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Name: 20140813_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 13, 2014
2292 lines.

In this InfoWars radio show transcript by Alex Jones, he discusses several issues including ongoing protests in Ferguson, Missouri following the shooting of an 18-year-old black man by a police officer. He also talks about global currency devaluation and potential for a new SDR (Special Drawing Rights) from the IMF. Furthermore, he mentions ongoing crises in Ukraine, tensions between China and Japan, as well as the Ebola outbreak. Jones claims that these events are part of a larger conspiracy by globalists to destabilize the world and bring about their new world order. He condemns American media for being unaware or unwilling to recognize the issue due to their focus on other conflicts such as Gaza. The speaker discusses how al-Qaeda, now known as ISIS, is killing Christians and Jews in the Middle East. He criticizes the Catholic Church for receiving taxpayer money to help illegal immigrants in the United States while promoting gun control despite having their own security measures. Promotions for products like InfowarsStore, Precious Metals from Midas Resources, Harvest Right freeze dryer, spare fuel, and InfoWars Life Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver are also mentioned throughout the show. In relation to the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, Jones criticizes the use of force by police officers and promotes owning guns for self-defense and protection. He expresses anger and frustration at the heavy-handed tactics used by the police, including aiming red dot sights at people's chests from behind armored vehicles. The speaker believes that this is being used as a political diversion by the government to distract from other issues and create division within communities. The discussion also covers various topics including border control, Snowden's potential revelations, market watch reports on retail sales, the role of military in America, political establishment's activities, and looting during riots. The speaker discusses the damage caused by looters during the riots in Ferguson and promotes Infidel Body Armor as an essential protective equipment in turbulent times. Topics such as abortion, satanic rituals, and protecting children from technology influences are also discussed. Finally, promotions for Diamond Gusset jeans, Infowars products, and InfoWarsLife products are mentioned throughout the show."

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, already the 13th day of August, 2014.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
I sent our reporters, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson, as well as our cameraman Josh Owens, to Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St.
And just incredible video up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com of tear gas, riot police, helicopters, you name it.
And they also had live stream that was sent out as well last night.
We're going to be playing some of those videos here today.
And Jakari Jackson will be joining us with Joe Biggs coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Federal snitch is on the scene, stirring up race baiting as usual.
Al Sharpton, he got confronted in Ferguson, Missouri by reporters.
Continuing, FAA issues flight restriction after rioters fired multiple times at police helicopter.
Police reportedly confronting four men with ski masks and shotguns.
Another 20 people had a gun pulled on them, they say, and so they shot the suspect who's now dead.
That's what happened in the early morning hours while reporters on the ground.
Gun sales are up across that area of Missouri in fears of
Wide-scale, intensified rioting.
Jesse Jackson went on to say that there's a Ferguson near you, and that is my concern, that Obama could use tragedies like this, along with Al Sharpton and others, to change the subject from the globalists destroying this country to the controlled
Demolition of the Republic that could change the subject from that and move it over into other issues like the ongoing racial and class division in this country.
Anonymous has released the names, address of wife and children of St.
Louis County Police Chief
I don't think you should ever bring people's children into things.
Also, again, that dovetails with the police saying they won't release the name of the officer who reportedly started all of this whenever the 18-year-old black man was shot.
They claim in a scuffle inside the police car, but haven't shown the evidence.
And the crowds of people claim that during the altercation it was
The police that shot the man who had his hands in the air.
I'd love to give the police the benefit of the doubt, but historically, we see so much covering of the booty by different government agencies and such a history of lying, especially at the higher levels, that I can't blame people for not believing it.
Separately, obviously you can't go around burning down buildings for no reason as you're protesting and stealing liquor.
So that discredits the whole thing right there.
So this situation is continuing to escalate with more riots and looting basically overnight.
We've got a lot of open border news where the judges are basically legalizing the illegals that will show up to the immigration hearings.
Most of the illegals simply just don't even show up to those.
So I have a big stack of news on that front.
Also a weird coincidence, Robin Williams' Family Guide suicide episode aired before news of the actor's death the same night.
Shocking TV viewers, that story's up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's an Infowars.com article by Paul Joseph Watson.
Member of Parliament claims Ebola virus has already arrived in France as governments prepare for a possible pandemic and the Pope approves airstrikes.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it.
Let's have him.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, to this live Wednesday, the 13th day of August 2014 Global Transmission.
While ISIS, ISIS al-Qaeda forces murder hundreds of thousands across Syria and Iraq, over 300 plus thousand in the last four years in Syria, everyone is freaking out over one
Dead 18-year-old man in Ferguson, a suburb of St.
Louis, Missouri.
And police have now shot and critically wounded another suspect near Ferguson when they claimed they engaged four men wearing ski masks with shotguns with a crowd of 20.
And then one of the men pulled a handgun, so they shot him.
And you've got the White House, FBI, Justice Department technicians there in the middle of it like Al Sharpton trying to stir things up.
I saw the video that's up on Infowars.com of Al Sharpton where you get to see his whole body as he's walking with a woman holding his hand, guiding him in.
There's a reason he looks like a reanimated corpse.
Obviously, Al Sharpton is not in good health.
We're showing some of the video now if you're watching us on the TV streams at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
When he turns and walks, you can see him from the side.
He looks like, you know, a zombie from a movie or something.
But, the issue here
Is that the dollars being devalued globally, gold is starting to go back up a little bit.
You've got major destabilization operations going on all over the planet.
You've got arms races starting between China and Japan.
You've got China threatening to invade different islands off the coast of Japan and the Philippines and threatening nuclear war if the US intervenes.
You've got NATO overthrowing Ukraine and major fighting and war intensifying over there.
We've got a member of parliament claiming Ebola virus has arrived in France, India moles moving to the ruble for Russia trade and leaving the dollar.
You add that together with all these other countries that are doing it, like China and Iran and Brazil and so many others.
This is the globalists maneuvering us towards the end of the dollar to bring in their new global SDR.
So that's some of the news we're going to be breaking down today.
The Vatican has approved of Obama airstrikes against IS, and I have approved of those as well.
It says in a rare move, the Vatican has said that they have to have intervention to save the Christians that are being slaughtered.
The problem is, no one's bombing ISIS to stop the killing of Christians.
ISIS was created and set up in Syria and mainly does kill Christians.
That's incontrovertible fact.
300 plus thousand dead, at least 200,000 of them Christians.
Al-Qaeda renaming itself ISIS and then IS to confuse TV viewers, to confuse Americans who are starting to wake up to this.
If they find a Christian, they kill them.
If they find a Jew, they kill them.
When there's a real hijacking of an airplane?
They kill the Christians and the Jews first.
I know it's cause celeb out there and really trendy to just hate Jews, period.
You'll be falling on a banana peel, Jews did it.
I understand that's the big trendy Hollywood thing.
My only issue is that's part of the radicalization and why you can't expect Israel to do peace deals when the common denominator in the Middle East is kill every Jew you find.
Well, let's just move Jews off the table.
With all the trendies out there.
We understand you want them dead.
What about Christians?
Who are doing nothing to anybody and aren't involved in Palestine and Gaza and the rest of it.
What about... Oh, I understand.
It's not a cause celeb to talk about that because precious radical Muslims are doing it and you can't say that there's any Muslim on earth that is an extremist.
They're all perfect, right?
That's the political correctness, correct?
The Vatican approves airstrike despite peace policy.
Military action might be necessary, says Vatican Ambassador to the United Nations.
Fearing a genocide of Christians, the Vatican has given its approval to U.S.
military airstrikes in Iraq, a rare exception to its policy of peaceful conflict resolution.
The Holy See's Ambassador to the United Nations
This weekend supported US airstrikes aimed at halting the advance of Sunni Islamic State IS militants calling for intervention now before it's too late.
And that action might be necessary.
The Vatican vocally disapproved of the U.S.-led campaign in Iraq in 2003, and the 2013 plan for strikes in Syria.
And again, I'm not a Vatican-phile, I'm not even Catholic, but when I see something good going on, I gotta tell ya, I see it as good.
I think it's good that the Vatican was against attacking Libya, Syria, and the 2003 debacle, which has killed hundreds of thousands more Iraqis, any way you look at it.
And I'm against starting a war with Russia.
The Vatican's against that.
I'm against starting a war with Syria and turning it over to Al Qaeda.
The Vatican's against that.
Now, the Vatican promotes world government, the EU, and pantheistic stuff now, which is very bad, and I criticize that.
But see, I don't just criticize people whole hog or praise them whole hog.
When something's good,
We pointed out, you do not hear the mainline churches, Protestant, Evangelical, you name it, in the United States, criticizing the mass murder of Christians worldwide.
There is zero solidarity.
As Christians are killed in Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Orthodox being killed in Eastern Europe, you're hearing zero.
Africa, you name it, out of all these glitter bugs.
And meanwhile, the Catholic Church, along with the other faith-based state-run media, state-run religion here in the U.S., is trying to bust the borders wide open and legalize all the illegals at taxpayers' expense.
And the Catholic Church and others are getting up to $6,000 or $2,000 for each person, but they do it in $6,000 to $7,000 groups.
That's just how they do it for each group of three youth that are being stored.
So they're making money off of it.
That's why I'm against
state-run religion because I don't want to bankroll religion with my tax money.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And so the Southern Baptist Convention and the Vatican have no business getting taxpayer money, period, to bus illegals around the country or to be paid to keep them and to make money off of it.
I mean, it's illegal for the churches to be involved in human smelling to begin with.
The ancient argument is sanctuary, though, that predates the First Amendment, that if somebody ran into the cathedral and the church gave the person sanctuary, the king couldn't even get them out of there.
the famous literary work of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
There's the headline.
This Baptist charity is being paid hundreds of millions to shelter child migrants.
Time Magazine.
See, it's disgusting.
So when I criticize the Baptists or the Catholics for being state-run and helping destroy the country, I don't do it out of hatred of Baptists or hatred of Catholics.
It's not some bigoted religious war.
It's I don't like you using my tax money to wreck my country!
And it's against the law what you're doing!
So see, I go off and do compliment with one hand and attack with the other.
That's how my brain works.
I really try to know the policies.
I really try to know how stuff works.
And I'm sick of the Catholic Church promoting gun control in this country.
I'm gonna throw up!
The Pope's got Swiss Guards and private security with submachine guns and a Popemobile.
Do I get one of those?
No, I don't.
It's my job to protect my family.
So now I'm going to go off into a bashing of the Vatican, Jag.
Because I just got to be honest about everything.
That's what I do.
Israel's doing some stuff that's wrong.
The Palestinians are doing some stuff that's wrong.
But I don't hear a word out of the Palestinians who always arrogantly send me emails that I should, you know, call for the destruction of Israel when I'm not hearing jack squat out of you about the Christians.
How about I hear something out of you about Christians that aren't doing anything to you and have been there for thousands of years before Muhammad showed up?
How about I hear from Muslims about not killing Christians if you're not radical?
How about that?
How about I hear about you criticizing IS?
No, I'm getting threatened by IS websites that are allowed to operate on Twitter and Facebook.
As if threatening me is going to do something.
I'm more stubborn than a mule.
I'm not going anywhere.
By the way, my dad sent me a screenshot this morning, and I've already been confirming it.
We're getting tons of emails.
We need to collate all those, do an article for InfoWars.com, because we need your help, folks, or the enemy's gonna win.
When they attack us, they attack you.
Facebook lets us operate our 7 or 8, what's more than that, we got like 8 big Facebooks with 3 million likes.
One of them has like 800,000, the biggest.
They're not letting most people get our information.
They're blocking it.
And when other people post our videos, they're getting messages saying, this is inappropriate hate, and threatening to suspend their accounts.
So, they want to do this secret censorship under the radar.
Go to Infowars.com, folks.
Get all our articles every day, and hammer Facebook with them.
That's how we'll expose their censorship, is by smoking them out.
Stay with us.
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We're here, folks, Monday through Friday, live, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
The news websites are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
You can follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
And, of course, we have some Facebooks.
And Kit Daniels walked up to me during the break, one of our reporters, and said, Alex, I tried to share last night at, like, midnight
Our videos of the riot police and helicopters and tear gas with our reporters, the live feeds that had then been archived, he tried to share those videos in an article on Facebook and it said, no, you're not allowed to share this on our official big Facebook with 800 plus thousand followers.
And we're just getting emails pouring in about folks that aren't able to share information.
But it's Second Amendment info.
Or it's riot info.
Or it's police info.
