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Name: 20140801_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 1, 2014
2932 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various topics such as the situation in Gaza, immigration issues at the US-Mexico border, Hamas atrocities, globalist combines, corruption in Mexico and Latin America, mass graves, Ebola, and political correctness are discussed. Jones emphasizes the importance of alternative sources of information like InfoWars, preparedness during emergencies, personal responsibility, and freedom of speech. He also promotes his latest products as solutions for various health issues.

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The 70-hour ceasefire has imploded in Gaza.
We're entering total twilight zone on the border situation.
Attention center has hair salon, child care, basketball courts, gym, soccer field.
For the illegals, there's a magnet to draw them up here.
The suites have flat screen televisions.
It says the immigrants are unfamiliar with bathroom facilities and it's causing problems.
And this is something that I almost did a report on.
A year ago, it's got to be reported on by ABC News, CBS News, The Washington Times.
Richard Reeves pointed out that the big truck stops now.
I'm going to send a camera crew over today to do this.
I wanted to do this a while ago, but now it's in the news.
People will believe me.
That the illegals who've grown up in cardboard boxes in Mexico City and other places, I'm not attacking them, I'm just saying this is the culture clash, don't even have outhouses, basically.
Go in the bathrooms and basically crap on the floor, or they just leave the toilet paper on the floor in a corner.
And anybody who lives on the border knows this, or even near it.
You go in bathrooms now, even at restaurants or whatever, and there's a pile of crap-stained toilet paper in the corner.
I mean, that's just how crazy all of this is getting.
And just in the name of taste, it was late last year, about eight, nine months ago,
We were on a road trip in the bus and Richard was driving it.
And we kept noticing at truck stops it was really bad.
Because, I mean, you go in these stalls, it's just unbelievable.
And so they have signs up saying in Spanish, don't do it.
Put the paper in the toilet.
Paper in toilet in Spanish.
And I couldn't find it this morning on my phone because Richard and I had photos of it.
We're going to call Richard.
He's not here right now.
He's up in Dallas, and I'm gonna get the name of the truck stop that's the closest, and we're gonna set a film crew in there and show it.
Because this is the type of thing that can capture people's imagination.
TB and scabies are spreading.
That's mainstream news.
Texas law enforcement volunteer to form Border Patrol Brotherhood.
Ready to rumble, activists to raid congressional town hall meetings.
That's some of the news up on DrudgeReport.com.
Hamas detonates bomb, kidnaps IDF soldier, 90 minutes into ceasefire.
See, my issue is, Hamas is like dragging hundreds of collaborators every week, they call them, around in the streets, alive, till they die behind motorcycles.
And I think that's barbarous and wrong.
And I think it's wrong when Israel blew up a UN school with orphans.
I just think it's all horrible.
But with a political correct crowd, they just lionize Hamas and then just ignore every atrocity they commit.
And I'm not doing that.
I'm going to be fair.
That's what I do.
And I'm going to cover the atrocities on both sides.
And people on talk radio, people like one way or the other.
And I am one way or the other on a lot of issues like the Second Amendment, national security, the border.
The Federal Reserve needing to be abolished, family rights, private property.
But when you got tribal warfare going on on both sides, committing atrocities, it's like Joe Biggs did a report when he was a staff sergeant, you know, finding a big bomb-making facility with plans to kill people in the U.S.
He found this.
This was real.
It's never been in the news.
He had the photos and video of it.
Soldiers are going to shoot video of that.
We put a report out showing that they were real terrorists, planning to attack the U.S.
And people in the comments were like, why are you pushing the narrative of 9-11 being real, and of there being terrorists, and the Afghans are perfect, and you're a traitor?
The globalists are bad, financing the top of Al-Qaeda, but there are real jihadi nutballs that want to come over here and blow stuff up.
I mean, that's the truth, folks.
That's what we do here, is give you the real information.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
Generals gathered in their masses.
Just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction.
As the war machine keeps turning... I'm going to try to explain this very simply.
There are globalist combines worldwide that are completely amoral and only want power and control.
And they will finance communism, they will finance fascism, they will finance militant extremist Islam.
They will finance anything that destabilizes nation states so that the globalists can basically then come in as the moderate saviors and recommend a course of action that centralizes the government under their control in the name of meeting an outside threat.
And that's why ISIS, IS, Al Qaeda has been founded since 1979 by the Central Intelligence Agency.
They took control of networks controlled by British intelligence from 1900 on.
Hitler took control of them during World War II for a short period of time until he was kicked out of North Africa and the Middle East in 1943 by people like my grandfather.
My dad's dead.
I mean, this is mainline history.
And so I'm going to explain it again.
Because they have national shows and articles every week saying, Jones says that there aren't any Muslim extremists, or Jones says there's no real terrorism, or Jones says the government runs Al-Qaeda, but then why are they killing our troops?
They think you're stupid.
They talk to you like you're three years old.
The globalists want trillions of dollars in no-bid weapons contracts.
The globalists want to be able to take our liberties domestically because of an outside threat.
They want to be able to overthrow stable nation-states, like Libya, like Syria, and like Iraq that was becoming stable, to destabilize the area.
And that's the stated Pentagon plan.
Even Wesley Clark, the former head of NATO, went public about being at the Pentagon and the plan to carry this out.
In 2002.
And it's bipartisan.
Neolibs, neocons, they're all on board.
This is a public operation.
They know that the general public is so dumbed down and so unaware of even the three branches of government and geopolitical regions and basic facts that they can write books and white papers at the Council on Foreign Relations saying we run Al-Qaeda and how great Al-Qaeda is and quote how we need Al-Qaeda, speaking of the elite, while getting on the news claiming that Iran is behind Al-Qaeda when it's the opposite group.
Now, the public can figure out baseball and football and the minutiae of that, so the public can figure this out.
The average good old boy can figure out how to work on their truck or how to play fantasy football, and can figure out how to do the New York Times crossword puzzle.
You can figure this out.
There's like a cognitive dissonance, though.
Like when I had Obama phone lady in here, and she's coming back in today.
Really nice, sweet lady.
And street smart in a lot of ways, but just totally unaware when I'm going, do you understand statistically, and on record, that welfare, over time, makes people poorer and more unhappy, and completely dependent on the state.
And she goes, but I just want some free stuff.
I can't make it working.
I'm working a couple jobs and I can't make it and I live in a condemned house.
A lot of yuppies, a lot of people enjoy looking down on folks that are uninformed and poor.
I don't.
Because I know it reflects back on me.
And it'll end up coming back on me and my family.
Now that's a scientific fact that comes around, goes around.
It's proven in quantum mechanics, it's proven in common sense, but
I don't need to make the intellectual decision that I want to build her up for my betterment.
At a base spiritual level, I empathize and want to lift up society and want to see justice.
That's called being normal, being from a good family, being a loving person, having your head screwed on straight.
But the New World Order is all about people not having their heads screwed on straight.
That's what it comes down to.
And just like I all the time on the street, people go, I really like your show.
I agree with it on so many fronts, but I don't understand how is our government running Al Qaeda?
I know it's in the news.
They're giving them weapons and letting them attack countries, but they kill our troops.
And I explained to him, have you heard about the famous case in New York City?
Where a guy put up in the 70s for over a decade billboards saying he had the lowest price on windshield repair or windshield replacement and he was going around with his employees at night for over a decade before he got caught with a ball-peen hammer breaking windshields every night right below his billboards.
And the public didn't catch on to it, and the police didn't catch on to it for 10 years.
Strangely enough, they have a composite of that in the movie American Hustle that came out this year with Christian Bale, and they talk about that famous case in it.
And they say, which is, American Hustle's a true story, that the hustler's the guy that grew up doing that.
I didn't know that, I've got to go look it back up, but the point is that they made a movie about it.
And people will finally go, oh, they break the windshield, so then people come spend money with them.
Again, for long-time listeners, I know you understand this better than I, and you say, Alex, why are you talking to us like we're five years old?
You already are awake.
You know what's going on.
You were awake probably before you ever heard this show.
You got street smarts.
I'm talking about the general public, folks, that finally go, oh, yeah, if they finance al-Qaeda and the Taliban to take over Afghanistan,
Then they can go kick them out, at least one faction of them, control trillions in opium, trillions in no-bid weapons contracts over 13 years, and transfer wealth from the American people to the military-industrial complex, who now is taking over with the NSA and armored vehicles and militarized police, which we pay for with tax money.
This is where you pay for your own slavery.
Do you understand that now?
And most of the time they go, oh yeah, I get it, I get it.
Well, why don't you get it when you tune into the show?
Because this is not my opinion.
Zbigniew Brzezinski's written five books.
And I've read almost all of them.
Scanned through his latest.
I just don't have time to read whole books anymore.
You know, they're 500 pages long.
I did get the book and checked the quotes I saw online.
They were accurate.
And I mean, he just admits everything.
But explains how it's a good thing, and this is again for the elite to sit around and read, and legitimize that they're doing something moral and good, controlling world narcotics trade.
Oh, we run the narcotics worldwide to control it, because there's going to be narcotics trade, and if the good guys don't run it, bad guys will get it, like the Russians, and then they'll take over.
Well, you're doing exactly what the Russians did during their most oppressive phase of Sovietism.
And you're going after the good people.
So, obviously, it didn't work out that way.
It was a rationale for you to control organized crime.
And three or four of the books I read Brzezinski wrote, I mean, he just admits all this in there.
I remember when I was a kid, my dad would explain, you know, the government runs the narcotics to control it.
And I would say, well, how do you know that?
And he said, well, it's in these big Brzezinski books.
He's one of the top people that advises and runs things.
Plus, we've had family that's seen it working for the government.
And so don't ever join the government if they try to come and recruit you.
I just grew up knowing all this stuff, and it's common sense.
It's not like it's rocket science, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course, how do you end that?
You decriminalize the drugs.
You can troll them, you don't legalize them, you decriminalize them, and you run ad campaigns about how losers use them, but instead they're putting people on the synthetic pharmaceuticals that are just as bad or worse.
And now they've had the drug war for 30 years or longer.
Nixon started it.
Where they don't go after the dealers, they go after the users.
To where now we almost can't legalize it.
I've really been thinking about this.
And you know why?
Because the giant criminal economy will only go into other rackets.
They've run this corruption so long that there are armies of criminals and scum
Who don't know how to work, and there's not a real economy for them, and so the economy would shut down, and they would infest everything else.
But you know what?
You've got to go ahead and do it, because that short term, long term, it's even worse to let it happen, because they're going to metastasize into every other racket, and every other angle, regardless.
Mexico now has seen their tourism drop by more than half the last five years, and it's shit within a couple more years to basically be non-existent.
The country has collapsed.
And they've got kidnapping and murder and just hell on earth.
Over 130,000 dead the last seven years that we know of.
Mass graves being found everywhere.
And they're probably never going to come back.
Unless they were major league reformed with land being given to the poor people and everyone aggressively as vigilantes going after any type of mafia and basically routing the whole group.
I'm not normally for people to be hung from lampposts everywhere, but in Mexico so corrupt that if the entire political elite isn't hung, Mexico will never get out of it.
And the same thing for Latin America and Africa and Asia and Eastern Europe.
I mean, once corruption sets in, it's very hard to dig out and America
is entering that same zone now.
We'll give you the latest on the border, FBI checkpoints, and more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the headlines up at Infowars.com.
School plans to put digital tags on students with microchip bracelets to encourage quote good behavior.
FBI, police turn entire town into checkpoint, interrogate drivers, putting black X's on their hands, wait till we break that down.
Don't fear Ebola, fear the state, an excellent article by Kurt Nemo.
Obama signs an executive order to detain Americans with respiratory illnesses, not just Ebola.
And now we have Ebola-infected U.S.
aid workers due to arrive at Emory University Hospital, Atlanta.
Now, here's the deal.
They hyped the H1N1 scam five years ago, and that was a fraud.
But then when there was a real respiratory killer wiping people out all over the U.S., there were local news articles about the pandemic, but it never was national, which meant there was a shutdown basically ordered.
And I've talked to medical doctors who said no, they were told to shut up about it, but that it was the worst they ever saw this last winter, 2013 into 2014.
And it's just now ending.
Taking three people in my immediate close family.
That's how devastating this has been.
So I know they ignore real things and then hype fake things, but
I think some of this is hype with Ebola, but some of it's not.
They don't have some ready-made drug or ready-made vaccine right now.
They didn't start the fear-mongering right before this happened.
It's now getting up close to a thousand dead.
Those were older numbers yesterday.
We were talking about 500 dead.
And it could be over 30,000 that have come in contact and could be infected.
And there are people that have it in the U.S.
and Germany now, in quarantine areas, and they're keeping that quiet, but it's come out in the news.
And if Ebola starts to spread, the United States is hot, and Ebola needs to be transferred by, you know, saliva or by touch.
And it dies if it's below, like, something, you know, 80-something degrees is what I was reading.
We're going to get some virologists on to break this down coming up this weekend on the Sunday show probably or early next week.
We're working on it right now to understand things.
Maybe we get Dr. Sherry Tenpenny on.
I know her husband recently died.
It's hard to get her on, but she's a virologist.
The issue here is that we're watching it very, very closely because Ebola kills more than 90% of the people that come in contact with it.
And there aren't really any good treatments that they know of yet and there's a lot of cases of American doctors that have contracted it and that are dying and others that have died and African doctors where they're even foregoing some of the experimental treatments because there's not enough of it and they're giving it to their patients and other medical workers and the medical doctors are just basically dying.
Or preparing to die, and that's very heroic.
When you see examples of medical doctors like that, it makes you admire what made Western medicine so great worldwide a hundred years ago.
Because MD medicine a hundred years ago was totally trailblazing.
How to stop infection, how to do surgeries.
I mean, it's just magic.
compared to the treatments they had that were the old apothecary herbs and things and that helped and did incredible things as well.
There were five or six different schools of medicine, but MD was so amazing that it took the world by storm.
Then it became Rockefeller medicine, now eugenics medicine, and has been pretty much ruined at many levels, but you see medical doctors following the ancient system of Hippocrates, the Hippocratic Oath, do no harm,
Which they haven't given that oath for at least 20 years in Western medical schools.
