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Name: 20140730_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 30, 2014
2420 lines.

"Alex Jones's show covers topics such as Ebola outbreaks, immigration policies, global conspiracies, alternative health perspectives, political analysis, and conspiracy theories related to biological warfare, border security, and economic collapse. He promotes various products including DNA Force supplements, silver solutions, water filters, seeds for gardening, and survival supplies."

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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live!
We have a huge broadcast lined up for you on this 30th day of July, 2014.
But I was re-watching a report from about two weeks ago that David Knight filed.
I was watching it last night, and it's so good, I thought I would air an excerpt of it.
Prison Planet of the Apes, with our own co-host, David Knight.
This is the type of stuff that airs every night, 7 o'clock central, with InfoWars Nightly News.
There's a new book that's come out.
It's called Animal Madness.
How anxious dogs, compulsive parrots, and elephants in recovery can help us to understand ourselves.
Now the interesting thing about this book is that rather than looking at drugs being tested on animals, it takes drugs that have first been, of course, tested on animals, then used routinely on humans, and now have gone full circle back into the zoo.
And so it provides us some interesting insights.
And of course, in reviews, people have talked about anthropomorphism.
In other words, projecting human characteristics onto animals.
They say to speak of mental illness in animals requires a degree of anthropomorphizing.
Or, this is a humane, insightful, beautifully written book, Animal Madness Gives Anthropomorphism a Good Name.
What about anthropomorphism in reverse?
Yes, are we treating humans like animals?
Let's take a look at a couple of the excerpts from the book, but before we do, there's also another school of thought in how we control animals, and that, of course, is the B.F.
Skinner Behavioral Modification School.
We use positive operant conditioning to control the animals.
Skinner's techniques are actually a humane way to communicate with and to control animals.
The problem arises with the reverse anthropomorphism, when Skinner starts to treat humans as animals, devoid of freedom and dignity.
Of course, much of our government's interaction with everyone from children in schools to airplane travelers with TSA is based on positive operant conditioning.
In other words, let me touch you wherever I want and I'll reward you with allowing you to get on a plane.
Now, of course, the other popular way to control people is with pharmaceuticals.
If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way.
Breitman's book gives us some perspectives on that.
Now, Thorazine, of course, was first tested on rats.
And what they found was that even though rats could easily climb up a rope to get to some food, once they put them on Thorazine, they couldn't be bothered.
Even when they knew a shock was coming on, they would just sit there.
What happened when they gave Thorazine to a gorilla in the zoo?
This is a gorilla that was going to have to be relocated to a very small cage for a period of six months while his usual habitat was repaired.
So what they did to help him cope was what any good psychiatrist would do.
They put some Thorazine in his coke.
What did that do for him?
Well, the zookeeper said he shuffled back and forth across his cage with dulled eyes.
It was a little like watching the men in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Now, a review of her book that's on Wired.com today covers a couple of interesting anecdotes entitled, uh, even the gorillas and bears in our zoo are hooked on Prozac.
They look at what happens when we take these drugs that we've now approved for massive use on humans and then turn around and use them on animals in the zoo.
Gus, the famous polar bear from the Central Park Zoo, was put on Prozac because he was swimming for 12 hours a day.
Now, as an aside, that's what polar bears do.
They range over hundreds of miles and, of course, that's why you see all these pictures of polar bears sitting on
Ice flows, looking like they're forewarned, like their habitat is melting.
No, they range over several hundred miles a day.
So this polar bear was swimming 12 hours a day, and they said that that is .00009% of his usual habitat.
But of course, instead of giving him a larger habitat, which they couldn't do, they put him on Prozac to try to control his behavior.
Now, some of the zookeepers who were using psychopharmaceuticals on these animals were curious if other zoos were doing the same thing.
Half of the 31 institutions throughout the U.S.
and Canada that responded to their survey had used psychopharmaceuticals on their gorillas.
Again, that's just part of
The video report that he filed for the Nightly News last week.
Prison Planet of the Apes.
I'm gonna retweet it right now from my iPhone during this break at Real Alex Jones.
Spread it far and wide.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
If you go back over a month ago, we re-reviewed the Banff Canada Security Prosperity Partnership secret meeting from 2007.
Where we learned part of the text of the secret North American Union Treaty of 2005, signed in Waco, Texas at Baylor University by the Canadian Prime Minister, the U.S.
President, and the Mexican President.
And in that document that we cover in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement,
They say we will achieve North American integration and a North American Union for merger with the EU and the Pacific Union with our corporate administrators completely bypassing the nation states.
I'm paraphrasing quotes out of it.
You can go read these.
Judicial Washington sued and got them.
The documents, thousands of pages that I read, much of which on air, was covered.
And they say, we will use the threat of terrorism, border collapse, and we will use epidemics like the flu or Ebola to bring in global governance.
So just as the White House former Chief of Staff, now the Chicago Don, Rahm Emanuel famously said to the Wall Street Journal television, don't let a good crisis go to waste.
They are using this Ebola situation that is undoubtedly the worst Ebola outbreak ever.
Undoubtedly the worst Ebola outbreak ever.
To sell more global handling of tracking the disease.
And I want to explain something.
Interviewing multiple medical doctors, Harvard medical doctors, you name it, over the years.
A lot of articles have been written about this.
You can look them up for yourself.
There's a lot of evidence that Ebola was developed in laboratories and then released in the jungles of Western and Central Africa in the last 30, 40 years.
And that as it mutates, it will become more aggressive and even airborne.
And then one of the heads of the University of Texas Biology Department, who I want to do another special report on this week, maybe do it for the Nightly News tonight, Dr. Eric Pianka, who is a global exterminist.
He believes that at least 90% of the population should be reduced
His acolytes, his graduate students that are now medical doctors, PhDs, microbiologists, responded to us criticizing him six years ago and the FBI visiting him by sending me open letters that we published saying, listen, we will exterminate everyone.
Pionka is not radical enough.
Humanity is a parasite and must be dealt with.
In fact, here's quotes from the Texas newspapers that reported on it out of Houston.
I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Sciences rose to their feet and gave standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90% of the Earth's population by airborne Ebola.
That's what the newspaper reporter quoted to the Houston Chronicle.
They weren't politically correct yet properly to go, of course we must exterminate everyone.
While speaking to the group, on a giant movie screen behind him was projected piles of skulls from the Rwanda massacre in 1994 with a red filter.
And I've seen photos of that, you can look them up online.
A man standing there saying, I pray for the blessed day, when the airborne weaponized Ebola is released, and 90 plus percent of the world dies, as blood hemorrhages from every orifice.
And now,
Hundreds and hundreds of deaths spreading all over Africa.
There are now people on the ground in Germany that have Ebola.
They're treating people at hospitals in Germany.
A man collapsed before he could get on a African flight inbound to Minneapolis-St.
That's the top headline up at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and DrudgeReport.com from the Daily Beast.
He could have brought Ebola here, Minnesota widow on her husband.
Patrick Sawyer was supposed to be with his kid's birthday party in a few weeks, but he died of the virus before he could board a flight to Minneapolis.
His wife spoke out on the epidemic's toll.
Nigeria felt a chill from the hot zone when 40-year-old man collapsed and died from the dread Ebola virus after flying there from Liberia.
That hot zone chill now reaches America with word that the same man was scheduled to fly to Minneapolis in time for the August 16th party celebrating the birthday of two of the three young daughters.
Guys, can you look up 12 Monkeys and find the clip where the bioweapons worker releases the bioweapon or is bragging about it?
An environmental animal rights activist?
Bruce Willis has been sent back from the future to try to stop it.
What are you going to do, all of you arrogant narcissists out there, when this or some super weaponized SARS or the flesh-eating bacteria, the drug-resistant TB starts literally eating your lungs?
What are you going to do when your family members are dead?
I know two people very close to my family, my uncle and my cousin that are dead in the last six months, seven months from this.
And at the hospital, they said, we're turning people away.
It's an epidemic, but it's not on the news.
It came out in a few newspapers in Texas and other states that there was a quiet epidemic
And the hospitals under CDC orders would not release even what it was.
And I even saw that in Newsweek yesterday researching drug-resistant bacteria or superbugs.
Just type in the term and click it and you'll see the articles this week where they admit maybe one out of a thousand deaths from drug-resistant
Bacteria is being reported by the hospitals and do you know why?
Because they've been told by the CDC shut up and they don't want you to know that if you go in there to have a hernia operation or you go in there to have your Achilles tendon worked on or if you go into one of these facilities to even get a small spinal surgery or to get a
Inspection of your colon with a colonoscopy that you've got a major chance.
I've looked at the numbers.
They try to cover these up.
If you add them together, the number one cause of death is not heart attacks.
It's not cancer anymore in this country.
It's hospitals.
And every doctor I know goes to private elite clinics for inpatient care.
to have their surgeries.
That's where all the rich people go.
They don't go near a hospital.
They don't go anywhere near them.
Because let me tell you, you can say this Ebola's hype.
It's not.
This is the most serious Ebola outbreak ever.
Hands down, the scientists are on record.
This just popped up on Drudge.
Part of CMR ER roped off.
Officials say patient being tested
The corridor of the medical center's main emergency room was roped off on the first floor.
This is in Charlotte, North Carolina.
At Carolina's medical center near the entrance Wednesday, a security guard was posted outside to prevent anyone from crossing the line.
The question is, is it Ebola?
By the way, the heroic African doctor who has treated thousands over the years for Ebola has died.
Here's the headline, if Ebola hits the U.S., even healthy Americans will be quarantined.
Persons who do not show symptoms would be forcibly detained.
If you come in out of an African country that they think may have this, they're gonna lock you up.
The bigger question is, why are they making a big deal out of this?
It is a big deal, but why are they making a big deal out of it, when they've covered up basically flesh-eating bacteria, killing people across the board, jumping into their lungs, and drug-resistant, and drug-immune staph, and strep, and all the antibiotics they feed the farm animals that we then eat.
Congressional report, Ebola bio kits have been secretly deployed to National Guard units in all 50 states.
They're preparing.
Remember they've been pre-deploying for massive outbreaks?
Again, could this end up being another part of the crisis while our border is wide open and Africans, Pakistanis, you name it,
That's just some of the news.
Global authorities on the alert over Ebola outbreak.
Ebola doctor quarantined in Canada.
Ebola outbreak victim who sparked fears of global epidemic was on his way to U.S.
Sierra Leone's top Ebola doctor dies from the virus.
The doctor leading Sierra Leone's fight against the worst Ebola outbreak on record died from the virus yesterday.
The country's chief medical examiner said the death of Sheikh Umar Khan demands a hero.
That's a true practitioner of medicine right there.
We'll be right back.
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He's been a guest on this show, Geraldo Rivera.
I've been on his show, I think, five, six times over the years on Fox.
I like Geraldo Rivera at many levels, but because he's, I guess,
Has some ancestry connected to Puerto Rico?
I guess he's bought into the propaganda that we've just got to have a totally open border to the south and let anybody in or you're racist.
And he has come out and said, shame on Drudge, his authoritative website has gone hysterical on the issue of immigration.
Children, 14 stories like, could Ebola sneak across?
He hasn't had 14 stories saying that.
The news,
Has pointed out that drug-resistant TB, leprosy, black plague has now, bubonic plague has popped up, as you know, in Colorado.
I mean, they're locking hospitals down in Germany and the U.S.
Ebola has gotten into Germany.
They're reportedly treating people in Germany that have come out of Africa with Ebola.
Do you understand that, Geraldo?
There's a reason we have a border.
There's a reason, Geraldo, that you don't live in Puerto Rico.
Because it's not as nice as New York.
Puerto Rico, by the way, is great compared to, like, Guatemala.
So... Do you want them to issue enough green cards to legalize the population of Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala?
Because that's in the Congressional Budget Office's own numbers.
That's in the bill.
I mean, this is joke level what's being pushed, and I'm really concerned about superbugs coming across.
I'm really concerned when I've been arrested for demonstrating that I'll get TB in jail overnight, because that's where you get it, Geraldo.
And when you get TB or any of this stuff in jail, nobody cares about you.
In fact, if you get drug-resistant, they lock you up for months or years in these
Modern sanitarium wards that are now popping up across the United States.
If you have drug-resistant TB and you get caught trying to fly, they arrest you and you get years in prison in a medical ward.
But then we're like, well, why are the illegals allowed to just walk across with it?
Why are no medical testing being done of all these people being dumped out of the Mexican, Guatemalan, and other hospitals?
And then Rolando Rivera's like, you're racist.
See, the laws are suspended.
If I was an illegal alien, I could fly without ID.
I could come across the border and be given bus tickets wherever I wanted.
But as a citizen, I get harassed at the border.
Because the border is there to control the people.
They want more people inside the U.S.
to turn them into political slaves.
They want to exploit these Latin Americans.
But they're still being used as a weapon.
So, Sierra Leone's top Ebola doctor has died.