And I meant to cover this more yesterday.
Will you guys pull it out of the stack?
The big headline that the bill
is now passed in California to make all cell phone manufacturers have police and governmental commandeering kill switches in them so they can turn off your phones whenever they want.
Now, this software is already in most phones, but now that it's the law and California's the biggest market, this will force globally this to be adopted.
There's the headline, Kill Switch Smartphone Bill Passes in California.
Remember I told you six, seven years ago the plan was to allow music venues, you name it, to have a kill switch so you can't videotape the music?
That was the excuse.
And Apple already put that on all their new phones.
Droid already has it.
Now they're just passing laws to then next say it's illegal to have a cell phone working.
This is how draconian and authoritarian and totalitarian things are getting that
People pretty soon won't even, most folks won't even have cameras.
Or the new cameras that are coming out, I've been to Best Buy, are wireless, have an internet chip in them, and have GPS.
And the camera's like 250 bucks.
And it's 20 megapixel.
And then I'm like, well, let me get something cheaper.
Oh, sorry, they all have GPS now and a chip.
So I looked at the owner's manual, looked it up online a few months ago, and I was looking at cameras for the office, some smaller ones, so we'd have some side units, so all the reporters could carry them with them at all times, even when they're, you know, off work.
Because that's when you tend to catch stuff.
And I looked it up and basically everything, not just your thermostat or your dishwasher or your smartphone, everything's having the smart technology put in it where they'll just kill everything.
They put a code in with all these police wireless networks that Homeland Security's paid for and it shuts everything down.
This is the premeditated, criminal, totalitarian takeover.
And speaking of that, it's up on InfoWars.com, William Binning, number four at the NSA, who was on the show two weeks ago, saying that it's a total police state takeover of America and the world to end freedom.
Now Snowden has come out, Steve Watson article, InfoWars.com, there's a holy bleep moment, smoking gun revelation coming.
Whistleblower says government believes he has information that would be the death of them all politically.
Well, let me tell you, if he's a real high-level leaker, because a lot of what he's put out was already known, if this is all for real on the up-and-up, it isn't a deep-level PSYOP, and I'm not saying it is, I think Snowden's probably real,
If this is the real deal, we know what it is.
The government runs the narcotics, the government runs Al-Qaeda, the government runs the child kidnapping rings.
The criminal group above the government does.
They launder all the money.
They ship the arms everywhere.
We already have Sabel Edmonds, who was the NSA-FBI liaison, Arabic translator, up till 9-11 with them commanding Al-Qaeda, communicating with Osama Bin Laden, ordering stand-downs, shipping drugs, shipping children, shipping weapons.
Right next to compartmentalized FBI and CIA, who are white hats, who don't know this is going on, and are the PR front responding to kidnappings that aren't government-run.
I mean, folks, DynCorp's been caught with aircraft in Houston, Texas, and Belgrade, and you name it.
They've been caught in Serbia, they've been caught in Texas, they've been caught everywhere with planes full of three-year-old kids.
I mean, just look it up in the news.
I mean, literally, UN forces.
Their pure satanic evil runs the country and the world, okay?
Now, they don't have full control of the police and military yet, so they have to act like, oh, these are kooky people.
They had Time Magazine come out and attack us for connecting IS to NATO, the US, Israel, and others, when Netanyahu's on record saying ISIS is helpfully destabilizing the Middle East, and our government's on record with Saudi Arabia arming them.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
See, they call it a hoax.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
No, no, no.
They're the hoax.
They're the hoax.
And our military knows that.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Smithing and do all kinds of things, you know?
Do you even sell guns?
We even, we, well... Oh, God, another rabble slave with a weapon!
Disarm him!
Get the guards!
Disarm him immediately!
Where's one of the slaves?
Have a weapon!
Raise the alarm!
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
And yet, having a gunshin' without a presumption to know what's going on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I went looking one day on the internet just to see what I could find.
When I heard this talk show maniac just proudly speaking his mind.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I want to thank you Alex for opening my eyes and helping the blind to see.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones And have an abduction without a presumption to know what's going on Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones
All the talking heads on the TV screen with an arrogance fisting face.
Talkin' about what's been a-goin' on around the world and here in our nation.
They all seem to turn like a pack of wolves when Alex goes on the air.
In spite of the facts, they launch their attacks and I just don't think it's fair.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I get cabinet gumption, without a presumption to know what's a-goin' on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic bones.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
Yeah, I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
And ladies and gentlemen... I'm the Christian leader!
Never mind skull and bones!
Never mind bohemian growth!
Never mind my actual policies!
Just buy my rhetoric, buy my lies, because you're all my slaves!
We're gonna put in a Democrat leader who works for the exact same people, and you're gonna love it when they do it!
All you Democrats that hate the Patriot Act, and all you Democrats that hate the police state, you're certainly gonna love it!
Visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I was wearing a George Bush mask there if you're a radio listener and couldn't see that.
We have free video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We have a free iPhone app at InfoWars.com as well.
That's Robert Ownby, a popular InfoWars.com radio listener fan song.
There are so many great fan videos and fan songs out there that really aren't about being Alex Jones fans so much as it's about being a fan of liberty and promoting independent media and trying to support an operation that is under continual attack with a huge Facebook censorship campaign where we can't even share Second Amendment videos or articles or our articles about what's happening in Ferguson, Missouri.
Our reporters were sharing archives of live streams they'd done.
Because right after you finish a live stream in archives, we were sharing articles and archives of that.
Very fair reporting, by the way.
Showing both sides, as everyone has witnessed here, trying to find the truth, with the fourth night of rioting and another person shot and killed by police.
And notice it's for COG.
It's for continuity of government, as they call it.
This is all a test through Facebook and other systems of censoring keywords, censoring certain photos, censoring certain information.
So Kit Daniels, right now, is in there writing a story about Facebook censoring us.
And if they get away with this, they're going to get away with it with everybody.
They're already starting to censor people exposing the wide open borders.
People say, well, Facebook is Zuckerberg's business.
It's his pump and dump.
It's his fraud.
Let him do it.
They advertise as you bring your info, your photos, your information.
That's what gives it value.
You follow their terms of use and then they go and cheat you and claim you're violating them and that you are violent or an extremist.
When clearly that wouldn't hold up in a court of law and start blocking you, sharing your pro-Second Amendment ideas or information, just like banks everywhere aren't letting sporting goods stores that even sell ammo have bank accounts anymore.
That is economic siege.
That's what Hitler did the first seven years he was in power, from 1933 to 1940, before he started rounding everybody up in mass.
This is classic totalitarianism to use a managed, centralized economy to shut down anybody they don't agree with.
And it's the opposite of liberalness and inclusiveness in a pluralistic society.
It's a fraud.
And so we have InfoWars.com.
And PrisonPlanet.com, our own websites that get attacked, and they try to hack, and all sorts of other dirty tricks I won't go into.
And we have PrisonPlanet.tv so you can see the nightly news, see all the films archived in HD, so when we do get censored, you've got something to fall back to.
And we do have other platforms, and the films on DVD and Blu-ray, so you can have them in your archive down the road if the censorship gets worse.
And you also, when you buy the books, the videos, the films, it supports the overall operation.
Literally, 99% of what we do is free.
It is that small percentage that buys the high-quality InfoWars Life products and buy the Molon Labe t-shirts and have the PrisonPlanet.tv memberships that literally fund everyone else, 20 million people a week now, to be able to see or listen to this show.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
That's why we're having 10% off until next Monday for the back to brainwashing special to counter the back to the government training camps situation that starts next week for many victims out there to be taught how to be mindless trendies.
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You can go in there, get some high quality products, and know that you're buying war bonds in the most savage, truthful, openly aggressive, pro-freedom operation out there.
I mean, we are taking action, ladies and gentlemen.
And if we get more funds, we are going to be able to hire even more reporters so we're not short-staffed here with the nightly news and the radio show and the filmmaking and the special reports when I send Jakari Jackson and Josh Owens and
Joe Biggs to St.
Louis, Missouri and Ferguson to give you the hardcore, on-the-ground reporting in a war zone with people getting killed of what's happening.
I want to hire more reporters.
I need to hire at least five more.
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All I know is it works.
And they're trying to censor us at every level, folks, so don't take the fact that we have a Facebook or a Twitter for granted.
Don't take Infowars for granted.
Don't take Drudge Report or WorldNetDaily for granted.
Don't take TalkRadio for granted.
They're trying to bring in the Fairness Doctrine again.
This isn't a game.
This is real totalitarianism.
I know you know that.
We take you live to Ferguson, Missouri, on the outskirts of St.
Louis, where since last Saturday night when a black man, 18-year-old young man, was shot dead, witnesses said with his hands up, police say inside the police car basically, but they haven't shown the evidence of that yet, haven't released the officer's name.
Again, I just have to hold back on judgment because we don't know yet.
I don't trust the system, obviously.
I also don't trust a bunch of looters running around burning things down and, you know, saying that's how you protest, because that discredits any real protest.
If people would have defended themselves if people see cops shooting innocent people, that's another thing.
I would support that.
But Jakari Jackson joins us.
He's been there since yesterday evening, working throughout the night.
Doing just an incredible job with Joe Biggs and Josh Owens.
Jakari, tell us what you witnessed there.
You're right in front of the mini-mart that's burned down right behind you.
Jakari, pretty incredible videos you filed last night.
Tell us what you saw.
Thank you.
Ja'Kari Jackson reporting for InfoWars.com.
Now, as you alluded to, we are in Ferguson, Missouri.
The site where riots broke out over the weekend following the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.
Now, the reports are contradictory, but even if the official police narrative is true, and that's a big if, that after a scuffle with Brown, the police chased him down, having shot him, then shot him again multiple times while he was fleeing.
You can't shoot an unarmed suspect, especially one that's running away from you.
So there are some big concerns about that.
Wow, that's been confirmed?
Boy, they're trying to... I didn't know that.
Well, that's the story.
That's the story that they're giving.
We don't know exactly what happened.
You know, the people were saying that he wasn't even having a confrontation with the police.
He pretty much had his hands up.
As we saw last night, the peaceful protesters we encountered saying, hands up, don't shoot.
So, like I said, the reports are contradictory at this point.
So we came out here last night and days prior we had known about the riots and all the things going on.
You can see the evidence of several riots behind me.
This is the Quick Trip store that was burned horrifically.
I don't know if they have plans to open this facility again.
I wouldn't blame them if they never did.
So this place was vandalized, people looting, people stealing the ATM out of this facility, and I'm sure many of our viewers have now seen the
The gentleman saying that, hey, this is what you're supposed to do when the police come and bring violence to your community.
I disagree with that.
People are lashing out.
They're angry.
They have the right to be angry.
But you don't submit that anger to your own community.
You don't say, I'm mad at the cops, so let's go burn down the mini mart right around the corner.
You know, that's a completely dumb thing to do.
But the people we met last night, they were largely peaceful.
You know, they had some harsh words for the police, but they weren't being physically violent.
And the police responded.
Maybe we can get a shot, turn around and show you where the police blockade was.
Right where you see the camera aimed right now, that's where the police blockade was.
They have the big military-type vehicles, the guys out here with the riot shields, the heavy armor, the snipers on top of the vehicle, and that's the thing I want to talk about, Alex, because we were out here, as I said, many of the people, well, most of the people,
We're uh, calm, calm people.
You did have some people yelling slurs at the officers and so forth.
And for some reason, some guy thought it would be a good idea to throw a water bottle at the police and things got hot for a second but quickly cooled down.
But talking about the sniper, there was a sniper on top of one of these vehicles aiming a loaded gun at people who were standing in the street with their hands up.
We released that video on InfoWars.com and I was doing my rounds in the mainstream media today and I didn't see anybody talking about the sniper putting red dots on your chest if you dare stand into a street that was blocked off from both ends.
That is huge and we have video of this.
I mean I would get mad if a red dot was on me and I didn't have a weapon and I wasn't threatening people.
One time I was protesting the Klan, we have video of this, and
I was sitting there in a t-shirt and blue jeans with my camera guy, Mike Hanson, and they said, look at the parking garage, and the cops, the sheriff's department, had their rifles aimed at me.
So I guess it's just this form of intimidation.
Did they aim a rifle at you, Jakari?
Well, they were aiming rifles.
You see all guys, uh, I don't know how well you can see on the iPhone, but we do have some high-def footage that's coming up soon on Infowars.com.
Guys, uh, hiding behind the big military vehicles aiming guns at the crowd.
