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Name: 20140731_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 31, 2014
3556 lines.

Alex Jones' radio show covers a variety of topics such as current events, politics, health, and personal experiences. He criticizes mainstream media for not properly covering important issues like Ebola and promotes alternative solutions for health problems. His shows feature interviews with guests who share their perspectives on various subjects. In this particular episode, Jones discusses medical care for veterans, family structures, an herbal supplement, a burglar deterrent device, political situations in the US, crime rates, the Ebola virus, drills as covers for false flag events, use of nuclear weapons, and transparency in media. He also promotes male vitality formula Super Mel Vitality, discusses government policies and actions with a conspiratorial view, and touches upon FEMA camps and displacement of children. Callers share their thoughts on these topics throughout the show.

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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
African, Middle Eastern, Asian, European countries are locking down their borders, leafing up surveillance on foreigners flying in.
Here in the United States, we're paralyzed by political correctness.
We're not even allowed to control the border.
And Geraldo Rivera and MSNBC and others say it's racist if you're worried about Ebola coming here.
This is literally like a spider biting a bug to paralyze it before it sucks it dry.
Political correctness is Soviet-style mind control in this country.
Meanwhile, there's German news headlines saying Putin reportedly thinks that World War III will start, that there will be a huge war with the United States.
And hey, I just want stability.
I just don't want to have World War III.
I'm not pro-Russia.
I'm pro-survival.
And the West is run by globalists who are building a gulag archipelago here in this country.
I'm a hardcore libertarian, constitutionalist, paleo-conservative, whatever you want to call it, and I mourn for my nation as its borders are collapsed, as our sovereignty is destroyed, as we're spied on illegally, as the government announces libertarians, conservatives, veterans, gun owners as the number one enemy, and prepares for illegal war against us.
And meanwhile I have the Democratic Party attacking me every day through their organs and I have the neocon defense contractor media with well-known establishment shills that I won't even name running around saying I'm a KGB agent.
When I pointed out that our government, the criminal
Sectors of it was openly funding Al-Qaeda and the Taliban as a pretext to take our liberty.
They claim that I was secretly trained, the same people, in jihadi camps.
And the propaganda is so dumbed down and so naked, and it doesn't even work anymore.
But the system just goes forward with it, but I think about how dishonorable these people are that do this.
And then I saw a Navy SEAL.
I wrote his name down.
He's been on the show.
He's a great guy.
Exposing Obama.
Preparing for martial law.
Just search Navy SEALS says Obama preparing for dictatorship.
He was on like six months ago.
Talking about how they probably killed the Navy SEALS to cover up the fake Bin Laden raid.
Really good guy.
And I saw him on Fox News.
I wrote Benjamin Smith.
Believing Chris Kyle.
And saying Ventura is basically guilty of treason.
And he looks so sincere on TV.
And that's the buddy factor, because he was friends with Chris Kyle, so he believed his buddy.
And you kind of respect that at one level, because Ventura's my buddy, so then I back him.
That's what it comes down to.
But the truth is, it isn't about Ventura.
It's about the PSYOP.
That they could do this to anybody, get somebody who's respected to lie about you.
Then that person gets killed mysteriously before it can go to trial.
And the media won't say that News Corp is running the whole deal, Fox News is a division of that.
And that it's an insurance policy that pays it, and Ventura doesn't even need the money.
Ventura did some land deals on a big ranch he bought where he made a ton of money, a bunch of other stuff.
I mean, Ventura did not do what they said, and it's meant to destroy his name.
And then they spin it like he's going after a widow, and he's a bully when he filed the suit before Chris Kyle was dead.
And the Psy-Op even works on people like Benjamin Smith.
Again, it's bigger than Ventura or Chris Kyle.
It's how these psyops work.
It's like the kickoff for war with Russia.
It's just based on fraud.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It is the 31st day of July 2014.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we are truly riding the lightning of tyranny.
As it falls from the heavens thrown from the hand of Lucifer.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
The tyranny is coming down.
The God of this world, the power of the air...
The power of the propaganda of the New World Order is intensifying.
The great deceptions being stacked upon deceptions until the lie becomes a synthetic false consciousness reality.
That is what we face, ladies and gentlemen.
On this live Thursday worldwide transmission, we have in studio, coming up in the third hour, the Obamaphone lady.
He gave us a phone, he's going to do more.
She was here a year ago to be interviewed for the Obama Deception 2 that I never released.
Now so much has happened, I'm remaking the entire film, and I have decided that I am just going to do what I did with the first Obama Deception.
Films like Endgame took me a year and a half to make, working on it constantly.
It's a three hour film, it's really three films.
Other films took three, four, six months.
It varied.
This film, I've been working on Obama Deception 2 for five years.
And I literally have edited four or five hours that's film.
But I'm gonna go back, take the most powerful parts of that, and then put new developments in it, and then I'm just gonna sit there and lock myself.
I've done this before.
I've just got a lot of family stuff going on and other operations, but I'm gonna have to lock myself for about two weeks in an editing room.
Every day when I get off the air, do nothing.
I'll be like Howard Hughes in his hotel room, literally.
I've done this before.
Slept on the couch in there.
We've got couches in the editing base.
We haven't used them in years because I haven't been working like that in years.
And I'm just going to sleep up here.
We're going to just slap it together.
That happened with Obama Deception, the first one.
That was made in one month.
One month on top of the radio show.
Everything else we were doing, I made that with about three people in one month.
And so there will be an Obama deception too.
My problem is I obsess over trying to make a super powerful film and I don't have words to describe how evil the system is and how much bad they're doing.
And then I want to obsess on proving every point I make until the film ends up being five hours long.
It needs to be 90 minutes, super high powered.
And just crystallize and condense the information together to transcend Obama.
But the idea of collectivism versus liberty.
The idea of government by conquest, government by gang, government by combine, by monopoly, versus liberty.
And those ideas.
The film is very similar.
The film is basically done.
I haven't worked on it in six months, just sitting back there.
Is basically Dinesh D'Souza's America, but more hardcore.
Because it's the truth.
I knew what would be in Dinesh D'Souza's film when he was on six months ago, before he got indicted.
I was predicting on air what it was about, and he was saying, yes, that's very uncanny that you know what's in the film.
And I said, no it's not.
Hold on one second.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm fantastic.
Uh, I'm gonna go to break here in just a few minutes.
Can I, uh, uh, well, uh, guys, go ahead.
Well, you're so sweet.
You're so sweet to call me right back.
I'll call you in six minutes.
All right.
Thank you.
I had to take that because I've been playing phone tag with Ventura and his wife for days.
And so I knew that was them.
And I, he said, he come on my show radio first.
uh... once the verdict came out and then I just played phone tag and never got it done and then I had my crew going to the publicist and they were playing phone tag so that's why I did that.
Excuse me.
I don't usually do that.
I've done that a few other times on air, like if my mom calls me or something.
But that was, anyway, side issue.
What was I getting into?
I have this tendency, ladies and gentlemen, to go off down rabbit trails and I've gone off into discussing the Obama deception too that we're just going to put out.
I have not put out a film since Fall of the Republic five years ago that was my film.
We put out Strategic Relocation, it's a documentary, but I'm the host of it, but I didn't make it.
The office did, the news crew did, and that's not really what you call a documentary, it's more of a presentation slash documentary.
But I will put it out.
All right, let me reset here.
Guys, print me all the Ventura numbers, because she just gave me another one to call, and I need to call their back phone number.
And I forget which one it is.
I'll know it when I see it.
So just print me all the numbers.
Cell phones, everything.
Just bring it in here, because I've got to call her during the break.
I don't mean to mention that on air.
It's just that then I'll go to break for four minutes and won't have time to call and get that set up.
Okay, literally this is a totally transparent radio show.
We could do a reality TV show but have it be live.
Because reality TV is not really reality TV in most cases.
And just show you the behind the scenes and I mean what goes on here on air is what's going on off air.
Because I have the weird position of being, especially the main producer of my own radio show, with the other sub-producers that do a great job, and trying to run everything else at the same time.
And I've tried to turn over control of a lot of stuff to people.
So that I can get more done, and we're in that process right now.
So I'm almost having a managerial meeting here on air, and I want to segue out of that.
Let's restart the radio show, ladies and gentlemen.
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
He gave us a phone, he's going to do more.
She's really a very sweet lady.
I enjoy going out to dinner with her and her husband, Harvey.
And she's really hurt that she thought that her ship had come in.
She works as a maid, cleaning up to five houses a day, and got hit with the Obama payroll tax, and didn't want to throw him under the bus on TV or radio, but actually got tears in her eyes before she left when she was here about a year ago.
And she said, you know, I, I'll get her to talk about this today.
I'll bring this up.
She said, you know, I really been working really hard and I really thought he was going to help us.
And she had tears in her eyes.
And I just thought about how sweet she is, but how childlike folks are that, that, I don't, I don't mean that in a mean way, but innocent that buy into these kleptocrats, fraud and lies.
That's what it comes down to.
And so, I think she's going to feature even more prominently.
She was already in the Obama Deception 2, that's sitting back there basically done, that I'm not going to release.
I guess I could release that and then call it Obama Deception 3.
That's an idea.
Release the Obama Deception 2, like Hollywood does sometimes, and then two months later release the third part.
That's the brand new film.
But no, I'm not going to do that.
See, this is not a scripted radio show, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not a scripted radio show.
There's no teleprompters here, there's no talking points here, and so sometimes I, again, segue off.
Let me give you the headlines here that are coming up.
The Ebola situation, when I was reading these headlines this morning, from mainstream news sources, sent chills up my spine.
The spider's web of infection is growing as hunt continues for 30,000 victims of outbreak.
30,000 victims.
The previous top pandemics for this stuff in African countries were a couple thousand.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
Peace Corps volunteers exposed to Ebola.
CBS News.
Liberia shuts schools, considers quarantine to curb Ebola.
African countries are locking down their borders.
But if we even mention controlling our borders so Ebola doesn't get in, Geraldo Rivera, who I don't even want to attack, he's told me he listens to the show sometimes, and you know, he's been friendly to me on and off air.
We've heard him say he's been a listener on air.
I don't agree with a lot of his policies, but I grew up watching Geraldo Rivera.
And I don't want to attack Geraldo Rivera, but I mean, it's pure bull.
Boston hospitals training staff to watch for signs of Ebola virus.
CBS News.
I guess that's because they're racist in Boston.
It's like if you don't want Chinese chicken being shipped in that's been rotten for 13 days and then has chemicals put on it that makes people sick.
I've even seen news articles saying, is the backlash against Chinese chicken racist?
It'd be like if you caught a Chinese person robbing your garage.
They'd say on the news, he called the police because he's racist.
It's like when I caught two black guys being paid off by the local Democratic gun control group.
It made the front page of the paper.
The paper calls up, the reporter goes, it wasn't a black guy, it was a Hispanic guy.
And he goes, Mr. Jones, you did this because these are black men, right?
I said, excuse me?
He goes, well, you shot this video and showed all this happening because they were black.
I said, excuse me?
He said, you wouldn't have shown this video if they'd been white.
And I said, of course I would.
It's a white guy paying them off.
I said, the Ethics Commission says it's illegal.
And one of my listeners ran to the committee room and said he's out here paying the people to testify.
$100 bills.
Stacks of them.
And I ran out and caught it on video.
And their answer was, why are you racist?
And the paper said, is Alex Jones racist is the question.
I mean, that's cult-like, ladies and gentlemen.
That's cult-like control.
Ebola has already made it to the US.
They've already quarantined people.
They're covering it up.
It's already made it to Germany.
And I'm racist if I talk about it.
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And there the news was rather sad.
It's what's for dinner.
An estimated $70 billion per year is spent by poultry feasting consumers in the United States.
In August of this year, Obama caved into China and the beef industry's demands to process our homegrown chickens in China.
That's right.
Our chickens will be shipped to China to be processed and then sent right back to us to consume.
Senator Chuck Schumer paraphrased a USDA report indicating that China will likely be allowed to directly import their own chickens into this country.
So, you'll be glad to know there are new food labeling regulations.
And I think you'll find them very, well, cool.
COOL is a U.S.
Department of Agriculture program that requires most full-line grocery stores, club and warehouse stores to provide consumers information about where certain foods come from.
What about products like this?
It lists three countries of origin.
This means that either the meat used originated in different countries, or the animals were born and raised in one country, say, Canada or Mexico, and then slaughtered in the United States.
And when that is fully underway, we can expect tens of thousands of U.S.
jobs destroyed as they are shipped over to a country that passed off rat meat as land.
But it's not just chicken.
In September of 2013, NBC reported that shareholders of Smithfield Foods approved a plan to sell the world's largest pork producer and processor to a Chinese company.
The U.S.
already imports 4 billion pounds of food per year from China.
Suddenly raising backyard chickens doesn't sound like such a bad idea, until they make that illegal too.
For InfoWars.com, John Bowne reporting.
Now again, we were talking during the break, so I re-aired that from six months ago, about how incredibly racist we all are here at InfoWars.com for criticizing Chinese chicken.
Because that's come out in the Chinese press that it's just the West doesn't like Chinese people.
This is what political correctness is.
That you don't respond to the fact that your chicken's tainted, which then came out two weeks ago that McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and a big other group of food chains are buying chicken and other meat products that are rotten.
That's why they process it, that's why they put all the fillers in it, and all the chemicals, and irradiate it, but it's still very toxic, ladies and gentlemen, in many cases.
Now, how do you change the subject?
You just say that we're anti-China.
Remember back when Clinton was giving them Laura Allen Hughes technology?
I was on the air in 96, 97, 98.
When the only media that would criticize Obama was the Washington Times and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com.
Just giving credit where it's due.
People ask, why is the show Drudge-obsessed?
I mean, who isn't?
I mean, it gets more traffic than the New York Times.
It's the new New York Times, and it's promoting freedom.
And they would expose the missile secrets, and I would get Judicial Watch on, and I would break big news, and then they had CNN pieces
Saying, is Judicial Watch, or is Alex Jones, from the first times I was on national TV, or other groups like World Net Daily, this is like in 98, 99, are they racist against Chinese people?
And again, I bring this up, not to defend myself from charges of racism, it shows how naked this is.
You don't like Obamacare, you're racist.
You don't want to turn your guns in, you're the new Ku Klux Klan.
And I just keep restating that because it's a fraud, folks.
If you're anti-human, you're for Obamacare with the death panels, the rationing of care that they have now been caught doing and we told you they were doing years ago.
At the VA, with our whistleblowers, they have death lists.
That's a death panel.
That's what Bill Gates promotes.
He helped come up with Obamacare with Rahm Emanuel's brother, Ezekiel Emanuel, who admitted on Fox News the plan is to wreck healthcare.
If I said my plan was to wreck a competitor in a company with dirty tricks, I could be arrested for organized crime racketeering.
But when Media Matters Memo comes out three years ago with their plan to wreck the Drudge Report, and wreck InfoWars, and wreck News Corp, and I'm not defending News Corp but they're on the list,
Did they get in trouble?
They said, we'll even infiltrate media we don't like from within and destroy it.
That means they'll get people hired or making stuff up.
I mean, it's like what they did to Tommy Chong.
They got an informant hired into his bong shop, his water pipe shop, and then had them mail bongs to the few counties where it's illegal to put him in jail.
It's a setup, folks.
And it's the same thing, but they don't get in trouble.
And I'm all over the map here.
I'm going to come back and get into Ebola, the open borders, a ton more, and Ventura.
We'll probably tape something tonight or tomorrow.
You'll hear from Ventura here on the show soon.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
I'm sick.
Just let me sick.
I suspect even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words...
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of the truth.
But the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
We need cameras.
We're good to go.
Fear, terror, disease.
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the Resistance.
We are the Infowar.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
We are the Resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Watching and listening to that intro as we came in.
We're simulcasting television if you're a new listener at InfoWars.com in the listen watch page with free video feeds.
Watching that intro while I sit here in the studio on this Thursday edition, the 31st day of July 2014.
It's so epic!
There really is a war.
It really is happening now.
It will decide humanity's fate.
We are the resistance.
That means you.
We are the Infowar.
Let that sink in.
There's no secret room of patriots out there, folks, that are running around trying to restore the Republic.
Look in the mirror, we're it.
And if you want stability, and you don't like the West starting a war with Russia, you're a KGB agent.
If you don't want your borders wide open and the country collapsing, and 8 out of 10 new births in the country being to illegal aliens, that's in the news today, you're a racist.
If you don't like the wealth transfer of having to pay for all this while veterans can't even get health care that work in my office from the VA, you're a racist.
If you don't like rotten chicken out of China, you're a racist.
If you don't do whatever you're told, you are politically incorrect.
