an Associated Press reporter who went there, or who coordinated with another reporter who went there.
And they said that the Saudis had provided the chemical weapons to the rebels.
They had mishandled them, causing this chemical weapons tragedy.
Of course, it was blamed on Assad immediately to grease the skids for war.
MIT later investigated the incident, concluded that it could not have been launched from a government area.
Well, at the end of August 2013, we were right on the verge of going into Syria.
It was only derailed at the last minute.
So... And here we are again, a year later, in August, except that this time they've got a different pretense for going to war, and they want to go to... they want to fight on a different side, but still in Syria.
Isn't that interesting?
It's also interesting that some of the neocons are saying, well, Obama should have armed the rebels in the first place, then ISIS wouldn't have spread.
Which, again, is a complete misnomer, because most of the rebel groups became more and more hardline, and in fact, many of them defected to ISIS.
So they were supported, in fact, with some weapons and hundreds of millions of dollars of aid from...
I think we're breaking up a little bit on your Skype feed there.
I think we're losing a little bit on Skype here.
It's essentially, too, I remember a number of years ago there was a site, I think it was either National Lampoon or The Onion, and they had a headline making fun of the fact that Americans are really only concerned about what happens to Americans and it was something like
Chaos Stan Earthquake kills millions.
Two Americans feared missing.
So they're trying to bring this particular one home by showing an American journalist being killed.
That's what the narrative is about.
I think they're trying to... I think we got Paul back with us now.
Paul, go ahead.
Yeah, I was just saying, a lot of these videotapes get released at opportune times for military expansion in the Middle East.
So, before the surge, or just as the surge was ending in 2007, a Bin Laden tape popped up, which criticised the US government for its inaction in the Middle East.
Again, before the 2004 election, of course, we had Bin Laden pop up.
Many attributed that to Bush winning the election.
Several other examples.
These so-called Al-Qaeda or terrorist videotapes have only ever proven opportune for the U.S.
military-industrial complex, and we now see that happening again.
The rhetoric is really over the top as well.
As I mentioned, this article from Friday, headline, Obama administration says that Foley's execution is, quote, an attack on our country, and the Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes, said it was the first ISIS attack on America.
In other words,
You know, this is a direct attack on America, and yet we have the Obama administration standing down at the border, completely opening it up, having the Border Patrol standing down, essentially.
And as we've reported many times, there are people from all nationalities, not just people from Central America, that are able to come through that.
And it's open to terrorists from the Middle East, it's open to terrorists from Central and South America, because many of these drug cartels are terrorist groups.
They're not just engaged in drug trafficking, they're doing human trafficking, they're kidnapping, they're killing people, they're beheading people who oppose them.
So there's not a whole lot of difference between the actions of these people, and yet they're using this open immigration
As cover to try to get people in.
They're also trying to portray it in the media as if it's just children coming across.
If they were really concerned about this, and if they were really concerned about terrorism coming to America, I would think that they would do something about the border.
Well, exactly.
There's a lot of talking points today about, you know, ISIS, all they need to do is get on a plane to attack America.
Well... They don't even have to do that.
They can just walk across the border.
And now we're seeing, you know, Lindsey Graham, who's been pushing for well over a year for the attack on Syria, he's back pushing this narrative.
There's a new context, they call it, a new context given to this impetus by this James Foley beheading video.
So it's supposed to child for a war on Syria, basically.
There's some noise about, oh, we could coordinate with Assad to attack.
Again, Assad has said on many occasions, any military involvement by the U.S.
aggressing against Syria is an act of war.
So I don't believe for a second that they're going to coordinate with Assad and that he's going to accept it.
It's not going to happen.
And again, this is all based on what these forensic experts have said is a fake video.
Now we know ISIS is brutal, savage.
They've killed hundreds of thousands of people in cold blood.
Why would they censor their own video?
Why would they not behead?
Fully, and show it to the world for the shock value.
Because I've suggested, and it's pretty clear from this video and from the analysis, that this video was not produced and released by ISIS.
It was most likely produced by the same kind of companies linked with the military-industrial complex that we've seen produce al-Qaeda videos before.
As you mentioned in the article, and as you mentioned in the last segment, you see them drawing a knife across his neck six times, but there's no blood to be seen.
And then, as you just pointed out, they do a cut, you know, a video cut, we should say, and come back showing the head off.
Why would, as you point out, why would they censor this when they put up all of this other graphic stuff?
And why would our governments say you're not allowed to watch this when they essentially promote this stuff?
They just want the narrative to go out there for the usual suspects like Lindsey Graham who, as I said before, he's kind of like a
100% Machiavellian with a thin veneer Gomer Pyle.
This guy is always there pushing war along with John McCain who was photographed in Syria with Al-Qaeda rebels and terrorists just a year ago trying to push these guys into war.
Now we're supposed to go to war against the guys that Lindsey Graham and McCain supported a year ago.
It's amazing and I mean you can you can delve into it even more if you zoom in on the actual beheading the so-called moment of beheading which we don't actually see but when he starts to cut the throat you can see the guy's actually got what looks like blood packets ready to release and he starts releasing them and then the video cuts to black so there's all kind of analysis going into this but it's it's again his demeanor before he's being beheaded is composed this is not a guy
Yeah, Anthony Frieda has a great graphic.
I don't know if we've got that up or not.
I think that was going to go up on the site, essentially showing these guys to get the idea.
Do you guys have that graphic there?
I don't know if we've got it up on the side or not, but basically he's got this picture that you've seen of Foley on his knees and the guy in black standing behind him with the knife, and they're standing on a set that's a giant green screen behind them, and then you see the composited picture on a monitor in the front and all the studio lights and everything.
I mean, that basically says it all, doesn't it, Paul?
It does, and I mean, this stretches back years.
We were doing articles in 2007, Al-Qaeda videotaped, digitally doctored.
We actually discovered that the terrorist logo was being embedded into the video at the same time as the Intel Center logo.
Intel Center was a company that screened terrorist videos basically for the Pentagon, released them, having obtained them, who knows how, from terrorist groups.
But they actually found out that
The terrorist media, their logo was being added to the video at the same time as Intel sent to this group that basically works for the Pentagon.
And this happened numerous times.
We documented it over and over again.
And those videos kind of, they tailed off and stopped.
But now they're back with yet another one.
And it's even more suspicious.
We've got, for people who are watching the feed now, we've got that picture I was just describing of the graphic that Anthony Frida did that basically shows the U.S.
government on one screen, they show the composite picture on another, and then you see this big studio set with a green screen and the two guys standing in front of it.
There apparently doesn't seem to be any limit as to what they will do to control public opinion, and of course we've seen in the past, you've reported on it in the past as well, Paul, how
They're focusing on manipulating opinions.
They did a study in Facebook, I think that was your article, where they used Facebook postings to try to modify people's attitudes, to try to make them happy, to try to make them sad.
We've seen that Palantir has purchased a company that basically data mines social networks, specifically Twitter.
One example of what they were able to do was during an awards show,
They were able to monitor people who were talking about a particular hairstyle of a couple of particular actresses and then send them a specific product targeted, you know, where they could get that same kind of hairstyle.
That company has been now bought by Palantir, which was essentially created by the CIA, In-Q-Tel, their venture capital company.
That's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to monitor everything in social media.
They're trying to manipulate public opinion in social media just like they're manipulating people to buy a particular hairstyle.
They want to see what you're talking about and then they want to send you information that's basically going to either reinforce what you're talking about or essentially change you from one opinion to another.
They're doing that not only to monitor political opinions.
I remember that famous scene in V for Vendetta where they cruised...
We're good to go.
Yes, yes, absolutely.
On a different note, I wanted to, and maybe I'm just kind of springing this on you, but I just noticed that they're having a final TV showdown tonight, a debate in Scotland on independence.
And they say this is the final debate that they're having there.
Break that down for the people here in America.
I know we've got Scottish John that comes on a lot and does a promo for us.
Tell us what's going on there in the UK in terms of Scotland, because we see this kind of
We're good to go.
Against 57%, 43% of the people would like to break away from the UK, have their separation in Scotland, independence.
Yeah, I think that's the reflection, the corruption basically emanating out of London.
And again, I agree with you.
Any move towards devolvement where power is concentrated in more hands, you know, it's local, it's not national, is something to be celebrated.
So, you know, while it's not an issue that I've followed that closely, the general principle of it I would vehemently agree with.
And I know for a fact that the establishment media in Britain
And of course we've seen this happening in various places throughout Europe.
We've seen it in Spain and other places where you have different regions who essentially want to have a little bit more self-rule.
At the same time, in America though, we see everything being more and more consolidated and we also see that the consolidation is coming at an international level through these trade agreements that are happening.
All of this is part of what General Petraeus said when he was in London.
What comes after America?
And he said, well, that's the North American Union.
So, at the same time that people are trying to get their independence in many places like Scotland, there's a big move for that,
There is, at the top, they're moving to the next level.
They look at the North American Union as being something that's been an accomplished fact for 20 years, so now they're trying to create a union between the North American Union and the European Union.
I think that's probably why we're seeing the rise of parties like UKIP in the UK as well, isn't it?