I didn't personally get a red dot on my chest, but, you know, maybe I looked, you know, too professional for them to do that.
So we don't want to intimidate the reporters.
And another thing I want to talk about, the misinformation, the compartmentalization of the police themselves.
As I said, we have the blockade over here, but there is also a blockade further down the street on West Fluorescent.
And the officers had that blocked off as well.
And I said, officer, can we go down the street?
He said, you can walk down the street, you just can't drive.
We don't want any car traffic.
We said, fine.
And I also asked the officer, I said, is there a PIO or somebody else I can talk to?
He said, yeah, go down the street, pass the quick trip, the PIO's down there.
I said, great.
So we walked down the street, and I tried to approach the officers, but as I already pointed out, if you got anywhere near the police who are all hiding behind the big military vehicles, they pointed a red dot at you.
So, hey, go down there and talk to the PIO who's hiding behind the, you know, the snipers and the red dots and all that stuff.
And that's how they're pretty much silencing the media here.
And we talked to other journalists here as well, local journalists, people from other affiliates, and they said, yeah, pretty much, if we can't get a statement, they won't let us talk to us.
We even saw a couple of journalists out here with body armor, so I guess they expected things to get pretty hot.
Well, I mean, no police have been hurt.
I know a helicopter reportedly got shot at.
But, I mean, this is like an occupying army.
And I'm not just trying to bash the police, but come on.
Black armored vehicles, pointing red dots at reporters and people.
That is outrageous.
And I would get... I mean, I'm just telling people, I would get very upset if I'm standing there with my hands up and the cops are aiming red dots at my chest, hiding behind armored vehicles like total cowards.
I mean, they shouldn't have got into this profession.
If they're just running around basically going to the bathroom in their pants at the sight of a bunch of teenagers.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, that's right.
And as you saw the videos last night, people got down in the street, walking around with their hands up, you know, even got down on the ground, not so much in a submission, but showing their solidarity.
A protest.
Hey, we're not out here.
Yeah, protesters, not the looters.
We saw looters in Dade Pass, but nobody was looting last night, at least in our area.
And people said, hey, you know, we're out here, we're being strong, we're just trying to show
Again, the miracle of Skype is with us, but Jakari's video, very crisp video of your TV viewer, just cut out.
We're going to reconnect with him, and we're going to let him continue on.
With his excellent breakdown, and then we're going to continue into the next hour with Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs reporting with his military perspective.
Staff Sergeant retired on this, but I mean, I tell you, man, cops pointing their rifles with red dots at you.
Uh, I know with the different state laws and things, uh, unless you think you're an imminent threat and an individual is brandishing a weapon, to point a loaded gun at them, uh, is, uh, violates the use of force.
I think it's extreme.
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Again, you're listening to live global coverage of what Jesse Jackson says could go nationwide.
Ferguson, nights of rioting and some looting.
And the police now are basically keeping the media out and aiming rifle laser scopes at people's chests.
I guess it's an attempt at intimidation.
And another individual they claim that was
Pointed a handgun at him, got shot last night.
And the real problem here is this will be used as a political diversion, away from everything else Obama's doing, getting communities just to fight with each other.
Jakari Jackson, of course, two years ago, the regular army trained for martial law in different areas of St.
Louis and surrounding suburbs.
Have any of the locals brought that up or what is their sense of what happened and how long do you think this could go on?
Well I think it will continue but like I said it's been going on since I guess Sunday or so and there are a lot of people out here last night and people said they're going to keep coming so we'll try to be out here tonight as well.
Their sense of it you know they view it as general police brutality they say this thing happens all too often in their community especially if you know if their side of the story is true that Michael Brown
Post no threat, and I definitely believe that's possible.
Walking around with his hands up, you know, didn't want to be in a confrontation with the police.
And also, people did recognize.
They say, you know, this is a police state.
We encountered several individuals last night on our Ustream who knew about their Bill of Rights, who recognized they had a First Amendment right, who recognized that this is a police state, that you don't need all these police officers out here in such a way.
I understand the police side of it, you know, that you've had riots, you know, they burned down this building.
I understand why you want to have a police presence out here.
But the big military vehicles aiming a sniper at somebody's chest, that is completely over the top.
And I think, you know, somebody needs to address that at the police department to say why they felt it was necessary to aim a sniper rifle at somebody who's walking in the street with their hands up.
Yeah, I think you guys should go down to the police department and file a complaint that you witnessed unarmed people with their hands up exercising their First Amendment while police from concealment aimed, I know you're firearms guys, maybe you know what type of rifle or handgun it was, Shaqari, but we do have video of this and I would get upset by guys up on the dash of a vehicle up on the hood
of an MRAP.
Yeah, I mean, it's completely ridiculous.
Like you can see clearly in the videos, there's a good distance between everybody and the police officers, especially the guy who had his hands up in the street.
He's probably a good 100 yards away from the officer, at least that, and the guy's aiming the rifle at his chest.
And I definitely want to point out to people, this is what they use to justify the police state.
This is what they use to justify the MRAPs and the heavy armor and the snipers.
They say, look what happened in Ferguson.
So that's why we need all these big armored trucks.
That's why we need all these other armaments to stop situations like that.
So, you know, just to anybody out there, definitely be peaceful.
There's a right way to protest.
There's a wrong way to loot.
And you don't want to do that.
You don't want to give them any excuse to have the things that they have.
That's right.
You're supposed to loot like the Foreign Federal Reserve with tens of trillions in banker bailouts.
That's okay.
But if you get mad and a few thugs take advantage of the police covering a protest, you know, to rob a store, well, let's blame everybody for that.
Again, it's two separate events.
What really happened with the young man needs to be looked at, investigated.
We don't endorse the looting either, but we don't endorse police aiming lasers at peaceful men, women, and children's chests playing Army.
It's just such a joke, Ja'Kari.
We're going to come back.
We're going to come back and talk to Sha'Carri Jackson from Ferguson, Missouri, right outside St.
And then we're going to talk to Joe Biggs and get his perspective.
Maybe walk up and get some closer shots of the burned out buildings.
Second Hour coming up.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Jakari Jackson on the aftermath of another night of demonstrations.
No looting that he saw.
Another death.
Police shot someone else dead.
I tell ya, it doesn't look good having the police all behind armored vehicles pointing laser scopes at people's chests when no police have been assaulted.
I know a helicopter got shot at, they say.
But it's easy for people to shoot some blanks off as a false flag.
And I will tell you, police departments do do that to gain what they see the propaganda upper hand.
This is all part of this Machiavellian world where everybody engages in BS.
Not me, folks.
I just want to be a straight shooter.
Try to find out the truth, because the crowds can lie too and say, you know, they shot an unarmed man.
Except so many times the cops say, oh no, he pulled a gun on us, he attacked us, and then you see the video and the guy's in handcuffs on the ground and they shoot him in the back.
Or the cops say a homeless guy's attacking him and you see the video and he's on the ground with eight cops sitting on him beating his brains out.
You know, I've just seen too much of that.
And you get a lot of cops on steroids and
They're all militarized and they want to be in a fight.
They're all dressed up, nowhere to go, and it's just a bad scenario.
Because you turn into a military and you treat the public like an enemy, the public will start treating you like an enemy.
And then all the armored vehicles and all the camo in the world, when the globalists stage a false flag and point the military and the police at the American people,
Veterans and gun owners and libertarians and conservatives and Christians don't fight back burning down mini-marts, just so everybody knows.
We don't fight back blowing up federal buildings like the feds did in 95 to blame us.
We fight back exposing the names of the people that did blow it up.
But we will defend ourselves.
And the American people will absolutely kick the butt of the paramilitary police and military if they're dumb enough to start a fight with us.
But that's the plan is that stage civil war, which will then wipe out the police and military to bring in the next wave.
Just like they've done in Iraq.
Iraq is the model of the U.S.
A 20-year protracted deindustrialization, civil war, breakdown, and final invasion of U.N.
globalist forces as saviors.
Jakari, you've done a great job and you're going to follow more HD reports for the Nightly News tonight, but other points in the two minutes we've got left before we come back and talk to Joe Biggs.
Yeah, we'll just go ahead and get started, Alex, showing you a little bit of the surroundings out here of this quick trip that was burned down.
You can see, first of all, this is the sign right here.
You can see the holes in the sign, also the spray paint on the sign.
I don't know how well he can make it out, but it says snitches that somebody spray painted
And it was my understanding that some of the earlier rioters and looters thought that Quick Trip had snitched to the police.
It's my understanding that that never happened.
Just, you know, another excuse to do any means necessary.
Will they burn down Al Sharpton's hotel because he's an FBI snitch?
Well, actually, I heard it that somebody even asked him if he was an FBI informant.
I don't know what they think about it.
Let's look at some of this.
You can see some of the spray-painted graffiti.
It's all been covered over.
The pumps over here.
And there's even graffiti on the ground in some places.
Didn't it say kill pigs before?
Oh yeah, further on down the street we saw a sign, somebody sprayed paint that said die pigs, die.
So they're definitely very angry at the police.
We'll get here closer to the quick trip now.
It's very sad to me because Quick Trip started in Oklahoma, and to see this happen to one of their facilities is very disheartening.
But hopefully they'll look at this and try to remedy the situation to make sure these things don't happen again.
But as you can see, all the damage here.
Tell you what, Jakari, come back and finish your report with the video feed you've got and then we're going to talk to Joe Bigg.
Stay there and you can hand the baton over to Joe here in just a moment.
Great job.
We'll be back to get more HD up-close video for everybody straight ahead.
Then we'll get into all the geopolitical news and what could Snowden's next big revelation be.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Our reporters are on the ground in Ferguson, Missouri, another night of demonstrations, another black man shot dead by police.
We have video that we just showed earlier of police behind armored vehicles, the big armored vehicles that police departments are getting from the Pentagon, aiming their rifles with laser sights on people's chest, who are completely peaceful.
Absolutely outrageous how militarized this country has gotten.
Simply, simply unbelievable.
But meanwhile, the military and the police and the Border Patrol are told to run from the Mexican cartels when they shoot at them.
And they're allowed to kill whoever they want.
The border is basically wide open.
But if you try to protest in America, you are El Diablo.
Coming up after we talk to Joe Biggs and get his take on what he's witnessed.
We already talked to Shikari Jackson.
We're going to finish up with him briefly giving a tour of the gas station grocery store that got burned to the ground.
Snowden says there's a holy bleep smoking gun revelation coming.
Whistleblower says government believes he has information that would be the death of them all politically.
Continuing, ladies and gentlemen, Gold Buoyed
On weaker-than-expected retail sales, Market Watch, Bank of England governor confirms contingency plans after Scottish bank run warning.
Hagel is in the news, Secretary of Defense saying, quote, the whole world is blowing up.
Really, the State Department said two weeks ago that Obama has brought an unprecedented era of tranquility to the world.
Of course, Obama doesn't run anything, but it just shows the total bull.
Here's another report.
ATF's proposed 48-hour lost gun reporting rule sparks industry backlash where they get to arrest or lock up gun shops if UPS doesn't track exactly where guns are at or FedEx or USPS.
It's your job and you go to jail outside of law.
They just want to change regulations so they can lock you up in their dungeon.
And by the way, uh, page six is reporting, golfers frisked as Obama unexpectedly arrives at Martha's Vineyard Club.
Oh, the emperor has randomly arrived at your golf course.
Now we're going to frisk everyone randomly.
You've already been trained at the airports to do that.
You've learned you're a prisoner.
The God is here.
And of course, the wealthy golfers at one of the most elitist golf clubs in the world, the Vineyard Golf Club, were gobsmacked when President Obama unexpectedly strolled onto a nearby green and they were immediately frisked.
There was no warning he was coming.
Oh, the emperor?
Oh, you thought you lived in a free country?
Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein could stand around with 10,000 people with AK-47s shooting them in the air and no one was shooting.
But when a general goes around, our own military is disarmed.
That's because they know they're an enemy operation, literally squatting on us, preying on us, and they're total cowards, and they know they've committed incredible crimes, and they think everyone's out to get them and out to kill them.
I don't want anything to happen to the pathetic puppet Obama.
Because we're not going to let them rehabilitate him politically and have Hillary distance herself.
We're going to just wreck him politically, wreck her, we're going to just pile on all their crimes, and they're going to be poster boys and girls for the kleptocratic, fake liberal, pseudo-intellectual, hardcore, vicious, un-American, fascist, anti-free speech, dirtbag, al-Qaeda funding, filth of the earth.
