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Name: 20140806_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 6, 2014
2371 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including tax evasion among public figures, increasing presence of border patrol agents, Russian forces near Ukrainian border, UN and Feds combating Ebola with tyranny, government's purchase of ammunition while restricting civilians' right to own firearms. He promotes his products and criticizes the credibility of jury decisions. The show covers conspiracy theories, legal disputes involving former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and current events such as crime rates in different areas. They also discuss water filtration systems, Cuban-US relations, radio advertising effectiveness, and Jesse Ventura's water diet.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
On a daily basis now, we're seeing videos
Border Patrol agents saying basically they don't need to know if you're a citizen because it doesn't matter if you're a citizen or not, just come on in.
We've got cops in New Jersey on video saying, yeah, I don't have to follow the Constitution anymore.
Obama doesn't.
We have 9-1-1 calls now coming out today that are up on Infowars.com.
9-1-1 dispatcher instructs a woman to lay down her gun and let the robber breaking in basically do what he wants.
That audio is coming up.
Meanwhile, Russia prepares large-scale, quote, invasion.
Battle-ready force of infantry, armor, artillery, air defense are indeed massing on the Ukrainian border.
And that is not just NATO propaganda.
It's definitely going on.
Continuing here, UN and Feds plan to fight Ebola with tyranny.
But don't worry, the Washington Post says it's global warming.
Pay Al Gore and the U.N.
money, they'll save you.
CDC getting dozens of calls about people who are sick in the U.S.
with Ebola-type illnesses.
health authorities have been caught concealing the number of suspected Ebola victims from the public.
That was Paul Joseph Watson on InfoWars.com yesterday, carried by DrudgeReport.com.
Today, that's in CBS News, Breitbart, you name it, confirmed.
Ebola tested across the nation.
Government suppresses info.
Global experts begin emergency talks with the World Health Organization.
Ebola outbreak could be much worse than thought.
CBS News Today.
That's all coming up.
And then the incredible news on the border front.
But I love how Drudge has the headline, Redford sues New York over 1.6 million tax bill.
Robert Redford doesn't want to pay taxes, and Al Gore's always suing over taxes, and we're always seeing MSNBC hosts suing over taxes, and Democratic Congresspeople not paying taxes, and higher rates than Republicans on record.
Look it up.
And, of course, the self-propelled goblin creature, the anti-gunner, has six bodyguards and owns an arsenal himself, and buys defense contractor stocks.
Michael Moore famously has sued over and over again over not wanting to pay taxes and over wanting more money.
And look, if you want to sue to get out of taxes, more power to you, because the taxes are out of control.
But don't run around saying raise taxes on quote, rich people.
Who you really mean are above $30,000 a year under Obama.
That's rich.
7 taxes on people making less than $20,000 a year.
More than 18 taxes on people making less than $50,000 a year.
And a total of 22 whopping juices.
Look it up.
Just type in 22 taxes in Obamacare.
And of course, who's exempt?
The big UN-funded Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the rest of it.
General Electric, Google.
General Electric pays zero, Google pays three percent.
They write the tax laws to get away with it.
Here are the new taxes you're going to pay under Obamacare.
And then Business Insider list, 20 plus.
All the little juicies.
All the different property tax, federal property taxes, environmental taxes, regulations, payroll taxes.
Then there's hidden taxes where they cut your hours from 40 down to at least 30.
Most people just got caught, you know, and got cut down to 20.
Got caught big time by that in the crosshairs.
So, capital gains, taxes, dividend, taxes.
You're like, well, I don't care.
I don't have capital gains.
I don't own stocks.
Well, your boss does, or the people that shop in your shop do.
Taxes kill economies.
Kennedy cut taxes in the biggest tax bracket by 50%.
Look it up.
And tax receipts doubled.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
On the other side, it is a jam-packed transmission.
We've got an expert joining us on the history of IRS abuse, tying it into the attack on anybody who isn't a communist today, and the reign of political terror going on.
And Jesse Ventura joins us for a full hour with breaking information.
He'll cover the waterfront.
Stay with us.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm going to try to be
As disciplined as I can today to cover all the massive news we've got, Jesse Ventura will give folks the rest of the story on his trial and on how they try to sabotage people with disinformation campaigns in the media.
So here's the rest of the story today with Jesse Ventura.
We also have an investigative journalist that's been working with former Congressman Hanson on the true history of the vicious
Political persecutions that the IRS has carried out, mainly under Democrats.
Though there has been some political persecution using the IRS by Republicans.
Nixon was removed from office for it.
That's what he finally got in trouble for.
Under Obama, it's conservatively 100,000 times worse.
Nixon did it to about 120-something people.
Obama has done it to millions.
Millions, well over a million people have been messed with, some jailed.
I mean, if that doesn't concern everybody, whoa!
And Dinesh D'Souza being arrested trying to stop his film from coming out?
Being threatened, being told to back off or you're gonna get it, then they came after him?
Again, if Michael Moore was arrested and thrown in jail for making his films and set up, I would come to his aid even though I don't agree with him on most things.
Dinesh D'Souza, I agree with on most things, but it's the same deal.
You let political persecution happen to anybody, it will bite you in the butt every time.
There was a famous pastor who was in Nazi Germany and he wrote while living in a death camp, first they came for the labor unions, I wasn't in a labor union, then they came for the communists, I wasn't a communist, then they came for the Jews, I wasn't a Jew, and finally they came for me,
He was a Baptist, wasn't he?
And then there was nobody else there to stand up for me.
This is how this works, ladies and gentlemen.
And tyranny can sell itself going after a bad group like communists or radical Muslims or whatever, but then it ends up setting the precedent to go after gun owners, the Tea Party, libertarians.
The guys found the quote, I'll put it back up on screen.
First They Came is a famous statement and provocative poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niebler.
How do you pronounce it?
I can't even read it across the room.
About the cowardice of the German intellectuals following the Nazis rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets group by group, there is some disagreement over the exact wording of the quotation.
And when it was created, the content of the quotation may have been presented differently by the pastor on different occasions.
But it's known that he basically said, first they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.
And he created multiple versions of it
While he was in a forced labor camp, but was first able to write it down in 1946.
Didn't mean to digress off into that, but it's an important point to make.
And before I get into the HUGE Ebola news, and the HUGE border news, and the HUGE Russia news, before I get into all that,
I have three different articles in front of me, one from two days ago and two from today, that are both up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Police officer says, if Obama doesn't follow the Constitution, we don't have to.
New Jersey cop.
Boy, is that video not a Rosetta Stone?
We're going to play it here in a moment with the gentleman who shot the video's commentary.
Then it dovetails with the video two days ago, time-stamped last week, where the truck driver's driving through an internal checkpoint 70 miles from the Texas border, and they say, are you a U.S.
And he says, does it matter?
And the Border Patrol guy says, no, not anymore, and waves him through.
Those two clips go together, and then they go together with this clip that's coming up.
9-1-1 dispatcher's insane instructions to a woman whose house is being robbed.
Put down the gun.
I mean, here's the deal.
Somebody's already breaking into my house and already in it when she found him.
I'm not going to call 9-1-1 and say, what do I do?
Because the guy might be armed.
He's going to get the jump on me.
I'm going to creep up, look around the corner.
If the person's got a firearm in my house, I'm going to drop them.
If they don't have a visible weapon, I'm going to say, you've got three seconds.
I don't want to startle them either because they might panic and pull the gun.
I'm going to say, you've got three seconds to get down on the ground before I fill you full of holes.
When I called 911, she kept saying, well put the gun down, put the gun down.
And I said, I'll put the gun down when I see the police.
And then there's more to that newscast coming up.
But this is the type of stuff that's going on.
You don't tell an 80-year-old woman, put the gun down when her husband's out of town fishing and the person's breaking in in the middle of the night.
You got two choices.
If you got a back door and you don't have kids, you can leave the house and call the police.
And quite frankly, I don't want to deal with a dead burglar in my house.
I'll be honest, I would think about just leaving if I was, say, in a back bedroom at a backyard and a way to get out in the back gate.
And then I'd just call the cops from outside and they'd get busted in the act inside.
Because I don't want to deal with a dead person.
But if you're in my house and I'm, say, upstairs and I can't get out, I'm going to draw down on you.
I'm going to tell you to get on the ground.
And if you don't get on the ground, I'm going to start shooting.
And law in almost every state, of course, allows and authorizes and encourages that.
Because this is how people get killed, folks.
Now, when the cops get there, you know, it's best to just talk to a lawyer first before you talk to them.
Because the cops usually understand the common sense of defending yourself.
Some of the district attorneys now will try to prosecute you.
Even if the person's armed in your house, if you say shoot a couple times and they turn and run, and because of the adrenaline you keep shooting, and then they die on the street...
They'll say, why'd you keep shooting?
Well, he needed to die!
You're being honest.
They'll try to twist it and say it's premeditated, when obviously it isn't.
You got somebody in your house.
They're attacking you.
They're coming after you.
They're violating you.
You've got adrenaline going.
It is a passionate defense.
Not a crime of passion.
A passionate defense.
That's why, even though it's sad when it happens, the cops get let off when somebody gets out of their car, pulls a cell phone out of their pocket.
It's at night.
It looks like a gun on the surveillance tape.
The cops shoot you.
It looks like a gun.
Things like that are going to happen.
It's a sad thing.
But statistically, the citizens are safer, the police are safer, everyone's safer.
When you have a right to defend yourself and your home, look at the crime numbers on DC, New York, and Chicago with their gun bans.
We've put the graphs up on screen before, you can look them up, but crime rates have dropped 52% in violent crime everywhere else in the country since 1992, while exponentially rising in those three cities.
Chicago, ladies and gentlemen, has roughly, I saw this in the Houston Chronicle a few months ago, you can pull it up,
Fourteen times the crime rate of even Houston for murders and shootings.
And Houston's a dangerous city.
So could you imagine living in a place where only the criminals have guns?
It's a terrible thing.
Let's go ahead, though, and first play this police officer, and then I'll give you the rest of the story on it.
In New Jersey, responding to a complaint about corruption
And having his rights violated by asserting that law enforcement officers no longer need to follow the Constitution because it's already been decimated by President Obama.
So I love the argument.
Obama's bad, and he's violating everybody's rights and setting the precedent, so I don't have to follow it either.
And I'm not going to let you file a complaint.
So Obama's bad, so I'm going to act just like him.
Or Obama's bad, so I can rob banks.
Or government officials are allowed to be pedophiles, so I'm gonna go out and, you know, try to rob liquor stores.
No, we bring them to justice, we call them out politically, we convict them in the court of public opinion.
We don't then just give in to it and then say, no holds barred now.
Now all these unconstitutional laws, unconstitutional taxes that are meant to destroy us, it's your decision whether to pay them or not.
We're getting to the point of non-compliance and civil disobedience.
But you cannot have, quote, civil disobedience against the citizens violating their rights because Obama's doing it.
But that is going to start happening where government across the board is going to get even worse at the low level.
That's how tyranny's always unfolded, as I've told you folks, and as history shows.
When the big guys in the Soviet Communist Nazi Party, whatever the case is, get away with bloody murder, pretty soon the mid-level and the low-level get away with it, and all hell breaks loose, and the public turns against the system.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of the cop.
It's New Jersey case law.
Did you get that?
He doesn't have to follow the Constitution?
Can you say that one more time?
I'm not sure I heard it clearly.
Obama has decimated the friggin' Constitution.
So I don't give a damn because if he doesn't follow the Constitution, we don't have to.
It's New Jersey case law.
Just tell me that one more time so I completely understand what you just said.
Obama has decimated the friggin' Constitution.
So I don't give a damn because if he doesn't follow the Constitution,
We're gonna come back with the rest of the story, give you the details, but I want to get the guy that shot this video on, because I want to see if the cop's making a rhetorical point, or whether this is edited, or whether the cop's completely out of his mind.
But it looks pretty bad, and just like the Border Patrol video that's coming up as well.
I'm Alex Jones, stay with us.