You are a thought criminal.
I mean, that is such authoritarianism.
And it's so transparent
And in truth, it doesn't even work on the general public.
It works on some of the young trendies out there that were brought up in front of television and don't even know how to...
Take care of themselves, and it works on some of the dumbed down people that have owned welfare for three or four generations and have no idea what planet they're on and sit around eating MSG and aspartame all day.
But most people that are actually smart are so self-centered and have decided there's no way to fix it, they're just off running their businesses, running their lives, hoping somebody else fixes it.
The most common thing I hear from families in airports or walking down the street or at the grocery store
Or at the mall buying my kids shoes.
Thank God you're here.
Thank God you're out there.
I'm glad you're working for us.
And it'll be special forces people, helicopter pilots, airline pilots, doctors.
When I flew back in from England about a year and a half ago, I was being interrogated by the customs lady, who knew full well who I was, and an airline captain,
Just walks over, shaking my hand, saying, thank God you're there.
We really appreciate you.
And that made her mad, because the airline pilot said, if you don't stop harassing us and grabbing our genitals and searching us, we're just not going to fly.
You trust us with the aircraft that is the equivalent of thousands of pounds of TNT.
It's a huge flying missile, 600 miles an hour.
We're not going to do this anymore.
So they hate the fact that they've rebelled and said, we're humans.
Treat us as if we're guilty.
Until proven innocent.
I'm being sarcastic.
Treat us as if we're innocent until proven guilty.
And so they're left alone, and it just deflated her ego, smiling at me, laughing at me, messing with me.
McAdoo was standing right there.
She flew back in with me.
She went to England with me.
And it was just that human interaction though to show that we had solidarity that ruined it for that bad customs lady that was messing with me.
And that's why we've got to reach out to each other and meet with each other and promote organizations and everybody who's a patriot should start an AXS TV show or a news website.
Or a local blog, or an audio blog, or buy time on local radio.
It's so inexpensive.
So you can start having meetings and barbecues and get 10, 20, 30, 100, 1,000 people together and be a leader in your area.
Because people need to come together.
But it's a paradox.
I'm not just demonizing the customs people.
I flew back in.
From the Caribbean a month ago.
And I've told this story.
And now there's computers in Houston.
And I was watching everybody else.
They didn't get a big black X on theirs.
I got a big black X to be searched and everything torn apart.
And I got up there to the customs guy and he was a listener.
A retired veteran who went back into federal service after 9-11 because he lost a family member at the World Trade Center towers.
And he said, basically, I used to listen to you and think you were nuts, but now it's all come true.
And by the way, you're not the only one.
I watched them harass citizens and other people that are obviously on some political list.
It's these bleeping computers.
It's what you said, robots taking over.
This is a load of bull.
You can go.
They let the illegals through here all day, I'm not allowed to stop them, but I'm supposed to tear through your stuff or congressman's stuff, basically, to paraphrase.
But see, soon there won't even be a human there.
It will just be men in black uniforms will run out and drag me away to be interrogated, and then maybe under NDAA, oh, where'd Alex go?
Oh, he was detained.
Of course, they won't go after Alex Jones first.
They'll go after just regular people first, and that's what they've been doing.
And they're setting the precedent to see if they can start disappearing people.
They've already started admitting they're spying on everything we do.
It's totally illegal.
They're not getting in trouble.
So why not start unloosing and unleashing the dogs of tyranny?
Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war, to quote William Shakespeare.
Why not?
The average FBI, the average CIA, the average federal person is compartmentalized and is not overtly evil.
But the compartments that matter are people that like to kill and like to torture.
And of course that was always going to be turned against us when it was being used on innocent Iraqis and others.
And I said, listen, this is going to end up coming home.
This is going to end up being ubiquitous and now it is.
They call it pain compliance to break your arms or taser you or strap you down.
Retired Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
I don't have to believe him.
He's been in Esquire articles and you name it about it.
But I know other people in the military that have confirmed this and it came out in congressional testimony.
But it was industrial level torturing innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Taking them in an assembly line in to be tortured.
And sometimes the people didn't come out, folks.
Keeping people locked up for months inside cages the sizes of their bodies.
Inflicting serious forms of psychological trauma.
What do they call it when you're scared of closed spaces?
Claustrophobia, yeah.
Before they take you out and hook electrodes to your genitals.
And they got away with all that, folks.
You're like, well, it was against the enemy.
Now it's going to come home.
See, anything we allow to be done to other people will end up coming back on us.
That's why George Washington didn't torture people.
That's why George Washington didn't attack women and children.
That's why George Washington hung members of his army that did things like that.
Not just because it was justice, but because he needed the psyop of the moral high ground.
And he knew the British soldiers were his best ally committing atrocities against the colonists.
And that's what turned the tide was the atrocities.
And in our name, the atrocities are being committed and publicized all over the world on purpose by the globalists to bring down this country in the final equation.
They hate us more than they hate other independent nations.
They hate bitter clingers.
They hate veterans.
They've told you they hate you.
Do you think you're just going to go torture people?
And then you're going to come home and the system isn't going to be scared of you?
The cowards that send you to do the dirty work and do the hard jobs, to traumatize you, and to make you serve five, six, seven, eight tours or more?
You're going to be betrayed.
You are being betrayed.
And that's the moral of this story.
You don't win selling out to the system, ladies and gentlemen.
You lose your honor.
But just as important, even if you don't have honor,
You end up losing the stability of the nation and the future.
Because when everybody sells out, the bottom falls out.
And there's nowhere to run.
And there's no real economy anymore.
Everything's based on fraud.
Confidence is lost and everything collapses.
I don't get up here and criticize the system to discredit things and make things collapse.
I get up here and expose it so that it can be reformed.
I've had top professors on and off air and FBI agents and bankers and high-level people that don't like the establishment.
Famous NASA engineers, famous software engineers.
People worth hundreds of millions of dollars, billions of dollars at dinner parties and things tell me, no, I know what you're saying is true, but what about the argument that as bad as the system is, a revolution generally is worse, and that you're just discrediting the system and bringing it down faster?
That's what Agenda 21 and Cloward and Piven and things like that are, is the philosophy of the controlled collapse to bring down the old system, because despite the fact that it has problems, it is at one-tenth as evil as what the globalists want.
So I'm trying to reform the republic, I'm trying to restore the republic, I'm a counter-revolutionary.
I believe most of you are, if you really look in the mirror.
But at the same time, the globalists have already taken over so much and already overthrown the old republic to such an extent that I am a revolutionary because I'm a revolutionary against those that think they're the rightful controllers and have a right to be tyrants.
So I have a leg in both camps here.
I'm trying to fix things peacefully.
I'm trying to talk to the establishment, sectors of it that aren't criminally insane.
And who don't have a lust to bring down society.
They just want to control things and be rich and powerful and have stability.
And they've done a lot of bad things to maintain that.
But do they really want to bring in a communist revolution?
Do they really want to bring it all crashing down knowing how hellish it'll be?
Do we really want to slit America's throat?
The obvious answer is no.
But if the globalist camp that wants radical revolution, the George Soros crowd, who wants to really conquer this country, if they win and start a civil war between the police and the citizens, between the paramilitary and the citizens, it's the only way they have a shot at winning.
And it is going to be hell on earth.
And we're already seeing the destabilization campaign.
We're already seeing the mass buildup.
It's very clear they have their finger on the trigger to false flag, blame the Liberty Movement, roll out race war in the Southwest, have regular army come in as the cover to maintain order, and then after people have accepted martial law, or they'll call it civil emergency, start the political roundups of both left and right in the name of stability.
And then it will shift into a pure roundup of libertarians in the next phase.
Now that's their main plan.
I've reverse-engineered it.
And you better listen to me, folks, because in this civil war, and the RAND Corporation's done some numbers on this as well years ago, but in a civil war in this country, it's estimated that several million will die.
And I would not want to be in the US military or a police officer if this kicks off.
I take no pleasure in saying that you are to be decimated.
That's not my plan, that's the Globalist's plan.
And you will be decimated probably five-fold.
Decimated only means ten percent.
Comes from when a unit did something wrong, the Romans would kill a certain percentage of the people in the unit as punishment to all.
I mean, I'd say you might get half the cops killed or wounded.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
And then, of course, the Globalist will sit back
Watching you in phase one being wiped out by the gun owners and the gun owners being wiped out and all hell breaking loose.
And I'm just so frustrated by all this unfolding.
I mean, you look at the stack of news on what's happening with the border.
It's totally transparent now.
It's premeditated.
It's accelerating and nothing's being done.
Ebola is now becoming a global pandemic outbreak danger.
We're going to get into that.
Liberia warns of global Ebola pandemic.
CBS News.
The dollar is being devalued at an accelerated rate.
The West is funding the overthrow of stable governments everywhere.
The military is being prepared for war of the American people publicly.
Been going on quietly for a long time.
Now it's public.
The neocons are running around saying you're a KGB agent if you don't support nuclear war with Russia.
And they're preparing a new financial meltdown and more banker bailouts.
I mean, we need to turn back now.
We need to just stop now.
This needs to stop.
We need to get off this ride right now.
I'll give you the latest on the open borders, Ebola, the economy, your phone calls, and more.
And then, Obama phone lady, in studio, coming up.
Stay with us.
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And of course we also have InfoWarsTore.com with all the liberty-based apparel to meet like-minded people and to promote the ideas of anti-communism, pro-free market, pro-Second Amendment.
I want to be clear.
The globalist conspiracy is not communist.
Communism is a false revolutionary dogma deployed by crony capitalists to enslave and take over nations so that they can put an authoritarian fascist grid, corporatist grid on top of it that parade around with red flags.
It's Jacobin, Illuminati garbage and I've had top historians on.
And people like Lord Monkanon, who's a historian and a top journalist.
He used to be Margaret Thatcher's top advisor, saying, yes Alex, correct, the Jacobins are the current linkage into the communist program.
And I'm only telling you that so if you're a new listener, this is mainline history, okay?
People go, what?
The French Revolution happened around the same time as ours.
Yes, it was the age of revolution.
They tried to hijack it.
George Washington wrote nine letters that are known at the Library of Congress.
You can go read them.
I even have a part of a George Washington letter that was given to me as a gift by Dr. Groot, but side issue.
His signature is the most expensive in the world.
That's because people admire him worldwide who actually know who he was.
Learned people admire.
Wise men follow him to quote a Steve Voss song.
Thanks for the renegades, free today.
But again, I'm going down rabbit trails today.
I don't know how I got off into George Washington.
The point is, is that you can go to the website and find all the Liberty-based apparel.
This is the last day to get massive discounts on all the Made in America apparel at MadeIn1776.com or InfoWarsTore.com.
We have John Rappaport popping in for 10 minutes, investigative journalist.
He's got an interesting take on the Ebola.
Is it a PSYOP?
Is it real?
Is it a staged bio-attack?
We know there's major history connecting Ebola to Western bio-weapons labs.
I know that's old news to our mainline listeners, but we need to go back to those old reports, to the scientists we've had on over the decades.
Because what's old is new, and we need reports of the nightly news tonight.
I may even file a report on it.
Going back and digging up the evidence that it is a manufactured bioweapon.
So we'll be looking at that as well.
And then we'll take your phone calls ahead of Michelle Dowery, aka Obama Phone.
He gave us a phone, he's going to do more.
She's such a sweetheart.
But I'm also somebody that likes to joke around and have fun, so does she.
So she's going to be joining us in studio.
But here are the type of headlines we're going to be covering.
Exclusive Fox News report reveals disturbing trend of brazen attacks against border security by gangs, drugs, and human traffickers.
That's the perennial story, but it's getting worse.
They're shooting at them, they're killing them all the time, burning down farmers and ranchers' houses on the border.
Hispanic, white, black, they don't care.
I mean, it's not that everybody in Mexico is criminals and lawless.
It's that the criminals and the lawless are drawn up there because you can serial kill, do whatever you want, you don't get in trouble.
Mass graves everywhere are being found.
And don't worry, Robert Rodriguez will make a movie where Don Johnson's killing the Mexicans.
No, it's Mexicans killing the Mexicans.
Because it's a lawless free-for-all on both sides of the border.
That's just one of about 50 articles on that subject.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I think we've had kind of a frantic, disjointed first hour, but I think it was very informative.
All at the same time, kind of stream-of-consciousness radio here, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's the headline at Infowars.com, quoting a top German daily.
Why we will go to war with Russia.
The latest headline to appear in the German press.
Putin confident there will be war in Europe.
That's the kind of news I have here in the old stack.
Liberia warns of global Ebola pandemic.
More than 700 people have died in four Western African nations.
They believe 30,000 may be infected.
That's CBS News.
Here's another one.
Is it Ebola or is it psychological warfare?
We'll talk to John Rappaport coming up in the next segment about that.
Obama administration spent thousands on strippers, boxing tickets and failed sting on border patrol agent.
That's the kind of thing the government does is mess with its own people all day and try to blackmail the Secret Service over somebody getting a hooker while the government
Funds ISIS to kill 300,000 people in the Middle East, mainly Christians, and conservatives are mum on it.
That's the type of news we have on that front, dealing with all of the Ebola news.
We're also going to be getting into a woman who sued after becoming unwitting hostage in unannounced active shooter drill.
We've interviewed a lot of school teachers over the years that have sued and won lawsuits from Texas to Minnesota.
And in two of the cases I remember.
Because unannounced, people show up as robbers and come in the portable building in one case or come in the school and say, I'm going to blow your head off
And the elementary students in both cases began crapping themselves, literally, and peeing on themselves.
I'm not trying to be dramatic here.
That was in the lawsuits.
That came out in the news in both cases.
Because it's, like, it's real.
We're talking six, seven, eight-year-olds with guys saying, I'm gonna kill you, we're gonna execute you, and taking them out in the woods in one case.
The woman won a lawsuit in that in Minnesota.
This has been going on forever.
It's trauma-based mind control.
I've got it in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Clips of newscasts from Washington State to New York State.
Showing children, elementary children, crying scared as men point guns at them.
That's what a re-education camp is.
With adults in an MKUltra mind control camp, like Camp X-Ray in Gitmo, where they actually create double agents breaking them, they put them on PCP or LSD or both, or peyote, and then dress up in devil outfits and have women come in and rape them, and then throw buckets of pig blood on them.
That actually came out about six, seven years ago in lawsuits, and it was confirmed that they rape the Muslim men
While they're on drugs, with high-dollar prostitutes flown in, in devil outfits.
Wearing devil, you know, ugly devil masks.
And I'm not trying to just put that out as sensational, folks.
It is sensational.
Now, you don't need, with a seven-year-old, to rape them and put a devil mask on.
Of course, the truth is, the CIA's doing that at the laboratory at Camp X-Ray, because they like it.
They're not doing that just for mind control.
They like having sex with the prostitutes in the buckets of blood as well.
So, I'm not kidding.
MSNBC, why don't you attack me for that and then people will go look it up and find out it's true.
It was in mainstream news five, six years ago.
I don't remember.
I'm not going to say the other stuff because it's too gross on air.
And it's pornographic and I'm not going to get into it.
But that's who runs your government.
People that have prostitutes dancing around in devil outfits throwing blood on people and raping them.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
British newspapers are reporting that Ebola may have infected as many as 30,000 people.
Is it a true pandemic or is it a psyop?
Is Ebola a biological weapon?
A lot of evidence points that direction.
That's coming up with investigative journalist John Rappaport.
Here in just a few minutes, I'm your host Alex Jones.
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Now, let's break down the latest on the open borders, then we'll get into Ebola with Jon Rappaport.
Report reveals disturbing trend of brazen attacks against border security by gangs, drug and human traffickers.
Sheriff, over 120,000 illegals arrested in one border sector alone in a year.
Yeah, it's a lot bigger than 1,000 here, 1,000 there.
It's millions.
Chickenpox outbreak puts illegal immigrant facility on lockdown.
Washington Times.
But Geraldo Rivera says if you're worried about Ebola coming in, as African countries, Asian countries, Middle Eastern countries, and Europe lock their borders down,
While Roldo Rivera says Matt Drudge is basically a racist race baiter and Oberman says I am and Infowars is bad yesterday because we're saying diseases might come across like drug-resistant TB and MRSA.
It is!
What do you think goes on in Latin America?
It's a fact, Jack.
Two-thirds of the people at Ellis Island were turned back from Italy and Ireland and everywhere else because if you had TB you didn't get let in.
Now you do!
Obama weighs fewer deportations of illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
Wall Street Journal telling us something we already knew, down by over 90%.
Movement towards broad steps, including work permits, follows demise of legislation.
That's called dictatorship.
Operating by fiat, outside of law, outside the courts, just saying, I'll issue 5 million worker visas a month.