Now it's carry out bioethics, eugenics operations.
And they're creating cult-like socialist... What are the creatures, the robots in Doctor Who that go around saying, exterminate, exterminate?
The Daleks?
More and more they operate like Daleks.
And they just shuffle around saying, get rid of the old people, get rid of the mentally retarded, get rid of the infirm.
There'll be more money for those that are viable and contribute to society.
You can't ever start letting someone decide in government who has value and who doesn't.
You decide that by who you marry and have kids with.
You decide that by who you associate with.
You decide that by what you buy and who you support.
What products you purchase.
You decide to only have organic food, pretty soon the whole market will be organic.
You decide what films you want to see that are liberty-based, that'll become the dominant culture.
But you don't have the state directing that.
It's always the worst group, historically, to direct it, because special interests will get in there and will do what's good for them, not what is evenly distributed by the voting
Of the culture, the religion, the ideas, the art, the literature, the music that the public decides to adopt.
We have Sumner Redstone force-feeding gangster rap and Marilyn Manson to psychologically infect children to make them mentally ill.
Artificial sociopaths are borderline personality disorder.
Narcissistic twit bots.
We'll cover all the news.
Get the number out and take your calls.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Largest health emergency drill in history underway in New York City by Fox New York Reports.
Medications dispensed, bioterror response prepared by regular Army and National Guard.
American Ebola patients returning to USA.
Atlanta hospital to treat.
Trump warns, keep them out.
Airports on alert to look for symptoms.
Feds to test vaccine on humans.
Look out.
Stricken Dot gives experimental serum to co-worker.
WHO, that's the World Health Organization, warns virus could spread to other countries.
Catastrophic loss of life.
100 plus health workers infected.
Europe and Asia on alert.
Meanwhile, 92 million plus Americans are not working.
That's increased by 11,472,000, CNS News reports, since Lord Obama got into office.
Mission complete!
Cloward and Piven shut the economy down, raised taxes and fines and fees hidden in the market to where the working poor can no longer support themselves and are forced to go on welfare as a supplement to working.
Largest health emergency drill in history underway.
The New York City Department of Health will be conducting a massive emergency preparedness drill at 30 facilities across the city on Friday.
And we wondered why they were checking with all the cemeteries around the country with those secret documents we got from mass graves, a million people per cemetery, a few years ago.
And we wondered all the body bags and coffins and the rest of it.
And again, if you don't know that the globalists are completely capable of releasing weaponized Ebola in the United States or Europe to totally take over, that could be their false flag.
Of course, they'll have a cure for themselves.
And they've already done thousands of admitted lethal tests on citizens, troops, you name it.
I remember five years ago it came out in Bloomberg that they gave 40 homeless people in the Czech Republic an experimental flu vaccine and more than half of them died.
And then it turned out that's probably what actually spread the real flu.
But again, I mean, they'll kill homeless people
In a big pharma test, but they wouldn't release Ebola.
They'd shoot Guatemalans and black people up in this country in a secret program telling it was a vaccine, it was really live microscopic worms.
You know it as syphilis.
Brain-eating worms.
They'd do that.
And they'd be... I mean, they're still doing secret experiments on our troops today that kill them.
But, hey, they're not suspects to ever be behind Ebola.
They wouldn't use that to bring in total control.
By the way, Obama signed an executive order.
It's up on Infowars.com.
It's definitely tied to Ebola.
We should add that to the headline.
Obama signs executive order to detain Americans with respiratory illness.
We're going to be covering that.
And then coming up in the next hour, while all this is happening,
Our border is the most open border in the world now, because once you get here, you're legalized for at least three years to five years, and you're given visas and driver's license.
And with the driver's license, in now seven states, from Colorado to California, you're allowed to vote with the driver's license.
Which is a felony, but no one enforces it.
Can you see the war-gamed, computerized takeover?
This has all been planned out.
I don't know if it's going to be a nuke in New York City or Ebola, or a dollar collapse, or the borders completely collapsing with a whole other giant wave that makes this one look tiny.
What we know is that's already happening.
The dollar declining is happening.
Starting war with Russia is happening.
Turning Al-Qaeda and ISIS loose everywhere is happening.
FBI setting up checkpoints and basically federalizing police and just showing up from the East Coast to the West Coast to the Midwest running martial law drills publicly.
It's all moving into high gear.
And it's like being in a bullet train that goes 200 miles an hour.
It starts off at 5 miles an hour, and then 10 miles an hour, and then 50, and then 100, and then 150, and then 200, and then 250, and you just can't believe how fast it's going.
We've had about 75 miles an hour, and there's a lot more to go on the speedometer.
I mean, it's just starting to hammer up.
It's like being in a high-powered, 600-horsepower sports car.
And you just can't believe how it's hammering down the highway, going faster and faster.
The fastest car I was ever in, I wasn't driving it.
Charlie Sheen was driving his 600 horsepower Porsche.
And just for about 10 seconds, he hammered it down on the highway, and it was going like 150 miles an hour.
Just right off the ramp, boom, 150 miles an hour.
Just bam, would have kept going right over 230 miles an hour on the speedometer.
And that's the same feeling as just being pressed back in your seat.
And the general public is like, hey football, hey baseball, hey basketball, everything's fine.
No, everything's not fine.
Again, I've got three family members.
My great-uncle, we didn't know what was going on at that time.
They all lived in the same neighborhood, on the same ranch.
But the ranch houses were all built up on the road.
My great-uncle got a respiratory thing, went in the hospital.
Then Peter, my cousin, got it.
At home.
My uncle was taking care of him, and then he died.
It took him a month to die.
And again, I just bring that up because if there's a real Ebola outbreak, you probably won't even know about it.
They've had black plague, bubonic plague popping up, record number of cases in places like Colorado.
It made the newspapers a month ago or so just a few times.
I mean, TB is spreading everywhere, flesh-eating bacteria, MRSA, all of it, and it's hardly even an issue.
And that's my point, is that... There it is.
Three more diagnosed with rare plague in Colorado.
And they just call it THE plague.
That's Reuters.
ABC News.
Also reports.
But notice they spin it now.
Possible bubonic plague death in Colorado.
They know exactly what the Black Death is.
Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes to ashes, we all fall down.
By the way, we have Grave Digger in the computer.
I want to go out with that.
John Harmon, I think it's in your computer, up there at the network, or it may be in our computer.
Or just pull up Grave Digger, whoever wants to do it.
Because I want to go out with about two minutes of Grave Digger.
Grave Digger!
When you dig my grave, will you make it shallow so I can feel the rain?
Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes, we all fall down.
Hieronymus Bosch, the German painter, painted that.
You say we couldn't see because it was night?
Day came back for that!
I'm gonna stop quoting poetry here, ladies and gentlemen.
These are the times that poetry comes to the tongue.
Oh, it was dark.
But day came back for that.
The black sunshine.
Ring around the rosie.
Ring around the pustule.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes.
We all fall down.
500 years ago, they'd have the kids dance in circles and just embrace that the Black Death was coming their way.
Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes, we all fall down.
And the globalists are enamored with the Black Death.
Some estimates are killed as much as 40% of Europe, at least a third.
Because the Renaissance came out of that, but not because it reduced population, but because it wiped out the elites.
That's what most historians, you dig into it.
It shut down the monopolies, and the fact that labor was so cheap in the monopolies, and a lot of people in the countryside who were taking herbs survived, this is on record, and so that's why a Renaissance began.
Because guilds were allowed to form that weren't controlled by the central grips, and trade began, and then trademarks began, and then the modern age of commerce began.
And it would be called tyranny compared to many of the liberties we've enjoyed, but compared to the old tyranny of the dark ages, it was a great boon.
But the elite, you can read their writings, are obsessed with the Black Plague, and they talk about how wondrous it'll be once a super-plague is released, and the vast majority of the world population is reduced down to nothing.
And to give you a subconscious acceptance of it, you see countless History Channel, Discovery Channel shows, The World Without People, they cover it in all the big nightly
Entertainment shows, the comedy late shows, they have the authors on about, let's all be honest, it'd be better with no humans on earth.
We're like rats, we're scum!
So that you all believe you're trash, so you all accept you're worthless, and just prepare.
I want to talk about Ebola, but I want to talk about what's even more important, the real plagues we know are already here of drug-resistant disease.
That if you talk about it, that even more of it's pouring in from south of the border where it's completely out of control, you're racist according to Geraldo Rivera.
No, Geraldo, I don't want anybody overusing antibiotics.
I don't want our big pharma selling it to the big agri to feed it to pigs, chickens and cows so that I eat it and so my immune system's lowered.
And I don't want the Latin American poultry and produce coming in that's even worse
It's not because I don't like brown people, Geraldo.
I know it must be easy for Geraldo just to say everybody's racist if they don't accept open borders.
They actually have to think about it.
And Geraldo's smart.
He knows he's playing race politics.
But Geraldo, if one of your kids gets TB, you gonna change your mind?
Drug-resistant TB and they have to be locked up for the rest of their life?
How's that sound?
Because, you know, this is reality, folks.
This isn't a game.
I don't want to just sit here and attack Geraldo Rivera.
But he's full of bull.
To quote Dan Rather, he's full of prunes.
And, again, if we should be so open, how about I get to move to Guatemala and get everything paid for if I want?
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We'll look more at the situation on the border when Chris Burgard joins us, who's been doing amazing documentary news shoots down on the border.
He got the interview with Zach Taylor, the head of the
Major Border Patrol retiree union and a former senior Border Patrol officer.
He's the one that broke down with military precision from the military handbooks.
Of course, he has a military background.
That this is asymmetrical warfare and that's what I've been calling it.
This is war.
That's not rhetoric.
This is war.
This country is under attack right now by the globalists.
Just like Mexico's been under attack by him with destabilization.
The globalists take countries down.
I'm getting chills, folks, because it's so clear.
They take countries down with chaos.
Can people not understand that?
While they're safe in their government and corporate compound reservations, they bring everything down on us via siege as political control.
That's why Israel
A former Israeli government, I'm not saying Hamas works for Israel, I'm not saying Hamas is good, what I'm saying is Hamas was founded in the mid-1970s, that's Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, not my opinion, face it, by Israel.
To destabilize non-violent Palestinians so that they wouldn't look legitimate.
Like Mahatma Gandhi let the British beat him upside the head with big cane poles.
Not because he was a wimp, but because he was so strong.
Say what you want about him, but the guy dozens and dozens of times would let them basically knock all his teeth out and beat him.
But he did that because he knew that the age of the press had come and it was all being exposed and they were losing every time he took a punch.
You have no one to hold them, no one to fold them, no one to walk away, no one to run.
We try to stop them starting a civil war.
We try to stop them starting a physical war being non-violent.
If they start it successfully and are hunting us down and grabbing us, then you know what happens.
The gloves are off, and it's very sad, it's just self-preservation.
The globalists will get what they want in a giant civil war that will wipe out the police, the military, and the patriots.
They'll just simply turn the power off for a year, in most areas of the country, and then the general public will beg for U.N.
trips in phase two.
I'm trying to stop that.
We're going to go to break with Grave Digger.
We're going to come back with your phone calls.
We're going to look at everything happening with the border and more.
Chickenpox outbreak puts illegal immigrant facility on lockdown.
Colorado overwhelmed by immigrant license request.
They give them licenses.
Immigrants to be housed in suites near San Antonio with cable, flat screen TVs, beauty salon, you name it.
Immigrant detention center again has hair salon.
Again, this is a magnet to suck them up here to overwhelm the welfare system and collapse it.
They're just being used.
And so we're not just digging the grave on the Republic, we're digging the grave on prosperity, we're digging the grave on stability, and we're bringing in a very scary world.
All because
The general public didn't think they had any power or didn't want to change anything.
We'll let Willie Nelson take us out.
We'll take two segments of phone calls on Ebola.
You think it's a big deal or not?
And then we'll come back with our guest in the next hour.
We'll be back.
So, Cyrus Jones lived forever.
Grave digger.
When you dig my grave, would you make it shallow?
So I can feel the rain.
So I can feel the rain.
Grave digger.
Well folks, if you've given up, go ahead.
Meryl Stonewall, 1903 to 1954 She lost both of her babies in the Second Great War Now, you should never have to watch your only children lowered in the ground I mean, you should never have to bury your own babies Brave digger, when you did my grave
So I can feel the rain.
We all fall down.
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So is life.
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Now, if a child is missing, the FBI comes in and shuts down an entire town, searching everyone and putting black X's on their hands at highway checkpoints.
It's not like they get a tip that the child's coming down a certain road and then you block it.
That'd be probable cause.
No, we just check points at every exit of the town, search everyone.
And of course it doesn't find the child.
Just like locking down half of Boston and searching everyone, didn't find the patsy who was in a boat outside the ring that they were searching.
But it's control.
But the border's wide open.
Thousands of kids have been missing and dug up in mass graves.
Look it up.
Just on the Texas border.
Oh, there's no checkpoints down there.
I mean, there's not going to be any.
Oh, you're illegal?
Let us put you on a bus and bus you wherever you want to go.
Rahm Emanuel wants you.
It's all a giant fraud.
Oh, we're going to spy on everything you do warrantlessly to keep you safe from Al Qaeda.
Oh, really?
Who runs Al Qaeda?
Who funds them?
Who gives them missiles?
Oh, we do.
We're Homeland Security.
We're NATO.
And then now at these facilities the illegals are being held at here in Texas, it's in the news today, they call them residents.
So first don't call them illegal aliens, just call them aliens.
Then don't call them immigrants, call them migrants.
And now you just call them above the law.
And again, nothing against the people themselves.
They're absolutely desperate.
They're absolutely like Obama phone lady.
I've been honest to her, to her face.
She just doesn't know anything but the state.
And then it's game over.
Obama gave us a phone, he gone do more.
And so a lot of black folks in the inner city are mad at Obama right now.
Because he's helping the illegals and not them.
That's because, you know, you gotta put a worm on a hook to catch a fish.
He already caught you.
The globalist already caught you.
Don't worry.
There's not gonna be a worm on the line once they catch him.
And the country's almost there.