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We are riding the storm of the Russian crisis is heating up.
Ebola, the border collapse, the dollar devaluation, Homeland Security publicly training for war with returning veterans, gun owners, Christians, libertarians, you name it.
This is the age of just over-the-top bizarre tyranny.
And I'm going to get into all that news coming up in the next segment.
But I want to discuss the larger issue.
Of a government that goes, okay, it is illegal for us to spy on you without warrants.
And we are using it for political control and to track what you're buying and doing to corner the market and fix the stock market and shut down our competition.
And we are reading all your emails and so are private corporations.
And we are selling your health data to everybody illegally.
And we are putting different chemicals in the water to control you.
That's in the news now.
And we do take foster children and test pesticides on them until they die.
And nobody's going to get in trouble.
And we are building emergency FEMA camps to put political dissidents in.
And we are going to violate your rights.
And we are going to give billions of dollars openly to our political friends.
And we're going to ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment and run a false flag.
And we're going to openly arm Al-Qaeda and change their name to IS to confuse the public, or ISIS.
And we're going to let George Soros overthrow Ukraine, start a war with Russia.
Again, not saying Putin's good.
But it'd be like if our government was starting a war with China.
It's crazy is what it is.
We lose the moral high ground.
But look who runs our government.
People like George Soros and David Rockefeller.
With a bunch of weirdos who are really just organized crime, like Rob Redford and Michael Moore, who all have armed bodyguards and want our guns and want to raise taxes on poor people, but they're always getting out of taxes.
And Warren Buffett, literally tax-exempt, lobbying 24-7 to raise taxes on poor people to get banker bailout money to stuff in his wallet.
While he funds eugenics operations.
It makes me want to throw up.
So, here are these clips together of the cop in New Jersey today.
This came out.
It's on Infowars.com.
And the border patrol in Texas saying, no, yeah, go on in, doesn't matter if you're a citizen or not.
Here it is.
Obama has decimated the free constitution.
So I don't give a damn.
Not anymore, unfortunately.
Now, that guy's a good guy.
He just says, no, not anymore, waves him on through, being honest.
The other guy, I haven't...
There's a little more in the clip.
We'll try to play the whole thing coming up.
I want to get the folks that put the video out on the show, as I said earlier.
But I've had cops tell me, I don't want to hear about the Constitution.
When I'm in a jail cell for protesting or whatever, and they're pushing my head in the wall or, you know, whatever.
And I just look at him and I go, don't you understand you're going to lose the checks and balances as well?
And you're not going to have any security or your children.
And invariably, are you threatening my children?
And then I say, boy, you really have a problem.
I guess that was a jail guard in that case.
When I'm clearly saying, don't you care about your children?
And then invariably they say, nobody's going to fix it.
It's just going to get worse.
I'm going along with it.
A fatalist, give in to the corruption, join the corruption, so you feel like you're a winner, when all you're doing is greasing the skids.
But it's not just the people that work in the government.
The general public, on average, I've found, is even worse than the police.
And I'm not kissing up to the police, I'm a big critic, as everybody knows, I'm just honest.
The general public, on average, on average, there's a lot of great people in the general public, the best.
Don't stop when somebody's run over on the highway.
Don't go visit their grandparents or their parents in the nursing home.
Are totally self-centered.
And they can see somebody's house burning down and they say, I don't care, it's not my house.
And they just could care less.
And they want to abort more babies.
They want to get rid of the poor people instead of building them up.
But they're the first ones, though, that'll call the cops when your nine-year-old is playing in the park behind your house, and they say, I believe it's abusive that that nine-year-old boy or girl, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, is playing out there.
Or the kid gets off at 3.30 and mom gets home at 5, like my parents always did, and you just get off the school bus and you go play at the park with your friends, when you're eight years old,
In rural areas and in big cities, they're taking people's kids, calling it abuse.
And it's always the trendies that call the cops.
And the cops have to file a report, so CPS comes and demands they arrest people, while Texas just, quote, changed the law, the regulation, without going to the legislature, to just suspend all rules for illegal kids.
Because it is human trafficking, it is illegal.
But hey, that's not suspended in Texas.
If your kid gets caught playing at the park, you're going to go to prison.
Because this country's a police state.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This magic moment so different and so new was like any other until I kissed you and then it happened it took me by surprise
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Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News, with the incredible InfoWars News Team.
And not just our great reporters, like Jakari Jackson, Leanne McAdoo, David Knight, and others, but the great team behind them, like Darren McBroom, who's also a reporter, Marcos Morales, of course, Rob Dues, a slaving, he was up here until midnight on his own accord, on Monday night, working to get a report out.
Josh Owens, everybody!
We just need to have a whole big roundtable sometime in the new studio with the whole crew in there, the whole news crew, and just kind of do a huge roundtable of folks talking about their experiences with the New World Order and just what happens around this operation.
I know listeners like that.
We've done that before, years ago.
We should start doing that at least once a month.
So don't forget, PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see the nightly news every night, 7 o'clock Central.
Before I get into all the Ebola news, the huge
Russia news, the huge border news, the Democrats as usual trying to dodge and successfully doing so, the taxes they put on the rest of us.
That's the issue.
Before I do that, I wanted to just tell the listeners we're having
The phone's blown off the hook for people wanting the newest Infowarslife.com product, DNA Force, that is the most powerful, concentrated, organic sources of patented, cell-boosting composites that are on record
Just rejuvenating, you name it.
It is sold out.
It will still be sold out for at least 10 weeks.
It's been sold out for a week.
We hope to get it here within 10 weeks.
We're rushing it.
12 weeks is what we were told.
Maybe we're getting it a week early.
Next time we're going to produce more, but it's so expensive to produce that we don't even have the capital to get the full amount we need to supply everybody.
But by reinvesting all the little profit we got from 1,000 bottles, we can get 3,000 bottles.
And then, you know, try to build up the supplying folks, and then you get the highest level of cutting-edge nutraceutical on record, and support the InfoWar while you're at it.
What we do have, I'm going to take my, I take one pill in the morning, one at lunch, and one at dinner.
I've only been on it about a month and a half.
It's only been out a week, but I had it before it came out, obviously.
And you can see the whole write-up at Infowarslife.com.
Because obviously we held a few bottles back for ourselves around here.
We still do have Lung Cleanse that was sold out for a long time.
A whole bunch of essential oils and key organic compounds known to soothe the throat, the lungs, you name it.
Three shots in the mouth.
And then you inhale.
You don't take it and inhale, because that could burn your lungs.
These are strong oils.
You dump this out on the table, I mean, it moves very slowly.
This is not a cheap product.
We bring you the most concentrated, most organic, most powerful known stuff.
And I'm not going to go over everything that's in it.
You can go check it out at Infowarslife.com.
We're very close, again, to selling out of Lung Cleanse.
We're very close to selling out of Silver Bullet.
Which we were out of for two and a half months.
The most powerful, lowest price colloidal silver out there.
The same colloidal silver is in a major organic national chain store, grocery store.
I'll leave it at that.
We private label it from the same big laboratory.
And it's 30 bucks there.
It's $19.95 at Infowarslife.com.
Just to give you an idea.
So, highest quality, lowest price out there that we've been able to find.
Same thing with the Lung Cleanse, same thing with the Survival Shield, and the Survival Shield X2 that's from the Deep Earth source.
So again, I just want to encourage everyone out there to support your own
Health, your own future, and to support the InfoWar, and to take the challenge to try the X2, to try the original Survival Shield, to try the Super Male Vitality, the Super Female Vitality, and other products that we're offering, they're trailblazing, so that you really see how good they are.
You've heard the rave reviews when I open the phones up on separate subjects, and medical doctors call in
In fact, I want to get that guy on as a guest.
He's been calling in for like 15 years.
The Doc out of Wyoming, who's sent us so many great news articles and things over the years.
I even forget his last name.
He's like, I think chairman of the Republican Party now in his county or whatever.
But the point is, really smart guy.
He's been taking X2.
And he called in on his own volition, said, man, I want to give you my testimony.
That's the type of guy we should separately interview about his inside stuff in the Republican Party, separately about what X2 did for him.
Or the first one, X1.
I mean, I only bring you stuff that really is hardcore and the very best.
And when we go to these top labs and factories, they go, you're really going to put that much of it in there?
No one does anything near that.
With PQQ and CoQ10, all this other stuff, we go, yeah, we're doing it.
And you're not going to sell it for $600.
You're going to sell it for $129.
Yeah, we're going to do it.
And I expect backlash over this, too, folks, because I'm kind of showing people the whole magic trick here of nutraceuticals.
Because I want to dominate the market and win, win, win, and feel good at night, bringing people the lowest prices and the most hardcore stuff out there.
Now, I'm done ranting.
I'm taking my DNA Force right now with my X2 in my Purified Water by ProPure.
And then I'm going to take the secret elixir that we won't have for a few months that everyone's wanting to know what it is.
When I'm tired and been up for 14 hours, oh, let me tell you, this is it.
And there's no side effect, no hangover on the mystery ingredient everyone wants to know about.
Just wait.
Let's just say it's a new development, no one else has it, and we're busy getting the patent pending and the trademarks and stuff before we even bring it out.
That's the reason we've not rolled it out yet.
And the best part is we're funding the Infowar at the same time and true independent media.
Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
Now there were a overrun of 200 bottles that aren't labeled of the
DNA Force.
We've had a couple thousand people sign up on the email on the DNA Force page at Infowarslife.com who want to be able to order it first when it comes out.
We will take the first 200 emails sometime next week out of those couple thousand and email you so you can get it when the 200 bottles come in.
But that'll be it until, I don't know, what's 10 weeks from now, 11 weeks from now.
We'll be into November.
So I'm sorry about that, but it's good to have things where people have already tried our products and know they're so good that stuff like that's happening.
Okay, let's get into the really hardcore news and information now, my friends.
Again, here are the headlines.
It's the top headline up on DrugsReport.com.
CDC refuses to identify where previous Ebola tests originated.
They're hiding the Ebola test locations.
And again, Drudge, first link to us reporting on the beginnings of this yesterday.
Now it's being covered by Breitbart doing a great job.
Immigrants, again, we'll get to that news here in a moment.
Let me hit this news first.
Some of it, again, is up on Infowars.com.
The most complete coverage on Ebola is at DrudgeReport.com.
And also, PrisonPlanet.com is covering quite a bit of it.
We're covering on the nightly news as well.
CDC refuses to identify where previous Ebola tests originated.
Tuesday evening, the CDC confirmed what we reported on in the morning.
The Breitbart News that individuals in the United States had been tested for Ebola.
Those tests came back negative.
We can't believe any of that.
But the CDC would not identify the states where they originated.
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported Tuesday, that's what we reported on The Drudge Picked Up, that half a dozen people have been tested for Ebola.
It's way more than that.
And it's now being covered up.
CDC gets dozens of calls about people who are ill after traveling in Africa.
Economic Collapse Blog reports, should we be alarmed that the CDC has received several dozen calls from hospitals around the country about people who are ill after traveling in Africa?
As you read above and below, a lot more Ebola testing has been going on around the nation.
We've been hearing about it in the mainstream media.
And then it goes on to break down.
People are collapsing from Liberia and coming to Morocco and coming to London.
I mean, just a lot of scary stuff going on.
And again, I'm more concerned about government response and using this as a power grab than I even am about the Ebola.
But this is undoubtedly a real pandemic in Africa, now in five nations at least.
They've brought Ebola, at least two people, into Atlanta.
It's a serious situation.
But again, CNN reported yesterday, U.S.
health authorities concerned, and they've been concealing the number of suspected Ebola victims from the public.
Ebola tested across the nation, government suppressing the info.
Ebola, BBC reports, global experts begin emergency talks at the World Health Organization.
Global health experts at the World Health Organization are meeting to discuss new measures to tackle the Ebola outbreak.
The meeting is expected to last two days.
And we'll decide whether to declare a global health emergency.
Today, a man suspected of contracting Ebola died in Saudi Arabia.