Pushing back against that kind of consolidation.
I mean, this agenda for world government, which in terms of Europe was happening way back in the fifties, they wanted to create a European political federation run directly from Brussels.
In fact, there are Bilderberg documents which talk about that at length.
They introduced it under the guise of a free trade agreement to slip it under the radar, and it gradually built up after that.
So they plan to get their
We're good.
...that they've had so far in conventional means, so it definitely remains the agenda.
And it was just last Wednesday that we had the CEO of the John Birch Society.
He'd written a book specifically about that, how they were going to have global governance and unification through trade agreements.
And now we see that happening.
We see that kind of secretive, closed government where these agreements are being negotiated in secret and our elected representatives are not even allowed to view the agreement.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin.
We have Paul Joseph Watson with us on the phone from the UK.
Of course in the third hour we're going to have Stan Deo joining us.
He's going to be talking about the recent increase in earthquakes.
And of course it was very active this weekend.
We had a 6.1 earthquake in California.
We had a 6.9 in Peru.
We had warnings about a volcano that was imminent, about to explode in Iceland.
Of course they
Move that down, but there's been a tremendous increase in volcanic activity.
Stan Day is going to join us in the third hour.
At the bottom of this next hour, Alex Jones is going to be interviewing Joe Rogan.
But in the few minutes that we've got left of this hour, I want to talk to you, Paul, about ISIS.
Kind of break it down in general.
We got a little bit away from that in the last segment.
I started talking about the Scotland independence vote.
But let's get back to ISIS.
Talk about it in general.
Tell us about its origins, its funding.
Just kind of break that down a little bit for the audience.
Well, this is the elephant in the living room.
Nobody talks about when we're, you know, getting in...
We're good to go.
In fact, the Iraqi Prime Minister went on live television not long ago and pointed the finger directly at Saudi Arabia.
He accused them of, quote, inciting and encouraging the terrorist movements.
I accuse them of supporting politically and in the media and supporting them with money and buying weapons for them.
So that was the Iraqi Prime Minister.
I'm minister accusing Saudi Arabia's closest allies in the region of directly supporting with weapons and training ISIS militants.
And of course we know back in 2012 many of these ISIS insurgents were in fact trained by the US at a secret base in Jordan in 2012 and again they were training these militants to try and overthrow Bashar al-Assad even though we saw video
Foley beheading.
We saw FSA rebels cutting out the internal organs of Syrian army soldiers and eating them on camera.
We saw numerous beheadings, numerous slaughters of women and children.
Worse than anything you're going to see in that Foley video.
That was all being backed by your tax money basically by the US by Britain to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
So again,
A lot of these rebel groups that started off as so-called moderate rebel groups in Syria became...
...became increasingly more extreme, joined more extreme groups, pledged allegiance to the likes of Jabhat al-Nusra, and then later on ISIS.
So the origin of this spread of ISIS throughout Syria, throughout Iraq, can be directly traced back to the Obama administration's policy of not only supporting FSA rebels in Syria, but in fact the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, because they then took a lot of those extremists
Ship them over into Syria to radicalize the factions that were already active in Syria.
So this is this is blow Back if you are at malfeasance on behalf of the Obama administration and its foreign policy in Libya and Syria
And of course it's been going on much longer than that.
It was the Reagan administration that essentially created Al-Qaeda.
At the time they were calling them Mujahideen.
And of course they also funded Central American revolutions.
And it's always about a constant state of war.
Of course they have financial interests, immediate interests that they get rewarded for, but it is also about a constant state of war.
Having an enemy out there, they're very concerned.
about the peace dividend when that broke out.
It's like, well, what are we going to do?
Are we going to have to downsize the military?
Are we going to have to get rid of the CIA?
No, no.
We've got a new mission for them.
Of course, it will never end because the enemy is so amorphous.
Thank you for joining us.
Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We're going to be back in the next hour with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.
An interview.
You don't want to miss that.
And in the third hour, we're going to have Stan Deo talking about the recent increases in earthquakes.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to have Alex Jones and Joe Rogan at the bottom of the hour.
But I want to break down a little bit of news today.
I guess we've got so much weather news, I guess you could call it, with the earthquakes going on.
Let's have a little bit of sports as well.
We've got a story from the New York Daily News.
Obamacare curveball.
They point out that there was a game last week between the Cubs and the Giants.
They had an epic four and a half hour rain delay, they said.
And the problem was that the ground crew couldn't cover the playing surface before the downpour.
Now it turns out this is actually a story about Obamacare, in reality, because I said earlier in the night, the Cubs management had sent home 10 workers.
That would normally have covered the field so that it wouldn't have been totally trashed by the rain.
They'd sent home 10 workers in part to keep them under the 30-hour-per-week limit so they could avoid paying health benefits under the Affordable Health Care Act.
So there you go.
If you think that it really doesn't matter, if all you want to do is sit there and watch sports, well, you know what?
You're even going to have an effect on your sports.
And of course it is going to affect
It's going to affect a lot of people who are working minimum wage jobs.
Many of these people, rabid Obama supporters, are going to find that they now have to work two jobs because they can't get more than 30 hours from their employer.
That's just one of the adverse effects of Obamacare.
Of course, the worst part of it, in my opinion, is the idea that we've got a president who can
Essentially, by executive order, or a government can go in and make you buy things.
Now we've got Obama talking about using executive orders to push through his amnesty for illegal aliens.
Threatening to do that while the Congress is on vacation.
On the East Coast and you need to take some preparations because 10 seconds isn't going to allow you to do anything in terms of preparing in case the infrastructure goes down.
But we also want to warn you here at InfoWars about other things that are going to immediately affect your health.
This story that was up on Friday came up late on Friday.
A common antibiotic is linked to sudden heart deaths in the UK.
They said a Dutch study found that people who were taking clorithromycin, I think if I'm pronouncing it correctly, were 76% more likely to die than those who were taking penicillin.
And the risk was greater in women who were more than twice as likely to die.
Now, this drug, clarithromycin, is used for respiratory infections, and they say that these were the dosages that are typically prescribed in England.
2.2 milligram dosages.
So, that's something, if you've got anybody that is taking that, you may want to read very carefully the warning labels.
Always read the warning labels and take them seriously.
I know that my mother had a debilitating stroke late in life from an antibiotic that she took.
So, I can certainly understand that this would cause sudden heart deaths.
It was actually, you know, you read these long lists of things or hear them on the commercials from the pharmaceutical companies, the antibiotic that she took caused her to have a massive stroke as a direct result of that.
There's also a story that's up on InfoWars today.
CDC whistleblowers vaccines and autism link may be silenced forever.
We had news breaking last week from
It was a report from John Rappaport and he was talking about how a particular whistleblower who worked for the CDC was about to go public with a link that the CDC knew of between vaccines and autism.
And of course a lot of people have been pointing this out, there's a lot of information about this, but it would be something for actually to have a CDC document.
He actually named the whistleblower, saying it was William W. Thompson, Ph.D.
But now it looks like after he's been fired, it looks like he may also have been silenced.
So you may want to look at that article.
Yet another data point.
And the link between vaccines and autism.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We've got some other breaking news.
And we've got Alex Jones and Joe Rogan at the bottom of the hour.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin.
We have an interview that's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Alex Jones will be talking to Joe Rogan.
You don't want to miss that.
Also, we're going to be talking in the third hour to Stan Deo.
We're going to be talking to him about the recent increase in seismic activity essentially all over the Earth.
We had a 6.1 earthquake in California yesterday.
We had a 6.9 earthquake in Peru.
We had Iceland issuing warnings about an imminent volcanic eruption up there.
So we're going to talk to him about what's going on with that.
Of course, there was news about the western drought.
They found researchers at Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.
Found that they could use GPS data to determine the extent of the drought out west, especially in California.
It's reached epic proportions there.
They said that when they have water in the ground, on the surface, of course, they can actually measure.
That's how sensitive the equipment is now.
They can actually measure a difference in the height of the land.
And they said that the absence of it then causes the land to rise up.
They said, on an average, four millimeters across the western states.
They said the Sierra Mountains of California rose over half an inch.
Now they pointed out that based on these findings, they say that the team believes that the water loss due to drought out west exceeds 240 trillion liters of water.
To give you a perspective as to what that is, because nobody can really kind of imagine that, but they point out it's like covering the western half of the United States, the western half of the United States, with a layer of water 10 centimeters deep.
In other words, about four inches.
So that's the amount of water that has disappeared, covering the western half of the United States with about four inches of water.
And so these kinds of fluctuations in the water level are perhaps one of the things that's causing some additional seismic activity.
Apparently when Obama heard about this earthquake yesterday at the golf course, he immediately said that it was not his fault.
Uh, actually it was the West Napa Fault.
Uh, and I guess they're going to rename that now the George W. Bush Fault.
But, um, we're gonna be talking to, uh, Stan Dayo in the, uh, third hour about what's going on all across the world.
Now, of course, there's other types of weather.
News and that is the global warming.
There was a geoengineering conference just last week in Berlin and I wanted to get to it last week but we never were able to get to some of the papers and I just wanted to mention this one particular paper is all we've really got time for.