Almost ready to be fully butchered.
And they got the whole police state ready for the collapse, and the cops will be like, the government said it was going to collapse, and they were right!
Boy, the central government knows what's going on!
Yeah, it's like arsonists that call the fire department and say, our house is on fire.
I mean, it's just so sick and so transparent.
And hey, where's the apologies to old Alex Jones out there?
All the neocons, all the liberals, all of you.
I mean, it's all happening.
Why is the federal government accommodating people who are crossing in illegally
With activities like basketball and ping pong and flat screen TVs in their rooms.
And how does the federal government expect folks back in Central America to see these images through national news and think that it's dangerous to cross?
While residents are here at the Carnes County residential facility, we will provide a safe and humane environment.
We realize that children can be of infancy up to 7 years old.
We are in the state of Texas where it requires Texas children that are in a detention facility to go to school to be provided these activities.
And by the way folks, that's out of the town outside San Antonio.
Now I want to explain something.
We're going to go over it and come back with your calls.
I want to explain something here.
If you go see the movie Elysium that's open border propaganda,
They just swipe a card and suddenly the whole third world can live forever and be rich and live on space stations.
And it's the same thing.
If you can get here, you're going to be in heaven.
That's not really true.
And in the movie, it's children that are sick, and that's the reason that the bad guys on Elysium need to be dealt with, because they don't want to take care of the poor children.
And the Democrats have said on MSNBC, Melissa Harris Perry, that they are using kids to sell the end of the border.
They're quite honest.
They know how bleeding-heart America is compared to everybody else.
And it's totally cold-blooded.
Because the kids are only the foot in the door.
To legalize the 30 million illegals that are here, the tens of millions more that are pouring across.
This is a military, asymmetrical takeover.
You'll be back at Infowars.com.
Thank you for listening to KCN.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to read over some of these comments on InfoWars.com in an article Paul Watson's written about a new executive order by Obama to detain anybody that has a cough.
These commenters just say it a lot better than I can.
But right now, and into the next segment, I want to get your take on Ebola.
I mean, is it hype, or are you concerned about it?
I think it's a little of both.
Garrett in Missouri, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Uh, yeah, how you doing, Alex?
This is my first time calling.
I'm alright, brother.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I got two main things here.
I mean, there's been a lot of top medical professionals say that in today's times we're a lot more vulnerable for a pandemic to break out due to the drug-resistant bacteria, due to the mass amounts of antibiotics being put out.
And due to the fact that sanitary conditions are going down in the country and the borders are wide open.
Yeah, and also that right now there's two American medical missionaries that have Ebola positive and are being taken to Atlanta.
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
If one doctor gets it and goes home and spreads it to two or more people, it could just break out like crazy.
Well, exactly.
But I was about to say, they're taking them to basically a bioweapons wing lab.
All the bioweapons labs here, because they're illegal, are called bioweapons research, so they're not illegal.
And they're going to get blood cultures, you name it.
Uh, and, uh, you know, either try to see exactly why it appears to be getting more, uh, transmittable, stronger, more resilient, or they might be wanting to do tests on to see how their baby's grown, because the CDC has just been involved in all sorts of secret testing.
They're the folks that like to, you know, shoot blacks up with syphilis.
And the folks would like to cover up what's happening with anthrax attacks.
So we don't really know, in my view, exactly what's going on.
This is definitely the biggest Ebola outbreak in history.
And again, Ebola only emerged the last 30 years and has a lot of evidence connecting it to being a bioweapon, a zoological ape virus that was souped up.
But great points, Garrett.
We'll continue to watch it.
They're also taking people to Germany that have it.
And that's, again, because they want to study him.
They're on special aircraft, sealed.
They've got special suits on.
They're decontaminating.
But still, a lot of health care workers have still gotten it.
It's a very serious virus, especially whenever it goes airborne.
You're looking at billions dead.
That's the estimates out there by the UN.
Billions dead.
90% plus die when you get it.
Mike in Louisiana.
It is a serious situation, folks.
Anyway, you slice it.
Mike, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Yes, Alex, this is Mike here in Fort Warrior Wagon in New Orleans.
I got a comment on the Ebola situation, but also you should know, if you're not aware of it already, Richard Gage was on C-SPAN this morning on the last segment.
It was a magnificent
Appearance for him and you should link to it.
I was absolutely beside myself that peace band would have him on it was excellent as far as the Ebola goes This to me looks like the full horsemen of apocalypse.
We got war famine disease and pestilence getting straight at it wars and rumors of war so
This is no surprise at this time in our history that this is going on.
And how much of it is a hoax?
I don't think so.
A segment of it, but these things are real.
There are new crises popping up every few days.
And the answer is don't be afraid of it.
Don't go into a catatonic state like they want you to and give up.
Decide what you can do.
Expose the globalists who are behind a lot of it.
Try to warn others.
Try to get prepared.
So as things get more serious, we're not caught flat-footed.
Great points, Mike.
Ken, Bill, Johnny, Judy.
Your calls are all coming up and special guests.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
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Now we're joined by another trailblazer,
in the true new media.
We're not the alternative media.
We are the real media, the new media, arising to fill the vacuum because the prostitute establishment media won't do it.
We are joined by Chris Burgard.
In 2007, Chris Burgard created the award-winning documentary Border, I remember that, which screened for the House and Senate.
Following a 16-state promotional tour in numerous sold-out theaters, Burgard's film resonated with presidential candidate Herman Cain, who recruited Burgard to be a senior creative and strategic media consultant.
As a dad who can't stand to see children used for profit, Burgard traveled back to the border
Last month, only to uncover that the situation was more dire and urgent than previously reported.
What he discovered was shocking, and he feels compelled to tell Americans the truth.
The startling truth.
And he's with us to the bottom of the hour.
We'll get your calls on Ebola, because I want to get your take for folks that are there as well.
And then joining us will be a man he interviewed.
Just a few weeks ago, Chairman and Border Security Expert of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers and former Senior Head of the Border Patrol, as a retired Border Patrol Agent and Supervisor, spent 26 years patrolling the Mexican border with Texas and Arizona.
And Zach Taylor has warned that it's asymmetrical warfare.
I want to play a short clip of that interview and then go to the filmmaker.
But here's Zach Taylor warning people about what's really happening.
It's a premeditated military takedown of the U.S.
Here it is.
The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within.
It is not to attack him from without.
Of course the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the United States to affect a successful warfare strategy.
If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America's defenses against invasion.
Because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure.
Our hospitals, our schools, our electric grid, our power supplies, our water supply.
Basically, what we call infrastructure.
All of those things create our infrastructure.
But they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.
The markers that we're seeing that indicate this is asymmetrical warfare is because the reaction that the United States is taking
Is there taking the opportunity of inviting these illegal aliens to come here?
They're concentrating them in one place in the United States, the Rio Grande Valley, and they're drawing the resources that are protecting the rest of the United States border
To care for the illegal alien children, to help with the overflow of the miners, to transport, to take care of the needs of these people while they're in Homeland Security custody.
All this takes the resources that are protecting America at the border off the border.
So now the borders are wide open.
This gives the people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel,
Their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed.
Because this part of the border is open.
It is not being patrolled.
It is a perfect military strategy.
It doesn't raise any eyebrows because we're focused on the children.
But we need to focus on our children.
Because this is asymmetrical warfare.
Everything says it is.
And the way the United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.
In other words, they're assisting in the downfall of America.
And you need to understand that.
That's right.
And that's total truth what you just heard.
Absolutely true.
That's why they covered up that they're busing them in.
We had to go down and show the video to prove it.
And two weeks, three weeks later, the New York Times had to admit it.
All because we sent reporters down there and Drudge Report picked it up.
That's how important this operation is.
And I'm not tooting our horn.
The mainstream media has been covering this up until we called them on it.
Now the question is, well, why are you doing this?
Why are you inviting them here?
Why is Rahm Emanuel saying, come to Chicago?
No, these are war-torn areas.
Chicago's war torn.
Our country is collapsing and the asymmetrical warfare is clouded and pivot, not just dirty bombs.
That's all I would add.
That it's meant to implode the counties, the cities, so they can come in with a Marshall Plan to federally stabilize the Southwest and other areas that will collapse under the millions that are now coming.
This is only the primer, the detonator.
This whole global advertisement of the kids coming here and that they get to be at resort-like conditions.
And that all the big Baptist churches and Catholic churches are getting federal money, $6,000 a month, up to $7,000 a month, to warehouse groups of three in private homes.
So it works on a bunch of fronts.
It's a wealth transfer, it's a scam, it's organized crime.
Now we're joined again by the filmmaker,
Who is making the new documentary, Back to the Border.com.
Chris Burgard, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Well, you heard my little five-minute breakdown there and playing that clip of the interview you did for your film that's coming up.
You've been all over the border and have seen even more than my reporters.
Give us your breakdown, sir, as a journalist, on exactly what's happening.
Well, Alex, you know, we've been doing this nine years now and
I thought that we had told the whole story when we did Border and released that back in 2007.
But when I see kids used for profit, I'm a dad, I can't stand that.
Whether it's profit by the drug cartels or the politicians.
I couldn't just sit back.
I mean, the federal government can tell me that they didn't know the children were being used on the border because I filmed it in 2005 and I showed Congress in 2007.
Michael Chertoff even commented on it.
That's right, it was a big scandal that the mules are using the kids and they're even getting U.S.
kids to go down there to become mules and they're getting killed.
Yeah, well, the cartels have been recruiting in the United States for a while because
If you're a suburban kid that doesn't fit the typical tattooed Hispanic gangbanger cliche, then they can do a lot more with you.
But we feel in 2005, the arrest of a group of kids, and because it takes longer to process them and Border Patrol's there, while they're tied up, they hit the fence in nine other areas.
I mean, it's just, it's a business model that works, and what you're seeing now on the border, this is something that cartel sources have been saying they've been working on for two years, since DACA first came through.
They knew that
It gave them a loophole.
If you're 17, you come on in and after 72 hours you're no longer held by Customs and Border Patrol, you're transferred to Health and Human Services under the Organization of Refugee Resettlement.
So what they do is they get
They've been recruiting folks to come up here, because what you're not seeing at the border is everybody, on the mainstream cameras, is everybody else is coming in where you're not looking.
Places like Falfurrias, Texas, or Sonoyta, Arizona.
This is a plan.
This is a disaster by design.
I mean, the drug cartels are multi-billion dollar businesses.
They're going to do what they need to do to make a profit.
It's just really sad to see that enforcement on the board in the last nine years, I've seen it degraded to the point that it's just worse, it's not better.
And of course, your film shows the dead bodies of little three and four year old Mexican and Latin American children.
The mass graves are just everywhere.
Tens of thousands have been dug up.
Who knows what else is out there?
They're being fed on by the cartels, by the coyotes, but then Robert Rodriguez puts Don Johnson in a cowboy hat and says they're all being killed by Don Johnson.
Yeah, I hadn't seen that movie, but yeah, we have pictures of, let's go back to Foul Fierce County, Texas.
You know, nine years ago we had pictures of the
The deaths that were occurring on the ranches around there.
Mrs. Vickers has a ranch down there with her husband, Doc Vickers.
Her dogs come up to her.
They think she gets out of the house in the morning.
She thinks they want to play a ball.
They drop this light object at her feet.
And it's not a ball, but it's a human skull from a woman that had been murdered hundreds of yards from their front door.
That's the reality that's living down there.
That was nine years ago.
You would think things are better.
Going back down there a few weeks ago,
They've had over 250 dead folks within 15 minutes of their front door.
Just in the last two years.
That's not better.
So there's road warrior level barbarism and now it's coming across the border.
Stay there.
I want to get a report from a man who's been an eyewitness for nine years.
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I don't know.
See a day coming when even having your own garden will be against the law.
He wrote that back in the 80s.
Sundown on the Union.
Our guest is going to ride shotgun with us, Chris Burgard, amazing filmmaker.
I remember his film.
The border really woke up a lot of people.
And this using kids has been going on a while.
And again, they're just the front.
Border crossings across the border are just exploding.
And they're legalizing criminals.
They're legalizing violent felons and turning them loose.
So the kids is just the big front, ladies and gentlemen.
Zach Taylor's coming up, Chairman of Border Security Expert of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers that warned of the asymmetrical warfare, and our guest will ride shotgun with us.
We're going to go back to our guest here in a moment, but first I wanted to read to you a few comments in the story about Obama signing an executive order to lock up anybody that's got a cough, basically.
And one of the commenters said, you can punch up my screen if you want,
If you are homeless, you get detained.
If you have a cough, you get detained.
If you let your kid play in the park, you get detained.
Do you see what this is going?
And then he goes on to say we have no rights.
But Bob Smith says, but if you're an illegal alien, you don't get detained.
And the next guy says, no, you do get detained in a luxury resort and then free airfare to the destination, your chosen destination.
And then you get a driver's license, you get to vote, you get free welfare.
I mean, this is just totally insane.
Going back again to the filmmaker, sir, this is only like a five, six minute segment, so I want you to have the floor and break it down.
How much worse is the border now than it was?
I mean, clearly, it's basically not there from what we've seen.
And then what comes next?
Because if this flood is already huge, and then they're advertising, come here, everything's free, it'll bring an even bigger flood.
I mean, how bad do you think this will get?
And what do you think the master plan by Obama and the Ford Foundation is?
Well, let me speak to what I know.
Yeah, I was in Honduras during the regime change.
I was down there filming, and I've had experience with folks that are down there in the campesinos.
As long as they think... This surge is going to keep continuing as long as they think they can get here.
And as long as their relatives are coming north and they're staying north, and until you see a C-130 landing in downtown Tegucigalpa Airport with folks being reunited with their countrymen, they're going to keep coming north.
So, this is going to be here for a while.
Let me tell you what I can speak to facts what I filmed over the last nine years.
There is a concerted effort that billions of dollars is spent to control, to create the illusion of border security instead of actually securing the border.
And there's been an effort that I've experienced firsthand to keep America from knowing who's coming across the border when they actually know.
Let me go back to a couple years ago.
Let's go back to Valverde, Texas.