If confirmed, this will be the first Ebola-related death outside of Africa.
The outbreak began in February in Guyana and has since spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia.
On Wednesday, a nurse became the second person to die from Ebola in Nigeria.
Nigeria's health minister and five other cases of Ebola have been treated in isolation.
Sub-Saharan Africa's largest city.
It comes as leading infectious disease experts have called for experimental treatments to be offered more widely.
Let's continue.
Ebola outbreak could be much worse than first thought.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
The worst outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in history could actually be much worse than official death tolls reflect, the World Health Organization says.
And again,
They have a history of covering up how bad things really are when they're serious.
Then when something isn't serious, like H1N1 five years ago, they hype it up like it's the end of the world.
When we have governments as evil as this running things, that's the big concern.
And why is the southern border still wide open?
And why have Border Patrol agents, senior ones, gone public saying they've been ordered to load people up, vomiting, with high fevers, you name it, from the Middle East, from Africa, and just let them come in on the buses.
Which is then increasing the surge of illegals coming in.
Here's another one out of Reuters.
Bodies dumped in streets as West Africa struggles to curb Ebola.
Relatives of Ebola victims in Liberia defy government orders and dump infected bodies in the streets as West African governments struggle to enforce tough measures to curb an outbreak of the virus that has killed, let me say this, for over a week, 887 people.
It's way over that, folks.
Most estimates have been over 1,000 for a week.
Sierra Leone deploys troops in Ebola crisis to control the border and other issues.
We won't do that here, don't worry.
Ebola virus spreads because of lax quarantine enforcement, says the World Health Organization and the New York Times.
Five new Ebola cases and another death confirmed in Nigeria.
Now they're saying in Africa God is angry with Liberia for trying to legalize homosexuality, blaming Ebola on homosexualism.
Well, I'm blaming on airborne viruses that come from fruit bats that have been manipulated in bioweapons labs in the last 50 years, 45 years.
That's on record.
It's clearly been weaponized and it's becoming more airborne.
And by the way, if you're a new listener and say, hey, it's not airborne, mainline science has said for two years, evidence it's airborne, with monkeys transferring it to pigs in Africa, in cages, separated, in laboratories where they're separated.
I think a lot of this testing and CDC stuff and UN stuff, undoubtedly these labs are becoming vectors for it, even if they're not trying to create it.
It's no doubt SV40 that gave over 100 million Americans cancer on record was from the vaccine production.
The question is, was it on purpose or by accident?
Well, one of the developers of it told PBS television, we played the clip probably a hundred times here, we gotta pull it back up,
He was interviewed by the Boston station, a PBS aired nationally, back in the early 90s.
They said, oh yeah, we knew it was in there, but there's too many people.
Ha ha ha!
I mean, this is the type of garbage we're dealing with.
What's shocking is how Ebola patients look before they die.
British doctor working in Sierra Leone describes the horror of the deadly disease.
Giant purple blisters everywhere.
Blood pouring out of every orifice.
I'm not even going to read any more of this here on air.
Maybe I'll get to it more so people know how serious this is.
But don't worry, the Washington Post says global warming, even though the Earth's been cooling for 19 years, the UN's own numbers show, is the cause.
You didn't pay your carbon indulgence to the Rothschild Bank, the Rockefeller Bank, so that's why this happened.
I'm going to go to break.
And I'm going to come back and get into the border situation, then the Russia situation.
Ebola crisis spurs passenger checks as airlines still fly, Bloomberg reports, out of West Africa.
I love this headline.
Tuskegee students stuck in Liberia due to Ebola fears.
Six students who attended Tuskegee University where the government for 47 years injected black people with syphilis so they could spread it to everybody else at the same time.
Other blacks and everybody else are stranded in Liberia.
See, that's how I think when I see a headline.
Oh, but the government wouldn't be involved in anything now.
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All right, when we come back, immigrants using Facebook to find illegal border crossings as Zuckerberg allows it to be used for human smuggling and other felonies, while Facebook shuts down websites exposing the border being wide open.
Facebook, all of them, are literally foreign enemy operations.
You ask, why are we on them?
Because that's where the war is.
You go to the front lines, and you go behind the lines as well.
And I am part of the militia.
I wear a sports jacket, a white shirt, and a stainless steel wristwatch.
And I engage in info war.
I don't wear camo for a Southeast Asia war that ended 40 years ago.
We're gonna come back, break it all down on the other side, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Alright folks, we are back live.
In other news, Michelle Obama, who came out with other pop celebrities, that's what they sold her as, came out and of course said, don't say bossy, it hurts women's feelings.
Don't call a woman bossy.
You don't use the word bossy as a man because you're bad.
And people are now saying they won't use the word because she's God.
And if she says don't use the word blue, you don't use it.
You do what they say.
When they say jump, you say, yes ma'am, how high.
Because that's what a free country does.
And you don't call illegal aliens illegal aliens either.
You use the language they say when they say it, Buster.
There's even video and audio of this.
I want to get it.
Michelle Obama now says women are smarter than men.
First Lady Michelle Obama shared some thoughts about women versus men during a conversation with former First Lady Laura Bush at the U.S.
African Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C.
And she went on to say, women are smarter than men.
What an outrageous statement.
Some women are smarter demographically than other groups of men.
But when you get to the highest level of geniuses, you can't even say who's the smartest.
Physiologically, women's brains tend to have three times the connections between left and right hemisphere, so women are more intuitive.
And tend to be, a lot of times, on average, better at aesthetics.
I mean, this is well known by sociologists, anthropologists.
That's what they target.
But we are the same species.
Men and women are together.
That's why they attack both the normal genders, both the standard genders, is to end humanity as we know it, and that's in the textbooks.
And so now, imagine if a president said, men are smarter than women.
Statistically, men are better fighter pilots.
Of course, machines are about to replace us, so it doesn't matter.
Because men generally have better eyesight, generally don't get as confused under pressure, generally can work in coordination under pressure, generally can operate better when wounded.
Now, a woman, on average, can live longer when wounded.
So, ooh, big difference!
Men can operate better in pain, on average.
Women can handle more trauma.
Gunshot wounds, you name it, on average.
That's about a seven-point increase in women.
Same thing in female babies.
They're known to be much stronger than male babies.
Look at autism.
The chemicals hit boys a lot worse, because boys
Well, it's a complex issue.
The point is, it's all about thinking about how we're all different and not together.
What an outrageous, bigoted, sexist scumbag.
But see, she can say it.
You can have rap songs putting down white people all day.
You can have Meche La Raza running around the Hispanic Ku Klux Klan putting down white people as the devil.
You can have the black first lady up there, or first whatever she is, up there, you know, saying men are dumb, basically.
Oh, I heard there wouldn't be any more wars once women got into office.
Now they run the State Department just warmongering everywhere because they work for the globalists.
It's a total front, ladies and gentlemen.
And these women act more arrogant and more aggressive and more crazy than the nuttiest alpha males I've ever known.
Shouldn't the headline be, women are smarter than George W. Bush?
That would be probably an accurate headline.
I mean, the point is, is that women and men today are childlike.
So easy to manipulate.
And I refuse to do it.
But people like Michelle Obama do.
I mean, women are getting people ready for Hillary to run.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna show you a girl gonna get in.
I mean, it is just so transparent, so mindless, so stupid.
And it's all sick.
I didn't get into all the border stuff.
Suspects in murder of border patrol agent.
Arrested and deported.
Texas... I mean, it's all coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mark Adams joined us, investigative journalist, to chronicle the incredible criminal history of the illegitimate run-for-profit
For the offshore banks, Internal Revenue Service.
And I talked to senior people in the IRS in Austin, one of the biggest IRS centers in the country's here.
They admit it's all true, the total fraud and total scam, and the ultra-rich are tax-exempt, and the illegals are all allowed to be basically tax-free in many cases, and launder money.
I mean, this is all just a mafia government.
So that's coming up.
I said I'd get into the open borders situation.
We reported on this a few days ago.
Drudge picked it up first.
Now it's in mainstream news today, but suspects in murder of Border Patrol agent arrested and deported numerous times.
They were living illegally in Texas.
We reported on this yesterday.
We're actually two days ago.
So now it's hitting national news that they have been deported over and over again.
And we're just rolling around robbing and killing people reportedly for fun and to rob them.
So there you go.
Texas eased rules for housing immigrant children.
They can basically do anything they want with them and have no inspections and no Congress can't get in.
Nobody can get in.
Overwhelmed by the arrival of thousands of undocumented immigrant children, the state of Texas relaxed its standards.
That's called laws.
The legislature, you're breaking the law.
You just say now, like Obama, we're relaxing standards for the shelters that house them.
Mainly because the illegals are crapping on the floor.
I mean, I'm sorry, that's just in the news.
Governing how much space, they just won't use the toilet in some cases.
Never had a toilet.
I mean, I don't blame them.
And why not?
The EPA does it.
Maybe that's the new sign that you're in the in crowd.
You just walk into a restaurant, crap on the table.
I mean, why not?
It's racist to walk into a police station and just walk in and just crap right on the front desk.
And they're going to arrest me and go, what?
I'm culturally sensitive here.
That was in the news last week that that's why they're having all these inspections.
People are getting in trouble because there's just crap everywhere.
But easing rules governing how much space each child needs and what kind of facilities they should have.
Maybe that should be the new American flag.
It's just somebody crapping on the floor.
I mean, the EPA... By the way, when I said this a few months ago, people thought I was joking.
Then I mentioned it again a few days ago, or last week, and people were on YouTube going, I thought he was joking, until we flashed the article up.
No, no, no.
At EPA facilities all over the country, they go... The U.S.
citizens... We're not just playing the illegals here, because they grew up, like, in, you know, cardboard boxes.
I feel sorry for them.
They go to the bathroom at their desk in hallways.
And they're not just lazy and pee on the floor.
I mean, in an idiocracy, you have a toilet built right into your seat.
That's trendy.
You gotta have a hipster beard.
By the way, there's a new article out.
Islamic State's new icon is a hipster.
And I saw this a few days ago and thought it was satire, but now it's in the London Telegraph.
I look at so much news, I looked at it and thought, that can't be real.
You guys, if you'll punch this up for TV viewers, it's so ridiculous.
Islamic State's new icon is a hipster jihadi, sword-wielding supporter of the caliphate, is a university graduate from a well-off Cairo family.
I bet you a million dollars he's CIA or Ford Foundation or Soros Group.
I mean, you can just look at it.
What a joke!
And hey, they're carrying out Democratic Party operation to murder every Christian they find, slit the throats of non-radical Muslims and just rule savagely, ruling with power like Akron.
You walk in Akron, you go, I got children, I want to run as sex slaves.
They're like, sir, you came to the right place, time to run ops.
And if you don't run child sex slaves in America for the Democrats, you're a racist.
And if you're at the EPA and you don't just projectile crap all over the walls... You know what?
Maybe when I was at CNN a few years ago for the Piers Morgan deal, and I'd been at the same studios before, and it was all nice a few years before, and now it was all gross while I'm on this scatological deal that Karl Rove, who listens in Austin, I'm sure loves.
But I'm disgusted by it.
I'm not obsessed with it like he is with his nickname for the President, TB.
I don't mean tuberculosis.
Yeah, I'm not kidding.
Turd blossom.
That it was like Jackson Pollock's all over the walls.
Green, brown, black crap.
I mean, maybe that's what America is.
Maybe you prove you're a Democrat now by just running around the street.
Don't even wear diapers.
Stay with us.
This is Scottish John for InfoWars.com.
I know that most of you here in this commercial already know about the New World Order, eugenics, and all the other issues covered here at InfoWars.
The question is, do your friends and family know?
If not, then I want to know why.
Oh, I know it's tough to talk about this with some people.
They might call you names, or they just want to talk about sports, or soap operas.
I say, so what?
There's a battle going on out there right now.
The ammunition is information, and the soldiers are you.
It's time to transform your game from passive listener to active participant.