With their EAS systems and Obama's now commandeering phones and making announcements and they're passing bills to kill switch all your electronics whenever they want.
I mean it is just over the top.
This technocracy they've built and have denied building.
I'm going to speculate on what the big Snowden revelations are.
I know what the NSA is already doing.
So I'm going to break that down at the bottom of the hour and take your phone calls.
I want to get your take on all the news we've been covering today.
Open phones, longtime callers, first-time callers, people that agree, disagree, got a question, got a comment.
We've got this big, stinking, illegitimate facade that's stealing everything not nailed down, totally trying to screw society up so we're too stupid and confused to realize that they're robbing us.
It's like they set a fire across town at the school so they can rob the bank.
That's a military tactic to have the fog of war to confound them.
I remember reading old naval logs that were republished years ago.
I find them fascinating, actual logs of battles and stuff, but they would also have the prayers the British Navy would say about, you know, we pray Lord you confound and confuse the enemy and that our different distractions and diversions might be accepted by them and that you guide us with total focus and precision and dedication to smash the enemy and have victory or in failure still know the great glory of the service against our enemies
I'm basically paraphrasing it.
And that's the prayers they say at Skull and Bones.
That's the prayers they say at MSNBC as they salute foreign flag officers.
I mean, this is a mechanized operation!
But they pose and go, ah, liberal.
Oh, I have a liberal voice.
I have a trendy gay marriage.
While they're just stealing trillions out the back door, putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, poisoning everything, GMOs, steroids, total world government, child snuff films, giant money laundering operations, trillions a year in narcotics traffic, total command bases, underground fortresses.
Satanic worship at Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, force bases, nuclear missile command bases, deep orbit, particle beams, savage life extension fortresses, gay marriage, total... Did you read the New York Times?
Oh, we're such intellectuals!
I mean, you people live in the Matrix that think I'm a kook.
And White House, you know, connected groups write articles when I talk about begging trendies to listen to me.
Alex says no one's listening to them, and he's begging people to listen to him as his credibility falters and as his popularity implodes.
And yeah, uh-huh, and Kate Upton's ugly.
This show is exploding in popularity.
People are listening all over the place.
Massive, massive awakening is taking place.
Massive awakening is taking place.
And then I read these articles that are just meant with their little echo chamber socialist followers to read it and to feel like they're the establishment and they're trendy and they're winning.
I mean, it's literal mind control of a bunch of pathetic mental midgets busy talking about how smart they are.
Let's go now to Jakari Jackson to finish up with his report and go to Joe Biggs to get his military perspective, because I know he's been in a lot of martial law areas, to get his take on what he saw there last night in Ferguson.
If he liked seeing people have laser systems pointed at their chest, because from what I've seen in military situations, checkpoint videos, unless they're getting fired at or things are really dangerous, you're not aiming guns at people's chest.
Unless you think that they're about to attack you.
That's very provocative.
So we'll learn if he even did stuff like that against enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq in a moment with Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
But first off, Jakari, any other points?
Yes, Jakari Jackson reporting from Ferguson, Missouri, the site of the riots following the shooting death of one Michael Brown.
Now, we're here at the Quick Trip store, and I want to point out to you, Alex, the Quick Trip store that was burned down.
When it all hit the fan, this is all the employees had to fight back with.
This one little extinguisher.
Maybe they had a
A couple more in the story, but this is what the armaments were that they had to fight back with.
They had to put out the fires to defend themselves.
That's pretty much all they had when the looters came.
And it's just, it goes to tell you all the people who say, why do you need this?
Why do you need that to defend yourself?
Because, you know, a fire hydrant isn't going to stop a whole big fire.
A fire hydrant isn't going to stop a bunch of looters who come into your store.
And I'm not blaming Quick Trip for that.
I just want people to realize this.
This is why you need your Second Amendment.
So looking more at the damage here.
It's what you see.
It's all tore up.
You see the wires hanging from the roof, charred down, nothing usable.
And I've been in several Quick Trip stores during my life.
Like I said, they're based in Oklahoma.
And, you know, I can imagine what this used to look like, you know, with the soda fountains and all that.
But there's nothing here but just charred remains.
Well, Jakari, I just want to point out, somebody tries to come burn up our operation, or any business I'm in, or my house, or my family, they're going to get met with the Second Amendment.
Now, I know that's blasphemy to the socialists that have been conditioned to just bend over and get raped, but not me.
And, of course, notice we interviewed the gun shop owner.
They were right down the street and right next door to a place that got looted.
They didn't get looted because they had AR-15s.
Yeah, we went to that location last night and we saw how
You know, it's pretty much a clean area.
Like, you have the gun shop and a couple shops on either side that were pretty much completely untouched.
And then up and down the street either side, the Dolly General, some other stores.
They even raided a Christian day school for whatever reason.
They bashed out one of their windows.
I'm not exactly sure what the looters planned to find in there.
But yeah, other than that, you know, the gun shop owners, they stood their ground and they made sure that the protesters knew that, you know, this isn't a place that you want to come.
Well, that's what it comes down to, and automobiles are much more dangerous than firearms, but people don't have any reverence of them.
This .357 Magnum that I've had in the radio studio for 10 years, of course I've got an AR-15 right over there as well, or an M4, and then we've got, of course, .308 Reapers, .50 Cals, whatever we need.
I mean, it's not that we're even living in fear, we're living in strength, we're living in security, we're living in the fact that it's our job to protect ourselves.
And just like you alluded to, you know, the police were very busy the night of or the night of these riots.
And even talking to some of the guys in that area over there near the gun shop, they said, hey, you know, we're not so much mad at the police.
We know they had a lot of stuff going on.
They couldn't put out every fire, so to speak.
So that's why we defended ourselves.
You know, it's not so much us against them dealing with the police.
We stood our own ground, and when we had a visible presence out here, nobody wanted to mess with us.
Like, they passed over, you know?
Like those stories in the Bible, you know, they passed over.
They said, we don't want anything to do with those guys.
So that's why you need to have armaments to protect yourself.
Jakari Jackson reporting from Missouri.
Thank you so much.
We're now going to go to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired, and get his perspective here in a moment.
As a veteran, multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, who ran a lot of security duties, a lot of checkpoints, you name it, I want to get his take on the overall response and what he thinks about all this from Ferguson, Missouri.
We just skipped this network break.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we will be taking your phone calls and getting in to the latest Ferguson revelations, but also the latest Snowden revelations that he says can break down the entire Western system.
It'll come out they're running little kids and stuff.
They'll probably get medals.
They'll probably say if you aren't for being a pedophile and, you know, snuff filming three-year-olds, you're a racist.
And then they'll probably become something they teach in public school.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
At this point, they'll probably have Christian churches endorse it or something.
I mean, that's how sick these state-run churches are.
But is there anything I'll bring down this corrupt system?
Because the system is run by evil people.
That's why all of it top-down is illegitimate.
I don't know what we replace it with because the society is so corrupt as well.
We now go to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired, reporting from the outskirts of St.
Louis there in Ferguson, the epicenter of what is becoming the new Trayvon Martin scandal with a professional FBI provocateur.
Race baiter, COINTELPRO officer, Al Sharpton, there on the scene trying to start things up along with Reverend Jesse, FBI operative, was there helping set up Martin Luther King Jackson.
So, according to people that were there.
But again, joining us, Joe Biggs, you've been there, I don't know your take yet, I'm about to find it out.
You shot a lot of that video last night with Josh Owens and Jakari, what's your take on it?
Joe Biggs, Infowars.com, standing outside of the QT in Ferguson, Missouri.
Last night was very intense, Alex.
I mean, emotions were high.
You know, we got out here, and like Jakari had said earlier, the police told us we could walk down this way, and it's about a mile walk.
And they said that we'd be able to speak to somebody.
And it was crazy.
We didn't even see the riot police standing and blocking the bridge.
We automatically headed straight over here to this, uh, this quick trip and started filming.
And I could hear a clash like the, uh, the baton against the shield.
And we looked over to the right and these guys were lined up, ready to go.
And at this time, there weren't many people out.
They were standing in front of their vehicles about 45 minutes later.
I would say about 10 to 15 vehicles started driving down the road, and behind them, anywhere from 150 to almost 200 locals from the area were marching down with their hands up, screaming, hands up, don't shoot, and chanting that they want justice.
Now, we've got the video of them with the guns on the dashboards and on the hoods of the armored vehicles, aiming them at people.
It's HD.
Jakari says he did witness the red lights.
I've seen in some of the video what appears to be red lights.
We need to blow that up and illustrate that for people.
You know, expand that HD video.
Zoom in on it for folks.
Did you witness that?
And if so, what type of firearms did they have trained
On the peaceful protesters chest?
Yeah, I saw that up to I would say anywhere from 10 to 12 times.
I saw one of the officers point the rifle with a laser beam on someone's chest.
Um, like Jakari had said earlier there, there's a clearly marked line across the road right before you cross over into the bridge area.
Most of the protesters sat there on their knees or stood up with their hands up in the air.
If you cross that line as a protester,
They automatically put that red dot on your chest.
Josh was able to get his camera and work with the lie a little bit and he asked me to come over and I looked at the camera and I could see the guy carrying what seemed to be an AR-15 with something on the bottom.
I was assuming it was probably a 203 grenade launcher that they can use to put tear gas and smoke into to shoot.
On top of that he had, you know, a laser mounted on top of that as well with a pretty big sight.
You know, they were sitting there.
You could hear them when we walked around the side a little bit.
You could hear them communicate back and forth, say, hey, move the lights.
We can't see this guy.
Hey, this guy just moved his hand and they were moving the laser around back and forth on people.
You know, at this point.
Most of the riot police had moved behind the MRAPs that were, you know... Do the police there, I mean I know these are Sheriff's Department and City Police, do they have any idea what's going to happen if they mow down a crowd of black people?
This country is going to burn to the ground.
And it is extremely provocative that the cops are doing that.
I want to say right now, that police chief needs to stop them, or he needs to have that city council shut him down right now.
Well they need to come out and give a statement as to what their side is right now because, you know, as you know, last night another shooting happened.
Another person was critically wounded out here in Ferguson, a mile away from where we were, just, you know, moments after we had left this area.
You know, last night the mobbing was happening.
The people were, you know, gathering up in numerous parts of the town.
The spot we were at last night that we came to was by far the largest gathering of people protesting with the bullhorns and all that.
But there was another spot about a mile behind us where there were people that started gathering after we started pulling away.
And it was just intense everywhere.
Disperse now!
Or you'll be arrested!
Yeah, you could hear them, and they were also telling people as well to get out of here.
You know, you couldn't be here.
And we're basically inciting a curfew, you know, telling the local residents that they could not be out on the streets.
Well, I get the fact that you can bring a curfew in and martial law if there's looting and stuff, but this is day four last night.
There wasn't any looting going on.
Looters would have been back in the dark doing it.
These are people protesting a lot better looking crowd of older folks, well-dressed people, a lot of really concerned looking people.
The first night was a bunch of thugs using Craigslist, we confirmed, to use this as an excuse to go rob stuff.
But the next two nights, it's concerned people from what I've seen on the video.
Is that an accurate statement or is it incorrect, Joe?
Oh, that's very accurate.
I mean, one of the guys we spoke to last night, right towards the end, very well-educated, very articulate man, and he said that, you know, from what he believed, most of the people that were riding around here, you know, the initial time when that happened, weren't even from this actual area right here.
Most of the people here from this area
Yeah, it's on record that a bunch of thugs from other parts of St.
Louis came down there to join in on the fun.
Right now, there are people walking up and down the streets, families with children, you know, anywhere from three years old all the way up to, I've seen, sixty years old.
The community's out walking around right now with shovels, with trash bags.
Well, it's going to be just like V for Vendetta.
I keep telling people this.
They're going to shoot a crowd when things collapse.
Somebody's going to shoot a kid.
A bullet's going to go through somebody and hit a kid.
And then all hell's going to break loose.
And I don't care what the police departments do.
Everybody's going to join in, and the police are going to make themselves the enemy, which is what the globalists want.
We do not want an us-against-them mentality.
And the police, I can see them having riot batons, or people charge them, pointing guns at them, or something like that with rubber bullets.
But when you are pointing live ammo at people with laser sights to try to intimidate them, all that does is make people angry.
Now, I am told somebody threw a water bottle at the police.
Yeah, that's when things got pretty heated because I didn't actually see, I was looking right at the actual riot police because they were just now moving the vehicles around.