When friends of mine were getting Chinese nationals apprehended on the ranches, I go to Border Patrol, under President Obama, and I say, can you tell me how many Chinese apprehensions you're getting down here?
I think?
With languages in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.
So the entire time they're keeping guys like me from bringing the truth to America, they're spending money to deal with what's coming over.
And it's not just Chinese.
On the Vickers Ranch, they had a coyote scout that dropped...
And Urdu dictionaries.
He's bringing a group of 12 across.
A group of 12 got in.
Now he's not, he doesn't have an Urdu dictionary to deal with folks that speak English.
These are folks that are coming from either Pakistan or Afghanistan.
And they're getting in the country.
And it's happening on a regular basis.
So what's the next step?
I hope it's not a terrorist attack inside our borders with somebody that came from across the border.
But it's not just folks coming from Mexico looking for work.
That's what they want you to believe.
But that's not what's going on.
And so my question is, why does the Obama Administration do this?
Clearly, they don't want America to know what's going on on the border.
Because if they knew how many people are dying down there, if they knew how horribly they're dying, if they knew that Americans, or fellow Americans, can't even go feed their horses without taking a semi-automatic rifle with them, that ranch wives aren't safe on the ranch unless they're surrounded by protection, America wouldn't put up with it.
No one would be talking immigration if they knew how insecure the border is.
Well that's right.
Or if they lived in Texas or they've been to Mexico lately.
I mean Mexico is scary.
It is a failed road warrior hell state in the north especially.
In the central areas and they just have no idea they're so gullible.
Just have no idea.
I want to come back, sir, with you and the Senior Border Patrol guy to break down what this asymmetrical warfare spells and what the next shoe to drop is.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
Kennedy has been shot.
Is that possible?
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and you'd be used for the excuse to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on the air almost 20 years.
In two months, it'll be 20 years.
20 years.
And I have never seen anything that even approaches
What is happening with the border effectively being gone?
And you've seen senior Border Patrol people, we've played the clips, we've had them on the show, the head of the Border Patrol Union, the former head, the deputy head, the head of one of the big retiree groups, other senior current members, they've had gag orders saying, we complete the smuggling process.
This is an end of the border.
This is by fiat legalization.
Now Obama's basically stopped deportations.
Now they're legalizing felons, letting them go.
The kids are the front.
The kids are the PR front to make us feel sad and bad.
Just like in pro-open border movies like Elysium, it's all about the kids.
They know Americans have big hearts.
No country has borders this open.
No country has welfare like this.
You can't go to any country and have your baby and have it all paid for like here.
But we're told we're the worst all day and MSNBC with the White House talking point says you're racist if you don't want totally open borders.
It's not like we border Switzerland or Japan.
First world wealthy countries.
We border
One of the most dangerous countries in the world, only after Guatemala.
It's arguably more dangerous.
130,000 dead in seven years, we know about.
Failed state.
State Department warnings.
Do not travel anywhere in Mexico.
Five years running.
You never see that in the news.
I went to Mexico four years ago.
Southern Mexico in a resort area.
They had troops pulling over the tour bus with guns, stealing the money off the bus driver.
And bugging their eyes out of the passengers.
The army.
Mexico is a failed hell.
My uncle was down there doing work.
My cousin was born there.
He saw cars shot off the road.
His brother was kidnapped.
They were at the market.
A hand grenade went off and actually hit some of his family.
And they left Guatemala.
This isn't a game.
Thirty-five million people in Mexico City.
Half of them live in cardboard boxes.
And I feel for them, but we can't help them with a bankrupt country with them being signed up for socialism.
This is the endgame.
This is asymmetrical warfare.
And Zack Taylor did the best breakdown of it I've seen, and for the rest of the hour, he'll ride shotgun with us, with Chris Burgard, the award-winning documentary filmmaker of Border.
He's now making the new documentary, Nine Years of Work, back to TheBorder.com.
And we've already played the clip of Zack Taylor warning of our government standing down for the asymmetrical warfare.
And his last film had a really big effect and helped exposed
The fact that it was premeditated, the collapse of the border, and hopefully this new one will do that.
But we're joined by Zach Taylor, who heads up the NAFBPO.org.
He's the chairman and border security expert of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, and he's a retired senior Border Patrol agent supervisor of 26 years.
He's produced with his experts the Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement and Reform and delivered it to Congress.
And it contains the real conclusions and recommendations developed over several millennia of experience in all factions of immigration enforcement and services.
So worldwide historical knowledge.
The bigger issue here is it shows this whole online security thing's a fraud, pointed at the Tea Party, arresting people because their 10-year-old went and played in the park, checkpoints on highways randomly, for no reason but to train us to be slaves.
The TSA lets the illegals through.
That's confirmed.
I've witnessed it, but it's confirmed.
This is so creepy and so epic.
So, Zach Taylor, we salute your patriotism, your tireless work to warn people, but this really shakes me to my core because I know we've always had corrupt people in government at certain levels, but this is beyond believable.
It's happening.
It's surreal.
It's the takedown of the country.
Zach Taylor,
I want you to break down asymmetrical warfare, what we're facing, and then go past asymmetrical warfare, because, you know, in your video, you didn't get to that part.
What's behind it?
Because I know you've really got a handle on this with yourself and your experts and your connections inside Homeland Security.
What's the big endgame?
Because from my perspective, this is only the detonator to bring in waves that dwarf what we've already seen, collapse the Western states,
Bringing in federalization.
This could be the crisis Obama uses to bring in an executive dictatorship, which he's now basically already operating under.
Mr. Taylor.
Well, if you'll go to the Art of War by Sun Tzu, talking about attack by stratagem, he says, in the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact.
To shatter and destroy it is not good.
It is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it.
To capture a regiment, a detachment, or a company entire than to destroy it.
And supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
So what the enemy is doing is they're looking at the weaknesses in America.
The weakness is in our immigration laws being not enforced.
And some of the provisions of the immigration law, such as the Refugee Assistance Program, that does not have the necessary safeguards on it.
This is why the President of the United States keeps trying to designate these people that are coming in this Central American surge as refugees, but they don't come under the definition of refugees.
This is a foreign invasion.
It is nothing else, but it is a contrived invasion by this administration, and we've seen this building for several years.
We know that starting 18 months prior to April of 2014, they were screening these Central Americans that were increasingly coming into the United States.
In California, this is where the screening took place, and they found that 90% of these were ages approximately 13, 14 to 18, single males, working age, and they were coming here to get amnesty that Obama had promised them in the prospective date of August of 2014.
None of them were claiming to be fleeing violence.
The same thing was found in the captive group that was interviewed in South Texas in the interim between May and the middle of July of this year.
So the claim by the administration that these people are eligible for refugee status is false.
And of course the U.N.
has been saying they're refugees and we've confirmed that they're U.N.
advisors basically giving Obama, he believes, the legal cover for this treason.
Well, also the consul generals of the three countries involved have said that the reason for the mass migration is misinformation delivered to their people in the home country.
Well, that misinformation is that the president will welcome them to come up here
And part of it is direct and part of it is indirect.
The indirect part is DACA, where he said anybody that's here under the age of 31 that arrived as a child, with or without knowledge, would be granted some kind of status.
All you have to do is apply online and there's no safeguards to check for.
But pretty soon that gets back to the home country.
And the numbers are increasing.
Do you have any estimate, because we know they're whitewashing the numbers, on how big the influx is?
We're seeing in the Tucson sector 137,000 in just a few months, according to the sheriff there.
I mean, clearly these numbers are much bigger.
And how big will the next wave be?
Well, predictions are predictions.
They suspected that this first wave would be 65,000, which is evidenced by the fact that in January they let a contract for that number of unaccompanied minors.
But, Alex, what you've got to remember is that the unaccompanied minors only reflect about 17% of what's coming through.
That's right.
Okay, so we're not talking about 57,000 people.
We're talking about 300,000.
Only 13%, or the 57,000, is unaccompanied minors.
The problem with the unaccompanied minors is that we have knowledge, that for about three years, that Los Betas and other transnational criminals have been recruiting and training these minors as young as eight years of age in their home country to do cartel and transnational criminal work inside the United States.
One of the functions is that of an assassin.
And they would not be representing, paying for, and bringing these people into the United States and embedding them in their cartel organization if they were not proven assassins.
By the way, Solon and other White House-connected groups have made jokes about this one.
I've talked about it in others, but it's on record in Mexico.
They've got assassins as young as 12.
Historically, it's well-known about child soldiers, and it just shows the total yuppie ignorance of
So-called liberals out there to make jokes about this, or maybe it's worse than that.
Because I don't know how they think they're going to get away with the kidnappings exploding, the crime exploding, and the Democratic Party being directly behind all this.
What is their endgame?
Because I know you cover just facts, sir.
Again, Zach Taylor.
Well, in politics, as in manifestations leading up to war, it's always about money and power.
And the interaction between the two.
What we are seeing from the immigration point of view is that this has been a protracted conflict in Washington, D.C.
Basically open borders, basically closed borders.
The open borders, people want more and more illegal immigration.
And Congressman Luis Gutierrez pretty well framed it the other day, this week, when he said that it is to get more people in here to vote Democrat.
Well, that shows a quest for power.
But we know, from the way our Congress works, that money is the lubricant that makes the political system run.
So if they've got more power, then more money can flow to them to exercise that power.
The closed borders, or border security group, understands the threat.
By diluting, or rather the attack, on what makes America, America.
Now let me explain that.
The immigration laws are designed to principally do only two things.
Protect national security and public safety.
National security, the basis of it, is American jobs and the American economy.
Because the strength of that is what makes America, what is America,
And the American family depends on that for their livelihood through gainful employment and the free enterprise system.
And if you undermine that with a bunch of people that are going to go on welfare and politically vote for more socialism, you have checkmated and used the voting system to basically bring in a bureaucratic dictatorship.
At least neutralize the status quo.
So then you go to the public safety side of it, which includes public health.
And you have a situation, for instance, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, historically, I think it was last year, 86% of the warrant for first degree murder issued in Bernalillo County were for illegal aliens.
In Phoenix, Arizona, or rather Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona, 83% of the warrants for murder were issued to illegal aliens.
So the public safety end of the threat of them just being present here is already obvious.
Then you take the public health side of it.
Now this is where we should be very concerned.
Because the way the laws exist across the country about public health allows such things as quarantines, allows such things as legal intervention against people thought to be or showing symptoms of certain disease.
When I saw U.S.
Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Health and Human Services, and the United States Military all involved at the border in Texas, I've never heard of that before.
Nobody in my group has ever heard of that before.
It's just, it's never happened.
So who was really in charge?
Because this became a, from the very beginning, what we call a controlled or a closed event.
We don't know what diseases they were quarantining people for.
We don't know what diseases they were diagnosing.
We don't know what they did, if anything, with those people.
Now, just through little bits and pieces of information, we did find out that aliens were being shipped or flown out of the Rio Grande Valley that were obviously ill, but were not medically screened.
All of these things point to the ability for this to become a tremendous national disaster on epic proportions with no real knowledge of who's running the operation.
And let me just stop you there because it sets the precedent.
I'm literally getting chills.
It sets the precedent
That Obama and the bureaucracy and the Ford Foundation people can just order the Border Patrol to do whatever they want, violate laws, ship people wherever they want, violate quarantine laws, ship people with TB wherever they want, drug-resistant TB, black plagues showing up, and then just keep it quiet
And so they're using the crisis itself and claiming they're coming to help with the crisis as a way to circumvent the laws, shut down the Border Patrol, and basically set up
A secretive national security state on the border that's actually designed to destroy national security.
I mean, this is open sedition.
This is rebellion.
This is vandalizing the country.
This is sabotage, sir.
I mean, am I wrong using those terms?
Well, we have markers that indicate that something like that is likely.
Now, among those, on July the 10th,
This year, Jay Johnson was in front of the Appropriations Committee of the United States Senate.
And he testified that none of these people would be sent to a jurisdiction, a location, a town, a county, or whatever, without prior consultation with the people affected and their elected officials.
Well, that patently is not happening.
And so what they did was instead of shipping those people out so they arrive at the destination at 10 o'clock in the morning or 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
They're arriving sometime between 10 o'clock at night and 2 o'clock in the morning, where they're not being seen, and they just sort of magically appear at these locations.
So, obviously, what Mr. Johnson says is completely contrary to what practice is.
And so in watching what this particular administration is doing, it seems
That more likely they're doing the opposite of what they say they are.
Well, we've confirmed it.
We got this a month and a half ago, the footage of the buses coming in.
They give them the vouchers, load them on the buses, send them wherever they want to go.
Men, women, children, it doesn't matter.
Women with children.
And this is the Border Patrol completing the smuggling process.
So overnight, they have turned the Border Patrol from the ineffective strategies they had so people could come through under Obama,
Well, it certainly appears that way.
But let me take this another step.
The Border Patrol actually, when we're talking about Texas,
They're more of collecting them as they come across the border.
And they hand them off?
Well, they're basically responsible for doing the basic processing.
So if they have someone that is obviously ill, let's say the agent catches them on the river levee south of Mission, Texas.
And he looks at these people and says, maybe the guy's throwing up or he's obviously feverish or the female or the child or whatever.
And he calls for transport and he says, uh, this one's gonna need a, uh, medical mask.
Well, obviously that person's ill.
And the agent is telling whoever's coming to pick them up, to take them to be, uh, processed, that they need to take precautions before they take custody of this
But instead they're loaded on a bus and sent wherever they want to go.
So to be clear, the Border Patrol isn't itself involved, and I agree, in the criminal conspiracy, but they're handing the ball off to those that then commit the crime.
But by us exposing this with video and documentation, now they're on notice, and so now they're informed.
Of course, it's really the other way around.
It's the Border Patrol and ICE that told us all this months ago.
Well, it's actually the union representatives of the Border Patrol agents that are getting the information out.
And that the agent himself, if he takes it upon himself, in circumstances regarding the condition of the aliens, they say that they're subject to criminal prosecution.
Which I've never heard of that.
Some people in my organization say they've heard of it before, but I certainly haven't.
And I was a union president one time in McAllen, Texas.
Well, it's the persecution of whistleblowers that are exposing crime.