Part of CMRER roped off in North Carolina because of possible Ebola.
We've got the headlines.
Could Ebola sneak across the U.S.
I don't know.
Can fish swim in the ocean?
Germany accepts infected patient for treatment as medical services across Europe are on high alert to prevent any risk of Ebola spreading here.
A hospital in Germany accepts a patient with the virus.
Yeah, you know why?
Because bioweapons producers.
Guaranteed the Pentagon wants that blood.
That's why that's happening.
Ebola outbreak.
Deadly foreign diseases are potential major threat, says chief scientist.
And says they are a threat getting into Western nations.
That's the one in Telegraph.
Maybe, maybe Geraldo Rivera will send a tweet at those scientists and say they're racist, huh?
You see, everything's racist.
Not bowing down, not accepting Obamacare is racist, not turning your guns in is racist.
We've all been told that.
You know what?
We're sick of it.
There's another story up on InfoWars.com.
Keith Olbermann has gone on a multi-tweet, five or six tweets I was reading, attack on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and DrudgeReport.com, literally calling us liars.
And saying that we believe in elves and magical creatures and that we're totally insane.
And basically cussing at us.
And calling us all sorts of names.
This is a guy that does a show on ESPN.
Who would cover false flags to get us into the Iraq War when it came out in the British News.
Who would cover real stuff when he was bashing Republicans, rightfully so.
But as soon as Democrats got in, this guy became a total whore of the establishment.
What a disgusting creature.
So you can see those tweets up in an article and video that Paul Watson did up on Infowars.com.
I hope some of my writers do a story on William Binney, the top NSA whistleblower, saying Obama should be impeached for the NSA spying because he's made it even worse, and saying that intelligence agencies have had a coup d'etat over our government.
I thought that was a newsmaking interview.
It was worldwide when he told lesser things to The Guardian, but again,
We just keep dropping big bombshells here every five minutes.
Big news coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You notice all hell's breaking loose across the board right now.
Dollar devaluation, power prices at all-time highs.
That's in the news stack today.
We've got beef prices and other meat prices at all-time highs.
And there is a constellation of reasons that's happening as our farming base is shut down under federal regulations, only Big Agra allowed to operate, basically.
We also, of course, have dollar devaluation.
I'm not trying to be negative here.
You know, in the last few years they kept announcing that by 2025 or 2030, we would see driverless cars on the road.
We already had driverless cars on multiple state highways in the U.S.
when they made those announcements.
That's a standard PSYOP to announce it's coming in the future to acclimate you to accept it.
Now in England, Germany, and other major countries, they're announcing that driverless cars will hit the streets in five months.
Driverless cars heading onto British roads in 2015.
Same thing in Germany.
And they will also double as private and corporate and governmental surveillance hubs, grabbing your private digital information, decoding it and selling it to the highest bidder.
So it's the rise of the robots, ladies and gentlemen, that are being built in as
Again, I'm not trying to be negative here for everybody.
I'm just trying to be honest about what's going on so that people understand the decision has been made to basically convert humanity into drones of the system
And to have a rise of the robots.
But the rise of the robots is bigger than just automation.
The plan is to build a system and design an architecture that doesn't need humans and that is anti-human.
They're not building an infrastructure to empower humanity and to give us a future.
The decision has been made to build an infrastructure to make us completely obsolescent.
And to basically turn humans ourselves into a form of robot merging with the machines through Pavlovian conditioning.
When an iPhone dings, they've done the studies, you can look them up, people have a Pavlovian response like a dog does to meat.
And they all sit back and brag about this and how the tactics work and how they're doing it to you.
And these people are traitors against humanity.
They keep you in a childlike state where you believe that their rabbit tricks are real.
Never knowing
That it's a fraud.
And for those of you that are awake to this, you're saying, yeah, tell us something we don't know.
The general public is in a trance.
They believe the frauds.
They don't know.
They go into a movie and don't look for the propaganda.
They sit there and suspend disbelief, absorbing whatever they're told.
I want to get your take on the global crises that are accelerating.
The wars, the destabilizations, the collapse of economies, the moves for bail-ins.
To take private bank account money in the U.S.
and Europe.
All those regulatory announcements are being made.
The globalists are moving on every front.
What do you think the next big shooter drop is?
And we'll get you up and on the air today.
Going back to Infowars.com, here are some of the headlines.
Geraldo Rivera accuses Matt Drudge of fomenting a civil war over border crisis.
For simply pointing out that no nation has ever opened its borders like this.
Accuses Drudge of engaging in racist behavior.
Keith Oberman, Trash Talks, Drudge, Info Wars, and Bizarre Twitter Rant.
Why is this all happening now?
Because the order is going out, folks.
Bill Banning NSA data collection will not stop mass spying.
Gaza in perspective.
Hamas does the bidding of Israel State.
Kurt Nemo has an article there that I agree with from one angle.
Israel's on record founding Hamas in 1974, the year I was born.
That's mainline Israeli news.
As a destabilizer, you don't want mainline Muslims who are like Gandhi, not being violent, because then that makes their position stronger.
You want them running around dragging people dead behind motorcycles, like Road Warrior, like Humongous in Road Warrior, and firing rockets out of the blue, and when Israel says, stop firing rockets, they say, we will never stop.
See, it's not Israel good, Israel bad, Hamas good, Hamas bad.
It's that the whole thing's rigged, folks.
And that's why I won't get into the whole cause celeb deal on the Palestinians.
Because why won't you get upset about 300,000 Muslims, Arabs, Arab Christians being killed the last four years by Al-Qaeda forces backed by the globalists?
None of the cause celebs out there, none of the people that call me an Israeli agent will talk about Benjamin Netanyahu endorsing ISIS a month ago.
And I've criticized that.
Because, see, that isn't in the script.
That isn't in the PSYOP.
You're supposed to be pro-Palestinian or pro-Israel.
You're not supposed to pull back and go, oh, I see the manipulation.
On record, declassified.
You're not supposed to transcend the whole fraud.
You're supposed to either hate Palestinians or hate Jews.
I'm not going to hate either.
They're all just people being played off against each other.
And it's bigger than just Israel running Hamas.
It's larger than that.
It's the globalists running both states.
It's the clash of civilizations that the PNAC documents from 2000 stated.
The PNAC documents openly say, in Rebuilding America's Defenses, it's declassified, you can go read it, and by declassified it's a governmental slash private think tank with Dick Cheney, the former Defense Secretary, he wasn't Vice President yet when they wrote that, haunt showing it.
And they said, we will fund the radical Muslims and we will fund the radicalization of the West against them, we'll have a clash of civilizations that basically brings down both systems into our control.
The only lie was they said, for America.
Pax Americana.
This is not Americana.
The NSA spying on everything we do without warrants.
The government coming after our guns.
The borders being wide open.
Global government.
Tens of trillions in banker bailouts.
The ultra-rich exempt from taxation.
Using class warfare.
Brainwashing poor people to go after middle class people.
Their only ladder out of poverty.
Shutting down the ladders of success?
Is that Pax Americana?
1776, worldwide, is Pax Americana.
And it's an idea of freedom and liberty.
Never truly realized in this nation's experience, but just the partial realization was beautiful.
In the areas that we were able to embrace that.
So that's where I stand on this whole front, ladies and gentlemen.
And then there's this headline, Insider says intelligence agencies are running the government.
That's his quote.
William Binning.
And the video, the entire interview from yesterday, 45 minutes long,
He's up on Infowars.com.
I'm going to retweet that right now when I go to break.
Real Alex Jones.
Insider says intelligence agencies are running the government.
When he said something lesser than that in London Guardian, it was one of the biggest stories in the world for a couple days.
And we celebrated his honor, his courage here on this show.
But then we have this subconscious, myself included,
View where if we break something big it doesn't even make the website and I have to go and make sure it makes the website.
I'm not complaining or throwing anybody under the bus.
I'm bringing this up to point out the fact that we should all think of ourselves and the new media as important.
We should all realize we've proven we're trying to tell the truth and that we know what we're talking about and that we've tapped into the zeitgeist.
And if you're in the Liberty Movement, you're part of that.
You've proven it.
You've taken the ridicule and the attacks and been proven right.
And so when we have the number four guy at the NSA on our show saying it's a total authoritarian, criminal, martial law takeover, blackmailing the whole government,
That's sensational and we, all of us, and you the listeners need to realize you may not get this for long if they stage a weaponized smallpox or weaponized airborne Ebola release that we know the Pentagon's been developing and other states have been developing.
There have been articles out there in places like the Baltimore Sun with headlines, you know, breaking down the thousands of gallons of liquid death.
I remember that statement at these hundreds of bioweapons labs that they call BioShield, a decade-long, or now 13-year-long program to build bioweapons labs in populated cities all over the United States that get around the weapons treaties by saying they're testing how to treat these weapons, but they're making these weapons.
So what's going to happen if this stuff gets out?
Will that be the crisis to bring in global governance and martial law?
Is that why they're preparing?
We should look at the West, who's done all this secret experimentation and weaponizing of viruses and bacteria on record as prime suspects involved in the worst Ebola outbreak ever, and doctors and scientists and epidemiologists and virologists are saying that it looks like Ebola is getting stronger.
It's mutating.
And then we've got all these top globalists that go and hang out with Prince Charles, dancing around making statements about, soon the airborne Ebola will be out, and 90% of you will die, and I'm sad, but it's best for the Earth, and it's for the New World Order and for Lucifer.
These are quotes, by the way, of major department heads.
Scary enough that the FBI went and visited them when I threw a fit.
So that says something for the FBI.
I guess they love their kids.
I guess you better look into biology department heads who talk like that.
Because let me tell you something, folks.
They're gearing up for the organized collapse of civilization.
Will it be World War III?
Will it be global financial collapse?
Will it be the purposeful shutting off of the power systems worldwide?
It's all happening.
The globalists are waging war against civilization except for
Compartmentalize breakaway civilization grids that they control.
That's a military tactic.
Shut down your enemy's technology only you have it.
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer.
No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation.
David Spangler, American spiritual philosopher, author, considered one of the founding figures of the modern New Age movement.
And he said that in a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations in Congressional Testimony.
And by the way, I've been around these people.
I'm not even going to tell people something.
I'm not going to say it.
I mean, it's just too much.
People can't even handle it.
I saw that clip of that mason one time that a Christian confronted about worshipping Lucifer, and he goes, oh, sweet Lucifer.
Oh, sweet Lucifer.
But I'll tell you, at the top, they're Luciferians, folks.
They're not devil worshippers.
There's a big difference.
And they think that they want to save the Earth by wiping everybody out.
And you can look at what humans have become and the things we do, and you can have that argument.
Yeah, I want to talk.
How you doing, Alex?
I was wondering, is the government going to do anything about stopping anybody from coming from Africa over to our country with that Ebola disease?
Or they're just going to let everybody jump on planes and come on over here so they can kill us all?
Well, that would be racist if we stopped someone with Ebola from coming over.
Well, I mean, the main track to get in illegally, if you can't get a visa, is you go to Mexico, you land,
And as long as you don't get off the bus, they don't stop you.
And no, it's being predicted by virologists that if this outbreak of Ebola continues, it will come across the border.
But again, Haroldo Rivera said that anything south of the border can't be criticized.
Guatemala City and didn't like your beans and rice and fish, that would be racist.
You just accept anything that, you know, I mean, if an alien spaceship landed in Mexico and flesh-eating goblins came off that were going to eat us, we would have to accept it because it originated in Mexico, sir.
That was something I was wanting to ask you.
Have y'all heard anything about the Chinese that are supposed to have bought the National Desoto Forest over here in Mississippi?
I know that yes, Chinese firms are buying up giant swaths of public and private land all over the United States.
They're basically state-run fronts.
And then they pay off the locals that don't follow any of the laws and operate as a mafia.
And they're arresting and taking the organs of Christians in China.
That was in the news yesterday.
And blowing up churches and taking down crosses on churches.
But any criticism of that is anti-Asian.
I thought I was criticizing authoritarianism.
But again, if you criticize Hitler, it means you're anti-German.
This is the new political correctness, so you just need to accept that, sir.
Well, I don't criticize Hitler because I have a full understanding of why Hitler done what he done way back when.
But, uh, that was then and this is now, and what we got now is a real big bad problem with that border down there, and what I want to know is why ain't the Texans, New Mexicos, Arizonians, Californians going down there to put a stop to all that coming up?
Well, you can go do it, sir.
Uh, listen, I've read my comp.
Have you read my struggle?
Have you read my struggle?
I was introduced to you by my son about seven months ago.
Well I'm glad you're tuning in brother, but let me just explain something.
What we've been told about Hitler in most history books is not accurate, but the real Hitler was a complete lunatic as well, and was set up by British intelligence.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
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I'm your host Alex Jones with our Fearless InfoWars crew doing an amazing job.
I want to thank all of our Aminethem affiliates out there as well and all of their sponsors, all of our national sponsors, all of you out there the listeners for your prayers and support.