We from Scotland have had our skin in this game for the greater part of the last thousand years, and I'm still fighting.
If we don't all stand up right now, we're gonna lose everything.
The Info War is worldwide.
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This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Former Congressman George Hanson had the eye of the tiger.
Back when no one in government dared criticize the IRS or speak on the floor of the House on C-SPAN about stories of them taking homes without even warrants or without even juries, jerking the diamond rings off little old ladies' fingers, he would expose that it was a collection agency for the private Federal Reserve that had been set up in 1913.
And I remember interviewing Hanson back in the mid-90s, again after 2000,
I tried to get him on last year and again earlier this year and learned that he was in bad health and could not come on, but he recommended Mark Adams, who is his biographer.
And when we look at what the IRS is doing today, going after hundreds of thousands of conservatives, libertarians, Tea Partiers, pro-life groups, Christian groups, land rights organizations, setting people up, arresting people, it's created a giant chilling effect.
Or even mainline Baptist churches hand out letters we've shown here on air telling their practitioners, when you go to a church dinner, don't even talk about politics when you're having dinner.
Well, I mean, the First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And then it goes in the freedom of the press, the right to assemble for redress of grievances.
So petitioning, all of it's in the First Amendment.
More important, the Founders believe in the Second.
But the two go together.
Like a horse and carriage.
Like an engine and a caboose.
Because it's the pin that is so mighty.
Even more than the sword.
Because the sword will fail if it's not backed up by the pin.
That's the Infowar.
Pentagon says 90% of war is now Infowar.
They say soon it'll be 90-plus percent, 98%.
And so that's why we're going to remember what's been happening to George Hanson.
We're going to look back on what happened to him, but first we're going to start at present times and work our way back with investigative journalist Mark Adams.
Who again has a book coming out on the subject.
Jesse Ventura joins us in the next hour.
We'll have news as it breaks as well.
More on the border.
Russia prepares large-scale invasion.
Battle-ready forces of infantry, armor, artillery, and air defense.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
We've got some of the other important news up on InfoWars.com.
NATO warns Russia will use a humanitarian mission as pretext to invade Ukraine.
CDC remains silent on potential Ebola victims in the U.S.
Cop, if Obama doesn't follow the Constitution, we don't have to.
There's video of that.
Amnesty supporter hits protesting woman's car.
CDC getting dozens of calls about people who are ill after traveling to Africa.
911 dispatcher issues insane instructions to woman whose house is being robbed, put down your gun.
That's the kind of news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, Robert Redford has come out.
He wants to be basically tax exempt.
He's suing the state of New York over $1.6 million in taxes.
And it's always the Democrats, if you look at the numbers, the congressmen that don't pay taxes, the big rich moguls that don't pay taxes, the Bill and Melinda Gates that get out of taxes, the Warren Buffets, while lobbying to have poor people's taxes raised, because they get it in government contracts.
Truly a disgusting group of
Kleptocrats, posing as loving liberals who have the moral high ground.
Now before we go to Mark Adams, if you're a TV viewer, we'll show you some of the photos of Congressman Hanson, who was tortured.
And that's the story that we haven't gotten to yet.
He was driven around, his teeth knocked out.
He was driven around for months.
They call it de-celling.
Those aren't even the bad photos we found online.
Until his
Yes, they call it diesel therapy.
Thank you, John.
Where your toes pop, your legs rot, your feet burst.
In fact, the photos we found online aren't even the ones he sent me more than a decade ago that were just unbelievable.
But this is this is the type of evil that you'd imagine in a communist gulag happening to Alexander Schultz and Nielsen that goes on.
So he's too ill to keep fighting on but he fights on for his biographer and researcher.
First I want to play a clip from the early 1990s on Geraldo Rivera with Congressman Hanson when it was admitted
And confirmed that he indeed had been targeted and tortured.
Here it is.
But in my case, I beat them on the tax matter that they tried to throw at me.
In fact, we had a five figure refund.
But they did everything they could to try to embarrass you in the middle of an election, all that type of thing, and then it didn't stop.
They tried to come at you from other directions, the Federal Election Commission, or the ethics reports that you file with Congress.
And it didn't even matter if you went to the committee that handled the reports and asked them how to file the reports with two attorneys present, and they filed the reports.
They made sure that one agency of government, the one they work with, the Justice Department, came in and got you anyway, even though you followed the instructions.
So they have a way of getting you if they don't like you, and there's a whole host of stories.
Any politician that stands in their way, they're not safe either.
They file taxes.
And you wonder why people go along.
Well, the NSA is blackmailing.
We had William Binney on a few weeks ago to say, no, it's confirmed they spy on the Congress and blackmail them and threaten them.
And then they had an intel operative come out in the news and say, I claimed I interviewed of someone from an intelligence community when Bill Binney is the highest level NSA person to ever go public.
He was number four at the NSA when he quit in October 2001.
This is the shy-op they run.
Telling you there's no death panels in Obamacare.
Telling you there's no open border.
Now they admit it.
Telling you that you can keep your doctor.
Telling you raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
Telling you there's no tyranny.
They're lying to you.
So Mark Adams, I'm gonna give you the floor for the next six minutes till we got a break.
Where should we begin?
Currently what's happening or at the beginning?
Well gosh, thanks for having me on Alex.
I'll tell you,
It's remarkable.
So much of Congressman Hansen's fireball career, it directly relates now to the exposed collusion of the IRS and the Justice Department working together to try to destroy the Tea Party.
And for sure, 2014 has been a busy year for the IRS.
As reported in the New York Daily News on June 24th, United States Archivist David Ferraro, he testified to Congress that IRS did not follow the law when it failed to report the destruction of Lois Lerner's emails.
Also on June 24th,
It was revealed that the IRS was forced to pay $50,000 to the National Organization for Marriage for illegally disclosing their donor list.
That was reported in the Daily Signal.
And then, let's also remember Christine O'Donnell.
When it was revealed last February that the IRS illegally disclosed her confidential tax documents.
And then, at the end of June, June 30th, the Hill newspaper published an article with this headline, Senator Thune, he's from South Dakota,
Lerner emails on Senator Grassley, show the need for a special prosecutor.
And in the Hill newspaper, it quotes Senator Thune.
He says, we're all very concerned when we hear that the IRS, in addition to targeting political groups, may be targeting
Conservative Senators who've been critics of the IRS.
Well, the fact is the IRS has been targeting lawmakers for a very long time.
Their first victim was Senator Ed Long, a Democrat from Missouri.
And this takes us all the way back in the 1960s when Johnson was president.
Senator Long spent an unprecedented three years investigating the Internal Revenue Service.
And he was outraged at what he discovered.
And he did not mince words.
He warned the whole country
How too often the IRS acts like a Gestapo, preying upon defenseless citizens.
And his hearings generated a lot of press coverage because they also exposed the illegal wiretapping that was going on with the IRS and the FBI.
And in fact, way back in, I think it was 1967, he published a book titled The Intruders.
That documented the government's crusade into secret and illegal surveillance.
I've read that book and that's cited by so many people that began to expose the NSA as well.
And that data is shared with all these agencies that are really mafias to do whatever they want.
We're going to go to break with investigative journalist Mark Adams.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you just joined us and come back and break this down because it's getting worse.
And every year
They cut more and more white-collar investigators, that's the headline, but IRS that investigates billionaires, and they only focus on political now.
So they're becoming purely political on top of it, and getting away with it.
So what happens when they get away with persecuting people in the NSA spying?
You get a full-blown tyranny.
Stay with us.
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew you didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
So what we have going on here is a reign of terror.
And it's intensifying.
I saw in the Wall Street Journal just a few months ago where they cut even more of the white collar fraud investigators.
Across federal agencies, like the Election Commission, the commissions that look at the stocks and bonds, the IRS.
The IRS will let one house in Austin get 80-something million dollars over several years of fake tax returns.
Obviously, it's being laundered.
The Democratic Party and others.
It's not a house of four or five illegals getting that.
Same thing in Atlanta, Georgia.
Los Angeles, California.
It's there, though, to tell churches you can't have free speech and speak out against abortion when that's not even a law.
But, just like the mafia can threaten to break your legs, and it's illegal, but still,
A lot of people buckle to them.
So we'll get into Congressman Hanson's story, and we'll go back and look at the hearings that exposed it, and what happened to him specifically, and then move forward.
But it's just important to understand, this is a reign of terror, and giving in to it only makes it get worse.
The answer to their chilling effect and their intimidation is to get more vocal against them, to get more aggressive, and to let the politicos that come after you know
When they try to set you up, Eric Holder may get out of it, but they're not going to get out of it.
You're going to sue them forever.
You're going to dig into their background, their other cases, and just like the Michael Mortensen case, you're going to end up sending them to jail.
It may take 10 years.
But I've always warned the government and everybody else, I know I'm clean.
And if anybody ever sets me up or tries anything, I am going to make your life miserable by the full extent of the law forever.
And I've got lawyers and a trust set up.
My money isn't set up to own a jet airplane.
My money isn't set up to live in a big house.
It's set up to take care of my kids, a little bit of money I got, and to make whoever kills me or whoever sets me up, their life a living hell.
I don't mean to go off on a jag, but I've talked to so many top lawyers here on the air.
I want to get that top EPA lawyer on and the FDA lawyer on.
He does both.
I forget his name.
He's the top lawyer in the country.
We had him on.
And he's won a whole bunch of cases against the FDA, EPA, you name it, when they're bullying people for no reason.
And he said, look,
We go after the judges and the prosecutors for the crimes they've committed and all the money they're getting from the companies themselves.
This is a mafia.
They shut it down real quick.
That's the only way to beat the feds in federal court.
That's why they got a 97, 98 percent conviction rate.
Because it's a mafia, folks.
But you start investigating.
The lifestyle of the people that set you up?
Oh, they quit real fast!
I'm sorry, we got a long segment coming up.
I'm eating up your segment here.
Mark, get back to that member of the Congress who was getting into this in their book, The Intruders, and then move forward to what it's grown into today.
Yes, well here's how they set Senator Ed Long up.
Bill Lambert was an associate editor at Life Magazine.
And he was contacted by an official in the Justice Department who worked closely with the IRS.
And this official promised Lambert a big, juicy story about the crusading senator.
And it was the May 1967 issue of Life Magazine published
An article that made the outrageous accusation that Senator Long's hearings, which were exposing all this illegal wiretapping, they in fact interfered with the government's investigation of organized crime.
The article also accused Senator Long of collecting $48,000 in bribe payoffs.
Now, Long, he of course denied the accusations.
And as for the $48,000, that was a legal finder's fee from an attorney in Missouri.
Money, which in fact, he had reported to the IRS.
And he documented the trail of payments.
Later that summer in 1967,
A Senate Investigation Committee cleared Senator Long of any wrongdoing.
But it shows the incredible dirty tricks that scare everybody else off.
And we're showing the news articles on screen right now that our guest sent us.
We'll be back to look at more of those documents for TV viewers.
We'll break them down for radio listeners.
This is important.
This is how they're destroying America.
We've got to expose it.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com.
InfoWars dot com.
The backup site has a lot of news on every day that doesn't end up on InfoWars dot com.
Sometimes I find more on Prison Planet than I do on InfoWars, but regardless, that is the backup site.
We're on Twitter, at RealAlexJones, and of course most of the big Twitter accounts that have like 5 million, 10 million followers, it's come out in the news, are fake.
The President's, the First Lady's, ours isn't fake.
We came to Twitter late in the game, so it only has like 280,000 followers on it.
That's still good because it's real followers.
And sometimes I'll tweet on the weekend if something's happening, or I'll tweet a video, or I'll tweet an article, or I'll tweet a photo, or I'll tweet humor.
You get more of my humor, which might be funny depending on your views.
At Real Alex Jones.
Very important to follow Real Alex Jones, even though it's a globalist platform, it's very useful.
Now, we had fans that set up fan sites on Facebook pretty early on.
That's why we have three million folks that like us on Facebook.
About 900,000 on one, and he had all the others together.