I mean, if you're a Secret Service agent and catch Obama snorting cocaine, you have a...
Duty to report that.
But they call that treason now to report on crime.
I hope you can do 10-15 minutes more with us, sir.
I really appreciate your time.
We've got riding shotgun with us, the filmmaker here, backtotheborder.com, who did the bombshell interview with you.
Chris Burgard, other comments listening to this that you'd like to make or other points or questions you think we should ask of Mr. Taylor here today?
I think that, and Zach, please tell me if I'm wrong, but I think America needs to understand the pressure the rank-and-file border patrol agents are being put under.
These men and women are the front line of defense, and their ability to do their job, from my perspective in the last nine years, has been seriously degraded.
Their training's been shortened.
Their language skills, what they've been taught, that training's been degraded.
Isn't that meant to demoralize them and break a good agency?
Well, I don't know what it's meant to do, but it's working.
The morale on the Border Patrol is not good.
And Zach may have more details than this, but from the folks I interviewed, why are Border Patrol agents in the Tucson sector, the most heavily trafficked sector on the border, why are they facing an ammunition shortage for practice rounds while DHS is buying up record numbers of ammunition?
To me, that's just a disconnect.
You're right, it's over two billion rounds now.
Mr. Taylor?
The unfortunate thing is that it's not a recent event.
It started sometime in 2013 procurement cycle.
And it's predicted or it's been reported to the agents here locally that it's going to extend into FY 2016.
So we're talking about three years where they're not going to have the normal amount of ammunition.
That can't be a coincidence.
And it only affects Tucson sector.
So what are they expecting to happen in Tucson's sector that they want these people to be low on ammunition for?
And traditionally, the Tucson sector is the busiest sector in the Border Patrol until this recent surge in the Rio Grande Valley.
So all of this looks like it's laying the groundwork for some more things to happen.
Oh yeah, Obama will probably make the Border Patrol turn their guns in next.
I mean, sky's the limit, why not?
I'm gonna talk to you guys during the break, see if you can do 15 more minutes with us.
Callers on Ebola, I'm gonna get to you.
Thanks for holding.
Third hour, coming up.
I mean, this is so real, folks.
This is so over the top, I can't even believe it.
Third hour coming up.
Tell your friends and family to tune in.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Jack Taylor, chairman and border security expert of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.
He has a call coming in the next 10 minutes, so you may have to drop out any time.
Quite frankly, Chris, who's the filmmaker, Burgard, is probably asking more important questions than I am.
He just brought up a great point.
About the Border Patrol earlier.
Other points, Chris, that you think we should raise for Mr. Taylor?
Or, Mr. Taylor, other points that you think are central for the audience out there to know?
The ancillary is the administrative interference with the Border Patrol job that's been going on for about six years now.
Yeah, it's very real.
They're messing with their pay.
They're messing with how they do their jobs.
You know, it's like when it's 114 degrees in the desert, and they only give them air assets during the daytime,
Well, when are the people going to cross?
They're going to cross at nighttime.
And in no time does the Border Patrol need air assets more than in the dark.
It's sabotage.
Well, what it is, is it's administrative interference with the mission.
In other words, who's going to cross at 114 degrees in broad daylight?
They're not.
They're going to wait until dark, so they should put those birds up at sun dark, not
Yeah, that'd be like not having police helicopters over L.A.
at night.
So, the assets should not be focused in the daytime, it should be focused at night.
It's just the litany of the whole thing, like someone in Washington saying, oh, well you need to go and be over in grid so-and-so tonight and stay there.
The agent on the ground knows that Border Patrol is a reactive organization.
We don't do anything until they cross the border.
So if they send him, say, to grid 15, and the censors and the telephone calls are coming out of grid 13, but he's been ordered to stay in 15?
That's going to be a situation where nothing happened there, even though they had telephone calls and censors go off because they weren't checked.
So what happens is, is maybe 400 got away in grid 13 but there's no record of it.
Bottom line, sir, you know about the border.
You're an expert on that.
I know about who's given the political money, and I live here in Austin.
The Mexican mafia has basically invested a lot of their money into films, into infrastructure, into everything, and they're giving money to the Democratic Party.
And the word I've gotten from high-level people in the D.E.A.
I understand you've got to go.
Thank you so much.
The word is, is that what they're doing here, and I want to come back and get
Our other guest to take on this and let him go, Chris Burgard, is that they are basically
Telling the Border Patrol, go here, go there, so the packages can come across.
And the cartel money has gotten so powerful now that it's actually influencing and infiltrating the government.
And there's so much money off exploiting these immigrants, so much money off putting them on welfare and making them give money back to organize crime.
I mean, it is just incredible.
We're going to break in one minute, Chris, but I know you've just been covering the border for nine years, but I've been watching the politics on it.
Any comments on what I just said?
Well, in order for a criminal organization to be successful, you need to have political cover.
So everything you're saying raises a lot of red flags with me.
And going back to what Zach just said, it's not just helicopters.
When an intelligence officer in the Border Patrol has his work phone taken away from him, how is he supposed to work as confidential informants?
How is he supposed to do his job and know what's coming across the border?
These things are happening today.
I want to hear about that from you.
I'm going to give you the floor for about 10 minutes.
We'll come back.
Then we're going to phone calls.
Chris, thank you so much.
And all of you out there, when it comes out, can help put it in theaters locally, help show it to your congresspeople.
We can have a lot of success at the InfoWars fighting back.
But this is all escalating very quickly.
Chris Burgard is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Chris Burgard!
Award-winning documentary filmmaker of the film Border, who showed to Congress back in 2007, is now making a new film, Back to the Border.com.
We were down in Falfurrias, Texas and interviewed the Vickers, the ranchers, who have all the photos of the dead children and piles of dead bodies.
That's now hit national news via other media picking it up, which is fine with me.
A lot of times we report something a month ago and then see basically the same report come out later.
By others.
That's good.
We just want the information to come out, ladies and gentlemen.
And we are the new media at Infowars.com.
Chris, getting back to you, other points that need to be made.
You were getting into the political cover of the cartels, of the coyotes.
Here in Austin, you know, we've seen city council people whose brothers get busted being coyotes and running all sorts of stuff.
And it's really a gang gangsterism that permeates and then the gangs kind of work under folks
And now they're trying to intimidate Hispanics, period, that if you don't get for ending the border and just merging with Latin America, as Latin America collapses, you're insane.
It's like saying, if you don't slit your wrist and jump into a shark tank, you're a bad person.
I mean, it's just, it's so obvious that we don't want to have wide open borders.
It's so obvious
That Latin America is descending into hell.
It's so obvious that kidnappings and crime are exploding everywhere in the U.S.
for the first time in decades.
Because the worst of the worst are coming up here.
America is like a joke.
I mean, it's so over the top.
It's so bizarre, and then they just go, hey, do it or you're a racist.
The political correctness, the bizarreness, the arrogance of Robert Rodriguez living in his $30 million house, you know, running around saying Viva La Raza.
It's just like, I'd say Viva La Raza if the countries weren't collapsing and the people had jobs and were, it's just, it's crazy town.
What do you think the end game is that I want you to talk about, just the bigger picture?
Well, I think, first of all, you have to understand, you have to have a lot of respect for the drug cartels, because they are running multi-billion dollar operations, and they are playing chess, when everyone else is playing checkers.
And you have to look at the business model at work.
Look, it's called Plata or Plomo, silver or lead.
And it worked in Colombia, and then it came up through Central America, and you see what's happened to Mexico.
Why should those same business principles not work in the United States?
If I was running an organization, I would use what works for me.
And in the last nine years, unfortunately, I'm seeing this momentum coming at us, not stopping at the border, but rolling into the United States.
I mean, look at the kidnappings in Arizona.
It's here, guys.
And these folks that, like Zach told you about, the majority of people that you're not seeing, you know, these young gangbangers being brought in.
And across New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, every Border Patrol agent I talked to said they're seeing, in almost every group, young gangbangers coming up from Central America and from Mexico.
This is personnel.
These are soldiers that they're using to put in their infrastructure.
You're talking about an industry that all the reports I've read say they make $6.6 billion a year in trafficking humans and more than $7 billion a year trafficking narcotics.
That's a $14 billion a year industry.
You can buy a lot with that.
Endgame, I hope you don't end up looking like Mexico.
And I love Mexico.
I used to go surfing there several times a year.
I'd go up my church down in Mexico to build houses.
There's good people down there who are being decimated.
I do not want to see that happen in this country.
I do not want my kids growing up in a country that is not where my dad left me.
Well, I know I've been to Guatemala and Honduras in places, and my dad's done aid missions down to South America, down in the Green Hell, and Paraguay and places like that.
It's not just that it's scary, it's the feeling of desperateness, the feeling of oppression.
The cops smile at you with gold teeth and laugh at you and laugh at everybody else.
Everyone's scared.
I mean, it's just a feeling of failure and sadness.
And you're so sad for the people.
And now that's America.
And Hollywood and the Democrats and the Republican leaders are just hailing
The TB and hailing the scabies and hailing the black plague and hailing the dead bodies and the kidnappings and just smiling and saying it's a beautiful new age.
What the hell is wrong with the political class in this country?
I mean, how did how do we get to this?
Money, power, what's cool?
I mean, when I first started reporting this nine years ago, first thing they did is they hit me as being a racist, a bad person.
Which is laughable for anybody that knows me or knows my family.
So you ride the cool factor.
Anybody that cares about border security is a racist.
They're a bad person.
Anybody, and politicians, they will ride that.
You gotta follow the money and follow the power.
And securing the border isn't cool.
Standing up for America isn't cool.
Being concerned about what we're doing to our kids' future, that's just not cool.
And people are going to do what they feel, whether it's in politics or pop culture.
And until people feel that there's something going on they need to pay attention to, and now you're starting to see it.
You know, the Texas border sheriffs used to always say, look, what we're dealing with on the border today, the sheriffs in the rest of the country are going to be dealing with tomorrow.
Well, today is now tomorrow.
And it's not until it's in their own communities that people are actually going to pay attention to this.
I hope to heck the deaths don't go up in Chicago.
But if I'm on the border and I'm seeing guys being brought in that I think may be soldiers from the cartels, and I see what the Sinaloa cartel is doing in Chicago, I have serious concern that we're going to see more violence in areas like that.
Well, I mean, let's face it.
America's been free for so long, and people just have no idea how dangerous the world is, and America is just begging, begging to collapse.
DrudgeReport.com has red-linked hundreds of dead border crossers in single Texas County.
Rancher shares grotesque photos.
And I'm glad that those reports are out from the Daily Mail.
They're calling it an exclusive.
Well, not really.
Back on July 4th.
About a month ago, or a little under a month ago, we have the report, the illegal invasion from Ground Zero.
And so I think we should take the Daily Mail, post part of it, but then also post our report, because ours is even more detailed, actual video interviews, with John Bowne talking to the very Texas ranchers.
that are trying to warn people.
So again, I'm not in competition here with the fact that this is getting out.
I'm glad it is in a major paper.
Good job, Daily Mail.
We have the actual video, not just the photos, in the seven-minute report by John Bowne.
Uh, titled, The Illegal Invasion from Ground Zero.
We probably should just change the YouTube name to Video of Hundreds of Dead Illegals in Texas.
Or Video and Photos of Dead Illegal Children in Texas.
Uh, and so people will pay attention to this report that aired on the Nightly News on July 4th.
Uh, and it was a special report.
And we'll have that reposted to Infowars.com so we can augment the Daily Mail report.
But again, that's why we have Chris Burgard on.
He's down there detailing this, and he has this in his previous film, Border, and now in the new one, Back to the Border.
And I mean, we're talking about little dead Mexican girls, folks, with their faces shriveled, with flies coming out their eyes, okay?
This is horrible.
And I feel for these children.
They say, oh, let them come here, they're trying to get away from collapsed societies.
We're going to collapse!
I mean, you know, if Obama said, let's raise money to build schools down in Guatemala and teach free market, I'd say, okay, let's raise money.
But they're not doing that.
They want to bring the failure, the corruption, the mafia up here
To sabotage the country!
I mean, criminals get off on ugliness.
And I'm telling you folks, the Democratic Party and the people skimming money off the border invasion, they love it.
And they are ordering the Border Patrol to stand down, not letting them have telephones, not letting them have bullets, not letting them shoot back.
It is joke level, people.
Chris, other points on this in closing?
I think that one of the positives I've seen in nine years is what you just brought up.
Whereas reports like yours years ago have been marginalized and dismissed by most American public, now you're leading the news.
Now people are paying attention and people are saying, all these folks that we tried to marginalize, maybe they were right all these years after all.
And I think that an informed public, an educated public, is a healthy public.
And I think that politicians can only get away with what the American people let them get away with.
Knowledge is power, Alex.
And the more knowledge, the more information we get to the everyday American, the better chance we have to make it through this.
I hear you.
It's just, you know, I don't want to leave the United States because I realize this is a globalist model, it's happening everywhere, but
I mean, what if it leaves me?
I mean, I don't want to live in Guatemala or Honduras.
I mean, right over the Texas border, you know, the bodies hanging off road signs, the dead police, the newspapers basically all closed along the Texas border because of rocket attacks on both sides.
And I mean, I would see truck bombs go off, rocket attacks.
And it didn't even make the Dallas Morning News when a newspaper gets hit by mortars.
Because they reported on the cartels.
I mean, I've been threatened by them.
And, you know, told, you better not come out and protest.
Our open borders demonstration will kill you.
Of course, I went out and did it.
But, I mean, it's just... God, I guess America just has a death wish.
If America doesn't come together against this... I mean, why is everyone fleeing the South if we want to make it like that here?
I just don't get it.
It's like, let's flee the South, but then let's promote that culture and adopt it here.
What do you say to that?
I say that don't underestimate the will of the American people.
The American people are not the politicians.
They are not the mainstream media.
American people will wake up to this.
American people will stand for what's right and what's wrong.
It's a question of a tipping point.
Can we get enough information out to 300 million people before it's too late?
Yeah, and the Democratic Party and the Republican leadership want to exploit these tens of millions of desperate people while using our bleeding hearts to go along with it.