By the way, the specials end in just a couple days.
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But those specials will end on the 1st.
So please take advantage of it and support the InfoWar while you are at it.
Again, we couldn't have done any of this without you.
Let's talk to Jay in Texas.
What do you think the next big crisis is going to be?
This is the season of manufactured crises.
What do you think?
Alex, you know, I gotta say, you know, this... We did have a warning back in 2001 when we had the towers.
We're good to go.
Well, I agree with you because you notice that Obama keeps saying, I'm worried about just someone nuking Manhattan.
I'm not going to say who.
But then you look at the movies and what they're pre-programming, it's patriots linking up with radical Muslims to then blame us for it.
Like U.S.
Army, who was anti-Obama, detonated the nuke in New York City or in D.C.
And really, it'll be the globalists to bring in their hard coup.
And I'm telling you, all the homeland security preparations, folks, are for a takeover.
Our ace in the hole is the average Homeland Security person is actually awake.
I've been amazed.
So the globalists have a real problem on their hands.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
FBI, Secret Service, a lot of them are awake.
Most military is awake.
Most local police are starting to wake up.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to look at ways to boost the immune system.
Fighting back against all these increasing superbugs.
Ebola, the latest on that, coming up in the next segment.
My big question is, are the globalists moving on every front just to destabilize the world?
Well, yes, obviously, but towards what end?
And if you've got them staging al-Qaeda, ISIS takeovers, destabilizing countries, overthrowing them, destabilizing Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia,
Eastern Europe, the Ukraine situation, dollar devaluation, inflation ticking up worldwide, stacked with depression in the real economy.
What's the next big shoe to drop?
This Ebola thing is very suspicious.
We know the U.S.
government and other governments have worked on weaponized Ebola.
What do you think the next crisis is going to be as all these crises form to make a superstorm to bring in the world government?
All the nations need is the right crisis, and they will accept their world government.
David Rockefeller.
Truth Raider, from Oregon.
You're on the air.
Hello, my friend.
Or shall I say, buenos dias, amigo.
I wouldn't mind if in Spanish they said, viva la second amendment.
But unfortunately, the whole invasion's CIA Ford Foundation run, so we're in deep trouble.
Go ahead.
Let me take care of some minutiae really quick for the callers.
When the callers call in, hey callers, when Alex picks up the line and you hear a air brake, that means you're on the air.
So that, you know, clear that for folks that call and say, hello, hello, am I on the air?
So when you hear that... Also tell them, I say, we're going to your call.
We're going to your call right now.
Listen, this is what happened to any show.
Most shows, even their local, only let like one out of three callers on.
And they make sure you're listening, they make sure you're, you know, you're not, you know, wandering off, they make sure you're on topic, and then they make sure that you're saying what they want to hear.
I have made the decision in 19 years on air that I don't want scripted callers.
And so, we have a free-for-all, and sometimes it's great, sometimes it's bad.
It's different, it's what we do.
I do want people to have good phones, and I do want them to speak up when we go to them.
But go ahead, what do you think the next crisis is?
Okay, well, taking my improvisation, I guess you can say that.
This is going to be complex, but it's going to be, I think it's going to be a mix, Alex.
You're looking at a stage crisis where there'll be an attempted nuclear attack to be blamed on Iran.
It could be a medical crisis where they're going to come up with a vaccine because some type of a strain, say for example the Ebola virus, is coming up and they're going to offer the solution through vaccinations.
That's a big possibility.
Just a grand amount of inflation, perhaps.
Some type of a shortage going on and occurring.
That's a possibility.
It's up in the air.
Nobody can really pinpoint exactly what's going to happen.
But I would say maybe those right there would be in my top three.
That would probably be a false flag event coming up.
But undoubtedly, do you agree with me that clearly this is the season of crises, both real, manufactured, and exacerbated, and that they are trying to destabilize the whole world right now?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's, you know, take it out of their, you know, out of their Latin terminology.
They say, order out of chaos.
So, chaos has to be a perpetuation all the time.
And that is their motto.
The motto of the Illuminati, they call them the Zionists or the Jesuits, whoever's behind it.
It's a combination of all these folks.
That has always been their objective, is to always have chaos all the time.
So, that always brings cohesion.
Well, that's right.
If you've got a war going on or people shooting missiles at you, then you can oppress your own population and they thank you for it.
That's why many philosophers have said, war is the health of the state.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into the second hour, and I know we have loaded phone lines.
We'll be going to your calls coming up at the bottom of the hour.
I'm asking the question today, if the globalists, if the corporate interests that are anti-free market monopoly men, are manipulating economies to collapse worldwide, so they can consolidate them, just like the old banks wanted the farmer to go bankrupt the last year of his payments on the farm, so they'd get 20 years of payments, and then still get the farm.
That's where the globalists get their power, is controlling the boom-bust cycle.
And you've got major record Ebola outbreaks in Africa now, with cases in Germany, people being treated there, hospitals being shut down in the Carolinas, wings of hospitals, the border is wide open.
While all of this is happening, the main Ebola doctor in Sierra Leone,
That was treating hundreds of people has died.
There's another doctor quarantined in Canada right now.
So clearly Ebola is making its way out of Africa.
That's been confirmed.
And it appears to be getting stronger.
And there's a long history of Ebola being weaponized and manipulated by different intelligence agencies and different governments.
It's on record that the West has developed, Russia has developed as well, the Chinese have developed, South Africa developed.
Weaponized smallpox, weaponized type Ebola, weaponized anthrax, and of course it came out the anthrax attacks of 2001 were directed out of Fort Detrick, Maryland.
They tried to frame three patsies, that didn't work, so they killed the fourth.
We even know the names of the people that were reportedly truly involved in all of that.
So it's a very serious situation.
An Ebola victim collapsed before he could board an aircraft out of Nigeria and make it back to his wife in Minneapolis, St.
That's in the London Telegraph.
And top scientists in England are saying they need to control their border closer to make sure that no Ebola gets into England.
That's the London Telegraph.
I wonder if Geraldo Rivera will criticize them calling them racist as he now has drudge.
I'm really bummed out by Geraldo Rivera.
He's been on the show before.
I want to call him and challenge him to be reasonable and to not make this about disliking Hispanics.
No one has connected Hispanics to Ebola.
We've connected wide open borders to it and to TB and the rest of it.
And I'm really worried about my kids getting TB living in Texas.
Kids are getting it all over the place.
I'm genuinely worried about all sorts of exotic diseases coming in.
That's why I'm scared to go to South America.
I've been to Central America repeatedly and it's scary.
I haven't gotten my cousin Buckley in here yet who has dual citizenship with Guatemala.
He was born there.
He saw cars machine-gunned and bombed off the road.
People hand-grenaded at the market.
His brother was kidnapped.
I mean, you name it, ladies and gentlemen, in the time he lived in Guatemala.
I mean, it's scary.
And we don't want to export that here with the crime rates exploding all over the U.S.
in the areas of kidnapping.
And the heads being chopped off and dumped in front of police departments.
Sensational stuff's going on.
Mass graves being found all over the U.S.
with the cartels.
And then somebody hooked in with the whole Mexican Mafia culture.
Robert Rodriguez has the nerve to make movies where Don Johnson in a cowboy hat shoots pregnant Mexican women.
It just isn't happening.
Are there racists in cowboy hats that hate Mexicans because they hate them?
Well, yeah, when they're not marrying them or eating at the Mexican food restaurant, they might go to a Klan rally.
But they're a bunch of idiot white trash.
And the point is, you can't project that on to people that don't want the border completely imploded and a bunch of welfare queens coming up here and bankrupting the country.
That's my issue, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm tired of it.
I can't go to Mexico or Guatemala and get married or bring a pregnant wife down there or girlfriend and have a baby and have it all paid for.
They'd laugh at me!
They've used American hospitality to guilt us into this, and this country is collapsing.
Global authorities on alert over Ebola outbreak.
USA Today, they're concerned it may cross borders.
Is Geraldo Rivera going to send a tweet out against, and I don't even want to attack Geraldo.
I know him personally.
Met him at Fox News, been on his show, been on satellite.
Got arrested protesting him once.
Didn't know he'd been arrested protesting himself and he admired that.
So he started having me on his show.
I don't think he's a bad guy, but he's playing race baiting and it's below the belt.
It's cheating.
It's a fraud.
And we all know it.
Everybody knows it.
Now, for the balance of the hour and into the next hour, some with us covering the waterfront.
We got him up here to Austin.
He's a hard guy to get up here from Houston where he's got his big facilities and his factory and he's got a laboratory as well in another state that we've gone and...
We've done news shoots on Dr. Edward Group, one of the main developers of the highest quality nutraceuticals in the country.
His dad was a famous chemist and helped expose bisphenol A, you name it.
Dr. Edward Group is here.
I wanted to get him in from GlobalHealingCenter.com to cover the waterfront of the attack on our hormones with the estrogen mimickers against men and women, to talk about some of the big medical developments in the studies that are now on record of nutraceuticals that the elite are taking.
That they've made sure are so expensive it's hard for the general public to get them that are growing the telomeres in the DNA, that are spurring mitochondrial growth and keeping cells alive, that are causing nerve regeneration.
This is stuff you're allowed to say because it's patented and been certified.
Because it's now supplements going into the whole nutraceutical realm.
This will not be an infomercial for the next hour.
Except for about five minutes of it.
But I am here today to announce DNA Force, ladies and gentlemen.
And he'll tell us about that after we cover some news.
My dad, who is an oral surgeon and a dentist, but also has been involved in FDA-approved nutraceuticals becoming drugs,
Worked in the last year with Dr. Group.
My dad quit practicing, quit managing 20 plus dental offices and medical facilities because of Obamacare in the last year.
And they developed something that the leading competitor isn't even as strong, and it's $600.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, one ingredient that's in this costs $12,000 a kilo.
We're good to go.
You know, FDA approved, whole nine yards, laboratories that make it.
We had it scientifically mixed at Dr. Grip's factory facility at the highest standards to bring you InfoWarsLife.com DNA Force.
For $134.95 when it should be $600 to $1,000 because on average they mark these up seven times.
This is only marked up one and a half times and that funds our whole operation.
So you're getting a nutraceutical grade.
I had my open bottle in here but I took it home.
Here it is.
That's another bottle they brought in.
That absolutely, I've been taking for the last month.
You think the survival shield is powerful?
The X2?
You think the super male vitality, super female vitality is powerful?
Because it's concentrated, cold pressed, no cutting corners, not dried herbs, wet herbs.
You think that's powerful?
DNA force.
We're going to tell you what's in it.
In fact, I've already gotten into it.
We'll get into the news in a moment.
Dr. Group, first off, thanks for being here.
You and my dad in the last year have developed this.
We have a limited run of only 1,000 bottles, and we expect this to sell out in a couple of days, because the nutraceutical market knows what we're talking about.
This is, unfortunately, I will not rip people off, so this is going to make a lot of people mad.
It undercuts the entire market on this.
Uh, this should be $600.
Uh, it's $134.
One ingredient costs us $40 a bottle.
Another ingredient, I mean it just goes on and on.
And it's got a bunch of ingredients in it, okay?
So this is, this is the absolute platinum standard.
We're going to skip this network break.
Dr. Group, tell people, I mean, I've never seen you and my dad so excited.
Tell people about this.
Well, first of all, you know, as you, as we talk and it's like, it seems like we say the same thing over and over and over and over again about the damage that's going on with all the chemicals and the exposure to toxins in the air and the food and the water, et cetera.
But when you look at the body, we're composed of a hundred trillion cells.
And if you focus in and zoom in on each one of those cells,
It'd be like a balloon full of water, let's say, and inside that balloon full of water is your nucleus and inside of that is your chromosomes and your genes and everything else.
Now picture yourself with a .50 caliber machine gun and you're going boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and you're shooting that balloon full of water
At, you know, 500 rounds a day.
Except the rounds of ammunition are pesticide molecules, insecticide molecules, GMO molecules, and they're going in and then all of a sudden the balloon fixes itself right away so it doesn't leak.
And then all of these things that are coming in, heavy metals and all this stuff, that's the attack that we're having on our cells every single day.
So what happens is all these chemicals and toxins accumulate inside the cell
And you're obviously going to have damage to the cell membrane, number one, because you're shooting all these things into it.
You're going to have damage to the intracellular fluid, which is really nothing more than seawater.
And all of that affects the mitochondrial function, it affects the DNA function, it affects every single part of the cell.
So the cell becomes damaged and toxic because of all these chemicals and toxins coming in.
And has a hard time repairing itself because, you know, the cell has to work extra hard.
Well, in 2009 a group of scientists received the Nobel Prize for anti-aging or cellular protection developments when they discovered what's called telomeres.
Telomeres are tiny little ends to the chromosomes.
They're on the tips of the chromosomes.
When you're conceived, you're born with 15,000 base pairs of telomeres.