That's why they say over three years, it'll be the entire population of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.
That's what they've put in the bill.
And they're doing what they can't get in the bill by fiat.
Just like he's shutting the power plants down, even though there's no bill that got passed three years ago.
The carbon tax.
It's on like Donkey Kong, ladies and gentlemen.
That's a silly statement from the 80s.
I don't really know what it means, but it's kind of goofy, so I used it.
I mean, this is crazy.
Representative Gutierrez, Obama is going to act broadly and generously for millions upon millions of illegals.
Here's another one.
He said that on MSNBC.
There's video of it.
I mean, unbelievable.
Geraldo unloads on Matt Drudge over border coverage, doing his best to stir up civil war.
No, the globalists are causing a civil war doing this.
It's their plan.
And the talking points have gone out.
Oberman, Geraldo, all of them are attacking, not just Drudge, but myself and others.
Because the system knows who knows what's going on.
Geraldo Rivera, Matt Drudge creating worst jingoistic rhetoric ever.
This is happening.
This is cut and dry at the end of the country if they win, okay?
And Geraldo's just going with race.
You know, Hitler did that.
It's easy to go with race.
But see, only white people can be bad basing things on some type of ethnic connection.
I mean, does it say if you're from Latin America you get free everything and get to violate all the laws but veterans don't get health care if you're a Hispanic veteran?
I mean, it's bull!
The illegals, Fox is reporting, are being shipped by the tens of thousands per week to very nice digs in Hawaii.
I've never gotten to go to Hawaii yet.
Me either.
Yeah, me either.
Because you're racist.
Well, I'm a U.S.
Well, it doesn't matter if your mom's Filipino, you're racist, okay?
Oh yeah.
Shut up!
I forgot.
Shut up!
I'm racist too.
I need to shut up.
I'm being sarcastic.
John, what do you think about this?
It's escalating.
It is escalating.
You know, when I'm not even here, I'm thinking about it.
Because it's in my life.
Oh yeah, I mean, I'm freaked out.
I mean, I've always been a little concerned.
I thought we could turn this around.
I mean, this is just... The thing is, it's going to get a lot worse.
It's blatant at this point.
Exactly, that's how criminology works.
When it's this blatant, oh my gosh!
I mean, criminals are just going to go nuts now, at every level.
And then good people are going to start following, at a Freudian slip, good people are going to stop following the laws.
And then everything's going to collapse, which is the plan.
Then they'll bring Marshall Long in.
Immigrant teen claims he was mistreated by border officials and put in a cold cell.
Oh my gosh.
Which, again, they knock your teeth out in Mexico.
Why is it only bad when something happens here?
80% of U.S.
population growth is from immigrants' resources being sucked dry.
Washington Examiner breaks it down.
Voter ID law upheld in Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Voter identification is a condition of our times.
Because the Democrats are on record, with their Blue State initiative, saying they're going to give the illegals driver's license to vote, and they've been caught everywhere doing it.
That's what's happening!
Game over!
I can handle giving the illegals welfare, that's bad enough, but at least they spend the money in the economy.
It's not some banker bailout, so it's not the worst form of welfare if you look at the economics.
But the issue is they're voting 9 to 1 to take my guns and to follow a socialist authoritarian plan.
That's exactly what all the patriots warned of, that if we ever became socialists we would become communists because the other group can vote all your money away to them.
It's legalized theft, ladies and gentlemen.
With the government trying to organize Hispanics into basically Hispanic Ku Klux Klan groups.
Evo La Raza, down with gringos, yeah, you people are ugly!
I can play the clubs right now if you want.
And I'm supposed to, I mean, it's just the same trashy type, you know, folks that you find the Klan made up of.
I mean, you take a Klan member versus one of these La Raza members, and I mean, they ought to get along really well.
They're just a bunch of scum.
Let's go ahead and go to the next piece here.
But see, it's kosher and promoted in the media if you're part of the Hispanic clan.
Voter ID law upheld by Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Source, feds an emergency order of 8,000 GPS tags for illegal immigrants.
1,000 children fleeing violent Honduras heading to violent Chicago.
CNS News, yeah.
Rahm Emanuel says, come up here, we love you.
Yeah, he loves taxpayer money in a city that's the crime capital of the world where nobody can have guns.
They're fleeing one tyranny into another tyranny that's the only place in the U.S.
worse than Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, or Guatemala.
The only place they can go worse.
Out of the fire, into the frying pan, as they say.
Rahm Emanuel wants to bring this country down.
He says the city of big hearts will welcome 1,000 migrant children, selling the idea, come more, more, more, more, as the propaganda cover for all the gangs and criminals and mules and weapons and Pakistanis connected to terrorism and Iraqis and it's all happening, total joke, while the government spies on citizens.
Now, we go to investigative journalist John Rappaport for the next 10, 15, 20 minutes, then we'll take your phone calls on all this and more on Ebola, on the borders,
All of it.
First-time callers again, folks.
John, we're going to break here in a few minutes.
I appreciate you coming on on short notice.
Your article from nomorefakenews.com is up on InfoWars.com.
Is it Ebola or is it psychological warfare was the question that you posed, compadre.
And so I wanted to get your take.
Give us your preface first.
We'll come back and detail it.
Okay Alex, basically we've got about 800 cases, 500 confirmed deaths supposedly from Ebola.
The same organization that's generating those statistics, the World Health
All right.
Every year from regular old ordinary flu, that's not one time, that's every single year.
Do they call that an epidemic, a pandemic, an outbreak, anything?
They don't call it anything.
The press doesn't say anything.
Nothing happens.
And yet, when they're reporting 800 cases, 500 deaths, all of a sudden it's gonna destroy the whole world.
Is it a psychological operation?
You bet.
Well, I tend to agree with you, but usually they hype it up when there's 10 deaths, 500 deaths, 800 cases.
They're now saying there could be as many as 30,000 people that have been exposed or infected.
That's in British papers, but I agree.
Overall, it has a PSYOP look to it because I know for a fact that Ebola, these monkey viruses, were basically toyed with in labs in the 60s.
That's been confirmed that there's links to bioweapons.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Investigative journalist John Rappaport's our guest.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
John, I have a headline here out of the mirror, and granted the mirror is a quote tabloid, but not like the Inquirer or News of the World.
I see more credible articles in it a lot of times than I see in what you'd call mainstream British news.
But Nigeria's special advisor on public health, Dr. Yawidi Adesanaye, said we're actually looking at
Contacting over 30,000 people that potentially could have been exposed or gotten it.
Now, is that hype to get more funding to the country?
Or should we be really concerned?
Because Germany's reportedly taking patients into the country.
I think that's very reckless.
And then there's the background.
The reason I'm concerned, John, is that there is a history of this being connected to bioweapons research.
Conclusive like polio or conclusive like HIV, but the studies were there, just like the CIA studied weaponized cancer.
Okay, so let's listen in the UK.
This is what it's really all about.
The Cobra Group, which is this elite sort of cabinet group, met because one guy that is claiming to have died from Ebola, named Patrick Sawyer, flew to a few airports, okay?
So now
They're saying, all of a sudden, well, he might have been in contact with people who were in contact with people, etc., etc., up to 30,000.
Now we have to actually try to track down 30,000 people and see what's happening with them.
This is all fear-mongering, scare tactics, shut down the country, restrict travel, impose martial law, emergencies, all of this kind of thing.
Because, as I said in the last segment, if you look at the World Health Organization,
You want to contact maybe, I don't know, 500 million people around the world because they might have come in contact with somebody who died from a regular flu?
This whole thing is upside down and inside out.
And we've seen this before.
Swine flu, which was a dud.
West Nile, which was a dud.
Bird flu, which was a dud.
SARS, which was a dud.
They were all promoted as, this is it, folks.
This is the one.
This is going to kill everybody.
And then all of a sudden it petered out.
And in fact,
The Centers for Disease Control in the summer of 2009 stopped counting swine flu cases in America because they knew that most of the people who were getting tested in hospitals didn't have any kind of flu whatsoever.
And this story was exposed by CBS News' Cheryl Atkinson.
You want to know one of the reasons she was really fired?
Because she exposed this huge con by the CDC.
And they shut her down for it.
And the CDC went up all down and say, we think there's probably 10 million cases of swine flu in America, which was completely insane.
No basis in fact whatsoever.
So until we see some more information on this to say that supposedly 800 cases in the world of Ebola and four to 500 deaths is going to, you know, destroy the world or we should declare it a pandemic.
You have to look at
These other factors here and people aren't doing it.
So I see a tremendous amount of fear mongering here.
Well, I agree with you, and certainly they were caught red-handed.
Even the European Commission admitted it.
Hyping the swine flu was really a flu-simulant synthetic virus they designed that actually weakened your immune system 50% to the real flu.
Even medical doctors admit 30,000 people don't die in the U.S.
a year from flu.
People that have kidney failure, organ failure, that are 85 years old or two years old, who have HIV, who are already compromised, then die in the hospital
And they just call it flu.
Or when some airborne bacteria kills you in the hospital, they just call it flu.
The truth is, flu is a giant hype.
So I see the parallel, and I sure hope you're right about this Ebola situation.
I just know people like Dr. Pianka, who's a top globalist involved in the eugenics movement, he licks his lips and says, soon the airborne Ebola will be released.
And so there are a lot of creepy insiders licking their lips concerning Ebola.
Yeah, no question about it.
And you're absolutely right about the flu.
You see, one thing that most people don't understand is, you gotta make a test, a diagnostic test, to really diagnose anybody with anything.
And these tests can be faked, they can be slanted.
Some of them are inherently unreliable.
All right, John.
Well, even though our Skype connection to you is breaking up, you've done a great job.
We're going to get our Skype fixed on our end and get you back on for a full hour soon.
Maybe we should set him up for Sunday if he wants to do it.
That's a good idea to have John on for an hour, but maybe phone since our Skype doesn't work anymore.
I'm told it's on our end.
Thank you so much, John Rappaport.
We'll be right back with your phone calls, a ton of news, and more straight ahead.
The Ebola may be hype, but the collapse of the border is not.
It's real.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy!
Intellectually, it's begun!
You can feel it!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Border battle.
Agents under attack.
A thousand children fleeing violent Honduras transferred to violent Chicago by the Don.
Rahm Emanuel, who's above the law.
Each child transferred is official child trafficking.
Ten years in prison minimum.
They don't care.
It's called dictatorship.
The Godfather welcomes them, as he's known.
Feds spent thousands on strippers, boxing tickets, and failed sting trying to burn Border Patrol agent.
Illegal alien crime victims invite John Boehner to the border.
Senator Cruz takes aim at Speaker's bill.
Crystal comes out and says, kill it.
Chickenpox outbreak leads to lockdown of facility.
Sheriff says 120,000 illegals arrested just in the Tucson County sector.
Tucson's deep inside Arizona.
Executive amnesty will make immigration enforcement almost impossible.
It's called treason.
You can't get legislation passed.
You just do it outside the law.
And then you're an extremist if you go, wow, he's going to sign executive orders to ban the manufacture of high-capacity mags, he's saying?
And to make all new guns have biometrics on them and then sign an order later to ban previously made guns?
Wow, California did micro-stamping bankrupting the gun industry there.
Everywhere they're in control, Chicago, New York, D.C., they totally ban guns.
They're hitting us with executive orders everywhere.
And they're hitting us with executive action that's illegal.
And Boehner says we can't impeach because boy, Obama's making the Democrats uncomfortable.
And he's going to make the Democrats lose seats.
Well, who needs Republicans when they're like John Boehner?
For Obamacare, for the banker bailout, been for amnesty in the past.
He's basically Barack Obama.
But I think he plays more golf.
I mean, is that the only difference?
They both smoke cigarettes?
They both fake cry?
I think John Boehner may be a worse traitor than Obama.
And you got Pat Buchanan, who I respect, saying, oh yeah, don't impeach.
It's a bridge too far.
It'll make Obama a victim.
No, it won't.
It won't make him a martyr, politically.
We need to go after all these people, not just Democrats.
We need to go after Republicans.
We need to punish them.
We need to turn this around.
The political class has gone crazy, just because they have the false authority and the power.
Doesn't mean they're going to make decisions that don't destroy everything.
See, a lot of people out there in the establishment think that the dictatorial group is going to manage things and they know how to take care of stuff and it'll turn out okay.
No, it's not okay.
It's reached crazy town level.
And now CNBC is reporting a summer sell-off.
Dow has just dropped 200 points.
Stocks negative for July.
That happens a lot, though, at the end of July and August.
stocks declined today, with benchmark indexes on track for their first monthly loss since January, as investors worried about Europe's economy and a jump in U.S.
labor costs further the idea that the Federal Reserve would have to hike interest rates sooner rather than later.
Europe is struggling to keep its head above water economically, and for the first time there is the possibility the Fed may have to shift from offense to defense, said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at R.W.
Barrett & Co.
Investor sentiment was also hit by Argentina's default after hopes for a deal with a holdout creditors fell through.
Argentine stocks traded in U.S.
were hit, including Pampa Energy.
Yeah, what they're doing is milking the Argentinians again, who used to be richer than us a hundred years ago.
They were the richest country in this hemisphere.
Not anymore.
They've wrecked that country, and they're going to wreck us as well.
You know, I think it'll bounce back up before it finally dives down, maybe 5,000, 10,000 points, who knows?
A lot of analysts say 10,000 points.
But maybe that won't happen because they've pumped so many tens upon tens upon tens upon tens of trillions of Federal Reserve QE Unlimited into the stock market with the President's Open Markets Committee and the Plunge Protection Team, as it's properly known, that that's why it's ballooning.
That's the biggest reason is that it's devalued dollars.
In China, they buy U.S.
Treasury's gold and build apartment buildings.
For tens of millions of people that are empty, because they won't let the poor people move in, they get to live in boxes and shacks and chain their kids up in light poles.
And then they go in and work in the slave factories.
But if your nine or ten-year-old walks across the street to play at the park or go swimming,
At the community pool, they ask, where's your mama?
And when they say mama's across the street or mama's at work, the police come and arrest mama and then they take you to the CPS because they define it as abuse.
There's no law, they just say it's abusive.
I would go to the community pool, granted it was a country club.
Golf course community I grew up in.
But it's the same thing as going to a city pool across the street like my mom would do when she was six years old.
She lived right across the street in Hyde Park, Austin from the pool.
I've been there and swum in the pool.
Been there and seen the house she grew up in.
I ought to buy that house.
Anyways, the whole point is, neat old house.
That'd be cool.
Make an office out of it or something.
Anyways, the whole point is, is that
My mother, by the time I was about seven years old, in the summer, they would show Godzilla in King Kong movies almost every day after soap operas at like three o'clock.
And then she'd make me lunch and my friends would come over and we'd build forts in the backyard and play in the old woods with the railroad tracks.
We lived in a golf course, but by the back of it, so then there was like farms and ranches behind us and on the edge of Dallas.
Thinking about days long past, and I remember running down the hill, and I would just run the half mile down the big grassy hill, across the golf courses, across the ninth hole, and then cut across down over by the fifth hole, and then I would run up the hill, and I would come into the country club pool,
And I'd show them my little tag, and then we'd swim in the morning, and we'd go and watch Godzilla, and we'd go back and swim in the evening.
And my mother wasn't arrested when I was six, seven, eight years old, and nobody got in trouble.
Now granted, it was a gated country club, but it wasn't that fancy.
It was nice, but we had like a five-bedroom house.
I guess it was pretty darn nice.
The point is, you know, people that live in three-bedroom houses,
If their kids go across the street to the community pool, or their kids go play in the park, even if mommy's watching them out the window, you go to jail.
And if you get caught playing with a Nerf gun in your backyard and the neighbor sees it, you get thrown out of school.
There's no law that you can't have a Nerf gun in your backyard playing with it when the neighbor calls and rats you out.
Look that up.
Boys suspended for playing with Nerf gun in backyard.
No one says there's no jurisdiction there.
No one says how do they claim a policy of what you do outside school kicks you out.
Everyone acquiesces.
Everyone bows down.
And so the precedent is set just like we learned six years ago during the fake H1N1 crisis that I'm going to your calls.
Just like we learned then.
Makes my head spin.
That in Alabama, and California, and Wisconsin, and other states, you can look this up, they were lining the kids up, giving them H1N1 shots, without parental consent.
They were sending letters home for weeks saying, we're gonna have shot day, it's free, like a hole in the head, and when the parents expressly said no,
They lined the first graders up.
Notice who they think can't talk to mommy and daddy.
They've already had so much mercury in them, most of them can't even talk by age five.
Soon it'll be a conspiracy that people could ever talk or have kids.
Or it'll be a conspiracy that women ever breastfed.