Thank you so much.
Your calls are coming up on Ebola.
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All right, Holdings, just before those guests were on with us for those bombshell information, we've got callers on their take on Ebola.
Ken, Judy, Anthony, David, Bill, we'll get to all of you before Obama phone lady comes in.
And we're on the phones so you can talk to her.
So, after you hear these callers go, that's your chance to call in with a question for Obama Phone Lady, who's going to be in studio with us, 800-259-9231.
Ken, in South Carolina, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, I wanted to weigh in.
I think you're absolutely right about the hype around Ebola.
And it concerns me because South Carolina, the state that put a law in that you can't take our guns in case of an emergency,
Is also the state that has a quarantine law already on the books.
And it kicks in the moment Obama and the CDC starts talking about a vaccination for Ebola, I start getting nervous.
And that's because we already have a law that says if we don't take a mandatory vaccine, they can lock us up and throw away the key.
And people aren't going to believe me, especially in South Carolina, but I'm speaking to the South Carolina listeners that they attack this ahead of time.
It's in Title 44.
Chapter 4, Articles 510 and 530.
And if you'll indulge me, I'll read the first two lines of 530.
Yes, go ahead.
During a public health emergency, DHEC, Department of Health and Environmental Control, may isolate or quarantine an individual or groups of individuals.
This includes individuals or groups who have not been vaccinated, treated, tested, or examined pursuant to sections
They literally, those of us that are educated, you know, I'm a marine biologist as well as a minister and I'm not going to ever take a vaccine again because I know what's in them.
And so Alex, they're saying if we don't take the vaccine to lock us up, but if the vaccines are this silver magic bullet that, you know, does away with it and protects everybody that takes it, why would they have to lock us up?
We would only be endangering ourselves by not taking it.
So, this is cause for concern in South Carolina, because it doesn't matter what Obama does.
We already have this law in there, and if they can hype up an Ebola outbreak, we already have flesh-eating bacteria in most of our hospitals in the state.
I mean, my friend's mother-in-law died of flesh-eating bacteria that was contracted from the ER.
It appears to be in all of our hospitals.
You don't hear a word about that.
But Ebola?
We're worried about Ebola and the outbreak monkey?
Yes, on the scale, Ebola compared to all the drug-resistant bacteria is nothing.
And Obama signed an executive order just last night to allow detention of Americans with any respiratory illness.
That's the big issue.
Now it's not Ebola or Black Plague.
It's, if you've got any respiratory illness, we can just lock you up and forcibly inoculate you.
This is the revised list of quarantine commutable diseases amends executive order 13,295 put in by Bush in April 2003 and this is the perfect type cover to sell this and as you said, the media is saying, oh look at this doctor and I agree they have courage to be over there and are heroes but this doctor didn't want the experimental vaccine
He offered it to the co-worker because it was only enough for one person.
Well, those vaccines are very dangerous.
So these will be experimental.
And so they are moving towards forced inoculation, and I think it's all part of the backdrop of fear.
Great point, Ken.
But that article's on InfoWars.com.
You can read the whole executive order.
Obama is really expanding it.
I should have been talking about this for three hours.
That is sensationally scary.
Yeah, I'm really quite alarmed at just the attitudes of people that I've talked to recently.
I'm talking about just Americans in general.
I believe that Europeans and just other nations are looking at Americans thinking, what are you thinking, if anything?
But I don't know if it's fear, stupidity, complicity, or what it is.
But it's like, there's this acceptance of everything that's occurring, and it's
It's such lawlessness and it's so wide open and you know I know that recently Bill Still, the economist, had mentioned a city by name where my daughter lives and she lives in a separate state than me where the MS-13 gang members are
You know, the police are trying to deal with them.
And that hits really close to home with me.
And I talked to a friend recently who, she's really intelligent.
Hold on, I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to come back to you, Judy, and then Anthony, David, Bill.
Then we're going to shift gears to calls for Obama Phone Lady.
Stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Michelle Dougherty is in studio with us, the Obama phone lady.
We'll do a little bit of overdrive today.
She's with us working on the Obama Deception 2.
As soon as you hear these callers hang up, it's your chance to call in with your question for the Obama phone lady.
And of course, you remember, Obama gave us a phone.
He's going to do more.
Well, now we're here.
Years later, and she's awake to the fact of the deception, so we'll get her take on that coming up today.
Why not?
She's in town for the film.
I thought, why not have her pop in with us?
She's here until next Tuesday.
Shows I'm sure she'll be popping in, maybe on the Sunday show.
4 to 6 p.m.
Sunday, maybe on the Monday show.
Got a lot of fun stuff.
Going to Barton Springs, playing, maybe go do some shooting.
Look for all that at InfoWars.com.
We've got some big border news breaking tonight and tomorrow and over the weekend at InfoWars.com.
Judy, finishing up your point on Ebola and the open borders.
Go ahead, Judy, from Florida.
Sure, what I was about to say is that there was a friend of mine that actually chastised me when I had talked about these people coming in as being illegal.
She said, calling them illegal is dehumanizing.
And I'm going, well, no, you cannot waltz into other nations and just
Well yeah, look at the beauty of political correctness.
You can't go to Mexico or China and get free healthcare and all this stuff.
And show up with your baby, nine months pregnant, and have it two weeks later, and it's all paid for, and you get to stay there.
No one else does this.
We're a joke.
And then all the politically correct people, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, doesn't matter.
We'll use whatever word, and Michelle Obama says don't use the word bossy.
That's against women.
I mean, this is mind control, telling us how to talk, telling us what to do.
You're saying you're not a citizen, when you say you can't call someone else a non-citizen.
I mean, this is crazy town.
But this is how pliable and gullible this country is.
This country is just full of chumps.
Judy, I appreciate your call.
It makes me want to throw up!
What is your take, and we're going back to the calls here, what is your take, specifically, on all these illegals getting everything free and the rest of it, and veterans and citizens can't get jack crap, what is your take?
What do you want to say to Obama?
I want to tell Obama that sucks, because here it is, people struggling here in America, and we're right here, taking all this, and we're not getting anything.
Even with the kids that's underage, underage with no
What they call it, daycare, or you want to work and you can't work.
And you got these people coming from all over and they get a job, don't have no social security, and they just get over like a fat rat.
As I was here today in Austin, Texas, you see a lot of Mexicans, but I bet you they're not recorded with a social security card and a number to work here.
And they're here because the crime rate is low, but let them go to Cleveland and walk across the street and they run their name through, they're going to jail.
You know, that's sad how you got that, you know?
You hadn't been in jail since the 80s.
You had a ticket since then.
We were talking about this yesterday.
And they, for not having tickets, you were in jail for that.
And then you spent days in there.
They still say you owe $2,000 from 1980-something.
You know, it's now built up to that.
But again, it's discriminatory, but the illegals get to be above the law.
Why is that?
That's the way the economy is set up with Obama.
If you're a Hispanic U.S.
citizen, you go to jail for drinking and driving.
But if you're a Hispanic from Mexico, you don't most of the time.
Why is that?
Why are they above the law?
That's because they got the law set up the way they want it set up.
Like I was telling you, there's a town in Cleveland called Cleveland Heights.
It's ran by the Jews, like some mafia stuff, you know?
The Jews run these laws in Cleveland Heights.
The Jews run the laws in Cleveland.
I mean, that's what I think, because when you go to the police department, they got their own little clique.
Certain laws that's in Cleveland is legal.
Certain laws in Cleveland Heights is illegal.
How is that?
Two different cities.
Talking Cleveland Heights from Cleveland, you know?
Different things you could do in
Cleveland, that you can't do in Cleveland Heights.
And then when I really researched it, it's like a whole bunch of Jews run Cleveland Heights.
So that's some mafia stuff.
You know, and then where the president at when all that's going on?
Well, that's pretty standard for different cities to have different laws.
And, you know, if different, you know, groups and I mean, like Mexico has different laws than, say, Texas.
But Cleveland is one.
What specifically, though?
What specifically?
Specifically in Cleveland?
That I see that's different in Cleveland Heights?
For instance, you could drive a car at Cleveland with a broke taillight and go through Cleveland Heights and you can't drive it.
That's anywhere, really.
When I lived there, I had kids and certain things I couldn't do.
I said,
But I can go to Cleveland and do it, and it's nothing.
You know, like the laws for the housing.
Certain things, none of your kids could catch a felony.
Here it is, a man killed somebody, and they're still living for free on Section 8.
Well, it is true that more elite areas and more wealthy areas tend to have laws in place, kind of like homeowner's associations, that can be seen as very draconian.
I mean, is that what you're getting at?
Yeah, yeah.
You know, like, I know for a fact that, you know, law is a law, but when I lived in Cleveland Heights, I was like,
Wow, you mean these people can make their own laws?
You know?
Well, I mean, but that's the thing about a city.
As long as it's lined up with the state law, then you can basically do what you want.
Well, I'm quite sure it was lined up with the state law, because Cleveland Heights is a very expensive, you know, it's like a quote-unquote... I mean, it has to be or it gets overturned.
Right, right, right.
Generally, though, the Supreme Court overturned Chicago's gun ban, but that hadn't stopped.
So sometimes cities do stuff that they shouldn't be able to do.
Now, expanding on that, and I want to go back to the phone calls here, because people want to talk to you, and folks want to finish up with their Ebola comments as well.
I mean, you've told me privately what you think about Obama, and you told me, well, I'm a Christian, I don't like to talk bad about folks, but tell us your heart.
What you expected, what you thought, what you want to say to the Democratic Party itself.
What I want to say to the Democratic Party myself is that, you know,
A lot of people was telling me about, you get this, you do this, and where you gonna go, and blah, this, blah, that.
I don't care what they say.
I was there, I worked for Obama.
He said things and laws was gonna change.
I haven't seen any changes yet.
He's been in office a while, and he did the best he could, but he could have did more.
He's gonna do more, and I haven't seen the more.
Obama gave us a phone.
He gave us a phone.
He's going to do more.
He's going to give us some checks.
I wish I really could have said he was going to give me my check back.
Some certain other things that I was willing, I was talking to him about, about getting like, back in the day I had five kids and I had vouchers for all five of my kids.
Now it's a limit where you're only 12.
You can't get it after 12.
You know, you saying I can leave this 13 year?
Well, the issue is, these systems of dependency
Destroy countries is the issue.
It destroyed our country.
I mean, the country that I live in, around where I live.
So you recognize this is a bad system?
Yes, it is a bad system.
For example, I got sisters and nieces and nephews that's out here at their age.
I was buying houses.
Now ain't no way they could buy a house without a job.
And what did that?
Deindustrialization, globalism, devaluation of the dollar.
It's like they taking
How can I say it?
Like a big dollar and giving to the poor where we're working 20 times more for just one dollar.
The dollar shrinks.
Right, it shrinks.
That's a good idea.
Until it's not economically feasible to play by the rules and work.
For the average working class person, that's cloward and piven.
Then the whole thing bankrupts, then they radically reorganize society, and then you're put in forced labor brigades and basically live in work camps.
How's that sound?
It's worse.
It's worse than the way they got it now, to me.
I'm going to tell you, when they're done... We're going to be messed up worse than... Nobody's going to be laying around getting a welfare check.
You're going to be in a forced labor camp.
Well, they already got it like that.
Like I was telling you, I used to get... I got two kids now, a 12 and a 17-year-old.
And I used to get $3.89.
But now, if I'm paying $2.50 a month, that's enough to pay my rent, plus give me some toiletries for my house, washing powder, whatever you need.
Let's be clear, you've got to work and get welfare to survive.
That's it, man.
I work right now, I get $145, $150 a week.
And I work like 15... Well, you know, Walmart, for five years on record, tells their employees, oh, we do you a favor, we pay you so little that you then qualify for food stamps.
So again, we're subsidizing a family worth $200 billion with welfare.
Who then de-industrialized... That's the process right there.
They catch us up, they hooked us.
But see, Carlos Slim, did you know who made almost all the money off the Obama phone contracts?
Yeah, you just named it.
The richest man in the world.
The Lebanese Mexican, he's not even Mexican.
The point is, is that, I mean, I'm not going to get into who he really is, folks.
He owns the New York Times, but let me tell you, he's El Heffy.
When you get up to super El Heffy level, you're not called Don Corleone.
You know, you're called a respected man.
Let me tell you, he's in it all.
He made money off the Obama phone.
Obama didn't give you a phone because he cared about you.
He wanted you to think he did.
He gave you a phone and paid Carlos Slim three times what it was worth.
To get the phones.
Carlos Slim got my money.
Oh, okay.
You understand?
That's what they did.
Carlos Slim runs the show and is worth hundreds of billions.
And the way I put it in, like I was... And by the way, the media was like, Carlos Slim thinks you should only have to work three days a week.
Isn't he nice?
And then you read the subheadlines until you're 80 years old.
You're not going to be able to retire now, but don't worry, you're going to love having to work until you're 80.
Isn't he a humanitarian?
Carlos Slim, meeting with Bill Gates, who's the top eugenicist, he's gonna let you work to your 80.
Isn't he nice?
Nah, he ain't nice.
What the newspaper said he was.
Nah, he ain't nice.
That ain't nice at all.
I'm like 50.
How long it's gonna last?
I can't work... Well, Carlos said...
He cares about you.
That's why he gets all these monopolies on telecoms and oil and money going through banks.
Who do you think really runs Mexico?
He does.
He's a nice man, isn't he?
Well, he's taking care of those people down there, isn't he?
Half of Mexico City living in cardboard boxes?
He's got hundreds of billions of dollars in Swiss palaces everywhere?
No, he's not doing the right thing.
Who got the money for the Obama phone?
Carlos Slim.
I think we ought to call him Carlos Slick.
Of course, you know who he really is the front man for.
He's for the president, right?
He's a front man for the big banks.
Oh, for the banks.
They really run the show down in Mexico.
They're going to run the show here now.
We're going to have open sewage running down the road.
I believe you.
They're going to break this country down its back.
Get ready for it.
It's going to hurt.
It's going to hurt.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's continue.
There it is, Carlos Slim.
Profiting off Obama phones aimed at helping the poor.