When you're born, you only have 10,000 base pairs of telomeres.
When you have 5,000 telomeres, you die.
So basically, each time the cell replicates, in other words, if you go back to that analogy of, you know, getting shot with all these chemicals and toxins into the cell every day, the cell gets damaged and beyond repair and then has to replicate into another cell.
Every time the cell replicates into another cell, you lose some of these telomeres.
It's like copying a VHS tape.
You lose quality.
Every time your cell divides, you lose quality.
So now with the anti-aging and the, you know, the big anti-aging and the push to develop healthier cells, every single thing that we need to focus on needs to be focused on the cells.
What is going to activate, there's an enzyme called telomerase, and telomerase is the enzyme that actually stimulates the production of telomeres.
As we age, our telomeres start decreasing and decreasing and decreasing on the chromosomes.
They get frayed and the cells die.
What we want to do is figure out how we can stimulate telomerase, which is an enzyme, and they've actually done studies at Harvard.
We're showing it from Harvard and other mainstream sources, suppressing tumor growth via
Telomerase activity, which is a gene that produces an enzyme called telomerase, which actually adds telomeres to the chromosomes.
And that's why we're allowed to say it.
Explain to people what's in this.
Why it's so expensive.
What's in the DNA Force is a conglomerate of things.
Number one, it contains a product called PQQ.
Which is pyroloquinoline quinone and that actually has scientific studies.
Each ingredient... One source of that in the US, all the rest comes from China.
We could have gotten a lot cheaper.
This is the certified super grade.
Every single ingredient actually has clinical studies behind it.
Because they're all patented or trademarked ingredients in there, except for the rhodiola rosea and the astragalus root, which has been shown in studies to increase telomere length.
But the formula was developed with your dad having the original idea to put something together, because we all know that our DNA is being attacked, and if we're 100 trillion cells and all of our cells are damaged and toxic, we need to start at the root cause of the problem, and that's repairing and protecting the DNA.
Uh, it also contains CoQ10, which is a cellular protector.
It contains free radical, uh, antioxidants which, you know, combat free radical damage.
All those things that we were talking about that are shooting into the cell are free radicals.
They take electrons from the cells.
So what we're trying to do is combat
All of the damage from the free radicals by using antioxidants, by using things that stimulate energy production, things that repair and even induce new mitochondria.
And to be clear, most supplements just have a tiny bit of this stuff in them because it is so expensive.
It's patented, it's only owned by the companies that went out and developed it, discovered it.
This is the Rolls-Royce Bentley
level of this, and it's an over-the-top formula.
Explain that to people.
I mean, this isn't hype.
This is normally stuff that doesn't even have as strong or this many things in it.
Our leading competitors were $600.
Well, you know, you can get a million types of CoQ10 out there.
You know, CoQ10 is ubiquinone, but the active form is ubiquinol, and ubiquinol, you know, is what we put in this form, and we actually use the Conica Q10, which is a
Uh, made in the USA.
All of the ingredients are vegetarian friendly.
They're made in the USA.
They're of the highest quality.
And the fact that they've all been studied in their own, uh, right.
We bought the most expensive stuff.
We bought the most expensive stuff and put it together in a synergistic formula.
Because I want that good report you sell.
I'm gonna, we're giving people incredibly low price.
No one else, no one else has something like this.
We made sure that this is the over-the-top, absolute win-win-win for everybody.
I'm excited about it.
You know, I'm going to take it too.
It's like, how many people do you know?
We should really live to 120.
I mean, even in the Bible it talks about people living to 400 to 600 years old.
What happened between that time?
Why are we, you know, now...
People dying in their 30s and their 40s.
Because disease, when the cells become damaged and they can't replicate because they have viral particles attached from the vaccines.
They have DNA and RNA from different animals inside their cells.
They have endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
They have phthalates.
They have all these things that are altering the DNA.
So the DNA in our cells, each time they replicate, who knows what's gonna happen on that next replication.
And that's why, I mean, you can trace every... That's cancer.
To really cellular aging.
I mean, because as the cells age, and if they don't get stronger because you're not exercising, you're not sleeping, which all of these things also have been linked to cellular damage, especially stress.
When you hear a bunch of negative information all the time, you're in a chronic state of stress, that exponentially decreases the telomeres.
And I am in a constant state of stress fighting the globalists.
And so that's why all these products have really helped me through, and I'm still unhealthy, but 40 plus pounds lighter, a lot better than I was a few years ago, just because the basics have now been provided, and I can be exhausted at five o'clock, and have a bunch of stuff I've got to do, and I can take the X2, I can take the super metal vitality, I can now take the DNA force, and boom, I've got energy.
And it's not placebo.
Because I'm a cynic.
I mean, I only want to promote what I know works for me.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, it's $134 a bottle.
It's a limited amount.
Guaranteed, this will sell out in a week.
We have a bet going.
I think maybe in a couple days.
We want to get your reviews.
We want to hear what you have to say.
So we're going to be the first to try Infowarslife.com Infowars DNA Force.
DNA Force.
When you get it, you can research all the ingredients.
We know we have a lot of listeners that go out and get stuff tested, which has all been tested.
We have that all certified.
We challenge you to go test it.
I mean, we have produced and put out something that I feel really proud of.
And so thank you so much for developing this with my dad, who's helped develop some stuff for the Department of Defense.
I'm not supposed to get into that, but I've got a lot of inventors and things in my family.
And he's extremely excited about this because he looked at a lot of other products that are out there in the anti-aging movement that's so popular.
You see in the airport magazines and stuff, you know, all these medical doctors you've got to go to and spend thousands of dollars a month
Uh, you know, getting things like this.
We wanted to bring people super nutraceutical grade, highest quality, highest strength, uh, tested and pure at the lowest price out there.
Well, again, nobody is focusing on where all the attack happens and starting at the cellular level, at the chromosomal level, at the DNA level inside the cell, inside the nucleus of the cell.
The cell membrane, you know, gets penetrated by all these things.
That's the first defense.
I mean, the cell membrane is there kind of like a cell force field.
We're good.
Let's take all of these top individual nutraceutical ingredients that protect the DNA, that protect against free radical damage, that are strong antioxidants, that have been clinically studied to help produce healthier cell function.
Help produce new mitochondria, help present new nerve growth factor.
I had a guy, you know, this is brand new off the press.
I had one of my guys at my facility who had a car accident eight years ago and a part of his back was numb.
He hadn't been, he had zero feeling in his back for eight years.
He took this and in two days
He got feeling back in his back again.
And I guess that's just because cells are electrochemical.
If they don't have these cofactors, they're not able to basically communicate and operate and basically throw off the toxins.
Is that an accurate way of saying it?
The cells are deprived, number one, of water.
The cells are stressed out.
The cells are full of chemicals and toxic compounds.
The cells are not healthy.
So when they replicate, you know, they degrade.
They're not alive and healthy for a long period of time.
So they start degrading faster.
And when they degrade faster, they have to replicate faster.
And each time they replicate, you lose a piece.
And there's more mutations than you get cancer.
That's right.
You get cancer or some other disease.
I mean, you know, you could get a multitude of different diseases and all diseases are, if you look at the cellular level, part of the aging process as you age.
I mean, 40 at 80 years old?
120 years old?
I mean, how good would it be to, when you're 80 years old, feel like you're 40 and look like you're 40?
And it's patented and confirmed.
That some of the things that are in here are on record to grow telomeres, to increase the operation of the mitochondria, regeneration, you name it.
We're going to talk about some of those studies and take your phone calls on a host of issues with Dr. Edward Grube.
I'm Alex Jones.
Get your DNA Force at m4warslive.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Aging starts at the cellular level.
When cells become toxic, they die early, and aging sets in.
In the past decade, we have witnessed unparalleled scientific discoveries.
During that period, key patented compounds have focused on mitochondrial growth, nerve growth, and rejuvenation.
But no one has put together a formula that focuses directly on brain health, nerve growth factors, and optimizing your cellular energy at the same time.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Now, I've got a bunch of callers, Matthew, Linda, Everest, Lionel, and others, that have been patiently holding about the global crisis, the Ebola, the collapsing border, all the wars that are getting started, the dollar being devalued.
Why is this all starting to happen now?
What's behind it?
Well, the globalists are behind exacerbating much of it and manufacturing some of it.
But undoubtedly, they're going after a goal.
What is the goal?
And what do you think the next big crisis is going to be?
When we're done with these four, five, six callers that are on the board...
That's all the Genesis phone system takes is five, six calls.
Our phone system can take up to a hundred at a time.
We open that up on Sundays.
Then we're going to open the phones up for your questions for Dr. Edward Gruper, your comments, and we'll get into some other medical news today as well, talk about Obamacare as well, but specifically talking about the ingredients that are in DNA Force.
That is the platinum standard of these type of products to clean out the body, to energize the cells, to allow your body to protect its telomeres, technically, which extends their life.
I want to specifically get into the ingredients that are in DNA Force, and then I'm going to stop talking about it.
Because, by the way, we've been plugging this for about 20 minutes.
It's going to be sold out by this afternoon at the current rate.
So if you want to try it and support the InfoWar, that's great news.
Our only problem is, is it will take up to 12 weeks to have more of it back in stock and produced.
The ingredients are that coveted, and there's a lot of industrial stuff that goes on at these levels.
Even trying to get a hold of it.
We were messed with last year, trying to get more of the clean iodine to make the survival shield.
Well, that had the research develop into a deep earth mine source from the pure purple crystals that no one else has.
I mean, you literally put it on a hot plate, it turns into gas in front of you.
And so now we developed X2 out of that.
So, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
Or to use a biblical quote, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
But these really are.
We set out to not just find the cheapest crap we could and then put a good pitch behind it and make a bunch of money.
We set out to say, what do we want to take?
What is the best, the most elite, hiding in plain view that the establishment is into that no one else is basically aware of?
And that's what we bring you at Infowarslife.com.
And then it has the win-win-win of
Funding the Infowar, you get a super high quality product at the lowest price anywhere out there.
And again, it's normally $134.95, excuse me.
We're discounting it out of the gates for $129.
And again, we should be selling this for $600 if we don't want the leading competitor to absolutely go completely ape.
And I'm not going to get into the type of stuff that goes on behind the scenes when you do things like this, but there's a reason we sell more ProPures water filters than anybody else, because we sell for the lowest price.
People try to stop us from doing that, but we already have a contract and an agreement.
People try to stop me doing a lot of stuff.
I am a capitalist, people, and I believe in highest quality products at lowest prices.
If I had a restaurant, I would want the very best meat, the very best vegetables, the very best fruit, the very best fish.
And the very best service.
And I would want it to be a good value and affordable.
That's how you take over.
And supplant the death culture of the Prozac and the Ritalin and the GMOs and the Aspartame and the Hydrofluorosilic Acid.
I've known all this stuff.
And for the last 20 years was convinced they might kill me any minute.
So I would eat huge chicken fried steaks and drink all the beer I wanted to and work till 2 in the morning almost every night and just not care.
Until Tommy Pallotta, the movie producer, about five years ago, we were riding mountain bikes, and he said, Alex, you've just ruined yourself.
And he said, you ought to quit all the stuff you're doing.
And, you know, they've convinced you they're going to kill you, so you're killing yourself.
You ought to pull up for the long haul.
And I listened to him, and he was right.
And it's been a long haul of 15 years sitting on my fat butt, 5 years trying to get back.
But the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
And I've already come 500 miles, folks.
So I'm not here judging you.
I'm not on some high horse, okay?
That's why we're talking about all this, because shopping with the good guys, supporting the Liberty Movement, funding us.
We don't have George Soros money like Huffington Post or Media Matters or MSNBC.
We don't have taxpayer money like they do, like NPR.
We are funded by you, and we love you and appreciate you.
That's why we bring you things that we are super proud of.
And I said I'd stop plugging because I want to go to calls and get into other medical news, but we have to with Obamacare.
Coming online and the eugenics and the death list for the veterans.
We have to take care of ourselves.
I don't want to go to these hospitals with superbugs.
I don't want to be around this.
I want my kids to be healthy.
So I've got to religiously get them to take their vitamin E, to take their fish oil.
I've got to religiously give them their high quality whey and fruit and juicing.
I've got to go all the way.
Or, I'm a bad parent.
I've got to protect my children.
I've got to take it to the next level and stop being lazy myself.
I've already made a lot of changes, Dr. Groot, but I'm ashamed of the fact that I haven't gone all the way like you and others have.
So, specifically, mention what else is so interesting about DNA Force.
Then I want to segue into the super-viruses, super-bacteria, the super-bugs killing people, the Ebola.
What is going on?
But first, what else is in DNA Force?
Well, it's a good topic that we can talk about.
I mean, you know, and it all goes back to, even with all these superbugs, keeping your immune system strong, keeping your self-healing mechanism there, which we all have a self-healing mechanism, but by design, that with all this attack, it's designed to attack our self-healing mechanism.
This is starting from the cell up.