This is mainly the Sheriff's Department, correct?
The bottle came overhead and hit the ground and I just heard a thud and I kind of like, you know, bent over a little bit because I didn't know what happened.
And all you could hear was screaming, everyone's running off.
That person's an idiot.
That person's an idiot.
Everyone in the crowd was like, why would you do that?
You're going to get someone killed.
We're trying to be here peacefully.
Minutes later, everyone got down, they said a prayer, and they were talking about
You know, how they wanted to bring change that what's going on here, the violence is no way to solve a problem because all this did was hurt their community.
This is a gas station that people went to every day to fill up before they went to work and to buy things for their family.
Now they no longer have that.
If you look over here to the left, you can see people out here.
They're actually part of the cleanup crew to help get this place back together again.
I'll tell you what, we're going to break.
I want to spend five more minutes with you to talk to that, guys.
You know, tell those folks coming up that you're live on air and see if they want to talk to us.
Joe Biggs, we'll come back after break and talk to you, get some final comments and talk to those folks that are walking up.
And then I will go to your phone calls, Felicia, Mac, Artie, Matthew, Kyle, and others.
Then I'll get into Snowden.
The story's up on Infowars.com.
He says there's a holy bleep smoking gun revelation coming.
Whistleblower says government believes he has information that would, quote, be the death of them all politically, close quote.
I am Alexander Emmerich Jones reporting from Austin, Texas.
Our valiant reporters, Jakari Jackson, Josh Owens, and Joe Biggs are on the ground in Missouri.
It could be the beginning of national martial law if people aren't careful.
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They're saying it's in France.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Member of Parliament claims Ebola virus has arrived in France.
That story's coming up.
Infowars.com now accepts Bitcoin.
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So InfoWars now accepts Bitcoin.
That article is up on InfoWars.com, and the video, there's video of Federal Snitch, Reverend Sharpton,
Confronted in Ferguson, Missouri.
It looks like he's dying in the video, man.
He's got some lady helping him walk.
And a former Marine warns of terrifying militarized occupation of America.
That's some of the video.
Gun control.
Moves by the ATF, video of snipers pointing laser scopes at unarmed Ferguson protesters, and more on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Going back to Joe Biggs to finish up.
Joe, with your experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, undoubtedly very dangerous places, where you yourself got shot and blown up a couple times in armored vehicles,
I've just talked to a lot of veterans and also watched a lot of videos.
Generally, unless somebody was doing something really suspicious, I didn't see troops aiming guns at them.
I saw a lot of videos of protests in Afghanistan and Iraq, and I wouldn't really see people aiming guns at them.
People would have guns, there'd be guns on armored vehicles ready to be swung up, but
You didn't point guns at general crowds because obviously that would make them hate you.
That tended to escalate things.
Am I incorrect in saying that that was army policy that made sense?
Or correct me, I mean, compare that, what you experienced in war zones, to having laser pointers, you know, laser sights on AR-15s pointed at peaceful protesters.
Well, what you do in a situation like that is called the low ready.
And like you said, you don't have your weapon pointed up at anybody.
You have your, you know, the weapon cocked down with the muzzle pointing at the ground where you could quickly bring it up if need be, if there's a threat.
It's called the low ready.
And you use that as a non-threatening way when you're in a situation like that.
Last night, what we encountered when we were told we could come and talk to the public information officer down here, we were not met with a low ready.
We were met with
Intent to shoot you know these guys had at the at the ready Pointing at people having a laser on them.
You know as a veteran.
I don't quite appreciate you know serving my country and then Coming into this town this police state a complete militarization of what's going on I mean basically what this is is martial law happening right here in Ferguson I don't like when I come up there, and they're pointing a gun at me I
Especially when I've done nothing and everyone's hands are up in the air.
You know, it's complete lawlessness.
These guys were out of control.
I mean, it was way too much force for what was here.
You know, you don't shoot an elephant with an artillery round.
It just doesn't make sense.
If you guys did stuff like this in Iraq or Afghanistan, what would have happened?
They would start throwing bottles at us, someone would call the Taliban, and then more than likely we would get ambushed and killed.
You know, you try to be respectful because you know they have grievances as well.
They're trying to talk about protests, what it is that they're upset about.
And if you go in there pointing guns at everyone like that, all it does is incite violence.
Now that's from somebody on the outside studying warfare and history.
That was what I believed.
You've experienced it.
I don't get why militarized police act different than military.
They think aiming guns at people and shouting and trying to scare people scares them.
Instead, it's making Americans totally hate the police.
Because what they do, Alex, is they get this young hot shot guy who used to be Johnny Football, so to say,
And couldn't quite make it in the military and now what he's done is he takes that mentality of being this, you know, Rambo-esque type guy and he joins the police force and gets thrown on a SWAT team and now he thinks he can just go around pointing weapons.
It's a lack of training.
That's what it is.
And it's taking someone without any kind of life experience whatsoever and putting them in a godlike situation with a weapon in a rural city in America.
And that's when bad things happen.
I expect tonight to be just as heated as it was last night.
Well, you know, they were told, you're our sniper team, get up there on top of that, and if anybody gets across that line, you put a laser on them, so we all know who's designated.
And I'm sure it was, quote, officers with the laser designating everyone else for controlled field of fire if they pull something on us.
And what's going to happen is, one cop's going to pull the trigger.
Oh, there's video, yeah, of the lasers on the black man's back.
Oh my God, that, oh my.
Okay, well they just sent us the HD footage.
I hadn't seen this.
People with their hands up, with lasers on them, and with their hands up in the back, and if it turns out this guy they shot was shot in the back, this is unbelievable.
Again, folks, we just sent reporters there to find out the truth.
Well, last night, too, the... Oh, there's a gun.
What's going on?
I just heard it sound like some kind of shot or something in the distance.
Last night, the mainstream media was, for the most part, off to the side of the road.
Jakaria Jackson and I were the only ones really out there standing in between the crowd of protesters and the riot police in the middle of the zone where if you walked in an area they'd sort of point a weapon at you.
You know, I'm not going to sit here and hide behind the crowd.
We got out there and got the best footage we could.
Good job.
So America could see what was happening.
You know, these guys were pointing guns on us.
We got as close as we could.
By the way, it looks like these guys are at least 70 or 80 yards away with cops aiming loaded firearms.
Oh, they were maybe, you know, 75 meters away from that incident.
I mean, where that was going on.
These guys were in a safe area.
And what really sparked it off
was up
People yelling, screaming, you know, F the police.
You know, you can't do this.
Why are you making us live in a militarized police zone?
This is martial law.
Why are you turning Ferguson into the Gaza Strip?
We're tired of this.
We have rights.
Why aren't you giving us, why aren't you letting us exercise our rights to protest peacefully?
Well, again, and they're also a bunch of idiot thugs that burned some stuff down, but that doesn't mean you get to then
Just point guns at people who are 75 meters away, which I guess that's about 75 yards.
Yeah, I mean, all the people I spoke to last night were very cool, calm and collective.
You know, they were very well spoken.
They had an agenda as to why they were there.
They had a reason to speak.
They knew what they were talking about, and they did it in a very orderly fashion.
I'd seen the video earlier with the lasers, and the way the video cut, I thought the crowd was like 50 yards away.
I didn't realize you were 75, 80.
Now I'm looking at video, it looks like 90 yards away, 80 meters.
I mean, this is outrageous.
People with their hands up, with loaded guns aimed at them, with lasers on their chest.
I mean, do the cops know what's gonna happen?
I guess they already shot somebody else last night.
I mean, how do we know?
They didn't just randomly shoot somebody in the back last night again.
I mean, like I said, I'm pretty sure the way everyone is around here, everyone's very heated about this, very emotional, and I think for the next few days this is going to continue to happen every night, and we're going to be here to keep bringing you coverage about what's going on for InfoWars.com.
Well, we talked to the firefighter that owns the gun shop, and he's pretty pub police, and he says they're pretty professional, so I just really want to get the truth here.
I don't want to take sides, but man,
I was kind of leaning towards the police yesterday, but we sent you up there to find out the truth, and now they're acting like this.
I can't believe the police sent you down there, and then they were aiming guns at you when you arrived.
That's what really teed me off the most.
That's what I did not like and I found extremely disrespectful and just unprofessional in every way.
But the police officer a mile down the road to the other end clearly told Jakari, if you want to go down there, you're free to walk down there and you can go and speak to them.
And we were met by riot police with guns pointed at us.
Very unprofessional.
We obviously had our hands up.
We saw other people doing it.
And as we were walking down,
You know, Jakari, Josh and I were all putting our hands up, saying, hands up, you know, don't shoot.
We were all being compliant with what was going on as we approached that area.
And they just started breaking out the sniper rifles and pointing them at people.
Well, I'm going to go to some calls here, Joe Biggs, continue to file reports, and I'd like to, I know I sent you guys on short notice, but I'd like you guys to stay there basically as long as this continues to unfold, because if they can get the police to pull off a new Kent State,
Obama would love that to get riots going nationwide so he can then bring in martial law.
We need those police to reach out to the community and to treat them respectfully and to stop pointing guns at them for no reason because we don't want the police to look bad and we don't want the states to look bad and we don't want Obama to send federal troops into there
I mean, we can see where all this is going.
We don't want to start new Watts riots.
Can you imagine what Al Sharpton and Obama will do with that?
They will have a heyday with this.
And I'm telling you, that sheriff and the police chief and the mayor and all of them better get their you-know-what together right now, Joe.
Well, the people of Washington need to sit back and look.
The ones who are trying to take weapons away from people and saying that they don't have that right.
This QT didn't have weapons, and look at it.
It's completely demolished.
The tattoo shop is fine.
The gun store, fine.
And the other little stores right there, kind of beside them, were fine.
Because they were exercising their rights to have those weapons, and they did not get affected by this.
Joe, have you run into any listeners who are Infowars.com visitors or listeners?
Um, so far I have not, Alex, but I'm sure if we're here, you know, this will be our first full day.
We got here pretty late last night, right when a lot of the stuff was happening, but I'm sure over the next day or so, like always, we will.
Sure, sure.
I mean, I found from England to you name it, we're either mobbed or no one knows who we are.
It's like either or.
As we've seen many times in live feeds, listeners walking by saying, hey, InfoWars.com.
But, you know, try to identify how politically informed folks are.
I heard some yelling going on.
Can we pan around while I take some phone calls?
And I just want to keep the feed up so folks can see what's going on.
I heard some shouting or yelling.
What was going on?
The gentleman right there pointing at the building and saying, this is what it's not about.
You know, this is about
The death of a person, not the looting of everything.
You're right.
All right, Joe, thank you so much for the reporting.
Great job to you and Jakari and of course Josh Owens there.
Really, wartime reporting.
This is wartime coverage in America with these armored vehicles we were told were for Al Qaeda being used on peaceful crowds.
And this will only escalate things.
And I guess if these sheriff's department guys want to escalate it and want to get a civil war going, they're idiots.
I mean, that's all I can say.
I mean, I have to reserve some judgment for now.
I've got to, you know, sit there and reserve judgment on that.
Now, our phone feed screen went down for a minute.
There it is.
Someone be able to go to your phone calls now.
I just briefly wanted to remind listeners that this is listener-supported radio and TV.
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Okay, let's now go to your phone calls here.
Felicia in Oregon, thanks for calling.
You're welcome onto the airwaves.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
First thing I want to say is I'm pretty emotional and passionate, so if I piss someone off, I apologize.
You know what?
It's political correctness to worry about that.
Just go ahead and never apologize for your passion.
Anyway, I am so sick of Christians telling me, why do I bother?
This is all in God's plan.
That's pure BS.
It's my understanding it's for none to perish.
And this goes for the Middle East as well as America.
We are not a powerless people.
We serve a strong and mighty God.
We can call on him to smite those who are persecuting our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.
Exactly, but we have state-run churches that aren't really Christian churches saying, praise God, things are getting better, you're going to get out of here soon.
They'd rather complain about a woman's short skirt and, you know, fill all goody-two-shoes about it than go protest at an abortion clinic.
And so they're the modern Pharisees, and so you just need to move on.
You notice Christ didn't preach all day to the people that claimed they'd found God.
He preached to the people that were unwashed, who wanted to hear the truth.
I know that.
But it's just, we can, we can, this is a time for spiritual warfare.
A heartfelt prayer doesn't avail much.
We can write to our congressmen.
We are not a powerless people!