Look, he looks like such a nice man, doesn't he?
That's how they look.
He cares about the children.
No, he's out for the dollar.
He's all for power.
Good buddies with Bill Gates.
You know what that means.
That's him right there, right?
He cares about you.
That's him in the picture.
Yeah, George Soros cares about you too.
You know what George Soros did when he was 14, 15, 16?
George Soros.
He knew how to find the Jews who were hiding because he was Jewish.
And he would rat them out to the Nazis and then he got a cut of the money.
That's why he gets a Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL award.
You're an actual Nazi collaborator, you get awards from the ADL.
Then the main ones that get you, get you too.
Yeah, well the ADL are my kings.
I love them.
Being sarcastic.
They're very nice people.
Yeah, right.
You know how they got set up?
Bugsy Siegel and people.
Nice folks.
Let's go ahead.
I like Carlos.
Nice guy, too.
You know who Bugsy Siegel was?
His name sounds good, but he's good.
If you see Godfather 2, they have a guy with a different name that plays the part of him.
Oh, okay.
Nice people.
I'm going to do overdrive here, folks.
Bill in Pennsylvania, talking about Ebola and the border, and we're joined by the Obama phone lady.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
I'm doing all right, brother.
What's on your mind today?
Okay, I got something for Obama lady.
Anyway, Dr. King, is your Moses?
Dr. King?
Did you see Dr. King is like Moses?
I mean, I do.
He's trying to lead Dr. Martin Luther King, leading people out of bondage.
That's what I think.
I think he's like a Moses-like archetype.
Go ahead, sir.
Lead us out of the promised land.
Yeah, so what's your question?
All right, um, Alex, I have a company that makes colloidal water.
Um, and I'd like to give you the number off air so that it doesn't, uh, hurt, you know, your, I don't carry the wedge.
If I let you give numbers out, everybody I'll do it.
But yeah, tell us about it.
We'll put you on hold.
I appreciate your call.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to another caller here.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to David in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going today?
Oh, it's going pretty good brother.
Carlos Slim loves me.
Don't know about that guy too much.
I've been on your show since the Bush era.
Going back to Ken's question on quarantine, how can you quarantine mandatory somebody for something that there's not even a vaccination for?
No, I know, that's the new thing.
The executive order by Obama says if you have a cough or any respiratory problem, allergies, whatever, you can disappear to a FEMA camp.
Because of my smoker's cough.
Anyway, you're aware of the two that got on the plane last night on CNN heading back to America with the Ebola.
And they're flying people with Ebola all over the world now.
Listen, if you're against Ebola, you're a racist.
I mean, that pathogen has a right to be free.
That's right.
Why are you discriminating against Ebola?
So they're going to bring that over here.
You mind calling him racist, Obama phone lady?
Come on, no, no, no, no.
They say if I don't turn my guns in, I'm racist.
I heard him say something about Martin Luther King.
You're not racist, is you?
No, no, that was the earlier caller.
Oh, okay.
Was saying, you know, Martin Luther King was like a Moses character.
Oh, like... I think it was a compliment.
Oh, okay.
But see, the thing is, if you don't support Obamacare, you're racist.
If you don't turn your guns in, you're racist.
So that's why we're saying that.
But of course, you know, the new talking point is the NRA is the Ku Klux Klan.
Sure you've heard that.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Do you know who founded the NRA?
Well, at the end of the Civil War, it was mainly founded by abolitionists putting pressure on the government.
It was actually government chartered, but privately set up to arm newly freed black slaves with guns in the South to fight the Klan.
I heard about that.
So when you fight the Klan, you are the Klan.
When you kill the Jews, you get awards from the ADL.
You understand how that works now?
When you pass a Civil Rights Act and you're Republican, you're a racist.
When you're a Grand Dragon like Senator Byrd, the black people love you.
So see, Melissa Harris Perry on MSNBC would say I wasn't racist if I was a Grand Dragon.
But because I've protested the Klan, I am Klan.
You understand how that works now?
Caller, I hear you.
Very important information.
We have calls now for Obama, phone lady.
I am attacked by the ADL because I'm anti-Nazi, and because both my grandfathers flew aircraft in World War II.
That is... That's aiding Nazis.
And if you are a Nazi, though, you're good, according to them.
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Michelle was just ranting about Obama during the break, so I'm not telling her what to say, I just wanted to repeat what's really in her heart.
She always starts it with, Mama said never say something, you know, don't say anything if you don't have something good to say.
My dad always said that, but, I mean, Obama said a bunch of things.
Repeat what she just said off air.
You know, I was always taught if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
Like yesterday, I was telling you guys, he... for the... for the... healthcare...
It's fine, because when you go to the emergency or something, you don't got no health care, they do not take care of you.
I understand that.
Now you got a little health care, that's fine.
And I know it take time, but you said these people that voted for you, strung out poor welfare recipients that you were going to help.
You were going to give the checks back.
You was going to help for that care.
That should have been my first priorities, because the poll to help me get to the president is the poll to first ones I'm going to try to help.
He did none of that.
It's still my nieces and them without jobs and just get a hundred some or two hundred.
What was your quote though?
You said he games you, pimped you, what were you saying?
He pimped me!
You know, pimped me to walk to protests to get the votes because when I got the votes for him to say, who bought you a phone?
You ain't gonna vote for Obama?
Everybody in
Low minorities in Cleveland, when they heard who got the phone, Obama, we was all illiterate about it.
But now we got the phones and we use them 250 minutes.
We all think Obama did it because he's the president, but a lot of people wasn't even voting for Obama.
They was going for Iran because Iran was going to give us more stamps, more check, all that.
They didn't have all that on Obama.
And now that you didn't got in president and you didn't even push the phones out, that wasn't even your take.
We should have said, thank you, Clinton.
Obama Clinton phone not Obama phone but by using president and we got them cuz my job Set me down and told me that was the wrong move you made but it had to been the right move I'm better than where I was not from Obama neither.
So that's what I wanted to say.
He really got us lit root ride all up
And didn't do nothing.
As I see, yet.
Not yet.
So, when is it gonna happen?
We still with no, no, no check.
Well, he's delivering to Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador.
Right, but he ain't delivering to us.
And I can't understand why.
They didn't vote for you for no president.
You got most of your votes from the low black minorities.
Not from no rich people.
A lot of rich people didn't even want to vote for Obama.
Because they knew Obama wasn't going to do nothing.
Because first of all, he was a mixed black.
Listen, listen.
It's a strategy.
Let me tell you about most real rich people out there.
They don't care what color you are.
They all just want to know how much money they can make.
So that's how I was when I first got into it.
I was so happy to work, happy to get $15 an hour.
Let me just tell you so everybody knows.
Successful people like other successful people.
That's all they like.
They like other smart people.
I was smart then.
I've been around a lot of rich white people.
You're not hearing a word bad about black people.
Because you've been around a lot of rich white people.
I'm just telling you, it's not going on.
Where you hear all the race stuff is down with working class blacks, whites, Hispanics and others.
Because everybody's fighting over less resources.
That's why the ultra-rich want it that way.
They're not up there even thinking about it.
Most of the rich people that even, when I worked, and I worked for Obama, they wasn't even all on it like we was.
We was working like 12, 13 hours.
Them people was just in and out.
As long as we got the votes.
Matter of fact, I don't even have a driver's license.
And I was driving, getting the votes to take them to the place... Let's take a quick call before we go into overdrive here.
Logan, give us your question for Obama phone lady.
She may have to answer it in overdrive, but go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
Apathy is treason.
And it's less of a question that I have for the Obama phone lady, but more of some points that we have to look at the path in which we are currently on our trajectory.
And to do that, we have to look at the past, right?
The assassination of the 1960s from Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, JFK... Hold on!
Stay there!
I'm gonna come back to you in overdrive.
InfoWars.com forward slash show for the free feeds back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Be there, folks.
Original transmission this Sunday 4 to 6 central.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7, 7 o'clock central.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, a few years ago when the Obama Phone Lady video came out, we played it on air, we made fun of it.
But I make fun of myself as well.
I remember when I had a 6X pair of underwear on my head a few weeks ago, making jokes.
But then, you know, at the same time, it was empathy and sadness at you being conned.
I've been conned in my life as well.
And what I like to do is explain to people how they don't need to get conned down the road.
And none of us are perfect.
We're taking phone calls for you from Logan, Jerry, Austin, Dan, and others.
Logan, finish up your point that you were making.
So we have to look at those assassinations of our people's leaders.
And JFK was going to get rid of the IRS, disband the Federal Reserve, start to reissue Lincoln Liberty dollars.
Cut taxes, get us out of the Vietnam War.
And then also give us, as American citizens who pay taxes, 0% interest loans for 30 years.
And real civil rights.
Not that he was even perfect.
He went, I can cut taxes by half and double receipts.
You mean we can just totally take over?
And the insider groups didn't want the old policy of American prosperity to continue, so they killed him better than a hammer.
Absolutely, and that's why they killed Kennedy, who was no angel by a long shot.
His brother, Bobby, it was declassified, it was on PBS a few years ago on Frontline, wanted to blow up the Honduras Embassy, kill our people, and blame it on them to invade them.
Because they were going communist, and I could see the argument to do that, stop the communists, you know, kill a few of your own people, but you just can't do stuff like that, and his brother said no.
But that just gives you an idea of how ubiquitous false flags are.
Great point, I appreciate your call.
Dan in Ohio, you're on the phone with Obama Phone Lady!
All right now.
Let me hear it.
Oh yeah, how you doing?
I'm in your backyard, I'm in Akron, Ohio.
All right.
You understand how Channel 19 News is not fair and accurate?
They came down here to my hometown to interview me because I'm an artist and I do street art and I did anti-Obama
Posters and signs, I had Obama like he's on his political campaign posters with his face and I had him on a red communist flag with a hammer and sickle back in 010 warning people he's a communist.
Then I had his pants down and I had
Uh, Obama, uh, Michelle Obama standing next to him with his dress up with her dress up with their face, uh, uh, glued on to those cardboard characters and people were mad as hell, but they came and looked at that.
And, you know, was mad as hell.
Then I, now I got a poster or a mural showing how Obama.
He's leading us to destruction.
He's standing in front of the whole planet Earth.
He's got a nuclear bomb explosion going off underneath him.
He's got an Israeli tank.
I got the last pole on there and I got Washington DC burning.
I got
Well, listen, where do we see this?
Do you have a website or tell us the name of the newscast?
Because I want to see it.
It was Channel 19 News.
It was that Puerto Rican newscaster that came down to it.
No, I know, but if you just remember the headline, it'll be something like, you know, Street Artist Attacks Obama or Defiles the Precious God.
What was the headline?
Yeah, it's on there.
Do this.
Send a link to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
Because if we'd have known the headline, we'd have shown some of that.
Very interesting search.
You're saying they came and spun the whole thing.
They always act like if you have free speech, it's bad.
Like, you're supposed to only worship the president.
No, you have free speech.
More calls coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Austin in Ohio, you're on the phone with Michelle, aka Obama Phone Lady, who's here in Austin visiting.
I think we'll visit with her once a year or so, to just see how her journey of awakening takes place.
But behind the scenes, she's a lot more talkative.
She's a pretty smart lady when it comes to relationships and stuff like that, and life and street smarts.
Austin in Ohio, what's your question or comment?
Yeah, so I just have one comment.
I moved to California for a year when I was 18.
We're good to go.
The whole problem with America and this welfare system is there's no pride anymore.
There's no pride in knowing that you can survive in this country without having to take handouts from others.
Granted, there are a lot, there are a lot of people who need it.
Like Obama phone lady who has kids and she's a single mother.
And I understand that, but most of it is just because people don't have the pride to work for themselves and fend for themselves.
So we have enabled the government to do all this to us.
No, I hear you.
You know, my parents were the type that advised me about politics and life and science and things, but they didn't ever really hold my hand.
And when I was 18, my mom came in and said, it's time for you to move out.
We'll help you get an apartment, but you got jobs.
That's it.
And that was it.
My dad helped me set up a computer for my first shopping cart and helped me with some of the technical stuff like that.
Once I'd already become somewhat successful and needed his help, then helped me hire employees and stuff.
We're going back like 18 years now when I first started getting to that level, but I was almost 20.
But I remember when I was first going to community college to see if I wanted to go to college.
My dad said, it might not be good for you.
You might want to be an entrepreneur.
You might want to start a company.
Probably make more money doing that.
So I was going to just check out what I liked.
I remember going in and they said, you know, so you got two jobs, you're not making that much money, and your parents aren't helping you, and you're not getting scholarships.
Well, we're just going to give you student aid.
And you're 18 years old.
You go, OK.
And they sent me over to some state agency, and I'm in there, and they're about to sign me up to have my tuition paid for.
And you know what I did?
I got up and I left.
And then a semester later they start calling me going, no, we just did it anyways.
It was paid for.
And then another time I lost a job and they said, it's all right, we're just laying you off.
Go sign up for unemployment.
I said, no, I'm going to get another job.
And I'm not knocking people that go and do the other thing.
It's just that I just, they were always, it was like in high school.
My last year there, I had too many credits.
And so they put me for two periods a day as a teacher's aide taking notes around the school or unloading pallets of paper or whatever for the office.
And I don't know why I'm even telling these stories.
And the nurse calls me in, and she was blonde, and first she kind of hit on me.
She was in there in the office, and she goes, by the way, you like speed?
You like drugs?
And I was in super good shape.
I said, do I look like I'm on drugs, lady?
And then she said, well, listen, I take Ritalin myself, and I've got a number, and to a psychologist here, or a PhD, or whatever, you ought to get on it.
And then I learned she was doing it to everybody else that was coming in there.
I mean, they're just trying to get you on Ritalin, trying to get you on welfare.
They want to get the troops on it because then they can label you.
And then that goes in your database and you don't get as many jobs.
I'm sorry, caller, I'm ranting, but I hear your story.
Michelle, any comments on that?
I agree to it.
Just like you said, it's got to start somewhere.
Well, they saw it as, quote, helping me, like, oh, you're here.
You know, go talk to the school about what you ought to sign up for or whatever.
It was like, oh, these are the different services, go talk to them.