It's about three million.
That's because we got there early.
One thing I noticed about the Internet, it's important to get there early.
When some new platform comes out, if you get to
One of these sites, late, it's not as easy to dominate it.
Of course, we've dominated YouTube.
We got to that not really early, but not late.
We got to it by about 2005, right when it got sold to Google.
We were on it before it got sold to Google, whenever that was.
Obviously, on one channel, we didn't set our channel up until 2009 or so, and that one has 400-something million, but all put together, 800 million on big channels alone of people that have seen our videos.
And that's just big channels.
I can't even track all the others.
And I'm not tooting our horn.
I'm saying people are awake.
Liberty is popular.
And now the IRS has been exposed being political, going after people who are innocent, but it's a fraud to begin with.
Didn't get set up until 1913.
The average American didn't pay money to the IRS until the 1950s.
And here's a headline from the New York Times in 2000, April 16th.
IRS more likely to audit the poor and not the rich.
And since then I've seen that headline over and over again where there's not auditors for Warren Buffett, boys and girls.
But if you own a car dealership, you're getting audited every year.
If you own a restaurant, you're getting audited every year.
That's what the poor people think are rich people.
Or if you make $20,000 a year, $30,000?
Those audits went up in 2013, they reported this year, and of rich went down even more.
But I'm ranting.
I want to give Mark Adams, investigative journalist, the floor, and then a new article that just went live on InfoWars.com.
North Carolina sheriff to residence
Fight back against crime by taking up arms.
And he goes on to say crime is exploding in their county due to the illegal alien crime wave, the economy being bad.
And that's the truth.
Crime has gone down since 1992 with the end of the crack cocaine epidemic.
I remember when I was a kid growing up in Dallas, there'd be sometimes four murders a day, five murders a day.
I remember hearing, you know, 20 murders in the last three days over the weekend.
Dallas had the highest crime rate, worse than Chicago when I was growing up.
But it was more than that.
They think it was the lead and the fuel made people violent or something?
I mean, you know, I grew up where if you looked at somebody wrong, they would just jump out of their truck while it was moving and just run towards you.
I mean, it was just like, just like fistfights constantly.
People get, and I lived in a nice neighborhood.
And people were shooting each other and stuff sometimes.
It was like wives shooting husbands, you name it.
Just crazy stuff, but I don't know why I'm going off on that jag.
The point is, since guns became so incredibly popular and concealed carry came out, the FBI even admits that's one of the largest reasons crime's gone down.
Also taking lead out of the fuel.
Lead will make you a mad dog, folks.
That was a big part of why the U.S.
was so violent, because we would lead the fuel.
A lot of other folks banned that before we ever did.
But, so I give that to the left, who always talks about crime dropping, being fuel.
That's part of it, but the guns are the biggest, because lead was out for a long time, crime went down some, and then down even more by the mid-90s, 2000, and through that, when the lead had already been out by the 80s.
But I'm gonna go back to my guess, you know how I love factoids.
But now, because of the economy being in a depression in most areas, and methamphetamine and the rest of it, crime
Muggings, shootings, people knocking out the window in your car, people stealing your bag when you go to the bathroom at the restaurant.
Petty crime is off the charts.
And what's happening is people trying to carjack, carjack's coming back.
It's not as bad as it was since concealed carry came in, but it's coming back.
They're just getting killed.
Muggings are going up, they're getting killed.
So the sheriff, we're going to play the clip after our guest leaves us and Ventura joins us, he says,
Learn how to use them.
Because the Sheriff's Department is overwhelmed and departments are saying this everywhere.
Start shooting these people.
Somebody tries to mug you, tries to break into your car, grab the revolver, shove it in their chest, pull the trigger until they're dead.
Until they're off of you.
And that'll teach all these people.
So go out and get a job and work and not go around knocking people on the head.
Let's go ahead and go back to our guest Mark Adams, the investigative journalist who's writing a book about Congressman George Hanson who was arrested, tortured.
He's getting into earlier congressmen and senators that were persecuted.
Then I want to get into his torture and when your book is coming out.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, thank you, Alex.
One thing I want to point out here, it was the Life Magazine article that really sabotaged Senator Ed Long.
He lost the primary election in August 1968.
Life Magazine never published a retraction, even though it was proven that he was innocent of those charges that were put forth in the article.
Well, on August 6th, 1968,
46 years ago today, the IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen called Bill Lambert, the associate editor at Life Magazine, to offer them his congratulations.
And by the way, we're showing the New York Times article as you speak.
Go ahead.
Now, Bernard Fensterwald, he was Chief Counsel to Senator Long's committee.
He also did not mince words.
He came right out and warned Senators and Congressmen who are not scared of looking into the IRS have to be crazy.
Because the IRS will just ruin your career.
And they should have all gotten together as a coalition against cowardice and all come out, or even 30 or 40, then they couldn't bring them all down.
But instead, cowards all sit down while great men like Congressman Hanson are tortured.
Well, one senator who came forward was Senator Joseph Montoya.
He was a Democrat from New Mexico.
He chaired the IRS Appropriations Subcommittee.
And in 1972, he started lining up witnesses to testify before his subcommittee about IRS atrocities.
Well, in 1975, he was sambagued when IRS operatives colluded with Bob Woodward and the Washington Post.
IRS chief
Well that was the screaming headline on the October 19, 1975 edition of the Washington Post.
And that article by Bob Woodward has got all the appearances of a real work of sabotage.
Right there at the beginning of the article, Woodward states that Montoya
Senator Montoya had been twice recommended for prosecution because he allegedly failed to file returns going back to World War II they were looking at, 1945 and 1946.
But then, four paragraphs later, Woodward writes, there is no evidence that Montoya has illegally evaded taxes.
For those that don't know, Bob Woodward, I'm not defending Nixon, was Naval Intelligence, and that was a total setup.
They were giving him all the intel to bring down the presidency, to bring in a soft cue of bureaucrats.
So anytime Woodward or Bernstein, especially Woodward, are involved in something, you gotta look out.
Well, yes, in fact, what Mattoria was doing was, he was making people nervous.
He was going full throttle to, again, show America
How the IRS behaves like a Gestapo, preying on defenseless Americans.
Now remember, in 1968, the IRS finally got rid of Senator Long.
Now, just four years later, Senator Montoya is in hard pursuit.
Woodward doesn't mention any of this.
All she says in this article is, he, Montoya,
is well known on Capitol Hill for his active interest in IRS matters.
Of course he has an active interest in IRS matters.
He's the one who chairs their subcommittee that oversees the IRS.
Yeah, the headline should be, IRS persecuting Congress, IRS going after their bosses, IRS in political sabotage of those that would bring them to justice, IRS tries to block congressional prosecutor.
That's what's really going on.
Well, in fact, in 1972, when Montoya was really getting serious of looking into the IRS, that's when the IRS district director in New Mexico decided to start investigating Montoya.
Then, in December 1972,
An IRS memorandum was issued by IRS Chief Intelligence Division.
This was in San Francisco.
And that memorandum branded Senator Montoya as a tax protester.
And they further smeared him as one who would advocate violence against revenue.
And we're showing that memo right now.
So, if you're on the committee to control the IRS, and you don't like them abusing old ladies and taking their houses, you're a tax protester because you're exposing this criminal organization.
That was the position of the IRS.
Now, we're going to have you back for a second interview, obviously, to go over more of this, or on Nightly News, because you've sent us so many documents.
I want to do an interview when your book comes out as well, sir.
But first off, we've got a lot of ground to cover with Congressman Hanson, but you're showing the pattern here, that links up with today, of why Congress won't do anything to the IRS.
Now, what's interesting here is, it was later exposed, well this is more than 10 years later,
That one of the IRS operatives that was used against Montoya was later used against Senator Hanson.
That person's name is Everin Ride.
He was transferred, this is now in 1975, he was transferred
From Albuquerque to Salt Lake City.
So they have to find specialist goons to target good people, even in these rogue agencies.
They find specialist hitmen to do these political jobs.
And when he arrived in Salt Lake City, Everett Ride, who is now promoted to IRS Intelligence Chief, he was collaborating with IRS District Director
Let's talk about what they did to him.
And as a result of that, a lot of Idaho citizens and businessmen lost everything they had.
Congressman Hanson led the battle to secure over $400 million in flood damage reimbursements.
But before the waters barely even subsided, the other side of government showed up.
What happened next truly warps the mind.
Agents from the IRS swooped down on the flood victims with plans to tax their government relief payments.
Congressman Hansen fought them on that tooth and nail.
He called it a flood tax.
Then, three weeks before Election Day,
A scandalous article appears in the Lewiston Morning Tribune.
And with lots of support in detail, the article alleged that Congressman Hanson was not paying his taxes.
Now here, because of a courageous IRS whistleblower named Paul DeFossis,
A lot of these players have been identified.
Like I said, there was the IRS Intelligence Chief, Evan Ride.
There was the District Chief, Howard Martin.
Well, Evan Ride was contacted by Robert Huntley.
He was the campaign treasurer to Stan Kress.
Stan Kress was the Democrat candidate who opposed George Hanson.
And information, or I should say misinformation, lies, were provided to Robert Huntley, and then those were used against Congressman Hanson by Stan Kress in a debate that was being held at Idaho State University.
So that's key.
First they discredit you, they have mainstream media put out disinfo on you, then they come out and indict you for something, and then they try to break you, torturing you in the dungeons.
There was also a clandestine meeting with, in the offices of professor, a history professor, Richard Stallings at Ricks College.
He was the campaign manager for Stan Kress.
Well, Richard Stallings is now running for Congress from the Idaho 2nd District.
Wow, is he running as a Republican or a Democrat?
Unbelievable, that needs to be known.
Yes, indeed.
Now, what happened here, though, with George Hansen is interesting.
Unlike Senator Ed Long, unlike Senator Joseph Montoya, George Hansen survived the sabotage
And he won re-election.
Afterwards, the IRS struck again.
Now they put Congressman Hanson through the ringer with a criminal audit.
It was a grueling audit.
It was being conducted by the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS.
Which is hanging out and meeting with the guy that ran against him?
But once again, IRS smear tactics blew up in their face.
After months of auditing, it was determined that the government owed Congressman Hanson a refund.
But it doesn't matter.
With the IRS, there's not just double jeopardy, there's triple jeopardy.
And soon they'll get their hands on him and get him in a dungeon.
We'll be back with the criminal foreign bankers that run the country.
Stay with us.
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How many people have you seen in the news who were audited after criticizing the IRS?
And so the common response is out there, well you better shut up about them.
Well that allows them to engage in their pillaging of innocent people.
And are we really a nation of cowards that bad?
In most countries, tax systems come and go.
People are always changing stuff and not putting up with it.
The IRS is a political group of oppressors.
I'm not even saying the average rank-and-file person's bad.
They're just there doing a computer job.
But the technicians of it are out of control.
And look at people like Joe Bannister, a Treasury agent, who found out it was all a scam, quit over it,
When he was a rising star, they tried to put him in federal prison twice, but the juries found him not guilty.
I mean, this is a crazy group, folks, who've been ruling this country, and it's getting worse.
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Oh, excuse me.
His rejuvenation powers are remarkable.
Um, he has many, many medical afflictions, but his mind is hyper razor sharp, and he fights on.
And gosh, there is so much that has happened to George Hanson.
Twice, he has been illegally railroaded to prison.
The first time, when the United States Marshals got their hands on him,
He was giving a speech somewhere in the Midwest, and they hired a private rear jet to pick him up, flew him to National Airport, booked him into the Alexandria County Jail under the alias Fred Smith to hide him from his family and friends.
The second time when they got their hands on him, that's when they dragged him all over the country in chains with a black box attached to the chains to interfere with your circulation to cause those horrible injuries that you enumerated earlier.
Let's be clear, they grabbed a congressman, like Rendition, threw him on a jet and flew him off.
I mean, this is the mafia that is our government.
No one is safe from these narcotics trafficking murderers.
And if they can do it to a congressman, they can do it to anybody.