This is by a guy who's a one of the top climate scientists in terms of references and I found it very interesting that these people are looking at
A way to control the temperature of the earth because they believe A, that there's global warming and B, they believe that it is man-made global warming.
So they think that they can now have man-made global cooling.
And so they talk about engineering the climate themselves.
And his article, his presentation that he had at this conference in Berlin said, why we should not engineer a global thermostat.
Now, he starts talking about what is being proposed, which is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.
In other words, what we would call chemtrails, or what some other people have called persistent contrails.
This would essentially be interjecting chemicals into the stratosphere to try to make the earth cloudy, to adjust the temperature.
And of course we've been able to see that type of thing in areas where they do heavy chemtrailing, where you see them doing persistent contrails in a grid pattern above areas.
They can affect a temperature change, but they're talking about it in these papers as if it's something that
Well, we are talking about the possibility of doing this, but we're not really doing it yet.
No, they're doing it.
It's the same thing that the NSA did.
They always want to talk about, well, you know, we're not really listening to you.
We're not really breaking the law.
But, you know, it would be good if we change the law so that we really could monitor you all the time.
It's always, it's not really happening, but here's what we are thinking about.
Here's what we're planning on doing.
But he points out that the risk of putting in stratospheric aerosol injection, he says, is a triple fantasy.
This guy is actually not in favor of it.
Even though he believes that there's global warming and he believes that it's man-made, he's not in favor of geoengineering.
He says it's a triple fantasy.
That the risks of changing the climate can be diffused effectively by regulating global temperature.
He says, secondly, that the world could ever agree on a level to set the thermostat.
And third, that the unintended consequences of such intervention are manageable.
In other words, he's saying that first of all, we don't know if it's going to work.
Secondly, we don't know what the consequences are going to be.
And then thirdly, who gets to set the thermostat if we're going to start changing the climate of the Earth?
And he points out a couple of interesting analogies.
He said, let's look at experiments.
He said, we always do experiments, or entered on, entered into, because the outcome is not known.
What's going to happen to patients who get a new drug?
Are crops going to grow faster after we give them a new fertilizer?
He says, we're going to just start doing this, and we're not really going to have a way to test it.
And that's exactly what I believe they have been doing.
And many of us who have been watching the chemtrail situation, of course, now I guess we could sound more scientific if we called it stratospheric aerosol injection.
Maybe we just need to change what we call it to get people to take it seriously.
But he concludes and he says, Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel, Brave New World,
...can be understood as portraying either a too perfectly controlled utopia or a brutal and inhuman dystopia.
He says, I compare Huxley's tale with the vision behind the technology of stratospheric aerosol injection and other global sunlight reflection methods.
In other words, are we going to try to control this into a utopia or is it going to be a dystopian thing?
And he points out that there's plenty of things that we could do to try to make
life better on earth just by looking at how governments and other institutions are affecting, for instance, our personal liberty.
It's a very dangerous path that they're going down, and so they're actually in this conference.
It was interesting to see that they're debating this, but of course we believe that they already are doing it, and there's ample evidence that they've been doing it for quite some time.
Now in other news, James Clapper's office has declassified yet another set of fully redacted pages.
If you're watching this, I want you to take a look at the screenshot here that they've got.
Pull this article, guys, up.
This is from TechDirt.
And they show a couple of screenshots here of what is up there.
And you see at the top it says, secret, no foreign...
No foreign, which is no foreign eyes looking at this, and if they scroll down you see a big, two big white boxes, then you see a heading that says the banner reads as follows, colon, and then it's all white.
It's all redacted.
Wouldn't you like to know what's in there?
I would like to know.
What they're doing is they're essentially complying with the court order to release these documents, and so they comply with it in name only.
By redacting every single bit of the document.
The entire document is blanked out, and yet they say they've released the document.
That's the kind of lies and lack of transparency that we see from the NSA, from James Clapper, from these guys constantly.
Working with semantics, but they're lying to our face.
He's not releasing the document if he's got it totally redacted.
Now, wouldn't you like to see that?
Wouldn't it be interesting if they posted an unredacted copy of these documents somewhere on the internet by mistake?
You know, that actually happened.
That actually happened with the TSA.
We reported on it here at InfoWars.
We're the only ones who reported on it.
That actually happened as John Corbett sued them.
Now, of course, he's the engineer who was exposed to vulnerabilities in the scanning equipment.
And as part of his lawsuit, he was able to review their documents.
And they mistakenly put the unredacted documents up on Pacer.gov.
And of course you can see the past articles that Adan Salazar has done.
We did reports on the nightly news.
Nobody picked this up.
The amazing thing is, is that in the unredacted documents you can see the TSA is saying that there is no, and this is in 2011, the TSA itself wrote that there is no threat against airports or airplanes.
At the same time, they were threatening to shut down all air traffic control into Texas because the Texas State Legislature had passed a bill in the House.
It was going before the Senate.
They passed a bill nearly unanimously, or might have been unanimously, saying that they were going to put limits on them being able to touch children.
Now we find out in an article that came out last week, researchers are easily slipping weapons past the TSA's x-ray body scanners.
This is an article from Wired Magazine that came out the end of last week and they said, two years ago, a blogger named Jonathan Corbett
He published a YouTube video that seemed to show a facepalm-worthy vulnerability in the TSA's RapidScan full-body x-ray scanners.
Because metal detected by the scanners appears to be black in the images that they create, he claimed that any passenger could hide a weapon on the side of his or her body to render it invisible against the scan's black background.
The TSA dismissed his video and they even, listen to this, they even called reporters at all the mainstream media to caution them not to cover this video.
Hey, if it wasn't true, if it wasn't a fault in their system, why would they not want anybody to know about it?
Now, this is what's happened now.
I think?
Other disturbing lists of possible tricks, such as using Teflon tape to conceal weapons against someone's spine, installing malware on the scanner's console that spoofed the scans, or simply molding plastic explosives around a person's body to make it nearly indistinguishable from flesh in the machine's images.
But of course, we have to give them carte blanche to touch our children, to touch us, to do anything that they wish at the airports.
And the security at the airports is no better than the security at our border.
They're just harassing us.
They're not harassing anybody at the border.
They're not harassing the people coming into our country.
Of course, 100 miles into the border, they harass American citizens then, saying that it's in the name of checking the border.
They don't put anybody at the border, but they put people 100 miles in so that they can stop American citizens.
Same thing is happening at the TSA, and they point out this.
They said, well, it's really surprising because they tested these machines presumably without an adversarial mindset.
It's a crony capitalism mindset.
It was to pay off Michael Chertoff, former first director of Homeland Security under George Bush.
That's why they put the TSA machines in.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Joe Rogan and Alex Jones at the bottom of the hour.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, August 25, 2014.
I'm David Knight here in Austin.
We're going to have Alex Jones interview with Joe Rogan at the bottom of the hour in the next segment, actually.
Before we do, though, in this segment, I want to go over some more tech news that came out last week.
And it's not just technology news, it's also political news.
It has a very definite political spin to it.
Just last Monday,
The Federal Government started talking about how they want to mandate vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
This is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and they want to mandate your cars sending radio signals back and forth to each other, transmitting data about the car speed, the direction, the position to other cars that are in the same area.
It's news to me, actually.
I hadn't noticed this yet, but they're going to mandate that all new cars have rear-view cameras by 2018 as well.
That's something different.
That's something else that you're going to wind up paying for.
But this V-to-V communication is something that you really ought to stop and consider what's going on.
Of course, the transportation system is very important to the government as a military logistical aspect to it.
That's why we have our interstate system.
Our interstate system was enacted after World War II and of course it was under President Eisenhower.
Before World War II, Eisenhower had written essentially, it was either a book or a pamphlet, about a trip that he took with a large military contingent going from one area of the Northeast to another area and how difficult it was to move from that one part of the country to the other part of the country because the road system could not support the military vehicles.
Then of course during World War II they got a good look at Hitler's Autobahn and said,
That's what we need.
It was sold to the American public essentially as a way, as a convenience for our traffic, but that was really their concern.
Greasing the skids and having logistical support facilitated by some kind of an Audubon facility.
That's why Hitler built it.
That's why the US government built it.
They want to control transportation.
It's a very important control node for the public.
And I remember back in the late 80s early 90s going to a Raleigh City Council meeting where some city councilor had just gone to Russia and she was gushing about the fact that you could ride the subways there for just a nickel.
And we need that kind of transportation in this small town.
And so we've seen this happening over and over again.
The small towns want to get these light rail systems.
They can get a lot of money from the government.
But nobody wants to ride them.
They're not very effective because they're not individualized.
Now they're coming up with what they call self-driving cars.
I think a better term is robotic cars.
These are not self-driving cars.
What you have now is a car where you drive yourself.
What you're going to have is a car that is controlled by computer software that is reporting back to the government.
And one of the aspects that they're going to have with these cars is when they interact with each other, trying to correct accident situations.
And what's going to happen initially is you're going to have some computer-driven cars, and it's coming very quickly.
It was just back in April that they started talking about how the legislative hurdles are being taken down for testing on the roads in Europe as well as in America.