It's got the
It's got the Bio-PQQ in there.
It's got trans-resveratrol in there.
Resveratrol is the studied nutrient from red wine that's gained popularity as a strong antioxidant and a cellular protector.
It's got the terastilabine in there.
Now, terastilabine is a polyphenol compound that comes from blueberries.
Everybody knows the antioxidant capacity of blueberries.
Now, one dose of this would be the equivalent of you eating 500 cases of blueberries.
That's how much power that we packed into each daily serving of terastilbine.
This is over the top.
That's over the top.
I mean, you know how good blueberries are as an antioxidant, all the proanthocyanidins in there, all of the antioxidant compounds.
Terastilbine is one that was taken out that was researched as one of the most
We're good to go.
All the CoQ10 out there.
Most of it is in China.
Most of it's poorly absorbed inside your body.
CoQ10 is an energy producer.
It's a cellular protector.
You know, we have the best form of CoQ10 in there.
I mean, you can get CoQ10.
Hey, what's the one that's so supercharged that they find in comets?
That is the Bio-PQQ.
That is the Bio-PQQ, and the way it's pronounced is Pyroloquinoline Quinone.
And that... There's Chicago Tribune.
Comet dust seen as key to life.
And we have the comet form.
The true, pure... What is this stuff?
That's the $14,000 a kilo, or $12,000 a kilogram stuff.
Well, I guess now it's gonna be $14,000.
But it's in comments!
The only place they're finding it, and unless they extract it here on Earth out of other compounds, is in comets.
Well, it's more potent than vitamin C as an antioxidant, and the good thing about it is it actually helps stimulate new mitochondrial growth and nerve growth factor.
So anybody with cognitive conditions, you know, another good thing about this formula is that... By the way, you know my Achilles was torn halfway through, and I don't want to have surgery.
I'm so concerned about flesh-eating bacteria and the rest of it.
And I'm not just saying this, since I've been on this a month, it's literally, the numbness has gone away on my heel and it looks like it's regenerating.
Well, that's some of the technology of the BioPQQ.
BioPQQ is just a trademark name.
That's the company that actually developed it, isolates it.
You can get PQQ from other places, but why get that?
You don't know if it's contaminated, it might be coming from China, it might be coming from Japan.
We have the best source with the clinical research.
You can look up online, BioPQQ, and you can read from the website about all the things that it does.
But what I'm excited about is it has regenerative effects.
So this formula not only is a DNA cellular protector, it puts a force field around your DNA.
Because the globalists want to attack you.
They want to get in and alter your DNA.
They want to change your DNA.
They want to imprint new things in there.
They want to destroy your cells.
This puts a force field around your DNA and actually helps protect yourself.
Now, obviously, you need to change your diet, you need to drink more water, you need to avoid all these chemicals.
You don't want to take this and then still be drinking tap water all day long, still eat GMO foods all day.
You know, a big part of anti-aging... It's like a cop wearing a bulletproof vest.
You wear a bulletproof vest, but you still don't want to shoot yourself in the chest with a .45.
You want to reduce the amount of rounds coming at each individual cell every day.
Like I was talking about shooting a water-filled balloon with a .50 caliber machine gun.
I mean, you know, if the machine gun keeps shooting, no matter what you're doing on the inside, you're constantly combating it.
You know, there's only so many, you know, antioxidants and everything you can do to neutralize all those free radicals that are being shot in there.
You definitely need to, with all the stuff that we talk about here, and make people aware and educate people on all the toxins and chemicals in water, all the toxins and chemicals in food, all the, you know, the stress levels.
As a matter of fact, stress causes cellular damage faster than anything else, which is what we talked about.
But not only do we have all those ingredients in the formula, but we have
Tibetan Rhodiola.
Rhodiola rosea, which is an adaptogenic herb which is used for ages to increase your energy levels, to reduce stress levels, to help as an antioxidant.
There's so many uses for that.
As a matter of fact, most herbalists will tell you
That of all the herbs that they've studied, they'll say Rhodiola rosea is one of the most powerful herbs as an antidepressant and as many other things.
And, you know, people that take antidepressants, actually a lot of them are able to get off of that.
So not only is this a DNA protective
It's a formula, but there's so many other things as well.
For example, we have the alpha lipoic acid in there, but it's not standard alpha lipoic acid.
It's our alpha lipoic acid.
It's the usable form of lipoic acid, which turns on glutathione, which works with CoQ10, which we have the special form of CoQ10 in there, and we have the astragalus root in there as well.
And the astragalus root in there has been known to help protect
To be clear, the only filler, technically, is the capsule.
Most of the things out there that are even expensive have a bunch of filler because this stuff is so expensive.
This is just Rolls-Royce level, huge investment for us to put out the best.
I knew it would be successful.
At current rates, it will be sold out in 30 minutes.
Yeah, there's only... They just told me.
30 minutes, it'll be sold out.
There's only, uh, we only have one type of cell in our body that stays young, that actually produces the telomerase enzyme to keep the telomeres growing, and that's our reproductive cells, like the cells that produce our sperm and the eggs for women.
That's why when we have a baby, the baby is young.
So what we need to do is utilize the things that can protect our DNA from all the damage so we can reduce our life span.
What about pregnant women?
All the mainline studies that lack of iodine causes a whole bunch of different deformities and problems in children in utero.
Do people need to check with their medical doctor before taking DNA force when they're pregnant?
I would always, because you don't know each individual woman is different, you don't know what they're exposed to on a regular basis, but I would always have any pregnant or nursing woman check with their healthcare practitioner just to make sure there's not any contraindications if they're on any
Sure, and for those that don't know, all these products are, I guess what they call FDA GRASS, meaning certified, seen as safe, and you know, that's all we promote.
But at the same time, you never know what individually is going to happen when you take something.
It's kind of like you said, survival shield, most people have a detox within two weeks to a month.
I had it.
And you know what, I was taking low dosages.
Now I can take a lot more.
So I mean, this is real stuff.
Do we know in the literature of any issues folks might have?
We do not know of any... Here's an example.
I've been taking high-powered vitamin C, you know, in super tablets when I was sick, and it may help make me get better with a little silver, but it makes you get a little stomach a little upset.
Everybody knows that.
The rose helps all that.
This doesn't make my stomach get upset.
Well, with any new formula, you know, I mean, what I wanted to do was take the best of the best.
So you have to look at each individual ingredient and look at all the clinical trials that have been done on it, look at all the research that's been done on it, and then kind of put things that work together in unison or will actually enhance the productivity of the other ones.
Now, I won't actually send this in for testing, this product, to see if it actually does,
We're good to go.
And then they were running around in circles after being on this.
We ought to find that PBS documentary.
Have you seen that?
No, I haven't, but another ingredient that we didn't even mention in there is... By the way, I'm not joking.
The mice were incontinent.
Well, that doesn't surprise me.
I mean, you know, that doesn't surprise me at all.
I mean, every ingredient in here is safe.
I mean, it's got a lot of clinical research behind it.
That's the good thing about it.
We're taking all the known certified supercharged stuff at high dosage levels and combining it together.
Yeah, and nobody, that's why you don't even see anything like this out there.
I mean, you might find a supplement on the market out there that has the BioPQQ in there.
You might find one that has the Conneca Q10.
You might have one that has the ResVita, which is the trans-resveratrol, the highest concentration of resveratrol out there, which is the trans form, which is the usable form.
It's not the straight resveratrol.
There's no way you're going to find, as a nutritional formulator, as a product formula, nobody in their right mind would do something like this because there's not enough profit in it.
And when you talk to any nutraceutical manufacturer out there, they want to produce a product for a dollar and sell it for $50.
People laugh at me when I talk to them about developing products like this, but I'm like you.
I want people to have the best product.
That's why you and my dad have hit it off so well.
Right, because I'm not going to put my time on it.
I'm going to take every single thing that I develop, even though I live a healthy lifestyle.
I want to be able to take it.
I want to feel the benefits.
I'm over 40.
I'm 46.
Yes, when you're over 40... You're an Army vet.
Most Army vets I know are wrecked.
You're in great shape.
Right, and I was exposed to a bunch of things in the military.
I was lined up in lines, given shots, and I couldn't do anything about it.
I don't know what they injected inside of me.
I mean, my goal now is to
I mean, there's other things, too, that people can do.
For example... Oxygenation.
They've proven that meditation is one of the best ways to increase your telomeres.
You know, we're talking about supplementation, but some of the simple things you can do in life.
Exercise, meditation, sleep, believe it or not.
You know, a lot of people are not sleeping good at night.
Well, see, it's a balance.
I worry so much about the New World Order that it has aged me.
Because, but I'm a warrior.
This is, I'm designed to struggle for humanity and, you know, ultimately die if I need to in that fight.
But what is the balance of fighting and without stressing yourself completely out?
Well, they, they want you to be stressed out.
I mean, what you have to do is you have to, you have to do the best you can and take stuff like this to reduce your stress levels.
So you... Yeah.
We're going to come back with calls.
I didn't mean to go off on a jack.
We're just so excited about this.
But it ties into all these news issues as well.
It's simply a fascinating world.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Stay with us.
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And again, occasionally I spend five, ten minutes infomercialing.
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Support their local sponsors.
I didn't mean to go off in a jag.
It's just that we are so excited about this product and about funding our operations.
And unfortunately, Dr. Group, I mean, we're not just saying that as a sales tactic.
We're 10 to 12 weeks out until I can get more of this DNA Force?
We're about 12 weeks out, yeah.
And then if we don't have the money to produce what the public wants, we'll have to phase it up and take the profit from this and then buy even more and then scale up to even supply people with what they need.
And then that will help fund our operations.
Very exciting.
I mean, yeah, we didn't even talk about all the radiation damage to the cells either.
I mean, so, you know, you have Ebola, you just have... We'll get into Ebola and your take on that and flesh-eating bacteria and all the things that have me worried.
I mean, it's killing my family.
I mean, you've been around here when I can't be here because people are dying in my family.
I mean, I mean, this is a real deal.
I'm concerned.
I'm sick of it.
I don't want my kids going to puberty when they're seven years old.
I mean, this is real, folks.
But let's go to your phone calls, Matthew, Linda, Everest, Lionel, and others, about what you think the next big crisis is.
Then we'll open the phones for medical questions, Ebola comments, in the next hour with Dr. Edward Grubb.
And then he's going to be on the nightly news tonight as well.
Matthew in Alabama, thanks for holding.
You're a trooper.
Hey Alex, I just had a few statements I wanted to make and a recommendation for you.
Yes sir.
On the topic of Obama, well, when I look at the Middle East, when I look at Ukraine, Gaza, you know, the border crisis, all this stuff, I mean the idea of impeachment should be just, I mean, accepted.
All this stuff happening, how is it not going on right now?
And the Republican leadership goes, oh, these are the ones that are anti-Tea Party and anti-gun and pro-Obamacare.
Oh, and pro-amnesty.
Oh, no, no, we'll get the Democrats by not impeaching Obama.
That'll show them, because he's unpopular.
There'll be no country left by then.
Because they don't want the precedent set, like with Nixon, of them going to jail as well.
Boehner needs to go to jail, not just be impeached, for protecting them on Benghazi and Fast and Furious and the open border.
It is a dereliction of duty, it is treason.
Dr. Group, your take on that.
I agree.
I mean, you have all the evidence there for impeachment.
I mean, my gosh, look at, you know, the whole time since he was elected into office.
I mean, there hasn't been really any good things that have happened.
It's all open and shut.
He's not faithfully executed his duties.
I mean, he should have been appeased a long time ago, actually.
I mean, this is insane.
They're busing the illegals in secretly.
We caught him.
That's a scandal.
Good points.
Caller, anything else around here?
Uh, yes.
I would like to recommend a book for you.
It's also a video on YouTube.
I've been listening to your show forever now, but this video really opened my eyes up to things.
It's a video by Mr. Jim Mars.
Oh yeah, Jim's a great guy.
What's it called?
It's called The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy.
Oh, that's his book.
That's an excellent book.
We sell it.
Yeah, but he has a video about it?
Video on YouTube, yes.
I recommend everybody watch it.
Is that a speech he gave in Austin?
I think I've seen part of that video.
It was in the Nexus Conference in Australia in 2010.
He talks about pretty much all the people you talk about.
He's amazing.
Let's get him on next week about the trillion dollar conspiracy.
He's up in Fort Worth.
We've got to get him to drive down here with his lovely wife.
More calls coming up, back in 70 seconds.
$3 straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Edward Grubbs in studio.
We're taking your phone calls.
Linda, from FEMA Region 3.
Wants to talk about what she thinks the next crisis is going to be.
Linda, what former state are you in?
I'm in FEMA Region 3, Pennsylvania, Alex.
Alright, former Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, give us your breakdown.
Okay, before I go on to comment about what I think the globalists are up to, and I'm really afraid about that, I want your help on that.
I wanted to express myself for my former fiancé, who's now deceased.