And it was just immediately, and then I'd go to the ACC classes.
It didn't matter if it was, you know, math or Texas history or psychology.
They would immediately just say, world government is good, guns are bad, white people are fundamentally evil.
And it was just, I'm like, what is this place?
I'm living in the Soviet Union.
Thank you, Austin.
Let's go to Jerry in New York.
Anybody want to ask a question of Obama Phone Lady?
Go ahead, Jerry.
I'm going to give a quote and then just a little explanation to have a comment on what I say.
I'm giving a quote from Gerald Ford.
A government that's big enough to give you everything you want is a government that is big enough to take everything from you.
And I basically had to go into senior housing because I'd been out of work for two years and I got laid off from a job that a big company that basically had illegals
Basically telling stories about how they bought their citizenship or the green car or this and that.
I was laid off as an American because I didn't like it.
I didn't think on anybody but they always feared that I might think on somebody so I was the guy laid off that couldn't get the job back.
Then I go into senior housing and they tell me because I'm trying to be an entrepreneur and make some money on the side
I would all be for state or local welfare if it was designed to get you on your feet and doing well, and then, oh, we're going to give you this money and go make money.
But then they never let you get to that point.
They get you enough where they can hang you.
Get you.
You know, like you said about that Ritalin, when you was going to school, you trying to educate yourself.
Well the first time was 6th grade where a couple kids that had flunked 3 grades were trying to beat me up, and I beat them up.
In Coach Webb's PE class.
She was the female Webb.
Her husband was the head football coach for the varsity football team later.
And I was under him later.
But the point was, she was there.
She seems still alive.
She tells stories.
She's pretty old then.
And they called me in.
They said, your son keeps beating people up.
My dad goes, well, they're starting fights with him.
And they said, well, listen, he needs to be on Ritalin.
Or we're going to call in social services.
My dad said, look.
Bring it on!
And then later again, I'm a senior, and the woman's hitting on me and pushing it on me.
I mean, this country is just fried.
Jerry, I hear you.
God bless you.
Brad in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
And hi, Michelle.
It's you I really want to speak to.
I really respect your fortitude for being on the air, and I have heard that there's the potential that
There would be more harm caused to the black community than to the white community.
I am a retired druggist that kind of ages me.
I'm a pharmacist and I was in the integration process back in the late 60s.
And I remember how hard it was on us as students because of what the government was doing.
Now you're faced with Hispanics being integrated into the system as well.
And with the obvious reality of gangs, how do you feel?
How does the black community feel?
Do you feel under duress?
Are you frightened?
I feel betrayed!
I feel let down, betrayed, you know?
You imagine a person making $15 an hour working for the government.
He said he's going to do this and do that.
And I know a lot of things people say you can't believe, but you're the president.
And then I'm still struggling, and now I'm down from 15 to 850.
Could you imagine?
You sucks, that sucks.
You know, and he could have made away with the skills he gave me to work for him for $15.
Well, what about the trillions to foreign banks that then devalued the dollar?
Why not just hand out money to the people?
That would get the economy going.
I'm not even endorsing that, but it's, I mean, it's the worst of the worst.
When you really study it, they want us poor, they want us dumbed down, they want us by the short hairs.
It's true.
But you know,
That's why I say you got to keep praying for God, not the President.
Because they, you know, now they say look up to the police, the police there to help you.
You know, now police want to do harm.
You know, you don't know who to look up to.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, I really had trust in with the President.
We are becoming a barbarous nation.
It's like they're using us for soldiers.
Like I'm a dummy and you're the pimp pimping me.
But what you are is food.
I'm fooled out.
See, if they can get you under their control and keep some of the money they're supposed to be giving you, and then make you dependent on them, their job's set.
They don't have to compete with you.
Let's go to Fabian in FEMA Region 5.
You're on the phone.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, it's actually a woman.
I got one of those names.
No, no, I apologize.
I didn't know if it was male or female.
I'm just kind of out of it after three and a half hours.
That's true.
It goes back to the old Fabian of the Route 66.
Oh, I got it.
Got it.
But no, mine's with a V, as in Victor, in the middle.
But anyway, I was just calling to, you know, I love Michelle.
Thank you so much.
She's got such a bright, sweet look in her eyes.
I just love her.
But, you know, I'm just wondering, Michelle, if you really understand, you know, how things work with the government.
I think sometimes people think that there's a money tree that grows on the lawn of the White House.
And that all Obama has to do is just go pick some and go send it out.
But he ain't even got to pick none.
All he got to do is sign your name.
He's the president.
He knows plenty of people.
If I could show you... But see, there's people producing things and then government steals that.
And then as government grows, it doesn't produce anything.
Then the country collapses.
Well, see, that's what's happening, I think, now.
Because some things, they keep saying, well, he signed it, it didn't go through.
He did it, it didn't go through.
That's some bull.
You know what I'm saying?
Just flat out, that's some bull.
You're weirder than... Anyways, but do you understand what she's saying about societies that start doing handouts?
Yeah, I understand about that.
Fabian, anything else you want to add?
Well, I was just going to say, you know, I believe in a safety net to help people, you know, who have really hit bottom, but... But not a spider's web to entangle you?
Well, I mean, it can be, but, you know, the person has to be able to take responsibility for their own actions.
I mean, it was Michelle's decision to have five children.
Yes it was.
We're going to skip this break and go to the bottom of the hour.
But by it being my decision to have the five children, where is my decision where I can at least get food for my kids?
What, are you going to let them starve?
You know?
To feed your kids, you don't have five kids.
You only have one, perhaps, because you only have the money to feed one.
Well, we all make mistakes, just like he made a mistake, so Obama, you know what I'm saying?
That was in the past, you know, with the five kids.
Now they're here, you know, where's the help?
I got two legs, two hands.
I'm ready to work, you know?
Have you seen the video of the lady that has 18 kids, though?
And she's there griping at the government saying, get me more money.
Or help me.
Have you ever seen that video?
I've seen it.
Guys, look that up.
A woman with 18 kids wants help.
I think it was in Florida.
I don't think you're in that position.
The way it's advertised early on was, have more kids, you'll get money, and you can get them in school, and then they'll have a future.
I want a bunch of kids.
I got three.
I get that.
I don't fault people who want to have kids.
I don't get the Democratic Party pushing incentives to get people to have kids.
But then setting up abortuaries to try to abort as many as they can.
It's like mixed signals.
It's full spectrum dominance.
And then later, cutting the welfare back where the kids then turn to crime.
It's just, it's like the most evil things they could do with the Republican leadership they do.
Yeah, that's true.
I mean, it's so sophisticated.
I see so much of that where I live at.
So much of that.
I mean, like I was telling you, I got five kids, and I grew up in a low-class area.
Now my son is a VA social worker.
He got kids.
He got three, two, and one more on the way.
And by both of them working, it's still hard, but they're maintaining.
See, when you maintain or, and you're barely making it with two, because you know in the Bible it says you must be married before you have babies.
I think everyone that went out of the wedlock of God and didn't marry before you have babies, you're going to have problems.
I had five and never been married, so I was going to have some problems.
But where it come to sign your name, here's a check and then some stamps to help you get on your feet.
36 months, you're on your own.
Here's the deal.
All over the place there are people that can't pay their property taxes and they come in and they auction your house.
And if you don't leave it, a SWAT team comes.
And then a lot of times they kill you.
So they kill people to get taxes to have welfare.
So what about the people where the IRS pulls the ring off their finger?
And the IRS SWAT teams hit people.
They're not real courts, not real trials.
So you see, what about that?
What about
What about people in France, the Socialist Party, last year raised taxes on the middle class to 101%?
So you have to pay everything you make and more.
Now the ultra-rich are tax-exempt.
They have Swiss bank accounts and all.
It's a big scandal.
And the socialist leadership has Swiss bank accounts.
So they raise taxes 101% only to selectively shut down all their competition.
Do you think that if a person had competence, maybe 100% is enough?
Maybe we make them slaves.
Maybe if you're a doctor or an electrician, you haven't given enough to the state.
Maybe you should actually be put back out in the field.
I'm talking about people that are paying taxes.
When is taxation slavery?
How much?
How much?
I mean, how high should it be?
I can't really say it.
I know it's high though, right?
Yeah, I mean, the average person who's middle class is paying about 60-70%.
In France, it's 101%.
That's a lot.
I'm not joking.
We can put the Forbes headline up.
That's a lot.
But they say that's a rich town, so you're gonna pay high taxes, right?
Well, but I mean, 101%?
Ooh, that's high.
Well, I mean, how do you pay 101%?
You don't.
You shut down, you go on welfare.
Because you can't afford it.
Now, that could never happen if the political elite weren't exempt.
It's the discrimination.
There's the headline.
French tax soars over 100%.
It's the discrimination.
We're all taught it's about what color we are or where we're from.
If a man's a man, it hurts women somehow.
If men just need to go die in a ditch, that empowers women.
That's just because the state doesn't want women having men around to team up with them.
And that was CIA declassified.
Then they've wrecked society.
They've done a great job.
This is why they're known as the Devastators.
They rule.
You know, and they control because they're so vicious but pose and act trendy and have beards and socks that don't match and go, uh, uh, uh, trendy.
Well, they're psych warfare commanders putting cancer viruses in the vaccines.
They rule terra firma through solid murder operations of total commitment to Satan.
That's why they're so powerful.
And people are naive to it.
And so, as long as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are tax-exempt, they're going to lobby to raise my taxes.
So I can't hire people and pay them well, and can't give bonuses out, and can't hire more reporters, and can't supplant them.
Because MSNBC, under GE, is tax-exempt.
I'm not.
I pay 40% federal tax to the private Federal Reserve.
I pay Texas franchise tax, I pay all sorts of other hospital district taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, fines and fees tagged onto every bill.
And when the bureaucrats show up here, they tell me, you work for us!
They come in here and they hate me that I hire people!
And they hate me that I work hard!
And they hate me that I'm smart!
And they're going to bring me down because misery loves company.
That's what you told me earlier.
You said it's crazy how these women go out and tell women that are married, get rid of your husband, because they want to basically bring them down.
Misery loves company.
You understand that?
That's just like you hang with a girl that can ride horses, and I can't ride one.
If I keep going to that horse place with her and riding them horses, eventually I'm gonna be just like her.
Same thing, birds of a feather flock together.
You don't mess with people that ain't doing what you're doing.
I had to cut them all loose, because I feel... You were telling me, these women tell you all the time, don't be with Harvey, get rid of your man.
He ain't nothing.
Because they don't have one.
And we can party, we can do this.
But then at the end of the day, I got somebody to hug, somebody to make me smile, somebody to make me feel good.
Darn what you say, because if you keep listening, just like I listen to that old man in back of you now, Obama,
And keep listening, I worked hard.
I walked, I was skinny when I was working for him.
I'm big as a cat now.
But if you keep listening to people, they'll steer you wrong.
All wrong.
Well, the women's magazines say the thing to do is divorce your husband.
All of it's the trendy thing to do.
All these divorced women go around and find any woman they know that's married and just sit there lying to them.
But you know what?
They're miserable.
Do you know what a saying is?
In the Bible.
I had to really learn this from church because I never knew you must be married to have a baby.
If you're unmarried without a baby, you're going to have a lot of problems.
I swear.
With five kids and
Three different baby daddies, I ain't had nothing but problems.
But now the relationship I am in today is marriage.
And it's, it's, it's, everything gonna have its ups and downs, but it's better with this one.
Well, statistically, children are four to five times more likely to end up in prison or on drugs if they come from a single parent home.
And the media goes, oh, you're being racist against single mothers.
No, I'm not.
We're talking about statistics.
And so we don't judge people that are from single families.
We try to work with the communities to strengthen families because that's what works.
That's how it works.
I was a single parent with five kids, and ain't none of my thieves, drug dealers, or none of that, because they seem hot.
That is really hard to do.
And they're four young men.
Boy, you beat the statistics.
But I also... Well, I think that's a testament to you that your kids have got good jobs and are... Well, they're doing the best they can for the shape they're in, but they ain't in jail, they ain't got no felonies, none of that.
One of mine does.
Just one out of five.
But I thank God and I'm not going to, I'll stay straight in some things.
Because the long run, like I was saying about the long run, at the end of the day, we eating bologna and potato chips, you feel me?
At the end of the day, we all full, and it went down the same way.
That's how I look at life today.
At the end of the day, I ain't got to have no steak like I just told you.
I ain't got to stay in the Radisson, man, I sleep in that truck, can I get them in stew?
I'm real.
You know, because the Raddison wasn't all that because of the name.
The name say Raddison.
How you gonna go stay in a hotel and you got a man, he can't tell me where's the swimming pool because he don't understand what I'm saying.
Where they do that at?
Where they do that at?
No, it's a Tower of Babel.
The centralized technocracy robot
They want a permanent underclass.
Right, but I could just say, do this, do that, do that.
Like you ever sit at a store or something and they're talking all this English and you don't understand them.
But really, you're cussing, you're out.
You ever been through that?
I was that the day when we went to Texas.
Yeah, no, my cousin speaks fluent Spanish, so he gets to hear it.
And we're at the bank and the lady busy talking, talking, talking.
And I'm looking at Harvey, like, my ideas and everything.
I'm from Cleveland, you know, I'm trying to explain to the lady.
Yeah, you can't cash a check, but illegals can without ID.
Because again, it's discriminatory.
But only because it's an economic war.
It's not the fault of the people south of the border.
They're being exploited.
They're being set up like there's cheese on a mousetrap.
I'm sorry to the other callers, Alex, Chris, and Andrew.
I'm just out of time.
I'm exhausted.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I meant to get to this video of the UN spokesman crying on camera over Gaza school attack.
That's up on Infowars.com.
It's pretty powerful.
The culture shock is so great that the Washington Times is reporting there's criminal investigations going on saying that the Border Patrol didn't do a good enough job of these facilities because there was crap all over the floor.
But that's because the people at the facilities have never had a toilet.
So where else are they going to use it?
Well, I mean, again, if you say use the toilet, it's racist.
All right.
So crap on the floor, folks.
We'll see you Sunday.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda, they are manipulating