And I'm sick of hearing, oh, woe is us!
We're all just here to be victims.
We're not!
We serve a mighty God!
Well, David should have laid down to the Philistines.
Christ should have done what Herod said and what the Pharisees said.
All the prophets that were killed should have followed orders, Romans 13.
They shouldn't have gone on the lion's den.
They shouldn't have gone on the fiery furnace.
Moses shouldn't have stood up against Pharaoh.
They should have followed Hitler's order.
Of Romans 13, twisted to serve the state, it is God.
You understand these are demon creatures.
I do understand it, but we need to come back at them with our own heartfelt prayer of strength and a mighty and strong God.
I hear you, Felicia, and I totally agree with you.
God bless you.
I really appreciate you calling.
We're going to go to break and come back with Kyle.
And Mac and James and Matthew and others.
And then we'll take calls about 10 minutes into the next hour.
Then we got Ray McGovern, former top CIA analyst, to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
He gave them their morning briefings.
One of the top analysts, wide-spectrum analyst.
He'll give us his take on Ukraine, the Middle East, IS, the breaking of Iraq in three parts, and what's coming next, all coming up in the next hour.
But first, your phone calls.
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Let's go to Kyle in Iowa.
Wants to talk about abortion.
Well, don't do that.
I mean, that wouldn't be Christian.
The state says abortion's good, so all Christians should abort babies.
Go ahead, Kyle.
Of course.
You know, I guess I want to talk about that and just throw out a little message for everyone.
I called in, oh gosh, I don't know, a couple months ago, and I had said something about how we need to find ways to market the truth, and I thought of a quick 30-second pitch for the Federal Reserve, and I got another one for you.
Um, you know, really relating to abortion, because I think in order to win this fight, we have to deconstruct the kind of pre-designed arguments that they've came up with to sell us on a lot of this crap.
So, for abortion,
You know, I guess the way I try to articulate it to people is tell people it's not a choice, but it's a... Getting pregnant is not a choice, but it is a consequence of a choice.
So it's being pitched as a choice, but really, that's the furthest thing from the truth.
And then you couple that with the fact that, you know, the other argument is, well, it's a woman's body.
Well, the reality is, is that fetus, that human baby,
from a DNA standpoint is genetically unique and dissimilar from the mother.
Well look, here's the deal.
It's another entity.
When you start killing the babies unborn, next is the old people and now that's begun.
And next it's let's have death panels and let's not give veterans care.
It's a predatory society.
Sold as a communitarian collectivist society.
When it's a cannibalistic society and
Abortion is not abortion in the life of a mother.
It's a medical procedure.
You change definitions.
They'd always gone in and done surgeries.
If a mother was going to die, the baby's going to die anyways.
And done a surgery, and then they try to save the baby, but it dies.
That's not abortion.
But they spin it and stuff.
And they say, well what of in the case of rape?
And it just goes on and on.
It's being done to sell the idea of a culture of death.
It doubles a woman's chances of uterine cancer.
They're not telling women that.
They're not telling them there's groups that'll pay for their baby, pay for them to have it.
They just keep women ignorant and sell Planned Parenthood as this loving liberal organization, not the Nazi-founded, scum-of-the-earth trash that liberals are.
Mainline American, British, and German liberals are Nazis.
The scum of the earth.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Mack in South Carolina.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I have a quick question for you and just a point I'd like to make.
I don't know if you saw the Daily Caller article out there right now about ISIS wanting to fly the flag of Allah over America, but along with this, you're covering... Yeah, we reported on it last week.
They said they're gonna take over the White House and fly it.
Yeah, so along with you guys, the Infoboros coverage in Ferguson, Missouri, I'm just kind of seeing this thing go off.
That the New World Order is poking at Patriot Americans and maybe, uh, use this thing that the mainstream media has termed the Bubba Effect and try to get this thing rolling.
Explain that to me when we come back.
Because I'm sure it's interesting, but I don't quite understand.
Explain it to me.
We're back in one minute with Mack, Matthew, and others.
Stay with us.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Obama effect is what the Pentagon trains for not to fight Al-Qaeda.
In Tennessee, or Texas, or North Carolina, is in the Pentagon Drills.
It's been in Forbes Magazine.
They take on gun owners.
If we don't turn our guns in, it's terrorists, and they have to come crush us.
But then, meanwhile, it could be the Bubba Effect, where you get a bunch of mainly white cops in a southern area, like Missouri.
And then you got a bunch of thugs running around burning stuff because the cops might have or might not have done something wrong.
And then the cops get brutal on peaceful people and then that triggers an event.
Cops shoot a bunch of people like a new Kent State.
Kent State.
It's over.
Because you have a federal government that is going to race bait under Obama and this could be the false flag.
They could use a crisis like this to absolutely burn the country down.
So I just want cooler heads to prevail and to not have the police be provocative aiming lasers at peaceful people, you know, 75, 80 meters away with their hands up.
I mean, I would get mad if I was there covering something and a laser was on me.
I mean, it's just a joke.
It's so sick.
Mac, flesh out your point about the bubba effect.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
I do a small show on Saturday nights at theweekendconspiracy.com, and we've come up with a second piece of this that we think is very important, and I think it's the new world order system of problem, reaction, solution, but I think there's going to be two solutions.
I think the second solution, particularly this Ferguson thing, there's a lot of armchair patriots, people out there,
They're going to actually ask for more of this militarized police.
Oh yeah, I've always said that.
As society breaks down, you'll need the military and martial law.
Not that it's good.
The collapse is staged, but still the collapse is real.
The troops are in a rock and a hard place and you'll need them to keep the power plant running.
Yes, yes.
And last point, Alex, one of the things I've talked to a lot of people here recently on the show, and we've interviewed a bunch of people who are involved with satanic ritual abuse, and if that's as prolific as I think it is, and they're behind some of this, I'm afraid there's no hope for this country.
Well, we do have incredible numbers of really sick pedophiles, and I don't mean people dating 17-year-old girls, I mean 3-year-old babies.
Just are filling the Democratic and Republican Party.
People go, why are there so many in the Catholic Church?
You name it.
Because one of them gets in, they recruit more in like, like, like Penn State or whatever.
And so, yeah, I mean, this country is run by absolute, just filthy scum.
And they've got a bunch of well-meaning people beneath them who don't know about it, enforcing this whole police state in the name of safety, and all you're doing is securing a panoptagonic technocracy of total surveillance to suppress good people.
Matthew in Alabama.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex?
Yes, go ahead.
Yes, I'd like to make a few statements about the Federal Reserve.
Yeah, you bet.
We're not screening calls.
You're live on air right now.
I would also like to give you a quick history lesson about... Go ahead, start giving me the history lesson.
Go ahead.
It's about the 1776, the year that you like to talk about.
It's about the Revolutionary War, more specifically the reasons behind it.
And a lot of schools all over the country these days, and for a long time now, we were told it was because of the taxes, correct?
The p-tax, the anti-tax, all the stuff.
I'm here to say that that is, for the most part, incorrect.
The reason behind the Revolutionary War, King George III actually made illegal our colonial scripts.
Yeah, we revolted over taxes.
The French got manipulated by a group of criminals to overthrow one system and put in another tyranny.
We're one of the only truly successful revolutions in history that didn't make things worse.
And that's why so much of world future events will be decided about what happens here now.
Matthew, I got McGovern on for about 45 minutes.
If you want to hold and get to your other point, then I'll get to all the other callers.
If not, you can hang up.
We'll be back with Ray McGovern, top CIA analyst.
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Listen baby Ain't no mountain high Ain't no valley low Ain't no river wide
Well, I got good news for the callers.
Ray McGovern needs more time to get back and get on Skype.
He'll be joining us in about 20 minutes, so I'm gonna go to your calls right now.
Matthew, Steve, Coulter, Hunter, JB, and others.
But first, I think I hear Diana Ross' voice.
We better turn this up.
That's hard to turn that off, isn't it?
It's not about my children.
Pretty much anybody will stand up for their children, though.
But if it's a creeping assault on your children, like vaccines, or fluoride in the water, or school systems designed to dumb them down, and they don't rub it in, they just creep up and do it, and it's all compartmentalized, well then they'll go along with their kids getting hurt.
The general public will.
Doesn't matter if screen time lowers their IQ and hurts their brains?
Most people let their kids watch too much television.
And get on the iPad too much.
I probably even do.
So is it true?
Let's crank it back up.
Are we really there for our children?
Do we have the discipline?
Try to save civilization.
I know when all the big megachurches are buying Microsoft Kinect systems that literally watch and track the kids and face scan them.
Mark of the Beast technology, I know that we're in deep trouble.
Coming up, I'm gonna bring this up to Ray McGovern.
Snowden says there's a holy bleep smoking gun revelation coming soon.
We'll talk to Ray McGovern, get his take on what that might be.
Right now, let's race through your calls.
Matthew, what was your other point you wanted to make?
Go ahead, from Alabama.
Uh, yes.
Uh, first I want to make a statement about the Federal Reserve.
We all know it was founded on the 24th of December in 1913, which that by itself is a major indicator of deception there.
I mean, Congress clearly distracted by Christmas.
Grand Minister, it's totally absurd.
But I have two questions I have for you, and let me ask them both before you answer.
The first one is, uh, who is the first director of the Federal Reserve?
Who is put in charge of organizing the finances for World War I?
And my second question was, who is the principal shareholder of the Reichstag Bank during the same period put in charge of organizing the finances of the German side in World War I?
Alright, well let me answer that question now.
That was Tammy Terrell, not Diana Ross.
Their voices are very similar.
But she did re-record it later and it sounded just the same.
I think I like Tammy Turrell's voice even more.
But to go back and answer your question, I know Edward Mandel House
Well, the first director of the Federal Reserve was a Mr. Paul Warburg.
And ironically enough, the principal shareholder of the Reichstag Bank in Germany during World War I was Max Warburg.
Sure, and Bush Sr.'
's dad, Prescott Bush, ran the U.S.
division of that.
A lot of the Nazi money went to them.
That's why they're secretly one of the richest families in North America.
And boy, they get really freaked out when that information gets out.
Very interesting.
Thanks for reminding me about that, Matthew.
Let's go to Colton in Florida.
I got a cousin named Colton.
Colton, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing, man?
Good, bro.
I just wanted to bring up a couple points.
I got a lot I want to say to you, but honestly, I'll just keep it to what I decided I'd say.
You woke me up a year ago, and I thank you for it, sir.
The first thing I wanted to mention was that I'm blind, and I'm 21.
I go to college.
I'm a first-year college student, and I'm on the Social Security system and food stamp system, and I absolutely hate the fact that I am.
Well, listen, brother, people that are blind, that's what welfare is for.
Uh, and it should be state-run, it should be the churches, uh, they should have a job for you to do in some industry, then people buy from that industry, and then you make even more money and you're self-sufficient, and you're taught skills.
Instead, it's a new world order system that has taken over the welfare system, but listen, don't feel guilty about that.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and I mean, that's part of the reason why, like, I know there's a lot of people out there that, you know, take advantage of it and use the system and stuff like that, like, you know, these legal immigrants and things like that.
I'm in college to get off of it.
I'm in college to join the free market and become an independent taxpayer and, you know, do all the great things that you're talking about.
And, you know, I'm not as informed as I should be.
Like I said, you woke me up a year ago.
But I just wanted to throw that across to you, and the other thing too, I try to get your message out there, and people know that because I'm blind, I'm on the system, they don't take me seriously.
They say, oh, well, you're on the system.
Well, look, a lot of people feel really insecure, and they want to feel intellectually superior, so they say, I read the New York Times, I watch MSNBC, like saying they have 45 PhDs or something.
And like, wow, you read basically White House written propaganda.
You watch publicly written White House teleprompter scripts.
Man, you are smart.
You watch a FBI informant race baiter, Al Sharpton, race bait.
Man, you're really intellectual.
And then they'll look at somebody who's criticizing the system and say, yeah, but you're on welfare.
The whole point is, is that you recognize it.
It'd be like if you're an alcoholic, and it's killing your liver, and you at least say, I'm an alcoholic, I need to quit drinking so much, hypothetically.
That's the first step in trying to fix things.
But I mean, listen.
I had family.
I had family that had worked in special operations, black ops, you name it.
And they were all, boy, you're a smart young man, you better watch it, they'll kill you.
So I'd hear that from them.
But from the others, they would just say, you're nuts, I saw you on national TV, you're crazy, the government's not corrupt.