If you remember President Reagan's Star Wars
Yes sir, my name is Lionel from Texas.
I was just calling about the border collapse.
And I was thinking, like, in reference to the Hurricane Katrina thing, when the people from New Orleans came over to Houston, the crime rate went up, more people were getting killed, it was just a lot of things happening.
So I'm seeing as the border collapse, they're bringing all these women and children, the minors or whatever you want to call them.
I think the same thing is going to happen with them.
After it's all said and done and everything settles, once the water's gone out, the food resources are gone, it's going to be a civil war.
Between us.
I don't know if the government is going to arm you with certain kind of violent things than that, so... Well, you're right.
I mean, there's already major social tension across the United States.
You add millions and millions of more people to the mix of that, including a lot of criminals fleeing Latin America, it's designed to create a crisis.
That's why FEMA ordered a stand down in Katrina, was to create a crisis and get more power.
Because our government doesn't get in trouble
When they screw up, they get more power.
And so that's why they tend to create crises, Dr. Group.
I agree with that.
I mean, the main thing that I'm looking at is protecting everybody from possible disease breakouts.
You mentioned smallpox, anthrax, all these things.
Now we're looking at Ebola.
Some of the things that I'm recommending people do are doing some cleansing right now, reactivating their body's self-healing mechanism.
A couple things that are working real good that people can take is silver.
Oregano oil, which is a very powerful anti-microbial agent, stocking up on the good probiotics in their bowel, drinking more water, doing more exercise, getting more sleep, all the things that you need to do.
I would recommend everybody start preparing right now their bodies so their body can fight any type of biological warfare, any type of virus that they might be exposed to.
Because if your body's strong, your body has the ability to fight off anything.
Caller, you make a great point.
So you think the next big level of the crisis is the continuing collapse of the border?
Yes, sir.
I believe that maybe the people, it's like the Mount Weather thing, the people inside the mountain that's going to come out on a certain day in 2017, I believe.
I believe these people could be carrying agents and go ahead and blend in with us and just kind of kill off our population.
Like with Panama, when they bring in their low-level workers, they bring them in.
The same difference with this.
They're bringing in low-level workers to kind of bring down our big slave country.
I agree.
I mean, the globalists have stated under Agenda 21 and Cloward and Piven, they want to collapse the country.
And it's radical, it's crazy.
From a normal person's perspective, you don't believe it because you wouldn't do that.
They want organized collapse so they can control the collapse.
That's how you bring down America.
Nobody could show up here with tanks and guns and beat us because of the resistance.
I mean, our own Pentagon couldn't control all of Iraq or Baghdad.
But if you collapse it and you demoralize the people, you can come in as the savior, and they will welcome the occupiers as saviors.
We are seeing the attempted takedown of America, and it's bigger than Obama.
People say, well, then why do you blame Obama?
Because the public sees him as the face of it.
So when I say Obama, I mean the New World Order.
Follow the strings up to who's above that.
But not just talk about David Rockefeller and George Soros all day.
The average person tuning in on AM and FM is like, what?
So I've got to bring up Obama.
We're going to come back with more calls, a few more calls on the next big event, then a bunch of questions for Dr. Group.
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Alright, you wanna go?
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
We're taking your phone calls.
What do you think the next big crisis is?
Or is it the continuation of the collapse of the border into the next level?
Is it Ebola outbreak in the Europe of the United States?
They already have Ebola cases in Germany, which I find to be highly reckless for them to be bringing Ebola cases in for treatment.
They had Ebola doctor in Sierra Leone who valiantly tried to save hundreds of people.
He's died of it.
They're saying this is, by orders of magnitude, the biggest Ebola outbreak ever, and it appears to be getting more aggressive.
It's a whole other show, but Ebola was weaponized in African laboratories by the Department of Defense and major Rockefeller-connected foundations.
I've had the experts on.
Anybody can just type in Rockefeller's Ebola produced in labs, and you'll see real reports.
Just like HIV being weaponized.
In the 80s, my dad told me it was weaponized to target Africans.
And the statistics are there.
They guard them closely.
But you can find it in peer-reviewed studies that the HIV virus just devastates blacks.
You've got some African countries where half the population has HIV.
I'm not kidding.
Half the population has it.
Other countries where it's 20-30%.
And even the BBC, four or five years ago, had to admit that the hymens of the women were tested and studied.
They have not had sexual intercourse, but they had HIV.
And they said, well, even though these women are virgins... I'm sorry to use terms like that, folks.
This is medical information.
This is a serious show.
Unless we're screwing around, then it's obvious.
That, oh, they must have been using the same needle to inoculate everyone.
It's very hard to get HIV that way.
They're being given it.
And they do it under the cover of AIDS relief.
I mean, it's so evil.
They've been caught sterilizing African women, adding a hormone to a tetanus shot that causes an autoimmune response against that hormone that's produced in second trimester.
That's mainstream news.
So my point is, they have a history of doing this.
They could be doing it again.
Before we go to Everest in Australia, and Dean in Virginia, and Alex, and Chris,
Manny, a lot of questions for you.
Briefly, what is your take on why the flesh-eating bacteria are increasing, the drug-resistant TB, the drug-resistant staph, the drug-resistant strep?
I know you're out in Houston, and we talked about this.
You talked to folks down there.
It was in the Houston News, actually.
Mystery illness killing people.
But it never became national news.
All over the country, though, hospitals full of dead.
I mean, my dad was sick for two months with walking pneumonia.
They said he had drug-resistant common staph in his lungs.
Killed my uncle.
Killed my first cousin, his son, who he took care of.
The great-uncle died a few months before.
He lived in the same area of a chest infection.
So we want to keep going here.
What's going on, Dr. Group?
Well, you know, you talk about the big event, but there's really like a multitude of little events going on.
I mean, you have Fukushima over here and now they're finding that the radiation particles actually in chemtrails, you know.
So, you know, is Fukushima just a scapegoat that they're going to blame, you know, for radiation so they can spread radiation everywhere?
You know, now you have all these Ebola and all these viruses and this biological warfare coming everywhere.
You know, what is the real story behind the Ebola over there?
I mean, how, you know, is that going to be in chemtrails now, too?
I mean, how is that going to spread around?
Basically, what we have is we have multitude of factors of lowering the immune system.
So the big event is really
A thousand little events with the fluoride in the water and the pesticide and the sterility and the prescription medications and all this other stuff that's designed to bring your immune system down, to bring your body's forces down, so it's a lot easier for these biological weapons and all these viruses and bacteria and everything to take a hold and then bring you down and possibly kill you.
You know?
How are they keeping it quiet?
That the hospitals are just an epidemic level of drug-resistant bugs.
Because I've been told this by the doctors in the hospitals, but it's not coming out in the news.
My phones are ringing off the hook, too, and this is the standard way that, unfortunately, 99% of the population out there watches CNN, MSNBC, and, you know, when you're looking and you're getting your information from the mainstream media, you're not going to get the truth.
I mean, that's just the way it is.
If they really told the truth,
Then everybody would probably be freaking out right now because, you know, the doctors want the information out.
The hospitals, I mean, they don't know what to do.
They're being overrun.
People are calling my office.
People are looking online for solutions for protection.
You know, all we can say is, you know, make sure that you stock up on
You know, plenty of iodine, silver, you know, chaparral works good as an antiviral.
There's a product out there called MMS that I recommend and always keep a stock of.
Lomaceum, disectum, black carrot root.
I mean, those are really my, you know, recommendations for, you know, biological warfare or anything like that.
But the thing is, everybody needs to be prepared.
It's all about preparedness, you know.
This is where you're going to get the real information.
You know, take the real information and prepare you and your family, protect your DNA, protect your body, have the stuff stocked up, have a bug out plan so you can get out of a main city because when you're talking about Ebola or you're talking about smallpox outbreaks or anthrax or whatever or any type of airborne things, most of the time it's going to be, they're going to attack a large city.
You know, they're not going to be spraying in the middle of Timbuktu somewhere.
They want everybody, they want it to spread and spread fast into a large city.
And so, probably what you're going to see is you're going to see a pharmaceutical company, just like Tamiflu, when Anthrax came out, you're going to see a pharmaceutical company launch some new pharmaceutical and make billions of dollars on it.
Well sure, it was like the H1N1 was a total hoax and it was regular flu killing people, that all came out later, but right on time they had a hype campaign.
So, when it's not a real crisis, they'll have hype behind it.
But when there's really drug-resistant stuff eating people's lungs, you won't hear about it.
Yeah, you won't hear about it.
Unfortunately, you know, that's just the way it goes.
I mean, you'll hear about it here, and you'll hear about it on the alternative media, and you'll find solutions online, but you won't hear about it.
Ninety percent of the people walking around out there won't hear about it.
Well, back when this was happening, late last year and early this year, my uncle died in early January.
His son, a few weeks before that, in December, was just a hellish winter.
And we thought something was going on when the great uncle across the street died of a chest issue.
And then, I basically just wiped my family out there in East Texas.
And then again, I was there in Tyler as my uncle fought for his life for three weeks.
And the doctors were in there with masks.
They had like these robots, you know, fumigating the rooms.
They literally call them robots.
Guys, Google robots disinfect hospitals in England and the US.
People, sounds crazy.
It's Buck Rogers.
And they were like, no, we've never seen anything like it.
It is a pandemic.
And realizing that all the doctors would need to do was inject somebody with like 50 cc's of ozone directly into their blood and it would kill all the viruses and the person would be alive and they could just walk out.
I mean, you could literally in five minutes, you know, have a whole line of people coming in and out.
But the problem with that is there's no money in it.
And if there's no money in it, you know, this way they can give you... But that's what the elites do.
They do those ozone injections.
No, of course that's what the elites do.
They have their own hyperbaric chamber.
They have their own, you know, stock of supplements.
You know, they have all that, even underground and all the underground, you know, facilities that have been built in Denver and everywhere else.
They're all stocked up with these natural extracts and stuff like that.
I mean, they know.
I know people that fly around.
That's all they do.
Doctors that make $5,000 a day.
They get flown in private jets to wherever these individuals are, and they inject them with ozone, and they do other type of, you know... National talk show host.
National talk show host.
Not me.
You offered to bring them here to shoot my leg up, but I haven't got around to that yet.
They were going to be here today, but I said we're too busy.
Exactly, yeah.
I mean, so, yeah, they know what the answers are.
Of course they know what the answers are.
I mean, like you said, the senators, congressmen, all that, a lot of them, those guys don't even know what's going on.
It's only the elite of the elite that are actually running things that know what's going on and know what's really in the chemtrails and know exactly what the whole plan
This whole main event plan is, and all the little tiny pieces to it, because there's just... Well, remember what the CNBC reported 10 years ago, 14 years ago?
It was first reported by CBC in Canada, and it was in the news again last year.
The Monsanto genetic engineering facilities, no GMO, no Monsanto food allowed.
The scientists will not eat it.
Now, what does that tell you?
That tells you to stay away from GMO foods and GMO everything.
Again, what is the main plan?
Exactly what we were talking about.
To destroy the human genome or alter it to where it can be controlled or that human is going to be dependent upon a doctor.
You're right.
Let's go to phone calls.
We gotta go to phone calls.
Everest in Australia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, by the way, it's Erebus.
That's four times.
Okay, sorry.
Erebus, Erebus.
Isn't that some god or something?
Who is Erebus?
Erebus is a few things.
It's a mountain in Antarctica, but a man you still want to smash into.
And it's also the Greek primordial god of chaos and whatnot.
That's what I thought.
Okay, go ahead.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, now, when we're talking about the devaluation or devaluing of your dollar, now, in 2013, Australia had, what, the U.S.
as its second highest import market.
It doesn't really make much difference how it is this year.
It's going to stay relatively the same.
When your dollar devalues, it directly affects my country.
So think about the other countries in the world that depend on the United States for their import-export.
How is that going to affect the globe on, you know, that kind of a scale?
And at the same time, for the doctor specifically, it'd be good, I think, to mention Sertuon when it comes to deans and such.
Interesting, but you're saying you think the dollar decline is the next big crisis.
Well, the dollar decline can quite easily destroy, well, the globe financially.
Think about the global financial crisis before.
Exactly, and when they pull the next bigger crisis, they're going to want a war, or Ebola, or some other crisis to point at, to distract from, maybe even blame it.
Thank you so much for calling from Australia.
Appreciate your fine points.
Thank you for holding.
Dean, Alex, Chris, Manny, we're going to go to your calls quick in the final segment with Dr. Group, and I've got a bunch of other news, world news, breaking economic news, I haven't gotten to yet.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is the main news site, backup, prisonplanet.com.
Follow us on Twitter, Real Alex Jones.
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Alright folks, let's move quicker through your calls with Dr. Group.
I'm Alex Jones, Dean in Virginia.
You have a question for Dr. Group.
Go ahead, thanks for calling.
I'm a professional athlete and a personal trainer for over 30 years.