And really, that's the headline, you know, the true story of a congressman that was kidnapped.
Yes, indeed.
That's exactly what happened.
Once, finally, he was tracked down, there was a whole cadre of congressmen and senators that got a hold of Ed Meese, demanding answers, but really the whole thing was just effectively covered up.
And people wonder why Congress is scared and bends over.
It's because a guy can be found not guilty twice,
The next time they grab him and they just disappear him, he beats that, so then they grab him again and drive him around for months till his hands and feet burst.
His toes burst.
Yes, that is exactly what happened to him.
Yeah, and we've got a few of the photos today, but they're not even the ones Congressman Hanson sent me back in 97 when he first came on the show.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Five more minutes.
Jesse Ventura joins us.
Mark Adams is our guest.
Can't wait till his book comes out.
We'll talk about that straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
People ask me all the time, Alex, how come you're on the air and haven't had repercussions?
I've had plenty of repercussions.
But the whole government's not evil.
That's why they have specialists that do this bad stuff.
And more and more, they're on the defense.
Because even though they've set up this giant police state, now they've discredited themselves where they don't have public support.
In fact, a lot of people are now being found not guilty in IRS trials.
That never used to happen.
In fact, the biggest losses the feds have now are in tax trials.
A lot of people across the board, juries, grand juries, know the truth.
And as people write books and we do radio shows and all of it, we expose that they kidnapped Congressman Hanson, renditioned like he was Osama Bin Laden, flew him off the middle of nowhere.
This is what they do.
Or then chained him up in buses and drove him around the country and his feet burst.
Mark Adams, I would encourage you to get your book out.
Everybody who's writing a book is contacted by folks that want to put it out or whatever, and that's fine.
But I would just encourage you, because I was asking you during the break about when's your book coming out, to get it out as soon as possible so it's there, so the truth gets out about what happened to Congressman Hanson.
But regardless, in the three or four minutes we've got left before Jesse Ventura joins us, tell us other points about George Hanson and what he went through.
Well, thank you.
One thing I should try to point out, it would take a whole segment to explain how they rigged George Hansen's first prosecution.
When I say they, I mean specifically the so-called public integrity section at the Justice Department.
What a joke!
Public integrity.
It has a whole long and sordid history.
That'd be like calling the Ku Klux Klan the pro-black people group.
The person who rigged that prosecution, working in that so-called public integrity section, was James Cole.
Now James Cole today is Deputy Attorney General.
And if we go back and cover some of the recent hearings from last month,
It was revealed how the so-called Public Integrity Section was collaborating with Lois Lerner.
The subject here was how they can destroy the Tea Party.
So the way that he's tried George Hansen, it was a tandem effort between the IRS and the so-called Public Integrity Section being led by James Cole.
Absolutely, and they're so discredited now.
The agency's a fraud to begin with for the private Federal Reserve, but they shouldn't be able to prosecute anybody because they're known organized crime.
And what they did to George Hansen 30 years ago is being repeated today.
But now they're purely a Democratic operation.
Did you hear about Dallas and other areas when this came out?
They had public celebrations with Obama signs and say, yeah, we're going to audit you.
And MSNBC says, yes, we're coming for you.
Ha ha ha.
They're on TV bragging that they're criminals.
Yes, they are.
They are not shy about it at all.
They've gotten away with so much.
And what we've seen happening right now with Christine O'Donnell and with Senator Grassley, well if we step back and look at the larger picture,
Really, that's all just kind of surface froth compared to what they've gotten away with for the past 40 years or more.
Well, I want to get you back in a few weeks to look in just on Hanson.
We kind of told the backstory now.
We'll talk about just what happened with Hanson, the details for about 20-30 minutes.
Then we'll spend time on the current things and the way you're crystallizing what they're doing.
But it's just so incredible that they get caught and they celebrate and say, of course we're auditing you.
Of course we're coming after you.
You're a racist.
And you're not, I mean it's just bizarre how criminal they are and Akern and all these groups are above the law and do whatever they want and...
I mean, it's just so wild.
Thank you so much, Mark Adams.
Is there any website or any place people can visit what you're doing?
We're getting one under construction right now.
I guess the last words I would have to say is, the deadly arm that wields the hammer of tyranny is the IRS.
The Tea Party has to assert itself.
Save America.
Shut down the IRS.
Criminal operation.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, you won't be getting any soundbites here.
The next 50 plus minutes, we've got former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura on the broadcast.
And I have been very close to this case in the last two plus years between Jesse Ventura and Chris Kyle, both Navy SEALs.
Because I was the guy that ended up getting a hold of Jesse through Tyrell and was the one that told him
What had been said on Opie and Anthony and then Fox News.
And he was just shell-shocked.
I was there on audio Skype with him and his wife and I've known him for years, about nine years.
We've become friends.
He's come down and visited me in Austin.
I've traveled around the country with him.
I know he's a real guy.
Doesn't even mean I agree with all his politics.
He doesn't agree with all of mine.
But we're both real guys.
And then I looked into Chris Kyle.
God rest his soul and I'm sorry for his wife.
And we're going to go to Ventura to give you the rest of the story.
But I sat here when he was in a 3M tournament last week and couldn't really respond because he committed to be part of that.
And watch the media hit piece the next phase.
First, I get calls saying Jesse Ventura got in an argument with a cop, almost got arrested, speeding to an airport in LA.
I call him up in Minnesota, because I got his home number, and I said, Governor, they just said last night you were in L.A.
You don't fly.
He goes, no, not for over a year.
Alex, as you know, what are you talking about?
I said, well, they claim you're running around doing this.
It was all over national news.
He went, that's crazy.
I'm on record.
I'm here.
I was doing business yesterday.
I played golf.
Let me come on your show.
Remember that?
So that didn't work.
There was all this other weird stuff going on.
And then right as he had been on the show about a week before, he was driving into Mexico in his RV to go to Baja, where he spends part of the year when it's below zero in Minnesota.
Just giving you a background story, then we're going to him.
Because he'll never really defend himself.
I guess he'll defend himself with a trial.
We'll get the inside baseball on that.
But I watched it.
As a media analyst, I know how these tricks work.
So I couldn't get a hold of him for three days because they don't have a cell phone that works in Mexico.
As they announce, perfect timing, that he was saying, I'm glad the seals are dead and he got knocked out and all this made up stuff.
Which would have come out in the news at the time if it was true.
So I call him, get a hold of him.
At first he goes, come on Alex, you never joke around.
I don't appreciate this.
No, they're really saying that.
And I'm not going to go into what he privately said, but it really hit him hard.
And I've seen him meet veterans in airports and stuff with their arms and legs blown off and get tears in his eyes, saying, that's why I'm against these wars.
Then they don't take care of you.
Of course, his dad was in World War II, won a bunch of bronze stars.
His mom was in World War II, where my grandfather was at in North Africa.
So he really cares about our military.
But again, they could do this to anybody.
They've tried to destroy me before with some similar dirty tricks, but not as concerted.
And we caught them quickly, so they backfired.
So then he sues Kyle, because Kyle won't back down.
He said, just say it isn't true, admit the truth, I'll back off.
But Ventura started seeing his movie offers and TV offers get cut back.
It really defamed him.
People said, what are you doing having a guy on the air?
I could have testified, but you know, they didn't ask me.
What are you doing having that guy on?
He's glad the Navy SEALs are dead.
So as a PSYOP, written by News Corp, they have an insurance policy when they lose a suit.
It's called
Omissions insurance is what they call it.
We've bought it before when I have been involved in big films and things.
Because you know, you've always got to be careful.
We've bought it before from... I'm not going to get into it.
You can buy it from Lloyd's in London, or anywhere.
And so that's a lie that he's suing his wife, okay?
He sued the man who was alive, who then mysteriously died up there at that shooting range, and that's very mysterious.
And so then he wins the lawsuit, and I see the
Minnesota newspapers, with nothing about him winning, it's all about the trial and what had been said by Kyle about him.
Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all did the same thing against Ventura.
And I'm going to him, but I just want to defend him here, because I haven't done this yet.
And I've done it some, but I wanted to do it with him here so he could respond.
To spur him to tell the story that he knows.
Because he just says, oh, it's a sea story, sailor story, it's not true, hurt my reputation, I had to, you know, get the truth out, my name.
You know, nobody's a winner.
Well, the truth's a winner because he knew what was gonna happen, but Fox was all, yeah, after the guy knocked him out, and after he was glad the seals were dead, everybody knows Ventura says that.
I watch Fox and friends say this.
Everybody knows Ventura says this all the time, he's glad troops are dead.
Then they didn't show a clip.
Just like MSNBC says I'm deeply racist, doesn't show a clip.
And you say, oh, everybody knows Ventura, you know, says this all the time.
And yeah, he got mad at Kyle, so he sued the ladies, you know, his wife, the widow, and now has taken everything she's got.
None of that's true, folks.
Ventura now joins us.
I'm going to shut up and give him the floor.
We're going to skip this network break coming up to gain back the time.
Thanks for giving us the hour, Governor.
Thanks for telling the truth.
And thanks for standing up for everybody.
Because I admire the fact that they tried to destroy you and defame you.
You stayed the course.
You made the judicial system work with the jury.
And the system cannot stand it.
They cannot stand it.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, it was an exhausting couple of weeks, Alex.
Sitting in that courtroom and seeing your... Their only defense was to attack me personally.
Because they had no evidence.
All of their witnesses, they promised the jury they were going to parade 11 witnesses up there who saw the event.
Uh, the only one that it turned out saw the event, uh, I think 11 or 12 times we impeached his testimony and he really perjured himself between his deposition and what he said on the stand.
So he had no credibility.
But they promised that there'd be 11 witnesses up there that would verify Chris Kyle's story.
They produced zero.
Of actual evidence.
Now they produce people up there that, you know, the old baffle with BS stuff.
Plenty of that.
Yeah, they went after me personally.
Can you believe this?
They actually took conspiracy theory, which is entertainment.
It's my job.
I'm doing a show.
And they actually use that as their evidence.
In the trial, I mean, how could anyone, you know, that's a TV show that I happen to deal with investigating conspiracies.
It's reality television, but it's by no means a documentary.
All we did was put out the information and you as a viewer can decipher it and decide on your own if you want to believe it, if you think there's meat on the bone, or, you know, if you think it's all BS.
In fact, a lot of times you'd end up thinking what you were covering, I mean you would go out and investigate to see if it was true or not.
And it's interesting because it's a niche market.
There's a lot of people that love conspiracy.
So why wouldn't you do a show about that?
And they tried to use that as evidence and all this other stuff.
And, you know, I came in with solid witnesses who had been with me.
Get this.
In the end, it turned out their witnesses had the assault taking place at, I think, five or six different locations.
No two matched up.
Not even two.
Matched up in the location where they alleged it took place.
They had me there.
There was a rental car receipt, which they produced, that showed that I arrived at 729 and rented my car in San Diego, which means I couldn't even have got to McT's no sooner than 830 in the evening.
They had witnesses there that testified they saw me there at 5 in the afternoon in a Hawaiian shirt with flip-flops and shorts on.
And they also said, from what I read, that you were drunk.
Everyone knows you haven't had any alcohol for decades, and I've been with you... Well, no, Alex.
They, you know, Kyle himself, they didn't really, that's wrong.
Well, the media, the media was saying that.
The media reported that wrongly, then, because... No, their testimony, they all testified that, no, they didn't see me drinking at all.
But they tried to downplay their drinking.
And their drinking was immense that night, as I knew it would be.
Let me state this.
The Navy SEALs that testified against me on the stand, they did exactly how they're trained to do.
They did.
Because we have a t-shirt, which I submitted as evidence, that's a Navy SEAL slogan.
It says on the back of the t-shirt, Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, and Make Counter Accusations.
Because that's how you're trained in the Navy SEALs.
And they followed it to a T. They admitted nothing, they denied everything, and they made counter accusations.
Exactly how they're trained.