And all the car manufacturers want these legislative obstacles taken down so they can move forward with their research and do final testing on the highway.
But it's more than that.
Our government is actually pushing to mandate V-to-V communication, vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
Think about the problems and what can go wrong with that, of course.
That allows hackers to come in and communicate that lets anybody look at what you're doing.
A hacker can break into your car then and take over the controls of your car if it's operating that way.
And of course we've seen that happen with the Internet of Things.
It wasn't that long ago that General Petraeus was bragging about the fact that your toaster oven and your refrigerator are going to be listening to you.
We've now seen hackers go in and take over refrigerators that were hooked together on an Internet of Things within a house system.
Very unsophisticated controls on that.
They turned them into spam bots.
That's right.
Spam coming out of your refrigerator, but not the kind of spam you eat.
That's what they can do.
They can be more malicious in this type of thing.
But there also is an interesting take on this.
We covered on the Nightly News last week about the idea that if the cars are talking to each other,
And working out what's going to happen as a crash is imminent, they might start doing some arbitration based on who is in the individual cars.
Are they going to drive your car over the side of the cliff because there are more people in the other car than there are in your car?
Or maybe there's younger people in the other car than in your car.
Or maybe there's an insurance equation that comes into the equation here.
Maybe the insurance companies are looking at it and saying, well, send a cheaper car over the cliff because we'll have less of a liability in this that we have to pay for.
A lot of things can happen with it.
But the main thing is the concern that all this information is going to be stored and sent back and controlled by the government, that they will then
Monitor everything that you do, as we see with the new Corvettes, looking at how fast people are accelerating.
Use that to raise your insurance rates, to drive the few remaining manual drivers out of the business of driving their own cars, and have the government control all transportation.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
As I've been pointing out, we have an interview coming up with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan was in the Austin area last week performing, and Alex had an interview with him talking about essentially the whole spectrum of what's going on with current events, politics, that sort of thing.
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Let's go to this interview that Alex Jones had with Joe Rogan.
As I mentioned, they basically cover the waterfront on a variety of subjects when Joe Rogan was here just last week in Austin.
About six and a half years ago, Obama was president-elect, and I sat in here in this very green room at Cap City Comedy Club, Joe.
That video's been seen about 40 million times now.
That's ridiculous.
Like, 14 million on just one spot on YouTube.
That's ridiculous.
You, early on, when everybody else was saying Obama was the savior, you weren't saying you were for the Democrat or the Republican.
I'm gonna play a clip right now.
You were saying, why does anybody expect him to be any different?
And it was like right when he was president-elect or right when he got out of office.
It's pretty obvious that there's some gigantic financial institutions that have been pulling the strings of politicians in this country for a long time.
And just the fact that we have it set up where they can donate millions of dollars to these guys' funds, these guys' campaigns.
I mean, how do we not expect it all to go bad?
They put so much into him, built him up as his big brand name.
What's your take on that?
Well, you know what, man?
I don't even think...
Obama is to blame.
I really don't.
I don't think there's an individual that's to blame.
I think that what we're looking at, and I'm obviously no political expert by any means, but as a person who's observing a system, a person who's observing
This strange society that we live in and how it's influenced by money and corporations and how politicians are beholden to so many different groups before they get into any positions of power.
It's incredibly difficult to change anything.
And it's not like this statement about Obama as President or Obama as a person.
It's more that the system is so intertangled, it's so intertwined with political interest groups and with lobbyists and with corporations having mad control over the political system, over who gets represented, which party, you know, who represents which party.
The people that have the most money historically have done the best.
I mean, it's like a big, crazy money grab.
And then these people get into these positions of power and I don't think they have nearly as much control as we'd like to think they do.
And I think he gets into this position of power and I think it's probably just a melee in there.
A melee of money and lobbyists and fucking
The military-industrial complex, and influence of foreign leaders, and chaos, and threats of terrorism.
Jesus Christ!
I mean, could you imagine that guy's job?
It's an impossible job!
It's an impossible job for any person, for any person, for any one person to try to turn this crazy ship around.
So I didn't have any faith in his ability to do it, but I bet nobody can do that job.
I think that job is almost impossible.
It's almost impossible to be some person who's going to make everybody happy and who's also going to make all the people that got you into power happy and then make the culture happy.
Well, that's a true story.
What's in the movie, Nixon with Oliver Stone that he produced, where Nixon goes out to the memorial at night.
And all the anti-war folks come up to him and all the anti-Nixon people.
He goes, look, it's a big beast, a big machine.
I can't stop it.
I think that's exactly... I mean, I think the beast that Nixon faced was probably still way too big for anybody to handle.
But I think that the beast Obama faces is far bigger.
It's far crazier.
It's the whole thing.
It's just... And it's... The stakes are higher because
Because the wars we're in are so preposterous after Vietnam, there's this sort of despair that happens when people realize, like, we didn't learn anything.
We didn't learn anything.
We're still involved in quagmires in other countries that cost massive, massive amounts of lives, both Americans and other people.
We get caught in these things and
They're incredibly disappointing for people.
When we look at our culture, I think America likes to be a proud country.
We like to look at ourselves as really, like, a special type of people.
We're the children of immigrants.
The crazy people that came here when everybody else was banking on Europe, and we were like,
Let's get on a boat.
And hundreds of years ago, those were our ancestors, and this is where we are today.
But if you look at our actions, it's depressing for people to look at the actions of their country and not totally be able to defend something we've done militarily.
You know, when people look at that and they go, I don't, you know, there's a lot of people that I know that are patriots.
A lot of people that I know that are veterans, that love America, that believe in the military, and they're very upset with the way the direction of these wars has gone.
Very upset with the image that it's given America worldwide.
You know, there's the famous
Point that many people had right after September 11th was this is an incredible time where there was so much sympathy of these other nations.
They were so on the side of America that America had been attacked.
This is horrible.
The whole world was watching and within a period of a few years,
Our actions were so f***ed up that we lost all that sympathy.
There was this moment where America had this position of love, where the whole world was like, hey, we're sorry that happened to you.
And by the actions, the mistakes, the push, the pull, whatever it was that led us from September 11, 2001 to where we are in 2014, whatever it is that led us to that, it bums a lot of people out.
Where does your gut tell you the country's going?
Because so many people that the metrics show towards some type of collapse, not just here, but worldwide.
I know you personally have been moving towards getting off the grid some.
Well, I think getting off the grid's a good idea just because the grid is goofy.
If you could figure out a way to make your own electricity and get your own water out of the ground, like, why would you not do that?
As long as you're testing your water and you know that your water's good, it just seems awesome.
This seems like a cool thing to be able to get your electricity from the sun.
But, um, I don't think necessarily civilization's gonna collapse.
Uh, I think people far smarter than me have engineered this thing.
I just think that we're just in a weird period of life.
We're also in a weird period of information.
It's a weird period of like the news.
You know, like this Edward Snowden stuff.
You know, Glenn Greenwald and the ability to distribute a big crazy story like that.
It's almost like a pre-singularities.
Like smaller waves building up to bigger waves.
I mean, that's how I knew about the NSA and the hubs and the major buildings.
Remember, like, in 1999, I'd be telling you about that stuff and how they were listing everything?
Dude, you thought that they were spying on everything way before anybody did.
But I'm not cheating my horn.
I wasn't psychic.
Yeah, but it's not just that.
It was in the documents.
You had the documents.
You had the documents.
One thing that I always tell everybody, like, the first video that I ever saw
That made me go, what?
They do that?
That's real?
There's a peaceful protest in order to make it non-peaceful.
These guys come in with government-issue boots, ski masks, fuck everything up, smash things, and then they turn it into a war zone, so then the cops get to move in and arrest everybody.
They made the whole thing a no-protest zone.
These guys, they would hold up in some house somewhere, right?
Yeah, they got to pay for their house.
And then they negotiated them free.
They got free.
So these guys, they smashed all these windows.
And they had the Delta Force running.
That even came out, I mean, people in Seattle knew about that.
I was being called a conspiracy theorist just because I had the local newspapers from there.
It sounds so crazy.
If someone tells you that, you go, that's crazy.
But then you find out that is actually a tactic that gets used to break up protests.
Like, they will hire someone, I don't know with what account, but the same type of account they use, you know, something that doesn't have to be, you know, doesn't have to be
I mean, how would you organize something like that?
How do you tell somebody?
I mean, are they allowed to say, hey, we're going to hire you guys?
Well, that's the report from the interview with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.
That is now up on our YouTube channel, so check that out.
We're going to have an extended version of that going up in the next day or so that'll be up on YouTube.
Interesting to hear Joe Rogan talking about how it was Alex Jones that first woke him up, first time he was like, a whoa moment, you know, when he saw one of Alex Jones' documentaries.
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Wake people up!
Maybe it'll be somebody like Joe Rogan.
Who knows?
We were talking just before the break and just before the interview about what's happening to our transportation.
We're going to see a massive revolution in transportation in just the next few years.
Most people believe that it's going to happen within the next six years that we're going to see driverless cars.
Or as they like to call them, self-driving cars.
No, actually they're going to be robotic cars.