Knowing that failing a plan is planning to fail with reference to bug outs and things like that.
With reference to the supplement, the new one.
Our son is 14 years old.
He's 190 pounds and a super athlete, and as a trainer, I feed him well.
But I know the way foods are grown, the way they're transported, the way they're stored, the way they're processed.
You have to supplement what you're not getting in to your machine, your Corvette body, through your mouth, your gas tank.
With the supplement that you have, is there a saturation point?
And, my son being, our son being 14 years old, is he able to take it at his age?
That's a good question, Dr. Group.
Well, at 14, if you're already saying that he's pretty healthy and he eats organic foods and you're not exposing him to any endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are going to mess with his hormones, like BPA, plastics, he doesn't eat any microwave food, etc., he's not exposed to that and he's in fairly good health and he's developing good, then probably, you know, it would benefit maybe one capsule a day
But really, he's not at that point where he started losing so many telomeres yet, where he's going downhill, especially since you know all this information anyway.
So, usually the DNA force for a product like this would be more or less used for somebody 30+, you know, maybe 25+, where
He's 14 and 190 pounds.
That's awesome.
Now I'm having my hips replaced, my shoulders replaced, and my knees replaced, thanks to Pregnizone.
It's an anti-inflammatory steroid.
Now, what can I do to cleanse my system, in your view, of the damage?
I was going to say, I know so many people that these medical doctors put them on steroids for like skin stuff, no big whatever, and then their hips go out of your leg and they admit, oh, the Pregnizone or whatever they gave them literally ate your cartilage.
I mean, I am so scared of corticotypic steroids, and they're just handing them out everywhere.
Yeah, I mean, they immediately reduce your immune system by 50% instantaneously.
The good news is, look, there's one solution for every single disease out there, and it's cleansing the body.
And that means, you know, reactivating, addressing the root cause, and reactivating the body's self-healing mechanism.
You know, I studied and had like 800 different supplements I would use for everything, but now it's all about addressing the root cause and cleaning the body.
I would do an intestinal cleanse using oxygen, multiple liver and gallbladder cleanses, chemical and heavy metal cleanses.
What's a good chondroitin product?
I know Longevity has some of them for his health, but what's a great chondroitin to help rebuild cartilage?
Well, personally, I don't recommend a conjointin supplement because I reactivate the chondrocytes to produce it again.
So I take it a step further and say, let's not, you know, put this in here.
Let's stimulate your own cells to produce the synovial fluid.
Is that what this does?
That's what that does.
That's what all the supplements that we do focus on.
It focuses on the root cause to let your body naturally heal itself.
And that's why we have such good success with everything, because we're not taking an animal pig-based conjointin or glucosamine from slaughterhouse pigs and putting it in your body.
That's part of the problem with all these different types of strains of DNA and animal-based products and all this other stuff that's coming into your system.
It's a very simple process.
The body will heal itself.
The best healing medicine in the world is your body's own self-healing mechanism.
You need to activate it.
And in order to activate it, you clean your body to the point where it's so clean, uh, you don't, you eliminate all the environment.
And that all starts with purified water.
And it all starts with purified, good water.
And I guess breathing more.
Breathing, sleeping, I mean cleaning up your environment.
Clean water, breathing, sleeping, non-GMO, and then make sure you have the fundamental nutrients, things you've been missing.
You know, I know you've got an interview for the Nightly News.
They're over there patiently waiting.
We're going to get them in the chair over there.
But I want to, you'll have to leave in the middle of the segment, but I want to come back and have you finish with Chris, Alex, Manny, and Dr. Mike, because they've been holding so patiently.
We're going to get to all of you, and then you can run over.
Literally, you have to get back to Houston soon and do the interview for the Nightly News.
When the show ends, I'm doing another interview with you.
But we'll be done by like 3 o'clock today.
Dr. Group is our guest.
He helped develop many of the products you find there.
And all of you, you've heard the rave reviews from listeners.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, we're taking your calls on screen for Dr. Edward Group, Chris in Canada, then we're going to go to Manny and Alex and Dr. Mike and Chris and that'll be it.
I'll try to shut up and let these questions get out there and let Group answer quickly.
Chris in Canada, thanks for calling, you're on the air.
Hey gentlemen, how are you doing today?
We're good my friend, thanks for calling.
Okay, Doc Group, got a question for you.
It's two actually, and it's a suggestion as well.
A number of years ago, playing hockey, I had my teeth knocked out by an errant puck.
And as such, I'm wearing a full plate, and I've recently discovered that my paste that I use to hold my teeth has zinc.
What's the problem with zinc?
Zinc's good, isn't it?
Yeah, you know, zinc is an essential mineral for your immune system.
Now, I always recommend zinc orotate because the minerals are going to, the only mineral that's going to go actually into the mitochondria of the cell is in the orotate form.
And Dr. Nieper wrote a book called The Curious Man, and he's probably the world's leading expert on mineral transporters.
Using different types of minerals like calcium amino ethyl phosphate forms or the aspartate, arginate or orotate forms of minerals.
So I would look at the other chemicals and stabilizers and everything in that too and make sure I mean I don't actually I'm not aware of any type of natural
Organic denture, you know, glue or anything like that.
Although I do know that I read some research not too long ago that they're actually culturing your own stem cells now and are able to grow your own teeth back into your mouth.
I saw that!
So that's going to be some pretty interesting stuff here if they can do that.
That's great.
The problem is all the weird side effects of it.
I mean, who knows what they'll piggyback into all that.
I mean, they put Trojan horses and all the other technology.
Who knows?
Thank you so much, Chris.
Manny in California, you're up next.
How you doing guys?
My name is Manny, Dr. Group, Alex.
Thank you very much for doing what you guys do.
I'm out here in Los Angeles.
I host a radio show myself called Tyranny Hunters Radio.
I practically mirror everything you do, Alex.
I admire you very much.
That's awesome, brother.
I'll have to try to tune into it.
Oh yeah, thank you, man.
And you know what?
You guys are just wonderful.
And my question is about Coca-Cola.
Now, back in 2010, there was a coroner's report from New Zealand, and it was about a lady who died because she consumed more than 2.6 gallons of it a day.
And I'm talking about Coca-Cola.
She died from, according to the coroner's report, cardiac arrhythmia.
Now, we know that Coca-Cola contains high-fructose corn syrup, which is practically mercury, which poisons you.
It still has cocaine in it of some sort.
There's a company called Step here in America, I think it's up in New Jersey somewhere, which actually holds the only permit to import the cocaine, coca leaves.
No, no, that's true.
It's decaffeinated coca.
The mystery ingredient is cocaine.
Hidden in plain view, coke.
I mean, that's a fact.
And of course, the first soft drink was in the 1840s in Waco, Texas.
1860s, it got deployed.
Dr. Pepper, in one of its ingredients, there at the apothecary, was cocaine.
But it got taken out of it all in the 30s.
But yeah, no, Coca-Cola was cocaine, and now it's decaffeinated.
I actually like the taste of Coca-Cola.
The problem is, Dr. Group, you read the studies, all the toxins that are in it, dioxins, and it's the process of making it.
What's your specific question on Coca-Cola, sir?
Is there an alternative to the fizzy drinks?
Something that may not contain as much chemicals like the caramel color, the high fructose corn syrup, the yellow dyes, the red dyes, all these kinds of sorts of eugenic weaponization chemicals that they use to try to poison us.
Yes, there is a solution and it's the only thing that the body wants and needs after it's done breastfeeding and it's water.
I know that's hard for a lot of people because everybody's addicted on diet drinks and everything else with all the aluminum toxicity in there, the BPA that lines all the aluminum.
Which they now admit that the diet drinks make you fatter in major studies?
Right, because of the BPA, I mean.
I remember Dr. Blaylock, 15 years ago, medical doctor on the show saying that.
Right, exactly.
So it's going back to what we originally need and what the body wants and needs.
I mean, you know, all those drinks are going to cause dehydration anyway.
It's going to suck the cell out, it's going to suck the water out of the cells in your system.
So go back to, here's what I do, and this is what I recommend, is drink distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar.
In there.
The organic apple cider vinegar is going to enhance, it's going to bring life to the distilled water.
You can get a water distiller and create, you know, 5, 10, 15 gallons a day and just have one of those, you know, gallon dispensers and keep all the... And does a distilled act as a chelator and sucks stuff out of you?
Well it does, you know, and I, you know, years ago I would say don't drink distilled water, but we're living in a, in a, in an environment.
Yeah, my dad always said watch out with distilled water.
Right now, where even, you know, all the toxins that you're exposed to just in air, and look, like Prop 65 in California where 0.5 micrograms of lead, you know, is, is, you know,
Completely toxic, but you breathe 55 micrograms of lead just being in the air out there?
Well, from what I've read now, they say drink distilled sometimes because it helps a mix, right?
But when you add the organic apple cider vinegar, which has more uses health-wise than practically anything else for the price that you pay for it, it alkalizes the body, it has natural probiotics, enzymes, minerals, nutrients.
I mean, it's amazing.
When you add that into distilled water, it brings it back to life.
And it mineralizes everything, it's a natural product, and just a cap full of that in your distilled water will last you, you know, months and months and months and months.
So that's what I recommend.
It might take a while for you to get used to the taste of it, but start putting in your body what your body needs and wants.
All right, thank you, caller.
We gotta move quick here.
Let's go to Dr. Mike, then we'll go to Alex.
Dr. Mike, and I think this guy's called before, he's been calling I think about a decade by the name Dr. Mike.
We'll see if it's the same Dr. Mike I know.
What's your take on all this?
Yeah, well over a decade, Alex.
Listen, I really get tired of the cheap shots against the medical profession.
Now, I know you're a medical doctor.
You've sent us a lot of good stories over the years.
But, I mean, go ahead.
Yeah, in reference to your cousin, I think it was, Dr. Drew mentioned that all he needed was an injection of 50 cc's of ozone.
You're going to have to flesh that one out for me.
How do you prevent an ozone embolus from cutting off the blood supply to his brain and killing the guy?
Maybe you kill the virus.
You're going to kill a patient as well.
Yeah, explain, because I know a lot of the elite do this, including a certain talk show host nearby.
I mean, and that's why I didn't want to do it.
I'm kind of scared of it.
I'm scared of anything medical.
Explain to me how the ozone shots work.
Well, it's not.
Ozone is a reactive oxygen species.
It's O3, so it actually binds into the blood.
I mean, I've actually shot up 150 cc's of ozone gas into my body, and the ozone practitioners... I am not an ozone expert, by the way, but what I'm saying is, I do know ozone experts, and we used to use it in our cancer clinic all the time.
I had somebody come in and do it.
I've never heard of anybody that has had an embolism or anything like that by injecting pure ozone gas.
I don't know the actual... I mean, I can't explain to you the actual physio... You're not a certified medical technician that does it, but it must be broken up into small enough bubbles that it doesn't cause an embolism, I think is what he's asking.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know the exact methodology of that.
All I know is that as far as an antiviral compound or an anti-cancer compound or anything like that, it has, you know, I've seen with my own eyes people that have had, you know, multitude of different, you know, anything from herpes to AIDS to whatever.
We should have you back!
With one of these people, because I know the elites are doing it.
I know billionaires that do it.
I mean, but I have the same thing.
You're like, no, it's done.
I looked it up.
Yeah, people do it.
Medical doctors do it.
But it just sounds to me injecting a gas into my arteries or veins doesn't sound too good.
Yeah, because I mean, yeah, I don't like needles anyways.
You would think that that would be the main concern, that you're going to get an air bubble in there and you're going to have an embolism.
There's something about it that O2, which is just two oxygen molecules, are bound together already, whereas O3 is a reactive oxygen species.
Pushes itself away?
It has an electron to give.
So, there's something about those free electrons that bind to different toxins or bind to viral... No, no, that's well known, but let me ask the medical doctor this question.
Look, you know, my dad's an oral surgeon, Dennis, you know, in the whole medical doctor area.
He's checked into group stuff.
He says it's right in line with all the stuff he's done.
Working with like mainline pharmaceutical companies with stuff with the Department of Defense on the side, because he also, you know, worked in chemistry.
But separately, a lot of medical doctors are great people.
It's that the big pharma, the Obamacare, the state-run system is coming in to totally take control.
If my leg's broken, I want to go to an MD.
Or if I got a gunshot wound, I want to go to an MD.
Or, I mean, I took antibiotics this year and couldn't get rid of this chest cold, and I just said, forget it, and drank like four bottles of cloyal silver over a week, and it knocked it out.
And I made my dad do it, who wouldn't do it, and he'd been on three rounds of antibiotics, and it knocked it out.
Or he magically got better around that time.
So all I know is that, you know, that's my view on the whole medical doctor thing.
We're not bashing you, Dr. Mike.
I think we're bashing the fact that we go to the doctor now, the pediatrician calls our kid into a room and asks if we have guns.