I'm telling you.
You think I'm joking?
20 years from now, they'll be locking you up if you ever claim there was such a thing as a family.
Everybody knows that's racist.
They want to lock us up.
Put us in their pretty pens.
I don't want to be in your prison planet.
I don't want to be in your New World Order.
Stop right there.
Butchering the misfits.
It makes my head spin.
And people just put up with it.
There are more articles out today of people being arrested for their children playing across the street at parks or letting, you know, nine-year-olds go to the city pool.
Everyone listening, every cop listening, who's over 30 years old, listening to me, guaranteed went to the pool when they were seven, eight years old and did not have mommy with them.
My parents used to be going to meetings in Austin to see family or whatever.
And if I didn't want to go, when my dad was down here on business, they would drop me off at Barton Springs, give me $10, and say, eat a hamburger and fries at the Snack Shack.
We're picking you up in four hours.
Here's your mask and snorkel.
When I was 10 years old.
Jail time now!
Jail time, baby!
Because we're such a free country.
But where am I going with all this?
You can put your child on a train or a plane from Guatemala in Central America or Brazil in South America, and they will direct the aircraft to land at military bases in El Paso and other areas.
And your children, this is all set up, like a thousand are coming up from Honduras that Chicago organized.
They're going to fly into bases run by Obama.
Because he's a dictator, and they're gonna go to Chicago and get everything free, and be wards of the state for the rest of their lives.
And they're just the bait to bring in more.
That's why this is all publicized.
So, you can put your kid on an airplane, and fly him into a military base, or put him on a bus, and they get up there and just say, my name is Pepe Escobar.
Your name could be Habib Ahmed, I don't know.
Your name could be Donald Schmidt.
You can make up whatever name you want.
Doesn't matter.
John Doe.
And baby, you get a voucher and you're shipped wherever you want.
And then lo and behold, none of the kids in Dallas last week showed up for their deportation hearings.
At the hearings, they were going to let them stay for five years, it's been announced.
Three to five years.
But no, they didn't even show up for that!
It's all a giant joke.
If you're a Hispanic, fifth-generation American, and you served in the military, and you have no criminal record, and your nine-year-old son or daughter goes across the street to play at the park with her friends, you're going to jail!
If you're white, you're going to jail.
If you're a citizen, you're going to jail.
Your kids are gone.
But if you're part of this other lawlessness, and the collapse of the country, you're mmm-nay-okay.
And let me just tell those people that are coming up here, just so you know, those American jails are really cold.
They were complaining about how cold they were.
Well, they complained the food isn't good enough.
It's a lot better than what the troops get.
I mean, I just can't... It's just the hypocrisy and the lawless evil of the government.
I mean, in the past, this stuff didn't come out about corrupt governments.
It was going on, but you didn't hear about it in the age of, you know, just newspapers, because they could suppress it in a tyranny.
They're doing it now, out in the open, and don't even care.
I mean, I've been around so-called liberals that are so obsessed, quote, with children.
I told this story.
There was a UT professor one day when I was with friends at their house, fishing at their boat dock, and they share a boat dock with the neighbors.
And this woman, this anthropology lady, showed up.
I'm not kidding with gypsies.
And with the head guy that's like the most famous gypsy in the US, she's a UT professor, I forget, we gotta get him on the show.
He'd been up at the house, they were having some event.
And the woman wanted to prove in her political correctness that I was bad.
She goes, do you not like gypsies?
And I went, I'm just fishing.
Hey, how you doing?
She was somewhat of an attractive professor.
I'm sitting there talking to this lady, and I'm fishing, trying to catch catfish.
Well, there's a lot of diverse groups of gypsies.
There's also the Pikes that are Irish gypsies, and I think it kind of is part of the culture that they're allowed to rob people.
I mean, that is admitted, but I mean, I'm not against anybody.
I don't know, it's kind of like the Aztecs had a culture of cutting people's hearts out.
I'm not against people from Mesoamerica.
You know, the Druids, I'm probably related to Druids, but they cut people's, you know, hearts out and stuff, and I mean, you know.
And of course, they're always freaked out that someone's actually intellectual and knows history.
It's like, oh, well, yeah, well, just don't give us any problems, because, you know, they're gypsies and they're wonderful people.
And I'm going, OK, all right, we're going to go ride jet skis later.
And then she looks at my son, who was about nine then, and he has a birthmark on the side of his head, Rex.
And she goes, did somebody hit you?
And she looked at me.
And I didn't even give her the power she wanted.
I knew what he would say.
He goes, no, that's my birthmark.
She goes, oh, I'm sorry.
I was just checking to make sure you're all right.
She was looking at me.
It's a power deal.
These people are taking over.
There's a lot of well-meaning liberals that mean well, really want to help kids and stuff.
And there's social workers that help old people.
I got family that are social workers and help old people.
I got a family that work it over the years and gave everything they had years ago.
One guy came with a patent, made a bunch of money, millions of dollars, gave it all to Salvation Army, worked for them for 40 years, you know.
There are good people out there serving.
There are good police officers.
But I'm telling you, a lot of them are like cult members.
Because I wasn't talking about gypsies.
And I wasn't talking about, you know, all this stuff.
And the gypsies, by the way, were digging in Lake Travis where the water was down to find arrowheads and stuff.
So I actually went over and hung out with them and found an arrowhead with them.
I actually got along with the gypsies, but the point...
That is just crazy, man.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Age of sexual consent is 12 in Mexico, I thought I would just add.
That's why there's so much, quote, child rape going on.
And here's the deal.
In 1845, if you were in Texas, the age of consent was 13.
The truth is, the Mexicans, if they come from rural areas, are like cavemen.
And I don't mean that insultingly.
I called, we need to get him back on the show.
Cliven Bundy.
I called him a caveman.
Exactly the same, folks.
I mean, you can take Cliven Bundy.
That's why he's like, I like the Spanish coming up here!
They wanna work!
Because, you know, they're not making fun of him.
That's how he is.
Because they're wearing cowboy hats, blue jeans.
It's basically the same people.
Now, you try to go out to some Mormon community and marry a 13-year-old, you're going to go to jail for being a child molester.
I personally am not attracted to that.
I like full-grown women the whole nine yards.
But the whole issue is, this is going to be a major culture clash.
Because all over the country, the illegals are trying to pick up your 12- and 13-year-old daughters.
And it's just a fact.
That in Mexico, that's what goes on.
Now, granted, you get killed in Mexico going after a senorita who's not a senorita, whose parents don't have them out dating.
But an unaccompanied girl in Italy or in Mexico, anywhere old world, is up for grabs, folks.
So, get ready for that.
And that's not racism, that's sociology, that's anthropology, that's psychology, that's cultural facts.
We'll be back with your phone calls.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
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See, political correctness is so strong in the West that mainline feminists will not even criticize in any way sexual mutilation of millions of Muslim women, women not being allowed to drive, women not being allowed to show their faces.
But they will tell women, you don't want a manly man
Who's even strong, you want a metrosexual, because a man with male features is anti-female.
So you can't be a manly man, but it's okay for the radical Muslims to mutilate their newborn baby daughters.
And it's racist!
And everything else, I'm close-minded, because I'm giving a stereotypical Wahhabist critique.
No, I'm not giving a stereotypical, it's a fact.
And it shows how the system gets away with whatever they want, whenever they want, and use political correctness to neutralize everyone, and the people pushing political correctness are truly the authoritarians.
I mean, everybody recognizes this is a political stunt, but it's worse than that because every vote they're taking like that means a vote they're not taking to actually help you.
You know, when they had taken 50 votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, that was time that could have been spent working constructively to help you on some things.
That's right.
You haven't gotten all your free goodies because they've not been doing what I want.
So I'm just doing it executively as a dictator.
Let's go to Ray in New Jersey.
Ray, thanks for calling.
What are you calling in about today?
Alex, a couple things if I may.
I'm calling one about the concern about the fact that the globalists just might be blackmailing those in authority in this country that are not part of that.
Well, there's no ifs, ands, or buts.
I've interviewed at least five top NSA whistleblowers.
And they have all said that blackmail's been going on for decades and it's now peaked.
So yes sir, it's come out in the British press that their NSA spies on people as well.
Well I'm actually talking not on an individual basis but on a much broader basis.
They would have no question whatsoever about putting an EMI, electromagnetic impulse, over this country and doing a number on us.
And some people could be concerned about us actually getting hurt.
What do you think of that?
Well I tend to agree with you that there's a lot of different forms of blackmail going on.
I mean how do we get around this?
That's my concern.
I'm actually at a point, and I don't want to be at the fetus.
I was never at the fetus.
I'm 63 years old.
I have never, I've never been at the fetus.
Yet I scratch my head on this and all that is going down and it blows my mind.
Just this week, I contracted my governor on two separate occasions concerning the border crises, asking very simple questions.
How many have been brought into our state?
And what counties are they into?
And our third question, what school systems
By the way, they don't even know.
They just deploy them wherever they want to go.
That's what's crazy about this, is it undermines and discredits their entire police state, claiming that they keep a close eye on us because they want to keep us safe.
No, they see us as their property that's not behaving and can still vote, so they're bringing in new property to outvote us.
It's a very simple equation.
Yes, I agree with that.
Yet, Governor Bill Haslam from Tennessee, he found out how many were being put into his state by simply going on the Health and Human Resources website.
And how many did they say?
I'm sorry, I didn't write that.
Let's take it down.
It's gotta be hundreds of thousands.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be taking your calls throughout the next hour.
The Obama phone lady is back in Austin with us, working on Obama Deception 2.
She'll be in studio with us coming up in the next segment.
Eric in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey Alex, this is Eric.
Can you hear me?
I can hear you loud and clear.
Thank you, sir.
I'm 21 years old.
And I just recently went through a motorcycle accident on January 2nd.
I'm in Texas.
And I just...
I didn't really believe people when they told me healthcare was going down until I actually went through it.
And it just amazes me how, how uh, well how bad it's gotten.
Well, America is turning into a third world country.
How was the experience bad?
Well, I was in a coma at first and when I came out of it,
I literally broke three parts of my skull, my face, my nose, my femur, and my pelvic.
And uh, I was begging for over an hour and a half of water my first day out of the coma.
Just like begging for water.
Finally I had to throw my water cup at the window to a nurse that was literally 10 yards away.
And this...
The way that people treated me, they treated me like I was useless and that I was nothing.
They kept trying to give me these blood thinner shots and my neurologist said not to give them because I had a brain bleed.
They would bring multiple nurses in and try to force them on me.
Yeah, well that's the thing is it's such a big bureaucracy and now they teach more and more.
There's two conflicting systems.
The old Hippocratic Oath of Hippocrates versus the death panel model that anyone who's hurt is basically worthless to the system, especially if you don't have a giant insurance policy or you're not raining cash on them.
And it varies hospital to hospital, but this has been done by design and it's only going to get worse and the death panels are all confirmed and the average authoritarian that calls themselves a liberal says, yeah, let's kill all the unfirm.
That's how we'll get more money for us.
That's how we'll get more welfare money.
Well, the vets don't get good care.
Only the illegals are getting the care right now in the welfare system.
They get preferential treatment, put it to you that way, because they're needed as the incentive to draw more people here to be slaves.
They'll all be annihilated as well.
Thank you, Eric.
Let's go to Phil in FEMA Region 3.
Go ahead.
Alex, pleasure to talk to you, sir.
Thanks for taking my call.
I've talked to you.
Go ahead.
I wanted to just, for everybody's benefit, let you know a personal story of how I became a member.
All right.
It was actually down at a bar and somebody had written in Sharpie on the bathroom door, InfoWars.com.
I said, what's that?
And have been a member ever since.
So, you know, I just ordered 500 business cards and a couple hundred of the bumper stickers.
So I think maybe more folks should do that.
It's all fine and well to have a conversation with somebody, but it would be nice to have something to leave them with to remember.
Well, I agree with you.
We have an area on InfoWarsStore.com of bumper stickers, magazines, business cards that have InfoWars.com on them at cost, so people can buy those from us at cost and then give them out to friends and family.
It's a great outreach.
So thank you so much for that support, sir.
One more thing, if I may.
Being in FEMA Region 3, we're a high military center, I'm a veteran myself, and I just wanted to give you a quick story about my experience with the VA.
After separating from the Special Operations community, waited over nine months to get my first appointment, it was probably the worst time of my life, tough transition, and I was depressed.
After about a year, I get into the mental health side, and they prescribe me some antidepressants, which you have to taper onto to build up in your body, and then taper off of when you're going to stop.
A few months later, it came time for my follow-up.
They canceled my follow-up and would not renew my prescription, so I'd gone several months of building up on this prescription.
I'm going to come back to you.
Obama Phone Lady's going to be here, but if you can hold.
I want people to hear this story, because I've been told this by other troops.
They will take you right off a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which on record can make you have a psychotic break.
I want to hear what happened to you, so recap it, tell the rest when we go to call.
Stay with us.
Obama phone lady in studio.
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City of Austin tap water versus filtered City of Austin tap water.
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God knows what's in this.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Monday through Friday we're here live 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Back weeknight 7 o'clock Central with Infowars and Nightly News.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Don't forget we also have the live Sunday show 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Last week it was David Knight shitting in doing a great job.
I'll be here this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Well, I got to know her.
There was a video that got seen more than 10 million times in different versions online.
That'll be three, four years ago now.
We can pull the date up in a moment.
And then it aired on CNN, Fox, all over the world.
Not even so much that people were making fun of her, in that she was an interesting, funny lady.
And so I put out a bounty of thousands of dollars.
For whoever could find the identity of the Obama phone lady, and we'll play a clip of that, the full clip, here in just a few minutes.
Michelle Dowery, the Obama phone lady, is back in studio with us because the Obama Deception 2 has turned out to be a film five years in the making.
That's why I've never released it, because it just continues to tell the whole story, the whole saga.
A story of collectivism, a story of betrayal.
Bigger than Obama.
It shows how the Republicans are working with them, how they're controlled by these corporate interests that are engaged in psychological warfare on basically a helpless population.
Because it's so sophisticated, but also so simple at the same time.
So Michelle is here with us today in studio from Cleveland, Ohio, to tape again for Obama Deception 2, where we can see her over the years as her views on Obama
began to change because we talked to her.
She was here a year ago now, almost a year ago, and we're going to see now how they've changed even more.
And so she's here with us in studio, killing two birds with one stone, again here taping for Obama Deception 2, but also in studio with us.
I hope you had a good trip here to Austin.
Yes, I did.
It was very lovely and relaxing.
But it's roasting hot outside.
Yeah, compared to what we got in Cleveland.
It's like 70 degrees.
60, 70 degrees there.
Came here, it's like about 80 or 90, so it made me feel different.
Made me want to go back and get in the water.
I hear you, I want to go get in the water.
We should go to Barton Springs today.
Yeah, that sounds good.
It's 68 degrees though.
I don't care, I can get in.
Spring fed, okay, good, good.
I can swim like a fish.
Good, let's, maybe we should.
That's it, we'll go.
We'll take Obama phone, lady.
I wanted to take her somewhere.
You got a swimsuit?
You brought one.
I just wanted to get on the air and make me look pretty and then I can go look real rough.
I brought one.
Okay guys, somebody needs, I had my backpack in my car but I took it out, so it's still, it's at my house, it's sitting on the dining room table, someone needs to go right now to my place.
Probably Buckley, and bring my blue backpack.
That's perfect for the new Obama film.
We'll go to Barton Springs.
Alright, sounds good to me.
Oh my gosh!
It's gonna be awesome.
You ready to go swimming?
I'm ready to jump in the water.
Hey, what do you think if now, if a nine-year-old kid goes to the public pool that has lifeguards and everything, without their parents, the parents go to jail now?
I think that sucks.
Because if I drop my kid off at the pool and lifeguards are there, you know... That's a police state.
What about if you live across from the park and you send your 7, 9, 10-year-old, 7-year-old's parents have been arrested, 9-year-old's, 10-year-old's, and then they take their kids because their child plays across the street at the park?
I think that sucks.
Does that sound like Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?
Because that is directly a liberal nanny state movement to do that.
It sounds like a big prison to me.
Yeah, that is.
But you know, in certain parts of America, you've got different laws and rules.
But see, it's not a law.
They just say, we have decided that endangered the child.
Oh, no.
It's a blank check.
Wow, that sucks.
You know, oh, your kid's five pounds overweight.
We're going to take your kid from you.
Now, they start with cases where the kid's 200 pounds overweight.
But see, once the precedent's set,
Obama phone lady, what happens?
Well, you know now with this president stuff, it's a lot of junk going on.
People haven't seen the footage of you yet.
Maybe we should take you shooting, actually.