So, you know, that didn't shock me, but it did wrench my heart because I learned how much they all hate me, and I didn't do anything.
And that's the part where I can never win.
Is the fact there's a whole generation now, I can't call them SEAL brothers, because when I went through, they weren't even born yet.
So I guess I would refer to them as my SEAL sons.
I have a whole generation of SEAL sons now who hate my guts, and I didn't do anything.
Well they also spun in the media like you started all this when Chris Kyle's the one that wrote the book with News Corp and ran around making all this stuff up!
Well, you know, Mr. Kyle wrote the book and the book is wrong.
HarperCollins has now agreed that any more printings of that chapter will be removed.
Yet they said they were standing by Kyle 100%.
Well then why are they removing the chapter now?
To cover their butts.
You know, but I, you know, it's a shame it got there because I want people to know that, and here's another thing they need to know, they always have a lot of these, what do you call it, settlement ordered conferences that the judge orders with the judge presiding.
And I can tell you this.
Never once would they move one inch on restoring my reputation or admit the story was fabricated.
They took that off the table right at the start.
I told them that was the reason I was suing.
All they would offer me was money.
They told me that.
They said, nope, it's the only thing we'll discuss is money.
Now they did make me a money offer to go away.
But I refused.
Because my thing was the truth.
I did not want my name tarnished at the level that it had been tarnished and hurt.
And I'll never get it fully restored.
It's impossible now.
But the point is, I wouldn't be bought off.
So I risk going to trial.
And according to what I'm reading, is that I was the major underdog.
On this thing, because, you know, defamation has a very high level at the federal level.
Let me tell your listeners this.
On the Internet, there's the National Review Online, and A.J.
Delgado, and she's a lawyer and a conservative, wrote a phenomenal piece called Justice for Jesse.
Ventura was right in his lawsuit.
I would encourage all of Alex, all your listeners, to go and get this
We'll put it on screen right now and I'll read some passages from it.
Justice for Jesse, Ventura was right in his lawsuit, National Review.
Well look, bottom line, it was a PSYOP and if they can do this to you, Jesse Ventura, they can do it to Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, anybody.
Alex, you're deeper than, I won't go as far to say it was a PSYOP.
I don't know.
A lot of things don't add up, and the fact that they would not move an inch, they forced me.
I had no choice but to go to trial, because if I didn't go to trial, it would have been in a movie.
Well, here, get this, Alex.
Their lawyer says to me, and he thinks he's going to nail me on my insignificance.
Wait till you hear this.
He says, Mr. Ventura, would it surprise you to know that in the first draft of the screenplay, that you're not in it?
And what happened to you is not in it?
And he was doing that to get the jury to believe that that's how irrelevant I was to the monetary of this book.
And my response from the stand, I looked at him and said, no, it doesn't surprise me at all, because we've already sent Warner Brothers two letters telling them
And for those that don't know...
Sure, for those that don't know, Clint Eastwood is making that movie, and again, I mean, imagine, they put you in the middle of this, they sandwich you in there, and Governor, I mean, look at all the hacking scandals and the rest of it with News Corp, and their imprint that put this book out, and then Chris Kyle gets mysteriously killed, and there's guys in craft hats,
In the same pants, and everything, running security in Boston.
I'm not saying they were involved, I'm not even saying it's craft, but it's the same uniform his people wore, and then he ends up getting killed.
I mean, we know they use SEALs for major shy-ops now.
I've had high-level spymasters on, like Steve Pchenik, saying it's wrong to use the SEALs for this type of PR.
I mean, what about the story saying you got in trouble in Los Angeles, or got in trouble, you know, at the airport?
I mean, it's all just made up.
Well, you know, that's been going on, and I'm not poo-pooing it, Alex, but believe it or not, that's been going on whenever you're a public figure.
I mean, I'll give you an example.
Borger, the lawyer that I went against, this isn't my first encounter with him.
Decades ago, it's a fun story, decades ago, I was involved in what was called the smoke-free generation.
It was way back, in like the early 90s, and we were trying to encourage a generation to get rid of, to not use tobacco, don't smoke, the smoke-free generation.
Well, I've never, I don't smoke, but I did use Copenhagen, I was a chewer, and I felt that the kids needed to know that chewing is not a safe alternative, that
Chewing is, if not more dangerous, it's certainly just as dangerous.
Ask Tony Gwynne.
Well, you can't anymore.
Because Tony unfortunately died from his use of chewing tobacco.
The great baseball player from San Diego.
But anyway, I was involved in the smoke-free generation.
And Borger is also the lawyer for the Star Tribune newspaper.
And they had a columnist named CJ, and she wrote this front page article, maybe we should call him Jesse the Butt, where she accused me of being at the smoke-free Target Center, I was smoking a cigarette, and that I gave people a hard time and then bashed it out in the carpeted floor.
Well, it turned out that night I was in Cannon Falls, Minnesota at a horse show with my wife.
Hundreds of people saw me there.
Even the security at the Target Center knew I was not there.
They knew me well from my days of wrestling.
This is Borger, now the same lawyer that represented Chris Kyle.
I had this run-in with him before, years earlier, on this slander thing.
Well, you know, I didn't sue because they ended up, they did an investigation, they found out the same thing.
It was true, I was not there, it never happened.
The same as this story, it never happened.
And of course, they printed a full retraction in the Minneapolis paper, and I asked them to make a donation to Make-A-Wish.
You know, for what they did, and they refused.
They would not even donate a hundred bucks.
To make a wish.
For kids.
You know, cause I felt, you know, you ought to pay a little penalty here.
Make a donation to charity.
And they wouldn't.
All they would do by law is write an equal retraction.
Well, John Borger was the same lawyer who Chris Kyle had.
I want to hear more about inside the trial and then get into news issues and get your take on it.
But the reason I've defended you is I believe you.
I could see that it was a hit piece, whether it was a PSYOP or not.
The whole thing stuck to high heaven.
And then now I'm even more sure.
I was 100 percent sure, but now I'm even more, 110 percent.
The way I would watch Fox News, and you would think that you hadn't won.
They would literally repeat the lie, what they'd done, how he'd knocked you out.
Well, here's the deal too.
They also sit there and question the jury.
Now, here are people on Fox News who were not there.
They have no direct evidence of what was submitted in the trial.
The jury and I sat there through the whole thing.
And they would dare question the jury's decision when they do not have, no, they have no hands-on eyewitness evidence.
Well, they framed it like, Jesse Ventura body slams widow, and nowhere did they ever admit that they have an insurance policy.
Yeah, exactly.
And not only that, but you know, in the Justice for Jesse piece on the National Review, she points that out.
She said it's a very common thing in litigation, when the person being sues dies, it automatically goes to their estate.
Especially, like she said, when the estate has profited from the very litigation that you're talking about.
Well, you know, I've studied defamation of public figures and I've been involved in it a few times myself when I had to sue people and they settled out of court because it was so over the top where they're saying, I'm going to destroy you, I made this up, you've got them.
It is extremely hard
To do what you did.
So you must have put on one hell of a case that the media doesn't want the public to know about.
And I've seen major law journals since you won last week saying this is precedent setting.
And I'm glad because I'm sick of people thinking they can just say whatever they want about public figures.
I mean... Well, you know, to me Alex, you know, maybe in the world of law and defamation and slander it was, I don't know.
But I always felt, I simplified it.
The truth.
I had the truth.
So they can say that I'm this huge underdog?
My belief is, how can you, how can the truth be an underdog?
How can you possibly be an underdog when you have the truth?
The reality of the truth, it never happens.
Sure, let me ask you this then, we're gonna break in one minute.
Do you think Chris Kyle got drunk that night and did punch somebody out and thought it was you?
Maybe, I don't know.
Certainly he was drunk.
They all were.
All the young sealers.
They had a thousand bucks.
And this is back in 2006.
In court, they had a thousand dollars that they spent on alcohol that night.
Now how much can you drink for a grand?
How many of them was it?
Uh, how many there?
I don't know, 20 maybe?
Yeah, they got fallen down drunk.
You know, but I mean, you're talking, they had a thousand bucks, because Chris Kyle was in charge of it.
And they got a thousand bucks that they bought, and you can bet McPhee's, uh, McPartland's an old seal.
He's gonna give them a rate on it.
You think they're gonna pay full fare?
Absolutely not.
Well, let's come back and talk about more with Jesse Ventura.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
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Folks, I'll tell you why they went after Jesse Ventura.
They've got his phones tapped.
He's talked about that when he was governor.
It's come out they're blackmailing Congress.
They know there's no real dirt on Ventura and they know that he's not going to sell out to them.
I mean he had one of the top paying jobs at MSNBC and he can tell that story and he wouldn't play ball so they basically got rid of him.
And so they don't like people like that out there.
That's why they do these dirty tricks against Ron Paul and so many others.
And I've seen it over and over again.
So whether Kyle made it up or whether he was drunk and didn't know what was going on, I'm sad for him.
But boy, you talk about a Greek tragedy, Governor Ventura.
It's wild for me.
I mean, you know, you sue him.
He dies.
A crazy guy reportedly shoots him in a shooting range.
And then you go to court and you win, and then the Fox News, Fox & Friends I saw was just bizarre, where they wouldn't even say you'd won, basically, when I tuned in.
It was all just how horrible you were, and, you know, basically like it was true, and, I mean, I know you're not litigious and don't like suing people, but at the same time, Fox News, one time O'Reilly, we played the clip, goes, there's people online sexually stalking women.
And there's all sorts of other problems and pedophilia and you name it and hate speech and they cut to a clip of me yelling and screaming as if I'm a sexual predator when there's never been an accusation of that, never been an issue with that.
And then MSNBC, my lawyer, said, no, you can win a lawsuit.
It'll cost you half a million to a million.
They'll keep appealing it, and you might get two or three million.
Do you want to spend that much time to get, you know?
And I said, no, they're so discredited, saying I'm deeply racist and influence the Boston Bombers with no proof.
That I'm not going to do it.
But my lawyer, the top lawyer in Austin, hands down, number three in Texas monthly, he said, you can win this lawsuit, but do you want to do it?
I would imagine your lawyer, one of the top guys in the country, well known, I would imagine he gave you a similar speech.
Give us some of the inside baseball on the trial and stuff that wasn't in the news, Governor.
Well, he didn't give me a speech like that.
We went from day one.
David's been my attorney now for 25, 30 years.
I can't even remember how long.
I'm not a Johnny-come-lately with David Olsen.
This past year, he was named the top attorney in the state of Minnesota.
Which I think he earned and deserved, but I've been with him and he's been that way for me, you know, all through my career.
And we always, you know, when I contacted him, you know, he knew this story was not true because I told him it wasn't.
And as we gathered evidence and did depositions, all of their witnesses became ours because, you know, they couldn't state they saw me get hit.
Nobody saw the punch.
You know, the jury said it was difficult, but to me the evidence was so overwhelming.
I had no marks on me, we had photographs, we had everything.
So David and I, my attorney, we went into this fully knowing that we had truth on our side.
We're good to go.
I said if Chris Kyle will simply go on television with me, admit he fabricated the story, apologize, I would forgive him.
We could shake hands and go our separate way, they wouldn't do it.
Because the millions were coming in.
The cash was paying off.
And they weren't about to get away from that money.
And, you know, they weren't going to do anything that inhibited... Do you know the book... The book company said it's the biggest... The guy has been there 15 years on the stand, and he said it's the biggest selling book since he's been there.
Incredible, and now they've got Clint Eastwood making a movie out of it.
Yeah, and here's the good one.
The day before it went on sale, it had 5,000 pre-orders.
After he did Opie and Anthony and O'Reilly that night, 100,000 in one day.
And they're trying to save it.
I didn't have something to do with it?
To sell the book.
Yeah, that's precisely it, Alex.
That's exactly it.
I'm now the bad guy for having the truth on my side, and going the proper way in a court of law, and winning a trial, and now they even question the jury.
Oh, how could the jury do this?
Well, the jury saw the evidence.
And they saw it clearly.