I mean, clearly, you've called in over the years, 15 years or so, whatever it is, talking about the tyranny programming going into the medical system, right?
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
And just by the way, I take the X2 iodine, and I'm a very happy consumer of that.
Well, you're a medical doctor, then.
Give us your take on it.
I mean, what has it done?
Have you felt it?
Yeah, oh yeah, I feel the extra energy.
This is kind of a shameless plug, but I'm running the campaign here in Sweetwater County, Wyoming for Taylor Haynes, who's running for governor.
He's a real strong constitutionalist.
We've got to get the rhino, Matt Mead, out of office, because we all know what's coming between the flood of illegal aliens, the destruction of the dollar.
I mean, it's going to be a living hell in this country, and we need good, strong constitutionalists and good, strong Christians.
You know, you've been calling so long, and I know you've written articles as well.
We ought to get you on with your full name and everything with the gubernatorial candidate next week or something for 30 minutes on Skype.
So we'll put you on hold and do that, Dr. Mike, because if I remember correctly, I think you would call in back when I used to do my show out of my house in like 1998.
How long have you been listening?
Yeah, yeah.
I remember those days, yeah.
I had no problems calling in.
You used to live, like, in Los Angeles, right?
And then Arizona?
No, no.
No, I was in, uh, I went from Houston to Phoenix.
I trained in Phoenix.
I was down there for 15 years, and then seven years ago, moved up to Wyoming.
Yeah, well, listen, let's get you on as a guest to give us your take on the world as a doctor and Obamacare, maybe for 30 minutes, and then we'll have the gubernatorial candidate on with you for the last 30.
Let's set that up.
All right, sounds good.
All right, always interesting.
That guy sent us a lot of great info over the years.
And that's good to hear he likes the X2.
Yeah, I mean, he, yeah, he knows what he's talking about.
I mean, I, you know, I, I wasn't bashing any MDs either.
You know, the thing is MDs, it's just the way they're taught.
They're not... Listen, this MD came in with my uncle and I'm like, I hope he's going to live.
I hope he's going to live because he had brainwaves and stuff.
And the guy looked at me and he was trying to be a listener.
And he goes, listen, there's, there's a hospital born illnesses in here.
And he goes into it, doesn't go through his tracheotomy, you know, and he doesn't get some type of brain infection was the word he used.
Yeah, he said he might live, but they just knew.
My issue is, it's wiping people out all over.
Thank God it's gotten hot again, so it's knocked a lot of it out just because we're not in winter anymore.
But I mean, it's huge.
I mean, I talked to medical doctors all over, they said it was a pandemic.
Well, in the South, mainly.
There's only one solution that medical doctors have, no matter what you have, whether it's a virus or bacteria, and it's antibiotics!
That's all they give you, and in the majority of the cases, look, if you talk to anybody with influenza or their kids have influenza, which is a virus, they'll give them antibiotics.
They go in and they give them antibiotics.
I mean, the thing is, the virus naturally will heal itself anyway.
Why do you think that they give you antibiotics and say you have to be on them for 14 days?
Well, my children are on swim teams.
They're always getting earaches, and they get taken to the doctor when I'm not there, and the medical doctor goes, here's antibiotics.
And my dad's like, no, put alcohol in their ears, because it's an outer ear infection, and it knocks it out.
But they don't make money off alcohol.
It's like the whole fever scam, you know what I'm saying?
It's like, we've been manipulated to think that when our kids run a fever that we need to suppress it right away.
No, when I get a fever, I go in and bundle myself up, wrap it up, turn the heat on, it's gone, everybody else is sick for four days.
Not me, I'm going all the way up to 106, baby.
Exactly, because that's the magic number, 106.
That's when cancer cells die at 106, but your normal cells are good up to around 107.5, 108.
But my gosh, if you tell anybody that, like my kids gotten up to 106.5, 106.7 before.
If you tell CPS you're letting them do it, they'll come tag them.
Yeah, but you know what, like as soon as that, what it does is it doesn't stay, if you look and let the body naturally fight off infection, it's strange because I've documented this.
It goes up and then immediately, like every single second I'm taking their temperature and it goes 106, 106.7, 104.
Then it goes 103, 101.
Then it goes down, lets everything cool off.
Then it goes back up, 106, 106.7.
It's cooking the pathogen!
Never there for longer than maybe 15 seconds, 20 seconds, maybe a minute at the longest.
It won't keep that high heat on your cells, and then it drops back down.
And after, like, if you let that happen, after, you know, let's say an hour or two or the next morning, my kid is just up running around, doing everything.
Listen, I learned this a long time ago.
Bundle up, get hot, get rid of it.
Exactly, exactly.
Now, if you've got some type of, like, if you've got some type of jungle fever or something that gives you 110, that's different.
Then you better be guzzling Tylenol.
I'm not giving medical advice, folks.
I just tell you what I do.
I don't have time to be sick, so I just bundle up.
I don't have time to be sick either, but what I'm saying is, you know, 14 days, they tell you 14 days to be on antibiotics because they know naturally your body's pretty much going to fight it off and your immune system's going to develop an antibody to it within 14 days and your antibodies are going to attack it.
Let's take a call here.
Antibiotics are amazing, though.
I've had stuff like flesh-eating bacteria one time on my knee or my leg where it got cut.
I kind of had a comment.
It's good to talk to you, Alex.
The stars must be aligned today.
Good to talk to you.
I'm studying martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine.
I just kind of have a comment about the root cause of disease.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Taoist philosophy, the root cause is either spiritual, like a demonic oppression, or it's a qi deviation, like you're doing something you shouldn't be doing.
And I just wanted to get into that a little bit, or maybe
Well, it is true that if it's an unjust war, people become mentally ill after it.
If it's a just war, you don't see as much mental illness.
And it is true that our psychology affects how we feel.
Now, the ancient Chinese would call it spiritual.
Regardless, it's real.
It's all about energy.
It's all, you know, when you break it all down, it's energy loss versus energy gain.
I mean, you know, one of the reasons, you know, you're absolutely right.
There's a big spiritual component to it.
And why do you think that the
Globalists want to calcify your pineal gland.
I mean, your pineal gland is your main... Everything they do is target consciousness.
It's all targeted for consciousness, to reduce your spirituality, to reduce your energetic connection with the universe, with nature, with everything like that.
So, yes.
Yeah, great point, caller.
Sorry I'm out of time.
Final segment.
I'll take final calls.
You gotta go.
You gotta go tape some stuff for the news.
Dr. Edward Grubb with us.
Infowars at Life.com.
He's our main consultant there, along with my dad.
And we've just developed some amazing products, and it looks like DNA Force has basically sold out, I guess, in 10 to 12 weeks.
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Alright, you want to go?
I'll tell you, it's bittersweet that we've basically sold out.
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It's still all available at Infowarslife.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Florida.
Sorry, Dr. Group, had to go.
But what was your comment or question?
Well, I'd like to address Dr. Mike first and suggest that you have Ed McCabe on.
He's Mr. Oxygen.
He's author of four great books on various oxygen therapies, and when it comes to ozone or oxygen embolism, I don't know of such a thing, but I know that nitrogen can cause a blood clot if it's in a line, but the way ozone is administered is by taking out a little bit of
of the blood, and then ozonating it, and then re-infusing it, and it actually sets off a chain reaction of releasing oxygen and recombining with O2.
There are other ways of... Yeah, see, I'm ignorant, and Group actually knows how it works, but he's not certified in it, so he didn't want to say all that on air.
But, I mean, this is what the elite have been doing for 20 years.
So, but people, don't go inject something in your arm.
We were just talking about other alternative treatments to these deadly bacteria.
Yeah, yeah, and that's another reason I called, but if I could finish up on their ways to administer ozone, like rectal insufflation for a couple minutes, because the hemorrhoidal vein absorbs quite a bit, about 70%, by getting inside a body bag, or just putting a face mask over the affected area, like my late father did.
He got rid of two cancers that he had just by pouring ozone over the cancerous areas.
I've read studies on that and none of that is in the medical mainline hospitals I've seen.
None of it.
Right, you need to go to an alternative, integrative, complementary medicine doctor like ICIMed.com or ACAMNet.org, I believe it is.
What I called about was to get rid of things like Ebola, except for one known form or strain is aerobic, but all the other forms, and that doesn't spread to humans, all the others are anaerobic.
We can topically apply acidic ionized water that's at a pH of 2.6 or below.
Now, you know that alkaline prevents harmful pathogens, which are 99 plus percent of harmful bacteria.
Well, I should interview you, brother, but I'm out of time for this segment.
A little bit of overdrive to go to Alan, Kato, Mary, Andrew.
I don't know.
I'll try to get as many people as I can.
But great points.
Look, all I know is
There's a lot of crazy stuff going on, and we need to get prepared, and we need to... I mean, I'm going to be taking a lot of vitamin C and a lot of colloidal silver this next winter, because I don't want to die.
I mean, it's that simple.
Stuff is getting crazy out there, and the mainstream media won't talk about it.
We'll do some overdrive here in just a moment.
I only do it tonight, 7 o'clock central.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, into a bit of overdrive here, trying to go to all your calls.
Thank you for calling.
Allen in Oregon.
You had a question for Dr. Groot, but he's gone, but we're getting to you.
What was your statement or comment?
Well, what I wanted to say, Alex, was that, you know how Longevity has the Beyond Tangy Tangerine?
That's excellent.
I think, oh yeah, I take it every day.
Thank God for that stuff.
What I'd like to see you guys come out with is your own version, but I mean really amp it up.
Really amp it up.
High amounts of selenium.
You know, high amounts of other ingredients.
Maybe CoQ10.
I saw that your one product does have some CoQ10 in it.
Your DNA.
I was looking over that this morning before I left to go to work.
The other thing I wanted to tell you was, you know, you're talking about colloidal silver, and I love that stuff.
And I haven't had a chance to try yours yet, but I'm going to.
One of the other things, a friend of mine had MRSA and the hospital had given her two different types of antibiotics and it wasn't working.
They wanted to give her a third.
I had found out that olive leaf extract was an awesome antibiotic and within five days her MRSA was gone.
So, I'm assuming that if you do olive leaf extract, something like oil of oregano and colloidal silver, you have a shield around you that is a pretty strong shield for anything to penetrate.
Olive leaf is amazing, and it kicks out a lot of the bad bacteria in your gut as well, on record.
But you can have, when you first take it, I forget what it's called, it's that toxic effect of the bad bacteria, the yeast basically dying, and then you go through this process.
But again, I'm not a medical doctor, I'm not an herbalist, but I've interviewed the folks about it.
Very interesting call.
Thank you, Alan.
Cato, in Alaska, going north to Alaska.
You're on the air, Cato.
Hey Alex, you are a legend, man.
You are a hero.
Oh please, no I'm not.
I'm an old philosopher with a stack of books 15 stories tall and I ended up with the Light of Diogenes.
He was the guy who'd go around in daylight with the light looking for one honest man and when you're on the radio it lights up.
Well, I try to be as honest as possible.
You gotta be true to yourself, and that's all I've got.
Go ahead.
Commit to the truth, is what I'd say.
And, uh, I wanted to talk about a few things, but quantitative easing is the thing, uh, you were talking about one of the worst things going on.
I believe, uh, this plan to blow out the dollar, uh, they call it monetizing the debt.
Uh, I think, uh, you know, we used to have a thing called sacred honor in this country,
It's high treason, just printing money out of thin air.
All of it is, and that's the thing.
They've gotten away with all of it, so the sky's the limit.
We're about to see the limit.
It's like that cheesy song of Scarface.
Take it to the limit, limit!
Maybe we should find it on YouTube real quick and play it, go out with it.
Take it to the limit if you can.
If you can't, don't worry about it.
Great points, my friend.
So you think that's the big issue?
I do.
I think the Democrats, they love it.
They've always had the secret dream to destroy debt.
In movies like Sneakers, the Ben Kingsley character, he wanted to destroy all debt in Fight Club.
So for them, destroying the dollar is like a communist dream of theirs.
And I think the elites have created a monster
And the Democrats and the mob, I don't know if they could, you know, they're going to keep electing.
They're going to end up getting eaten by this French Revolution they've created.
And they're destroying the old debt that they created to bring in a new SDR system.
Great point.
Sorry to Mary, sorry to Andrew, I'm out of time.
I'm going to go now, tape segments of the nightly news tonight.
It's always hard-hitting, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time.
The establishment is taking it to the limit.
We need to take it to the limit right back in their face.
Show again.
Until then.
There it is.
They found it.
Crank it up.
Take it to the limit.
Can't believe you actually found it.
Destroy the borders to manufacture HIV and Ebola!
ISIS, IS, Fukushima, chemtrails, open up the limit!
This is Leanne McAdoo for InfoWarsLife.com.
I'm here with Dr. Edward Group, Master Herbologist and Chief Formulator behind the InfoWarsLife products.
Dr. Group, what have you been hearing from women who've started taking Super Female Vitality?