Would you rather go shooting or swimming at Barton Springs?
I'd rather go swimming.
But I might shoot some stuff up now.
If you let me just get it in.
Wait a minute, I just had an idea.
I kept wondering what I wanted to do when you came to town.
I got busy.
Didn't think about it.
You're flying out tomorrow, aren't you?
How about I just give you a bigger stipend and can you guys stay a couple more days?
Maybe I'll take you shooting?
That's what I love.
I know I love that shooting.
You know I do.
And I'm going to be able to go in the room with the guns today.
You want to touch the .50 cals?
Oh, you already know.
And I get to be able to shoot them.
I'll stay a week.
It's something that you never did.
Does Harvey want to?
You know Harvey does.
Oh, look at me with that pistol.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sounds like you're ready to become a libertarian to me.
I am.
I was wondering if you were going to ask me to live here and be on the radio station.
Come on down to the Alex Jones Show!
Oh my goodness.
I don't know.
We might have too much fun if you did that.
I want to get on that radio because I like to talk, you know?
And I'm a good talker.
I know how to translate and help out on some things.
When I'm working, I can leave the cooking business away.
Took me to the New Heights in Texas, Austin, Texas on the Alex Jones Show!
Here I am!
See, that's what it's all about.
The American Dream.
And that's what government sells, that it will give you that dream.
Are you aware of the fact that they're cutting off the health care to most of the troops, including Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired, he's been coughing up blood for a year, he can't get into the VA.
They keep changing the appointment, but if you come in from Honduras, nothing against those people, but you get red carpet treatment.
Why do you think that is and what's your take on it?
I think that sucks too.
Because this man deserved the country.
That's the one you're talking about with setting up the blood.
Deserved the country, VA, or whatever.
How about you go shooting with him?
Ooh, me and him will make some rounds out, at least 48, before I leave.
And I know he got a lot to push out too, boy.
Me and him will get it going on.
You know we need it!
Where he at?
Is he coming?
Tell me about the Obama phone.
Oh, man.
I'm asking you now, can you help me with a phone?
I'm tired of Obama pushing buttons.
I want a real, clod, internet phone today.
Well, you know, they're actually giving iPhones to the illegals.
You don't get one of those.
No, I don't get one of those.
I work now.
Why do you think, let me ask you a question, why do you think they're getting preferential treatment?
Why do I think that?
Because people ain't paying into it?
Or people not voting for it?
Is that why?
Well, you had said that you... I mean, give me your take on Obama.
Do you feel betrayed by him?
I really do.
I'm not gonna lie.
I really do, because it's like I'm sitting here with you, Alex Jones, and if you tell me something, you're a man, you got your business, you got this beautiful studio, why would you leave me wrong just to get you a TV show?
It don't work like that.
Here I am a year later, and I'm still waiting to get a check.
A welfare check.
Guess what?
I went to the shelter since I left here because I didn't have nowhere to live.
Me and my two kids.
So I got a job and I work now, 8.50 an hour, 15 to 20 hours a week.
My check every week, $145.
So I pay rent, 250, light and gas on a budget.
How was I gonna make it?
And here it is, I wanted to email him.
That's why I wanna get a phone, cuz I'ma email Obama myself.
If you look at your wife on the Internet, I'm right up under her.
And here I am, help you get in president.
This is what the stuff that I don't like.
I help you get in, and what can you help me at?
I can't even email you and tell you I'm in the shelter.
Obama phone lady in the shelter?
I gotta get her up out of there.
Well, I didn't know that.
Yeah, I was.
We tried to help you out pretty good for coming down.
Oh, yeah, not only that.
Just by you sending me, I didn't have a kitchen floor in my house.
Harvey, they put a floor in.
You had to buy the wood, the materials, because I make $145 a week.
So by me working with two kids, it's been kind of hard.
I lived in that house.
Last time I was here, I bought a house when I went back for $4,000.
And it was, you can imagine what $4,000 would give you a house almost abandoned.
No windows, no floors, no sinks.
So we had to use all the appliances upstairs.
Here I am as I got 40 a year ago, I could walk like when I seen you couldn't walk.
Now I'm in the same boat, my knee.
So they wanted to do surgery.
I was at 270.
He said he got leaves to 240.
I didn't get to 240, so I'm disabled.
Here I am applying for disability and I'm working.
People say, are you crazy?
No, I'm real.
Well, you know, because of Obamacare, they don't give people 40-hour jobs anymore, really.
They cut almost everybody down to 30, 20 hours.
You're saying the job you have, you can't even get more hours?
I can't get no hours.
I can't walk.
I can't stand on my leg that long.
So they gave me a... I work at an outpaw paying like four hours or five hours a day.
Every Thursday, I pick up a check $140, $135 a week.
But by me... How are you supposed to live like that?
But imagine...
Imagine, because it is discriminatory.
The veterans are being put on secret death lists, death panels.
There's a tax on poor people on their payrolls in Obamacare.
And Obama held out when people say, I can get a free car, a free house.
Thank you, Mr. President.
A lady crying, you know, she says, I've been living in a car, we need a house.
Remember that lady in Florida?
He didn't help her.
No, he didn't.
So my issue is,
It's the holding out the hope when it's a fraud.
It really is a fraud.
We're going to skip this network break.
Obama phone lady is here with us in the studio.
I just want to speak to the fact that it's like the lottery ticket idea.
Or the idea of the get-rich-quick schemes.
They've taken the prosperity away from America.
All people want a factory job.
We're good to go.
To make it impossible to be able to make a living, to force you to collapse, and to go on welfare so they control you.
That's true.
But then, you can't even get on the welfare anymore because you are yesterday's folks that helped get Obama in, and the Democrats, and the Republicans as well in many cases.
Now they've got all of Central and South America.
And just like they sucker the troops in to join, they're going to get college and health care, which they don't end up getting.
Again, this is all about suckering the next group.
It's called pimping.
You're right.
With a double D, a double dose.
Yes, you're right.
They pimped us.
They pimped us.
Just like last year when I was out there in Obama, working for Obama, and Iran and me was right there.
They pimped me.
The man who got me on the video, he pimped me.
I got over 100 million viewers and I ain't get a dollar.
But thank God for you, Alex.
Because if it wasn't for you and that man at Walmart, I wouldn't be at where I am today.
And I thank you for that, because I never flew.
Well, if we had more, we'd give you more than $4,000.
That's good enough.
$4,000 is enough for me.
It's better than what I had.
I'm coming.
We're going to budget in.
If you can stay till, like, next Tuesday, we'll just make it $5,000.
I'll be here $5,000.
How's that sound?
You got it.
And that's our great listeners out there.
I'm staying.
And listeners, I want you to know it's not even the money.
It's just trying to get somewhere right.
And that's what it is.
Because what they belligerently told me a year and a half, man, I could change the street black to yellow.
I'm the president.
You offered to come down here for free last year if I'd pay for the ticket.
No, I know.
And then I said, well, let's see.
And once you got down here and you told me how you were working jobs, cleaning houses.
Man, this is the worst show since the last one.
Trying to pay you for your time, that's what we do.
Right, right, right.
And then, Alex, I really want to tell you about this because I had so many traumatic things come to me to get here.
Now, I worked a job, they told me 90 days, I could just write in a request book and get two days off.
And I hope you're listening, job, because I'm on TV telling it like it is.
I sit down with you and I told you I'm flying out Wednesday.
How are you going to put me on the schedule for Thursday?
Come on now.
And I put it in the request book.
So now that it's in the request book, or I told you that I want, I'm flying out Wednesday, going, everybody at the job, no.
She got me on the schedule Thursday.
So by me being and praying to God, I had to call her Tuesday and request Thursday off.
Well, I don't want to get you in trouble.
No, no.
When are you supposed to be back?
Thursday, next week.
Oh, good.
Can we change your plane tickets to Tuesday?
Yeah, as long as you do the paperwork, I can't.
Okay, good, good.
Yeah, I'll go back Tuesday, no problem.
I got a bunch of callers here.
One of them is a former Special Forces guy who they tried to put on psychotropics and then took him right off him.
I want to take some phone calls because they've been holding.
Phil's still there, right, John?
We're going to go to him coming up at the bottom of the hour in about 10 minutes.
So stay there, sir.
We're not disrespecting you, having you on hold.
We're going to go to you.
And then Tyler, Dr. McCoy, Michael, Joel and others.
My issue here is I wanted you to come to town and because I had no idea what you were going to come, what you were going to say.
A guy, a listener met you in Walmart, said Alex Jones put a bounty out for a couple thousand dollars.
Whoever could find you.
To get you on air, and then you came down here and I didn't promise anything but then I ended up trying to help you just because it was your time.
But with Obama, but it's not that big of a deal.
My point is, I'm explaining that with Obama he did hold out that it was going to be milk and honey, everything was going to be great, and since he's been in, and the Republicans are involved in this as well, but
He's the great closer, he's the great seller, he's the guy getting away with it, making it look liberal and nice.
They have given tens of trillions of dollars in tax-free banker bailouts to mainly foreign banks and people like Warren Buffett.
So imagine if they'd have just given that money to citizens, which is immoral because then people can start voting to rob the other group.
It's wealth transfer.
You're only supposed to help those that are really in trouble, not help them because they vote for you.
But let's just say, so it was non-partisan, every American got a check for $20,000.
That would have been less money than they gave the bankers in the first round of bailouts.
They would have spent that buying cars, paying rent, buying food, making the economy go.
It would devalue the dollar some, which cheats everybody, but at least we'd be cheating ourselves and getting something up front.
Then at least there's some benefit.
And you can debate, economically, whether that's good or not.
You keep doing it, though, you become Mexico, with the peso.
See the economics?
Instead, they create inflation, food prices going up, everything going up.
That hurts the little people.
Raised taxes on the little people with the carbon taxes and the payroll taxes on Obamacare.
And making people get their hours cut under Obamacare.
That's all Obamacare.
And death panels.
They sit there and lie and say it's not in the bill when it is.
Now it all goes through.
It's just starting to hit.
That's beyond lying.
That is so cold-blooded.
Because they could have just given people money.
Like he did when he gave us all those Obama checks.
One income tax, you got Obama checked.
That wasn't Clinton, that was Obama.
And I tell anybody when I work for him, whose phone you on?
We didn't know no better.
That's just like if when Clinton gave us the phones, he was gone out of president.
Obama got all that picture.
When you go into projects in Cleveland, I'm voting for Iran on me.
For what?
Whose phone you on in the projects and ain't got no cell phone?
By the way, I remember when I got a check for like 300 bucks, a tax return.
It was a special tax return.
I should have done a show on that.
This was like in 2003 or something.
And it said, the President has directed this check out of the whatever fund.
And it was literally saying Bush had given me a check.
That's the Republicans adopting Democratic tactics.
What did your check say when they said it was an Obama check?
My check straight said Obama.
Obama funds.
Never mess with a fool.
I worked there almost three months.
Never sent a fool money or anything.
But again, see they do that knowing that the average working person gets a check for a couple hundred bucks and they think, wow, they gave me this.
Meanwhile, they're cutting your hours, they're devaluing your dollars, they're raising your payroll taxes, all the stuff hidden.
You don't know why the check's getting smaller because it's all technical.
Now, is that evil?
That's evil.
I want you to look at that camera.
Obama phone lady, right there.
Let's go full screen to her, guys.
I want you to look at that camera, and I want you to just, whatever you have to say.
Did I talk to you before you came on air today?
Oh, I haven't even seen you.
I'm telling you what I feel from the bottom of my heart.
No, no, but I'm serious, because, I mean, I saw you for 30 seconds during a break, gave you a hug.
We've not talked about what you're going to talk about.
We should, because we get to more points, because these are so unscripted, but you've got the floor.
What do you want to say, guarantee the Democratic top folks will watch this, what do you want to say to Obama?
I want to say this to you, Obama.
I'm Michelle Dowery, right up under your wife, on the Internet.
I don't know nothing, but the day when I leave, I'm going to have a phone so I can look at it myself, because I never check my emails or anything.
Whoopi Goldberg want me on the show.
A couple of them want me out.
I want to say one thing.
When I hustled and worked for you, you told me yourself that I would get a check back.
I would get this.
No, you said I'll get my check back because I got a 12 and a 17 and I went to the shelter before I live where I live now.
Thank God for Alex.
And seeing how to live, cuz I couldn't live with the money.
The money you gave me, I knew heights.
I went and bought a house and got a house now, and it was a condemned house.
I didn't have no money to fix it.
I own a home and still lived in the shelter, cuz I couldn't make it.
Now I got a job making 8.50 an hour, 15, 20 hours a week.
That's no money, $150 for two kids.
I really do believe if I was getting a welfare check once a month, and I'm working, I can make it.
Because the rent, light, and gas take care of what Obama checked, that welfare check, what it did for me.
And now I'm not getting it.
And you've been in president a couple years.
I haven't seen any too much changes because I'm on welfare.
And by me getting a part-time job,
Quote, unquote, I'm still eligible for my care source from the welfare, free of no charge.
Me, my daughter, and my son.
Glasses, medical, all that's taken care of.
I'm talking about cash to pay my rent, to buy toilet tissue and things that I need.
It's been hard.
I just think that
Keep praying to God and me telling the real thing, cuz first of all, whatever I do, I'm gonna give to God.
Cuz it's a blessing for Alex Jones to call me back and put me on the show to tell the real.
Because everything you said, I haven't seen it yet.
I did see you give medical.
Couple streets in Cleveland are newer, but I really haven't seen it.
And I see people struggling like me.
For years and years and years and years.
That's why always when I got off of the streets and drugs, I turned my life to God.
God did this for me, not Obama, not Alex Jones, God did this.
And I really do hurt from what you did to me because I thought you were going to do more, especially when I got over 9 or 10 million viewers right up under Michelle Obama.
And you didn't even email me, or you didn't even call me and say, thanks for the work you've done.
Alright, Michelle, stay there.
We're going to come back and we're going to take some phone calls.
But I want to elaborate.
See, this is the mindset they've brought everybody up in.
That the president can give you things and help you.
But if he starts doing that to enough people, the country will collapse because no one's producing.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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For those that don't know, part of the Obama Deception 2 is we're gonna go... ...war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Yes it is Alex Jones.
Only I can interrupt myself.
And everyone else.
Part of Obamaception 2 is we are traveling to these inner city areas.
Fort White, Blacks, you name it.
I think Appalachians too.
To show what life under welfare is really like.
Now listen, you broke down and were crying.
I know you're nervous on air.
But really, I want to hear your true words about how you said you feel betrayed.
You were crying in here during the break.
You were talking about how you were praying.
That, I mean, repeat what you said, that was extremely powerful, but of course it wasn't on air.
I told you, please stop crying, and it was real.
So just go ahead again, and go back to that feeling, what you just told me, then we're going to phone calls.
Obama phone lady, in studio, Michelle Dowery, from Cleveland, Ohio.
Well, like you were saying, Alex, to be honest with you, my husband and his family had went to Alabama.
And by me, I've been at Cleveland Clinic maybe not even 90 days, so I couldn't take a week off yet.
I just got my 90 days, and I requested to come to the show.
By they looking at my Obama phone on the phone, knew I wasn't lying.
She went on and gave me till next Thursday.
But, as I was saying that, I felt some type of way.
Here I am, my family's going to Alabama.
I never drove and went there.
I wanted to go, but some things you just can't do.
So I didn't go.
I stayed at home.
But tell the whole story.
There's like 15 people in a van going to see the great-grandma.
He said exactly what you said earlier.
Okay, so Harvey and his family had went to Alabama.
They had a van that his sister had bought from an auction.
Like 15 or a couple thousand.
And they took them all the way there by praying.
And they made it there.
And it was like 20 people in one.
15 people and 20 people in one van.
It only holds nine, but they put extra.
So they rolled to Alabama, and I really wanted to go, and I couldn't go because I just got the job making $8.50, maybe 15 to 20 hours a week.
So I said, all right, because a big sign say at my job, 90 days before you take off and give a request, you got to get your 90 days or whatever.
So I didn't go, and I was praying, oh God help me, I want to go travel, I need a break, I got like five kids, four young men and one daughter, 17 year old daughter, 12 year old son, 23, 25 and 21, and Harvey, and my life.
So I was stressed, I wanted to go on a vacation and I prayed, God help me, help me God, and
I got off of work and I got a phone call.
We want you back on the alley.
I was like, see there is a God.
God, yes, God.
But listen, I'm sure it was God, and that's very sweet, but again, this is a mentality across America now, and this is a mentality that sociologists have seen developed in countries where it's socialist, where they only give enough money so you can barely survive, and they want people poor, under Cloward and Piven and Agenda 21.
I can show you all the documents.