They're going to be computer-driven cars that are going to be passing and recording a lot of information onto the government, onto insurance companies, and it's going to radically change our lives.
A lot of people.
...are now currently working as drivers in one capacity or another, whether it's about as a taxi driver, whether it's a truck driver.
All of those people's jobs are going to be in jeopardy once we go to self-driving automobiles, or robotic cars and trucks.
One of the ways you can see this happening, one of the ways that Big Brother is moving in, of course, is going to be with all kinds of recordings about, black box type of recordings, about what you're doing.
And not just for the sake of an accident.
One of the first places we see this happening is from a story by the LA Times at the end of last week.
A new Corvette will record every move that a valet driver makes.
And they're talking about the fact that you're going to now have an option with new Corvettes.
It's about an $1,800 add-on option.
And of course, all this technology is going to make cars a lot more expensive, of course.
But anyway, for $1,800 now, you can get something so that when you turn the keys over to somebody and they park your car, you can know if they went joyriding in it.
It's going to record data like speed, engine RPM, which gears were used, even the highest level of g-force is incurred.
It's also going to have a video recording from the driver's perspective, recording on a high-definition camera.
You'll be able to watch it inside the car.
You'll be able to take it out on a card.
Now, last Monday, the federal transportation officials began drafting regulations for cars to start communicating with each other electronically.
And as they point out in the LA Times, that's going to pave the way for 100% monitoring of all vehicle activity.
You see, it's not just going to be for Corvette owners who want to monitor their valet.
That's the way they're going to sell it initially.
That's the way they're rolling this technology out.
No, what they're going to do is they're going to record all this information and they're going to pass it on.
Maybe they'll watch you constantly to get you to the point where you won't be able to self-drive your car.
Maybe they'll watch you constantly and the minute you go one mile an hour over the speed limit, it'll report it to the highway patrol.
That'd be one way to get you out of your car pretty quickly, wouldn't it?
Maybe they'll report the fact that you're pulling too many G's as you're going around the corner.
Maybe they'll report that to the insurance company.
But the biggest concern is what's going to happen with this vehicle-to-vehicle communication if you're in a situation where there's an accident.
And as I pointed out, we talked about this on the Nightly News last week, an article from Wired Magazine talking about the ethics and the ethics settings in a robotics car.
Well, they say, perhaps you've got an accident coming and the cars start talking to each other about what they're going to do, how they're going to handle this accident.
If somebody has to be sacrificed, who are they going to sacrifice?
What kind of liability does this then create for the automobile companies?
Well, of course,
One of the ways that they can back out of that liability is by giving you control over the ethical settings.
Are you going to work out that you value your life over all other lives and other cars?
Or are you going to say that you want the cars to work out and minimize the overall total loss of life?
Or maybe you'll do something like set it up so that whoever is younger, maybe they can determine that by the weight of the people in the car.
Who knows?
The issue is that you're turning a lot of control over the cars.
Google now has prototypes that they're running in various areas.
Have no steering wheel.
Have no brakes.
It's not the sort of situation that they're assisting you.
I'm all for assisting people if it can be controlled and kept under control.
Of course, many of us believe that that was possibly a way that people can be suicided or killed by accident if somebody hacks into your car.
And let's say they control the steering because now we have cars that are capable of staying within a lane
If they're in cruise control mode, also making sure that they keep the appropriate distance between them and the car in front of them if they're in cruise control mode.
So there's a lot of control that is gradually being turned over, but that's going to turn into a tsunami.
They're removing legal limits and they're going to start requiring that we buy this extra equipment for vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
As I pointed out in the last segment, if you know anything about what's
happening in the Internet of Things, where they have appliances and smart homes talking to each other, how easily those things are hacked, whether it's a refrigerator, whether it's your intelligent light bulbs.
That is something you should be very concerned about.
But I'm very concerned about the fact that the government would have total control over our transportation.
Look at what they've done at the airports.
Do you really want that to happen on the highways?
And they're working it out, gradually bringing it on.
You should be aware of that.
Stay on top of it.
We'll be right back.
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This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking to Stan Deo in the next hour, and he's going to be talking to us about the recent increase in earthquakes.
Now, over the weekend, besides the San Francisco earthquake, we also had a scare about the Iceland volcano, a volcano named Bardarbunga.
If I'm pronouncing that correctly.
At first, on Saturday, the Icelandic Meteorological Office said that the volcano had experienced a sub-glacial eruption, and that there were earthquakes going on there.
They raised it to a red alert on Sunday, then they have now lowered it to a level orange alert.
And they point out, and you might remember this, just about four years ago, 2010, there was an eruption of another volcano, which I have no way of pronouncing that, so we'll just
We're good to go.
If this new volcano were to erupt, it would not necessarily produce a high ash column like that one did, so the likelihood of interruption of transatlantic and European air travel, they said, remains low.
They're still concerned about road restrictions in the area, and this is something that we've seen in Yellowstone as well.
We've seen in Yellowstone that there has been a movement in the underground collection, the magma, the lava underneath the ground.
It has swelled.
It's concerned them.
We've also had a road get melted in Yellowstone.
And, of course, Yellowstone, Iceland, around that area, as well as New Zealand, are three areas in the world where they have this kind of geothermal activity that's right near the surface.
And, of course, Yellowstone is by far and away bigger than Rotorua
I don't
Now just in San Francisco alone they're saying that this is the U.S.
Geological Service is saying that there is a 54% chance of a magnitude 5.0 quake in the Bay Area within the next seven days as an aftershock.
Now there's been 30 to 70 smaller aftershocks
That are between a magnitude of 3 and 5 are also expected.
They've had quite a few small aftershocks but so far nothing very large has happened that I'm aware of.
But we're going to be talking in the next hour, as I mentioned, to Stan Deo.
He is someone who is an expert on very many topics.
He's got secret clearance.
He worked on black projects and a government UFO project to create special secret weapons.
And he also is very interested in earthquakes.
Alex Jones had him on the radio show back in April, so just four months ago he was talking about the increase in earthquake activity.
And as I pointed out in the last hour, we had an article, we got an article up today from Michael Snyder talking about the increase in earthquake activity and why this is just the beginning.
He had a very interesting article last Thursday on the 21st
Where he was talking about the fact that just in the first three months of this year, there was more than double the yearly average annual of earthquakes that we've had since 1979.
And the number of earthquakes in Central and Eastern U.S.
has quintupled in recent years.
He had an interesting story, and we're going to cover that right after the break.
About what's going on on the New Madrid Fault.
Now the New Madrid Fault is not in Spain.
It's in the central part of the United States.
And there are large holes that are forming.
We've got an interesting story about a young man who was nearly buried alive because of one of those holes.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back and we're going to have Stan Deo with us.
Be right back.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking in this hour to Stan Deo.
He's going to be joining us in the next segment.
He's someone who's had above top top secret security clearance.
He's worked undercover for the FBI.
He was part of an exclusive black project specializing in the development of flying saucer technology and his background and his interests include earthquake forecasting.
So we're going to have him on to talk about what's going on.
There's an article up on InfoWars.com today, why the earthquake near San Francisco is just the start of the shaking in California.
This is by Michael Snyder.
He points out that approximately 81% of all big earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, which is an area of perimeter that extends down in the Pacific.
Of course, we've seen many times what happens in the Pacific as there's an offshore earthquake creating a giant tsunami, devastating consequences.
It's not just the direct
I think so.
And he says that in May, this is his article from last Thursday, in May the federal government simulated an earthquake that was so massive it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly and forced more than 7 million people out of their homes.
Now, does that sound over the top?
He points out that they had a replay, it was actually a replay of a disaster that happened 200 years ago.
On December 16, 1811, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit the New Madrid Fault Line, which is in the area that I just mentioned.
Today, there are 15 million people who live there.
Back then, there were hardly anybody living there.
And yet, people who were on the Mississippi River saw boats flung all over the place.
It was devastating for the few people that were there.
And that was a magnitude 7.7 earthquake.
Now, why do they believe that that could be happening sometime in the near future?
Well, he points out the same fault, this New Madrid fault.
They said, more than a year after a six-year-old boy was almost buried alive in a popular sand dune, more holes are now appearing on this fault in a place called Mount Baldy in Indiana.
It's a 126-foot sand dune.
Now, they've closed access to that area because of the holes that are there.
And three geologists arrived last week with high-tech equipment, hoping to use radio waves and core samples to see if they can determine what's causing the holes.
This is something that we're seeing happening in many different areas.
As I also pointed out, GPS-locating equipment showed a 4-millimeter drop.
In western states, due to the drought, they could actually see that kind of a drop from the satellite measurements.
They've seen that Yellowstone is actually heaving up with lava underneath the surface.
So we see that the water that has now evaporated with the drought or gone because of the drought, groundwater, surface water, has caused the surface to actually go down and yet in other areas like Yellowstone we see it moving up slightly as the
Underground volcanic lava is building up in those areas.
So there's a lot of seismic changes that are going on.
And in San Francisco, they got a 10-second warning.
Maybe you want to do something to prepare before you get a 10-second warning.