You know, because all the people, they're saying it's astounding, I won.
Well, you also made the point, I talked to you over Skype when you first learned of this a few years ago, when this first happened.
Time flies.
You said, Alex, plus it would be suicidal to walk into a Navy SEAL bar and say, I'm glad Navy SEALs are being killed.
Oh, that would be the equivalent of walking into the Hell's Angel Clubhouse and saying they suck.
Oh, man.
You know, that would be the equivalent.
You know, and not only that, but I was there with my friends who testified the case.
In fact, Bill and Charlene, his wife, that was the first night she ever met me.
And both of them testified that I left before they did.
And nothing had happened.
Yeah, you're not a big partier.
I mean, uh... Well, you know, I am, but it was a three-day week.
We still had the next day, we had a graduation to go to, and then the following day, I had a big picnic to do.
It was a three-day event for us because, for me, it was the graduation.
And here's the other thing.
If I felt that way about my unit, the Navy SEALs, which I never would, why would I be there attending the graduation of 258?
I buy Centennial Class.
I was in Class 58.
Class 258 was graduating the next morning, or the next day, and then we were having a picnic and that's what the tradition is.
When you're Centennial Class, I was there for 150 years.
Well, the truth is you're not a warmonger.
The truth is you're not a warmonger.
And a bunch of these guys got around and probably, if I had to speculate, just cooked up defaming you.
No, one person did.
It wasn't a bunch of them.
No, you said some of his buddies went along with it, though.
Well, put it this way, Alex.
If you'll die for someone, won't you lie for them?
Well, you know, they'll all die for him.
There's no doubt in my mind about that.
You know?
And like I told you, remember, the SEALs did what they're trained to do.
Admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations.
Sure, but I mean, I come off as a bombastic guy on air, but I'm pretty calm in person.
You're calm on air, but also very calm in person, and you're into being in control of the situation, being calm, being cerebral.
I mean, it's just as soon as I heard the story, I knew it was completely asinine.
And then I called you, and of course it was pure bull.
And then all the people laughing at you, saying you were a liar, I guess they're still just laughing, because we live in this world of just a bunch of dishonorable people, especially in the media.
Well, look, you know how I feel about it.
Should we have some fun with it?
Do you remember when Chevy Chase did the movie where they went to Vegas vacation?
Oh yeah, yeah.
And you remember the very last scene where they're sitting there with the old guy, and Chevy's trying to win his money back, and the old guy gets the right ticket?
Oh yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, I won.
I won, I won, I won.
And the bottom line is, Fox News can't hack it.
Jesse Ventura beat the odds and won.
Despite everything they could do to destroy me.
See, they thought, mainstream thought, Alex, that they were throwing the last shovel of dirt on the legacy of Jesse Ventura.
That I couldn't possibly win this and it was political suicide for me.
Well, I always believe in the truth, always will.
And to me, the truth prevailed.
And, uh, you know, they're attacking now that the worm will turn.
Because more as the truth gets out, it already is.
Because there's more and more stories coming out.
Chris Kyle stated all the money's going to charity.
Well, look at the trial records.
None of it hardly has gone to charity.
Less than 2% of the millions have gone to charity.
And you know what the excuse is?
Well, you can't give more than $13,000 without getting taxed.
Well, what's the matter with creating a non-profit?
A 5-0, whatever they call it.
That's not hard to do.
And of course, they're not going to make money off the movie either.
I mean, I feel sad for his wife because... Well, I mean... Well, she's a millionaire, Alex.
Yeah, but I don't mean to... Do you know how much that the writers have made?
Six million.
Six million.
No, no, sure.
She's got royalties coming for... She travels around the country and does speaking engagements.
It's paid well for that.
Sure, when I say... When I say I feel sorry for her, I'm sorry her husband put her in this position.
Well, you know, maybe you ought to check on something else, too.
There's a thing right there in Texas in your bankruptcy courts that she's heavily involved in.
And it very much parallels my case.
You ought to check it out.
It's right in the Texas bankruptcy courts right now.
He's suing Godcraft.
And there's a whole bunch of public info on it.
You know, we couldn't submit it.
We wanted to submit it into the trial.
Uh, here.
Let me read this from David Olson.
Attached is a public document from Taya Kyle's Texas lawsuit against her late husband's business partners.
The attached is the answer to the business partner's file to her complaint, and it alleges that Chris Kyle did not include Taya Kyle as a member of his company, Kraft International, because they were about to get divorced.
So she may not be the loving wife she pretends to be.
The media may be interested, Matt.
We're good to go.
Wow, that's what your lawyer's saying?
That's amazing.
No, that's not what he's saying.
He's not saying it at all.
This is in a Texas lawsuit that's right there with public record.
Oh wow, so she's saying that in her suit?
No, this isn't my lawyer at all.
We tried to use this in our case, but the judge wouldn't allow it.
But it's factual.
It's happening right in Texas right now.
It's in Texas Bankruptcy Court.
She has sued Chris's business, Kraft.
I just found the headline.
Thanks for telling us about it.
It's in the Dallas Morning News.
We'll put that headline back up on screen and I'll read it to the listeners out there.
Slain American sniper Chris Kyle's former business partner says his widow's lawsuit is completely groundless.
Well, why don't they just blame it on you?
Why don't they just say that's your fault too?
Well, if they could, they would.
Don't give them any ideas, Alex.
I just got done with the court case.
No, I'm joking.
How's Terry doing?
She's doing as well as can be expected.
The stress was tough on her.
She had to testify one day.
She did very well, which I knew she would, but later on it took its toll on her.
Now, I want to shift gears into some other areas.
I want to talk about, in the next segment, your TV show that I like watching.
It's really good.
You mean my internet show?
Absolutely, but it's TV's TV, my friend.
Twitter.com forward slash GovJVentura.
And there's also Pound I Stand with Jesse for Twitter and other things.
I've seen massive organized attacks against you.
You've just started getting going on Twitter.
Folks need to follow you there at GovJVentura.
I can only say this Alex, I must be a prophet.
When I was against the Iraq War back in 2003,
Because it's a holy hell mess over there, isn't it?
Boy, it is.
And it sure wasn't quite that bad back then, was it?
And, you know, here's the thing that disturbs me even more so.
Did you read the other day how they just caught that we had operatives from Central America sneaking into Cuba?
Now, isn't that terrorism?
I remember Cuba's never done one thing to us in 50 years.
The only thing is that they have a government that apparently our government obviously doesn't like.
And he doesn't allow corporations in there.
So, we were allowed to put operatives into Cuba to try to overthrow their government?
So it's really bad to use charities because that discredits all charities.
So here we are using charities as a front to go in and try to overthrow the Castro government, who has done nothing to us.
Alex, can you think of anything Cuba's done to us in your lifetime?
No, I don't agree with their government, but it's true that our own government is more authoritarian on many fronts.
No, other than dumping their prisoners out to come in on the Cuban boatloads.
No, no, I hear you on that point.
Listen, I'd love to be able to travel to Cuba and go scuba diving there.
I hear it's really nice.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, what's that really good cigar one time that we smoked?
What's that called?
Well, that's an Ashton Cabinet VSG.
That's Dominican.
Yeah, that was really good.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, it's the best one.
See, Cuba hasn't practiced crop rotation, so their tobacco isn't as good.
You can get as good or better cigars now from Dominican.
Oh, I know.
Those are delicious.
Cuba's made some agricultural mistakes with their tobacco.
They didn't rotate crops.
But you know, what's that done is done.
Hey, tell me about this diet briefly.
The diet?
Oh, I gotta patent this, Alex.
You noticed how I've lost weight and I look in great shape?
Yeah, I told you that earlier.
Okay, I'm doing everything.
I'm still working out the same way and I still eat everything I normally eat.
Haven't changed a thing.
But here's the secret to the diet, Alex Jones.
We ought to patent this baby because it's novel.
For the last month, I only drink water.
I eat normal, but I only drink water.
Like, for example, when I play a round of golf, normally I'll drink three of those Minute Maid lemonades.
Well, each one of them is 150 calories.
So I'll take in 450 useless calories just drinking lemonade
Playing golf.
Now I drink only water.
So I've eliminated 450.
I'll bet you by just drinking water every day with all my meals, it's the only liquid I consume, I'll bet you it eliminates at least 1,500 or more calories a day.
And I know what we call it when we come back with Jesse Ventura.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We're gonna send a tweet out saying Jesse Ventura won, he told the truth,
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Alright, final segment with Jesse Ventura.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Nightly News is back tonight at 7.
And of course, Governor, you were saying the name of the diet during the break.
The water diet.
Finish up with that, then I've got one other point for you.
Finish up with your water diet point.
How much weight are you losing?
Well, like I said, I eat normal.
I eat all the same foods.
I just stop drinking anything but water.
When I would play golf, I'd drink like three bottles of lemonade.
Well, that's 450 calories.
I eliminated that by strictly drinking water.
I bet you I save 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day.
I'm telling people, you want to lose weight, drink only water and eat normal.
Well, I love...
I love open borders because to me we're all people of the planet Earth and why should I be required to have paperwork to go around the planet I belong on?
Borders are nothing but man-made obstacles.
Now, here's the deal.
If we would end the ridiculous war on drugs, you would not have this problem at the border.
This is the direct result of the United States' war on drugs.
If we ended it, we would have enough money to take care of the border problem.
And if you're going to blame the people coming up here and getting on welfare, well then blame the politicians who create a system that allows them to get on welfare.
But the point being is, they're children, for the most part.
And they're the results of the... They're more like refugees.
They're the results of the war on drugs down there.
Which, if the United States would legalize, it would go away, and probably your border problem would disappear with it.
And look at all the money we'd have, Alex, if we weren't fighting the war on drugs.
Well, look, I mean, I know your view, and that's a hardcore libertarian view, and I get it if it wasn't a drug war, if... I can't go to Guatemala and have a baby with my wife and have it paid for, so I'm saying that is a discriminatory against American citizens making them pay for it, so I agree with you.
Get rid of the welfare, and then we'd get the skilled people up here, not the folks looking for something free.
I mean, but I get you're humanizing the people,
And I understand that view, Jesse.
It's just that the larger issue is the Democrats want a bunch of people they can put on welfare.
I don't necessarily agree with that, Alex.
I'm not going to go that far.
To me, the bigger issue is stop this idiotic war on drugs.
End it.
It's a complete failure.
It causes corruption, like my mother told me.
She lived through the prohibition of alcohol.
Before she passed on, my mom told me the war on drugs is identical.
All it does is make criminals rich and powerful.
Let's take our heads out of the sand and deal with drug addiction the way it should be, medically, not criminally.
I totally agree with you, Governor.
Jesse Ventura.
In the minute and a half we've got left, tell us more about some of the episodes on the TV show, Hora.tv forward slash Off The Grid.
Well, Jesse, you'll be going off the grid sooner than you think.
I was forced to come on the grid.
The funny part is, here in my home in Minnesota, I lost my electricity twice already this summer because of storms, and when I'm off the grid, I never lose it.
Imagine that, Alex.
That's right, you do a lot of the show from Mexico off the grid.
Yeah, but I'm forced to do it up here on the grid temporarily because of the trial and all that stuff, so I'm looking forward to getting back down to Mexico and doing it like it's supposed to be done off the grid the way we do it down there, although I'm still enjoying it here.
But we're still dealing with the controversial topics, and I'll tell people if you want to hear more about the court case,
Go to Off The Grid because that's where I speak openly about it.
There's only a couple places here and on my own show that I'm talking about it.
You're not going to hear the truth on mainstream media.
I'm sure of that now after what they've done, the hatchet job they've done to me.
And again, you said you'll come back in September.
Governor, say hi to your wife.
Everybody will get Tyrell on soon.
I know he's got big stuff coming up.
And just have a great weekend coming up in a few days.
Okay, thanks Alex.
Best to you, and keep up the great work.
Thank you.
And thanks for your support.
You bet.
Well, I support the truth.
Like you said, we'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, great job with the crew.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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