I think we should show her those on a big screen later for the film and let her read for herself where they say it, to control you.
They don't want to give you money early on to build you up to be successful.
Unless you end up being high level in their system.
For the general public, they want you at subsistence level to control you, and then you're hoping the lottery ticket, or you're hoping the insurance money, or you're hoping... Or Alex Jones.
But to me, it's very sweet, but also very uncomfortable to feel like people are totally counting on me, other than my family and folks.
That's why listeners call in and thank me for this and that.
I'm like, no, no, I'm just trying to live in a free country.
Don't thank me.
This is self-preservation.
So it's very sweet you're saying that, but see, in a true free market society and the type of culture we had, even for black folks under the evils of segregation,
The aggregate numbers are there that blacks, on average, had about three, four times the money you do now.
There was almost no illegitimacy.
There was almost no imprisonment.
In fact, blacks statistically had a lot of lower crime rates and things than even many white areas.
That's all been flipped now under government.
So here's the fact.
Collectivism and welfare in the Great Society was created by Lyndon Maynes Johnson and the Ku Klux Klan.
This is all declassified.
On record, to annihilate the black community that had been oppressed, but it made you stronger.
Nietzsche said that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
It's true.
It did.
Okay, I got beat up a lot when I was a kid.
I'm meaner than hell.
The whole point, that's a good thing to be strong.
So the larger issue is,
The oppression of blacks made them own their own businesses, their own hotels, their own things, and wear suits and ties, and be dignified and say, we're going to show you how good we are, we don't need you.
But see, the hand shot out from the Ku Klux Klan and LBJ, on record, the letters are public.
And now, what has big government done to people, period?
No, but see, if they had a guy on a white sheet, they couldn't sell it.
Planned Parenthood, do you know who founded that?
Black people.
Planned Parenthood?
Well, it was founded for black people, you're right, but not Diem.
Planned Parenthood was founded by a lady who got awards from Adolf Hitler.
Oh, okay.
I knew it was a catch to it, because you can only go in Planned Parenthood if you're a low minority, right?
You don't need medical or anything for Planned Parenthood.
You just sign your name and they'll help you, right?
Yeah, and their argument is there's all these poor people, let's kill them before they're born, but they set up a system to make you poor and to make you destitute.
The black people, on average, weren't like that in 1930, 1940.
So, they're pretty smart, aren't they?
Yeah, they are.
Now, they call themselves Liberal Democrats.
And they run the country.
The Republicans basically just work for them.
Oh, okay.
Okay, well, see, back in the day I always thought the Republican did everything, but no.
They just run to get it there, and then they're gone, right?
That's what it is.
They act like they're opposition to the Democrats.
Right, but they're just a catch.
It's called full spectrum dominance.
You know what?
I think while you're here with us the next four days, we're going to show you the documents and the video on LBJ.
On everything.
We're going to go to these calls, we're going to go to Phil right now.
But specifically, give me your honest response.
What do you think of what I'm saying here?
Honestly, I just think it was a scam.
Like a scam.
Like when I did what I did.
It wasn't for Obama, it was for Clinton.
Clinton got us the phones, but by me saying what I said, we got the votes.
And now that it got the votes, you're in president, I haven't seen nothing change.
Too much, medical, couple streets new.
You know, what about these, my nieces and them, they still don't get a check in their babies.
But the people working in Cleveland paid for those streets.
They paid for those streets, but still though, I believe that he gave them, they opened some doors for more jobs.
Because the streets were raggedy as I don't know what.
Houses, there's so many abandoned and now you see the streets are getting a little bit better.
You know, even myself, I got a job now, $8.50 an hour.
I was working, making $15.
I dropped from $15 to $8.50.
I got a job though.
Last time you were here you had the maid job and you said you noticed that payroll tax went up.
That payroll tax, I wasn't, I was working 40 hours and still getting a check like a 200 something.
I wasn't seeing it.
Now I'm working 20 hours, I make a little bit, 8.50 an hour.
Back then I think I was making like 7.10.
So now I'm making $8.50 an hour.
I don't know how you do it.
I mean, medium-grade hamburger meat's like $10.
It's hard.
It's a struggle.
It really is.
And by me struggling like I've been struggling, I even went and applied for better jobs.
I don't have any felonies.
I don't have no... What happened to the house, the condemned house you were able to buy?
I bought it.
You got it?
Yeah, I bought it.
Me and Harvey purchased it.
And you're now being able to fix it up?
First, we lived in it and we couldn't stay in it because we didn't have the money to fix it.
Because when we bought it, you don't see what you buy.
But we bought it and it needed floors, it needed pipes.
Now you don't even use pipes.
You just use this plastic stuff, red and blue.
Thank God for Harvey, the plumber, because he fixed it where we could live in it.
We couldn't pay $600.
Yeah, but I think it's important for the average person out there to realize how poor folks are living out there.
They are, really.
And also, living on welfare is
Where I live now in Cleveland is the poorest you can get.
I live right by 55th.
Right where, out of way, where all those kids is missing.
16, 9 year olds.
They haven't seen since July 9th.
No police.
If it is, you gotta call them.
They might come 20 minutes later.
They didn't kill the person that ran.
They got away.
You know?
Crime rate is... What do you think of them shipping in millions of illegal aliens with criminal records?
I think that sucks too.
Here we is, here, you're talking about, you say, what you call them?
And I was just in jail with them people.
They've been in jail over a year.
No one's seen them.
But you should sit and rot, because you came to our country, and you did what you did.
You don't have a name like I got a name, and they can hold you in jail a year.
I think that's illegal.
But you gotta suffer.
I'm in here and I ain't stealing and doing that.
And I still got it bad.
Why'd you end up going to jail?
I went to jail for traffic.
A traffic ticket I had since 86.
Oh, I understand.
The judge told me that the traffic ticket is now over $2,000.
This is 83.
I ain't been caught since 83 and it's 2014.
You better throw that out.
So you got a traffic violation in 83 and they came with a warrant and grabbed you?
No, I was in the car and they asked me my name and they took me to jail, back to Bedford.
I did the 10 days.
Right now if you call Bedford they'll still tell you I owe them money and I did 10 days.
Well, that's another thing I noticed.
The system's so corrupt now.
They so corrupted in Cleveland, they got a town there that I grew my five kids up with.
Back then they had Section 8.
I lived with Section 8 to pay $1,200.
But see, if the government was trying to help a lady who hadn't been with the law since 1983 and it was for some traffic stuff,
They would follow the law and say time served, but no.
See, they're going to keep getting you over and over.
But see, I thought the government was going to help you.
He ain't helped me yet.
He ain't helped me yet.
And one thing about it is, Obama, I just knew he was going to look out for me.
My name is Michelle, same as your wife.
I'm right up under you.
And when she and her kids look at Michelle Obama, they look at Michelle Obama phone lady.
Oh, you're saying on Facebook or something?
You saw yourself right now?
I don't know about the Internet.
That's what I told you.
When I leave today, I want a phone so I can get on the Internet.
Well, let me tell you how this works.
They mail people postcards that donate, that say, Hi, I'm Obama.
I'm your friend, and it has his signature.
And I talk to Democrats, and they go, No, he knows me.
He likes me.
It's all meant to manipulate nice people like you.
Republicans do this, too.
They frame the Republican cards they get in their house.
They really believe it was signed by George W. Bush.
It's all designed to manipulate sweet people.
All frauds.
Right, but nothing was fraud about you.
I didn't come to see somebody.
I came to see Alex Jones, the man who sent for me.
So the same thing with Obama.
If Obama would have sent for me, I would have gone to see Obama.
No, I know.
You want recognition of what I did.
I understand all that, but... But I don't want to say... I'm not going to say, like...
I am going to say it was bad business.
That's all.
Bad business.
That's just like you, Alex Jones.
If I can come to Texas and I put on the radio station, Alex Jones, and we're here live in Texas, Alliston, Texas.
And I get all these, all of a sudden I'm on the radio and it's flying up red.
Hey, we got to keep her.
I need this.
You know what I'm saying?
Same thing with Obama.
Well, we're going to send John Bowne and Josh Owens up there to interview you, show your house, what you go through for a couple of days.
And then I said, I think we gave you a phone, didn't we?
No, you didn't give me a phone.
You can do it this time.
I mean a camera, I think it was a camera.
You didn't give me that neither?
Well, I told them to give you a camera.
They didn't.
Okay, well we're going to get you a camera so that you can shoot video and stuff and then maybe do some correspondent work with us.
The issue is we get so busy that I can't manage all that.
Right, I know you're busy.
And then I don't want to make offers that I can't live up to.
Because I don't always do what I say I'm going to do, even if it's late.
So we'll talk about that.
I want to go to some phone calls here with you.
Again, the on-air stuff, folks, is just a sidebar to her being here for the film.
We're going to take her out shooting.
We're going to take her to Barton Springs someday in the next few days.
And we're going to try to experience what it's like and to humanize the people that are being gamed by the eugenicists that pose as liberals, the ultra-fascists.
And I will tell you this before we go to Phil, and we're going to him.
The globalists are scientific technicians studying human psychology.
On record.
And they're preying on you just like a Bengal tiger would prey on a villager in India.
So I need you to recognize that the Democratic Party, on record, wishes you were never born.
That's what they said.
They said that.
Because they said I messed up.
But I don't think I messed up.
In my book.
I'm not saying I messed up at all.
Oh, wait a minute.
They've told you they're mad you came on?
They all mad at me!
You asshole!
You did this wrong!
You didn't do that!
I don't care.
I'm going for my heart.
That's where I'm going.
What's right?
You wasn't there.
Okay, I didn't know about that.
We've got to take this call and get a break.
We'll do a little bit of overdrive.
We're going to come back and have you continue, but I didn't know you had repercussions from coming on the show.
No, I don't, but people do.
I know, but I mean, folks, you'll tell us after the break, but let's go to some calls.
Phil, recap, because you were on earlier, recap your story and then finish up with what happened, and then I want to get Obama Phone's lady, her take on that, sir.
Thanks for holding, Phil, and FEMA Region 3, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, thanks for having me back.
Michelle, awesome stories.
I'll do my best to kind of weave mine into yours, because it's all the same.
It's about control.
Um, so anyway, as I said, it took me forever after I got out of the military to get an appointment to get in to eventually get some level of care.
They put me on, um, Alex, it sounds like you know a lot more than I do about exactly the type of drugs and what they do.
Um, but yeah, you know, so I was on them for three, four months, had a follow-up appointment and a prescription refill and they canceled both on me.
I went from building up on this medication that's designed to help you feel better to completely coming off it.
And I mean, I noticed the next few weeks I was kind of cognizant of the way I was feeling due to that.
That's how they get you.
For those that don't know, for those that don't know,
It's in the indications on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the psychotropics, that there's a good chance you're going to go completely crazy and jump out a window or drive crazy or kill people if you go off those drugs immediately.
The one thing you don't do is go off them immediately.
Thank God that didn't happen with you, sir, but you were saying the VA just didn't even care, put you on them and then took you right off of them.
Yeah, and I didn't even get a follow-up appointment.
I mean, I have other issues that it's the same kind of deal, but I feel like this one... Joe Biggs, every week, gets called into the VA in Austin, and they always reset him another appointment.
They don't want to give him that more minutes.
They want to wing you up.
That's a new thing now.
They want to wing us off of that.
They won't stick... He wants them to stick a scope down his throat and find out why he's coughing blood up.
Yeah, I've heard... And he's suffered far worse than most.
And he served for the, you say he served for the military, right?
He's a VA, that's the one in the VA?
Yeah, absolutely.
Phil, I'm going to stop interrupting you.
Go ahead and tell your story.
Yeah, just one quick thing.
So, and I'd love to get one of my buddies to get a recorder in there and get this for you firsthand.
On your way out of the military, they do a class for you called TAPS.
I can't remember what it stands for, but it's basically a transitional program, how to help you out looking for jobs, writing a resume, and getting your VA benefits.
So I go in there and I'm concerned because there's some things wrong with me since I was in.
And the guy's up there saying, hey, you can tell me of ringing in your ears.
There's no way to prove you can't.
You can go in there and get tested for sleep apnea and carpal tunnel and all this stuff that you can't prove just to get a check.
So it's bad enough they're doing it to people like Michelle to keep them down.
But now they're taking
I want to hear more.
We're going to come back to you.
We're going to do 30 minutes overdrive.
We'll get to Tyler, Dr. McCoy, Michael, Joel, everybody.
Stay there, Phil.
I want you to finish your story.
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We're doing overdrive.
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So I can hire reporters.
So I can, you know, pay to get people flown here to be interviewed.
So we can build a real media organization.
You know, poor Michelle doesn't even have a bank account.
We had to basically help her get a check I wrote her for expenses cash last time.
I mean this is the opposite of how I want people to live but we've had Bilderberg group member connections that say that they'll get angry and say there shouldn't be a thousand people protesting us in Switzerland.
We need to shut down the economy so that they don't have money to be here.
Oligarchs instinctively know to make you poor to control you.
And then, when they give you a little bit, you think that they're helping you.
They use the education system to dumb people down.
Michelle, what I'm telling you is, I
I don't want to see you dead.
And I know that you're like, okay, well, tell me something I don't know.
When I said the Democrats wish you were never born, I don't mean they're mad at you, which you've now told me they are.
We're talking about that in the next hour of your calls, for going public and speaking out against Obama when you were here last year, unless you're kind of scared to do it now.
I'm saying they wanted to kill you in the womb.
But because they couldn't kill you in the womb, they've tried to kill your dreams, kill your future, kill your education, to where all you know is to try to navigate their system for crumbs.
When I guarantee you, if you were given a business... I've been down to the Caribbean.
You go to places that are free market, where the people own their own businesses that are native to there, that were brought there as slaves to be sugarcane plantation people?
They're just like an entrepreneur, executive white person, or Hispanic, or somebody that owns a business.
They're just as slick, just as smart, just as happy, just as affluent, just as fun to hang out with.
You take black Americans especially, that are put in this welfare system, it absolutely destroys people.
And that's what I'm just being point blank with you.
And so the reason I'm talking about all this is to point out that this is bondage.
I mean, do you agree with me that this welfare system and this government culture is a new form of slavery?
Yes, I really do agree, because back in the day it wasn't like this.
I'm one of the examples.
I got a 25, he's a VA social worker, like we were talking, he's a VA social worker.
I sent him to college.
He went to Hiram.
One thing about it is, I got a check.
I got food stamps.
I had the rent assistance.
My rent was $1,200.
I didn't pay a dime.
They gave me $200 every month.
That was the old system.
That's the old system.
That was before Obama even got in.
I was on Section 8, $1,200 a month for rent.
I didn't pay a dime, plus they gave me $200 to pay my lighting gas.
This was five kids.
But don't you see that they can only take it all away with a black president.
Imagine if a white president was doing that.
Hey, you know, I hate to say this.
Go ahead and say it, don't be afraid.
When I was standing there with a run in me, an illiterate
I'm admitting that.
I was illiterate because I didn't know no better.
They reel, like a fishing rod, they reel you in.
Because when I was protesting for Obama and making the $15, the other side over there with Oronomi, they were at $20.
See what I'm saying?
Then Oronomi had told them people what he was going to do.
I don't know what he told them, but when Erronomy pulled up, I was against Erronomy because I had listened to what Obama said he was going to do.
And this is who I was working for.
They went and got all of us people that were on welfare, didn't have no job, no felons, you can get a job.
I can take you down there.
Sign your name with your ID.
Hold on, we gotta go to break.
We're gonna come back with Phil, and I promise, go to Tyler, Dr. McCoy, Michael, Joel, and others.
Overdrive starts now, live, InfoWars.com, forward slash show.
Of course, we'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, with the main radio show.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
We're talking to an Obama phone lady.
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Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live.
Obama Phone Lady is here with us right now.
We're in Overdrive.
Phil in FEMA Region 3.
Special Forces, out of the military.
They try to put you on a bunch of psychotropics, then just take you right off of them.
You were finishing that story, then you talked about when they're discharging you.
How they try to get you to go in and lie to get you on disability.
Of course, then they control you with that later, because now that you have a disability designation, companies aren't going to want to hire you.
They're not telling you, because then they think you're going to claim disability on them.
They're setting you up.
And they act like they're giving you the inside knowledge.
This is the standard script.
Go ahead.
And the tragic part is that, you know, there's guys like Joe and, you know, others that I worked with that have gone down range and gotten tore up and legitimately need the help.
And they're getting sidelined by people coming in talking about, you know, tinnitus, carpal tunnel, you know, any number of things.
The guy I was just with yesterday was in a bad vehicle accident, completely destroyed his shoulder and knee.