So we're going to be talking to Stan Deo about what's going on, trying to get an idea of
What really the landscaping is, quite literally, and get a feel for where your risks are.
You may not think that it's going to affect you if you live in the eastern part of the United States.
You may think this is something that only people in California should be concerned about.
And yet, that's not the case.
We see this is happening in multiple areas.
So we're going to be talking to him right after the break.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We're going to be talking to Stan Dayo about the recent earthquakes this last weekend and what he sees coming up ahead because we had him on just about four months ago and he's predicting an increase in earthquakes.
That's exactly what we saw this weekend.
We saw 6.1 in San Francisco.
We saw 6.9 in Peru.
We saw warnings about an earthquake and a volcanic eruption in Iceland.
And of course there's been a lot of concern about Yellowstone.
We see the ground rising there.
We see a road being melted down and closed.
So there's a lot of changes, geological and seismic changes that are going on.
And it's not just in the political area.
Of course, before we go to him, I want to point out, you know, it's not just natural disasters that can take us down.
Of course, there's also the economic collapse that we talk about constantly.
And there's an article up on Infowars.com.
Do you want milk or toilet paper?
Well, the Venezuelan government wants your fingerprints.
They're saying that the president, Maduro, has announced this week, that'll be just the end of last week, that the grocery stores will soon begin mandatory fingerprinting of customers.
This particular initiative, which could be implemented by the end of the year, is meant to help combat the hoarding and the smuggling of government subsidized goods.
So see, that's right.
If they give you all this stuff, then they're going to fingerprint you and they're going to track you to make sure that you're not getting too much of it.
I think it's interesting that it wasn't that long ago that Bloomberg
Had an article saying that it was a good investment for bankers and bondholders to invest in Venezuela, that they had been getting just under 700% return on investment.
And they had a banker at the time say, this is wonderful because Hugo Chavez, as well as the current government, understands that their first responsibility is their sovereign debt.
And in the context of that article, they were talking about how at the time, people could not get food and water without going to neighboring countries.
And now they're trying to crack down even more on them in this socialist utopia.
That's what happens.
And I think it's interesting when you look at this and the fact that they will let their people starve.
They will fingerprint them before they give them any food and track them to see who's getting what amount of food.
They will do that to their own people, but they will pay the bankers first.
Maybe that's why.
The West never attacked militarily Hugo Chavez because he was taking care of the bankers.
Maybe that was what kept him safe.
Well, let's go to Stan Dayo right now.
I want to talk to him about earthquakes.
As I said, he was on back in April talking to Alex Jones.
Stan Dayo is a
He's held above top secret clearance.
He's worked undercover for the FBI.
He's part of an exclusive black project that was specialized in development of flying saucer technology.
He has a very diverse background.
He's interested and knowledgeable about computer programming, marine architecture, advanced propulsion engineering, biblical studies, and earthquake forecasting.
San Deo, thank you for joining us.
Thank you for the invite, David.
Are you a native Texan?
No, I'm not.
I've actually spent most of my life in North Carolina.
That's sad, but good to see you there anyway.
Yeah, I'm a recent transplant.
Good stuff.
Yeah, earthquakes.
There are a lot of changes going on in the planet.
They're a little bit...
I don't know.
Schizophrenic I think would be the word I want to use because they seem to ramp up and then they back off and jump to another place.
I'm looking at the map of the earthquakes today on USGS.
And we're seeing, as we have been for probably three or four weeks now, some significant quakes, you know, 4.5 plus over in Greece, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and up in Iceland.
Of course, you know about that under the volcanoes up there.
And then in another place down close to the South Pole, off the tip of South America.
These indicate to me that the Atlantic side of things is relieving stress in a big way.
I'm still not sure what's going to happen up at the Bartarbung volcano in Iceland.
All the evidence we've got does show that there's quite a bit of earthquake activity deep underneath, which means it still hasn't approached the surface yet, even though, you know, people are saying to watch out when you fly over there and that kind of stuff.
You know, it's, the one in San Francisco, you know, that area of the quakes there, that is a little bit unusual, as you know, in that area there.
Gosh, it's been like one and a half million years or more since the Franklin Fault was active.
It's not even the one that caused the great, you know, 1900 and some odd earthquake there.
Oh, it's a different fault?
Okay, I didn't know that.
Well, there's a few...
No, no.
San Andreas will probably trigger things in that area should it have a large quake.
And certainly north of there, off the coast of Oregon and Washington State, there's a series of plate fractures there in the Juan de Fuca Plate.
It's in two main pieces, and the bottom part just touches Northern California, just right above where this earthquake occurred.
Now, if the Juan de Fuca plate does release, and it's overdue, probably six years overdue now, they figured...
That it would do within 56 years, you know, back in the IGY year 1958.
If you look at all the other areas around the Great Ring of Fire in the Pacific that were under stress like that, they've all released their, you know, Richter 8s and 9s.
This is the only holdout on the whole Pacific Ring of Fire, or Arc of Fire, as it's now called.
Now, if that goes, it'll be a nine...
Point two or three plus earthquake.
Wow, wow.
And that will shake the Dickens out of the West Coast.
And it'll trigger Franklin, it'll trigger San Andreas, and there's probably about 15 other parallel faults it'll trigger as well.
Wow, wow, that's huge.
Because as everybody knows, these Richter scale measurements are exponential.
So there's a huge difference between a 6 and a 7 and between a, what they just had was a 6 in San Francisco, you're talking about a 9.
What is that, a thousand times?
That's about right, yeah.
Man, that's amazing.
That would jar your teeth a bit.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Now, you're talking about some activity in the Atlantic.
Now, there was also an article that I was reading from from last Thursday.
Michael Snyder was talking about the New Madrid Fault that runs through central United States, through Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi, he says.
What do you know about that?
Oh, a fair amount, actually.
On our website there, under the show images page, and your producer, we talked about this earlier, you can link into that and look at a number of maps and images.
I've got even some stereo 3D things related to the New Madrid fall.
It is a peculiar kind of fault system.
It's like little rectangular honeycombs underneath there.
It is a failed attempt to form a ridge like occurred in the middle of the Atlantic.
And as such, it had dynamic pressures from several sides.
And so it's a very
Kind of unpredictable type of fault.
We know that every 175 to 180 years we get a major release there and certainly we're seeing signs that this time, not only will it release in the, you know, southern Missouri, Tennessee area, it will probably release in a fault connecting through Arkansas all the way over to Oklahoma City.
And this is, you know, still up for conjecture, but on our website, on the Show Images page, where I talk about these kind of things, I do have a map showing, well, the safe zone, if you wish,
Well, earthquakes that will occur in Canada and the United States all the way down to Central America.
Now, it's called the Central Stable Region Shield, and there's a black line.
If you go down, oh gosh, let's see.
I mean, let me tell you where it is.
It's on the show images page down, fifth row down on the right, and it's a white, black and white image.
And again, your website is standeyo.com.
That's standeyo.com, where people can see these images and see what you've mapped out here.
That's right.
They just click the button next to the microphone that says Show Images and go down the fifth row and on the right.
Now, this tells us, it's a very rare piece of graphic data I've got on this,
But there's a black line that comes down between the west coast of the United States and goes on the other side of the Rockies and down into central Texas, down around where you are, and around and up into Tennessee, to the bottom of the New Madrid fault line, then all the way up into the Appalachians and, you know, out.
Now that black line, outside of that black line toward the oceans everywhere, is where we have instabilities in the Earth's crust should a major earthquake series start.
The Colorado Plateau is exempt from that.
It's also within a shielded area.
But other than that, on that map you will see
That, you know, Mexico, Arizona, California, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, all along the East Coast and the South Coast and the West Coast are at risk for major earthquake activity.
Should that start soon.
On that same page you can see historically where earthquakes are occurring across the United States and where fracking has been occurring.
I've got quite a detailed set of data on the New Madrid thing as well.
It's on site there.
Now you just mentioned fracking.
We've had a lot of earthquakes where people are, in Texas, there's been a rapid increase in earthquakes they believe is due to fracking.
Do you share that belief?
Well, if you look at the fracking map I've got, we see all the little green dots on it there, that's to the left of that one we were just looking at, and it shows a huge concentration of them in the southeast portion of Texas, from the toe of Texas all the way across up into Louisiana and part of Mississippi.
So there's a high correlation to where they're fracking and where these rapid earthquakes are happening, is that correct?
That's right, that's right.
Um, excuse me.
Go ahead and get that.
And also when we were talking about this earlier, we were talking about the fact that the U.S.
Geological Service could see the effects of drought from their satellites across the western United States.
We're going to continue talking about what's going on with this, and we're also going to talk about what you can do to prepare.
We want to give you more than a 10-second warning to prepare like the people in California did.
Of course, they expected it to come, but there are other places other than California and the United States that are susceptible to earthquakes.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm talking to Stan Deo of standeo.com.
That's S-T-A-N-D-E-Y-O dot com.
I mention that because you can go to his website as we've been talking here about his website and showing it for the people who are watching this.
You can see some very detailed...
Graphical data showing where these fault lines are.
Many people think this is something that really only affects California or San Francisco in the United States.