None of those people laugh at me now.
So, it's very few folks that are in denial right now.
They just will debate you about what the solution is.
So, I wouldn't feel bad when somebody calls you an idiot, or somebody says you don't know what you're talking about.
Move on.
Just say, hey, I'm just concerned about the fact that we have an untenable debt.
Because I am dependent on this.
And again, it's just that conversation that will change the world.
Yeah, I continue to get your information out there, your word out there, you know, despite what people say, despite how people may look at me, and because I'm on the system, I continue to get it out there, and I'm going to continue to get it out there.
Well, listen, I would quit just making an issue how you're on the system.
The system is for people like you.
That's what the General Welfare Clause is.
Not for people that don't have a real bonafide disability.
And again, I'm all for a safety net.
It's that the people running the safety net are running it as a fishnet to bring you in to politically eat you, as a political commodity, not to protect you.
It is a net, not a fence.
And it's like the World Wide Web.
I mean, it's just so draconian.
But please, just get past the guilt complex.
The corporate welfare is the problem.
Warren Buffett running around saying raise taxes on poor people when he's tax exempt and he gets the biggest percentage per capita of anybody of taxpayer money.
Oh, but he's Warren Buffett.
Listen, I'm going to let you go.
I got to jump, brother.
I thought you were gone.
I'm going to go ahead and talk to Steve in Maine.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Uh, yeah.
I don't have a problem with, you know, helping people in need that are illegal here and fixing this mess we have.
But my problem is, is I know for a fact in Maine that nobody can stay at a church at night in Maine.
You can't even park a tent out in the yard.
They'll close you down.
So, but, and I know for a fact that immigrants are here and they're not here correctly, and I'm not sure how... Yeah, yeah, and they're going to throw the book at you and treat you like crap because you follow the rules, and then they can suspend any rules they want, and if you don't give the illegal aliens all your money and everything you've got, then you're a terrorist.
No, I get it.
It's pure bull.
It's horrible, and I don't know why we're not, you know, we're just, this is crazy what we're all... Oh, and by the way, I can't go to China, or Brazil, or Mexico, or South Africa and demand a bunch of free goodies.
Only Western countries say, we're bent over, everything's free, come in here and trample on our culture.
Under political correctness, anything Western, anything anti-communist is bad.
Anything, including Al-Qaeda,
is good.
That's outside America.
And if you dare say it's wrong to sexually mutilate women and put burkas on their heads, you're a bigot and a closed-minded person that isn't smart enough to read the New York Times.
The New York Times that lied to us about yellow cake from Niger, Africa.
The average lazy moron at the New York Times can't find Niger on a map just because they've got a Harvard degree that they paid for and talking a simpering chicken neck voice
Does it mean they know anything about history, like people like me, that live this?
Anything else?
Yeah, oh, and the death panel.
Oh, that was in the bill, but see, I know how to read the bill.
Now they admit the death panels, but the Times said it was a right-wing, racist lie, but now they got death panels on our veterans!
Just on your veterans, because if I actually could afford to buy my health documents,
Sir, I'm not going to listen to a word from you until you learn to go.
The situation in the metrics is quite understandable for a reasonable policy to help the people.
Obamacare is for the children.
Your taxes are down.
Obamacare is free.
Everything is wonderful.
As long as you take the vaccines, sir.
This is NPR All Things Considered, brought to you by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.
We'll be right back in our soothing, pseudo-intellectual, know-it-all tone.
You're getting sleepy.
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Hunter Jaeger in Deutsch from Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I'm a first time caller.
Um, I wanted to ask you a question about the X2.
Um, I tried talking to my doctor about it and he was clueless like, have you guys warned and proceeded to tell me how he gives children fluoride pills and everything so I can't really, you know, uh...
Consult my physician about that, but I'm not asking you for any medical advice.
Sure, sure.
What's your question and I can pass it on because Dr. Grubb's doing a Frequently Asked Questions article and a video, we keep meaning to get him up here to do it, to try to answer the frequently asked questions.
So if I can't answer it, Dr. Grubb can.
Go ahead.
I want to know what you have personally found worked for you at the X2.
I've been taking it for two weeks, but I love it now.
How much do you take a day?
How much do you find is working for you?
Well, I appreciate your call.
Let me try to answer that.
I personally take about two dropper fulls a day.
I take about two-thirds of a dropper full in the morning, two-thirds of a dropper full at lunch, and then two-thirds of a dropper full at night.
I'll be honest, some days I forget to take one of the dosages.
Sometimes I forget altogether.
That's my problem.
When I remember to take the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 Organic, when I remember, from InfoWarsHealth.com, when I remember to take the X2 or the Super Metal Vitality, then I see the effects.
And it's been that I'm working out pretty much less, eating the way I've always pretty much been eating, exercising and getting better results.
I don't
Iceberg lettuce during the break.
And I was also taking phone calls during the break.
I tend to multitask around here.
Speaking of unhealthy, it's not good to try to eat half of a wedge iceberg, that's my lunch, with blue cheese during a four-minute break.
I try to eat during that four-minute break because it's the longest break of the hour.
The others are three minutes or one minute.
But long story short, I cannot really do justice
To what iodine has done for me.
And if you just look at what iodine deficiency does to babies in utero, to your glands, to your body, you then know why the establishment puts fluorines and bromide and things in the halogen table that are bad in the food in the water.
I mean, it's in baking powder, it's in all sorts of stuff.
It's in powdered eggs, it's in thousands of products.
And it's extremely toxic and you can type in fluoride extremely toxic or fluoride Harvard study and it's not my opinion, it's a fact.
But they created a social stigma around laughing at people that talk about it and call it a conspiracy theory that CIA 1963 declassified a few years ago to call anybody that said JFK was murdered and was more than one shooter a conspiracy terrorist.
It's a stigma.
Doesn't matter if there's a Harvard study.
Doesn't matter if there's thousands of other studies.
Doesn't matter if the type of fluoride they put in the water is a toxic waste derivative.
Because you do need calcium fluoride, a little bit of it.
They just have a stigma.
So, iodine is the good halogen you need, and the government, from the 20s into the 70s, recommended it be put in salt.
Potassium iodide.
Not even the good type.
So that people wouldn't get all sorts of goiters and thyroid problems that was epidemic across North America.
And by the 70s, they said, OK, take it out of the salt now.
And that was a type of kind of sneakily medicating people.
But notice now they take that out and say here's the fluoride.
So there's your issue.
X2 is our best seller along with the original fluoride shield and original survival shield and the purchases of it support the broadcast.
I just challenge people to try it and see if you like it regardless you're supporting the broadcast.
But it's well-known literature that iodine is needed, but they say consult your physician before taking vitamin C. So I just throw that in there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
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Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
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It's Alex Jones.
Joining us is Ray McGovern, native of New York, Washington.
In the early 60s, he was an Army Infantry Intelligence Officer in Vietnam.
He served as a CIA analyst for the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H.W.
Ray briefed one-on-one President Ronald Reagan, most senior national security advisors from 81 to 85.
He was his favorite briefer, fluent in Russian, German, and Spanish.
Ray holds an MA in Russian from Fordham University, a certificate of theology studies from Georgetown.
He's also a graduate of Harvard Business School's advanced management program.
He also holds a certificate in theology studies from Georgetown University, raymcgovern.com, and he also founded a veteran intelligence agency group
uh... for sanity as he calls it and he famously uh... would confront rumsfeld lying about how they found wmds in iraq he was running open psyops unchallenged on cnn and fox news now i want to get him on about syria is iraq the breakup of that country uh... his take on what's really happening i wanted to get into the police state the mraps being put in place
But I want to first throw a curveball at Ray.
Snowden says there's a holy sh-you-know-what-t smoking gun revelation coming.
Whistleblower says government believes he has information that would be the death of them all politically, close quote.
Now, I have a lot of NSA whistleblowers over the years that we've had on the show.
We've had William Binney on, we've had Seibel Edmonds on, we've had Wayne Madsen on, we've had
So many others have leaked me information.
I mean, I got Snowden-type stuff when I was first on air in the mid-90s.
Had no idea how big it was.
With telecom whistleblowers, about big hubs, listening to everything, and Keyword, and Echelon.
Then I had James Bamford on.
But I know Ray knows about a lot of this, and we don't know what this particularly is, but I have a good idea about a whole trove of things.
Well, very accurate analysis, but also he's a very moral person.
And, you know, knowing him now for about 10 years, putting him in one of my films, he doesn't mince words and I think really gives us his real take on things without putting it through an establishment filter or darkly.
And so I want to get his big picture take and then hone in on what he thinks is most important.
But first off, what do you think the new Snowden info could be, Ray?
Well, Alex, good to be back with you.
That is a curveball.
Could you give me a minute to get my catcher's mitt?
You know, I'd only be speculating, but I imagine, given what Glenn Greenwald has hinted at in the past, that there are names and there are numbers and there are incredibly heinous
Snooping activities going on against very important people.
I'll let you guess who they are, but they couldn't be more important in our country.
And once that's revealed, one would expect that substance you mentioned to hit the fan.
But you know, the way things are working, Alex, with the Executive and the Congress and parts of our judicial system all kind of complicit in these crimes against our Constitution,
You know, I'd have to say I'd have to be from Missouri as to whether anything would be done about this.
Even the press, of course, the mainstream press.
I'm not talking about you and others on the internet.
The mainstream press is complicit in this.
So, yes, I'm sure there'll be more shocking revelations.
I expect my name and yours to show up on one of these lists sometime soon.
But whether or not this will have any impact,
I mean, if... Well, we'll just have to see.
That's my best guess.
How big are the overall revelations so far from Snowden and others?
How much is that affecting the power structure, or is it almost allowing them to come out of the closet, caught lying about illegal political spying, and then if they don't get in trouble, or if they don't get reversed, it almost sets the precedent?
That's the problem.
Once Obama decided that he'd only look forward, and he wouldn't look back, you know?
That's an abnegation of his responsibility to see to it that the laws of the land are faithfully discharged.
That's a constitutional embarrassment.
And so, not only with the torturers, but we'll take James Clapper, the National Intelligence Director, who sits over 16, count them, 16 intelligence agencies in our government,
He was asked on the 12th of March last year by a senator, Senator Ron Wyden, does the NSA collect any data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?
No, sir.
Not wittingly.
Now, two months later, he gave a letter to the head of that committee saying, oh, what I said was, quote,
Clearly erroneous, end quote.
Sorry about that.
Now, he was under oath.
He's the director of national intelligence.
He lied under oath.
He told Andrea Mitchell, well, I said the least untruthful thing.
What will you come to here when the head of intelligence lies and then there are no consequences?
So, I'm afraid your point is right.
That as long as we have people covering up for one another, John Brennan included, of course, with this famous torture memo that the Senate Intelligence Committee has completed,
As long as you have no accountability, and as long as nobody in Congress except Ron Wyden and Udall from Colorado, nobody has any guts, it's very different.
Very different, Alex, from the situation in the mid-70s, when Frank Church from Idaho,
And a couple other people, Pesky in the house, stood up and said, you know, these CIA, NSA, army intelligence abuses are just gone too far.
We're going to have a real investigation.
Now, as a sort of a corollary to this, guess what the first thing Frank Church found out?
He found out that J. Edgar Hoover was wiretapping all his phones.
Of course!
So, we put an end to J. Edgar Hoover's Warrior Time.
Actually, J. Edgar Hoover went away, which was sort of a miracle.
And we instituted some laws, including the FISA Act of 1978, which expressly prohibited the kinds of infringements on our Fourth Amendment rights that had been entered into before, and now we see on steroids.
So, it's a situation where we have to get out in the streets, where we citizens have to put our bodies into the machine, or else it's never going to stop.
Ray McGovern, you've lived a lot of years and seen a lot.
Not just in the White House, but Vietnam, you name it.
Describing the slow evolution of America, getting better in some ways, but worse in others.
I didn't live through a lot of that.
I'm 40.
But I've studied it, and I've got to say, America overall is degenerating into a kleptocratic, weird, corporate, fascist, bizarro world, and seems to be rotting now.
Seems to be just malaise is setting in.
It's not even like a hyper-tyranny where the Nazis are rounding up all their enemies.
Of course, they're killing a lot of innocents overseas.
They're mainly just doing it all out in the open, flaunting it in a grotesque display of above-the-law behavior.
I mean, how would you describe what we are today?
Well, I would say that we're an extra constitutional society right now.