You know and basically he's on a one-year hold while they try to get him medically retired.
What happens to a lot of people, they say, just forget it.
Just let me out.
Let me out.
And, you know, they go without then for the rest of their lives or something that they sacrificed a lot for.
And it's just messed up that they're trying to make, you know, I guess, welfare recipients out of, you know, guys and gals that have sacrificed.
And like I said, at one time really had a burning fire and wanted to make a difference.
And as people wake up, you know, it's upsetting when you've gone and you've put your life on the line to find out what was it really for?
What are we fighting for?
Well, I totally agree with you, and again, it's not welfare to give medical treatment to the military.
They have allotted the money, you're supposed to take care of the veterans, they steal it, they siphon it off into the bureaucracy, and that's come out.
And now under Obama, every veteran I've talked to says the VA is many times worse than it was just six, seven years ago.
And they've got secret death lists, which they're going to move into every level, and just not give you care when you're old, tax you your whole life,
All right.
And then, oh, we're going to put you on a death panel list because you're 65 years old.
You're not going to get a knee surgery.
You're too old.
We're going to give that to young people, which then sells the young on the idea of you make the pie smaller or the pie doesn't get bigger.
It's just a horror.
Collectivism is horrible because it puts other people in control of your lives.
Phil, thank you.
Tyler in Oklahoma, thanks for holding your on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
Wanted to talk to you about a solution for the border problem, opportunity, and disguise that we have.
Go ahead.
I used to live near the border in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and people have no idea the savagery that is going on there.
And people want to blame, be mad, split the left versus right paradigm, be mad at the immigrants that are coming here.
Well, I've been to Mexico.
I've spent time in Juarez and Mexico City, and I wouldn't want to live there either.
So, a good solution... Now, wait a minute.
There's nothing wrong with Mexico.
Robert Rodriguez made a movie where Don Johnson shoots pregnant Mexican women.
I mean, isn't it Guys and Cowboys Heads fault?
No, no, no, no, no.
Everything is the fault of Don Johnson.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
We all have the right to self-defense.
My point was the solution that I have come up with, that I've been thinking of for a while, is
We need male heroes.
We need people to look up to.
To turn this around.
We don't have any men to look up to.
Kids coming from single family homes.
We need men to help Mexico become a place where Mexicans want to live again.
Oh, well I agree with you, but they have a name for that.
That's called terrorism.
You see, Mexico has a big strong government,
It's corrupt.
So what it's got is el jefe men, who aren't real men, who have taught people that gangsterism is what creates power, and being under a chief is what makes you successful.
And no, it creates a failed civilization, and we're following that direction as well.
Great points, Tyler.
They do have real men.
The farmers in Mexico have become vigilantes in our securing areas.
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We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Obama phone lady, Michelle Dougherty, is taking a bathroom break.
Get some water.
She'll be back in here in a few minutes.
Headline at Breitbart, Boehner tries to resuscitate dying border bill, which is an open border bill.
They go, oh, pass this, it'll fix the problem that we're dictators and have opened the border up.
It's not a problem, they're doing it.
In the Speaker's lobby just off the House floor, members of Congress were full of recriminations over how the border bill had just died.
Until it sparked back to life.
Yeah, that's how the elites sneak stuff through.
They let opposition build, as William Gaines said here just a few days ago, and then they kill it, and then they bring it back.
House leadership has announced a 3 p.m.
special conference meeting to discuss the issue and raise the possibility of additional votes before the House departs for summer recess.
The change is an abrupt shift from a decision to pull the bill and leave without a vote on it at all.
According to Republicans familiar with the matter, the decision prompted a sudden and fierce backlash against Speaker John Boehner from rank-and-file.
See, a lot of them already took off early, folks.
He is so sneaky.
And file members who wanted to be able to tout passage of a bill to constituents over the summer break.
And the media knows the public's not paying attention.
They're like, we gotta get something done.
We don't like gridlock.
We need to do something about the kids pouring across and the adults.
This bill will fix it.
It'll fix it?
It's like if one arm's cut off, cut the other arm off?
That's how you stop bleeding?
I guess it will slow bleeding in the other arm, because you'll bleed out of the second arm.
But overall, blood flow will be more intense.
You cut this arm off, it's at 100% bleed, and you cut the other one off, it goes down to 75%, but this one's still bleeding.
I mean, they just play games, and the games are so simple, I don't know how the public doesn't understand it.
We're gonna bring her back in and get her hooked back up to her earpiece, but let's go to Michael in South Carolina.
You're on the air, thanks for calling in and thanks for holding.
Hi Alex.
Hi, go ahead.
Alex, I read None Dare Call It Conspiracy 32 years ago, and I was awestruck.
But I kind of succumbed to the cognitive dissonance, and I just thought it was so overpowering that you had to believe almost at that time that these people would be benevolent, that they were the best and the brightest.
And then Ron Paul woke me up about 20 years ago, and I've been following you for about 15 years.
But now that the cognitive dissidence in the general public has just completely corroded society.
I was in a business that with contemporaries that were making over $100,000 and now probably 40% of those people are retired and getting, you know, wangling disability.
Their honor has been
And that's what I see happening all over the country.
Is that, you know, honorable people are compromised by the situation.
And they're being replaced by people that are MBAs that'll come out and work for $40,000 a year.
I know.
And it's not just the elite that are now corrupt and weird.
It's that more and more the general public just has no soul, no morals,
And you have to just search for good people and search for people that don't want to betray you for no reason.
I mean people will betray you even when it hurts them and there's no reason to.
It's just they do bad even though it's not even good business for them to do it.
It's incredible.
You know, you're trying to restore honor in this country.
I just don't know if there's enough people that are susceptible to your message anymore.
And I don't want to sound defeatist because I won't give up.
But it's very disheartening.
You know, I called in because I just saw an article of Newsflash in the Washington Post where Brennan admitted that the CIA had been spying on the Senate computers.
Oh yeah, and first they denied that.
I have the article right here.
CIA admits improperly hacking Senate computers to control the Senate Intelligence Committee that's supposed to control them.
And that's what all these people need to get, like Dianne Feinstein and others, is they'll never escape the tyranny they've helped build.
I mean, who would want to build something this dangerous and evil?
I mean, it's beyond nuclear weapons.
Because, yeah, why do you make nuclear weapons?
Well, because the Russians might get them.
Okay, well then why do you build giant NSA systems?
Oh, to keep us safe.
But it's not.
It's for political control.
And then people then convince themselves of any reason to keep going along with the system.
And again, we don't need to wait during the break.
She can come in and get hooked up just whenever she's ready in here.
Thank you, Michael.
Really great call.
Let's talk to Joel in Texas.
Joel, you're on the air.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I was curious about, you know, Obama tells us the reason he's bringing in all these illegal alien children from Central America.
Well, he loves them.
It's because they've grown up in war-torn areas and subjected to gang violence.
Now, what about the kids growing up in war-torn, gang-infested areas like Detroit, L.A., Chicago, Miami?
We're going to round them up, too?
I mean, why can't they nut up and just tell us the truth, man?
It's about power, control, collapsing the country.
Well, I mean, they don't tell the truth even when the truth would serve them best, because that's their nature.
But yes, there's only one place in the United States more dangerous than Mexico, per capita.
That's Chicago.
Then there's one other sector that's almost as bad as Mexico, that's Detroit.
But Detroit has guns, so
That's why they've had so many robbers shot and killed that their crime rates have actually been dropping.
The police chief said just last week, thanks to citizen shooting, criminals.
And again, I've got to say, the head of Interpol came out last year and said, arm the general public.
That will end radical Muslim attacks in Europe and Africa.
And we've got the police chief of Detroit saying, get guns.
No, we can't protect you.
They've cut the police and you need to get guns.
I mean, that's normal when you're in a road warrior situation to have the police chief say, get guns.
And I mean, the Austin police chief knows full well more guns means less crime.
Criminals are going to have guns regardless.
They know.
In fact, I mentioned the heroes of Mexico.
They act just like Texans, because they are.
I mean, you know, Mexico was found that a third of the people here were Tejano Mexicans.
The guy that wrote the Constitution had been a Mexican.
They didn't like Santa Ana.
Mexico later overthrew Santa Ana, after he lost Texas, because he was a thug.
I mean, no one wanted to be under Santa Ana.
And the Texans didn't want to have a fight with him, but he came and said, I'm taking the land that the previous president sold you for pennies on the dollars, a couple cents an acre.
We paid three cents an acre from the previous Mexican government before Santa Ana.
They all spent it like it was a bunch of Don Johnsons shooting pregnant women in the Mexican Revolution.
That started here in Texas, began the Texas Revolution.
There were a bunch of other Mexican revolutions against tyrants.
Guatemala took Guatemala from Santa Ana because he was a dictator.
I mean, does that mean they didn't like Hispanics?
No, they didn't like Santa Ana.
See, I know too much.
I know history.
I'm not an ignorant fool.
But the system knows the average person doesn't know all this information.
And doesn't know Santa Ana said, I'm coming to take all your guns.
And Texas was very dangerous at that time with Comanche, you name it, and big Indian wars.
And they said, we can't give up our guns.
We're not giving up our property.
That's what happened there.
But in Mexico, the last five years, they've had rural ranchers.
You know, cowboy hats the whole nine yards, get illegal guns out of the U.S.
and start fighting back against the cartels, and the cartels have now left those areas, and the Mexican Army's pulled out of those areas, and crime rates have plummeted.
That's mainstream news.
See, there's the answer.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dr. McCoy.
Great points, Joel.
Dr. McCoy, go ahead.
Hi, thanks.
I think that there may be a non-prescription treatment for the Ebola virus hidden in the technical literature.
The name of the compound is poly-I-C, that's P-O-L-Y, parenthesis, I, colon, C, close parenthesis.
And this is basically a long generic double-stranded RNA that is an immunomodulator.
You can look that up on Wikipedia and it'll give you a
A little overview, if you want.
I can back this up with an article from the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.
The title is, A Non-Replicating Subunit Vaccine Protects Mice Against Lethal Ebola Challenge.
Excuse me.
And in that, they call it an adjuvant, suggesting that it's aiding the vaccine.
But in fact, there's
A patent application, I believe, from Novartis, which seems to be disclosing the DisConnect on its own.
This is marketed as an animal antibiotic, but it's not an antibiotic, again.
It's an immunomodulator, and it can be found on the open market.
I can give you the name of that patent application if you want.
Well, that's very interesting, sir.
You should write an article about it for us, and then we'll fact-check it and put it up on Infowars.com.
Anybody can submit articles at PlanetInfowars.com.
It's primitive and simple, but it works well.
That's our little social network, PlanetInfowars.com.
Thank you so much for the call.
And I wasn't ignoring you there at the end.
Obama phone lady came back in, and I put you on pause for like five seconds, so I missed the end of what you were saying.
Occasionally, if it sounds like I wasn't listening to you, it's because they're popping in my ear to say, Jesse Ventura just won his lawsuit, or blah, blah, blah.
By the way, I've talked to Ventura.
I've been playing phone tag with them the last few days.
I'm just going to get him on for a full hour next week.
We're going to skip this network break, guys.
But the larger issue is they could destroy anybody with one of these hoaxes.
It's not about Chris Kyle and his service.
It's not about his wife, the widow, as they made it in the media.
Chris Kyle said he beat up Jesse Ventura in front of people for saying that he was glad Navy SEALs were dying.
Jesse Ventura never talked like that.
And he said retract it and they wouldn't.
He filed suit on Chris Kyle.
Chris Kyle then got killed mysteriously.
And now they're spinning in the media where they repeat what Chris Kyle said.
And then they say Jesse Ventura sued and beat his wife.
He ganged up on a woman.
News Corp published that book and undoubtedly wrote it and ghost wrote it for him and basically did that.
News Corp's insurance paid the 1.8 million, not Chris Kyle's wife, and now Clint Eastwood's making his book into a movie.
Maybe it'll have Jesse Ventura getting punched out in it.
I bet it won't now that he won that lawsuit.
Maybe we'll have Clint Eastwood punch him out, and I like Clint Eastwood.
Maybe we'll have Jesse Ventura, somebody will say he cooked up, you know, methamphetamine with him or something, it's not true, and Ventura's not supposed to sue.
Let's say they said Jesse Ventura murdered an innocent person, and then Jesse Ventura sues the person that says it, they die, and then he wins a suit against the book they wrote that the wife now owns the book.
I mean, do you have a right to justice in this country?
And I get the fact that Chris Kyle's seen as a Republican, and so the Obama hatred is so intense right now.
And look, I'm not defending Ventura because I've known him for about nine years, and we're friends.
I'm defending him because he didn't do that.
They made it up.
They claimed he got an altercation with cops in LA at an airport and ran from police basically in a car and he was in a golf tournament in Minnesota and hadn't flown for two years when that happened.
They were running PSYOPs on him and they could do it to me or Matt Drudge or Ron Paul or Rand Paul and I'm going to give people the benefit of the doubt when they've been set up by a system.
I know a hit piece when I see it.
I think Chris Kyle was manipulated.
I think he was told to say that.
And he was set up.
And I don't think he got killed probably over the Ventura thing.
Definitely a set up when he got killed.
My heart goes out to his wife.
That's the bigger issue.
When he got executed at that gun range in Dallas.
The Kraft International that he owns wears the Punisher with an added symbol.
And khaki pants.
And those guys at the Boston bombing were wearing Kraft International outfits.
Khaki pants, black shirts, Punisher emblem.
And Kraft would not respond and not say they hadn't done it.
And Chris Cole died right after that.
I mean, right after.
And I'm not saying Kraft was involved.
We watched the video and the photos.
When that went off, they were running around checking everybody.
They had, I believe Kraft or someone like them,
In a drill that they, cause they'll get a bunch of drill, we know a drill was going on too, show that cops, if they find the real bomb with another group, they'll just think it's part of the drill.
We've talked a lot about that.
So I believe Chris Kyle got executed and they set up some mind control victim to take the fall because he knew too much.
And I think was probably overall a good guy.
He was obviously being directed by high level people as a cutout asset and they burned him.
Now folks, I was told by Navy SEALs a week after 20-something of them died in that helicopter crash that the word was there was a bomb on board and that they thought they'd been set up and killed because the Bin Laden raid was fake and that they killed a body double.
Years after that, I've had multiple Navy SEALs and multiple Navy SEAL families on who lost family and they say that's the word and they know the name of the body double.
And let me tell you, when I meet with a Navy SEAL, or meet with a Navy SEAL's family in private, early on it was dangerous when I went on air with that information.
So let me explain something.
I'm not up here making this stuff up, okay?
I get chills, folks, of fear.
And I'm not even consciously afraid, my body is afraid.
You understand what I'm saying?
My body, my body is afraid.
Whenever we confirm... This is above my pay grade, folks, that they took a bunch of nuclear weapons that were hidden at Dias out and sent them to the East Coast.
And then Obama starts talking about, I'm afraid nukes will go off with some mystery group.
I mean, the globalists are not above false flagging.
And then, you know who they're going to come after?
They're gonna come after the libertarian movement, folks.
And believe me, I'm a canary in the coal mine.
They ever announce Alex Jones has committed suicide or Alex Jones has found death with a needle in his arm, I was killed.
I will never commit suicide and I don't use illegal drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't use pharmaceuticals.
They say he had a thing of sleeping pills in his belly.
I've never taken a sleeping pill.
I've had a broken leg and I won't take the painkillers.
Make me vomit everywhere.
So I want that on record, ladies and gentlemen.
They took secret nuclear weapons out of Dyess Air Force Base in West Texas.
They blew up that helicopter to kill those Navy SEALs because they were talking.
You think I like knowing that info?
I was real happy when that got broken a year later on mainstream news, they were saying that.
Because you know what that means?
That means I'm not top of the list to get killed.
I don't want to be the hero.
I don't want to be out front.
I don't want the accolades.
I don't want to do this job.
I have a responsibility to tell the truth because my bones won't let me do anything else.
Got Obama phone lady back with us.
You just said amen.
We'll turn her mic back on.
What do you think of what I just said?
That's true too.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
And like you said, you're speaking the truth what's going on.
Especially when you know it's the truth.
That's why you got your Alex Jones Show to let the people know what's really going on.
We need more people like you.
For real, for real.
The truth is I'm just up here exhausted just groaning out the info warning people.
I'm not going to switch going SOS, emergency, emergency.
That's all I'm doing.
I mean, that's why I feel like I'm doing a horrible job, because this is such a big, important job, and I can't do it better, you know?
Right, and you're good at it.
Because one thing about it, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't knew all what I knew.
Because you don't get the other side of it.
You only get, like, when I was out there... It's above another side.
It's a 360 view.