Or maybe it affects Pacific Islands where they have an earthquake off the coast.
They have to worry about tsunamis coming in.
We have all those problems here as well.
And there are some faults within the United States that maybe you're not aware of.
That have, are long overdue for some kind of activity.
But just before we went to a commercial break, Stan had brought up fracking and I want to go over that a little bit more with him because he's got a chart on his site that shows a pretty high correlation between fracking activity and earthquakes in Oklahoma, Texas, other places.
We know that there's been a massive amount of water
Lost in the western United States due to drought.
As a matter of fact, it's so much that it's the equivalent to about four inches of water covering the entire western half of the United States that is basically missing now due to this drought of epic proportions.
They determined that by looking at the ground
sinking uh... because it doesn't have the changes in the height of the ground uh... because uh... actually rising because the uh... lack of presence of the water which would normally take it down so they were able to measure a four millimeter difference in the height of the ground and uh... basically extrapolate from that the amount of water that was missing uh... dan let's uh... stan let's talk about uh...
The correlation between changes in groundwater level is not just the plates that are building up tension, but it's also things that might be naturally occurring or things that we are doing that are man-made that are changing the groundwater and affecting earthquakes.
Well, certainly.
Depending upon the formation underneath, say, California where the water has been stored, it takes maybe 100 years to recharge some of those aquifers down there.
And if you use it up quickly with agriculture, like in the San Joaquin Valley, you might find that the emptiness doesn't go away real quickly.
It doesn't fill up again.
This makes a mechanical instability with the weight of water that's firmly above it and with, you know, human activity there.
Down in Lake Taupo in the North Island of New Zealand is another situation where water level in a lake is very important because it holds down the lid on a huge caldera as big as Yellowstone.
And right now, of course, the water is warm and there's steam coming up on the shore occasionally.
If that one goes, it will be probably because the weight of the water has been reduced.
They've been using geothermal sources.
With the drought hitting all over the world, all these areas are subject to danger.
In California particularly, I think that what's going to happen there is that because the underground water storage is not like a flat level thing, it has like waves in it underneath in the sedimentary formations that have been kind of squeezed together.
We might see the evidence of California separating into small islands as this progresses over the years.
It could happen suddenly, but it may also happen over a period of a decade or two if we don't get rain in there to recharge.
And as I said, it takes about 100 years to recharge the main aquifers.
So the situation's not going to go away.
It's not good.
That's very interesting.
Now, you were also talking about fracking, and I had read in the break just before you came on from Michael Snyder's article where he was talking about these holes that were opening up on Mount Baldy, which is near the New Madrid or New Madrid Fault.
Do you think that's something that they don't really know what's going on there?
There's speculation about that.
Do you think that's related somehow to changes in water levels, or do you think that's something to do with plates?
It's to do, I think, primarily with the same phenomenon that's causing a lot of the sinkholes all around the world, not just in the United States.
There was a down near, I guess, Sonora in Mexico, just part of the Baja.
There was a 12 mile long fissure that opened up all of a sudden.
It's not deep, but it cracked, you know, for 12 miles.
Now that's very close to, it's just south of the Salton Sea area in Southern California, which is a very thin part of the plate.
Hang on, we've got to go to break, Stan.
We want to get that information right after we come back from break.
We'll continue on with that.
This is the Alex Jones Show, and we're talking to Stan Dao, someone who is an expert on earthquake forecasting, and you can see more information if you go to his site, standao.com.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I have on the line with me Stan Deo of standeo.com.
It's an excellent site with information about earthquakes.
And of course there's been a lot of information about a lot of earthquakes happened just yesterday.
We had a 6.9 in Peru as well as a 6.1 in San Francisco.
And of course we see there's seismic activity that they're warning about in Iceland.
We're talking about where your risks are, and we're going to talk to Stan about what you can do.
The people in San Francisco only got a 10-second warning, so we want to give you a little bit more of a warning, give you an idea of what to expect in the aftermath of an earthquake, how can you prepare for it.
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Now, going back to Stan Deo.
Stan, just before we went to a commercial break, you were talking about the proliferation of sinkholes, not just in America, as we were talking about at the New Madrid Fault.
There's a lot of holes that are forming there and a very major fault that's not in California.
It's kind of in the central part of the United States.
But you were talking about what's happening throughout the world, especially in Mexico.
We had to go to a commercial break.
Go ahead and continue with that.
Okay, well, I've been working for a number of years with a number of other people who have also been studying this.
It's known as the Expanding Earth Theory, or hypothesis.
And under this concept, a few thousand years ago,
The Earth was 25% smaller, or 20% smaller it is now, in diameter.
And it expanded.
And we think it occurred somewhere around 2300 to 2100 BC.
That's what caused Pangea to break up.
Now this is in direct contrast to what they teach in the universities.
I'll tell you that right now.
There's a lot of controversy over this.
It did occur.
I'm positive of this.
And if you see my hands here, what happens is the Earth expands like this.
It stretches the thin mantle where we live on top of it.
And when that's stretching, it's like blowing up a balloon.
It makes things get bigger in all directions.
Now, a lot of the sinkholes, I'd say 85-90% of them, are due to water intrusion underneath structures or underneath the surface of the ground.
And they make round holes, rather than jagged, long tears of that kind.
As a general rule, they are round.
What happens, I'm pretty sure, is that the expansion of the Earth is stretching gas pipes, water pipes, power lines, stuff underground, and they are starting to leak.
And the leak, of course, creates the moisture in there, and reduces the pressure sideways pressure on the dirt grains there, and it collapses in, in a uniform circular hole.
To me, this is a sign that we're experiencing a planetary expansion, a very slight one, but we're starting to expand as the planet ages.
Now, I don't know whether this will increase dramatically or whether it'll just be a small event, but it is large enough to affect us, making these potholes, or these sinkholes, all over the planet, and now starting to make the tears, like near Sonora, where it's 12 miles long.
You know, I could be wrong.
I put that caveat in there, but with everything else that I've studied in the past, this does seem to be where we're headed.
And people can expect to see a lot more of these sinkholes in weird places, but usually over water supplies of some sort.
And we have, for people who are watching this video feed right now, we have a picture of a very long crack.
Is that the one, guys, that he was just talking about?
Yeah, that's the one that you were just talking about, Stan, that we have a picture of up there.
A video of the 12-mile stretch, I think you said.
I think it's like 20 kilometers, but that's 12 miles.
I'm pretty sure is what it was.
Anyway, go on.
The other thing, of course, that you had referred to briefly was the fact that, as we see these plates, if they don't have a constant earthquake, as we see in San Francisco and other places like Wellington, New Zealand, places that are near fault lines, they like to see little tiny earthquakes going on all the time.
There's a constant movement between these plates.
The problem arises, of course, when you don't get that or when you have a lot of tension that is built up.
So, talk to us about the places that we've got a lot of tension built up.
Of course, in the New Madrid, or New Madrid Fault, they say that it's been 200 years since we've had a major earthquake there, and that's the one that runs through the central United States, and they just had in May, the federal government simulating
The effect of an earthquake that was so massive that it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly and forced another 7 million people out of their homes.
I mean, how can people prepare for this type of thing and where are the danger areas in the United States?
Maybe take that first, then we can talk about the preparation.
All right, the danger areas certainly are along the New Madrid, and as I said earlier in the last segment, there's a fault connecting the New Madrid to the West through Arkansas and up into Oklahoma City area.
And they're doing all this fracking there, and I'm not sure whether this is fracking for, you know,
Gas, water, etc.
Whatever they're fracking for.
Or is it possibly a government effort through private corporations to make small earthquakes relieve pressure in Oklahoma City and between there and New Madrid?
I know they did this when I was in Australia down in Perth.
There was about a 7.8 Richter earthquake building up just north of Perth, and it would have taken down three-quarters of the buildings of the city had it released.
So there were very quietly teams moved in that went through the outback there up north of Perth, detonating TNT at certain places along the tributary fault lines to make small earthquakes to relieve the pressure so the big one didn't occur.
And it did not.
So maybe a form of geoengineering.
It may be.
It may well be.
And so we may be complaining, you know, when we shouldn't be.
I don't know.
That's probably attributing a lot of kindness to the government that may not be there.
But anyway.
In other places, the West Coast, Northwest Coast, you know, Oregon, Washington State, those are going to be areas that could even see tsunamis when that Rictor 9 releases.
And it will release.
It's just we don't know exactly when.
It's overdue now.
In Eureka, north of San Francisco, in San Francisco itself.
We're going to see more earthquakes there as the period of time intensifies.
New Zealand, you mentioned that.
I've been getting emails from people down there, one from a Maori lady, the Maori Indians that live there, and she was telling me that she had a dream vision of magma flowing from the central island, center of North Island, down toward her at Wellington.
Again, that being Lake Taupo, and that region is under a huge amount of stress.
Whenever that went off back in 87 A.D., the last time, it made dust go up into the northern hemisphere so heavy that the Chinese astronomers recorded three days of darkness from it, not knowing what caused it.
So that's another area people in New Zealand are pretty much aware of that.
We've covered it.