And the thing that bothers me most, Alex, is something that, you know, when you're 51 years in this town of Washington, you see a lot of change.
Well, there's one change that dwarfs all the other changes, and that is that we no longer have, in any real sense, a free media.
And that is big.
Look at how the media has distorted A, B, C, and D. Look how it's, it's, uh, it's distorting the coverage on Gaza, on Ukraine, any big time conflict, the media will destroy it.
What's the result of that?
Well, most Americans don't have a clue as to what's going on.
And that's really, really, really dangerous.
Jefferson, Madison, many people pointed out that without
A free press.
There can be no democracy.
And so that's the main bugaboo here.
And that's why your job and my job, to the degree we're trying to spread some truth around, is so terribly important.
Now that's the bad news.
The good news is this, that whereas the fourth estate
Fourth estate.
Some of your listeners probably remember that that expression was coined by Edmund Burke, an English member of Parliament back in the late 18th century.
Now, he stood in Parliament.
At that time, there were three houses, two in Commons, one in Lords.
And he said, you know, I'm very proud to be part of this first estate.
That's what they
We're good to go.
The pulp press.
He said, you are more important than all of us because you hold us accountable.
Without you, we can't be a democracy.
Now that's the fourth estate and it's dead.
Now, good news.
There's a fifth estate.
I'm looking at it here.
I'm on Skype.
You're doing it here.
There are all kinds of ways to reach people, especially the people who are going to live a lot longer than I am and longer than you are too, Alex.
That's the good news.
They won't put up with this stuff.
They don't even read the newspapers, and I can't blame them.
What they get is a steady diet of things on the web.
So we have to make sure that they right diet of things on the web.
And I think it's a uphill struggle, but we can't give up.
There's no option to give up.
People were talking to me yesterday on Al Jazeera.
Boycott, disinvestment, you know, sanctions.
Are they going to be effective?
I said, you know, you're asking the wrong question.
We're not called to be effective all the time.
We're called to be faithful.
We're called to be doing the good because it's good.
And we may not immediately achieve our objectives.
We probably won't.
But we're sowing seeds and we're showing the younger generation that we have something special here and we're willing to suffer for it.
That's key.
You do the right thing and fight back against tyranny because it's in your bones and in your gut and in your family line and in civilization.
Not because, oh, I can win if I'm good, and then sometimes I lie, or sometimes I'm corrupt.
That's Machiavellian bull.
And I think it's that Machiavellian mindset that was always there, but it's really permeated not just the government and the corporations, but some of the public.
A lot of the public's waking up.
I'm becoming more moral, getting back to what really matters.
But for the others that aren't, I think it's a decadence in society.
And with that, we know, comes depression, comes war.
What's your larger perspective, Ray McGovern, former top...
CIA briefer and analyst to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
And we really appreciate your time, sir, because I know you're a busy man.
What is your larger worldview right now on the state of things with IS and Ukraine and the fighting getting really bad?
And I want to bomb IS because they're horrible cavemen murdering Christians, Muslim minorities, but at the same time, that's a new way to get back in Iraq, which we wrecked to begin with.
It's so complex.
Yeah, the Iraq thing is a catastrophe and we're responsible for it.
There's no way that we can support the equivalent of the Islamic State in Syria and then fight against it in Iraq.
I mean, hello?
Who's running our foreign policy?
A bunch of sophomores.
Now, there's a scale that supersedes what I've just been talking about, and that has to do with a real danger to our national security, and that is Russia once again.
We used to think that Russia was sort of tamed, that we could provoke it, we could prick the Russian bear, poke it to a fare-thee-well.
Well, that's not the case anymore.
And I've just written an article.
Actually, it's a celebration of sorts on the ending of the Berlin Wall.
After 28 years, the Berlin Wall was built.
Exactly 53 years ago today, they started to build it.
What's my point on all that?
Well, those were the days when the Russians felt threatened and we felt threatened.
Those were the days of the Cuba Missile Crisis, the Checkpoint Charlie face-off with the tanks of Soviet and American.
Those were the times when there was a real Cold War and there was a real danger if statesmen like John Kennedy weren't around, that things would get out of hand and we'd blow each other up and the planet with us, okay?
Now, that was quiescent until now.
What's happened now?
Well, what happened now is that after the Berlin Wall fell, and that was November 1989,
There was an incredible chance for peace, Alex.
Maybe this sounds weird, especially for the younger generation, but there were enlightened leaders, Gorbachev and Shevardnadze, the foreign minister in Russia.
They were willing to deal, okay?
And they did deal.
What happened was, George H.W.
Bush called up Gorbachev, you know, and he said, you know, I'm really sorry about all your troubles, Mikhail.
And I'm not going to take advantage of them.
Let's get together.
Let's not waste any time.
I suggest we get together in Malta in three weeks.
What do you say?
And they did.
November 9th, the Wall Falls.
December 2nd, they're in Malta.
They had a summit and they decided, OK, we, the United States, would not take advantage of, as Bush said, I'm not going to dance on the Berlin Wall.
Well, you know, that was very much to his credit.
But then he said, but we're going to require some things of you, Mr. Gorbachev.
At the time, there were 24 Soviet highly mechanized divisions in East Germany.
You know what?
That translates to about 250,000 men, okay?
Now, what Bush said was this.
Look, we don't want you to do what you did in Hungary in 56, or what you did in Czechoslovakia in 68.
We don't want you to do that now as East Germany and the rest of your satellites are falling apart.
In return for that, we will honor my obligation not to move NATO one inch farther eastward toward Russia.
Now, we expect you to allow East Germany to become part of a greater, reunited... Stay there!
Come back and finish it!
And now the deal's been broken.
I know you're gonna get to that part.
But for folks that don't know, we've broken an official deal with Russia and are moving weapons up against their borders.
Not that Russia's great or wonderful, in my view.
Like Ron Paul said, Putin's no angel.
We're not lionizing him, but the West, George Soros, all of them, are starting this.
And so, under common law and common sense, we're the bad guys.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll do a bit of overdrive to take more of your phone calls for JB and others that are holding.
Ben McGovern leaves us in about six minutes.
Former top CIA analyst, and he's here giving us the basic breakdown from his perspective, which I agree with, on the history of what has happened so far.
So you were getting right up to the break with your point that this deal was made
For those that just joined us, with the fall of Berlin Wall, three weeks after, between George Herbert Walker Bush, the West, and the Russians, with Gorbachev and others, that we would end the Cold War, not fight over the former Eastern Bloc, let it go the way it wanted to self-determine, a few with Russia, most with NATO and others, but not move weapons in, and then now that balance is being changed, please continue.
Well, Alex, one of the most important aspects of this, of course, was the quid here for the pro quo.
Now, the quo was we wouldn't move NATO eastward.
The quid was that the Russians were going to be asked to accept a reunified Germany.
In NATO, but reunified.
Now, I still get hair on the back of my neck bristling when I say that.
I lived in Germany for five years.
I didn't want to go to Germany.
And I'm not a Russian.
The Russians suffered 25 million killed in World War II.
That path toward Russia has always been used by Napoleon and other people attacking Russia.
You can imagine what a bitter pill that was for them to swallow.
And the only reason they swallowed it was for solemn assurances by George H. W. Bush and James Baker as Foreign Secretary or as Secretary of State, promising that NATO would not move one inch farther toward Russia.
Now, what happened?
Within a few years, there were 12
Twelve, count them, twelve new NATO members, all to the east of East Germany.
The original membership of NATO was only twelve, so it doubled in size.
And then, this is key, six years ago, at a NATO summit in Bucharest, Romania, the NATO leaders decided Ukraine would become part of NATO.
Not would, will.
Now, that was a bridge too far.
The coup that was arranged by the U.S.
and the E.U.
in Kiev on the 22nd of February, that was one regime change too far.
The Russians aren't going to permit this, and that's what this is all about, okay?
What Putin has said is, look, we are very concerned about our only warm water port in Sevastopol in Crimea.
This is why we honored the plebiscite in Crimea and accepted Crimea back into Russia proper, the Russian Federation.
Because, you know, we, as it's covered, sometimes Putin
does things in a kind of light manner.
He said, Now, you know, I'm sure that the NATO and the US sailors are really terrific fellas.
But I'd rather not have it to be so that that our our sailors are going to have to visit
NATO bases in Crimea, I'd much rather have it the way it is now, where U.S.
NATO sailors are very happy to be entertained by us.
Sure, and that's pretty much always been part of Russia.
And so that's all been overthrown.
We're almost out of time, sir.
Where is it all going in your view?
Well, unless the United States stops saying that Ukraine, which is ravaging the eastern part of the country, that it has a right to defend itself, just like Israel has a right to defend itself, unless that stops, Russia will be tempted to move in there, not only with Red Cross-type supplies, but with the kinds of armaments that will prevent
The Russian-speaking separatists, they're really federalists, from getting a completely bloody nose and from being exterminated.
And then NATO will bring in more troops, then it escalates into a water conflict?
Well, that's the problem.
Hold on.
Come back for two minutes and finish your point.
Back in 70 seconds.
You are listening to GPN.
Back tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Visit GPNLive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So we've broken down the real history, the mainline history.
This is stuff for anybody that even has basic history knowledge would know.
Ray McGovern's breaking it down, but if you watch CNN, Fox News, any of it, you would think that the Russians are the most evil people in the world.
It's Putin's missile.
They want to start World War III.
I mean, that whole shoot-down of that airplane looked to me like Lusitania Part 2.
Ray McGovern, what did you think of that briefly, and then finishing up, where this is going?
Because you got NATO generals saying, we need more fighter wings, we need troops.
Very provocative.
Why would they want to start a new Cold War?
Well, you know, Alex, I don't completely understand why anybody would even want to countenance that.
You know, you have to look at who profits from these things.
Wall Street profits, the weapons manufacturers profit, and they control the media.
You know, it's pretty insidious.
I used to read the Russian media all the time, and they had propaganda labels like, which means Wall Street bloodsuckers.
Well, I used to think, you know, that's a little ham-handed.
But look what's happened!
2008, 2009.
Look where we are.
So there are forces driving this thing that profiteer on conflict.
I can't believe that anybody in their right mind would take the danger of taunting Russia to the point where it would retaliate.
And when you asked John Kerry that, they asked him a month ago, aren't you aware that this could lead to an armed clash with Russia?
And Kerry said, well yes, I've taken that into account.
Well, does he think that his pastel ties and his centurion voice is going to save him from the consequences of this?
They look at him as a liar, I'm afraid to say, and as a person that can't be trusted.
And Obama, you know, Obama has been not very truthful about these things.
So the Russians are on their guard.
They don't know exactly what to expect, nor do I, or why.
And that makes this thing very volatile.
Well, Ray, that's my final question and also statement to you.
I've studied history, it's fascinating.
Napoleon was super smart, one of the best generals probably in history.
Also evil.
Miscalculated with the Russians.
Hitler did the same thing.
But it's larger than that.
Even smart dictators can miscalculate.
And even a smart West that was somewhat moral could miscalculate to have nuclear war, back when you were in government.
Somewhat moral, in general.
But this degenerate corporate one, where there's so many degrees of separation, they're not even making the decisions based on things.
They're just used to making 40-to-1 bets on the stock market with other people's money.
It's like Wolf of Wall Street on PCP.
They don't even care, and they're clearly making decisions and doing things that are so destabilizing and dangerous
That it's not going to be good for their defense contractor business or Wall Street if we have a nuclear war with Russia.
I mean, somebody's got to restrain these people because it looks like they're asleep at the switch.
I mean, I think we've really reached, stick a fork in us, a decadence level in the ruling class where they're off playing golf, Ray.
I don't think they even know what they're doing.
Well, it's true, you know, and it's the old syndrome, Alex.
You know, I've often wondered what people do with their second million or their third million.
I mean, there's an insatiable appetite for collecting or grabbing more.
Now, I think you're right.
This is going to reach a no good end, as the Chinese are fond of saying.
But people don't realize this.
And Obama is really pretty much a tool in their hands.
So if you're Putin, how are you going to react when what happens is this missile defense system?
Now, that's the biggest corporate welfare project in the country's history.
It'll never work.
But can the Russians depend on that?
Of course not.
And so what are they doing?
They're putting it on ships.
They're putting it in the Black Sea.
And they're targeting ICM bases within Russia.
That's trouble.
And it's only good for a first strike.
And so if you're worried about a first strike, what are you going to do at the first hint that it's coming?
You're going to launch.
And we're all going to be dead, Alex.
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