Oh, well, well, it's a 360... Bird's eye.
Go ahead.
You don't get all of that.
You know, you just get parts of it.
We want Obama to win.
You're getting $15 an hour.
Don't mess with your food stamps.
Oh, it's like, yeah, yeah, we're for the Cowboys.
Yeah, I'm for that.
It's just like a game.
It's like, yeah, yeah, I get it.
Now that I've been sitting in this WAP for a year, ain't nothing changed.
You know, if a person like you... Well, it did change.
There's a higher payroll tax on you.
Well, a little bit.
Not where you notice it.
You know, if I was right now to get you a whole big ol' warehouse with everything Alex needs, just like you got it now, and I know it took you a long, hard work to get this.
You know?
Well, most people have mansions in private planes that have radio shows as big as mine.
This is what I have.
Well, this is what you're starting off at.
Next five years, you're going to have all that, too, because look how far you... But I understand what I'm saying.
I will just build the media operation.
Well, you're going to build it anyway.
That's what I want, is reporters and to change the world.
Well, see, I want to help you, because one thing about it in Cleveland... Where's that?
What's that?
Look up Infowars.com, the Alex Jones Show.
Is that that man with the talk show?
No, Alex Jones.
Look up Infowars.com.
We gotta get that out there.
You're sweet.
Let's take some more phone calls here.
You'll be back with us tomorrow, and I'm gonna actually come up with some questions, do a more focused interview.
It's been a good interview, but I'm kind of exhausted.
I was up until about 3 in the morning last night, and I got up at 6 a.m.
But we're going to take you out shooting.
And we're going to do a bunch of other stuff.
That's good.
That's good.
I deserve it.
Thank you, guys.
In fact, I may take you out live on the show someday, and we'll do a live Skype feed out there with you shooting.
Oh, yeah.
That's what I like.
You know I like that.
Look, I'm getting excited.
I like that.
Maybe we'll have you in on the Sunday show, too.
We'll see what happens.
Tom and Marilyn, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Last caller.
Sorry to the others.
Thank you, Mr. Jones.
By the way, golden interview.
I'm so glad that you extended it.
You brought to mind, before I get to the two quick questions from Miss Dougherty, when you mentioned Kraft Services, I'm half German.
I don't know if you know that Kraft in German means force.
I don't know what the origins of the naming of that company was, but
Pretty odd in Germany would be force services and it seems to be that that's what it's amounting to that that's exactly what they are and that's what they're providing.
Anyway, Miss Dougherty, again, I think you're doing a great job and I appreciate you opening up the way you are.
If I understand you correctly, did you say that during the campaigns that both camps, Romney and Obama camps, were buying to get citizens to join their side?
You know what?
We're going to keep going, but I won't do the whole next segment.
We'll just fade into the retransmission coming up.
I'm going to come back and let... Because I forgot, I promised to ask the question.
What repercussions have you gone through?
I know those ribs are back there.
I love them as much as you do.
We're going to get those baby back ribs in like 7-8 minutes.
We're going to come back and finish up.
I'll get the other callers too.
Chance, John, Eric and Jesse.
We're going to go to you.
Tom, stay there.
We'll answer that question.
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So we decided to upgrade the look of our home.
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855-955-STONE That's 855-955-7866 If you like to gamble,
See, I don't gamble in the rigged casinos.
I don't gamble in the rigged political system.
I create my own system.
Outside of their system.
Because the truth is, there's a whole universe around us.
And the lie is that the Democrats and Republicans control reality.
That the Labour and Tories control reality in Britain.
In the UK.
You've got to understand, they've created an artificial system for us.
They live, we sleep.
They are outside the system.
Finishing up with Tom in Maryland.
What is your specific question for Obama phone lady?
We never played the famous Obama phone clip.
We even have it in HD from the guy that shot it.
We should probably get that for tomorrow from McBreen and have it.
But perhaps we'll end with that in a few minutes.
So we'll get that queued up.
But sir, I mean, what's your specific question, Tom?
I was curious about whether or not anything other than promises were made in order to try to get people to their side, be it in cash or be it in gifts.
But the most important question, and I think the one that really is most apropos, and I think what you were trying to get to, Mr. Jones, in speaking with Ms.
Dougherty, is this.
Very simply, Mr. Hardy, as far as your view is concerned, and I'm very interested in this, when it comes to the best government, do you feel that the best government would be one that provides for the people by giving them things, by money?
Yes, and other things such as housing vouchers, or do you think that the best government would be one that provides, and I put that in quotations, a way for people to make their own way in the world by getting out of their lives?
Yeah, that's it.
I mean, the collectivist model is proven that it wrecks society.
The free market society builds prosperity, builds men and women.
It was Victor Hugo who said,
Adversity builds men, prosperity builds monsters.
I mean, it's like your kids.
Rich people's kids just get more and more spoiled because they're given everything.
Well, poor people, if they're given everything, it's even more evil because they're only given enough to never think there's something outside of it, and then it creates mediocrity.
A lot of mess.
So what type of society do you want?
What kind of... I would like the society to be where people that can't make it, they can get a check, they can get food stamps, and even housing if you got enough little money.
What he's saying is, the system's been designed to take jobs away from you that are $30 an hour.
And to devalue the dollar where with your $10 an hour you can't make it to force you onto welfare because they have giant automated robot systems coming out that will produce baubles and low-grade food for you to fully domesticate you for a future assimilation post-human era of the technotronic age.
What do I think about it?
What does that sound like, what I just said?
It sucks.
It's as if an alien force had come to Earth and was running a algorithm takeover program.
Did you understand?
And we understand, those of us that are outside of that and see the enemy operation, that it's going to come for us next.
So we don't sit back on a classist power trip and look down on you.
We understand that you were targeted first and have been basically taken over by the enemy to be destroyed.
And so we're trying... George Orwell said if there was any hope it was with the proles.
Their strength was evident.
But how do you communicate with them?
I don't.
I mean, I do with signing my name or waiting on something I communicate, but I really don't communicate with them.
No, I know, but the proles are the common people.
The proles.
Yeah, the system runs a communist ideology as its sub-operating system.
But there's an overlay extractor geopolitically on top of it.
That's a fascist technocracy.
That sucks.
I think that's not right.
What I'm saying is, there's a giant, there's guys with giant eggheads that developed a plan to destroy everybody.
How do I think about them?
Yeah, what do you think of them?
I don't like them.
They're not right.
They just get us in and lure us in and then shut us down.
That's how I look at it.
That's right.
They shut us down.
And see, I want to
Beat people's brains out that are like that.
Just like, you know, I hate to say it and I'm on air.
You know, it's just like talking to you.
You say you're going to do something.
Do it.
You know, and I'm waiting.
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting.
It's not done.
Then you see other people are destroyed.
You know, let me ask you this.
I know they told me more about it during the break, but I don't know how much you can say.
Tell us what you really think of Obama and what he's done to you.
And tell me what the Democrats told you after you came on the show.
Well, what I think about Obama is you did just enough.
You didn't go all the way with it.
You didn't do what you said you were going to do.
I really think you sucks.
Because once I really, when they told me I was an idiot for doing what I did with 9 million viewers, I really said, I work for Obama, $15 an hour, I got this.
But really, I was illiterate.
Well, they didn't want you showing why people were really voting for him and what they were being told.
They wanted to deceive.
Once I got it and got the vote and drove the vans with no license and helped them people out, they fired me.
I lost a job on my own, Seth, going to sleep for the 12 hours or 15 hours I was working, but really they fired me.
Because they really told me that I made myself look stupid.
I said, how did I make myself look stupid?
A man walked up to me and asked me a question.
I had the best poster and I was the only one got 9 million views today.
You know?
So how did I make myself look stupid?
I didn't know no better because everybody I was around... You get your Obama phone?
Did you get your Obama phone?
Then now I'm working for Obama.
I want you to vote for him.
He got us all a phone.
He gonna do more.
How do you know they were paying the Romney people to be there?
Because the people told me on the other side.
On Mayfield's side.
When you make 15, we make 20.
Well, Iran and me, Iran and me gonna win.
Iran and me ain't winning nothing.
Look at all of us for Obama.
It was more people who were voting.
You know why Romney wasn't allowed to win?
Because he couldn't sucker people as good as Obama.
And the only reason I believe Obama got suckered, look at my viewers.
I got 9 million viewers.
I was walking around and working for these people 15 hours a day.
Do you know after 15 hours a day, each hour I was getting over 200 to 300 people to go vote for him?
Because they got Obama phone.
They ain't know that much about Obama.
Well, who bought you the phone, Obama?
Now, now, I think you told me before, were there people voting repeatedly?
People was trying to go two or three times, but you can't.
You can only vote for once.
You know, especially when I told them, who bought you the phone?
Who will you vote for?
Iran and me.
Why Iran and me?
Iran ain't gonna give me my stamps.
Iran and me upgrading the stamps.
They gonna upgrade the checks.
That's what Iran and me people, they set out to do for him.
Oh, so the Romney people were claiming he was going to hand out goodies?
Remember, O'Romney was supposed to do more than what Obama was doing.
But O'Romney ain't had no name for this phone.
And most people... Why do you call him O'Romney?
Yeah, he is like Obama in many ways.
Romney, you mean?
Whatever, but he was saying what he was going to do.
Mitt Romney?
Mitt Romney.
But he was saying what he was going to do, and only thing, you know, I was thinking of something to
Let's get them.
You know, when we sit at our meetings before we start work, what was the catch?
And then I found out, you know, who bought you the phone?
And everybody was telling me, I'm voting for Obama.
So they don't see it that a taxpayer's paid for that, or somebody else, an old lady had her house taken so they could buy the Obama phones.
They SWAT team you, you don't pay their taxes, because they're so loving.
See, that's the thing about the wealth transfer.
What about my dad?
Who'd even paid all the income taxes, and they came to him in like 1989 and said, there's a retroactive tax, you know, now owes a half million dollars, and he didn't have it, and we had to sell our cars and stuff, and barely could keep our nice house, and he had to sell some of his businesses.
And he was a guy employing a bunch of people, he had to let people go.
What about my dad, though?
She... I mean, what's enough tax?
Like, if somebody's making $50,000 a year, how much tax should they pay? 10%?
Well, you pay a lot more than that.
I mean, you pay sales tax, property tax.
The average person making $50,000 a year, on average, is paying about 40% in taxes.
How much do you think somebody making a million dollars a year pays?
Hardly nothing, hardly nothing.
About 70% if they're not an insider.
How much do you think Warren Buffett pays percentage-wise?
Maybe about half?
No, about 2%.
How much do you think General Electric pays?
About 2%.
How much do you think Google pays?
Because they got a big company.
How much do you think Google pays?
Probably zero.
How much do you think people like David Rockefeller pay?
It's all tax exempt.
Because he's a... Bill Gates.
How much does Bill Gates pay?
Big money.
Because they wrote the laws.
Same thing about Obama.
He's the president.
Tell me he can't make no, write no laws.
Who pays the highest taxes in France?
People making a million euros a year.
Probably the millionaires.
Now, now, now, once you get up to billions of euros, you don't hardly pay anything.
Because they write the laws.
Why do they want to shut down somebody making a million euros a year?
Because they ain't getting nothing out of it.
Because almost all that money goes directly to the poor people in services and now they open a hair boutique and now they do good hair.
They're making 300,000 euros a year from the rich millionaires wives coming in to get their nails and eyelashes done.
Or they open up a personal training shop training dozens of people a day with trainers under them making three hundred thousand dollars, three hundred thousand euros a year.
Do you think the billionaires want somebody to be able to be a personal trainer like I know personal trainers making two hundred three hundred thousand dollars a year?
No, they don't want you in business.
Because you can't have that if there's not a bunch of rich middle-class people who poor people think of as ultra-elite.
The ladder up
Is the people making $300,000, $200,000, $100,000 a year, $70,000 a year, $1,000,000 a year.
They've got to be eliminated.
Because historically, economically, you blow them up.
Obama phone lady, what happens?
They don't give you nothing every time.
It's the middle class that makes poor people middle class.
And it's the middle class, it's poor that become middle class that become rich.
It's called a ladder.
Ladder you gotta go up.
Kennedy was a Democrat, but he wasn't a eugenicist.
He cut taxes by 50% in the lowest tax bracket.
What happened the next year?
He was out.
Well, they did blow his head off, that's true, but double tax receipts.
Why would cutting taxes in half double tax receipts?
Because who's going to pay for them?
Everybody runs around spending the money now.
The economy gets going real fast.
More revenue comes in.
So why would they want taxes so high it shuts the economy off?
For business?
Because the big boys are exempt.
So they only want taxes on the little guys so you can't operate.
Right, right.
They don't want you in competition.
John D. Rockefeller said competition is a sin.
Ain't no competition, really.
The ultra-rich that aren't free market don't want competition.
They don't want you to know anything.
Because if you ever discovered the mysteries of the universe, you would be free of them.
Michelle Dowery, let's take some more phone calls.
Thank you, Tom, great question.
Eric in Tennessee, we're in super overdrive.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Super duper overdrive.
You guys are doing great today, Alex.
Thank you, brother.
All right.
My question from FEMA Section 4.
All the displaced
Children that they're bringing in?
Are they putting any of those in the FEMA camps and getting them ready for us?
Under RECS 84 they said they'd prime the camps in a cover with a giant influx of collapsing Latin America.
They've done exactly that with a conduit from Central America through Mexico.
And they are building giant FEMA camps everywhere.
We've gone and videotaped them and broke that two weeks ago.
A huge secret FEMA camp in South Texas.
All right.
Thanks so much.
Thank you, Obama Lady.
Thank you.
Yep, there she goes.
Hey, he gave us a phone.
He's going to do more.
Can you do it?
Just for old time's sake, can you like repeat the Obama phone?
Go ahead.
Want me to do it?
Yeah, get fired up.
Tell me how.
I can do it, but then it makes me get embarrassed.
You want me to imitate you?
Yeah, go ahead.
He gave us a phone!
He gon' do more!
You want somethin' to step?
You want Social Security?
You want food stamps, low minority, the blacks?
You can get Obama phone!
That's all.
You're a riot.
Man, just somethin' came up.
Is that an Obama phone ringin'?
Nah, I got Obama, I need a new one.
Let's see the Obama phone.
Is that an Obama?
I'm in Texas on TV.
I had to know to answer my phone.
Go ahead, take that call on air.
Go ahead.
Is that caller still there?
Who do we go to next?
Janus in Detroit.
Another wondrous big government site.
NAFTA and GATT as Al Gore promised.
He said it would help Detroit.
Al Gore didn't lie.
He never does.
Same carbon taxes or the sky will fall.
Janus, go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to talk to Michelle last year and I wanted to talk to her this year.
I have a couple notes, a couple points.
I don't want to be interrupted.
If I can get them out as fast as I can, Michelle.
I'm poor also.
I was raised in Detroit.
I was offered an Obama phone and I didn't want it because I wanted to keep my privacy.
The government has offered those free cell phones for a long time.
And he didn't even come up with Obamacare.
The Clintons started that even before that.
But my point was that I have black friends, several, and have had black friends.
One of my black friends was, the night of the so-called election, the first time Obama was in, was excited about the first black president.
Which, that's understandable.
I think so.
That he was hopeful that his children could be judged not by the color of their skin, but according to the content of their character.
And so, what was more important, because I told my friend, he's probably a Muslim with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.
She said, no he's not, and besides, what difference does it make?
And see, this is what's wrong with people's thinking.
Now, the other point I wanted to make, Michelle, real quick, is the government give us, and the government can take it away.
But there's always a cost, no matter who it is.
It doesn't matter if it's Obama or whoever.
Look, every time it degenerates into a living hell.
Now, ma'am, we're going to get interrupted by the break here in a moment.
Do you have any questions for her?
Someone in our own country has to pay for it, and we're the government of the people and by the people.
The government is not something up there like a
I don't
Through the Constitution and the other federal papers.
Alright ma'am, we're out of time.
I apologize to the other callers.
Greg and Jesse and Jared and Ben, I've got to cut the overdrive off now.
Retransmissions coming up with John Rappaport and others on the Ebola situation and so much more.
All I know is we have a political class that wants us domesticated.
Like, you know, a farmer who's got cows out there, he doesn't really love them, he plans to slaughter them.
Or pigs.
And I'm saying, we're men, we're not domesticated human resources of the state.
And so that's what I'm telling you, is it's predatory, it's done out of evil.
Obama phone lady, Michelle Dowery, thank you so much for being with us.
You'll be back tomorrow, live, from the shooting range, on air with us.
Warmer phone lady at the Alex Jones Show!
That's Ryan, ladies and gentlemen.
Great job, crew.
Tonight, 7 o'clock.