I've been down and visited Holly and I with the IG&S down there and did enough shame on the radio of their government that they started funding them money to start monitoring temperatures and pressures there to warn people and try to save as much of North Island as they can when it hits.
So there, let's see, the Middle East, of course, well, you know, Iran-Iraq area, into the Mediterranean, that's going to be unstable for some time.
So in the United States, New Madrid, Yellowstone area, and the Northwest Coast, and down into California, down into the Bahamas, all those are areas that are likely to suffer some severe earthquake damage.
As I said to you before, if you look at the plots of earthquakes I've got on my Show Images page, you'll see one that shows a plot of earthquakes for the last, oh, 40, 50, 60 years in the United States.
And you'll see kind of a clean zone, you know, up above Texas, and that clean zone stops at the east side of the Rockies.
On your map, it would be like that if you were looking at me on TVB, east side of the Rockies.
And those areas are fairly stable, but outside that, it's anybody's game.
You can do a lot of things to help you prepare for that.
On our website, StandAO.com, at the very top left-hand corner in a yellow box, it says, Free Prep Info, and next to that it says, Nuclear, it says NBC, but it means Nuclear Biological and Chemical Preparation, and next to that, Threat Watches, and if you click on, say, the first one, Prep Info,
That will immediately tell you some things that you need to do for food storage, water treatment.
It takes you to sites, you know, that you can just click on that they supply these various things.
And also on that page, you'll see Dared Prepare, the cover of Holly's book, which is 632 pages long.
And it's kind of the Bible of emergency preparation.
I mean, even first responder schools use it to teach their first responders.
If you have time, get that book and read the sections that are pertinent to your area.
You know, for earthquake or tsunami or volcano or tornado, lightning strike, all kinds of things.
There's about 70 different things that she prepares you for, what you need for that.
Medicine, food, water.
And of course, many of the things that you would do for a natural disaster are the same sorts of things that you would do to prepare for a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.
You need to get, you know, bandages, beans, and bullets, as they say.
You know, the types of things, medical care, store food and water, or the ability to purify your water, and then of course, a means of defense if and when society breaks down.
NBC attacks are, they've got some curly edges to them though.
I mean, like, if you get the EMP pulse from it, it'll wipe out your electronics, your computers, and communication, and you'll be without contact to the outside world.
If it's a dirty bomb, it pollutes your area, then there are things you need to do to mitigate that.
She even, Holly's looked at this, and there's a way that you can actually walk out from under the fallout cloud because it goes up so high that you have several hours to walk away from the direction the wind is blowing in to get out of the fallout.
If you're going to weather the fallout, she's got a section in there to tell you about how to do it.
Build an in-home shelter with dirt or with concrete, steel, whatever, in your home.
And it's not like a major construction thing, it's just you pile up boxes of this stuff.
Get boxes, put sand in it, and that kind of stuff.
And build yourself, especially in a basement, a cubby, for two weeks, maybe three weeks, until the radiation dies down.
That's if you're right under the anvil, the cloud that drops the stuff.
You're going to know weather in situ.
But, you know, they're just practical things, but they're different than just normal preparation for, you know, weather events.
You've also got to prepare for people looting, crazy people, so that means, you know, bullets to your head.
And then food, and you need, a lot of people forget that they need to have water down there, potable water, to eat their freeze-dried foods and things, because those things are dry, and you need the water.
Little things like that.
And of course, that's all there on those pages.
And then in printed form, really in great detail, is the Dare to Prepare book.
And you know, we have sold tens of thousands of those things.
They just fly off the shelf.
No, it's not a minor work.
It is a serious work that helps you think your prep needs through.
Whether you need medicine, or you've got children you need to communicate with, or you know, meeting places, weapons, all kinds of stuff.
Again, they can find that at your website, which is standeo.com.
That's D-E-Y-O, standeo.com.
And they can also see the different maps that you've got there showing where the highest risks are for different types of natural disasters, not just earthquakes, but other types of natural disasters as well.
Now, I looked on your bio here, and I thought it was a bit interesting that you worked on a Tesla-based energy system that says similar to Dr. Henry Moraes.
Is that anything you want to talk about in terms of survival?
I mean, what do we do in terms of...
A longer-term situation, if we want to have some power, you know, something that is... What can we do in terms of an off-the-grid scenario to get ourselves a little bit more independent to take care of ourselves?
Because that's one of the most fragile things that we have, of course, is the grid and the food supply chain that we have in this country.
The more sophisticated the chain of supply, the more sophisticated the chain of energy delivery, the more vulnerable it is.
We should have decentralized power so that every home produces its own, ideally, but that's not the way the controllers want it, sadly.
You know, you can't make money doing it that way, not as much.
And you can't control the people by cutting off the power when you want to, at your discretion.
Now, to prepare for this, or to mitigate for it, there are a number of free, quote-unquote free energy systems that have been out there.
Joseph Newman has one.
I've not been able to reproduce that, but it's rather bulky.
What I've been looking at is what Dr. Moray did, and that was to stretch an antenna about 85 feet long, insulated, and tap it at about the 1-4th link mark with an antenna wire, or a connector wire that's insulated, coming down into a couple of boxes that use Tesla step-down coils.
The trick is that he didn't know where he was getting the
I don't know.
Near the river where it's good conduction.
Hook that to the bottom part of his boxes and then the antenna part to the top and he was drawing 10 kilowatts of power for 159 hours until they decided to shut it off.
Wow, that's significant because if you're looking at a solar power for your home, I mean 10k is, that would be a really large solar system.
Here's the beauty of his.
He didn't need batteries.
This worked day and night.
The only difference in the power he received at night, it dropped down about 25%.
Well, duh.
You're going to be sleeping anyway.
The reason he couldn't figure it out...
He didn't know about the details of the solar wind, the particles that come from the sun and hit our upper atmosphere, the charged upper atmosphere, and they vibrate the upper atmosphere at various frequencies.
But he knew he had to tune his device, his antenna, to a certain range of frequencies, and he would kick-start it by, you know, putting a spark on it and wait a minute.
Did it start to auto-resonate?
Okay, do it again.
He managed to do it several times until the antenna
I think so.
As squeezes on his charged envelope on the antenna, which produced voltage, which he trapped in a little arc gap inside his device, and then protected it so it couldn't go back out.
So it had a high voltage diode that he made, in those days, was rather primitive, but he didn't do it.
That's fascinating.
That's fascinating.
I want to, yeah, we've got to go to a commercial break.
I want to pick back up with that.
Right after the break, we'll talk to Stan Deo at standeo.com.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we've been talking to Stan Deo at standeo.com.
That's D-E-Y-O.
And of course we had him on for his interest in earthquakes and the information that you can find at his website showing the places where you're most likely to be affected in the United States by earthquakes.
Also showing information about what you can do to prepare for earthquake disasters or other natural disasters that may be your area of the country might be
More prone to, or your area of the world.
And also what you can do to protect from nuclear, biological, and chemical disasters.
If you're not prepared, you're going to wind up going through what we saw at Hurricane Katrina.
You'll get the full FEMA treatment.
I don't think you want that.
So you want to make some preparations in advance for food, for medicine.
And for bullets, bandages, beans and bullets as they say.
Now we were talking just before the break and I wanted to continue a little bit with this.
He's also very interested in free energy research.
He's been to Australia in 1971 to work on these systems.
Stan, do you have some information that you were just talking about this Tesla system?
Do you have some information about that on your website?
Not on that particularly, because I wanted to be sure that it worked and work out the details before I put it out publicly.
And I have also been splitting my time with another electricity gatherer, which is a static electricity gatherer, to gather electric charge out of the air when the wind blows through a non-moving type cowling.
In fact, if you go to the show images page, second row from the bottom, and
The first image here looks like a half of a disc or a plate.
It's blue.
And you click on that and it'll take you over to a page that has a picture of this wind electrical generator that I've been working on.
And it uses the Lord Kelvin water drop technique to get the moisture in the air to pass through a grid.
I don't know.
Now this works when there's wind, and with this you would probably need a battery system and inverters.
But I'm working on that as well, because it's perhaps safer for people to use than the Mori device, which can generate lethal voltages.
However, you know, as I get these things developed, I will certainly share them with folks.
Well, it's fascinating research, and there's a lot of stuff that Tesla did, tapping into the electric fields around our Earth, and really fascinating research, much of which, unfortunately, died with him.
People have bits and pieces of it.
They're trying to reproduce it.
Certainly, you know, when you look at solar, and you look at wind power, those are very effective technologies, even though they're certainly not the free energy that you're talking about.
They're still effective technologies if they're done on a decentralized, off-the-grid
I don't think so.
They do.
And one of the problems with solar is that most of our panels are made in China.
And the quality has been really, really poor.
We're talking massively poor.
And after 15 years, they're starting to not produce as much power at all, maybe drop down 50 to 60% of what they're supposed to.
So we're going to have to find a better system, one that's protected from the environment so it doesn't fog over the glass that covers the silicon cells and things like that.
That's interesting, yeah.
With it going to manufacturing, moving to China, the price dropped dramatically, but now we see that drop in quality, of course.
Well, thank you so much for joining us.
Standeo.com is the website to get that information.
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